
ftaJazzva, liferea is sucking my CPU for several minutes each time it updates my feeds. Do you see that too?00:08
Jazzvawith the latest update?00:11
JazzvaI haven't updated intrepid in a while00:11
ftait's not new. several weeks i'd say00:11
Jazzvai think it does, if there're new feeds00:12
Jazzvas/feeds/feed items/00:12
Jazzvasince now that it's updated, i can't reproduce it00:12
Jazzvabut it did took a lot of cpu when it was updating feeds on start00:12
ftai wonder if it's not xul, the sqlite thing00:13
Jazzvafta, can we test that?00:26
Jazzvaisn't it using system xulrunner?00:27
ftai tried to strace it once when it was at 100% cpu but there was no IO.. kind of pure CPU activity, but the last action before and the 1st after were xul related00:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac
XioNoXhi !10:12
zbranieckiXioNoX: how's your work?10:14
XioNoXyesterday evening we went to the Hall Beer Tavern, and I've show the last project to dmp10:16
XioNoXAnd he sayd that it wasn't the good way to do it10:16
XioNoXbut he helped me and explained me many things10:17
XioNoXit was interesting10:18
asachi XioNoX, hi zbraniecki10:24
asacthought you were on holiday10:25
XioNoXhi asac10:25
zbranieckiasac: I am :)10:25
zbranieckiXioNoX: dmp ?10:25
asacgood .... holiday is nice ;)10:25
asacanything special?10:25
asaclike a holiday trip?10:26
asacXioNoX: so now you know how to do it ;) ?10:27
XioNoXdmp is from xulfr, a friend of paul10:27
XioNoXnot really10:27
asacXioNoX: were are we stuck? still no store for the plugin Info?10:28
XioNoXiirc whereas using the xbl thing, he recomand to use the event load to wait the page load totally. Then analyse it in the chrome10:29
XioNoXI can push it if you want to test10:30
XioNoXthe mimetype store coreclty in the tab10:30
asacyes please push10:31
asacquick ;)10:31
XioNoXthere are some french comments10:32
XioNoXand some useless functions10:32
XioNoXPushed up to revision 98.10:34
asacXioNoX: so what is the problem with that?11:19
asac(except that you used french comments :))11:19
XioNoXFrench comments are more useful l than english one :) Specially When you are doing XUL/JS half drunk11:20
asacas long as you remove them ;)11:21
XioNoXYou can practice your french :)11:22
XioNoXiirc, If you open a tab11:22
asacerr, i want to learn good french ... not the drunken slang ;)11:23
XioNoXand then open a webpage who have flash11:23
XioNoXIt don't detect it11:23
XioNoXit don't get the mimecontent11:23
XioNoXbut if you switch tab and come back on the first one, it will show the mimetype11:24
asacit does forme11:24
asacit does that for me11:24
asacso you say when "load" is finished?11:24
asacyou probably just dont listen for the right event there?11:24
XioNoXno, the load thing11:25
asachow do you do the load thing?11:25
XioNoXthe onload event is just an idea from dmp, better than the xbl thing as he sayd11:26
XioNoXthe problem is that "PluginUsed" happen before the page is load11:33
XioNoXso at the first opening of the page/tab it don't scan for mimetype, and if you "refresh" it will show the mimetype11:34
XioNoXrefresh = switch tab11:35
bdrungasac: would you support me when i apply for joining universe-contributors team?11:46
armin76no *g*11:48
asacbdrung: whats the universe-contributors team?12:09
asacXioNoX: i dont concur with the idea to parse the whole document when its loaded12:09
asacdoesnt really help us here anyway12:09
asacas we still have to store the mime-types somewhere12:09
asacwhich brings us to where we are12:09
asacour mechanism works.12:09
asaconly thing missing is that when you have PluginUsed even that comes fromthe current active tab12:10
bdrungasac: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers (step between noob and motu)12:10
asacthat we have totrigger the menu/item activation12:10
asacanyway ... lunc now12:11
asacbe back in 1h12:11
asacXioNoX: makes sense?12:24
asacbdrung: have never heard of the ubuntu contributor term12:27
asacbdrung: but well ... how about this: you prepare two or three more extension updates ... and here we go ;)12:27
bdrungasac: htmlvalidator is in the pipe12:28
XioNoXasac, not really12:29
XioNoXstoring the mimetype per tab into the tab is ok12:30
XioNoXand the problem is when the page are "scaned"12:30
asacXioNoX: no thats not a problem imo.12:30
asacwhat you do is that you also listen for PluginUsed and whenever you get such an event check whether it comes from the current active tab12:31
asacif thats the case you enable the menu12:31
XioNoXthe way we use, the PluginUsed is called before the page is loaded12:31
asacso you disable menu entry wheN:12:31
XioNoXas sayd dmo12:31
asacXioNoX: how do you get the mimetypes atm?12:32
asacof the page?12:32
XioNoXusing pluginInfo12:32
asacand that doesnt work when the PluginUsed ewvent is emitted?12:32
XioNoXvar stuffy = aEvent.target.ownerDocument;12:32
XioNoX        stuffy.mimeContent = mimeArray;12:32
XioNoXthis work12:32
XioNoXyou have try the code I've pushed ?12:33
asacyes. it work when you switch tabs12:33
asaci dont understand whats the problem12:33
asacPluginUsed2 is called when we emit the PluginUsed event right?12:34
asacthere getPluginInfo works12:34
XioNoXmy fault12:35
XioNoXI was persuaded there was an alert() on PluginUsed212:36
XioNoXand it didn't work12:36
XioNoXso now all seam to work12:36
XioNoXI'll continue and make deeper test later12:37
asacXioNoX: yes. i really think that the only thing left is to ttest12:37
asacwhether a event comes from active tab12:37
asacand then activate menu item12:37
asac(in addition to activation when tabselected)12:37
XioNoXafter the activation of buttons, what should I do ?12:40
asacwhen the user clicks12:40
asacyou open the pluginfinder with the array of the current tab12:40
XioNoXthe pluginfinder ?12:40
XioNoXwhich one ?12:41
asaccurrently we only have the one in ubufox ;)12:41
XioNoXright :)12:41
XioNoXand that's all ?12:41
asacXioNoX: when that works, we have to improve the plugin finder so it properly handles replacement of existing plugins12:41
asacbut thats the future12:42
asacfor now get the button properly working12:42
asaccool. i think we are getting closer12:48
XioNoXok the buttons works12:48
asacI have to do some innovation to make replacing existing installs with alternatives easy12:48
XioNoXbut I've find the problem12:48
asacXioNoX: so it is greyed out12:48
asacif there are no plugins used12:49
asacand otherwise active?12:49
XioNoXhidden = true/false12:49
asacbetter grey it out12:49
asachiding is too confusing12:50
asacfor [4~ hiding is okthe status bar thing12:50
XioNoXand for the statusbar icon ?12:50
asacerr ... read the last cryptic line ;)12:50
asacwierd ... i am sure i used the proper order of words12:50
XioNoXyou have no excuse :o12:51
XioNoXfor greyed out, it is active = true/false ?12:52
asacnot sure ;)12:52
asacmybe enabled="true" ?12:52
asacbdrung: do you get any improved permissions by becoming contributor?12:54
asacbdrung: or is it just an intermediate step to MOTU?12:54
asace.g. to officially start the "career"12:54
bdrungasac: i would be a ubuntu member and thus get a @ubuntu.com mail adress12:54
asac ah12:54
asaccontribute a bit and I'll vote for you ;)12:55
bdrungbecause the contributer team is member of ubuntu-members12:55
asactoo often people come, do one thing and then go ... this whole procedure exists to see who is contributor for the long run ;)12:56
bdrungasac: i have contributed on matplotlib and xmms2 related stuff12:56
asacyou have followed up on your extension ... if you do two more i am fine to vote ;)12:56
bdrunghave a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bdrung12:57
asac"small Origami stars"12:58
XioNoXasac, the problem, is that when you open a new tab, you should see the goody good alert12:58
asacmy hands are not made for that12:58
asacXioNoX: why?12:58
XioNoXand you see it only if you swich tabs12:58
asacXioNoX: if you open a new tab there is no flash on it12:58
XioNoXI talk about tab with flash12:59
bdrungasac: you can use larger paper, e.g. 20x20 cm.12:59
sebnerbdrung: 60 day later I have worked on 147 bugs  <--- O_o . cool12:59
XioNoXit make more sens when you add the menu stuff12:59
XioNoXI've got to go12:59
XioNoXsee you later ;)12:59
asacXioNoX: sure. ... remind me that i wanted to tell you something about that13:00
asacXioNoX: once you implemented that events from the current active tab automatically active the menu13:00
bdrungsebner: may be touched 147 bugs is a better description13:00
asacthis wont be a problem13:00
asacXioNoX: ^^13:00
asacXioNoX: it should automagically work then i guess13:00
XioNoXI've copy/past what you've sayd, and I'll try to understand it later ;)13:01
asacXioNoX: oh13:01
asacbdrung: i am also looking for hel pin forwarding confirmed bugs upstream13:02
asace.g. as soon as we have neough information and a testcase we want to put those into bugzilla and follow up on eventual requests13:03
asac(just because you said 147 bugs) :)13:03
asacswell .. only if you want ;)13:12
bdrungasac: if i have time to, i can have a look at it13:14
bdrungsome search strings for launchpad?13:14
bdrungasac: i have written a script for check updates.14:56
bdrungasac: it is not completely ready, but can you have a look at it? so that i do not drive in the wrong direction.14:57
bdrungasac: where should i put the script?14:57
asacbdrung: script for check update?15:14
asacbdrung: please paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com15:14
bdrungasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37728/15:15
asacbdrung: you have a branch url to test that?15:20
bdrungasac: i have tested it locally with stanford-pwdhash.upstream/ and stanford-pwdhash.ubuntu/ in the current directory15:21
asacbdrung: does it work with remote branches too?15:22
asacbdrung: doesnt work ;)15:23
asacpython test.py "https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bdrung/firefox-extensions/stanford-pwdhash.upstream" "https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/stanford-pwdhash.ubuntu"15:23
asac`https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/stanford-pwdhash.ubuntu' must be an existing directory.15:23
bdrungasac: the files must be locally (uscan needs this)15:31
ftaapport is not using the preferred browser :(15:31
bdrungor is there a way to access directly a file of the bzr branch?15:32
bdrungshould the script pull the upstream branch, update it, commit and push back?15:33
asacbdrung: the script should do it implicitly15:35
asace.g. checkout to a tempdir and then look at the files15:35
bdrungasac: but how should the script detect if the update was already pushed to upstream branch?15:36
bdrunge.g. if you rerun it15:36
ftait's possible to get a file directly from bzr15:37
bdrungfta: how the command for that?15:37
ftabzr cat15:37
asacbdrung: you cannot detect that from upstream branch15:39
asacbdrung: you just assume that ubuntu branch has proper version15:39
asacand version isnt bumped before new upstream is merged in15:39
bdrungasac: so you are only allowed to run the script once when a new upstream release is out15:40
asacbdrung: no ... you run the script ... if upstream hasnt released anything new, it just does nothing15:40
asacbdrung: in the end I would like to have too operatoins:15:41
asactest if new upstream is available15:41
asac(thats 1)15:41
bdrungasac: 1) is easy15:41
asac2) update .upstream branch and do the merge ... if the merge doesnt work without conflict15:41
ftaisn't 1) already my check-extensions.sh ?15:41
asacleave users in a shell that is in the merge attempted branch15:41
asacfta: not for extensions packages from sources15:42
bdrungfta: where do i find this?15:42
asacfta: check extension doesnt have an operation to test for a specific branch either15:42
asacbdrung: its in a branch15:43
asacok ... a friend visits me in a second. ill be out most likely till tomorrow15:43
ftaasac, enjoy15:45
bdrunghave fun15:45
* asac suspends ;)15:45
ftai'm gonna go for sports too15:45
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