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shishirm1sound isnt working on my khojinsha any ideas to get it working19:53
shishirm1even a click on the volume menu doesnt yield any responsr19:53
persiashishirm1: No idea really.  Like I said, it sometimes works for me, and sometimes doesn't (and I don't really understand why).19:54
persiaI have a superstition that I should leave the headphone unplugged at boot, and plug it in later to get sound, but no rational basis for this belief (and it's not 100% reliable).19:55
shishirm1well i stuck my ears to the speakers and found out its actually playing but the volume is too low19:55
shishirm1how to increase i19:55
persiaHmm.  If the normal volume control doesn't work, you can try alsamixer19:55
shishirm1sound* opening sound mixer doesnt happen19:55
shishirm1how do i open it??19:55
persiaRun alsamixer from a terminal.19:56
persiaAlso, I'm heading away, so I shan't be able to help you much tonight (I'm 3.5 hours east of you)19:58
shishirm1how to increase volume using alsamixer??20:02
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shishirmkguys someone please help me get my sound up on ume  please20:39
shishirmk:-$ i tried running alsamixer by just typing alsamixer20:40
shishirmkdies with an error20:40
shishirmkguys can any1 help me with clutter??20:54
shishirmki wanna install clutter on my UMe20:54
shishirmktried using apt-get dint work20:54
shishirmkadded repo according to clutter site still couldn get it20:54

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