
RAOFMmm, loadav 31.3900:02
RAOFYay C++00:02
TomJaegerIt's very frustrating.  You spend many hours trying to get the packaging right and nobody's willing to spend the five or ten minutes that it would take to say, 'yeah, this is okay'00:02
RAOFTomJaeger: That's what I'm doing now.00:03
TomJaegerwow, cool00:03
RAOFThere are a couple of obvious and easily fixable problems, and your code is currently bringing my buildbox to its knees.00:03
TomJaegeryeah, boost::serialization makes heavy use of templates00:04
RAOFYay turing-complete type system.00:05
* slangasek ugh, boost00:07
RAOFTomJaeger: So, the big complaint is that your dependencies are/will be broken.00:07
k0phi all00:07
RAOFTomJaeger: {shlibs:Depends} is your friend.00:08
k0pI have my package some weeks in queue. :( Why the binary files doesnt appear on archive?00:08
Kopfgeldjaegerk0p: mine took 4 or 5 days to build, _after_ it was accepted by the archive admins00:09
TomJaegerokay, I'll add {shlibs:Depends}00:09
Kopfgeldjaegerk0p: But I remember yours was archived some hours before mine00:10
k0pKopfgeldjaeger, yeap00:12
k0pis it normal?00:12
k0pI think no..00:12
TomJaegerRAOF, do I need anything else then, or is just {shlibs:Depends} enough?00:12
RAOFTomJaeger: I don't think you need anything but ${shlibs:Depends} in your Depends: line, no.00:13
RAOFYou don't have any runtime dependencies that aren't linked in?00:13
TomJaegercool, thanks.00:13
RAOFI've added a comment, FWIW.  The shlibs thing is the big winner, but there's another nitpick or two there as well.00:13
TomJaegerAh, I see there's a review now. Thanks a lot.00:14
TomJaegerRAOF, point 2, this is just the sourceforge mirror that debian is using acting up.00:14
RAOFOh, right.  Urgh.00:14
k0pKopfgeldjaeger, why my package doesnt built after your? :/00:17
Kopfgeldjaegerk0p: dunno :( was it acepted by the archive admins?00:17
k0pKopfgeldjaeger, I think yes. How I should know?00:19
k0pI know that it appear on a list00:20
Kopfgeldjaegerk0p: DktrKranz also archived yours, didn't he? The next day he told me that mine was accepted by the admins00:20
k0phe doens't tell me anything. But another friend00:21
k0psend me a email00:21
k0pand it say that it was accepted00:21
k0pbut it appears only the sources00:21
TomJaegerhmm, dput says 'Already uploaded to revu.ubuntuwire.com'. Should I bump the version number to -0ubuntu2?00:22
KopfgeldjaegerTomJaeger: no00:22
Kopfgeldjaegerrm *.upload00:22
RAOFTomJaeger: No; just add -f to the dput line.00:22
Kopfgeldjaegeror that00:22
k0pKopfgeldjaeger, I need to talk DktrKranz..00:22
TomJaegerthanks, great that worked.00:22
k0phe isn't there.00:22
Kopfgeldjaegeranyway. good luck and good night00:25
k0pgood night.00:26
k0pthanks anyway00:26
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RAOFGah.  Would it be too much to ask for the clean target to _actually_ clean the source tree?00:45
TomJaegerRAOF, Thanks again, I've made the necessary changes and added a comment to http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=easystroke00:49
TomJaegerThat's not my package you were just talking about, is it?00:50
TomJaegerHow do you clean a debian package anyway?  Is 'fakeroot debian/rules clean' the way to go?00:52
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RAOFTomJaeger: No, I was talking about miro, and the failure of "setup.py clean" to actually clean the tree.01:16
owen1_here is the error i get when running prevu: dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/newsbeuter/usr/bin/newsbeuter shouldn't be linked with libgssapi_krb5.so.2 (it uses none of its symbols).01:18
owen1_any prevu experts?01:19
RAOFThat's a warning that a large fraction of the archive will exhibit.  Don't feel to bad about it :)01:21
owen1_RAOF: ok. is there any solution?01:23
RAOFIgnore it.01:23
RAOFowen1_: Unless you'd like to fix it, which is generally non-trivial.01:23
owen1_RAOF: so my best option is to wait for interpid?01:24
NCommanderIs there a packaged x86_64 -> i686 cross-compiler in the archive?01:24
RAOFIt won't be fixed in intrepid, likely.01:25
RAOFNCommander: Is -m32 insufficient?01:25
RAOFowen1_: Just ignore that warning; it doesn't harm anything.01:25
NCommanderyeah, I'm compiling a kernel, and it spat out a invalid mach when I tried that01:25
RAOFOh.  Yeah, kernels are likely special.01:25
NCommanderI just wanted to know if there was a shortcut before I started building with cross-tool01:25
owen1_RAOF: at the end of i got an error messege:make: libmrss-depends: Command not found   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/38354/01:26
RAOFowen1_: That suggests a missing build-depend.01:28
StevenKNCommander: My machine can't build kernels for i686 on x86_6401:28
owen1_RAOF: can i solve this?01:28
slangasekStevenK: because your machine doesn't support 32-bit code?01:29
RAOFowen1_: Apparently by adding a build-depend on libmrss0-dev.  If that doesn't fix it, then you'd have to first backport that library.01:29
owen1_RAOF: i don't understand 'adding a build-depend on libmrss0-dev'..can u guide me?01:30
StevenKslangasek: It ought to. It builds normal things, it just refuses to build kernel modules.01:30
NCommanderStevenK, yeah, hence the need for a cross-compiler ;-)01:31
RAOFowen1_: I don't have time, sorry.  Basically, you'll have to do some packaging work, for which the packaging guide would be useful.01:31
owen1_RAOF: ok. any chance that it will be fixed someday soon?01:31
RAOFowen1_: Probably not; it's not broken in intrepid.01:32
owen1_RAOF: but u said that waiting for interpid will not help.01:32
RAOFowen1_: For the warnings you printed, they'll likely still be in Intrepid.01:33
RAOFowen1_: For the _error_ in the pastebin, that doesn't happen in Intrepid.01:33
owen1_RAOF: great. so i'll wait for interpid.01:33
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RAOFHm.  Why aren't I allowed to post to ubuntu-devel@l.u.c?01:57
HobbseeRAOF: something went bang?02:17
RAOFPresumably.  Maybe I wasn't positng from raof@ubuntu.com?02:17
ajmitchor maybe you've just been kicked out :)02:18
Hobbseewhoever next goes thru the moderation queue will need a *very* stiff drink.02:24
RAOFWith what porpoise?02:25
* Hobbsee suspects no one has been going thru it, without a working listadmin02:26
nxvlemgent: around?02:30
emgentyeah now i'm back02:32
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bddebianAnyone have a preferred log file analyzer?02:35
ScottK-laptopbddebian: I'm a big fan of grep.02:37
bddebianHeh :)02:38
nxvli just wish i can use grep on the real life some day02:39
RAOFWow, the hppa buildd is pretty quick at picking up a package and FTBFSing it.02:44
NCommanderRAOF, hppa in general is having issues ATM02:49
* NCommander would like to see Ubuntu kfreebsd-amd6402:49
NCommanderI actually have that dual booting with my Ubuntu installation ;-)02:50
NCommanderIt used to through people through a loop when they tried to grab packages from a repo I had up02:50
nxvlis anyone having problems with some builds in i386 because of soyus?02:53
Hobbseenxvl: you fail at asking descriptive questions.03:00
Hobbseewhat are you actually asking?03:00
nxvlHobbsee: oh right you are here03:00
RAOFOh, curses.  Miro was, among other things, a merge so I should've passed -v through.  Gah.03:00
Hobbseenxvl: i'm almost always here.  it's just a question of if i'm at my keyboard or not03:01
* nxvl dances while searchs the log03:01
nxvlHobbsee: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16865545/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.lmms_0.3.2-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz03:01
nxvlHobbsee: wine is failing to install03:01
nxvlHobbsee: here is the retry: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16877205/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.lmms_0.3.2-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz03:02
nxvlafter trying to fix wine03:02
StevenKupdate-binfmts: warning: Couldn't load the binfmt_misc module.03:03
StevenKNo fair failing to install if you can't load a module.03:03
StevenKnxvl: That's the same error.03:04
Hobbseenxvl: ask lamont about that.03:04
nxvlStevenK: yep03:04
Hobbseeinvoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/procps not found. doesn't look good either03:04
Hobbseeas that's in -minimal03:04
nxvlHobbsee: and wine is now depending on procps03:04
nxvlso it must be installed03:04
Hobbseeeverything in ubuntu-minimal must be installed regardless.03:05
StevenKnxvl: That is a pointless depends.03:05
StevenKnxvl: procps is Priority: required03:05
StevenKRead Debian Policy for what required means03:05
nxvlyes, i just added it to wine depend after talking to slangasek03:05
Hobbseeoddly enough, though, most other things seem to have built.03:05
nxvlhe said it may be not installed03:05
nxvlStevenK: yes i know that, but slangasek told me that better to add it03:08
nxvlStevenK: slangasek "required" != "essential", fwiw03:10
nxvlaround 7:0003:10
StevenKnxvl: You don't need to lecture me about the Priority field.03:11
* ScottK steps away from nxvl.03:11
nxvlStevenK: yeah, i was just giving you more information about what slangasek told me, and the why of the change03:11
StevenKnxvl: Sure, but you don't need to beat me with slangasek as a teaching tool.03:12
nxvlStevenK: i was just pasting what slangasek told me03:12
nxvlStevenK: oh! that wasn't the intention03:12
nxvlStevenK: sorry if you feel that way03:12
nxvlStevenK: i was just trying to give more context03:13
nxvlsorry about that03:13
StevenKnxvl: Anyway, I suspect adding procps to the Depends wasn't going to fix it.03:13
nxvlStevenK: yes, now i know that, i just think it could since the log also says is not finding that init script03:14
nxvli will send lamont and e-mail03:14
* Hobbsee adds requiring dpkg as a build dependancy to some packages, just in case.03:15
* Hobbsee grins, ducks, and runs away03:15
StevenKHobbsee: I recall someone adding build-essential to the Build-Depends of a package I was asked to sponsor.03:15
HobbseeStevenK: ouch.03:15
StevenK(Years ago, for Debian)03:15
nxvlwhat time is it now @ australia?03:16
Hobbseedo they still live?03:16
StevenKnxvl: 12:15pm03:16
HobbseeUptime: 2 hours and 44 minutes03:16
nxvlStevenK: still sunday?03:16
Hobbseehmm.  not that.03:16
StevenKnxvl: Monday03:16
Hobbseenxvl: no, monday03:16
StevenKnxvl: TZ=Australia/Sydney date03:16
ajmitchalmost beer o'clock03:16
StevenKajmitch: And since when are you Australian? :-P03:16
* ajmitch would never make such a claim03:17
nxvlStevenK: you can use any escuse to have a beer03:17
StevenKI'm Australian, I don't need an excuse.03:17
nxvlin peru you didn't need one, but it's funny to have one03:17
RAOFStreuth, it's midday!  Time for a stubby.03:19
StevenKRAOF: Just one?03:19
RAOFMaybe a six pack03:20
StevenKThat will make the marking quicker03:20
RAOFI get me some markin' to do tomorrow.  And Wednesday.03:21
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ma10does anybody have debuild-pbuilder working in intrepid? I keep getting sudo -E: command not found...04:04
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RAOFMan, it's awesome having (metaciy dev)+ subscribed to metacity bugs on launchpad.05:24
RAOF(Bug #258977, for those who like context)05:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258977 in metacity "Vertical maximisation causes windows to swap heads" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25897705:25
slangasekStevenK: well, you know, build-depending on procps for those occasions when you're trying to build a package in the middle of a dist-upgrade ;P05:27
slangasekStevenK: one can certainly create a chroot without ubuntu-minimal; and I believe the buildd chroots are such05:29
saivannCan a member of the MOTU-SRU team take a look at bug 232402 ? The final patch is now available since more than one month and has Alexander Sack blessing05:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232402 in chmsee "xulrunner 1.9 support for chmsee 1.0.0" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23240205:33
saivannSee comment #1505:34
nxvlslangasek: :P05:59
slangaseknxvl: I maintain that I'm right, because in spite of the package prio I don't see anything that causes dpkg to depend on procps06:00
nxvlslangasek: yes, also i don't see any problem on build-depending on it06:01
tuxmaniacmoring gang06:09
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nxvlpackages.ubuntu.com is down06:25
HewCan someone from ubuntu-backports-testers take a look at bug 248055?06:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248055 in gtk-gnutella "gtk-gnutella cannot connect to newer network - ancient version detected" [High,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24805506:28
RAOFnxvl: Not down, just slow.06:41
dholbachgood morning06:44
nxvldholbach: good morning06:45
tuxmaniacdholbach: guten morgen06:45
dholbachhi nxvl, hi tuxmaniac06:45
\shmoins dholbach..so early? :)06:46
dholbach\sh: I was up at 6:50 already :)06:47
\shdholbach: that was the time when I reached my office ;-)06:47
dholbach\sh: I just have to walk 5 meters to my office :)06:48
* \sh has the wrong job...or I just have to ask to do my work from my homeoffice ;)06:49
StevenKdholbach: Sounds like me :-)06:49
dholbachit has advantages and disadvantages06:49
\shthe advantage: you can have coffee for free06:50
\shthe disadvantage: you can sleep sometimes longer and work sometimes longer in the evening ;)06:50
RoAkSoAxdisadvantage: you don't get to talk to people, joke with someone.. or have fun at all :P06:57
nxvldholbach: walk 5 meters or just bring the laptop to bed :P06:58
nxvldholbach: Bug 258808 fixed06:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258808 in pbuilder "[intrepid] pbuilder builds a package twice by default" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25880806:59
dholbachnxvl: excellent07:01
nxvlthe odd thing is that it used to work07:01
stefanlsdnxvl: aah cool. i got bitten by that bug trying to compile zaptel07:03
nxvlsorry about that07:03
nxvlbtw i need to swith to intrepid soon07:05
nxvlasac: around?07:25
stefanlsdwork, cya guys :)07:43
Laneymorning guys08:05
dholbachhi Laney08:08
Laneyyo dholbach, how's it going? Thanks for your comments on my app!08:14
dholbachnp :)08:14
dholbachvery good - how are you?08:14
LaneyNot too bad, had to work all weekend though :(08:15
LaneyBut it means I get weds-fri off, so can't complain too much08:15
dholbachnice... a long weekend :)08:15
* dholbach looks forward to next weekend - we're going to the Baltic Sea with friends08:16
LaneyMonday is a bank holiday in England too, so very long08:16
Laneyooh nice, where abouts?08:16
dholbachLaney: somewhere around here: http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=54.274046,12.293701&spn=0.35443,1.013489&t=h&z=1008:17
dholbachnot sure yet :)08:17
gesergood morning08:17
dholbachit's about 300km from Berlin, so we should get there pretty quickly08:18
dholbachhi geser08:18
* Laney is jealous, although going on a surfing break in September :>08:26
Laneyanyway, work calls08:26
* Laney runs off08:26
huatsmorning everyone08:56
dholbachgeser: thanks a lot for looking into the sponsoring queue!10:02
geserdholbach: np, but I just do the very easy ones. I wish I could do more, but I need to prepare for some exams next week.10:14
dholbachgeser: all the best with that!10:14
dholbachI'll do some more sponsoring later today10:14
dholbachall: and YOU should too! :)10:15
slicerHi. Does the debian import freeze prevent replacing an existing Ubuntu package with a more updated Debian one? If not, do I just do a sync request?10:21
directhexno and yes, in that order10:21
slytherinslicer: DIF just means that there are no auto syncs. Manual sync on demand is ok.10:40
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IulianGood morning.11:24
jpdsmorning Iulian11:26
IulianHeya jpds.11:27
bigondoes somebody know what's irc nick of Scott James Remnant ?12:00
geserbigon: Keybuk, he's in #ubuntu-devel12:00
ograbigon, Keybuk12:00
bigonoh right, thx12:01
mok0Am I the only one that doesn12:16
mok0doesn't think that the openid wiki login works?12:16
mok0I seem to have to re-login every time I go to a new page12:17
gesermok0: if it's the same problem that was discussed earlier on #launchpad then it's known and being worked on12:18
mok0geser: ok, I am not crazy :-)12:19
mok0You used to be logged on via your wikiname, now it's the irc nick, and when I click on that (top right) it says I don't have a home page12:20
ScottKmok0: If you claim compliance with Standards Version 3.8.0 then the requirement for README.source is applicable (in the cases one is needed).12:23
mok0ScottK: Right, thanks12:24
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ma10why do many java packages recommend the -gcj version too? this causes gcj to be pulled in everytime even if you have other jres..12:46
slytherinma10: there is a discussion going on. While persia and few others have agreed to move them to 'Suggests', doko is against that.12:50
ma10oh.. +1 for the suggests from me (not that anybody cares)12:51
slytherinma10: by the way, #ubuntu-java is better place for java packaging matters12:52
ma10ok sorry12:52
slytherinma10: nothing to be sorry, very few people are aware of existence of that channel.12:53
HewCan someone from u-u-s check out bug 209084? The requested update has been made to the debdiff.12:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209084 in wireshark "debian/control must Recommends menu to run with elevated privileges in hardy" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20908412:56
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gaspa'homepage' field in control file, could be associated to binary package, too ... or only to source pkgs?13:37
slytheringaspa: why do you need it in binary package?13:38
gaspaslytherin: because in actual description there are different homepages for each binary package.13:38
gaspaslytherin: the package is lightning-extension-locales13:39
slytheringaspa: Oh. To answer your original question, you can use it for binary packages.13:39
gaspaslytherin: ok, thanks. :)13:50
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gaspaasac: do you have a few time to take a look at bug #259052 ?14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259052 in lightning-extension-locales "Depends field don't follow Debian Policy ..." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25905214:01
asacgaspa: please try to get in contact with saivaan14:03
asacnot sure if he has a bzr brnah or something14:03
asacgaspa: when he signs this off (or doesnt reply), please let me know14:03
gaspai'll mail him just now.14:04
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jdonganyone know about swt-gtk in Intrepid?14:38
jdongI see it was MOTU uploaded, but the last time I asked about doing it, doko got pretty irate at me for suggesting it14:38
jdongI was wondering if we checked with core-devs to make sure it was okay14:38
geserjdong: the sync of swt-gtk was ACKed by doko, see bug 24915814:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249158 in ubuntu "Please sync swt-gtk 3.4-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24915814:42
jdonggeser: thanks, I see, I guess everyone got impatient with eclipse 3.4 :D14:45
directhexwhat's the procedure for requesting a package be promoted to main?14:51
bddebianHeya gang14:51
geserHi bddebian14:51
geserdirecthex: writing a MIR14:51
geserdirecthex: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess14:52
bddebianHeya geser14:52
tuxmaniacbddebian: heya14:53
bddebianHi tuxmaniac14:53
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firstmani have a question about the process fixing a typo bug15:31
firstmani can fix is with a postint script15:31
firstmanbut i should write to the original developer for change in the next version or something like that?15:31
firstmanand it should be written in changelog? (that i have write to developer)15:32
k0pDktrKranz, are you there?15:55
DktrKranzk0p: yep15:58
k0pDktrKranz, well.. some weeks my package is in the queue yet. Is it really accepted?15:59
k0pit's 10 day in queue.. to appear in archive.16:00
k0pI think something happen16:00
DktrKranzk0p: I think it's in universe right now16:00
DktrKranzor at least the one I uploaded16:00
k0pwhen I can see?16:00
DktrKranzwhich was package name?16:00
k0pthere isnt binary files16:01
DktrKranzsource is in universe, binary are still in NEW16:01
DktrKranzit won't be in NEW for long, just wait a couple of days :)16:02
leleobhzsomeone can explain me why sane depends X and gnome packages?16:03
k0pDktrKranz, it's from 8th. but ok I keep wait :)16:03
k0pleleobhz, sane is backend right?16:04
leleobhzk0p: backend and frontend...16:04
DktrKranzNEW is quite long right now, but I think it will be processed quickly now we're approaching Feature Freeze16:04
leleobhzk0p: but sane can be used only has xinetd daemon for network scanning16:04
cyberixDoes someone know why Ubuntu doesn't have miredo?16:05
cyberixAll Debian has it16:05
cyberixEven the really old ones.16:05
Pici!info miredo16:05
ubottumiredo (source: miredo): Teredo IPv6 tunneling through NATs. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.3-1 (hardy), package size 71 kB, installed size 316 kB16:05
k0pDktrKranz, ok thanks :)16:07
Picicyberix: Looks like feisty+ has it16:07
cyberixI wonder why it can't be found at packages.ubuntu.com16:09
cyberixI can find it using apt-cache search16:10
DktrKranzcyberix: I get an "Internal server error", it is probably due to that.16:10
Picicyberix: I can't anything right now with packages.u.c16:10
leleobhzanother: what happened with daemontools package?16:13
DktrKranzleleobhz: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/daemontools/1:0.76-316:15
leleobhzDktrKranz: it isnt available via apt16:15
Picileleobhz: From Intrepid?16:16
leleobhzpackages contain "daemontools" in their description: svtools minit16:16
leleobhzname change?16:16
DktrKranzleleobhz: it's available in intrepid only16:16
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bddebianIs there a slick way to generate an additional locale, say Spanish, and just use it for one specific app?16:40
joaopintobddebian, locale-gen && export LANG ?16:42
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geserbddebian: or LANG=es_ES app17:01
bddebiangeser: Yeah, that's what I did, thanks!17:05
bddebianAnd thanks to you too joaopinto17:05
sebnergeser: I owe you a beer ;)17:09
RoAkSoAxasac, ping17:10
asacRoAkSoAx: just ask when i am here ;) ... not need to ping. ill read backlog in case i am away :)17:15
RoAkSoAxasac, around?? heheh :P17:15
sebnerwarp10: also thanks to you17:16
warp10sebner: np, but... no beer for me? ;)17:17
gesersebner: I need to learn for some exams, so please don't file so many sync requests :)17:18
RoAkSoAxasac, need your help with a package. libgecko2.0-cil changed /usr/lib/mono/gac/gecko-sharp   to  /usr/lib/cli/gecko-sharp-2.0/ right?? so, now blam wont compile because of this error: "error CS0006: cannot find metadata file `/usr/lib/mono/gecko-sharp-2.0/gecko-sharp-dependent.dll'" so i was wondering, what do i have to do so that when blam is compiling look for gecko-sharp-dependent.dll in /usr/lib/cil/*17:18
asacRoAkSoAx: thats old17:18
asacRoAkSoAx: i fixed gecko-sharp today17:18
asacdid the blam respin fail?17:18
asacRoAkSoAx: it built https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blam/1.8.5-1ubuntu117:19
RoAkSoAxasac, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16889354/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.blam_1.8.5-1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:19
asacso all fine now17:19
asacRoAkSoAx: look above17:19
RoAkSoAxasac, yep can see that, thanks :)17:19
RoAkSoAxasac, we were like crazy last night with nxvl cuz of that build error lol17:19
asacRoAkSoAx: if you arew interested on what cause the problem, read the gecko-sharp2 changelog17:19
RoAkSoAxasac, will do ;)17:20
gaspaasac: still no answers from saivann. how much time would we give him?17:20
gaspacouple of days?17:20
asacgaspa: err .... at least a few days17:20
asacyou cannot expect anyone contributing to free software to answer within hours ;)17:21
asacsaivann has been quite responsive in the past17:21
gaspaof course, i asked just 'cause i'm exiting...17:21
asacgaspa: yeah. just remember to follow up in case you dont get reply within a few days17:21
asacgaspa: did you send mail?17:21
asacthen all should be ok17:22
gaspasure, i sent it.17:22
gaspai didn't think to put you in Cc, sorry.17:22
sebnerwarp10: well I said thanks. you ACKed 5-10% and geser the rest ^^17:23
gaspagoing home...bye!17:23
sebnergeser: well, there are other sposors too. just don't ACK if you don't have time ;)17:23
warp10sebner: mmm... next time I need to ACK more then! :P17:24
sebnerwarp10: of course. I had >20 ;)17:24
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
* warp10 thinks the queue would drop to less than 50 bugs if sebner would apply for MOTU17:25
sebnerwarp10: I don't think there are any outstanding bugs from me except a merge which I'm doing right now :)17:26
warp10sebner: but if you sponsor at the same pace you are currently providing debdiffs and sync requests... wow!17:27
sebnerwarp10: ^^, hey I have still 4 sync requests without an ACK :D17:27
warp10sebner: how many for a free beer... say... at next UDS?17:28
sebnerwarp10: Same amount as geser ACKed :P though I surely won't be at the next 2 UDS17:29
warp10sebner: mmm... your fare is definitely high, you know? :P17:29
sebnerwarp10: of course but I besides I won't have time because of military education <-- if I can it in that way17:30
* DktrKranz thinks to hide when sebner's activity on #ubuntu-motu rises17:31
warp10sebner: mmm... are you planning to go in some kind of military academy?17:31
sebnerDktrKranz: why?17:32
* DktrKranz hides17:32
sebnerwarp10: no but I *have* to do it. just 6 months17:32
sebnerDktrKranz: xD17:32
sebnerDktrKranz: you didn't even ACK *one* sync request :P17:32
* DktrKranz hides better17:32
warp10sebner: aaah... something like military duty17:33
sebnerwarp10: yep, a social thing with 9 months or military thing with 6 months. And I took the latter because shorter :)17:33
sebnerDktrKranz: I still have 4 left and more will come (maybe not today but surely on weekend) :P17:34
warp10sebner: heh! :)17:34
* DktrKranz invokes divine intervention, or Achmed's17:34
sebnerDktrKranz: SILENCE, I. K. Y. :P17:35
DktrKranzsebner: Y. R. B. :P17:35
sebnerso, who wants my 4 sync requests?17:36
* warp10 hides17:36
DktrKranz /me... no!17:36
sebneremgent: hiuhu emgent my friend. you surely want to ACK 4 easy sync bugs, right?17:36
* DktrKranz is waiting for p-a-s adjustments, in the meantime... c u later17:37
sebnerDktrKranz: p-a-s?17:37
sebnerStevenK: wuh, thx17:37
sebnerDktrKranz: hf17:37
StevenKDon't try and build <package> on a buildd that isn't <arch>17:37
emgentsebner: please subscribe u-u-s/u-m-s17:38
DktrKranzthis time I want to build packages which are not considered :)17:38
sebneremgent: they are ;)17:39
emgentsebner: so please wait.. :)17:40
sebnerember: bah, I'm u-u-c so I have the right to annoy MOTUs to ACK my bugs :P17:40
ScottKsebner: And we have the right to ignore you.17:43
sebnerScottK: hrhr, you aren't a s-o-s yet :P17:44
ScottK-laptopI'm not going to ask.17:46
YokoZarScottK: I was reading the DVD thread, and I wanted to talk to you about the main inclusion process; if we go ahead and do that for Wine, then there'd be about 12 packages that also need to go18:11
ScottKYokoZar: You'd also need to convince Canonical that they want to suck up providing security support for WINE.18:12
ScottKThe answer to what I'm guessing is your question is, yes, you have about a dozen MIR to write.18:13
ScottKBut I'd get an endorsement on the idea from kees first.18:13
sebnerScottK: on weekend I'd help you with clamav MIR's18:13
ScottKsebner: Great.  I look forward to it.18:14
sebnerScottK: just remember me (and mentor me :P)18:14
* sebner has a bad english -.-18:15
ScottKI'll try and remember (don't forget I'm old), and will be glad to mentor you.18:15
sebnerScottK: fine =)18:15
* directhex needs to write a MIR for webkit-sharp18:26
keesYokoZar: btw, for the sysctl stuff, I'd like to make it a separate package from wine.18:33
keesYokoZar: like, "wine-16bit" or something18:33
keesand have it just a Suggests.  most people don't need that sysctl turned off, and I'd like to maximize the # of people getting protected18:33
keesas for wine in main, i don't see a reason for it.18:34
keesYokoZar: I've got a package of procps with the sysctl stuff broken out, but I want to run it by the platform team first.18:37
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YokoZarkees: Yeah I had that idea as well18:42
YokoZarkees: I was going to suggest a package "initial-memory-access" that Wine and similar packages could recommend (since the problem doesn't seem to be Wine-specific18:43
keesYokoZar: true.  "lowmem-access" maybe?  I'd like to have it be a "Suggests" in Wine to avoid having it auto-installed.  dosemu probably would need a Depend, though.  :P18:49
YokoZarkees: My worry there is that it's very hard for a user to figure out when he needs to install that package.  In order to even see that you're getting the memory errors you have to be running Wine in the terminal.  Perhaps if Wine had some sort of magic like the codec installer that detected the 16 bit program and prompted you to install the package, but that seems like a strange/frightening interface to create18:51
keesYokoZar: what happens now when a 16bit app tries to run?18:56
lukehasnonameI know this isn't #ubuntu but I'm blocked from getting in there since I use Mibbit (which is stupid). So, could someone tell me the name of the program that allows you to act as root in Nautilus? And how I enable it?19:05
lukehasnonameas someone sympathetic to my plight of IRC-blocking college netadmins and mibbit blocking IRC admins19:06
azeemlukehasnoname: try some web forum or the ubuntu-users mailing list, then19:08
lukehasnonamesorry to interrupt the active flow of conversation19:09
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YokoZarkees: Wine silently fails and dumps a message to the terminal19:19
YokoZarkees: if it's a 32 bit application making a 16 bit call, though, the application will still run but the call will fail (often this makes the user think that Wine itself isn't working).  This for instance happens with older Install Shields19:20
keesYokoZar: hrm, I see.19:33
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tuxmaniacI would like to work on bug 207760 and need advice with how to go about it. Apply that patch using some patch system is good enough? Or is there some other way out?19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207760 in geda-gnetlist "Broken VHDL and Verilog netlisting backends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20776019:40
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
AmpelbeinHi! I need some advice on how to continue with Bug #179215. I have fixed the issue by patching the current ubuntu-sources, generated a debdiff, attached it and subscribed ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug. was that the correct way of doing?20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 179215 in mono "mono-jay includes no parser skeleton(s)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17921520:54
ScottKAmpelbein: Yes.21:02
geserAmpelbein: the general procedure was almost okay21:02
geserbut mono is in main, so ubuntu-main-sponsors would be the correct sponsorship team21:03
geserand IMHO are more clean solution would be to make the skeleton dir /usr/share/jay and install the skeleton file there instead of point to /usr/share/doc/...21:04
Ampelbeindamn. i knew i should have had a look on that. thanks for the info.21:04
directhexAmpelbein, please discuss with #debian-mono on oftc before mucking about with mono21:08
Ampelbeingeser: i just thought that sample files should go to /usr/share/doc21:08
geserAmpelbein: yes, but not if a program needs it to work properly21:09
directhexjms@minimoose:~/Projects/working$ jay -p21:11
Ampelbeindirecthex: ok, will see that i'll do that.21:14
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* ScottK notes that there is now an openSUSE Proofreading Team. There is a team gap that needs to be closed.23:02
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=== TheGuru is now known as marnold
* Laney wonders why bug #244531 hasn't been ACKed yet, when several other syncs have been23:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244531 in xaos "Please sync xaos 3.4-1 (Universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24453123:15
kostmoHey all, I am looking for MOTU advocates for my package "pyrocket": http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=324023:33
kostmopyrocket is a driver and frontend for of the Striker II and Dream Cheeky USB rocket launchers that you might find on ThinkGeek or other novelty shops23:33
kostmoit exposes more functionality the Windows drivers, and allows more methods of control, like joystick and computer vision23:35
kostmoare any MOTUs online at the moment?23:38
ScottKkostmo: IIRC I left you some comments.  Did you deal with them?23:45
kostmoah i see them now23:47
kostmolet me take a look23:47
kostmoI will change those descriptions and re-upload in a few minutes23:48
ScottKJFTR, not checking first to see if you've got comments is not an incentive.23:48
kostmosorry about that23:50
kostmoI think it would be really cool if REVU would send e-mail alerts when someone comments on your package23:51
ScottKThere's a mail list for that.23:54
kostmoreally? I will sign up then.23:56
kostmoah, I see how to use the news aggregator with your package.  I wish I had noticed that before.23:58

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