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sbeattie | @schedule Vancouver | 17:04 |
ubottu | Schedule for America/Vancouver: 14 Aug 05:00 PDT: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 14 Aug 07:00 PDT: Ubuntu Java Team | 21 Aug 05:00 PDT: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 07:00 PDT: Ubuntu Java Team | 22 Aug 05:00 PDT: Ubuntu MOTU | 23 Aug 06:00 PDT: Xubuntu Community | 17:04 |
ara | hey bdmurray | 18:00 |
bdmurray | hi ara | 18:00 |
davmor2 | hello | 18:00 |
pedro_ | hello | 18:00 |
ara | hi all | 18:01 |
LaserJock | anybody around for QA Team meeting? | 18:05 |
bdmurray | me ;) | 18:05 |
ara | +1 | 18:05 |
LaserJock | no heno it seems, who's chairing? | 18:05 |
intellectronica | hi | 18:06 |
Mez | OHAI! | 18:07 |
LaserJock | hola Mez | 18:07 |
Mez | hola ;) | 18:08 |
Mez | comos estas? | 18:08 |
ara | the agenda seems empty. does anyone have any particular issues they want to rise? | 18:08 |
LaserJock | Mez: bueno bueno | 18:09 |
LaserJock | ara: I have one | 18:09 |
LaserJock | I'm not sure if stgraber is around or not | 18:09 |
LaserJock | but I was thinking it'd be cool to have a Global Testing Jam for Intrepid | 18:09 |
LaserJock | I was thinking that it could be done for Beta | 18:10 |
bdmurray | That seems a bit late to me | 18:11 |
LaserJock | well, there is that | 18:11 |
LaserJock | but I'm not sure if it'd work very well to do it on an Alpha | 18:11 |
LaserJock | that's definitely a discussion point | 18:11 |
LaserJock | my reasoning (which may be deeply flawed ;-) ) was that Beta is the best chance of getting people to actually download the .isos | 18:12 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: would Alpha 6 be better do you think? | 18:13 |
bdmurray | LaserJock: or Alpha 5 something well before the kernel freeze as we'll benefit most from testing a wide variety of hardware | 18:15 |
LaserJock | alpha 6 is 1 month before kernel freeze | 18:16 |
ara_ | #join #ubuntu-testing | 18:16 |
LaserJock | alpha 5 would give use 3 weeks to get it set up | 18:16 |
bdmurray | ogasawara: when do you think would be best? | 18:17 |
LaserJock | we could do 2 I suppose, one for alpha 5 and at beta | 18:18 |
ogasawara | bdmurray: the earlier before kernel freeze the better | 18:18 |
LaserJock | that would be about 1 month inbetween if we did that | 18:18 |
LaserJock | but in general, does the idea sound good? | 18:19 |
LaserJock | seems like the Bug Jam was pretty successful and we need to get more people involved in the idea of pre-release testing | 18:19 |
bdmurray | I think having more hardware tested via testing jam sounds reasonable | 18:20 |
ogasawara | +1 | 18:20 |
LaserJock | agreed, that does seem to be a pain point | 18:20 |
LaserJock | a lot of testing is being done via VMs | 18:21 |
LaserJock | it'd be nice to see a spread of real hardware | 18:21 |
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LaserJock | anybody want to lead the charge on it? :-) | 18:22 |
LaserJock | I talked to stgraber a bit about the idea a week or so ago and he liked it but I'm not sure if he has time to set it all up | 18:22 |
LaserJock | I guess the main tasks will be 1) getting in touch with LoCos to get it set up 2) making sure there's enough good documentation on testing and what to do once you find a bug | 18:25 |
tuxmaniac | I am not sure whether I can speak in this meeting. But dont you think most people will not be interested in moving to Intrepid until release on their production machines? And not all will have the liberty of having testing machines. Sorry for interupting if it is not to be done | 18:25 |
bdmurray | tuxmaniac: A lot of testing can be done just using a Live CD | 18:25 |
LaserJock | tuxmaniac: np, but for sure yes | 18:26 |
LaserJock | we're not trying to get people to run Intrepid on their production machines | 18:26 |
LaserJock | but my hope was that with a Global Testing Jam people could bring spare machines and have a day of testing fun | 18:26 |
tuxmaniac | bdmurray: aah ok. that is very very much possible | 18:27 |
tuxmaniac | LaserJock: ok | 18:27 |
LaserJock | some might want to jump in on Intrepid (that's one reason I like Beta) | 18:27 |
LaserJock | so it's almost like a Install Fest, but more focused on finding bugs :-) | 18:27 |
bdmurray | I think we have alot more people running Intrepid than we expect | 18:27 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: do we have any numbers on that? it'd be interesting to get some even rough numbers | 18:28 |
bdmurray | LaserJock: not that I'm immediately aware of but I could query the database for unique users reporting bugs with Intrepid in the description | 18:29 |
LaserJock | we certainly don't have as much as the stable/unstable case in Debian, but perhaps it's more than one would think | 18:29 |
tuxmaniac | adding a point. I think LoCos can give some info in that too. Collect locally info on who all are running intrepid and provide that on a wiki page or to some contact? | 18:30 |
pedro_ | Ara is having some connection issues, she'll be back soon | 18:30 |
davmor2 | bdmurray: I think a lot of people might of stayed with hardy especially if they need a machine that works | 18:31 |
LaserJock | davmor2: although I've seen a few reports of people jumping to Intrepid because of Hardy | 18:31 |
LaserJock | but that's probably not a very significant percentage | 18:32 |
bdmurray | Anyway, I think we are moving a bit off topic here. It sounds like a testing jam would be a good idea | 18:32 |
LaserJock | in any case, we clearly have a lack of .iso testing | 18:32 |
LaserJock | ok, I'll start a thread on ubuntu-qa on it then? | 18:33 |
bdmurray | Sounds good, I'd like to hear on the community team went about contacting locos | 18:33 |
LaserJock | How's the status of the Intrepid specs? | 18:34 |
* LaserJock waits forever for the wiki page to show up | 18:35 | |
* stgraber waves | 18:36 | |
LaserJock | stgraber! | 18:36 |
LaserJock | could we just run down the Roadmap and see where everybody is at? | 18:37 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: useful-bug-metrics? | 18:38 |
bdmurray | LaserJock: that one still needs some work | 18:38 |
LaserJock | bdmurray: just in implementation, the design is finalized? | 18:39 |
bdmurray | LaserJock: right, and Launcpad is also missing some data for very old bugs | 18:39 |
LaserJock | ah | 18:40 |
LaserJock | I'm pretty excited about that spec, that data will be quite useful I think | 18:40 |
bdmurray | Absolutely | 18:40 |
LaserJock | ogasawara: how is package-status-pages coming? seems like a lot has been implemented | 18:41 |
bdmurray | ogasawara: The kernel bug migration is finished right? | 18:41 |
ogasawara | LaserJock: we've done a lot with the package-status-pages. stgraber was awesome getting it set up on the staging qa.ubuntu.com site. now I just need to find time to generate additional xml files for additional packages and knocking out some of the feature requests | 18:42 |
ogasawara | bdmurray: yes, kernel bug migration was completed as of Monday | 18:42 |
LaserJock | ogasawara: awesome | 18:42 |
stgraber | ogasawara: just tell me when you are ready to have pkgstatus put on the production website and I'll work on a qawebsite update including it | 18:42 |
ogasawara | stgraber: sweet. Yah I'd like to test everything works when I create additional xml files etc first | 18:43 |
LaserJock | cgregan: how's mobile-automated-tests going? | 18:43 |
cgregan | LaserJock: Slowly..... | 18:44 |
cgregan | I'm one tester for 6-7 individual projects | 18:44 |
cgregan | Not a lot of time for other things...unfortunately | 18:44 |
LaserJock | cgregan: ok, so what can we do to help? | 18:44 |
LaserJock | are there any "bitesize" tasks that'd free you up for other things? | 18:45 |
cgregan | LaserJock: If someone could take a look at the case Ara has produced and see what is relevant to UME. That would be great! | 18:45 |
LaserJock | cgregan: could you just send a quick email on that to ubuntu-qa? | 18:46 |
cgregan | LaserJock: Sure | 18:46 |
LaserJock | great | 18:46 |
LaserJock | cgregan: and any other tasks that somebody who's not deeply involved in your work could help out with ;-) | 18:47 |
cgregan | There will also be some work for Ubuntu Netbook Remis soon | 18:47 |
cgregan | Remix | 18:48 |
LaserJock | stgraber: how goes the qa-website spec? | 18:48 |
persia | That may be harder to coordinate directly. | 18:48 |
cgregan | I'm porting some cases over to a new area now | 18:48 |
stgraber | LaserJock: I need to recontact the Launchpad/Canonical sysadmins guys to have a copy of our website running with Drupal+OpenID enabled | 18:48 |
LaserJock | sbeattie: around? | 18:49 |
stgraber | ideally we'd like to do that after the upgrade to Hardy I requested last week | 18:49 |
sbeattie | LaserJock: yep | 18:49 |
cgregan | LaserJock: I can also send an email to QA email when I have something worth looking at | 18:49 |
LaserJock | sbeattie: what is needed to finish off to fix-validation-tracking ? | 18:50 |
LaserJock | cgregan: sounds great | 18:50 |
LaserJock | So I put the specs on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RoadMap along with a list of Intrepid Tasks | 18:51 |
LaserJock | the Tasks are to list stuff that either hasn't been spec'd yet or that doesn't really need a formal spec, but that we still want to do and is worth some priority | 18:52 |
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LaserJock | I added a few but I'd like to have people add to it things they plan on doing within QA for Intrepid | 18:52 |
sbeattie | LaserJock: not a whole lot, I need to make the page I generate report against universe, and generally sync up more with pitti's sru script. | 18:53 |
LaserJock | sbeattie: ok, I think I'll have some time to help with that a bit too | 18:53 |
LaserJock | I need to get back into sru-tools | 18:54 |
sbeattie | I also need to go back and pull out historical data/testcases | 18:54 |
sbeattie | LaserJock: that'd be great. | 18:54 |
LaserJock | sbeattie: perhaps we should talk to ubuntuwire.com about hosting all that? | 18:55 |
sbeattie | if you want, I'm agnostic as to where it gets hosted. | 18:55 |
LaserJock | right now I have a branch for qa.ubuntuwire.com/sru | 18:55 |
LaserJock | k, we can talk about that later | 18:55 |
LaserJock | alright, any more issues? | 18:56 |
LaserJock | going once ... | 18:56 |
LaserJock | twice ... | 18:57 |
LaserJock | OK, I guess we'll call that the end of the meeting | 18:57 |
* LaserJock rings the gong | 18:57 | |
LaserJock | thanks everybody for showing up! | 18:57 |
=== emma_ is now known as emma | ||
* bryce grabs a seat early | 22:56 | |
* ArneGoetje rubs his eyes | 22:58 | |
calc | hi | 22:59 |
* asac waves | 22:59 | |
james_w | hey all | 22:59 |
liw | hello | 22:59 |
* ogra waves | 22:59 | |
james_w | has someone been delegated responsibility today? | 23:01 |
asac | james_w: is cjwatson on holiday? | 23:02 |
bryce | not me | 23:02 |
james_w | asac: yup | 23:02 |
james_w | and evan and slangasek is at debconf I think | 23:02 |
calc | hmm maybe no meeting for today then? | 23:03 |
calc | it wasn't delegated to me either | 23:03 |
asac | maybe a quick look at alpha-4 ;) | 23:03 |
bryce | or we could just review blueprint status, and any milestone bugs? | 23:03 |
james_w | sounds like a good idea | 23:03 |
james_w | were there any action points from last week? | 23:03 |
bryce | no action items | 23:03 |
calc | so we start with ArneGoetje? | 23:03 |
bryce | sure | 23:04 |
bryce | hit it Arne | 23:04 |
james_w | hey TheMuso | 23:04 |
TheMuso | sorry I'm a bit late | 23:04 |
ArneGoetje | hey | 23:04 |
ArneGoetje | green light from my side, no show stoppers so far | 23:04 |
james_w | ArneGoetje: any milestoned bugs for you? | 23:05 |
ArneGoetje | nope | 23:05 |
asac | ArneGoetje: do you have any spec assigned? | 23:05 |
asac | is that on track? | 23:05 |
ArneGoetje | just the language-selector thing, and yes, it is on track | 23:06 |
asac | when will this land? | 23:06 |
ArneGoetje | probably next week | 23:06 |
asac | ok | 23:06 |
bryce | okay cool, asac you're next alphabetically | 23:07 |
asac | aug 28th is feature freeze ;) | 23:07 |
asac | NM 0.7 entered the archive | 23:07 |
asac | but we will probably see plenty of new snapshots before release | 23:07 |
james_w | great! | 23:07 |
james_w | (to the first point at least :) | 23:08 |
asac | not sure when i will stop bumping versions, but upstream is still quite active with bugs getting fixed on a daily base | 23:08 |
bryce | I noticed it's changed a bit when I updated by laptop yesterday. Had to re-reboot but then it came up and has been working great since. | 23:09 |
asac | bryce: the new approach is to require users to reboot | 23:09 |
* slangasek waves in | 23:09 | |
ArneGoetje | asac: do you know if NM 0.7 includes code for 3G USB devices to switch from USB-Storage to Modem? | 23:09 |
liw | asac, reboot? under what circumstance? | 23:09 |
asac | liw: to apply upgrade | 23:09 |
slangasek | (completely by accident, I can't guarantee that I'm here for the meeting :) | 23:09 |
asac | we dont restart NetworkManager on upgrade | 23:09 |
asac | slangasek: hi ;) | 23:09 |
james_w | hey slangasek, how's debconf? | 23:09 |
liw | asac, hrmph, that seems... non-unixy, but very well | 23:10 |
slangasek | going pretty well so far - I'm on my way back to the US at the moment, doko, kees, and jorge are representin' for a few more days | 23:10 |
liw | asac, (nothing you could do about it anyway, I guess :) | 23:10 |
bryce | asac, yeah I remember that discussed last week, so I rebooted on first sign of wireless trouble, and then it worked fine. | 23:10 |
slangasek | (today's the daytrip, so they're all out eating cow for the most part) | 23:11 |
liw | slangasek, you had a short debconf, eh? | 23:11 |
slangasek | yep | 23:11 |
asac | another thing that will happen after alpa-4 is nspluginwrapper everywhere | 23:11 |
asac | e.g. not only on 64bit | 23:11 |
bryce | slangasek: better than crow at least | 23:11 |
asac | the idea is to not crash firefox when flash goes down | 23:11 |
slangasek | *much* better. :) | 23:11 |
* calc thinks better idea is to get rid of adobe flash and replace it with a fully implemented foss version :) | 23:12 | |
liw | asac, that sounds awesome | 23:12 |
asac | flash experience spec has other eelements: | 23:12 |
bryce | calc, please send a patch | 23:12 |
calc | flash is so buggy even on windows :( | 23:12 |
asac | 1. better description in plugin finder wizard: on track (code exists in bzr) | 23:13 |
asac | 2. allow users to easily switch to other plugins that serve the same content-type: | 23:13 |
asac | we are working hard on that in mozillateam, but its not trivial | 23:13 |
asac | i still hope that we will get something for final intrepid | 23:14 |
bryce | asac: anything else? guess I'm next up | 23:15 |
asac | the other specs have not much progress; the safe-upgrade code will land in next ubufox upgrade; users will be notified in firefox when they need to restart and are offered a button to actually do the restart | 23:15 |
asac | hopefully this will fix the whole class of wierd upgrade issues users experience | 23:15 |
asac | bryce: go ahead ;) | 23:15 |
bryce | xorg-input-hotplug is the only major FF-critical blueprint, and I've been focusing on it this past week | 23:16 |
bryce | the changes have all landed, and work more or less aside from various bugs which we're tracking | 23:16 |
bryce | so the blueprint is down to just testing / documentation / bug fixing now | 23:17 |
bryce | not a blueprint, but I also took a break from that the last couple days to look into GEM, which has just hit upstream's git trees | 23:17 |
bryce | BenC is looking at the kernel side. I've produced git snapshots of mesa, libdrm, and -intel for him to play with. | 23:18 |
bryce | I found them to be quite buggy, but patches exist for the issues I saw, so it's possible we'll be able to pull that in by FF. We'll see | 23:18 |
liw | what is GEM? | 23:19 |
bryce | it's a memory manager for X graphics | 23:19 |
bryce | it's a fundamental requirement for fixing several major mis-features in X right now | 23:19 |
calc | it replaces the old TTM (iirc) | 23:19 |
bryce | righto | 23:19 |
bryce | well, TTM never actually made it in; Fedora shipped it but no one liked it much | 23:20 |
bryce | anyway, another blueprint-ish thing, is I've added apport support for most all X packages, at mdz's suggestion | 23:20 |
bryce | I've not tested it much, but this should make it easier to report X bugs (hopefully not TOO easy) | 23:20 |
bryce | afaik no alpha-4 bugs. | 23:21 |
bryce | doko, you're up next, if you're here? | 23:21 |
calc | he's not here apparenty | 23:21 |
calc | i think i am next? :) | 23:21 |
bryce | calc oops skipped you | 23:21 |
asac | go | 23:21 |
bryce | go for it | 23:21 |
calc | so OOo 3.0rc1 is delayed to Aug 25 | 23:22 |
calc | which pushed back my A4 bugs to A5 | 23:22 |
asac | calc: packaging pre-snapshot doesnt make sense? | 23:22 |
calc | ooo-langpacks is coming along ok, and i don't think it is really a FF issue | 23:22 |
calc | asac: its already in the openoffice-pkgs ppa | 23:22 |
calc | asac: 3.0 beta2 | 23:22 |
asac | calc: ok. what is intrepid right now? and what is in ppa? | 23:22 |
calc | intrepid currently has 2.4.1, if OOo seems to be doing ok wrt 3.0rc1 not getting pushed back any more we will go with 3.0 in intrepid and upload on ~ Aug 25 | 23:23 |
asac | ok. so its not yet clear that we will go for 3.0? | 23:23 |
calc | if it is pushed back again i will have to consult with colin, etc to see if it is wise to hope for 3.0 final coming out in time ;) | 23:23 |
asac | then keeping 3.0 beta2 out of archive makes sense. thanks | 23:24 |
calc | for example the delay between 2.4.0 rc1 and final was 6 weeks | 23:24 |
calc | so if rc1 doesn't actually make Aug 25 then yea we might not put 3.0 in at all due to risking the release with just an RC, that might be ok but we haven't discussed it yet | 23:24 |
asac | calc: how many testers are using your PPA? | 23:25 |
calc | asac: not certain, is there a way to find this out? :) | 23:25 |
asac | we... i mean: do you get good feedback? | 23:25 |
calc | i haven't gotten any feedback actually | 23:26 |
calc | perhaps i should promote usage of it more :) | 23:26 |
asac | calc: ok. have you tried to ask on forums for testers? | 23:26 |
calc | not yet, i think i will do that, should help get a lot of testers that way | 23:26 |
asac | the quality of feedback can vary a lot, but usually there a lots of quite vocal testers available that want to test the latest-crack ;) | 23:26 |
asac | ok cool. | 23:27 |
asac | who is next? liw? | 23:28 |
bryce | anything else calc? else james_w is up | 23:28 |
asac | ah ;) | 23:28 |
james_w | I've been away since the last meeting, so I haven't made any progress | 23:29 |
james_w | however, I was very happy with the feedback I got last time, so I think I can move forward. | 23:29 |
james_w | I should be ok for feature freeze | 23:30 |
james_w | I haven't got any milestoned bugs. | 23:30 |
james_w | I haven't had a chance to look at pyrex+fontconfig either | 23:30 |
liw | james_w, anything else? | 23:31 |
james_w | nope, I don't think so | 23:31 |
liw | then it's me, yes? | 23:32 |
james_w | I think so | 23:32 |
liw | CleanupCruft: progressing, cli is done, gui needs to be made, plugins need to be written, needs to be uploaded | 23:32 |
asac | liw: ack ;) | 23:32 |
liw | GetRidOfPythonCentralAndSupport: lagging, needs discussing with doko, and probably Debian Python people, but I first need to finish the document explaining the issues | 23:32 |
liw | GobbyServerPersistentState: my patch works, upstream made their own (independently from me), I'll review that and take it from there | 23:32 |
liw | the rest: low priority or postponed until after feature freeze | 23:32 |
liw | end of list; any questions? :) | 23:32 |
asac | liw: is it something we can test? | 23:32 |
asac | (cleanup) | 23:32 |
liw | asac, I have packages in my PPA, which I had a couple of people test and give me feedback on the usability of the command line interface | 23:33 |
asac | liw: did upstream know that we were working on that too? | 23:33 |
liw | gobby (sobby) upstream didn't know we were working on it, too | 23:33 |
asac | liw: how much risk to break my system during cleanup? | 23:33 |
liw | asac, at the moment, it removes packages, and the likelyhood of removing the wrong package is way bigger than 0, but you have to tell it which packages to remove | 23:34 |
liw | so on the order of "apt-get remove" or "apt-get autoremove" | 23:34 |
asac | liw: ok. so its interactive? | 23:34 |
liw | you say "system-cleaner find" to find the packages, and "system-cleaner cleanup foo bar" to remove specific packages, or "system-cleaner cleanup --all" to remove everything; you can also mark particular packages as ignored (won't be removed) | 23:35 |
asac | ok. is there a wiki page you want to give me while doing that ... or is manpage enough? | 23:36 |
liw | the manpage is supposed to be enough | 23:36 |
asac | ok. thanks. ill try tomorrow evening i hope | 23:36 |
liw | cool, thanks | 23:36 |
bryce | liw: anything else? Otherwise Luke's up | 23:36 |
liw | I'm done | 23:36 |
bryce | TheMuso: take it away | 23:37 |
TheMuso | Ok, since the dmraid spec is highest priority, I'm giving that my full attention. I won't be able to finish the accessibility review spec for intrepid, except for getting ubiquity more accessible/more reliably bringing up accessibility tools. This is more of a bug than a feature, so it will be addressed hopefully before feature freeze. | 23:38 |
bryce | (slangasek: iirc you have no blueprints, and you're debconffing anyway so we'll skip you, unless you want to toss in any happy release manager comments) | 23:38 |
slangasek | no milestoned specs | 23:39 |
TheMuso | As for dmraid, I've spent a lot of time in the past few days toying with telling libparted some more about dmraid devices. Once this is done, I'll be working on making the D-I UI sane to use, and getting dmraid arrays brought up by udev. | 23:39 |
TheMuso | Not all of this spec will be done for intrepid however, as dmraid dosn't expose enough useful information to be linked against vol_id for example to probe a single device to see if it is a RAID disk for a dmraid array. | 23:39 |
TheMuso | So I'll have to talk to upstream about getting such info exposed. | 23:40 |
slangasek | on the release management side, there seems to be a big problem with the desktop CDs again, /etc/fstab ends up not being populated; an unfortunate bit of timing since cjwatson and evand are on vacation, and I'm (possibly) next in line and am only briefly not on a plane :/ | 23:40 |
james_w | slangasek: I think Mario had some insight in to that | 23:40 |
slangasek | ah; is he around? | 23:40 |
TheMuso | A few big changes for dmraid will land in both libparted and devmapper once the alpha is out, and other bits will be in the archive early next week, to enable dmraid event monitoring., | 23:41 |
TheMuso | So overall for functionality, dmraid is on track for intrepid. | 23:41 |
james_w | superm1> pitti, i think i've gvot an idea of a quick hack that might get around it | 23:41 |
james_w | <superm1> pitti, not necessarily the way that evan and colin will want to put in the end, but that should suffice for a4 to get out the door | 23:41 |
james_w | slangasek: you could grab him in -devel if you want to speak to him | 23:41 |
slangasek | right, just reviewed; looks ok to me for the nonce | 23:42 |
bryce | TheMuso: cool. Anything else? How's audio? | 23:43 |
TheMuso | bryce: Ah yes. I'm waiting on the kernel guys for alsa 1.0.17 in the kernel, then I can do userspace. Not sure if we will go pulse 0.9.11, but I'd like to, depending on how much time I can get for people to test from a PPA. | 23:44 |
TheMuso | Doing that stuff is only a day's work max to get all needed patches from git trees, etc. | 23:44 |
bryce | TheMuso: cool thanks, anything else? | 23:45 |
TheMuso | Not from me. | 23:45 |
bryce | slangasek: was just talking to superm1 on #ubuntu-x so he's around | 23:46 |
bryce | slangasek: any other RM words? Else I think we're done | 23:46 |
slangasek | nopers | 23:47 |
cody-somerville | :] | 23:47 |
asac | ogra: are you in our team or not? | 23:47 |
asac | :) | 23:47 |
liw | slangasek, have a good flight back home | 23:47 |
bryce | asac: I didn't see him comment earlier, I assume he's still busy with health stuff | 23:47 |
asac | bryce: he waved | 23:47 |
asac | ;) | 23:47 |
bryce | oh! sorry, missed that | 23:47 |
slangasek | liw: I'll try, despite Texas's involvement in the process :-) | 23:47 |
asac | 23:59 * ogra waves | 23:48 |
ogra | well, i ave one open spec | 23:48 |
ogra | *have | 23:48 |
ogra | which i can close now i guess, i just uploaded the last changes to initramfs-tools and casper | 23:48 |
ogra | so the next liveCDs should use 25% copncache virtual ram, please test if teh liveCD runs with 256M setups | 23:49 |
ogra | *compcache | 23:49 |
bryce | ogra: any milestoned bugs? | 23:50 |
ogra | (does anyone know where exactly the current casper branch is located btw ? i seem to only be able to find broken branches on LP) | 23:50 |
TheMuso | ogra: Its where it has always been, but its badly broken. | 23:50 |
james_w | ogra: you mean broken as in bzr crashing? | 23:50 |
ogra | bryce, i got back this evening from hospital, still about 300 bugmails to weed through :) | 23:50 |
TheMuso | james_w: Broken as it broken when an upgrade was attempted. | 23:50 |
ogra | bryce, but i'm not actually aware of any | 23:51 |
TheMuso | james_w: If you try to pull it, it says 0 revisions. | 23:51 |
ogra | so they must have shown up last week while i was away if there are any | 23:51 |
TheMuso | and nothing gets pulled. | 23:51 |
bryce | ogra: cool. yeah sorry to hear about being stuck at the hospital. I know how hospital days last 3 times longer than normal days. :-/ | 23:51 |
james_w | yeah, I think this is a known problem, it looks like there was a bug in the converter from baz. | 23:51 |
ogra | bryce, well, i wasnt exactly ill while being there so it would have been a great opportunity to do some work while being bored | 23:52 |
bryce | we should have diverted kees there to hack into the phone system for you ;-) | 23:52 |
ogra | james_w, well, for one branch i get 0 revisions, for the other one i get acrual errors | 23:52 |
ogra | bryce, haha | 23:52 |
bryce | okay, does anyone have anything else? otherwise let's wrap it up. :-) | 23:53 |
asac | ust one reminder that folks that didnt like NM in the past maybe should give 0.7 a try | 23:53 |
asac | and report features that are still missing to cover their use cases | 23:53 |
asac | there are still rough edges in the system config part (which allows you to connect without logging in), but in general most features should be there | 23:54 |
asac | VPN stuff will enter after alpha-4 ... if you are waiting for that | 23:54 |
asac | and if you have a 3G capable phone ... please test to use that through USB (bluetooth wont be possible for 0.7 most likely) | 23:55 |
james_w | asac: does it run a real daemon, or is it just dbus at gdm? | 23:55 |
ArneGoetje | asac: do you know if NM 0.7 includes code for 3G USB devices to switch from USB-Storage to Modem? | 23:55 |
asac | if your phone isnt detected its usually just hal-info tweakage | 23:55 |
asac | ArneGoetje: you sure that you have to switch it? | 23:56 |
asac | ArneGoetje: maybe its just that the modem is not detected, so it appears like its only storage | 23:56 |
ArneGoetje | asac: yes, otherwise only usb-storage will load | 23:56 |
asac | ArneGoetje: please open a bug for your device, and add it to the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G page | 23:57 |
ArneGoetje | asac: see http://www.draisberghof.de/usb_modeswitch/ | 23:57 |
asac | ArneGoetje: attach lshal output and full syslog to get things started | 23:57 |
asac | attach that link in the bug as well ;) | 23:58 |
ArneGoetje | asac: ok | 23:58 |
asac | (and add '0.7' in bug summary please) | 23:58 |
asac | ArneGoetje: your device sounds strange. do you have other devices (3g phone) which you could use to test your provider? | 23:59 |
ArneGoetje | asac: 3G phone | 23:59 |
liw | are we done with the meeting? | 23:59 |
liw | (time's up) | 23:59 |
bryce | liw, I think so | 23:59 |
ArneGoetje | asac: the usb_modeswitch is necessary for a whole bunch of devices, not only mine | 23:59 |
asac | liw: good night ;) | 23:59 |
calc | goodnight | 23:59 |
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