Shaba1 | Hello is anyone at the keys here | 00:27 |
Giacomo | Hello! :D | 04:07 |
Giacomo | I need some help on installation. Anyone willing to help? | 04:08 |
mn | yeah | 04:11 |
Alik | I have done something stupid. | 04:25 |
Alik | I don't really know much about xubuntu and I gave a guy who has a broken windows ME machine a copy of xubuntu live disk and I'm trying to figure out how to make it work.. over the phone.. and I don't know much about linux | 04:27 |
neur1 | anyone know the command for a screenshot? | 04:27 |
mn | neur1: there's the shift + Prt Sct (albeit not a command) | 04:28 |
mn | Alik: What's the problem | 04:29 |
mn | ? | 04:29 |
neur1 | k i'll tryopenbox/xubuntu | 04:29 |
Alik | He says it's sitting on a screen with a "picture of a bird" in the background and nothing else | 04:29 |
neur1 | k i'll try | 04:29 |
neur1 | thx | 04:29 |
mn | np | 04:29 |
Alik | And his mouse isn't responding | 04:30 |
mn | hmm | 04:30 |
mn | what version did you give him? | 04:30 |
Alik | the latest, I believe. Same one I installed (gave him the same cd I used). Uh... | 04:30 |
mn | 8.04.1? | 04:31 |
Alik | Believe so | 04:31 |
Alik | xubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso | 04:31 |
Alik | Does he need to be connected to the internet for this to work? | 04:31 |
mn | shouldn't | 04:32 |
mn | need to be | 04:32 |
Alik | ok. 'Cause he's not | 04:32 |
mn | has he tried to re-boot | 04:32 |
mn | ? | 04:32 |
Alik | usb mouse | 04:33 |
Alik | uh | 04:33 |
Alik | I don't think he can reboot unless he hits the power button | 04:33 |
Alik | (note: This guy is worse at computers (in both 'theory' and 'applied' senses) than I am) | 04:33 |
mn | hmm, and you installed from this same livecd right? | 04:34 |
Alik | Correct | 04:34 |
Alik | He said he put the cd in, windows was too fucked to let him run the autorun thing, he rebooted, got to a menu that said "install?" and he said 'yes' | 04:34 |
Alik | And then the xubuntu thing appeared, and the bar went across the screen a bunch | 04:34 |
mn | yeah that's supposed to happen | 04:34 |
mn | he should have put the cd in and shutdown. then pressed the power button to boot from cd | 04:35 |
mn | the problem may be that he didn't format his HDD before trying to install | 04:36 |
Alik | I believe the installer should let you reformat? | 04:36 |
Alik | I installed it over my old windows ME machine | 04:36 |
mn | oh, hmm | 04:37 |
mn | see if he can boot live | 04:37 |
Alik | he killed the power and turned it back on | 04:38 |
mn | what's happening? | 04:38 |
Alik | he's at a menu. f1 help, f2 language, f3 keymap, f4 modes, f5 accessibility, f6 other options | 04:38 |
Alik | he says it's loading the linux kernal | 04:39 |
Alik | xubuntu, bar going across | 04:39 |
Alik | bar going back and forth | 04:39 |
mn | good | 04:39 |
mn | did he choose to install or run live? | 04:40 |
Alik | I think he tried to install | 04:40 |
Alik | I told him, many times, that he should try to run live in case it didn't work | 04:40 |
Alik | But I think he didn't listen | 04:40 |
Alik | "bar still going back and forth," he says | 04:40 |
Alik | "now the bar is slowly progressing to the right." | 04:41 |
mn | good | 04:41 |
Alik | I think when I did it, I got to a graphical menu after that where I could choose to install on one partition or the whole HD | 04:41 |
mn | that makes since | 04:42 |
mn | lemme see | 04:42 |
Alik | "screen is blank.." "flashing thing in upper left corner.. little dash.. screen's dark again.." | 04:42 |
Alik | "now i got an x and an arrow in the center.. lighter screen... " -- this would be a lot easier if I was at the machine he was using | 04:42 |
mn | yeah | 04:43 |
Alik | He can move the mouse now, but at a blank screen | 04:44 |
Alik | I suspect his monitor may be damaged (old tube one) because he says he can see 'compaq' still on it | 04:44 |
mn | hmm, that may be the case but if he could see all of the other stuff | 04:44 |
mn | when i boot live, i get a light screen for a while with a mouse on it. then my desktop environment loads | 04:45 |
mn | you may just have him wait a little bit | 04:46 |
mn | (a couple of minutes) | 04:46 |
Alik | I'm telling him to adjust the width and height of his monitor so it doesn't wrap around the side or anything | 04:46 |
mn | ok that's good | 04:46 |
mn | does his computer meet the requirements? | 04:47 |
Alik | I believe so | 04:47 |
Alik | 256mb ram, 20 gig hard drive | 04:47 |
mn | yeah it does | 04:48 |
Alik | he says the mouse is no longer moving | 04:49 |
mn | did he ever get to the screen to choose to erase the hard disk? | 04:49 |
neur1 | thx again mn | 04:50 |
Alik | no, he did not | 04:51 |
mn | and he chose to install, correct? | 04:52 |
Alik | that's what he said | 04:53 |
Alik | says there's a solid light blue background | 04:53 |
mn | ok, then the default background probably has just not loaded yet | 04:53 |
mn | does it still have the x thing on it? | 04:54 |
Alik | he says there's a celeron somethingorother processor in this machine | 04:54 |
mn | intel celeron processor? | 04:55 |
Alik | yeah | 04:55 |
Alik | says there's a picture of a hard drive all the way left and center that says "hard drive" now | 04:55 |
mn | sounds like he's getting to the point to make a partition or overwrite maybe | 04:56 |
Alik | he's got the blue arc background now | 04:56 |
mn | ok good. his desktop environment is loading | 04:57 |
Alik | meanwhile, I told my machine to update and it's sitting at "running local boot scripts" | 04:57 |
Alik | he's got the "file system," "trash," etc stuff now | 04:58 |
abarnes | hello | 04:59 |
Alik | hi | 04:59 |
Alik | should I tell him to just hit that "install" icon, you think? | 04:59 |
mn | good | 04:59 |
mn | umm | 04:59 |
mn | maybe he should format his HDD first | 05:00 |
Alik | How could he do that with only this computer and no working OS? | 05:00 |
mn | let him know that if he formats and installation fails that windows wont be there | 05:00 |
Alik | I told him that this will remove everything on the computer | 05:01 |
mn | fdisk command in a xubuntu terminal | 05:01 |
Alik | I don't know how to do that, so he certainly doesn't | 05:01 |
mn | go to application -> (the first option with an arrow can't remember what that is) -> terminal | 05:02 |
Alik | He's having trouble getting the mouse to move at all | 05:03 |
mn | it's taxing and lagging him to run live with only 256 MB ram | 05:04 |
Alik | apparently | 05:04 |
Alik | Worked for me, somehow | 05:04 |
Alik | I don't know how to install it via terminal stuff though =/ | 05:05 |
mn | if he cant get to a terminal like that he can use ctrl + alt + F1 | 05:05 |
mn | you don't have to | 05:05 |
mn | he can format and then install by clicking the icon | 05:05 |
Alik | he can't get it to recognize him clicking on the icon. Will formatting first make that easier, somehow? | 05:06 |
mn | no | 05:06 |
mn | it may just be lagging | 05:06 |
mn | it may do it in a minute | 05:06 |
Alik | I assume it would run better if it was from the HD than from the cd | 05:06 |
mn | it would | 05:07 |
mn | but you have to install to make it run from the hd | 05:07 |
Alik | can you install it without the whole live gui stuff? | 05:07 |
mn | im sure you can from terminal but idk how | 05:08 |
mn | you might just want to try having him boot and choose install | 05:08 |
Alik | that's what he did | 05:08 |
Alik | I think | 05:08 |
Alik | and my phone just died | 05:09 |
mn | no he would have had to choose to run live not to bring up installation prompt | 05:09 |
mn | well ive gotta go for the night | 05:09 |
Alik | maybe I should just go over there and do it for him | 05:09 |
mn | there are probably things online | 05:09 |
mn | yes | 05:09 |
mn | bye | 05:09 |
Alik | should my xubuntu machine still be sitting at "running local boot scripts" ? | 05:09 |
ere4si | Alik: no - press ctrl-alt=-F2 and login and type startx | 05:18 |
ere4si | *ctrl-alt-F2 I meant | 05:19 |
Alik | whoops. I reset the computer and it seems to have booted up okay. Is anything ruined? | 05:20 |
ere4si | if it booted prob not :) | 05:21 |
Alik | awesome | 05:23 |
bassboi | hey wtf is that button to the left of the titlebar | 06:53 |
bassboi | with the circle | 06:53 |
ere4si | bassboi: that makes the window appear on all desktops | 06:55 |
bassboi | ah ok | 06:56 |
bassboi | tyvm sir! | 06:56 |
ere4si | :) | 06:56 |
generalsnus | ok, what is the best way to mount a new /home folder? i have a ubuntu server where i want to store the users /home on, i tried with NFS but it seems i got some permissions wrong.. bcouse users cant login and create their /home/USER folder | 07:30 |
ere4si | generalsnus: I mount nfs to have r/w access like this - /server/movies nfs soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr | 07:33 |
CostaRicanQuaker | how do i check which version of xfce i have? | 07:34 |
zoredache | generalsnus: are you saying you want to share /home from the server to other workstations? | 07:34 |
zoredache | you know nfs isn't really that secure right? | 07:34 |
generalsnus | what does "soft,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr" mean? | 07:37 |
zoredache | the are options... see 'man mount' they set the time out, probably network buffer sizes, and failure mode | 07:38 |
ere4si | generalsnus: | 07:38 |
CostaRicanQuaker | how do i check which version of xfce i have? | 07:41 |
ere4si | CostaRicanQuaker: try in a terminal xfce --version | 07:42 |
generalsnus | ok. i have linux users that Authenticate against Active directory.. and their /home/local/DOMAIN/USER folder is created at login.. no problem. but now i want to Mount another home instead, "myNFSserver/files" so i mount the new share as /home/local/MYDOMAIN. but it seems i have no RW acces to it..users cant login etc | 08:38 |
cody-somerville | generalsnus, You want to mount another home directory while already logged in? | 08:40 |
generalsnus | no, hehe | 08:42 |
generalsnus | i am mounting /home/local/DOMAIN .. my root account has his home in /HOME/admin | 08:43 |
generalsnus | so it dosent matter.. but i dont know what filepermissions to set.. | 08:44 |
generalsnus | guys, whenever a new user is created, his /home/user folder has permissions that say that everyone has read access to his folders/files .. how can i make it so nobody has read acces to users files, whenever i create a new one? | 09:43 |
generalsnus | i want those files to be readable only for the created user | 09:44 |
TheSheep | generalsnus: google for 'umask' | 09:46 |
generalsnus | changing the /etc/adduser.conf made the trick | 09:58 |
arf` | generalsnus: better to "dpkg-reconfigure -plow adduser" | 10:18 |
arf` | and also, probably good to tweak the .bashrc in /etc/skel to put a umask less permissive | 10:20 |
generalsnus | ok, i need to add all my users to the group "FUSE" but i dont see the users in "users & groups" because they are all in Active Directory.. i can login with the users and all.. but i need to add them to the fuse group | 10:26 |
Xeroa | hi everyone | 10:29 |
Xeroa | anyone alive here? | 10:29 |
bassboi | what ya need | 10:31 |
Xeroa | well, kinda in pinch here | 10:31 |
Myrtti | I'd prefer Cthulhu would eat me now, but yes, I'm alive | 10:31 |
Xeroa | we're trying to get a light linux running on a IBM AnyKiosk | 10:32 |
Xeroa | its a POS computer | 10:32 |
Xeroa | wich has a touchscreen device | 10:32 |
Xeroa | well, while running Xubuntu from the cd, got a lot of ShamHFS errors | 10:33 |
Xeroa | from experience we can run a fedora 9 on it...considered the fact that we must adapt the Xorg file first before entering in GUI mode (vesa) | 10:33 |
Xeroa | well, hopefully he eats you with some good barbecue sauce | 10:35 |
Xeroa | ;-) | 10:35 |
bassboi | I LOVE U GUYZ | 10:37 |
Xeroa | wow....and you hardly know me :-p | 10:38 |
Xeroa | well, back to my case.... | 10:38 |
generalsnus | ok, i need to add all my users to the group "FUSE" but i dont see the users in "users & groups" because they are all in Active Directory.. i can login with the users and all.. but i need to add them to the fuse group | 10:38 |
generalsnus | ok i have a xubuntu LTSP server wich authenticate against AD server, i need to add all my users to the group "FUSE" on the linux server but i dont see the users in "users & groups" because they are all in Active Directory.. i can login with the users and all.. but i need to add them to the fuse group.. (allready asked in #windows) | 10:57 |
Xeroa | you might try and check into AD where they are at | 10:58 |
Xeroa | maybe case sesitive | 10:58 |
Xeroa | dont know actually, kinda a noob myself :-p | 10:58 |
Woo | If I remove the GPU from the PC, will it still start as usual? | 11:05 |
Woo | Because I only remote control that PC anyway. | 11:06 |
Xeroa | normally yes...but be careful for errors in your Xorg.conf file as a result of that | 11:07 |
Woo | So it might cause damage if I remove it, boot, then put it back in? | 11:08 |
Woo | put it back in after shutting down that is | 11:08 |
Xeroa | well..normally it should just give you errors saying that he cannot find the screen specified in his Xorg fild | 11:09 |
Xeroa | but it should boot | 11:09 |
Xeroa | you can always try to boot in init 3 mode | 11:10 |
Woo | I don't know hwat that means | 11:10 |
Xeroa | well i'm no linux expert...should ask someone more guru'is | 11:10 |
Xeroa | well, linux starts up in different phases | 11:10 |
wols_ | Woo: yes it will | 11:15 |
wols_ | however you must make sure to run a sshd or such of course | 11:16 |
wols_ | when you make a system headless, you usually don't have a displaymanager installed or started | 11:16 |
Woo | No it's been running with a GPU for months, but I only have one PCI-E card, and just one PCI | 11:18 |
Woo | so I need to move the PCI card from that PC to another project | 11:18 |
wols_ | you said "remove the gpu" which means for me "run headless". you dindn't say anything about using 2 gpus right now | 11:23 |
Woo | No, it will be headless indeed | 11:25 |
qwerty121 | hello all. i have nevr used xubuntu. does xubuntu support gtk themes? | 11:30 |
Myrtti | yes | 11:31 |
* qwerty121 is surprised to see Myrtti in this channel | 11:31 | |
Myrtti | oh? | 11:32 |
leny2010 | The mac/gb keyboard variant isn't set up quite right. Where do I edit the keyboard definitions both for X xubuntu 8.04 and the text console keyboard? | 12:35 |
generalsnus | ok i have a xubuntu LTSP server wich authenticate against AD server, i need to add all my users to the group "FUSE" on the linux server but i dont see the users in "users & groups" because they are all in Active Directory.. i can login with the users and all.. but i need to add them to the fuse group.. (allready asked in #windows) | 12:37 |
Woo | actually i don't know what i was thinking | 13:05 |
Woo | the new computer will have four GPUs, and I thought I needed to move an ancient PCI card just to have something to display while I install etc | 13:05 |
Woo | what do you guys reckon, is it a possibility the OS crashed after running for about a day, or a new (old) psu? | 13:09 |
Quest_ | any replacement for "knemo" . it shows live network trafic chart/graph ... ? | 16:26 |
cody-somerville | all kinds | 16:27 |
Quest_ | any replacement for "knemo" . it shows "live" network trafic "gui" chart/graph ... ? | 16:30 |
cody-somerville | Yes... theres all kinds. | 16:32 |
sdubois92 | has anyone had trouble copying files from CDs | 17:26 |
sdubois92 | mine hangs once it gets to a certain file | 17:26 |
sdubois92 | and freezes up thunar | 17:26 |
zoredache | if it always breaks on a certain file perhaps the cd is bad/dirty? | 17:27 |
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna | ||
Feren6 | I'm trying to setup a streaming webcam with ffserver, but it keeps saying | 20:11 |
Feren6 | Unknown device | 20:11 |
Feren6 | But the device is detected by my computer...any ideas? | 20:11 |
favro | !webcam | 20:12 |
ubottu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 20:12 |
Feren6 | Sorry, "/dev/video0: Unknown format | 20:12 |
Feren6 | " | 20:12 |
Feren6 | My webcam works, I'm jsut trying to get it to stream through ffserver..which I can't seem to do | 20:13 |
favro | k - don't know about ffserver - sorry :) | 20:14 |
Feren6 | :( I've been trying tutorials ( i could only find 2) but none of them worked | 20:15 |
zoredache | perhaps try and find a mail list/irc channel devoted to ffserver? | 20:15 |
Feren6 | Yeah | 20:16 |
Feren6 | Thanks | 20:16 |
Feren6 | I'll look around | 20:16 |
Feren6 | I think I just have to try and find the format that my webcam is outputting to | 20:17 |
Feren6 | Is there a command to look at information for a device? | 20:17 |
Bytor4232 | hm. I don't use webcams. I have one, a logitec usb camera, but I never use it. I use it for the built in mic, which is superb. The mic on my laptop is crap. | 20:18 |
Feren6 | Yeah..i'm using a logitech usb as well, but I can't remember what model it there a command to check the information of the device in the console? | 20:19 |
TheSheep | lsus or lshw | 20:19 |
TheSheep | lsusb | 20:19 |
Feren6 | ok | 20:20 |
Feren6 | Thanks | 20:20 |
zhobbs_ | what is the min specs for ram/cpu for xubuntu? | 20:21 |
Feren6 | No's probably on the main website | 20:22 |
zoredache | for livecd based install you need 192mb of ram... The cpu is less important, but I don't think it would be pleasent on something less then 400mhz | 20:22 |
cody-somerville | 333mhz and 192mb of ram | 20:22 |
* cody-somerville nods at zoredache. | 20:22 | |
zhobbs_ | thanks | 20:23 |
Bytor4232 | zhobbs_: I think the alternate installer, which I'm a big fan of, installs on much less. | 20:29 |
Bytor4232 | "To run the Desktop CD (LiveCD + Install CD), you need 128 MB RAM to run or 192 MB RAM to install. The Alternate Install CD only requires you to have 64 MB RAM." | 20:29 |
cody-somerville | Bytor4232, thats not because less is installed afterwards | 20:30 |
cody-somerville | but because the live cd itself (for it to be running, an entire OS from your memory) has memory requirements | 20:31 |
Bytor4232 | cody-somerville: Ah. Whats the bare minimum to run Xubuntu post install? | 20:31 |
Bytor4232 | 128 MB? | 20:31 |
cody-somerville | Depends on what you can tolerate | 20:31 |
TheSheep | Bytor4232: it will theoretically run even on 16MB ram, although nobody lived long enough to see it finishes booting ;) | 20:32 |
Bytor4232 | Even on older machines, ram has never been a problem. PC100 was dirt cheap at one point. | 20:33 |
zhobbs_ | Bytor4232: oh thanks, I'll check that out | 20:33 |
Bytor4232 | zhobbs_: Keep in mind, the alternate installer is not graphical. Its a text based installer, it may take a little getting used to. Its user friendly enough thou. | 20:34 |
=== emma_ is now known as emma | ||
mlester | is anyone active at teh moment | 22:13 |
cody-somerville | Yup | 22:14 |
mlester | well I am having an interesting issue with a static ip address | 22:15 |
mlester | I have a vm of hardy-server with bridge networking | 22:15 |
mlester | and that vm can access the host computer and other vm hosted on that computer | 22:15 |
mlester | but no other computers | 22:15 |
mlester | but other computers can ping it | 22:16 |
zoredache | mlester: that sounds unusual... was this new vm or one that got cloned? | 22:28 |
zoredache | are you sure your static is unique on the network? | 22:28 |
mlester | its cloned | 22:28 |
mlester | and yeah the ip is static | 22:28 |
zoredache | did you copy a vm and forget to allow it to generate a new mac address? | 22:28 |
mlester | I think I told it to keep the old one | 22:29 |
mlester | but I got it to successfully ping google | 22:29 |
mlester | my resolv.conf was improperly configured | 22:29 |
zoredache | ah | 22:29 |
mlester | but I am just trying to resolv my original problem | 22:29 |
mlester | which is not being able to apt-get update | 22:29 |
mlester | which I thought trying a static ip might fixed the problem | 22:30 |
mlester | which it did not | 22:30 |
zoredache | can you ping | 22:31 |
mlester | yes sir | 22:33 |
zoredache | and you can't get updates? what exactly is the error you are getting? (maybe pastebin it?) | 22:34 |
mlester | Method http has died unexpectedly! | 22:35 |
mlester | but occasionally it failes do to not having the right gpg key or something like that | 22:35 |
zoredache | maybe try a 'telnet 80' | 22:37 |
zoredache | if you see 'Connected' respond with 'get /' | 22:37 |
zoredache | also, did you configure a proxy at some point in time? | 22:38 |
mlester | I didn't configure a proxy and when I try the get thing I get Method not Implemented | 22:38 |
zoredache | that is what you should get... so your computer can reach the repositories, and you can estabilish a tcp connection.... | 22:39 |
zoredache | hrm... | 22:40 |
mlester | yeah I been going crazy trying to figure this out | 22:40 |
mlester | and whats wierder is that I have another ubuntu vm and it can apt-get update | 22:41 |
zoredache | are you aware of any transparent proxies between you and the internet? Perhaps you have squidguard in the path and it is trying to redirect you or something? | 22:43 |
mlester | no I don't have squidguard installed on any of my computers including the router | 22:43 |
zoredache | so back to the earlier question when you said you cloned the vm. Is the original on your network and turned on? | 22:46 |
mlester | nah I never had the original | 22:47 |
mlester | I downloaded this vm from the web | 22:47 |
mlester | Its a box with vulnerable services on it that I wanted to play around with | 22:48 |
zoredache | but do you have multiple copies of it turned on... | 22:48 |
mlester | nope | 22:48 |
zoredache | hrm... | 22:48 |
zoredache | have you setup firewall, or checked to see if there are any firewall rules? | 22:49 |
mlester | yeah there were none in iptables | 22:50 |
zoredache | you might need to install wireshark on the vm host and see if you can see what is going on perhaps | 22:53 |
mlester | what should I look for | 22:55 |
mlester | I have it installed already | 22:55 |
zoredache | hrm... that is the tricky part.. | 22:56 |
zoredache | apt usually works over http... You said you had another ubuntu vm. I suspect I would start by doing a capture of a good 'apt-get update', then compare with the bad one | 22:57 |
mlester | ok I try and figure out how to do that | 22:58 |
zoredache | what is special about the vm? if it is being too much of a pain you could always just build a new one? | 22:59 |
mlester | naw it has custom services on there | 23:00 |
mlester | not created by me | 23:00 |
mlester | looks like its looking for a translation that doesnt exist | 23:05 |
mlester | hey do u think openvpn could be causing the issue | 23:31 |
mlester | I am looking at that startup apps and its in there | 23:32 |
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