[00:08] does xubuntu have cd labels? [00:11] SunStorm: doesn't look like any where made for 8.04 [00:12] found it [00:13] where? [00:23] diy marketing, generic [00:23] not 8.04 :( [00:24] ah, I didn't notice the generic one [00:42] :| [00:42] i just installed UT2004 [00:42] and it won't run :| [00:43] why? [00:45] i have no clue [00:45] the installer, upon finishing, told me to type 'ut2004' to run it [00:45] so i tried that in the terminal, command not found [00:45] i even tried running some of the scripts in the install folder [00:48] ./ut2004-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [00:49] perhaps you need to install 'libstdc++5' [00:50] lol [00:50] doing that now [00:50] thx :) [01:34] anyone know how big ubuntu-desktop is? [01:40] like, 500 lbs [01:40] j/k... i know xfce is like 500MB or so [01:40] sorry about that. [01:40] anyone happen to know how big xubuntu-desktop is off chance? [01:41] lemme see [01:42] i think i remember it being somewhere between 500~600MB [01:42] maybe less [01:42] not the iso, the xubuntu-desktop package. [01:45] anyone [01:45] ? [01:48] the iso takes the usual 650ish M [01:48] xubuntu-desktop is only a metapackage [01:48] I bet cody would remember the size by heart [01:48] Myrtti: i mean the size of the packages associated with the metapackages and all dependencies. [01:49] i plan on downloading ubuntu-server and then getting xubuntu-desktop [01:49] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=613294 [01:50] do you have server hardware? [01:50] Myrtti: just do aptitude install xubuntu-desktop again and see how many things it tells you to download. [01:50] Myrtti: no, it's a lightweight install. [01:51] I think you can get ubuntu-minimal with the normal alternate disk too, so you don't have to use ubuntu-server which is basically (if I understand correctly) customized for server hardware [01:53] Myrtti: no, that's not correct. [01:53] doing aptitude install xubuntu-desktop on this computer would do... [01:53] Need to get 49.6MB of archives. After unpacking 229MB will be used. [01:53] but I've got gnome already [01:53] Myrtti: good times. [01:53] so... [01:53] * Myrtti shrugs [01:53] Myrtti: ya, an extra 100MB or so isnt a big deal. [01:54] i wonder how big an ubuntu-server install is. [01:58] i wasn't talking of the iso [01:58] >:( [02:19] has anybody else had a recent rash of pop up windows in firefox on ubuntu or xubuntu? i just closed out a survey window by some voicefive outfit, and earlier today some site popped up and clicked itself thru till it was telling me it was scanning my system for viruses... what up with this? [04:03] hi, does this channel cover the xubuntu for xbox? [05:23] jingle bells [05:50] HI. I have an issue. I am trying to mount a hdd that is in an external enclosure. I have tried lsusb and sudo fdisk -l [05:51] I have not seen any mention of the partitions on the other device. Only the partitions that are on the IDE cable are listed [05:51] any thoghts? [05:51] it doesn't auto-mount when you connect it? [05:53] no. I have issues on the partitions. I am trying to mount -o ro so that I can get the files off that I need and I think that the filesystem is messed up [05:54] I need to know which /dev/sdxx to type in so that I can mount it read only [06:22] hey what does "vme" in lshw mean? [06:22] virtual machine environment... if i guess right? [06:24] ah nvm, virtual mode extensions [06:25] hello [06:25] i am trying to install xubuntu 8.04 but it is failing at the keyboard layout step [06:25] what exactly you mean by failing [06:26] it says that this step failed and exited with an error code '2' [06:28] more specifically: "ConsoleSetup failed with exit code 2..." [06:29] wait a bit, someone may be able to help you more than I can [06:29] ok thanks [06:30] i'm having trouble booting a live cd on an old HP. It gets to a bootloader screen, where i choose to run or install, and then goes to boot, and says "buffer I/O error on device hda, logical block 0." [06:32] I'm thinking it's a hardware issue, I think the harddrive is bad anyway, it wouldn't boot into XP [07:29] mean-jean, where you from approximately? florida by any chance? [07:29] oh, dang, mean-jean left the building === Twinkletoes|W_ is now known as Twinkletoes|W [07:31] can anyone help me with an ecommerce question? if you are working on a new website, would you normally build that site directly within your webhosting services servers? or would you build it locally on your own computer, and then upload everything when ready to publish? any thoughts? [07:41] good mornign [07:41] morning [07:41] does anybody know how writte rules for makefile [07:55] indra, there are lots of resources on the net. heres the first hit on google: http://www.opussoftware.com/tutorial/TutMakefile.htm [09:59] hi@akk [09:59] ll [10:44] how would I turn off the screensaver? [10:44] applications ~> settings ~> settings manager ~> screen saver [10:45] lesshaste: you can also just kill the gnome-screensaver process in system monitor [10:45] uncheck "activate screensaver when computer is idle" [10:46] hmm.. it seems to be off already! Let me check something [10:47] i'm wondering if nvidia ever sorted out the issue with 8xxx and 9xxx series GPUs [10:48] bassboi, my 8something works fine, havnt had a problem [10:52] ah, great [10:52] ty [10:52] i've heard that 2D performance was abyssmal [10:53] hmm weird, must be one of the lucky ones, the pc that i have a 8xxx in is still running gutsy, and it always worked fine [11:00] ok awesome [11:03] 8600gt it is then [11:44] is there a way to erase data from ram while system is runing? [11:47] Quest_: what do you mean? [11:48] physical ram. del data [11:48] Quest_: usually each process is in control of the memory it has allocated [11:48] ~$ sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/mem [11:48] bash: /dev/mem: Permission denied [11:49] Quest_: what are you actually trying to do? [11:53] you can't overwrite the ram in use, so the only ram you can erase is the ram not in use, so you just have to use the free ram :) [11:53] Quest_: ie opening a big big file, or something like that [11:54] system overload [11:55] huhu [12:17] I'm having an odd problem. I'm setting up hot keys via applications->settings->keyboard I have 3 scripts pause.sh/prev.sh/next.sh [12:17] pause.sh executes, but next.sh and prev.sh do not. [12:17] It's weird. [12:18] I can execute the scripts ./next.sh and ./prev.sh (they work) [12:18] You might have to set the executable permission. :] [12:19] Like I said ./next.sh and ./prev.sh work :) [12:19] there is' an x bit. [12:19] the file in ~/.config/xfce4/shortcuts/ even has the right stuff in it. [12:23] most perplexing in deed. [12:26] Maybe we'd be able to help more if you told us a bit more about your problem [12:27] cody-somerville: What don't you understand? [12:28] next.sh, and prev.sh are not getting executed when I press the "next" and the "prev" button on the remote :) that's pretty much it. [12:28] Pause oddly enough works. [12:29] the-erm, can you pastebin the related config files? [12:29] sure [12:30] http://pastebin.ca/1167870 [12:34] As near as I can tell that's the file that's being used. [12:35] the-erm, can you change the pause button to execute the next script? [12:35] the-erm, lets see what that does [12:35] ok [12:37] works [12:37] Well it executes the next script. [12:37] It's like something else is catching the event. [12:41] I'm going to check out gnome-control-center and see if something is set in there. [12:44] hmmm [12:48] I think a setting in gnome or kde is interfering. [12:49] Time to do a major grep. [12:56] Maybe if I restart X ... [12:58] famous last words... [13:00] TheSheep, where are the autostart config files again? [13:00] cody-somerville: local in ~/.config/autostart, global in /etc/xdg/autostart [13:02] Thanks [13:03] I'm wondering how much of a performance gain we'd get from letting Thunar run something when printers connect instead of having that python printer config applet running all the time. [13:04] Oh, I guess it also shows current print jobs and stuff which I'd miss [13:04] hi. I try to use xfce to anage my desktop. but everytime i logout and login again, it is managed by gnome. i already tried to use the option "let xfce manage your workspace" (don't know the the exact English label of this option), but it did not help. it is reset by loggin out. can anyone help me, to get xfce to manage my Desktop? PS: Panels are ok, only my desktop is managed by gnome [13:18] IronJan: kill nautilus and save the session when logging out [13:21] ok thanks a lot. it worked^^ === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak [15:00] Hi [15:01] Is wubi works with Vista? [15:06] hi [16:58] hi [16:59] allu1: dpkg -l|grep wine [16:59] do i put that in terminal? [17:00] wols: nothing happened [17:00] no wine installed [17:00] yes [17:01] i have installed it [17:01] but i can't find it [17:02] +my xubuntu can't shut down it self if i sost klik shut down :( [17:02] and i can't get flash instaled :( [17:02] or soundcard to works [17:03] so is this xubuntu or eeexubuntu or anything else odd? [17:03] or irssi or eny othere :( [17:03] i download this from xubuntus web site its hardy i quess [17:04] also might be that i installed it on dell optiplex gx 1 [17:04] not very new computer :P [17:04] and how du i make some short of sorcuts or something like that on my desktop? [17:05] *do [17:17] right click on the desktop and choose create launcher [17:18] ty [17:33] allu1: if dpkg -l doesn [17:33] allu1: if dpkg -l doesn't find it you haven't installed it. not with a .deb and it's not supported any other way [18:34] Hi, all. [18:35] I currently have a Ubuntu install. The more I use Gnome, the more I hate it. I love xfce. Can anyone tell me what I need to apt-get and/ or change in my /etc/apt/sources.list, so that I can turn my box into a Xubuntu one? [18:35] Thanks, [18:35] Chris. [18:36] Missing text: The more I use Gnome, the more I hate it...... [18:37] xubuntu-desktop [19:03] chris_debian: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [19:04] Cool. I'll do that, now. [20:54] how do I upgrade to FF3 in Xubuntu 8.04.1 [20:54] ? [20:55] in 8.04.1 ff3 should be the default [20:55] no its 2 [20:55] i downloaded 3 for linux and i can figure out how to extract it [20:55] cant* [20:55] you shouldn't install a version you downloaded... you should use a version from the repository [20:56] repository? (sorry im a linux n00b) [20:57] to make life easier many distros give you a tool to automatically install tons of prepackaged software. In the case of ubuntu/xubuntu you use something like synaptic or apt-get [20:58] mn: so if you run 'firefox -v' in a terminal what does it say? [20:59] I dunno. Before lemme ask if i can even do this on a livecd? [21:00] you can, but it won't stick around... [21:00] if you are using the livecd you DO have firefox 3 [21:01] I downloaded the .iso and burned it. i didnt order it. you sure i got 3? [21:02] 99.5% sure [21:03] k. ill boot up from the cd and type firefox -v [21:03] LOL [21:03] or look at help->about [21:03] * mn has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.1/2008070208]" [21:04] he is probably confused because the firefox buttons don't look like the buttons in windows [21:05] i agree === ubuntu is now known as mn [21:33] ok, so I do have ff3. It doesnt have tools -> options like in ff3 for windows. What's the equivalent? [21:33] mn: edit->preferences [21:33] mn: for consistency with all other apps in linux :) [21:34] ah, thanks. That's exactly what I was lookin for :) [21:42] whats the chance of corrupting other data when partitioning and installing? [21:42] make a backup [21:43] there are two kinds of people: those who make backups and those who will be making backups [21:46] heh... thats great... [21:46] Lol that seems like a lot of work though [21:46] heh [21:46] certainly sounds true enough [21:47] is the chance of failure really that great? [21:47] mn: making backups should be easy... either save up for a spare external hard drive, or use one of the internet based services [21:48] mn: the chance of failure is directly related to the technical ability and level of linux experience of the user [21:48] yeah [21:48] i better do a backup then [21:48] mn: it's not that the chance is so great, it's that the cost is so huge [21:49] once it happens to you, the chance is irrelevant :) [21:49] lol i im not bad with computers but my linux experience almost doesnt exist [21:49] that's true [21:50] can i just make a .iso image of my C:\ and then burn that to a disk to backup my computer [21:52] but your disk doesn't use an iso filesystem [21:52] you can make an image of it, though, but it's probably pretty large [21:54] are you tryin to backup your windows install? [21:55] mn: just backup your data, not the things you can recreate easily [21:56] well i don't have my boot disks for windows anymore [21:56] mn: how large is your disk? [21:57] Hard drive is like 55 GB. lemme check though [21:57] heh, that a dozem dvd disks :) [21:57] dozen [21:58] well only 14.19 GB are used [21:58] that's just 4 disks [22:00] mn: maybe you have an usb drive or something? [22:00] 1 GB [22:00] or an extra hdd you could backup to [22:02] nope just a 1 GB USB drive [22:03] well, backup your important data, I guess you can get the windows disks from somewhere if it damages something, the chance is small [22:04] Well i got 4 700 MB cds and a 1 gig usb drive so i can do that [22:20] Quick question [22:20] how do I get rid of that keyring annoyance? [22:22] run a network without encryption? :| [22:22] I could do that at my house, but that won't fly at my corporate locations. [22:23] sheesh [22:24] I'm such a dork [22:24] maybe I should check "automatically unlock this keyring [22:25] a dork === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [23:03] is there a way to search for a file by name like ctrl + f in windows? [23:09] mn: in thunar? [23:10] it doesnt matter. i just need to see if i have a certain application [23:11] thunar would probably be best though [23:12] mn: I use locate in a terminal - locate "file" [23:12] mn: if it is a new file then - sudo updatedb && locate "file" [23:23] where can i get a c++ ide like Dev-C++ that will compile for linux? [23:25] there are lots available... startup add/remove and choose your favorite... [23:26] I mostly do webdev. On the few occasions when I need to do something with c/c++ I just use a text editor... [23:37] i can't find anything on add/remove [23:38] nevermind [23:38] i got anjuta ide