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mcadetg | hi, I've a problem with lib/firmware when trying to compile/install vanilla kernel on ubuntu via the git/debian way... | 10:36 |
mcadetg | I think the main problem is that dpkg -i linux-image tries to install firmware in /lib/firmware instead of /lib/firmare/$(uname -r) | 10:36 |
Kano | thats correct | 10:36 |
Kano | the uname hack is ubuntu specific | 10:36 |
mcadetg | can I configure this somewhere under the debian control directory? | 10:36 |
Kano | and not used in intrepid anymore | 10:37 |
Kano | you need a patched udev in order to use that uname -r dir anyway - or at least one with changed config, when you compare it to debian | 10:37 |
Kano | it is non standard | 10:38 |
mcadetg | Kano: ok so shall I go for /lib/firmware then | 10:38 |
mcadetg | ? | 10:38 |
Kano | lib/firmware works for any kernel | 10:38 |
Kano | on any distro | 10:39 |
mcadetg | ok thanks | 10:39 |
Kano | when you try to use /lib/firmware/$(uname -r) with debian you have lost already | 10:39 |
mcadetg | ok thanks | 10:39 |
Kano | if you dont know that is is non standard and requires a udev config change | 10:40 |
mcadetg | so I revert my changes to the Makefile ;) | 10:40 |
mcadetg | anyway I guess my problem was just because I'm not very familiar with debian/ubuntu dpkg | 10:41 |
mcadetg | when I tried to install a newer (minor) version of my newly build 2.6.27-rc3 kernel I wasn't able to install it | 10:42 |
mcadetg | because dpkg was not happy with that: | 10:43 |
mcadetg | trying to overwrite `/lib/firmware/edgeport/boot2.fw', which is also in package linux-image-2.6.27-rc2-custom | 10:43 |
mcadetg | dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe) | 10:44 |
Kano | well unisntall the other package | 10:44 |
mcadetg | hmmm | 10:44 |
mcadetg | basically I would like to have it as a rescue kernel version | 10:45 |
Kano | as thats your only other kernel? | 10:45 |
mcadetg | no no | 10:45 |
mcadetg | it is not | 10:45 |
Kano | then you have got enough rescue kenrnels ;) | 10:45 |
mcadetg | hehe | 10:45 |
mcadetg | yeah ok | 10:45 |
mcadetg | I will go on with that | 10:45 |
Kano | i am playing around with ubuntu git + update to kernel git. that new e1000e update is fully crap | 10:46 |
mcadetg | but for example if you are tweaking with some drivers I definitely would like to be able to have different minor version | 10:46 |
Kano | which is patched in, just disabled it and recompile | 10:46 |
Kano | is is so buggy that the nic did not even work after reboot with another kernel | 10:47 |
Kano | also the zd1211rw seens to be broken | 10:53 |
Kano | in standard kernel tree | 10:54 |
Kano | mcadetg: do you use nvidia or fglrx driver? | 10:58 |
mcadetg | intel | 11:01 |
mcadetg | Mobile 945GM/GMS | 11:02 |
mcadetg | gah still not sorted out the /lib/firmware prob. The kernel doesn't want to load firmware from /lib/firmware but when I put firmware manually in /lib/firmware/$(uname -r) then it works | 11:04 |
mcadetg | how does the firmware get loaded | 11:05 |
mcadetg | is it via an udev rule? | 11:05 |
mcadetg | couldn't find anything in /etc/udev/* | 11:06 |
Kano | well ubuntu patched udev internally, i use a debian udev + firmware search change | 11:16 |
mcadetg | Kano: thanks a lot | 11:20 |
s0u][ight | hello i have a question regarding to patch for the mac80211 core | 11:22 |
s0u][ight | this patch im talking about makes it possible to perform fragmentation attack with the aircrack-ng suite | 11:24 |
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Kano | hi rtg | 14:13 |
Kano | hi BenC | 15:37 |
Kano | there are some problems with e1000e, it seems the newer version is not better than the kernel built in | 15:38 |
Kano | also zd1211rw can lockup a system | 15:53 |
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BenC | Kano: I noticed that the e1000e we put in covers too many PCI ID's, so I'm going to cut them down. Can you be more specific about "not better"? | 16:15 |
Kano | well for one tester his e1000e chip does not work anymore, not even with old kernels, dont know how that could happen | 16:20 |
Kano | also i disalbed gfs, as it is still broken,not only the inclues, but 2 other things missing | 16:23 |
Kano | i dont need it anyway... | 16:23 |
Kano | somebody gets a lockup with his zd1211rw | 16:24 |
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pwnguin | i thought .26 was going to be for demo purposes only? | 17:01 |
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pwnguin | on second thought, im stupid and recalled benC's ubuntu-next incorrectly | 18:25 |
Ampelbein | Hi! Could someone please check on Bug 256629? Now that I've got enough information and done some research I found out that the specific WLan-Card (IntelĀ® Wireless WiFi Link 5100 WLAN) is not supported under Kernel 2.6.24, but will be supported in 2.6.26. What is the correct status to set this bug to? Fix-Released? | 18:46 |
rtg | Ampelbein: Intel is working on backporting the iwlwifi 5K driver to Hardy. It might be awhile yet. | 18:50 |
Ampelbein | rtg: so the correct status would be "in progress" until the driver comes out working? | 18:54 |
rtg | Ampelbein: sounds about right. 'In Progress' bugs should also have someone assigned to them. I would do it but LP seems to be flakey today. I think I'll go have lunch and try again later. | 18:58 |
tormod | now with linux-image-2.6.24-21-generic in hardy-updates, do I have to install it manually, or is update-manager waiting for some meta-package to be updated and pull in -21? | 21:13 |
rtg | tormod: wait until linux-meta gets uploaded. the update-manager will annoy you when everything is consistent. | 21:14 |
tormod | rtg: thanks | 21:15 |
rtg | uptime | 21:15 |
rtg | -EBADWINDOW | 21:15 |
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