
brycemaybe NM talk can continue on, but we can call the official meeting done :-)00:00
ogranight all00:00
asacArneGoetje: ok. open a bug then for sure and add to wiki00:00
liwguten Nacht, everyone00:00
james_wthanks all00:00
asacArneGoetje: ill come back to you00:00
ArneGoetjeasac: ok00:00
asacliw: its: "Gute Nacht"00:00
asacnot Guten00:00
liwasac, only in the real world00:00
asacoh right00:00
liwin _my_ world it's "guten Nacht und Wienerschnitzel mit Bananenkartoffeln"00:00
asacBananenkartoffeln :)00:01
asacon top of wienerschnitzel ;)00:02
asac"dann mal gute nacht ;)"00:02
asacthanks all00:02
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== antdedyet_ is now known as antdedyet
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Mobile Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Aug 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Java Team | 21 Aug 12:00 UTC: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Java Team | 22 Aug 12:00 UTC: Ubuntu MOTU | 23 Aug 13:00 UTC: Xubuntu Community
* ogra waves12:59
* yannick waves12:59
davidmgood day ogra I'm glad you are back12:59
* ogra too :)13:00
MootBotMeeting started at 07:04. The chair is davidm.13:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]13:00
davidmMootbot's time sense is off13:00
loolyannick: Perhaps add an entry in the agenda on the wiki page if you like to discuss ekiga/lpia13:00
davidmWe have one item from last week13:00
yannickfor the next meeting?13:00
loolyannick: For this one is ok13:00
davidmlool was to investigation of xulrunner, langpacks and linux-lpia bits13:01
loolAh I didn't investigate linux-lpia bits13:01
davidmOK, I'll carry it forward13:01
loolConcerning langpacks, the point was to support midbrowser in intrepid13:01
loolIt seems this is quite easy to enable, but it requires poking Jeroen and a prerequirement is for translations to be enabled in intrepid13:02
loolUnfortunately, despite already being at alpha 4, translations aren't enabled in intrepid yet13:02
loolSo i'll pole jeroen to get an ETA on this and see whether he can enable the flag for midbrowser translation inclusion in intrepid's langpacks when they get available13:03
davidmI would think that would get turned on soon13:03
davidmOK, thanks13:03
davidmlool, anything else on this?13:04
StevenKlool: pitti and seb128 have been discussing that with Jeroen, I believe.13:04
loolOn the topic of xulrunner, I clarified what remained to be done to merge the gconf backend with asac; he gave me detailed instructions on what we want to do there; it's not too hard from a high level perspective, but it might not be easy to achieve as we need to move code at a later stage of the build process13:04
loolI've started looking into this, and will report progress13:04
davidmSounds good.  Thanks.13:05
looldavidm: I don't have immediate access to the minutes of last meeting; do you recall what was to be checked with linux-lpia?13:05
loolI had a brief exchange with Michael, perhaps I have the information13:05
davidmI don't off the top of my head but I'll pull the logs and post them.13:06
davidmMootbot is a bit slow posting logs these days13:06
StevenKMy guess is, "Why doesn't it exist yet?"13:06
davidmBut I have mine.13:06
loolI'm happy to report on progress on xulrunner, langpacks and linux-lpia next week again; I know what needs to be done, and there are no critical blocker apart of translation enablement13:06
loolStevenK: It does exist?!13:06
davidmOK, I'll carry to complete action forward13:07
loollinux-lpia | 2.6.26-1.1 |      intrepid | source13:07
ogra(out of topic question for later discussion) regarding the question just popped up in -mobile ... are we planning SRUs for the bootspeed issues ?13:07
StevenKOh, neat13:07
davidm[action] lool was to investigation of xulrunner, langpacks and linux-lpia bits13:07
MootBotACTION received:  lool was to investigation of xulrunner, langpacks and linux-lpia bits13:07
loolIt even builds udebs and cjwatson enabled d-i support for lpia!13:07
StevenKOh, sorry, I was thinking about the meta binary package "linux-lpia"13:07
loologra: Lets discuss this towards the end of meeting as a separate topic?13:07
davidmogra, can you add that to the agenda please13:07
yannicklool, ekiga/lpia added in the agenda.13:08
ogralool, right,just didnt want it to be lost13:08
loolyannick: thanksely13:08
davidmlets review the status of intrepid tasks: merge of ppa, installer, images etc.13:08
davidm[topic] Stevenk livecd-rootfs13:09
MootBotNew Topic:  Stevenk livecd-rootfs13:09
StevenKI am working on hacking the trigger scripts on antimony, and need to check with Adam. I will be writing him an e-mail after this meeting which the basic idea is, "Help!"13:09
loolStevenK: What could be a rough ETA of this working daily in the datacenter?13:10
StevenKlool: If I could clear my plate, concentrate on it and have Adam to bounce ideas off, less than a day. Realistically, next week.13:11
ograStevenK, adam and elmo have moved my classmate builder over to antimony afaik due to me not being available and havung to generalize the build there should be a lot similarities now13:11
loolOk; I guess it's up to davidm whether to give priority to your other tasks (which I guess are hardy ones) versus intrepid stuff; thanks for the update!13:12
StevenKogra: I'm guessing that triggers one of the i386 builders to chug over it.13:12
davidmlool, I'd love to change priority but I can't :-(13:12
StevenKSo would I.13:13
StevenKI'm sick of OMGKITTENSURGENT hardy tasks popping up.13:13
ograStevenK, i havent talked to either of thembut building images locally atm with the changes that were applied by colin and it seems to work fine here13:13
davidmStevenK, do you have any merges still on your plate13:13
StevenKHand-wavy, modest. Ish.13:13
ograso i suspect its just a matter of runing cron.daily in the right dir on antimony13:14
StevenKlool: Oh, Mr. pkg-maemo person, when is modest and libwpeditor-plus going to hit Debian?13:14
ogralets corner them later today ;)13:14
davidm[topic] StevenK open merges13:14
MootBotNew Topic:  StevenK open merges13:14
StevenKogra: Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'll hit up Colin for help with the scripts, if I can, since he isn't in a ohmigodmyeyeshurt timezone.13:15
StevenKlool, davidm: ^13:15
ograStevenK, colin is away until monday13:15
StevenKOkay, Monday it is.13:15
davidmStevenK, Good enough, let me know if I can help, but ogra is right Colin is on holiday this week.13:15
ograbut we have my builder and can look at differences13:15
StevenKIs this merges from Debian, or merges from the PPA?13:15
persiaMInd you, we'll probably get lpia alternate CDs for Tuesday13:15
davidmStevenK, I'll be in London so can poke Colin if that helps13:16
davidmStevenK, outstanding merges of any kind13:16
loolStevenK: Good question; no idea what's holding them up; last time I checked libwpeditor-plus had been uploaded, but it was probably rejected as I don't see it; modest had trivial non-critical packaging issues, but was otherwise ready13:16
StevenKdavidm: Colin or Adam are good people for me to beg for help. Colin is easier, due to timezones.13:16
davidmStevenK, We are coming close to feature freeze13:16
StevenKdavidm: Add a action item for lool to chase libwpeditor-plus + modest?13:17
davidmStevenK, Adam is on my timezone can I bug him for anything for you?13:17
davidmlool, is that action OK for you?13:17
StevenKJust a status update. If pkg-maemo are going to do the work, I'm happy to get them sync'd and borrow credit.13:18
persiaCan we pull from SVN to speed that?13:18
looldavidm: Yup13:18
StevenKI can't think of any outstanding merges from Debian. I will hit up MoM tomorrow and grab stuff with my name on it.13:19
looldavidm: Just pinged the relevant person on IRC already; I'll help him push them to Debian and then sync them to Ubuntu13:19
davidm[action] lool to Debian to chase libwpeditor-plus + modest status13:19
MootBotACTION received:  lool to Debian to chase libwpeditor-plus + modest status13:19
davidmOK next topic13:19
StevenKIn terms of merges from the PPA, I'm not sure if anything has my name on it. persia?13:19
persiaStevenK: Not any more: you've done a bunch.13:19
davidm[topic] persia status of the installer13:20
MootBotNew Topic:  persia status of the installer13:20
StevenKdavidm: The problem is, I really need to talk stuff over with Adam, since I often have questions while I'm doing the work. And working from 4am until 8am would just *suck*.13:20
davidmStevenK, understood13:20
StevenKs/Adam/Adam or Colin/13:20
persiaWell, we don't have d-i for intrepid: it seems it needs to get dropped from P-a-s.  I'm expecting that to happen early next week.13:20
loolpersia: Did you ask for it?13:21
persialool: I didn't: as we discussed previously, I thought I'd confirm with Colin first.13:21
persiaI can request it if we all feel sufficiently confident that such confirmation is deemed unnecessary.13:21
loolpersia: Ok; I think you should mail Colin to allow him to forward to lamont/elmo asap13:21
loollamont was very responsive to my latest Pas request13:22
persiaActually, one needs to email all three of them, or they reject the request as invalid: documentation purposes and all.13:22
ograi think lamont is away as well atm13:22
persiaogra: Doesn't matter who is there: any of them will do it, but they all need the email.13:22
ogra(not sure if he took one or two weeks off)13:22
loolStevenK: infinity has Pas access?13:22
davidmlots of folks are away this week13:22
persialool: OK.  I'll push that sooner rather than waiting for Monday.13:22
StevenKlool: I believe so.13:23
lamontogra: am not.13:23
ogralamont, ah, hey :)13:23
StevenKI'd have to check, that's from memory.13:23
* lool hugs lamont 13:23
persialamont: Don't interfere by presenting reality :p13:23
StevenKlamont: Well, since you're here.13:23
lamontemail.  all 3 of us.  kthx13:23
* persia will send the request email, and cc: Colin in case he wants to object13:23
davidm[topic] persia status of merges?13:23
MootBotNew Topic:  persia status of merges?13:23
persiaOh.  Still on installer: glade hates me.  I'm still waiting for our images, but I think I can install ubuntu-mobile on 1024x600, but not yet 800x480.13:24
davidmGood luck on that.....13:25
persiaMerges: treb & ume-announcer need me to comment on how good they are, and upload with slightly different changelogs (and a one-line fix to treb).13:25
davidmpersia, anything outstanding?13:26
persiaThat ought happen tomorrow.  I'm planning to hit the remaining PPA stuff next week, and suspect it will take about a week.13:26
davidmsounds good13:26
davidmAny other merger that you are aware of that need doing..13:27
persiaOh, lots, but those are what I planned to do next week :)13:28
davidmpersia, OK then I shall move on13:28
davidm[topic] lool status?13:28
MootBotNew Topic:  lool status?13:28
persiaI'm not aware of anything new coming from Debian, although I've not checked.  I am pulling a new BlueZ-gnome, but that's as much -desktop as -mobile.13:29
loolHmm status is catchup done; working on MIC with moblin/Intel folks and on misc things already covered here13:29
loolOh and I'm on national holiday tomorrow13:30
StevenKpersia: bluez-{libs,utils} are all dealt with, right.13:30
loolWill try attending the team phone call though13:30
davidmlool, thanks :-)13:30
persiaStevenK: Yes, the entire BlueZ stack is good, but there's an overflow possible in bluez-gnome that I want to pull.13:30
davidm[topic] ogra status of the Classmate image13:32
MootBotNew Topic:  ogra status of the Classmate image13:32
ograi am currently poking a new bug that was introduced after colins changes with the image13:32
ogra(installer doesnt reboot automatically after install anymore)13:32
ograbeyond that the image is fine and has no regressions, the new kernel archive seems to work well and i need to discuss the remaining build changes that were done to run it in the DC with elmo or inifinity13:33
davidmogra, what is the QA plan for the image?13:34
ograto my knowledge it should be possible to just trigger builds for cmpc images in the DC by running the cron.daily script in my tree13:34
ograwell, QA was supposed to be done until the topic with security updates came up13:34
ograthe RC is an RC ... :)13:35
loologra: Will you release an image with current kernel or new security fixed kernel?13:35
ograso the only change we had after RC is the new location and different signature for the kernel archive13:35
loolI guess the later since you're rebuilding it13:35
ogralool, afaik the new kernel is the security one13:35
davidmAh, that is good13:35
ograwe will re-roll images regulary is the areement13:36
ograif the amount of updates justifies13:36
ograand for each pointrelease of ubuntu13:36
loologra: Will your cmpc kernel patches be merged in the next hardy-updates kernel?13:36
ograwith 8.04.2 the kernel patches i use are in the mainline kernel, so no separate builds for that are needed anymore13:36
ograthey already sit in hardy-proposed13:37
ogra2.6.24-20.39 has them13:37
loolOk so >= has your changes13:37
loolerr 2.6.24-21.40 sorry13:37
loolWas looking at wrong line13:37
ogra(current proposed kernel is 2.6.24-21.4013:38
davidmogra, Thanks for the update13:38
davidmnext topic13:38
ograso if i find the reason for the missing reboot i will be done13:38
davidmI think we will skip the next topic as we are waiting status from lool on the Debian status of modest libwpeditor-plus13:39
davidmmoving on13:39
davidm[topic] ian_brasil ...start the weekly team reports again?. Is there a need?13:39
MootBotNew Topic:  ian_brasil ...start the weekly team reports again?. Is there a need?13:39
ian_brasili want to propose starting the weekly team reports again...i think they are valuable and a good way for others to find out what is going on in ume..the downside is a bit more work for the developers writing the reports every week13:40
davidmian_brasil, I will be posting a weekly report it's in progress now.13:40
persiaian_brasil: How about having minutes from this meeting sent to the list every week instead?13:40
davidmI'll aggregate team info and also post logs of this meeting with URL pointing at it.13:41
ian_brasilpersia: that might be possible but an email tends to be a bit more detailed13:41
persiaian_brasil: Makes sense.  I'm just not sure that all changes will be usefully represented as Ubuntu Mobile becomes more integrated with the rest of Ubuntu.13:42
loolian_brasil: davidm has been aggregating status from Canonical mobile team and has prepared internal reports for the last 2/3 weeks; I think he plans to send a stripped down versions without the private bits to the public list soon, but that's all quite recent organization still13:42
davidmlool, exactly, that is my plan.13:43
loolian_brasil: So instead of everybody sending individual reports, we will have a weekly report for the team13:43
looldavidm: The server team is really good at this since some weeks13:43
ian_brasillool: ah, that sounds ideal13:43
davidmYes they are and I plan on matching them ;-)13:43
looldavidm: Not only do they post to internal, and public mailing list, they also blog it; quite nice  :-)13:43
ian_brasilyes, the server team are good at this13:44
davidmI'll have to look at the blog, that I've not seen13:44
* davidm hates to blog13:44
ograjust copy and paste the mail content ;)13:44
davidmian_brasil, does this address your concern?13:44
davidmOK, moving on then13:44
davidm[topic] Ekiga 3, LPIA (Yannick Defais)13:45
MootBotNew Topic:  Ekiga 3, LPIA (Yannick Defais)13:45
yannickI'm asking you to do some testing about our current Ekiga (2.9) on LPIA as none of us do have those devices. We have special interest in usability with the new Ekiga GUI. We are still in the process of bug fixing and GUI reworking. We hope to release in september for the next GNOME.13:45
loolyannick: Can you give a high level summary of the changes?13:47
loolEspecially those we should be concerned to test, or impacting lpia specifically13:47
loolyannick: e.g. die the UI change, did you work on hildonization, or is it simply the build system?13:48
yannickquit huge changes since we are working on it since years... A new GUI like most IM (roster + presence), new video codecs: theora (free) and h264 for the better one which match low bandwidth, hotplug device (using HAL)...13:49
loolyannick: Ok; so testing should be around basic IM and audio/video functionality as well as device setup?13:50
loolI personally have menlow hardware as well as a Q1, but neither of these has a (supported) webcam13:51
loolI don't have any webcam apart of the Q1U one which isn't supported13:51
yannickYou can use Ekiga for audio calls only too13:51
loolSure, I can test that with a happy second candidate, any taker?  :-)13:51
loolWell I'll phone myself then13:52
davidmlool, you and I can test13:52
loolyannick: Could you send me a recommendation for a good USB webcam which is known to be well supported for audio/video in ekiga?13:52
looldavidm: let's do this13:52
yannickdo those device have usb port? you maybe can plug an usb webcam.13:53
loolyannick: They do have USB13:53
yannicklool, better use a UCV driver based webcam13:53
davidmless then 10 minute warning13:53
loolyannick: i'll buy a webcam and test video as I receive it13:53
* ogra can test with a cmpc which has a proper uvcvideo cam13:53
persiaI've a working webcam on my Kohjinsha, but don't yet have an intrepid lpia install for it.13:53
loolyannick: Ok; I'll check ekiga resources or the uvc's documentation; thanks13:53
ogradavidm, pick up one of the classmates if you are in london ;)13:53
davidmogra, I will13:54
davidmOK moving on13:54
looldavidm: [action] lool+davidm+... test ekiga13:54
davidm[action]  lool+davidm+... test ekiga13:54
MootBotACTION received:   lool+davidm+... test ekiga13:54
yannickYou can report any comment/suggestion/bug in our BTS: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=ekiga13:54
davidm[topic] Bootspeed improvements in hardy, do we do SRUs ?13:54
MootBotNew Topic:  Bootspeed improvements in hardy, do we do SRUs ?13:54
yannickTnak you very much :-)13:54
davidmogra, was that your new topic?13:55
ogradavidm, yeah13:55
davidmpersonally I think we do IF it does not impact the rest hardy, lool your thoughts?13:56
ogranot sure how important we consider it at all though13:56
davidmIf it does we document how to do it and keep it in a testing image.13:56
ograimho devices are rarely rebooted anyway13:56
ograand rather put into suspend instead13:56
davidmIt's very important to some.13:56
davidmAlmost out of time13:57
davidmogra, we may have to take this off line13:57
ografine with me13:57
ograprobably soething for the ML13:57
ograthat way we also might get more user feedback how much its needed13:58
davidmYes, it is critical to document any boot speed wins and how to achieve them.13:58
loologra: If it's in any way dangerous you can fork to ppa13:58
davidmOK, endmeeting in 1 miunute13:58
loolBut in general, we should be using SRUs which we are confident with as a mean to push things to hardy and not take the ppa route whenever possible13:58
loolI think this was the last topic?13:59
davidmlool, correct13:59
persiaHas to have been :)13:59
loolExcellent timing then13:59
davidmendmeeting going twice13:59
MootBotMeeting finished at 08:04.13:59
davidmGot to get mootbot time fixed ;-)14:00
davidmThanks everyone.14:00
loolThanks for chairing14:00
looldavidm: It's displaying Ubuntu releases time; it's at hardy currently14:01
Keybukok https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2008-08-1414:01
KeybukI had reports from everyone except tedg14:01
Keybuklet the public shaming begin ;)14:01
KeybukKen is on Leave, and mpt is awaiting the arrival of his new laptop14:01
* pitti hopes that mpt's broken laptop is not due to intrepid14:01
Keybukno, physically broken aiui14:02
Keybuksince he had to actually buy a new one14:02
Keybukwe have an outstanding action from last week14:02
Keybuk * Riddell to follow up on MIR bug for libzip to remind pitti.14:02
Keybukdid that happen?14:02
pittiugh, didn't see a bug mail about that14:02
pittibut Riddell is on akademy, so...14:02
pittitoo many stuff to do and sleepless nights for alpha-4, sorry, forgot about it14:03
Keybukno problem14:03
Keybukit was his action ;)14:03
pittidoko should be there next week to do MIRs14:03
Keybukmvo: you had an action about apt installation reports?14:03
mvo* How useful are the apt filed installation failed reports? Should we14:04
mvo  not file them against the failed package (e.g. gedit) but against14:04
mvo  a central virtual component (like install-failurs) because most14:04
mvo  likely the problem is not with gedit, but with e.g. scrollkeeper14:04
mvo  that is run in the gedit postinst? This way triaggers14:04
mvo  can pinpoint the problem and assign to the right packages.14:04
mvo  I got some complaints that the apt bugreports clutter the14:04
mvo  buglists too much.14:04
mvowell, that is a agenda item for this meeting :)14:04
pittimvo: TBH, they are quite annoying14:05
pittinot as a bug report as such14:05
seb128for the record I'm the one who complain14:05
pittibut because they seldomly hit the right package14:05
mvoright, that is what seb128 said too14:05
pittiand often it is PEBCAK14:05
seb12895% of the bugs on GNOME packages are either scrollkeeper, or local corruption, or user doing ctrl-C, or no space, etc14:06
pittimvo: problem exists between chair and keyboard14:06
mvoseb128: I added code to filter out the no space now14:06
mvolcoal corruption is something I see quite often too (bad ram for example)14:06
mvoI see the following options a) disable them entirely b) move them to a new pseudo package and let them be triaged there c) leave them as they are14:07
seb128I suggested to create an "installation-issue" component and send those there14:07
pittimvo: my gut feeling is that we should start paying attention once we get two or three duplicates14:07
seb128since they are usually incident reports rather than bugs14:07
Keybukmvo: it seems to me that this issue would be best raised with the QA team14:07
seb128and bugsquad could triage there and reassign bugs when it makes sense14:08
Keybuksince they are the team that would need to triage those reports and get them on to to the right package14:08
mvoI should add that while they are annoying to us, they are much more annoying to our users so I'm not happy with a)14:08
pittiso, if we had automatic duplication for package install failures, we could do that14:08
pittithe auto-duplicater could set a bug to confirmed and public once it hits the third dup, or something like htat14:08
pittithat should get rid of a lot of noise14:08
pittimvo: right, pure a) is bad14:08
mvoright, d) is "better filtering"14:08
mvothat is probably the best option14:09
pittimvo: b) would just be an excuse to ignore them entirely, and is thus not really better than a) IMHO14:09
pittiI think for intrepid+1 we should sit down and talk about possibilities of auto-duplicating14:09
seb128pitti: that would still pollute bugs list14:09
pittiI'd love to work on that, if time permits14:09
Keybukmvo: I think you should take this up with the QA team ;)14:09
pittiseb128: not more than crashes, ceratinly? we could leave them private?14:09
mvopitti: I don't like (b) either for the same reaosons14:10
pittimvo: e) !14:10
seb128pitti: the new component should be something to triage for bugsquad, not something to ignore ;-)14:10
seb128pitti: don't get me started on crashes ;-) I spent most of my week cleaning those and there is still around 3000 apport-crash open bugs which are not confirmed14:10
mvoI will talk to the QA people and see how they feel about a "package-failures" pseudo component and if they think they could do triaging on it14:11
pittiseb128: I don't think we should even *attempt* to exhaustively triage them14:11
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
pittiseb128: they just look like bugs because we currently don't have another place to report them to, but they aren't as precious as real bug reports14:11
pittiok, different topic14:11
pittimvo: we'd lose the ability to match those to packages, though14:13
pittimvo: s/ability/LP facilities/14:13
pittimvo: please also mention the possibility of auto-duping (which requires quite some engineering, but that's still better than humans doing duplication)14:14
mvohm, right. that is another problem with this solution, because everything gets dumped into it, I feel that people will be less inclinded to look at the reports14:14
mvoI don't care for haskell failures for example14:14
mvobut anyway, I will talk to QA and see what comes out of it (maybe they have some good ideas)14:15
seb128that's like the current package association was making sense, most of the time it's something the postinst calls which breaks and not due to the package which calls the command14:15
seb128"that's not like" rather14:16
Keybukok, I think we're going round in circles here now14:16
Keybukmvo: I've added you an action to talk to QA14:16
Keybukdid I miss any other items from the agenda?14:16
* pitti would like to quickly talk about empathy14:16
Keybukpitti: go for it14:16
pittiso, I guess we all tested empathy in the last week, right? :)14:17
pittimy personal expression: looks a little less slick, ICQ connection is quite unreliable, and I didn't manage to get SIP working14:17
* tedg thought Empathy was broken this morning, but it actually turns out none of his contacts are online -- for real :)14:17
pittibut apparently upstream is very active and keen on it14:17
pittiso, I currently don't see a convincing argument for or against it14:17
seb128pitti: does SIP work in pidgin?14:17
pittiseb128: I don't think it is supposed to14:18
pittiI just thought empathy was eventually meant to merge the pidgin and ekiga use cases14:18
seb128ok, so it's not in comparison to pidgin but just what noted14:18
tedgI wasn't able to get an A/V chat going in Intrepid, though I had in Hardy.14:18
pittiseb128: right14:18
tedgThere may be a farsight issue in Intrepid.14:18
pittia big ++ for listening to netwokr-manager, though14:18
pittipidgin doesn't, adn thus never notices when I suspend or resume14:19
seb128nobody screamed on the list so far14:19
seb128somebody complain about some protocol not being supported and upstream added the corresponding profiles to svn14:19
pittithe "SIP working" is apparently just the lack of an input box for the registrar/server, upstream said he'd fix it ASAP14:19
Keybukit's nice to have a responsive upstream ;)14:20
pittibut the inability to connect to ICQ for two days (while pidgin worked) concerned me a bit14:20
seb128my main motivation for the switch is that empathy should have a realiable schedule now since they are part of GNOME14:20
pittiKeybuk: ++14:20
seb128upstream is responsive14:20
seb128and that's the way to go14:20
pedro_I've testing it with butterfly and jabber and it works pretty fine for me, but the UI has some annoyances like that you can disable the notification sounds trough it instead you need to use gconf, etc14:20
* mvo also had trouble with icq, but otherwise it was fine14:20
pittiso currently I am mildly in favor of empathy, if we do the default switch ASAP14:20
seb128where pidgin doesn't care about GNOME, claim they are not a GNOME application, don't have schedules apparently and are not responsive14:20
pedro_that's true14:20
seb128pitti: I was going to suggest setting it as default for the next alpha14:20
Keybukthat's not a bad idea14:21
seb128it's easy enough to roll back to pidgin if needed14:21
pittiI wished it would import my libpurple settings from pidgin14:21
Keybuksee who screams ;)14:21
pittibut otherwise it's fairly ok IMHO14:21
seb128pitti: there is a patch upstream for that14:21
Keybukthose using pidgin, after all, will still have it installed14:21
pittiright, updates won't autobreak14:21
mvoI don't like that some actions seemed to be only availabe on right-click on the notification area item14:21
pittiand we are going to support pidgin for at least intrepid, too14:21
seb128mvo: did you open bugs about those?14:21
pittiminor things like "missing auto-popup of windows" can certainly be fixed quickly14:21
pittiseb128: do you know if upstream would be willing to have a look at LP bugs?14:22
pittithat worked so well with tracker back then14:22
seb128pitti: they already do14:22
mvoseb128: no, it didn't bother me enough for that, but I can do14:22
seb128mvo: please do14:22
pittireports were actually *acted* upon and fixed :)14:22
seb128pitti: Zdra on #ubuntu-desktop is upstream so you can ping him there too14:22
pittiso my impression is that empathy is in about the state of tracker when we adopted it14:22
seb128it's in better shape I would say14:23
pittiand tracker got much better very fast towards the end of the release14:23
pittilots of little buglets, but by and large works14:23
pittiand the underlying technology is good14:23
seb128but I would like to try empathy by default for next alpha, that's not going to cost a lot and rolling back is trivial14:23
Keybukplease don't compare things with tracker as a compliment ;)14:23
seb128the main issue there is that we will need some main promotion14:24
pittiKeybuk: to be fair, upstream was *very* responsive and fixed our incoming bugs almost as fast as they came in14:24
seb128and that will cost some CD space14:24
Keybukthat's true14:24
Keybuktracker upstream was much faster than tracker ;-)14:24
pittiKeybuk: the issue with tracker is that the entire concept is broken/painful :)14:24
KeybukI'm being unnecessarily mean and mdz-like14:24
Keybuktracker's fault wasn't upstreams, it's Linux's and the kernels refusal to help14:24
seb128I'm waiting to see what the tracker rewritting will give14:24
pittiseb128: well, we'd drop pidgin in exchange, I suppose?14:24
pittibut empathy needs more plugins, so it might be a bit bigger14:25
seb128pitti: we still need libpurple for all those protocoles which have no telepathy connection managers14:25
pittiseb128: absolutely14:25
pittiempathy itself is 400 KB smaller than 'pidgin'14:25
pittiadd some extra plugins for empathy14:25
seb128should be equivalent14:25
pittitelepathy-gabble alone is 214 KB14:26
pittibut a must (jabber)14:26
pittianyway, we can sort out the details off-meeting14:26
pittibut general consensus seems to be to give it a chance and flip?14:26
Keybukyup, looks that way14:26
seb128we will need you or doko to mir the telepathy-* and empathy14:26
Keybukseb128: you can have an action for the seed changes, and pitti you can have one too ;)14:26
* pitti will be on vacation for two weeks14:26
seb128probably doko since you will be on holidays tomorrow14:26
seb128Keybuk: deal ;-)14:27
yannickdo you plan to replace Ekiga wuth Empathy?14:27
pittithe only seeds I'll be dealing with will be the ones in my morning cereals, I'm afraid :)14:27
seb128it's not ready to do that yet14:27
pittiwould be cool to get sip, though14:28
pittiscrew video, ekiga's video support is pretty bad unfortunately (compared to skype's)14:28
pittibut it should already have moderate sip support?14:28
Keybukany other items for today?14:28
yannickIssue is EMptathy is not telephony software: no DTMF, no call transfert etc. You'll get a basic SIP, not a real softphone.14:28
seb128yannick: we don't plan to replace ekiga don't worry14:29
pitti(not _yet_ *grin*)14:29
seb128pitti: ;-)14:29
Keybukseb128: new gdm battle looks to be getting nasty upstream14:29
yannickI've been able to get a audio+video call between Empathy and Ekiga 2.9.14:29
seb128Keybuk: aka fedora against the rest of the world?14:29
pittias in, which gdm 2.24 will ship with?14:29
KeybukDavidKit keeps posting me links to the thread14:30
seb128pitti: no, fedora guys are unhappy about GNOME not being decided to ship it yet14:30
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 14 Aug 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Java Team | 21 Aug 12:00 UTC: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Java Team | 22 Aug 12:00 UTC: Ubuntu MOTU | 23 Aug 13:00 UTC: Xubuntu Community | 28 Aug 12:00 UTC: Ubuntu Mobile Team
Keybukand I can never tell whether he's posting them because the guys (like the Mandriva guy) have good points and gdm is being silly14:30
Keybukor whether he's doing the "Fedora rules the world, look at the pitiful people not obeying"14:30
seb128not sure but I know some people upstream don't like the fedora guys attitude14:30
Keybukpitti: /lib/udev/rules.d/gdm.rules14:31
seb128the discussion is not really constructive I've to say14:31
Keybukseb128: no, I got that impression14:31
seb128it's "it's fine this way", "no it's not", "yes it is"14:31
pittimaybe it should be called 'fdm' then and become a separate project?14:31
MacSlowseb128, do you mean Jon?14:31
pitti(that's half-serious)14:31
seb128MacSlow: nobody specifically14:32
seb128and the new gnome-session seems to be a new gdm bis14:33
Keybukhow is that doing?14:34
MacSlowseb128, William Jon, who's also one of the new gdm upstream-devs, rewrites that afaik14:34
MacSlowseb128, Keybuk: also full rewrite iirc14:34
seb128Keybuk: slowing, lucas who started on it is changing job and moving and has no time for it now, vuntz is travelling and the fedora guys seem rather interested by the dbus api rather than getting basic things working14:35
* Keybuk feigns shock14:35
seb128the dbus api is to inhibit session closing, etc14:35
Keybukdo you have a feel for which gnome-session we should ship?14:36
Keybuksince you're on holiday next weej14:36
Keybukand then until after feature freeze14:36
Keybukyou only have a couple of days ;)14:37
seb128well, it's not easy14:37
seb128we can't start refusing to ship all the new GNOME things ;-)14:37
Keybukwell, no :14:38
pitticould it roughly be described as "the new one is faster, elegant, and useless"?14:38
seb128I would have rolled back if that was easy14:38
seb128but gnome-panel uses the new gnome-session dbus api now for example14:38
Keybukdoes that actually work yet?14:38
Keybukthe Reboot button has done nothing for me since the new stuff went in14:38
pittiwell "less useful", in terms of not having any session management or user session configuration?14:38
seb128the inhibit thing no, but there is a dbus api to reboot, logout, etc which is working14:38
seb128pitti: I think those will be fixed before GNOME 2.2414:39
seb128the real question is the session dialog14:39
pittiKeybuk: known problem, but tricky to solve14:39
Keybukseb128: unlikely to be solved before FF14:39
seb128I'm too busy to rewrite the old one for the new gnome-session right now14:39
Keybukso at this point, I'm not going to worry about it :p14:39
pitti"accept William's braindead solution" vs. "sane technical solution we don't have"14:39
seb128Keybuk: right14:39
Keybukwhich brings me onto my next point ;)14:40
seb128Keybuk: that's a consolekit bug14:40
Keybukpitti: you are away until after Feature Freeze14:40
Keybukso tomorrow is your deadline for specs, all done?14:40
seb128Keybuk: debian and pitti refuses to have consolekit using policykit14:40
pittiseb128: if you are concerned about that, we can ship the shutdown/reboot scripts until we have something better14:40
pittiwell, "refuse"14:40
pittiI just pointed out that it is a very problematic setup which will sooner or later bite back14:40
pittias long as we use the defautl configuration, it shuold work ok, but don't you dare to customize it14:41
seb128ok, let's talk about that after your holidays14:41
seb128maybe gnome-session will have settled meanwhile14:41
pittias I said, we can enable it in CK for now14:41
pittito avoid blocking on that bug for long14:41
seb128up to you14:42
Keybukguys, we only have 20 minutes left and I'd like to address the minor point of FF first, so could you take that discussion offline for now ? :)14:42
seb128we will have increasing complains but can wait 2 extra weeks to sort that14:42
seb128Keybuk: alright14:42
Keybukpitti: ?14:43
KeybukI was referring to my question to you above14:43
Keybuk<Keybuk> pitti: you are away until after Feature Freeze14:43
Keybuk so tomorrow is your deadline for specs, all done?14:43
pittiintrepid-device-perms is blocked on slangasek getting in the new pam framework14:43
Keybukwhen is that likely to happen?14:44
pittiin particular, that affects enabling libpam-ck-connector by default14:44
Keybukis the new framework done and just waiting for upload?14:44
pittiKeybuk: "RSN" according to Steve14:44
Keybukeverything else works?14:44
pittibut that will just affect VT logins14:44
pittinothing critical14:44
Keybuksounds like Beta Available to me14:44
Keybukjockey printer driver support?14:44
pittiits' installed by default, but needs to be enabled manually for now in PAM14:44
Keybukis this going to be used by the frontend?14:44
pittiKeybuk: upstream s-c-p didn't add the support yet14:45
Keybukwhen will upstream add the support?14:45
pittibut it's still useful for installing drivers with the jockey UI14:45
pittiKeybuk: unknown14:45
Keybukit sounds like that is backend work for a future release14:45
pittiI need some more small frontend changes, though14:45
Keybukso beta available, and defer the frontend to a spec for the next release14:45
pittilike a checkbox to enable third-party driver sources14:45
pittibut the heavy lifting is done14:45
Keybukand good work on gdm-guest-login14:45
pittithat's beta-available14:45
pittijust some bugs to squash, after FF14:46
Keybukall beta available for FF, well done!14:46
Keybuk(update the statuses please :p)14:46
pittiwell, UI bits in jockey missing is sort of UI freeze14:46
Keybukseb128: you are on Leave from Thursday next week through to after Feature Freeze14:46
pittibad timing14:46
Keybukso your FF deadline is Wednesday14:46
Keybukthe spell checkers stuff is mostly done?  are there any packages still to be demoted or removed as deps?14:46
seb128spellchecking is done and just needs testing14:47
Keybukgood work14:47
Keybukintrepid menus review?14:47
seb128existant hunspell dictionnaries should still be added as depends, ArneGoetje is supposed to do that14:47
pittiKeybuk: (I still leave device-perms as "blocked" as it is now, to better reflect the state)14:47
seb128menus review will be done before my holidays14:47
Keybukseb128: Loïc is back, and David's team are lightly loaded14:48
seb128those are mostly trivial changes14:48
pittiseb128: did you ping Arne about updating the l-support packages for new hunspell dicts?14:48
Keybukso if you need some extra help, I can ask David14:48
seb128pitti: not yet, was too late yesterday, will do that today14:48
pittiseb128: great, thanks14:48
Keybukseb128: likewise better login speed, there's a few bullet points there not addressed by gnome-session ?14:48
seb128Keybuk: help is always welcome, especially when we will have to sort those gnome-session issues14:48
Keybukagain, if you need help, let me know asap and I'll arrange for some of Loïc's time if possible14:48
Keybukmvo: intrepid desktop systemprefs14:49
seb128Keybuk: login speed, I'll look at the other points but not sure I'll manage to do all the changes, anywhere points where loic help would be welcome14:49
seb128Keybuk: thanks14:49
Keybukit's in your PPA?  any particular reason it's not in the archive?14:49
mvoKeybuk: the proxy stuff is availabe in my ppa14:49
mvoKeybuk: the global selection of the default language is part of language-selector14:49
Keybukthe proxy stuff is the one we reallly wanted :)14:50
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Java Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Aug 12:00 UTC: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 14:00 UTC: Ubuntu Java Team | 22 Aug 12:00 UTC: Ubuntu MOTU | 23 Aug 13:00 UTC: Xubuntu Community | 28 Aug 12:00 UTC: Ubuntu Mobile Team
mvoupstream was not very keen on taking a patch so I implemented most of it in a external dbus backend package14:50
Keybukok, but any reason it's still in your PPA and not uploaded?14:50
mvoand just patch gnome-network-settings to do the dbus calls (relatively small patch)14:50
mvono, just I will do that before the weekend14:51
Keybukok great14:51
Keybukthen it sounds beta available14:51
* mvo nods14:51
Keybukyou have a little longer than everyone else, since you have all of next week before you go on leave14:51
Keybukso your deadline is next friday14:51
Keybukpackage supportedness ui14:51
mvothe hardy bits are done and are blocked on the final list of what is actually a server package14:52
Keybukthe Hardy bits are in your bzr branches and you say they're done?14:52
Keybukwhich bits go into Intrepid?14:52
mvofor intrepid mpt had some more suggestions for UI changes and more flexibility when the archive reoganization comes14:52
Keybukis that on target for FF?14:52
mvoso that is mostly ground work for that right now, to better deal with debtags (we may use that as the vehicle)14:53
Keybukat least is the backend bits you need done?14:53
mvonot all is done in the backend yet, sorry. I'm not sure if I manage FF with that, but that should be ok because for intrepid none of that will be actually used (as its a regular release and not a lts)14:54
mvoso the package support status is much easier to figure out than in a lts14:54
Keybukif you can get it to good progress next week, that would be great14:54
Keybukupgrade testing in sandbox is beta available? well done!14:54
mvoI will do that14:54
mvoyeah, I got some feedback too (positive!)14:54
mvoI wil upload it into the archive too before the weekend, but its most useful currently for people running hardy obviously14:55
Keybukok great14:55
KeybukRiddell: mostly beta available, well done, and nice to see KDE 4.1 in14:55
Keybuk(even though you're not here, at least I get to put that in the meeting log :p)14:56
Keybuknext topic: meeting times14:56
KeybukI'm at a manager's sprint in London next week, I'll be still available for emergencies, but not regular calls, etc.14:56
Keybukso I won't be able to lead this meeting14:56
Keybuksince Martin is away, he won't be able to either14:56
Keybukand Seb is away as well14:57
Keybukso there won't be a meeting next week14:57
Keybukthe week after that, Martin, Seb and Michael are awy14:57
Keybukso I suggest we don't have meeting that week either14:57
Keybukwhich means the next meeting will be the 4th September14:57
Keybuk(kwwii, mpt, Mirco and Macslow all attend Mark's weekly user experience calls - so they won't be without a weekly meeting :p)14:58
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Keybukerr, and that's the end of this one ;)14:59
Keybukthanks all14:59
pittithanks all15:00
pittiand those who have, enjoy your holidays15:00
pittibut now, off to releasing that alpha...15:00
seb128oh btw tomorrow is a national holiday here15:00
seb128I'll probably be around to catch up on some things but not full day15:00
MootBotMeeting started at 09:05. The chair is persia.15:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:00
persiaWho's here for the Java meeting?15:01
* robilad is15:01
* slytherin raises hand15:01
* persia suspects there are some lurkers15:01
persiaRight.  Agenda is up.15:02
persia[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Meeting15:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Meeting15:02
persiaFirst item, as always, is the Roadmap review15:02
persia[topic] Roadmap review15:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Roadmap review15:02
persia[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Roadmap15:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaTeam/Roadmap15:02
persia[topic] Integration of Java into server stack15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Integration of Java into server stack15:03
persiarobilad: How is the breakdown progressing?15:03
robiladok, looked a bit around, and we've said last week, that we want to see what the packaging structure would look like15:03
robiladso, the first thing that you'll find if you look for say, glassfish v3 dependencies, is15:04
MootBotLINK received:  http://weblogs.java.net/blog/kohsuke/archive/20080107/modules.png15:05
robiladwhich is a graph of modules generated by kohsuke for glassfish v315:05
robiladit's impressive15:05
robiladit's huge. ;)15:05
robiladfortunately, most of those dependencies seem to be sun-specific, and presumably a part of glassfish and/or related projects.15:06
robiladthe ones that aren't and are sticking out are jruby, (and it's subdependecies), ant, backport of java.util.concurrent, etc.15:06
robiladthat's largely stuff hanging in the bottom of the tree15:06
robiladnow, as the URL shows up there, this is the status of affairs back in january15:07
robiladso, we'd ideally want to avoid having to spend too much time with old data15:07
robiladi.e. how do we go about getting useful data what we need to package from projects using maven2 to build?15:08
robiladit turns out we're not the only ones considering that problem ;)15:08
robiladideally, what we'd want for a project using maven2 to build, would be something like http://myfaces.apache.org/tobago/tobago-sandbox/dependency-analysis.html15:08
MootBotLINK received:  http://myfaces.apache.org/tobago/tobago-sandbox/dependency-analysis.html15:09
robiladyou can see that the project has dependecies it needs during the build, some dependencies are declared wrong, etc.15:09
robiladgetting that kind of output from glassfish, etc. would be useful to match against our own package database15:09
robiladand we can get it through (in theory at least, havenT tried this yet)15:10
MootBotLINK received:  http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/analyze-mojo.html15:10
persiaAnd presumably such tools could be used to validate all dependencies, and better track e.g. what can be headless, etc.15:10
robiladthat's for maven, of course15:10
persiaIs the generation code available somewhere, or can arbitrary packages be submitted?15:10
persiaAh, maven only.  That's trickier :)15:10
robiladfor the general problem of what needs to depend on what, there is another nifty tool15:10
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.kirkk.com/main/Main/JarAnalyzer15:11
robiladit can be used on a directory of jar files, and will tell you how they interdepend15:11
slytherinthat reminds me, jaranalyzer is not in Ubuntu15:11
robiladif only we had a directory of all jar files in ubuntu ...15:11
robiladah, wait, we do!15:11
persiaDo we have a needs-packaging bug?15:11
slytherinIt should be a sync from Debian.15:11
persiaAh, that's easier then.  Do we have that bug?15:11
slytherinNo. I will log one.15:12
persiaslytherin: Thanks.15:12
robiladok - so much for the tools research - i haven't had time to apply this yet to generate concrete packaging tasks15:13
robiladbut it should make our life a lot easier wrt what to package next.15:13
persiarobilad: Still, excellent to know there are such tools.  Do you think you'll be able to identify some tasks for next week?15:13
persia[action] robilad to prepare draft wiki page of server stack integration work for next meeting15:14
MootBotACTION received:  robilad to prepare draft wiki page of server stack integration work for next meeting15:14
persia[topic] Identify possible opportunities to optimise the Java stack15:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Identify possible opportunities to optimise the Java stack15:14
persiaDoes anyone want this?  We've had it up for a month, and nobody is running it.  I'd like to drop it from the roadmap.15:14
slytherinI would like to break this task in multiple15:15
robiladthe tools, plus http://sparcs.kaist.ac.kr/~tinuviel/package/list.cgi?name=java should work fine15:15
robilad(the code for generating that status listing is on his site)15:15
persiaslytherin: OK. Do you want to lead that then, and prepare a breakdown, etc?15:16
slytherinpersia: One of the sub task I had already added to agenda. Removing -gcj packages from 'Recommends'15:16
persiaRight.  We'll talk about that specific item soon, but I think either someone should volunteer to handle the general case, or we shouldn't talk about it every meeting :)15:17
persia(not to fix it, just to identify the opportunities)15:17
slytherinFor now keep it, I will break it down in next week.15:18
persia[action] slytherin to take over identification of possible opportunities to optimise the Java stack.15:18
MootBotACTION received:  slytherin to take over identification of possible opportunities to optimise the Java stack.15:18
persia[topic] Transition Java packagse from multiverse to universe where possible.15:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Transition Java packagse from multiverse to universe where possible.15:18
persiaslytherin: How is that going?15:19
slytherinI logged 2 bugs today, one each for libgdata-java and libcodemodel-java.15:19
persiaOK.  Are we catching up with Debian, or is there still a long way to go?15:19
slytherinAnother bug for libswingx-java will come soon15:20
persiaAlso, is it mostly packaging changes, or just component changes?15:20
slytherinIt is mostly sync. In some cases it will be merge.15:20
slytherinI am keeping an eye on pkg-java list to see which packages are migrated to openjdk15:20
persiaOK.  Do you need anything from anyone else?15:20
persiaOK.  Moving on.15:21
persia[topic] Maven packaging support options15:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Maven packaging support options15:21
persiaKoon seems to be absent.15:21
persiakaaloo had an interesting idea of dynamically generating pom files based on apt-cache and fooling maven.  Any comments on that idea?15:22
persia(kaaloo is also absent)15:22
* slytherin didn't get time to look into that part of spec.15:22
persiaOK.  That's it for roadmap then.  On to other items.15:24
persia[topic] Discuss possibility of putting JRE on desktop and/or server CD images15:24
MootBotNew Topic:  Discuss possibility of putting JRE on desktop and/or server CD images15:24
persiaPersonally, I think those decisions are best made by the Desktop and Server teams, but if there is support here, maybe we can appoint an ambassador to attend one of their meetings?15:25
slytherinIn my opinion it should be possible to server CD since the size of CD is pretty small, around 580MB15:25
slytherinI would like Koon or robilad to take it up with server team.15:26
robiladi'd suggest koon, too.15:26
persiaKoon sounds like a good person to be ambassador to the server team, since he's also active there.  Let's give him an action for the minutes :)15:26
persia[action] Koon to talk to server team about putting JRE on the CD.15:27
MootBotACTION received:  Koon to talk to server team about putting JRE on the CD.15:27
persiaWho here also works with the Desktop team?15:27
slytherinFor desktop it is impossible now. But we would like to analyze if it is possible to split JRE in different packages ex. separate localizations. We should target this for intrepid +115:27
persiaslytherin: That sounds good.  Shall we defer until intrepid+1 opens?15:28
persiaOK.  Next item:15:28
persia(and splitting it up into sensible chunks)15:29
persia[topic] default look and feel15:29
MootBotNew Topic:  default look and feel15:29
slytherinOn that topic, we have almost agreed that if Kubuntu team has no issues we shuold make GTK as default look and feel. I had added yuriy to the particular bug and dropped a message for him on IRC but haven't got any reply.15:30
persiaAnyone from the Kubuntu team here?15:31
persiaAnyone willing to go talk to the Kubuntu team and report back next week?15:31
persiaAny objections to using GTK as the default look & feel?15:32
slytherinI guess we need to raise this question on KDe devel list. Otehr than that I have no idea how to approach the problem.15:33
slytherinoops, I meant Kubuntu devel list15:33
persiaslytherin: Are you up for drafting that mail?  Maybe cc: the java list?15:33
slytherinpersia: won't be possible today, will be travelling to home town in an hour or 2.15:34
persiaslytherin: Maybe next week then.  No rush.15:34
slytherinFor Kubuntu we could propose Nimbus look and feel but it is not part of any jre yet. - http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/javase/java6u10/#nimbus Also question remains as to how do we select different look and feel depending on DE.15:34
persiaLet's start the discussion with them, and see what they think about metal vs. GTK.  Getting per-DE themes is probably intrepid+115:35
slytherinSo let's keep that topic aside till we receive response from Kubuntu team15:35
persia[action] slythering to contact kubuntu team re: look & feel15:35
MootBotACTION received:  slythering to contact kubuntu team re: look & feel15:35
persia[topic] removal of -gcj packages from 'Recommends'15:36
MootBotNew Topic:  removal of -gcj packages from 'Recommends'15:36
slytherinThis is an important one.15:36
robiladsounds useful, now that openjdk is the default.15:36
slytherinCurrently many java libraries try to pull *gcj* packages in intrepid because their corresponding -gcj package is in 'Recommends'15:37
slytherinI have already worked on bsh and patch is waiting sponsorship. bug 25740215:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257402 in bsh "Replace build depends 'libservlet2.3-java' with 'libservlet2.4-java'" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25740215:37
persiagcj is still useful for many things, but may no longer make sense as the default.15:38
robiladcool - is this something we'll be able to sync on with debian?15:38
robilad(post lenny, I assume)15:38
slytherinrobilad: For Debian default-jdk will be java-gcj-compat-dev for lenny.15:38
persiaEven post-lenny it's tricky, as OpenJDK only works on three architectures.15:40
persiaEven so, the proper solution is likely to be using default-jdk, and only selecting -gcj when that is the default jdk.15:40
robiladright, makes sense15:40
robiladindirection ftw15:41
slytherinpersia: Can you please explain what is advantage of -gcj package?15:41
persiaslytherin: It's compiled natively, so it doesn't need JIT, and runs faster.  That said, it's compiled natively, so you can't do some of the runtime tricks you can do with pure Java.15:42
robiladaeh, the runs faster bit is a bit wrong ;)15:42
robilad(at least with hotspot on x86, amd64, sparc)15:43
slytherinanyway, let's target end of this month for removing -gcj from recommends for all the packages.15:44
persiarobilad: Really?  VM with JIT and hotspot will be faster than native?  I suspect that's due to the compiler more than the VM.15:44
robiladnah, it's due to the vm15:44
robiladbasically, hotspot optimizes the code for actual usage and hot paths15:45
persiarobilad: After the meeting, if you have time to explain, I'd like to hear more.15:45
robiladand can heavily opitmize and deoptimize it depending on very lightweight profiling, etc.15:45
persiaslytherin: That seems sane.  Do we have a way to automatically generate a list of affected packages that need work?15:45
slytherinpersia: Not sure. but we should check all the 'lib*-java packages.15:46
persiaOK.  Any volunteers to lead this cleanup effort?15:47
slytherinnot me, but I will be doing it as and when possible.15:48
persiaHeh.  OK We'll just note it as an initiative then, but not roadmap it, as you've aleady two items :)15:49
persia[topic] last minute additions15:49
MootBotNew Topic:  last minute additions15:49
persiaAnybody have anything else they want to discuss?15:49
slytherinI have 2 and then I run15:49
persia2 more?  What?15:49
slytherinant had a bug fix release 1.7.1. It will be good if we can get it in before FF.15:50
persiaDo we have a bug?15:50
slytherindidn't check.15:50
persiaAnd the other one?15:51
slytherinI have logged bug for jaranalyzer- bug 25790415:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257904 in ubuntu "Please sync jaranalyzer 1.2-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25790415:51
robiladthanks, slytherin15:51
persiaAnyone else have anything?15:51
slytherinDone from my side. I have to rush. Will be back on Monday. Happy hacking to everybody. :-)15:52
persiaOK.  Anyone up for writing minutes?  I used MootBot this time, so it might be easier.15:53
robiladi'll take it over15:53
persiarobilad: Thanks.15:53
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:57.15:53
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