
Freddcrazy xserver updates02:50
Freddyou guys were right about the white pixels now im getting `em all the time02:51
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Freddhey just ran all of the xorg updates and my sound is not working no more03:34
Freddif i turn the volume really high i could hear the weird sound that speakers make when their volume is full but im not getting any audio output from any program03:35
Freddanybody getting the same problem maybe?03:41
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FreddJontheEchidna: did u install the updates too?03:44
JontheEchidnabut I don't see how xorg would mess up sound03:44
Freddwell it just did for me after restarting03:45
Freddi have no sound not even core sound for like login events03:45
Freddman where is03:47
Freddso anybody with any suggestions/03:48
Freddi think im going to restart a couple of times and then it will start working just like yesterday03:52
JontheEchidnaI did restart since the upgrade since dbus shat itself and killed networkmanager03:54
JontheEchidnamaybe it did the same for you and killed the sound server?03:54
Freddhow do i know if its killed?03:54
JontheEchidnaI don't know03:55
JontheEchidnaI don't know gnome03:55
* JontheEchidna uses KDE03:55
Freddwell i can turn up the volume for the volume control tool though03:55
Freddand hear the fuzzness03:55
JontheEchidnaanyway, I'm turning in for the night03:56
DanaGOh hey, is it possible to "convert" a 32-bit system to 64-bit?04:35
DanaG.... or at least to match package states and config files?04:35
pwnguinyou could dpkg -l > file04:40
pwnguinbut i guess the config files are tricky04:40
DanaGWell, luckily, the new laptop (not available until "mid-september" :(  ) will offer a way to stick a second hard drive it in.04:42
DanaGI'll be able to keep  the old one around for config file retrieval.04:42
spiritssightwhat alpha is out now05:45
nteonhi friends05:59
nteondumb question: how do I change runlevels in 8.10?  'telinit 3' and 'start rc3' both do nuffin06:00
nteon(both commands run as root)06:01
nteon'initctl start rc3' also doesn't do what it should06:08
nteonmaybe when I finish updating upstart will work correctly.06:09
DanaGhow about init 3?06:14
nteonDanaG: no, that doesn't work either06:24
DanaGOh yeah, Ubuntu doesn't have anything but '1' and 'everything else' -- upstart doesn't work the same way as runlevels in other distros.06:25
nteonDanaG: really?  how am I suppose to kill X then?06:25
nteon(and why are there jobs for all runlevels)06:26
DanaGinvoke-rc.d gdm stop06:26
DanaGer, sudo it.06:26
nteonDanaG: is there documentation for this anywhere?06:27
nteon(and thanks!)06:27
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:28
cypherdelicNice, last updates of kernel make my bootanimation of mythbuntu came back, good work, i chang emy bug06:33
Freddstill no luck guys06:35
Freddno more sound!06:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257809 in kde-guidance "guidance-backends overwrites xorg.conf without confirmation or notification, if video card has changed since last boot" [Undecided,New]06:36
DanaGIsn't that a lovely feature?06:36
cypherdelicWhere to put a command to load it BEFORE XServer (it is 'nvidia-settings -l'? Please help.06:37
Freddthey are not called bugs just unwanted features06:37
G_009shame on you for using KDE06:43
Freddanybody could help me with this sound problem?06:43
Freddi just dont understand how could a xserver update just completely blackout my sound...i have checked every settings for sound and im pretty sure nothing has changed...06:44
nteonI have an unrelated sound query: I hear the noise for when GDM (yay for me for using GNOME!) loads, but once I log in it seems to think I don't have any sound devices06:45
Freddwell finally about time i got it to work lol06:53
Freddand no more white pixelz!06:54
Freddif any of you guys wanted to know...i went "sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils", "sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils", and finally "sudo apt-get install gdm ubuntustudio-desktop"//since im running ubuntustudio06:55
Freddfrom now i guess i just have to be carefull with what i install in terms of libaries and packages07:02
DanaGwtf... my hda device disappeared from PulseAudio!09:19
DanaG... and I can't unload the driver... it's in use09:19
DanaG... and yet, nothing is using /dev/snd/*09:19
DanaGoh wait, mixer applet was using it... but still, it's odd that PulseAudio dropped it.09:20
telexiconi have some different models of dell servers available, would anybody be interested in the results if i tested installing/using intrepid server on them?11:35
telexiconfor example dell poweredge 2450, 1550/2550, 1650/2650, 2850, 1950/2950 and R80511:40
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TechnofroodHow do I enable raid4-5 in the kernel? (trying to access an nvidia fakeraid raid5 array, but dmraid claims "ERROR: device-mapper target type "raid4-5" not in kernel")12:11
TechnofroodI had it working in 8.04 before I upgraded but it doesn't seem to work anymore12:12
ikoniaTechnofrood: mod probe it, but keep in mind that fake raid is aBAD technology12:18
TechnofroodI did mooodprobe dm-raid-4-5 and got no erros but dmraid -ay still claims its not in kernel12:20
ikoniaTechnofrood: does lsmod show it loaded12:20
ikoniaand again keep in mind fake raid is just a massive problem technology as a whole12:20
ikonia(in my opinion it should be dropped)12:21
TechnofroodExcept I need it for when I'm in windows12:21
ikoniaTechnofrood: you don't "need" it12:21
ikoniathere are other raid technologies12:21
ikoniawindows has a software raid function12:21
ikoniathe ame as linux12:21
TechnofroodIs there a softwaer raid that works in both windows and linux?12:21
ikoniathe whole point of software raid is that its managed by the host OS12:22
ikonia(not the whole point)12:22
TechnofroodThus I wouldbn't be able to share files between the two then12:22
Technofroodwhich defets the point of trying toi get it to work12:22
ikonianot on the raid partition, but on a seperate non-raid partition would be fine12:22
TechnofroodI don't happen to have a spare 1.36TB single disk though12:23
ikoniaalso keep in mind using 8.10 your using unstable software so trying to get this working for a "stable" purpose is a moving target12:23
ikoniadoes lsmod show your modules loaded ?12:23
Technofrooddm_raid4_5             73100  012:23
Technofrooddm_region_hash         19328  1 dm_raid4_512:23
Technofrooddm_mem_cache           12672  1 dm_raid4_512:23
Technofrooddm_message             11008  1 dm_raid4_512:23
Technofrooddm_log                 17540  3 dm_raid4_5,dm_region_hash,dm_mirror12:23
Technofrooddm_mod                 61640  3 dm_raid4_5,dm_mirror,dm_log12:23
ikoniaall looks great except for the 0 instance of dm_raid4_512:24
ikoniawhat does the syslog say when you are issuing your dmraid commands ?12:26
TechnofroodAug 16 12:26:42 ubuntu klogd: [ 2404.108015] device-mapper: table: 254:0: raid4-5: unknown target type12:26
TechnofroodAug 16 12:26:42 ubuntu klogd: [ 2404.108015] device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table12:27
ikoniaTechnofrood: what command are you doing to cause that12:27
Technofrooddmraid -ay12:29
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ikoniacan you do a -c on the block device ?12:31
Technofroodsilly question which one?12:33
siimohey.. anyone have issue with boot cd? boot.iso when i try to boot with it i get an error:  Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(104,1)12:33
Technofroodit lists all the drive idividually12:33
siimoor something strange like that12:33
ikoniaTechnofrood: one of the ones thats not working12:34
ikoniaTechnofrood: as in the device mapper device12:34
ikoniawell what ever your devices are12:37
ikoniasiimo: for some reason it can't see your disk12:37
Technofroodthat's what I would use to access it normally but its not there12:37
ikoniaTechnofrood: ok - so the device isn't created via device mapper yet12:37
siimohmm this is the boot cd though.. if it cant see my drive then thats a major fail..12:37
ikoniawell, it's not good12:38
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ikoniaTechnofrood: did the modules auto load, or did you have to force them with modprobe (I know you said you modprobed them beore)12:38
siimoi think even dapper worked on this machine so i cant see why the kernel cant recognize my drive now12:38
ikoniasiimo: what has dapper got to do with anything ?12:39
ikoniasiimo: your using a development release of a product that is over 2 months away from release12:39
siimoi meant this isnt some new hardware.. sata chip12:39
siimoyes i know that... but it is using a stable version of kernel so it shouldnt fail at such a basic thing even if it is pre alpha12:39
ikoniasiimo: 1.) have you checked the vailidy of your CD 2.) have you checked the vailidy of the image you burnt 3.) how certain are you it's actaully booting from cd12:39
ikoniasiimo: a stable version of the kernel ???12:40
ikoniasiimo: it's in development12:40
siimo2.6.26 is final12:40
ikoniasiimo: so ?12:40
siimoyes i burnt twice.. i have checked cd12:40
ikoniasiimo: how did you check the cD ?12:40
ikoniasiimo: how did you check the iso ?12:40
ikoniasiimo: how much ram does your machine have ?12:40
siimoby downloading it multiple times from multiple sources and comparing the md512:40
ikoniasiimo: how did you verify the cd ?12:41
siimohow do you verify it when buring? yes i did that12:41
ikoniasiimo: how did you veify the burnt cd ?12:41
siimoby using the verify option in the CD burning program12:42
ikoniaand that passed %100 ?12:42
ikoniasiimo: your not using any form of raid on the disk12:42
siimono, just a standard sata drive in IDE mode12:42
ikoniapart of that looks like a CD error12:43
ikoniaor ram error12:43
ikoniaas it's unompressing into ram12:43
ikoniaeg: the root file system it's trying to mount is squash FS12:43
ikoniathat is unompressed into ram12:43
siimotheres no ram error im using old version of ubuntu and has been running stable for 19 days without rebooting..12:43
siimobefore i rebooted to run this CD12:44
ikoniathat doesn't really mean much12:44
ikoniahave you tried the CD on another machine yet12:44
siimonot to mention i been using suspend2ram a lot too, im pretty sure theres no hardware problem12:44
siimono, ill try it on another machine now12:44
ikoniasiimo: have you ran memcheck for a couple of hours ?12:44
ikoniaas for what ever reason it's unable to mount what it consideres a root file system, which on a livecd is squashfs uncompressed to ram12:45
siimoikonia: like i said theres no need to memcheck this is my everyday machine and is 100% stable.. like you say it could be CD fault or bug in the kernel12:45
ikoniasiimo: are there any warnings before that message12:45
ikoniasiimo: there is a need to memcheck it12:45
ikoniasiimo: every day use does not mean no problem12:45
siimotrue but a pre alpha quality software is more likely to be the problem than my stable system12:46
ikonianot nessasry at that problem12:46
ikoniayou could have a 1 meg of fault and this hashmap wants to use that 1 meg12:46
siimoCD is fine12:48
siimojust tested in a VM12:48
ikoniawell thats a good start12:48
ikoniaand an excellent way to test12:48
siimono i think might be incompatible with my hardware.. or maybe i have too many partitions i have 9 of them and ive had a live CD or two have problem with that12:49
ikonianah, partitions shouldn't matter as it's unompcressing to ram12:49
ikoniaand with 2GB it shouldn't need to touch the disk12:49
ikoniayou should be able to boot with no physical disk attatched12:49
siimoi also no that i need to pass the noapic boot parameter othervise kernel panics too12:50
ikoniaI don't see that as a major issue12:50
ikoniamany boards need boot options12:50
siimowhats worrying is that in VM the cd booted up with the boot screen with various options12:50
siimoin real system it stops at boot prompt12:51
ikoniawhy is that worring ?12:51
siimoand i type "linux noapic"  am i supposed to pass anything else12:51
siimolike kernel name12:51
ikoniayou type linux noapci ? where do you type that ?12:51
siimolike i said i dont get the boot screen with options.. i just get black screen with boot prompt12:51
ikoniaare you pressing F6 boot boot options ?12:51
siimopressing F1-6 has no effect12:52
ikoniasiimo: what's a boot prompt ?12:52
siimothe word boot and a : after it12:52
siimorest of the screen empty12:52
ikoniasiimo: there is something very wrong there12:52
ikoniasiimo: I suspect thats why your getting the wront rootFS12:53
ikoniasiimo: your not giving the correct boot options from that boot prompt12:53
ikoniasiimo: nor should you be execpted to though12:53
siimothe spalash menu should work,, not sure why it doesnt load12:53
ikoniayes, thats the problem there12:53
ikonia(not that the splash screen doesn't work - the fact that the splash screen is not there to pass the correct boot options)12:54
siimoill give it another go brb12:55
ikoniaI don't think rebooting will change anything12:55
siimocool problem solved12:58
siimoi tried pressing f1 to f6 and managed to get txt help.. then typed install noapic and that worked.. i guess linux noapic was wrong12:59
danbhfiveanyone know whats going on with this idea? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/40/13:03
danbhfiveThe launchpad link is dead13:03
ikoniadanbhfive: contact the project team13:21
danbhfiveikonia: but the link is dead... how do I find the project team?13:22
danbhfiveI think Ill just post to the launchpad mailing list13:23
ikoniaseems sensible as your question isn't really anything aimed at ubuntu+113:24
as1965Has anyone installed intrepid alpha4 alternate ISO i386? I have tried twice now - and it stops after ~70% (base system) wanting another CDROM13:26
as1965It wants the disk labelled "Ubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ Aplha i386 (20080813)"13:27
as1965A "mwdia change" - I have to reboot (cannot go back or continue)13:27
as1965The first time I rebooted - it hosed my original boot loader and I had to "recover" (reinstall grub)13:28
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siimohi, when using a custom compiled kernel.. my mouse doesnt work at all in ibex.. but it works in normal ubuntu kernel, any ideas? its a PS2 mouse and i have compiled the drivers in properly.. the same kernel works elsewhere15:49
as1965siimo: might be worth checking the diff between your kernel config and the ibex kernel config (as per /boot)16:12
Sharpieflash content makes firefox slow down to a halt. is this a reported bug or does this only happen to me?19:12
PolitikerALTHello everyone - I got a problem: I have a long boot time, maybe because vol_id takes 20 secs or so - how can I avoid this?19:59
Volkodavif I have Ethernet jack bad in my laptop will the USBtoRj-45 help or it will use the same busted network card?20:16
doggymenzanyone have problem with audio skipping?20:43
cycomis there any word from AMD/ATI when the newest fglrx will be available and ready for Xorg 7.4?21:52
cycomor a decent procedure for downgrading hardy's 7.4 to 7.3 so I can use the old fglrx?21:52
cycomdowngrading intrepid's*21:52
DanaGDoes the open-source driver not work for you?22:02
cycomDanaG: not for 3d and compiz...22:02
DanaGAah, right.22:02
DanaGWell, at least that situation is better than the situation with nvidia 71 drivers.22:03
crdlbcycom: what model is it?22:03
DanaGNVIDIA 71 is just plain broken -- and 'nv' sucks.22:03
cycomcrdlb: what model of video card? Mobility Radeon X130022:03
cycomDanaG: I was fortunate enough to have a GeForce Go 7300 to stick in my laptop to replace the Mobility Radeon X1400 that was in it22:04
crdlbR500 should have compiz support with latest stuff22:04
DanaGYou must've been doubly fortunate to have MXM.22:04
DanaGMy next laptop will have an ATI HD3650.22:05
cycomcrdlb: with which drivers?22:05
crdlbopen source driver22:05
DanaGWith the current state of radeonhd and that card, do the closed-source drivers give any benefit over the open ones?22:05
cycomcrdlb: if so, AWESOME, because intrepid is the first release to support suspend/resume on that laptop as well :)22:06
cycomDanaG: MXM?22:06
cycomcrdlb: I'll have to pull the Alpha 4 iso down and try it22:06
crdlbI know it requires mesa 7.1, which intrepid has22:06
DanaGMXM... a GPU on a card, that's changeable.22:06
crdlbI don't know if intrepid has all the other pieces though22:06
cycomDanaG: oh :)22:06
crdlbDanaG: radeonhd still has hardly any 3d support, right?22:07
cycomcrdlb: would the LiveCD let me know?22:07
cycomok. I'll give it a shot.22:08
DanaGThe only 3D thing I do is Compiz-Fusion, anyway.22:08
DanaGAll my games are in Windows.22:08
crdlbalthough you'll have to override that ridiculous blacklist for compiz if that hasn't been removed in intrepid22:08
cycomthat's easy enough to do.22:09
DanaGLovely feature: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/25780922:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257809 in kde-guidance "guidance-backends overwrites xorg.conf without confirmation or notification, if video card has changed since last boot" [Undecided,New]22:09
cycomI wonder if my fingerprint reader will work.22:09
cycomI saw some software, but it doesn't seem to use the fingerprint reader's stored prints, so...22:09
cycomor more than one finger, for that matter.22:10
DanaGand fprint-tools22:11
DanaGgoogle for "gdm fingerprint"22:11
cycomI'll worry about that later I suppose.  I'm busy slurping down the intrepid-desktop-i386.iso22:13
DanaGI'm going to get this (15") laptop when it's available: http://www.notebookcheck.net/Newsentry.153+M525c5454f12.0.html22:13
DanaGWith the ATI card, not nvidia.22:13
DanaGFor the sake of having open-source video drivers.22:19
DanaGI'm sick of dealing with nvidia... it's given me nothing but headaches, in both Windows and Linux.22:19
cycomDanaG: I had no trouble with intrepid and my nvidia card...22:21
cycomand on my vista 64 bit desktop, my GeForce 9600 GT works great!22:21
DanaGStill, I also want to support the spirit of open-source.22:21
DanaG... and nvidia has also had that "defective cards" issue.22:22
cycomMy 7950 failed, and the company sent me a free 9600GT because they were out of 795022:22
cycomevery company has defective hadware at some point.22:22
DanaG... anyway, open-source is a big thing.22:24
DanaG... and nvidia's Windows control panel sucks; frankly, I prefer the ATI one.  And ATI's Hydravision is now available on Vista; NView isn't.22:24
DanaG... and you can use the awesome ATI Tray Tools with ATI..... but not with nvidia, of course.22:24
DanaGUgh, this dmesg spam is lame.22:26
DanaGdmesg | grep preamble | wc -l22:26
DanaG[65165.329291] wlan0: switched to long barker preamble (BSSID=00:16:01:d6:9b:a8)22:26
DanaG[65168.460223] wlan0: switched to short barker preamble (BSSID=00:16:01:d6:9b:a8)            .... over and over  and over  and over  and over  and over  and over  and over  and over  and over22:26
cycomcrdlb: ok, compiz.real dumps errors about GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing22:35
crdlbcycom: what does 'glxinfo | grep direct' say?22:36
cycomcrdlb: direct rendering: Yes22:36
crdlbcycom: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:36
cycomcrdlb: it's the default from the liveCD, just FYI22:37
cycommy Xorg.conf that is22:38
crdlbbut that's not what I'm looking for :>22:38
cycomcrdlb: I understand :)22:38
cycompaste.ubuntu.com work for you?22:39
crdlbof course :)22:39
cycomthere you go22:40
cycomohho. compiz: found laptop using ati driver.22:42
crdlbyou ran compiz.real directly?22:43
cycomyes. also, I ran it as sudo22:43
crdlbwhy on earth would you use sudo?22:43
cycomall my fault. sorry :/22:43
crdlbbut now this makes sense22:43
crdlbrun: SKIP_CHECKS=yes compiz --replace22:43
crdlbLIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 needs to be set for compiz to work on AIGLX22:44
crdlbwhich the compiz script (upstream: compiz-manager) handles for you22:44
cycomalrighty, so if I tell it SKIP_CHECK=yes, compiz should work?22:45
crdlbbut yes, try that in a terminal22:46
cycomok dokie22:46
cycomI seem to be getting fading and things...22:46
cycomlets see if wobbly windows works22:46
crdlbpress super+E22:46
cycomah yes, expo works22:47
crdlbnice, thx for testing :>22:47
cycomthis means that I can install ubuntu on my Toshiba and be happy :)22:47
cycomthanks for the help!22:47
* crdlb makes a note that R500 works with compiz in intrepid22:47
cycomif my laptop comes out of suspend...22:48
cycomOH YEAH!22:48
cycomWorks like a charm.22:48
cycomTime for an install22:49
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
cycomhey crdlb, any idea what's up with the psychadelic ptys and such on boot?23:27
crdlbnot a clue23:28
crdlbsounds like a feature :P23:28
cycomI'm getting like black and gray or red and gray lines or just a bunch of blocks and things23:28
cycombut then X pops up just fine23:28
cycomvery strange.23:28
cycomI can't read any boot messages at all.23:28
cycommore than one laptop too.  NVidia AND ATI video cards.23:28
JollyGiantcycom: blacklist uvesafb in the initramfs23:43
JollyGiantcycom: or maybe install v86d23:44

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