
bastid_raZortgillespie; i can't find it right off.. there is a whole list of kernels for ubuntu on the page i have though.. if i ever find it00:00
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=== Exteris^ is now known as Exteris
kevin_123I'm just using the laptop to learn lots about it so everything works smooth for my wife and family00:00
jamie25Hello, Ok so i downloaded google earth and the first thing that comes up is an error "Google Earth detected an error while trying to authenticate. Please check the following: your network connection - your firewall settings (are you blocking /opt/google-earth/googleearth-bin?)00:01
dlemcoeThat's a good idea. I plan to put Unbuntu Server on my old desktop next.00:01
kevin_123the kids love playing linux games!00:01
dlemcoejamie25, are you?00:01
dlemcoeHow old are they?00:01
KinetixSeriously, I need help00:01
jamie25how do I check?00:01
kevin_1237 and 400:01
dlemcoeEdubuntu might help you then00:01
dlemcoe(i'm 13 lol)00:02
Chris|Is today the 15th year of linux?00:02
atlef!ask Kinetix:00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask kinetix:00:02
dlemcoeJamie25, are you in su?00:02
Chris|I suppose this is off topic00:02
atlef!ask | Kinetix:00:02
ubottuKinetix:: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)00:02
Pirate_HunterChris|: its not even if ppl think it is00:02
kevin_123I'll look into edubuntu and see what different packages are included00:03
Chris|Pirate_Hunter, care to elaborate?00:03
Daisuke_LaptopChris|: 1991 was the first linux release, so at least 17 years, and not sure about the day, so...  definitely not the 15th anniversary00:03
KinetixI'm trying to get my modem working on Ubuntu (it's a Winmodem) and I found something that lets me do it (Martian). I just don't know how to install/activate said program.00:03
Chris|Daisuke_Laptop, ah ok, just saw something on the ubuntu site00:03
Pirate_Hunter!ot | Chris|00:04
ubottuChris|: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:04
jamie25Dlemcoe: Im not too sure..i typed in the terminal "su" & asked for my password00:04
Chris|Pirate_Hunter, i know :P00:04
kevin_123I've learned lots about adding to the sources.list file so it might be just as easy to do some of that00:04
jamie25i entered my password00:04
nrcx17UBUNTU RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!00:04
KinetixAnyone, help? >.>00:04
Blade_Wizard_Falanyone know how i can print out a list of songs in my Playlist in Rythmbox?00:04
Pirate_Hunterkevin_123: have you actually got a question?00:04
dlemcoeHey, is there a way to eleminate using the nautilus command to get permissions?00:05
Pirate_HunterKinetix: what you need help with, explain what happened and how it happened in detail00:05
dlemcoePirate_Hunter: He was talking at me. (I think)00:05
KinetixI'm trying to get my modem working on Ubuntu (it's a Winmodem) and I found something that lets me do it (Martian). I just don't know how to install/activate said program.00:05
kevin_123sorry Pirate_Hunter - just was talking to dlemcoe a bit00:05
burhan!info martian00:05
ubottuPackage martian does not exist in hardy00:05
Oli```How do I get virtualbox to remember the guest (XP) resolution? I have auto-resize on but when the VM window starts fullscreen, the guest doesn't resize to fill it on boot00:05
dlemcoeKinetix, if you have already asked a question and no one has answered, chances are no one knows the answer00:05
unopjamie25, su has no effect on ubuntu - the root account is not enabled for logon00:05
unop!sudo | jamie2500:06
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto00:06
ubottujamie25: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)00:06
dlemcoeHey, is there a way to eleminate using the nautilus command to get permissions?00:06
burhanKinetix: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto if you haven't already.00:06
burhandlemcoe: what do you mean nautilus command? There is no such thing.00:06
GillpyKinetix: It will probably just be easier and quicker to get some proper hardware. I say this because I once spent months trying to get a BT Voyager winmodem to word, to no avail00:07
Deranderdlemcoe: you want a nautilus with higher permissions?\00:07
Deranderdlemcoe: sudo nautilus might do it (gksudo if you're using alt+f2)00:07
dlemcoeNo no, I just want to not have to type it each time00:07
infexionyeah sudo nautilus works00:07
dlemcoeOr for the session? cool thanks00:07
infexionit puts it into root so you can change any files00:08
Deranderdlemcoe: you can change something (can't remember what) and allow yourself to login as root from the login prompt00:08
KinetixGillpy: The thing is, I have a problem that WILL make it work, except I just don't know how to use it on Ubuntu. But...proper hardware? ?_?00:08
DeranderThat'd get the same thing for the entire session00:08
Pirate_HunterKinetix: dont know if this is still valid or will work for you http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg19t13.htm00:08
KinetixI already used the scanModem tool, and downloaded the driver needed00:09
KinetixI just don't know how to install said driver.00:09
unopdlemcoe, please exercise caution when use nautilus under gksudo00:09
nrcx17chamod 77500:09
loquitus_of_borgHow would I get the directory name out of the following string, in bash: /usr/share/idl/xulrunner-
dlemcoeI understand the rusk00:09
unopDerander, nautilus should always be opened under gksudo, never sudo00:09
kevin_123what is gksudo?00:10
Gillpynrcx17: stop being an idiot00:10
Pirate_Hunterinfexion, Derander, dlemcoe: for gui with root permission dont use sudo but gksudo also dont work as root, its appropriate to open the file as root change what you want but not give yourself root privileged on the pc00:10
Deranderunop: whoops, you're right00:10
burhanKinetix: modprobe nameofdriver00:10
dlemcoeGillpy thx00:10
histoIs there a way to fix the system monitors jacked view of my network card? It thinks traffic is going for one second and stoping on the next. http://img247.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotjq1.png00:11
Pirate_Hunterkevin_123: gksudo is used to call gui applications as root or with root access00:11
Gillpyloquitus_of_borg: dirname I think00:11
unoploquitus_of_borg, var="/usr/share/idl/xulrunner-"; echo "${var%/*}"00:11
Daisuke_Laptopkevin_123: nearly the same thing, but gksudo uses the current user's preferences and permissions where applicable to avoid permissions problems00:11
histoI'm wondering if its because it s gigabit card running at 100mb00:11
kevin_123ok thanks.  I didn't know there was that option00:11
histoOther monitors show that my network traffic is not doing this odd beharvir...00:11
KinetixThe driver is Martian00:12
Gillpyloquitus_of_borg: dirname /usr/share/idl/xulrunner-
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=== root is now known as Guest48832
Pirate_Hunterhisto: sorry dont see anythign wrong with you graphics but yeah a lot of net traffic00:13
burhanhisto: that's not what that graph displays.00:13
jamie25So I should run gksudo for google earth?00:13
histoPirate_Hunter: not my graphics see how the net traffic goes up and down00:13
histoburhan: Pirate_Hunter it shows traffic for one tic and then 0/kbs for the next tick00:13
histoPirate_Hunter: burhan I've checked with nettop and this is definately not the case its just displaying it that way.00:14
histoYou can see this by the wave in the graph and the spikes up by the clock.00:14
atlefjamie25: enable your medibuntu repositories in synaptic an install google earth from there00:14
unopjamie25, not if you don't have to. actually, you should never have to00:14
histoatlef: you can install the individual packages may be a better idea00:15
burhanhisto: you see the two arrows? One is in blue and the other in purple? The graph is not showing 'in and out' like that.00:15
Pirate_Hunterhisto: wouldnt be bale to help you there dont even know where to start especially since the image shows you arent receiving any traffic00:15
atlefhisto: well it seems he has problems with that, so...00:15
dlemcoeOh my god. I am sick of GPG00:15
nrcx17Kubuntu kde300:16
burhanhisto: its a trend graph that is updated every seconds; the blue line only shows your downlink activity; if you increase the timeout, the graph will sort it self out.00:16
dlemcoeI put my fingerprint into launchpad, I get the e-mail in Evo and it will not parse it00:16
Blaqlightdlemcoe, use PGP instead.00:16
Blade_Wizard_Falanyone know how i can print out a list of the songs in my playlist on rythmbox?00:16
dlemcoeAre you serious? I'm not paying for it! lol00:16
Blaqlightdlemcoe, well then ...00:16
dlemcoegpg: decryption failed: secret key not available00:17
* JoshuaRL is up, up, and away: Gone away for now.00:17
=== JoshuaRL is now known as JoshuaRL|away
loquitus_of_borgHow would I do something like export FOO = `dirname `locate nsISupports.idl -l 1``. Problem is I have a nested command inside the ``00:17
Pirate_HunterBlade_Wizard_Fal: you mean print the playlist of all your songs on screen?00:17
nrcx17I HATE COMCAST00:17
jamie25atlef: how do I enable medibuntu repositories00:17
dlemcoenrcx this is not the official rant channel00:18
qr_loquitus_of_borg: use $(command) instead of `command`, you can nest them that way00:18
jamie25sorry i wasnt finished the question00:18
Gillpynrcx17: /join #rant00:18
atlef!medibuntu | jamie25:00:18
ubottujamie25:: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:18
Blade_Wizard_Falpirate_hunter: no, i mean print out a list of all the songs in the playlist00:18
Pirate_HunterBlade_Wizard_Fal: weird never thought of that, well i dont know but do tell if you find out, have you searched online just incase00:19
dlemcoeWhat legal reasons would there be?00:19
atlefdlemcoe: ?00:19
dlemcoeatlef: wut/00:20
greggeis Alsa on when I disable Pulseaudio.. or do I need to do anything else?00:20
Blade_Wizard_Falpirate_hunter: wasn't really sure where to look, so no, ive not searched online..00:20
histoburhan: No I don't htink you understand it says receiving 300K/s then goes to 0k/s every tick.  I was downloading an iso at the time just to show.00:20
atlef[01:19:44] <dlemcoe> What legal reasons would there be?00:20
Pirate_HunterBlade_Wizard_Fal: try google with search criteria ubuntu playlist print or something close to that00:20
dlemcoeOh, medibuntu I was referring to00:21
dlemcoeCan someone help me with GPG?00:21
IndyGunFreakdlemcoe: state your question...00:21
cambazzhello. how can I remove a service, such as apache from starting up00:21
atlefdlemcoe: did you go to the link provided by ubuto?00:21
greggeis ALSA on by default when I disable Pulseaudio?00:21
tuxeduptoday I bought a new mouse, but I am encoutering a problem with it.  When x first starts the mouse works (for about 3 secconds) but afterwards I m unable to use the mouse.  The buttons work, but Icannot move the cursor.  Any ideas what I should look into?  It is a plain old 3 button usb optical wired mouse00:21
arooni_____is there anyway to watch olympics on ubuntu hardy?  i thought zattoo would work.. but it doesnt let me download (i'm from US)00:21
* Pirate_Hunter anyway past bed time got work later on so see yah for now ppl00:21
cambazz(I am on a headless system)00:21
dlemcoeThank you. I put my fingerprint into Launchpad, then I get the e-mail and Evo will not parse it even with my e-mail in it00:21
thingfishcambazz: I think you might be able to do that with sysvconfig00:22
candiveHi all, Can Ubuntu 8.04.1 be installed without user name and password??? If I install without entering name & passwrd will install continue??? thank you00:22
Pirate_Huntergregge: if you disable pulseaudio i would suggest going into sound settings and changing it back to alsa00:22
burhancambazz: install bum00:22
histoburhan: This has to be a known bug00:22
burhancambazz: oh, headless -- try man update-rc.d00:22
burhanhisto: could be check lp00:22
IndyGunFreakcandive: i would say that is highly unlikely.. you can set it to skip the login screen if you like, but its gonna probably require some user to be set up00:22
burhancandive: no00:22
greggePirate_Hunter: Ok.. where do I find the sound settings?00:22
trigpini need help with bash , im trying to make a script , when no ping it reconnects to wlan000:23
Kvasten^anyone know how to install ventrilos codec?00:23
burhantrigpin: #bash00:23
candiveThank you I though so00:23
trigpinburhan,  thanxs00:23
Pirate_Huntergregge: system>pref>sound00:23
dlemcoeDid anyone see and could help me with my GPG prob?00:23
* IndyGunFreak sighs00:23
greggePirate_Hunter: *hrm* thanks :)00:23
Pirate_Huntergregge: but if youre asking me that it means you never had changed your sound settings so dont mess with them, would probably explain why you disabled pulseaudio thinking it wasnt working00:24
zChrisI cant play musin in audacious and music in flash at the sametime, any solutions ?00:24
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: hi, why do you sigh00:24
kevin_123is there any way to sync Evolution with another computer?  Like Plaxo  and Outlook?00:24
histoburhan: I found it hardy picks the wrong driver for my card.00:24
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: cuz sometimes, people here just make me sigh..lol00:24
greggePirate_Hunter: Ok. thanks for the info00:25
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: yah i knwo what you mean... "ill leave it as that"00:25
loquitus_of_borgqr_: would that work in a makefile? Like say something like: FOO = $(locate somefile -l 1)00:25
DuKiSahi i have grub eror 21 who i can fix it :| ?00:25
DuKiSai have that problem when i change my computer :|00:25
=== arooni_____ is now known as arooni
* Pirate_Hunter anyway bye "bye IndyGunFreak take over lol"00:26
CrocoJetexist some package to add/edit partitions (ext3/ntfs) in fstab ?00:27
DuKiSaanobady can help me :|?00:27
unoploquitus_of_borg, if you are writing a makefile, you should follow the POSIX sh shell syntax, not bash syntax (for portability) .. and $() is bash syntax00:27
CrocoJetI have ubuntu 8.04 and I saw "UUID" in fstab, what is it ?00:27
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: what do you mean when you changed your computer?00:27
dlemcoeEvolution is giving me this about GPG:00:27
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak when i took 64 bit machine00:27
ladyfantasy$() is also ksh00:27
DuKiSafrom 32 :|00:27
DuKiSai have that problem :|00:28
zChrisCrocoJet: its a unique identifier for that hardiskpartition00:28
DuKiSai reinstal kubuntu00:28
DuKiSaand nothing :|00:28
FloodBot1DuKiSa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:28
DuKiSai download last version and nothing :|00:28
unopCrocoJet, a UUID is a unique identifier, each partition/filesystem has a unique one00:28
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: how exactly did you "downgrade"00:28
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak translate :| ?00:28
CrocoJetzChris, how can I generate one UUID for my new harddisk, I would like automatic mount00:29
candive! flood00:29
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:29
DuKiSadon`t undested my englis very bad :|00:29
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: did you install 32bit Ubunty over 64bit, or what did you do?00:29
weatherheadCrocoJet: you don't mount a hard disc, you mount a partition00:29
CrocoJetyes sorry partition00:29
zChrisCrocoJet: you can use their names like /dev/sda3 instead, UUID is good if you move the harddrives around00:29
unopCrocoJet, on should have already been generated .. as long as the partition has a filesystem.   blkid /dev/sdXX00:29
CrocoJetoh ok00:29
histoburhan: trying to blacklist the wrong module hopefully it will find the proper one. Rebooting wish me luck00:30
CrocoJetlike old version so00:30
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak i install the last version of kubuntu kubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i38600:30
DuKiSaand when i start kubuntu i have grub error 2100:30
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: so how ar eyo here now?.. on another computer or the live CD or what?00:30
Kvasten^whats the big difference on kubuntu and ubuntu?00:30
burhanKDE vs. Gnome00:30
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak on windows this is other hdd :)00:30
zChrisKvasten^: what burhan said00:30
alistair_Whats best pse swfdec or gnash? (swf player)00:31
DuKiSai have two hdd one is for kubuntu one is for windows00:31
Kvasten^whats the different on KDE and Gnome then? :£00:31
IndyGunFreakKvasten^: its just preference really.... try both, decide what you like.00:31
CrocoJetdo I need put "relatime" ? "/dev/sdb1   /bkp1   ext3   relatime    0       2"00:31
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak and :) what to do ?00:32
trigpinKDE is cluttered and compicated while gnome is simple but thats just my opinion00:32
weatherheadpersonal preference00:32
weatherheadand KDE is broken in ubuntu, but that's my personal opinion00:32
viciouslimeyes, kubuntu is nothing short of hideous00:32
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: will you take a paxil, i'm trying to decipher this... if i have an answer, i'll tell you... did you disconnect one hard drive while installing ubuntu?00:32
weatherheadglad we agree on one thing ;-)00:32
viciouslimeif you do want to use kde, just forget about ubuntu00:32
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak yes of course00:32
shoeunitedSome windows users like KDE.00:32
weatherheadyes you want mandriva.... actually what am I saying00:32
viciouslimebut don't worry, you won't want to use kde, it's horrid too :P00:32
Daisuke_Laptopagain, that's personal opinion.  there's no need to be bashing kubuntu00:32
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: well thats your problem00:33
Shadowkllrkde is working fine for me, infact gnome for some reason doesn't like my vid card00:33
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak no00:33
viciouslimeyeh sorry00:33
DuKiSai discconet and now00:33
Kvasten^can someone say what preference means in swedish?00:33
DuKiSawhen i try00:33
viciouslimeall of that is just my opinion00:33
FloodBot1DuKiSa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
DuKiSato run00:33
zChrisShadowkllr: weird00:33
DuKiSaubutnu :|00:33
dlemcoeWhat does "Secret key not availible" mean?00:33
stemount^Kvasten^: preference is like a choice... or a favourite00:33
stemount^Kvasten^: that make sense? :)00:33
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: post your problem on the forums, see if they can help you.. http://www.ubuntuforums.org00:33
weatherheaddlemcoe: it means your secret key is not in your GPG keyring... if you've lost it completely, you're as we say in the geek world "hosed"00:33
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak oke thanks :)00:34
Kvasten^stemount^ is it the look? like different themes?00:34
dlemcoeAnd is "hosing" reversabel?00:34
* shoeunited thinks The gnome kde should be in #ubuntu-offtopic, but Gnome's original plan was to be a Mac similarity, while KDE was for windows fans.00:34
dlemcoeAnd is "hosing" reversable?00:34
stemount^Kvasten^: exactly00:34
IndyGunFreakshoeunited: i disagree, i think they were just intended to be two different GUIs00:34
Kvasten^stemount^ like chaning theme in explorer in windows?00:34
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak i found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6271700:34
DuKiSamany people have that problem :)00:34
stemount^Kvasten^: Like changing Windows' theme, yes00:35
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak some say Google super grub and follow instructions =] :|00:35
Daisuke_Laptopthere are only so many ways to arrange a 2-dimensional GUI, there are bound to be similarities somewhere.00:35
weatherheaddlemcoe: if you've lost your secret key, and all means to revoke your key, then you have absolutely no chance to recover data encrypted with it00:35
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: then i woudl follow that advice00:35
weatherheadthe NSA could probably do it given 18 months00:35
dlemcoeThere is no data with it right now00:35
Kvasten^stemount^ slackware (Startx) is KDE right?00:35
weatherheadok well just revoke it, and start afresh00:35
dlemcoeI JUST did that00:35
Daisuke_LaptopKvasten^: slack's a good choice if you don't want even halfway decent package management.00:36
dlemcoeAnd I just did: "--gen-key00:36
stemount^Kvasten^: yes, Slackware is KDE00:36
viciouslimeis there a nice easy gui way to turn off tap to click in hardy? :)00:36
Daisuke_Laptopsuse would probably be a better option00:36
weatherheadslackware is a good choice if you want to spend all your time on linux deliberately breaking things just for the sadistic pleasure of spending days fixing them00:36
IndyGunFreakstemount^: not necessarily, it has any GUI you want to put w/ it.00:36
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak oke thanks a lot :Df00:36
weatherheadbut then that is just my opinion00:36
IndyGunFreaki've used slackware w/ xfce00:36
Kvasten^Daisuke_Laptop i have tryed slackware, but i think is very hard..00:36
stemount^IndyGunFreak: indeed, but isn't KDE the default?00:36
Kvasten^stemount^ okay, then i have tried it :) i like Gnome mutch more :)00:37
dlemcoeweatherhead, What's the deal with my secret key, how can I maek a new one00:37
IndyGunFreakKvasten^: what is yoru rpoblem w/ Ubuntu.?00:37
weatherheaddlemcoe: do you know anything about public key encryption?00:37
stemount^Kvasten^: did you have something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Slackware.png00:37
IndyGunFreakstemount^: i don't think so.. i actually thought Xfce was. could be wrong though, been ages since i used it(since the idea behind slack is to be light, i'd be very surprised if it defaults to KDE)00:37
Kvasten^stemount^ yes00:37
dlemcoeNot really00:37
Kvasten^stemount^ exactly00:37
stemount^Kvasten^: yeah, KDE then00:37
dlemcoeI JUST made a new key, put da' fingerprint in launchpad, and I cannot make it work00:38
weatherheaddlemcoe: I suggest you look at it.00:38
Kvasten^IndyGunFreak i cant find out what codec i need to run ventrilo in ubuntu..00:38
IndyGunFreakKDE is to Operating Systems, as Rosie O Donnell is to Playboy Playmates00:38
weatherheadit's worth knowing the very basics before you get into it00:38
dlemcoecan you help me just so I can sign this dang Codofconduct?00:38
IndyGunFreakKvasten^: well what is ventrilo?00:38
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak you use slackware too ?00:38
IndyGunFreakDuKiSa: i have00:38
stemount^IndyGunFreak: a voice application, like Skype and Teamspeak00:38
Kvasten^IndyGunFreak a talk program for gamers.00:38
DuKiSaIndyGunFreak have slackware installation like kubuntu grapich ?00:38
Daisuke_LaptopIndyGunFreak: rosie sits on top of the playmates and provides a graphical user interface?00:38
IndyGunFreakic.. never used it or heard of it.00:38
IndyGunFreakDaisuke_Ido: lol..00:38
weatherheaddlemcoe: basically you need to generate a new key pair, delete the old one forget it ever existed... then export the secret key somewhere ... REALLY REALLY REALLY safe where noone can get at it00:39
weatherheadexcept you00:39
milanwhat is a good media player?00:39
stemount^Kvasten^: I thought Ventrilo wasn't around for Linux?00:39
IndyGunFreakmilan: vlc is good.00:39
dlemcoehmm i see00:39
Tyler_Number_1Tyler iz da best! Tyler iz da bomb! all bow down to da great Tyler!00:39
Tyler_Number_1here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! Tyler IZ DA BOM!!!00:39
Tyler_Number_1the crowd chants: Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler00:39
* dlemcoe makes new key00:39
Tyler_Number_1GO TTyylleerr!!00:39
Tyler_Number_1Tyler iz da best! Tyler iz da bomb! all bow down to da great Tyler!00:39
Tyler_Number_1here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! here we go Tyler here we go! WOO! WOO! Tyler IZ DA BOM!!!00:39
GillpyTyler_Number_1: bye00:39
FloodBot1Tyler_Number_1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!00:39
Tyler_Number_1the crowd chants: Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler00:39
dlemcoeIs a key pair the same as00:39
candiveas for mixing distros I,m Dr. Frankenstien00:39
Tyler_Number_1GO TTyylleerr!!00:39
Tyler_Number_1Tyler iz da best! Tyler iz da bomb! all bow down to da great Tyler!00:39
weatherheaddlemcoe: the beauty of the system is that you can give your public key to anyone and everyone, and they can encrypt stuff that you can only decrypt with your secret key00:39
Kvasten^stemount^ you can make a server. the client is possible to run throw wine00:40
kevin_123a ridiculously newbie question, but here it is...I'm using Ubuntu with gnome.  Can I still use KDE programs?00:40
Kvasten^stemount^ but how is the question..00:40
jribkevin_123: yes00:40
Daisuke_Laptopkevin_123: absolutely00:40
dlemcoeI know that part of it, but how do I make a, pair. --gen-key?00:40
weatherheadbut, word of warning, also make sure you have revoke certificates in a safe place, and set an expiry date on every key you make, especially if you export it to a keyserver00:40
IndyGunFreakkevin_123: of course, you'll just have to install a lot of kde liraries00:40
stemount^Kvasten^: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173700:40
Daisuke_Laptopi use amarok exclusively as my audio player :D00:40
stemount^I see iTunes ;-)00:40
Kvasten^stemount^ thx. ill type when im finished00:40
stemount^Kvasten^: :)00:40
Kvasten^stemount^ <3<300:41
candiveWhat was that?????????? a test??????????00:41
zanberdoquestion: what group must a user be a member of in order to ssh into a machine?00:41
dlemcoeweatherhead: can you answer the questipn plz00:41
jribzanberdo: none.  ssh is not enabled by default by the way00:41
jrib!ssh > zanberdo00:41
ubottuzanberdo, please see my private message00:41
weatherheaddlemcoe: to my shame I have never used gnuPG from the command line, only via GUI from KGPG00:41
weatherheadso I do not know00:41
kevin_123does having a lot of libraries installed slow things down?  Is it like services in windows?00:41
Kvasten^stemount^ how to see my wine version?00:42
dlemcoeHow do I go about getting KGPG?00:42
IndyGunFreakkevin_123: naa.. what are you wanting to install that is a KDE app?00:42
weatherheaddlemcoe: are you on GNOME?00:42
partisan11kevin_123: I use Krusader & Konsole in Ubuntu Hardy and they work well (even though designed for KDE)00:42
Daisuke_Laptopkevin_123: nowhere near as terrible as windows00:42
stemount^Kvasten^: how did you install it?00:42
Kvasten^stemount^ wine doors..00:42
dlemcoeweatherhead: yes00:42
weatherheaddlemcoe: then I suggest using whatever gnome's equivalent is, instead of installing all the kde libraries etc. With this I can't help you, i have never really used GNOME00:42
IndyGunFreakkevin_123: what exactly are you installing ?00:42
Kvasten^stemount^ and playwithlinux00:42
kevin_123I was just looking at Edubuntu and saw it's gnome based but comes with a KDE Edutainment suite so I was curious00:43
dlemcoeoh. Okay thanks00:43
dlemcoeEdutainment, wow00:43
IndyGunFreakweatherhead: installing the kde libraries, takes about 2min, its not really an issue.. just like it wouldn't be an issue to install gnome libraries on KDE to run a Gnome app00:43
weatherheaddlemcoe: you could look for a tutorial on gnuPG though00:43
Kvasten^stemount^ i allready made that guide. but it steel ask for the codecs..00:43
kevin_123as you can see - this is my FIRST linux install so I'm learning lots :)00:43
stemount^Kvasten^: I have no idea :(00:43
weatherheadIndyGunFreak: I know, but still if it's the only Qt app you're gonna run00:43
dlemcoeLook, I just want to sign this codeofconduct and CANNOT BELIVE it is so hard00:43
Hamled|Erphas anyone else had an issue with Adobe's Reader app where it consistently and continuously leaks memory and does not exit, and uses a very large portion of the CPU (considering that it shouldn't even be running anymore) ?00:43
Kvasten^stemount^ :(:(00:43
viciouslimedlemcoe: applications/accessories/passwords and encryption keys :)00:43
weatherheadIndyGunFreak: GPG is the kind of thing you want tightly integrated into your DE00:43
IndyGunFreakweatherhead: true, but if he likes that particular QT app, its nto a dealbreaker to install KDE libs.00:44
ScarEye_Hey guys, Do you guys know if there is a Kubuntu 4.1 ISO ?00:44
stemount^ScarEye_ Retro anyone? :)00:44
ScarEye_using kde 4.1 ?00:44
IndyGunFreakweatherhead: i didn't see him mentioning anything about GPG..00:44
weatherheadIndyGunFreak: I know, but he doesn't "like that particular Qt app" he's never tried it00:44
milan what is a good media player?00:44
viciouslimeScarEye yes00:44
viciouslimeit's called kubuntu KDE4 Remix00:44
weatherheadwell I assumed that's what we were on about with things like --gen-key floating around00:44
Gillpymilan: mplayer00:44
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications00:44
Daisuke_Laptopweatherhead: again, it's about choice.  i only use one kde app, but that app's just *that* good.00:44
Gnea!media | milan00:44
ubottumilan: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:44
weatherheadDaisuke_Laptop: I know... incidentally what app is it00:45
ScarEye_vicioulime:  KDE4 Remix is running 4.000:45
IndyGunFreakweatherhead: ?.. thats dlemco rattling about that, not kevin_123 (to my knowledge)00:45
Daisuke_Laptopweatherhead: amarok.00:45
viciouslimeoh right yes sorry00:45
IndyGunFreakkevin_123: what exactly are you wanting to install that is a KDE app?00:45
viciouslimeyou have to add a nother repo to upgrade to 4.100:45
weatherheadDaisuke_Laptop: I use a few GTK apps,00:45
stemount^Kvasten^: go to #ubuntu-se - It's a swedish support channel :)00:45
RockjHum, where do I configure ubuntu to start amarok instead of rythmbox when I insert my ipod nano?00:45
borkI'm having problems generating keys on hoary -- they all get flagged as compromised: (http://rafb.net/p/ekGxF484.html). I've updated ssh-keygen... anyone have any ideas?00:45
Kvasten^stemount^ thx :)00:45
Daisuke_Laptopweatherhead: and oh sweet jesus don't recommend exaile, rhythmbox, or banshee - all are severely lacking in my opinion :D00:45
weatherheadIndyGunFreak: sorry IRC burnout. I'm a suse man we have like 4 lines every 2 hours to deal with :-P00:45
IndyGunFreakRockj: system/pref/preferred apps00:45
viciouslimeScarEye: pretty sure there's no iso though00:45
Daisuke_Laptopbork: yeah, use a supported release.00:46
IndyGunFreakweatherhead: lol.00:46
weatherheadDaisuke_Laptop: I only use KDE, so I wasn't likely to recommend anything other than amarok00:46
Daisuke_Laptopweatherhead: ahh00:46
ros_rossalguém do Brasil??00:46
borkack, I meant hardy00:46
dlemcoeThis is just crazy. It is taking me an hour JUST TO sign this Codeofconduct. Why is it SO HARD00:46
weatherheadDaisuke_Laptop: but not on ubuntu00:46
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:46
weatherheadI don't have an ubuntu install at the moment00:46
RockjIndyGunFreak, Ive tried setting custom in multimedia tab and execute command  amarok without any success00:46
=== B3z3rk3r is now known as B3z3rk3r|Coffee
viciouslimeDaisuke_Laptop: there's nothing wrong with rhythmbox! :)00:46
borkDaisuke_Laptop: meant hardy, sorry00:46
ScarEye_Are you guys mostly using gnome or kubuntu00:46
IndyGunFreakRockj: are you sure you're putting the right command in there?00:46
cambazzhello. i got postgres running at a remote host, and  I like to allow access only tru a certain ip. how can I do this with iptables?00:46
Daisuke_Laptopviciouslime: that's like saying there's nothing wrong with unnecessary amputation00:47
teqHi, can someone help me synicing my iphone with amarok? Thanks!!00:47
viciouslimeDaisuke_Laptop: :P what do you use then?00:47
RockjIndyGunFreak, pretty sure I type amarok , yes.00:47
Daisuke_Laptopviciouslime: if you're a masochist, then that's true00:47
Daisuke_Laptopviciouslime: amarok00:47
dhall43231hey can someone tell me a good channel to go to to ask question about webpage development00:47
DefunctProcesswhich program to use for ripping from cd to mp3?00:47
IndyGunFreakRockj: what exact file are ar eyou trying to assign to amarok?00:47
weatherheadBTW, whoever was on about iphone, if it's not jailbroken you're hosed00:47
dlemcoeCan someone Query me and help with GPG. I am quite frustrated00:48
RockjIndyGunFreak, I plugin my usb-thingie to my ipod and rythmbox is starting instead of amarok :/00:48
viciouslimeDaisuke_Laptop: I used to love amarok, but after a few months using rhythmbox.... i prefer rhythmbox00:48
weatherheaddlemcoe: sorry I didn't realise you were just signing it. It's probably not even gpg you need00:48
arturo_on_railsHi guys, has anybody ever wiped a hard disk so no data can be recovered?  I want to know how much time it takes.00:48
Gillpydhall43231: #web maybe ?00:48
weatherheaddlemcoe: I just saw private key and assumed you were encrypting stuff. What are you actually trying to do00:48
IndyGunFreakRockj: ah.. ok.. i'm not sure if you can get an Ipod to autostart Amarok or not.. never tried myself.00:48
Gillpydhall43231: just a guess though00:48
Daisuke_Laptopviciouslime: i actually went the other way, i started with rhythmbox, and then went to amarok00:48
candiveBIG Hammer and drills00:48
RockjIndyGunFreak, I just got myself an iPod - I guess ill figure it out somehow tho00:49
* weatherhead prefers whatever is best integrated to the DE he is using, which is KDE, and therefore, amarok00:49
regulardrakehey guys00:49
IndyGunFreakRockj: what kind of ipod?00:49
viciouslimeDaisuke_Laptop: fair enough, the beauty of choice lol :)00:49
=== B3z3rk3r|Coffee is now known as B3z3rk3r
RockjIndyGunFreak, iPod nano v300:49
weatherheadexcuse me, a KDE/GNOME debate has just started on #suse :p00:49
weatherhead... and it's ended00:49
IndyGunFreakRockj: cool.. good luck getting it workin.. :)00:49
dlemcoeweatherhead: signing the Ubuntu Code o' conduct00:49
TurboBeedoes anyone know of a xen guide for ubuntu 8.04 ?00:49
weatherheaddlemcoe: what is that?00:50
borkI'm having problems generating ssh keys on hardy -- they all get flagged as compromised: (http://rafb.net/p/ekGxF484.html). I've updated ssh-keygen... does anyone have any ideas?00:50
dlemcoeweatherhead: https://edge.launchpad.net/people/00:50
Daisuke_LaptopRockj: in nautilus > edit > preferences > Media, change Music Player from Rhythmbox to Amarok00:50
IndyGunFreakDaisuke_Laptop: he tried that.00:50
IndyGunFreakhis ipod is still opening rhythmbox00:51
mortal1hello all, is ubuntu still having difficulties with flash plugins in firefox?00:51
kevin_123anyone know of a site with good instructions to jailbreak an iPhone of iPod touch?00:51
=== maha is now known as MarissaMeyer
mortal1err 64 bit firefox?00:51
IndyGunFreakkevin_123: google.00:51
kevin_123flash works for me00:51
Shadowkllrquestion-(just trying to understand an apache concept)-I have nothing in the directory that apache points to right now, but I was trying to setup phpmyadmin, so I followed the tutorial and added "Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf" to the apache conf.....well it worked so i now type localhost/phpmyadmin, im justnot sure why it worked and i would like to know what's actually going on00:51
mortal1thought adobe would have released a 64bit version of their flash plugin by now00:52
RockjDaisuke_Laptop, ahh. Thanks. Now I just need to figure out how to get Amarok to display in that menu :)00:52
jribmortal1: nope, click the yellow bar that shows up in firefox when you need flash (visit badgerbadgebadger for example).00:52
IndyGunFreakRockj: i thought you said you tried that?00:52
GillpyShadowkllr: not right place to ask try #apache00:52
Shadowkllrah ok00:52
Daisuke_LaptopRockj: or you could set it to do nothing, and open amarok manually00:52
RockjIndyGunFreak, I didn't try nautilus preferences, only system->pref->prefered applications..00:52
IndyGunFreakoh ok00:53
kbrosnanjrib: that flash plugin won't work for 64 bit linux00:53
nullmin1how can I delete a list of files using rm?00:53
l337ingDisorderI need a bit of help please - what should I have for dinner?00:53
jribkbrosnan: yes it will.  nspluginwrapper will be set up automatically00:53
Mythrilwhich command allows you to run a command per word of input (Do I even make sense?)00:54
Daisuke_Laptopl337ingDisorder: stop.  if you have a legitimate question regarding ubuntu, then ask00:54
GillpyMythril: you dont make sense00:54
mortal1jrib, I'm on a amd64bit system.  I went and installed the plugin as usual as i would do for a 32bit system00:54
mortal1but it doesn't work00:55
jribmortal1: what do you mean by "as usual"?  Be specific00:55
RockjDaisuke_Laptop, IndyGunFreak : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=844654    (the gedit trick will do this I guess, BRB - killing X )00:55
mortal1i.e. i went to a site that said i needed flash, I 'clicked to install plugin' and auto downloaded the flash-nonfree from the repos00:56
mortal1when I restarted firefox flash still didn't work00:56
jrib!who | mortal100:56
ubottumortal1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:56
IndyGunFreakmortal1: didn't you say you're using 64bit?00:56
erichammondMythril: Are you looking for xargs?00:56
mortal1IndyGunFreak: yes00:56
jribmortal1: what version of ubuntu?00:56
IndyGunFreak!flash64 | mortal100:56
ubottumortal1: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava00:56
Mythrilerichammond yes, exactly00:57
Mythrilerichammond think you00:57
erichammondMythril: Note that xargs will run one command for each N arguments.  If you want to do it once per individual argument, use xargs -n100:58
mortal1IndyGunFreak: it says "no install canidate00:59
IndyGunFreakmortal1: dunno, i don't mess w/ 64bit...00:59
IndyGunFreakif i wanted problems while computing, id' use vista00:59
weatherheadIndyGunFreak: 64-bit is great,01:00
mnk0ahh fwk01:00
IndyGunFreakweatherhead: i guess great is in the eye of the beholder, i found the hoop jumping ridiculous, and it wasn't "that" much faster than 32bit(barely noticeable to me)01:00
TurboBee is this guide ok to use for ubuntu hardy ?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen01:00
weatherheadIndyGunFreak: I do a lot of audio/multimedia work, really found a massive boost in performance in some things01:00
mortal1weatherhead: so do I need to go and download a 32bit version of firefox?01:01
jdlcrxhi, I CANT add more images to my wallpapers list.. Im using ubuntu01:01
mortal1per se the howto?01:01
alistair_Whats best pse swfdec or gnash? (swf player)01:01
jdlcrxUbuntu hardy01:01
IndyGunFreakmortal1: did you follow the instructions int hat link I sent you?.. i do know that, yes, y ou need to do that.01:01
jribmortal1: no, you don't need to.  That would work, but it's not necessary01:01
DefunctProcesswhich program to use for ripping from cd to mp3?01:01
* IndyGunFreak stands corrected01:01
DazedI'm having a problem with pidgin.. I've set it up with google talk and msn, and it gives me new email notifications, even tells me the subject line of all my unread mails... but when i click the buttons to go to the inboxes.. it takes me to the login page, and doesn't login for me... is there anything I can do?01:01
IndyGunFreaki thought thats what that link said.01:01
mortal1those instructions look out of date for hardy01:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:01
jribIndyGunFreak: it says more01:01
B3z3rk3rjdlcrx: pm me if u need a walk thru01:02
jribIndyGunFreak: 32bit flash works on 64bit firefox through nspluginwrapper01:02
mortal1jrib: so according to the guide it says I need to manually install a copy of ubuntu besides the one that I already have01:02
IndyGunFreakjrib: gotcha..01:02
jdlcrxI can't add wallpapers using the "add" button...01:03
jribmortal1: no it doesn't... read the introduction01:03
theraptorhow can I make ubuntu recognise my linksys wireless-g notebook adapter01:03
jribmortal1: pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy nspluginwrapper'01:03
freddyr0Mermie is an spamming bot01:04
jribmortal1: sorry, I meant: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree01:04
Odd-rationaletheraptor: can you pastebin the output of "lspci | grep Network" ?01:04
jribfreddyr0: are you one as well?01:04
ikoniafreddyr0: Mermie is not in #ubuntu01:04
freddyr0but im receiving a lot of spam01:04
freddyr0now from pulsebombu01:04
ikoniafreddyr0: that is nothing to do with ubuntu - visit #freenode01:05
jribfreddyr0: tell #freenode01:05
freddyr0oh im sorry then01:05
theraptorOdd-rationale: 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)01:05
DazedI'm having a problem with pidgin.. I've set it up with google talk and msn, and it gives me new email notifications, even tells me the subject line of all my unread mails... but when i click the buttons to go to the inboxes.. it takes me to the login page, and doesn't login for me... is there anything I can do?01:05
rikyriverajoin #aix01:06
shonenhey everyone01:06
Odd-rationaletheraptor: you have a broadcom chip. try enabling it in the System --> Admin --> Hardware Drivers01:06
teqHi, can someone help me synicing my iphone with amarok? Thanks!!01:06
IndyGunFreaktheraptor: you'll need to download the firmware for that device..01:06
theraptorthanks, I will try that01:06
freddyr0whats aix?01:06
kevin_123"install the Windows version of mono to run .NET applications"  -  does anyone know how to fix this or should I go to the wine channel?01:06
DefunctProcesswhy cant i select mp3 in sound juicer?01:06
Odd-rationaletheraptor: let me know if you need help. i have the exact same chipset...01:06
mortal1jrib: ^01:06
FAJALOUHi my friends is using GTK windows themer and when he  double click the titlebar, the window maximizes; it doesn't scroll it up.  How can he fix this?01:06
ikoniakevin_123: if you want to install windows stuff - wine is the only real option01:07
HackerlifeHi I am using GTK windows themer and when i double click the titlebar, the window maximizes; it doesn't scroll it up.  How can i fix this?01:07
ikoniaHackerlife: sounds like your using compiz01:07
teqWhere can i get help to sync my iphone with amarok?01:07
kevin_123that last quote was my message when trying to install a windows app with wine01:07
ikoniaHackerlife: sorry, you should / want to use compiz01:07
ikoniakevin_123: ok there you go then01:07
Hackerlifeikonia: yes i am.01:07
dumbdumHello, I want to download "Zenmap" the gui for Nmap. Could someone supply the correct syntax?01:07
IndyGunFreak!ipod | teq all i'll say is, good luck.01:07
ubottuteq all i'll say is, good luck.: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:07
weatherheadkevin_123: you could install mono and try that01:07
weatherheadkevin_123: like it says01:07
jurochecking my system, Opera takes up 48% of my cpu power ...01:08
jribmortal1: pastebin the output of 'ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins', the contents of 'about:plugins' when you put it in your browser, and what http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/about/ says about your version of flash01:08
FAJALOUikonia:  in compiz animations shade animation is set to shade,,, but it maximizes anyways.01:08
ikoniaFAJALOU: huh ?01:08
ikoniaFAJALOU: are you having the same problem as hackerlife ?01:08
kevin_123is mono a linux app?01:08
FAJALOUlol it's the exact same problem; i was asking for him,,, but he got on :p01:09
kevin_123I can't install it with apt-get01:09
ikoniakevin_123: you'll need the .net version most porbably01:09
FAJALOU in compiz: The animations plugin: shade animation is set to shade,,, but it maximizes anyways.01:09
kevin_123maybe have to use windows to jailbreak my ipod :(01:09
FAJALOUkevin_123:  doesn't amarok work well w/ an ipod?01:09
RockjWhat command does ubuntu run when ejecting an usb/ipod device?01:09
ikoniaRockj: basiclly unmounts it01:10
weatherheadkevin_123: mono is a linux app. Not sure how to install it in ubuntu01:10
FAJALOUikonia: does that make sense?01:10
theraptorOdd-rationale: it seems to work now thanks01:10
kevin_123someone here said that you would need to jailbreak your ipod to get it to work in linux01:10
Rockjikonia, but just unmounting it with unmount is not enough. Doesnt trigger funky "disconnecting" thing on my ipod01:10
kevin_123oohhh - ipod touch01:10
Odd-rationaletheraptor: np01:10
ikoniaFAJALOU: not really01:10
henuxI am compiling some project what uses GL/glu and GL/glut.h but its not finding them. Which packages do I have to install?01:10
Rockjikonia, I think there is some eject thingie01:10
ikoniaRockj: eject "device file" maybe01:11
mortal1jrib: ^01:11
ikoniaRockj: there is an eject command01:11
IndyGunFreakRockj: jsut right click and choose unmount... wait a second, and disconnect01:11
Rockjhum, it is mounted with gvfs-fuse-daemon ..01:11
=== neurobuntu is now known as slayton
Rockjit has to have some kind of user command that I can call to eject as normal user01:11
Rockjinstead of using sudo .01:11
ikoniaRockj: right click on it on the desktop01:11
Bytor4232Anybody know why mplayer isn't even trying to disable gnome-screensaver?01:12
ikoniaRockj: is it mounted in userspace ?01:12
Bytor4232gmplayer does, but mplayer itself does not.  It only tries to disable xscreensaver.01:12
Bytor4232xubuntu 8.04.101:12
jurocan anyone tell my why Opera (operapluginwrap) eats up nearly 50% of my cpu resources?01:12
Rockjikonia, yes, I guess. And there is no desktop icon for the ipod01:12
shonenhey everyone01:12
weatherheadjuro: at the risk of being obvious.... because it's shit01:12
Rockjubuntu mounts it automagically when inserting usb-thingie01:13
ikoniaRockj: you guess ?01:13
ikoniaRockj: probably not usrspace then01:13
kevinOO!language | weatherhead01:13
ubottuweatherhead: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:13
Rockjand I configured nautilius to fire up amarok automagically when I insert usb.01:13
juroweatherhead: hmm, interesting comment. why would you say that?01:13
Rockjikonia, gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/rockj/.gvfs type fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon (rw,nosuid,nodev,user=rockj)01:13
RockjI guess that's userspace?01:13
weatherheadjuro: why bother to use a proprietary app when firefox, konqueror etc are as good?01:13
weatherheadisn't this why we ditched windows in the first place01:14
ikoniaRockj: if you unmount it then it should be safe to remove01:14
mortal1jrib: did you see my post?01:14
weatherheadand as you say, it's a bit of a resource hog on desktop systems01:14
juroweatherhead: ever heard of cross browser testing?01:14
mortal1weatherhead: have you gotten flash to work on 64bit?01:14
weatherheadjuro: I have heard of it, but I don't like to think about it. The market penetration of opera is what, 1% or something?01:14
weatherheadmortal1: in suse, yes.01:14
B3z3rk3rjuro: if you are having probs with Opera, have a look at this link http://www.linuxhaxor.net/2008/07/02/9-web-browsers-for-linux/01:14
Rockjikonia, /dev/sdd1 on /media/IPOD type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,flush)01:15
ikoniamortal1: I have it working here, no problem01:15
Rockjthere we go01:15
ttstyi have a problem with power management01:15
weatherheadmortal1: I don't use ubuntu, so Isuppose I can't help you there01:15
ikoniaRockj: thats different01:15
ikoniaRockj: can you unmount it01:15
jribmortal1: yes, but did you pastebin the other two things I asked for?01:15
juroB3z3rk3r: thank you.01:15
ttstyi configure it to tunrn the monitor auto, but it doesnt work01:15
juroweatherhead: so?01:15
mortal1jrib: that website gave me no info01:15
B3z3rk3rjuro: no01:15
mentathey guys is there a way to access my WINDOWS admin SHARES aka c$ over my network using ubuntu01:15
mortal1it just says click here to install plugin01:15
Rockjikonia, yup - but ipod still says it is connected tho.01:15
weatherheadjuro: I don't know. I don't understand web development and I guess I never will.01:15
B3z3rk3rjuro: lol..meant np01:15
ikoniamentat: sure, samba01:15
mortal1even though it's already installed01:15
ttstyis there any other utility can do this01:16
mentati tink its instalked01:16
weatherheadWhy aren't there just proper standards that web browsers properly adhere to01:16
mentatwhats the next step?01:16
ikoniaRockj: what about if you do eject /dev/sdc or what ever it was01:16
weatherheador are there.... but if they are why is cross browser testing necessary01:16
ikoniamentat: do you know how to mount drives ?01:16
danhshey, I have a pretty simple question01:16
Rockjikonia, give me a sec, Ill try01:16
mentatnot really01:16
mentatbut i notice that i have a FOLDER called MEDIA01:16
danhsikonia: Iuse the panelplugin01:16
mentatand its shows my C: drive files01:16
juroweatherhead: there are. the biggest problem is Internet Explorer (surprise!) but all of them are a bit different01:17
mentatbut not my efghior j01:17
ikoniamentat: sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=your_windows_user //yourwindowsbox/yourshare /your_local_mount_pojnt01:17
Rockjikonia, not eject. My cdrom came out - hehe01:17
mentatah thanks01:17
jribmortal1: and the final missing thing?01:17
danhsHow can i forward system alert emails to my outside email address?01:17
ikoniaRockj: can you not do eject /dev/sdc1 ?01:17
ikoniaRockj: or whatever the device file was01:17
mortal1i couldn't find an about pluigns thing01:17
danhsI saw this article http://www.g-loaded.eu/2007/12/07/email-notifications-from-a-linux-system/ about forwarding emails that are sent to root01:17
danhsfor stuff like cron jobs01:17
unopweatherhead, sometimes the standards are vague and each browser is implemented subject to interpretation01:17
weatherheadjuro: I know they are different, I use konqueror :-) I like to think of it as "creative"01:17
ikoniadanhs: set up an mta01:17
danhsbut I'd like to get alerts sent to my gmail account01:17
jribmortal1: type "about:plugins" in your address bar and press enter01:17
mortal1or whatever you requested, it came out with a :p in the middle01:17
danhsikonia: I need to setup a whole mta?01:17
weatherheadyet another reason why "web applications" are just wrong01:17
danhsikonia: I can't use smtp or something?01:18
Rockjikonia, I used eject %d in amarok, where %d is device .01:18
jribmortal1: exactly what?01:18
juroweatherhead: no, creativity starts and stops with lynx01:18
ikoniadanhs: how else do you expect your local mail client to forward to the outside world01:18
mortal1seperate that : and p for me01:18
weatherheadjuro: touche.01:18
ikoniaRockj: thats interesting01:18
danhsikonia: an mta seems pretty heavyweight if all I want is to get email alerts01:18
ikoniadanhs: not really01:18
mortal1I'm seeing it as a tounge face thing01:18
jribmortal1: you just did it... it's a : and a p01:18
ikoniadanhs: your box has no way of going to the outside world01:18
RockjIll try from command line ikonia - before ggeting amarok to act as it should01:18
danhsikonia: no?  how could I setup a really simple mta for just this limited purpose?01:18
ikoniadanhs: are you on a dsl / cable line at home ?01:19
teqIn the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone tutorial, can some one tell me what does "installer" means?01:19
danhsand once done, how could I get emails from my local user account sent to my internet email01:19
danhsikonia: yes01:19
Rockjikonia, eject /media/IPOD actually tells me that device is busy..01:19
ikoniadanhs: then  you shouldn't set up a mail server01:19
mortal1I don't know where an : p about plugins thing is01:19
ikoniaRockj: ahh its it in use/locked by armaok ?01:19
ttstypower management doesnt work with me.01:19
teqikonia, can u tell me how to sync my iphone with amarok?01:19
mortal1could you tell me where to look?01:19
ttstycan some one help01:19
danhsikonia: ?  I don't want a mail server...just want to send alerts to gmail acount01:19
ikoniateq: no, sorry01:19
dmoernerteq, you are supposed to follow these isntructions: http://www.touchdev.net/wiki/How_to_Escape_Jail01:19
ikoniadanhs: you need a mail server to get the mail from your box to the outside world01:20
danhsikonia: but you said I shouldn't set one up01:20
ikoniadanhs: correct01:20
ikoniadanhs: mail server are not for use on home lines01:20
jribmortal1: go to your address bar and type all of the following without spaces: a b o u t : p l u g i n s01:20
danhsikonia: okay, so how should I get emails to my gmail account when cron fails?01:20
mortal1ah thank you01:20
ikoniadanhs: without some form of smtp server running, I don't see how you can01:20
shonendahns: you need some type of external routing to an open mailserver, which isn't really....easy to find. it's apparently easy for you to tie in mutt or a mail client to the gmail servers if you have an account.01:21
ikoniashonen: cron can't use things like mutt01:21
shonenmail can i believe01:21
danhsshonen: this must be a rather common situation.  if my mail stays on the local box (work box or my home server) it's not so useful to me01:21
jurohas anyone managed to get the Mysql Tools running on Ubuntu? (or can point me to something similar)01:21
ikoniashonen: Hmmm maybe01:21
danhsshonen: I don't use the cli mail applicatoin.  I use gmail all the time01:21
ikoniajuro: uwhich tools ?01:21
=== ttsty is now known as testy
Daisuke_Laptopjrib: what's wrong with actually typing that out?  config i could understand, it's easy to screw things up, but afaik, plugins is just a list of installed and activated plugins01:21
testypower management doesnt work with me.01:21
testycan some one help01:21
shonena cli application would be something that you will need to look into i would think if you are running a script01:22
juroikonia: Mysql Tools (mysql Query Browser, Mysql Administration Tool, etc)01:22
ikoniajuro: working fine here01:22
jribDaisuke_Laptop: :p turns into a smiley for mortal1 and he didn't understand what I wanted01:22
juroikonia: how did you install them?01:22
ikoniajuro: just selected the packages out the repos and clicked "install"01:22
alistair_Hi I have swfdec installed, but get this message on youtube:01:22
alistair_Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.01:22
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:23
ximdoes ubuntu hardy come with a mail server installed and running automatically?01:23
Daisuke_Laptopxim: no01:23
shonendahns: im going to go out on a limb and say you are using ubuntu :-P http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78050901:23
ikoniaxim: postfix is marked as default01:23
Daisuke_Laptopthat would be fairly irresponsible if it was running by default01:23
shonenshows one way to accomplish updates.01:24
shonenor emails like you would like01:24
fleaso , it has to be well known, network-manager is broken for wep ?01:24
Daisuke_Laptopflea: works perfectly fine01:24
fleastill having to start wlan0 via command line here01:24
ikoniaflea: some cards have issues with wep/drivers01:24
Daisuke_Laptopwe have different cards, it would seem01:24
shonenflea, it depends on the card and chipset you have. Broadcom is one that CAN cause problems, but they have a driver for it now.01:25
fleai mean even network-manager not the applet is broken, i can not add/edit networks01:25
alistair_how to Enable the Multiverse repository??01:25
ikoniaflea: I again suspect that is down to your card01:25
fleashonen: ok, its bcm01:25
Daisuke_Laptop!multiverse | alistair_01:25
ubottualistair_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories01:25
weatherheadflea: network manager is always broken01:25
ximikonia: is postfix modular or like compatible?  im trying to use php mail, do you know if that works with postfix?01:26
shonenhave you tried installing the restricted driver for the bcm card?01:26
ikoniaweatherhead: thats harsh01:26
* flea thx god for understanding iwconfig 01:26
fleashonen: yes01:26
jribmortal1: let me try installing the version you have here01:26
ikoniaxim: php's mail command is not mail server specific01:26
fleaiwconfig is not a prob01:26
shonenhaha iwconfig is fun01:26
weatherheadikonia: I didn't mean completely broken :-) Just, like stubborn01:26
fleai just wanted a new system to work with all its gui's not 99.9% of them01:26
mortal1ikonia: what did you have to do to get flash working on a 64 bit system?01:26
fleacan iwconfig call dhcpcd/dhclient?01:26
shonenright clicking on network manager, make sure enable wireless is up?01:27
ikoniamortal1: just install the plugin01:27
ikoniaflea: no01:27
fleai dont know how, thus having to call dhclient after01:27
ikoniadhclient "device"01:27
ximikonia: so as long as php is correctly running, then the default (postfix) mail thing should work with it?  do you know where i could find any info on how to test it to see if it is working?01:27
mortal1odd, I installed the plugin using the mozilla repo fetch thingy01:27
mortal1didn't work01:27
danhsikonia would ssmtp do the trick for me?01:27
ikoniaxim: it won't just send mail out on to the internet, you have to set up your mail server01:27
danhsor esmtp01:27
fleathx all, just wanted to make sure i wasnt totally crazy01:28
alistair_Daisuke_Laptop, this seems to do nothing in terminal: !multiverse01:28
ikoniadanhs: I personally don't think so, as smtp servers should not be run on home lines, and ISP's normally block them01:28
* Daisuke_Laptop headdesks01:28
jribmortal1: ok, I tried and it's working so lets start over.  Open a terminal and do 'sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree'01:28
Daisuke_Laptopikonia: go to the link that popped up when i entered that01:28
ximikonia: i dont wanna make you expalin too much but im not really even sure what to put into google to find out about it01:28
shonenssmtp can use remote smtps i believe, like gmails01:28
Daisuke_Laptopalistair_, not ikonia01:28
ikoniaDaisuke_Laptop: entered what ?01:28
danhsikonia: why couldn't I just connect to gmail's smtp server?01:29
mortal1lol hang on01:29
danhsseems easy enough01:29
ikoniaxim: where are docs on setting up mail servers01:29
mortal1I just went to badgerbadgerbadger.com01:29
mortal1and it worked01:29
ikoniadanhs: because you won't be able to authenticate01:29
FloodBot1mortal1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:29
ikoniadanhs: and cron is dumb in the way it mails out01:29
jribmortal1: heh, ok.  Make sure something like google video works01:29
entropy51423Anyone have Open Arena?01:29
Dusk_my wireless button of laptop doesn't work..i can connect the wireless networks even if it's closed01:29
mortal1um, what did i do again?01:30
jribmortal1: nothing01:30
jdrakeIs it possible for these: http://ubuntu.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/linux/ubuntu/releases/hardy/MD5SUMS to be wrong? I have downloaded a cd with a combination of jigdo and bittorrent but the cd does check out when booting it in a vm.01:30
ximikonia: thx i think i found something01:30
jribmd5sums | jdrake01:30
jrib!md5sums | jdrake01:30
ubottujdrake: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.01:30
jribjdrake: check against those01:30
shonenikonia: i thought you could set smtp authentication in ssmtp01:30
mortal1ubuntu is criticizing my lack of compound sentences? lol01:30
entropy51423Anyone have Open Arena? If so you want to play online?01:31
jdrakeThey are not the same as mine.01:31
ikoniashonen: your right, but he was asking how to connect directly to a remote gmail server I believe01:31
ikoniaentropy51423: please don't canvas in here01:31
ikoniaentropy51423: look for players01:31
fleanm-editor seems to be incomplete01:31
jdrakeWhat does the integrity test do exactly?01:31
DuKiSablah :|01:31
DuKiSagrub error 15.. anobady can help me;|01:32
Dusk_my wireless button of laptop doesn't work..i can connect the wireless networks even if it's closed01:32
entropy51423okay, I was just realizing I have it by default signed into the wrong thing, sorry01:32
jribjdrake: "they" being the ones on the wiki and "mine" being the ones you computed on your machine with the file you downloaded?01:32
jdrakejrib, yes01:32
entropy51423Is there a off topic section for Ubuntu01:32
jdrakeI would think the torrent would at least have been nice.01:32
ikoniaentropy51423: #ubuntu-offtopic01:32
entropy51423okay thanks01:32
jribjdrake: you sure it finished downloading completely?  Checked the size?01:32
DuKiSagrub error 15.. anobady can help me;|01:33
jdrakeTransmission says it is done, I can't compare the size because I only ever seek them in kilobytes, not bytes.01:33
jribjdrake: what image exactly?01:34
alistair_so to enable Swfdec Flash Player do I just go to the multiverse repository and enable everything there?01:34
some_personfor some reason, the computer freezes indefinitely when it goes into the screensaver. it doesn't freeze up when I go into the screensaver options menu. anyone know why this happens?01:34
jdrakeb51cab654f1c0c3c0e54eebffa9f3d79  ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso      732501870 bytes01:34
bazhang!grub | DuKiSa01:34
ubottuDuKiSa: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:34
ikoniaalistair_: no,01:34
ikoniaalistair_: just install the "flashplugin-nonfree" package01:34
DuKiSabazhang i don`t have that problem i have problem grub error 15..01:35
DuKiSai don`t install windows after that and that shits..01:35
bazhangDuKiSa, read the second link01:35
bazhangDuKiSa, no cursing01:35
ikoniaDuKiSa: please mind the language01:35
DuKiSaikonia oke sryy :|01:35
mortal1DuKiSa: earmuffs man, earmuffs01:36
DuKiSabut my problem is.... grub error 15.... i must fix it i install fresh ubuntu when i start grub error 1501:36
DuKiSai reload grub and nothing:|01:36
jribjdrake: I'll download it here and check, give me a couple of minutes01:36
ikoniaDuKiSa: read the second link as bazhang suggested01:36
DuKiSagrub error 21*01:36
bazhangDuKiSa, actually read the link.01:36
jdrakejrib, thank you01:36
DuKiSabazhang i read it yesterday.01:36
alistair_ikonia, Tks01:36
SeaPhorDuKiSa, look here also,,, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76601901:37
alistair_ikonia, still get the '01:37
alistair_Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.01:37
alistair_' msg01:37
isharisi <3 ubuntu01:37
bazhangDuKiSa, not very carefully apparently01:37
DuKiSaSeaPhor error 21 not 15 my fall :|01:38
isharisI moved from Windows afte 5+ years ;)01:38
isharisit feels so great01:38
ikoniaalistair_ you have multiple flash version installed from what I read earlier01:38
the_darkside_986Hi everyone. I am trying to customize an Ubuntu start menu to look like Windows 2000's start menu. It helps new Ubuntu users here. I looked in the Gnome registry (gconf-editor) but I couldn't find the settings for it. Thanks.01:38
isharisi'm officially a linux fanboy. :)01:38
* SeaPhor agrees with bazhang 01:38
the_darkside_986*I mean, just the button itself on the panel.01:38
ikoniathe_darkside_986: thats just an icon theme01:39
DuKiSablah anobady can help me with grub error 21;|01:39
ikoniaDuKiSa: read the linnk01:39
the_darkside_986Ok could someone point me to information about how to set the icon theme.01:39
ikonia!icon > the_darkside_98601:39
ubottuthe_darkside_986, please see my private message01:39
bazhangDuKiSa, perhaps make a post on the forums when you know your grub error or have read some links given you.01:39
Bytor4232isharis: Welcome to the darkside.01:39
the_darkside_986ubottu has no idea about it either.01:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:39
isharisBytor4232: Bright side, rather. :-)01:40
CorpseFeederHow do I make Amarok play through USB audio card?01:40
Bytor4232isharis: Depends on your perspective ;)01:40
isharisI was usually seen in the blue screen of death.. :D01:40
jdrakeWhere does transmission store informatoin? ~/.transmission doesn't have anything01:40
ikoniaDuKiSa: grub error 21 21 : "Unknown boot failure"; This error is returned if the boot attempt did not succeed for reasons which are unknown.01:40
alistair_ikonia, I have movie player, swfdec and gstreamer thats OK isnt it?01:40
jribjdrake: bbd21ded02c06b41c59485266833937a  ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso   agrees with the wiki01:40
B3z3rk3rthe_darkside_986: u just want to change your icons?01:40
ikoniaalistair_: I thought you had installed flash earlier ?01:40
jdrakejrb, did you use a torrent?01:40
alistair_ikonia, I took other off because I thought would be conflicts can you advise what I need to install?01:41
ikoniaalistair_: I suspect its not been removed correctly01:41
jribjdrake: downloaded directly from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/01:42
the_darkside_986B3z3rk3r, i am aware i need to change an icon but i don't know which one. something that starts with a d and is a png, but that's all i remember.01:42
alistair_What should be removed correctly?01:42
ikoniaalistair_: I don't know, I don't know how you installed it01:42
jdrakeWould rsync work good enough to try to fix the one I have, if it is broken?01:42
jdrakeI don't want to download that much when I already have something that should be mostly complete01:42
jribjdrake: no idea if rsync can do that01:43
ikoniajdrake: no01:43
CorpseFeederHow do I make Amarok play through a USB audio card? I don't see any option to select it for output. In Rhythmbox I can just choose it in System>Preferences>Sound... but Amarok just ignores this selection....01:43
ikoniajrib: it wasn't started with rsync so can't resume01:43
isharisWhat are the major changes between 8.04 and 8.04.1?01:43
ikoniaisharis: bug fixes01:43
isharisOr one best minor fix01:43
computerhi what is = to ipconfig for linux so i can find out my router's ip?01:43
computerin command line01:43
Daisuke_Laptopisharis: just the updates that have come out between then and .1's release01:43
isharisikonia: How easy is it to upgrade?01:43
isharisI'm on 8.04.01:44
ikoniaisharis: very01:44
Daisuke_Laptopcomputer: ifconfig?01:44
computeripconfig /all01:44
ikoniaisharis: you've probalby already updated if you've connected tot he intenet01:44
Daisuke_Laptopisharis: have you been updating?01:44
Daisuke_Laptopif so you're already there01:44
jake_where do i go to register my nick on here?01:44
isharisI had updated when I installed Ubuntu.01:44
isharisIs that it? :O01:44
ikonia!register | jake01:44
ubottujake: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.01:44
ikoniaisharis: your done01:44
isharisHow do I check version number?01:44
isharisDetailed version number.01:45
Daisuke_Laptopit won't show as 8.04.101:45
ikoniaisharis: lsb_release -a01:45
ikoniaDaisuke_Laptop: yes it will01:45
Daisuke_Laptopsuffice it to say that if you've been updating, you have the same thing01:45
Daisuke_Laptopikonia: ah, nice01:45
isharisI'm on 8.04.101:45
isharisThanks, ikonia01:45
FloodBot1isharis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:45
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.01:45
Daisuke_Laptopikonia: wasn't sure that would actually change01:45
ikoniaDaisuke_Laptop: base doesn't relese does, check it out01:46
=== mum_ is now known as michalski
alistair_ikonia, What you have to do with Linux is to close and restart FF before Flash works I just found - hope that useless bit of information is useful!!!01:46
ikoniaDaisuke_Laptop: handy to know base release and current update01:46
=== jake_ is now known as hoody
ikoniaalistair_: not really, I'm working fine01:46
Daisuke_Laptoprelease didn't change, but description did01:46
Daisuke_Laptopquite nice, actually01:46
jdlcrxIm having a problem, my images files are not considered as it.. I mean.. when they are images.. normally u can see a preview as an icon on a browser window.. but i cant01:46
jdlcrxand by the way01:47
isharisI agree with you Daisuke_Laptop, it's clean. :)01:47
jdlcrxsomebody can tell me how can i send a bug report?01:47
CorpseFeedercan someone tell the people in the #amarok channel to wake up? Thanks.01:47
alistair_Can anyone advise what they do with xchat to be notified when someone addresses them eg sound??01:47
ikoniajdlcrx: login to launchapd.net and log a bug01:47
mentat_hey guys quick question01:47
chieffancypant1how do I adjust the preference of wireless networks?  I keep switching over to my neighbors account01:47
Daisuke_Laptopalistair_: settings > preferences > alerts01:48
mentat_just got the message01:48
michalskihey im having some trouble adding policy to firestarter01:48
amenadochieffancypant1-> uncheck roaming mode01:48
mentat_i just got an error when running the following command01:48
OntologThe Network Settings wizard sucks. It doesn't actually apply my Location change unless I modify something in the location. Also I still must do a manual sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart after getting my changes "applied".01:48
mentat_mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //mentat-pc/backup2,01:48
mentat_       missing codepage or helper program, or other error01:48
mentat_       (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might01:48
mentat_       need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)01:48
mentat_       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try01:48
chieffancypant1amenado: Thanks homeslice01:48
mentat_       dmesg | tail  or so01:48
FloodBot1mentat_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:48
Nutt718Hello everyone01:49
ikoniahi Nutt71801:49
michalskihello im having some trouble adding policy to firestarter01:49
michalskican anyone help?01:49
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix-da-catz
alistair_Daisuke_Laptop, just to get it right this message I just sent you is a private message or what?01:49
ari_stressmorning guys :)01:49
Nutt718Is there a Linux version of Tunebite?01:49
isharis#windows actually exists :O01:50
mentat_can ya check that out01:50
ikoniaNutt718: no idea01:50
goanookielol isharis01:50
mentat_thats the error i get01:50
ikoniamentat_: what command are you using01:50
Daisuke_Laptopalistair_: i didn't get any private messages01:50
mentat_sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=your_windows_user //yourwindowsbox/yourshare /your_local_mount_pojnt01:50
isharisgoanookie: lol.. I thought freenode was for open-source stuff. :D01:50
Nutt718any applications similar to Tunebite?01:50
slaytonfreenode is for LOTS of things01:50
ikoniamentat_: that was an example command I gave01:50
slaytonmore then just open source01:51
mentat_i filled in the blanks with my info01:51
goanookieisharis, strange people everywhere of should I say stupid :p01:51
ikoniamentat_: you need to start reading a few docs and not just typing blindly01:51
alistair_OK so its not a private messagfe then I will set up another chat windows and figure out thank you.01:51
ikoniagoanookie: no - you shouldn't01:51
mentat_ikonia: i ran the command u gave me and put my info in place01:51
ikoniamentat_: have you got eh smbfs package installed ?01:51
BostonHey I installed kde then it used kdm as the main boot thing so i then uninstalled kdm so it would boot gdm and now it doesn't boot unless i go in recovery mode and type gdm into the prompt, how do i fix this?01:51
lusepuster_Hello channel! Are there any graphic MPD admin tools out there? For database creation, config and so?01:51
mentat_im sure i do01:51
mentat_let me double check01:52
bcarlyon|laptopHey all, question, is it possible to edit grub from within ubuntu so that if I reboot the computer it will start windows instead and then return to ubtunu as default at next reboot?01:52
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: yup, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:52
lordleemo alistair_ http://www.xchat.org/faq/#q217   http://www.xchat.org/faq/01:52
lusepuster_bcarlyon|laptop, I'm not sure <i understand what you want?01:52
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: change the default option to match your windows menu number01:52
lusepuster_bcarlyon|laptop, but qgrubedit is a nice tool to edit hte grub menu01:53
Bostonhow do i set gdm as my default boot manager?01:53
bcarlyon|laptopThe thing is I set up WoL on the box, but need the ability to boot into windows or ubuntu, but ubuntu is the default01:53
alistair_OK I have looked at FAQ but this is what I want to do say lordleemo you reply to this message - I want to be notified.01:53
mortal1...what happened to zsnes in 8.04?01:53
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: I've just told you how to make windows the default01:54
mortal1it's not in the repos01:54
alistair_Please bear with me I will try some settings for notification01:54
bazhang!info zsnes01:54
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 879 kB, installed size 4060 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)01:54
bcarlyon|laptopWill that switch it back to ubtunu at next reboot since Windows wont let me edit grub since windows doesnt recognise the drive01:54
bazhangmortal1, sure it is01:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about easycrypt01:54
lordleemoalistair_: system prefrences sound  choose the event ie notification and select the sound file01:54
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:55
mortal1bazhang: all i see is visual boy01:55
lordleemoalistair_: i cant help more than that as im on irssi01:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm01:55
mortal1and i thought for sure i had all the multi universe whatever enabled01:55
Alistairalistair_ test message01:55
syazdaniquick question. I have set my ubuntu box to be static ip and now dns server is not working. Looking at /etc/resolv.conf it seems like things have changed quite a bit in the new version. Is there a good documentation on what I'm supposed to do to fix this?01:56
seekingtruthhello sinners01:56
Bostondoes anyone know how to siwtch the default display manager01:56
lusepuster_bcarlyon|laptop, so you want Windows to be the default boot option?01:56
bcarlyon|laptopOnly for a single boot process01:56
ikoniasyazdani: nothing has changed01:56
bcarlyon|laptopSince I am remote access the machine01:56
bastid_raZor!ot | seekingtruth01:56
ubottuseekingtruth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:56
ikoniasyazdani: resolv.conf works the same in 8.04 as it did in 6.06 and early01:56
seekingtruthbastid_raZor: are u OP here?01:57
bcarlyon|laptopFor example remote in to ubtuntu reboot to windows then reboot from windows back to ubtunu ikonia01:57
ikoniabastid_raZor: easy on the comment there, he only said hello01:57
bazhangseekingtruth, take chat elsewhere.01:57
UncleTimmyAnybody have problems with their DVD burner immediately closing after being opened? This is the 2nd burner in a row..01:57
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: I've told you what to do01:57
syazdaniikonia: alright, then it doesn't work the way it does on gentoo I guess. There is a warning saying do not edit this by hand.01:57
seekingtruthbazhang: ditto01:57
pajamianbcarlyon|laptop: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Booting-once_002donly.html#Booting-once_002donly01:57
ikoniasyazdani: it works exactly the same was way as it does in gentoo01:57
ikoniasyazdani: nameservers are listed in there01:57
mortal1this is very odd, does anyone know why zsnes wouldn't show in the repos for me01:58
syazdaniikonia: in where? I just want to add my nameserver to resolv.conf. I have static ip, so dhclient is not being called, but I don't want to edit /etc/resolv.conf if there is a better place to edit it.01:58
mortal1virtual boy, gsnes98x etc all show01:59
Juston-CTCis there a program that will let windows users run linux applications. Like wine for linux01:59
ikoniasyazdani: you have to edit resolv.conf - thats what it's there for01:59
bazhangmortal1, you need to enable the proper repo01:59
Nixk490i need some hlep with my screen resolution01:59
ikoniasyazdani: you can put static info in there01:59
ikoniasyazdani: as I said it works exactly the same in every other distro01:59
pajamiansyazdani: the network manager is the place to edit your nameservers.  If you don't use the network manager then you should be fine editing resolv.conf directly.01:59
chieffancypant1Juston-CTC: look into cygwin01:59
syazdaniikonia: so, I should just ignore the big warning in that file.01:59
Juston-CTC ok01:59
Juston-CTCi will try that02:00
ikoniasyazdani: which warning ?02:00
alistair_Well this is crazy - I dont get beep sound notification, but with nothing checked my tray icon still blinks must be a bug02:00
syazdaniikonia: in the /etc/resolv.conf02:00
chieffancypant1Juston-CTC: np02:00
bcarlyon|laptopThanks ikonia will have a play02:00
ikoniasyazdani: what does it say02:00
mortal1bazhang: I have all the multi uni etc verse repos enabled under soft sources02:00
chieffancypant1is there no nickserv on freenode?02:00
syazdaniikonia: This is what it says:02:00
syazdani# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)02:00
FloodBot1syazdani: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
ikoniasyazdani: your not using dynamic02:00
ikoniasyazdani: so yes, you can ignore that02:01
ikoniasyazdani: although I'm concerned why you have that warning, I don't see it in an 8.04 box02:01
bazhangmortal1, then refresh and apt-cache search zsnes ; if successful it will show up; if not then paste /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com (NOT here)02:01
Nixk490can enyone help me with screen ressolution problems02:01
Juston-CTCI can help you02:02
Alistairalistair_ test message02:03
macrosHello, I just tried to encode a video with Avidemux under Linux. But surprisingly it's only 1/20 ! as fast as my Win with the same Programm. Whats wrong?02:03
ikoniaAlistair: could you please not test in here,02:03
macrosI'm encoding in x26402:03
ikoniamacros: thats quite cpu internsive02:04
alistair_ikonia,  well OK but nobody seemed to know the answer which I have just found for notification. Cheers.02:04
mortal1is there a command line to refresh the package sources so i can show you i did it right?02:05
macrosikonia: I Know that, but the Windows XP on the same PC is so much faster, as I said, approximatly 20 times02:05
alistair_To get visual notification of list messages directed to yourself you place your list name within the highlight options box. If you do not do that you get notified by all.02:05
CharelBhow do i can add a Second Screen on Ubuntu02:05
ikoniamacros: better algorhythem02:05
bombshelter13d 580702:06
ikoniaalistair_: you don't have to tell the channel, only you was asking about it02:06
pajamianmacros: unless you're running avidemux as root it may be limited in its CPU resources in order to prevent it from hogging the CPU.02:06
ikoniamacros: is your cpu multi-core, I think I remember something about this02:06
macrosikonia: Yes it is02:07
Kernelhow can i start a program that runs in X over ssh? i want it started locally.02:07
macrospajamian: I will try it, wait a second02:07
ikoniamacros: I recall a similar situation with mencoder and as I recall, you have to pass specific options to get it (as in that codec) to be multicore aware02:07
faileasi'm thinking of prototyping an install i want to do in VMware and moving it over. Is there any tool that will let me use an entire install as a base to generate a new install disk?02:07
bcarlyon|laptopKernel, woule it not be easier to VNC to your box and start it that way?02:08
pajamianmacros: try ikonia's suggestions first, he probably knows more than I do about this.02:08
Kernelbcarlyon|laptop: no. i dont want to use vnc.02:08
faileasikonia / macros sorry to butt in but what software?02:08
ikoniafaileas: a video encoder02:08
faileasKernel: ssh -X (or small x)02:08
ikoniaKernel: ssh -X02:08
Kerneli need to ssh from computer b into computer a and start a graphical program on computer a02:08
faileasikonia: ffmpeh?02:08
mrynitin my update manger i get this "The list of changes is not available yet." how long do i have to wait until i can see what hte changes are?02:09
pajamianKernel: ssh -X foo@bar.com02:09
ikoniafaileas: small -x is block x02:09
ikoniafaileas: no02:09
Kernelfaileas: ikonia pajamian that didnt work02:09
Tom_nugginGAYS, GAYS important question. What would the plural of platypus bez,  Platypussies?02:09
faileasikonia: i can never remember case :(02:09
macrosfaileas: Avidemux using the x264 Codec02:09
[3][Finity]Anybody mind helping me connect to a windows shared folder on my wife's computer please?02:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about luks02:09
bazhangTom_nuggin, stop02:09
faileasmacros: then no idea.02:09
Kernelthis is what i get:02:09
Kernelssh 'mythfrontend'02:09
Kernelroob@'s password:02:09
Kernelxprop:  unable to open display ''02:09
Kernelmythfrontend.real: cannot connect to X server02:09
FloodBot1Kernel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:09
pajamianKernel: X server needs to be running on the target machine as well, plus it has to have the program you want to run.02:09
Tom_nuggin[3][Finity] okay02:10
Kernelpajamian: x is running on computer a. and the program is installed on computer a02:10
[3][Finity]ty :)02:10
ikoniaKernel: the server and client need to have x forwarding set to "yes" in the client and server config files02:10
mortal1http://rafb.net/p/VQe77I64.html <-- my sources.list as requested02:10
cleverroot     24563 92.4 10.4  55264 53852 pts/4    R+   22:07   2:51 localedef --no-archive --magic=20051014 -i en_AU -c -f UTF-8 en_AU.UTF-802:10
cleveri cant kill this process:(02:10
KinetixDAMN UBUNTU02:10
clevernot even kill -9 does anything!02:10
Kernelikonia: i dont want to run the program on computer b. i want the program running on computer a. computer a is the computer im sshing INTO02:11
pajamianclever: sudo kill -9 2456302:11
Daisuke_LaptopKinetix: softmodem?02:11
qr_clever: try sudo kill -9 ... nothing is more powerful than that.02:11
ikoniaKinetix: please stop that02:11
bazhangcaps Kinetix02:11
[3][Finity]kill-9 24563 doesn't work ?02:11
cleverqr_: im allready doing it as root02:11
ikoniaKinetix: if you want support - ask a question, calmly and politly02:11
mortal1well SHOUTING is OBVIOUSLY the ANSWER ... or not02:11
ikoniamortal1: please don't feed it02:11
macrospajamian: Running it as root doesn't bring noticeable benfits02:11
cleverqr_: it wont die and its using 100% system cpu usage02:11
qr_clever: what program is it, are you sure it's not just starting back up again?02:11
ERICH_laphow do I get Atheros drivers to load on boot?02:11
pajamianmacros: then you probably should try to find the option that makes avidemux multi-core aware.  Sorry, I don't know what it is.02:11
linxuz3rsup guys02:11
cleverqr_: i sent the kill signal to the EXACT SAME PID 3 times, nothing02:12
qr_clever: because really, nothing should survive kill -902:12
cleverqr_: if it was just starting back up, it would have a new pid02:12
ikoniamacros: if you do a "top" in one window, wach it encode, and I'll put money it's only using 1 core02:12
mortal1balgarath: david eddings fan?02:12
cleverqr_: kernel level lockups block signals including -902:12
qr_clever: indeed it would.  well there is one thing more powerful than kill -9, and that's uyour power button.02:12
cleverqr_: did i mention im in the middle of a dist-upgrade02:12
macrosikonia: In the options of avidemux there is already a threads option enabled as automatic. It doesn't change the encoding speed.02:12
ikoniamacros: it's a funny option02:13
macrosikonia: if i manually set it to 2 or 402:13
ikoniamacros: I had to hardcode it02:13
Dazedhow can i create a shortcut to a folder on my desktop?02:13
KinetixI still can't connect to the internet with Ubuntu...i've tried the Martian driver, but it gets an error everytime I try to do it, and the topic about it on Ubuntu forums didn't work, either02:13
cleverqr_: and that the same process in 2 upgrades(seperate systems) has frozen the same way!02:13
ikoniamacros: that codec wasn't the same as others02:13
ikoniamacros: hence why I had to set it manually02:13
mortal1bazhang: http://rafb.net/p/VQe77I64.html02:13
pajamianclever: it doesn't look frozen to me, frozen wouldn't be using 92% CPU.02:14
cleverpajamian: its stuck in some inf loop in kernel space02:14
bcarlyon|laptopIs it possible to mount my ubutnu hard disk in windows?02:14
cleverpajamian: Cpu(s):  1.9%us, 94.3%sy,  3.8%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st02:14
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: yes, but not advisable02:14
cleverpajamian: notice where all the cpu usage is going?02:14
bcarlyon|laptopikonia, only need to reedit grub....02:14
faileasi'm thinking of prototyping an install i want to do in VMware and moving it over. Is there any tool that will let me use an entire install as a base to generate a new install disk? the system is quite old so i'll need to do a custom disk to make it work02:14
pajamianclever: yep, to that process.  How long have you given it to complete so far?02:15
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: well, you don't need to mount into windows for that02:15
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: boot into grub and press "e" to enter edit mode02:15
bazhangmortal1, no wonder. you are on amd64. there is a solution for this on the forums however.02:15
cleverpajamian: several minutes02:15
Kernelheres the full deal. i have mythtv installed on my server with a remote. when i hit the power button on the remote i want the server to ssh into my main computer and start mythfrontend so i can watch tv.02:15
bcarlyon|laptopI do if I am working remotly02:15
=== poseidon` is now known as poseidon
bcarlyon|laptopAnd cant do press e02:15
dcordeshow can I find out which device node the rs232 port on my mainboard has gotten?02:15
cleverpajamian: its not even left the syscall its in02:15
ScreaminIkeso i just got a new webcam! (birthday present from the girlfriend) aaaand... i have no idea if i have the drivers for it, if the microphone works, etc02:15
bcarlyon|laptopSince you cant remote in to a computer that isnt finished booting02:15
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: if your working remotly, how can you mount it on windows02:15
ScreaminIkeis there an easy config tool for that?02:15
bcarlyon|laptopThe box is dual boot02:16
Kerneli just need a way to start mythfrontend using ssh. ssh -X 'mythfrontend' does not work02:16
pajamianclever: well, it looks to me like you may be screwed with this.  I don't know how to fix it without a reboot.02:16
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: thats your call then, but there is no way I'd edit a grub menu file in windows02:16
* goanookie later all food time02:16
cleverpajamian: yeah reboot is my only idea also, but i also suspect a reboot in the middle of an upgrade to cause horid problems:P02:16
bcarlyon|laptopThe box has to hds one with ubuntu one is xp, I'm theorising how to wol the box then be able to switch between windows and ubtunut from a remote location02:16
pajamianclever: yeah, that's why I said you're screwed02:17
ikoniabcarlyon|laptop: thats your call02:17
faileasKernel: i've used freenx to do something like that02:17
macrosikonia: I don't see an option to pass an commandline parameter to x264 from avidemux.02:17
jdlcrxcan i add 2 IRC servers on the x-chat irc gnome ...02:17
macrosikonia: Also i cannot imagine that using only one core would decrease to speed to 1/2002:17
jdlcrxI just have Ubuntu Server02:17
ikoniamacros: I don't use avidemux - so I don't know02:17
faileasi know its an additional piece of software, but it works pretty well02:17
pajamianbcarlyon|laptop: did you follow that link I gave you earlier?02:17
ikoniamacros: you'd be surprised,02:17
cleverpajamian: i could test reboot the laptop, i can allways netboot and chroot it to fix things02:17
Kernelfaileas: is that like vnc?...or02:17
bcarlyon|laptoppajamian, I think I missed it can you repaste please?02:17
ikoniaKernel: is X11 Forwarding set to yes in both the server and client configs02:18
pajamianclever: sure...02:18
pajamianbcarlyon|laptop: sure ... http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Booting-once_002donly.html#Booting-once_002donly02:18
macrosikonia: thank you very much for your help :) But it seems as if I have to use Windows for reencoding my Videos02:18
faileasKernel: its compressed X with a special server/client. it runs a X session of its own so you can persistantly run apps on it. its the bees knees ;p02:18
bcarlyon|laptopMany thanks02:18
pajamianclever: good luck, I think you have a better handle on that then I would anyways.02:18
ikoniamacros: check out mencoder02:18
ikoniamacros: as another option02:18
Kernelikonia: let me double check...but isnt X11 forwarding for running programs OVER ssh? ie.....ssh into computerA start program...and it shows up running on computerB02:18
Dazedhow can i change an icon for a launcher?02:18
KinetixI still can't connect to the internet with Ubuntu...i've tried the Martian driver, but it gets an error everytime I try to do it, and the topic about it on Ubuntu forums didn't work, either02:19
faileasKernel: if you don't mind the need for an additional client server setup, its worth checking out02:19
Kernelfaileas: oh. thats not really what im looking for02:19
ikoniaKernel: what do you think your trying to do02:19
ikoniaKernel: your trying to run a program over X11102:19
ikoniaKernel: your trying to run a program over X1102:19
Kernelnot over02:19
ikoniaKernel: X11 over ssh02:19
cleverpajamian: i also managed to get a backtrace within the kernel space02:19
bazhangKinetix, martian driver; for what card make and model02:19
Kerneli DO NOT WANT to run the program on computer b02:19
faileasKernel: you generally can't just start a GUI programme over x11 AFAIK.02:19
pajamianclever: as I said, you've got a better handle on it than me.02:19
Kernelfaileas: yea its looking like thats the case02:19
bcarlyon|laptopThat was the exact thing I was after pajamian many thanks02:20
macrosikonia: I know Mencoder, but mencoder is only for encoding, I also trim the videos, cut some advertisments out and so on.02:20
pajamianbcarlyon|laptop: yw :-)02:20
nandemonaiHey guys, I have an old Toshiba lappy running cli only as a ssh machine. Just wondering how to prevent the screen going blank after a while. I'm assuming it's power management but I don't know how to turn it off. It's not hardware as I have power management turned off in BIOS.02:20
ikoniaKernel: if you do ssh computerb and then type xterm, xterm is run on computerb02:20
Kernelikonia: let me explain. i want to ssh FROM computerB INTO computerA and start the program so its running ON computerA02:20
faileasKernel: let me clear this up. you're on computer A now, you want to start and keep a GUI programme on computer B?02:20
ikoniaKernel: and thats what will happen02:20
ikoniaKernel: if you see into computera and type xterm it will run on computerX, but launch the xterm on the display of computerb02:21
Kinetixbazhang: i have a Lucent Winmodem02:21
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto02:21
Kernelbah. i dont know if im explaining this right then.02:21
faileasikonia: i thought any programme you run over SSH will be terminated once you end the session?02:21
faileasKernel: i grok that...02:21
ikoniafaileas: doesn't have to be02:21
Kinetixubottu: i've read that. still not working.02:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:22
dimeifieddoes anyone else have a "wmaster0" after a kernel upgrade?02:22
ari_stressKernel: you cannot do that02:22
faileasikonia: i was(ok i might be mistaken) under the impression you needed screen to do that02:22
ari_stressdimeified: no, what's that?02:22
Kernelari_stress: no?02:22
faileasKernel: as i said, freenx would let you do exactly what you asked for02:22
KinetixSo, no one can help? :(02:22
Kernelfaileas: i *really* dont want to run extra stuff like that. i want to keep this machine as secure and slim as possible02:23
GrimskallenHello people02:23
ari_stressKernel: why you have to ssh to B to run the program? can't just run it in A?02:23
=== Alistair is now known as Guest48676
GrimskallenWish I'd get my wireless working *sob sob*02:23
faileasKernel: securitywise freenx is as good as ssh. everything is tunneled over it. slimness wise. i used to run it on a PIII 350 (ok, it had near max ram)- it isn't very resource intensive02:24
brent113_Hey, anyone know why I get a mount error on my ext3 drive?  Also related, e2fsck detects the same errors every time I run it and says it fixes it, but they still come back02:24
=== MarissaMeyer is now known as maha
KinetixYou is all evil02:24
faileasKinetix: actually i'm just misunderstood02:24
yokomoq: trying to get mythtv to work on my ubuntu install, I installed lame through apt-get but myth says it's not installed.  trying to locate lame but I come up with nothing.  suggestions?02:24
KinetixWell, I'm not thinking logically at the moment02:24
KinetixI've been trying to get ubuntu working all last night and all of today02:25
ari_stressKinetix: take a break, have sex or whatever :)02:25
Grimskallenyou sound like me and my wireless connection02:25
dimeifiedwell i have wlan0, my wireless adapter,02:25
dimeifiedfor some reason after the latest updates, another adapter appeared02:25
dimeifiedsame mac address02:25
dimeifiedi believe its a duplicate alias for the adapter02:25
Kinetixari_stress: i'm too shy to ask anyone out :P02:25
FloodBot1dimeified: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
Kernelari_stress: let me fully explain. im running mythtv. myth-backend is on computerB. myth-backend has the remote and cable box plugged into it. computerA is my compute with my nice big monitor and my main desktop. i want to hit the powerbutton on my remote(which is connected to computerB) and have computerB ssh into computerA and start mythfrontend(to watch tv) on computerA02:25
KinetixIf anyone can help, PM me on IRC..02:26
KinetixI'll be AFK >.>02:26
Kernelari_stress: i dont want to have to get up. open a terminal on computerA and type mythfrontend everytime i want to watch tv.02:26
qr_Kernel: run screen in a terminal on computer A, when you ssh into computer A, connect to screen and then run the X program and it will appear on the screen on computer A.02:27
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org02:27
pajamianKernel: so you want the program to be launched from your workstation but be displayed on the myth server?02:27
cleverpajamian: mostly worked, X is dead now02:27
ari_stressKernel: ask your younger brother to do that for you02:27
ncfi1013what codecs does the ipod accept that i can convert flv files into?02:27
=== kaffee is now known as kaeffchen
cleveri'll resume the upgrade and see if that fixes it02:27
pajamianclever: ok, cool02:27
Kernelari_stress: lol. hes off to college in a few days. im thinking long term here!02:28
Kernelpajamian: vice versa. i want the program to be launched ON my main computer FROM my myth server02:28
yokomocan anyone tell me what directory lame would be installed to as default from apt-get?02:28
GamingXHow do I install ubuntu such that it installs only the terminal without the GUI?02:28
Kernelqr_: hmm that will work?02:28
=== _Zeus_|idle is now known as _Zeus_
faileasGamingX: use the alternate cd02:29
ari_stressGamingX: install ubuntu-server02:29
cleverpajamian: woot, crashed again:P02:29
qr_Kernel: yes, I have a vaguely similar setup to you and I use that method to start X programs on a remote screen over ssh.02:29
faileasncfi1013: best bet is xvid with a mp4 extention02:29
IndyGunFreakncfi1013: ipods only accept .mov i do believe.. but converting a .flv, to .mov, will be problematic at best, i had no luck w/ it.02:29
GamingXCan't I do that from the desktop cd?02:29
Kernelqr_: hmm. im gonna need to code this myself...and i SUCK at coding. i struggle with hello world. so i need to keep it VERY VERY simple...as in like 1-2 commands02:29
pajamianKernel: ok, well the "computer A" and "computer B" was confusing.  Expressing it in terms of myth server and workstation would probably help.02:29
idhtnshow can i tell apt not to try to update a package? i just compiled a newer version myself, and it wants to replace it02:29
cleverpajamian: i'll reboot again and see if i can convince apt to not run locatedef02:29
faileasGamingX: nope. you could use the minimal/netinstall disc though02:29
ari_stressGamingX: no u should use the 'alternate cd'02:29
lusepuster_Hello Channel! I'm having some trouble getting the Aurora GTK engine to work in Hardy. Is there a known problem with it in Ubuntu or something?02:29
pajamianclever: good luck02:29
GamingXfaileas: Whats an alternate cd?02:29
Kernelpajamian: sorry about that.02:29
IndyGunFreak!alternate | GamingX02:30
ubottuGamingX: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent02:30
Kernelpajamian: i also wasnt sure if ppl where familier with myth02:30
pajamianKernel: most people here know what myth is.02:30
faileasGamingX: when you download the cd, there's a little checkmark for it. its better if you have an older system, or know what you're doing ;p02:30
ari_stresshi ubottu, oh it's new info for me. alternate cd supports wider hardware? interesting02:30
IndyGunFreakGamingX: but it still installs a GUI by default.. you might be looking more at the minimal install.02:30
pajamianKernel: ok, so I'm a bit confused, can you explain one mroe time without using "computer A" and "computer B" terms?02:30
Kernelpajamian: sure02:31
_Zeus_!ubottu ubuntu02:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu ubuntu02:31
_Zeus_oops :-O02:31
B3z3rk3rKernel: u mean the game or the TV frontend?02:31
GamingXIndygun: I'm looking at learning the shell. So I want it text only mode, I'll go for the minimal install.02:31
IndyGunFreakGamingX: thats a helluva way to learn.. good luck02:31
Kernelpajamian: ok. here goes: i have a myth-backend and a mythfront end. the backend has the hook ups for the cable box and the remote. i want the backend to ssh into the frontend and start mythfrontend ON the frontend computer.02:32
pajamianGamingX: go for it, as IndyGunFreak says, it's a helluva way to learn, though :-)02:32
B3z3rk3rGamingX: thats jumping in the deep end wearing full plate mail! :P02:32
_Zeus_GamingX: Can't you learn the shell from a GUI environment?02:32
pajamianKernel: ok, is the frontend your workstation?02:32
_Zeus_just force yourself to use it02:32
IndyGunFreakB3z3rk3r: i was thinking more like jumping head first into 1ft of water...lol02:32
usserGamingX, imho learning the shell would go alot easier if u had a nice gui frontend like konsole or gnome-terminal02:32
faileasB3z3rk3r: XD. well, most of my test VMs are command line only. it *does* help a little02:33
_Zeus_GamingX: You will find things you can't really do in the shell02:33
GamingX_Zeus_: I would, but then I would be tempted to use GUI itself.02:33
Kernelpajamian: there theory behind it is...i dont want to get up and type mythfronend on the front end machine everytime i wanna watch tv.02:33
Kernelpajamian: yea02:33
qr__Zeus_: Name one.02:33
_Zeus_GamingX: well, I guess that's a possibility02:33
pajamianKernel: ok, hrmmmmm02:33
_Zeus_qr_: anything with flash? :-P02:33
IndyGunFreakGamingX: and what is wrong w/ using the GUI?... if you want to learn to use shell, use it... if you're afraid you just ca't resist clicking an icon or a menu option, then well..02:33
ari_stressGamingX: think yourself as a monk and the gui as the sexy lady. try to avoid her seduction in front of you :)02:33
GamingX_Zeus_: I would get frustrated and feel WTH, I can use the GUI.02:33
qr__Zeus_: other than using a gui, obviously.02:34
Kernelpajamian: its *alot* harder then i anticipated. the command ssh -X 'mythfrontend' does nothing.02:34
_Zeus_qr_: isn't the the point? :-P02:34
IndyGunFreakGamingX: well the idea behind the OS isn't to be ahrd, its to be friendly, easy to use, and functional.. if you want something hard to use w/ a GUI.. try slackware, or Gentoo, or maybe Sabayon02:34
pajamianKernel: I think it would just work to use -x (lowercase x) for ssh, that will force the program to run on the frontend and *not* channel the output back to the backend.  I'm not sure if it will work, though.  It may be more complicated than that.02:34
_Zeus_GamingX: I guess the bright side is once you get used to the shell is you will prefer it to the GUI02:34
qr_GamingX: you could install a console oriented window manager like wmii.02:34
_Zeus_I know I do02:34
Kernelpajamian: ook let me try02:34
Kernelpajamian: lowercase x didnt work it said this:02:35
Kernelxprop:  unable to open display ''02:35
Kernelmythfrontend.real: cannot connect to X server02:35
_Zeus_ari_stress: I like your example02:35
ari_stress_Zeus_: ;)02:35
BrendanWelshGah, I'm so frusterated with Ubuntu.02:35
_Zeus_BrendanWelsh: ?02:35
ari_stressBrendanWelsh: why02:36
GamingXari_stress: Yeah, good example. Thats what real life is, isn't it?02:36
pajamianKernel: ok, there may be a way to specify the display for it to run on, but there is another approach you can try ...02:36
_Zeus_GamingX: LOL02:36
BrendanWelshNothing every works right! (I'm not saying it's not my fault, but it's frusterating.)02:36
ari_stressGamingX: you can always turn off gdm to get rid the gui02:36
_Zeus_ari_stress: good point02:36
IndyGunFreakBrendanWelsh: , well, describe nothing... and mostly, it works fine if you do it riht.02:36
_Zeus_that way it's easy to reenable once you get used to the shell02:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:36
Kernelpajamian: whatcha thinking for the otherway?02:36
thingfishhi Nutt71802:36
bazhanglets take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic02:36
ari_stressBrendanWelsh: what's the exact problem? life is not perfect afterall02:36
_Zeus_bazhabg: WTH?02:36
ksbalajiHello! My Xchat settings got screwed up and I had to understand what is what from scratch to log in again. Earlier I knew nothing about IRCnetwork (freenode), channel(#ubuntu), serverpassword (for us to login),user name (me), user password(mine),etc., Now after Xchat data got corrupted after the disc got full, I had to learn to manually set these things. Friends, those who don't know these please learn.02:37
_Zeus_bazhang: we are doing support02:37
BrendanWelshI realize that, and I know it's my fault... I'm just... venting persay. The exact problem is... Well, there are a few.02:37
cleverpajamian: that worked, i made a fake localedef script which does nothing02:37
bazhang_Zeus_, dont use those acronyms here; also chat elsewhere please.02:37
_Zeus_BrendanWelsh: if you don't tell us we can't help you :-P02:37
cleverpajamian: i probly broke other things but atleast the upgrade can continue02:37
Kerneli spent all day re running cables and rearranging my room. i then installed mythtv onto the server....and now i dont know if its even gonna work! i may have to revert to the old way...which is a major pain in the arse02:37
pajamianKernel: one approach would be to somehow trigger the front end to run the program, you could write a short script that will loop through and sleep 10 seconds, checking for the existence of a file that you can touch from a ssh command from the backend.02:37
ari_stresspajamian: good idea02:38
BrendanWelsh1) Sound randomly stops working in both Firefox/Amarok at seperate times, and I have to restart the application to get it to work again. I also get random freezing of tons of applications, including terminal. I also have an issue where nothing is cenetered on my screen every few times I reboot...02:38
Kernelpajamian: the thing is....it needs to come FROM the backend. only the backend has the remote receiver.02:38
_Zeus_BrendanWelsh: Maybe you should run memtest86+02:38
_Zeus_about the freezing02:38
ari_stressBrendanWelsh: sounds major problems there, maybe you have a faulty hardware?02:38
qr_pajamian: or you could run ssh over ssh to ssh back to the server (ie server ssh's to the front end and runs ssh to connect to the back end)02:39
Kernelso when i hit power...boom mythfrontend starts on the frontend.02:39
qr_pajamian: more efficient than polling a file02:39
pajamianKernel: that's fine, the backend can ssh to the box and touch the file, then the frontend would see that the file exists and use that as a trigger to start x.02:39
IndyGunFreakari_stress: the sound, first thing i would do, is switch all apps from Pulse Audio, to Alsa...02:39
_Zeus_BrendanWelsh: I would start by booting to memtest86+ and run a test02:39
_Zeus_see if you get errors02:39
=== Alvin_FN is now known as cew_ifa_cutezz
pajamianqr_: that sounds very confusing, heh.02:39
BrendanWelshKnowing my luck, the entire thing will be erroneous.02:39
ari_stressIndyGunFreak: ubuntu use pulse as default now? i thought it's only for LTSP02:39
Kernelpajamian: ah i see. but thats way over my head....i cant code.02:39
_Zeus_are_stresss: yes02:39
GamingXAny shell based browser?02:39
IndyGunFreakari_stress: 8.04 is LTSP02:39
qr_Kernel: a non-polling solution is to have the back end ssh to the front end and run ssh to connect to the back end and run your viewer program with x forwarding.02:40
BrendanWelshRight now, all I want to do is be able to sync my FLAC files to my iPod and have them convert to Mp3 in the process. ;)02:40
_Zeus_GamingX: yes i think it's lyx02:40
KernelGamingX: links lynx02:40
pajamianKernel: it's simple, I'll do something up for you real quick in the pastebin ...02:40
_Zeus_oh sorry lynx not lyx :-(02:40
wingnut0420anybody know of a good way to access ubuntu remotely without having to have someone accept on other end..(like logmein) ??02:40
Kernelpajamian: oh. hey that would be really cool. thanks02:40
rustychickenari_stress: do you mean Linux Terminal Server Project or Long Term Support?02:40
ari_stresswingnut0420: run vncserver on the recipient02:41
ari_stressrustychicken: linux terminal server project02:41
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest59824
GamingXCan we do the normal things in Shell that we do using the GUI?02:41
qr_GamingX: what are "normal things"?02:41
ari_stressGamingX: well we cannot see 'naked' girl in terminal for sure02:41
ksbalajiI have XP,Hardy dual boot. Now my Hardy root partition is almost full. How to free some space? I do not want to loose applications. There is some free space in another partition-ext3, where I wish to move some of my applications -say openoffice. How to do this pleeeasssse?02:41
rustychickenari_stress: i can certainly see how it would help LTSP, but I haven't heard that it was initially designed to be confined to LTSP...02:42
bazhangari_stress, that is not appropriate here.02:42
wingnut0420ty.....don't you have to compile it or something though??? that's where I got lost02:42
qr_ari_stress: you could render it using libaa02:42
ari_stresssorry bazhang02:42
GamingXqr_: Reading documents, writing documents etc02:42
ari_stressit's my last day in this office, yay! i kind of high02:42
qr_GamingX: depends on the type of documents, you can't manipulate, say, word documents in the terminal alone.02:42
_Zeus_bazhang: this is the first i've heard of these rules.  link?02:43
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:43
dextercan anyone give me the apt link for DB2 express-C02:43
cygoku2 All, tell me, what is "BAT0" ... I see that at 164% in the "System Monitor" screenlets,...02:43
=== Guest59824 is now known as trucMuche_
=== trucMuche_ is now known as McPeter__
bazhang!guidelines > _Zeus_02:43
ubottu_Zeus_, please see my private message02:43
ari_stresscygoku: 164%? that's wonderful02:44
GamingX!guidelines > GamingX02:44
ubottuGamingX, please see my private message02:44
mutk!guidelines > mutk02:44
ubottumutk, please see my private message02:44
cygokuari_stress : Is it  ?02:44
ari_stresscygoku: what kind of battery you use? i want it02:44
_Zeus_sorry bazhang never saw that :-X02:44
dextercan anyone give me the apt link for DB2 express-C02:44
pajamianKernel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37590/02:44
cygokuari_stress : Well it's the standard battery from a Dell Inspiron 6400.02:45
Kernelpajamian: and run this on the frontend?02:45
histoOkay i'm trying to use glass icons theme from gnome-look. Its not replacing my folder icons etc..02:45
pajamianKernel: yes, chmod it to 700 and run it at startup02:46
histoIs there something new to hardy that borked icon themes?02:46
bazhangplasma_, /join #ubuntu-br02:46
ari_stressthat's a clever script pajamian :)02:46
=== McPeter__ is now known as trucMuche
rustychickendexter: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/express/download.html?S_TACT=none&S_CMP=none02:46
rustychicken!br > rustychicken02:47
ubotturustychicken, please see my private message02:47
masterspryhey does anyone know why is it that Firefox closes when i running like a flash game or Video?02:47
Kernelpajamian: ok. then from the backend. have it ssh the frontend and touch ~/.startmythtrigger correct?02:47
pajamianKernel: then from the backend you can do: ssh me@example.com 'touch ~/.startmythtrigger'02:47
Kernelawesome let me give it a shot02:47
kbrosnanmasterspry: what version of flahs?02:47
histoDo i need to restart or something?02:47
pajamianKernel: ok02:47
pajamianari_stress: thanks :-)02:47
mastersprywell i do not know which one i have?02:47
amenadomasterspry-> how do you know it is really closed? could it be another window is on top of it?02:48
masterspryno is it.02:48
mastersprytrust me i just did it right now.02:48
ari_stresspajamian: so it will check for ~/.startmythtrigger every 10 secs?02:48
pajamianari_stress: yes02:48
kbrosnanmasterspry: tools -> addons -> flash02:48
qr_pajamian: Kernel I still don't understand why you guys don't do something like ssh frontend 'ssh -X backend startmyththing', which requires no polling at all.02:48
kbrosnanmasterspry: ...plugins -> flash02:49
pajamianqr_: the problem is to get it to run in the frontend's display02:49
dexteri want the apt link for DB2 express-C..not the download link02:49
masterspryis it shockwave flash?02:49
bcarlyon|laptoppajamian, I have it working successfully many thanks for that link :-)02:49
dexterrustychickeni want the apt link for DB2 express-C..not the download link02:49
pajamianbcarlyon|laptop: yw :-)02:49
_Zeus_masterspy: shackwave is not flash02:49
dexterrustychicken want the apt link for DB2 express-C..not the download link02:49
kbrosnanmasterspry: yes02:49
kbrosnan_Zeus_: in this case it is02:49
mastersprywell it is 9.0 r12402:50
LeefmcQuestion: Whats the default Window Manager for Desktop Effects?02:50
Kernelpajamian: its saying errors...02:50
Kernel./MythStarter.sh: line 7: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'02:50
Kernel./MythStarter.sh: line 7: `fi'02:50
LeefmcThe damn "default" button doesn 't give the default.02:50
rustychickendexter: i dont know that there is an apt link for it, as i doubt IBM would allow people to package it on their own02:50
_Zeus_masterspy: that's what I have02:50
dmsupermanUsing irssi, how can I switch to tab 16? Alt + arrows doesn't seem to work (gnome-terminal ignores it and tty rotates between various tty sessions)02:50
pajamianKernel: sorry, I'll fix it, it was untested.02:50
LeefmcIf you make the mistake of using what it gives, you end up with no window decorators.. which leaves you screwed. :)02:50
_Zeus_masterspy: can you run firefox from a command line and paste any output?02:50
Kernelpajamian: ah no worries....live 7 actually looks fine to me.02:51
mastersprywhat you mean? on the terminal?02:51
pajamianKernel: try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37591/02:51
BZWingZeroCan anyone suggest a good bittorrent client with remote web administration on Hardy?02:51
_Zeus_masterspy: yes, run firefox from a terminal02:51
_Zeus_and use pastebin (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com) to post any output02:51
Kernelpajamian: bingo02:51
Kernelnow let me try from the backend02:52
masterspryok how do i do that sorry for asking?02:52
_Zeus_masterspry: you know how to start a shell?02:52
bastid_raZorBZWingZero; iirc ktorrent has that..02:53
_Zeus_masterspry: forget that02:53
_Zeus_firefox posts no output02:53
_Zeus_this happens for anything w/ flash?02:54
masterspryno i don't see that? anywhere.02:54
Kernelpajamian: your a genious man! that worked02:54
rustychickendexter: why did you need to install db2 in the first place?02:54
bastid_raZorBZWingZero; and yes, now that i look ktorrent has web interface02:54
_Zeus_how did you install flash?02:54
BZWingZerobastid_raZor: Can it be set up without using a gui? I only have terminal access02:54
pajamianKernel: you can set it as a startup program under System / Preferences / Sessions02:54
mastersprywell it was when i install Ubuntu.02:55
_Zeus_do me a favor02:55
dexterrustychicken; i m enrolling myself into tgmc....so they require that i work with db2 express-c or db2 udb02:55
_Zeus_press alt+f2 and type "xterm"02:55
bastid_raZorBZWingZero; you can install it via terminal but activating web interface in terminal i don't know.. it is a KDE app you could ask in #kubuntu to find that info out.02:55
_Zeus_you should get a black window?02:55
Svishis there a way to "roll back" ubuntu to nothing but the basic packages?02:55
masterspryyeah i did.02:55
ksbalaji my Hardy root partition is almost full. How to free some space? I do not want to loose applications. There is some free space in another partition-ext3, where I wish to move some of my applications -say openoffice pl?02:55
masterspryis here.02:55
Kernelah ok. pajamian BIG thanks. its been a long day for me...and ya def helped me out. i appreciate it02:55
_Zeus_ok masterspry; now type "sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree;sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"02:55
pajamianKernel: yw :-)02:55
_Zeus_be sure to quit firefox first02:56
dexterrustychicken; which is better db2express-c or db2 udb02:56
StorrgieI have a question regarding sound in wine, but the winehq guys are all dead it seems02:56
pajamianKernel: also, you can adjust the polling interval if you want, I figured 10 seconds would be good, but longer will mean less resources used for the script, and shorter will mean faster response in launching the program...02:57
dmsupermanUsing irssi, how can I switch to tab 16? Alt + arrows doesn't seem to work (gnome-terminal ignores it and tty rotates between various tty sessions)02:57
pajamianKernel: the polling delay is the number on the sleep line.02:57
tritiumdmsuperman: Alt-y02:58
dmsupermantritium, yeah, it ignores that for some reason02:58
tritiumdmsuperman: I'm using that in gnome-terminal02:58
etherealityIs my 'home folder' at /home or /home/daniel ?02:58
Kernelpajamian: right. i figured id leave it as is for now...untill i got it all just the way i want it.02:58
bastid_raZorethereality; /home/daniel02:58
qr_dmsuperman: try pressing escape instead of holding alt02:59
vipacaI installed ruby now I've uninstalled the package using synaptic02:59
etherealitybut i thought the home folder was the folder named home?02:59
tritiumdmsuperman: try disablgin all menu access keys and menu shortcut key02:59
chieffancypantsbastid_raZor: you're assuming his name is daniel :)02:59
tritiumdisabling, even02:59
vipacaNow however when I look /usr/lib/ruby02:59
etherealitychieffancypants, :P02:59
_Zeus_ethereality: /home contains the home folders for ALL users02:59
qr_dmsuperman: it works in xterm, I don't know about gnome-terminal02:59
rustychickendexter: i cant even find a link for db2 udb, so my guess is db2 express C02:59
etherealitybut /home/daniel is "my home folder"?02:59
masterspryok it now saids flash plugin install.02:59
vipacaits still there. I want it gone for good so that I can reinstall as if it were never on my system what should I do?02:59
_Zeus_etharality: yes02:59
mastersprysorry for the hold up.02:59
etherealitycool. thanks guys :)02:59
jokerCan some one tell me after untaring a file how you # ./confiuger the file I for got02:59
_Zeus_masterspry: now try flash again02:59
rustychickendexter: but, as i said, i think you will probably have to follow IBM's instructions on their website03:00
masterspryon firefox right?03:00
dmsupermanqr_, escape did it03:00
masterspryall right.03:00
=== B3z3rk3r is now known as B3z3rk3r|F00d-BR
qr_joker: change in the directory you extracted and type ./configure in a terminal.03:00
dmsupermanqr_, what about alt + left/right...any idea why that doesn't work? it only gives me C and D respectively (as if I'd typed them)03:00
dmsupermanqr_, I should note this is running in screen, if i hadn't already03:00
tritiumdmsuperman: as I said above03:00
dmsupermanor that it matter03:00
=== B3z3rk3r|F00d-BR is now known as B3z3rk3r
vipacanever mind I lied no such thing has happeded it appears to be gone for good now03:01
dmsupermantritium, there are no keys for alt + left or right03:01
qr_dmsuperman: screen could be causing it.  It has to do with how your terminal (which screen emulates) interprets control characters.  Terminal control characters is a really ugly subject.03:01
tritiumdmsuperman: huh?  See what I sent you above.03:01
`KermudgeSimple question I hope how on earth does one view imbeded pictures in thunderbird. Net has been no help with this. :(03:01
ksbalajiHi! am I linked to ubuntu channel pl?03:02
_Zeus_ksbalaji: yes03:02
ksbalaji_Zeus_, thanks. My Hardy root partition is almost full. How to free some space? I do not want to loose applications. There is some free space in another partition-ext3, where I wish to move some of my applications -say openoffice03:02
tritiumksbalaji: do you mean #ubuntu-pl?  That's for Polish speakers.  This channel is for English.03:02
dexterrustychicken; they have given me an option 2 work wid either db2 express-c or db2 udb......wat do u think abt it03:03
mastersprywell Zeus still does it on one of the games i want to play but like youtube or everything else is fine i think?03:03
_Zeus_ksbalaji: I would suggest booting to the ubuntu Live CD and using gparted to resize partitions03:03
_Zeus_masterspry: so it's fixed? (sorta)?03:03
masterspryyeah i think.03:03
mastersprybut thanks for the help anyways.,03:04
rustychickendexter: i would personally go with db2 express c, because it looks like a good license (i didnt read the license though), but your needs may be vastly different than mine03:04
_Zeus_masterspry: np03:04
* U235Psycho is away (auto-away after 2hrs of inactivity) - (10:04 pm)03:04
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mastersprycan i ask you something why is it that it happens only Linux but not on a Mac or windows.03:04
masterspryyou know.?03:04
dexterrustychicken; thanq do u know how 2 install it after downloading...i m n ubuntu hardy03:05
tritiumdmsuperman: the gnome-terminal keyboard shortcuts do not affect Alt-1 through Alt-0.  Nor do they affect Alt-Left or Alt-Right.03:05
bazhang!away > Psycho|away03:05
ubottuPsycho|away, please see my private message03:05
dmsupermantritium, that's what I'm saying...I think it's screen interfering03:05
=== masterspry is now known as spry
BZWingZerobastid_raZor: I asked in #kubuntu, apparently ktorrent has to be configured from the gui.03:05
tritiumdmsuperman: I don't, as I'm using screen as well.03:05
dmsupermantritium, oh,03:05
ksbalaji_Zeus_, I don't know much about repartitioning. So instead of risking, I want to move applications to another ext3 partition. Say open-office. Help03:05
dmsupermantritium, either way...no big deal this is the only time i've ever had that many tabs, and i don't plan on it again03:05
tritiumdmsuperman: but disabling them should restort Alt-q through Alt-p for you.03:05
dmsupermanq w e t and a couple others work03:06
dmsupermanjust a few, and the arrows03:06
_Zeus_ksbalaji: I think it's a lot easier to resize partitions than to figure out how to move installed applications03:06
ksbalajitritium, I know not anything about Polish.03:06
tritiumdmsuperman: yes, the others would work by disabling the keyboard shortcuts03:06
tritiumksbalaji: you asked about "pl"03:06
pajamianksbalaji: you'd be better off moving something such as your /home directory.03:06
valleypI've just tried installing Ubuntu Server but the system keeps telling me its running out of swap space could it mean memory?03:07
_Zeus_valleyp: no it means swap03:07
valleypas in hard drive space?03:07
Gun_Smokevalleyp, How big is your swap partition?03:08
pajamianvalleyp: as in the swap partition on your hard drive.03:08
valleypi doesnt have one yet just command.com03:08
_Zeus_valleyp: what is command.com?03:08
_Zeus_this is ubuntu right?03:08
valleypwindows 98 command com03:09
pajamianvalleyp: are you trying to use the wubi installer?03:09
valleypi think i see03:09
bastid_raZorBZWingZero; ah, i was looking at transmission to. i didn't see a way to configure it in CLI .. rtorrent is CLI but i don't know if it has the web interface ability.03:09
ksbalaji_Zeus_, I have upgraded from gutsy to hardy. I do not have the upgrade CD now. I had to erase the iso file after upgrading for want of space. Also will I loose data in the other ext3 partition on resize?03:09
Gun_Smokevalleyp, when you were partitioning your hdd in the first couple of steps during the install you have to make a swap partition roughly 2x the amount of memory you have.03:09
dudenot with gparted03:09
dudebut of course, backup03:09
_Zeus_ksbalaji: very unlinely to lose data from resize.  but it IS possible03:09
rustychickenvalleyp: instead of a pagefile, linux generally uses an entire swap partition03:09
_Zeus_dude: it is possible03:09
valleypit never made it to partitioning03:09
_Zeus_valleyp: how much RAM do you have?03:10
valleypi see whats happening03:10
dude_Zeus_: anything is possible03:10
Shadowkllrdoes anyone know how to *properly* change the directory in the my.cnf for mysql so i can store my databases elsewhere?  Just changing the "defaultdatadir    =/var/lib/mysql" does not work, i keep getting a socket error even when i try to connect, i even tried changed references to /var/lib/mysql in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld03:10
ksbalajitritium, oh - sorry I meant pl for Please!03:10
dudewhich is why god invented tar03:10
pajamianvalleyp: can you start from the beginning and tell us exactly what you did to try to install ubuntu and where it failed?03:10
dmsupermananybody know of a good guide to setting up mpd to do streaming music over the web? I'd prefer to use it with my current apache, as well, if possible03:10
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Gun_Smokevalleyp, You couldn't have installed anything without seeing the partitioner.03:10
_Zeus_valleyp: 128MB is not enough for wubi03:10
b3lorixHey guys, what do ou recommend for a Dock like MAC03:10
mkquistIve suddenly lost my minimze/max/close buttons...  Any ideas?03:10
valleypi could use parted magic to install the partition then install03:10
dmsupermanI'd love to have a setup where mpd has a web interface to select and play music right in the browser, using a flash player or the like03:10
_Zeus_256 MB RAM and an 1 GHz or faster Intel/AMD processor is recommended for optimal performance,03:11
Gun_Smokeb3lorix, I don't like it.03:11
=== high-freq_ is now known as high-freq
pajamian_Zeus_: that's optimal?  I would consider that minimal03:11
dudedmsuperman: google for web mpd cleints03:11
_Zeus_valleyp: have you tried xubuntu03:11
_Zeus_pajamian: yes that is the minimal03:11
_Zeus_even though it says "reccomended"03:11
ksbalajipajamian, I was told elsewhere that just moving /home is not correct. That would make Hardy forget the /home itself!03:11
Gun_Smokevalleyp, your trying to install the server right?03:11
rustychickenvalleyp: i suggest using the text install version (should be included on the cd), or xubuntu, as people have already state03:11
b3lorixGun_Smoke, noone asked if youd like it03:11
chieffancypants_Zeus_: look at you tabbing everyone03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dock03:12
_Zeus_chieffancypants: hahaha lol03:12
Gun_Smokeb3lorix, Sorry I misread your question.03:12
BZWingZerob3lorix: AWN if you really want something like the OSX dock03:12
bazhangb3lorix, awn03:12
dudeawn is buggy03:12
b3lorixBZWingZero, isnt AWN beta?03:12
BZWingZerob3lorix: yes, but for the most part its usable.03:12
b3lorixBZWingZero, know any non beta ones03:13
pajamianksbalaji: you can't pick and choose different applications to put on a seperate partition.  You can move your /home directory but I recommend that you boot to the live CD and do it from there.03:13
pajamianksbalaji: and ... I think that resizingyour partition with gparted will probably be eaiser for you.03:13
b3lorixIn Pidgin, whats a  quick way to reply to teh last person who sent yu a message in IRG03:13
bazhangksbalaji, listen to pajamian03:13
linuxguymarshallHow can I force an app to run at a certain res? I want to play DOOM 3 on my HDTV but DOOM 3 only loads in 4:3 and my TV says that is an "Invalid Format"03:14
BZWingZerob3lorix: cairo-dock is similar and not beta as far as I know. I've never used it though.03:14
bastid_raZorb3lorix; i was using cairo-dock for some time.. then the latest version of that went all to crap.. i'm back to AWN now. which for the last week has been 'very' stable for me.03:14
=== felix-da-catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
bastid_raZorBZWingZero; possibly, cairo-dock has issues with something in 8.04. in 7.10 it ran without issue. after the upgrade to 8.04 .xession-errors was filled with errors and eventually X would crash or the box would lock up entirely03:16
valleypthink I know how to take it from here thanks03:16
linuxguymarshallHow can I force an app to run at a certain res? I want to play DOOM 3 on my HDTV but DOOM 3 only loads in 4:3 and my TV says that is an "Invalid Format"03:16
Be1hey, can someone help me with a problem i am having with firefox in ubuntu03:16
BZWingZerobastid_raZor: I used awn, or a non 100% width gnome-panel set to autohide03:16
Be1i'm not getting any sound when using flash03:17
bastid_raZorBZWingZero; i am a big fan of cairo-dock. awesome eyecandy and effects.. just buggy for the moment. i even tried the subversion of it.03:17
Be1anyone have any ideas?03:18
BZWingZerobastid_raZor: I'll try it next time it becomes a little more stable. Right now I'm keeping the stuff running a little slim to keep resources available for gaming03:19
ksbalajithanks pajamian (and  bazhang)I shall try gparted. Is it something which takes care of existing data?03:19
mkquistive lost my minimize/max/close and the terminal is just coming up a white box, like it never loads...  Also cannot drag by toolbar anymore. this just started...03:19
bazhangksbalaji, of course not; you need to back up first.03:19
pajamianksbalaji: it does, but I recommend making backups first if you can, at least of the important stuff.03:19
Gun_SmokeBe1, http://tinyurl.com/6ft2hh03:19
bastid_raZormkquist; get into system>appearance> advanced desktop effects settings then choose window borders.. make sure it is checked03:20
pajamian!gparted | ksbalaji03:21
ubottuksbalaji: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:21
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mkquistbastid_raZor: you mean window decorations?03:22
bastid_raZormkquist; yes,03:22
mkquistit's checked, already tried that one...03:22
mkquistthe window borders work when I turn off the effects... but it all worked until like last night...03:23
ksbalajipajamian, before I quit, can I use Gutsy live CD instead of Hardy? (I dont have a Hardy live-CD or even the upgrade CD or ISO file(I deleted it)03:23
mkquistnot sure what happened03:23
pajamianksbalaji: Yes, I believe so.03:23
ksbalajiOK bye03:24
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix-da-catz
vilhelmHello anyone awake?03:24
pajamian!hi | vilhelm03:24
ubottuvilhelm: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:24
william__i just downloaded this prgram. Where is the topic discussion?03:25
vilhelmHi ! i got a problem with my harddisks sometimes a cant see them in ubuntu and after a reboot everything is fine again :S03:25
pajamianwilliam__: what program?03:26
bazhangwilliam__, which one03:26
borkI'm having problems generating non-blacklisted ssh keys, using hardy. (eg http://paste.ubuntu.com/37595/) I've updated openssh-server, etc. Anyone have any ideas?03:26
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:26
dmsupermanHow can I determine which application is using which port?03:26
pajamiandmsuperman: sudo netstat -lp03:27
Gun_Smokewilliam__, For?.... Different channels?03:27
bazhangvilhelm, partitions or separate disks03:27
vilhelmwell it's a ntfs disk03:27
joshuablountDoes this look familiar to anyone? FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci (/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/net/ath_pci.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)03:27
william__when i entered this chatroom it asked that i check the discussion topic. I dont see it anywhere03:27
bazhangwilliam__, type /topic03:27
enzo_Sysinfo for 'Matrix': Linux 2.6.24-20-386 running KDE 3.5.9, CPU: Pentium III (Coppermine) at 597 MHz (1195 bogomips), HD: 6/36GB, RAM: 210/249MB, 110 proc's, 2.44h up03:28
qr_joshuablount: what does dmesg say?03:28
enzo_Should I be using 386 or generic?03:28
william__ah... thankyou03:28
denndadmsuperman: lsof probably03:28
denndadmsuperman: lsof -i :8080 for example03:28
* dennda is gone, bye03:29
vilhelmdont really understand how my partitions can just dissapear and after a reboot everythings ok again03:30
pajamianvilhelm: define, "disappear"03:30
bazhangvilhelm, thought you said disk03:30
vilhelmok sry if I gave you wrong info but in this media-dolphin i cant see them03:31
william__anyone have experience running virtualbox?03:31
bazhangwilliam__, yes03:32
namegamewilliam__: I have experience as well03:32
william__tells me kernel driver not installed03:33
Gun_Smokewilliam__, do you have kernel headers installed?03:34
william__i looked for the generic kernel and it tells me it cant meet dependencies and wont install03:34
bazhangwilliam__, check for the appropriate one in synaptic03:34
ugaritI have a perl script which needs use WWW::Resource; what is the name of the ubuntu package which has this module?03:34
m1xedanyone knows what "watchdog" is and what it does?03:35
bazhang!info watchdog03:35
ubottuwatchdog (source: watchdog): software watchdog. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.4-2 (hardy), package size 66 kB, installed size 272 kB03:35
dmsupermanSo how can I configure mpd and orangeplayer (or any other such web-based mpd client) to work together?03:35
dmsupermanGoogling isn't resulting in much help03:35
bazhangm1xed, packages.ubuntu.com will have a fuller description03:35
william__how do i know which module matches my kernel?03:36
m1xedbazhang, thanks!  Ill go give it a look see03:36
ColdSilence27how to enable java all other ways dont work]03:38
GneaColdSilence27: what ways?03:39
muzikjock58does anyone know about secondlife. and the linux client viewer ?03:39
Gnea!java | ColdSilence2703:39
ubottuColdSilence27: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:39
ColdSilence27the ways wit terminal03:39
Gnea!anyone | muzikjock5803:40
ubottumuzikjock58: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:40
Eligosdoes any one know how to go to graphic environment after installing drivers for Nvidia???03:40
etherealityI've plugged in my iPod Video, 60 GB, but it keeps mounting and unmounting -- and I receive those error messages saying "if you don't safely unmount devices you'll hurt yourself." do you know why it keeps unmounting itself? (now it's gone)03:40
dmsupermanSo how can I configure mpd and orangeplayer (or any other such web-based mpd client) to work together?03:40
GneaEligos: yes.03:40
dmsupermanGoogling isn't resulting in much help03:40
Gneadmsuperman: what did you search for?03:40
ethereality(i'm being a bit silly about the error messages, but you know -- notice to safely unmount before removing)03:41
dmsupermanGnea, even just "orangeplayer mpd" doesn't return anything03:41
GneaEligos: restart the X server - in fact, there should be a little blue circly thing telling you to restart03:41
Gneadmsuperman: try without the quotes and add 'ubuntu'03:42
zoidfar1Is there a reason why flash totally eats all my CPU cycles?03:42
dmsupermanGnea, just a bunch of random asian sites03:42
dvsI have been trying to fix my wireless and have been trying --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide#ip <-- and am stuck  right before section 3.4 ... in the GUI network admin tool it shows the wireless device03:42
dvsi have tried static ip and DHCP03:42
dvsit sees the wireless network but wont join it03:43
Gneadmsuperman: change your language03:43
EligosGnea: after I was able to insatall the drivers it was asking me to reboot, so I shut down and switched from integrated onboard graphics card to the Nvidia Card, but when it booted it went straight to console mode, and I don't know how to go back, I'm using windows right now to use mIRC an talk to someone to explain what I need to do03:43
dmsupermanGnea, it's english03:44
l3dok I have since uninstalled wine but the menu  is still listed under applications , How would I remove it?03:44
dvsl3d right click ?03:44
Gneadmsuperman: http://tinyurl.com/6d5y4p03:44
dvsl3d nm03:44
dvsyeah i just checked ?03:44
dvs  i was guessing :)03:44
l3dgood try tho03:45
dmsupermanGnea, right, none of those are relevant03:45
dvscan sumone help me03:45
x6d7268lvs: under the System menu, then Preferences, you 'll find an entry to let you edit the Main Menu.03:45
dmsupermanGnea, that's exactly what i searched for03:45
GoudurixOh oh oh ! It's very difficult....03:45
dvsI have been trying to fix my wireless and have been trying --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide#ip <-- and am stuck  right before section 3.4 ... in the GUI network admin tool it shows the wireless device03:45
dvsi have tried static ip and DHCP03:45
dvsit sees the wireless network but wont join it03:46
Viper1432l3d  the quick dirty way would be to go to system > preferences > main menu,  highlight applications and uncheck it.03:46
l3dyeah I know you can hide things by the main menu but I would like to really remove it03:46
ugaritI have a perl script which needs use WWW::Resource; what is the name of the ubuntu package which has this module?03:46
zoidfar1Anyone? reasons why flash kills my CPU? Is it just a really demanding program?03:46
=== blaqlight is now known as Blaqlight
x6d7268dvs: do you show a strong signal?03:46
Gneadmsuperman: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mpd/+bug/192735  ?03:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 192735 in pulseaudio "mpd no access to soundcard using pulseaudio" [Wishlist,Confirmed]03:47
Gneazoidfar1: usually03:47
dvsit doesnt show a little wireless  signal strength thingie anywhere03:47
Viper1432l3d  try this link:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224541&highlight=remove+menu+items+permanently03:48
Eligoscan any one please tell me how to go to graphics mode after installing nvidia drivers?, it boots straight to console mode03:48
dmsupermanGnea, ...I'm trying to figure out how to configure mpd + orangeplayer03:48
dmsupermanGnea, not file a bug report03:48
afallenhopecan I remove something from the /etc/cron.daily/?03:48
l3dok am looking03:48
Viper1432a few posts down, plus a few different methods to get rid of stuff.03:49
Gneadmsuperman: you know, i've never used them, so I don't know.. I'm just trying to help troubleshoot it... that bug report says it won't work because of pulseaudio... so I didn't know if you'd checked that or not03:49
freegoafallenhope, yes03:49
Viper1432etharis post is the one you want l3d03:49
X-warriorhey guy, in trying to add my windows xp to my grub but i can't... I have hd0 (200gb SATA) boot*, that contains the old boot loader from windows xp, hd1 that haves my Linux + Swap + Extended, hd2 that haves windows XP installed... :S03:49
x6d7268dvs: it should show how strong the signal is in the drop down list of wireless networks. Also, do you have any security set on the wireless router?03:49
Gneaand I've had pulseaudio step on my toes quite a few times, so it's nothing new03:50
afallenhopeI was wondering because I installed snort, and it seems like it's an outdated version. wanted to stay fully secure and when I did the "apt-get remove --purge snort-mysql" it didn't fully remove anything03:50
mkquistlost my minimize/maximize/close whenever I run the desktop effects... any help?03:50
dmsupermanGnea, It's not an issue of "not working", it's an issue of "not yet configured". I appreciate the help, but I think this needs more help from somebody who's actually set it up03:50
afallenhopefreego, do you know if it's stored anywhere else or can I just rm -f 5snort?03:50
=== Viper1432 is now known as caseyjp
Eligoscan any one gimme a hand?03:51
X-warriorhey guy, in trying to add my windows xp to my grub but i can't... I have hd0 (200gb SATA) boot*, that contains the old boot loader from windows xp, hd1 that haves my Linux + Swap + Extended, hd2 that haves windows XP installed... :S what should i do?03:51
dmsupermanGnea, plus, I'm in gutsy, precisely for that reason :P03:51
bcmiller2Eligos try startx03:51
phun_do you know that dialog that pops up and warns you if you have a "dead battery (below 50% charging capacity)? I said dont ask me again. I want to check the status of my battery how do i do that?03:51
Splexwhere can i access the configuration for gstreamer?03:52
Splexnot the sound dialog, but i want to set custom values03:52
bcmiller2Eligos, if it tells you that X is running try Alt Ctrl F703:52
Eligosbcmiller 2: so I just type "startx" and it should go to graphics mode, otherwise alt+ctrl+F7?03:53
All-AjaxyAlrighty, running the 7.0x live CD on an x86 machine with an Atheros Wifi card. It shows the Hardware Access Layer restricted driver as being enabled, but the actual device doesn't show up (eg: iwlist and iwconfig) fail because they just see loop and eth0 (the hardwired NIC)03:53
FAJALOUhi i am trying to use google-desktop, and i added the repos, but when i try to open it, it tells me that it fails to chmod ~/.google, error:  Operation not permitted.  what chmod number should i chmod that dir. to?  i tried 700 but that doesn't work.  Does anyone have any ideas?03:53
Gneadmsuperman: yeah, i can't seem to find orangeplayer in hardy at all :P03:54
bcmiller2Eligos, Yeah... try startx first03:54
Prosewhenever I copy a folder on a samba share, I lose ownership to said folder03:54
dmsupermanGnea, it's a PHP script/client03:54
dmsupermanGnea, it's not in repos03:55
dmsupermanGnea, it's for use with mpd03:55
bcmiller2Eligos, I am not convinced it will work because Ubuntu defaults to the X server but worth a go03:55
freddyr0any php/html guru around here?03:55
Eligosbcmiller2: ok I'll give that a shot right away, thanks!03:55
Tom_nuggindoes anyone know how to register a nick through irc?03:55
CharitwoTom_nuggin: /msg nickserv help register03:56
muzikjock58makequist try reboot03:56
=== andra is now known as cRista_manja
carlosrcan you help me freego03:56
freegojust do your questions03:56
carlosrfreego, i want the circle cube03:57
carlosrhow do i get it03:57
phun_do you know that dialog that pops up and warns you if you have a "dead battery (below 50% charging capacity)? I said dont ask me again. I want to check the status of my battery how do i do that?03:57
xgfhsdgfhsdwtf budget casket?! lol03:57
xgfhsdgfhsdMilkBaba has an onjoin03:57
phun_I tried going into /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0, but it gave really weird results when i did cat info03:58
freegocarlosr, ubuntu come with compiz in 7.10 and 8.0403:58
freegojust install compizconfig-settings-manager03:58
afaqfuck u all03:58
mrzitherHey, can anyone help me with my LTSP server?03:58
Charitwoafaq: not appropriate03:58
Gnea!ops | afaq03:58
ubottuafaq: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!03:58
carlosrthank you freego03:59
_blargwhen im at the ubuntu login screen and i hit backspace i hear a noise.,., when KDE starts it makes no noises., and sound doesnt work at all.,, can anyone help?03:59
phun_it says "design capacity:   4000mAh" and my last full capacity "65468 mAh"03:59
l3dok got it removed darn those wine menus are a pain03:59
rustychickencan i get a little help getting compiz running?  compiz-check results in the following: Rendering method: None03:59
caseyjplol l3d  I hear ya.  :D03:59
rand0m-wow ive been having this extremely annoying problem and have no idea how to fix it as i am rather a noob.  Earlier i was watching youtube videos, then just browsing random news sites while listening to music via amarok... then I closed amarok and went back to trying to watch youtube videos, but now the videos won't play without the tracker bar being dragged along manually and of course - no sound.. can anyone give pretty descri04:00
rand0m-ptive instructions on what to do ?04:00
phayzi recently installed ubuntu on a 6-year-old pc (a fairly recent nvidia video card), then added xfce404:01
RomeoLandoI am a total newbie to this and Ubuntu  Just installed desktop04:01
RomeoLandoHow do I install a server with the desktop?04:02
phayzi now find that the area where the xfce4 menus are to appear "flickers" for a few milliseconds, then the actual menu appears, with no visual problem04:02
=== andra is now known as cRista_manja
phayzi am running the proprietary nvidia driver and have no such trouble with xfce4 menus under another distro.  any ideas?04:02
usserrand0m, sudo apt-get install libflashsupport04:03
BZWingZeroRomeoLando: What kind of server?04:03
afaqsorry to everyone ........04:03
borkI'm having problems generating non-blacklisted ssh keys, using hardy. I've updated openssh-server, etc. Anyone have any ideas?04:04
slammed87d21how can i format an external harddrive?04:06
bytor4232slammed87d21: What is the device name?04:07
slammed87d21its a usb hd04:07
casaoDoes anyone know about installing ubuntu on an acer aspire one? one of the things in the wiki doesn't seem to be working04:07
Prosecasao: what isn't ?04:08
bytor4232slammed87d21: You need to find out what Ubuntu is calling it.  Open a terminal and type in 'dmesg'04:08
saikianyone know what would cause an application to close and still run?04:08
saikiI am trying to run idjc and it keeps closing04:08
AthlonFanboyis 2GB enough for gutsy?04:08
casaoProse: installing wireless. sudo echo ath_pci >> /etc/modules gave me permission denied, so i SU'd and did it and it worked, modprobe ath_pci doesn't return anything and i don't have an ath0 or wifi0 interface04:08
ProseAthlonFanboy: way enough04:08
casaodo i have to reboot?04:08
slammed87d21bytor4232, may I pm you?04:09
AthlonFanboyhow much will be free?04:09
saikiAthlonFanboy: 4gb hd space is recommended as a minimum04:09
AthlonFanboyIt will take forever to resize my 450GB ext3 partition to the left04:09
rustychickenhow do i install a renderer?  i have a intel mobile gm965 chipset, and compiz-check says that there is "no rendering method in use"04:10
Prosecasao: yeah that would be a start. have you tried using ndiswrapepr ?04:10
GneaAthlonFanboy: i'm sure you can afford the time04:10
ProseAthlonFanboy: I thought you meant RAM :D04:10
xyblormy WM crashed and now GDM just shows a mouse cursor without a login window. How do I fix that?04:10
casaoit's not installed, i'll give it a reboot and see if it shows up04:10
Prosecasao: keep us up to date04:11
Gneaxyblor: ctrl-alt-backspace04:11
=== andra is now known as cRista_manja
bullgard4[GNOME] System > Preferences > Main Menu > Applications:  When I click on the System Tools button, this button is filled for a short time but then empties so that I cannot create this menu item. How to troubleshoot?04:11
xyblorGnea: it does the same thing again when I do that, even rebooting doesn't help04:11
AthlonFanboysucks that the program i need is not compatible with mandriva04:11
Gneaxyblor: ctrl-alt-f1 and login, take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log  and see what it has to say about it04:12
xyblorGnea: okay, good idea04:12
=== adi_smg is now known as tary
casaowifi appeared after reboot, most people probably aren't as impatient as me04:14
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:14
Prosecasao: so wifi rocks ?04:15
casaoapparently, i told it to connect, i don't see an icon for it though04:15
AthlonFanboyi hate *buntus the only reason i need is to get amazon drm free music04:15
=== sea is now known as sea4ever
saikianyone know what would cause an application to close and still run?04:15
saikiI am trying to run idjc and it keeps closing04:15
casaotesting without my wired connection04:15
xyblorGnea: I don't see anything unusual in /var/log/Xorg.0.log04:16
=== felix-da-catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
Prosecasao: are you using the network manager ?04:16
casaoNetwork Settings04:16
summatusmentissuccess! fully installed ubuntu on my LE1600, and it's working!04:16
casaotold it to connect to my network, it appears to have connected properly but firefox isn't working04:16
dvsok it says my signal streangth is at 52% but i can not ping or browse the web any ideas why ?04:17
Gneaxyblor: try this: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop && startx04:17
Prosecasao: ping stuff04:17
Proseincluding your router04:17
casaoath0 has the self-assigned ip04:17
xyblorGnea: when I do ctrl-alt-backspace, it just quits GDM and stops, gdm doesn't restart04:17
xyblorGnea: okay, I'll try that04:17
casaorather, ath0:avahi04:17
xyblorGnea: that gives me a blank xsession with just a cursor04:18
casaoath0 has an ipv6 address, dunno anything about ipv6 so it might be the equivilent04:18
fslokewant to ask, I using the Synaptic Package Manager to install some application04:18
Prosecasao: i dont think ipv6 should matter04:18
fslokebut the application got bug04:18
casaoi told it to use dhcp04:18
Gneaxyblor: ok, now switch back to ctrl-alt-f2 this time and ps axf - see if there's any sub-X processes04:18
fslokeloop until infinite .... how can I stop install it?04:18
Prosecasao: and it is ? can you even see your route r?04:19
fslokeI just alt+ctrl+del04:19
casaolemme see something, hold on04:19
fslokethe restart the Ubuntu04:19
fslokeafter restart04:19
fslokeI open back Synaptic Package Manager04:19
fslokebut cannot04:20
fslokebecause the previous installation not yet finish04:20
casaoit doesn't seem to be seeing any wireless networks04:20
=== Paradox924X is now known as Paradox924X|Slee
fslokeThe Synaptic Package Manager just pop up an error say that has a locing04:20
casaowlanconfig ath0 list scan shows the network04:20
fslokewhat shld I do now?04:20
casaoah, and now it showed up04:20
sp219fsloke: something else is using apt04:21
fslokeI cannot run any apt-get until the application installed04:21
rand0m-k wow this is going to be the death of me - as my previous problem stated04:21
dvs_ok it says my signal streangth is at 52% but i can not ping or browse the web any ideas why ?04:21
rand0m-wow ive been having this extremely annoying problem and have no idea how to fix it as i am rather a noob.  Earlier i was watching youtube videos, then just browsing random news sites while listening to music via amarok... then I closed amarok and went back to trying to watch youtube videos, but now the videos won't play without the tracker bar being dragged along manually and of course - no sound..04:21
rand0m-i just did sudo apt-get install libflashsupport04:21
casaothere we go, got it working now, thanks for that Prose04:21
Prosecasao: you get really sporadic successes04:21
rand0m-and now when i try tow atch videos, firefox closes04:21
=== Kewl-Munky is now known as Kewl_Munky
casaoyeah, i do a lot of things, haha04:21
Prosecasao: I really do much besides cheering and slight moral support04:21
slushpuppy\Hi, whats the package name for XTest extension?04:21
fslokeapt-get cannot use...04:21
bullgard4[GNOME] System > Preferences > Main Menu > Applications:  When I click on the System Tools button, this button is filled for a short time but then empties so that I cannot create this menu item. How to troubleshoot?04:21
casaoi did manual config and i guess it decided to create the network04:21
dvs_anyone ever hear of that before ?04:22
dvs_anyone ever hear of that before ?04:22
dvs_ok it says my signal streangth is at 52% but i can not ping or browse the web any ideas why ?04:22
fslokeIt will call back the same application.... because that application is locking the apt-get04:22
FloodBot1dvs_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
Prosecasao: kudos to that then !04:22
xyblorGnea: oh wow, my window manager is actually still running, there must be a problem in its .rc file04:22
dvs_sorry floodbot04:22
casaocan i assume that setkeycodes should be run in rc.local?04:23
rustychickenhi Nyle04:24
NyleI want to make bash do package name completion too04:24
Nylehow can I do this?04:24
rand0m-wow too many problems not enough support04:24
rand0m-im going to destroy my laptop04:24
Nylerand0m-, no!04:24
Nyleits not the laptop's fault04:24
MrWizeGuy1983don't destroy, just reinstall if it's that bad lol04:24
lostogre rand0m: If you don't want it I'll take it.04:25
alistair_Hi does anyone here use streamtuner?04:25
Nyleso anyone04:25
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:25
rand0m-i dont want to take forever reinstalling & losing everything just because stupid firefox keeps crashing04:25
caseyjpi do (streamtuner). using it right now as a matter o' fact.04:25
rand0m-pardon my whininess but this has been going on for a week now04:25
MrWizeGuy1983rand0m, you have different partitions for storage and the os right?04:25
MrWizeGuy1983if so, reinstalling everything is pretty easy04:25
rand0m-errr no04:25
MrWizeGuy1983you don't lose your files or settings04:26
rand0m-err i dunno04:26
MrWizeGuy1983you have /home and / right?04:26
rand0m-i have win xp and ubuntu on one hd, two diff partitions04:26
alistair_caseyjp, can you advise can you change prefs to make it use rhythmbox when clicking on a shoutcast?04:26
caseyjprand0m,  if you search on flash support and firefox in ubuntu forums, you'll discover that its pretty flaky at this point.  flash 10 is supposed to be getting it better but its not 'there' yet.04:26
MrWizeGuy1983i haven't had any problems with it....04:26
FAJALOUHi i am following this guide:  http://code.google.com/p/google-gadgets-for-linux/wiki/HowToBuild   to compile google gadgets, but i am getting errors that i can't resolve, particularly   "../../configure --enable-debug"  and "make"  I have already looked at !compile   so could anyone help me through the steps a little better?04:27
alistair_all I can see is it fires up xmms04:27
rustychickenMrWizeGuy1983: ive heard people pushing for Ubuntu to use multiple partitions as you say (well, actually, even another one for /boot), but afaik, it didnt make it into hardy, and i dont even think intrepid04:27
rand0m-caseyjp, resulting in firefox just straight crashing ?  and would that also conflict with my soundcard drivers too because sometimes if i have amarok or banshee open - and then play a youtube video without closing the media program, youtube AND amarok or banshee freezes, and sound wont work til i reboot04:27
MrWizeGuy1983rustychicken, it uses 3 by default, one for swap one for / and one for /home04:27
FAJALOUMrWizeGuy1983: same here.04:28
emmanHi everybody!04:28
MrWizeGuy1983i have 2.5 gigs of ram, so i have no swap04:28
rustychickenMrWizeGuy1983: really?  hmmm...not mine...prolly my fault though04:28
overlordpuppyWhen trying to play a multimedia file, I get this error: Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll04:28
MrWizeGuy1983rustychicken, i might be wrong, i always do it manually, my bad04:28
caseyjprand0m, rather than rebooting, if you're using pulseaudio, you could kill and restart that instead... however, I recommend looking for 'perfect pulse audio setup' forum thread in ubuntu forums, as it has the work-arounds and fixes for what you are describing.04:28
alistair_Help can you use rhythmbox with streamtuner?04:28
casaodo setkeycodes and setpci need to be run everytime on startup or are they one off commands?04:29
rand0m-heh back to windows i go.. never imagined id have this much of a headache with the everso-amazing-upon-first-few-boots ubuntu.04:29
MrWizeGuy1983wow no04:29
MrWizeGuy1983let me help you04:29
MrWizeGuy1983rand0m, pm me and i'll try to help04:30
rustychickenMrWizeGuy1983: no prob, i just dunno what the default is, ill be really happy if it is 3 partitions though04:30
FAJALOUi am following this guide:  http://code.google.com/p/google-gadgets-for-linux/wiki/HowToBuild   to compile google gadgets, but i am getting errors that i can't resolve, particularly   "../../configure --enable-debug"  and "make"  I have already looked at !compile   so could anyone help me through the steps a little better?04:30
SiliadHello. How do I show a list of processes running in the terminal?04:31
sea4everps -a?04:31
sea4everps -A <- For *all* of 'em.04:31
rustychickenSiliad: top04:31
rustychickento get out of top, hit q04:31
overlordpuppyWhen I install codecs, do I have to reboot ubuntu? Or restart firefox?04:32
Siliadthank you04:32
rustychickenoverlordpuppy: no to the first one, probably to the second04:32
rustychickenoverlordpuppy: what codecs did you install?04:32
overlordpuppyrustychicken: It says it couldn't find avisynth.dll, so I went to mplayerhq and got them off there. Haven't put them in yet.04:33
rustychickencompiz (or at least the nvidia driver or something) keeps locking up my system (no, not even ctrl+alt+backspace works)04:33
rustychickenoverlordpuppy: ubuntu shouldnt need dlls...04:34
legend2440FAJALOU: there is a deb file for google gadgets     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82147804:34
FAJALOUrustychicken:  try reinstalling the nvidia drivers in restricted drivers manager04:34
emmanThe menu no longer appear on my laptop with 8.04 LTS after the failed installation of limewire. How do I make the menu appears again? Please help!04:34
FAJALOUlegend2440:  whoot thanks04:35
Prosewhen I copy or create a folder on a samba partition, I immediately lose ownership, wth ? (this is where some all-knowing person steps in)04:35
overlordpuppyrustychicken: Some codecs have no native equivs, so I believe some use the same binaries that windows does. . . I think.04:35
rustychickenoverlordpuppy: afaik,thats not the way it works...04:36
slushpuppy\Hi, anyone used xautoclick before?04:36
keppi_Prose:  check smb.conf?04:36
Prosekeppi_: yeah I did and I saw nothing particular04:36
overlordpuppyrustychicken: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/NonNativeCodecs?action=show&redirect=RestrictedFormats%2FWindowsCodecs04:36
emmanSOS...please I need your help!04:37
SeaPhorProse, did you see a "umask" value?04:37
Prosekeppi_: when I mount the samba partition, I mount it as a user, let's call him Bob. And even when I manually chown of the folder to Bob on the samba share, it's still 'not mine'04:37
rustychickenFAJALOU: so, should i just hard power off my computer?04:37
ProseSeaPhor: no because I didn't put any..04:37
keppi_Prose:  no force user:  ?04:37
FAJALOUrustychicken:  unless you know a command to shut it off otherwise ;)04:38
SeaPhorProse, did you chmod the partition?04:38
ksbalajiusing gparted, I made some free space. Now I want to add the free space to root partition. gparted does not allow. Why?04:38
Prosekeppi_: I don't know what that is04:38
FAJALOUksbalaji: we need more information then that: what is the error, are you doing it from the ocmputer?  if you are you cannot enlarge the space if the drive is in use, you need to get a livecd and expand / from there04:38
ProseSeaPhor: well, I did nothing out of the ordinary with chmod on it04:39
=== mRnAZ`` is now known as MrNaz
ProseSeaPhor: I didn't chmod it 777  (even though that is the only thing that works). but chmod 777 doesn't change anything because I would have to do it for every folder I create/copu04:39
FAJALOUProse:  have you tried sudo chowning it?04:40
ksbalajiI am doing gparted from the computer. How do I use gparted which is only in the computer /root and also use from liveCD?04:40
keppi_Prose:  who owns the file written?04:40
codyzapphas anyone used shoutcast on there internet radio station from linux? if so what did you use to get the music streaming?04:40
rustychickenFAJALOU: so, just boot into recovery then?04:40
SeaPhorProse, need to chmod -R04:40
Crowley2Does anybody know an icon theme you can coherently use under GNOME and some KDE applications???04:40
FAJALOUrustychicken:  i'll PM you.04:41
ksbalajiFAJALOU, gparted is only in the computer. liveCD does not have gparted. Or does it?04:41
rustychickenksbalaji: livecd has gparted04:41
SeaPhorthen in the .conf, set umask to --EXAMPLE--  022  (for a 755 permission)04:41
FAJALOUksbalaji: ya livecd does.04:41
SeaPhorthen in the .conf, set umask to --EXAMPLE--  022  (for a 755 permission) Prose04:41
ksbalajirustychicken, I will check up. Thanks04:42
emmanAll menus no longer appear on the screen after the failed installation of limewire..What should I do to restore the menu?04:42
ProseSeaPhor: does umask override chmod or something ?04:42
ProseSeaPhor: oh wait, I get what you're saying, sorry04:43
SeaPhorProse, umask sets default perms04:43
ProseSeaPhor: I forgot that you have to watch out for two permissions (system permissions and samba permissions)04:43
SeaPhorProse, and group and user04:44
casaochrist, alsa is a bitch to make04:44
Crowley2Does anybody know an icon theme you can coherently use under GNOME and some KDE applications???04:44
ProseSeaPhor: so I should put      umask = 022          in the [shareName] section ?04:44
tom_can someone help me out with secure ssh tunneling and VNC? I've done it before but it just doesn't seem to work now...I remember getting it right was a pain last time.04:45
SeaPhorProse, that was example only, but that would assume the chmod to be 75504:45
FAJALOU!ssh | tom_04:45
ubottutom_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/04:45
ProseSeaPhor: that sounds like a fin chmod to me04:45
tom_FAJALOU: thanks04:45
ProseSeaPhor: I was also asking if the syntax is correct (umask = 022)04:45
SeaPhorand prolly no spaces Prose04:46
FAJALOUtom np04:46
SuperQtom_: Put this in your ~/.ssh/config04:46
caseyjpputty also has a linux client.  fyi.04:46
SuperQtom_: oh, wait, you want putty?04:46
SeaPhorProse,  but i am not sure on the syntax,,, man chmod and umask04:46
tom_SuperQ: yeah04:47
emmanMy screen goes blank on my 8.04 LTS. Anybody could teach me to restore?04:47
fslokewant ask about the ubuntu Synaptic Package Manager04:47
tom_SuperQ: I've done it before -- and I think it's right, but obviously it's not because it isn't working :-p04:47
mzuverinkCould someone tell me if there is a way to totally disable a laptops internal speakers short of tearing into the laptop and unplugging them?  I have a Sony Vaio, VGN-NR385E, and when i plug in head phones the internal speakers still broadcast.  It is annoying and makes the laptop unusable in public if I want to hear web content04:47
fslokelast time I installed a package from Synaptic Package Manager04:47
SuperQtom_: so.. this situation:04:47
tom_mzuverink: there is a bios setting. If that doesn't work I think you can remove a package in ubuntu04:47
SuperQtom_: You're on a windows box, and want to VNC over SSH to a linux machine04:47
lostogreemman: what do you mean your screen goes blank? more info04:47
tom_SuperQ: correct04:48
fslokethe package/application look occur error in the middle of installation04:48
fslokeit infinitely looping04:48
fslokeI a bit scare and panic04:48
fslokethen I restart Ubuntu04:48
fslokeAfter restart, I use back the Synaptic Package Manager04:48
tom_mzuverink: I had the same problem on a dell laptop...I don't remember what I did, but I removed something -- I'm pretty sure it was a package04:48
deepakhi guys...a little help needed04:48
fslokebut it can't open already04:49
fslokegot pop up warning saying that has a application is using it04:49
SuperQtom_: Fairly easy, you want to do a "Source Port" 590004:49
SuperQtom_: then Destination localhost:590004:49
emmanHig lostogre! yes the screen is blank. It wount load the whole program. It happens after the failed installation of sun-java6-bin for the limewire.04:49
SuperQtom_: then click add04:49
ProseSeaPhor: wow! adding ''umask=022'' to a [ShareName] locked me out ! this is weird :D04:49
fslokethen what shld I do to cancel it?04:49
SuperQtom_: then connect04:49
tom_SuperQ: I have source to 5900 and remote to 5901. then I open vnc and then click connect then localhost. it connects and nothing comes up. If I close my putty window it kills the vnc connection, so I think it's on the other side04:50
lostogreemman: you want to load the whole program? you mean load ubuntu?04:50
emmanyes ubuntu program is not loaded....my screen is blank..04:51
ProseSeaPhor: and taking out and restarting the server doesn't revert it back :( I broke it04:51
SeaPhorProse, is the share on a different box? if so, then you need to set up groups and be a member of the group on the other box, then set the chmod to 774, and umask to 00304:51
fslokehow is it?04:52
lostogreemman: does it give any information? does the bios come up when you boot the machine?04:52
ProseSeaPhor: yeah, samba is on a server box on my LAN04:52
legend2440fsloke: in terminal try     dpkg --configure -a04:52
mzuverinktom_, Well if you think of the package that would be great, it is a new shiny laptop, came with Vista which I never even booted into but I am sure that it worked like it should have in that OS since they probably designed it to work with Vista.  I am desperate to get this fixed as my classes start soon and i will be using it at school.  So if you think of the package, let me know and Ill give it a try.  Thanks04:53
SeaPhorProse, add your user to the server and make him a member of the froup,,,04:53
emmanlostogre: Yes the bios come up I boot up the machine. It goes blank right after I entered the password.04:53
SuperQtom_: well, source is the local port on the windows PC04:53
SuperQtom_: so if you have a VNC server on the windows PC you can't use 590004:53
jigphow to setup hosting in ubuntu server?what to installi want to host04:53
tom_SuperQ: VNC server is running on a ubuntu machine04:53
blarg_i just installed KDE 4.0 - Is the KDE Theme Manager included in 4.0? if so how to i get to it?04:53
fsloketry already04:53
fslokebut the appliaction still looping... :(04:54
ProseSeaPhor: when you say I gotta be a member of the group, you're referring to the user with which samba mounts the share ?04:54
carlosrblarg_, systemsettings04:54
SuperQtom_: Ok, but what about the windows machine?04:54
SuperQtom_: is there a server there too?04:54
carlosrblarg_, update to 4.104:54
lwizardlanyone here setup point of sales computers?04:54
emmanLostogre: do i need to reinstall the LTS 8.04?04:54
tom_SuperQ: the windows machine is using a vnc client.  Do you know how to tell in ubuntu what port vnc is listening on?04:54
SeaPhoryes, and need a user set up on the server... Prose04:54
fslokeIt looping by printing a work repeatly...04:54
c0mp13371331337lwizardl: I kind of work for a company called OpenTable.  Not quite POS, but similar.04:55
SuperQtom_: netstat -aepl | grep vnc04:55
lostogreemman: I don't know. I don't know what is happening yet, because I don't yet have enough information.04:55
SuperQtom_: that might work04:55
lwizardlc0mp13371331337, yah but that seems more for resturants04:55
legend2440fsloke: what were you installing when this happened?04:55
c0mp13371331337lwizardl: Oh, were you referring to more like retail POS systems?04:56
SuperQtom_: netstat -pl | grep vnc04:56
lwizardlc0mp13371331337, yeah i'm working on opening a retail store and need to find what I will be using for my cash register04:57
c0mp13371331337lwizardl: Ah, I see.  Can't be of assistance there, sorry!  :-)  Good luck!04:57
lwizardlc0mp13371331337, no problem, I haven't been having any luck on this and don't want to have to use windows for the registers04:58
southieHello.  My CD drive doesn't work, and I plan on installing ubuntu off of my USB external harddrive.  there is nothing on it that i need, and I need to know what filesystem I should format it to.04:58
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:58
tom_SuperQ: http://img373.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vncpk5.jpg <-- does that look right to you? it does me04:58
=== PrivateVoid_ is now known as PrivateVoid
michaelDoes anyone know the passwords for the Live CD of Ubunto Intrepid ?05:00
michaelOpps, Ubuntu05:00
jigphello i installed tighvnc and it was success..but i cannot see the icon in Applications...05:01
Shadowkllrwhat's the best ftp server to run on ubuntu?05:01
ProseSeaPhor: okay, so, when I mount my samba share in fstab, there is this part username=rides,password=qwerty05:01
mrzitherShadowkllr: sftpd05:01
fslokedpkg :database locked by another process05:01
tom_can anyone see anything wrong with these settings? http://img373.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vncpk5.jpg05:01
ProseSeaPhor: on the server box, there is a System user called rides as well as a Samba user called rides05:01
ProseSeaPhor: with all the same password as the one in my fstab05:02
fslokelegend2440 :hylafax client and server05:02
ProseSeaPhor: do I need to, furthermore, also make sure that 'rides' is also part of a specific group ?05:02
fslokeI just click the two package and install05:02
fslokelast time I install it nothing happen05:02
legend2440fsloke: check if your partition is full   type df -h in terminal05:02
fslokeit successfully installed05:02
emman1sorry I was disconnected....05:02
fslokebut I don't know why when I uninstalled it then install back....05:03
emman1lostogre: are you still there?05:03
spemimehello all.05:03
lostogreemman1: yup.05:03
fslokehow to check?05:03
michaelIs anybody AMD 64 out there ?05:03
fslokedf -h05:03
tom_Anyone? http://img373.imageshack.us/my.php?image=vncpk5.jpg <-- is something wrong there?05:03
fslokeright ok05:03
legend2440fsloke: yes05:03
lostogremichael: yeah.05:03
SeaPhorProse, that depends, does the server see the local or the remot user? man this is hard to explain and much easier than i am making it05:03
lostogremichael: what's the problem?05:04
Gun_Smoketom_, What are you trying to tunnel?05:04
michaelLos, have you tried the latest Live Intrepid release and if so, what are the passwords ?05:04
spemimeI there anyone that has installed ubuntu 8.04 on a Satellite A305D?  I am having problems....05:05
tom_Gun_Smoke: vnc05:05
michaelLos, it boots into a password box but the common ones, guest, root, etc don't work.05:05
ProseSeaPhor: my bad but I don't understand; the server sees both but I mean, the 'rides' user goes through samba to access the hard drive05:05
ProseSeaPhor: sorry if this is poisoning your night :P05:05
lostogregotta go.05:06
emman1the grub is loading and it goes blank after I key-in my password....what could be the problem? Is the failed installation of limewire could be the problem? right after the failed installation I read "dpkg  --configure -a"05:06
chronographerhello anyone know where a python irc is for learners like myself?05:06
michaelAnybody using Intrepid ?05:06
Gun_Smoketom_, http://tinyurl.com/9xfcq05:06
SeaPhorProse, no, just been a long day and i am not explaining very well,05:06
ProseSeaPhor: headaches is the price to pay for kindness05:07
legend2440emman1: in terminal try   sudo dpkg--configure -a05:07
pinshello, I cannot get my intel wireless to work. Can I get help with it?05:07
tom_Gun_Smoke: Seen it. used those settings as well. Nothing. It's like it's not actually connecting vnc to the tunnel on the other  end05:08
* JoshuaRL|away returns.05:08
=== JoshuaRL|away is now known as JoshuaRL
DeranderHi, I'm on the 8.04.1 LiveCD right now, trying to get Ubuntu to recognize my two sata hard drives running as IDE.  Right now they do not show up at all.  I have a previously working linux install that no longer works after putting a new motherboard (asus p5q pro) that also does not recognize the hard disks.05:08
Miescocheckinstall doesn't work, is there anything to use?05:08
chronographerpins:  find out what it is by lsusb or lspci and then search ubuntuforums for that model05:08
Gun_Smoketom_, Do you have the vnc-server installed on the other end?05:08
michaelDerander, Intrepid ?05:08
SeaPhorProse, if the user on samba and the local machine are a member of a group that is on the server and at 755 will have read/execute perms05:08
emman1My screen is blank.. All what is written above and other are gone...I can't see the application.05:08
pinschronographer: i have searched. its an Intel 4965AG card.05:09
legend2440Miesco: you have to   sudo checkinstall05:09
Derandermichael: ?05:09
namegamechronographer: have you tried #python ?05:09
tom_Gun_Smoke: yes.  It's installed and vnc is running on 590105:09
pinsiwlist scan returns nothing, ifconfig -a shows it. It looks connected05:09
Miescolegend2440: Im doing it as root05:09
chronographeryeah its 'members only"!05:09
Gun_Smokepins, I have the same card.. works right out of the box05:09
bringatowelDerander, what is the output from "sudo fdisk -l" ?05:09
Miescochmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/lib/libSoundTouch.a': No such file or directory05:09
michaelDer...Intrepid is the newest alpha version or something05:09
pinsGun_Smoke: not here apparently05:09
Miesco/usr/bin/install -c .libs/libSoundTouch.a /usr/local/lib/libSoundTouch.a05:09
Deranderbringatowel, nothing.05:09
MiescoThat happend right before it05:09
chronographerpins: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-July/118971.html05:10
fslokelegend2440 : still there?05:10
chronographergoogle is your friens05:10
Gun_Smokepins,  Have you tried to restart networking?05:10
Miescocheckinstall is doing .libs, should be doing ./lib/?05:10
pinsyes, sudo ifup/down wlan005:10
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fslokethe result after typing "df -h"05:10
fslokeFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on05:10
chronographercan you see it with iwconfig05:10
pinsvery much so05:10
fslokevarlock               505M     0  505M   0% /var/lock05:11
ProseSeaPhor: hum okay, I understand, but before I can do any of this, I will go tinker around and understand why my samba share isn't being mounted on my client box05:11
Gun_Smoketom_, I don't know.. sorry.05:11
bringatowelDerander, well my guess would be some problem with your SATA controller driver, not sure what to suggest though05:11
fslokevarrun                505M  108K  505M   1% /var/run05:11
pinschronographer: wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"Rumrunner"  Nickname:"" Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated05:11
fsloke../dev/sda1              72G  4.9G   63G   8% /05:11
rustychickenhow good is envy?05:11
Deranderbringatowel, yeah, google has finally turned up a couple of things (a lot of people have had this problem apparently, just very few got it to work)05:11
tom_Gun_Smoke: it's fine..thanks for helping out anyway :-)05:11
ProseSeaPhor: when all I did is put umask=022 and then remove it ! I think I will go restore some smb.conf backup I have05:11
fslokelrm                   505M   39M  466M   8% /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/volatile05:11
Gun_Smoketom_, np05:11
fslokegvfs-fuse-daemon       72G  4.9G   63G   8% /home/server/.gvfs05:12
MiescoAre you suppost to run checkinstall AFTEr you run make install?05:12
fslokedevshm                505M   36K  505M   1% /dev/shm05:12
Gun_Smokepins, have you looked at your logs to see if something is going on?05:12
fslokehow you want me to see?05:12
chronographercheck in /etc/network/interfaces that all settings are correct05:12
SeaPhorProse, ok, i am crashing but you can always find me and several others, (more knowledgeable than me) at #SeaPhor05:12
Deranderbringatowel, going off to attempt something.05:12
Erick|LaptopHow do I find my version of Ubuntu in terminal?05:12
michaelI'll send in a bug report when days have 48 hours in them instead of just 24.  Support for Intrepid very lame.  Good night all.05:12
chronographerif you want, pastebin it and I can look05:12
pinsGun_Smoke: such as? im on the laptop right now. I can give you what you want.05:12
legend2440fsloke: is synaptic still in loop?05:13
bringatowelDerander, good luck05:13
FAJALOU!anyone | spemime, details please?05:13
ubottuspemime, details please?: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:13
ProseSeaPhor: on the freenode server ?05:13
fslokehow to check?05:13
ProseSeaPhor: I guess so! thanks ! night05:13
Gun_Smokepins, Anything.. in your logs that would resemble something happening with networking..  also look in /etc/network/interfaces05:13
fslokeJust now looping but when I stop it now have error...05:13
Erick|LaptopHow do I find my version of Ubuntu in terminal?05:14
meteoroidanyone want to venture favorite links on ldap + krb ?05:14
FAJALOUErick|Laptop:   uname -a05:14
legend2440fsloke: what is the error?05:14
Gun_Smokepins, and make sure it is configured properly.05:14
FlynsarmyHi. How do i kill sabnzbd? Shutdown button isn't working and it doesn't appear in ps ux | grep sabnzbd but the program is still running.05:15
casaoi think i FINALLY have ubuntu installed and netbook remix setup05:15
pinsGun_Smoke: http://pastebin.com/m5605387405:15
dmoernerErick|Laptop, lsb_release -d05:15
MiescoI have a program that only reads .ogg and .wav, can I use mplayer or something to make it read mp3s?05:15
Erick|LaptopThanks dmoerner05:15
bazzso, is it just the case that a belkin f5d6020 doesn't support wpa, or is that possible?  if so, how?05:16
snookumshey you all are computer nerds.. tell me why my wireless n doesnt go as far as my wireless g05:17
Shadowkllr_if i install openssh, does that come with ftp?05:17
FAJALOUsnookums: you got wireless n to work in ubuntu?  kudos05:17
Gun_Smokepins, I believe you need s:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    put the s: in front of your key05:18
fslokewhen I type "dpkg --configure -a"05:18
fslokedpkg: status database area is locked by another process05:18
legend2440fsloke: try          sudo dpkg --configure -a05:18
fslokewhen I click on  System> Administrator>Synaptic Package Manager05:18
fslokethe error is:05:19
fslokeUnable to get exclusive lock05:19
fslokeThis usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) isalready running. Please close that application first.05:19
ColdSilence27same thing with mine05:19
warriorforgodjoin #vmware05:19
casaohow do i disable compiz?05:19
fslokelegend2440: I try already05:19
fslokeI already print it to you to see...05:19
legend2440fsloke: you tried   sudo dpkg --configure -a   with sudo?05:20
fslokeall command I execute using sudo05:20
FAJALOUcasao: metacity --replace05:20
ColdSilence27wen u close the application will act worse05:20
pinsGun_Smoke: I did sudo ifdown wlan0 then edited the /network/interfaces file.05:20
pinsGun_Smoke: No DHCPOFFERS received.05:20
pinsNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping.05:20
legend2440fsloke: ok  can i PM?05:20
casaoFAJALOU: that will stop the autorun too?05:20
FAJALOUcasao; no... are you using fusion-icon?05:21
casaoi'm using NBR05:21
casaonetbook remix05:21
casaoit doesn't interact well with compiz, apparently05:21
lwizardlhas anyone here setup and configured linux point of sales cash registers?05:21
emman1please help! the screen of my laptop goes blank right after keying the password?05:21
Gun_Smoke pins sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <ur_router>05:21
FAJALOUnever heard of that... i would install fusion-icon it makes it easy to manage, and i think that when you turn it off in fusion icon it will stay off05:21
FAJALOUbut try metacity --replace05:22
casao--replace worked05:22
Prosewhat in blazes that  "mount.nfs: can't get address for smb' mean ?05:22
casaoi just want to stop it from autostart05:22
FAJALOUemman1:  go to ctrl alt f105:22
Gun_Smokepins, sudo iwconfig wlan0 key s:<ur_ascii_key>05:22
casaoProse: it's trying to mount a samba share over the network05:22
pinsGun_Smoke: its hex05:22
pinsis that alright?05:22
FAJALOUcasao:  i am not sure if it will or not, but you will find out soon enough ;)05:22
Gun_Smokegive it a go05:22
Gun_Smokesudo dhclient wlan005:23
Prosecasao: I indeed asked it to do that, but what the insult it spit at me mean ?05:23
ColdSilence27how do u restore the default setting on whole system wit out re formatin it05:23
casaowhat did you put in the samba instructions? looks like it can't find the samba server05:23
SiliadAnyone here good with conky?05:24
casaonegative, i'm really pissy because my wifi disappeared05:24
casaothat's just an aside05:24
casaoupdating kernel = wifi gone, gotta redo it all05:24
casaoand it's 12:30 and i should be going to bed, not putzing in a terminal05:25
casaothat set, netbook remix is pretty05:25
Siliadhaha i forget it's the weekday05:25
pinsGun_Smoke: http://pastebin.com/m1f87a3b705:25
emman1good for you casao its only the wifi disappeared. mine is the entire menu.05:25
DeranderAlright, this is interesting.  My motherboard has a BIOS bug that causes Vista to bluescreen when it tries to boot up with sata drives in AHCI mode, so I have to run them in IDE mode.  Ubuntu can't see the drives when they are running in IDE mode, but works fine when they are running in AHCI mode.  Is there anything I can do about this on linux's side (gimping it? ;-))05:26
gauravkumarhey .. i jus discovered that have 3600+ error log files in my home folder on a week old ubuntu copy.. can someone look at this error and tell me what it is?05:26
Prosecasao: scratch that, I restored a smb.cong backup and it wokred05:26
pinsGun_Smoke: can i have both eth0 and wlan0 going at the same time?05:27
AmioneExcuse me anyone im running Warcraft 3 on WIne and everythings great but its increadibly slow, i read to load it with opengl but the file has a space on it "Program Files" and i cant cd to it any help please?05:27
gauravkumarhey .. i jus discovered that have 3600+ error log files in my home folder on a week old ubuntu copy.. can someone look at this error and tell me what it is?05:28
Gun_Smokepins /etc/init.d/networking restart ?  do05:28
tarwatirn1Amione: use quotes05:29
emman1I am desperate....could somebody outhere teach me to make my blank screen all menus reapper.05:29
Amioneok thanks hehe05:29
c0mp13371331337Amione: Or escape the space by placing a \ before it: Program\ Files05:29
Amioneyea i remembered the \05:29
fez_I downloaded a .zip off source forge. How do I install it?05:29
Amioneforgot to put the space after \05:29
Amionethats why it wasnt working thanks really05:30
pyrexGun_Smoke: still No DHCPOFFERS received on wlan005:30
fez_anyone know how to manual install a zip via terminal?05:31
ismithfez_: what's in the zip?05:31
fez_an src folder05:31
fez_its to run MSN off the terminal05:31
ismithfez_: sure.  you know how to unzip it in the terminal?05:31
fez_er no05:31
Gun_Smokepyrex, wep or wpa?05:32
rohanhi. can i edit my comments in launchpad? i can't find any option to do so05:32
ismithfez: alright, i'll walk you through it.  first things first though - did you check to see if it's available through apt?  that's genearlly a preferable way to install things05:32
fez_not there05:32
emman1bazhang are there?05:32
ismithfez_: okay.  so, "tar xvf <file>" will unzip it05:32
Gun_Smokepins, Ah, well good luck.. I'm still looking for an answer to that.05:32
AmioneThank you everyone!!!! Warcraft III is working extremely well now :P its almost like im in windows hehe05:33
Amionecya everyone05:33
pinsiwlist scan still should work right?05:33
Gun_Smokepins, I couldn't get wep working.05:33
erat123could anyone help me setup my web camera on ubuntu?05:33
pinsman, wth05:33
eligosis there a way to play window games in ubuntu?05:33
Gun_Smokeyeah, you'll be able to see it but can't connect with wep..05:33
ismithfez_: yeah?05:33
fez_I found something in the repository05:33
dvs_is there a way to create a live/instalation cd from an existing instalation ?05:33
PacmanTangoA sock/05:33
fez_thanks for your help and suggestion05:33
pinsGun_Smoke: how come i cannot see anything.05:34
ismithfez_: good.  i've got it all typed, though, so shall i tell you anyway?05:34
Shadowkllr_anyone know anything about tunneling so that I can safely use vnc on the road?05:34
pinsGun_Smoke: wlan0     No scan results05:34
ismithfez_: then cd into the directory, and run "./configure", followed by "make".  when that's done (might take a while), then you're going to "sudo make install".  thta'll work for the vast majority of stuff out there, though not all of it.05:34
Gun_Smokesudo iwlist scan wlan0 should give you something05:34
tarwatirn1sudo iwlist scan05:34
bazzeligos, some of them, with wine.  check http://appdb.winehq.org/ for compatibility05:34
fez_let me try05:34
pinsiwlist: unknown command `wlan0' (check 'iwlist --help').05:35
ismithfez_: stop before "sudo make install", then - better not to clutter up your system, hence the preference for apt packages05:35
pinsGun_Smoke: tarwatirn1 ok, got some results now!05:35
fez_so doing it manually clutters up the system?05:35
Gun_Smoketarwatirn1, thanks for the correction.05:35
gauravkumarhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/37616/ ????? someone???05:35
fez_how is this different from installing from packages?05:36
tarwatirn1took me a while to figure that one out05:36
pinsGun_Smoke: whats up with wep not working? built intentationally?05:36
ismithfez_: well, it's not easy to uninstall.  with a dpkg, you just run "apt remove <package>"; with a source install, you can't do that.  basically, a package is all set up specifically for ubuntu.  iti tells the system whwere it's putting everything, so you can upgrade or uninstall later using apt or dpkg05:36
Gun_Smokepins, seems to be a knows bug..05:36
fez_I see.05:36
fez_cool then.05:37
Shadowkllr_if i'm setting up my router so that I can tunnel vnc and/or ftp, all i have to do is forward one port on my router, right?05:37
ismithfez_: not that it's impossible to upgrade or uninstall with a manually compiled package; it's just less simple.05:37
fez_well thank you05:37
pinsgreat, now i have to go back to windows?05:37
tarwatirn1sudo make distclean05:37
Shadowkllr_just the ssh port, right? which by default should be 2205:37
fez_how do I get your name to come up like you do with mine?05:37
Gun_Smokepins, it is possible to set it up manually but I haven't had any luck with our card.  a lot of different cards seem to work at the moment.  Can you switch your encryption?05:38
ismithfez_: i'm just typing it in, but some irc clients do tab completion.05:38
thebinz'sudo make uninstall' will uninstall the compiled source05:38
fez_ismith: yo05:38
lwizardlhmm i just got a random spam pm from someone with the nick of TylerMeister00. about bras not being only for women05:38
fez_well. that works.05:38
fez_well thanks :D05:38
fez_now off to experimentation.05:38
ismiththebinz: good to know.  still, depends on you keeping the source around, and it's not specifically maintained for ubuntu.  a lazy admin is a smart admin.  or is it the other way around?05:38
pinsGun_Smoke: could, but i just rent a room in this house. Gonna have to run it by owner or switch to vista. :(05:39
Gun_Smokewep sucks anyhow05:39
carthikHi - can I build a /usr/local on one machine and copy it to other machines, if the machines use different hardware including processor05:39
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owen1i installed ubuntu with alternate cd, command-line version. what packages do i need to hear audio?05:39
thebinzhah, true that you do have to keep the source, but you could always download it at a later point in time if you want to uninstall.05:40
thebinzi guess its just all up to the user05:40
fez_Gun Smoke, using a broadcom chip?05:40
ismithdepends on it being available.  *shrug*.  like i  said, it's not impossible.  it's just nice eto let a package maintainer deal with those hassles05:40
thebinzi like running the latests software, if it requires me to go through extra step to get it, then i will05:40
thebinzbesides, i like the interaction of compiling from source. It's fun.05:41
ismithit is a bit more fun, yeah.  i suppose it all depends - i don't currently have a system that i can just play with, i'm more worried about keeping it running.05:42
carthikHi - can I build a /usr/local on one machine and copy it to other machines, if the machines use different hardware including processor05:42
fez_ismith, VMWare?05:42
eligoscan anyone help me? I can't mount my NTFS drives05:42
Freddis there any way to make the gnome panel group opened windows?05:42
bazzcarthik: what do you mean by different processor?  like intel/amd, 32/64, or x86/somethingelse05:42
pinsGun_Smoke: i know wep sucks major #(*&#$05:43
ismithfez_: it's not for lack of options.  just ... my time is spent elsewhere.05:43
carthikbazz, one's an and64 machine and the other is an intel quadcore proc (64bit)05:43
Gun_Smokepins, I'm looking over this now...  http://tinyurl.com/6d8aop05:43
* pins jumping05:44
bazzcarthik: that *should* work.  they both use the same instruction set afaik.  unless the intel is itanium, in which case, it won't05:44
owen1i installed ubuntu with alternate cd, command-line version. what packages do i need to hear audio?05:44
poky140mp3 codecs05:44
joseph_cheahifconfig give me nothing ....what is the tools that i need to apt-get?????05:45
bazzcarthik: try just it with something that's quick to compile.  if it works with one program it should work with most, unless something uses processor specific extensions, but most stuff doesnt05:45
carthikbazz, thanks, what's a sure way to know, or a reference, since /proc/cpuinfo (of course) gives me diff flags for the two processors?05:45
emman1If I reinstall my LTS 8.04 would it erase my data?05:45
michael__what are these 'gnu make extensions' ? and how can i install them?05:46
ZelbinianHey - any VirtualBox gurus in here?05:46
thebinzjoseph_cheah: you need an active internet connection, terminal, and synaptic...?05:46
tarwatirn1emman1: how is your hdd partitioned?05:46
owen1Zelbinian: not guru, but uses it05:46
michael__i'm just a user05:46
emman1how do i reinstall my ubuntu 8.04 without destroying data?05:46
ZelbinianOk, well, maybe you can help me.05:46
tarwatirn1Zelbinian: same here05:46
LordRedyenmichael__: uhm apt-get install build-essentials05:47
bazzcarthik: i don't know what the naming scheme for intel processors really, i've stopped following it, but if uses the x86-64 instruction set, which you should be able to get on any spec page, then binaries should work on both machines05:47
ZelbinianI'm trying to install Vista as a virtual pc05:47
joebob777as7i'm having some pretty poor network performance can someone give me a hand? it's about 1/10th the speed it runs in vista...05:47
eligos hello, I need some help. I can't mount my ntfs drives and I can't access none of my files05:47
owen1Zelbinian: ok05:47
namegameZelbinian, I have successfully done that05:47
ZelbinianI set up the virtual hdd, and I went to start it up to install it, and I got this message: "VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.."05:47
emman1one one partition05:47
emman1only one partition....05:47
ZelbinianI went to the package manager05:47
bazzcarthik: the amd will use x86-64 for sure, it's their instruction set :)05:47
carthikemman1, backup /home and /etc, /usr/local and /opt and any manually installed deb packages you downloaded05:47
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ZelbinianAnd I downloaded a few of those virtualbox-ose-modules05:47
ZelbinianBut I keep getting the error, and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.05:48
emman1how do I backup?05:48
pinsGun_Smoke: find anything usefull?05:48
poky140you have to enabe virtalbox in users and groups05:48
owen1Zelbinian: try google for the error with the keyword vista05:48
tarwatirn1Zelbinian: what kernel are you running?05:48
carthikemman1, you gotta read that up - no magic button/tricks05:48
thebinzZelbinian: did you download the package specific to your kernel?05:48
joseph_cheahthebinz: just doing apt-get in the console05:48
ZelbinianI think so. It wouldn't let me install the wrong ones.05:49
emman1what is the command in terminal to make backups?05:49
carthikemman1, if your /home is on a seperate disk partition, it is easier, you can just preserve that partition05:49
owen1emman1: tar ?05:49
thebinzZelbinian: in terminal try 'uname -r'05:49
Gun_Smokenaw.. I've been looking for a couple of days now on and off.. I just opened the network, and tomorrow I'll drop the on old PC only can do wep.05:49
ZelbinianI'm running Hardy Heron . . . so I assume I have the latest kernel05:49
thebinzthat'll give you the kernel version05:49
=== CoolFox is now known as CanisFamiliaris
eligosdoes anyone know how to mount volumes in Hardy??05:49
joebob777as7sending a 3GB file only runs between 2 and 5mbps... and on vista it's over 20mbps05:49
michael__LordRedyen: i've already installed build-essential, but anjuta is complaining about '%'-pattern is a gnu make extension05:49
carthikemman1, tar, rsync, cp are all commands that can be used - unfortunately I cannot tell you the options or the exact command, since I am evil :P05:49
ZelbinianAh, I did download the wrong one.05:49
carthikemman1, just kidding, but you will need to change the exact command to precisely suit your needs, which is why05:50
emman1carthik: what is the command in terminal to make backups?05:50
ZelbinianI checked the Ubuntu docs and it said 1605:50
ZelbinianBut maybe those are outdated.05:50
carthikemman1, refer above05:50
thebinzjoseph_cheah: what command are you trying to run? what error are you getting?05:50
ZelbinianI didn't know how to check my kernel version.05:50
carthikZelbinian, uname -a05:50
carthikthanks bazz, see ya later05:51
joebob777as7i'm having some pretty poor network performance can someone give me a hand? it's about 1/10th the speed it runs in vista... sending a 3GB file only runs between 2 and 5mbps... and on vista it's over 20mbps05:51
bazzsure, good luc05:51
ZelbinianK, lemme try and install the right one. :)05:51
joseph_cheahthebinz: ifconfig returns nothing05:52
bazzjesus, what's up with the pm spam?05:52
tarwatirn1joebob777as7: Is this a local transfer?05:53
joebob777as7tarwatirn1, yes05:53
ZelbinianHmm. That didn't do it. I'm gonna try re-installing VirtualBox05:53
tarwatirn1joebob777as7: what sort of link wireless or wther05:54
thebinzjoseph_cheah: why are you trying ifconfig and apt-get are two different things. 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' will upgrade your system. ifconfig tells you the status of your internet devices05:54
joebob777as7tarwatirn1, wired http://pastebin.ca/1172438 peaks at about 6mbps05:54
tarwatirn1Zelbinian: try05:54
tarwatirn1sudo modprove vboxdrv05:54
thebinzyou need to explain more if you want me help05:54
owen1Zelbinian: try using the version from sun's site.05:55
Zelbiniansudo: modprove: command not found05:55
joseph_cheahthebinz: ok, miscommunication... how can i install the tools to enable the network?05:55
owen1do i have 8.04 or earlier version? 2.6.24-19-generic05:55
ZelbinianOh, modprobe, k.05:55
thebinzwhich network?05:55
owen1i have 2.6.24-19-generic.  is it 8.04?05:56
thebinzwireless? or wires?05:56
pinscan anyone tell me why my volume sounds so awful and low.05:56
jeeves__how can I specify a IP range to scan (not on a single subnet, but starting at an odd IP # and ending @ another off IP # in a differen't subnet.05:56
pinsand i have a subwoofer on my lappy and its not kicking05:56
thebinzowen1: your kernel version does not determine the version of your ubuntu release05:56
owen1thebinz: ok. how to check my ubuntu version?05:57
jeeves__thebinz, I'm working on trying to find a port # on our Sonicwalls that we know can be accessed on our public IP range.05:57
joseph_cheahowen1: yes...this is ubuntu desktop version05:57
legend2440owen1: in terminal    lsb_release -a05:57
jeremy_if you're on 2.6.24 then your most likely on hardy05:57
thebinzcat /etc/lsb-release05:58
jeeves__thebinz, I'm @ home now (so I'm not inside the corp. network) to scan the public facing IPs for this open port05:58
ZelbinianOk, virtualbox-ose-guest module for linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic is installed, VirtualBox is installed, but vboxdrv wasn't found05:58
thebinzowen1: cat /etc/lsb-release05:58
owen1joseph_cheah: legend2440: thanks, i am on 8.0405:58
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owen1thebinz: Ubuntu 8.04.105:58
owen1what packages are required for sound?05:58
namegameZelbinian: where did you install virtualbox from?05:59
infexionare there a lot of issues with ubuntu and wireless cards in laptops?05:59
tarwatirn1infexion: depends on the card05:59
ZelbinianAdd/Remove programs05:59
ZelbinianSo the Ubuntu package manager, essentially05:59
tarwatirn1Zelbinian: hmm I am using the deb from Sun's sight05:59
namegameZelbinian: for some reason that one doesn't work for me either, I got mine from the website05:59
ZelbinianChrist, I have to figure out VirtualBox AND how to manually install software? lol06:00
ZelbinianOk, I'll try downloading it from there.06:00
tarwatirn1it is a deb06:00
thebinzjeeves__: have you tried an ip scanner?06:00
joebob777as7tarwatirn1, any ideas?06:00
infexiontarwatirn1: Well I am trying to get the name of it but I am having troubles with it... I think the wireless card and the wired card are dukin it out because they both have the same mac says ifconfig06:00
owen1what packages do i need for sound in ubuntu?06:01
linxuz3rsup homies06:01
utnubu_userhow can I visualize youtube videos?06:01
infexiontarwatirn1: it is a dell wireless 1390 WLAN mini-card06:01
tarwatirn1lspci to http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:01
thebinzjeeves__: with something like 'Angry IP Scanner" you will be able to specify the IP range to scan06:01
thebinzyou said you want to scan the internal ip range?06:01
jeeves__thebinz, I'm in Ubuntu, not windows.06:01
tarwatirn1infexion: enter06:02
tarwatirn1in a terminal and paste the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:02
owen1what packages do i need for sound in ubuntu?06:02
jeeves__thebinz, do you know if they make angry IP scanner for Ubuntu?06:02
thebinzthe deb06:02
tarwatirn1owen1: Is there a reason you installed from the alt cd?06:02
thebinznmap is really good too06:03
jeeves__thebinz, thanks06:03
ZelbinianShould I download the Open Source Edition of VirtualBox or does it matter?06:03
thebinzprob in the repos somewhere06:03
owen1i can't hear sound. i installed alsa-utils but still can't hear anything.06:03
owen1tarwatirn1: i try to create lean machine.06:03
infexionok so how does one install a windows driver for a wireless card in linux?06:03
infexionI distinctly remember there being some sort of program06:04
djhashinfexion: you dont06:04
owen1tarwatirn1: any idea how to get sound to work?06:04
tarwatirn1infexion: ndiswrapper06:04
infexiontarwatirn1: Thanks dude06:04
frybyeutnubu_user: I guess you need to seach for "flash" and "mpe" in the snaptic packet manager .. appart from that I find personally that an article on zdnet about multimedia support in ubuntu is very informative/understandable..06:04
joseph_cheahthebinz: so what is the tools in order to get the ifconfig to use?? is that net-tools??06:05
RomeoLandoAny Dreamweaver experts and ubuntu apache?06:05
thebinzwhat happens when you type in ifconfig?06:05
tarwatirn1owen1: its probably an issue with pulse not getting set up right. though your best bet is to try the regular install. if you *really* don't want to this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957806:05
thebinzit doesnt reporet anything? does it say "command not found"06:06
thebinzifconfig should work as long as you have an active wired internet connection06:06
tarwatirn1joseph_cheah: try06:06
tarwatirn1ifconfig -a06:06
thebinzif you have wireless then try 'iwconfig'06:06
jdrakeI am having a problem with fonts and the terminal. Everything appears to be bold, or heavily antialiased. A picture shown here: http://techsociety.ca/users:jeffd shows the options dialog displaying something totally different than what is displaying in the actual terminal. Any ideas?06:06
thebinzhave you tried changing the font?06:07
owen1tarwatirn1: ok. thanks06:07
Zelbinianthebinz, tarwatirn1: The Sun installer told me this "Users of VirtualBox must be member of that group in order to have write permissions to /dev/vboxdrv. Otherwise starting of VMs will not be possible."06:08
thebinzjdrake, are you running 'gnome-terminal'?06:08
jigptightvnc is pain.cannot connect to tightvnc windows06:08
thebinzthats an easy fix06:08
thebinzZelbinian: thats an easy fix06:09
ZelbinianOk, good. Sorry I'm such a Linux newb06:09
jdrakethebinz, I am running the terminal included in the regular ubuntu install, so I believe so.06:09
ZelbinianI'll try to do it myself, but I'll ask if I need help.06:09
thebinzgo to users and groups06:09
thebinzfrom admin menu06:09
thebinzclick unlock06:10
thebinzthen manage groups06:10
thebinzand add vboxusers06:10
jigphello how do i know if apache is running?06:10
thebinzmake sure you check your username06:10
RomeoLandoHow do you connect dreamweaver vista laptop to testing server on apache ubuntu install?06:10
jigpRomeoLando : check
ZelbinianI got it - that dialog isn't altogether different from Windows. But thanks for the help.06:11
RomeoLandojigp : I am a newbie and would need a little more detail06:12
alistair_Help sorry about this lack of knowledge I have shared a printer on winxp and have a link via wifi to winxp can see shared folders but no printer anyone advise pse?06:12
owen1tarwatirn1: problem solved, my alsamixer was all muted.06:12
RomeoLandoalistair: add printer on wifi computer06:12
tarwatirn1owen1: I see. alsa can be a pain like that.06:13
RomeoLandosearch networked06:13
ZelbinianDamnit. Ok, I'm a member of that group, but VirtualBox says I don't have write permissions on the folder.06:13
djhashjigp: you just answered ur own question.. check localhost in ur browser..06:14
alistair_RomeoLando, thats what I'd done both pc have wifi working06:14
RomeoLandojigp I need to access this computer remotely06:14
dabbuhappy independence day to all indian here06:15
jigpdjgash : is working. it says "it works"06:15
djhashjigp: then ubuntu is working..06:15
RomeoLandoI need to access from vista laptop.  The server is not on the same computer as dreamweaver06:16
RomeoLandoApache is on Ubuntu desktop06:16
jigpdjhash yeah but the tightvnc that ive installed wont work..theres no icon in Applications or System like "tightvnc"06:16
pajamianRomeoLando: You probably want to use SFTP then to transfer files from dreamweaver to the ubuntu server.06:16
jigpdjhash i successfully installed the tightvnc06:16
RomeoLandook how06:17
thebinzZelbinian: did you make sure you username was check for that group?06:17
RomeoLandoI just added sftp to apache06:17
djhashjigp: you dont need tightvnc on ubuntu.. it comes pre-installed with VNC server and viewer06:17
zupbhi, guys. I try to install virtualbox on ubuntu, but when i try to run the programm i get such mistake http://paste.ubuntu.com/37621/. Then i try to do '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup', but after than i get such mistake http://paste.ubuntu.com/37622/. My log  /var/log/vbox-install.log is http://paste.ubuntu.com/37623/. SOS!!!06:17
pajamianRomeoLando: use the same login and password that you use to access the server via ssh.06:17
tarwatirn1Zelbinian:    The group vboxusers will be created during installation. Note that a user who is06:17
tarwatirn1going to run VirtualBox must be member of that group. A user can be made member of06:17
tarwatirn1the group vboxusers through the GUI user/group management or at the command06:17
tarwatirn1line with06:17
tarwatirn1sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers username06:17
FloodBot1tarwatirn1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:17
tarwatirn1   Also note that adding an active user to that group will require that user to log out06:17
Zelbinianthebinz: Yes06:17
ZelbinianThere exists only myself and root06:17
ZelbinianAnd all but root is added06:17
RomeoLandoCan someone chat with me on a personal line because I am definitely a newbie06:18
pajamianRomeoLando: not now, sorry, I have to run out.06:18
thebinzclick "vboxusers" > "Properties" > Check your username06:18
jigpdjhash : how to view the pc2? my ip is ..and there is tightvnc installed there in p4 -
thebinzrestart virtualbox06:18
ZelbinianOh, I have to log out and back in.06:18
ZelbinianI just saw tarwatirn1's messages.06:19
ZelbinianOk, I'll try that.06:19
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tarwatirn1sorry for the flood06:19
=== Blue0x is now known as BlueOx
bnalohimhello.. i accidentaly errased a JFS partition.. do anyone now of an application for recovering data??06:20
RomeoLandoHow to I get my computer recognizing that there is a server on my network?06:20
utnubu_userwhich package do I need to install to view flash videos. I installed all gstreamer packages, but it does not work. I also installed the video players suggested on the page06:20
Rat409!testdisk | bnalohim06:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about testdisk06:20
Rat409bnalohim: testdisk06:21
djhashjigp: in your current computer you run vnc-viewer and connect to the ip of the other computer..06:21
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"06:21
tarwatirn1utnubu_user: flashplugin-nonfree06:21
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Rat409oh well06:22
TheRabbitI'm having trouble trying to install a PCMCIA card06:22
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zupbthebinz, i add my username to group vboxusers, don't help :(06:22
tarwatirn1zupb: did you logout and log back in?06:22
djhashjigp: ok.. I think I was mistaken.. seems like vnc is not automatically installed with ubuntu.. you need to install vnc-viewer.06:22
bnalohimRat409.. do you think it will work if now the partition has ntfs file system??06:23
thebinzand you tried a logout?06:23
jigpdjhash : bash: vnc-viewer: command not found06:23
djhashjigp: try 'xtightvncviewer'06:23
zupbthebinz, yes. my be i nust reboot a system?06:23
tarwatirn1utnubu_user: you probably want libflashsupport too06:23
thebinznah thats not usually the case06:23
Rat409bnalohim: not sure maybe if you haven't wriiten new data on that filesystem,nothing to lose tho06:23
ogzyhi i have an ethernet card that is rtl8101e series reaktek, it seems the driver is builtin but my hardy didnt recognize it, which module should i load?06:24
jigpdjhash : hmmm djhash unable to connect...i will just type ip:port?06:24
Rat409bnalohim: homepage/docs here but its apt-gettable06:25
djhashjigp: are you sure that the other computer's firewall is set to allow connections at the vnc port?!06:25
thebinzmaybe try a reboot06:26
thebinzwhere did you go?06:26
thebinzzuphttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=504328 < 4th post06:26
jigpdjhash : yes. i can connect using win to win06:26
thebinzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=504328 < zupb06:27
thebinzhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=504328 < zupb06:28
thebinzdid you try a reboot?06:28
pyrexis us.archive.ubuntu.com down?06:28
pyrexmy apt-get install is stalled at 0%06:28
tarwatirn1or a06:28
tarwatirn1usermod username -G -a vboxusers06:28
djhashjigp: in terminal type. "vncviewer" you dont need a port number unless you changed the default port#.06:28
tarwatirn1prepended with sudo06:28
bnalohimRat409: ill try it.. the problem is that I needed to install windows in a disk (damm windows.. allways cousing trouble).. I have two disk in the computer and I accidentally installed it in the wrong disk.. besides the 8 G ¿? of Windws I havent written anything else in the disk (80 G) so I want to know If It is posible to rescue some..06:28
zupbthebinz, ya. it don't help :(06:28
thebinztry what tarwatirn1 said06:29
thebinzi cant say for sure, but thats always solved the problem with me and everyone else06:29
jigpdjhash : vncviewer or xtightvncviewer? jigp@jigp:~$ xtightvncviewer
jigpxtightvncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused06:29
jigpUnable to connect to VNC server06:29
thebinzso i think you may have not gotten the procedure right or something06:30
Rat409bnalohim: i can't say for sure sorry but its saved me but i never reformatted before using it06:30
thebinzotherwise, dont use the OSE version06:30
mps002jigp: are you sure the port is accessible from outside the network that the computer is on?06:30
djhashjigp: try "vncviewer"06:30
zupbtarwatirn1, hm i get such mistake: 'usermod: user vboxusers does not exist' ...06:31
tarwatirn1zupb: I got it backwards06:31
tarwatirn1sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers username06:31
thebinzzupb: try sudo adduser bill vboxusers06:31
thebinzbut instead of 'bill'06:32
thebinzinput your username06:32
infexionI cannot get this damned network card to work06:32
jigpdjhash mps002 : im testing now my machine if i can connect to my self :jigp@jigp:~$ xtightvncviewer
jigpxtightvncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused06:32
jigpUnable to connect to VNC server06:32
RomeoLandohow do I find other irc channesl06:32
tarwatirn1zupb: that is straight out of the VBox manual06:32
infexionI cannot even get the wired card to work06:32
zupbthebinz, yes. of couse :) i use my username :)06:32
djhashjigp: by default VNC is set to deny loopback connections06:32
jigpdjhash : vncviewer is working.you can type the ip.but i cannot connect to my own machine06:32
jigpdjhash : ahhh i see.meaning i cannot connect to my own machine?but in win i can06:33
thebinzhaha kk06:33
mps002jigp: so you have physical access right now to the computer you're testing?06:33
djhashjigp: also.. do you have vnc server installed in yourr machine?06:33
speedtutrlehey channel, i just got ubuntu 64bit and right after the boot screen it goes to a cmd prompt wats going on06:33
tarwatirn1infexion: did you try ifconfig -a? what does lspci look like?06:33
jigpdjhash : yes i installed server06:33
jigpdjhah : and i installed viewer tightvnc too06:34
mps002speedtutrle: try ctl+alt+f706:34
jigpmps002 : yes. im trying to test it first to my own machine06:34
tarwatirn1jigp: did you try apps->internet->Remote Desktop Viewer?06:34
mps002jigp: have you checked on www.gotomyvnc.com ?06:34
speedtutrlemps002: ok and wat exactly will that do06:34
mps002speedtutrle: well, it should get you back into GDM (Gnome Desktop Manager)06:35
djhashjigp: so now.. try connecting to the other computer..  "vncviewer the_ip"06:35
speedtutrlemps002: ok, thx ill give it a shot, ill be back06:36
mps002speedtutrle: if that doesn't work, then you need to type 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' I think06:36
jigp<tarwatirn1> how to know the port of my machine.connection was closed:590006:36
jigpdjhash : can i try it first to my machine?i tried vncviewer but :<tarwatirn1>06:37
eligoscan anyone please help me mount my ntfs drives in hardy???06:37
jigpdjhash : jigp@jigp:~$ vncviewer
jigpvncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused06:37
jigpUnable to connect to VNC server06:37
zod21whad up fellas06:37
jigpdjhash : im tying it to my self see if i could connect06:37
djhashjigp: are you using gnome ubuntu?06:37
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jigpdjhash : yes06:38
speedtutrlemps002: ok if ctrl+Alt+F7 dosent do it ill give the cmd a try ill be back06:38
jigpdjhash : gnome ubuntu06:38
mps002speedtutrle: ok06:39
Crshmanany ideas why a harddrive would slow down it's transfer speed?06:39
CrshmanIt starts at 7MB/s then slowly but surely drops down to 12Kb/s06:39
Crshmannot sure why06:39
djhashjigp: go to System->Preferences->Remote Desktop, then check allow others to view your desktop, then click allow others to control your desktop, then remove ask for confirmation, then click on password to put in a password.... then hit ok..06:39
Crshmandmesg doesn't say anything06:39
mps002Crshman: what format is the drive?06:39
joejoecircusboyCrshman: How are you measuring?06:39
djhashcorrection: there is no Ok.. click close..06:39
joejoecircusboyCrshman: Over the network?06:40
mps002Crshman: well, my first instinct would be that that's the problem06:40
eligoscan someone help me?06:40
Uplinki need help, my firefox is acting up06:40
Crshmanjoejoecircusboy, over USB06:40
Crshmanmps002, it does the same thing on other windows boxes06:40
mps002Crshman: could be a faulty cable, or a faulty box then06:40
tarwatirn1eligos: maybe06:40
Crshmanhmm ok i'll try a different enclosure06:40
mps002Crshman: generally, if a piece of hardware misbehaves on multiple systems, the problem is the hardware06:41
jigpdjhash : hehehe work like a charm here.i can connect now.but i cannot connect to the
meteoroidmps002: or sunspots. ;)06:41
chn_boyhello all, i want to edit the list in Applications Menu....06:41
chn_boyhow to edit it?06:41
mps002Crshman: you also might try cleaning the contacts for the ide/sata cable, alcohol works well06:41
pajamianchn_boy: right click on it and select "edit menus"06:42
mps002meteoroid: haha, yeah, could be those danged energy bursts06:42
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Guest96447how do i add a resolution using terminal?06:42
djhashjigp: go to your browser.. and type in
djhashjigp: you should get something along the lines of "RFB ###.###"06:43
s3ahow do you add a resolution using terminal?06:43
mps002Guest96447: that doesn't sound like a very good idea06:43
TyGuyso aparently China is going to war over the olypic games06:43
mps002s3a: doesn't sound like a good idea06:43
chn_boyhello all, I have an application installed. And I want to make shortcut to it. The execute file is located in /usr/local/bin/. So, how can I make a shortcut in desktop to this application06:43
mps002TyGuy: I live in China, I've not noticed any war yet...?06:44
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)06:44
pajamianchn_boy: right click on desktop, select "create launcher"06:44
Uplinkdo I really need Tracker on startup programs?06:44
s3amps002: how is it not a good idea? my monitor and video card can handle it06:44
chn_boypajamian: how about the command??06:44
pajamianchn_boy: same command you use to start the program from the terminal06:45
s3amps002: plz tell me if u no :(06:45
jigpdjhash : yes i saw RFB 003.00806:45
mps002s3a: you would probably have to edit Xorg.conf06:45
jigpdjhash but i cannot see the desktop06:45
tarwatirn1s3a: you would have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. you need to know the correct modline for your monitor and resolution.06:45
chetnickchn_boy: right click on the menu, than click edit menu, click on the "new item"06:45
djhashjigp:..yeah thats fine.. that is only to let you know that VNC is running on that computer..06:46
chetnickchn_boy: name is the name that you want, command is the name of executable in /usr/bin/06:46
tarwatirn1s3a: it *could* damage the monitor if you were to screw something up. at the very least not produce the expected results06:46
chn_boypajamian, chetnick: thank you very much... it's work well06:46
chetnickchn_boy: once it's in the menu you can send it to desktop06:46
chetnickwelcome :)06:47
pajamianchn_boy: yw :-)06:47
eligostarwatirn1: I cannot mount my ntfs drives in hardy, not even with ntfs config06:47
s3atarwatirn1: damage the monitor permanently or in this ubuntu installation?06:47
FAJALOUi am trying to see a vista computer from my ubuntu machine.  It does not show up in the workgroup but if i manually type in the ip address (smb:// i can see some files... how can i just get the vista machine to show up in network?06:47
djhashjigp: you should be able to connect using "vncviewer"06:47
mps002s3a: my experience has been that you should not change xorg.conf for any reason06:47
jigpdjhash : aha works like a charm now :) thanks djhash mps002 tartirnl06:47
chetnickeligos: did you follow some of the tutorials?06:47
mps002jigp: haha, ok, I didn't even realize I had helped :P06:47
tarwatirn1s3a: permanantly if you have a CRT.06:48
djhashjigp: just fyi. if you point your browser to you can remote desktop using a java plugin06:48
s3amps002: tarwatirn1: y doesnt sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg work anymore for video resetting, it use to ask me to add resolution (in feisty) now all it does is reset my keyboard06:48
s3atarwatirn1: i have an lcd06:48
dmsuperman_Where does GNOME keep the list of startup programs...or how can I add an application to startup from the command line (not bootup, but login)06:48
chn_boyhi all, what is the use of root folder??06:48
FAJALOUdmsuperman_: in system>preferences>sessions06:49
tarwatirn1s3a: what type of graphics card do you have?06:49
mps002dmsuperman_: go to System->Preferences-> Sessions06:49
jigpdhhash : how to get a java plugin?i can connect using terminal vncviewer
FAJALOU!bootup-manager | dmsuperman_06:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootup-manager06:49
dmsuperman_FAJALOU, mps002: I meant from command line06:49
chetnickchn_boy: as i know it's the home folder of the root06:49
dmsuperman_I'm not in GNOME yet06:49
s3atarwatirn1: x600 pro, it was working fine with proprietary driver and even the same open source driver wen i had first installed ubuntu06:49
pajamiandmsuperman_: System / Preferences / Sessions06:49
mps002dmsuperman_: no idea, sorry man06:49
chn_boychetnick: but is it empty?06:49
FAJALOUya no idea,,, why from command line?06:49
djhashjigp: search for it in symantec.. "tightvnc-java"06:50
dmsuperman_pajamian: command line06:50
dmsuperman_FAJALOU: I'm not in gnome yet06:50
dmsuperman_mps002: it's cool06:50
pajamiandmsuperman_: sorry, I don't know where it's stored.  Probably a file you can edit somewhere, though.06:50
chetnickchn_boy: you dont use root account06:50
dmsuperman_pajamian: figured as much, jsut not sure where06:50
FAJALOUdmsuperman_:  what do you mean not in gnome?06:50
s3atarwatirn1: i just removed proprietary driver06:50
mps002dmsuperman_: you might try looking in /etc/init.d06:50
dmsuperman_FAJALOU: I mean...I'm not in GNOME. I don't have an X session running yet06:50
jigpdjhash : symantic or synaptic?06:50
dmsuperman_mps002: that's bootup, i want gnome login06:50
pajamiandmsuperman_: hang on ...06:51
tarwatirn1s3a: I am not sure how the native tools work. I have an Nvidia card and the driver comes with a nice tool.06:51
FAJALOUdmsuperman_: /etc/init.d/gdm start06:51
mps002dmsuperman_: I thought the login stuff was in there?06:51
FAJALOUmaybe sudo it06:51
chn_boychetnick: I use it06:51
djhashjigp: synaptic.. lol..06:51
Crshmanhas anyone ever had issues with a harddrive that has a messed up cache?06:51
Crshmani think that's what plages this WD drive....06:51
pajamiandmsuperman_: do you want to have programs run when you log in via a terminal (ssh, or console) command line, and not when you log into gnome?06:51
jigpdjhash : done installaing it06:51
Crshmanit goes fast, slows down......craps out....shoots back up to fast and slows down again06:51
chn_boychetnick: ouw.. there are some hidden files here06:51
eligoschetnick: yes I did06:51
chetnickyou are loging in as root?06:51
chn_boychetnick: hehehehhee06:51
konstantyis there a command to see the name of the latest USB device to be attached to the computer?06:52
dmsuperman_pajamian: no, I'm currently in command line, but I want to edit what starts with gnome06:52
tarwatirn1s3a: what about sys->prefs-> Screen Resolution?06:52
djhashjigp: if you try in browser "".. you'll be amazed06:52
mps002Crshman: that sounds like the drive has gone bad06:52
dmsuperman_pajamian: so I can't go to system -> prefs -> sessions06:52
Crshmanmps002, i'm just about certain it has....i'm trying to copy the data off =(06:52
s3atarwatirn1: max listed=1280x102406:52
eligoschetnick: I follow the instructions and it's telling me: "you are not privileged to mount volume"06:52
mps002Crshman: good luck! I feel your pain, having killed about 8 harddrives in my lifetime06:52
s3atarwatirn1: and 76hz refresh rate?? i thot it was spose to be 60hz06:53
pajamiandmsuperman_: ok, sorry, don't know.  Why don't you just wait until you can log into gnome and edit it there?06:53
tarwatirn1s3a: what is the max it is supposed to support?06:53
jigpdjhash : RFB 003.008 still..no desktop06:53
gattacavmware workstation allows console and system variable controle from windows virtual machines ... try changing the keyboard demographic in the xp vm, shift ctrl alt winderz and many other alternate key adjusters will cause process termination ... good luck getting out of the password protected screen saver with out an unclean reboot .. just thought you should know since VMWare support refuses to support the issue ...06:53
s3a19 something06:53
dmsuperman_pajamian: it's a learning process...i could do it that way but the more ways i learn to do something the more likely i'll be able to do something in case something else goes wrong06:53
s3ain other words my resolution (1680x1050) IS supported06:53
unopdmsuperman_, do you have a ~/.gnome2/session file ?06:53
mps002gotta jet folks, good circuits to all!06:53
s3ait worked b406:53
djhashjigp:.. are you sure ur using port 5800 not 590006:53
tarwatirn1eligos: internal or external?06:53
s3atarwatirn1: 19 something06:53
dmsuperman_unop, no06:53
jigpi use 590006:53
konstantywhat is the command to get the name of the last USB device connected?06:53
pajamiandmsuperman_: I understand, I've often wondered myself, but have never been able to find it.06:53
s3atarwatirn1:  in other words my resolution (1680x1050) IS supported06:53
FAJALOUs3a try reinstalling your driver for the video card...06:54
s3atarwatirn1: it worked b406:54
dmsuperman_unop, nor a .gnome/session06:54
jigpdjhash i tried 5800 and 5900 still not working..but if i use terminal it works06:54
tarwatirn1s3a: is it wide screen?06:54
s3aFAJALOU: how do i reinstall the open source driver that is installed from the ubuntu disc?06:54
s3atarwatirn1: ya06:54
FAJALOUs3a do you know the name of it?06:54
starwizIs this the help ch?06:54
s3aFAJALOU: of the video card?06:55
FAJALOUno of the driver that was working.06:55
djhashjigp: using vncviewer u use port 5900... but in the browser you can use 5800.. (actually.. you might need to enable some settings on the other computer.. aahh forget it... you got it working.. if it works dont mess with it.. :-D )06:55
s3aFAJALOU: well im assuming it was the radeon driver06:55
eligostarwatirn1: internal06:55
jigpdjhash : ok thanks ::)06:55
unopdmsuperman_, I would assume in the absence of that file, the one at /usr/share/gnome/default.session is used instead06:55
FAJALOUs3a can you just go to restricted drivers (system>administration>Hardware Drivers)  and unclick the driver, and then reclick it?06:56
* starwiz needs help with wireless :S06:56
FAJALOUstarwiz what is your card's chipset?06:56
starwizIm not completely sure06:56
tarwatirn1s3a: Occasionally updates to proprietary drivers will make resolutio ns stop working. Usually it just doen't know it can do widescreen and replaces any wide modes with something else in xorg.conf06:56
s3aFAJALOU: i used envyng to add the restricted driver, but u gave me an idea, ill enable proprietary repositories, install the proprietary driver like that restart then untick and see how things go and if there is a problem i will be bak06:56
jigpdjhash : why use java?06:56
s3aFAJALOU: does that sound reasonable?06:57
tarwatirn1s3a: so your original plan of editing that is a tryable06:57
dmsuperman_unop: I've made changes to what starts up, and those aren't reflected in default.session06:57
aravindhow do i install a splash screen?06:57
dmsuperman_unop: so I imagine that's not it06:57
FAJALOUs3a go for it :)06:57
s3atarwatirn1: ill try my other idea first but if it doesnt work and i do this, if i ruin my install then i can solve it by reinstalling ubuntu right? i dont want to have to buy a new monitor06:57
* starwiz 's problem is, he is using a broadcom, and he recently got it to detect wireless, but, now it just wont connect :@@06:57
FAJALOUs3a you could also go through envyng and try reinstalling them...06:57
tarwatirn1oh no06:58
FAJALOUso you have internet....06:58
djhashjigp: it is an alternative to using vncviewer.. if for example you are in an internet cafe.. using one of their computers and can't install vncviewer.. you can just point your browser to the ip and the other port.. and you'll connect using a java client program..06:58
s3aFAJALOU: ya but envyng searches for proprietary06:58
tarwatirn1it is ok with a lcd06:58
s3atarwatirn1: ok so wat do i do?06:58
tarwatirn1and as long as you don't mess with the hrtz too much06:58
jigpdjhash :  i see.. thats great :)06:58
jigpdjhash : but i cannot copy the files remotely06:59
dmsuperman_so does anybody know where the gnome session file for startup apps is stored?06:59
tarwatirn1s3a: open a terminal then06:59
tarwatirn1sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:59
alistair_Help winxp print server via wifi - have set up printer and its verified eg smb://MSHOME/ALSMAIN/hppsc120 print test page, see data leaving Linux box, but nothing happens winxp end any suggestions?06:59
* starwiz is wondering how he can check his wireless chipset, while on windows, as the ubuntu wireless will not connect.06:59
s3atarwatirn1: then wat do i edit?06:59
s3atarwatirn1: http://pastebin.com/d4c77fc2807:00
tarwatirn1then hit the / key and type modeline <RET> (<RET> is also called enter07:00
alistair_Should add it adds each test job eg now its up to Job 8 so its being spooled somewhere07:01
s3atarwatirn1: were do i type that?07:01
djhashjigp: unfortunately vncviewer/server doesn't have file access.. but you can install samba in your computer and share files with windows computers...07:01
s3atarwatirn1: can u edit it for me and resend the pastebin cuz im scared of ruining it07:01
tarwatirn1s3a: are you using free or proprietary?07:01
Oodomiten saan tohon istunnot kohtaan laitettua että se aukaisee ubuntun käynnityessä ohjelman avast ***07:01
s3atarwatirn1: free atm but proprietary had good res working and open source did too a long time ago07:01
unopdmsuperman_, this one perhaps ~/.config/autostart/07:01
FAJALOU!da | Oodo07:02
ubottuOodo: For at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.07:02
FAJALOUme bad with my languages.07:02
tarwatirn1s3a: when did you change and is there a reason you are using free?07:02
=== dextone is now known as De[X]tone
jigpdjhash : i see..07:03
unopdmsuperman_, or ~/.gnome2/session-manual07:03
dmsuperman_unop: yeah, just found it using lynx haha. thanks :D07:03
tarwatirn1eligos: what command are you using to mount it?07:03
unopdmsuperman_, lynx? heh?07:04
s3awell i upgraded my mobo, cpu and ram and on my previous mobo cpu and ram, it crashed and then wen i moved to proprietary it dint crash by freezing (but for power reasons) but proprietary had weird framerate on things it should be able to handle so i wanted to test out open source again to see if it would work withouyt a problem with my new setup (i upgraded bcuz my cpu had serious overheating problems)07:04
pajamiandmsuperman_: ./config/autostart07:05
pajamianerrrr .config, but you already found it I see.07:06
hateballHmmm, is there a delay option for the gnome autostart stuff?07:06
dmsuperman_pajamian: yup, just found it a bit ago. thanks :D07:06
infexionsorry mt07:06
s3atarwatirn1: lol wtf quick restart fixed my problem!07:06
s3aFAJALOU: quick restarting fixed my problem07:06
tarwatirn1s3a: I see07:06
HAL9000I goofed and installed xdm what do I need to do to get gdm to be my default login manager ?07:06
pajamianhateball: not that I know of, but it is easy to write a wrapper shell script that will do that.07:06
amireldorhateball, why would you like to delay gnome startup07:07
FAJALOUs3a sometimes it does lol07:07
tarwatirn1s3a: had you restarted since moving to free?07:07
hateballamireldor: Not gnome, but autostart items ;)07:07
infexiontarwatirn1: thanks man ndiswrapper worked07:07
amireldorhateball, oh, not that i know of07:07
hateballpajamian: Yeah thats how I currently do it. Just curious if there was a builtin way07:07
tarwatirn1infexion: np07:07
s3atarwatirn1: lol i dont remember, i am very very sleepy atm07:07
eligostarwatirn1: ntfs config utility07:07
FAJALOUhow can i start the samba cifs client?07:07
amireldorFAJALOU, try smbclient07:08
amireldortrikdo, hello07:08
hateballpajamian: Would be nice to just edit the .desktop file and add like... Delay=5s07:08
tarwatirn1s3a: yeah I know how makes changes while sleepy goes:)07:08
eligostarwatirn1: i just mod my fstab file, I'll reboot to see if it worked07:08
tarwatirn1eligos: the ntfs-config utility enables write support07:08
pajamianhateball: yes, but I don't know of any option like that, and probably not that many people need it and those that do would be smart enough to know how to do it with a script.07:08
trikdoive been searching the net the last five hours. anybody know the secret to configuring a touchpad in ubuntu?07:09
unopFAJALOU, it's not a service, so you don't have to start it, just use it as and when needed07:09
Jordan_Uhateball: I think there is but even if there isn't you can always do something like make the command "bash -c "sleep 20; command"07:09
HAL9000What file decides if xdm or gdm is the login manager ???07:09
hateballpajamian: Yeah but it means an extra file! :|07:09
amireldortrikdo, it has something to do with xorg.conf unde /etc/X11/07:09
pajamianhateball: wow, one whole extra file.07:09
hateballJordan_U: Yep.. thats what I do atm07:09
hateballpajamian: I just like things to be tidy :)07:10
unopHAL9000, the presence of /etc/init.d/?dm07:10
amireldorhateball, don't we all lol07:10
ZeroyezHow do I change what menu.lst grub loads? My GRUB is loading the one from my old OS's partition and I want it to load the one on my new partition07:10
pajamianZeroyez: change the default line07:10
Zeroyezwhat's the default line have to do with anything? lol07:10
pajamianZeroyez: the default line defines which grub entry is run by default if you don't manually override it from the grub menu.07:11
ZeroyezI want it to load a whole different menu.lst07:11
unopZeroyez, precisely what it means .. loading the kernel you've set as default07:11
HAL9000unop:  I have an xdm and a gdm file, i'd like gdm back. Just don't want to get stuck with no login manager07:11
Jordan_UZeroyez: I would guess that you would re-install grub to the mbr / partition with: root(hd<drive>,<partition>)07:11
unopHAL9000, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow gdm07:11
trikdoHas anybody ever been able to configure a touchpad in Ubuntu? It seems as if Microsoft has linux beat right now07:11
pajamianZeroyez: ahhhh, sorry, I didn't understand the question.07:12
HAL9000unop: thanks ! I'll try that07:12
zcat[1]trikdo: configure what? Mine worked perfectly out of the box..07:12
HAL9000trikdo: May want to see if your touchpad is wacom type if it is google ubuntu wacom07:12
pajamianZeroyez: I thought you meant you wanted to change which entry from the menu.lst was loaded by default.07:12
HAL9000mine works well too07:12
tarwatirn1trikdo: it works automatically for me07:13
Jordan_UZeroyez: So if you want it to be installed to the mbr of the first drive and read the menu.lst from the second partition on the first drive it would be "root(hd0,1)" "setup (hd0)" ( but this is just from memory )07:13
tarwatirn1trikdo: paste your xorg.conf to the pastebin07:13
num1_http://pastebin.com/d32e6929b I get an "illegal substitution" error on line 4, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?07:13
ZeroyezSo I would press e when grub loads and type root(sda4,4)?07:13
unopnum1_, you are using the wrong type of quotes there...  ${}  as opposed to $()07:14
trikdoI don't want press to click to work. GSynaptics is supposed to have an option to disable this, but I can't get it to work. After looking thru UbuntuForums, it seems as if nobody can07:15
num1_unop: I figured it was something simple, many thank!07:15
unopnum1_, and don't use ls like that ..   for i in *.mp3  is fine07:15
Jordan_U!synaptics | trikdo07:15
ubottutrikdo: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad07:15
detIt seems impossible to install a locale (en.US) on an Ubuntu server without dragging in a bunch of X11 packages and gimp?07:16
zcat[1]anyhoooo my laptop has bigger issues. last week I found it no longer works with an external monitor, just hangs on boot. Today sound stopped working. no snd_ modules anywhere. how the hell did I manage to screw this up? have reinstalled kernel images and restricted modules, still don't have any (find /lib/modules | grep snd == nothing)07:16
Jordan_Utrikdo: GSynaptics will not work by default for security reasons, see the link from ubotu for setup instructions07:16
unopnum1_, infact you shouldn't use ls like that .. the script breaks when it encounters file with spaces or newlines in the filename07:16
zcat[1]But everything works fine on a live boot07:16
ParaDoX34690Hey everyone, is there a way to send and receive txt sms messages to a cell phone in Ubuntu 8.04 without using a cellphone hooked up to the pc?07:17
Daisuke-Laptopnum1_: just for i in *.mp3 will do the trick07:17
num1_unop, thanks a lot for the advice, I changd from { to ( and took out the unnecessary ls and everything works fine07:17
Daisuke-Laptopnum1_: no need for ls07:17
zcat[1]ParaDoX34690: smssend I think..07:17
zcat[1]!info smssend07:17
ubottusmssend (source: smssend): Utility to send SMS messages to GSM mobile phones. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4-2ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 88 kB, installed size 692 kB07:17
trikdoJordan_U: those instructions do not work. at all.07:17
ParaDoX34690zcat: is that an app i can install or is that a website?07:18
zcat[1]you need to sign up with a provider though.. nobody does free sms anymore because all the spammers abuse it immediately07:18
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:18
Uplinkwhy am i getting this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/37639/07:18
unopnum1_, and you should also quote what is in $() with double quotes .. i.e.  echo "$(echo something)"07:18
zcat[1]ParaDoX34690: it's a package you can install (apt-get install smssend) and it provides a text-based program you can run inside scripts or whatever.07:19
tarwatirn1trikdo: I take it you enabled SHMConfig.07:19
ParaDoX34690zcat: oh... well, that certainly sucks...  I know with Yahoo and MSN in Windows it's simple as hell, but I've had nothing but issues trying to find a way in ubuntu.07:19
milligan_Uplink, "sara" is a program, and it's missing an expected config file ?07:19
num1_unop: I decided to quote with single quotes so if I modify in the future I won't have to worry about using special chars and having wierd things happen07:19
Uplinkmilligan_, which one07:19
milligan_Uplink, did you read the error? :) ./config/version.pl07:20
zcat[1]ParaDoX34690: if msn or yahoo are providing free sms there might be a way to configure smssend to use that ..07:20
Uplinkmilligan_, i ment how do i fix it07:20
unopnum1_, single quotes do not expand variables contained in them .. so you might be introducing new bugs into your program doing that07:20
pajamianUplink: you're missing a perl module, or the module is misspelled.07:20
HAL9000unop: Thanks again, worked perfect after a reboot. Would you mind posting that command again so I can save it for future reference? It doesn't appear in term history07:20
unopHAL9000, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow gdm07:20
milligan_Uplink, what kind of program is "sara" ? How did you install it ?07:21
HAL9000Thank you much !07:21
ParaDoX34690zcat: well, like I said, in windows they do... I can't get pidgin, kopete, or any of the other msn/yahoo wannabee apps to do so as well though...07:21
Uplinkmilligan_, http://www.linux.com/articles/5123007:21
evilbugi've been searching on google but no options i've tried so far worked. i'm trying to get everything to work at a 1440x900 res. on my macbook pro. the desktop and login work at that res. but the boot screen and tty modes function at a fuzzy looking 1280x800. does anyone have a fix for me?07:21
num1_unop: I know, with either single quote or double quotes there's a chance of forgetting and having an error occur, but I forget less often with single quotes so I use those until I want to use a shell variable within the quotes07:22
unopnum1_, i'm not going to try and force you to use proper quotes, but if you want your script to work and work well 100% of the time, follow bash best practices07:23
pajamianUplink: more than likely a problem with the program you're running.  Sorry, I'm not going to debug your program for you.07:23
Uplinkpajamian, can u tell me how to please?07:24
trikdoWhen I try to start GSynaptics I get an error message telling me I have to have "SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf... Only problem is that I've already done that, and it's still not working07:24
Jordan_Utrikdo: Have you tried adding ( creating the section if needed ) Option "MaxTapTime" "0" to the synaptics section of your xorg.conf?07:24
milligan_Uplink, as pajamian says, you might be missing a perl module. If not, you're missing some files that the application requires. I'd suggest you redownload, and reinstall.07:24
Daisuke-Laptopnum1_:  want to pastebin what you changed it to?07:24
Uplinkmilligan_, ty =]07:24
Daisuke_Laptopnot pleasant07:25
tarwatirn1trikdo: you can also set the parameters manually in Xorg.conf. man synaptics gives some useful info.07:25
djhashtrikdo: did u restart xorg?07:25
pajamianUplink: I will tell you what the error means.  there is a line in the program that requires a module (that should have been distributed with the program) the line would probably look like, "use config::version".  Perl can't find that module anywhere.07:25
tarwatirn1trikdo: what ecaxtly do you want it to do?07:25
Uplinkpajamian, but i havent edited or messed with it =/07:25
pajamianUplink: it's likely that you didn't install the program correctly.07:25
trikdotarwatirn1: I guess I just want push to click not to work07:25
Uplinkpajamian, it was working perfectly07:25
tarwatirn1by push click you mean touching the actual touchpad part?07:26
unopUplink, paste the contents of the script to the pastebin07:26
trikdoHold on, trying something...07:26
=== De[X]tone is now known as dextone
Uplinkunop, paste the what?07:26
num1_unop: I don't know how clear that script was to read, but it took mp3 files and parsed their filename into id3 tags. How do you suggest I convert all -'s in the filename to spaces? I'm at a loss07:26
pajamianUplink: then a file has gone missing.  Look for the file: /usr/local/sara/config/version.pl07:26
ollihello! how do i set system time in xfce?07:26
zcat[1]D'Oh.. somehow I have uninstalled linux-generic metapackage so al my kernels since then are kernel-only, no matching modules or restricted-modules packages. Pure genius. I wonder how I managed that!07:26
tarwatirn1trikdo: paste xorg.conf into the pastebin07:26
pajamianUplink: I would simply re-install the program.07:27
unopUplink,  cat /usr/local/sara/sara07:27
Uplinkok... it was a pain in the butt to install sara tho lol07:27
zcat[1]I'm always finding new and creative ways to screw up my system ;)07:27
Uplinkunop, there u go http://pastebin.com/f20200be907:27
trikdoStill not working. :(07:27
tarwatirn1trikdo: paste xorg.conf into the pastebin07:27
ogzyi have a rtl8101e pcı ethernet card, i had already installed the r8101 module and saw that eth0 is recognized at the dmesg but it is not up, what can i do or nay body had a same problem;07:28
tarwatirn1ogzy: sudo ifconfig eth0 up07:28
trikdohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/37643/ ?07:28
bmhis 7.04 still supported?07:28
unopnum1_, file="/foo/bar/with-hyphens-in-filename"; echo "${file//-/ }"07:29
ogzytarwatirn1, i had tried it didnt worked07:29
ogzytarwatirn1, ifconfig eth0 shows some info though07:29
num1_unop: thanks07:29
unopUplink, does the file /usr/local/sara/config/version.pl exist?07:29
tarwatirn1ogzy: what does it say?07:30
ogzytarwatirn1, ınvalıd argument07:30
fancyhan who have QQ07:31
fancyhanQQ who know:)07:31
BigBuddhahey guys, what signal do i use to kill a runaway process?07:31
Uplinkunop, yes07:32
Uplinkuplink@HP-Pavilion:~$ sudo ls /usr/local/sara/config/07:32
tarwatirn1ogzy what command?07:32
Rat409BigBuddha: killall -9 appnamehere07:32
pajamianBigBuddha: -9 will kill anything (with very few exceptions)07:32
trikdoAny other suggestions? Does anybody know a way to just disable push to click touchpad without gsynaptics working?07:32
Daisuke_Laptopfancyhan: this isn't an internet dating site, if you have a question, ask it here in the channel, don't go trolling for im friends.07:32
unopUplink, this ought to work then.   cd /usr/local/sara/ && sudo perl ./sara07:32
lonejackdoes anybody know how must be written the official sources.list for 8.04? Thank you07:32
Jordan_Utrikdo: Sorry, try section "InputDevice" rather than section "Synaptics"07:32
BigBuddhaRat what is appnamhere07:32
ogzytarwatirn1, ifconfig eth0 up07:32
FloodBot1BigBuddha: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:32
hateballWhat would the command be to find the PID of an application, and then kill it? For just one particular user, and if the name of the application is known.07:32
fancyhan who have QQ???07:32
Jordan_Uhateball: pkill07:33
Vegombreii have windows xp running on another partition .. i recently installed ubuntu and seem to like it and wish to get rid of windows .. thing is its on the primary hdd thats partitioned . how do i remove the partition format the hdd and have it to boot from ubuntu all the time07:33
Daisuke_Laptophateball: ps aux | grep appname, then kill the pid07:33
HAL9000bmh: . Ubuntu 7.04's support will end in October 2008.   from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu#Ubuntu_7.04_.28Feisty_Fawn.2907:33
unophateball, killall has a -u option that takes a username as an argument07:33
Uplinkunop, omg it works! wow ur a genious :D07:33
unopUplink, no, i'm just a perl user :)07:34
Uplinkunop, do i have to boot SARA like this everytime? :(07:34
unopUplink, no, just change directory07:34
Uplinkunop, huh?07:34
BigBuddhathank god, it was using 44% of my processor, now we are back to 11%, thanks Rat40907:34
pajamianunop: why do you think the other command didn't work?  perl is supposed to set the current dir to the program directory.07:34
hateballDaisuke_Laptop, Jordan_U, unop : I'll take a look at what's best for me, cheers07:34
unopUplink, like this.   cd /usr/local/sara/ && sudo perl ./sara07:34
Uplinkunop, thats weird... but ok ty =D07:35
trikdoJordan_U: where at?07:35
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FAJALOUi am trying to see a vista computer from my ubuntu machine.  It does not show up in the workgroup but if i manually type in the ip address (smb:// i can see some files... how can i just get the vista machine to show up in network?07:35
adrian_2002cahey guys and gals!07:35
unoppajamian, the script is looking for files relative to some directory .. but the directory containing $0 is not in @INC07:35
adrian_2002caFAJALOU: did you share something?07:36
tarwatirn1ogzy: what does ifconfig eth0 say?07:36
FAJALOUadrian_2002ca: if i type in smb:// i can see files,,, why doesn't it just show up?07:36
adrian_2002caFAJALOU: same workgroup too? did you check?07:36
HAL9000FAJALOU: I just bookmark the share in nautilus when connected with smb//ip of vista/sharename07:36
adrian_2002caFAJALOU: it's finniky, I know because I've done this...07:37
zcat[1]FAJALOU: if you have firestarter set up, allow broadcast traffic as well as the samba ports.. otherwise just wait, SMB is a weird protocol and machines can take 15 minutes to announce themselves to the master browser and start showing up.07:37
Uplinkwhats the command to dns resolve for IPs?07:37
Uplinklike nslookup on windows07:37
tarwatirn1trikdo: like this is what he means http://paste.ubuntu.com/37647/07:37
unopUplink, pajamian, if you ask me, this script was written by someone who doesn't know perl very well .. to fix the program i would introduce this at line #13.   push @INC, '/usr/local/sara/'07:37
FAJALOUadrian_2002ca:  same work group yes07:37
ogzytarwatirn1, how many times are yo ugoing to ask this? i replied it: SIOCSIFFLAGS Invalid argument07:37
Jordan_Utrikdo: Maybe you missed my earlier comment, to disable tap clicking entirely add     Option "MaxTapTime" "0"    to    section "InputDevice" in your xorg.conf ( create the section if it does not already exist )07:37
Uplinkunop, should i write it?07:38
FAJALOUzcat[1]: i do have firestarter;07:38
pajamianunop: $0 is the program name, not the startup directory.07:38
BubulleUplink, host example.com07:38
unopUplink, yea, edit the file and add that line in07:38
adrian_2002caFAJALOU: ok...i don't know, rebooting somethimes helps...if not try just places network or connect to server07:38
tarwatirn1umm what about ifconfig with no arguments07:38
Uplinkunop, the sara script? line #13?07:38
BubulleUplink, or dig example.com if you need detail about the DNS request07:38
unoppajamian, indeed .. but read what i said properly :)  "directory containing $0 .. "07:38
UplinkBubulle, ty07:38
FAJALOUzcat[1]:  how can i set up what you sai?07:38
bazhangogzy, what does ifconfig show two entries or three07:39
pajamianunop: ahhh, yes, I see what you're saying.07:39
ogzybazhang, just lo07:39
zcat[1]FAJALOU: well, a common problem with SMB is that it uses broadcast packets for machines to announce themselves, and TCP for them to actually connect. If you enable the TCP ports but not broadcast trffic, you will see what you describe, you can connect by IP but the machine never shows up in the network browser07:39
Vegombreii have windows xp running on another partition .. i recently installed ubuntu and seem to like it and wish to get rid of windows .. thing is its on the primary hdd thats partitioned . how do i remove the partition format the hdd and have it to boot from ubuntu all the time07:39
unopUplink, yea, gksudo gedit /usr/local/sara/sara  .. and add   push @INC, '/usr/local/sara/';  just after line #1207:39
UplinkBubulle, WTH!? how come when i type "host is-thatt-you.com" shows my loopback address?07:39
ogzybazhang, eth0 ıs not up the problem is that so i dont see it at ifconfig but ifconfig eth0 shows some output though07:39
lonejacktoday (but not only today) update manager gives me 11 update to do. The problem is that it is proposing updates "not authenticated" on sw like : linux-image-, is it correct?07:39
lonejackthank you07:40
pajamianunop: it appears to me that the script is based on something very old, probably from perl 5.0 days.07:40
bazhangogzy, could you pastebin that if more than one line07:40
pajamian...or earlier07:40
BubulleUplink, you may not have DNS entryes in /etc/resolv.conf or not internet link up, so it default to the /etc/hosts file query07:40
Uplinkunop, i closed the link, whats after line #1207:40
Vegombreibazhang: dude could ya help me with my issue ?07:40
tarwatirn1ogzy: did you prepend sudo to ifconfig eth0 up?07:40
ogzybazhang, which output do you need?07:40
bazhangVegombrei, what are you trying to do07:41
unoppajamian, it's mandating  the use of perl 5.8.1;  .. though, it's written horribly wrong .. no use of strict and warnings07:41
Jordan_Ulonejack: That should only happen if you have added a third party repository without adding it's public key ( to ensure that you are downloading from who they claim to be )07:41
zcat[1]FAJALOU: in the firestarter preferences, 'advanced options' the default is to filter broadcast packets. Uncheck those options.07:41
bazhangogzy, whatever output you get related to ifconfig eth007:41
unopUplink, gksudo gedit /usr/local/sara/sara  .. and add   push @INC, '/usr/local/sara/';  just after line #1207:41
pajamianunop: yeah, good point, though the #! probably came from the installer.  and I agree it's pretty bad.07:41
ogzytarwatirn1, if i didnt become root before ifconfig it wont give Invalid argument, it will say this should be run as root, so skip this sudo ifconfig eth0 up part, i tried it and it gave the error07:42
FAJALOUzcat[1]: uncheck "block broadcasts from external networks" ?07:42
ogzybazhang, i wrote the output but, just one line and said Invalid argument07:42
FAJALOUooooo ok07:42
bazhangogzy, only works with sudo?07:42
zcat[1]FAJALOU: yep. On a typical DSL or cable modem network your 'external network' is your LAN..07:42
lonejackJordan_U: my only third party sw is: http://ppa.launchpad.net/timg-tpi/ubuntu07:42
pajamianunop: oh, and you're referring to the require line for 5.8.1, I'm guessing the original version of it is old, but it's been updated to need 5.8.107:42
unoppajamian, no, i didn't make the assumption based on the shebang but  the  require 5.8.1;  on line 1507:42
ogzybazhang, and at the dmesg i dont see any info message saying eth0 link is up07:42
FAJALOUzcat[1]: but in this case it is the wlan network?07:43
ogzybazhang, i am runnign commands as root, i had written sudo su07:43
zcat[1]FAJALOU: just uncheck both, it ought to be safe enough ;)07:43
jigp!traffic shapping07:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:43
bazhangogzy, sorry, I came in late; care to answer a couple of questions?07:43
Jordan_Ulonejack: Well that seems to have kernel packages, why did you add it?07:43
ubottuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!07:43
bazhangjigp, use firestarter07:43
FAJALOUzcat[1]:  PM?07:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qos07:43
zcat[1]FAJALOU: no07:44
Uplinkunop, it looks like this now http://paste.ubuntu.com/37651/07:44
FinnishWhat's the best way to burn a system disk in K3b?07:44
bazhangjigp, and /msg ubottu if you are looking07:44
unopUplink, yep, that's fine .. it should work now when called from anywhere07:44
Vegombreibazhang: my hardware consists two individual hdd's .. one 250 and one 80 .. both sata .. my 250 is primary drive .. which is partitioned one partition has xp and the other is just storage .. thing is i installed ubuntu on the secondary 80gb hdd .. now that ive been using ubuntu for almost a month i think i wanna get rid of windows .. so basically i wanna format the entire 250 but my issue is i think since ubuntu is on the secondary hdd will it boot ???07:44
Uplinkunop, ty very very much buddy =]07:44
Jordan_UFinnish: Do you mean a bootable disk?07:44
lonejackJordan_U: is not correct that repository?07:44
trikdoOK, so I've tried both your suggestions and neither worked... Pretty much whatever I add, is not being recognized at all. Am I missing something?07:44
jigpbazhang im looking for CLI not gui07:45
FinnishJordan_U: I'm about to burn ubuntu image07:45
bazhangVegombrei, where is grub located07:45
ogzybazhang, ok what kind of answer do you need ?07:45
zcat[1]FAJALOU: broadcast packets are pretty harmless, I wouldn't be too concerned about not filtering them even on a real-world interface anyhow..07:45
lonejackJordan_U: do I have to remove it?07:45
=== lordfdisk is now known as LordFDisk
Jordan_UFinnish: Just burn the iso, it'll be bootable07:45
bazhangVegombrei, ie on the mbr of the first disk?07:45
BubulleVegombrei, formatting or repartitionning the primary disk wont kill the Grub boot loader.07:45
FAJALOUzcat[1]:  ok... so in policies, should i just enable any packets from
Vegombreibazhang: whats grub07:45
bazhangVegombrei, the bootloader for linux/ubuntu07:45
zcat[1]FAJALOU: yes, or from the whole range if you want..07:46
FAJALOU!grub > Vegombrei07:46
ubottuVegombrei, please see my private message07:46
bazhangogzy, this is for ethernet right? what chipset on that07:46
moleculehow do i find my computer's mac address?07:47
FAJALOUzcat[1]:  in policies how can i allow any connection from
Jordan_Ulonejack: I am not sure, I don't know what the purpose of that repo is, but if you don't know why you added it it probably don't need it ( but you shouldn't just go around adding random repos in the first place )07:47
sagredomolecule: ls -hw07:47
bazhangVegombrei, is the 250gb internal? perhaps you may wish to save whatever files you have from windows before doing anything else07:47
zcat[1]my firewall allows everything from 0/0 .. I only installed firestarter cos I'm too lazy to set up nAT by hand ;)07:47
trikdo...this is straight up not working! It's as if my computer's mind is set and I can not change it!07:47
FAJALOUzcat[1]: but still...  in policies how can i allow any connection from
bazhangjigp, then use iptables for cli07:48
Bubullemolecule, ethernet interfaces have MAC addresses, ifconfig eth0 will show you eth0 mac address07:48
lonejackJordan_U: right. I removed it. Now no now update are proposed.07:48
Vegombreibazhang: yes.. both hdd's internal ... the 80 gb is dedicated to ubuntu .. when i was installing it i told the installer to use the entire drive ..07:48
lonejackJordan_U: thank you07:48
sagredomolecule: lshw *07:48
moleculels -hw didnt work07:48
Uplinkunop, http://paste.ubuntu.com/37654/07:48
moleculeoh ty07:48
zcat[1]policy / inbound allow from should be pretty safe07:48
Jordan_Ulonejack: np07:48
moleculeim a friends house and he blocks internet by mac address. so i should give him my computer's right?07:48
sagredoHi, I'm only available to access my apache server on my LAN, not the broader Internet07:48
FAJALOUzcat[1]:  what does that do?07:49
sagredoany idea why?07:49
Rat409trikdo: anytime you change xorg.conf a logout/login is required for changes to apply07:49
VegombreiVegombrei: ?07:49
pajamiansagredo: you probably have to forward port 80 from your router.07:49
evilbugi've been searching on google but no options i've tried so far worked. i'm trying to get everything to work at a 1440x900 res. on my macbook pro. the desktop and login work at that res. but the boot screen and tty modes function at a fuzzy looking 1280x800. does anyone have a fix for me?07:49
sagredopajamian: that sounds right, thanks07:49
trikdoIs it possible that I'm not supposed to be using Synaptics??07:49
zcat[1]FAJALOU: allowes the whole range of to -- they're non-routable addresses so you should never see any traffic in that range except from inside your LAN07:50
ogzybazhang, RTL8101E is the ethernet cards chipset07:50
Bubullemolecule, yes, usually mac address filtering is used on wireless, si you may check the MAC address of the wlan0 interface if this is the case. If you connect by ethernet wire, check the mack address of the eth0 interface. The command is ifconfig interface07:50
Rat409trikdo: if you've an alps touchpad i guess07:50
FAJALOUzcat[1]:  ok thank you.07:50
bazhangogzy, did it ever work, or just stopped working recently07:50
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org07:50
zcat[1]hmm, gotta reboot and see if I have sound modules now07:51
indeed25does anyone know how I can delete an overlapping partition?07:51
FAJALOUzcat[1]:  but what if someone hacks our network (doubt it it's wpa psk2 but still)  would they have access to my files?07:51
moleculeBubulle: thank you07:51
ogzybazhang, it is a fresh installed netbook so just trying to make it run07:52
HAL9000trikdo: You can find lists of laptops tested on those links. Just type !laptop should you need to see those in the future07:52
pajamianFAJALOU: only if they hack your computer as well.07:52
trikdoJordan_U: "MaxTapTime" didn't work either... if you didn't catch on... :'(07:52
ogzybazhang, the probelm is related with this chipset not a common ethernet card issue i think have you experienced probelm with this chipset?07:52
Bubullemolecule, if smart enough, your friend could have got your MAC address from any packet you send, even if blocked :)07:53
Jordan_Utrikdo: Odd07:53
FAJALOUpajamian: thank you for putting my fears to rest :)07:53
magentarwhat does gnome use to automount devices? pmount?07:54
indeed25parted won't work because it's complaining I have an overlapping partition, how can I get rid of it then?07:54
bazhangogzy, which netbook? please tell me make and model07:54
zcat[1]woot, sound again!07:54
ogzybazhang, an atom based netbook07:55
zcat[1]Oops, wrong kernel version. no vbox-ose drivers for -2107:55
trikdoRidiculous, how do I disable touchpad completely?07:55
Bubulleindeed25, fdisk may fix it gracefully, it is a cmdline terminal tool07:55
bazhangogzy, what exact make and model07:55
zcat[1]trikdo: probably Fn-F7 or something...07:55
magnetronhi! when i use the PDF option in the print dialog, where are the pdf files saved? i can't find it.07:56
ogzybazhang, doesnt matter indeed but the current kernel is 2.6.24-19-lpia07:56
zcat[1]trikdo: depends on the laptop ..07:56
bazhangogzy, okay; good luck then.07:56
costal79hi people I'm having some problems07:57
costal79with this find command07:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about explain07:57
costal79find / -name error_log -exec tail \-1 {} \> {} \;07:57
=== lzy--_ is now known as lzy--
costal79I'm trying to clean this in one shot07:58
costal79any idea ?07:58
FloodBot1costal79: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:58
FAJALOUhow can i find out what my old samba password is?  i don't ever remember setting one !!07:58
trikdoUbuntu cannot handle a simple touchpad. Microsoft 1 Linux 007:58
zcat[1]FAJALOU: just press enter?07:58
FAJALOUtried that....07:59
zcat[1]Ubuntu 1, trikdo 0 ..07:59
Daisuke_Laptopoi...  i love that everything is just so black and white for some people07:59
FAJALOUsudo doesn't work either?07:59
ubottuDKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.07:59
BubulleFAJALOU, samba users and passwords are un sync of the users on the ubuntu box. If not in sync, use smbpaswd user to reset it to a new one07:59
HAL9000trikdo: Did you check !laptop for your make/model lots of people use ubuntu on  lappys07:59
zcat[1]It works out of the box, no drivers required. He wants it to work _less_. We tell him how. wtf?08:00
bazhangtrikdo oh he left08:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lirc08:00
bazhangclever please /msg ubottu08:00
HAL9000DOH oh well08:00
sagredoI'm trying to access my VNC from outside my network... How can I tell what ports to open?08:00
cleverbazhang: just getting 2 links atm, enless you know more about lirc08:00
bazhangclever /msg ubottu info nameofpackage08:01
costal79how many times can I use the {} in the -exec option in the find command ?08:01
cleverbazhang: that doesnt tell me crap about how to fix it:P08:01
bazhangclever, then ask us08:01
zcat[1]anyhow, on my laptop there's a little blue 'finger on touchpad' icon on the F7 key.. If I hold the blue Fn key and press F7 it toggles the touchpad on and off. Works prefectly in Ubuntu. Always has.08:01
cleverbazhang: dkms appears to have complied lirc_seria.ko for me but the module wont work08:02
bazhangclever, or get a better irc client08:02
cleverbazhang: how is my irc client messing things up:P08:02
HAL9000sagredo: You may need to do some portmapping at the router first if your attempt aren't going through08:02
zcat[1]If he'd stuck around I might have told him that, but I don't think he really wanted to know.08:02
Bubullesagredo, very insecure to open VNC to the outside. You can do it with NAT, not recommanded. Prefer ssh tunnel to local VNC ports, or better, use NX (freenx and nxclient) from nomachine. Much btter responsiveness though internet links with low speed, much secure because it tunnel through ssh out of the box.08:02
bazhangzcat[1] tell him when he returns08:03
ajhtiredwolfAnyone feel like helping me with a proftpd server? It seems to hang after a user types in the username and login08:03
zcat[1]bazhang: 'if'08:03
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: using commandline ftp client?08:04
bazhangclever, what about using xchat ; does that give you issues? you need to describe what problems lirc is giving you08:04
=== eric is now known as Guest73970
Bubulleajhtiredwolf, you need to have a look at active ftp though nat (google gives plenty of examples). Or tells your users to use passive FTP connexions.08:04
cleverbazhang: i can send ir codes thru lirc and see the ir led blinking with a camera but the cable box no longer responds to the code08:04
zcat[1]FTP is so 1990's .. use scp already!08:04
sriram__alistair_: any success?08:04
ladyfantasyor "sftp"08:05
bazhangclever, aha, my mistake sorry08:05
ladyfantasyfilezilla's a decent frontend for it08:05
Bubulleladyfantasy, rsync rules :)08:05
zcat[1]'windows users' is no excuse either.. winscp handles scp and sftp beautifully08:05
bazhanggetting offtopic here08:05
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, tried connecting through browser and gftp08:05
kenkkuand on top, winscp is better than most FTP programs on windows08:05
ajhtiredwolfBubulle, nahh, im not able to connect locally08:06
cleverzcat[1]: but winscp sucks an oddly high ammount of cpu and because of that gets poor transfer rates over 100mbit08:06
zymdfs a08:06
zcat[1]actually I wouldn't mine a program like winscp for Linux too!08:06
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: yeah, you can test if it's the active/passive firewall issue with the commandline client... just load it up, type "passive" at the ftp> prompt, then connect08:06
zcat[1]clever: encryption overhead? or more than that?08:06
bazhangzym /join #ubuntu-cn08:06
ladyfantasywow, my terminal actually displayed that08:06
Kelenzym: english pls, ,08:07
Kelenno chinese.08:07
cleverzcat[1]: that doesnt explain why scp on linux uses much less cpu and goes much faster08:07
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:07
ari_stresshow do i type 运 ?08:07
cleverKelen: it looks japanese to me08:07
Jordan_Uclever: Have you tried standard scp via cygwin?08:07
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい08:07
bazhangits chinese08:07
cleverJordan_U: not lately, cygwin is hard to uninstall08:07
bazhangzym english here08:07
zymwhy my compture can not work08:07
bazhangzym for chinese, /join #ubuntu-cn08:08
cleverJordan_U: i just use plain ftp or samba to bypass the problem08:08
ari_stresszym, nice english08:08
bazhangari_stress, not appropriate.08:08
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i checked, in gftp it is set to passive, what would be the command to connect in the terminal?08:08
KelenIs that possible for Evolution running on backgroup ? Anyone knows ?08:08
ari_stressbazhang: sorry, reflecs08:08
zcat[1]ari_stress: nice sarcasim08:08
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: just "ftp"08:08
bazhangzym, please give more info08:08
Jordan_Uclever: I hope you mean plain sftp :)08:09
punzquestion -- does anybody know a way to hide the ugly anchors on the side of bars in gnome when you don't have them expand across the entire screen?08:09
speedtutrlei have 64bit ubuntu running as application in windows and right after the boot screen it brings up abnormal exit 1566 and goes to a cmd line of (initramfs), i have tried CTRL+Alt+F7 and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and ni=either worked wat is wrong08:10
cleverJordan_U: its over my own private lan so i just get rid of all encryption08:10
zymif i want to use QQ have a chat with my friends ,what can i do?everyone know?08:10
zcat[1]in commandline ftp type 'passv' to switch to passwive mode usually.. or 'help'08:10
bazhang!info eva08:10
ubottueva (source: eva): a KDE IM client using Tencent QQ's protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.9+svn20080215-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2746 kB, installed size 6088 kB08:10
cleverJordan_U: encryption 100mbit/sec is hard on the cpu in winscp, but anything at normal dsl speeds has no trouble encrypting08:10
bazhangzym, try eva08:10
Kelenhey, is that possible for evolution running in back group just monitor email receive..?08:11
zcat[1]Cool.. never even heard of qq and ubuntu already has support for it ;)08:11
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, well actually hang on a second, this is something new it hasnt dont before, is tarted it up and it said /etc/shutmsg present: all incoming connections will be refused.08:11
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, obviously that is a problem08:11
ari_stressKelen: yes by minimizing it08:11
ladyfantasyheh, yeah08:11
Kelenari_stress: How to to it?08:11
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, are you familiar with proftpd?08:11
ari_stressKelen: klik on the 'line' icon on the top right corner of the windows, near the box and cross icon08:12
ladyfantasyi am, for the most part.  try restarting the proftp service on the server if you can08:12
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: failing that, try /etc/init.d/proftpd resume08:13
schmickKelen: evolution has 2 close options on File menu.. Close windos ctr-Q and Quit ctrl-Q08:13
harejhi, if upon entering my username and password I am stuck with a beige screen, what exactly does that mean?08:13
FAJALOUharej:  gdm isn't loading08:14
schmickKelen: if you close evolution through the X button (close button for all windows), it will just close the window, not the program.. It'll stay in the background monitoring.08:14
speedtutrlei have 64bit ubuntu running as application in windows and right after the boot screen it brings up abnormal exit 1566 and goes to a cmd line of (initramfs), i have tried CTRL+Alt+F7 and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and neither worked wat is wrong08:14
harejFAJALOU, what'd be the best way of rectifying it?08:14
bazhangspeedtutrle, this is wubi?08:15
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, wasnt a valid option, did force-start08:15
FAJALOUharej:  was it working before hand?08:15
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, hmm that didnt appaer to do anything08:15
Jordan_Uharej: It probably means that there is a problem with compiz, try pressing alt+f2 ( brings up a run dialog, you won't be able to see it ) and type "metacity --replace" then hit enter, alternately you can log in with a failsafe gnome session from the drop down menu at the login screen08:15
speedtutrlebazhang: wat you mean wubi08:15
bnalohimI really need help.. do anyone know how to recover files from a formated JFS partition?? I explain my problem in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=890453 please help me08:15
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.08:15
prebenhi I cannot get vlc to work anymore: When I try to watch a video from canon or fujifilm camera I get: $ vlc DSCF1802.AVI08:15
prebenVLC media player 0.8.6e Janus08:15
preben[00000339] pulse audio output error: Failed to connect to server: Connection refused08:15
preben[00000339] pulse audio output error: Pulse initialization failed08:15
prebenSegmentation fault08:15
FloodBot1preben: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:15
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: ok, does /etc contain a file called shutmsg? or perhaps /home/ftp/etc?08:16
ladyfantasyi'm not sure where your proftpd sets its root08:16
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, let me look second08:16
prebentotem works though08:16
harejJordan_U, what will "metacity --replace" do08:16
coreganhow do i know the flashplayer is install or not,i tried to install but still cannot watch video on youtube08:16
FAJALOUharej:  it will replace compiz-fusion with metacity08:17
bazhangcoregan, check about: plugins in ff08:17
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy,  it is in /etc/08:17
Jordan_Uharej: It will replace compiz ( the 3D snazzy window manager ) with metacity ( the boring more reliable WM )08:17
harejokay, but I am still stuck with the beige screen08:17
bnalohimI really need help.. do anyone know how to recover files from a formated JFS partition?? I explain my problem in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=890453 please help me08:17
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: ok, delete it08:17
FAJALOUharej:  did you just install it?08:17
harejFAJALOU, no, this worked before08:17
schmickcoregan: type "about:plugins" on firefox without quotes.. there's the info.08:18
harejthen type about:robots08:18
FAJALOUharej:  are you using the snazzy compiz fusion or metacity?08:18
harejFAJALOU, I don't know.08:18
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: after you delete /etc/shutmsg, you might (or might not) need to restart proftpd  (/etc/init.d/proftpd restart)08:18
Kelenari_stress: hey, dude, there is nothing icon like evolution to click. is that any wrong with me?08:18
harejit's probably compiz fusion08:18
FAJALOUharej:  could you do cool stuff like have 4 desktops in a cube etc etc.08:18
harejbecause i've noticed some vista-like things about it08:18
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: but don't do a "force" though08:18
harejwith all the neat transitions08:18
harejhow things fade, etc08:19
harejis that compiz fusion?08:19
Jordan_Uharej: Yes08:19
bazhangbnalohim, what is the jfs? now or under windows08:19
FAJALOUand it worked before?08:19
Jordan_Uharej: Since it was working before you are probably having a driver problem, but switching to metacity should still get you a usable desktop08:19
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, hmm now i seem to have a new problem, one second08:20
hacked_kernelSometimes Ubuntu crashes, I checked dmesg and found "Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1309308:20
hacked_kernel[  178.691314] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 52368", I got a lot of this message08:20
FAJALOU!paste |  hacked_kernel08:20
ubottuhacked_kernel: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:20
hemanthhaving trouble with CGi apache ubuntu hardy08:20
bnalohimbazhang: journaling file syestem08:20
ajhtiredwolflady im doing -nd6, it displays more of whats going on08:21
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: is that an option to proftpd?08:21
bazhangbnalohim, I'm aware of that; what fs was used for windows, and what did you replace it with08:21
hemanth having trouble with CGi apache ubuntu hardy08:21
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, yeah08:21
hemanthlocalhot says it work08:21
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy,  hmm something is wrong, it says that port is in use, and it definately shouldnt be08:21
hemanthbut *.pl is not08:21
bazhanghemanth, dont repeat so often08:21
zymhow can i use something such as *.Exe for ubuntu08:21
hemanthbazhang, ok sorry08:22
FAJALOUhemanth: please keep everything in one line so it's all there to read, thanks.08:22
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: do you have any other ftp server software installed?  like vsftpd maybe?08:22
bazhangzym,  via wine08:22
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, nope08:22
hemanthbazhang, i thought they might have over read08:22
bnalohimbazhang: for windows it was used ntfs.. the problemm was thet i replace my JFS with NTFS and i need a few files that were in my JFS08:22
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, never mind found the problem08:22
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, it failed to stop the instance before when i rebooted it, was trying to make a new instance on top of it08:22
ladyfantasyyeah, sounds like an unclean previous shutdown is why the /etc/shutmsg got left behind08:23
Jordan_Uharej: Have you tried starting with a failsafe session or running "metacity --replace" ?08:23
bazhangbnalohim, you used windows to format? not sure about how they do it.08:23
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, still have the problem of people not being able to connect08:23
harejJordan_U, I tried that metacity --replace and it did nothing08:23
FAJALOUharej:  what did you try it in?08:23
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: and you're in terminal ftp?08:23
bnalohimbazhang: I used a Windows uE cd.. doing a quick format08:23
Jordan_UFAJALOU: I suggested that he use alt+f2 to bring up a run dialog08:24
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: try doing "ftp localhost" on the server and see if that works08:24
bazhangbnalohim, what types of files08:24
FAJALOUahh ok,  harej did a run dialog come up?08:24
bnalohimbazhang: text files08:24
harejFAJALOU, he said it would be invisible08:24
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, lol where is the connect command?08:24
bazhangbnalohim, no backups of any kind?08:24
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i put in passive now im looking how to connect08:25
Jordan_Uharej: Ok, when you log in there is a menu ( labeled options? ) at the bottom left, from there you should be able to choose a failsafe gnome session08:25
ladyfantasyoh, sorry... just type "o <hostname>"08:25
harejJordan_U, except my optinos are Select Language, Select Session, Remote Login via XDMCP, Restart, Shut Down, Suspend, and Hibernate08:25
bnalohimbazhang: I had a backup of most of the disk.. but im missing my mother recent files..and they are important08:25
ladyfantasy"o" for "open"08:25
Jordan_Uharej: It's under select session08:25
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, connection refuse, should i use my local ip? 192.168.0.*08:25
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: try logging into the server itself and then type "ftp localhost" on that machine08:26
bnalohimbazhang: I need to recover less than 200 mb.... is there any way to do it??08:26
jpjacobsfor all users of touchpads (synaptics driver) the circular scrolling option is jus too cool08:26
eaxHi :) I'm trying to run the script called "porn-get" but when I write: "./porn-get install lesbian" as a test it outputs: "ifstream::ifstream (2 No such file or directory)" Anyone able to help me? Maybe someone have a newer version?08:26
Jordan_Uharej: Once you get logged in you can try to figure out what caused compiz to break and fix it or disable it permanently in System -> Preferences -> Appearance08:26
bazhangbnalohim, you may wish to hear from responses on forums; a format in Ubuntu normally means they are gone. perhaps ask in ##windows about that ue item as well08:26
harejThank you, Jordan_U. I am pretty sure the problem is from a screwed up upgrade.08:26
bazhangeax, that is not appropriate here.08:27
harejeax, cute.08:27
harejJordan_U, now that I have access to a prompt, what should I do to repair the installation?08:27
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i dont believe i can connect to it from this machine, it is being hosted on this machine08:27
eaxbazhang: I see what you mean. But where is it appropriate then? It's "basically" a changed version of apt?08:28
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: you should certainly be able to connect to the ftp server on the same host that's running it08:28
Jordan_Uharej: Ahh, you chose failsafe terminal?08:28
bazhangnot here. eax08:28
FAJALOU i am working on setting up a workgroup between linux and a vista machine.  I am now sharing a folder from ubuntu to vista,  but when i try to see all the files in vista from ubuntu, i have to manually type smb:// or something of the sort.  how can i make all of down ( show up when i go to smb://down  instead of having to navigate farther?08:28
bazhang!ot | eax08:28
ubottueax: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:28
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, it hangs when i type in o <masquerading address here>08:28
harejyes Jordan_U, and upon that I got quite the error messages (something about a missing HAL), and I want to fix things08:28
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hemanthi sloved it08:28
evilbughow would i fully customize my ubuntu? there's stuff running in the bg that i'm pretty sure i don't need and my ultimate goal is to off those processes.08:29
bnalohimbazhang: The format taked less than one minute so I suppose no ceros where written and I imagine the files are still somehow there.. I expleain it bether here http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=331 if anyone is able to help.. please, I realy need it08:29
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: you're missing what i'm saying.  login to the same machine that's running the ftp server, and at the command prompt, just type "ftp localhost".  it should present you with a login for ftp.08:29
ladyfantasywhen i say login, i mean via ssh, not ftp08:29
ladyfantasyor console08:29
Jordan_Uharej: You said something about an upgrade, did you just upgrade from another version or just got some updates?08:29
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, my mistake, but it says connection refused08:29
tunaevilbug: for that, I suggest to run another distro. Ubuntu wasn't meant for that, and there are others (like gentoo and arch) that are built just for it.08:30
harejJordan_U, a version upgrade. I think the problem is rectifying now.08:30
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: ps -ef | grep [f]tp   <- does that show it running?08:30
bnalohimbazhang: sorry this is my threat http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=890453 in ubuntu forums08:30
evilbugtuna- that's what i was thinking... would you go arch or slack?08:30
bazhangtuna evilbug please take chat elsewhere08:30
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, yeah, i see it, proftp08:31
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, it says that it is accepting connections08:31
ladyfantasywell, you shouldn't be getting a connect refused from the same host.  check your log files08:31
Jordan_Uharej: Was there any error during the upgrade? Even if there wasn't running this can't hurt ( it will try to continue a failed upgrade if possible, does nothing otherwise ) "sudo dpkg --configure -a"08:31
ladyfantasyunless you have some crazy firewall rules on that host08:31
harejJordan_U, that's exactly what I am doing now. I figured that out serendipitously.08:32
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, well with the command i use, if it was to even try and connect, it would show in the termanl window where proftpd is running, but it is doing nothing08:32
FAJALOU i am working on setting up a workgroup between linux and a vista machine.  I am now sharing a folder from ubuntu to vista,  but when i try to see all the files in vista from ubuntu, i have to manually type smb:// or something of the sort.  how can i make all of down ( show up when i go to smb://down  instead of having to navigate farther?  (note the folder that i am trying to navigate to is shared so sh08:32
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, whne people tried to connect before, it would show them trying to connect, and get all the way up until user and pass verfication, after that it would hang08:32
Jordan_Uharej: If it's taking more than a fraction of a second to complete then your upgrade didn't finish :)08:33
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, do you kno where are the proftpd log files located?08:33
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: well... i'm kind of at a loss then.  maybe clear any firewall rules in case something's broken there... ("iptables -F") and try again, but i doubt that's the case.08:33
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: usually in /var/log08:34
harejJordan_U, nope. It always freezes on generating locales. Like, it ostensibly stops08:34
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: check /var/log/messages and anything else that appears to be related to ftp.08:34
ajhtiredwolfI actually had this problem on my last install as well08:34
bazhangharej, this is feisty to gutsy to hardy or gutsy to hardy only08:35
Zeroyezhow do I start XFCE?08:35
harejbazhang, beg your pardon?08:35
Zeroyezthe login manager08:35
ladyfantasyi've only ever installed proftp from source, never from package, so maybe ubuntu has some needed tweaks to the configuration... may want to review proftpd documentation08:35
bazhangZeroyez, choose in login window in session08:35
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, unfortunately I have already reviewed as much as physically possible :P08:35
harejbazhang, oh, the new version. i forgot what it's called08:35
bazhangthe locales hang harej ; what upgrade path08:35
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, nothing related to ftp in messages08:35
Zeroyezand how would I do that08:36
ZeroyezI'm asking how to start the xfce login manager08:36
bazhangZeroyez, get to login window then choose in session08:36
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, there is a proftpd folder but the log file is empty08:36
Zeroyezlogin window, where's that?08:36
zcat[1]there isn't an xfce login manager. there's xdm though which I think xubuntu uses08:36
Zeroyezso I have to install gdm?08:36
zcat[1]sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ; sudo /etc/init.d/xdm start08:37
Jordan_Uharej: Gahh, they still havn't fixed that bug. To complete your upgrade reboot ( sudo reboot ) then press escape when grub comes up so you get a menu, choose the second recovery option from the top ( which will be the fourth line down, you need to boot into your previous kernel and there is a regular and recovery mode for each kernel ) and when prompted choose "Fix packages" ( or whatever the option is, it just runs "dpkg --configu08:37
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588  maybe this will help, i don't know08:37
zcat[1]somewhere in the X config there's a preferred login manager setting too.08:37
bazhangharej, he's got it08:37
harejJordan_U, should i ctrl+c out of the current upgrade?08:37
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i actually used that thread to install it08:37
Jordan_Uharej: If it's hanging at generating locales then yes08:38
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf ok... let me try something... hang on a few minutes08:38
bazhangharej, it will hang forever08:38
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, no problemo, thanks08:38
zcat[1]it is actually 'hanging' though.. generating locales takes ages, but it's still doing stuff usually08:38
bazhangzcat[1], not in this case08:38
harejJordan_U, see, I thought it was taking a long time, so I left it alone and then the computer got turned off somehow08:38
zcat[1]ahh, ok08:38
geek_i'm setting up an older system with ubuntu, using icewm. does anyone know if i can use nm-applet as a networkmanager front end on it?08:39
HAL9000Anyone with 804 on toshiba m200 tablet ? Trying to get the stylus working but the older fiesty/edgy howtos are a no go08:39
FAJALOU i am working on setting up a workgroup between linux and a vista machine.  I am now sharing a folder from ubuntu to vista,  but when i try to see all the files in vista from ubuntu, i have to manually type smb:// or something of the sort.  how can i make all of down ( show up when i go to smb://down  instead of having to navigate farther?  (note the folder that i am trying to navigate to is shared so sh08:39
bazhanggeek_, without gnome?08:39
geek_bazhang: i tried gnome on it. its rather slow08:40
bazhanggeek_, I mean nm-applet without gnome? highly unlikely08:40
geek_bazhang: well is there a DE independant way of doing it?08:40
Jordan_Uharej: It'll never complete, it's a bug that I thought they would have fixed by now https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/langpack-locales/+bug/249340 it's kind of embarrassing :)08:41
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: well.. i just installed proftpd via synaptic, tested it, and it works fine... maybe deinstall/reinstall08:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249340 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Gutsy->Hardy upgrade hangs in localedef" [High,In progress]08:41
KohelethGuys, if I update Firefox 3 after initiall install I cannot any longer set the desktop wallpaper using the browser, has anyone else had this problem?  Thanks08:41
bazhanggeek_, just use the cli; it is very easy and more reliable.08:41
ome_I'm having trouble installing mplayer "The following packages have unmet dependencies:  mplayer: Depends: libdirectfb-0.9-25 but it is not installable"08:41
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: and,t here should be /var/log/proftpd08:41
geek_bazhang: er.. its for a windows user, so... i think its better i have some simple gui for it08:41
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, correct, but the log file for proftpd just shows the start up, shut down, not accepting incoming connections08:41
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, just shows the info that it gives me in the terminal when starting and stopping it08:42
bazhanggeek_, with icewm for a windows user?08:42
ladyfantasyyeah, that's why i'm saying just remove and reinstall it... perhaps something got broken in the configs08:42
geek_bazhang: er.. any better ideas?08:42
ladyfantasybackup your /etc/proftpd directory first08:42
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, apt-get remove proftpd sufficient?08:42
ladyfantasyi suppose08:42
* geek_ was thinking icewm/fxe . not decided what to do for browser yet08:43
ome_Anyone know the repository08:43
ladyfantasywell.. it looks like apt-get remove proftpd does NOT clean up config files08:43
Daisuke_Laptopgeek_: have you considered xfce?08:43
=== jigpe is now known as jigp
geek_bazhang: well, from what i remembered it was CDE like08:43
ome_Anyone know the repository I need to add to install libdirectfb-0-25?08:43
FAJALOUome_:  sounds like medibuntu08:43
ome_im in hardy heron08:44
Daisuke_Laptoplibdirectfb-1.0-0 is what's in there08:44
bazhangome_, you are comiling mplayer?08:44
geek_bazhang: well, is there a network-manager front end for that then?08:44
FloodBot1harej: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:44
ome_im trying to install mplayer08:44
bazhangharej, caps08:44
ome_had problems installing audacious too08:44
bazhangome_, lets see your sources.list08:44
Jordan_Uharej: It will take a long time when it does work, but it should finish as long as you booted into the previous kernel08:45
harejJordan_U, it was the second option from the top on the list08:45
bazhangharej, you did choose the previous kernel, right?08:45
* harej pulls the plug08:45
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, when reinstalling it asked me if i would like to keep my current proftpd.conf, whatcha think? might as well?08:46
Jordan_Uharej: Fourth option from the top :)08:46
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: no, replace it... backup what you have first, but replace it08:46
harejthanks jordan08:46
bazhangome_, you used ultamatix?08:47
ome_yah, that bad news?08:47
bazhangome_, time for a reinstall.08:47
geek_tends to be08:47
bazhang!ultamatix | ome_08:47
ubottuome_: ultamatix is not supported by Ubuntu. It can cause system damage and should not be used, if you need support with it please go to http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1365 for support. If you refer or suggest users install Ultamatix you are subject to a warning the first time, a removal from channel for second time and a ban for the third time.08:47
Jordan_Ubazhang: Don't tell me it's back08:47
shorty1986has someone of you already undervolted an Intel Core2 Duo T930008:47
FAJALOU i am working on setting up a workgroup between linux and a vista machine.  I am now sharing a folder from ubuntu to vista,  but when i try to see all the files in vista from ubuntu, i have to manually type smb:// or something of the sort.  how can i make all of down ( show up when i go to smb://down  instead of having to navigate farther?  (note the folder that i am trying to navigate to is shared so sh08:47
bazhangJordan_U, new and disimproved08:47
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, alright done08:48
Jordan_Ubazhang: Why?!?!08:48
geek_bazhang: they managed to make it WORSE? o0 is that even possible? ;p08:48
ome_thanks for info bazhang08:48
geek_Jordan_U: cause people are too lazy to add one or two useful repos? ;p08:48
bazhangJordan_U, the same folks who brought us ubuntu "ultimate"08:48
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: now /etc/init.d/proftpd stop  and start08:48
bazhangome_, next time no need for that08:48
quatar-ithi all. I have ubuntu8.04 32 bit (altough i could use a 64 bit, as my cpu is), and a strange problem. Actually, it sometimes decides to fail opening some sort of application, such as firefox (expecially when requesting a page with flash animations), eyeofGnome, terminal (it opens the windows, but not the content)... is there any package broken, any driver badly installed .... !? it happens since some days ago, my lapto08:49
bazhangome_, seriously, it is not needed in any way shape or form08:49
ome_I just thought it would be like automatix08:49
bazhangome_, it is.08:49
ome_havsnt been useful in any way08:49
HAL9000In a bad way08:49
Jordan_Uome_: That's the problem :)08:49
ome_automatix installed alot of wine apps08:49
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, what on earth... it just keeps sayting ProFTPd is started from inetd/xinetd.08:49
zcat[1]quatar-it: try a memtest ?08:50
ladyfantasyhmm... there's an option to install it to either listen via inetd or as a standalone program.08:50
ladyfantasyi've always run it standalone08:50
ome_So you serious about reinstall? or know any trick to undo?08:50
dahliahi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 8.04 desktop on a virtualbox guest running on a ubuntu 8.04 x64 host with a phenom cpu. I cant get it to install unless I set up virtualbox to use IO APIC, which I'd rather not use because it's supposed to slow down the machine. Is there a way I can specify to the kernel to not need that at boot time?08:50
quatar-itzcat[1]: is that one which starts durin the OS launch (routine check of devices...)?08:50
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, hang on08:50
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i think i remember how08:50
bazhangome_, yes. the damage is serious.08:50
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i believe its in that config i replaed08:51
tenbyteshey--how do i open ports in ubuntu? i can't access my websites cpanel because it doesn't use port 8008:51
zcat[1]quatar-it: yep.. first thing I do for weirdness like that is memtest for an hour or two.. very often that's the problem.08:51
zcat[1]well, nit very often but sometimes.. and quite easy to rule out before ou go reinstalling and stuff.08:51
HAL9000ome_: Automatix screw one of mine up back in the day.... wouldn't touch with a 10 ft pole ever again08:51
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, well this isnt good, /etc/prfotpd.conf doesnt exist now08:51
quatar-itzcat[1]: how can i force an extraordinary one? [$> memtest] ?08:51
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: it should be in /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf08:52
dahliais there a list of kernel boot command line options somewhere?08:52
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, ugh, it named it proftpdold never mind08:52
zcat[1]quatar-it: memtest runs as long as you let it.. an hour is about as short as I'd go. Overnight is not a bad idea. You can leave it running for a week if you want..08:52
ome_I spent so much time customizing everything. Can I install in a form of upgrade so I keep all my files and settings?08:52
geek_dahlia: i think you need to use the noapic cheat code08:53
harejJordan_U, despite reverting to the previous kernel it appears I still have to use the failsafe setting. Is this normal?08:53
Jordan_U!boot | dahlia It's not comprehensive but...08:53
ubottudahlia It's not comprehensive but...: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:53
quatar-itzcat[1]: uh i didn't say... when one of hose stops, any other of those won't start!08:53
bazhangome_, no.08:53
mashtdiI have a question when someone has time.08:53
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, ok there we go, started08:53
bazhangome_, back up your files then reinstall08:53
dahliaty, looking... :)08:53
zcat[1]quatar-it: ohhh.. sorry, not fsck, memtest, the bottom option on the grub menu (you might need to press <esc> at boottime to see the grub menu)08:53
HAL9000ome: it messes up so many things I dunno if you could find them all08:53
Jordan_Uharej: Yes, until you run "sudo dpkg --configure -a" ( it will take a while, but should finish this time :)08:53
quatar-itzcat[1]: i don't want to know how to let it last for long, ..i want to know how to let that start!08:53
harejJordan_U, why will it work this time?08:53
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, same thing when i did ftp localhost, connection refused08:54
KohelethGuys, if I update Firefox 3 after initiall install I cannot any longer set the desktop wallpaper using the browser, has anyone else had this problem?  Thanks08:54
quatar-itzcat[1]: thx ...08:54
=== TheRabbit is now known as _hase
quatar-iti'll restart.08:54
zcat[1]quatar-it: reboot, wait for grub to say 'press esc for options' and press esc.. last option on the menu is memtest+ ...08:54
ladyfantasywell, ajhtiredwolf - i have to say i'm at a loss then.08:54
ladyfantasyi've never run into this08:55
FAJALOU i am working on setting up a workgroup between linux and a vista machine.  I am now sharing a folder from ubuntu to vista,  but when i try to see all the files in vista from ubuntu, i have to manually type smb:// or something of the sort.  how can i make all of down ( show up when i go to smb://down  instead of having to navigate farther?  (note the folder that i am trying to navigate to is shared so sh08:55
_haseSo I'm trying to install a PCMCIA card with four USB ports...and after I plugged it it lspci recognizes it, but none of the things i've plugged into the usb ports are working08:55
zcat[1]'cos it does sound a bit like faulty memory.. although it could be something else08:55
Jordan_Uharej: I am not sure of the details but the localedef command does not work with the current hardy kernel, but does work with earlier kernels, but it only needs to be run once and will set everything up to work with the most recent kernel as well08:55
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, could i see your config? it seems to have automatically reverted back to my old one when i switched to standalone08:55
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, wait, what should servername be set to?08:56
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: when i installed it, i didn't modify any configs at all.. .it just ran08:56
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, it wont give me a default config08:57
lawrencep93hey i am new to ubuntu when i try to enable visual effects i get a desktop effects could not be enabled please help me :)08:57
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: i set it up to run as "standalone", not from xinetd.  it was an option when installing it via synaptic... i'm not handy enough with apt-get to know what to do with that yet08:57
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, it went back to my old config, it replaced the inted one but not the standalone, i guess because it defaults to inetd08:57
FAJALOUlawrencep93:  what is your videocard?08:57
lawrencep93Just a generic intel one08:58
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, it gives that option the first time installed, but it didnt this time08:58
dumbdumHi, how do i delete files from garbage bin (ubuntu 8.04) They stay there even after saying they are gone!08:58
FAJALOUif you go into system>administration>hardware drivers... do you see anything?08:58
HAL9000FAJALOU: look through this link there's a plenty on the forum.08:58
HAL9000FAJALOU: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605&highlight=windows+smb08:58
FAJALOUlawrencep93: : if you go into system>administration>hardware drivers... do you see anything?08:58
ladyfantasyok... if you remove it via synaptic, there's an option to do a "complete" removal... which should blow away all the config files, etc... i don't know the equivalent apt-get command to do that, but maybe you should try that08:58
FAJALOUHAL9000: thank you.08:58
HAL9000Sure that wins server may be of help08:59
Jordan_Uladyfantasy: apt-get remove <package> --purge08:59
tenbytesnone of you know how to open ports?08:59
FAJALOUlawrencep93: are you sure that compiz effects will work in the first place?08:59
_haseOk, so when I run lsusb it shows a total of six ports, with nothing plugged into any of them, so i know the computer is able to see the pcmcia card, what do i need to do to get it to recognize the devices i'm trying to plug in08:59
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, gotcha let me try that08:59
ladyfantasyJordan_U: thanks08:59
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: try what Jordan_U suggested08:59
dahlialooks like noapic nolapic works :) thanks all :)08:59
tenbytesi tried  iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2089 -j ACCEPT08:59
lawrencep93well they should thats what i head08:59
tenbytesbut it's not working i think08:59
bazhang_hase, what sort of devices09:00
_hasea mouse, mp3 player09:00
Jordan_Ulawrencep93: Can you pastebin the output from "compiz --replace" ( I think that your specific card may be blacklisted as having problems with compiz )09:00
bazhang_hase in my experience some devices dont like to be connected to hubs09:00
lawrencep93im realy sorry but how do you do that?09:00
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com lawrencep93 and give us the url09:01
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Jordan_Ulawrencep93: Open a terminal ( Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ) run09:01
scorehow can i find out what package added the 'admin' user?09:01
lawrencep93im in the terminal09:02
harejJordan_U, I got the message "ldconfi deferred processing now taking place", then it sent me to the prompt. Does that mean everything is finished and I can reboot?09:02
Jordan_Ulawrencep93: ... run "compiz --replace" and copy and paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com then give us the URL09:02
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, yay!!! connected09:02
Jordan_Uharej: Yup09:02
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, asking for user name a pass, would that just be my default user09:02
lawrencep93Checking for Xgl: not present.09:02
lawrencep93Detected PCI ID for VGA: 00:02.0 0300: 8086:2772 (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])09:02
lawrencep93Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.09:02
lawrencep93Trying again with indirect rendering:09:02
lawrencep93Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.09:02
lawrencep93aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity09:02
FloodBot1lawrencep93: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:02
harejand Jordan_U, does this mean everything is back to normal, plus a sweet sweet upgrade is in place?09:03
bazhanglawrencep93, not here09:03
Jordan_Uharej: If there aren't any other problems, yes :)09:03
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, ok it seems that how to's config was the problem, now how do i create a seperate user that would be chrooted in a folder? :P09:03
ladyfantasywell.. that's a whole other topic in itself...09:04
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, proftpd seems to have an easy way to do it09:04
dumbdumHi i have some windows driver files in my garbage bin. I cant delete them because it says I dont have permission. How can i delete them?09:04
ladyfantasyand to be honest, i need to go to bed soon...09:04
FAJALOUHAL9000: should WINS support be enabled (the forum is confusing me a little...)09:04
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, no proble, i still REALLY appreciate your help09:04
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: yeah, i recall that it does, but it's been years since i had to run proftp09:04
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: no problem - glad it worked09:04
AlphaDogI need help setting up Nessus09:04
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, well the thing it, the default user is proftpd and group nogroup09:04
infexiondumbdum: go into your console and type sudo root09:05
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, so it seems like the username should be proftpd09:05
Odd-rationaledumbdum: try with sudo09:05
Jordan_Uajhtiredwolf: Remember that a chroot in and of itself is NOT a security measure and is not meant to be09:05
HAL9000FAJALOU: belive so I just use the smb ip method09:05
harejYay! Everything is back to normal. Now I can do what I wandered over to my Ubuntu box for to begin with!09:05
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, that you have to log in with09:05
harejthank you #ubuntu!09:05
Odd-rationaledumbdum: sudo rm /file09:05
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: no, proftpd is the user that the server process should be running as09:05
bazhanginfexion, not good advice09:05
ajhtiredwolfJordan_U,  hmmm but if you dont want users to be able to browse all the pc's files how else would you do it?09:05
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, ahhh I see, so you have to create other users seperatly?09:05
HAL9000FAJALOU: If i remember right wins resolves netbios names to ip's , someone correct me if wrong plz09:06
infexiondumbdum: I am sorry sudo bash not root09:06
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: every user that you want to login to the ftp server will need an account, yes.  unless you set it up for anonymous ftp09:06
Odd-rationaleinfexion: umm. sudo -i might be safer...09:06
HAL9000dumdum: sudo nautilus then empty those files09:06
dumbdumok what now?09:07
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, darn, then that is almost the same as using ssh209:07
bazhangHAL9000, gksudo but dangerous09:07
Jordan_Uajhtiredwolf: There are a few ways, in fact the next version of Ubuntu will have a "guest login" option which does exactly that using AppArmor policies09:07
Odd-rationaledumbdum: the safest why would be to "sudo rm <filename>"09:07
FAJALOUHAL9000: i think this is more of a windows problem,,, seems how i can see the files, but they are just not browseable, but in 7.10 i think i could browse the downstairs computer...09:07
ladyfantasy"guest login"?  hmm...09:07
ladyfantasythis is not enabled by default, i hope...09:07
ajhtiredwolfJordan_U, well basically all im trying to do, is setup a user account that a few of my friends and family can upload and download from, but obviously i dont want them to browse all over my pc09:08
UnionPivoI personaly preffer mc for removing files especialy directory trees09:08
UnionPivoand its a lot faster than nautilus09:08
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: you have to add an entry for that user in the proftp config someplace (I forget where) and specify what you want the "root" path to be..09:08
owen1how to compile dwm?09:08
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: they will not be able to cd .. below that path09:08
ajhtiredwolfJordan_U, ladyfantasy the problem is all the have to do is type / in the directory list which is easy for an idiot to figure out :p09:08
_haseI have a pcmcia usb adaptor, and ubuntu picks it up but not anything i plug into it, what can i do?09:08
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i do see that option09:09
HAL9000FAJALOU: Been there and gave up long ago lol , i seem to recall it working best in 70409:09
FAJALOUhmmm ok...09:09
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, it is default root ~09:09
infexiondumbdum: put in cd ~/.local/share/Trash/files09:09
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: then that's all you need to do... you have to restart proftpd once you add it, i think... then if they type cd /, they can't get to your real root09:09
FAJALOUit's weird b/c /down/public is set on share, but /down/users is not and i can go to both lol09:09
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: if you're security-minded, try vsftpd09:10
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, so all i need to do is create another user in users and groups and people should be able to login to it through the ftp?09:10
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i am actually, i worry about opening up my pc this much09:10
Elven2Hello everybody09:10
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, i am kinda confused actually, how is this ftp even running when i did not open the port that it is running on?09:10
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: well, if you're security-minded that much, then you shouldn't be using ftp at all :)09:11
HAL9000FAJALOU: May try asking in #samba also09:11
Elven2Could somebody please help me? I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 but whenever i run it my video gets all messed09:11
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: by running it, you "open" the port09:11
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, file sharing programs like msn are too slow for large files09:11
kerami have just installed imagemagick from source but when i run montage it gives me the error "error while loading shared libraries: not found". i think its because my system is not looking for shared libs in /usr/local/lib, is there a way to fix this?09:11
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: well, i would recommend using sftp09:11
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, shouldnt only the router only have that option?09:11
FAJALOUHAL9000:  ok.09:12
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, is that just ssl? or ssh... i get them confused haha09:12
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: sftp is ssh... filezilla is a nice GUI-based client that will handle it09:12
UnionPivoajhtiredwolf, like lady said use sftp or rsync for file transfer09:12
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, ah yeah that is what i used before, unforatunely in order to chroot with that is a HUGE task09:12
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: and if by router, you mean firewall, then no.  the firewall can be set to block access to that port, but it doesn't have anything to do with what's running as a listening service09:13
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, hmm that is interesting and kinda unnerving hah09:13
DIFH-icerootwhy is it not possible to update the virtualbox-ose moduls? 2 machines have errors if i klick on update at adept09:13
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, it seems kinda funny, you would think that by default when you create a user they should not be able to browse the entire computer09:14
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: the firewall can still block access to the service09:14
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: and that depends on the software you install :)09:14
executionisti need help plz09:14
Elven2Could somebody please help me? I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 but whenever i run it my video gets all messed09:14
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, well in ubuntu when you create a user although they can't modify fiels outside of their home they can still view them09:15
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: unix is fairly open in terms of security, but if you don't want someone else getting into your home directory, then just reset the permissions on it so only you have access (chmod 700 /home/<yourname>)09:15
keramElven2, try doing an update09:15
UnionPivoajhtiredwolf, the firewall only blocks acess to ports what is running on those ports is non of it buissnes you can run httpd on port 21 if you want09:15
FAJALOU!ask > executionist09:15
ubottuexecutionist, please see my private message09:15
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: of course.09:15
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: they need to be able to view them09:15
HAL9000Elven2: Is the video ok in the live cd ?09:15
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, certain users do, but not all09:15
Elven2keram I just finished downloading/installing it, it is up to date09:15
owen1how to compile dwm?09:16
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, users that are meant to perform as little as one task p09:16
Elven2HAL9000 good question, i can try, what could i do if it runs normally from the live cd?09:16
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: they need to be able to view them09:16
FloodBot1Chousuke: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:16
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: anyway... most *interactive* users need access outside their /home09:17
ajhtiredwolfladyfantasy, I will look around on trying to lock the users in their directory, thank you so much for helping me out on this that was very nice of you09:17
steelheadhow are y'all today?09:17
keramanyone know how to fix that shared library error i mentioned earlier?09:17
ladyfantasyajhtiredwolf: not a problem09:17
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, interactive yeah :p, but when they just need to upload/download that isn't necessary09:17
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: actually, no: all do :)09:17
executionisti just installed ubuntu, after that i installed nividia drivers with EnvyNG. but there was a box in hardware drivers that were saying something about my drivers wwhich i clicked and installed. now the thing is i am stuck with 640x480 resolution. i tried installing nvidia drivers with EnvyNG but still. i am stuck with this resolution09:17
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: well true.09:17
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: but you didn't specify that :)09:17
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, like well come on its implied when im setting up an ftp :P09:17
HAL9000Elven2: if so look @ the xorg.conf settings and compare to the xorg.conf on your harddrive, you'll need to mount the hdd and look @ /etx/X11/xorg.conf09:18
scorekeram: add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig09:18
UnionPivoexecutionist, are you sure your nvidia drivers are running ? sounds to me you are in vesa mode09:18
Elven2HAL9000 Oh thank you, i'll try doing it09:18
keramexecutionist, from my experience if you are using a somewhat new nvidia card all you need to do is install nvidia-settings and you can use that to configure everything09:18
executionisti am a noob, installed ubuntu yesterday, i am not sure of that09:18
HAL9000Elven2: Its saved me a time or 209:18
keramscore, thanks!09:18
ajhtiredwolfHmmm this is kinda troubling, the ftp starts when the computer starts, do you know how to disable that?09:18
executionistbut i can see nividia control panel in system> adminiistration09:19
=== PhQu- is now known as PhQu
_haseIs there someway that my pcmcia card could be disabled?09:19
ajhtiredwolfOh wait a second09:19
keramajhtiredwolf, ftp server? 'sudo /etc/init.d/ftpd stop' or something along those lines09:19
UnionPivoexecutionist, and when you run it ?09:19
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: you can use update-rd.c09:19
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: see the manual on specifics.09:20
ajhtiredwolfkeram, that will stop it after its been executed but wont prvent it from starting when the pc starrts09:20
zcat[1]_hmmmm.. how do I make qtwengophone go via pulseaudio rather than access ALSA directly?09:20
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, I think that I actually havent made progress on this haha09:20
executionisti see the config screen and everything. but the highest i can select is 640x480, and it goes as lo as 320x24009:20
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, I think I can ONLY connect to this ftp locally09:20
scorekeram: did that fix?09:20
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: well then something is blocking access to the port :)09:20
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: you may need to configure a port forward in your router.09:21
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, I can open the port manually09:21
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, but that isnt the problem09:21
keramscore, yep, i always forget how to fix that damn error. this time i am writing it down :]09:21
UnionPivoexecutionist, when you go to screen 0 does it detect your card properly ?09:22
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, well reguardless of that, do you know if by default will users connect in passive mode?09:22
joseph_cheahhow to configure (ifconfig) ? there are no returns after i type ifconfig in terminal09:22
UnionPivoexecutionist, under the GPU part09:22
executionistnvidia FX 550009:23
oobejoseph_cheah, ifconfig eth0 up09:23
executionistit is detecting it properly09:23
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: I don't even know what ftp software you're using so I can't comment on the defaults (and I can't even if I knew, really :/)09:23
oobeor ifconfig wlan0 up or whatever09:23
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: isn't passive mode a client side choice anyway?09:23
UnionPivoexecutionist, ok go under system administration, system log09:24
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, no problem. It just seems like its common when both users are behin routers09:24
pabixHello! I noticed today that I cannot do Ctrl-Alt-F1 to go to text mode… any command to switch?09:24
UnionPivoexecutionist, and select X.org.log09:24
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: you can use active mode if you add a port forward.09:24
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, in allot of programs i know that it trys passive after active doesnt work09:24
RandyboYI think i have corrupted grub on my machine when ive installed ubuntu on my usb-stick. Can i and if i can hvow do i fix it on my machine? Ive started the machine in the livecd now...09:24
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, I think passive mode is still fast so long as its just one user, passive mode means that the load goes entirely on the server rigth?09:25
UnionPivoexecutionist, there will be a lot there, first scan for any eroors09:25
Chousukeajhtiredwolf: I don't know any specifics, I don't use FTP :/09:25
oobeRandyboY, run grub from console09:25
ajhtiredwolfChousuke, im pretty sure thats what happens, which would be fine, I think its only a problem for large servers09:25
oobeand google reinstall grub09:25
owen1how to compile dwm?09:25
executionistwell there is alot there, and its hard so i have to scroll right every single line09:26
RandyboYoobe, from he livecd?09:26
oobeRandyboY, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435109:26
RandyboYoobe, thanks :)09:26
UnionPivoexecutionist, if there is an error its starts with Error: or Err:  or something like that09:27
oobeRandyboY, i used to use that link all the time comes up in google 2nd hit for grub reinstall ubunru09:27
Slartajhtiredwolf: afaik passive mode only means the client inititates all connections.. http://slacksite.com/other/ftp.html09:27
FAJALOUgoing to bed all, thank you HAL9000  Jordan_U bazhang and anyone else i forgot to mention!!!09:27
UnionPivoon the left side09:27
executionistUnionPivo there are no errors09:27
FAJALOUif anyone wants to work on a problem here is one for you:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5592945#post559294509:27
Slartajhtiredwolf: the "load" is the same in both setups.. the server still sends the packages to the client.. no difference there09:28
UnionPivoexecutionist, ok then go to section that starts with (II)NVIDIA  ...   or something similar09:28
ajhtiredwolfSlart, hmm ive always been told that passive mode is slower09:28
ajhtiredwolfSlart, is that true?09:28
Slartajhtiredwolf: I can't see a reason for it to be slower09:28
executionisti see alot of (II) 's here09:29
UnionPivoexecutionist, can you copy paste thet section down tyo some pasty service ?09:29
ajhtiredwolfSlart, well in passive mode i upload about 5k09:29
ajhtiredwolfSlart, with a direct connection and the port opened i upload at 400k09:30
UnionPivoexecutionist, or just copy paste everything09:30
RandyboYoobe, second command into the thread didnt work ;) grub> find /boot/grub/stabgel ---> Error 15: File not found09:30
Slartajhtiredwolf: everything else is the same?09:30
whitedoxhow would I go about disabling an integrated video card? I believe it is interfering with the other card  I am using, preventing resolution changes.09:30
executionistpaste here?09:30
ajhtiredwolfSlart, yep, this is my experience on DC++ and AMSN09:30
UnionPivowhitedox, the easiet/best way is in bios09:30
executionistwhere to paste it UnionPivo09:31
ajhtiredwolfalthough the amsn version available to ubuntu doesnt work right now so cant test it :-P09:31
oobeRandyboY, how many hard drives and partitions do you have maybe you should mount you root partition first09:31
Slartajhtiredwolf: ehh.. are we still talking about ftp?09:31
kerrynhow do i add more memory to linux09:31
ajhtiredwolfSlart, well ftp should be the same09:31
whitedoxAlright thanks. I will come back with results I guess.09:31
ajhtiredwolfSlart, or at least i think so? Maybe not09:31
Slartajhtiredwolf: I'm talking about passive ftp transfers..nothing else09:31
Slartajhtiredwolf: no.. very no.. very very no09:31
UnionPivoexecutionist, go to pastey.net  or similar09:31
ajhtiredwolfSlart, oh I assumed that they were the same, that is where im getting confused :p09:32
Slartajhtiredwolf: DC++ uses other mechanisms.. and amsn a third kind09:32
LFjobHi, how do I play swf files?09:32
RandyboYoobe, i have one hdd with some partitions. one of them with ubuntu and one with XP and some dell utilities and stuff...09:32
bazhangLFjob, vlc09:32
ajhtiredwolfSlart, oh I see. ah well, if they are both equally good then great, i wont worry about changing anything09:32
Slartajhtiredwolf: in amsn passive mode means you send everything to the amsn server which then sends it to the other person09:32
LFjobbazhang, ok thanks.09:32
ajhtiredwolfSlart, ah yeah  that would make sense as to why it is so much slower09:32
ajhtiredwolfSlart, hey do you know if you can specify just ONE application to a port that you opeend? it seems kinda risky to just completely open a port09:33
Slartajhtiredwolf: in dc++ passive mode ... well.. iirc it should be the same as ftp (even though it doesn't use the ftp protocol)09:33
dumbdumHi, ubuntu 8.04 seems to be getting slower by the minute, apps are not opening or are taking a long time. Any help appreciated.09:34
oddalotanyone know how to keep a button from going to a new line every time in html (form button i guess)09:34
oddalotwrong channel09:34
lesshastehow do I start the ssh service?09:34
Slartajhtiredwolf: I don't think you can do that in any easy way.. what application are you opening a port for?09:34
lesshastefrom the menu system?09:34
ajhtiredwolfdumbdum, did you recently install something?09:34
UnionPivodumbdum, are you sure its not some indexing ?09:34
ajhtiredwolfSlart, just the ftp, thats really all I have in mind right now09:34
bazhangdumbdum, open a terminal and type top to see what is using memory09:34
dumbdumFirefox wont open at all, nor will anything else. No I didnt install anything.09:35
LFjobI just installed VLC, it doesn't play swf files.09:35
Slartajhtiredwolf: well, make sure you use a sensible ftp server, configure it correctly and it shouldn't be a problem.. google for chroot if you want to add some extra security09:35
dumbdumKonsole wont open.09:35
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box09:35
Slartbah.. nevermind that..09:35
steelheadhow do you get init 3 to function in ubuntu?09:35
ajhtiredwolfdumbdum, are you using kde?09:36
RandyboYoobe, i see now what i have done. Ive made the partition with my ubuntuinstall to a swat partition... Is my ubuntu gone for good then?09:36
schmickdumbdum: check if ffox is running with System Monitor... if it is... kill it.09:36
ajhtiredwolfSlart,  haha no way im not doing chroot again09:36
AdvoWorkhi there, anyone know how I can search my mail logs(mail.log) for emails going to test@test.com?09:36
ajhtiredwolfSlart, I messed iwth that one time, and it opened a hole bunch of security flaws09:36
ajhtiredwolfSlart, which the person that wrote the tutorial only wrote at the END of the tutorial hah09:37
Slartajhtiredwolf: to use an old meme.. "then you're doing it wrong" =)09:37
schmickRandyboY: ... partitions with format as.. is usualy fatal.09:37
quatar-ithi all. so no one can see an unique broken packet when sometimes firefox, eye of gnome, terminal and others applications become urresponsive at the same time (even if i launch one of them after the matter to happen)...?09:37
quatar-itbroken packet or i don't know what...09:37
dumbdumApps apear on the panel and say "starting Firefox... etc, but then just close09:37
RandyboYschmick, i know... i used mkswap09:37
ajhtiredwolfSlart, well i followed this tutorial that was tailored towards using ssh, at the end of the tutorial someone replyed "doesnt that give them root access" to which he replied WOOPS yes09:37
quatar-itmemtest (40mins) reported 0 errs09:37
UnionPivoAdvoWork, what program and what server (smtp ) did you use ?09:38
dumbdumSystem monitor wont open.09:38
ajhtiredwolfSlart, which was one of the main reasons for my reinstall :p09:38
executionistdid u get ittt UnionPivo http://pastey.net/9388009:38
ajhtiredwolfdumbdum, type gnome-system-monitor09:38
bazhangdumbdum, how are you on irc09:38
UnionPivoexecutionist, no, i'll check it out now09:38
UbubeginI tried to kill processid... but it wont die.. any other more potent command09:38
dumbdumOn a different com!?09:38
Slartajhtiredwolf: hmm.. I'm pretty sure that guy did something seriously wrong..09:38
dumbdumSorry, computer!?09:38
ajhtiredwolfSlart, yeah no kidding :P09:39
bazhangdumbdum, what distro09:39
schmickUbubegin: in a terminal type sudo kill -9 [processID].... as in sudo kill -9 168409:39
ajhtiredwolfSlart, not to mention that the tutorial was like 3 pages long, and didnt accomnplish what it was meant to09:39
lesshastehow do I start the ssh service? I get sudo sshd09:39
lesshastesshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path09:39
tenbyteshow do i find where apt-get put files it installed at?09:39
schmickUbubegin: you must know the processID of what you are trying to kill.09:39
dumbdumThis one is Mint Daryna, the one with the problem is Ubuntu 8.0409:39
Slartajhtiredwolf: I think you need to find a better howto09:39
AdvoWorkUnionPivo it sent from phps mail() functio09:39
hateballlesshaste: assuming openssh-server is installed, /etc/init.d/sshd start09:40
bazhangdumbdum, what about livecd; does that work09:40
Ububeginschmick: worked wonders... thanks09:40
ajhtiredwolfSlart, well this proftpd program has an option for locking users in their home, if it does its job that would be ideal09:40
dumbdumI'll try09:40
ajhtiredwolfSlart, thats really all im trying to do09:40
DIFH-icerootlesshaste: /etc/init.d/ssh start09:40
reikalusikkawhy don't I get any sound while playing youtube videos?09:40
lesshaste apparently not..sudo: /etc/init.d/sshd: command not found09:41
Slartajhtiredwolf: I think proftp has a pretty good reputation.. but I can't really say I know a lot about ftp servers09:41
lesshasteDIFH-iceroot, it seems to be in /usr/sbin/sshd09:41
hateballlesshaste: it's ssh not sshd... had a blonde moment ;)09:41
william__anyone here running cedega?09:41
ajhtiredwolfSlart, yeah its actually really user friendly, it looks like the only problem i was having was once again, with the tutorial09:41
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lesshastehateball, doesn't help anyway... it's not in that directory09:41
DIFH-icerootlesshaste: you have to use /etc/init.d/ssh start and not /etc/init.d/sshd start09:41
ajhtiredwolfSlart, I am so used to having to use a tutorial before anyhting works that i didnt try the default options first haha09:41
hateballlesshaste: have you done 'sudo apt-get install ssh' ?09:42
ajhtiredwolfSlart, ubunu is actually getting suprisingly user friendly though, install, open, your done09:42
lesshastehow mysterious09:42
Slartajhtiredwolf: they've put in a lot of work to make it that way09:42
lesshastesudo /etc/init.d/ssh start09:42
lesshaste * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                             [ OK ]09:42
FloodBot1lesshaste: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:42
lesshaste ssh -p 2001 localhost09:42
lesshastessh: connect to host localhost port 2001: Connection refused09:42
zupbguys, please.SOS http://paste.ubuntu.com/37673/09:43
ajhtiredwolfSlart, yeah it is really neat to see that in linux, at my university ive actually seen a good majority of the ocmputers in the math department running ubuntu.09:43
RandyboYlesshaste, read what i wrote you in the other chan.09:43
* lesshaste apologises09:43
DIFH-icerootlesshaste: port 2001????09:43
hateballlesshaste: edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config09:43
ogzyhow was the downloading of dependencies of a package via apt09:43
hateballlesshaste: if you need it to use port 2001... or any other port09:43
lesshasteI am trying to follow these instructions http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/excerpt/ssh_11/index3.html09:43
UnionPivoexecutionist, try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:44
reikalusikkawhy don't I get any sound from youtube videos?09:44
ogzyi mean i want to redownload a package that is already installed to my system with its dependencies again09:44
reikalusikkathey play fine and when I play a song from HD it works09:44
ogzyhow can i do it09:44
executionistxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration09:44
executionist   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008081514443009:44
schmicktenbytes: try man [package name] as in man vim09:44
UnionPivoits not an error, its just a warning09:45
executionistit didnt proceed after that, so i assumed09:46
UnionPivoexecutionist,  now type less /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:46
globologhello. anybody knows where to change the repositories the alternate installer uses ?09:46
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globologor or alternatively a way to prevent the alternate installer from configuring the network interface ?09:47
lesshastehateball, can I just list ports separated by commas? Port 22, 2001 ?09:47
DIFH-icerootif i had a user without ssh login (passwd = /bin/false), will cronjobs work for that user? because he has no shell09:47
hateballlesshaste: No, put it on a separate row09:47
UnionPivoexecutionist, and paste everything below Section "Monitor"09:47
DIFH-icerooti cant test it on this machine09:47
lesshastehateball, Port 22 (newline) Port 200109:47
hateballlesshaste: yup09:48
hateballlesshaste: and then /etc/init.d/ssh reload09:48
executionisti can only scroll a little towards the top, and not after that. the "monitor" section may be above that09:48
schmickglobolog: installer configuring a network interface?.. can you expand a little?.. what alternate installer?09:48
bhanuany body is there09:48
executionistwhich is inaccessible as i cant scroll there09:48
executionistah wait here it is09:48
ajhtiredwolfHey I remember there was a way to make your graphics card take the load of your webcam, but i cant remember how, anyone in here know?09:48
lesshastethanks hateball09:48
executionist^ UnionPivo09:49
UnionPivoexecutionist, ok will take a look09:49
geevany body knows am writing a small script that will connect to remote computer so how i will tell the script to fill user name and password when it is executed09:49
trigpinhave problem with gnome network manger i can't make the icon appear , i tryed sudo nm-applet still nothing09:49
AdvoWorkanyone ever come across this before? 550-Unrouteable address 550 Sender verify failed09:50
globologschmick: i need to prevent the alternate installer from accessing the internet repositories09:51
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dumbdumcan anyone tell me the correct syntax to delete a file from the garbage bin?09:51
globologim doing a kickstart install that should not connect th the internet09:52
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash09:52
globologeven with an active connection09:52
schmickglobolog: you mean the alternate ubuntu cd?... the text installer?09:52
globologso i thought of two possibilities: 1) not configure the interface 2) removing the repo info09:52
globologyes, the ubuntu server install cd09:53
lesshastehateball, hmm.. it's not working.. can I pm you please?09:53
hateballlesshaste: sure09:53
executionistUnionPivo umm can i get back in 15 mins. i have to go for lunch :/09:53
Tanzaniteany body knows on writing shell script, am writing a small script file that will be connect to remote computer so how i will tell the script to fill user name and password when it is executed09:54
xnvTanzanite: Better to ask in #bash09:55
schmickohhh.. hmmmm... maybe not an elegant way, but.. in /etc/network/interfaces you can define eth0 with some fake IP.... it'll fail to receive or transmit to the router.09:55
Tanzanite<xnv>  thank you09:55
globologive tried that, but then the installer comes up with gateway not reachable09:56
globologany way to disable the network part of the alternate installer ?09:56
dumbdumIs there a "restore" function like in windows System restore in Ubuntu 8.04?09:57
bazhangdumbdum, does the livecd work09:57
dumbdumAnd i dont know what to do if it did?09:58
schmickI'm out of ideas globolog... maybe messing with init.d to disable the eth scripts.09:58
reikalusikkathey play fine and when I play a song from HD it works09:58
bazhangwhat does not work in livecd dumbdum09:58
reikalusikkawhy don't I get any sound from youtube videos?09:58
dumbdumIt wont boot up from the live Cd. Gets so far and goes blank.09:59
megathow can i install psybnc in ubuntu?09:59
sidneywhatPlease any help on slow firewire09:59
bazhangdumbdum, how did you install it then09:59
dumbdumInstall what?09:59
schmickreikalusikka: it might be your flash... try the beta version 10.0 .. it's on adobe.com.09:59
geek_megat: its not in the repos so it may need to be compiled09:59
reikalusikkaschmick: ok10:00
megatgeek_: what can i do10:00
ERICH_laphow do I ensure that restricted drivers (atheros ath0) load on startup? Have a Netgear Wg511T that worked until a reboot last night.10:00
bazhangdumbdum, you said nothing worked on your kubuntu 8.04, at which point I suggested you try the livecd; if that never worked then how did you install kubuntu in the first place10:00
dumbdumIve had 8.04 installed since it came out10:00
dumbdumI dont have Kubuntu, its Ubuntu 8.0410:01
bazhangdumbdum, you said konsole would not open10:01
dumbdumEverything was great untill today when I deleted some windows file from my network into the garbage bin.10:01
ajhtiredwolfdumbdum, its just confusing to say konsole becasue that is what its called in kde,(kubuntu) in ubuntu its called terminal10:01
dumbdumI thought it was the same thing10:02
bazhangdumbdum, if the cd does not work then how did you install ubuntu.10:02
ajhtiredwolfdumbdum, it is10:02
dumbdumIve had ubuntu installed for months10:02
bazhangdumbdum, please pastebin sources.list10:03
dumbdumIll try.10:03
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jjbinhow can I unsubsrible the maillist that I did before in ubuntu,I am a newie,thx10:04
bazhangvia the unsubscribe link in the mail message jjbin10:05
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joaopintojjbin, you usually get a link to the list options at the end of each message10:05
jjbinif I losted it then10:06
ajhtiredwolfWow it is amazing how well virtualbox works with windowsxp, it runs as well as a real boot does10:06
ajhtiredwolfThis version of ubuntu is amazing10:07
jjbinor could u porvide the guild web adress to contiune to.....10:07
bazhanglists.ubuntu.com jjbin10:07
jjbinthx bazhang:)10:09
bazhangnp :)10:09
oss_guywhat do you think about using ATI HD 3850 under ubuntu 8.04 ?10:11
oss_guyare the drivers ready?10:11
piquadratHi! My computer (a Thinkpad T60) freezes very often, 3 times today. The computer gets completely unresponsive and I have to hard-reset it. Is there any way to find out what's going wrong? There's nothing suspicious in /var/log/messages10:11
ajhtiredwolfoss_guy, usually nvidia is a safer bet, but id google it and see if anyone has had problems with it10:11
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:11
ajhtiredwolfoss_guy, with that particular card*10:12
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oss_guyits from Gainward10:13
mariuspHello, yesterday I decided to use tasksel to remove kde and xfce. After tasksel finished I was left with a battered and almost b0rked system. What can I do to reinstall the packages that were removed? Can I reinstall all packages? My wireless also is no longer functinoal ..10:13
Belboz99hey all, is archive.ubuntu.com down?10:14
Belboz99nevermind, seems to be working now10:15
oss_guyit seems to work with 32 bit10:20
oss_guyi'll try :D10:21
jigp$ sudo /etc/motd.tail10:24
jigpsudo: /etc/motd.tail: command not found10:24
jigpim trying to change my motd10:24
jigpbut sudo /etc/motd.tail wont work10:25
piquadratjigp: sudo nano -w /etc/motd.tail (nano is an editor for the terminal)10:26
pengwenwhat package should i install to get the mail applications?10:28
MikeSethpengwen: "the" mail applications?10:29
MikeSeththere are hundreds of them10:29
pengwenhmm, plural kinda messed that up, the "mail -s subject reciver@example.com" kinda application10:30
pengwenMikeSeth: thanks10:30
jigppiquadrat : is it in the /etc/issue?10:31
MikeSethjigp: /etc/motd10:31
jigpMikeSeth : yeah but if i reboot, it back to normal10:32
jigpMikeSeth i want to be permanently10:32
isharisCan I create a script that'll delete all .svn folders within a folder?10:32
MikeSethisharis: find $FOLDER -name .svn -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;10:33
MikeSethcareful, dangerous command10:33
isharisin a certain drive10:34
isharisso do you mean10:34
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globologthank you nonetheless10:34
isharisthis will delete all the svn entries within workspace folder? /media/sda6/workspace .svn -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;10:34
executionistUnionPivo sorry i had to go :/ i had the display driver problem if you recall10:35
MikeSethisharis: no10:36
isharisMikeSeth: bash: /media/sda6/workspace: is a directory ? :(10:36
MikeSethfind  /media/sda6/workspace .svn -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;10:36
MikeSethfind /media/sda6/workspace -name .svn -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;10:36
MikeSeththat's the correct syntax10:36
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MikeSethfind is a versatile tool you should all learn to use it10:37
mu91thello guys10:40
mu91thow can i  install a s/w in ubuntu10:40
lesshasteshouldn't "ssh -L 2001:serverpc:22 gatewaypc" set up port forwarding from port 2001 on localhost??10:40
lesshastewhen I then do ssh -p 2001 localhost   it just logs me into my local computer.. it doesn't do any forwarding10:40
isharismu91t: s/w as in software?10:41
mu91tyes isharis10:41
root__guys i have a question....is it possible to run pidgin from a live cd distro10:42
mu91ti have downloaded a .tar.gz file from internet. how can i install the software contained10:42
DIFH-icerootroot__: of course10:42
Pentarexhello guys i have question10:42
BlaqlightI get this error while compiling Please install libxfcegui4-1.0 (atleast version 4.4.0) or adjust10:42
Blaqlight*** the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you10:42
Blaqlight*** installed the package in a nonstandard prefix so that10:42
Blaqlight*** pkg-config is able to find it.10:42
FloodBot1Blaqlight: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:42
bazhangmu91t, what s/w10:42
Pentarexwhy i cant install skype on ubuntu10:42
root__DIFH-iceroot,  for some reason it will not load from this live cd10:42
mu91tI mean software10:43
bazhangmu91t, what software10:43
BlaqlightFloodBot1, I know.10:43
DIFH-icerootPentarex: because you dont type "sudo apt-get install skype" ?10:43
Pentarexa so10:43
Pentarexi download it from skype.com10:43
IndyGunFreakBlaqlight: 1.. if you knew, why didn't yu pastebin it, and 2, its a bot.10:43
DIFH-icerootPentarex: always use your paketmanager10:43
Pentarexand its says some libqt4 error10:43
root__DIFH-iceroot,  ok never mind...i ran it from shell and it loaded10:43
Pentarexok 10nx10:43
Pentarexa lot DIFH-iceroot u are awsome :)10:44
mu91tI downloaded a file with extention .tar.gz10:44
BlaqlightIndyGunFreak, a; Im drunk, b: sorry.10:44
bazhangmu91t, what package10:44
Blaqlightpastebin it is...10:44
IndyGunFreakBlaqlight: then don't expect answers, because when you do that, the rest of the channel only sees about 3-4 lines10:44
DIFH-icerootmu91t: the program is not in your paketmanager?10:44
mu91tIts named as gnome mplayer10:44
pengois there any easy way to set up internet sharing (NAT/DHCP)? (share wifi via ethernet)10:44
DIFH-icerootmu91t: use apt-get10:44
BlaqlightI won't10:45
Blaqlightas usual.10:45
mu91tit is having c languages codes in it10:45
bazhangmu91t, get from synaptic package manager not some random websire10:45
IndyGunFreakpengo: a router?10:45
IndyGunFreakthats as easy as it gets10:45
DIFH-icerootmu91t: type "sudo apt-get install gnome-mplayer"10:45
Blaqlightbtw it was a mistake, I am human again sorry. geez10:46
PentarexDIFH-iceroot: sudo apt get install isnt working10:46
MikeSethlesshaste: you probabl want ssh -D10:46
pengoIndyGunFreak: umm.. sharing from a laptop temporarily10:46
DIFH-icerootPentarex: error?10:46
Blaqlighthttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37681/ < what on earth do I do with this ?10:46
PentarexDIFH-iceroot: i mean it says "cannot find pacage skype"10:46
IndyGunFreakBlaqlight: i don't really see how that coudl be done accidentally, but whatever, i don't care, you're the one dragging it out.10:46
DIFH-icerootPentarex: you have add the canoncial repo?10:46
mu91tDIFH-iceroot  I tried it but shows some error  and tells that it is not a debian package10:46
timoguinPentarex: enable the medibuntu repository.10:47
PentarexDIFH-iceroot: no i am new on linux so10:47
PentarexDIFH-iceroot: hows that10:47
DIFH-icerootah ok, it was medibuntu10:47
mu91tSo what should i do guys10:47
ikoniamu91t: use apt to get it from the repos10:48
PentarexDIFH-iceroot: how to install medibuntu10:48
ikoniamu91t: or open synaptic and get it from the repos10:48
DIFH-icerootmu91t: apt-get install gnome-mplayer says its not a debian package?10:48
bazhangmu91t, you need to open up synaptic package manager first10:48
lesshasteMikelevel, where?10:48
mu91tYes it shows an error message like this10:48
timoguinPentarex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu10:49
ikoniamu91t: no it doesn't10:49
DIFH-icerootPentarex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu10:49
ikoniamu91t: exactly what command did you use10:49
lesshasteMikelevel, any help much appreciated!10:49
Pentarextimoguin: 10nx a lot10:49
mu91tAnd all the packages are not listed in the synaptic package manager10:49
timoguinPentarex: once you follow those instructions you should just be able to run apt-get install skype10:49
ikoniamu91t: do you know how to use the pastebin10:49
timoguinDIFH-iceroot: I win.10:49
ikonia!pastebin | mu91t10:49
ubottumu91t: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:49
DIFH-iceroottimoguin: not the next time :)10:49
ikoniamu91t: please paste into the pastebin the command you are using and the exact error it outputs10:50
mu91tI used sudo apt-get install <filename with path>10:50
bazhangmu91t, dont paste in this channel10:50
ikoniamu91t: then you did not listen10:50
ikoniamolgrum: no-one told you to do that10:50
DIFH-icerootmu91t: bullshit10:50
ikoniamolgrum: sorry - not you10:50
bazhangDIFH-iceroot, no cursing10:50
FlannelDIFH-iceroot: No need for that10:50
ikoniaDIFH-iceroot: please mind your language10:50
DIFH-icerootmu91t: apt-get install programname10:50
Pentarextimoguin: i install it |||sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list||||| and then sudo apt-get install skype and again nothing happens10:51
DIFH-icerootas i wrote before10:51
FlannelPentarex: you need to sudo apt-get update10:51
FlannelPentarex: then try installing skype10:51
DIFH-icerootPentarex: sudo apt-get update10:51
Pentarexi am so stupid :d10:51
isharisskype works with Ubuntu? :O10:51
DIFH-icerootisharis: of course10:51
mu91tI also usedsudo dpkg -i <filename with path>10:51
mu91tNow what should i do10:51
ikoniamu91t: please stop10:51
timoguinPentarex: actually, just scroll down on that website.  there are other instructions.10:52
DIFH-icerootmu91t: .... sudp apt-get install programname!!!!10:52
mu91tAs all the packages ar enot listed in the package manager10:52
bazhangmu91t, that is not it.10:52
ikoniamu91t: people are telling what to do - and you are not listening10:52
ikoniamu91t: if you want help  - listen to what people are saying10:52
kazunisudo apt-get install windows10:52
ikoniakazuni: please don't10:52
DIFH-icerootmu91t: type this!! "sudo apt-get install gnome-mplayer"10:52
bazhangkazuni, not appropriate here10:52
* jigp reboot10:52
ikoniakazuni: no - it's not funny, please don't10:52
Pentarex10nx alot guys we will se what will happen after the update10:52
bazhang!lol | kazuni10:52
ubottukazuni: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.10:52
kazuniok... i guess this is a serious channel.10:53
kazunisorry for that10:53
Flannelkazuni: Fun happens in #ubuntu-offtopic10:53
kazuniFlannel> thank you10:53
PentarexDIFH-iceroot: skype: Зависи от: dbus-x11 (>= 1.0.0) но той не може да бъде инсталиран10:53
Pentarex         Зависи от: libqt4-core (>= 4.3.4) но той не може да бъде инсталиран10:53
Pentarex         Зависи от: libqt4-gui (>= 4.3.4) но той не може да бъде инсталиран10:53
Pentarexit says it cannot be installed10:53
FloodBot1Pentarex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:53
Pentarexskype is broken10:53
FlannelPentarex: Are you on Hardy?10:54
FlannelPentarex: pastebin your sources.list please10:54
Pentarexhows that10:54
DIFH-icerootPentarex: /etc/apt/source.list10:54
mu91tsorry for inconvinienc, i am new to this10:54
DIFH-icerootuse cat, less, vir or something like that10:54
FlannelPentarex: /etc/apt/sources.list, copy and paste the contents10:55
FlannelPentarex: paste the contents here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/  then give us the URL10:55
timoguinactually, he just used the instructions on the medibuntu wiki, so the file would be /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list10:55
mu91tright buddy10:56
Flanneltimoguin: Right, I don't want that, I want the rest of them.10:56
timoguinFlannel: yea i just realized that after typing that.10:56
PentarexFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37683/10:56
timoguinit's 5:00 AM.  i'm going to bed... too much scrolling.10:56
FlannelPentarex: You're on gutsy.10:57
Pentarexo damn wrong disc :D10:57
moniahi, where to install icons theme?10:57
Pentarexi have to install 8.0410:57
Pentarexor its better on gutsy10:57
FlannelPentarex: which is why the hardy version of skype wont work for you.  The gutsy version will, or you can install Hardy.  Yep.10:57
Zirodaymonia: Go to System > Preferences > Appearance10:57
ikoniamonia: open them managed and drop them / drag and drop into theme manager10:57
timoguinPentarex: it works fine on gutsy.10:57
carreraGreetings Earthlings!10:57
FlannelPentarex: Hardy is probably a better bet10:57
timoguinPentarex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu10:58
FlannelPentarex: but yes, gutsy will work just fine.  But if its a fresh install, I'd go with Hardy10:58
timoguinjust go back and do the instructions for gutsy10:58
Flanneltimoguin: He doesn't need that10:58
carrerais there an Alarm app in ubuntu?10:58
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timoguinFlannel: he has gutsy install.  why would we tell him to install hardy if he just wants skype?10:58
Flanneltimoguin: From what it sounds like, he *just* installed gutsy, and did so by mistake.10:59
mu91tso guys can you help me how to use irc in ubuntu10:59
ikoniamonia: your using it10:59
ikoniamu91t: your using it10:59
carrerais there task organizer with alarms in Ubuntu?11:00
mettlerhi, i have  ubuntu hardy Servers all with software Raid1 (normal CD-Installation). when i turn off the server and pull off a disk, it  keeps dropping me to BusyBox after powerOn.11:00
geek_ikonia: giving him the benefit of doubt, he could be on another box ;p11:00
ikoniageek_: thats all he has to say11:00
Zirodaycarrera: yes in the mail client, evolution mail11:00
acp_Hi any idea why after installing User Profile Editor (a.k.a. sabayon) i could not any more add user using user Settings?11:00
mettlerthe only solutions i found are from users, and there are several different approches -like 100lines of shellscript placed inside of initramfs11:00
geek_ikonia: ahh11:00
PentarexFlannel: ok i find 8.04 after install i will come back '_11:01
mu91tI am using ubuntu 8.04 how can i install something11:01
ikoniamu91t: open synaptic package manager11:01
mettlercan't use Ubuntu with raid1 on servers at the moment because they won't recover themselves from HDD crashes11:01
acp_after I add the user seem that its not registering in my system11:01
ikoniamu91t: search for the package, then click install11:01
carreraThanks Ziroday, any simpler/lighter app for just organizing tasks?11:01
PentarexFlannel: and hardy isn hard eh :P11:01
FlannelPentarex: Nope11:01
DIFH-icerootmu91t: ....... "sudo apt-get install here_the_name_of_what_you_want_install"11:01
joaopintomu91t, you can also use the Add/Remove from the Applications menu11:01
Flannelmu91t: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto11:01
Zirodaycarrera: erm I am sure there is some in the repos, you might want to take a look at orage or rainlender11:01
mu91tikonia: Its not listed in the package manager11:01
timoguinPentarex: just save that site and use those same instructions after you get hardy installed.11:01
ikoniamu91t: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/index.html11:01
carreraZiroday, awesome, thanks dude11:02
ikoniamu91t: that url will explain to you how to use the package manager11:02
Zirodaycarrera: but I don't know if they do alarms11:02
joaopintomu91t, you asked about "something", you need to be more specific ;)11:02
carreraZiroday, i'll take a look11:02
mu91tikonia: thanks11:02
mu91tjoaopinto: i want to install a package which is not listed in package manager11:03
ikoniamu91t: which package11:03
joaopintomu91t, which package ?11:03
goldenaussieGday all....11:03
FlannelHowdy goldenaussie11:03
goldenaussieHow are you all doing?11:03
mettlerraid1 in ubuntu does not self-recover after a disk-failure - do u guys know about an official patch? or how do u solve this?11:03
goldenaussieHope you guys/gals dont mind me joining?11:03
ikoniamettler: what do you mean self recover11:03
Flannelgoldenaussie: We're all doing fine, nope, don't mind, but if you're looking to chat, we ask you do that in #ubuntu-offtopic11:04
mettlerpull off a disk an boot11:04
ikoniamettler: if a disk fails, the box carries on - no problem11:04
carreraZiroday, fyi: Orage provides alerts based on dates11:04
mu91tjoaopinto: its irc client and gnome mplayer11:04
mettlersystem should come up by itself with only one disk11:04
Zirodaycarrera: sweet11:04
joaopintomu91t, gnome mplayer is available from the repositories11:04
ikoniamu91t: you have been told 5 times how to install gnome player11:04
mettlerno, it does not - it drops me to busybox11:04
joaopintomake sure you have the proper repositories enabled11:04
joaopintomu91t, which irc client ?11:04
mettlerhardy/gutsy cd install with raid1 on two disks11:04
carreraZiroday, Orage "is highly configurable and supports alerts based on dates. It warns you with popup or audio alarm. As it is an application kind-of every day use it launches itself in the background as a daemon."11:04
mettlerdriving me mad11:04
ikoniamettler: boot from the livecd, mount the disk and check what lines your grub setup is pointing at11:05
mu91tjoaopinto: sudo apt get command shows an error11:05
Zirodaycarrera: thanks11:05
ikoniamettler: that happens if grub is not installed correctly11:05
ikoniamu91t: no it didn't11:05
ikoniamu91t: you didn't type it as you where told to11:05
joaopinto!universe | mu91t11:05
ubottumu91t: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories11:05
carreraZiroday, welcome11:05
joaopintoyou must enable the universe repository, check the instructions from ubottu11:05
thomasiteHello, everyone.11:05
thomasiteI have a problem with my Frostwire.11:05
Flanneljoaopinto: Universe is enabled by default on Hardy11:05
mettlerikonia it was installed by the hardy CD, and i've spend the last ~3month with grub setups - finally found out that there is a bug in ubuntu raid1 - but was posted 200711:06
joaopintoFlannel, I dont know which distro he is using, I just know universe is not enabled on it's configuration, judging from his complain ;)11:06
mu91tloaopinto : I am trying to install fi-0.0.2611:06
ikoniajoaopinto: it is enabled11:06
Flanneljoaopinto: No, he's just not being helpful.11:06
ikoniajoaopinto: it's user error11:06
ikoniamu91t: deal with gnome-mplayer first11:06
joaopintook :\11:06
thomasiteI wonder if someone can help me with my problem with FrostWire.11:07
ikoniamettler: I've had disks fail on ubuntu 6.06-through to 8.04 and they have been fine11:07
mu91tyes i think you are right ikonia i am probably getting ahead of myself11:07
carreraZiroday, Rainlendar has alarms for both events and tasks11:07
joaopintothomasite, try asking :)11:07
thomasiteThe installation was fine but when I click on it (from the Applications menu), nothing happens.11:07
mettlerikonia: ive spend days on grub - anyway take a fresh server, install any ubuntu, power off - pull off a disk, and power it on   -it will not boot without user interactin11:07
thomasiteFrom the fora I've read on the web, it seems that I have to install Java first.11:08
ikoniamettler: I'll check that, as all the disk fails I've had, have been fine, no issue11:08
joaopintomettler, that is being worked for Intrepid, unanttented boot from a degraded RAID11:08
ikoniamettler: I didn't use the raid installer as I don't trust it, I installed then ported it to raid11:08
mu91tthanks a lot guys bye11:08
thomasiteHow do I know, from the terminal, that the correct Java version (the one which will make FrostWire work) is installed in my laptop?11:08
jigphow to know if my ssh is running? i cannot access in remote local11:09
mettlerjoaopinto: what do u mean with "work for Intrepid,"11:09
joaopintoThomasGHenry1, you can get a frostwire package from getdeb, the package was developed to work with ubuntu11:09
ikoniajigp: what is a remove local11:09
joaopintomettler, I mean, that is beeing worked for the future Ubuntu version (named Intrepid)11:09
ikoniajigp: remote local11:09
thomasitehow do i do that, joaopinto?11:09
joaopintothomasite, www.getdeb.net/app/frostwire11:10
thomasitei already have frostwire<something>.deb in my desktop11:10
mettlerjoaopinto: ah ok thx ! -so i might try the first betas and have a look at the ramfs scripts11:10
joaopintothomasite, but that one was download form the frostwire site, right ?11:10
jigpikonia : i tried to access like: ssh jigp@
thomasiteyes, joao.11:10
ikoniajigp: ok so ps -ef | grep sshd11:10
thomasiteso i have to download from the getdeb website.11:10
joaopintothomasite, the getdeb .deb was changed, it's more integrated with Ubuntu11:11
joaopintoit should guarantee that the required java version will also be installed11:11
newbe1I have a SanDisk MP3 Player  need a good music player for it   Thanks11:11
jigpikonia :  ssh jigp@
jigpssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused11:11
ikoniajigp: why are you showing me that11:11
ikoniajigp: I've just told you what to do11:11
thomasiteok. i'm downloading it now.11:11
joaopintothomasite, if it doesn't work, complain to me :P11:12
thomasitehow do i uninstall the frostwire version that i had downloaded from the frostwire website?11:12
joaopintothomasite, search for it on the package manager, and remove it11:12
joaopintoor from the terminal: sudo apt-get remove frostwire11:12
joaopintoyes, synaptic11:12
joaopintoall packages inatalled from .debs are listed there11:13
thomasitei feel somehow better working with the terminal11:13
thomasitewill do it now.11:13
joaopintoops, installed11:13
carreraZiroday, do u use Xfce?11:13
jigpikonia : ~$ ps -ef | grep sshd11:13
jigproot      5055     1  0 18:02 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd11:13
jigpjigp      6695  6435  0 18:11 pts/0    00:00:00 grep sshd11:13
clever!info linux-headers-2.6.22-15-generic11:14
ubottuPackage linux-headers-2.6.22-15-generic does not exist in hardy11:14
thomasitefrostwire's already removed. now it's time for me to wait for the getdeb version.11:14
asathoorthomasite >> sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME11:14
thomasitethanks, joaopinto. :)11:14
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>11:14
thomasitethanks, asathoor.11:14
ikoniajigp: so then you are either a.) not connecting to the correct box b.) or a firewall is blocking you11:14
thomasiteonce frostwire is downloaded, i'll just double-click on it, no?11:14
Nelson_ApartWhy when i try to run a 3D game like OpenArena, the screen will go down and showing "Out of timing"11:14
Nelson_ApartWhy when i try to run a 3D game like OpenArena, the screen will go down and showing "Out of timing"?  i have driver installed for my FX520011:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sabayon11:15
thomasiteI double-clicked on it and an error message appears: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: java-runtime.11:15
acp_!user profile editor11:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:15
isharisMY repos can't find skype.11:15
Blaqlightis there a good place to get xfce panel applets?11:16
thomasitejoaopinto! :)11:16
Nelson_ApartWhy when i try to run a 3D game like OpenArena, the screen will go down and showing "Out of timing"?  i have driver installed for my GeForce FX 5200.11:16
jigpikonia : im testing it locally.i tried to connect to my own box..11:16
thomasiteThere's an error message: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: java-runtime.11:16
thomasiteWhat do I do?11:16
ikoniajigp: ssh localhost11:16
isharisMY repos can't find skype.11:16
isharisE: Couldn't find package skype11:17
CharelByou have to implement11:17
Blaqlightisharis, apt-cache search skype11:17
CharelBisharis, you have to implement the medibuntu repo11:17
executionisteverytime i restart my pc, my refresh rate goes to 87 (interlace) . i have to change it to 85 everytime as i dont want interlace. is there someway to make this permanemt11:17
Blaqlighthttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37681/ < what on earth do I do with this ?11:18
thomasiteWhen I double-clicked on my frostwire.deb package, there's an error message: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: java-runtime.11:18
isharisCharelB: How?11:18
ikoniaBlaqlight: why are you trying to compile that11:18
ikoniaBlaqlight: it's in the repo11:18
joaopintothomasite, are you using hard ?11:18
joaopintoops, haryd11:18
amireldorBlaqlight just install xubuntu-desktop11:18
Pirate_Hunterthomasite: install java to the latest version or downgrade your packag11:18
isharisHow do I add repos to my repository list?11:18
ikoniaBlaqlight: what exactly are you trying to compile11:19
thomasiteHow do I do that?11:19
Blaqlightikonia, I need to compile it, it just works better,11:19
jigpikonia : still not working... ~$ ssh localhost ... ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused11:19
thomasitePirate_Hunter, how do I install java?11:19
joaopintoThomasGHenry1, the java-runtime is provided by the universe repository, you must have it enabled11:19
Blaqlightamireldor, no thanks.11:19
Nelson_ApartWhy when i try to run a 3D game like OpenArena, the screen will go down and showing "Out of timing"?  i have driver installed for my GeForce FX 5200.11:19
laburdWHen I run an autogen.sh do I need any special tools to generate the configure scripts?!11:19
joaopintoops, was for thomasite11:19
ikoniajigp: ping localhost11:19
isharisoh nevermind11:19
isharisfound it11:19
thomasiteJoaopinto, how do I enable java-runtime?11:19
CharelBisharis, http://www.medibuntu.com11:19
Blaqlightikonia, xfce4-modemlights-plugin-$11:19
CharelBthere is a repos how to11:19
Pirate_Hunterthomasite: in synaptic look for java and install it or you could just install ubuntu restricted which comes with it and a few other useful modules11:19
ikoniaBlaqlight: you don't "need" to compile it11:19
laburdAhhh automake11:20
Blaqlightikonia, the repos version does not work, so Im compiling it.11:20
cleverlirc compiled itself on bootup11:20
jigpikonia : yeah there is a reply..11:20
thomasiteThere are many "javas" in my Synaptic Package Manager. Which one do I install?11:21
ikoniaBlaqlight: in what way doesn't work11:21
Blaqlightikonia, it does not work for me.11:21
thomasiteThe only one installed, I think, is java-common.11:21
ikoniajigp: ok so show me ps -ef | grep sshd again please11:21
ikoniaBlaqlight: in what way11:21
Blaqlightikonia, it just crashes.11:21
ikoniaBlaqlight: install xfce4-panel-dev11:21
Blaqlightikonia, doesn't display anything, just doesn't work11:21
ikoniaBlaqlight: but don't expact support for it11:21
jigpikonia : ~$ ps -ef | grep ssh root      5055     1  0 18:02 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/sshd jigp      6754  6435  0 18:21 pts/0    00:00:00 grep ssh11:21
Blaqlightikonia, Ive learned that..11:22
executionisteverytime i restart my pc, my refresh rate goes to 87 (interlace) . i have to change it to 85 everytime as i dont want interlace. is there someway to make this permanemt11:22
Nelson_ApartWhy when i try to run a 3D game like OpenArena, the screen will go down and showing "Out of timing"?  i have driver installed for my GeForce FX 5200.11:22
ikoniajigp: sorry to be a pain but can you put that inthe pastebin please, its a little malformatted11:22
Nelson_ApartWhy when i try to run a 3D game like OpenArena, the screen will go black and showing "Out of timing"?  i have driver installed for my GeForce FX 5200.11:22
carreracan someone help me choose between Evolution, Rainlendar and Sunbird?11:22
thomasitePirate_Hunter: There are many "javas" in my Synaptic Package Manager. Which one do I install? There's only one installed, I think. It's java-common.11:22
jigpikonia : sure np :)11:22
Pirate_Hunterthomasite: give me a sec to check11:23
ikoniajigp: I think I see the problem, but want to be sure as it's a bit garbled11:23
lesshasteI want to recode a video, increasing the volume and adjusting the brightnes.. what's a good tool for this?11:23
thomasiteThanks, Pirate_Hunter.11:23
ikonialesshaste: mencoder11:23
joaopintothomasite, install sun-java6-jre11:23
joaopintothe package needs to be fixed after all :\11:23
lesshasteikonia, ok..how do you increase the volume in mencoder?11:23
thomasitejoaopinto, how do i do that in the terminal? sudo apt-get?11:24
ikoniamettler: look at the audio codec options11:24
mo0n_sniperI've installed and configured lm-sensors but I can't find the hardware section in ksysguard to add sensors11:24
joaopintothomasite, you can also do it from synaptic,11:24
=== lordfdisk is now known as LordFDisk
mo0n_sniperit was in gutsy11:24
jigpikonia : http://pastebin.com/m17d4306d11:24
Pirate_Hunterthomasite: yah java-common11:24
lesshasteikonia, was that for me?11:25
executionisteverytime i restart my pc, my refresh rate goes to 87 (interlace) . i have to change it to 85 everytime as i dont want interlace. is there someway to make this permanemt. some help ppl11:25
thomasiteokay, joao.11:25
ikonialesshaste: yes sorry11:25
ikoniajigp: darn, that looks fine11:25
acp_hi Im adding user using User setting in 8.04, I have no error in adding it but when I check /etc/passwd the user I add is not there. also when I reopen the user setting its not user is not there anymore11:25
thomasiteI'm now installing java-6.11:25
ikoniajigp: for my own interest can you stop/start ssh see if you get any warnings11:25
thomasiteThanks, Pirate_Hunter. java-common is already installed in my laptop.11:25
Pirate_Hunterthomasite: its already installed and still giving you problems?11:26
abchello everyone! this is my first to use IRC chat11:26
acp_this had happen after I have install User Profile editor11:26
thomasitePirate_Hunter, java-common is already installed but frostwire still doesn't install properlu.11:26
kazuniquestion: is there any media player that does codec detection and auto install required codecs ?11:26
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=== Exteris^ is now known as Exteris
guntbertquestion about update-manager: what is the meaning of the section 'distribution updates' in the upper window?11:27
Pirate_Hunterthomasite: do install sun-java as joaopinto instructed, I have that as well it seems that package is the environment to run programs not just java-commons11:28
ikoniaguntbert: where you not in here asking about this yesteday11:28
jigpikonia : no warning ~$ sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd11:28
abcI want to know if there are chinese people there?11:28
guntbertikonia, yes but I didnt see any answer, thought today there might  be different people :-)11:28
carreraanyone use any of Evolution, Rainlendar and Sunbird?11:28
ikoniajigp: it's running, all good, you can "ping" localhost, so you know your neworking is there, are you using tcp_wrappers at all (/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny)11:29
ikoniaguntbert: but no-one could see what you where talking about yesterday11:29
jigpikonia : ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused11:30
ikoniajigp: ping show me the output of "ifconfig -a" in a pastebin please11:31
guntbertikonia, so I need to clarify: yesterday in update-manager there was after 'security-updates',... a section 'distribution updates' containing som lib11:31
ikoniaguntbert: it means an update the distro11:31
ikoniaguntbert: a security update - can also be a distro update, if it's replacing a library11:31
thomasiteYes, Pirate_Hunter.  I'm still downloading it. :) Thanks again.11:32
ikoniajigp: to make it easier debugging I suggest also you use localhost11:32
jigpikonia : http://pastebin.com/m61bf1d5411:32
guntbertikonia,  the 2nd sentence clarifies it for me, thx11:32
pengoso is there an easy way to setup ubuntu as a (nat) router without editing a million files?11:33
ikoniajigp: can we work on getting it working on localhost first, rather than a wirless card11:33
ikoniapengo: not really no11:33
ikoniapengo: you have to have a reasonable understanding of what your doing11:33
pengoikonia: :/11:34
jigpikonia : ok :)11:34
pengoikonia: i'm ok without doing it, i'm not so sure i'll be able to get everything back again tho to turn it off11:34
ikoniajigp: oh so "ssh -vv localhost"11:34
=== kman is now known as kmansix
ikoniapengo: if you can do it - you should know it's one command to turn it off11:35
jigpikonia : http://pastebin.com/me7b55d711:35
pengoikonia: hm k11:35
PentarexFlannel: so i am back ;)11:36
pengoikonia: i've got a howto in front of me and it's long :/11:36
ikoniapengo: so ?11:36
cleverwrong room:P11:36
ikoniapengo: a how to is not knowing what your doing11:36
ikoniajigp: thats odd11:37
pengoikonia: in some other OS made by a redmond company it's a checkbox11:37
ikoniapengo: it's not in ubunu11:37
pengoand i only need it for 5 minutes11:37
ikoniapengo: how long you need it for doesn't change the facts11:37
b0rsukHi, I have a problem installing Kubuntu Feisty on an older computer. Breezy, Dapper and Edgy worked on it. During the partitioning process (where I select partitions manually) power goes down and my machine reboots. At no particular moment.11:37
ikoniajigp: thats most odd/frustrating11:38
pengoikonia: that it's a pita. yes.11:38
b0rsukOtherwise, the computer works fine, and there are no shutdowns.11:38
b0rsukSo it's not power supply or anything else.11:38
moontanhello everyone. I keep reading on websites that I should find a "hardware manager" in ubuntu-gnome's system/preferences menu but I don't. Any ideas where the option could be hiding?11:38
ikoniajigp: I don't think you'll see anything but does /var/log/auth.log or /var/log/messages give any clues ?11:38
mo0n_sniperI've installed and configured lm-sensors but I can't find the hardware section in ksysguard to add sensors11:40
inmitike te cuentas11:40
hateballmoontan: For what reason are you looking for it?11:40
jigpikonia : i think i will try to reboot11:40
ikoniajigp: its very odd behaviour11:41
jigpikonia : yeah. i can access it before.now i cannot11:41
hateballmoontan: Anyhow, it's under System - Administration11:41
ikoniajigp: ahh so it was working11:42
ikoniajigp: did you get an updates ?11:42
moontanI want to see how my hardware is configured. i reinstalled ubuntu after having problems with hardware abstraction layer (hal) taking ages at startup and i suspect that there was something wrong with my usb wifi adaptor.11:42
jigpikonia : yes. everyday i get an updates..so i downloaded them11:42
pabixHello, my Ctl-Alt-F1 is not working any more in graphical sessions, I cannot get the text-only interface… do you know a command to switch to the text-only mode?11:42
ootz0rzI want to install kde4 on my ubuntu installation (to try it out), is there any package similar to kubuntu-desktop but for kde4? or would I have to select all the kde packages myself?11:42
ikoniajigp: if you have one which is openssl based - and you don't reboot I've seen it hang ssh in that way11:42
Bergepabix: You could always run "chvt 1"11:42
pabixBerge, thank you!11:43
Bergepabix: Take a look in your xorg.conf file and see wether you've enable DontVTSwitch.11:43
moontanhateball, i looked there too, but i only come across "examine hardware" and "hardware drivers" there (i am not sure about the english names, translating from german now)11:43
pabixBerge, oh, I am lucky someone knows that11:44
hateballmoontan: Again, what is it you need to do? :)11:44
moontannone of the two is the hardware manager i am looking for11:44
moontanhateball - again: I want to see how my hardware is configured. i reinstalled ubuntu after having problems with hardware abstraction layer (hal) taking ages at startup and i suspect that there was something wrong with my usb wifi adaptor.11:44
pabixBerge, no such line, but I had to prefix the chvt with sudo11:45
pabixThank you very much for this help!11:45
moontanright now i have a cable lan, but i fear the problems will occur again when i unplug it and switch to wifi11:45
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:46
Bergepabix: No trouble at all.11:46
b0rsukHas anyone had problems installing Feisty on Asus A7N8X mainboard ?11:47
guntbertmoontan: are you looking for sysinfo? I have it in Applications/systemTools11:47
ERICH_laphaving trouble getting xubuntu to load atheros driver for netgear wg511t to load on boot.11:47
* jigp reboot11:48
moontanhmmm, guntbert, let me have a look... hang on11:48
b0rsukHey, is it possible to upgrade from Edgy to the newest Ubuntu release ?11:50
b0rsukI could install Edgy on my older machine because I know it works. But will I be able to upgrade to, say, Gutsy ?11:51
b0rsukHardy ?11:51
guntbertmoontan: sysinfo is in universe/utils11:52
moontanhmmm, no such thing. what does the icon look like?11:52
guntbertmoontan: sysinfo is in universe/utils11:53
moontanah, ok. but what is universe utils?11:53
ERICH_laptrying to load atheros module with modprobe ath_pci and i get an error: Operation not permitted. the driver and HAL driver are enabled but not in use in system>hardware drivers. using xubuntu11:54
guntbertmoontan: you'll have to install it, I wanted to say you'll find in the universe-repositories11:54
eldenzthe ubuntu livecd, does it contain xubuntu?11:54
moontani found it... sorry for the delay11:54
eldenzUbuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition <-- does this contain XUbuntu?11:55
_sebastian_eldenz: no you need the xubuntu cd11:55
Starnestommyeldenz: no, just regular ubuntu, but xubuntu's packages can be installed on it if you install the xubuntu-desktop package11:55
_sebastian_eldeznz: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/8.04.1/11:55
yommuHow come I can't view youtube videos in firefox 3 ?11:56
Elven2Could somebody please help me? I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and when it runs my video gets all messed up11:56
_sebastian_zasek: hello11:58
zasekplish , engli?sh11:58
b0rsukElven2: What do you mean 'all messed up' ?11:58
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:58
Elven2b0rsuk it becomes full of lines and double images, it's hard to even read anything11:58
b0rsukElven2: I haven't heard of that, I can't help.11:59
b0rsukzasek: Mowisz po polsku ?11:59
zasekkurde GG padło11:59
zasekwies zostalo IRC11:59
b0rsukSerwer ? GG mi co chwile pada.11:59
thomasiteThanks, joaopinto and Pirate_Hunter!11:59
thomasiteFrostWire's working now. It's great!11:59
Pirate_Hunterthomasite: huh?12:00
thomasiteThanks a lot!12:00
zasekale to tylko dzisiaj tak sie dzieje12:00
bazhangzasek, /join #ubuntu-pl12:00
tarelerulzHow do you make the icon for a mounted partition show up on your desktop ?12:00
=== haptiK is now known as assmonkey
casaoDoes anyone have any advice on dealign with windows taller than your screen? Specifically, I'd like to make it so when a preference window pops up that's taller than my screen, it lets my scroll the whole desktop down12:01
rwHi, a question. How would I completely remove gnome and all programs I installed. I just want to have a blank os with nothing on it. So when I boot I get the text based login and I can start from scratch.12:01
Zirodaycasao: hold alt, and you can move the window around12:01
moontanguntbert, i installed sysinfo and it works fine but i think the app i am looking for is not just an info box, but a manager where you can tweak your hardware's config. sysinfo doesn't even display my usb wifi adaptor.12:02
casaoah, indeed12:02
casaothank you12:02
yommurw : It's a shame that the cli install option has been removed from ubuntu 812:02
yommui miss it ...12:02
joaopintoyommu, that option is available with the server cd or the alternate installer12:02
rw:) I know12:02
randy1971Anyone know a ubuntu version of Webcammax or Manycam to manipulate webcams, virtual cams and desktop capture?12:02
casaonow, a slightly less ubuntu question, more general linux - anyone know how to get an AI in Pioneers?12:02
casaoi could totally go for some settlers of catan but getting online games sucks in pioneers12:03
yommujoaopinto , the server i know , but the alt cd doesnt have that option anymore12:03
Zirodayrandy1971: cheese is a photobooth like app if thats what you want12:03
randy1971Ty, yeah cheese is very very limited12:03
moontanthis is one of the forum posts that mention it: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5394255&postcount=212:03
joaopintohum I had the idea it was still available, I maybe wrong :P12:03
yommumb some admin can clarify ?12:04
guntbertmoontan: sorry, I am not aware of such a beast in ubuntu :-(12:04
Zirodayrandy1971: I would reccommend you look through synaptic12:05
Pentarexhey mates what programming language do u recommend me for start12:05
casaoPentarex: cobol12:05
randy1971will do ty zirorday12:05
Pentarexcasao: is it simple for beginners12:05
casaohaha, it was a joke12:05
casaolearn Python to start12:05
casaothat is serious12:05
casaosimple for beginners, powerful, teaches good habits12:05
tarelerulzI have an ipod movie converter and it seem to convert everything into .mov files.  Does the ipod take H264 ?12:06
casaoit does tarelerulz12:06
casaoipod is all about h26412:06
moontan:) no worries. so far it seems to be working, I just hope the HAL trouble won't occur any more.12:06
Pentarexcasao: ok my first program 1+1 :D12:06
Pentarexcasao: that was joke12:06
randy1971My god I havent seen the blue screen of death in at least 24 hours, i better boot into windows ..12:07
casaothat's as simple as (1+1)12:07
Pentarexcasao: where i can find python on ubuntu that is serius12:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:07
Gothfunchi.  /var/www is group 'web' with 775 perms, but when a user creates a folder in it over cifs it's group 'username' with perms 755.  is there a way to make any files and folders created inherit the permissions?12:08
Pentarexcasao: where are u m812:08
tarelerulzcasao, the reason I ask is I have done everything  xvid video and acc  sound and the movies have .mov and they don't seem to have fast forward on them12:08
pengoikonia: firestarter12:09
casaoxvid is kinda crap on apple hardware, do h264 in a mp4 container12:09
pengoikonia: you should recommend it to people :)12:09
ZirodayGothfunc: afaik, you have to change the permissions after12:09
casaoPentarex: look @ Synaptic, there's a Python section12:10
tarelerulzcasao, the converter don't give that option .  It give the open for the video and sound ,but not the contaner12:10
casaograb Python 2.512:10
Pentarexcasao: u are the man12:10
GothfuncZiroday: that's not possible for the users to do12:10
casaoI'd suggest grabbing the Komodo Edit IDE if it's available, I don't know if it's available on Linux though12:10
ZirodayGothfunc: ah, not sure then sorry12:10
GothfuncZiroday: and i wouldn't want to train them to do that and have them forget etc.12:10
GothfuncZiroday: but you say you HAVE to do it that way?12:11
ZirodayGothfunc: afaik as I know yes, *but* my permissions knowledge is very very sketchy12:11
starwizNeed help with video card12:11
Zirodaystarwiz: what is the exact issue and what card?12:12
starwizOne sec, ill get it.12:12
tarelerulzWhat are the formats the ipod will read ?  So far I got it does .mov and mp4 ,but what about the video and sound ?12:13
starwizVideo card: NVIDIA GeForce 7150M/ nForce 630M12:13
Ziroday!offtopic | tarelerulz if it is not related to ubuntu, please take it there12:13
ubottutarelerulz if it is not related to ubuntu, please take it there: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:13
Zirodaystarwiz: gimme a sec12:13
starwizThanks <33312:14
Zirodaystarwiz: and what is the problem?12:14
neukadmi1Hi I want to use Xen with the new 2.6.24.... kernel but I get this  error at bootup: ata3: timeout waiting for ADMA LEGACY CLEAR AND IDLE, stat 0x0  does someone know how to fix that? Or how to install an older kernel? 2.6.18... worked with Centos 5.2 on this PC12:14
Pentarexcasao: i find out when u type python in the terminal u have it ;)12:14
p1perhello, i got 2 monitors setup in clone mode with fglrx drivers and everythings fine so far except in quake3. when i try to set the resolution in q3 higher than 640x480 the second monitor turns black - someone here got an idea what is causing this? thanks in advance :)12:14
starwizI downloaded and installed it properly.12:14
starwizHave the hardware enabled.12:14
tarelerulzWhat do you all use for the ipod and if so is it in Ubuntu's repository12:14
starwizIt told me to reste.12:14
Ziroday!enter > starwiz12:14
ubottustarwiz, please see my private message12:14
prince_jammysGothfunc: check with #ubuntu-server, and perhaps #apache12:15
starwizoops :P12:15
Zirodaystarwiz: no problem, what happened after you rebooted?12:15
starwizIt worked.  Untill I went to sleep, and when I woke up and turned it back on.12:16
starwizIt didn't work anymore, even if I re install it.12:16
Zirodaystarwiz: any idea what might have happened in between?12:16
starwizOh, and now, im getting something about ubuntu running in low graphics mode whenever I start ubuntu...   And no idea.12:16
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Zirodaystarwiz: right, have you installed the drivers through the hardware manager?12:17
starwizIll be right back actually, im going to switch to ubuntu.12:18
seekingtruthanyone successfuly used truecrypt to encrype HDD using Hardy?12:21
Zirodayseekingtruth: thats not reccommended, you can use the lvm+dmcrypt installer on the alternate cd12:22
seekingtruthZiroday: what?12:22
seekingtruthlvm+dmcrypt ?12:22
seekingtruthZiroday: can I encrypt my Hardy partition?12:23
Zirodayseekingtruth: those are programs, however to utilise that setup you need to reinstall12:23
seekingtruthZiroday: i need to reinstall?12:23
Zirodayseekingtruth: possibly12:24
seekingtruthZiroday: the Hardy alternate cd has an HDD encryption option?12:24
Zirodayseekingtruth: yes12:24
seekingtruthZiroday: can I encrypt my existing hardy?12:24
Zirodayseekingtruth: don't know12:24
Zirodayseekingtruth: you can make an encrypted area however12:25
seekingtruthZiroday: in alternate cd, where will the option be to encrypt HDD?12:25
seekingtruthZiroday: I want to encrypt whole hardy partition12:25
Zirodayseekingtruth: yes, but you will have to reinstall12:26
seekingtruthZiroday: u 100% sure theres no way to encrypt a installed hardy?12:26
Zirodayseekingtruth: I have said I am *not* sure12:26
StarwizIm back p12:27
Pirate_HunterZiroday: you could try truecrypt but not sure if thats helpful12:27
seekingtruthZiroday: so alternative cd hardy will give me option to encrypt the whole hardy partition?12:27
ubottuTruecypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume12:27
ZirodayPirate_Hunter: don't think you can on an entire partition12:28
ZirodayPirate_Hunter: otherwise it wont boot12:28
Zirodayseekingtruth: yes12:28
seekingtruthPirate_Hunter: I tried truecrypt on hardy, didnt allow me to encrypt the whole partition12:28
StarwizHow do I find the chipset of my wireless?????12:28
Pirate_HunterZiroday: just wondering why the whole partition?12:28
seekingtruthPirate_Hunter: security12:28
ZirodayPirate_Hunter: no clue12:28
seekingtruthsecure personal data12:28
seekingtruthwhy else? lol12:28
seekingtruthZiroday: where I get alternative cd?12:29
* Starwiz is wondering, how to find the chipset of wireless card.12:29
ZirodayStarwiz: pastebin lspci and I'll tell you12:29
StarwizThanks :p12:29
Pirate_HunterZiroday: poeple with physical access to your machine that have computer knowledge will still know there is another partition especially since grub pops up12:29
ZirodayPirate_Hunter: seekingtruth wants to know, not me12:29
seekingtruthPirate_Hunter: Ziroday wants to encrypt his partition12:30
seekingtruthPirate_Hunter: im helping Ziroday encrypt it :)12:30
Zirodayseekingtruth: eh?12:30
seekingtruthZiroday: jk :)12:30
StarwizZiroday, check pm for the link12:31
ZirodayStarwiz: you can give it in the channel :)12:31
seekingtruthZiroday: im downloading ubuntu 8..04.1 alternate i386.iso  is that the one I need to install Hardy with encryption?12:31
Pirate_Hunterseekingtruth: you do that, did you get your answers from yesterday on encrypting your hd/files12:31
Pentarexhey guys how to recover lost password here on irc ?12:31
ZirodayStarwiz: your chipset is Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g (rev 02)12:31
seekingtruthPirate_Hunter: no, but Ziroday told me to install alternate which has option to encrypt Hardy12:31
StarnestommyPentarex: for which account?12:31
tarelerulzDo any of you use an ipod under Ubuntu ?12:32
ikoniaPentarex: join #freenode12:32
seekingtruthtarelerulz: whats an ipod?12:32
PentarexStarnestommy: for my acc12:32
ikoniaPentarex: freenode support in #freenode12:32
ZirodayStarwiz: is your laptop a hp?12:32
seekingtruthZiroday: im about to install alterate hardy!  where I choose to encrypt hardy?12:32
Pentarexikonia: 10nx12:32
Pirate_Hunterseekingtruth: yah it does so does debian same thing try it12:32
StarwizYeah it is12:32
StarnestommyPentarex: try joining #freenode.  That channel should be better for assistance with nickserv accounts12:32
Zirodayseekingtruth: on the partitioning part12:32
seekingtruthPirate_Hunter: where?12:32
ZirodayStarwiz: one sec12:32
StarwizZiroday: yeah it is12:32
StarwizThanks :P12:33
Pirate_Hunterseekingtruth: interweb you managed to get here i doubt you'll get lost there12:33
ZirodayStarwiz: HP_Pavillion_dv6000 <-- that model12:33
seekingtruthZiroday: on partioning option it gives me option to encrypt whole hardy partition?  similar to truecrypt?12:33
tarelerulzseekingtruth, is there something like the ipod that is easyer to work under Linux.  It is an mp3 and .mp4 movie player device12:33
StarwizZiroday: Yes, I belive so12:33
Zirodayseekingtruth: yes12:33
seekingtruthPirate_Hunter: interweb?12:33
seekingtruthtarelerulz: not sure, sorry12:33
seekingtruthZiroday: ok thanks12:33
ZirodayStarwiz: there is already a report filed for laptop testing team on that model, you may find it useful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HP_Pavillion_dv6000_(dv6604nr)12:34
StarwizThanks ziroday12:34
raaviHow can I set always the cpufreq-selector to performance?12:34
ZirodayStarwiz: also google is your best fried12:34
ActionParsnipraavi: add a bash script to your startup12:35
=== gehseng- is now known as coregan
raaviActionParsnip: Well I can do it by opening a terminal and use -g performance option to it...12:35
=== Maha` is now known as maha
raaviActionParsnip: But, I would to set it system wide12:36
raaviActionParsnip: like* to set....12:37
ganganshow can i remove installed package plus its dependencies ? because when i remove such a package installed by apt-get the only removed is the core package12:41
Gothfuncprince_jammys: thanks12:41
rwI just installed kde4.1 and was wondering where I can set keyboard shortcuts.12:41
geek_gangans: try apt-get autoremove12:42
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore12:42
gangansgeek_, then will that remove also the packages from /var/cache/apt/archives ?12:42
Oli```When I hold a key down it doesn't repeat. Very annoying.. Any idea how to fix it?12:42
usernameHi , is it possible to connect to Yahoo or IRC with pidgin , behind an ISA proxy server ?12:44
geek_gangans: i believe apt-get autoclean will do that12:45
ganganshmmm geek_ well give it a try thnx12:45
geek_gangans: typing apt-get with no arguements should give you a better idea of the commands too12:46
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gangansgeek_, yea got it but unfortunately the command apt-get autoremove doesn't remove the dependencies also12:47
StarwizNeed some help fixing my graphics driver :|12:47
=== House is now known as Guest98972
AbracadabraWhere can I configure the network settings from the CLI ?12:48
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n0ObieHi folks,  I have a Lenovo Thinkpad (still odd saying that) in a dock. All is well except the screen size is odd. I have an external monitor (22" LG). AWN is positioning itself in the real-estate taht would occupy my laptop monitor.12:48
gangansAbracadabra, that file /etc/network/interfaces12:48
seekingtruthdo I choose "use entire partion and setup encrypted VLM"?12:48
_574V205hello! I'm searching a cross-platform tool for LAN Chat between Linux (distro: ubuntu) and Windows XP. Could anyone help me?12:49
geek_gangans: you need to do both. apt-get autoremove will remove any unneeded dependancies. apt-get autoclean old archived debs12:49
seekingtruthdo I choose "use entire partion and setup encrypted LVM"?12:49
* Starwiz needs some help with his NVIDIA graphics driver.12:49
n0ObieAll other apps do exceed the laptop frame but do not hit the bottom of the 22" screen and think the top of the screen is higher than it i.s12:49
geek_n0Obie: first place i'd take a look at would be the thinkwiki...12:49
Abracadabragangans, ty12:49
notHousei'm doing an ftp thru nautilus, and getting occasional "invalid reply" errors, where can i find more complete error log?12:49
gangansAbracadabra, yw12:49
aldin__can someone suggest me some gple-d tool for watching my http/mail server uptime remotely and if possible to send me warning mails?12:50
n0Obiegeek_: thanks I'll take a look12:50
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gangansgeek_, seems my questions is not clear i mean when i install such package like e.g apt-get install postfix that installs postfix and its dependencies but when trying to do apt-get --purge remove postfix it uninstalls postfix only so should i wait for some days to get old dependencies to use apt-get autoremove :|12:51
geek_gangans: er, as far as i understand, autoremove should take care of it12:52
b0rsukIs Feisty still in repos ? I'm trying dist-upgrade from edgy to feisty and it aborts.12:53
Mandriva4lifei dont suppose anyone knows the kernel for gutsy12:53
gangansgeek_, i tried it now and also got the same result no dependencies removed12:53
geek_gangans: postfix seems to need no additional deps on my system12:54
AbracadabraGangans, once the file has been modified, do I need to reboot for the network info to be upddated or is there a command to refresh ?12:54
gangansAbracadabra, use  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:54
AbracadabraGangans, ta :-)12:55
tommy_hi all12:55
NiksonIs possible compiz to openchrome cards?12:55
gangansNikson, i think nop12:55
gangansgeek_, hmm thnx anyway will try and see :-)12:55
prince_jammysgangans: there is a program 'deborphan' and its front end 'orphaner'12:55
geek_last time i checked, no.12:56
Niksonlukasz: snif, Thanks12:56
prince_jammys!info deborphan | gangans12:56
ubottugangans: deborphan (source: deborphan): Find orphaned libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.23 (hardy), package size 69 kB, installed size 420 kB12:56
usernamepidgin behind ISA proxy ?12:56
gangansprince_jammys, hmmm searched and found a program-like called debfoster12:56
ganganswill try it and deborphan12:56
EugenMayerare there any good XML editors avail. in the reporsitory? i need one, which can validate with XSD12:56
NiksonI want to bin this my computer12:56
drtorreshey there, my acer laptop does not support has no wifi support for ubuntu. it's not working, any help?12:56
EugenMayerdrtorres: lspci12:57
* Starwiz still needs help with NVIDIA video card.12:57
EugenMayerdrtorres: check your chipset, which wlan chipset do you have12:57
gangansStarwiz, i think hardy should care of ur nividia driver !12:57
StarwizHuh? :S12:58
StarwizActually, ill be right back12:58
StarwizRestart is required.12:58
drtorresdoes ubuntu has some fixes for this12:58
ERICH_lapI have a radeon M6 p vid card on my laptop and in lshw it shows as radeon M6 LY. Is there a difference?13:00
guntbert!private > me13:00
ubottuguntbert, please see my private message13:00
usernameanyone have experiments with pidgin behind ISA proxy ?13:01
mgolischusername: no idea only use tinyproxy at home and it fails to login using that13:02
* Starwiz needs some nvidia help13:03
drtorreskayos ninyo. da basang nakatabang sa inyo13:06
StarwizCan anyone at all help me with nvidia?13:06
Abedhey guys i am using php and mysql and connecting them togther so i made a new account to access mysql and called it php and i made in /var/www a folder called config and placed in it critical files and i want when a user try to access them to get Forbidden  msg so anyone?13:07
xnvAbed: It'd be better to ask in #apache13:10
xnvAbed: ...assuming that's what you're using13:11
vnixHow to solve "unable to mount the volume XXX"?13:11
Abedthnx xnv13:11
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:12
_574V205hello! I'm searching a cross-platform tool for LAN Chat between Linux (distro: ubuntu) and Windows XP. Could anyone help me?13:13
zaggynluh oh13:13
ERICH_lapI have a radeon M6 p vid card on my laptop and in lshw it shows as radeon M6 LY. Is there a difference?13:13
globolog_574V205 : How about Pidgin ?13:13
zaggynlwhy is my filesystem mounted read-only13:13
StarwizMy nvidia driver isn't being detected when I start up, so I am not getting a very appealing ubuntu :|.  Does anyone know how to solve that problem?13:13
geek__574V205: you could always run a local jabber server? ;p13:14
globologgreat if you have IM accounts at ICQ etc13:14
globologor run your own server for that13:14
StarwizMy nvidia driver isn't being detected when I start up, so I am not getting a very appealing ubuntu :|.  Does anyone know how to solve that problem?13:14
Weaver2kdoes anybody know if i can use the current linux driver from avm with the new version of usb sticks (Stick-ID 057C:6201)?13:14
globologStarwiz: what nvidia card do you have ?13:14
Weaver2ki tried with ndiswrapper13:15
Starwizglobolog: One sec, I have it written down somewhere.... I think.13:15
_574V205ok guys. I'm gonna google it.13:15
unopERICH_lap, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19573213:15
StarwizGobolog: It may be quicker if I just check :|.   what is the code I need to enter into the terminal?13:16
ERICH_lapunop i think thats for someone else13:16
unopERICH_lap, indeed, i'm sorry13:17
unop_574V205,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19573213:17
Starwizgobolog:  Nvidia 7150M13:17
havocstormdoes anyone know how to incease the spacing between lines in open office?13:17
StarwizMy nvidia driver isn't being detected when I start up, so I am not getting a very appealing ubuntu :|.  Does anyone know how to solve that problem?  My video card is Nvidia 7150M.  My pc is an hp brand.13:18
xnvhavocstorm: It'd be better to ask in #openoffice.org13:19
xnvStarwiz: What version of Ubuntu are you running?13:19
michaelmonhi guys! i'd like to ask if its possible to set up a raid 0 on three hard disks?13:19
Abedxnv lol apache guys know nth13:19
ERICH_lapunop np13:19
kaeffchenwindow 4213:20
Starwizxnv:  Ubuntu 8.0413:20
michaelmonyes that's right ubuntu server13:20
xnvStarwiz: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers ... does that list your card?13:20
StarwizYes it does13:20
michaelmonwell actually i'll be using software raid of ubuntu on these 3 HD13:21
DragonatorHello, I have this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/231162 the guy said it's fixed. Could someone tell me how I can fix it without access to the net from inside Ubuntu, just in windows?13:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231162 in linux-meta "onboard ethernet M3N78-EH doesn't work" [Undecided,New]13:21
xnvStarwiz: Then your card is being detected. What happens when you enable the drivers and restart?13:21
StarwizIt tells me im running in low graphics mode.13:21
tuxDo it exist an app for clean private data like ccleaner for windows?13:22
StarwizAsks me to configure or continue, or shutdown, but no matter what I do, doesn't seem to work :S13:22
unopmichaelmon, you use 2 or more disks in a striped volume, so yes13:22
=== root is now known as vnix
Dragonatorwhere can I get a kernel for AMD Athlon XP dual core? and how do I compile it?13:23
tuxi'm am in X and if i press ctrl-alt-f1 and then alt-f1,alt-f2 and so on i see only black screen with no prompt13:23
vnixhow to solve cannot mount volume (NTFS). Thanks13:23
michaelmonhi unop! thanks for the reply yes it is.. do you have any guide or links that can be provided to me?13:23
unopvnix, what have you tried so far? and what have you experienced?13:23
xnvStarwiz: I don't know off the top of my head. If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest getting the exact error message and asking Google.13:24
tuxplz help!!!13:24
StarwizWell, there is something else you might recognize?13:24
vnixI've try to set myself to have privilege to mount and unmount for plug in device and when i click the details there some message13:24
gormotux, can you change back to X by alt-f7?13:24
unopmichaelmon, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO.html13:25
vnixit says log file  indicates unclean shutdown, operation not supported Mount is denied becayse NTFS is marked in use.13:25
StarwizSystem>preferences>Appearance>Visual affects> anything other then none give me:   "destop effects could not be enabled"13:25
unopvnix, do you dual boot with windows?13:26
vnixdual boot?13:26
vnixu mean I have multi OS?13:26
unopvnix, right13:26
vnixI have two OS13:26
Starwizxnv:  System>preferences>Appearance>Visual affects> anything other then none give me:   "destop effects could not be enabled"13:26
enzotibtux, try "ps ax | grep getty" to see if tty are running13:26
unopvnix, boot up into windows and have chkdsk or the scandisk tool do a scan13:27
vnixafter that?13:27
michaelmonhi unop, i tried that link already but i think the example is quite complex for me as newbie13:27
tuxenzo, yes, six tty13:27
tuxenzotib, italiano?13:27
michaelmoni am trying the raid 0 during the fresh installation of ubuntu server13:27
unopvnix, well, you should be able to use the volume on linux then .. but just to be safe, reboot windows once more before trying13:27
vnixokie thanks13:28
vnixI am going to try it now13:28
Starwizxnv:  System>preferences>Appearance>Visual affects> anything other then none give me:   "destop effects could not be enabled"13:28
xnvStarwiz: Exact error message + Google. That's all I can suggest.13:28
xnvStarwiz: Others might know more, but the exact error message would probably help.13:28
unopmichaelmon, i seriously recommend you read that howto, it is quite overwhelming - but it also gives you enough background so you know what exactly setting up and maintaining a RAID0 volume on linux entails13:29
kevin_123does anyone know how to remove items from the Wine Applications menu?  I removed the applications but don't know how to remove the menu item.13:30
hasanslm millet13:31
michaelmonthanks unop i really appreciate it, let me give you my url13:32
michaelmonof the problem i encountered13:32
tuxkevin_123, right click on application menu and edit menu13:32
legend2440kevin_123: open system>preferences>main menu and either uncheck or delete entry13:33
kevin_123doesn't that just hide the menu item and any new user account created those programs would have to be hidden again?13:33
DragonatorCan some one help me find a ubuntu kernel for AMD Athlon XP dual core and compile it?13:33
legend2440kevin_123: right click entry and choose delete13:35
kevin_123got it - thanks legend244013:36
tuxs connection13:37
redhi all13:37
tuxi have umts conection13:37
macolorred> hi13:37
michaelmonwell unop i think my thread is deleted in ubuntuforums :(13:37
zeropagehello there13:37
zeropageI NEEd help13:37
michaelmoni cannot find it.  anyway, let me try that and let u know. thanks again buddy!  cheers!13:38
zeropageif someone can help me pls .....13:39
gormozeropage: state your problem ;)13:39
bazhangzeropage, what is the issue13:39
AkariChanzeropage: yes?13:39
didohow to install tar.gz files on Ubuntu 8.0413:39
AkariChantar -zxvf yourfile.tar.gz13:39
bazhangdido, what file name13:40
zeropagepls!  ubuntu 64x here, can't install nvidia drivers13:40
AkariChanquestion: can u install 64 bit OS on a HyperThread-capable processor?13:40
Oli```dido: they're a compressed archive (like a .zip)13:40
gormozeropage: what have you tried so far?13:40
Oli```AkariChan: Only if it supports 64bit =)13:41
AkariChanyeah i just found out it doesn't :(13:41
zeropagei run terminal, i dl drivers from terminal...then sudo chmod u+x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.13-pkg1.run then sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)13:41
blackbinaryI've got an Asus M2N32-Deluxe motherboard, it has built in wireless & wired connections. How can i completely disable the wireless (it seems to be giving me errors)13:41
AkariChansecond question: can u install compiz on vmware pcs?13:41
crdlbAkariChan: on ubuntu running inside vmware? no13:42
zeropagethen...sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.13-pkg1.run -a -n -N and he says something about x server13:42
AkariChancrdlb: yeah, i guess i got the answer there :P13:42
zeropagename of drivers are different, i just copy and paste commands from a web page13:43
zeropagesomeone can help me out pls?13:44
Zirodayzeropage: what is wrong?13:44
zeropage:-D lol.. i can't install nvidia drivers coz i receive a message like x server13:45
kevin_123what is vmware?  I hear about it lots here13:45
isharisMy desktop has gone black... :/13:45
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers13:45
isharisPure black13:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blackscreen13:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about black13:45
crdlbzeropage: is there a reason why you're not using the hardware drivers manager?13:46
isharisIs it black screen of death?13:46
michaelmonhi unop13:47
zeropagecrdlb, im a newbie13:47
zeropagepls let me know how to use it13:47
prince_jammysisharis: are you running compiz? if so, you may get help at #compiz-fusion13:47
crdlbzeropage: system > administration > hardware drivers13:47
crdlbenable nvidia13:47
michaelmonhi unop here's my link posted on ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=886223&highlight=raid+disk13:48
tripppyhow do i get bluetooth working on 8.0413:48
zeropagelol, a tag asking me to enable? ok?13:48
rgnrhey ppl13:48
rgnrI have AMD Athlon 64 4000= and I'm gonna install Xubuntu13:49
eegorewhy does htop show two processors and top only on when running on an intel atom processor13:49
zeropagehey crdlb!!!!!13:49
zeropageCAN'T Believe it!! he dl drievrs, from where?13:49
rgnrAll i need to know is which version will do better 7.04 7.10 or 8.0413:50
rgnradvice me plz13:50
zeropageanyway dude, thanx a lot!13:50
gauravkumari tried complin a c program usin gcc in ubuntu and it shows some basic header files missing.. i also installed the build-essential package.. i still get the same error.. help anyone/13:50
crdlbgauravkumar: what libraries does it use?13:51
skarfacegauravkumar: probably need linux-headers for your kernel13:51
kevin_123maybe a bit off topic, but is anyone using vmware here?13:51
gauravkumarskarface: apue.h13:51
skarfacekevin_123: what's your problem?13:52
kevin_123I'm wondering if it would be useful for me?13:52
skarfacekevin_123: useful for what?13:52
kukuchobihello could anyone help me plz13:52
rgnrany hlp plz?13:52
skarfacejust ask the question...13:52
gauravkumarskarface: i also get errors lik NULL not defined...13:52
kevin_123I'm planning on making a dual-boot system with XP and Ubuntu13:52
skarfacekevin_123: dual boot and vmware are not related13:53
kukuchobii want to install Ubuntu but i do not understand the partitioning system and i want to add two my second harddrive instead of my windows 600gig hd13:53
skarfacekukuchobi: choose the partition that matches the second harddrive13:53
gauravkumarcrdlb: apue.h dirent.h i also get errors lik NULL not defined and incomaptible implicit declaration of printf ?!?!13:53
crdlbgauravkumar: what are you compiling? something of your own invention?13:54
kukuchobii dont undertsnad when it says things like ...1a or b or c13:54
skarfacekukuchobi: sda1 is the first hard drive, first partition..13:54
gauravkumarcrdlb: a simple ls clone man... i jus needed the basic header files13:54
kevin_123oh...someone last night was saying it was great if you were using more than one O/S on a computer13:54
Ubiratanhello motherfuckers13:54
skarfacekevin_123: yes you can use them at the same time with vmware.13:54
skarfacekevin_123: dual-booting means restarting and choosing one or the other13:55
blackbinaryrgnr, the latest should do fine13:55
blackbinaryI've got an Asus M2N32-Deluxe motherboard, it has built in wireless & wired connections. How can i completely disable the wireless (it seems to be giving me errors)13:55
kukuchobioh ok. so i look for sda 2 and then i dont undertand when i use the partition manager i want a swap of 4 gig and 10 gig for ubuntu but i dont know what is going on lol13:55
gauravkumarcrdlb: aaahhh!!! allover the net the instructions are install build-essential !!! that doesnt help!!!13:55
crdlbgauravkumar: well, dirent.h is in libc6-dev, which should have been installed by build-essential13:55
skarfacekukuchobi: well if you want to use the whole drive then it's probably sdb113:55
crdlbgauravkumar: please calm down :)13:56
kukuchobiyer but what if that sdb1 is the big drive?13:56
skarfacekukuchobi: the swap should be at least the size of your memory to allow for hibernation and such... ubuntu does all of that for you, it's not terribly important13:56
crdlbthere's a limited supply of exclamation points13:56
rgnrblackbinary:  and what about 7.10 is faster and more stable?13:56
gauravkumarcrdlb: i tried that manually too.. but it shows package uptodate13:56
rgnrblackbinary:  or not?13:56
jpds!language > Ubiratan13:56
ubottuUbiratan, please see my private message13:56
skarfacekukuchobi: well look at the characteristics of the drive before you finalize anything. the partitioner will tell you what the size is.13:56
jpds!guidelines > ubottu13:56
ubottuubottu, please see my private message13:56
jpdsStupid tab.13:56
vrvierradoes anybody know of a good how to (step by step) on setting up the compiz atlantis cube under 8.0413:56
rgnrblackbinary:  like 98 is faster than vista13:56
kukuchobii think i looked and it was like huh.. it says that ubuntu will have 80% or soemthing with no swap13:57
didohow to make real player 11 gold reads avi files13:57
skarfacekukuchobi: you probably told it to resize the first partition13:57
skarfacekukuchobi: which is probably not what you want to do :)13:57
kukuchobii dont think i told it to do anyhting i even looked at it from a manual point and i didnt understand the partitionsLOL13:58
executionisthow do i change my internal ip ni ubuntu13:58
ZmAYcan someone help me with adding & configuring users for vsftpd13:58
Zirodayvrvierra: you can set it up easily through the advanced desktop effects settings app, you can get it with sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager13:58
skarfacekukuchobi: you have to tell it what to do partition-wise13:58
simplexioexecutionist: ifconfig is the oldway13:58
skarfaceit doesn't just pick a random drive and install13:58
crdlbgauravkumar: pastebin the exact compile error13:58
executionisti am a noob13:58
blackbinaryrgnr, nope, this isnt windows. latest = best normally.13:58
kukuchobii know i just dont fully understand the process13:58
simplexioexecutionist: dunno about ubuntu specified way.13:58
|MUSE|I want to mount a second hd, of 2 partitions. Does this look right for fstab; /dev/sdb2 /home/share xfs relatime 0 2?13:58
executionistplease tell me a step by step way13:58
gauravkumarcrdlb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37710/13:59
skarfacekukuchobi: well what you want to do is use the guided using entire disk option13:59
kukuchobiand just leave what is says on there13:59
kevin_123skarface, I just sent you a PM13:59
skarfacekukuchobi: and then pick the second disk, which is probably sdb. is the disk formatted?13:59
kukuchobiand make sure it is on my smaller drive?13:59
MikeCamelHi.  Question: where is bash_history kept when you "sudo bash", please?13:59
simplexio|MUSE|: technicly yes, but for somereason sd? can link to different harddisks between reboots13:59
blackbinaryI've got an Asus M2N32-Deluxe motherboard, it has built in wireless & wired connections. How can i completely disable the wireless (it seems to be giving me errors)13:59
kukuchobior does it only pick up drives that do not have other operating systems?13:59
simplexio|MUSE|: so best practise is to use UUID14:00
rgnrblackbinary:  8.04.1?14:00
vrvierraZiroday: i have compiz installed but for some reason i cant the cube to start14:00
IdleOnekukuchobi, yes make sure the drive being formated is the smaller one and let the partitioner do it's thing.14:00
kukuchobii have moved any items of to the other drive14:00
|MUSE|simplexio, UUID, where can I find out about that?14:00
didohow to install compiz fusion in kubuntu 8.04?14:00
kukuchobialso in ubuntu my screen is slightly off to the right so my power and trash can are off the screen lol how to correct this?14:01
IdleOne|MUSE|, type blkid in terminal to get UUID of device14:01
|MUSE|and then put that in place of the device field?14:01
skarfacekukuchobi: tell you monitor to auto-adjust using the buttons on the monitor14:01
rgnrwhat does alternate mean?14:01
simplexio|MUSE|: ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/14:01
crdlbgauravkumar: apue.h is a header file that you are supposed to be including yourself14:01
kukuchobiah thankyou14:01
blackbinaryrgnr, yep hardy heron.14:01
crdlbgauravkumar: it's not actually a system header14:02
ActionParsnip!alternative | rgnr14:02
ubotturgnr: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent14:02
Zirodayvrvierra: you have most probably disabled it14:02
kukuchobiill have a try thankyou14:02
blackbinaryrgnr, you can just use the regular installer. just be sure to pick 64bit if you have enough ram and capable processor14:02
gauravkumarcrdlb: i did include it in the pgm.. u think its missing from the install?14:02
blackbinaryI've got an Asus M2N32-Deluxe motherboard, it has built in wireless & wired connections. How can i completely disable the wireless (it seems to be giving me errors)14:03
simplexio|MUSE|: that shows whixh hd has which uuid, then in fstan replace /dev/sdb1 with UUID=21312312dasdd2 , or what ever that uuid is14:03
unopsimplechat, ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid/  is not guaranteed to be populated with links for all volumes and therefore isn't a good way to find out the UUID of a volume14:03
rgnrblackbinary: and what about compatibility for 64bit architecture?14:03
=== datacrusher is now known as dtcrshr
crdlbgauravkumar: but you didn't provide it on the gcc command line14:03
simplexioblackbinary: gives errors or causes actaul problems?, and bios is good plave to start if you intend totally disable something14:04
gauravkumarcrdlb: nope... assumed its a sys header14:04
didowhat is the difference between Ubuntu 64 bit and 32 bit?14:04
cacf3b2074anyone have 2 minutes and GNOME to help me verify a bug?  I see it in 8.04 32 bit14:04
vrvierraZiroday: nope i told it to enable, it kind of works but it wont resize with the 3d effect14:04
kevin_123blackbinary - try using the bios to disable the wireless network card14:04
simplechatunop, what?14:04
unopsimplechat, my bad, that was meant to simplexio14:04
gauravkumarcrdlb: also that still doesnt explain the incompatible implicit printf error14:04
crdlbgauravkumar: according to google, it's just something the book has you include for convenience14:04
|MUSE|ok thanks all, got it working :)14:04
blackbinaryrgnr, its all good :)14:04
crdlbgauravkumar: that header include stdio.h and friends14:04
alluppcan i any way install dsl on ubuntu whitout burning it on disc?14:04
Zirodayvrvierra: have you enabled rotate cube?14:05
v0lksmananyone here used WICD?  is it better then network-manager?14:05
blackbinarysimplexio, kevin_123, i have been getting crashes and freezes, and the only errors ive gotten before hand relate to my wireless, os i want to disable it completely. might try the bios, but I have no idea where to find it14:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd14:05
gauravkumarcrdlb: didnt get u.. can u be a lil elaborate14:05
rgnrblackbinary:  any practical differences between i386 and 64bit architecture? speed performance?14:05
simplexioblackbinary: throw dmesg into pastebin and i check it after i get back to X14:06
pulse00hi all. when installing new themes, do i have to do this as root ? the "Appearence Preference" app says "new themes installes successfully", but i can't see them anywhere afterwards. anyone knows how to do this ?14:06
blackbinaryrgnr, if you have a 64bit processor, and 2+gb of memory, go 64bit, the processor can be faster, at the least it has the potential to be. also more memory support.14:06
didohow to install tar.gz files on Ubuntu 8.04?14:06
allupplets ask agen so can i eny way install dsl on xubuntu whitout burning dsl on disc14:06
unop!build | dido14:07
ubottudido: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:07
kevin_123blackbinary, don't be afraid of the bios.  Look around in it for hardware/device stuff and if you can't find it just exit without saving and it's all the same as before you snooped around14:07
crdlbgauravkumar: you're using "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment", right?14:07
simplexioallupp: ??14:07
gauravkumarcrdlb: yes :)14:07
crdlbgauravkumar: in Appendix B, there is a copy of apue.h14:07
rgnrblackbinary:  ok 10x :)14:07
simplexioblackbinary: and one option is also type rmmod "yourwirelessdriver"14:08
simplexioblackbinary: that unloads it14:08
Joe_le_fourbeBonjour tout le monde, comment allez vous?14:08
didowhat is the difference between Ubuntu 8.04 64 bit and 32 bit?14:08
kevin_123I like that idea simplexio :)14:08
simplexioblackbinary: or remove its driver from /lib/modules/2.6.zzz/........ or blacklist it14:08
ActionParsnip!fr | Joe_le_fourbe14:08
ubottuJoe_le_fourbe: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:08
simplexioallupp: far as i know dsl usually means internet connection type, which you cant burn into cd at all14:09
blackbinarysimplexio, yea i was thinking that but i dont know the driver :/14:09
gauravkumarcrdlb: will include that.. thanks a lot :)14:09
IdleOnesimplexio, he means dDamnSmallLinux DSL I assume14:09
alluppsimplexio: i try to get  dsl installed on xubuntu  but i don't have any cd to burn it on so could i install it whit out buring it on cd (dsl=daam small linux)14:10
blackbinarysimplexio, yep damn small linux :)14:10
ActionParsnipsimplexio: dsl === digital subscriber line or damn small linux ;)14:10
crdlbgauravkumar: no problem, good luck :)14:10
blackbinarysimplexio : http://pastebin.com/d64b534bb14:10
simplexioallupp: over it or in it ?14:10
blackbinarykevin_123, bah ive messed around in the bios alot. I just never saw wireless there.14:10
simplexioblackbinary: lsmod | grep wire14:11
blackbinarysimplexio, do you expect an out put from that?14:12
didoubottu:what is the difference between Ubuntu 64 bit and 32 bit?14:12
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:12
unopallupp, you can't install DSL on xubuntu14:12
simplexioblackbinary: maybe.. if you get lucky your wireless driver has wire in its name14:13
ActionParsnipunop: you can in a virtualbox :D14:13
blackbinarydido: its simple, 64bit gives the processor more space for info, basically, and gives you the ability for more ram14:13
unopActionParsnip, definitely not the same thing14:13
blackbinarysimplexio, well i didnt get a response14:13
alluppunop: :(  how am i  going to install it on my computer14:13
ActionParsnipdido: 64bit ubuntu needs a 64bit cpu and will use the cpu more efficiently than the 32bit14:13
ActionParsnipunop: its similar14:13
wols_ActionParsnip: depends14:13
wols_often 64bit is less efficieant.14:14
unopallupp, if you want to boot up from an .ISO on the harddrive .. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~colohan/docs/fedora_upgrade.html14:14
simplexioblackbinary: you have to wait few minutes, have reboot for new kernel14:14
blackbinarysimplexio, huh?14:14
vrvierraZiroday, yep i told it to rotate cube14:14
IdleOneunop, dsl site has a howto on how to boot from iso.14:14
blackbinaryvrvierra, did you set desktop size to 4+?14:15
simplexioallupp: its probably possible, i did that kind of stuff with gentoo many times ( basic system for gentoo is .tar.gz package, then chrooted into it and installed grub etc.. stuff)14:15
Zirodayvrvierra: and cube reflection14:15
unopIdleOne, if you can find the URL - please give it to allupp14:15
vrvierra<blackbinary> vrvierra, did you set desktop size to 4+? How do i do that14:15
simplexioallupp: but i cant help with dsl, probably you could try something like mounting .iso to /mnt/install, then chroot into it and try run installer from it14:16
blackbinaryvrvierra its under the general options at the top, dont have it open so cant be specific but its the second tab on that menu14:16
blackbinaryvrvierra you should see 'virtual horizontal desktop size' etc. just increase that to 4 or more.14:16
simplexioallupp: but if you are not familiar  with chroot and other things i mentioned , it probably fails14:16
FlynsarmyAnyone know why the ubuntu 8.04.1 live dvd informs me i have an invalid cd even though it has the right md5 sum?14:16
wols_Flynsarmy: did you do a integrity test when you booted from the CD/DVD?14:17
allupp:( that link was good but i wear that it might harm my cd driver working bechause i do have it instead of that i don't :(14:17
blackbinarysimplexio> blackbinary: you have to wait few minutes, have reboot for new kernel ----what did u mean from that?14:17
maek0Flynsarmy, the burn may have gone bad .. try burning it at a lower speed14:18
simplexioblackbinary: havent checked that link yet14:18
Flynsarmywols_, No. I just loaded it in windows. I googled it and the problem doesn't seem to happen just to me14:18
unopallupp, you aren't making much sense14:18
simplexioblackbinary: in tty , while new kernel compiles14:18
Flynsarmymaek0, This happens both with the burnt dvd and just a plain mounted dvd14:18
vrvierra to blackbinary and Ziroday thank you for your help, got to go to work now, have a good one.14:18
bazhangallupp, what is the issue14:18
blackbinaryvrvierra np :)14:18
Angel-SLAnyone know where to set the max number of open file descriptors?14:19
IdleOneallup these are instructions on how to do a HDD install ( requiers a cd ) look at the wiki for dsl for more options http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/wiki/index.php/Installing_to_the_Hard_Disk14:19
alluppunop: the link i gave was hot to install  on linux if you don't have  the cd or floppy (i have both) so if i do that trik i wear that it  does somekind of harm to my cd usage14:19
unopAngel-SL, http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~brecht/servers/openfiles.html14:19
bazhangallupp, that is a hardware issue; what does dsl have to do with ubuntu14:20
alluppidleone:problem is that i don't have a cd14:20
alluppi try to install dsl on xubuntu14:20
wols_allupp: in what ways can you boot and which OS then`?14:20
xnvunop: You really should have sent http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=set+the+max+number+of+open+file+descriptors&btnG=Search14:20
bazhangallupp, that is a different distro; you cannot install it on xubuntu14:20
unopallupp, this has nothing to do with CDs or CD drivers .. it simply configures grub to boot off the contents of an ISO you have laid out on your HDD14:20
alluppso i fonderet that if you could do it some how from terminal14:20
IdleOneallupp, you can not install DSL on xubuntu. DSL is an OS like Xubuntu is an OS14:21
unopxnv, GIYF is not considered friendly in here14:21
bazhangallupp, you should ask in the dsl forums for this14:21
ActionParsnipallupp: its like asking if you can install windows in xubuntu, its not an appliction its another operatibg system14:21
IdleOneunop, GIYF?14:21
alluppidleone: i try to install dsl over xubuntu14:21
unopGoogle is your friend14:21
wols_IdleOne: google it yourself14:21
IdleOneahhh thanks :)14:21
bazhang!fi | allupp14:22
ubottuallupp: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi14:22
alluppubottu: ok14:22
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:22
xnvunop: I think sending the link is more useful than GIYF and subtle enough that it needn't be taken harshly unless they already know better.14:22
bazhangallupp, type /join #ubuntu-fi14:22
IdleOneallupp, from what I see DSL has a pretty extensive wiki page. read it look for your answers. join #dsl perhaps and ask them14:22
bazhangallupp, this is ubuntu channel, dsl support is elsewhere.14:23
theraptorhey, does anyone know why ubuntu 7.10 wont recognise my empty CD-R disks?14:23
Gistybithow do i disconnect a usb bluetooth device. I need to disconnect it so my VirtualBox windows installation can claim it14:23
kukuchobihello again i tried installing it and i got  an input output error14:23
Brandanohow can I see what package provides a specific header? is there an equivalent for apt-get of "yum provides"?14:23
bazhangGistybit, which version of vbox14:23
crdlb!apt-file | Brandano14:24
ubottuBrandano: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"14:24
Gistybithum.. help->about_>says gui version 1.5.614:24
alluppbazhang: last time when i went to dsl support channel it was like graviard not a single helping word14:24
Brandanothanks crdlb14:24
bazhangGistybit, the one from repos or vbox site14:24
theraptorhow can I make  ubuntu recognise my empty cd-r disks?14:24
unopxnv, well, let me tell you that i have seen people get kicked out for doing that. and why do that when you can give them a link that you know works.14:24
Apple_cat- how can I make a blank file, with file permissions set before using the file14:24
Gistybitbazhang, it's from the vbox site14:25
bazhangallupp, does not matter; that is offtopic here; go to #ubuntu-offtopic for chat about other OS14:25
unopApple_cat, touch14:25
kukuchobihalf way through my ubuntu installation i got an input output error anyone know why?14:25
xnvunop: Give a fish vs. teach to fish14:25
Gistybitbazhang, i can normally mount usb drives, if unmounted in linux.. i suppose the situation is the same.. i need to "unmount" the bluetooth usb device14:25
Apple_catI thought touch just had options for access times, not permissions14:25
ActionParsnipkukuchobi: whats the error???14:25
kukuchobiinput/output error14:25
bazhangGistybit, that would seem to be it yes14:26
alluppbazhang: but i tried to ask advise that can i install dsl  on xubuntu using xubuntu and not cd14:26
xnvunop: Sending the Google link effectively does both.14:26
PapaGoosehey anyone got any experience with dynamic dns?14:26
bazhangallupp, not here.14:26
theraptorkukuchobi: i had this same problem. either your disk is bad or your cd-drive is broken14:26
unopApple_cat, touch can create blank files if the file you specify doesn't already exist.  but perhaps you want.   > file; chmod ... file;14:26
ActionParsnipkukuchobi: did you md5check the iso and the cd??14:26
kenkku!ask | PapaGoose14:26
ubottuPapaGoose: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)14:26
erUSULApple_cat: adjust umask and then "touch file" ??14:26
unopxnv, why are we debating policy .. please stop.14:26
kukuchobiAcion: whats that ?14:27
xnvunop: OK, ditto14:27
Apple_cat@ unop I don't think you quite understand what I want, I want to make a file with permissions set without having to chmod on it after14:27
DevourerAre .ko'14:27
theraptorkukuchoibi: he wants you to make sure the cd and the iso image are ok14:27
Apple_catlike mkdir -m mode14:27
PapaGoose:P i alias a dyndns url to my ISP-issued IP address, so the url directs from the outside to my router. but this doesn't work from within the network, instead i need to enter the local IP address. is there any way to get the dyndns url to redirect to the local IP address when the request is made from within the network?14:27
ActionParsnipkukuchobi: you downloaded the file but it may not be correct14:28
kukuchobihow do i check that then?14:28
DevourerAre.ko's still the standard file type for loadable kernel modules in Ubuntu?14:28
kukuchobiyes i dled from site14:28
unopApple_cat, adjust the umask and create the file .. as erUSUL suggested14:28
crdlbDevourer: yes14:28
ActionParsnipkukuchobi: yeah, get the md5 check and an app and compare, the file you downloaded may be corrupted14:28
theraptorkukuchobi: start up your computer with the disk in the drive and select "check cd for defects" from the menu14:28
kukuchobioh i checked for defects and it said none14:29
Raehh_°13R° ^^14:29
Apple_catThanks for your help unop and erUSUL ^-^ have a nice day14:29
erUSULApple_cat: np14:29
bazhangRaehh_, english please14:29
ActionParsnipkukuchobi: do it with the md5sum file against the cd14:29
kenkkuPapaGoose: for a local solution, you could use /etc/hosts14:29
theraptorkukuchobi: you need to re-download the iso image and burn it to another cd14:29
kukuchobii dont know what you mean by md5sum file im sorry14:30
IdleOne!md5 > kukuchobi14:30
ubottukukuchobi, please see my private message14:30
Brandanois it normal for sudo apt-file update to give no user feedback?14:30
ActionParsnipkukuchobi: get websearching14:30
kenkkuPapaGoose: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_file14:30
IdleOneBrandano, what do you mean no user feedback.?14:30
AbracadabraHow do you change a password for a user ?14:30
=== nikolas_ is now known as Assurbanipal
ActionParsnipAbracadabra: passwd14:30
theraptorhow di i make ubuntu recognise my blank CD-Rs14:31
bazhangAbracadabra, the about me in system preferences14:31
BrandanoIdleOne: once launched it just leaves me on the terminal with a blinking cursor and no prompt14:31
Abracadabraform the CLI14:31
IdleOneBrandano, you issue sudo apt-get update and nothing?14:31
Bert_2Hi, can someone tell me why firefox-3.0 hasn't been update in the gutsy-backports repo and whether there is some kind of ppa that does have the latest version of firefox 3 for gutsy ?14:31
PapaGoosekenkku: and that's on my local machine? the problem is that my local machine is a laptop so i need it to use the local IP when i'm at home, and my ISP IP when i'm out. can that be done with /etc/hosts?14:31
kenkkuPapaGoose: nope14:31
IdleOneBrandano, how long as it been sitting?14:31
BrandanoIdleOne: not apt-get, apt-file. I'll try reinstalling it14:31
Abracadabrapasswd lets change my password, what about changing the password for someone else ?14:31
ActionParsnipAbracadabra: sudo passwd (otherusername)14:32
AbracadabraActionParsnip, ty14:32
kukuchobilol i find this confusing lol:P14:32
Abracadabrahow can I find the list of users created on a box ?14:33
crdlbBrandano: it took a minute or so here14:33
ikoniaAbracadabra: open the user manager tool14:33
|MUSE|where do I configure samba?14:33
crdlbBrandano: but it did finish14:34
|MUSE|I just installed it14:34
ikonia|MUSE|: smb.conf14:34
ikonia!samba > |MUSE|14:34
ubottu|MUSE|, please see my private message14:34
Abracadabraikonia, through the CLI14:34
|MUSE|ok :)14:34
Brandanocrdlb: righto, then I'll wait, probably my conn isn't too fast14:34
ikoniaAbracadabra: why through the cli ?14:34
ikoniaAbracadabra: the admin tool is there to help14:34
kukuchobidoes it matter that i burned the iso on  a dvd?14:34
theraptorAbraCadabra: please see my private message14:34
Abracadabraikonia, I am working on Ubuntu server, no GUI on it14:34
ikoniaAbracadabra: then /etc/passwd14:34
Brandanostill, a little feedback would be nice. I know these niceties are for wussies...14:34
Abracadabratheraptor, I can't see your PM....14:34
ikoniaAbracadabra: but if you can't manage a server it is better to learn on the desktop with more tools14:34
kukuchobiO:-)does it matter if i burned the iso onto a dvd?14:35
unopAbracadabra, </etc/passwd cut -d: -f114:35
ikoniakukuchobi: you can get away with it14:35
AbracadabraIkonia, no choice, I have to learn sysadmin from the deep end14:35
kukuchobibut it is best oncd?14:35
crdlbBrandano: yes, that would be nice :) btw, you can also use http://packages.ubuntu.com while you wait14:35
bazhangkukuchobi, its fine14:35
kukuchobiok how do i burn when im in Ubuntu lol14:36
Brandanocrdlb: thanks again, much appreciated14:36
bazhangkukuchobi, burn iso or other14:36
ikoniakukuchobi: you just said you'd burnt it14:36
kukuchobii did and had error14:36
kukuchobiso i gonna burn slower and i burned on xp14:36
dudeeee34Im having a bit of problems...14:38
dudeeee34I want ubuntu as my only operating system...14:38
dudeeee34because i hate vista..14:38
megathow can i kill another user login as root..? at the same time i as root14:38
ikoniadudeeee34: ok - so what is the problem ?14:38
dudeeee34but when ever i try to make it my only os or when i try to partion it the wifi dosent work14:38
bazhangdudeeee34, please dont use the enter key as punctuation14:38
dudeeee34It works if i install it using wubi.14:38
ActionParsnipmegat: do you mean prevent logon?14:39
unopmegat, kill meaning what?  delete the user account or kill the user's processes?14:39
tobagoi installed a image viewer: gimageview. how to find out under which name the program is kown in the system (i'm asking because: gimageview returns command not found)14:39
BrandanoBtw, i have downloaded and installed the latest version of Nexuis (2.4.2) as packaged for intrepid, and seems to work fine on my hardy machine. Is there any reason why it hasn't been packaged for hardy as well?.14:39
ActionParsnipdudeeee34: whats up?14:39
megatkill user from proses14:39
xamdudeeee34, just backup what you need and boot from cd14:39
bazhangtobago, installed from where14:39
dudeeee34No thats not the problem14:39
unopmegat, sudo killall -u other_username14:39
ActionParsnipmegat: like log them off?14:39
dudeeee34The problem is i have no wifi if i try to partion it or make it my only os.14:39
dudeeee34But if i install using wubi wifi works...14:40
megati login as root.. i want kill another user login same as root14:40
xamdudeeee34, whats your hardware ?14:40
ActionParsnipdudeeee34: ewwww, ndiswrapper for you m'lad14:40
dudeeee34Broadcom B43 wireless driver...14:40
megatsudo killall -u root <-- kill me too?14:40
xamLaptop ?14:40
Brandanohmm, didn't think you could login as root in ubuntu, not unless you do some nasty trick with sudo14:40
jinksysbroadcom wireless not working?14:41
unopmegat, yes, though it does not kill all root's processes, it leaves the shell running14:41
dudeeee34It works when i install ubuntu using wubi.14:41
alluppnew question where and how i can get my souncard Crystal Semiconductor           Chip set     CS4236 drivers or something that would make it work14:41
ActionParsnipdudeeee34: thats because it doesnt access it natively (afaik)14:41
unopBrandano, sudo -i14:41
jinksysYou've already tried the restricted driver manager I assume?14:41
theraptorBrandano: run a "sudo su - " ins the command promp to get permanent root privalegs14:41
jinksysand had it download firmware?14:41
bazhangallupp, this is in xubuntu?14:42
unoptheraptor, don't suggest that .. it's not safe14:42
megatsudo killall -u root <-- this cmd should kill me too14:42
ActionParsnipallupp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSetupSoundCards14:42
drezardhow do i tell whether my ubuntu server edition is 64 bit or 32 bit?14:42
bazhangtheraptor, that is not good advice here14:42
Brandanotheraptor: that's what I tought. Do you still need the dash as in the redhat flavoured distros?14:42
dudeeee34It only works on wubi.14:42
dudeeee34And i want more than 30gb for memory on it.14:42
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ActionParsnipdudeeee34: you need to install ndiswrapper and use the windows driver14:42
drezardbazhang, whats the command to tell whether my ubuntu install is 32 or 64 bit?14:42
bazhangBrandano, use sudo not the other14:42
unopmegat, if you want to kill yourself off.  sudo killall -1 -u root14:42
ERICH_lapSTILL having issue with ath0. iwconfig gives me this for the card: ath0      IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"ALITROUTER"  Nickname:""14:42
ERICH_lap          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated14:42
ERICH_lap          Bit Rate:0 kb/s   Tx-Power:18 dBm   Sensitivity=1/114:42
ERICH_lap          Retry:off   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off14:42
ERICH_lap          Power Management:off14:42
porncakedrezard: uname -a14:42
FloodBot1ERICH_lap: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:42
ERICH_lap          Link Quality=0/70  Signal level=-90 dBm  Noise level=-90 dBm14:42
BrandanoI never use the root account14:42
dudeeee34Thankyou guys14:43
theraptorbazhang: it is safe, but you have to run an "exit" when you are done to close it14:43
Brandanonot even on Fedora, I only use root if I can't get away with sudo14:43
dudeeee34ill be back if i have any problems...14:43
megatunop: i dont want to kill myself lol14:43
=== hager is now known as haggis
drezardporncake, my server replies....14:43
unopBrandano, sudo su - is unsafe, and su is redundant here .. why become root to use another tool that lets you become root?  just use sudo -i14:43
bazhangtheraptor, not the policy of ubuntu however14:43
drezardporncake, Linux virtual 2.6.24-19-server #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 15:18:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:43
drezardporncake, what is it?14:43
megatunop: i login as root, and at the same time another user login as root.. so want to kill him14:44
unoptheraptor, see my last statement to Brandano14:44
jinksysI'll have a slice14:44
bazhangjinksys, what is that14:44
theraptorunop: i think you are misunderstaning what this is doing, it is loogin you in as root14:44
amkhey, does anhone know why my numpad on my laptop isnt working anymore? :S14:44
IdleOne!ot > jinksys14:44
ubottujinksys, please see my private message14:44
bazhangnot appropriate here jinksys14:44
amkit works on login screen, but then it suddenly doesnt work anymore14:44
IdleOnejinksys, see !coc also14:44
drezardporncake, Linux virtual 2.6.24-19-server #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 15:18:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:44
ActionParsnipamk: numlock on?14:45
amkyes its on14:45
bazhangdrezard, 32bit14:45
RossI am having trouble installing ubuntu on virtual PC14:45
unoptheraptor, you misunderstand what i am saying .. don't do "sudo su.." when you can just do "sudo -i"  .. the latter being safer and non-redundant14:45
bonespurhi..is there a pdf editor for ubuntu??14:45
amkRoss, are u usung microsoft virtual machine?14:45
drezardbazhang, but when i try and install vmware server its giving me an error saying its 64bit????14:45
amkits not working14:45
drezardbazhang, anything on ubuntu side?14:45
megatat the same time.. 2 users login as root. how to kill him?14:45
amktry to download a preinstalled VMWare image14:45
bazhangdrezard, sure; try virtual box14:45
amkand use VMWare Player14:46
IdleOneRoss, try VirtualBox14:46
theraptorunop: yes, 'sudo su -' may be rundunant in some cases, but it is very useful in some14:46
drezardbazhang, whats the diff?14:46
ksc654Hello all. Wondering if I could get some help with a problem with screen resolution. I'm running HH.14:46
ERICH_lapcan someone help me with getting my wifi card working? ive got atheros modules load but still errors14:46
bazhangdrezard, faster and better support here14:46
ActionParsnipksc654: what gfx card you got?14:46
legend2440amk: try shift+num lock14:46
unoptheraptor, please don't suggest it here .. su does not setup the environment properly14:46
Dazedhow come when i manually set my DNS ubuntu keeps resetting it without asking me14:46
amklegend2440: thx its working again :>14:46
Dazedobviously if i unlock it and set it manually that means i dont want you setting it for me14:46
amku made my day :D14:47
bazhang!sudo | theraptor14:47
ubottutheraptor: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)14:47
theraptorunop: ok, but he was asking how to login as root14:47
Dazedlet alone overwriting my manual setting14:47
unoptheraptor, sudo -i  is the answer to that question.14:47
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bonespurguys is there a PDF writer for ubuntu....i want to edit a pdf doc..so obviously openoffice is out14:47
theraptorunop: dont they do the same thing?14:48
jinksys@DAzed, how are you setting the DNS?14:48
IdleOnetheraptor, it's simple. if a user can't figure out how to login as root then perhaps they should not be told how to do it. sudo -i is the safe way of doing it in ubuntu.14:48
wols_Dazed: cause you didn't configure your dhclient.conf properly. it has a setting NOT to set DNS14:48
bazhangtheraptor, lets move on14:48
ksc654Ati Rage 3D onboard.14:48
Gistybithow do i disconnect a usb bluetooth device. I need to disconnect it so my VirtualBox windows installation can claim it14:48
Dazedgoing to system>admin>network14:48
unoptheraptor, no, sudo setups the environment sanely so you don't go upsetting permissions and what-not14:48
Dazedand choosing dns14:48
Dazedand putting it in14:48
Dazedand it works14:48
wols_Gistybit: blacklist the bluetooth module14:48
Chrizz_Can someone help me with designating a ipadress to a server?14:48
Dazedbut when i restart it resets it14:48
FloodBot1Dazed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:48
wols_Dazed: I just told you14:48
ActionParsnipksc654: can you run lspci and give us the line for your graphics card14:48
DazedI didnt configure dhclient at all14:49
Dazedwhere is that14:49
snarksterlspci|grep VGA14:49
theraptorhow do i make ubuntu recognise my CD-R14:49
wols_in /etc like any other config file14:49
eldenzcan i set ubuntu language separately for each user?14:49
Gistybitwols_, hrmpf.. a bit of a workaround, but i guess ill do that.. thanks14:49
jinksysI thought I seen a bug on launchpad about that14:49
ActionParsniptheraptor: do you mean your cd drive or a cd i the drive?14:49
wols_Gistybit: unload it too of course14:49
dabbui am not able to compile c programme ..any help14:49
ksc654ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage IIC AGP (rev 3a)14:49
Chrizz_Can someone help me with designating a ipadress to a server?\14:49
wols_!errors | dabbu14:50
ubottudabbu: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message14:50
ActionParsnipksc654: sweet, gimme 214:50
wols_Chrizz_: man interfaces14:50
theraptorActionParsnip: I mean the blank cd in the drive, it says that the drive is empty when I try to burn to the cd14:50
jinksysSomething about dhcp overwriting custom dns settings.14:50
wols_ksc654: ati is the driver name14:50
cacf3b2074hi, I found a bug regarding all players. whats the url to report taht14:50
jinksysI use opendns and I let my router relay the dns to my clients14:51
dabbuwhen i compile a c programme there is a error .... error: stdio.h: No such file or directory14:51
ActionParsnipksc654: you need the linux-restricted-modules14:51
dabbuhow to solve this14:51
ActionParsniptheraptor: what you using to burn?14:51
wols_ActionParsnip: why?14:51
bazhangdabbu, what are you compiling14:51
ActionParsnipdabbu: you got build-essentials14:51
wols_dabbu: install build-essential14:51
ActionParsnipwols_: seems to crop up a lot in my results14:51
dabbui am compiling a c programme ..simple c programme14:51
drezardanyone actually set up vmware on an ubuntu server?14:52
legend2440!bugs | cacf3b207414:52
ubottucacf3b2074: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:52
wols_ActionParsnip: ati rage iic is a 10+ years old videocard. ther is ati and there is vesa. no proprietary driver existed. ever14:52
dabbuhow to install install build-essential14:52
joaopintodabbu, sudo apt-get install build-essential14:52
wols_dabbu: like any other package14:52
Chrizz_sudo apt-get install build-essential14:52
bazhangdabbu, from synaptic or the terminal14:52
ActionParsnipdabbu: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential14:52
theraptorActionParsnip: I am trying to burn an ISO to the disk,14:52
dabbuthat will remove the problem..?14:52
ActionParsniptheraptor: ok, what software you using to burn?14:52
ksc654My problem is that I can't set the resolution higher than 1024x768. According to the Hardware Drivers tool, there are no proprietary drivers available for my card.14:53
ActionParsnipdabbu: yes, or we would advise it14:53
dabbuok i am trying now....14:53
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wols_ksc654: what dirver do you use?14:53
theraptorActionparsnip: I have tried CD/DVD Creator and Brasero14:53
jinksysThere is a DNS workaround at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/9189014:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 91890 in network-manager "Custom DNS settings lost on boot" [Low,Confirmed]14:53
didohow to make disk dur detected on Ubuntu 8.04?14:54
ActionParsnipdido: disk dur?14:54
ActionParsniptheraptor: you using kde?14:55
ksc654I'm using the default mach64 driver. So no hardware acceleration either. :( But that is another issue.14:55
theraptorActionparsnip: what?14:55
gleyveHow can I customize my menu?14:55
jinksysdisk dur=disk drive14:55
didoActionParsnip:yes hard disk14:55
ActionParsnipdido: so you want to mount a partition on another hard drive?14:56
ActionParsniptheraptor: are you running gnome or kde?14:56
jinksysgleyve: which menu, specifically?14:57
umangmeHi! I have a problem. I can't play any audio while Firefox is running. I don't know if this has got to do with the fact that I have a paused Youtube video.14:57
theraptorActionParsnip: do you mean ubuntu version?14:57
ActionParsnip!mount | dido14:57
wols_ksc654: check your XOrg.0.log why you can't go higher than 1024x76814:57
ubottudido: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:57
dabbuthanks friends ..my problem is solved ..may i know why this is not corrected bydefault14:57
dabbumy gcc problem14:57
ActionParsniptheraptor: ok, do you have a bar at the top and one at the bottom?14:57
Brandanook, this is odd. I am trying to compile this: http://www.openeaagles.org/cougar.html . I have the latest libusb properly updated, but make fails saying it can't include usb.h. do I have to set up some pathing by hand?14:57
wols_dabbu: if you don't know how to properly install a c compiler environment, it's not the OS' fault14:57
Chrizz_I cant get a ipadress designated. How do you do that in ubuntu?14:58
wols_Brandano: get the libusb dev package14:58
theraptorActionparsnip: top14:58
wols_Chrizz_: I told you. man interfaces14:58
dabbuwols_:ok....i think u know lots of thing14:58
Brandanowols_: righto, silly me14:58
theraptorActionparsnip: and bottom14:58
dabbuwols_:can u say me about zombie14:58
ActionParsniptheraptor: you tried doing it in nautilus?14:58
Chrizz_doesnt work14:58
gleyvejinksys: start menu...the default three items menu takes to much space of my panel.14:59
wols_!doesn't work Chrizz_14:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:59
gleyvejinksys: got it?14:59
ActionParsniptheraptor: or gnomebaker14:59
wols_!doesn't work | Chrizz_14:59
ubottuChrizz_: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.14:59
wols_Chrizz_: unless you give more info ther won't be any help possible14:59
ActionParsniptheraptor: just trying to find out if its just the app or a bigger issue14:59
=== dahlia_ is now known as dahlia
Dazedwols: I dont have a dhclient.conf in /etc14:59
theraptorActionParsnip: I am trying gnomebaker now and it seems to be working14:59
Chrizz_LOL! I tried to do it thrue interface. it just doesnt connect14:59
ActionParsnipChrizz_: can we see your /etc/network/iterfaces file please14:59
wols_Dazed: dpkg -l |grep dhclient15:00
ActionParsniptheraptor: cool, clearly a misconfigured app then15:00
theraptorActionParsnip: thanks15:00
ActionParsniptheraptor: np man, help where yu can15:00
batsquidi'd like to use gnome on my server, and i have installed gdm. i tried starting gnome using command gdm, but no loginscreen is presented15:00
Chrizz_cant copy paste, im on another pc.15:00
ubunt2can i install flex thru wget without fetching repositories?15:01
gleyvejinksys: I'd like to costumize my start menu, because the default three items menu takes to much space of my panel.15:01
Dazedoh, its in this /dhcp3 subfolder15:01
FinnishI tried to install ubuntu (alternative install) on an old machine. It went through, but in the end it gave me a grub error. No I'm not able to boot into ubuntu, and when I run it from live CD, it cant find grub, it gives me a grub error 15 in console15:01
theraptorbatsquid: do you mean the graphic interface?15:01
batsquidtheraptor yes15:01
umangmeI don't know what to do when I don't get a reply on this IRC channel. Has it just been missed, so should I repeat, or does no one know anything about it? I know I'm not supposed to repeat questions if no one answers.15:01
jinksysgleyve: You mean the applications, places, system menus? You want to consolidate them into one menu?15:01
Chrizz_iface eth0 inet static; address; netmask; gateway
Chrizz_auto eth015:01
wols_Chrizz_: all this on one line?15:02
Chrizz_; = enter15:02
ActionParsnipChrizz_: read the top line of each section does it say inet eth0 static or does it say dhcp15:02
wols_Chrizz_: please pastebin the EXACT interfaces file15:02
gleyvejinksys: Yes..exactly. You got it. is it possible? easily?15:02
theraptorbatsquid:run an 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop', and then reboot your computer when it is finished15:02
siriusnovahello, is anyone here using Ubuntu with an EEE PC 701 4g?15:02
ActionParsnipChrizz_: then you are using a static ip, not dhcp15:02
Abedneed help ,,, i 've changed the chmod of /var/www into 777 and now i am trying to turn off ufw but it says ERROR: /var is world writable!15:02
ubunt2Finnish: grub can not be installed into XFS [such file system] and.. jther reasons15:02
ActionParsnipsiriusnova: ive got one, wassup15:02
sjovando you guys recomend useing this drivers http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_x86_96.43.07.html or the default restricted ones? i got some issues with twinview. geforceFX 5600xt15:02
PapaGoosekenkku: i fixed it with the hosts file using a bash script to change the host file depending on the SSID of the access point i'm on (y)15:02
wols_ubunt2: of couse it can15:02
prince_jammysumangme: wait a reasonable amount of time and repeat15:02
batsquidtheraptor thanks/15:02
indra_i was be on one page15:02
ubunt2to xfs - not15:02
indra_and he told mi i have virus15:03
siriusnovaActionParsnip - which distro do you reccomend? EEE Ubuntu, EEEXbuntu or just regular hardy heron?15:03
wols_ubunt2: /boot/grub/xfs_stage1_515:03
theraptorbatsquid: np,15:03
umangmeprince_jammys: OK. Thanks!15:03
wols_ubunt2: I ran grub and a / XFS partition before15:03
Gachlabed: chmod ugo-w -R /var/www/15:03
indra_can somebody explain me this is possible15:03
siriusnovaI dont have a CD15:03
=== cacf3b2074 is now known as LimCore
ubunt2well, i had an error15:03
ActionParsnipsiriusnova: eeeXubuntu has everything you need to make it run, like drivers and stuff15:03
fdrhow do I strip all the exif information from a jpg? Thank you!15:03
FinnishSo how can I get through this?15:03
jinksysI know you can right click the menus and edit them, not sure about combining them.  I've never done it.15:03
siriusnovaDoesn't eeeXbuntu have problems with upgrading to hardy?15:03
simplexioäähh.. my rhytmbox dosnät want play15:03
ActionParsnipsiriusnova: i use fluxbuntu on mine as its nice and light15:03
AbedGachl can u explain it?15:03
=== LimCore is now known as limcore_work
ActionParsnipsiriusnova: mines ok15:04
wols_indra_: this is MALWARE. not to mention it won't run on linux. if you do download stuff from that page and run it, THEN you have a virus15:04
ActionParsnipsiriusnova: you could also look at puppy linux too15:04
simplexioany idea howto reset rhytmbox on hardy15:04
ActionParsnipsimplexio: cd ~/;  ls -a15:04
siriusnovaActionParsnip: i currently have an nlite windows xp install on the machine, i want linux and prefer an Ubuntu variant imho15:04
indra_if i download that bin exe15:04
ActionParsnipsimplexio: look for rhythmbox folders and rename them, next time you run all the settings will be stock15:05
wols_indra_: do you have an ubuntu question or do you simply want to spread malware urls? you are OT15:05
indra_if i download now i have virus15:05
ActionParsnipsiriusnova: i wouldnt put xp on it unless you have 2 gb ram15:05
wols_indra_: ask in #windows. this is not a ubuntu question15:05
indra_i was click on save15:05
siriusnovaI have 2gb of ram in my eee15:05
bazhangindra_, not here15:05
legend2440Finnish: is linux the only OS?15:05
umangmeI can't play any audio while Firefox is running. I don't know if this has got to do with the fact that I have a paused Youtube video. In RhythmBox or MoviePlayer it says playing, but just doesn't play. It stays at 0:00. Any idea?15:06
ActionParsnipsiriusnova: best way, makes it flyyyyy15:06
ubunt2Finnish: try again, try different variants.15:06
Finnish_legend2440: Winn XP is another one15:06
theraptorubuntu keeps telling me that my ac is unplugged and batter is discharging when the ac is still pluuged in, how do i fix this?15:06
jinksysgleyve: I'll pm you with the answer15:06
juannicolasHi, i don't know if my problems actually is ubuntu or my proftpd server, I need to transfer files that are more than 2 gigs and it would not let me.15:06
siriusnovais there any way to use an 8gb sdhc + 4gb internal SD together as one big drive in the eee?15:06
bazhangsiriusnova, eeepc runs fine with ubuntu15:06
siriusnovaI dont want to make separate partitions for the 8gb15:06
Dazedi hate when my terminal breaks... the prompt just dissapears and commands dont do anything15:06
Dazedwtf that15:06
mypapitwtf too15:06
wols_juannicolas: is a FAT partition involved anywhere? client or server?15:06
siriusnovabazhang - from my understanding you cant do a usb stick install via regular ubuntu and some of the hardware doesnt work well15:07
bazhangdazed mypapit please no such acronyms here15:07
juannicolasno, from mandrake to ubuntu15:07
wols_!eeepc | siriusnova15:07
ubottusiriusnova: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC15:07
Finnish_I try this :sudo grub, find /boot/grub/stage1, and i get error 1515:07
Brandanoumangme: Flash doesn't play well with Pulse. I installed the flash player 10 beta and seems to work fine, however every so often it crashes with a grey screen15:07
ActionParsnipDazed: could try xterm or yakuake, ive not seen terminal break.  are you fully updated?15:07
juannicolaswols_ no, from mandrake to ubuntulog15:07
Dazedokay it didnt break15:07
Dazedit just hung for a minute15:07
bazhangsiriusnova, I have the 4gb 701 and it works fine15:07
gleyvejinksys: thanks15:08
ActionParsnipDazed: what spec is your system?15:08
Dazedp4 2.8 gig of ram, x850 xt15:08
Brandanoumangme: I mean that flash crashes and the browser area reserved to flash is left gray, restarting firefox usually fixes it15:08
umangmeBrandano: Do I presume it's a bug that's going to be fixed? I don't know whether I want to install a beta version of flash.15:08
juannicolaswols_ no, from mandrake to ubuntu15:08
bazhangjuannicolas, what is the issue15:08
ActionParsnipDazed: not bad, shouldnt be too slow, run another terminal with top and when it hangs, look at the other terminal window15:09
juannicolasHi, i don't know if my problems actually is ubuntu or my proftpd server, I need to transfer files that are more than 2 gigs and it would not let me.15:09
Brandanoumangme: if you haven't customized your sound setup I'd suggest you to remove and reinstall the flash player plugin15:09
Abedi run sudo ufw disable and i get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37725/15:09
Dazedit didnt actually hang, it just gave me a blank line, instead of the dir i was in15:09
Dazedbut the comamdns stil lworked15:09
Dazedthey were just delayed15:09
ActionParsnipDazed: whats the command you kicked off15:09
Dazedsudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth015:10
ActionParsnipDazed: use ; instead of &&15:10
umangmeBrandano: How do I do that? Which package do I have to reinstall?15:10
marlunIs there a gnome app for training your keyboard typing? I want one I can use offline.15:10
Gothfunci want to exclude movies from tar...  i'm doing --exclude='^.*(flv|avi|mov|mpg|mpeg|asf|pdf|doc|zip|gz|tar)$' but it doesn't want to match.  what am i doing wrong?15:10
ActionParsnipDazed: ; means "then", && means "at the same time"15:10
DazedI edited my dhclient.conf to use my alternate dns but its not working15:11
Dazedmaybe i just need to restart15:11
juannicolasbazhang did you read me?15:11
prince_jammysActionParsnip: that's one '&'15:11
Brandanoumangme: flashplugin-nonfree in synaptic15:11
simplexiojuannicolas: something dosent support over 2G files, could be proftpd, or fs under it15:11
joaopintomarlun, you can use Klavaro on gnome15:11
umangmeBrandano: Thanks! I'll do that!15:11
simplexiojuannicolas: sftp is allways an option15:11
Abedi run sudo ufw disable and i get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37725/15:11
mrballHi.  I installed gkrellm with aptitude and it doesn't appear in any of my menus.  What's a good menu editor to edit my Gnome menus and add it manually? (and if the answer is vi/emacs, where are the files, they don't seem to be in ~/.gnome2/*, /usr/lib/gnome*, or /etc/gnome*/* )15:12
ActionParsnipprince_jammys: either way it should be ;15:12
ERICH_lapis it safe to disable gdm in xubuntu?15:12
prince_jammysActionParsnip: a && b means 'run b only if a was successful'15:12
Brandanoumangme: I am not sure it will fix things, but won't hurt to try. Removing and reinstalling the drivers fixed also some issues with my screen resolution in the past...15:12
juannicolassimplexio  sftp?15:12
marlunjoaopinto: Thanks! :)15:12
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Brandanojuannicolas: it's a horrible way to do it, but you could also transfer with http and allow resume....15:14
simplexiojuannicolas: comes with sshd package15:14
capablanbuen dia gente15:15
simplexiojuannicolas: check google about ssh shhd with ubuntu15:15
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mypapitwhat the freak15:15
capablanche quiero montar un IRC de la facu, alguien sabe como?15:15
siriusnovai forgot to ask, is there any way to "merge" the 8gb sdhc + 4gb internal ssd in Ubuntu on my eee pc?15:15
prince_jammys!es | capablan15:15
ubottucapablan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:15
siriusnovaor do I have to make a separate partiton15:15
capablanoks sorry15:16
geek_siriusnova: well, you can always 'mount' the SDHC as whatever you want it to be...15:16
* geek_ notes thats a nice thing about unix style file systems, you don't really notice partitions if its done right15:16
Dazedsigh... i must have done this wrong.. It's still getting the dns automatically and using that.15:17
ActionParsnipsiriusnova: you could mount it in your filesystem or use it as ~/15:17
ActionParsnipDazed: anything in /etc/resolv.conf?15:17
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview15:18
Dazedits got the name server15:18
Dazedthe one i dont want15:18
Dazedcan i just change that?15:18
kazuniMay i ask which irc client do you guys use?15:18
Gothfuncit says --exclude=PATTERN in man tar, so i assume it accepts regex right?15:18
Chrizz_do you guys see a testpage?15:19
fprintI use xchat15:19
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kazuniim using chatzilla for the time being15:19
zaggynlit resolves, but times out Chrizz_15:19
Chrizz_not www15:19
SlartChrizz_: nothing so far.. still connecting15:19
ActionParsnipDazed: gksu gedit /etc/resolv.conf15:19
Chrizz_aww. k15:19
ActionParsnipDazed: edit out rather than delete15:19
zaggynlprivate server eh? hmm15:19
kazunicool maybe i will get xchat15:19
ActionParsnipkazuni: pidgin does irc too15:20
Kartagishoşçakalın / bye15:20
kazunioh u mean the client that does msn and irc and jabba?15:20
nsdx443Hi, need help, is there any way to cause hibernation to restart instead shutting down after saving the session?15:20
* geek_ prefers konversation >_>15:20
BrandanoChris|: ping times out as well. the domain name resolves to , is that what you were expecting?15:20
kazuniim so glad that i got an eeepc - because of it i am now a full fledge ubuntu user XD15:21
DazedHopefully this does the trick15:21
ActionParsnipkazuni: the same, also does sametime15:21
Chrizz_nope. wow.peanutservers.com should connect to a webserver on a diff location15:21
BrandanoChris|:  oops, sorry, meant that for Chrizz_15:21
kazuniActionParsnip: I dont get what you mean15:21
Chrizz_i know the problem now. thanks15:21
ActionParsnipkazuni: about what?15:21
BrandanoChrizz_: probably just slow dns propagation?15:21
kazunioh u meant, pidgin does msn, and it does irc and msn at the same time?15:22
ActionParsnipkazuni: i just ewanted a cheap crap lappy15:22
dabbuin vi editor when i use arrow key it writes some letter like d or D instead of moving the cursor..why15:22
kazunihaha i see15:22
ActionParsnipkazuni: sametime is an ibm chat protocol15:22
kazuniActionParsnip: ah. what's your budget, and what do u want to run on it?15:22
ActionParsnipdabbu: use nano instead, its more intuitive imho15:23
nsdx443no one ever thought about using hibernation instead of restart when switching to windows for playing games?15:23
dabbu ActionParsnip: what is nano ?15:23
ActionParsnipkazuni: www, ssh and pidgin15:23
nsdx443seems like no one knows it on the internets :)15:23
mrwhippyhi all, hope you are all well,15:23
ActionParsnip!nano | dabbu15:23
ubottudabbu: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code15:23
Brandanonsdx443: /me doesn't switch to windows :)15:23
kazunioh, if not too powerful, and your budget can be around 400-500. get an EeePC15:23
ActionParsnipnsdx443: ry wine / cedega15:24
Brandanonsdx443: I got Oblivion playing on WinE, fairly well15:24
ActionParsnipkazuni: got one15:24
dabbu ActionParsnip: can i solve this vi problem because in college we use vi editor15:24
mrwhippyI have a small problem, i have managed to get vmware server 1.06 running on my server(ubuntu server 8.04) however i cannot get the bridged network running, can anyone help me out please.15:24
nsdx443yeah, but there are fps issues with some games, so i'de rather using windows for games15:24
BrandanoGTA - SA slows down to a crawl if there's two humans on screen, though15:24
ActionParsnipdabbu: they may have nano too ;). im not familiar with vi15:24
kazuniActionParsnip: then that should be enough?15:25
ActionParsnipkazuni: indeed it is15:25
kazunilearn gvim :)15:25
dabbu ActionParsnip: in college we have redhat installed ..can i expext that nano is preinstalled15:25
ActionParsnipkazuni: im hoping to get a pda phone with firefox for xul15:25
ActionParsnipdabbu: i would15:25
DazedIts still using the automatic dns... what the heck15:25
kazuniActionParsnip: a wince pda or a linux based pda?15:26
nsdx443i know it uses pm-hibernate, but i didn't see any argument i can pass to it in order to do soft-reboot15:26
Dazedi just changed resolve.conf, dhclient.cong, and set it manually in network options15:26
dabbu ActionParsnip: so is there any manual for nano..so that i can become familiar with this15:26
Dazedi reboot and its all back to default15:26
kbrosnanActionParsnip: the only thing that has tha currently would be a n81015:26
ActionParsnipkazuni: i need xul for amarok remote :)15:26
mrwhippydazed: was that to me?15:26
kazuni(no idea what it is haha)15:26
XB23hey guys15:26
XB23is it possible to setup15:27
Dazedwas to anyone who can help me permanently use a manual dns setting15:27
ActionParsnipkazuni: its like xml15:27
KlrSpzhey i'm getting "The following packages have been kept back:" from aptitude... what gives?15:27
mrwhippydazed:ah k thought you were answering my question about bridged in vmware15:27
ActionParsnipKlrSpz: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:27
Dazedi followed this tutorial and it didnt work15:27
XB23is it possible to setup a way so a php script can be called passing a username when a username logs in? so i could for instance echo out something back to the user when they login?15:27
nsdx443i wish there were feature like 'apt-get install girlfriend' :(15:27
KlrSpzActionParsnip: why would they be held back from a regular upgrade, but not a dist-upgrade?15:27
mrwhippydazed: have you tried the ubuntu bind9 on the server documentation for dns, not sure if its what you want but might be worth a look15:28
ActionParsnipKlrSpz: cos it affects much, usually is kernel updates etc15:28
KlrSpzi thought dist-upgrade was to be more strict on what it upgraded?15:28
Dazednope i havent15:28
KlrSpzActionParsnip: it's just xbmc :S15:28
dabbu ActionParsnip: in nano how to write out15:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbmc15:28
XB23is it possible to setup a way so a php script can be called passing a username when a username logs in? so i could for instance echo out something back to the user when they login?15:28
mrwhippyXB23:yes you can you can use variables to pass the data around in sessions15:28
ActionParsnip!inf xbmc15:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about inf xbmc15:28
KlrSpzdabbu: ctrl+x15:28
XB23mrwhippy: how would i do that15:29
KlrSpzActionParsnip: http://xbmc.org/wiki/index.php?title=Linux_port_project15:29
mrwhippydazed:well wortha look15:29
ActionParsnipKlrSpz: i dont know what that is15:29
KlrSpzjust gave a link :)15:29
mrwhippyxb23:do you know about session data in php?15:29
jinksysDazed: Did you follow do the workaround that was in the bugreport I posted?15:29
dabbuKlrSpz:ok...for not saving the edited one15:29
nsdx443has anyone figured how hibernation works in ubuntu? needs help15:29
Dazedno ididnt see the bug report15:29
XB23mrwhippy: ubuntu session data15:30
KlrSpzdabbu: when it says to write out, you can change the filename15:30
XB23but php wont create a session when a user logs in via ssh?15:30
ActionParsnipKlrSpz: hehe very weird15:30
mrwhippyxb23: nope mate php session data15:30
XB23session data?15:30
ActionParsnipKlrSpz: did dist-upgrade fix it?15:30
KlrSpzActionParsnip: i've gotten it set up and config'd real  nice.. controlling with my xbox360 controller15:30
KlrSpzActionParsnip: yessir, thanks you15:30
mrwhippydazed: getting link for you know15:30
ActionParsnipKlrSpz: sweet15:30
dabbuKlrSpz:any guide for nano so that i can become familiar with this15:30
mrwhippydazed: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html15:30
KlrSpzdabbu: man nano15:30
dabbuKlrSpz:ok then15:31
mrwhippyxb23: you would need to grab that i think then use it that way what is it you are trying to do if its long pm me with it15:31
Dazedmrwhippy: Thanks but this doesnt look like what i need15:31
XB23what im trying to do mrwhippy is set it so when a user logs in via ssh it passes that users username to php in command line and php returns back a custom motd for that user15:31
mrwhippydazed: scroll down that page and goto the dns bit15:31
nsdx443>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hibernation+soft reboot, is it possible?<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<15:31
Dazedthis is for running as your own nameservet ho isnt it?15:32
guyzmoerr... is that a feature that my IDE disk is now seen as a sd? device ?15:32
mrwhippyxb23: im no expert on that but could you have a script that runs on login that sets a variable with the username, not sure but does ubuntu have a %username% type thing15:32
mrwhippydazed: yeah thought that was what you were after15:32
XB23not sure15:32
Abedguys i just have ubunutu on my laptop and i would like to remove it and install new one so anyone???15:33
mrwhippyxb23: that would be the way to go i think have a logon script set a value maybe in a text file that you can then access to use as user data15:33
nsdx443Where's the hibernation guy? :(15:33
fprintAbed, windows15:33
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Abedfprint ubunutu15:34
mrwhippytake it there is no one can tell me how to configure my bridged network around then all15:34
Shaba1Hello guys15:34
KlrSpzmrwhippy: what are you tryin to do?15:34
fprintAbed, ah15:34
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Shaba1I know this is an unbuntu forum. But I have a general linux question,concerning redhat specifically and no on is at the keys there?15:34
mrwhippyKlrSpz: i have set up some virtual machines in vmware on an ubuntu server and the network bridge keeps telling me that it cannot connect, i was wondering how and where i can manually edit to put the bridges in15:35
bazhangShaba1, best to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic15:35
Shaba1where would I look to find out why apache is being loaded at boot up. I need to stop it becasue its loading the wrong version15:35
KlrSpzmrwhippy: have you tried using nat? or do you NEED bridging?15:35
bazhangShaba1, ie not here15:35
skepShaba1: check the init-scripts in /etc/init.d/*15:36
KlrSpzShaba1: services-admin15:36
skepor that15:36
KlrSpzor update-rc.sh15:36
KlrSpzerr, update-rc.d15:36
mrwhippyklrspz: need bridging, did try a nat but got no where with that either so figured i would concentrate on bridged15:36
KlrSpzmrwhippy: well bridges are a bicha.. lemme check if i still have my script goin15:36
KlrSpzmrwhippy: do you have an interface created? like br0?15:37
ERICH_lapis it safe to disable gdm in xubuntu?15:37
KlrSpzERICH_lap: yes, if you don't what a graphical login manager15:37
ERICH_lapand not use graphical interface to login?15:37
fprintthe best font in ubunt is what?15:37
KlrSpzERICH_lap: you'll also need to set up a ~/.xinitrc for when you want to enter X15:37
mrwhippyklrspz: as far as i know i have interfaces created they show up in the server console on the bottom right with the cd drive etc. and i followed the default settings but its not connecting15:37
KlrSpzmrwhippy: well, can you check ifconfig?15:38
KlrSpzsee what you have made?15:38
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: no i don't want it. thanks15:38
mrwhippyklrspz: on the host or the vm's15:38
randomnicknamehello everyone15:38
KlrSpzERICH_lap: so you dont wnat ANY grpahical stuff?15:38
randomnicknameDoes anyone know how I can fix slow internet connection?15:38
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: just for login15:38
GneaERICH_lap: why disable the gui?15:39
KlrSpzERICH_lap: first off i hate your name cuz there's too many other ppl with the same start... tab completion fails for it... secondly, you're being very ambiguous.. i'm trying to find out if you want ot ever get into X or not15:39
DazedThanks for the help :)15:39
GneaKlrSpz: stop.15:39
KlrSpzstop what? helping?15:40
GneaKlrSpz: being insulting.15:40
bazhangGnea, what is the problem15:40
jinksysNo Problem, glad to help15:40
KlrSpzmrwhippy: on the host... btw, here's a scrip i put together a while back to forward from one device to the next (so you can be on diff subnets, which is most likely what your situation)15:40
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: yes i want X, just dont want to use gui for login15:40
KlrSpzGnea: and what was insulting?15:40
Gnea09:39 < KlrSpz> ERICH_lap: first off i hate your name cuz there's too many other ppl with the same start...15:40
KlrSpzthat's not insulting15:40
KlrSpzi didn't sya  it was DUMB15:40
KlrSpzjust that it's a pita to type, lol15:40
Gneathat's just.. wrong.15:40
KlrSpzwell i'm sorry i hurt your feelings15:40
mrwhippyklrspz: thanks pal ill check the subnets as i wont them all on the same subnet anyway15:40
Dazedmaybe i can get this other problem worked out now too.. anybody manage to get directly into their email boxes with pidgin, without re-entering password?15:40
ERICH_lapi dont care if it matters15:41
mrwhippyklrspz: i have the ifconfig can i pm you with it15:41
KlrSpzmrwhippy: pastebin.com15:41
GneaKlrSpz: well, hate speech is discouraged here. please do not do it again.15:41
KlrSpzERICH_lap: right, so if you want to go into X, GDM will start a "session" or script that will launch your basis desktop environment.. without GDM, you'll have to start X with the "startx" command, which looks at your ~/.xinitrc to know what environment to load.. otherwise it's just X with nothing15:41
sjovanwhat was the command to get xorg.conf back to default?15:42
KlrSpzGnea: no one is hating except you right now.. i was just stating the fact that there's a lot of ERIC* and it made it hard to type his name15:42
GneaERICH_lap: sudo update-rc.d gdm remove  <-- that should take care of it15:42
brutushow do i make my webcam work in gutsy?i have it inbuilt in a hp laptop...15:42
KlrSpzGnea: but you're not realizing he doesn't know how that's going to really affect the system15:42
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: ok, i've done it before but without making xinitrc15:42
ERICH_lapforget which distro i was using15:43
KlrSpzERICH_lap: there are actually a few scripts it checks before... however I don't think UBUNTU has them by default15:43
guyzmodammit ! I can't get to burn on CD successfully a working ubuntu ISO :-S15:43
yuri_hey guys, what's the shortcut for the spinning cube?15:43
mrwhippyklrspz: just posted on paste bin mrwhippy username, i have two nics on the host, but just noticed only one showing now they are eth0 eth1, and i am not sure where vmnet8 has come from mate15:43
KlrSpzERICH_lap: if you read man on 'startx' you'll find more info about that15:43
guyzmoI'm trying to burn an amd64 8.04.1 iso15:43
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: using xubuntu, if that matters15:43
Gnea!cube | yuri_15:43
ubottuyuri_: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »15:43
guyzmoand I'm getting "I/O Error Error reading boot CD."15:44
yuri_Gnea: thanks15:44
KlrSpzERICH_lap: fortunately no, xubuntu is the same as ubuntu, but with the xubuntu-desktop package (which is a meta package for xfce) vs ubuntu-desktop which is gnome15:44
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: ahhh15:45
KlrSpzERICH_lap: but give startx a whirl, and you'll see that it just comes up with a X as a mouse cursor, and a checkered background15:45
KlrSpzor crosshatched background anyway15:45
KlrSpzit doens't know what to start basically15:45
anynymousHi all15:45
KlrSpzERICH_lap: this is good for custom sessions, like i have for my media center15:45
KlrSpzERICH_lap: more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession15:46
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: thanks15:46
KlrSpzERICH_lap: np15:46
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anynymousHello to avryone15:47
bazhangKlrSpz, tab completion is your friend; eri<tab> will give his name easily15:47
frybyehi what video capture appl (from webcams-) other than cheese are folks useing??15:47
KlrSpzbazhang: i get like 4 or 5 ppl's names :)15:47
bazhangKlrSpz, using xchat? then set to last spoken instead of alphabetical15:47
KlrSpzbazhang: actually i'm using pidgin since i don't really irc all that much anymore...15:48
neukadminHi, where can I download old ubuntu kernels?15:48
ubottuhate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy15:48
anynymoushello all;-)15:48
KlrSpzbut i might check out xchat for that feature alone15:48
jinksysDazed: What type of email account?15:48
bazhangGnea, please /msg ubottu in private for fun if you wish15:48
Dazedhotmail or gmail15:48
Dazedneither works properly15:48
Dazedit takes me to the login screen and says wrong password15:48
Dazedrather than taking me to the inbox15:48
Dazedthe interesting bit is it tells me the subject lines of my new emails right there in pidgin, so youd think it would work fine15:49
Dazedits obviously getting into the account15:49
cabrioleurmrwhippy, username is not a variable15:49
bazhangDazed, please dont use the enter key as punctuation15:49
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: how do i start an xfce session?15:49
neukadmindeb packages would be awesome15:49
cabrioleurERICH_lap, change in gdm during login, or startxfce15:50
GneaDazed: double-check your password input15:50
KlrSpzERICH_lap: yeah was gunna say, startxfce should do the trick15:50
ERICH_lapcabrioleur: im disabling gdm, so just put startxfce in ~./xinitrc?15:50
DazedI'm pretty sure its correct since im signed in right now15:50
anynymouscan anyone help me, i have a problem with update packege15:50
Dazedi can msg people on msn15:51
tikbalangcan i just copy over an app from one linux distro to another?15:51
cabrioleurERICH_lap, you can copy a startup script into .xinitrc15:51
KlrSpzERICH_lap: just run startxfce on cli when you want to go into xfce15:51
Gneaanynymous: what's the problem, exactly?15:51
bazhanganynymous, which package what is the error15:51
AkariChanQuestion: I have ubuntu installed with nvidia drivers installed (so that i can run compiz fusion) but when i use realplayer, all the videos that i play with it, their colors are all inverted. Any idea why and hwo to fix it?15:51
neukadminCan I add something to sources.list so I can pick older kernels via adept?15:51
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: instead of making xinitrc and using startx?15:51
dido_anynmous:what is the problem15:51
bazhangneukadmin, what do you need them for15:51
KlrSpzERICH_lap: yeah, startxfce4 is a script that will start X for you15:52
dabbuaudacity is not able to export file in mp3 format ...?15:52
KlrSpzcat /usr/bin/startxfce415:52
neukadminbazhang the new ones with xen support dont boot at my PC15:52
Gneadabbu: did you install lame?15:52
AkariChanany one has any idea ? :|15:52
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: cool thanks15:52
jpjacobsare there any reasons left why _not_ to take ubuntu 64bit edition?15:52
bazhangneukadmin, which version of ubuntu15:52
cannonballAkariChan: Have you tried using mplayer to play the realmedia files?15:53
neukadminAkariChan this is a driver related problem I have the same you may try a new or older driver15:53
Gneadabbu: what command are you using to save with?15:53
neukadminbazhang 8.04.115:53
neukadminAkariChan its all blue, isnt it?15:53
dabbui am using export from audacity...command ?15:53
Gneadabbu: ah ok - yes, that's what i meant15:53
AkariChanneukadmin, thanks, yeah i think its an odler driver15:54
AkariChancannonball: mplayer plays RM files?15:54
KlrSpzAkariChan: it just uses a codec15:54
cannonballAkariChan: if you have the realplayer codecs installed and mplayer can find them, yes.15:54
anynymousmy problem is like this: when i do linux update it reads the packges some like(115 packeges) and then it reads the packege data and what appers is 5 or 4 updates15:54
AkariChancannonball/KlrSpz: thanks, let me give that a try.15:54
Gneadabbu: is it giving an error?15:54
ERICH_lapKlrSpz: can i test it by just kill x in term without making changes to system,s o if it fails i will be able to get into x on reboot?15:55
Roy911 Does anyone know how to enable MP3 streaming with IDJC? Currently it tells me MP3 stream is not available, and as a result, Shoutcast streaming also does not work.15:55
Gneadabbu: what is the error, exactly, and when?15:55
dabbunea:Could not open MP3 encoding library.this is the error15:55
KlrSpzERICH_lap: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop && startxfce415:55
dabbuGnea:Could not open MP3 encoding library.this is the error15:55
Gneadabbu: running hardy?15:56
KlrSpzERICH_lap: and if that fails for whatever reason and drops back out, just sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start15:56
neukadminbazhang neither nor work they simply stop at bootup with ata3: timeout waiting for ADMA LEGACY CLEAR AND IDLE, stat 0x015:56
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Gneadabbu: and the results of this command?  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep liblame15:56
randomnicknamedoes anyone know how I can use the ./configure command?15:57
Shaba1thanks skep15:57
Shaba1and KlrSpz15:57
bazhangneukadmin, those are only two you have?15:57
Gnea!compile | randomnickname15:57
ubotturandomnickname: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:57
everton137Hi, how can I know wich device my microphone is using? I'm trying to record on audacity, but the recording is tooo low. Only device /dev/dsp2 works. Meanwhile, using skype sound is OK and it's using device "ALSA: Default"15:57
randomnicknameI have navigated to the folder and it won't let me install15:57
dabbuGnea:no result...blank15:57
Shaba1I am not on that machine right now so I cannot physically check that.15:57
cabrioleurrandomnickname, it's not a command, it's a script. When you type ./configure --help it will display all options.15:57
Gneadabbu: ah - sudo apt-get install liblame0   - after it's installed, try again15:58
Shaba1but will that be a line init.d or an actuall file in the init.d directory (if it is a directory)15:58
bazhangShaba1, this is not Red Hat support channel15:58
AkariChanKlrSpz: in Real Player, under Preference -> hardware -> disable XVideo will make ti work, but its' as if there were not acceleration on the video (really boxy looking)15:58
AkariChanthe video will play, but it's ugly15:59
anynymousgnea: how do i do update without checking state packge information15:59
Gneaanynymous: update of what?15:59
neukadminbazhang I could try to get the 17 but I doubt it would work15:59
anynymousof the linux upgrade15:59
neukadminbazhang I couldnt have a try with different kernels as I dont know where to get them16:00
bazhangneukadmin, what you are proposing sounds risky; you can search in synaptic but I would recommend against it16:00
kaushal I am using Ubuntu 8.04 Linux Desktop16:00
kaushalI am trying to configure Tata Indicom Data Card on it16:00
Gneaanynymous: impossible.16:00
Gothfunccan you delete files that are assigned to your group and that have g+w?16:01
Gnea!hi | kaushal16:01
ubottukaushal: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:01
anynymousGnea so can you tell me where to find the config files of the package state information16:01
Gneaanynymous: why?16:01
anynymousi cant make an update in my ubuntu 8.04 linux16:02
neukadminbazhang I thought installing a kernel via synaptic would be the least risky way to do it. Thing is: I desperately need xen working on this machine and it doesnt matter if I have to reinstall ubuntu16:02
Gneaanynymous: is it giving you an error?16:02
borkIs there any reason ssh-keygen would still be generated blacklisted keys in Hardy?16:02
anynymousonly by the synaptic packges i can install programs16:02
Gothfunc-rw-rw-r-- 1 www-data web 63920178 2008-08-15 15:11 2008-08-15_03-11-25_test_snapshot.tar.gz  <-- can't rm the file even though i'm logged in as a user in group 'web'.  is that normal behaviour?16:03
AkariChanwhat's the command to list all process ?16:03
Gneaanynymous: quit synaptic, open a terminal, and type the following please:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:03
bazhangneukadmin, I understand your dilemma; could you give a bit more info so I can look at launchpad for any possible bugs/workarounds16:03
GneaAkariChan: ps -axf16:03
AkariChanGnea: thanks16:03
anynymousGnea: when i do check for upgrades it checks and finds like 115 updates but after that linux checks the package administrator and whanshis all of the updates so i get none16:05
dabb1Gnea:thanks ...now my audacity is working16:05
Gneadabb1: cheers, enjoy16:05
Gneaanynymous: whanshis?16:06
bazhangtleuser, english please16:06
AkariChanplaying real media video using mplayer will cause errors.. (i have real player 11 installed). Any Idea why?16:06
Gnea"disappears", ok16:06
F1l1p3join #ubuntu-br16:06
AkariChanactually its just stuck, and i have to kill -9 it16:06
neukadminbazhang I see: I use: opteron 165, 2GB ram, A8n SLI deluxe ; Kubuntu 8.04.1 ; xen 3.1 ; both xen kernels show this error: ata3: timeout waiting for ADMA LEGACY CLEAR AND IDLE, stat 0x0 , right after that, the system reboots; I have 3 NICs ; sda is the only HDD ; one DVD Drive is attached yet;16:06
Gneaanynymous: try this then: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:06
F1l1p3join #ubuntubrasil16:06
izikei am having problem when using ubuntu 8.04, it seems that when i start the networking the whole computer work slow VERY SLOW, it take years to open applications..., when i dont start the network it work just fine, what could be the problem?16:06
Pipsmann_is hemd. von euch daaa?16:06
FloodBot1Pipsmann_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:06
Gnea!de | Pipsmann_16:07
ubottuPipsmann_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:07
wols_!de | Pipsmann_16:07
everton137Hi, I have these options for sound input on audacity OSS (dsp, dsp1 e dsp2), ALSA (via8237 - hw:0,0; via8237 - hw:0,1; SAA 7134 PCM - hw:1,0; default; USB camera), e Jack audio connection kit. How can I know what is the correct? skype has "Alsa: default" as option and it works fine, but in audacity, only works when I choose OSS dsp2. Can someone help me, please?16:07
wols_izike: how do you startk networking, what network setup and which process is using all the CPU?16:07
izikewols_:nothing use the cpu, it seems like it wait for sometime out...., the network is just wired network, when it not connect the machine work fast16:08
Gneaeverton137: that question will probably be better answered in #audacity16:08
izikeafter applications get opened they work fast...16:08
everton137Gnea, thanks, I will try it!16:08
alpha255izike i'd double check the ip mask dns and gtwy numbers16:09
anynymousthanks Gnea i try to that in the shell "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"16:09
minus198Hi.. I accidentally did: rm thing * in my directory, is there a way to recover files that have been removed?16:09
izikealpha255:why should it cause slow startup of programs?16:09
wols_izike: how did you check that nothing is using your CPU?16:09
dabb1problem:when my network connection goes slow then my gtalk account get disconnected and then pidgin uses 100% of my CPU untill it connect again...any way to resolve this ?16:09
izikewols_:top give me 90% idle16:10
xnv!recover | minus19816:10
ubottuminus198: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html16:10
neukadminbazhang if there is something I forgot to say, please tell me16:10
KlrSpzAkariChan: i think you can install the restricted codecs?16:11
AkariChanQuestion: how do i install a real player decoder for gmplayer/gtotem?16:11
AkariChanjust wondering how? :)16:11
AkariChanapt-get install ?16:11
guyzmothere's an howto on mplayer's site16:11
dabb1when my network connection goes slow then my gtalk account get disconnected and then pidgin uses 100% of my CPU untill it connect again...any way to resolve this ?16:11
bazhangneukadmin, found a link but it is german; just let me read for a second :)16:11
guyzmoand I think there's a nonfree codec package in ubuntu16:11
anynymousGnea : not luck it gave me 2 programs to update and one of them is not authenticated.16:11
astra-xworkI have that exact same error. anyone know a good way to fix it if your server is remote?16:12
neukadminbazhang I think Ill get along with german ^^16:12
AkariChani guess i am installing them now :)16:12
Gneaastra-xwork: try this: sudo apt-get -f install16:12
Shteffwhere ya from?16:13
KlrSpzAkariChan: which package?16:13
astra-xworkGnea, E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.16:13
KlrSpzAkariChan: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/27/how-to-play-rmvb-files-in-ubuntu/16:13
kaushalShteff, hi16:13
Gneaastra-xwork: is it barfing on the same package?16:13
Shteffhi kaus16:13
guyzmoAkariChan - no, you have to install an application that gives you other sources16:13
frybyeShteff: this is a support channel - not general chat..16:13
guyzmobut I don't remember its name16:13
AkariChanKlrSpz: thank you16:13
kaushalI am using Tata Indicom data card16:13
Gneaanynymous: could you please pastebin the entire output?16:13
AkariChani will try that16:13
astra-xworkGnea, any package, it keeps saying "dpkg --configure -a' to correct it16:14
Shteffhow can i go to general16:14
astra-xworkand then i get the same redudant error16:14
kaushalI am trying to configure it on Ubuntu 8.04 Linux Desktop16:14
Shteffthis is my first time here16:14
KlrSpzAkariChan: i think the pkg you're installing is just flash16:14
Gneaastra-xwork: okay, could you please pastebin the output of "dpkg --configure -a"?16:14
KlrSpzbut i might be wrong16:14
anynymousyaniv@yaniv-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get -f install16:14
anynymousReading package lists... Done16:14
anynymousBuilding dependency tree16:14
anynymousReading state information... Done16:14
anynymous0 משודרגים, 0 מותקנים חדשים, 0 יוסרו ו-1 לא ישודרגו.16:14
FloodBot1anynymous: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:14
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:14
frybyesee at top of di9alogfue for a link to click for the ubuntu off topic channel..16:14
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kaushalwhen i run16:15
AkariChanbecause i tried to make mplayer forced to play rm and it just crashes (well idont have the codec installed it hink that's why)16:15
kaushalsudo wvdial16:15
=== Deutschi is now known as Dj_Deutschi
kaushali get16:15
anynymousmy ubuntu is in hebrew as you see16:15
KlrSpzAkariChan: right16:15
kaushal--> Cannot open /dev/ttyACM0: No such file or directory16:15
astra-xworkthat is my error16:15
Gnea2.6.26 is out?16:16
anynymousthe command 'dpkg --configure -a' doesnt show anything16:16
Gneaanynymous: didn't ask for that. asked for output of:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:17
outlierDoes anyone have any clues about how to set up a multi-monitor configuration under Hardy?  The old setup I used with Dapper / Fiesty appears obsolete.16:17
Gneaastra-xwork: i don't even see a package for 2.6.26 - did you compile it yourself or are you running intrepid?16:17
astra-xworkGnea, nope 8.04. this is a vds in germany.16:18
astra-xworkthere pre-built ubuntu install16:18
Gneaastra-xwork: vds?16:18
astra-xworkdedicated server16:18
astra-xworknot sure how to fix this with apt16:18
Gneaastra-xwork: but, that still doesn't explain where the kernel package came from...16:19
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astra-xworkGnea, no it is an anomaly indeed16:19
Gnea8.04.1 is topped out at 2.6.2416:19
astra-xworkanyway to trick apt-get past this?16:19
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astra-xworki am trying another reboot16:20
astra-xworkdebian systems have been nerve-racking lately16:20
astra-xworki miss ports trees16:20
bazhangneukadmin, this may be related; the other link was someone with the same predicament but no workaround: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21662416:20
Gneaastra-xwork: well, 2.6.26 is only in intrepid, which is supported in #ubuntu+1 - best to ask there16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 216624 in linux "dom0 hangs on boot" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:20
odb|fidelhello. Playing with samba on 8.04 - i have added 4 users, all users are in the same group, but only one canb access a smb share16:21
odb|fidelwhile those other users get an wrong user / password error message16:21
odb|fidelgoogling for ubuntu & smb problem showed tons of related hit. IS there a general problem on ubuntu 8.04 ?16:22
Gneaastra-xwork: otherwise, i would:  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep 2.6.26 && apt-get remove <packagenames_that_contain_2.6.26_linux-image>16:22
odb|fidelwondering what i am missing right now, cause one user works just perfect16:22
neukadminbazhang I couldnt see the first link (i still dont get along with irssi) but it may be one of mine, I asked the same question at ubuntuusers.de and ubuntu-forum.de16:23
Gnea!samba | odb|fidel16:23
ubottuodb|fidel: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:23
Gneaodb|fidel: did you make sure to set permissions correctly?16:24
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntu-forum.de/firstnewpost/36851/2-6-24-16-xen-2-6-24-19-xen.html neukadmin here is the link16:24
odb|fidelGnea: atm all those 4 users have same permissions16:24
odb|fidel3 dont work one is working16:24
anynymousGnea here is my output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37745/16:24
Eiongrub gives me "error 17" when I start the computer, anyone know how to fix this?16:24
odb|fidelsounds crazy i know16:24
Gneaodb|fidel: okay - you should ask in #samba, they would know better16:24
AkariChanthat didnt work16:25
neukadminbazhang this is exactly the bug that occurs on my PC! but  there seems to be no workaround or something, what can I do now?16:25
Gneaanynymous: dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/sysvinit-utils_2.86.ds1-38+etchnhalf.1_i386.deb16:26
bazhangneukadmin, I would recommend filing a bug for that; as to your predicament, do earlier versions of ubuntu work with that? Not really sure what to suggest here.16:26
Scorcheran1 know how to recover from the current 8.10 upgrade?16:26
bazhangScorcher, ibex?16:27
GneaScorcher: recover?16:27
SamOrpheushow can i make alias ?16:27
Scorcherbazhang: yes16:27
bazhangScorcher, reinstall16:27
ScorcherGnea: yes recover16:27
SamOrpheusi tryed.. alias mirc_start="irssi" but it doesnt work it.16:27
EionI'm unable to start my computer. grub gives me error 17, and I have no clue what to do16:27
GneaSamOrpheus: alias mycommand='other_command -argument -option'16:27
Scorcherbazhang: reninstall 8.04 from disk you mean?16:27
GneaScorcher: recover WHAT?16:27
bazhangScorcher, yes16:27
neukadminbazhang I didnt try other versions yet. Centos 5.2 worked, maybe I should have a try with feasty amd64?16:27
SamOrpheusGnea: i try it16:28
ScorcherGnea: to a working 8.0416:28
bazhangneukadmin, what about gutsy16:28
GneaScorcher: what bazhang said.16:28
bazhangEion, what version of ubuntu16:29
bazhangEion, this is a dual boot, correct?16:29
Eionbazhang: the latest16:29
SamOrpheusersin@ersinolmez:~$ alias irssi='mirc -argument -option'16:29
SamOrpheusersin@ersinolmez:~$ mirc16:29
SamOrpheusbash: mirc: command not found16:29
FloodBot1SamOrpheus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:29
ScorcherGnea: ok, yeah it trys to load X11 then fails with an internal error on boot, then goes into the standard linux login...  then try to login and it says file system is read only and wont let me login16:29
Eionbazhang: It's not16:29
neukadminbazhang oh, I missed gutsy, Ill download it and have a try16:29
wols_Scorcher: you want to run mirc when typing "irssi"16:29
bazhangneukadmin, sorry not to have a better option16:29
anynymousi dont advice you upgrading to 8.04 , i have ubuntu 8.04 and it gives me lots of problems16:29
bazhanganynymous, please pastebin sources.list16:30
Scorcherwols_: ?16:30
stapelI need to create an install script that adds an entry to the crontab. Does anyone know how to do that?16:30
wols_anynymous: that is useless advice and anecdotal16:30
wols_Scorcher: was for SamOrpheus, sorry16:30
Scorcherwols_: its all good16:30
Gnea!paste | SamOrpheus16:30
ubottuSamOrpheus: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:30
SamOrpheuswols_ hım16:30
neukadminbazhang no problem16:30
wols_SamOrpheus: your alias is utterly wrong16:31
bazhangEion, could you describe your situation a bit more please? is this on an external hd? clarify if you will16:31
GneaSamOrpheus: yeah, mirc is a windows program... you'd need to do the whole wine \path\to\mirc.exe thing16:31
anynymousGnea here is my !pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37745/16:31
SamOrpheusno no16:31
nixnoobpew pew16:31
wols_Gnea: I think he wants to run irssi whent yping "mirc" but for this his allias is bassackwards16:31
SamOrpheusi wanna example gnea,16:31
Scorcherwhich 8.04 iso should i use?16:31
Gnea!intrepid | Scorcher16:31
ubottuScorcher: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!16:31
bazhanganynymous, need to see sources.list16:31
wols_SamOrpheus: the normal desktop one for your cpu arch16:32
stapelI need to create an install script that adds an entry to the crontab. Does anyone know how to do that?16:32
SamOrpheusGnea alias mirc_start="irssi" ?16:32
bazhangScorcher, 32bit most likely; do you have amd or intel16:32
SamOrpheusit's true ?16:32
GneaSamOrpheus: alias ls='ls -a'16:32
Eionbazhang: No this is on a laptop. I restarded the laptop using shutdown -r now. there was a problem, and I figured it was my USB-memory, so I removed it and rebooted the computer, and since then, grub has been giving me Error: 17 at stage 1.516:32
Scorcherbaz i have 64bit16:32
ScorcherI mea lts 116:32
Scorcheror which is the latest16:32
Scorchergnea: yeah i know....  i took a risk to see what would happen16:32
bazhangScorcher, the 804.1 then amd or intel16:33
anynymousbazhang: i tried to download a new sources.list and i copied it to the right directory but it still didn't help16:33
GneaScorcher: i'm just saying... you should ask in #ubuntu+116:33
SamOrpheusalias mirc_start='irssi'16:33
leeping2008Hey there, my mouse isn't working .. can anyone tell me the necessary steps to get it to work?  Thanks :)16:33
wols_Gnea: he asks about 8.04 so why there?16:33
Scorcherbaz: 8.041 u mean?16:33
astra-xworkthanks Gnea16:33
bazhanganynymous, please paste to paste.ubuntu.com not here and give us the url16:33
Scorchergnea: tru16:33
Gneaastra-xwork: yw16:33
wols_!doesn't work | leeping200816:33
ubottuleeping2008: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:33
bazhangScorcher, right; which cpu do you have amd or intel16:33
Gneawols_: because maybe it's a known issue and they know how to fix it16:34
dabb1how to enable..show line number in nano ?16:34
bazhangScorcher, the 32bit then16:34
wols_bazhang: that would matter how? both makers have 32 and 64bit cpus16:34
wols_bazhang: why?16:34
leeping2008When I move the mouse, the pointer doesn't move on the screen16:34
Scorcherbaz: yeah but I had the 64bit system in the first place... worked fine16:34
wols_leeping2008: in X? check your Xorg.0.log16:34
stapelI need to create an install script that adds an entry to the crontab. Does anyone know how to do that?16:34
wols_!repeat | stapel16:34
ubottustapel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience16:34
bazhangwols_, just a judgment call; he is recovering from an ibex install16:34
anynymousthanks Gnea i'll try it16:35
leeping2008The mouse appears to be correctly configured in Xorg.0.log16:35
offlinei can't start vmware after updating linux image16:35
leeping2008Actually, the mouse had been working on a clean install of Hardy, but after I used apt-get upgrade, it stopped responding16:35
Gneaoffline: #vmware16:35
wols_offline: you need a new vmware kernel module for your new kernel16:35
leeping2008I have rebooted since then and it still doesn't work16:36
SkinnYPupoffline: you probably need new modules16:36
EionAnyone think I can solve my problem with error 17 by reinstalling grub?16:36
offlinethanks all. but how do i get the needed modules?16:36
bazhangEion, your usb memory? did you load the mbr on to that?16:36
SkinnYPupleeping2008: see if there is a backup copy of xorg.conf in /etc/X11/16:36
Eionbazhang: No, it just happened to be in the computer when I rebooted16:37
Eionand I was given alot of errors16:37
wols_Eion: yes. without the usb module plugged in16:37
offlineoh ok, i guess i'm gonna go to #vmware :D16:37
wols_!grub | Eion16:37
ubottuEion: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:37
leeping2008There is no backup copy of xorg.conf16:37
wols_leeping2008: why should there be?16:38
EionNo, when it was plugged in. then I removed the usb, and rebooted the computer, then I recieved error 17. I do not have a dualboot16:38
dkulchenkoI've cloned a disk onto SATA, I've reinstalled GRUB, and GRUB starts from the new disk, but the GRUB on the new disk loads the old disk. what gives?16:38
leeping2008wols_, there might be a backup copy if my Xorg.conf was modified16:38
leeping2008and I wanted to revert back to the original16:38
wols_dkulchenko: you need to change your menu.lst too16:38
dkulchenkowols_: what do i need to change in there?16:39
wols_leeping2008: what was updated exactly?16:39
leeping2008I had to press the reset button on the mouse :P Sorry for the troubles, everyone .. it works now16:39
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wols_dkulchenko: a few lines beginning with #16:39
SkinnYPupleeping2008: Lol glad its working16:39
vallhalla81is there a way to upgrade to ubuntu 8.4 64 distro from the standard?16:39
dkulchenkowols_: do i need to update ROOT:UUID...16:39
wols_vallhalla81: bi16:39
wols_vallhalla81: no16:39
Scorcherdo these isos get burned on DVD or CD?16:40
wols_dkulchenko: among others16:40
wols_Scorcher: either works16:40
wirenikscorcher: either one16:40
vallhalla81wols_: just a re install then?16:40
wols_vallhalla81: yes16:40
dkulchenkowols_: is there something to automate this, like in Mandriva?16:40
wirenikoops, wols_ beat me to it16:40
wols_dkulchenko: no16:40
vallhalla81wols_: ah well okies thankyou16:40
anynymoushere is my pastebin of sources.lst: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37749/16:40
vallhalla81hardy gibbon?16:41
wols_vallhalla81: that does not exist. hardy heron does tho16:42
kaushalI am getting16:42
kaushalThe PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16)16:42
vallhalla81yes that is what i was thinking16:42
kaushalwhen i see the man pages16:42
anynymoustruly i don't think that's the problem it connects to all servers downloads the packages info and when it reads administrator packges it doesnt show even one16:42
kaushalThe link was terminated by the modem hanging up.16:42
wols_!enter | kaushal16:42
ubottukaushal: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:42
Gneaanynymous: I'm not sure how that's supposed to help...16:43
malkiqguys is may i ask about Aircrack-NG16:43
kaushalwhat could be the issue16:43
Gnea!ask | malkiq16:43
ubottumalkiq: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:43
wols_kaushal: check your logs16:43
malkiqGnea: atheros 5006eg is it supportd16:43
malkiqbecause  i have already hacked with win16:43
wols_malkiq: depends on your driver16:43
bazhangEion, boot with the live cd then scroll down that grub link from earlier (the command line info) and follow what it says16:44
malkiqhow to change it16:44
Gnea!wireless | malkiq16:44
ubottumalkiq: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:44
Gneamalkiq: check for yourself16:44
KarlaJHiHey guys.. I am trying to watch movies.. They are shwoing, however I am not getting any sounds.. help would be most appreciated16:44
malkiqGnea: 10x a lot16:44
Strife89Is anyone here handy with a script?16:44
wols_!sound | KarlaJ16:44
ubottuKarlaJ: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:44
ubottustrife89: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:44
dkulchenkothanks, wols_! works now16:45
Strife89What I want to do is, I keep a copy of my entire flash drive in a folder. I want to update the folder periodically, but I do not want to copy EVERYTHING every time.16:45
wols_Strife89: man rsync16:45
GneaStrife89: rsync16:45
Strife89Syntax, please?16:45
wols_Strife89: man rsync16:45
GneaStrife89: man rsync16:45
ShockUBTi don't understand, is skippy not under apt-get?16:45
Strife89man rsync folder 1 folder 2 ?16:46
ShockUBTapt-get install skippy turns up nothing16:46
Scorcherwhats the latest kernal being used in 8.401?16:46
bazhangStrife89, they are telling you to read the manual16:46
SkinnYPupStrife89: Man =manual16:46
GneaStrife89: man man16:46
Strife89Point taken......16:46
KarlaJwols_, My sound is working, its with movieplayers its not16:46
GneaStrife89: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-to-backup-using-rsync-in-ubuntu.html16:47
wols_KarlaJ: start the player from an xterm and look four outputs16:47
Strife89Gena: Thanks. :)16:47
kaushalwols_, I get Modem hangup Connection terminated16:47
GneaStrife89: you might also want to check out #rsync16:47
KarlaJwols_, Im new with linux,, one day been using it so have no idea how16:47
bazhanghttp://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-to-backup-using-rsync-in-ubuntu.html Strife8916:47
Scorcherwhats the latest kernal being used in 8.401?16:48
ShockUBTwhy doesn't apt-get turn that up16:48
Eionbazhang: when I do "find /boot/grub/stage1", I get "Error 15: File not found"16:48
AlexMaxAre there any alternatives to PuTTY on Linux?  I want to be able to store SSH connection information which rules out using a normal console, and I like to know my alternatives for terminals in Linux16:48
GneaScorcher: linux-image-2.6.24-21-generic16:48
SkinnYPupKarlaJ: Also double click on the speaker icon and see if anything is muted.16:48
ShockUBTsays it's in gutsy16:48
the_darkside_986I'm trying to install a network printer--Brother MFC-8860DN--but it's not exactly on the list of available printer drivers and I installed some binary Brother drivers packages already. I'm on Hardy 64-bit.16:49
GneaAlexMax: i usually just do a: apt-cache search ssh16:49
AlexMaxwoah, learn something new everyday16:49
jribAlexMax: console is not ruled out: you can setup connections in ~/.ssh/config16:49
AlexMaxi've been using debian since sarge was testing16:49
bazhangEion, check in bios that the disk is detected16:49
AlexMaxand dit know that16:49
dabb1Is there any alternative for ccproxy in ubuntu16:49
FloodBot1dabb1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:49
KarlaJSkinnYPup, The sound is working fine, i can see youtube clips etc its just for the movies, vlc, mplayuer, kaffein etc16:49
Eionbazhang: erh, sorry I'm really new to Linux, how do I do that?16:50
AlexMaxthe_darkside_986: I have a brother MFC somethingsomething that also isnt exactly listed in ubuntu.  The printer that ubuntu suggests works 100% fine for me.16:50
prostheticsHi guys16:50
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:50
prostheticsis there a driver for 8.04  for the new ati cards?16:50
anynymousGena: thanks gena i opend update and it said it neads to change the file "etc/init.d/rc.local"  and it tells me to restart16:50
wols_the_darkside_986: we don't support brother supplied drivers. see linuxprinting.org to see what and how it is supported16:51
the_darkside_986I got these from the Ubuntu multiverse repos16:51
wols_prosthetics: tried fglrx?16:51
Gneaanynymous: that's weird... but okay, is the problem resolved?16:51
prostheticswols: new to ubuntu, how do i go about getting it?16:51
dabb1is there any alternative for ccproxy in ubuntu16:51
prostheticsjust search it on the package manager gui?16:51
wols_!fglrx > prosthetics16:51
ubottuprosthetics, please see my private message16:51
prostheticsthx wols :)16:52
jamie25Hello, I am following the step by step guide on installing Google Earth from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth and i am stumped on step 4. I downloaded GoogleEarthLinux.bin to the desktop. I then went to the terminal. I typed cd ~Desktop. Then i typed chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin and I got an error chmod: cannot access `GoogleEarthLinux.bin': No such file or directory16:52
lwizardlanyone here know how to setup and configure point of sales machines?16:52
wols_!anyone > lwizardl16:52
ubottulwizardl, please see my private message16:52
Gneajamie25: you're better off installing from medibuntu16:52
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4587202&postcount=9 Eion check this thread16:52
Gnea!medibuntu | jamie2516:52
ubottujamie25: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:52
wols_jamie25: apt-get googlearth from medibuntu16:52
wols_!medibuntu > jamie2516:52
ubottujamie25, please see my private message16:52
Gnea!anyone | lwizardl16:53
ubottulwizardl: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:53
BradJ[work]I have ubuntu server running in a vmware session on xp, how do I get the vmware tools to install so that I have the bridged connection?16:53
anynymousGneai think so the problem was with the config file of the update manager not the sources.lst but to be sure i have to reboot16:53
the_darkside_986I'm also trying to figure out how to use a linksys wpsm54g print server whose IP address is ""16:53
abhinaythe separate /home partition is still a good a idea ?16:53
Gneaanynymous: ok16:53
wols_BradJ[work]: you don't need vmware tools for that16:53
outlierabhinay: I think so16:54
BradJ[work]wols_: oh? I can't get internet access though16:54
wols_BradJ[work]: #vmware16:54
GneaBradJ[work]: that's a configuration thing with ubuntu in vmware itself, nothing to do with vmware-tools16:54
BradJ[work]ok, thanks16:54
anynymousthank you Gena for the help  I'm going ByeBye16:54
AlexMaxoh christ putty wants GTK1.216:54
=== Marcel_ is now known as Guest48589
AlexMaxno, no, no, my eyes16:55
Guest48589im having an issue booting windows....16:55
lwizardlGnea, I'm trying to setup a retail pos system and not having any luck with Linux applications for it all I find are designed for resturants and not retail. so I'm trying to find someone that has done it and could help me with the software used16:55
Gneaanynymous: np. and it's knee-ah, not Gena ;)16:55
Scorcherwhy is the DVD iso so much bigger than CD?  What more is on it?16:55
bazhanglwizardl, you mean a kiosk?16:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about codex16:55
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:55
Gnealwizardl: have you looked at freshmeat.net?16:55
KarlaJAh thanks16:55
bazhangGuest48589, is this a dual boot with ubuntu?16:56
qwertyasdfHi, total noob on ubuntu here. I need help getting my wireless network card to work, and connecting to the network at home. I'm on a very old machine, an Aopen 1847. Don't know very much about this machine unfortunately, hopefully somebody out there can help me get this fixed!16:56
Guest48589installed ubunut, deleted an old partition and formated to install too, turned that partition had windows pagefile.sys on it, now when i try to boot windows it hangs at welcome screen16:56
lwizardlbazhang, kiosk would be what a customer would use to browse a catalog etc, correct? if so nope not what I need16:56
SkinnYPupKarlaJ: There is also the forum, heres the multimedia section http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33416:56
anynymousThank you all ByeBye ....rebooting16:56
wols_qwertyasdf: what wlan chip?16:56
the_darkside_986How do I use a "linksys wpsm54g printserver" on Ubuntu Hardy 64-bit when its address is ""?16:56
Guest48589bazhang: yes dual boot16:56
florinelguys...does anyone know why php5.load and php5.conf don't exist in mods-available for apache2?  I did install libapache2-mod-php516:56
lwizardlGnea, yeah I have even searched through ubuntuforums16:56
batsquidi need to transfer files from my old server hdd to the newly installed server hdd. i have sucessfully started the computer with both disks (seen by bios) but i cant find it - how do i mount the old hdd?16:56
bazhangGuest48589, and windows does not boot but ubuntu does? is that it?16:56
wols_batsquid: sudo fdisk -l16:57
Guest48589bazhang: right now im booting to a live cd, but  thats an issue with grub my ubuntu install is fine16:57
bazhangGuest48589, which was installed first? windows or ubuntu16:57
Guest48589bazhang: ubuntu16:57
Guest48589bazhang: which is why grub needs to be re-setup16:58
bazhangGuest48589, then check the first grub link16:58
simplexiodoes anyone know howto enable performance measuring on fly, i mean get some hard data about latency etc.. ?16:58
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:58
qwertyasdfwols: dont know, maybe this: MiniPCI 802.11b wireless module with antenna?(optional)16:58
florinelguys...does anyone know why php5.load and php5.conf don't exist in mods-available for apache2?  I did install libapache2-mod-php516:58
Gnea!dualboot | Guest4858916:58
ubottuGuest48589: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:58
wols_qwertyasdf: that's not a chip name16:58
batsquidwols_ ok, that shows the disk as /dev/hdb - great! so how do i access it now?16:58
wols_qwertyasdf: lspci16:58
AlexMaxI installed a wine program a while back.  I have since removed wine and deleted the .wine directory, but the menu entry still appears.  I can disable it in alacarte, but it never truely goes away.  I've looked around in .config/menus for an entry for it, but I can't seem to locate it.  Where else could it be hiding?16:58
bazhangGuest48589, the one above about recovering after installing windows16:58
wols_batsquid:it should show more than hdb. mount the partitin on it16:58
Guest48589bazhang: i know how to do that, but right now im having an issue with windows due to the pagefile.sys being previously stored on partition that doesnt exist anymore16:59
wols_Guest48589: that's not a ubuntu problem. ask #windows16:59
Gnea!caps | TATTOO16:59
ubottuTATTOO: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:59
Guest48589bazhang: is there a way i can assign a drive letter from ubuntu or something, i need to make a G drive16:59
bazhangGuest48589, then that would be a question for ##windows16:59
batsquid!hi | TATTOO16:59
ubottuTATTOO: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:59
wols_Guest48589: not possible. linux has no driveletters. you can mount stuff tho16:59
Guest48589wols_: well windows was fine till i had to make room for ubuntu...thats all im saying17:00
TATTOOsorry forgot i had caps lock on!17:00
wols_Guest48589: all we say is that broken windows is not our concern. we only deal with ubuntu17:00
wols_Guest48589: you are wrong here. go to ##windows17:00
r_zajachi i build ubuntu from scratch using bootstrap. no i have problems running my xul applicatons it's like its not loading images17:00
AlexMaxcaps lock is the most useless key on the keyboard, there should be an easy way to hardwire it to something useful like Ctrl17:00
bazhangGuest48589, if they are both fine in the grub then the windows channel would be the correct one to ask in17:00
SlartAlexMax: it's like those little warning flags you put on kids bicycles.. =)17:01
ivo_i need to write program that recording in real time. I now work with ubuntu 7.10, kernel real-time, my question: is it enough if I use typical sound card drivers (ALSA) ??17:01
AlexMaxGuest48589: I wouldn't say that 'we don't care' but if windows is broken then ##windows would know better how to fix things17:01
batsquidwols_ where would the disk be if it would be mounted already by ubuntu?17:01
wols_batsquid: "mount"17:01
wols_ivo_: you can't use anything else. and it all depends on your real time requirements. Linux doesn't do hard realtime17:02
TATTOOLol! does anyone now if there's any voice dictation software for ubuntu17:02
Guest48589i suppose i will ask in there17:02
wols_TATTOO: there is ViaVoice and possibly dragon naturally speaking. neither is free17:03
munkyeetris there support for intel 965 chipset in either 7.10 or 8.04?17:03
wols_munkyeetr: in both17:03
thingfishyes, in both17:03
TATTOOithanks kenneth17:03
ivo_wols_ ok, so if i use microkernel like RTLinux it will be better? but i'm worry about driver for sound card, for example there is special driver for COM (rt_com) but don't exist special real time driver for sound card :/17:04
munkyeetrthanks, is that out of the box support, or with a kernel recompilation? (i am checking for a friend)17:04
wols_!hcl | munkyeetr17:04
ubottumunkyeetr: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:04
thingfishmunkyeetr: out of the box17:05
munkyeetrthank you much!17:05
batsquidwols_ thanks for you help :)17:06
jamie25Ok so i typed in sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list and downloaded the list. I also went to where it says install individual packages. Google earth has so many packages Im not too sure which one to download17:06
AkariChanwhat's a good torrent client for linux?17:07
AkariChanother than azureus17:07
=== jamie is now known as Guest7071
Gnea!torrent | AkariChan17:07
ubottuAkariChan: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P17:07
Guest7071hi everyone17:08
AkariChanthank you17:08
AnderÏðèâåòñòâóþ.....Äîáðî Ïîæàëîâàòü Íà Íîâûé IRC Server....Ïåðåä Òåì Êàê çàéòè Íà Íåãî,1)Âêëþ÷èòå èíòåðíåò 2) Ïðîïèøèòå /server -m antixpuct.ru:6667  ...Äåíåã Çà Èíòåðåíò Åñò Ìàëî....[Áëàãîäàðþ Çà Âíèìàíèå] Íåçàáûâàåì Ïðèâîäèòü Äðóçåé17:08
AnderÏðèâåòñòâóþ.....Äîáðî Ïîæàëîâàòü Íà Íîâûé IRC Server....Ïåðåä Òåì Êàê çàéòè Íà Íåãî,1)Âêëþ÷èòå èíòåðíåò 2) Ïðîïèøèòå /server -m antixpuct.ru:6667  ...Äåíåã Çà Èíòåðåíò Åñò Ìàëî....[Áëàãîäàðþ Çà Âíèìàíèå] Íåçàáûâàåì Ïðèâîäèòü Äðóçåé17:08
AnderÏðèâåòñòâóþ.....Äîáðî Ïîæàëîâàòü Íà Íîâûé IRC Server....Ïåðåä Òåì Êàê çàéòè Íà Íåãî,1)Âêëþ÷èòå èíòåðíåò 2) Ïðîïèøèòå /server -m antixpuct.ru:6667  ...Äåíåã Çà Èíòåðåíò Åñò Ìàëî....[Áëàãîäàðþ Çà Âíèìàíèå] Íåçàáûâàåì Ïðèâîäèòü Äðóçåé17:08
ewomercan anyone help me with ciscos vpnclient17:08
FloodBot1Ander: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:08
AkariChani wish utorrent works in utorrent17:08
trikdoI use uTorrent17:09
batsquidAkariChan my girlfriend uses µtorrent via wine or cedega i think17:09
SlartAkariChan: deluge is one17:09
AkariChanyeah i was gonna try utorrent on wine17:09
trikdouTorrent was made for Wine :)17:09
AkariChanas posted on http://news.softpedia.com/news/uTorrent-under-Ubuntu-in-3-Easy-Steps-49037.shtml17:09
batsquidAkariChan then you should make sure you get latest version..17:09
AkariChanor do u mean, wine?17:09
batsquidAkariChan of wine/cedega17:10
Guest7071transmission my fav17:10
AkariChanwhat is cedega?17:10
AkariChan!cedega | $me17:10
ubottu$me: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega17:10
skunkhi, how can i mount my external HD?17:10
the_darkside_986I have no idea how to use a Brother MFC-8860DN on a network via linksys wpsm54g printServer on Ubuntu Hardy 64-bit... has anyone successfully done this yet?17:10
Guest7071whats it formated in17:10
Guest7071are you on ubuntu17:11
Guest7071plug the drive in it should start up17:11
Guest7071if not check places17:11
trikdoHello, if anybody knows the secret to fixing touchpad configuration, I'd love some help. When opening GSynaptics, I get a message telling me I need 'SHMCOnfig' 'true'. The problem is, I already have that, and the weird thing is that GSynaptics works about half the time. Every time I restart, I have about 50% of it working, 50% of it giving me that error...17:12
prostheticsand im back17:12
skunkwhen i connect it i get an error saying me impossible to mount ..17:12
skunkonly root can do it17:13
Guest7071check mnt find drive17:13
samphippenhi, i've set up an apache webserver with php5 and libapache2-mod-php5 and when i load a test script it asks me if i want to download the php file what am i doing wrong?17:14
Guest7071sudo mount drive to mount point17:14
jrib!lamp > samphippen17:14
ubottusamphippen, please see my private message17:14
jribsamphippen: I have to go, but I guarantee you that if you follow the troubleshooting section in the link you just got, you will fix it17:14
outlierAnybody know how to override the reported EDID stuff from your monitor and/or video card?  Or how to disable randr  so it won't keep overriding the xorg.conf file?17:15
ruisamphimppen you must edit the conf of apache to display php17:15
ERICH_lapif i'm using madwifi drivers for atheros card, can i blacklist ndiswrapper with no worries?17:16
jribrui: nothing needs to be edited if samphippen is using the repositories17:16
skunkmnt find drive17:16
skunk<Guest7071> then17:16
ruioh ok17:16
skunksudo: mnt: command not found17:16
Guest7071ok easy way go to add remove17:16
AkariChanutorrent IS made for wine17:16
AkariChanthis is so damn fast17:16
skunkyes and?17:17
trikdoGot to love life sometimes17:17
batsquidAkariChan you mean µtorrent is supported by WINE?17:17
Guest7071and install ntfs config tool17:17
AkariChantrikdo, indee, indeed.17:17
AkariChanbatsquid, yeah, it runs perfectly fine.17:17
SkinnYPuptrikdo: Still tryin at it ?17:17
batsquidAkariChan glad to hear17:17
mrglinux|AwayI copy and past some fonts to /usr/share/font/<a directory> but there aren't exist in open office what's wrong ?17:17
batsquidAkariChan WINE can be very useful sometimes :)17:18
JcinkHi everyone, sorry to bother, but a friend is trying to find where this screen is: http://air-proxy.com:82/thisscreen.png is Ubuntu 8.04, apparently the preferences button is gone there for him, how can he get to that screen now?17:18
Fish-FaceHey there, I'm using irssi and after I enabled the proxy, messages started showing up preceded by + or -17:18
Fish-FaceI asked in #irssi and they have no idea17:18
Seeker83Hi guys17:18
rbanffyHi folks. Just tried to start FontForge and all menus and dialogs appeared HUGE. Is there something I could do to put them back into sensible defaults?17:18
Guest7071any good skunk17:18
AkariChanthe only thing is , after reading 5 different tutorials, i still can't get real media play on mplayer17:19
* AkariChan is sad17:19
bullgard4htop prints: "Uptime: 2397 days(!)". How does such an error develop? This Ubuntu 8.04.1 computer has been booted last time about 6 days ago.  http://paste.debian.net/1484717:19
trikdoSkinnYPup: 12 hours of searching for a solution and counting...17:19
skunki can't get it17:20
SkinnYPupJcink: gksu /usr/bin/software-properties17:20
Guest7071change source packages to include all17:20
GillpyHow do I perform outputting stdout to a system file with sudo ?17:20
Seeker83I have been using hardy heron for two weeks17:20
Seeker83i only got one problem that is not fixed17:20
SkinnYPuptrikdo: I've got my own prob like that, touchscreen toshiba m200 .... plenty of guides for older versions... no go on 804...17:21
Seeker83is regarding to my laptop wifi17:21
Seeker83need help, thanks17:21
wols_!ask | Seeker8317:21
ubottuSeeker83: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:21
jribGillpy: command_with_output_to_stdout | sudo tee file   .  This will overwrite 'file'.  See 'man tee'17:21
Seeker83ok, thanks17:21
JcinkSkinnYPup, that command didn't do anything for him apparently.17:21
SherlawkDragonanyone ever heard of someone installing the i86 version on a 64bit computer and it booting and all that?17:22
skunkok when i click on it, then i can't apply chnages17:22
SherlawkDragonI installed the normal Ubuntu on my computer, because there was no "AMD64" version, and it's buggy.17:23
tarvidhow do I generate a new xorg file - nvidia 6150 sceptre x22wg-1080p17:23
tymchndoes the alternate install iso support managing partitions on SDHC cards?17:23
SherlawkDragonor is Ubuntu just buggier than I thought?17:23
JeruvySherlawkDragon: lol, you don't make much sense, does it exist or is it buggier, which is it17:23
=== |newbie| is now known as Ab3L
KarlaJguys i am having some real problems. I have the sound half working, wathcing youtube clips etc, gives good output. however, i cant hear anything in vlc/kaffein. I cant view .avi files in mplayer. and the mp3s, doesnt even work in amorak , rhytm , vlc etc.. I click "play" but they dont nudge.. Any ideas?17:23
Guest7071is it 32bit or 64bit17:24
Odd-rationaletarvid: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg17:24
ERICH_lapif i'm using madwifi drivers for atheros card, can i blacklist ndiswrapper with no worries?17:24
skunkno idea17:24
Guest7071your os17:24
SkinnYPupJcink: That software selector just writes in sources for /etc/apt/sources.list17:24
SherlawkDragonthere was no CD for AMD64 or i86 or anything, just "Basic desktop", so I installed that on my AMD64 system, and it worked.17:24
skunksorry i'm a stupied newbe17:24
tarvidOdd-rationale, that doesn't enable configuration with nvidia-settings17:25
albiHello, can somebody help me :)17:25
wols_!ask | albi17:25
ubottualbi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:25
Guest707132 bit17:25
Detrixdoes the ubuntu (64bit) support wireless. I am on a wifi right now and had to switch over to windows to connect.17:25
skunkwell as you want17:25
Odd-rationaletarvid: oh, well, then you can use nvidia-settings to configure the rest...17:25
wols_Detrix: yes17:25
Guest7071try system software source and tick all17:25
albiOkay :P So, I17:25
ewomerhello im trying to install vpnclient but i keep getting this error ' warning: "HAVE_INTTYPES_H" is not defined'17:26
=== |newbie| is now known as Ab3L
JcinkSkinnYPup, I understand that, but I just want to know where the graphical user interface is for that for my friend.17:26
DetrixI saw no wireless options.17:26
tarvidnvidia-settings displays the settings for my old monitor17:26
ewomeri installed both patchs17:26
Detrixonly wired.17:26
SherlawkDragonso, does anyone know about this?17:26
geevyour help i was editing the crontab but when am testing it to  execute the script it doesnt any help17:26
wols_ewomer: why do you compile your own?17:26
SherlawkDragonis the only version of Ubuntu out there 32 bit?17:26
albiSo, I've installed Ubuntu 8, with the normal cd it doesn't work. Now I installed it with the alternate CD, it work's but my GUI doesn17:26
wols_!wireless | Detrix17:26
ubottuDetrix: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:26
ewomerthats the only way to install it17:26
Odd-rationaletarvid: have you run "nvidia-xconfig" ?17:26
wols_albi: install ubuntu-desktop and xorg17:26
skunkwell i'm sorry but i know why i can't get it install.... :S17:26
albi't start, the error message is : Fatal Error, no screen found :)17:27
skunkit's already installed17:27
acwanHi guys is cpu frequency scaling working on quads yet?17:27
prostheticsso, how is everyone doing this fine day?17:27
SherlawkDragon'cause I'm having alot of bugs... I know Ubuntu is buggier than most Linux builds, but this is more than I expected...17:27
wols_acwan: why wouldn't it?17:27
prostheticsacwan: i was just wondering that17:27
acwanwols_, well mine is running at 2000mhz atm17:27
acwaneventhough its a 2,66 prop17:27
geevi tried to follow all procedure from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto but i dont know what is may prob17:27
SkinnYPupJcink: My launcher points to /usr/bin/software-properties17:27
prostheticssherlawk, buggier then most builds? nah.17:27
wols_SherlawkDragon: there are both CDs for amd64 and i38617:27
skunkso what should i do why this tool17:28
acwanwols_ I mean theres plenty of threads saying it doesnt work with quads17:28
SherlawkDragonwols_> no, there aren't, that's the point, there simply aren't.17:28
wols_SherlawkDragon: please don't tell lies17:28
SherlawkDragonthere are 2, Server and Desktop17:28
SherlawkDragonthat's it17:28
acwanwols_ i mean how can check if its running at full speed then?17:28
Guest7071then last shot try disk managment17:28
JeruvySherlawkDragon: yes there is, you are wrong.  Did you try google?17:28
wols_SherlawkDragon: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download   it has 32 and 64bit versions there17:29
prostheticsim running 64 bit now sher, there are different vers17:29
soreiserhi all, anyone could tell me why "all_generic_ide" parameter is not working anymore in Ubuntu hardy?17:29
ewomeranyone else use the cisco vpn client on 64bits17:29
chervashould I register a blueprint for Intrepid on launchpad if I'm not going to assign myself to it ? if they find it as a stupid idea they will remove it right ?17:29
SherlawkDragonno wait...17:29
SherlawkDragonstill makes less sense...17:29
wols_soreiser: different kernel17:29
trikdoApparently this has been a bug dating back to 5.10, and it has yet to be fixed... The only people that could get their touchpad working in linux was by leaving Ubuntu for another distro!17:29
Guest7071if not reformat drive in ext317:29
geevanybody succeded to edit crontab please17:29
burhantrikdo: what bug is that?17:29
soreiserwols_ ok, and is replaced command for that?17:29
SkinnYPuptrikdo: what kind of laptop  ?17:30
SherlawkDragonok, question, would a i86 Ubuntu be able to run on an AMD64 computer?17:30
wols_soreiser: no. it's not a command anyways17:30
wols_SherlawkDragon: yes17:30
prostheticsSherlawk, an a64 or i64 will run a i386 distro fine17:30
trikdoSkinnYPup: Dell XPS M153017:30
SherlawkDragonthen I don't know what build I have, I don't remember that being there...17:30
tarvidOdd-rationale, just not picking up monitor settings17:30
SherlawkDragonmaybe it's new?17:30
soreiser<soreiser> wols_ ok, and is replaced command for that? <-- *is there any replaced17:30
SkinnYPuptrikdo: Hang on I'll look around17:30
soreiserwols_ so what can i do?17:31
Guest7071skunk you can set the drive potions to mount on atart up17:31
albijoin #ubuntu-de17:31
burhanSherlawkDragon: its not, stop fishing.17:31
wols_prosthetics: a64 and i64 don't exist. don't make stuff up. not to mention IA64 is yet another thing17:31
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org17:31
SherlawkDragonis the AMD64 option there new?17:31
geevno help? so where to go17:31
wols_soreiser: state the problem clearly for starters17:31
burhanSherlawkDragon: no.17:31
prostheticswols: im saying i 64 as in intel 6417:31
wols_SherlawkDragon: has been ther for several years now17:31
prostheticsnothing more.17:31
skunkwhat is atart up?17:31
wols_prosthetics: Intel 64 can just as well be IA64 Itanium. and intel calls their 64bit stuff EM64T17:31
Guest7071start sorry17:32
prostheticswols: i know.17:32
soreiserwols_ in what sense? sorry but english is not my native language17:32
SherlawkDragonmaybe I don't remember...17:32
geevthis is wrong way bye all17:32
wols_soreiser: neither is it mine. either state your actually problem, or no help. that's all17:32
Nukhemanyone know how to install xbmc on ubuntu?17:32
rbanffySherlawkDragon: That's a likely explanation.17:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbmc17:32
prostheticsmeanwhile, i'll be bak later17:33
Gneageev: pardon?17:33
Gneageev: crontab -e17:33
porncakewols just set the ppa in apt.sources17:33
porncakeand apt-get install xbmc17:33
Gnea!patience | geev17:33
geevyour help i was editing the crontab but when am testing it to  execute the script it doesnt any help17:33
ubottugeev: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:33
wols_porncake: ppa?17:33
Guest7071is anyone interested in starting a group to design and make a website17:33
skunki have a french version so what is start up?17:33
burhanwols_: packages contributed by people.17:33
burhanGuest7071: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic17:34
wols_!OT | Guest707117:34
ubottuGuest7071: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:34
soreiserwols_ what do you mean with "state" your problem? should i explain it better or should i STAY with that 'cause there's no solution for it atm?17:34
SherlawkDragonwait a sec, what about this: I have an AMD64 processor, yet I'm using an HP, meaning the systems motherboard and stuff aren't meant for 64bit editions (yes, I thought that was insane too)17:34
wols_soreiser: tell us what the actual problem IS17:34
Gneageev: i'm not sure i understand what you're saying... what script?17:34
SherlawkDragonwould that explain it?17:34
wols_SherlawkDragon: that is rubbish17:34
wols_SherlawkDragon: no it does not. you are talking gibberish17:34
ERICH_lapdoes madwifi still not work with WPA2?17:35
soreiserwols_ simply i need that parameter to make ubuntu able to recognize my hdd correctly17:35
SherlawkDragonwols_> that is what HP told me.17:35
wols_soreiser: what hdd controller17:35
mrglinux|Awaywhy my fonts doesn't load in software's ?17:35
=== mrglinux|Away is now known as mrglinux
wols_SherlawkDragon: they may have lied17:35
SkinnYPuptrikdo: Have you run across this ?https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/DellXPSM153017:35
SherlawkDragonHP is Rubbish though... that;s true...17:35
soreiserwols_ is an ide17:35
dabbunano or vi which one is best17:35
burhanSherlawkDragon: either ask a question, or go to #ubuntu-offtopic17:35
porncakedeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc-hardy/ubuntu hardy main17:35
porncakedeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc-hardy/ubuntu hardy main17:35
burhan!best | dabbu17:35
ubottudabbu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:35
wols_soreiser: I didn't ask what connector type it is but what hdd controller you use17:35
porncakeadd those 2 lines to /etc/apt/sources.list17:35
porncakethen apt-get update17:35
Guest48589how can i resize a partition in gparted when the ntfs volume is reporteed as unclean, yet i cantboot into windows without re-making a partition so the pagefile.sys will be created17:35
FloodBot1porncake: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:35
Guest48589a pickle17:35
outlierAnybody know what to do in Hardy if your monitors don't report EDID info?17:35
porncakethen apt-get install xbmc17:35
porncakethats it.17:35
geevGnea, script to run unison a filesychronizer17:36
JcinkSkinnYPup, thanks anyway, there must just be something wrong with his setup, it wont open at all with that command.17:36
wols_Guest48589: use a windows live cd. google for Bart PEBuilder17:36
SherlawkDragonso, is it a common bug for the keyboard and menus in the gui to suddenly stop working?17:36
Gneageev: okay, have you looked at /var/log/syslog to see what the error is?17:36
burhanGuest7071: if a partition is unclean, you cannot resize it.17:36
soreiserwols_ what do you mean with controller' i thought was that the "controller" ... how can i tell? any command? dmesg|grep something?17:36
SherlawkDragonand for programs to complain that they aren't written for the system?17:36
Guest48589wols_: will that let me boot windows that i already have installed, or will i have to make partitions from inside that17:37
soreiser*how can i tell you17:37
wols_soreiser: lspci -nn17:37
geevam new user of linux let me check17:37
wols_Guest48589: it will boot the windows live cd17:37
geevGnea, am new user of linux let me check17:37
soreiserwols_ ok wait i'll do that17:37
porncakewols: was that what you needed?17:37
isharisWhy my desktop is black? :/17:37
SkinnYPupJcink: does it have automaitx or ultimatix ? if so just hang it up and start over17:37
isharisAnd there are no icons on my desktop.17:37
wols_SherlawkDragon: install the proper programs from the proper place and there is no complaining17:37
bazhangSherlawkDragon, what is the issue17:38
Gneaisharis: change the background?17:38
ishariswon't work17:38
SherlawkDragonThat is what I'm doing.17:38
wols_isharis: what videocard and driver?17:38
Gneawhat won't work?17:38
isharisit isn't video card17:38
isharisvideo card is working17:38
wols_SherlawkDragon: if you did it wouldn't error17:38
isharisNvidia 8500GT17:38
SherlawkDragonI install Skype for Ubuntu, and it complains that it's not the right version for AMD6417:38
Guest48589wols_: still, is there a way to burn a cd on the live cd of ubuntu/?17:38
Gneaisharis: do any menus show at all?17:38
isharismenus show up17:38
wols_SherlawkDragon: skype has no 64bit version17:38
noamisharis: Are you using envy or Nvidia's drivers?17:39
bazhangSherlawkDragon, installed how?17:39
isharisI can make a screenshot?17:39
Guest48589wols_: cause i dont have any other way to burn a cd17:39
SherlawkDragonbut there seems to be no option17:39
wols_Guest48589: dunno17:39
Gneaisharis: please17:39
isharisNvidia's Drive17:39
isharisNot drives17:39
noamSherlawkDragon: IIRC, Ubuntu should have skype in it's partner repositories17:39
SherlawkDragonbazhang> downloaded the skype installler and ran it, what else?17:39
skunki had used gparted i can see me hd17:39
skunkbut i cant mount it...17:39
isharisScreenshot of problematic desktop: http://www.imgsync.com/data/img/4204078Screenshot.png17:39
wols_!errors | skunk17:39
ubottuskunk: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message17:39
SherlawkDragonwols_> so Skype does not work on AMD64?17:39
isharisThere are no icons17:39
noamSherlawkDragon: So you should be able to enable them and download skype17:39
FloodBot1isharis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
dabbuhow can i format my pen drive in ubuntu17:40
isharishttp://www.imgsync.com/data/img/4204078Screenshot.png - No icons17:40
wols_SherlawkDragon: ask skype. proprietary software not in ubuntu17:40
SherlawkDragonnoam> so what's the apt-get line?17:40
bazhangSherlawkDragon, from where17:40
wols_dabbu: mkfs like any other drive17:40
skunkwell it's a franch version of ubuntu17:40
SherlawkDragonwols_> but it's not just skype, it's all sorts of things.17:40
Gneaisharis: i see an orange background, not a black background17:40
isharisbut I have a picture17:40
noamSherlawkDragon: First you'd have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the partner repositories (can also be done via synaptic)17:40
isharisit was blakc17:40
isharisuntil I disabled effects17:40
noamSherlawkDragon: Then just apt-get install skype17:41
=== Shaba1 is now known as Shaba1-afk
noamisharis: ps ax|grep nautilus17:41
wols_SherlawkDragon: if you install stuff via apt-get or synaptic it will work.17:41
Gneaisharis: did you disable them all to none?17:41
dabbuwols_:how can i know ..which drive i will write after mkfs17:41
isharisGnea: YEs17:41
* SherlawkDragon looks at that...17:41
isharisnoam: Why do I have to use that hack?17:41
noamisharis: That's not a hack17:41
wols_dabbu: check dmesg as what it was inserted into the system when you plugged it in17:41
dabbuwols_:becaz it is very risky to use command mkfs17:41
noamisharis: It tells you whether nautilus is running17:41
soreiserwols_ http://pastebin.com/d7bf7eb4817:41
Gneaisharis: System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects ?17:42
isharisGnea: Yes17:42
skunkwell thanks bye17:42
geevGnea, i cee time that i was editing crontab as root17:42
isharisnoam: What's up with nautilus? Is it really naughty? :(17:42
bazhangSherlawkDragon, what other issues17:42
wols_soreiser: sudo fdisk -l17:42
wols_isharis: naut != naught17:42
noamisharis: Nautilus manages the desktop under GNOME17:42
soreiserwols_ ok17:42
Gneaisharis: see if nautilus is running, listen to noam17:42
noamisharis: So if the wallpaper doesn't appear, nautilus may have crashed17:43
kevin05how i can connect 2 server for file transfer using proftpd17:43
dabbuwols_:ok..when i visit a shared folder of a windows file that get mounted permanently..how can i unmount it automatically17:43
isharisnoam: so how do I fix it? :O17:43
wols_dabbu: how did you mount it?17:43
noamisharis: First, check if that is the case17:43
isharis!paste | isharis17:43
noamisharis: Run ps ax|grep nautilus17:43
ubottuisharis, please see my private message17:43
soreiserwols_ a moment: is this really needed? 'cause i can tell you that that parameter is REALLY working for me, already tried, the problem is that hardy has not it anymore17:43
SherlawkDragonnoam> what were those proprietary servers you were talking about?17:43
wols_soreiser: what parameter?17:43
Ander1)Âêëþ÷èòå èíòåðíåò 2) Ïðîïèøèòå /server -m antixpuct.ru:666717:44
Ander1)Âêëþ÷èòå èíòåðíåò 2) Ïðîïèøèòå /server -m antixpuct.ru:666717:44
Ander1)Âêëþ÷èòå èíòåðíåò 2) Ïðîïèøèòå /server -m antixpuct.ru:666717:44
Ander1)Âêëþ÷èòå èíòåðíåò 2) Ïðîïèøèòå /server -m antixpuct.ru:666717:44
Ander1)Âêëþ÷èòå èíòåðíåò 2) Ïðîïèøèòå /server -m antixpuct.ru:666717:44
FloodBot1Ander: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:44
isharisnoam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37758/17:44
soreiserwols_ all_generic_ide17:44
=== noam is now known as noamsml
Gnea!ops | Ander17:44
ubottuAnder: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!17:44
dabbuwols_:i visit the computer by typing..ex: "smb://
wols_soreiser: it is not needed. never ever was17:44
Mez!staff | anders_17:44
ubottuanders_: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)17:44
Sinn3rmani've got 2. questions for now: when i supply a password for mounting something from 'places', where is that stored, and how to i reset the passwords so that the next time i log on it asks me those passwords again? 2. how do i make such mounts readonly?17:44
wols_dabbu: what about it? it' snot mounted then17:44
dabbuwols_:and then i enter into shared folder..17:44
bazhangits Ander not anders_17:44
noamsmlisharis: That looks normal17:44
bobyadaFor some reason when I log into Ubuntu Hardy some times locks up.17:44
noamsmlisharis: Now try right-clicking on the desktop17:45
isharisWhat could be the reason?17:45
GneaMez: whoa, make sure you got the right one...17:45
isharisdoesn't work17:45
soreiserwols_ i have that parameter to make my hdd recognized correctly. without that i get many I/O errors in dmesg17:45
noamsmlisharis: OK17:45
dabbuwols_:and when i visit the shared folder that becomes mounted17:45
MezGnea, they'll know17:45
noamsmlisharis: Nautilus is running, but is probably stuck or not working17:45
wols_soreiser: dmesg17:45
SherlawkDragonnoam> what were those proprietary servers you were talking about?17:45
noamsmlisharis: Does this happen on every login?17:45
GneaMez: better to be precise than to assume.17:45
bobyadaand then when I can launch terminal I do compiz --replace and that seems to solve the problem. any ideas?17:45
isharisnoamsml: it has happened second time17:45
Jinx-Any particular reason ubuntu would run poorly, it's almost the way windows runs when you don't have the right mass storage drivers isntalled17:45
noamsmlSherlawkDragon: I think the driver manager might have them. If not, you can download them from nvidia's website.17:46
Jinx-perhaps the same deal?17:46
MezGnea, staff don't willy-nilly kline17:46
wols_Jinx-: define "run poorly" better17:46
soreiserwols_ ok, as you want but i have already told you, IMO is a loss of time! :P wait i do dmesg17:46
noamsmlisharis: Odd. Does anyone on this channel know where GNOME keeps logs?17:46
Jinx-wols_, apps stop responding quite a bit17:46
kora_heya all, i have the following problem with my ad-hoc connections. i have a embedded linux set up as a ad-hoc node (i can connect to it and ssh via windows, so the thing works) and from my linux box i cant. what im doing arre the following commands: 1) ifconfig wlan0 down 2) iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc 3) ifconfig wlan0 up 4) iwconfig wlan0 essid GumNode01 channel 7; after this the LED on the gumnode flashes but a iwlist reveals that the cell17:46
kora_is associated but link quality is still 0. so even if i give an ip i cant ping.17:46
Jinx-such as mozilla17:46
GneaMez: they also don't have time to dilly-dally. report it in #freenode then.17:46
bazhangSherlawkDragon, the canonical partner repos, that wont work for skype with 64bit however17:46
wols_Jinx-: that is not a busmaster driver issue17:46
bazhangSherlawkDragon, you need to force the architecture to get it to work17:46
Jinx-well, "add/remove software" does17:47
Jinx-and just about anything17:47
bobyadaFor some reason when I log into Ubuntu Hardy some times locks up. and then when I can launch terminal I do compiz --replace and that seems to solve the problem. any ideas?17:47
wols_SherlawkDragon: there is no 64bit versions of the proprietary skype client. if you don't like that, moan to skype about it. not here17:47
Jinx-those two do it quite often though17:47
FD_Fi upgrade from ubuntu 7 to ubuntu 8 and now my xmms not working tryed compile and i`m getting configure: error: *** GTK+ >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ** and this package installed already any ideas ?17:47
burhanbobyada: don't run compiz17:47
Jinx-wols_, any suggestions on what it might be?17:47
bazhangSherlawkDragon, what were the other issues17:47
wols_Jinx-: unless you give more info: no17:47
burhanFD_F: xmms is no longer supported in hardy17:47
moifrancais ?17:47
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:47
wols_!fr | moi17:47
ubottumoi: please see above17:47
guntbertisharis: just for quick test: press <ctrl><alt><backspace>, that kills your session, it should start again17:48
Jinx-wols_, what kind of additional information would you like?17:48
=== ccaron123 is now known as Criscroustillant
FD_Fburhan: relly ? so we have something else?17:48
guyzmohas anyone ever had any problems burning ubuntu isos ?17:48
wols_!anyone | guyzmo17:48
ubottuguyzmo: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:48
bobyadaburhan why? It was working fine before and for no reason it just started messing up.17:48
AkariChanguyzmo, not really17:48
moicomment etre sur lerésaux francais ?17:48
burhanbobyada: because that is the cause of your problem :)17:49
bazhangmoi, /join #ubuntu-fr17:49
guyzmoI've burnt more than 5 CDs with the iso17:49
burhanguyzmo: no.17:49
guyzmoand I'm always getting "Error reading CD" when I boot it17:49
wols_guyzmo: bad burn then17:49
guyzmo(though the boot menu appears and works)17:49
wols_guyzmo: if it works. do a cd integrity check17:49
isharisnoamsml: Back17:49
bazhangguyzmo, what about right click iso open with cd/dvd creator does that work17:50
guyzmothe cd integrity check (from the boot menu) fails too17:50
wols_guyzmo: bad burn then17:50
burhanguyzmo: check the md5sum for the iso17:50
guyzmoand the md5sum of the iso is ok17:50
burhanguyzmo: then you have bad media17:50
wols_guyzmo: before you burn another CD, check the md5sum of the ISO file17:50
guyzmobut I'm burning it from OSX17:50
guyzmomy CD burner on my ubuntu box does not detect blank media (but that's another problem, I'm trying to stick at one problem at a time :)17:51
wols_guyzmo: it doesn't matter. the burn is bad for some reason or other. continuing to whine about it forever won't change that fact17:51
isharisso, any ide noamsml17:51
noamsmlisharis: Usually, when that happens, can it be solved by logging out and logging back in again?17:51
isharislet me try17:51
guyzmoI tried googling about the problem17:51
guyzmoand the only thing I found out is "try at 1x speed"17:51
Sharpiewhat's the ubuntu intrepid chan?17:52
wols_guyzmo: and burn it as an image/ISO17:52
guyzmothat's what I'm doing !17:52
guyzmoI'm trying a new burn right now17:52
guyzmoburnt at 4x17:52
isharisnoamsml: worked but why desktop doesn't work when I start?17:52
guyzmowith md5sum ok17:53
bobyadaburhan, It was wasn't a problem before.17:53
noamsmlisharis: I'm not sure17:53
IRROOTHi! Is there any info about Hp pavillion dv7 1080eo on linux?17:53
wols_!hcl | IRROOT17:53
ubottuIRROOT: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:53
soreiserwols_ http://pastebin.com/d3e01015f is dmesg+sudo fdisk -l (that dmesg is with all_generic_ide ENABLED because i installed the system from 7.10 and worked, then upgraded to hardy. installing hardy from zero has not that parameter working anymore. in fact i can't install ubuntu server 8.0417:53
bobyadaFor some reason when I log into Ubuntu Hardy some times locks up. and then when I can launch terminal I do compiz --replace and that seems to solve the problem. any ideas?17:53
guyzmoand I can read the CD when I boot from the harddrive17:53
isharisnoamsml: can you list possible issues?17:53
jokkaadoes anyone have any idea how to modify emesene? im thinking about colors n similar17:54
guyzmofsck... another "Error reading boot CD"17:54
wols_soreiser: run a hardy live cd. pastes from an OS that doesn't have the problem are useless17:54
IRROOTty wols_17:54
AkariChanguyzmo: if all else fails, you can do unetbootin and put the iso onto a usb drive17:54
noamsmlisharis: I don't know what could cause that17:54
AkariChani used that method to install ubuntu on my EeePC wihtout a cdrom drive17:54
guntbertisharis: is it ok for you at the moment?17:54
isharisnoamsml: Make a guess.17:54
noamsmlisharis: I honestly don't have a clue17:54
isharisguntbert: Ok, at the moment but I don't know if It will be Ok after I restart.17:55
agyI will be performing maintenance on wiki.ubuntu.com in 20 minutes. During this time the wiki will be placed in read-only mode. Please save your edits before this time. The maintenance is expected to last 15 minutes.17:55
soreiser<wols_> soreiser: run a hardy live cd. pastes from an OS that doesn't have the problem are useless <-- well ok but i can tell you that you will read a dmesg full of I/O, nothing else.. i dont know how could it be usefull17:55
Sinn3rmanhow do i cause the default behaviour of the mount options inside the places menu to mount devices readonly rather than readwrite for all users? for example, i have a bunch of files on an ntfs partition that i do _not_ want write access to - they're already marked readonly on ntfs, but on linux i see them as rw for all users. how do i do that?17:55
guyzmook :-S17:55
sun01techi have all my emails missing from within evolution, any thoughts? Which  file am I suppose to retore from .evolution?17:56
wols_soreiser: the kernel boot up is there too. and those messages are useful17:56
isharisguntbert: Do you have any idea how to completely eliminate this issue?17:56
guyzmoanyway, thanks, and cya later17:56
soreiserwols_ ok17:56
IRROOTwols_: Yeah thanks =) Now i feel dumber than yesterday to quote some britney ;p Ty though ^^ Will try it out =)17:56
kevin05anyone here are expert in FTP settings?17:56
soreiserwols_ wait i'll dmesg from a livecd17:56
bazhangsoreiser, what is the issue17:57
Armadahow can I reset the hotkeys to the defaults?17:57
kevin05how i can connect 2 server via FTP for file transfer17:57
guntbertisharis: I suggest you wait and see, in any case logging off and on seems to help, and as a last resort you can press <ctrl><alt><backspace>, that kills your session, it should start again17:57
wols_bazhang: his old ali1541 (K6 era) chipset doesn't work as expected. gives I/O oerrors and he want generic_ide back17:57
ZmAYhello, can someone tell me how to add and configure user in vsftpd?17:58
bazhangwols_, thanks17:58
bazhangsoreiser, what will dmesg from livecd accomplish?17:58
tarvidOdd-rationale, thanks for the clues, running nvidia-xconfig and nvidia-settings sudo cleaned up the mess17:58
soreiserbazgang: i need "all_generic_ide" parameter to make my hdd recognizeable, the problem is that hardy has not it anymore17:58
Odd-rationaletarvid: glad that worked out.17:58
wols_bazhang: it will use the same kernel as his hardy installation as opposed to his gutsy one which he pasted before17:59
tarvidOdd-rationale, had a bunch of modelines from previous card that would not go away as user17:59
bazhangsoreiser, did you try adding it to the kernel?17:59
bazhangsoreiser, ie get into grub and add that line?17:59
soreiserbazhang it works from grub but not from livecd17:59
bazhangwols okay thanks17:59
bazhangsoreiser, what is your end goal here18:00
isharisthanks a lot18:00
soreiserbazhang: install ubuntu server, but i need that parameter at the boot that does not work from the cd18:00
wols_soreiser: you can add stuff to the bootprompt in the livecd too18:00
Armadahow can I reset the hotkeys to the defaults?18:00
soreiserwols_ yeah tried and not works18:00
soreiserwols_ that's why i'm asking you all why is not working :)18:01
bazhangsoreiser, why are you using livecd to install server? you need the alternate to do that18:01
wols_soreiser: you didn't really ask that so far. next time be specific in your problem description18:01
ERICH_laphow can i disable nm-applet to load at startup? can i prevent network manager from running at all?18:01
soreiserin 7.10 was working (xubuntu. ubuntu server 7.10 does not have that working too, also 8.04 too)18:01
wols_ERICH_lap: uninstall it :)18:01
soreiserwols_ ah ok well sorry i thought you understood the problem18:02
bazhangsoreiser, are you going to add lamp later to the desktop?18:02
ERICH_lapwols_: im using madwifi so ti doesnt matter right?18:02
bazhangsoreiser, ie livecd is desktop install18:02
soreiserbazhang: i'm using the server-cd (alternate is not server, is alternate-to-desktop) :) lamp?18:03
wols_soreiser: it iS kinda odd your problem tho. cause an old chipset like this has been supported for years, ran one (and older) ALI chispets myself before18:03
Armadahow can I reset the hotkeys to the defaults?18:03
wols_ERICH_lap: netowkr.manager has nothing to do with your drivers but how you configure your NIC interfacs. if you use /etc/network/interfaces it's fine18:03
blackbinaryAfter so many minutes of inactivity, a monitor goes to black screen, standby or whatever, how do I stop this from happening?18:03
soreiserbazhang and server-cd not works with that parameter too18:03
oscarushi all18:03
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
bazhangsoreiser, then try the alternate and then add lamp18:04
soreiser7.10 nor 8.04 (xubuntu 7.10 do)18:04
bazhang!lamp | soreiser18:04
ubottusoreiser: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:04
the_darkside_986I have no idea how to use a Brother MFC-8860DN on a network via linksys wpsm54g printServer on Ubuntu Hardy 64-bit... has anyone successfully done this yet?18:04
wols_blackbinary: inittab has a setting IIRC18:04
blackbinarywols_ sorry, a bit newbie, how do you access inittab?18:04
ERICH_lapwols_: how would this affect my wired NIC? i use that when i dont have wireless or wireless isnt working.18:04
bazhang!alternate | soreiser18:04
ubottusoreiser: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent18:04
wols_the_darkside_986: what protocol does the print server use?18:04
the_darkside_986Not sure really.18:04
wols_ERICH_lap: same thing. how do you configure the NIC (IP, gateway, etc)18:05
the_darkside_986It doesn't tell any helpful info but instead includes some ridiculous Windows CD.18:05
piko_waterfor some reason i cannot hear anything on ubuntu, sound is not working it already happened before and i restarted the laptop and i heared the sound properly, is there anyway to restart only the sound device or something ?18:05
wols_the_darkside_986: unless you know, it's not really possible to help you18:05
soreiserbazhang i'm just gonna setup server 'cause the pc i sVERY old i'll just setup routing/http services, not know atm :)18:05
the_darkside_986I did an nmap on it should i paste the output?18:05
Scorp_Hey, I'm unable to use the integrated MIC on my laptop. What could i do ??18:05
soreiserbazhang is very old also for xfce18:05
ERICH_lapwols_: /etc/network/interfaces for wireless and nwm for wired as of right now.18:05
Scorp_!info nmap18:05
Armadahow can I reset the Keyboard Shortcuts to the defaults?18:05
ubottunmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.53-3 (hardy), package size 988 kB, installed size 3424 kB18:05
wols_Scorp_: you could tell us what kind of NIC it is. what chip18:05
bazhangpiko_water, open the terminal and type alsamixer and be sure nothing is muted18:05
jeanpaul145hello everyone18:05
wols_ERICH_lap: make both use interfaces then18:06
Scorp_wols_: Whats NIC ?? its a Mic.. Microphone ;)18:06
jeanpaul145has anybody got any experience with ALC268 audio chipsets?18:06
soreiserwols_ still you need dmesg? that I/O fulled? :)18:06
wols_Scorp_: NIC is network interface card. sorry misread18:06
the_darkside_986nmap output: http://pastebin.com/d4821e806 if that helps18:06
FD_Fburhan : i have solution to install xmms on ubuntu 8 :) if you want publish it tell me18:06
ec158148hey guys, what command will tell me if an installation is 32 or 64 bit?18:06
Scorp_wols_: yeah.. i know that... dats y was confused howz dat linked to here.. hehe18:06
MattzHey there. I'm having some problems with Wifi stability in Hardy, using an 8187L chipset wifi card. I get at most 2 minutes of net access when I boot up and then it dies. Any suggestions how to remedy this?18:07
bazhangFD_F, use audacious, xmms is no longer developed18:07
wols_Scorp_: it uses ipp18:07
Vi5inI think I accidentally removed the update notification from my bar on the top18:07
Vi5inhow do I get it back on there?18:07
Scorp_wols_: kk18:07
soreiserbazhang, wols_ are any of you still here for me please?18:07
bazhangsoreiser, yes18:07
wirenikHey, I'm using AcidRip to rip a Pirates of the Caribbean DVD. I want to be able to play it on my iPod later. Should I rip the whole thing? If not, which part should I rip?18:08
Ax-Axmy computer is strange; it sets ownership of some new files to root instead of my user18:08
FD_Fbazhang: audacious was the solution after i installed it the xmms was opened  successfully18:08
Sinn3rmanhow do i cause the default behaviour of the mount options inside the places menu to mount devices readonly rather than readwrite for all users? for example, i have a bunch of files on an ntfs partition that i do _not_ want write access to - they're already marked readonly on ntfs, but on linux i see them as rw for all users. how do i do that?18:08
soreiserbazhang running the install cd (server) not works with all_generic_ide18:08
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: using a network cable?  good luck, I gave up on mine.18:08
the_darkside_986It is wireless. but it is on the network definitely.18:08
bazhangsoreiser, how did you add that boot param18:09
soreiserbazhang, wols_ i edited the kernel boot yeah, but notihng :/18:09
soreiserbazhang: ....... all_generic_ide --18:09
wols_soreiser: edited how?18:09
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: ya mine would work on the network, but it wouldn't accept jobs.  Bought a xerox, problem solved.18:09
bazhangsoreiser, what exact error did you get18:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:09
soreiserwols_: <soreiser> bazhang: ....... all_generic_ide --18:10
wols_soreiser: that is not answering the qeustion18:10
bazhangsoreiser, what error ; you need to answer that question18:10
candiveHi all, is there a Linux program for securing a 2GB Flash so when inserted a password is required?18:10
wirenikcandive: try truecrypt18:11
SherlawkDragonis it a common bug for the keyboard to suddenly stop?18:11
|REM|anyone using ntop?18:11
candiveCruzer micro 2 GB18:11
soreiserbazhang: i get no errors for the parameter. simply i see many dmesg errors related to I/O errors of my hdd (those dont appear when all_generic_ide is working, but seems it is NOT even if added to kernle string)18:11
bazhangSherlawkDragon, need more info18:11
wols_candive: all you can do is encrypt the partition. use truecrypt since it'S available for windows, linux and OSX18:11
|REM|with ntop, do I need to have it running on a pc with multiple NIC's and have it in between the router and the local network or will it gather info on a pc that is just a node on the network?18:11
SherlawkDragonbazhan> what info?g18:11
candivewirenik, thank you18:11
wirenikcandive: no problem ;)18:11
soreiserwols_ i added all_generic_ide before the final "-- " is that so difficult to understand? ;P18:11
candivewols, thank you18:12
bazhangSherlawkDragon, saying it does not work will get zero help here18:12
bazhang!attitude | soreiser18:12
wols_soreiser: solve your own problems when you can't or won't answer questions. good bye18:12
ubottusoreiser: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:12
Jeruvy|REM| technically either way, but normally just as a 'node' you called it.18:12
soreiserwols_ hey i was jokeing :)18:12
wols_soreiser: too bad. I was not. now please stop talking to me18:13
SherlawkDragonbazhang> there is nothing more to say.  one minute I'm doing stuff, the next, the keyboard just doesn't register input.18:13
SherlawkDragonoh, and when I try to click on menus, they don't work either.18:13
SherlawkDragonI mean, full mouse response and all that, but menus don't open...18:13
JeruvySherlawkDragon: maybe gnome is too powerful for you system, I have an old p3 like that, switch to xubuntu and use xfce, much more responsive on older gear.18:14
HardeI wrote previously (afternoon) this: I installed ubuntu alternative to old machine. Installation went ok, but in the end it sayed can't make grub or something. When I booted, only win xp was on, it booted directly to xp. I tried to manage grub from live-cd but I got "error 15"18:14
cruddpuppetI am using compiz, but for some reason, whenever a window is maximized, I can no longer click on it's title bar, and the clicks "go through" to the things underneath18:15
bazhangSherlawkDragon, what mouse make and model; what were you doing when it stopped working, what are your system specs, those are bits of info we need to search for possible bugs and/or workarounds18:15
soreiser<wols_> soreiser: too bad. I was not. now please stop talking to me <- well ok, i was a little unfriendly maybe, but that was 'coz seemed i wont to listen to me when i tell you the things i've already tried :/ so i got nervous a little, sorry for that! :/18:15
soreiser*you wont18:15
MattzHey there. I'm having some problems with Wifi stability in Hardy, using an 8187L chipset wifi card. I get at most 2 minutes of net access when I boot up and then it dies. Any suggestions how to remedy this?18:16
soreiser<wols_> soreiser: solve your own problems when you can't or won't answer questions. good bye <- plus, i had answered, if you look above :/18:16
|REM|Jervey:  So I dont get any extra info by having ntop sit in between the router and the network?18:16
noamsmlSherlawkDragon: Jeruvy: Also, moving to arch/debian can free up a few system resources if you're willing to give up some ease of use. Generally, gnome is pretty good with resources these days, but if it seems to be too much try moving to xfce. Also, check in top/htop to see if any process is hogging the CPU power, because I remember once kacpid took up all the CPU power on one of my machines.18:16
EvilDennisRis there a different apt source for 8.04.1 ?18:17
wols_soreiser: why can't you listen? please STOP talking to me. I don't want to put another ignoramus into my ignore list18:17
Jeruvynoamsml: agreed, I also find tracker is abit annoying18:17
AkariChanhi guys18:17
wols_evilbug: there are lots of mirrors18:17
AkariChanis it possible to disable error message boxes from gmplayer?18:17
soreiserwols_ simply i dont want to make a dispute between us18:17
Jeruvy|REM| sure you can, if you have a bridge device and the stream is bound to it, then it should work18:17
wols_ /ignore soreiser18:17
SherlawkDragonbazhang> I'm doing differen't things when it happens, usually messing with Pidgin.  I have an AMD 64 processor, and about 1.5 GB of RAM (which isn't very much, but I think it's enough for any Linux)18:18
bazhangsoreiser, he has said he cannot answer your questions if you dont give more info.18:18
Ax-Axmy computer is strange; it sets ownership of some new files to root instead of my user like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/37762/18:18
evilbugwols_- ?18:18
noamsmlSherlawkDragon: Your problem isn't a lack of resources18:18
bazhangsoreiser, so please stop.18:18
soreiserbazhang no he simply dont want to talk with me anymore,18:19
wols_Ax-Ax: is wget set SUID root?18:19
|REM|Jervey: I am getting data now from ntop by just having it run on my laptop.  What I am wondering is if it would work better or be more accurate or if i gain anything by putting it on a pc with 2 nic's and sticking that pc in between the router and the local network, or if running it from my laptop just gives me the same info18:19
Gneasoreiser: enough.18:19
Ax-Axwols_: i don't know18:19
noamsmlBlech. Is anyone else getting PM spam?18:19
wols_Ax-Ax: then check?18:19
bazhangsoreiser, that is correct. you wont answer his questions, so stop asking him.18:19
Ax-Axwols_: how?18:19
Gneanoamsml, BlueOx: /join #freenode and inform them18:20
wols_noamsml: yes we all are. nothing ops here can do about it. complain about it in #freenode18:20
cruddpuppetI am using compiz, but for some reason, whenever a window is maximized, I can no longer click on it's title bar, and the clicks "go through" to the things underneath?18:20
wols_Ax-Ax: with "ls -l"18:20
soreiserbazhang i answered *all* his questions if you look above! :(18:20
noamsmlwols_: Can't I set myself +i or something?18:20
CRASH69is there anyway to do a netinstall?18:20
Gnea!compiz | cruddpuppet18:20
ubottucruddpuppet: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:20
soreiserGnea: in what sense "enought"? :-?18:20
Jeruvy|REM| thats really more dependant on your hardware.  if you're using a router in between then you'll see lots but performance will drop due to it.  With a switch you may miss traffic.  But with ntop on a bridge linking both sides you should see traffic each way18:20
wols_noamsml: I already are +i and that doesn't help18:20
SherlawkDragonI'm just asking if anyone's heard of this bug, or a way to fix it.18:20
evilbugwols_- what about mirrors?18:20
Ax-Axwols_: on the wget binary or the files downloaded?18:20
wols_evilbug: there are lots of ubuntu mirrors. choose one18:21
Gneasoreiser: you and wols_. drop it. move on.18:21
wols_Ax-Ax: wget binary18:21
Jeruvy|REM| bah *router\hub oops18:21
evilbugwols_- i never asked about a mirror.18:21
SherlawkDragonbecause I keep having to do a hard restart of the system, and wait for Ubuntu to check the drives18:21
wols_Gnea: I have him on /ignore for some time now. I moved on a long time ago18:21
wols_evilbug: then I mis-tabcompleted. sorry18:21
wols_SherlawkDragon: sounds like hardware issue18:21
Gneasoreiser: so what is the problem that you're having?18:21
Ax-Axwols_: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 218032 2007-06-18 11:45 /usr/bin/wget18:22
evilbugwols_- it was weird that you typed that since i just installed arch and i was thinking of what mirror to choose. freaky...18:22
ec158148is there a command i can run that will tell me whether an installation is 32 or 64 bit?18:22
SherlawkDragonwols_> what hardware could it be?18:22
wols_SherlawkDragon: not possible to say18:22
Gneasoreiser: and, yes, I mean your problem with ubuntu, not with anyon in particular.18:22
Jeruvyec158148 uname -a18:22
wols_ec158148: dpkg --print-architecture18:23
wols_Jeruvy: you can run amd64 kernels in 32bit ubuntu18:23
soreiserGnea: i wonted to be so discourteous with wols_, i was a little joking and i asked him sorry for that, too :/ he dont want to talk with me anyway :/ well, however my issue is: all_generic_ide is not working in 8.0418:23
the_darkside_986This printserver supports "ipp" according to nmap but "" or P1 makes the Verify button dialog claim that the print share is "inaccessible" any other ideas?18:23
samphippenhow can i set quotas on folders for different users?18:23
ec158148wols_: thx!18:23
samphippenie guest can only create 100mb of files18:23
=== SherlawkDragon is now known as RockstarRaccoon
soreiser*i didn't want to be discourteous18:23
samphippensam can only create 10gb of files18:23
bazhangsoreiser, please take chat elsewhere18:24
Gneasoreiser: would you please pastebin the output of the /var/log/dmesg file?18:24
Gnea!pastebin | soreiser18:24
ubottusoreiser: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:24
MattzHaving problems with wifi stability in Hardy. Ubuntu reports a connection but no net access available after >2 mins. Any ideas what might be causing it? Wifi is stable for all other users on site18:24
Gnea!wifi | Mattz18:24
ubottuMattz: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:24
wols_Mattz: check your syslog and kernel log18:24
the_darkside_986What's  the correct URI of an ipp printer at
Ab3Lsee you soon18:25
Gneathe_darkside_986: ipp://  ?18:25
Mattzwols: for what in particular?18:25
wols_Mattz: for anything relating to your wlan18:26
linxehGnea: or ipp:// - it depends..18:26
the_darkside_986Gnea, that's what I'm trying, but no luck.18:26
Gneathe_darkside_986: did you set it up with cups?18:26
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: I so have been there, have you tried with a usb cable?18:26
wols_the_darkside_986: connect with http and enable the printer in the config of the printserver?18:26
Mattzwols: righto. brb as i'm having to use the server to diagnose the machine18:26
Gneathe_darkside_986: or are you trying to connect to it with cups?18:26
the_darkside_986i'm not sure what i'm doing. it is using a "cups" driver though.18:27
the_darkside_986I got the right cups driver for the exact model.18:27
=== maha is now known as scoist
soreiserGnea: this is maybe why wols_ and me had dispute, please listen to me carefully :) -> all_generic_ide paramenter is not working amymore with hardy in live cd (or server cd, too) so i get many I/O errors if i run my system without that parameter that is needed for my OLD pc. in grub it works, BUT i need to make it working at the cd-boot to install ubuntu-server. is does not work, instead. so i can see those I/O errors when livecd/server-cd loads18:27
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: the brother requires tcsh, did you install that?18:27
boobsbrhowdy, is there a way to send commands to a detached process through the CLI?18:27
Gneasoreiser: i don't care about the dispute, just put /var/log/dmesg on the pastebin site if you want help.18:27
the_darkside_986well, ok _now_ i installed it.18:27
agyMaintenance on wiki.ubuntu.com has been successfully completed.18:27
Gneasoreiser: or better yet, just type this:  dmesg > dmesg.txt  and put dmesg.txt on the pastebin site.18:28
=== RockstarRaccoon is now known as SherlawkDragon
Gneasoreiser: those are your only options if you would like to continue.18:28
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soreiserGnea ok. i'll do. anyway that's unuseful, i can tell you :/ but should i put dmesg when system is getting those I/O errors?18:29
testmycode0191 2 3 4 518:30
bazhangtestmycode019, english please18:30
Gneasoreiser: you're wasting time, again. just do it.18:30
soreiserGnea: or you need when is not18:30
mizipzorive been running kubuntu up until now but im not liking where the project is going (kde4) so im thinking of trying out gnome. is there a way to have both kde and gnome installed? side by side. bandwidth and disk space is not an issue18:30
testmycode019sorry testing code.....18:30
felixHi floks, first time I'm around18:30
felixIs there anything I need to request before I ask a question or can I just fire away?18:30
mizipzorfelix: just ask :)18:30
wols_mizipzor: install ubuntu-desktop18:30
felixI just switched from WinXP to ubuntu18:30
the_darkside_986If nmap tells this about the printer, "515/tcp  open  printer" can I do something with that? I don't think IPP will ever work.18:31
soreiserGnea i got two different dmesg, depends on if run the system WIH or WITHOUT all_generic_ide parameter at the boot18:31
Artescwhy CS, DS is always same in linux? I don't know why.18:31
s4n1mizipzor:sure, you can run 2 DE (desktop env) on your machine18:31
soreiserwhich do yo need?18:31
Gneasoreiser: both.18:31
soreiserGnea, ok. wait :)18:31
Mattzwols: last message in syslog before the access stops is No IPv6 routers present18:31
wols_Artesc: cause linux uses a flat memory model like all modern x86 OSes18:31
felixthe UI of Ubuntu feels very inflated, is there a way to make it more compact18:31
Gneasoreiser: no problem.18:31
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: my brother would ping, report SNMP (tell me when it needs ink), I could FTP to it.  Just forget sending it data.  did not work.18:31
felixI'm using the same resolution, yet it feels like I'm cramped with less desktop space18:31
wols_Mattz: and that is related to wlan how?18:32
ArtescAh... Thx18:32
LSD|Ninjafelix: buy a bigger screen :P18:32
mizipzors4n1: is that like... when i login i choose my session type, kde3 or kde4, i want a "gnome" there as well...18:32
Mattzwols: interface listed is wlan0 for the message18:32
s4n1mizipzor:that's correct. select the session and off you go18:32
wols_Mattz: I didn't say last message. I said "messages". ALL of them18:33
borkIs there any reason ssh-keygen could still be generated blacklisted keys in Hardy? Every key I generate is still blacklisted, after updating.18:33
felixLSD|Ninja, that could be a long term solution yes :)18:33
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: switched to usb, worked perfectly.  Needed a network printer, switched to xerox.18:33
ClubuntuCome to ##Club-Ubuntu -- an oasis of Ubuntu liberty on Freenode. We are centered on Ubuntu but open to everything else. This is the premier channel for people who love Ubuntu and the freedom to choose their own adventure. | Official website coming soon!18:33
Clubuntu^^ rlly cool18:33
phoenixzIf just put a task to the  background in bash with "bg", how can I get that command to the foreground again to work with it??18:33
the_darkside_986Jeruvy, that's not my choice. Upper management bought the printer AND linksys server.18:34
felixBut even when I'd have a desktop of 1920x1200 I'd still prefer a more compact UI, like the Windows Classic UI18:34
the_darkside_986All these other machines run Windoze but GNU/Linux is the future, so I use it and try to get things working on it first.18:34
LSD|NinjaI can't stand the Windows Classic UI :P18:34
mizipzorthrough adepth manager, i requested a install of gnome-desktop-envoirment... but the operation is stated as "BREAK (install)", ive never seen that before, what does it mean? does it conflict with something? what will it break?18:34
Mattzwols: my point is, there is brief period of net access before this final message, then nothing. it gives the usual messages, associating with access point, completes steps 1-5 and then it seems to notice "No IPv6 routers" and dies. It gives no explanation as to why the net access has stopped after that18:34
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: I'm just telling you what I did.  I've reviewed the lauchpad bugs on this issue and it's really buggy.  So what if it won't work?18:35
wols_mizipzor: install ubuntu-desktop with apt-get18:35
Gneasoreiser: I need to go.18:35
the_darkside_986Eh, I got it to print gibberish ASCII18:36
the_darkside_986Any ideas?18:36
mizipzorwols_: okey, its still the package gnome-desktop-envoirment, right?18:36
wols_mizipzor: no18:36
molgrumi see the kernel updated to 21, when is the virtualbox module going to update to that?18:37
mizipzorwols_: i see... mind telling me what package it is then? or is it to obvious? :p18:37
bazhangmolgrum in proposed?18:37
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b18:37
wols_mizipzor: I won't tell you a third time. if you haven't read it the first two times, you never will18:38
molgrumbazhang: i have all the sources checked18:38
molgrumwell yes, in proposed18:38
bazhangmolgrum, then that would be proposed18:38
molgrumyep, when?18:38
bazhangie unsafe/not fully tested18:38
knightsCan I not specify a xorg driver at the grub prompt when booting off a ubuntu CD?18:38
molgrumokay, so that's why.. thanks18:38
wols_knights: can't18:38
wols_knights: use the alternate install cd18:39
mizipzorwols_: oh, so "ubuntu-desktop" is a package name? i thought you referred to gnome, simply... sorry18:39
soreiserGnea: sorry but the pc is very OLD, it is so slow also to load firefox! :/ anyway if you have to go, dont worry18:41
s4n1need to see info on the pkg mizipzor? Code: sudo apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop18:41
Casao_hey, got a quick question - i've run the script on the wiki for ad hoc wireless networking, how do i turn it back to let it connect to a normal thing18:41
spotdog14_greetings room18:41
Ax-Axhelo agan18:42
ArtescExcuse me Wols, where r u?18:42
RomeoLandoHow to setup apache testing server?18:42
Ax-Axhow do i change suid for programs?18:42
soreiserGnea are you still in here?18:42
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knightswols_: don't suppose I can do a text install off the 8.04 desktop CD can I?18:43
spotdog14_does anyone have any information on Ubuntu mobile?18:43
mizipzors4n1: that didnt print anything suspicous, installing it now18:43
s4n1mizipzor:wols know what he was talking about18:44
s4n1knew *18:44
cubecould someone tell me what app and how i could make a jpeg into a vector file?18:44
Casao_guess no one here can answer questions18:45
spotdog14_i am pretty sure you could figure it out in Gimp18:45
s4n1knights: like wols said, alternate CD, not desktop CD. Desk CD won't help.18:45
nogearhow can i stop joins showinf in irssi?18:45
knightss4n1: OK, thanks18:45
s4n1thank him, not me =)18:45
bonespurhow do i change my proxy address in ubuntu hardy??18:46
knightsThanks to wols too :)18:46
bonespuri cannot downlaod anything from the command line18:46
Casao_Does anyone know about wlanconfig or wireless in ubuntu?18:46
bazhangbonespur, using what command18:46
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s4n1using wget bonespur or?18:46
bonespursudo apt-get18:46
bazhangwhat error do you get bonespur18:47
felixHow can I alter the Ubuntu UI to something that feels less 'inflated', more compact, more Windows Classic UI like?18:47
Casao_you can use windows classic.18:47
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bazhangfelix, check gnome-look.org18:47
Casao_or that18:47
felixthanks! :)18:47
bazhangCasao_, what is the issue18:47
bonespurbazhang: Could not connect to (, connection timed out18:48
bazhangbonespur, change software sources then18:48
cubeso how could i make a jpeg a vector in gimp?18:48
Jeruvybonespur: what proxy are you using?18:48
Casao_bazhang - well, i used the ad hoc script from the wiki and it worked fine, but now i don't think i can connect to a structure network18:48
swmiller6cube: do you mean you want a .svg file?18:48
s4n1172..??? Hm18:48
bonespurbazhang: how exactly?  Jeruvy I need to change my proxy addresss18:48
bazhangCasao_, so what is your end goal here18:48
cubeswiller yeah and i tried inkscape but the file ends up just being blank18:49
bazhangbonespur, use a proxy for apt-get? why?18:49
Jeruvybazhang: he's trashed his proxy, or the ip is down...18:49
xintronIs there a lightweight dock that will work with fluxbox?18:49
swmiller6cube: you can not convert it18:49
Casao_baz - i want to reset wlanconfig and iwconfig to default settings for ubuntu, i have a script to turn on adhoc connections to my phone, i want to turn it off so i can connected to APs again18:49
swmiller6cube:you can recreate it18:49
bonespurbazhang: im in a LAN network18:50
Casao_i've done wlan destroy ath0 and wlan create ath blah blah mode ta18:50
cubeswiller6: im listening!18:50
=== Shaba1-afk is now known as Shaba1
bazhangCasao_, where do you have it set18:50
Pentarexi have question about the partitions i have 60gb hard drive but i see only the main 8gb the other 52 i cant18:50
soreiserok Gnea is gone, i think. bazhang can you help me wuth that issue?18:50
bazhangsoreiser, no.18:50
bazhangsoreiser, post on the forums18:50
swmiller6cube: lemme see if I can find you the tutorial18:50
bazhang!forums | soreiser18:50
ubottusoreiser: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.18:50
s4n1i knew 172 is for priv. addy :D18:51
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OlympicSoftworksGood morning folks!18:51
Pentarex i have question about the partitions i have 60gb hard drive but i see only the main 8gb the other 52 i cant18:51
soreiserbazhang, why dont you want, too?18:51
OlympicSoftworksPentarex, how old is your computer?18:51
bonespurhow can i change my proxy??18:51
soreiserbazhang have i made something wrong also with you? i dont think so18:51
jaDoes anyone know why compiz disrupts the middle click in firefox?18:51
bazhangCasao_, does your install see your nic? what about your ap18:52
PentarexOlympicSoftworks: dont know 2 years maybe18:52
bazhangsoreiser, I am busy now.18:52
OlympicSoftworksI had not noticed it myself ja.18:52
maheshcan anyone help me to configure my printer in linux ubuntu18:53
soreiserbazhang, well ok then, no problem thanks anyway :)18:53
maheshiam new to ubuntu18:53
Casao_baz - what do you mean where do i have it set?18:53
maheshcan anyone help me to configure my printer in linux ubuntu18:53
maheshi have a hp printer18:53
OlympicSoftworksPentarex, have you tried using Gparted?  It is handy for finding things like this.18:53
Casao_i have the script at the bottom of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc18:53
djamelmahesh, USB ?18:53
leeping2008Hi there, I'm trying to get my sound card to work, and I'm wondering what's the URL for entering the PCI ID output for lspci... anyone want to help me out? :)18:53
bazhangCasao_, your nic has the drivers installed and you can get an ap?18:53
cubeswiller6: any luck man?18:53
Phantomashello i have put my pc in hybernate and when powered it up it couldnt find my graphics card and monitor and now i am in safe mode18:53
Casao_baz - i have the script at the bottom of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc18:54
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maheshdjamel yup usb18:54
Casao_i want to know what i should put in a script to turn it back to default to conenct to an AP18:54
maheshdjamel : the driver cd is only for windows18:54
Casao_i went with destroying the adhoc connection, creating a sta mode connection and restarting the network manager18:54
djamelmahesh, when you go to to administration/printing18:54
Casao_is there anything special i need to do otherwise?18:54
bazhangCasao_, what does ifconfig return; two entries or three18:54
Phantomasmy card is ati radeon x1950 pro18:54
Phantomasplease help me18:54
djamelmahesh, do you see it in "printers" ?18:54
bazhangCasao_, does iwconfig see an ap18:55
maheshdjamel : ok but i see only PDF18:55
swmiller6cube: here is a inkscape tutorial http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com/category/raster-to-vector/18:55
Casao_it does, but i don't get an ip18:55
Casao_and i have on this one before18:55
bazhangCasao_, what command do you use to get the ap18:55
swmiller6google will turn up many more18:55
cubeswiller6: thankyou a ton18:55
Casao_i'm using the default network manager18:55
Casao_roaming mode18:55
Casao_and selecting it18:55
Casao_it connects to the AP18:55
bazhangCasao_, better to use the terminal here18:55
FloodBot1Casao_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:55
jorgggI use a Asus laptop, when I had Gutsy it worked fine, but after upgrading( and/or clean installing) to Hardy the backlight of my LCD start a minimum, and I have to login into gnome in the "dark" before I can go ahead and use my Fn+F6 key to make it brighter. Anyone have ane experience with backlight issues? The strange thing is that it worked in Gutsy.18:55
magnetron!enter | Casao_18:55
ubottuCasao_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:56
PentarexOlympicSoftworks: i am new to ubuntu where to find that18:56
Casao_thanks for repeating that magnetron, because i missed it 5 seconds ago.18:56
bazhangCasao_, try this in terminal18:56
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djamelmahesh, go to synaptics and install the HP printng packages and try again18:56
bazhangCasao_, sudo dhclient ath018:56
Casao_i did, it times out18:56
leeping2008My OS seems to recognize my audio hardware.  However, I have headphones connected and no sound is playing...18:56
Casao_grabs the local private ip18:57
bazhangCasao_, then you need to associate the ap18:57
Casao_would rebooting the computer reset it to default settings or are things like that persistant?18:57
bazhangCasao_, what encryption is on the ap18:57
felixOh, and another one, din't really know where to throw it, hopefully it will be picked up here:18:57
felixWhen looking to install Adobe Flash on Ubuntu, it show's up in Add/Remove Applications as 'Macromedia Flash', this name however has been deprecated since Macromedia was aquired by Adobe in december 2005. Not really something that bothers me, but it may give the impression that this is a old version.18:57
kaushalI have configured openvpn client using Network Manager on Ubuntu 8.04 Linux Desktop, The issue is that I need to add sudo ip route add via dev tap0 every time whenever i need to connect to openvpn server18:57
OlympicSoftworksPenta, depending on what edition of Ubuntu you are using it may be installed already.  Look into System->Administration->Partition Editor, if it is not there you can download and install it from Add/Remove18:57
sarekI want to use mrtg to monitor data from lm-sensors and create graphs from it. Can this be done with existing ubuntu packages? Can anyone give me a hint how / where to start?18:58
kaushalis there a way to push it on the client side18:58
didohow to make Ubuntu 8.04 detect hard disk?18:58
MMDAEHi. Is it possible to artificially limit the speed on a network interface, or possibly an application?18:58
swmiller6 leeping2008: check your headphone volume is not muted18:58
jorgggAny one know i there is some new features or changes to the backlight of laptop LCD from gutsy to hardy that may have caused it to break at my Asus laptop?18:58
maheshdjamel : ok18:58
bytor4232jordo2323__: What do you mean?18:58
bytor4232jorggg: Sorry. jorggg, what do you mean.18:58
Casao_baz - none on this one, but my signal is weak so it could be caused by that. Basically, i want to know if rebooting will reset the ath0 to the default settings? If so, it's weak signal and i'll need to find another AP to test with. If not, I need to know if i need to do anything because destroying and creating a sta mode ath018:59
dido_how to make UBUNTU 8.04 detect new hard disk?18:59
Pici!info trickle | MMDAE18:59
ubottummdae: trickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-5 (hardy), package size 36 kB, installed size 172 kB18:59
bazhangCasao_, likely a reboot will have no effect; you are welcome to try if you wish :)18:59
FAJALOUhi if i leave my computer on over night or something like that, my computer will freeze up. i have to manually reboot.  how can i troubleshoot this issue?18:59
RandyboYWhere can i find repositories to get pidgin and opera? (Ive reinstalled my ubuntu and lost my repositories. And i remember i had to add a key, but i cant remember how) Anyone assist me?19:00
jorgggbytor4232: My LCD backlight starts at minimum when i boot up. I cant change it before I have loged into gnome. The backlight also turns low when I play a movie in mplayer for instance.19:00
Casao_baz - i have rebooted, but it seems to me like it should be creating a new ath0 on each boot, since it's a virtual connection19:00
candiveHi all, How do I remove trash that refuses to delete permissions checked still not deleting. please help is there a terminal command to empty trash.19:00
OlympicSoftworksMMDAE. it is.  It is called throttling.  I don't know how to do it myself.19:01
GneaFAJALOU: look at /var/log/syslog, see where the times cut off19:01
MMDAEOlympicSoftworks: Pici already helped19:01
MMDAEPici, thanks, that's perfect19:01
bazhangCasao_, what do you mean virtual19:01
jorgggbytor4232: So Im wondering if there have been any changes to backlight in hardy, cause it worked fine in gutsy19:01
swmiller6 RandyboY:  http://www.medibuntu.org/19:01
Gneajorggg: 'break'?19:01
candivesudo su delete trash ?19:02
bazhangcandive, no19:02
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:02
jorgggGnea: I mean if any thing may have caused it to break at my laptop19:02
FAJALOUGnea:  it only shows all of my boot sequence stuff from when i turned it back on...19:03
jorgggGnea: break in the meaning of stop working19:03
candiveGnea, thank you bazhang, thank you19:03
K4kFor some reason whenever I log into my server VIA ssh, the motd message shows up twice. I read somewhere that it's because of a script, I have only found one forum post regarding this problem, but it didn't help anything. Can someone help me figure out why it's printing twice?19:03
Casao_baz - that's what wlanconfig is, wifi0 is the physical wifi adapter, ath0 is virtual19:03
Gneajorggg: your use of the word 'break' requires definition. please.19:03
dido_can anybody answer me plz?19:03
kartoffelmenschanyone knows a mp3 proggy similar to amarok that also features fade in/out and fade during the tracks ?19:03
bazhangdido_, what is the question19:03
Pentarex i have question about the partitions i have 60gb hard drive but i see only the main 8gb the other 52 i cant19:04
HymnToLifePentarex: define "see"19:04
wng-Does anyone know what file on the livecd is put to screen on the non-X command-line login?19:04
mindstormhi , I am new here19:04
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 Casao_ you might check here how to associate that ap19:04
PentarexHymnToLife: locate, examine19:04
dido_bazhang:how to make ubuntu 8.04 detect new hard disk?19:04
jorgggGnea: The LCD backlight of my Asus W5F laptop worked fine in gutsy, but after installing hardy it is always turn down to its minimum brightness when I boot. So i have to login with a dark screen before I may use Fn+F6 key to brighten up the screen.19:04
GneaFAJALOU: what about /var/log/syslog.0 ?19:04
HymnToLifePentarex: right, but how do you "locate" it?19:05
mindstormI think with ntfs configuration tool19:05
FAJALOUGnea:  just looking there ;), it shows it til 0317:01,   then a huge gap to 10:47:0719:05
Gneajorggg: oh okay, so hardy didn't really cause the hardware to become permanently disabled.19:05
djamelmahesh, so ? you found the packages ?19:05
Casao_Does anyone know if wlanconfig will create a ath0 with default settings or with last used settings on reboot, that is what i need to know at the moment.19:05
jorgggGnea: now not a chance! Only software changes I belive19:06
GneaFAJALOU: so something happened around 3:30am19:06
maheshdjamel : ya i find some like hpij19:06
Gneajorggg: good :)19:06
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PentarexHymnToLife: ok i have 60 gb hd and i set 10gb for OS and 50 for my stuffs but now i only examine 10gb of the whole hard drive i want to be partition like D on windows u know double click on it and i am in19:06
leepingHey there, I have sound card issues, the system appears to recognize my sound card yet no sound is playing.  Anyone able to help?19:06
wolsonanyone here have experience installing a GeForce4 MX440 on ubuntu desktop?19:06
siriusnovaanyone find that in Ubuntu Hardy no smb:// or samba shares work in nautilus anymore?19:06
djamelmahesh, ok install them all, and then unplug it and plug it again19:06
wolsonI can only go 800x600 :-(19:06
cubeswiller6: are you still here?19:06
HymnToLifePentarex: do you have a partition on the extra 50 Gigs19:07
FAJALOUGnea:   so is there a way to troubleshoot what this was?19:07
swmiller6cube: yes19:07
Pentarexi think so19:07
jorgggGnea: Do you know if there have been any changes to the ACPI or LCD backlight from gutsy->hardy that may be the root of the problem?19:07
maheshdjamel : ok19:07
HymnToLifePentarex: do a   sudo fdisk -l   to find out19:07
PentarexHymnToLife: i think so19:07
OlympicSoftworksPentarex, and did you specify the filesystem of that 50gb?  If there is no file system on it, you will not see it19:07
wng-Does anyone know what file on the livecd is put to screen on the non-X command-line login? I thought it would have been /etc/issue, but it's not19:07
cubeswiller6: do u want to make a simple .jpeg into a vector I could send u some$ paypal after the guy that wants me to do it sends me $ for it19:08
HymnToLifewng-: you mean all the text about Ubuntu being free software and blah blah blah?19:08
Gneajorggg: I think so. I'm not sure what the root of it is, yet. I have a laptop that is a bit dim at times, too. But I haven't bothered to fix it since it isn't too dim.19:08
swmiller6cube: how simple19:08
wng-HymnToLife: yes, but I just found it, /etc/motd19:08
php6thHook InfoboxDataCapture::save failed to return a value, why this happens with Infoboxdata.php ????19:09
cubeswiller6: i will link it19:09
php6thHelp InfoboxDataCapture::save failed to return a value, why this happens with Infoboxdata.php ????19:09
HymnToLifewng-: yup, that's the one19:09
soreiserGnea: are you back? have you enought time now to help me out?19:09
Chrizz_Can anyone help me with wine?19:09
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Gneasoreiser: oh, sure. did you get the pastebin done?19:09
Chrizz_im trying to run this .exe file, but it just does nothing.19:09
PentarexHymnToLife: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37770/19:10
FAJALOUGnea:  here is the pertinent part of my syslog.019:10
Casao_Ok, another question then - where is the grub timeout setting stored? the thing that controls that screen where it sits there and counts down19:10
Casao_want to disable that part, speed bootup some19:10
cubeswiller6: ok well i suppose its not too simple http://k20a.us/ill.jpg19:10
bazhangdido_, please keep it in channel.19:10
soreiserGnea: no because i saw you needed to go. i'll do then again19:10
OlympicSoftworksCasao it is in /boot/grub.  It is one of the text files in there.19:11
Casao_do you know which one?19:11
PentarexHymnToLife: are u here m819:11
FAJALOUCasao menu.lst19:11
K4kDoes anyone know why motd is showing up twice when I ssh into my box?19:11
swmiller6cube: pm me19:11
K4kif I rename motd it doesn't show up at all19:11
GneaFAJALOU: hrm, i would install lm-sensors and sensord and see what happens in the next day or two. compare then...19:11
Miteshis there a problem with totem in hardy?19:11
OlympicSoftworksThas de one19:11
swamptinhas anyone here tried installing ubuntu on a vertual machine on a Macbook pro?19:11
K4kso it's not that there are two files or something19:11
FAJALOUGnea:  are they in the repos?19:12
gleyvehow to make "window avant manager" auto-start?19:12
GneaFAJALOU: yup19:12
Chrizz_im trying to run this .exe file in wine, but it just does nothing.19:12
wanderingiihow do i know if my ubuntu installed ok? it was at 93% lsat time i looked and a min or two later i have a ubuntu desktop infront of me but the computer didnt restart at all19:12
PentarexOlympicSoftworks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37770/ can u help me with this info19:12
mahmoudhi every one19:13
FAJALOUGnea:  how can i see them?19:13
FAJALOU!hi | mahmoud19:13
ubottumahmoud: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:13
GneaFAJALOU: just search for sensors19:13
mahmoudi had problem in using network19:13
OlympicSoftworksGot that, checking it out.19:13
FAJALOUGnea:  in what?  in /var/log?19:13
GneaFAJALOU: uh, no... in synaptic19:13
mahmoudi can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser19:14
mahmoudit works some times and some times stop19:14
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FAJALOUGnea:  o lol they are already installed ;)  so where can i find the sensors themselves?  are they automatically turned on?19:14
mahmoudi had this problem with many linux versions19:15
Sinn3rmanhow do i cause the default behaviour of the mount options inside the places menu to mount devices readonly rather than readwrite for all users? for example, i have a bunch of files on an ntfs partition that i do _not_ want write access to - they're already marked readonly on ntfs, but on linux i see them as rw for all users. how do i do that?19:15
mahmoudi tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu the same problem19:15
Pentarexcan someone really can help me please19:16
mahmoudi can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem19:16
jcdwrrcMySQL 4.1 apt-get - What repository should I look in?19:17
Jeruvymahmoud; then likely the problem is PC or network related, not OS.19:17
Pentarexplease mates help me with to solve my stupid problem for smart guys :D19:18
Pentarexits about partition19:18
OlympicSoftworksPentarex, is this a second drive of yours?19:18
Gnea!sensors | FAJALOU19:18
ubottuFAJALOU: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto19:18
the_darkside_986I had the network printer working at one point, based on evidence of an Ubuntu branded test page lying there... but i deleted my settings and can't remember what i did or when those printed :(19:18
Kildehello.  I am having sound issues and I can't isolate what the problem is.  I notice it occuring when running amarok.  basically when trying to listen to music other sounds seem to be disabled, such as if I try to play a youtube video.  Sometimes however the opposite happens, when I am watching a youtube video Amarok won't play any music and quickly cycle through my playlist.  Sometimes it causes amarok to hang and freeze momentarily, ot19:18
PentarexOlympicSoftworks: yes19:18
felixmahmoud: do you use network connectivity provided by the motherboard or a separate network card19:18
wanderingiianyone got any advice? i thought it should have installed ok, but i see there is an install icon on the desktop19:19
speeneri've been liking ubuntu for its ease of use and all, but it's so different than a normal linux box19:19
kaushalanybody here has used openvpn client19:19
dr_evilI'm running Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS and changed the motherboard. The new one has Intel ICH10 controller SATA ports that are not supported, what can I do?19:19
Gneajordo2323__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=559422519:20
OlympicSoftworksyou will have to mount it yourself then.  Make a folder somewhere, in your home or in /media then do: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /*whereever*.  This will not be permanent but will make it usable until you reboot19:20
jcdwrrcI'm running Ubuntu Hardy and would like to install MYSQL 4.x using apt-get or the package manager, but have no idea where the repository is...a little help here?19:20
Gneajcdwrrc: hardy has 5.x, it's compatible.19:20
kaushaljcdwrrc, /etc/apt/sources.list19:20
speenertry downloading the source and installing it normally19:20
maheshdjamel : its repeatedly showing printer may not be connected19:21
maheshdjamel : but its connected19:21
maheshkaran:: are u there19:21
jcdwrrcGnea and Kaushal - I was hoping to leverage dependency analysis in apt-get.19:21
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Gneajcdwrrc: what's wrong with 5.x?19:22
jcdwrrcSources.list is great, but existing repositories do not contain 4.1...I have software that's compatible with 4.1 only.19:22
LEVI4TH4Nhello niggas19:22
Gnea!language | LEVI4TH4N19:22
ubottuLEVI4TH4N: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:22
jcdwrrcI wish I could use 5.0, but it'll require porting a great deal of code...we're not there quite yet.19:22
LEVI4TH4NGnea ok nigga19:22
kaushalanybody here has used openvpn client19:22
frybyeLEVI4TH4N: did you take a wrong turn at the lass crossing pal???19:22
OlympicSoftworksdr_evil, have you checked the hardware compatibility list to see if they are supported?  There is some intell Sata chips that was has issues with non-vista as I understand it19:23
FlannelLEVI4TH4N: Please stop it with the language.19:23
LEVI4TH4NFlannel sorry :/19:23
the_darkside_986ipp:// as the printer URI keeps printing gibberish as the test page? what is this about?19:23
speenerok, so I have a vfat partition that i share with vista, i can manually mount and all, but i put this line into the fstab and it wont mount on boot:19:23
frostyanyone here know anything about ram compatibility ?19:23
speener/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WD2500BEVS-60UST0_WD-WXEY07R69803-part1 /mnt/hda1 vfat auto,umask=0,rw 0 019:23
frostyor ram in general?19:23
GneaLEVI4TH4N: sorry is not good enough. you are now on /ignore.19:23
OlympicSoftworksRam = Majestic mountain quadruped?19:24
mahesh!hp printer | ubuttu19:24
kaushalOlympicSoftworks, hi19:24
the_darkside_986What does "printer" protocol on port 515 mean? Can Ubuntu use that at all?19:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hp printer19:24
djamelmahesh, try adding a new printer, and choose HP jet direct19:24
frostyOlympicSoftworks, no, but if that was the case i would come to you :P19:24
LEVI4TH4Nubottu: sorry is not good enough. you are now on /ignore.19:24
maheshdjamel : ok19:24
bewst1I got some packages from hardy-backports or hardy-proposed that messed up my system, so I removed those repositories from sources.list.  How do I get the versions of those packages that are provided by my currently-selected repos19:24
bazhangLEVI4TH4N, please stop19:24
wanderingiihow do i set my ip and gateway so my computer appears on my home network?19:25
Wolfsherzsorry for this if there is a batter place for it, but can anyone explain to me how to get ubuntu installed on a nvidia fakeraid system?19:25
ghostknifeHow do I know which ubuntu release I have?19:25
Sindaciousgodzirra, lsb_release -a19:25
jcdwrrcshonstknife: go to system -> about ubuntu19:25
bewst1Wolfsherz: recommendations I've seen are to use mdraid and avoid the built-in nvidia "BIOS RAID" stuff19:25
ghostknifejcdwrrc: shonstknife?19:26
OlympicSoftworksIs the ram question regarding setting up a dual channel set on a supporting motherboard?19:26
wolsonanyone here have experience installing a GeForce4 MX440 on ubuntu desktop? I can only do 800x60019:26
dotdothi, wondering if someone could point to fixing 'desktop effects'? I had recently disabled it and re-enabling now fails- compiz on termial throws "xgl not present" and glxinfo says "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" I am on intel i810 card19:26
Wolfsherzbewst1: I have to use that, as Windows is installed on it too...19:26
lwizardlanyone here use a Linux computer for Point Of Sales ? I need some input on whats going to be needed19:26
ghostknifeOK. so i have gutsy, and haven't updated in a few months (about 272mb of updates left). It also says I can upgrade. Should I first update and then upgrade, or doesn't it matter, or will it automatically update first?19:27
Pentarexcasao: are u here my man19:27
bewst1Wolfsherz: ah, in that case, I'm sorry that I can't help you.  I think there are HOWTOs about it around.19:27
OlympicSoftworksSpeener, that intro to the fstab line may not be correct.  Try to reference it the old fashioned way without the UUI19:27
jcdwrrcghostknife - sorry, multitasking.19:27
dotdotghostknife, update should not matter if you havent changed sources.list19:28
Pentarexcasao: nope19:28
jcdwrrcAnyone know where I can point apt-get to get mysql 4.1?19:28
speenerOlympicSoftworks: so like /dev/disks/hda1?19:28
soreiserGnea: sorry are you still here? it takes too much from livecd, it is almost unrunnable; do you REALLY need dmesg from the failing dmesg? i cant tell you by now it will be only a dmesg full of I/O errors related to hdd. It will no serve to solve the problem, i simply need to have "all_generic_ide" parameter working from ubuntu-server installation cd.19:28
bewst1Wolfsherz: the only other thing I can say is: use LVM, and leave a little extra space in your volume group for snapshots19:28
zdravkohi there19:28
OlympicSoftworkslwizardl what do you mean, what function?19:28
OlympicSoftworksSpeener, yepper19:28
zdravkoI search for a Java channel?19:28
zdravkoI need some help in java19:28
Pentarexzdravko: where are u from man19:28
ghostknifedotdot: why if I haven't changed sources.list?19:28
jcdwrrczdravko - what do you need?19:28
zdravkofrom Bulgaria :)19:28
onthefence928i want to create a GUI that let's me change values in a .xml document i have. i just want something that let's the user find images on his computer and change some numbers in the .xml. but i have little experience making a GUI and no experience writing anything for gnome or ubuntu can anyone help me find a toolkit to make my life easier or a tutorial to learn what i need?19:28
soreiser*for ubuntu-server19:28
Wolfsherzbewst1: thank you, i guess I'll have to look around a bit then19:28
speenerOlympicSoftworks: thanx man, i'll try19:28
zdravkoI have a few questions about a Java application I am working on19:29
OlympicSoftworksPentarex, did you get that thing mounted?19:29
Pentarexzdravko: az sa6to e brato19:29
OlympicSoftworksGL speener19:29
jcdwrrczdravko - shoot...19:29
lwizardlOlympicSoftworks, I need a retail pos to handle the cash register functions, and tracking sales, returns, etc but most seem to be for resturants only19:29
bazhangPentarex, english please19:29
jcdwrrcor email me - jcdwrrc@gmail.com (10 years developing Java apps professionally, mostly for the web).19:29
zdravkohow do I get the current time? I need hours, minutes and seconds19:29
PentarexOlympicSoftworks: did u get the nuclear program stop working.... thats the same hard for me like u to stop it :D19:29
Gneasoreiser: yes, I do. I've asked you several times.19:29
dotdotghostknife, apt-get update checks if sources.list has gotten some entries changed.. so you can update then upgrade, but direct upgrade shud be fine if you havent changed it19:29
jcdwrrcsee SimpleDateFormat();19:29
jcdwrrcDate date = new Date();19:30
zdravkohmm, okay, I will19:30
jcdwrrcSimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("...");19:30
ghostknifedotdot: well, hopefully someone hasn't changed it then, because the upgrade to 8.04 started19:30
FAJALOUGnea:  i installed lm-sensors and sensord and ran sudo sensor-setup or whatever, what should i be looking for exactly?  b/c it might be an overheating issue (my gpu is at 48 C now... is that bad) and so i will keep my computer on and see what happens19:30
zdravkobut... it seems it is deprecated this Date :(19:30
PentarexOlympicSoftworks: i didnt mount it i dont know how19:30
zdravkowait, lemme write down...19:30
dotdothi, just wondering if someone could point to fixing 'desktop effects'? I had recently disabled it and re-enabling now fails- compiz on termial throws "xgl not present" and glxinfo says "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" I am on intel i810 card19:30
mtoI'm trying to set up samba+ldap as a domain controller. ldap works great, but when I try to add an XP machines to the domain, I get no such user in xp and smbldap-adduser -m returns 127. Any ideas?19:31
GneaFAJALOU: if it gets above 65C or 70C, that's when I'd start to worry19:31
maheshdjamel : thankyou dude it works19:31
executionisthow can i watch tv on ubuntu, i have the pixelview play tv pro tv card19:31
Gnea!tv | executionist19:31
ubottuexecutionist: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out19:31
FAJALOUGnea:  ok... does it update them hourly or something in a log file?  because if my computer crashes again i will not be able to see them...19:31
OlympicSoftworkslwizardl, will a PoS system for restraunts not work for you?19:31
jcdwrrcDATE FORMAT EXAMPLES: http://javatechniques.com/blog/dateformat-and-simpledateformat-examples/19:31
jzsmithIs there any sort of device manager like in Windows?19:31
wanderingiihi guys i could really do with some help here. i have a network set up at home which  need my ubuntu pc to connect to. the router has a gateway ip of which all the other machines point to. I have entered this in the network settings for my pc and gave it an ip address and selected static ip address for th configuration, btu it wont connect to the internet19:32
jcdwrrcDoesn't look like anyone here knows where to get mysql 4.1 for hardy...where  should I go next?19:32
OlympicSoftworksPentarex.  There is a software package in the repositories that will scan your system and make additions to the right place for you.  Go to Add/Remove and search for mount.19:32
ghostknifejzsmith: no, but there are differen't hardware tools for different purposes. what do you want? information/configuration?19:32
mtowandering: can you ping
=== amk`_ is now known as amk`
lwizardlOlympicSoftworks, not from what it looks like. seems to not really have all i need/want19:32
ghostknifejzsmith: System->Preferences->Hardware information. Maybe start there?19:33
Initial_Manybody knows if there is effects/animations for file transfer?19:33
soreiserGnea: i already given that dmesg to many ubuntu-supporters before and the only answer they gave me is "hdd problem". oh, what a news! So, i'm telling you, considering it takes SO much to load from boot-cd can you simply tell me *why* that parameter seems NOT ENABLED in hardy installation cds (server too)? running it from grub IT WORKS, but i DONT from install-cds19:33
Initial_Manybody knows if there is effects/animations for file transfer?19:33
zdravkoI have one more question...19:33
FAJALOUGnea:  it says that my fans are at 0 RPM... is this because my fans are not detected by ubuntu?19:33
wanderingiii have jsut reentered the settings again and restarted the computer so just testing now to see if it works.19:33
OlympicSoftworksyou want like coupons or something?  Invoices from another system to be brought up at the register?19:33
zdravkoI want to store a lot of text in a file19:33
jzsmithghostknife, I don't have that option.19:33
bazhang!repeat | soreiser19:33
ubottusoreiser: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:33
=== Shaba1-afk is now known as Shaba1
zdravkoand have it output on the console on the same time19:33
ghostknifejzsmith: which ubuntu?19:33
jzsmithghostknife, 8.0419:33
Initial_Manybody knows if there is effects/animations for file transfer?19:34
ghostknifejzsmith: odd19:34
zdravkothe file saving is needed, because I am afraid of loosing something19:34
Flannel!afk > Shaba119:34
ubottuShaba1, please see my private message19:34
zdravkothis console is somewhat ... dangeruos19:34
OlympicSoftworksinitial_m, just a bar that fills up as the transfer completes19:34
zdravkoany idea?19:34
reconIs there any way to select timezones, not locations, to put on the world clock locations?19:34
zdravkowho helped me before with the date example?19:34
reconSay, UTC?19:34
roger_padactorword up, having trouble getting phppgadmin to work. i created the symbolic link but that didn't work. i'v changed my default dir from /var/www/ to /home/username/public/web  it works, i pasted the phppgadmin.conf stuff into the dault in the apache conf but that didn't seem to do anything.19:35
angushi all!!19:35
Gneasoreiser: now you're doing the same thing to me that you did to wols.19:35
bazhangsoreiser, dont repeat so often19:35
Flannelzdravko: ##java is the place for java support19:35
jcdwrrcDATE SAMPLE - I did19:35
zdravkoa okay19:35
zdravkoI will go there19:35
jzsmithghostknife, I just want to see if Ubuntu recognizes that a USB device was plugged in.19:35
Flannelzdravko: No problem.  Good luck19:35
wanderingiimto, it appears to work for the internet. i havent tested yet to see if it appears to other networked computers19:35
wanderingiiexcellent it works.19:35
zdravkoI cant join it19:36
jzsmithghostknife, usually in Windows a little window will pop up saying it doesn't recognize the device and if I would like to sesarch for a driver, is there anything like that in Ubuntu?19:36
zdravkoit says  #java ##java :Forwarding to another channel19:36
zdravko ##java :You need to be identified to join that channel19:36
zdravko ##java :You need to be identified to join that channel19:36
mtoweird. A reboot shouldn't have been necessary.19:36
jcdwrrcFlannel - where can I go to find a repository that contains mysql 4.1 - want to use apt-get (for dependency analysis)19:36
FloodBot1zdravko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
Gneasoreiser: no dmesg? no help.19:36
Flannelzdravko: You have to be registered.  /msg nickserv help register19:36
ghostknifejzsmith: no19:36
ghostknifejzsmith: you will need to check the logs for that19:37
Flanneljcdwrrc: For dependency analysis, you don't have to actually enable/etc that repository on your computer, you can just look here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/mysql-server-4.119:37
=== mike__ is now known as MGrunde
zdravkoit doesn't work - it says zdravko is already registered19:37
zdravkowhat to do?19:37
executionistwhere is the thing where i can see all my hardware. something like device manager19:37
Flanneljcdwrrc: mysql 4.1 wasn't even officially supported in dapper (it's in universe), so I shouldn't have to tell you that you shouldn't use it :)19:37
Gneazdravko: choose another nick19:37
zdravkofor example?19:38
Flannelzdravko: #ubuntu-offtopic can help19:38
MGrundeFlannel: lshw19:38
speenerOlympicSoftworks: hey man, i wrote: /dev/sda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat auto,umask=0,rw 0 0 , but it still didn't load at boot19:38
=== zdravko is now known as khalderon
jcdwrrcFlannel: How about 4.0?19:38
executionistguys  where is the thing where i can see all my hardware. something like device manager19:38
xintronI tried starting CounterStrike through wine but I just got a messed up screen (looked like it was divided into two windows) and I had to restart X to get rid of it. What might it be that I'm missing? btw, ATI X600 installed through Envyng19:38
marenostrumHi dear friends. Ubuntu 8.04 here with nvidia Go 7600 card. Problem is, screen flashes (like a blink) some 4 times a minute. I have the packages linux restricted drivers and nvidia-glx-new installed which I believeto be the proper choices. Should I make a change regarding them or ... any other idea?19:39
khalderonI changed my nick and still can't get there19:39
Larrxihow to check if running 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu?19:39
khalderonit still says it is already registered :(19:39
denndaLarrxi: uname -a19:39
Initial_Manyone there who has animation/effects same with WIndows for file transfer?19:39
OlympicSoftworksexecutionis, I don't know that there is a default one loaded at install time.  There are several available from repositories thought.  Sysinfo is a good one.19:39
Initial_Manyone there who has animation/effects same with WIndows for file transfer?19:40
GneaLarrxi: uname -m19:40
bazhangInitial_M, not the same as windows; there is a transfer bar though19:40
Larrxidennda, Gnea: thank you19:40
jcdwrrcFLANNEL - THANKS.19:40
OlympicSoftworksspeener, is there a directory in /mnt called hda1?  It has to be there for the mount to work.  You may have to create it manually.19:40
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=== khalderon is now known as loving_zdravko
Initial_Moh that is  dissapointing19:40
speenerOlympicSoftworks: yes, i made it19:41
mtoexecutionist: I don't know of something like that, but more /proc/bus/pci/devices gives you some of that sort of info.19:41
GneaInitial_M: what sort of effects?19:41
Gnea!patience | Initial_M19:41
ubottuInitial_M: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:41
executionistk thx19:41
=== Tizz is now known as Tizz__
soreiserGnea this is the previous dmesg+sudo fdisk -l i gave to wols_ if you can take help from that: http://pastebin.com/d3e01015f i'm taking dmesg from the livecd but it takes a lot, please SORRY19:41
Flanneljcdwrrc: Nope.  I guess older versions could.  But... Those aren't up there, you'd have to manually grok the packages.gz, warty has 4.0: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  grep for "Package: mysql-server"19:41
infexionhow do you share files over your network via ubuntu19:41
mtoI'm trying to set up samba+ldap as a domain controller. ldap works great, but when I try to add an XP machines to the domain, I get no such user in xp and smbldap-adduser -m returns 127. Any ideas?19:42
soreiserbut this dmesg is that WORKING one19:42
=== loving_zdravko is now known as LovingZdravko
Initial_Mim sorry guys. but thanks so much for the help19:42
Scorp_Guys, can anyone help me with copying my contacts from my Sony Ericsson P1i to Evolution ??19:42
soreiserthis is the dmsg WITH ALL_GENERIC_IDE ENABLED19:42
OlympicSoftworksSpeener, you are sure the volume is in /dev/sda1?19:42
speenerOlympicSoftworks: well i manually mounted it with /dev/sda119:43
Gneasoreiser: yes, I can read.19:43
=== zdravko is now known as LovingZdravko
soreiserGmea with all_generic_ide disable i got a lot of errors that i'm waiting the pc to post on pastebin19:43
Gneasoreiser: btw, are you in Italy?19:43
OlympicSoftworksah, the manual mount worked, but auto mount via fstab did not?19:43
soreiserGnea yeah19:43
soreiseryou too?19:43
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:43
=== zdravko is now known as LovingZdravko
Scorp_OlympicSoftworks: Did u do sudo mount -a19:43
Gneasoreiser: no.19:43
bazhangsoreiser, /join #ubuntu-it19:44
soreiserbazhang noone could help me on #-it19:44
testmycode019test 12319:44
bazhangsoreiser, nor here19:44
OlympicSoftworksScorp, I think he totally rebooted.  Trying to find that out now.19:44
kcman1if i wanted to convert a png image file what program is the best?19:44
Gneakcman1: convert, from imagemagick19:44
Gnea!best | kcman119:45
ubottukcman1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:45
soreiserbazhang is that a prblem if i'm staying here seems! i'm getting help from Gnea, bazhang19:45
MGrundeEven though I've set my removable hard drive to mount to a folder in my home folder through fstab, it still appears on the desktop.  How do I prevent this?19:45
bazhangsoreiser, just dont ask for people by name. repeat your question every 10 minutes or so. But don't target people to answer you.19:45
soreiser<Gnea> soreiser: btw, are you in Italy? Gnea, why did you asked to me?19:46
bazhangsoreiser, did you read what I just wrote?19:46
lwizardlkcman1, use g.i.m.p. to convert it to something else19:47
teerawipower management doesnt work with me19:47
teerawiiam using ubuntu 8.0.4 with nvidia card19:47
the_darkside_986My print server is definitely at "" but Ubuntu keeps saying it is "inaccessible" when I push the Verify button (adding a printer).19:47
teerawibut i cant get my pc to sleep mode19:47
uoaphyskazuni: i have been using pidgin lately19:47
Gneasoreiser: the problem isn't really that you're here, the problem is more of your general attitude - it's taken well over an hour for you to provide a simple answer to my question - the entire time, you've been berating me with "no! i won't do it!" or "you listen to me! i won't listen to you!" which is, suffice to say, very unproductive and stressful. You are not paying me, therefore, I choose to help you. I can also choose to stop helping you at any given mo19:47
MGrundeteerawi: Notebook or PC?\19:48
=== offtopic is now known as lcphr3ak
Gneasoreiser: now, i've taken a look at your pastebin and I don't see any problem with the all-generic-ide - is it possible for you to turn syslog on with /etc/init.d/sysklogd start, on the livecd, wait about 10 minutes, then pastebin the contents of /var/log/dmesg?19:49
XiphophorusHi, a friend of mine is using Ubuntu LiveCD, but can't connect to the Internet using ethernet cables19:49
bazhangXiphophorus, what chipset and what errors19:49
RandyboYAnyone have a repo for the latest version of Pidgin and Opera?19:49
gkffjcs_is there a command line interface to the gvfs?19:49
MGrundeXiphophorus: What is the output of ifconfig19:49
bazhangXiphophorus, what does that mean19:50
XiphophorusHe'll tell me in a moment and I'll paste it back19:50
Xiphophorushold on19:50
bazhangXiphophorus, dont paste here19:50
XiphophorusQuery window?19:50
teerawiwhen using forced turn off monitor it works for a moment but it doesn't last a min19:51
wirenikI just ripped a DVD onto my hard drive in .avi format. What program can I use to convert it into a format playable with an iPod?19:51
bazhang!paste | Xiphophorus19:51
ubottuXiphophorus: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:51
MGrundeteerawi: Notebook or PC?19:51
teerawii said,its a pc19:51
MGrundeteerawi: What motherboard model?19:51
Jeruvyteerawi: disable mouse activation, does it still occur?19:52
wanderingiii have gone to applications and add or remove and it asked me to reload the packages listings, so i clicked reload and now it jsut seems to be sittin at a loading screen, with all the add remove stuff disabled, but i can still use away at the system19:52
LarrxiOk, uname -a written, howto get if it is 32- or 64-bit from the following: Linux kalle 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux19:52
teerawiwhat mouse activation19:52
bazhangLarrxi, 3219:52
soreiser<bazhang> soreiser, did you read what I just wrote? <- yeah, i did, ok. Gnea i'm (slowly) trying to put the failing-dmesg on pastebin, it takes  a lot to load firefox that's the problem.19:52
Jeruvyteerawi; does the pc come out of sleep when you move the mouse?19:52
Larrxibazhang: ty, the kernel version that determines?19:53
soreiserGmea p.s. ". I can also choose to stop helping you at any given m" any given? :)19:53
GneaLarrxi: 32 - i68619:53
bazhangi686 Larrxi19:53
teerawiit doesnt go to sleep by it self, i force it wwith a command19:53
Larrxiahh of course :)19:53
teerawiand  it comeout by it self19:53
Gneabazhang: not sure whether to thank you or not19:53
Jeruvyteerawi: I did not ask that...force it to sleep, then move the mouse.  Does THIS wake up the pc?19:54
bazhangGnea, he would not listen after many attempts19:54
Gneabazhang: thank you.19:54
teerawiyes it woke the monitor19:54
bazhanghe'll be back19:54
Gneaand i will probably not be here. la dee da19:54
Jeruvyteerawi: ok disable mouse activation ,then test again.  same place you enabled sleep.19:54
teerawifrom power management19:55
the_darkside_986I have a print server that does this: http://pastebin.com/d4821e806 but I can't figure out its URI in Ubuntu. Any ideas? It was printing jibberish but I can't even get it to do that anymore.19:55
izikehi, i installed a new kvm package that replace the kvm modules inside /lib/modules..., the problem is that i want to come back to the old ubuntu modules for kvm, how can i do that ? (from where can i install them?)?19:56
sharperguyAnyone know what page on the ubuntu website it should reference in wikipedia to show that ubuntu's slogan is "Linux for human beings"?19:56
Larrxiwhy do i always get an answer when i ask in this channel? :)19:57
uoaphyscan someone help me with desktop resolutions? I am seeing a 50Hz, 640x480 option in my set resolution panel, and in advanced desktop effects settings for compiz. This is not my actual resolution (which is 1024x768x50hz). But this 640x480 is the only one shown, and it wonlt let me select the correct one, or change it. I'm afraid to play wiht it because I might lose my 1024x768, but I want to be able to adjust my screen... Anyone have any ideas?19:57
soreiserbazhang? why you kicked me? why? any reason now?19:57
bazhangsoreiser, PM19:57
gkffjcs_is there a command line interface to the gnome vfs?19:57
=== Tizz__ is now known as Tizz
pvh_saheya... is there any extension or plugin or something for nautilus to tag items so i can search for tags in the future?19:57
GneaLarrxi: because you aren't pushy, you ask intelligently, and, most of all, you aren't rude about it. ;)19:58
hase_So I installed a PCMCIA card with four USB ports.  When I do a lsusb it shows the new usb ports, and lspcmcia lists the card, but none of the usb devices i plug into it work, what can i do?19:58
the_darkside_986Is the LPD:// type uri's supposed to specify a port in Ubuntu's print configuration?19:59
=== Finnish_ is now known as Finnish
jpastorehow do I make vlc not play in a zoomed mode?19:59
Gneajpastore: is it doing that by default?20:00
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: have you looked at this thread?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/2596620:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 25966 in Ubuntu Hardy "NEW PACKAGE: Printer drivers for Brother needed" [High,Fix released]20:00
jpastoreGnea, yea20:01
jpastoresorry =)20:01
pdlnhrdis there a way to hide a window in linux like you can in mac.... so that i can leave a ternminal window open but not have it take up any screen real estate?20:01
jpastoreGnea, when I open a video I get pic in a pic and the smaller one has a draggable white box that controls what the larger video is displaying...it's annoying20:01
Gneapdlnhrd: press the 'minimize' button20:01
pdlnhrdGnea:  not quite the same20:01
Jeruvypdlnhrd: redirect the output to null.20:02
the_darkside_986I got the right Brother driver, and even twice accidentally printed successful pages...20:02
the_darkside_986but I can't remember what I did.20:02
Gneapdlnhrd: it keeps the window running, but doesn't show anything.20:02
=== ttsty is now known as teerawi
adac2where can I costumize the visual effects? I just find the three options none, normal and extra20:02
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion20:02
frostyi'm having trouble getting my hp psc 2210 recognized in ubuntu...any ideas?20:03
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: did you install tcsh?  or you still only have bash?20:03
pdlnhrdGnea: yes i know what "minimizing"  a window does... i guess you don't know what hide means on a mac.... i will assume the answer is no it is not possiple20:03
the_darkside_986I've got the tcsh package installed20:03
LarrxiGnea: thank you20:03
RequinB4pdlnhrd: why don't you explain it?20:03
Jeruvythe_darkside_986: ok, thats all I can help sorry :)  I got stuck there too.20:03
jpastoregnea any ideas?20:04
Gneapdlnhrd: i'm sorry, i don't own a mac. most people don't...20:04
Gneajpastore: looking20:04
pdlnhrdRequinB4:  it hides the window... it doesn't show up on windows list.. not much too it20:05
rotany one tell me how to make server and make20:05
jpastoreGnea, thanks =)20:05
rotfor outside can see it20:05
yaroslav_where is the best place to *globally* add a dir to path, /etc/profile?20:05
teerawijeruvy:i cant find the mouse activation you talked about20:05
lwizardlso I take it no one here currently has setup a point of sales system??20:05
ZeroA4pdlnhrd, system - preferences - windows --- has an option for the title bar double click20:05
uliferhow do you upgrade gnome to the new version on ubuntu?20:05
MGrundefrosty: Is hpijs installed?20:05
frostyMGrunde, i believe so.20:06
Flannelyaroslav_: /etc/environment20:06
RequinB4pdlnhrd: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/WindowMatching20:06
yaroslav_Flannel: ty20:06
frostyMGrunde, isn't it supposed to automatically detect the printer on the administration/printing menu?20:06
Gneajpastore: what zoom level is it starting at?20:06
ZeroA4pdlnhrd, i guess a mac does a roll or something like that... my ubuntu is not in english20:06
Kmadulifer, have you checked Synaptic for any updated Gnome packages?20:06
chieffancypantsis there an interactive mode for "tail"?  like the opposite of "less"20:06
rathelI'm trying to install flash and I keep getting this error when I try to use nspluginwrapper http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37785/20:06
mrzitherpdlnhrd: I'm on a Mac right now, but I don't believe there is a way to do the window hiding in linux.20:06
jpastoreit's set to default I would say it looks like 1:420:06
uliferKmad: I was only checking with apt-get20:07
pdlnhrdZeroA4:  it isn't a roll up but that is as close as I am going to get i think... thanks20:07
Kmadulifer, try searching for gnome packages20:07
ZeroA4pdlnhrd, ok :)20:07
RequinB4rathel: why not 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'20:07
mrzitherpdlnhrd: I think minimizing or window rolling is the closest you can get.20:07
jpastoreGnea, is there a way to just not have a zoom?20:07
MGrundefrosty: If the correct drivers are installed.  Most are by default, but I'm not sure about hpijs.  What does "dpkg --list | grep hpijs" return?20:07
uliferKmad: yeah i did aptitude search gnome20:07
rathelRequinB4, Because that doesn't always work, I'm trying a different way.20:07
Kmadulifer, what did you get?20:08
Gneajpastore: edit your ~/.vlc/vlcrc file, comment out the zoom= field20:08
Kmadsudo apt-cache search gnome20:08
Gneajpastore: make sure vlc is stopped first20:08
Kmadulifer, or you can try the GUI20:08
pdlnhrdmrzither: i agree with the rollup being the closest I am going to get.... but i do miss hide :(  seems like such a simple feature20:08
jpastoreGnea, trying hang on =)20:08
frostyMGrunde, i have 2 references of it.20:08
Gneajpastore: default should be 1:1 :)20:08
mrzitherpdlnrd: Just another reason I like Macs.20:08
MGrundefrosty: foomatic and hpijs?20:09
uliferKmad: i see gnome-core but how do I know if htat's the new version?20:09
uliferKmad: i'm looking at synaptic20:09
jpastoreGnea, zoom is commented out but set to 1.0000020:09
frostyMGrunde, hp and openprinting20:09
Kmadulifer: well if its not installed I guess theres no harm in installing it. Sounds like it should already be installed though20:09
linux_ y a des francais???????20:09
Gneajpastore: must be the size of the video itself - run a file myvideo.avi, what resolution does it report?20:09
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr20:10
pdlnhrdmrzither:  the right tool for the right job... and linux is heads and above for app development.... now when I am unix admining... nothing beats a macpro20:10
bazhanglinux_, /join #ubuntu-fr20:10
uliferKmad: i tried apt-get upgrade gnome-core , did nothing20:10
uliferKmad: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed...etc..20:10
AkariChananyone using compiz fusion20:10
AkariChanon a geforce video card20:10
PriceChild!anyone | AkariChan20:10
ubottuAkariChan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:10
MGrundefrosty: Okay then, just for fun, try "sudo aptitude install foomatic-dp-hpijs hpijs hpijs-ppds"20:10
bazhangAkariChan, ask in #compiz-fusion20:10
=== mindstorm is now known as LaRoza
mrzitherpdlnhrd: True. But, instead of running a dedicated machine, I run Ubuntu in VMware fusion on my MacBook Pro.20:11
Kmadulifer: Well are you sure gnome needs to be updated?20:11
uliferKmad: when i ran gnome-about it says i'm running 2.20.1 the new version is 2.2220:11
AkariChanbazhang, : thanks20:11
mrzitherpdlnhrd: That way, I get the best of both worlds.20:11
* N3bunel saluta20:11
LaRozaI face a problem with the sound card20:11
guntbert!compiz > me20:11
ubottuguntbert, please see my private message20:11
frostyMGrunde, couldn't find that package20:11
jpastoreGnea, it doesn't rpovide resolution just says Microsoft asf20:11
Gnea!sound | LaRoza20:11
ubottuLaRoza: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:11
frostyMGrunde, it found 1 of them...nvm20:11
adaranI have massive problems with my s-ata harddrives on an ICH10R (Asus P5Q). Can anyone help me out?20:11
pdlnhrdmrzither:  you should try out virtualbox on the mac... it works hella better (and its free)20:11
Kmadulifer: hmm. you've tried sudo apt-get update, then upgrade?20:12
Gneajpastore: heh, well that makes sense, asf files are usually bottom-of-the-barrel as far as overall quality goes - try a .mov or .flv :)20:12
rathelI'm trying to install flash on x86_64 and I keep getting this error when I try to use nspluginwrapper http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37785/ How do I fix this, I think I have all the needed libraries. Thanks.20:12
jpastoreGnea, thanks20:12
Flannelchieffancypants: You just want less to start at the end of the buffer?20:12
mrzitherpdlnhrd: Really? I've used virtualbox, but with the new VMware Beta, the speed was nowhere close to what fusion offered. And, I've already payed for fusion.20:12
Kmadrathel: have you tried sudo apt-get install flash-player?20:13
uliferKmad: havne't done that in a while, trying20:13
Gneajpastore: another way to test it is to try playing the asf with mplayer20:13
LaRozalisten ubotto , My isa bridge is ATI , and the hda is hda-intel i dont know which one is the alsa drive must be20:13
Kmadulifer: let me know if that updates it20:13
MGrundefrosty: Whoops, typo, after you've run that run "sudo aptitude install foomatic-db-hpijs"20:13
uliferKmad: nope20:13
pdlnhrdmrzither:  i find virtualbox uses less resourses... but maybe that is just me20:13
rathelKmad, Yes, that plugin doesn't always work so I'm trying another way.20:13
MGrundeAkariChan: Are you having trouble running compiz on a GeForce card?20:13
frostyMGrunde, done20:14
mrzitherpdlnhrd: are you running the newest beta of fusion? Or the old 1.x release?20:14
RhythmdvlIRC server load is temporarily heavy, so please forgive me if I'm in the wrong channel20:14
gleyve_what can i do to discover where is Rhythmbox's icon?20:14
MGrundefrosty: Now see if it detects your printer20:14
Initial_Many news for compiz fusion upcoming plugins20:14
Flannelchieffancypants: "less +G file" will start you at the end of the file20:14
RhythmdvlIt's also my first time here, so I don't know if I should just keep typing20:14
ZeroA4mrzither, i agree with pdlnhrd for me VirtualBox is faster cos uses less memory20:14
sarthorhow can i convert .flv files to simple mp3, that i can be able to run on my car usb player,20:14
tvakahif I want to have my wireless interface be added to a bridge interface after association, is there any way to do this in a networkmanager sanctioned way or will I need to deviate from it's warm embrace?20:14
pdlnhrdmrzither:  it was the older version20:15
frostyMGrunde, if it's on usb what type of connection do i choose? HPJetdirect?20:15
RhythmdvlI will until someone tells me to shutup or go to a correct channel20:15
navilon_hey guys, anyone know of an IRC client that will let you send messages via the command line20:15
Kmadulifer: http://www.compatdb.org/support/topics/181964_gnome_2_22_2_released.html20:15
Gneatvakah: deviation is required.20:15
B3z3rk3rlol @ Rhythmdvl20:15
mrzitherZeroA4: you're probably right, but virtualbox also doesn't offer the same kind of integration fusion does.20:15
ZeroA4mrzither, i use VirtualBox and VMware Player 2.x20:15
Gnea!ask | Rhythmdvl20:15
ubottuRhythmdvl: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:15
=== mixster is now known as BenDover
LaRozaMy Sound card is Realtek how can i configure it20:15
Rhythmdvl(I"m also patient, and won't flood()20:15
mtotvakah: and it may not be possible to do. Some wireless drivers do not support bridging.20:15
tvakahGnea, nuts so I thought, so there goes my nice and easy way of connecting to various networks without nedeing to fiddle with configuration everytime20:16
mrzitherZeroA4: VMware player and VMware Fusion are two different products.20:16
GneaRhythmdvl: good. please, stick to topic. :)20:16
Rhythmdvloh wait ... /msg ubutto etiquette... just noticed ... BRB20:16
ZeroA4mrzither, Virtualbox has a seamless mode... at least to windows and linux... never tried on a mac20:16
felix_Hi, here's a tough one for you guys; I have 2 technical problems:20:16
=== BenDover is now known as mixster
felix_Problem 1: When I hit hibernate, Ubuntu shuts down like like normal, screen goes black, it hangs for a moment with the white cursor blinking in the corner of the screen, then these 2 lines show op:20:16
felix_[   92.114405] i8042 AUX 00.6a: activation failed20:16
felix_[   92.114412] i8042 KDB 00.6b: activation failed20:16
felix_After ~7 sec. the system does shut down, but ofcourse no hibernation. When powered on again, the system boots like normal but when I try to boot Ubuntu it will hang after loading for a few seconds, accompanied by the vertical distortion of video output (loading screen is stretched).20:16
FloodBot1felix_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:16
frostyMGrunde, what do you think?20:16
=== mixster is now known as Ivanna_Fock
MGrundefrosty: This is on the New Printer Select Connection screen?20:16
ZeroA4mrzither, yes... but i guess the use the basic same virtualization engine20:16
frostyMGrunde, yeah20:16
uliferKmad: are you telling me to download the sources?20:16
mrzitherZeroA4: I know, but you can't minimize linux programs to the dock like you can with fusion.20:16
jpastoreGnea, I was totem which is why I switched to vlc20:17
Gneatvakah: you could possibly hook a script into it... but that would require some advanced configuration parameters... if you're not comfortable with the command line and shell scripting, then don't worry about it.20:17
=== Ivanna_Fock is now known as mixster
mrzitherZeroA4: true, but I assume the OS integration adds some overhead.20:17
ZeroA4mrzither, yes it cant...20:17
Gneajpastore: good move20:17
MGrundefrosty: It should already be detected by this point...  See if you can find the printer in lsusb20:17
sarthorhow can i convert .flv files to simple mp3, that i can be able to run on my car usb player,20:17
tvakahthe end result is I want a virtual machine behind a tuntap interface to appear on the wireless segment normally, but now that I type that out I'm not even sure if it'd work at all since the vm will be talking normal ethernet framing rather than 802.1120:17
pdlnhrdmrzither:  i dunno... i might have to try out fusion on the mac, but virtualbox does everything that vmware did on linux (even more)20:17
jpastoreGnea, I also have dvd iso's that I rip from my friends camcorder of training video and I get the same problem20:17
HunterRequiemAll right. so I have a Presario C700 with an Aetheros wireless card, which needed ndiswrapper in order to work.  Now, the wireless card connects, but the computer freezes up a few minutes later. can anyone help?20:17
frostyMGrunde, nope20:17
Gneatvakah: 802.11 is nothing more than a transport mechanism. you can bridge a wireless interface with no problems at all.20:18
mrzitherpdlnhrd: If virtualbox is what you like, go with that. I just like being able to minimize my linux and vista windows to my dock, as well as adding windows and linux launchers to my dock.20:18
db92if metacity is no effects and compiz is extra effects, what manages the windows with normal effects? :P20:18
tvakahGnea, I'm highly comfortable with it, used to be a staunch Debian-only table pounder, only started using ubuntu fuzzies with my new notebook for the nice defaults and whatnot ;)\20:18
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix-da-catz
Gneatvakah: tcp/ip is independent of the other layers :)20:18
MGrundefrosty: Odd.  The printer is turned on and plugged in?20:18
ZeroA4mrzither, i guess the main diference of VirtualBox and VMware is that VMware seens to alocate all memory for the VMs at once... and Virtualbox seens to go as needed20:19
mtoGnea: yeah, but the ability to masquerade as other MACs is not.20:19
tvakahI thought that bridging happened at the link layer20:19
mrzitherZeroA4: That sounds like an accurate description.20:19
pdlnhrdmrzither:  i agree... like started with.. the right tool for the right job, but i will give fusion a try now that you mention it20:19
LaRozawhich is better make ubuntu virtual Os inside winXp or Winxp virtual Os inside Ubuntu20:19
felix_I have some problems with some shut down functions in Ubuntu, here's the link to the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37789/20:19
soreiserGnea: i was not able to make firefox running in a reasonable way, so i've found an OLD dmesg i already made to report this problem in a bug-report! well sorry, i didn't rembered about that! :/ here's the failing-dmesg: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/6454122/A%3A%5Cdmesg.txt20:20
RhythmdvlDoes anyone have experience using Ubuntu as a testing server? I'm working on a WinXP box, wife on a Mac, and we're using the Ubuntu box as a NAS device. Samba (and LAMP, etc.) are all installed, and we can share files fine20:20
FlannelLaRoza: Probably the latter will be happier20:20
tvakahor does the kernel rewrite frames based on what bridge port it's destined out?20:20
soreiserbazhang sorry for this little naming, it was just to give him the link as you asked me before20:20
Gneatvakah: ah, same here. excellent! well, /etc/network/* is a *little* bit different nowadays, so you should be able to figure something out20:20
mrzitherpdlnhrd: they each have pros and cons. VirtualBox uses less memory, VMware Fusion offers better integration. I guess it just matters what is important to you.20:20
FlannelRhythmdvl: did you have a question/problem?20:20
boobsbrhowdy, is it possible to use firefox with DBUS?20:20
rathelI'm trying to install flash on x86_64 and I keep getting this error when I try to use nspluginwrapper http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37785/ How do I fix this, I think I have all the needed libraries. Thanks.20:20
uliferKmad: I guess 2.22 isn't on any ubuntu packages20:21
LaRozai'm here20:21
mtotvakah: I don't think it does. All the KVM/QEMU docs I have found claim that you can't bridge with most wireless cards.20:21
niklaushi , i use pon to connect to internet , when i do pon dsl-provider from my user (nik) it fails to open /dev/ppp (ENOPERM from strace ) but from root it allows me to access, i have tried to chown root:nik and nik:nik to /dev/ppp but it still fails to open.20:21
Kmadulifer: yeah it may not be 'significant' enough I suppose20:21
Kmadulifer: you can install it manually with that link I gave you however20:21
RhythmdvlFlannel: yes, thanks -- I'm trying to use Ubuntu as a testing server with Dreamweaver (DW is on a PC)20:21
frostyMGrunde, i didn't have it plugged in correctly :P20:21
tvakahmto, ahhh good to know ty :)20:22
Gneasoreiser: finally! see, this is all that was needed... :)  you have either: a) a bad hard drive (quite possibly, since Maxtors are some of the WORST drives manufactured this century..), b) a bad IDE/SATA cable, c) a bad motherboard.20:22
felix_Is there someone who want's to help me with a technical problem?20:22
jeronemto: yes  it is true .. you cannot bridge over wireless .. only NAT20:22
Gnea!ask | felix_20:22
ubottufelix_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:22
yaroslav_It seems that root does not read /etc/environment on login/bash start. Any change to change this?20:22
uliferKmad: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu20:22
mtotvakah: I'm looking at the same problem, and my solution (yet to be tested though. other priorities) is to set up some static routes and route the VM.20:22
uliferKmad: sry, i meant http://www.gnome.org/~davyd/footware.shtml20:22
Gneamto: yeah, that's true, but he didn't express any concern over it :)20:23
felix_Gnea, I have some issues with suspend/hibernate: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37789/20:23
FlannelRhythmdvl: Ah.  You'd have to install FTP, since I believe that's how dreamweaver connects to upload.  If dreamweaver does sftp, you'll have a lot easier time setting it up though, so you might want to look into that.20:23
MGrundefrosty: Hehe, done that many times20:23
uliferKmad: it says ubuntu supports 2.22 , but i don't see the new version anywhere, the package20:23
haostuni need a good ftp client... someone knows any?20:23
Kmadulifer: yeah I understand that20:23
Kmadulifer: thats odd20:23
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd20:23
Gneafelix_: could you please pasetbin dmesg?20:23
RhythmdvlFLannel: the funny thing is, DW has a LAN option -- and I can see/browse the share file I'd set up with Samba. But it can't (doesn't have permissions) to add files or folders20:24
frostyMGrunde, it was a usb connection...and i sort of blindly plugged it in late at night into the ethernet port and it stayed like that for a week :P20:24
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines20:24
felix_I'm not familiar with dmesg, what is it?20:24
frostyMGrunde, it was the square-ish end of the usb cord..20:24
haostunall of them are good ubottu?20:24
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)20:24
Kmadulifer: have you tried downoading it from http://www.compatdb.org/support/topics/181964_gnome_2_22_2_released.html20:24
Gneafelix_: it shows you the kernel messages - open a terminal and type it, you'll see20:24
tvakahmto, hmm I think I'd need some kind of dhcp proxy for the effect I'm going for to make that work tho, can't add static routs until the guest has ip configured?20:24
uliferKmad: those are all sources20:24
FlannelRhythmdvl: Are you sure its samba then?  If you're having permission problems, then thats a samba issue (I'm a master of the obvious!)20:24
mtofelix: dmesg replays all the goo you see when you boot linux.20:24
LaRozahow can i compile and run c, c++, c# and vb.net files by using terminal20:25
Kmadulifer: so can't you compile them?20:25
felix_okidoki 1 sec.20:25
uliferKmad: am i supposed to download each of those packaeges one by one?20:25
MGrundefrosty: Hahaha, no wonder it didn't work20:25
uliferKmad: hmm i could use garnome20:25
boobsbris it possible to use firefox with DBUS?20:25
mtotvakah: yeah. So you need to either do a proxy arp, something I haven't seen in *years*, or put all VMs on a different IP subnet and route that statically via your laptop, or start using a routing protocol.20:25
namegameLaRoza: C programs compile with the command gcc20:26
frostyMGrunde, i realized that when lsusb showed nothing :P20:26
mtotvakah: but remember: friends don't let friends EVER use RIP, even if just for a quick hack.20:26
niklaus open("/dev/ppp", O_RDWR)                = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted), ls -l crw-rw---- 1 root dip 108, 0 2008-08-16 03:22 /dev/ppp20:26
soreiserGnea that's exactly what i was trying to tell you before. have you seen that it wasn't helpful at all? what i wanna let you understand is that: using all_generic_ide as kernel parameter i get no more errors and hdd works totally20:27
niklausi've permissions why is it failing20:27
MGrundefrosty: Then I get all the credit :)20:27
frostyMGrunde, of course20:27
felix_Gnea: all of it? the results of dmesg in terminal I mean? It's a lot.20:27
soreiserGnea: but in hady's installation cds does not work anymore, in 7.10 (xubuntu) it works. why? and how to solve that?20:28
tvakahmto, hmm proxy arp sounds like a good plan to me... I seem to remember using that a long long time ago20:28
simotemplerhi there - for some odd season since i installed ubuntu as a dual boot everytime i go to xp it goes back an hour but the time stays as is in ubuntu - any ideas what ubuntu did to cause this?20:28
=== sean is now known as Guest86975
boobsbris it possible to send messages to  firefox with DBUS?20:28
Flannelsimotempler: What time zone are you in?20:29
Pirate_Huntersimotempler: i understood xp goes back an hour except the time how is that possible or could you explain in detail?20:29
mtotvakah: just gotta figure out how to configure it. The last time I used it was over a decade ago on a SCO box with 128 modems.20:29
soreiserGnea: i think the problem is the old motherboard, but using that parameter it solves20:30
mtosiimotempler: on both machines? Ubuntu probably changed the hardware clock to a different timezone or something like that.20:30
mindstormPlease Guys help me20:30
Flannelsimotempler: It has to do with XP wanting the hardware clock to be local time, but Linux wanting the hardware clock to UTC.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Multiple%20Boot%20Systems%20Time%20Conflicts20:30
simotemplerjust everytime i boot xp the clock goes backan hr - and i stopped it sync to see if that worked but no and the system clocks seems to stay the same just xp20:30
mindstormWhen I write aplay -l this is the result20:30
Blaze_Boymindstorm : what ?20:30
Flannelsimotempler: There's two workarounds (tweak Linux, Tweak windows), they're both available at that page20:30
wiehanI have no Color on my Nvidia Tv-out (hardy) please help20:30
mindstorm**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****20:31
mindstormcard 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC861 Analog [ALC861 Analog]20:31
mindstorm  Subdevices: 1/120:31
mindstorm  Subdevice #0: subdevice #020:31
FloodBot1mindstorm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:31
Gneafelix_: yes. dmesg > dmesg.txt, then open dmesg.txt in gedit and cut 'n paste it20:31
felix_Gnea: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37791/20:31
Gneasoreiser: interesting. yes, it looks like it does.20:31
yaroslav_how come root does not read values in /etc/environment?20:31
mindstormbut when I write20:31
frostyMGrunde, g2g...thx20:32
Gneasoreiser: i did notice that you have no APIC... try adding 'lapic' to your kernel line20:32
QuiescentHello, I need some help getting Flash 10 RC workin in FF3.0.1 in 8.04. I get this error message when trying to use nspluginwrapper:  libcurl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:32
mindstormgrep | hda the result is " snd-hda-intel"20:32
Quiescentbut i have the file libcurl.so.320:32
mindstormso which one is the true for Alsa Driver ???20:32
Quiescentlibcurl.so.3 is in /usr/lib, i tried making a symbolic link in /usr/lib64 but that didn't help20:33
soreiserGnea: in fact; the problem is that it does not work with hardy's livecd anymore. i need it to install ubuntu-server without get those errors (i add all_generic_ide but it does not work, tha's why i was asking if that parameter has been removed or something)20:33
soreiserGnea what does that seves?20:33
soreiserGnea "lapic" i mean20:33
Gneasoreiser: it turns on the APIC of the CPU. just try it and see what happens..20:33
mindstormI don't Know what is the true Module to Install it20:34
boobsbris it possible to send messages to  firefox with DBUS? i can't find anything useful on google.20:34
mindstormatiixp or snd-hda-intel My sound card is HDA Realtek20:34
soreiserGnea sorry, what should happen?20:34
mindstormI'm waiting20:34
bewst1I got some packages from hardy-backports or hardy-proposed that messed up my system, so I removed those repositories from sources.list.  How do I get the versions of those packages that are provided by my currently-selected repos?20:34
Gneasoreiser: we are not going through this again.20:34
bazhangsoreiser, try it20:34
bewst1more importantly, how do I get rid of packages from those old repos?20:35
Gneasoreiser: it may or may not improve the stability of the system20:35
soreiserbazhang, Gnea: i just wanted to know what could i "see" of difference20:35
soreiserGnea ok20:35
Gneasoreiser: worst case: the same thing will happen again. best case: it will help solve the problem.20:35
bazhangsoreiser, please dont argue20:35
leepingHi there, I'm trying to enable visual effects in Ubuntu and I'm getting the error message "The composite extension is not available".  I've tried adding "Composite" "Enabled" in the "Options" section of my xorg.conf, but I still get the same error.  I am using Xinerama with multiple monitors.. could that be contributing to this problem??20:35
soreiserGnea: "LAPIC" is?20:36
bazhangsoreiser, add to boot params20:36
bazhanglapic soreiser20:36
soreiseryeah ok20:36
Flannelbewst1: If you go into synaptic, you can manually downgrade the versions, you can do it through apt-get too.  Or you could remove them, then reinstall them (and the new versions you install will be in your current repos)20:37
krihi, what do I have to do, do remove grub from mbr (with an ubuntu live cd)?20:37
Flannelkri: What are you going to use in its place?20:37
Gneasoreiser: BOOT_IMAGE=/casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/xubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=1048576 root=/dev/ram rw quiet splash -- locale=it_IT console-setup/layoutcode=it lapic all_generic_ide20:37
bewst1Flannel: The problem is finding the packages to downgrade.  But on my 10th try googling I found http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-224348.html which is the answer.20:38
kriFlannel: its my old notebook which i want to sell and i want to put the windows xp on it again20:38
Flannelkri: Just instlal windows XP, and that'll take care of the MBR20:38
Flannelbewst1: I'm not sure I understand.  the packages aren't in the repos currently?20:38
kribut its only an image and no installation, so xp doesnt install its bootmgr20:38
Flannelkri: Ah.  You'll need an XP disk to do that, or you can use an alternative bootloader, like smart boot manager.20:39
boobsbris it possible to send messages to  firefox with DBUS? i can't find anything useful on google.20:39
kriFlannel: but there must be a way to make a plain disk of it isnt there?20:39
krifrom ubuntu i mean20:39
bewst1Flannel: I removed some repos from my sources.list.  Those repos had resulted in "upgrades" to (apparently broken versions of) some packages20:39
bewst1Flannel: the trick is finding out what needs to be downgraded20:40
Flannelbewst1: What packages do you want to install instead?20:40
bewst1Flannel: the old versions of the same packages that are supplied by my currently selected repos.  If you really want to understand, read the link I quoted you because that guy had the same problem.20:40
Flannelbewst1: If you remove those repos, go into synaptic, and view by... section,... I think.  You'll see "local or obsolete" packages, those are ones that aren't in current repos20:40
bewst1Flannel: let me look at that20:41
Flannelkri: Sure, but copying an image of XP won't give you a working bootloader.20:41
Flannelkri: you'll have XP on the disk, but it won't boot20:41
kriFlannel: but this is an original image cd, which was sold with the laptop20:41
kria real recovery cd20:41
Flannelkri: Then using it should install the bootloader.20:42
krino after installing the rescue cd, there is still grub starting :)20:42
amireldorhow do i install opera on hardy? didn't find it in the repositories20:42
Flannelkri: Then the recovery CD doesn't deal with a bootloader, and even after clearing GRUB, you'll just not boot.  but sure, just dd 0s over the first parts of sda and/or hda20:43
bewst1Flannel: I can't find "Local" or "Obsolete" in sections.20:43
Foxhoundcan someone help me with installing linux ?20:43
bewst1Flannel: or anywhere else in synaptic for that matter.  Did I overlook something?20:43
amireldorhappy love holiday from Israel20:43
trikdoHello ya'll. Can anybody tell me why synaptic touchpad is only recognized half the time? The other half of the time, I get a buttload of errors in xorg log, and GSynaptics options do not work until I reboot....20:44
Flannelbewst1: It's Local and obsolete.  But... it might not be "sections" I haven't used synaptic in ages.  It'll be in the left column, you'll see "installed" "not installed" etc.  Its one of those, whatever "view by" that is.20:44
Flannelbewst1: Also, you'll need to reload your package list, after removign the offending repositories.20:44
FlannelFoxhound: What are you having issues with?20:44
guntbertbewst1: use 'custom filters/broken' ?20:45
bewst1Flannel, OK found it under  "Status" (not sections)20:45
Flannelbewst1: ah, status would make sense, yes.20:45
Foxhoundi want to install Ubuntu and keep my windows, so i choosed "Manually" instead of "Guided" (for partition thing), then i choosed the partition but it says it have no root or something20:46
bewst1Flannel: Yep, there they all are.  Nice; I had pretty much given up on Synaptic; it's good to know that it's still useful for something20:46
bewst1Flannel: thanks a lot!20:46
Foxhoundi have an empty partition ready for ubuntu20:46
kriFlannel: i found different options during the recovery, i will try another, maby that works, thx :)20:46
FlannelFoxhound: You need to mark one partition as "/" (which is called "root")20:46
Foxhoundi didnt understand you, im sorry20:47
FlannelFoxhound: There should be a dropdown when creating the partitions for where you want to mount/use the partition.20:47
PenopticonFoxhound:  Try installing the Wubi. You install to a file and then you don't mess up your boot loader.20:47
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Foxhoundi already have an empty parition, or should i make one using the installation CD ?20:47
felix_Gnea: don't mean to push you, just wondering if you received my last message, the link to the pastebin?20:47
RhythmdvlI'm awfully sorry -- I asked a question, it started to be answered, then I crashed.20:48
FlannelFoxhound: http://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntu804installationguide-large_015.png  "Mount Point"20:48
FlannelFoxhound: Make one using the CD, even if you're just deleting/recreating one that you already have.20:48
RhythmdvlI hope it's not rude if I ask again from the beginning20:49
FlannelRhythmdvl: If you're sure its using samba to do the sharing (I have no idea re: DW), then you've got a samba permissions issue.20:49
wabashDoes anyone else get jagged edges on icons/graphics in firefox?20:49
wabashIt only happens for me in Ubuntu.20:49
RhythmdvlFlannel: oh, thanks for reposting!20:49
FoxhoundThanks Flannel, i'll go now retry the installation20:50
deloni want to change my theme20:51
GourdCaptainI need help with setting up a Netgear WG311T wireless PCI card on my Xubuntu 8.04 machine.20:51
RhythmdvlFlannel: I'm sure it's Samba that is letting us open/save files from the PC and Mac, that was worked out before I moved on to futzing with DW. Are you suggesting if I keep the LAN option for DW, I should take a closer look at Samba configuration?20:51
carlosfdelon, System -> Preferences -> Appearance20:52
FlannelRhythmdvl: Can you do the sorts of things you'd be doing with DW through samba with the normal ... er... operating system functionality? (through windows/OSX, not through DW)20:52
GourdCaptainThe card is plugged in, it automatically installed the Atheros HAL and Atheros 802.11 card support drivers, but then won't let me join any networks.20:52
GourdCaptainDo I need to unplug my ethernet first?20:52
felix_Is there someone else who want's to help me with this problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37789/ ?20:53
GourdCaptainI can manipulate it (somewhat, with my lackluster skills) using the terminal, but the GUI won't let me do anything.20:53
C0nn0RGuardCaptin: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart20:53
RhythmdvlFlannel: Yes, I believe so. If I understand your question, from both PC and Mac, I can open, view, and save files on the Ubuntu box. The only thing I haven't tried is executing a file -- starting a process remotely.20:54
GourdCaptainI've rebooted the system since the drivers installed. Several times.20:54
xintronWhen trying to play CS through wine in ubuntu 8.04 on my ATI Radeon X600 card I get this -> http://i36.tinypic.com/1agqh.jpg How can I solve this?20:54
Mecha25felix_: I think I can figure some stuff out, I'll need your system specs20:54
GourdCaptainC0nn0R: Yes?20:54
carlosfC0nn0R, did you add the new iface eth?20:54
FlannelRhythmdvl: Right, that wouldn't be what DW was doing anyway.  Oh, can you read/write to your /var/www?  since it'd have different permissions, and is likely where DW is trying to access.20:54
Mecha25felix_: the answer is that your ubuntu and your BIOS aren't working nicely together20:54
Mecha25felix_: what's your computer model number?20:55
Ayabarawhat's the .thumbnails folder used for? it's 1.4GB on my system...20:55
mahmoudhi every one20:55
rand0m-uuhh.. the "force quit" dialog is stuck on my screen20:55
mahmoudi can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem20:55
SPhcTkubuntu dont display panels what can i do?20:56
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem20:56
felix_Mecha25: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37796/20:56
GrackleAyabara, I would imagine it's a cache of thumbnail versions of images on your system, to be viewed in any thumbnail viewing mode of your file manager. You can probably delete it.20:56
carlosfmahmoud, are you dns working correctly?20:56
xintronWhen trying to play CS through wine in ubuntu 8.04 on my ATI Radeon X600 card I get this -> http://i36.tinypic.com/1agqh.jpg How can I solve this?20:56
Mecha25felix_: thats a nice box, wow.  did you build it custom?20:56
GourdCaptainIt still doesn't let me join any ssids. Or I just don't know how with the GUI, and just think I do. I tried a program called Wcid that put the networking up, but I couldn't get the wired up, and the interface refused to reload after I used it. So I reinstalled network manager.20:57
SPhcTkubuntu dont display panels what i need do?20:57
felix_Mecha25: yes, thank you20:57
mahmoudcarlosf: i dont know20:57
RhythmdvlFlannel: ah... that's something. No, I don't think I can. I have Samba set up to a folder inside the /home directory.  (I wish you could see the lightbulb going off over my head at the momement.) Since Apache sets up by default to run in /var/www, I need to add that directory to Samba's config file. Is that right? Or, if I'm trying to keep things neat, would it make sense to edit the Apache config file to point to /home/shared?20:57
Mecha25felix_: do you know your bios chip model and number?20:57
AyabaraGrackle: thought so. wonder if there's a way to delete it and keep it from growing large again20:58
felix_Mecha25: I documented some chip id's, hold on I'll see if I can look them up20:58
GrackleAyabara, maybe something can be done using gconf-editor. I'll take a look.20:58
FlannelRhythmdvl: Uh, I'm not really too familiar with samba, but with normal permissions, you'd add yourself to the www-data (thats the apache user) group, and then make /var/www writable by group, so your user would be able to write to it20:58
executionist_can i undo this command21:00
executionist_sudo ln -s /dev/video /dev/video021:00
RhythmdvlFlannel: wow, fantastic ... thank you very much!!!!21:00
AyabaraGrackle: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/2472/21:00
RhythmdvlI'm off to poke around ...21:00
SPhcThow fix panels21:01
Mecha25SPhcT: you might want to ask in #kubuntu21:01
SPhcTit make no diference21:02
GrackleAyabara, hmm, I guess that script will have to do for now. You could also disable thumbnailers in gconf-editor. /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers21:02
felix_Mecha25: The BIOS is flashed to this version: AwardBIOS 1.B21:02
SPhcTit is the same as ubuntu only21:02
KjetilKCan anybody explain to me why an XFS filesystem can be full, after I delete a lot of stuff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/37801/ ?21:02
Mecha25SPhcT: yes, it does.  Kubuntu's panel system is completely different from ubuntu's.  KDE vs Gnome21:02
felix_Mecha25: I've got no details about the chip, but perhaps this is of some use: http://www.lejabeach.com/MSIK8N/k8nneo4ultra/k8nneo4.html21:02
mtoexecutionist: Ok, I'll be honest: ln confuses the &^%$%$# out of me. Did you create a file /dev/video that links to /dev/video0?21:02
konstantyI have an RFID reader, and the software for it is asking for its location.  Is there a command to tell me the last device connected?21:02
GourdCaptainOkay, apparently the Wcid glitches I've experienced are fixed in the latest version. I think. I'll try that, unless anyone has any objections?21:03
SPhcThow reset kubuntu desktop21:03
lor3nzo_ktmhello everybody21:03
Mecha25felix_: ok, here's what you can do.  Figure out the make and model of your BIOS chip, then google it, along with "Ubuntu Sleep Problems"21:04
felix_Ok, thanks!21:04
Mecha25you'll probably be able to find a tutorial of how to flash it to a BIOS version that ubuntu will work with21:04
swamptinHey lads, thinking of setting up 8.04  running on parrallels on a Mac Book pro. Ever heard of any issues with it?21:05
Mecha25SPhcT: seriously, ask in #kubuntu, they should be able to tell you in like 10 seconds.  I have no clue, I've never used KDE21:06
Flannel!id | rico21:06
ubotturico: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia21:06
SPhcTMecha25 everyone sleep there21:06
swamptinSounds like 7.04 works fine that way, but not 7.10. Just curious about it really21:06
konstantyI have an RFID reader, and the software for it is asking for its location.  Is there a command to tell me the last device connected?21:06
Mecha25SPhcT: that sucks.  You can always google it21:06
dragonhey, i havle a problem with getting xp to run in a virtual machine21:06
xintronWhen trying to play CS through wine in ubuntu 8.04 on my ATI Radeon X600 card I get this -> http://i36.tinypic.com/1agqh.jpg How can I solve this?21:07
mtokonstanty: sometimes you can see kernel messages about device connects when you look at the tail of dmesg.21:07
executionist_i need help please. i added this as a mistake21:07
executionist_sudo ln -s /dev/video /dev/video021:07
SPhcTi will put on xp it is better and i can fix it if it crashes21:07
soreiserGnea,bazhang i'm back: i've tried that parameter lapic but i dont see any real improvements :/21:07
executionist_now it has been selected as my tv card source which is wrong21:07
Omar87What's the Gedit plug-in that provides tab auto-completion when writing code?21:07
Mecha25SPhcT: go with what works21:07
dragonHEy when ever i try to install Ubuntu on virtual Box it gives me DRDY error21:08
jshriverHow can you stop having dmesg spammed with packet info?21:08
Shaba1hey cyphase are you at the keys?21:08
soreiserGnea: sorry if before i taked so much time to do that failing-dmesg but i didn't recognized that i was using the 8.04 livecd (is more heavy), instead of 7.1021:09
GourdCaptainSince when does LEFT CLICKING open a menu from a system tray icon?21:09
cyphaseShaba1: yes21:09
swamptinissue solved. I need 7.04....21:09
jshriverI check dmesg when I do hw checks or plug things into USB. But it seems like it's constantly filled with packet/network info21:09
* GourdCaptain got network manager to work by that simple step. /me groans.21:09
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GourdCaptainWell, this channel is pretty much very good at ignoring me.21:09
jshriverWhat do you need GourdC?21:10
Bruno_Flet M_r(x_1, x_2 ... x_n) be a function from R^n to R. the function first orders the coordinates in an array, then outputs the rth term of the array. prove that the iterated integral on all coordinates from 0 to 1 equals r/n+121:10
jshriverLeft click always that I'm aware of21:10
jshriverLeft click opens, right click executes or options21:10
gregLhow do you monitor your cpu usage in ubuntu?21:10
Mecha25gregL: there's a panel applet21:10
jshriveror apt-get install gkrellm :)21:10
Omar87What's the Gedit plug-in that provides tab auto-completion when writing code?21:11
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soreiserGmea have you read that i have tried the "lapic" parameter? ah, so have you any advice on how to solve of the non-working all-generic_ide in hardy?21:11
jshrivergkrellm is very nice gives CPU, hard drive, network, etc21:11
soreiseror bazhang21:11
Grackletop, ps, or System>Administration>System Monitor, gregL21:11
Guest81984I have a bunch of video, I want to convert using ffmpeg, I need help21:11
gregLok thanks21:11
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
GrackleGuest81984, that sounds like a question for #ffmpeg. also, you'll need to be more specific.21:12
AzizLightis there a way to display the external IP ONLY in a terminal with a command (or an alias)?21:12
jshriverHow can you tell where a USB palm is attached?21:12
jshriverlsusb shows it's available, but not sure which ttyUSBx is used21:12
amenadojshriver-> try cat /proc/bus/usb/devices21:13
Guest81984using ffmpeg, what do you guys recommend I translate video to so dvd players will play them?21:13
Ab3Lgood night21:13
executionist_how can i get sound when playing flv files21:14
GrackleGuest81984, asking again isn't going to help. However, asking in #ffmpeg may produce results.21:14
Guest81984Grackle: already there... thanks21:14
teamcobrare dvd video, install ManDVD (google for it, there are ubuntu debs)21:15
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Shaba1Hey cyphase do you happen to have the url of that pastebin you sent me a couple of weeks ago21:17
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Shaba1I had to reformat and lost everything21:17
loquitus_of_borgAny idea why Google earth is NOT showing the actual earth for me in Hardy?21:17
loquitus_of_borgJust installed it21:17
cyphaseShaba1: one moment..21:17
Sinn3rmanis there a help channel for wammu?21:17
cyphaseSinn3rman: i don't think banks use IRC21:17
Shaba1what is wammu Sinn3rman?21:18
Shaba1you mean Wamu? The bank?21:18
loquitus_of_borgGoogle earth shows the earth if I am logged in as root or "sudo" google earth, but otherwise nothing. No layers either21:18
blackbinary_I have an external drive i want to mount to a folder (specifically /external), how can i do this?21:18
cyphaseShaba1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/23652/21:18
Sinn3rmancyphase: banks? what banks dude? im talking about wammu from the repos. GUI for something like gammu, to connect to your phone to retrieve information.21:18
cyphaseSinn3rman: i know :). just making a not so funny joke.21:19
Sinn3rmancyphase: :P im basically getting garbage instead of the text of my SMS.21:19
Sinn3rmaneverything else works.21:19
Mecha25sinn3rman: does the non GUI version work?21:19
Shaba1you are about as humous as me cyphase. Which is not at all21:19
Sinn3rmanMecha25: it's such a pain to set up, no i haven't tried.21:19
EvilDennisRanyone know how to disable the usage of NFSv4 ?21:19
Mecha25well, if you can get that going, you should be able to tell whether it's a problem with the GUI, your phone, or the program itself.21:20
cyphaseShaba1: don't judge me on just that21:20
gregerahh :(21:20
Mecha25a lot of times, the base program works fine, but the GUI causes problems21:20
Sinn3rmanMecha25, cyphase: it's like, displaying most of it in chinese characters. and all that stuff was in english.21:20
cyphaseShaba1: i'm actually quite funny21:20
Mecha25sinn3rman: you're using an english based version of Ubuntu, right?21:20
cyphaseSinn3rman: i don't know anything about wammu21:20
Sinn3rmanMecha25: well, like i said, it retrieves everything fine, even the numbers from the text messages, just not the alphabets themselves.21:20
Shaba1I am not.21:21
guntbertloquitus_of_borg: iirc thats mostly a permissions-problem, try the help-site/faq of GE21:21
Shaba1I know this to be a fact.21:21
gregeri got an error trying to restart lighttp "opening errorlog '/var/log/lighttpd.error.log" i may have chmod it wrong :( chmod 500 /var/log*? can someone please help21:21
Sinn3rmanMecha25: yes, of course.21:21
moh_banai'd like to run a check on a fat32 drive, how do i do that?21:21
cooldman69man the ubuntu irc channel is poppin21:21
loquitus_of_borgguntbert: got it hanks21:21
Shaba1I should not even make the attempts any longer.21:21
Mecha25sinn3rman: hm,... sounds like a problem with ascii vs unicode21:21
Mecha25is there a setting to switch between the two in wammu21:21
guntbertloquitus_of_borg: np21:21
Sinn3rmanMecha25: that's what i was thinking as well, no, not that i know of.21:21
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gregeri got an error trying to restart lighttp "opening errorlog '/var/log/lighttpd.error.log" i may have chmod it wrong :( chmod 500 /var/log*? can someone please help21:22
perilluxok somethings gotta be wrong when I get higher FPS playing counter-strike in WINE then I do simply running glxgears....21:22
Mecha25sinn3rman: not sure how to help you, I just USB tether my phone to my comp, shows up like any external drive21:22
FloodBot1greger: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:22
barbarellagreger: chmod 64421:22
HeagIs here someone from Vermillion South Dakota?21:22
Sinn3rmanMecha25: well, i had a spare bluetooth dongle :D. and the phone i needed to transfer something from. thought i'd try it in hardy. it hadn't worked in gutsy.21:23
Mecha25Sinn3rman: try the command line version, what was it called?21:23
gregerbarbarella, :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/37806/21:23
gregersame message21:23
Sinn3rmanMecha25: gammu :D.21:23
Mecha25try "man gammu" in terminal21:24
Mecha25after installing it21:24
Sinn3rmanthis is going to be painful, Mecha25.21:24
barbarellagreger: chown www-data:www-data /var/log/lighttpd.error.log21:24
=== master_ is now known as master16
Sinn3rmanMecha25: can i msg you for a sec?!21:25
Freddhi, im having a little problem...im running a little app and it doesnt seem to be able to connect to the internet could does be a ubuntu problem? maybe blocking it from connecting?21:25
afallenhopeFredd, what app21:26
Ratolasteharawhat is you problem?21:26
Freddafallenhope: its a console app for steam game servers21:26
afallenhopeFredd,in terminal type sudo ufw status21:26
leopardFredd: have any message?21:26
Freddleopard: connecting refused or something..only when running as root21:27
master16help me pls21:27
leopardmaster16: what happened21:27
Freddafallenhope: "sudo ufw status" doesnt work21:27
HalTheComputerthe command "mv * ~/example" won't move the hidden files in the current directory; how would i modify the command to include hidden files?21:27
master16my name is memet21:27
master16age 1621:28
afallenhopeFredd, okay.. wyou have to be more descriptive21:28
master16from turkey21:28
leopardmaster16: so?21:28
afallenhopemaster16, this channel is for helping not chatting.21:28
desertmaxFredd, What is your Ubuntu version?21:28
afallenhope!chat | master1621:28
ubottumaster16: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete21:28
Mecha25anybody know the turkish ubuntu channel?21:28
Flannel!tr | Mecha2521:28
ubottuMecha25: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:28
Freddafallenhope: im making it very simple..im asking how could ubuntu be blocking this app from connecting? i tried chmod'ing the directory its in and the file it self but no luck21:28
master16ı have skystar2 pls for cccam help me21:29
Fredddesertmax: i tried both on hardy and intrepid21:29
Mecha25!tr | master1621:29
ubottumaster16: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.21:29
afallenhopeFredd, well could be a firewall issue blocking the port, could be a router blocking it too.21:29
mizipzorwhen starting team fortress 2 from steam (through wine), steam complains about my drivers being old... is that an issue with wine? cause i cant find any newer on the nvidia webpage21:29
isharis When I FIRST log in and have compiz fusion effects activated, my desktop has no icons and I can't right click on it. With compiz fusion effects set to "none", the desktop works fine after restart.. What could be the problem and how can I fix this?21:29
afallenhopemizipzor, it's an issue with wine21:29
Freddmizipzor: no..just make sure you use "-dxlevel 80" or 8121:29
desertmaxafallenhope, Fredd, Don't think, it's a router issue, since it seems to work as root.21:30
Freddi said it doesnt work as root.21:30
Freddi said it actually gives an error message as root.21:30
desertmaxoh... sorry ...21:30
=== platyhelminth is now known as platyhelminth_
daemon3Whenever I open a text file from a network in gedit, gedit randomly crashes.  Does anyone else have this problem? Or are you guys traditionalists with the command line?21:30
desertmaxokay, than it actually could be a router issue.21:30
moh_banahow do run a check on a fat32 drive?21:31
mizipzorFredd: so i put that in the commandline options for the game? whats the difference between 80 and 81?21:31
daemon3mizipzor: 121:31
deeperrordaemon3, anything in the logs? try running it from command line?21:31
Freddmizipzor: yes.. i usually run 80 the only difference for ME is 80 gives me around 70 fps and 81 gives me 50 with my 8800 gts21:32
daemon3It will take a while beofore it crashes.21:32
daemon3But it is annoying.21:32
deeperrordaemon3, or try from command line   'gedit filename.txt'21:32
deeperrorsee if that outputs anything21:32
Fredddesertmax: im pretty sure its not21:32
mizipzorFredd: ok, thanks21:32
eligosdoes anyone know if I can have several volumes mounted without showing the icons on the desktop?21:33
moh_banahow do run a check on a fat32 drive?21:33
Mecha25eligos: you can turn off your mounted drives showing desktop items, but I think it's all or nothing21:33
daemon3I can't run gedit with the command line.21:34
daemon3The server I'm using doesn't have a GUI.21:34
spiritssightHow can I know if Multiverse repository is enabled?21:34
farabapmoh_bana: no need to do this21:34
farabapat all21:34
Flanneldaemon3: gedit won't work without a GUI.  Use nano instead.21:34
isharisWhen I FIRST log in and have compiz fusion effects activated, my desktop has no icons and I can't right click on it. With compiz fusion effects set to "none", the desktop works fine after restart.. What could be the problem and how can I fix this?21:34
Mecha25daemon3: or if you're really awesome, use vim21:34
moh_banafarabap, why not?21:35
Mecha25isharis: sounds like a video card problem21:35
daemon3The problem was gedit crashing occasionally when I opened a file on a server, Flannel and Mecha2521:35
isharisMecha25: How do I make sure its a video card problem? My card is installed21:35
farabapspiritssight: go to system>adminssoftration>sotware sources21:35
eligosmecha25:so taht would be like unmounting right?21:35
executionist_please tell me what /dev/video is21:35
spiritssightOk farabap then what21:36
Flanneldaemon3: And running from the command line gives you what?21:36
Mecha25eligos: no, you can turn off the icons and keep them mounted, I forget how, I just know you can21:36
daemon3gedit: command not found.21:36
Wineohey guys i need a bit of help: i helped a friend install ubuntu on his acer aspire 5315. his wireless and wire connections were not working. so i got on my laptop and found an ubuntu thread. http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=882003&s=505ecb32ff0dcf7b786696148ddbbd47& i determined that it has the same chipset as my friends laptop. when following the directions, it requires a sudo apt-get install, how would i use my laptop to transfer the file21:36
daemon3That's because the server is a terminal-based server.21:36
Mecha25isharis: I give it a 90% chance it is, what video card do you have?21:36
daemon3No GUI.21:36
isharisMecha25: Nvidia 8500GT21:36
Flanneldaemon3: Right... use gedit on your local machine, through the command line.21:36
deeperrordaemon3, then how does gedit crash when you try to use it?21:36
daemon3THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING, Flannel.21:37
daemon3Sorry for "yelling."21:37
eligosmecha25: ok, but if it's possible I'll look for the way, thanks dude21:37
Shaba1guys I know this is a naive newbie question. But other then trying to keep users from doing thing that could hurt thier systems without knowing it why does ubuntu requir sudo for just about anything21:37
daemon3deeperror: I don't know what I do.  It just randomly crashes.21:37
desertmaxeligos, open gconf-editor: press ALT+F2, enter gconf-editor and hit run.21:37
Mecha25isharis: I use ATI, I wouldn't know where to start for fixing nvidia compatibility21:37
executionist_what does this command do exactly21:37
Flanneldaemon3: No, that's not what you're saying.  We're not suggesting you run gedit remotely, we're suggesting you run it locally, but through the command line, instead of clicking an icon.21:37
executionist_sudo ln -s /dev/video /dev/video021:37
daemon3It's a small annoyance, though.21:37
daemon3Oh, duh.  Can't believe I didn't think of that (or listen).  Thanks.21:38
desertmaxeligos, go to applications, nautilus, desktop, and then it's something like display_volumes or show_volumes.21:38
Mecha25shaba1: prevents hackers from messing your system up.  even if they get on it, they can't do much without your password21:38
didohow to convert avi files into 3gp in UBUNTU 8.04.please help21:38
desertmaxeligos, uncheck it.21:38
jamie25I have a problem with Flash.. Everytime I go to youtube videos, usually after the third video my computer freezes up, I get a black screen & i am forced to shut down my PC. I did some research on this issue on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=476924. I have an AMD 64 bit 2.2 gHz with 1.5 GB RAM. I have the 64 bit ubuntu installed. Their was a link on the above website that was suppose to correct the driver but it completely remov21:38
Flannelexecutionist_: it create a symbolic link at video0 to video.21:39
eligosdesertmax: HAHAHAHA!!!!!, I just did it, thanks a lot dude!!!21:39
FlannelShaba1: Permissions are a key component of operating systems.  sudo is a better alternative to using su.21:39
tekshopHave you tried the obvious?  Remove and re-instal flash?21:39
db92wasnt there some kind of mount/umount gui frontend?21:39
daemon3** Gtk:ERROR:(/build/buildd/gtk+2.0-2.12.9/gtk/gtkcontainer.c:2641):IA__gtk_container_propagate_expose: assertion failed: (child->parent == GTK_WIDGET (container))21:40
isharisWhat's the command to update my video card?21:40
executionist_Flannel how do i undo that21:40
daemon3That's the error gedit gives when it crashes.21:40
didohow to convert any format to 3gp on Ubuntu 8.04?21:40
jamie25tekshop: Ive tried reinstalling ubuntu twice & reinstalling  flash21:40
AyabaraGrackle: ok. thanks21:40
Mecha25isharis: you don't need an update, you need a different driver I think.  You can try Envy, google for it21:40
daemon33gp?  Haven't heard of that format.21:40
tekshopHave you updated your card drivers?21:41
Flannelexecutionist_: sudo rm /dev/video0  (just remove the link)21:41
eligosdoes anyone here have an Nvidia graphics card???21:41
daemon3eligos: I do.21:41
executionist_k thanks21:41
spiritssightcan some one tell me how to enable Multiverse repository?21:41
spiritssightThank you21:41
eligosdaemon3: did you have a hard time setting it up?21:41
Wineoanybody know how to manually download packages?21:41
jamie25my video card drivers? I believe they are up to date21:42
Flannelspiritssight: go into software properties or software sources, or whatever its called on your version, and check the box for multiverse21:42
Mecha25eligos: I guarantee you it's easier than ATI21:42
tekshopI would check to make sure.21:42
tekshopWhat vid card are you running?21:42
daemon3eligos: If you give me a sec, I'll give you a helpful URL.21:42
deeperrorWineo, you mean from command line or something?21:42
kartoffelmenschwhats the command that makes a module (ndiswrapper) automatically at startup ?21:42
mnemochi, short noob question, how can I tell my ubuntu to stop overwritting /etc/resolv.conf and use those nameservers I want to use instead of the broken router my ISP force me to use?21:42
jamie25tekshop...Radeon 1300 series21:43
Mecha25mnemoc: that's hardly a newb question.  you need a networking guru21:43
jamie25how do i know if i have the right drivers?21:43
spiritssightare prereleases some what safe like close to release or should stay away what about backports21:43
deeperrormnemoc, try chattr +i21:43
daemon3eligos: http://compiz.org/NVidia21:43
Slartmnemoc: there is a setting for dhclient I think..21:43
eligosmecha25: arter successfully installing the Nvidia driver, I attempt to reboot with the Nvidia graphics card it goes straight to console mode or it crashes and tells me "src main process killed by SGEV signal"21:44
eligosdaemon3: I'll look into it21:44
heyjoehi i'm running openchrome drivers and trying to get compiz working, as a first step i run glxgears and a window opens but it's black, no gears and everything runs extremely slowly. what is going wrong?21:44
mnemocMecha25: :)21:44
Slartmnemoc: you can't totally disable the dhcp-servers settings.. but you can add a server of your own that it uses before those21:44
=== anteaya_ is now known as anteaya
barbarellaWineo:apt-get with the -d option, or wget package21:44
mnemocdeeperror: Slart: thanks for the hints :) I'll try both (+i first :p)21:44
barbarellaWineo:apt-get with the -d option, or wget package21:45
omgitsthecarofdoCan someone help me with getting this pc a designated ip?21:45
deeperroromgitsthecarofdo, you mean static ip?21:45
omgitsthecarofdoI tried doing it with the interface, but it doesnt connect to the internet21:45
didohow to convert avi files to 3gp on Ubuntu 8.04:please help21:45
mizipzorwhen playing a game in steam in fullscreen mode, the desktop resolution changes and when shutting the game down, the desktop doesnt switch back to my normal resolution... any fix for this? run in window?21:46
Flare183omgitsthecarofdo: open a terminal and type in sudo dhclient21:46
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:47
Turgid_So, I just switched to Ubuntu, and I need to see the hardware on this machine, particularly the sound card. Where do I see that info?21:47
Flare183omgitsthecarofdo: pastebin what it gives you21:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:47
barbarelladidi:with ffmpeg21:47
zhobbswhen I try to do the live cd I get a prompt "(initramfs)" and above it "BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-5ubuntu12) Built-in shell (ash)\nEnter 'help' for a list of built-in commands"21:47
Flare183Turgid_: open a terminal and type in lspci21:48
mamo_can anyone give me a link to download ubuntu limited "Ubuntu without any software such as office or games or any software" but it should have the GNOME interface...???21:48
Flare183zhobbs: That is a bug. There is not a fix for it yet21:48
Odd-rationalemamo_: you can install a cli system and install what you wnat. or install a standrad ubuntu and uninstall what you dont want...21:49
Turgid_Flare183: Thanks much. :)21:49
Flare183!ubuntu-restricted-extras | mamo_21:49
ubottumamo_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:49
zhobbsFlare183: you know if bug still happens if I just install (via alternate cd or something)21:49
Flare183zhobbs: It doesn't appear on the alternative cd21:49
Flare183Turgid_: np21:49
omgitsthecarofdoFlare183: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37807/21:49
Flare183mamo_: sry abou that21:49
mamo_ok, thanks21:49
Flare183omgitsthecarofdo: good that means that your internet should be working now21:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vent21:51
Flare183!askthebot | thinman118921:51
ubottuthinman1189: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:51
ERICH_lapanyone ubuntu studio? will it run on a mobile p4 1.6 w/256mb ram, soon to be 512...?21:51
FlannelERICH_lap: Try #ubuntustudio21:51
acrouseyI  partitioned a new hard drive as FAT32 and now I cannot find it to put stuff into it.21:51
ERICH_lapFlannel: oops! ty21:51
porncakewhy would you use fat3221:51
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:52
eligosafter setting up the Nvidia driver, is it supposed to go to console mode so you can set up the rest or should it continue in graphics mode after rebooting?21:52
Mecha25porncake: because everything and its brother reads and writes it21:52
acrouseyi want to be able to access it from ubuntu, mac, and windows21:52
Flare183!fat32 | acrousey21:52
ubottuacrousey: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:52
Flare183!hi | hotgurl18LasVega21:52
ubottuhotgurl18LasVega: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:52
redheathi everyone21:53
Flare183!hi | redheat21:53
ubotturedheat: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:53
redheatthank you flare..I just a have a question about making my windows vista laptop see my ubuntu desktop21:54
spiritssightI have a very dum question, any how its how can you make your startmenu like windows xp or vista21:54
Ayabarawhat's a good app for organizing pictures, besides digikam?21:54
testmycode019me me me21:54
redheathi eligos..that is I want my windows computer see my linux and my linux see my windows shares..one note, linux does see my windows network, yet it doesn't see any windows shares21:55
Flare183Ayabara: F-Spot21:55
heyjoehow do i ensure that Xgl module is loaded?21:55
Flare183!samba | redheat21:55
ubotturedheat: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:55
Chrizz_Flare183: Its me, omg... I tried static ip, and it just kept pinging. didnt work21:55
AyabaraFlare183: I said _good_ ;-)21:55
ERICH_lapheyjoe: lsmod21:56
Chrizz_Whats the best way to set a designated ip?21:56
psykidellicHi, what would be the easiest way to create a USB installer in Mac OS X?21:57
nic_Hey all, I just installed Kubuntu, but I don't like it all that much and I miss GNOME. How can I install GNOME?21:57
hardhatpati started using xfce and need a good smb browser, any suggestions?21:57
Ayabaranic_: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:57
v3rtigohi i have really serius permissions problem, i by acident change my file system permissions, and as a last resort (even chroot from livecd didn't worked, got permission denied) i did chroot 777 to / from livecd, now i can boot and login, but nothing works even sudo i can't make to work it writes "must be setuid root" internet doesn't work since dhclient don't have permissions and basically nothing works21:57
nic_Ayabara: Thank you.21:57
redheatthank you so much Flare183.. I truly appreciate my problem is solved thank you so much..21:57
Flare183Awesome !21:58
itkeepsrepeatingwhy would a usb[1.1] webcam work fine in the on-board usb[also 1.1] but not work in a usb2.0 pci card?21:58
Flare183Another person I helped keep that logged!21:58
heyjoeERICH_lap, i dont see Xgl anywhere, how do i get it to load with X server ?21:58
_vvdv3rtigo: reinstall21:58
v3rtigodon't want to loose all my data :x21:58
Daisuke_LaptopFlare183: if you're working toward some sort of reward, you're going to be very disappointed21:58
_vvdv3rtigo: back it up? :)21:58
Ayabaranic_: no problem. if you want to remove kde-stuff, check http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome21:59
Chrizz_Could someone help me with designating a ipadress to a server21:59
hardhatpatv3rtigo, your screwed21:59
v3rtigoit's all owned by root and shit21:59
Flare183Daisuke_Laptop: Well I'm going to be a Ubuntu Member soon (And the logs help that)21:59
Daisuke_Laptopthat makes sense, i guess21:59
kevinOO!language | v3rtigo21:59
ubottuv3rtigo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:59
v3rtigoi think i can fix sudo from livecd22:00
v3rtigobut what permissions i need to set for my whole filesystem?22:00
v3rtigoexcept $home22:00
MonsieurYtest your webcam in the mebeam site  :)   http://www.mebeam.com/testwebcam22:00
Flare183MonsieurY: your dead22:00
Turgid_Ok, another thing with my sound card. How do I see what drivers Ubuntu is currently using with it?22:00
Flare183!ops | MonsieurY22:00
ubottuMonsieurY: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!22:00
=== Algo is now known as Qtpaxa
Flare183No Ads/Spamming!22:01
Flare183!samba | redheat22:01
ubotturedheat: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:01
redheatthank you Flare183, I thought if Ityped samba it would get me to the samba..thank you22:01
mikihey guys...i need help...22:02
Flare183redheat: No problem22:02
askandHow much space does an ubuntuinstallation take?22:02
Flare183!ask | miki22:02
ubottumiki: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:02
Flare183!install | askand22:02
ubottuaskand: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:02
mikiPORBLEM: mouse is pluged in over a USB 2.0 and after a while it stops working after some time passes22:02
* Flare183 is on a roll22:02
* Chrizz_ swears alot... -.-22:03
mikiand then i click ctrl+alt+baskspace and ubuntu just kills my dasketop, the wallpaper remains and it doesn't reboot22:03
Chrizz_i STILL cant get a ip assigned to my server22:03
wowhiejjMost stables Version of a mysql server for ubuntu? and a programm to control and upload sql dumps for that server anyone?22:03
mikiany got an idea what this is all about?22:03
DJ-Pyro_Chrizz_, what's in /etc/network/interfaces?22:03
Flare183!server | Chrizz_22:03
ubottuChrizz_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support22:03
itkeepsrepeatingMonsieurY, does the mebeam website require java?22:04
mahmoudhi every one22:04
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem22:04
AyabaraI use digikam, and have hierarchical tags. Does anyone know if any other applications will understand that people/family/whats-her-name is to be interpreted as a hierarchy?22:04
RequinB4mahmoud: try changing browser and see if its actually a network problem22:04
Turgid_barbarella: Yes, that gives me the name of the sound card. "00:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 03)" How do I see the driver information for that? The sound isn't working, so I think I need to download a different driver, but I'd like to see the current one first.22:04
Daisuke_LaptopAyabara: the only way to find out is to try22:04
tabularasaso.  my 8.04 system running KDE 4.1 just locked up... now it doesnt boot.  It sticks at "Starting up" and won't go anywhere.  I did some looking on the forums and such and found a couple dead ends... problems with the -20 kernel, im using -19.. etc..  Any ideas on I can look at?  I have the live CD booted and my install mounted at /mnt/install22:04
mahmoudi tried22:05
Freddhow do i rename a partition label? for example i have a internal hd that is called "My Files" and its lableled as /media/My Files/ how could i change it to /media/files/ ?22:05
Asterix_I'm using the xsensors program for checking my voltages and temps and getting some wacky numbers...  does anyone know the acceptable ranges for -12 and -5 volts?22:05
AyabaraDaisuke_Laptop: well, if someone told me, that would also be a way to find out ;-). I tried f-spot, and that one did not seem to get it. any other image organizers I could try out? what's the default in kubuntu?22:05
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/37816/22:06
mikiOK to reframe it. I have a Logitech MX510 plugged into my PC over a usb 2.0 port. Afer a while the mouse cursor frezez and won'tr respond. Then i try to reboot whit ctrl+alt+backspace and all it does is to kill my desktop whit the wallpaper reamining and not rebooting, so i have to hard reboot...huh.22:06
DJ-Pyro_Chrizz_, spell 'address' right22:06
Daisuke_LaptopAyabara: digikam's the default for kubuntu, i believe22:06
Chrizz_its a typo to pastebin.22:06
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem22:06
Turgid_barbarella: Is that what it's using, or what I need to get? Synaptic seems to think I don't have it, so I was going to download it.22:07
tabularasaIs there some sort of startup log i can look at?22:07
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: Its a typo from server to laptop pastebin22:07
DJ-Pyro_Chrizz_, then what isn't working right? /sbin/ifconfig -a should show you what's configured? try pinging your gateway before moving onto bigger and better things22:07
Mecha25fredd: I never could figure that one out, I ended up just using windows to do it, worked fine22:08
deeperrorFredd, you mean the actual mount point for the drive?22:08
Turgid_barbarella: Ideally I'd like to know how to see what it's using, even after I get this particular problem solved.22:08
sudobashI am trying to mount a SD Pro Card and I have lspci output: 08:03.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD)22:08
AyabaraDaisuke_Laptop: oh. I take it back. f-spot _did_ understand it :)22:08
Fredddeeperror: yes22:08
sudobashwhat device should I mount?22:08
Freddi tried unmounting with gparted but gaprted is not loading no more22:08
mahmoudwhy no one answer me22:09
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem22:09
wowhiejjWhats the stablest MySQL server + MySQL Editor?22:09
barbarellaTurgid_:try alsamixer in the command line22:09
deeperrorFredd, do a    mount /dev/hd?? /media/files22:09
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: It shows what i configured. pinging works22:09
Mecha25!patience | mahmoud22:09
ubottumahmoud: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:09
Chrizz_doesnt work*22:09
Fredddeeperror: i want to rename though22:09
DJ-Pyro_Fredd, type in 'mount' to figure out the device name, umount /mnt/Media Files/, make a new /mnt directory, then mount it again22:09
mahmoudok man22:09
Freddi know how to mount22:09
Freddi just need to rename it..i thought the device needs to be unmounted if i wanna rename it22:10
deeperrorubuntu just took the label and used it to make the folder?  should be able to just make a new folder, umount the Media Files folder then mount to the new location?22:10
barbarellaChrizz_:what is the problem22:10
Fredddeeperror: yeah thats what it did..took the label22:10
DJ-Pyro_Chrizz_, did the network work fine when under dhcp?22:10
Freddhow do i mount it to new location though?22:10
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: It worked perfectly22:10
DJ-Pyro_umount it first, then mount it agani22:10
kartoffelmenschcan ANYONE with xubuntu just paste me his /etc/modules in a private chatwindow? PLS, ive just overwrote it.. :(22:11
deeperrorFredd, umount /media/Media\ Files22:11
Chrizz_barbarella: Im trying to get a ip designated to a server, but it doesnt work22:11
Qtpaxatrying to connect I get this message in irssi: ERROR Closing Link (Bad Password), how can I make it work? I can't connect with irssi,x-chat,pidgin...22:11
Turgid_barbarella: Ok, that didn't really help me do anything.22:11
DJ-Pyro_Chrizz_, what does 'ping' and 'ping' do?22:11
Freddumount: /media/My Files/: not mounted22:12
sudobashso anyone know how to mount: 08:03.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments 5-in-1 Multimedia Card Reader (SD/MMC/MS/MS PRO/xD)22:12
barbarellaTurgid_:ther you can see what has been loaded22:12
Asterix_If xsensors is saying my -12V is at -20 and my -5V is at -2.5, would this be an indication that my power supply is bad and possibly the cause of random freezes?22:12
desertmaxFredd, this is not the way to go, I think.22:12
DJ-Pyro_sudobash, type in 'dmesg' and see what it detected22:12
deeperrorFredd, try      'df -h'  see what you have22:12
guntbertFredd: mount -  what does it tell you?22:12
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: .25 works. .1 says: destination host unreachable22:12
* Flare183 is back22:12
barbarellaChrizz_:what error do you get when your interface is set to dhcp?22:12
spiritssightwhere can I get help geting weatherbug working22:12
desertmaxFredd, Connect the device to your PC, then right-click it and click on properties.22:12
justin_ok, If I have a printer connected to a Macbook, is there a way that printer can some how become a network printer,and i ca print things form it without having to physically connect to the printer?22:13
Chrizz_barbarella: Everything works on dhcp, but i cant lock a ipadress22:13
Asterix_justin_: does that printer have an ethernet port on it?22:13
Flare183spiritssight: right click on your time and click on preferences22:13
Mecha25justin_ you want samba printer sharing22:13
sudobash[ 8607.944088] tifm0 : demand removing card from socket 0:022:13
sudobash[ 8621.881267] tifm_core: MemoryStick card detected in socket 0:022:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:13
Fredddesertmax: that doesnt work22:13
justin_Asterix_, no it does not22:13
DJ-Pyro_Chrizz_, does 'arp -n' have a record for
justin_Mecha25, what does samba do?22:14
Freddgunbert: http://pastebin.com/d612605eb22:14
desertmaxFredd, go to the Volume-tab. Enter the name you want to give the device into the mount-point entry (e.g. files)22:14
Fredddeeperror: what do u mean?22:14
Freddfine let me try22:14
barbarellaChrizz_:cause you isp doesn't allow it?!22:14
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem22:14
Mecha25justin: if your laptop's running ubuntu, it lets you share the printer so other people can use it when it's connected to your computer.  if you want to make it a pure network printer, then you won't need ubuntu22:14
ZiaeonI lost my apache.conf what package contains it so i can restore the default22:14
Freddi dont even know how to mount it back on though22:14
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: it shows 192.16822:14
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: it shows, but it says (incomplete)22:14
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem22:15
DJ-Pyro_Chrizz_, did you try rebooting and is the cable still plugged in?22:15
spiritssightFlare183: but that is not weatherBug program22:15
guntbertFredd: cat /etc/fstab22:15
DJ-Pyro_mahmoud, we heard you, you aren't giving us enough info, does dns stop working? can you still ping your router or upstream, etc22:15
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: a couple of times. doesnt work22:16
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mahmoudyes i can ping my router22:16
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Flare183spiritssight: But its the next best thing22:16
Mecha25mahmoud: what ISP are you using?22:16
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teamcobrahrm, my keymap just got b0rked..... apostropheś are mapped incorrectly22:16
spiritssightflare183: thanks, but can I get help with weatherbug linux verision22:17
teamcobratried sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data22:17
mahmoudMecha25: what meaning of isp22:17
desertmaxFredd, Did you reconnect the device already?22:17
Mecha25internet service provider22:17
mahmoudi am from egypt i use tedata22:17
moccuoanyone know why im unable to do a tab completion in the terminal after the first command?22:18
barbarellaChrizz_:you have a router which runs a dhcp server, than you can use fixed mappings.22:18
Mecha25huh... sounds to me like a DNS problem, possibly a conflict between your settings and tedata's22:18
DJ-Pyro_Chrizz_, you're doing everything right in your configuration, not sure why it's not working22:18
moccuolike normally im able to tab complete, sudo, apt-get, install, and all the packages.22:18
moccuoany ideas?22:18
Chrizz_DJ-Pyro_: Then the problem should be somewhere else. Im going to look for it. Thank you for your time22:19
mahmoudput it was working very good with windows22:19
mahmoudbut it was working very good with windows22:19
jcarterSpeaking of keymapping, why is it I have to hit the single quote key twice to get a single single quote, otherwise, it converts the next key into a grave accent.22:19
Mecha25mahmoud: linux uses a different DNS system than windows.  I don't know any more than that22:19
Mecha25any DNS guru's here?22:19
teamcobrajcarter: not sure, bet itś related22:20
mahmoudDJ-Pyro_: can you help me in this dns system that mecha25 said22:20
_vvdjcarter: use a nodeadkeys keymap22:20
jcarterteamcobra: You mean: it´s related - but to what?22:20
al-mothafarيا اخوان22:20
bastid_raZormoccuo; either the command you're trying to use is not in your path or the command doesn't exist22:20
moccuobastid_raZor: what? i dont think you understand what im talking about...22:21
Mecha25arabic ubuntu channel anyone?22:21
CVirusal-mothafar: no one here speaks arabic22:21
bastid_raZormoccuo; you didn't explain it very well.. so i guessed22:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-ar22:21
nick_rivierahi there22:21
moccuobastid_raZor: im able to tab complete the first word in my command... but anything after that, it doesnt even attempt to tab complete..22:22
=== LuCiD|FullMoon is now known as LuCiD|g00nie
CVirusMecha25: you might have a chance in #EgLUG22:22
CVirusMecha25: I'm egyptian by the way22:22
guntbertmahmoud: I didnt follow - please do a few tests - 1) ping netzmafia.de22:22
Mecha25cvirus: it's not for me, it's for al-mothafar22:22
Freddwhat am i suppose to change in the volume tab? mount point?22:22
CVirusMecha25: apparantly he's retarded and can't read english22:22
bastid_raZormoccuo; it isn't going to tab complete things associated with a command.. apt-get will be tab completed but not install or any names of packages22:22
CVirusMecha25: so there's no way that I can tell him to join #EgLUG because I hate to type in arabic22:23
ne00hi im installing ubuntu on a laptop (acer aspire 5570z). it's all good except for the wireless... do u guys know how to make it work?? thank you :)22:23
guntbertFredd: yes, mountpoint22:23
Mecha25Cvirus: ther'es a way to message ubottu to tell him in arabic22:23
bastid_raZormoccuo; tab complete doesn't work that way. it will work with directories and files and commands22:23
moccuobastid_raZor: hmm, it does that in debian and arch linux though..22:23
Mecha25again, arabic ubuntu channel anybody?22:23
Asterix_I've been getting random freezes running 3D games.  After some troubleshooting I replace the video card thinking it was dying...  problem persists.  I notice xsensors is saying my -12V is at -20 and my -5V is at -2.5.  I tried replacing the power supply thinking this was definitely the problem but with the new one my numbers didn't change.  Anyone have some light they could shed on this?22:23
bastid_raZormoccuo; ubuntu is not debian or arch linux22:23
Freddgunbert: and change that to like "files" or w\e i want no directory location needed?22:23
Wineoey i got a question, i have two .inf files, ones called netathr.inf and the other is called netatherx.inf which one is suited for linux22:23
CVirusMecha25: there's #Ubuntu-eg .. but we left it recently .. he might find 1 or 2 idle guys there22:23
moccuobastid_raZor: yea, i just thought there might be a config file i need to set something for it.. guess not then?22:23
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mahmoudguntbert: i send you the result22:23
CVirusMecha25: it won't be of much use anyways22:24
CVirusMecha25: direct him to #EgLUG22:24
CVirusal-mothafar: #EgLUG22:24
Mecha25al-mothafar: #EgLUG22:24
MoktarDoes anybody have freebsd7+pptp authing against AD?22:24
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guntbertFredd: change that to the new name you want to use22:24
bastid_raZormoccuo; possibly compare your .bashrc files in debian or arch against ubuntu's..22:24
CVirusMecha25: I'm sure he won't understand22:24
Mecha25CVirus: we can hope22:24
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desertmaxFredd, just the name (e.g. files), not the whole path (e.g. /media/files)22:25
guntbertmahmoud: so DNS is working for you - good22:25
mahmoudok what is the problem22:25
Daisuke_Laptopbastid_raZor: actually, bash will autocomplete other things (apt-cache policy libg<tab> brings up a large list)22:26
Fredddesrtmax: u sure? cuz the original mount point was /media/My Files/22:26
desertmaxFredd, yes, I am sure.22:26
guntbertmahmoud: I'm thinking - stand by22:26
Daisuke_Laptopbastid_raZor: the question is, is he using bash or dash?22:26
trikdoHey ya'll. Looking for a way to disable my touchpad. Found: sudo modprobe -r psmouse ...it works but how do I save so that I don't have to re-enter the command every time I reboot?22:26
Daisuke_Laptopadd psmouse to the blacklist22:26
mahmoudwhat mean of stand by22:27
desertmaxFredd, btw, the information is stored in gconf (System, storage, volumes). If you ever mess something up, like using /media/files as mount-point, you may open gconf-editor and go there to fix any errors.22:27
Mecha25trikdo: you can put that in a shellscript and have it run through the gnome-sessions system22:27
desertmaxFredd, and remount the device, so the changes can take effect. :-)22:27
Mecha25or there might just be a button you can push on your laptop22:27
_vvdtrikdo: blacklist psmouse22:27
Daisuke_Laptoptrikdo: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:27
Freddyeah i did mess up22:27
Daisuke_Laptoptrikdo: then add psmouse to that list22:27
Qtpaxatrying to connect freenode by irssi I get this message:Hmmm, that wasn't the right password  -!- ERROR Closing Link: (Bad Password)22:27
Freddwhere is this gconf-editor?22:28
guntbertmahmoud: I wanted that you wait22:28
desertmaxpress ALT+F2 and enter gconf-editor. Hit run!22:28
Qtpaxacan anybody tell me how I can connect?22:28
desertmaxFredd, Go to system, storage, volumes22:28
trikdoThank you everybody! :) Rebooting now...22:28
desertmaxFredd, then to _org_... and change the mount-point option to files.22:29
Freddnow how do i remount?22:29
kaurHi! Can someone please tell me, what it takes to add a package to an ubuntu repository?22:29
desertmaxsince the device failed to mount, you can simply reconnect it.22:29
guntbertmahmoud: what browser do you use22:30
Mecha25kaur: you need to get it approved by ubuntu devs, making a PPA on launchpad would be easier22:30
mahmoudfirefox now22:30
mahmoudbut i tried many ones22:30
kaurMecha25, PPA?22:30
Mecha25kaur: personal package archive22:30
guntbert!prefix | mahmoud22:30
ubottumahmoud: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:30
kaurMecha25, Hm...22:30
Fredddesertmax: i went "mount /dev/sdb1" but now its mounted back to the same place /media/My Files22:30
kaurMecha25, I'll look into it. Thanks22:31
Mecha25no problem, good luck22:31
guntbertmahmoud: what happens, when you want to open http://netzmafia.de ?22:31
Daisuke_Laptopdesertmax: if you don't provide a mountpoint, it will mount to where it's specified in fstab22:31
burhan!info git22:31
ubottugit (source: git): GNU Interactive Tools, a file browser/viewer and process viewer/killer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.20-12 (hardy), package size 259 kB, installed size 992 kB22:31
Fredddesertmax: or do i need to restart the machine?22:31
kaurMecha25, One more question though... How can I get the devs to approve the package?22:32
adudei need a program to add tags to my photos, any suggestions?22:32
desertmaxFredd, Could you check the "Volume"-Tab again?22:32
Mecha25that I have no clue on, what does it do exactly?22:32
DJ-Pyro_Fredd, edit /etc/fstab22:32
Fredddesertmax: yeah the mount point is "files"22:32
burhankaur: talk to the MOTU22:32
Mecha25adude: fspot, it's included by default22:32
FreddDj-Pyro: sec22:32
jcarteradude: I suggest you try Gimp22:32
Daisuke_LaptopFredd: that line i directed toward desertmax was meant for you, sorry22:32
DJ-Pyro_if it's right in /etc/fstab then just do mount /mnt/files22:33
kaurMecha25, It is actually not written by me at all... But it is a tool for the NXT brick22:33
Mecha25adude: GIMP is for editing, f-spot is under Applications -> Graphics22:33
desertmaxFredd: That's odd, I did the same thing and it worked for me.22:33
Kate798hey... Anybody know how to get Ubuntu to INSTALL on a X7SBL-LN2 board? (Supermicro)22:33
adudefspot does not work for me22:33
Mecha25kaur: oh! you're trying to get it, not to distribute it?22:33
FreddDaisuke_Laptop: where?22:33
kaurMecha25, I am trying to distribute it...22:34
guntbertmahmoud: what happens, when you want to open http://netzmafia.de ?22:34
FreddDj-Pyro: now just change arg 2?22:34
BikerGeekadude: Have you tried Picasa?22:34
Mecha25kaur: sorry, we get so many people in here asking "how do I install <some random package>"22:34
kaurMecha25, Np22:34
Daisuke_LaptopFredd: [17:31:49] <Daisuke_Laptop> desertmax: if you don't provide a mountpoint, it will mount to where it's specified in fstab22:34
burhan!motu | kaur22:34
ubottukaur: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU22:34
DJ-Pyro_Fredd, yeah, be very careful though22:34
Mecha25kaur: there you go22:34
Freddi did probide a mountpoint22:35
mahmoudit load for too long time and stop after that22:35
FreddDj-Pyro: what u mean careful? i see some funny looking 04022:35
guntbert!prefix | mahmoud22:35
kaurMecha25, Thanaks22:35
ubottumahmoud: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:35
justin_ok, i just set up my mac to share files and printing under system, preferences, is there a program on ubuntu so i can access it?22:35
Daisuke_LaptopFredd: i missed that, all you said was you entered "mount /dev/sdb1"22:35
guntbertmahmoud: no error message?22:35
DJ-Pyro_Fredd, don't play with anything other than your /mnt/files endpoint, screwing up one of the other ones that contains your root FS can be a bad surprise when you reboot next22:35
Freddgunbert: i dont even have that tab option in konversation22:35
Freddalright im editing it now in gedit22:36
adudeBikerGeek: do i have to download from google?22:36
guntbertFredd: ???22:36
Freddgunbert: what?22:36
orgthingywhere are ".deb" packages of apt-get install stored?22:36
DJ-Pyro_orgthingy, /var/cache/apt22:36
orgthingyand, i want to "repair" my ubuntu because it isnt working anymore :'(22:36
orgthingyhow can i 'repair" it if thats possible ?22:36
orgthingythanks DJ22:37
Freddok now a simple mount /dev/drive would do the work right? no need for the second arg?22:37
Mecha25orgythingy: did you hard-reboot during an upgrade or an install?22:37
Miteshi have just installed Ubuntu 8 in my system and having problem with the sound22:37
mahmoudguntbert: after long time apperes massege22:37
DJ-Pyro_Fredd, correct22:37
guntbertFredd: you told me someting about konversation22:37
orgthingyMecha25 : its just i always skip the "checking" or "scanning" of hda6 at startup22:37
MiteshNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.22:37
Miteshwhat is this?22:37
burhanorgthingy: that depends entirely on what's wrong with it.22:37
orgthingyand i think by skipping it, i damaged my hda6 :'(22:37
burhanorgthingy: you are asking "how do I fix my car"22:37
Mecha25orgythingy: that shouldn't be a problem... did you do a hard reboot?22:38
Freddgunbert: yeah i dont have the tab feature..you were saying !prefix and prefix pointed out to use tab..but some irc clients dont have that feature22:38
guntbertmahmoud: message about what?22:38
Mecha25orgything: he's making a metaphor22:38
Freddburhan: clearly his car is linux powered22:38
teamcobrawelp, looks like my keyboard issue is 100% kde 4.1 related :/22:38
mahmoudguntbert: it didnt appear till now22:38
orgthingyis there a way to make new ubuntu installation BUT with my last ubuntu-files ?22:38
orgthingylike, pictures and stuff?22:38
mahmoudform time you send me the site name22:38
Mecha25orgythingy: you can make a separate /home partition, that should keep most of it22:38
mahmoudyes it appered now22:38
mahmoudConnection Interrupted22:39
Mecha25or you can just backup and reinstall, which is what I did when my packagess broke22:39
rwI'm looking to "burn" subtitles into a video. What software would I use?22:39
guntbertmahmoud: ok, try something different, do you have lynx or w3m?22:39
mahmoudThe connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.22:39
Mecha25orgythingy: NEVER hard-reboot during an upgrade or install.  I learned that the hard way22:39
Freddalright thank you guys all for the helping, luv this channel ;]22:39
mahmoudi dont now lynx or w3m22:39
orgthingyoh my22:39
mahmoudguntbert: i dont know lynx or w3m22:39
orgthingyso, I think that I had to burn my files into CDs then reinstall :S22:39
orgthingybut, before i do it, maybe someone knows how to help me :P22:40
guntbertmahmoud: apt-get install w3m (its a browser for the console/shell)22:40
amenadomahmoud-> those are non gui browser, btw lynx has been supplanted by elink22:40
Mecha25orgythingy: there is a way to put your /home directory into a separate partition, that should keep you from having to burn too many CD's, I forget where the tutorial on that is22:40
ubottuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:40
Mecha25orgythingy: follow that link, it should give you what you want22:41
FloodBot1Gast_340_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:41
jcarter_vvd: need man page for nodeadkeys keymap, not familiar with it.22:41
Mecha25somebody kick Gast, that's spam22:42
Mecha25it's a german nightlife site22:42
jpdsMecha25: Done.22:42
moccuoif i accidentally do a bad command.. like move a ton of random files into /. is there an easy way to undo it?22:42
* Mecha25 feels like he has just called down an air strike22:42
_vvdjcarter: use Option ""XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys" in xorg.conf section22:42
guntbertFredd: that (prefix) wasn't directed at you22:42
HalTheComputermoccuo: in general no22:43
_vvderr keyboard section22:43
bastid_raZormoccuo; not really.. just move them back.22:43
mahmoudguntbert: i sent you the result22:43
Freddgunbert: oh lol just saw it didn read anything before it22:43
godlygeeklong shot, but can anyone here explain to me how key presses on the keyboard get mapped to keycodes by the kernel?22:43
perilluxHow do I install "Kernel Modules"?22:43
jpdsMecha25: I was typing the command to kick him while you sent those messages ;-). Don't wory.22:43
marenostrumHello. After installing nvidia driver vis Envy, when I move the cursor to the riht of title bar the bar turns to white and icons disappear, title bar gets jammed. Any idea?22:43
guntbertmahmoud: good, please try:    w3m netzmafia.de22:44
mahmoudguntbert: in shell page ?22:44
guntbertmahmoud: yes in shell22:44
Mecha25marenostrum: that's a problem with either Metacity or Emerald, depending on which you use22:44
jcarter_vvd: Okay, now where is xorg.conf?22:44
justin_How do I connect to a printer that is being shared. The printer is connected to a Mac, and is able to be shared, Im just unsure on how to connect to to it nw.22:44
FoxhoundThank you flannel, i installed Ubuntu successfully22:44
marenostrum@Mecha25 : Thanks. Do you know what to do?22:45
_vvdjcarter: /etc/X11/xorg.con22:45
Mecha25marenostrum: no clue, I've never seen that before.  I do know it's either Emerald or Metacity causing it though22:45
LargeTroutor use the command "locate"22:45
Mecha25justin_: ok, you want to use Samba I think, unless Mac uses something different22:45
mahmoudguntbert: it said "netzmafia.de contacted. Waiting for reply..."22:45
marenostrum@Mecha25 : Thaks a lot.22:45
Foxhoundguys, im new here and just installed ubuntu few minutes ago, anyone here can help a newb with his new beggining ? ^.^22:46
Mecha25justin_: open Network, under Places in your menu22:46
Mecha25foxhound: sure thing22:46
justin_Mecha25, Sorry for all the questions that are the same, and i believe you told me to use samba already, now am I supposed to use samba on my linux box, becuase mac already has options to let you share the printer and folders22:46
Mecha25foxhound, type /msg Mecha2522:46
guntbertmahmoud: but page never comes?22:46
mahmoudguntbert: no pages comes22:47
mahmoudguntbert: no pages come22:47
jcarter_vdd: Thanks. Added. Guess I have to restart X now?22:47
Mecha25justin: samba is the linux utility that lets you connect to other printers or computers for file or printer sharing22:47
justin_Mecha25, oh ok, i see some stuff, do i drag and drop what i want printed into the folder?22:47
Mecha25what do you see?22:47
_vvdjcarter: yep22:47
Jacolytewhen I "apt-get install -d package-name", where will the packages be sent?22:47
eligosdoes anyone know a good music player besides audacius?22:48
burhaneligos: exaile22:48
Mecha25eligos: if you want TOTAL library control, go with Quod Libet22:48
Jacolyteapt-get install --download-only22:48
guntbertmahmoud: type: printenv|grep -i proxy  what does it say?22:48
Mecha25it's slow, but it does absolutely everything22:48
Lusulehi there :)  quick question - i'm trying to take a screenshot, normally i hit 'prtsc' and it just works - suddenly it's not - any ideas what might have changed?22:48
justin_Mecha25, ipod folder, a "mac0293283823" folder and a windows network icon22:48
burhanthere is also songbird22:48
Mecha25ok, open the mac folder22:48
mahmoudguntbert: it didnt say any thing22:49
Mecha25songbird is slow and buggy for me, but it runs on anything22:49
justin_Mecha25, nothings in it.22:49
mahmoudguntbert: i send you the result22:49
Mecha25justin_: ok, try the windows network icon22:49
anders_anyone got some good wardriving hardware to recommend ? (pcmcia with external antenna jack)22:49
justin_Mecha25, nothing in that also22:49
guntbertmahmoud: I see ..., let me think22:49
mahmoudi wait you22:49
perilluxTo install my video driver I need to go to Synaptic Package manager and install "Linux Kernel Headers"(according to a thread on Ubuntu Forums).  But there are a bunch of them.  Also the installation says I havn't installed the latest "kernel modules"22:50
eligosQuod Libet???22:50
perilluxsorry, my question then is, how exactly do I install "Linux Kernel Headers".22:50
eligoswhat's that?22:50
Freddwhats the package name that lets you add the desktop switcher to the gnome panel?22:50
Mecha25perillux: you shouldn't need to install kernel headers for a video card, use the Restricted Driver Manager22:50
Mecha25eligos: a very very awesome music manager and player22:51
=== CBoss is now known as Heikus
eligosok I'll give it a shot22:51
guntbertmahmoud: my last one: type telnet netzmafia.de 80 - what does it say?22:51
perilluxMecha25: I'm using an old ATI card, nothing shows up in Restricted Driver manager but:  Atheros Hardware Access Layer (HAL)"22:52
thingfishFredd: you right click on the panel, choose Add to Panel, then choose from there22:52
desertmaxLusule, start gnome-keybinding-properties (System -> Settings -> Keybinding blahblah) and search the entry "Take a screenshot". Click on it and then click on the prtscr-key.22:52
Mecha25perillux: what card specifically?22:52
Freddthingfish: it doesnt seem to be there22:52
perilluxMecha25:     RADEON IGP 345M22:52
Freddthingfish: well i already dont have it on my gnome panel22:52
thingfishFredd: you don't see Workplace Switcher?22:53
perilluxMecha25: I'm trying to follow this thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221672&highlight=7000VE22:53
thingfishFredd: did you do like I said, rt-click on the panel?22:53
Lusuledesertmax: it's set to that, but nothing happens when i hit prtsc22:53
mahmoudguntbert: i sent you the result22:53
Freddthingfish: nvm i do see workplace switcher i was just searching for a different name22:53
guntbertmahmoud: I see ..., let me think22:53
Freddthingfish: thx22:54
thingfishFredd: no problem22:54
desertmaxLusule, If you set it to something different, like ALT+s, does it work then?22:55
Lusuledesertmax: i was able to take one using the command 'gnome-panel-screenshot --delay 10' but i'd love to know why prtsc didn't work22:55
Lusuledesertmax: hmm don't know i'll try22:55
Mecha25perillux: that manual is for Dapper, which is WAY old22:56
daedrahmm I seem to have hosed my manpages22:56
guntbertmahmoud: between netzmafia.de and 80 there must be a blank ok?22:56
Mecha25perillux: chances are it won't even work with 8.0422:56
Lusuledesertmax: no, setting it to somethign else still doesn't work22:56
jcarter_vdd: I rebooted (not knowing exactly how to restart X) and I still have the ´ problem.22:56
daedra$man man     gives error:"sh: vimpager: command not found"22:56
mahmoudguntbert: yes22:56
Mecha25daedra:... that's a problem22:56
perilluxMecha25: I was aware of that, but shouldn't it still work.  It's the same driver version in that link, they havn't updated it.22:57
guntbertmahmoud: ls -l /etc/services22:57
Mecha25perillux: nope, dapper and Hardy are way different with respect to drivers22:57
perilluxMecha25: also, some people using Dapper have got the same error as me22:57
wpcvenomCan someone help me with switching from live to full22:58
perilluxMecha25:  I'd like to try anyway, but I don't know what "Linux Kernel Headers" to install22:58
guntbertmahmoud: looks good, please grep -i http /etc/services22:58
wpcvenomIf I have Unbuntu Live on a flash drive, and I choose to Install Linux, will it install ON the flash drive22:59
mahmoudguntbert: i dont understand that22:59
guntbertmahmoud: type in the shell: grep -i http /etc/services22:59
Mecha25wpcvenom: you're booting from the flash drive?  then it shouldn't install on the drive it's booting from, no23:00
shishirm1can any1 help me make a liveusb out of a iso image??23:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:00
daedraMecha25: zsh appears to have set vimpager as the new tool for reading manual pages23:00
daedrano worries :)23:00
favro perillux in a terminal type   uname -r   that will tell you the kernel number - you need the headers with the same number23:00
shishirm1i am running 7.04 i wanna make a liveusb of 8.04 iso i have already downloaded23:00
dlemcoeHey Hey!23:01
Mecha25shinshirm1: follow the links ubottu posted, they should help, particulary the 2nd one23:01
shishirm1Mecha25: i have seen the wiki somehow i am not able still install even after following all the instructions23:01
Mecha25sorry, I don't know much about that process, I just know it can be done23:01
mahmoudguntbert: i sent you the result23:02
dlemcoeOkay, I am trying to use the ./lampp panel command and I get this. http://pastebin.ca/117350023:02
dlemcoeI DO HAVE python installed23:02
cr33pupHi all, is there an alternative file browser for ubuntu? I'm not really happy with the [lack of] features in the current one (ubuntu 8.04)...23:02
guntbertmahmoud: I see no error :-(, what you could look still, if there is a firewall blocking23:02
mahmoudguntbert: i dont know23:03
mahmoudguntbert: i cant solve this problem for two weeks23:03
jpdsdlemcoe: Install the python-gtk package.23:03
uoaphyscan someone help me with desktop resolutions? I am seeing a 50Hz, 640x480 option in my set resolution panel, and in advanced desktop effects settings for compiz. This is not my actual resolution (which is 1024x768x85hz). But this 640x480 is the only one shown, and it won't let me select the correct one, or change it. I'm afraid to play with it because I might lose my 1024x768, but I want to be able to adjust my screen... Anyone have any ide23:03
jpdsdlemcoe: Try: python-gtk223:04
lwizardlany point of sale people here? I need help finding what I will use for mine23:04
perilluxfavro: I think I already have it installed then.  So my problem is I don't have the "kernel modules" whatever that means.  and Mecha25: I am aware that that tutorial is for Dapper, but shouldn't I still be able to install the latest DRIVER?  The ATI driver on their website doesn't work for me.  fglrx doesn't work for me.  and the open source one is kinda crappy, everyone on that site said they used to get like 200-300fps in glxgears (whi23:04
jcarter_vvd: I rebooted (not knowing exactly how to restart X) and I still have the ´ problem23:04
cr33pupCan anybody help please? Is there an alternative file browser for ubuntu? I'm not really happy with the [lack of] features in the current one (ubuntu 8.04)... anybody please?23:04
uoaphyslwizardl; you looking for opensource stuff, or commercial?23:04
mahmoudguntbert: it works now man23:04
guntbertmahmoud: hey great!!23:04
jcarter_vvd: I rebooted (not knowing exactly how to restart X) and I still have the ´ problem23:04
dlemcoejpds: Does Synaptic have it?23:04
mahmoudguntbert: but how did you change thing with me23:05
lwizardluoaphys, opensource I would prefer23:05
mahmoudguntbert: or we get informations only23:05
Slartcr33pup: there's always "thunar"23:05
Slart!info thunar | cr33pup23:05
ubottucr33pup: thunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0-4ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 213 kB, installed size 664 kB23:05
uoaphyslwizard: keep looking then heh.. you won't find much of it out there unless you plan to have a full time maintainer just for your store. And if you go commercial, your options will depend on the type of selling you are doing23:05
dlemcoeAlso, Is Hardy A LOT better than Fiesty? Or just a little?23:05
Juston-CTCWats up23:06
cr33pupSlart: ubonttu: thanks guys! :) I'll try it23:06
Slartdlemcoe: a little... depending on who you ask23:06
guntbertmahmoud: sorry, I didnt do anything - so I dont know how to solve it the next time :-(23:06
Slartcr33pup: I'm a guy.. ubottu is.. well.. not quite so fleshy =)23:06
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:06
lwizardluoaphys, well i'm not a resturant which most seem to be for, I have retail sales and rentals23:06
favroperillux: you need the linux-restricted-modules to match your kernel number23:06
ZimCSHey Guys, Can anyone help me with enabling CGI on apache2?  My httpd.conf file is blank under /etc/apache223:06
uoaphyslwizard: i'm a big fan of trying to do opensource pos's... but man the market just isn't there... the certifications you are required to have for cc processing will never happen23:07
mahmoudguntbert: no thing to sorry man23:07
uoaphyslwizard: and a general merchandise pos just isn't really functional on any of the pos's that are open23:07
cr33pupSlart: you made him talk23:07
lwizardluoaphys, have you done a pos?23:07
mahmoudguntbert: but the problem is that it is no stopped23:07
uoaphysyes, for bookstores on campuses23:07
cr33pupinfo talk to | Slart23:07
perilluxfavro: it does23:07
lwizardluoaphys, would you mind if i was to pm you about it?23:08
guntbertmahmoud: what is not stopped?23:08
uoaphysbut i have messed with GM and resturant pos's too23:08
Slartcr33pup: he has a list of commands.. usually something short for explaining something not so short.. that we get asked a lot23:08
cr33pupSlart: but I can't make it talk to you :)!23:08
mahmoudguntbert: but the problem is that it is now stopped23:08
Slartcr33pup: !info <package name> for example.. gives info about a certain package23:08
dlemcoeHey I get this error when trying to install PyGTK: http://pastebin.ca/117350423:08
s3amy x-530 surround sound isnt working at all, is it software or hardware related (my audio card is built-in my mobo which is gigabyte p31-s3g)23:08
ubottuRetrieve information on a package: !info <package>23:08
Slartcr33pup: and if you add a | <nick> at the end he will tell that nick23:08
dlemcoe!info irssi23:09
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1050 kB, installed size 2840 kB23:09
guntbertmahmoud: ok. sudo iptables -L23:09
dlemcoeThat's pretty helpful!23:09
cr33pupSlart: I learned another great thing today :)! Thanks Slart! :)23:09
dlemcoeHey I get this error when trying to install PyGTK: http://pastebin.ca/117350423:09
Slartcr33pup: you're welcome23:09
mahmoudguntbert: i sent you the result23:10
jribdlemcoe: is there a reason you are compiling it?23:10
dlemcoeI don't know where else to get it23:10
perilluxfavro: Mecha25: could it possibly be hurting me that I have multiple linux-headers installed?   I have linux-headers-2.6.24-16 , linux-headers-2.6.24-16-386, linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic (my kernel version), linux-headers-2.6.24-16-virtual, linux-headers-386, and linux-headers-generic23:10
jribdlemcoe: you don't of the wonders of APT?23:11
dlemcoeapt-get.... what's the rest?23:11
jrib!software > dlemcoe23:11
ubottudlemcoe, please see my private message23:11
guntbertmahmoud: all looks ok, there is no firewall on your own computer - maybe your provider ...?23:11
dlemcoe!Packages PyGTK23:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about packages pygtk23:11
jason__26 m nj puerto ricn23:11
jribdlemcoe: if you want to use pygtk, you should get comfortable searching for things.  Let me know if you are stuck though23:11
dlemcoeOkay, thank you23:11
favroperillux: shouldn't matter23:12
jribjason__: do you have a question about ubuntu support?23:12
jrib!apt > dlemcoe23:12
ubottudlemcoe, please see my private message23:12
jason__i just got it23:12
jribdlemcoe: those are the shell commands if you prefer them over the gui23:12
phantomcircuithi i cant seem to shutdown23:12
Mecha25yeah, multiple headers will cause a problem, you only need the one that matches your version23:12
mahmoudguntbert: but it works very good with my windows network computers23:12
jason__how do i play snes games23:12
phantomcircuitclicking the shutdown button doesnt do anything23:12
Slartphantomcircuit: what's keeping you from shutting down?23:12
phantomcircuitSlart, i dont know23:12
phantomcircuitit doesnt work23:12
phantomcircuitit does cause the panel to freeze though23:13
Slartphantomcircuit: what happens if you run this in a terminal.. "sudo shutdown -h now" ? Warning.. if it works it will shut your computer down23:13
dlemcoeapt-cache search <search_term>apt-cache search <search_term>jrib: I know that23:13
dlemcoeooopps sorry23:13
SnaresNick collision from services, that's so funny lol23:13
dlemcoejrib: I know that23:13
Snaressounds like a train wreck23:13
jrib!info zsnes | jason__23:13
ubottujason__: zsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 879 kB, installed size 4060 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)23:13
guntbertmahmoud: still I'm at the end of my possibilities - good luck23:13
jribdlemcoe: k23:13
AzizLightis it possible to display the source of a webpage in a terminal via a command?23:13
=== trmanco_ is now known as trmanco
dlemcoeI just didn't know that it was in APT23:13
jribAzizLight: I like links223:13
SlartAzizLight: wget might be able to do it23:13
koala_manthe wifi docs say that you can get ipw3945 cards in master mode, how would you go about that? 'iwconfig wlan0 mode master' fails23:14
jribAzizLight: oh for the source, what Slart said is what you want23:14
AzizLightSlart: if I use only wget it downloads the file, what I want is basically the cat command but for the web....23:14
koala_manAzizLight: wget -q -O -23:15
wpcvenomCan someone help me with installing Full Linux23:15
Snareshey guys is there a way to test irc latency with a command?23:15
perilluxfavro: Mecha25: I get this error in the log file "/home/jason/temp/radeon/radeon-20060403-linux.i386/drm/linux-core/drmP.h:44:26: error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory"23:15
dlemcoejrib: Just installed Python-GTK2 and it still gives the same error23:15
jribwpcvenom: what is "Full Linux"?23:15
jribdlemcoe: what error...?23:15
wpcvenomwell the full version of linux23:15
dlemcoethe no module GTK found23:15
wpcvenomas in not the live CD23:15
SlartAzizLight: hmm.. hang on.. let me check something23:15
Snaresfull version of what linux lol23:15
OnlookerHey. Firefox hanged a few minutes back at the "Save as..." dialog, I killed it and now I can't bring it back. Any ideas?23:15
Snaresyou usually have to go with some distribution23:16
jribdlemcoe: the one you pastebinned before?23:16
dlemcoejrib: yes23:16
Snareser well wpcvenom it's pretty darn easy23:16
keanujust as a heads up, either the latest kernel (-20) or the 'wl' restricted module is causing my wifi card to not be detected23:16
wpcvenomits not really INSTALLING it23:16
Snaresit's a bit more complicated if you want to dual boot23:16
wpcvenomits like23:16
jribdlemcoe: why are you still compiling?23:16
Snaresplease expound23:16
wpcvenomim on Live CD right now23:16
dlemcoeI'm not23:16
favroperillux: have you installed build-essential?23:16
jrib!enter | wpcvenom23:16
ubottuwpcvenom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:16
AzizLightkoala_man: I tried wget -q -0 -[URL] but it did work23:16
jribdlemcoe: pastebin the error23:16
wpcvenomand theres the Install icon on the desktop23:16
dlemcoeI am running a LAMPP command.23:16
dlemcoeThat launches a GUI23:16
jribAzizLight: you need a space after the last -23:17
wpcvenomI am booting the live CD from my 4gb flash drive23:17
Snaresright, you double click that and then start the installer.23:17
Snareswell that might be a small issue lol23:17
wpcvenommy question is23:17
SlartAzizLight: you probably already know this.. since you've read the man page for wget.. of course you have.. wget -O - <url> will print the source to stdout23:17
jrib!who | dlemcoe23:17
ubottudlemcoe: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:17
perilluxfavro: no I haven't, hopefully that will work23:17
wpcvenomwill linux install on the flash drive, or will it install on the main drive of the computer, which is my C drive23:17
Snareswpcvenom: select to install it to the flash drive23:17
Snareswpcvenom: you will come to a partitioner23:17
bozrobmy sound was working fine today, now I have no sound!? someone please help23:17
dlemcoejrib:  http://pastebin.ca/117351323:18
perilluxfavro: nope didn't do it, same error23:18
Snaresyou should be able to just select sda1 or something to that affect and it will install to it23:18
Sinn3rmanhow do i change the default mount permissions for filesystems mounted via places -> removable devices? and also, if i have an ntfs partition with files marked as readonly there, how to i make those files behave as readonly? because at the moment the  default is read-write for all users.23:18
dlemcoe!tab dlemce23:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tab dlemce23:18
dlemcoe!tab dlemcoe23:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tab dlemcoe23:18
OnlookerThe console gives me nothing, either23:18
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:18
Snareswpcvenom: don't worry you will know if it is going to install to the main hard drive23:18
lolsongdi have a pretty seriousp problem.23:18
lolsongdwith grub.23:18
lolsongdif anyone has a moment.23:18
seekingtruthI installed Hardy with the dm-crypt encryption option.  Does this mean even if someone uses a livecd they cannot read any data on my Hardy partition?23:18
bozrobI have an extremely serious problem with my sound. It's not working23:19
dlemcoelolsongd: Please ask your question, and don't ask to ask. If anyone know's we would be glad to answer23:19
lolsongdright on23:19
Snareslolsongd: if you just want to boot back into windows go to the recovery console in the windows xp disk and type fixboot and fixmbr; remember, it will be hard to get back into your linux install if you do this though23:19
lolsongdive already done it23:19
dlemcoejrib: You got my error?23:19
Snareslolsongd: ok then what is the issue23:19
lolsongdnow im here to try and get grub back, but not installed onto my external hardrive23:19
lolsongdi want it on my internet23:20
Snaresah ok23:20
lolsongdotherwise i cant get back into windows without the external23:20
seekingtruthbozrob: i have a solution that worked for me.  Install Ubuntu using Virtualbox and chose the sound option in Virtualbox and Ubuntu will give you sound23:20
lolsongdwhen i said internet, i ment internal.23:20
jribdlemcoe: pastebin: apt-cache policy python-gtk223:20
Snareslolsongd: well then that is a bit of a problem23:20
wpcvenomSnares: it says "Setting up a partitioner"23:20
Snareslolsongd: since this is not an ubuntu specific issue, you might try joining #grub and see if you can get some answers there23:20
wpcvenomSnares: after I chose my timezone and keyboard23:20
seekingtruthI installed Hardy with the dm-crypt encryption option.  Does this mean even if someone uses a livecd they cannot read any data on my Hardy partition?23:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dm-crypt23:20
=== lolsongd is now known as Obsidieth
Kattmanlolsongd: Super Gurb saved my butt23:21
dlemcoejrib: it sez installed23:21
Obsidiethi am somewhat worried23:21
Snareswpcvenom: yes, then it will take you to a place where you can either resize the current partition, or select where you want to install ubuntu to23:21
favroperillux: did you run install.sh again?23:21
seekingtruthbozrob: install Virtualbox and then install Ubuntu.  Then choose in audio section, "Windows Direcsound"23:21
Snareswpcvenom: do not worry! it will not install on your hard drive unless you go temporarily blind and accidentally press enter too many times23:21
Obsidiethheh, its hectic in here.23:21
AzizLightSlart: I got weird results with the command, and it still downloaded the page :S what I am trying to do is to get my external IP, I created a file with a php script in it that returns the external IP, and now I want to retrieve that IP via the terminal23:21
OnlookerSo, anyone?23:22
JowiHi, anyone know of a WM or panel plugin that behaves like Windowlab's launcher/listbar?23:22
jribdlemcoe: have you been compiling things?23:22
SnaresAzizLight: is this for some kind of script because if you just want the ip address you can go to a number of sites that will tell you your external ip23:22
seekingtruthJowi: I use virtualbox23:23
dlemcoejrib: I went ./configure on PyGTK's souce, yers23:23
perilluxfavro: yes23:23
dlemcoejrib: I went ./configure on PyGTK's souce, yes23:23
jribdlemcoe: pastebin the output of: python -c 'import sys; print sys.path'23:23
mattwisemanwhere is the default text stored that is displayed when you ssh into a fresh ubuntu box?23:23
AzizLightSnares: I know but what I want is my external IP in a terminal...23:23
SlartAzizLight: are you just looking to find your own external ip? if so.. take a look at this page http://whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp23:23
bastid_raZorseekingtruth; virtualbox is a virtal machine not a window manager..23:23
SnaresAzizLight: you could always copy paste the ip into the terminal if it's just a one time thing...23:23
Jowiseekingtruth, that reply was or someone else I hope23:23
seekingtruthbastid_raZor: you are correct, im glad to see you are learning :)23:23
SlartAzizLight: if you still want to find your ip inside that source code I'd suggesting doing some filtering with grep23:23
seekingtruthJowi: so try that23:24
bastid_raZorseekingtruth; and sadly you are not.23:24
perilluxfavro: so the log file said the file "linux/config.h" doesn't exist.  I went there, and I don't have it, but I DO have "linux/Config.in"23:24
kbrosnanOnlooker: if noone has answered have a look at http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Firefox+will+not+start23:24
jribdlemcoe: ... what does 'which python' say?23:24
AzizLightSlart: yeah I know about whatismyip, I'm trying to reproduce this in php, take a look, http://myip.freezoka.com/23:24
seekingtruthbastid_raZor: i am learning more than you know, about people, and their nature and character23:24
Sinn3rmanhow do i change the default mount permissions for filesystems mounted via places -> removable devices? and also, if i have an ntfs partition with files marked as readonly there, how to i make those files behave as readonly? because at the moment the  default is read-write for all users.23:24
Jowiseekingtruth, you don't have to answer if you do not understand the question23:24
bozrobokay so I can play media through streaming media in firefox with sound, however when I try to play mp3 files using rhythm box it doesnt work23:24
AzizLightSlart: all that I need now is get the IP via a terminal command (or an alias)23:25
SlartAzizLight: seems to be working nicely here23:25
jribdlemcoe: get rid of your compiled python23:25
Swishubuntu 6.06LTS, just tried to dist-upgrade it from kernel 2.6.15-26 to -52, (on a Dell 2950 with Perc5i) but on reboot, it couldn't find /dev/sdg1.  How do I fix this?23:25
leepingHi everyone, I just had the unfortunate realization that Adobe Reader doesn't work on 64-bit Linux... is there anywhere where I can get a list of other such programs that are unsupported?  Alternatively, can someone suggest to me a way to get Adobe Reader to work (I'm more interested in workarounds to get Adobe Reader working, and less regarding alternative PDF readers)23:25
dlemcoejrib: Is there a command for that?23:25
seekingtruthbastid_raZor: success in life is not about knowledge about Ubuntu, success is about learning how to treat people with respect, love and kindess.  Something that is foreign to you.23:25
jribdlemcoe: go to the directory where you typed 'make install' for python and try 'make uninstall'23:25
Jowiis seekingtruth a bot?23:25
Tom_nugginWhy does flv file play so slowly?23:25
perilluxfavro: I've been looking up these files and I keep seeing things saying that "it's supposed to turn config.in into config.h23:25
AzizLightSlart: what do you mean??23:25
favroperillux: is there a readme which tells you how to uninstall it? - you might have to do that then run install.sh again23:25
seekingtruthJowi: try that23:25
seekingtruthI installed Hardy with the encrypted filesystems and LVM option.  Does this mean even if someone uses a livecd they cannot read any data on my Hardy partition?23:26
afallenhopehey can I remove Evolution?23:26
bastid_raZorafallenhope; sudo apt-get remove evolution23:26
raynersome boddy know how can i check what type of video card my pc have, on ubuntu?23:26
raynersome boddy know how can i check what type of video card my pc have, on ubuntu?23:26
raynersome boddy know how can i check what type of video card my pc have, in ubuntu?23:26
seekingtruthafallenhope: does sudo apt-get remove evolution work?23:26
FloodBot1rayner: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:26
afallenhopebastid_raZor, thanks. didn't ask how though lol.23:26
SlartAzizLight: let's see if I understand you correctly.. you want to get the ip displayed on that page in a terminal, right?23:26
afallenhopeI was asking if I could23:26
kevinOrayner do not flood23:26
jribrayner: please don't do that.  'lspci' will tell you23:26
AzizLightSlart: exactely23:26
seekingtruthbastid_raZor: he didnt ask how LOL.  read properly next time23:26
dlemcoejrib: it's not working23:27
perilluxfavro: nope, no readme, or instructions23:27
afallenhopeseekingtruth, thanks lol. I asked if I COULD lol.23:27
wpcvenomSnares: its kinda, not moving afte 46% on seting up partitioner23:27
seekingtruthafallenhope: :)23:27
jribdlemcoe: you need to be more specific.  Tell me exactly what you are doing (pastebin) and show me the outcome23:27
SlartAzizLight: it seems like it's using javascript to do it's magic..23:27
wpcvenomSnares: it says "scanning disks"23:27
seekingtruthjrib:  I installed Hardy with the encrypted filesystems and LVM option.  Does this mean even if someone uses a livecd they cannot read any data on my Hardy partition?23:27
dlemcoeroot@WDC:/home/dlemcoe/Desktop/Python-2.5.2# cd /usr/local/bin/python23:28
dlemcoebash: cd: /usr/local/bin/python: Not a directory23:28
AzizLightSlart: that's the problem: it's just one line of php, there is no javascript in it...23:28
Snareswpcvenom: it may take a bit, be patient23:28
jribseekingtruth: no, it means it will probably take them a very long time to read it23:28
JowiHi, anyone know of a WM or panel plugin that behaves like Windowlab's launcher/listbar (I find it fantastic but the WM lacks alot)?23:28
jribdlemcoe: yes?  Why are you running that command?23:28
Snareswpcvenom: just make sure you don't select an sci or hda unless you're SURE it's the flash drive23:28
seekingtruthjrib: what would a person need to do to read it if a person installs Ubuntu using the encrypted filesystems and LVM option?23:28
dlemcoeTo go to the installed directory23:28
zzl    wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz23:29
dlemcoejrib: To go to the installed directory23:29
zzlwhere can i get the latest version?23:29
jribseekingtruth: sidechannel attack or break the encryption scheme?23:29
seekingtruthjrib: what encryption algorithm does encrypted filesystems and LVM use?23:29
jribdlemcoe: no, not the installed directory.  The source directory where you typed 'make install'23:29
SlartAzizLight: hmm.. but looking at the source wget outputs there is some javascript.. and a statcounter23:29
jribseekingtruth: I don't know23:29
seekingtruthjrib: ok thanks anyway23:29
SlartAzizLight: is it your site?23:29
AzizLightit's a free hosting account I have23:29
zzlwhere do I get the latest version of this?     wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz23:30
AzizLightSlart: an account from freezoka.com23:30
SlartAzizLight: I wonder if they do some weird stuff depending on the browser identification23:30
dlemcoejrib: make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.23:30
favroperillux: I was under the impression that the radeon driver is built into the kernel now as r12823:30
=== dlemcoe is now known as WDC
master16 hi23:30
master16  my kaffeine program see dvb kart23:30
master16  have signal but not add channel list23:30
jribdlemcoe: then you will need to delete what you installed manually23:30
jribmaster16: don't use enter to break up your thoughts as it makes it harder to follow what you are saying23:31
WDCjrib: I'm WDC now by the way23:31
SlartAzizLight: ahh.. now I see.. it first displays some kind of statcounter.. with a refresh tag to the real page23:31
AzizLightSlart: oh I see23:31
jribWDC: what else do you have in /usr/local/?23:31
zzl    wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz23:31
AzizLightSlart: is there a  way to get past that?23:31
SlartAzizLight: not sure...23:32
perilluxfavro: would that mean that this won't work?23:32
favroperillux: if I'm right then it isn't necessary...23:32
AzizLightSlart: hm..nevermind...anyway thanks a lot for the help23:32
WDCjrib: no mention of Python23:33
master16ı how manually kaffeine ?23:33
zzlwhere can I get the latest version?     wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz23:33
SlartAzizLight: hope you get it sorted23:33
favroperillux: I use an old ati with r128 in dapper23:33
perilluxfavro: I do have a working driver.  It's just this one should improve performance.23:33
=== Tizz is now known as Tizz`Dodo
jribWDC: I asked because if there is nothing there you care for, you can just delete all of /usr/local/23:33
AzizLightSlart: I'm gonna try another free hosting service lol.23:33
perilluxfavro: it's ok...  Thanks for all your help.23:34
=== LuCiD|m00ng00nie is now known as LuCiD|Awahey
wanderingiiim trying to download a theme from gnome-look called hardy simple colors. i have downloaded the tar.gz files and have gone to the system -> preferences ->appearance to install the themes there, but it just says invalid format. what am i doing wrong?23:34
favroperillux: good luck23:34
WDChmm okay23:34
MrLinux`Hello I have a problem23:34
MrLinux`root@01:34:11~> /usr/local/ddos/ddos.sh -c23:35
MrLinux`/usr/bin/service: line 5: /etc/init.d/crond: No such file or directory23:35
MrLinux`/usr/bin/service: line 5: /etc/init.d/crond: No such file or directory23:35
FloodBot1MrLinux`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:35
WDCjrib: I just reinstalled Python with Synaptic23:35
jribWDC: that won't do anything.  You need to delete the version you compiled into /usr/local/.  Delete /usr/local/bin/python and all other /usr/local/**/python* stuff23:35
foxhoundHi im from ubuntu !!!! (1st timer loool) :p23:36
WDCjrib: /usr/local is now empty23:36
jribWDC: go ahead and try your program now23:36
WDCjrib: Got worse issues now. Will patebin23:37
WDCjrib: http://pastebin.ca/117353423:38
SladeHey there. If i wanted to run a GUI program from a server on my local machine, how could i do that?23:38
Terrasqueanyone here feeling they have control over kernel issues? Got a weird bug after upgrading from 6.06 to 8.0423:38
TerrasqueSlade: what os is your client using?23:39
jribWDC: you're on hardy?23:39
SladeServer = SuSE (SLES10) and client = Ubuntu Linux23:39
WDCjrib: No Gutsy23:39
TerrasqueSlade: ssh -X server program23:39
WDCI've been meaning to update23:39
casaoAnyone have experience using a Symbian S60 phone as a modem via Bluetooth?23:39
Sladecool deal23:40
chris_goedoes anyone know why CONFIG_MD_RAID10 is not selected in hardy's kernel image?23:40
=== LuCiD|Awahey is now known as LuCiD|m000n
jribWDC: you get lots of hits for your error.  One suggests it's an old bug23:40
TerrasqueSlade: in some configurations, X forwarding is disabled in the sshd config. If it is, you have to edit that file and restart the ssh daemon23:40
WDCI see23:40
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
WDCSo, just download the new DVD and I can update liek that?23:40
jribWDC: well that would be one solution23:41
jrib!upgrade > WDC23:41
ubottuWDC, please see my private message23:41
JowiSlade, the ssh server must support X forwarding (might be deactivated on some distros by default)23:41
SladeTerrasque: Cool thanks. It's working. is there anyway to specify the user and pass via commandline?23:41
jribWDC: https://bugs.launchpad.net/libcairo/+bug/644923:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 6449 in libcairo "Application crashes with "/usr/lib/libcairo.so.2: undefined symbol: FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden"" [Undecided,New]23:42
chris_goeSlade: man ssh ...or just  use -l23:42
WDCjrib: Cool thanks. Glad it's not me!23:42
shishirm1guys i am trying to install ubuntu 8.04.1 with usb i followed the process given in the wiki i am getting an error " could not find kernel image : linux "23:43
shishirm1kindly help23:43
TerrasqueSlade: for ssh? user can be changed with user@server - for password.. I would recommend you check ssh-agent, ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id23:43
jribWDC: you might be able to get away with finding an update for your freetype package but I don't have a gutsy system to check for you23:43
Sladechris_goe: thanks. wish i could specify a password too via commandline :)23:43
chris_goeSlade: no, you don't :-)23:43
WDCjrib: Oh cool23:43
chris_goeuse ssh keys...23:43
shishirm1guys please help me make a liveusb image from an iso image23:44
TerrasqueSlade: there's even a pam module that will unlock your ssh keys with your login password and run ssh-agent every time you log in. That's luxury :)23:44
shishirm1i followed wiki instructions but i am getting an error23:44
Sladechris_goe using ssh keys will stop it from prompting me for a password?23:44
osfameronshishirm1: I had trouble with usb installation.  Some set of instructions don't specify how to wipe and reformat the usb drive fully23:44
chris_goeshishirm1: looks like read errros to me....that's why it throws an error..?23:44
zzlwhere can i get the latest version of this?     wget -c http://snapshots.madwifi.org/special/madwifi-ng-r2756+ar5007.tar.gz23:45
osfameronshishirm1: but saying "the wiki page" is useless. Specify the URL of the page23:45
_vvdshishirm1: probably a wrong device.map23:45
TurboBeehow do i setup bind so i can use my server in resolv.conf ?23:45
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:45
shishirm1those are the urls23:45
chris_goeSlade: if you use password-less keys or make use of ssh-agent like another dude here suggested...23:45
jribzzl: I imagine if you go to madwifi.org and search for their repository23:45
master16 hi23:45
master16  my kaffeine program see dvb kart23:45
master16  have signal but not add channel list23:45
WDCjrib: Why don't I have an update manager in the Admin tab?23:45
zzlI got here23:45
TerrasqueSlade: you create a ssh keypair (ssh-keygen), copy the pub key to the server (ssh-copy-id does that for you), and ssh-agent will load them into memory and auto sign in with those keys23:45
shishirm1osfameron: that is the url23:45
jribWDC: might not have been there in gutsy23:45
zzlbut they're just readme23:45
WDCjrib: it was according to: 18:33 < messiah> I want register this nick but it is already registered...23:46
WDCjrib: hmm. Sorry wrong paste23:46
WDCjrib: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades23:46
_vvdshishirm1: so you have linux on the stick with grub but it wont boot the kernel?23:46
shishirm1think so23:47
_vvdbu grub loads23:47
osfameronshishirm1: cool.  I just searched, can't find the instructions I used (I didn't bookmark in delicious, sorry).  Only advice I have is to try different instructions, as some cookbooks are more complete23:47
jribzzl: madwifi.org has a big arrow that says "Download latest release"23:47
shishirm1but i am not sure about grub i23:47
zzljrib: can you link me to that page?23:47
jribzzl: madwifi.org ?23:47
shishirm1where exactly is the kernel image in the live cd and what is its name usually?23:48
zzlwoops. nevermind23:48
jribWDC: are you running xubuntu or kubuntu instead of ubuntu?23:48
jribWDC: can you run 'update-manager' in a shell?23:49
_vvdshishirm1: well, do you get the grub menu that is configured on the stick? if yes, you are already booting from it and probably only need to fix the device.map file23:50
WDChold on23:50
WDCjrib: no23:51
jribWDC: what happens when you try?23:51
WDCjrib: When i got to apt get it it gives an error. hold on23:51
=== WDC is now known as WDC_
=== WDC_ is now known as WDC
WDCjrib: it's just not there23:52
shishirm1_vvd: i get only syslinux 3.11 Debian bla bla bla then a boot: (prompt)23:52
WDCjrib: When I try to install, it gives me: http://pastebin.ca/117354923:52
jribWDC: what is the output when you type 'update-manager'?23:52
WDCThe program 'update-manager' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:23:53
Flannelshishirm1: And if you hit enter?23:53
WDCapt-get install update-manager23:53
_vvdhmm, no grub then i guess :)23:53
FlannelWDC: Are you using Kubuntu?23:53
jribWDC: you gave me the wrong paste23:53
minus198Is it possible to adjust the time between slides in f-spot?23:53
SwishI see a TCP LISTEN port that has no PID/Program-name associated with it when I do a "netstat -a -p" and I wonder how to find the program attached to it?  (ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS)23:53
WDCFlannel: no23:53
shishirm1could not find kernel image linux23:53
WDCjrib: sorry http://pastebin.ca/117354923:53
nickrudSwish, try sudo netstat -tlpn23:54
FlannelWDC: still wrong one23:54
shishirm1Flannel: that is the error message could not find kernel image and goes on reapeating23:54
nikrehi people,23:54
Swishnickrud, same23:54
FlannelWDC: install ubuntu-desktop23:54
Swishtcp        0      0 *               LISTEN     -23:54
nikrei'm trying to compile the ffmpeg svn snapshot following the steps shown at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg23:54
shishirm1Flannel:  any suggestions??23:54
Swishthe port was different before I rebooted, which I also find weird.23:54
nickrudSwish, very strange to me. Never seen that that I remember23:54
nikrebut couldnt apt-get libfaad2-dev23:54
Flannelshishirm1: Nope.  Did you follow the wiki page?23:55
Swishnickrud, I mean, a 'service' that changes ports after reboot?  sounds sketchy to me :)23:55
jribnikre: because there is no such package23:55
WDC Flannel, what? That was when I tried to install update-manager like Terminal told me23:55
c0mp13371331337For dual-booting XP & Ubuntu, what I'd like to do is set up a mere 10 GB XP partition, 10 GB for Ubuntu root, then the rest of the hard drive for /home.  Using the ext3 filesystem driver for XP, would it be feasible to install and run games directly from my XP-mounted /home drive (probably mounted to E:\ or F:\).  Anyone know of any problems, caveats, or issues that this may cause?23:55
FlannelWDC: Thats still the wrong paste.  But, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:55
nikreubuntu wiki says there is :S23:55
millertime_018hey how do i remove programs that are in an "other" category23:55
jribnikre: you're on 8.04 right?23:55
nikrehow can i check it23:56
jrib!version | nikre23:56
ubottunikre: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell23:56
nickrudSwish, i see that with netstat -tlpn, but I see pids/programs with   sudo netstat -tlpn23:56
nikrei dl'd this yesterday23:56
shishirm1yes i did23:56
OldTokerHi all.. I'm having some trouble with ubuntu and apache.. and password protecting some directories.. anyone in here familiar with that process?23:56
_vvdshishirm1: man syslinux ^^)23:56
Wineowhats the package name got codecs used by rhythmbox?23:56
jrib!restricted > Wineo23:56
ubottuWineo, please see my private message23:56
FlannelOldToker: Theres a number of ways to do that, easiest/simplest is with .htacces23:56
WDCFlannel: when trying to install anything with apt-get I get:23:57
WDCE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)23:57
WDCE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?23:57
shishirm1 _vvd: do find what?23:57
FlannelWDC: Alright, do you have some other package manager open?23:57
nikreclose synaptics window23:57
nikrei got same error 2 min before23:57
jribnikre: that's not the command it told you to type23:57
computeranything better than crossover by code weavers?23:57
WDCFlannel: *facepalm* My bad yah I do23:57
_vvdshishirm1: so you can configure it maybe23:57
computerwhat is a good video editor?23:57
OldTokerFlannel, Correct.. that's what I have gotten so far.. I created the .htpasswd file and dropped the .htaccess file into the directory I wanted to protect.. but no login box comes up..23:57
WDCcomputer: Good is great for questions like that23:58
jribcomputer: kino, pitivi, avidemux23:58
OldTokerI don't know if there's something wrong in my serverconfig..23:58
_vvdshishirm1: looks like syslinux cannot find the kernel right? so, how do you tell syslinux where your kernel is?23:58
krel"undefined reference to `clock_gettime'" <-- why does my system not have clock_gettime?23:58
FlannelOldToker: You'd probably get help the fastest in #apache, they'll want to see those two files too, so you might as well pastebin them and have them ready.  (change your password to some dummy password, obviously)23:58
nikrejrib, Release:8.0423:59
OldTokerFlannel, thanks :)23:59
danhshey, if I want to create a non-privileged user to have backups (connect to remote machine, sign in as unprivileged user using ssh key and then dump backups) should I make the /backup folder owned by backup-user or by root?23:59
jribnikre: anyway, I'm sure you are on 8.04 and are reading the instructions for "pre-8.04" on the wiki.  Read the "On 8.04" directions.  May I ask why you want to compile ffmpeg anyway?23:59
millertime_018hey i tried to install magic iso burner using wine and it put it in a folder called "other" in my applications bar. now i uninstalled it but the "other" folder is still there! how do  i remove it completely?23:59
_vvdshishirm1: sorry, i have no direkt answer :)23:59
nikreto convert various formats to flv23:59
danhsI figure, maybe /backup has read-write access by backup-user group....23:59
Flannelmillertime_018: right click > edit menu23:59
danhsnot sure if there are security implications either way23:59

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