
* DarkWave43302 is not here at present: Gone away for now.02:22
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DanaGArgh, I suspended one laptop and then resumed it... and all my touchpad settings are gone!04:09
DanaGWhat gives?04:09
DanaGEven if I go to Mouse preferences and disable tapping..... it still does tapping.04:09
DanaGAnd synclient no longer works!04:10
DanaGThat's just plain screwed up.04:10
* RAOF throws launchpad.net at DanaG 04:11
DanaGOh yeah, and on that laptop, even though the network passphrase is stored in the Login keyring.... it still asks me to unlock it.04:11
DanaGAah: "Keep in mind that, even in a perfect world, pam_keyring will still not work if you set gdm to autologin to your main account."04:17
DanaGaah, I figured it out.04:19
DanaGFixed it.04:21
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 439386 in synaptics "Synaptics touchpad touching to tap doesn't work after suspend/resume cycle" [Medium,Assigned]04:26
alex_mayorgaany Inspiron 1501 owners?05:01
LSD|NinjaTry asking about your specific problem with it05:11
RAOFAnyone here do dual-head with metacity?05:14
alex_mayorgajust wanting to get Bug 121111 confirmed?05:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 121111 in linux "Ibex alpha 2 won't load on Dell Inspiron 1501" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12111105:30
valiant8086Hi all 142 users. Is this the ubuntu support channel? There's so many of them I haven't a clue if I picked the one indicated by the download page05:31
RAOFvaliant8086: You're after #ubuntu; this is discussion of the development release, Intrepid Ibex.05:31
valiant8086er, sorry, didn't need to say hi again, heh. but anyway, I'm downloading 8.04. Is this the right place to ask a question about dual booting with a system that's already dual booting xp and vista?05:40
RAOFvaliant8086: Not really; you'd be after #ubuntu.05:41
valiant8086darn, heh, so just plain ubuntu. wonder if I can just get mirc to connect directly instead of looking through over 300 channels05:41
gnomefreaktriple booting is a pain atleast it ws for me05:41
RAOFvaliant8086: I'd suggest that "/join #ubuntu" is likely to work.05:41
RAOFIt's a bit noisy, but you should hopefully be able to get an answer there.  If not, ubuntuforums is a good resource.  And there's always google; most questions have been asked and answered before.05:42
valiant8086yeah and it really should be for me since dual booting vista and xp is already a pain05:42
valiant8086ok, I think I'll part and see if I can go confuse someone05:43
DanaGArgh, it's way hard to tweak the touchpad tap time when even normal clicking is05:51
DanaGArgh, stupid nvidia.05:57
alex_mayorgaDanaG: does shutdown works for you?05:58
DanaGNope, it goes to logon screen for me.;05:59
alex_mayorgaBug 250506 it is06:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250506 in consolekit "shutdown and restart act as logout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25050606:01
alex_mayorgait's rather popular that bugger06:02
Freddhow come its not an issue to add 3rd party soucres with the "hardy" tag to ibex?06:04
RAOFFredd: What makes you think it isnt? :)06:05
Freddwell i added the wine 1.1.2 sources for hardy and they are working fine06:05
Freddother than wine phails06:05
RAOFYup, that'll be the case.  Sometimes.06:06
RAOFBasically, packages from other series aren't guaranteed to be installable (because they depend on packages not in Intrepid), or less often because a lib broke its ABI.06:07
JollyGiantRAOF: although WINE itself is rather resilient to such things if you override the package dependencies06:07
JollyGiantYou might end up missing features because of missing and/or changed libraries but it should still somewhat work06:08
DanaGRAOF: I want to try out nouveau on that old laptop, but xserver-xorg-video-nouveau depends on the unavailable linux-nouveau-modules; how do I build that?07:00
DanaGIt doesn't show up in module-assistant, and I don't remember offhand how to build modules while not in a full source tree dir.07:00
RAOFDanaG: drm-modules is the thing you should find in module-assistant.07:00
RAOFDanaG: The nouveau wiki has instructions, but basically you just need to build the drm-modules module-assistant package.07:01
DanaGaah, drm-modules, not nouveau.07:01
RAOFAt some point I'll play with dkms and remove the module-assistant fun entirely.07:01
DanaGSo the drm-modules 'provides' nouveau-modules, right?07:04
RAOFIt does so for hysterical raisins.07:04
DanaGDang, now I'm kinda' hungry.07:04
DanaGSo, what is nouveau currently capable of?07:06
RAOFFast 2d, dual head.07:07
RAOFOh, and bicubic Xv rescaling.07:07
RAOFIf you feel the need to play with unfinished stuff, it'll do OpenArena pretty well.  On nv4x, at least.07:08
DanaGAah, it'll be good not to have LAAAAG even on things as simple as switching tabs in a console.07:08
DanaGnv4x?  Can't say I know nvidia's numbering very well.07:08
RAOFGeforece 6 & 7.07:09
DanaGFor example, my GeForce Go 7600 is G73... but I didn't know the 'NV#" name.07:09
DanaGI'll be using Nouveau on the one that was using the 71.xx drivers for the GeForce 4-is-really-a-2 420 Go.07:09
unfold(off topic)  has anyone here dual booted ubuntu w/ leopard?07:09
RAOFSpecifically, that's the number that nouveau reads from the chip on start.07:10
RAOFI presume that your geforce 4MX will be a nv2x chip.07:10
RAOF(TNT2 is nv04, the earliest card supported by nouveau)07:11
crdlbno, that's TNT07:11
RAOFOh, I lie then.07:11
RAOFTNT2 is...?07:11
* crdlb has one :>07:11
crdlb05 or 0607:12
RAOFWell, then, nouveau goes all the way down to TNT.07:12
RAOFcrdlb: How does nouveau go on your TNT?07:14
fargiolashi, I need an help/suggestion about intrepid upgrade07:14
fargiolasupdate-manager -d was killed (my fault :P) before the end07:15
fargiolasrerunning it did nothing, it tried to upgrade packages but nothing happened because there was some error with apt libs07:16
fargiolasit has no crash recovery system..07:17
fargiolasI almost solved everything (I think) running dpkg --configure -a, apt-get -f install and upgrading everything07:17
fargiolasbut I'd like to know if update-manager does anything else after package upgrading that I should do manually07:18
danbhfivefargiolas: i think it might remove obsolete packages07:19
danbhfivewell, it would remove obsolete packages, not quite the same as apt-get autoremove07:19
DanaGHmm, I see no visible difference between nv and Nouveau on that old laptop.07:20
DanaGWait, dpms is working better than nv, at least.07:20
fargiolasdanbhfive: ok but I think it calls dpkg/apt to do it right? so there is surely a way to do things manually07:20
DanaG.. but that's for 3D, right?  I don't really plan to do 3D on it.07:22
danbhfivefargiolas: yeah, dpkg.  but, you would have to know which packages to remove, or use something like deborphan07:22
RAOFDanaG: ??07:22
* fargiolas looks at deborphan07:22
danbhfivefargiolas: regardless, clean installs are best  : P07:23
RAOFDanaG: It should do dual-head better than nv, I think.  It might be a bit faster than nv, too, but your card is both less powerful and less well supported than my nv4x :)07:24
fargiolasdanbhfive: sure but I have no time do it now and I needed a couple of new libraries..07:24
DanaGOh, it does do 2D composite better.07:25
fargiolasanyway update-manager *should* have some kind of crash recovery system, it's too critical to fail if killed07:25
DanaGAah, geforce2 is nv11 and nv14; 4mx is 17 and 18.07:25
danbhfivewell then I suspect that you wont care much about remove obsolete files.  If they conflict with anything, they will get removed anyway07:25
DanaGGeForce 6 (NV4x)07:26
DanaGGeForce 7 (G7x)07:26
DanaGthat's what it lists as names.07:26
RAOFDanaG: From where?  Because G7x is also nv4x ;)07:26
DanaGOh yeah, and now it's not mad-flickery like it was before.07:26
DanaGLook in xorg log.07:26
RAOFDanaG: Yeah.  There's both nv4x and G7x07:27
DanaG(II) NOUVEAU driver for NVIDIA chipset families :    (and that list).07:27
RAOFDanaG: Oooh.  If it's a laptop, you'll also get pretty dithering.07:27
RAOFThat's quite nice for those with 6-bit laptop panels.07:27
RAOF(ie: almost everyone).07:27
DanaGYeah, it looked like crap before.07:27
DanaGWorst laptop I've ever used: P2 266 with NeoMagic.07:28
DanaG16-bit color LCD.07:28
DanaGNOt 18.  16.07:28
RAOF565?  Crazy.07:28
DanaG... and only 2.5 megs of video RAM.07:28
DanaG2.5 megs of video RAM wasn't enough to even DRAW the desktop at 32-bit, regardless of LCD type.07:29
fargiolasanother thing, did anything change with restricted drivers, kernel module management? I had nvperfkit nvidia drivers installed manually and intrepid uses them with no complain and lists them in restricted manager.. that surely did not happen in hardy07:29
DanaGI'm not entirely sure about that panel, actualy.07:29
DanaGOdd: no 3D DRI.  Direct Rendering: no.07:30
RAOFYeah, that's right.07:30
RAOFYou'll need to do more than install my packages to get 3d (and 3d is hideously unfinished for < nv3x).07:31
RAOFI don't distribute the 3d part in deference to upstream's wishes.07:31
DanaGAah.  What's the reasoning?07:32
RAOFYou can play with the gallium-0.1 branch of their mesa tree, if you want; it's fairly easy (nouveau wiki has details)07:32
DanaGEeh, on a GPU that old, on a spare system, it's not worth bothering with.07:32
RAOFDanaG: The reasoning?  It's horribly unfinished, the devs know it, and shipping it in a package gives an untrue impression of supportedness.07:32
RAOFBasically, they don't need testing of the 3d; there's tons of easy work to do.07:33
DanaGZwhoa, suspend and resume worked.07:34
DanaGYes, "Zwhoa"07:35
RAOFWhat, with nouveau?  LIES!07:35
DanaGYeah, with nouveau.07:35
DanaGPerhaps Ubuntu's scripts did something about it.07:35
DanaGHeh, and my ssh session into the box also resumed.07:35
RAOFHm.  Maybe the 'support some sort of suspend/resume with < nv3x' patches got into the main tree.07:36
DanaGDoes Nouveau get along with nvidiafb?07:37
fargiolasanother little question: is there a way to get boot messages back while waitning for the uvesafb bug to be fixed?07:37
RAOFVery much no.07:37
RAOFfargiolas: For you, yes.  Just remove the 'splash' from your grub line.07:38
fargiolasRAOF: no splash in the grub line, "ro quiet vga=791"07:38
RAOFfargiolas: Oh, then you can remove the vga bit.07:38
RAOFThat's not going to work until uvesafb is fixed!07:39
fargiolasRAOF: thanks that's what I wanted to know :P (too lazy to try it ;)) let's remove that vga bit then07:39
DanaGOdd... after DPMS power off and restore... it goes back to being all flickery.07:47
* RAOF is frankly amazed that it survived a suspend.07:48
RAOFOh, the other thing nouveau can get you is kernel modesetting on nv5x, should I build drm from that particular branch.07:48
DanaGNV5?  What's that one?07:49
DanaGOh yeah, I think the flickering is just the LCD warming up.07:49
DanaGThis LCD in that laptop is really odd...07:49
RAOFnv5x. AKA g80/g90, AKA geforce {8,9}07:49
DanaGPicture this: take every set of adjacent frames sent to the thing, and apply a horizontal-blinds effect between them.07:49
DanaGAah, I don't own such a card; after my 7600, I'm going to ATI next.07:50
LSD|NinjaIs Network Manager failing to automatically reconnect to a wireless network after a remote disconnect (as in, an AP/router crash) a bug or a feature?08:13
LSD|NinjaAlso, why does an auto-hidden task bar cause windows to move upward/downward when it rolls in/out?08:21
DanaGHmm, does the packaged Murrine now do transparency?08:41
DanaGI'm getting semitransparent menubars and such.08:42
SebastianIs http://phpfi.com/344807 a known issue?08:42
Sebastian(Or maybe there is no issue)08:43
RAOFDanaG: Yes.08:43
vpelcakhi all08:45
zniavreDanaG:  and roundness menu for application with plugins (rhythmbox   eg)08:48
DanaGRoundness menu?08:49
zniavreyes   :o)08:49
DanaGI'm asking what you mean; that's not a yes or no question.  =P08:49
DanaGArgh, Xorg is using 40% CPU, and making everything slow.08:49
zniavremenu with radius08:49
zniavrewait a shaot 2sec08:50
DanaGUgh, at 40% CPU, it's way not usable.08:51
DanaGAah, "rounded"08:51
zniavrerounded  >added to brain08:51
DanaGOr you could say "rounded corners on menus" or something like that.08:52
DanaGI wish I could get the Murrine engine to match the Nodoka engine as closely as looks good (and I actually LIKE the rounded scrollbars in Nodoka).08:53
DanaGThere's a slight difference there.08:54
DanaGIs nouveau not doing acceleration on Composite, or is it just that that video chip is weaksauce?  (heh, weaksauce.)08:55
RAOFDanaG: Nouveau _should_ be accelerating Composite; check in Xorg.0.log that it's enabled (and ensure that ShadowFB isn't).08:56
DanaGIt's also a weak CPU; P4-Celeron 1.6GHz.08:56
DanaGI like orange; it's a cool color.08:58
DanaGIt says composite is enabled; enabling overlay with smart blitter fallback.08:59
RAOFWhy not pastebin the log; that's always fun.09:00
zniavreNouveau the free nvidia driver is in intrepid ?09:00
bazhang!info nouveau09:01
ubottuPackage nouveau does not exist in intrepid09:01
zniavrethank you bazhang09:01
LSD|Ninjazniavre: Don't bother with it yet, you're better odff sticking with nv09:01
RAOF!nouveau | zniavre this is what you're thinking of09:01
ubottuzniavre this is what you're thinking of: Nouveau is an experimental open-source nVidia driver, aiming for full 3d support.  Homepage at http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/ - EXPERIMENTAL packages at https://launchpad.net/~raof/+archive09:01
LSD|NinjaNouveau doesn't do 3D yet and only barely works in 2D. Without 3D support it really is no better than nv09:02
RAOFLSD|Ninja: "Barely does 2d" isn't really accurate, unless you're talking about nv5x.09:03
LSD|NinjaRAOF: Even the team behind it don't guarantee the 2D half, they say as much on their site09:04
RAOFRight.  Guarantee != barely works.09:04
RAOFIt's certainly still experimental, and things can (and occasionally do) break.09:05
RAOFBut it's quite usable for 2d right now; much of the breakage is 'it doesn't build against $NEW_KERNEL_VERSION'09:06
LSD|NinjaPoint still stands though, if you're going in to it thinking it's a silver bullet for nVidia ills you're going to be sorely disappointed09:06
DanaGI wouldn't mind the binary drivers on this old laptop.... but they don't work at all.  Won't even start Xorg.09:07
RAOFAlthough I'd be happy to recommend it to anyone who's satisfied with nv (and has a card older than a geforce 8)09:07
DanaGI'd say, use nouveau only for things not supported by 173 or 177 drivers.09:07
LSD|NinjaIt has no advantage over nv atm though, there's really no point in going to all the trouble to get it going09:07
DanaGIsn't it supposedly better at 2D?09:08
DanaG... or is it not really?09:08
RAOFIt's faster, and has better quality stuff.  And possibly does dual-head better, but I haven't tested recent nv.09:08
DanaGI'd believe that it does look better.09:08
RAOFCertainly on an 18-bit panel it will; it's got better dithering.09:08
LSD|NinjaIt still looks/feels as crap as nV here09:09
RAOFIt's got blob-equivalent dithering.  I'm not quite sure why nv doesn't do that, actually.09:09
DanaGHeh, now some workstation laptops are coming out with full 24-bit panels.09:09
DanaGThat's 8 bits per color.09:09
LSD|NinjaI doubt most people could really tell teh diff between an 18 bit and a 24 bit panel. Those that can probably shouldn't be using LCDs anyway.09:10
DanaGHP has a "DreamColor" desktop monitor with 10 bits per pixel (and thus 30 bit color).09:10
DanaGoh yeah, pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f3724ac3909:10
RAOFLSD|Ninja: You're right; my external LCD is 24bit, my laptop is 18bit.  Once proper dithering is turned on, I can't tell the difference (in their colour reproduction, at least).09:10
RAOFIt's easy to notice broken dithering, though, and nv has broken dithering.09:11
DanaGI do find it funny that my 17" laptop LCD is so much dimmer than the LCDs on every one of the 4 or so old laptops we have around here.09:12
DanaGEeh, it's not "so much"... but it definitely is dimmer.09:15
LunksHey =) some keys are missing from my keyboard since going to intrepid.09:16
LunksI mean, just one.09:16
bronsonDrat, the FF print dialog shows up all black in Compiz.09:18
bronsonLooks like I need to turn desktop effects off in Intrepid too.09:18
=== BaD-Laptop is now known as BaD_CrC
LSD|NinjaAt least you can turn them on :P09:18
LunksAnd I also got a fireworks show on second restart instead of the ubuntu loading screen.09:18
DanaGSomebody needs to put that Evdev thingy in the topic of the channel.09:18
LunksDanaG: already set as evde09:18
LunksDanaG: already set as evdev*09:18
bronsonLSD|Ninja, true.09:18
bronsonI'd trade with someone who really wants effects.09:19
bronsonI don't really care about them so if they're buggy at all, off they go.09:19
bronsonerm, evdev thingy?09:20
DanaGyeah, setting keyboard to "evdev managed keyboard"09:22
DanaGLunks: whaddaya' mean by "missing" -- that can actually be interpreted or defined several ways.09:22
Lunksmissing as in I press it and it's just ain't there.09:23
Lunksmissing as in I press it and it's just ain't there.09:23
DanaGWhat key?09:23
Lunkshaha that should be tricky09:23
Lunks/ question mark09:23
Lunkswell, /09:24
Lunksquestion mark on shift. well, I believe you know what I'm talking about. :P09:24
LunksSo far, I've only missed this one.09:25
LunksYou are probably aware of this, but apart from it, keyboard is set correctly.09:26
=== fargiolas|afk is now known as fargiolas
DanaG1:35 AM here.  Time for bed.09:35
DanaGWell past time, in fact.09:37
Lunks05h37, bed time converted on intrepid09:37
DanaG!info fancontrol09:38
ubottuPackage fancontrol does not exist in intrepid09:38
DanaGSomehow I have a 'fancontrol' running.09:39
DanaG!find fancontrol09:39
ubottuFile fancontrol found in lm-sensors09:39
zniavrespeedfan may be ?09:39
s0u][ighthi guys10:35
vpelcakhi all10:46
vpelcakI upgraded to Ibex (to help with bugreporting), but now i cannot boot. I ran failsafe and it stopped at configuration of network interfaces. How can i skip it? I sonnect to wpa encrypted wifi by using knetworkmanager after login.10:48
Lunksvpelcak: have you tried safe mode?10:50
Lunksoh you did10:50
Lunksyou can probably use a livecd and chroot to your installation10:50
Lunksthen remove networks from startup (forgot the cmdline)10:51
AnRkeyis there a reason why a qt based app cant see any printers in 8.04.1?11:12
joaopintoAnRkey, this channel is for intrepid , not Hardy11:14
gnomefreakAnRkey: please ask in #ubuntu11:17
gnomefreakor better yet #kubuntu11:17
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
mifritscherhave 2 new problems12:47
mifritscher1. the backliht keys don't work (ibm x61t)12:47
mifritscher2. the mosue optioins are ignored now12:47
mifritscher(need them too configure the idle mouse key + stick act as a wheel)12:47
mifritscherah, and a 3 problem: glxgears is a lot slower12:51
vpelcakLunks: Sorry for delayed reply, I was busy. Is there any other way to interrupt network setup during boot?12:52
mifritscherbut openarena works fine12:52
=== fargiola` is now known as fargiolas
mifritscherwhere can I but these settings now?13:08
vpelcakmifritscher: try "glxinfo | grep render"13:21
mifritscherseems to be ok13:26
mifritscherdirect rendering: yes13:26
mifritscherthe renderer is intel dri13:26
mifritscherthe only error message is Failed to initialize TTM buffer manager.  Falling back to classic.13:26
mifritschera 4. Problem: Rotation lasts a lot longer now...14:20
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:20
mifritscherPici: was that an answer to mee?14:27
mifritscherI'm already active there ;)14:27
IdleOnehave not received any updates in a couple days. is this normal or is there some sort of freeze going on?15:25
PiciMy updates have been coming in fine..15:26
IdleOneI was not able to boot up this morning with latest kernel15:26
IdleOnebut last update I got had some xorg updates in it also15:27
IdleOneso not sure which is the issue15:27
IdleOne 2.6.26-5-generic shows me the splash screen and load bar but then I get a black screen15:28
IdleOneso I assume it is xorg issue15:28
IdleOnePici, when was your last update?15:29
IdleOnestrange I just started update-manager and am getting 13 updates. but not getting the notification icon in panel15:31
PiciIdleOne: I just got one no15:31
IdleOneguess the update icon is broke15:31
mvoIdleOne: have you applied the udpates yet? if not, could you please run /usr/share/update-notifier/apt-check ?16:27
Lunksvpelcak: not sure. I mean, you have to have access to your hdd16:27
Lunksand if you have it, just using a livecd should be the easier, if not, the only way16:27
IdleOnemvo, : /usr/share/update-notifier/apt-check: No such file or directory16:28
skelcan anyone with a digg account please check out this link and vote for it if you feel its worthy: http://digg.com/software/Open_Source_software_sold_with_violated_GPL_license =]16:29
IdleOnefirefox is acting up big time.16:30
mvoIdleOne: sorry, /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check is the correct path16:31
IdleOnemvo, ok it's done16:31
IdleOneno updates16:31
IdleOnebe back later16:33
hdevalenceDoes Kubuntu Intrepid use KDE 4.1?17:15
hdevalenceJontheEchidna: sweet, thanks17:18
JontheEchidnaYou're welcome17:19
Turskiis kde3 still available for interpid?17:19
JontheEchidnaOnly where a stable release of an app doesn't exist, like k3b for example17:20
JontheEchidnaor konversation17:20
=== fargiolas is now known as fargiolas|afk
qawshi, are there any updates in Intrepid last week?18:37
=== fargiolas|afk is now known as fargiolas
MuppeteerHai guise19:12
=== Muppeteer is now known as Mountainjew
asfakadept manager is not working in kub8.10 alpha419:32
asfakno gdebi like in Kubuntu 8.10 ?19:34
fyrestrtris the new theme finalized?19:42
Ayabara!info digikam-kde420:00
ubottudigikam-kde4 (source: digikam-kde4): digital photo management application for KDE 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.0~beta1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 9759 kB, installed size 24100 kB20:00
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
PolitikerALTI got a problem with firefox/swfdec (+flashblock): Whenever a flash item appears, I get an additional window (with no title). If I close it, firefox closes/crashes (?) too.20:59
=== regel is now known as Regel
PolitikerALTmy system boot time is really long; especially vol_id it taking a long time - can anybody have a glance at my bootchart and maybe tell me what to do? http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/8355/intrepid200808168ls0.png21:09
e\ectro_looks like there is an issue with cairo-dock21:30
fargiolasis there any known problem with nautilus and drag and drop? I cannot move files nor copy them nor change icon position with the mouse21:36
dupondjeIs there a channel for the network manager ?21:51
=== fargiolas is now known as fargiolas|afk
mifritscherfound the solution about the middle button-scroll: http://mvogt.wordpress.com/2008/08/15/xorg-evdev-and-emulatewheel/22:39
mifritscherperhaps that could be included?22:39
tomaskodid adobe flash plugin + firefox just suddenly getting really slow for anyone else?23:20
tomaskosites that worked well with flash just a few days ago suddenly display _all actions_ (clickable buttons, streaming video, etc.) very slowly23:21
LunksHey, I've got new weird things Intrepid has been making to my computer.23:25
LunksInstead of a loading screen, I get retro-art (really cool b/w patterns)23:26
LunksAnd fn+f7, fn+f8 which controls brightness aren't detected by Ubuntu, so no fancy brightness level23:27
tomaskoLunks: you may need to configure such things with xev and xmonad23:35
LunksI'm sorry, I didn't understand tomasko23:36
tomaskoif you're using gnome, i can't really say what you need to do to configure it. the only reason i'm on intrepid is that kde 4.1 is on it stock23:36
tomaskoer, sorry not xmonad, xmodmap23:39
LunksBut what does xev do23:39
tomaskoxev gives you keycodes to keys like fn and f723:39
fyrestrtrif you are on a thinkpad, just install thinkkeys23:39
Lunks    XLookupString gives 0 bytes:23:40
tomaskoyou use xmodmap to assign them to names like Menu, etc. found in a header file on your system... the name of which is escaping me23:41
Lunks    state 0x0, keycode 97 (keysym 0xff24, Romaji), same_screen YES,23:41
tomaskothen in your window manager, you would ask it to use whatever "Menu" maps to as a shortcut for an action like open up the menu, etc.23:41
tomaskoLunks: yes, the 97 is relevant23:41
tomaskoLunks: google around for xev and xmodmap, there are tons of resources on this23:42
tomaskohmm, well again.. giving but not getting anything. later23:42
LunksAnd he didn't ask anything23:43

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