
=== pwnguin_ is now known as pwnguin
thorwilhi pwnguin15:00
_MMA_thorwil: Nice going on the Ibex horns. I worry it won't be "slick" enough for the higher ups in Canonical for default but I do feel it would be a great addition to what is shipped. One of the most original and well thought out so far. IMO.16:23
pwnguinhonestly, i'm not a fan of pencil art16:29
thorwil_MMA_: hi, thanks :)16:39
thorwil_MMA_: i thought zoom scales up until the screen is filled, so both cases of wider and taller are taken cae of?16:40
thorwilpwnguin: pencil art?16:40
pwnguinit kinda reminds me of colored pencil16:41
_MMA_thorwil: If a widescreen image id used with Zoom it fills to the top and bottom and crops the sides.16:41
thorwil_MMA_: i guess first it will be about kwwii's reaction16:42
pwnguinbut if we're proposing backgrounds, they really outta be demo'd in situ16:42
pwnguini suspect the corners are too bright16:42
thorwil_MMA_: i meant: with zoom you never get empty borders!?16:42
_MMA_thorwil: Correct16:42
thorwil_MMA_: phew. you got me worried for a bit :)16:42
thorwilif people knew that i tend to use a solid gray background for myself ^^16:43
thorwilpwnguin: well, i will refine that one a bit more, but i plan to add at least 2 other concepts16:44
_MMA_I'm really going to be looking at KDE4 theming here soon. It looks to be much more robust atm.16:44
thorwilto then make a package16:44
pwnguinthorwil: sure. im just saying, asking people to evaluate a background without a foreground is going to lead to pain16:44
thorwilpwnguin: there's no foreground i could offer ...16:45
_MMA_It will lead to pain regardless. Most people around here only have their opinions. Nothing to really back it up.16:45
thorwilnot knowing what kwii is up to for intepid16:45
thorwilpwnguin: but i switched to hardy defaults to develop this stuff in context :)16:46
_MMA_thorwil: Yeah. I think it's totally up in the air for now.16:46
pwnguinthorwil: i'd say go with hardy defaults16:46
pwnguinif it doesn't mesh with whatever kwii is up to16:46
pwnguinhe should have made it more clear16:46
_MMA_I'd also use the current Intrepid theme to compare. I imagine some version of that will happen.16:47
* thorwil wonders why "New Wave new version available" appears inside the Background Concept thread in Evolution16:59
spikemccallo il y a quelqu'un pour développer mon idée de design pour intrepid ici ? j'aurai aussi une idée pour le site brainstorm ...17:22
spikemccje cherchais didier roche pour lui donner en personne l'idée17:22
_MMA_spikemcc: Parlez-vous anglais?17:24
spikemccnon ou très peu ce qui ne m'aide pas sur les sites mais pour communiquer ... I can talk english but I cannot make an idea clear like a lake in english ...17:25
pwnguini think we'll survive ;)17:26
spikemccok perfect17:26
pwnguinfrench is as clear as mud to me =/17:26
_MMA_Especially since I don't really speak French. ;)17:26
spikemcci got a full design idea and topic for intrepid17:26
spikemccUbuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex take the "devil" by the horns ...17:27
spikemccchange it the way you like17:27
spikemccnext the idea for the cd should be a cd-rw if possible it's reusable so no possible waste after a distro upgrade ...17:28
spikemccnext the cd design17:29
pwnguinactually, theres nothing stopping you from doing that today17:29
pwnguinpresumably you want something closer to a "diff"17:29
pwnguinbut thats not really a -artwork thing17:30
spikemccall in graphite with two silver labels ... the logo of ubuntu is the middle of the cd but add horns to the balls ... tux and gnu mascot each side17:31
spikemccand a horizontal line in the middle17:31
_MMA_spikemcc: Best thing would to be to post to the artwork mailing list with a mock-up of your idea.17:32
spikemccnext why not use ubuntu id card idea and product id idea on the cd case17:32
_MMA_And in the end, it will be up to you to execute the design. You won't get anything but chat here.17:32
pwnguinI think what MMA means is that #ubuntu-artwork doesn't exist to execute other people's ideas, but is rather a space for people collaborate while working on their own ideas17:33
_MMA_Better put.17:34
spikemcci'm worst than hell at drawing i thinked that if it interess someone here he could make it17:34
_MMA_And the artwork team has *no* control as to what Canonical puts on the Ship-It CDs.17:34
pwnguineveryone someone complains that canonical controls things, i can only imagine their real complaint is that they're not the person in charge17:35
_MMA_If that's aimed at me, I could care less. What I said is just the simple truth of the matter. Ubuntu Ship-It CDs are a Canonical product.17:37
spikemcc!wiki artwork17:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki artwork17:37
thorwili havn't really been following the New Wave discussion ... do you guys know whether there's an intention that the panel and title/menubars look like they sit _behind_ window content?17:37
pwnguin_MMA_: it is aimed at you, and more people in general. someone comes a long with a suggestion, and people say "dont even bother, it's up to canonical"17:38
_MMA_thorwil: I don't know personally. I know there's a theme with tabs thike that that drives me nuts.17:38
spikemcccan you show me the best ideas that you think they deserve a look ?17:40
_MMA_pwnguin: In this case, it's absolutely true. You can continue making rude generalizations about people but it doesn't make what I said untrue.17:41
_MMA_You take things how you want.17:41
spikemcchey you need t subscribe to artwork mailing list ?17:46
_MMA_spikemcc: Correct.17:46
pwnguinthe mailing list is open to everyone; it is english however17:47
pwnguinas an international organization, Ubuntu operates in english as a greatest common denominator17:47
thorwili do not want to even want to imagine how it would be if non-subscribers could post :/17:47
pwnguinthey probably can17:47
pwnguinvia moderation17:48
spikemcci know but it will be far harder in english than in french for me17:48
pwnguinand french will be far harder for the germans17:48
thorwilimpossible, even! ^^17:48
pwnguinto say nothing of the americans ;)17:49
spikemcci'm good in english in a conversation but reading things alone without a meaning in a sentence it's quite harder17:49
spikemccwhere i'm going in that it's huge !!!17:54
spikemccpost a link something i will turn crazy i seek to a place to writes theses ideas17:55
spikemccquelqu'un peut me dire un bon logiciel de dessin simple pour ubuntu mais puissant permettant la transparence et les textures ?19:09
nandspikemcc: the gimp, in simpler? KPaint?19:24
spikemcckpaint ?19:27
thorwilnothing can match ms paint!!119:28
spikemcccherche graphiste ou membre de l'équipe artwork d'urgence !!!19:41
nandspikemcc: you'll get more chances by speaking english...20:31
spikemcci know english so well that i'm lost on the artwork wiki20:38
spikemcci'm trying to give you some of my ideas20:39

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