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dodobasis it possible to download more then one .PO from rosetta?12:18
RAOFdodobas: Yes.  You can download _all_ of them, too.12:18
dodobashow? :)12:18
RAOFFrom memory, the "export" button; I've only done it once, but it didn't seem _too_ hard to find.12:19
RAOFI don't think I can help you much more, except to say that it _is_ possible :)12:19
dodobasim searching for it :)12:20
Sia0-0some one from translation team her ?12:31
dodobasRAOF: i've apt-get sourced language-pack :D12:32
dodobaseasy, right12:32
mwhudsonSia0-0: it doesn't look like it12:35
dodobasSia0-0: what do you want to know?12:35
Sia0-0dodobas, have .po file translated, and will check it before upload in launchpad, which command can check it for msgstr error?12:36
dodobasi think it's msgfmt12:38
dodobasit should create binary MO file12:38
Sia0-0yes dodobas will check it not create .mo file12:39
dodobasSia0-0: i dont understand12:41
Sia0-0ok you have no answer12:42
Sia0-0also thanx12:42
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Sia0-0hi again17:33
Sia0-0anyone from translation team her?17:34
beunoSia0-0, not many people around during the weekend, but ask away, someone may just be tempted to look at their computer17:35
Sia0-0i check my .po file with 'msgfmt -c' no error, but import to launchpad said is error in file please check it with 'msgfmt -c' :)17:38
beunoSia0-0, I see. I'd say your safest bet is to file a question, and admins will get back to you soon: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad17:39
beunoinclude as much information as you can (URL to the file import, the output of your msgfmt -c, etc)17:39
Sia0-0output from 'msgfmt -c' display error if have error, if not display nothing17:40
beunoSia0-0, right. Then just explain that it didn't output anything17:41
Sia0-0ok, i wait from last message from translator team17:42
Sia0-0i need review https://translations.launchpad.net/~sia-neriman/+imports beuno17:44
beunoSia0-0, I'm not part of the translator teams, but give it a few days and someone will get to it17:45
Sia0-0a few days?17:45
beunoit depends on how much work the team has17:46
beunoit may be very fast17:46
Sia0-0ok thanx beuno17:49
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fdhfjkok so in regards to doing translations, how do I list more than 10 lines to be translated?18:26
fdhfjkalso I wish there was a spot for translator notes; "The CSV file must be seperated by semi-colons..." Im like WTF?18:30
fdhfjkin a comma seperated file?18:30
gimakerYes why, didn't you know that CSV is an acronym for semi-Colon Separated Values ;)18:32
fdhfjkthought it was comma18:32
gimakerYeah, it is18:33
fdhfjkwtf lol youre playing with me18:33
fdhfjknice :D18:33
fdhfjkwell my goal is quality18:33
fdhfjkso Im kinda ... ugh going crazy; I downloaded and translated ALL of WordPress18:33
fdhfjkerrors and no upload18:33
fdhfjkalso translated xulrunner (huge)18:34
fdhfjk101 errors18:34
fdhfjkall in the original file from launchpad18:34
fdhfjkthese errors are duplicate entries18:34
gimakerI never used the translations services of launchpad, can't help you there, sorry18:34
fdhfjkbut everything I translate now I must use the launchpad site which is alot slower then poedit18:35
fdhfjkalso lol I cant find a link to edit my profile etc18:35
fdhfjkso I just slap a /+edit on the end of my homepage and it goes to it18:35
gimakerthere's a "Change details" button on the right side of your profile18:36
gimaker... which points to "/+edit", of course :)18:37
RhamphoryncusFor some reason those links are very skilled at hiding in plain sight.. I'm finally getting paranoid enough to look for them18:37
fdhfjkok cool18:38
fdhfjkbut yeah I wish I could have an easier way to translate than the website; ex: a streaming program from launchpad to a poedit-esk program18:38
fdhfjkbecause editing those .PO files and finding errors is absolutely discouraging+118:39
fdhfjkI spent 3 hours translating wordpress alond18:39
fdhfjkalso lol, there was no spot to upload on the wordpress translation site18:40
gimakerfdhfjk: maybe Leonov (http://leonov.tv) might provide a nicer interface in the future...? I don't think its supported ATM though18:40
fdhfjkI assume the link appears when I join their group, couldnt find a link to join18:40
fdhfjkI like launchpad overall, but I spend hours on it18:41
fdhfjkhmmz this looks interesting18:41
gimakerfdhfjk: there are instructions here: https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/wordpress-translators18:42
gimakerfdhfjk: yeah, I agree, it's a bit confusing at times, and takes some time getting used too18:42
gimakerbut I like the new interface *a lot* better than the old one18:43
fdhfjklol no permission18:43
fdhfjkwell I mean there is room for improvement in every system, anywhere18:44
fdhfjkits not bad, just more handy to use an external prog that gets down to the soup and nuts of it18:44
fdhfjklike poedit lists all 4000 lines to be translated, and it can easily copy the line over and edit and done next line18:45
fdhfjkproblem lies in compilation w/ msgfmt18:45
fdhfjktrying to fix xulrunner as its the #1 priority on my language18:46
fdhfjkbut it has duplicate entries18:46
fdhfjkso I either do 300+ translations on launchy or try and fix 101 errors in vi and hope it doesnt blow up18:47
fdhfjk300+ pages of translations rather18:47
fdhfjkI think the thing that really burns me is the fact that I can download a translation file freely, and then cannot upload it anywhere18:50
fdhfjkoh well nevermind about my rantings :D18:52
fdhfjkthanks for the addy; Im going to check it out18:53
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paulproteusDoes Launchpad host mailing lists?20:46
beunopaulproteus, yeap. You can create a mailing list for a team20:47
paulproteusDoes that mean that people without Launchpad accounts can sign up for that list?20:48
beunopaulproteus, no, just the people with launchpad accounts20:51
paulproteusThat's kind of hilarious.20:51
Sia0-0can i remove the .po file in our team and upload new .po file again?20:51
beunopaulproteus, well, the idea of Launchpad providing the mailing lists, is, that people use Launchpad to interact with it20:52
beunoalso, restricting it to users with Launchpad accounts eliminates spam20:52
paulproteusI kind of use email to interact with email lists.20:52
beunowhich is something many of us are very grateful for20:52
beunopaulproteus, you still use email, you just need to have an account in Launchpad with that email registered20:52
Sia0-0any idea?20:54
beunoSia0-0, I really don't know that much about translation imports20:54
Sia0-0ok thanx20:54
beunoI'd ask tomorrow in the channel again, when the developers are working20:54
beunoor, file another question  :)20:54
thumperhi beuno22:11
beunothumper, mornin'22:43

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