
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
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sorentjaalton: Ok, I've read up on the subject of the kvm brokenness due to evdev, and it almost makes me cry.08:55
tjaaltonsoren: ok, so the guest is broken?08:56
sorenIt's... well..08:56
sorenLet me explain the issue:08:56
sorenkvm does full virtualisation, so it emulates a keyboard of some flavour.08:57
sorenThis means that it has a virtual keyboard that sends scan codes to the guest os like a regular keyboard would do.08:57
sorenThis is key.08:58
sorenit doesn't send "f", if you press the f button. It sends keycode 41.08:58
sorenLet's rewind about a year..08:59
sorenBack then, the way this was accomplished in kvm (and qemu), you had to pass "-k fi" to kvm if you had a Finnish keymapping.08:59
sorenThat way, kvm could look at the keysym(!) look it up in the finnish keymap it had, figure out to which keycode that corresponded, and sent that to the guest.09:00
sorenThis was annoying for many reasons.09:00
sorenFirst of all, it was a bit flaky from time to time.09:01
sorenE.g. azerty keyboards need you to hold down shift to type numbers, so kvm couldn't send the shift key to the guest until it knew what you had pressed.09:02
sorenAlso, you set this in kvm, so when you're using vnc, you have to be using the same mapping as the one you told kvm you'd be using.09:02
sorenthis sucks big time if you want to give different users access to kvm instances and they don't share a keymap.09:03
soren...or if you simply don't know ahead of time which keymap the client will be using (in hosted environments for instance).09:03
sorenFast forward to... hmm.. February this year.09:03
sorenI got fed up with this and started looking for a way to properly fix this.. Anthony Liguori (vnc and kvm hacker (very, very convenient combination)) extended the VNC protocol to be able to send keycodes instead of keysyms.09:04
sorenEr... I should have said scancodes almost every time I said keycodes, I think.09:05
sorenIt turned out that the key code X reported corresponded exactly to the scan code from the keyboard. Great success. So we took those, sent them untranslated over the wire to kvm, and kvm passed them directly, untranslated to the guest.09:06
sorenThis was fantastic. 09:06
sorenNo more passing "-k <lang code>" to kvm to make things work (somewhat). The world was a better place.09:07
sorenFast forward a few months..09:07
sorenNow, evdev comes along.09:07
sorenevdev is not doing anything wrong per se.. There's nothing in the X protocol that dictates that keycodes should correspond to the hardware scan codes from the keyboard.09:07
sorenand it just so happens, that with evdev, they don't.09:08
tjaaltonOk, I see your point09:08
soren...so we no longer have the raw scan codes.09:08
sorenThere are a few different solutions..09:08
sorenWe could ditch evdev.09:09
sorenWe could tell the evdev developers to "fix" it. (as I said, they're not doing anything wrong per se, but it's annoying to us)09:09
tjaaltonthat's possible09:09
tjaaltonsince fedora should be seeing the same bug by now09:10
sorenWe could come up with a way of a) detecting the use of evdev, and b) if detected, translate evdev keycodes to scancodes again.09:10
sorenAccording to my sources, Fedora are not switching to evdev.09:10
sorenBecause of this very bug.09:10
tjaaltonanyway, maybe it would be best if you could mail xorg@lists.freedesktop.org about this problem09:10
tjaaltonfedora rawhide is already using it09:10
sorenI think someone already did. I'll need to check up on it.09:11
tjaaltonthey didn't switch to it for F909:11
tjaaltonbut there were other bugs too09:11
sorenRight, that might be true.09:11
sorenWhat they're *not* doing is shipping the patch to kvm that enables the raw keycode thing to happen.09:11
tjaaltonso they like old bugs09:12
sorenWe're the only ones who ship it, and it really makes a massive difference.09:12
tjaaltonin that case the third solution sounds cleaner09:16
sorenDetect evdev and try to do the mapping?09:21
tjaaltonwe can't avoid evdev forever, so better fix/work around any issues that come up :)09:24
sorenDo you know how to detect evdev?09:45
tjaaltonhow low level should it be?09:49
tjaaltonthe detection09:49
tjaaltonsetxkbmap -print is one way if it's just a script that configures kvm runtime09:49
tjaaltonthere should be better ways to get that09:49
sorenah, yes. I could look at setxkbmap and see what it does.09:50
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=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
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bdmurraybryce: since alpha4 is out did you want to do something with the -ati bugs?20:43
bdmurraywas tormod doing some of it manually though?20:46
tseliotbdmurray: can you renew my membership in the Ubuntu Bug Control (ubuntu-bugcontrol) Launchpad team, please?20:48
superm1tseliot, can't you do that yourself?20:49
tseliotsuperm1: if I could I would do it myself ;)20:50
tseliot"To prevent this membership from expiring, you should get in touch with one of the team's administrators:  etc."20:50
bdmurraytseliot: what is your launchpad username?20:50
tseliotbdmurray: albertomilone20:50
bdmurraytseliot: Oh sure, done!20:51
tseliotbdmurray: thanks a lot :-)20:51
bdmurrayno problem20:53
tjaaltonbryce: btw, got input-device properties working with evdev today. peter said he'd apply the backported patches to xserver 1.5 etc20:57
brycetjaalton: excellent21:06
brycebdmurray: he might have, but it doesn't hurt to repeat.21:07
bdmurraybryce: How does http://pastebin.osuosl.org/21740 look for a comment?22:18
LaserJockanybody here know how to set up a touchpad in Intrepid?22:20
brycebdmurray: sounds good22:20
LaserJockthere used to be a tab in the Mouse settings but I don't see it anymore22:20
bryceLaserJock: I've not tested any touchpads, but I saw three user contributed docs which I've linked to from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config22:21
LaserJockbryce: you don't have any laptops? :-)22:22
bryceer, /not tested any touchpads that required manual configuration/22:23
LaserJockwell, mine works, just too well ;-)22:26
LaserJockI gotta turn of the tap-to-click or I start typing everywhere22:26
bdmurraybryce: hmm, I just realized I should subscribe to all of these22:53
pwnguinanyone wanna take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/234466 ?23:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234466 in wacom-tools "[hardy] Pen crazy in tablet PC" [Undecided,Confirmed] 23:01
pwnguinthere's a debdiff23:02
pwnguinor not23:03
* pwnguin reads harder23:03
tjaaltonI can update wacom tomorrow23:04
pwnguini just got a new job yesterday23:05
tjaaltonbesides, I'll try to make it support input-properties..23:05
tjaaltonpwnguin: congrats!23:05
pwnguinits a nice, easy part time job23:05
tjaaltonserving fast-food?-23:05
bdmurrayI'm not sure that qualifies as easy23:06
pwnguinlab assistant for a graphic design program23:06
pwnguinits all osx, which is good... and bad23:06
tjaalton(there's an old joke in finland; what an arts grad asked the tech student at McDonald's? "want fries with that?")23:10
tjaaltonpwnguin: sounds good23:10
pwnguinwell, there's actually a lot of help wanted posters23:36
pwnguinpresumably because they're a community college rather than a university, and are cheaper23:36
brycecongrats pwnguin23:40
brycepwnguin: make sure to pimp inkscape ;-)23:40
pwnguinillustrator isn't very popular23:40

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