
lifelessyay I just got00:17
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/source/baz/bzr-test-fixes/bzrlib/transport/ssh.py", line 605, in recv00:17
lifeless    return os.read(self.proc.stdout.fileno(), count)00:17
lifelessOverflowError: signed integer is greater than maximum00:17
lifelessjml: ^ :(00:17
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jonnydeehi, can anyone tell me how to configure ~/.bazaar/authentication.conf for a sftp account?01:04
jonnydeeI've alread configured another location which just uses ftp -- and it works.01:04
jonnydeebut with sftp I'm asked for the password even if I provide one in the config file...01:05
lifelessfor sftp you should use your ~/.ssh/config file01:06
jonnydeeand the same way like in the ftp case is not supported?01:07
lifelesssftp authentication is done outside of bzr01:07
lifelessbzr has no access to the protocol01:07
jonnydeeah...ok, I see...01:08
jonnydeethanks again for your help, lifeless :)01:08
markhhow do I update my checkout to an earlier revision of the branch?  I was surprised to find no '-r' option to 'bzr up' nor to bind.02:14
beunomarkh, I don't think you can, since it's bound to the other branch02:15
beunoyou could branch off of it at that revision02:15
markhso update the branch, then up the co?02:15
pygimarkh, bzr pull --overwrite -r 821402:15
pygiperhaps :p02:15
pygimarkh, helped? :)02:16
beunomarkh, you want both branches to be at that revno?  reverted?02:16
markhno, just experimenting.  I think I was missing I can still use "pull" on a checkout though - thanks02:17
markhie, want to experiment with how the code behaves at an earlier revno02:17
beunoI think generally you'd branch -r off of it02:17
markhSo what's the difference between "pull" (with no args) and "up" once you have a checkout?02:19
markh(I'm working with checkouts on a test machine, with the branches being on the main dev machine)02:20
pygibzr pull is nicer in some cases :)02:20
markhheh :)  what's the conceptual difference?02:21
pygiwell, anyway, they have different use-cases02:21
pygibzr up will do a merge02:21
pygibzr pull won't02:21
markhI think I need to experiment a little more with checkouts02:22
markhI think some of the docs might need to tone down how checkouts are somwhat similar to working with svn :)02:24
markhSo when I do a checkout, is a "branch" created locally?02:27
LeoNerdYes, except if it's a "lightweight checkout"..02:28
* fullermd blinks.02:30
fullermdPull changes a branch.  Update updates a working copy.02:30
fullermdUsing pull in a checkout to adjust your working copy is totally not what you want to do...02:31
jonnydeelifeless: sorry to ask again. I can login to my remote server using ssh public key authentication. now how does the authentication.conf have to look like for sftp access...? (btw I need to log in with another user name than I have locally, so would like to make bazaar use the one specified in the authentication.conf)02:53
jonnydeewith other words: I would like to use "sftp://host/path/to/repo" and and bazaar should use "sftp://remoteuser@host/path/to/repo"02:55
bob2sftp happens after the ssh login has occured03:17
bob2configure .ssh/config to use the right username03:17
bob2(ie add a "Host yourhostname\nUser youruser" section to it)03:26
jonnydeeok, it seems like bazaar is not able to insert the username specified in the config into the url. So it's indeed only possible by doing your suggested approach... I see... Thanks a lot :)03:31
markhfullermd: right - thanks for the clarification03:32
markhso what is the best way to update my co to a specific revision of the branch it is checked out from?03:32
fullermdThere isn't one.03:33
fullermdYou can use revert to alter the tree state, but as far as your co is concerned it's still $OLD_HEAD, just with a crapload of changes waiting to be committed.03:33
markhright - that will probably do for my purposes.  But it seems an omission - is that by design/restriction, or a feature yet to be implemented?03:34
jonnydeemarkh: maybe you could first branch the requested revision and then do a switch to the newly created branch. but it's not that comfortable -- I know...03:38
fullermdbug 4571903:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 45719 in bzr "update command cannot take a revision number" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4571903:42
jonnydeeI mean like  so "bzr branch -r REV PATH_OF_NEW_BRANCH" and then "bzr switch PATH_OF_NEW_BRANCH"03:43
fullermdAccording to that status, it's set for 0.13   :p03:44
jonnydeethis should leave you with a branch of the required revision in the current directory... but I've not tried it yet03:44
markhjonnydee: yeah, that might work, thanks.  i just wanted to run a quick experiment with an earlier revno, so 'revert -r' worked for me in this case.03:49
markhfullermd: sad joke indeed :)03:52
jonnydeemaybe we shoulg nominate this bug for bzr.dev? or 1.7?03:55
markhits not clear from the bug what the "quality issues" John referred to are, and launchpad is helpfully giving "Internal Server Error" trying to view a revision of the branch04:19
fullermdUnfortunately, it has to "update -r" to view the branch, see...04:26
markhheh :)04:28
mwhudsonmarkh: what url?04:34
markhmwhudson: what url for what?05:25
mwhudson<markh> its not clear from the bug what the "quality issues" John referred to are, and launchpad is helpfully giving "Internal Server Error" trying to view a revision of the branch05:26
mwhudsonmarkh: ^ that one05:26
markhoh - internal error?  any of the recent revisions shown at https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/update-r05:26
markheg, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/update-r/revision/201205:27
pickscrapemwhudson: FYI I pushed up a new version of the breadcrumbs branch today. Added to other pages, moved the code to a shared location etc05:27
mwhudsonmarkh: wow, that branch is sure confusing loggerhead05:28
mwhudson$ curl http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/update-r/.bzr/branch/last-revision05:30
mwhudson0 null:05:30
mwhudsoni _guess_ the branch was mirroring ok05:31
mwhudsonjam updated all his branches to packs05:31
mwhudsonand the remirroring failed05:32
mwhudsonstill, loggerhead shouldn't explode so violently05:32
mwhudsonah yeah05:32
mwhudson^ ok05:32
mwhudson^ not ok05:32
* mwhudson files a bug05:32
markhbzr tells me the branch is empty05:42
mwhudsonit is, yes05:43
mwhudsonwe really need to implement useful stacking for mirrored branches to save jam's adsl some abuse :)05:43
markhright - its empty as the remirroring failed05:44
chandlercthoughts on this bzr-svn error:06:30
chandlercSubversionException: ("PROPFIND of '/svn/!svn/bc/136/parser/trunk': SSL negotiation failed: SSL error: parse tlsext (https://inc.googlecode.com)", 175002)06:30
mwhudsongooglecode being a bit random maybe?06:33
chandlercjust wondering what this in particular oddity is06:35
chandlerci'm moderately stuck with google code for several projects.06:35
taconechandlerc: I did export from google code.06:37
chandlercthis is on a branch06:37
chandlercinto a shared repo06:37
mwhudsonwell, if it's a read-only thing06:39
mwhudsonyou can at least do it over http:// and avoid ssl randomness06:39
chandlercnah, trying to do an https branch for future writes06:39
mwhudsonyou can do the pull over http06:39
mwhudsonand push over https06:40
chandlercwill try that06:40
chandlercoh fun07:06
chandlerc% bzr push svn+https://inc.googlecode.com/svn/parser/trunk07:06
chandlercThe svn+ syntax is deprecated, use https://inc.googlecode.com/svn/parser/trunk instead.07:06
chandlerczsh: segmentation fault  bzr push svn+https://inc.googlecode.com/svn/parser/trunk07:06
perciousanyone home?07:09
perciouslooking for a bzr-svn expert if there is one07:10
chandlercjoin the crowd, i'm battling it as wel07:12
mwhudsonchandlerc: oo07:34
perciouschadmiller: battleing bzr-svn ???07:38
perciouschandlerc:  also having issues with bzr-svn?07:43
* percious compiles svn 1.6....07:43
taconepercious: I had07:48
percioustacone: mac os leopard?07:49
taconepercious: ubuntu hardy.07:49
perciousmaybe this is just a version thing07:49
taconeplugin and bzr versions, right ?07:49
percioussvn = 1.607:49
perciousbzr = 1.6r307:50
taconeI didnt' tried 1.6, but I was somewhere in the middle, and had to downgrade to use bzr-svn07:50
taconeit was a month ago, though, so I guess svn version could work.07:50
perciousSubversionException: ("Unrecognized URL scheme07:51
perciousowns me07:51
perciousdowngrade svn?07:52
perciousi have tried 1.5.1 (universal installer) and 1.5.1 from svn repo07:52
taconepercious: no, I just used another version from the repositories07:52
perciouswhat version of svn are you using?07:52
taconelet me check07:52
percioussvn --version07:52
perciousbzr --version07:52
taconesvn, version 1.4.6 (r28521)07:53
perciouswow, that is specific07:54
perciousthanks :)07:54
taconeBazaar (bzr) 1.3.107:54
taconebzr-svn version: 0.4.9-107:54
perciousyou the man07:54
perciouslet me try those07:55
taconeuhm, yes. keep in mind bzr 1.3.1 is *old* so you are likely to use that only for exporting your branch to bzr.07:55
perciousexporting my branch?07:56
perciouswait, 1.3.1?08:00
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perciousInstalled Subversion version does not have updated Python bindings. See the bzr-svn README for details08:18
taconepercious: yes08:18
perciousthe universal for svn sucks...08:18
perciousbuilding from source...08:19
taconepercious: this is the readme for that version of bzr-svn http://paste.pocoo.org/show/82441/08:20
taconepercious: you need the python bindings, more than svn itself08:20
perciousim working on it08:21
taconelol ok08:21
perciousi had it going for svn 1.508:21
taconepercious: is you have an ubuntu hardy vm it could work out of the box.08:21
perciousright, on my mac08:21
perciousim in love with mac os08:21
perciousso linux is not happening08:22
taconea virtual machine I mean.08:22
mwhudsonif you're using a version of bzr-svn that needs the subversion python bindings08:22
perciousyay :) http://svn.collab.net/repos/svn/tags/1.4.6/08:22
mwhudsonget a newer bzr-svn08:22
taconemwhudson: he had problems with the recent versions, so he tried to downgrade.08:22
mwhudsontacone: oh08:22
perciousive tried like 100 different versions at this point :)08:22
perciousim going with what tacone has08:22
taconemwhudson: I pointed him to the standard hardy versions, that worked for me.08:23
mwhudsonwell, you're pretty unlikely to have _fewer_ problems with older version08:23
mwhudsonespecially building on os x...08:23
perciousbut I need to find a baseline to work from08:23
taconemwhudson: I had problem on hardy using bzr repository and bzr-svn because of versions conflicts08:23
mwhudsonbuilding the subversion python bindings on os x is seriously hard08:23
mwhudsoni managed it once a few years ago08:24
mwhudsonon ppc08:24
taconemwhudson: :(08:24
perciousintel here08:24
mwhudsonand had to install a specific micro-version of swig, install a different libtool, etc08:24
perciousfollowing directions here: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion08:25
mwhudsonpercious: what problems did you have with the newest versions of bzr-svn and bzr ?08:25
percioussomethign about it not understanding http in the url08:25
perciousSubversionException: ("Unrecognized URL scheme for 'http: ... pwns me08:26
mwhudson(i had it sort of working today, it broke, but because of problems in the remote repo, not in the software)08:26
perciouscompiling svn for the 10th time :)08:26
perciousat least I am getting paid08:26
mwhudsonhm, not seen that exception before08:27
perciousthere is a ticket for it08:27
perciousi put a comment in08:27
perciousi am evaluating this for my client08:27
perciouswe have some weird development practices08:27
perciouswant to make things better using distributed versioing08:28
perciousbut keep the svn repo08:28
perciousbzr seems a perfect fit08:28
perciousi might look at svn-git as well08:29
perciousbut the commands aren't as nice08:29
mwhudsonwhich is the bug?08:29
percioushang on, ill look it up for you08:29
mwhudsongit-svn is a bit different aiui08:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 80553 in bzr-svn "Error with svn get to https repository" [High,Fix released]08:30
mwhudsonum, that doesn't look very similar to me08:31
percioushang on08:31
perciousthats not it08:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211683 in bzr-svn "bzr-svn crashes on branch with exception 170000" [Undecided,Fix released]08:32
mwhudsonpercious: oh, you have a checkout?08:34
mwhudsoni'm not sure bzr-svn supports them08:34
perciouscheck out?08:34
perciouswhat do you jmean?08:34
mwhudsonpercious: alternative (and probably better) phrasing is a 'bound branch'08:35
perciousi did an svn copy trunk branches/my_new_branch08:35
mwhudsona branch where changes you commit go to the central repository08:35
perciousand then i did a bunch of work in there08:35
perciousand i cannot commit, because the internet is down08:36
perciousso i thought... bzr to the rescue08:36
perciouslocal commits...08:36
perciousthen push to the server when all happiness08:36
perciousbad assumptions?08:36
mwhudsonthat command line shows that you are not doing a local commit though08:36
perciouswhat should I be typing?08:36
mwhudsonwell, i think08:37
perciousbzr ci doesnt do a local commit?08:37
mwhudsonoh hang on08:37
mwhudsonyou're running this in a svn checkout?08:37
perciousso, shouldnt bzr-svn do a local commit?08:37
mwhudsoni don't think you can do a local commit in this situation08:38
perciousoh :(08:38
mwhudsonyou need to get a bazaar branch before you can do that08:38
perciousi am confused then08:38
mwhudsonso bzr get http://svn/url08:38
perciouswhich probably requires me to get at the server, which is inaccessable08:38
mwhudsonyeah :/08:38
perciousim SOL08:38
perciousin the future I can bzr everything and be all happy08:38
mwhudsonroughly speaking, bzr doesn't have anywhere to store the new commit08:39
mwhudsonin a svn tree08:39
percious(like, tomorrow) when the internet is working at the office 600 miles away08:39
mwhudsonyes, if you had somehow prepared for the internet going down...08:39
perciouswhy doesnt bzr just make their own place?08:39
perciousbig storm in denver this weekend08:39
perciousaffected ABQ too i guess (where my client resides)08:39
mwhudsoni'm not totally sure08:40
perciousthey only have a dish for the internet :-/08:40
mwhudsonit may also be the case that bzr needs to have access to the history of the svn repo to be able to commit08:40
perciousisnt that in the .svn files though?08:40
mwhudsonjelmer would be the man who would know08:40
mwhudsonbut i guess he's very firmly asleep08:41
perciouswell, im evaluating this technology anyway...08:41
perciouswhich will take place tomorrow in the rain as well08:41
mwhudsonpercious: no, the .svn directories only contain data about the current state of the tree, there's no history there08:41
perciousok 1.4.6 is in08:41
perciousand bzr 1.3.108:41
perciousand bzr-svn 0.4.908:41
mwhudsonvery retro :)08:42
taconepercious: I fear that those versions could not solve your problem. I didn't tried commit, I just converted my repo to bzr and goodbye svn08:42
taconemwhudson: that's the current hardy default repositories versions :-(08:43
perciouswow, fun errors now08:43
mwhudsontacone: yeah08:43
taconepercious: very sorry, I guess I misunderstood your problem, very sorry. I thought you just wanted to convert your repositories.08:43
perciousno worries08:43
perciousi just want to be able to work remotely08:44
mwhudsonpercious: that you get such incomprehensible errors would count as a bug08:44
perciousi guess...08:44
perciousi dunno08:44
perciousi think user error08:44
perciousim basically a bzr ignoramous, despite wearing a bazaar t-shirt for the last 2 years08:44
percious(not continuously)08:44
taconemwhudson: that could be (old)bzr-svn rather (old)bzr errors. I don't think anyone is going to fix those versions.08:44
perciousso what versions of things do you recommend08:45
perciousso when I get things working tomorrow on the internet side i can actually achieve what I want08:45
mwhudsontacone: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/211683/comments/5 isn't08:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211683 in bzr-svn "bzr-svn crashes on branch with exception 170000" [Undecided,Fix released]08:45
mwhudsonpercious: probably the newest of everything08:45
taconepercious: when the bzr tshirt gets dirty just run bzr pull lp:bzr-tshirt08:45
perciouside like a new t-shirt08:46
mwhudsonpercious: maybe a released version of svn would be a good idea08:46
perciousand wing is supposed to send me one too...08:46
perciouswell, there are lots of released versions08:46
percious1.5.1 is already checked out on my machine....08:46
taconemwhudson: I guess I misunderstood again :). I thought you were referring to
percious(and compiled)08:46
perciousim a bad-ass at compiling svn now08:46
mwhudsonpercious: that should be good then08:47
mwhudsonpercious: my commiserations :)08:47
perciouslemme go get that installed08:47
perciousima have to look that word up08:47
perciousanything over 10 letters is a bit much for me at 2am08:47
* mwhudson goes to cook dinner08:48
* percious might need sleep soon08:49
* tacone dives into python (and needs sleep too)08:50
percious1.5.1 is hating me08:51
perciousok, where does svn install it's binary08:54
tacone"which svn" could work.08:54
perciousi knwo08:54
taconeI don't know macosx though.08:54
perciousbut there are like 3 svns all over the place now08:54
perciousand they are seemingly pointing to each other in various ways08:55
percious(a tangled web we weave)08:55
percioushmm, now I get a different error09:00
perciousUnsupportedFormatError: This client is too old to work with working copy '/Users/percious/clients/clearwired/mvpdev/src/mvp2_root/branches/coop_resource_ass'; please get a newer Subversion client09:06
perciousit'd be nice if we knew which version would work09:07
taconepercious: is that the path of a repository or a checkout ?09:08
perciouspath of a co09:08
perciousweirdness though09:08
taconeI'd try to checkout again with the version of subversion you have installed now09:08
perciousyeah, that'd be a great option09:09
perciousif the network wasn't down09:09
perciousim somehow thinking bazaar is using the wrong version of svn09:09
perciousi think i need sleep to function tomorrow.09:10
perciousthis was a fun learning experience though09:10
tacone:) see you again09:10
perciousi have one patch to submit09:10
taconeoh, well, I am not a bzr dev, so..09:10
perciousno worries mate09:11
perciousthat is what launchpad is for :)09:11
taconeyes, launchpad's nice.09:11
perciouside like to see TG on there09:11
taconetg = ?09:11
* percious is a TG dev09:12
taconeyou'd like to make tg hosted on launchpad ?09:12
perciouside like to see it happen09:13
perciouswe use SVN/moinmoin/trac09:13
perciousrecently, we started using sphinx for docs09:13
taconelaunchpad doesn't have a wiki on it's own yet. I filed a bug for that. they're considering.09:13
perciousbut there is no feedback...09:13
percious(no feedback on sphinx)09:13
taconelp is great for all the rest. and bzr rocks big time.09:14
taconeI love it.09:14
percioussphinx is nice for semi-automated api docs: http://showmedo.com/videos/video?name=2910020&fromSeriesID=29109:14
perciousi want to put a wsgi wrapper on it to create a commenting system09:15
perciousthen it will really work well09:15
taconeI am new to python development. I don't know sphinx09:15
taconelol, it's you ?09:15
taconeI saw the username on the terminal :)09:15
perciousmy agile series09:15
perciousin the back there is longs peak09:16
* tacone is making his first steps with python unit testing.09:16
percioushave fun with it09:17
perciouscertainly makes programming less stressful09:17
perciousnose rocks09:17
taconenose = ?09:17
perciouscheck out the video :)09:18
percioustest discovery09:18
perciousand more09:18
taconeI watching it already09:18
perciousanyway, i gotta knock off before I wake up with keyboard-face09:18
percioussee you tomorrow prolly09:18
taconeok, bye09:19
taconesee you09:19
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robtaylorOk, Say i have a project that's grown large and I want to split in into seperate repos. How would i go about that in bzr?15:50
radixrobtaylor: one way to do it is to create two branches, and remove one set of files from one branch and the other set of files from the other15:54
robtaylorradix: hmm, sounds sensible :)15:57
radixof course, that means both branches have all the history of the shared development15:58
robtaylorthats really what you want though, isn't it ?15:58
radixwhich, sometimes, isn't what you want (like if you're splitting a chunk off of a proprietary project for release as open source, or if you're trying to prevent the history from growing too large)15:58
robtayloroh ugh yeah15:59
radixI guess it's what you want :)15:59
robtaylorthat's definitly history-rewriting time15:59
Pieteror if the other part is really large and you want to keep both repositories of sensible size16:01
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robtaylorPieter: is it possible to have a repo that just points to another repo for history before a certain point?16:14
LarstiQrobtaylor: s/repo/branch/ and the answer is yes with 1.616:16
LarstiQbut that provides what you want I guess, you didn't actually mean revision garbage collection on repositories?16:18
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Jc2krobtaylor: 'stacked branches' -> http://jam-bazaar.blogspot.com/2008/05/this-week-in-bazaar_29.html16:24
robtaylorJc2k, LarstiQ: ah, yeah thats what i'm thinking of16:48
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luksblackbox.test_check.ChrootedCheckTests.test_check_missing_branch is either way too slow or hangs on my machine19:49
luksand blackbox.test_non_ascii diff tests fail :(19:53
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luksactually, ALL blackbox diff tests fail19:55
luksit doesn't like my pager plugin, never mind19:56
lifelessbeuno: / mwhudson: does loggerhead 1.6 need bzr 1.6?22:37
thumperlifeless: that's what it says (but I doubt it)22:40
lifelessthumper: it says 'for 1.6' not 'needs 1.6'22:42
lifelesscould be either :/22:43
beunolifeless, nope, I added the code for backwards compatibility22:44
beunoshould work fine with 1.5, maybe even 1.422:44
beunonot sure older than that22:44
lifelessdid you test 1.4?22:47
beunoI was on 1.3.1 for quite a while, and, while I did get deprecation warnings, it still worked22:48
beunobut no, I didn't test with anything other than 1.5 and 1.6  :)22:48
lifelessso, did you see my rendering issue yesterday?22:48
beunorendering issue?  no.  The server at my office decided to go to sleep, so I lost my backlog22:48
lifelessdiff - can't see the edge of lines22:49
beunoedge if lines?22:50
lifelessfoo bar baz quux | foo baz bar quux22:51
lifelessbut I see up to q22:51
lifelessunless I zoom/resize my browser window22:51
lifelesstheres no scroll bar22:51
beunohuh, interesting22:51
beunodo you have font size set to something different than default?22:53
lifelessline 21822:53
lifelessI see 'spli' as the last letters of the left hand size22:53
beunoah, yes. I can reproduce if I enlarge the font22:54
sohailhi, how can I undelete a directory in bzr?22:54
lifelessrevert -r rev directoryname22:55
sohailI deleted it in revision 59522:55
sohailthat didn't work22:55
sohailoh I should have done 594 shouldn't I22:55
sohailok that worked :-)22:55
beunolifeless, I'll file a bug, thanks22:55
lifelessthe README doesn't talk about paste.deploy when behind apache22:58
lifelessis that no longer needed?22:58
beunoI'm not sure, that's mwhudson's terf really22:58
lifelessmwhudson: ping22:58
lifelessthumper: unless you know this one22:58
mwhudsonlifeless: no, you still want paste deploy if you run behind apache23:00
* mwhudson is not really here today23:00
lifelessmwhudson: ok23:00
lifelessmwhudson: FWIW the readme says what to do, but doesn't mention that23:00
mwhudsonlifeless: serve-branches dtrt if paste deploy is importable23:01
mwhudsonbut yes, i guess documentation would be a good thing :)23:01
perciousis it possible for bzr/svn installs to mess up my setuptools?23:09
perciousok, it is if anyone is wondering23:17
percioussvn 1.5 breaks setuptools23:17
percioushere is a thread on the subject: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/trac/users/37446?page=last23:18
meteoroidpercious: are you serious? that's a problem with svn?23:40
perciouscrazy, huh23:40
perciousi guess the trunk of setuptools works23:40
meteoroidyah i'm having this problem with zc.buildout on a suse box23:40
meteoroidinteresting, maybe i can dev-egg it23:40
perciousbut installing the trunk of setuptools doesnt work until you revert to svn 1.4.623:40
perciousof course our svn server is down, so I am SOL anyway...23:58

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