
* apachelogger is wondering about the point of the khelpcenter gloassary00:01
apacheloggerthat is more a proof-of-concept than actually helpful00:02
JontheEchidna[21:10:16] <JontheEchidna> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CB1Y0ZFI02:14
JontheEchidna[21:10:16] <JontheEchidna> http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VABFLDOQ02:14
JontheEchidna[21:10:27] <JontheEchidna> ^Debs for Jockey PyKDE4 port, please test02:14
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
JontheEchidnaOh crap03:48
JontheEchidnadbus is having a fun time there...03:49
JontheEchidnathat's probably what took my network down 20 mins ago03:49
* JontheEchidna passes out03:56
jtechidnaapachelogger: Uh, whoa, I didn't know they even made proprietary PS/2 mouse drivers...12:37
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I don't think any of the changes I made could cause that bug. Could you check with jocke-gtk if I sent you the deb?12:55
* apachelogger is rofl because of the akademy interviews13:41
jussi01apachelogger: linkki?13:50
ktalahi, I don't know if this is the best place to ask this (or you are going to kill me after my question ;-))13:51
ktalaI have the ugly arrow-icon in my kubuntu (upgraded from KDE 4.0 to 4.1) and I want to change it13:52
ktalaI want to see the K icon13:52
ktalahow can I do it?13:52
apacheloggerktala: systemsettings -> appearance -> icons -> oxygen14:00
apacheloggerin fact you should have had that issue in 4.0 as well :P14:00
apacheloggerunless you migrated your KDE 3 configurations just before the 4.1 upgrade14:00
ktalaapachelogger: thanks, I'm going to try it14:00
ktalaapachelogger: That silly things can make somebody mad14:01
ktalaapachelogger: mad = me ;-)14:01
ktalait works14:01
ktalathnaks a lot14:01
ktalaapachelogger: it looks more beautiful now14:02
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian
=== mzungu_ is now known as mzungu
apacheloggerconfigure: error: Ogg support on Linux requires the alsa library16:01
jussi01apachelogger: libasound-dev ;)16:09
jussi01there is a libasound2-dev ?16:13
jussi01is that in intrepid?16:13
apacheloggervorian: the ff-qt crash must be related to some compile option17:06
apacheloggereither that or the dbg stuff is to be blamed17:06
digistyl3how do i get the true svn address of this? http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdeutils/ark/17:09
digistyl3i tried adding that address to that kde svn application, but no luck17:09
digistyl3thanks apachelogger :)17:11
digistyl3apachelogger: are things like ark developed with kdevelop?17:13
digistyl3should i use that if i want to test some implementations of new features?17:13
apacheloggerdoubtable since there is no kdevelop4 :P17:13
digistyl3apachelogger: i can't develop kde4 applications with kdevelop3?17:15
apacheloggerI never tried17:15
apacheloggerbut not very comfortable17:15
yuriyapachelogger: there is a kdevelop4, didn't they release an alpha or beta recently too?17:23
apacheloggerthat doesn't make it useable :P17:24
yuriyhave you tried? i've been meaning to because kdevelop3 is pretty old and buggy17:24
stefanlsdHi guys18:44
stefanlsdAnyone know anything about libkexif1-dev?  It has a depends on kdelibs4-dev (>= 4:3.4.3-2)  which prevents my update to showimg which wanted libkong4-dev (which no longer exists in intrepid - so moving to the kde4 stuff - libkonq5-dev) which means kdelibs5-dev...18:44
stefanlsdOr does anyone know if libkonq4-dev will be in intrepid? Or is it only libkonq5-dev?18:51
ScottK-laptopIt's a guess, but I'd guess it's unlikely that KDE3 stuff that's been removed will be added back without a very good reason.19:01
Riddellhi stefanlsd20:49
stefanlsdHi Riddell!20:49
Riddellkexif and related libraries are a bit broken20:49
Riddellat least the kde 3 versions certainly are20:49
RiddellI've not found time to look at them20:50
stefanlsdRiddell: I am busy attemtping to merge showimg from Debian - but its dependant on libkonq4-dev - which no longer exists in intrepid. I assume this is by design?20:51
Riddellyes, that's from kdebase which is now kde4 only20:53
stefanlsdRiddell: mm. So i guess i need to get showimg building with libkonq5-dev (which then needs kdelibs5-dev).  Build depends had libkexif1-dev which doesnt work either yet, but may be fixed by us...20:56
Riddellstefanlsd: I take it showimg is a KDE 3 app?20:59
stefanlsdRiddell: I assume so. last update 2006 and is currently built against kde3.   Is it worth trying to get it to work, or just reporting upstream?21:00
Riddelldoesn't sound like it's going to work21:01
stefanlsdRiddell: kk. thanks for the input. Will ask upstream about kde4 support21:02
stefanlsdRiddell: Sid must of kept libkonq4-dev, wont this cause a bunch of incompatabilities?21:03
Riddellstefanlsd: right, they're not changing to kde 4 until after their next release21:06
Riddellwe're essentially following experimental rather than unstable21:06
stefanlsdRiddell: heh. oki  :)21:06
apacheloggerI have two bottom panels22:03
apacheloggerand I have no clue how I got them22:03
jussi01apachelogger: nice work :P22:37
apacheloggerwhy in  gods name can't people use the KDE cmake macros22:51
JontheEchidnaThat would cause a severe lack of workarounds22:54
JontheEchidna(My theory, anyway)22:54
apacheloggeryeah, and I wouldn't kill one stress ball per month22:56
apacheloggergtk-qt-engine is building again22:56
JontheEchidnayay apachelogger22:57
apacheloggerfirefox-qt_0.1~hg20080816.2-0ubuntu1~ppa3_i386.deb (24.7 MiB)22:59
apacheloggerthat build gotta work22:59
apacheloggerfirefox-qt-dbg_0.1~hg20080816.2-0ubuntu1~ppa3_i386.deb (295.5 MiB)22:59
apacheloggerthere we go again :D22:59
apachelogger<-- master of the way too big dbg packages23:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please testdrive firefox-qt23:01
JontheEchidnavrm vrm23:01
jpdssudo apt-get install firefox-qt-dbg23:02
jpdsNeed to get 295.5 MiB of archives.23:02
JontheEchidnayeah, that'd take about half an hour here... lol23:02
jpdsAfter this operation, 1GB of additional disk space will be used. ;-)23:02
* apachelogger prepares a backport23:03
* JontheEchidna haz no updates23:04
apacheloggerdo you have the repo in your list at all? :P23:04
* apachelogger doesn't :P23:04
JontheEchidnaI might have gotten debs of aplg the first time around...23:04
apacheloggerI never put them up there23:05
apacheloggerprobably just pasted the url23:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16874287/firefox-qt_0.1~hg20080816.2-0ubuntu1~ppa3_i386.deb23:05
JontheEchidnayeah, you might have23:05
JontheEchidnalol @ package description23:11
JontheEchidna"safe and easy web browser from Mozilla"23:11
JontheEchidnamore liek23:12
apacheloggertoo cold23:13
* apachelogger is freezing23:13
apacheloggerremind me to never go outside again23:13
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it werx23:14
* apachelogger goes watching tv23:15
apacheloggerI think JontheEchidna will blog as soon as the hardy package is built ;-)23:16
JontheEchidnaI could if you wanted to23:16
apacheloggerwell, I don't feel like blogging today23:16
apacheloggertoo tired23:16

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