
Bytor4232Well now this is wierd.01:10
Bytor4232mplayer doesn't disable gnome-screensaver, but gmplayer does01:10
bassboiTheSheep, <3 thank u01:24
bsharittI just go Xubuntu up and running, and while using firefox, and I just ran into one of the worst user interface quirks I've ever come across. Apparently scrolling up when already at the top of a page(which means over scrolling, which I do, not being a precision scroller) apparently takes you to the previous page. How do I turn off this boneheaded behavior?02:13
bsharittAlso, this is the first time I've seen this behaviour in Firefox, so that's why I'm asking here, assuming it's a Xubuntu thing02:14
Bytor4232I'm not able to recreate his problem.02:20
Bytor4232I have scrolling on both my lappy and my desktop.  Neither go back when I scroll at the top of any pages.02:20
toshi all, running 8.04 and using wireless to connect to router.  what can I do to not have to enter the keyring pw each time I first log on?02:44
Genelyknews of Xubuntu 8.10 alpha 404:38
cody-somervilleIt was released.04:39
bytor4232Genelyk: Its out.04:39
bytor4232Genelyk: I have it downloaded.  Haven't burned and played with it yet.04:39
=== mRnAZ`` is now known as MrNaz
=== cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 8.04 Released: http://xubuntu.org/news/hardy/release | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Need help and no one around? Get in on the mailing list action at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Intrepid Alpha 4 is out, download at the
=== cody-somerville changed the topic of #xubuntu to: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 8.04 Released: http://xubuntu.org/news/hardy/release | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Need help and no one around? Get in on the mailing list action at http://lists.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-users | Intrepid Alpha 4 is out!
namegamehmm, I might try it out in a virtualbox04:44
bytor4232Not a bad idea.04:44
bytor4232I was going to try it on a machine thats not doing anything.  That might be a better idea.04:44
bytor4232Considering my experience with alpha304:45
Genelykgoob bye04:45
namegameI don't have one laying around :P I've got to be safe04:45
RandyboYI think i have corrupted grub on my machine when ive installed ubuntu on my usb-stick. Can i and if i can hvow do i fix it on my machine? Ive started the machine in the livecd now...09:25
lesshastehow do you start the ssh service, I can't seem to see it in the menu system09:35
RandyboYopen a console and type sudo sshd09:36
lesshastesudo sshd09:39
lesshastesshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path09:39
lesshasteah.. then it's already running09:40
lesshasteso now on to the next problem09:40
lesshaste ssh -p 2001 localhost09:40
lesshastessh: connect to host localhost port 2001: Connection refused09:40
RandyboYthen youll have to edit sshd's config to change the default port (22) to whatever09:41
simooHi, how do I get the pictures screen saver to work? I have created a 'Pictures' folder in home but that doesn't seem to be enough10:06
lesshasteRandyboY, I still can't get this to work10:14
lesshasteRandyboY, I just want to ssh into a computer S using a computer G as a gateway10:14
lesshasteRandyboY, I was hoping I could do ssh S 2001:G:2210:15
lesshasteand that doesn't do it10:15
Kardosohi everyone10:28
=== whaletales is now known as aptanet
yallax_onjoin #edubuntu11:24
yallax_onack.. forgot a /11:24
yallax_oni have xubuntu ltsp installed, and added the users to the "fuse" group, when they insert a usb-disk it gets mounted in /media/"username"/usbdisk-sdb1  it seems.. but there is no icon on the desktop or anything.. if i logon locally on the server it works tho.. but how to i fix it so users gets the icon on their desktop??11:29
yallax_onis nautilus a lot more resource hungry than thunar?11:48
WooI finally managed to set up my new hard drive as well as mounting it now, but will it auto-mount now?11:55
WooI used this guide11:55
favroyallax_on: you might have to enable thunars' automount plugin and nautilus is pretty heavy on resources but does alot12:02
favroWoo: did you add a line to the file /etc/fstab for your harddrive?12:02
yallax_onthunars' automount plugin ... where do i find that?12:02
WooYes, I did what the guide said only with /dev/sda1 instead12:03
Woobut I had to manually mount it afterwards (like the guide). I haven't tried rebooting.12:03
favroyallax_on: in thunar - edit - preferences - advanced12:04
favroWoo: if the line you added is ok it will mount on boot12:04
yallax_onfavro: what about that? all options are enabled there12:06
favroyallax_on: in hardy there's an option there to enable volume management12:09
WooI don't really want to try to reboot because I just spent half an hour with the machine might not want to boot again and detect my hard drive. It also resets all BIOS settings now and then, even though the battery is inserted.12:10
yallax_onfavro: yes, its enabled.. and all options after that too.. automount etc12:12
bassboi:| how do i browse windows networks12:40
favro!samba | bassboi12:41
ubottubassboi: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:41
bassboino app like network neighborhood?12:46
bassboibecause in the name of the share, theres a space12:47
bassboiidk how to do that in terminal12:47
favroput it in quotes e.g /path/to/"some file.wat"12:48
bassboiok lets see..12:52
bassboioh you're a god12:53
yallax_onI have 3 Ubuntu servers with identical hardware, is it possible to clone 1 of them ..so i can install the same clone on the 2 others?12:54
bassboihad to smbmount it favro12:58
favro!clone | yallax_on13:00
ubottuyallax_on: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate13:00
favroyallax_on: I use a livecd and dd to do that myself13:00
favroyallax_on: in system settings - desktop you need to have selected xfce to manage the desktop to get icons13:02
WooHi. I used this guide. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux. It worked ok, but now after a few minutes I can't write to my disk again.13:22
WooSo I'm going to try this again.13:22
Woosudo chown -R marie:marie /storage13:22
Woosudo chmod -R 755 /storage13:22
WooIs it username:password like marie:password or is it username:username like marie:marie?13:23
favro username:username like marie:marie13:24
wols_Woo: it's username:group14:08
wols_favro: NOT username:username14:08
favrowols_: for that purpose username was ok14:09
wols_favro: no14:09
wols_cause it is not username. no matter how much you insist14:09
favrowols_: who cares14:09
wols_we do. we like correct answers14:09
favrowols_: the user wanted to mount something not get a lesson14:10
wols_he wanted correct info14:10
WooWhy is my 60GB hard drive only 52 in Xubuntu?14:13
WooI thought Linux gave me the "real" 60GB14:13
Wooand it uses 800MB for nothing14:15
WooYou don't have to tell me that bytor14:16
Woobut I read Linux did not count that way14:16
bytor4232You read wrong.14:16
bytor4232All oses read it that way.14:16
bytor4232Its simple math.14:16
bytor4232Welcome maxamillion16:26
jokoonHow can I choose a wallpaper ?17:11
jokoonI don't understand the current wallpaper is in bold17:11
jokoonbut how can I put another one ,17:11
skepjokoon: Applications->System Properties->Background17:12
jokoonin xubuntu17:13
jokoonwhat applications menu ?17:13
skepthe main menu17:16
skeptop left17:16
jokoonso there are two way to change a wallpaper in xfce ?17:23
jokoonI don't see any "background" in system17:24
danielmright click on the desktop -> Desktop settings17:24
jokoonI ticked "allow xfce to manage the desktop"17:25
skepjokoon: and a bit further down you can tick another box for a background image..17:27
skepso there you go17:28
jokoonbut I can only choose a list17:29
jokoonnot a specific17:29
Mystik_deviantHey guys, i was wondering if someone could help me with a problem i have whilst trying to get Xubuntu running17:30
skepyou don't have a file input field (with a button to its right?)17:30
skepMystik_deviant: don't ask to ask, just ask17:30
jokoonI can put a list17:30
Mystik_deviantwas kind of my lead in :P Q is comming17:30
Mystik_devianti put in the xubuntu CD and it loads through the Xubuntu logo screen but after that i just get a scrambled screen17:31
jokoonit is a list yes, but how xfce manages a list ?17:31
Mystik_deviantthis happens with Xubuntu, Ubuntu and Kubuntu17:31
skepjokoon: strange..in my xubuntu i have these list-button below the input field and the single-file button to the right of the input field, where i can choose a single background image17:32
jokoonmmh I have the powerpc build17:33
jokoonis it related ?17:33
skepjokoon: so your setting doesn't look like this? http://www.23hq.com/23666/2872894_ef2d828e103e1a6cd7ae530a9ba45291_standard.jpg17:36
jokoonmh yes it does17:37
skepso..do you see the file chooser button right to the input field..click on it..17:38
jokoonbut how does xfce manage the list ?17:40
skepok..i thjought you just wanna change the wallpaper and nothing more fance..the other option (list) i never used17:41
jokoonI was using the list thing17:41
jokoonbut when I edit it I don't know it works17:41
skepah ok..my mistake then..17:41
jokoonno mistake17:42
skepjokoon: the wallpapers you add to the list are randomly displayed (I guess everytime you boot the pc)17:43
skepjokoon: if you want to change the wallpaper every x minutes or so you can probably check out this old thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32879217:44
skepnot sure if this works anymore17:45
DarkTanhow do i send a kill command to update manager?17:49
IronJanhi. my Laptop got a "LCD Panel 1280x800" but displays only 1280x768. the other part of the screen is out of view and can be "scrolled" to. can i use this feature for higher resolutions?18:32
IronJancan i use higher resolutions, ie 1440x900, with my lcd (supports 1280x800, shows only 1280x768)18:36
IronJanwols_: could you give me some tags to google or an instruction, how to do it?18:39
wols_IronJan: set the preferred res in your xorg.conf manually18:40
IronJanwols_: in section "Screen - modes"?18:40
bytor4232Happenin quittt19:08
yallax_upmy ltsp users have their home folder in /home/domain/username but all users seems to have read permissions on all their files for everyone.. id like to have permission 0700.. how can i do that automaticly, when a user logs in or his home folder is created?19:19
bytor4232yallax_on: You "should" be able to change the permissions any time you want, just make sure users can mount the directory over NFS.19:21
bytor4232yallax_on: You probably will need to change them manually for each user.19:22
bytor4232Sorry, those messages were meant for yallax_up not yallax_on19:22
yallax_uphow can i do this automaticly.. if say the user havent logged in yet.. and have no home folder created yet19:22
bytor4232Ah.  For that i'm not sure.  Your going to have to google that.19:23
yallax_upso every new user get 0700 permission on their home folder19:23
bytor4232You could try changing the permissions in /etc/skel to match what you want the username to be.19:24
bytor4232On linux based servers, /etc/skel is a template that is copied when a new users home dir is created.19:25
bytor4232 /etc/skel is copied to /home/username19:25
yallax_upall my users are in active directory, but when the user logs in for the first time ..the home folder is created19:25
bytor4232Who creates that home folder is what you need to find out.19:25
bytor4232Then find out what that template is, its hsould be etc/skel19:26
bytor4232Its been about 10 years since I used LTSP19:26
bytor4232so I'm a little out of the game.19:26
bytor4232You could check for an #ltsp channel19:26
yallax_up  /etc/skel/ is empty19:27
bytor4232Okay, maybe 7 years.19:27
bytor4232Set the permissions on /etc/skel to 0700 and see if that fixes your problem.  If not, your going to have to go to the #ltsp channel, if there is one.19:27
bytor4232And there is.19:28
W9ZEBhow would I go about finding the command issued by clicking the "terminal" icon under accessories?19:35
W9ZEBI'm just now moving to XFCE for the first time from gnome.19:35
bytor4232W9ZEB: xfce4-terminal19:48
W9ZEBbytor4232: that does work.19:50
W9ZEBwhat's the command for the terminal in gnome.19:50
W9ZEBthere's no reason not to just use the xfce4-terminal19:52
triaxewe are on a university, and use xubuntu ltsp servers.. ubuntu/xubuntu seems to set the permission rw-r-r on all new users home folders.. is there a login script or somthing that can set /home/username to rw----(0700) ?20:48
pleia2triaxe: what you want to change is the umask - do you want to change it globally?20:50
pleia2to change it globally you change it in /etc/profile20:51
pleia2for user specific it'll be their .bash_profile file in their home directory20:51
pleia2all files the user creates will then have the permissions you specify20:52
triaxewhat we have to do now is set permission 755 recursive on /home.. and after that set it to 755 non-recursive21:02
triaxebut new user inherit the 755 permission ..sadly21:03
triaxei tried to set umask 077 on a folder here.. but that didnt change anything21:04
triaxeso what does umask 077 do? it dint change a thing.. i still have rw-r-r21:06
ieeehi, i've got a problem, someone know if is there a way to add a partition to thunar, it finds external drive partitions but not internal drive ones, maybe something to do with hal?21:07
ieeein example, i have an externa usbpen attached when i start the session, and i can see the icon of the pen on the desktop21:08
ieeeis there a way i can do the same thing for internal drives?21:08
psykidellicHi, I have Mac OS X and I am trying to create a USB installer for a friend. I believe this will not work on Mac: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/21/usb-xubuntu-804-persistent-install-from-linux/21:49
psykidellicWhat would be the easiest way to create one from Mac OS X?21:50
hardhatpatwhat is a good smb browser for xfce?21:56
kartoffelmenschhey i just overwrote my /etc/modules ;(22:08
kartoffelmenschi know that there were 2 commands in it22:08
kartoffelmenschcan anyone (maybe with a pretty fresh install) tell me which these are?22:08
cody-somervillefuse and lp?22:11
kartoffelmenschoh yes22:12
kartoffelmenschthats it!!22:12
kartoffelmenschbig thanks22:12
kartoffelmenschcan u maybe paste me th #info lines in a query chat ?22:12
kartoffelmenschso that i wont miss that info someday ^^22:12
kartoffelmenschoh thats so kind!! big thank u! :)22:13
cody-somervilleNo problem22:14
captain_junocould someone help me compare xubuntu, xfce, enlightenment, and geubuntu in respect to performance?22:16
kartoffelmenschxfce is the displaymanager of xubuntu22:21
kartoffelmenschsince it seems that u diddnt know that before22:22
kartoffelmenschi strongly suggest u to not use enlightment22:22
captain_junoi did but you can also download xfce seperate on another distro22:22
captain_junowhy not use enlightenment?22:23
kartoffelmenschhow much linux knoledge do u have ?22:23
captain_junoi'm not the best but I like messing with it22:23
kartoffelmenschafaik enlightment is like fluxbox openbox blackbox -> very few guis -> very much textwort to set up stuff22:23
kartoffelmenschi btw never heard of geubuntu22:24
kartoffelmenschbut enlightment should be a little faster than xubuntu22:24
kartoffelmenschbut i have already read different opinions22:25
kartoffelmenschsome say xubuntu runs slower/even with ubuntu, some say fluxbox is the fastest, some say xubuntu runs faster than fluxbox22:25
captain_junoi'd be willing to learn about enlightenment and how to set it up if it performed better than xfce or xubuntu22:25
kartoffelmenschi also thought the same way as u22:26
captain_junoyeah, i hear diff. things all the time that's why i'm having a hard time choosing22:26
captain_junowhat i've narrowed it down to is wanted to use some type of ubuntu whether it's ubuntu with xfce or enlightenment or xubuntu22:26
captain_junothen i saw geubuntu which has xfce and enlightenment things while based on ubuntu somehow22:27
kartoffelmenschafaik enlightment is still under developement, id rather choose fluxbox instead of enlightment22:27
kartoffelmenschsince its as lightweight22:27
kartoffelmenschbut u can really really do only few things with guis22:28
kartoffelmenschits a tough and funny challanenge in the beginning but after a week it cracked me up22:28
kartoffelmenschand it diddnt even run faster as my xubuntu22:28
kartoffelmenschand ubuntu has such a big community, if u have a problem many ppl can help u22:29
kartoffelmenschbtw u also might want to try SAM linux or PCfluxboxOS22:29
captain_junoi also like how ubuntu/xubuntu can just upgrade like you uprade any othe rapp22:30
captain_junoinstead of having to start fresh22:30
kartoffelmenschwhat pc do u have? cpu/ram ?22:32
captain_junoi'll probably just stick with using plain ol xubuntu22:32
captain_junowell, i plan on making a frankenstein of a computer.  i'm putting a bunch of old computers together so it won't be much22:33
captain_junobut, even on my better computer that has a gig and an amd 3200 processor, I'd like to use a streamlined distro22:34
captain_junoi don't want bloat or anything22:34
captain_junow/o sacrificing look22:34
kartoffelmenschsame for me22:35
captain_junoso i guess you're pretty happy w/ xubuntu22:35
favroI do that with the server cd and fluxbox22:35
captain_junowhat do you do with the server cd and fluxbox?22:36
favromake a streamlined install22:37
kartoffelmenschwhy with the server cd? :o22:38
favroinstall a server environment then add fluxbox and apps for a light desktop22:38
kartoffelmenschcan u choose there to not install xfce ?22:38
favrothe install size is small and it has no bloat22:38
captain_junoso is it the server cd for ubuntu?22:39
favroyeh - yoy can install xfce or xubuntu-desktop22:39
kartoffelmenschwell but i have to say i just installed hardy and there isnt any software at all except games (that i uninstalled) gimp, a burning app, a video player, mousepad and some other important things :)22:40
captain_junowill the same programs work on xfce/xubuntu as they do with gnome/ubuntu?  such as openoffice and doing the folding@home stuff?22:40
favrosure they will22:40
captain_junook, i figured they did but for some reason i thought i saw something that said differently.  thanks for clearing it up though22:41
captain_junofavro, have you heard of geubuntu?22:41
captain_junoor opengeu22:41
favroI thought it was a google apps ubuntu...22:42
kartoffelmenschcaptain_juno: its still 7.10 doesnt seem to get regular updates :o22:42
kartoffelmenschwell maybe regular but seems that they take their time ^^22:43
captain_junoyeah, it doesn't seem as supported as other distros... esp. ubuntu/xubuntu22:43
captain_junoat first i thought it was part of ubuntu which made me think it would be good but i guess it's like linux mint which is just based on it22:43
favroit is a community run distro but still new22:44
captain_junowell, guys, thanks for your help and i assure you i'll be a reg. on here so hopefully i'll talk to you later22:45
kartoffelmenschcya ^^22:45
kartoffelmenschbtw: u saw the movie "juno" ? :)22:45
Salix_what is the command word for starting the terminal?22:55
favroSalix_: xfce4-terminal22:57
Salix_thank you :-)23:01
favronp :)23:01
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