
mp5shooterHi, can I get an Ubuntu cloak here?00:02
naliothmp5shooter: are you an Ubuntu member?00:04
naliothgot a launchpad page?00:04
mp5shooterNo, I don00:04
mp5shooterdon't. Do I need one00:05
naliothif you are an Ubuntu member, you'll have a LP page  :|00:05
mp5shooterI'm signed up on the Ubuntu forums00:06
mp5shooterWhich makes me an Ubuntu member, right?00:06
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember00:06
zzlhow come ubuntu company won't accept my disk request?01:42
Arc_is there a process for changing the owner of a loco channel?03:46
elkbuntuArc_, depends if former owner is still available03:47
Arc_he hasn't been around since the loco council meeting and has gone completely non-responsive03:48
Arc_by all indications we'll never see or hear from him again03:48
elkbuntuhow long ago was this?03:48
elkbuntuand for which loco?03:49
Arc_new hampshire03:49
elkbuntuhow long ago was the loco council meeting?03:50
Arc_almost a month ago03:50
elkbuntuand the former leader is who?03:50
Arc_he was replaced as our loco council admin due to CoC violations03:50
Arc_matthew craig03:50
Arc_aka m-c aka desertc03:51
elkbuntuoh. him.03:51
Arc_yea nikkiana is our new admin03:51
elkbuntumy opinion of him is not high. however, his time with us has always been sporadic03:51
Arc_yea well at present nobody in the loco has any access in the channel, he gave ops only to members of other locos.  it's a weird situation03:52
Arc_nothing urgent to solve tonight, but it'd be nice for our team's irc channel to be managed by the team03:53
elkbuntuyeah, from what i've seen, he's all about status and fame03:53
Arc_yea that'd be a fair evaluation.03:53
elkbuntuhe came into my loco and proceeded to tell us that LCA was a 'silly lug meeting'03:53
elkbuntulinux.conf.au is a very well established and respected foss conference03:54
Arc_before he moved here he wrote every GNHLUG board member (a very old and well established LUG with several chapters, founded by Jon "maddog" Hall) and told them that it was urgent that they call him.  the one that did he apparently got angry about because she was "disrespecting him" and not being active enough03:55
Arc_a general warning was passed around GNHLUG about him before he even moved here :-/03:55
Arc_but I don't want to gossip about him, I'd just like to see the last piece resolved03:55
elkbuntuno problem03:56
Arc_so is there a process in place for this, or someone specific to talk to?03:56
elkbuntuyeah, you're right here03:56
elkbuntuwho is magicrobotmonkey?03:57
Arc_a member of another loco IIRC03:57
Arc_im at a loco afterparty right now, nikkiana is sitting next to me03:59
Arc_most of the members are right here03:59
elkbuntuit'd be advisable if the person who wanted to be admin of the team was present, since they are to be the contact for all things team-related04:00
Arc_ok i'll get her to open her laptop :-)04:01
elkbuntuhi nikkiana :)04:03
nikkianaelkbuntu, you beckoned?04:03
elkbuntunikkiana, so you're the loco contact now? :)04:03
nikkianaelkbuntu, indeed i am.04:03
Arc_yea we reached that consensus at the meeting today04:04
elkbuntudid they all vote you in or did you volunteer?04:04
Arc_the loco council made her launchpad admin but we waited until this meeting to determine a contact person04:04
nikkianaelkbuntu, it was a vote.04:04
elkbuntuok cool. i'm just finding someone with relavent irc-fu right now04:05
Arc_apparently magicrobotmonkey lives in NH, he just hasn't been to a meeting yet04:06
Arc_so I guess he's the only loco member with ops access04:07
naliothso what do we need to do ( in a nutshell )?04:08
naliothArc_: can you identify to nickserv, please?04:08
Arc_if you could replace desertc/m-c with nikkiana as channel owner we could do the rest04:09
Arc_nalioth: ok04:09
naliothi guess we're discussing #ubuntu-us-nh ?04:09
Arc_my normal nick is Arc - I'm not at home right now but am logged in04:09
Arc_er, am now id'ed to nickserv04:10
Arc_I was just going through making sure all the places the contact/leader/admin/etc for the loco was listed online were updated, and realized the IRC part I couldn't edit04:11
naliothnikkiana: i believe you are set up now04:11
nikkiananalioth, thanks!04:12
* elkbuntu hugs nikkiana04:12
elkbuntunow go be awesome :)04:12
Arc_chanserv still lists m-c as "founder"04:12
naliothArc_: nikkiana has full access04:12
Arc_so will this update the page?04:13
* nikkiana hugs elkbuntu 04:13
elkbuntuArc_, nikkiana has more powers than m-c. if she /msg chanserv help she can find out all the needs to know04:13
naliothwe have new services, you see ( there can be up to 4 'founder' class users on the ACL )04:13
Arc_ah ok04:14
Arc_sorry we've all drinken a bit at this point :-)04:14
Arc_sugar maple liqour04:14
elkbuntuat least m-c did the right thing and set the staff in the access list04:14
naliothwhere is m-c ?04:15
elkbuntunalioth, MIA04:15
elkbuntuhasnt been seen since the moment the team was made official04:15
nalioth 9 hours?04:15
Arc_he pops on IRC but doesn't join the channel, and seems to only be on IRC very briefly04:16
Arc_pleia2 and popey can verify that04:16
elkbuntuyou can get /ns info to work?04:16
elkbuntuArc_, links to the logs of that meeting?04:19
Arc_it was an in-person meeting, not IRC04:19
naliothno official minutes?04:20
Arc_those are the official minutes04:20
Arc_was I suppost to write them in a specific format?04:21
Arc_there was a lot of chat about different things so not the easiest to take minutes on04:24
elkbuntuArc_, what about the pleia2 popey meeting minutes04:25
Arc_oh sorry I ment you could verify that m-c hasn't joined #ubuntu-us-nh in almost a month from them04:26
Arc_oh weird magicrobotmonkey seems to be the only other person with ops right now04:29
naliothArc_: nikkiana can remedy that04:29
Arc_yea im helping her04:30
Arc_she can't set herself +F04:34
Arc_she's only -f and can't remove m-c since he's the only founder04:34
Arc_er only lowercase f04:34
elkbuntui think that's what nalioth was waiting on verification before doing04:40
Arc_sorry not following Irc very well04:40
naliothArc_: she can manage the channel just fine.04:40
naliothisn't that the ultimate point?04:40
naliothor are you after "GLORY" and a title?04:41
Arc_we're looking to mitigate further harm04:41
Arc_m-c banned a US admin from our channel last month just before the council meeting, and while he hasn't been around, he isn't exactly the most stable individual04:42
Arc_and we've spent a lot of time already dealing with this04:42
Arc_there's no rush in this as I said before04:42
elkbuntupleia2, are you awake?04:42
elkbuntupopey, you too?04:42
Arc_you can verify with the loco council/etc - popey is the loco council member who's been handling this thus far04:43
Arc_pleia2 is our advisor04:43
elkbuntuand neither of them are actively conversing right now, which is why we asked for irc logs of any agreement they had04:43
Arc_oh emails there is04:43
naliothi honestly don't think this is gonna become an issue in the next 24h04:43
nikkianahi pleia2! :D04:43
elkbuntupleia2, can you verify that m-c is effectively persona non gratis?04:44
Arc_nalioth: I agree.  there's no rush on this at all, as I said as we've been sitting around talking I've been updating wiki pages and stuff and realized the IRC stuff hasn't been dealt with yet04:44
pleia2elkbuntu: that's correct, the ubuntu loco council and the us mentors team have been working with us-nh for a couple months now, m-c has brokent the CoC several times and was removed from leadership by the loco council04:45
pleia2nikkiana has already been replaced as the admin on launchpad, and Arc is now running the mailing list04:46
elkbuntunalioth, is this enough verification?04:46
* elkbuntu hugs pleia2 and nikkiana04:48
Arc_don't forget - he hasn't been in the channel for almost a month, hasn't joined the mailing list (and was specifically invited), and didn't attend the last two meetings04:48
* nikkiana hugs elkbuntu and pleia2 04:48
* pleia2 hugs elkbuntu and nalioth!04:48
* nikkiana hugs nalioth and Arc_ too!04:48
naliothneed any help, you can just PM me any time ( i'll get back with you when i see the message )04:48
Arc_thanks guys04:49
nikkiananalioth, thanks so much! glad to meet you. :)04:49
naliothgood to have you here with us04:49
elkbuntuno prob. i always wondered when he'd earn himself a place on the pariah table. i guess i know now ;)04:50
* elkbuntu munches happily on smoked chicken04:51
nikkianaelkbuntu, mmmm! yummy!04:52
Arc_we have pizza and maple liquoir and absenth04:53
Arc_and poor spelling04:53
naliothand snow04:53
nikkiananalioth, not this time of year, i hope!04:53
Arc_down under its winter :-)04:53
elkbuntui cant seem to find a deli that sells it in single quantities, so i end up having to buy packs of two breasts, which dramatically increases my meat intake for a bit04:54
nikkianaelkbuntu, my meat intake has gone down since Arc started hanging around. He's vegan. ;)04:55
Arc_hey I made non-vegan pizza tonight04:55
naliothi like deep fried tofu, but the prep is a pita04:56
elkbuntunikkiana, my meat intake dropped dramatically after i moved out (finally) from my parent's place. dad is a meat&veg type person. i'll happily munch on vegies&pasta with sauce, or marinated tofu04:56
elkbuntumy favourite work lunch is coconut chicken from a thai place near work, since they do the deep-fried tofu thing which is damn good with the coconut sauce04:57
elkbuntuArc_, the president of Linux Australia is vegan too, in case you care ;)04:58
naliothdeep fried tofu needs the good prep ( it tastes like crap with tofu right out of the vat or box )04:59
elkbuntunalioth, recipe kthx04:59
naliothstart with extra firm tofu05:00
naliothdrain it05:00
* nalioth thinks this would be a pastebin thing . . 05:00
naliothwrap it in a cotton dish towel, and stick it in a tupperware bowl05:01
naliothfreeze overnight05:01
Arc_I live in the free state, I'm happy here :-)05:01
naliothnext morning, gently squeeze all the water out05:01
naliothrepeat 4 or 5 times05:01
naliothat which point you have a chunk of raw soybean scum ( with very little water )05:02
=== guardro is now known as ad_nauseum
elkbuntutofu usage has not really taken off in australia like it has in the US. i still cant convince my parents to try it05:03
naliothelkbuntu: i once was a [       ] for a family ( made meals, cleaned, etc ) and i made a 'meat and taters' meal ( all the menfolks would eat ) out of tofu and taters.  they never realized what they were eating, and thought it was the bestest thing . .05:05
naliothtofu is great05:05
naliothi love cooking with it, in its many forms05:06
elkbuntuim learning to appreciate it05:06
naliothit comes dried, so you can use it in place of noodles05:08
naliothTVP is a tofu-based meat analogue05:08
elkbuntunot here it doesnt. we only get it in the fridge section in a few marinated flavours and small tubs of various textures05:09
elkbuntui'd probably have to go to an asian grocery and try read thai to figure what i was getting05:09
naliothvisit your asian supermarkets ( you know, the ones that stink really really bad )05:09
popeyArc_: all happy?07:12
* popey just woke07:12
coolbhavipopey, good morning :)07:17
elkbuntupopey, except that -pk has a bot ring going, sureh07:17
* popey was specifically wondering about -us-nh :)07:18
elkbuntupopey, that's sorted, yes. meanwhile trying to get through to the -pk crew that just because they think a heap of bots responding to !blah style triggers is helpful... doesnt mean it is07:23
SuLphErelkbuntu, btw, do u own all ubuntu related domain also?08:25
HobbseeSuLphEr: it must follow http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy08:26
Hobbseecanonical has the trademark, and can prosecute those violating it, if they wish.08:26
SuLphErcan i buy ubuntu-lover.net domain, do u thnk?08:27
Hobbseedid you read the URL?  no.08:27
elkbuntuyou can buy it, but canonical can tell you to stop using it at any time they want08:28
* Hobbsee also notes that if you do, you are violating the agreement with whoever sold you the URL, too.08:28
pkHobbsee : every channel name starts with ubuntu is the property of ubuntu or freenode ? and every channel name starts with ubuntu that exsists is ubutu official , RIGHT ?08:29
Hobbseepk: it's the property of the group contact, by freenode rules.  The group contact is the irc council, who are ubuntu people.  And every channel that starts with #*ubuntu*, is official.08:30
elkbuntuevery channel name that starts with #ubuntu is goverened by the ubuntu irc council. canonical owns the name Ubuntu in the context of the operating system, so can at any time it wants, stop a use of the name.08:30
pkthen these #*ubuntu* channel names are reserved/restricted and not publically available , RIGHT sir ?08:32
elkbuntupretty much.08:32
SuLphEranyway, thanks enough. I am not with this ubuntu shit anymore08:32
SuLphErsorry, not ubuntu08:32
SuLphErconnnnonical shit08:33
elkbuntuSuLphEr, then please leave08:33
pkSulPher : dont get disheart , its time to learn ,08:33
SuLphErelkbuntu, ofcourse, im leaving08:33
SuLphErpk, dont u know wat happend on france?08:33
SuLphErhow connonical behave wd france team who spread ubunru all over da france?08:34
SuLphEranyway, bye08:34
pknope sulpher , i just know what happened in pakistan , the ubuntu-pk.org (officially web) is closed since more then a year , the help channel #ubuntu-pk is not active , there is no evluation purpose for team leaders , only these rules and TOS are apply on peoples who have less knowledge08:35
Hobbseepk: even if i registered #ubuntu-random, and did random, non-ubuntu stuff with it, it'd get shut down.08:36
Hobbseeno matter how worthwhile i thought it might be.08:36
pki agree you sir08:37
pkCan anyone tell me how to become an ubuntu member ?10:00
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember10:01
pkthank you elkubuntu10:01
pkIF one is fullfilling the requirement and get fits into the criteria for newmember , then what will be the next step ?10:08
elkbuntupresenting oneself to any regional membership board that fits their schedule10:10
pkIs regional membership board exsists on freenode also ?10:12
MyrttiOr motu if thats more appropriate10:12
pkmotu = #motu right ?10:12
MyrttiIrc on mobile phone is nice but burdensome sometimes...10:14
elkbuntupk, no #ubuntu-motu10:17
[NikO]PriceChild, for *ubuntu/members* testimonials for uBOTu-fr, there is not a lot of cloaked users on #ubuntu-fr10:57
_r1_hi here16:51
PriceChild_r1_: has had a chat with me in PM wrt ubotu-fr cloak.17:01
_r1_[NikO]: ping17:01
[NikO]hi there17:08
[NikO]_r1_, pong17:08
[NikO]PriceChild, so :) ?17:08
PriceChild[NikO]: Good work on all the people. I'm the only irc council person awake atm I believe, but will get back to you asap.17:15
[NikO]ok thanks17:15
=== ad_nauseum is now known as redrum-sponsor
=== redrum-sponsor is now known as MenschenFleisch
NullHeadmay I ask a question regarding the IRC server that #ubuntu runs on?20:28
PriceChildand its a network20:29
NullHeadwell sure, freenode20:29
NullHeaddoes anybody here know a guide I can follow to get dancer-services working?20:30
NullHeadI'm attempting my own IRC server20:30
NullHeadI suppose I should go to a freenode channel for this question ...20:30
PriceChildI'm not sure where the dancer support channel is, but I don't think its on this network.20:31
jpdsNullHead: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrcServer20:31
PriceChildNullHead: There is a guide on the wiki though?20:32
PriceChildah that's probably it20:32
NullHeadwhere is this wiki? I seem to fail at finding the proper offical website20:32
jpdsNullHead: I just gave you the link.20:33
NullHeadI'm trying to use dancer-ircd, btw20:33
NullHeadoh I see it20:33
PriceChildNullHead: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dancer-IRCD20:33
NullHeadPriceChild: Thanks, but I folowed it word for word and it doesn't seem to work20:34
NullHeadthe server is a Debain etch one if that matters ..20:34
NullHeadlook see http://wopr.ath.cx/phpsysinfo20:34
NullHeadbut this should work on Debain as well?20:34
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
PriceChild[NikO]: the cloak has been enabled22:04
PriceChildNullHead: if its not even on ubuntu then i'm not sure what to do sorry.22:04
[NikO]\o/ great :)22:04
[NikO]thanks a lot22:04
=== guardro is now known as gaurdro

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