
marli used to use it for a windoz share, but reformatted my mythbox and have forgoten the command :(00:00
vbman11_So I'm having problems using oss4 and mythtv00:03
vbman11_when I go to watch Tv I get VERY quiet, like every thing turned up I get a wisper00:04
vbman11_when I used alsa All I had to do to fix this exact same problem was this: http://www.mythtv.org/docs/mythtv-HOWTO-7.html#ss7.200:05
vbman11_Any one know how to do the same in oss400:06
Greybeardthere's mythrename.pl00:11
marlthanks just found it, had been looking for mythlink, but it was replaced by mythrename ages ago :(00:12
Greybeardthere is the file /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/mythrename.pl.gz in the mythtv-backend package00:12
Greybeardof course you have to ungzip it and put it somewhere useful00:12
marlyup, that had also happered finding it! lol00:13
GreybeardI don't why it isn't put in /usr/bin00:14
marlyup i would agrea, it is very usfull :) maybe its because its default is NOT to create links, it makes it kinda dangourus in some cases00:14
Greybeardyeah, it is potentially destructive00:15
Greybeardthere should probably be a mythtv-contrib binary package or something containing scripts like that00:15
marlwould be a good idea :)00:15
lagaGreybeard: send a patch :)00:16
marlsorry, vbman11_ i dont use oss4 :(00:17
GreybeardI think I did edit the source package to make a mythtv-contrib package a while ago when I was still building mythtv myself00:17
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
MaxflaxI have a problem getting my DVB-T card to work! It's almost there I think13:00
Maxflaxit's a "Multimedia controller: Twinhan Technology Co. Ltd Mantis DTV PCI Bridge"13:07
sonicman66I need help with my configuration for 5 sats is it possible13:08
Easy_Rider9999google for your card with driver ubuntu13:20
frink_looks like bug 205849 still exists on 8.04.114:12
ZinnBug 205849 in mythbuntu "mythbuntu 8.04 beta installer exits silently after partial installation" [Undecided, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/20584914:12
lagafrink_: we need logs.14:13
frink_it is exactly the same as the bug - if you select custom remote during install, the install process exists early14:15
frink_laga: Where would that be logged?14:15
lagaokay, then add that to the bug report and superm1 will fix it :)14:15
frink_will do..14:15
lagasomewhere in /var7loG7, there is a special log for the installer14:15
frink_HOwever the reason for custom support is there does not seem to be a option to install a homebrew lirc serial remote receiver..14:15
frink_is it still a manual install for lirc serial?14:17
lagawell, you need to provide your own lirc config anyways.14:18
lagabecause you can have lots of different remotes14:18
lagamost remotes which are supported out ot the box right now are special PC remotes that come with captures cards, or the MCE stuff14:19
frink_I have a hauppauge remote with lirc serial14:28
lagai *believe* (haven't verified it) that lircd.conf files are receiver-specific14:29
lagaand tv-cards will return other stuff than serial receivers14:30
lagabut i'm not sure about that14:30
bcpageI am thinking about builing a myth box and am looking for recomendations on hardware. $500~ budget, dual tunners, s-vid out(current tv), HD  would be nice for when I buy a new tv14:57
frink_laga: mine seemed to work ok on prev installs...15:01
frink_Oh, is the nova-t-500 working proprly yet?15:01
=== Mazga is now known as mAzGa
bcpageOh forgot to add. I'm in the US and use normal Cable TV15:26
notzhy, anyone out there how got dvbloopback module on intrepid kernel working?15:59
laganotz: for sasc, you need to go elsewhere16:01
superm1sasc-ng | notz16:01
Zinnsuperm1: sasc-ng is a method to ILLEGALLY receive cable or satellite broadcasts via a fake software dvb-s/c device.  It is forbidden from being discussed in #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #mythtv-users, and #mythtv.  If you would like to learn more about it, please refer to it's developers and keep any and all discussions about it there.16:01
notzok, thanks16:03
Steeltiphi @all16:59
SteeltipWould anyone be so kind to help me resolving some issues ? 1. whenn i upgrade my music-directorie with new directories , then i dont get them work in mythfrontend even when i upgrade the db with mythfrontend (search for music) . 2. Mythweb is ULTRA SLOW since an upgrade of ubuntu reposotory, I can get cofee before iget some details of a Movie !?!?17:02
Steeltipsorry for my bad english writing17:03
superm1Steeltip, try doing a database optimization17:04
superm1eg repair mysql tables17:04
Steeltipover Mythweb ?17:04
Steeltipor on term ?17:05
superm1mythweb might have an option to do it17:05
superm1i forget17:05
superm1if not, then you can use phpmyadmin or the term too17:05
Steeltipi tried  term and mythweb, nothing went better after that17:06
superm1then i would say to check a few other things; hard drive performance using hdparm, errors in /var/log/mythtv/*17:06
superm1!logs | Steeltip17:06
ZinnSteeltip: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/17:06
SteeltipWOW, what does that mean ? :  MetaIOTagLib: Failed to read length from '/LAGER/Musik/NEU/[mp3Filename]17:08
superm1i think it would mean you should take that file out of your list of files17:09
Steeltipdefect mp3 file ?17:09
superm1yeah defective mp3s can most definitely throw things off17:09
Steeltipthanks guy's  @ superm1  Zinn17:09
superm1Zinn's a bot :)17:10
Steeltipdoesnt*t matter17:10
Steeltiphe was kind17:10
lagahe can be mean, too17:11
laga!stab tgm4883_laptop17:11
* Zinn betrays laga and stabs them in the eye17:11
lagadamn bot17:11
Steeltiphe he he17:11
Steeltipi like him ;)17:11
rhpot1991_laptoplaga can't believe that happened right there,  you have like a 4% chance of that17:12
laga"you" or "everyone" ;)17:12
Steeltiphey superml , does your MYTH run under 64  bit ?17:12
rhpot1991_laptoplaga: everyone17:12
superm1Steeltip, yeah on one of my systems17:12
laga!stab tgm4883_laptop17:13
* Zinn stabs tgm4883_laptop with superm1's dell e.17:13
rhpot1991_laptopI busted my gps, trying to do some emergency repair in the car right now17:13
tgm4883_laptopsee rhpot1991 you showed me the source and I hacked it ;)17:13
Steeltipi have master and slave running under 64 bit , seems to run not that stable as under 32  or is it cause i didnt compile by my self ?17:13
Steeltipi am using Mythbuntu @ the moment17:14
Steeltipdo you guy's compile by yourself ?17:15
rhpot1991_laptoptgm4883_laptop: you prob could, what with having ssh to the box17:15
* laga compiles and uses packages17:15
rhpot1991_laptopSteeltip: I run the weekly builds, or do you mean the packages themselves17:15
Steeltipthemselves ;)17:16
Steeltipisnt that too much stress rhpot1991  ?17:17
rhpot1991_laptoplaga and superm1 make most of them IIRC17:17
tgm4883_laptopI possibly very much am not liking this17:17
Steeltippardon tgm4883_laptop  , what do you mean ?17:18
tgm4883_laptopSteeltip, oh I'm having a different issue totally unrelated17:18
tgm4883_laptopDealing with daily builds and cron jobs17:18
Steeltipwhats the meaning of liking ?17:19
* laga hands Steeltip a dictionary17:19
Steeltipwould you be so kind and explain it in other words ?17:19
SteeltipThx allot laga17:19
tgm4883_laptopI don't like this cron job very much?17:19
Steeltipi seem to be toooooooo stupid to understand english17:19
tgm4883_laptopi'm not happy with it17:20
tgm4883_laptopbecause it keeps failing for no apparent reason17:20
rhpot1991_laptopI'm not happy with garmin17:20
rhpot1991_laptopfind my maps silly thing17:20
Steeltipgarmin ?17:20
SteeltipNVP: Prebuffer wait timed out 10 times. : Whats that ?17:22
rhpot1991_laptopgps thing17:22
lagai'm not happy with that ebay guy. my GPS logger could have arrived today..17:22
Steeltiprhpot1991,  thx , google helped me :)17:23
rhpot1991_laptopSteeltip: those are kinda common, could be a lot of things and might not even be a worry17:28
Steeltipthe maybe corrupt files are removed/deleted but still i cant include ne dirs in mythfrontend / myth-music17:33
Steeltipnew directories17:33
Steeltipthx 4 help guy'S , CU17:49
darrintAnyone know where to find a cheap standalone ntsc tuner?17:55
=== rhpot1991_lapto1 is now known as rhpot19911
=== rhpot19911 is now known as rhpot1991_laptop
tritiumTwo of my channels in the listings only list "NO DATA", despite valid channel lineups from schedules direct.18:54
tritiumThis is the same bug I experienced in 7.10 when I upgraded from 0.20 to 0.2118:55
tritiumAll other channel data is fine.  Where can I start diagnosing this?18:56
tgm4883_laptoptritium, in mythweb go to settings > channel info and see if they have xmltvid numbers18:56
tritiumtgm4883_laptop: ok, checking...18:56
tritiumtgm4883_laptop: no, none of them do18:57
tritiumDoes that mean they were all found via a channel scan?18:58
tgm4883_laptopnone of them do, as in, none of the channels have xmltvid numbers?18:58
tgm4883_laptopwell thats interesting18:58
tritiumThey only have channum, callsign, and everything right of those fields18:58
tgm4883_laptopstrange, they should all have xmltvid numbers18:59
tritiumIf I allow EIT scans, would that be where the program info is coming from, and not from schedules direct?19:00
tgm4883_laptopis it digital?19:00
tritiumThe "useonairguide" check box is checked for all of them.19:01
tritiumYes, these are all unencrypted QAM-256 on Comcast cable.19:01
tgm4883_laptopsounds like thats where its getting its info19:01
tritiumYeah, sounds that way.  I'll try unchecking that box...19:02
tgm4883_laptopwhich 2 channels?19:02
tritium6-1 and 12-1, which are CW and MY5019:03
tgm4883_laptopare you sure those are broadcasting EIT19:04
tritiumtgm4883_laptop: no, I'm not certain.  I'll uncheck the "useonairguide" and do a fresh mythfilldatabase.19:05
tritiumtgm4883_laptop: thanks for your help, tgm4883_laptop.  I'll let you know if that works.  :)19:07
tritiumtgm4883_laptop: that didn't seem to work19:15
tritiumHmm, the channel lineup doesn't list any of the HD channels.  Now I'm puzzled.  Should I use the over-the-air channel lineup to get the HD channel info, even though I'm using cable?19:18
Greybeardcable companies always switch channels around AFAIK19:20
* tritium tries manually entering xmlids19:22
superm1tritium, if you match up the call signs, you don't usually need to enter xmlids19:23
superm1mythfilldatabase wil handle it19:23
tritiumsuperm1: that's not happening for 2 of my channels19:24
superm1tritium, make sure that you match up spacing, dashes, etc19:24
tritiumI'm not editing the call signs at all.  They were auto setup, either from channel scanning, or from listings info.19:24
tritiumCall signs are correct.19:25
superm1yeah what i'm saying is that if you want the data to sync up, you have to modify the channel scanning callsigns sometimes19:25
superm1to match what the callsigns are coming in from the listings info19:25
tritiumI see.  Thanks.19:25
egynHi, i've been trying to install mythtv but failed twice. After the failure the harddrive starts to work intensly.19:28
tritiumWell, strange.  One of the working channels is 4-1.  Mythweb lists its call sign as "NBC HD", while schedules direct lists it as "KOBDT", yet I still get valid channel listings for that one.19:28
egynIs this the right forum?19:28
superm1tritium, the callsign and channel "name" are different fields19:29
superm1egyn, that likely means that there was a problem with mysql user and or password19:29
superm1egyn, and that mythtv-backend is continually trying to connect over and over19:30
superm1without luck19:30
egynsuperm1: that sounds fair since it happens after mysql tries to start19:30
egynstart = install19:30
egynbut there is some failure (which i havent logged/written down)19:30
superm1egyn, did you previously have mysql installed/configured?19:30
egyni've tried from a clean install of ubuntu 64-bit. no mysql preinstalled19:30
egynand i am testing with hardy19:31
superm1ah okay19:31
tritiumsuperm1: I know.  I'm looking specifically at the callsign field only.19:31
superm1well the likely cause is that when you got a prompt for a "root" password, you put something in19:31
egynshould i try and isntall mysql before trying ti install myth?19:31
superm1egyn, no, but this is why mythbuntu control centre was made available19:32
egynyes, i entered root pw twice19:32
superm1to work around this problem-19:32
superm1so at this point19:32
egynis this a "confirmed" problem?19:32
superm1you need to dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common19:32
superm1make sure that everything is valid19:32
superm1then dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database19:32
superm1make sure everything is valid19:32
superm1when it asks for the "mythtv" user's password, just hit enter19:32
superm1but make sure you enter your root password when it asks for it19:33
superm1tritium, hum well that's particularly odd then :)19:33
superm1tritium, you should be able to just drop xmltvids in place if it comes down to it19:34
egynsuperm1: before i start this all over again. it is possible to install mythtv without having a tv-card? i want to evalute the software19:34
tritiumsuperm1: thanks, I'll try that.19:35
superm1egyn, well starting all over won't solve things unless you purge packages.  the solution i presented to you should get you working from the current state19:35
superm1egyn, it's possible to install it, but the biggest benefit comes from having a tv card19:35
egynsuperm1, this is another machine with a recent clean install19:35
superm1egyn, if this is a clean install, i would recommend just installing from a mythbuntu disk19:35
egynsuperm1: i intend to get a tv-card in the near future19:35
superm1or installing from the apt-url on the website19:35
egynsuperm1: i am downloading the iso as we speak but i _want_ to install aftter ubuntu :)19:36
egyni like to install programs :)19:36
superm1egyn, then you should try to do it from the control center19:36
superm1click the "Add to ubuntu" link on the website19:36
superm1and do it that route19:36
superm1be sure to purge mysql-server* and mythtv* before doing so19:37
superm1to clean up any mess that was made right now19:37
egynyes, is that "qadd to ubuntu" same as installing via synapcit?19:37
superm1yeah it calls synaptic to install the package19:37
egynI initially intend to be able to use this machine as a front/backend while being able to work on it as a desktop19:39
superm1yeah then add to ubuntu should work out better for you19:39
egyni figured the same19:39
egynbut later on extend it with additional .. frontends19:40
egynmy mind wants frontend to be backend :)19:40
tritiumsuperm1: if I enter the XMLTVID, do I have to restart the mythtv backend to get it to show up in the listings, or do another mythfilldatabase?19:40
superm1tritium, both i believe19:41
tritiumsuperm1: ok, thanks19:41
egynsuperm1: when i look at "http://mythbuntu.com/existing-ubuntu" the 2nd step states that i "must be runningn gusty". i am running hardy on a 64-bit computer. will this be impossielbe?19:42
superm1that would be a typo if it says that.19:42
superm1let me see19:42
superm1it says gutsy or later19:42
egynah, or later19:42
egyni would prefer "at least 7.10".. but that is a matter of taste i guess :)19:43
frink_hey superm119:43
superm1hi frink_19:43
superm1how goes things19:43
egynWell, i'll fire away the install.19:43
superm1egyn, alrighty :)19:44
egynOk, progress so far, i was apointed a password for mythtv-common19:55
egynand then mythtv-status tried to update and i see "sorry, failed to fetch http://localhost:6544/xml"19:55
egynHowever this step seems to be successful19:56
egynWhen i look in the control center for the system roles i see that by default the "server" is set to "no server" and that "client" is set to "client"20:01
egynIf i want to run a front/backend on the same machine, should i set it to primary server and client20:01
egynWhat i did last time was not to go into this control center but rather try out mythtv frontend right away20:02
egynthen mysql started to install20:02
egyni'll read the 8.04 install manual now - doh =)20:02
egynah.. TeX, wonderful20:03
GreybeardTeX where?20:03
egynthe pdf-manual20:03
egyni wrote my master thesis using latex, nice to send word up the ")(#D20:04
tritiumsuperm1: well, I added XMLTVIDs to the two channels that I wasn't getting listing info for, and now they're the only two that have listing info.  The other channels *lost* their listing info.20:05
egynsemi-off-topic, is the XFCE4 desktop less resource hungry than Gnome?20:08
egynis Kubuntu based on KDE?20:08
egynwhich is also less resource hungry?20:09
Greybeardbut mythtv doesn't really use any major features of any of those20:09
egynI read chapter 3.3 which talked about "excess bloat of an existing install"20:09
egynOh well.20:09
egynback to reading20:09
Greybeardbefore I used mythbuntu, I didn't use any GNOME, KDE, or XFCE components, except a terminal emulator20:10
tritiumegyn: kubuntu _is_ based on KDE, but I don't believe it to be less resource hungry20:10
GreybeardI didn't even have a window manager20:10
egyntritium: i remember that i installed kubuntu on a low spec machine based on such a statement "less resource hungry"20:11
egynif i rembmer correctly20:11
tritiumegyn: I guess it depends on whose statements you believe20:12
Greybeardif you want to install as little as possible, use an Ubuntu alternate install CD and just use the "text" option20:12
egynGreybeard: yes20:12
Greybeardbut the mythbuntu install CD is more automatic20:13
egynbut that is not of interest for me atm20:13
egynwell i aim to use this server as a desktop as well20:13
egynserver = backend?20:13
egynin mythtv terms?20:13
Greybeardso, you're not planning to use it as a frontend?20:14
tritiumYou can use the same machine as both.20:14
Greybeardof course20:14
egynthanks, i have the control center in swedish .. and it says  "client" and "server"20:14
egyni will use it as both20:14
egyninitially as a frontend+backend+desktop20:14
Greybeardyou can easily add or take things away later20:14
egynand i would like to output mythtv to one of my motherboards display outputs20:15
Greybearddifferent from the desktop?20:15
egynwhile working on the desktop on another20:15
egyni have not really understood this part fully yet though20:16
Greybeardif they're entirely different hardware devices, you can probably run independent X servers20:16
egynsame hardware device20:16
tritiumsuperm1: I went ahead and added xmltvids for all channels20:16
Greybeardor you can put definitions for both cards and screens in the same xorg.conf20:16
tritiumNow the channel listings are complete.20:16
egynGreybeard: thus outputting screen 0 to say the vga output and screen 1 to dvi?20:16
Greybeardso, you'll want one X display with two screens20:17
Greybeardyeah, you can do that20:17
egyni'll back up a bit20:17
Greybeardone screen will be :0.0 and one will be :0.120:17
egyni've only got one gfxcard20:17
egynwhich can output vga/dvi/hdmi20:17
Greybeardyou can set up multiple screens for X20:17
Greybeardwhich X driver are you using?20:17
egynwill that be a so called ... "cloned screen"20:18
Greybeardthere are several different configuratoins20:18
egynthat is why it is confusing =)20:18
GreybeardI assume you want independent screens20:18
egyn(spelling might be wrong)20:18
GreybeardI'm not sure if there's a utility to set that up easily20:18
Greybeardyou may have to edit xorg.conf20:19
egynediting xorg is fine with me20:19
Greybeardthe Ubuntu "Monitor Resolution Settings" might do it too20:19
egyni tried that .. say 6 months ago on my laptop but that didnt work too well :)20:19
egynbut it might work better now on this desktop20:19
egynalthough the motherboard is new20:20
Greybeardthere are a number of potential pitfalls20:20
tritiumThe Screen Resolution applet on 8.04 works nicely with xrandr now.20:20
egynwell .. the laptop caused me a lot of pain20:20
egynbut that is history20:20
Greybearddifferent cards and drivers have different quirks20:20
Greybeardxrandr should be able to handle it, if the driver works correctly20:20
GreybeardI've had the ati/radeon driver crash when using xrandr commands20:21
egyni've managed to get compiz working so i hope it's fine20:21
Greybeardbut if that works, that's probably the best approach20:21
egynaltough i get some flickering with opengl20:21
egynbut that is a different topic20:22
Greybeardyeah, that's mostly independent20:22
GreybeardI haven't used fglrx much, since I've found the Free radeon driver to work better most of the time20:22
egyndo you play games?20:23
egyngaming is not my main focus20:23
Greybeardnot with the ATI card20:23
egyni might start tetris or the occasional punch-out20:23
egynif i'm wild i play some amiga games20:23
Greybeardfor mythtv with an LCD TV connected to the DVI output of a radeon card, the "radeon" driver has worked best20:23
egynoh well. i'll shut up and read again.20:23
egynGreybeard: then maybe i should consider to use the free drivers20:24
Greybeardwell, try it with what you have first probably20:24
egyni've got a radeon 3200 hd20:24
Greybearduse whatever works for you20:24
egynyes i'll keep on from my current setting20:24
GreybeardI have a 9600, so everything's probably different20:24
egyni wouldnt know20:25
* egyn is a happy amateur20:25
Greybeardthe driver situation for ATI/AMD hardware is very complex20:25
egynso i've discovered20:26
egynbut i dont want to buy windows20:26
Greybeardthere's now the new free driver, but I have no experience with it yet20:26
egynOk, now i tried to add a primary server and mysql started installing and fails20:32
Greybeardare you using Mythbuntu Control Center?20:35
egyni tried adding a primary server and pressed apply20:35
egynthen it started downloading and isntalling20:35
egynand fails at mysql20:35
egynagain, this is a clean install of ubuntu20:35
Greybeardmysql didn't start?20:36
egyn64-bit hardy20:36
egyndid not start20:36
egyn"unpacking mysql-server (from .../mysql-server_5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1_all.deb) ...20:36
egyn* Stopping mysql database server mysqld20:36
GreybeardI haven't started a new MythTV system from nothing using Mythbuntu, since I had an working system before Mythbuntu came along, so I'm not familiar with the exact sequence20:37
egyn... fail!20:37
Greybeardno other messages?20:37
Greybeardyou may need to try starting mysqld from a terminal to see errors20:37
egyn"there is a mysql server running, but we failed in our attempts to stop it"20:37
egyn"stop it yourself and try again"20:37
egynso there was more messages :)20:37
Greybeardyou can try "/etc/init.d/mysql restart"20:38
egyni needed sudo20:39
egyncould this be the orpblem with the installscript?20:39
Greybeardso restarting mysql manually worked?20:39
GreybeardI guess try the MCC thing again20:40
egynthat seemed to work20:40
Greybeardyou selected "Primary Backend" and "Frontend" under "System Roles"?20:40
egyni saw "starting server" and "starting "client" flashing by20:41
egynyes, prim front/back20:41
Greybeardso, mythfrontend started?20:41
egyni think so, how can i check most easily?20:42
Greybeardyou'd see it20:42
Greybeardit would probably cover everything else up20:42
egyni can see a mythbqackend process20:42
egyni see no new window/screen20:43
GreybeardI'm not sure what client was starting then20:43
egynOk, well i have a backend running now, but only as a a process, i cannot see a window21:04
egynis it now safe to  start the frontend?21:05
egynnow it works21:34
egyni'll check out the plugins since i have no tv-card =)21:34
egynhow can i control the image gallery, to start a slide show? do i need a remote control?21:41
egynthe keyboard lets me choose between images21:41
egynbut how do i select slideshow/random/marking and so on?21:41
egyn"m" =)21:42
MythbuntuGuest04Tried to install a new install of Mythbuntu.  Whether I use Mythbuntu install or Alternate Mythbuntu, by the time it gets to being able to reconize the hard drives, it tells me that no hard drives are detected.  It tells me that if I need drivers for my Western Digital 80 gig and 500 gig SATA drives, I should choose from the following drivers listed.  No matter which drivers I chose, it goes back to telling me that no drives are detected. 21:54
lagacan you select "legacy" SATA mode in the bios?21:57
egynare program guides distributed via the digital-tv-signals or do i use a webaddress for this?21:58
tritiumI'm a bit confused about the lirc configuration.  I have a Fusion MCE remote that came with my dvico fusion5 hdtv card.  It appears to be the DVICO_MCE device in /usr/share/lirc/remotes/dvico/lircd.conf.fusionHDTV.  When configuring from MCC, I can't specifically choose DVICO_MCE.21:58
MythbuntuGuest04I have not noticed.  Thank you very much for the quick responds.  When I get home from work, I will check.  And get back to the chat.  Again thank you very much21:59
tritiumDo I have to manually edit /etc/lirc/hardware.conf, and change REMOTE="DViCO USB Remote" to REMOTE="DVICO_MCE"?21:59
tritiumIn fact, there are two separate entries for DVICO_MCE in /usr/share/lirc/remotes/dvico/lircd.conf.fusionHDTV.  How does one configure one vs. the other?22:02
egynwell I hav eno idea  since he has no remote nor yet22:03
egynhe = me22:03
egyn= i22:04
egynargh =)22:04
Greybeard/etc/lirc/hardware.conf describes the receiver hardware22:35
tritiumGreybeard: so how do I specificy the exact remote I have?22:36
Greybeard/etc/lirc/lircd.conf describes remotes that are sending commands22:36
Greybeardyou can use one of the files from /usr/share/lirc/remotes as /etc/lirc/lircd.conf22:37
tritium /etc/lirc/lircd.conf only lists /usr/share/lirc/remotes/dvico/lircd.conf.fusionHDTV, which lists two different DVICO_MCE remotes.22:37
tritiumI don't see how/where to specify which one specifically to use.22:37
Greybeardyou can use any number of remote transmitters simultaneously22:38
Greybeardis lirc getting some signal?22:38
tritiumSo how does it distinguish between the two with identical name (DVICO_MCE)22:38
Greybeardthat's strange that two are identically named22:39
tritiumYes, the remote is working, but not all the buttons.22:39
GreybeardI guess you should delete one22:39
tritiumYes, I would expect unique names.22:39
tritiumWhile the remote is working, it may be using the ir_kbd_i2c driver.  I'm not sure if that uses lirc, or not.22:39
Greybeardwell, don't delete any22:39
Greybeardprobably not22:40
tritiumI think I'll enable the IR receiver on my HDHomeRun.22:40
tritium(and unplug the little 1/8" IR receiver cable on the DViCO card.22:40
Greybeardwell, shutdown lircd and see what happens22:40
Greybearddoes the remote still work?22:41
tritiumLet me check.22:41
tritiumhmm, invoke-rc.d lirc stop failed22:42
Greybeardor run irw and see if anything comes out when you hit remote buttons22:42
Greybeardlirc probably wasn't running then22:42
tritiumSo it was definitly only using the i2c driver.22:43
Greybeardso, you're getting keyboard input events independent of lirc22:43
tritiumI can successfully load lirc, so I'll play with that now.22:43
tritiumThanks, Greybeard.22:43
Greybeardthe input events might be preferable to lirc anyway22:43
tritiumNot sure.  How would I configure the input events?22:44
GreybeardI don't know22:44
tritiumok, no worries22:44
GreybeardI don't have that kind of hardware, but it might be simpler than having lircd22:44
Greybearddoes it produce characters in a terminal when you hit remote buttons?22:44
tritiumI've not tried.  Let me check.22:45
Greybeardthere's a mythtv key configuring plugin that might be very easy to use22:45
tritiumYes, but only for arrow and numeric keys.22:46
Greybeardmaybe the other buttons produce input events that aren't mapped to chararcters22:47
Greybeardif you do end up using lirc, you might need to unload ir_kbd_i2c to avoid confusing apps22:50
Greybeardthey could get events from both Linux input (as keys) and from lirc22:50
tritiumGreybeard: yeah, no kidding.22:57
tritiumHmm, to use the HDHomeRun's IR receiver I'd have to configure lirc to listen on UDP port 5000.23:02
Greybeardmakes sense, since the HDHomRun only has ethernet23:04
tritiumI'm looking for LIRCD_ARGS in /etc/init.d/lirc...23:05
GreybeardI had no end of annoyance with the COM port IR receiver that came with my Air2PC card, so I got a USB MCE receiver and remote23:06
Greybeardit works quite well23:06
tritiumThat solved it?23:06
GreybeardI like the remote a lot and the receiver can receive from other remotes too23:06
Greybeardit may have the Microsoft name on it, but they don't make them of course23:07
tritiumGah, I can't find where to put args for lircd23:11
* tritium believes superm1 has an HDHomeRun, and wonders how he configured lircd...23:13
Greybeardcommand line args for lircd are in /etc/init.d/lirc23:14
egynthis mythtv-thingy feels neat23:14
Greybeardit's nice once you get it working23:15
egyni hate the fact that the DVB-C cards are so expensive though23:15
tritiumGreybeard: yeah, I've been looking at that file.23:16
Greybeardit looks like you have to edit it directly to change arbitrary lircd parameters23:16
Greybeardwhat do you want to change btw?23:16
tritiumI want to invoke lirc with "-H udp -d 5000" arguments23:17
Greybeardyou can probably do that in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf23:17
Greybearduse REMOTE_DIRVER="udp" and REMOTE_DEVICE="5000"23:18
tritiumI have REMOTE_DRVER=23:19
Greybeardso, change that to udp I think23:19
tritiumI put REMOTE_ARGS="-H udp -d 5000" and left others alone23:20
tritiumhmm, ok23:20
Greybeardthat might work too23:20
Greybeardbut that might result in two -H options23:20
tritiumudp is a valid lirc driver, huh?23:20
tritiumThen how do I specify the dvico remote?23:20
tritiumThis is *uber* confising...23:21
Greybeardremotes are configured in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf23:21
GreybeardREMOTE_DRVER=dvico means use the dvico receiver, not transmitter23:21
tritiumWhen I configure a remote in MCC, it ends up listing dvico in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf.old23:22
Greybeardwell, the interface in the computer, not the thing you hold in your hand23:22
Greybeard/etc/lirc/hardware.conf.old is probably just a backup23:22
tritiumI didn't mean to include .old23:22
Greybeardyeah, MCC is trying to use the dvico card's receiver, right?23:23
Greybeardbut you want to ignore that and use the HDHomerun's receiver, right?23:23
tritiumI guess so.  It says to choose a23:23
tritiumBut perhaps that's what it means...23:23
GreybeardMCC probably doesn't allow for receivers and remotes from different sources23:24
tritiumI guess so.23:24
Greybeardyou probably have to configure this manually23:24
Greybeardit seems pretty safe to assume that someone would use their dvico remote with a dvico card23:24
GreybeardMCC probably isn't designed for more complex configurations23:24
tritiumI wonder if I can use the inputlirc package to "connect" the i2c to lirc23:27
Greybeardso, you didn't get lircd to receive from the DVIcO card at all?23:27
tritiumI'm not there yet.23:27
tritiumI'm still researching lirc drivers.23:28
tritiumeven dpkg-reconfigure lirc doens't list udp as a driver.23:28
Greybeard"lircd --driver=help" lists udp23:28
Greybeardthe term "driver" is confusing in the context of Lirc, since lircd has a number of internal hardware drivers, some of which talk to Linux kernel drivers and some of which don't23:29
tritiumWell, I have a dinner date.  I better go get ready.  Thanks for all of your help.  =)23:30
tritiumHope to see you around.23:31
ab0ooany geniuses here using HVR-1800s on a cable network (like comcast) with borked up EIT info (bad 1ffb PIDs)?23:46
ab0oobetter yet, anyone just having succes with an HVR-1800?23:46

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