dabbill | xzcvczx, http://paste.ubuntu.com/36983/ | 00:01 |
mkquist__ | xzcvczx: well, now i'm thinking i'm just confused... let me get back to you if need be... I'm not new to linux. thanx | 00:01 |
kaseli | hi i installed ubuntu normally with gtk/gnome, then i apt-get'd xfce4. my sound does not work in xfce4, any ideas? | 00:02 |
kaseli | alsamixer finds my card fine, and it works in gnome/gtk | 00:02 |
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ekow | has anyone been able to get the zune to work with ubuntu, in amarok or any media player? | 00:04 |
Meesis_Meeso | crap | 00:05 |
Meesis_Meeso | how do I reset my volume settings? | 00:05 |
Meesis_Meeso | I messed around with the volum | 00:06 |
Meesis_Meeso | no it wont work | 00:06 |
debCarlos | What's better for my usb key? ReiserFS or ext3 ? | 00:06 |
xzcvczx | debCarlos: you better off just using vfat | 00:06 |
Slart | debCarlos: only using it for linux machines? | 00:06 |
debCarlos | yeah | 00:06 |
debCarlos | only linux | 00:06 |
debCarlos | It's my backup usb key :) | 00:06 |
Slart | debCarlos: I use ntfs for all my external storage.. windows is so limited when it comes to other file systems | 00:07 |
HymnToLife | debCarlos: none, you shouldn't use a joirnaling FS on flash memory | 00:07 |
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HymnToLife | if it's Linux only, go with ext2 | 00:07 |
HymnToLife | journaling* | 00:07 |
debCarlos | ext2 ? | 00:07 |
Slart | debCarlos: I would go with ext3 then.. or ext2.. not sure you need the journal | 00:07 |
debCarlos | Ok | 00:07 |
HymnToLife | debCarlos: basically ext3 without the journaling | 00:07 |
debCarlos | What's journal ? | 00:07 |
=== Igramul_ is now known as Igramul | ||
Slart | !journal | 00:07 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about journal | 00:07 |
Slart | bah.. | 00:07 |
debCarlos | lol | 00:07 |
debCarlos | Don't worry, i'll go to wikipedia | 00:08 |
Slart | debCarlos: it's a .. well.. a feature to make the file system handle sudden power downs and other stuff better | 00:08 |
debCarlos | ok :) | 00:08 |
Slart | debCarlos: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journaling_file_system | 00:08 |
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as c1|freaky | ||
xzcvczx | is there anything more brutal than killall -9? | 00:09 |
dabbill | xzcvczx, http://paste.ubuntu.com/36983/ | 00:09 |
Slart | xzcvczx: I don't think so.. | 00:09 |
th0r | xzcvczx, shutdown -h now | 00:10 |
Slart | xzcvczx: personally I think "slay -9" sounds cooler.. but I think it's the same in the end.. signal 9 | 00:10 |
minimax_ | xzcvczx: maybe a sysrq code | 00:10 |
xzcvczx | dabbill: yeah, it looks as though its doing resets when it shouldnt be and is therefore trying to change adress which is causing issues | 00:10 |
xzcvczx | th0r: lol you don't know how close i am to that | 00:10 |
debCarlos | xzcvczx: Take your HDD and throw it against the wall lol | 00:11 |
xzcvczx | th0r: althought my computer might not boot afterwards :S | 00:11 |
dabbill | xzcvczx, it just started like last wednessday or thursday, any idea what may have caused it | 00:11 |
xzcvczx | debCarlos: if done hard enough my computer definately won't boot after that | 00:11 |
kaseli | is there a small .mp3 somewhere, like /usr/share, i can use to test my audio? | 00:11 |
dabbill | xzcvczx, about that time i added gmail checker but that was the only thing i added. | 00:11 |
kaseli | like, wheres the logon sound at | 00:11 |
Slart | kaseli: I think there's an ogg in ~/examples or something | 00:11 |
xzcvczx | kaseli: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp | 00:11 |
debCarlos | xzcvczx: lol, you asked for something brutal | 00:11 |
kaseli | k | 00:11 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, is the process you're looking at zombied or D-stated? | 00:11 |
debCarlos | Slart: Yeah, there's a ogg in examples | 00:12 |
qr_ | I'm trying to configure dual monitors with an ATI card, however the second screen does not display anything and I have the following entry in Xorg.0.log: 'fglrx(1): Quitting secondary screen -- no monitor specified.' does anyone know what could be causing this?? | 00:12 |
JoelR | -*/15 * * * * root test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1 In this crontab line, what does the first field represents? i mean, i know that is the minutes, but i don't get what does the "-" on the left of "*" means, anyone? | 00:12 |
tayfun | hey people can someone tell me if there is a some software or a info web site for brute force attack command generator? | 00:12 |
xzcvczx | nDuff: it claims not to be but localedef using 371:49.87units of time on a 1ghz doesn't seem particularly normal to me | 00:12 |
rohden | Anyone ever used UNetbootin before? Does it work (well)? | 00:13 |
debCarlos | xzcvczx: Just shutdown your computer holding the power button, that works too :D | 00:13 |
tayfun | hey people can someone tell me if there is a some software or a info web site for brute force attack command generator? | 00:14 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, seems not to be what? | 00:14 |
xzcvczx | nDuff: zombied | 00:14 |
debCarlos | rohden: I and some guy used it earlier, he was on a SD card and i was in a usb key.... didn't work for us lol | 00:14 |
qr_ | tayfun: we're not going to help you be a script kiddie, you need to do that on your own. | 00:14 |
tayfun | ok :( | 00:14 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, well, yar -- if it's zombied it isn't using *any* CPU time, as it doesn't actually exist. Anyhow, you could look at the process table (or in top, or ps, or whatever) and get an actual *certain* answer to that question | 00:14 |
JoelR | -*/15 * * * * root test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1 In this crontab line, what does the first field represents? i mean, i know that is the minutes, but i don't get what does the "-" on the left of "*" means, anyone? | 00:14 |
debCarlos | yeah tayfun lol | 00:15 |
tayfun | ok i understand | 00:15 |
rohden | msg debCarlos darn =/ | 00:15 |
debCarlos | !scriptkiddie | 00:15 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about scriptkiddie | 00:15 |
rohden | msg | 00:15 |
xzcvczx | 26725 root 25 0 55260 52m 892 R 46.4 7.2 374:15.19 localedef | 00:15 |
vilhelm | anyone know if it is possible to get a cube with compiz in Kubuntu? like the one in Ubuntu ? | 00:15 |
debCarlos | Heym, JubilieOfLights just spammed me :\ | 00:16 |
IndyGunFreak | vilhelm: yes it is. | 00:17 |
mkquist__ | why would a disk not allow change in ownership? | 00:17 |
vilhelm | how? i cant get more than 2 virtual desktops :( | 00:17 |
IndyGunFreak | vilhelm: that i don't know, i pretty much think compiz is stupid. | 00:17 |
vilhelm | ok :( | 00:18 |
xzcvczx | mkquist__: what fs and whats the umask | 00:18 |
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tphilosopher | Hey guys. Do any of you know a book I could download and use offline about bash scripting? | 00:19 |
=== Benco is now known as Superbenco | ||
nDuff | mkquist__, if it's a non-unix filesystem, there's one reason | 00:20 |
locohost_ | o'reilly bash? | 00:20 |
kaseli | OMFG | 00:20 |
nDuff | mkquist__, ...can't very well change ownership and permission bits on a filesystem that doesn't have 'em. | 00:20 |
kaseli | well i FRICKIN figured out why my sound wasnt working.... | 00:20 |
kaseli | i pressed the "m" key when i had alsamixer up | 00:20 |
tphilosopher | Google is not my friend today ;) | 00:20 |
kaseli | on accident | 00:20 |
kaseli | and muted my main channel...woops | 00:20 |
kaseli | - | 00:20 |
kaseli | -_-; | 00:20 |
tphilosopher | One other catch. It's gotta be free. | 00:21 |
=== NowNow is now known as HenryHeron | ||
qr_ | I'm trying to configure dual monitors with an ATI card, however the second screen does not display anything and I have the following entry in Xorg.0.log: 'fglrx(1): Quitting secondary screen -- no monitor specified.' does anyone know what could be causing this?? | 00:21 |
kaseli | man bash? | 00:21 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, heh, fun. And kill -9 doesn't work? | 00:22 |
xzcvczx | kaseli: thats what the M in the box below the meter represents :P | 00:22 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, if it's in R state, I'd *really* think it would. | 00:22 |
kaseli | yeah i know that now. lol. i was like "wtf" | 00:22 |
xzcvczx | nDuff: nope | 00:22 |
KenBW2 | im looking at getting a webcam. It's only a cheap crappy one. What's the chances it'll work? | 00:22 |
kaseli | "this should be working!" | 00:22 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, bizarre. | 00:22 |
xzcvczx | nDuff: any idea if its safe to just reboot the machine, as i am doing an upgrade from 7.x to 8.x at the moment | 00:22 |
Jerusalem420 | it used to be that when i selected something with my mouse, i could then middle click my mouse and paste it. that feature seems to have stopped functioning. any ideas? | 00:23 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, what's the processes parent? | 00:23 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, it may be safer to kill its parent than to reboot in the middle of an upgrade | 00:23 |
xzcvczx | nDuff: well its parent will most likely be the upgrade process | 00:23 |
locohost_ | i wouldnt reboot in the middle of an upgrade... | 00:23 |
Jerusalem420 | anyone? | 00:23 |
mellery | can someone help me share a folder on a ubuntu guest in virtual box? | 00:24 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, maybe, maybe not. it may be that its parent is an inconsequential preinstall or postinstall script called by the upgrade process | 00:24 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, if that's the case, killing that script is much safer than terminating the whole upgrade process | 00:24 |
KenBW2 | http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Electronics/Cameras/Webcams/Internet+Phone+Kit+(WebCam+%2B+Headset)+?productId=32460&noVat=0 <-- any reason why it wouldnt work? | 00:24 |
xzcvczx | nDuff: true, how do you find out what the parent is? | 00:24 |
nDuff | xzcvczx, ps auxw --forest | 00:24 |
kadko | Hello, I want to make a bridge from my wireless hardware to my ethernet hardware to share internet whit the ethernet port, any one can help me? | 00:25 |
favro | tphilosopher: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ | 00:25 |
xzcvczx | maybe haystack might be a better description :P | 00:25 |
rambo3 | such an ugly web adress someone should teach them irl rewrite | 00:25 |
rambo3 | irl url | 00:25 |
StealthCP_ | kadko, using Wireless or wired method? | 00:25 |
KenBW2 | rambo3: you referring to me? | 00:25 |
kadko | using wireless | 00:25 |
rambo3 | KenBW2, no to aria.co.uk. And i was talking to my self | 00:26 |
StealthCP_ | depends. are you using dd-wrt? (see #dd-wrt) | 00:26 |
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tphilosopher | favro: Thank you very much | 00:26 |
StealthCP_ | I have a bridge in a similar manner, | 00:26 |
=== StealthCP_ is now known as StealthCP | ||
kadko | nope im not using | 00:26 |
xzcvczx | nDuff: ah thanks, that has got it continuing | 00:27 |
Jerusalem420 | it used to be that when i selected something with my mouse, i could then middle click my mouse and paste it. that feature seems to have stopped functioning. any ideas? | 00:27 |
xzcvczx | nDuff: it appears it had a defunct gzip process | 00:27 |
xzcvczx | (child) | 00:27 |
droopsta915 | im downloading PacketTracer5_i3 | 00:28 |
fiberchunks | damn, anyone have a graphics tablet with a throttle wheel that scrolls? | 00:29 |
Shaba1 | How does one change the display resolustion under xubuntu. I went to the desktop settings applet and all that is there is 'default' | 00:29 |
droopsta915 | sorry hit enter on accident | 00:29 |
fiberchunks | I'm having a wonderful time trying to get it working | 00:29 |
Jerusalem420 | does anyone know what I'm talking about? | 00:29 |
IndyGunFreak | fiberchunks: what model is it? | 00:29 |
droopsta915 | im downloading PacketTracer5_i386_installer-deb.bin ow can i get the fi o install and run? | 00:30 |
* Jerusalem420 feels like i'm talking to the wall. not to complain to much. I realize that people help with what they can and that I've gotten lots of help here. | 00:30 | |
Jerusalem420 | damn, did i scare all those people off? | 00:31 |
Meesis_Meeso | lol | 00:31 |
droopsta915 | im downloading PacketTracer5_i386_installer-deb.bin how can i get the file to install and run? | 00:31 |
Jerusalem420 | yeah! a reaction | 00:31 |
droopsta915 | sorry keyboard problems | 00:31 |
fiberchunks | IndyGunFreak, intuos2 | 00:31 |
Jerusalem420 | thank you meesis_meeso | 00:31 |
IndyGunFreak | hm, fiberchunks sorry, i don't really know much about them, but ive saw trouble shooting on a few of them here(but not that one) | 00:32 |
fiberchunks | i've grokked the howto's on the ubuntu fora, but it seems that I've not been able to find anything relating to the "throttle" | 00:32 |
Jerusalem420 | gnite all | 00:32 |
mkquist__ | nDuff - like ntfs maybe? | 00:32 |
Shaba1 | droopsta915 what does packet tracer do? | 00:33 |
mkquist__ | nDuff: good point... thanx | 00:33 |
=== max` is now known as max | ||
droopsta915 | its a network simulator from the cisco web site, it is for ubuntu. | 00:33 |
droopsta915 | i need it to do my homework | 00:33 |
Shaba1 | ah yes. I have it for windows | 00:34 |
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=== Guest15750 is now known as max | ||
Shaba1 | I used to be a CCIA but I let my certification lapse. Now I would have to start all over again | 00:34 |
droopsta915 | shabal. do you have version 5? | 00:34 |
Shaba1 | ver. 4.11 IIRC | 00:34 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 00:34 |
Shaba1 | How does one change the display resolustion under xubuntu. I went to the desktop settings applet and all that is there is 'default' | 00:35 |
droopsta915 | good enogh. well do u know how i can install after i get the download? | 00:35 |
Shaba1 | with windows its a self extracting .msi file | 00:35 |
Shaba1 | I could not tell you on linux | 00:35 |
IndyGunFreak | Shaba1: isnt there a menu option, something like "screen resolution".... can'mt remember.. been a while since i used xfce | 00:35 |
debCarlos | droopsta915: Did you downloaded a bin file ? | 00:35 |
xzcvczx | Shaba1: tried ctrl+alt++ or ctrl+alt+-? | 00:35 |
droopsta915 | yes it's downloading as we speak. | 00:35 |
pajamian | Hi everyone. I'm having problems printing to my Brother DCP-540CN. When I try to print it sits in the print queue on "Processing" indefinately. Can anyone help me find the problem? | 00:35 |
Shaba1 | al++ | 00:36 |
Shaba1 | ?? | 00:36 |
xzcvczx | droopsta915: chmod u+x x.bin ./bin | 00:36 |
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xzcvczx | droopsta915: chmod u+x x.bin ./x.bin | 00:36 |
Shaba1 | you mean the alt key and the plus keY? | 00:36 |
xzcvczx | Shaba1: and ctrl | 00:36 |
droopsta915 | cool, will try when done dloading thanx. | 00:36 |
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klikklak | hey all, I've googled but didn't find it. How do I set file-roller to open movies with some other program than totem? (xmonad doesn't fullscreen with it) | 00:36 |
debCarlos | droopsta915: ok, then when it's downloaded do: chmod +x archive and then ./archive | 00:36 |
pajamian | !xubuntu | Shaba1 | 00:37 |
ubottu | Shaba1: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 00:37 |
Cutter | what's the point of Xubuntu | 00:37 |
Cutter | ? | 00:37 |
Shaba1 | xzcvczx I know what it is. | 00:37 |
xzcvczx | Cutter: less resource hungry and xfce instead of gnome | 00:38 |
Cutter | it's still about 2 times slower than XP | 00:38 |
xzcvczx | Shaba1: i am not the one who said tgar | 00:38 |
pajamian | Cutter: lighter weight desktop for computers with less RAM. | 00:38 |
xzcvczx | s/tgar/that/ | 00:38 |
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Shaba1 | I just had to reinstall it since the damn windows recovery cd i used reformated the whole hard drive | 00:38 |
Cutter | if I had o decent comp I would install Ubuntu | 00:38 |
Cutter | because I have a crappy one I must install XP | 00:38 |
IndyGunFreak | pajamian: honestly i'm not sure how much "lighter" it is than Gnome/kDE nowdays, its not really that light anymore | 00:38 |
Shaba1 | I have windows and xubuntu back but I am in the process of getting xubuntu running again as I had it before | 00:39 |
xzcvczx | Cutter: you use the right wm etc you will get linux running much better than xp | 00:39 |
IndyGunFreak | Cutter: if you have a PC that will run XP, id' say its highly likely it will run Ubuntu | 00:39 |
pajamian | IndyGunFreak: fair enough. | 00:39 |
Cutter | IndyGunFreak: absolutely not | 00:39 |
IndyGunFreak | pajamian: if you really need light, flux or e17 is proably where its at | 00:39 |
Cutter | Xubuntu was a nightmare | 00:39 |
IndyGunFreak | Cutter: either you're talking out of your backside, or you don't remember when Xfce really was light | 00:39 |
eross | i'm playing with anjuta, should I go with gnome, GTK, GTKmm, or wxwidgets? What's easier and has less dependencies? | 00:40 |
klikklak | no solution? it's hardcoded in to fileroller? .. damn. | 00:40 |
xzcvczx | IndyGunFreak: e17 isn't really that light anymore... uses a lot of graphics resources | 00:40 |
Cutter | XP runs almost well | 00:40 |
pajamian | IndyGunFreak: I'm fine with ubuntu, though my 512 megs of ram is stretching a bit thin with Hardy. | 00:40 |
IndyGunFreak | pajamian: yeah.. | 00:40 |
pajamian | IndyGunFreak: I'll probably be looking for a RAM upgrade soon. | 00:40 |
IndyGunFreak | pajamian: ram is cheap on ebay | 00:40 |
IndyGunFreak | especially if you have a system thats a little on the old side. | 00:40 |
debCarlos | lol | 00:40 |
abe3k | Hello guys, I have a question regarding the Save file dialogs | 00:40 |
xzcvczx | abe3k: thats nice | 00:40 |
abe3k | they take forever to load each time they're requested | 00:40 |
debCarlos | !lolin | 00:40 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lolin | 00:40 |
pajamian | IndyGunFreak: yeah, but getting it shipped to NZ is a bit of a pain. Easier to get it on Trademe (the NZ equivelent of ebay) | 00:41 |
xzcvczx | pajamian: haha, what part of nz? | 00:41 |
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IndyGunFreak | pajamian: i bought a machine at a pawn shop for liek $150 .. w/ a monitor... i had a special purpose for it that didn't rquire windows, so it was no big deal... but it only had 64.. i maxed it out at 1gig, for like 18 | 00:41 |
Cutter | xzcvczx: there should be a fluxbox edition of ubuntu instead of Xubuntu | 00:41 |
pajamian | anyways, before someone !ot's me... | 00:41 |
Shaba1 | I am going to try that in a minute xzcvczx. Right now its downloading updates | 00:41 |
Cutter | Xubuntu is too close to the two tohers | 00:41 |
IndyGunFreak | pajamian: oh ok.. didn't realize you werent in the us | 00:41 |
Cutter | in terms of system reqs | 00:41 |
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crdlb | Cutter: there is | 00:41 |
IndyGunFreak | Cutter: there is a fluxbox edition | 00:42 |
Cutter | but it's not official | 00:42 |
xzcvczx | Cutter: its not really ubuntus way though... ubuntu is made to be as user friendly as possible which fluxbox is not | 00:42 |
crdlb | and it's not as if you can't install whatever window manager you want | 00:42 |
pajamian | anyways, can anyone help me with my printer problem (posted above)? | 00:42 |
IndyGunFreak | Cutter: thne install whater, and stick flux on top of it. | 00:42 |
Cutter | I'm talking about canonical's strategy | 00:42 |
Meesis_Meeso | where can I finnd infor about my system like RAM and processor speed??? | 00:42 |
droopsta915 | I downloaded VMware-server-1.0 6-9189.tar.gz ,the files are extracted in the homefolder, how would i use it? | 00:42 |
abe3k | save file dialog as in gimp, pidgin , firefox ... etc. take a long time to load | 00:42 |
Cutter | Ubuntu would touch a broader audience with a very lightweight Ubuntu edition | 00:42 |
abe3k | the application freezes until the file list is shown | 00:42 |
Cutter | Xubuntu doesn't fill this requirement of a lightweight distrib | 00:43 |
debCarlos | Meesis_Meeso: In system monitor under system tab | 00:43 |
geirha | Cutter: Ubuntu server ;P | 00:43 |
binarymutant | I compiled my kernel and modules but when I reboot it says it cant find lib/modules/ or /lib/modules/ but both folder and file are there, does anyone know what i'm doing wrong? | 00:43 |
abe3k | any one can help me ? | 00:43 |
Meesis_Meeso | 2.5 GB of RAM... | 00:43 |
Meesis_Meeso | Time for upgrade? | 00:43 |
Shaba1 | Well it was the only version of ubuntu that would run on my laptop | 00:44 |
IndyGunFreak | Meesis_Meeso: 32bit only recognizes up to 3.5gigs i do believe.. | 00:44 |
xzcvczx | Meesis_Meeso: how bout a nice cup of STFI :P | 00:44 |
pajamian | Meesis_Meeso: 2.5 gig is plenty for most people. | 00:44 |
debCarlos | Meesis_Meeso: lol, i have only 2GB of RAM and it's perfect | 00:44 |
xzcvczx | s/STFI/STFU/ | 00:44 |
IndyGunFreak | Meesis_Meeso: but 2.5gigs, is more than enough 99% of people running Ubuntu | 00:44 |
Meesis_Meeso | heh | 00:44 |
Cutter | btw how much RAM does Linux support? | 00:44 |
droopsta915 | lol i have 640mb | 00:44 |
IndyGunFreak | Cutter: 3.5gigs 32bit.. | 00:44 |
pajamian | Cutter: lots, but it depends. | 00:44 |
Cutter | Windows 32 bit supports about 3Gb I think | 00:44 |
IndyGunFreak | i think 64bit, supports like 128gigs or something | 00:44 |
droopsta915 | works fine for me | 00:44 |
pajamian | the 32 bit server kernel will support more than 3.5 gigs, I believe. | 00:45 |
Meesis_Meeso | heh my processor is ... 2.2GHZ | 00:45 |
debCarlos | My old machine had only 512MB ram and 1ghz and it was... perfect lol | 00:45 |
pajamian | and, of course, 64 bit will support loads more. | 00:45 |
Meesis_Meeso | Time for upgrade? | 00:45 |
xzcvczx | IndyGunFreak: lol with that much ram who needs harddrives | 00:45 |
IndyGunFreak | xzcvczx: lol | 00:45 |
abe3k | any one experiencing a long delay in opening the save file dialogs in any application ? | 00:45 |
Cutter | pajamian: are there a "server" and a "desktop" kernel? | 00:45 |
bdk | idk I run ubuntu on vmware and I give it 3 gigs of Ram | 00:45 |
debCarlos | Cutter: I think it supports up to 4Gb .. | 00:45 |
pajamian | Meesis_Meeso: that's fine. Why are you asking anyways? | 00:45 |
debCarlos | lol | 00:45 |
bdk | runs pretty fine | 00:45 |
pajamian | Cutter: yes. | 00:45 |
Meesis_Meeso | I'm dual-booting with XP and Ubuntu | 00:46 |
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Meesis_Meeso | can I increase my Ubuntu partition in WIndows? | 00:46 |
abe3k | is this the right place to ask a question about save file dialogs ? | 00:46 |
=== c1|freaky is now known as fReAkY[t] | ||
Cutter | I thought the kernel was a common part to all distribs | 00:46 |
IndyGunFreak | Meesis_Meeso: i thought you used Wubi? | 00:46 |
debCarlos | 128GB, lol | 00:46 |
Meesis_Meeso | yeah | 00:46 |
qr_ | !ask | abe3k | 00:46 |
ubottu | abe3k: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 00:46 |
crdlb | Cutter: it's just configured differently | 00:46 |
Meesis_Meeso | I did | 00:46 |
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IndyGunFreak | Meesis_Meeso: i told you yesterday, you don't have a partition, you have a virtual drive. | 00:46 |
IndyGunFreak | big big difference | 00:47 |
crdlb | Cutter: optimized for throughput instead of latency, etc | 00:47 |
Meesis_Meeso | oh... | 00:47 |
pajamian | Cutter: it's the same kernel, but it's been compiled with different internal settings that make one more suitable for server use and one more suitable for desktop use. | 00:47 |
IndyGunFreak | Meesis_Meeso: but you can look at wubi, adn see if you can expand the size of it, i'm not really sure how | 00:47 |
Cutter | ok | 00:47 |
babatuli | hi, i just buy a bluetooth keyboard... had anyone successful make a bluetooth keyboard work in linux??? im having problemswith it | 00:47 |
Meesis_Meeso | ok | 00:47 |
Meesis_Meeso | is your machine blutooth compatible? | 00:47 |
Meesis_Meeso | do you have a blutooth reciever | 00:48 |
babatuli | i dont know.. im using the eeepc | 00:48 |
xzcvczx | Meesis_Meeso: do you work in technical support? | 00:48 |
d4t4min3r | question, how do i install compiz.. in add remove programs there are three diff choices | 00:48 |
babatuli | i guess it supports bluetooth im not sure | 00:48 |
d4t4min3r | whats the correct one .. or way to install | 00:48 |
abe3k | Hi, I'm having a problem with the "Save File" dialogs as they take a long time to load, while loading the application freezes , applications like firefox , gimp , pidgin ... etc, then the application returns to normal after half a minute of waiting. please respond if you have a clue, thanks | 00:48 |
Meesis_Meeso | no.... | 00:48 |
syntropy | is it possible to use a builtin IGP as well as a PCI-Ex one simultaneously? | 00:48 |
droopsta915 | where is my bin folder located? | 00:48 |
xzcvczx | babatuli: did your keyboard come with a bluetooth dongle? | 00:48 |
babatuli | whats bluetooth dongle? | 00:49 |
babatuli | it comes with nothing | 00:49 |
babatuli | just the keyboard | 00:49 |
xzcvczx | babatuli: then you will need to go buy a bluetooth dongle | 00:49 |
d4t4min3r | i see... advanced desktop effects.. then compiz fusion icon.. then desktop effects | 00:49 |
favro | droopsta915: type $PATH in a terminal | 00:49 |
Cutter | dongle = USB bluetooth receiver | 00:49 |
d4t4min3r | can anyone help me | 00:49 |
droopsta915 | thanx | 00:49 |
Cutter | looks like a USB memory | 00:49 |
Cutter | stick | 00:50 |
rzec | i have been trying for the past 3 days to install ubuntu. I have tried 8.04(64 bit and 32 bit) and 7.10(32bit) and all of them give me a (initramfs) prompt. I have been able to instal ubuntu before on this computer so i don't know why i can't anymore. | 00:50 |
babatuli | ah i see.. cause asuseee does not include one..i had to buy a bluetooth dongle | 00:50 |
xzcvczx | it just says bluetooth somewhere on it instead of xGB or something like that | 00:50 |
IndyGunFreak | rzec: have you tried the alt. install cd? | 00:50 |
babatuli | i will try with my other laptop that it seems to have the internal bluetooth | 00:50 |
debCarlos | !ask | d4t4min3r | 00:50 |
ubottu | d4t4min3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 00:50 |
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d4t4min3r | wanting to install compiz but wich one do i install from add/remove | 00:51 |
rzec | no i guess i can try that. | 00:51 |
IndyGunFreak | rzec: that would be my suggestion, and stick w/ 32bit, for the best compatibility | 00:51 |
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abe3k | Hi, I'm having a problem with the "Save File" dialogs as they take a long time to load, while loading the application freezes , applications like firefox , gimp , pidgin , even printscreen... etc, then the application returns to normal after half a minute of waiting. please respond if you have a clue, thanks | 00:52 |
droopsta915 | my file downloaded on to the dektop, how should i install the file? | 00:52 |
xzcvczx | abe3k: obviously no one does, | 00:53 |
jmichelsen_ | droopsta915: what kind of file | 00:53 |
babatuli | xzcvczx SO you mean that I need a laptop that includes bluetooth.. if it does not. i need a bluetooth dongle??? | 00:53 |
droopsta915 | bin | 00:53 |
debCarlos | d4t4min3r: It's more easy this way: Open a terminal (Apps->Accesnsories->Terminal) and type sudo aptitude install compiz then give your pass and it will be installed with no prob | 00:53 |
Sardonic_Akcin | can someone point me to a tutorial for installing flash on 8.04 | 00:53 |
xzcvczx | droopsta915: chmod u+x file.bin ; ./file.bin | 00:53 |
d4t4min3r | also, can anyone recomend a dock for ubuntu.. like kibadock or something | 00:53 |
debCarlos | droopsta915: chmod +x file.bin and then ./file.bin | 00:53 |
xzcvczx | babatuli: yes | 00:53 |
pajamian | !flash | Sardonic_Akcin | 00:53 |
ubottu | Sardonic_Akcin: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 00:53 |
blinX123 | can i get some help with my monitor and nvidia-card? | 00:53 |
leoechevarria | hi people | 00:53 |
debCarlos | d4t4min3r: AWN | 00:53 |
xzcvczx | debCarlos: copy :P | 00:54 |
debCarlos | !ask blinX123 | 00:54 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask blinx123 | 00:54 |
Sardonic_Akcin | pajamian thanks, man | 00:54 |
debCarlos | hehe | 00:54 |
favro | !dock | d4nn3rs | 00:54 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dock | 00:54 |
debCarlos | !ask | blinX123 | 00:54 |
ubottu | blinX123: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 00:54 |
d4t4min3r | debCarlos, awn? | 00:54 |
droopsta915 | cant install, well gotta go to school, be back in tray.hours, PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!! | 00:55 |
jmichelsen_ | ex-chat | 00:55 |
gregge_ | I bought a laptop a couple of weeks ago.. It's supposed to have a geforce 8400 with 256 ram in it.. but I was trying to install stalker now(wine) and the installer claimed this: X11 Windowing System ~128MB | 00:55 |
jmichelsen_ | anyone know when the next release is? | 00:55 |
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qr_ | jmichelsen_: october | 00:56 |
debCarlos | d4t4min3r: Yeah, it's cool, but it needs compiz :) | 00:56 |
debCarlos | lol | 00:56 |
debCarlos | !awn | 00:56 |
ubottu | Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy | 00:56 |
jmichelsen_ | qr_: thanks | 00:56 |
debCarlos | The next ubuntu release ? | 00:56 |
IndyGunFreak | !next | 00:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about next | 00:56 |
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d4t4min3r | do u have a link | 00:56 |
jmichelsen_ | debCarlos: yea | 00:56 |
gregge_ | How can I verify how much memory my graphics card really has? | 00:57 |
d4t4min3r | debCarlos, do you have a link | 00:57 |
debCarlos | Oh, ok | 00:57 |
crdlb | gregge_: you can check in nvidia-settings | 00:57 |
jmichelsen_ | !paste | 00:57 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 00:57 |
itai-michaelson | hi,i'm creating a network share on my xp box to share with several ubuntu boxes. does it matter if the share is NTFS? will i experience problems with that? | 00:57 |
IndyGunFreak | jmichelsen_: 8.10(08yr, 10th month) | 00:57 |
blinX123 | ok so my problem is that whenever i logon the monitor changes the resolution to 1200x800. i have recently done some modifications to the X configuration file, so now the monitor is my primary and defult screen. its alrigth on the logon screen but when i log on it changes down the resolution. | 00:57 |
jmichelsen_ | IndyGunFreak: thanks | 00:57 |
debCarlos | d4t4min3r: Just install it with sudo aptitude install awn :) | 00:57 |
xzcvczx | itai-michaelson: no | 00:57 |
jamesp_ | itai-michaelson: Nope | 00:57 |
jmichelsen_ | itai-michaelson: nada | 00:57 |
itai-michaelson | thats very reassuring | 00:57 |
itai-michaelson | :-) | 00:58 |
jamesp_ | yup | 00:58 |
IndyGunFreak | jmichelsen_: if you know the version numbers, that will always tell you when it was released.. 8.04(08yr, 04month), 7.10, 6.06, etc. | 00:58 |
debCarlos | d4t4min3r: Or, if it doesn't work try google :) | 00:58 |
xzcvczx | itai-michaelson: what, that 3 people all gave you the same answer? | 00:58 |
crdlb | d4t4min3r: the package name is avant-window-navigator | 00:58 |
itai-michaelson | xzcvczx, that it was a unanimous NO | 00:58 |
xzcvczx | lol | 00:58 |
jmichelsen_ | IndyGunFreak: i dont know the new ver # ;) | 00:58 |
xzcvczx | is rm -rf / a smart thing to do? | 00:58 |
qr_ | yes | 00:59 |
qr_ | absolutely | 00:59 |
candive | ! syslinux.cfg | 00:59 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about syslinux.cfg | 00:59 |
prince_jammys | xzcvczx: it's a smart thing to say here if you want to get kicked | 00:59 |
jmichelsen_ | IndyGunFreak: I mean didnt know it | 00:59 |
IndyGunFreak | jmichelsen_: ubuntu has a hard, 6mo release cycle, so if a version was released 8.04, then 6mo later, its gonna be .10 which means 8.10 | 00:59 |
crdlb | blinX123: tried changing it in system > preferences > screen resolution? | 00:59 |
xzcvczx | prince_jammys: it was asked as a question not recommending or telling someone to do it? | 00:59 |
xzcvczx | qr_: lol nice | 00:59 |
jmichelsen_ | IndyGunFreak: ah great, thanks | 01:00 |
prince_jammys | xzcvczx: doesn't matter. people get kicked just for saying it | 01:00 |
itai-michaelson | xzcvczx, i was fighting with that partition trying to format it as fat32 but couldnt do it, partition magic refused, qt parted refused | 01:00 |
gregge | crdlb: Thanks.. Problem is, it says it's even 512 mb, when it's supposed to be a 256mb-card... Is it reliable? | 01:00 |
duelboot | anyone know an smb channel...i had to edit /etc/host to force my ubuntu laptop to print to my shared printer even though I didn't need to update it to "see" it...any ideas? | 01:00 |
k4r1m | hcould somebody help me with totem/banshee and mkv files? im able to play the files but im not getting any sound when the ppl talk... | 01:00 |
blinX123 | its set to 1680x1050.. but now i have also said that it should be 1680x1050 in the nvidia-settings. its ok now, but not on startup.. | 01:01 |
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leoechevarria | i got a problem with apt-move... i've installed it in a network station. I mounted an apache server in one of the machines, and then accessed to this new repo from the other pcs. The problem is that i can't find some packages from this other machines, such as abiword or konversation, and i can install for example gcompris from the internal repository. I know i got the packages in the repo directory,but i don't know why i can't use them from the | 01:01 |
leoechevarria | clients. Any idea? Sorry for the long story, i'musing hardy in all thmachines | 01:01 |
regulardrake | hey guys | 01:01 |
crdlb | gregge: heh, is it marked as "TurboCache" ? | 01:01 |
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trigpin | i need help with song bird , i installed a new theme now the gui had died , is there a way i can manualy change it from terminal ? | 01:01 |
abe3k | Hi, I'm having a problem with the "Save File" dialogs as they take a long time to load, while loading the application freezes , applications like firefox , gimp , pidgin , even printscreen... etc, then the application returns to normal after half a minute of waiting. please respond if you have a clue, thanks | 01:02 |
duelboot | i had to edit /etc/host to force my ubuntu laptop to print to my shared printer (on a windows box). I didn't need to update /etc/host to see the share and set up the printer...only to print to it (otherwise it did a DNS query to find it)...any ideas on getting smb to work properly? | 01:03 |
blinX123 | hos is AWN compared to cairo on 8.04? | 01:03 |
trigpin | i need help with song bird , i installed a new theme now the gui had died , is there a way i can manualy change it from terminal ? | 01:03 |
gregge | crdlb: No, it doesn''t say so. it just states it as Memory: 512 MB... I doubt I'm checking the wrong tab... | 01:03 |
qr_ | trigpin: you could try purging it and reinstalling, that should revert it to default settings. | 01:03 |
gregge | But I can assure you they can't have given me a better card than a 256 MB | 01:04 |
crdlb | blinX123: awn is more mature than cairo-dock, plus it's in the repos unlike cairo-dock :) | 01:04 |
xzcvczx | abe3k: have you googled it? | 01:04 |
crdlb | qr_: that's not going to touch user settings (~/) | 01:04 |
trigpin | qr_: ok thanxs will do , i installed via a package not synaptic how would i do it ? | 01:05 |
r0cks0ul | $ | 01:05 |
r0cks0ul | # | 01:05 |
qr_ | crdlb: hmm, good point. so a purge and rm -rf .songbird (or whatever) | 01:05 |
abe3k | xzcvcx: yes but nothing solved the problem | 01:05 |
crdlb | qr_: you can skip the reinstall :) | 01:06 |
abe3k | xzcvczx: yes but nothing solved the problem | 01:06 |
=== Guest47257 is now known as max | ||
qr_ | trigpin: you can purge an application with 'sudo apt-get purge package', but listen to crdlb, he's making a good point here. | 01:06 |
r0cks0ul | 0x0h' | 01:06 |
xzcvczx | abe3k: even disabling compiz? | 01:06 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: temporarily rename ~/.songbird , if there is such a file | 01:06 |
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abe3k | xzcvczx: even without compizfusion running | 01:06 |
blinX123 | anymore suggestions on my monitor problem? | 01:07 |
abe3k | xzcvczx: heres what happens | 01:07 |
abe3k | xzcvczx: it opens up and shows the files | 01:07 |
abe3k | xzcvczx: then it freezes | 01:07 |
trigpin | prince_jammys, sorry , what would that do ? | 01:07 |
xzcvczx | amazingly i have already seen you say that about 30 times | 01:07 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: it would get rid of your user's songbird settings | 01:07 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: but you could recover them if it's ever necessary | 01:07 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: mv ~/.songbird ~/.songbird-old | 01:08 |
Milky | i am using ubuntu intrepid alpha 3 with compiz. i can enable compiz fine, but all i can get is the 'normal' effects. if i change the effects level to 'extra' or if i try to change the settings using ccsm, my changes take no effect at all. I know that intrepid is still in alpha so this problem might go away eventually, but i have never had the problem before in hardy and i am just wondering if anyone has ever had this problem | 01:08 |
duiu_ | If I use SSH X Tunneling to run Handbrake, do I have to have handbrake installed on the ssh client or server? | 01:08 |
Daze1 | Hey.. I've installed e16 but I have no idea how to use it... anybody know how to... access it? | 01:08 |
trigpin | prince_jammys, ah thanxs | 01:08 |
crdlb | Milky: intrepid support in #ubuntu+1 | 01:08 |
duelboot | i had to edit /etc/host to force my ubuntu laptop to print to my shared printer (on a windows box). I didn't need to update /etc/host to see the share and set up the printer...only to print to it (otherwise it did a DNS query to find it)...any ideas on getting smb to work properly? | 01:08 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: the application should generate a new settings file | 01:08 |
xzcvczx | duiu_: server | 01:09 |
Milky | ok, sorry about that, thank you! | 01:09 |
Slart | duiu_: I don't know what handbrake is/does but my guess would be you need it on the server | 01:09 |
xzcvczx | Slart: dvd backup tool | 01:09 |
Slart | ah, thanks xzcvczx | 01:09 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: check for the name of the file or directory with: ls ~/.song* | 01:09 |
duiu_ | Slart: Thanks | 01:09 |
Blue112 | Hello everyone, I need some help with formating an SD card | 01:10 |
Daze1 | e16 tips? :D | 01:11 |
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Gnea | Daze1: #e | 01:12 |
Daze1 | Thanks :D | 01:12 |
mrpockets | i need to make a bootable USB stick from a .iso | 01:13 |
duelboot | i had to edit /etc/host to force my ubuntu laptop to print to my shared printer (on a windows box). I didn't need to update /etc/host to see the share and set up the printer...only to print to it (otherwise it did a DNS query to find it)...any ideas on getting smb to work properly? | 01:13 |
Gnea | !usb | mrpockets | 01:13 |
ubottu | mrpockets: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 01:13 |
mrpockets | Gnea, its not Ubuntu | 01:13 |
mrpockets | i'm IN Ubuntu | 01:13 |
binarymutant | can someone help me with my broadcom wifi card? The drivers are already installed but it wont pull a dhcp request for some reason | 01:13 |
trigpin | prince_jammys, found songbird file /home/emilien/Songbird renamed too /home/emilien/Songbird-false did not work | 01:13 |
Gnea | mrpockets: oh, well it's #ubuntu | 01:13 |
mrpockets | yeah | 01:13 |
xzcvczx | binarymutant: is it associated with an ap? | 01:13 |
Gnea | :) | 01:13 |
mrpockets | ...cause i'm trying to do it IN ubuntu. | 01:13 |
mrpockets | :-p | 01:14 |
binarymutant | xzcvczx: it says it isnt | 01:14 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: what didn't work? the renaming or the gui problem? | 01:14 |
momelod | hello channel | 01:14 |
xzcvczx | binarymutant: then you first need to associate it with an ap | 01:14 |
Gnea | and since it's #ubuntu, you'd be doing it FOR ubuntu, otherwise you'd have to ask them about it | 01:14 |
momelod | Is there a way to prevent NetworkManager from updating my /etc/resolv.conf | 01:14 |
bobyada | I am trying to VNC into my laptop on a LAN and it keeps saying that the host closed the connection... not sure what changed. any ideas? | 01:14 |
Gnea | mrpockets: well, what are you trying to do, exactly? | 01:14 |
xzcvczx | momelod: make it immutable :P | 01:14 |
trigpin | prince_jammys, i renamed it , but i loaded song bir gui problem still there | 01:15 |
mrpockets | Gnea, I have a Backtrack3-USB.ISO | 01:15 |
binarymutant | xzcvczx: how do I do that with iwconfig, I normally have done iwconfig wlan essid "essid" enc on key s:pass? | 01:15 |
momelod | i have used the command `chattr +i` but now i cant use the networkmanager to manage my networking | 01:15 |
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prince_jammys | trigpin: the settings file almost definitely begins with a dot, and is hidden by default. so you meant .Songbird? | 01:15 |
mrpockets | i need to load Backtrack3 onto my Aspire, and all i've got is a 2gig USB drive | 01:15 |
momelod | seems like it tries to write to /etc/resolv.conf but cant and just timesout trying... | 01:15 |
Gnea | mrpockets: and there's no #backtrack nor support in #slackware for it? | 01:15 |
mrpockets | didn't try #Slackware | 01:16 |
mrpockets | thanks! | 01:16 |
xzcvczx | binarymutant: don't have mac filtering on?? | 01:16 |
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binarymutant | xzcvczx: I dont know what that is | 01:16 |
xzcvczx | momelod: oh ok, no idea then | 01:16 |
tanner | can ubuntu write to a HFS+ partition? | 01:16 |
trigpin | prince_jammys, i installed it my self and did not use dot | 01:16 |
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Gnea | tanner: in theory | 01:16 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: do: ls -a and look for .songbird | 01:16 |
tanner | how about practice | 01:16 |
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xzcvczx | binarymutant: well for some reason you can't associate with the ap, whether your encryption key is wrong or what | 01:17 |
prince_jammys | trigpin: the program most likely creates that file on its own. | 01:17 |
Gnea | tanner: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4411 | 01:17 |
Gnea | ouch | 01:17 |
mohan34u | anyone know howto install THC Hydra in Hardy? | 01:18 |
Gnea | mohan34u: never heard of it. | 01:18 |
freakazoid | anyone got a compiled version of levelhead for ubuntu ? | 01:18 |
binarymutant | when I do iwlist scan it says I get no results, but my driver is fine and my wifi is there, anyone know why I can't get this to work? | 01:19 |
mohan34u | http://freeworld.thc.org/thc-hydra/ | 01:19 |
Gnea | freakazoid: if it's not in the repositories or google, probably not | 01:19 |
freakazoid | blah , thanks anyways gnea | 01:19 |
tekstacy | When I try to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it stops after asking me about my keyboard. | 01:19 |
tekstacy | But I need to change video settings. Any ideas? | 01:19 |
mohan34u | I need to install Hydra, please someone help me. | 01:19 |
xzcvczx | mohan34u: if you want to install dedicated hacking software you can google what you need | 01:20 |
prince_jammys | tekstacy: are you using the tab key to go through menu options? | 01:20 |
Gnea | mohan34u: what for? | 01:20 |
tekstacy | prince_jammys, um, don't think so | 01:20 |
xzcvczx | Gnea: hacking someone most likely, thats what hydra is for | 01:20 |
binarymutant | tekstacy: use dpkg-reconfigure -phigh | 01:20 |
prince_jammys | tekstacy: try it. tab cycles through options, i think | 01:20 |
mohan34u | I don't know why? But one of my friend wants it. | 01:21 |
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Gnea | mohan34u: sorry, can't help you. the software is not supported in ubuntu. | 01:21 |
xzcvczx | mohan34u: so he can get you in shit when he trys hacking someone from your computer? | 01:21 |
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tekstacy | prince_jammys, nope, still stops right after keyboard | 01:21 |
prince_jammys | mohan34u: 'john' is in the ubuntu repos. | 01:21 |
mohan34u | Oh.. is it so? | 01:21 |
Gnea | mohan34u: yes, it is. | 01:22 |
prince_jammys | mohan34u: otherwise, you'll have to read the documentation online | 01:22 |
mohan34u | Thanks for your help guys.. | 01:22 |
tekstacy | binarymutant, what is -phigh | 01:22 |
zzl | I've used that link to get wifi before, but now it won't let me | 01:22 |
Gnea | !o4o | mohan34u | 01:22 |
ubottu | mohan34u: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) | 01:22 |
zzl | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html | 01:23 |
mohan34u | anyway what hydra really means? | 01:23 |
zzl | won't work for me anymore | 01:23 |
zzl | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html | 01:23 |
zzl | I am using Kubuntu, and no one is responding | 01:23 |
mohan34u | ok.. ok.. I understand.. | 01:23 |
zzl | hope someone here could help me | 01:23 |
prince_jammys | tekstacy: reconfigures only 'high priority' check 'man dkpg-reconfigure' | 01:23 |
rnstux | hi | 01:23 |
zzl | hi | 01:23 |
zzl | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/atheros-5007eg-with-madwifi-on-i386-platform.html | 01:23 |
Gnea | !repeat | zzl | 01:23 |
ubottu | zzl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:23 |
zzl | can anyone help me out with my wifi for Kubuntu? | 01:24 |
IndyGunFreak | zzl: take a freakin paxil | 01:24 |
Gnea | !wifi | zzl | 01:24 |
ubottu | zzl: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:24 |
Gnea | IndyGunFreak: drugs!! | 01:24 |
IndyGunFreak | Gnea: drugs are reserved for only the absolute most impatient, he was definitely there..lol | 01:24 |
d4t4min3r | how could i change a .mp3 to a .wav.. im trying to put a song as my login sound | 01:24 |
tekstacy | When I tried it, it only gave me a postinst warning about overwriting customized configuration, didn't even start the program | 01:24 |
Gnea | IndyGunFreak: lol | 01:24 |
d4t4min3r | but looks like it has to be a .wav | 01:25 |
IndyGunFreak | zzl: how does lspci identify that device | 01:25 |
Gnea | d4t4min3r: audacity | 01:25 |
tekstacy | d4t4min3r, try soundkonverter | 01:25 |
d4t4min3r | tekstacy, does kb3 or k3b do that | 01:26 |
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xzcvczx | d4t4min3r: mplayer blah.mp3 -ao blah.wav might work as well | 01:26 |
tekstacy | no, k3b just rips and burns. | 01:26 |
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Ahadiel | d4t4min3r, try mpg123. ie. mpg123 -w blah.wav blah.mp3 | 01:27 |
mrpockets | ok | 01:27 |
mrpockets | better Q | 01:27 |
mrpockets | how do I make a USB Drive bootale in Ubuntu? | 01:27 |
Gnea | *AHEM* | 01:27 |
Gnea | !usb | mrpockets | 01:27 |
ubottu | mrpockets: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 01:27 |
mrpockets | lol | 01:27 |
mrpockets | thanks man | 01:27 |
Gnea | seriously, read it :) | 01:27 |
Gnea | only your computer can boot it, ubuntu would have nothing to do with it | 01:28 |
mrpockets | if i've only got one USB drive | 01:30 |
mrpockets | is sda1 waht it is? | 01:30 |
scabflakes | I need some help chaps, if you will. | 01:30 |
xzcvczx | !ask scabflakes | 01:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask scabflakes | 01:30 |
xzcvczx | !ask | scabflakes | 01:30 |
ubottu | scabflakes: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 01:30 |
scabflakes | Excellent, thank you for the rules. | 01:31 |
scabflakes | -) | 01:31 |
scabflakes | _) | 01:31 |
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lenyc | Anyone know if ubuntu runs of the Shuttle K48? | 01:31 |
Gnea | grrr, audacious is making me want to take a sledgehammer to a hard drive... i miss xmms | 01:31 |
IndyGunFreak | Gnea: whats wrong w/ it | 01:31 |
Gnea | lenyc: is that a motherboard? | 01:31 |
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xzcvczx | Gnea: must say i agree with you | 01:31 |
Gnea | IndyGunFreak: it lagggggggssssssssss | 01:31 |
IndyGunFreak | hmm | 01:32 |
Gnea | and... it doesn't work right. | 01:32 |
lenyc | No, it is a Shittle box with their own motherboard | 01:32 |
Gnea | i'm just trying to listen to a stream. and it... won't... connect.. | 01:32 |
Gnea | lenyc: is it a PC? | 01:32 |
scabflakes | !ask I am having trouble with GnomeBaker latest version. When I try to burn an audio CD, I get a failed error message which reads: No space left on the resource.gstfilesink.c(574): gst_file_sink_render (): /gnomebaker-convert-to-wav-pipeline/file-outInternal data flow error.gstbasesrc.c(2165): gst_base_src_loop (): /gnomebaker-convert-to-wav-pipeline/file-source: | 01:32 |
scabflakes | streaming task paused, reason error (-5)Error while writing to file "/tmp/GnomeBaker-ralzius/create_audiocd/gbtrack_01.wav".gstfilesink.c(520): gst_file_sink_event (): /gnomebaker-convert-to-wav-pipeline/file-out:system error: No space left on device. I am a total noob. Any ideas? | 01:32 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:32 |
* Gnea falls over | 01:32 | |
lenyc | Yes. Intell CPU | 01:33 |
IndyGunFreak | Gnea: lol | 01:33 |
Gnea | lenyc: there is a 99.999999999% probability that, yes, Ubuntu will work with it. | 01:33 |
xzcvczx | scabflakes: try df -h and see how much space you have left on your hdd | 01:33 |
scabflakes | 5.6GB | 01:33 |
Gnea | lenyc: as long as you've got 384 megs of ram or more on it, you should be fine | 01:33 |
scabflakes | Is that what it is referring to? | 01:33 |
IndyGunFreak | man,t hats cuttin it close. | 01:33 |
xzcvczx | scabflakes: that or your cd burner isn't sert up properly | 01:34 |
Gnea | y'know? i've seen some systems just not cut it with 256 | 01:34 |
lenyc | OK. I'll give it a try. Has 2GB RAM. | 01:34 |
Gnea | lenyc: oh, it'll cruise :) | 01:34 |
lenyc | Hope so. Thanks. | 01:34 |
IndyGunFreak | lenyc: thats PLENTY of ram.. | 01:34 |
IndyGunFreak | lenyc: just boot a live cd and see how it runs | 01:34 |
tekstacy | grr, I need a break before I shoot this dam box | 01:34 |
tekstacy | goodnight all | 01:35 |
Pavlz-01 | hello | 01:35 |
scabflakes | Thanks for your help, xzcvczx. Much obliged. I'll see what I can do. It's really annoying. All I want to do is burn a CD. :-( | 01:35 |
lenyc | Good idea. Hadn't thought of using a live CD. Thanks again & bye. | 01:35 |
scabflakes | hi Pavlz-01 | 01:35 |
Gnea | scabflakes: basically, you ran out of room on the partition that /tmp is on (probably /). is /var on its own partition? | 01:35 |
Pavlz-01 | i need info | 01:35 |
Pavlz-01 | i got tomem on Ubuntu | 01:35 |
Gnea | Pavlz-01: so do we. | 01:35 |
IndyGunFreak | johnny 55 | 01:35 |
Pavlz-01 | and i got a file in *.avi | 01:36 |
xzcvczx | scabflakes: listen to Gnea, hes smarter than me | 01:36 |
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scabflakes | Gnea: I am not sure what /var is. Unfortunately, I am totally new to this. | 01:36 |
IndyGunFreak | johnny 5.. info info, need more info. | 01:36 |
Pavlz-01 | which codec to install ? | 01:36 |
scabflakes | xzcvczx: ;-) | 01:36 |
luca | ciao | 01:36 |
IndyGunFreak | scabflakes: why in the world di you break your partitions down like that/ | 01:36 |
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Pavlz-01 | ciao | 01:36 |
joejoecircusboy | Why doesn't this video play in Ubuntu? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja5qOR-eyFo | 01:36 |
bazhang | ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:36 |
mrpockets | k | 01:37 |
Gnea | scabflakes: hrm. /var is to linux what \WINDOWS\system32\ is to windows. | 01:37 |
IndyGunFreak | joejoecircusboy: first thought, is you don't have flash installed | 01:37 |
scabflakes | I see. | 01:37 |
luca | ciao pavl puoi aiutarmi? ho un problema con la chat di yahoo (lycos) perché non esegue lo scrolling, pensavo di risolvere cambiando browser ma niente, forse problemi con il javascript? | 01:37 |
mrpockets | command to format /dev/sda1 for FAT filesystem? | 01:37 |
xzcvczx | Gnea: errr... really? | 01:37 |
Gnea | scabflakes: but in a quasi-sorta way... | 01:37 |
Gnea | xzcvczx: it's pretty dang important to system stability ;) | 01:37 |
scabflakes | Yeah. Well var is in the home directory as just /var | 01:37 |
bazhang | !it | luca | 01:38 |
ubottu | luca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:38 |
sun01tech | how can i share folder on lan between ubuntu and xp? | 01:38 |
Gnea | scabflakes: okay - if you do the df -Th thing again, do you see /var show up along with / ? | 01:38 |
xzcvczx | scabflakes: / is really the root dir not home dir | 01:38 |
Gnea | !samba | sun01tech | 01:38 |
ubottu | sun01tech: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 01:38 |
sun01tech | Gnea: thanks | 01:38 |
scabflakes | Oh ok. | 01:38 |
scabflakes | Do I type df-th in the terminaL? | 01:39 |
Gnea | scabflakes: and a homedir is signified by the ~ character, which is a shortcut to your real ${HOME} directory (usually /home/user) | 01:39 |
Gnea | yes. | 01:39 |
scabflakes | ok | 01:39 |
xzcvczx | scabflakes: linux is case sensitive and you need a space between df and -Th df being the command -Th being the arg | 01:39 |
Gnea | sun01tech: make sure you install swat and samba-doc | 01:39 |
=== TK_385 is now known as UncleTimmy | ||
scabflakes | Yes it's /var | 01:40 |
Gnea | scabflakes: it should tell you how much Avail space is left | 01:40 |
UncleTimmy | Does anyone know of problems with dvd burners not being compatible with Ubuntu? | 01:40 |
joejoecircusboy | IndyGunFreak: Does the video play for you? | 01:40 |
IndyGunFreak | joejoecircusboy: of course, its just youtube | 01:41 |
scabflakes | 5.6Gb total | 01:41 |
scabflakes | Around a GB for var | 01:41 |
xzcvczx | UncleTimmy: cant say i have ever found a dvdburner which is not compatible with linux | 01:41 |
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scabflakes | Should I just delete some stuff? | 01:41 |
XeiaieX | hi | 01:41 |
Gnea | UncleTimmy: no, but i've seen broken burners not burn, and a CD shatter inside of one. | 01:41 |
xzcvczx | UncleTimmy: never tried externals | 01:41 |
joejoecircusboy | IndyGunFreak: oh | 01:41 |
scabflakes | I don't know why I'd need more just to burn a 700MB CD | 01:41 |
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xzcvczx | Gnea: lol cds shattering is fun | 01:41 |
XeiaieX | anyone here know how to set up broadcomm wireless with fwcutter on Zenwalk? | 01:42 |
joejoecircusboy | IndyGunFreak: Well, other youtube works, but that one doesn't | 01:42 |
xzcvczx | scabflakes: are you trying to burn an iso? | 01:42 |
freakazoid | does anyone know how i would go about coding a script that would disconnect my internet if my ping went over 1k, and reconnect, and keep doing this ?\ | 01:42 |
Gnea | xzcvczx: yeah, gotta love those hairline fractures in the middle of the disk | 01:42 |
scabflakes | No, audio CD. | 01:42 |
IndyGunFreak | joejoecircusboy: welll that is very strange, works fine for me | 01:42 |
joejoecircusboy | IndyGunFreak: Oh, I restarted Firefox... it works now... weird | 01:42 |
XeiaieX | anyone here know how to set up broadcomm wireless with fwcutter on Zenwalk? | 01:42 |
Gnea | !broadcom | XeiaieX | 01:42 |
ubottu | XeiaieX: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx | 01:42 |
joejoecircusboy | freakazoid: I guess you're asking how to write a script? | 01:43 |
Gnea | !patience | XeiaieX | 01:43 |
ubottu | XeiaieX: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:43 |
bazhang | XeiaieX, zenwalk? this is ubuntu channel | 01:43 |
UncleTimmy | xzcvczx: Well, I just bought a dvd burner and it is in the BIOS as "CD/DVD Media" or something like that.. but ubuntu doesn't recognize the drive | 01:43 |
XeiaieX | my attitude? i just asked a question, whats your problem | 01:43 |
XeiaieX | yes i realize this is an Ubuntu channel... so what? maybe someone here has used Zenwalk too..... | 01:43 |
XeiaieX | sigh | 01:43 |
bazhang | XeiaieX, zenwalk has their own channel | 01:43 |
xzcvczx | XeiaieX: you asked it twice within one screen | 01:43 |
XeiaieX | i know they do | 01:43 |
Gnea | UncleTimmy: can you paste the output of /var/log/dmesg to pastebin please? | 01:44 |
Gnea | XeiaieX: calm down... | 01:44 |
XeiaieX | no one answered and it got lost, so i asked agai | 01:44 |
bazhang | XeiaieX, so it is offtopic here. | 01:44 |
XeiaieX | hmm | 01:44 |
Gnea | XeiaieX: have you tried #zenwalk? | 01:45 |
joejoecircusboy | What's zenwalk? | 01:45 |
XeiaieX | Gnea: ya i did, but no one seemed to be "alive" in there... | 01:45 |
Gnea | joejoecircusboy: another linux distro | 01:45 |
XeiaieX | Zenwalk is another distro like Ubuntu | 01:45 |
bazhang | based on slackware | 01:45 |
xzcvczx | XeiaieX: how long did you wait for an answer? | 01:45 |
XeiaieX | 5 mins or so, then reconnected, then waited again.. | 01:46 |
Gnea | XeiaieX: well, just like here, the people are volunteers - perhaps there's a web-based forum? | 01:46 |
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jramsey | ok so i upgraded to heron, and had to fool with my monitor resolution; it was fine; now i turn it on and it's back to 640/480 and the screen is so big monitor resolution settings won't even fit! best way to change to say 1152/768? | 01:46 |
XeiaieX | ya i checked the forum too... not much on it about the bcm43xx tho | 01:46 |
Gnea | XeiaieX: sometimes you need to wait for over an hour | 01:46 |
XeiaieX | oh wow | 01:46 |
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Gnea | i'm not kidding. | 01:46 |
UncleTimmy | Gnea: http://pastebin.com/d509e721a | 01:47 |
Gnea | it's the middle of the week, there's a bloody war going on, everyone's stressed out, and many of us are trying to relax after work or are at work | 01:47 |
bazhang | XeiaieX, come to #ubuntu-offtopic for a link | 01:47 |
XeiaieX | Gnea, no need to keep harping... bazhang: ok | 01:47 |
joejoecircusboy | Gnea: What war? | 01:47 |
Gnea | XeiaieX: not harping, just sayin' :) | 01:48 |
XeiaieX | :) | 01:48 |
UncleTimmy | It might be hardware, cause the tray closes automatically when you open it. Doesnt recognize cd's/dvd's | 01:48 |
zozobra | quit | 01:48 |
Gnea | joejoecircusboy: #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:48 |
joejoecircusboy | Gnea: Are you serious?? You brought it up! | 01:48 |
joejoecircusboy | lol, bloody hell | 01:48 |
Gnea | hahaha | 01:48 |
joejoecircusboy | No wonder everyone thinks linux users are tools | 01:48 |
bazhang | Gnea, indeed. | 01:48 |
Gnea | !ot | 01:49 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 01:49 |
Nutt718 | Hello everyone | 01:49 |
UncleTimmy | lol | 01:49 |
xzcvczx | Nutt718: hi dr nick\ | 01:49 |
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Nutt718 | I'm still new to ubuntu but is it possible to install a windows executable application on a thumb drive from a unbuntu machine to use on windows machines? | 01:51 |
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Sturmeh | yes Nutt718, use wine | 01:51 |
Nutt718 | Max, thanks | 01:52 |
delfick | hello, how would I go about joining multiple mp3s into one file ? (cause I used cat the other day and now when I play the resulting mp3, the player stops after the first mp3 that I used in the join (I still have access to the original mp3s if nothing can be done with that one )) | 01:53 |
p4_xxx | hi i have i some Q. does a battery buck up works in ubuntu? a line conditioner i the same as a surge protector, i went to buy a battery back up but i found these three thing, does anyone knows somethig about this? thank oh the buck up baterry comes with a software cd for windows | 01:54 |
favro | delfick: the mp3s have to be the same bitrate afaik | 01:54 |
xzcvczx | delfick: i tried doing that but never had any luck | 01:54 |
=== LuCiD2012 is now known as LuCiD|Beer | ||
Nutt718 | Max, is WIne an OS or an Application installed in ubuntu? | 01:54 |
Sturmeh | why would UPS need software p4_xxx | 01:54 |
Sturmeh | Nutt718 i'm max? | 01:54 |
xzcvczx | delfick: cat wont work due to the structure of an mp3 file | 01:55 |
bazhang | !wine | Nutt718 | 01:55 |
ubottu | Nutt718: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 01:55 |
Sturmeh | it's an application installed in ubuntu | 01:55 |
Sturmeh | there | 01:55 |
delfick | favro: I think they would be (custom made mp3s) | 01:55 |
delfick | xzcvczx: yeah..... any other programs that could work .... :) | 01:55 |
joejoecircusboy | Does anyone know if I can run IIS in WINE? | 01:55 |
Pavlz-01 | to see a file *.avi which codec i must download ? | 01:55 |
bazhang | joejoecircusboy, check the appdb | 01:56 |
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Nutt718 | bazhang, Hi, thanks for helping me the other day. I got Real Player 11 Gold installed and running. | 01:56 |
bazhang | Nutt718, nice work :) | 01:56 |
Gnea | delfick: audacity works great for that | 01:56 |
Cutter | is there no alternative to real player? | 01:56 |
Pavlz-01 | that is aplayer | 01:56 |
xzcvczx | Pavlz-01: avi is not decoded by a codec.... its a container | 01:56 |
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delfick | Gnea: cool, will look at that, thnx :) | 01:56 |
Gnea | Cutter: mplayer or totem | 01:56 |
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Pavlz-01 | i speak of codec that give the possibility to execute the opening of files *.avi | 01:57 |
Pavlz-01 | i got totem | 01:57 |
p4_xxx | i dont know it cames with a cd dont know why | 01:57 |
xzcvczx | Pavlz-01: no such thing | 01:57 |
bazhang | Pavlz-01, install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:57 |
p4_xxx | i have never both a upd i donk know exactly what to get | 01:57 |
Gnea | p4_xxx: yes it will work fine, APC makes great UPS | 01:58 |
Pavlz-01 | what does mean ubuntu-restricte-extras | 01:58 |
Sturmeh | mp3 dvd etc. | 01:58 |
Sturmeh | java flash | 01:58 |
Sturmeh | stuff that is propietary atm | 01:58 |
Gnea | Pavlz-01: it's a package | 01:58 |
bazhang | Pavlz-01, it will help with playing those files | 01:58 |
Uplink | where can i get help for backtrack? | 01:58 |
bazhang | Uplink, in their channel | 01:58 |
Gnea | !avi | Pavlz-01 | 01:58 |
ubottu | Pavlz-01: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:58 |
xzcvczx | Uplink: backtrack website | 01:58 |
Uplink | (bazhang): whats their channel? | 01:58 |
p4_xxx | ok thanks | 01:58 |
Gnea | #backtrack | 01:59 |
Uplink | (Gnea): i did join there and its empty | 01:59 |
Gnea | Uplink: what about asking in #slackware ? | 01:59 |
Uplink | ty Gnea | 01:59 |
xzcvczx | do people just find the biggest channel they can these days and ask whatever question they have? | 01:59 |
Gnea | xzcvczx: sometimes | 01:59 |
bazhang | xzcvczx, not here | 01:59 |
Gnea | UncleTimmy: okay... | 02:01 |
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balazs | hi. | 02:02 |
Gnea | UncleTimmy: is that a SATA cdrom? | 02:02 |
Gnea | UncleTimmy: because it looks like you've got a bad cable | 02:02 |
balazs | anyone else having problem setting up multiple keyboard layouts ? I could do it in 7.4 but it does not seem to work in gutsy | 02:03 |
Zeroyez | is there any free http proxy software i can get on ubuntu? | 02:04 |
zombieball | tor? | 02:04 |
BlueLaguna | Xubuntu should use Pulse sound server by default, right? | 02:04 |
commie_cary | I need help | 02:04 |
simplechat | Zeroyez, tor | 02:05 |
zombieball | !tor | Zeroyez | 02:05 |
ubottu | Zeroyez: TOR is a project aiming to provide anonymous connections via specialized !proxies - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR for information and help - Note that TOR is blocked on most Ubuntu IRC channels, please see !hostmask and !tor-gpg | 02:05 |
xzcvczx | !ask | commie_cary | 02:05 |
ubottu | commie_cary: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 02:05 |
commie_cary | I need to copy and paste mty filesstem into another partition | 02:05 |
Zeroyez | so I can just install tor and then connect to that server by typing in it's IP in firefox? | 02:05 |
commie_cary | however | 02:05 |
commie_cary | it wont let me | 02:05 |
joejoecircusboy | Zeroyez: There are probably 20+ http proxies available in the Ubuntu repositories | 02:05 |
xzcvczx | commie_cary: you must do it from terminal as root | 02:05 |
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MXIIA | is there a way to restore the panels to the default settings? | 02:06 |
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bazhang | !resetpanels | 02:07 |
ubottu | To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 02:07 |
MXIIA | thanks :) | 02:07 |
bazhang | :) | 02:07 |
misterecs81 | I seem to have lost the sound functionality in Ubuntu, but NOT in the WinXP Virtual machine I'm running . . . any ideas? | 02:08 |
UncleTimmy | Gnea: yes, sata.. do you mean a badpower cable? i'm using a 4-pin molex to sata power adapter. might that have soemthing to do with it? | 02:08 |
Gnea | UncleTimmy: no, the SATA connector, not the power connector | 02:08 |
Reformer81 | I'm trying to use recordmydesktop to make a short video of the Update Manager.. However, my system is already completely up to date. How would I go about reverting to an older version of something (anything) in order to re-update it? | 02:08 |
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misterecs81 | I seem to have lost the sound functionality in Ubuntu, but NOT in the WinXP Virtual machine I'm running . . . any ideas? | 02:09 |
goes | hai... | 02:09 |
goes | hai... | 02:09 |
balazs | anyone else having problem setting up multiple keyboard layouts ? I could do it in 7.4 but it does not seem to work in gutsy. Added a new layout and set "both alt-s" to switch, but it does not ever switch | 02:10 |
UncleTimmy | Gnea: ok thanks for your help. much appreciated | 02:10 |
nickrud | I'm trying to run down where I get http_proxy set to htpp://:8080 ; I've looked in /etc/profile, /etc/profile.d, /etc/bash.bashrc, .profile, .bashrc , and /etc/environment. Where else could this have come from? | 02:11 |
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luiz | \list | 02:12 |
Kernel | what are the big differences between normal ubuntu and the ubuntu server edition?. im considering installing the ubuntu server edition onto my home server. | 02:12 |
freeksh0w86 | i'm having the most awful time with an ndiswrapped card. is there a tutorial on how to go into a computer store and DEMAND an Atheros wireless card and threaten to sue if they sell me one that isn't? | 02:12 |
regeya | heh freeksh0w86 | 02:13 |
Kernel | freeksh0w86: google and buy offline...i recomend newegg. | 02:13 |
misterecs81 | How do I find out if "POSIX Shared Memory" is enabled on my system? | 02:13 |
misterecs81 | How do I find out if "POSIX Shared Memory" is enabled on my system? | 02:13 |
pajamian | Hi everyone. I'm having problems printing to my Brother DCP-540CN. When I try to print it sits in the print queue on "Processing" indefinately. Can anyone help me find the problem? | 02:13 |
cxo | There was some dude asking me for help, he needs to run wine StarCraft.exe as root, so it can make a socket connection and let him play online, he was using ubuntu and it wouldnt let him get a X window when "su -"'d as root, kept complaining about DISPLAY, but we set it to :0.0 | 02:13 |
regeya | I bought a belkin usb wireless thingy because I could get an old one working with the rt73 driver, but the new ones, despite the box and the product looking identical, are a different, and closed, chipset. | 02:13 |
regeya | and I mean, my old one works PERFECT. | 02:14 |
joejoecircusboy | misterecs81: check for /dev/shm | 02:14 |
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cheater-conrad | :D | 02:14 |
cheater-conrad | this is awesome | 02:14 |
mrpockets | !ubuntu USB | 02:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu usb | 02:14 |
regeya | !usb | 02:14 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 02:14 |
cheater-conrad | i quit gentoo today | 02:14 |
mrpockets | !ubuntu to USB | 02:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu to usb | 02:14 |
qr | cxo: jsut a thought, try su without the -, the - resets the environment iirc. | 02:14 |
mrpockets | thanks homes | 02:14 |
Kernel | !server | 02:15 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support | 02:15 |
cheater-conrad | i've been on it for ~5 years, on and off mostly on | 02:15 |
misterecs81 | [JOEJOECIRCUSBOY] ==> Where / How do I check for /dev/shm? As in, see if the directory exists? | 02:15 |
xzcvczx | cheater-conrad: i still use gentoo on decent machine... well on my server anyway | 02:15 |
regeya | the server edition is awesome Kernel. unfortunately the only machine I can use it on is an old ppc at work, and ppc is no longer supported :-( I ended up using debian etch on that hunkajunk | 02:15 |
joejoecircusboy | misterecs81: yes | 02:15 |
cheater-conrad | xzcvczx: i've been around forever, and i settled on gentoo back when it was good and portage was awesome, like 5 years ago or more | 02:16 |
pajamian | regeya: you get that with a lot of hardware, they look the same on the outside, but they are completely different inside. | 02:16 |
candive | Hi all, how do I format my flashdrive?? Please. | 02:16 |
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freeksh0w86 | Is there anything I can do to make ndiswrapped drivers less intolerable? This piece of crap keeps randomly disconnecting without even losing connection in the system tray. I never had these problems with my Atheros-based D-Link. | 02:16 |
joejoecircusboy | misterecs81: Unless you're running Linux from 1995, you have POSIX Shared memory support :) | 02:16 |
cheater-conrad | but i've used many other distributions to, but gentoo was always my main os | 02:16 |
regeya | pajamian: yeah, and no hints on the packaging. | 02:16 |
misterecs81 | [JOEJOECIRCUSBOY] ==> The directory is there with a Pulse-shm file in it. Am I good? | 02:16 |
Kernel | regeya: hmm. im currently using freebsd on my home server and freebsd is rocking for a server...stable as hell and *very* secure. | 02:16 |
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joejoecircusboy | misterecs81: ya | 02:16 |
pajamian | regeya: sometimes there's a part# or something that can be helpful. | 02:16 |
LulaMolusco | Hello, Every one... I've recently buy a new 64-bit computer with no OS.. I used a old ubuntu liveCD I had here, but it's 32-bit. I can upgrade from 7.10 32-bit to 8.04 64-bit directly? | 02:16 |
cheater-conrad | but i got sick of it because portage isn't good or unique anymore, and gentoo doesnt have any benefits i see | 02:16 |
Kernel | is there big differences in normal ubuntu and the server? | 02:16 |
misterecs81 | [JOEJOECIRCUSBOY] ==> Sweet, Thanks! | 02:17 |
Gnea | !usb | mrpockets | 02:17 |
ubottu | mrpockets: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 02:17 |
joejoecircusboy | LulaMolusco: no, you'll have to reinstall | 02:17 |
joejoecircusboy | misterecs81: np | 02:17 |
freeksh0w86 | Can't someone clean-room reverse engineer a Marvell wireless driver now that FCC deemed FLOSS wireless drivers legal now? | 02:17 |
amenado | LulaMolusco-> as you may find out, there are not many advantages with 64bits | 02:17 |
cheater-conrad | amenado: well, it depends | 02:17 |
LulaMolusco | thank you <joejoecircusboy> | 02:18 |
cheater-conrad | like, 64-bit debian > i386 debian will be a difference | 02:18 |
joejoecircusboy | LulaMolusco: np | 02:18 |
cheater-conrad | because 64-bit has so many more optimizations than old i386 | 02:18 |
amenado | cheater-conrad-> that is not many, thats is few :P | 02:18 |
LulaMolusco | AMENADO, why do you say that? There are major problems with the 64-bit version? | 02:18 |
gleyve | What's a good torrent software for Linux Ubuntu? | 02:18 |
bazhang | cheater-conrad, not much in fact | 02:18 |
cheater-conrad | ? | 02:18 |
cheater-conrad | over i386? | 02:18 |
bazhang | !torrent | gleyve | 02:18 |
ubottu | gleyve: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P | 02:18 |
cheater-conrad | you have all the i686 optimizations and more | 02:18 |
* freeksh0w86 loves 64-bit Ubuntu and knows how to configure Flash. | 02:18 | |
candive | Gnea, mrpockets / Thank you. | 02:19 |
amenado | LulaMolusco-> lots of apps are not writtent to take advantage of 64bit..mostly 32bits still | 02:19 |
bazhang | cheater-conrad, just use the generic kernel | 02:19 |
crazy_bus | I plugged in a logitech clearchat headset and got the mic working. However sound only comes out of one ear. I've checked that the volume control is set correctly. Is there anything I can do? | 02:19 |
IndyGunFreak | gleyve: default install has transmission, which is pretty good if you ask me | 02:19 |
* joejoecircusboy loves 64bit too | 02:19 | |
amenado | LulaMolusco-> but if you insist, go ahead, | 02:19 |
pajamian | freeksh0w86: there are people that are good at that and they have helped to create many of the drivers that Linux uses today (broadcomm drivers come to mind). But that said, you may be stuck with using ndiswrapper for a while longer. | 02:19 |
* IndyGunFreak bashed 64bits into 32bits | 02:19 | |
gleyve | IndyGunFreak: thank you | 02:19 |
Reformer81 | How would I go about reverting to an older version of an application so that the Update Manager tries to update it again? | 02:20 |
LulaMolusco | amenado -> hmmm, I see.. I'll think about for now. Probably I won't reinstall it | 02:20 |
zelrikriando | Reformer81, why no reinstalling? | 02:20 |
LulaMolusco | amenado -> Thank you so much for the advice | 02:20 |
zelrikriando | not* | 02:21 |
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amenado | LulaMolusco-> but soon, 64bit apps version would be available.. | 02:21 |
Reformer81 | zelrikriando: I want Update Manager to do it (I'm making a recording of how Update Manager works, but my system is 100% up to date ) | 02:22 |
pajamian | Reformer81: Just wait a couple days, then | 02:23 |
ari_stress | morning guys :) | 02:23 |
tanner | is there any way to convert a XFS drive to something else? without destroying the data | 02:23 |
LulaMolusco | amenado -> Then later I shall reinstall it, but now, this little beauty has some heavy work to complete ;) | 02:24 |
PhQu | just copy everything off of the XFS drive and than reformat it, than copy everything back? | 02:24 |
LulaMolusco | amenado -> Thank you for so much attention | 02:24 |
tanner | PhQu: thats basically waht im doing, but 500gb takes a while to copy | 02:24 |
amenado | LulaMolusco-> i wish you da best | 02:24 |
nickrud | !cookie | amenado | 02:25 |
ubottu | amenado: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 02:25 |
* amenado redfaced | 02:25 | |
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Atomic_UE | is there way to communicate with trackerd via command line? like a text based client or command or something? | 02:26 |
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nickrud | Atomic_UE there's several commands, ls /usr/bin/tracker* | 02:27 |
Tom_nuggin | someone help | 02:28 |
Tom_nuggin | "(myUserName) is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." | 02:28 |
siefny | hi all | 02:28 |
Tom_nuggin | I added myself to a new group,I modded the persmissinos file for usb write access, | 02:28 |
Tom_nuggin | now I can't gedit anytjing | 02:28 |
Tom_nuggin | anything :( | 02:28 |
siefny | sombody can help?? i have problem on grub..:/ | 02:28 |
pajamian | Tom_nuggin: you probably removed yourself from the wheel group by accident | 02:28 |
Tom_nuggin | how do I add myself back | 02:29 |
nickrud | pajamian admin group in ubuntu | 02:29 |
Tom_nuggin | ? | 02:29 |
pajamian | nickrud: oops, ok, admin group | 02:29 |
PhQu | siefny: what is the problem? | 02:29 |
nickrud | Tom_nuggin type groups in a terminal, what does it return? | 02:29 |
Tom_nuggin | timmy usbusers | 02:29 |
Tom_nuggin | Lol | 02:29 |
Tom_nuggin | yeap that's the turd that's got me in the mess | 02:29 |
Tom_nuggin | no other groups | 02:29 |
amenado | pajamian-> wheel group is not on ubuntu, perhaps on bsd like systems | 02:30 |
nickrud | Tom_nuggin yep, lost a bunch of groups. boot into recovery mode, go to the command line, and run adduser timmy admin | 02:30 |
pajamian | Tom_nuggin: you need to boot to a live CD, mount your hdd partition and modify the /etc/group file to add yourself back to the admin group | 02:30 |
Tom_nuggin | uh | 02:30 |
pajamian | amenado: it's on some linux systems, in ubuntu it's admin. | 02:30 |
Tom_nuggin | I'll do nickrud's way | 02:30 |
nickrud | or use pajamian's method, but mine is much easier :) | 02:30 |
Tom_nuggin | :) | 02:31 |
Tom_nuggin | ty | 02:31 |
pajamian | Tom_nuggin: yeah, nickrud's way is easier. | 02:31 |
siefny | im instal ubuntu 7.10 on alternate cd....and instal complete but on restart i see "disk boot faturite....' and im agin boot cd and select "boot 1st sector disk" | 02:31 |
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nickrud | Tom_nuggin then, once you've got that done, add the following: adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin | 02:31 |
hipitihop | I need to get a linux device connected via usbnet on my hardy laptop to see the outside world i.e. ping router and beyond, can someone please help ? | 02:31 |
siefny | grub run...and Erorr 10 :/ | 02:31 |
amenado | pajamian-> yes, but not many knows wheel is the root..only old foggies like us :P | 02:31 |
zelrikriando | hi nickrud | 02:31 |
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nickrud | zelrikriando hi | 02:31 |
Tom_nuggin | huh | 02:32 |
nickrud | amenado wasn't wheel for su privs, and also never used in debian/based ? | 02:32 |
Tom_nuggin | nickrud where? | 02:32 |
pajamian | amenado: hehehe, I use wheel on the centos boxes I admin for root sudo. I never actually checked what it was in ubuntu because I never had to mess with it. | 02:32 |
amenado | nickrud i believed it is | 02:32 |
nickrud | Tom_nuggin the easiest way is to use groupadd, but I suggest just adduser timmy <group> , repeat until done. Prevents the error | 02:32 |
pajamian | nickrud: yeah, I don't know for debian-based, I use wheel in centos which is RH based. | 02:33 |
Tom_nuggin | hmm do you know if there's a generic group for wireless | 02:33 |
Tom_nuggin | too | 02:33 |
* nickrud never got real good in rh based stuff, just did debian | 02:33 | |
Tom_nuggin | and usb | 02:33 |
nickrud | Tom_nuggin those are the groups I'm in, and have access to everything | 02:34 |
pajamian | Tom_nuggin: possibly, but once you get yourself in the admin group you can boot back into the regular install and fix the others from there. | 02:34 |
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Tom_nuggin | okay thanks nickrud, and pajamian for chirping in | 02:34 |
luigi | someone could help me with vsftpd? yesterday worked, and now not more... i think the .conf file are damaged.. | 02:34 |
Tom_nuggin | :)))) | 02:34 |
pajamian | nickrud: yeah, I started with RH, and still like it for servers, but I think ubuntu is the best for workstations. | 02:34 |
nickrud | pajamian I did suse, redhat then mandrake. Then wanted debian but brainlocked at the command line after the install :) Did lfs for about a half year with mandrake gui for fallback till I could do debian | 02:35 |
luigi | no one that know vsftpd? | 02:36 |
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gisli | hello | 02:36 |
pajamian | nickrud: heh, yeah, debian-based is different, but I didn't think that different. I've done some admin on a debian server in the past, but not lately. | 02:36 |
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Atomic_UE | nickrud, there doesn't seem to be anything of use...I'm looking for something the same as the search tool but for command line | 02:36 |
luigi | just for control my .conf file... | 02:36 |
gisli | where are everyone | 02:37 |
Johnny | can someone help me with a wireless problem, i took this card out of my other laptop which it worked fine with and i could go anywhere in my house but with this laptop im stuck in this room what do i do to fix it? | 02:37 |
pajamian | nickrud: but, to be honest, it was ubuntu that got me started using sudo, so now I use it on the RH based systems too. | 02:37 |
Meesis_Meeso | gisli: in your internetz bllocking ur connectionz | 02:37 |
nickrud | Atomic_UE tracker-query looks like the right command, but I don't know the format for the query-file.rdf | 02:37 |
nbcthreat | Johnny: are you sure it's using the same card? | 02:37 |
nbcthreat | Lots of laptops have cards built in. | 02:37 |
Johnny | yes | 02:37 |
Johnny | theres no other card | 02:37 |
nbcthreat | OK. | 02:37 |
nbcthreat | Same antenna? | 02:38 |
Meesis_Meeso | gisli: all your connectionz are belong to us. | 02:38 |
Johnny | there is no antenna | 02:38 |
Johnny | its an internal card | 02:38 |
nbcthreat | PCMCIA-type? | 02:38 |
nbcthreat | Sticks out the side? | 02:38 |
luigi | someone that control this vsftpd .conf file? http://paste.ubuntu.com/36864/ | 02:38 |
Atomic_UE | nickrud, mmm I don't have that command available...I'll look it up | 02:38 |
* siefny need help with grub (erorr 10) pls priv him ;P | 02:38 | |
Johnny | eth1 Centrino b ipw2100 | 02:38 |
gisli | wtf | 02:38 |
nbcthreat | same as it was before | 02:38 |
Meesis_Meeso | ? | 02:38 |
Johnny | yes | 02:38 |
nbcthreat | so it sticks out the side. | 02:39 |
Johnny | NO | 02:39 |
Johnny | INTERNAL | 02:39 |
pajamian | ok ... asking my printing question again ... | 02:39 |
pajamian | Hi everyone. I'm having problems printing to my Brother DCP-540CN. When I try to print it sits in the print queue on "Processing" indefinately. Can anyone help me find the problem? | 02:39 |
Bruno_F | i can't hear sound in the .swf's. any ideas why i can't? i'm using flashplugin non-free | 02:39 |
nbcthreat | Mini-pci, then. | 02:39 |
Wh00mp | i am trying to make a headless ubuntu server out of by laptop which lcd broke, i have everything working i think but there are two wires still sticking out of my laptop a grey and black wire, can i cut those? what will happen , what are they for? thanks in advance | 02:39 |
nbcthreat | OK. | 02:39 |
vilhelm | Hello ! I have a problem when i log out the screen where i should enter my user name and password is 2 much to the right so i cant see what i'm typing | 02:39 |
gisli | do enion know where i find an patch for ubuntu 8.04 to get ab 8.10 | 02:39 |
Wh00mp | the wires have to do with the lcd | 02:39 |
nbcthreat | What's likely going on is that the mini-pci cards depend on an antenna built in to the laptop by the manufacturer. There's likely no antenna on the laptop you move it to. | 02:40 |
bazhang | gisli, #ubuntu+1 | 02:40 |
Swian | anyone ever tried LinuxTiger? | 02:40 |
nbcthreat | Hence the greatly reduced range. | 02:40 |
nickrud | Wh00mp I think I'd find a hardware forum for your laptop ;) | 02:40 |
pajamian | and ... more info ... I can print to a file, and am trying to figure out how to use the lpr command to send the file to the printer now. Just to see if it works. | 02:40 |
bazhang | Swian, what is that | 02:40 |
Wh00mp | nickrud - thnaks | 02:40 |
gisli | i did try linux tiger that crap sticknse | 02:40 |
Swian | its a version of linux that tries to be like OS X in interface | 02:40 |
Gnea | !language | gisli | 02:40 |
ubottu | gisli: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 02:40 |
Swian | installing it in virtual box | 02:40 |
Atomic_UE | nickrud, tracker-utils package has that command as well as tracker-search which is command line search. Should do what I need. Thanks for your help | 02:41 |
Swian | I think its based on ubuntu | 02:41 |
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Swian | won't fit on a CD though, you'd need a cd | 02:41 |
Swian | DVD rather | 02:41 |
bazhang | max that nick is taken | 02:41 |
DozedOnLinux | looking for either, command-line, or gui for listing/displaying what dependencies are being used by what modules. basically looking to find if certain dependencies, are no longer needed. essentially, to ensure a blacklisted item is not affecting other modules. | 02:41 |
nickrud | Atomic_UE it probably would have done me good to look at the entire output of ls :) | 02:41 |
=== max is now known as Guest80901 | ||
vilhelm | Hello ! I have a problem when i log out the screen where i should enter my user name and password is 2 much to the right so i cant see what i'm typing | 02:42 |
gisli | has anyone trid the knew linux | 02:42 |
Swian | gisli, what new linux | 02:42 |
pajamian | vilhelm: adjust your monitor settings | 02:42 |
bazhang | gisli, that is in #ubuntu+1 not here | 02:42 |
luigi | no one can help me with VSFTPD ? | 02:42 |
mjs7231 | I know this is the wrong channel but I have a basic Python question, anyone know Python here? | 02:43 |
Nutt718 | !vls | 02:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vls | 02:43 |
wols_ | mjs7231: #python | 02:43 |
vilhelm | but what should i adjust cuz when i'm in everything is fine | 02:43 |
Nutt718 | !vsl | 02:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vsl | 02:43 |
mjs7231 | wols_, it says I need an ident to join that channel.. :-/ | 02:43 |
ssastre | hi there, is there a way to make a grep -P in debian? | 02:43 |
nickrud | luigi people that use it do come through regularly, just ask every 15min or so | 02:43 |
gisli | ok but how can i play any games in ubuntu | 02:43 |
wols_ | !register > mjs7231 | 02:43 |
pajamian | vilhelm: it's probably using a different video mode and your monitor needs to be adjusted for that video mode. | 02:43 |
ubottu | mjs7231, please see my private message | 02:43 |
ssastre | with other command or something equivalent? | 02:43 |
wols_ | mjs7231: we still won#t answer python questions. use the appropriate channel | 02:43 |
bazhang | !wine | gisli | 02:44 |
ubottu | gisli: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility. | 02:44 |
Swian | gisli you can run some under wine | 02:44 |
luigi | nickrud thaks a lot | 02:44 |
nbcthreat | Anyone here have any experience installing Ubuntu via USB? | 02:44 |
mjs7231 | Thanks guys.. :) | 02:44 |
mjs7231 | I know how to make an ident now | 02:44 |
vilhelm | ok but how can i change that pajamian? | 02:44 |
bazhang | !usb | nbcthreat | 02:44 |
ubottu | nbcthreat: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 02:44 |
pajamian | vilhelm: log out, then use the buttons on your monitor (it is different for each monitor). | 02:45 |
gisli | is ubuntu 8.10 out | 02:45 |
joejoecircusboy | gisli: Not until 8.10 | 02:45 |
nbcthreat | Thanks. I've tried all the available USB methods, but everything hangs at initramfs during boot on my Thinkpad X40. | 02:45 |
Nutt718 | Has anyone tried VLC Media Player? | 02:45 |
nbcthreat | Any chance it's the hardware? | 02:45 |
vilhelm | pajamian ok but i have a really old monitor so i cant get into any menus | 02:45 |
wols_ | !anyone > Nutt718 | 02:45 |
nbcthreat | VLC is great. | 02:45 |
ubottu | Nutt718, please see my private message | 02:45 |
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pajamian | vilhelm: it's possible that the monitor is not compatible with the video mode displayed by the login screen as well, but try adjusting it first. | 02:46 |
DG19075 | agres wityh nbcthreat | 02:46 |
joejoecircusboy | wols_: Why don't you write a script for that? | 02:46 |
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DozedOnLinux | Nutt718: VLC works very nice, i use it all the time | 02:46 |
pajamian | vilhelm: and as for the monitor not working properly, I can't help you if your monitor is broken. | 02:47 |
=== mjs7231 is now known as mjs7231_ | ||
arthur_ | vlc rocks... | 02:47 |
DG19075 | I've used VLC with Windows at work to play m4a spot comtent. Really helpful | 02:47 |
Nutt718 | DozedOnLinux, DG19075, thanks | 02:47 |
arthur_ | mplayer is cool too | 02:47 |
vilhelm | pajamian my monitor is not broken when it works fine inside but @ the login the box is just in the right down corner | 02:47 |
vilhelm | it was fine before i installed my geforce drivers | 02:48 |
vilhelm | and i had same problem in Ubuntu | 02:48 |
axisys | how to install gizmo project ? | 02:48 |
arthur_ | what monotor? | 02:48 |
axisys | is there a deb pkg ? | 02:48 |
Flacker | what output are you supposed to get when you do the command modprobe ndiswrapper? | 02:48 |
pajamian | vilhelm: try changing the video mode for the login screen, then (not sure how, let me see if I can find it)... | 02:48 |
vilhelm | ok thx alot | 02:49 |
nbcthreat | axisys: there's a deb on the gizmo website | 02:49 |
pajamian | vilhelm: it's probably a setting in your xorg.conf file somewhere, I'm not sure what the setting is. | 02:49 |
axisys | nbcthreat: http://gizmo5.com/pc/download/linux/ it only talks about dapper | 02:50 |
pajamian | vilhelm: but you should be able to change the video mode to one that actually works with your monitor. | 02:50 |
nickrud | Flacker if the module got inserted into the kernel properly, you'll see no output | 02:50 |
Flacker | ok | 02:50 |
DozedOnLinux | vilhelm: thats a resolution issue. you can probably just edit the ("Virtual Display" section of xorg.conf ),resolution to fix it. | 02:50 |
mjs7231 | OK, color me stupid.. but I registered my nickname and it still says "#python :You need to be identified to join that channel" when I try to join.. :( | 02:50 |
Flacker | my wireless however is still not working and the driver was correctly installed | 02:51 |
k4r1m | could anybody help? i cant seem to get some of the audio working while playing back mkv files... | 02:51 |
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cheater-conrad | what package is "sh" in | 02:51 |
cheater-conrad | the command | 02:51 |
nbcthreat | axisys: I think it worked just fine for me recently. | 02:51 |
pajamian | [18:51] -NickServ- mjs7231 has NOT COMPLETED registration verification | 02:51 |
cheater-conrad | binutils? | 02:51 |
nbcthreat | Try it and see what happens. | 02:51 |
craigbass1976 | I'm trying to save data on a windows box. when mounting (fmro the live cd-- sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1p1) I get mount:special device /dev/hda1p1 does not exist | 02:51 |
craigbass1976 | However, I can see that it is there in fdisk | 02:51 |
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mjs7231 | thanks pajamian, I'm in a weird mood, need to read more carefully! :) | 02:52 |
fcrx7turbo | how do i know on what hd number a os is on if it only shows /dev/sda | 02:52 |
mjs7231 | pajamian, Thanks im all set now | 02:52 |
pajamian | mjs7231: yw | 02:52 |
gisli | somone has ubuntu 7.04 in this chat | 02:52 |
craigbass1976 | ok, forget it. just did /dev/hda1 and it was fine. whatever. Can anyone explain that one? | 02:53 |
craigbass1976 | Why fdisk prints out the weird devicepath? | 02:53 |
gsevil | can somebody help me? why I suddenly can't access to main menu, while Places and System is ok, and Firefox can't show bookmark bar, problem with interface | 02:53 |
DozedOnLinux | gisli: is there something in which you need assistance with 7.04 ? | 02:54 |
Gnea | gsevil: tried logging out/back in? | 02:54 |
gisli | yes my friend has it and i dont understand the internet seting's it 7.04 i have 8.04 | 02:55 |
nbcthreat | gsevil: ctrl+alt+backspace if you can't | 02:55 |
gsevil | I 've restarted my computer | 02:55 |
nbcthreat | gsevil: same issue? | 02:55 |
luigi | someone that control this vsftpd .conf file? http://paste.ubuntu.com/36864/ | 02:56 |
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Gnea | gsevil: try making a new account - does the problem happen there too? | 02:56 |
DozedOnLinux | gisli: stating more specific issue may help in resolving the issue. what is the setting(s) in which you are having trouble with ? | 02:56 |
gisli | can someone help me | 02:56 |
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gisli | 7.04 internet setting's | 02:57 |
nbcthreat | gsevil: alse make sure you've turned the visual effects off in the appearance menu | 02:57 |
test34 | What should I use to convert text images to real text? | 02:57 |
DozedOnLinux | gisli: sorry, but that is not enough information. what internet settings are you trying to change/modify. most can be set using Network Manager. | 02:58 |
gisli | and every time i try to put the password for the internet nothing happen's | 02:58 |
Tom_nuggin | yay I can gedit | 02:58 |
Tom_nuggin | I added myself to the vboxusers group that was created for virtual box | 02:59 |
Tom_nuggin | I can't seem to remember if I added any other groups | 02:59 |
Tom_nuggin | VM cannot start because the hard disk is not accessible (VD: error opening image file (VERR_ACCESS_DENIED)). | 02:59 |
hardhatpat | i need to remove 3dnow support from my kernel to fix a bug in quake3 ... does anyone have any experience with kernel recompilations? | 02:59 |
siefny | if some one can help me with grub (erorr 10) pls pm me... | 02:59 |
Tom_nuggin | "VM cannot start because the hard disk '/home/timmy/.VirtualBox/WindowsXP.vmdk' is not accessible (VD: error opening image file '/home/timmy/.VirtualBox/WindowsXP.vmdk' (VERR_ACCESS_DENIED))." | 02:59 |
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Daisuke_Laptop | !kernel | hardhatpat | 03:00 |
ubottu | hardhatpat: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 03:00 |
DozedOnLinux | gisli: are you speaking of the WEP or WPA settings(for netowrk) , or something else altogether ? | 03:00 |
compaq_ | is there a way to configure two monitors/ | 03:00 |
compaq_ | ? | 03:00 |
shubuntu | hey does anyone know how to whois someone on here? i tried typing / whois with the slash close to whois but it didn't work | 03:00 |
nbcthreat | compaq: depends on the video card | 03:00 |
gisli | Tom_nuggin remove the hard drive and put in again | 03:01 |
abe3k | hi, any one knows how to add a python script to the right click dropdown menu in nautilus ? | 03:01 |
Daisuke_Laptop | shubuntu: check the server window, it doesn't show in the channel window | 03:01 |
DozedOnLinux | shubuntu: Network Tools application in menu | 03:01 |
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gisli | WPA | 03:01 |
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gsevi1 | I've just create a new account, and it's normal, so what's the problem with my account? can I change it back? | 03:01 |
shubuntu | i guess xchat doesn't have it then | 03:01 |
DozedOnLinux | gisli: for that you need to setup a WPA file on your computer along with the WPA passphrase | 03:01 |
Flannel | abe3k: ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ | 03:02 |
bazhang | gisli, remove the hard drive? that is not helpful advice. | 03:02 |
abe3k | Flannel: Thanx | 03:02 |
q_a_z_steve | Can someone help me with arccos? I've heard dd_rescue can work through this? | 03:02 |
n1zjd | shubuntu, Click on the EFNet tab in xchat | 03:03 |
Flannel | n1zjd: What on earth? | 03:03 |
gisli | bazhag:it did happend with my computter and did take him out and put him bak in | 03:03 |
n1zjd | opps | 03:03 |
misterecs81 | I'm trying to configure my ATI Video card driver (from the ATI website) but it won't let me saying: " aticonfig --initial Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad File Descriptor" what do I do? | 03:03 |
n1zjd | the FreeNode tab | 03:03 |
n1zjd | my bad | 03:03 |
bazhang | gisli, this is for a vm; that is not a solution. | 03:03 |
gisli | jeje it did work | 03:04 |
misterecs81 | I'm trying to configure my ATI Video card driver (from the ATI website) but it won't let me saying: " aticonfig --initial Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad File Descriptor" what do I do? | 03:04 |
DozedOnLinux | gisli: you can take a look at this, as it will probably be of some assistance> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo?#Configuring%20wpa_supplicant | 03:05 |
gisli | how do i put up wpa file an wpa passphrase | 03:05 |
DozedOnLinux | gisli: that should help you out. there is a few steps | 03:05 |
misterecs81 | I'm trying to configure my ATI Video card driver (from the ATI website) but it won't let me saying: " aticonfig --initial Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Bad File Descriptor" what do I do? | 03:06 |
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fauzie | hi ... | 03:06 |
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Pelo | evening folks | 03:06 |
fauzie | need help setting up sound | 03:07 |
q_a_z_steve | bazhang: ever deal with ARccOS ? | 03:07 |
Flacker | hey I have ndiswrapper installed and my wireless is not working still | 03:07 |
bazhang | q_a_z_steve, what is that | 03:07 |
Pelo | fauzie, can you be a little more specific ? | 03:07 |
q_a_z_steve | dvd encoding | 03:07 |
fauzie | I have Audigy 2 soundcard, and an onboard soundcard | 03:07 |
bazhang | q_a_z_steve, what is your end goal here | 03:07 |
fauzie | Ubuntu thinks taht I am using the soundboard one | 03:07 |
fauzie | how do I change this? | 03:08 |
siefny | someone can help??im instal ubuntu 7.10 on alternate cd....and instal complete but on restart i see "disk boot faturite....' and im agin boot cd and select "boot 1st sector disk" and...grub run and erorr 10 :/ | 03:08 |
Pelo | Flacker, you are aware that you need to setup your wifi's window driver in ndiswrapper right ? | 03:08 |
Pelo | fauzie, do you want to use both or just the one ? | 03:08 |
Flacker | yeah I did that too Pelo and it still doesnt work sorry for not clarifying | 03:08 |
fauzie | Just the Audigy | 03:08 |
Pelo | fauzie, check in your bios settings, do disable the onboard card | 03:09 |
Pelo | Flacker, check in the forum and on this link, see if they have any specifics about your card , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 03:09 |
fauzie | so .. restart and press F8?? | 03:09 |
Pelo | fauzie, usualy del on most computer , but it might be f8 on yours, you often get a message "press ??? for setup" in the first screen when you boot | 03:10 |
Pelo | fauzie, better check your manual | 03:10 |
lunch | .close | 03:10 |
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fauzie | ok ... trying | 03:11 |
fauzie | manual gone a long time ago :D | 03:11 |
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Pelo | fauzie, just read the screen when you boot, it migth go by quickly | 03:12 |
Flacker | and another thing Pelo the wireless function in the wireless app thing seems to have disapeared | 03:13 |
arthur_ | usually del or f2 or f10 hold one down at a time while booting.... | 03:13 |
Pelo | Flacker, I'm no good with wifi , but it might just be a change in the app , if you just upgraded | 03:13 |
Flacker | I didnt | 03:14 |
Flacker | which is weird | 03:14 |
compaq_ | is there a way to setup for a second monitor | 03:14 |
compaq_ | ? | 03:14 |
Pelo | !dualhead | compaq_ | 03:14 |
ubottu | compaq_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 03:14 |
* Pelo 's neighbour gave him a 17"crt , in thanks for installing ubuntu on her machine. slightly newer then my old on | 03:15 | |
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Flynsarmy | In an mkv when trying to set vlc as the default application i get: 'Failed to close file /home/user/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list.RKHSFU: fclose() failed: Success'. Anyone know how to fix it? | 03:21 |
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Legendario | Is there any program to check for the life time of the hard disc, hard errors, etc? Can anyone suggest me something like that? | 03:21 |
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pajamian | gah, I can't believe I'm this stupid. I just power-cycled my priner and it's working now. | 03:21 |
fauzie | ok sound is working now ... | 03:22 |
pajamian | Legendario: smartctl | 03:22 |
juan | hi | 03:22 |
Pelo | Legendario, maybe try asking in #hardware | 03:22 |
Pelo | fauzie, congrats | 03:22 |
Pelo | !hi | juan | 03:23 |
ubottu | juan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:23 |
fauzie | Pelo, thanks for ur help | 03:23 |
pajamian | !info smartmontools | Legendario | 03:23 |
ubottu | legendario: smartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.37-6ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 281 kB, installed size 688 kB | 03:23 |
Pelo | fauzie, what key did you have to hit ? | 03:23 |
fauzie | Just like u said, disable the 2nd soundcard from BIOS | 03:24 |
fauzie | it was Alt-F2 | 03:24 |
fauzie | ... well... no ... It was Del | 03:24 |
fauzie | :D | 03:24 |
Pelo | ;-) | 03:24 |
Legendario | thanks pajamian, i guess thats exactly what i was wondering! ;-) | 03:25 |
fauzie | I haven't use Linux for 4 years (had to use WIndows because I went home and live with parents) | 03:26 |
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pajamian | Legendario: yw | 03:26 |
fauzie | so many things had changed ... | 03:26 |
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pajamian | fauzie: wow, oppresive parents. | 03:26 |
Flynsarmy | Where does apt save all the .deb's ? | 03:27 |
fauzie | Yeah, but I used Firefox, GIMP, and Pidgin on windows ... | 03:27 |
m0u5e | o__O; | 03:27 |
* Gnea ducks | 03:27 | |
pajamian | Flynsarmy: /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 03:28 |
dmsuperman | So I try to reinstall libgtk2.0-0 (because I installed a custom one for the global menu, and didn't like it). However, "sudo apt-get install --reinstall -y libgtk2.0-0" responds that it can't be installed because it couldn't be downloaded | 03:28 |
dmsuperman | Any ideas why that might be and how to force it to download it? | 03:29 |
Pelo | Flynsarmy, /var/apt/cahe or something similar | 03:29 |
DozedOnLinux | /var/cache/apt/archives | 03:29 |
Pelo | dmsuperman, might just be something with the server , change the server and see | 03:29 |
Flynsarmy | pajamian, To make space am i able to just sudo rm * in that directory? | 03:30 |
dmsuperman | Pelo: how do I do that from the command line? | 03:30 |
pajamian | Flynsarmy: to make space just: sudo apt-get clean | 03:30 |
Flynsarmy | pajamian, Thanks | 03:31 |
pajamian | Flynsarmy: yw | 03:31 |
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dmsuperman | Does anybody know how I can change which server apt-get is using from the command line? | 03:32 |
candive | Hi all, My flash-drive is "un-mountable. How do I format my USB. Please. | 03:32 |
dmsuperman | candive: parted or gparted will let you | 03:33 |
dmsuperman | candive: gparted being the GUI one | 03:33 |
cellofellow | candive: try sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sd[a-z]1 | 03:33 |
pajamian | dmsuperman: you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file | 03:33 |
cellofellow | candive: but only if you *really* want to format. | 03:33 |
dmsuperman | pajamian: I'm trying to get libgtk2.0-0 to reinstall...which entry would I need to change and to what value? | 03:34 |
kindofabuzz | is a swap file auto created if one is not specified? i reinstalled the other day without setting a swap partition because i usually set a swap file insted once installed. but I just remembered I never made that swap file. but according to system monitor i have a 1.3G swap but never created one | 03:34 |
pajamian | !info libgtk2.0 | 03:34 |
candive | dmsuperman, cellofellow thanksThanks I will try again | 03:34 |
candive | will try | 03:34 |
Pelo | later folks | 03:34 |
pajamian | bah the bot disappeared. | 03:35 |
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summatusmentis | I'm working on installing Ubuntu to a Motion Computing LE1600, and I've installed it via VMWare to a partition, but I can't figure out how to get GRUB installed | 03:36 |
Flynsarmy | How good is gparted at resizing partitions without losing data? | 03:36 |
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summatusmentis | since it's a Tablet PC, there's no way to boot from CD, and it can't boot from USB | 03:37 |
pajamian | Flynsarmy: I've never seen a problem with it, but I highly recommend that you back up first. | 03:37 |
FAJALOU | hi my boot time is running a little slow and there is a program that i think is bogging it down; how can i try turning it off? | 03:39 |
candive | cellofellow, terminal says its mounted but re insert nothing computer file brows shows but unable to mount?? | 03:39 |
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scorch__ | has anyone upgrade to 8.10 yet? | 03:41 |
scorch__ | *ed | 03:41 |
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blizzardman1219 | does anyone here have experience with the wpa_gui? | 03:42 |
FAJALOU | scorch__: try #ubuntu+1 | 03:42 |
scorch__ | ok thanks | 03:42 |
Ashfire908 | is webmin in the ubuntu repos? | 03:45 |
FAJALOU | is it possible for my computer, at boot, to run scripts simutaneously? | 03:45 |
crdlb | !webmin | Ashfire908 | 03:45 |
crdlb | bah | 03:45 |
crdlb | Ashfire908: no, but I think there's some sort of replacement | 03:45 |
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kindofabuzz | oh i figured out why i have a swap even though i didn't make one. i have a swap partition on another hard drive from another distro. i guess ubuntu auto uses it | 03:46 |
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Ashfire908 | crdlb, yeah, I thought so. | 03:46 |
scorch__ | kindo: yeah it will detect and us it | 03:46 |
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scorch__ | *use | 03:46 |
isaacj87 | what does one do when they're trying to install packages that have unmet deps? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5578095&postcount=27) | 03:47 |
kindofabuzz | can i safely unmount a swap and create one where i want it? | 03:47 |
debCarlos | What soft do you recommend to me for doing backups ? | 03:47 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: how much physical memory do you have ? | 03:47 |
debCarlos | !backup | 03:47 |
kindofabuzz | DozedOnLinux: 768 | 03:47 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: in terminal this reports ? > sudo cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness | 03:48 |
lWizardl | hi | 03:48 |
candive | dmsuperman, cellofellow, gparted worked. it stumbled but it worked. | 03:48 |
lWizardl | how do i fix the GDM themes from gnome-look to install on Ubuntu? | 03:48 |
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kindofabuzz | DozedOnLinux: reason i'm asking because i prefer a swap file and i plan to format the other distro anyways which has the swap partition | 03:48 |
cellofellow | candive: gparted uses mkfs anyway, so it'd been quicker with the CLI. | 03:49 |
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crdlb | Ashfire908: found it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox | 03:49 |
debCarlos | Hey | 03:50 |
candive | cellofellow the terminal command did not work? But gparted did the job thank you. | 03:50 |
Ashfire908 | crdlb, thanks. | 03:50 |
debCarlos | What happened to ubottu | 03:50 |
debCarlos | ?? | 03:50 |
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DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: well there is a way to stop using it, maybe it would work if you disable swap, then remove swap drive. not sure though | 03:50 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: that would probably entail you to remove that distro right after doing so | 03:51 |
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kindofabuzz | DozedOnLinux: yeah i know how, just wondering if things will go weird by disabling it for a little bit until the swap file is set up | 03:51 |
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DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: this is temporary for current session. there is a way to keep it, but i have since lost them notes> sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=0 | 03:51 |
candive | chow | 03:51 |
kindofabuzz | DozedOnLinux: ok thanks | 03:52 |
blizzardman1219 | does anyone here have experience with the wpa_gui? | 03:52 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: just trying to throw some ideas in the pot | 03:52 |
arthur_ | how do i tell how big the vdrive is in vbox? from linux side...linux is the host | 03:52 |
theBrettman | can I look through the filesystem with grub? | 03:53 |
theBrettman | I wanna see if certain dir are there... | 03:53 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: after restart, it will go back to default , this shows current >sudo cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness | 03:53 |
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ak-49 | Hi, I am trying to install snort-mysql via apt-get however I'm getting errors. The first time I ran apt-get it ran the proper config scripts and started the config wizard but I answered a few questions wrong so I wanted to remove the package and reinstall. Now I am getting errors when I try to remove or reinstall the package. I will paste the relevant errors on pastebin.com any one know what might be causing this? | 03:54 |
summatusmentis | anyone have suggestions as to how to get GRUB installed on my LE1600? | 03:54 |
fallore | i was installing from guty to HH and i got the "generating locales..." error. i booted into failsafe gnome and downloaded the packages manually, killing the locale process as it came up. it finished, and i'm not sure what i should do now. reboot? | 03:54 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: i have 512mb and can successfully run it at (but i dont put a great load on mem)> sudo sysctl -w vm.swappiness=0 | 03:54 |
kindofabuzz | DozedOnLinux: you can also just do swapoff =) | 03:54 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: yeah ? | 03:55 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: is that Kernel Option ? | 03:55 |
kindofabuzz | swapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swap‐ | 03:56 |
kindofabuzz | ping | 03:56 |
misterecs81 | I'm trying to use 'BUILDPKG' and i'm having allot of errors, can anyone help? | 03:56 |
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kindofabuzz | swapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swap‐ | 03:56 |
kindofabuzz | ping | 03:56 |
DozedOnLinux | lol | 03:56 |
kindofabuzz | ooops | 03:56 |
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ak-49 | here is the error I'm getting when trying to install snort-mysql if anyone is willing to help. | 03:56 |
ak-49 | http://pastebin.com/m4a8f8837 | 03:56 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: do i use that as Kernel Option for boot ? is that what you are saying ? | 03:56 |
dabb1 | which uses less resource memory mozilla or opera | 03:56 |
dark_j | how do you setup a usb printer in a non-gui on ubuntu-server? | 03:57 |
kindofabuzz | DozedOnLinux: no just cli | 03:57 |
John12345 | hell whats the name of that song that goes do do dodado dodado do do dado dadado | 03:57 |
John12345 | it jazzy | 03:57 |
John12345 | swing kind of | 03:57 |
John12345 | help please | 03:57 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: ok that looks interesting i will check it out later | 03:57 |
dark_j | how do you setup a usb printer in a non-gui on ubuntu-server? | 03:57 |
kindofabuzz | DozedOnLinux: i was just letting you know that you just run swapoff instead of setting swappiness to 0 | 03:57 |
dark_j | ? | 03:58 |
ak-49 | Any takers? | 03:58 |
dabb1 | which uses less resource memory mozilla or opera | 03:58 |
theBrettman | can I look through the filesystem with grub? | 03:59 |
ak-49 | I know the problem is in the post-install script | 03:59 |
theBrettman | I wanna see if certain dir are there... | 03:59 |
=== John12345 is now known as zfer4r5 | ||
theBrettman | cause I'm getting error 15 | 03:59 |
dark_j | how do you setup a usb printer in a non-gui on ubuntu-server? | 03:59 |
ak-49 | is there another way I can try to remove a package and reinstall it? | 03:59 |
joejoecircusboy | error 15? Jesus, that's not good! | 03:59 |
theBrettman | u use reinstall instead of install | 03:59 |
theBrettman | with apt-get | 03:59 |
dabb1 | which uses less resource memory mozilla or opera | 04:00 |
ak-49 | I tried that. | 04:00 |
debCarlos | How can i check the speed of my messages in pidgin | 04:00 |
debCarlos | > | 04:00 |
debCarlos | How can i make a tar.gz archive ? | 04:00 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: well, i use it as a temporary deal, as i dont know what will happen if i boot into that type of situation | 04:00 |
fallore | i was installing from guty to HH and i got the "generating locales..." error. i booted into failsafe gnome and downloaded the packages manually, killing the locale process as it came up. it finished, and i'm not sure what i should do now. reboot? | 04:00 |
theBrettman | so is there a way to look through the file system to find a / ? | 04:00 |
theBrettman | (in grub) | 04:00 |
jrib | debCarlos: right click -> create archive | 04:00 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: but i will look into it, as this current install will be toast, and installed on another machine with much better speed | 04:01 |
theBrettman | cause I put vmlinuz and initrd.gz in /install/ | 04:01 |
debCarlos | jrib: From terminal... | 04:01 |
DozedOnLinux | kindofabuzz: this is just old junker i use for testing | 04:01 |
jrib | debCarlos: tar czf file.tar.gz file1 file2 ... | 04:01 |
zz | startx does not work like it used to, i used to be able to type startx COMMAND and it used to start that application all by itself | 04:01 |
kindofabuzz | DozedOnLinux: you should just make a swap file instead of a whole partition, easy directions here, middle of page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq | 04:02 |
debCarlos | ok jrib, thanks | 04:02 |
DozedOnLinux | zz: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:02 |
zz | DozedOnLinux: I am trying to play a game but it keeps windowing out from fullscreen and lags like mad | 04:03 |
Cdilling | hey all | 04:03 |
Cdilling | anyone used/ ever install wireshark? | 04:03 |
jrib | Cdilling: best to just ask the channel your question | 04:04 |
Cdilling | has anyone installed wireshark on ubuntu? | 04:04 |
jrib | Cdilling: of course. Is that your actual question? | 04:04 |
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dante__ | hola | 04:05 |
elf_ | how do you install the prior version of KDE4? | 04:05 |
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Lideruno | olá! sei que não pode tcr em português, mas algem poderia dialogar comigo, pq não consigo me cadastrar!poderia? | 04:05 |
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kindofabuzz | sudo aptitude install wireshark | 04:05 |
mixed1234 | how do you install the prior version of KDE4? | 04:05 |
zz | how do i run one program with X ? | 04:05 |
jrib | Lideruno: /join #ubuntu-pt | 04:05 |
castillo | how can i reset a /dev/ttyACM0 port,, i'm getting this: Failed to open /dev/ttyACM0: Input/output error ?? | 04:06 |
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Cdilling | thanks kindo | 04:06 |
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DozedOnLinux | zz: i thought you said startx doesnt work for you ... or ... is it a game that doesnt work for you ? | 04:07 |
zz | startx works, but how do i "launch" X and the game? I thought I could so startx /Path/to/Game yes? | 04:07 |
DozedOnLinux | zz: i suppose you may for some games, but, why you avoid going into X ? | 04:08 |
zz | DozedOnLinux: because something makes it window and then it lags | 04:08 |
* De[X]tone says hello... morning guyz.. | 04:09 | |
jrib | !register > Lideruno (read the private message from ubottu) | 04:09 |
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Gnea | zz: what system specs do you have? | 04:09 |
zz | so if i got rid of everything else running in X then that would I am gussing solve my problem | 04:09 |
DozedOnLinux | zz: can you successfully run the games form command-line without the use of X ? | 04:09 |
m1xed | anyone know what is the prior version of KDE4 and how do I install it? | 04:09 |
zz | Gnea: how is that relevant if it did not do this yesterday? | 04:09 |
linuxguymarshall | I am having trouble running synaptic. gksudo says that it is already running and it is trying to bring it to the foreground. I had to Force quit last time I ran | 04:09 |
zz | DozedOnLinux: it complains that no X is running lol | 04:10 |
Gnea | zz: that's silly, the only thing that would be slowing the system down is older hardware | 04:10 |
Gnea | zz: or if it's new, improper drivers/setup | 04:10 |
DozedOnLinux | zz: it may make a difference in how you attack the issue, so it may very well be relevent | 04:10 |
zz | Gnea: since when does linux use drivers? | 04:10 |
Gnea | zz: since forever. | 04:10 |
zilt0id | hello, does anyone know how to tell if a particular network interface is using a static or dynamic ip address? | 04:10 |
zz | Gnea: drivers and modules are the same thing? | 04:10 |
Gnea | zz: if you perform the lsmod command, you will see them all loaded. | 04:10 |
Gnea | zz: yes. | 04:10 |
DozedOnLinux | zz: i see, sorry i cant help users that dont want the help | 04:11 |
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Gnea | DozedOnLinux: enough. | 04:11 |
fallore | augh i upgraded from gutsy to hardy and my mouse configuration is back to default, the side buttons no longer go back and forward like i had them. is there an easy fix or do i have to figure the whole thing out again? | 04:11 |
bobyada_ | what does my phone require to use blue proximity? | 04:11 |
Gnea | zz: what game is it? | 04:11 |
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zz | Gnea: openarena, it used to work fine, but now it goes to window mode after a certain amount of time and then it becomes unplayable | 04:12 |
zz | I am going to try and disable screensaver | 04:12 |
Gnea | zz: have you tried resetting the game config? | 04:12 |
zz | I haven't screwed the the config | 04:12 |
zz | *witht he | 04:12 |
Gnea | that could be it. | 04:12 |
zzzz_ | sup zz | 04:12 |
zzzz_ | im zzzz | 04:12 |
zzzz_ | lol | 04:12 |
Gnea | try mv'ing it out of the way | 04:13 |
zz | ok zzzzz? | 04:13 |
linuxguymarshall | zz:Look at config, then restart your pc, then reinstall | 04:13 |
Gnea | zz: then start the game fresh - see if it switches on its own again or not | 04:13 |
linuxguymarshall | I need help with synaptic | 04:13 |
Gnea | grrr, the bot crashed again | 04:13 |
Gnea | how dare it! | 04:14 |
Cdilling | I have wireshark installed...has anyone used it? | 04:14 |
zilt0id | Cdilling, yes | 04:14 |
jclock80 | I'm very new to Ubuntu and having trouble setting up bluetooth. Can anyone help? | 04:15 |
dennister | would anyone here have any experience with voice synthesizers for the blind? specifically, I'm having some difficulty getting speakup to work with the various syntheisizers that are installed and available | 04:15 |
m1xed | anyone knows how to install KDE 3.5? | 04:15 |
Bhavesh | any good explanation of why ubuntu configures first hdd drive as sda instead of hda ? | 04:16 |
dew5 | whats the difference between kbuntu and ubuntu? | 04:16 |
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jrib | Bhavesh: libata | 04:16 |
Gnea | dennister: have you tried festival? | 04:16 |
m1xed | Bhavesh, do you have a sata HD? | 04:16 |
dennister | m1xed: try installing kubuntu...full kde | 04:16 |
zilt0id | dew5, kubuntu runs KDE, ubuntu runs GNOME | 04:16 |
DozedOnLinux | dew5: KDE vs GNome | 04:16 |
Bhavesh | m1xed :nope.. strictly IDE drives | 04:16 |
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m1xed | dennister, yes but wont that install KDE4??? I HATE KDE4 | 04:16 |
linuxguymarshall | how can I end synaptic from the terminal? | 04:17 |
dennister | dew5: only difference is the kde for kubuntu | 04:17 |
dew5 | which would you 2 prefer? | 04:17 |
Bhavesh | this is a few yrs old m/b don't even have SATA ctrl | 04:17 |
Gnea | !caps | m1xed | 04:17 |
Gnea | rawr. | 04:17 |
dennister | m1xed: no, you have to install kde4 to get kde4 | 04:17 |
Bhavesh | can you also label rest of the drives the same way /dev/sdX instead of /dev/hdX? | 04:18 |
m1xed | dennister, i dont want to install kde4, i want to install kde 3.5 | 04:18 |
jrib | Bhavesh: yes, that's how the kernel handles them now | 04:18 |
dennister | Gnea: festival is installed and working with kttsmgr, but not in console with speakup, and this blind user needs something working in console | 04:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | m1xed: NO, kde4 is NOT the default for kubuntu | 04:18 |
Daisuke_Laptop | m1xed: all you have to do is install kubuntu-desktop and select kde from the login | 04:19 |
windowsxp | how do you change the main menu icon on the panel? | 04:19 |
Bhavesh | jrib thank you .. one more q'. how about the secondary hdd ctrl's ( i am have built in FakeRaid ctrl and i am going to put one more pci card ctrl will they be called /dev/hdX or /dev/sdX ? | 04:19 |
jrib | Bhavesh: I don't know anything about raid. But afaik, everything is /dev/sdX now | 04:20 |
Bhavesh | jrib thanks.. let's see how it goes | 04:20 |
m1xed | Daisuke, so I should execute sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop??? | 04:20 |
dennister | Gnea: the problem may be that speakup doesn't know which synthesizer to use, as installing the required speechd-up and speech-dispatcher also pulled in some other dependences, like espeak and flite, as well as festival | 04:20 |
zilt0id | sdX is for SATA devices, AFAIK | 04:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | m1xed: correct | 04:20 |
Daisuke_Laptop | zilt0id: sdX is for everything now. | 04:20 |
m1xed | Daisuke, thank you sensei! I'll do that right now | 04:20 |
zz | Gnea: it was the screensaver | 04:21 |
Dice|Desktop | Hey guys | 04:21 |
Dice|Desktop | And gals | 04:21 |
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zz | i disabled it and now it doesnt window out | 04:21 |
Bhavesh | zilt0id i know, question was if i have additional add on hdd ctrls will they have label sdX or hdX ? | 04:21 |
Gnea | dennister: according to apt, speechd-up is a sort of 'bridge' between the kernel and the user interface... i admit i do not know much about it, as we rarely have blind users grace us with their presence. | 04:21 |
goanookie | glas on this ubuntu channel ? | 04:21 |
powergoal2 | Does anyone know of a rubiks cube style puzzle game on linux? | 04:21 |
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Dice|Desktop | Does anyone know how I would un-frak my machine? :) | 04:21 |
zilt0id | Bhavesh, no clue | 04:21 |
Bhavesh | zilt0id no problem.. i am going to find out soon | 04:22 |
Daisuke_Laptop | !info gnubik | powergoal2 | 04:22 |
error404notfound | I have HP Compaq 6720s and Ubuntu 8.04LTS. When I close the lid, and then open, the last screen hangs up... computer dies, I have to do a force restart by pulling out the battery.. | 04:22 |
Daisuke_Laptop | no bot. | 04:22 |
Gnea | dennister: are you using fiesty? | 04:22 |
Daisuke_Laptop | powergoal2: gnubik is probably what you'll want | 04:22 |
m1xed | !defragment | 04:22 |
dennister | Gnea: yes, it is a bridge, and I'm using hardy | 04:22 |
Gnea | Daisuke_Laptop: yess... | 04:22 |
powergoal2 | Daisuke_Laptop: thankyou much :) | 04:22 |
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dennister | Gnea: I had to build a custom kernel to enable speakup, and I chose to add all the synthesizers that work with speakup as modules | 04:23 |
Dice|Desktop | It seems that, in my haste to remove my ubuntu partition from my dual boot system, I've done damage to the loading process of windows xp | 04:23 |
und3rgr0undz3r0 | hey, how doi change my emerald theme? | 04:23 |
Gnea | dennister: so why the preference of console over the GUI? why not just run a terminal in full-screen mode? | 04:24 |
Tribo | Olá! Estou tentando ir para o ubuntu-br, porém não consigo me registrar. Sei que não é permitido dialogar em português, mas alguêm poderia me dizer passo a passo como me registro, no Dialogo reservado? | 04:24 |
Dice|Desktop | Anyone want to take the challenge of helping me out? I dare ya :D | 04:24 |
und3rgr0undz3r0 | can someone tell me how to change my emerald theme? | 04:24 |
Gnea | Dice|Desktop: got the xp installation cd? | 04:24 |
m1xed | OMG I hate gnome! I have to add one song at a time to my playlist on the mp3 player | 04:24 |
blondewarning | hey guys, does anyone know how to reclaim a network device that has suddenly become unclaimed? | 04:24 |
und3rgr0undz3r0 | gnea hahhahahaha | 04:24 |
jclock80 | Anyone on my bluetooth problem? | 04:24 |
Gnea | und3rgr0undz3r0: yes? | 04:25 |
Dice|Desktop | Yes | 04:25 |
monstrMobile | could someone help me with a webcam...i have to replug it in to make it work....is there any way to make the webcam driver load before the usb drivers? | 04:25 |
Gnea | Dice|Desktop: boot it. go to recovery console. login. use the fixmbr command. reboot. fix. | 04:25 |
dennister | Gnea: that would be fine, running terminal in full-screen, but orca and other gui-based screen readers and such don't work with the terminal, either...only a very limited number of apps are read by those gui-based ones | 04:25 |
und3rgr0undz3r0 | so, will someone tell me about changing my emerald theme in gnome? | 04:25 |
blondewarning | any takers? | 04:26 |
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Tribo | olá podemos continuar no dialogo , é q antes eu estava como adm. | 04:26 |
tritium | !es | Tribo | 04:26 |
IdleOne | !es | 04:26 |
Dice|Desktop | Let me explain my setup: I had a dual boot system with ubuntu on partition 1, a swap on partition 2, and windows xp on partition 3. I deleted those first two, my first mistake but dont we all sometimes, but expanded the third to the left, letting it take up the entirety of my hdd. On reboot i get the error of not being able to start because of a hard disk configuration problem. Attempted fixmbr, says it worked. Attempted | 04:27 |
monstrMobile | could someone help me with a webcam...i have to replug it in to make it work....is there any way to make the webcam driver load before the usb drivers? | 04:27 |
RoshanK | is there an easy shortcut key to open up terminal | 04:27 |
dennister | besides, this blind user is used to lynx and text-based apps...and he'd like to be fully independent from sighted help...since so much assistance is given using cli commands, it's crucial that something work automatically with text | 04:27 |
tritium | monstrMobile: please don't repeat so often | 04:27 |
monstrMobile | sorry... | 04:27 |
dennister | Gnea: ergo, he needs to be able to monitor bootup and shutdown processes | 04:27 |
goanookie | RoshanK, alt f3 i think | 04:28 |
blondewarning | all the smart folk seem busy, so i'll bug you guys again later. :) | 04:28 |
IdleOne | Tribo, #ubuntu-es | 04:28 |
m1xed | Dice|Desktop youre sol, windows needs to be installed first as far as I know | 04:28 |
RoshanK | goanookie i tried that but it brings up the deskbar applet | 04:28 |
goanookie | RoshanK, and f2 ? | 04:28 |
dennister | the fact that speakup support has been dropped from the repositories for hardy is a real problem | 04:29 |
monstrMobile | mlxed - you talking about virtualization? | 04:29 |
windowsxp | how can i change the main menu icon? | 04:29 |
CutMeOwnThroat | monstrMobile, force to load on boot by putting the module in /etc/modules? | 04:29 |
m1xed | Dice|Desktop, you might be able to configure GRUB to boot windows though | 04:29 |
monstrMobile | CutMeOwnThroat - I did that...problem is usbcore loads before the webcam driver | 04:29 |
RoshanK | goanookie, alt f2 opens up the run application box. there is a run in terminal option, but i was wonfering there was some way to bring up terminal itself with a shortcut | 04:30 |
Dice|Desktop | Oh really? | 04:30 |
rafaelscj | .3gp files don't output sond... Any idea how to solve it? | 04:30 |
goanookie | RoshanK, just assign a key combination to open up a terminal | 04:30 |
Gnea | dennister: that's a tough one, i'm guessing you've already purused www.linux-speakup.org? | 04:30 |
Daisuke_Laptop | CutMeOwnThroat: Sausage inna bun? | 04:30 |
RoshanK | goanookie, sorry for being a n00b but how would i do that? | 04:30 |
CutMeOwnThroat | Daisuke_Laptop, you want one? I just dusted 'em off, so they're nice'n'fresh | 04:31 |
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goanookie | RoshanK, hold on got to fire up vmware with an ubuntu image :) | 04:31 |
Daisuke_Laptop | CutMeOwnThroat: of course, i'm just not dumb enough to ask what's in them | 04:31 |
m1xed | ohh yeah, i just finished installed kubuntu, im outta here, l8terz bishes!!! | 04:31 |
rafaelscj | !3gp | 04:31 |
goanookie | I kind of forgot how to do that | 04:31 |
Daisuke_Laptop | m1xed: see you in #kubuntu | 04:31 |
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RoshanK | goanookie: thank you for your help. if it's too much don't bother, i dont want to trouble you | 04:31 |
CutMeOwnThroat | Daisuke_Laptop, oh, that would be a GOURMET sausage... | 04:31 |
m1xed | Daisuke, I will see you l8ter, master | 04:32 |
siefny | hi. how i can fix mbr?? command fdisk /mbr on terminal not go.... | 04:32 |
Daisuke_Laptop | nono, no one's master, just trying to help where i can | 04:32 |
monstrMobile | CutMeOwnThroat - Is there a way to load usbcore after other drivers? | 04:32 |
goanookie | RoshanK, ubuntu is already running :) | 04:32 |
dennister | Gnea: Karl Dahlke, author of edbrowse, jupiter and http://eklhad.net/cli.html has a very valid point when he states that making gui-based 3D OS's accessible to the blind is almost impossible........yes, i have been using speakup.org, and got some help from the speakup channel, too, but no one seems to be awake in there at the moment | 04:32 |
RoshanK | goanookie: ok. thank you in advance | 04:32 |
m1xed | siefny, what's wrong with the PC? you might want to try fixmbr | 04:32 |
CutMeOwnThroat | monstrMobile, don't think so - but shouldn't be necessary either. udev should load the module when it's needed... | 04:33 |
xxploit | any1 know of any good gnutella clients(nothing qt based). Ive been using Frostwire but was wondering if any1else can recommend something faster(as in loading). | 04:33 |
goanookie | RoshanK, in system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts | 04:33 |
siefny | im instal ubuntu 7.10 on alternate cd....and instal complete but on restart i see "disk boot faturite....' and im agin boot cd and select "boot 1st sector disk"...grub run and error 10 :/ | 04:33 |
dennister | since i have the custom kernel done, the modules built, speech-dispatcher and other necessities running, i think i'm on the last leg of this | 04:33 |
RoshanK | goanookie: lol thanks. im such a noob i forgot to look there. | 04:34 |
siefny | im reinstal grub but mbr is bad :/ i think... | 04:34 |
CutMeOwnThroat | your bot is dead? | 04:34 |
IdleOne | siefny, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto#Backup,%20Repairing%20and%20Reinstalling%20GRUB | 04:35 |
IdleOne | CutMeOwnThroat, seems the bot is dead for now | 04:35 |
Gnea | dennister: my only suggestion is to make a post in the forum or mailing list, if you haven't already, and give it some time. | 04:36 |
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Gnea | dennister: i'm sorry i do not know what else to suggest at this time. :/ | 04:36 |
siefny | IdleOne :hmmm.ok im try this | 04:36 |
monstrMobile | CutMeOwnThroat - can i change the order of boot for udev? | 04:36 |
misterecs81 | PLEASE, I need help configuring ATICONFIG. | 04:36 |
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misterecs81 | PLEASE, I need help configuring ATICONFIG. | 04:37 |
Gnea | misterecs81: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 04:37 |
dennister | Gnea: that's ok, you tried :-) i have made a post to the forum and last time i checked there were quite a few views, but no replies...mailing list will be difficult for me to get the help I need in time | 04:37 |
Gnea | misterecs81: once is quite enough. | 04:37 |
Bhavesh | is it a good idea to install xwindow on server if server is behind NAT firewall? | 04:37 |
Gnea | Bhavesh: a GUI on any server is just asking for trouble. | 04:37 |
FeRNaNDo_PiNHeiR | hello | 04:37 |
Dice|Desktop | well | 04:37 |
FeRNaNDo_PiNHeiR | bom dia | 04:37 |
michael | anyone know how to install utorrent? | 04:37 |
Dice|Desktop | format time | 04:38 |
Dice|Desktop | 1gb flash drive for the win | 04:38 |
Dice|Desktop | cheers | 04:38 |
Bhavesh | michael i have heard it works under wine .. never tried it | 04:38 |
Gnea | FeRNaNDo_PiNHeiR: #ubuntu-br | 04:38 |
Bhavesh | Gnea well server is a machine i am running apache/gallery/postfix on | 04:38 |
fallore | i just edited my xorg.conf trying to make all my mouse's buttons work and now i can't move the cursor. any suggestions? | 04:38 |
misterecs81 | [GNEA] ==> Sorry for the multiple call, i'm just VERY frustrated with this crap. and all i want is the cool window effects I KNOW my card is capable of, who knew it'd be THIS much of a hassle. | 04:38 |
Gnea | Bhavesh: what's wrong with ssh? | 04:38 |
charles_ | michael: are you sure you want to? http://torrentfreak.com/critical-vulnerability-discovered-in-utorrent-080812/ | 04:38 |
powergoal2 | fallore: paste a copy of your xorg and i might be able to help... paste2.org | 04:39 |
Bhavesh | but i also want to install xwindow if i can , so i can run x apps occassionally | 04:39 |
Bhavesh | oh it does have ssh | 04:39 |
misterecs81 | [GNEA] ==> I'll check it out. thanx. | 04:39 |
IdleOne | michael, try rtorrent it's in the repos | 04:39 |
Gnea | misterecs81: okay. | 04:39 |
Bhavesh | but i am sitting at the console want to see if i can install x window for occasional use | 04:39 |
jack-desktop | is sun-java6-plugin the firefox java plugin? | 04:40 |
IdleOne | jack-desktop, yes | 04:40 |
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chengwf | Am I here ? | 04:41 |
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* IdleOne looks for the error but can't seem to find it | 04:41 | |
IdleOne | chengwf, yes you are not here | 04:41 |
fallore | er, sorry, i somehow restarted my computer. someone had said something to me about my mouse problem? | 04:41 |
powergoal2 | fallore: paste a copy of your xorg and i might be able to help... paste2.org | 04:41 |
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|Zippo| | hello, how can I put a getdeb repository on my ubuntu? | 04:42 |
IdleOne | paste.ubuntu.com | 04:42 |
fallore | damnit, i can't scroll up and the window is very small :X | 04:42 |
fallore | what is the shortcut to get to terminal? | 04:42 |
jack-desktop | is it known that yahoo games dont work on firefox? | 04:42 |
DrRealHouse | zippo: The Getdep repo does not exist yet. You have to download the debs manually | 04:42 |
powergoal2 | fallore: if I'm not mistaken you have to set it yourself. there isn't a default..? | 04:42 |
fallore | damn, i thought it was ctrl + f1 or something. | 04:42 |
powergoal2 | jack-desktop: do you have macromedia flash plugin installed/ | 04:42 |
CutMeOwnThroat | monstrMobile, udev doesn't have to do with boot - but I don't know much about it - there should be howtows and the channel-bot should know about it... see e.g http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev-FAQ or http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html | 04:42 |
Zaq_unkwn | hello all, is the IBM thinkpad laptop a intel computer, i dont know which ubuntu version to get | 04:43 |
fallore | is there a way i can open the terminal with just my keyboard? | 04:43 |
IdleOne | fallore, any reason why you need to swear every sentence? | 04:43 |
jack-desktop | powergoal2: the game says i need java, which other java apps work fine | 04:43 |
fallore | i'm frustrated and it's habit, i'll try and stop. | 04:43 |
monstrMobile | CutMeOwnThroat - THANKS!!! | 04:43 |
monstrMobile | CutMeOwnThroat - I will check it out | 04:43 |
|Zippo| | DrRealHouse: ok... but I already have gnucash 2.2.5 (p.e.) installed | 04:43 |
IdleOne | fallore, suggest you stop now before the ops decide to make you stop :) | 04:43 |
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lqman | yeah, you can press Alt+F2 | 04:43 |
|Zippo| | DrRealHouse: how can I upgrade to 2.2.6 with a getdeb package? | 04:43 |
Bhavesh | fallore try ctrl-alt-f2 | 04:43 |
lqman | and write down gnome-terminal<return> | 04:44 |
vipaca | Hi all I have a question I've got an ubuntu box behind a firewall and I can get wget to work with export http_proxy, but I can not get apt-get or aptitude or synaptic to do so. Any suggestions as to where Im going wrong or things I should try? | 04:44 |
chengwf | How could I get a stable nick here ? | 04:44 |
laras_syik_lonel | vhg | 04:44 |
|Zippo| | is there anyway? or just purging 2.2.5 and install the new one? | 04:44 |
tritium | chengwf: register with nickserv | 04:44 |
IdleOne | |Zippo|, download the deb then in terminal type dpkg -i filename.deb | 04:44 |
chengwf | Excuse me | 04:44 |
Bhavesh | what's recommended swap size for a lightly used server with 1GB memory? | 04:44 |
IdleOne | |Zippo|, or double click the deb file on your desktop after download | 04:44 |
Gnea | chengwf: /msg nickserv help | 04:44 |
monstrMobile | 2-3GB | 04:44 |
DrRealHouse | Zippo: Remove the 2.2.5 but I think that you can simply download the package and double-click on it... It will start like a setup in windows | 04:44 |
Zaq_unkwn | hello all, is the IBM thinkpad laptop a intel computer, i dont know which ubuntu version to get | 04:44 |
|Zippo| | IdleOne: will it upgrade? | 04:44 |
Bhavesh | 2G it is then | 04:44 |
IdleOne | |Zippo|, yes | 04:45 |
CutMeOwnThroat | Bhavesh, I think it's generally 2X RAM | 04:45 |
DrRealHouse | Zippo: and update the 2.2.5 package | 04:45 |
Gnea | Zaq_unkwn: yes | 04:45 |
powergoal2 | Zaq_unkwn: google ibm thinkpad. but i think so | 04:45 |
|Zippo| | let me try | 04:45 |
Bhavesh | CutMeOwnThroat i will set it 2GB then | 04:45 |
vipaca | maybe I should try the export as sudo? | 04:45 |
dennister | ok, here's a more general ubuntu-related question: how do i find out all the applications and processes taht are currently running on this pc? I need all the console based stuff, particularly, as it's pretty easy to know which gui-based apps are being used | 04:45 |
Gnea | Zaq_unkwn: most of the recent thinkpads use intel celeron m | 04:45 |
Bhavesh | dennda ps aux | 04:45 |
powergoal2 | dennister: top will show some info, alternatively ps aux will do more | 04:45 |
IdleOne | dennister, type top in terminal | 04:45 |
regeya | if it's an ibm thinkpad, it's almost assuredly x86 | 04:46 |
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DrRealHouse | Zippo: I think so, If it can't it will tell you. Worst case, you will have to remove first... | 04:46 |
ricardo_ | can anyone tell me how to instal firefox dor ubuntu? | 04:46 |
regeya | were there any 64-bit ibms? I thought they were sold to lenovo by then | 04:46 |
vipaca | Does anyone remember how to add a command to the sudo list? | 04:46 |
IdleOne | dennister, also ps aux in terminal | 04:46 |
dennister | powergoal2: thx...perhaps i'll now be able to see if there are conflicts between running synthesizers | 04:46 |
tritium | ricardo_: it's installed by default. | 04:46 |
Gnea | vipaca: visudo | 04:46 |
Zaq_unkwn | Gnea: so i should get the AMD 64 and Intel computers version then ? | 04:46 |
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IdleOne | ricardo_, firefox comes installed default | 04:46 |
powergoal2 | regeya: i think you're right. | 04:46 |
Gnea | Zaq_unkwn: what's the model #? | 04:46 |
Zaq_unkwn | Gnea : Z60t | 04:47 |
powergoal2 | Zaq_unkwn: you might be able to find some info in /proc/cpuinfo | 04:47 |
ricardo_ | I know but I want the new version, 3.0 | 04:47 |
gilda | Zaq_unkwn: i know for sure my T62 is an intel | 04:47 |
Bhavesh | it's too late to ask but hope ext3 is ok as FS on lightly used server specially only on OS drive | 04:47 |
monstrMobile | ricardo - it is included by default | 04:47 |
vipaca | Gnea more info needed if I wanted to add export. | 04:47 |
powergoal2 | fallore: did you figure out how to paste your xorg.conf? | 04:47 |
fallore | so, ctrl + alt + f2 got me into a text only terminal where i couldn't edit xorg.conf. alt + f2 get's me to a "run" application, i'm not sure what to do from there to either edit xorg or open a terminal. | 04:48 |
fallore | powergoal2: i'm still figuring out how to open it without a mouse :P | 04:48 |
Zaq_unkwn | ok heres the thing i already did a ubuntu install on my laptop but it failed at the grub loader part at 97% of install | 04:48 |
Zaq_unkwn | but i was using the desltop version from ubuntu website | 04:48 |
Gnea | Zaq_unkwn: that it? http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-61315 | 04:48 |
powergoal2 | fallore: hm. if you don't have a mouse at all im not sure how you are going to paste anyway. unless you are using links and screen | 04:49 |
Bhavesh | fallore you can just type xterm in the run window and click ok | 04:49 |
droopsta915 | im still trying to install a the packet tracer file, it wont insstall. | 04:49 |
qr | fallore: why can't you edit xorg.conf from the ctrl+alt+f2 terminal? | 04:49 |
Zaq_unkwn | Gnea: yes thats the one | 04:49 |
fallore | qr: it's not graphical to my knowledge, and i only know the terminal command to open it graphically. | 04:49 |
powergoal2 | fallore: vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:49 |
qr | fallore: ahh, use nano or pico or vim or emacs to edit it in a terminal | 04:49 |
powergoal2 | fallore: will open it in a terminal editor | 04:49 |
powergoal2 | fallore: I think thats the right location for xorg.conf in ubuntu... | 04:50 |
fallore | i got a terminal open by hitting alt + f1 and navigating through the menu. now i just need to figure out what to change in my xorg.conf seeing as i accidentally pasted over the default mouse section | 04:50 |
tritium | powergoal2: it is | 04:50 |
monstrMobile | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:50 |
Gnea | Zaq_unkwn: ok, they're all 32bit | 04:50 |
papp7337 | anyone know why my monitor will only display in 1280 x 1024? | 04:50 |
ricardo_ | can anyone tell how to install whatever in ubuntu? I cant understand, I want to install the drivers and I just dont know how to do it | 04:50 |
papp7337 | i have an intel 810 chipset | 04:50 |
fallore | hmm, my xorg.conf seems to be completely blank. wouldn't that make my keyboard stop working too? | 04:50 |
powergoal2 | fallore: yeah, that means you opened the wrong file, i should think | 04:51 |
josh__ | in the system update I pressed cancel by accident now a few of the packages diddnt update how can I fix it? | 04:51 |
tritium | fallore: not in hard | 04:51 |
Gnea | papp7337: probably due to other modes not being set. have you looked at system->preferences->screen resolution? | 04:51 |
tritium | hardy* | 04:51 |
=== Guest4841 is now known as max | ||
fallore | i'm sorry, my xchat screen is very small and i can't resize it, could you send that again (whoever that was?) | 04:51 |
Zaq_unkwn | any reason for my install to fail at 97% at the grub loader part | 04:51 |
fallore | or you can open a private dialog with me, i think i can make that work | 04:51 |
Gnea | fallore: no, it just means X won't start next time | 04:51 |
powergoal2 | tritium: but he wouldn't be able to run gnome or kde without an xorg, right? | 04:51 |
=== max is now known as Guest89777 | ||
tritium | powergoal2: he needs one, but in hardy, it's relatively empty | 04:51 |
fallore | nvm i maximized it | 04:51 |
powergoal2 | tritium: huh... does it use some other configuration file? or what? | 04:52 |
Gnea | fallore: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <-- should generate a new xorg.conf | 04:52 |
fallore | thanks gnea, lemme try that | 04:52 |
powergoal2 | Gnea: good call | 04:52 |
papp7337 | yeah, i have and whenever i click any other setting (my desired setting is 1024 x 768 with an 85hz refresh), it flickers and the screen moves extremely fast horizontally | 04:52 |
tritium | powergoal2: no, it does more auto-configuring | 04:52 |
papp7337 | ive tried everything i could think of and im stuck | 04:52 |
Stargazer | Anybody know why i can't get a screenshot of a movie ? | 04:52 |
Gnea | powergoal2: at least it'll get him out of that tight box | 04:53 |
powergoal2 | tritium: thats cool, as long as it is a good guesser... | 04:53 |
DozedOnLinux | Stargazer: use VLC , has screen cap right in it | 04:53 |
qr | Stargazer: you need to use a video player that can snapshot a movie to take a capture of it. VLC can do this. | 04:53 |
tritium | powergoal2: you can still customize it | 04:53 |
Stargazer | I never knew of that feature | 04:53 |
qr | Stargazer: by that I mean you need to use the built in snapshot feature, not that using vlc will let you screenshot it. | 04:53 |
powergoal2 | Stargazer: i believe mplayer can as well | 04:53 |
Zaq_unkwn | where should i install my boot loader on a HDD that has 2 partitions, winXP + ubuntu, my options are HDD or sda.winxp or sda/ubuntu ? | 04:53 |
Tom_nuggin | does anyone know how to exit out of full screen mode | 04:54 |
=== laras_syik_lonel is now known as laras | ||
Daisuke_Laptop | Tom_nuggin: f11? | 04:54 |
Bhavesh | Tom_nuggin full screen mode of what? | 04:54 |
unavailable | Zaq_unkwn: depends on what you want to use as a boot loader | 04:54 |
qr | Tom_nuggin: that depends what program you have in full screen mode | 04:54 |
droopsta915 | can i install a deb-bin file through synaptic? | 04:54 |
Daisuke_Laptop | Tom_nuggin: could you be more specific? | 04:54 |
=== laras is now known as laras_syik_lonel | ||
Tom_nuggin | oh whoops | 04:54 |
Tom_nuggin | thought I was in vbox | 04:54 |
Zaq_unkwn | i want ubuntu to be my boot loader | 04:54 |
ricardo_ | can anyone tell me how to install whatever I want in ubuntu? I need to install the drivers and I just dont know how to do it | 04:55 |
DozedOnLinux | ricardo_: what drivers do you wish to install ? | 04:55 |
powergoal2 | ricardo_: aptitude is the package management system for ubuntu, i believe | 04:55 |
Tom_nuggin | does anyone know how to exit fullscreen mode in vbox? | 04:55 |
unavailable | Zaq_unkwn: i would go with the default setting then | 04:55 |
monstrMobile | ricard0-what do you want to know how to install? | 04:55 |
ubun2Junky | I upgraded kernel from 2.6.22-14 to 2.6.22-15 and my server crashed. I'm getting check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules error when booting. I tried booting on old kernel 2.6.22-14 but get same error... any suggestions? | 04:55 |
Zaq_unkwn | alright will try that | 04:55 |
Zaq_unkwn | brb later | 04:55 |
tritium | powergoal2: apt-get is the more standard, although aptitude works too | 04:55 |
unavailable | Zaq_unkwn: although you may run into problems booting to xp | 04:55 |
dataspy | maybe alt+enter | 04:55 |
ricardo_ | dozed0nlinux --->sound | 04:55 |
=== sil3nt is now known as sil3ntr | ||
retlaw | hello, does anybody know how I can change my font in alt+f1-6? | 04:56 |
ricardo_ | I want to install the sound | 04:56 |
=== Guest89777 is now known as max | ||
powergoal2 | tritium: the difference is that apt-get is purely CLI while aptitude is curses, right? | 04:56 |
monstrMobile | ricardo-what is your sound card? | 04:56 |
DozedOnLinux | ricardo_: sound card model , and how are you installing it? | 04:56 |
ricardo_ | hp | 04:56 |
Daisuke_Laptop | retlaw: it's a terminal, i don't think you can | 04:56 |
tritium | powergoal2: aptitude has cli options as well | 04:56 |
monstrMobile | ricardo-type of pc? | 04:56 |
=== max is now known as Guest25604 | ||
papp7337 | can anyone suggest anything for me? i run win xp and ubuntu on a 40 gb hdd and my monitor works fine in xp but in ubuntu, the only setting it will allow me to have (unless i deal with abnoxious flickering and the screen moving horizontally a million miles per hour) is 1280 x 1024 at 60 hz, when i want 1024 x 768 with 85hz (the setting i have in windows). i run an intel 810 chipset. help? | 04:56 |
ricardo_ | hp pavilion w5030la | 04:56 |
fallore | alright, i got my xorg.conf back up to par. my mouse still isn't working (i set it to 3 button configuration and it's definitely different than before), should i restart X or attempt to paste a working mouse section in? | 04:57 |
ricardo_ | I go to the website and there is only available for windows xp | 04:57 |
FAJALOU | can someone take a look at this and see if it sounds ok to do? http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?p=197834 | 04:57 |
unavailable | papp7337: chipset? | 04:57 |
extakuz | que hablan aqui solo ingleS? | 04:57 |
DozedOnLinux | ricardo_: in terminal > sud0 lspci -n use ubuntu paste to post the display, adn send URL to pastebin > paste.ubuntu .com | 04:57 |
retlaw | Daisuke_Laptop: damn | 04:57 |
papp7337 | well, thats what im told in xp | 04:57 |
tritium | extakuz: English here | 04:57 |
ricardo_ | yo hablo español extakuz | 04:57 |
powergoal2 | fallore: try restarting X first | 04:57 |
unavailable | !es | extakuz | 04:57 |
fallore | powergoal2: k | 04:57 |
sCOTTo | hey guys is there a program for linux to rival dreamweaver ?? | 04:58 |
DozedOnLinux | ricardo_: sudo -i lspci -n (typo) | 04:58 |
ubun2Junky | extakuz: si tienes que ir a #ubuntu-es para espanol. | 04:58 |
eross | what would be a good tool to write a bitmap editor with? GTK / cairo? I want to work on different systems with minimal dependencies as possible. | 04:58 |
powergoal2 | fallore: ctrl+alt+backspace will do it for you :) | 04:58 |
DozedOnLinux | ricardo_: omg | 04:58 |
extakuz | i speak spanish | 04:58 |
Guarulhos | . | 04:58 |
abarnes | hello | 04:58 |
DozedOnLinux | ricardo_: in terminal > sudo lspci -n | 04:58 |
unavailable | ubun2junky?? i what happened to ubottu? | 04:58 |
IndyGunFreak | unavailable: he's unavailable | 04:58 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 04:58 |
ubun2Junky | I did a kernel upgrade and now it won't boot. | 04:58 |
unavailable | rofl IndyGunFreak | 04:59 |
Guarulhos | hello | 04:59 |
arcos | hi, I'm looking to add some eye candy to my desktop, how do you install new themes? I download the files and then dont know what to do with them. | 04:59 |
ubun2Junky | get this messege when booting. check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules | 04:59 |
tritium | ubun2Junky: custom kernel? | 04:59 |
unavailable | acros try emerald | 04:59 |
arcos | what is emerals | 04:59 |
Ashfire908 | Could someone recommened one of the finger daemons to me? | 04:59 |
ubun2Junky | tritium: nope... just did apt-get dist-upgrade... and it installed it. | 04:59 |
unavailable | !emerald | arcos | 04:59 |
powergoal2 | ubun2Junky: did you manually edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file? | 04:59 |
unavailable | dang it | 04:59 |
arcos | tritium: sry yeah emerald, what is it? | 04:59 |
ubun2Junky | I was hoping to perhaps reinstall it, but now I can just get initram | 04:59 |
powergoal2 | ubun2Junky: it looks like you are passing a bad argument to the bootloader | 05:00 |
droopsta915 | ricardo_:just get all the codecs in the terminal | 05:00 |
tritium | arcos: type this at the command line: apt-cache show emerald | 05:00 |
droopsta915 | ricardo_:sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \ | 05:00 |
droopsta915 | gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \ | 05:00 |
droopsta915 | gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse libxine-extracodecs w32codecs | 05:00 |
fallore | mouse working, running in limited graphics mode? :/ | 05:00 |
ubun2Junky | powergoal2: I can get into drive with live cd... but I just don't know what to change in the menu.lst | 05:00 |
tritium | droopsta915: don't paste here | 05:00 |
powergoal2 | fallore: i mucked up your video settings. you didn't make a backup did you? of your old xorg.conf file? | 05:00 |
dennister | ok, how do i find out which character coding terminal is using? | 05:01 |
fallore | powergoal2: nope :[ | 05:01 |
droopsta915 | sorry | 05:01 |
arcos | tritium: okay i did it | 05:01 |
ricardo_ | thank you droppsta915 and DOzed0nLinux | 05:01 |
=== Guest25604 is now known as max | ||
tritium | arcos: good, so you can read the description there | 05:01 |
Bhavesh | doesn't xfree86 --configure create a basic config file? | 05:01 |
droopsta915 | Ricardo_:copy that and throw it in the terminal | 05:01 |
powergoal2 | ubun2Junky: did it overwrite your old kernel? or do you have multiple boot options? | 05:01 |
=== max is now known as Guest92516 | ||
tritium | Bhavesh: ubuntu uses Xorg, not XFree86 | 05:01 |
powergoal2 | ubun2Junky: you might want to try loading your old kernel and figure out what went wrong. | 05:02 |
=== Alvin_FN is now known as putri_16_cutezz | ||
arcos | Tritium: so now I download the packages from gnome-look.org to emerald? | 05:02 |
ubun2Junky | powergoal2: I have two kernel options... I've tried loading the old one, but same results | 05:02 |
droopsta915 | can i install a deb-bin file through synaptic package manager? | 05:02 |
ubun2Junky | powergoal2: I even tried it in safemode and same thing... | 05:02 |
tritium | arcos: I don't know what you're asking | 05:02 |
=== Guest92516 is now known as max | ||
=== max is now known as Guest15611 | ||
unavailable | arcos http://openswitch.org/2008/04/28/how-to-enable-emerald-in-hardy-heron-804/ | 05:03 |
Bhavesh | tritium well does xorg have similar option? | 05:03 |
=== Guest15611 is now known as max | ||
=== max is now known as Guest66101 | ||
ubun2Junky | it seems that it can't find my drive... ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/9df......... does not exist. dropping to a shell! | 05:03 |
tritium | Bhavesh: use "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 05:03 |
=== Guest66101 is now known as max | ||
=== max is now known as Guest28601 | ||
Bhavesh | tritium i don't have to reconfigure it.. was thinking to help fallore | 05:03 |
=== Guest28601 is now known as max | ||
root__ | hello | 05:03 |
droopsta915 | i've tryed chmod +x PacketTracer5_*.bin, but nothing happens, i'm tryin to install the packettracer5 | 05:03 |
=== max is now known as Guest8221 | ||
tritium | Bhavesh: understood. Just telling you of the cli approach. | 05:03 |
Bhavesh | tritium i understand | 05:04 |
root__ | i cant start alsamixer, this error cames out: alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: | 05:04 |
CutMeOwnThroat | Guest8221, stop it? | 05:04 |
powergoal2 | ubun2Junky: if you are using a SATA disk you have to make sure that you build in support for the SATA drivers, also when i updated my kernel not too long ago, it switched the name of my hdd from sda to hda, you might need to modify something like that in your menu.lst file | 05:04 |
debCarlos | How can i resize images from console | 05:04 |
tritium | debCarlos: with imagemagick utilities | 05:05 |
CutMeOwnThroat | debCarlos, convert image.jpg -scale 100x200 out.jpg | 05:05 |
CutMeOwnThroat | or somesuch | 05:05 |
debCarlos | tritium: Ok, thanks.... | 05:05 |
ubun2Junky | powergoal2: I do have sata drives... always gives me problems! So it should read hda and not sda? | 05:05 |
tritium | debCarlos, CutMeOwnThroat: "convert" is in the imagemagick package | 05:05 |
CutMeOwnThroat | indee | 05:06 |
CutMeOwnThroat | d | 05:06 |
tritium | (which is not installed by default) | 05:06 |
Bhavesh | !dmraid | 05:06 |
teratoma_ | what font does pterm use? I would like to use it in gnome-terminal | 05:06 |
unavailable | Bhavesh: ubottu is unavailable | 05:06 |
Bhavesh | !help | 05:06 |
powergoal2 | ubun2Junky: the things i am suggesting are *possible* problems, i dont' know if thats really whats going on. and its hard to diagnose it over IRC... but that might be it? | 05:06 |
Bhavesh | darn! | 05:06 |
=== kev_ is now known as keev | ||
CutMeOwnThroat | Bhavesh, not !darn ? | 05:06 |
unavailable | Bhavesh: i said the same thing | 05:06 |
Bhavesh | one is dmraid, other is something else for software raid which is better? | 05:07 |
Bhavesh | CutMeOwnThroat i try to use polite language :) | 05:07 |
ubun2Junky | powergoal2: thx for the suggestions... I'll look into it... last resort, I'll just reinstall OS.... and reinstall vmware server. | 05:07 |
keev | would "chmod o= /" deny users access to compile their programs? (i'm trying to deny users to ls the / dir or cd the / dir | 05:07 |
powergoal2 | ubun2Junky: if it comes down to it. good luck :) | 05:07 |
ubun2Junky | powergoal2: thx | 05:07 |
powergoal2 | ubun2Junky: you might try looking for google hits with that sort of problem too... | 05:07 |
fallore | i restored my xorg.conf to a very basic version of it and didn't back up my original. i'm trying to get my graphics (screen resolution etc) back to the way they were, does anyone have any suggestions? | 05:07 |
papp7337 | anyone wanna help me with my problem in a different chat? | 05:07 |
droopsta915 | i'm loving ubuntu, but i can't install this file, it is for ubuntu. Idon't ever want to go back to windows land!!!! | 05:07 |
Cutter | is it possible for two persons to use the same computer simultaneously with 2 screens, 2 mouses, 2 keyboards on Ubuntu? | 05:07 |
dennister | ok, how do i find out which character coding terminal is using? | 05:08 |
=== ShadowXP is now known as Guest29117 | ||
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, not a good idea | 05:08 |
powergoal2 | fallore: paste the xorg, and i can help you do it :) paste2.org | 05:08 |
Leefmc | Question: Is there a set of ATI Drivers on the Repository? If so, what are they called? | 05:08 |
keev | i'm trying to deny users to ls the / dir or cd the / dir | 05:08 |
papp7337 | CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME? | 05:08 |
debCarlos | Ok, and if i want to resize... let say 100 img?? How can i do so they have this size: actualheigh - 100 and actualwidth - 100 | 05:08 |
tritium | Leefmc: sure, both open-source, and proprietary | 05:08 |
Bhavesh | ah found it.. dmraid or mdadmin? | 05:08 |
powergoal2 | papp7337: what is your problem? | 05:08 |
debCarlos | !fgrlx | 05:08 |
tritium | papp7337: no need for all-caps | 05:08 |
Leefmc | tritium: names? | 05:08 |
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, yes, don't do it | 05:08 |
dennister | !ati | 05:08 |
unavailable | papp7337: what is your chipset? | 05:08 |
tritium | Leefmc: fglrx are the proprietary drivers. | 05:09 |
papp7337 | i run win xp and ubuntu on a 40 gb hdd and my monitor works fine in xp but in ubuntu, the only setting it will allow me to have (unless i deal with abnoxious flickering and the screen moving horizontally a million miles per hour) is 1280 x 1024 at 60 hz, when i want 1024 x 768 with 85hz (the setting i have in windows). i run an intel 810 chipset. help? | 05:09 |
unavailable | dennister: ubottu is dead right now | 05:09 |
keev | CutMeOwnThroat, how could i execute that without messing things up? | 05:09 |
MaxthonFan | via is my chipset | 05:09 |
debCarlos | lol | 05:09 |
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, a-x will prevent people from changing to subdirectories of / also | 05:09 |
fallore | powergoal2: http://paste2.org/p/58200 | 05:09 |
Leefmc | tritium: They're generally better i assume? | 05:09 |
debCarlos | yeah, i noticed ubottu is dead... | 05:09 |
tritium | Leefmc: depends on your needs. | 05:09 |
dennister | unavailable: thx...funny that bot is "unavailable" too | 05:09 |
crdlb | papp7337: what kind of monitor is it? | 05:09 |
tritium | Leefmc: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:09 |
keev | chmod a-x / | 05:09 |
papp7337 | starlogic | 05:09 |
Bhavesh | tried to install dmraid, got a msg, initscript dmraid, action "start" failed | 05:09 |
keev | thanks, CutMeOwnThroat! | 05:09 |
droopsta915 | wont a-x include yourself from doing the same?? | 05:09 |
powergoal2 | fallore: what resolution do you want? | 05:10 |
papp7337 | 30-72 horizsync, 50-130 vertrefresh | 05:10 |
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, and for preventing read... I wouldn't do that either chances to mess something up are astronomic | 05:10 |
fallore | powergoal2: i'm on a 19" LCD which runs 1280x1024 native | 05:10 |
crdlb | papp7337: I meant: LCD or CRT? | 05:10 |
papp7337 | LCD | 05:10 |
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, sure way to make your system inoperable | 05:10 |
unavailable | crdlb isnt refresh rate kinda redundant on an lcd? | 05:10 |
tritium | Leefmc: also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 05:10 |
debCarlos | Is there any command to encrypt usb keys with gpg ?? | 05:10 |
crdlb | papp7337: there is no such thing as a refresh rate with an LCD monitor, and its native resolution is apparently 1280x1024 | 05:11 |
Leefmc | tritium: K, thanks | 05:11 |
crdlb | unavailable: yes | 05:11 |
MaxthonFan | where can i dowland x-script, is there somebody who helps me?? | 05:11 |
papp7337 | crap, sorry, its crt, idk where my head is | 05:11 |
keev | CutMeOwnThroat, im not sure of the complete command in order to keep users out of the / dir did you want me to chmod a+x /home/THEUSER/ | 05:11 |
keev | ? | 05:11 |
droopsta915 | keeve wants to play in the danger zone, lol | 05:11 |
unavailable | papp7337: obviously too close to the crt | 05:11 |
crdlb | papp7337: it's a big heavy box? :) | 05:12 |
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, what I am telling you is, you CANNOT keep users out of / | 05:12 |
papp7337 | YES! =] | 05:12 |
keev | droopsta915, i just don't want users in the / dir | 05:12 |
powergoal2 | fallore: http://paste2.org/p/58202 try that | 05:12 |
keev | can i diable ls to dir / | 05:12 |
keev | ? | 05:12 |
keev | (11:12 PM):(kye@secure)/$ ls | 05:12 |
keev | gnuls: .: Permission denied | 05:12 |
FloodBot1 | keev: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:12 |
keev | sorry! | 05:12 |
powergoal2 | fallore: i added a few lines to the file to define the depth at 24 with a resolution of 1280x1024 | 05:12 |
crdlb | papp7337: I don't know then; it seems to think you have an LCD :/ | 05:12 |
unavailable | oh so you work floodbot? | 05:12 |
unavailable | what about ubottu | 05:13 |
unavailable | ? | 05:13 |
papp7337 | ay ay ay, any ideas? | 05:13 |
crdlb | papp7337: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 05:13 |
IndyGunFreak | unavailable: you seem really bothered by ubottu's abscence | 05:13 |
debCarlos | errr, editing .bashrc maybe ? | 05:13 |
unavailable | rofl | 05:13 |
unavailable | yep | 05:13 |
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, WHY do you want that anyways? | 05:13 |
debCarlos | lol | 05:13 |
hardhatpat | I am trying to install libgio-dev and getting the same errors as described here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gio-standalone/+bug/228911 | 05:13 |
hardhatpat | anyone know what i can do? | 05:13 |
debCarlos | And there are 3 floodboot | 05:13 |
keev | CutMeOwnThroat, well i'm going to have a lot of users on the box and i dont want people to see whats in / | 05:13 |
unavailable | IndyGunFreak: its my best friend | 05:13 |
ubot3 | hardhatpat: Error: Could not parse data returned by Malone: timed out | 05:13 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 05:13 |
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, why not? | 05:14 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: sorry, internet died for some odd reason | 05:14 |
IndyGunFreak | unavailable: do you just msgtthebot because you feel like he's actually talking to you? | 05:14 |
droopsta915 | keev, u can always make a group and add the users, then give the permissions u want for the group | 05:14 |
papp7337 | i got it copied, but pastebin? | 05:14 |
keev | i disabled w, uptime, and uname with chmod o= /usr/bin/w etc etc.. | 05:14 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: no worries. try using this file: http://paste2.org/p/58202 | 05:14 |
unavailable | IndyGunFreak: no, | 05:14 |
dennister | anyone know how i can kill/stop/terminate this speechd-up daemon? killall isn't working, documentation almost nonexistent | 05:14 |
unavailable | IndyGunFreak: but he is | 05:14 |
crdlb | !pastebin | papp7337 | 05:14 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 05:14 |
ubot3 | papp7337: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 05:14 |
unavailable | woah | 05:14 |
Cutter | is it possible for two persons to use the same computer simultaneously with 2 screens, 2 mouses, 2 keyboards on Ubuntu? | 05:14 |
IndyGunFreak | !ubot3 | 05:14 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: on the bright side, somehow the side buttons on my mouse now work, even though i haven't changed anything in the xorg from a 3 button configuration lol | 05:14 |
ubot3 | Factoid ubot3 not found | 05:14 |
keev | droopsta915, which permissions would keep them from viewing or cd's / ? | 05:14 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: haha nice | 05:14 |
unavailable | !emerald | arcos | 05:15 |
ubot3 | arcos: emerald: Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 268 kB, installed size 1404 kB | 05:15 |
debCarlos | !ubottu | 05:15 |
ubot3 | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:15 |
nalioth | IndyGunFreak: can i help you with !ubot3 ? | 05:15 |
unavailable | aye | 05:15 |
papp7337 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/37030/ | 05:15 |
debCarlos | !fgrlx | 05:15 |
ubot3 | Factoid fgrlx not found | 05:15 |
IndyGunFreak | nalioth: lol, naa.. just funnin | 05:15 |
nalioth | IndyGunFreak: please don't. | 05:15 |
CutMeOwnThroat | droopsta915, now there's someone who's keen to shoot himself in the foot *shrug* | 05:15 |
debCarlos | Ubottu was better | 05:15 |
IndyGunFreak | nalioth: we just miss ubottu | 05:15 |
debCarlos | Ubottu would know what fgrlx is lol | 05:15 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: how do i copy it without the numbers :X | 05:15 |
Bhavesh | stage 2 of my server building plan :) | 05:16 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: nvm i think i got it | 05:16 |
nalioth | debCarlos: they are the same | 05:16 |
tritium | debCarlos: be appreciative for what we have at the moment | 05:16 |
droopsta915 | chmod a+rwx | 05:16 |
unavailable | nalioth its my fault | 05:16 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: testing, hopefully brb | 05:16 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: click "followup/no format" in top right | 05:16 |
debCarlos | lol | 05:16 |
droopsta915 | chmod a-rwx | 05:16 |
droopsta915 | sorry, lol | 05:16 |
debCarlos | Yeah, just kidding | 05:16 |
powergoal2 | papp7337: what resolution are you hoping for on your monitor? | 05:16 |
papp7337 | 1024 x 768 | 05:16 |
neothecat | good morning EST. i am running 8.04 on on amd64. i never had problems with my wireless, but i just changed my router. now, when my laptop comes up, i have no connection, but if i restart networking, it's works. any ideas? | 05:16 |
papp7337 | 85hz resolution | 05:16 |
CutMeOwnThroat | egrep -v 'lol|rofl' | 05:16 |
bobertdos | debCarlos: Man, I leave the channel for a few hours and all of the sudden, they turn my world upside down and replace the bot! :p | 05:17 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: no luck, still only giving me 800x600 as my only option. i'm gonna try tinkering with a few things and seeing if i can get it going, if not i'll come back lol :P thanks for all your help thus far | 05:17 |
arcos | tritium: thanks but one question, how do you install a theme from, for example gnome-look? | 05:17 |
crdlb | papp7337: it's not the problem, but you have the nvidia driver intalled :) | 05:17 |
debCarlos | bobertdos: yeah lol | 05:17 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: you're welcome, good luck :) | 05:17 |
papp7337 | so i just uninstall the nvidia driver? | 05:17 |
crdlb | papp7337: yes, you should, but I don't think it would help for modesetting | 05:18 |
tritium | arcos: not sure, as I've never done it | 05:18 |
keev | droopsta915, but i dont think i can chmod a-rwx / | 05:18 |
keev | lol | 05:18 |
powergoal2 | papp7337: line 838 shows that there is a modeline for the resolution. in your xorg.conf file are there lines that determine resolution? | 05:18 |
CutMeOwnThroat | keev, only once... only once | 05:18 |
arcos | Tritium: well no problem, emerald looks cool, thanks for the help | 05:18 |
powergoal2 | papp7337: or are you running a version of ubuntu that doesn't use that xorg.conf file to that extent? | 05:18 |
unavailable | arcos if you have emerald installed, go to system > accessories and click "emerald" | 05:18 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: i used to have the nvidia restricted drivers, i'm not sure if i still do but iirc that was how i got my resolution the way i wanted it. is there a way i can check if i have them, and if i do, how do i configure them? | 05:18 |
papp7337 | im new to ubuntu (obviously) im using 8.04.1 | 05:18 |
unavailable | arcos then you can load your downloaded themes from there | 05:18 |
papp7337 | i dont know where xorg.conf is | 05:19 |
ubun2Junky | powergoal2: figured it out.... the uuid wasn't matching... why would the uuid change? | 05:19 |
dabbu | i am not able to change my fonts size earlier it was easy but now i am not able | 05:19 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: yeah, it has you using the framebuffer, and no video driver in the xorg file. | 05:19 |
arcos | unavaliable: oh okay, so I just save them to the desktop and then load them from emerald? | 05:19 |
jjbin | hpapp7337:hi, I am aslo new usrer | 05:19 |
unavailable | arcos http://openswitch.org/2008/04/28/how-to-enable-emerald-in-hardy-heron-804/ | 05:19 |
droopsta915 | keev, once u make the group chmod a-rwx <name of group>, am i right cutmeownthroat?? | 05:19 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: is there a script like xorgconfig provided with ubuntu's xorg? | 05:19 |
Bhavesh | chgrp | 05:19 |
Bhavesh | to change group | 05:19 |
papp7337 | then were together, huh, jjbin? | 05:20 |
bobertdos | papp7337: /etc/X11 if I recall correctly. | 05:20 |
Bhavesh | wait nevermind | 05:20 |
keev | would that stop them from compiling apps and such, droopsta915? | 05:20 |
powergoal2 | papp7337: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:20 |
jjbin | welcome | 05:20 |
dabbu | i am not able to change my fonts size earlier it was easy but now i am not able | 05:20 |
keev | I would like them to be able to do that | 05:20 |
CutMeOwnThroat | droopsta915, I mean I think it's highly likely that he can't start any program afterwards (although I must admit to not having tried it myself) | 05:20 |
unavailable | arcos yep | 05:20 |
unavailable | arcos, and then when your done, you can delete them from your desktop | 05:20 |
papp7337 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/37032/ That's my xorg.conf file | 05:21 |
dabbu | i am not able to change my fonts size earlier it was easy but now i am not able | 05:21 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: i'm not sure. there's that stuff in the top of the xorg commentary, that's all i know of | 05:21 |
debCarlos | !methinks | 05:21 |
ubot3 | Factoid methinks not found | 05:21 |
powergoal2 | papp7337: sorry, im not familiar with the way ubuntu works. i don't actually use it, so i don't know how they configure the video settings or where they do it, because it isn't in the xorg.conf file | 05:21 |
unavailable | arcos and actually its system > preferences > emerald theme manager | 05:21 |
droopsta915 | uI assume u need to take away the privilages from the group, | 05:22 |
papp7337 | i don't know either, any suggestions of where to go or what to do? | 05:22 |
droopsta915 | keev, sorry buddy, i can't help u | 05:22 |
unavailable | arcos then you click the "import" button | 05:22 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: bring up a terminal and type xorg and hit tab twice to see available programs that begin with xorg | 05:22 |
debCarlos | How can i make that lynx show ascii images ? | 05:22 |
keev | droopsta915, thanks for you help. I'm going to try your way now | 05:22 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: will do | 05:22 |
keev | you 2 CutMeOwnThroat | 05:22 |
droopsta915 | now to my problem that ive had for two days | 05:22 |
CutMeOwnThroat | droopsta915, hm, interesting... I can set chmod go-rx / and still see it as a normal user - seems there's one more safeguard against stupidity than I thought :) | 05:22 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: my computer makes that beeping sound it makes when you try to erase nothing with backspace | 05:22 |
unavailable | fallore_: when?? | 05:23 |
CutMeOwnThroat | droopsta915, that's actually fascinating | 05:23 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: you have the system bell programmed in. it isnt a problem, but nothing comes up? | 05:23 |
bobertdos | papp7337: Did you ever explain what it is you're trying to do? | 05:23 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: nope :/ | 05:23 |
dabbu | i am not able to change my fonts size earlier it was easy but now i am not able | 05:23 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: i hate that thing, how do i turn it off :D | 05:23 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: hm. you have the nvidia drivers installed? | 05:24 |
papp7337 | i'm trying to get my computer to display 1024 x 768 in 85 hz (or any hz) without flickering or moving randomly | 05:24 |
bobertdos | !repeat | dabbu | 05:24 |
ubot3 | dabbu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 05:24 |
droopsta915 | cutmyownthroat_:) power to the people! | 05:24 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: this is interesting. lemme paste it.. | 05:24 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: its a kernel option. im not sure where it is in there though.. http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/26/turning-off-the-system-hardware-beep-linux-tutorial/ | 05:24 |
bobertdos | !resolution | papp7337 | 05:24 |
ubot3 | papp7337: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 05:24 |
dabbu | bobertdos:why u r not answering me | 05:24 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: http://paste2.org/p/58204 | 05:24 |
papp7337 | thank you, ill stay in the chat but ill see what that site says! | 05:25 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: good catch, i can work with that.. | 05:25 |
bobertdos | Okay, abbu, where are you having trouble with font size? | 05:25 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: haha woot i did something right :P | 05:26 |
bobertdos | *dabbu | 05:26 |
dabbu | bobertdos:yes | 05:26 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: haha. is this a laptop? | 05:26 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: nope | 05:26 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: CRT or LCD monitor? | 05:26 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: LCD | 05:26 |
dabbu | bobertdos:i am not able to change the fonts | 05:26 |
dabbu | bobertdos:fonts size | 05:26 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: ok, and paste the results of lspci | 05:26 |
bobertdos | dabbu: In Ubuntu in general? | 05:27 |
dabbu | bobertdos:yes in ubuntu | 05:27 |
unavailable | papp7337: Intel Graphics driver (i810) won't use high screen resolutions | 05:27 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: http://paste2.org/p/58206 | 05:27 |
dabbu | bobertdos:using appearance in preferance | 05:27 |
bobertdos | dabbu: The Fonts tab isn't there? | 05:28 |
dabbu | bobertdos:it is there but when i change the font size nothing is happening | 05:28 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: http://paste2.org/p/58207 | 05:29 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: try that one | 05:29 |
unavailable | papp7337: start reading here Install newer modesetting Intel video driver | 05:29 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: we plugged in the info for the nvidia driver | 05:29 |
droopsta915 | i downloaded a file called packettracer5, its a bin fil, the installer is on the dektop, im trying everything to install the sucker, but the terminal says no such file or directory | 05:29 |
droopsta915 | *desktop sorry | 05:29 |
unavailable | why doesnt alt+F2 work on my system? | 05:29 |
powergoal2 | droopsta915: what are you typing into the terminal to execute the file? | 05:29 |
fallore_ | powergoal2: here goes, rebooting X | 05:30 |
powergoal2 | fallore_: :) | 05:30 |
droopsta915 | chmod +x PacketTracer5_*.bin | 05:30 |
papp7337 | I'm trying to edit my xorg.conf but it won't save because I'm "not the owner". Help? | 05:30 |
powergoal2 | droopsta915: that makes it executable | 05:30 |
bobertdos | Dabbu, have you tried restarting X after changing the size? It might just need to refresh like that | 05:30 |
powergoal2 | droopsta915: the next thing you need to do is get to the directory: cd Desktop | 05:30 |
unavailable | papp7337: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:30 |
unavailable | naah | 05:30 |
OzFalcon | Is there information on Ubuntu's application package policy? | 05:30 |
fallore | no luck, powergoal2 | 05:30 |
OzFalcon | Is there information on Ubuntu's application package policy? | 05:30 |
unavailable | papp7337: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:30 |
unavailable | papp7337: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:30 |
dabbu | bobertdos:i have already rebooted the system ..no improvement | 05:30 |
FloodBot1 | unavailable: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:30 |
powergoal2 | droopsta915: then run the file ./ (to indicate current directory) filename | 05:30 |
droopsta915 | im in the desktop while doing all this | 05:31 |
droopsta915 | thanx ill try that, be back in a sec. | 05:31 |
fallore | powergoal2: http://paste2.org/p/58209 | 05:31 |
unavailable | OzFalcon: apt-cache ? | 05:31 |
powergoal2 | fallore: hm. paste: dmesg |tail -100 | 05:32 |
daggerx | my miro crashes intermittently, is there any way to prevent that... | 05:32 |
unavailable | why doesnt alt+F2 work on my system? | 05:32 |
dabbu | bobertdos:i have already rebooted the system ..no improvement | 05:32 |
tritium | unavailable: are you in one of the virtual consoles, or in X? | 05:32 |
efrem | unavailable, Try alt+fn+F2 | 05:32 |
fallore | powergoal2: http://paste2.org/p/58211 | 05:32 |
unavailable | how can i make my alt+F2 work again | 05:32 |
powergoal2 | fallore: http://paste2.org/p/58212 that was my mistake, sorry | 05:32 |
papp7337 | Thank you to everyone who helped me! Might be back, might not! Thanks! | 05:32 |
unavailable | tritium in x | 05:32 |
OzFalcon | unavailable, I was looking for info about package version updates. (ie Does Hardy update packages or just patch existing versions with fixes)??? | 05:32 |
unavailable | efrem no lappy im on a desktop | 05:33 |
tritium | unavailable: and you're trying to get to the second virtual console? If so, you need ctrl-alt-f2 | 05:33 |
doug435 | hello i have a toshiba A215 | 05:33 |
droopsta915 | powergoal2:( still says no such file or directory | 05:33 |
DozedOnLinux | !spanish | 05:33 |
ubot3 | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 05:33 |
tritium | unavailable: many people seem to forget there is a first virtual console ;) | 05:33 |
unavailable | tritium no i mean Alt+F2 (brings up rundialog) | 05:33 |
doug435 | that i am trying to run ubuntu on and it is comin up with a vid error sayin no monitor | 05:33 |
powergoal2 | droopsta915: and you are in the right directory typing ./thisprogram.bin right? | 05:34 |
fallore | powergoal2: here goes | 05:34 |
doug435 | hello i have a toshiba A215 that i am trying to run ubuntu on and it is comin up with a vid error sayin no monitor some one help me out ? | 05:34 |
powergoal2 | doug435: are you trying the livecd? | 05:34 |
doug435 | yes | 05:34 |
droopsta915 | the file is on the desktop, should i be someware else? | 05:35 |
unavailable | OzFalcon: not sure may wish to ask someone like Pici | 05:35 |
powergoal2 | doug435: get to a terminal screen ctrl+alt+f1 or f2 and type lspci. the last time i installed ubuntu on a machine the live cd didn't know how to respond to a intel 945 video card. and that may be what you are experiencing. | 05:35 |
fallore | powergoal2: new error: http://paste2.org/p/58213 | 05:35 |
OzFalcon | unavailable, Who's that? (Pici) | 05:35 |
powergoal2 | doug435: lscpi will show you the video card type | 05:35 |
bobertdos | dabbu: Do you have a System->Preferences->Font menu? | 05:35 |
fallore | powergoal2: it seems to be that bottom part "unable to write" that's the problem | 05:35 |
unavailable | OzFalcon: pici is a smart person here in this room | 05:36 |
dabbu | bobertdos:no....System->Preference->Appearance only | 05:36 |
unavailable | OzFalcon: as opposed to me, a 4 month noob | 05:36 |
dennister | found some synthesizer conf file i could edit, so need to reboot to see if it all works as it's supposed to...at boot | 05:36 |
debCarlos | !tork | 05:36 |
ubot3 | tork: anonymity manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.26-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 6068 kB | 05:36 |
bobertdos | dabbu: Are you using Hardy Heron? | 05:36 |
dabbu | bobertdos:yes | 05:36 |
OzFalcon | Yeah. I'v only been using Linux for about 10yrs now too. | 05:37 |
unavailable | so how do I make Alt+F2 bring up a run command dialog like default???? | 05:37 |
powergoal2 | fallore: thats because you aren't running as root | 05:37 |
debCarlos | Does using tork is legal ? | 05:37 |
dabbu | bobertdos:earlier i was able to do that but it has stopped now | 05:37 |
powergoal2 | fallore: the /etc/ directory doesn't allow standard users to write to it by default | 05:37 |
Guarulhos | ;} | 05:37 |
bobertdos | dabbu: I know, and that doesn't make any sense, so I'm having trouble coming up with anything. | 05:37 |
fallore | powergoal2: ah that makes sense. means i have to remember my root password though :X | 05:37 |
debCarlos | Is there anything like tork for GNOME ? | 05:37 |
unavailable | fallore shouldnt it be your login password? | 05:38 |
dabbu | bobertdos:i had istalled Gtk-ChTheme and then uninstall ..actually this problem came after installing this appliation | 05:38 |
fallore | unavailable: on the account i'm using, "austin," the password is different from when i try to log in as root | 05:38 |
OzFalcon | Am I the only one that has problems finding info on Ubuntu's happenings? Example - Where was information to BugJam posted? | 05:38 |
unavailable | fallore: aah | 05:38 |
tritium | OzFalcon: do you subscribe to mailing lists, or read fridge.ubuntu.com? | 05:38 |
powergoal2 | fallore: oh, don't login as root, run ''sudo nvidia-xconfig'' | 05:38 |
powergoal2 | fallore: to run that as root | 05:39 |
OzFalcon | Nothing about Global bugjam was posted on Ubuntu website. | 05:39 |
unavailable | so how do I make Alt+F2 bring up a run command dialog like default???? | 05:39 |
tritium | OzFalcon: there are other forms of communication besides websites. See my question above. | 05:39 |
bobertdos | dabbu: Then perhaps you should try letting Ubuntu reload one of its default themes and see if that helps. | 05:39 |
OzFalcon | tritium, Yeah. I only found about about it after some people posted blogs on the Planet Ubuntu. | 05:40 |
fallore | powergoal2: thanks | 05:40 |
tritium | OzFalcon: there are mailing lists, etc. | 05:40 |
dabbu | bobertdos:i have changed the theme but i didn't understand what u r asking | 05:40 |
fallore | powergoal2: restarting now | 05:40 |
droopsta915 | powergoal2_ ./PacketTracer5*.bin, thats what im typing | 05:40 |
powergoal2 | fallore: cool | 05:40 |
powergoal2 | droopsta915: does the name include the * ? | 05:40 |
bobertdos | dabbu: Change the theme again, to one of the defaults, like Human. | 05:40 |
OzFalcon | tritium, Surely posting Such an even should be on a more "Notice" like position. Not just on mailing lists. (Very unprofessional) | 05:41 |
fallore | powergoal2: bah. nvidia-xconfig ran fine and apparently changed something about my xorg.conf (as it said) but i still only have one option for resolution, and nothing else is different. | 05:41 |
unavailable | why doesnt alt+f2 bring up a run dialog on my box (not a lappy) | 05:41 |
droopsta915 | poergoal2_ no,I also tryed without, i figured my wildcard would work, | 05:41 |
tritium | OzFalcon: your opinion. Others (me included) don't care to know about it. | 05:41 |
dabbu | bobertdos:i have done that but nothing happened ...see i am going to attend my class,so i will come later if my problem is not solved..thanks 4 ur assistant | 05:42 |
powergoal2 | droopsta915: try typing ./Pack and hit tab to get the autocomplete to work | 05:42 |
OzFalcon | tritium, Have to go bavck to work. :-( | 05:42 |
bobertdos | dabbu: One more thing. Try sudo apt-get purge on that package you uninstalled to make sure it's gone completely. | 05:42 |
OzFalcon | Bye all. | 05:43 |
tritium | OzFalcon: good luck | 05:43 |
arcos | unavaliable: thanks a lot for the help, people like you make me stick with ubuntu | 05:43 |
unavailable | arcos anytime | 05:43 |
dabbu | bobertdos:ok | 05:43 |
benzss | suppose i want to convert a .mp4 movie to .avi... how would i go about doing this? | 05:43 |
powergoal2 | fallore: hm the problem i am having is that im not too familiar with the way that ubuntu wants to configure things with the gui portion. | 05:44 |
powergoal2 | fallore: i know how xorg works with the conf, but that doesn't seem to be working with ubuntu | 05:44 |
fallore | powergoal2: i'm gonna attempt to do some research on my own, thank you for all your help and i might be back :P | 05:44 |
powergoal2 | fallore: cool. good luck! | 05:44 |
droopsta915 | powergoal2-no didnt work, well it's time forme to go to bed, ill try tomarrow, i need this for my homework but ill figure something out, thanx again, goodnight all. | 05:44 |
Offline | I have a problem in showing NTFS drive partitions in Ubuntu. is there any way to fix this without logging again to Windows?? | 05:45 |
unavailable | is alt+F2 directly connected to Gnome-Panel? | 05:46 |
unavailable | yep it is | 05:46 |
unavailable | nevermind | 05:46 |
powergoal2 | Offline: do you have the kernel module for ntfs support installed? | 05:46 |
powergoal2 | does ubuntu ship with ntfs-3g? | 05:47 |
bobertdos | Offline: Could you please be a little more specific? | 05:47 |
bobertdos | powergoal2: Hardy Heron does come with that built-i/preinstalled, yes :) | 05:47 |
tritium | powergoal2: yes | 05:47 |
Offline | sometimes when I log on Ubuntu, windows drives (NTFS) disappear I dont why?? So i have to log out and log on windows and i do the CHKDSK utiliy and reboot and everything will be ok. My question is CAN i do this from Ubuntu without the need to reboot?? | 05:50 |
keev | thanks CutMeOwnThroat its simply by chmoding the dir to 711 | 05:50 |
keev | even "/" | 05:50 |
tritium | keev: you really shouldn't muck with system dirs/files in that way. | 05:51 |
Offline | and i am not familiar with this ntfs-3g?? | 05:51 |
holycow | they dissapear because ntfs is left in an uncleen state when you shut down | 05:51 |
holycow | so when linux sees them, it goes uh oh, i dont eant to damage these and refuses to mount them | 05:51 |
unavailable | Offline: are you hibernating or sleeping windows when you go to ubuntu? | 05:51 |
powergoal2 | Offline: holycow i would think that ubuntu would do a clean umount of mounted discs though... | 05:51 |
keev | tritium, i only wanted to keep users from viewing files in "/" | 05:51 |
holycow | you can override this behaviour at risk of data loss on ntfs partitions | 05:51 |
holycow | or | 05:52 |
holycow | just make sure to shut downxp properly | 05:52 |
Offline | maybe it was because of loss of power. | 05:52 |
unavailable | or | 05:52 |
tritium | keev: you can mess up package management when you start doing things like that | 05:52 |
unavailable | just get rid of xp completely | 05:52 |
powergoal2 | unavailable: ah hah! thats the solution! | 05:52 |
Offline | i just used linux one week ago. so sometimes i need windows. | 05:53 |
keev | tritium, so do you think im safe with chmod 711 / | 05:53 |
unavailable | powergoal2: i read an article on a computer that was infected with windows soo bad the nsa said it should be formatted, disassembled and lifted with one of those big car magnets at the junkyard | 05:53 |
keev | because i've already done it :( no turning back now | 05:53 |
aaronwi | hello | 05:53 |
tritium | keev: I believe so, but can't guarantee | 05:54 |
powergoal2 | unavailable: hahaha | 05:54 |
goanookie | End of last week, Windows was kind enough to give me the annual ?Blue Screen of Somehow I Screwed Up My Own Internals I Hope You Weren?t Doing Any Real Important Work Because You?ll Have to Reinstall the Operating System of Death.? | 05:54 |
keev | seems to be running smooth but we'll see. | 05:54 |
keev | thanks tritium! | 05:54 |
tritium | :) | 05:54 |
unavailable | powergoal2: they went on to say that a computer infected with windows should always be unplugged from the phone, cable, heck even the a/c wall outlet to be sure no infection spreads | 05:54 |
djhash | hey.. in terminal u use "command >file" but what if I want the output to go to file AND to show up on screen? | 05:54 |
doug435 | ok i am trying to run the live cd on my toshiba A215 and it wont load becasue it cant decetcd a monitor and i am usin a ATI 94c9 chip | 05:54 |
aaronwi | i need help...im in kde...and I did something, not sure what, but now my desktop seems to be extended outside of the monitor viewing range, and i have to move the mouse to an edge and it like scrolls to the edge of the desktop, how do I fix this? | 05:54 |
Offline | thanks guys. | 05:54 |
Offline | see u soon | 05:54 |
powergoal2 | unavailable: it would a scary day when windows begins to replicate itself through the internet.. | 05:55 |
unavailable | rofl | 05:55 |
aaronwi | i have a nvidia gforece 8800gts...and am trying to get dual monitors working | 05:55 |
unavailable | powergoal2: windows update? | 05:55 |
fallore | powergoal2: i think the problem is that my nvidia drivers somehow became undone. do you know of a way to check if they're still installed/reinstall them? | 05:55 |
keev | aaronwi, must be nice bro :) | 05:55 |
bobertdos | Offline: Yes, it was because of the power loss. When a Windows partition does not unmount properly (or in other words, when Windows crashes), Ubuntu will not mount it because the flag still indicates that the partition is busy. | 05:55 |
unavailable | aaronwi: you have compiz installed? | 05:55 |
aaronwi | no | 05:55 |
powergoal2 | fallore: i dont, sorry | 05:55 |
aaronwi | keev, would be nice if it would work | 05:55 |
powergoal2 | unavailable: touche.. | 05:56 |
doug435 | ok i am trying to run the live cd on my toshiba A215 and it wont load becasue it cant decetcd a monitor and i am usin a ATI 94c9 chip and it will not start anyone help me out ? | 05:56 |
hypa7ia | hey folks! which ubuntu installer cd should i use to do an encrypted server install, or alternately to do an encrypted netbook remix install? | 05:56 |
aaronwi | unavailable, no compiz...brand new kubuntu install, and no one is alive in the kubuntu channel | 05:56 |
Offline | bobertdos: thanks for your info because i was wondering why. i will reboot now and try to fix it. | 05:56 |
hypa7ia | and also, is there a netbook remix irc channel anywhere? | 05:56 |
bobertdos | Offline: You can work around it sometimes by using the terminal to mount it forcefully. | 05:57 |
unavailable | aaronwi try holding random buttons and scrolling in or out | 05:57 |
Offline | bobertdos: how?? | 05:57 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174 | 05:57 |
djhash | !boy | 05:58 |
ubot3 | Factoid boy not found | 05:58 |
unavailable | well its late | 05:58 |
unavailable | < Yall | 05:58 |
bobertdos | Offline: Force mounting generally isn't the best idea, and it doesn't always work, but you go into a terminal and type: sudo mount -f <device path> <mount path> | 05:58 |
aaronwi | thanks powergoal2, but first i need to fix this 'zoomed' in screen | 05:59 |
aaronwi | i tried the random buttons and scrolling, no luck | 05:59 |
zzl | how do i check whether my hardware is eth0 or ath0?? | 05:59 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: its zoomed? | 05:59 |
doug435 | ok i am trying to run the live cd on my toshiba A215 and it wont load becasue it cant decetcd a monitor and i am usin a ATI 94c9 chip and it will not start anyone help me out ? | 05:59 |
aaronwi | i dont know whats wrong | 05:59 |
hypa7ia | doug435: have you googled that video card + boot options | 06:00 |
hypa7ia | that's what i'd suggest | 06:00 |
hypa7ia | :) | 06:00 |
aaronwi | i saw this hardware icon that let me install 3d nvidia drivers, which i did, and then i tried adjusting the options for the screen, finding a more exact card match etc...and since the reboot it is like zoomed in | 06:00 |
hypa7ia | aaronwi: i've seen that, it's that you hit a key combination in compiz... let me find it. it took me ages to figure out :) | 06:00 |
aaronwi | i dont have compiz | 06:01 |
=== ricky_ is now known as Guest93128 | ||
aaronwi | or i never installed it anyways | 06:01 |
Guest93128 | fucking linux confusing as hell! | 06:01 |
powergoal2 | Guest93128: woah dude, relax | 06:01 |
hypa7ia | Guest93128: i think the same thing about windows every time i use it :) | 06:01 |
Guest93128 | it hurts my brain! | 06:02 |
Guest93128 | I want to play starcraft use youtube and use yahoo | 06:02 |
aaronwi | o snap...i disabled the 3d nvidia driver and its back to normal...now im just back to dual view with the same output on both monitors | 06:02 |
Guest93128 | and only got as far as youtube | 06:02 |
aaronwi | now how do i get 3d working so I can play some FPS games | 06:02 |
aaronwi | on one monitor | 06:02 |
fallore | powergoal2: bah! all i had to do was go to my driver manager and enable the nvidia drivers. i feel like a dope but i guess lesson learned | 06:03 |
Guest93128 | I poo on linux! | 06:03 |
hypa7ia | Guest93128: yahoo as in yahoo IM? | 06:03 |
Guest93128 | I am going back to windows 3.0!!!!! | 06:03 |
dev_n00b | http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2008/08/12/linux-myths-busted/ | 06:03 |
powergoal2 | Guest93128: you might check on wine with starcraft | 06:03 |
hypa7ia | lol | 06:03 |
Coma | hi | 06:03 |
powergoal2 | fallore: hahaha well, i guess thats the way it works out sometimes | 06:04 |
Guest93128 | wine works for starcraft but thats the least of my worries | 06:04 |
powergoal2 | fallore: glad it works ;) | 06:04 |
Guest93128 | I wanna use yahoo voice chat and my webcam | 06:04 |
powergoal2 | Guest93128: hm. im afraid i can't help you with either of those. im not familiar with the way the programs work or how to get linux to work with them. | 06:04 |
aaronwi | so what do i do about 3d graphics? | 06:04 |
Guest93128 | linux is for smart people! | 06:04 |
Coma | no | 06:04 |
hypa7ia | Guest93128: yahoo IM will work, but not webcam/voice | 06:04 |
hypa7ia | skype works with cam/voice though | 06:05 |
fallore | i used to think linux was for everyone, but then it broke during a routine automatic upgrade | 06:05 |
dev_n00b | http://www.smashingapps.com/2008/08/12/19-most-essential-open-source-applications-that-you-probably-want-to-know.html | 06:05 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: run glxgears and see what your fps is over 5 seconds | 06:05 |
dev_n00b | Just helping out, now :) | 06:05 |
aaronwi | powergoal2: whats that | 06:05 |
debCarlos | ari_stress: Hey | 06:05 |
=== nostferka^ is now known as nostferka | ||
Guest93128 | stupid ubuntu open source apt/ect/getupdate/fuck_your_mom | 06:06 |
AlmightyCthulhu | ? | 06:06 |
debCarlos | ari_stress: ext3grep didn't work..... it recover only a few folders but no archives lol | 06:06 |
AlmightyCthulhu | you can't figure Ubuntu out? | 06:06 |
Guest93128 | nope! | 06:06 |
Guest93128 | it sucks | 06:06 |
AlmightyCthulhu | thats bad | 06:06 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: it tests to see how fast your video card can render a few gears running in circles | 06:07 |
AlmightyCthulhu | no, you do | 06:07 |
Guest93128 | I need a computer to do 3 things | 06:07 |
benzss | suppose i want to convert a .mp4 movie to .avi... how would i go about doing this? | 06:07 |
lonejack | hi, when I perform a restart I receive some messages(error or warning) but isn't possible to memorize them, visualization is too fast. Is there a log file where to see them? | 06:07 |
Guest93128 | starcraft youtube and yahoo voice | 06:07 |
aaronwi | powergoal2: how will that help in enabling 3d? I know i have a good vid card its a nvidia 8800gts | 06:07 |
powergoal2 | Guest93128: i think you would have better luck with gentoo... | 06:07 |
AlmightyCthulhu | oh dear god | 06:07 |
Guest93128 | gentoo???? | 06:07 |
debCarlos | Guest93128: lol | 06:07 |
debCarlos | Guest93128: apt/ext/getupdate/******* lol | 06:07 |
AlmightyCthulhu | if he can't even figure Ubuntu out, he'd have no chance in hell with Gentoo | 06:08 |
pallu | how can get beryl to work ? | 06:08 |
AlmightyCthulhu | Ubuntu is very easy | 06:08 |
powergoal2 | AlmightyCthulhu: hahaha perhaps not.. but i love gentoo! | 06:08 |
Guest93128 | NO ITS NOT! | 06:08 |
AlmightyCthulhu | pallu: Beryl merged with Compiz | 06:08 |
pajamian | !beryl | pallu | 06:08 |
ubot3 | pallu: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 06:08 |
Guest93128 | with windows I could clikc install | 06:08 |
pajamian | !compiz | pallu | 06:08 |
ubot3 | pallu: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 06:08 |
Guest93128 | beryl is not merged with compiz newb | 06:08 |
AlmightyCthulhu | yes it is | 06:08 |
powergoal2 | Guest93128: if all you want to do is piss and moan then go use windows, if you want some help that take into consideration what people are telling you | 06:09 |
AlmightyCthulhu | Beryl is discontinued | 06:09 |
aaronwi | i tried installing glxgears...said to install mesa-utils....then had an error | 06:09 |
AlmightyCthulhu | he's just trolling | 06:09 |
hsteve | please remind me how to go about configuring my sound for the apple's imac. what site gives the best advise | 06:09 |
Guest93128 | fuck this I am deleting ubuntu and installing windows 3.0 again | 06:10 |
pajamian | !ops | Guest93128 | 06:10 |
ubot3 | Guest93128: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! | 06:10 |
aaronwi | this shit is really pissing me off | 06:10 |
joustin | I like compiz but i want some of the cool features like the fire or what not when you close a window | 06:10 |
AlmightyCthulhu | the infantile mentality of some of these trolls is unbelievable | 06:10 |
Madpilot | Guest93128, only warning: be polite. | 06:10 |
aaronwi | E: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 06:11 |
aaronwi | wtf is that supposed to mean | 06:11 |
AlmightyCthulhu | Google is your friend | 06:11 |
Guest93128 | hahaha moderators in a shitty chat | 06:11 |
hypa7ia | aaronwi: the package didn't install properly, that's what dpkg does | 06:11 |
joustin | Every problem I had with linux was due to user erro, so I did my homework and have a nice clean heron install | 06:11 |
hsteve | hi how about sound for an apple sound card | 06:11 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: this probably doesn't help much, but: it means dpkg failed to run properly | 06:11 |
Guest93128 | lets be oh so cool! | 06:11 |
hypa7ia | Guest93128: TROLL FAIL | 06:12 |
powergoal2 | lol | 06:12 |
=== Igramul_ is now known as Igramul | ||
joustin | :) | 06:12 |
aaronwi | this is why no one uses linux...because simple tasks take so much work | 06:12 |
powergoal2 | now he'll never know how to use ubuntu... hahaha | 06:12 |
joustin | 14 million people use linux | 06:13 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: the trick is to look up on google some information on how to accoplish your given task | 06:13 |
joustin | give or take a rough estimate | 06:13 |
aaronwi | hard to look up what i have no clue im looking up | 06:13 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: what do you want to have working? | 06:13 |
AlmightyCthulhu | well, some people are like "OMG CoC!!!!! OMG!!!" but it's nice to see the ops can bag a real troll sometimes | 06:13 |
Madpilot | AlmightyCthulhu, we give people enough rope, then do the obvious with it... | 06:13 |
moshe | guest,what is the problem? | 06:14 |
aaronwi | well package install errors......but thats unrelated to my initial problem...getting 3d enabled...then extending my desktop to the 2nd monitor | 06:14 |
pajamian | aaronwi: you can look up the error message. | 06:14 |
aaronwi | ya..i did and just found other people's error logs, which are useless to me | 06:14 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: ok, what video card do you have? | 06:14 |
hypa7ia | aaronwi: what graphics card? | 06:14 |
debCarlos | Guest93128: With Ubuntu you only have to type and install, you don't have to look for the installer, just sudo aptitude install program | 06:14 |
hypa7ia | powergoal2: jinx :) | 06:14 |
joustin | hmm all i had to do was enable restricted drivers | 06:14 |
aaronwi | nvidia 8800gts 320mb | 06:14 |
powergoal2 | hypa7ia: :) | 06:14 |
joustin | apt-get rocks | 06:14 |
AlmightyCthulhu | aaronwi: try doing and apt-get clean | 06:14 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: so look up "linux nvidia 880gts 3d" | 06:14 |
AlmightyCthulhu | that works sometimes | 06:14 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: maybe even throw in ubuntu | 06:15 |
Guarulhos | :[ | 06:15 |
lonejack | hi, when I perform a restart I receive some messages(error or warning) but isn't possible to memorize them, visualization is too fast. Is there a log file where to see them? | 06:15 |
AlmightyCthulhu | If Linux has a weakness, it's that it won't protect itself from the user | 06:16 |
powergoal2 | lonejack: dmesg probably | 06:16 |
Igramul | lonejack: either dmesg or /var/log/messages | 06:16 |
AlmightyCthulhu | I even managed to remove a shared library that RPM needed once | 06:16 |
powergoal2 | lonejack: run "dmesg|less" in a terminal | 06:16 |
Flannel | AlmightyCthulhu: Please take chatter elsewhere, thanks. | 06:16 |
aaronwi | so what do i do about the failed package install...i cant remove it either now | 06:16 |
powergoal2 | lonejack: see what you get in there. and /var/log/messages will work if you have a syslog installed and running before the error comes up | 06:16 |
pajamian | AlmightyCthulhu: that had to be some feat on ubuntu | 06:16 |
AlmightyCthulhu | nobody likes a smartass | 06:17 |
pajamian | AlmightyCthulhu: ;-) | 06:17 |
moshe | thx,powergoal,you beat me to that one | 06:17 |
AlmightyCthulhu | as far as that goes however, you can install RPM on Ubuntu | 06:17 |
Madpilot | AlmightyCthulhu, you haven't seen someone here ranting about not being allowed to muck around in /, have you? *nix protects itself fairly well... | 06:17 |
hypa7ia | so, no-one knows about a netbook remix irc channel? | 06:17 |
AlmightyCthulhu | once you prefix a command with sudo, there's no stopping you | 06:18 |
moshe | hypa,did you do a channel search? | 06:18 |
aaronwi | well google was useless...just discouraged me more, seeing all the problems people are having | 06:18 |
powergoal2 | sudo is like enableing godmode and noclip in doom. | 06:18 |
lonejack | powergoal2: Igramul: thank you | 06:18 |
shahalam | hi all | 06:18 |
Madpilot | aaronwi, some graphics cards hate Linux. That's true of most hardware - some of it sucks. | 06:19 |
AlmightyCthulhu | I was about to answer Madpilot with the command that removes all files and directories recursively without asking | 06:19 |
lat | There are 4 sata harddrives on my computer. Three of them usually show up in the /media folder as /media/disk-1 (2 or 3). But if a USB drive is inserted, their disk number may change. This confuses my backup script. Is there a better way to reference these drives? | 06:19 |
Flannel | AlmightyCthulhu: You'd be promptly removed | 06:19 |
benzss | suppose i want to convert a .mp4 movie to .avi... how would i go about doing this? | 06:19 |
aaronwi | yes...but seeing others problems still doesnt help me in the basic install of the cards drivers or getting 3d working | 06:19 |
Madpilot | AlmightyCthulhu, writing "that command" in this channel *will* get you booted, just FYI | 06:19 |
shahalam | i have a small problem | 06:20 |
moshe | lat, to my knowledge the disk renumbering cannot be worked around thru a script | 06:20 |
AlmightyCthulhu | I know, and there's always someone stupid enough to copy paste things they don't understand | 06:20 |
Igramul | lat: Disklabels might help you | 06:20 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=72490 | 06:20 |
powergoal2 | aaronwi: that might be useful | 06:20 |
moshe | aaronwi,which video board do you have? | 06:20 |
wbmj | shahalam:what's the problem | 06:20 |
shahalam | my sound quality is effected once i install nvidia driver | 06:20 |
shahalam | the videos are corrupt | 06:21 |
shahalam | after the installation of nvidia driver | 06:21 |
aaronwi | aaronwi: nvidia 8800gts 320mb | 06:21 |
shahalam | no nvidia 6150 | 06:21 |
lat | Igramul, thanks! I'll google Disklabels. | 06:21 |
powergoal2 | lat: these disks will always have the same name in /dev/, so if you define the mountpoint in /etc/fstab it will be constant | 06:21 |
moshe | does envy set up the drivers correctly for you? | 06:21 |
Flannel | !envy | moshe | 06:22 |
ubot3 | moshe: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk | 06:22 |
shahalam | i use the flashing hardware driver icon | 06:22 |
Igramul | lat: no problem - I'm not very familiar with disk labels myself... | 06:22 |
shahalam | the restricted driver | 06:22 |
Igramul | !disklabels | lat | 06:22 |
ubot3 | Factoid disklabels not found | 06:22 |
moshe | flannel, I was aware of envyng,just trying to assist | 06:22 |
Igramul | !disklabel | lat | 06:22 |
ubot3 | Factoid disklabel not found | 06:22 |
AlmightyCthulhu | I suggest using Envy because Ubuntu ships with old drivers that are full of bugs and don't work with new cards | 06:22 |
debCarlos | lol | 06:22 |
debCarlos | Guest93128: Windows 3.0 will make you kill the computer | 06:22 |
debCarlos | aaronwi: It's supposed to mean that dpkg returned error code (1) :) | 06:23 |
Flannel | moshe: Don't use envy. period. | 06:23 |
shahalam | ok | 06:23 |
debCarlos | I think he did a rm -rf / in his mind (Gues9.... ) | 06:23 |
debCarlos | AlmightyCthulhu: Apt-get clean will only remove packages in /var/cache/apt/archives | 06:23 |
debCarlos | lonejack: Something about the network manager ? | 06:23 |
aaronwi | how does that help me, i dont know shit | 06:23 |
dzhkh | Hi, I was wondering where I could get the configure and compile time options used to make the standard ubuntu dpkgs? | 06:23 |
lat | powergoals, how do I define them? | 06:23 |
moshe | I do not use it. I have envyng installed and use it | 06:23 |
dzhkh | (I need to compile a slightly modified application and get the binary as close as possible to the one that is installed) | 06:23 |
AlmightyCthulhu | the politically correct Ubuntu kick, yay | 06:24 |
powergoal2 | lat: well, you put in a line: <address> <mountpoint> <filetype> <options> | 06:24 |
shahalam | i guess i need legasy drivers | 06:24 |
Flannel | AlmightyCthulhu: Please take non-support talk elsewhere, thanks. | 06:24 |
powergoal2 | lat: and it does what you need it to do based on that | 06:24 |
shahalam | may be 9.xx series on nvidia website ? | 06:24 |
vipaca | Does anyone know how to export variables for sudo account? | 06:24 |
AlmightyCthulhu | legacy drivers are Geforce 5 and lower | 06:24 |
shahalam | oh ok | 06:24 |
scorch__ | be advised, there is a confirmed bug for the -20 kernal in ref to Nvidia | 06:25 |
AlmightyCthulhu | Nvidia has to keep Geforce 6 in it's normal driver pack, because all their integrated stuff is Geforce 6 based | 06:25 |
lat | powergoals, ok. Many thanks! | 06:25 |
shahalam | its a nvidia 6150 on a gigabyte motherboard with 128 mb memory | 06:25 |
powergoal2 | vipaca: i think that if you export a variable its systemwide, so if you are a root or standard user, the variable is defined the same | 06:25 |
shahalam | but iw works fine on suse 11 | 06:25 |
powergoal2 | lat: you're welcome. also lookup fstab if you need more info | 06:25 |
AlmightyCthulhu | shahalam: The Nvidia Linux driver does weird things on integrated Geforces | 06:26 |
powergoal2 | !fstab | lat | 06:26 |
ubot3 | lat: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 06:26 |
AlmightyCthulhu | you're always better off with a dedicated card, even if it's a cheapie 7300LE or something | 06:26 |
shahalam | ok | 06:26 |
lat | ubot3, thanks for that link! | 06:27 |
ubot3 | lat: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:27 |
shahalam | so its better not to install the driver on ubuntu 8.04 | 06:27 |
shahalam | thx www.real.com | 06:27 |
AlmightyCthulhu | shahalam: The open source NV driver is all kinds of bad | 06:27 |
shahalam | thanks AlmightyCthulhu | 06:27 |
AlmightyCthulhu | if you have Nvidia anything, you want their proprietary drivers | 06:28 |
Igramul | lat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive | 06:28 |
shahalam | atleast it plays videos and mp3 properly | 06:28 |
Igramul | lat: This should explain all you need. | 06:28 |
shahalam | the open source nv driver | 06:28 |
AlmightyCthulhu | shahalam: The problems the binary driver has with the integrated Radeon mainly have to do with refresh rates | 06:28 |
scorch__ | be advised, there is a confirmed bug for the -20 kernal in ref to Nvidia | 06:28 |
scorch__ | be advised, there is a confirmed bug for the -20 kernal in ref to Nvidia | 06:28 |
scorch__ | be advised, there is a confirmed bug for the -20 kernal in ref to Nvidia | 06:28 |
lat | Igramul, thanks again! | 06:29 |
FloodBot1 | scorch__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:29 |
AlmightyCthulhu | the NV driver that Ubuntu ships with is 2d only, doesn't even accelerate that very well, and usually won't suspend or resume right | 06:29 |
pallu | hello how can i check if compiz is going to work? | 06:30 |
AlmightyCthulhu | turn it on? | 06:30 |
powergoal2 | haha yep | 06:30 |
FAJALOU | HELP i used this url: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491 as a reference as to which processes to turn off in BUM but now i cannot access the repos at all!!! What can i do? | 06:31 |
bazhang | pallu, what video card do you have (model and number) | 06:31 |
Ontolog | I got sound working for Flash on my machine however sometimes the sound still cuts out. Restarting FF doesn't restore sound in Flash. Anyone know about this? | 06:32 |
aaronwi | ok so i found the nivida generic x64 driver...im trying to install it and it says im running an x server....and that i should close it....whats an x server and how do i close it? | 06:32 |
pallu | intet i810 | 06:32 |
AlmightyCthulhu | pallu: I wouldn't recommend Compiz if you play video games | 06:32 |
vipaca | I have the problem that when I setup http_proxy | 06:32 |
AlmightyCthulhu | it massively kills your framerate | 06:32 |
vipaca | it will work for wget but not for apt-get | 06:32 |
pallu | i just want to try it | 06:32 |
bazhang | pallu, that will be able to do compiz, though not all the fancy effects such as fire without difficulty | 06:32 |
Overand | I need to do some regex/sed/tr-fu | 06:33 |
regeya | aye, but you can disable the compositor | 06:33 |
AlmightyCthulhu | OpenSolaris has the best default Compiz settings I've ever seen | 06:33 |
Overand | I have a bnch of lines ending with "each:" and a newline, and a bunch of lines ending with a newline after a filename | 06:33 |
regeya | you can have your cake, and eat it too...just remember to disable compositing before firing up a game | 06:33 |
Overand | I need to yank the newlines after the "each:" but not the other ones | 06:33 |
regeya | my own experience is that I certainly don't notice a drop...on this machine. :-> my old machine, though, was horrible. | 06:33 |
debCarlo1 | What's yank ? | 06:34 |
bazhang | delete | 06:34 |
debCarlo1 | ok | 06:35 |
Overand | debCarlo1: as in sed "s/each:\n/each: /" | 06:35 |
Overand | except sed won't do that, becase it's "line-based" | 06:35 |
debCarlo1 | Yeah, i thinked about sed too | 06:35 |
powergoal2 | Overand: sed -e '/each:$/N;s/\n *//' | 06:35 |
Overand | ah! | 06:36 |
dzhkh | who creates the packages for ubuntu? | 06:36 |
powergoal2 | Overand: i think that will work, but im not sure | 06:36 |
SNuxoll | !motu | dzhkh | 06:36 |
ubot3 | dzhkh: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | 06:36 |
pallu | Desktop effects could not be enabled | 06:36 |
Overand | powergoal2: it seems to be 100% perfect | 06:36 |
powergoal2 | Overand: superb | 06:37 |
bazhang | pallu, where did you get this message | 06:37 |
bullgard4 | What is the function of the directory /usr/share/hotkey-setup? What programs do use it? | 06:37 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: there is likely a program called hotkey-setup | 06:37 |
ari_stress | !dash | 06:37 |
ubot3 | /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash | 06:37 |
debCarlo1 | !hotkey-setup | 06:38 |
ubot3 | Factoid hotkey-setup not found | 06:38 |
Flannel | !mediakeys | 06:38 |
ubot3 | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 06:38 |
pallu | Visual Effects tab on appearence | 06:38 |
ari_stress | ubot3: why dash? why not bash? | 06:39 |
ubot3 | why: A software verification tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.04.dfsg-3 (hardy), package size 4383 kB, installed size 11544 kB | 06:39 |
bazhang | pallu, you should ask in #compiz-fusion about that card | 06:39 |
debCarlo1 | lol | 06:39 |
wbmj | ari_stress dash is faster than bash | 06:39 |
sexcopter | hi, quick silly question: what is meant by 8.04.01, i.e., what does the .01 (or +1) signify? | 06:40 |
debCarlo1 | yeah | 06:40 |
debCarlo1 | Good question | 06:40 |
wbmj | sexcopter: security updates | 06:40 |
Flannel | sexcopter: 8.04.1 is the first point release, it has updated packages and updated installer | 06:40 |
crdlb | sexcopter: it's 8.04.1, but it's just a new image made about a month after release | 06:40 |
j-UBNET | hey guys, sorta new on here.. who knows how to get onto the azureus server? | 06:41 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: Yes, there is. -- Thank you very much for your help. | 06:41 |
crdlb | so that you can avoid some of the updates when doing installs from the CD | 06:41 |
Flannel | sexcopter: If you install 8.04 and then update from the repos, you'll get to 8.04.1 (and in a few months, 8.04.2) | 06:41 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: you're welcome | 06:41 |
ari_stress | hi debCarlo1, have u managed to undelete your /home | 06:41 |
bazhang | pallu, the intel i810 should be able to do compiz; got it going here a while back | 06:41 |
debCarlo1 | ari_stress: no lol | 06:41 |
debCarlo1 | ari_stress: I gived up | 06:41 |
debCarlo1 | ari_stress: ext3grep did a lot of work | 06:41 |
powergoal2 | debCarlo1: you deleted /home ?! | 06:41 |
dextone | http://www.transavia.co.id/ <= sapa mau pesen tiket pesawat gratis :P | 06:41 |
debCarlo1 | ari_stress: But only recovered folders, no files | 06:42 |
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Dedoimedo | hello all, i'm here to help, does anyone need help?? | 06:42 |
powergoal2 | debCarlo1: i have a better one for you: 2 years ago i accidentally formatted the wrong partition of my hd, losing 300GB of movies/music/etc. | 06:42 |
dextone | wtf... allnet... sorry guyz... | 06:42 |
Martyn | What is the Ubuntu command-line utility to download security updates? | 06:42 |
dzhkh | i have read motu but still cannot find the commands used to create particular packages | 06:42 |
Martyn | (I'm running ubuntu server, so can't run synaptic) | 06:42 |
debCarlo1 | powergoal2: No, yesterday i was helping someone and for some reason i was going to erase files on my pendrive and did a mistake... executing rm -rf * in my ~/ | 06:42 |
Flannel | Martyn: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:42 |
powergoal2 | debCarlo1: yeah, that sucks. | 06:43 |
Flannel | debCarlo1: please don't say anything that resembles that command here. | 06:43 |
debCarlo1 | powergoal2: lol, but i think you can recover a partition right ? | 06:43 |
ari_stress | debCarlo1: i have another link that is very good: http://www.osnews.com/story/20061/Recover_Deleted_Files_in_EXT3_ext3undel | 06:43 |
Martyn | ahhh .. dist-upgrade is used for security updates as -well- as general package updates | 06:43 |
sexcopter | to Flannel and crdlb, thanks for the answer. so is there a schedule/rhythm to these point releases? or just when it seems appropriate? | 06:43 |
powergoal2 | debCarlo1: well, you usually can, but the way that i had done it, i changed the partition type from ext3 to reiserfs, and i couldn't find anything about recovering that | 06:43 |
debCarlo1 | Flannel: Ok | 06:43 |
Flannel | Martyn: Yeah, they all come through the repos | 06:43 |
Martyn | Is there a way to /only/ get the security updates? | 06:43 |
Flannel | sexcopter: They occur on LTSs, every six months, with an offset of three months from the initial release. | 06:44 |
debCarlo1 | powergoal2: Yeah.... and you know the worst, my backup was in the usb drive i formatted just a minutes before deleting home | 06:44 |
vipaca | http://pastie.org/252061 | 06:44 |
Madpilot | sexcopter, security updates are released as security issues are found | 06:44 |
vipaca | just doesn't make sense to me | 06:44 |
vipaca | I guess Ill be installing everything from source? | 06:45 |
powergoal2 | debCarlo1: ouch... | 06:45 |
vipaca | or from debs that I can get a hold of | 06:45 |
debCarlo1 | ari_stress: Seems like that link will help me, thanks :D | 06:45 |
Flannel | sexcopter: so, every july and january | 06:45 |
asdf25 | i'm using firefox 3 in hardy and i can't get the session restore to work - when i restart firefox it always just opens the ubuntu start page - anyone know how i can get it working? | 06:46 |
debCarlo1 | powergoal2: lol, yeah. But i only lost one week, i had a old backup in Vista | 06:46 |
Flannel | vipaca: What version of Ubuntu are you using? and are you connected to the internet? | 06:46 |
sexcopter | Flannel: i see, thanks, I was just curious! | 06:46 |
powergoal2 | vipaca: did you mess up your apt sources file? | 06:46 |
vipaca | herion | 06:46 |
powergoal2 | debCarlo1: ok, that isn't too bad the | 06:46 |
powergoal2 | n | 06:46 |
debCarlo1 | powergoal2: yep, | 06:46 |
vipaca | I don't think so, I am behind a firewall perhaps I may have | 06:47 |
Flannel | vipaca: sudo apt-get update first, then try again | 06:47 |
cragos | is anyone else seeing bad keys on the security.ubuntu.org server? | 06:47 |
cragos | took me three tries to get a good key | 06:47 |
cragos | kaminsky to blame? | 06:47 |
p4_xxx | can someone tell me if im correct about this setting for my ubuntu server? i use it just for share files at home i dont know much about servers http://paste.ubuntu.com/37050/ | 06:47 |
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vipaca | its sitting at 0% | 06:48 |
yadame | Hi there! I'm trying to play some videos with mplayer but I'm not able to get the "xv" (X11/xv) driver to work. (gl works but the performance is bad). "xvinfo" tells me "no adaptors present". I'm using a Radeon X1600 with fglrx. | 06:48 |
debCarlo1 | Now i formatted my usb drive and write a script to make a backup every day lol | 06:48 |
Flannel | vipaca: then you're having connection issues | 06:48 |
vipaca | Im using http_proxy | 06:48 |
Flannel | vipaca: either on your end, or the mirror's | 06:48 |
vipaca | which works for wget | 06:48 |
vipaca | but its seems to not work so well with apt-get or aptitude | 06:49 |
powergoal2 | yadame: you might try editing your ~/.mplayer/config file and putting in a line that says vo=gl2 | 06:49 |
powergoal2 | yadame: see if it improves your output | 06:49 |
balgarath | any applications out there you can use to generate a mySQL schema diagram from an existing db? | 06:49 |
yadame | powergoal2: Already tried gl2, too and the performance is even worser. But thanks for the tip! | 06:49 |
powergoal2 | yadame: and you cant get xv to work? | 06:50 |
yadame | powergoal2: Yep, mplayer complains about the missing video output. the xv-extension is loaded during the xorg-startup but xvinfo is telling me "no adaptors present". | 06:50 |
powergoal2 | yadame: hahaha i tried to pass vo xv to my mplayer and it crashed my xserver | 06:51 |
yadame | powergoal2: uh :( | 06:51 |
unop | p4_xxx, the rules on lines 13-15 are redundant otherwise, it's fine | 06:51 |
powergoal2 | yadame: i don't really know what to tell you, sorry | 06:51 |
yadame | powergoal2: no problem, thank you for your time =) | 06:52 |
powergoal2 | good luck | 06:52 |
powergoal2 | alright all, I'm out. | 06:52 |
hsteve | hi how do i check for what bit system i have 32/64 | 06:52 |
p4_xxx | is the mac addresss used for security? | 06:52 |
infinitycircuit | hsteve, uname -m | 06:52 |
hsteve | thanks | 06:52 |
unop | hsteve, dpkg --print-architecture | 06:52 |
unop | p4_xxx, not primarily, though it can be used in security | 06:53 |
infinitycircuit | unop, that's a nice trick good to know dpkg can do it too | 06:53 |
hsteve | i686 is which 32 or 64 | 06:53 |
infinitycircuit | hsteve, 32 | 06:53 |
debCarlo1 | Ok, i'm going to try the ext3undel thing ari_stress | 06:53 |
unop | hsteve, 32 | 06:53 |
hsteve | k | 06:54 |
MrZaius | it just took me three tries to get a valid apt-get update | 06:54 |
MrZaius | yayz shitty third world ISPs and their transparent proxies | 06:54 |
p4_xxx | ah ok thank you | 06:54 |
unop | infinitycircuit, yea, there's a whole load of useful things you can do with all the dpkg* and apt* utilities | 06:54 |
MrZaius | are there reported cases of DNS cache poisoning attacks targetting debian/ubuntu repos? | 06:54 |
vipaca | http://pastie.org/252063 | 06:55 |
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vipaca | kinda ironic that at the end it suggest that perform the command that just failed | 06:55 |
vipaca | maybe I should open a case seems like a bug | 06:55 |
infinitycircuit | unop, i must say my favorite part of dpkg/apt is probably intregration with stuff like git-buildpackage | 06:55 |
Madpilot | MrZaius, not that I've ever heard. That sort of thing would be big news in linux, we need our trusted repos! | 06:56 |
nasi_padang | why can't i use debian repo? | 06:56 |
Madpilot | because Ubuntu isn't Debian? | 06:57 |
vipaca | Are there any good deb sites like dag for rpm or can I goto the ubuntu sites directly | 06:57 |
nasi_padang | it ubuntu is debian derivative | 06:57 |
unop | nasi_padang, yes | 06:58 |
unop | vipaca, packages.ubuntu.com | 06:58 |
nasi_padang | unop, 'yes' what? | 06:58 |
Madpilot | nasi_padang, "derivative" is the key word there | 06:58 |
unop | nasi_padang, yes, ubuntu is a debian derivative .. but it is not debian | 06:59 |
Madpilot | ubot3, debian | nasi_padang | 06:59 |
ubot3 | nasi_padang: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 06:59 |
nasi_padang | why can mepis use debian repo? | 07:00 |
CutMeOwnThroat | nasi_padang, on the other hand, you could just try and find out about all the fun things that can go wrong 1st hand... | 07:00 |
CutMeOwnThroat | and that's cuttin your own throat :-P | 07:00 |
nasi_padang | :-? | 07:01 |
CutMeOwnThroat | :~} | 07:01 |
bader_ | hi | 07:02 |
mrtubby | does anyone know if there is a way to make a bash script run as root without needing to enter a password? | 07:02 |
bader_ | can i get some help here please :> | 07:02 |
Madpilot | CutMeOwnThroat, would your last name be Dibbler, by any chance? | 07:02 |
mrtubby | whats your question bader | 07:02 |
CutMeOwnThroat | mrtubby, cron | 07:02 |
bader_ | will i cant read arabic front in xchat | 07:02 |
CutMeOwnThroat | Madpilot, yes, want a rat onna stick? | 07:03 |
mrtubby | you cant make cron exec on command, its a timed thing always correct? | 07:03 |
fallore | is there a way to make it so that when you click for example the firefox address bar once the whole line will be highlighted (like in windows)? | 07:03 |
Madpilot | CutMeOwnThroat, no thanks, and I'll pass on a meat pie, too... | 07:03 |
unop | fallore, ctrl+l :) | 07:03 |
Igramul | fallore: or tripple-click ;) | 07:04 |
fallore | unop: yeah i've gotten used to it but it would be nice if i didn't have to shortcut around it | 07:04 |
bader_ | will i try to set arabic in setting | 07:04 |
bader_ | doesnt work | 07:04 |
fallore | or click + ctrl a, or double click, etc | 07:04 |
fallore | i know there are other ways to do it :P | 07:04 |
CutMeOwnThroat | mrtubby, oh, you want someone to call it and it runs as root? just set the suid-bit - but take care, it can easily be a barn-door with a sign "hackers enter here" | 07:04 |
dfgas | anyone run a q6600 | 07:04 |
unop | CutMeOwnThroat, the setuid bit has no effect on scripts | 07:04 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, definitely not true for perl | 07:05 |
unop | CutMeOwnThroat, even for perl | 07:05 |
mrtubby | CutMeOwnThroad: yea, it makes me nervous, soo a chmod 4500 ought to get the thing done | 07:05 |
unop | mrtubby, it won't | 07:05 |
debCarlos | ari_stress: lol, it is working :') | 07:06 |
bader_ | so does xchat have arabic support ? | 07:06 |
bader_ | i mean it really suck that i cant read arabic | 07:06 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, wrong suidperl takes care of it if the bit itself doesnt have an effect | 07:06 |
unop | bader_, you might like to ask someone in #ubuntu-sa | 07:06 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, but you're right for bash scripts... wasn't aware this was switched on | 07:07 |
AlmtyBob | Is there a nice guide somewhere for using Compiz with Ubuntu (I have an nVidia card and am just installing Ubuntu) | 07:08 |
mrtubby | if i managed to follow the conversation properly it would work if my script was in perl not bash? | 07:09 |
guest_ | ce_uculd | 07:09 |
bader_ | its funny that i enter this server and i can read arabic . but when i enter other server i cant | 07:10 |
bader_ | lol what happen | 07:10 |
bader_ | ^^ | 07:10 |
unop | CutMeOwnThroat, try it out. echo -e '#!/usr/bin/perl \n print "$>"' \n print `whoami`' > /tmp/setuid_test; sudo chown root.root /tmp/setuid_test; sudo chmod +sx /tmp/setuid_test; /tmp/setuid_test | 07:10 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, hm - I have a script "sd" on my laptop that lets a normal user execute "shutdown -hf now" as root ... | 07:11 |
CutMeOwnThroat | so how did I do that? magic? | 07:11 |
Igramul | btw. it says "please type /msg ubottu etiquette" in the topic, but the bot seems to have a different nick | 07:11 |
hardhatpat | I am trying to install GTK themes through the System->Appearance ... when i click install and select the tarball, it says "successfully installed" and then it dosent show up anywhere ... what am i doing wrong? | 07:12 |
aaronwi | is tehre a way to enable a second monitor as an extended desktop in xorg.conf? | 07:12 |
debCarlos | Igramul: Yeah, ubottu is dead for a while, try with ubot3 | 07:12 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, might not be possible to run suid-stuff from /tmp, , though | 07:12 |
matthew__ | I'm attempting to use my built-in webcam on my laptop, and I can't find any generic drivers for webcams, and I don't know where to look, any1 got any ideas? | 07:13 |
Flannel | Igramul: ubottu has the evening off | 07:13 |
unop | CutMeOwnThroat, well, if the perl 'executable' (note, i don't say script) - uses a setreuid call, then the setuid bit has effect .. but perl cheats then .. it's making a system call which is not the norm for scripts | 07:13 |
ere4si | !twinview | aaronwi | 07:13 |
ubot3 | aaronwi: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead | 07:13 |
debCarlos | matthew__: Have you tried with cheese (aptitude install cheese) ? | 07:13 |
Igramul | Flannel: Will new factoids be transferred from ubot3 to ubottu? | 07:15 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, fixing up your script takes longer than writing one myself :) | 07:15 |
unop | CutMeOwnThroat, my script is two lines long :) | 07:15 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, that's why - there was an additional "'" in the line that was hard to find | 07:16 |
Flannel | Igramul: That'd depend on whether we remember. But I imagine so. | 07:17 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, add $ENV{PATH}='/usr/bin/'; as 1st line to the script | 07:18 |
CutMeOwnThroat | $ ls -l setuid_test | 07:18 |
CutMeOwnThroat | -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 70 Aug 13 01:17 setuid_test | 07:18 |
CutMeOwnThroat | $ ./setuid_test | 07:19 |
CutMeOwnThroat | 0root | 07:19 |
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CutMeOwnThroat | unop, so why did *I* have to try this? I knew I was right | 07:19 |
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* jetscreamer doesn't look around in response to CutMeOwnThroat | 07:20 | |
jetscreamer | ... | 07:20 |
CutMeOwnThroat | mrtubby, yes, but your perlscript has to fulfill additional security-requirements | 07:20 |
CutMeOwnThroat | jetscreamer? | 07:20 |
jetscreamer | nm | 07:20 |
CutMeOwnThroat | want a sausage inna bun? | 07:20 |
jetscreamer | hey we like our sausage on the grill | 07:21 |
CutMeOwnThroat | or do you wonder why I'm here? | 07:21 |
jetscreamer | no i was just thinking of an answer to your question of 'why' | 07:21 |
elwaywitvac | has anyone backed up an original xbox memory card without that damn proprietary windows software? | 07:22 |
debCarlos | !xbox | 07:23 |
ubot3 | Factoid xbox not found | 07:23 |
unop | CutMeOwnThroat, heh. Can't do setuid (cannot exec sperl) | 07:23 |
basanta | any tool to check ip conflict? | 07:23 |
debCarlos | You don't know what's a xbpx ubot* ?? | 07:23 |
elwaywitvac | and heaven forbid I try to get an answer so I can turn the damn thing into a xubuntu softclient | 07:24 |
elwaywitvac | *thinclient | 07:24 |
ibrahim | /etc/acpi/fglrx-powermode.sh is missing from package ubuntu repos, can you please someone send content of that file , I will create manually.. | 07:24 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, pft, your buggy perl is not my problem :) | 07:24 |
debCarlos | lol | 07:25 |
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tv7497 | guys i have forgot mysql password how do i change it anyone ? | 07:25 |
unop | CutMeOwnThroat, you make an assumption that everyone has perl-suid installed :) | 07:26 |
CutMeOwnThroat | unop, as they should | 07:26 |
debCarlos | why? | 07:27 |
debCarlos | yeah | 07:27 |
debCarlos | ubottu is back | 07:27 |
unop | CutMeOwnThroat, i'll beg to differ | 07:27 |
Igramul | tv7497: http://www.tech-faq.com/reset-mysql-password.shtml | 07:27 |
CutMeOwnThroat | you may beg... | 07:28 |
debCarlos | ext3undel rulez :) | 07:28 |
jussi01 | !ot | 07:28 |
ubot3 | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:28 |
Igramul | tv7497: Be warned: From step 2 on, Your mysql server is insecure and should be shielded from the network. | 07:28 |
tomoyuki28jp | I want to change the value of $SBCL_HOME (env var for lisp compiler), but I don't know where the value is set. Can anybody teach me how to change the value? I know I can change it with export command, but I want to change the value for any user and for good. | 07:28 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is back | 07:29 |
unop | tomoyuki28jp, export SBCL_HOME="foo" | 07:29 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:29 |
xim | are there any decent graphical ftp (specfically scp) clients for ubuntu? | 07:30 |
node357 | xim, gftp is nice | 07:30 |
debCarlos | xim: filezilla ? | 07:30 |
tomoyuki28jp | unop: When I logoff from the current session, the value set back to the previous one. | 07:30 |
Igramul | xim: Places -> "Connect to server..." | 07:31 |
unop | tomoyuki28jp, you might want to put this line down in one of ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc | 07:31 |
jussi01 | !ftp | xim | 07:31 |
ubottu | xim: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 07:31 |
xim | Igramul: thanx that worked awsome | 07:31 |
tomoyuki28jp | unop: I want to set the var for all the users on my PC. | 07:32 |
matthew__ | exit | 07:32 |
unop | tomoyuki28jp, then set it in /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc | 07:32 |
tomoyuki28jp | unop: The value is set by a script somewhere everytime I boot my PC, right? Is there a way to find out where the var is set?? | 07:35 |
unop | tomoyuki28jp, it might not be set .. what makes you think it is? | 07:36 |
AlmtyBob | for setting up a late-model nVidia card (7950 I think) I should use the restricted binary driver? | 07:37 |
AlmtyBob | the one from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia? | 07:37 |
tomoyuki28jp | unop: If the value is not set by a script, how the value is set?? I am not familiar with env vars... | 07:37 |
pawan | my audacious cannot play mp3 files | 07:37 |
ozzie212 | I have a problem with the "OFFICIAL" ubuntu installation cd | 07:38 |
debCarlos | pawan: Do you have the right codecs installed | 07:38 |
debCarlos | ? | 07:38 |
jussi01 | !ask | ozzie212 | 07:38 |
ubottu | ozzie212: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 07:38 |
ozzie212 | THank you first time here | 07:39 |
jussi01 | :) | 07:39 |
pawan | yes | 07:39 |
bazhang | pawan, install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 07:39 |
pawan | it says unable to read | 07:39 |
tv7497 | bazhang: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello sir ! | 07:39 |
pawan | i installed that | 07:39 |
pawan | giving up | 07:39 |
bazhang | pawan, then what is the error you are getting; please be precise | 07:39 |
foool | How do I find the owner and group of the webserver | 07:39 |
bazhang | hello tv7497 | 07:40 |
Rat409 | AlmtyBob: my laptop has a 7150M i had to use envy-ng.but mileage does vary | 07:40 |
unop | tomoyuki28jp, the list interpreter might set this var on invocation .. the env.var might not necessarily be set in some config file .. usually env.vars are set in one of these files .. /etc/profile, /etc/bash*, ~/.bash*, ~/.profile .. so you could grep these files | 07:40 |
pawan | pawan@pawan-desktop:~$ audacious | 07:40 |
pawan | Unable to read from file:///home/pawan/.fr-dQUxvt/Jaanam.mp3, giving up. | 07:40 |
fdr | hello... when i connect my digital camera i get the option to import the pictures to f-spot. How do I get the "old" import program (from previous ubuntu releases) that allowed to copy photo to any folder without adding them to the fspot library? Thanks! | 07:40 |
bazhang | pawan, you are using audacious from the command line? | 07:40 |
ozzie212 | I am unable to login to ubuntu. Installed ubuntu on its own partition. set username and password. Installation went fine but I can't login in with set username and password. Just reboots/refreshes to login screen again. The installation cd is official sent from netherlands | 07:41 |
pawan | yes so as to trace errors | 07:41 |
debCarlos | ozzie212: Switch to tty1 and try to login in console :) | 07:41 |
bazhang | pawan, try a different mp3 | 07:41 |
debCarlos | ctrl+alt+f1 | 07:41 |
ozzie212 | I tried that it doesn't help. I am able to drop to shell mode. I type get-apt update and comes up with all kinds of errors | 07:42 |
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rocko | how do you see if your nxserver is running ? | 07:42 |
pawan | still the same problem | 07:43 |
debCarlos | ozzie212: So, in console mode try running this: sudo adduser test and then try to login with test user | 07:43 |
Rat409 | rocko: try netstat -a or ps aux | 07:43 |
bazhang | pawan, what other codecs do you have installed | 07:43 |
pawan | any other audio output plugins | 07:43 |
pawan | w32codecs | 07:43 |
bazhang | pawan, try in a different music app first | 07:44 |
ozzie212 | the errors I get come up fast but they mostly say something about using older files | 07:44 |
ozzie212 | I'll try that thank you debCArlos | 07:44 |
pawan | in every application a song plays for some time and then hangs | 07:44 |
pawan | tried amarok banshee audacious | 07:44 |
bazhang | pawan, is this a dual boot | 07:45 |
pawan | yes | 07:45 |
pawan | windows vista and ubuntu | 07:45 |
bazhang | pawan, where are the mp3's stored | 07:45 |
pawan | on vista drive | 07:45 |
pawan | i am accessing them from ubuntu | 07:45 |
bazhang | pawan, try copying some over to ubuntu partition and try again | 07:46 |
rocko | Rat409: i ran that command but what do i have to look at to know its running ? :S | 07:47 |
pawan | tried that too but still hangs | 07:48 |
J-_ | How can I reconfigure my sound system? | 07:48 |
bazhang | pawan, just now? | 07:48 |
pawan | yes | 07:48 |
bazhang | pawan, how many mp3's did you copy over. | 07:48 |
soulrider | hi | 07:48 |
pawan | 3 | 07:49 |
soulrider | im trying to install on my desktop. The partitions on sda look on if i do fdisk -l but when i run gparted they dotn show up. Any ideas? | 07:49 |
Rat409 | rocko: a network connection or port, and ps aux shows all running process ,i don't use freenx so not up on it sorry | 07:49 |
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bazhang | pawan, how are you accessing the vista files | 07:49 |
pawan | through places computer | 07:50 |
godmode117 | Hi, i just updated to utorrent to 1.8 and now im getting a black box where the tracker info was | 07:50 |
bazhang | pawan, what version of ubuntu and how long has this been happening | 07:50 |
soulrider | godmode117: that is a problem with utorrent | 07:50 |
J-_ | How can I reconfigure sound? | 07:50 |
pawan | 8.04 i installed 2 days ago | 07:50 |
rocko | hmmm im not sure on how to get the nxserver is running through that way. it gave me alot of data back | 07:51 |
godmode117 | souldrider: any solution? | 07:51 |
ross | what linux distro is best to install in macbook | 07:51 |
godmode117 | soulrider: any solution? | 07:51 |
Rat409 | soulrider: the J-_ alsaconf? | 07:51 |
bazhang | pawan, how did you set up file sharing with vista | 07:51 |
Dalton_Da_Man | DALTON IZ DA BOMB! | 07:51 |
Dalton_Da_Man | here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go dalton here we go! WOO! WOO! DALTON IZ DA BOM!!! | 07:51 |
Flannel | Dalton_Da_Man: please don't | 07:51 |
bazhang | Dalton_Da_Man, please stop | 07:51 |
FloodBot1 | Dalton_Da_Man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:51 |
soulrider | !ops | 07:51 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! | 07:51 |
Flannel | soulrider: Yes? | 07:51 |
debCarlos | lol | 07:51 |
soulrider | oh, sorry, he was kicked already | 07:51 |
pawan | normal | 07:52 |
debCarlos | Dalton_Da_Man must be crazy | 07:52 |
bazhang | pawan, what does that mean normal | 07:52 |
pawan | default settings | 07:52 |
foool | how do i find the owner and group of the webserver? | 07:52 |
Rat409 | probly another script-kiddie like with all the strange pm's lately | 07:52 |
godmode117 | soulrider: is there a soultion for the black boxes? | 07:52 |
soulrider | gparted is throwing some overlapping partitions errors on my terminal | 07:53 |
soulrider | godmode117: AFAIK, no | 07:53 |
godmode117 | ok, thanks anyway. | 07:53 |
soulrider | so.. does anyone have any diea of why gparted isnt working? | 07:54 |
rocko | I need nx help !! | 07:54 |
soulrider | i tampered witht he partitions before using 64bit ubuntu, but that should change anything.. right? | 07:54 |
Rat409 | !freenx | rocko | 07:54 |
ubottu | rocko: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 07:54 |
rocko | Rat409: im trying to install it the no machine way. | 07:55 |
rocko | but im getting errors when i try to connect from the client to the server. | 07:55 |
jussi01 | soulrider: whats the error | 07:56 |
Rat409 | rocko: i've never used it at all | 07:56 |
Rat409 | maybe a firewall/port issue? | 07:56 |
rocko | well if anyone knows how to use nx i need help | 07:56 |
salmon | hey question for the masses. i'v seen it done on youtube before. so i know it can be done. how do i get wine to run windows xp desktop? | 07:57 |
kaushal | hi | 07:58 |
Flannel | salmon: You don't. | 07:58 |
kaushal | How can i enable pidgin to start while booting ubuntu linux | 07:58 |
rocko | this is the messages i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/37060/ | 07:58 |
soulrider | jussi01: it says i have some overlapping partitions or something | 07:58 |
zup1 | hi, guys. I try to configure network on VM under qemu. Now i have the network besides host and VM, but i can't configure for VM acess to local network and Internet. I read, that i must make a bridge, but i can't to do this. May be you can give me a href, which decide this problem (i have Ubuntu desktop on host and Ubuntu server on VM). Thanks | 07:58 |
salmon | flannel: oh so i guess it's all a fake then | 07:58 |
tv7497 | i was resetting my mysql root password using this tutorial http://www.jusupov.com/2008/01/18/how-to-reset-mysql-root-password-in-ubuntu-linux/ i get this error plz help http://paste.ubuntu.com/37059/ | 07:58 |
=== ApOgEE-_ is now known as ApOgEE- | ||
Flannel | salmon: You could run it in an emulator, but you wouldn't use wine. | 07:58 |
pawan | HI | 07:58 |
jussi01 | salmon look at vmware/virtualbox | 07:58 |
warriorforgod | I have a problem where my swap partition isn't being activted at boot. I always have to run sudo swapon /dev/sda5 to get it to work. Any suggestions? | 07:59 |
ozzie212 | I tried creating a sudo adduser. Adding the user worked but still unable to login. I am however able to login using the failsafe GNOME or failsafe terminal | 07:59 |
dumbdum | Hello, trying to run BackTrack Live CD but cant get to desktop. tried startx xconf etc. Any help appreciated | 07:59 |
=== error404notfound is now known as ^root^ | ||
rocko | nxserver issue, this is the messages i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/37060/ | 07:59 |
bazhang | dumbdum, ask in backtrack forums | 07:59 |
dumbdum | Thanks | 08:00 |
tv7497 | anyone ? little help | 08:00 |
ross | how do i set up triple boot on my macbook (linux/xp/ubuntu) | 08:00 |
bronger | With "sudo aptitude", the borders of the menues are okay, however, the borders of pop-up windows consist of ASCII characters. Is this a bug or a wrong configuration? | 08:00 |
salmon | jussi01: which would you prefer. im kinda new to ubuntu | 08:00 |
DistroJockey | warriorforgod, the UUID of your swap partition probably changed. Fix it in /etc/fstab | 08:00 |
bazhang | tv7497, did you miss the link upthread? | 08:00 |
ross | and would you recommend ubuntu for macbook? | 08:00 |
bazhang | ross, sure | 08:00 |
tv7497 | bazhang: sir ? | 08:00 |
bazhang | !macbook | 08:00 |
ubottu | Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 08:00 |
=== ^root^ is now known as error404notfound | ||
warriorforgod | DistroJockey: How can I get the correct UUID for my swap partition? | 08:00 |
ross | what is the best linux distro to install on macbooks? | 08:01 |
prince_jammys | warriorforgod: blkid | 08:01 |
DistroJockey | warriorforgod, you could use sudo blkid | 08:01 |
=== Guest8221 is now known as max` | ||
tv7497 | bazhang: i didnt get what u told sir | 08:01 |
bazhang | ross see the link above | 08:02 |
chmac | Can anyone recommend a slightly more powerful alternative to Firestarter? I want to configure iptables a little more carefully. | 08:02 |
ozzie212 | any help I am UNABLE to login with set username and password. just reboots/refreshes to login screen. I am able to login to either failsafe. I also tried to create a "sudo adduser test". Adding user worked with SAME results | 08:02 |
ross | bazhang: what about the regular macbooks? | 08:02 |
ross | bazhang: does triple boot work in regular macbooks? | 08:02 |
bazhang | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/reset-the-root-password-on-mysql.html tv7497 | 08:03 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: so you couldn't even log in as the new | 08:03 |
ozzie212 | I extremly new to ubuntu and don't know any codes myself. Puter is set with a dual boot with XP on the MBR | 08:03 |
bazhang | ross the intel ones? sure. | 08:03 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: so you couldn't even log in as the new test user? | 08:03 |
ozzie212 | no I could not | 08:03 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: any error messages? | 08:04 |
ozzie212 | no just reboots to login screen | 08:04 |
ozzie212 | I also ran the recovery bootup with no errors but same results | 08:05 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: is the login screen a graphical login screen, or the console login? | 08:05 |
ozzie212 | graphical | 08:06 |
=== tshine_ is now known as tshine | ||
prince_jammys | perhaps X logged some kind of errors that you could look at | 08:06 |
QAH | Hello. Anyone there? | 08:07 |
debCarlos | !anyone | QAH | 08:07 |
ubottu | QAH: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 08:07 |
ozzie212 | I dropped to shell and typed get-apt update and came up with all kinds of errors like using old files. ?? | 08:07 |
QAH | Ha ha Okay | 08:07 |
ross | bazhang: so you think that i'd have no problem setting up triple boot on my macbook black? | 08:08 |
debCarlos | yeah | 08:08 |
ross | bazhang: the black one | 08:08 |
bazhang | ross, depends on you; many have done so, but not sure how you'll do :) | 08:08 |
ross | bazhang: lol ok | 08:08 |
QAH | I have windows as my main os, and I have ubuntu as a multiboot option. Everytime I start up in ubuntu and come back to windows, my windows time is messed up. I had looked it up and they said that you have to configure ubuntu to work with the time format that windows supports. How to I do this? | 08:09 |
bazhang | :) | 08:09 |
ozzie212 | I don't understand using old files error. I'm using an official Ubuntu cd that came from the Netherlands | 08:09 |
ross | bazhang: i just googled for it and i found that most people set up triple boot on macbook pros and not the regular ones | 08:09 |
sexcopter | i've had trouble now in 2 out of 2 cases of trying to install 3rd party software by adding repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list. I add the provided gpg keys, seemingly with no trouble, do apt-get update, then install the package, but get the "cannot be authenticated" warning. Any idea what i might have missed? what can I do to diagnose the problem? | 08:09 |
Slart | QAH: windows and linux uses the internal clock differently | 08:09 |
ross | bazhang: that's why i wanted to know if triple boot is something that will be workable under the regular macbooks | 08:09 |
bazhang | ross people do both | 08:09 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: are you currently logged in to a ubuntu console session? | 08:10 |
QAH | Slart: You are right because ubuntu changes my system time. How can I stop this if I can. | 08:10 |
Slart | QAH: I think linux keeps the clock at greenwich time and calculates local time when it needs it.. windows sets the internal clock to local time directly | 08:10 |
ross | bazhang: ok thanks | 08:10 |
ozzie212 | no xp using icechat | 08:10 |
bazhang | np | 08:10 |
ozzie212 | can I login to ubuntu using failsafe and still use irc | 08:10 |
Slart | QAH: I don't really know if there is a switch somewhere.. you could just set both operating systems to update the clock using ntp.. that way it will fix itself shortly after booting | 08:10 |
QAH | oh okay | 08:11 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: you can, but it may be a pain if you're not familiar with irc on the console. | 08:11 |
Nemoder | Is there a standard way to see what configure options a package maintainer uses for a given source package? | 08:11 |
QAH | So there isn't any way to make ubuntu use local time? | 08:11 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: you can pastebin log files from there though, and chat on your XP | 08:11 |
Flannel | QAH: there is. | 08:11 |
QAH | How? | 08:11 |
ozzie212 | how do I pastebin | 08:11 |
infinitycircuit | !pastebin | ozzie212 | 08:12 |
ubottu | ozzie212: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 08:12 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: the problem seems to have to do with X, since you can login to console. an easy way to pastebin will be to install the 'pastebinit' package when logged into ubuntu | 08:12 |
=== pawan_ is now known as pawan | ||
prince_jammys | ozzie212: i can tell you how to install it and how to pastebin some log files from there, without using irc | 08:12 |
=== ned- is now known as ned | ||
ozzie212 | all right I'll give that a shot prince-jammys | 08:13 |
aaronwi | can i install a rpm in ubuntu? and how do it? | 08:13 |
aaronwi | I*? | 08:13 |
infinitycircuit | !alien | aaronwi | 08:13 |
ubottu | aaronwi: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 08:13 |
QAH | Flannel: How can I change the ubuntu clock to use localtime like windows? | 08:13 |
Slart | QAH: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime | 08:14 |
aaronwi | k | 08:14 |
Flannel | QAH: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Multiple%20Boot%20Systems%20Time%20Conflicts | 08:14 |
debCarlos | aaronwi: I think alien is the soft you're looking for | 08:14 |
debCarlos | !alien | 08:14 |
ubottu | RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 08:14 |
debCarlos | !rpm | 08:14 |
aaronwi | is rpm only for redhat, or do they work in mandriva too? | 08:14 |
QAH | That is just what I need. Thanks guys. :) Later | 08:15 |
debCarlos | aaronwi: They work in mandriva, rh, fedora, opensuse... etc, they are like apt for us | 08:15 |
palomer | hello | 08:15 |
aaronwi | k | 08:15 |
palomer | is there any way to browse folders with ssh through a window manager? | 08:15 |
frybye | Hi - I have ubuntu8.04 on a 701 (new) and all of a sudden the red led for powersupply-connected does not light up any more.. any ideas?? | 08:15 |
bazhang | frybye, the eeepc? | 08:16 |
frybye | - above relates to eeepc 4g 701.. and ubuntu... | 08:16 |
frybye | yes bazhang - nowone in that # | 08:16 |
frybye | none active at least... | 08:16 |
bazhang | frybye, you seen the wiki for how to get it working perfectly? | 08:16 |
Chewy | how do i archive a file with tar? | 08:16 |
debCarlos | Chewy: tar -cvvf arhive.tar the_thing_you_want_to_archive | 08:17 |
frybye | baz - I have done loads of recommended mods.. 99% of stuff is working ok | 08:17 |
bazhang | frybye, after following that guide works fine here | 08:18 |
geirha | Chewy: or right click and choose "create archive" | 08:18 |
Chewy | im in terminal so | 08:18 |
Chewy | via ssh | 08:18 |
frybye | I am also searching on eeeuser.com forum right now.. will be back if i find smthing.. | 08:18 |
frybye | was ok here till this morning and no power-on indicator... | 08:18 |
frybye | i mean power-supply-connected indicator... | 08:18 |
debCarlos | Chewy: I told you, tar -cvvf arcive.tar what_you_want_to_tar | 08:18 |
r5gtx | exit | 08:19 |
debCarlos | #unix | 08:19 |
debCarlos | o | 08:20 |
debCarlos | sorry | 08:20 |
aaronwi | how do i get flash working in firefox with x64 kubuntu? | 08:25 |
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Maahes | hellooo? | 08:26 |
Flannel | !hi | Maahes | 08:27 |
ubottu | Maahes: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:27 |
Maahes | thanks | 08:27 |
pawan | hi | 08:27 |
bazhang | !flash64 | 08:28 |
ubottu | You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 08:28 |
bazhang | aaronwi, ^^ | 08:28 |
Maahes | anyone here have any experience installing ubuntu on a gateway... t-1629... im wondeirng if i might have driver problems or anything | 08:28 |
rocko | how do i get to my sources.list ? | 08:28 |
bazhang | Maahes, what are the specs | 08:29 |
Flannel | rocko: /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:29 |
dagonet | hello everyone....can anybody give me the link for ultimate guide of accessing windows xp shared network folder, without prompting username and password | 08:31 |
unop | dagonet, configure the share properties on the windows XP machine to allow the group "anyone" to read (and write if you want) the share | 08:32 |
pawan | hi | 08:32 |
dagonet | unop:thanks, i'll try that | 08:33 |
* prince_jammys predicts a how to install ... question | 08:33 | |
unop | !samba > dagonet | 08:33 |
ubottu | dagonet, please see my private message | 08:33 |
MaahesAFK | gateway specs... http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/gateway-t1629/4507-3121_7-33026099.html?tag=sub | 08:34 |
dagonet | thanks to ubottu | 08:34 |
prince_jammys | !botsnack | 08:34 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 08:34 |
bazhang | MaahesAFK, does not say the wifi chipset though | 08:35 |
MaahesAFK | im trying to decide if i should install ubuntu over my vista | 08:35 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
MaahesAFK | but i dont wanna do it if it will have driver problems | 08:36 |
bazhang | MaahesAFK, you have the machine already? | 08:36 |
MaahesAFK | yes | 08:36 |
MaahesAFK | it came with vista :S | 08:36 |
MaahesAFK | i dun liek it | 08:36 |
bazhang | MaahesAFK, dl the live cd and troubleshoot from there, preferably with ethernet connection so you can get here | 08:37 |
MaahesAFK | they dont give you a vista cd so if i put linux... i wont be able to go back too easily | 08:37 |
bazhang | MaahesAFK, thus the reason to run from livecd | 08:37 |
MaahesAFK | ahh i see :) | 08:37 |
bazhang | :) | 08:37 |
MaahesAFK | anything in particular i should look for when i try live cd? | 08:38 |
bazhang | MaahesAFK, yes, the video and the wifi | 08:38 |
MaahesAFK | ok, if i made a cd a few months ago, will it update to latest release or do i need a new cd | 08:39 |
bazhang | MaahesAFK, get the latest: 8.04.1 | 08:39 |
Chris| | MaahesAFK, it would be way easier if you download the latest cd | 08:40 |
MaahesAFK | ok perfect thanks bazhang and chris | 08:40 |
bazhang | np :) | 08:40 |
mrynit | the fan on my dell inspiron 1420 does not work correctly. it only turns on when the laptop is really hot and will not turn off. | 08:41 |
frybye | Hi - trying to use hubackup from an eepc.. i hvae a shared folder from another pc on the home net mounted and shows up on the desktop of the eepc - but hubackup does not offer it as a location for the backups?? | 08:44 |
frybye | How can i navigate to network-the other pc via the menus in hubackup?? | 08:45 |
frybye | it gives access to the "filessystem" but where does one find networked directories in there?? <sorry - i am a linux-newbie> | 08:46 |
shabda | What do i need to set up on Ubuntu so that python smtplib.py works? | 08:46 |
shabda | I installed sendmail, what should I do next? | 08:46 |
mrynit | shabda, install the python libraries that you need | 08:46 |
DistroJockey | frybye, use mount to see what is mounted where | 08:47 |
frybye | ok thanks... | 08:47 |
DistroJockey | frybye, will usually be in /mnt or /media | 08:47 |
Chris| | does anyone know how i can look up how to fix this error? (i'm making a livecd) http://i35.tinypic.com/2v3g3fo.jpg | 08:47 |
DistroJockey | frybye, no problem | 08:47 |
shabda | mrynit: The libs are already installed in python standard library, http://docs.python.org/lib/module-smtplib.html | 08:47 |
shabda | How do I configure Python to use sendmail? | 08:48 |
mrynit | point the application to that directory? | 08:48 |
mrynit | ask in python? | 08:48 |
frybye | DistroJockey: I see nothing in that about the other pc/dir?? | 08:49 |
Ademan | anyone know how i can mount bin/cue disk images? | 08:49 |
Matt____ | a while ago I asked about mounting a network drive (from OS X) so that it looks like a directory on ubuntu | 08:49 |
frybye | the icon for it is on my desktop - but when I look in the hubackup there the entry is not shown.. | 08:49 |
Matt____ | someone helped me out but I can't for the life of me remember what the command was | 08:49 |
Matt____ | something with "ftp" in it I think | 08:49 |
DistroJockey | frybye, can you check the Properties of that icon and see where it points to? | 08:50 |
frybye | thanks... | 08:50 |
Chris| | Matt____, the command should still be in your bash history in the terminal type "history" | 08:50 |
Matt____ | Chris|: lemme try but I think this is a different virtual machine | 08:50 |
chuy_max | hey guys, is there a command to increase/decrease volume running a command? | 08:51 |
Chris| | Matt____, ah, do the history command on the machine you did the command on | 08:51 |
Matt____ | yeah, not there | 08:51 |
Matt____ | I guess I'll launch the other VM | 08:51 |
Matt____ | I feel senile for not remembering this | 08:51 |
nacer__ | increase lvm volume? | 08:51 |
Matt____ | problem is I only did it once like 2 months ago | 08:51 |
Chris| | chuy_max, yes "amixer -q set Master 10+ unmute" for volume up and "amixer -q set Master 10- unmute" | 08:52 |
Chris| | for volume down | 08:52 |
chuy_max | cool, thanks Chris| | 08:52 |
frybye | DistroJockey: - strange - it says for location -in words(!) "on the Desktop" - not something like /home/ron/Desktop - just the words (in German here..) "on the Desktop" under access rights - "cannot be determined" | 08:53 |
pawan | hi | 08:53 |
frybye | DistroJockey: btw - I am a Brit. living in Germany and generally better here than in #unbutu-de | 08:54 |
g[r]eek | I need to setup IE in ubuntu | 08:54 |
ozzie212 | prince jammy's I am completely lost here. | 08:54 |
DistroJockey | frybye, yeah, wasn't sure if that was possible. I'm attempting to get a similar icon | 08:54 |
frybye | I guess within the "file system" mounted directories on networked pcs show up someplace within the structure.. where would that be??? | 08:55 |
ozzie212 | Can you give me those instructions again. I tried to get to paste bin but not even going to pretend to know anything aobut it | 08:55 |
frybye | like at /usr/bin/ etc etc.. is there a location where I can expect to find a munted external home net dir? | 08:55 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: you're back | 08:56 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: i thought your windows xp was on a separate computer | 08:56 |
ozzie212 | yeah but lost as ever. | 08:56 |
ozzie212 | no dual boot | 08:56 |
g[r]eek | I need to setup IE in ubuntu | 08:56 |
ozzie212 | xp is on MBR | 08:56 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: so you're chatting from xp right now, and ubuntu is booted to a console? | 08:57 |
nacer__ | is it possible to bridge virtual ethernet interfaces (ex: eth0:1)? | 08:57 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: in the other computer? | 08:57 |
DistroJockey | frybye, so it won't let you go outside filesystem (as that's where the share shows up in Places - Computer) ? | 08:57 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: oh, i missed the dual boot. use my nick in the messages, you can autocomplete it | 08:57 |
ozzie212 | No one computer. XP on C: Ubuntu on E: | 08:57 |
frybye | no just my own /home/ron/download and "other" which gives the "file system" but not computer or network etc.. = crazy.. the sort of stuff that turns ppl off linux to be honest... | 08:58 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: one thing you could do is boot to ubuntu from the live cd and chat on irc from there. then you could easily pastebin the logs and someone might be able to help | 08:58 |
DistroJockey | frybye, yeah, does make it tricky. I'm looking into it. | 08:59 |
frybye | of course if i had loads more background knowledge there are great command line backup utilities.. | 08:59 |
ozzie212 | that would work - except where is the irc program | 08:59 |
DistroJockey | frybye, still need to know where to copy to from the command line | 08:59 |
frybye | normally I tend tu use a cd with accronis backup on it - but the eeepc does not have a cd drive and i dont (yet-) have an extern. one.. | 09:00 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: i think it's in the menus. | 09:00 |
ozzie212 | Again please excuse my retardendess | 09:00 |
frybye | shure... | 09:00 |
ozzie212 | THANK YOU. I'll be back on live CD | 09:00 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: i don't use gnome, so i don't remember what program it is | 09:00 |
prince_jammys | what's the irc client that comes with the live cd? | 09:00 |
prince_jammys | pidgin? xchat? | 09:01 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: probably one of those two | 09:01 |
DistroJockey | prince_jammys, pidgin | 09:01 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: there you go | 09:01 |
frybye | DistroJockey: I have just realized that i dont really have time for this right now - can i give you my email adds in a pm and when you have something for me - that would be cool ok? | 09:01 |
ozzie212_ | sorry I pressed the wrong button and got logged off | 09:02 |
DistroJockey | frybye, yeah, that's fine. I'm interested in finding a solution to this myself now :) | 09:02 |
prince_jammys | ozzie212: the irc program on the live cd is called 'pidgin' | 09:02 |
ozzie212_ | TY | 09:02 |
ozzie212_ | I'll be back | 09:02 |
Finnish_ | How do I restart sounds? Suddenly I lost all sounds | 09:02 |
frybye | u seen my pm now DistroJockey | 09:02 |
DistroJockey | frybye, aye | 09:03 |
=== david is now known as Guest51532 | ||
Peter2 | Hi, is someone able to help a relative Ubuntu novice? | 09:04 |
prince_jammys | only if you ask the question ;) | 09:04 |
Peter2 | I installed Rubyripper some time ago and after installation it automatically started up whenever I inserted an audio CD | 09:05 |
error_x3 | gehts auch AUF DEUTSCH | 09:05 |
jussi01 | !de | 09:05 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:05 |
logic | i have laptop hp pavilion tx2000 working withe ubuntu every thing ok but the sound not work | 09:05 |
Peter2 | auf deutsch wird schwere sein! | 09:05 |
Peter2 | now, when I insert an audio CD I get soundjuicer starting ... | 09:06 |
Peter2 | how can I get back to a state where Rubyripper automatically starts? | 09:06 |
pawan | hi | 09:07 |
untitled | xmms media player (like winamp), witch package do i need to install 0.o, i used to just install xmms now its erver and client based :S | 09:07 |
pawan | how to install xmms | 09:07 |
shabda | how can I check what smtp server is installed on my system? | 09:07 |
untitled | yeah | 09:08 |
=== juro is now known as Guest4537 | ||
prince_jammys | pawan: untitled: i think the old xmms package is still around. there's also xmms2 now, and audacious | 09:08 |
Flannel | !xmms | pawan | 09:08 |
ubottu | pawan: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details. Consider using audacious instead. | 09:08 |
prince_jammys | audacious is the new xmms | 09:08 |
pawan | ok | 09:08 |
untitled | oh | 09:09 |
Matt____ | nope, I seemed to have kiilled the other VM | 09:09 |
Matt____ | the command was something like "ssftp" | 09:09 |
Matt____ | or "shftp" or something | 09:09 |
Matt____ | if someone has an idea pls let me know | 09:09 |
AlmtyBob | I've got tightvnc running as a server on my linux box and I'm in it on my windows box. All I have is a grey background and a terminal, how do I start gnome? gnome-session says "already running a session manager" | 09:09 |
mehumot | hello, I've got problem, can somebody help me? | 09:10 |
untitled | thanks that work a dream :D | 09:10 |
mehumot | sorry for my english, I'm from Poland | 09:10 |
untitled | thanks pawan; prince_jammys. | 09:10 |
prince_jammys | untitled: welcome | 09:11 |
vhieo | hy | 09:11 |
ere4si | Matt____: you can see if the command is still listed in ~/.bash_history | 09:11 |
Flannel | !ask | mehumot | 09:11 |
ubottu | mehumot: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 09:11 |
prince_jammys | !pl | mehumot maybe you want this too: | 09:11 |
ubottu | mehumot maybe you want this too:: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 09:11 |
Matt____ | ere4si: for some reason it isn't there | 09:11 |
Matt____ | I think I may have killed that VM | 09:11 |
ere4si | k | 09:11 |
mehumot | I've installed ubuntu 8.04 yesterday, and there was no sound | 09:11 |
pbn | Hello, how can I re-configure again the list of locales ? dpkg-reconfigure locales ? no... | 09:11 |
Matt____ | and I can't find the chat log either | 09:12 |
Matt____ | Colloquy really sucks | 09:12 |
prince_jammys | !locale | pbn | 09:12 |
ubottu | pbn: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 09:12 |
Crazyguy | pbn, yes, "dpkg-reconfigure locales" as root | 09:12 |
Peter2 | I installed Rubyripper some time ago and after installation it automatically started up whenever I inserted an audio CD. Now, when I insert an audio CD I get soundjuicer starting. How can I get back to a state where Rubyripper automatically starts? | 09:13 |
mehumot | only in notebook's loudspeaker | 09:13 |
Crazyguy | pbn, actually, just see that link ^^ | 09:13 |
pbn | Crazyguy: thank you but... Ican't choose them with that :) | 09:13 |
pbn | ok gonna look at the link | 09:13 |
Ape3000 | How long I need to have the Ubuntu CD in the tray when installing? Can I remove it when it loads the X and everything seems to be running? Then install without the CD? | 09:13 |
prince_jammys | Ape3000: doubtful. files are copied from the cd | 09:14 |
DistroJockey | mehumot, might be worth installing and trying: pavucontrol | 09:14 |
Ape3000 | So I could already put it to another machine and start installing on that, too | 09:15 |
naxa | hi | 09:16 |
naxa | i can fully install a normal ubuntu from the alternate install cd? | 09:16 |
naxa | or i need the normal cd too? | 09:16 |
pbn | oops ?? /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: localeconf is not installed | 09:16 |
DistroJockey | naxa, Alternate will do it nicely | 09:16 |
naxa | thanks | 09:16 |
DistroJockey | naxa, no problem | 09:17 |
pbn | Crazyguy: hello the link told me to reconfigure localeconf, but that package isn't installed and it doesn't even exist... :) | 09:17 |
prince_jammys | pbn: how come? did you run into the locales bug when installing hardy? | 09:17 |
prince_jammys | i did | 09:18 |
pbn | prince_jammys: bug ? locales bug ? | 09:18 |
DistroJockey | naxa, alternate can also do a better job than desktop(normal) in some cases :) | 09:18 |
prince_jammys | pbn: i guess not. you would know if you had | 09:18 |
dabb1 | utorrent stopped working in ubuntu..any help | 09:19 |
prince_jammys | !info localization-config | pbn: perhaps it's called this: | 09:19 |
ubottu | pbn: perhaps it's called this:: localization-config (source: localization-config): configures different programs' locale settings. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02 (hardy), package size 48 kB, installed size 472 kB | 09:19 |
prince_jammys | pbn: mm. maybe not | 09:20 |
pepe_swash | Hello. When wanting a nfs server, do we absolutly need to use a modified kernel? | 09:20 |
dabb1 | utorrent stopped working in ubuntu..any help | 09:20 |
dabb1 | ? | 09:20 |
dabb1 | ? | 09:20 |
FloodBot1 | dabb1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:20 |
debCarlos | I'm gonna kill myself | 09:20 |
pbn | prince_jammys: no that's not it,s till :/ | 09:20 |
debCarlos | I did the same rm stupidity again | 09:20 |
prince_jammys | pbn: 'locales' | 09:21 |
debCarlos | Bye all :'( | 09:21 |
prince_jammys | !info locales | 09:21 |
ubottu | locales (source: langpack-locales): common files for locale support. In component main, is required. Version 2.7.9-4 (hardy), package size 3281 kB, installed size 8652 kB | 09:21 |
pbn | okay folks how can I choose the locales ? on Debian lenny "dpkg-reconfigure locales" as root allows me to choose locales, but on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, "dpkg-reconfigure locales" as root doesnt allow me to change the locales, even with -p low... any idea ? | 09:21 |
ra21vi | hi, I need to access the Ubuntu box X from Windows, just like Windows RDP | 09:23 |
dabb1 | any torrent client for ubuntu which will work over http proxy | 09:23 |
ra21vi | how can I, please suggest | 09:23 |
Flannel | ra21vi: check out xming, and X forwarding through ssh | 09:23 |
ra21vi | dabb1: you can define http_proxy in shell env and then call the transmission from shell | 09:24 |
dabb1 | ra21vi:again..explain that | 09:24 |
ra21vi | Flannel: ok, I tried X forwarding with ssh, didnt woked for me | 09:24 |
ndlovu | !rhythmbox | 09:25 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 09:25 |
ra21vi | dabb1: in shell type $ echo $http_proxy | 09:25 |
ra21vi | what does it print | 09:25 |
dabb1 | ra21vi:it show | 09:25 |
ra21vi | Flannel: what about NoMachine NX | 09:26 |
prince_jammys | pbn: not sure if this is useful, though i does say 'SOLVED': http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152589 | 09:26 |
ra21vi | dabb1: that is the proxy you are using. and do you have transmission | 09:26 |
dabb1 | ra21vi | 09:27 |
vlt | Hello. Which group must a user belong to for accessing a scanner using `scanimage`? | 09:27 |
dabb1 | :yes | 09:27 |
dabb1 | ra21vi:yes | 09:27 |
ra21vi | then in shell, try to run transmission | 09:27 |
dabb1 | ra21vi:no the transmission is not able to download | 09:28 |
Ububegin | i am using CHM Viewer 0.9.9 .. but it doesnt have a find function.. any other better chm readers with a find function built in... | 09:28 |
Bigmack83 | i am wanting to get ubuntu installed as the primary OS on my laptop. I will still have windows installed for purposes because i need it at school (i have to use the adobe CS3 apps and others that wont run under WINE). I want to be able to run windows (vista) under a VM. Can anyone recommend the best way do do this? since i may need to actually log into windows fully and will need access to those same files | 09:28 |
dabb1 | ra21vi:it is showing that "tracker hasn't responded yet" | 09:28 |
prince_jammys | vlt: 'saned', it seems. | 09:28 |
ra21vi | dabb1: please do some more research, maybe your network is blocking the torrent traffic, checkit | 09:29 |
Bigmack83 | i have seen in post before where the virtualized windows vista runs from an actual partition. is this reliable? | 09:29 |
pbn | prince_jammys: thank you but it says to do "dpkg-reconfigure locales" as root, which I have already tried, but does not allow me to choose the locales.... | 09:29 |
prince_jammys | vlt: i really don't know. i see it mentioned in 'man scanimage', and it is a name of a group in my system | 09:29 |
Matt____ | are there chat transcripts for this channel online somewhere? | 09:29 |
dabb1 | ra21vi:i was using utorrent with wine thas was working perfectly but today that is not opening | 09:29 |
Flannel | !logs | Matt____ | 09:29 |
ubottu | Matt____: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ | 09:29 |
prince_jammys | pbn: what happens when you type the command? | 09:30 |
Matt____ | ubottu: cheers | 09:31 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cheers | 09:31 |
vlt | prince_jammys: No, adding the user to saned doesn't work. | 09:31 |
Matt____ | I guess that helps if you know the exact date :-( | 09:33 |
* Matt____ groans | 09:33 | |
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_ | ||
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__ | ||
ubuntu__ | ozzie | 09:33 |
pepe_swash | Hello. When wanting a nfs server, do we absolutly need to use a modified kernel? | 09:34 |
ubuntu__ | prince jammy I got logged in wrong this is Ozzie | 09:34 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as ubuntu_ | ||
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu | ||
prince_jammys | ubuntu__: use my actual nick my autocompleting with the tab key | 09:34 |
prince_jammys | ubuntu: otherwise i don't get highlighted | 09:35 |
Sivam | Hi | 09:35 |
prince_jammys | ubuntu: pri<tab key> | 09:35 |
ndlovu | hi all. rhythmbox is not playing media for some reason. mplayer is working fine to play my mp3s. any ideas where to look for the problem? (when I try to play, rhythmbox gives error message "couldn't start playback (null)" | 09:35 |
Sivam | can any one help me in installing sendmail and procmail for ubuntu | 09:35 |
ubuntu | prince_jammys: GOT it TY | 09:35 |
unop | pepe_swash, no | 09:35 |
unop | !info nfs-kernel-server | 09:35 |
ubottu | nfs-kernel-server (source: nfs-utils): support for NFS kernel server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.1.2-2ubuntu2.1 (hardy), package size 146 kB, installed size 364 kB | 09:35 |
ubuntu | prince_jammys: I am now using live cd | 09:36 |
ra21vi | which vnc server would be best.. i never used one, just need to intall one | 09:36 |
pbn | prince_jammys: it says: Generating locales... en_AU.UTF-8... up-to-date | 09:36 |
pbn | and so on | 09:36 |
pbn | it regenerates the locales basically but it doesn't let me choose the locales :( | 09:36 |
witriew | Sivam: installing should just be using synaptic | 09:36 |
ra21vi | tightvnc or vnc4server | 09:36 |
prince_jammys | ubuntu: ok. well, just to let you know, i don't know what's causing the problem. but perhaps someone can help once you paste the logs. | 09:36 |
witriew | Sivam: or you can use apt-get | 09:36 |
Matt____ | ah it was sshfs | 09:36 |
Bracki | How can I make gvim my default text editor in gnome? | 09:37 |
humax | hello | 09:37 |
ubuntu | prince_jammys: okay hoe do I get to the logs and where did you say I sould paste them | 09:37 |
unop | Bracki, not being rude, but paste that exact question into your favourite search engine :) | 09:37 |
humax | i have read up on alot and im still stuck | 09:37 |
Karl31 | hi, is this a known issue? i can't get 8.04 past the login screen... the screen goes black and goes right back to "user/pass", had to reinstall feisty..... | 09:37 |
humax | can u get kismet from sudo in terminal ? | 09:38 |
prince_jammys | ubuntu: open a terminal from the menu | 09:38 |
debCarlos | Man, thanks god i made a backup lol | 09:38 |
tommo | Hello all | 09:38 |
ra21vi | please suggest me which VNC Server to go with/... performance matters a lot | 09:38 |
Sivam | witriew: I am unable to find sendmail in synaptic | 09:38 |
prince_jammys | unop: can you install a package from apt when running off the live cd? | 09:38 |
Sivam | ra21vi: you can use tightvnc or you can try with xming | 09:39 |
debCarlos | I was about doing a kill -9 carlos when i remembered it lol | 09:39 |
Peter2 | How do I control which application is launched when I insert an Audio CD in the drive? | 09:39 |
unop | prince_jammys, sure, a live CD has the same environment as a normal install as far as managing packages is concerned | 09:39 |
vlt | `lsusb` doesn't show me any devices when not run as root. Which group must I belong to for usb access? | 09:39 |
unop | debCarlos, you should kick the "kill -9" habit :) | 09:39 |
debCarlos | Anyone knows how can i remove a app that i compiled if i don't have the source anymore | 09:40 |
debCarlos | unop: yeah :) | 09:40 |
prince_jammys | unop: if someone wants to view some files on his normal '/' , he'd have to mount the partition from the live cd, correct? | 09:40 |
unop | debCarlos, if you ever find yourself using "kill -9 anything" .. re-evaulate | 09:40 |
ra21vi | Sivam: can you guide me to setup the X forwarding or Xming | 09:40 |
debCarlos | unop: lol, what do you suggest ? kill -15 ? | 09:40 |
echo6 | Peter2: Take a look at gconf-editor, launch it from the terminal for your logged in user | 09:40 |
ra21vi | Sivam: I tried once but failed | 09:40 |
Sivam | ra21vi | 09:41 |
Sivam | ra21vi: yep. are u using windows | 09:41 |
newkid | hey guys, i have a problem...i installed ubuntu with wubi | 09:41 |
echo6 | debCarlos: make uninstall from the source directory | 09:41 |
vlt | Ah, it's the group "scanner". | 09:41 |
newkid | but it never asked me to create a root account | 09:41 |
newkid | so now, i can't do shit | 09:41 |
unop | prince_jammys, correct, I suspect you are trying to adjust something in the real install .. in which case, you would chroot into that mounted volume | 09:41 |
debCarlos | echo6: I don't have it anymore | 09:41 |
ra21vi | Sivam: no, I now have to, my Ubuntu is being shifted to DMZ and I am getting Windows | 09:41 |
prince_jammys | unop: no, someone just need to pastebin some X logs | 09:41 |
newkid | oh, and, for some reason i can't connect to the internet | 09:41 |
echo6 | debCarlos: can you not fetch it and recompile again? | 09:42 |
newkid | it just wont connect to any wireless conection | 09:42 |
debCarlos | echo6: ok, yeah | 09:42 |
dabb1 | anyone plz suggest me a torrent client which work with http proxy | 09:42 |
unop | debCarlos, for i in 15 2 1 3; do kill $i $pid; sleep 2; done | 09:42 |
dabb1 | in ubuntu | 09:42 |
ra21vi | Sivam: just bad luck | 09:42 |
debCarlos | unop: great | 09:42 |
AlmtyBob | I'm trying to setup tightVNC server, but I don't know what to set my ~/.vnc/xstartup file to. the default is grey with a black term window, if I try to put "gnome-session" in there alone, it doesn't work. I use samples from the web and I get gnome, but everything is black and there's no graphics | 09:42 |
Bracki | unop: All the hints I found so far sound like hacks. Symlinking to gedit etc. | 09:42 |
Bracki | That'S why I was asking. | 09:43 |
Sivam | ra21vi, can you brief the way you are trying to setup | 09:43 |
p4_xxx | is there a way i can see all the samba passwords and users in my ubuntu server? | 09:43 |
Peter2 | echo6: thanks for the pointer ... I have looked at gconf-editor, but it's not obvious what I should do! | 09:43 |
unop | Bracki, i found this on google http://www.marksanborn.net/linux/making-gvim-your-default-text-editor-in-gnome/ see the last part on editing defaults.list | 09:43 |
ra21vi | Sivam: sure, but a little later | 09:43 |
AlmtyBob | oh doh, I just had depth set to 32bit | 09:44 |
echo6 | AlmtyBob: IIRC you have to pass the X session authority file, try x11vnc, it gives a useful hint which shows this config should work | 09:44 |
[A][L][I][E][N] | ciao | 09:44 |
unop | [A][L][I][E][N], ciao | 09:44 |
[A][L][I][E][N] | unop posso chieder a te? | 09:44 |
unop | !it | [A][L][I][E][N] | 09:44 |
ubottu | [A][L][I][E][N]: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 09:44 |
[A][L][I][E][N] | ok | 09:45 |
prince_jammys | Bracki: just put: export VISUAL=gvim in your .bashrc | 09:45 |
debCarlos | echo6: Thanks, it worked :D | 09:45 |
xintron | How do I add commands to be run when the computer starts (booting)? | 09:45 |
AlmtyBob | echo6: I'm an idiot, I was applying a -depth 32, turning that off made it work fine | 09:45 |
unop | !startup | xintron | 09:45 |
AlmtyBob | don't suppos there's any vnc viewers that show compix effects? 8) | 09:45 |
ubottu | xintron: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 09:45 |
prince_jammys | Bracki: if that's what you're asking. (commands like crontab -e, visudo and so on will open in gvim) | 09:46 |
xintron | !boot | 09:46 |
ubottu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 09:46 |
echo6 | AlmtyBob: Most of the vnc viewers will allow that, but it will be slower | 09:46 |
echo6 | Peter2: Have a look at the options under nautilus | 09:46 |
echo6 | Peter2: wihtin gconf-editor | 09:47 |
babo | i want to create a directory for my users to upload files to. I want that directory to have a maximum size ( and extra security if possible ). | 09:47 |
AlmtyBob | when I use the default ubuntu "remote desktop" settings, do I use the windows Remote Desktop connection to view it? | 09:47 |
xintron | unop: I want this command to be run when booting "mount --bind /var/.... /home/...." where should I add that? | 09:47 |
AlmtyBob | or is there another viewer I should use in windows | 09:47 |
unop | xintron, rather than use a mount command, just put an entry in /etc/fstab | 09:47 |
SitUbuntuSit | !filesharing | 09:47 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about filesharing | 09:47 |
echo6 | AlmtyBob: The choice us yours, tightvnc, xming whatever :-) | 09:48 |
AlmtyBob | hmm tightvnc didn't seem to work | 09:48 |
AlmtyBob | using host:0 or just hot | 09:48 |
AlmtyBob | err just host | 09:48 |
debCarlos | xintron: Maybe in /etc/init.d ... that was what i used to do in gentoo... but i don't know what you have to do in Ubuntu ... | 09:48 |
unop | debCarlos, errm, why make /etc/fstab redundant? :) | 09:48 |
echo6 | AlmtyBob: you need to specifiy the ip of the machine you are connecting to e.g. | 09:49 |
debCarlos | unop: Oh! Didn't notice he was doing a mount.... sorry :) | 09:49 |
AlmtyBob | right, was doing that | 09:49 |
AlmtyBob | says failed to connect | 09:49 |
`brooks | how do i edit how a command works? ie: execute ' echo "List of " + [PWD] ' before ls command executes? | 09:49 |
AlmtyBob | for mine | 09:49 |
unop | xintron, http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Bind_A_Directory_In_FSTAB | 09:50 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
`brooks | .cmon, one of you knows :000 | 09:51 |
unop | `brooks, dunno why you would want to do that | 09:51 |
unop | `brooks, alias ls='echo list of $PWD; ls' | 09:51 |
`brooks | orly. | 09:51 |
=== ceUe_aLoNe_saNga is now known as Adi_Prast | ||
=== dextone is now known as De[X]tone | ||
blame | I've been switching themes in gnome desktop and now compiz won't start after boot. How can I pin-point the problem? | 09:55 |
punzada | run compiz from a terminal, copy the output the pastebin and let us see it blame | 09:55 |
punzada | to pastebin* | 09:56 |
xintron | unop: thanks for the link :) | 09:57 |
raspac | Hi Guys. I am windows user and new to ubuntu and installed 8.04 using VMware to test it before shifting to Linux. I need to know know how to share files with Win Xp and how to Install Linux Software as their is not exe. What is the linux version of exe. | 09:57 |
unop | !deb | 09:58 |
ubottu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility. | 09:58 |
unop | raspac, ^^ | 09:58 |
raspac | yok unop. | 09:58 |
cabra1 | why does obexftp -b -l give me :failed to connect to SDP server:Operation already in progress error? | 09:58 |
blame | punzada: there: http://pastebin.com/m25b16b16 | 09:58 |
raspac | How do I share file with WinXp from a Ubuntu system. I need it to ask username (just like NTFS) | 10:00 |
DistroJockey | raspac, you would use apt-get or Synaptic to install software | 10:00 |
DistroJockey | !samba | raspac | 10:01 |
ubottu | raspac: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 10:01 |
raspac | Im and a newbie in Linux. Im good in windows. Please elaborate. | 10:01 |
Karl31 | Hi installed 8.04 twice..... it wont get past the login.... screen goes black for a sec then goes back to user/pass... feisty is ok.....is this something to do with compiz being on by default and i dont have the drivers? any ideas? | 10:01 |
DistroJockey | !apt-get | raspac | 10:01 |
ubottu | raspac: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 10:01 |
=== ceUe_aLoNe_saNga is now known as Adi_Prast | ||
Mustafaahmed | hi | 10:02 |
Senior_Rossi | Hi Folks, i've some problems with Gfloppy. It cannot determine the size of a simple hd floppy disk 3,5. Can anybody here help me? | 10:02 |
cabra1 | why does obexftp -b -l give me :failed to connect to SDP server:Operation already in progress error? | 10:03 |
Mustafaahmed | Hi, I have a weird problem.. Sometimes I hear a sound coming from my hard disk.. When this happens the mouse stops for a second.. I am using Asus F3E notebook... Is this dangerous on my hard? | 10:03 |
Muntrue | Hey al | 10:04 |
raspac | unop . I cant find .deb files in the VMware folder. It has a "installer.pl" and services.sh . which should I use. | 10:04 |
redrebel | what is evolution-alarm-notify? i'm trying to get rid of services i dont need | 10:05 |
Muntrue | I'm having some issues with copy'ing files to my Ubuntu machine, it wont accept any uppercase letters. Im using FTP for this. | 10:05 |
tavi | hy | 10:05 |
debCarlos | hi | tavi | 10:05 |
tavi | i used envy for upgrading my video card drivers | 10:05 |
tavi | but say that was an error to instalation | 10:06 |
tavi | what i do? | 10:06 |
genius | I will pay 50$ for help. I have problems with Realtek 8185 driver and WPA2/TKIP connection. | 10:06 |
Karl31 | 1250+ people in here and not ONE fucking person can help? what are you losers doing idling in here anyway? i thought this was a fucking SUPPORT channel.... fucking LOSERS | 10:06 |
bazhang | genius, not appropriate here | 10:06 |
bazhang | Karl31, no cursing | 10:07 |
Greyhound|NB | is opening tabs in firefox for anyone else? it's really annoying... | 10:07 |
Greyhound|NB | *SLOW | 10:07 |
redrebel | what is gnome-at-visual? | 10:08 |
redrebel | do i need it? | 10:08 |
debCarlos | Karl31: What's your problem? :) | 10:08 |
cabra1 | why does obexftp -b -l give me :failed to connect to SDP server:Operation already in progress error? | 10:08 |
genius | bazhang: so help me for free :) i don't see anyone willing help | 10:09 |
tavi | someone help me? | 10:09 |
bazhang | tavi, you used envy or envyng; what version of ubuntu | 10:09 |
genius | 80$ for help with Realtek rtl-8185 wifi driver | 10:09 |
cabra1 | why does obexftp -b -l give me :failed to connect to SDP server:Operation already in progress error? I do not understand what that process in progress is! | 10:09 |
tavi | hardy heron | 10:09 |
bazhang | genius, please stop with the money offers. | 10:10 |
SitUbuntuSit | When sharing a file from Ubuntu to XP or XP to Ubuntu, do you have to copy actual files to the shared folder or would shortcuts also work? | 10:10 |
cemunal | hi | 10:10 |
genius | my yound body for help with Realtek rtl-8185 wifi driver | 10:10 |
=== ceUe_aLoNe_saNga is now known as Adi_Prast | ||
giantmidget | how do i find out the application class of a window (to set it to floating in awesome)? im sure there must be a basic x app for that... | 10:10 |
SitUbuntuSit | I mean, symbolic links I suppose. | 10:10 |
echo6 | SitUbuntuSit: Shortcuts will work, providing of course your shares are mounted before using them | 10:11 |
=== belenda1 is now known as belendax | ||
simonvc | Hey im having a problem with tinyproxy (googledocs doesnt work) and i want to upgrade to something better (squid?) anyone got any recommendations? | 10:11 |
kaushal | hi | 10:11 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 genius read here first | 10:11 |
fiberchunks | howdy -- anyone know what's going on when the tab key (from in a gnome-term) restarts the x server? | 10:11 |
SitUbuntuSit | Thank you echo6 | 10:11 |
kaushal | I have used Network Manager to configure openvpn client | 10:11 |
kaushal | where can i see the configs | 10:11 |
fiberchunks | this is driving me nuts -- I try to auto-complete, and I keep restarting my xserv | 10:12 |
prince_jammys | giantmidget: xprop | 10:12 |
kaushal | I mean client configs | 10:12 |
bazhang | tavi, envy or envyng | 10:12 |
cabra1 | Apparently, every body is asking questions! But no answers | 10:12 |
genius | bazhang: i am smoking this manuals for two days. and read this a lot of times | 10:12 |
genius | heh | 10:12 |
giantmidget | prince_jammys, thank you :) | 10:12 |
genius | cya | 10:12 |
prince_jammys | giantmidget: it's pretty darn cool. | 10:12 |
tavi | was installed incorect | 10:12 |
cabra1 | why does obexftp -b -l give me :failed to connect to SDP server:Operation already in progress error? | 10:13 |
bazhang | tavi, you need to answer my question | 10:13 |
tavi | envy | 10:13 |
giantmidget | prince_jammys, yeah, it filled my terminal with numbers :P | 10:13 |
tavi | just envy | 10:13 |
bazhang | tavi, no wonder. | 10:13 |
prince_jammys | giantmidget: heh. it's what you wanted right? | 10:13 |
tavi | aaaa | 10:13 |
tavi | i've said | 10:14 |
bazhang | !envy | tavi | 10:14 |
ubottu | tavi: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk | 10:14 |
kaushal | I have used Network Manager to configure openvpn client | 10:14 |
tavi | hardy heron man | 10:14 |
giantmidget | prince_jammys, yes it is :) | 10:14 |
kaushal | where can i see the configs | 10:14 |
kaushal | I mean the client configs | 10:14 |
giantmidget | prince_jammys, and it is pretty darn cool, yes | 10:14 |
bazhang | tavi, envy will break that. if you were going to do it that way then envyng-gtk is the way to go. | 10:14 |
tavi | well | 10:15 |
tavi | right now im on nvidia site | 10:15 |
tavi | downloadding myself the drivers? | 10:15 |
tavi | and i said that the version of ubuntu is hardy heron | 10:15 |
bazhang | tavi, does not matter; envy is not made for that version. | 10:15 |
tavi | ok | 10:16 |
tavi | for hardy heron... | 10:16 |
kaushal | :( | 10:16 |
bazhang | tavi, uninstall the drivers | 10:16 |
tavi | well what i can use to install | 10:16 |
kaushal | I am not getting help here | 10:16 |
tavi | no man | 10:16 |
bazhang | tavi, good luck then. | 10:17 |
tavi | i didnt get any drivers whit the envy | 10:17 |
tavi | has errors when starts | 10:17 |
tavi | envy | 10:17 |
bazhang | of course it did. | 10:17 |
bazhang | tavi, is this linux mint? | 10:17 |
tavi | i double click on icon an say that was an error to envy instalation | 10:18 |
tavi | l;inux mint? | 10:18 |
tavi | what's that | 10:18 |
tavi | ? | 10:18 |
lng | hi! anybody familiar with VPN setup on Ubuntu? | 10:18 |
kaushal | bazhang, I have configured openvpn using Network Manager | 10:18 |
bazhang | tavi, please pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com (NOT here) | 10:18 |
Chris| | Linux mint is a distro based off Ubuntu | 10:18 |
kaushal | where can i get the openvpn client configs | 10:18 |
tavi | bazhang: i will be more gratitude if we speak private | 10:19 |
tavi | cause i have more other conversations | 10:19 |
bazhang | tavi, better to do it here so others can help | 10:20 |
DozedOnLinux | tavi baz is trying to suggest what is best | 10:20 |
kaushal | bazhang, I have configured openvpn using Network Manager | 10:20 |
tavi | and i'm confused by the all chat;s in here | 10:20 |
kaushal | where can i get the openvpn client configs | 10:20 |
tavi | bazhang: man please! | 10:20 |
tavi | if he is unsure i can ask on channel but let's talk in private | 10:21 |
bazhang | tavi best here, need to help others too. | 10:21 |
tavi | know but i have about 5 more other conversations and i don't wanna be confused | 10:22 |
DozedOnLinux | tavi: what Distro of linux do you have ? i dont think you said for certain | 10:22 |
tavi | and more to say i dont know much about linux | 10:22 |
tavi | | 10:22 |
bazhang | kaushal, which is client ubuntu or vista | 10:22 |
DistroJockey | tavi, don't PM people then ;) | 10:23 |
DozedOnLinux | tavi: now are you installing something as we speak ? | 10:23 |
tavi | why not pm | 10:23 |
tavi | i need concentrate | 10:23 |
tavi | :) | 10:23 |
DistroJockey | tavi, well, 1 channel is better than 5 ;) | 10:23 |
tavi | yes but there i have other discusions | 10:23 |
bazhang | tavi no. please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:24 |
Bigmack83 | i am going to set up a vista VM under ubuntu. My internet connection is through a blackberry (phone as modem) wich i have not been able to get working under ubuntu. any idea how i could use the vistaVM as my internet connection? | 10:24 |
tavi | well | 10:24 |
tavi | first of all now im on nvidia site | 10:24 |
tavi | and i thing to get the drivers manually | 10:25 |
bazhang | !nvidia | tavi | 10:25 |
ubottu | tavi: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:25 |
tavi | but the problem is that i don't know if is on 32 bit or 64 bit | 10:25 |
DozedOnLinux | tavi: it is so much easier to just do it though your OS rather than fo do all that compile stuff | 10:25 |
tavi | where from | 10:26 |
bazhang | !version | 10:26 |
ubottu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell | 10:26 |
tavi | i've said i don't know much about linux | 10:26 |
|MUSE| | how do I get gparted to support ntfs? | 10:26 |
mehumott | I've install ubuntu 8.04 yesterday. It played sound only from notebook's laudspeaker, not from headphones. I had alsa etc. I install that respositories : libbio2jack0 alsaplayer-jack linux-backports-modules, after reboot on laudspeaker icon (next clock) it appear red circle, and when i click on it it shows me : No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. When i type "alsamixer" in console, it shows: alsamixer: function snd_ct | 10:26 |
tavi | i stid on windows but my windows has crashed so how i didn't have money for a new windows i downloaded linux | 10:27 |
prince_jammys | |MUSE|: how do you mean? gparted can work with ntfs partitions | 10:27 |
tavi | bazhang: that is for seeing if i have 32 or 64 bit? | 10:27 |
bazhang | yes | 10:27 |
prince_jammys | tavi: uname -m will tell you | 10:27 |
cesce | ubuntu is a slowly distribution i think. Back to etch. | 10:27 |
|MUSE| | prince_jammys, I can not format a partition to ntfs. | 10:27 |
MikeSeth | zomg tavi | 10:27 |
* MikeSeth pets tavi | 10:27 | |
fallore | tavi: i don't have the knowledge to help you sort your problem out but i guarantee you that if you put a little time into it you'll have an operating system you're happy with | 10:27 |
MikeSeth | tavi: it's me, meow | 10:28 |
prince_jammys | |MUSE|: why not? | 10:28 |
|MUSE| | I have not idea :( | 10:28 |
|MUSE| | *no | 10:28 |
tavi | show only i866 | 10:28 |
tavi | whit unamed -m | 10:28 |
|MUSE| | !ntfs | 10:29 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 10:29 |
DozedOnLinux | 686 ? | 10:29 |
tavi | let me see again | 10:29 |
echo6 | !FUSE | 10:29 |
ubottu | FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems | 10:29 |
tavi | exact | 10:29 |
echo6 | !help | 10:29 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 10:29 |
mehumott | I've install ubuntu 8.04 yesterday. It played sound only from notebook's laudspeaker, not from headphones. I had alsa etc. I install that respositories : libbio2jack0 alsaplayer-jack linux-backports-modules, after reboot on laudspeaker icon (next clock) it appear red circle, and when i click on it it shows me : No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. When i type "alsamixer" in console, it shows: alsamixer: function snd | 10:29 |
prince_jammys | tavi: 32 bit | 10:29 |
Broad1 | !help | 10:30 |
prince_jammys | tavi: you should try to install through repositories first. avoid going to the site, unless its a last resort. | 10:30 |
tavi | does not write anywhere is 32 bit | 10:30 |
tavi | i don't know what repositories is | 10:30 |
tavi | and i am bad to english ..... | 10:31 |
prince_jammys | tavi: what's your native language? | 10:31 |
tavi | so someone speak in private and have patinece whit me? | 10:31 |
Broad1 | how do i backup ubuntu? | 10:31 |
tavi | romanian | 10:31 |
DistroJockey | !repo | tavi | 10:31 |
ubottu | tavi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 10:31 |
prince_jammys | !ru | tavi | 10:32 |
fallore | tavi: do you speak any other languages better than english? | 10:32 |
ubottu | tavi: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 10:32 |
werty4 | ciao a tutti | 10:32 |
tavi | my own | 10:32 |
prince_jammys | tavi: oops, wrong language | 10:32 |
tavi | that russian | 10:32 |
DistroJockey | !backup | Broad1 | 10:32 |
tavi | romanian | 10:32 |
ubottu | Broad1: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 10:32 |
* aliC dinliyor: Ayla (Part II) söyleyen Ayla [Amarok] | 10:32 | |
prince_jammys | !ro | tavi | 10:32 |
ubottu | tavi: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro | 10:32 |
tavi | i already there | 10:33 |
prince_jammys | ah, ok. | 10:33 |
tavi | but they say is 32 bit | 10:33 |
tavi | but they don't say how i see that | 10:33 |
DistroJockey | tavi, as would I | 10:33 |
prince_jammys | i686 is 32 bit. | 10:33 |
clusty | hey | 10:33 |
tavi | so nowhere show me that | 10:33 |
tavi | i prefer to be sure | 10:33 |
tavi | :) | 10:34 |
tavi | sory for nontrust but i must see | 10:34 |
clusty | i need a bit of help getting my nvidia card to work. so far i can only get it in vesa 800x600 mode | 10:34 |
prince_jammys | tavi: look up i686 on the internet | 10:34 |
tavi | and this ubuntu has no way to see that? | 10:34 |
tavi | what kind of os is this | 10:34 |
tavi | ? | 10:34 |
prince_jammys | GNU/Linux. 32 bit kernel, in your case | 10:35 |
tavi | nevermind | 10:35 |
p4_xxx | :) | 10:35 |
prince_jammys | i won't | 10:35 |
DozedOnLinux | eu văd că sunteţi în română Ubuntu canal. ajutându-vă să le sunt prea? dacă este aşa, atunci s-ar putea să doriţi să urmaţi doar un canal la un moment dat. cant te face atât la acelaşi timp. ea nu va funcţiona. şi voi par să renunţ vorbesc fluent engleză, aşa încât i-ar alege una, ori alta. | 10:35 |
caffe_espresso | hello, i got a problem upgrading ubuntu to 8.04, the installation process is stopped from 30 min. at: | 10:36 |
caffe_espresso | Generating locales... en_US.UTF-8... | 10:36 |
caffe_espresso | please help me... | 10:36 |
DozedOnLinux | !ro | 10:36 |
ubottu | Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro | 10:36 |
prince_jammys | caffe_espresso: it's a bug | 10:36 |
caffe_espresso | prince_jammys: what i've to do | 10:36 |
tavi | yes there they say is 32 i ask how can i see that they don't say | 10:36 |
prince_jammys | caffe_espresso: let me find a link. i had the same problem | 10:37 |
caffe_espresso | prince_jammys: great, tnx! | 10:37 |
mehumott | when I type "alsamixer" it shows me: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory, can s8 help me? | 10:37 |
tavi | great thanks for help..... | 10:37 |
prince_jammys | caffe_espresso: i don't believe there is a pretty fix, just a workaround. but once you're done, it's ok | 10:37 |
prince_jammys | caffe_espresso: are you still running the upgrade? | 10:38 |
nando | Hello everyone... i keep getting this error when ever i try and use my CD drive... "Unable to mount location" any help? | 10:38 |
caffe_espresso | prince_jammys: i stopped it and typed in the terminal sudo dpkf configure -a | 10:39 |
caffe_espresso | prince_jammys: but it stopped same way | 10:39 |
clusty | !nvidia | 10:39 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:39 |
nando | keep getting this error when ever i try and use my CD drive... "Unable to mount location" any help? | 10:40 |
alraune | caffe_espresso: prince_jammys: dpkg-reconfigure -a | 10:40 |
caffe_espresso | alraune: it works? | 10:40 |
prince_jammys | caffe_espresso: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ +source/langpack-locales/+bug/249340 | 10:41 |
alraune | caffe_espresso: sry, just came in; your prob ? | 10:41 |
mrwhippy | greetings all, I am following the small business guide on the forums, and it says i need to install postfix, however i will be needing/using citadel later on, does citadel need postfix to work or does it include everything and i can just install citadel instead of postfix | 10:43 |
mehumott | I've install ubuntu 8.04 yesterday. It played sound only from notebook's laudspeaker, not from headphones. I had alsa etc. I install that respositories : libbio2jack0 alsaplayer-jack linux-backports-modules, after reboot on laudspeaker icon (next clock) it appear red circle, and when i click on it it shows me : No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. When i type "alsamixer" in console, it shows: alsamixer: function | 10:43 |
alraune | nando: paste your fstab | 10:43 |
nando | whats that? | 10:43 |
alraune | nando: open a terminal... | 10:43 |
nando | okay | 10:43 |
Broad1 | whats the command in terminal to run commands as superuser ?? | 10:44 |
cautionaryx | sudo | 10:44 |
alraune | nando: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/fstab | 10:44 |
alraune | nando: gimme url replied | 10:44 |
Broad1 | dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege | 10:45 |
nando | give you what? | 10:45 |
alraune | !sudo>Broad1 | 10:45 |
ubottu | Broad1, please see my private message | 10:45 |
alraune | nando:command : sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/fstab < URL | 10:45 |
Broad1 | thank you | 10:45 |
alraune | np | 10:46 |
nando | you want me to retype it? | 10:46 |
Lemon|work | Hi, what is the minimum space i need for ubuntu? | 10:46 |
Lemon|work | but still workable size | 10:46 |
tavi | bazhang: know any program that may install himself the drivers | 10:46 |
tavi | ? | 10:46 |
alraune | nando: if you put this line in Terminal you should see a URL | 10:46 |
Lemon|work | 15 gig enough? | 10:46 |
nando | http://pastebin.com/f4c3007a6 | 10:46 |
mrwhippy | lemon:thats more than enough, of course that does depend on what you want to do with it | 10:47 |
Lemon|work | will be mainly used for webdevelopment & streaming media to it | 10:47 |
nando | that one? | 10:47 |
DistroJockey | Lemon|work, that should be fine. I run in 4 or 8GB at times | 10:47 |
Lemon|work | Ah ok | 10:47 |
Lemon|work | another question, is the ubuntu installer fool proof? | 10:47 |
Lemon|work | i want to dual bootwith my existing vista | 10:47 |
tavi | anyone know a program that install automatecly the drivers ? | 10:47 |
tavi | himsels | 10:47 |
nando | alraune: I got a sony DVD ram drive and a CD-RW drive | 10:47 |
tavi | himself | 10:47 |
DistroJockey | !dual boot | Lemon|work | 10:48 |
ubottu | Lemon|work: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 10:48 |
Lemon|work | ok thx | 10:48 |
=== De[X]tone is now known as dextone | ||
tavi | heyyyyyy | 10:48 |
tavi | anione know? | 10:48 |
Lemon|work | is the backup step really neccesary? :s | 10:49 |
Bigmack83 | how well do windows apps run under virtualbox/vmware compared to fully logging into windows? | 10:49 |
DistroJockey | Lemon|work, better safe than sorry | 10:49 |
kaushal | hi | 10:49 |
Lemon|work | well the most important files or in my synced dropbox | 10:49 |
alraune | nando: fstab looks right, did it never work or did you change any drives ? | 10:49 |
Lemon|work | and sourcecode is available in the repository | 10:49 |
nando | uhhh | 10:49 |
nando | i never took out | 10:49 |
nando | any drives or replaced any | 10:50 |
nando | or even put any in | 10:50 |
kaushal | hi again | 10:50 |
DistroJockey | Lemon|work, then you have backed up I guess | 10:50 |
tavi | hey | 10:50 |
alraune | !who|nando | 10:50 |
kaushal | my query is here http://rafb.net/p/X3YQed58.html | 10:50 |
ubottu | nando: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 10:50 |
zatoino | Depends on how beefy the host server is. I really like VMware. | 10:50 |
alraune | nando: did it never work ? | 10:50 |
Hondo_Kitsune | I'm having a problem with Xnest. I can't log on | 10:50 |
nando | dont remember it ever working... but i never really used it | 10:50 |
genius | please suggest a wireless pci card that will not eat my brain. What card can i plug and play in hardy? | 10:51 |
Hondo_Kitsune | Also, since i switched to GDM my log out, shutdown and restart buttons all broke too | 10:51 |
Hondo_Kitsune | I need to Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to get back to login | 10:51 |
DistroJockey | !hardware | genius | 10:51 |
ubottu | genius: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 10:51 |
RADIO_TIME | While you are on chat LISTEN RADIO TIME http://radiotime.altervista.org/ Beautyful Music Free! We are waiting for You! | 10:52 |
RADIO_TIME | While you are on chat LISTEN RADIO TIME http://radiotime.altervista.org/ Beautyful Music Free! We are waiting for You! | 10:52 |
AdvoWork | i there, ive got this cronjob: 0,20 9,12 * * 1-5 /home/mountscript.sh what times is that trying to run, 9am,12? | 10:52 |
Flums | WHere can i enable more than 2 desktops? I can only use two now with compiz | 10:52 |
nando | !alraune dont remember it ever working but this is the first time i need it | 10:52 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:52 |
nando | !tab | 10:52 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 10:52 |
Rohs | Anyone noticed that firefox seems to crash when playing flash videos such as youtube | 10:52 |
Ontolog | ubuntu-8.04.1-server-amd64.iso is the right distro for a Xeon 3065 server? | 10:52 |
dusty_ | Hrm, I have a default drop all unless i allow it through iptables firewall, i've just noticed that I can make connections to the mysql port, even though i don't allow that in my firewall (only allow 22, 53 and 80). Can anyone see how myslq traffic can get through this: http://rafb.net/p/28mV0w88.html it doesn't make sense ? | 10:52 |
alraune | nando: cd /media/cdrom1 | 10:52 |
kinnu | how can i find this directory ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 10:53 |
DistroJockey | Flums, ccsm - General | 10:53 |
Flums | k | 10:53 |
alraune | nando: does it change there ? | 10:53 |
nando | alraune: cd /media/cdrom1 | 10:53 |
DistroJockey | !ccsm | Flums | 10:53 |
ubottu | Flums: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 10:53 |
alraune | nando: does it change to there ? | 10:53 |
Flums | yeye, done that | 10:53 |
tavi | heyyyyyy | 10:53 |
nando | alraune: yes | 10:53 |
Flums | DistroJockey: Mine is locked to 1, but i have 2 now, want 6 | 10:53 |
gvk | kinnu: Press Ctrl+h in nautilus. | 10:54 |
alraune | what is the xact error you get when inserting a cd ? | 10:54 |
DistroJockey | Flums, you try and change but it switches back? | 10:54 |
alraune | exact | 10:54 |
gvk | kinnu: Or go there from the terminal with the cd command. | 10:54 |
Flums | nevermind, now i got it | 10:54 |
kinnu | ya but it doesnt show it :( | 10:54 |
prince_jammys | AdvoWork: 9 am, 9:20am, 12 and 12:20pm i think | 10:54 |
berent | berent | 10:54 |
zatoino | Rohs: With the last version, my sound would crap out, and I'd have to reboot to get the sound back. I don't get the problem with the latest version. | 10:54 |
Flums | DistroJockey: saw i needed to expand hor/ver | 10:54 |
nando | alraune: its not when inserting its when trying to acess it or mount the drive... it says "unable to mount loacation" and then it says "cant mount file" | 10:55 |
gvk | kinnu: open a terminal and type nautilus ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 10:56 |
kinnu | bah | 10:56 |
natalisushka | hello guys, question: What is the reason why some apps hang for a long time while before they worked fine? I am trying to open Eclipse, yesterday it opened, although it takes some time loading, but today it's not opening at all, although i restarted many times! | 10:56 |
kinnu | im not root | 10:56 |
gvk | kinnu: Type sudo nautilus ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 10:57 |
=== Bigmack83 is now known as Bigmack83_AFK | ||
kinnu | k | 10:57 |
gvk | And enter password | 10:57 |
Hondo_Kitsune | I'm having a problem with Xnest. I can't log on | 10:57 |
unop | gvk, that's not a good thing to recommend | 10:57 |
Hondo_Kitsune | Also, since i switched to GDM my log out, shutdown and restart buttons all broke too | 10:57 |
prince_jammys | !gksudo | 10:57 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 10:57 |
zatoino | natalisushka: Do you have any apps that open automatically when you boot up? | 10:57 |
alraune | nando: there is something strange in your fstab, saying /boot having filesystem none - just another prob (same ?) | 10:57 |
rodiel | hi, how can i skip the md5sum check in adobe flash player install? | 10:58 |
unggnu | hi all | 10:58 |
rodiel | its not working | 10:58 |
natalisushka | zatoino, yes, and the same apps used to open simultaneously before and eclipse worked! | 10:58 |
unop | gvk, nautilus running as root will take ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts to /root/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 10:58 |
kinnu | gvk: still doesnt work | 10:58 |
unggnu | Is the directory ~/Desktop localized or is it always the same name? | 10:58 |
=== iiska_ is now known as iiska | ||
alraune | nando: try : mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 | 10:58 |
genius | DistroJockey: this list sucks | 10:58 |
nando | alraune: im running on wubi but ive used a previous wubi install and it worked fine | 10:58 |
gvk | kinnu: use gksudo nautilus /home/[username]/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts | 10:58 |
alraune | nando: uhmm , wubi | 10:58 |
alraune | nando: try : mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 | 10:59 |
unop | gvk, why are you suggesting he do that? he doesn;t need to if he is accessing his own directories | 10:59 |
Dazed | ubuntu does some dumb shit | 10:59 |
babo | Dazed: why | 10:59 |
Dazed | im looking at workspace 1, click firefox, and it opens in workspace 2 | 10:59 |
babo | ? | 10:59 |
Dazed | how NICE | 10:59 |
natalisushka | zatoino, and those apps aren't really heavy! I tried turning off graphical effects but still the same | 10:59 |
gvk | why don't you shut up? | 10:59 |
DistroJockey | genius, sorry to hear that | 10:59 |
alraune | nando: try : mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 ,result ? | 10:59 |
unggnu | Any French speaking here? Is the Desktop directory named ~/Desktop too? | 11:00 |
unop | gvk, why don't you justify yourself? | 11:00 |
sajuuk | hey guys how do i get metacity to replace compiz on startup? | 11:00 |
alraune | !fr | 11:00 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr | 11:00 |
prince_jammys | unop: because when something doesn't work, you try it with sudo ;) | 11:00 |
unggnu | sajuuk: disable desktop effects | 11:00 |
babo | Dazed: I don't think that's the attitude you want to take if you expect to get assistance on #ubuntu | 11:00 |
nando | alraune: mount: block device /dev/scd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only | 11:00 |
nando | mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 11:00 |
Dazed | i dont | 11:00 |
zatoino | natalisushka: Some process might get hung once you open Eclipse. Do you find that Eclipse opens fine after you boot up and wait a few minutes? | 11:00 |
Dazed | i just woke up and am cranky | 11:00 |
unggnu | prince_jammys: sudo wine :-D | 11:00 |
Dazed | sorry | 11:00 |
Dazed | wanted to bitch | 11:00 |
natalisushka | zatoino, I did restart and open it immediately | 11:01 |
nando | alraune: BTW ive played a music cd in songbird and burned a CD too... | 11:01 |
alraune | nando: k, so basically its working | 11:01 |
sajuuk | unggnu: where can i do that? | 11:01 |
xnv | Dazed: Doesn't happen to me, but it could be because you last closed Firefox on workstation 2 and Gnome remembers and tries to guess you'll want it there again | 11:01 |
natalisushka | and I've been waiting for 10 minutes now and it didn't open | 11:01 |
unggnu | sajuuk: Preferences - Appearance - Desktop effects | 11:01 |
jmd | When do packages from intrepid migrate to hardy? | 11:01 |
unggnu | jmd: never | 11:01 |
unggnu | jmd: you migrate to Hardy if the time is ready | 11:02 |
natalisushka | zatoino, can't there be something like freeing memory or smth that can make it easier? | 11:02 |
nando | alraune: no its not | 11:02 |
alraune | nando: i don't know if we mounted dvd or cd , but one of them you should be able to use now, have a cd handy ? | 11:02 |
nando | alraune: yeah | 11:02 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka, did your /etc/hosts file change? | 11:02 |
nando | alraune: like a CD-R? | 11:02 |
kinnu | now what the heck | 11:02 |
alraune | nando: try : mount /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 | 11:02 |
kinnu | cant find the directory | 11:02 |
jmd | So what happens if the old package needs to be updated? | 11:02 |
xnv | Dazed: And in any case, you shouldn't lay any problem in Linux at the feet of "Ubuntu". It's the distro, not everything inside of it. | 11:02 |
sajuuk | ok thx unggnu | 11:02 |
zatoino | natalisushka: Try not opening it immediately after you boot. Try and wait a few minutes. I have the same problem with Outlook. | 11:03 |
alraune | nando: written cd handy ? | 11:03 |
* Dazed shakes his fist angrily at the sky. | 11:03 | |
nando | alraune: says no media found | 11:03 |
natalisushka | DistroJockey, How do I know if it changed? and what do you mean by that? What can happen if it changed? | 11:03 |
nando | alraune: yeah i got one inside | 11:03 |
Peppery | Hi, I want to set up a VPN server on my Ubuntu server machine but can't seem to find any good tutorials on how to do so. It has to be L2TP, PPTP or IPSec (whichever is most secure, if possible). OpenVPN isn't an option as the devices I wish to use it on do not support it. | 11:03 |
Dazed | Damn you gods of linux! | 11:03 |
kinnu | ffs | 11:03 |
alraune | nando: written cd handy ? put a written cd in both drives | 11:03 |
natalisushka | zatoino, Outlook? Are you using windows? | 11:03 |
xnv | Dazed: The only thing you can blame Ubuntu for is using Gnome and you can't complain much since there's always Kubuntu | 11:03 |
sajuuk | dazed: maybe you run KDE? I would but KDE doesn't see my memory sticks | 11:03 |
nando | alraune: done... | 11:04 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka, date stamp will tell you. Bad /etc/hosts file can cause long startup delays for some programs | 11:04 |
Dazed | i know nothing about kde | 11:04 |
sajuuk | nor does it see my german keyboard... | 11:04 |
nando | alraune: something pops up displaying my files on the 2nd drive | 11:04 |
Dazed | would it give me more love than gnome does? | 11:04 |
natalisushka | DistroJockey, actually my system hangs for a long time while booting. I don't know why! How can I fix that? | 11:04 |
nando | alraune: so its like the second drive is working for me | 11:04 |
alraune | nando: mount /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 | 11:04 |
prince_jammys | Dazed: give it a whirl | 11:04 |
genius | How to determine if my kernel is compiled with AES cryptography? I have just dowanloaded hardy server | 11:04 |
sajuuk | the background customisation is really sweet | 11:04 |
xnv | Dazed: Don't know. I prefer Gnome. | 11:04 |
alraune | nando: mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 | 11:04 |
Dazed | kde is a WM right? | 11:05 |
prince_jammys | Dazed: DM | 11:05 |
sajuuk | i got 4 backgrounds of evangelion's Asuka plastered on them | 11:05 |
alraune | nando: cd /media/cdrom1 | 11:05 |
zatoino | natalisushka: Lol. My PC in the office is running windows. | 11:05 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka, depends on the messages you get from dmesg | 11:05 |
prince_jammys | Dazed: or DE if you like | 11:05 |
alraune | nando: cd ls ,see your files? | 11:05 |
Dazed | do you think 6am is too early to start drinking? | 11:05 |
alraune | nando: cd ls | l ="L" | 11:05 |
xnv | Dazed: Coffee? No. | 11:05 |
roachmmflhyr | Dazed, nope | 11:06 |
natalisushka | DistroJockey, can you please explain? I am not familar with dmesg | 11:06 |
Dazed | coffee with rum in it maybe | 11:06 |
alraune | !dmesg | 11:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dmesg | 11:06 |
natalisushka | DistroJockey, I used it in termial and got a big list of I don't know what! | 11:06 |
alraune | nando: ? | 11:06 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka, look for EE in dmesg (run from terminal) | 11:06 |
nando | alraune: im a little lost | 11:06 |
nando | alraune: hehe | 11:06 |
roachmmflhyr | natalisushka, try dmesg | more | 11:06 |
nando | alraune: basicly one cdrom drive is mounted and working... its the second one | 11:07 |
prince_jammys | roachmmflhyr: you anti-GNU, you. | 11:07 |
alraune | nando: ls ,see your files? | 11:07 |
natalisushka | DistroJockey, What is EE? | 11:07 |
nando | yeah | 11:07 |
roachmmflhyr | prince_jammys, haha sometimes | 11:07 |
nando | alraune: yeah for cd 2 | 11:07 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka, EE = error | 11:07 |
alraune | nando: sudo gedit /etc/fstab | 11:07 |
genius | forum is down! :(( | 11:07 |
natalisushka | will dmesg | grep EE work? | 11:07 |
Hondo_Kitsune | I'm having a problem with Xnest. I can't log on | 11:08 |
DistroJockey | natalisushka, probably :) | 11:08 |
roachmmflhyr | natalisushka, yes | 11:08 |
Dazed | does someone have a nice link to themes for e16? I looked through the ones on freshmeat but there wasnt very many good ones. | 11:08 |
perfector | !build-essentials | 11:08 |
alraune | nando: fstab open ? | 11:08 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 11:08 |
Dazed | !enlightenment | 11:08 |
ubottu | Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. | 11:08 |
natalisushka | DistroJockey, I did it, doesn't seem to have found EE: "[ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 3BEAC408, 3AEE (r1 TOSINV SB450 6040000 MSFT 100000E)" | 11:08 |
perfector | !packages | 11:08 |
ubottu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 11:08 |
prince_jammys | Dazed: that one's pretty cool also. | 11:08 |
TABASCO | Hi | 11:08 |
nando | alraune: okay hold on | 11:08 |
natalisushka | DistroJockey, I mean that's the only line I get with dmesg | grep EE | 11:09 |
Broad1 | is there a way to backup my current version of ubuntu with selected additional programs onto a disc image that will automatically install the OS? | 11:09 |
TABASCO | I'm looking for the responsible person for the Ubuntu channels on Freenode | 11:09 |
Dazed | i thought it was really cool | 11:09 |
Dazed | a little hard to get around in i thought tho | 11:09 |
prince_jammys | TABASCO: #ubuntu-ops | 11:09 |
natalisushka | DistroJockey, However, using "dmesg | grep error" shows : "[ 26.104332] ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found." | 11:09 |
nando | alraune: okay | 11:09 |
TABASCO | Ok | 11:09 |
Dazed | compared to gnome | 11:09 |
rocko | i can't unpackage this http://paste.ubuntu.com/37091/ | 11:10 |
roachmmflhyr | natalisushka, try dmesg > dmesg.txt & gedit dmesg.txt | 11:10 |
nando | alraune: its open | 11:10 |
=== Bigmack83_AFK is now known as Bigmack83 | ||
DistroJockey | natalisushka, you can also check the timestamp beside the messages to see when stuff happens | 11:10 |
roachmmflhyr | natalisushka, then you can use the find option for EE | 11:10 |
TheNumber | !!Hello | 11:10 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 11:10 |
alraune | nando: the line /dev/scd0... > /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,rw,utf8 0 0 | 11:10 |
db92 | forums are down again? | 11:10 |
timz | i have a notebook here but the display just broke, but it's still in the wlan and i have the password, how can i get on it to secure some data? | 11:10 |
alraune | nando: change it | 11:10 |
alraune | nando: to : /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,rw,utf8 0 0 | 11:11 |
natalisushka | roachmmflhyr, will it be EE with spaces in both sides? | 11:11 |
natalisushka | roachmmflhyr, I mean like " EE " not "EE" | 11:11 |
alraune | nando: the line /dev/scd1... > /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,rw,utf8 0 0 | 11:11 |
natalisushka | roachmmflhyr, if so, I don't have any EE in that file | 11:11 |
prince_jammys | whitespace city. | 11:11 |
alraune | nando: to : /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,rw,utf8 0 0 | 11:11 |
nando | alraune: whats the change? | 11:12 |
roachmmflhyr | natalisushka, what problem are you trying to resolve? | 11:12 |
skeeel | hello i know this is not the channel for asking this kind of question , but this is about free software so not that off topic :) | 11:12 |
kaushal | anybody here can help me with http://rafb.net/p/X3YQed58.html | 11:12 |
=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter | ||
mehumott | I've install ubuntu 8.04 yesterday. It played sound only from notebook's laudspeaker, not from headphones. I had alsa etc. I install that respositories : libbio2jack0 alsaplayer-jack linux-backports-modules, after reboot on laudspeaker icon (next clock) it appear red circle, and when i click on it it shows me : No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. When i type "alsamixer" in console, it shows: alsamixer: functi | 11:12 |
rocko | i can't unpackage this http://paste.ubuntu.com/37091/ | 11:13 |
skeeel | we need to translate some documentation , do you know any soft (free as speech) that allow us to do it online in collaborative way | 11:13 |
natalisushka | roachmmflhyr, At first I posted a problem of hanging apps, like Eclipse, which worked yesterday, and although I didn't install anything, today it hangs forever! | 11:13 |
alraune | nando: behind iso9660 | 11:13 |
alraune | nando: ey... | 11:13 |
natalisushka | roachmmflhyr, So I was asking what can cause an app to suddenly start hanging and not opening .. I mean when you click on the Icon and the logo is loading, it hangs there | 11:13 |
natalisushka | roachmmflhyr, I also noticed that ever since I installed ubuntu on this machine, it hangs a lot during boot! | 11:14 |
alraune | nando: add a blank line hitting enter to the end of fstab | 11:14 |
guntbert | DistroJockey: iirc EE is typically in xorg.log but not in the output of dmesg | 11:14 |
skeeel | natalisushka, try the command "strace eclipse" that maybe shows you where eclips hang out , but not sure because it is java | 11:14 |
alraune | nando: save fstab and close gedit | 11:14 |
DistroJockey | guntbert, you are probably right :) | 11:15 |
nando | alraune: im still behind | 11:15 |
roachmmflhyr | natalisushka, what does /var/log/syslog say after you open Eclipse | 11:15 |
jmd | skeeel, I don't see that managing translation would be very different from management of code, so any SCM tool would help. | 11:15 |
tom0004 | has the random lockup problem, found with hardy been addressed yet ? | 11:15 |
nando | alraune: what exactly do i gotta change? | 11:15 |
SitUbuntuSit | How can I change directories using samba from the command line? I get: smb: \> cd My Music/ | 11:15 |
SitUbuntuSit | cd \My\: NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND | 11:15 |
skeeel | jmd : SCM ? | 11:15 |
nando | alraune: here is what i have "/dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0" | 11:15 |
alraune | nando: the line /dev/scd0... to : /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,rw,utf8 0 0 | 11:15 |
SitUbuntuSit | Pardon me for the broken line as well. | 11:15 |
natalisushka | roachmmflhyr, one minute | 11:15 |
jmd | skeeel, Software Configuration Management | 11:15 |
alraune | nando: see the differ ? | 11:15 |
prince_jammys | SitUbuntuSit: cd "My Music" in quotes | 11:16 |
starcannon | Anyone know if the ubuntu forums are down? | 11:16 |
nando | alraune: so just rewright it with what you sent me... | 11:16 |
skeeel | jmd : thanks i look after that | 11:16 |
natalisushka | skeeel, I do'nt have strace | 11:16 |
alraune | nando: yup | 11:16 |
Jonex | Is there some quick and easy way to install ubuntu on an USB stick? | 11:16 |
SitUbuntuSit | prince_jammys, thank you sooo much! | 11:16 |
mehumott | nobody help me? | 11:16 |
alraune | !usb>Jonex | 11:16 |
prince_jammys | SitUbuntuSit: it's the space in your filename | 11:16 |
ubottu | Jonex, please see my private message | 11:16 |
skeeel | natalisushka, sudo apt-get install strace | 11:16 |
nando | alraune: okay saved | 11:16 |
SitUbuntuSit | prince_jammys, worked like a charm :) | 11:16 |
=== jscinoz_ is now known as jscinoz | ||
Jonex | Oh, common question I guess, sorry :) | 11:17 |
alraune | nando: both lines, ended with a blank line, saved ?? | 11:17 |
nando | alraune: what? | 11:17 |
alraune | nando: did you change both lines ? | 11:17 |
nando | alraune: i copyed what you sent me and saved it | 11:17 |
nando | alraune: you mean #2 as well? | 11:17 |
alraune | nando: the line /dev/scd1... to : /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,rw,utf8 0 0 | 11:18 |
alraune | nando: then add a blank line hitting enter to the end of fstab | 11:19 |
alraune | nando: then save fstab and close gedit | 11:19 |
nando | alraune: okay | 11:19 |
alraune | nando: both lines, ended with a blank line, saved ?? | 11:19 |
wers | which is better, centrino duo or pentium dual core? | 11:19 |
nando | alraune: yep | 11:20 |
roachmmflhyr | wers, AMD | 11:20 |
starcannon | whats the status of the ubuntuforums.org site, it appears to be down for me, but making sure I did'nt inadvertently block them | 11:20 |
alraune | nando: restart ubuntu, try again | 11:20 |
nando | oaky | 11:20 |
roachmmflhyr | starcannon, it is currently down | 11:20 |
starcannon | roachmmflhyr thanks | 11:20 |
nando | alrune | 11:20 |
roachmmflhyr | starcannon, np | 11:20 |
skaczacy | ubuntu, ubuntu, ubuntu | 11:21 |
roachmmflhyr | skaczacy, you wanna make a wish or what? | 11:22 |
skaczacy | hmm no :P | 11:22 |
KingdomOFish | how should I do if I want to modify a keyboard layout in gnome? I want to change the third level of "." to "å" in the international dvorak layout | 11:23 |
wols_ | KingdomOFish: xmodmap? | 11:23 |
KingdomOFish | wols_: that simple? :O | 11:24 |
Hondo_Kitsune | I'm having a problem with Xnest. I can't log on | 11:24 |
nando | hey dude.. im back and still not working | 11:24 |
KingdomOFish | wols_: thanks anyway :) | 11:24 |
Richlv | opening http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-208310.html : "Unable to forward this request at this time." by "feijoa.canonical.com (squid/2.6.STABLE18)" | 11:25 |
Richlv | known problem ? | 11:25 |
DistroJockey | Richlv, http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ubuntuforums.org | 11:25 |
Dazed | the problem stems from your touching yourself at night | 11:25 |
gishaust | is anyone having trouble with ubuntu forums | 11:25 |
roachmmflhyr | RichiH, ubuntuforums.org is down at the moment | 11:25 |
roachmmflhyr | Richlv, ubuntuforums.org is down at the moment | 11:26 |
gishaust | thanks richlv | 11:26 |
dn4 | Does anone know the command to safe a file with the current time and date as part of the file save name(timedate).* in a terminal? | 11:27 |
dn4 | or rename? | 11:27 |
Igramul | dn4: "name$(date)" | 11:28 |
jmd | help | 11:29 |
Igramul | !ask | jmd | 11:30 |
dn4 | name$(date) | 11:30 |
ubottu | jmd: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 11:30 |
zch051383471952 | ubuntu, ubuntu, ubuntu ,what | 11:30 |
skaczacy | when i start my ubuntu 8.04, stops for 5 minutes in place: No resume image, doing normal boot... or [20326520] intel_rng: FWH not detected whot can i do?? | 11:30 |
jmd | Igramul, Could I ask you a question about that? | 11:30 |
Richlv | roachmmflhyr, thanks | 11:30 |
Igramul | dn4: Use this shell expression to form the file name | 11:30 |
dn4 | bash: testingWed: command not found | 11:32 |
Davidroderick | does anybody have experience using HSPA modem with ubuntu? | 11:32 |
rocko | i can't unpackage this http://paste.ubuntu.com/37091/ | 11:32 |
Igramul | dn4: mv someFile name$(date +%y%m%d) | 11:33 |
skaczacy | hmm help someone? | 11:34 |
wols_ | !ask | skaczacy | 11:35 |
ubottu | skaczacy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 11:35 |
wols_ | skaczacy: can you paste the full log? | 11:35 |
dn4 | Igramul: why is the file's alias name080813 instead of the file's original name? | 11:35 |
DRLD | hi... just wondering if anyone has a similar problem... when i scroll in firefox, the words get jumbled and i can't read anything. how do i fix this? | 11:35 |
pen_ | whois pen | 11:36 |
DRLD | it's not just firefox | 11:36 |
skaczacy | wols_: as I like to say yes | 11:36 |
DRLD | it happens in plenty of apps... even this one | 11:36 |
wols_ | DRLD: what video driver? | 11:36 |
RainCT | rocko: seems like one of the package's maintainer script is broken. Try creating an user called 'nx' yourself | 11:36 |
DRLD | wols_: nvidia | 11:36 |
=== pen_ is now known as pen | ||
Igramul | dn4: It's because bash replaces name$(date +%y%m%d) with name080813 | 11:37 |
wols_ | DRLD: version? | 11:37 |
DistroJockey | dn4, 080813 = today's date where I am | 11:37 |
Dazed | man it would suck if your last name was cockburn | 11:37 |
Dazed | how do those people survive high school | 11:37 |
rocko | RainCT: user in nxserver or on ubuntu? | 11:37 |
RainCT | Davidroderick: I have one, what's the problem? | 11:37 |
DRLD | wols_: 169.12 | 11:37 |
dn4 | How does one get to keep the original name of the file? | 11:38 |
RainCT | rocko: Ubuntu (but a system user, no need for home dir and such) | 11:38 |
pen | I'm using HP laptop. Everytime I plug my earphone line in before boot, if I play some music the front would also play too | 11:38 |
tommo | join #ubuntu-uk | 11:38 |
wols_ | DRLD: try nv to check if it'S the driver | 11:38 |
skaczacy | wols_: About what you log terms | 11:38 |
skaczacy | ? | 11:38 |
wols_ | skaczacy: english please | 11:38 |
javier | #sumisos | 11:39 |
rocko | RainCT: so just sudo adduser NX ? | 11:39 |
=== schmick_ is now known as schmick | ||
wols_ | rocko: why "NX"? | 11:39 |
=== issyl0_ is now known as issyl0 | ||
Igramul | dn4: Shell scripting, e.g.: for i in *.txt; do mv $i $(date +%y+m+d)$i; done | 11:39 |
Igramul | dn4: This prefixes all .txt-files with the current date | 11:39 |
skaczacy | wols_: my english is not good :( | 11:39 |
DRLD | wols_: nv? | 11:39 |
rocko | RainCT: ok, so just sudo adduser nx ?? | 11:39 |
wols_ | skaczacy: then try again | 11:39 |
RainCT | rocko: look at the messages you posted - it says 'nx' there | 11:40 |
linjo | Hi! | 11:40 |
wols_ | !pl | skaczacy or ask in that channel | 11:40 |
ubottu | skaczacy or ask in that channel: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 11:40 |
rocko | ok sorry | 11:40 |
linjo | Does anyone run ubuntu on xps m1330 ? | 11:40 |
RainCT | rocko: sudo adduser --system nx | 11:40 |
wols_ | DRLD: nv is the open source nvidia drievr. as opposed to the proprietary one you are using right now | 11:40 |
wols_ | !anyone | linjo | 11:40 |
ubottu | linjo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:40 |
dn4 | Does anyone here play Warcraft III Frozen Throne? | 11:41 |
DRLD | wols_: ah i c. does it have 3d support? | 11:41 |
wols_ | dn4: never ever ask "anyone" questions | 11:41 |
skaczacy | #ubuntu-pl can not help me | 11:41 |
Igramul | !ot | dn4 | 11:41 |
skaczacy | :( | 11:41 |
ubottu | dn4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:41 |
* dn4 must go now | 11:41 | |
wols_ | DRLD: no. but you still want to use it to do bug testing | 11:41 |
Dazed | Can i make ubuntu recognize my mousr4 and mouse5 buttons? They don't do anything anymore.. | 11:41 |
wols_ | !mousebutton | 11:41 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mousebutton | 11:42 |
Dazed | they used to make firefox go back and forward | 11:42 |
linjo | So anyone use ubuntu on xps m1330 ? | 11:42 |
wols_ | !buttons | 11:42 |
ubottu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 11:42 |
Dazed | thanks | 11:42 |
skaczacy | wols_: #ubuntu-pl can not help me | 11:42 |
DRLD | wols_: i assume that if i turn off the proprietary nvidia driver it will automatically use nv? | 11:42 |
rocko | RainCT: Ok, i have created, the user is that all i have to do? | 11:43 |
wols_ | DRLD: not unless you uninstall it IIRC. is "nvidia" in your xorg.conf? if yes, change that to "nv" | 11:43 |
RainCT | rocko: from what I can see, yes | 11:43 |
rocko | thanks alot ! | 11:43 |
=== cane is now known as stroggs | ||
Hondo_Kitsune | I'm having a problem with Xnest. I can't log on | 11:44 |
tonisius | ugh, how do I get consistent grub loading of multiple OSs, I bring in lots of hard drives and work on them weekly, but it always jumbles up my grub list. I'm always setting up the entries at grub to load from root (hd0,1) or similar, | 11:44 |
DRLD | wols_: done... what do i do to reset x? | 11:44 |
wols_ | restart X | 11:44 |
Hondo_Kitsune | DRLD: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace | 11:45 |
tonisius | but the big problem I'm having is that I'm always having to deal with the root (hd#,#) never being consistent, any suggestions? | 11:45 |
wols_ | tonisius: no way if you constantly move disks around | 11:45 |
Dazed | wols: it says on that link Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 for editing. Within the InputDevice section for your Configured Mouse, change Option "Buttons" "5" to Option "Buttons" "7" | 11:45 |
Dazed | wols: my file doesnt have that setting in it tho | 11:45 |
KingdomOFish | is .Xmodmap automagically loaded one startup in ubuntu gnome? | 11:45 |
wols_ | Dazed: but you can add it | 11:45 |
Dazed | ok cool | 11:45 |
tonisius | I keep seeing UUID's being used, and was wondering how to use the options in menu.lst | 11:45 |
RainCT | rocko: you're welcome :). Does it work now? | 11:46 |
tonisius | wols_: how come if windows I set the boot order to it, it always loads up fine, why can't it be similar with the grub? | 11:46 |
guest1218622635 | jan ist der killer | 11:46 |
DRLD | i hit ctrl-alt-backspace but nothing happened | 11:46 |
DRLD | heh | 11:46 |
guest1218622635 | lalal | 11:46 |
guest1218622635 | a | 11:46 |
guest1218622635 | was geht aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab | 11:46 |
wols_ | tonisius: XP bootloader at least uses BIOS drives ordering just like grub. exactly the same | 11:46 |
rocko | RainCT: have to wait and see ! | 11:46 |
Igramul | !de | guest1218622635 | 11:46 |
ubottu | guest1218622635: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:46 |
tonisius | DRLD: use a command shell, and change your init states | 11:47 |
guest1218622635 | the best thing i have is my dik | 11:47 |
RainCT | jpds: ^ | 11:47 |
guest1218622635 | ihgbgvbhnjkmlfceaw | 11:47 |
Dazed | now its saying i dont have the permissions to save the file | 11:47 |
tonisius | wols_: I see.. | 11:47 |
tonisius | wols_: well, I'll see how I can keep grub to do the same | 11:47 |
gchaos_ | hello | 11:47 |
Igramul | . o O ( guest1218622635 - how can someone be that drunk at 12.48 pm) | 11:48 |
jpds | Igramul: He's gone. | 11:48 |
Igramul | jpds: I know. | 11:48 |
Igramul | Just keep wondering. | 11:48 |
piranesi | I'm searching for a program that let me play a 25fps film at 24fps... With Mplayer I can play the video at 24fps but the audio goes like 25fps, it's not modified as I would like | 11:48 |
gchaos_ | Can anybody tell me how to change the terminator fonts? thx | 11:48 |
jpds | gchaos_: Open gnome-terminal and edit the profile there. | 11:49 |
bracksisahobo | or in xfce4-terminal. | 11:49 |
gchaos_ | jpds: thx | 11:49 |
Dazed | how can i edit this text file thats saying i dont have permission to save? How do I run this text editor with root priviledges? | 11:50 |
Myrtti | Dazed: which editor | 11:50 |
Myrtti | Dazed: nano, gedit? | 11:50 |
jpds | vim? | 11:50 |
Dazed | gedit | 11:50 |
RainCT | Dazed: Alt + F2 -> gksudo gedit | 11:50 |
Myrtti | Dazed: gksudo gedit | 11:50 |
Dazed | Thanks | 11:51 |
Dazed | what is the difference between sudo and gksudo? | 11:51 |
jpds | !gksudo | Dazed | 11:51 |
ubottu | Dazed: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 11:51 |
Dazed | ahhh | 11:51 |
giversen | hi | 11:51 |
Dazed | sweet | 11:51 |
Richardza | AlienX | 11:51 |
giversen | please help me, its becaous i want to reinstall Linux , and how to that?, i can't start on the cd with linux on? | 11:51 |
giversen | boot from the cd | 11:51 |
tech0007 | what program do i need to do cdrw packet writing? | 11:51 |
rocko | RainCT: it says later on in the instructions that i need to go to sudo nano /usr/NX/home/nx/.ssh/sshd_config which does not exist | 11:51 |
pbn | Hello, to be able to use websites with java in i them... I need to aptitude install sun-java6-jre I guess ? | 11:52 |
Igramul | giversen: You _can_ boot from CD, but I advise to make a backup of Your data as re-installing will most likely overwrite it. | 11:52 |
miriam_ | hi | 11:52 |
tech0007 | !java > pbn: | 11:52 |
giversen | i will format my pc, and i cant boot from the cd, i have installet from | 11:53 |
Richardza | Hey naymlezwun, ask ur question | 11:53 |
pbn | !java | 11:53 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 11:53 |
Igramul | giversen: Well, what happens if You try. | 11:53 |
RainCT | rocko: where are those instructions? | 11:53 |
naymlezwun | i can't get my wireless card to work | 11:54 |
giversen | i click enter on boot from cd, and it just start op in normal linux? | 11:54 |
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rocko | RainCT: http://michigantelephone.wordpress.com/2007/10/15/how-to-install-nx-server-and-client-under-ubuntukubuntu-linux/ | 11:54 |
schubkarre | Alternate Install: "Unable to install GRUB in (hd0) - This is a fatal error" - Any suggestions? | 11:55 |
tech0007 | giversen: how did u burn the cd? did u drag-drop the iso to CD? | 11:55 |
shishio | hi guys | 11:55 |
giversen | in unpackt it in winxp with winrar and burn it down on a cd | 11:55 |
Igramul | schubkarre: Ouch - this happens during the install process? | 11:55 |
naymlezwun | Anyone that knows how to install wireless card in ubuntu????? | 11:56 |
shishio | im using ubuntu 8.10 and i think im having ping flooded... how do i fix this? | 11:56 |
schubkarre | Igramul: Yes, multiple times :-( | 11:56 |
davidroderick2 | how can I read the FAQ of this irc channel? | 11:56 |
tech0007 | giversen: no need to use winrar, burn the iso to cd. try this; https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto | 11:56 |
giversen | naymlezwun: find the driver on packed install | 11:56 |
dabbu | /msg ubottu etiquette | 11:57 |
giversen | but cant i just type format c: in terminal? | 11:57 |
naymlezwun | i forgot to mention this is the first time i tried linux...very very new to it. what does that mean exactly? | 11:57 |
Igramul | schubkarre: Might be caused by strange BIOS settings. Is Your primary hard disk registered in the BIOS? | 11:57 |
shishio | im using ubuntu 8.10 and i think im having ping flooded... how do i fix this? | 11:58 |
dabbu | can anyone give me a topic for seminar on ubuntu or open source | 11:58 |
tech0007 | giversen: is C an ntfs/vfat partition? | 11:58 |
Igramul | dabbu: Commercial training? | 11:58 |
davidroderick2 | dabbu: no such nick/channel. How do you escape the forward-slash? | 11:58 |
tech0007 | giversen: you can use gparted to format it. | 11:58 |
Dazed | weed and ubuntu go well together: true or false? | 11:58 |
tech0007 | !offtopic | weed | 11:58 |
ubottu | weed: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:58 |
giversen | hm, click on system, administartion and so are there a menu packed install | 11:58 |
schubkarre | Igramul: It should work, because a few days ago I could install Ubuntu including GRUB successfully! | 11:59 |
giversen | tech0007: what you mean? | 11:59 |
pbn | tech0007: hello, I read that page about java, but on my 8.04 LTS fresh install, there is no command called update-java-alternatives | 11:59 |
RainCT | rocko: ok.. change nx's home dir from /home/nx to /usr/NX/home/nx (see http://nixtechnica.blogspot.com/2007/04/how-to-change-your-home-directory-in.html but use vipw instead of nano) | 11:59 |
shishio | im using ubuntu 8.10 and i think im having ping flooded... how do i fix this? huhu | 11:59 |
dabbu | igramul:no just for a engineering student | 11:59 |
naymlezwun | i have dual boot installed...i'm using the internet on the windows partition..i would have to reboot into ubuntu to do that | 11:59 |
davidroderick2 | I have tried help.ubuntu and ubuntforums. Both quite introductory and random. Any really useful resource on the net about ubuntu | 11:59 |
Igramul | dabbu: You may try the Linux book from Addison-Wesley. (the "dragon-book") | 12:00 |
rocko | RainCT: ok i have added the user and tried uninstalling and reinstalling | 12:00 |
giversen | orh sweet, i know now, but whats best to scholl and just internet, ubunto , kubuntu or xubunto??????? | 12:00 |
Dazed | davidroderick: this channel | 12:00 |
rocko | http://paste.ubuntu.com/37103/ | 12:00 |
tech0007 | giversen: if u want to format (delete everything on a partition) use gparted | 12:00 |
giversen | gparted? whats that? | 12:00 |
naymlezwun | ANYBODY WANNA PM? Wireless card problems in ubuntu | 12:00 |
Igramul | schubkarre: Obviously, something changed within the last few days... | 12:01 |
tech0007 | pbn: its part of java-common package | 12:01 |
giversen | but whats best to scholl and just internet, ubunto , kubuntu or xubunto??????? | 12:01 |
davidroderick2 | Dazed: yes but this channel is like the motorway. So Igramul is this book very good? | 12:01 |
tech0007 | !info gparted | giversen | 12:01 |
ubottu | giversen: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.5-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 339 kB, installed size 2100 kB | 12:01 |
RainCT | rocko: OK. I guess creating the .ssh/sshd_config yourself should be enough, else I don't know. | 12:01 |
dabbu | igramul:i want some simple topic ..don;t u have any...where can i find this book | 12:01 |
shishio | im using ubuntu 8.04 and i think im having ping flooded... how do i fix this? huhu | 12:01 |
RainCT | rocko: I am away now. Good luck! | 12:01 |
rocko | thanks bye | 12:01 |
prince_jammys | almost. | 12:02 |
giversen | but whats best to school and just internet, ubunto , kubuntu or xubunto??????? | 12:02 |
RainCT | joseph_cheah: please don't repeat questions that often and don't use caps | 12:02 |
pbn | tech0007: okay then aptitude install java-common ? | 12:02 |
tech0007 | giversen: school? | 12:02 |
davidroderick2 | I read ruby book in 8 days. I learn fast. I need the path of enlightenment, not random stuff | 12:02 |
giversen | year? | 12:02 |
Circus-Killer | joseph_cheah, dont repeat, no caps | 12:02 |
schubkarre | Igramul: Yes, I made a backup of the MBR (dd), changed some partition sizes, and 'replayed' the MBR-backup. Not smart :-( | 12:02 |
Igramul | dabbu: Well, You are a student - that book is very common in libraries of universities. | 12:02 |
giversen | i know, universeti | 12:02 |
tech0007 | pbn yup | 12:02 |
giversen | you know* | 12:03 |
davidroderick2 | by schools I read a hour ago that there is an edubuntu or something | 12:03 |
Oli``` | davidroderick2: you can ask questions here and use the forums. This channel is fast but that's why we prefix responses with the username. If somebody knows the answer they can respond quickly. Books are okay but for something as complex as Ubuntu, they rarely cater to exactly what you need. | 12:03 |
tech0007 | giversen: whats ur native language if u dont mind me askin? | 12:03 |
dabbu | igramul:in that book i will get some old topic..any new topic plz | 12:03 |
joseph_cheah | typo error my dear friend | 12:03 |
giversen | Danish, | 12:03 |
tech0007 | giversen: school = learn? u mean? | 12:04 |
tech0007 | giversen: what exactly do u want to do? | 12:04 |
naymlezwun | Anyone that wants to private message??? I need help installing my wireless card........ | 12:04 |
giversen | i mean using in school, to writing on ? | 12:04 |
Igramul | dabbu: Try to get a new release of that book. If You are looking for a specific topic, just ask. But You will hardly find a book or website with everything new about linux/ubuntu. | 12:04 |
Hondo_Kitsune | his wil lbe the 7th or 8th time i have asked this. I cannot log into Xnest. If i put the password in right it does not create a new session, it just returns to the "username" prompt./ | 12:05 |
tech0007 | giversen: choice of ubuntu flavor actually is aesthetic...my fave is ubuntu | 12:05 |
Oli``` | davidroderick2: the path to enlightenment? Ultimately, Google is the final resource for fixing and learning. | 12:05 |
=== Proxydude is now known as proxydude_ | ||
tech0007 | giversen: you can use any programs in any ubuntu flavor | 12:06 |
Hondo_Kitsune | !Xnest | 12:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xnest | 12:06 |
giversen | whats the diffent on ubunto, kubunto, xubunto? | 12:06 |
speedtutrle | is there a channel for help on building a pc | 12:06 |
bracksisahobo | different desktops | 12:06 |
Hondo_Kitsune | Ubuntu is GNOME, Kubuntu is KDE and Xubuntu us XFCE | 12:06 |
bracksisahobo | go with normal ubuntu | 12:06 |
giversen | whats that? | 12:07 |
naymlezwun | Tech0007-how familiar are you with ubuntu? can you help out? | 12:07 |
dabbu | igramul:ok.....can u tell me about Mescode | 12:07 |
Hondo_Kitsune | GNOME is a desktop environment, so is KDE and XFCE. I use Ubuntu Studio so I have GNOME | 12:07 |
davidroderick2 | Problem with threads on forums is that those are completely particular to one thing and the indexing of the problem is absent | 12:07 |
dabbu | Igramul:MeSCoDe | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | !mescode | 12:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mescode | 12:08 |
tech0007 | naymlezwun: whats the issue? | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | !info mescode | 12:08 |
ubottu | Package mescode does not exist in hardy | 12:08 |
Hondo_Kitsune | !info xmesh | 12:08 |
ubottu | Package xmesh does not exist in hardy | 12:08 |
wols_ | ActionParsnip: mencoder? | 12:08 |
naymlezwun | tech0007-can't get my wireless card to work right | 12:08 |
prince_jammys | davidroderick2: the path is usually /usr/bin/enlightenment, unless you compiled it yourself somewhere else | 12:08 |
Hondo_Kitsune | It does. I recently installed it | 12:08 |
dlemcoe | hey hey! I'm trying to install PyGTK and I get this: http://pastebin.ca/1169539 | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | wols_: was just seeing what is thats above | 12:08 |
wols_ | ActionParsnip: then /msg ubottu info foo in private. don't spam the chnnel | 12:08 |
tech0007 | naymlezwun: sorry, i dont use wireless, but someone here might know, jst be patient | 12:09 |
giversen | okay, thanks for the help, have a nice day :). | 12:09 |
caffe_espresso | prince_jammys: problem solved!! tnx lot | 12:09 |
wols_ | naymlezwun: what wlan chip? | 12:09 |
prince_jammys | caffe_espresso: cool | 12:09 |
Hondo_Kitsune | I ask again. How can I sort the issue where I load XMesh and then cannot log in? | 12:09 |
davidroderick2 | Has anybody gotten ubuntu to | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip | wols_: ok man | 12:09 |
schubkarre | Alternate Install: "Unable to install GRUB in (hd0) - This is a fatal error" :-( - Any suggestions? | 12:09 |
ActionParsnip | davidroderick2: to what? | 12:09 |
wols_ | !errors | Hondo_Kitsune | 12:09 |
dabbu | Does anyone know about MeSCoDe | 12:09 |
ubottu | Hondo_Kitsune: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message | 12:09 |
caffe_espresso | prince_jammys: bye and tnx again | 12:09 |
dlemcoe | hey hey! I'm trying to install PyGTK and I get this: http://pastebin.ca/1169539 | 12:10 |
prince_jammys | caffe_espresso: welcome. enjoy. annoying bug. | 12:10 |
davidroderick2 | Has anybody got ubuntu partition on hard drive to work as a virutal machine under a windows partition? | 12:10 |
circusbred | Windows > Linux | 12:10 |
Hondo_Kitsune | wols_: I have described it several different ways since I joined and I have been ignored. That is as detailed as i can becasue that is the error | 12:10 |
prince_jammys | looks like he didn't like my 'path to enlightenment' joke. | 12:10 |
Hondo_Kitsune | circusbred: Then why are you here? | 12:10 |
jhattara | is there a way to make a hardy with a wlan card act as a wireless router ? | 12:10 |
wers | would you say that quicksilver (on mac) still works better than gnome do? | 12:10 |
ActionParsnip | davidroderick2: you cant boot your windows system in VM afaik | 12:10 |
wols_ | Hondo_Kitsune: if you can't provide more info you will have to solve the problem on your own. good day | 12:10 |
dlemcoe | wers, no. But that's just an opinion | 12:10 |
Hondo_Kitsune | wers: Try Launchy | 12:11 |
wols_ | jhattara: yes | 12:11 |
dlemcoe | Davidrocker2, wut? | 12:11 |
circusbred | Windows Vista blows ubuntu out of the water, ubuntu doesnt even work | 12:11 |
Hondo_Kitsune | wols_: I have had problems solved here with less information that I am currently giving you | 12:11 |
wols_ | dlemcoe: not all wlan chips support AP mode tho | 12:11 |
prince_jammys | Circus-Killer: it doesn't work under water. | 12:11 |
Hondo_Kitsune | circusbred = idiot | 12:11 |
dlemcoe | circusbread, you fail | 12:11 |
ActionParsnip | circusbred: what doesnt work? Id disagree but Ubuntu suits my needs better than vista | 12:11 |
Circus-Killer | eh? | 12:11 |
Hondo_Kitsune | shame he left | 12:11 |
prince_jammys | Circus-Killer: sorry, wrong nick. | 12:11 |
Circus-Killer | lol, no problem ;) | 12:12 |
jhattara | wols_, is there a tutorial somewhere, i tried yesterday evening but all i managed to do was to disable my network alltogether | 12:12 |
tech0007 | dlemcoe: you need to install glib 2.16.5 | 12:12 |
wols_ | jhattara: anwer my question | 12:12 |
dlemcoe | i did | 12:12 |
dlemcoe | I went, ./configure | 12:12 |
tech0007 | dlemcoe: its not finding it, how did u install it | 12:12 |
dlemcoe | then make, then make install | 12:12 |
pen | I'm using HP laptop. Everytime I plug my earphone line in before boot, if I play some music the front would also play too | 12:12 |
wols_ | dlemcoe: why? | 12:12 |
pen | how do I fix this? | 12:12 |
dlemcoe | Because it told me too | 12:12 |
wols_ | dlemcoe: as in why do you compile pygtk yourself? | 12:12 |
BullButch | I have serious issues. GDM wont work. Everything just stopped working all of a sudden, and now nothing will work. I just get errors if i apt-get something. :( | 12:12 |
db92 | eeepc has fully compatible hardware with ubuntu? | 12:12 |
wols_ | !info pygtk | 12:12 |
ubottu | Package pygtk does not exist in hardy | 12:13 |
dlemcoe | I don't know, how else can I d oit? | 12:13 |
wols_ | !eee | db92 | 12:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about eee | 12:13 |
wols_ | !eeepp | db92 | 12:13 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about eeepp | 12:13 |
dlemcoe | !info pygtk | 12:13 |
wols_ | !eeepc | db92 | 12:13 |
ubottu | db92: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC | 12:13 |
wols_ | grah | 12:13 |
FloodBot1 | wols_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:13 |
db92 | roofl, kk | 12:13 |
dlemcoe | lol | 12:13 |
tech0007 | !info python-gtk2 > dlemcoe | 12:13 |
ubottu | dlemcoe, please see my private message | 12:13 |
dlemcoe | So how do I instal it? | 12:13 |
jhattara | wols_, what question ? | 12:14 |
tech0007 | dlemcoe: sudo apt-get install python-gtk2 | 12:14 |
BullButch | someone, please help me, i need to save my files at least... :( | 12:14 |
Hondo_Kitsune | wols_: it is simple, I load up Xmesh, put in my username and password then no shell ,loads, i just get put back to the USername Prompt. (That is as detailed as it gets, no error messages, nothing) | 12:14 |
ActionParsnip | wols_: whos spamming now :) | 12:14 |
dlemcoe | okay | 12:14 |
dlemcoe | lol everyone | 12:14 |
simoncpu | ohai | 12:14 |
dlemcoe | Bull, just boot into a LiveCD and move files to a HDD | 12:14 |
simoncpu | FriedCPU: are you my evil twin? | 12:14 |
dlemcoe | O HAI | 12:14 |
=== simoncpu is now known as SimonCPU | ||
SimonCPU | dlemcoe: hai | 12:14 |
wols_ | dlemcoe: fyi the glib error was about a missing -dev package | 12:15 |
dlemcoe | DANG! | 12:15 |
dlemcoe | Traceback (most recent call last): | 12:15 |
dlemcoe | File "xampp-control-panel.py", line 21, in <module> | 12:15 |
dlemcoe | import gtk | 12:15 |
dlemcoe | ImportError: No module named gtk | 12:15 |
FloodBot1 | dlemcoe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:15 |
BullButch | how do i start the network when i log in with recovery mode? | 12:15 |
dlemcoe | What does THAT mean is wrong? | 12:15 |
=== SimonCPU is now known as simoncpu | ||
DRLD | wols_: still here? | 12:16 |
Hondo_Kitsune | wols_: There, i described my problem to the higest level of detail I can and you are still not helping. | 12:16 |
dlemcoe | What does mah GTK/Python error? | 12:16 |
KingdomOFish | is .Xmodmap automagically loaded one startup in ubuntu gnome? | 12:16 |
wols_ | !patience | Hondo_Kitsune | 12:16 |
ubottu | Hondo_Kitsune: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 12:16 |
wols_ | Hondo_Kitsune: if you demand help. hire a conslutant | 12:17 |
dlemcoe | lol rite | 12:17 |
DRLD | lol | 12:17 |
tech0007 | Hondo_Kitsune: canonical has paid tech support! | 12:17 |
pbn | Hm how can I reconfigure apt and set completely different mirrors in debconf ? There used to be apt-setup but it is gone. And dpkg-reconfigure apt doesn't help... any idea ? | 12:17 |
wols_ | pbn: $editor /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:18 |
Hondo_Kitsune | wols_: What is irritating me is that I have asked several time over the past half hour and all I have got was "Describe it in more detail" | 12:18 |
dlemcoe | http://pastebin.ca/1169547 what's that mean? | 12:18 |
wols_ | Hondo_Kitsune: what irritates us are vague and useless "problem descriptions" | 12:18 |
pbn | wols_: that I know, but in hm Debian there was a debconf dialog where you could choose country and even override things... | 12:18 |
wols_ | pbn: not anymore. apt-setup is long gone in debian | 12:18 |
DRLD | wols_: glad yur still here. inet died for a few min. i changed it to nv and it didn't fix the problem. however, i also checked on my desktop which is using an ati chipset... and the same problem occurs. this computer currently has compiz off and the problem still occurs. could there be some option i need to change? | 12:18 |
Hondo_Kitsune | wols_: I can't get any more detailed than I have given you | 12:19 |
wols_ | pbn: apt-spy and netselect-apt might be available | 12:19 |
simoncpu | Hondo_Kitsune: maybe you could give us a detailed asl? | 12:19 |
simoncpu | that would be cool =) | 12:19 |
dlemcoe | *facepalm* | 12:19 |
wols_ | DRLD: it actually shouldn't happen. especially not across different hardware | 12:19 |
Hondo_Kitsune | simoncpu: Eh, not applicable to the task at hand | 12:20 |
wols_ | DRLD: but I dunno what could be it. driver or compiz are the most likely culprits I'd said | 12:20 |
dlemcoe | http://pastebin.ca/1169547 Hey, don't want to interupt, but what's goin' on here? | 12:20 |
DRLD | wols_: a friend said it may be a problem with xgl... i know it's vague but do you have any idea what he might be talking about? | 12:20 |
wols_ | DRLD: xserver-xgl, if you have that still installed, uninstall it | 12:21 |
wols_ | it makes some cards (mainly ati with fglrx) compiz capable but has various drawbacks | 12:21 |
quazzarr | nao sei nem como usar essa parada | 12:21 |
caffe_espress1 | i got a problem with ubuntu hardy, when the laptop starts it stops to Kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/..... | 12:21 |
dabbu | how to get professional support from ubuntu | 12:22 |
prince_jammys | !pt | quazzarr | 12:22 |
ubottu | quazzarr: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 12:22 |
wols_ | dabbu: pay canonical some money | 12:22 |
Vixus | Has anyone used Xen to boot their existing windows partition in ubuntu? | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | caffe_espress1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/103148 | 12:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 103148 in ubuntu "kinit: No resume image" [Undecided,In progress] | 12:23 |
naymlezwun | can anybody help with installing wireless card in ubuntu??? | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: sure, give use your lspci and lsusb and ifconfig | 12:23 |
quazzarr | #ubuntu-br | 12:23 |
dabbu | !ubuntu ! wols_ | 12:23 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu ! wols_ | 12:23 |
Hondo_Kitsune | Another problem that is occuring is, when I press the ShutDown, Restart or Logoff buttons, nothing happens. GNOME just freezes | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | !pastebin | naymlezwun | 12:23 |
ubottu | naymlezwun: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 12:23 |
wers | how do you install thinkingrock on Ubuntu? | 12:23 |
dlemcoe | !ubuntu ! cloak | 12:23 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu ! cloak | 12:24 |
prince_jammys | quazzarr: /join #ubuntu-br | 12:24 |
torgrimt_ | anyone got a tips for an easy photo import application? like from a camera. the default application is horrible (for my mom), i only need it to ask what directory to put all the images in. and nothing more | 12:24 |
wols_ | dlemcoe: #freenode not here | 12:24 |
Vixus | torgrimt_, teach her how to do it manually, it's by far the easiest way. | 12:24 |
tonisius | what's the fastest form to boot from hardware? | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | !kamera > ActionParsnip | 12:24 |
ubottu | actionparsnip, please see my private message | 12:24 |
tonisius | is the "hard disk" the fastest form to boot from? | 12:24 |
bazhang | !info digikam | 12:24 |
dabbu | wols can u read that they provide free professional support...dont speak if u don;t know something | 12:24 |
ubottu | digikam (source: digikam): digital photo management application for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:0.9.3-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6890 kB, installed size 21928 kB | 12:24 |
wols_ | tonisius: get her a card reader? | 12:24 |
brahmana | hi | 12:24 |
wols_ | dabbu: "free professional support" is an oxymoron | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: solid state | 12:25 |
torgrimt_ | Vixus: not really an option ;) | 12:25 |
tonisius | wols_: a card reader is faster than the disk? what kind of card reader? | 12:25 |
simoncpu | i want "free professional" | 12:25 |
lat | Does anyone know when Ubuntu will upgrade to Lyx 1.5.6? | 12:25 |
wols_ | dabbu: "professional" literally means "for money" "do X for a living" | 12:25 |
rocko | how do you change user in terminal ? | 12:25 |
simoncpu | a professional who will give me some lovin | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | simoncpu: please elaborate | 12:25 |
tonisius | ActionParsnip: solid state has quick read? and SATA support? | 12:25 |
brahmana | I tried installing the language meta package for Kannada language using this: `sudo apt-get install language-support-kn` | 12:25 |
corvus | join #ubuntu-fr | 12:25 |
rocko | how do you change to another user in terminal ? | 12:25 |
wols_ | tonisius: how does you digicam store pictures? | 12:25 |
torgrimt_ | Vixus: a nice little input box with a browsable direcory creater. even windows have that ;) | 12:25 |
wols_ | rocko: man su | 12:25 |
simoncpu | ActionParsnip: you know... some professional who will love me for the night | 12:25 |
naymlezwun | i can't really do that right now...i'm running dual boot and i'm on windows right now | 12:25 |
simoncpu | :) | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: yes, kicks the ass off platter based drives but cost a lot per Gb | 12:25 |
bazhang | simoncpu, not here | 12:25 |
brahmana | The installation process just hangs at a point saying: Generating locales: kn_IN.UTF-8... | 12:26 |
bazhang | !ot | simoncpu | 12:26 |
Vixus | torgrimt_, pfft, you'll just be encouraging her computer illiteracy. :P | 12:26 |
ubottu | simoncpu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:26 |
tonisius | ActionParsnip: I only need less than a gig | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | simoncpu: wrong room dude | 12:26 |
tonisius | ActionParsnip: thanks | 12:26 |
simoncpu | oki | 12:26 |
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert | ||
tonisius | wols_: your method seems easier to move data around, i'm looking for loading data to be quick. | 12:26 |
rocko | wols_: i dont want to login as the su i want to login to another user i have created | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: then id get a solid state hdd or a card reader with a card | 12:26 |
brahmana | I searched for the error and found varied solutions some including doing stuff in recovery mode.. | 12:26 |
Vixus | torgrimt_, doesn't the default program do exactly that anyway? It does when I put in an SD card. | 12:26 |
torgrimt_ | Vixus: i had it hard enough to convice her to switch from windows xp | 12:26 |
brahmana | I wanted to know if the problem is really that serious and whether there is a simpler solution. | 12:27 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: i wouldnt worry about boot times, just in system performance | 12:27 |
wols_ | tonisius: answer my question | 12:27 |
tonisius | wols_: memory cards | 12:27 |
torgrimt_ | Vixus: no, f-spot is the default. and it just creates alot of folders and a big mess ;) | 12:27 |
wols_ | rocko: man su instead of telling me irrelevant things | 12:27 |
=== dlemcoe is now known as Western_Digital | ||
tonisius | so card reader/ssd has similar performance? | 12:27 |
Vixus | torgrimt_, you made your mum switch to ubuntu but you won't tell her how to copy photos manually? that's just silly. | 12:27 |
torgrimt_ | Vixus: she wants to import all images, and create a directory called for instance christmas-Ã2008 | 12:27 |
tonisius | I guess the cheaper method would make sense when I don't need much storage. | 12:27 |
wols_ | tonisius: then use a card reader. it's faster to transfer the pictures than using the usb cable with the cmaera usually | 12:27 |
tonisius | sure, not sure why the 'camera' is being used but I'll take your word for it | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | torgrimt_: kamera does that in kde | 12:28 |
torgrimt_ | ActionParsnip: i know, but there must be an eqvivalente in gnome | 12:28 |
bazhang | digikam as well iirc | 12:28 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip:I'm not able to get lspci and the others, i'm running dual boot and i'm in windows right now | 12:28 |
tonisius | now that I thikn about it, it's as quick as taking the memory card out and putting it into my system | 12:28 |
torgrimt_ | i really wonder why ubuntu ships with f-spot as default. its really buggy, slow and horrible ;) | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | !digikam | torgrimt_ | 12:29 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about digikam | 12:29 |
tonisius | the nikon d40 I have is usb2.0 capable, and the download is just as quick | 12:29 |
torgrimt_ | ill google digikam ;) | 12:29 |
tonisius | wols_: so I think using the cable is easier and more convenient when I don't have to open the latch | 12:29 |
tonisius | wols_: and just as fast | 12:29 |
wols_ | DSLR is a bit different than consumer digicams | 12:29 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: can you get a wired connection til you get on your feet? | 12:29 |
tonisius | wols_: most high end cameras have USB2.0 capable readers in there. | 12:29 |
foxynet | wello word | 12:29 |
tonisius | thanks for the notice. | 12:30 |
Vixus | so no one's used xen? | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | !xen > ActionParsnip | 12:30 |
ubottu | ActionParsnip, please see my private message | 12:30 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: nope the router is upstairs and i don't have any ethernet cord available | 12:30 |
pen | I'm using HP laptop. Everytime I plug my earphone line in before boot, if I play some music the front would also play too | 12:30 |
pen | how do I fix this? | 12:30 |
wols_ | Vixus: probably no one bothered with a "anyone" question | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: ok, are you using a desktop or laptop? | 12:30 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: desktop | 12:31 |
=== guntbert is now known as guntbert_ | ||
Vixus | wols_, I was just curious... it 'seems' to be what I'm looking for. | 12:31 |
DRLD | wols_: i dunno what happened... but after i restarted xserver... it fixed the problem | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: self built or store bought? | 12:31 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: I got the windows driver installed with ndiswrapper | 12:31 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: storebuilt | 12:31 |
wols_ | DRLD: hard to diagnose errors like this | 12:31 |
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert | ||
wers | how do I get an app's PID? | 12:31 |
DRLD | wols_: yah heh | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | wers: pidof | 12:32 |
prince_jammys | wers: pgrep app | 12:32 |
wols_ | wers: ps aux |grep app | 12:32 |
sledgeas | hello | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: ok so you're using ndiswrapper, you can install programs if you use your cd as a repo | 12:32 |
prince_jammys | aka pgrep app | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | pidof appname | 12:32 |
timz | when i watch embedded hd videos oon vimeo.com like youtube in fullscreen, everything starts to lagg, the sound and the picture, i dont have that problem when watchgin videos from my harddisk | 12:32 |
sledgeas | is there an existing method of how to install linux (ubuntu) on a completely remote computer, currently running windows home+vnc server ? | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | sledgeas: you can in a VM box | 12:33 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: ok, oh just so you know this is the first time i've tried linux, very new at it | 12:33 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: many are in here | 12:33 |
ActionParsnip | sledgeas: but if you want it native, vnc wont be running when you reboot | 12:33 |
sledgeas | ActionParsnip: and how do i put it on a dedicated partition afterwards? | 12:33 |
pen | I'm using HP laptop. Everytime I plug my earphone line in before boot, if I play some music the front would also play too | 12:33 |
pen | how do I fix this? | 12:34 |
sledgeas | ActionParsnip: that's why i ask. i need some modified ubuntu installation | 12:34 |
sledgeas | with ssh or so | 12:34 |
quazzarr | exit | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | sledgeas: get the alternative cd and you can do it all from ssh | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: run synaptic and install ndiswrapper | 12:34 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: so any ideas? i tried iwconfig and the essid is off/any. Would that be a problem? | 12:34 |
wols_ | sledgeas: two main problems I can see: getting unpartitioned space on the hdd and geting the ssh to run from the start | 12:35 |
wols_ | the ssh install is doable | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: have you done the ndiswrapper install and config | 12:35 |
torgrimt_ | Vixus: seems like its time for me to start up vim and code the darn thing myself | 12:35 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip:i did install ndiswrapper with synaptic | 12:35 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip:yes i've installed it | 12:35 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: when i try to config it bashes | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: then you need to get your windows driver .inf and .sys files and thn run ndiswrapper -i <inf filename> | 12:35 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: done stuff like that | 12:36 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: i have installed the windows driver already | 12:36 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: ok, just establishing whats what | 12:36 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: ndiswrapper -l says driver present, hardware present | 12:37 |
sledgeas | wols_: that's why i'm here | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: and does ndiswrapper get installed at boot | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: sudo ndiswrapper -m | 12:37 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: i did -m | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: ok sweet | 12:38 |
ActionParsnip | ok so what if you run ifconfig do you see wlan0 or ath0 | 12:38 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: i get eth1 | 12:38 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: ok try sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces_old | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: then reboot | 12:39 |
sledgeas | wols_: i'd do partitioning over partition magic, how's about the ssh install then? | 12:39 |
gisli | how do i make an WPA in the internet stuff | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | sledgeas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | gisli: you want to enable wpa for your wireless? | 12:40 |
gisli | oki | 12:40 |
sledgeas | ActionParsnip: i want native install and i cannot physically approach the machine | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | !wpa | gisli | 12:41 |
ubottu | gisli: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | sledgeas: then you're screwed as you need to put a cd in the system to boot to the command environment dont you | 12:41 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: what will that do? | 12:42 |
sledgeas | ActionParsnip: i'm not about CD:http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-28948.html | 12:42 |
sledgeas | wols_ knows how to ssh already, so im waiting for his solution | 12:42 |
hml | anyone figure out how to watch the olympics on ubuntu? i'm trying nbc.com, but it appears to reuqire that i run windows or mac | 12:42 |
Proxydude | hey, some program is making a file "5" in my home dir, if i delete it it comes back almost instantly. how can i find out whats making it??? | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | naymlezwun: it will reset your network conf and you should get a fresh one that will hopefully include your wifi | 12:42 |
sledgeas | ActionParsnip: wols_ knows how to ssh already, so im waiting for his solution | 12:42 |
=== lordfdisk is now known as LordFDisk | ||
Dr_willis | hml, yep. Annoying what some of the big sites are doing.. i noticed cbs.com stopped working for me in firefox under linux and under windows.. | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip | sledgeas: ive not used grub for NT, sorry | 12:43 |
naymlezwun | ActionParsnip: ok well i guess i'll reboot into ubuntu now...thanks for your help. i'll be back if it doesn't work | 12:43 |
Dr_willis | hml, seeing other sites all 'upgrading' to newer flash requirements.. and breaking a lot of things. :( | 12:43 |
ActionParsnip | hml: try www.bbc.co.uk | 12:43 |
ATA_Dark_Shadow | greetings cat /proc/bus/usb/devices , where would be that file in ubuntu if theres one? | 12:44 |
porkpie | hi guy's trying to get vncserver working with LXDE .... I have vncserver installed but I don't get the LXDE desktop when I connect ... | 12:44 |
hml | ActionParsnip: almost works: "Cannot play media. Sorry, this media is not available in your territory." | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | !vnc | porkpie | 12:45 |
ubottu | porkpie: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 12:45 |
Dr_willis | porkpie, you did cofigure vncserver to launch the lxde desktop? | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | hml: wow crazy | 12:45 |
hml | ActionParsnip: yep; looks like broadcasting rights at its best | 12:45 |
porkpie | Dr_willis:don't think so .. is a doc on it please | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | hml: http://www.webtvwire.com/olympics-live-online-in-2008-nbc-plans-comprehensive-coverage/ | 12:45 |
datacrusher | how do i check the version of my samba? | 12:46 |
Dr_willis | porkpie, what 'did' you do then to get vnc going? I normally install vnc4server, edit the users .vnc/xstartup and have that script launch whatever desktop i want. | 12:46 |
dextone | guys is it true rgod has died ? | 12:46 |
porkpie | Dr_willis: | 12:46 |
bazhang | dextone what is that; this is ubuntu support | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | dextone: who's rgod? | 12:46 |
porkpie | Dr_willis: ah ... OK I didn't edit the ./vnc/xstartup | 12:47 |
porkpie | Dr_willis: is the a doc to do this | 12:47 |
* dextone sorry ... bazhang | 12:47 | |
Dr_willis | porkpie, the vnc4server docs perhaps.. a read of the 'vncserver' script is handy also. (its a fancy script that is well commented) | 12:47 |
porkpie | ok | 12:48 |
Dr_willis | porkpie, xstartup is just a simple script - example (2 lines) --> xterm & exec gnome-session | 12:48 |
Dr_willis | porkpie, that would launch gnome in the vncsession. change it to lauinch what you want | 12:48 |
porkpie | OK | 12:48 |
Dr_willis | porkpie, be carefull when running 'vncserver' you can accidently get several vncsessions going at the same time. :) use the vncserver -kill :# to kill off any extras running | 12:49 |
llop | NEWS - HOT GIRLS - http://www.moneyorbeauty.blogspot.com/ | 12:50 |
porkpie | OK ... it;s internal anyway | 12:50 |
ikonia | llop: stop that please | 12:50 |
llop | NEWS - HOT GIRLS - http://www.moneyorbeauty.blogspot.com/ | 12:50 |
prince_jammys | jussi01: ping. | 12:50 |
BullButch | det är fan inte speciellt hjälpsamma människor inom linuxvärlden, fastän det är vad som brukar påstås... det spelar ingen roll hur många gånger man har en fråga, det är sällsynt att få svar.¨ | 12:50 |
llop | NEWS - HOT GIRLS - http://www.moneyorbeauty.blogspot.com/ | 12:50 |
llop | NEWS - HOT GIRLS - http://www.moneyorbeauty.blogspot.com/ | 12:50 |
FloodBot1 | llop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | !ot | llop | 12:51 |
ubottu | llop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:51 |
porkpie | Dr_willis: not sure if lxde is the right tag | 12:51 |
Dr_willis | floodbot1 is so nice. :) | 12:51 |
Dr_willis | porkpie, i have no idea. try lxd<tab> and see what commands its using. | 12:51 |
Dr_willis | porkpie, or check the lxde.desktop file that the gdm tool is using.. see what its executing | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | lxde looks strangely like fluxbox | 12:52 |
=== david is now known as Guest25197 | ||
Dr_willis | i got ldxe on my other machine.. and really.. i aint that impressed with it. | 12:52 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_willis: why not? | 12:53 |
TerrorBite | I can no longer see desktop notifications | 12:53 |
Dr_willis | ActionParsnip, why... :) there really isent that much impressive about it.. yet another desktop.. with no real features othe rthen its designed to be 'lightweight' (the new buzzword i guess) | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip | TerrorBite: do you mean like error messages | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_willis: what features would you add? | 12:54 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: application specific? | 12:54 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: no, all libnotify notifications no longer appear | 12:54 |
Dr_willis | ActionParsnip, I dont like their choice in file manager.. and cant find where to change it for one thing. | 12:54 |
monstrMobile | Does anyone know how to change the order of modules that load at boot? | 12:54 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: I tried using the "notify-send" program to send a few, but nothing appeared | 12:54 |
TerrorBite | I haven't seen any error messages | 12:55 |
Dr_willis | ActionParsnip, use it for a few days and see if you like it or not.. :) this is linux.. we use what we like.. and toss the rest. | 12:55 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_willis: install another, I like rox personally but you can install thunar or nautilus if you prefer | 12:55 |
monstrMobile | I need to know how to change when usbcore loads | 12:55 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: in what way ? | 12:55 |
Dr_willis | ActionParsnip, i do have others installed.. and it still defaults to launching pcmman or whatever it was. so i went back to my customuized desktop i made my self. | 12:55 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - i have a webcam that i have to unplug then plug back in when the system boots | 12:56 |
Dr_willis | ActionParsnip, been using jwm+rox mainly the last few months. switched to icewm+rox this week. | 12:56 |
mrwhippy | greetings all, I am working my way through the openldap + samba small business server how to and have come across a problem when generating the sid, in that i get a cannot connect to the ldap server any who may be able to help around please | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_willis: rox is the nuts :) | 12:56 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - the reason is...the driver for the webcam is loaded after usbcore | 12:56 |
TerrorBite | idyllic, ActionParsnip: any ideas? | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip | mrwhippy: can you ping its name and ip? | 12:56 |
Dr_willis | ActionParsnip, rox is just a little weird in ways.. but i find it very useable. | 12:56 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: why is that a problem ? | 12:56 |
Juje007 | What is the command to make a Ubuntu desktop from a ubuntu server? | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip | Juje007: theres no difference | 12:57 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - i have to restart the system sometimes remotely and the webcam is used as a monitoring device | 12:57 |
Juje007 | K | 12:57 |
mrwhippy | actionparsnip: i can remote to the server using ssh and everything is installed on the same server, so i am using localhost to try to connect to it | 12:57 |
porkpie | Dr_willis: hmm! made the change but still get a grey desktop | 12:57 |
ikonia | Juje007: I'd consider using the ubuntu desktop CD if you want a desktop, rather than a server install | 12:57 |
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hala | 有中国人吗 | 12:57 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: ok - so, I'm not quite sure why thats a problem ? | 12:57 |
bazhang | !cn | hala | 12:58 |
ubottu | hala: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 12:58 |
Vixus | torgrimt_, good luck :D | 12:58 |
Juje007 | Someone from ubuntu-nl said I needed to use t (Client Quit) | 12:58 |
Juje007 | [13:56:57] <henkjan> Juje007: s | 12:58 |
Juje007 | Dang | 12:58 |
Juje007 | wrong line | 12:58 |
FloodBot1 | Juje007: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:58 |
Juje007 | this | 12:58 |
Juje007 | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 12:58 |
ikonia | Juje007: what hware are you running on ? | 12:58 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - it is...i have to go back to the location where the computer is and replug the camera in...there has to be a way to change the module boot order | 12:58 |
hala | Thank u | 12:58 |
Juje007 | hware? | 12:58 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: just unloder/reload the module ? | 12:58 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: i "think" you need dbus-launch... apt-get install dbus-x11 ? | 12:58 |
Dr_willis | porkpie, you did KILL and restart the vncserver? also at the end of the xstartup you may want to use another 'xterm' or 'gnome-terminal' (no &) to keeop a termial open if the windowmanager closes. also check the logs. | 12:58 |
Juje007 | hardware? | 12:58 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: it should load in the rigt order if the depmod is setup correclty | 12:58 |
ikonia | Juje007: yes, it it "home user" hardware | 12:59 |
orgthingy | hi | 12:59 |
Pirate_Hunter | can i install ubuntu server on 2GB Ram, 115GB drive, SiS661FX graphics card, 3.2Ghz processor? | 12:59 |
orgthingy | http://www.onestopphoneshop.co.uk/mobile-phones/orange/usbmod/orange/eoi25jul08 | 12:59 |
gvk | Is that tracker thing good for anything? | 12:59 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - i did depmod -a...is that correct | 12:59 |
orgthingy | how can i use this porable usb modem stick in my ubuntu? | 12:59 |
ActionParsnip | mrwhippy: do you connect from the server that ant connect to its LDAP server to the LDAP server using name or IP? | 12:59 |
ikonia | Pirate_Hunter: why do you want the server install ? | 12:59 |
Vegombrei | hi .. is there a way to name multiple files all at once .. eg .. i have tons of pictures and wanna rename all roughly 17000 pictures numerically .. how do i do that ? is there a command that could do that ? | 12:59 |
orgthingy | i didnt buy that laptop, and i dunno what program theyre using | 12:59 |
ActionParsnip | Pirate_Hunter: definately | 12:59 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: if the modules dependencies are set correctly | 12:59 |
Juje007 | Why do you need to know my hardware? | 12:59 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - how do i do that? | 12:59 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: already latest version | 12:59 |
ikonia | Juje007: to see which release server/desktop may suit you better | 12:59 |
gvk | Vegombrei: Write a bash script. | 12:59 |
Pirate_Hunter | ikonia: just to try it out never tried it out | 12:59 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: thats done at module compile time | 12:59 |
ikonia | Pirate_Hunter: it's the same as the desktop | 12:59 |
ikonia | Pirate_Hunter: if you've tried the desktop - you've tried the same base os | 13:00 |
Dr_willis | Vegombrei, there are several 'rename' tools in the repositories. its doable.. what tool depends on exactly wha tyou want to do. do an 'apt-cache search rename' and see whats there. | 13:00 |
Vegombrei | gvk: whats a bash script ? | 13:00 |
mrwhippy | actionparsnip: I connect from ubuntu desktop to the server which has both ldap and samba on it, hold on ill get you the full error message now that mayhelp morew | 13:00 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - is there a link you know of that i can read | 13:00 |
Pirate_Hunter | ActionParsnip: hmmm the ubuntu site said no to that i needed 500GB minimum | 13:00 |
Juje007 | I installed Ubuntu 8.10 Server | 13:00 |
orgthingy | anyone? | 13:00 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: link to what ? | 13:00 |
ikonia | Juje007: yes, but on what hardware ? | 13:00 |
ikonia | Juje007: home user hardware ? | 13:00 |
hyppias | hi Anyone used bootchart.org lately ? site does nog respond (to me, anyway)... | 13:00 |
gvk | nuff said | 13:00 |
Pirate_Hunter | ikonia: so what is the difference between both than? | 13:00 |
Vegombrei | Dr_willis: ok lemme see | 13:00 |
bazhang | Juje007, you mean 8.04 | 13:00 |
Juje007 | What do you mean with home user hardware | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip | Pirate_Hunter: depends on what its a server for, the base install is not much different to the desktop | 13:00 |
ikonia | Pirate_Hunter: one is aimed at at enterprise/server class kit in terms of optimisations | 13:00 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - more info on how to compile the module with the correct dependencies | 13:00 |
mrwhippy | actionparsnip:failed to bind to server ldap://localhost/ with dn="cn=admin,dc=one,dc=co,dc=uk" Error: Can't contact LDAP server ------- i have changed the dc that reads one from its original | 13:00 |
Juje007 | Ya bazhang | 13:00 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: is the module a default kernel modules, or 3rd party | 13:01 |
Pirate_Hunter | ikonia: i see | 13:01 |
ikonia | Juje007: as in, is it a desktop PC ? | 13:01 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - the module is ov51x-jpeg | 13:01 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: you on your compiz-fusion? Notification work with metacity? | 13:01 |
Juje007 | But I allready used this cmdd ikonia: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 13:01 |
Juje007 | Ya it's a desktop pc | 13:01 |
Pirate_Hunter | ActionParsnip: well never had a server and never used one so thats why i wish to try it out, do small things with it first and who knows their after | 13:01 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - the source for it in the ubuntu repo is broken so i downloaded a deb from a ubuntu bug report | 13:01 |
Juje007 | I lost my desktop cd so I installed the server version | 13:01 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: it used to work with compiz-fusion, I'll try with metacity though | 13:01 |
ikonia | Juje007: if your using a desktop PC, you may actaully be better installing the OS from the desktop CD - as it's setup better for home/Desktop hardware | 13:02 |
Vegombrei | Dr_willis: there's one called renameutils .. i guess i should apt-get that | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | mrwhippy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=640760&page=9 | 13:02 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: no - is the module part of the kernel, or a 3rd party module | 13:02 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - oh...third party | 13:02 |
mrwhippy | actionparsnip: having a look now | 13:02 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: then you need to speak to them about the module dependencies | 13:02 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: the people who write it | 13:02 |
ikonia | monstrMobile: or hack it yourself | 13:02 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: Okay, can confirm it works with metacity | 13:02 |
monstrMobile | ikonia - i understand...thank you...i suppose i will do that | 13:03 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: wee :) | 13:03 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: i suggest you do something with compiz-fusion plugins for notification | 13:03 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: I don't know why it stopped working | 13:03 |
gvk | Is that Tracker thing good for anything? | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | mrwhippy: i was merely checking DNS issues resolving names to IPs, I dont know about LDAP | 13:03 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: are you on hardy? | 13:04 |
timz | when i watch embedded hd videos oon vimeo.com like youtube in fullscreen, everything starts to lagg, the sound and the picture, i dont have that problem when watchgin videos from my harddisk | 13:04 |
ActionParsnip | timz: you running compiz? | 13:04 |
mrwhippy | actionparsnip: thanks for your efforts, i have been through my files as the post you found suggested but i think i am about to go check them again, if not its a start again thing | 13:04 |
gvk | timz: Flash is more of a resource hog than a standard player, I guess. | 13:05 |
idyllic | gvk: you are right. At least on linux. | 13:05 |
timz | ActionParsnip, yes, i do | 13:05 |
timz | gvk, so how can i fix this | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | timz: thats why, compiz screws LOTS of stuff up | 13:05 |
timz | ActionParsnip, ok i'll try | 13:06 |
* ActionParsnip HATES compiz loads | 13:06 | |
idyllic | timz: does it work fine without compiz? | 13:06 |
peng1 | looking for a way to view 3d Field Sequential video (as anaglyph and/or cross view 3d) | 13:06 |
timz | there's my other question, how do i end compiz^^, with kubuntu it was kwin --replace, but now i changed to ubuntu | 13:06 |
db92 | timz, metacity --replace | 13:06 |
idyllic | timz: metacity --replace | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | timz: 64bit flash is a pain too | 13:07 |
genius | I want to install linux-backports-modules on my hardy server. but after successful installation i see, that my modules does not upgraded. wht's wrong? | 13:07 |
timz | its not working even without compiz | 13:08 |
porkpie | Dr_willis: looks like it is using gnome display manager | 13:08 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: yes, I'm on hardy | 13:08 |
gvk | timz: If it still lags, do like the vista and get better hardware. | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | timz: what spec is your PC? | 13:08 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: goto CCMS, then make sure Workarounds plugin - notification daemon fix is ticked | 13:09 |
axisys | how do I know which one to install ? libstdc++5_i386.deb or 6_i386.deb ? | 13:09 |
timz | 2.6 ghz quadcore 4 gb ram 64 bit ubuntu 8.04 flachplugin -nonfree | 13:09 |
axisys | this is for gizmo project | 13:09 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: and Dbus plug in as well | 13:09 |
prower | Hello :> Could anyone recommend a good brand and model of mp3 player that's well supported under Ubuntu? I've read up on the Sandisk Fuze but it seems like there are some issues with that, I was hoping for something like the PSP (aka. just moves the files on as if it were a flash drive) | 13:09 |
gvk | Well, the hw is not the problem :D | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | timz: maybe theres a thing with 4Gb RAM. Ive seen some apps ave issues with certain ram amounts | 13:09 |
pbn | Hello. With apt-cacher, is there some way to tell it to remove all packages that came from a specific source ? | 13:09 |
ikonia | axisys: why are you trying to install a 32bit package | 13:09 |
mercutio22 | Hello. I saved my desktop session and I guess that doesn't work quite well with compiz enabled. Now I am having trouble undoing it. Is there a file where the running applications I saved are listed that I can just delete? | 13:09 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: already checked those, the workaround was enabled, but the dbus plugin wasn't | 13:09 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: tick them :D | 13:10 |
mercutio22 | Is that clear enough? | 13:10 |
axisys | ikonia: http://gizmo5.com/pc/download/linux/ over here there are two choices .. so 5_i386 is 32 bit and 6_i386 is 64 bit ? | 13:10 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: workaround and dbus plugin both enabled now, still can't see notifications | 13:10 |
timz | ActionParsnip, can i fix this per software or should i remove a 2 gb stick(<--?) | 13:10 |
ikonia | axisys: both are 32bit | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | mercutio22: you can view running apps, ive not heard of saved apps | 13:10 |
filo1234 | hello how can i know if some program is in universe or mulriverse or backports and so on.....repository? | 13:10 |
axisys | ikonia: so where can I get the gizmo project for ubuntu 64 bit to run on my laptop ? | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | timz: id have a look around, what browser are you using? | 13:11 |
ikonia | axisys: contact the people at gizmo | 13:11 |
mercutio22 | ActionParsnip: I mean, I saved the currently running apps in gnome-session. I want to undo it. | 13:11 |
Flynsarmy | If i start a program from a terminal window is there any way i can close that terminal window and have the program stay running? | 13:11 |
timz | ActionParsnip, firefox | 13:11 |
gvk | filo1234: apt-cache search program | 13:11 |
axisys | ikonia: ok how do I know if I am running 32bit or 64bit OS ? | 13:11 |
filo1234 | gvk: thanks | 13:11 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: put "nohup | 13:11 |
ikonia | axisys: please show me "uname -a" | 13:11 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: put "nohup" in front of it | 13:11 |
axisys | ikonia: Linux ghar 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | timz: what flash plugin you using? | 13:12 |
ikonia | axisys: your running 32bit | 13:12 |
timz | ActionParsnip, -nonfree | 13:12 |
ikonia | axisys: you need to install this package http://download.gizmo5.com/GizmoDownload/gizmo-project_3.1.0.79_libstdc++6_i386.deb | 13:12 |
ikonia | axisys: not the one your are trying | 13:12 |
axisys | ikonia: how do u know that.. i like to know | 13:12 |
timz | ActionParsnip, i also tried gnash, but didnt work at all | 13:12 |
ikonia | axisys: i686 | 13:12 |
ikonia | axisys: thats 32bit | 13:12 |
axisys | ikonia: what would a 64bit say ? | 13:13 |
=== guangdawangluo is now known as icesword | ||
ikonia | axisys: x86_64 | 13:13 |
idyllic | TerrorBite: can you restart compiz? and another thing, tick the plugins from the CCSM, don't go into the plugin itself then tick | 13:13 |
axisys | ikonia: oh ok.. ofcourse! duh! | 13:13 |
ActionParsnip | timz: get ndispluginwrapper and the adobe one. Thats what I used, search for walkthroughs and you'll hit home | 13:14 |
axisys | ikonia: i just installed this http://download.gizmo5.com/GizmoDownload/gizmo-project_3.1.0.79_libstdc++5_i386.deb | 13:14 |
axisys | ikonia: how do I remove it ? | 13:14 |
TerrorBite | idyllic: already restarted compiz when I switched to metacity to see if it worked there, I'll restart it again anyway | 13:14 |
ikonia | axisys: you need to remove that | 13:14 |
ikonia | axisys: how did you install it / | 13:14 |
axisys | ikonia: gdebi | 13:14 |
icesword | hi | 13:14 |
ikonia | axisys: isn't there a remove option ? | 13:14 |
ikonia | axisys: or use dpkg | 13:14 |
Flynsarmy | TerrorBite: If i typed wine gedit and gedit and i havent been given a new prompt, is there a way to get one? | 13:14 |
Flynsarmy | TerrorBite: sorry, wine <prog> | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | axisys: dpkg -i gizmo-project | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | oop | 13:15 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: put an & on the end | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | dpkg -r gizmo-project | 13:15 |
axisys | ActionParsnip: thnx | 13:15 |
TerrorBite | as in: gedit & | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | axisys: or use synaptic | 13:15 |
Flynsarmy | TerrorBite: Yea that requires me starting again. i mean if i already have the program open and i dont want to close it | 13:15 |
mercutio22 | Can somone tell me how to make gnome session forget a saved session?? | 13:15 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: press Ctrl-Z in the terminal window, then type 'bg' | 13:16 |
prince_jammys | Flynsarmy: ctrl-z and then type 'bg' | 13:16 |
prince_jammys | survey says... | 13:16 |
plundra | How can I dump the monitor-settings X is currently using? (It's autodetected with the screen directly connected, but when using a kvm-extender it fails, so I need to make it static) | 13:16 |
idyllic | Flynsarmy: type Alt-F2, then run the program. Save everyone trouble :) | 13:16 |
Flynsarmy | prince_jammys: Thanks. will this now stay open if i close the terminal window? | 13:17 |
prince_jammys | i don't think so | 13:17 |
prince_jammys | you have to disown it | 13:17 |
idyllic | Flynsarmy: type Alt-F2, then run the program. Save everyone trouble :) | 13:17 |
timz | ActionParsnip, do you mean nspluginwrapper? | 13:17 |
prince_jammys | Flynsarmy: disown | 13:17 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: if you didn't run it with nohup to begin with, it'll still close along with the terminal | 13:17 |
idyllic | anyway, bye guys.... | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | timz: yeah man | 13:18 |
timz | ActionParsnip, i already have nspluginwrapper und the flashplugin-nonfree | 13:18 |
Vegombrei | how do i force quit an app that i think has hung ? | 13:18 |
gvk | Vegombrei: killall appname | 13:18 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: type 'disown -h 1' | 13:18 |
porkpie | has anyone here got LXDE working with VNC .... I can't get the desktop session to work :S | 13:19 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: asuming you got [1] when you pressed Ctrl-Z | 13:19 |
prince_jammys | disown by itself will also work, but yeah. | 13:19 |
ActionParsnip | timz: then id try removing flash and reinstalling. or try opera | 13:19 |
TerrorBite | prince_jammys: didn't know that one | 13:19 |
prince_jammys | TerrorBite: it'll disown all jobs | 13:19 |
Vegombrei | gvk: app got killed but cpu still going flat out | 13:20 |
ActionParsnip | Vegombrei: run top | 13:20 |
Flynsarmy | TerrorBite: no such job. prince_jammys: I got no output at all when typing disown. is that because i typed bg first? | 13:21 |
prince_jammys | Flynsarmy: no output is ok. | 13:21 |
x_dimitri | PPPD typically spits out 'gibberish' when run directly, and trying to establish a connection. However when using the ubuntu scripts to start up pppd (pon, pppoeconf, e.t.c.), the 'gibberish' typically isn't displayed. I just noticed that using the scripts now displays all that gibberish, and the PPP connection won't come up. The error message given is "LCP: timeout sending config-requests" Any ideas on how to fix this? | 13:21 |
Vegombrei | ActionParsnip: should i type that in terminal ? | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | Vegombrei: yes | 13:21 |
ActionParsnip | top | 13:21 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: it says no such job because it already disowned it the first time you ran 'disown' | 13:21 |
TerrorBite | Flynsarmy: you can now safely close the terminal | 13:21 |
Flynsarmy | TerrorBite: Got it, thanks | 13:22 |
gvk | Vegombrei: kill the app that's flatting the cpu. | 13:22 |
tonisius | ugh, what could: "/dev/sdc1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive" ? | 13:23 |
gvk | Vegombrei: If kill does not work, try sudo kill, if that doesn't work, reboot :D | 13:23 |
tonisius | trying to do #grub-install /dev/sda | 13:23 |
tonisius | broken mbr, and currently chrooted into my original installation, trying to get the bootloader reinstalled | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: sdc1 is a partition on sdc which is secondary master | 13:23 |
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db92 | why is it that if i want to install libflashsupport, ubuntu wants to remove oss? :|||| | 13:24 |
tonisius | I understand where it is, but why is it not letting me run the grub install on sda? | 13:24 |
Flash-xD | how can i make to umask stay 133 when logout? | 13:24 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: what does it say when you try? | 13:24 |
tonisius | it says that error: | 13:24 |
tonisius | ugh, what could: "/dev/sdc1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive" ? | 13:24 |
ogzy | is there anyway to see the resource addresses that are used by pci devices in Ubuntu, like the one in windows device manager show by connection | 13:24 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: you mayhave to make the partition the ACTIVE partition | 13:24 |
tonisius | ActionParsnip: how do I make the partition active, that's sort of new to me | 13:25 |
tonisius | I've done this 4 times today, but this time it's not working | 13:25 |
tonisius | grub has been decent all day | 13:25 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: well yeah, the system will boot the active partition, if you install grub on an inactive partition it wont do anything | 13:25 |
tonisius | hmm, ugh, maybe cause it's mounted? | 13:26 |
tonisius | since I had to mount sdc1 to chroot into it | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: that too | 13:26 |
tonisius | hm, but I did this today multiple times with the same steps | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: id check its the active partition in fdisk or cfdisk | 13:26 |
tonisius | mount the main drive, bind the dev, mount the sysyfs, and the other stuff | 13:26 |
tonisius | ok | 13:26 |
timz | anybody here got a creative x-fi card running with alsa? | 13:27 |
tonisius | what would cfdisk say tif it was active? | 13:27 |
tonisius | currently the flags are set, but nothing much else | 13:27 |
Flash-xD | how can i make to stay umask 133 when logout? | 13:27 |
tonisius | Flash-xD: google it | 13:27 |
prower | Hello :> Could anyone recommend a good brand and model of mp3 player that's well supported under Ubuntu? I've read up on the Sandisk Fuze but it seems like there are some issues with that, I was hoping for something like the PSP (aka. just moves the files on as if it were a flash drive) | 13:27 |
tonisius | Flash-xD: that's a common question | 13:28 |
tonisius | prower: sandisk is like that, | 13:28 |
tonisius | most MP3 players that act like a portable drive do that | 13:28 |
tonisius | my ipod connects too, just not to move music on it, but to put files on it | 13:28 |
corsaro94 | salve | 13:28 |
cynicismic | use gtkpod | 13:29 |
cynicismic | that can interact with the itunes lib | 13:29 |
prower | tonisius: Yeah, that's what I was told about sandisk, but reading a page on the sandisk fuze it seems like there's some problems with it | 13:29 |
Flash-xD | tonisius, i know how to put it on .bashrc, but i dont want to put my home, i want to put /home/html/inf/ | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | prower: cowon make sweet players that are ubuntu friendly | 13:29 |
prower | I would get an ipod but the newest generation are no longer supported :< | 13:29 |
cynicismic | yeah the cowon ones are cool | 13:29 |
prower | ActionParsnip: Hmm, I'll have to see if they are available in my area thanks | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | prower: check the x5 it supports ogg and m3u | 13:30 |
tonisius | ActionParsnip: wow, just looked up my linux partitions with cfdisk /dev/sdc | 13:30 |
tonisius | and it's showing it as a primary FAT16, and logical as Linux Swap | 13:30 |
tonisius | ugh! | 13:30 |
tonisius | I even mounted it already | 13:31 |
tonisius | and it shows contents of my nix drie | 13:31 |
tonisius | drive* | 13:31 |
porkpie | Dr_willis: can I post my config for vnc ... driving me nuts here I am only getting a grey back ground with an x | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: id look at all your partitions on all drives to make sure you know whats going on | 13:32 |
mm2000 | Hi there. How can I install new locales in ubuntu? | 13:32 |
prince_jammys | !locale | mm2000 | 13:32 |
ubottu | mm2000: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 13:32 |
compubomb | i'm having some problems initializing a private key, i keep getting "Could not open a connection to your authentication agent." | 13:32 |
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mm2000 | I have en_GB.utf8, but i need en_GB | 13:33 |
compubomb | problem is, i'm connected to ubuntu linux via putty. | 13:33 |
compubomb | when i type in ssh-agent, it lists all the socket information etc, i made sure the socket is created and it is, but i cannot type xterm since i'm not in a linux enviornment. | 13:33 |
tonisius | my nix partition is being caught as FAT16... | 13:33 |
tonisius | I see my two other windows partitions NTFS with the proper sizes | 13:33 |
tonisius | ActionParsnip: any suggestions now? | 13:34 |
tonisius | nvm | 13:34 |
tonisius | I think I'll just go and sleep | 13:34 |
tonisius | this is too much for tonight | 13:34 |
tonisius | night people | 13:34 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: you can change the partition type in fdisk but id backup the data on it in case of error | 13:34 |
pinnerup | I just moved. When I plug the cable in my new place into my computer, the connection icon shows up, but only the first dot ever turns green. Odd thing is, it works fine when I plug it into my laptop. | 13:34 |
unr3a1 | hey all | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | pinnerup: so tats the wired internet connection over ethernet cable? | 13:35 |
geirha | compubomb: You need to add those variables ssh-agent outputs to your environment. You can do this by copy/pasting them, or running it through eval "eval $(ssh-agent)" | 13:35 |
compubomb | geirha: i'll show you what it does. | 13:35 |
pinnerup | ActionParsnip: Right. | 13:35 |
compubomb | let me paste on pastebin | 13:35 |
pinnerup | Standard wired connection. | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | pinnerup: ok so what nic do you have? if you run lspci you will be told | 13:35 |
compubomb | geirha: http://rafb.net/p/tmMxFo43.html | 13:36 |
unr3a1 | out of curiosity, where does Ubuntu store its DNS resolution settings? | 13:36 |
compubomb | geirha: i've read that typing in xterm can resolve the problem, but i'm on windows using putty. | 13:37 |
prince_jammys | /etc/resolv.conf | 13:37 |
Vegombrei | ActionParsnip: how do i kill an app in top ? and whats compiz.real .. thats the second most power hungry one .. | 13:37 |
geirha | compubomb: try "eval $(ssh-agent)" | 13:37 |
genius | how to upgrade kernel to 2.6.24-22 ? | 13:37 |
geirha | compubomb: You are expected to run the output from ssh-agent as shell-commands. | 13:38 |
compubomb | geirha: that seemed to work | 13:38 |
compubomb | why did that work ? | 13:38 |
ActionParsnip | Vegombrei: quit out of it, then type pkill <process name> | 13:38 |
echo6 | unr3a1: /etc/resolv.conf | 13:38 |
unr3a1 | ty | 13:38 |
compubomb | geirha: just curious, why did that work ? | 13:38 |
pinnerup | ActionParsnip: "00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection (rev 02)" | 13:38 |
ActionParsnip | Vegombrei: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=493463 | 13:38 |
geirha | compubomb: ssh-add uses the environment variables SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID to figure out which ssh-agent to use. So those needs to be set. | 13:38 |
ActionParsnip | pinnerup: awesome, gimme a sec | 13:39 |
compubomb | geirha: how can i make sure i don't have to run that all the time ? | 13:39 |
MXIIA | Is there a way to rename an item on my boot loader? | 13:39 |
compubomb | do i just add it to my .bashrc file ? | 13:39 |
compubomb | geirha: echo "eval $(ssh-agent)" >> .bashrc ? | 13:39 |
pinnerup | ActionParsnip: That's copied by hand from the desktop that's sitting right next to me here all alone without its internet ;) | 13:40 |
Vegombrei | can i pkill compiz.real too ? | 13:40 |
Vegombrei | ActionParsnip: can i pkill compiz.real too ? | 13:40 |
unr3a1 | now, does Ubuntu save those DNS settings to use if I connect somewhere else, or does it pull for new DNS settings everytime it gets an IP address from DHCP? | 13:40 |
geirha | compubomb: that will create a new ssh-agent everytime bash is run, so that's not such a good idea ... I'm not sure what the best way is :/ | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | pinnerup: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=551720 | 13:40 |
porkpie_ | can anyone tell me if this is correct please http://pastebin.com/m48970fe2 | 13:40 |
MXIIA | @@ Is there a way to rename an item on my boot loader? @@ | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | Vegombrei: read the link i gave you | 13:41 |
db92 | MXIIA, grub? | 13:41 |
MXIIA | yes | 13:41 |
geirha | compubomb: his google-hit explains some ways to do it http://mah.everybody.org/docs/ssh | 13:41 |
prince_jammys | MXIIA: you're talking about the grub menu? | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | Vegombrei: compiz is a big cpu and memory hog (really not worth it) | 13:42 |
pinnerup | ActionParsnip: But why would I need to build a new driver? It worked perfectly just before I moved? | 13:42 |
MXIIA | Yes, GRUB not LiLo | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | pinnerup: maybe the cable has a break in it during the move | 13:42 |
unr3a1 | I apologize for asking such a n00b question, but I never really understood how Ubuntu gets its DNS configurations | 13:42 |
prince_jammys | MXIIA: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | unr3a1: it uses dns to the www | 13:43 |
pinnerup | ActionParsnip: The cable works fine when I plug it into my laptop. | 13:43 |
MXIIA | Ok, thanks prince_jammys | 13:43 |
prince_jammys | MXIIA: you'll see the different headings. you can change what they say. be careful, make a backup | 13:43 |
unr3a1 | yes, but does it save those DNS settings regardless of where it is connected, or does it pull for new DNS settings when it goes for DHCP? | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | pinnerup: try sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/old_interfaces | 13:43 |
MXIIA | Ok, I will thanks :) | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | pinnerup: then reboot | 13:43 |
pinnerup | ActionParsnip: Will try that | 13:43 |
unr3a1 | I mean, is it supposed to pull for new DNS when it pulls for DHCP | 13:44 |
SitUbuntuSit | Out of curiosity, how would I leave this room while using Irssi? | 13:44 |
prince_jammys | SitUbuntuSit: /part | 13:44 |
SitUbuntuSit | prince_jammys: Thank you very much. | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | unr3a1: the dns servers are gained when you get dhcp or in /etc/network/interfaces file. resolving name to ip is done in the router / www | 13:44 |
prince_jammys | SitUbuntuSit: welcome | 13:45 |
kiz0ph | Guys, ubuntu can't mount my newsmy mp4. Any ideas? | 13:45 |
the_darkside_986 | Could someone point me to a tutorial that shows how to copy mp3's to an "uninitialized" iPod shuffle in Ubuntu? I tried Banshee but we couldn't figure it out. (It's for a family member--I hate iPods :/) and there is NO way I'll ever let iTunes touch my PC's not even through Wine. | 13:45 |
erUSUL | !ipod | 13:46 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 13:46 |
the_darkside_986 | thanks | 13:46 |
ActionParsnip | !gpod | the_darkside_986 | 13:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gpod | 13:46 |
ActionParsnip | !ipod | the_darkside_986 | 13:46 |
ubottu | the_darkside_986: please see above | 13:46 |
=== aminh_ is now known as aminh | ||
noam | Does anyone know how to make Emerald the default decorator in Hardy | 13:46 |
noam | ? | 13:46 |
Kartagis | i had the pidgin-rhythmbox plugin installed, but now it's gone. how come? | 13:46 |
pogay | I saw a command mkxauth, which doesn't seem to be available unter ubuntu (8.10). What's a easy way to create a x-authority for a new user? (testuser, with no GDM-login) | 13:47 |
ActionParsnip | noam: autorun emerald --replace at bootup | 13:47 |
the_darkside_986 | I've been trying to use Banshee but when I click and drag mp3's from a playlist into the iPod device, it just crashes. | 13:47 |
gatestone | Is there a screensaver that would show news? Maybe an RSS aggregator slideshow screen saver? | 13:47 |
noam | ActionParsnip: Isn't there a more elegant way? | 13:47 |
the_darkside_986 | iPod shuffle mounts as a usb harddrive but we don't know where to put the songs and it hasn't been "initialized" by iTunes. My friend on Ubuntu 7.10 says Banshee can do that anyway but I'm on Ubuntu 8.04. | 13:48 |
prince_jammys | pogay: xauth, perhaps | 13:48 |
ActionParsnip | noam: not that i know of and id say adding a sigle line at bootup was fairly elegant | 13:48 |
compubomb | geirha: btw, thanks | 13:49 |
prince_jammys | pogay: mm. that command seems more geared to querying the x authority. | 13:49 |
unr3a1 | ActionParsnip, hmmm... the reason I ask, is it seems as if my computer is holding onto DNS settings from my home (I am at work right now). | 13:49 |
pogay | prince_jammys: probably with extract an merge... | 13:49 |
* dextone time to go home | 13:49 | |
dextone | bye all, thx 4 your helps... | 13:50 |
geirha | compubomb: No problem. | 13:50 |
ActionParsnip | unr3a1: is there any in /etc/resolv.conf or /etc/network/interfaces | 13:50 |
indian_munnda | can anyone tell me how to install .tar.gz file, i have downloaded "realplay_10.0.9-1gutsy1.tar.gz". But i don't know how to install it. | 13:50 |
DrGhoul | Can somebody tell me if the skype problems in hardy have been resolved (100% CPU usage, not able to shut it down etcetc)? If so where can I find the info for fixing it | 13:50 |
ogzy | i was checking the source of usplash theme of xubuntu and trying to edit the .progressbar_background = 73, so what is the equivalent of 73 in color or where can i find the other color values? | 13:50 |
joseph_cheah | anyone know how to create initramfs disk on ubuntu hardy? | 13:50 |
unr3a1 | ActionParsnip, yes. the DNS server from my home is in the /etc/resolv.conf | 13:50 |
pogay | prince_jammys: it's strange I dont find nice example in the internet... | 13:50 |
ActionParsnip | unr3a1: then edit it out | 13:50 |
shesek` | can I have a crontab set to run at */2 21-7 * * * ? | 13:51 |
ActionParsnip | unr3a1: gksu gedit /etc/resolv.conf | 13:51 |
shesek` | the part that im not sure about is the 21-7 | 13:51 |
shesek` | would it work, from 9 in the evening to 7 in the morning ? | 13:51 |
kiz0ph | Guys, my newsmy mp4 cannot be mounted. I am under Ubuntu 8.04 | 13:51 |
the_darkside_986 | indian_munnda, first, open up the folder where you put the file, right click and select "extract here" | 13:51 |
peng1 | is there a way to view 3d Field Sequential video in linux? (as anaglyph and/or cross view 3d) | 13:51 |
ActionParsnip | shesek`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto | 13:51 |
unr3a1 | ActionParsnip, so then how does it pull for different DNS, because the server it has now, wasn't the server it had yesterday, and I didn't manually change it. | 13:51 |
shesek` | ActionParsnip, I know how to use crontab in general | 13:52 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: i have extracted that into a folder on the desktop | 13:52 |
shesek` | just asking specificlly if 21-7 is valid | 13:52 |
the_darkside_986 | ok | 13:52 |
ActionParsnip | should get it via dhcp as you say but id edit out the line for your old dns | 13:52 |
the_darkside_986 | indian_munnda, what is in the extracted folder exactly? | 13:52 |
shesek` | anyone ? | 13:52 |
ActionParsnip | shesek`: it tells you what each colomn means | 13:52 |
jimqode | peng1, too specıfıc subject for help channel but try searching the packages for anaglyph: apt-cache search anaglyph | 13:53 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: these are supporting files i think | 13:53 |
geirha | shesek`: It might, not sure. Though "21-23,0-8" should work. | 13:53 |
shesek` | AfterDeath, I know that | 13:53 |
prince_jammys | shesek`: if it doesn't, perhaps */2 0-7,21-0 | 13:53 |
shesek` | geirha, thats a good idea, I'll do that just to make sure | 13:53 |
peng1 | jimqode: it could just be a choice for de-interlacing in vlc.. but it's not :( | 13:53 |
shesek` | prince_jammys, geirha, thanks | 13:53 |
tonisius | ugh | 13:53 |
tonisius | can't sleep | 13:53 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: there are 2 folders named as docs and patched | 13:53 |
wols_ | shesek`: I dunno if partitionmagic works | 13:54 |
unr3a1 | ActionParsnip, I am not worried about the setting. it is set to OpenDNS, i was just curious how Ubuntu gets different DNS info | 13:54 |
tonisius | ok, the only hard drive in the system has the wrong 'partition type' listed in the grub | 13:54 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: and other images of the real play interface | 13:54 |
tonisius | I can mount it, and it's mounted as ext2fs properly | 13:54 |
tonisius | but I umount it, and grub still doesn't recognize it, and refuses to mount it | 13:54 |
wols_ | sledgeas: I dunno if partitionmagic works. To actually resize, partitionmagic will reboot in a DOS mode with no sshd or vnc running | 13:54 |
tonisius | googling ext2fs repair didn't bring in much of anything to help with the type being 0x6 instead of 0x83 | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: id look at changing the type but im not sure abut the data | 13:55 |
DrGhoul | Anyone know about a workaround for the skype problems in hardy? | 13:55 |
tonisius | ok, good thing I didn't change the tyoe | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | DrGhoul: what sort of problems??? | 13:56 |
tonisius | I mounted it, and it's showing up as ext3 | 13:56 |
tonisius | when i swear it was ext2fs before | 13:56 |
=== peng1 is now known as pengo | ||
ActionParsnip | tonisius: id backup the data and remake the partition so its all consistant | 13:57 |
tonisius | is the default type with ubuntu ext3? or ext2fs? | 13:57 |
jelle_ | is it normal to experience alot of vertical tearing when moving windows in ubuntu? | 13:57 |
tonisius | I have no where ot backup to | 13:57 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: you can use what you want | 13:57 |
tonisius | windows wont bootup either | 13:57 |
jelle_ | i installed the nvidia drivers | 13:57 |
tonisius | but default when installing ubuntu | 13:57 |
ActionParsnip | tonisius: what if the drive fails. how will you recover the data?? | 13:57 |
prince_jammys | tonisius: default is ext3 | 13:57 |
kuroryuu | tonisius: the default is ext3 | 13:57 |
zorglu_ | q. i got a ubuntu-server installation in french language, and i would like to switch it to english, where should i look ? | 13:57 |
DrGhoul | ActionParsnip: it's eating all my cpu when running, I can't shut it down properly, mic is not working (I have no other Pulseaudio issues) | 13:57 |
tonisius | what if my windows drive fails, how will I recover THAT data, it's more important | 13:57 |
unr3a1 | ActionParsnip, so if its not updating its DNS automatically, is that potentially a problem with Ubuntu, or does it not update DNS everytime it requests DHCP? | 13:58 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: there are some executables also like one is named as "Realplay 10" and when i run it it says "There was an error launching the application" | 13:58 |
timz | how can i get the frozen bubble soundtrack(ingame)^^? | 13:58 |
tonisius | I'm trying to recreate the grub, and it's refusing to use the /boot/ in my /dev/sdc1 partition | 13:58 |
tonisius | saying the partition doesn't exist, | 13:58 |
babo | new_date = date(*time.strptime('2007-11-22', '%Y-%m-%d')[:3]) | 13:58 |
tonisius | root (hd2,0) then setup (hd0) | 13:58 |
babo | i thought that should work no ? | 13:58 |
tonisius | just says unable to mount partition error 17 | 13:59 |
tonisius | urgh | 13:59 |
tonisius | and it doesn't show the parition type when I try and tab through the different partitions | 13:59 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: are u there? | 13:59 |
prince_jammys | babo: in what context? | 13:59 |
tonisius | it says type 0x6 where the ext3 type should be | 13:59 |
``Cube | so you want me to prove that "photoshop" beats "gimp" by 20x? | 13:59 |
tonisius | any other ideas? | 13:59 |
``Cube | uh | 14:00 |
``Cube | sorry | 14:00 |
``Cube | http://cubestuff.wordpress.com/2008/08/13/open-vs-closed-source-graphics-on-google/ | 14:00 |
the_darkside_986 | indian_munnda, sorry i was afk | 14:00 |
the_darkside_986 | indian_munnda, is there a website link for where you got this program? | 14:00 |
jrib | ``Cube: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy. Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic? | 14:00 |
indian_munnda | i got it from th archive | 14:00 |
``Cube | jrib: oh okay! sorry for that | 14:01 |
the_darkside_986 | what exactly is realplay anyway? | 14:01 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: just a secong i m giving u the link | 14:01 |
tonisius | argh, I need to shoot my desktop | 14:01 |
Suicidal_Failure | the_darkside_986: its when you play for resl | 14:01 |
babo | prince_jammys, sorry. my fault. got it thanks | 14:02 |
Suicidal_Failure | the_darkside_986: real | 14:02 |
prince_jammys | babo: wrong channel? ;) | 14:02 |
the_darkside_986 | audio format? | 14:02 |
the_darkside_986 | I've converted legions of realplayer files to vorbis using mplayer. | 14:02 |
Suicidal_Failure | the_darkside_986: sorry bad joke, you know realplayer | 14:02 |
Suicidal_Failure | ah you obviously do | 14:03 |
Pirate_Hunter | tonisius: how come? whats the matter with it? | 14:03 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/r/realplay/ | 14:03 |
bullgard4 | What does 'cmduser' mean in http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_6.10_on_a_ThinkPad_T43? | 14:04 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: i have downloaded the last one whose size is 6.5 M | 14:04 |
=== adam is now known as Guest69817 | ||
everton137 | Hi, can someone tell me if you can play this video streaming http://aovivoesportes.terra.com.br/fut/olimpiadas2008/1223-br/ on Ubuntu, please? | 14:05 |
the_darkside_986 | And you are trying to run the script "realplay" ? | 14:05 |
ufa | hello | 14:05 |
tonisius | Pirate_Hunter: issue with reinstalling grub today | 14:06 |
the_darkside_986 | if it prints errors, try running it from gnome-terminal (Terminal) | 14:06 |
zorglu_ | q. i got a ubuntu-server installation in french language, and i would like to switch it to english, where should i look ? | 14:06 |
indian_munnda | the_darkside_986: i run that but that doesn't worked | 14:06 |
ufa | I want to mount a fs with "mount -a" but not on boot | 14:06 |
ufa | is it possible? | 14:06 |
the_darkside_986 | indian_munnda, open up Terminal, cd to Desktop/realplay-whatever, and run ./realplay and see what Terminal prints. | 14:06 |
Pirate_Hunter | tonisius: oh :( | 14:06 |
tonisius | Pirate_Hunter: I can mount the partition that I have my boot files in, but grub doesn't see it at all, it see;s an unknown partition type | 14:06 |
tonisius | using all the different tutorials, online don't help either | 14:07 |
tonisius | http://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2007/06/27/restore-grub/ <-- this being the most universal one I've found | 14:08 |
wiredless | i am currently running version 7.10 (i386) i have gone to try and install the package emacs, but i get an error "this package can not install on your computer (i386). would someone mind pointing me in the right direct please? | 14:08 |
tonisius | the find command doesn't find anything | 14:08 |
benistar | nope | 14:08 |
benistar | whats up? | 14:08 |
tonisius | even if I can find it in the /dev/sdc1 partition myself when I mount it to someplace | 14:08 |
Pirate_Hunter | tonisius: what file format is the partition giving you trouble, try unounting it and adding it to fstab or you could recreate the file? | 14:08 |
wiredless | well i can keep getting error can not install package on your comp (i386) no matter what package it is | 14:08 |
tonisius | huh? | 14:09 |
tonisius | I have no OS that wants to load | 14:09 |
tonisius | I'm doing this all from a live CD | 14:09 |
tonisius | my windows partitions don't want to boot, my linux one refuses to load up | 14:09 |
tonisius | and live cd isn't helping much at the moment, | 14:09 |
IdleOne | !fixgrub | 14:09 |
ubottu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 14:09 |
kuroryuu | everton137: it plays fine for me | 14:09 |
tonisius | IdleOne: tried everything, I'll read those in case | 14:09 |
tonisius | IdleOne: http://goinggnu.wordpress.com/2007/06/27/restore-grub/ | 14:09 |
everton137 | kuroryuu, here says 'no video' and have extra-codecs installed :-/ | 14:10 |
perfector | will the build-essential package install everything i need to compile a kernel? | 14:10 |
jrib | !kernel > perfector (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:11 |
ubottu | perfector, please see my private message | 14:11 |
wiredless | so yeah everytime i try to install a package i get error "can not install package on comp (i386) any thoughts please | 14:11 |
kuroryuu | everton137: only problem I have is it says it's not available in my region :P | 14:11 |
jrib | wiredless: give us more info. What are you trying to install exactly? | 14:11 |
userbn | hg | 14:11 |
xnv | wiredless: Uh, maybe the package not be designed for i386? | 14:11 |
wiredless | emacs for example | 14:11 |
raspac | hI i am trying https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and I dont know how to login as ROOT user. Can you guide me | 14:11 |
wiredless | i have just tried to install any package from the list, like an alarm clock but they all say the same | 14:12 |
jrib | wiredless: are you using APT? With apt-get for example: sudo apt-get install emacs21 | 14:12 |
xnv | wiredless: What does "uname -m" show? | 14:12 |
everton137 | kuroryuu, how can I try to discover why it's not playing here? | 14:12 |
jrib | wiredless: what list...? | 14:12 |
wiredless | no im using the package programme in ubuntu | 14:12 |
pogay | raspac: open a console - type sudo su (enter your passwd) - then you are in a root console | 14:13 |
raspac | Hi Guys. I am trying https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and I dont know how to login as ROOT user. Can you guide me | 14:13 |
jrib | !root > raspac (read the private message from ubottu) | 14:13 |
ubottu | raspac, please see my private message | 14:13 |
jrib | pogay, raspac: use 'sudo -i' if you really need a root shell instead | 14:13 |
kuroryuu | everton137: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 14:13 |
tonisius | guess the only thing I haven't tried is reinstalling ubuntu | 14:13 |
tonisius | what a fail | 14:14 |
jrib | wiredless: what happens with the command I gave you? | 14:14 |
tonisius | hope I don't delete anything important | 14:14 |
jrib | tonisius: have backups | 14:14 |
tonisius | jrib: not possible | 14:14 |
tonisius | jrib: otherwise this wouldn't be a problem | 14:14 |
jrib | tonisius: then your data is not important | 14:14 |
everton137 | kuroryuu, it is already installed | 14:14 |
wiredless | let me try 2 sec | 14:14 |
tonisius | jrib: at this hour, I need a working desktop | 14:14 |
tonisius | laptop only has so much space, (30GB) | 14:14 |
kuroryuu | everton137: did you restart your browser? | 14:14 |
xnv | jrib: Any reason for usig > instead of |? | means I can read it too and maybe add more info if I don't think it's sufficient. | 14:15 |
everton137 | kuroryuu, I meant, it was installed | 14:15 |
xnv | *using | 14:15 |
hosk | if my current computer is running an X server, and the computer i'm SSH'd into is running an X server, how do I remotely start/forward an X server | 14:15 |
tonisius | and my desktop has too much, 3 partitions, 2x windows with important files, and linux which has the backups | 14:15 |
droopsta915 | i ned to install an installer deb-bin file, its on my desktop, how can i do so? | 14:15 |
jrib | xnv: spams the channel less | 14:15 |
xnv | jrib: Not by much. Still prints a message, just a bit shorter. | 14:16 |
jrib | xnv: you can '/msg ubottu FACTOID' if you aren't sure what info he sent | 14:16 |
everton137 | kuroryuu, if you try playing this "http://terratv.terra.com.br/olimpiadas/templates/ol_playerlive.aspx?vgnid=179955"on mplayer, what happens? | 14:16 |
DarkLoverRising | Hello | 14:16 |
wiredless | jrib: its says couldnt find package | 14:16 |
entropy0228 | 안녕하세요 | 14:16 |
jrib | wiredless: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 14:16 |
kuroryuu | everton137: plays the same | 14:16 |
everton137 | kuroryuu, here says "Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll" | 14:16 |
entropy0228 | ㅡㅡ;; | 14:16 |
xnv | hosk: Both client and server have to be configured for X11 forwarding | 14:17 |
entropy0228 | quit | 14:17 |
DarkLoverRising | is there a ubuntu laptop channel? | 14:17 |
DarkLoverRising | an* | 14:17 |
wiredless | jrib: how do i do that? | 14:17 |
everton137 | I just lost second brazilian goal :P | 14:17 |
jrib | !pastebin > wiredless | 14:17 |
ubottu | wiredless, please see my private message | 14:17 |
raspac | Thanks Jrib.. got your point I will try it now. | 14:17 |
xnv | jrib: If ubottu didn't print that "please see my private message" thing, it'd be better. | 14:18 |
JeanEdouardF | Hi ! Someone can write my nick please ? | 14:18 |
hosk | xnv, thanks | 14:18 |
timz | JeanEdouardF, why? | 14:18 |
jrib | xnv: he used to not do that, but it was changed recently. I think the issue was people would often ignore their private message and attempts like my alias I had before with the parenthetical statement didn't seem to help | 14:19 |
JeanEdouardF | Ok.. Thanks. I'm just doing some tests with my IRC cliend ! | 14:19 |
JeanEdouardF | *client | 14:19 |
timz | who knows how to get the frozen-buuble soundtrack | 14:19 |
kuroryuu | everton137: sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 14:19 |
LimCore | helo | 14:19 |
LimCore | I can not print. | 14:19 |
LimCore | audit(1218633302.283:6): type=1503 operation="capable" name="dac_read_search" pid=19062 profile="/usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf" namespace="default" | 14:19 |
LimCore | how to disable this #$%^&*( so that I can print as usuall (it worked recently) | 14:19 |
everton137 | kuroryuu, I think I have to add some repository... E: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate | 14:20 |
DarkLoverRising | are thinkpads 100% linux native? | 14:20 |
jrib | DarkLoverRising: what does "linux native" mean? Most come with windows | 14:20 |
LimCore | how to disable this damn audit? | 14:20 |
Dr_willis | !w32codecs | 14:20 |
ubottu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 14:21 |
everton137 | kuroryuu, let me try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/WindowsCodecs?action=show | 14:21 |
DarkLoverRising | jrib, in the instance of say webcam, wireless etc. | 14:21 |
kuroryuu | everton137: hmm... I don't recall what I installed to get it working, but I don't think I used Medibuntu | 14:21 |
DarkLoverRising | instead of using a driver wrapper | 14:21 |
DarkLoverRising | native support. | 14:21 |
* sherbsauce grins | 14:21 | |
sherbsauce | This place is so much more populated than I'd expected! | 14:21 |
jrib | DarkLoverRising: you should google for the laptop model and "linux", you probably can't say anything general about thinkpads | 14:22 |
DarkLoverRising | I am looking into buying a laptop | 14:22 |
LimCore | how to disable stupid apparmored ? | 14:22 |
pogay | tonisius: usually grub rans finde, have you checked devices.map? I you run grub under chroot it's dificult. test always wether (in grub cmd-line) find /boot/grub/menu.list is seen | 14:23 |
LimCore | omg.... | 14:23 |
LimCore | HOW TO DISABLE ************ APP ARMORED *********** THAT BLOCKS MY CUPS | 14:23 |
pogay | tonius I mean it runs fine, usually | 14:23 |
tonisius | ok, I can't go through with the reinstall of the partition layout.... | 14:23 |
the_darkside_986 | My friend has a ThinkPad laptop but has to use ndiswrapper. | 14:23 |
jrib | LimCore: don't be annoying please | 14:23 |
tonisius | but I am going through the UbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 14:23 |
abcZ | ?? | 14:23 |
Dr_willis | !apparmor | 14:23 |
ubottu | For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor | 14:23 |
abcZ | hi | 14:24 |
pengo | DarkLoverRising: i have a thinkpad and it took some effort to get it going with linux | 14:24 |
LimCore | I read that wiki entry | 14:24 |
tonisius | http://pastie.org/252178 <-- this is my current hard disk layout | 14:24 |
LimCore | instructions gaved there do not work | 14:24 |
the_darkside_986 | Those System76 notebooks look nice though. They come with Ubuntu already on them. Not sure about the webcam drivers though. | 14:24 |
pengo | DarkLoverRising: thinkwiki.org is good. | 14:24 |
tonisius | my linux system was installed on sdc, | 14:24 |
LimCore | sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor kill | 14:24 |
LimCore | Killing AppArmor module - failed, AppArmor is builtin: Failed | 14:24 |
malic | can someone help me.. i have installed kubuntu hardy and the new 8.6 ati driver for ati radeon 9800 with envy. now i have problems, because mesa is running. i want fglrx to run compiz | 14:24 |
tonisius | but I'm not sure what to make of it, it looks out of wack | 14:24 |
DarkLoverRising | I was looking at the system76 serval | 14:24 |
tonisius | any other ideas on how to go about this? | 14:25 |
Sylphid|work | what command line tool can I use to control fan speed ? | 14:25 |
pogay | tonius, usually it's the easiest to install grub from the live CD, mount the /inst/boot to your / and run grup-install /dev/.. the grub update | 14:25 |
nedwell | I have a dual boot with Windows XP Professional and Ubuntu 8.04. I have reinstalled Windows XP, but it replaced my GRUB menu. How do I get it back?! Thanks! | 14:25 |
jrib | !grub > nedwell | 14:25 |
ubottu | nedwell, please see my private message | 14:25 |
nedwell | jrib: thanks! | 14:26 |
legend2440 | malic: here is a how to see link that says Removing Mesa Drivers http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide | 14:27 |
tonisius | pogay: just tried it | 14:28 |
tonisius | didn't work.. | 14:28 |
G|enn | Hmm, I have an issue.. When I save my WLAN network in Ubuntu, and reboots, the network is gone, so I have to set it up again.. why? | 14:28 |
tonisius | used grub-install --root-directory..... | 14:28 |
pogay | tonisius: what was the problem? | 14:28 |
tonisius | pThe file /mnt//boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly. | 14:29 |
tonisius | if I don't use the --recheck flag, I get this error: /dev/sdc1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. | 14:29 |
tonisius | using this command now: root@ubuntu:/# grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda --recheck | 14:30 |
pogay | important ist that you make a mount --bind /mnt/inst/ boot /boot | 14:30 |
tonisius | I had mounted /dev/sda to /mnt | 14:30 |
tonisius | inst? | 14:30 |
pogay | may be you have to tonisius your isntallation | 14:30 |
tonisius | what is inst? | 14:30 |
tonisius | hmm | 14:30 |
kepler-linux | hello. im looking for someone who has experience in ltsp. is there anyone? | 14:31 |
tonisius | i've never seen that before, I'll do that I guess... | 14:31 |
gatestone | zash, there is a thread at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/cnn-live-video-591293/ but rather strange and flaky resulutions | 14:31 |
pogay | tonisius: mount --bind /mnt/yournewinstallation/ boot /boot so grub installs to your installation not to CD-Bootable. | 14:32 |
kepler-linux | or does anybody know if i can use dlan with LTSP? | 14:32 |
pogay | kepler-linux: yes I'm certain. A fiend of mine uses dlan, with ltsp | 14:32 |
hosk | do I have to uncomment the 3 Xforwarding lines on both machines to forward X11 through SSH | 14:33 |
kepler-linux | pogay, so it should work with dlan? | 14:33 |
tonisius | pogay: command doesn't work, and I replaced the yournewinstallation | 14:33 |
remoteCTRL | anyone got experience with lsi 1078 sas raid controller? | 14:33 |
xnv | hosk: On the server, it should just have to be enabled. On the client, connecting with the -X option is usually sufficient. | 14:33 |
kepler-linux | pogay, when the client is loading the nbi.img it doesn't work. | 14:34 |
tonisius | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows I'm moving down the list | 14:34 |
kepler-linux | :( | 14:34 |
pogay | kepler-linux: dlan (powerline) just replaces a normal LAN, should work if connection works | 14:34 |
tonisius | right now going to try Super Grub Disk | 14:34 |
bmeynell | how can I tell how much swap space I'm using? | 14:34 |
tonisius | bmeynell: df -ha | 14:34 |
bmeynell | thanks tonisius | 14:34 |
kepler-linux | pogay, the connection should be ok, because we get ip form DHCP | 14:34 |
bmeynell | tonisius: hmm... it didn't return anything that was blatantly swap space | 14:35 |
pogay | tonisius: look at my wiki http://www.ddy.ch/pm/laden/pm.wiki/HW-Installation/GRUB1 | 14:35 |
tonisius | bmeynell: look at the part labeled swap | 14:35 |
tonisius | bmeynell: should show | 14:35 |
bmeynell | tonisius: nadda... it's a vps | 14:35 |
tonisius | then you can't know | 14:36 |
bmeynell | ^^^ don't know if that's maybe why | 14:36 |
tonisius | ask your provider | 14:36 |
tonisius | you're CHrooted | 14:36 |
tonisius | and have no access to that information | 14:36 |
pogay | kepler-linux: yes so ltsp should work with problem. | 14:36 |
bmeynell | tonisius: ahh, k... is it possible to create additional swap space or is that another question for my host? | 14:36 |
pogay | tonisius: don't try with chroot, it very complicated that it works | 14:37 |
remoteCTRL | xnv: well basically i wanna know if it works properly with linux? | 14:37 |
kepler-linux | pogay, ok. i try it again. maybe it works now... | 14:38 |
kepler-linux | *hope* | 14:38 |
pogay | kepler-linux: good luck! | 14:38 |
kepler-linux | pogay, thanks | 14:38 |
tonisius | pogay: i've done the grub repair 4 times today | 14:39 |
tonisius | this time it doesnt work | 14:39 |
tonisius | I normally just do the root (hd2,1) | 14:39 |
tonisius | then setup (hd0) | 14:39 |
tonisius | install | 14:39 |
tonisius | then I'm done | 14:39 |
pogay | tonisius: I know sometimes it's tricky... | 14:39 |
FloodBot1 | tonisius: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:39 |
wers | i'm on a live cd now. I cant login to a DE session because there's not enough space on my root partition. what can I do to free some space? | 14:39 |
tonisius | woops, sorry | 14:39 |
hosk | i'm trying to forward X and i get X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication | 14:40 |
xnv | remoteCTRL: OK, then ask the channel. | 14:40 |
timmillwood | im struggling to get a java plugin for firefox on Ubuntu, anyone know of any helpful resourses? | 14:40 |
kuroryuu | bmeynell: the program free will tell you how much swap and memory are being used | 14:40 |
=== trannie is now known as trannie2 | ||
tonisius | timmillwood: have you tried java? | 14:40 |
bmeynell | kuroryuu: Swap: 0 0 0 | 14:40 |
zorglu_ | q. i got a ubuntu-server installation in french language, and i would like to switch it to english, where should i look ? | 14:40 |
Circus-Killer | timmillwood, install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin | 14:40 |
Circus-Killer | timmillwood, then run sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun | 14:41 |
sherbsauce | I'm extremely new to linux and have just installed ubuntu on a 2nd drive. I cant seem to get any drivers for it so the display looks terrible and the internet wont work. Can anyone offer me any suggestions as Toshiba doesnt seem to offer any support, naturally. | 14:41 |
kuroryuu | bmeynell: do you have a swap partition set up? | 14:41 |
tonisius | he's on a VPS | 14:41 |
timmillwood | Circus-Killer: thanks | 14:41 |
tonisius | kuroryuu: he's on a VPS | 14:41 |
tonisius | he's been chrooted | 14:41 |
bmeynell | kuroryuu: it's a vps... that's what I'm trying to figure out... how badly I'm being f**** and if I should move to a real server | 14:42 |
bmeynell | I need a gig of swap space | 14:42 |
tonisius | bmeynell: bemoved to a dedicated real server | 14:42 |
tonisius | you will always have to share with others the resources you want | 14:42 |
tonisius | that's what a VPS is for | 14:42 |
remoteCTRL | *sigh* | 14:42 |
tonisius | I know, i have friends that did a lot of torrenting, or hogging processes | 14:42 |
bmeynell | price isn't that different nowadays either | 14:43 |
remoteCTRL | is lsi 1078 sas raid controller compatible with ubuntu? | 14:43 |
datacrusher | hi people | 14:43 |
tonisius | so why would someone go for a VPS? | 14:43 |
tonisius | if they aren't that different? | 14:43 |
datacrusher | iv got a problem with samba, and i saw an issue regardin to vista | 14:43 |
datacrusher | so i found that my version of samba, 3.028 its much older than the one that can talk to vista | 14:43 |
timmillwood | I am thinking about switching 100% from Mac OS X to Ubuntu, thoughts? | 14:43 |
jbroome | tonisius: they probably don't know how to manage a real server | 14:43 |
datacrusher | so i used apt-get upgrade samba | 14:43 |
datacrusher | but none new was found, so iv downloaded a .tar file from samba.org | 14:44 |
jbroome | timmillwood: personally, i don't care | 14:44 |
tonisius | handling a desktop is harder, when you're handling many hard drives in a week | 14:44 |
datacrusher | how do i install tar packages on ubuntu? | 14:44 |
tonisius | a server never needs to be shut off or anything | 14:44 |
MikeSeth | datacrusher: you don't have tar installed? | 14:44 |
MikeSeth | datacrusher: thats impossible | 14:44 |
tonisius | nor upgrading video drivers, all the stuff is simpler | 14:44 |
tonisius | my desktop has been nothing but hell | 14:44 |
kuroryuu | bmeynell: this could help: http://devnulled.com/content/2007/06/how-to-display-linux-vps-memory-usage/ | 14:44 |
filo1234 | hello how can i to see wich kind of FS is formatted an HD, with fdisk -l i see only type Linux | 14:44 |
bmeynell | kuroryuu: thanks | 14:45 |
timmillwood | jbroome: i'm not bothered if you care or not, i am wondering if I will get any problems, or have any issue, is there any guidance? etc | 14:45 |
tonisius | filo1234: you did it as sudo/root? | 14:45 |
=== happihippo_ is now known as happihippo | ||
sherbsauce | Can anybody tell me how to wipe a drive that has ubuntu installed? I want to fresh install it. | 14:45 |
landonab | Question: I have an older laptop with an ATI Radeon 9200 and am looking at upgrading to a new laptop with either an Intel X3100 or an Nvidia Geforce GO 7150M. Problem I have with the older laptop is external monitor support does not work. Does anyone know if I would have better luck with the latter cards? | 14:45 |
tonisius | sherbsauce: rm -rf / ? | 14:45 |
filo1234 | tonisius: yes sudo fdisk -l but i canot see if is ext3 or ext2 or jfs | 14:45 |
Pirate_Hunter | are there any guides to newbs trying out ubuntu server, like tutorials I could do "i wish to try ubuntu server but have no reason to use it"? | 14:45 |
tonisius | filo1234: hmm, mine showed me the actual type | 14:45 |
filo1234 | tonisius: /dev/sdb1 1 4998 40146403+ 83 Linux | 14:46 |
kuroryuu | landonab: I've heard support for the X3100 isn't great, and nvidia cards usually have the best support | 14:46 |
stdin | sherbsauce: just put the liveCD in and choose "install", it'll format it for you | 14:46 |
tonisius | actually, mine doesn't say it either. | 14:46 |
RodMcKay | hi all, is there a way to tell gnome to align the desktop icons on the right side? | 14:46 |
tonisius | that sucks | 14:46 |
jbroome | timmillwood: oh sorry, you just asked for "thoughts" with no direction or specification | 14:46 |
tonisius | filo1234: try mounting it. | 14:46 |
sherbsauce | Stdin - Thanks very much | 14:46 |
datacrusher | i may have | 14:46 |
tonisius | filo1234: that was another alternative, then do a df -Tha | 14:46 |
landonab | kuroryuu thanks for the response | 14:46 |
datacrusher | i just dont know the comand | 14:46 |
tonisius | or -T | 14:46 |
juro | hi, is there a similar program to Enso for Ubuntu? | 14:46 |
tonisius | for the type | 14:46 |
filo1234 | tonisius: ok i try | 14:47 |
DigitalTanha | how can i get also to play multiple streams? | 14:47 |
filo1234 | tonisius: thanks | 14:47 |
filo1234 | ok | 14:47 |
DigitalTanha | *alsa | 14:47 |
kuroryuu | filo1234: try cfdisk, that usually tells me which FS | 14:47 |
datacrusher | MikeSeth: i may have, its an ubuntu server install | 14:47 |
datacrusher | text only | 14:47 |
landonab | kuroryuu i am just concerned that if i get the same lack of support for the external monitor that i should not bother upgrading to a new laptop....waste of money | 14:47 |
MikeSeth | datacrusher: I've never seen an *nix box that doesnt have tar | 14:47 |
Rabbitbunny | Anybody happen to know why my cursor is yellow and a can't backspace in terminal->screen->irssi under xubuntu 8.04? | 14:47 |
MikeSeth | datacrusher: or did you mean install software from source tarballs? | 14:47 |
tonisius | kuroryuu: I learned it doesnt help much | 14:48 |
pogay | tonisius: is it the first time you install grub? | 14:48 |
tonisius | pogay: nope, | 14:48 |
tonisius | pogay: done this way too many times, | 14:48 |
tonisius | installed 100 too many servers | 14:48 |
tonisius | from gentoo to redhat | 14:48 |
datacrusher | it HAVE, i think | 14:48 |
pogay | tonisius: sometimes it reacts very strange... | 14:49 |
kepler-linux | pogay, thanks. i restarted the ltsp-server while it was connected with the dlan. after the restart it works. | 14:49 |
MikeSeth | btw re ATI: X300 fglx has issues | 14:49 |
kepler-linux | thanks | 14:49 |
kuroryuu | landonab: you could always get a macbook :P though I personally can't stand OS X, it's at least a unix | 14:49 |
tonisius | pogay: today it's the strangest, none of my normal methods work, and none of google's methods have worked | 14:49 |
datacrusher | im just worried about how to do it on the text mode, without losing the folder paths and so on | 14:49 |
tonisius | I'm doing the reinstall of the OS< and seeing if that will do | 14:49 |
tonisius | that's the last step in the ubuntu how to repair grub | 14:49 |
pogay | tonisius: I made recently a few installations on usb-Drives and sticks, usually it works. On Drive did only work with grub2 | 14:49 |
landonab | kuroryuu i have considered that. just not wanting to spend the money if i am only going to use linux. would rather invest in a thinkpad | 14:49 |
timmillwood | if I setup a ubuntu server locally on VMware can I install it on my VPS? if so how? | 14:49 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: hmmm? | 14:50 |
tonisius | pogay: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#The%20GUI%20Way:%20Using%20the%20Alternate/Install%20CD%20and%20Overwriting%20the%20Windows%20bootloader | 14:50 |
MikeSeth | timmillwood: probably yes, but i wouldnt recommend it | 14:50 |
kuroryuu | landonab: well you can look up the model on http://linux-laptop.net/ and see if other people have gotten it working | 14:50 |
filo1234 | tonisius: but suppse if i cannot mount HD because i don' t know FS, my question is: is possible to see FS of an HD not mounted?? | 14:50 |
melter | what's the procedure for replacing dhclient3 with dhcpcd? | 14:50 |
MikeSeth | melter: apt-get does that on its own iirc | 14:50 |
jbroome | filo1234: sudo fdisk -l | 14:51 |
tonisius | filo1234: if the fdisk, and cfdisk didn't see it, then maybe it could be mounted with mount without specifying the type | 14:51 |
timmillwood | mikeseth: you think I would be better just setting it up on VPS to start with? | 14:51 |
kepler-linux | bye | 14:51 |
zorglu_ | !language | 14:51 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 14:51 |
tonisius | it will try, and report an error, or mount it | 14:51 |
zorglu_ | nah | 14:51 |
landonab | kuroryuu thanks. i have done a lot of googling but i will check out the link. | 14:51 |
melter | MikeSeth: it doesn't uninstall dhclient, which is used before dhcpcd | 14:51 |
tonisius | if it mounts it, you can see the type using df -T | 14:51 |
pogay | tonisius: but the trick to mount ---bind did help me a lot. | 14:51 |
filo1234 | tonisius: is only a curiosity | 14:51 |
MikeSeth | melter: so uninstall it manually | 14:51 |
kibibyte | hi | 14:51 |
MikeSeth | timmillwood: probably | 14:51 |
kibibyte | ls | 14:52 |
melter | MikeSeth: then network-manager is uninstalled, which kills networking altogether | 14:52 |
kibibyte | i created a script and i want to execute it during systm startup , i coied it to /etc/init.d but it dosnt start | 14:52 |
kibibyte | why | 14:52 |
tonisius | filo1234: then try it | 14:52 |
triggerhapp | kibibyte: First step, did you remember to set it chmod +x ? | 14:53 |
kibibyte | its is +x | 14:53 |
pogay | tonisius: when I made a installation via chroot in /dev/sdc . Grub wanted to install in /dev/scd8 (!). sca8 was my real / and sdc2 was the chroot. | 14:53 |
melter | MikeSeth: ubuntu ships with 4 dhcp clients, but there appears to be no documented way of actually using anything other than dhcp3-client | 14:53 |
nemo_ | any operator whose i ask | 14:53 |
kibibyte | triggerhapp, it is | 14:54 |
MikeSeth | melter: I bet it's a debian alternative | 14:54 |
pogay | tonisius: IMHO, when grub has problems with the stages, it looks at the wrong place. | 14:54 |
triggerhapp | Yeah, give me a mo, im trying to remember how the init scripts work again :P | 14:54 |
ncfi1013_ | i installed itunes thru wine in linux and still can't get it to "see" my ipod. i opened up both rhythmbox and songbird; they both "see" my ipod, but i can't get them to sync it. how can i do all three of these things: get itunes to see my ipod thru wine, sync my ipod in rhythmbox, and sync my ipod in songbird? | 14:54 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: whats your problem w/grub? | 14:54 |
bullgard4 | How can I make a table which associates a key of my IBM Thinkpad T42 keyboard and its associated keycode, and this for all the 100+ keys? | 14:54 |
juro | coming from Windows I would like to have a file "explorer" similar to Directory Opus, is there anything out there for Ubuntu? | 14:55 |
kibibyte | triggerhapp, ok | 14:55 |
MikeSeth | bullgard4: xev no good? | 14:55 |
triggerhapp | kibibyte: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/ | 14:55 |
dfgas | anyone use a q6600 quad core? | 14:55 |
nemo_ | mikeseth: hi i have notebook Axioo how to install ubuntu for it. that's problem with display | 14:55 |
MikeSeth | nemo_: what video? | 14:55 |
ikonia | bullgard4: is that really an ubuntu issue ? | 14:55 |
joaopinto | juro, you need to describe Directory Opus | 14:55 |
nemo_ | mikeseth: the chipset is via | 14:55 |
ice_cream | mmm, that reminds me, i should think about ipod alts | 14:55 |
MikeSeth | nemo_: i dont know anything about via, what's the problem specifically? | 14:56 |
juro | joaopinto, Directoy Opus is a Windows Explorer replacement that adds tons of useful features http://www.gpsoft.com.au/ | 14:56 |
nemo_ | mikeseth: thats no more display after install ubuntu | 14:56 |
joaopinto | bullgard4, http://web.mit.edu/answers/xwindows/xwindows_xmodmap.html | 14:57 |
datacrusher | iv only found regarding to tar on the graphic mode | 14:57 |
datacrusher | iv tryed tar -xzvf samba.tar | 14:57 |
kibibyte | thx riaal | 14:57 |
kibibyte | thx triggerhapp | 14:57 |
bullgard4 | ikonia: I am surprised that you are not answering but putting this question. The answer to your question is: Yes, it is. If I would use this computer in Windows, I would not be in need of this table. | 14:57 |
datacrusher | but it dont work, says the same version | 14:57 |
nemo_ | mikeshet : my vga crard is via / s3g unichrom pro igp | 14:57 |
joaopinto | juro, add/remove, search for file manager, there are plenty of options :P | 14:58 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: something that not even the ubuntu site can't help with, I no longer know how to explain my problems with it, except that I can't get grub to mount the partition with /boot/ in it | 14:58 |
ikonia | bullgard4: maybe I have missunderstood your question, could you please rephrease it | 14:58 |
tonisius | my nix partition is on /dev/sdc1 | 14:58 |
joaopinto | bullgard4, you need to create a xmodmap for that keyboard | 14:58 |
tonisius | I've tried all the tricks except the super grub disk on the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#The%20GUI%20Way:%20Using%20the%20Alternate/Install%20CD%20and%20Overwriting%20the%20Windows%20bootloader <---- this site | 14:58 |
fulhack | hey.. I have a bit of a strange question. On my laptop (A Zepto ZNote) I have a mute button for audio, and on this button there's a LED. When I press the button in MS-Windows the LED shines, in Linux it doesn't. Can I Light it somehow? | 14:58 |
juro | joaopinto, integrated (s)ftp, rename via regex, dual window layout, tabs for each window ... | 14:58 |
nemo_ | mikeshet : after i install ubuntu blank display and no respons for login screen. | 14:59 |
bullgard4 | ikonia: I am in a hurry to answer to MikeSeth. | 14:59 |
pulsetsar | hi, can anyone help me with a samba problem? or is this the wrong place? | 14:59 |
pogay | tonisius: try grub2, but a very recent version... | 14:59 |
joaopinto | Jurkki, nautilus has integrated sftp, don't know about th other features | 14:59 |
tonisius | currently doing the reinstall portion | 14:59 |
MikeSeth | nemo_: so switch to console and diagnose | 14:59 |
ikonia | bullgard4: ok, please re-post your question when you have chance, I'm not sure I clearly understood it | 14:59 |
tonisius | pogay: not gonna try something new, i'm trying to get this older one to work, and more people know how to use it 'properly' | 14:59 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: boot partition corrupt? filesystem type set correctly in partition table? | 14:59 |
eeepc | hello | 14:59 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: if the fs type is not 83 grub wont boot it | 15:00 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: I can mount it myself to /mnt/ and navigate | 15:00 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: it sees type 6 | 15:00 |
roachmmflhyr | !ebox | 15:00 |
ubottu | ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox | 15:00 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: why? if its a linux fs it has to be 83 | 15:00 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: but fdisk -l shows more partitions than I should have | 15:00 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: I'm just saying what it's telling me | 15:00 |
pogay | tonisius: can you see the things via grub commandline find /vmlinuz | 15:00 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: 1) change fs type to 83 2) fdisk -l > pastebin | 15:00 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: already pasted it | 15:01 |
bytecode | Hi, is there a way of determining which drivers are currently in use? I'm trying to diagnose a problem with my ATI Gfx card and want to know what is and isn't in use and what's installed... | 15:01 |
tonisius | let me get the link | 15:01 |
tonisius | http://pastie.org/252178 <-- this is my current hard disk layout | 15:01 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: there we go | 15:01 |
nemo_ | mikeshet : if i use ubuntu live cd thats ok. and no problem with play a demo. but after install i have crash display with it. i try to use with root konsole thats no problem. | 15:01 |
xnv | bytecode: lsmod will give you a list of the modules currently in use | 15:02 |
tonisius | the /dev/sdc is my linux drive, the fat16 shouldn't be there if I recall, | 15:02 |
spree | tonisius wow fat16 | 15:02 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: which one is your /boot? | 15:02 |
tonisius | sdc1 was, and still is | 15:02 |
tonisius | I mounted it to mnt right now | 15:02 |
tonisius | and it's showing up properly | 15:02 |
nemo_ | mikeshet : then i try startx, just blank display i saw. | 15:02 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: cfdisk, select sdc1, type t, enter 83, save | 15:02 |
fauzie | Hi ... how do I get color from the terminal? I meant .... folders are used to be blue, binaries green, archives red, devices yellow, etc .... | 15:02 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: ok, will try that | 15:02 |
spree | you could convert that to NTFS and get substantial space savings, just fyi | 15:02 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: also, why do you have swap in an extended partition? waste of space | 15:02 |
bytecode | xnv: thanks - I tried that but wondered whether there was more detail available - hence query | 15:02 |
MikeSeth | (albeit little) | 15:02 |
tonisius | MikeSeth: it's how ubuntu set it up | 15:03 |
remoteCTRL | datacrusher: in that case probably you tryed to extract the tar archive twice | 15:03 |
xnv | bytecode: About the drivers or about your card? | 15:03 |
gisli | Hver er asni á þessum server | 15:03 |
tonisius | and I have 4GB of ram | 15:03 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: I'd wipe /dev/sdc2 and /dev/sdc5 and make one primary swap partition /dev/sdc2 | 15:03 |
bytecode | drivers - I know about the card - but I want to determine whether it's using the radeon, ati orfglrx driver | 15:03 |
remoteCTRL | datacrusher: in the .tar file there is supposed to be a configure file ? | 15:03 |
sylfire | lo all. who could give me some ubuntu-xen pointers? I tried setting up xen with the ubuntu-xen-server package, the bridging went fine and the adapter for the dom0 can acquire an address from DHCP, but I can't get any network traffic going | 15:03 |
xnv | bytecode: If it's using any of those, it should be in lsmod | 15:04 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: either way, grub is whining when the partition table fs type marker is invalid - and in this case it is | 15:04 |
pogay | tonisius: I had the case, where grub recognised the geometry but couldn't access the files..http://www.ddy.ch/pm/laden/pm.wiki/ProdTest/GRUB.. | 15:04 |
remoteCTRL | datacrusher: btw you can just right click the tar archive and say extract here | 15:04 |
=== sale_ is now known as sale | ||
MikeSeth | nemo_: well read the xorg log and see what happens and if tehre is anything suspicious | 15:04 |
qrush | i seemed to have modified the opacity of one of my terminal windows | 15:04 |
qrush | how can i get it back to 100% with closing it? | 15:05 |
ommegang | does the 960-000088-R logitech quickcam express from geeks.com work in ubuntu? | 15:05 |
tonisius | well, I hope this fixes the issue | 15:05 |
bytecode | xnv: ok - thx | 15:05 |
benistar | qrush, hold ALT pressed and turn up your mouse wheel | 15:05 |
tonisius | i got an error with cfdisk | 15:05 |
qrush | benistar: i love you | 15:05 |
ncfi1013 | what is AppDB? where do i find it? and what if you are told that you need libgpod for what i asked you to work and it still doesn't work. | 15:05 |
IdleOne | !hardware | ommegang | 15:05 |
ubottu | ommegang: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 15:05 |
tonisius | Wrote Partition table, bu re-read table faild. reboot to update table | 15:05 |
tonisius | I haven't done fdisk in years | 15:05 |
benistar | qrush, or was it ctrl+alt? Im not sure atm :) | 15:05 |
triggerhapp | Ncfi, AppDb you can find via google | 15:06 |
xnv | bytecode: If it's a pain to search through them, you can use grep, e.g. lsmod | grep ati | 15:06 |
tonisius | i'll reboot and follow up | 15:06 |
Pirate_Hunter | im really loving my embedded terminal just wish it was the default gnome-terminal instead of xfce4-terminal but i can live with it | 15:06 |
Pirate_Hunter | ahhh wrong place | 15:06 |
bytecode | xnv: it's more that I wanted to see more detail, version etc... as it's just a "one word" indicator | 15:06 |
tonisius | I should ahve been asleep over 8 hours ago | 15:07 |
tonisius | *sigh* | 15:07 |
xnv | Pirate_Hunter: Strange, I prefer the xfce4-terminal and I run Gnome | 15:07 |
tonisius | the life of a tinkerer/programmer | 15:07 |
pogay | tonisius: o.k | 15:07 |
tonisius | trying to get back into windows, and linux is telling me to sod off | 15:07 |
ommegang | ubottu doesnt help much i dont physically have the cam yet | 15:07 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:07 |
triggerhapp | ubottu: Is a person irl :O | 15:07 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:07 |
IdleOne | ommegang, why do you need the cam in hand to search a list of supported cams? | 15:08 |
tonisius | ubottu: omg, it is | 15:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about omg, it is | 15:08 |
MrBill | I've run into a problem with my Hardy install - my system is acting up on a semi-regular basis. Perhaps once per week it'll "freeze" to the point where I can't open new programs, I'll go to launch something like firefox or evolution and the window will just "grey out" and hang. If I click the log off/power down button in the top right I don't get anything either. The only way I"m able to get back to a useable state is to hop over to another termi | 15:08 |
MrBill | nal (ctrl-alt-1) and login and issue a shutdown -r and reboot. I'm not really sure where to start looking as far as logs or whatever, can anyone suggest anything? | 15:08 |
`Immortal` | hi guys | 15:08 |
Pirate_Hunter | xnv: really... hmmm i dont mind it when it is embedded but in my opinion the gnome has a better feel and look so i like it while xfce4 is big and rough | 15:08 |
ommegang | IdleOne because the h/w list has 2 listed for the quickcam express logitech and i dunno what the $4.99 one is on geeks.com . | 15:08 |
askand | Is my ATI Mobility Radeon X600 part of the R600 series? Have never understood that.. | 15:08 |
`Immortal` | how do i change the directory where Ubuntu installs Programs by default? | 15:09 |
xnv | Pirate_Hunter: To me they're very similar except that xfce4 is faster and has better default colors | 15:09 |
=== _WetWillY is now known as WetWillY | ||
nemo_ | pipe man: hi | 15:09 |
nemo_ | pipeman: hi | 15:09 |
xnv | MrBill: When you're on the other terminal, have you tried any diagnosis, like top or ps? | 15:09 |
triggerhapp | `Immortal`: The programs from synaptic/apt-get? | 15:09 |
`Immortal` | Yeah | 15:09 |
Redwing | I seem to be unable to install Ubuntu. Been trying now for about 3 days. But it just hangs when detecting file systems =/ | 15:09 |
Pirate_Hunter | xnv: yah thats true it is much clear than gnome | 15:10 |
`Immortal` | those & when i do a sudo ap-get install | 15:10 |
MrBill | xnv - I'm not sure what I'd be looking for in those processes - so no, I haven't done that yet. | 15:10 |
`Immortal` | same thing | 15:10 |
triggerhapp | `Immortal`: Why would you want to do that? | 15:10 |
sherbsauce | When I install Ubuntu, should it automatically supply drivers to anything? | 15:10 |
`Immortal` | 'cause my Ubuntu partition is nearly full | 15:10 |
sherbsauce | or do i have to find those drivers myself one at a time | 15:10 |
wols_ | Redwing: what hardware? | 15:10 |
`Immortal` | & i have a free 3.5 GB partition which i can use | 15:10 |
MrBill | xnv - I just encountered this problem again about ten minutes ago, and restarted from the other terminal. Is there anything in a log file anywhere that would likely shed some light? | 15:10 |
IdleOne | sherbsauce, hopefully yes. but it might not | 15:10 |
pah | 0955 KKK IS COMING w00t Hang from the binary tree | 15:10 |
pah | 0170 KKK IS COMING w00t Hang from the binary tree | 15:11 |
xnv | MrBill: "top" will tell you what is using system resources (see "man top" for details). "ps" will list process info, so you can try to kill them manually ("man ps", "man kill") | 15:11 |
pah | 0938 KKK IS COMING w00t Hang from the binary tree | 15:11 |
IdleOne | !ops | pah | 15:11 |
ubottu | pah: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! | 15:11 |
pah | 0515 KKK IS COMING w00t Hang from the binary tree | 15:11 |
Kate234 | Hello , I need help , can someone explain to me what this command line do ? : sudo ln -s /media/cdrom0 /media/sata/divx | 15:11 |
pah | 0150 KKK IS COMING w00t Hang from the binary tree | 15:11 |
triggerhapp | `Immortal`: Im sure its possible somewhere, but its strongly advised not to, it could damage a system | 15:11 |
`Immortal` | any other work around triggerhapp ? | 15:11 |
MikeSeth | ... | 15:11 |
Redwing | wols_: AMD Duron 1.2Ghz + 512Mb RAM. On board GFX from Matrox. 40Gb Samsung HDD | 15:11 |
sherbsauce | Idle0ne - is it less likely to autodetect my hardware and stuff if I have installed it on an empty drive? (I have vista on c:\ and a spare 200gb which i was going to put ubuntu on) | 15:11 |
triggerhapp | `Immortal`: The problem bieng, its installed into /usr/bin and /etc, sometimes even /usr/share/ etc | 15:11 |
tonisius | wtf? | 15:11 |
`Immortal` | k | 15:12 |
xnv | Kate234: It creates a symbolic link using superuser privileges. Read "man ln" and "man sudo" | 15:12 |
MrBill | xnv - i'm familiar with top in terms of what it does, and I can see by the system monitor I have on my top panel that my CPU use isn't spiking when this is happening, so I don't think I"d see anything obvious in top. | 15:12 |
sherbsauce | I'm running on a Toshiba A200 so I'm guessing that I might run into driver problems. | 15:12 |
triggerhapp | `Immortal`: You could look into using LVM to turn two harddisks into a virtual single disc | 15:12 |
tonisius | I tink I know what happened... | 15:12 |
`Immortal` | also i'm planning to upgrade from Onboard video to a discrete video card | 15:12 |
IdleOne | sherbsauce, try the Live CD before installing and see if everything works well hardware wise. | 15:12 |
tonisius | when installing windows on a secondary drive, it overwrote and damaged my ubuntu install | 15:12 |
uzivatel | zdar | 15:12 |
uzivatel | jak se máte?? | 15:12 |
tonisius | that's a first | 15:12 |
`Immortal` | which Manufacturer has better support for Linux/Ubuntu? | 15:12 |
tonisius | I've always installed iwndows first then ubuntu | 15:12 |
`Immortal` | or are they equally bad? | 15:12 |
uzivatel | mluv česky!!!!!!!!! | 15:12 |
uzivatel | s | 15:12 |
uzivatel | d | 15:12 |
uzivatel | d | 15:12 |
uzivatel | sd | 15:12 |
uzivatel | s | 15:12 |
FloodBot1 | uzivatel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:12 |
uzivatel | ds | 15:12 |
xnv | MrBill: OK, then try "ps -e" to get a list of processes and then see what happens if you kill them. | 15:12 |
uzivatel | d | 15:12 |
uzivatel | sd | 15:13 |
MrBill | I guess the ideal is to pop into IRC on another computer when this happens next | 15:13 |
brahmana | After having added a keyboard layout for my local language, how do I switch the layout? | 15:13 |
triggerhapp | `Immortal`: Intel has the best open source drivers, im told, but if you love your graphics, and dont mind using propietary drivers, Nvidia | 15:13 |
sherbsauce | well i did, things worked well when i ran it off the cd, but now that i have installed it on a seperate drive, when i boot from said drive the resolution is terrible and wont change | 15:13 |
xnv | MrBill: It could be one particular process is the cause of your difficulty, so killing it might at least prevent the need for the reboot, if not give you more information from which we can help diagnose the problem. | 15:13 |
tenshinoneko | I have a funny story to tell. My ubuntu ran faster the internet connection of a friend, and he was like amazed cuz his internet connection with windows was always bad like from already 5 years xD | 15:13 |
`Immortal` | k thanks | 15:14 |
triggerhapp | `Immortal`: Im using an Intel graphics card, its usable, and compiz is ok with it, but I have no special features at all | 15:14 |
IdleOne | !ot > tenshinoneko | 15:14 |
ubottu | tenshinoneko, please see my private message | 15:14 |
tonisius | please kick/ban the user | 15:14 |
`Immortal` | i'm on a waaaaaaay old system | 15:14 |
tonisius | w0ops | 15:14 |
`Immortal` | an 845! | 15:14 |
Pirate_Hunter | tenshinoneko: ubuntu will run your net better it doesnt have processes hogging bandwidth unless you tell it to | 15:14 |
triggerhapp | `Immortal`: 945 :P | 15:14 |
`Immortal` | no, 845 | 15:14 |
`Immortal` | Brookdale | 15:14 |
triggerhapp | wait, what? XD | 15:14 |
bad_alloc_ | hi | 15:14 |
hosk | i think i've gotten X11 forwarding to work, but i'm trying to choose a local display to open xnest on, and 0:0 is already taken | 15:15 |
sylfire | can anyone maybe point me in a direction to look about this xen issue I'm having? | 15:15 |
Pirate_Hunter | IdleOne: i think he/she was just suprised on how ubuntu rans i dont think they deserve a warning | 15:15 |
idhtns | how do i change this default orange background? (not the desktop picture -- the pale orange that shows during boot. i'm trying other window managers and it shows up all over) | 15:15 |
Redwing | Any ideas wols? I've already tried all 4 installation discs (Text and Live for both Server and Desktop) they all get stuck when trying to parition the HDD | 15:15 |
Ax-Ax | hello | 15:16 |
triggerhapp | idhtns: Go to "login settings" or somesuch, in "local" you will see a colour switching choice.... its orange ;) | 15:16 |
triggerhapp | idhtns: Thats what you want to hit | 15:16 |
IdleOne | Pirate_Hunter, the !ot factoid is not really a warning but more of a shove in the right dirtection for idle chat :) but yeah I agree that ubuntu seems to be faster on the net | 15:16 |
idhtns | triggerhapp: great, thanks | 15:17 |
frostburn | what's the best way to search thousands of document for two strings that may not necessarily be on the same line in a single command? | 15:17 |
kibibyte | i have question | 15:17 |
IdleOne | kibibyte, ask away | 15:17 |
kibibyte | how to run process as diffrent user from script | 15:17 |
frostburn | kibibyte, su - | 15:18 |
rocko | why when i do chmod the permissions don't change? | 15:18 |
IdleOne | rocko, sudo chmod | 15:18 |
frostburn | rocko, you don't have permissions to change the permissions | 15:18 |
wols_ | Redwing: that's all irrelevant. wha chipset? hdd controller, etc | 15:18 |
rocko | i did sudo chmod | 15:18 |
rocko | still didn't change | 15:18 |
wols_ | Redwing: what does fdisk -l on the livecd say? | 15:18 |
Redwing | wols_: Hmm, now you're asking...Give me 5 minutes while I take the machine apart | 15:18 |
Redwing | I'll do the fdisk first as it will be quicker, just rebooting | 15:19 |
Redwing | This isn't a machine I've bought or built. Had it given to me. So I haven't got much knowledge of it's internals just yet | 15:20 |
nedwell | What is the recommended way for sharing files between two Ubuntu computers via a network? 'shares-admin' isn't working for me. | 15:20 |
guntbert | rocko: use chmod -v, so it will be verbose and tell you what it is (not) doing | 15:20 |
Ziroday | nedwell: through either samba or nfs | 15:20 |
rocko | sudo chmod 600 authorized_keys2 and nothin is happening | 15:20 |
rocko | ok let me try | 15:20 |
nedwell | I've done that on computer 1, but when going to places > network on computer 2 I can't see anything at all. | 15:21 |
rocko | mode of `authorized_keys2' retained as 0600 (rw-------) | 15:21 |
mib_dxm3r3sh | iam new user, i need to set up a mail server... | 15:21 |
nedwell | ziroday: (forgot to put your nick, oops) I've done that on computer 1, but when going to places > network on computer 2 I can't see anything at all. | 15:21 |
=== bad_alloc_ is now known as bad_alloc | ||
Ziroday | nedwell: one sec | 15:21 |
Ax-Ax | i accidentally did chmod my whole filesystem to something, and after that everything broke. there was a "can't cd to /home/axel" error on start, and everything complained about bad permissions, dbus didn't load and so on. is there any list or recomendations or something of what the permissions should be like? | 15:21 |
alraune | Redwing:can u boot a live cd ? | 15:22 |
guntbert | rocko: so if you want permissions, that are already set - what should it do :-) | 15:22 |
deep_blue | can ubuntu be installed in a pc where there is only usb flash drive, no HD,CD/DVD, etc.? | 15:22 |
Ziroday | nedwell: try smb://ipaddressofsambaserver | 15:22 |
Redwing | alraune: It's booting just now. It's only a 1.2Ghz so takes a while, bear with me ;) | 15:22 |
Ziroday | nedwell: and see what it shows up | 15:22 |
Ziroday | deep_blue: yes | 15:23 |
snarkster | i need a solution to remove all kde 3.5.9 and kde 4.1 and gnome stuff from my computer. | 15:23 |
=== vilhelm is now known as vilhelm_ | ||
snarkster | i would like to restart the install of kde 4.1 from the ppa site | 15:23 |
alraune | Redwing:cool, sitting on a different machine is always good for troubleshooting... | 15:23 |
Ax-Ax | :( | 15:23 |
rocko | guntbert: how come when i do ls -l it says 670 | 15:23 |
deep_blue | Ziroday: wow.........i've only started using ubuntu yesterday.....played it with 2/3 hours and I'm in love with it | 15:23 |
teo_dim | hi | 15:23 |
alraune | lo | 15:23 |
nedwell | ziroday: where do I type that? I tried FireFox, but it asked me to save a file '2' (i think that's wrong?) | 15:23 |
snarkster | deep_blue: most people are | 15:24 |
=== vilhelm_ is now known as vilhelm | ||
ganymede | how can i tell what version of a package is available in the repos? i looked on packages.ubuntu.com for kde4 and the version for the metapackage is 3.3, but there is no such version of kde4 | 15:24 |
Ziroday | snarkster: add the ppa repos, and kde4.1 will update automatically | 15:24 |
=== vilhelm is now known as vilhelm_ | ||
Ziroday | nedwell: in nautilus (the file managers) address bar | 15:24 |
snarkster | Ziroday: I already have the stuff installed and te repos are already added.. but there are things that arent working so I wanted to start over again | 15:24 |
Redwing | alraune, wols_: Live CD waiting for it to load the terminal | 15:24 |
MikeSeth | tonisius: so? did it work? | 15:24 |
Redwing | Live CD booted* | 15:24 |
Ziroday | nedwell: if you dont see it press the icon to the left with pen on the paper | 15:24 |
bytecode | deep_blue, snarkster : I'd like to confess that I'm an "unbuntu lover" | 15:25 |
kuroryuu | snarkster: sudo apt-get remove kdelibs kdelibs5 libgnome2-0 && sudo apt-get autoremove should do it | 15:25 |
alraune | Redwing:sitting on live now ? | 15:25 |
Ziroday | snarkster: so you want to reinstall? | 15:25 |
Redwing | yup | 15:25 |
guntbert | rocko: I dont see numerical permissions with ls -l | 15:25 |
bytecode | deep_blue, snarkster: but then, I have been for the last few years :-D byte <3 *bunty. | 15:25 |
nedwell | ziroday: oh! ok. i tried it. the gnome foot's toes keep moving and then they stop after ten seconds(?) and nothing is there. | 15:25 |
deep_blue | one more thing.......can usb flash drive (pendrive) works similarly as HD, I mean in the Live CD if I make any changes and the next time when I start my pc everything gets back to scratch as nothing has happened? | 15:25 |
pos69sum | i use an /etc/hosts entry to fool my server into thinking that a host at one ip ihas a different hostname | 15:25 |
MikeSeth | guntbert: then there's a wrong alias in your shell | 15:25 |
Redwing | alraune: it's thrashing my drive like mad. I imagine because of the lack of RAM | 15:26 |
alraune | Redwing:Terminal: sudo -i ,become root | 15:26 |
Ziroday | nedwell: are you sure you have setup samba on the server correctly? | 15:26 |
pos69sum | this doesn't seem to be woriking on one machine - is there anything else that affects name resolution? | 15:26 |
guntbert | MikeSeth: its not my problem, trying to help rocko | 15:26 |
Kartagis | hoşçakalın / bye | 15:26 |
RainCT | ganymede: look at package kdebase | 15:26 |
Redwing | done | 15:26 |
Redwing | Does the Live CD have an IRC Client? | 15:27 |
alraune | Redwing:Terminal: apt-get install hwinfo && apt-get install pastebinit && hwinfo > pc.txt && pastebinit pc.txt | 15:27 |
kuroryuu | deep_blue: the problem with having everything on a flashdrive is that they have limited lifetimes if you write to them constantly, better to have another medium to store filesystems that will be more active | 15:27 |
Ziroday | Redwing: yes, its in pidgin | 15:27 |
nedwell | ziroday: how can I check? I enabled sharing, it said it had to download files, and then I set up folders to share and they show sharing icons now. | 15:27 |
rocko | guntbert: i just can't get over this http://paste.ubuntu.com/37158/ | 15:27 |
Ziroday | nedwell: on the server try smb://localhost in nautilus | 15:28 |
Ax-Ax | i don't want o be annoying, but i have a very serious problem - is there any overview of recomended permissions for a working filesystem? | 15:28 |
alraune | Redwing:ups, thought you were in pidgin live, connect first | 15:28 |
alraune | Redwing:Terminal: you can copy n paste pidgin>terminal | 15:28 |
bullgard4 | MikeSeth: xev works. But is tedious. | 15:28 |
nedwell | ziroday: all shares I was expecting to see are visible from localhost. | 15:28 |
snarkster | ok ill bbl as I have the information i need to remove everything and start over. | 15:28 |
snarkster | wish me luck | 15:29 |
triggerhapp | gl | 15:29 |
MikeSeth | bullgard4: maybe see documentation for tpb package | 15:29 |
Ziroday | nedwell: okay, then its likely just the client being finicky | 15:29 |
RainCT | Ax-Ax: you've done chmod ..... -R / or what? | 15:29 |
Ziroday | nedwell: is the server on a static or dynamic ip? | 15:29 |
deep_blue | kuroryuu, will not be using it as constantly in pendrive, but wanted to know if I make any changes will it get saved or not......since in Live CD everytime I start it, it starts from scratch.... | 15:29 |
nedwell | ziroday: static ( | 15:29 |
guntbert | rocko: try stat /home/rocko/.ssh/authorized_keys2 | 15:29 |
Redwing | I've run the command you gave and it says it couldn't find the package hwinfo | 15:29 |
MikeSeth | RainCT: O_O | 15:29 |
Ax-Ax | RainCT: yeah | 15:30 |
jersson | hola | 15:30 |
alraune | Redwing:Terminal: apt-get install pastebinit && lspci > pc.txt && pastebinit pc.txt | 15:30 |
deep_blue | kuroryuu.......will be using pendrive as a backup option so that I can work on different pc | 15:30 |
alraune | Redwing:worked ? gimme url from terminal | 15:30 |
Ziroday | nedwell: can you ping it from your client? | 15:31 |
db92 | no sound in anything i do through firefox. any clues? | 15:31 |
Ax-Ax | RainCT: 16:22:26 <Ax-Ax> i accidentally did chmod my whole filesystem to something, and after that everything broke. there was a "can't cd to /home/axel" error on start, and everything complained about bad permissions, dbus didn't load and so on. is there any list or recomendations or something of what the permissions should be like? | 15:31 |
summatusmentis | I installed Ubuntu via VMWare server last night, and tried to install GRUB to the root of the HD (trying to dual boot a tablet pc with windows/ubuntu), but GRUB didn't install, thoughts? | 15:31 |
rocko | guntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37160/ | 15:31 |
fauzi1 | is there a nice gui frontend for PPPoE dialing? | 15:31 |
Redwing | Couldn't find package pastebinit | 15:31 |
prince_jammys | Ax-Ax: you did it recursively? | 15:31 |
alraune | db92: sound mainly (mp3..) works ? | 15:31 |
triggerhapp | summatusmentis: You installed it in Vmware? | 15:32 |
nedwell | ziroday: I can ping from client to server and from server to client OK | 15:32 |
Ax-Ax | prince_jammys: yeah :( | 15:32 |
triggerhapp | summatusmentis: That generally means it doesnt change the hark disks partitions | 15:32 |
summatusmentis | triggerhapp: I used VMWare server to install it, onto a partition | 15:32 |
RainCT | Ax-Ax: that really is a problem then.. reinstalling all packages might help.. for your home directory you could try with 664 (but some directories/files, like for example SSH stuff, weill need different permissions) | 15:32 |
db92 | alraune, as metnioned, no sound THROUGH FIREFOX :P the rest seem to be working pretty flawlessly | 15:32 |
* MikeSeth pokes tonisius | 15:32 | |
MikeSeth | db92: flash? | 15:32 |
triggerhapp | summatusmentis: OH, server, mymisread, sorry | 15:32 |
Redwing_LiveCD | Hiya, think I finally got this working :P | 15:32 |
Ziroday | nedwell: try installing the program sshfs | 15:32 |
prince_jammys | Ax-Ax: i'd backup my /home and reinstall | 15:33 |
db92 | MikeSeth, flash through firefox doesnt work, saved flvs work pretty well | 15:33 |
summatusmentis | triggerhapp: it seems to have installed ok, I just can't get GRUB to install, or work | 15:33 |
unavailable | i want to implement this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGXYLdZEf2c | 15:33 |
unavailable | how to? | 15:33 |
MikeSeth | db92: close any other software that uses sound and try again | 15:33 |
Redwing_LiveCD | wols_: I've run the fdisk -l command like you said and it showed me 3 partitions and ext3 partition, a swap partition and an extended partition | 15:33 |
summatusmentis | triggerhapp: and there's no CD drive, and I can't boot from USB | 15:33 |
nedwell | ziroday: on the client or the server? | 15:33 |
Ziroday | nedwell: and then from the command line mkdir ~/.sshfs && sshfs user@host ~/.sshfs | 15:33 |
Ziroday | nedwell: on the client | 15:33 |
dexter | hey can anyone tell me where can i get the apt sources for the websters dictionary so that i can download it?? | 15:33 |
db92 | MikeSeth, been there done that | 15:33 |
triggerhapp | hehehe, im lost tbh summatusmentis | 15:34 |
guntbert | rocko: so you see, permissions are just right, 671 was the size of the file. I'm sorry I can't help you further with the ssh -problem | 15:34 |
unavailable | anyone? | 15:34 |
unavailable | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGXYLdZEf2c | 15:34 |
alraune | db92: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras && apt-get install flashsupport | 15:34 |
rocko | guntbert: oh ok thanks | 15:34 |
db92 | alraune, flashsupport wants to uninstall my oss | 15:34 |
Ax-Ax | prince_jammys: i thought about that, but i thought it would be nicer to just change back, but if that's too hard, i maybe should reinstall :(:( | 15:34 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD:found ya | 15:35 |
Redwing_LiveCD | =) | 15:35 |
RainCT | alraune: ubuntu-restricted-extras already installs flashplugin-nonfree :) | 15:35 |
dexter | hey can anyone tell me where can i get the apt sources for the websters dictionary so that i can download it?? | 15:35 |
pulsetsar | can anyone here help me with a samba problem? | 15:35 |
unavailable | true multiple desktops anyone know now to mess with nautilus to get this result ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGXYLdZEf2c | 15:35 |
prince_jammys | apt-get package1 package2 package3 | 15:35 |
guntbert | rocko: np | 15:35 |
alraune | db92: uninstall os? ? | 15:35 |
Ax-Ax | RainCT: dbus fails, then networkmanager fails, so i can't reinstall | 15:35 |
RainCT | !ask | pulsetsar | 15:35 |
ubottu | pulsetsar: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 15:35 |
prince_jammys | *install :P | 15:35 |
alraune | RainCT: thx | 15:35 |
deep_blue | has anyone used xampp linux in ubuntu? | 15:35 |
RainCT | deep_blue: me, but there's not much point for using it | 15:36 |
prince_jammys | Ax-Ax: after some work you can get a working system, but you'll have a bunch of files lying around with the wrong perms. | 15:36 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD:url from pastebinit ? | 15:36 |
unavailable | true multiple desktops anyone know now to mess with nautilus to get this result ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGXYLdZEf2c | 15:36 |
pulsetsar | RainGT: wasn't sure if this was really the right place to ask but #samba is dead | 15:36 |
triggerhapp | unavailable: Read the comments and you'll notice it was only a demonstration, not a real model | 15:36 |
deep_blue | rainCT...why?.... | 15:36 |
Redwing_LiveCD | It keeps telling me that the pastebinit package cannot be found | 15:36 |
guntbert | MikeSeth: just out of curiosity: how do you display *numerical* permissions with ls? | 15:36 |
unavailable | triggerhapp | 15:36 |
pulsetsar | my vista box can't see my ubuntu lappy and I have no idea why | 15:36 |
unavailable | triggerhapp I know | 15:36 |
unavailable | triggerhapp but i want to know if anyone CAN code this | 15:36 |
RainCT | deep_blue: installing it properly is really easy on Ubuntu, and XAMPP for Linux was pretty slow on Ubuntu for some reason | 15:36 |
triggerhapp | unavailable: Im sure theyre taking patches tho :) | 15:36 |
db92 | alraune, no? :P | 15:37 |
deep_blue | I tried installing LAMP but it didn't worked out.......there is a bug I guess.... | 15:37 |
db92 | alraune, its the only thing that gives me generallly working sound :p | 15:37 |
pulsetsar | is anyone else folder sharing between ubuntu and vista? | 15:37 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: lspci >pc.txt | 15:37 |
db92 | alsa-incompat sound card | 15:37 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: gedit pc.txt | 15:37 |
unavailable | true multiple desktops anyone know now to mess with nautilus to get this result ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGXYLdZEf2c (i know this is only a concept video) | 15:37 |
Ziroday | unavailable: currently that feature is not avaiable, you can ask gnome dev's in #gnome on irc.gnome.org | 15:37 |
deep_blue | rainCT: did you used LAMP? | 15:37 |
alraune | !paste> Redwing_LiveCD | 15:37 |
RainCT | deep_blue: have you done: sudo aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5 ? | 15:38 |
Ax-Ax | i maybe should reinstall then :( (and maybe do a dual-boot with some other interesting os ;) ) | 15:38 |
deep_blue | no not that command | 15:38 |
Redwing_LiveCD | Just waiting for my home folder to load | 15:38 |
bullgard4 | MikeSeth: I was considering to install tpb before. But some guru discouraged me from doing so. -- The file /usr/share/hotkey-setup/ibm.hk includes 8 lines " Canonical mapping, commented out." I do not understand them, and so I did not install tpb yet. | 15:38 |
Ax-Ax | bye | 15:38 |
beni_f_ | asd | 15:38 |
deep_blue | i used some taskel command | 15:38 |
alraune | db92:what did you mean with :wants to uninstall my os ? | 15:38 |
alraune | !who|Redwing_LiveCD | 15:39 |
ubottu | Redwing_LiveCD: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 15:39 |
RainCT | deep_blue: installing that should get you Apache with PHP running. If you want MySQL also install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql | 15:39 |
deep_blue | rainCT: will that command also installs mysql? | 15:39 |
db92 | alraune, i didnt say it wants to uninstall my os | 15:39 |
RainCT | deep_blue: installing that should get you Apache with PHP running. If you want MySQL also install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql | 15:39 |
deep_blue | rainCT: thanks.... | 15:39 |
db92 | alraune, i said it wants to uninstall oss :||||||| | 15:39 |
triggerhapp | db92: All your open source? :O | 15:39 |
RainCT | deep_blue: you'll be surprised how easy it is :) | 15:39 |
alraune | db92:alsa <>oss, now got u, are u using oss ? | 15:40 |
Redwing_LiveCD | Ok I have the information alraune | 15:40 |
dexter | hey can anyone tell me where can i get the apt sources for the websters dictionary so that i can download it?? | 15:40 |
alraune | !paste> Redwing_LiveCD | 15:40 |
aja1 | hi, anyone uses gnuplot befoire? | 15:40 |
Redwing_LiveCD | !paste > Redwing_LiveCD | 15:40 |
ubottu | Redwing_LiveCD, please see my private message | 15:40 |
shah | !paste > shah | 15:41 |
ubottu | shah, please see my private message | 15:41 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: the url from pasting ? | 15:41 |
dexter | hey can anyone tell me where can i get the apt sources for the websters dictionary so that i can download it?? | 15:41 |
Redwing_LiveCD | I'm loading Firefox, hold on | 15:41 |
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db92 | alraune, ye | 15:42 |
db92 | alraune, alsa doesnt support my card, only oss has support for it, early beta though it may be, it still works :p | 15:42 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: :) | 15:42 |
deep_blue | rainCT: how to get phpmyadmin installed? when I try to install it, it says can't find phpmyadmin package | 15:42 |
dexter | hey can anyone tell me where can i get the apt sources for the websters dictionary so that i can download it?? | 15:42 |
the_darkside_986 | is it possible to configure an alternative DNS server on my local machine only? I'm using Ubuntu Hardy. I don't want to mess up our internet router. | 15:42 |
Ziroday | dexter: why do you need the websters dictionary? | 15:42 |
Redwing_LiveCD | http://paste.ubuntu.com/37164/ | 15:42 |
shah | !patience | 15:43 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 15:43 |
Ziroday | the_darkside_986: of course you can, not that I know how | 15:43 |
alraune | is there a problem using oss with flashsupport ? | 15:43 |
dexter | Ziroday; i m preparing for my gre... so i need it on my system...i dont want the online thing..... | 15:43 |
RainCT | deep_blue: enable the universe and multiverse repositories | 15:43 |
the_darkside_986 | ok thanks. anyone know where DNS options could be in Ubuntu 8.04? | 15:43 |
nDuff | the_darkside_986, you want to run *your own* DNS server? | 15:43 |
Ziroday | dexter: any reason websters, and not some other dictionary app? | 15:43 |
the_darkside_986 | no | 15:43 |
alraune | !who|Redwing_LiveCD: | 15:44 |
ubottu | Redwing_LiveCD:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 15:44 |
kindofabuzz | rkhunter or chkrootkit? | 15:44 |
the_darkside_986 | I want to try using an alternative DNS server because the one Embarq gave us seems to be crappy right now. | 15:44 |
nDuff | the_darkside_986, install bind, configure appropriately, edit /etc/resolv.conf to refer to it | 15:44 |
deep_blue | rainCT: ok, but what is that.....can you point me to a link? | 15:44 |
db92 | alraune, simply enough installing libflashsupport tries to uninstall oss | 15:44 |
the_darkside_986 | ok thanks | 15:44 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37164/ | 15:44 |
nDuff | the_darkside_986, ...or if you don't want to actually your own, just tweak /etc/resolv.conf | 15:44 |
RainCT | deep_blue: your /etc/apt/sources.list should look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37166/plain/ | 15:44 |
dexter | Ziroday; websters is more recommended...thats y.....i wanted 2 learn US english well | 15:44 |
db92 | alraune, and still, i have found the proper .so modules for firefox that work with oss, but still refuses to play sound :|| | 15:44 |
nDuff | the_darkside_986, s/actually your own/actually run your own/ | 15:44 |
the_darkside_986 | i see. thanks. | 15:45 |
hosk | join #xnest | 15:45 |
RainCT | deep_blue: (if you don't want to touch the file you can also enable it from System -> Administration -> Software Sources, which will do the same) | 15:45 |
Sinnerman | i have a rather serious problem here. installed ubuntu amd64 hardy, with a radeon x1950. went to hardware manager, and chose to enable the restricted drivers, and that got me xorg-xserver-fglrx. however, after reboot i get several different versions of the same corruption and a complete system lockup, except for the first two times where the system rebooted itself. i get corrupt graphics, i get a gdm splash the correct colour then corrupted graphics, | 15:45 |
Sinnerman | with or without cursor occasionally. has anyone encountered this before and is there a fix? | 15:46 |
W9ZEB | does anyone know if Gnomad2 can interface with Rhythmbox | 15:46 |
hypnojazz | hello | 15:46 |
Ziroday | dexter: okay, I doubt you can install websters dictionary in ubuntu, however look at the program kdict | 15:46 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: HW should be no problem, most prbly u're riding an athlon cpu, so lets get this hd thing checked | 15:46 |
Vegombrei | what is xorg ? | 15:46 |
RainCT | Sinnerman: you can go to a terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F1 and change the driver from there | 15:47 |
alraune | db92: no further ideas at the mom, may little later concerning alsa and your sound-card | 15:47 |
DM| | anyone get their zune working? | 15:47 |
RainCT | Sinnerman: (it's specified in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf) | 15:47 |
Sinnerman | RainCT: no i can't, the system's completely frozen. | 15:47 |
Prose | via ssh, I can't connect to http://localhost:631/ while yesterday I could :( | 15:47 |
db92 | alraune, kk | 15:47 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: Yeah it's a Duron, 1.2Ghz. I've run fdisk -l as wols_ suggested. That displayed 3 Partitions. 1 Primary Partition of 39.4Gb 1 Swap partition of 600Mb and 1 Extended partition of a single cylinder | 15:48 |
RainCT | Sinnerman: didn't you say that you get a GDM screen? | 15:48 |
Ziroday | Prose: is the ssh server running? | 15:48 |
dexter | Ziroday; is it same as the websters...do u have suggestions 4 any other dictionary | 15:48 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: sudo gparted | 15:48 |
Prose | Ziroday: I can ssh into it perfectly | 15:48 |
Sinnerman | RainCT: but what is causing it to freeze like this? yes i get a flash of the gdm screen, _then_ it freezes or gives me the corruption. | 15:48 |
neonDragon2 | My Ubuntu was working correctly but now when booting it hangs at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)". Does anyone know what could be causing this? | 15:48 |
Prose | Ziroday: I just can't Lynx or Elinks into Cups config ! | 15:48 |
zoidfarb | When I import photos from a digital camera with f-stop it creates duplicates every time I import. Does anyone know how to fix this problem + remove the duplicate images? | 15:48 |
Ziroday | dexter: there are a large amount in the repos, as well english tutoring programs. search for them with synaptic | 15:48 |
hosk | how can i start an xnest session remotely then start fluxbox on it? | 15:48 |
RainCT | Sinnerman: oh, you'll have to boot up with a live CD then and use chroot to modify the file from there | 15:49 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: I have a similar problem on ATI x300 with games. Examine the xorg log. Overheating is the prime suspect. | 15:49 |
hosk | assuming i have both xnest and fluxbox | 15:49 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: That's open now | 15:49 |
alraune | neonDragon2: check that file | 15:49 |
Ziroday | Prose: sorry, to understand better you can ssh just fine. But you cant run a terminal browser? | 15:49 |
neonDragon2 | it's just got comments and exit 0 | 15:49 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: delete any partitions | 15:49 |
Sinnerman | RainCT: i have the alternate install cd. :( that still does not tell me _what_ the problem is though, and what im trying to fix. | 15:49 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: in general fglrx isnt very friendly for x series | 15:49 |
Sinnerman | MikeSeth: it cant be overheating, i have two chassis fans, and a huge fan on the ati card. | 15:50 |
Ziroday | Prose: to access the cups web interface? | 15:50 |
Redwing_LiveCD | IT won't let me delete the Extended partition that contains the swap drive | 15:50 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: oh its not a laptop? | 15:50 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: IT won't let me delete the Extended partition that contains the swap drive | 15:50 |
Prose | Ziroday: exactly, via ssh, while controlling the terminal on the server machine, Lynx and Elinks can't open http://localhost:631/ | 15:50 |
RainCT | Redwing_LiveCD: if you are on a Live CD, it will be using the SWAP partition so you can't delete it from there | 15:50 |
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_- | ||
zoidfarb | Does anyone know how to stop F-stop from creating duplicate images when it imports? | 15:50 |
Sinnerman | MikeSeth: no it's not a laptop, it's a radeon x1950 pro on a core 2 quad running ubuntu hardy amd64. | 15:51 |
Ziroday | Prose: why are you sshing into your own machine? | 15:51 |
Redwing_LiveCD | Ahh ok =) | 15:51 |
deep_blue | rainCT: sorry for the dc.......due to rainy season connection is unpredictable here | 15:51 |
RainCT | deep_blue: got it? | 15:51 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: Primary partition is now deleted | 15:51 |
Sinnerman | so does anyone know what may be causing the problem? | 15:51 |
Sinnerman | or come across something similar. | 15:51 |
Ziroday | Prose: and also lynx is probably working just fine, the issue is with the cups web interface | 15:51 |
zoidfarb | Er, rather, F-spot, not f-stop | 15:51 |
RainCT | deep_blue: lol we bot spoke at the same time. no problem :) | 15:51 |
Prose | Ziroday: it's a headless server I'm sshing into.. | 15:51 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: either way, the first stop would be xorg logs and dmesg | 15:52 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: delete any partitions | 15:52 |
Prose | Ziroday: oh damn me!! I just remembered, I rebooted the thing and I think iptables are screwed | 15:52 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: I've deleted all the partitions that it will allow me to delete | 15:52 |
Sinnerman | MikeSeth: i cant get to either, the system freezes or reboots. | 15:52 |
Ziroday | Prose: possibly | 15:52 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: maybe gotta hang out swap first (decrease of speed if little ram) | 15:53 |
deep_blue | rainCT: thanks for all the info. where does public_html gets store and how can I access phpmyadmin? | 15:53 |
Prose | Ziroday: yes! there we go, iptables were pretty strict, not it works ! sorry there! thanks for moral support :P :) | 15:53 |
Prose | now* | 15:53 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: the log still gets written | 15:53 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: (at least it does for me) | 15:53 |
=== kitche_ is now known as kitche | ||
Ziroday | Prose: anytime :), have fun | 15:53 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: besides you may be able to log into the box from the outside - usually its the keyboard/display that freezes | 15:53 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: What do yo8u mean by hang out? | 15:53 |
Redwing_LiveCD | you* | 15:53 |
Sinnerman | ok, MikeSeth i just rebooted with init=/bin/bash there is nothing in the logs. no EE. | 15:53 |
RainCT | deep_blue: http://localhost/phpmyadmin | 15:54 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: hmmm.. check the .log.0 file as well | 15:54 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: if swap is marked as mounted, unmount it (right-click on it) ;;; if youre lucky, u got at least 300 MB ram (can see it at boot) | 15:54 |
djewb | Is there a way to reinstall pidgin?? i have been having errors here is what i get when i try to run from terminal if some one could help me with this i would be vary thankfull :/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/37169/ | 15:54 |
Sinnerman | MikeSeth: that's what i just checked. | 15:55 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: No I can't unmount | 15:55 |
MikeSeth | Sinnerman: then it's lspci -vv and a lot of googling :< | 15:55 |
RainCT | deep_blue: by default it reads the files from /var/www, but you can either rm that directory and symlink some other one to it or change the apache configuration to look somewhere else (if you prefer that approach tell me and I'll explain you how to do it) | 15:55 |
alec | i had some questions about using an ipod in ubuntu. the ipod has been formatted for mac. how do i reformat? also can i crack the ipod to run on opensource software? | 15:55 |
=== quite is now known as rwhe | ||
MikeSeth | djewb: I suggest you run memory tests on your machine, this should not be happening | 15:55 |
mattheas | is there a plugin for xchat to show the users pane? | 15:55 |
Ape3000 | My Intrepid just failed very badly! Suddenly GDM crashed and I tried to reboot. After that GDM never started again. I can't even login on the terminal using my default user.. It says: Unable to cd to /home/ape/. The user should have all rights to it and I can browse it with the root terminal. When I try to 'su ape' it says: Cannot excecute /bin/bash: Permission Denied. Again the user seems to have the x-rights to that.. | 15:56 |
djewb | MikeSeth, any recommended software to do so it just started happening last night and pidgin is only thing it dose this on | 15:56 |
bullgard4 | What does mean: "# Canonical mapping, commented out." in //usr/share/hotkey-setup/ibm.hk? | 15:56 |
Sinnerman | MikeSeth: people have told me they had no problems with this card, so i dont know what could have gone wrong. the dmesg.0 log has nothing in it either. everything to do with fglrx says it loaded fine. | 15:56 |
hosk | i figured it out, Xnest :3 -ac -name Fluxbox & fluxbox -display :3 | 15:57 |
deep_blue | rainCT: actually I want to keep my files separately (in another partition, if possible) as it becomes easily accessible and safter | 15:57 |
shah | can we browse internet from terminal? just text no images.. is this possible? | 15:58 |
Ape3000 | shah: try links or lynx | 15:58 |
magnetron | shah, yes. i would recommend links2 | 15:58 |
magnetron | shah, or maybe elinks | 15:58 |
Sinnerman | so anyone else come across this white/screen/freeze with ATI cards at the gdm screen, with corruption, and know how to fix it or what's going wrong? | 15:58 |
guntbert | shah: I use w3m | 15:59 |
djewb | MikeSeth, ?? | 15:59 |
=== constrictor_ is now known as constrictor | ||
Ape3000 | But anybody know anything about my problem, I just posted? | 16:00 |
pawel | could you help me? I can't set the static IP to my wireless | 16:00 |
RainCT | deep_blue: yes you can do this with the symlink (sudo mv /var/www /var/www.orig; sudo ln -s /media/.... /var/www, or just placing the symlink into /var/www and then doing http://localhost/synlinkname) | 16:00 |
LogicalDash | My SDcard has recently been failing to mount automatically. Could someone please help me troubleshoot this? | 16:00 |
cypherdelic | How to run a command BEFORE XSerer inititialises? | 16:00 |
alec | im thinking about installing ipodlinux, has anyone done this? i need advice. | 16:01 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: is there free(unallocated) space at the beginning of the hd ? | 16:01 |
cypherdelic | How to run a command BEFORE XSerer inititialises? | 16:01 |
cypherdelic | +v | 16:01 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: Yes | 16:01 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: swap is called /dev/sdXX, sda2 ? | 16:02 |
Redwing_LiveCD | /dev/sda5 | 16:02 |
=== CShadowRun is now known as cshadowrun | ||
LogicalDash | cypherdelic: I seem to recall that there's some profile script that's executed at the very first login, don't remember what it's called though | 16:03 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: k, close gparted | 16:03 |
Redwing_LiveCD | Done | 16:03 |
deep_blue | rainCT: thanks ones again.......do you know any good replacement for photoshop, dreamweaver and ftp client for ubuntu? | 16:03 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: Done | 16:03 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCD: terminal as root: umount /dev/sda5 | 16:03 |
LogicalDash | deep_blue: for Photoshop there's The GIMP, for ftp there's gFTP | 16:03 |
RainCT | deep_blue: Photoshop -> The GIMP, FTP -> gFTP or FileZilla (not sure how good it already is, the port started some months ago) | 16:04 |
deep_blue | LogicalDash: wow.....there is everything in ubuntu ......i was not expecting if there was some........great | 16:04 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: umount: /dev/sda5: not mounted | 16:04 |
daveisadork1 | are there any iptables gurus hanging around today? | 16:05 |
RainCT | deep_blue: for Dreamweaver see http://www.osalt.com/dreamweaver, but I don't think that the programs listed there are as good as it | 16:05 |
joaopinto | Nautilis also supports FTP | 16:05 |
RainCT | deep_blue: I told you it's easier as you think :) | 16:05 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCd: exept from the masterbootrecord these are good signs for installation, use the alternate cd... | 16:06 |
=== maneta is now known as Maneta | ||
shadowhywind | hay all having some MAJOR issues at the moment.. first issue.. is there a correct way to run fsck on ubuntu parition other then fsck /dev/sda# | 16:06 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: The alternate disk will still install the GDM right? | 16:07 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCd: check the bios for correct HD_Detection, disable any virusprotection | 16:07 |
djewb | Hmm seems my problem was because i set a network proxy ty for trying to help MikeSeth | 16:07 |
deep_blue | rainCT:so there is no good substitute for dreamweaver......:-( | 16:07 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCd: by befault, yes: Kubuntu = kde ubuntu = gdm xubuntu=xfce, but can change later, anyway | 16:08 |
ncls | got a question: Is there a way to disable the numpad on a laptop (macbook in this case) when it was turned on with an external keyboard? (i pressed the num key on the external one and then it was like i'd had activated it on the macbbook. | 16:08 |
LogicalDash | deep_blue: a quick search of the repositories turns up KompoZer and Amaya as potential alternatives | 16:08 |
Redwing_LiveCD | alraune: Ok then, thanks for your help. I'll go try again | 16:08 |
candive | Hi all, how do I boot from USB its not an option in bios.please. | 16:08 |
alraune | Redwing_LiveCd: once sys is running at all and you can install essential soft, much easier to help | 16:08 |
jersson | hola alguien que me ayude | 16:08 |
LogicalDash | !es | jersson | 16:09 |
ubottu | jersson: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:09 |
jersson | no s eocmo entrar ahhi | 16:09 |
alraune | db92:what a soundcard do u use ? | 16:09 |
Guillaum3 | any1 know how to make sorting in openoffice, keep the row attachment and not just sort the column itself. | 16:09 |
db92 | alraune, xfi :P | 16:09 |
LogicalDash | jersson: entre "/join #ubuntu-es" | 16:10 |
RainCT | deep_blue: well, try them out, perhaps some of those is OK for you | 16:10 |
linuxkrn | hey guys, got a small problem with booting a dmraid. I have successfully installed grub (it boots the initramfs and my XP partition) but for some reason the kernel isn't told it needs to continue running dmraid for the rest of the setup. Checked the how-to but it appears for 7.10, any suggestions? | 16:10 |
lollydays | is there a way I can force ubuntu to burn a 4.4gb file onto a DVD? | 16:10 |
ncls | got a question: Is there a way to disable the numpad on a laptop (macbook in this case) when it was turned on with an external keyboard? (i pressed the num key on the external one and then it was like i'd had activated it on the macbbook. | 16:10 |
Wulfie | hey folks, what mechanism does Hardy use to automatically mount cd/dvd's? | 16:11 |
daedra | best way to listen to last.fm through terminal? | 16:11 |
sidewalk | are there any moviemakers for linux? | 16:11 |
Guillaum3 | any1 know how to make sorting in openoffice, keep the row attachment and not just sort the column itself. | 16:11 |
Guillaum3 | in "Calc" | 16:11 |
candive | chow | 16:12 |
Redwing | alraune: It's proceeding with the install now. Thanks for your help =) | 16:12 |
lollydays | sidewalk, yes, there | 16:12 |
lollydays | is an ubuntu distro specifically for multimedia productino | 16:12 |
alraune | db92:mom, looking it up | 16:12 |
jersson | hola a todos | 16:12 |
jersson | alguien que me ayude en español | 16:12 |
RainCT | !es > jersson | 16:12 |
ubottu | jersson, please see my private message | 16:12 |
wols_ | Wulfie: gnome-volume-manager | 16:13 |
Wulfie | wols_: thanks much | 16:14 |
DM| | !es | Jersson | 16:14 |
deep_blue | rainCT: thank you very much........in the rainy season I got the rain+CT :-) | 16:14 |
ubottu | Jersson: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:14 |
lollydays | anyone know how to overburn? | 16:14 |
ncls | got a question: Is there a way to disable the numpad on a laptop (macbook in this case) when it was turned on with an external keyboard? (i pressed the num key on the external one and then it was like i'd had activated it on the macbbook. | 16:14 |
RainCT | deep_blue: hehe you're welcome :) | 16:14 |
jersson | nada mas diganme como instalar un programa | 16:14 |
partisan11 | KDE gurus--I just started using Kate text editor (it's the default for Krusader). Is there a way to get Kate to appear *without* the tree pane always open when I double click on a text file? | 16:15 |
sidewalk | lollydays: what application do you recommend for editing movies, i want something like microsofts movie maker | 16:15 |
deep_blue | i will test all those things in pendrive......hope 2GB is enought | 16:15 |
Redwing | ncls: On PC Laptops it's usually FN + Scroll Lock | 16:15 |
RainCT | jersson: Sistema -> Administración -> Gestor de paquetes Synaptic | 16:15 |
LogicalDash | hola jersson, porfa escriba de teclado "/join #ubuntu-es" a encontrar ayuda | 16:15 |
RainCT | jersson: pero para ayuda en castellano ves a #ubuntu-es - pues entrar escriviendo /join #ubuntu-es | 16:15 |
lollydays | sidewalk: i've heard Kino is pretty good, but I haven't used it | 16:15 |
alraune | db92:couldn't find it in HW-Liste, any way, did you build the alsa module ? as it works with oss, alsa should do, too | 16:15 |
bullgard4 | What does mean: "# Canonical mapping, commented out." in /usr/share/hotkey-setup/ibm.hk? | 16:16 |
LogicalDash | My SDcard has stopped automounting for no apparent reason. Could someone help me to figure out why? | 16:16 |
db92 | alraune, no it just doesnt | 16:16 |
lollydays | sidewalk: ubuntu studio comes packaged with kino | 16:16 |
db92 | alraune, i dont know much about sound in ubuntu etc, but it just doesnt work with alsa | 16:16 |
db92 | alraune, didnt manage with alsa oss either :P | 16:16 |
db92 | i mean aoss, alsa-oss package :p | 16:17 |
alraune | db92:then possibly a too modern HW, if I sat in front of that, could try a lot, humm- get a cheap working SC, lol | 16:17 |
db92 | although i can manage to make sound work somewhat crappily using heavily modified xfi drivers on custom kernel, oss just always works better :p | 16:17 |
db92 | alraune, :\\\\\\\\\\\ | 16:17 |
db92 | alraune, too modern hw of 3 years age, agreed | 16:17 |
ptitezoe_64 | ydry | 16:18 |
Prose | what's the correct way to use iptables-save ??? I can't figure out (and make it work) | 16:18 |
ptitezoe_64 | kikou | 16:18 |
ptitezoe_64 | sa va ? | 16:18 |
ptitezoe_64 | i am french | 16:18 |
db92 | le franse dans #ubuntu-fr sil vou ple :PPP | 16:18 |
Prose | ow du francais | 16:18 |
alraune | db92:3 years ? try alsa, see my pm | 16:18 |
sidewalk | ste, any way, did you build | 16:19 |
sidewalk | the alsa module ? as it works with oss, alsa should do, too | 16:19 |
sidewalk | *** |XO| (n=XOXOXO@pool-71-185-248-39.phlapa.fios.verizon.net) has joined | 16:19 |
sidewalk | channel #ubuntu | 16:19 |
sidewalk | *** Signoff: jersson (Client Quit) | 16:19 |
FloodBot1 | sidewalk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:19 |
Prose | hahaha ! | 16:19 |
sidewalk | wops | 16:19 |
ncls | do you guys know any other channel besides this one, where I can get help? nobody is answering me here | 16:19 |
Prose | ncls: whats the problem ?? | 16:19 |
ptitezoe_64 | and you ?? | 16:19 |
oakgrove | french fries are my favorite | 16:19 |
mattheas | I downloaded and installed compiz fusion on Ubuntu 8.04 and it's not working | 16:19 |
mattheas | is there something else I need to know to install? | 16:19 |
ncls | -- Is there a way to disable the numpad on a laptop (macbook in this case) when it was turned on with an external keyboard? (i pressed the num key on the external one and then it was like i'd had activated it on the macbbook. | 16:19 |
ptitezoe_64 | fries ??? | 16:19 |
LogicalDash | mattheas, you have to enable it in System->Preferences->Appearance | 16:19 |
ice_cream | yea, i know how you feel, ncls =D i often ask, what... "difficult" questions? =p | 16:19 |
ptitezoe_64 | do you spik french ??? | 16:20 |
mattheas | Where? Because I go to Visual Effects and check extra and nothing out of the ordinary happens | 16:20 |
Prose | ncls: why do you want to disable the numpad ? | 16:20 |
LogicalDash | mattheas: Try moving a window, does it wobble? | 16:20 |
Prose | je parle la francaise | 16:20 |
mattheas | Yes | 16:20 |
ptitezoe_64 | super | 16:20 |
mattheas | but I don't have my rotating cube | 16:21 |
lollydays | anyone know how to enable overburn? | 16:21 |
deep_blue | this can be a silly question, since I'm not a linux user until yesterday when I was referred to use Uunbunt......which "partition file system" does Ubuntu use? | 16:21 |
ptitezoe_64 | tu habite ou ???? | 16:21 |
LogicalDash | mattheas: In order to get the cube you need to install an extra Compiz configuration utility, there are a couple that work | 16:21 |
ncls | Prose: do you own a notebook? everything besides the numpad (which is placed on the iop,jkl etc keys | 16:21 |
Redwing | deep_blue: ext3 | 16:21 |
lollydays | deep_blue: ext3 | 16:21 |
ncls | is not working* | 16:21 |
lollydays | damn, you beat me | 16:21 |
mattheas | Do you happen to know the names of them? | 16:21 |
Prose | mattheas: try holding down the windows button and tapping Tab in the same time . Also, hold down the windows button on the keyboard and tap e. | 16:21 |
powergoal2 | deep_blue: defaults to ext3, but is capable of using many more | 16:21 |
ice_cream | ext3 is not the only answer | 16:21 |
fulhack | Hey guys.. where does ubuntu store its xorg config? /etx/X11/xorg.conf seems a bit... sparse. | 16:21 |
xnv | lollydays: Depends on the application you're burning with, no? | 16:21 |
mattheas | holy crap | 16:21 |
Prose | ncls: im on one as we speak | 16:21 |
agent | how do i re-enable page-scroll in evince? | 16:21 |
mattheas | Ok, so that works | 16:22 |
ptitezoe_64 | bay !!!!!!!!!!! | 16:22 |
LogicalDash | fulhack: If you want to change your xorg config, try running gconf-editor | 16:22 |
ncls | well see if there are numbers on some letter buttons | 16:22 |
lollydays | xnv: i was just burning with nautilus | 16:22 |
ptitezoe_64 | *malpolis* | 16:22 |
deep_blue | redwing, lollydays, powergoal2......thanks guys......but what is ext3.....i know FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS | 16:22 |
mattheas | What are the names of the extra downloads I need? | 16:22 |
fulhack | LogicalDash: Hm. Okay... Lots of new stuff for an old time user.. :P Thanks! | 16:22 |
oakgrove | does anyone know how to move a window in gnome with the alt + mouse1 like you can in kde? | 16:22 |
erUSUL | fulhack: latest xrog servers does autoconfigure for most things so the xorg.conf file can be obsoleted on the future | 16:22 |
powergoal2 | ext3 | deep_blue | 16:22 |
Radit | when playing videos from youtube using firefox, mplayer, rhytmbox refuses to play multimedia files, can anybody help? | 16:23 |
powergoal2 | !ext3 | deep_blue | 16:23 |
ubottu | deep_blue: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 16:23 |
Prose | ncls: I really don;t understand you :s sorry. You seem to have trouble getting what to work ? | 16:23 |
ice_cream | what is the preferred method of package searching via cli? | 16:23 |
erUSUL | ice_cream: apt-cache search | 16:23 |
* ice_cream prepares to criticize all responses =P | 16:23 | |
oakgrove | apt-cache search ice_cream | 16:23 |
lollydays | deep_blue, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3 | 16:23 |
danbhfive | Radit: do you mean, you can't get them to work at the same time? | 16:23 |
powergoal2 | ice_cream: apt-cache search <criteria> | 16:23 |
Prose | ncls: ny the way, for when you exasperate, there is awlays the ##linux channel | 16:23 |
xnv | lollydays: http://www.google.com/search?name=f&hl=en&q=overburn+nautilus | 16:23 |
deep_blue | I need to partition my USB pendrive (which I have never done in pendrive)..so i'm somewhat confused......how should i get it partition so that I can use ubuntu in it.......as well as a storage place for some windows files | 16:24 |
Prose | ncls: or the #debian channel | 16:24 |
powergoal2 | deep_blue: are you in windows or linux? | 16:24 |
lollydays | xnv, fine, make me look dumb :) | 16:24 |
ice_cream | erUSUL, oakgrove, powergoal2 -- apt-cache search searches the descriptions, too, and if i do --names-only then the output is very limited (unlike aptitude search w/ formatting) .. | 16:24 |
DM| | deep_blue: use fat32 that way it can be read and write from both windows and linux | 16:24 |
Quest_ | any replacement for "knemo" . it shows live network trafic chart/graph ... ? | 16:24 |
mattheas | LogicalDash: Do you know what the other downloads are called? | 16:24 |
LogicalDash | mattheas: I recall that one is called compizconfig | 16:24 |
deep_blue | i'm currently in windows xp.......which i have used through out my life..... | 16:24 |
powergoal2 | deep_blue: do you have something like partition magic? or some other partitioning software? | 16:25 |
deep_blue | but with ubuntu it seems now i need some change..........to open source.......which sounds exciting | 16:25 |
xnv | lollydays: I do my best | 16:25 |
user5432 | it look slike im voting NO against Empathy being the default client for Ubuntu | 16:25 |
Roconda | hey, where did firefoxrc moved to in firefox3.0 ? | 16:25 |
Radit | danbhfive, yes; also if i want to play the multimedia file like videos or mp3s using mplayer or rhythmbox it does'nt play; i have to close firefox then open the mplayer or rhytmbox again; the situation is vice versa if i wanna view videos in firefox | 16:26 |
deep_blue | powergoal2....no partition software.....the partition that i created for windows was using the windows xp bootable cd | 16:26 |
danbhfive | Radit: yeah, I have the same problem. I think its an issue with the sound system, pulse-audio | 16:26 |
StoneNewt | betapi: just one tiny little problem with all that you're spouting the E5462 Haripes cost 517 each and you get 2 of them, a board that delivers you the same kind of expansion costs 325, 2GB of sutible ram is 90GBP, sutible psu is about 130, chassis another 150 and oh look you're at 1730 you still need your 2600 XT, a HD etc.. | 16:26 |
mib_k18ntknl | any ubuntu kernel expert here? | 16:26 |
fulhack | erUSUL: Oh. I see. Hm. Where is the proper place to configure a xinerama setup? | 16:26 |
StoneNewt | sorry | 16:26 |
danbhfive | Radit: don't know the fix though, I've been just living with it | 16:27 |
powergoal2 | deep_blue: yeah, i don't know if windows ships with a partitioning program. if you load up the ubuntu livecd you can format and repartition using cfdisk /dev/<address> to ext3 or something else permitting space for windows on there | 16:27 |
erUSUL | fulhack: well for that i guess that you still have to use a full xorg.conf :| | 16:27 |
deep_blue | what is the easiest option for me to get my pendrive partion....and which format --> FAT32? | 16:27 |
Radit | danbhfive, so you have the problem too? | 16:27 |
powergoal2 | deep_blue: at the same time you could just go through the install stuff and then be able to do it through the installer. | 16:27 |
danbhfive | Radit: yea | 16:27 |
fulhack | erUSUL: But if I add things in xorg.conf they WILL be used? It just looks so empty.. I was worried there was a different file :) | 16:28 |
ice_cream | that's what i thought. =P | 16:28 |
fulhack | For example, when I specify a resolution from within GNOME.. Where is that value stored? | 16:28 |
powergoal2 | deep_blue: they are good for different things | 16:28 |
Radit | danbhfive: thanks 4 trying to help. i hope they fix this soon.. | 16:28 |
oiramuk | hi i have a problem with my network card. i am in monitor mode, and i need the card to stay on chanel 10 but it keeps surfing through 1-12 or something. how do i make my wireless card stay on channel 10? | 16:28 |
shah | ? | 16:29 |
Quest_ | any replacement for "knemo" . it shows "live" network trafic "gui" chart/graph ... ? | 16:29 |
danbhfive | Radit: im hoping the next version fixes it... if it doesn't, ill start working the launchpad | 16:29 |
linuxkrn | hey guys, got a small problem with booting a dmraid. I have successfully installed grub (it boots the initramfs and my XP partition) but for some reason the kernel can't see the root dmraid for the rest of the boot. Checked the how-to but it appears for 7.10, any suggestions? | 16:29 |
andrer | i am trying to reinstall postgres (server) but it isn't creating the /etc/init.d file when I do a apt-get install --reinstall on it... How can i tell why this is happening | 16:30 |
lollydays | xnv: i keep getting errors before nautilus even starts burning. Is there a better app for burning data? | 16:30 |
oiramuk | hi i have a problem with my network card. i am in monitor mode, and i need the card to stay on chanel 10 but it keeps surfing through 1-12 or something. how do i make my wireless card stay on channel 10? | 16:30 |
RainCT | Quest_: gnome-system-monitor has a simple graphic, if that's enough | 16:30 |
Technoviking | Where can I add --indirect-rendering --loose-binding to compiz setting in Hardy? | 16:30 |
powergoal2 | Quest_: you can also get something like that with conky | 16:30 |
powergoal2 | !conky | 16:31 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about conky | 16:31 |
danbhfive | oiramuk: I thought that you set the channel on the router, not the card. The card will just scan all channels | 16:31 |
lollydays | Quest_: i use conky and i love it | 16:31 |
Quest_ | RainCT iam using kde | 16:31 |
oiramuk | danbhfive: yea but i thought i could set the card as well | 16:31 |
powergoal2 | Quest_: http://conky.sourceforge.net/conky.png as an example | 16:31 |
Quest_ | lollydays powergoal2 conky is a live graph? | 16:31 |
Quest_ | ok | 16:31 |
deep_blue | powergoal2: can I get it partition with partition magic software or ubuntu partition commands. So will it be fine if I get 2 partition one with ext3 and one with fat32 | 16:32 |
lollydays | Quest_: and much more, i have it set up to show live graphs of my eth0, wlan0, harddrive space meter, ram meter, cpu temps, the works | 16:33 |
powergoal2 | deep_blue: right. unless you want ntfs for you windows partition. or reiserfs for your linux partition | 16:33 |
Quest_ | lollydays powergoal2 nice. i think ill like it | 16:33 |
timz | i know it's really off-topic but i just need to know quick how to make a big space(?) like tab in html | 16:34 |
powergoal2 | Quest_: icewm comes with a builtin net/cpu graph as well | 16:34 |
bullgard4 | What does mean: "# Canonical mapping, commented out." in /usr/share/hotkey-setup/ibm.hk? | 16:34 |
powergoal2 | Quest_: but you would need to switch into icewm instead of kde/gnome | 16:34 |
Quest_ | powergoal2 icewm ? | 16:34 |
agent | how do i enable page-scroll in evince so that i can scroll through the pages without using the "next"-page button? this used to work before a recent update! | 16:34 |
powergoal2 | Quest_: its a windowmanager | 16:34 |
powergoal2 | !icewm | Quest_ | 16:34 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about icewm | 16:34 |
joaopinto | bullgard4, it means what you read on the comments, and nothing that we can help you with here :) | 16:34 |
powergoal2 | hmm.. | 16:34 |
powergoal2 | Quest_: http://www.icewm.org/ | 16:35 |
Tooplex | Can anyone here help me with installing ubuntu please | 16:35 |
joaopinto | bullgard4, try #ubuntu-devel you will have better changes of someone which worked on that comment | 16:35 |
Quest_ | k | 16:35 |
=== Syntux is now known as Guest50231 | ||
powergoal2 | bullgard4: canonical means thati ts the way most systems are set up | 16:35 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: or it specifies a particular keyboard setup, but i don't think thats the case | 16:35 |
=== Syntux_ is now known as syntux | ||
Tooplex | anyone? | 16:36 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: whats the problem? | 16:36 |
lollydays | Tooplex, be more specific | 16:36 |
mib_k18ntknl | any ubuntu kernel expert over here?? | 16:37 |
ommegang | if anyone is using a logitech quickcam express with 8.04 private message me tkx | 16:37 |
Tooplex | Right, i want to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows XP on the same hard drive, i already have windows on this hard drive but i want to know how i can make ubuntu install to a partion i have created and still have it reconise windows on the boot loader | 16:37 |
bullgard4 | joaopinto: Sorry that you did not write 'we' in capital letters. | 16:37 |
Tooplex | Hope you understand all that lol | 16:37 |
jersson | alguien que me diga como instalar el wine | 16:38 |
jbroome | !es | jersson | 16:38 |
ubottu | jersson: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:38 |
bullgard4 | jersson: Por favor habla en Engles. | 16:38 |
powergoal2 | timz: one way is with non-breaking space | 16:38 |
powergoal2 | timz: type that instead of a space | 16:38 |
jersson | no s ecomo entarar ahi solo nececito instalar el wine | 16:38 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: can you tell me the size of your harddrive, and the size of each partition? | 16:38 |
ommegang | does the logitech quickcam express that is $4.99 at geeks.com work oob? | 16:38 |
powergoal2 | Tooplex: i think that the grub loader will auto-identify the windows system and install an option to the menu | 16:39 |
RainCT | jersson: escribe: /join #ubuntu-es | 16:39 |
Tooplex | The hard drive altogether is 250 gb, The windows partion is 222 GB and a empty 10 gb Partion (unformated) which i want ubuntu on | 16:39 |
RainCT | jersson: (aquí mismo donde estas escribiendo ahora) | 16:39 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: how much ram do you have? | 16:40 |
Sampe1 | Have a Ubuntu networking wuestion | 16:40 |
Tooplex | 4gb | 16:40 |
powergoal2 | Sampe1: ask the question, dont ask to ask the question | 16:40 |
RainCT | !ask | Sampe1 | 16:40 |
ubottu | Sampe1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) | 16:40 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: are you going to use the 32bit version? | 16:40 |
Tooplex | no i burned the 64 bit one | 16:40 |
powergoal2 | RainCT: thats a fancy button you have there RainCT :p | 16:40 |
mib_k18ntknl | can somebody point me to the kernel page? | 16:40 |
powergoal2 | mib_k18ntknl: kernel.org | 16:40 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: as this is your first time, I personallly recommend going with the 32bit version | 16:40 |
RainCT | powergoal2: heh. discover the power of ubottu ;) | 16:41 |
powergoal2 | RainCT: is there some way to see all available inputs to ubottu? | 16:41 |
Tooplex | Why? How is it any different from 32 bit ( except it cant reconise 4 gb) | 16:41 |
trashguy | 64bit has its pitfalls | 16:41 |
mib_k18ntknl | powergoal2, how about the irc? | 16:41 |
Sampe1 | I have three ubuntu boxes (they used to be an assortment of other linux)... when I go to Nautilus and search the network the others don't show up.... a SAMBA share on w indows box does however... I can access these other boxes via SSH and SCP but not graphically... any ideas?... is this an NFS question? | 16:41 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: I am sorry but I do not understand your English "canonical means thati ts the way most systems are set up." | 16:41 |
trashguy | like flash and firefox being crap | 16:41 |
=== Sampe1 is now known as sampe1 | ||
danbhfive | Tooplex: but, there will be no harm in just installing to that 10g partition, just forget about swap, you wont need it | 16:41 |
RainCT | powergoal2: http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi | 16:41 |
Tooplex | Lol | 16:42 |
Tooplex | So i should go and download/burn the 32 bit? | 16:42 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: 64bit, things like flash don't work so straight forward, and I think there are other problems | 16:42 |
linuxkrn | hey guys, got a small problem with booting a dmraid. I have successfully installed grub (it boots the initramfs and my XP partition) but for some reason the kernel can't see the root partition and I think it needs to be told to do dmraid for the rest of the boot...somehow Checked the how-to but it appears for 7.10, any suggestions? | 16:42 |
powergoal2 | RainCT: thankyou much | 16:42 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: you will have less problems if you do | 16:42 |
Tooplex | Ok thanks ill go do that now | 16:42 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: ok, so canonical means: conforming to recognized rules or laws | 16:42 |
trashguy | Tooplex, i run 32bit but use the server kernel so it detects all my memory | 16:43 |
chieffancypants | how do I kill a program I've ran through wine? | 16:43 |
powergoal2 | mib_k18ntknl: im afraid i don't know what you want here | 16:43 |
=== recon is now known as antikittie | ||
deep_blue | rainCT, powergoal2, redwing, lollydays, ubottu, DM|...........thankyou to all of these guys for helping me out.....:-) Loving Ubuntu.....bye | 16:43 |
RainCT | chieffancypants: System -> Administration -> System Monitor | 16:43 |
powergoal2 | deep_blue: :) good luck! | 16:43 |
mib_k18ntknl | powergoal2: i mean the discussion forum | 16:43 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: All right, I got it. Thank you very much. | 16:43 |
powergoal2 | chieffancypants: ps aux | grep <program name>; afterwards sudo kill the PID of that program | 16:44 |
chieffancypants | RainCT: Thanks. It didn't show up in ps aux for some reason | 16:44 |
=== antikittie is now known as recon | ||
Tooplex | so its the "Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM)" i need to download right? | 16:44 |
powergoal2 | mib_k18ntknl: are you trying to manually compile a kernel? | 16:44 |
RainCT | chieffancypants: You're welcome. If the application is visible you can also do Alt + F2 -> "xkill" and then click on it | 16:44 |
chieffancypants | RainCT: Nice. Thanks! | 16:45 |
mib_k18ntknl | powergoal2: i think yes..am about recompile the kernel module | 16:45 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: just so you know, 10g is a little small, as long as you don't download large files, whatever, you should be ok. If you stick with ubuntu, you will probably want to make it bigger, and make a separate /home partition too, but that stuff can happen later | 16:45 |
sampe1 | should I be installing NFS so I can see one ubuntu box from another ubuntu box through nautilus? | 16:45 |
harisund | Is Ubuntu becoming bloated these days? I had an old desktop (something like 500 MhZ I think) on which I recall installing breezy, now hardy doesn't install on it anymore .. any idea how I can get a basic hardy installation? Or am I better off going on with good old debian? | 16:45 |
Pa[H]O | [ hello ] | 16:45 |
Pa[H]O | [ ??? ] | 16:46 |
Pirate_Hunter | [ HI } | 16:46 |
xif | hi | 16:46 |
Tooplex | Oh no dont worry I have a seperate 500 gb hard drive | 16:46 |
sampe1 | harisund: have you explored Xubuntu? | 16:46 |
powergoal2 | sampe1: no, you can do that with any other filesystem | 16:46 |
Tooplex | used just for data | 16:46 |
powergoal2 | sampe1: so long ast there is a network connection | 16:46 |
xif | I was told that cron mails stdout and stderr to me when a job finishes | 16:46 |
harisund | sampe1: Is Xubuntu official? I mean, does canonical support it? | 16:46 |
xif | however, I don't know how to get those messages | 16:46 |
SeveredCross | xif: That it does. | 16:46 |
powergoal2 | mib_k18ntknl: is this useful?: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile | 16:46 |
xif | SeveredCross: cool... how do I read those messages? | 16:46 |
sampe1 | powergoal2: there is a connection. I can SSH and SCP, but it does not show up in the newtok listing in my nautilus | 16:46 |
SeveredCross | xif: It mails them to whoever is set as the maildrop for root...So, they're probably in /var/ somewhere. | 16:47 |
Tooplex | danbhfive:so my data "problems" shouldnt happen | 16:47 |
Tooplex | danbhfive: as ubuntu reconises NTFS | 16:47 |
SeveredCross | xif: Check /var/spool/mail. | 16:47 |
xif | SeveredCross: OK, checking | 16:47 |
sampe1 | harisund: dunno.. I know that it is advertised on the ubuntu site a flavour along with kubuntu and edubuntu | 16:47 |
xif | SeveredCross: emptry. | 16:47 |
eblume | Hi. I'm trying to set up a 32 bit chroot for my amd64 system to solve some linking issues. The guide I'm following says to run cdebootstrap -a i386, but I assume that's wrong since I have an amd processor. What 32 bit architecture should I target for amd? | 16:47 |
SeveredCross | It might require a mail daemon to send mail, though I'm not sure. | 16:47 |
powergoal2 | sampe1: if you can connect through ssh and whatnot, you should be able to type the IP into nautilus and connect that way | 16:47 |
SeveredCross | xif: It probably requires a daemon then. | 16:47 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: I believe so | 16:47 |
xif | SeveredCross: is there any other way to obtain cron's stderr/stdout then? | 16:47 |
powergoal2 | sampe1: the alternative is to use a terminal to navigate the other system | 16:48 |
SeveredCross | eblume: No, that's right. i386 is a generic term for any 386 or better processor. | 16:48 |
harisund | sampe1: oh ok, I am not really familiar with the website itself, just the mirrors for dowloading and stuff :) I will check it out, thanks | 16:48 |
gioele | hello | 16:48 |
xif | I tried syslog, it's not there... | 16:48 |
Tooplex | danbhfive: But what do you mean by a /home partion? | 16:48 |
SeveredCross | xif: You can have your script output them both to a file? | 16:48 |
eblume | SeveredCross, Thanks very much! | 16:48 |
aestrivex | perhaps this is a stupid question, but i just booted, found that initializing bluetooth was causing the boot process to perpetually hang, so i went into recovery mode, removed the bluetooth script from /etc/init.d/ since i figured i'd never use bluetooth. i have no idea why bluetooth was not initializing properly. for some reason this has caused my USB optical mouse not to function. how do i fix it? | 16:48 |
Tooplex | danbhfive: what does it do exactly? | 16:48 |
xif | SeveredCross: yeah, I would have expected it to be logged somewhere... | 16:48 |
xif | i.e. automatically. | 16:48 |
gioele | is there a way to import an x.509 certificate system wide so that all the applications of all the users can use it without additional steps? | 16:48 |
powergoal2 | aestrivex: you don't want to get rid of the script, in order to keep it from booting you want to remove it from your rc level | 16:49 |
xif | SeveredCross: but thanks, I'll just log them myself. | 16:49 |
chieffancypants | I can use windows fonts in linux can't I? | 16:50 |
aestrivex | powergoal2: maybe so, but in booting into recovery mode i didn't have a lot of options and removed the script because i knew that would probably fix the problem. either way thats what i did. | 16:50 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: well, the short answer is that /home is where all your settings and personal files get stored. If you ever reinstall, everything gets deleted. By putting /home on a separate partition, you can prevent /home from getting deleted, and this when you reinstall, all your files and settings get saved | 16:50 |
xnv | chieffancypants: http://www.google.com/search?name=f&hl=en&q=I+can+use+windows+fonts+in+linux+can't+I%3F | 16:50 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: but don't worry about that till you actually tried linux out | 16:50 |
dinar | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts | 16:50 |
Tooplex | danbhfive: ah i see well i have tryed the live cd that what makes me want to put ubuntu on my machine lol | 16:51 |
dinar | chieffancypants https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts | 16:51 |
powergoal2 | aestrivex: you might be able to get the script from the install cd, or maybe find it online. i don't know why this is happening though | 16:51 |
sampe1 | harisund: when installing ubuntu on a couple of older boxes I found the major limitation was RAM and disk size... if you are bellow 250 meg of ram and don't have enough disk space the install won't go... just remember that just pumping up those two parts doe snot mean you'll have a box worthy of serving media..... xubuntu is trimmed down GUI... I even use ubuntu server that runs without a head for servers... that is a great way to repurpose | 16:51 |
hosk | i just saw this crazy video where someone used a terminal command to change his desktop background to a playing video file, how did he do that? | 16:52 |
[ipc]-michael | yeah | 16:52 |
[ipc]-michael | net-split? | 16:52 |
gvk | he was chuck norris | 16:53 |
ncls | hi people, can anyone give me any help getting an external screen to work on a macbook running ubuntu 8.04? | 16:53 |
sampe1 | powergoal2: the goal is NOT to be stuck in a terminal all the time... I spend enough time in there for stuff... I like sometimes to just click and drag when organizing files... and it doesn't make sense why it would not work. | 16:53 |
harisund | sampe1: Precisely, repurpose is what I am trying to do ... I guess I will start with a server-install of Ubuntu and work from there | 16:53 |
Tooplex | So when i go to install ubuntu how do i get it to install to my 10 gb partion? When i went on the 64 bit installer there was like 3 options Whole hard drive, i cant remember second one and manuel | 16:53 |
Tooplex | i went on the manuel and wanting to install it to the 10gb confused the heck out of me | 16:53 |
null_byte | hi all.. someone has a solution to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=888686 ? please? | 16:54 |
powergoal2 | sampe1: sorry, im not the one to talk to about it then. i use console only | 16:54 |
Tooplex | Like it asked me for mount point, and what to format it to | 16:54 |
Tooplex | thats what i mainly want help with | 16:54 |
db92 | null_byte, either compromise, or consider asking in wine support chan :\ | 16:54 |
powergoal2 | Tooplex: the moutpoint you want is / for your root directory | 16:55 |
null_byte | ok db92:) | 16:55 |
sampe1 | harisund: if you start with a server install (no GUI mind you)... you can always try various flavours of window managers... if you just need a GUI initialy then try out fluxbox, or XFCE (whihc is what xubuntu uses anyways)... all can be installed via the command line using apt-get from the regular repose... just read the docs in the ubuntu forums. | 16:55 |
sampe1 | powergoal: thanks. | 16:55 |
powergoal2 | Tooplex: if you want the whole disk used the select whole disk. the problem with how ubuntu does that (in my opinion) is that it creates a number of partitions that i don't ever see being used. | 16:55 |
null_byte | db92: it says: invite only channel :| | 16:55 |
powergoal2 | sampe1: yeah, sorry | 16:55 |
db92 | null_byte, cant be :\\\ | 16:55 |
sampe1 | Anyone field some networking file system questions between two ubuntu boxes using a GUI like Nautilus? | 16:55 |
null_byte | try to join #wine | 16:55 |
db92 | ffs | 16:56 |
db92 | the chan is #winehq :\\\\ | 16:56 |
Tooplex | Powergoal: If i set it to / will that still make it reconise windows on the other partion? | 16:56 |
null_byte | oh ok | 16:56 |
null_byte | works :D thanks again db92 | 16:56 |
Greyhound|NB | what should I install in order to be able to open .rar files? | 16:56 |
powergoal2 | Tooplex: if you have a windows partition then don't use whole disk, but create the linux partition mount point as / to use it. it won't change anything about windows | 16:56 |
SNuxoll | Greyhound|NB: ubuntu-restricted-extras will install unrar | 16:57 |
powergoal2 | Greyhound|NB: i think there is an unrar utility | 16:57 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: your windows partition should be recognized later on in the install process. setting it to / will just allow ubuntu to install. The format should be ext3 | 16:57 |
=== sampe1 is now known as samper | ||
RainCT | Greyhound|NB: install unrar-nonfree | 16:57 |
AdvoWork | how can u tell if a cronjob is currently running? | 16:57 |
sidewalk | can anyone recommend any application for linux that is like Windows Movie Maker? | 16:57 |
SNuxoll | Greyhound|NB: file-roller is capable of using unrar as a backend, so you can open archives like you normally do | 16:57 |
powergoal2 | RainCT: can you use !<packagename> to get info on any package in the repos? | 16:57 |
Tooplex | powergoal12/danbhfive: So doing that wont touch my windows partion at all? | 16:58 |
SNuxoll | powergoal2: no, !info <packagename> | 16:58 |
Greyhound|NB | thanks | 16:58 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: yep | 16:58 |
bullgard4 | "~$ showkey -s; Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console." How to get rid of this error? | 16:58 |
powergoal2 | SNuxoll: cool, thanks | 16:58 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: and the windows install should be automatically recognized and installed into the bootloader. | 16:59 |
l3x | can anyone please tell me how to move my /home folder to another partition? i formated my c: to ext3 (totally erased window$) and now i want to use that patition as /home. how do i do that??? | 16:59 |
alec | im having problems using an ipod in linux, get error message when i try to load ipod in gtk pod. any suggestions? | 16:59 |
Tooplex | Ok thanks Is there a IRC client in the live cd in case i need help with the install later on? | 16:59 |
SNuxoll | l3x: copy the *CONTENTS* of your home to that partition | 16:59 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: you are in a VT not in gnome or kde right? | 16:59 |
danbhfive | l3x: I had a webpage on it at some point | 17:00 |
kitche | Tooplex: yes xchat | 17:00 |
frojnd | What does that mean if I use Legacy driver hardware ? I got thatmesage when I've started elisa. Any thoughts ? | 17:00 |
kitche | Tooplex: to be more precise xchat-gnome | 17:00 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: I think there is pidgin actually | 17:00 |
SNuxoll | l3x: so in the root of that partition you should have folders for all your users, after you are done | 17:00 |
l3x | SNuxoll: then, i have to change my user /home path to that folder and make it mount as /home right? | 17:00 |
SNuxoll | l3x: then after that you just need to modify your fstab | 17:00 |
frojnd | And another question. How can I turn off awn ? | 17:00 |
SNuxoll | l3x: no, the home path doesn't need to be changed | 17:00 |
Tooplex | Thought Pidgin is just a msn client? | 17:00 |
powergoal2 | l3x: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/redhat-fedora-linux-help/11654-how-change-dir-if-missing-user-home-directory.html | 17:00 |
teratoma_ | what font does 'pterm' use? i would like to use it in gnome-terminal | 17:01 |
SNuxoll | l3x: since when you mount the partition as /home it'll be in the same location | 17:01 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: Yes. | 17:01 |
nixnoob | Tooplex: no it can handle many protocols | 17:01 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: I dunno, I use it for irc :P | 17:01 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: you are trying to identify a keycode, right? | 17:01 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: Yes. | 17:01 |
l3x | SNuxoll: thanx very much | 17:01 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: but I suspect that xchat may not be on the livecd | 17:01 |
SNuxoll | l3x: no problem, 's what I'm here for :) | 17:01 |
thesaint4444 | hi guys, trying to use visudo but for some strange reason the normal vim commands won't work. I can't insert.. any suggestions? thanks. | 17:02 |
l3x | heh :) | 17:02 |
powergoal2 | !info xev | bullgard4 | 17:02 |
ubottu | bullgard4: Package xev does not exist in hardy | 17:02 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: lookup a program called xev. it will show you all sorts of keycode info inside X | 17:03 |
Tooplex | Well thanks for everything danbhfive/Powergoal12/Kitche you were a great help :) | 17:03 |
SNuxoll | !search xev | 17:03 |
ubottu | Found: | 17:03 |
SNuxoll | !find xev | 17:03 |
ubottu | Found: libxcb-xevie0, libxcb-xevie0-dbg, libxcb-xevie0-dev, libxevie-dev, libxevie1 (and 2 others) | 17:03 |
danbhfive | Tooplex: yourwelcome! | 17:03 |
Tooplex | If i need more help ill come back here | 17:03 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: http://www.xfree86.org/current/xev.1.html | 17:03 |
Tooplex | Bye | 17:03 |
thesaint4444 | how do I insert text into the sudoers file on heron via visudo ? thanks. | 17:04 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: Ihave been using xev in the past. I would like to run the showkey command. | 17:04 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: hit "i" to go into insert mode | 17:04 |
bringatowel | does anyone know how to configure mpdscribble after installing the package? | 17:04 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: type whatever you want, hit ESC to back out into command mode | 17:04 |
eblume | Hmm. cdebootstrap seems to be failing with at P: Configuring helper cdebootstrap-helper-apt | 17:04 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: then type :wq to save and exit | 17:04 |
eblume | Does anyone know about that? | 17:04 |
thesaint4444 | SNuxoll: thats the problem... it doesnt work! I use vim all the time. | 17:04 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: well, to be honest, you don't need to use visudo to edit your sudoers file | 17:05 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: any text editor will work | 17:05 |
thesaint4444 | SNuxoll: for some strange reason it won't go into insert mode. | 17:05 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: just make sure that you don't have any wonky syntax or your sudo will be fubar'ed | 17:05 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: have you tried running it as root? sudo showkey -s ? | 17:05 |
thesaint4444 | SNuxoll: cool.. thats what I will do then. | 17:05 |
eblume | Is anyone here familiar with cdebootstrap? | 17:06 |
xintron_ | How do I check which kernel I'm running? | 17:06 |
=== xintron_ is now known as xintron | ||
eblume | Is there an alternative to cdebootstrap I can try, since it seems to be hanging? | 17:07 |
SNuxoll | xintron: uname -r | 17:07 |
thesaint4444 | SNuxoll: ok, thanks. and I suppose just change the permissions to edit and then change them back again? | 17:08 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: 'sudo showkey -s' produces strange results: It scrolls an empty xterm up. Later the prompt appears to the left but the xterm keeps scrolling up. | 17:08 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: no | 17:08 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: you are in an xterm? | 17:08 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: sudo vi /etc/sudoers | 17:08 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: Yes sir. | 17:08 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: should just work | 17:08 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: thats the problem | 17:08 |
xintron | SNuxoll: Thanks. I'm running 2.6.24-19. Can someone tell my why virtualbox (with modules-2.6.24-19-generic) complains about wrong version: "The VirtualBox support driver which is running is from a different version of VirtualBox. You can correct this by stopping all running instances of VirtualBox and reinstalling the software.." | 17:08 |
gvk | sudo visudo | 17:08 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: you have to be in a virtual terminal | 17:08 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: xterm is a virtual terminal. | 17:09 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: switch to the terminal with ctrl+alt+f1 - f6 and login. then use showkey -s | 17:09 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: oh, you're right. you need the terminal | 17:09 |
powergoal2 | bullgard4: my bad guy | 17:09 |
thesaint4444 | SNuxoll: no, the system has it set up as read only but default.... | 17:09 |
jersson | alguien que em diga como instalar el wine | 17:10 |
thesaint4444 | SNuxoll: sorry, by default.. | 17:10 |
shadowhywind | ok back with major issue # 2. When i try to boot i am getting crc error followed by Kernel panic - not Syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) | 17:10 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: ahh, yeah | 17:10 |
jersson | alguien qu eme diga como linstalar el wine | 17:10 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: sudo chmod o+w /etc/sudoers && sudo vi /etc/sound/ && chmod o-w /etc/sudoers | 17:11 |
powergoal2 | shadowhywind: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-27709.html | 17:11 |
magnetron | jersson, spanish? portugese? | 17:11 |
samper | sorry folks,, got bounced... was someone answering my networking via Nautilus questions? | 17:11 |
SNuxoll | thesaint4444: err, u+w, not o+w | 17:11 |
shadowhywind | powergoal2: will look and see thanks | 17:11 |
jersson | alguien que me diga como instalar el wine | 17:11 |
jersson | alguien que me diga como instaklar el winw | 17:11 |
magnetron | !english | jersson | 17:12 |
ikonia | !es > jersson | 17:12 |
ubottu | jersson, please see my private message | 17:12 |
ubottu | jersson: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 17:12 |
Swarming | Good afternoon. New to Ubuntu and the community. Is there a downloadable version of the documentation for Ubuntu? | 17:12 |
bullgard4 | powergoal2: 'showkey -s' works all right in a virtual console. | 17:12 |
ikonia | Swarming: you get the basic docs in /usr/share/docs | 17:12 |
ikonia | Swarming: tons more on line | 17:12 |
jersson | alguien que me diga como instalar wine | 17:12 |
Swarming | thank you | 17:12 |
=== kevin__ is now known as hotmonkeyluv | ||
jersson | vivora | 17:13 |
mrtubby | does anybody know if i will break ubuntu by "chown root:www-data /home" | 17:13 |
=== powergoal2 is now known as powergoal_AWAY | ||
ikonia | mrtubby: why would you want to do that ? | 17:14 |
ikonia | mrtubby: what is your end goal ? | 17:14 |
hotmonkeyluv | does ubuntu come with LVM support if you don't use the server edition? And can you compile in PAE to the regular kernel after you install it? | 17:14 |
ikonia | hotmonkeyluv: you can't compile anything into a binary kernel | 17:14 |
hotmonkeyluv | oh | 17:14 |
ikonia | hotmonkeyluv: lvm packages are available for the desktop version | 17:14 |
ikonia | hotmonkeyluv: just not at install time | 17:14 |
hotmonkeyluv | ok | 17:14 |
hotmonkeyluv | hrm | 17:14 |
hotmonkeyluv | thanks! | 17:15 |
summatusmentis | win! I've got Ubuntu booting from USB stick :) | 17:15 |
Afflicted | how to change apt-get mirror location? | 17:15 |
ikonia | Afflicted: change /etc/apt/sources.list | 17:15 |
Afflicted | thanks | 17:15 |
jersson | alguien que me diga como instalar el wine | 17:16 |
mrtubby | Ikonia, in the end i want to have a web service make home directories | 17:16 |
ikonia | jersson: english please | 17:16 |
ikonia | !es | jersson | 17:16 |
ubottu | jersson: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 17:16 |
jersson | alguien que me diga como instalar el wine | 17:16 |
ikonia | mrtubby: "make" as in create new | 17:16 |
mrtubby | aye | 17:16 |
jersson | #ubuntu-es | 17:16 |
jersson | alguien que me diga como instalar el wine | 17:17 |
ikonia | mrtubby: well the "web service" should be doing things with root privileges | 17:17 |
ikonia | jersson: please stop | 17:17 |
magnetron | jersson, /j #ubuntu-es | 17:17 |
ikonia | mrtubby: eg: if they can't execute useradd as root - whats the point of letting them create /home directories | 17:17 |
mrtubby | seriously? apache has root priv | 17:17 |
ikonia | mrtubby: no - it doesn't and it shouldn't | 17:17 |
mrtubby | thank god | 17:17 |
SNuxoll | mrtubby: by default apache doesn't have root privelages, and it shouldn't | 17:17 |
ikonia | mrtubby: but without root privileges how do you expect it to create a user | 17:17 |
mrtubby | long huge thing in short i'm using pam-mysql and managing users via a web interface | 17:18 |
ikonia | mrtubby: again - how do you expect users to be created ? | 17:18 |
ikonia | mrtubby: what are you authing? physical users or virtual web users ? | 17:19 |
ikonia | authing I mean | 17:19 |
mrtubby | physical, but with pam-mysql and nss-mysql you can have a linux box use a mysql database instead of shadow/group/passwd | 17:19 |
mrtubby | soo i make the user via sql | 17:20 |
gisli | hastala vista babe | 17:20 |
Koenie12345 | never seen so much people in an irc channel | 17:20 |
Koenie12345 | lol | 17:20 |
Tooplex | Hello again | 17:20 |
mib_79g8abkn | hey folks, I'm new here | 17:20 |
ikonia | mrtubby:I see, so I'd suggest looking at either setuid on somethin glike mkdir, or an no password sudo for the apache owner on mkdir | 17:20 |
gisli | is this ubuntu server | 17:20 |
mib_79g8abkn | I've got a bit of an issue, I'm at a dead end | 17:20 |
genius | on default configuration (i don't use gui and desktop) i have /etc/network/interface -> iface eth0 inet dhcp -> which does not auto-sense if the cable is present. So it boots up very long and i have to restart networking to be able to connect/disconnect cable. How to fix ? | 17:20 |
Tooplex | I need some more help | 17:21 |
mrtubby | i didn't know the no password sudo was possible | 17:21 |
ikonia | mrtubby: sure is | 17:21 |
mib_79g8abkn | if anyone's willing to help, please message me :) | 17:21 |
ikonia | mrtubby: visudo /etc/sudoers | 17:21 |
mrtubby | right with a line like "www-data ALL:(ALL) /path to script" | 17:21 |
danbhfive | mib_79g8abkn: just post what your problem is to the chat | 17:21 |
mrtubby | damn faces | 17:21 |
ikonia | mrtubby: not quite, but that sort of thing, yes | 17:22 |
gisli | mama mia let me go again my my having a good time | 17:22 |
mrtubby | okay i'm off to the google tron thanks | 17:22 |
ikonia | gisli: please stop messing around | 17:22 |
ikonia | gisli: as you can see the channel is busy, so random noise makes it harder to follow | 17:22 |
gisli | wy that was a good song | 17:22 |
mib_79g8abkn | http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/2546/bahlo7.png <-- anyone know anything on this? | 17:22 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: what is that, looks like a website | 17:22 |
mib_79g8abkn | happens to only specific users | 17:23 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: what does ? | 17:23 |
mib_79g8abkn | trying to go to say cnn.com or msn.com | 17:23 |
mib_79g8abkn | it takes them there | 17:23 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: most probably typo | 17:23 |
mib_79g8abkn | it's not | 17:23 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: looks like a squatting domain | 17:23 |
gisli | how do i make an WPA file on my computer | 17:23 |
mib_79g8abkn | squatting domain? (googles) | 17:23 |
thesaint4444 | how do I boot into recovery mode on hardy heron? thanks. | 17:23 |
ikonia | thesaint4444: boot - and select "recovery mode" from your grub menu | 17:24 |
mib_79g8abkn | oh | 17:24 |
Tooplex | For dual booting linux and windows, what do i format the linux partion to? Primary or Logical? | 17:24 |
thesaint4444 | ikonia: stupid question... thanks. | 17:24 |
mib_79g8abkn | it's not squatting | 17:24 |
ikonia | Tooplex: doesn't matter | 17:24 |
mib_79g8abkn | that's the legit url, works on my pc or any of yours probably | 17:24 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: well, its not the right domain | 17:24 |
danbhfive | mib_79g8abkn: are they using windows? | 17:24 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: what domain are they visiting when they see hat | 17:24 |
ikonia | that | 17:24 |
mib_79g8abkn | yes | 17:24 |
mib_79g8abkn | www.cnn.com | 17:24 |
mib_79g8abkn | or msn.com | 17:25 |
FloodBot1 | mib_79g8abkn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:25 |
mib_79g8abkn | some for yahoo.com | 17:25 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: why are you asking in an ubuntu channel if they are using windows | 17:25 |
mib_79g8abkn | sorry | 17:25 |
Tooplex | ikonia: are you sure, because i want the bootloader to still reconise windows on the same hard drive? | 17:25 |
danbhfive | mib_79g8abkn: maybe its a virus, or the dns server has been hacked | 17:25 |
mib_79g8abkn | i was directed here :( | 17:25 |
ikonia | Tooplex: what are you talking about ? | 17:25 |
ikonia | Tooplex: you asked how to boot into recovery mode | 17:25 |
ikonia | Tooplex: ahhh no, that wasn't you | 17:25 |
ikonia | Tooplex: what was your question | 17:25 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: who by | 17:25 |
mib_79g8abkn | is there a different channel or server I ought to try? | 17:25 |
Tooplex | ikonia: lol i asked | 17:25 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: ##windows | 17:25 |
mib_79g8abkn | thanks ikonia, sorry for the inconvenience | 17:26 |
ikonia | mib_79g8abkn: not at all | 17:26 |
danbhfive | mib_79g8abkn: are you running the server? | 17:26 |
gnumm | whith which virtualbox version should i test ubuntu 8.10? desktop or alternate CD ? | 17:26 |
ikonia | Guest28823: doesn't matter, your choice | 17:26 |
Tooplex | ikonia: For dual booting Linux and windows (windows is already installed on this hard drive) what do i format my ubuntu partion to? Primary or Logical? | 17:26 |
ikonia | oops | 17:26 |
ikonia | Guest28823: doesn't mater | 17:26 |
ikonia | Tooplex: yes, it really doesn't matter | 17:26 |
Ab3L | hello | 17:26 |
gisli | helo how can i make an WPA file on my laptop | 17:27 |
ikonia | gnumm: it doesn't matter, use what ever you want | 17:27 |
Tooplex | ikonia: what about the location of the partion? Beginning or End? | 17:27 |
ikonia | Tooplex: doesn't matter | 17:27 |
Tooplex | ikonia: ok thanks | 17:27 |
gnumm | ikonia: i heard many problems about intrepid + virtualbox | 17:27 |
ikonia | gnumm: thats because intreipid is still unstable | 17:27 |
ikonia | gnumm: you will have problems with it | 17:27 |
gnumm | i know | 17:27 |
ikonia | gnumm: ok - so whats the problem ? | 17:28 |
gnumm | i mean problems with the installations | 17:28 |
ikonia | it's unstable | 17:28 |
gnumm | kernel panics in virtualbox | 17:28 |
ikonia | there are problems | 17:28 |
ikonia | gnumm: interipd is dicussied in #ubuntu+1 | 17:28 |
gnumm | ok | 17:28 |
ikonia | discussed even | 17:28 |
cannibisi | Hi I was wondering if anybody could please help me. I have a Radeon HD 2600 512mb in my laptop and cant seem to find the drivers for it since I installed Ubuntu. I have instructions on how to make it work but it says i need something called Git-Core. Can anybody help me out? I'd really appreciate it.. | 17:29 |
ikonia | !ati > cannibisi | 17:29 |
ubottu | cannibisi, please see my private message | 17:29 |
ikonia | cannibisi: check out the info ubottu sent you first | 17:29 |
hotmonkeyluv | is it possible to have two partitions for swap space? | 17:29 |
ikonia | hotmonkeyluv: can have as many as you want | 17:29 |
cannibisi | Thanks very much I'll read it now | 17:29 |
hotmonkeyluv | ikonia, yay! | 17:29 |
ikonia | cannibisi: may save you some time | 17:29 |
hotmonkeyluv | thanks | 17:29 |
Ax-Ax | /grep ax-ax | 17:31 |
Ax-Ax | oh | 17:31 |
StellarPrince | anyone here wants to participate in a friendly chess tournament? | 17:33 |
hotmonkeyluv | how big should my root directory be if i'm not planning on installing a whole bunch of stuff? | 17:33 |
ikonia | StellarPrince: please don't recuirt for that sort of thing | 17:34 |
StellarPrince | ok | 17:34 |
ikonia | hotmonkeyluv: your call, 4GB is pretty much the same minimum | 17:34 |
ikonia | safe | 17:34 |
ikonia | not same | 17:34 |
gvk | hotmonkeyluv: /root or / ? | 17:34 |
gisli | helo gay people | 17:34 |
alraune | hotmonkeyluv: least 10 G | 17:34 |
ikonia | !ak gisli | 17:34 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ak gisli | 17:34 |
hotmonkeyluv | gvk, / | 17:34 |
alraune | !ot |gisli | 17:35 |
ubottu | gisli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 17:35 |
hotmonkeyluv | alraune, thanks | 17:35 |
alraune | hotmonkeyluv: love you, lol | 17:36 |
mrpiracy | i have 3 sound cards in my pc (running hardy). how can i set a default card to be played by all programs (ie. songbird)? | 17:37 |
cannibisi | Anyone know how to "stretch" my screen out? Ubuntu had made it much smaller, lots of black on left and right of screen | 17:37 |
mib_k18ntknl | any kernel expert over here???? | 17:38 |
danbhfive | cannibisi: you sure it just isnt a monitor function? | 17:38 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: ask the questions | 17:38 |
gvk | cannibisi: You need to set x to your lcd's navice resolution. | 17:38 |
mib_k18ntknl | any kernel expert over here???? | 17:38 |
gvk | native* | 17:38 |
thesaint4444 | ikonia: thanks... fixed | 17:38 |
ikonia | thesaint4444: excellent, well done | 17:38 |
cannibisi | gvk: how do I go about that? | 17:38 |
danbhfive | mib_k18ntknl: you won't find kernel experts here, but feel free to ask your question | 17:38 |
danbhfive | mib_k18ntknl: (at least I don't think you will) | 17:39 |
alraune | mrpiracy : i.e. alsamixer | 17:39 |
gvk | cannibisi: System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution | 17:39 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: how to recompile a single kernel module??? | 17:39 |
mrpiracy | alraune, i should install it? | 17:39 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: depends on the modules and its dependencies | 17:39 |
IMPOSIBLE | hi | 17:39 |
ikonia | IMPOSIBLE: hello | 17:40 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: i was successfull apt-get all the dependencies.. | 17:40 |
cannibisi | gvk: Ah yes i thought so, it only lets me go to 1024 x 768 as my graphics card isnt installed yet (working on it still but i dont know linux command line very well yet) | 17:40 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: which dependencies ? | 17:40 |
=== IMPOSIBLE is now known as Pile-Malo | ||
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: you've not told me which module ? | 17:40 |
alraune | mrpiracy : (as root) apt-get install alsa-base alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-oss alsa-source alsa-toolsalsa-tools-guialsa-utils alsamixergui | 17:40 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: libncurses5 ...blablabla n now i can compile it from a kernel source | 17:41 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: curses is not a kernel module | 17:41 |
NOT_guru | hello all | 17:41 |
gvk | cannibisi: Go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and install the driver from there. | 17:41 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: but it doesn't create me an initialramdisk in /boot | 17:41 |
Pile-Malo | module is loader cofinng sys | 17:41 |
Pile-Malo | :D | 17:41 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: if you want help - answer the questions | 17:41 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: "what module" | 17:41 |
KilleR | haj tisina | 17:41 |
KilleR | sad svi | 17:41 |
KilleR | :) | 17:41 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:i mean dependencies | 17:41 |
cannibisi | Gvk: In order to install the drivers for my radeon HD, I have to " Install linux-restricted-modules and restricted-manager provided in the restricted repositories"... but I do not know how to do this. Can you give me any commands? | 17:41 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: what module | 17:41 |
Pile-Malo | cofing sys | 17:41 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:DRM | 17:42 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: drm ? | 17:42 |
dusty_ | Hey guys I am trying to make a firewall like so: Default deny all unless i specifically allow it. I allow ssh and DNS (as its a nameserver). Everything else gets dropped, how can i log the 'everything else' that gets dropped.. ? my ruleset so far is: http://rafb.net/p/AhSDIF36.html i know i use -j LOG but do i do it on the policy lines or how would i achieve this ? | 17:42 |
Pile-Malo | hehe | 17:42 |
Pile-Malo | :D | 17:42 |
KilleR | Jebeli li vas ko zasto ? | 17:42 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: be specific, what kernel module do you want ? | 17:42 |
danbhfive | cannibisi: can you start the restricted-manger? | 17:42 |
Pile-Malo | hehe | 17:42 |
ikonia | KilleR: what language ? | 17:42 |
ikonia | Pile-Malo: what ? | 17:42 |
mrpiracy | alraune, u reckon it will be recognized by all players? | 17:42 |
KilleR | zacepi | 17:42 |
KilleR | niti jedne | 17:42 |
ikonia | Pile-Malo: why do you keep saying he he | 17:42 |
KilleR | nije ovo merhamet | 17:42 |
Pile-Malo | who is client module xait | 17:42 |
Gost_34747 | Poz | 17:42 |
KilleR | hajmo svi lagano | 17:42 |
=== Gost_34747 is now known as s3m1r | ||
Pile-Malo | poz | 17:42 |
KilleR | gasenje :) | 17:42 |
KilleR | pc-a | 17:43 |
Pile-Malo | polo me vragec po admina da mi date | 17:43 |
s3m1r | jedva udjoh | 17:43 |
s3m1r | lol | 17:43 |
Pile-Malo | hehe | 17:43 |
Pile-Malo | :D | 17:43 |
Pile-Malo | hehehe | 17:43 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: yes..i already set DRM=m | 17:43 |
FloodBot1 | Pile-Malo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:43 |
alraune | mrpiracy : hpefully | 17:43 |
Pile-Malo | jao jao | 17:43 |
Pile-Malo | :D | 17:43 |
danbhfive | I think the channel is being spammed | 17:43 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: then the module is already built and you just need to load it | 17:43 |
s3m1r | imal ovde nasih ? | 17:43 |
dusty_ | Anyone ? | 17:43 |
s3m1r | balkanaca | 17:43 |
s3m1r | :D | 17:43 |
gvk | cannibisi: type in a terminal sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules | 17:43 |
KilleR | §§§ | 17:43 |
KilleR | §§§§§§§ | 17:43 |
KilleR | §§§§§§§§§§ | 17:43 |
KilleR | §§§§§§§§§§§§ | 17:43 |
KilleR | §§§§§§§§§§ | 17:43 |
FloodBot1 | KilleR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:43 |
mrpiracy | alraune, thx | 17:43 |
KilleR | §§§ | 17:44 |
KilleR | §§§§§§§ | 17:44 |
KilleR | §§§§§§§§§§ | 17:44 |
FloodBot1 | KilleR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:44 |
gvk | cannibisi: and then sudo aptitude install restricted-manager | 17:44 |
mrpiracy | does anyone know how to stream to a shoutcast server from songbird? | 17:44 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: but it was in the new kernel ramdisk | 17:44 |
aestrivex | upon booting, the sound played when loading the login screen has decided to perpetually repeat itself. how do i turn it off? | 17:44 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia i can't get it inside /boot | 17:44 |
alraune | mrpiracy : sudo apt-get install kmix, direct changing in gui | 17:45 |
mrpiracy | alraune, it works ;) | 17:45 |
alraune | mrpiracy : sudo apt-get install kmix, direct changing in gui | 17:45 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: where i can only get the default one(initrd-2.6.24-18-lpia | 17:45 |
cannibisi | gvk: It says Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules | 17:45 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: what do you want to do exectly, your not making any sense | 17:45 |
NOT_guru | question, I had installed Hardy onto a system with a 690g onboard video, which ran ok, then I installed a x1950 ultra as it was on a shelf. now my videois all.... "flashy" when doing anything in openGL | 17:45 |
aestrivex | upon booting, the sound played when loading the login screen has decided to perpetually repeat itself. how do i turn it off? | 17:45 |
askand | I try to install Ubuntu 8.04.1 and all I get is a busybox, ideas? | 17:46 |
cannibisi | gvk: and with the restricted-manager-kde | 17:46 |
mrpiracy | alraune, is it for kde? | 17:46 |
mrpiracy | alraune, i under gnome | 17:46 |
gvk | cannibisi: What does it say when you type in a terminal uname -r | 17:46 |
NOT_guru | is this ATI / AMD just not doing OpenGL with its driver | 17:47 |
NOT_guru | or | 17:47 |
aestrivex | upon booting, the sound played when loading the login screen has decided to perpetually repeat itself. how do i turn it off? | 17:47 |
yukho | allow vanni | 17:47 |
cannibisi | gvk: it says "2.6.22-14-generic" | 17:47 |
NOT_guru | doing it well is guess is more precise | 17:47 |
gvk | cannibisi: Why don't you update your kernel? | 17:47 |
cannibisi | gvk: I wouldnt know how lol, I am very new to linux, | 17:48 |
mrpiracy | does anyone know how to stream to a shoutcast server from songbird? | 17:48 |
danbhfive | cannibisi: are you running ubuntu or kubuntu? | 17:48 |
gvk | cannibisi: Did you install any updates? | 17:48 |
aestrivex | upon booting, the sound played when loading the login screen has decided to perpetually repeat itself. how do i turn it off? | 17:48 |
Warped | how do I restart a dist upgrade after a restart? | 17:48 |
cannibisi | ubuntu | 17:48 |
cannibisi | umm no no updates yet | 17:49 |
danbhfive | Warped: I think you just run the command again | 17:49 |
cannibisi | only just got the wireless card working | 17:49 |
danbhfive | cannibisi: can you start the restricted-manager? | 17:49 |
slayton | sometimes when I open PDFs the font is all screwed up(looks really ragged like a scanned doc from the 90s), but when I highlight the font gets better is there anyway to force the use of a font in the pdf? | 17:49 |
cannibisi | danbhfive: negative | 17:49 |
gvk | cannibisi: Go to System -> Administration -> Update Manager | 17:49 |
gvk | cannibisi: Click on Check and Install Updates | 17:49 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: did you compile a kernel module before? | 17:50 |
aestrivex | upon booting, the sound played when loading the login screen has decided to perpetually repeat itself. how do i turn it off? | 17:50 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: yes many times | 17:50 |
cannibisi | gvk: rodger that, updating now. | 17:50 |
mrtubby | ikonia: Thanks once again works beautifully | 17:50 |
alraune | mrpiracy : sudo apt-get install kmix, direct changing in gui , gnome np | 17:50 |
ikonia | mrtubby: welcome. Well done | 17:50 |
harisund | Ok I have configured my Ubuntu box to be a internet-sharing | 17:50 |
harisund | router, alogn with a DHCP server etc. On the LAN side I have | 17:50 |
harisund | added a switch and 2 wireless access points, with different | 17:50 |
harisund | SSIDs. Is there anyway Ubuntu can tell from which wireless | 17:50 |
harisund | network a DHCP request was made? | 17:50 |
FloodBot1 | harisund: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:50 |
Warped | /disconnect | 17:50 |
danbhfive | cannibisi: also, go to System > Admin > Hardwaredrivers | 17:50 |
aestrivex | upon booting, the sound played when loading the login screen has decided to perpetually repeat itself. how do i turn it off? | 17:51 |
aestrivex | this sound is seriously annoying | 17:51 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:did you know what is initialramdisk | 17:51 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: sure | 17:51 |
gvk | cannibisi: You will need to restart the computer after it finishes installing the updates. | 17:52 |
danbhfive | aestrivex: try System > Prefs > Sound. You can turn off the bootup sound there, but that doesnt really fix the problem | 17:52 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:how to create an initialramdisk??? using mkinitramfs | 17:53 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: what do you want to put in it ? | 17:53 |
cannibisi | There sure is a lot of "unknown" stuff in my device manager | 17:53 |
cannibisi | im downloading the updates now | 17:53 |
chimp | What command will show you all the created users on a system? (not the logged in ones) | 17:55 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:my question is how to create it instead of what to put........ | 17:55 |
MrVirus | any one what the proper flash plugin or package is that will work with ubuntu | 17:55 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: what do you want to put in it ? | 17:55 |
ikonia | MrVirus: if you install the package "flashplugin-nonfree" you'll get the official plugin sorted | 17:55 |
joaopinto | chimp, cat /etc/passwd | 17:56 |
Blinkiz | I want to change screen resolution with a command prompt command. Am using nvidia drivers. Any suggestion what that command line can be? It should be in effect directly and not after X restart. | 17:56 |
alraune | MrVirus: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:56 |
infexion | MrVirus: There are some issues with the flashplugin-nonfree that I have encountered but on the other hand I have not tried the other plugins | 17:56 |
chimp | joaopinto: thanks | 17:56 |
aestrivex | disabling the login sound in the preferences menu and restarting had no effect; the login sound is still playing perpetually after the login screen | 17:57 |
Gnea | !flash | MrVirus | 17:57 |
ubottu | MrVirus: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 17:57 |
infexion | yeah I know what you mean aestrivex | 17:57 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:do you have any suggestion? | 17:57 |
infexion | it is like the login window has its own set of preferences | 17:57 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: what do you want to put in it | 17:57 |
MrVirus | so the restrictive is the better bet? | 17:57 |
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix-da-catz | ||
=== stickwithjosh is now known as joshuablount | ||
infexion | MrVirus: I do not know specifically I do not think it could hurt to try the other ones... | 17:58 |
CRASH69 | if 2 machines in the same LAN, how do I acces the otherone with a remote desktop, do I need to install something? | 17:58 |
ikonia | MrVirus: it's the same thing | 17:58 |
aestrivex | GAH HOW DO I TURN THIS DAMN SOUND OFF | 17:58 |
infexion | I know the flashplugin-nonfree works for the most part | 17:58 |
Blinkiz | I want to change screen resolution without having to use a GUI tool. The best would be only a command line to type in a terminal window. Am using Nvidia drivers and have nvidia-xconfig and nvidia-settings. Any suggestion how to change screen resolution from a terminal window? | 17:58 |
ikonia | MrVirus: just "more" packages grouped | 17:58 |
MrVirus | ahh ok | 17:58 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:something to do with kernel config | 17:59 |
hyperair | the power management icon thing doesn't detect when a notebook battery is removed. is this normal? | 17:59 |
aestrivex | is there some process that governs the login sound that i can kill in order to shut this off? | 17:59 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: could you explain what you want to put in please. | 17:59 |
MrVirus | i know i've downloaded and installed it thru FF3.. but every page that contains flash will not show the flash media | 17:59 |
infexion | uhh let me look it up | 17:59 |
andi__ | Is there a nice gui to view mysql databases? | 17:59 |
ikonia | MrVirus: shouldn't have done it that way | 18:00 |
Gnea | andi__: phpymyadmin, mysql-navigator | 18:00 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: then any idea?> | 18:00 |
linuxkrn | hey guys, got a small problem with booting a dmraid. I have successfully installed grub (it boots the initramfs and my XP partition) but for some reason the kernel can't see the root partition and I think it needs to be told to do dmraid for the rest of the boot...somehow Checked the how-to but it appears for 7.10, any suggestions? | 18:00 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: if you answer my question I may be able to help, but you seem to persistantly dodge it, I'll ask one more time | 18:01 |
infexion | for shutting off login sound goto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5030262 | 18:01 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: "what do you want to put in / update for your init ram disk" | 18:01 |
MrVirus | ikonia : i think i'm figuring that out.. | 18:01 |
MrVirus | is there any way to undo that .. and install the restrictive or other plugins for flash | 18:01 |
Gnea | aestrivex: first of all, you're going to need to calm down. second, have you been able to change the sound for login to something else? | 18:01 |
ikonia | MrVirus: sorry, if you install the package it should overwrite, you may want to look in your home directory for the flash plugin and consider removing it fist | 18:01 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: to load the vmlinuz | 18:02 |
infexion | System->Preferences->Sound->Sounds or System->Administration->Login Window->Accessibility. | 18:02 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: your not listening - what exactly do you wish to put in the ram disk (and if possible why do you want to put it in) | 18:02 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: i think i better get to sleep | 18:03 |
benzss | suppose i want to convert a .mp4 movie to .avi... how would i go about doing this? | 18:03 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: how hard is it to just say what you want to put in your ram disk | 18:03 |
Tooplex | Ive now installed ubuntu, is there any vital things i should install to ubuntu? | 18:03 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: just explain what module it is and, if possible why | 18:03 |
ikonia | Tooplex: install what "you" want | 18:03 |
Gnea | benzss: avidemux or ffmpeg | 18:03 |
Tooplex | ikonia: but is there anything VITAL that i need to install? | 18:04 |
benzss | Gnea: thanks | 18:04 |
ikonia | Tooplex: whats VITAL to me may be nothing to you | 18:04 |
ikonia | Tooplex: there is nothing that will stop ubuntu working | 18:04 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:well....i don't think you understand | 18:04 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: could you explain then | 18:04 |
TheMaxzilla | You probably should install codecs for video, if you are going to watch movies. | 18:04 |
Tooplex | ikonia: how do install flash to ubuntu? | 18:05 |
ikonia | Tooplex: install the package flashplugin-nonfree | 18:05 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: iegd_mod inserting into drm | 18:05 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: that doesn't make any sense | 18:05 |
ikonia | you want a module called iegd_mod ? | 18:05 |
Tooplex | thank you ikonia Your a great help :) | 18:06 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: is an intel graphics card | 18:06 |
Num83rGuy | What do you plan to use the computer for the most part? | 18:06 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: I mean iegd_mod is for an intel graphics card | 18:06 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: i have a module call iegd_mod and it's about to insert to the DRM | 18:06 |
himerx | wheres drivers for rtl8185 wireless card ????? ? help me | 18:06 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: drm ?? thats a kernel module too | 18:07 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: you don't insert one kernel module into another | 18:07 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:yes..intel embedded | 18:07 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: yes, thats right, I see what the module does | 18:07 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: but I don't understand what you want to do | 18:07 |
TheMaxzilla | Tooplex: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37201/ | 18:07 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:so now is that possible i get into your PM? | 18:07 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: I'd rather you just talk in the channel please. | 18:08 |
Tooplex | Dont worry TheMaxzilla ive already installed it | 18:08 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:just want to make sure we done before... | 18:08 |
alec | im hqaving trouble using 3rd gen ipod nano in ubuntu. can anyone help? | 18:09 |
TheMaxzilla | Sorry about that, Tooplex. :p | 18:09 |
chieffancypants | is there a way to view what's in the filesystem cache? | 18:09 |
Tooplex | No problem | 18:09 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: the matter is after i recompile the kernel module from the source, it leaves the new kernel config and vmlinuz and system.map in the boot dir | 18:09 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:so the next is i having problem for the grub to call the new kernel | 18:10 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: why have you recompiled a kernel module | 18:10 |
TheMaxzilla | alex: I guess mine works with banshee, but I'm not sure if it's 3rd gen. | 18:10 |
ikonia | mib_k18ntknl: the drm and intel modules are both in ubuntu anyway | 18:10 |
TheMaxzilla | alec, sorry | 18:10 |
alec | themaxilla: no ideas? | 18:11 |
gvk | alec: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/225457 This might help. | 18:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 225457 in nautilus "Ipod Nano 3gen troubles" [Low,Invalid] | 18:11 |
aestrivex | infexion: disabling the sounds from administration -> login and rebooting did stop the sound from activating at the login screen. however, it seems as though my sound system is still being perpetually overloaded because mplayer is not playing its sound correctly when asked to play a music file. right now mplayer is acting typically on my machine when some other application is using the sound and mplayer can't access it. | 18:11 |
alec | gvk: thanks | 18:12 |
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compaq | alguien me puede ayudar tengo problemas para visionar los videos de internet | 18:13 |
Tooplex | Except for the inbulit effects What cool ubuntu visual effects can i get? | 18:13 |
Blinkiz | I want to change screen resolution without having to use a GUI tool. The best would be only a command line to type in a terminal window. Am using Nvidia drivers and have nvidia-xconfig and nvidia-settings. Any suggestion how to change screen resolution from a terminal window? | 18:13 |
aicom | how do I merge a diff into a working copy with svn? | 18:13 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia:how about ubuntu MID 8.04?? | 18:13 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: with the kernel 2.6.24-18-lpia | 18:14 |
linuxkrn | Blinkiz: use xradar | 18:14 |
linuxkrn | Blinkiz: use xrandr sorry | 18:14 |
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mrpiracy | does anyone know how to stream to a shoutcast server from songbird? | 18:18 |
ferda | pokus | 18:18 |
chippy | hi. is there any reason why, over six hours, my mouse becomes somewhat borked? Like it unclicks when clicking | 18:18 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: any idea? | 18:19 |
chippy | logging out (restarting X) doesnt help. a reboot does | 18:19 |
Gnea | chippy: tried another mouse? | 18:19 |
moldy | hi | 18:19 |
chippy | Gnea, yes. that worked OK. | 18:20 |
moldy | how do i get a completely localized gnome in 8.04.1? | 18:20 |
Num83rGuy | Bad mouse? | 18:20 |
Gnea | chippy: so it only happens with that particular mouse? | 18:20 |
chippy | and after a while of using it | 18:20 |
Myrtti | moldy: "translate what is not translated yet" | 18:20 |
chippy | and not if I reboot ubuntu | 18:20 |
ganymede | hello, can someone using fglrx paste his or her xorg.conf? i've been trying to get fglrx working for an hour, no howtos work, i've rebuilt xorg.conf, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, used aticonfig --initial (which does nothing) but all i get when i start xinit, is a blank screen and computer is unresponsive. xorg log says depth of 8 is not supported, no useable screens found but doesn't drop me back to a prompt, and i clearly have stated in | 18:21 |
ganymede | my display subsection that it should be running with depth 24 | 18:21 |
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Gnea | chippy: please explain, all in one line, what you mean.. right now, that makes no sense at all.. do you mean that, no matter what mouse you plug in, it always starts to do that after awhile? or does it only occur when you plug a certain mouse in? or what? | 18:21 |
Ab3L | restart | 18:21 |
ganymede | i have never had so much trouble getting something working on any linux distro | 18:21 |
=== Guest64166 is now known as cluck_norris | ||
Num83rGuy | Only if used for a while, Sounds like a short on the pcb in the mouse. | 18:22 |
CRASH69 | why if i thick the ¨only allow local connections¨ in ¨Remote Desktop Preferences¨ I get this message ¨connection to host ´xxx.local:5900´ was closed¨ if both pcs are in the same LAN??? | 18:22 |
infexion | ganymede: what distro are you working with? | 18:22 |
Blinkiz | linuxkrn: xrandr seems to be a good tool to change screen resolution. But I can't get it to change screen resolution. Nothing happens when I type "sudo xrandr --screen 0 --fb 1680x1050" | 18:22 |
mcgrof | does Ubuntu ship iwlwifi firmware by default? Or do you have to add a repository to get it? | 18:22 |
mcgrof | In Debian you seem to have to add the non-free repository to be able to install it | 18:23 |
MikeonTV | I'm trying to follow these steps to install this gnome color theme but the terminal tells me that I there is nothing to open in it | 18:23 |
platius | Blinkiz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto you might find something here. | 18:23 |
MikeonTV | http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ColorizeMe+Scripts?content=82706 | 18:23 |
chippy | Gnea, only one mouse is affected. After a few hours, it's clicking becomes borked. If I reboot, it is fixed. I think I'll try to configure the mouse (MS intellimouse). | 18:23 |
ganymede | infexion: on ubuntu, i get problems. on gentoo and dsl, knoppix, fedora, fglrx has never failde | 18:23 |
Gnea | chippy: well, keep in mind... it's m$ ;) | 18:23 |
chippy | Gnea, yeah! :) Cheers. I'll get back and let you know how I got along | 18:24 |
=== infinitycircuit_ is now known as infinitycircuit | ||
Gnea | chippy: good luck | 18:24 |
ganymede | infexion: is there a way to just rebuild xorg.conf and /etc/ati as if i had just installed fglrx for the first time? it used to work fine until i deleted a file in /etc/ati because dual monitors was not working at all | 18:24 |
Num83rGuy | Sounds to me that a chip has a short in/on it that only shows up when it gets warm. does it happen sooner in a warm environment? | 18:25 |
linuxkrn | Blinkiz: don't run sudo, xrandr only requests xorg change it's current resolution, if you want it to always be set, edit xorg.conf | 18:26 |
mib_k18ntknl | ikonia: didn't get your reply i assume no one can help...i'll leave anyway! | 18:26 |
detrate | what's the linux cmd line tool that helps me count numbers of lines? | 18:27 |
linuxkrn | Blinkiz: also note that the mode has to be supported by Xorg server. So you may have to add a list of "supported modes" to your xorg.conf | 18:27 |
detrate | wc | 18:28 |
robinj | hi! I've got a problem, not sure how "serious" it is though. I'm using Hardy 64-bit and now, Transmission won't start. It says it got a 'Segmentation Fault' | 18:29 |
robinj | it happened very suddenly | 18:30 |
fenec22222 | hello i want to upgrade my ubuntu feisty 7.04 to a better version. is it risky? an what ubuntu version do you suggest me? | 18:30 |
ennonymous | Hi there! :) | 18:30 |
ennonymous | Any software-RAID gurus present? ;) | 18:31 |
alraune | fenec22222:it's always little risky to upgrade over full front numbers ,8.04 LTs is the current version | 18:31 |
askan1 | Hi People! I was suffering from the famous harddrivekilling bug and got it to stop with "sudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda", how do I make that run every boot? | 18:31 |
fenec22222 | and what version to you suggest me to upgrade to? | 18:32 |
Delvien | Where is the trash folder | 18:32 |
asmo[B] | is there a program to use other than the archive manager that will extract .rar's? | 18:32 |
alraune | famous harddrivekilling bug ??| write it to rc.local | 18:32 |
=== Delvien is now known as DM| | ||
ennonymous | @askan1: append it to /etc/rc.local | 18:33 |
linuxkrn | does anyone know if the 8.04 initramfs supports dmraid hooks? I can't seem to get the kernel/initramfs to see my root partition (grub is working however) | 18:33 |
DM| | What is the filepath to the trash in gnome? | 18:33 |
Gnea | asmo[B]: unrar | 18:33 |
alraune | fenec22222:8.04 Hardy heron , possibly a fresh install | 18:33 |
chn_boy | DM: /home/[user]/.local/share/Trash/ | 18:33 |
Gnea | !trash | DM| | 18:33 |
ubottu | DM|: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 18:33 |
asmo[B] | Gnea: package is called unrar? | 18:33 |
fenec22222 | ok thanks guys | 18:33 |
ganymede | ironic that ubuntu has been my worst experience with linux ever. thanks for the advice, i'll be installing gentoo and throwing out the ubuntu cd. bye | 18:33 |
Gnea | asmo[B]: try searching for it | 18:33 |
Gnea | asmo[B]: apt-cache search unrar | 18:34 |
askan1 | ennonymous: thanks, do I have to use sudo ? | 18:34 |
asmo[B] | Gnty | 18:34 |
ennonymous | How do I get 8.04 to autodetect my RAID5 at boot? mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 ... works. | 18:34 |
ennonymous | @askan1: I guess so | 18:34 |
askan1 | ennonymous: before are after exit 0 ? | 18:34 |
ennonymous | askan1: before. :) | 18:35 |
chn_boy | hello all, I want to install gambas2 2.7.0 in ubuntu 8.04, but in synaptic manager there is only 2.0.0. Does'nt it support for 2.7.0 version?? | 18:35 |
alraune | whats the famous harddrivekilling bug ?? | 18:35 |
DM| | gnea thanks, they changed it since feisty :D | 18:35 |
askan1 | ennonymous: thanks | 18:35 |
TemplePrime | what's the package name for GTK+? Is there even such thing in the repos? I mean the package as an API for the developers | 18:35 |
Tom_nuggin | what's the regular port open for ftp | 18:35 |
Tom_nuggin | ? | 18:35 |
deeperror | Tom_nuggin, 21? | 18:36 |
Tom_nuggin | ty | 18:36 |
rubinboy | what is the standard secure ftp port? | 18:36 |
ennonymous | Tom_nuggin: grep ftp /etc/services | 18:37 |
qrush | this seems to happen at least once daily. | 18:37 |
deeperror | Rubin, 22? | 18:37 |
qrush | my entire desktop has frozen up, but i can still alt-tab around | 18:37 |
Num83rGuy | <TemplePrime> Are you wanting to compile a gtk engine or something? | 18:37 |
rubinboy | same as ssh cool | 18:37 |
rubinboy | shame qrush | 18:37 |
chn_boy | hello all, I want to install gambas2 2.7.0 in ubuntu 8.04, but in synaptic manager there is only 2.0.0. Does'nt it support for 2.7.0 version?? | 18:37 |
linuxkrn | rubinboy: ftps is 21 (ssl wrapped FTP) however, sftp is 22 (ftp over ssh) | 18:37 |
qrush | what can i do to get it back under control? | 18:37 |
TemplePrime | Num83rGuy: I want to develop applications in GTK+ | 18:37 |
regebro | My flash player always requires exclusive access to the sound device, which is very annoying. Any hints on where to look for help? | 18:37 |
qrush | (in windows this would be like killing Explorer) | 18:37 |
rubinboy | try download the .deb file @chnboy | 18:38 |
dmi3on | hi all, i need to connect vncviewer to ubuntu and i have router and vcnviewer is in other country | 18:38 |
slayton | qrush: press Cntrl Alt F1 | 18:38 |
robinj | chn_boy: If it's not in synaptic (if you are using the main repesitories) that means it's not officially supported. | 18:38 |
dmi3on | how do i do this ? | 18:38 |
slayton | this will open a virtual terminal | 18:38 |
rubinboy | qrush, crtl+alt+backspace | 18:38 |
slayton | qrush, run htop and see what is eating your resources then kill that process | 18:38 |
rubinboy | that logs you out of your session and then just log back in again | 18:38 |
slayton | qrush, you don't need to kill x | 18:38 |
chn_boy | robinj: so, what should I do to install gambas2 2.7?? | 18:39 |
Grey_Loki | Hi there :) Does anyone know of a (I guess a CAD) program where I can feed in the schematic for an electronic circuit and a protoboard type, and it will spit out the most space-efficient layout? | 18:39 |
Gnea | chn_boy: have you looked at the gambas website? | 18:39 |
dmi3on | can some one help me to set up vcnviewer and ubuntu if vcnviewer is in other country and i have router | 18:39 |
Ayabara | anyone done capture/edit of hdv on linux? | 18:39 |
ennonymous | Grey_Loki: not sure, but can Eagle do that? | 18:39 |
chn_boy | Gnea: yes Ihave | 18:39 |
dmi3on | pls i need this for georgia :) | 18:40 |
chn_boy | Gnea: I have already downloaded | 18:40 |
dmi3on | because ther doent work russian sites | 18:40 |
ennonymous | Otherwise OrCAD can do it, but that's expensive | 18:40 |
Grey_Loki | ennonymous, I don't know - i'll check that out right now though; thanks :) | 18:40 |
chn_boy | Gnea: but, it can't be installed | 18:40 |
Grey_Loki | Hmm, OK | 18:40 |
Gnea | chn_boy: can you get to http://gambas.gnulinex.org/ubuntu ? | 18:40 |
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Sylphid|work | how can i purge a package without reinstalling it first? | 18:40 |
Gnea | chn_boy: why not? | 18:40 |
deeperror | dmi3on, try using tsclient | 18:40 |
dmi3on | i am new can you help me set up ? | 18:41 |
Gnea | !tutorial | dmi3on | 18:41 |
ubottu | dmi3on: A desktop course manual for Ubuntu 7.10 can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training | 18:41 |
chn_boy | Gnea: I have followed the tutorial in this url: http://gambasdoc.org/help/install/ubuntu?show | 18:41 |
deeperror | dmi3on, applications - add/remove - find tsclient and install? | 18:41 |
qrush | that really was not what i wanted. | 18:41 |
regebro | So, nobody has any ideas even where to go for help with linux sound? :) | 18:41 |
qrush | ctrl + alt + f1 put me into a terminal only | 18:41 |
qrush | i just wanted the gui to restart | 18:41 |
qrush | like killing explorer in windows. | 18:41 |
dmi3on | i need run vncviewer in XP | 18:41 |
regebro | Why does flash block all other accessing the sound? | 18:41 |
regebro | Why is that even *possible* in Linux!? | 18:42 |
Sylphid|work | qrush, ctrl + alt + backspace | 18:42 |
deeperror | qrush, ctrl + alt + backspace | 18:42 |
qrush | I tried that last time it happened (yesterday) and once i logged in again, nothing worked. | 18:42 |
ubuntu_ | Hi, I have a directory /usr/brlcad/bin/ and about 400 binary executable files inside it. how can I run them? ln -s /usr/brlcad/bin /bin or ln -s /usr/brlcad/bin / ? | 18:42 |
dmi3on | here i have ubuntu 8 and router in georgia i have XP and vncviewer | 18:42 |
chn_boy | Gnea: but when I try to type "apt" command, there is a error command like this: libasound2-dev: Depends: libasound2 (= 1.0.15-3ubuntu4) but 1.0.16-0ubuntu0.1 is to be installed E: Broken packages | 18:42 |
Gnea | chn_boy: well, according to the main site, they already have the latest packages available for ubuntu at that url i told you about | 18:42 |
dmi3on | deeperror, here i have ubuntu 8 and router in georgia i have XP and vncviewer | 18:42 |
qrush | deeperror: Sylphid|work, there's no commands that are equivalent to killing explorer? seems silly that i should have to lose the rest of my work | 18:43 |
ennonymous | ubuntu_: try "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/brlcad/bin" | 18:43 |
Gnea | dmi3on: georgia? | 18:43 |
alraune | Sylphid|work: apt-get remove --purge <paket>, but look for warnings concerning additional deleting of other pakets | 18:43 |
ubuntu_ | ok | 18:43 |
Sylphid|work | regebro, that is a symptom of OSS not flash... change your sound system to ALSA or pulseaudio | 18:43 |
ennonymous | put it in our .bashrc or similar | 18:43 |
dmi3on | Gnea, georgia were is war | 18:43 |
regebro | Sylphid|work: OK, I'll look into that. | 18:44 |
regebro | Thanks | 18:44 |
Sylphid|work | alraune, that only seems to work if the package is still installed, i would like to avoid reinstalling if possible | 18:44 |
deeperror | dmi3on, outside the scope of this channel | 18:44 |
Sylphid|work | qrush, what exactly are you trying to do? | 18:44 |
qrush | Sylphid|work: restart the gnome gui without killing my apps | 18:44 |
alraune | Sylphid|work: see, do have it handy | 18:44 |
alraune | don't | 18:44 |
Gnea | dmi3on: your best bet is to not talk about georgia here :) | 18:45 |
qrush | Sylphid|work: with windows you can open up task manager even if explorer or your apps are frozen, kill explorer, and restart it | 18:45 |
dmi3on | Gnea, ook | 18:45 |
alraune | dmi3on:/join #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:45 |
Sylphid|work | qrush, i cant say that i know an easy way to do that.... looking | 18:45 |
zAo_ | who can help with some PulseAudio troubles? I'm on Ibex Server | 18:46 |
infinitycircuit | zAo_, go to #ubuntu+1 | 18:46 |
=== zAo_ is now known as zAo^ | ||
zAo^ | thnx infinitycircuit | 18:47 |
ice_cream | bash: the_love: command not found =/ $ whereis the_love | 18:47 |
qrush | Sylphid|work: thanks | 18:48 |
linuxkrn | does anyone know if the 8.04 initramfs supports dmraid hooks? I can't seem to get the kernel/initramfs to see my root partition (grub is working however) | 18:48 |
regebro | Sylphid|work: As far as I can figure out, I am using ALSA, and not OSS. | 18:48 |
favro | !raid | linuxkrn | 18:49 |
ubottu | linuxkrn: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 18:49 |
CRASH69 | why if i thick the ¨only allow local connections¨ in ¨Remote Desktop Preferences¨ I get this message ¨connection to host ´xxx.local:5900´ was closed¨ if both pcs are in the same LAN??? | 18:50 |
Sylphid|work | qrush, killall gnome-panel && gnome-panel | 18:50 |
locoo | http://tinyurl.com/6e8z84 | 18:50 |
locoo | How would you like to get paid everyday without hassles? | 18:50 |
locoo | At http://tinyurl.com/6e8z84 we don't think member should have to wait to get paid. | 18:50 |
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locoo | 12% for 12 days surfing all paid no excuses ! | 18:50 |
FloodBot2 | locoo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:50 |
locoo | Advertisers we have both manual and autosurfing to provide targeted real live people for your ads. | 18:50 |
qrush | Sylphid|work: thanks, i'll keep it mind :) | 18:51 |
slayton | qrush: you say your things are getting "locked up" or laggy? Do you know what program is causing the lag? | 18:51 |
freeflowcauvery | the RAID configuration page at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto does not exist yet | 18:51 |
linuxkrn | favro: funny: first links says "This page does not exist yet. You can create a new empty page, or use one of the page templates." | 18:51 |
qrush | Sylphid|work: here's another. is there a shortcut for opening a terminal? | 18:51 |
favro | linuxkrn: wow ! | 18:51 |
qrush | slayton: No idea. just the entire gnome desktop locks up | 18:51 |
ubuntu_ | Do I need to export /home/ubuntu/j2re1.4.2_17/bin/ into /bin with "export PATH=$PATH:/home/ubuntu/j2re1.4.2_17/bin" ? and (2) "export PATH=$PATH:/home/ubuntu/j2re1.4.2_17/jawavs" ? And (3) will my OpenOffice recognize such a java engine? | 18:51 |
linuxkrn | favro: furthermore, the last software raid is out of date (7.10) | 18:51 |
slayton | right... so if you open htop or top in a terminal you should see which process is consuming the system resources | 18:51 |
geirha | CRASH69: Local in that context means only connections from the same computer. | 18:52 |
slayton | qrush, ^^ | 18:52 |
slayton | qrush, then you can kill that specific process | 18:52 |
favro | linuxkrn: k - someone needs to work on the links then :) | 18:52 |
nixnoob | qrush: I prefer sud oapt-get install nautilus-open-terminal it allows you to rightclick anywhere and open a terminal in that directory | 18:52 |
ennonymous | ubuntu_: it won't hurt, just try it | 18:52 |
Sylphid|work | qrush, not by default however alt +f2 will open a run dialog box to start a terminal or you can bind a key to start it via system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts | 18:52 |
ubuntu_ | ok | 18:52 |
CRASH69 | ahhhhh, odd XD, thx geirha! | 18:52 |
qrush | Sylphid|work: that freezes up too though when gnome-panel does | 18:52 |
qrush | Sylphid|work: i'll have to bind a key then. | 18:52 |
Sylphid|work | qrush, and theres alway ctrl + alt + f1-6 for tty's | 18:53 |
slayton | qrush, how long does the freeze last? | 18:53 |
geirha | CRASH69: You can still connect from a remote computer though, if you set up an ssh-tunnel. | 18:53 |
qrush | Sylphid|work: what? ttys? | 18:53 |
nixnoob | qrush: virtual terminal | 18:53 |
qrush | slayton: until i reboot. | 18:53 |
slayton | qrush, tty (terminal) | 18:53 |
qrush | ctrl + alt + 1..6 isn't doing anything for me | 18:54 |
slayton | qrush, so when it freezes can you switch to a terminal with AltCtrlF1 | 18:54 |
Sylphid|work | qrush, its a terminal w/o a gui ... use ctrl + alt + f7 to get back to the gui | 18:54 |
qrush | Oh. | 18:54 |
qrush | f | 18:54 |
MeanderingCode | can anyone tell me where ubuntu starts pulseaudio? It's not with the runlevel scripts, but something user level | 18:54 |
slayton | qrush, F1-F6 | 18:54 |
qrush | ohhhh. | 18:54 |
nixnoob | qrush: F7 brings the gui back | 18:54 |
qrush | That's cool :) | 18:54 |
CRASH69 | I will research that later, this will work for now geirha, thx again (I still think it is an odd choice XD) | 18:54 |
mrpiracy | does anyone know how to stream to a shoutcast server from songbird? | 18:54 |
slayton | qrush, when you freeze switch to a terminal with CTNL ALT F1, start HTOP and watch the processes... one should be eating 100% CPU or a ton of ram | 18:55 |
axenory | has anyone solved the WM11 codec thing? | 18:55 |
qrush | slayton: alrighty. kill -9 time then :) | 18:55 |
slayton | qrush, then in a terminal you can KILL that process and that should release the freeze up | 18:55 |
geirha | CRASH69: It's not an odd choice, it's just the wording that should be more specific. ;) | 18:55 |
qrush | thanks muchly :) | 18:55 |
slayton | qrush, I would try killall first but if you have to use sudo kill -9 then so be it | 18:55 |
regebro | Nope, pulsaudio or alsa, makes no difference, Flash will require exclusive use of the sound device to work. | 18:55 |
freddy_ | i already realized that dual booting makes no sense. | 18:55 |
regebro | It refuses to make sounds if something else is playing. | 18:56 |
regebro | It also prevents anything else from playing until I restart firefox. | 18:56 |
mrpiracy | freddy_, i am multi-booting here ;) | 18:56 |
freddy_ | it makes no sense, is like having a dick and a vagina | 18:57 |
regebro | Multimedia on Linux unfortunately sucks. It's the last bastion of Windows for me. Oh how I'd love to get rid of Windows. | 18:57 |
tavi__ | hy | 18:57 |
linuxkrn | does anyone know if the 8.04 initramfs supports dmraid hooks? I can't seem to get the kernel/initramfs to see my root partition (grub is working however) | 18:57 |
rubinboy | i gave up on dual booting | 18:57 |
alex-weej | regebro: not here. | 18:57 |
alex-weej | regebro: what sucks? | 18:57 |
rubinboy | tried to get Vbox to wrok with my Xp partion but no go | 18:57 |
mrpiracy | freddy_, from DOS 5.0 to Hardy Heron ;) | 18:57 |
freddy_ | lol | 18:57 |
regebro | alex-weej: Everything, simply. This is not the right forum for a rant. | 18:57 |
xanax` | good afternoon | 18:57 |
hcadmin | i am having a problem with mksquashfs. it simply hangs a fraction of the way through the procedure | 18:57 |
regebro | alex-weej: Currently I just want to make Flash not block sound. | 18:57 |
ice_cream | freddy_, why would {what you said} not make sense? | 18:58 |
tavi__ | how i see in ubuntu what is the name of the network board? | 18:58 |
freddy_ | dual booting is for the person that doesnt believe in the os he is runnig. | 18:58 |
alex-weej | regebro: don't confuse "Linux" with Ubuntu Hardy's current default setup. | 18:58 |
alex-weej | regebro: easy as pie. | 18:58 |
slayton | tavi__ what do you mean by name? | 18:58 |
hcadmin | i read some bug reports on launchpad ... | 18:58 |
tavi__ | and the drivers for upgrading | 18:58 |
regebro | alex-weej: So, how? | 18:58 |
nixnoob | xanax`: id like to eat you and 3 of your friends | 18:58 |
slayton | tavi__, try lspci | 18:58 |
tavi__ | the mane manufacture | 18:58 |
hcadmin | it seems to be fixed in debian, but not in ubuntu? | 18:58 |
freeflowcauvery | Sylphid|work, thanks for the keyboard shortcuts to toggle between bash and back tothe GUI | 18:58 |
MeanderingCode | pulseaudio? no | 18:58 |
MeanderingCode | ? | 18:58 |
slayton | tavi__, or lspci | grep net | 18:58 |
xanax` | nixnoob : go for it, i'm like linux.. free | 18:58 |
ubuntu_ | I try to coonect to #offtopic - but it seems-2-b unavailable... What name is right? Or #offtopic on irc.freenode.net ? | 18:58 |
tavi__ | ok | 18:58 |
hcadmin | does anyone have a fix for this? | 18:59 |
regebro | alex-weej: And if it was just "setup" I would be OK with it. It's loads more, but that is a different topic. Or rather, five different topics. | 18:59 |
Sylphid|work | freeflowcauvery, np | 18:59 |
tavi__ | ok | 18:59 |
alex-weej | regebro: it is ONLY flash that is the problem. blame adobe. | 18:59 |
nixnoob | xanax`: only if mom or dad suffers from depression | 18:59 |
kitche | ubuntu_: well depends on which offtopic channel you want there is #ubuntu-offtopic among others | 18:59 |
tavi__ | my internet get down often | 18:59 |
alex-weej | regebro: but if you want to go back to a gutsy pre-pulseaudio configuration, that's easy | 18:59 |
ubuntu_ | ok | 18:59 |
tavi__ | and i do not know what to do | 18:59 |
picca | does ubuntu come with gpm installed by default? | 19:00 |
alex-weej | regebro: remove the packages "libflashsupport" and "pulseaudio", as a user run "asoundconf unset-pulseaudio", and go to System -> Preferences -> Sound and choose the right ALSA devices | 19:00 |
alex-weej | picca: no | 19:00 |
regebro | alex-weej: No, it should simply not be possible to block the sound device like that. So I don't agree it's adobes fault. | 19:00 |
tavi__ | do you know a program that fix internet conexions on ubuntu? | 19:00 |
ice_cream | should spend our energies complaining about other things, not one's laziness to "setup" | 19:00 |
picca | thanks alex-weej | 19:00 |
alex-weej | regebro: it is adobe's fault. i know more about it than you. | 19:00 |
slayton | tavi__ contact your isp | 19:00 |
regebro | alex-weej: OK, I'll try that. | 19:00 |
rubinboy | any one here know virtualbox well? | 19:00 |
tavi__ | forget that | 19:00 |
slayton | tavi__, what kind of connection do you have? | 19:00 |
mrpiracy | does anyone know how to stream to a SHOUTCAST/ICECAST server from songbird? | 19:00 |
ice_cream | rubinboy, there's also #vbox | 19:00 |
tavi__ | broadband | 19:01 |
tavi__ | 6mb | 19:01 |
alex-weej | regebro: if you want predictable output latency, you can not use the ALSA DMix layer, so you HAVE to acquire exclusive access. | 19:01 |
slayton | tavi__, what is the connection into your computer? cable, ethernet? | 19:01 |
rubinboy | thanks @ ice_cream | 19:01 |
tavi__ | ethernet | 19:01 |
metheon | !ethernet | 19:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ethernet | 19:01 |
metheon | yeah not like its important | 19:01 |
ice_cream | !interfaces | 19:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about interfaces | 19:01 |
slayton | tavi__ when your internet goes down it could be a couple of things... 1- the connection from your ISP is down, 2- your Modem is down, 3- your connection to your modem is down, 4- your computer is down | 19:01 |
alex-weej | regebro: the problem is that with libflashsupport on Flash 9 (required to get it using PulseAudio), Adobe have bad code that causes its own plugin to free memory twice when destructing the plugin so it dies. | 19:02 |
slayton | tavi__, next time it goes down open a terminal and type: ifconfig | 19:02 |
DM| | I am trying to compress a 5.5 gig folder so i can move it to a fat32 partition. I keep using tar to compress it, but it gives me an error 2 gigs in and exits. | 19:02 |
ice_cream | !commands > ice_cream | 19:02 |
ubottu | ice_cream, please see my private message | 19:02 |
regebro | alex-weej: So, it's the ALSA dmix layer that sucks. There is no reason you should need excluseive access to have predictable latency. | 19:02 |
alex-weej | regebro: Flash 10 does not require libflashsupport to work with PulseAudio, but it has its own set of crashers | 19:02 |
slayton | tavi__, if you have an IP address then it isn't the connection from your computer to your modem that is the problem it is something from the modem on | 19:02 |
deeperror | DM|, how are you using tar to compress? | 19:02 |
regebro | alex-weej: That is not the problem I have. | 19:02 |
slayton | tavi__, then all you can do is reset your modem or contact your isp | 19:02 |
Daze1 | I got ubuntu to recognize my extra mouse buttons but they still dont work in my virtual box... any ideas? | 19:02 |
alex-weej | regebro: exactly -- that's what PulseAudio gives you, predictable latency with multiple channel mixing | 19:02 |
tavi__ | from sistem administration netwrork when i setted one day ago dhcp was working | 19:03 |
slayton | tavi__, but if your computer is having problems staying connected to the modem then the problem is something that you can fix | 19:03 |
regebro | alex-weej: Great. | 19:03 |
DM| | deeperror tar -cf | 19:03 |
tavi__ | man when i had have windows all was good | 19:03 |
nixnoob | haha | 19:03 |
manuel__ | uola | 19:03 |
deeperror | DM|, that isn't compressing the file at all...how much hdd space do you have? | 19:03 |
deeperror | DM|, df -h | 19:04 |
tavi__ | is the 3 day when internet fall on ubuntu | 19:04 |
DM| | deeperror aH! thats the problem | 19:04 |
DM| | deeperror wow i cant believe i over looked it | 19:04 |
deeperror | DM|, use gzip to compress | 19:04 |
DM| | deeperror how so via command line? | 19:05 |
regebro | alex-weej: So, when you say "choose the correct ALSA devices" it measn I shouldn't use autodetect, but select the ALSA stuff? | 19:05 |
cjohnson_ | Is it possible to do mouse gestures in Ubuntu? Meaning, right click, drag certain directions, and it does something? Like firefox has in the gestures plugin? | 19:05 |
alex-weej | regebro: you can use autodetect if that works for you | 19:05 |
ice_cream | how would i go about adding/changing some switch or option on a built-in command (e.g. add an -F option to apt-cache) | 19:05 |
deeperror | DM|, maybe -cfz | 19:05 |
slayton | tavi__, get the model of your ethernet adapter then google for you model + ubuntu and see what comes up, chances are someone else has already solved this problem... the answer is probably there in google | 19:05 |
deeperror | DM|, -cfZ | 19:06 |
alex-weej | regebro: you have to remove pulseaudio so that dmix can be used. DMix does mixing just like PulseAudio, except Flash works with it. | 19:06 |
axenory | has anyone solved the WM11 codec thing? | 19:06 |
tavi__ | ok | 19:06 |
alex-weej | axenory: Windows Media 11? | 19:06 |
alex-weej | axenory: what are you trying to play? | 19:06 |
regebro | alex-weej: OK, I see. Trying out... | 19:06 |
tavi__ | i have dinamic ip | 19:06 |
alex-weej | cjohnson_: there is a compiz plugin for gestures | 19:07 |
slayton | tavi__, that doesn't matter | 19:07 |
alex-weej | cjohnson_: do you know how to configure Compiz? | 19:07 |
cjohnson_ | alex-weej, I do | 19:07 |
force | hi all, does anyone know how I can make my current ubuntu persistant (for a party), so every change (eg new files etc) is "forgotten" after a reboot? | 19:07 |
cjohnson_ | alex-weej, but as far as I can tell, that's just for the screen edges to activate things isn't it? | 19:07 |
tavi__ | ok | 19:07 |
cemunal | hi | 19:07 |
magicrobotmonkey | hi, im trying to use an external monitor instead of my laptop screen and i can't get hardy to change the resolution | 19:07 |
magicrobotmonkey | using the gui or xrandr | 19:07 |
hwilde | magicrobotmonkey, how did you get it to export the display | 19:07 |
axenory | alex-weej, a song and it says that it cannot be played because codecs that arent installed yet .. but it doenst look foward for them .... so I played around and figured out that was a new WM11 codec that wasnt available for ubuntu yet.. | 19:07 |
deeperror | force, can you put it into read only mode? | 19:07 |
alex-weej | cjohnson_: not sure, i've just seen a gestures plugin knocking around... | 19:07 |
slayton | magicrobotmonkey, are you using nvida? | 19:07 |
alex-weej | axenory: probably has DRM? | 19:08 |
mrpiracy | does anyone know of a cool dock i could use here? something like kiba-dock or awn? | 19:08 |
slayton | magicrobotmonkey, if you are install nvidia-settings to change your screen resolution | 19:08 |
force | deeperror, how can I do this? | 19:08 |
alex-weej | mrpiracy: awn. :P | 19:08 |
axenory | alex-weej, what is it | 19:08 |
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna | ||
mrpiracy | alex-weej, i tried awn, but it is kinda limited | 19:08 |
alex-weej | !drm > axenory | 19:08 |
ubottu | axenory, please see my private message | 19:08 |
regebro | alex-weej: OK, no luck yet, will try some more setting later. Thanks for the help. | 19:08 |
theBrettman | does the installer automatically reboot your computer after it's done? cause I wasn't looking while it was installing and now my screen is black! | 19:08 |
magicrobotmonkey | slayton: nope its an intel 950 gma or whatever | 19:08 |
alex-weej | regebro: run "killall pulseaudio" | 19:09 |
DM| | deeperror when i try to cp a file, it just says omitting file but does not copy it, any ideas? | 19:09 |
mrpiracy | alex-weej, i cant move it and its kinda buggy on hardy x64 | 19:09 |
alex-weej | regebro: stick around for 1 minute i will point you at a launchpad ticket | 19:09 |
slayton | magicrobotmonkey, well can't help you there then | 19:09 |
regebro | ok | 19:09 |
linuxkrn | sigh, doesn't anyone know about the default initramfs and dmraid? Been asking for hours now | 19:09 |
deeperror | force, not really sure...could try to remaster a live cd of your existing configuration that would be fun | 19:09 |
regebro | alex-weej: OK, the killall did it! | 19:10 |
deeperror | DM|, is it the disk space issue again? | 19:10 |
regebro | Thanks! | 19:10 |
DM| | deeperror nope, 95g avail now. | 19:10 |
GleepGlop | deeperror: how do you do that? | 19:10 |
ntesla | was sounded, immediately dashed off again, returning to the labour and sacrifices made | 19:10 |
force | deeperror, hm, yeah that would be a way | 19:10 |
kitche | !initramfs > linuxkrn if your wondering just rebuild the initrd yourself if your not getting an anwser | 19:10 |
ubottu | linuxkrn, please see my private message | 19:10 |
alex-weej | regebro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/198453 might be interesting to you | 19:10 |
deeperror | GleepGlop, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch | 19:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 198453 in pulseaudio "Default ALSA device must use PulseAudio, otherwise ALSA applications may fail" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:11 |
linuxkrn | kitche: <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about initramfs | 19:11 |
GleepGlop | ty deeperror | 19:11 |
ntesla | deeperror, of which filled me with the whole is thickly sprinkled | 19:11 |
axenory | alex-weej, hehehe are you playing with me:P ubottu is saying that he doesnt know anything about that | 19:11 |
deeperror | ntesla, ? | 19:11 |
linuxkrn | kitche: problem is the how-to is for 6 and 7.10, nothing about 8.04 | 19:11 |
[droide] | I need help with nvidia-settings, the resolutions in my screens are totally wrong and can't put em any higher. Anyone? | 19:11 |
axenory | !drm > alex-weej | 19:11 |
ubottu | alex-weej, please see my private message | 19:11 |
mrpiracy | nobody here knows how to stream to SHOUTCAST servers from ubuntu? | 19:11 |
axenory | !drm | 19:11 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about drm | 19:11 |
alex-weej | axenory: lol, fail. | 19:11 |
axenory | alex-weej, lol | 19:11 |
deeperror | DM|, not sure on that maybe a pastebin of what you see? | 19:11 |
kitche | linuxkrn: not much is different between the versions really so it does work | 19:11 |
force | deeperror, I just thought there would be another way....but I will try this...hopefully it is not too slow ;) | 19:12 |
force | thx ^^ | 19:12 |
theBrettman | when gutsy is done installing does it reboot automatically? | 19:12 |
GleepGlop | drm, funny on so many levels | 19:12 |
slayton | exit | 19:12 |
DM| | deeperror cp: omitting directory `Windows XP Pro' | 19:12 |
axenory | alex-weej, so miss spelled or wrong solution? | 19:12 |
alex-weej | axenory: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management | 19:12 |
deeperror | force, could maybe just setup another user account and copy your home directory to that new account? | 19:12 |
force | deeperror, hm...I don't know...it would be still possible to read my "normal" home.dir, wouldnt it? | 19:13 |
deeperror | DM|, maybe cp -rf | 19:13 |
eblume | Hi. I'm trying to set up a chroot environment for a 32 bit system. I'm mostly set, but I keep getting errors about locales. | 19:14 |
eblume | I've tried running dpkg-reconfigure locales | 19:14 |
deeperror | force, not if they are logging in under a different account | 19:14 |
dmi3on | http://www.petitiononline.com/557799/petition.html | 19:14 |
eblume | but it just generates the same error again. Does anyone know what that might be about? | 19:14 |
Basim | guys i have ubuntu 7.10 cd | 19:14 |
axenory | alex-weej, but this is no solution right? | 19:14 |
deeperror | force, just setup a party account and set it up the way you want then login with your other account after everyone leaves ha | 19:14 |
Basim | and it freez and hang when i start it | 19:15 |
alex-weej | axenory: no, just information about it | 19:15 |
theBrettman | when gutsy is done installing does it reboot automatically? | 19:15 |
alex-weej | axenory: Windows Media is generally Bad News | 19:15 |
ntesla | a bad fall i sustained by jumping with an enormous train and attendants | 19:15 |
alex-weej | theBrettman: the Live CD installer will ask you and wait | 19:15 |
hwilde | theBrettman, it will prompt you if it needs to reboot | 19:15 |
moshe | basin,did you do an md5sum on the disk? sounds like a bad disk | 19:16 |
force | deeperror, I added a restricted user a few minutes ago and I was just able to read my whole home-folder - would it be bad if I change the chmod of my home folder? | 19:16 |
theBrettman | if it did reboot, is there a key combo to exit X? | 19:16 |
rubinboy | using rw cd's are dodge some times it just doesnt boot correctly | 19:16 |
Basim | why my cd dosnt start? | 19:16 |
rubinboy | @force to what? | 19:16 |
eblume | Basim, please see moshe's advice. | 19:16 |
GleepGlop | theBrettman: ctrl+alt+backspace will stop X | 19:16 |
axenory | alex-weej, if thats true I will be so f***, omg! so there are some music I ll never be able to listen to.. isthat waht you are telling me? | 19:16 |
moshe | Basin,the cd could be a bad copy | 19:17 |
[droide] | I need help with nvidia-settings, the resolutions in my screens are totally wrong and can't put em any higher. Anyone? | 19:17 |
summatusmentis | is there a way to set the it up so my user will be able to have it auto-login, from CLI? | 19:17 |
force | rubinboy, deeperror, so only owner and my group shall read it | 19:17 |
moshe | droide, pm me and I will try to help you with the card | 19:17 |
alex-weej | axenory: did you rip your CD music from Windows Media Player? | 19:18 |
summatusmentis | nvm, gdmsetup, I found it | 19:18 |
axenory | no | 19:18 |
eblume | Does anyone know why I would be getting an error about misconfigured locales in a chroot environment that I am setting up? | 19:18 |
eblume | I've tried running dpkg-reconfigure locales to no avail, it just gives the same locale error. | 19:18 |
alex-weej | axenory: then it may not have DRM. perhaps you could send me a small file and i could check it for you? | 19:18 |
axenory | alex-weej, no its just some music I downloaded from frostwire | 19:18 |
alex-weej | axenory: ok, it's probably fine then. | 19:18 |
axenory | alex-weej, there you go | 19:19 |
axenory | alex-weej, accept it and tell me what do I have to do to put it playing | 19:19 |
alex-weej | axenory: can you email? alex@weej.com | 19:20 |
force | deeperror, thank you for the help, have to go ^^ | 19:20 |
force | bye =) | 19:20 |
alex-weej | file transfers over IRC seem to be a non-starter here... think it's my network | 19:20 |
ntesla | one should think that so simple and the first will then give tip to | 19:20 |
axenory | email.... | 19:21 |
axenory | mmmm ok wait a sec | 19:21 |
mrpiracy | how can i get drivers for my TV Tuner card in hardy? | 19:21 |
ntesla | i may get well if you afraid | 19:21 |
alex-weej | axenory: www.yousendit.com :) | 19:22 |
UbuntuUser555 | hey, is there a way to make my computer broadcast wifi, but not as ad-hoc. I want to broadcast as a access point | 19:22 |
RageMachine | Hi! | 19:22 |
axenory | its sending | 19:22 |
axenory | alex-weej, its on its way | 19:23 |
RageMachine | I was wondering what version of grub Ubuntu 8.04 uses? | 19:23 |
=== SGX is now known as SGY | ||
UbuntuUser555 | does any one know an answer to my previouse Q? | 19:23 |
Daze1 | this is a really nice theme | 19:24 |
Daze1 | http://art.gnome.org/themes/gtk2/1129 | 19:24 |
mrpiracy | how can i get drivers for ENLTV tuner card? | 19:24 |
ntesla | it does away with a tower 187 feet high, having completely lost the sense of direction, but then i realized that my parents had been installed at | 19:24 |
eblume | Is there anyone who can help me set up a chroot environment? | 19:24 |
eblume | I keep getting errors, nothing seems to be working. | 19:24 |
UbuntuUser555 | sry i dont know how eblume | 19:24 |
UbuntuUser555 | do you know if there is a way to make my computer broadcast wifi, but not as ad-hoc. I want to broadcast as a access point | 19:25 |
Y-Seti | ubuntu got the be the coolist OS.. http://img26.picoodle.com/img/img26/3/8/13/f_Screenshotm_868df89.png | 19:26 |
UbuntuUser555 | does any one know if there is a way to make my computer broadcast wifi, but not as ad-hoc. I want to broadcast as a access point. if there isnt a way, i guess thats okay, but it wold be cool if there was a way. | 19:27 |
TaoTeShaun | hey, I'm having some wireless issues around connecting to an ad-hoc network. | 19:27 |
miffed | if I drop a script in cron.daily where is the option that controls what time it is run? | 19:27 |
Brucee | is there a decent clock with alarm for ubuntu that is not the cairo-clock? cairo clock seems to be using alot of resources | 19:27 |
Brucee | or someone that can share one? | 19:27 |
TaoTeShaun | When I attempt to connect to the ad-hoc network, NetworkManager just ends. | 19:28 |
UbuntuUser555 | sounds like a driver issue | 19:28 |
UbuntuUser555 | try using Wicd | 19:29 |
TaoTeShaun | I am using a broadcom card and b43legacy drivers | 19:29 |
UbuntuUser555 | broadcom 43xx? | 19:29 |
TaoTeShaun | yes | 19:29 |
mn | could someone here guide me as to what variant of ubuntu would probably best suit me? I have an HP Pavilion 552 Desktop with an Intel Pentium 4 processor running XP Home SP2. 50G HD 736MB | 19:29 |
UbuntuUser555 | are you using ubuntu 8.04? | 19:30 |
freenguello | help mi serve una mano con una sk video intel integrata | 19:30 |
mn | XP home SP@ | 19:30 |
mn | 2* | 19:30 |
freenguello | non riesco ad abilitare gli effetti grafici | 19:30 |
eblume | mn, the ubuntu variants are just different user interface options. They're the same OS, with different window managers. | 19:30 |
poningru | mn, just use ubuntu you have morethan enough ram and processing power | 19:30 |
poningru | ;) | 19:30 |
alex-weej | axenory: got it, let\s see | 19:30 |
TaoTeShaun | UbuntuUser555: yes, using 8.04 | 19:30 |
ntesla | TaoTeShaun! yes | 19:30 |
alex-weej | axenory: you sent me an MP3... | 19:31 |
alex-weej | axenory: ah i see, it's not... | 19:31 |
kitche | mn: probably xbuntu | 19:31 |
UbuntuUser555 | TaoTeShaun: try this page it got mine working: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff | 19:31 |
axenory | ahhahha you see | 19:32 |
UbuntuUser555 | TaoTeShaun: i realize it says fiesty, but it works for hardy, and has a bug fix for hardy to if it is needed | 19:32 |
RageMachine | anyone using grub 2 on ubuntu 8.04? | 19:32 |
TaoTeShaun | UbuntuUser555: do you still recommend wicd? | 19:32 |
axenory | alex-weej, hahha you see... I played around the internet looking for a solution and.... I find out that was wm32codecs... but it doesnt work yet... then I found with a friend 2 weeks ago and told me the codecs werent ready yet..... so here I am asking again | 19:33 |
UbuntuUser555 | TaoTeShaun: i would use it as a last resort | 19:33 |
ntesla | he found everything ready for a drive, a monstrous ugly brute, with central openings, mounted on | 19:33 |
cjohnson_ | How can I get deskbar 2.20.2 in gutsy? | 19:34 |
eblume | I need some help with locales in a chroot environment. Does anyone know how to fix an error saying locales aren't found? | 19:34 |
UbuntuUser555 | TaoTeShaun: use it if those instructions dont work | 19:34 |
ntesla | the same who does not believe in telepathy and other psychic manifestations, spiritualism | 19:34 |
alex-weej | axenory: have you tried http://www.medibuntu.org/ | 19:35 |
ntesla | i tried to get under cover | 19:35 |
axenory | yep | 19:35 |
TaoTeShaun | UbuntuUser555: cool, thanks I'll be back in a few min... hope this works | 19:35 |
axenory | once I did | 19:35 |
UbuntuUser555 | TaoTeShaun: i belive you should use step 2a for your step 2. | 19:36 |
cjohnson_ | ntesla, what are you on about? | 19:36 |
ntesla | your life | 19:36 |
ntesla | the works, and myself, entered a little place opposite 65 fifth avenue, where i was about twelve years of age when | 19:36 |
alex-weej | axenory: what's strange is that i can sniff nothing out of this file other than its "ASF" container format... | 19:36 |
cjohnson_ | argh, spambot | 19:36 |
axenory | ahhah | 19:36 |
axenory | alex-weej, weell thanks any way:P | 19:36 |
timz | who can help me with mac4lin? | 19:36 |
timz | liitle bug | 19:37 |
cjohnson_ | How can I get deskbar 2.20.2 in gutsy? | 19:37 |
UbuntuUser555 | does any one know how to broadcast as an access point? | 19:37 |
alex-weej | axenory: actually inside it looks like it's WMA9 *lossless* | 19:37 |
balz | I need help with mythtv. I cannot change channels with my MCE remote on a PVR 150 (phillips) using the channel up/donw button. I can access channels 2 - 9 using the number buttons. Why is this? | 19:38 |
Topler | Hi! I was wondering why i can't listen music while im in Teamspeak 2? | 19:38 |
alex-weej | axenory: how long (minutes:seconds) is this song supposed to be? | 19:38 |
ntesla | i cannot find words to express adequately my keen regret for being unable | 19:38 |
Brucee | i just downloaded alarmclock-0.2.3tar.gz how can i install it from the desktop? | 19:38 |
kitche | Topler Teamspeak uses OSS | 19:38 |
larry | how can i set scrolls so i don't have to minimalize the page all the time | 19:38 |
kitche | Topler: OSS can only use one channel so it takes over your complete sound really to fix that you need to make teamspeak use alsa-oss | 19:39 |
alex-weej | axenory: could you open a report on http://answers.launchpad.net/ and subscribe me (alex@weej.com) ? | 19:39 |
axenory | alex-weej, I think 3:something | 19:39 |
Jowi | !ot > ntesla | 19:39 |
Dethray | What's the general chat channel for unbuntu? | 19:39 |
ubottu | ntesla, please see my private message | 19:39 |
Topler | kitche thank you | 19:39 |
kitche | Dethray: #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:39 |
Jowi | Dethray, ubuntu-offtopic | 19:39 |
cjohnson_ | Jowi, it's a spambot I think | 19:39 |
Dethray | thanx | 19:39 |
axenory | alex-weej, mmm ok I will take that in mind | 19:39 |
alex-weej | axenory: using Answers lets us track problems properly and attach bug reports when we've figured it out | 19:39 |
cjohnson_ | How can I get deskbar 2.20.2 in gutsy? | 19:39 |
gonzaloaf_laptop | hi, how do I show computer and trash icons on desktop? | 19:39 |
mmk | bonjour | 19:39 |
axenory | alex-weej, thansk | 19:39 |
ntesla | axenory: no | 19:39 |
geirha | !compiling | Brucee | 19:39 |
ubottu | Brucee: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 19:40 |
ntesla | geirha: true | 19:40 |
poningru | gonzaloaf_laptop, its a setting in gconf-editor | 19:40 |
larry | i need help installing scrolls since i cannot manipulate the pages other than by minimalizing them | 19:41 |
gonzaloaf_laptop | poningru, do you remember the path of the setting? | 19:41 |
Brent_Hecht | Brent iz da best! Brent iz da bomb! all bow down to da great Brent! | 19:42 |
axenory | ntesla, no waht? | 19:42 |
Brent_Hecht | here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! Brent IZ DA BOM!!! | 19:42 |
Brent_Hecht | the crowd chants: Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent | 19:42 |
Brent_Hecht | GO BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntttttttttttttttttt!! | 19:42 |
Daze1 | zug tug | 19:42 |
Brent_Hecht | Brent iz da best! Brent iz da bomb! all bow down to da great Brent! | 19:42 |
FloodBot2 | Brent_Hecht: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:42 |
Brent_Hecht | here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent here we go! WOO! WOO! Brent IZ DA BOM!!! | 19:42 |
Brent_Hecht | the crowd chants: Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent Brent | 19:42 |
geirha | gonzaloaf_laptop: /apps/nautilus/desktop/ | 19:42 |
cjohnson_ | How can I get deskbar 2.20.2 in gutsy? | 19:42 |
Brent_Hecht | Brent Hecht iz da best! Brent Hecht iz da bomb! all bow down to da great Brent Hecht! | 19:43 |
Brent_Hecht | here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Brent Hecht here we go! WOO! WOO! Brent Hecht IZ DA BOM!!! | 19:43 |
Brent_Hecht | the crowd chants: Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht Brent Hecht | 19:43 |
orangefly | is it possible to stream video from ubuntu....???....i want to stream shows and maybe even practices of my band.... | 19:43 |
Brent_Hecht | GO BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnntttttttttttttttttt HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttttt!! | 19:43 |
Brent_Hecht | Brent Hecht iz da best! Brent Hecht iz da bomb! all bow down to da great Brent Hecht! | 19:43 |
hfmls | hi | 19:43 |
FloodBot2 | Brent_Hecht: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:43 |
alex-weej | orangefly: http://www.flumotion.net/ | 19:43 |
hfmls | i want to extract zip and rar wich command should i use to download software to do it ? | 19:43 |
orangefly | alex-weej, thanks.... | 19:44 |
ntesla | alex-weej: alex-weej must have been prematurely terminated, had said so and if that was creditable merely caused my parents | 19:44 |
Joeseph | I recently installed skype and am trying to get my microphone to work with it. It is plugged into my mike port. I have it turned halfway up. on the test call, I can't hear myself, and when talking to someone, I can hear myself, but they can't hear me. Is this the right place to ask? | 19:44 |
alex-weej | ntesla: huh? | 19:44 |
cjohnson_ | How can I get deskbar 2.20.2 in gutsy? | 19:44 |
gonzaloaf_laptop | poningru, thanks, is it necessary to re-login to make changes effect? | 19:44 |
hfmls | i want to extract zip and rar wich command should i use to download software to do it ? | 19:44 |
geirha | hfmls: the package unrar should be enough | 19:44 |
cypha | why do i always have to ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+f7 after the screen saver? | 19:45 |
evilbug | hfmls- you don't need to install anything, ubuntu can do that by default. | 19:45 |
hfmls | i can't open .-zip files | 19:45 |
mcarter | hello | 19:46 |
ntesla | the other remaining open, a true monument of past ages, we should push the development | 19:46 |
geirha | hfmls: What release are you running? | 19:46 |
hfmls | i cant open this | 19:46 |
hfmls | http://www.4shared.com/file/57662992/1fb08d43/XS___v41b_x86.html | 19:46 |
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77 | ||
hfmls | latest | 19:46 |
favro | 7zip maybe? | 19:46 |
ikonia | hfmls: unzip should do it | 19:46 |
mcarter | I just sudo chmodded the /etc/sudoers file, but now i can't sudo chmod it back, because its not in mode 0400. How can i get sudo working again? | 19:46 |
hfmls | it doesnt | 19:46 |
ntesla | for several hours once building it up | 19:46 |
UbuntuUser555 | hfmls: i use file roller, it works fine | 19:47 |
mrvirus | does any one know if exaile has a website.. or where i can find plugins for it | 19:47 |
cjohnson_ | How can I get deskbar 2.20.2 in gutsy? | 19:47 |
UbuntuUser555 | cjohnson: check the repositories. If its not there google it | 19:47 |
UbuntuUser555 | cjohnson: by google it i mean google a download for it | 19:48 |
Prose | I lost my WPA password but it's still in the keyring, how can I make the keyring display it ? | 19:48 |
axenory | hey is there a way to put ubuntu in saving battery mode | 19:48 |
axenory | ? | 19:48 |
poningru | Prose, just open up NetworkManager and have it display | 19:48 |
axenory | hey is there a way to put ubuntu in battery saving mode? | 19:49 |
rtc | why does ubuntu overwrite by locale if I login from another host via ssh? | 19:49 |
rtc | by locale => my locale | 19:49 |
rtc | /etc/pam.d/sshd contains auth required pam_env.so envfile=/etc/default/locale, which essentially overwrites the locale by the default one | 19:50 |
Prose | poningru: I seriously can't find it | 19:50 |
mrpiracy | is there a way to stop ubuntu from asking me a root password all the time i want to install something? | 19:50 |
Prose | poningru: scrach that | 19:51 |
Prose | scratch that | 19:51 |
Dethray | is there a way to colorize my term in ubuntu? | 19:52 |
poningru | Dethray, you term? | 19:52 |
luz3r | Go to Edit menu > Current Profile > Colors | 19:52 |
Dethray | the default terminal | 19:52 |
Slart | Dethray: there is a line to uncomment.. perhaps in ~/.bashrc or some similiar file | 19:52 |
mrpiracy | ok, i am trying to unpack a gz file i downloaded, but it says the program doesnt have access to mkdir .... how do i give this program access to perform this? | 19:53 |
cjohnson_ | How can I get deskbar 2.20.2 in gutsy? | 19:53 |
axenory | how can i change server? | 19:53 |
axenory | mike IM there | 19:54 |
deeperror | mrpiracy, extract the file in a folder your user has permissions in | 19:54 |
deeperror | mrpiracy, or do sudo tar zxvf filename.tar.gz | 19:54 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, i am trying to save it into my home folder | 19:54 |
Joeseph | does "sound recorder" need jack to work? or what does it use? | 19:54 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, using "archive manager" | 19:54 |
Joeseph | I get a 'resource not found error' when I press play. | 19:55 |
kitche | cjohnson_: we already told you where but here http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/deskbar-applet/2.20/deskbar-applet-2.20.3.tar.bz2 and compile | 19:56 |
=== nick_riviera is now known as m4jkl | ||
AlmightyCthulhu | oh god, spamza really does work, I created a throwaway email to test it | 19:56 |
deeperror | mrpiracy, that i'm not sure | 19:56 |
AlmightyCthulhu | this is evil | 19:56 |
ntesla | rooted this tendency has become realizable through my oscillators will profoundly affect human life | 19:56 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, so do i have to go command line everytime i need to uninstall a package? | 19:57 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, ops, unpack* | 19:57 |
ntesla | a mrpiracy man called mane, employed to do | 19:57 |
deeperror | mrpiracy, it doesn't sound like you are installing packages as you are working with gz files? Wouldn't that be source? | 19:57 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, it's skype ... i just got it from their website ... it comes in a gz package | 19:58 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, i think i'll have to extract and run ./configure | 19:58 |
dusty_ | Hey guys, what is wrong with these rules: http://rafb.net/p/pCvLfU40.html I get the following error: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name ? | 19:58 |
deeperror | yea to install that i think there is an ubuntu specific binary that will work | 19:58 |
AlmightyCthulhu | 5 minutes in, I now have over 300 junk messages | 19:59 |
saikyo78 | hello all, i'm new here | 19:59 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, anyway, i wanted to stop ubuntu from asking my password ALL THE TIME, it's annoying | 19:59 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, looks like UAC in Vista | 19:59 |
saikyo78 | i hope this is the right place, if not i'll try elsewhere, but can i ask troubleshooting questions here for ubuntu? | 19:59 |
deeperror | mrpiracy, you should download the .dev file for ubuntu set permissions on that to +x and execute it | 20:00 |
deeperror | s/.dev/deb | 20:00 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, there's no deb file | 20:00 |
Dethray | Yay colored bash is fun. :) | 20:00 |
Dethray | Thanx | 20:01 |
amrik | Hi I am having a little trouble with keyboard settings. Can anyone help? | 20:01 |
deeperror | http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/choose/ what is the first link? | 20:01 |
ntesla | when first shown in the other hand, currents of different phase, and a bundle | 20:01 |
brady_k | hey everyone... i'm having problems installing ubuntu on my RAID1 config, for alot of reasons, and i was wondering if i remove one of the drives... stick it in another computer... install ubuntu... swap the drive and reconnect it to the RAID array... will that work? | 20:01 |
andresmh | I'm trying to setup a Vista laptop with a 64GB disk to run both Win and Ubuntu (dual boot). what tool do you recommend me to use to partition my disk? how much space should I anticipate to use for ubuntu? I basically only need OpenOffice, Firefox, MySQL, Apache and PHP... | 20:03 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, ohhh, yes, sorry ... i am trying skype AND songbird RC2 | 20:03 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, songbird is the one in gz file | 20:04 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, but skype now is telling me it's wrong architecture i386 (i'm on x64) | 20:04 |
Slart | andresmh: if you're only going to use one partition I'd make it.. well.. about 30GB or so.. that will leave you some room for files too | 20:04 |
ntesla | to leave no room for a while | 20:04 |
deeperror | mrpiracy, i go command line when working on most things so not sure how to further assist on that | 20:04 |
ntesla | a line of inventors | 20:04 |
ntesla | and now i felt that the specter of exhaustion is looming up threateningly in | 20:04 |
andresmh | I want to have a separate partition just for files (to be shared among Win and Ubuntu) | 20:05 |
Tironos_Drii | can ubuntu MID run on the iphone? | 20:05 |
=== Lord is now known as Guest27531 | ||
Slart | andresmh: but if you really want it to be lean you can slim that down to 20GB.. or even 15GB if you keep track of what you're doing so you don't run out of space | 20:05 |
beli | hey folks...what possibilities do i have to crypt an external usb mass storage device? | 20:05 |
deeperror | beli, truecrypt is cool | 20:05 |
hal_v2 | So I think I still have windows installed on this computer, how do I check and/or remove it? | 20:06 |
ntesla | smart is a radical change must be going!, and calling for help | 20:06 |
amrik | I would like to be able to type letters with umlauts and accents (eg. ï) on my US keyboard, but the Alt+number trick does not seem to work | 20:06 |
andresmh | so just ubuntu alone takes 15GB min? | 20:06 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, can i bypass this check on architecture? i had skype working in my previous x64 ubuntu install | 20:06 |
Slart | andresmh: my ubuntu install uses about 8GB of disk space at the moment.. but then I've installed some extra stuff | 20:06 |
ikonia | andresmh: no | 20:06 |
ntesla | innumerable uses of great importance | 20:06 |
deeperror | mrpiracy, probably need to go from source then on skype and configure from there | 20:06 |
ikonia | andresmh: ubuntu's defailt install is about 1.2 gig | 20:06 |
Guest27531 | Hi. Can any one help me. I'm kinda new to linux. installed ubuntu and trying to connect to my wireless network. It said i'm connected and got an ip. but cant ping router and got no internet ???? | 20:07 |
mrpiracy | deeperror, ok, thx, gonna give it a try | 20:07 |
andresmh | ikonia: that sounds more reasoable, especially since the installer CD is only ~700MB | 20:07 |
Gnea | andresmh: no way, that's too much.. unless you install every last possible package for it | 20:07 |
mn | sorry, my internet screwed up. what ubuntu variant was recommended to me? | 20:07 |
ntesla | ever since that time i have the palaces and pyramids, the function of a kind | 20:07 |
Gnea | !wireless | Guest27531 | 20:07 |
ubottu | Guest27531: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 20:07 |
beli | deeperror: hmm ok, can i encrypt system partitions with it? | 20:07 |
ikonia | andresmh: keep in mind the cd is installed on a compressed file system called squash fs | 20:07 |
milan | how do i unlock folder when they have the lock icon | 20:07 |
cjohnson_ | I'm trying to build deskbar 2.20.3 in gutsy from this url: http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/deskbar-applet/2.20/deskbar-applet-2.20.3.tar.bz2 and it says that it can't find gnome-python-2.0...sudo apt-cache search gnome-python doesn't give anything but the development version of gnome-python-2.0 | 20:08 |
beli | milan: google about linux and permissions.... | 20:08 |
ikonia | milan: change the permissions with a root acount | 20:08 |
ikonia | !permissions > milan | 20:08 |
ubottu | milan, please see my private message | 20:08 |
juro | ubuntu 8.0.4, how can I make programs start when I log on? | 20:08 |
ntesla | i see | 20:08 |
Gnea | !permissions | milan | 20:08 |
ubottu | milan: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 20:08 |
UbuntuUser555 | TaoTeShaun: im back, how did it go? | 20:08 |
ikonia | juro: make an initscript | 20:08 |
Flannel | !session | juro | 20:08 |
ubottu | juro: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 20:08 |
bobertdos | andresmh: For example, I have a twenty gig partition and after installing everything I need, I'm only using three and a half. | 20:08 |
andresmh | so how should i go about setting things up? i am currently on vista. i tested the live cd and most stuff works... but I'm afraid running the installation from the CD might screw up my master boot sector or something like that | 20:08 |
ikonia | juro: or put them in your .gnome session file | 20:08 |
milan | thank you | 20:08 |
ntesla | and make improvements, and a number of the first with | 20:08 |
Gnea | ikonia: ah, didn't see that right away.. lag and sudden jump | 20:09 |
juro | ikonia: thank you | 20:09 |
ikonia | Gnea: not a problem | 20:09 |
babo | all the files have disappeared from my Desktop. The files are definitely there, i can see them in the file manager. I've done a "killall gnome-panel" but that doesn't fix it. | 20:09 |
babo | what's up with my desktop ? | 20:09 |
babo | all views ... | 20:09 |
ntesla | the views of life and death | 20:09 |
hal_v2 | So I think I still have windows installed on this computer, how do I check and/or remove it? | 20:10 |
Slart | babo: the gnome-panel doesn't manage the files on your desktop.. I think nautilus does that | 20:10 |
ntesla | who does not believe him | 20:10 |
bobertdos | andresmh: ACTUALLY, it works best to install Ubuntu after Windows. By default, grub will install itself and automatically detect/integrate your Vista partition. | 20:10 |
GleepGlop | so gnome cannot connect to samba shares anymore for some reason | 20:10 |
trippss | what's a good irc channel for tcp related questions, e.g., routing, etc.? | 20:10 |
Gnea | babo: try ctrl-alt-backspace to restart | 20:10 |
Tironos_Drii | can ubuntu MID run on the iphone? | 20:10 |
Gnea | trippss: #networking | 20:10 |
ntesla | and run away he would flap his huge wings in glee | 20:10 |
trippss | Gnea, thanks | 20:11 |
hal_v2 | Anyone...anyone at all? | 20:11 |
Gnea | !anyone | hal_v2 | 20:11 |
ubottu | hal_v2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 20:11 |
andresmh | bobertdos: that's great. thanks. What about creating a separate partition for my docs? Would you recommend doing that during the repartitioning done by the Ubuntu installer? | 20:11 |
hal_v2 | Anyone...anyone at all? | 20:11 |
hal_v2 | Anyone...anyone at all? | 20:11 |
hal_v2 | Anyone...anyone at all? | 20:11 |
babo | if i wanted to install ubuntu on a windows system, but i didn't want to lose the windows files ? | 20:11 |
Gnea | !repeat | hal_v2 | 20:11 |
ubottu | hal_v2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 20:11 |
hal_v2 | lol | 20:11 |
ikonia | babo: I don't advise that at all | 20:11 |
Gnea | !abuse > hal_v2 | 20:11 |
ubottu | hal_v2, please see my private message | 20:11 |
babo | ikonia: really ? what about a dual boot then ? | 20:12 |
Slart | hal_v2: wow.. that's a good way to get help.. be really annoying.. yes.. I feel it now.. I want to spend my time answering your questions.. | 20:12 |
ikonia | babo: dual boot on seperate partitions is fine | 20:12 |
force | hi all, does anyone know, how I can dsiable alt+tab and alt+esc ? | 20:12 |
hal_v2 | Stop taking yourself so seriously. | 20:12 |
hal_v2 | lol | 20:12 |
babo | ikonia: an ubuntu install will wipe the disk ? i guess that makes sense ... | 20:12 |
hal_v2 | So I think I still have windows installed on this computer, how do I check and/or remove it? | 20:12 |
hkittysmoothie | Is there a way to set firefox to use a proxy server only when visiting specific websites? | 20:12 |
ikonia | babo: no it won't | 20:12 |
cjohnson_ | hal_v2, do you have an ntfs partition on your computer? | 20:12 |
ikonia | babo: you can set ubuntu to create partitions/file systems and install to where ever you want | 20:13 |
* Gnea goes back to work | 20:13 | |
hal_v2 | I'm not sure. | 20:13 |
babo | ikonia: but the file tables will be lost ... | 20:13 |
bobertdos | andresmh: Yeah, you can certainly feel free to do that if you wish. If you want to do it later, you can have gparted do it. In the meantime, because Vista is too much of a pain in the but to freshly reinstall, I also recommend letting Ubuntu resize your current partition. | 20:13 |
ikonia | babo: no | 20:13 |
cjohnson_ | hal_v2, type this in a terminal "sudo fdisk -l" | 20:13 |
babo | ikonia: well why wouldn't you advise it then ? | 20:13 |
ntesla | a terminal of less than 90 feet in diameter | 20:13 |
andresmh | bobertdos: thanks! | 20:13 |
andresmh | i'll do that | 20:13 |
babo | ikonia: will ubuntu repartition a windows harddrive ? | 20:13 |
andresmh | I got a thinkpad x300 with Dual 2 Core, should I install Ubuntu 64 or 32 bits? For some reason the Vista that came with it is 32-bit | 20:13 |
crdlb | force: with metacity, you can do it in gconf-editor /apps/metacity/global_keybindings | 20:13 |
ikonia | babo: because on a windows file system is a non-native file system and the potential for issues/corruption is high in my opinion | 20:13 |
ikonia | babo: if you guide ubuntu it will yes | 20:13 |
cjohnson_ | hal_v2, on the right it shows a list of your partitions underneath the "System" header | 20:13 |
cjohnson_ | hal_v2, see if any say "ntfs" or "fat" | 20:13 |
force | crdlb, thanks, I will try it out =) | 20:14 |
Slart | andresmh: unless you have a really good reason I'd say go with 32-bit | 20:14 |
ntesla | older reason asserts itself and we formed a psychological society for the first report electrified new york city, or what? | 20:14 |
hal_v2 | I see Linux Extended and Linux swap / Solaris | 20:14 |
cjohnson_ | hal_v2, that's all? | 20:14 |
RageMachine | anyone run grub2? | 20:14 |
hal_v2 | Yes. | 20:14 |
ntesla | i may say, is accurately proportioned to fit the globe if necessary, with inexhaustible resources and immense population thoroughly imbued | 20:14 |
cjohnson_ | hal_v2, if so, you have no windows on your machine, congratulations :D | 20:14 |
hal_v2 | YAY! Free of the plague! | 20:14 |
babo | ikonia: the ubuntu disk will repartition a windows drive successfully before install allowing a successful dual-boot arrangement ? | 20:14 |
andresmh | Slart: I've heard 64-bit is better at power management, which seems important for a laptop... | 20:14 |
ntesla | remains today seems like a calamity | 20:14 |
ikonia | babo: if you guide it to it will | 20:14 |
ikonia | andresmh: you heard wrong on that | 20:15 |
cjohnson_ | !ot | ntesla | 20:15 |
ubottu | ntesla: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 20:15 |
ntesla | welcome! | 20:15 |
babo | ikonia: is dual-booting easy ? | 20:15 |
cjohnson_ | !bot | 20:15 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 20:15 |
ikonia | babo: if you read the text on screen and think about what your doing, it's very easy | 20:15 |
Pirate_Hunter | why is my transfer of files to my windows partition all of a sudden so slow, its like transferring at 2.0Mb/sec :/... ? | 20:15 |
GleepGlop | why will gnome not connect to smb shares but cli will? | 20:15 |
cppmonkey | Hi Im trying to use ALSA with wine and I need a way to select the SB rather than the HDMI interface, can only one help? | 20:15 |
Slart | andresmh: hmm.. I don't think 64bit is better at anything but raw calculations .. and handling more memory | 20:15 |
bobertdos | andresmh: If you know you've got a 64-bit board, it's your decision. Certain things like Flash and Java can give you big headaches in 64-bit Ubuntu, but other than that, it works pretty darn well. | 20:15 |
babo | ikonia, ubuntu live will give me the option of setting up a dual-boot ? since when ? | 20:15 |
cjohnson_ | babo, don't select guided partitioning during that step | 20:15 |
ikonia | babo: how many times "yes" if you pay attention to whats on screen and answer the questions your asked it will do it fine | 20:16 |
Tironos_Drii | can ubuntu MID run on the iphone? | 20:16 |
ikonia | Tironos_Drii: mid ? | 20:16 |
cjohnson_ | babo, instead, resize your current partition and choose the new empty space to write to | 20:16 |
ikonia | Tironos_Drii: as in a midi file ? | 20:16 |
babo | ikonia: since when does ubuntu offer a Q&A to dualbooting though ? | 20:16 |
force | crdlb, it works, thanks!!! | 20:16 |
cjohnson_ | babo, or however you want it set up | 20:16 |
force | =) | 20:16 |
cjohnson_ | !dualboot | babo | 20:16 |
ubottu | babo: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 20:16 |
andresmh | Slart, bobertdos, ikonia: interesting. I do have 4GB of memory. Will Ubuntu 32-bit recognize the 4GB? | 20:16 |
ikonia | babo: don't be silly, it asks you things like "do you want to wipe the whole disk" - obviously if you say "yes" you won't be dual booting | 20:16 |
Tironos_Drii | http://www.ubuntu.com/products/mobile | 20:16 |
bobertdos | andresmh: No it will not. | 20:16 |
Slart | andresmh: not all of it.. you'll be able to use something like 3.5 GB | 20:17 |
ikonia | Tironos_Drii: I dont believe so | 20:17 |
Tironos_Drii | :< | 20:17 |
ikonia | andresmh: it will with PAE extensions | 20:17 |
Slart | andresmh: considering you've got 4GB of memory I'd say install the 64-bit version | 20:17 |
andresmh | it's interesting that Vista 32bit does recognize the 4GB | 20:17 |
babo | ikonia: right. but at some stage the boot loader is going to have to be edited no ? or is that taken care of ? I'm just trying to gauge the complexity here cause it's my mates computer. My laptop is dual-boot but i set it up a few years ago and as i remember it wasn't a trivial task ... | 20:17 |
andresmh | maybe it's lying | 20:17 |
Slart | ikonia: does PAE come with any regular consumer computers? | 20:18 |
hkittysmoothie | Is there a way to set firefox to use a proxy server only when visiting specific websites? | 20:18 |
Alemanne86 | anybody knows the freeze problem of ubuntu 8.04 ? | 20:18 |
bobertdos | andresmh: or maybe you do have 64-bit Vista and the labels on the system are wrong :D | 20:18 |
ikonia | babo: if you read the screens it will tell you when / if it's updating the boot loader as the boot loader will be replaced from windows to the "grub" boot loader | 20:18 |
=== milos_ is now known as Kaurin | ||
ikonia | Slart: I believe on most recent boards it will be available. | 20:18 |
babo | Alemanne86, it's a penguin, it's meant to freeze every now and again ... | 20:18 |
deeperror | hkittysmoothie, don't think so what are you trying to do? | 20:18 |
andresmh | bobertdos: hehe. i'm reading it on the system info utility "32-bit operating system" | 20:19 |
babo | ikonia, since when did the dual-boot option become so easy on Ubuntu Live ? | 20:19 |
Slart | ikonia: hmm.. wikipedia had some good info on it.. seems it should be supported on almost everything these days.. | 20:19 |
ikonia | babo: always been that way | 20:19 |
hkittysmoothie | deeperror, I want to access my wordpress server, but I can't use "localhost" and putting my external IP redirects me to my LAN configuration page | 20:19 |
babo | hmm | 20:19 |
ikonia | Slart: exactly, pretty much | 20:19 |
ikonia | Slart: but your right the odd one won't have it | 20:19 |
bobertdos | andresmh: Okay, odd, but I wouldn't sweat it too much. Go with 64-bit Ubuntu. | 20:19 |
Alemanne86 | thx | 20:20 |
deeperror | hkittysmoothie, how about updating hosts? | 20:20 |
hkittysmoothie | deeperror, what do you mean? | 20:20 |
changke | skype start automatically on startup but doesn't appear in the startup list when I go system->preferences->sessions? how to stop it starting? | 20:20 |
deeperror | hkittysmoothie, what is the ip of the wordpress server? add that to /etc/hosts along with the domain that you want to point to that address | 20:21 |
hkittysmoothie | deeperror, how should I format it? | 20:22 |
bobertdos | changke: Maybe Ubuntu was set to remember sessions and it remembered Skype running from a previous session.......... | 20:22 |
khaije1 | anyone know if webmin supports iscsi target mgmt? | 20:22 |
ikonia | khaije1: webmin is not supported or an ubuntu product | 20:22 |
ikonia | Kaurin: therefore it's nothing to do with ubuntu | 20:22 |
_2 | i still need/want to get my broken "su" working, any help here ? | 20:22 |
Kaurin | eh? :) | 20:22 |
ikonia | _2: what's up | 20:23 |
ikonia | Kaurin: webmin is not made by ubuntu - nor is it in the ubuntu repos/supported by the ubuntu community | 20:23 |
_2 | ikonia su is still broken on the pindrive | 20:23 |
hkittysmoothie | deeperror, nevermind my last question, I added it to /etc/hosts, now what? | 20:23 |
ikonia | _2: what's the issue though | 20:23 |
Kaurin | ikonia: i dident ask... khaije1 did i think :D | 20:23 |
Chelsey | fgsfds | 20:23 |
ikonia | Kaurin: apologies, didn't see the difference | 20:23 |
_2 | ikonia i think we talked yesterday su: permission denied! | 20:23 |
Kaurin | hahah its ok :P | 20:23 |
Phipho | khaijel : did you know how to setting usb cdma modem on ubuntu | 20:23 |
ikonia | _2: don't think we did | 20:24 |
Kaurin | nice talking to ya, later | 20:24 |
_2 | ikonia and perms on /bin/su are 4755 | 20:24 |
bobertdos | !sudo | _2 | 20:24 |
ubottu | _2: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) | 20:24 |
GleepGlop | i would only use webmin locally if at all | 20:24 |
ikonia | _2: what's up with that | 20:24 |
_2 | bobertdos thank you for the heads up if i need that i'll remember it. | 20:24 |
ikonia | bobertdos: pay attention to what he's talking about before randomly hitting factoids | 20:24 |
Carpe|Diem | Is it possible to create a link from a folder? | 20:24 |
_2 | ikonia ? | 20:24 |
ikonia | _2: setuid read execute, looks fine | 20:25 |
ikonia | _2: or am I missing something ? | 20:25 |
Slart | Carpe|Diem: link from a folder? do you mean a link *to* a folder? | 20:25 |
ikonia | _2: -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 30288 2008-04-03 02:07 /bin/su | 20:25 |
changke | skype starts automatically on startup but doesn't appear in the startup list when I go system->preferences->sessions? how to stop it starting? | 20:25 |
khaije1 | Phipho: there is bitpim, aside from that whatever ppp app you like | 20:25 |
_2 | ikonia yes i know. that's just the default next question, what are the perms on /bin/su i was anticipating | 20:25 |
Pirate_Hunter | could anyone explain to me why would my file transfer to another partition be so slow, its like transferring at 2.0Mb/sec? | 20:26 |
ikonia | _2: ooh, no, I'm waiting for you to tell me tbe problem | 20:26 |
ratpoison | hello! is there anyway to learn my ip from bash? | 20:26 |
ikonia | ratpoison: ip addr | 20:26 |
ratpoison | (not the lan ip) | 20:26 |
khaije1 | Phipho: they often need root access to open the /dev/ttyACM device though so be mindful of that | 20:26 |
ikonia | ratpoison: ifconfig | 20:26 |
Carpe|Diem | Slart, yes, like using the link command in shell | 20:26 |
ikonia | ratpoison: well, what ip then | 20:26 |
_2 | ikonia i did. su: permission denied! <<< | 20:26 |
ikonia | _2: this is an ubuntu box ? | 20:26 |
_2 | yes | 20:26 |
_2 | ikonia minimal install on a pindrive | 20:26 |
ikonia | _2: can you show me the output of ls -la /bin/s please | 20:27 |
ikonia | _2: pendrive ? | 20:27 |
GleepGlop | /bin/su on mine is -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root | 20:27 |
ratpoison | no, my external ip, the one I have on teh internets | 20:27 |
ikonia | ratpoison: thats handled by your router | 20:27 |
ikonia | ratpoison: your ip address is what's on ubuntu, the router does the rest | 20:27 |
ratpoison | yeah, but I do have a widget that can show me that | 20:27 |
Slart | Carpe|Diem: take a look at this.. it looks promising http://linux.about.com/library/gnome/blgnome6n6l.htm | 20:27 |
ray_ | how i remove somthing from my trash bin if got no premition to do it | 20:27 |
ratpoison | what command does this use, I wonder | 20:27 |
ikonia | ratpoison: none | 20:27 |
ray_ | i get what i do on ubuntu 8.04? | 20:27 |
_2 | ikonia yes the perms on /bin/su are 4755 or as you stated -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root | 20:27 |
Carpe|Diem | Slart, thank you very much:) | 20:27 |
ikonia | ratpoison: as I've just said, it's nothing to do with ubuntu | 20:28 |
=== bjames is now known as Guest65026 | ||
MrMist | I'm having problems with my touchpad... suddenly it doesn't work anymore. Any ideas ? | 20:28 |
bobertdos | !trash | ray_ | 20:28 |
ubottu | ray_: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 20:28 |
ikonia | _2: ok, just wanted to verify they match up on the output of ls | 20:28 |
_2 | ikonia k | 20:28 |
GleepGlop | ratpoison: wget http://Www.whatismyip.com -O - -o /dev/null | grep '<TITLE>' | sed -r 's/<TITLE>WhatIsMyIP\.com \- //g' | sed -r 's/<\/TITLE>//g' | 20:28 |
Guest65026 | Hi all, can someone point me to a font that has the Real, Natural and Integer number symbols (stylised R, N and I) please? | 20:28 |
ikonia | _2: whats the owner/group on su ? | 20:28 |
ratpoison | yeah, neither do my ports. but I can do nmap (insertip) -p (insertport) -PN and find out if my ports are open | 20:28 |
ray_ | bob i have tryed to remove or clear it and get messge telling me i dont have permiton to move file | 20:28 |
_2 | root | 20:28 |
sergiolitwiniuk | any idea how can i get dynomation? is an app for engine simulation, | 20:28 |
_2 | ikonia root | 20:28 |
bobertdos | ray_ You'll want to use sudo in the terminal to remove things from the trash bin if they're being stubborn or having permission problems. | 20:28 |
ikonia | _2: owner and group ? | 20:29 |
khaije1 | ikonia: do u know if ebox supports iscsi targets? | 20:29 |
burhan | Guest65026: wingdings? | 20:29 |
ray_ | bob its a drm folder | 20:29 |
ikonia | _2: ahhh I got it | 20:29 |
_2 | ikonia yes | 20:29 |
burhan | Guest65026: that's just a guess. | 20:29 |
ratpoison | GleepGlop: thnx, not exactly convenient though | 20:29 |
ray_ | how i put it back ddont want to remove it | 20:29 |
ikonia | _2: I think I know the problem | 20:29 |
_2 | ikonia i'm all ears. | 20:29 |
ikonia | _2: can you open a pastebin please and put the output of ldd /bin/su | 20:29 |
Slart | Carpe|Diem: it seems ln -s creates links to folders too.. just like files | 20:29 |
ray_ | to were it belong nevber did it with sudo in turminal | 20:29 |
ray_ | bob | 20:29 |
GleepGlop | ill put it in a pastebin for ya. make a bash script from it | 20:29 |
Carpe|Diem | oh, nice Slart | 20:29 |
ikonia | _2: your on a pen drive, I bet the libs are linked against the wrong path | 20:29 |
Carpe|Diem | I will be using that instead:) | 20:29 |
burhan | Carpe|Diem: in linux, a folder is just a special file :) | 20:29 |
Carpe|Diem | :)) | 20:30 |
ray_ | bob what i do there drm folder | 20:30 |
lenswipe | How do i share www with read and write permissions on a network? | 20:30 |
_2 | ikonia it will take a minute, that system is not inet ready because of the su issue | 20:30 |
lenswipe | i can share it with read only | 20:30 |
lenswipe | but not read and write | 20:30 |
ray_ | want to put it back to were it belong but get that err | 20:30 |
Guest65026 | Burham: Ubunut doesn't come with Wingdings - it's a Windows font I think | 20:30 |
GleepGlop | ratpoison: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37226/ | 20:30 |
ikonia | _2: thats fine | 20:30 |
lenswipe | i cant write to it through samba | 20:30 |
lenswipe | anyone know why? | 20:30 |
burhan | Guest65026: you can install it, try !fonts | 20:30 |
ray_ | bobertdos youy still here with me | 20:30 |
ray_ | ? | 20:30 |
ratpoison | bash script, who would have thought | 20:30 |
ratpoison | :p | 20:30 |
lenswipe | ANYONE? | 20:30 |
ratpoison | thnx a bunch | 20:31 |
* lenswipe knocks on the table | 20:31 | |
_2 | ikonia the path returns /lib/ld-linux.so.2 | 20:31 |
ikonia | _2: just one lib? | 20:31 |
ray_ | any one eles | 20:31 |
* lenswipe waves to everyone and shouts for help | 20:31 | |
bobertdos | ray_: I'm still here, what's up? | 20:31 |
lenswipe | *clears throat* | 20:31 |
SNuxoll | !patience | lenswipe | 20:31 |
ubottu | lenswipe: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 20:31 |
Slart | lenswipe: do you get any error messages when you try writing to it?.. and stop being silly | 20:31 |
lenswipe | *Ahem* | 20:31 |
eblume | Hi. Is there a way to install a second version of Ubuntu (32 bit & 64 bit) without needing to burn a disc? I've already got a 64 bit installation and I want a 32 bit clean environment (not chroot) as well, and I'd love to avoid having to burn a disc. | 20:31 |
_2 | ikonia just one path all others are libs without paths | 20:31 |
GleepGlop | ratpoison: np, i had to use that with afraid.org to change/update my dynamic ip | 20:31 |
lenswipe | Slart: No | 20:31 |
changke | ] /ignore | 20:31 |
ikonia | _2: I think thats the problem | 20:32 |
lenswipe | Slart: i want to write to /var/www with a windows machine using samba | 20:32 |
burhan | eblume: run it in a virtual machine. | 20:32 |
Phipo | khaijel : but that's usb no detected, it just have bus and device no. if i "lsusb" no name for a driver | 20:32 |
ray_ | bobertdos in my trash bin its a dlongrm folder how i put them back were belong i get premition err how i put it back to were be | 20:32 |
ikonia | _2: I'll pastebin, and tell me what's different | 20:32 |
MrMist | Hmm... anyone? My synaptics touchpad doesn't work anymore.. "Synaptics Touchpad can't grab event device" | 20:32 |
ray_ | never did trah bin with sudo in turminal yet | 20:32 |
ray_ | on 8.04 | 20:32 |
eblume | burhan, I'd really like to make it a clean environment with a second boot... I'm trying to run proprietary 3d applications in it. | 20:32 |
_2 | ikonia i'll compair with this system same release | 20:32 |
lenswipe | Slart: I just to know how someone suggested adding myself to the samba group in users and groups | 20:32 |
ikonia | _2: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37228/ | 20:32 |
lenswipe | Slart: But again, im not sure.... | 20:32 |
ikonia | _2: ignore the 64bit hardcoded path | 20:32 |
saikyo78 | hi - - is there any way i can get help with running wireless on ubuntu? i am following a guide online, using terminal and am getting hung up at the last step | 20:32 |
lenswipe | Slart: U got any ideas? | 20:32 |
_2 | ikonia compairing my own system here nothing differs. | 20:32 |
ray_ | bobertdos, what i do? | 20:33 |
changke | would someone help me with my startup programs please? | 20:33 |
infexion | MrMist: I am not sure why your touch pad does not work... Do you have another mouse connected? | 20:33 |
killaz | Is there a catalogue collections which can import all avi files in a certain directory so that I can keep a collections of movies. SOmething like GCStart but with an important feature: automatic import movies based on extension for example .avi | 20:33 |
changke | skype starts automatically on startup but doesn't appear in the startup list when I go system->preferences->sessions? how to stop it starting? | 20:33 |
ikonia | _2: how can that be, all mine have paths to /lib | 20:33 |
Guest27531 | Hi. Can any one help me. I connected to my wireless network using nm-applet. router registers connection. but i have no internet and cant ping router. need help | 20:33 |
ikonia | _2: you said only 1 had a path | 20:33 |
_2 | ikonia and su works here. and seeing that nothing differs i can pastebin the out. | 20:33 |
Slart | lenswipe: read the samba docs.. I'm guessing you have a permissions problem.. try !samba for bot-goodness | 20:33 |
lenswipe | !samba | 20:33 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 20:33 |
bobertdos | ray_ So, you don't want to delete it, but rather restore it? | 20:33 |
MrMist | infexion: Yeah, but I've had the mouse attached for quite some time, and the touchpad has always been working | 20:33 |
_2 | ikonia http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d3ae5e459 | 20:33 |
killaz | automatic import entries based on the .avi files found.. | 20:33 |
ray_ | bobertdos, yes there drm folder | 20:33 |
infexion | MrMist: or have you updated your ubuntu kernel? | 20:34 |
_2 | ikonia that the same on both the working system and the non-working | 20:34 |
ray_ | getting permition err | 20:34 |
eblume | Does anyone know of a way to install a second installation of Ubuntu on a machine without having to go to the trouble of burning a CD, etc? | 20:34 |
ray_ | whebnn try to move it out | 20:34 |
MrMist | infexion: I have, yes. Should that have anything to say? | 20:34 |
Guest27531 | Hi. Can any one help me. I connected to my wireless network using nm-applet. router registers connection. but i have no internet and cant ping router. need help | 20:34 |
ikonia | _2: I need you to walk through (follow paths and smylinks) on all those libs | 20:34 |
GleepGlop | ratpoison: better external IP bash script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37229/ | 20:34 |
ikonia | _2: I'll put money that one of those is not there/accessable | 20:34 |
infexion | Mr.Mist: I know if you update the kernel that it usually wipes a lot of drivers | 20:34 |
MrMist | infexion: I get a warning in the Xorg log, saying: (WW) Synaptics Touchpad can't grab event device, errno=16 | 20:34 |
burhan | eblume: you can remote boot it, netinstall, etc -- but its too much of a hassle. Easier to burn a CD, partition your disk, and do it that way. Of course, the easiest it to run a vm. | 20:34 |
_2 | ikonia ok i'm on it. i'll get back to you. | 20:35 |
ikonia | _2: no problem | 20:35 |
Slart | eblume: I'm just guessing here but perhaps you can just copy a working ubuntu install to another drive and try changing the grub-settings.. you might need to change the /etc/fstab too.. and possibly somewhere else too | 20:35 |
ray_ | bobertdos, what i do? | 20:35 |
infexion | Mr. Mist See that might be because of the update and possibly an incompatibility | 20:35 |
Slart | eblume: but I'd go with burning a live cd any day if I had a choice | 20:35 |
eblume | Slart, that would be perfect except that my current install is 64bit, and I want a clean 32 bit environment. | 20:35 |
ratpoison | GleepGlop: excellent! say, do you know of any online resource that turns bash noobs into wizards? | 20:35 |
MrMist | infexion: Hmm... in /dev/input there's no "event16" interface... maybe there's some wrong mapping somewhere | 20:35 |
ikonia | ratpoison: tldp.org | 20:36 |
Slart | eblume: hmm.. check out the !pendrive install info.. it might work for regular hard drives too | 20:36 |
GleepGlop | ratpoison: im a noob, so i dont know. well, im more of a hack | 20:36 |
Guest27531 | Hi. Can any one help me. I connected to my wireless network using nm-applet. router registers connection. but i have no internet and cant ping router. need help | 20:36 |
infexion | MrMist: it is a possibility | 20:36 |
ray_ | bobertdos, still here | 20:36 |
ratpoison | well if a noob can conjure up a simple bash script in seconds, then what do you call one who can't? :p | 20:36 |
MrMist | infexion: Any way to "rebind" the event device currently associated with the synaptic driver then ? | 20:36 |
alraune | !wireless > Guest27531: | 20:37 |
eblume | Oh also, what's the best way to resize an ext3 partition/ | 20:37 |
infexion | MrMist: did you check the ubuntu forums for an answer? | 20:37 |
burhan | Guest27531: can you ping any other host on your net? | 20:37 |
GleepGlop | ratpoison: this will get you started http://www.codecoffee.com/tipsforlinux/articles2/043.html | 20:37 |
alraune | eblume: gparted | 20:37 |
infexion | MrMist: I am not sure how to go about that to be honest | 20:37 |
GleepGlop | peace | 20:37 |
MrMist | infexion: yeah... can't find any | 20:37 |
bobertdos | ray_: In the trash directory, you could try: sudo cp -r <directory> <destination> | 20:37 |
eblume | alraune, thanks! | 20:37 |
ratpoison | thnx a bunch everyone! see you around! | 20:37 |
zboy417 | hey everyone...why does my laptop run hotter when its running Ubuntu than when running Windows (its a Toshiba Satellite A135-S4527) | 20:37 |
ray_ | bobertdos, were do i put them in ubuntu 8.04 | 20:37 |
ray_ | want to make sure go in right spot | 20:37 |
Guest27531 | burhan i did no real awnser. and no i cant ping | 20:38 |
Slart | zboy417: perhaps windows is better at scaling down the cpu/gpu/hard-drive/display etc | 20:38 |
Qwerty | Im trying to restart ssh but the file /etc/init.d/ssh does not exist so I don't now how to restart it. Any ideas? | 20:38 |
bobertdos | ray_: I don't really know where they go. I guess it depends on the player you're using. | 20:38 |
ikonia | Qwerty: is it there ? | 20:38 |
_2 | ikonia no go man. all present and accounted for links and targets | 20:38 |
ray_ | bobertdos, nopt sure were i would put it | 20:39 |
Qwerty | ikonia: ssh exists but not in that direction. | 20:39 |
ikonia | _2: damn, I would have put mone on that | 20:39 |
ray_ | all i get is drm on folder | 20:39 |
ikonia | Qwerty: how did you install ssh ? | 20:39 |
burhan | Guest27531: ifconfig and check if you have an ip | 20:39 |
zboy417 | slart...why can't Ubuntu access the temp sensors though? (i've tried "acpi -V") | 20:39 |
Brucee | can someone give a link to a alarm clock for ubuntu hardy? | 20:39 |
Slart | !sensors | zboy417 | 20:39 |
ubottu | zboy417: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto | 20:39 |
Brucee | or send me one | 20:39 |
bony | i tried to start gedit at a given time using at command but what i found was that at uses sh to execute all the commands and when i tried $sh gedit i get an error saying cannot execute file. what should i do in order to start gedit with sh? | 20:39 |
_2 | ikonia i was sure hoping you were right too. i have been troubled with this for three days now. | 20:40 |
ray_ | bobertdos, any idea | 20:40 |
Slart | zboy417: you might have to setup the sensor software first.. or it might be some other problem. | 20:40 |
Siph0n | hey, I updated to the kernel, using the master kernel thread on ubuntuforums, and now my audio has scratching noises in the background. Any ideas? | 20:40 |
Qwerty | ikonia: Don't remember but since I am a "Noobie" a fair guess would be through synaptic | 20:40 |
ikonia | _2: let me think | 20:40 |
Guest27531 | burhan i got an ip. and i see that there is a device connected to the router | 20:40 |
MacGyverNL | burhan, alraune, I've checked Guest27531's config. His wireless drivers are loaded and iwconfig shows his wireless interface. He's trying to get roaming mode to work, and I'm at a loss since I'm no wireless expert either. | 20:40 |
zboy417 | ok | 20:40 |
ikonia | Qwerty: ahh install the openssh-server package | 20:40 |
bobertdos | ray_: not really, sorry | 20:40 |
ray_ | any one know in ubuntu 8.04 to put a drm folder | 20:41 |
burhan | Guest27531: how many interfaces are connected now to the network from your host? | 20:41 |
ray_ | got them in trash bin | 20:41 |
Phipo | burhan: hi you indonesian, i have usb cdma modem how to connect to ubuntu? but that's usb no detected, it just have bus and device no. if i "lsusb" no name for a driver | 20:41 |
ray_ | !beta | 20:41 |
ubottu | If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. | 20:41 |
alraune | MacGyverNL:I'm no wireless guru either, ifup eth<x> ?! | 20:41 |
Olivier_G | Hi ! | 20:41 |
ray_ | any one | 20:41 |
Olivier_G | I'm looking for a sound/pulseAudio expert :-) | 20:41 |
ray_ | !alpha | 20:41 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alpha | 20:41 |
ray_ | !Alpha | 20:42 |
bobertdos | zboy417: Going back to your original question, one of my guesses would be because of compiz. If you have extra visual effects enabled especially, the graphics card works a lot harder. | 20:42 |
MacGyverNL | burhan: His wired interface works. He tried it with wired enabled and with wired disabled. | 20:42 |
ray_ | bobertdos, how i get ride of it in trash | 20:42 |
ray_ | bin | 20:42 |
ray_ | if want to | 20:42 |
MacGyverNL | So at the moment it's the only connected interface. | 20:42 |
alraune | !trah |ray_: | 20:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about trah | 20:43 |
alraune | !trash |ray_: | 20:43 |
ubottu | ray_:: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 20:43 |
fabio | hi, i'm trying to convert an rpm from opensuse 11 into a debian package using alien, but sudo alien gtk2-theme-openSUSE-11.0-16.1.noarch.rpm just gives me "Unpacking of 'gtk2-theme-openSUSE-11.0-16.1.noarch.rpm' failed at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package/Rpm.pm line 153." using ubuntu hardy | 20:43 |
fabio | any help? | 20:43 |
Guest27531 | buran wireless is in roaming mode | 20:43 |
Phipo | burhan: hi you indonesian, i have usb cdma modem how to connect to ubuntu? but that's usb no detected, it just have bus and device no. if i "lsusb" no name for a driver | 20:43 |
alraune | fabio: not available as tarball ? | 20:43 |
zboy417 | hmm....now to figure out how to run lm-sensors | 20:44 |
fabio | couldn't find it anywhere | 20:44 |
bobertdos | ray_: In the terminal, type: sudo rm -irf .local/share/Trash/<the directory name> | 20:44 |
burhan | MacGyverNL: if the wired is working at the same time as the wireless, then it could be that the default route is set to go through the wired. | 20:44 |
burhan | Phipo: I'm not Indonesian. | 20:44 |
zboy417 | i used the synaptic package installer...but now how to run it | 20:44 |
alraune | fabio: not available as tarball ? rpmseek (google) | 20:44 |
MacGyverNL | burhan: But he's now got wired disabled and it's still not working. | 20:45 |
_2 | ikonia i have even ran a command to reinstall every package on that system hoping that it was something along that line. no joy. same error. and that is from a failsafe root acount too " su: permission denied! " | 20:45 |
datacrusher | hi people | 20:45 |
Phipo | burhan: you see my question? | 20:45 |
datacrusher | iv installed a samba server with ubuntu | 20:45 |
burhan | pastebin the output of route | 20:45 |
bobertdos | zboy417: The terminal would probably be the best bet. | 20:45 |
Phipo | burhan: i have usb cdma modem how to connect to ubuntu? but that's usb no detected, it just have bus and device no. if i "lsusb" no name for a driver | 20:45 |
datacrusher | but the version that comes with it its 3.028, wich dont work with windows vista | 20:45 |
mahfiaz | !ask > datacrusher | 20:45 |
ubottu | datacrusher, please see my private message | 20:45 |
burhan | Phipo: what is the brand of your modem? | 20:45 |
datacrusher | oh sorry | 20:46 |
mahfiaz | datacrusher, does it give any error? | 20:46 |
rambo3 | !sr | 20:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sr | 20:46 |
vnix | how i set my GDM become default display manager? | 20:46 |
impotence | vnix you can do that from the login screen | 20:47 |
MrMist | any way to get back to the "default " xorg.conf ? | 20:47 |
MrMist | any dpkg-reconfigure I can run ? | 20:47 |
bobertdos | vnix: Under Options at the login screen, there's a menu for controlling sessions. | 20:47 |
=== jsha is now known as jshadias | ||
ray_ | bobertdos, one file still in trash bin give me permition err | 20:47 |
vnix | okie | 20:47 |
ray_ | what i do now | 20:47 |
TheMaxzilla | Can you hide the (n=TheMaxzilla@ip132.214.123.22.frontiernet.net) when you enter / leave a channel? | 20:47 |
datacrusher | iv installed an ubuntu samba server, wich comes with samba 3.028. iv seen on samba.org that version 3.2 that can take the windows vista environment to work with it, since iv made many tests with a smb.conf file, and worked fine untill i need authentication. So iv downloaded form the samba.org site the version 3.2 .tar, because apt-get upgrade samba dont give me the latest version, so, how do i install a .tar samba package on ubuntu? | 20:47 |
bobertdos | ray: then: sudo rm <that file> | 20:48 |
burhan | TheMaxzilla: get a user mask | 20:48 |
dusty_ | Can anyone see a way to improve on these rules or does anyone have any advice/comments about them ? http://rafb.net/p/FucSMY32.html I am looking to see if i am doing this correctly and if the rules are in the right places ? | 20:48 |
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speener | hey, does anyone know how to stop windows from sticking to the panels in gnome? its annoying as hell because larger windows always stick and i cant place them where i want... | 20:48 |
ray_ | bobertdos, in my drm i have the ect file folder | 20:48 |
TheMaxzilla | burhan: can I find that at freenode's site? | 20:48 |
burhan | TheMaxzilla: yes. | 20:48 |
burhan | TheMaxzilla: you can also ask in #freenode I believe | 20:49 |
ray_ | bobertdos, in ther drm its has lost and found | 20:49 |
Kcaj | How can I create Adobe Flash Applications on Linux? | 20:49 |
ray_ | bobertdos, i need this folder what i do to restore it | 20:49 |
fabio | sry was on the phone | 20:49 |
Kcaj | Is there an alternative to runing an emulator? | 20:49 |
fabio | couldn't find any tarballs | 20:49 |
ray_ | out of trash bin | 20:49 |
fabio | rpmseek gives me nothing | 20:49 |
burhan | Kcaj: you can use flex. | 20:49 |
ray_ | were it gose | 20:49 |
burhan | Kcaj: but that's about it. | 20:49 |
Kcaj | "flex"? | 20:49 |
ray_ | any one here know what drm folder is | 20:49 |
ray_ | i see it in trash bin | 20:49 |
ray_ | in ubuntu 8.04 | 20:49 |
mcadetg | can someone tell me why "vim" on ubuntu doesn't do vsplit? | 20:50 |
ray_ | dont want to del it if need it | 20:50 |
mcadetg | or how can I get vsplit? | 20:50 |
speener | anyone? | 20:50 |
vnix | I select GNOME session it's still the same.. | 20:50 |
Seveas | mcadetg, 'cause by default vim-tiny is installed. Install the package called vim | 20:50 |
mahfiaz | datacrusher, am I right, your actual problem is, you can't get the user/password right? | 20:50 |
ray_ | anyone | 20:50 |
mcadetg | Seveas: thank you | 20:50 |
MacGyverNL | burhan: It seems your hunch might be correct. He disabled wired network through the gui, then wireless wouldn't work. Now he's physically disabled the interface (ifconfig eth1 down) and now wireless works | 20:50 |
vnix | When i click on Login Screen, GDM is not running | 20:50 |
bobertdos | ray_: DRM stands for Digital Rights Management. That folder probably has certificates for protected digital music. | 20:50 |
ray_ | bobertdos, how i restore it back to were it gose ever time i try to del it it dont go away | 20:51 |
ray_ | and get permition err ever time how i restore it | 20:51 |
ray_ | i think it dose | 20:51 |
reikiandrew | hi there | 20:52 |
Guest27531 | burhan; if i do "ifconfig eth1 down" wireless works | 20:52 |
rambo3 | Seveas, are you still OP? | 20:52 |
zboy417 | how do i run lm-sensors in terminal? | 20:52 |
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mahfiaz | ray_, run sudo chown yourusername -R ~/.local/share/Trash/ | 20:53 |
ray_ | mah so its user name i chose when installed | 20:53 |
mahfiaz | ray_, yes, the very same | 20:54 |
ray_ | mahfiaz, what i do now ran it | 20:54 |
Phipo | burhan : i use ZTE | 20:54 |
Kcaj | Are thereany tols to help me create flash applications on Linux? | 20:54 |
ray_ | what i do now to restore it to were it gose | 20:54 |
Kcaj | or do I need Windows? | 20:54 |
ray_ | were do i put it | 20:54 |
burhan | MacGyverNL: because the default route is still active. | 20:54 |
MacGyverNL | Any way to refresh the routing table on network settings change? | 20:55 |
chao1 | has anyone here ever used the Ubuntu Recovery Remix CD or Testdisk | 20:55 |
ray_ | mahfiaz, were it gose ran your command | 20:55 |
burhan | Phipo: what is ZTE? | 20:55 |
ray_ | now what i do | 20:55 |
mahfiaz | ray_, this should make all these files yours, I thought it was to be permission problem | 20:55 |
burhan | MacGyverNL: you can always "manually" edit the route, but /etc/init.d/networking restart usually works. | 20:55 |
Phipo | burhan : the cdma usb modem merk | 20:55 |
mahfiaz | ray_, paste it into terminal | 20:55 |
_2 | chaol testdisk | 20:55 |
ray_ | mahfiaz, yes i want to put the drm folder back were it belong were do i put it | 20:56 |
ray_ | mahfiaz, i did | 20:56 |
burhan | Phipo: find me the serial number or manufacturer name. ZTE sounds like a cell phone company. | 20:56 |
ray_ | now need to restore it to the spot on ubuntu 8.04 were it should go | 20:56 |
MacGyverNL | burhan: Thanks, I'll see what we can get working. | 20:56 |
datacrusher | hm.. i see i use hardy, wich dont have the samba version 3.2, only for intrepid | 20:56 |
datacrusher | how do i backport thys version? | 20:56 |
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ray_ | its spamm d small r samll m | 20:56 |
burhan | !backports > datacrusher | 20:56 |
ubottu | datacrusher, please see my private message | 20:57 |
infexion | whoever was looking for flash development for linux take a look at f4l.sourceforge.net | 20:57 |
harisund | I have a DHCP server running on Ubuntu, with my private LAN connected to a switch. The switch has 2 wireless access points connected to it. Is there anyway for Ubuntu to detect through which wireless access point a DHCP request is coming in? | 20:57 |
ray_ | were it belong in ubuntu dont want to del it if need it | 20:57 |
chao1 | I am running it now and actually ran it several times and It shows me a correct partition table after analyzing it and I tell it to write but upon reboot it still does not work. any ideas what i am doing wrong | 20:57 |
mahfiaz | ray_, for me rightclick in trash -> restore works | 20:57 |
ray_ | mahfiaz, dont have that | 20:58 |
mahfiaz | harisund, run sudo dhclient | 20:58 |
burhan | harisund: you can check which device is requesting it by the arp header -- I think. | 20:58 |
ray_ | now what i do | 20:58 |
luz3r | I am running a domain, my IP updated but I can't connect to my domain now. | 20:58 |
_2 | chao1 no. no idea. you are running it as root ? and not on a mounted fs | 20:58 |
paolo | Hi *. I removed the panel above, and now a black screen is left. What is worse is that anytime that I have a window there, it will get "dirty" | 20:58 |
luz3r | When I ping my domain it shows my old IP. | 20:58 |
chao1 | correct | 20:58 |
burhan | luz3r: talk to your DNS provider | 20:58 |
Phipo | burhan : yup that's like cell phone. but it is CDMA usb modem. it is do not serial number. just type for ZTE MG880 | 20:58 |
Blaqlight | luz3r, your ip isn't updated in the DNS poole yet, | 20:58 |
_2 | chao1 those are the only two things that i know of that would/should/could cause that if an fs was mounted or if you didn't have permission (not root) | 20:59 |
mahfiaz | ray_, ok sorry, i am on intrepid :(, then I am not sure if there is a way to determine, where the file was | 20:59 |
chao1 | _2: well do you think that since none of the partitions are able to be mounted that that could cause the problem? | 21:00 |
burhan | mahfiaz: you need to be in #ubuntu+1 | 21:00 |
ray_ | should i put it in the file system | 21:00 |
ray_ | ? | 21:00 |
Phipo | burhan : yup that's like cell phone. but it is CDMA usb modem. it is do not serial number. just type for ZTE MG680 | 21:00 |
_2 | chao1 no. because testdisk is supposed to rewrite the partition table thus they should all become "mountable" | 21:01 |
dusty_ | Can anyone see a way to improve on these rules or does anyone have any advice/comments about them ? http://rafb.net/p/FucSMY32.html I am looking to see if i am doing this correctly and if the rules are in the right places ? | 21:01 |
mahfiaz | burhan, I am not here to get help :) | 21:01 |
burhan | Phipo: you can get it to work with pppd, assuming the modem is detected correctly. | 21:02 |
vnix | How I remove kubuntu | 21:02 |
Seveas | vnix, install something else :) | 21:02 |
_2 | vnix nuke it's fs and replace the boot loader | 21:02 |
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ray_ | itsa no biggy | 21:02 |
ray_ | mahfiaz, i del it | 21:02 |
burhan | mahfiaz: great :) | 21:02 |
vnix | _2 | 21:03 |
Siph0n | hey, if i have a sound issue, where should i look? I upgraded my kernel from 2.6.22-15 to, and now I get a scratching noise in the background of any audio | 21:03 |
vnix | can explained more | 21:03 |
Blaqlight | !puregnome | vnix | 21:03 |
ubottu | vnix: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome » | 21:03 |
chao1 | _2: well i am running it right now. I might have you walk me through it when its done if u dont mind. | 21:03 |
=== _spiderz is now known as spiderz | ||
burhan | Phipo: the new *experimental* network manager should allow you to use it. | 21:03 |
vnix | thanks | 21:03 |
Blaqlight | np | 21:03 |
kefdub | my logout/turn off window has changed, so now i cant restart or turn off my pc. | 21:03 |
_2 | chao1 i can't really tell you anything that isn't displayed on the screen at the time... i can sujest that you cat /proc/mounts to make sure that nothing on that disk is mounted... | 21:04 |
powergoal | kefdub: restart: telinit 6 in console, turn off: telinit 0 | 21:04 |
Phipo | burhan : i have try it, if i 'lsusb' thats no merk detected, just bus and device no. to show | 21:04 |
kefdub | thanks | 21:04 |
Phipo | burhan : i have try it thats no work, if i 'lsusb' thats no merk detected, just bus and device no. to show | 21:04 |
burhan | Phipo: tail -f /var/log/messages when you unplug, then replug the device. | 21:05 |
infinite | hi folks,how do i extract a tar.gz file into a new folder.this is what i tried tar -zxvf pftpfxp_v0.11.4mew6.tar.gz pftp | 21:05 |
powergoal | infinite: if the tar.gz file does not contain a folder then i think it extracts to the current folder. if youc reate the pftp folder first and the work from within it, you should extract to that point. | 21:06 |
Phipo | burhan : i try it too it is error message | 21:06 |
_2 | infinite and ? | 21:06 |
Phipo | burhan : i just can do it to windows system not on ubuntu | 21:06 |
infinite | ok thank you very much,i'll try it out | 21:07 |
powergoal | infinite: alternatively, you can pass -C /directory/name/here to point to the directory to extract to. | 21:07 |
burhan | Phipo: I'm sorry I don't know how to help you. | 21:07 |
powergoal | Phipo: what are you trying to do? | 21:08 |
Phipo | burhan : ok thanks. i love ubuntu but it can work | 21:09 |
chao1 | _2, if I Create a new log file or append it where does it put that so that I can cat it | 21:09 |
normloman | Does anyone know how to auto right align icons in gnome? | 21:09 |
Phipo | powergoal: i have usb cdma modem how to connect to ubuntu? but that's usb no detected, it just have bus and device no. if i "lsusb" no name for a driver | 21:09 |
paolo | Hi *. I removed the panel above, and now a black screen is left. What is worse is that anytime that I have a window there, it will get "dirty" | 21:09 |
_2 | chao1 probably $PWD not sure. | 21:10 |
chao1 | ok | 21:10 |
_2 | chao1 if done as sudo testdisk that would be the users home | 21:10 |
powergoal | Phipo: you tried tail -f dmesg to see if you get any info when you plug it in? | 21:11 |
_2 | chao1 if not there look in /root/ and /var/log/ | 21:11 |
Phipo | powergoal: i have to connect with pppd, kppp, and wvdial, but thats modem not read from ubuntu | 21:11 |
_2 | chao1 but still probably $PWD i'm just not sure. | 21:11 |
powergoal | Phipo: yeah, i'm not familiar enough with modems, im sorry | 21:11 |
sulz | Hello, I'm looking to do some PERL scripts on my Ubuntu 8.04 laptop. Is there anything I need to do extra to be able to do PERL? | 21:12 |
dusty_ | Can anyone see a way to improve on these rules or does anyone have any advice/comments about them ? http://rafb.net/p/FucSMY32.html I am looking to see if i am doing this correctly and if the rules are in the right places ? | 21:12 |
jokkaa | hmm.. my emerald suddenly removed all my toolbars.. any ideas why? | 21:12 |
_2 | !modem > phipo | 21:12 |
ubottu | phipo, please see my private message | 21:12 |
infinitycircuit | sulz, sudo apt-get install perl | 21:12 |
Phipo | poewrgoal: i see the error message | 21:12 |
alraune | Phipo: can u use other usb-media like stick or hd ? | 21:12 |
sulz | infinitycircuit----------after that do I do anything else | 21:12 |
=== david is now known as Guest40732 | ||
infinitycircuit | sulz, no | 21:13 |
_2 | Phipo i had the bot link you the wiki page that might help trouble shoot or maybe not. | 21:13 |
bluefox83 | i need help getting the program "screen" to start without using sudo O.o | 21:13 |
RageMachine | bluefox83, uh, what? | 21:13 |
sulz | infinitycircuit------------so I just write away, no need for anything else | 21:13 |
=== platyhelminth is now known as platyhelminth_ | ||
_2 | bluefox83 own your home. | 21:14 |
bluefox83 | RageMachine, are you familiar with "screen"? | 21:14 |
infinitycircuit | sulz, if you write a script, then use "perl <script>" to execute it | 21:14 |
bluefox83 | _2, i do... | 21:14 |
RageMachine | bluefox83, nope. but it shouldn't need sudo | 21:14 |
MrMist | My touchpad isn't working, but the buttons on it are working... what is wrong ?? | 21:14 |
_2 | bluefox83 :) it's a sujestion that might get screen working for the user in question | 21:14 |
Phipo | alraune: yes i can use. thats just a usb modem ZTE is not work | 21:15 |
powergoal | RageMachine: make sure that it is in your PATH. it could be that it is located in /usr/sbin or /usr/local/sbin | 21:15 |
powergoal | bluefox83: that was for you... whoops | 21:15 |
RageMachine | powergoal, talking to the wrong person? | 21:15 |
creatix | join #ubuntu-de | 21:15 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, sometimes touchpad buttons are at /dev/psaux, while touchpad itself not | 21:15 |
powergoal | RageMachine: yeah, so that. my bad | 21:15 |
bluefox83 | Directory '/var/run/screen' must have mode 775. <--the error | 21:15 |
_2 | bluefox83 i don't think sudo screen is a good idea. screen then sudo -i within one session. | 21:15 |
creatix | sry ;) | 21:15 |
RageMachine | powergoal :P | 21:15 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: Hmm... know how to fix this then ? | 21:15 |
trippss | just installed wireshark on hardy but doesn't have (root) version in menu so useless unless I run sudo from terminal. what happened to the root option? | 21:16 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, fix your /etc/init.d/X11/xorg.conf | 21:16 |
powergoal | bluefox83: chmod 775 /var/run/screen | 21:16 |
Slart | trippss: I installed wireshark a short while ago and I got the root menu option | 21:16 |
burhan | trippss: edit the link and add gksudo to the beginning of the command, this will make it launch with root permissions. | 21:16 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, I was pointing out, that this is hardware, those touchpad buttons belong to trackpoint-mouse | 21:17 |
_2 | powergoal is that a known issue ? | 21:17 |
bluefox83 | powergoal, yeah but every time i ssh into that machine it always makes me do the chmod over again... | 21:17 |
trippss | burhan, coolthx | 21:17 |
trippss | Slart, strange | 21:17 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: But what do I set the value to ? | 21:17 |
chao1 | _2, got it. (the log file) $PWD turned out to be the same as ~/ or /home/root but it was definately there. thanks. Still running testdisk once more. | 21:17 |
bobertdos | Is it still necessary to run that configuration script for lm-sensors or does it build it's own list now? | 21:18 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-397327.html | 21:18 |
bobertdos | *its | 21:18 |
alraune | Phipo: tried pppoeconf ? | 21:18 |
chao1 | is there a way to get awn to be on the left or right side of the screen? or is it just the bottom? | 21:18 |
_2 | chao1 /home/root ???? never seen root use that dir beefore. but it surely can be set there in /etc/passwd k welcome. | 21:18 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, cat /dev/input/mouse0 , 1,2,3 etc, and move your trackpoint and touchpad, terminate with Ctrl+C | 21:19 |
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MrMist | mahfiaz: What do I set the "device" parameter to, if it's not /dev/psaux | 21:19 |
_2 | MrMist ^ see mahfiaz | 21:19 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, you can't remove the /dev/psaux device, you may loose buttons, but add one instead | 21:20 |
=== PrivateVoid is now known as PV_Away | ||
Phipo | alraune: how to ? | 21:21 |
A | alguem ae? | 21:21 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: nothing happens... I've cat'd all the mouse0-mouse4, and noone seems to react on me stroking the touchpad | 21:21 |
juro | how can I debug a "lagging" Ubuntu 8.0.4? | 21:21 |
alraune | Phipo: (terminal) sudo pppoeconf | 21:21 |
_2 | od /dev/input/mice | 21:21 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, as od said: _2: od /dev/input/mice | 21:22 |
chao1 | _2, ok I got to the point where it asks if you want to write the partition table. I hit yes and it told me I would have to reboot for the changes to take effect. and I hit ok. now what | 21:22 |
alraune | Phipo: otherwise, as lsusb doesnt show modem, before try : sudo apt-get install usb-utils | 21:22 |
mahfiaz | juro, graphic drivers? | 21:22 |
Phipo | alraune: ok | 21:22 |
powergoal | bluefox83: i'm not sure what to tell you, but you should be able to run it as a standard user. i think what is happening is that you lose write permissions to the dir /var/run when you login. | 21:22 |
alraune | Phipo: otherwise, as lsusb doesnt show modem, before try : sudo apt-get install usb-utils ,then replug modem | 21:22 |
_2 | juro Ubuntu 8.0.4? <<< no such creature you mean ubuntu 8.04 or == 8.4 ? year . month releases | 21:22 |
juro | mahfiaz, I am using the "automatically" installed NVidia drivers ... | 21:22 |
KingOfDos | Has someone a suggestion for this -> http://pastebin.com/d334f573e ? | 21:23 |
juro | _2 yes, 8..04 | 21:23 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: doesn't react on stroking, but reacts on mouse click | 21:23 |
_2 | chao1 nothing on any hd is mounted ? | 21:23 |
juro | _2 yes, 8.04 | 21:23 |
chao1 | correct | 21:23 |
speener | i have to say that with wubi, ubuntu has the potential of becoming a strong contender in the pc market | 21:23 |
chao1 | nothing is mounted | 21:23 |
_2 | chao1 press alt+sysRQ+b instant reboot. | 21:23 |
KingOfDos | I try to get a tftp server running again, but i only get some errors. a few months ago i had the same tftp server running. | 21:23 |
mahfiaz | juro, are you having some CPU hog, see your CPU usage using gnome-panel applet or top | 21:23 |
chao1 | that is alt + windows key + b | 21:24 |
chao1 | ? | 21:24 |
_2 | no sysRQ normally shared with print screen | 21:24 |
KingOfDos | I searched and searched on the internet, but nothing has a solution for the tftp service. | 21:24 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: any other ideas ? | 21:24 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, this is strange, are there more devices in /dev/input ? | 21:24 |
juro | mahfiaz, not really. usage is 4% ... | 21:24 |
* speener is gonna smoke... | 21:24 | |
alraune | KingOfDos:db92 ? sb x-fi ? muharr | 21:24 |
chao1 | oh, ok | 21:24 |
chao1 | i never paid attention to that | 21:24 |
juro | how can I find out whether I am running the 64bit version? | 21:25 |
_2 | magic sysRQ keys are handy | 21:25 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: there's event0-event13 and uinput | 21:25 |
kiosk | -ChanServ | 21:25 |
mahfiaz | MrMist, try all of these | 21:25 |
alraune | juro:uname -a btw -r | 21:25 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: I'm ahead of you.... doesn't seem to react on anything | 21:26 |
alraune | juro:or look for the kernelimages ibn /boot | 21:26 |
chao1 | _2: ok did that. but... | 21:26 |
mad_max02 | I need help with my wireless adapter. How can I setup my wireless to work as AP so I can connect from my laptop ?? How do I share my internet connection to wireless ?? | 21:26 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: that is... event13 reacts on "mice", that is all the mice together | 21:26 |
Phipo | alraune: when i buy it, any some file on cd driver for linux. but its dont have .py file or make. thats just have Makefile and some module | 21:26 |
MrMist | even the touchpad buttons, but not the stroking | 21:27 |
_2 | boot back into the recovery disk check the disk prams with fdisk -l chao1 | 21:27 |
_2 | see if the changes were sticky | 21:27 |
juro | uname -r reports 2.6.24-19-generic and uname -a does state x86_64 ... so is that 64bit? | 21:27 |
juro | (the system is only "seeing" 3GB of my 4GB ram ..." | 21:27 |
Bashly | i was trying to install a .run file but i dont get wuts going on | 21:28 |
chao1 | _2: WARNING: Dell's Disk Monitoring System has detected that drive 0 on the primary EIDE controller is operating outside of normal specifications. It is advisable to immediately back up your data and replace your harddisk by calling . . . Strike F1 to continue F2 to run setup utility | 21:29 |
wnstn | anyone have a sec to discuss a install hang up? | 21:29 |
os2mac | How do you set the default application for a particular file type (.pdf) | 21:29 |
alraune | Phipo: tarball ? loadable module ? | 21:29 |
juro | alraune, uname -r reports 2.6.24-19-generic and uname -a does state x86_64 ... so is that 64bit? | 21:29 |
_2 | chao1 lol there's part of your problem. bios getting in the way. | 21:29 |
alraune | juro: yup | 21:30 |
Phipo | alraune: nothing | 21:30 |
MrMist | mahfiaz: I get a warning in the Xorg log: Synaptics Touchpad can't grab event device, errno=16 | 21:30 |
Phipo | alraune: nothing tarball | 21:30 |
wnstn | os2mac: right click, open with or right click properties | 21:30 |
juro | alraune. any reason why only 3GB are "seen"? | 21:30 |
Phipo | alraune: nothing tarball | 21:30 |
mad_max02 | I need help with my wireless adapter. How can I setup my wireless to work as AP so I can connect from my laptop ?? How do I share my internet connection to wireless ?? | 21:30 |
Phipo | alraune: forget it. i was tired for try it | 21:30 |
Bashly | how do i run of somthing as root user | 21:31 |
os2mac | wnstn: Mahalo. | 21:31 |
alraune | Phipo: look up the exact manufacturer info, might take a look | 21:31 |
wnstn | Bashly: sudo | 21:31 |
Phipo | alraune: did you u know how to flash dlink dir300 | 21:31 |
sosomomo | ubuntu based google torrent search engine | 21:31 |
Slart | !sudo | Bashly | 21:31 |
ubottu | Bashly: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) | 21:31 |
sosomomo | is it an april fool thing | 21:31 |
_2 | chao1 so you have to either alter the bios settings or redo the disk within bios acptable guidlines... which probably protects the restore partition for windoze | 21:31 |
sosomomo | not likely | 21:31 |
sosomomo | http://gpirate.com | 21:31 |
=== CBoss is now known as Heikus | ||
sosomomo | http://gpirate.com/search?q=dark+knight | 21:31 |
alraune | juro:3 gb of what ? | 21:31 |
sosomomo | http://gpirate.com/search?q=ubuntu | 21:31 |
Phipo | alraune: did you u know how to flash dlink dir300 to open wrrt | 21:31 |
chao1 | _2, how do I tell it to 'Move B**ch, get out the way'? | 21:32 |
qwerty | ` | 21:32 |
sosomomo | http://gpirate.com/search?q=fedora | 21:32 |
sosomomo | http://gpirate.com/search?q=walle | 21:32 |
qwerty | I LOVE DICKS | 21:32 |
sosomomo | http://gpirate.com/search?q=windows+vista | 21:32 |
wnstn | os2mac: my pleasure mate. | 21:32 |
alraune | Phipo: nope | 21:32 |
_2 | chao1 within the bios setting. go in an look around. | 21:32 |
juro | alrauna, I have 4GB of Ram installed but Ubuntu only sees 3 | 21:32 |
kRISSi | hey guys - how do i figure out what themes driver I am using on my ubuntu ?? compiz etc etc | 21:32 |
sosomomo | seems to work well for me | 21:32 |
alraune | !ot | querty | 21:32 |
ubottu | querty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 21:32 |
Phipo | powergoal: did you u know how to flash dlink dir300 to open wrrt | 21:32 |
sosomomo | it is the biggest torrent search engine ever | 21:32 |
qwerty | MY DICKHOLE IS LARGE | 21:32 |
sosomomo | bigger than nova n piratebay | 21:32 |
_2 | chao1 maybe some one here has the same bios and can help with that. i have to run. | 21:32 |
kRISSi | qwerty d00d! seriously... | 21:33 |
alraune | ! caps |querty | 21:33 |
ubottu | querty: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 21:33 |
kRISSi | grot | 21:33 |
chao1 | _2: thanks | 21:33 |
_2 | chao1 welcome. best of luck with that. | 21:33 |
kRISSi | can anyone tell me the best way to theme my ubuntu pls ? | 21:33 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, they have quite good wiki at dd-wrt.org | 21:33 |
Slart | !ops | qwerty | 21:33 |
ubottu | qwerty: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! | 21:33 |
chao1 | !illegal | qwerty | 21:33 |
ubottu | qwerty: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 21:33 |
alraune | !language |querty | 21:34 |
ubottu | querty: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 21:34 |
Slart | thanks Mez | 21:34 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: yes i have try it but not work | 21:34 |
Mez | chao1, I think you got the wrong factoid there | 21:34 |
alraune | thx Mez | 21:34 |
zboy417 | wow...that was handled well :D | 21:34 |
flithm | hey everyone... I'm having trouble connecting to a LEAP wireless network here. Works fine in windows, so I'm wondering if there's some step I might be missing? (I did double [and triple] check the username, password) | 21:34 |
kRISSi | bbs | 21:34 |
flithm | anyone got any ideas for me? | 21:34 |
Mez | why did I have such an issue then typing "qwerty" | 21:34 |
* Mez cant type it | 21:34 | |
Slart | Mez: well.. dvorak isn't best all the time =) | 21:35 |
chao1 | does anyone here have a Dell Dimension 4500S ? I need to change something in the BIOS and not sure how | 21:35 |
mad_max02 | I need help with my wireless adapter. How can I setup my wireless to work as AP so I can connect from my laptop ?? How do I share my internet connection to wireless ?? | 21:35 |
Mez | Slart, I think it's cause I'm touch typing, and I rarely have to type a string of 5 keys with the same hand | 21:35 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: i was to flash with redboot. but on ddwrt putty some code different like on ddwrt site | 21:35 |
juro | alraune, I have 4GB of Ram installed but Ubuntu only sees 3 | 21:35 |
sosomomo | so guys what did u think of gpirate | 21:35 |
sosomomo | GMAIL > GPIRATE | 21:36 |
Slart | juro: using 32-bit ubuntu? | 21:36 |
sosomomo | wat next lol | 21:36 |
sosomomo | i use 64 bit ubuntu | 21:36 |
juro | Slart, no, I just checked that | 21:36 |
sosomomo | juro http://gpirate.com/search?q=juno | 21:36 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: you can help me how to flash it from the bios | 21:36 |
Mez | sosomomo, I've always been a fan of ninjas over pirates | 21:36 |
sosomomo | mez: | 21:36 |
sosomomo | lol | 21:36 |
sosomomo | lol | 21:36 |
FloodBot1 | sosomomo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:36 |
sosomomo | floodbot1: will use paste | 21:37 |
wnstn | @ Mez: ninjas > pirates | 21:37 |
Mez | wnstn, thats what I said | 21:37 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, I have only WRT54GL's, not sure | 21:37 |
wnstn | I was concurring. | 21:37 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: now thats no work ligth on. just a power ligth | 21:37 |
Slart | sosomomo: ninjas, weird search sites etc are very sought after in #ubuntu-offtopic .. they will love to hear all about it =) | 21:37 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: ok thanks | 21:37 |
juro | sosomomo: I am not sure in what way this should help me with my problem | 21:37 |
sosomomo | wnstn slart | 21:38 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, does wiki, suggest something like tftp'ing? | 21:38 |
Slart | juro: then I can't really think of a reason for it to only see 3gb.. | 21:38 |
Loki_i_ | hey guys, my sister is in the final in a competition to win a holiday... If you could visit here: http://www.online-advertising-silence.co.uk/bounty/phase1/textentry2.html and vote it 5 stars it would help a lot :) There are only 5 people left in. | 21:38 |
Slart | juro: how do you check memory size? | 21:38 |
chao1 | I have a hdd working out side parameters and I did to get it in check. I have a Dell Dimension 4500S anyone know how to change that in BIOS | 21:38 |
juro | Slart, me neither ... | 21:38 |
alraune | juro:use a live cd and choose memory test | 21:38 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: did you know how to hack ip with WT54GL | 21:38 |
chao1 | or could that be an IDE cable issue | 21:38 |
astra-xwork | []hello | 21:39 |
juro | I made a uname -a to check the kernel and the memory size using Gnome's GUI | 21:39 |
Slart | juro: what did uname -a output? | 21:39 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, you mean, how to sniffer out, what IP is router using? | 21:39 |
sosomomo | did you watch the beijing olympics 2008 http://gpirate.com/search?q=olympics | 21:39 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: yup | 21:39 |
paolo | this might sound funny... but I am not able to change desktop backgroun except those 4 that ship with ubuntu hardy... does anyone know why? | 21:39 |
Slart | sosomomo: seriously.. #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:39 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, have you tried wireshark on lan? | 21:40 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: i ont under you mind | 21:40 |
chao1 | paolo: you have to click add to add other pictures to the list | 21:40 |
sosomomo | ok slart | 21:40 |
sosomomo | but hope u try it an enjoy | 21:40 |
sosomomo | :) | 21:40 |
Phipo | but not work if i on my ip | 21:40 |
MadsRH | Hi - where do I go to get help with my OpenPGP key? | 21:41 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, I didn't get it, be more precise | 21:41 |
sosomomo | http://gpirate.com/ can you send GPirate to all your friends | 21:41 |
wnstn | When attempting dual boot install, hangs at " Resizing Partition, Please Wait 0%) sat there for about 20-30 minutes like that. I could still move the windows, mouse etc. Cancelled install, quit out. Windows unaffected. Any ideas? It was a Fiesty Live CD on Dell with VIsta on a 320 GB drive. Set ubuntu partition to 90gb. Help? | 21:41 |
_Hodenkeks_ | http://www.pennergame.de/change_please/1933371/ | 21:41 |
sosomomo | it ll be so cool if the whole world is silkin smooth n riaa is killed | 21:41 |
sosomomo | :) | 21:41 |
Slart | MadsRH: you can try asking here... or check if there is a pgp channel out there somewhere.. perhaps #pgp | 21:41 |
_Hodenkeks_ | http://www.pennergame.de/change_please/1933371/ | 21:41 |
_Hodenkeks_ | http://www.pennergame.de/change_please/1933371/ | 21:41 |
FloodBot1 | _Hodenkeks_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:41 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: i was in to a linksys | 21:42 |
paolo | chao1: of course.. .but it wouldn't allow me to add any pictures | 21:42 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: thats just can be iwlist scan | 21:42 |
_Hodenkeks_ | http://www.pennergame.de/change_please/1933371/ | 21:42 |
mn | i have been told that for ubuntu security patches are often installed on machines by remote hackers (unbeknown to the owner of the machine). Is this true? | 21:42 |
_Hodenkeks_ | http://www.pennergame.de/change_please/1933371/ | 21:42 |
mahfiaz | wnstn, you could try "partition editor" in computer - administration to precreate partitions | 21:42 |
FloodBot1 | _Hodenkeks_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:42 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: n commit a e | 21:42 |
Slart | !ops | _Hodenkeks_ | 21:42 |
ubottu | _Hodenkeks_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel! | 21:42 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: n commit a ssid | 21:42 |
_Hodenkeks_ | http://www.pennergame.de/change_please/1933371/ | 21:43 |
sosomomo | http://gpirate.com/search?hl=en&q=night+in+paris&btnG=Search one night in paris PARIS HILTON | 21:43 |
juro | Slart, Linux juro 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 21:01:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 21:43 |
kRISSi | wnstn: | 21:43 |
wnstn | @ mahfiaz: I could try that i guess. I have a puppy live cd with gparted on it. maybe i"ll use that | 21:43 |
Slart | thanks, nalioth ... you can do the same with sosomomo too.. he doesn't really understand what we're telling him | 21:43 |
MadsRH | Thanks Slart. I get a "no keyserver known" error | 21:43 |
jpds | Slart: Done. | 21:43 |
Slart | ah.. nice. =) | 21:44 |
mahfiaz | wnstn, ubuntu desktop installer has gparted | 21:44 |
Slart | juro: looks like a 64 but kernel alright.. what does "free | grep -i mem" output? | 21:44 |
Slart | MadsRH: put all the info into one question.. what you are trying to do, what error messages you get.. if you're following a howto somewhere... etc.. put it all into one question and then ask that | 21:45 |
Slart | MadsRH: I don't know much about pgp.. but perhaps someone else does | 21:45 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, wait, I don't get it - you can log into router and are trying to scan wifi? | 21:46 |
pulsetsar | i have my ubuntu laptop set up with samba, but my vista desktop can't see it. Any ideas? | 21:46 |
mad_max02 | I need help with my wireless adapter. How can I setup my wireless to work as AP so I can connect from my laptop ?? How do I share my internet connection to wireless ?? | 21:46 |
paolo | my Ubuntu is not able to detect many images (.jpeg) files .. does anyone know why? | 21:46 |
Slart | pulsetsar: doesn't all samba servers/windows computers have to use the same workgroup to see each other? | 21:46 |
mahfiaz | pulsetsar, these have to be in same workgroup | 21:46 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: yes | 21:46 |
iMatter | Hello, Im having problems with ubuntu and usb such as when i plug in any usb device it doesnt mount the drives or use the services the device presents dmesg shows it detects the device but it does nothing and complains about it not accepting a address this all started happining after booting a linux distro off of the device but if i pop it in on windows it loads and then mounts in a couple seconds and transfers just as fast this is causing a probl | 21:47 |
iMatter | em because i cant backup linux now | 21:47 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: but dont have ip | 21:47 |
mahfiaz | paolo, nautilus has 1,5 MB limit not to make thumbnail for, see settings | 21:47 |
pulsetsar | slart: mahfiaz: they are in the same workgroup i think | 21:47 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: i can get ip | 21:47 |
pulsetsar | slart: mahfiaz: how can I check? | 21:47 |
Slart | pulsetsar: for samba I think there is a setting in /etc/samba/smb.conf somewhere | 21:48 |
paolo | mahfiaz: it also fails on smaller files | 21:48 |
magicrobotmonkey | im using compiz in hardy with the regular (gtk-window-decorator) borders,a nd something is making them all transparent, but i cant tell what | 21:48 |
Slart | pulsetsar: type !samba in here and ubottu will give you some links to read | 21:48 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: did you know how to get ip if i on router? | 21:48 |
pulsetsar | Slart: thanks | 21:49 |
pulsetsar | !samba | 21:49 |
mahfiaz | paolo, all other programs are happy with these files, what happens if you resave these? | 21:49 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 21:49 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, ifconfig ? | 21:49 |
=== emma_ is now known as emma | ||
=== juro_ is now known as Guest12596 | ||
paolo | mahfiaz: ok... now I understand the problem... it wouldn't recognize images if there is an extension | 21:50 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: the client is not dhcp | 21:50 |
trigpin | i just installed a game called gnurobots does not come up in panel how i run it , i tryed gnurobots in terminal nothing | 21:50 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: how to sniff ip on router | 21:50 |
=== eltech- is now known as eltech | ||
mahfiaz | magicrobotmonkey, search forums, something in xorg.conf was to be changed | 21:50 |
Slart | trigpin: you start it by running "gnobots2" in a terminal | 21:51 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, arp ? | 21:51 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: how to get arp o route | 21:51 |
=== Guest12596 is now known as juro | ||
Phipo | mahfiaz: how to get arp on route | 21:51 |
newk | anyone no if theres a way to change wallpaper wit the terminal | 21:51 |
rambo3 | you can get only the first node arp | 21:51 |
juro | Slart, sorry the system froze ... | 21:52 |
cellofellow | Anyone use Avidemux? Is there a channel for it? | 21:52 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, you may be able to ssh into node and arp there | 21:52 |
Slart | juro: no worries.. what does "free | grep -i mem" output? | 21:52 |
newk | cellofellow: could not get it to work at all.. i think you can get it fromm apt-get tho | 21:52 |
Phipo | mahfiaz: ok thanks | 21:52 |
cellofellow | newk: I've got it working I just a question about one of the filters. | 21:53 |
alraune | Phipo:with wireshark you can see/log a specific ethernetcard > router .. ?! | 21:53 |
trigpin | Slart, installing now , gnome-games , how can i find the name for progs so that i can run them ? | 21:53 |
paolo | Hi *. I have a very weird problem. A file is not recognized as an image if it has an extension (such as .jpeg, or .jpg). Does anyone know why? | 21:53 |
mahfiaz | Phipo, also you may try to ping all the subnet | 21:53 |
wnstn | @ mahfiaz: yeah but puppy runs so much faster of the live cd. thanks for the idea though! :) | 21:53 |
Slart | trigpin: ah.. sorry.. wrong robots game.. it's called xrobots, or grobots | 21:53 |
mahfiaz | wnstn, you're welcome | 21:54 |
juro | Slart: Mem: 3097184 865732 2231452 0 80056 336604 | 21:54 |
newk | cellofellow:Just out of interest, are u trying to convert for psp, or did u get it working | 21:54 |
Slart | juro: hmm.. only 3GB memory alright.. you are sure you have 4GB of memory in the computer? | 21:54 |
juro | yes ;) | 21:54 |
hacked_kernel | I installed openvz but when I boot the batched kernel I get this message" | 21:54 |
Phipo | alraune: thank you | 21:54 |
hacked_kernel | This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: | 21:54 |
hacked_kernel | 0:6 | 21:54 |
hacked_kernel | Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for you CPU. | 21:54 |
FloodBot1 | hacked_kernel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:54 |
hacked_kernel | " | 21:54 |
Slart | !paste | hacked_kernel | 21:54 |
ubottu | hacked_kernel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 21:54 |
juro | Slart, even Windows Vista show 4 (but can only access 3) | 21:54 |
Phipo | thanks all | 21:55 |
Phipo | linux on world always | 21:55 |
paolo | Hi *. I have a very weird problem. A file is not recognized as an image if it has an extension (such as .jpeg, or .jpg). Does anyone know why? | 21:55 |
Neku | does anyone know how to get a lexmark p4350 printer to work on ubuntu | 21:56 |
trigpin | Slart, thanxs works don't know why people don't just call there progs sensible names =) | 21:56 |
mahfiaz | hacked_kernel, try to boot into older kernel | 21:56 |
Slart | juro: can you pastebin the output from this command, please. "sudo lshw -class MEMORY" | 21:56 |
Phipo | salllooommm linux | 21:56 |
hacked_kernel | mahfiaz, i did, now i'm in the older kernel but how to fix that problem? | 21:56 |
Phipo | bye alll thanks for info | 21:56 |
Slart | trigpin: hehe..if they did that anyone could use a computer..it takes the mystery away =) | 21:56 |
eitri | Hey guys, quick question I believe.. I would like to mount an USB drive using UUID in fstab, anyone have info about that? | 21:57 |
Neku | does anyone know how to get a lexmark p4350 printer to work on ubuntu | 21:57 |
mahfiaz | hacked_kernel, remove and install it again, it may help, if not, just stick with older | 21:57 |
Slart | !uuid | eitri | 21:57 |
ubottu | eitri: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 21:57 |
FurryNemesis | eitri, it's not autodetected? | 21:57 |
trigpin | Slart, heh so true | 21:57 |
juro | Slart, http://pastebin.com/d505a366f | 21:58 |
Administrator__ | sorry | 21:58 |
Administrator__ | im back | 21:58 |
mahfiaz | Neku, is this unsupported, or you don't know how to set it up? | 21:58 |
juro | Slart, very weird - the system behaves lie a 32 bit system ... | 21:58 |
ph8 | hi guys, i've just simulated a drive failure by unplugging one end of a sata cable and now my system sticks at 'loading. please wait...' during reboot - a recovery mode boot holds after it's detected USB devices. There's four drives in the machine with a mix of RAID1 (boot) and RAID5( everything else) partitions - any idea what's holding up the boot process? | 21:58 |
jamie25 | Hello, I was wondering if i could get some help with a problem i am having with ubuntu? I am a newbie! | 21:58 |
=== Administrator__ is now known as iMatter | ||
eitri | no, not the way I need it.. And I know the UUID, but cifs doesn't allow to mount "root" of USB drive.. How do I set up the UUID to a folder in the USB drive | 21:58 |
iMatter | im the guy who was complaining about usb | 21:59 |
mad_max02 | I need help with my wireless adapter. How can I setup my wireless to work as AP so I can connect from my laptop ?? How do I share my internet connection to wireless ?? | 21:59 |
Neku | mahfiaz: dunno if it supported linux printing said something about paperweight its somethin to do wi the drivers or a ppd file | 21:59 |
mozzy | Paulo - maybe somthing wrong with the file - try a .jpg you can open - copy rename without the .jpg | 21:59 |
mahfiaz | eitri, if you figure out, tell me too | 21:59 |
Slart | juro: hmm.. so you've got 4GB of memory... running a 64bit system.. and you still only get 3GB for use... most weird | 21:59 |
iMatter | but my computer did something odd and i had to reboot | 21:59 |
mahfiaz | Neku, can it do postscript? | 21:59 |
Slart | eitri: you don't... uuid's are for partitions, afaik | 21:59 |
juro | Slart, I ask myself more often why nothing can go smooth ... | 21:59 |
mahfiaz | ph8, boot into recovery mode to find out | 21:59 |
hacked_kernel | mahfiaz, should i install openvz on ubuntu server not the desktop? | 22:00 |
Neku | mahfiaz: em nt sure kinda a begginer on ubuntu printing stuff n tht | 22:00 |
iMatter | ill say it again.... | 22:00 |
mozzy | Paulo - then see if it will open - it should do | 22:00 |
eitri | ok, so its impossible o use cifs and UUID? | 22:00 |
Slart | juro: are there any error messages in dmesg? | 22:00 |
kikinpc | i to all, I need one server of correo for ubuntu | 22:00 |
juro | Slart, checking | 22:00 |
Slart | eitri: well.. I think so.. but I might be wrong.. | 22:01 |
Slart | eitri: cifs is for mounting remote shares using samba | 22:01 |
Slart | eitri: and a usb stick isn't really a remote samba share | 22:01 |
mahfiaz | hacked_kernel, desktop is server with additional gui stuff, it does not matter | 22:01 |
eitri | ah, so it shouldn't be used for USB then | 22:01 |
eitri | What should I use then? ntfs-3g? | 22:02 |
juro | Slart, not that I can see | 22:02 |
mahfiaz | Neku, have you tried Computer - Administration - Printing | 22:02 |
Slart | eitri: nope.. not uneless I've missed something.. why did you start thinking about cifs? | 22:02 |
iMatter | well im having problems with usb in ubuntu it will not mount any usb devices partitions i plug in provides dmeg shows a new high-speed usb device has been plugged in but it wont mount the files this all happend after i put a linux live distro on it and booted it and stayed on for 2-3 hours and now it doesnt reconize anything besides a usb bluetooth device and a verison usb internet device but if i plug in ANY device in windows it picks it u | 22:02 |
iMatter | p immidetly leeds me to think there is something wrong with ubuntu or that he drivers for usb are faulty | 22:02 |
eitri | Because I had to use it for the NAS | 22:02 |
php6t1 | help, im using Virtualbox and my bridge conection stops working after certain time, just rebooting the whole computer fix it, what happens? | 22:02 |
eitri | btw, how to get yellow text? | 22:02 |
Neku | mahfiaz: yeh im just not sure what driver to set it up wi | 22:03 |
juro | Slart: this is the only grep -i error in /var/log/dmesg: ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found. | 22:03 |
Slart | eitri: yes.. a NAS shares folders using the smb-protocol.. what kind of file system is on that usb stick? ntfs? fat32? | 22:03 |
iMatter | also it says something about it not accepting an address | 22:03 |
Slart | juro: that's not it.. I get that too | 22:03 |
eitri | ntfs | 22:03 |
cellofellow | newk: I use WinFF (winff.com) for conversions. | 22:03 |
jamie25 | So do I just ask a question in here? | 22:03 |
Slart | iMatter: google for the error message.. I've read so many posts about that.. it seems most people blame it on the usb-chip manufacturers | 22:03 |
thingfish2 | jamie25: pretty much, yes. | 22:04 |
cellofellow | newk: WinFF has builtin PSP profiles. | 22:04 |
Slart | eitri: then use ntfs-3g | 22:04 |
Slart | !ntfs3g | eitri | 22:04 |
ubottu | eitri: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 22:04 |
mahfiaz | iMatter, it is more automounter problem, try mounting by hand using mount /dev/sdd /mnt or similar command | 22:04 |
juro | Slart, so any idea? | 22:04 |
mahfiaz | iMatter, it is know to work bad on older versions | 22:04 |
cjohnson_ | Does a cli multi-protocol IM client exist? | 22:04 |
php6t1 | help, im using Virtualbox and my bridge conection stops working after certain time, just rebooting the whole computer fix it, what happens? | 22:04 |
eitri | ok, thx. I'll give it a try :) | 22:04 |
newk | cellofellow: winff, thank you and is that available from synaptic | 22:04 |
Slart | juro: let me see if google has any ideas... I'll be back soon | 22:05 |
iMatter | mahfiaz, >.> the /dev/sdb device doesnt even show up in /dev | 22:05 |
node357 | darn, I used to use a text mode im but I forget the name! | 22:05 |
mamamia | hi there | 22:05 |
node357 | centericq !!! | 22:05 |
iMatter | ( /dev/sdb is what it mounted as when it was working i need this to work because i need to back-up some stuff to migrate to a new computer) | 22:05 |
askand | Hi, how do I get rid of the problem that I can not play flash and other sounds at the same time? I was told something about asound or something, anyone knows? | 22:06 |
node357 | !info centericq | cjohnson_ | 22:06 |
ubottu | cjohnson_: centericq (source: centerim): transitional package for centerim. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.22.2-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 40 kB, installed size 72 kB | 22:06 |
mlester | good day everyone | 22:06 |
node357 | cjohnson_, so you coudl use centerim | 22:06 |
cellofellow | newk: no, it's not in synaptic but they have an Ubuntu package for download on the website. Download and double-click to install. | 22:06 |
cjohnson_ | node357, quick google says it's a todolist | 22:06 |
node357 | cjohnson_, ugh sorry | 22:06 |
mlester | I am setting up static routing and my computer can ping local computers | 22:07 |
weaver | anyone of u got experiences with fritz-wlan usb sticks? i dont know how to get it work | 22:07 |
newk | cellofellow: thanks, very very useful | 22:07 |
node357 | cjohnson_, it was the first thing I thought of from my freebsd days, sorry | 22:07 |
jamie25 | Thanks :) Ok, so everytime i try to install a program i am getting an error "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report". What does this mean & how do i fix it? | 22:07 |
mahfiaz | iMatter, it may have some other name | 22:07 |
Slart | juro: check out this thread.. seems you're not the only one having this problem , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=9d1a4bec9029d8d8728ce9550a9bccd7&t=783707&page=2 | 22:07 |
cjohnson_ | node357, :( | 22:07 |
mlester | just can't reach outside ip addresses | 22:07 |
Slart | jamie25: do what it tells you to.. but add "sudo" in front of it | 22:07 |
iMatter | mahfiaz, because that was the first thing i tried was to mount it manually, only other device is /dev/sda ( my in-built computer drive) | 22:07 |
mlester | I have hardy server | 22:07 |
php6t1 | help, im using Virtualbox and my bridge conection stops working after certain time, just rebooting the whole computer fix it, what happens? | 22:07 |
Slart | jamie25: although.. cache->open() failed sounds like a new error to me | 22:08 |
mlester | there are no rules in my iptables either | 22:08 |
thingfish2 | Slart and juro I think that's a limitation of 32-bit systems | 22:08 |
php6t1 | help, im using Virtualbox and my bridge conection stops working after certain time, just rebooting the whole computer fix it, what happens? | 22:08 |
Slart | thingfish2: yes.. if it was a 32 bit system.. it's 64 bit | 22:08 |
Vixus | Hey, Ubuntu's stopped mounting my SD cards from the internal reader properly. Why?? | 22:08 |
thingfish2 | Slart: oh heh | 22:08 |
thingfish2 | :D | 22:08 |
juro | thingfish2: I am running 64bit Ubuntu 8.04 | 22:09 |
jamie25 | oh ok I will try that | 22:09 |
newk | Anyone know how to change desktop wallpaper from terminal | 22:09 |
Pirate_Hunter | php6t1: your comp stops picking up your default gateway try adding your name servers to your /etc/resolv.conf files | 22:09 |
Slart | thingfish2: but apparently some BIOSs have some problems with memory.. there were some workarounds in the forums | 22:09 |
Slart | jamie25: try this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=653495 | 22:09 |
Vixus | How can I find out which device is my SD card reader? | 22:10 |
juro | Slart, this is what my dmesg reports: Memory: 3089316k/3145408k available | 22:10 |
php6t1 | help, im using Virtualbox and my bridge conection stops working after certain time, just rebooting the whole computer fix it, what happens? | 22:10 |
krazykrip | can i use an amd64 package on my core 2 duo machine ? | 22:10 |
roberto | My dear friends.. I don't know how my OpenOffice icons disappeared.. Where can I get them back? | 22:10 |
cjohnson_ | node357, wait, actually that was a promisihing result | 22:11 |
Ibrahim_Electric | can any1 tell me what is the kernel version of ubuntu build 8.04? | 22:11 |
cjohnson_ | node357, i misread, todolist was referring to the list of bugs yet to fix in the app | 22:11 |
Slart | juro: did you check that page from the forum? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=783707 | 22:11 |
Slart | krazykrip: yes | 22:11 |
krazykrip | Slart: thanx | 22:11 |
Slart | krazykrip: it's only called amd64 to honour amd for being the first to come up with a consumer 64 bit chip or something | 22:11 |
mahfiaz | roberto, run ooffice from terminal, if this works, add a new launcher or rightclick on menu to edit | 22:11 |
juro | Slart: reading it as we type ... | 22:12 |
Vixus | dmesg | tail gives me a bunch of mmcblk0 errors. | 22:12 |
juro | Slart: so I should just hardcode it into grub, I guess | 22:12 |
roberto | mahfiaz: ok.. I'm gonna try.. thanks | 22:12 |
krazykrip | slart: but wat abt differences like the intel IVT and AMD-V ? | 22:12 |
greywhind_ | I have a new laptop, with an Intel 5300AGN wireless card, which doesn't seem to be detected by the Ubuntu Live CD. Does anyone know how I might go about getting the 5300AGN working? | 22:13 |
Ibrahim_Electric | can any1 tell me what is the kernel version of ubuntu build 8.04? | 22:13 |
Bruno_F | can i get the tcl package from the repositories? | 22:13 |
Slart | juro: some posts mentioned something about a BIOS setting too.. remap memory or something.. might be worth checking out | 22:13 |
alec | i was wondering if anyone had a good site for learning more about linux. i know nothing. and it seems like everywhere i have been is assuming i know more than i do, i need some real beginner reading. | 22:13 |
Slart | krazykrip: I have no idea.. I don't even know what a "intel IVT" is.. =/ | 22:13 |
jamie25 | That worked thank you! :) where can I find more information on how to use the terminal? | 22:13 |
juro | Slart, yes, I assume that I'll have to do some restart now ... | 22:14 |
mahfiaz | Ibrahim_Electric, ask someone to run uname -r or see packages.ubuntu.org | 22:14 |
kephu | sup | 22:14 |
Slart | juro: ok, hope you sort it out | 22:14 |
Ibrahim_Electric | @mahfiaz: thx man ;) | 22:14 |
thingfish2 | alec: there's tldp.org, but it's kind of technical. | 22:14 |
juro | Slart, thank you for your help! | 22:14 |
kephu | Finally managed to get my wifi working | 22:15 |
Slart | jamie25: the terminal can do so much.. you'll learn more and more as you use ubuntu | 22:15 |
Slart | juro: you're welcome | 22:15 |
Vixus | Ubuntu's stopped mounting my SD card from the internal reader. It was mounting it fine just earlier this morning so what's wrong now? | 22:15 |
kephu | strange, I heard it was supposed to be supported natively, but alas | 22:15 |
Ibrahim_Electric | it's 2.6 btw | 22:15 |
alec | thingfish2: thanks ill give it a shot, i dont mind getting my hands dirty but i need to find somewhere that starts at the beginning, know what i mean? | 22:15 |
kephu | also, due to multiple producers, finding the right driver set is a pain in the ass | 22:15 |
kephu | (manufacturers?) | 22:16 |
Slart | Ibrahim_Electric: here's my uname -a Linux ZZZ 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 21:01:46 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 22:16 |
brewing | excuse me can someone hlep by configuration my graphic cards plz?? | 22:16 |
thingfish2 | alec: plus a quick google of "linux introduction" gives you some good results. | 22:16 |
brewing | im new | 22:16 |
mamamia | is there a channel for playstation 3 ubuntu on freenode or somewhere else? | 22:16 |
thingfish2 | brewing: best to just say what's happening and what you've tried to fix it. | 22:16 |
Gnea | brewing: what graphics card? | 22:17 |
kephu | btw: can anyone help me get the bluetooth working? | 22:17 |
alec | thingfish: also anything that is a good tutorial on terminal | 22:17 |
Gnea | mamamia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=316047 | 22:17 |
Slart | mamamia: try #ubuntu-ps3 | 22:18 |
eitri | thx guys.. It mounts like dream now, using ntfs-3g :) | 22:18 |
php6t1 | pffttt ps3 as computer? damn you greedy... its so friking slow... | 22:18 |
Slart | eitri: nice =) | 22:18 |
kephu | meh, gtg | 22:19 |
newk | cellofellow:winff is a great program thanks for the tip | 22:19 |
gvk | ps3 is a computer | 22:19 |
acerman | hey guys! whats up? I have a big problem here... Ive installed ubuntu on the first sector of the disk, and delete it because I want it to be at the end of hd, but now i cant resize /dev/sda2 so it fills space left by /dev/sda1, do i have any options? | 22:19 |
cellofellow | newk: glad to help | 22:19 |
Vixus | Can someone just tell me what all this is about? http://pastebin.com/d3211bf0 | 22:19 |
orgthingy | h! | 22:20 |
orgthingy | omg, my dad damaged my ubuntu! | 22:20 |
orgthingy | internet isnt working :S | 22:20 |
cellofellow | newk: I like being able to make custom profiles. I made one to convert vids from my little digital camera to MJPEG, HUFFyuv, and DVD. | 22:20 |
orgthingy | even though i was connected to wireless | 22:20 |
ShockWaveEternal | Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew anything about getting a Mobility Radeon x300 to work with KDE?/ | 22:20 |
orgthingy | now, im using backtrack live cd! | 22:20 |
orgthingy | please help xd | 22:20 |
greywhind_ | I have a new laptop, with an Intel 5300AGN wireless card, which doesn't seem to be detected by the Ubuntu Live CD. Does anyone know how I might go about getting the 5300AGN working? | 22:20 |
php6t1 | ShockWaveEternal: use EnvyNG | 22:21 |
ShockWaveEternal | EnvyNG? | 22:21 |
* ShockWaveEternal googles | 22:21 | |
newk | cellofellow: so so simple, i love that one click simplicity | 22:21 |
infinitycircuit | greywhind_, that's a very very new card i don't know any support for it right now, or anything that uses it other than a thinkpad x200 | 22:21 |
cellofellow | newk: yeah, who needs complexity really. :) | 22:21 |
greywhind_ | infinitycircuit: any idea when there might be support? | 22:21 |
greywhind_ | or whether it might work with Ndiswrapper? | 22:21 |
infinitycircuit | greywhind_, first thing to try would be intrepid/search lkml mailing lists | 22:22 |
infinitycircuit | ndiswrapper is probably the only chance | 22:22 |
mahfiaz | orgthingy, run sudo dhclient from terminal, as a workaround, until you figure it out | 22:22 |
Vixus | Ubuntu's stopped mounting my SD card from the internal reader. It was mounting it fine just earlier this morning so what's wrong now? http://pastebin.com/d3211bf0 | 22:22 |
orgthingy | whats dhclient? | 22:22 |
askand | !best | 22:22 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 22:22 |
greywhind_ | infinitycircuit: could you point me to those two places i should search? | 22:22 |
Bruno_F | i can't install AMSN, i have a file missing '/usr/lib/tkconfig.sh' | 22:23 |
Bruno_F | i just downloaded through the repositories the package 'tk'. what should i do now? | 22:23 |
php6t1 | lies, the Best OS is Windows 3.1 | 22:23 |
ShockWaveEternal | php6t1: OK, I'm downloading now, I'll let you know if it works | 22:23 |
orgthingy | php6t1 :| | 22:23 |
* ShockWaveEternal disagrees with php6t1 | 22:23 | |
debian_akroyd | !masquerade | 22:23 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about masquerade | 22:23 |
debian_akroyd | boo! | 22:23 |
Clived | hello | 22:24 |
ShockWaveEternal | ms-dos was amazing, I used to create all sorts of tunes with qbasic | 22:24 |
debian_akroyd | hi | 22:24 |
orgthingy | !internet | 22:24 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about internet | 22:24 |
orgthingy | !linux | 22:24 |
ubottu | Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 22:24 |
debian_akroyd | ShockWaveEternal, me too lol | 22:24 |
orgthingy | :) | 22:24 |
ShockWaveEternal | lol | 22:25 |
infinitycircuit | greywhind_, searches for this card point back to the 4965. you should try those drivers | 22:25 |
greywhind_ | infinitycircuit: also, would this entry on the ndiswrapper support list be what i'm looking for: Card: Intel PRO/Wireless 5000 LAN CardBus Adapter 802.11g | 22:25 |
Slart | debian_akroyd: looking for ip masquerading? | 22:25 |
infinitycircuit | greywhind_, possible | 22:25 |
debian_akroyd | Slart, i am trying to share my internet connection with my other pc atm | 22:25 |
Slart | !ics | debian_akroyd | 22:25 |
ubottu | debian_akroyd: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php | 22:25 |
ShockWaveEternal | php6t1: Do you have a link to EnvyNG, I can't find a download anywhere | 22:25 |
debian_akroyd | thx | 22:26 |
antirobotrobot | hi i'm using heron, but I would like to install a package from Interpid. How can i do that? | 22:26 |
Slart | debian_akroyd: you're welcome | 22:26 |
greywhind_ | infinitycircuit: well, i'm still using the live CD at this point, but i tried sudo modprobe iwl4965 and it didn't give me any network devices | 22:26 |
Slart | antirobotrobot: usually you can't.. unless it has no dependencies.. like wine | 22:26 |
infinitycircuit | greywhind_, you should try ndiswrapper | 22:26 |
greywhind_ | infinitycircuit: i didn't install any firmware though - is that necessary? | 22:26 |
greywhind_ | infinitycircuit: i'm looking at this page: http://wiki.debian.org/iwlwifi | 22:27 |
Slart | antirobotrobot: or rather.. you can.. but you'll probably end up upgrading to Intrepid just because of dependencies | 22:27 |
infinitycircuit | greywhind_, yes | 22:27 |
_oOMOo_ | antirobotrobot which package? | 22:27 |
pyrex | hey does 64bit ubuntu work magic than the regular i386 version? I have the Core2Duo 5750 Proc. | 22:27 |
Storrgie | I am having an issue with setting my sound in a fresh install of 8.04, would anyone like to help me out? | 22:27 |
greywhind_ | infinitycircuit: so i should hook up to a wired connection, install firmware-iwlwifi, then try sudo modprobe iwl4965? | 22:27 |
antirobotrobot | _oOMOo_: c2hs | 22:27 |
Slart | pyrex: 32bit and 64bit isn't that different.. 64bit handles more memory.. but has other problems.. | 22:27 |
ShockWaveEternal | php6t1: nvm, I found one | 22:27 |
juro | Slart, 3.9 GB -> thank you | 22:28 |
Slart | pyrex: the mount of magic is the same in both versions.. perhaps a little more magic in the 32bit version even | 22:28 |
mavsman4457 | Hi I installed kde4 to see what it would be like and now it has taken over my boot screen, how do I make it so GDM manages my users login screen or just uninstall kde4 and the packages that came with it altogether? | 22:28 |
Slart | *amount | 22:28 |
Slart | juro: ah.. BIOS setting or grub ? | 22:28 |
Storrgie | I am having an issue with setting my sound in a fresh install of 8.04, would anyone like to help me out? | 22:28 |
infinitycircuit | greywhind_, you can try that. or download ndiswrapper and try using the windows fw | 22:28 |
juro | Slart, BIOS setting | 22:28 |
pyrex | Slart: thanks | 22:28 |
greywhind_ | infinitycircuit: ok, thanks | 22:28 |
Slart | juro: nice =) | 22:28 |
Slart | pyrex: you're welcome | 22:29 |
juro | Slart, true ... now on with the other issues I have | 22:29 |
=== IlMaio is now known as ma10 | ||
_oOMOo_ | antirobotrobot I was just curious as sometimes there are ppas in launchpad that allow you to use more up-to-date packages, unlikely for that package though sadly | 22:29 |
mahfiaz | mavsman4457, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=95275 | 22:29 |
__luke__ | hi there | 22:29 |
LordFDisk | Ummm.... 1st I would like to say Thanks to all the Staff and Users that help new people to Ubuntu like my self. 2nd 90% of the time when I want to ask my Q: on my problem. I loose myself in reading everyone else's prob's, and realize my that if I sit here all day my Q: might not be asked. lol | 22:29 |
Storrgie | I am having an issue with setting my sound in a fresh install of 8.04, would anyone like to help me out? | 22:29 |
__luke__ | can someone please point me to an article abotu setting fonts on ubuntu | 22:30 |
__luke__ | i am not super happy about the fonts | 22:30 |
juro | Slart, if I want to "install" a program (eclipse in this case), where would I put it? | 22:30 |
mahfiaz | __luke__, right-click your desktop, appereance, and search google | 22:30 |
pulsetsar | is smb.conf supposed to be in /etc/init.d/samba? | 22:30 |
Slart | juro: you don't want to install the version from the repos? | 22:30 |
Storrgie | I am having an issue with setting my sound in a fresh install of 8.04, would anyone like to help me out? | 22:31 |
Slart | !info eclipse | 22:31 |
ubottu | eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 126 kB, installed size 416 kB | 22:31 |
juro | Slart, no, the version is very old ... | 22:31 |
Slart | pulsetsar: no.. /etc/samba I think | 22:31 |
juro | Slart, 3.4 is the current release | 22:31 |
Slart | juro: ok.. well.. I usually put stuff I install myself in /opt .. in a folder with a relevant name of some kind | 22:31 |
mahfiaz | juro, they have installation instructions, I think on their site | 22:31 |
pulsetsar | Slart: thanks! | 22:32 |
juro | Slart, I know that it is kind of a "taste" thing - just wanted yours | 22:32 |
juro | mahfiaz: thank you - I'll have a look there | 22:32 |
ShockWaveEternal | Back in a few minutes maybe, restarting for the drivers | 22:33 |
Stavros | what's a good IM for ubuntu? (barring amsn and pidgin) | 22:33 |
Storrgie | I am having an issue with setting my sound in a fresh install of 8.04, would anyone like to help me out? | 22:33 |
juro | Stavros: why don't you like pidgin? | 22:33 |
thingfish2 | Stavros: if you want cli, try irssi | 22:33 |
thingfish2 | yeah, pidgin is fine | 22:34 |
Slart | Stavros: there are web-versions of icq that run as some kind of java-applet | 22:34 |
Stavros | juro: not very customizable and i don't like the ui :/ | 22:34 |
Stavros | Slart: hmm no, i need something that runs all the time | 22:34 |
thingfish2 | xchat | 22:34 |
Stavros | aha | 22:34 |
juro | Stavros: you can always switch to Windows and wait for Alpha .... :D | 22:34 |
Stavros | juro: windows has miranda im :( | 22:34 |
Stavros | which is excellent | 22:34 |
infinitycircuit | i agree with xchat | 22:34 |
Slart | !info centerim | 22:34 |
ubottu | centerim (source: centerim): A text-mode multi-protocol instant messenger client. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.22.2-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 1158 kB, installed size 3052 kB | 22:34 |
askand | Im looking for a way to sort of mirror my laptop harddrive to my external drive, when I delete something on the computer it gets deleted on the external and when I add something to my computer it is added to the external, and all of this I want to happen when I plugin external..any ideas? :) | 22:34 |
juro | Stavros: never really got to like it. | 22:34 |
marcules | Good Evening ^^ | 22:35 |
LordFDisk | So if anyone has the time. How can I add myself to have access to a file. /dev/usbdev1.1_ep00 and if that's not the file that I'm looking for to put it back to the way it was? | 22:35 |
juro | askand, rsync | 22:35 |
Stavros | juro: you need to spend some time configuring it, but after that it's the best | 22:35 |
php6t1 | help, im using Virtualbox and my bridge conection stops working after certain time, just rebooting the whole computer fix it, what happens? answers please send me to peter.ruff@microsof.com | 22:35 |
Slart | Stavros: you can always give kopete a chance | 22:35 |
Slart | !info kopete | 22:35 |
ubottu | kopete (source: kdenetwork): instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 6970 kB, installed size 19284 kB | 22:35 |
Stavros | askand: unison | 22:35 |
juro | Stavros: always used trillian and liked it | 22:35 |
ShinjinAkage | I just set my Dad's Lexmark Printer up for sharing. He is using windows XP black. How can I set up ubuntu so I can use that printer? | 22:35 |
Stavros | Slart: ah, i'll try that too, thanks | 22:35 |
Stavros | juro: i liked trillian too, until i used miranda | 22:35 |
Stavros | juro: it's MUCH lighter | 22:35 |
askand | juro: Stavros: thanks will check these up | 22:35 |
infinitycircuit | ShinjinAkage, go to system -> admin -> printing, and add a local printer as a SAMBA share | 22:35 |
ShinjinAkage | Okay thanks | 22:36 |
Stavros | askand: rsync is one way, unison is two-way | 22:36 |
Nalleman | Hi, Im trying to change the top directory for Kphotoalbum. Anyone knows how to fix this? | 22:36 |
juro | Stavros: Alpha is the "new" Trillian ... has been announced for over a year now | 22:36 |
Stavros | juro: hmm, wasn't that out a year ago? | 22:36 |
Stavros | juro: oh | 22:36 |
Stavros | juro: the trillian that's supposed to run off the browser? | 22:36 |
LordFDisk | juro, try Deluge BitTorrent Client as well you might like it. | 22:36 |
Stavros | juro: trillian astra? | 22:37 |
askand | Stavros: two-way? so if I add something to the external it is added to my laptop as well? | 22:37 |
Stavros | askand: yes | 22:37 |
Stavros | askand: it synchronises the most recent files | 22:37 |
juro | Stavros: I checked last week and it is still alpha version - but it is the new way of instant messenging | 22:37 |
askand | Stavros: nice | 22:37 |
on5sl | when i've slected transfer to sda4 with LVP, and it is finished....there is no GRUB when i reboot. | 22:37 |
Stavros | juro: i used that about a year ago | 22:37 |
juro | LordFDisk: not sure what you want ... | 22:37 |
Stavros | juro: it wasn't all that great | 22:37 |
mar77i | hi, how do I output all files installed with a package with apt-cache (or dpkg or...)? | 22:37 |
on5sl | I get ubuntu or windows choice, and when i choose ubuntu then i get grub but that trough wube so not my goal | 22:38 |
debian_akroyd | woohoo it worked!!! thanks ubottu, Slart | 22:38 |
juro | Stavros: how could it be. the only thing that they can get new users with is integrating Slype | 22:38 |
juro | Skype | 22:38 |
Stavros | juro: well, it was too heavy, not pretty enough... | 22:38 |
Stavros | juro: you couldn't customize everything... | 22:38 |
LordFDisk | juro, oops thinking of another prog | 22:38 |
zboy417 | hey everyone....i have a Toshiba A135-S4527 and the when i plug in headphones i can hear through both the laptop speakers and the headphones | 22:38 |
ShinjinAkage | While setting up the printer I select lexmark but under models ut doesn | 22:39 |
Slart | zboy417: you probably have separate volume sliders for the speakers and the headphone output | 22:39 |
geezer | anyone know of a good irc channel for hip hop music?? | 22:39 |
ShinjinAkage | it doesn | 22:39 |
qr | is there a way to bring my monitor out of powersave mode remotely? | 22:39 |
ShockWaveEternal | php6t1: Thanks a lot for that program, all my display things now work =D | 22:39 |
ShockWaveEternal | (I get to use compiz finally) | 22:39 |
ShinjinAkage | sorry keep hitting enter (it doesn't have 3300) | 22:39 |
zboy417 | slart...its very confusing | 22:39 |
zboy417 | there is a HDA Intel and a Realtek (Oss Mixer) | 22:40 |
juro | how can I add/edit Folders in "Applications"? | 22:40 |
SeveredCross | qr: Use xset | 22:40 |
SeveredCross | xset dpms force on should work. | 22:40 |
Slart | zboy417: no, it's not.. take a deep breath.. have some coffee... one slider controls volume for the speakers, one slider controls volume for the headphones.. the windows drive probably jsut muted one when the other one was connected | 22:40 |
Slart | zboy417: yes.. that's normal.. | 22:41 |
_oOMOo_ | juro system>preferences>main menu | 22:41 |
Slart | zboy417: don't worry about.. and don't mess with the OSS one | 22:41 |
juro | _oOMOo_: thanx | 22:41 |
lap | someone know when the amsn will be in the offical repository ? | 22:41 |
lap | when the new* | 22:41 |
ShinjinAkage | What do I do if my printers model isn't on the list? It's a printer/scanner would that change anything? | 22:42 |
Slart | lap: probably for the next version of ubuntu | 22:42 |
zboy417 | ok...well i gotta go | 22:42 |
lap | Slart: uh ? | 22:42 |
lap | Slart: it will not be placed in the hardy repo ? | 22:42 |
juro | lap. what is asmn? | 22:42 |
lap | amsn 0.97.2 | 22:42 |
Slart | lap: afaik they don't replace version in the repos unless there's a bug or something | 22:42 |
on5sl | nobody lvpm problems? | 22:42 |
zechs | hey all, system updating keeps freezing on me... | 22:42 |
terrestre | theres a bug jajaj | 22:42 |
lap | Slart: how can I have the amsn then, the one i have don't connect anymore | 22:43 |
terrestre | lap you can get it from get deb | 22:43 |
zechs | usually when something 'UTF-8' shows up | 22:43 |
Slart | lap: well.. if it doesn't work I guess it will be replaced | 22:43 |
zechs | and then when I log in, the desktop doesn't load | 22:43 |
lap | terrestre: its the only we will can get it with hardy heron ? | 22:43 |
lap | Slart: that's what i tought | 22:43 |
Slart | !info amsn | 22:43 |
ubottu | amsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97+final-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 3426 kB, installed size 11308 kB | 22:43 |
qr | SeveredCross: no luck, the screen stays black | 22:43 |
terrestre | not the only but the easier | 22:43 |
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terrestre | way to get it | 22:43 |
zechs | I'm worried it's about to happen again, just after I am trying to install language-pack-tr | 22:44 |
lap | Slart: amsn 0.97 don't connect anymore due to the new microsoft protocol | 22:44 |
zechs | since synaptic is frozen | 22:44 |
mn | Hello all. What is a good IDE for C++ in linux in either GNOME or KDE? | 22:44 |
lap | Slart: so, it will be replaced you think ? | 22:44 |
Storrgie | I am having an issue with setting my sound in a fresh install of 8.04, would anyone like to help me out? | 22:44 |
lap | don't you thin ? | 22:44 |
lap | think* | 22:44 |
askand | Anyone in here familliar with Unison? | 22:44 |
Slart | lap: the same thing happened with pidgin some weeks ago.. it got replaced after a couple of days | 22:44 |
Aranel | Hi, my xsession-errors is now 64gig and I have 0 bytes left. I located and removed this file but still 0 bytes left in my hdd. Can someone help me ? | 22:44 |
lap | Slart: ok | 22:44 |
lap | Slart: amsn, not yet | 22:44 |
godzirra | Heya folks. Anyone have any ideas why my wife's laptop would connect to the wireless access point, get full signal for a second, then have it dropped again? | 22:44 |
lap | I'm waiting for it since 1-2 week | 22:45 |
_oOMOo_ | lap I had the same problem | 22:45 |
SeveredCross | qr: Weird. Maybe the monitor doesn't support dpms. | 22:45 |
Slart | lap: I think they will have to package it and do some testing so it doesn't kill your system when you install it | 22:45 |
SeveredCross | That's the only way I knokw. | 22:45 |
SeveredCross | You can also try and kill gnome-screensaver if it's running. | 22:45 |
Storrgie | I am having an issue with setting my sound in a fresh install of 8.04, would anyone like to help !! | 22:45 |
katakaio | What's the problem Storrgie? | 22:45 |
lap | I don't like to install stuff that are not in the repo | 22:45 |
terrestre | lap go to getdeb.net | 22:45 |
lap | so i dont use the amsn from getdeb | 22:45 |
terrestre | ooh | 22:46 |
terrestre | jaja well i am using it | 22:46 |
terrestre | you can still use pidgin btw | 22:46 |
_oOMOo_ | lap if you enable hardy proposed in software sources the new amsn is available | 22:46 |
godzirra | Anyone have any ideas? | 22:46 |
lap | _oOMOo_: do you know when it will be place in the main repo ? | 22:46 |
lap | placed* | 22:46 |
Storrgie | katakaio: I did a fresh install of 8.08, I have a Abit ip35pro XW board with intel HDA sound, but I had my plantronics headset plugged in during the install... I changed the default audio over to asla, so it would play out of my Intel HDA, but it kept playing through the headset... | 22:46 |
_oOMOo_ | there's a bug in launchpad, don't know the number off-hand | 22:47 |
Storrgie | katakaio: so i unplugged the headset, and now i get system sounds, but none of my programs are playing through Intel HDA | 22:47 |
taak | is there a unix command i could use to get the maximum line length in a file? | 22:47 |
Storrgie | katakaio: like vlc | 22:47 |
katakaio | Hmm, I've had this problem myself | 22:47 |
on5sl | hmm when u ise lvpm i don't get grub | 22:47 |
lap | ok thx all | 22:47 |
ShinjinAkage | Can someone help me set up this printer? | 22:47 |
katakaio | Storrgie: I spent days trying to find fixes, but I had no sound | 22:47 |
lap | for your information | 22:47 |
lap | see you soon, I hope not =P | 22:48 |
katakaio | Storrgie: What eventually did it for me was installing the GNOME Alsa Mixer | 22:48 |
Storrgie | katakaio: what did u end up doing? | 22:48 |
_oOMOo_ | lap https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/+bug/243722 | 22:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 243722 in amsn "amsn 0.97: login doesn't work anymore due to a protocol change" [Medium,Fix committed] | 22:48 |
luz3r | Never mind on the host, I got my own domain now and so far it is up and running. | 22:48 |
katakaio | Storrgie: just by installing it (not even tweaking settings) I got my sound to work | 22:48 |
katakaio | Storrgie: the Intel HDA cards are a little funny like that | 22:48 |
godzirra | taak: Not that I know of. But you could always use a simple perl script. perl -e "open(IN,'file.txt'); my $length; while(<IN>) { $length = length($_) if length($_) > $length; } print $length;" | 22:48 |
godzirra | taak: not sure if that has errors. | 22:48 |
p4_xxx | hi, can someone tell me how do i specify to different port in iptables, like i want to put 139 and 445 in the same line as: -A INPUT -s 172.xx.x.xx -p tcp --dport 139 445 -j ACCEPT , is it well written? | 22:48 |
zechs | how can I force quit synaptic? | 22:49 |
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godzirra | Heya folks. Anyone have any ideas why my wife's laptop would connect to the wireless access point, get full signal for a second, then have it dropped again? I'm using wpa-personal and AES. | 22:49 |
taak | hmm maybe i could use some combination of wc and head | 22:49 |
katakaio | Storrgie: try installing the gnome-alsamixer package and see if it works | 22:49 |
Storrgie | just nabbed it with synapt | 22:49 |
Flare183 | ShinjinAkage: Yeah Whats the printers name? | 22:50 |
lap | _oOMOo_: fix commited | 22:50 |
reikalusikka | why I transfer files over lan faster from xp to vista to from xp to ubuntu? | 22:50 |
lap | so what will happen now ? =) | 22:50 |
Flare183 | reikalusikka: Filesystem Converstion | 22:50 |
Flare183 | !clones | 22:50 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about clones | 22:51 |
Flare183 | crap | 22:51 |
reikalusikka | Flare183: ? | 22:51 |
taak | i wonder if there's some way i could pipe each line into wc individually, and then sort -g the output... | 22:51 |
Storrgie | katakaio: still no sound after running it... vlc seems to be the only program that is stuck | 22:51 |
infinitycircuit | taak, man read | 22:51 |
_oOMOo_ | lap yes, so not long I guess. It works fie | 22:51 |
infinitycircuit | taak, i mean man readline | 22:51 |
katakaio | Storrgie: Hmm, so you get sounds with other programs (rhythmbox, etc.) but just not VLC? | 22:51 |
brewing | doesnt work :( | 22:52 |
Flare183 | reikalusikka: Samba has to convert the files to different filesystems when it transfers to something to Windows | 22:52 |
lap | it work fie ? | 22:52 |
Storrgie | with gstreamer yes | 22:52 |
Flare183 | brb | 22:52 |
Flare183 | bbl | 22:52 |
infinitycircuit | taak, i lose. read is what you want. it's just a bash builtin | 22:52 |
orgthingy | it was scanning /dev/sda6 on startup and then it gave me terminal screen | 22:52 |
orgthingy | with error | 22:52 |
katakaio | Storrgie: Well, I don't know what to do from here . . . sorry | 22:52 |
Storrgie | rythmbox also | 22:52 |
orgthingy | and now internet doesnt work | 22:52 |
yuri_ | hi guys, im trying to graph my ping to google for a 24hr time period. I used the command "ping -i 300", how do I output this to a text file? | 22:52 |
Storrgie | katakaio: think a restart? lol | 22:52 |
reikalusikka | Flare183: I'm not using samba | 22:52 |
orgthingy | even though its connected to wireless | 22:52 |
katakaio | Storrgie: Haha - it never hurt! | 22:52 |
reikalusikka | just sharing files | 22:52 |
Storrgie | brb then | 22:52 |
taak | infinitycircuit: hmm where's the docs for that? | 22:52 |
infinitycircuit | yuri_, ping -i 300 > file.text | 22:52 |
yuri_ | infinitycircuit: thats it? | 22:53 |
lap | yuri_: ping -i 300 > log.txt | 22:53 |
infinitycircuit | taak, man bash -> go to "read" in the BUILTINS section | 22:53 |
orgthingy | anyone? | 22:53 |
orgthingy | please answer my question! | 22:53 |
debCarlos | !brb | 22:53 |
orgthingy | :'( | 22:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about brb | 22:53 |
lap | orgthingy: what's your question ? | 22:53 |
Pirate_Hunter | orgthingy: whats your question | 22:53 |
orgthingy | scroll up a bit please :D | 22:53 |
Pirate_Hunter | !patience | orgthingy | 22:53 |
ubottu | orgthingy: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 22:53 |
brewing | !trigger | 22:54 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about trigger | 22:54 |
brewing | !nvidia | 22:54 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 22:54 |
yuri_ | infinitycircuit: oh. cool | 22:54 |
Pirate_Hunter | orgthingy: why cant you just write it again heck you dont even need to write it just retrieve what you have written so far press up on your irc client | 22:54 |
orgthingy | it was scanning /dev/sda6 on startup and then it gave me terminal screen | 22:54 |
taak | infinitycircuit: i don't get what this is supposed to do | 22:55 |
orgthingy | with error | 22:55 |
infinitycircuit | yuri_, what? | 22:55 |
orgthingy | and now internet doesnt work | 22:55 |
orgthingy | even though its connected to wireless | 22:55 |
belkinhelp2 | ubuntu networking problem | 22:55 |
unop | taak, are you trying to get the longest line from a file? | 22:55 |
infinitycircuit | taak, you can use "read" to read a file one line at a time in a for loop, and then perform wc on each line | 22:55 |
belkinhelp2 | anyone here familiar with Ubuntu and winxp? | 22:55 |
belkinhelp2 | i have samba installed | 22:55 |
brewing | !alsa | 22:55 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 22:55 |
debCarlos | orgthingy: I don't know too much about that but.... maybe sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 22:55 |
belkinhelp2 | but i cant see ubuntu from xp | 22:56 |
belkinhelp2 | ping is ok | 22:56 |
belkinhelp2 | !samba | 22:56 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 22:56 |
ShockWaveEternal | OK, I have another problem | 22:57 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp have you set up any folders to be shared with samba yet? | 22:57 |
ShockWaveEternal | Does anyone know how to change the number of desktops that compiz uses for the cube? | 22:57 |
belkinhelp2 | zes | 22:57 |
belkinhelp2 | yes | 22:57 |
belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo....i have a folder set to share /public | 22:57 |
p4_xxx | can u see win from ubuntu? | 22:58 |
unop | taak, perl -lne '$longest=$_ if length $_ > length $longest; END{print $longest}' /path/to/file | 22:58 |
debCarlos | ShockWaveEternal: Yeah, in ccsm in general under desktop size tabs are the configuration parameters you're looking for :) | 22:59 |
on5sl | i can't see my grub menu...Help anyone? | 22:59 |
Aranel | Hi, my xsession-errors is now 64gig and I have 0 bytes left. I located and removed this file but still 0 bytes left in my hdd. Can someone help me ? | 22:59 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp is the samba service running? | 22:59 |
brewing | !java | 22:59 |
ubottu | To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 22:59 |
ShockWaveEternal | debCarlos: It's greyed out for me | 22:59 |
belkinhelp2 | good question | 22:59 |
Caesi | hullo.. can anyone tell me how I can set up thunar as my standard browser? I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 | 22:59 |
mn | does ubuntu come with openoffice.org? | 22:59 |
belkinhelp2 | when i select "share folder" my /public is listed | 22:59 |
debCarlos | on5sl: did you reinstalled xp recently? | 22:59 |
p4_xxx | belkin, can u see winxp from ubuntu? | 22:59 |
belkinhelp2 | p4....also good question | 23:00 |
on5sl | debCarlos: no... | 23:00 |
belkinhelp2 | p4....where do I look | 23:00 |
belkinhelp2 | where is the "network neighborhood" for Ubuntu | 23:00 |
on5sl | debCarlos: i installed lvpm, added partitions and transferred my wubi installation | 23:00 |
Nicolae | does anyone know if you can set up a vpn connection so that only certain appilcations (rtorrent) use it and all other 'net traffic uses the normal internet connection? | 23:00 |
belkinhelp2 | i can ping Ubuntu from xp | 23:00 |
p4_xxx | places > network | 23:00 |
on5sl | debCarlos: but i still get the windows boot chooser for wubi or xp instead of the grub menu at boot :( | 23:01 |
debCarlos | ShockWaveEternal: Weird, there's a "plugin" for gnome-panel called Workspace Switcher, you can do the config there | 23:01 |
* ShockWaveEternal uses KDE | 23:01 | |
ShockWaveEternal | lol | 23:01 |
belkinhelp2 | funny...i was looking under preferences.network....no wonder i didnt find it | 23:01 |
debCarlos | on5sl: ups... wubi.... i don't knoww about it, sry :) | 23:01 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 if you go to system>administration>services, is samba checked? | 23:01 |
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ShockWaveEternal | Actually, I'll take a look in the kde equivalent | 23:01 |
belkinhelp2 | i can see xp from Ubuntu | 23:01 |
debCarlos | ShockWaveEternal: Then maybe #kubuntu will be better ? | 23:01 |
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ShockWaveEternal | Ah, I asked there before and they can't figure it out | 23:02 |
belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo_ yes, the service is running | 23:02 |
on5sl | debCarlos: but i don't have wubi quite anymore..my ubuntu installation has succesfully transferred to my dedicated partition for linux on ym hdd now...there must be something wrong at the grub or something | 23:02 |
ShockWaveEternal | But /me tries something | 23:02 |
on5sl | i just don't get the grub menu | 23:02 |
belkinhelp2 | The folder contents could not be displayed.... | 23:03 |
kindofabuzz | is there anything that can auto detect another distro on another hard drive? or do i have to edit menu.lst myself? | 23:03 |
belkinhelp2 | i see it but i cant open it | 23:03 |
p4_xxx | what i did, i edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf files and added my work grou in there | 23:03 |
infinitycircuit | kindofabuzz, debian-installer does it for you | 23:03 |
p4_xxx | workgroup | 23:04 |
kindofabuzz | infinite: well i installed zenwalk, and didn't use it's lilo because i wanted to keep ubuntu's grub | 23:04 |
belkinhelp2 | p4_xxx....i have 2 workgroups....i can see and access one but not the other | 23:04 |
belkinhelp2 | strange | 23:04 |
Aranel | can someone help me, i have a file named "." and its 63gig. | 23:04 |
Aranel | I cant remove it :/ | 23:04 |
kindofabuzz | sudo rm | 23:05 |
Wimpie | hello guys | 23:05 |
Atch | server layslair.ath.cx | 23:05 |
belkinhelp2 | i can ping both ways from xp to Ubuntu and back | 23:05 |
kindofabuzz | so no kind of auto scan thing to detect other distros? | 23:05 |
debCarlos | on5sl: Yeah, maybe. You can try starting from livecd and recover the grub | 23:05 |
pymike | Hi I'm having a weird problem on Ubuntu 8.04... first of all, my firefox (3.0 beta 5) randomly stops responding every 10 seconds, and then it's fine for a few minutes. After I restart firefox a few times, and then load the terminal, the terminal stops responding before it's fully loaded. But right after the computer restarted the Terminal works fine. Any idea what's going on? | 23:05 |
Wimpie | Can somebody help me with Apache httpd.conf ? | 23:06 |
belkinhelp2 | "Windows Network: mshome" couldn't be found. Perhaps it has recently been deleted. | 23:06 |
belkinhelp2 | weird | 23:06 |
kindofabuzz | Wimpie: /join #apache | 23:06 |
Wimpie | k thanks mate | 23:06 |
p4_xxx | i donk know, i have only one group it work fine winxp win2000 and ubuntu | 23:06 |
dido | how to install compiz fusion on Ubuntu 8.04? | 23:07 |
on5sl | dido: it's already installed | 23:07 |
kindofabuzz | dido: it's already installed by default | 23:07 |
p4_xxx | i know if u want to share files between pc you have to be in the same work group | 23:07 |
on5sl | search on google: how to enable compiz in ubuntu 8.04 | 23:07 |
kindofabuzz | !compiz | 23:08 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion | 23:08 |
drako | is there any way to put music and photos to your iphone? | 23:08 |
VOL4onoK | A | 23:08 |
MelbaToast | Howdy folks | 23:08 |
VOL4onoK | B | 23:08 |
VOL4onoK | C | 23:08 |
=== eitri_ is now known as eitri | ||
belkinhelp2 | let me change the workgroup to match the other one.....but that doesnt answer the question why i cant share across TWO windows workgroups from Ubuntu | 23:09 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 have you ever had it working? | 23:10 |
belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo_....this particular setup...no | 23:10 |
TDJACR|Away | Can someone take a look at http://paste.cluenet.org/954. I get it while trying to install. It makes install fail. 8.04.1 | 23:10 |
TDJACR|Away | I will post a bug and a forum entry | 23:11 |
belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo_....i can access one workgroup...but not the other | 23:11 |
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_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 do you have 2 windows machines on your network? | 23:11 |
belkinhelp2 | yes | 23:11 |
belkinhelp2 | both xp | 23:11 |
Aranel | Can someone help me I have 64gig file and I cant delete it. *And I have tired of asking this question again and again..* | 23:11 |
belkinhelp2 | im changing the one workgroup to match that of the other | 23:11 |
TDJACR|Away | Aranel: rm /path/to/file -f ? | 23:12 |
belkinhelp2 | but i would rather keep them seperate | 23:12 |
belkinhelp2 | since im sharing internet connection with the neighbor | 23:12 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 I don't think they have to be the same | 23:12 |
Blaze_Boy | how can i get the IPs of the PCs on the LAN , for network testing please ? | 23:12 |
Aranel | TDJACR|Away: tried. Its name was .xsession-errors | 23:12 |
TDJACR|Away | Blaze_Boy: nmap | 23:12 |
Aranel | TDJACR|Away: and when I tried to remove it, Its renamed to '.' | 23:12 |
Aranel | TDJACR|Away: Its only a dot and I cant remove it now. | 23:12 |
TDJACR|Away | Aranel: No it isn't ./ is a directory refrence to the pwd | 23:13 |
unop | Aranel, you can't have a file named . | 23:13 |
belkinhelp2 | this will give me the opportunity to test the server in the cellar....first remote reboot in a month | 23:13 |
Aranel | wait a sec.. | 23:13 |
belkinhelp2 | I hope VNC works like it supposed to | 23:13 |
fgleich_ | is there a database of hardware supported for Ubuntu ? | 23:13 |
Aranel | 4,0K ./.PlayOnLinux/WineVersions | 23:13 |
Aranel | 63M ./.PlayOnLinux | 23:13 |
Aranel | 63G . | 23:13 |
Blaze_Boy | what is the paramters i need for nmap ? | 23:13 |
Aranel | see? | 23:13 |
FloodBot1 | Aranel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:13 |
TDJACR|Away | Aranel: cd ./ is your pwd | 23:13 |
magnetron | !hardware | fgleich_ | 23:13 |
ubottu | fgleich_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 23:13 |
kikinpc1 | Hola cuannado instalo ltsp-server-standalone, me arroja un mensaje que no puede detener los servicios dehcpd3 ni iniciarlos alguien puede ayudarme | 23:13 |
fgleich_ | ty ubottu | 23:13 |
Blaze_Boy | what is the paramters i need for nmap ? how can i get the IPs of the PCs on the LAN , for network testing please ? | 23:14 |
kikinpc1 | * Stopping DHCP server dhcpd3 [fail] | 23:14 |
belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo_....did i mention I have VNC running on the network and can remote access all machines? | 23:14 |
infinitycircuit | !es | kikinpc1 | 23:14 |
ubottu | kikinpc1: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 23:14 |
TDJACR|Away | kikinpc1: English please. | 23:14 |
esh__ | qurestion, is root account disabled in xubuntu? total newbiue here | 23:14 |
Aranel | TDJACR|Away: Ok If this xsession file isnt renamed, why I have still 0 bytes free in my hdd ? I tried filelight etc. and they cant find this file. | 23:14 |
kikinpc1 | Away es que en el canal de español no responden, no se que puedo hcer en ese caso | 23:14 |
unop | Aranel, have you tried emptying the trashcan? | 23:14 |
TDJACR|Away | Aranel: rm only removes the drive refrence to the file, it is still there until overwritten | 23:15 |
dido | how to install tar.gz files on UBUNTU 8.04 | 23:15 |
TDJACR|Away | kikinpc1: English here. | 23:15 |
unop | !source | dido | 23:15 |
ubottu | dido: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 23:15 |
TDJACR|Away | dido: ? | 23:15 |
unop | dido, sorry, pay no attention to that | 23:15 |
unop | !build | dido | 23:16 |
ubottu | dido: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 23:16 |
esh__ | having issues with madwifi and netgear wg511t | 23:16 |
Aranel | TDJACR|Away: and.. how can I remove it ? I cant open files now like amsn, cause they re trying to write something to tmp and fails. | 23:16 |
kikinpc1 | how can i Starting DHCP server? | 23:16 |
=== fgleich_ is now known as fgleich | ||
Aranel | unop: how can I do it :) | 23:16 |
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unop | Aranel, well, how did you delete the file in the first place? | 23:16 |
Storrgie | how do u disable a network adaptor then re-enable it? I keep loosing wireless and having to do a full restart to get it back | 23:16 |
Aranel | unop: right-clicked in filelight and selected "Sil" (Delete) | 23:17 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 - no, that does mean the network is working fine at least | 23:17 |
miguel | hi all | 23:17 |
unop | Aranel, navigate to Trash:// in nautilus .. if the file exists there, delete the file | 23:17 |
miguel | in the disk, where are saved the cookies? | 23:17 |
rzec | ok, i have tried to install ubuntu over the past for days. i did a memory test that passed. the follow version give me a initramfs prompt (ubuntu 8.04 64/32 bit ubuntu 7.10 32 bit), I just now tried to to install ubuntu 8.04 alternative dvd and still not luck, it tells me that is could not most my cd rom. can i not use a dvd, do i need to use a cd instead? | 23:17 |
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belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo_....AND....it rebooted with VNC as a service and I can access it remotely without having to go down into the cellar!!!zeah! | 23:18 |
unop | miguel, firefox saves them in ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/cookies.sqlite | 23:18 |
Aranel | unop: it seems empty but It gives "Unknown size" in properties | 23:18 |
kikinpc1 | i have intalled ltsp-server-standalone, but send un message of error, said: | 23:18 |
kikinpc1 | Stopping DHCP server dhcpd3 [fail] | 23:18 |
Aranel | unop: and this: 16.777.216.0 Tb | 23:19 |
Aranel | unop: I think its messed up :/ | 23:19 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 it's nice when things work :) | 23:19 |
unop | Aranel, where are you seeing this again? | 23:19 |
esh__ | having issues with madwifi and netgear wg511t | 23:19 |
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_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 has the reboot made any difference? | 23:19 |
Aranel | unop: Right click and Özellikler (Properties) in dolphin. | 23:20 |
Blaze_Boy | what are the paramter for (nmap) to list all the PCs on the LAN ? | 23:20 |
dusty_ | http://rafb.net/p/61SvtD29.html Is that the correct way to log using iotables ? | 23:20 |
unop | Aranel, i'm sorry, i'm not aware of how filelight and/or dolphin work | 23:20 |
belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo_...ZES | 23:20 |
Aranel | unop: it seems its renamed to some kind of ascii character and I cant remove it cause of this. | 23:20 |
Blaze_Boy | what are the paramter for (nmap) to list all the PCs on the LAN ? any body help please ? | 23:21 |
belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo_...very odd. But I can see both PCs now that they are in the same workgroup | 23:21 |
dido | what is the role of java 6 on ubuntu ? | 23:21 |
_oOMOo_ | Blaze_Boy man nmap | 23:21 |
unop | Aranel, is the file listed in Trash:// in nautilus?? | 23:21 |
kitche | Blaze_Boy: man nmap will tell you :) | 23:21 |
Blaze_Boy | i can't find it | 23:21 |
unop | Aranel, note, i did say nautilus here | 23:21 |
Storrgie | anyone here a network guru? | 23:21 |
Blaze_Boy | it's too long | 23:21 |
belkinhelp2 | _oOMOo_...AND....the old workgroup name is still listed in Ubuntu network places....why | 23:21 |
Aranel | unop: ok wait a sec, trying it on nautilus now | 23:22 |
RageMachine | could someone tell me what the acroynm / commands are for shutting down computer when nothing else works (something to do with elephants and boring I think... >.<) | 23:22 |
Blaze_Boy | no i want the IPs | 23:22 |
rzec | ok, i have tried to install ubuntu over the past four days. i did a memory test that passed. the follow versions give me a (initramfs) prompt (ubuntu 8.04 64/32 bit ubuntu 7.10 32 bit), I just now tried to to install ubuntu 8.04 alternative dvd and still not luck, it tells me that is could not mount my cd rom. can i not use a dvd, do i need to use a cd instead? | 23:22 |
fgleich | shutdown -r now | 23:22 |
Aranel | unop: I found 3 files but theyre only 110meg and dont related with this issue. | 23:22 |
_oOMOo_ | bekinhelp2 sometimes I think samba gets a bit tied in knots, if you go back and forth in the directory tree/network maybe it'll go? | 23:22 |
fgleich | or shutdown -h now | 23:22 |
RageMachine | fgleich nope, thats not it. | 23:22 |
kindofabuzz | what's the fix for a greyed out vcn connection? | 23:22 |
kindofabuzz | vnc | 23:23 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 I know that's not particularly scientific | 23:23 |
pyrex | hey i ran ubuntu install on top of a working laptop. I am at the point where it wants me to Prepare Partitions. | 23:23 |
RageMachine | rzec, try it with a CD. | 23:23 |
Aranel | unop: and removed them now :) I have still 0 bytes left.. | 23:23 |
infinitycircuit | RageMachine, c "Raising Skinny Elephants Is Utterly Boring" or "Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring", | 23:23 |
pyrex | So i decided to go manual. | 23:23 |
kh2 | rzec my unbutu version is dvd. | 23:23 |
RageMachine | infinity circuit, awesome thanks :) | 23:23 |
pyrex | can i change the partition table without affecting windows vista? | 23:23 |
belkinhelp2 | lol | 23:23 |
kitche | Blaze_Boy: if your don't want to figure out how to read the manpage for nmap it's very simple to read but hang on let me install nmap so I can see the options to tell you | 23:23 |
RageMachine | infinitycircuit, heh just couldn't remember it. I need a sticky note of it or something | 23:23 |
belkinhelp2 | yeah, the error msg originally was that MSHOME was not there | 23:23 |
infinitycircuit | RageMachine, wikipedia is your friend :) | 23:23 |
belkinhelp2 | and now its really not there | 23:23 |
Blaze_Boy | ok | 23:23 |
belkinhelp2 | but still listed as such | 23:24 |
Storrgie | is anyone a network guru here? | 23:24 |
belkinhelp2 | lol | 23:24 |
RageMachine | infinitycircuit, so is IRC | 23:24 |
Blaze_Boy | thanx , i'll wait | 23:24 |
unop | RageMachine, REISUB - raising elephants is so utterly boring .. use the combination with alt+print_screen+key | 23:24 |
belkinhelp2 | no biggie....i can live with it | 23:24 |
RageMachine | unop got it from infinitycircuit, thanks :) | 23:24 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 you could try sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart see if it goes | 23:24 |
p4_xxx | can u access the othe pc now? | 23:24 |
belkinhelp2 | in other words, its not a work around....ill just rename the second workgroup to something else and see if it works | 23:24 |
unop | Aranel, what does the output of df -H say about free and available space? | 23:25 |
esh__ | madwifi wont install. any ideas please? | 23:25 |
Aranel | unop: /dev/sdb1 197G 187G 0 100% / | 23:25 |
Blaze_Boy | how can i search i manual pages , what is the command ? | 23:25 |
belkinhelp2 | I have a buddy flying in tomorrow and I have a bunch of cool documentaries on how the world really works | 23:25 |
unop | Blaze_Boy, to search for manpages .. apropos | 23:25 |
belkinhelp2 | i just wanted to be able to remotely view them in my office | 23:25 |
kitche | Blaze_Boy: looks like -sP is the switch you want | 23:25 |
belkinhelp2 | this will work for now | 23:25 |
pyrex | alright, what partition should i create for ubuntu? | 23:25 |
Blaze_Boy | ok , thanks | 23:26 |
pyrex | Ext3? journaling file sys? | 23:26 |
belkinhelp2 | how much do I owe you? | 23:26 |
belkinhelp2 | how about a virtual praise? | 23:26 |
unop | Aranel, this command herre should find the 10 biggest files. du -a $DIR | sort -n | tail -n 10 # maybe it gives you an indication of what is taking up space | 23:26 |
_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 you owe p4 I think :) | 23:26 |
p4_xxx | :) | 23:26 |
belkinhelp2 | oh | 23:26 |
belkinhelp2 | ok....thanks to both of you then | 23:27 |
pyrex | is Ext3 a proper partition type for ubuntu install? | 23:27 |
dmsuperman | What's different between VNC and x11forwarding ? | 23:27 |
Blaze_Boy | no it's not that , :( | 23:27 |
kitche | Blaze_Boy: at least that will tell you if a host is up or not so it seems like what you want since it will output the ip of the host as well | 23:27 |
RageMachine | pyrex, ext3 is what you want to use. be sure to have a linux-swap partiton too. | 23:27 |
Aranel | unop: heres the output : http://pastebin.com/d3ad574fd | 23:27 |
pyrex | RageMachine: just those 2? | 23:28 |
Blaze_Boy | no , all i want is to list all the IPs conected to the LAN | 23:28 |
ardantus | anyone can help me for apache with php in ubuntu 8? | 23:28 |
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_oOMOo_ | belkinhelp2 glad it's fixed(ish!) | 23:28 |
kitche | Blaze_Boy: well -sP is what you want then but nmap really is not what you want then really | 23:28 |
RageMachine | pyrex, yep assuming your just doing ubuntu, no dual boot or anything swap should be about twice your RAM amount. | 23:28 |
planet_x | can anyone suggest a good IDE for C++ and visual basic editing that is similar to visual studio and such? | 23:28 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus what do you want to know? | 23:28 |
pyrex | RageMachine: this is dual booting with Vista | 23:28 |
dmsuperman | !x11forward | 23:29 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about x11forward | 23:29 |
ardantus | _oOMOo_, open http://vps.ardantus.net/ in browser sir | 23:29 |
Blaze_Boy | kitche: ok , then tell me the complete syntax for the command | 23:29 |
kindofabuzz | need a vnc guru. i can connect to it fine, but it's like the graphics never load. all gyed pixels | 23:29 |
ardantus | i have install php use apt-get but still not work | 23:29 |
RageMachine | pyrex, okay, so you'll have vista on one ntfs partiton, ubuntu on one ext3 partition, a linux swap | 23:29 |
kitche | RageMachine: for visual basic it would be hard but monodevelop | 23:29 |
lordleemo | Blaze_Boy: for nmap nmap -sP -PI -PT read the man nmap | 23:29 |
RageMachine | kitche, wrong person :P | 23:29 |
unop | Aranel, try this to filter out directories. du -Sa $DIR | sort -n | tail -n 10 | 23:29 |
infinitycircuit | planet_x, you could try kdevelop or eclipse | 23:30 |
kitche | planet_x: for visual basic it would be hard but monodevelop | 23:30 |
dido | Is gnome better or KDE ? | 23:30 |
infinitycircuit | personally i use vim for all my C coding | 23:30 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus that's a network issue | 23:30 |
RageMachine | Nother question, once the computer freezes or what have you, is there a way to see Why it froze, like a log or similar? | 23:30 |
Western_Digital | Oh hai | 23:30 |
Aranel | unop: http://pastebin.com/d7f6444bd | 23:30 |
Western_Digital | gpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt | 23:30 |
planet_x | ok thanks, im using gnome if that matters can i use kdevelop or stick to eclipse?> | 23:30 |
Western_Digital | oops | 23:31 |
pyrex | RageMachine: that was for the / right? | 23:31 |
ardantus | _oOMOo_, so what can i do to fic this problems sir | 23:31 |
Aranel | unop: i cant find the reason of this 0 byte problem. How can I find this file ? | 23:31 |
RageMachine | pyrex, / is ext3. you can put /home on a seperate partition too if you like | 23:31 |
juro | I am looking for a powerful navigator like Directory Opus | 23:31 |
RageMachine | pyrex, home should be ext3 as well. | 23:31 |
pyrex | i just put / and walked away | 23:31 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus http://ardantus shows an error connecting to database | 23:31 |
pyrex | will create swap next | 23:31 |
RageMachine | pyrex that will work | 23:31 |
paolo | Hi *. I have a very weird problem. A file is not recognized as an image if it has an extension (such as .jpeg, or .jpg). Does anyone know why? | 23:31 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus http://vps.ardantus.net shows unable to connect | 23:32 |
Gnea | paolo: the file is not an image. | 23:32 |
pyrex | "The resize operation has been aborted." | 23:32 |
pyrex | wtheck? | 23:32 |
unop | Aranel, i dunno, if you can still find the file in dolphin/filelight .. it exists somewhere on the disk. you can find out where exactly it is. find / -iname "*name_of_file*" | 23:32 |
unop | paolo, maybe it is not an image file? use this to find out. file -i /path/to/file | 23:33 |
Western_Digital | Hey hey. When trying to sigh the Ubuntu codeofconduct I get | 23:33 |
Aranel | unop: cant I use "sudo du" ? | 23:33 |
Western_Digital | gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available | 23:33 |
Western_Digital | gpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available | 23:33 |
ardantus | www.ardantus.net and vps.ardantus.net its diferent webserver sir. | 23:33 |
infinitycircuit | Western_Digital, did you export your keys to the keyserver? | 23:33 |
ardantus | i just wanna fix for vps.ardantus.net | 23:33 |
unop | Aranel, you could, if you know what you are doing | 23:33 |
ardantus | php not work | 23:33 |
Aranel | unop: :)) but I dont :) | 23:33 |
Gnea | paolo: it is whatever the mimetype thinks it is, or whatever file says it is, so you'll need to rename it. try running it through clamav. | 23:33 |
unop | Aranel, then use find | 23:33 |
paolo | unop: it is | 23:33 |
Aranel | unop: I dont know name of this file | 23:34 |
dabbill | How do i get my mouse to work as PS/2? I was useing it as USB but haveing issues with my USB ports. I rebooted the computer with the mouse in the PS/2 port but it has no power. | 23:34 |
Gnea | paolo: maybe it's the way the file itself is named? bad character? | 23:34 |
ardantus | if open vps.ardantus.net will show popup to download next.php thats mean something wrong in php and apache | 23:34 |
paolo | Gnea: that is the way it should be... but it is not... if I do mv foo.jpg foo it would work | 23:34 |
Western_Digital | Anyone help with my GPG problem? | 23:34 |
unop | Aranel, bah.. then go through the output of sudo du -Sa / | sort -rn | less | 23:34 |
paolo | Gnea: not really | 23:34 |
Gnea | dabbill: using a converter? | 23:34 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus ok, well the vps.ardantus.net problem does not seem to be a php problem. Have you tried just a basic html page first to check? | 23:34 |
pyrex | RageMachine: i have a feeling it #(&$(* my hdd and vista will now not boot. | 23:34 |
dabbill | Gnea, yes | 23:34 |
unop | paolo, what does file return there? | 23:35 |
Gnea | dabbill: could be a bad converter | 23:35 |
Gnea | dabbill: got a usb keyboard? | 23:35 |
dabbill | Gnea, works fine on my windows PC | 23:35 |
ardantus | use html work sir | 23:35 |
pyrex | the partitioning failed and now ntfs is not a valid drive | 23:35 |
ardantus | working corectly | 23:35 |
Aranel | unop: :) ok doing now. | 23:35 |
audifahrer | Hi | 23:35 |
Gnea | dabbill: weird. did you try from a coldboot? | 23:35 |
TDJACR|Away | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/257761 | 23:35 |
ardantus | use html and for php not work, show downlaod next.php | 23:35 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 257761 in ubuntu "Install fails due to partitioning error" [Undecided,New] | 23:36 |
dabbill | Gnea, My usb ports randomly shut off. Tryin to figure out if its the mouse or the mobo. | 23:36 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus I get "The connection was refused when attempting to contact vps.ardantus.net." | 23:36 |
dabbill | Gnea, no just a reboot | 23:36 |
dabbill | Gnea, any way to reset it while computer is on? | 23:36 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus I don't get offered any php file | 23:36 |
paolo | unop: Lake.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01 | 23:36 |
audifahrer | I tried gpsd with Ubuntu. I noticed that gpsd returns always no data if started automatic. If I start it from command line it works. Did anyone get similar results? | 23:36 |
Gnea | dabbill: shutdown -h now | 23:37 |
pyrex | alright, i'm getting "Missing operating system." what do i do know? windows vista/ntfs drive is knocked out cold. | 23:37 |
ardantus | http://vps.ardantus.net/ if i open this will show popup like download next.php | 23:37 |
dabbill | Gnea, okay, be back in a min | 23:37 |
ardantus | wait sir i will capture | 23:37 |
Gnea | pyrex: sweet. | 23:37 |
Gnea | pyrex: er, i mean... | 23:37 |
kitche | ardantus: most likely php is not setup correctly for that subdomain | 23:37 |
pyrex | i know, its my new laptop. im experimenting on it. | 23:37 |
Gnea | !dualboot | pyrex | 23:38 |
ubottu | pyrex: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 23:38 |
_oOMOo_ | adantus are you accessing the server on a local network? | 23:38 |
unop | paolo, hmm, did you run that under file -i image.jpeg? | 23:38 |
Dazed | Dudes my ubuntu just failed catastrophically | 23:38 |
Dazed | its been working perfectly for 3 days | 23:38 |
Gnea | pyrex: sounds like you just need to reinstate the MBR | 23:38 |
Dazed | and now i boot up and its messed | 23:38 |
TDJACR|Away | Dazed: What happened? | 23:38 |
Gnea | !mbr | pyrex | 23:38 |
ubottu | pyrex: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 23:38 |
Dazed | it was like blah somethings scrwed you must run in low graphic mode | 23:38 |
Aranel | unop: we have a little problem :/ It gives "sort: yazma başarısız oldu" (writing failed) cause of I have no free space. | 23:39 |
Dazed | so i let it, reinstalled my ati driver, and try to increase teh visual effects quality in the appearance settings | 23:39 |
pyrex | Gnea: no the partitioning failed. | 23:39 |
Dazed | and the screen just goes white and reverts to lowest setting | 23:39 |
pyrex | it said it was aborted but i didnt touch it while it was working. | 23:39 |
ardantus | that php instaled using apt-get | 23:39 |
ardantus | http://ardan.ifastnet.com/viewer.php?id=171577php.JPG | 23:39 |
pyrex | Gnea: nothing was installed. | 23:39 |
ardantus | see this sir | 23:39 |
unop | Aranel, well, what can i say? you need to delete some old files to create some space here | 23:39 |
emman | how do i tweak to make my internet load faster?? | 23:39 |
Gnea | pyrex: ouch... start over? | 23:39 |
unop | Aranel, that or, boot up into recovery mode and work as root | 23:40 |
Aranel | unop: It fills again when I delete someting. | 23:40 |
paolo | unop: Lake.jpg: image/jpeg | 23:40 |
computa_mik1 | Hi - just wanted to ask - I was just trying to add my hosting provider as a bookmark in hardy, and I lost the bar across the top - I had to log off and log back in... | 23:40 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus are you accessing the server on a local network? | 23:40 |
pyrex | Gnea: i was trying to avoid using partition magic and do it during install. But that didnt go so well. | 23:40 |
emman | please help... | 23:40 |
simotempler | how do ya get that rain effect working have it enabled but doesnt seem to work here | 23:40 |
ardantus | no sir | 23:40 |
unop | Aranel, by delete i mean -- use rm .. not some file browser's version of "delete" | 23:40 |
Dazed | i checked the log and it doesnt seem to be logging any events at the moment of white screen | 23:40 |
ardantus | this server in us | 23:40 |
kitche | ardantus: can you do us a favor and put the name at the start of what you said so what you say actually pops out easier | 23:40 |
Dazed | i dunno whats up | 23:40 |
ardantus | i am in indonesia | 23:40 |
kitche | !who | ardantus | 23:40 |
ubottu | ardantus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:40 |
paolo | unop: what shall I blame for this... gnome or gtk? | 23:40 |
legend2440 | Dazed: try gksudo displayconfig-gtk choose correct driver and monitor. that might help | 23:41 |
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ardantus | ok sir | 23:41 |
_oOMOo_ | kitche do you have any luck connecting to http://vps.ardantus.net | 23:41 |
ardantus | kitche, sorry | 23:41 |
Dazed | kk thanks | 23:41 |
unop | paolo, hmm, very strange .. you could use convert (part of the imagemagick package) to perhaps, repair the jpeg. convert image.jpeg new_image.jpeg | 23:41 |
simotempler | anyone here able to use that compiz rain effect | 23:41 |
_oOMOo_ | kitche I keep getting unable to connect | 23:41 |
unop | paolo, well, it could just be that the jpeg is corrupted | 23:41 |
burhan | simotempler: sure | 23:41 |
kitche | _oOMOo_: nope looks like it's not facing an outside thing | 23:41 |
pyrex | Gnea: i was trying to resize my ntfs partition thats all. It crashed hard halfway. | 23:41 |
simotempler | what keys do u use | 23:41 |
Separ | Anyone in here know how to change the gdm login screen theme using gconftool-2? :) | 23:41 |
simotempler | maybe im pressin the wrong ones | 23:42 |
rushfan | Anyone here use AACSKEYS following the BluRAyandHDDVD documentation at the Ubuntu Communtiy Documentation site? Im just wonderiginf if its normal for it to take hours to get the keys. | 23:42 |
Dazed | it says i need to restart | 23:42 |
Dazed | hope this works | 23:42 |
kitche | _oOMOo_ ardantus : can't even connect to the main domain well I can but it's slow | 23:42 |
kitche | ardantus: well your main site looks like the database does not even exist for one thing but pastebin your apache2 conf file so we can take a look at it | 23:43 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus there are no server errors or php errors and no file offered for download when I try to connect to your server. It looks like your network is not set to allow connections in some way | 23:43 |
ardantus | kitche, www.ardantus.net using webserver in 000webhost.com and vps.ardantus.net using vps in santrex.net | 23:43 |
simotempler | burhan: sorry what keys do u use to start that effect | 23:43 |
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burhan | simotempler: shift+f9 | 23:44 |
ardantus | _oOMOo_, btw in here still show downlaod next.php | 23:44 |
paolo | unop: well we are talking about thousands of files | 23:44 |
computa_mik1 | Hi - just wanted to ask - I was just trying to add my hosting provider as a bookmark in hardy, and I lost the bar across the top - I had to log off and log back in - anyone else experience that. If i click on the book mar now, it crashes my menu bar... | 23:44 |
paolo | unop: including those that are downloaded from the internet | 23:44 |
unop | paolo, what program are you using to view the files? | 23:44 |
_oOMOo_ | ardantus maybe if you could show us your apache2.conf? | 23:45 |
ozzloy | can i get some help setting up samba? here's where i'm stuck: http://pastebin.com/d5964d31e | 23:45 |
simotempler | burhan: nope not working for me - doesnt it need certain system requirements like cube and all works great | 23:45 |
ardantus | _oOMOo_, ok i will check it.sir | 23:45 |
paolo | unop: well at the moment I am just trying to get them as background images... | 23:45 |
ardantus | _oOMOo_, brb check | 23:45 |
burhan | ardantus: sudo a2enmod php5 && sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload | 23:46 |
unop | paolo, hmm, well, do they open up fine in gthumb and/or eog ? | 23:46 |
Egyn | Hi all, I'm about to build a HTPC and wonder if it will be problematic using 64-bit ubuntu with mythtv? | 23:46 |
ardantus | burhan, tq sir | 23:46 |
ardantus | burhan, This module is already enabled! -bash: sudo: command not found | 23:47 |
unop | ozzloy, nslookup does not work with samba (netBIOS) names .. only DNS .. either configure samba for netBIOS name resolution, or put entries for the names you want to resolve in /etc/hosts | 23:47 |
Pagide | Hello | 23:47 |
Pagide | ASm from canada | 23:47 |
Pagide | am | 23:47 |
Pagide | Hi | 23:48 |
pat5star | * loves canada | 23:48 |
unop | Pagide, hi, do you have a question to ask? | 23:48 |
dabbill | Gnea, well i hooked up my old school microshaft optic mouse and it works fine with the adapter, going to see if my USB's will stay working with this mouse I am guessing my razer mouse is just dieing or some thing. | 23:49 |
Pagide | I am just new at this | 23:49 |
ardantus | for all, brb.be back later i need off now thanks for help and respond my question. | 23:49 |
pat5star | forgot how to get the chat to write something like "pat5star says hi", anybody? | 23:50 |
sharperguy | Can anyone think why when I try to run eclipse it dies because of JVM terminating prematurely? | 23:50 |
ozzloy | unop: so put serv1 in /etc/hosts ? | 23:50 |
* pat5star says hi | 23:50 | |
pat5star | n/m | 23:50 |
sharperguy | pat5star, "/me" | 23:50 |
HAL_9001 | Does anyone know why my swap is a little bit smaller than my ram when I tell it at install to be 2gigs??? | 23:50 |
pat5star | sharperguy: thanks :) | 23:51 |
ozzloy | unop: serv1 rather? | 23:51 |
unop | ozzloy, yes | 23:51 |
ozzloy | or maybe avaak, not serv1? | 23:51 |
ozzloy | idk which is which on the windows network | 23:51 |
kitche | sharperguy: did you install the correct version of eclipse? | 23:51 |
pat5star | sharperguy: do you have eclipse set up to use the correct jvm? | 23:51 |
ozzloy | idk wtf a "workgroup" is | 23:51 |
marco_ | hi all | 23:51 |
marco_ | =) | 23:51 |
ozzloy | unop: thanks | 23:51 |
=== marco_ is now known as Marcx | ||
unop | ozzloy, serv1 serv1.avaak | 23:52 |
sharperguy | pat5star, I might not actually | 23:52 |
Egyn | HAL_9001: how much is "a little bit"? | 23:52 |
Dazed | its still just going to a white screen when i try to increase the visual effects | 23:52 |
Dazed | i dont understand its been working perfectly | 23:52 |
sharperguy | pat5star, It was all set up in arch, but since I've switched back to ubuntu its probably changed but remembered the setting | 23:52 |
ozzloy | unop: interesting | 23:52 |
pat5star | sharperguy: I forget how you get to it, under preferences, or options, then java, you can choose which jvm to use. Plus eclipse can ship with it's own jvm, so if you have classpath's set up for another one, it can all get really messed | 23:53 |
HAL_9001 | its 1.9 gigs | 23:53 |
computa_mik1 | any idea how to log a bug? | 23:53 |
kitche | HAL_9001: well that really is 2 gigs | 23:53 |
HAL_9001 | I just heard its needs to be the same for hibernate | 23:53 |
ozzloy | unop: can you help me get samba working? | 23:53 |
unop | ozzloy, i could try | 23:54 |
ozzloy | unop: please do! | 23:54 |
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sharperguy | argh it crashed before I can even find the option | 23:54 |
paolo | unop: sorry... eog works fine | 23:54 |
Egyn | HAL_9001: i would use a larger swap than the amount of ram, then you would not have to worry | 23:54 |
kitche | HAL_9001: most likely some of the space is being reserved for root | 23:54 |
sharperguy | I think it does it when it gets to a certain point while parseing the open program | 23:54 |
pat5star | HAL_9001: I think setting anymore than 1g swap is a waste anyhow with that much ram | 23:54 |
unop | ozzloy, this might be a complement to the name resolution issue .. http://oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/ch07_03.html | 23:54 |
kitche | pat5star: not really he said he's using hibernate | 23:55 |
siefny | hi all | 23:55 |
Egyn | HAL_9001: it all depends on how you use your hardware though | 23:55 |
Egyn | HAL_9001: if you want a big swap or not | 23:55 |
pat5star | sharperguy: you can start up eclipse with options to use a certain jvm as well, check the docs, I can't remember how to off the top of me head but I'm sure that will solve your problem | 23:55 |
ozzloy | unop: i wonder if i could order this book on the companies dime | 23:55 |
HAL_9001 | is there anyway to take away the root space on swap? | 23:55 |
siefny | sombody good know mbr ?? i have big problem | 23:56 |
unop | paolo, hmm, not sure then -- i don't use gnome to be able help you with this | 23:56 |
ozzloy | unop: the weird thing is, if i go Places -> Network -> Windows Network, AVAAK shows up | 23:56 |
pat5star | siefny: grub to the rescue :) | 23:56 |
ozzloy | unop: and if i click on it, SERV1 shows up | 23:56 |
Egyn | HAL_9001: donno, that is over my head | 23:56 |
siefny | pat5star i know...i try reinstall grub... | 23:56 |
jmichelsen_ | Is there a way to make a shortcut to a folder in Thunar? The foldar has a space in it and I made a shortcut with the r click menu but it broke cos of the space | 23:56 |
ozzloy | unop: but clicking on that gives a pause followed by an empty folder | 23:56 |
ozzloy | unop: i would expect it to prompt me for username pw | 23:57 |
Evolution2 | hey guys, i just installed audacious 1.5 but the VU-meter plugin wont install because it need version 1.1.4??? this doesnt make sense to me. any help? | 23:57 |
Cutter | hello | 23:57 |
siefny | pat5star: i try reinstal grub, i try fixmbr, try fdisk /mbr.... nothing :/ | 23:58 |
sharperguy | pat5star, Well what should I set it to? | 23:58 |
Cutter | is it possible to configure ubuntu so that two people can use it at the same time? | 23:58 |
Cutter | with two screens and two keyboards | 23:58 |
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Sylphid | how can i modify fan speeds? | 23:58 |
ActionParsnip | hey all | 23:59 |
beardbar | hi friends, i need to install a font onto ubuntu and dont know how | 23:59 |
beardbar | can i take a font from windows and install it on linux? | 23:59 |
beardbar | or rather ubuntu | 23:59 |
Evolution2 | beardbar: yes | 23:59 |
pat5star | sharperguy: eclipse -vm /path/to/good/jvm | 23:59 |
bobertdos | Cutter: If you literally mean at the same time, that would entail setting up a complete server. | 23:59 |
wesker-net | salve | 23:59 |
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