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dholbachgood morning06:44
stefanlsdgotta go to work. cya guys later :)07:42
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asacdholbach: hey. one question: why do we release team reports before the month is actually over?09:37
asace.g. team report august: 22nd09:37
dholbachasac: good question, best to ask Mr Bacon about it :)09:38
asacdholbach: is he ever online ;)?09:38
dholbachyes, he should be back any minute09:39
dholbachwoohooo! the first team documented the packages they track on harvest!09:40
dholbachasac: should the recent diggler work with firefox-3? just reviewing a merge that still has firefox-2 in the Depends10:08
asacdholbach: in intrepid we dont want to do anything for firefox 2 ... we will remove it10:09
dholbachso? update to firefox-3?10:09
dholbachbug 25461410:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254614 in diggler "Please merge diggler 0.9-16 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25461410:09
cpufreakshould there be a firefox-3-dbg package btw?10:11
* cpufreak was looking for debugging symbols in hardy for ff last night, just found the ones for firefox-210:11
asacdholbach: ok updated10:12
dholbachasac: did you use the patch in the package or did you do an upload of your own?10:12
asacdholbach: i updated the bug ;)10:13
dholbachasac: ah! thanks! :)10:13
Ngasac: did you get a chance to play with openvpn? :)10:13
asacNg: not yet. setting up a openvpn thing appears to be still the blocking barrier ;)10:14
Nghmm, perhaps I can do something about that, since I particularly want this fixed ;)10:14
asaclol ... see how it works ;)10:15
NgI can probably set up a VM at home. access won't be particularly fast, but you only need to be able to connect to it and ping the other end and everything else should be fine10:15
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loolISTR some people were complaining about the new listadmin reporting "nothing in queue" incorrectly10:52
loolThis seems to be http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=495006 which is fixed in 2.40-2.210:53
ubottuDebian bug 495006 in listadmin "listadmin: 2.40 update broke it against Mailman-2.1.9/etch" [Grave,Open]10:53
looli'll file a sync request10:53
thibsI just wanted to know if an RSS feed exists that broadcasts every new package update for a given release ?10:57
looljpds: Hmm your latest changes break requestsync10:57
thibslike, I'd like to subscribe to hardy-updates feed10:57
looljpds:     print sys.stderr, >> "Could not connect to mailserver %s at port %s: %s (%i)" % \10:57
RAOFthibs: Yes; eg10:57
jpdslool: Oh dear, wrong way round, just a sec.10:58
thibsRAOF, cool! Is it a special feature provided by ubuntu-nl lug or is it "official" ?10:58
thibsRAOF, I mean... is this feed maintained by ubuntu-nl guys or is it a replication of an official one ?11:01
jpdslool: ubuntu-dev-tools_0.40ubuntu2_source.changes - uploaded.11:02
looljpds: thanks11:02
looljpds: Did you push to lp?11:03
jpdslool: Yes.11:03
loolI see no new revisions in ubuntu-dev-tools11:03
jpdslp:ubuntu-dev-tools at revision 176.11:04
loolAh finally got it11:04
loolI didn't know there was any delay; I thought bzr pushes were immediately completed when they happened11:04
looljpds: NameError: global name 'urllib2' is not defined11:05
jpdslool: Are you reuploading or should I?11:10
looljpds: I did11:14
jpdslool: Thanks, sorry for the problem.11:14
loolI was wondering whether I had any choice than remove usage of urrlib to fix another issue I saw11:15
loolNB I'm using a https_proxy which is a problem for many python apps11:16
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Keybuktoday I shall remember to test packages before uploading them ;)11:45
thomKeybuk: why change the habit of a lifetime? ;)11:56
* ogra curses loudy about horizontal scrolling for touchpads being enabled *again* by default ... grrr ... that renders my windowlist unusable 11:58
ogra*grrrr* and why dont we have any way to disable horizontal scrolling via UI12:02
N_I_K_Aпока бесы!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:32
N_I_K_Aдцлкпешщфхцргкщшзщшлн7эзежщоаипрлщижиллиаррлрилипмлилилбилплеждщтряоелри длбтспат пт ппт птапт 515241425с1 452м1т452 14т521пм т52152 т125мпи1т 452п1 251п4т5 1п4т5 214п52т14 5пт 5п52т 13пм1т4 35см2пт415пма1т 3асп14т 52пми15тап1пт 1452мипт14 5апт14 52пмат 15па4т 5аспт52 аспт 5саптап5тпа4т5а12:33
ubottuHelp! bhale, infinity, Hobbsee, jdub, thom, fooishbar, fabbione, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk12:33
N_I_K_Aдцлкпешщфхцргкщшзщшлн7эзежщоаипрлщижиллиаррлрилипмлилилбилплеждщтряоелри длбтспат пт ппт птапт 515241425с1 452м1т452 14т521пм т52152 т125мпи1т 452п1 251п4т5 1п4т5 214п52т14 5пт 5п52т 13пм1т4 35см2пт415пма1т 3асп14т 52пми15тап1пт 1452мипт14 5апт14 52пмат 15па4т 5аспт52 аспт 5саптап5тпа4т5а12:33
N_I_K_Aдцлкпешщфхцргкщшзщшлн7эзежщоаипрлщижиллиаррлрилипмлилилбилплеждщтряоелри длбтспат пт ппт птапт 515241425с1 452м1т452 14т521пм т52152 т125мпи1т 452п1 251п4т5 1п4т5 214п52т14 5пт 5п52т 13пм1т4 35см2пт415пма1т 3асп14т 52пми15тап1пт 1452мипт14 5апт14 52пмат 15па4т 5аспт52 аспт 5саптап5тпа4т5а12:33
N_I_K_Aдцлкпешщфхцргкщшзщшлн7эзежщоаипрлщижиллиаррлрилипмлилилбилплеждщтряоелри длбтспат пт ппт птапт 515241425с1 452м1т452 14т521пм т52152 т125мпи1т 452п1 251п4т5 1п4т5 214п52т14 5пт 5п52т 13пм1т4 35см2пт415пма1т 3асп14т 52пми15тап1пт 1452мипт14 5апт14 52пмат 15па4т 5аспт52 аспт 5саптап5тпа4т5а12:33
wgrantThanks Keybuk.12:33
fabbionethat was fast.....12:34
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Hobbseeyay, people.12:44
emgentheya Hobbsee :)12:44
Hobbseehey emgent12:45
raphinkhello Hobbsee12:58
Hobbseehey raphink!12:59
KeybukYour message to ubuntu-devel awaits moderator approval13:00
KeybukI can't post to ubuntu-devel anymore?!13:00
mvohappend to me when I posted with "mvo@ubuntu.com" but was subscribed as "michael.vogt@ubuntu.com"13:00
seb128Keybuk: several people complained about that some days ago too13:00
Hobbseei pity the poor person who next goes thru that list with a working listadmin.13:01
Keybukbut I *am* subscribed13:01
Keybukwith that e-mail address13:01
seb128Keybuk: as said I read some other similar complains some days ago, I guess something went wrong on the list, would require a list admin to look at the issue13:02
tjaaltonogra: what do you mean "again"?13:03
ogratjaalton, well, i have that prob every development cycle13:04
ogratjaalton, and it always ends with one of you X guys patching the driver to not have horizontal scrolling :)13:04
Keybukseb128: technical issue apparently, elmo fixing :)13:04
seb128Keybuk: good ;-)13:04
tjaaltonogra: ah, right. the problem seems to be that dexconf used to add HorizEdgeScroll "0" to the conf, but now that the hal fdi file is used, the option is not set13:06
ogratjaalton, if i click on a buton in the windowlist in my bottom panel and then move to the terminal i brought up with that the windowlist gets a scrolling event from my touchpad if i dont move the pointer exactly vertically away from the windowlist13:06
HobbseeKeybuk: hmmm.  did you cancel?13:06
tjaaltonogra: anyway, synaptics should support input properties soonish, then you can change the settings runtime13:06
ograi.e. if my terminal pops up on the top left or right corner i indeed move off the windowlist in a diagonal way13:06
* Hobbsee wonders if someone else got their first.13:07
HobbseeKeybuk: you posted as scott@canonical.com13:07
ograwhich then interprets the horizontal movement and randomly makes the windowlist swithc to another app13:07
tjaaltonogra: yes, the option could be set in the fdi file. let me fix that13:07
ograthanks :)13:07
tjaaltonanyone with a macbook btw?13:07
HobbseeKeybuk: mail accepted13:07
KeybukHobbsee: I did, yes13:08
KeybukHobbsee: I generally use that instead of ubuntu.com13:08
Hobbseewhich is...subscribed to the list.13:08
Keybukright, I subscribed as just about every combination I can think of13:08
Chipzztjaalton: yes, but running osx on it :P13:09
Keybuksince I have my mail client configured to reply with the address I receive13:09
Chipzzso that won't help you I guess?13:09
Keybukso if someone mails me as scott@ubuntu.com and ccs the list, my reply will be from scott@ubuntu.com13:09
Keybukand I want it to go through13:09
* Hobbsee tries to remember how this section of the lists work13:10
KeybukHobbsee: it was an "open id problem"13:10
HobbseeKeybuk: ahhh.13:10
HobbseeKeybuk: so there was yet more breakage from that.13:11
bigonMithrandir, hi could you renew my telepathy membership (without expiration time is better)13:11
tjaaltonChipzz: right, you'd have to run intrepid ;)13:12
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elmothe LP group address <-> lists.ubuntu.com syncing was broken by some openID upgrades13:14
elmoI've fixed it and the moderation should be back to normal; sorry about that13:14
elmoKeybuk et al.: ^--13:14
seb128elmo: thanks13:15
ograworks fine13:15
* ogra just mailed -devel13:15
Keybukelmo: thanks for your fast work ;)13:16
Hobbseeelmo: cool, thanks13:16
* Hobbsee shoves a whole bunch of stuff out of the moderation queue13:16
* thorwil seems to get the same mails again and again. bad cross-posting13:18
Hobbseethorwil: yeah, not sure why people cross-post to -devel and -devel-discuss :(13:19
thorwilHobbsee: indeed. but then i tried to keep what was in CC to not break threads and got into moderation :}13:21
ScottKelmo: Thanks.13:21
Hobbseethorwil: yeah, well.  usually, people go thru u-d queue more regularly - but listadmin is broken ;(13:21
Hobbseeso i doubt people are doing much with it13:21
pwnguinso is -discuss intended to be a spill over from moderation?13:24
Hobbsee# https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelModeration13:25
thorwil- discuss is just open, not moderated and can hence be expected to be less focused13:26
pwnguinwell, as long as I don't need to look for replies on -discuss, I think I'll just duck the less focused conversation ;)13:28
thorwilso my scrollbar concept has a fan who posted a brainstorm idea, filed a bug, a blueprint and had to hit 3 ubuntu lists at once13:29
thorwili hope it's someone else who made a topic on the forum13:29
pwnguinthe thing about the scrollbar is that it's not very obvious by just looking at it13:30
ramviWhat directory are the startup applications in? Customizing a livecd..13:39
ln-why the zero-width no-break space?13:40
Ngln-: I'd guess pasting, some channels I'm in have that at the start of the topic and it's because they've pasted in from something else13:41
ln-i'm wondering how did ramvi manage to begin his line with one.13:42
ramviass -- /etc/xdg/autostart13:43
Mithrandirbigon: done13:57
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
* ogra hugs tjaalton 14:37
ograthanks a lot14:37
tjaaltonogra: np, noticed that upstream now has properies support for synaptics, but it'll take a while to get in :)14:38
ograi whish i could get evtouch to work ... then i'd be happy all over ... but i get no feedback at all, not even on the hal ML14:38
tjaaltondoes the driver load?14:39
ograand either ith my own hacked up fdi file nor with my old xorg.conf it works14:39
ograX got stuck the last time i tried it ...14:39
ograi havent had the time to try with the latest upload yet14:39
ograi saw there was one last week or so14:39
ograerr. oh14:40
ograyou fixed the same thing i fixed before ?14:41
ogradid i do anything worng in my upload ?14:41
tjaaltonthere was another reference to it14:41
* ogra just checked the changelog14:41
tjaaltoncheck the bug too :)14:41
ograoh, right :)14:42
ograhmm, i should test my fdi again then :=14:43
tjaaltoncould you post it somewhere so I can have a look?14:43
ograjust trying to find out where i got it14:44
ograit was simply a ripoff of the wacom file matching the device and using evtouch14:45
ograthat worked fine, just made xorg hardlock14:45
ograbut i saw it being loaded14:45
ograin the log14:45
ograpaste.ubuntu.com thinks it is php and i want to do anything evil14:47
ogratsk ... three dots help14:48
tjaaltonyeah, looks ok14:49
ograi'll put it back and try14:49
ograyay !14:56
ograevents !14:56
ion_Mmm... Events.14:57
ogratjaalton, http://paste.ubuntu.com/38511/14:57
ograhad to change it to info.capabilities contains="input.touchpad"14:57
ogranow i got events ... totally off and uncalibrated but thats a major step forward14:57
ogranow to find out how i get the claibration data into the fdi file14:58
mvoogra: events! events! events! (/me throws a chair)14:58
tjaaltonogra: input.x11_options.Foo14:59
ograthanks !14:59
* ogra tries15:00
tjaaltonyou can set any option that way15:00
tjaaltonalways use type=string15:00
tjaaltonhum, gotta run ->15:00
ograthanks so much !15:00
ograsweet !!!15:04
ograhmm, why doesnt compiz respect my sloppy focus setting :/15:06
ograhmm, xrandr doesnt reall ylike me yet15:16
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BenCAm I the only one experiencing corrupted mbox's after an intrepid update of evo?16:20
pwnguinyou might be the only one using evo ;)16:20
ogranot really16:21
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YokoZarScottK: poke16:28
BenCpwnguin: Then I could honestly say the bug was directed at _me_ :)16:32
pwnguinnovell is conspiring to break benC's ubuntu!16:34
asacNg: does the latest nm from PPA change anything ... do you see any regressions besides from vpn?16:35
asac(e.g. snapshot from today)16:35
Ngasac: I'll check16:39
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keeswhen is the ex-platform team meeting usually?17:14
james_wkees: wednesday 22:00 UTC17:15
keesjames_w: okay, cool.  I need to swing by with some questions -- is there an agenda I can add myself to?17:18
james_wkees: drop a mail to Colin17:18
ScottKIIRC he's on vaction this week.17:19
james_wScottK: nope, he's back by then17:20
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BenCJust in case anyone was wondering, I fixed my evo problem by deleting all the indexes and meta data in .evolution/mail/local/18:23
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cody-somervilleHow does popcorn know if people use a package regularly?20:54
Spadscody-somerville: something to do with the heat of the oil when it pops, I think.20:55
tedgThe gnomes tell the kernels when they're done.  That's why KDE people eat pretzels.20:56
gesercody-somerville: iirc it checks the atime21:05
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james_wseb128: I've sent a patch for gnome-session upstream. Should I milestone the Ubuntu bug so that we can fix it directly if it doesn't make it in to a release in time?22:06
james_wseb128: bug 25814522:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258145 in gnome-session "gnome-session-properties fails to create entries if .config/autostart is missing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25814522:06
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seb128james_w: hi, thanks, you can milestone it but don't use nomination that's not required22:47
james_wseb128: you mean not "Nominate for release", but add a beta milestone?22:47
james_wis beta correct do you think?22:47
bbswhat is the next release after hardy -- the one in development22:47
james_wbbs: intrepid ibex22:48
seb128yes, don't really matter, any milestone between now and intrepid will do22:48
LaserJockbbs: Intrepid22:48
james_wseb128: great, thanks22:48
seb128the patch is trivial enough22:48
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bbsLaserJock: whats the sources.list22:48
bbsibex or intrepid22:48
james_wbbs: intrepid22:49
jpdsbbs: intrepid and please visit #ubuntu+1 too for problems with it and other discussion.22:49
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