
dlemcoeHey hey00:28
dlemcoeEvolution is giving me this error when Launchpad tries to verify my GPG key after entering a fingerprint and receiveing the e-mail. http://pastebin.ca/117214500:28
dlemcoe116 people, anyone?00:30
* thumper looks00:40
thumperdlemcoe: does evolution know about your gpg key?00:41
thumperdlemcoe: the message seems to indicate that it doesn't00:41
thumperdlemcoe: also, have you confirmed that launchpad has the correct public key for you?00:42
dlemcoeI;m sorry00:44
dlemcoeEvolution DOES know about it00:44
dlemcoeLaunchpad has no keys, that is what i am trying to do00:44
* thumper looks at his config00:45
dlemcoehmmm how?00:45
thumperdlemcoe: the email says that it was encrypted with ELG-E key, ID 5DAC923E, does that match your public key?00:48
dlemcoewait, hold on00:48
thumperdid you type your GPG fingerprint or copy and paste?00:49
thumperwhat's your lp id?00:51
thumperLaunchpad user id00:52
dlemcoeoh rite00:52
thumperdlemcoe: you are David Lemcoe right?00:55
dlemcoei am00:55
thumperwell the ubuntu keyserver knows who you are00:55
dlemcoeWell, how can I decrypt this e-mail message?00:55
thumperdlemcoe: have you seen this page?00:58
thumperthen it is time I asked for help :)00:59
dlemcoeI HAVE the e-mail asking me to authorize the pub key I put the fingerprint in for00:59
dlemcoeLook, how do I decrypt the ---BEGIN PGP MESSAGE--- thing?00:59
dlemcoeSorry, i'm just fristrated, trying to sign the Ubuntu CodeofConduct to be a member, and it has taken about an hour of time to do nothing really01:00
thumperdlemcoe: a quick google suggests saving the message to a file and use "gpg -d filename"01:03
dlemcoeI type pgp01:03
dlemcoepaste the message, put in password, and it does not decrypt01:03
dlemcoeIt just says what signed it, did I do it right?01:03
thumperyou need to use -d to decrypt01:03
dlemcoeI just did, and it gave me no message01:04
thumpersorry, I don't know01:05
dlemcoeWell I do thank you for your time01:05
Hobbseeyou typed pgp, not gpg?01:06
Hobbseewell, that's probably why it didn't work...01:06
rohanhi. can i edit my comments in launchpad? i can't find any option to do so05:32
rohanhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/152286 --> in the last comment, i want to edit the "now" to "not"05:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 152286 in linux "Gusty Beta update stopped laptop Fn Volume Control" [Undecided,Incomplete]05:32
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gimakeris there some way of linking to *the latest version* of a file in loggerhead?12:26
gimakerI want to link to our NEWS file from elsewhere, but can only figure out how to get a link to the current revision12:27
Peng_Um..yes, I think.12:29
lifelessgimaker: use -1 for the rev12:29
Peng_Wait, can you change the revno in the URL to "-1"?12:29
lifelessgimaker: but you don't even need that for tip12:29
lifelessor maybe you do12:29
lifelessyou shouldn't, it may still be a bug :)12:29
lifelessthere is /files right, on a branch12:33
lifelessshould have /files/FOO12:33
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jameshPeng_: try something like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~USER/PROJECT/BRANCH/annotate/head:/FILENAME12:36
jameshoops.  that was for gimaker12:36
Peng_Ooh, "head:". That's what I was trying to remember.12:38
gimakerlifeless: thanks! that worked just fine!12:48
gimakerlifeless: not so obvious though :)12:48
gimakerlifeless: any way to get just the bare file without the annotation fluff?12:49
jameshgimaker: not without your browser asking you where you want to save it12:51
gimakerjamesh: ok, thanks.12:51
jameshyou have the choice of seeing a cooked version of your content within your browser or saving it to disk12:51
jameshthings like viewvc's /*checkout*/ URLs are a security hole.12:51
jameshat least they are if the branch authors are untrusted12:52
gimakerdon't know what /*checkout*/ refers to...12:53
Peng_gimaker: It's how ViewVC lets you see the file directly.12:53
jameshyou can get viewvc to display versions of files directly in the browser with an appropriate mime type12:53
jameshincluding HTML files12:53
gimakeroh yeah, I'm definately not to be trusted ;) the annotations are not a big deal though12:53
jameshHTML files which could contain javascript and have access to anything in the same principal12:54
gimakerjamesh: html files viewed in a browser you say? now that does sound like a serious security hole :P12:54
jameshgimaker: think cross site scripting12:54
gimakerjamesh: web security isn't my forte - but it does seem a bit overly paranoid. If you push a link that points to .html file then that's the type of things you should expect.12:55
jamesh[this is why bug attachments are served from launchpadlibrarian.net rather than launchpad.net too]12:56
Peng_jamesh: They could set up something on launchpadlibrarian.net to view files directly.12:56
jameshPeng_: We wanted people to be able to view librarian files directly.  But such pages won't see any launchpad.net cookies12:57
jameshor be able to post forms on launchpad.net12:57
jameshthe idea being to make the attachments as harmless as pages on other sites12:58
jameshgimaker: imagine you have a website running a source code browser where you don't trust all the committers, and also run some other web app on the same domain that displays private information to logged in users.12:59
jameshgimaker: as a committer, I commit an HTML file that includes some javascript that grabs some of the private data from other parts of the site and posts it back to me13:00
jameshgimaker: if I can convince you to visit that HTML file in the source code browser, then I can steal your private data13:01
jameshmost people consider that a bad thing13:01
jameshnow, for a personal project you might trust all the developers.  For Launchpad, we'll host anyone's code13:02
jameshWhile we'd do something about evil branches like that, it makes sense to limit the possible damage.13:03
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\shhmmm...is it planed to have this "retry build" action inside the ppa archive view and not anymore on the build-records page? :)13:15
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gimakerjamesh: understood and agreed. thanks for the help!13:27
klettegmb: Any ETA on the move to the production env. ?13:31
gmbklette: Should happen this afternoon once our sysadmin team come online. I'll ping you as soon as its up.13:32
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klettegmb: ah, ok. Thanks.13:33
gmbklette: One of the joys of working in a multi-timezone company :)13:33
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persiabigjools: Any chance the +packages preview could go back on dogfood?  I miss it already.13:53
bigjoolspersia: :)  sure.  BTW you know it's not up-to-date right?13:54
bigjoolsit will land on edge tonight / the weekend13:54
persiabigjools: That's OK.  I seems to only be about 2 months behind, and so *significantly* reduces the amount of manual searching I have to do.13:54
persiaOh, if it's going to edge, never mind.  While I'm not a beta-tester, I can get someone to proxy it next week.13:55
bigjoolspersia: BTW did you prefer the listing with the non-published sources too?13:55
persiaYes, very much so.  Thos indicate valid work, even though it has been superseded13:56
persiaI also agree with the rest of wgrant's comments on the page :)13:56
bigjoolsok - I will need you to file a new bug if you don't mind, the change that is landing does not have that in it because I didn't have time to fully regression test it before our release deadline13:57
persiabigjools: OK.  I'll wait for it to land, and file the cosmetic bugs.  It's scheduled for next week's rollout?13:58
bigjoolspersia: yup13:58
persia:) !13:58
ignasis there a way to add comments to files/lines/checkins when reviewing a branch for a merge?14:02
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gmbklette: http://bugs.launchpad.net/nav17:02
gmbEnjoy :)17:02
Artemis_Fowlhow do I delete a code import from launchpad?17:19
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megabyte405_I'm getting the error that my ppa upload was rejected due to missing/corrupted files despite the fact I did a dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa18:37
megabyte405_is there any other trick I might need?  The packaging is OK - I am just modifying the control, rules, and changelog to add a feature in, and uploading it to a new team ppa18:38
jamhey, I had a question about releases. When you create a new release for a series, does an announcement get made?18:54
kikojam, no, you need to do that manually. we're going to be making the release process a lot slicker this time around19:30
kikomegabyte405_, what does the error message say?19:30
jamthanks kiko19:30
jamI couldn't remember if I did it manually for 1.5, and the announcement looks identical to the release page.19:31
kikojam, you probably c-n-p'd it :)19:31
jamkiko: most likely. I just didn't find a "make a release announcement" in our release document, so I'm not sure how I knew to do it at the time :)19:32
jamthen again, it was 4 months ago19:32
dokobarry: I was asked at debconf about https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/22644719:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 226447 in launchpad "Overzealous email address checker" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:42
barrydoko: i have no word on it, but i will assign it to me and look into it19:43
dokobarry: you had the misfortune of being around, couldn't find matsubara here ... ;)19:45
barrydoko: no problem :)19:45
barrydoko: for some reason, people always come to me with email problems19:45
* doko wonders why ...19:45
Ursinhadoko, you can poke me now too about issues you normally would address matsubara20:28
dokoUrsinha: will do in the future, just wanted to pass this issue on21:03
Ursinhadoko, ok21:04
thervejust to mention that I had a weird problem with the latest bzr when pushing a branch on lp21:09
therveI was using 1.6rc2 available at http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu21:10
therveI have to go now, but I'll try to open a bug with more infos later21:11
Ursinhatherve, thanks for that :)21:35
mwhudsontherve: the bzr on bazaar.launchpad.net doesn't support stacking yet22:01
mrooneyHello, is this the right place to ask about @ubuntu.com forwards for Ubuntu members?22:20
jpdsmrooney: Probably not, what's up?22:21
mrooneyjpds: okay, two people told me launchpad sets that up, but it sounded odd to me :)22:22
jpdsmrooney: It uses your primary email address set on Launchpad.22:23
mrooneyanyway I was accepted as an ubuntu last thursday and the membership pages say your LP id will be automatically set up as a forward to your primary launchpad address22:23
mrooneybut it turns out someone already has a forward of my launchpad ID22:23
mrooneyso, I am not sure what happened22:23
jpdsmrooney: The script turns every two days.22:23
mrooneyyeah so I guess, what happens when it can't set up the forward because it is already taken?22:24
jpdsmrooney: I'd try asking in #canonical-sysadmin.22:24
mrooneyjpds: okay, thanks!22:24
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kirklandi'm looking for some basic bzr-git magic23:15
kirklandi've branched lp:bzr-git23:15
kirklandi suppose i need to copy that and rename it into my ~/.bazaar/plugins23:16
kirklandand then run bzr <something>, but I'm having trouble figuring out those steps23:16
mwhudsongenerally the rule is 'bzr get lp:bzr-<foo> ~/.bazaar/plugins/<foo>'23:16
mwhudsonthen i would _guess_ you just run bzr branch git://whatever23:17
lifelesskirkland: there should be a README or INSTALL doc23:45
kirklandlifeless: it does, it's just not terribly informative23:46
kirklandUnable to load plugin 'git' from '/home/kirkland/.bazaar/plugins'23:46
kirklandbzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/mhalcrow/ecryptfs-utils.git"23:46

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