
reboot08ok im about to try and format xp using qtparted00:14
reboot08it list 1 with a window logo /dev/sdal ntfs active 55.88 gig which is the same size as xp c drive00:15
reboot082nd thing on list is hidde free space 8 gig00:16
reboot08should i use partition type linux swap?00:16
reboot08oh dear god i dont have enough anxiety meds or beer for this one00:25
jussi01reboot08: for which partition?00:27
reboot08when i ran qtparted it listed it displayed on the right 1 dev/sdal ntfs active 55.88gig00:32
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reboot08and 2 a hidden parttion free spave00:33
reboot08i want to format windows and remove all partitions00:33
reboot08so i select format partition type linux swap  ?   yes?00:34
Dr_willisdelete the partitions make a new one. of whatever type you want.00:34
Dr_willisthen tell gparted to format it.00:35
reboot08ntfs is windows right00:35
Dr_willisyou proberly dont want a 55gb swap partition00:35
reboot08delete partition first?00:35
reboot08says the partition is mounted?00:39
reboot08still delete?00:40
* reboot08 goes for a klanopin00:40
teamcobraphew. finally back... and I fixed the apostrophe's in kde :)00:46
teamcobraI had to choose evdev-handled keyboard in the kde keyboard settings00:46
Dr_willisreboot08,  you could unmount it.. but if it is going to be deleted.. you could just delete it i guess..00:46
reboot08i checked un activate00:47
Dr_willisone normally uses gparteed from a live cd. or unmounts all filesystems on the drive you are working on.00:47
Dr_willisactivate is not the same as mounting I belive.00:47
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Dr_willisguess he figured it out. :P00:52
Daisuke_Laptopthere's got to be a better option than gtkpod00:53
Daisuke_Laptopamarok screws up my shuffle's db, rhythmbox is totally useless :\00:53
* genii chases his tail gfor a bit til he gets tired01:06
jtismewhat is the linux command to see how much memory is in my machine from the command line01:13
geniijtisme: cat /proc/meminfo       gives much info01:15
jtismegenii, thank you01:15
geniijtisme: You're welcome01:16
lemonI've installed ubuntu8.04 ,but I can't get my video card to work properly(8400),how?01:33
jorge_what is this???01:36
jorge_is somebody there?01:37
geniijorge_: As to your first question, this is the irc channel for support questions of Kubuntu linux01:39
jorge_and what is this???01:40
=== mn_ is now known as _mn_
jorge_and all of you have kubuntu, right??01:41
jorge_(I know I sound like a dump, but jajajaj this is the first time i view this applet)01:42
spine55has anyone tried installing the meanwhile plugin for kopete?01:43
jorge_mmm not me, have you tried to install intrepid ibex???01:43
spine55nope what's that?01:44
geniijorge_: I do not give assistance in private message, also it is considered rude to message someone without asking their consent first. This applet which you are having issues or complications - it is helpful to know for instance the name of it or so, and possibly what problem it is giving01:44
jorge_oks oks.... sorry sorry01:44
jorge_you know.... newbies :P01:45
geniijorge_: No worries :) If you just ask here the question or state your problem, usually someone will try to assist01:45
jorge_okss, thanks a lot, so this application is like a huge tech support for Kubuntu or any linux distribution?01:46
geniijorge_: Only for Kubuntu linux. Although because Kubuntu, Ubuntu and Xubuntu have a common core set of programs underneath often the help is useful for all these01:48
aaronwihow do i kill x server?01:48
geniiaaronwi: From command line or from inside it?01:49
jorge_I know that XD01:49
jorge_you have to type: killall x01:49
aaronwisays x: no processes killed01:49
jorge_but! carefull, that is no the only thing that you have to type01:49
Daisuke_Laptopjorge_: it's usually helpful to tell people that *before* you say "type this"01:50
aaronwii heard somewehre that init 3 does that too?01:51
aaronwibut ive tried both and still no luck01:51
jorge_And its suppose that I am an internet tech support for some huge company in EUA01:51
jorge_aaronwi if you hold on, I can give you a link01:51
jorge_with the instructions01:51
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jorge_because I did that yesterday01:51
geniiaaronwi: Try sudo /etc/init.d/*dm restart01:52
aaronwiwill that restart x or just kill it?01:52
aaronwicuz i just need to kill it01:52
aaronwiim installing video card drivers01:52
jorge_yep, nvidia driver??01:53
jorge_jajaja yeah, I did that yesterday01:54
jorge_just let me check my webrowser for the web page01:55
aaronwinow it says i need the libc package01:55
aaronwii tried sudo apt-get install libc but it doesnt exist01:55
Daisuke_Laptopaaronwi: why install from the site?01:59
Daisuke_Laptopwhat card, and is there any particular value you'll be getting from the drivers from nvidia.com rather than the ones that are in the repos?01:59
aaronwibecause i have a newer card and i want the latest drivers02:01
Daisuke_Laptopdefine newer02:02
aaronwiif i try from the package manager it says i might need nvidia-glx-new....but i dont see that one in the list02:02
Daisuke_Laptop!envyng | aaronwi02:02
ubottuaaronwi: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk02:02
Daisuke_Laptopfor the *very* latest drivers, enable backports and then install envyng02:04
aaronwiwell i tried installing the nvidia stuff via adept manager....but i dont have the nvidia-settings program listed in the programs menu02:07
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Daisuke_Laptopso install nvidia-settings02:08
Daisuke_Laptopit's a separate install02:09
aaronwiis there anything else i need to manually run for this to work?02:11
bdizzle_how do I get the cube working? I had it once, but I had to reformat and still working on getting compiz to work02:13
Dr_willisInstall compiz, use ccsm tool to enable 4 desktops and the cube effect02:14
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:15
Daisuke_Laptopaaronwi: not that i can think of02:15
draikDoes anyone here have issues with firefox loading itself and other sites02:16
Daisuke_Laptopinstall envyng, run envyng to install the driver, and i never even mucked about with nvidia-settings02:16
draikI'm also on 2.6.24-21-generic02:19
DarkTanhow do i get my sound card working in 8.04?02:21
draikI also seem to be having issues with xsane. Is there an alternative?02:21
bdizzle_okay, so I sorta got the cube to work, but there is only a front and a back. its missing two sides, plus the caps02:23
uoaphyshi, I am running a virtualbox on vbox0, my wired ethernet on eth0 (linux host) and they are bridged through br0. I get the ip dynamically from my wireless router: (linux host) and (windows vM). however, I can't pint one from the other and the other from one in command line, can someone help? (My eventual goal is to share a printer via network)02:26
Dr_willisxsane is a front end to the sane system. there maybe other front ends to SANE02:26
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR02:26
Fieldyhello, how can I install the foldingathome smp-aware client? i tried several searches in adapt to no avail.02:27
Dr_willisFieldy,  I think there was a ubuntu wiki page on those clients.. but ive not messed with them in ages.02:29
glen_Hello :)02:30
glen_Would someone help me please?02:30
DarkTan!info sound card02:31
ubottu'card' is not a valid distribution02:31
DarkTan!info sound02:31
ubottuPackage sound does not exist in hardy02:31
glen_So is there any way to actually log onto the root account02:31
DarkTanyes, but not through the GUI02:31
glen_I'm trying to set my account to root privelages02:32
DarkTanif you need root acces to run a command, used sudo -i in the terminal02:32
glen_So I don't have to launch programs from the shell02:32
glen_is that possible?02:32
DarkTanyou can't as far as i know02:32
glen_Thanks :)02:32
glen_oh, one more question:02:32
=== ubuntu is now known as jose
glen_Is there any way I can use ubuntu as though it's an actual server, so I can view webpages and run .PHP files??02:33
DarkTanthat would be beyond me02:33
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glen_Anyone else?02:34
glen_I bet no one's gunna answer me... :(02:34
glen_I made some progress02:34
glen_thanks :)02:34
uoaphysi think you can install a lamp server on it02:35
glen_I'm sorry, what's lamp?02:35
DarkTanwhat is the command that shows just about every peice of hard ware on the system?02:36
joseAhola alguien que hable español?02:36
nejodeDarkTan: lshw02:36
nejode...sudo lshw02:36
DarkTanahh, thank you02:37
nejodejoseA: ve a #kubuntu-es02:37
glen_can anyone explain to me what lamp is?02:37
DarkTanlamp? they give light when pluged in and turned on02:38
glen_but thank you02:38
joseAok gracias soy nuevo en linux02:38
nejodejoseA: aquí se ponen cómicos si hablas en español02:39
joseAbueno entonces que se diviertan un rato con migo02:40
nejodeglen: it's for a "turn-key" server with those components02:40
glen_I'm just kind of experiementing with kubuntu here so I guess I'll go to the package manager and see what I can download.02:41
nejodeglen: try yakuake02:41
glen_what does yakuake do?02:42
nejodeglen: do you use the cli a lot?02:43
DuKiSahi who to see kde version /02:44
nejodeDuKiSa: do want to know what version of kde you're running?02:46
DuKiSanejode yes02:46
glen_Lol as you can probably tell I'm a noob in Linux. I'm just trying to learn a little bit about it. I have no clue what cli is.02:46
nejodecli= command line interface= konsole=terminal...etc02:47
DarkTandoes lshw show my sound card?02:47
nejodeit should02:47
DarkTanwhat would it call it?02:48
nejodeDuKiSan: in any window>help menu> about02:48
glen_I'm messing around with webmin02:49
glen_I'll see if it doesn anything02:49
nejodeDarkTan: look for it under "multimedia"02:49
DarkTanhmmm....not finding the sound card in there02:49
DuKiSanejode,  thanks a lot :)02:49
DuKiSawho can i upgrade at 4 version ?02:49
nejodeDuKiSa: you can't upgrade, you can install side by side with a diferent session02:51
DarkTannope, no multimedia02:51
nejodeDarkTan: did you check out in K menu>system>info center?02:53
DarkTanwell, i actually under xubuntu, but couldn't get any help there02:54
nejode¿no sound?02:55
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DarkTanthat first word came out as gibberish02:56
DuKiSawhat is default root password?02:59
snarksterthere is nbo root password02:59
DarkTanthere isn'n one02:59
snarksterwe do things using sudo03:00
snarkstertime for dinner ttyl03:00
* DarkTan wants his sound card to work03:00
nejodeDarkTan: use dmesg to see if the kernel recognizes it03:01
DarkTanhmmm, don't see it03:07
nejodewhat sound card is it?03:08
vasilisaAnyone know if ktorrent has a plugin somewhere that turns torrents off and on periodically? Because doing that seems to get past the bandwidth throttling Comcast is (now illegally) doing03:14
nejodevasilisa: but there is a way to reduce download speed in ktorrent03:15
vasilisanejode: Download speed's not the problem. I cant seed, it turns them off.03:16
vasilisa*kicks comcast across the room* First time i want the FCC to win03:17
nejodevasilisa: and if you start and stop it as a cron job?03:19
vasilisanejode: Ive never done things like that. is cron a program? *apts*03:19
nejodeit's like programmed tasks in windows03:21
vasilisaI dont use windows ;) Ive never done those kinds of things. Thats okay, ill look into it. thanks03:22
nejodevasilisa: are you using kde?03:23
vasilisanejode: Yes, i am.03:24
naught101is there any way to switch between using one screen and using two side-by-side screens without having to restart X?03:24
nejodevasilisa: try K menu> system>task scheduler03:25
vasilisanejode: Im in, and i notice i can select every hour, every day, every 5 minutes. Thats great. But as for commands, thats not so easy since this is a gui ap03:26
nejodevasilisa: it's the GUI version of cron for KDE>kcron03:26
vasilisanejode: That not what i mean, i mean the torrent program is gui03:27
vasilisaThis can open/close files and do stuff like that... but :<03:27
nejode...but you can execute the command "ktorrent"03:28
vasilisanejode: Hmm... start and restop ktorrent?03:28
Firefishekpm is the 'k process manager' gui in kde.  What is gnome's equivalent?03:28
nejodewell, it could be a workaround...03:29
vasilisanejode: Nah this wont help. Id do better just having a script to open/close the program over and over03:29
nejodewell, just an idea03:30
vasilisaWell maybe i just gotta do this myself03:30
DuKiSai have update my kde03:32
DuKiSaand i have now two version of kde03:32
DuKiSawhat to do ?03:32
nejodeDuKiSa: kde 3 + kde4?03:34
DuKiSanejode,  yes03:34
DuKiSawhat to do ?03:34
DuKiSai don`t restart system mayby i must to restart :D ?03:34
DuKiSawhen i finishing upgrade?03:34
DuKiSanejode what to do ?03:35
nejodeDuKiSa: after install finishes, logout and select KDE4 fron the menu en your login screen (kdm)03:37
glen_Hey, can anyone give me the command to directly change the owner of a folder/file to my username?03:51
flaccid!permissions | glen_03:51
ubottuglen_: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:51
flaccidchmod `whoami` /path/to/file03:51
glen_ahh thank you03:51
afeijodont kubuntu came with vmware server? I need to install a VM machine03:52
flaccidoops. i mean chown `whoami` /path/to/file glen_03:52
flaccid!vmware | afeijo03:52
ubottuafeijo: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers03:52
glen_does that includ the questes ''?03:52
afeijolol thanks03:52
glen_srry quotes?03:52
glen_does it include the quotes?03:52
flaccidglen_: they are backticks. yes.03:52
glen_Ok, backticks.03:52
flaccidyou may need sudo as well glen_03:53
glen_Thank you.03:54
DuKiSawho to setup global proxy ?03:55
afeijohow can I check if I'm runing 64 bits kubuntu version?03:55
baudthiefis there any way to stop firefox clearing the clipboard on exit?03:56
baudthiefreally annoying03:57
flaccidDuKiSa: have a look in kontrol, its in there somewhere03:58
flaccidbaudthief: it shouldn't do so03:58
DuKiSaflaccid,  where is kontrol ?:)03:58
flaccidDuKiSa: kcontrol. run it from kmenu -> run command (alt+f2)03:58
glen_Lol ok is there any way to make a shortcut that will launch a certain program with sudo permissions?03:59
afeijowhats the command to check my kutuntu version?03:59
flaccidglen_: what are you trying to achieve?03:59
flaccidafeijo: lsb_release -a03:59
afeijoit does not say if is 32 or 64 bits :(03:59
glen_flaccid: I find myself launching the package manager frequently, so I need sudo permissions.03:59
DuKiSaflaccid,  that is system monitor :|?04:02
DuKiSaflaccid,  i can`t find kcontrol :|04:04
flaccidafeijo: uname -a will show that04:04
flaccid!sudo | glen_04:04
ubottuglen_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)04:04
flaccidglen_: default user has sudo04:04
flaccidDuKiSa: you don't need to find it. goto kmenu | run command and type in kcontrol04:04
glen_flaccid: But then how come everytime I launch Adept Manager it says I will not be able to do anything since I need root privelages?04:05
flaccidglen_: if you are too lazy to type sudo which is like 5 more chars then you can make a bash alias04:05
flaccid!adept | glen_04:05
ubottuglen_: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto04:05
afeijoLinux feijo-home 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux04:05
afeijonot 64 I supose?04:05
flaccidbecause adept should be run under kdesudo for changes04:05
flaccidafeijo: correct04:05
afeijoits simple to update?04:06
glen_Ya I am lazy04:06
flaccidafeijo: the linux installed is not 64bit although its possible you have a 64bit processor still..04:06
afeijoI have a core 2 duo04:06
DuKiSaflaccid,  i go in kmenu but who to run command ;| DUKiSa = noob :(04:06
glen_And why do you keep sending your bot after me with these little instructions I don't really need?04:06
baudthiefflaccid: It does :P I copy a URL, exit firefox, try to paste it somewhere and clipboard is empty :(04:08
flaccidDuKiSa: who to run command?04:09
afeijohow much improve to use 64 bits linux version?04:09
flaccidglen_: so you can learn and stop asking questions04:09
DuKiSaflaccid,  yes i don`t undestend you :|04:10
flaccidDuKiSa: i don't understand you. on the main panel there is a big K to get to the menu. on this menu is Run Command . you click on it and put in kcontrol04:11
DuKiSaflaccid,  i don`t have run command kde 4?04:11
flaccidDuKiSa: this channel is not for kde4 support, see topic04:12
DuKiSaflaccid,  aup sryy :)04:12
DuKiSasryy man04:12
flaccid!enter | DuKiSa04:13
ubottuDuKiSa: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:13
draikHello all04:16
Noraa134Holy shizzle theres a ton of people here O_O04:28
Noraa134hey, could anyone help me with a graphics driver problem?04:30
Noraa134I have kubuntu (duh) and My ATI radeon graphics driver isn't working. It's my thoughts that my onboard is being used but IDK I play a game and I get 4 fps when I normally on the same graphics card, get about 40fps04:31
baudthiefonboard wouldn't be used if you're getting a picture from your ATI card04:34
baudthiefhowever the DRIVER for the onboard graphics might be in use04:34
baudthieftried disabling it in bios?04:34
Noraa134I have has someone help my configure my xorg.conf file with no luck. I installed the ati graphics control center but it says that it "it's installed right or isn't there?04:34
baudthiefwha!? o_O04:35
Noraa134IDK if my bios supports graphics disabling but I havn't tried that, I meant to but forgot. :( (oops! xD)04:35
baudthiefrestart and check :P04:35
baudthiefits either soft (through bios) or hard via a jumper on the motherboard04:36
Noraa134I see04:36
Noraa134I would need help if I need to use a jumper but other then that I think I can handle it. Please be patiant :( I'm still learning kubuntu :)04:36
Noraa134I got it about 4-5 days ago :/04:36
baudthiefHeh, unfortunately if it IS a jumper (which would be unusual, unless its an older machine), you'll need to get access to the motherboards manual to locate it04:37
baudthiefits usually as simple as pulling it off though04:38
baudthiefbut check your bios, i'm almost positive theres an option in there04:38
DuKiSahmm where i can found soome games?04:46
DuKiSafor kubunta :)?04:46
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php04:50
Dr_willisa lot of games are in the repos.04:50
Noraa134Well, I'm back :)04:53
frybyere: Noraa134 - whats news?04:53
DuKiSaDr_willis,  have some game like fodbal manager?04:53
Noraa134well, my friend scared the living crap outta me and my bios doesn't support it, so bad news?04:54
frybyeDuKiSa: looked at the lists?04:54
frybyeDuKiSa: or you prefer sbdy else look for you perhaps??04:55
Noraa134brb I'm having some small graphics probs, logging out04:56
* Noraa134 is back04:58
DuKiSawho to install games?05:00
Noraa134erm, package maneger?05:01
Noraa134so, can anyone help me?05:01
Noraa134I think the problem is that I have two screens and kubuntu doesn't like that :(05:01
Noraa134whenever I set my setup to two screens, my xorg file messes up and i lose my desktop05:02
Noraa134well, darn :( out of 275 people nobody can help me :(05:05
Noraa134I'll ask again <_<05:05
Noraa134I have an ATI radeon graphics card that gets normally 40 fps and gets 4 fps in kubuntu05:06
Noraa134nobody? :(05:07
Noraa134I also have two screens05:07
linuxadmin<Noraa134> I don't know. My first guess would be the ATI driver setup /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:08
Noraa134well, My friend helped me with the xorg config file for about 3 hours and never got it to work so idk05:09
linuxadminNoraa134: There will be a good HowTo for ATI cards on Linux. Perhaps google.com can help.05:11
=== house is now known as Guest60601
Noraa134I've tried that and I've found what I think is a good tut but it's very confusing, only commands, no seperations and no instructions05:12
Noraa134hullo :)05:12
Guest60601im new05:13
Dr_willisNoraa134,  a lot can depend on the exact ati video card and its chipset also.. and the version of the ati (fglrx) drivers being used05:14
Dr_willisIn short.. install the fglrx drivers..  alter the xorg.conf to use Driver 'fglrx'  instead of Driver 'ati' and restart X and hope for the best. :P05:14
Noraa134hi guest60601 I am too :)05:14
Noraa134ok lol xD05:14
Noraa134I'll try :)05:15
Dr_willisThers 10000's of pages of docs for the ati stuff out there.. some of them are often old, or out of date. dependign on the versions of the ati/fglrx drivers that ATI  releases.05:15
linuxadminNoraa134: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-ati-video-card-in-you-linux-system.html05:15
Guest60601then how do u change ur name05:15
Dr_willis - /nick New2IRC05:15
Noraa134"/name "your name""05:15
Noraa134man, your good lunixadmin xD05:16
Noraa134Thanks :)05:16
Noraa134oops, linuxadmin* xD05:16
=== Guest60601 is now known as house_
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house_i dont know what do to so im going back on my other websites bye05:18
* Dr_willis dosent know what house wants to do either...05:19
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lisandrohola a todos05:20
=== alan is now known as alanschwarz
Dr_willisNachos Bell Grande!05:20
lisandrohola a todos05:21
Noraa134que? xD05:22
tekteenHi, I am using stunnel to connect to a server with a self signed ssl certificate. How do I get the cert and create a pem out of it so I can authenticate the server when I connect?05:23
Dr_willisI havent messed with stunnles much. sorry.05:24
tekteenmy issue is I do not know openssl well enough05:25
tekteenI think I have the basic Idea05:25
tekteenbut I do not know the command05:25
house_   i gtg bye ppl05:26
Noraa134well, brb restart X05:28
* Noraa134 is back <_<05:30
AshexI'm migrating from 64-bit back to 32-bit05:36
Ashexso I'm doing a clean install05:36
Ashexwould I still be able to use dpkg --get-selections to backup my installed applications?05:36
Dr_willisshould be able to.05:36
AshexI'm not sure, since there are some 64-bit apps installed05:36
Dr_willisthere might be some that are 32/64bit only. but i can only think of a few that are that way05:37
tekteenthen they will not install when you try05:37
tekteenAshex dpkg is smart ;-)05:37
Ashexthat was my main concern05:37
AshexI already backed up my two main config files along with my databases05:37
Dr_willisI can only think of 1 package off hand thats 32bit only... not sure about any others. :)05:37
Ashexokay, thanks :)05:39
Ashexnow to do some house cleaning beforehand05:39
Dr_willisHmm.. anyone care to see if this video works for them under Linux  http://www.cbs.com/hd/video.php?cid=&pid=7fpAiN51G_YKt_U5AaKKdzGieHRllmLd&category=hd&play=true05:40
Dr_willisIts a startrek video. it seems cbs.com some times works for me and some times dont.. they have been updating their site.05:40
AshexI'm using opera, I see the loading screen then nothing05:46
Dr_willisWhats odd.. is earlier.. the page hung.. then started playing like 10 min later..05:48
Dr_willisI think its having some issues going from the 'comercial' to the actual video05:48
Dr_willisif i right click and hit Play. it flashed a message real fast..05:49
* Dr_willis looks fast as the message zips by..05:50
Dr_willis'install the latest flash player....' it says. :) heh.05:50
Dr_willisHmm.. clicked on the button at the bottom that says 'hd' to the left side.. and firefox crashed. :P05:50
Dr_willisThe Lowres videos seem to work. http://www.cbs.com/classics/star_trek/video/video.php?cid=649539296&pid=yuRJ2puFmpfSg6fWnhCZHamorL2iMLrO&play=true05:53
draikWhat happens when I enter an app name and then the ampersand?      $ app &05:54
draikWhat does that do? What is its purpose?05:54
Dr_willis& spawns the task to the background.05:54
Dr_willisBash Basics. :) job controll05:55
concernedcitizenanyone tried firefox-qt yet?05:55
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Dr_willishttp://www.faqs.org/docs/bashman/bashref_78.html#SEC85      bash job controll..05:55
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draikconcernedcitizen: I can't get firefox to work :(05:56
Dr_willishttp://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/~dale/helppages/BashGuide/advshell/x5514.html    has some good info on & also05:56
concernedcitizendraik: gnome-FF or FF-QT?05:57
chipbuddyi'm triyng to get the ubuntu-minimal thing so i just have a command line. but i run into problems when it tries to install the linux-generic kernel. it just says it can't install it. what could cause this?05:58
draikAFAIK, firefox and firefox-3.005:58
Dr_willisHmm.. I cant atually find documented what '&' does.. heh.. its sort of hard seraching google for '&'  in a search argument.. perhaps i need to quote it.06:00
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draikPill kicking in. Time to get some rest. I will research this firefox issue and see if it's something I'm missing/exceeding. My laptops don't have this issue. Go figure. Goodnight all.06:10
concernedcitizenDr_willis: & basically just runs the process in the background06:11
FAJALOUhi i am using smb4k but i keep getting the error "mount error 2 = No such file or directory06:13
FAJALOURefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs)"    now i can then open up nautilus and type in smb://down/Public  and connect right to it... what is up?06:13
Dr_willisconcernedcitizen,  i know. :) i just cant seem to find a bash doc that mentions it ..06:18
Dr_willisFAJALOU,  You could google for that 'exact' error message and proberly get some hits. Sounds more and more like some sort of authenication/user/password issue.06:22
FAJALOUhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/207072   Dr_willis  it's my exact error06:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207072 in gvfs "nautilus does not display samba shares for machines inside an ADS network." [High,In progress]06:23
Dr_willisI got no idea what an ADS network even is. :)06:24
pat5starDr_willis: ADS = active directory service?06:24
Dr_willisThere have been a lot of issues/work with  the samba 'browsing' of shares with Nautilus and the kde file manager also.06:24
binskipy2uhey guys, is there a stock kubuntu w/kde 4.1 yet?06:25
unamanicDr_willis, & is on line 197 of the bash man page06:25
binskipy2udont like installing ubuntu, then adding kde4.106:25
binskipy2uor installing 3.5.9 then adding 4.1 aside it06:25
binskipy2uif i dont have to06:25
FAJALOUDr_willis:  so would i be safe to just keep typing it in?  i mean it's not that big of a deal... and could i uninstall smb4k and would all of the other stuff (konqueror) go away too?06:25
Dr_willisYou coudl always mount the thing manually if that works.06:26
FAJALOUDr_willis:  i think i will end up doing that,,,, it looks like it is close to a fix06:27
Dr_willisset up the fstab to do it. odd that its affecting fusesmb also.  All my samba issues seem to have been fixed with the 8.4.1 updates06:28
FAJALOUDr_willis:  well i dunno my computer is special ;)  and it says that it affects fuse too...06:28
Dr_willisSounds like a deep issue then. :)06:29
FAJALOUwell i could try the patch...06:29
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D3sTiNlol.....New to Kub....lookin for some info06:30
FAJALOUand i have proposed turned off Dr_willis so possible the issue06:30
Dr_willisI do have proposed enabled.06:31
Dr_willisI live on the edge. :P06:31
FAJALOUlol well ya proposed messed me up with the bad .20-generic kernel, so i was like you know what; it's not worth it lol06:31
D3sTiNIs there any suggestion to a type of Sam Spade for Kubuntu?06:32
* Dr_willis wonders what 'Sam Spade' even is...06:32
ubuntuD3sTiN: Sam Spade?06:32
ubuntuAs in the character?06:32
D3sTiNspam tracking06:32
Dr_willisapt-cache search spam06:32
ubottuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...06:32
Dr_willisI guess..:)06:32
ubuntuHa ha of course :)06:33
ubuntuD3sTiN: So not spam blocking? You just want to track it?06:33
Dr_willisi let gmail handle the spam filtering for me. I only check my email once a month anyway06:33
FAJALOUwoah Dr_willis so removed smb4k and all of the other kde stuff went too yay!!!06:33
mastereduanyone can help me06:33
D3sTiNWell....I am trying to setup in Kub as I was in Windows.06:33
Dr_willisFAJALOU,  :) i rarely remove things.06:33
D3sTiNHiyas Master06:33
masteredumy problem is it alltime stands broken translation06:34
mastereduin dolphin06:34
FAJALOUDr_willis:  i do not have 1000 open gigabytes lol06:34
mastereduhelp me pls :D06:34
FAJALOUDr_willis:  what is gvjs?06:35
D3sTiNI used tenable Nessus, Sam Spade (trace router) and Angry IP scanner....but being in windows...you are limited.06:35
mastereduhelp  me pls :(06:35
Dr_willisFAJALOU,  the gnome virtual filesystem. a new feature in the latest ubuntu to handle a lot of 'things' under gnome.06:35
FAJALOUahhh ok, that's why it's buggy lol06:36
Dr_willisFAJALOU,  but (i have looked into this issue befor), that dosent explain why it affexts smb4k, or fusesmb. :)06:36
mastereducan anyone help me??06:36
Dr_willisFAJALOU,  whichis why i say this seems to be a obscure/deep/weird problem.06:37
D3sTiNI would love to Master....but I am completely new to linux06:37
FAJALOUit will prolly get worked out soon06:37
Dr_willismasteredu,  not even sure what the problem is.. of course I got no idea what 'broken translation' even means.06:37
Dr_willisFAJALOU,  I recall similer issues since beta testing. :(06:37
FAJALOUmeh it will work06:37
D3sTiNSo apt-cache search spam will offer a trace route option? give dns info also?06:39
Dr_willisit will show all packagtes that related to spam...  Other then that as a starting place.. i got no other ideas.06:40
D3sTiNThank you Dr.  I will give it a go..Talk to ya l8rz06:40
Captain-Splendidhi there06:41
Captain-Splendidi just popped a live cd in and it was loading up when i go tthis msg06:41
hong85hi captain06:41
Captain-Splendid./bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off06:41
Captain-Splendiderr "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"06:41
Captain-Splendidi googled around and found a solution but the solution just freezes my pc to a blinking _06:42
Captain-Splendidany suggestions?06:43
Captain-Splendidi just popped a live cd in and it was loading up when i go tthis msg06:56
Captain-Splendiderr "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"06:56
Captain-Splendidi googled around and found a solution but the solution just freezes my pc to a blinking _06:56
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Captain-Splendidany suggestions?06:56
devo how would i know if someone has hacked into my computer???06:58
devo can anyone tell me, how will i know if someone is/has hacked my computer???06:59
Dr_Willi1j #ubuntu07:08
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Dr_Willi1Hmm.. setting up a friends Vista box.. went to get Opera.. and IE poped up a security warning. "ie prevented the downloading of binaries from this site" gee.. it dident have any problems with the 12+ OTHER sites ive been gettting junk from. Heh heh.. (i will shut up now)07:14
mastereduhow can i make a Winrar menu in the application section when i will open a file? here is a screen from someone who have it >>> http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/4788/beispielfm6.png07:32
Dr_Willi1Its possible he installed winrar with wine.07:35
Dr_Willi1as for somthing on the context menu.. no idea07:35
Dr_Willi1I dont unrar stuff enouhg to worry about having a context menu.07:37
masteredubut i will look my desktop look pritty07:38
Dr_Willi1I  am constantly amazed at the amount of effort people put into getting trivial things done. :)07:38
Dr_Willi1unp whatever.rar   (i think) normally works for me. :) no gui needed07:39
Dr_Willi1assuminb ya got the rar tools installed.07:39
Captain-Splendidmy nipple is itchy07:47
Dr_Willi1remove it!07:49
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geek_Dr_Willi1: i also seem to recall unrar integrates with the built in archive manager07:50
Dr_Willi1Not noticed. :)  i rarely use the gui archive managers07:51
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zzlwhy won't the kubuntu shipping company accept my disk requests??08:18
clusbyis a kde4 version of guidance-power-manager going to be backported to hardy?08:33
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navetz__how dangerous is it to have a folder on your webserver configured 777?08:43
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bendieWhat's up with the font rendering in openjdk? Some days ago, there was an update of the openjdk packages and now the java fonts are always rendered with what seems to be double line height, resulting in very ugly menus, buttons, ...09:31
concernedcitizenanyone able to get mecurial?09:43
baudthiefany cures for terrible flash video tearing in firefox? (ie: youtube vids, newground animations all tear BADLY)09:45
Dr_williscant say that ive noticed that issue baudthief09:51
Dr_willisgiven all the otehr bad things i hear about flash on a daily basis... im not suprised however09:52
* baudthief cries10:06
Dr_willisdoex http://www.cbs.com/hd/video.php?cid=&pid=7fpAiN51G_YKt_U5AaKKdzGieHRllmLd&play=true&offset=0&show=all10:07
Dr_williswork for you baudthief ?10:07
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weedarWhere did the "Add Printer"-option go in KDE 4.1?10:19
geek_weedar: might wanna try te kde4 channel10:20
Dr_willisi aklwyas seem to use the cups web interface10:21
weedargeek_: will do, thanks for the tip!10:25
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weedarCan I browse the files on a bluetooth device (nokia n82) in KDE somehow?10:36
Dr_willisThere are bluetooth tools for ubuntu/kubuntu - but i havent used them in ages10:38
Dr_willisPoor Bluetooth - was supposed to be so popular.. and now its just sort of an afterthought so many times. :(10:38
geek_Dr_willis: other than headsets10:39
Dr_willisYou dont want to know the disaster i had getting this oen bluetooth dongle working in windows.. under linux it worked great.. :)10:39
Dr_willisIve never gotten a bluetooth headset working in linux. :) just phone file transfers10:39
baudthiefDr_willis: perpetual loading10:39
baudthiefits actually in an endless loop lol10:40
Dr_willisbaudthief,  yep. cbs.com did somthying that broke their videos in Firefox under linux and windows10:40
Dr_willisbaudthief,  it does work in Opera under windows..  but not Opera in Linux.10:40
baudthiefsounds like user-agent sniffing to me :p10:40
Dr_willis it was working the other day.. :) but when i hit 'full screen' it said i needed to update to latest flash..  and im using flash 10 beta. :)10:41
baudthiefwhere'd ya get flash 10?10:41
Dr_willisInternet. :)10:41
baudthiefI was just on Adobe's site heh, latest was 910:41
Dr_willisBeta stuff10:41
baudthiefLinky please :P10:41
weedarI did use a bluetooth-tool not too many months ago, I just can't remember what it was10:41
Dr_willisfirst hit on google for 'flash 10 linux' :P10:42
baudthiefteaches me to use kubuntu in place of linux "{10:42
baudthief:P even10:42
weedarIn a more perfect world I'd see the phone and it's memory card automatically mounted in /media after pairing10:42
baudthiefDr_willis: notice any difference from 9?10:43
Dr_willisHeck i was lucky to even get the phone pared under windows.. :) and now the windows box has a silly bluetooth devices icon on the desktop i cant remove. :P10:43
Dr_willisbaudthief,  nope.10:43
Dr_willisbaudthief,  most video sites do work for me.. untill recently with cbs that is...10:43
baudthiefsites work for me no problem, its just the annoying tearing artifacts10:44
baudthiefcompiz effects / video playback / gaming are all fine, except flash10:44
Dr_willisflash seems to becoming the 'universal programing language' that java was ment to be... :()10:45
Dr_willisconstantly seeing little flash applets on sites to do silly trivial things. :) that java used to be used for.10:45
baudthiefdammit... I just installed it, but its still flash910:45
baudthiefmaybe removing the other .so woulda helped ;p10:46
Dr_willisYep.. thats the #1 thing the docs say10:46
baudthiefDr_willis: Yeah, I miss the days of cool java applets :(10:46
baudthiefanfy was awesome10:46
weedarNice, I can't even pair the phone with my laptop...This is going to be a long day..10:47
Dr_williswowsers - new feature of flash 10 ->  Learn how to read and write local files using File Reference runtime access10:47
baudthiefthats quite a "feature" lol10:47
Dr_willisweedar,  i rember manually editing some pin file in /etc/10:47
Dr_willisbaudthief,  now how long will it be for the first flash virus. :)10:47
baudthiefbout 3 hours :p10:48
weedarDr_willis: aha, I thought that was no longer needed..Guess I'll have to get my hands dirty then, thanks for the pointer ;-)10:48
Dr_willisweedar,  no idea really   - last i used bluetooth was ages ago10:48
weedarDr_willis: That's why I'm so annoyed, I setup/used bluetooth not that long ago...Transferring files (somehow) and contacts (with Kitchensync) between 2 or three phones10:49
geek_Dr_willis: ooh, plaform independant malware ;p10:49
baudthiefgah, i've been copying ot /usr/lib/firefox instead of /usr/lib/firfox-3.0.1 :P10:52
concernedcitizenhas anyone managed to get hg clone http://hg.mozilla.org/users/vladimir_mozilla.com/mozilla-qt mozilla-qt working?10:52
baudthiefTearing problem is gone with flash 10 :D10:54
baudthiefDr_willis: You da man :P10:54
weedarbaudthief:  Tearing problem? What is that?10:55
Dr_willisits where the Clothes fall off the people in the videos.... :P10:56
weedarI noticed that running flash (youtube) in fullscreen is choppy and slow - and I'm even running the nvidia drivers..10:56
baudthiefweedar: Horizontal tearing, visible "lines" that appear in a fast-moving video, when parts of it are out of sync10:56
weedarDr_willis: I wouldn't call that a problem10:56
baudthiefDr_willis: hah :P10:56
Dr_willismy Poor Wii is still using Flash 7 I think...10:57
Dr_williscant watch very many flash video sites with it any more10:57
weedarDr_willis: youtube worked last time I tried..No longer true?10:58
weedarI'd love for the wii to support flash 9. And pdfs. And mp3s. Also, I want a pony10:58
Dr_willisNot sure - i normally hit cbs.com and other  sites with full tv shows.. not videos of peopple doing stupid things. :P10:59
Dr_willisOMFG Ponies!10:59
Dr_willisbeen watching startrek on cbs.com10:59
Dr_willisfaster then trying to find torrents.. heh heh...10:59
geek_weedar: and DVDs10:59
Dr_willisbut NOW they stopped working under linux, or firefox.10:59
Dr_willisI hear Wii dvd playback is in the works.11:00
weedargeek_: agreed11:00
geek_Dr_willis: no reason it can't handle it11:00
weedarDr_willis: cool, looks like cbs has all of ST:TOS online?11:00
* geek_ wouldn't mind trying to convince his parents to get one as a media center ;p11:00
Dr_willisweedar,  3 seasons last i looked.. i dont even know how many seasons there are.. and they have some 'remastereed/highdef' eps out also.11:01
Dr_willisi rarely watch real 'tv' :) all online videos and so forth now a days11:01
weedarA few years ago I had every ST:TOS and ST:TNG episode, in addition to the movies...I tried bragging about it to a colleague that I overheard liked Star Trek. He replied that he had all of ST:TOS and ST:TNG, plus all the other spin-offs and movies in a cabinet(right word?) in his living room11:03
mastereduanyone know a Live streaming program for Linux?11:04
masteredulike wirecast or windows media encoder etc.11:04
Dr_willisweedar,  i can barely bringmyself to watch the  dreadfull things.. :) but its amuseing  with all the 'bad' science i hear spock spout off...11:04
favrodoesn't vlc stream?11:04
Dr_willismasteredu,  mythtv can do upnp streaming also.. and vlc can (or its companion vls)11:05
masteredudr_willis i mean with subtitle etc.11:05
mastereduand with webcam controll11:05
Dr_williswebcam? thats a whole nother bottle of fish oil. :)11:05
masteredui mean i to  will send with webcam :P11:05
weedarDr_willis: TOS actually only consists of three seasons,so they might be offering the complete show11:05
Dr_willisweedar,  ok. if  you say so ubernerd. :P11:05
mastereducan anyone help11:06
Dr_willisLive Long and Perspire!11:06
weedarDr_willis: Wikipedia. The end to all fun discussions,disagreements and arguments11:06
Dr_willisweedar,  heh.. except those about the validity of wikipedia's facts...11:06
weedarmasteredu: You want to stream from your machine/webcam?11:07
mastereduvideo livestream11:07
Dr_willisI dont do much with webcams. sorry11:07
Dr_willisthose things get you in trouble....... :)11:07
Dr_willisI did have a 'goldfish' cam set up once pointing at my fishtank.. heh11:07
masteredui dont will send illigaly stuff :P11:07
mastereduweedar can you help me?11:08
Dr_willisI am amazed at how people want to use Instant Messaging/text chat to send videos/voice.. then turn around and use their phones to send text messages....11:08
weedarmasteredu: I was actually looking for something similar a while back, to use a webcam for surveillance. Unfortunately I didn't really find any mature software and I wound up using a windows-application :(11:08
masteredui allready have try to emulate windows applications for that11:09
mastereduall dont goes11:09
weedarDr_willis: Well, yeah :-) By the way, if you've seen so many eps lately, do you remember one where there was a woman who was a healer, she would absorb the wounds from her patients?11:09
masteredui think it will work when i use a flash program11:09
mastereduin a webbrowser11:09
masteredubut then the quality lose11:09
Dr_willisweedar,  i rember that epp. but not seen it  in my watching.. im just up to seson211:10
masteredudoes it give the Adobe Flash media Live Encoder to for linux?11:10
ktalahi there, I have upgraded from kde 4.0 to kde 4.1 and I still have the row icon instead of the K icon11:10
ktalado you know how can I change it?11:10
weedarDr_willis: Excellent, then I won't have to browse through season one for nothing,I just want to see that one ep11:11
mastereduwhy you upgrade11:11
masteredu4 is big buged11:11
mastereduand alpha11:11
Dr_willisweedar,  i sortof skipped some . :) if i recognized them..  i found like 3 i had never seen befor.11:11
mastereducan i emulate apple software?11:12
weedarmasteredu: In theory I think you can use ffmpeg to grab video from your webcam and create a video stream, I never got it working though - the documentation isn't really great and things frequently break in ffmpeg since it's constantly in development11:13
geek_masteredu: with a full system emulator, yes11:13
weedarat least it used to be like that, might be more stable and documented now11:13
weedarmasteredu: VLC also has some streaming-function, you might want to look into it11:14
mastereduanyone know a good flash stream broadcaster?11:14
mastereduand how can i configure that the site think that my PC screen capture is a webcam???11:15
mastereduhow can i fake it?11:15
Dr_willisHeh.. im not sure that any flash stream could be called good.. :P11:15
masteredubut its easy and works on many os"s :P11:15
weedarffmpeg can convert videos to youtube-like flash files, but you can't perform live streaming, only create from a videofile. AFAIK11:16
weedarAs Far As I Know :-)11:17
masteredubad word dont like it :P11:17
weedarWhy? :)11:18
ktalamasteredu: I upgraded because 4.1 is better than 4.011:19
ktalamasteredu: less bugs11:19
Dr_willisand 4.1.00000000000000001 will be even better!11:19
ktalaDr_willis: :-D11:19
masteredui only will use 4 when it is11:19
ktalaDr_willis: sure...or not ;-)11:19
masteredu4.4 or 4.511:19
Dr_willis4.90210  Kde 'hollywood' edition!11:20
ktalamasteredu: I wanted to check how it is and report bugs if I find themo11:20
weedarOn my previous laptop I installed KDE4 when it was beta, and ultimately I could upgrade to 4.1 - but there were plenty visual gitches, like the K-menu having an arrow-icon instead of the K11:20
mastereduit is very bugy11:21
ktalaso you use KDE 3.5.911:21
masteredulol look what i founded11:21
ktalaweedar: That's my "problem", but I have seen screenshots with the K instead the arrow icon11:21
mastereduwhat a fucking good flash encoder streamer :P11:21
masteredugreat quality or?11:22
masteredufor a flash movie stream11:22
weedarktala: Wish I could help you, I didn't find a solution before I got a new laptop and performed a fresh install of Hardy with KDE4 and upgraded to KDE4.1 - Looks good now11:23
Dr_willisitsd all jerky here masteredu  :) but i am downloading other stuff...11:23
mastereduwhy no one programm on linux damn11:24
mastereduno flash streaming encoder live program -..-11:24
weedarDoesn't live streaming usually use Java or some other technology? I can't think of a single site that offers live-streaming via a flash-solution11:26
Dr_willisDivx/xvid streams?11:28
mastereduwhy adobe dont bring out software for linux?11:28
mastereduDr willis i will make livestream11:28
Dr_willisI just want more shows to watch 'legally' on my computer. :)11:30
Dr_willisall these companies/sites are doing so many annoying things.11:30
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weedarI'd love a site listing all the free/legal places you can see or download movies/shows..Like cbn.com or southparkstudios.com11:34
Dr_willisThere proberly is such sites.. but they get swamped/overshadowed by all the not-so-legal sites :) heh11:35
Dr_willisThat flash-got plugin has a list of a lot of sites.11:35
Dr_willisNot sure on the legality of any of them.11:35
mastereduis flash illegaly11:36
Dr_willisI miss stage6.com :(11:37
masteredui to11:37
masteredumy hentais and animes from there :(11:37
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Dr_willisit got so overloaded with the  movie-pirates.. i couldent get my... err.. ok.. so it may bnot of been legal.. :) other videos...11:37
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weedarI didn't discover stage6.com until after it closed, or just before.. I have a feeling I missed out on something cool :-)11:40
Dr_willisIt was getting pathic however.. other sites were posting 'links' to the warezed movies that were sort of being hidden/posted on stage6, you had to check the site every day/few hrs to grab a movie befor it got removed.11:41
Dr_willis the whole 'channels' of related videos idea got killed off by the huge warez influx.11:42
Dr_willisPlus they made it a pain to download the videos with decent filenames. :)11:42
weedarI'm surprised no other site has replaced it, that I know of anyway11:43
Dr_willisI think any new company would be scared of all the legal issues that would happen.11:44
kreggzhi, does anyone know how to change your login window to the kde4.111:44
mastereduno :P11:44
Dr_williskreggz,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm11:44
Dr_willisand select the one you wish to use11:45
mastereduno problem :P11:45
geek_Dr_willis: thats what torrents are for ;p11:46
Dr_willisgeek_,  yep.. but even they get annoying :)11:46
Dr_willisgeek_,  the wife loved watching videos all night long at stage611:47
MetaMorfoziSHi all11:54
MetaMorfoziSi see that i have /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager11:56
MetaMorfoziSthe qustion is how can i edit /etc/dbus-1 like /etc/rc stuffs11:57
MetaMorfoziSwith sysv-rc-conf11:57
MetaMorfoziSso if i want to disable it how can i do it in nice way11:57
Dr_willissysv is not the same as that event.d stuff  im thinking...11:58
Dr_williseven tho they are simillary named. (i could be wrong)11:58
MetaMorfoziSthat's why i ask11:58
Dr_willisIve never messed with any of the dbus stuff. or event stuff so cant tell you more11:59
javier__hello hola bonjour alo guten berg11:59
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acer_how to detect nokia 6235 as modem13:04
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up13:05
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sertyo ppl13:49
chuxxsssanyone set up enlightenment13:57
ActionParsnipno sorry13:57
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chuxxsssActionParsnip how u doing13:59
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KenBW2can anyone give me the reasons they prefer kubuntu over ubuntu?14:42
flaccid!ot | KenBW214:43
ubottuKenBW2: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:43
gleyveWhats a goodsoftware for downloading youtube like videos?14:43
flaccidgleyve: http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/ and http://www.vixy.net/14:45
favrothere is youtube-dl.py14:45
flaccid!info youtube-dl14:46
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.01.24-1 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB14:46
WDCHey Hey14:49
WDCHow would I go about upgrading my Kubuntu from 6.06 to 8.04?14:49
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:51
WDCHow do I do this? enable the "dapper-updates" repository14:54
DarkWizzarddid anybody use openssl with the command line ?14:56
DarkWizzardI have a problem14:56
=== WDC is now known as WDC|Away
gleyvefavro: how to use youtube-dl ? can you give an example? the command line?15:02
favrogleyve: sure one min15:02
favrogleyve: youtube-dl.py -o osxa.flv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEm61-e7IH8 - that will d/load the file to the dir your in when you type the command15:05
waylandbillgleyve: yes. since is a python script, then you run it with python on the command line.15:05
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gleyvefavro: thankyou..it works15:09
gleyvethe download is fast :)15:09
favroI think it will use your max rate15:10
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richie24necesito ayuda para instalar gambas 215:11
WDC|AwayYo no ayudo.15:11
gleyveMy ubuntu is not playing audio either videos..I'll restart and I think this could fix it15:11
richie24como no m e funcionan los repositorios15:11
gleyverichie24: What's gambas 2?15:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gambas15:12
richie24gambas es una aplicacion para desarrollo de programas en linux usando el lenguaje basic15:12
WDC|Awayen espanol gleyve15:12
favroa basic programming language gleyve15:13
WDC|AwayI've never heard of it. hmm15:13
=== WDC|Away is now known as WDC
favro!find gambas15:14
ubottuFound: gambas2, gambas2-dev, gambas2-doc, gambas2-gb-chart, gambas2-gb-compress (and 42 others)15:14
richie24los repositorios no me funcionan por eso me estoy bajando sourceforge gambas 2 .tar.bz215:14
favro!info gambas15:14
ubottuPackage gambas does not exist in hardy15:14
favro!info gambas215:14
ubottugambas2 (source: gambas2): Complete visual development environment for Gambas. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1 (hardy), package size 76 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)15:14
richie24bueno como soy novato quisiera saber como me instalo este paquete en mi ubuntu15:15
waylandbillI love the acronym it makes... Gambas Almost Means BASic. :-)15:15
favrorichie24: universe repository15:16
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:16
richie24no me funcionan los repositorios estoy detras de un proxy isa server15:16
waylandbillI almost remember using visual basic.15:16
favroI use rapidq basic now15:16
favro!es | richie2415:17
ubotturichie24: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:17
WDCAdios richie. Hasta luego15:17
waylandbillI moved to python and love it.15:19
WDCwaylandbill: Python FTW15:20
WDCAlso, how do I change the resolution in Kubuntu.15:20
abby87WDC: which version of KDE u using?15:21
abby87ooh no idea sorry...4.1 here15:21
WDCThe once in 6.0615:22
MilitantPotatoWDC run kcontrol15:22
waylandbillWDC: kcontrol can change the display settings. It can't make it go higher than X is configured for.15:22
WDCgot it thanks15:22
MilitantPotatoI can't check Important security updates in adept, i've rebuilt my sources.lst but it still unchecks inself, any idea what's up?15:22
WDCNow, how do I update to 8.04? I reasd about it but can't figure it out.15:22
abby87WDC: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:23
abby87MilitantPotato: sudo apt-get update15:23
waylandbillWDC: the short answer is to do a dist-upgrade, but you want to research if there are any issues so you don't break the system.15:23
MilitantPotatoWDC, open Adept click Fetch Updates, there should be an update distro button at the top15:24
waylandbillWDC: especially important is to check the ability to jump from dapper to hardy directly.15:24
WDCI had Adept open. Sorry15:25
abby87WDC: pgrep apt15:25
abby87WDC: pgrep dpkg15:25
WDCIt's workin' now15:25
abby87any1 uses dyndns here?15:25
WDCabby87: I used to, but haven't gotten around to it on my new computers15:26
abby87WDC:my hostname doesnt change to the dyndns one15:26
WDCBut does DynDNS work like it is supposed to?15:27
WDCOh. well then. That's odd15:28
abby87WDC: my wifi router has support for dyndns built in still my hostname is the one i used while setup15:28
WDCPlease note, that I am a lifetime Windows user, just coming to Linux so, i am a noob15:28
MilitantPotatoWDC, enjoy :)15:29
WDCSo, the settings were saved in the router but it STILL doesn't work?15:29
abby87WDC: there is nothing as a noob....ppl r just more windows friendly15:29
WDCMilitantPotato: I'm running VMWare only for linux right now, and honestly have BARELY used Windows in the last week15:29
abby87WDC: yes settings r saved15:29
abby87still don't work15:29
WDCabby87: Well that is quite odd15:29
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WDCabby87: Maybe call the technical support (shudder)15:30
gleyveanybobdy knows about ie4linux at ubuntu 8.04? is it working ok?15:30
WDCie as in Internet Epxlorer?15:30
abby87WDC: yes i shd15:30
abby87gleyve: u have wine?? plz check their website15:30
WDCabby87: I hate giving that solution. :(15:30
abby87WDC: no its fine15:31
gleyveabby87: yes i do have wine. I'll try it. But a guy tahta works with me tolde taht it doesn't work with 8.0415:33
waylandbilllol. ie4linux site says not to use ie to navigate.15:33
draikHello all15:33
gleyvewaylandbill: Unfortunally some websites only works with ie4linux. ensglishtown for example.15:34
MilitantPotatoWDC, check WUBI out15:34
WDCWUBI eh?15:34
MilitantPotatoWDC: lets you install Ubuntu like a windows application, you won't see the performance hit of using a VM session15:34
MilitantPotatoand you can just uninstall it via add/remove programs in windows.15:34
WDCPerformance hit? What are you talking about?15:35
MilitantPotatoYou're running linux while on windows in a VM session right?15:35
waylandbillwubi just uses a flat file file system located on the windows partition doesn't it?15:35
MilitantPotatowaylandbill: yes15:35
WDC(K)Ubuntu is fine in VMWare15:35
WDCSo long as you install VMWare Tools15:36
WDCNo VMWare-Tools, bad exp15:36
waylandbillWDC: it is slower than dual-booting into linux itself even with the vmware tools.15:37
WDCwaylandbill: I guess. I am scared to death of dual booting. I messed up a computer pretty bad that way15:37
draikI've not used vmware for quite some time. I use virtualbox now. The only thing I've missed has been USB support.15:37
MilitantPotatoWDC, try Wubi, it won't modify your partitions, or nerf windows in any way15:37
WDCHow does the "harddrive" as Ubuntu sees it work in WUBI?15:38
draikWDC: I dual boot. Yeah, I've made a few issues at first, but I never harmed the HDD or WinXP partition.15:38
MilitantPotatoWDC: It creates a file, and treats that file like a partition,15:38
WDCJust like VMWare15:38
MilitantPotatoMounts it sort of like an ISO15:38
waylandbillWDC: it is a virtual device contained in a flat file.15:38
WDChmmm. I will check that out.15:38
WDCTakes FOREVER to update Kubuntu15:39
MilitantPotatoWDC: It's very useful, I've gotten a few people to try linux using it, the great thing is, it gives you access to your hardware directly instead of a VM session15:39
WDCI'm going to check that out.15:39
abby87wubi is a massive innovation15:39
abby87and so is kde415:40
WDCAlso, parelling Kubutu is Ubuntu recently upgraded15:40
WDCOh I love KDE15:40
ackehow do i share the default session remote (ie :0)?15:40
abby87well i guess kde 4 is turning out to be mac killer15:40
WDCHow do yo ulike OpenSuSe?15:40
waylandbillthat's useful (having the os access hardware directly) if you want access to 3d acceleration.15:40
MilitantPotatoMy wife likes it15:40
WDCI just downloaded the image and am about to check it out15:40
abby87opensuse11 i've heard of it...got it but didt install it..love fedora and kubuntu15:40
mastereduSUse is with windows working15:40
abby87howz the suse15:41
MilitantPotatoI'm not sure I like the packages they have, not as many as in the ubuntu repos it seems, but it's easy to use15:41
masteredunovell and windows work togehter15:41
WDCEww Fedora. I had way bad exp with that. Wouldn't run smoothly, even as a Live CD15:41
MilitantPotatoSuse 11 is pretty slick15:41
mastereduand novell are the makers from suse15:41
abby87WDC: no i'm using it fedora really rocks15:41
abby87WDC: atleas fedora 915:41
masteredususe look at windows and will be like windows15:41
WDCOh I had 815:41
mastereduhow you find Fedora comunity?15:42
masteredui find the logo pretty cool15:42
abby87WDC: fedora 9 has kde4 ...latest gnome version...and u know it is more stable15:42
abby87i'm a fedora ambassador15:42
waylandbillacke: do you mean remotely access as in Krfb/Krdc or do you mean enable remote login via kdm?15:42
abby87the community is really good15:42
WDCKDE and GNOME?15:42
abby87WDC: fed has both15:42
WDCabby87: Fedora 9 is pretty good I gues15:43
mastereduin what things is fedora bether as other distris15:43
abby87masteredu: no doubt15:43
abby87i'm using fedora and kubuntu15:43
mastereduabby , what you mean?15:43
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)15:43
abby87packaging us not as good as debian guys but stability is the core concern of fedora15:44
waylandbillI wouldn't want to see ubottu have a list of all other distros in existance. :-D15:44
masteredui find the adept manager in kubuntu very very bad !15:44
masteredudont like it15:44
waylandbillI prefer apt-get or aptitude via the command line. I haven't used adept in a long time.15:45
abby87masteredu: adept is a misfit in kde4.1 kubuntu15:45
siegieabby87: "but stability is the core concern of fedora" euhm they are the testing platform of red hat15:45
abby87they should have a plasma based package manager15:45
waylandbill!ubottu | masteredu15:46
ubottumasteredu: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:46
abby87bots i hate em15:46
mastereduubuntu dont have a so bad package manager15:46
masteredulike adept15:46
abby87but u know wat..in next 10 years ppl wont even look at the os15:46
mastereduwhy kubuntu use adept15:46
abby87web 2.0 and cloud computing15:46
WDCOh god OpenSuse is pretty15:47
abby87who cares whether its linux or windows ...everything is in the browser15:47
MilitantPotatoI use synaptic on kubuntu :(15:47
masteredui dont like the browser15:47
abby87MilitantPotato: howz it?15:47
masteredui only like the flash of it15:47
mastereduall other things i hate15:47
masteredui hate chatting etc.15:47
MilitantPotatoabby87: I love it, it's quicker and easier to use IMO15:47
abby87masteredu: tell me who uses thunderbird these days?15:47
mastereduin browser and its dont stable15:47
WDCMilitantPotato: hmm15:47
mastereduabby i don15:48
waylandbillmasteredu: it uses adept to reduce the depedency of gtk libraries. One reason is to get the system on a CD rather than a DVD.15:48
WDCBut DVD hold SO MUCH more15:48
masteredubut its wrong15:48
WDCWow SUSE is tiny. 700MB15:48
abby87dual layer dvds ftw15:48
mastereduin the 10 years dont use all webbrowser15:48
masteredupeople sayed 1960 we can fly in 40 jears can we fly? NO!!!15:49
MilitantPotatoWDC: The DVD contains more programs, Ubuntu/Kubuntu also has a DVD/CD choice15:49
WDCI know15:49
waylandbillWDC: but bandwidth is expensive. To distribute the base on a CD rather than a DVD saves alot. Other things could be added via apt later based on individual needs.15:49
WDCmasteredu: In your 10 years. lol I'm 13 years old15:49
mastereduwdc i am to 1315:50
Legendariohi, whats the difference between the kubuntu 8.04 and the 8.04 KDE Remix?15:50
WDCmasteredu: :O15:50
WDCmasteredu: Are you srs?15:50
waylandbillLegendario: KDE 4 rather than KDE 3. Note that KDE 4 is not complete yet.15:50
masteredulegendario the difference is that the normal kubuntu 8.04 have a stable KDE and the kde remix have the very unstable kde 415:50
mastereduwdc what you mean with srs?15:51
masteredulegendario use the normal kde15:51
mastereduit is bether for you15:51
Legendariook, thanks. i thought kde 4 was ready15:51
mastereduno it isnt ready xD15:51
mastereduby me all lags15:52
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mastereduthe window switching etc.15:52
WDCWhy did SuSe by default turn of networking. That was odd.15:52
mastereduand  i have 1,5 gb ram and 2,9 ghz cpu ;)15:52
WDCI have 3GB of ram, and a 2.4 Core 2 Duo15:52
masteredumy pc is 2005 old15:52
WDCWith linux it doesn't matter15:53
WDCThis is a laptop, with Win Vista Home Pre15:53
mastereduvista buh15:53
WDCworks fine for me. Honestly15:53
mastereduyou dont can configure many15:53
mastereduand you become all time security questions and it will ask and ask and ask you alltime15:54
WDCtrue, but I was to lazy to install XP, and to scared to install linux15:54
masteredui dont play allot ,only wow and this runs good on wine , so i use linux15:54
WDCI'm not sure what I like better. Konversation or irssi15:55
masteredukonversation is the standard15:55
WDCI like irssi's technical look, but Kon's layout15:55
mastereduuse kopete :D :P15:56
* WDC looks up kopete15:56
mastereduthen you have all15:56
mastereduicq msn jabber etc.15:56
waylandbillI can honestly say that I have no experience with vista. been running linux for better part of a decade and have no desire to go back.15:56
geek_masteredu: pfft. standalone IRC clients are somehow better ;p15:56
WDCI think mIRC blows them all away15:56
mastereduuse konversation it is stable (by me) :P15:56
WDCOh. Kopete is like Digsby for WIn15:57
WDCor Pidgin15:57
mastereduwdc when you like windows and linux use15:57
mastereduXPLINUX OS xD15:57
masteredu(or something)15:58
mastereduit is a linux based on windows15:58
WDCmasteredu: That seems just to odd.15:58
WDCmasteredu: to out of place15:58
waylandbillmirc? hmm.. I recall when alot of software was shareware licensed.15:58
WDCI also like irssi's tab functionality better15:58
WDCwaylandbill: I recall when Bittorrent was free!15:59
mastereduthis is funny15:59
mastereduwith wget i download with 300 kb/s with firefox 700 kb/s at the same server15:59
lunchmy computer fan is really loud, is there something i can do to fix it? it becomes extremely loud after 15 minutes , and i am not even using lots of applications15:59
WDCFirefox FTW15:59
WDCFor the win16:00
concernedcitizenhmmpft. mozilla-qt doesn't work for me16:00
WDClunch: What processor?16:00
lunchWDC, celeron 775 pins16:00
WDCWho built the machine? (Dell, HP, etc)16:00
lunchWDC, i think, there's a built-in thermo, and it increases spinning rate16:01
waylandbillmasteredu: are you sure one isn't calculated in kb and the other kB?16:01
lunchWDC, i built it16:01
WDClunch: Good job. Just buy a new fan. Your is just noisy16:01
mastereduwaylandbill i mean the kb/s the killobity per second16:01
WDClunch: Let me get you a link. Also, Celerons run hot, from my expierience16:01
masteredufirefox works bether for me16:01
waylandbillmasteredu: some tell kilobits and some kilobytes.16:02
lunchWDC, that fan came with my celeron cpu when i first buy it. it says recommand using this fan16:02
mastereduwaylandbill i mean the XXX and not the XXXX16:02
teiwazgreetings, could anyone help me figure out why my cifs setup just randomly stopped working?16:02
WDClunch: That's your problem. Stock fan16:02
lunchWDC, it was not like that until i remove 512 mb ram from computer =)16:02
WDCWhy'd ya do that?16:03
favfrolunch: is there a wire hitting the fan?16:03
lunchi needed ram on my other pc16:03
mastereduwho like appel16:03
mastereduapple :P16:03
WDCmasteredu: NO16:03
lunchfavfro, no wires hitting fan16:03
WDClunch: Probably an old fan check this out16:03
lunchmasteredu, i no can afford apple16:04
ackewaylandbill:  remote login via kdm16:04
lunchWDC, ok.  even a year ago, the fan was louder than ordinary fans. but in the last couple months , it became more loud16:04
waylandbillmasteredu: I don't know what you mean by XXX & XXXX. better style of porn?16:05
WDCI had a fan do that16:05
lunchmuch much loud, i no can handle16:05
aanderseso what's the kde app to connect to the internet? i just switched to kde4 but i'm still using gtk version (wicd)16:05
WDCBuy a new one!16:05
mastereduwayland bill -..- you know what i mean16:05
WDCwaylandbill: rofl16:05
lunchyes, i am looking at your link16:05
lunchWDC, cooling freezer?16:06
WDClunch: It's the makr a nd model16:06
WDCmake and model*16:06
siegieaanderse: knetworkmanager but its not ported to kde416:06
lunchwhat in the world, this runs on freon?16:06
concernedcitizenis there anyway to make kubuntu auto unmount any usb harddisk/thumbdrive when disconnected?16:06
WDCOkay, screw Microsoft Outook 2007. Evolution time16:07
concernedcitizenI now have a ton of disk-*/ in /media/16:07
waylandbillacke: have you enabled DMCP? that's the first step16:07
geek_WDC: last i tried evolution it was quite bad16:07
lunchWDC, i am using outlook 2007 and thunderbird. evolution better?16:07
mastereducan anyone help me with private chat pimp my kde right klick menü thatis on the desktop xD?16:07
WDCgeek_: Last I tried Evo it was awesome16:07
geek_lunch: IMO thunderbird is better than evolution, other than that its got no built in calendering16:08
WDClunch: Do you use the calendar in Outlook?16:08
lunchWDC, it looks like a reactor, with tubes, i think it runs on freons16:08
lunchWDC, no, i hate calendar. i am using it only because my customer uses it16:08
WDClunch: You'll have a cold processor!16:08
WDCEvo is better16:08
mastereduhow can i change and make options in my kde right klick menu ???16:09
lunchgeek_, i never tried evolution, thunderbird have everything i need. so i don't find a need to change/try.16:09
mastereduhow can i change and make options in my kde right klick menu ???16:09
WDCI'm going to try Kontact16:09
waylandbillconcernedcitizen: usually kde does remove the /media/ entries on device removal. Did you "safely remove" the device in question?16:10
lunchi was using "windows mail", but the bugga no support imap with filter rules, must use pop3 in order to run filter rules.  so i quit 'windows mail'16:10
aanderseok one more question... is there a kde app that is anything like the gnome app "cheese" (takes pictures/video from your webcam)16:10
WDClunch: Windows Mail = HORRIBLE16:11
WDCOutlook is MUCH better16:11
mastereduoutlook is shit16:11
concernedcitizenwaylandbill, no I just plugged it out16:11
WDCWhich is better Kontact or Thunder?16:12
WDCfor e-mail use16:12
lunchWDC, i thought the new vista/server 2008 will have better default mail client. i mean, it's so essential to an os.16:12
WDClunch: Windows is not so good with the default software16:13
usersamhi I would like to remove all the packages that were installed when I installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop16:13
waylandbillconcernedcitizen: see if unmounting it first helps. Files may still be in use when you are removing it (and should data be cached you'd be risking corruption)16:13
lunchWDC, all the things i don't need in outlook , so bloated.16:13
usersamwhere can I get a list of these please16:13
usersamI have looked here http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/kubuntu-kde4-desktop16:13
lunchWDC, i been using mspaint for so long, i think i am a pro. hahah16:13
lunchand notepad16:13
WDCOkay i g2g16:13
usersambut things like kopete do not appear in the depends list...16:14
WDCPhotoshop = much better. Pirate FTW16:14
WDCBye all/16:14
=== WDC is now known as WDC|Away
waylandbillusersam: removing kubuntu-kde4-desktop didn't remove the auto installed packages? you can look at the log files for apt/dpkg to see what packages were installed.16:14
lunchWDC|Away, photoshop will not run well on my machine. i need to upgrade service pack. but there's no service pack for w2k816:15
usersamwaylandbill, no it did not. Where are the apt log files found please?16:15
concernedcitizenwaylandbill: unmounting gives me a "its not in /mstab" error16:15
ackewaylandbill: yes now I enabled it in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc. and restarted kdm, thats it?16:15
waylandbillin /var/log16:15
lunchWDC|Away, i install adobe cs3 flash, but flash can't launch16:16
usersamwaylandbill, the term.log file in /apt is empty16:17
ackewaylandbill: btw did i think correct now? i meant to x forward the x session :0 so that i can share the default desktop from the monitor to a vnc client.16:17
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waylandbillacke: if all you want is to share the desktop via vnc, you could use a vnc server run as the user to forward. forwarding vnc via dmcp is quite tricky. I'd recommend google for that. It's not a one or two step process.16:19
waylandbillusersam: you need to have root privs to view the term.log16:20
usersami think the logs are in dpkg16:21
concernedcitizen:( waylandbill16:21
waylandbillusersam: did you install that package by dpkg directly?16:21
ackewaylandbill: okay thanks, in ubuntu all you have to do is enable port forward i think, and you have the shared desktop.. but maybe its trickier in kubuntu?16:22
usersamno using apt. I am getting useful info from the dpgk log16:22
teiwazcan anyone help me figure out why my cifs setup randomly failed after 6 months, or help me figure out how to mount in fstab with samba without the credentials being plaintext?16:22
waylandbillacke: I don't know what apps and what configuration ubuntu uses for that, so I'm not sure.16:23
abby87any good backup tool for kde?16:23
=== emiliafaneite is now known as mariana
waylandbillteiwaz: you can specify a credentials file in the fstab that is owned by root and can only be viewed by root to hold the name and password.16:25
waylandbillabby87: keep is okay.16:25
teiwazand samba will take that?16:25
teiwazI was using cifs to do just that16:25
teiwazbut it randomly died16:25
teiwazand no one seems to be able to help me with why16:25
abby87teiwaz: #samba16:26
usersamIs anyone aware of a list of applications in kubuntu?16:26
teiwazso // /media/backedup samba uid=0,gid=0,auto,rw,noperm,user,credentials=/etc/fstab_smb_credentials_1 0 016:26
jhutchinsusersam: It's huge, do you want available apps?  Installed?16:26
draikI have been having issues with firefox for a week now. It will load in about 3 minutes and freezes at the change of the URL in the address bar. Anyone else having similar issues?16:26
teiwazwhere the credentials file is /etc/fstab_smb_credentials_1 ?16:27
jhutchinsdraik: Not here.  Which version, what processor, ram, desktop?16:27
pentarexcan u help me with mounting sda5 pls someone16:27
waylandbillteiwaz: that looks correct.16:27
jhutchinspentarex: What do you need beyond sudo mount /dev/sda5?16:27
pentarexjhutchins: i am new to kubuntu and eveb linux16:28
pentarexjhutchins: i am new to kubuntu and even linux16:28
pentarexi will try16:28
concernedcitizenKndiswrapper woo16:28
jhutchinspentarex: man mount will give you more info on what you're doing, and I'm sure there's a gui tool in whatever desktop you're running.16:28
waylandbillI actually took out firefox 3 and put in firefox 2. It was causing tons of hard drive activity for some odd reason.16:29
usersamjhutchins, I want to get rid of everything that was installed when I installed kubuntu-kde4-deskto16:29
draikjhutchins: version: 3.0.1 Processor: p4 3.2 GHz, RAM: 3g, desktop16:29
jhutchinsusersam: You want to fall back to kde 3.5?16:29
pentarexjhutchins: it says is mounted on home but when i try to create folder its says is forbidden16:29
jhutchinsdraik: gnome or kde?16:29
draikjhutchins: kde16:29
usersamjhutchins, I want to fall back to gnome :)16:30
jhutchinspentarex: You've probably mounted it as read-only, or as root.16:30
waylandbillpentarex: mounted with wrong permissions16:30
pentarexjhutchins: dunno16:30
pentarexjhutchins: how to fix it16:30
jhutchins1mount | pentarex16:31
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi guys! anybody?16:31
jhutchins!mount | pentarex16:31
ubottupentarex: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter16:31
waylandbillpentarex: if you unmount it and use 'storage media' in Dolphin/Konqueror, it will mount with correct permissions for a regular user.16:31
jhutchinsdraik: Shouldn't be doing that bad then, it's actually a bit faster than 2.0 was.  I would probably consider checking your hard disk.16:32
strawbeRRy_fieLdi'd like to equilize my audio better, ivegot 5 speakers and a sub-woofer and the sub its too loud. theres no way im able to put its volume down with kmixer. du no any good equilizing program that fits with my prob? thank u16:32
pentarexwaylandbill: i will try w8 a sec16:32
usersamjhutchins, any ideas?16:32
MilitantPotatostrawbeRRy_fieLd: open a terminal, run 'alsamixer'16:33
strawbeRRy_fieLdMilitantPotato: yes then?16:33
MilitantPotatostrawbeRRy_fieLd: might help, not too sure, it's worked for me when kmixer hasn't16:33
MilitantPotatostrawbeRRy_fieLd: see if it has a slider that changes the volume of your sub16:33
pentarexwaylandbill: one stupid question : where is system settings its not in start menu wich i call it that K down left16:34
waylandbillstrawbeRRy_fieLd: does the sound card support multiple volume levels?16:34
strawbeRRy_fieLdkewl thank u16:34
MilitantPotatostrawbeRRy_fieLd: might be named something weird, or incorrect though.16:34
strawbeRRy_fieLdill do it in a sec16:34
draikjhutchins: That's the strange part. It only happens to ff3.0.1  I have been using Opera, but I'm not too happy with it. Everything else seems to be running smoothly with the exception of ff3.0.1.16:34
strawbeRRy_fieLdMilitantPotato: i only see the same sliders that i see with kmixer16:34
strawbeRRy_fieLdivegot a realtek, is there any incompatibility with it?16:35
jhutchinsdraik: It's possible you have a corrupted installation, or possibly that some old plugins or configuration from 2.0 are causing problems.16:35
waylandbillstrawbeRRy_fieLd: if you are using a recent kubuntu, system settings is just above "run command" ... you could run Dolphin and click Storage Media.16:35
pentarexwaylandbill: i saw it16:35
draikjhutchins: I've done reinstalls, user deletions, etc. I've gone ff3.0.1 by itself without any other plugins and still has the same issue.16:36
strawbeRRy_fieLdwaylandbill: sorry what do i need that for?16:36
jhutchinsdraik: Odd.  I guess you could file a bugreport.16:36
jhutchins!puregnome usersam16:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:36
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »16:36
waylandbillstrawbeRRy_fieLd: sorry. I meant that for pentarex.16:36
draikjhutchins: Where would I file it?16:37
jhutchins!bugs | draik16:37
ubottudraik: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:37
jhutchins If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »16:38
usersamjhutchins, thanks but i _want_ gnome. I want to get rid of KDE16:38
jhutchinsRight, I was just checking the bot, puregnome keyword only works in the #ubuntu channel, output is above.16:39
waylandbillso much useful info in the bots... now if we could remember the keywords. ;-)16:40
usersamgreat thanks16:42
usersamthis is a lesson in why to use aptitude...16:43
romunovwhere do i turn of ctrl+2 (to desktop)?16:48
romunovah, found it16:49
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Ash-FoxIs there a way to add LSB compliant RPM repositories to Kubuntu?17:05
draikjhutchins: I have submitted the bug report. Side note: It is very easy to submit a bug report. Kudos to the person/group that put that together.17:07
jhutchinsAsh-Fox: Like what?17:08
Ash-Foxjhutchins, a RPM repository simply.17:08
jhutchinsAsh-Fox: It would require that the repository supported apt, or you'd have to use rpm.17:08
Ash-Foxjhutchins, this is making things difficult :/17:09
jhutchinsAsh-Fox: What repository?  What programs are you looking for?17:09
Ash-Foxjhutchins, this is my own custom repository, where I have LSB compliant packages. The packages work fine under alien etc. under Ubuntu. I don't want to make .deb packages of the same software and stick it on the repository because of space limitations. Considering the binaries are compatible cross distribution.. It's also a bit annoying17:11
draikstrawbeRRy_fieLd: I have not had much luck with fixing the firefox3 issue. Here is the link to the bug...    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/25858717:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258587 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3.0.1 initiating delay" [Undecided,New]17:12
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi draik17:12
strawbeRRy_fieLdhow's it going?17:12
strawbeRRy_fieLdi'll add a comment right away17:13
Ash-Foxjhutchins, I'm also not keen on the idea of creating a .deb package that is essentially just a script that downloads the RPMs and installs them. I was hoping there was some kind of native support in apt somewhere to support RPM based repositories.17:14
jhutchinsThey're two different systems.17:15
jhutchinsapt doesn't support all the features of rpm anyway.17:16
Ash-Foxjhutchins, that might be the case but amusingly enough.. There is deb repository support in SuSE thanks to a package.17:16
Ash-Foxjhutchins, I know these RPMs work fine under Ubuntu already :)17:17
jhutchinssuse's an abomination.17:17
Ash-FoxSeems I'll have to stick to using a script in .deb package then for the RPMs, shame.17:17
jhutchinsThey want to feed off of everybody.  They have to, they don't really have a community, just the paid developers, so they have to leech off of other distros.17:18
jhutchinsAsh-Fox: Since that works better than trying to adapt deb packages to an rpm system, yeah.17:19
* Ash-Fox imagines jhutchins in some kind of NORAD setup monitoring the Internet and then suddenly at one point flailing his arms, "They be stealing our .debs!"17:19
usersamhi is there a way to install a minimal kde system without all the applications?17:19
jhutchinsAsh-Fox: Nah, I'm a rpm guy from way back.17:19
jhutchinsAsh-Fox: What do you package?17:19
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Ash-Foxjhutchins, in the past, questionable software, software that wasn't in universe and my own software :)17:20
jhutchinsusersam: kde-desktop is the package that pulls _all_ of the desktop, you could try just installing kde and whatever it pulls in.17:20
Ash-FoxRight now, it's a game I'm working on.17:20
Ash-Foxusersam, I believe installed kde-base is enough17:21
Ash-FoxErr, kdebase, no hyphon :)17:21
usersamAsh-Fox, thanks17:22
Ash-Foxusersam, that will install a window manager, taskbar, control center, a text editor, file manager, web browser, X terminal emulator17:23
Ash-FoxAnd a few other kde specific things that those depend on.17:23
Ash-Foxjhutchins, I guess it's kind of ironic that I actually do the rpm packaging and most of my testing on a ubuntu system17:25
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ForgeAustrying an andLinux dist-upgrade!17:37
ForgeAusit'll probably find a way to break andLinux by doing this :) hmm no wait didn't work17:38
ForgeAusno *-desktop metapackage17:39
drmarwat_i added kde 4.1 repo to synaptic but on reload i get an error17:47
ForgeAuswhat kind of error?17:47
drmarwat_The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/ttp could not be found.17:47
drmarwat_E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/ttp could not be found.17:47
drmarwat_what does it mean?17:47
ForgeAusuh... ooohhh kay... I have no idea17:47
drmarwat_may be somebody does17:48
drmarwat_i will wait17:48
drmarwat_have you tried kde 4.1?17:48
ForgeAusno kde4 yes 4.1 no17:49
Githzeraidrmarwat_: Your error has nothing to do with 4.1, simply because your error log doesn't point to anything related to 4.1 or it's ppa repo.  /usr/lib/apt/methods/ttp is a part of apt package, i would try first with reinstalling apt.17:52
drmarwat_thanks, i can try that17:53
pteaguedoes amarok by default in kubuntu use xine?17:59
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usersamHi i am a gnome user.installed kdebase and compiled kdenlive (a KDE app) It worked fine but I have a GTK looking application. Which part of KDE would deal with rendering the interface? This is how it looks http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gtkkdenlivebm7.jpg    This is how it _should_ look http://www.kdenlive.org/images/26-06-08.png18:04
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house_theres alot of ppl but there not talking18:05
usersamhi house18:05
ForgeAususersam in kcontrol you can set the gtk theme18:07
ForgeAus(qtcurve is one that GTK and KDE can share)18:08
bayramselam ubuntuda masaustundeki simgeleri nasıl komple kuculturuz18:08
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Ash-Foxusersam, are you sure it uses the same QT version as KDE?18:09
Ash-Foxusersam, actually, if it was a KDE application, it would use the current KDE installation you're using for everything o.O18:09
Ash-FoxSo... It shouldn't have that problem to begin with.18:10
usersamAsh-Fox, I am a Gnome user using metacity etc18:10
usersamNot sure if that is clear18:10
usersamI have compiled this app and it has a gtk look18:10
usersami am wondering what kde package to install to enable me to re-compile the app with a qt look?18:11
MasterShrekrunning 8.04.1, installed kdmtheme, but i dont know where to change the theme, anyone know?18:11
corigoanyone know a good image viewer with slide show?18:12
Ash-Foxusersam, it's using the style every other qt application is using on the system18:12
Ash-Foxusersam, perhaps you want to install some other qt themes and use something like kcontrol to choose a better one?18:12
* Ash-Fox afks for food18:13
usersamAsh-Fox, other Qt applications use the usual theme18:14
ForgeAusI don't know where in Ubuntu you set the style for QT apps18:15
MasterShrekah, i think i know how to get it, anyone know how to open the old style kde control center, instead of the new one?18:15
MasterShrek(not running kde4, but the control panel was different a few versions ago)18:15
ForgeAusyou mean kicker?18:16
ForgeAuswait or system-settings?18:16
doopi'm trying to download kubuntu 8.04 but i see 2 of them. 8.04 and 8.04.118:17
doopwhat is the difference18:17
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usersamPerhaps this makes what i am saying clearer http://img159.imageshack.us/my.php?image=examplevz7.jpg at the back you see kdenlive the KDE app which I compiled. To the front you see 2 other KDE apps...18:19
ForgeAusthe .1 one is probably kubuntu remix18:20
ForgeAuswhich means it has kde4.1 instead of kde3.5.918:21
doopwhen i cliked on hardy heron it took me to 8.04.1 and that would be odd if it were the remix since kde4 is community supported18:22
* ForgeAus shrugs18:24
BlueAidanfor some reason, ark doesn't have support for zip files.18:27
BlueAidanif I open the Open File dialog, and have it on the All Supported Types, it doesn't show zip files (and zip files aren't in the drop-down)18:28
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doopanyone had trouble with wireless on 8.04?18:33
usersamfor reference the solution to my problem was apt-get install gtk-qt-engine-kde18:37
mefisto_BlueAidan: try installing the kde3 version18:41
Cannolihi there18:49
Cannoliim having some issues installing kubuntu18:49
Cannolican someone help me pelase18:49
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mefisto_Cannoli: be more specific and someone might be able to help18:54
Cannolioh srry18:54
Cannolithe rror im getting on live cd boot up is18:54
CannoliError when installing :18:54
Cannoli/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off18:54
mefisto_so the livecd doesn't boot?18:55
Cannolii tried some stuff i found on google but all that happens is it ends up with a blinking underscore18:55
Cannoliit booted fine on other pcs and i tried vcarious cds that i got from the website but on this pc i get this error18:56
mefisto_Cannoli: did you try the help info on the cd (by pressing F1, F2, etc)?18:59
Cannolibut i know the problem, i just dont know wht to do with it19:00
Cannoliits my sata drive19:00
Cannoliit gave me trouble with xp install too19:00
draikThis may or may not be related, but now my Thunderbird is having loading and non-responsive issues just like firefox.19:01
mefisto_why do you think it's your hard drive? the livecd should boot even without a hdd installed19:01
Cannolicause thts the only thing different between this pcs and all the other pcs i have19:02
Cannolithis one has sata drive the others have ide19:02
WDCHey hey19:02
mefisto_Cannoli: what about video cards?19:02
Cannolion both19:02
mefisto_Cannoli: same nvidia cards?19:03
Cannolithts diff too19:03
gleyveI'm tired of my nm-applet asking for password to Keyring19:03
mefisto_Cannoli: it sounds like X is not loading properly and therefore doesn't bring you to the kubuntu desktop. I would look at the help info on the cd before boot and try different boot options related to video19:05
WDCHey Kubuntu is giving me issues starting up. It goes to the Kubuntu screen and the bar is at 100% but it hangs.19:05
Ash-FoxWDC, hit ctrl + alt + f8 and check the messages19:07
WDCkk thanks19:07
rasmusSome body hwo can help me with a problem with firestarter (fire wall)19:07
WDCOkay it says dlemcoe(myusername) login:19:08
Ash-FoxWDC, no other messages?19:08
gleyveI'm tired of my nm-applet asking for password to Keyring19:08
WDCAsh-Fox: no19:08
Ash-FoxWDC, what about ctrl + alt + f1 ?19:09
WDCStarts again at login19:09
Ash-FoxWDC, if still nothing, login, then do 'sudo less /var/log/syslog'19:09
Ash-FoxThen scroll to the end by hitting 'end' and check the messages there.19:09
rasmusSince i've upgraded to Hardy Firestarter is no longer autostarting.19:09
WDChm. Doesn't let me log on19:10
WDCAsh-Fox: Nevermind I got it19:11
WDCAsh-Fox: How can I get into the Kubuntu GUI? It's just CLI right now19:11
Ash-FoxWDC, it's best to diagnose the problem before anything else.19:12
WDCWell, it said a lot of things19:12
WDCLet me get a screenshot (VMWare)19:12
mefisto_rasmus: how was it autostarting before? What did you do to autostart it?19:13
rasmusMefisto, after installing it it keept on autostart when i restarted the computer. Since for example amarok behaves in the same way i thought it was natural19:14
WDCAsh-Fox: http://i35.tinypic.com/2r4ihjq.jpg19:15
draikHow do I use my multimedia keyboard with 8.04? I had it all working with 7.10 and prior, but I have a crash report when I press the Media button (used to launch Amarok). Rew, FF, Play/Pause and Stop buttons work.19:15
rasmusactually my experience is that almost every program is autostarting as default19:15
mefisto_rasmus: kde3 or kde4?19:15
Ash-FoxWDC, I'm pretty sure you didn't scroll to the end like I told you.19:15
Ash-FoxWDC, anyhow.. I can't see anything there.19:16
rasmuskde 319:16
Ash-FoxWDC, you could type 'startx' to start a itnerface.19:16
WDCAsh-Fox: It says fatl error, connection lost by peer.19:18
Ash-FoxWDC, did you setup some firewall recently?19:18
WDCAsh-Fox: no19:19
mefisto_rasmus: I don't know why it isn't autostarting as before upgrade, but you could put a Firestarter.desktop item in ~/.kde/Autostart to make sure it always autostarts19:19
WDCI recently, though, updated from 6.06 to 8.0419:19
drmarwat_i need help about installation of kde 4.1 packages on kubuntu, so can somebody help me out please?19:19
rasmusMefisto, ok great!19:19
drmarwat_i used this link to get kde 4.1 packages19:19
Ash-FoxWDC, you could try looking in /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors.19:19
drmarwat_i have done exactly as mentioned on this link but my kde is still 4.0.3 and not kde 4.119:19
rasmusMefisto, how do i make one of these?19:19
drmarwat_can somebody guide me what mistake im doing?19:20
WDCAsh-Fox: Tons and tons of errors19:20
WDCdrmarwat_: Mistake i'm doing?19:20
mefisto_rasmus: I don't use firestarter so I don't know if that will work for sure, but if it's just a windowed app with a Kmenu entry, it probably will work just putting it in Autostart directory19:20
Cannoliim hvaing no luck with this error19:21
Ash-FoxWDC, first error is probably all you need to figure out what's wrong.19:21
WDCAsh-Fox: okayu19:21
Ash-FoxErrors start with [E] mind you.19:21
drmarwat_WDC: so can you help me out?19:21
Ash-Foxor (EE)19:21
WDCOkay, (EE) Unable to locate/open config file19:22
WDCdrmarwat_: I don't know. You asked to ask a question.19:22
Ash-FoxWDC, okay.. That's odd. run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:22
doopi just installed 8.04.1 and in adept there's a full upgrade available?19:22
doopand on top of that I have no title bars so I can't minimize or close anything19:22
drmarwat_WDC: i did ask, i can repeat if you missed it19:22
Ash-Foxdoop, run 'kwin'19:23
WDCAsh-Fox: It says conflicting actions19:23
rasmusmefisto, i found it19:23
Ash-FoxWDC, does it work after restarting X?19:23
WDCAsh-Fox: How do I do that?19:23
Ash-FoxWDC, oops sorry.19:23
Ash-FoxWDC, err, what? just conflicting actions?19:24
Cannolianyone help mewith this error19:24
CannoliError when installing :19:24
Cannoli/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off19:24
rasmusMefisto, but there were no "/root/.kde/Autostart"-folder. I made one, will that work?19:24
WDCyah, then it gives me the syntax usage19:24
doopnow I can't even type anything wtf19:24
doopdoes kubuntu take a step backwards with every interation?19:24
WDCdoop: No19:24
Ash-Foxdoop, it's workign fine for me.19:24
Ash-FoxWDC, are you sure you typed the command correctly?19:24
doopit used to work fine for me in 6.1019:25
mefisto_rasmus: root? it should be under your home dir: /home/your-username/.kde/Autostart19:25
doopevery upgraded has removed something that was functioning fine19:25
doopfirst wireless19:25
doopnow no titles and I can't use the keyboard19:25
rasmusoh, sorry, i missunderstood you ~ ;-)19:25
WDCAsh-Fox: My bad, I put a space between dpkg and -reconfigure. I got a colorful screen now19:25
Ash-FoxWDC, it should auto detect your graphic card settings etc. I'll leave you to figure out how to use 'next' :)19:26
WDCAsh-Fox: I got all that, I just went with the defaults19:26
Ash-FoxWDC, try 'startx' now19:26
rasmusMefisto, i found a file there containing this ""19:27
rasmussudo firestarter --start-hidden19:27
WDC"Connection reset by peer on X server"19:27
rasmusmefisto, should that work? Or is it just strange?19:27
Ash-FoxWDC.. okay.. what happens when you run just 'xinit konsole' ?19:27
WDCAsh-Fox: Same error19:28
doopdoes anyone else have an option for full upgrade in adept?19:28
WDCAsh-Fox: I just restarted after Updating19:28
Ash-FoxWDC, read xorg.0.log again for errors...19:28
mefisto_rasmus: like I said, I don't use firestarter, but if you type that command in konsole "sudo firestarter --start-hidden" and it starts, then that file should work to start it19:29
WDCWhere was that located again Ash-Fox19:30
rasmusMefisto, that worked19:30
rasmusWell, i have to go. Thanx for help!19:30
Ash-FoxWDC, you can use the cursor keys to see previous commands.19:30
Cannolisorry, im getting this error Error when installing : /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off when i try and boot the live cd, can someone help me get past it? ive tried different meathods off google but i just end up with a blinking cursor19:30
WDCAsh-Fox: I know, it says "No Drivers Found" ONLY error now19:31
Ash-FoxWDC, I think I know what happened.19:31
mefisto_Cannoli: take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-520713.html19:32
Ash-FoxWDC, you updated the system components but didn't recompile vmware's drivers for those components.19:32
WDCAsh-Fox: How do I fix that?19:33
Ash-FoxWDC, anyhow, if you want a basic system working, do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" again and choose 'vesa' for a driver.19:33
WDCvesa, got it19:33
gleyveanybody here have Google-earth on ubuntu ?19:33
Ash-FoxWDC, I don't remember honestly. I don't generally use vmware usually as a client OS.19:34
Ash-Foxerr use Kubuntu as a client OS19:34
Ash-FoxI have WIndows running under vmware, not Kubuntu usually :)19:34
Ash-Foxgleyve, yes.19:34
WDCAsh-Fox: OH YAH! StartX workeds19:34
Ash-FoxWDC, just follow the same instructions you normally do to install vmware's drivers and it will work again properly19:34
WDCAsh-Fox: Okay cool thanks!19:35
Ash-Foxgleyve, if you want google earth, add this repository: deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free19:37
doophow do i get kubuntu to use kwin all the time?19:38
Ash-Foxgleyve, I believe there is a google earth package there. If there isn't, there is a googleearth-package in multiverse.19:38
Ash-Foxdoop, try restarting your system.19:38
WDCHey what's the default password for Kubuntu? It let me log on a second ago, but not noiw19:38
doopAsh-Fox: when i restart it doesn't save. I have to run the kwin command everytime i start up19:39
gleyveAsh-Fox: my google earh is not working fine :(19:39
Ash-Foxdoop, that's unusual.19:39
doopAsh-Fox: yes...19:39
mefisto_doop: if you don't use compiz/switch off desktop effects, it should use kwin19:39
Ash-FoxWDC, you create the password when you install kubuntu.19:39
WDCAsh-Fox: But that password is "wrong" apparently. I JUST logged on with it when I was in CLI19:40
doopmefisto_: i'm not using desktop effects i don't think but I installed the driver for my nvidia card19:40
Ash-Foxdoop, yes, if you don't use beryl, compiz etc. kwin should start up by default.19:40
Ash-FoxWDC, check caps lock.19:40
WDCAsh-Fox: lol no19:40
mefisto_doop: as far as i know, the choices are either kwin or compiz19:40
doopAsh-Fox: should i disable the nvidia driver?19:41
Ash-Foxdoop, nvidia driver has nothing to do with special affects.19:41
WDCWhen I go su, it doesn't work, but when I go su dlemcoe it DOES work, but no superuser19:41
mefisto_doop: kde3 ?19:41
Ash-FoxWDC, make sure your username is correct and that you're typing into the password field.19:41
WDCI am19:42
Ash-FoxWDC, if it was just working a moment ago, you're likely just entering the password or username incorrectly some how19:42
Ash-FoxThere is no 'default' password.19:42
Ash-FoxAnd you cannot login as root by default either.19:42
WDCsu dlemcoe, my username, works but it is not "super" user19:42
doopAsh-Fox: the desktop effects engine whatever wasn't even installed yet19:43
Ash-Foxdoop, then I suggest you install the entire system properly.19:43
Ash-FoxA half installed kubuntu system is obviously going to break.19:43
doopAsh-Fox: I just installed it19:43
dooplike 30 min ago19:43
Ash-FoxYou just told me it wasn't.19:44
Ash-Fox19:43 <doop> Ash-Fox: the desktop effects engine whatever wasn't even installed yet19:44
doopyea it wasn't. when i opened desktop effects from system or whereever it said not installed19:44
doopit gave me the option to install it19:44
Ash-FoxDoop, are you using KDE3 or KDE4?19:45
doopi think installing it fixed some things19:45
Ash-Foxdoop, okay. Honestly, I don't know what's up with your system.19:45
doopAsh-Fox: yea it's all fubared. how would i make katapult run at startup?19:46
mefisto_doop: how did you get kwin to start and restore window titlebars?19:46
Ash-Foxdoop, symlink to it or put a .desktop file to it in .kde/Autostart19:47
doopmefisto_: when i opened the desktop effects thing under the system menu it said I needed to install the compiz engine, i believe19:47
doopmefisto_: so i installed it and now i have effects and titlebars19:48
mefisto_doop: that means you are using compiz, not kwin19:48
Ash-Foxdoop, to do it through the gui, alt + f2, enter "~/.kde/Autostart", then create a shortcut/link to application and.. well.. to your application19:48
Ash-FoxTo do it in the console, ln -s /usr/bin/katapult ~/.kde/Autostart/19:49
mefisto_doop: there is an option in katapult to autostart on login, or do what Ash-Fox suggests19:49
Ash-Foxmefisto_, ah, I never knew :)19:49
mefisto_doop: but when I used to use katapult, it sometimes didn't autostart and I had to start it up manually19:50
doopwell there's always launchy19:51
mefisto_installing kcontrol-autostart will give you a gui method of controlling autostarted programs in kcontrol19:52
doopmefisto_: ah very nice19:52
mizipzor_ has anyone got thier mic to work in steambased games through wine?19:52
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: do you use a onboard soundcard or a pci one?19:53
doopholy crap it looks like wireless is actually working19:53
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, I use a mini-pci soundcard.19:53
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: hm... ok... alsa or oss drivers?19:53
mizipzor_everything in my tf2 game works except the mic :p i would like to have that to19:54
WDCWhat is the location of the default c compiler on kubuntu, or do I have to get it19:54
mizipzor_have been fiddling around with the options but nothing seems to work19:54
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, I use Pulse on my system and ESD driver on Wine.19:54
mefisto_WDC: you have to install it19:54
WDCgcc is the best?19:54
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, and getting pulse working properly under Kubuntu is quite a pain in the ass.19:54
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: pulse is the brand of the soundcard?19:55
WDCAsh-Fox: gcc is the best?19:55
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, no, it's the sound system I use.19:55
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, my soundcard is: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)19:56
PolitikerALTHello everyone, I got a problem: my boot time is rather long - maybe because vol_id waits about 20 seconds - How do I speed it up?19:56
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: i see... you think you could help me get my mic working?19:56
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, I don't see why it isn't working right now.19:57
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, is it working fine in normal linux applications?19:57
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: all that i have tested, yes19:57
doophow do i get the system try icons to stack 2 high19:58
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, try using the OSS driver in Wine then.19:58
Ash-Foxwine winecfg19:58
Ash-Foxdoop, okay, seriously, something is entirely broken with your system.19:58
Ash-Foxdoop, just the numerous problems you keep having.19:59
doopi think it's a setting issue19:59
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: ok, i checked that (checked driver emulation as well) steam can now detect an input device but no sound seems to be detected19:59
mefisto_doop: you mean you want the panel to be larger?19:59
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: using the menu file->settings->voice to test the mic in steam20:00
doopthe panel is large enough i think20:00
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, all I can say right now is "works for me", which isn't very helpful :<20:00
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: bummer... do you know if there is a way to force wine (when starting) to use a certain input device for sound?20:00
doopthe icons are stacked 2 high on the quick lancher but in the system tray area next to the clock the icons are not stacked 2 high20:01
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: i have a second audio card that i can plugin to see if it works better, but i dont know how apps will react to two cards... if something happens, i want to be able to force it to use one or the other20:01
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, my method was using the ESD plugin and using the Pulse sound system, then controlling what inputs wine uses through the PulseAudio Volume Control applet.20:02
WDCWhere are the C header files that Kubuntu is built on located20:02
mefisto_doop: right-click the panel, configure panel, then play around with the "size" setting20:02
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, if you want to try using Pulse, this link was very helpful to me, http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup20:03
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: ok, but pulse was a pain in the ass to install? im gonna try it now20:04
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, it was a pain in the ass to configure.20:04
Ash-FoxI had to reconfigure large quantities of the configuration, then set most of my applications to route through their pulse plugin, if they didn't have pulse, then esd, if no esd, then ALSA.20:05
Ash-Foxmizipzor_, oh, just a tip, make pulseaudio run under your userlogin, not the /etc/init.d/ script20:07
mizipzor_Ash-Fox: ill remember that, thx20:07
Ash-FoxI have a symlink in ~/.kde/Autostart/ to /usr/bin/pulseaudio20:08
Ash-FoxOtherwise you run into annoying issues when trying to use the ESD client.20:08
MarcCis it OK to try to install a Hardy .deb in Gutsy?20:10
Ash-FoxMarcC, no.20:11
MarcCAsh-Fox: why?20:11
mefisto_MarcC: what is it you want to install?20:11
MarcCmefisto_: Pygame 1.8 ...it's required for a game20:11
Ash-FoxMarcC, because you can break your depedencies and end up screwing the system.20:11
MarcCok, don't want to screw up any dependencies...do I have to compile pygame myself then?20:12
MarcCI am using Gutsy, so I have Pygame 1.7.120:12
Ash-FoxMarcC, you can do that. Might want to install the build dependencies before you do so and uninstall Pygame 1.7.1 first.20:13
MarcCthanks Ash-Fox, I'll try that.20:14
adz21cHi, when trying to add a java runtime enviroment to open office it says it doesn't contain one. The directory I am selecting is /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre. Any ideas? [Hardy]20:19
mefisto_adz21c: sudo apt-get install openoffice.org-java-common20:23
byteme_hi all20:24
adz21cmefisto_: execellent, thanks20:24
byteme_Happy Saturday!!20:24
mixed1234anyone knows if aol will work in WINE???20:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aol20:25
byteme_I havent tried it. Dont much care for AOL20:26
mixed1234byteme_ i rarely use aol but it would be nice to have, my lappie's NIC card went bad though and I have to use wireless,   it's really painful running aol on that old laptop and i refuse to install redmond on my desktop20:27
byteme_you can get more from the net for cheaper20:28
byteme_actually that would be an interesting experiment20:29
byteme_I know people who wont switch to Linux cause of aol20:29
byteme_why dont you try it?20:29
fanelanybody thinks he's good at fixing the sound problems?20:29
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zzlwhat is a good subtitle ripping program for dvd files?20:31
mixed1234byteme_, that is one of the reasons  I dumped aol, it wasn't available for linux so I used it very rarely20:34
byteme_Have your tried wine any windows program?20:35
byteme_I havent found it to be the easiest thing to mess with20:35
afeijowhen I click links on my thunderbird, it does nothing, should open the link on firefox... how to fix that?20:37
Crankqualcuno potrebbe dirmi un modo per reinstallare ubuntu 8.0420:37
afeijoand its possible to update my kubuntu to 64 bits without lossing what I did so far?20:38
fanelanybody thinks he's good at fixing the sound problems?20:39
fanelin Ubuntu 8.04?20:39
mefisto__afeijo: go to thunderbird prefs, advanced, config editor20:40
afeijook, what line?20:41
mefisto__afeijo: search for network.protocol-handler.app20:41
mefisto__does it find anything?20:41
mefisto__afeijo: right-click, new, string20:42
afeijoto what value?20:42
mefisto__the name is: network.protocol-handler.app.http20:42
mefisto__and the value is: /usr/bin/firefox20:43
mefisto__then make another one for network.protocol-handler.app.https with same value20:43
afeijocool, time to test20:44
afeijothat should be default on thunderbird20:44
mefisto__afeijo: I agree20:44
byteme_hey guys, I made my title bar disappear and now I cant for the lifew of me get it back20:44
byteme_I think I did it in a setting in compiz Fuzion, so I uninstalled it and I still not have any title bars20:46
mefisto__byteme_: alt-F2, kwin --replace20:46
afeijorestarted thunderbird, didnt work :(20:46
byteme_alt-f2 does nothing20:47
ubottuTo rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh20:47
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:47
sourcemakerhow can I save a DVD to harddisk?20:47
mefisto__byteme_: from the menu, run program20:47
mefisto__sourcemaker: install k9copy20:48
sourcemakerI tried... dd if=/dev/cdrom1 of=test.iso but receives an io error20:48
byteme_I typed in kwin--replace and got bad command20:49
mefisto__byteme_: there's a space after kwin20:50
byteme_Just kwin didnt get anything either20:50
byteme_oh ok  :o)20:50
byteme_sweet thanks, that did it20:50
mefisto__afeijo: are you sure you put everything in correctly? should be preference name: network.protocol-handler.app.http type: string value: /usr/bin/firefox20:52
mefisto__afeijo: maybe you got the dots or hyphens wrong?20:53
sourcemakerisn't dd faster than k9copy to store a complete dvd?20:56
mefisto__sourcemaker: yes, k9copy will shrink the dvd20:57
claudiosalve a tutti20:57
sourcemakermefisto__: so dd is the best way to save movie films to harddisk=20:58
BlueAidansourcemaker: fastest isn't always best20:58
BlueAidanunless you've got dual layer disks, you're going to want to shrink the dvd20:58
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mefisto__sourcemaker: try /dev/scd0 instead of /dev/cdrom120:59
sourcemakermefisto__: where is the difference?20:59
sourcemakerBlueAidan: so k9copy is better for me?20:59
mefisto__k9copy is better if you intend to burn to a standard blank DVD21:00
sourcemakermefisto__: no I wan't to look the dvd on my laptop...21:00
sourcemakermefisto__:  like my private home entertainment system :-)21:00
sourcemakermefisto__: without changing the dvd's :-)21:01
BlueAidanheh, how big of a hard drive do you have?21:01
mefisto__sourcemaker: try the dd command again with /dev/scd0 instead of /dev/cdrom121:01
BlueAidanwith most laptops you're not going to be able to hold that many dvd's21:01
sourcemakerBlueAidan:  250Gb21:01
sourcemakermefisto__: thanks21:01
sourcemakerBlueAidan: but I can also buy a 1TB harddisk... it's very cheap...21:02
BlueAidanmost dvd's are 9GB iirc21:02
BlueAidanbut I still don't see why you'd want to store the original format... I can't tell the difference between dvd5 and dvd921:03
BlueAidanand 2x the storage requirement is pretty hefty21:03
sourcemakerBlueAidan: I do not know the dvd formats... I only want to store my dvd collection to file system... how do that?21:04
mefisto__k9copy can also create mpeg-4 avi's which will save lots of space if you're storing just for playback from hard disk21:04
claudioqual'è il canale italiano?...per favore..grazie21:05
sourcemakermefisto__: okay... great...21:05
BlueAidansourcemaker: yeah, play around with k9copy21:05
claudiojoin kubuntu-it21:06
sourcemakerBlueAidan: great... so I have to options... save as iso and create mpeg4... so I select create mpeg4 to store the dvd and save space?21:08
afeijoI double check, it is correct21:08
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BlueAidansourcemaker: using mpeg4 will probably take a lot longer than iso21:11
BlueAidaniso is converting from dvd9->dvd5, so it won't be as quick as a direct copy as dd21:11
mefisto__afeijo: does /usr/bin/firefox exist? on my install, /usr/bin/firefox is a symlink to /usr/bin/firefox-3.021:12
BlueAidanif you're not going to be re-burning the discs, I'd probably invest the time and do mpeg4. Be aware though that if the dvd's are action-oriented, the encoder can have a hard time21:12
BlueAidanI tried to encode Saving Private Ryan awhile back, and the beach scene looked pretty bad21:13
portalhi room21:13
afeijoit does not :)21:14
afeijolocating firefox21:14
portalany help 4 me whit wifi in ubuntu???21:14
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afeijoit is in /usr/share/firefox21:15
mefisto__afeijo: replace those settings to /usr/bin/whatever-command-starts-firefox21:15
mefisto__afeijo: that's unusual. how did you install firefox?21:16
afeijoI guess thru adept21:16
mefisto__afeijo: ok, I suppose change the settings to /usr/share/firefox then21:17
afeijoto the folder? I need the command21:17
mefisto__afeijo: how do you normally start firefox?21:19
mefisto__afeijo: where is the icon? desktop?21:20
sourcemakerBlueAidan: can I save the movie to iso and then transcode them to mpeg4?21:20
afeijofast launcher21:20
sourcemakerIt's maybe faster21:20
mefisto__afeijo: is firefox in Kmenu, under Internet submenu?21:21
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BlueAidansourcemaker: transcoding is CPU limited, so I doubt it'd be faster (unlesss you've got a really slow dvd drive)... it might be more reliable ripping to disc first though.21:22
afeijocommand firefox-2 %u21:22
afeijofound it on /usr/bin/firefox-221:23
mefisto__afeijo: ok21:23
sourcemakerwell... it's and old dvd drive... CPU = 18% :-)21:23
afeijoWORKING!!!!!!!!!! thanks mefisto__21:24
mefisto__afeijo: if you upgrade to firefox 3, you'll have to change that again21:24
BlueAidansourcemaker: going to mp4 or dvd5?21:25
sourcemakerBlueAidan: with k9copy mpeg421:25
BlueAidanheh, it must be really slow21:25
sourcemakerBlueAidan: yeah... it's more than 5 years old :-)21:26
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pteaguewhat engine does amarok use by default? xine or something else?21:35
mefisto__pteague: yes xine21:38
pteaguehmm...  weird then... amarok has worked fine & now today, for some reason, it can't seem to find any audio devices to initialize21:39
pteaguedo i need to wrap it with aoss?21:40
mefisto__pteague: I get that sometimes after playing flash video in firefox21:40
pteagueoh, that may be the issue then, thanks :)21:41
pteagueis there a way to wrap the flash plugin in firefox in aoss? ;)21:41
mefisto__pteague: apparently there is. I just googleed "flash plugin in firefox in aoss". try it21:44
pteaguegoogle to the rescue :)21:45
mefisto__pteague: but you might notice audio goes out of sync after a while21:45
sourcemakermefisto__: k9copy is running and running and running... no dvd access... no cpu usage.... what's wrong?21:52
mefisto__sourcemaker: no dvd access? what do you mean?21:53
sourcemakermefisto__:  I use k9copy to store dvd movie as mpeg4... but there is no read to the dvd drive... and the cpu is also low...21:54
sourcemakermefisto__: the only running process is top and krcupreemptd...21:55
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mefisto__sourcemaker: in k9copy, is there anything in "input device"?21:55
ubuntu_vou gei-21:55
sourcemakermefisto__: yes... the transcoding is 43%21:56
mefisto__sourcemaker: and it has stopped there?21:57
sourcemakermefisto__:  I am not sure... but I think so21:57
mefisto__sourcemaker: I remember something like that when I first started using k9copy. there is a setting in configure k9copy, DVD called "quick scan" which for some DVDs had to be on, others had to be off22:00
sourcemakermefisto__:  I will try... thanks22:01
tuxbuntu@ all22:09
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TheMaxzillaI need a shell script to run at startup everytime. Is there a location for autorun files?22:21
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fanelanybody thinks he's good at fixing the sound problems?22:33
fanelin Ubuntu 8.04?22:33
mefisto__maybe try just describing your problem, and see what responses you get22:34
SmokeEater85911can anybody help this newb at installing kubuntu?22:34
Alex135me :)22:35
Alex135SmokeEater85911: im bored right now so ill give you a hand22:35
SmokeEater85911sweet thanks22:35
Alex135are you wanting it to be duel booted (windows and linux) or just linux22:36
SmokeEater85911I made a 15gb partition (would have been bigger but for some reason windows wont let me make it any bigger.. even though I have 190gb free!!??) and its all set up.22:36
SmokeEater85911dual boot with windows22:36
SmokeEater85911I booted into Kubuntu and went into the installation. I was going through the setup process until I came to the part where it wants me to pick a drive/partition. Obviously i want to pick Manual because if I pick guided it will delete windows and everything on there right? so i select the partition I set up just for Kubuntu and it gives me an error "No rood system is defined"22:36
Alex135ok, get back to where you setup the partitons22:37
SmokeEater85911hm can you gimme a sec, let me get on my other laptop so you can walk me through it?22:37
Alex135sure, np22:38
SmokeEater85911k brb22:38
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=== Owner is now known as Smokeeater85911
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Smokeeater85911k back22:40
=== Smokeeater85911 is now known as SmokeEater85911
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SmokeEater85911ya there alex?22:41
Alex135(sorry, was reading something while you were gone)22:41
Will_PEalguem do brazil?22:41
SmokeEater85911k so where do we start22:41
SmokeEater85911want me to get back where I pick the partition?22:41
Alex135put the cd in and go to where you manage the partitions22:41
SmokeEater85911k lemme reboot it22:41
SmokeEater85911you wouldnt happen to know why windows wont allow me a larger partition would you?22:42
Alex135the windows partition was formated to have a lot of extra space (for installing programs, downloading files etc)22:43
Alex135partitions dont normally expand as needed22:43
Alex135they are a fixed size22:43
SmokeEater85911its a 250gb hdd, i have 190gb free but it would only let me make a 20gb partition22:43
Alex135i think the windows partition is takeing all of it up22:44
Alex135even though its not useing it all22:44
Ash-FoxSmokeEater85911, you're using fat aren't you?22:44
Alex135Ash-Fox: normal windows installs use ntfs22:45
SmokeEater85911no its ntsf22:45
Ash-FoxAlex135, I am aware of this, but I have ran into a similar issue when choosing fat3222:45
Alex135Ash-Fox: ah, ok22:46
SmokeEater85911my partition is an NTSF as well22:46
SmokeEater85911k almost there with the install22:46
SmokeEater85911k im there at the partition select screen22:46
SmokeEater85911i want manual right not guided22:47
Alex135you know how partitions work correct?22:47
SmokeEater85911guided will wipe windows off?22:47
SmokeEater85911for the most part yeah22:47
Alex135there should be 2 guided22:47
SmokeEater85911there is 1 it says Guided - use entire disk22:48
Alex135hit manual22:48
SmokeEater85911and it lists my HDD (250.1GB ATA )22:48
Alex135what version of kubuntu are you installing22:48
Alex1358.04? (hardy)22:48
Alex135ok (i must be used to the ubuntu install that has more options, oh well i can adapt)22:49
Alex135you know how linux partitions work?22:49
SmokeEater85911k so i see the partitions22:49
SmokeEater85911it lists 322:49
Alex135what 3 does it list22:49
fanelanybody thinks he's good at fixing the sound problems?22:49
SmokeEater85911I assume one is windows the other is my backup and the other is the one I made for kubuntu22:49
fanelin Ubuntu 8.04?22:50
SmokeEater85911it lists /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda322:50
Alex135SmokeEater85911: does it have a graph of some sort or size showing how big each one is?22:50
SmokeEater85911no but it tells me the sizes next to them22:51
SmokeEater85911sda3 is the on I set aside for linux22:51
Alex135what did you format it as22:51
SmokeEater85911it just says NTFS22:51
Alex135deleat sda322:52
Alex135we are gonna remake the partition22:52
SmokeEater85911it lets me pick what type to use it as though22:52
SmokeEater85911oh, okay22:52
Alex135you made the partition wrong, its an easy mistake to do though if your new to linux and other OS's22:52
SmokeEater85911yeah im new hah trying to get used to something other than windows..22:53
SmokeEater85911k deleted22:53
Alex135make a new partition and have it be 19gb in size the mount point as / and the file system be ext322:53
SmokeEater85911k so clicked on free space, and clicked "New Partition"22:53
SmokeEater85911set it as a primary right?22:53
SmokeEater85911location beginning or end?22:54
Alex135it really doesn't matter (from what i know)22:54
SmokeEater85911k now im selecting sda322:55
Alex1351 sec, let me start up a vm so i can see things to make it easier to walk you through it instead of going by memory22:55
SmokeEater85911it says I didnt select a partition for a swap space22:56
Alex135ya, you need to make 1 for that, 1 sec22:57
SmokeEater85911but it wont let me make any more partitions so...22:57
SmokeEater85911i cant shrink my HDD anymore than the 15gb I alloted for Kubuntu22:57
Alex1351 sec22:58
mefisto__is qtparted on the livecd?22:58
Alex135mefisto__: yes22:58
Alex135i think it is22:58
Alex135gparted is on the ubuntu live cd22:59
SmokeEater85911i have gparted on a separate cd, but I dont wanna us it because I dont have a vista install cd lol23:00
Alex135SmokeEater85911: ok, 1 sec, im setting up the cd on another computer so i can walk you through it easier....23:00
SmokeEater85911swet thanks23:00
Alex135ok, deleat the partition we just made and we will start over23:01
SmokeEater85911so from what Ive read linux blows windows away for the most part23:01
SmokeEater85911k deleting23:01
Alex135what do you mean by "blows away23:01
Alex135like gets rid of it23:01
Alex135or is way better then it23:01
SmokeEater85911performance wise.. it doesnt use up as much system resources etc..23:01
SmokeEater85911k its deleted23:01
Alex135that is correct, however there are some things that are way diff and are hard to adapt to23:02
Alex135make a new partition23:02
Alex135and 500 under the max size23:02
Alex135and for the mount point put /23:03
SunStormi'd like to boot windows first with an option to boot kubuntu.  is there checkbox that will change the boot priority?23:03
SmokeEater85911500 under? so we will make another 500mb partition for swap space?23:03
mefisto__SunStorm: you have windows and kubuntu installed now?23:04
Alex135you put the mount piont in right?23:04
SunStormyes, and it's booting to kubuntu by default23:04
SmokeEater85911same goes for the swapspace partition?23:04
Alex135hit ok23:04
SmokeEater85911k its created23:04
Alex135k, now make another partition23:04
mefisto__SunStorm: the grub menu (the one you see before boot) is at /boot/grub/menu.lst  which is where you would make the change you want23:05
SmokeEater85911same contitions? ext3 and /?23:05
Alex135no, 1 sec23:05
Alex135this time we have a swap area23:05
Alex135and dont bother with the mountpoint23:05
SmokeEater85911ah i see it23:05
SmokeEater85911k created23:06
jaggulihi all does any one know how the use dar ...23:06
SmokeEater85911now click the sda3 and install?23:06
jaggulii wasnt to diff a backup with current dir23:06
SunStorm:(, i was hoping for a gui boot configuration utility23:06
SunStormevery kernel update, requires channging the boot priority23:06
Alex135SmokeEater85911: click forward and install23:07
SmokeEater85911and w are installing23:07
SmokeEater85911we* man the E key sucks on this laptop23:07
SmokeEater85911hopefully this will work with my wifi23:07
Alex135i have Kubuntu on my laptop, so it should23:07
SmokeEater85911how do you like it?23:08
Alex135its verry nice23:08
SmokeEater85911it looks very graphically pleasing23:08
SmokeEater85911i like the cube effect, and the "rubber" windows and stuff23:08
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sally_if I installed kubuntu but want to switch to regular ubuntu (by using gnome), what package(s) do I need to install?23:08
Alex135SmokeEater85911: that is mostly in gnome23:08
Alex135SmokeEater85911: so it would be in ubuntu, and not Kubuntu23:09
Alex135SmokeEater85911: but you can have both on the same install23:09
SmokeEater85911*shrug* oh well haha.. Ive read that ubuntu and kubuntu are one of the best linux builds23:09
Alex135SmokeEater85911: you have read correctly23:09
SmokeEater85911a friend of mine swears by Mandriva but I wouldnt know23:10
Alex135SmokeEater85911: its all really a matter of preference23:10
Alex135SmokeEater85911: Ubuntu is an easy one to start with though23:10
SmokeEater85911it looks similar to windows23:11
mefisto__SunStorm: there is a package called startupmanager you could install. I've never tried it though. for a description, type: apt-cache show startupmanager23:11
SmokeEater85911a start menu, system tray...23:11
Alex135did you have it install kde4.1 or what...23:11
SmokeEater85911yeah whatever the new one is on the site23:12
Alex135SmokeEater85911: oh23:12
SmokeEater85911I just downloaded that and Ill try this out.. if I dont like it, Ill try ubuntu or something else23:12
SmokeEater85911im just trying to get away from windows as much as possible23:12
Alex135SmokeEater85911: good for you, but i should warn you23:12
Alex135SmokeEater85911: that desktop environment (kde4) is not fully developed and has bugs23:12
SmokeEater85911well being that it is new, there will still be support for it and bug fixes yes?23:13
Alex135SmokeEater85911: yes23:13
Alex135SmokeEater85911: but its a real hastle to work with23:13
SmokeEater85911so then I will try to give it the benefit of the doubt ;)23:13
Alex135SmokeEater85911: but im sure you will do fine :)23:13
SmokeEater85911so the only major difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is the KDE ?23:14
tomer_hi if i run cmake23:14
SmokeEater85911hence the K in Kubuntu lol23:14
Alex135ubuntu runs gnome23:14
Alex135kubuntu runs kde23:14
tomer_and i get could not find kde4-config23:14
SmokeEater85911are they just different GUIs?23:14
tomer_what should i do?23:14
mefisto__sally_: to install ubuntu: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:14
Alex135but the programs are not cross compatable unless you have libraries for the other installed, which isn't hard23:15
tomer_im trying to build yakuake23:15
SmokeEater85911and arent there programs that will simulate a windows machine and allow you to run windows applications?23:15
sally_SmokeEater85911: vmware, virtualbox23:15
Alex135however, they're capabilities are limited23:16
SmokeEater85911will it allow me to access applications on my other partition?23:16
Alex135erm... no23:16
SmokeEater85911or would I have to re-download them on this one?23:16
sally_you can use vmware to run the windows installation on another partition23:16
sally_it's not dead simple to set up like usual vmware but it's very do-able23:17
SmokeEater85911for example I use photoshop cs3 a lot, and a few other graphics applications23:17
Alex135you will probably need to re-install them23:17
Alex135however you dont have the diskspace to do it23:17
SmokeEater85911not until i can figure out how to make windows give me more lol23:17
SmokeEater85911k finally installed23:17
sally_did you see what I just wrote?23:17
sally_ah fuck it23:17
Alex135yes we saw it23:17
mefisto__tomer_: yakuake is in repos23:18
Alex135Sally_: he saw23:18
tomer_repos? what does that mean?23:18
SmokeEater85911so now do I need to get on windows and run EasyBCD?23:18
SmokeEater85911to set up a new boot to enable the dual boot?23:18
Alex135its already setup23:18
mefisto__tomer_: it means you don't have to build it. you can just type in konsole: sudo apt-get install yakuake23:18
Alex135restart your computer and you will see23:18
Alex135atliest, it should be23:19
SmokeEater85911and I dont need the cd anymore correct?23:19
tomer_but i want to build it so i can modify it23:19
tomer_so i want to build it from source23:19
Alex135but i would keep it around23:19
SmokeEater85911i will JIC, its a DVD-RW anyway..23:19
mefisto__tomer_: repos = repositories, which is where installable packages are stored and downloaded from23:19
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:19
SmokeEater85911ah, yup set up a nice boot menu for me23:20
Alex135welcome to grub boot loader23:20
SmokeEater85911brb one sec23:20
SmokeEater85911yay installation works23:21
SmokeEater85911now to figure this all out23:21
Alex135you should run the updates now23:21
Alex135and configuring the video card can sometimes be a pain....23:22
SmokeEater85911i need to get the wifi connected first23:22
Alex135yes, it does help23:22
SmokeEater85911hardware driver manager?23:23
Alex135i am not sure how to get the wifi working, it worked for me from the start23:23
Alex135it changes on what hardware you have23:23
SmokeEater85911it says "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system23:23
SmokeEater85911and it lists my graphics driver23:23
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Alex135can someone help SmokeEater get his wifi working, im not good with that....23:25
SmokeEater85911so ill need to find the driver for my NVIDIA card23:25
SmokeEater85911hold on i think i got my wifi23:25
Alex135video card is easy, there are methods to do it already on your system23:25
SmokeEater85911i clicked on it and it lists all the WLANs in my area and listed mine, I put my passphrase in and now im waiting23:26
Alex135it should work....23:26
mefisto__SmokeEater85911: if your nvidia card is listed in hardware drivers manager, you can tick the box and it should download and install the proprietary driver for your card23:26
SmokeEater85911hmm its sitting 57%23:27
Alex135SmokeEater85911: its probably gonna have probs authenticating.... not sure what to do there... mine has alwase worked23:27
Alex135ofcourse i have a open network without a wep key23:28
SmokeEater85911yeah I have a wep key it says its at 28% configuring device23:28
SmokeEater85911connection failure23:29
Alex135not sure...23:30
SmokeEater85911anybody else here might know what to do with this wifi problem?23:31
SmokeEater85911well at least I got it installed hah23:33
SmokeEater85911but it doesnt do me much good w/o internet23:33
Alex135you have lan?23:34
Alex135and its able to be setup, just might take some work23:34
Alex135im no good at it.... sorry23:34
SmokeEater85911if I take it all the way into the other room23:34
Alex135oh my word i dont think its reasonable to need to get off your but to move the laptop, you should stay there and be lazy :P23:35
SmokeEater85911maybe if I hook it up via LAN it can download an update or something to help this?23:35
Alex135ya, that would be the first option23:35
Alex135try that23:35
mefisto__SmokeEater85911: but you need to enter your WEP key somewhere, right?23:36
SmokeEater85911I already entered it23:36
SmokeEater85911and then it failed, and I entered it again23:36
SmokeEater85911k well im going to eat and Ill be back to try some more23:37
SmokeEater85911thanks alex for the help, will you be around in maybe an hour?23:37
ackehey what does "quiet" and "splash" mean after the "initrd.img"?23:37
ackeand can buth be safeley removed from the string "append="quiet splash""23:38
ackecan the expression append="quiet splash" be removed without complications?23:39
mefisto__acke: removed from what? grub?23:39
Alex135erm ya23:40
Alex135SmokeEater85911: i will23:40
mefisto__yaboot.conf ?? which is where?23:41
Alex135SmokeEater85911: ill be around23:41
ackemefisto__: depends on your system. are you running a ppc system?23:41
ackeits in /etc/23:42
mefisto__acke: no23:42
ackemefisto__: /etc/yaboot.conf23:42
ackemefisto__: it kindof looks similar to grub.list23:42
ackeso i thouht it might not matter if it was mentioned in a grub or yaboot conf file. ;)23:43
mefisto__acke: ok, well in grub, quiet and splash can safely be removed23:43
sourcemakerI can see an encrypted dvd but I regionset and libdvdcss2 has been installed?23:43
sourcemakersorry... can not see23:43
ackemefisto__: kk. i hope the append thing in yaboot.conf is okay to remove aswell.23:43
mefisto__acke: quiet supresses some boot messages and just shows important ones23:43
ackeand splash lets me se the splash and not the messages.23:44
mefisto__acke: and splash is the graphical boot splash, so removing that will give you a text-only bootup23:44
ackegrrrrr. dont get it. mobilephones and windows uses splash. its so crappy. hate it.23:44
ackemefisto__: thanks :)23:45
mefisto__acke: you could replace quiet with verbose if you want more detailed boot messages. I think the default is quiet anyway (ie if you take quiet out, it will still be quiet)23:46
SmokeEater85911ugh gonna be a couple more mins before I eat, so Ill attempt to plug this directly into my router23:47
ackemefisto__: aah thats nice to know. is the boot up info logged somewhere?23:47
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mefisto__acke: you'll find logs in /var/log or you can use ksystemlog if you want a gui app to see the various logs23:49
TheMaxzillaOkay, I want this script (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/38063/) to run at startup, Does the script look like it will work?23:52
SmokeEater85911can anybody help me with my WLAN/LAN issue?23:53
SmokeEater85911I cant get my wireless or lan to work23:54
SmokeEater85911it detects my wireless is there, but wont connect, even after I enter my WEP key23:55
mefisto__TheMaxzilla: is kde-window-manager a valid command?23:55
ackemefisto__: okay, yaboot doesnt seems to be logging boot (to standard /var/log/boot.log). maybe a feature request...23:56
TheMaxzillamefisto__: Yes23:56
TheMaxzillaIt's supposed to be something else23:56
mefisto__acke: maybe kern.log is what you're looking for?23:57
B_RavenIs there an equivalent key combination for ubuntu as the ctrl-shift-a of debian? (Generates a next line character in apps such as xchat)23:57
TheMaxzillamefisto__: This would be the correct version. (http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/38065/)23:58
SmokeEater85911anybody know how to get the wlan/lan working?23:59

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