dick-richardson | I am trying to set up my mythtv box, but I'm in a loop regarding my sql server. Why do I need to have a sql server? | 00:39 |
foxbuntu | dick-richardson, MythTV is based on a MySQL DB, it is a required part of the install | 01:04 |
dick-richardson | when I run mythtv, I'm getting a fatal error: audio not configure, you need to run mythfrontend | 01:08 |
dick-richardson | when I run mythfrontend, I get 'This version of MythTV requires an updated database schema. Please run mythtv-setup or mythbackend to update your database" | 01:09 |
dick-richardson | when i run mythbackend, I get "couldn't upgrade database to new schema" | 01:10 |
dick-richardson | when i run mythbackend, I get "couldn't upgrade database to new schema" | 01:11 |
foxbuntu | dick-richardson, how did you do the MythTV install? | 01:15 |
dick-richardson | It had been working after the install...went through the gui installer on the livecd...it stopped working after it kept complaining about the database and I reinstalled it from the command line | 01:17 |
MythbuntuGuest02 | burned dvd's does not work.. after using mytharchive.. did work before upgrading to new -fixes | 01:23 |
MythbuntuGuest02 | the player(s) cant read the dvd.. | 01:24 |
MythbuntuGuest02 | i have had fixes all the time and as i said, it worked before with -fixes. | 01:24 |
superm1 | tritium, i do have a hdhomerun, but i dont have it in the same room as my tv | 01:46 |
superm1 | so i've not configured lirc for it | 01:46 |
tritium | superm1: thanks | 02:55 |
tritium | Well, my HDHomeRun appears to have died anyway. The little red LED on the wall transformer is blinking, and all the LEDs on the face of the box are out. I did two things today to it: upgraded the firmware, and enabled the IR port. I wonder which one killed it... | 02:56 |
thedarkone | hey all | 03:22 |
thedarkone | i just got a new video card | 03:22 |
thedarkone | can some one help me set it up | 03:23 |
thedarkone | it a nvidia 6200 tc | 03:23 |
thedarkone | anyone here | 03:55 |
tritium | Greybeard: unbelievable! I went to dinner, and I came back, and my HDHomeRun power adapter was toast! | 04:20 |
tritium | Apparently, a known issue: http://www.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/power/ | 04:22 |
foxbuntu_vm | tritium, thats really odd on the HDHR power, really awesome of them to just admit it and have an in place procedure for replacing it...too bad though | 04:25 |
tritium | foxbuntu_vm: yes, at least they are replacing them. | 04:25 |
tritium | (It's still inconvenient.) | 04:25 |
foxbuntu_vm | tritium, yeah...still suxor for you | 04:28 |
foxbuntu_vm | tritium, I have had mine for quite some time and use it tons without issue, however I do suggest keeping the firmware on it up-to-date (or at least close) | 04:28 |
tritium | foxbuntu_vm: I just upgraded the firmware today, as a matter of fact. | 04:29 |
foxbuntu_vm | tritium, yeah, I have seen strange things with upgrades in MythTV sometimes causing the HDHR to act strange, but a simple firmware upgrade has always resolved it for me | 04:30 |
thedarkone | hey all | 04:35 |
thedarkone | anyone help me with this nvidia 6200 | 04:35 |
thedarkone | ? | 04:35 |
tritium | thedarkone: that's a video card, not a tuner card, correct? | 04:37 |
thedarkone | yeah | 04:38 |
tritium | thedarkone: #ubuntu is probably a more appropriate channel for that question. What's the problem? | 04:39 |
tritium | Isn't "Y" supposed to change tuner cards? | 04:52 |
tritium | Now with my HDHomeRun dead, I can't change tuner cards. | 04:53 |
tritium | Perhaps that's enough mythtv frustration for one day... | 04:55 |
foxbuntu_vm | tritium, you should be able to exit the frontend and reopen it to reset it to use the default tuner card and get off your HDHR | 04:56 |
tritium | foxbuntu_vm: the HDHR Tuner 0 _is_ the default | 04:57 |
foxbuntu_vm | tritium, also if you restart the backend it will see that the HDHR is offline if you unplug it | 04:57 |
tritium | And the "Y" button does nothing. | 04:57 |
tritium | Thanks, though, foxbuntu_vm. | 04:59 |
foxbuntu_vm | tritium, no problem | 05:04 |
Greybeard | sorry to hear about the dead HDHomerun, tritium | 05:27 |
tritium | Greybeard: thanks... | 05:28 |
Greybeard | it sounds like it's just the wall-wart, not the device itself | 05:29 |
Greybeard | if you had another one of the same voltage, you could use it | 05:29 |
tritium | I looked. Nothing with the same voltage, or current for that matter. | 05:37 |
tritium | Surprisingly that thing draws 2A at 5V. | 05:37 |
DogBoy | radio shack sells replacement ones that have switchable settings and multiple adapter plugs | 05:38 |
tritium | I have one -- closest voltage is 4.5V, but it only goes to 1000mA. | 05:38 |
superm1 | tritium, what was the root cause of that going out? | 05:38 |
tritium | superm1: no idea, other than it's common enough for them to have a support page for it. | 05:38 |
superm1 | tritium, well i think i'll order a new one then | 05:39 |
superm1 | in case this is gonna happen to me soon enough too | 05:39 |
superm1 | oh nvm. i got a "not needed" when i put in my id | 05:39 |
tritium | Ah. | 05:39 |
tritium | Perhaps yours is of a newer, improved design. | 05:39 |
superm1 | sorry to hear about yours then | 05:40 |
tritium | Thanks! | 05:40 |
superm1 | well mines among the first that come out | 05:40 |
superm1 | so yours is the "improved" design :) | 05:40 |
tritium | heh | 05:40 |
superm1 | i'll shoot an email to a few other buddies with these though at least to have them double check theirs' | 05:40 |
tritium | Good plan. | 05:41 |
mm_202 | Hey guys, has anyone here gotten Mythbuntu to work on a VIA EPIA-M board? | 05:44 |
tritium | Good night! | 05:45 |
superm1 | night tritium | 05:45 |
tritium | Take care, superm1. | 05:45 |
Greybeard | bye | 05:45 |
tritium | Night, Greybeard. | 05:45 |
peterbecker__ | does anyone have experience with getting duplicate inputs from a remote control? | 06:00 |
peterbecker__ | I've got repeat=0 on all events in .lirc/mythtv (as configured by mythbuntu-control-centre) | 06:00 |
peterbecker__ | and I've got "repeat_bit 2" in my lircd.conf | 06:01 |
peterbecker__ | still getting duplicates :( | 06:01 |
peterbecker__ | terminal window gets single digits, irw gets duplicate events | 06:01 |
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Greybeard | so, this is a receiver with Linux input subsystem support? | 06:17 |
peterbecker__ | yes, it's a FusionHDTV Dual with an IR-receiver that appears on my system as /dev/input/event7 | 06:18 |
peterbecker__ | I made a config with irrecord myself | 06:19 |
peterbecker__ | used dev/input as driver | 06:19 |
Greybeard | which lircd driver? | 06:19 |
peterbecker__ | dev/input | 06:19 |
peterbecker__ | (sidenote: I have no real clue what I'm doing, I just know how to use Google) | 06:20 |
Greybeard | devinput? | 06:20 |
peterbecker__ | to create the configuration I used "irrecord --driver dev/input --device /dev/input/event7 test.conf" | 06:20 |
Greybeard | so, the duplicates aren't a result of the app receiving both a key event and a lirc event? | 06:21 |
peterbecker__ | same driver is configured in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf | 06:21 |
peterbecker__ | I just realised that irw actually shows a repeat count of "00" each time | 06:21 |
peterbecker__ | so it might be an lirc problem | 06:21 |
peterbecker__ | I was considering the key event + lirc event | 06:21 |
Greybeard | 00 events keep coming as long as you hold down the button? | 06:22 |
peterbecker__ | but if I remove entries from .lirc/mythtv, the matching function stops working completely | 06:22 |
Greybeard | that definitely sounds like a lirc problem, but I don't know if it would be in lircd or what | 06:22 |
peterbecker__ | no, two 00 events come on each press | 06:22 |
Greybeard | oh, exactly two | 06:22 |
peterbecker__ | yes | 06:22 |
peterbecker__ | and for all keys I tried | 06:22 |
Greybeard | I'm using an MCE receiver, so I haven't tried lirc's "devinput" driver | 06:23 |
peterbecker__ | maybe I'm using the wrong driver? | 06:23 |
Greybeard | I'm not sure | 06:23 |
peterbecker__ | as I said: I don't really know what I'm doing | 06:23 |
peterbecker__ | just doing the Google -> try -> repeat | 06:23 |
Greybeard | so, MythTV didn't do what you wanted without lirc? | 06:23 |
peterbecker__ | MythTV works, but without remote | 06:24 |
Greybeard | but you said the remote buttons generate characters in the terminal, right? | 06:24 |
peterbecker__ | first step was using the control centre to configure the remote, but that gives the duplicates | 06:24 |
peterbecker__ | if you hit digits or up/down while the terminal is active you get single results | 06:24 |
Greybeard | so, then those buttons should work for MythTV when lircd isn't running | 06:25 |
peterbecker__ | ack | 06:26 |
Greybeard | but other buttons don't do anything? | 06:26 |
peterbecker__ | (had to run into the living room to try) | 06:26 |
peterbecker__ | as far as I can tell only digits and directions work | 06:26 |
peterbecker__ | in particular the OK button doesn't do anything | 06:26 |
Greybeard | but it does generate a lirc event? | 06:26 |
peterbecker__ | two | 06:27 |
Greybeard | ok | 06:27 |
peterbecker__ | what maps the IR to the keyboard events? | 06:27 |
peterbecker__ | I thought lirc would do that, too | 06:27 |
Greybeard | I was just wondering if you could get by without lirc entirely | 06:27 |
Greybeard | the kernel maps buttons to input events like I think | 06:27 |
Greybeard | to apps, it's the same as if you hit that key on the keyboard | 06:27 |
peterbecker__ | I just tried taking the ArrowRight config out of .lirc/mythtv again | 06:29 |
peterbecker__ | without lirc directions work correctly | 06:29 |
peterbecker__ | with lirc left is double, right is dead | 06:29 |
Greybeard | or with lircd not running | 06:29 |
Greybeard | yeah, so if that worked for all buttons, you wouldn't need to mess with lirc at all | 06:30 |
peterbecker__ | but I don't understand why taking the config out of .lirc/mythtv results in the right direction being dead | 06:30 |
peterbecker__ | it seems it ignored the key event then, too | 06:30 |
Greybeard | oh | 06:30 |
peterbecker__ | or the event doesn't happen anymore | 06:30 |
Greybeard | I didn't quite understand what you were saying | 06:31 |
peterbecker__ | I commented the lines in .lirc/mythtv for the right arrow | 06:31 |
Greybeard | the right button does the same thing as the keyboard right arrow? | 06:31 |
peterbecker__ | then started mythtv with lircd running | 06:31 |
peterbecker__ | result: right arrow is dead | 06:31 |
peterbecker__ | it should do | 06:31 |
Greybeard | what happens when you run irw? | 06:32 |
Greybeard | if you hit one of the digits for instance, do you get a message from IRW about the lirc event as well as an extra digit in the terminal? | 06:32 |
peterbecker__ | no, just two irw lines | 06:33 |
Greybeard | maybe lircd inhibits the key events from being sent | 06:33 |
peterbecker__ | it looks that way | 06:33 |
peterbecker__ | would make sense | 06:33 |
Greybeard | that would be useful to avoid duplicate events to the app, but it still doesn't explain your duplicate lirc event problem | 06:33 |
peterbecker__ | my current theory is that the real problem is the repeat count not increasing | 06:34 |
peterbecker__ | that seems to stop all logic for handling repeats to fail | 06:34 |
peterbecker__ | s/stop/cause | 06:34 |
peterbecker__ | Greybeard: thanks for trying -- I gotta go, will try the forum later | 06:45 |
Greybeard | ok | 06:45 |
Greybeard | sorry I couldn't help more | 06:45 |
peterbecker__ | no worries | 06:46 |
peterbecker__ | cu | 06:46 |
Greybeard | I've only used serial and mce_usb lirc drivers | 06:46 |
MilhousePunkRock | Good morning everyone! | 08:33 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: The update last week was awful, in case you remember me... | 08:33 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, thats too bad | 08:35 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, did you get it worked out? | 08:35 |
* foxbuntu just got back from work | 08:35 | |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Yes, but the WAF was at risk ;) | 08:36 |
foxbuntu | WAF? | 08:36 |
MilhousePunkRock | First I got bitten by a huge Gutsy->Hardy update bug, with the locales... WAF = Woman Acceptance Factor | 08:36 |
foxbuntu | lol | 08:36 |
foxbuntu | oh, Im not familar with the locales bug | 08:37 |
foxbuntu | odd though, one of the devs is in germany, he's never said anything I remember about it | 08:37 |
foxbuntu | sure hope its been resolved in 8.10 then, or going to be | 08:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | Next the remote would not work... | 08:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=865679 | 08:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: It's not mythbuntu specific, and on both my Kubuntu machines this bug did not happen. I upgraded those early though, I think it might be something with 7.10 to 8.04.1 maybe | 08:39 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, that could be | 08:39 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, yeah, thats something in Ubuntu upstream | 08:39 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, what happened with the remote? | 08:40 |
MilhousePunkRock | Remote got fixed by some guy here in the channel, he remembered that the config files get overwritten and pointed me to stock ones... Which I tweaked a bit to have the old functionality back... | 08:40 |
foxbuntu | oh\ | 08:40 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Well, it was not working, at all... Replaced the configs and was good to go again... | 08:40 |
foxbuntu | crap, thats my bad, I forgot that you have to make sure to select custom remote during the upgrade or it overwrites it | 08:41 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, thats by design actually...I need to get that in a Wiki on my site | 08:41 |
MilhousePunkRock | lol... Nevermind, I could have made backups of it as well... So now there are only a few minor issues left: 1. vnc does not work, it was not even enabled after the upgrade | 08:41 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, yeah, thats because the VNC package changed from Gutsy to Hardy | 08:42 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: I enabled it (with mouse and keyboard 1 m away from the TV screen), now the X session will crash as soon as I press a key on the client... | 08:42 |
foxbuntu | if you open MCC you should be able to just enable it and give it a password | 08:42 |
foxbuntu | hmm | 08:43 |
MilhousePunkRock | Oh, the TV screen reminds me of another issue: The resolution was totally wrecked, I had to replace the xorg.conf with the old one... | 08:43 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, what VNC client are you using? (not that it really should matter) | 08:43 |
MilhousePunkRock | KRDC on KDE 3.5.9 that is... | 08:44 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, yeah, are you using an ATI video card? | 08:44 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Nope, NVidia, GeForce 6200 something IIRC | 08:44 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, well I think unless you told it to keep the original rather than the new it would have backed up and replaced your Xorg.conf | 08:45 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: I dont think there was this prompt for the xorg.conf, I remember it for a few other config files... | 08:45 |
foxbuntu | then default is nvidia-auto-select which on most TV's the EDID data doesnt come in properly then the resoultion auto selects bad | 08:45 |
MilhousePunkRock | exactly... That also reminds me that I have never ever ever dealt with the overscan of my TV, and gotten used to a small black frame by now... | 08:46 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, nvidia-settings will bring up the tool to change the overscan for the TV | 08:47 |
foxbuntu | usually you just need to adjust it 1 - 3% to get rid of the black box | 08:47 |
MilhousePunkRock | The second real issue that exists is with mythlcd, when it's idle in the menu it will display the LCDproc default stuff, "Clients 1 Screen 7" and the heartbeat instead of the clock | 08:48 |
foxbuntu | no, thats when the mythlcd isnt connected | 08:48 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Yeah, I have gotten so far, but I never figured out where to put the xsession.rc or where it was called to get this setting applied every X start | 08:48 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, this is a dedicated MythTV box isnt it? | 08:49 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Well, I thought so. But it will definetely display that when it's idle, and happily continue on the next keypress... | 08:49 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, this is a another Wiki I have every intention of writing, and havent gotten to ;) | 08:49 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, hmm, my box doesnt do that | 08:50 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, you have the Silver (v2) fusion right? | 08:50 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Dedicated, yes. It always displayed the clock on 7.10 as soon as mythfrontend or mythwelcome was up. | 08:50 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Right. I doubt it's a hardware issue though, since it will continue with mythlcd when it's not idle | 08:51 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, well, let me check something quick, brb | 08:52 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: OK, time for a coffee refil for me :) | 08:52 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, try this: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/options | 08:56 |
foxbuntu | add this line in there: options lirc_imon islcd=0 (if you havent already) | 08:57 |
foxbuntu | then: sudo rmmod lirc_imon | 08:57 |
foxbuntu | then: sudo modprobe lirc_imon | 08:57 |
foxbuntu | then: sudo /etc/init.d/LCDd restart | 08:58 |
foxbuntu | then: sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart | 08:58 |
foxbuntu | then: restart the mythtv frontend | 08:58 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, I assume you have already checked the setup inside the frontend for LCD devices | 08:59 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Welcome back... One moment, I need to turn the mythbox on first... | 09:02 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: I think I added the first line for the problems with the remote at first, but I will check again | 09:03 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, if its there the rest is not needed | 09:04 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Yeah, it's there... Oddly enough, right now the machine is idle on the main menu, and displaying the clock | 09:09 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, intresting | 09:09 |
MilhousePunkRock | damnit, I even went to Media --> Recordings blindly, and it still displays the clock... | 09:11 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, as memory serves, its when you roll over onto a recording the display changes | 09:11 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Well, it does display the menu for a moment (which can be specifies in the settings) before it falls back to the clock | 09:13 |
foxbuntu | oh | 09:13 |
foxbuntu | perhaps its just some settings need adjusted in the Frontend, afterall, your on MythTV .21 now | 09:14 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: There it was again: Left mythfrontend, and from mythwelcome I started it again, for a moment it would display the LCDproc screen. | 09:14 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, oh well thats normal | 09:15 |
foxbuntu | IIRC Mythfrontend is the process that grabs LCDproc | 09:15 |
foxbuntu | and when you exit and restart it it reset its connection to LCDproc | 09:16 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: But on 0.20 I never saw it again once mythfrontend was started. | 09:16 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, sorry I cant speak for that, I just started dev with the Fusion on .21 | 09:16 |
foxbuntu | it might be something different for .21 | 09:17 |
MilhousePunkRock | Ha! I should be in the main menu now, and it also displays ||LCDproc Server| <3 Cli:1 Scr:7 now | 09:17 |
foxbuntu | hmm | 09:17 |
MilhousePunkRock | On 0.20 it was cli:0 scr:1 though, but I guess that is because it was only displayed before mythlcd was started... | 09:17 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, you might ask around in the forums or #mythtv-users | 09:17 |
MilhousePunkRock | Anyway, it's just a cosmetic issue. More important would be to fix VNC so I can deal with the overscan... | 09:18 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, yeah... | 09:19 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Right, I totally forgot that this channel is "only" MythBuntu... ;) | 09:19 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, well, to be honest you will find mostly mythbuntu users, but our devs have been around | 09:19 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, I myself have used MythTV on several distros, Knoppix, Gentoo, Fedora | 09:20 |
MilhousePunkRock | Another minor issue that I noticed is a mixture of German and English in the menu and the OSD, whereas everything was in German on 0.20 | 09:20 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, I would submit a bug related to that against MythTV | 09:20 |
MilhousePunkRock | Yeah, I shall do that... Translation would even be a thing I could help out with... | 09:21 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: So any ideas how to get VNC to live? | 09:21 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, we would be glad to have you help out here with that | 09:21 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, what is the output of: sudo dpkg -l | grep vnc | 09:22 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Though whenever I check for project that I would care to give something back to, the German translation is always in the top 5. Would be better if I was fluent in Klingon or so... | 09:22 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, well, we have added several new apps this release and they will need translating | 09:23 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Well, but the "You are leaving this recording" screen was perfectly translated before... Though "No, keep it, I changed my mind" makes me laugh a bit... ;) | 09:24 |
vtvt | hi | 09:24 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, hello | 09:24 |
MilhousePunkRock | http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/d6c2a8176 | 09:25 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, always fun to see bad translations | 09:25 |
vtvt | hope you can spare some time to help me with mythtv problem | 09:25 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Odd line breaks, sorry.. | 09:25 |
MilhousePunkRock | vtvt: Hi... | 09:25 |
MilhousePunkRock | vtvt: We can sure try... :D | 09:25 |
vtvt | when i start the backend it asked me to connect to the database iv put in the correct login and pass but still says cannot login to database is there somethign i need to do first? | 09:26 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, np, do this, sudo dpkg -P libvncserver0 vnc4-common vnc4server | 09:26 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, then restart X and give VNC another try | 09:27 |
MilhousePunkRock | vtvt: Did you set the correct hostname IP? That was the reason I could not connect lately... | 09:27 |
vtvt | i left it as localhost | 09:27 |
MilhousePunkRock | vtvt: Try the real IP | 09:28 |
vtvt | | 09:28 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, is this a standalone machine (Frontend and Backend on the same machine?) | 09:28 |
vtvt | yep | 09:29 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, then localhost should work | 09:29 |
vtvt | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWG3cR1aq7I this is what happens '' i found this on video when i was googling | 09:29 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, pastebin the results of this: sudo tail -n /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log | 09:30 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, oops | 09:30 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, pastebin the results of this: sudo tail -n 100 /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log | 09:30 |
foxbuntu | !pastebin | vtvt | 09:31 |
Zinn | vtvt: when pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel. Then please post the link in the channel. | 09:31 |
MilhousePunkRock | http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/d65332517 | 09:34 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, ut oh...I dont know german | 09:34 |
foxbuntu | lol | 09:34 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: It's German though :( "Dependancy problems prevent removal of libvncserver0" | 09:35 |
vtvt | hangon | 09:35 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, then leave that one | 09:35 |
foxbuntu | just run the smae thing but remove that one | 09:35 |
MilhousePunkRock | x11vnc depends on libvncserver0 | 09:35 |
foxbuntu | ok | 09:35 |
MilhousePunkRock | next we have MCC depending on vnc4-common | 09:36 |
foxbuntu | MCC depends on vnc4-common? | 09:36 |
foxbuntu | let me check that | 09:36 |
* foxbuntu has the code for MCC | 09:36 | |
foxbuntu | so it does | 09:37 |
foxbuntu | ok well remove just vnc4server then | 09:37 |
vtvt | i pasted it | 09:37 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, I need the link to it | 09:38 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Ha, that's not even installed | 09:38 |
foxbuntu | really? | 09:38 |
foxbuntu | it must have removed it from first run then | 09:38 |
vtvt | http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/m34c8d4fa | 09:39 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, do: sudo dpkg -l | grep vnc | 09:39 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, then see if its listed there anymore | 09:39 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: libvncserver0, vnc4-common and x11vnc | 09:39 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, have you run mythtv-setup yet? | 09:40 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, ok thats better | 09:40 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, try restarting X and retry VNC | 09:40 |
vtvt | all i have done is installed the cd | 09:40 |
vtvt | and then run the backend | 09:41 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, ah you need to run the mythtv-setup to setup the backend before you run the frontend | 09:41 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: You are my hero! ;) | 09:42 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, nah...remember I broke it ;) | 09:42 |
foxbuntu | lol | 09:42 |
vtvt | how do i do that is it a command i need to type in the terminal ? | 09:42 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: So now I have 18 minutes to fix the overscan before my girlfriend wants to watch Ghost Whisperer | 09:43 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, you can do it that way, or from the desktop (exit the frontend), Click Applications > System > MythTV Backend Setup | 09:43 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, ok, from terminal on system > nvidia-settings | 09:43 |
vtvt | ohh yea thats where i went' thought it was somethign els.e | 09:44 |
vtvt | i comes up with the login database and there i cant go any further then that | 09:44 |
vtvt | it* | 09:44 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, you need to make sure in general the IP in both IP fields are the same, and since its a local system, | 09:44 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Oh dear... I left mythwelcome without locking the shutdown... 90 seconds was not enough for the 8 updates it had to perform | 09:45 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, where did you get the username/password you are using then? | 09:45 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, lol | 09:45 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, guess you wanted to wait for a reboot anyhow right? | 09:45 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Not in the middle of upgrades | 09:46 |
foxbuntu | ut oh | 09:46 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, hope nothing breaks | 09:46 |
vtvt | i ran this mythtv command that setup the login and password. | 09:47 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, what? | 09:47 |
vtvt | reconfig somethign | 09:47 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: That's what --fix-missing is for... :) | 09:47 |
vtvt | its set to root and pass is root | 09:47 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, thats the wrong one to use | 09:47 |
MilhousePunkRock | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 09:48 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, yeah...at least something isnt seriously broken | 09:48 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Not that I have anything better to do on a sunday than fixing the MythBox :P | 09:48 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, sudo cat /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt from the terminal | 09:48 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, perhaps, but its 4A here | 09:49 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, that will give you the correct username/password to the DB | 09:49 |
vtvt | it says no such directory | 09:50 |
foxbuntu | ? | 09:50 |
vtvt | oh wait the init/ | 09:50 |
vtvt | ok i opened the mysql.txt | 09:53 |
foxbuntu | username should be mythtv | 09:53 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: It even seems that the overscan setting was saved, it was set to 8 already. | 09:53 |
vtvt | DBUser = root pass is root , DBname = mythconverg and DBtype = qmysql3 | 09:54 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, yeah...its a session based thing | 09:54 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, I think something got screwed up then, the settings are missing from the install | 09:54 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, the install will set that stuff by default, and the root account should never be used for application DB's | 09:55 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Fair enough... I'll leave you alone now. VNC is working again, I will post the lcd issue to the mailing list, and over the week I will figure out how to set up multirec on my own... | 09:55 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, cool, multirec is something that does work here :( | 09:56 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Have a nice night once you are done helping vtvt.. | 09:56 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, thanks, ttyl | 09:56 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, I would suggest you just reinstall and dont touch those settings next time | 09:57 |
vtvt | :( is there something im suppose to do | 09:57 |
vtvt | iv installed it about 4 times | 09:57 |
vtvt | went with the default and everything cannot connect | 09:57 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, run the setup on the last step of the install and then reboot and dont touch anything else | 09:57 |
vtvt | how do i do that. | 09:58 |
vtvt | i did this database reconfig command to change it before isthat what i need to od ? | 09:59 |
vtvt | do. | 09:59 |
foxbuntu | during the install the last page has the link to SD and a button for the setup | 09:59 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, no thats how you broke it | 09:59 |
vtvt | ok :S .. so am i booting of the cd ? | 09:59 |
foxbuntu | yes | 10:00 |
vtvt | ok restarting now' | 10:00 |
vtvt | its got installed mythbuntu and check cd for updates etc | 10:01 |
vtvt | install* | 10:01 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, this is the guide on setting things up, ignore anything about starting/stopping mythbackend | 10:01 |
foxbuntu | "Install Mythbuntu" | 10:01 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Mythtv-setup | 10:02 |
foxbuntu | vtvt, ignore this in the wiki: joe@moon> /etc/init.d/mythbackend stop | 10:02 |
vtvt | i clicked on install mythbuntu | 10:02 |
vtvt | do i go to load installer components from cd? | 10:04 |
foxbuntu | what? | 10:04 |
foxbuntu | it should just start the installer | 10:04 |
foxbuntu | what version of the CD are you using? | 10:05 |
* MilhousePunkRock is back already... | 10:07 | |
MilhousePunkRock | Overscan did not last a reboot :( | 10:07 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, yeah, I forget what the option is to make it persistant | 10:09 |
foxbuntu | google for it | 10:09 |
foxbuntu | nvidia-settings is session based, meaning its only while you are logged in | 10:09 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Another thing I thought about, now that I can use my laptop as a frontend and the backend's frontend is configured to skip mythwelcome if turned on manually, how will the backend shut down if the remote frontend is disconnected? (If that makes sense) | 10:10 |
MilhousePunkRock | Unless I set up wake-on-lan for the backend... | 10:11 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, hmm, Im not sure, but IIRC there are some options for that in the Frontend and the Backend | 10:11 |
vtvtvt | hi foxbuntu my area has no power im on dailup thanks for your hope i cant do much with out power im on laptop on dail up :S | 10:13 |
vtvtvt | power cut stinks.... | 10:13 |
foxbuntu | vtvtvt, yeah...thats too bad | 10:13 |
foxbuntu | vtvtvt, check back with folks then later and that wiki for more help | 10:13 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: It's of lower importance anyway, we watch "remotely" maybe once a week. I will dig into the options and until that, I will just have to exit mythfrontend on the main machine when we watch on the laptop | 10:14 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, yeah...too bad electricity is so expensive over there, otherwise you could just leave it on like I do :) | 10:15 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: I would not, it's not only a money issue... Also the box is still a bit noisy, need to replace that ancient 80 GB harddrive | 10:16 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, alright well...I think I am going to sleep now, gl, stop back and catch me if needed | 10:17 |
MilhousePunkRock | foxbuntu: Alright, thanks for the support again, most likely I'll see you next sunday (my sunday).. | 10:17 |
foxbuntu | MilhousePunkRock, indeed as I work into the wee hours of Sunday Mornings/Sat nights | 10:21 |
* MilhousePunkRock is out, enjoy your Sunday everyone! | 10:25 | |
=== mAzGa is now known as Mazga | ||
egyn | moin, i'm building a htpc. i have no dvd at the moment. does a resource on the net exist where one legally can download sound which is recorded in different setups (such as example music in 2.0/5.1/7.1)? | 12:06 |
egyn | so that i can test if my surround/soundcard is working | 12:06 |
egyn | I found some at http://www.lynnemusic.com/surround.html. | 12:39 |
ahave | can someone help me fix my audio issue with mythdvd? i am not receiving the main audio signal, but i do get the background tracks.. any ideas? | 15:18 |
=== gbutters is now known as gbutters_afk | ||
arocs | Hi ... Someone experienced with mythbuntu and suspend to ram mode ...? | 17:23 |
arocs | I am able to suspend from mce remote , but when restarting mythtv watch tv is not working | 17:24 |
arocs | mythtv works with videos ... but no tv | 17:24 |
rhpot1991_laptop | arocs: check the logs for errors? | 17:26 |
arocs | let's see | 17:26 |
superm1 | arocs, you have to restart lirc and mythfrontend i believe | 17:26 |
rhpot1991_laptop | maybe your modules for the capture card need to be reloaded or something | 17:26 |
arocs | how can i reload mythtv and modules after suspend ? | 17:27 |
superm1 | arocs, well lets see... | 17:27 |
superm1 | for starters, figure out which part really needs to be reloaded | 17:27 |
superm1 | so after you resume, start irw | 17:28 |
superm1 | and see if you can capture some stuff on the remote | 17:28 |
superm1 | if not, then try to restart lirc service (/etc/init.d/lirc restart) and run irw again to capture | 17:28 |
arocs | The remote works ok | 17:28 |
arocs | The mythtv has the menu working and also videos ... | 17:28 |
superm1 | all of this? | 17:29 |
superm1 | wow. | 17:29 |
arocs | Problem is the tv-card | 17:29 |
superm1 | last time i tried to suspend with lirc running, it flipped a shit | 17:29 |
superm1 | okay so for the tv card.... | 17:29 |
superm1 | try to restart mythbackend after the resume | 17:29 |
superm1 | and see if that fixes it | 17:29 |
arocs | ok | 17:29 |
superm1 | if not, then you'll have to unload tv card modules, reload and restart mythbackend | 17:29 |
arocs | ok | 17:30 |
arocs | i will try | 17:31 |
arocs | another question ... about brightness and contrast ... | 17:31 |
arocs | in mythtv is possible to adjust it ...? | 17:31 |
arocs | i try the key F while playing dvb-t but is only possible to adjust volume ... ;( | 17:32 |
superm1 | it's possible sometimes directly on the graphics card's control panel | 17:33 |
superm1 | also mythtv has some options supported on some cards | 17:33 |
arocs | thanks | 17:34 |
arocs | nad what about screen modes ... in dvb-t 4:3 and a LCD TV 16:9 .. what are the settings that you are using ? | 17:34 |
arocs | i try half and 14:x mode ... because if not i get some strange artifacts in the topof the screen ... | 17:35 |
superm1 | VBI data probably | 17:38 |
superm1 | that's normal like a line of black and white | 17:38 |
superm1 | at the top | 17:38 |
arocs | yes | 17:38 |
superm1 | yeah it's part of the stream | 17:38 |
superm1 | normally tvs will overscan it out | 17:38 |
superm1 | but you are seeing more of the picture in the recording | 17:38 |
arocs | it is possible to avoid ? | 17:39 |
superm1 | i leave the aspect ratios alone (defaults). when i watch a "letterboxed" show, then i adjust the fill settings | 17:39 |
superm1 | hit the menu key and you can change them on a per show basis | 17:39 |
arocs | thanks | 17:41 |
ahave | would someone mind reviewing this and tell me if warnings like line#11 are normal? http://rafb.net/p/D23v9C49.html | 18:55 |
ahave | I am having issues with mythvideo not playing the main soundtrack on dvd playback | 18:55 |
liri | hey guys | 19:00 |
liri | I just installed mythbuntu (8.04.1) and I configured tv out (enabled) but I don't see any video output on a TV-Out or on a VGA output connection | 19:03 |
liri | is there a way to reconfigure this setting? I'd hate to have to re-install just to test which option is for the right one | 19:04 |
darthanubis | there is always a better option than a reinstall | 19:06 |
darthanubis | I don't use TV-ouot so I can't help you with this one | 19:06 |
liri | it's not just TV-Out though | 19:06 |
superm1 | liri, tv out means svideo or component | 19:07 |
liri | even when I got my VGA CRT screen connected I don't see anything | 19:07 |
superm1 | you picked one of those during install | 19:07 |
superm1 | and it disables other outputs | 19:07 |
liri | superm1: yes, I chose SVideo | 19:07 |
superm1 | then it *should* be on svideo :) | 19:07 |
liri | superm1: fine, but even on the SVideo I don't see anything. | 19:07 |
superm1 | you can tweak with the xorg.conf at this point | 19:07 |
superm1 | choose recovery mode on bootup | 19:07 |
superm1 | at the grub menu | 19:07 |
liri | err | 19:07 |
superm1 | and then look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what went wrong | 19:07 |
liri | any easier way? | 19:07 |
superm1 | reinstall | 19:07 |
superm1 | without a gui, not much else to do | 19:08 |
liri | there's no console configuration tool to reset output options? | 19:08 |
superm1 | that's whta recovery mode is | 19:11 |
liri | I'll check it in a min. are there sample xorg.conf files maybe? | 19:11 |
mnk0 | hey sup | 19:15 |
mnk0 | ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE] | 19:15 |
mnk0 | im still having no luck setting up this video card .. any tips?? | 19:15 |
laga | yes | 19:20 |
laga | ask a real question :) | 19:20 |
abarbaccia1 | hey do u ever get the gnome-panel bars over mythfrontend? | 19:37 |
laga | no. because i don't use gnome ;) | 19:38 |
abarbaccia1 | hahaha | 19:38 |
abarbaccia1 | that's one solution | 19:38 |
pteague | how can i get mythtv to run in a window instead of eating up my entire screen? | 19:46 |
pteague | nm | 19:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | pteague, there is an option in the frontend setup, general setup I believe, which will allow you to run in a window and to set the amout of screen that it takes up | 19:46 |
pteague | ah, ok... i got it to run in window, but it's still taking up the full screen | 19:47 |
pteague | there we go :) | 19:50 |
pteague | any idea which theme is pretty light weight? as far as resources? | 19:50 |
laga | iulius | 19:55 |
tgm4883_laptop | no idea | 19:55 |
tgm4883_laptop | GANT maybe? | 19:56 |
laga | iulius. | 19:56 |
laga | 20:38 < Falballa> laga: 'ram' could be (#1) 1600x1200: Iulius: 51M, blue: 81M, mythcenter: 120M, Retro und GANT: 215M, Titivillus: 260M, blootube: 299M, ProjectGrayhem: 300M, or (#2) 1920x1080 #3506: mythcenter-wide: 87m (168M, 48%), minimalist-wide: 103m (118m, 13%), blootubelite-wide: 106m (205m, 48%), neon-wide: 118m (248m, 52%), | 19:56 |
laga | ProjectGrayhem-wie: 138m (229m, 40%), MePo-wide: 176m (221m, 20%), blootube-wide: 233m (531m, | 19:56 |
foxbuntu | laga, do you just have magic convo logs on every subject? | 19:57 |
foxbuntu | ? | 19:59 |
foxbuntu | ? | 19:59 |
foxbuntu | ;) | 20:00 |
superm1 | missing mythbuntu theme? | 20:15 |
laga | yes | 20:25 |
laga | superm1: janneg made that some time ago | 20:25 |
liri | which folder should I put video files for the video media library to search for it? | 20:31 |
DGMurdockIII | what tv tuner shold i get | 20:37 |
foxbuntu | liri, the default is /var/lib/mythtv/videos | 20:38 |
DGMurdockIII | i need the the red white yello connection on it | 20:38 |
DGMurdockIII | and would like it to have fm tuner as well | 20:38 |
foxbuntu | DGMurdockIII, the PVR-150 is a good tuner | 20:39 |
liri | foxbuntu: yep, found it on the configuration screen | 20:41 |
liri | any chance someone could point me to a working TV-Out setup for nvidia? | 20:42 |
foxbuntu | liri, actually, what kind of TV out is it? | 20:44 |
foxbuntu | svid? comp | 20:45 |
foxbuntu | ? | 20:45 |
DGMurdockIII | ty | 20:48 |
liri | foxbuntu: svideo | 20:59 |
liri | foxbuntu: the card is a old, it's a Geforce2 MX/MX 400 | 20:59 |
foxbuntu | liri, many times if you plug in the svid only to the TV and restart X it will setup the TV out | 20:59 |
liri | foxbuntu: I actually managed to get tvout working like 2 minutes ago (I'll post the config) but it complained about low-graphics mode and so the frontend starts and I'm able to view pictures but it won't play videos. Says "loading..." but just hangs there until I press ESC and it quits back to the video browser | 21:01 |
liri | foxbuntu: I tested that video file when it was connected to a CRT and it played fine so it's something with the video driver or some other setting | 21:01 |
foxbuntu | liri, its how you have your Monitor (TV) setup in your Xorg I would think | 21:02 |
liri | foxbuntu: would you take a look please? http://pastebin.ca/1176418 | 21:03 |
foxbuntu | liri, sorry I cant atm sorry | 21:04 |
liri | foxbuntu: how do I check if a certain video driver for xorg is installed (like the nvidia driver) | 21:06 |
liri | ahh | 21:16 |
liri | I think it used the vesa driver, that's all | 21:17 |
liri | I'll have to see how to install the binary nvidia driver | 21:17 |
superm1 | apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy | 21:19 |
superm1 | i believe for that card | 21:19 |
liri | actually it lists for the nvidia-glx driver | 21:22 |
liri | is there any known special configuration required after installing it except than adjusting xorg.conf? | 21:24 |
liri | no luck playing video even with the nvidia-glx driver installed | 21:31 |
liri | uhm, maybe it's mplayer's fault, it's playing with -vo xv | 21:37 |
liri | no wonder, xvinfo says "no adaptors present" | 21:41 |
superm1 | your card is supported by the legacy variant | 21:41 |
superm1 | not the normal variant typically | 21:41 |
liri | which means? | 21:42 |
superm1 | install the right variant of the driver | 21:42 |
superm1 | the package is called nvidia-glx-legacy | 21:42 |
liri | superm1: this website says that the Geforce 2 MX/MX400 is under the normal nvidia-glx driver though: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/169.12/README/appendix-a.html | 21:45 |
superm1 | that's a bit surprising tbh.... | 21:45 |
superm1 | liri, but okay if it says so :) | 21:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | um | 21:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | no it doesn't | 21:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | Below are the legacy GPUs that are no longer supported in the unified driver. These GPUs will continue to be maintained through the special legacy NVIDIA GPU driver releases. | 21:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | The 96.43.xx driver supports the following set of GPUs: | 21:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | NVIDIA GPU product Device PCI ID | 21:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | GeForce2 MX/MX 400 0x0110 | 21:46 |
liri | ? | 21:46 |
superm1 | oh yeah see.... | 21:46 |
tgm4883_laptop | unless im missing something | 21:46 |
liri | that GeForce2 MX/MX 400 is what I have, so it's in the 96.43 driver which is the nvidia-glx | 21:47 |
liri | look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 21:48 |
superm1 | your right. i'm used to the naming scheme in intrepid - which there are two legacy drivers | 21:50 |
superm1 | so look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if it loaded properly | 21:50 |
superm1 | or what's happening | 21:50 |
liri | ugh, I'm tired of it already | 22:01 |
Stemming78 | Needing assistance setting up my Mythbox; running the Install Disk v8.04.1 and need guidence | 22:19 |
tgm4883_laptop | !manual | Stemming78 | 22:21 |
Zinn | Stemming78: http://mythbuntu.org/installation_manual | 22:21 |
Stemming78 | Using a 7200 AGP card; Component Connection w/ 1080p output. Just ran setup and god blank screen upon reboot. | 22:21 |
Stemming78 | Sellected that option at end. Should I change the driver or wait until after setup is complete? | 22:22 |
Stemming78 | FRESH INSTALLATION: Should I enable TV-OUT during installation (Component HD1080p) or use MCC upon reboot? | 22:30 |
Stemming78 | Not getting any video output after a fresh installation. Using a new video card; Nvidia e-GeForce 7600 GT AGP card.... I selected the "Nvidia-new" driver during setup... Have monitor connected DVI. Any suggestions? | 23:02 |
Stemming78 | BUMP ~ Not getting any video output after a fresh installation. Using a new video card; Nvidia e-GeForce 7600 GT AGP card.... I selected the "Nvidia-new" driver during setup... Have monitor connected DVI. Any suggestions? | 23:04 |
Stemming78 | I tried a DVI and VGA connection; both having the same results (black screen after reboot). Is there a known issue with the proprietary driver? Also, any known possible work-arrounds? | 23:14 |
Stemming78 | ***Monitor goes blank afer boot... Have video until MythBuntu is loaded. | 23:16 |
alexvd_ | hello has anyone had an issue with mythbuntu 7.10 where periodically you lose audio in mythvideo only with mplayer. The internal player works fine? Outputting all audio over spdif. | 23:20 |
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away | ||
Stemming78 | Did a FRESH install once again. This time I didnt use the Restricted Drivers and video is working... Any suggestions as to how I need to go about getting the driver installed correctly --> failed to locate anything pertaining to this in the forums... THANKS!!! | 23:51 |
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