
=== asac_ is now known as asac
NCommanderthere is something awesome about ordering pizza via the internet03:28
Lightkeyare you high on WoW?03:30
realistNCommander: there is something annoying about all pizza websites in the country requiring flash03:45
saivannI just filed bug 258486 under jockey, but this might be issue with the LiveCD environment, can a ubuntu dev take a look at it?05:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258486 in jockey "X fall in failsafe mode after install if nvidia restricted drivers are installed during LiveCD session in intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25848605:26
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ion_tkamppeter: Should the Courier→FreeFont patch be applied until a fix for that exists?08:52
echo6when I compile my own custom kernel /lib/firmware is not populated with the directory pertaining to the new kernel, what is the correct Ubuntu way to handle this?10:26
echo6I'm using the old compile method, fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-some-string-here kernel-image kernel-headers10:27
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cameronhWhy is there no libboost-system-dev package, only a libboost-system1.35-dev, whereas all the other modules have a libboost-{name}-dev package?13:29
petr4Hello. Is it possible for bash script to detect if it is running on WUBI installed system?13:50
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TheMusopetr4: I wouldn't think it could be done reliably no, unless wubi was to leave some obvious signs on the host filesystem.14:25
petr4TheMuso: what about output of "mount"?14:27
TheMusopetr4: Anything can be mounted via ntfs-3g on /host, and happen to have a windows dir/filesystem layout.14:27
TheMusoIMO thats not convincing enough.14:27
petr4TheMuso: I thought that  / is mounted to file image in host filesystem14:28
TheMusopetr4: Yes it is, but the host filesystem is mounted on /host.14:28
TheMusopetr4: Anything can be image mounted, and claim to be named the same as a wubi image. I personally would never try to rely on the contents of mount or a filesystem layout.14:29
petr4testing if /host is fat/ntfs and / is file image in /host sounds good enough to me14:29
petr4TheMuso: the test is doomed to be approximate anyway14:30
TheMusopetr4: Its up to you, but if the script is to be publically available/distributed, I don't personally think thats reliable enough.14:31
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petr4after all the question "is this WUBI" does not make sense. Question "does this system has feature XY?" would make sense, but unfortunately we do not know what feature XY is needed14:32
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NCommanderhola persia15:50
hwildehow come sometimes I try to join it says I am banned, sometimes it works ?16:38
nxvlHobbsee: around?17:00
nxvlHobbsee: i'm having some problems with buildd17:00
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guihello all19:08
guinot directly a development question, but i want to know where are stored X11 full configuration on ubuntu live-dvd ? (/etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't contain all values)19:09
slangasekgui: that is the full configuration; recent versions of X don't require explicit configuration for most settings.19:31
guislangasek: ok thanks19:35
IntuitiveNippleIs there a quick way to update the po translations in a source package? The package has a template but the po files haven't been updated in several versions.20:14
doggymenzWhy does Ubuntu use its own custom usplash instead of bootsplash?21:34
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sally_I installed hardy over the network, but didn't select any of the desktops when it asked what I wanted to install besides the base system.  So I have just a base console system.  What package do I need to install so that I get everything that would have been installed if I had picked "Gnome Desktop" during the installation process?23:07
Mirvsally_: ubuntu-desktop would be the package. please ask further questions on the plain #ubuntu channel, since this is for Ubuntu development23:10
sally_Mirv: ok thanks, I asked in there first and no one knew23:11
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