
dick-richardsonhow do you run the restricted driver manager in kde4? It isn't listed in the menu or under system settings00:01
snarksterdick-richardson: let me direct you to the right channel.. #kubuntu-kde400:05
dick-richardsonthanks snarkster!00:06
vilhelmI have a problem with Ktorrent00:09
vilhelmsuddenly stopped working :(00:09
vilhelmcant download any torrents00:10
starenkahullo, is there a way how to distinguish installed packages by date installed?00:17
Githzeraistarenka: If u use Synaptic, yes. Synaptic has a history option(File -> History). Adept, unfortunately, has no such thing.00:22
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SmokeEater85911i r returned00:32
SmokeEater85911has anybody installed a dock?00:33
kibaI have no sooooound00:35
SmokeEater85911i have no sound in my subwoofer00:35
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aenigma-helpHey guys, I am writing a script and i'm still a n00b and i've run into a problem. The script is a recycling bin for bash and it all works great until I try to remove a file with a space in the name. I am using positional paramaters and calling the removal part of my script pretty much like this: for a in $* ; do mv "$(basename $a)" $trash ; done  I am using the basename command to get around another problem, but it doesn't make00:42
aenigma-helpany difference if it is just $a or the way i have it00:42
aenigma-helpi've tried to call the script like script file\ anme and script "file name" and it always processes "file name" as 2 seperate files00:42
aenigma-helpif nobody knows of a workaround for it it's not a big deal, not much of a limitation really, i was just curious if there is something i'm overlooking, something that could be applied to the same structure of my script as i don't want to rewrite everything for such a little problem00:44
reboot08how do you view files like open a .jpg or .txt from terminal?just learning terminal cmnds00:55
* reboot08 cracks open hurricane supplies beer and donuts00:59
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reboot08i guess you google it ....hmm01:01
bambinnhey i need some help, when i go to network servers i see my other computers, but i cant when i click on them there is nothing, and it doesnt ask me for a password.. help!01:06
bambinney i need some help, when i go to network servers i see my other computers, but i cant when i click on them there is nothing, and it doesnt ask me for a password.. help!01:22
osirisanyone else have problems with ktorrent leaking ram like CARZY ?01:41
osirisi consider a hundred megs over 2 days to be crazy01:42
osirisnever had this problem in dapper01:42
mateustd bem com vc?02:14
osirisenglish please02:15
mateusmy englis is bad02:15
osirislast i knew, this was an english only channel02:15
mateusdont have braziliam in this channel?02:15
osirisnot that i know of02:16
mateusyou are hacker???02:16
Daisuke_Laptop!br | mateus02:17
ubottumateus: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:17
reboot08hi all02:24
* reboot08 has a question02:26
godasola gente02:27
reboot08wget (url) how do you specify in order to save to say uhmmm desktop?instead of current dir?02:28
favroreboot08: I would cd ./Desktop first then run it normally :)02:30
reboot08can i open a jpg from bash? i know how to do text kinda.bUt cant find anything on opening a jpg from terminal.02:32
reboot08ty favro02:33
reboot08sup cahyod02:34
* reboot08 is getting hit by tropical storm or hurricane fay 02:35
cahyodany link to remastering kubuntu?02:35
FuriousGeorgecahyod: like they do with old analog movies?02:37
FuriousGeorgei have a copy of kubuntu 6.04 spread over 1845 audio cassettes that ive always wanted to remaster :)02:38
favro!remaster | cahyod02:48
ubottucahyod: Interested in remastering the !Ubuntu !LiveCD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use Tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility02:48
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jimmy51_homei just lost audio playback while watching a youtube video03:12
jimmy51_homeis there a CLI command to restrart the sound system?03:12
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flaccidjimmy51_home: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart03:18
jimmy51_homehmm, still no sound.  i'll just reboot when my download's done, i suppose03:20
jimmy51_homexine was unable to initialize any audio drivers.03:21
robotgeekjimmy51_home: do you know what soundcard you have?03:28
geniilspci | grep Audio                usually tells you03:29
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D3sTiNwow....noone talking.....eesh03:30
favroD3sTiN: it's not really for chat - see the topic :)03:31
D3sTiNI understand that, but noone to ask questions to. I cant learn if None answer?03:32
geniiD3sTiN: Read the logs03:32
D3sTiNwell, I guess that goes to show how useful it is to noobs like me. cus I dont know how....L8rz.03:33
osirisdoes anyone else have a problem with ktorrent leaking ram when left running for a few days.03:34
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/03:34
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tacosarecoolI messed up my kubuntu03:37
tacosarecoolIn root I renamed home to Home03:37
tacosarecoolplease help03:38
geniitacosarecool: You are on livecd now ?03:38
tacosarecoolNo I'm on my windows partition03:38
tacosarecoolRight now03:38
geniitacosarecool: Please boot to livecd and return here for further instruction03:38
tacosarecoolIs there a command to restore?03:38
geniitacosarecool: From inside linux yes. From inside windows, no.03:39
tacosarecoolOk I need to find a new cd to burn though03:39
tacosarecoolBut I'm dual booting can't I go in recovery mode?03:40
tacosarecoolI'm not talking about wubi03:40
geniitacosarecool: Returning here from command line is difficult for a new user. Recommended instead is to do it from livecd. But if you like, install irsii from command line and run it to come here if you like.03:42
flaccidjimmy51_home: test aplay03:44
* genii hands flaccid a coffee03:44
flaccidhehe thanks03:45
flaccidi just got a large flat white with extra shot from the local :)03:45
flaccidgenii is probably on his 27th coffee or something03:46
geniiflaccid: heh, only my 9th or so03:46
johnneylee3rd for me..03:46
pteaguefor some weird reason thunderbird isn't allowing me to click any links & have them open in my browser03:46
flaccidpteague: thunderbird is a gtk app, you might get better help in #ubuntu or #thunderbird if it exists03:47
Shadowkllrquestion- i have my headless kubuntu box running openssh so that I can remotely shell into it, but i also want to use an ftp client to upload files, especially with notepad++.......how do i turn on sftp?03:47
pteaguek, was just wondering as i'm running everything under kubuntu 64bit03:48
flaccidShadowkllr: install package openssh-server03:48
flaccidShadowkllr: oh you already have it...03:48
flaccidall good then03:48
geniipteague: Try changing in : System Settings...Default Applications... Web browser         from "in an application based on the contents of the URL"  to "in the following browser"  then put the name like: firefox %u          or konqueror %u   or opera %u   or so on03:48
flaccidgenii: not sure if that will have an affect on a gtk app like thunderbird hmm03:49
geniiflaccid: Hm, true03:50
flaccidfirefox2 never worked when clicking on a download in the download manager. seems they have fixed that in fx3, maybe its a similar thing03:50
geniipteague: You could also ask in #ubuntu channel about where specifically in Thunderbird the settings might be for URL handling03:51
flaccidpteague: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Changing_the_web_browser_invoked_by_Thunderbird03:51
geniitacosarecool: Welcome back03:53
tacosarecooldo you have aim03:53
tacosarecoolOr something03:53
=== sherry_ is now known as eeanm
geniitacosarecool: No.03:53
tacosarecoolI've got to do this when I have a new cd to burn03:53
tacosarecoolWait what email you have03:54
geniitacosarecool: I'm here quite regularly. Try about this hour on weeknights and I'm likely here03:54
geniitacosarecool: Besides which your issue can be solved quite easily by returning the name of your home directory back to what it should be. This can be done easily once you can boot into linux and access your linux install partition.03:55
some_dudedoes the kde 4.1 use less memory than kde 3.5 ?03:56
geniisome_dude: Not in my experience03:56
tacosarecoolOh will it matter if I use a kubuntu or ubuntu live cd03:56
flaccidsome_dude: yes03:56
geniitacosarecool: No, does not matter03:56
some_dudeflaccid: a lot less ? and is it as customizalbe ?03:57
geniiflaccid: PErhaps I'm not seeing the efficient ram usage because I still use the 3.5 Konversation  ..... ;)03:57
some_dudei wonder if gnome will ever catch up03:58
flaccidsome_dude: less because of qt4, dont know how much and its not as feature packed as kde303:58
flaccidgnome is in front with functionality03:58
some_dudehow ?03:59
some_dudeI've not used gnome much, so I don't know03:59
flaccidgui frontends to things like config03:59
flacciddesktop effects03:59
some_dudeoh, vim does not count  as gui frontend ?03:59
baudthiefAnyone know if theres a feature in compiz-fusion, where if you drag a window and let go, it keeps sliding? ie: like flicking a window off screen, It used to be in beryl04:00
tacosarecoolI know the flicking is in gnome04:00
flaccidvim isn't not a gui, its a tui04:00
some_dudebut I run it in konsole, does that give it any points ?04:00
geniibaudthief: Perhaps they'll know in #compiz-fusion channel04:00
flaccidbaudthief: #compiz-fusion04:00
some_dudebaudthief:  like the wobby windows ?04:00
baudthiefsome_dude: nope04:01
some_dudebaudthief: #compiz-fusion04:01
baudthiefgenii, flaccid: thanks heh04:01
baudthiefsome_dude: shut up :P04:01
some_dudelet met take a second to say, after running linux for about 6 months, I don't so much like windows04:02
tacosarecoolMe too Amarok is awesome04:03
geniisome_dude: What I like about Linux is it is only limited by what you are willing to learn04:03
some_dudeI love that it just works04:04
baudthiefsome_dude: agreed, I've moved for about 7 months now, and when I tried using XP on my laptop, it was just too plain and shitty04:04
baudthiefso I got rid of XP and installed Kubuntu on that, too :P04:05
some_dudeoh no, I can't find my driver cd what should I do !!! Running Linux, nothing04:05
corigoCan anyone poiint me to some resources regarding fonts and font installation on Linux?04:05
some_dudeon my laptop at work, I can change the ipaddress in just 2 seconds04:05
tacosarecoolRight click the fonts actions then install04:06
flaccid!fonts | corigo04:06
ubottucorigo: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:06
tacosarecoolMSttcore fonts are in synaptic04:06
baudthiefsome_dude: if you cant find a driver on linux, you just sit down and cry a bit here :P04:06
some_dudeI've got a few complaints about linux, my biggest being I want more styles and themes and window dectorations04:06
corigoI have the ttf file local on my hard drive04:06
tacosarecoolDo you have the fonts in a folder?04:07
some_dude+ I can reinstall in 15 mins and loose nothing04:07
corigoand zip04:07
tacosarecoolThere in a zip?04:07
corigoI have them extracted and non-extraced04:08
flaccidcorigo: simply follow the above official guide04:08
tacosarecoolThen highlight the extracted ones then right click actions install fonts04:08
tacosarecoolSo anybody run flock it's a awesome browser04:10
geniiI go between links and firefox04:13
flaccidopera for me04:13
tacosarecoolFlock is based off firefox04:14
tacosarecoolIt's good for people who use social networks or people who have instability with firefox flock is optimized or something04:14
flaccidyes its a social web browser, based on gtk and gecko and doesn' have much relevency in a kubuntu support chan :)04:14
tacosarecoolSorry lol04:15
corigoyeah opera04:16
corigothanks again flaccied04:16
Cannolihow do i make a parition primary through kunubtu live cd?04:16
Cannolibtw i dont have internet on that pc04:16
flaccidCannoli: i wasn't aware that you could change a partition from extended to primary hmm04:17
Cannolii did it before04:18
Cannolibut i forgot how :(04:18
Cannolican i make a parition bootable?04:18
flaccidum you don't have to, a boot loader looks after that04:19
flaccidwell technically the mbr sets it but thats just a pointer basically04:19
flaccidwhat are you trying to achieve?04:20
Cannolii think i remember how i did it before, so imma go try that and if no luck i'll come back. thanx for the help :)04:20
Cannolioh one of the partitions on my drive has the recovery stuff, and i wanted to "recover" my pc04:20
flaccidyou want to set that hidden part as active04:21
Cannolithts it, active, sorry i used the wrong term04:21
flaccidyou should simply follow the doco from your manufacturer as it can be done several different ways04:21
Cannolithe thing is, i changed it to inactive as far as i remember and i dont remember how to make it active again XD04:22
flaccidactually im partially wrong here. you can run fdisk and set the bootable flag which is what it might need04:23
flaccidbut you really should follow the instructions from your manufacturer04:23
jsheweyI wish to run a script when the state of a particular keyboard key changes. Specifically, I want to run a script when my function key on my keyboard is pressed and have the script run again when the key is released. Is there a way to do this?04:27
z_'ello all.04:30
z_DOes anyone know exactly what I need to do to get java working in konqueror on kde4?04:30
flaccidz_: wrong chan, see topic04:31
geniijshewey: System Settings... Keyboard and Mouse... Keyboard Shortcuts ... Application Shortcuts ....  put there the name of the script and define it to be called by that key04:31
z_flaccid: oh.....>.> sorry04:31
z_flaccid: where would I go for kde4 remix?04:31
flaccidkde3 here, kde4 in #kubuntu-kde404:32
z_ty ty.04:32
illriginalHey guys... I have a question, what runs faster? Fedora or Kubuntu?04:37
flaccid!ot | illriginal04:37
ubottuillriginal: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:37
illriginalhm.. join command doesn't work lol04:38
flaccidillriginal: /join #kubuntu-offtopic04:38
illriginali did it here, but didn't work... instead did it in nickserve :X04:38
mrksbrdjust use /j command it works04:39
mrksbrdwhats going on flaccid04:41
illriginaldood I can join any random room except for #kubuntu-offtopic o.o;04:47
mrksbrdtry clicking on flaccid's channel link04:48
illriginalYeah.. it normally becomes a link when you type out #***** but doesn't even do that04:48
bdizzleI'm not sure if this is possible, but can I remotely connect to my desktop from my laptop and view its two physical drives (five partitons) on my laptop as extra drives and transfer files over the network?04:49
bdizzleif so, how?04:49
mrksbrdmust be something w/your irc, worked riight away when I tried it04:49
eeanmbdizzle: scp?04:49
illriginalyeah gonna restart pidgin.04:49
mrksbrdI even showed the link when you typed #*****04:50
eeanmbdizzle: sshfs  if you want to use normal file tools I guess04:50
bdizzlesshfs? is that a program or is it command line only?04:51
mrksbrdbdizzle: Krfb should work04:51
eeanmbdizzle: command line, but then you'd use normal programs to work with the files after its setup04:52
eeanmkrfb doesn't do file transfers, afaik04:52
bdizzlehmm, okay04:52
bdizzleare there instructions somewhere on how to set it up?04:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about krfb04:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sshfs04:53
=== root is now known as Guest41781
eeanmbdizzle: well start a ssh server on the desktop, then just install sshfs and read the man page.04:54
joh6nnanyone know if there's a way to change apt.conf settings based on what network you're connected to?04:54
eeanm(install sshfs on the laptop)04:54
bdizzleokay, reading the man pages is confusing04:55
bdizzleI realize that is the way to do it, but I don't have the desktop set up as a server, or anything really04:55
eeanminstall a ssh server is easy04:56
bdizzleits connected to the network, so it obviously has an IP address and MAC address somewhere, but the user@host thing is confusing04:56
eeanmyou basically just install it to sshd04:56
eeanmwell if thats confusing... yea ok ;)04:56
joh6nnapt-get install openssh-server04:56
joh6nnthe install scripts will handle the most common use cases for you04:56
bdizzleis there a gui interface program for it?04:57
bdizzleor is it only command line?04:57
eeanmthe ssh server doesn't need it04:57
joh6nnthere are probably guis, but i've never used any04:57
bdizzleI can do command line if I must ... barely, but I still prefer gui (not as powerful, I know, but a bit safer for the novice)04:57
joh6nnonce i figure out what commands you want, i just alias them, or tuck them into shell scripts04:58
eeanmsshfs hardly needs it: you only do the one command to set it up and then you can work in a gui04:58
joh6nnand forget about them04:58
bdizzlehmm, okay04:58
bdizzleso what do I need to do to setup my desktop as a server then?04:58
eeanm[22:56] <joh6nn> apt-get install openssh-server04:58
corigoI've downloaded the 64bit Java BIN file from Sun, now how do I install?04:59
c4rlitoxcomo me conecto con kubuntu es???04:59
geniijoh6nn: You could do something like make a post-ifup script for each adapter which copies for instance apt.conf.eth0 to apt.conf or similar04:59
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bdizzleeeanm: and then configure it how?04:59
eeanmyou don't configure it05:00
eeanmI think you just install it05:00
joh6nngenii: any docs you can point me at for that kind of a thing?05:00
geniijoh6nn: Not offhand but gimme a minute05:00
bdizzleso then how would I got about connecting to it?05:00
c4rlitoxcomo me conecto con kubuntu es???05:00
c4rlitoxcomo me conecta a kubuntu en español???05:00
bdizzlefrom my latop?05:00
mr---t-c4rlitox  /join  kubuntu es05:01
bdizzlelo siento c4rlitox, per no se mucho espanol para ayudar. Es un version de espanal a kubuntu es05:01
eeanmbdizzle:  sshfs user@host:/ mountpoint05:01
bdizzleyeah, what is the @host: /mountpoint part?05:01
mr---t-c4rlitox:  kubuntu-es05:01
eeanmwell the @ is the @05:01
eeanmthe host is the ip address05:01
eeanmand the :/ means "root directory"05:02
bdizzleah, okay05:02
=== c4rlitox is now known as c4rlitox_
bdizzlethat was what I needed, what the IP address part of host was05:02
bdizzlehow do I look that up on my desktop?05:02
bdizzlefrom CLI?05:02
eeanmno, a web browser05:02
eeanmI thought you hated CLI :P05:03
mrksbrdbdizzle: do you want a file server or just file sharing?05:03
bdizzleI do, but I can at least navigate it with instructions05:03
eeanmI guess ipchicken.com won't work if you use a router05:03
bdizzlenot sure, possibly both? need to be able to access and transfer files without a cable05:03
eeanmifconfig shows you the ip address05:03
geniijoh6nn: The man page for interfaces has at least some rudimentary examples ( man interfaces   to see this page)05:04
joh6nngenii: cool, thanks05:04
corigocli command for installing a BIN file on Kubuntu?05:04
bdizzleokay, so to run it, type in sshfs user@ip_address:/ ?05:05
joh6nncorigo: bin file for what?05:06
eeanmbdizzle: replace the ? with the name of a directory05:06
eeanmthat you want all the files to show up in05:07
bdizzlenow then, if I have two physical hard drives on the desktop, split into five partitions, and the kubuntu partition is on one of those five, do I need to do something special to connect to it?05:08
bdizzleboth computers dual-boot with XP Pro05:08
eeanmyou'll be able to access everything the kubuntu can access05:08
geniijoh6nn: There is also an old but still not bad example of a similar thing being done here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-105138.html05:08
bdizzleokay, so I'm typing in "sshfs bdizzle@172.xx.xx.xxx:/home"  and nothing is happening on CLI05:09
eeanmwhen your laptop is in windows you can access the SSH server via a program called WinSCP05:09
bdizzleand no response of any kind from the desktop05:09
eeanmbdizzle: you forgot the directory05:09
eeanmfor the mount point05:09
bdizzlewhat do you mean?05:09
joh6nngenii: this sounds like exactly what i was looking for. thanks!05:09
eeanm[23:05] <bdizzle> okay, so to run it, type in sshfs user@ip_address:/ ?05:09
eeanm[23:06] <eeanm> bdizzle: replace the ? with the name of a directory05:10
geniijoh6nn: np05:10
bdizzleyeah, I'm trying to connect to the home directory I guess05:10
bdizzlejust to start05:10
eeanmof a local directory05:10
bdizzleoh, on the laptop you mean?05:10
bdizzleokay, so then sshfs bdizzle@172.xx.xx.xxx:/ home    right?05:11
geniibdizzle: You have to tell it where you want the ssh filesystem to be available on the local box. (what directory)05:11
forty-sevenhi all, I am having a problem with the system settings -> user management  ---- it says: "The module user management could not be loaded." and possible reasons include out of date modules or third party modules?05:11
forty-sevenI looked online and it said I need to reinstall kde-guidance05:11
tacosarecoolMitsui cd05:11
tacosarecool's look expensive05:11
eeanmbdizzle: assuming you have a directory named home05:11
bdizzlewill it tell me if I'm connected at all?05:11
forty-sevenand everytime I try to do that, it doesn't let me apply changes in adept05:11
eeanmbdizzle: it should prompt you for a password05:12
bdizzlethe only issue I can think of is that both are connected wirelessly to the campus network05:12
corigoI just installed 64bit Java in the wrong location. How do I uninstall? Or can I simply delete and reinstall in the correct location?05:12
bdizzlenope, it hasn't yet, after about 30 seconds05:12
joh6nnforty-seven: try it from the command-line: apt-get install --reinstall kde-guidance05:12
bdizzledo I need to be logged out on the desktop?05:12
eeanmbdizzle: well if your campus wireless prevents wireless computers from talking to each other (forget the term, but its a common thing to do) then yea, that would be a problem ;)05:12
eeanmtry pinging05:13
rrm74001Hey can any one help me with an issue I am having with rEFIt on my Mac?05:13
bdizzleit claims 0% packet loss05:13
forty-sevenno luck?05:13
mrksbrdeeanm: if he's just trying to connect under local machine, won't it show all partitions under "storage media" then just double click on the drive to open it up ??05:14
joh6nnforty-seven: did you run it as sudo?05:14
joh6nnrrm74001: depends, what's the issue?05:14
forty-sevenyeah hold05:14
bdizzleI've got both my laptop and my desktop here, both connected wirelessly to the campus network. I'm trying to use my laptop to access, add, delete, and transfer files to my desktop computer05:15
geniibdizzle: For instance you maybe want the contents of /home/myname on the remote system to be accessible locally at directory /media/sshfs        then:  sshfs me@ /media/sshfs05:15
forty-sevennot sure if it reinstalled or not05:15
forty-sevenbut theres no change for sure05:15
rrm74001Can anyone help me with an issue I am having with rEFIt on my Mac?05:15
mrksbrdhe said he had 5 partitons on one box correct?05:15
bdizzleah, okay05:15
geniiAssuming /media/sshfs directory exists, of course05:15
joh6nnforty-seven: it says it reinstalled, but if there's no change, then that's not what you really need05:15
eeanmmrksbrd: sshfs just connects to your computer, it doesn't care at all about partitions and stuff05:15
bdizzlelet me try that05:15
mrksbrdok I must be misunderstanding him then05:16
eeanmmrksbrd: ah yea: there are two computers involved :)05:16
joh6nnforty-seven: try reinstalling kde-systemsettings05:17
bdizzlehmm, its not working05:17
bdizzleits not prompting for password at all05:17
bdizzleboth computers have sshfs and openssh-server installed on them05:18
eeanmsounds like the ssh server isn't working05:18
joh6nnbdizzle: i came in late: what exactly are you trying to pull off?05:18
forty-sevenjoh6nn: no luck :/05:18
eeanmbdizzle: do plain ssh user@host and see if that works05:18
eeanmssh user@host05:18
bdizzletrying to set up my desktop so that I can wirelessly connect, add, delete, modify, and transfer files to and from my desktop and laptop, both wirelessly connected through the campus network05:19
joh6nnforty-seven: hrrmph.  pastebin the exact error you're getting?05:19
bdizzleshould I notice any effect on my desktop when my laptop is trying to connect?05:19
joh6nnbdizzle: for that, you really don't need sshfs.  or at least, i don't use it.  as long as both machines have the ssh server installed, you can do it through konqueror05:19
joh6nnprobably through dolphin, too, though i don't use dolphin05:19
forty-sevenkinda hard, its in the GUI05:20
bdizzleyeah, ssh isn't prompting me for password, it just hangs there05:20
joh6nnforty-seven: ah.  screenshot?05:20
forty-sevenIt basically says "The module user management could not be loaded." and possible reasons include out of date modules or third party modules05:20
mrksbrdok now that i'm on the same page....if his campus network has a firewall & not allowing file sharing then he's going to be SOL.....right?05:20
brmassaguys, i installed KDE4 on my kubuntu hardy. now can i set the KDE4 login screen instead KDE3's?05:20
joh6nnforty-seven: try running systemsettings from the terminal?  see if that's more informative?05:21
eeanmjoh6nn: ah true. but the problem bdizzle is having is getting ssh to work at all :)05:21
joh6nneeanm: yep, but this reduces the number of hurdles to jump from 2 to 1. ;)05:21
eeanmbdizzle: maybe you have a firewall or something setup05:21
mrksbrdbrmassa: when u log on go to sessions menu & select KDE405:21
bdizzlethat's about the only thing I can think of05:21
geniibdizzle: You can normally do like:    ssh -l name ip-address   and login?05:21
bdizzleunless the school has its own firewall setup05:21
tacosarecoolI found the cd05:21
joh6nnbdizzle: can you ping the other box?05:22
bdizzlelet me try again05:22
tacosarecoolI found cd05:22
rrm74001Hey guys, I synced my partitions using rEFIt, and now I have a random Windows icon show up in the menu.  Any way to get rid of it?  It is not Kubuntu because it says no operating system could be found  :(05:22
bdizzleyeah, 8 packets sent, 8 packets received, 0% packet loss05:22
forty-sevenjoh6nn: how do I do that?05:22
brmassamrksbrd: thanks! on kde3 or kde4?05:22
eeanmbdizzle: firestarter is a firewall, yes ;)05:23
mrksbrdif u want to use KDE4 then select that @ log on05:23
joh6nnforty-seven: simple! just open a terminal (konsole) and type "systemsettings". ;)05:23
eeanmand its probably blocking ssh, unless you explictly set it up to not block ssh05:23
geniibdizzle: The directory you are trying to mount may not be available underneath of whatever home directory structure they provide. Remember the path you are giving to mount (like   has to exist IN you home directory and not relative to the root of the entire filesystem05:23
eeanmgenii: back up, his ssh server isn't working :D05:23
tacosarecoolOk genii I found the disc05:23
tacosarecoolI'll reboot05:23
geniitacosarecool: And you are now booted into it?05:24
bdizzlehmm, hold on05:24
tacosarecoolI'm going to reboot now05:24
=== david is now known as Guest13568
geniitacosarecool: OK. See you soon05:24
mrksbrdgenii: but even if he's able to ping the other box firewall might be blocking access, there's no way around it unless he can configure the firewall to allow it05:24
bdizzleokay, I figured out part of the problem05:25
joh6nnmrksbrd: or he can try changing the ssh port05:25
bdizzlethe login for my laptop and desktop are the same. They are also both connected to the same wireless server and have the same IP address05:25
mrksbrdyea but he'd have to figure out an open port05:25
eeanmthe same ip address?05:25
forty-sevenjoh6nn: hrmm seems to open it in a kde window regardless?05:25
eeanmI'm surprised you can IRC :D05:25
joh6nnforty-seven: yep, it will, but hopefully it will print stuff in the terminal as you go along05:26
bdizzlethe inet6 address is different, but the ip is the same05:26
bdizzleand the HWaddr is different05:26
eeanmyour university uses ip6?05:26
bdizzleI guess05:26
bdizzleit lists HWaddr, inet addr, Bcast, Mask, inet6 addr05:27
eeanmsounds like a problem for your campus help desk ;)05:28
bdizzlerofl, they looked at me stupid when I said I was running linux on my laptop05:29
bdizzleand desktop05:29
eeanmwell boot up into windows and note that both computer have the same ip05:29
mrksbrdhmmmm.....how can 2 boxes share same ip.....lol.... that is the ?05:29
eeanmbdizzle: wait, are you by chance looking at the ip address of the 'lo' device? :D05:29
bdizzleno, wlan005:29
eeanmheh ok05:29
joh6nnbdizzle: what school is this?05:30
bdizzleOld Dominion University05:30
bdizzleI honestly don't know. I just know that thanks to their stupid program, I have to have both desktop and laptop connect to each connect to their wireless WPA system05:30
forty-sevenjoh6nn: ok got it -- http://rafb.net/p/XHcsWL40.html05:30
eeanmthat's a creepy name for any DS9 fan ;)05:30
bdizzleI've had problems with their help desk ever since I put on linux05:30
mrksbrdlet me guess WINBLOWS fans!!!!!....LOL05:31
joh6nnforty-seven: can you confirm that /usr/share/applications/kde/userconfig.desktop exists?05:31
bdizzlewell, everything is in Vista, XP, XP Pro, and OS X directions05:31
* genii sips his coffee and waits for tacosarecool to get back05:32
bdizzlethe only distro they "kinda" support is Red Hat, because they "think" their server might run it05:32
forty-sevenjoh6nn: yup, exists05:32
bdizzleI kinda lost respect for their help desk after that convo05:32
mrksbrdred hat is confusing05:33
joh6nnforty-seven: ok, then there are only two things i can think of, based off that error message05:33
mrksbrdthey should stick with one system instead of 5....might make their job easier05:33
joh6nnthe first is that you should try possibly removing /var/tmp/kdecache-x05:34
joh6nnsince there appears to be some kind of permissions issue there05:34
joh6nnthe only other thing i can think of, and that's to do a file search for files named userconfig.  especially python modules named userconfig05:34
forty-sevenmaybe one more thing05:35
forty-sevenI upgraded python to stackless python05:35
tacosarecool's corrupt05:36
tacosarecoolThe disc05:36
joh6nnforty-seven: ahhh05:36
joh6nnforty-seven: that'd be a decent guess05:36
geniitacosarecool: Ah. Well, look me up tomorrow then when you can get into a linux environment05:36
joh6nnforty-seven: i have no idea what that'd do, but if it's not the standard python install, that could definitely cause problems05:36
joh6nnbdizzle: searched the ODU.edu site, came up with this: http://occs.odu.edu/gettingconnected/wireless/faqs.shtml05:37
forty-sevenit should be pretty compatible... but its the only other thing I can think of05:37
joh6nnbdizzle: "I use Linux operating system; can I connect to the ODU WLAN?" At this time, use of the Linux operating system with ODU WLAN requires a Cisco wireless card.05:37
bdizzleconsidering I'm using a Linksys 54G card on my desktop to get it05:37
geniiThey sound like idiots05:37
tacosarecoolI'll try the cd again05:38
tacosarecoolMaybe I'll get lucky05:38
bdizzleand I'm connected to their WPA-Enterprise through knetworkmanager05:38
joh6nngenii: probably; but they may have done something ridiculous; school networks frequently do05:38
joh6nnso there's actually about a 50/50 chance that they're right, for some brain-dead reason05:38
mrksbrdjoh6nn: sound like microsoft......05:39
joh6nnworth asking about, at least05:39
forty-sevenlol @ ODU's WLAN policy05:39
joh6nnmrksbrd: lots of school networks are supported by MS...05:39
brmassamrksbrd: thanks again. the problem is not to use the kde4 session, but use the kde4 login manager (the very screen when i can select the user and password).05:39
mrksbrdonly cisco?05:39
forty-sevenhey, up here the compsci is almost all *nix05:39
forty-sevenin fact, I think they only have windows machines in the lab05:39
geniibdizzle: Can you ssh in like:   ssh -l your-login-name their-server-ip-or-address05:39
bdizzlethat's what I was doing05:40
bdizzleuntil I realized that the ip address was the same for the desktop as the laptop when I did ifconfig and looked at wlan005:40
geniibdizzle: And that works (plain ssh into their box?) or not?05:40
joh6nnbdizzle: try the following: ssh icarus.joh6nn.com -p878705:41
eeanmgenii: no it doesn't ^.^'05:41
joh6nnbdizzle: made a typo: that needs to be "-p 8787" at the end05:41
geniibdizzle: So release the dhcp on one of them with   sudo dhclient -r eth0   (or whatever the adapter is)   then sudo dhclient eth0 (again adjust adapter name accordingly)05:41
joh6nnthat's my home server; that'll give us an idea whether you can hit an ssh server, period05:41
bdizzleyeah, ssh I can do because I was doing it at Jlab all summer long05:42
geniibdizzle: To get an IP which is not conflicting05:42
* joh6nn makes a note to re-randomize his port number05:42
eeanmjoh6nn: there's only 65k ya know ;)05:42
mrksbrdlol....probable have 60 connections coming in right now05:42
forty-sevenhrmm, this sucks. seems like there are only a handful other people with this problem.05:43
eeanmpretty much anything thats not 22 is good for public connections though, due to ssh bots05:43
joh6nneeanm: yeah, but you gotta make sure you're not setting yourself up for a fall when you pick one05:43
forty-sevenand they all speak french or german05:43
joh6nnmrksbrd: yeah, but that's what denyhosts is for. :)05:43
joh6nnforty-seven: point me at one of the german posts05:43
mrksbrdflaccid having connection issues tonight?...lol05:44
Cannoliim trying to connect to a wireless connection and this is the error that comes up in the system log: "wlan0:RX WEP frame, decrypt failed"05:44
Cannoliafter that it just askes me to enter the wep key agin, any advice?05:44
joh6nnsounds like you've got the WEP key wrong05:45
flaccid_yeah net expired and they cut it off heh05:45
joh6nneither that or it's not WEP05:45
=== flaccid_ is now known as flaccid
forty-sevenjoh6nn: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/userconfig-fehlt.-was-jetzt/05:45
Cannoliit is wep05:45
Cannoliand its the correct key05:45
mrksbrdCannoli: try selecting "hex" or "ascii"05:45
Cannolik just a sec05:46
brmassaguys, how can i use the usplash from KDE4 instead KDE3 after installign it on Hardy?05:46
Cannoliyay connected05:47
Cannolithank you very much mrksbrd05:47
joh6nnforty-seven: the german thread points to another thread, which suggests that the kubuntu-desktop package may be borked/uninstalled.  you can check and see if it's installed with "dpkg --get-selections kubuntu-dekstop"; i'm not sure how you'd check if it was messed up05:47
forty-sevenits installed :S05:48
forty-sevenwell whatever, I guess I can ask again tomorrow05:48
forty-sevenI did have a different question05:48
forty-sevensince I cant use the control panel -- is there any way to setup apache so that it runs under its own user account at startup?05:49
forty-sevencause I put it in rc.local and it supposedly will start as root now05:49
joh6nnshould be doing that by default05:49
flaccidforty-seven: yeah by default and there are the User and Group directives for apache conf05:50
joh6nnforty-seven: did you start with a stock install?05:50
forty-sevenI dled it and did the make and make install05:50
forty-sevenim running kubuntu desktop05:50
forty-sevendoesnt seem to have the option for it05:50
flaccidwhy are you compiling, forty-seven?05:50
joh6nnforty-seven: i meant, did you start with a stock kubuntu install?05:50
flaccid!apache | forty-seven05:51
ubottuforty-seven: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:51
joh6nnthen yeah, why compile?  was there something you wanted that's not part of the default binary?05:51
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:51
forty-sevenI didnt get apache with kubuntu, to my knowledge?05:51
flaccidyes but you can install the package from the repos05:51
joh6nnit's an available package; you just have to install it05:51
forty-sevenhrmm, I didnt see it under adept?05:52
eeanmits there05:52
flaccid!info apache205:52
ubottuapache2 (source: apache2): Next generation, scalable, extendable web server. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3 (hardy), package size 43 kB, installed size 100 kB05:52
eeanmcheck out that url05:52
joh6nnforty-seven: personally, i don't like the guis for package management.  i use the following command from konsole: apt-cache search "search term" | sort05:53
joh6nni find it much easier to work with05:53
mrksbrdflaccid: u having connection issues tonight?...keep seeing u coming & going05:53
joh6nnand much faster05:53
flaccid[14:45] <flaccid_> yeah net expired and they cut it off heh05:55
draikHow do I create a cpp into EXE?05:55
tacosarecoolWell this sucks05:55
tacosarecoolBecause my ubuntu cd is corrupt05:55
flacciddraik: don't think this is the channel for compiling windows software05:55
draikSorry, wrong question in this channel05:56
mrksbrdflaccid: btw that alien software is awesome05:57
joh6nnthe package converter?05:57
joh6nnyeah, it's cool, but as a heads up, it's not an exact science.05:58
joh6nni haven't been burned by it yet, but things can go horribly wrong05:58
mrksbrdso far so good05:58
* mrksbrd crosses his fingers05:58
joh6nnjust use some common sense with it: "should i install this alien-munged package of system critical stuff without first backing up?"05:59
joh6nn"yeah, why not.  what could go wrong?"05:59
mrksbrdyea not doing anything system critical05:59
mrksbrdjust basic progs that were in .rpm format06:00
draikThe correct question... I compiled a cpp file and I can run in in Konsole as expected. How do I make it into a desktop shortcut or automated "open konsole - run file - close konsole"?06:00
forty-sevenjoh6nn: thanks!! I love the console based adept lol06:00
forty-sevenI liked portage from gentoo06:00
eeanmdraik: if you use kde3, right click on the desktop, Create New, and then Shortcut06:01
eeanmor similar06:01
joh6nnforty-seven: yeah, sometimes it's just easier to get things done in the terminal.  never used portage myself, but it sounds appealing.  i suspect i'd grow to hate it though06:02
eeanmor just bloody move the executable to your desktop ;)06:02
forty-sevenjoh6nn: hrmm, keep gettng "E: Unimplemented" when do I do "[...] add apache2.2-common"06:02
mrksbrdjust put the command used in terminal in the "command" section to launch it from desktop06:02
draikeeanm: I tried that. Never opened konsole06:02
joh6nnforty-seven: heh.  what if you just try "sudo apt-get install apache2.2-common" ?06:02
eeanmdraik: ah you want it to open konsole? there might be an option for it when you create the shortcut. not sure though.06:03
draikI tried looking for open in terminal, but it wasn't there06:03
flaccidsudo apt-get install apache206:03
forty-sevengetting :D06:03
eeanmdraik: do konsole --help, maybe there is something.06:04
joh6nnforty-seven: it sounds like your install may have some issues. ;(06:04
mrksbrddraik: can u launch the app from Konsole w/manual command?06:04
draikmrksbrd: Yes06:05
forty-sevenjoh6nn: well it finished06:05
forty-sevennot sure how to start it yet..06:05
draikGot it!06:05
draikI swear, I looked in advanced options06:06
mrksbrdthen what ever u type in Konsole put that in "command" section of "create shortcut to app" by right clicking on desktop06:06
joh6nnforty-seven: if you've got all the right packages, it should just be running06:06
joh6nncheck http://localhost/06:06
flaccidforty-seven: if it doesn't start you can start it with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start . all this is explained in the wiki page first pasted06:07
forty-sevenyeah, its running and says forbidden06:07
flaccidcheck the logs why. the 403 could be because you are not serving any files and its forbidding directory listing by default06:08
* mrksbrd thinks forty-seven should just shut down his puter for tonight.....lol 06:08
joh6nnshouldn't be.  should just be saying "it worked"06:08
joh6nnseriously man, it sounds like your install has some issues06:08
geniidraik: right-click on desktop. Create New.... Link to Application.  Application tab - put path and name in window labelled Command. Then click on Advanced option in bottom right corner. Click off "Run in Terminal" and also optionally "Do not close when command exits"06:08
forty-sevenI have to reboot06:08
Cannolihey there06:08
forty-sevenI forgot that I had rc.local run the last apache install first06:08
flaccidwho knows what the state of /var/www is with this user..06:09
Cannolihow do i change my keyboard type, i chose the wrong one on install06:09
draikgenii: Thank you. I got it just a few minutes ago. I think I may have missed this option when I first tried this.06:09
tacosarecoolgenii is there any other way06:09
geniitacosarecool: Not really. Will it boot into Recovery ?06:10
bdizzlehi, sorry about that06:10
bdizzlenetwork went down06:10
tacosarecoolYes I can go in recovery mode06:11
tacosarecoolBut I need commands06:11
tacosarecoolFor the prompt06:11
bdizzleanyway, back to bashing of the ODU computing center06:11
geniitacosarecool: OK. So you did something like:     sudo mv /home /Home   or so, yes?06:11
tacosarecoolyou mean sudo mv/Home06:12
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts06:12
geniitacosarecool: That would not qualify as a valid command06:12
tacosarecoolOh ok06:13
geniitacosarecool: it would be something like:  sudo mv /original-name /some-other-name06:13
geniitacosarecool: If you did something like:  sudo mv / /home       there could be a big problem06:14
tacosarecoolOk I'm going to try06:14
geniitacosarecool: Remember home is not capitalized06:14
geniibah too late06:14
mrksbrdgenii: you aware of any help files in ubuntu help pertaining to Wireless aircards?  (not wifi cards) .....if not I can put it up on help....just don't know what to put it under06:15
geniimrksbrd: If it's wireless but not wi-fi what category of communications does it fall under?06:16
joh6nnbdizzle: i'm on my way out, but before i go: all you should need to be able to move files back and forth with ssh is the ssh-server.  so i think really your only problem at this point is the wifi setup.  which you may end up needing to talk to the ODU IT guys about06:16
mrksbrdthey are cards provided by cell phone carriers they work off cwell towers not a typical wifi connection06:16
geniimrksbrd: So GPRS ?06:17
joh6nnbdizzle: but once you've got the wifi working, you should be able to browse to sftp://hostname/ in konqueror, and see your the files of your remote computer06:17
joh6nnnight all06:17
bdizzleoh wait, in konqueor?06:17
mrksbrdnight joh6nn06:17
bdizzleI thought it would be right in the media:/ folder to show up06:17
flaccidmrksbrd: whats the protocol? hsdpa ?06:17
forty-sevenalso really dumb question06:18
forty-sevenhow do I set up aliases that are global across all terminal windows and are persistant?06:18
geniimrksbrd: I'd file it under aircard  since there seems to be about 5 different protocols they use06:18
mrksbrdgenii: there are several offtopic sites out there but never was able to find anything thru ubuntu help06:18
flaccidforty-seven: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/03/30/creating-shortcuts-with-user-aliases/06:19
mrksbrdalso they run you thru a complex descrip, but when setting it up thru kpp it is very simple....just like setting up a reg dial up06:19
flaccidmrksbrd: add it to the wireless docs page, it will be moved if needed06:20
mrksbrdwill have it up in a few days or so06:21
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up06:21
bdizzlebtw, how are Lenovo laptops?06:21
mrksbrdlet me see if it is similar06:21
flaccid!ot | bdizzle06:21
ubottubdizzle: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:21
mrksbrdbdizzle: never had a complainnt about them06:21
mrksbrdthey are IBM thinkpads just under their own line06:22
nicholasstormanhey it's me tacosarecool it worked06:22
forty-sevenok dumb question again: I looked at the LAMP guide, and there's no mention of getting apache to autostart?06:22
flaccidforty-seven: it does by default06:23
=== nicholasstorman is now known as tacosarecool
tacosarecoolIt worked06:23
forty-sevenshould I uninstall apache and reinstall it?06:23
flaccidforty-seven: why?06:24
tacosarecoolgenii you there?06:24
forty-sevenapache2 isnt starting up by default06:25
geniitacosarecool: Yes, barely :) almost 1:30 am here now06:25
forty-sevenok, just reinstalled... still isn't running in bg by default?06:25
draikIs there a way to automate the link every X minutes?06:25
flaccidforty-seven: turn it on in system settings - system services06:25
draikHow can I automate an app to run every 15 minutes?06:26
flaccid!cron | draik06:26
ubottudraik: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm06:26
flaccid!info kcron06:27
ubottukcron (source: kdeadmin): the KDE crontab editor. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 191 kB, installed size 552 kB06:27
forty-sevenflaccid: The module System Services could not be loaded06:27
tacosarecoolOh ok06:27
tacosarecoolWell bye genii06:28
tacosarecoolthanks again06:28
flaccidforty-seven: try this to fix it: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kde-guidance06:28
flaccidappears to be a bug06:29
forty-sevennopee :(06:30
forty-sevenis there any console based access?06:30
TeslaTonyHow do I get a list of all processes from the command line?06:31
TeslaTonyIncluding stuff that isn't running for my user06:31
flaccidforty-seven: easiest is this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-controlling-access-to-linux-services.html06:32
flaccidTeslaTony: ps aux06:32
TeslaTonyflaccid: Thanks06:34
flaccidforty-seven: actually rcconf is probably even easier06:34
flaccidor just sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove06:35
forty-sevensays "No apache MPM package installed"06:36
flaccidthat should be ok i guess06:36
flaccidoh you wanted to add. im sorry i gave you remove. so just do sudo apt-get install rcconf && sudo rcconf and then select apache206:37
forty-sevenwell I did the update-rc.d remove06:37
flaccidyeah my bad06:37
forty-sevenok did that06:38
forty-sevenand now it will be set to startup?06:38
flaccidforty-seven: if you want you could install apache2-mpm-prefork06:40
lyxi'm using kde 4.1 and i'm having trouble finding the hibernate button...can someone help me out?06:45
flaccidlyx: wrong channel, see topic06:45
lyxon 3.5 i see it clearly06:45
forty-seven_flaccid: I do "[...] apache2ctl start" and it tells me: /usr/sbin/apache2ctl: 124: /usr/sbin/apache2: not found06:45
jeffp2p@search mitchner06:47
flaccidforty-seven_: you need an mpm pkg installed. [15:40] <flaccid> forty-seven: if you want you could install apache2-mpm-prefork <-- do that06:48
forty-seven_oops k06:49
forty-seven_so wait, whats the difference? is that apache 2.0?06:50
forty-seven_hm. so wait, what am I doing wrong so that I can't run apache2.2?06:51
flaccidyou failed to install it correctly06:51
forty-seven_hrm... so 'sudo apt-get install apache2.2-common' is the improper way?06:53
flaccid[15:03] <flaccid> sudo apt-get install apache2 + read the link we pasted first...06:54
forty-seven_ah, ok. so I have to install apache2 first, then apache2.2 common?06:55
flaccidno. just apache2 which has the common pkg as a dep...06:56
flaccid!apache2 | forty-seven_06:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apache206:56
flaccid!apache | forty-seven_06:56
ubottuforty-seven_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:56
forty-seven_yeaah, I'm following the tasksel procedure06:57
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:57
chao1Hello, I have photos the are trapped in a corrupted partition on a failing hdd. I have tried testdisk, dd, gnuddrescue, photorec with nothing recovered. I have tried fsck and several other cli commands. Can anyone tell me of another tool that I can install that has a gui frontend that is able to look back through several deletions? There is a tool (expensive) that is called Phoenix or something. Is there anything open source like that?06:58
Cannolican kubuntu have a wireless home network with an xp machine?06:58
chao1setup samba06:59
flaccidCannoli: what exactly do you mean?06:59
chao1!samba | Cannoli06:59
ubottuCannoli: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:59
Cannolii mean i want to access files on my xp machine07:00
Cannoliis that possible?07:00
flaccidCannoli: it can do that out of the box07:00
mrksbrdok i'm retarded....can't find the link to post the how-to i wanted07:00
Cannolioh sweet, so whats the program that i need to set up?07:00
flaccidCannoli: no set up required, just goto remote places in konqueror or dolphin07:01
flaccidthen click on Samba Shares07:01
chao1Connoli: yeah what flaccid said07:02
Cannolisamba shares folder is blank :(07:03
Cannolioh wait07:03
Cannoligot it, sorry spoke too soon :D ty07:03
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swemarkGood morning07:25
swemarkim trying to set up my ubuntu with two diffrent resolutioned screens07:25
swemarkcant seem to find a good guide on it07:26
mrksbrdflaccid: you still there?07:29
mrksbrdjust a quick ? no need to panic07:30
mrksbrdwhats the command to tell which port a specific peice of hw is using....ie. ttyusb007:31
mrksbrdtried lsusb...lspci...lshw07:31
mrksbrdnothing is telling me what i need07:31
flaccidno need to ping me, just ask the chan07:32
swemarkmrksbrd, lspci should do it07:32
mrksbrdlol...ok but your my man!!!07:32
mrksbrdthta's what I thought but not showing what I need....I did it along time ago, but can't remember for the life of me07:33
ubottuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org07:34
Cannoli!laptop lid07:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about laptop lid07:35
Cannolianyone know how i can set up what happens when the laptop lid closes?07:35
mrksbrdCannoli: what are u trying to do07:37
Cannoliwell when i close my lid i want kubuntu to go to hybernate07:37
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:37
mrksbrdhold on07:38
mrksbrdgive me a sec07:38
mrksbrdCannoli: I can't find it.....drawing a blank right now....thought it was under system settings07:44
Cannolinvm then07:44
Cannolii'll be fine with out thanks07:44
Cannolithanks for looking though07:44
Cannoliare there any other cool settings specifically ment for laptops?07:44
Cannolidont be, its all good07:44
mrksbrdnot sure about laptop specific, there is a decent prog called Compiz....just go under Desktop Effects07:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver07:50
Cannoli!screen saver07:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screen saver07:50
rabindrawhat could be the reason for this error message:07:52
rabindra"Could not read network connection list /home/rabindra/.DCOP server_rabindra-desktop__0 Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!07:53
rabindraanyone has an idea?07:53
mrksbrdrabindra: try this looks similar http://www.astahost.com/kde-starting-problem-t7887.html07:57
mrksbrdor this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-26208.html07:59
rabindrai get another error also:08:01
rabindraconfiguration file "/home/rabindra/.kde/share/config/konsolerc" and  "........./kdelglobals" not writable08:02
mrksbrdwhat is it08:02
rabindraafter that the konsole appears08:03
mrksbrdcould also be related to your other issue08:05
ubuntu_Hello ppl08:08
rabindrai don't understand i am afraid trying anything at random would further create problems08:09
rabindrait started all because my root folder was full - 100% and I came to know much later after trying so many things08:09
mrksbrdwhat do u mean root is 100% full08:10
mrksbrdis it a new install08:10
rabindraya root was 100% full08:11
rabindrano i had been using it for months08:11
rabindrabut unknowingly i put so many files that it was full08:11
mrksbrdnever heard of that before08:11
rabindrabut then i deleted some files and made some space after which these error message started. Before, even login would fail i was in a login loop now at least login succeeds but with these messages and at last konsole terminal nothing else08:13
djdarkmanrabindra: you need to have at least 100 MB free in your /var08:15
mrksbrddid u back up your system by chance?08:15
ubuntu_Does Kubuntu have an installer like Ubuntu?You know,when i put in CD then should it pop-up a menu?08:16
hateballubuntu_: Yes08:16
mrksbrdor if  u r running just ubuntu u can install KDE08:17
mrksbrdrabindra: did you attempt a system backup by chance then these errors started?08:19
djdarkmanmrksbrd: that`s not a good idea, to mix gnome and KDE08:19
ubuntu_how can i uninstall Kubuntu when i can't even enter it?08:21
ubuntu_I mean,same thing Happened with Ubuntu,it show Busybox and i only have that OS installed08:21
djdarkmanubuntu_: what error do you get?08:22
ubuntu_Busybox or something,im not sure.08:22
ubuntu_It starts to load then it show that busybox08:22
djdarkmanubuntu_: it must show an error08:23
mrksbrddj I know it's not good to run gnome apps thru kde & vice versa but never heard that about installing KDE GUI08:23
mrksbrdi could be wrong though08:23
ubuntu_Hmm...i only see that black Busybox screen08:23
djdarkmanmrksbrd: you could install KDE from the GUI08:23
ubuntu_not the error08:23
mrksbrdubuntu: are u talking about the system just hanging & not finishing the install?08:24
ubuntu_I mean it is installed allready,and it show busybox while loading08:24
mrksbrddon't know what u are talking about "busybox"08:25
ubuntu_Ok,i will explain further08:25
djdarkmanmrksbrd: it`s a minimal shell that you get on a critical error, when your system fails to boot08:25
ubuntu_I installed Ubuntu using that installer while i am running WIndows,then all of a sudden,it wouldn't boot,and i could enter Ubuntu without the CD08:26
mrksbrdthis is the only thing I found ....is this what u are talking about    http://www.busybox.net/about.html08:26
ubuntu_I mean i could,i cant now :(08:26
mrksbrdis it A 3RD party app?08:27
ubuntu_Busybox is not a 3rd party app i think.08:27
djdarkmanubuntu_: did you use wubi?08:27
djdarkmanmrksbrd: it`s a failsafe....08:28
ubuntu_Me use Wubi08:28
djdarkmanubuntu_: and does windows work?08:28
ubuntu__does it ever?08:28
ubuntu_Haha :D ,windows works fine08:29
djdarkmanok ubuntu_ then you could try reinstalling ubuntu08:29
mrksbrdtonight is a night of errors I never heard of ....lol08:29
=== nathan__ is now known as nathan__login
ubuntu__quick question...I heard that if you run KDE apps in GNome that they will start up and possibly even run slower because the KDE libs have to load. true?08:30
djdarkmanubuntu_: I can't help you much with wubi, I would encourage you to do a standard install instead of wubi, It`s much safer08:30
=== nathan__login is now known as nathan__
mrksbrdyes not supposed to run KDE apps in GNOME08:31
djdarkmanubuntu__: they may start slower, but don`t run slower after it's loaded completly08:31
ubuntu__that's a shame. there are a couple really cool KDE apps08:32
djdarkmanmrksbrd: actualy he can, it`s just not wise to mix these two desktops08:32
mrksbrdthen just run Kubuntu08:32
mrksbrdthat's what I meant08:32
ubuntu__but I don't like KDE08:32
mrksbrdgetting tired words are not flowing the right way now ....lol08:33
ubuntu__digikam is actually really cool08:33
djdarkmanubuntu__: you can run them in GNOME, and it`s not likely that you will expriance08:33
djdarkmanproblems with it08:33
mrksbrdit's the same base system08:33
mrksbrdUbuntu running GNOME is kinda generic compared to KDE08:34
ubuntu__another question...today I was downloading a couple torrents and while downloading, my browser wouldn't load ANYTHING on the web. when I paused the torrents, the browser worked fine. anyone ever had that happen?08:34
djdarkmanubuntu__: if you have a GNOME desktop and want a few KDE apps, go ahead, you can do this without a problem08:35
djdarkmanubuntu__: browser?08:35
djdarkmanand you have Ubuntu 8.04?08:35
mrksbrdwhat's your connection speed?+08:36
djdarkmanubuntu__: how much is you bandwidth?08:36
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djdarkmanand how fast did you download ubuntu__?08:36
mrksbrdthat's not the prob then08:36
illmortal1Hey guys, how do I change my username  prior to using  /msg nickserv identify password ?08:37
djdarkmanillmortal1: /nick foobar08:37
mrksbrd do /nick <new nick>08:37
ubuntu__I don't remember, really. I downloaded eight or nine distros tonight pretty quickly, but I downloaded the Ubuntu DVD a couple weeks ago. maybe half an hour, I don't know. maybe an hour.08:38
illmortal1How come it won't let me use illmortal as my nick and then let me identify? o.o;08:38
mrksbrdmaybe already assigned08:39
djdarkmanubuntu__: you see if you download too fast than you have no speed left for browsing, there are two solutions: 1) go for a coffe while you download 2) limit the torrent download speed08:39
ubuntu__ah, I didn't know that08:39
illmortal1yes.. to me. lol so how do make freenode realize that I am the owner of that username? :X08:39
ubuntu__that makes sense08:39
mrksbrddo /nickserv <password>08:40
ubuntu__alternatively, I could go to the WOW headquarters and tell them if they don't give me unlimited download speed, I am gonna rough them up. then I can have my cake and eat it too.08:40
ubuntu__I love cake08:40
ubuntu__and I love eating cake08:40
illmortal1command doesn't work either.08:41
mrksbrdu using Konversation?08:41
illmortal1-.- shitty kopete.08:41
illmortal1I'm about to get rid of it. But I like the fact that it has, "jabber"08:42
illmortal1I use that at work.08:42
mrksbrdhmmm....didn't think Kopete was for IRC, just thought it was for IM08:43
illmortal1Is there no way to let nickserv know that I'm illmortal with the correct password?08:43
mrksbrddon't know thru Kopete08:43
djdarkmanillmortal1: you need to register08:43
illmortal1 /msg nickserv identify     <password>  used to work.08:43
mrksbrdKonversation is easy (automated)08:43
illmortal1djdarkman, that's the problem.... my username is illmortal and I can't change my nick to that... instead I'm stuck using illmortal1.08:44
mrksbrdthat's it ....sorry left out a few things....oooppppssss.better more tired than I thought08:44
SitUbuntuSitillmortal1, it still does08:44
illmortal1hm.. maybe kopete doesn't allow you?08:45
SitUbuntuSitnot sure, perhaps08:45
* mrksbrd better stop giving advise tonight08:45
illmortal1when i try: /nick illmortal I get a pop up: The nickname illmortal is already in use08:46
mrksbrdwon't allow you to even use it until u supply a password?08:47
SitUbuntuSitwhat happens when you type: "msg/ nickserv identify <password>"08:47
SitUbuntuSitwithout quotes08:47
illmortal1lol claims that illmortal1 isn't registered.08:48
Cannolihow can i change what starts when i loadup kubuntu? such as programs08:48
illmortal1do i need to use <  >08:48
SitUbuntuSitah, because you logged in with illmortal108:48
mrksbrdit won't if your using the '1' @ the end08:48
illmortal1yes because when I attempted to log in with the username, "illmortal" it said it was already in use and that I must use a different nick name.08:49
mrksbrdtry ghost'ing the nick08:49
ScorpKingCannoli: to start apps when you log in link them in ~/.kde/Autostart .Also check in kcontrol how your session management is set up. if it's save previous session all apps that was running will start again08:50
SitUbuntuSittype /msg nickserv help -- ghost is a command to reclaim a name08:50
mrksbrd..../msg nickserv ghost <username>08:50
illmortal1i see08:50
mrksbrdthink that's the command08:50
illmortal1let me try, brb08:50
Cannolioh ok08:50
mrksbrdSitUbuntuSit: maybe u can help me with something.....thought there was a command to list HW using a specific location (ie...ttyusb0)...tried lspci, lshw, & lsusb, but nothing is working08:53
illmortal1Crap... it doesn't understand commands. It opened up a msg window to nickserv and it only puts my message into the IM08:53
mrksbrdwould say use Konversation then08:53
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illmortal1Yeah I'm gonna have to.08:55
illmortal1well.. I'll be right back :p08:55
mrksbrdSit....any ideas?08:57
mrksbrdthere ya go08:59
illmortal_ack lol it added the _ instead of 1 now lol08:59
illmortal_ok so now I need to use the ghost command?08:59
mrksbrdtry it09:00
illmortal_[Notice] -NickServ- illmortal is not a registered nickname.09:00
=== Captain-Splendid is now known as Cannoli
mrksbrdsure u registered it thru nickserv???09:00
Cannolisorry to be such a bother but i have one more question09:00
Cannoliwhen i press one of the keys on the top of my laptop, i get an erro09:00
illmortal_but then... when I choose illmortal from the little drop down menu, I get this error: [Nick] Nickname already in use, try a different one.09:01
Cannolitthen the keys on the top of my laptop dont work, any suggestions?09:01
illmortal_mrksbrd, I'm positive... like nearly a year ago.09:01
illmortal_my PS3 is illriginal and my PC is illmortal. lol09:01
Cannoliillmortal_: type /nickserv ghost illmortal PASSWORD09:01
mrksbrdforgot /msg09:02
Cannolido u know wht ur nickserv passworkd is?09:02
Cannolioops sorry09:02
illmortal_lol yep :p09:02
Cannoliillmortal_: type /ns ghost illmortal PASSWORD09:02
illmortal_lol: [Notice] -NickServ- illmortal is not a registered nickname.09:02
Cannolijust wait till it quits then register it09:03
Cannoliit'll quit automatically in a bit after a connection error09:03
illmortal_wait til what quits, exactly?09:03
illmortal_wait.. so illmortal is some how connected right now? o.o;09:03
mrksbrdjust a dumb ? have u sed it lately09:03
Cannoliwell technically the username illmortal is in use, so the server thinks there is still a person connected behind that nickname,09:03
mrksbrdbut if he ghost's it it should release it09:04
Cannolieven though uve changed to a diff nick, so when the server actually looks for a connection behind the nick it will see there is none and will release the nick09:04
illmortal_that's nearly impossible o.o I haven't logged into IRC with my PC (illmortal) in many many months lol09:04
Cannolimrksbrd: thts only if his nick is registered by ns09:04
mrksbrdwonder if i expired then09:04
Cannoliits not even registered thats the thign09:04
mrksbrdmay have to re-register it09:05
Cannoliyea maybe09:05
Cannoliwht happens when u type /nick illmortal09:05
illmortal_[Nick] Nickname already in use, try a different one.09:05
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mrksbrdwhich prog u signed under now Kopete or Konversation?09:06
Cannoliwell i think someone has ur nick then XD09:06
illmortal_when i first got the nick?09:06
illmortal_I used X Chat... when I used to run Ubuntu09:06
illmortal_ROFLMAO I know why!09:07
illmortal_I'm such a pot head.09:07
mrksbrdshouldn't matter what IRC prog u registered it with09:07
illmortal_At work I use the program, "jabber" which gives me IRC capability and I have illmortal logged in right now.09:08
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illmortal_ /join #ps3-dev09:08
* mrksbrd smashes illmortal w/ a hammer09:08
Cannolimrksbrd: can u help me with my keyboard problem. i have a laptop and the quick keys for volume and stuff work, but when i hit the dvd key at the top, i get an error and none of the quick keys work. any suggestions?09:09
illmortal_i messaged myself and it said I was away and it showed the server I was on lol09:09
lee_hi any one now how to set up apache 2 for ubuntu09:09
illmortal_sorry guys :X09:09
mrksbrdno prob09:09
Cannoli!mouse sensitivity09:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:10
mrksbrdcannoli: may have to re-assign shortcuts, may be conflicting with one another09:10
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto09:10
Cannolioh i see, how do i do that?09:10
mrksbrdlet me find it09:10
mrksbrd(no promises the way my brain is functioning right now)   :-P09:11
Cannolilmao s'all good, i still appreciate all the help09:11
lee_kan some one tell me were to get a post to install and setup apache09:12
mrksbrdlee: google it would be the easiest09:12
lee_try to but cant get a proper answer out of it09:14
mrksbrdCannoli: try looking under "system settings" ....think it is in there09:15
mrksbrdlee: hold on09:15
=== willo_ is now known as qbit
illmortal_hm... I forget how to set, "auto-join" for each channel :X09:16
=== qbit is now known as qbitza
mrksbrdlee: did u try this http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/09:16
lee_will have a look09:17
mrksbrdill...under which prog?09:17
lee_will have a look thx09:17
illmortal_im on konversation.09:18
mrksbrdbrb....potty break09:18
illmortal_ack and repository only shows FireFox3... horrible ><09:19
nathan_i need help with beryl ,i just can't install it09:20
mrksbrdok back09:21
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:22
mu3encan anyone point me to the right channel for X11 questions (inappropriate ioctl)09:22
mrksbrdillmortal_: go under "file"  server list.....edit09:24
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illmortal_thanks a lot mrksbrd :D09:26
mrksbrd@ least I was good for something tonight....lol09:27
Howitehow can I turn off the auto-restore of all windows those was opened in previous session and restored after reboot?09:28
* mrksbrd brain hurts09:28
Howite-_-" sorry09:28
mrksbrdlol...not because of u09:28
mrksbrdyou either ill...just extremely tired & still have 2 more hrs of work09:29
mrksbrdHowite: not sure of a way other than to make sure to shut them down b4 closing09:30
Howitethat's not a way09:30
mrksbrdlol...hold on09:31
illmortal_man you're lucky I gotta go to bed... lol I have to configure so much :X09:31
illmortal_though one thing I might need help with before I go to bed, but I'll wait my turn. It's in regards to installing Firefox 2 instead of 3 :X09:32
mrksbrdmust be nice09:32
mrksbrdsudo apt install firefox 2 or go thru adept manager09:32
mrksbrdif u just do firefox it installs v309:33
illmortal_Yeah I gotta specify 2.0*09:33
mrksbrdHowite: any particular prog?09:33
mrksbrdor is it anything u leave open u want to disable09:34
Cannolianyone know how i can get the ksynaptics package?09:36
Cannolii tried looking in adept manager and add and remove files but no luck09:36
mrksbrdjust called synaptics09:37
mrksbrdsigning off..... see ya's tonight09:49
concernedcitizenis there anyway to upgrade to kde 4.1?09:55
SmokeEater85911anybody here?09:57
dwidmann_concernedcitizen: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.109:58
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: I'm somewhat here :)09:58
SmokeEater85911hey dwidmann do you know how to install a dock?09:59
SmokeEater85911like stardock or something09:59
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: I'm not familiar with stardock, umm, can you describe it?10:00
SmokeEater85911its like a menu/icon system usually sits at the bottom of your screen10:00
SmokeEater85911when you roll your mouse over the icons they usually have some neat effect to them10:01
dwidmann_Hmm, maybe something like kooldock?10:01
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: yeah, I'd say kooldock would be right on the money, install the package :)10:03
SmokeEater85911hrm, ill check it out10:04
SmokeEater85911oh and 1 more thing. do you know how to run a script on startup? I thought I had it down right but it doesnt work10:04
SmokeEater85911i added it to the init.d file, and all that jazz but it just doesnt run it or something10:05
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: copy the script to /etc/init.d/, and run update-rc.d defaults scriptname(not the path, just the name, seeing as it has to be in that directory)10:07
SmokeEater85911i did all that10:07
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: be sure it has the appropriate stuffs at the top of the file (ie: #!/bin/sh) and it's marked executable10:07
SmokeEater85911lemme past what the script says10:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:09
SmokeEater85911now if i click the .sh file, then it works but its not running it at startup.. maybe It needs to run at login?10:10
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: better yet, http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d45d48be5 -- I pastebinned a pastebinning script with a pastebinning script :)10:10
mzolisiAnyone know what the 'Open Dialog' in Kate is?10:11
SmokeEater85911k so kooldock is installed.. now what lol10:12
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: xmodmap requires X to be running before you run it, you should run that script on login instead of on startup.10:12
SmokeEater85911k how do I change it to run on login?10:12
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: create a file, call it .xmodmaprc, it goes in your home directory, yes the file name will start with a dot.10:12
SmokeEater85911same content though?10:13
dwidmann_Only this part: "keycode 115 = Menu"10:13
SmokeEater85911weird I created the file and its not showing up10:14
dwidmann_Now, in your ~/.kde/Autostart directory, create a file, lets call it "runxmodmap.sh", in it put this: #!/bin/sh<ENTER>xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc10:14
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: files that start with a dot are hidden.10:15
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: which is why you don't see dozens of config files when you pull up your home folder.10:15
dwidmann_Mark the script file in the autostart folder executable so it will work10:16
SmokeEater85911wheres the kde folder?10:16
dwidmann_~ = home folder (usually /home/username)10:17
SmokeEater85911found it10:17
SmokeEater85911k im at the part where you said mark script file as executable10:19
SmokeEater85911and done10:20
profesor_hola a todo el mundo10:20
SmokeEater85911so now it should work?10:20
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: well, log out, log back in, and see if the button works10:20
mu3en!spanish | profesor10:21
ubottuprofesor: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.10:21
SmokeEater85911not a big deal right now.. so now that this kooldock is installed, how do I use it? lol10:24
SmokeEater85911oh, there it is10:25
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: so that script didn't run, hm, one sec then10:26
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: in that case move it to /usr/local/bin and create a launcher for it10:27
SmokeEater85911one sec, Im messing with the dock lol10:27
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: ie: right click create -> launcher10:27
dwidmann_erm, link to application10:27
dwidmann_same thing10:27
dwidmann_can do that on the desktop or in konqueror10:27
SmokeEater85911k so move it?10:28
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: when doing that, tell it to run it in a terminal, in the advanced options on the third tab10:28
dwidmann_Then move the launcher to ~/.kde/Autostart and I guarantee that will work :)10:29
SmokeEater85911wait which one do you want me to move?10:29
dwidmann_move the script from ~/.kde/Autostart to somewhere else like /usr/local/bin (or wherever you want it)10:29
SmokeEater85911k i moved it to Documents10:31
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: now go to the desktop, right click, Create new -> Link to Application10:33
dwidmann_call it something like xmodmap, on the third tab, click browse, point it at the script file. click advanced options, set it to run in terminal10:34
dwidmann_SmokeEater85911: okay, move that new launcher thing to ~/.kde/Autostart10:35
SmokeEater85911k done10:35
SmokeEater85911now log out and back in for test?10:36
dwidmann_:s then you must have done someting wrong10:38
SmokeEater85911screw it im too tired to mess with it tonite more10:38
dwidmann_somewhere or another10:38
SmokeEater85911i think the command is wrong10:39
dwidmann_which command?10:39
SmokeEater85911nowhere in the script should it say *xmodmap*?10:39
dwidmann_Keep in mind of course that typos and capitolization errors aren't tolerated at all10:39
dwidmann_The script should read like this10:40
dwidmann_xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc10:40
SmokeEater85911thats probably it10:40
SmokeEater85911one sec10:40
SmokeEater85911the only thing was there was a space before the #!/bin/sh10:42
SmokeEater85911would that do anything?10:42
SmokeEater85911k one sec10:42
SmokeEater85911meh i give up for now..10:44
SmokeEater85911im going to bed.10:44
SmokeEater85911thanks anyway10:44
renato__hi, I need some help to invstigate whether something went wrong in one server "locally" or whether somebody managed to break in and mess it up10:57
=== Alex135|away is now known as Alex135
thefishrenato__: what was the symptom?11:11
renato__well, I cannot log in anymore, I managed to have a look at the server by booting from a cd (the system does not boot anymore for priviledges problems) I see  my own homedir has different owner and group, the auth log stops 10 days ago....11:13
renato__the system is a mail server and hosts a few web sites, althought at the moment they were just showing the apache "it works" line11:15
ale22944Hi all! Just upgraded from Gusty to Hardy ang now have a big problem with wireless networking. My card is an Intel 3945 ABG, find networks but doesn't connect! Any idea? Tnx11:17
ActionParsnipale22944: let me websearch, nice info11:17
ale22944ActionParsnip: Hi, googling around gives tons of results but no one is working at the moment!11:18
Alex135ale22944: when you say upgrade did you reinstall or just do the update11:19
ActionParsnipale22944: http://linuxtechie.wordpress.com/2008/04/24/making-intel-wireless-3945abg-work-better-on-ubuntu-hardy/11:21
ActionParsnipmight help some11:21
ActionParsnipale22944: what driver youo using?11:22
Alex135ale22944: did you reinstall and use hardy CD or did you just do the update.... going to hardy through the update manager can cause problems.11:22
ActionParsnipuprading is a pain in the ass, easier to reinstall then restore data from backup imho11:23
renato__no help available?11:23
ActionParsniprenato__: sup?11:24
ale22944sorry had a problem with connection, i've upgraded the first tim and then formatted and reinstalled from live cd11:24
ale22944same result11:24
renato__ActionParsnip: sup = ?11:25
Alex135cuz i know that updateing from the manager installes newer versions of the network managers but they arn't autoconfigured sine that is only done at first boot11:25
ActionParsniprenato__: sup == wassup == whats up == hi11:25
Alex135ActionParsnip: your giving me a headache :P11:26
ale22944guys that's a real big trouble for me..it's really hard to find around a cable to connect!! =(11:26
renato__I have a server which I believe it has been broken into11:26
renato__ I cannot log in anymore, I managed to have a look at the server by booting from a cd (the system does not boot anymore for priviledges problems) I see  my own homedir has different owner and group, the auth log stops 10 days ago....11:26
renato__it was an ubuntu 8.04 based server11:27
_spm_Draget'sudo update-rd.d nis boot' does not work, what am I doing wrong?11:27
ActionParsniprenato__: are you logging in as root by any chance?11:27
Alex135ale22944: what i would do is check back here later on during the day (say 4 hours from now or so) since nobody right now knows how to fix your problem11:27
renato__no, I had my own login11:27
ActionParsniprenato__: good11:27
renato__I could access the server again because it would not bood, I believe some of the files in the server got new owner, grouup11:27
ale22944Alex135: Thanks a lot alex! I'll be back in 4 hours =)11:27
renato__for example, my own homedir is now owned by 1001:100111:28
Alex1354-8 hours from now will give you some more results :)11:28
ActionParsniprenato__: id look at the layout of the password files for linux and modify them in the live environment so you can log in, then set you passwords properly and encrypt them11:28
ActionParsniprenato__: then evaluate the situation as well as your security11:29
Alex135ale22944: in the mean time what you can do is try and research the problem.11:29
renato__the system does not bot anymore, I have to access the system by booting from a live cd11:29
ale22944Alex135: if you like send me an e-mail: tinel@live.it11:29
ale22944i'm searching11:29
renato__my problem is understanding what coused the security failure.11:29
Alex135k... i might11:30
renato__I had followed the howtoforge : perfect server11:30
* Alex135 adds ale22944's email adress to his contacts list11:30
renato__and I would have thought my passwords were encrypted already11:30
dwidmann_speaking of security ... mentioning your email in plain text in a publicly logged irc channel probably isn't such a hot idea.11:31
ActionParsniprenato__: no such thing11:31
renato__I see the ownership has changed for all directory trees of my websites and for the two users11:31
renato__no such thing in relation to what?11:31
ActionParsniprenato__: they are but have been compromised, you can use plaintext passwords to get in11:31
ActionParsniprenato__: in computing, nothing is perfect11:31
renato__I apreciate that, just I cannot believe people remaster theyr servers once a week, so there must be a way to limit the damage11:32
renato__I am told not that init cannot execure /bin/sh for rc default, permission denied. Rc-default run as what user?11:33
ActionParsniprenato__: you need to use your livecd to setup plain text passwords, then login and do a lot of chowning11:34
renato__how do I set up plaintext password? by manually editing /etc/passwd?11:35
ActionParsnipwebsearching (I wish i had my lpi book :()11:37
renato__uhmm... whatgood setting up plain passwd would do to me if the system does not complete boostrap?11:40
ActionParsniprenato__: hmm, then id reinstall the server and restore data / config from nightly backup11:41
ActionParsniprenato__: or you could chown in livecd env but im not sure which user to give it11:43
renato__the sequence in rc-default is executed under what user?11:43
ActionParsniprenato__: no idea dude sorry11:44
renato__because the innit procedure hangs telling  it could not execure /bin/sh, permission denied11:44
renato__I can also reinstall it, not somuch of a problem, my doubt is how to keep this from happening again.11:45
renato__on a different topic, what si the difference between kubuntu "standard" and kubuntu server?11:46
ActionParsniprenato__: very little as far as ive seen, theres not much in the *buntu nonesense as all apps can be installed on the other systems11:47
renato__do you know if in the server there is some particoular deamon that it is worth it having?11:47
ActionParsniprenato__: if it does you can install it on any of the other buntus you want11:48
ActionParsniprenato__: have you installed server to use as a regular desktop?11:48
renato__no, this was ment to be a mail and web and application server (sugarcrm)11:49
ActionParsniprenato__: did you install the LAMP server?11:51
renato__no, I just had installed a standard kubuntu desktop and added afterwards  postfix myswl and apache (among the others)11:52
ActionParsniprenato__: all good stff11:53
ActionParsniplamp == linux asp mysql php afaik11:54
=== dizney_ is now known as dizney
renato__if I have to think what security breached I may have created, I had to change ownership to one of the web sites created because otherwise I could not execute sugarcrm installation11:54
renato__so I changed that directory ownership to www.data:www-data if I remember11:55
renato__and I believe the login for the mail was still plain text11:55
ActionParsniptry it11:56
renato__try what?11:56
ActionParsniprenato__: the chown, backup the files first with cp11:59
leonhi, there11:59
ActionParsniphi leon12:00
renato__I could try, but chown of what?12:00
ActionParsniprenato__: its chown to12:01
ActionParsniprenato__: chown changes ownersip, try the bootstrap files12:01
ActionParsniprenato__: its probably gonna be quicker to reinstall dude, looks like a lot of stuff has gone on12:02
ActionParsniprenato__: but thats my suggestion12:02
renato__I understand, my whastion was what do I use as a target of chown? root:root? and do I apply that (or whatever) to what files?12:02
ActionParsniprenato__: i dont know, id just try various owners to see how far you can get in12:03
renato__let me see  who owns /bin/sh now12:03
thefishrenato__: if you are booted on a livecd and then mounting the server disk, the owner will be incorrect - you will need to compare uids in /etc/passwd12:08
renato__thefish, ok,12:09
renato__I am waiting for the livecdto boot12:09
thefishyou can try ls with -n12:09
thefishthat will show the numeric id12:09
thefishit should be 0 0 (root)12:09
thefishbut as ActionParsnip says, it seems a reinstall would be a better way to go12:09
renato__I do not mind reinstalling, as I said, but I would love to do some root couse analisys12:10
renato__damn it ! :)12:10
ActionParsniprenato__: then make an iso of the drive and back it up, then you can mount once you have a good system and analyse12:11
renato__good Idea, how     can I do that?12:11
ActionParsniprenato__: man makeisofs12:13
ActionParsniprenato__: or use dd12:14
=== benji is now known as Guest11363
renato__"/bin/sh" is already   1 0 012:22
thefishrenato__: you say that other directories are not owned by your user any more, maybe ls -n those and then compare the uids to the ones in the servers /etc/passwd (not the livecd /etc/passwd!)12:24
renato__I am on it12:24
renato__I checked out my hoe dir, and the owner is correct, it   wasn't mapped when I did the ls -l becasue, of course I am booting from the live cd and there is not such user there12:28
renato__so I have to backstep on my assumption, it is not a given that ownership of files/dir has changed12:28
renato__never the less I could not remotely login (via ssh, I could via ftp) and the system does not reboot (permission denied in executing /bin/sh)12:29
renato__something interesting12:39
renato__"/bin/sh"  is a read only file and it is not executable12:40
renato__that would definetly prevent the system from booting12:40
flaccidrenato__: chmod +x /bin/sh ?12:50
flaccidits usually lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2008-03-05 17:58 /bin/sh -> dash12:51
flaccid-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 79988 2008-03-12 22:22 /bin/dash12:51
renato__flaccid, I know the chmod, my point is that somebody must have been able to enter my system and change the permission to sh (and now I found out also bash)12:55
flaccidrenato__: yea well something or someone has changed it. who or what is a mystery12:56
=== ubuntu_ is now known as traBan`
renato__well  that system is supposed to be used by me and my wife and she uses just as a mil server and she does not distinguish a linux server from a toaster12:57
renato__not really, this means somebody did manage to break in12:57
renato__and gain root password12:57
flaccidyou have no proof of that and the default user has the ability12:58
renato__the ownership of bash is root:root12:58
renato__so, the only user who can do that is root12:59
renato__and I am alagedly the only person who knows the root password12:59
flaccidif you have sudo (which the default user has out of the box), you have access to root13:00
=== dwidmann_ is now known as dwidmann
renato__good point, does that translate to just any user I create?13:00
renato__ok, bbq time in Spain, at least I made a step in the right direction, tx for your helpo13:01
=== kde4 is now known as jirik
jirikHi. How to connect new USB HDD (WD 250 GB), when I do not see it via sudo fdisk -l? I have restarted it with connected USB cabel. I suppose there is no partition.13:05
flaccidif its not in fdisk then check dmesg for errors13:06
jirikflaccid: There is something about "usbcore: registered new interface driver hci_usb"13:09
=== kuga is now known as kuga__
kuga__dobar dan svima13:10
flaccidthats good newsbut there should be quite a few messages13:10
jirikflaccid: This is my dmesg | grep usb output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/38781/13:11
jirikflaccid: interresting, I disconnected it and connected again and now it is visible ... :)13:12
jirikflaccid: thanks for your compliancy, it works.13:18
=== ubuntu_ is now known as traban
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=== jah is now known as jah__
CrippsI was at work yesterday, listening to some tunes on Amarok, and this morning when I came in and fired up amarok and hit play, I got "Audio output unavailable; the device is busy."  ... I tried running "/etc/init.d/alasa-utils restart" and I continue to get the same message. Firefox has been restarted since then, so I know that it's not hogging the sound server. Any ideas as to how I can find the culprit and/or prevent this from happening?13:36
baudthiefI installed Kubuntu on my centrino laptop last night, however everytime I move to standby mode or hibernate, then come back, my wireless doesnt work anymore13:37
baudthiefany ideas?13:37
baudthiefannoying to have to reboot after waking up everytime13:38
Crippsbaudthief, remove the wireless module before sleeping, and relaod it when you wake up.13:38
Crippsbaudthief, wireless and sleep still don't play well together.13:38
baudthiefCripps: can that be done on-the-fly using a script of some sort?13:39
concernedcitizeni can't hibernate on my kubuntu13:39
concernedcitizenit will give some kind of video error13:40
concernedcitizenand the annoying  pc speakers beeps13:40
Crippsbaudthief, yes, it can, but I'm not sure exactly how to add hooks to the sleep/wake up scripts. A better place to ask might be in #ubuntu, there's more traffic there and it's not a kubuntu-specific problem :)13:40
concernedcitizenand then restarts13:40
Crippsconcernedcitizen, you can ask in #ubuntu too :)13:40
baudthiefCripps: thanks, I just googled and believe I found something that does what you mentioned13:40
Crippsbaudthief, no problem. I used to have the same problem on my laptop ... but I do everything manually because I'm a masochist like that ;)13:41
baudthiefCripps: haha, well in truth I'd have no idea how to manually stop the network service on linux. The article I found just mentions editing acpi-suport (/etc/default/) and adding 'networking' to STOP_SERVICES13:44
baudthiefjust about to test it :P If I dont return, my machine probably caught fire13:44
xis0xhey,  somebody know how to fix "Broken Translation" in Dolphin while mounting a Partitoin ?13:44
Crippsbaudthief, I just did "pkill wpa_supplicant;rmmod iwl3945;"  ;)13:44
baudthiefCripps: and to restart, did you use insmod?13:45
Crippsbaudthief, nah, I used "modprobe iwl3945"13:45
baudthiefhooray I suck :P13:45
Crippsthat only removes and reinserts the wireless module, it doesn't kill networking13:45
Crippsthe modprobe command is nice because it automatically calculates module dependencies13:46
Crippswith insmod you have to do it all manually.13:46
baudthiefmight be handy to jot that down then heh, saved to ~/Cripps.txt :P13:46
Crippsif you wanted to stop your networking service, though, you'd do "/etc/init.d/networking stop"13:46
Crippslol :)13:46
Crippsbaudthief, I like to write down handy pieces of information :D13:47
baudthiefCripps: I'm lazy, I usually just save chunks of logs... or just keep the entire log and sort later lol13:47
Crippslazy is not bad : laziness is the mother of invention ;)13:48
baudthiefI'm about to test that theory lol13:49
xis0xhey,  somebody know how to fix "Broken Translation" in Dolphin while mounting a Partitoin ?13:49
wordxis0x: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-653962.html not sure if it's still relavent...i just googled it and thats what came up :-/13:51
xis0xYea i googled too and found this, but it won t help me.13:51
xis0xIve 8.04 Hardy an German Translation13:52
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore13:57
brugerAny body here13:57
=== bruger is now known as Rene
ReneNyle:  My system is breakin down13:57
Renehow to update the system13:57
=== Rene is now known as ReneDK
NyleRene, are you comfortable on the command line/13:57
ReneDKyeah .. is my friend is have a problems13:58
ReneDKi only know debian ..13:58
ReneDKcan is use apt-get update13:58
NyleOpen up konsole, and type `sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade`13:58
ReneDKon this system :)13:58
Nylewithout `13:58
ReneDKAhh nice13:58
ReneDKjust run this command13:58
Nylethat is correct13:58
Nyleit will ask for password, type in your password13:59
Nyleand it will do the magic13:59
wordxis0x: the solution might still be applicable even though it's a diff. version of (k)ubuntu13:59
Nyleword, !13:59
Nylelong time no see13:59
wordNyle: !13:59
wordsure ;p13:59
Nylehow are you doing buddy?13:59
Nylejust woke up14:00
Nyletrying to get some wakenbake goin on befor eI go to work14:00
Nyle;) if ya know what I mean14:00
wordmy little brother just woke up, i haven't slept yet :-/14:00
xis0xapt-get ftw :/14:00
wordlol ;p14:00
Nyleaptitude is better at almost everything14:00
Nyleespecially at dependency resolution14:00
wordaptitude doesn't have super-cow powers i dont think14:00
Nyleaptitude is generally better14:01
Nylefor various obvious reasons14:01
Nyle(given one reads/skims the documentation of both apt-get and aptitude)14:01
Nyle(it becomes fairly obvious)14:01
wordNyle: run this command - apt-get --help | grep "Cow Powers" && aptitude --help | grep "Cow Powers"14:03
Crippsthis beats it though: apt-get moo14:06
=== ubuntu_ is now known as traBan
dwidmannCripps: aptitude moo; aptitude moo -v; aptitude moo -vv; aptitude moo -vvv; aptitude moo -vvvv; aptitude moo -vvvvv14:21
CrippsWhat is it?  It's an elephant being eaten by a snake, of course.14:23
florian_Hi! I have a hercules dualpix 2 webcam. Is it possible to use this cam with kubuntu? lsusb says "ID 06f8:3003 Guillemot Corp."14:23
dwidmannCripps: that is of course the logical answer :)14:24
=== pierre__ is now known as PierrotLL
kayessI upgrade my IBM laptop from KDE 3.5 to KDE 4.1 and all sorts of things went wrong :( Since then I've done a fresh install of intrepid alpha 4 and it's all perfect again -- thanks to whever does these things!14:49
xis0xKonquerer sux :/14:50
xis0xNice Project but it isn t better than Mozilla.14:51
flaccid!ot | xis0x14:52
ubottuxis0x: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:52
=== ubuntu_ is now known as sergiu
sergiuhello gentlemen, I've just installed Kubuntu Hardy Heron, the problem is that the KDE is not starting, however, in the livecd mode it works perfectly. Any solution?15:15
Seregasergiu: hey15:16
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sergiuSerega: hi15:16
=== arwmpl is now known as stempl
Seregasergiu: do you see any error messages during the boot process?15:16
sergiuthere is something related to rc.local15:17
Seregawhat video card do you have?15:17
sergiuSerega: it seems to be OpenChrome15:17
sergiuSerega: I'm working now from the livecd mode.15:18
Seregasergiu: does your Xorg (on the installed system) start?15:20
sergiuSerega: It seems that it's trying to start, I mean, for a second there is an attemp, i can see the cursor, and it crashes.15:21
=== Serega_ is now known as Serega
Seregasergiu: could you get /var/log/Xorg.0.log from the installed system?15:23
sergiuSerega: one moment15:24
Seregabut do not paste it here15:24
sergiuSerega: I got it, what lines are interesting?15:24
Seregasergiu: errors, indeed15:25
Seregapaste it all somewhere at a pastebin15:25
SeregaI prefer http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca15:26
Seregaand post the link here15:26
sergiuSerega: http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/117868715:28
eshatHi all, which package do I need to search grafically for files?15:28
athenai can run and customize a system for myself...but I don't understand firewalls15:29
athena(zone alarms was all i ever got working in windows)15:29
athenaMy personal files are no big deal but i volunteer in areas where i need security on my documents15:29
athenacan someone help me step by step on guarddog...i can make the changes i need (for this and that) afterward. So far when I set it up I loose internet and need to reinstall my system15:30
Seregasergiu: Xorg driver "via" doesn't support your hardware15:30
athenaIe it is my missing piece15:30
athenai've had it work on debain (after help)15:30
Seregasergiu: try a quick&dirty solution: kill the /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:30
sergiuSerega: How should I modify it? Do I have to edit the Xorg.conf?15:31
Seregasergiu: just delete it15:31
=== Authority1980 is now known as Authority
Seregait will be generated at the next Xorg startup15:32
sergiuSerega: after that will it work?15:32
Seregaathena: what firewall did you use? iptables or ufw?15:32
Seregasergiu: should15:32
Seregaat least with vesa driver15:32
sergiuSerega: Thank you a lot!15:33
athenaoh, and i'm not experienced at IRC---how do i send you a message like you sent me?15:33
Seregasergiu: np, neighbour :)15:33
athenaI believe I"m using IP tables...15:33
athenadon't know how to check15:33
athena(and i'm not running standard Kubuntu so it isn't best to fallback to it...i customized it a fair bit)15:33
Seregaathena: what commands did you use to configure it on debian?15:33
athenasomeone took me step by step through everything it offered and asked me if i used it. Things were checked, but never "xed". We tried running it after every major step to make sure it was working. I then checked it on that website that will show how you are doing and it all showed as on stealth. Later on I was able to modify simple ports to do what I wanted (ie my mail server uses a non standart pop3 and i wanted to15:36
athenause a few extra ports for bit torrent15:36
athena(sorry for long explanation to everyone!)15:36
athenai used guarddog (duh should have said!)15:37
eshatHi all, which package do I need to search grafically for files?15:38
Seregaathena: okay, I suggest you to study the iptables manual. There must be no difference between it's usage in debian and kubuntu15:38
Seregaeshat: konqueror can do this15:38
athenathere is...or my memory isn't good enough (it was several months ago). I tried this yesterday and needed to reinstall the system15:39
athenais there a book on guarddog and ubuntu/kubuntu. that might do15:39
* Serega shrugs15:40
athenaok i'll go looking...come back if i can't figure it out. Thanks for letting me know it would have to be very similar. That helps15:41
eshatSerega: thanks15:42
Seregaathena: np. start with the usual "man iptables", that was my way15:42
Seregaactually this was enough for me to configure the firewall + NAT15:43
concernedcitizenwhy is adept manager15:48
concernedcitizencrashing everytime I try to install gimp and inkscape (errr, sorry for the multi-line, bad habit)15:48
wizkoderhy everybody15:54
alexisBonjour a tous j'ai un gros problème aussi bien sous Kubuntu que sous XP, j'ai un DVD+RW philips j'ai voulu graver une image dessus sous windows ça a copier un petit peu puis erreur de format ou je ne sait plus maintenant j'aimerais le reformater mais impossible qui aurais une solution15:55
Pici!fr | alexis15:55
ubottualexis: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:55
wizkoderI have a problem with samba:15:56
wizkodersmbclient //ramones/www -U web-user   <---- works15:56
wizkodersudo smbmount //ramones/www /home/markus/ramones/ -o username=web-user,password=pw,domain=unsere_wg   <---- Does not?15:56
wizkoderI get: mount error: could not find target server. TCP name ramones/www not foundNo ip address specified and hostname not found15:57
flaccidmaybe hosts can't do nmb resolution or something15:58
flaccidtry with IP address first15:58
wizkoderWill do, good idea :-)15:59
flaccidwhat does hostname ramones return?16:00
flaccidi mean host ramones16:00
wizkodermarkus@markus-desktop:~$ host ramonesHost ramones not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)16:01
The-CompilerHi, i'm having a problem: If I start a OpenGL-Game, it works for the first time, but at the second time it crashes with "Error: Could not get dma buffer... exiting". What's that? I'm on Kubuntu Hardy Heron with KDE4.16:03
flaccidwizkoder: yeah no hostname resolution16:03
wizkoderStrange, when I do "smbclient -L //ramones -U web-user" I get this:16:03
wizkoder Workgroup            Master        RAMONES_WG           RAMONES16:04
nejodewizkoder: have you tried installing winbind and editing /etc/nsswitch.conf16:06
wizkodernot yet :-)16:07
nejodewell, it worked for me16:07
wizkoderDo I have to edit smb.conf ? Is the workgroup in there needed for the client?16:07
flaccidwizkoder: thats because smbclient does the nmb resolution itself most likely16:08
nejodewizkoder: it's always a good idea to be in the same workgroup16:09
flaccidwizkoder: what OS is ramones?16:09
flaccidwizkoder: what does nmblookup ramones say?16:10
flaccidon the client computer16:10
wizkodermarkus@markus-desktop:/etc$ nmblookup ramonesquerying ramones on ramones<00>16:10
franciscode que se habla x aquí?16:11
francisconadie abla?16:12
wizkoderhablamos ingles!16:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:12
SeySayuxwesley_: please react to my private chat16:13
wizkoderThe nm lookup finds the server? I do not understand why I can't connect then16:14
flaccidcheck /etc/nsswitch.conf16:14
flaccidi have hosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4 and networks:       files16:15
nejodewizkoder: if your server is debian it's easier-better to use the NFS protocol for local networking between unixes16:15
wizkoderI have the same entries16:15
=== rob is now known as AcidUk
nejodewizkoder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/38816/16:18
flaccidits only resolution thats failing with the hostname16:21
flaccidwould be the same thing with nfs16:21
AcidUk<flaccid> Just joined wots the issue16:22
AcidUkany1 got any good wireless software, other than wot comes with Kubuntu16:26
AcidUkI have use a NDISWRAPPER for my PCMIA Card16:26
RurouniJonesIf you have to use ndiswrapper you have to use ndiswrapper...16:27
AcidUkyes all thats is sorted#16:27
xis0xMaybe you can find something in the adept.16:28
AcidUkbut its the KDE netmanger ,thats really iffy16:28
RurouniJonesHow so16:28
AcidUksay it cant connect, but really is connected16:28
AcidUkand others connects just fine16:29
RurouniJonesyou could give wicd a go16:31
AcidUktakeing allok at it now16:33
RurouniJonesdon't speak "typed cockney"16:34
xis0xHow to get on the Desktop while playing an Game ?16:35
xis0xLike on Windows the Windows button :P16:35
chipbuddywheni install things through synaptic (for example nethack), where is that stored? i'm trying to transfer it to an APTonCD CD, but i don't know where to find the package16:39
flaccidchipbuddy: /var/cache/apt/archives16:39
chipbuddywow nice. thanks16:40
AcidUkinstalling wicd now16:40
EyeOfTheTigeri can't boot kubuntu...avahi daemon failed16:40
xis0xHow to change the Mount Point of an Partition ?16:40
flaccid!fstab | xis0x16:42
ubottuxis0x: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:42
flaccidyou might be able to do it in system settings | disks and filesystems as well16:42
EyeOfTheTigeris here anybody who can speak german ?16:43
xis0xQuery pls.16:43
flaccid!de | EyeOfTheTiger16:43
ubottuEyeOfTheTiger: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:43
EyeOfTheTigeroh wow16:43
chipbuddyi finally got a basic command line system running on an old laptop, and i want to make using it a little nicer. I don't want any kind of gui, but i would like to have multiple windows that each of a command line. what exactly am i looking for?16:49
chipbuddyoh, also i'd like the font to be displayed a little better. as it is now the font is all large and blocky. when i had DSL installed the font was all nice and small16:50
flaccid!info yakuake | chipbuddy16:51
ubottuchipbuddy: yakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 176 kB, installed size 1100 kB16:51
flaccidchipbuddy: system settings | appearance | fonts for font size etc.16:51
rajkalyanhello everyone16:53
rajkalyancan someone help me with my networking card?16:53
AcidUkwots up wiv it16:54
rajkalyani have a dell laptop with a dell ethernet nic card16:54
rajkalyankubuntu keeps disableing it16:54
AcidUkcommand line ifdown eth0  then ifup eth016:54
rajkalyanill try that16:55
rajkalyanim having another issue16:56
rajkalyanits with my mouse16:56
SmokeEater85911howdy howdy16:56
AcidUkps2 or usb16:56
rajkalyanmy laptop is on a port rep16:57
rajkalyanc/port ||16:57
rajkalyanhang on16:57
rajkalyanim going to test something16:57
rajkalyannet might go out16:57
AcidUkwhat so ifconfig show16:58
rajkalyanlemme see16:58
rajkalyanis there a key to open K menu?16:58
=== root is now known as Guest23814
rajkalyanthank you16:59
rajkalyanhow do i fix the mouse?17:00
AcidUkwot happens when u use a usb mouse , have u tested the mounse on anther PC17:00
AcidUkdare i say Windows17:01
rajkalyanlemme try undocking17:01
rajkalyanill be back17:01
rajkalyanit works if i directly connect to laptop17:02
rajkalyanlemme redock17:02
* willo_ throws Nvidia card out the window17:02
SmokeEater85911anybody think they can help me solve a sound card issue?17:03
willo_Who knows nvidia around here? I need some help, please...17:04
Serega_willo_: yu17:05
=== Serega_ is now known as Serega
AcidUkis just the docking pannel that the mouse dont work on17:05
willo_I've managed to mangle my installation completely17:05
willo_Tx Serega17:05
=== FoxBoy is now known as Hondo_Kitsune
willo_Serega: I tried to be clever with Compiz17:05
willo_Serega: and installed a bunch of stuff17:06
willo_Serega: suddenly the nvidia kernel module refuses to load17:06
willo_Serega:  when I do a modprobe -v nvidia17:06
willo_install /sbin/lrm-video nvidia17:07
willo_FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia17:07
willo_and nothing in dmesg17:07
willo_I've uninstalled everything related to nvidia17:07
ale22944does anybody knows wich are the best supported minipci wireless cards for Kubuntu/Ubuntu?17:07
willo_Serega: Including the restricted-modules17:07
willo_Serega: and tried to reinstall it, but to no avail17:08
willo_Serega: I've searched Google, trawled the Ubuntu forums17:08
willo_Serega: Nothing17:08
Seregawillo_: if you want to start from scratch just delete the /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:09
willo_Serega: Hmmm... will it reinstall all my kernel modules?17:09
Seregaand then us jockey-kde (Restricted driver manager) again17:09
AcidUk <ale22944> well i have linksys which is not supported by ubuntu but ndiswrapeprs work fine on it17:09
willo_Serega: I can get in using the nv driver17:10
willo_Serega: but nv sux17:10
willo_Serega: It looks like the kernel refuses to load the driver17:10
rajkalyani got the mouse to work17:10
rajkalyannow can someone help me with my wifi card17:11
willo_Serega: Ok, I'll try that17:11
Seregawillo_: do you use distrib kernel?17:11
willo_BB Just now17:11
willo_Serega: yes17:11
AcidUkhow is the network card17:11
rajkalyani have a wireless card17:11
rajkalyanoh yeah17:12
B_RavenI need a script to run at login, where does it need to be placed/linked to?17:12
willo_Serega: Linux version 2.6.24-21-rt (buildd@crested) (gcc version 4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)) #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Tue Aug 12 14:27:12 UTC 200817:12
rajkalyanthat thing is fine17:12
rajkalyanit works well17:12
AcidUkso now u a wifi card is it17:12
rajkalyanmy dad's friend had a whole lot of "junk"17:12
rajkalyanspeakers, laptop, ac adapters17:13
AcidUkis it usb/pcmia or pci17:13
rajkalyani don't have the drive atm17:13
AcidUkso if you run cat syslog | grep wlan017:13
AcidUkwot ut get17:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:15
rajkalyanwill this card work on linux?17:17
=== rob is now known as AcidUk
willo_Serega: No luck17:27
Serega!nvidia | willo_17:29
ubottuwillo_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:29
willo_ubottu: did that17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about did that17:30
Seregawillo_: it is a bot :)17:31
willo_Serega: I'm not sure what you mean?17:31
Seregawillo_: just pointed you to a wiki page about your problem17:32
willo_Serega: Oh, thanks. I followed that.17:32
Seregawillo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia17:32
Seregamore precise17:32
willo_My kdm log says:17:33
willo_FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia17:33
willo_(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!17:33
willo_(EE) NVIDIA(0):  *** Aborting ***17:33
willo_Serega: It definitly doesn't load the module.17:35
willo_Serega: rmmod nvidia17:36
willo_Serega: ERROR: Module nvidia does not exist in /proc/modules17:36
willo_Serega: So I must've installed something that clashes with the nvidia kernel module?17:37
willo_Serega: How can I find out what that could be?17:37
Seregawillo_: I the perfect world no other package could break the module...17:37
Seregawillo_: what do you get on "modprobe nvidia" ?17:40
willo_FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia17:41
willo_Serega: Same as in the kdm log17:41
willo_Serega: I need to go now. I'll pick this up again tomorrow17:42
willo_Serega: Thanks17:42
Seregawillo_: bookmark this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-June/116348.html17:43
Seregawillo_: good luck17:43
rajkalyancan someone help me config my wifi card?17:45
Serega!wifi | rajkalyan17:45
ubotturajkalyan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:45
rajkalyanthank you17:45
AcidUk <rajkalyan> U still haveing issues17:46
rajkalyanbut will dlink work with linux?17:46
AcidUkwith the wifi17:46
AcidUkshould do17:46
=== alberto_ is now known as Charman
=== Charman is now known as Charman82
rajkalyanthe wifi isn't even lighting up17:46
AcidUkwot did syslog show after boot up for wlan017:47
rajkalyancome again?17:47
=== Charman82 is now known as Charman
AcidUkcat /var/log/syslog | grep wlan017:47
AcidUksee if linux is at leaast seeing the card17:47
AcidUkand know what to do with it17:48
rajkalyanoh darn17:48
AcidUkie set it to wlan017:48
rajkalyani have to take out the nic card17:48
rajkalyanthe wifi has to go on top17:48
rajkalyanill be back...17:48
Kokosowyanybody knows what gnome module i need to install for baloon notifications from x-chat appear? :)17:49
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ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion17:57
wildchildalguien me puede ayudar?18:14
keldronI have a question: I have some mp3s. I would like to burn an audio cd with tracks to listen to in my car, but I would like to have the mp3 files on the same cd. So, I would like to burn a mixed cd. I have K3B on kubuntu, but i can't do it. Would anyone help me please?18:17
B_Ravenkeldron, the mixed mode project type doesn't work?18:19
=== holio is now known as hovzio
novickcomo estan gente18:30
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:30
hovzioHello, I have recently started learning about basic bash scripting. I understand the sheer basics and some simple control structures. I find myself in the need for some examples, along with explanations.All I have been able to find has been to complex and without reference.18:31
hovzioany ideas?18:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tunneling18:31
cyberponixtunneling has my attention any pointers?18:32
cyberponixand yes i know about google lmao18:32
rajkalyancan someone please give me a link to the ubuntu wireless page18:44
rajkalyani would like to check if my card is compatiable18:44
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:44
rajkalyanor something like that18:44
rajkalyanthank you18:44
cyberponix_rajkalyan: if you can not find your card there madwifi is what u might need thats how i got my card working18:47
rajkalyanthanks, ill try that18:47
rajkalyanmadwifi is... a program?18:48
cyberponix_madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility check there18:49
rajkalyanthank you18:49
rajkalyanwhat was that!?18:49
fr00dI just wanted kubuntu-de and was a little bit too fast. ;)18:49
cyberponix_MadWifi is one of the most advanced WLAN drivers available for Linux today. It is stable and has an established userbase18:50
rajkalyanwhat does Tagchen! mean?18:50
rajkalyani think i got it18:50
fr00drajkalyan: Something like hello in german.18:50
rajkalyanthat sounded like something else..18:50
* rajkalyan stares18:50
cyberponix_rajkalyan: www.madwifi.org18:51
rajkalyanill try unplugging lan18:51
fr00dSo, when I'm already here: Could somebody tell me how to move panel widgets?18:51
rajkalyanif it doesn't work, ill have to do a restart an more golmal18:51
rajkalyanwill someone be willing to walk me through getting my card to work?18:54
rajkalyanim a little confused18:54
cyberponix_rajkalyan: i am assuming u have kubuntu installed on your computer?18:55
rajkalyanyes i do18:55
cyberponix_laptop or desktop?18:56
cyberponix_do u know the kind of card you have/18:56
rajkalyani know the make and the model18:56
rajkalyanand it says acx or something....18:56
=== amizya is now known as AmiZya
rajkalyanthe driver appears to be acx something18:57
cyberponix_try using this site if that does not work come back here ok?18:58
rajkalyanthank you18:58
wishiemost of the time, my multimedia keys on my laptop work.. sometimes, they just stop working.. what program handles them in KD E?18:59
wishieKDE too18:59
wishieor in kubuntu in general18:59
cyberponix_like they work for music but not movies?19:00
odinsbaneI cannot configure a spell checker for kate.19:00
ScorpKinghi guys. i have a extra backup drive mounted at /mnt and want to always keep /mnt the same as /home .what can i use with a cron job? rsync maybe or is there a better option?19:00
wishiecyberponix_: like, right now, they arent working at all. no little OSD etc that usually comes up19:01
=== sylvain_ is now known as sylvain__
cyberponix_what kind of laptop do u have?19:01
rajkalyancyberponix_: i can't find the driver19:01
wishieHP DV2839TX19:01
cyberponix_rajkalyan: give me a sec ok?19:02
wishiethey usually work flawlessly, but sometimes (read rarely) stop working19:02
rajkalyani think i found it19:02
wishiecyberponix_: logging out/in of KDE usually resolves it19:02
wishieits not a hardware bug, as xev still sees the button presses19:03
cyberponix_pain in the rear i know hold on a sec19:03
cyberponix_i had the same issues with my toshiba19:04
cyberponix_that should help19:04
wishieyeah, read that , and commented on there about some buttons not working19:04
wishieie, my "DVD" and "Quickplay" buttons dont seem to send events (xev cant see them)19:05
cyberponix_it never hurts to recheck systm setting for butten short cuts19:05
wishieits gotta be some software issue though, as logging out/in seems to fix it..19:05
wishieill confirm that now.. brb19:05
cyberponix_make sure they have been duel set for music and movies19:05
cyberponix_rajkalyan: ok I need the make/modle of your wifi card19:06
rajkalyanD-Link DWL-650+19:06
rajkalyani found a driver though19:06
rajkalyani hope it'll work19:07
cyberponix_got it working?19:07
cyberponix_d-link isnt that a usb plug in?19:07
rajkalyanim still following the newbie guide19:07
wishieyep, working again.. after logging out/in to KDE19:07
rajkalyansome are19:07
rajkalyanthis is a pci19:07
cyberponix_ok keep going through the guide I gave ya19:07
wishiehmm, what program handles the little OSD that pops up for volume changes etc ?19:08
cyberponix_wishie: ur best bet maybe to summit a bug report19:10
wishieto kubuntu or kde ?19:10
wishieand against which package ? heh19:10
cyberponix_lol true19:10
cyberponix_I would send it under kubuntu19:10
wishieif i could just figure out which program handles it..19:10
wishieeven the OSD19:11
cyberponix_as for what package i do not know....19:11
wishiedoes your laptop pop up a little OSD when changing volume etc ?19:11
cyberponix_yes middle of my screen19:11
rajkalyancyberponix_: i need one of those little "tarball" things19:12
wishiewanna find out what does that :)19:12
rajkalyani found an executalbe19:12
cyberponix_u could submit it as an unknown package error19:13
wishiehmm, if this helps..19:13
wishiei think that time they stopped working, was right after i got the "KDE crash handler" dialog pop up19:14
wishiebut it was for kded it said19:14
forty-seven_hi all, where can I find my php binary after installing lamp-server?19:14
forty-seven_I want to upgrade it to the 5.3.x RC19:14
cyberponix_wishie: man if I had your comp here in front of me this would be so much easier19:15
rajkalyancyberponix_: help!!!19:15
rajkalyanits not working19:15
wishiecyberponix_: i know the feeling. i debug alsa issues for _many_ people19:16
cyberponix_rajkalyan: then u must need madwifi19:16
rajkalyani need the driver package19:16
rajkalyani have an exe19:16
rajkalyanbut i need a .inf19:16
cyberponix_hold on'19:16
cyberponix_ndiswrapper is not handling it?19:17
JeepIs anyone there?19:17
rajkalyani have everything except for the inf19:17
rajkalyanif i find it, i can install it and be on my way19:17
wishierajkalyan: the exe isnt infact a zip, is it ?19:17
rajkalyanits just by itself19:18
wishiesome companies use self-extracting zips19:18
wishie'file whatever.exe' to see what it says19:18
cyberponix_rajkalyan: I am researching ur card give me a mi ok/19:19
cyberponix_rajkalyan:  http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility/D-Link#DWL-650 this is your card right?19:21
rajkalyanlemme see19:21
rajkalyanlooks like it19:22
cyberponix_k we can use madwifi to get u up and going19:23
cyberponix_give me a min19:23
JeepCan someone tell  me if I have logged in?19:23
odinsbaneWhen I install the kat plugins package it doesn't come with the spell check plugin.  Does anybody know where I can get that?19:24
cyberponix_Jeep: we see u19:24
cyberponix_rajkalyan: hit "f2" type "konsole"19:24
=== Tizz_ is now known as Tizz
cyberponix_"sudo apt-get install madwifi"19:25
JeepIs there a dictionary of meanings for Linux?19:25
cyberponix_Jeep:  sure www.google.com/linux19:25
rajkalyanits installing it19:26
cyberponix_we are not done yet19:26
rajkalyanuh oh19:26
rajkalyanit couldn't find it19:26
rajkalyanE: Couldn't find package madwifi19:26
rajkalyanlet me try adept19:27
cyberponix_have u managed ur repositorys?19:27
cyberponix_oh ur using adept still?19:27
cyberponix_adept sucks man19:27
rajkalyanwhat do i use instead?19:28
cyberponix_hold on a sec19:28
cyberponix_open adept19:28
rajkalyanim going to install madwifi19:28
cyberponix_upper left hand corner click "adept" a menu will pop up find manage repositories19:30
cyberponix_first tab make sure they all have the x mark19:31
rajkalyanfirst tab of what?19:31
cyberponix_next tab the two web sites that come default19:31
cyberponix_got the tabs?19:32
cyberponix_make sure they have the x mark19:32
rajkalyanim waiting for it to load19:32
cyberponix_for what to load?19:32
JeepI tried Google.com/Linux and there is no such site.19:33
rajkalyanfor adept19:33
rajkalyanmy laptop is quite slow19:34
cyberponix_when it does in the search bar type synaptic19:34
rajkalyanis that another package manager?19:34
rajkalyanoh god19:35
cyberponix_Jeep: http://www.google.com/linux click the link19:35
rajkalyanits got to downlado stuff19:35
cyberponix_it is a package man that does not crash as offten nor does it lose so much stuff, much better than adept19:36
cyberponix_I take it u are totally new to linux?19:36
uoaphysHi all, I just installed ubuntu 8.04 but I want to use the KDE 4.1 desktop... Is this possible and if so, whats the best way to do it?19:37
cyberponix_uoaphys: hit "f2" type konsole the type "sudo apt-get install kde 4.1"19:38
cyberponix_rajkalyan: u still there?19:41
rajkalyanim installing19:41
=== narg_ is now known as narg
rajkalyanwhats so funny?19:41
cyberponix_close adept and open syn19:42
rajkalyanit cashed19:42
rajkalyanthis owns adept19:43
odinsbaneOkay so kate spell checker works, if the file ends with .txt but if it ends with .xml the spell checker wont start.19:44
cyberponix_i told u19:44
rajkalyansyn open19:47
rajkalyanerrr, it was...19:47
rajkalyanhang on (@_@)19:48
uoaphyscyberpoinx, I don't have kde3 installed, I'm running the U-buntu version19:49
uoaphysand i went into synaptic and all i see is a kde4 package, but not a kde4.1 package19:49
pokeeI have a sony vaio vgn-nr110e. Can I install this? http://www.popies.net/sonypi/19:49
gkffjcs_How do you figure out what run level you are currently in, better yet, what is ubuntu/kubuntu's default runlevel19:51
rajkalyancyberponix_: syn is open, now what?19:52
cyberponix_search for madwifi now19:52
rajkalyani found madwifi-tools19:53
rajkalyanis that it19:53
cyberponix_that should work19:53
rajkalyanits getting it19:54
rajkalyanwill i need to get a driver file?19:54
pokeeI have a sony vaio vgn-nr110e. Can I install this? http://www.popies.net/sonypi/19:55
cyberponix_yes but from madwifi19:56
rajkalyani can't find madwifi19:56
rajkalyani installed it through syntaptic19:56
rajkalyanbut i can't find it the menu19:57
=== wsr3193 is now known as raghorn
cyberponix_u wont19:58
cyberponix_hold on19:58
HazaEvening folks. How come if i want to play a .ogg file i have to run mplayer with these arguments or i just get a nasty green screen instead of the video?  - mplayer -vo x1119:59
cyberponix_I need to go i'm sorry20:05
cyberponix_this should help u get it it though20:05
AcidUkrajkalyan> wots the news on the wifi then20:06
casa3expliquenme un poco acerca de este sercidor20:06
rajkalyanim working on it20:06
AcidUkis nix seeing the card20:06
rajkalyani don't think so20:07
rajkalyanim getting madwifi20:07
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:07
cyberponix_l8r all20:07
AcidUkthat may help , although u will have to build the drivers20:07
cyberponix_rajkalyan: goog luck man sory i can not be on longer i have to go to work20:07
rajkalyanits fine20:08
rajkalyanthanks a lot20:08
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi guys! amarok crashed and everytime i start it, it just keeps crashing and crashing again. what do i do? thank you20:08
AcidUkKubunTu and VLC20:09
AcidUk any1 got it up and running20:09
strawbeRRy_fieLdi have it AcidUk20:10
AcidUkit just wont install niether from source or apt20:10
AcidUkapt say break install20:11
strawbeRRy_fieLdmaybe cuz u tried already to install it20:11
strawbeRRy_fieLdand now its stucked and just doesnt move20:12
AcidUkyea , thought that but , make clean dos't change things niether20:12
strawbeRRy_fieLdtry this20:13
strawbeRRy_fieLdsudo dpkg --configure -a20:13
lispnoobWhat is the widget on this screenshot : http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7836/kubuntugutsyqm2.png ?20:13
lispnoobThe one with cpu usage and stuff20:14
ScorpKinglispnoob: it looks like a superkaramba theme to me20:15
strawbeRRy_fieLdAcidUk: did you solve it up?20:15
lispnoobSomeone in ##linux found it, its conky20:16
AcidUk nothing yet20:16
AcidUkjust recompileing a sec20:16
AcidUklooks like its failing on a library libmad20:17
AcidUkok just applying libraries20:18
jimmy_Hallo, have a little problem, how shutdown StackSmashProtection while compile code with gcc 4.2.3 ?20:18
jpdswildchild: /join #kubuntu-es20:21
jimmy_Hallo, have a little problem, how shutdown StackSmashProtection while compile code with gcc 4.2.3 ?20:24
strawbeRRy_fieLdamarok keeps crashing, when runned from terminal thats what it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/38887/20:24
AcidUkhad that problem with amerok , changed the audio setting in preferences and all was ok20:29
strawbeRRy_fieLdi just cant open it20:29
strawbeRRy_fieLdit runs for few secs and then crashes20:30
AcidUkdo u get chance to play mp320:31
strawbeRRy_fieLdit was playing right? at some point it crashed and now everytime i run it, it just keeps crashing20:32
AcidUkhave u removed all libraries and installs20:35
AcidUkand reinstalled20:35
sourcemakeris there a console client for irc?20:42
strawbeRRy_fieLdAcidUk how do i remove all the libraries?20:42
thefishsourcemaker: irssi20:43
sourcemakerthefish: thanks20:43
thefishno worries :)20:43
thefishsourcemaker: google for irssi + screen - nice combo20:44
sourcemakerthefish: I will try this20:44
kbta tutti20:45
uoaphysHi, I have Ubuntu 8.04 installed here, but wanted to get KDE4.1 on it, and be able to see it as an option when I login. Can someone help me with that?20:46
uoaphysi don't currently have KDE installed (using ubuntu default)20:47
mizipzoraccording to winehq.com, 1.0 is the latest stable release, but is there a way to get the development version through apt-get?20:48
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LordCrci installed kubuntu 7.10 from a cd, and now i want to update a few things with adept, but it wants the cd... which i of course can't find :) i see that it's set the cd as the main repository. I thought i could perhaps use an online source, but my google skills fail me, as i can't find which url to use...21:02
SmokeEater85911anybody know how to get a printer working with kubuntu?21:03
Daisuke_Laptopdepends on the printer21:04
HazaDamn its hard to record your desktop + sound eh?21:05
SmokeEater85911Lexmark Z64521:05
SmokeEater85911I cant find any drivers for it21:06
js__Bonjour !21:06
SmokeEater85911just because it doesnt list Linux on the compat. list doesnt mean there isnt a driver out there for it right?21:07
Daisuke_LaptopSmokeEater85911: good luck.21:08
Daisuke_LaptopSmokeEater85911: it's lexmark.  it would be a miracle if you got it working21:08
LordCrcah, just remove the repo and its cool, heh, should have known it was that easy21:08
Daisuke_Laptopthat is the single worst printer manufacturer ever in the history of printers21:08
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SmokeEater85911yeah tell me about it, we got it for $25 at wally world21:09
SmokeEater85911there is a reason it was that cheap lol its a POS21:09
AwnekHello, I have my adept manager stuck trying to install Java. I am also unable to access Adept Manger because of the error "Database Locked"21:09
AwnekAre there any commands to clear this out? I have rebooted and had the chance to reinstall or continue the java installation but the installation would not finish21:11
chrisinajarI have a laptop that, sometimes, doesn't turn off...21:14
chrisinajarI'm not really sure how to troubleshoot that though...21:14
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi guys, without giving the usual answer "it depends what u need it for" i'd like to know your opinion about: what's the best desktop environment for linux? (dont link me the bots chan plzz)21:17
_mn_i like KDE421:18
_mn_I haven't tried GNOME yet but i intend to21:18
_mn_I don't really like Xfce.  But it really depends, do you like the Windows desktop environment or the Mac desktop environment?21:19
lispnoobi like gnome21:20
lispnoobi havent tried kde4 yet but i intend to21:21
Howiteany suggestions why disks wont automount in kubuntu 8.04? I have edited /etc/fstab21:22
_debg_what filesystem do the disks have ??21:24
HowiteNTFS. first, I have mounted it in Konqueror (media:/), then got the params by "mount" and pasted it in fstab21:25
Howiteit mounts as fuseblk (I didn't try ntfs-3g yet, but in media:/ it mounts and works correctly!21:26
_debg_the fstype is fuseblk .. but I guess it used ntfs-3g21:27
Howitemaybe, it haves write support and mounts with "rw" param21:27
Howitehere's the line: /dev/sdb2       /mnt/C          fuseblk rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096 0 021:28
_debg_"/dev/sda1       /media/windows  ntfs-3g         users,locale=en_US.utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000       0       0"21:28
_debg_this is what I have in fstab and it automounts .21:28
Howiteok, thanks, will try it21:28
Howitebut not sure about codepage..21:28
Howitewell i'll google it21:29
=== patrick is now known as Guest84092
UnderWrapsI downloaded Kubuntu Intrepid Alpha 4 earlier and burnt a CD with K3b, the MD5 was fine. When I restarted my PC I picked my language and then some options appeared, I chose 1) then the screen went red for about 30 seconds, then red and white vertical stripes appeared21:32
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Howitedamn, doesn't works21:32
_debg_do you have ntfs-3g installed ?21:33
Howiteof course, it works out of the box in 8.04, I've tried to install it but apt-get said I've already have it %)21:34
Howitehave changed some options, reboot again21:34
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Howiteno way21:37
_debg_what do you have on fstab now ?21:38
Howite./dev/sdb2       /mnt/C          ntfs-3g users,locale=en_US.utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 021:39
Howite(dot is for kvirc)21:39
_debg_I think uid and gid is different in your system .21:40
Deniseare mandriva fedora and suse similar than debian stuff?21:40
_debg_cat /etc/passwd | grep <your user name>21:41
_debg_there you should get your uid and gid21:41
rambo3how do i install these skz plasmoids?21:41
Deniseit seems similar21:42
Howite[00:41] <_debg_> there you should get your uid and gid - thanks21:43
Howite1000:1000 :(21:43
Deniseis fedora like ubuntu?21:43
Howitenope, fedora uses stupid RPM >.<21:43
Daisuke_LaptopDenise: in that it's a linux distribution, yes.  as far as system and package management, no.21:44
Denisebut my book talks about redhat stuff21:44
Daisuke_Laptopdepends on how specific it gets21:45
DeniseI see same programs21:45
Deniselike kde ans samba and so on21:45
Howiteyes, it have same programs, but method of install is different21:46
Denisei think they have common things21:46
madooy guys - hi there - i want to send some files and folders from my computer to another computer in the network - i use kubuntu linux 8.04 and the two other computers use (the first) 7.10 and (the second) 8.0421:46
Deniseanyway can>t be bad to know both ways21:47
Deniserpm instead of grub?21:48
Deniseor gnome?21:48
_debg_check if fuse module is loaded at boot .. lsmod | grep fuse21:48
madocurrently i am reading something about a crossover-cable-way ... but this doesn't look like my problem21:48
HowiteRPM is a Red Hat (uses in RH*, SuSE, Mandriva, Fedora distros) Package Managment system21:48
HowiteUbuntu systems (and Debian) uses DEB (dpkg, apt) package managment system21:49
Deniseso I will be all mixed up?21:49
Deniseit is linux book for dummies21:50
Deniseanyway they presents gnome and kde21:50
Denisebash is the same?21:50
HowiteGRUB and LILO are boot-loaders (also they are have menu where you can choose OS to load)21:50
Deniseredhat uses lilo?21:51
Howitenevermind what uses redhat21:51
Howiteany distro can use any package management system, any bootloader, any DE etc.21:51
Howitebut by default it haves binded software21:52
=== mado is now known as mado-kar
mado-kar*waiting* (not impatient)21:52
HowiteGNOME, KDE, XFCE are desktop enviroments, KDE haves more functionality, GNOME is something middle, XFCE for slow computers. it provides user-friendly interface like a "start" button in Windows etc21:52
Deniseand it is like the same three steps for fedora mandriva and SuSE?21:53
Howiteerm.. nope21:53
DeniseSuSE seems to be something special21:54
Howiteor yes.. dunno about fedora, but in SuSE and Mandriva when you install it u can choose what desktop enviroment you'll use21:54
Deniseis it as used as ubuntu stuff?21:54
Howitefor more info read wiki21:54
_debg_package manager in SuSE is a bit different that redhat although both used rpm .21:54
mado-karcan anyone help me?21:55
Howitemado-kar: just ask :)21:55
_debg_you can choose your desktop env in fedora as well .21:55
mado-karwell then Howite ... can you help me to do the things i asked for?21:56
Howitewell about crossover cable21:57
mado-karno no ...21:57
Howitehow your computers are connected?21:57
mado-karwith a router21:57
Howitevia switch/router or directly?21:57
Howitethen you dont need that21:57
Howite(X cable i mean)21:57
mado-karok :)21:57
mado-kari'm glad you can see me writing ... for some seconds i thought no one could21:58
Howitesorry again21:58
Howite^^' i was sweeped21:59
mado-karwhy do you apologize? *thinking* i see no reason at the moment21:59
Howitebecause of i ignored you (but actually i'm not)21:59
mado-kardon't worry about that!21:59
mado-kari know that you sometimes have to wait some time22:00
mado-kartill you get an answer22:00
Howite_debg_: fuse is loaded, yeap22:01
mado-kar*waiting and reading*22:01
Howiteuhm, mado-kar, do u use samba?22:02
mado-karno ... i don't use anything at the moment because i was reading some web-pages about how to go about this whole thing :)22:03
mado-karthen i thought it would be easier to ask one of you guys who know more :)22:04
mado-karsorry! ... guys and gals!22:04
* Howite don't know anything about samba22:04
mado-karsomeone told me the last time to write "gals" too because it is important now22:04
Howiteit may help you - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31814022:04
mado-karif you know another easy way it is ol!22:04
Howiteyeap, it's important^^ /me knows many geek girls22:05
mado-kari know / knew one :)22:06
mado-karbut ... wait!22:06
mado-karno ...22:06
mado-karit's some other problem i have ...22:07
mado-karmy partner was a very clever gal22:07
Deniseis there a dummies book for ubuntu family?22:07
mado-karand it still makes me a bit sad whenever i think of her22:07
mado-karfunny thing is ...22:07
HowiteDenise: there is a google and wikipedia :)22:07
mado-karshe always crosses my mind22:08
rickestDenise: yes, by Paul G. Sery22:08
mado-karwas this a correct sentence? *thinking*22:08
mado-karHowite, i don't know if you knew her ... but i guess she was in here too sometimes22:08
HowiteI'm second day there22:09
mado-karuhuu ... i see ... where have you been before?22:09
HowiteAnd my GFs weren't geeks :(22:09
Howitein one of russian irc networks^^'22:09
mado-karwell ... i only had one before ... her ... her name was daniela :)22:09
mado-karoh russian! ... no ... i don't think she was in russian networks :)22:10
HowiteNice name22:10
HowiteI don't think too:D22:10
mado-karthe site you showed me unfortunately didn't help me22:11
Howiteso what's the problem?22:11
Howiteyou can't connect computers?22:11
mado-karwith my galfriend or with the computers? :)22:11
mado-karok ...22:11
mado-karthe problem is i just don't know how to connect to another computer or send something from A to B22:12
Howitethe site i showed you can't help you with GF, isn't it?22:12
mado-kar:| -> :)22:13
Howiteoh well you can use 2 basic ways. first is samba (windows uses it too, so if one day u'll need to connect Ubuntu with Windows it's the best way), second is FTP (i like it much more but it's.. weird?)22:13
Howiteabout samba: http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-share-files-using-samba.html22:13
Howiteand others (http://www.google.com/search?q=kubuntu+how+to+samba&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a)22:14
=== elfspace is now known as elfpace
mado-kari will check this links in some minutes22:15
Howiteabout ftp - just install gproftpd (in console "sudo apt-get install gproftpd" and say Y for any questions)22:15
mado-karthank you for your help22:15
mado-karbetween two computers?22:15
Howiteyeah, why not? one is ftp server, second is a client22:15
Howitei said this way is too weird!22:15
mado-karwell ...22:16
mado-kari thought there should be an easy way like ...22:16
Howitewell the only was is samba IMO22:16
mado-karusing konqueror / dolphin ...22:16
Howitesamba is an easy way22:16
Denisecould I try the red hat stuff on the same computer or the hdd are not formatted the same way?22:16
Howitebut u'll have ability to use it in konqueror/dolphin22:16
mado-karopening up a folder and then copy the things to another folder and on the other i can see this folder to copy the things in there22:17
HowiteDenise: yes, linux distros often uses "ext3" filesystem22:17
Howitemado-kar: you can do it22:17
DeniseI could have a partition for their stuff?22:17
Howiteermmm.. yeah, you need a clean ext2/ext3/reiserfs partition22:18
Howitebut I don't recommend red hat distro for home use.^^22:18
HowiteSuSE, Mandriva and Fedora are more friendly22:18
mado-kari'll be back22:18
Howitemado-kar: k, good luck22:19
Denisethat's what I meant sorry22:19
Denisethe three ones22:19
Deniselinux world is fascinating22:19
Howitei thought (and still thinking) so.. after Windows...22:20
Deniseare the secure net servers for gvt and all of those stuff use linux?22:20
Howitegvt? what is gvt?22:20
Deniselike canadian minister22:21
Denisefor anything at all22:21
DeniseI mean  provbably linux is top22:21
Deniseonline services for citizens and all that22:22
Shadowkllrmne, you there?22:22
Deniseit comes back in my memory22:23
DeniseI read about that22:23
Deniseso I bought the wrong book maybe22:24
DeniseI see files are .rpm instead of .deb22:25
Howiteyeah, .rpm are used in mandriva, fedora, suse and other redhat based distros22:25
Howite.deb is used in debian and ubuntus22:26
Shadowkllrmaybe someone else can answer my question-does notepad++ have any plugins to connect to openssh sftp?  If not, (i still want my ftp's encrypted), would running a different ftp server program that is compatible with notepad++ be an option if I tunnel it through my ssh connection, which would still be encrypted (currently I tunnel vnc through the ssh connection and everything is encrypted fine)22:26
Deniseok but basicly it is the same principle?22:26
HowiteDenise: hm.. nope.22:27
Howiteread this22:27
Deniseok so it is as if in rpm it was both in one and in deb two package the progran and the lector?22:32
Deniseand kinda reader22:32
Deniseand in rpm both in one22:32
Denisewhy the difference if they both are for linux?22:33
_mn_If I want to install Kubuntu on a computer.  What file system should I format the hard drive to be?22:36
Deniseso which one is best?22:36
Deniseit seems to do the same thing22:38
Denisesuse seems top for music22:39
rickest_mn_: hard to go wrong with ext322:39
Shadowkllrmn, when you install kubuntu, generally you want to make 3 partitions, the first one should be ext3, and you want the mount to be "/".....that is going to be reserved for your filesystem, the next one is going to be the remainder of the hard drive, minus double the amount of ram you have(i'll explain that next)......the primary mount for that is going to be "/home", it's also going to be...22:39
Shadowkllr...ext3, and that's where all your user files are going to be.....the third is formatted as "swap"....works much like your windows pagefile to assist your ram consumption22:39
Shadowkllroh, the first partition, should probably be around 8gb to be safe, especially if using a gui desktop22:40
_mn_whoa, ok I'm gonna running windows on one partition22:41
Shadowkllrok, then in that case you'll have 4 partitions22:41
Shadowkllrdual booting i presume22:41
_mn_i meant yes22:42
_mn_sorry dual booting22:42
_mn_my bad22:42
Shadowkllrhehe it's ok22:42
Deniseok first one with 8gb22:43
Deniseand the swap how big?22:43
Shadowkllrthe swap should be whatever your ram is x 222:44
_mn_wait, why does linux require more that one partition for one operating system?  Windows only requires one.22:44
Shadowkllri.e. my linux box has 1.5 gigs of ram, therefore i have a 3gb swap partition22:44
Shadowkllr_mn_, it doesn't require it, but it makes life alot easier in the longrun22:44
Denisebut the rest of space is very big22:44
_mn_oh ok, well lemme throw down my computer specs right quick22:45
Deniseand with dual booting u need absolutely a partition that windows can read?22:45
DeniseI m adding a second hd22:46
DeniseI thought i could maybe format it all in ext322:46
Denisei read that fat32 was crap22:46
Shadowkllrwindows can't read ext322:46
_mn_80 GB hdd, 1 GB ram, Intel processor 1.6 GHz, bus speed 800MHz (as well as I can remember, it hasn't arrived yet)22:46
DeniseI know that22:46
Denisebut if my new disk is only for linux?22:47
Shadowkllrlet me rephrase that22:47
_mn_Denise, if you want Windows XP or Vista you can use NTFS22:47
Denisemine is less than that22:48
Shadowkllrwindows can read ext3 if you use samba, but it can't naitively run off of it....and yes, you could use ntfs(preferred), and linux can run off of ntfs, but not very nicely, there is alot of stability issues with ntfs and linux22:48
Deniseso I could have only a partition in NTFS?22:49
ign0ramusshadowkllr: i've seen a lot of people suggest using 2x the amount of RAM for swap space.  But the more RAM you have, the less need there is for swap, correct?22:49
BenPa85can someone tell me, why all the guis for samba administration are not working on my kubuntu?22:50
aidyhow do i import contacts from kopete to kontact?22:50
DeniseI dont have ok 2.4Ghz for my cpu22:51
ign0ramusif you have 3GB of RAM, a 6GB swap will never be used fully.  It seems like a misallocation of resources...22:51
Deniseand rram in 500 what is the unit22:51
Deniseanyway half than urs22:51
Deniseand i have 32 bits not 64bits22:52
Deniseok so as I dont have much ram22:52
Denisei need more swap?22:52
rickestign0ramus: I think you're right.  It's 2 x RAM, "up to some reasonable maximum" which I don't remember22:52
_mn_So I need 40 GB allocated to Windows, 2GB (formatted as ext3?) as swap, 30 GB for the Linux OS, and 8 GB (for what?), right?22:53
Shadowkllri would always recommend 2x, ign0r,  the reason being is think of 2 hard drives in a raid array setup.  when they are setup so that 2 drives are formatted to be one, what is happening when you transfer files across it is that one is running a calculation while the other is anticipating the next calculation that has to be made instead of waiting for the first one to complete the calculation,...22:53
Shadowkllr...the second one has already done it22:53
Deniseor the rule of 2 is a max?22:53
Shadowkllrno mn, swap" is a partition type, along with ext2, ext3, etc.22:54
ign0ramusshadowkllr: but swap doesn't work exactly like that, as RAM will always be preferred and is faster22:54
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DeniseI fomat it all in ext3 except one partition in FTFS?22:55
ign0ramusI have a 256MB swap partition and  1GB of RAM on the lappy, and swap is never more than 15-20% used, even under heavy apps running simultaneously22:55
Shadowkllri know it doesn't work like that to max capacity, but i'll put it this way, having too much swap is better than having too little,  best way to test that is to run benchmarks on your memory cycles with gparted.  do something very complex that would use alot of ram to complete with 0 swap, then move it up in increments of 512mb, hey there we go, that would be a great thing to calculate22:56
_mn_from wikipedia: However, with the 2.6 Linux kernel, swap files are just as fast[8][9] as swap partitions, although Red Hat recommends using a swap partition.22:57
Denisethey all recommend it22:57
ign0ramusShadowkllr: I will agree with that.  But I haven't seen a use for 2GB+ of swap.  Maybe someone has, but even with video editing, web browsing, IRC, and torrenting, I have never fully used my swap22:57
Deniseok and if I want to run like suse and kubuntu each one in a big partition22:58
DeniseI need a swap in each subpartition?22:59
Deniseand a home in two subpartition22:59
Deniseor the sawp is used for anyone?23:00
Denisehow will it boot and use swap?23:00
Shadowkllrall those things you said ign0r, with the exception of videoediting, are very memory and cpu minimal processes.  (i'm not trying to hate, i swear!) But for example i'm running a lamp server right now, my box has to make much more difficult computations to output data, especially when it comes to mysql and php23:01
ign0ramusShadowkllr: i understand totally.  i'm just wondering if anyone's ever needed like 5 or 6GB of swap.23:02
rickestgoogle "linux recommended swap size".  There are 279.000 results, and about that many different answers  :)23:02
Shadowkllri'm not sure.  I'm not an expert in the matter, but like i said, i doubt it could hurt, especially when hard drives are cheaper and bigger than ever23:03
ign0ramusI've read for laptops, swap > or = RAM for hibernation purposes.  But I don't use it, and I'm not sure if that's even true.23:03
Daisuke_Laptopthe general recommended swap amount is 1.5x ram23:04
Daisuke_Laptopa little more or a little less won't hurt anything23:04
Deniseis there only one swap by hdd ?23:04
Denisewhat if u install many Os?23:04
Denisesilly question maybe23:05
DeniseI will read and be less dummy23:05
Shadowkllrimho, linux on a laptop is kind of a waste unless you're dual booting.....had a friend all up in arms about how his laptop was cooler than mine because he was running solely ubuntu.......i pretty much crapped on his parade when I taught him about openssh and how I tunnel 1 port into many on my nix box at home23:05
ign0ramusI believe they can share a swap.... at least ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, etc can share a swap.  With a different distro, i'm not sure23:05
ign0ramusShadowkllr: I don't see how Linux on a laptop is a "waste"...23:06
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=== c1|freaky is now known as freaky[t]
ShadowkllrLinux is more of a server OS than a desktop OS.....if i want a desktop OS i'll run windows.....if i need something that requires a server, such as the lamp server that I setup, i'll run it on a dedicated box that is on all the time and remote into it as I need23:09
l3xhow do i change from gdm to kdm?23:10
l3xlinux is what you want it to be!23:10
l3xwindows is just rubbish23:10
Shadowkllrwindows is only rubbish if you don't know how to properly set it up =P23:11
Shadowkllrdoes anyone smell smoke?23:11
l3x:) you can set it up as much as you want23:11
Shadowkllri think i'm about to get flamed23:11
l3xnooo man23:11
ign0ramusShadowkllr: Gaming aside, I don't see many negatives for a Linux desktop... No flaming, I honestly am curious why you think that Linux on the desktop is so bad23:12
l3xno smoke here... windows is slower for me, my system broke it self a few days ago, and i now only have linux and i am glad...23:12
ign0ramusI think almost everyone will agree for servers, Linux is the best23:12
l3xi game on linux :)23:12
l3xi play deus ex now23:12
ign0ramusl3x: cedega?23:13
l3xnope wine at the moment23:13
smatt454|afkyes, on severs linux is God23:13
ign0ramusl3x: wine now has dx9 support, yes?23:13
l3xi do not know, i run dx7 :) deus ex is ooooold game but the best, so let's go23:14
ign0ramusThere's rumors about Valve making Linux games, so that would be pretty nice23:14
l3xthat woould be great.23:15
l3xfunny thing is, my old games rub better on linux than on windows...23:15
l3xexcept... system shock 2, which freezes :( because of the movies between gameplay23:16
ign0ramusl3x: Looks like they plan on at least porting their games: http://blog.sillica.com/2008/05/30/valve-source-engine-to-hit-linux-soon/23:16
Shadowkllrwindows runs very well when you cut down alot of the garbage they have packed into it.  Windows does, I agree, tend to break down more because programs easily install themselves without notice to the user, whereas linux will always ask for the root password.  my solution to this is that I am always logged in as both admin and a "restricted" user in windows and i can switch back and forth on...23:16
Shadowkllr...the fly.23:16
l3xi like old games being ported on linux. new games are rubbish. all show and no go.23:17
Shadowkllri do most of my work on the restricted user, but if i need to change something, i switch to the admin account without even logging off23:17
=== smatt454|afk is now known as smatt454
l3xi preffer less quality graphic, more quality story> hence deus ex, system shock 2 etc23:17
l3xShadowkllr: on linux?23:18
ign0ramusShadowkllr: I use XP on a daily basis at work, and I've never had a problem with it, but I know everything would run so much smoother if it were Linux23:18
l3xu run ubuntu...23:18
samuelHey guysm whats shakin?23:18
l3xme 2. i work on xp. because i only have to log stuff in a web applet :)23:18
l3xand the company bought windows for some reason :)23:18
samuelSo, is anyone new to this Linux thing?23:19
Shadowkllrbut i also have a slight touch of ocd, and i format my system every 6 months or so to keep it running clean and smooth, backing up all my files to an external hd and i have automated installation scripts that will load all drivers in one shot for windows23:19
l3xguys, this is a stupid and endless fight. i mean windows vs linux, chocolate vs vanilla etc...23:19
ign0ramusDon't tell anyone, but I still keep a small Windows partition for things that require work-arounds in Linux, like printing and syncing my WM5 phone23:19
samuelIS that what this is?23:19
samuelA flameboy battle?23:19
smatt454hey it's okay23:20
smatt454i have a Vista box =P23:20
l3xi am going to buy a smartphone from my first salary ever in my life :)23:20
Shadowkllrlol i'm not fighting, i love linux as much as the next guy, i just prefer windows for some things23:20
ign0ramusnope.  just good conversation highlighting each person's own preferences.  you may not be used to that23:20
l3xwhich one is best to sync with linux?23:20
l3xsymbian based?23:20
samuelI have a Vista box too, I am on it with a clean install if kubuntu23:20
ign0ramusl3x: look up "open moko"23:21
smatt454samuel: meaning u have vista on another partition, or u wiped it out?23:21
samuelI wiped it23:21
l3xi am in serbia. i cannot buy that :(23:21
ign0ramusoh :/23:21
l3xthinking somethin like nookia e61 or SE m600i23:21
Shadowkllrign0r, do you have any experience with notepad++?23:21
smatt454eh, i like playing with the voice recognition23:22
smatt454ooo i love notepad++23:22
l3xi got that in TCUP :)23:22
smatt454not as much as i love kate23:22
ign0ramusl3x: Not much.  I don't program23:22
samuelWhat do you need for notepad ++?23:22
smatt454when i'm compiling programs in windows for my friends23:22
ign0ramuswoops. i was answering Shadowkllr23:22
smatt454notepad++ gives me a better interface to code23:22
samuelWhat do you need shadow?23:23
snarkstercan any of you tell me why it takes so long for amarok to generate tag information using tunepimp23:23
Shadowkllrnotepad++ does not natively support sftp, do you know of any plugins for it that do?23:23
smatt454i love kate though23:23
joshuajtl_hey what theme do you folks use on kde3 ? I can't find one i really like23:23
l3xplease, does anyone have succesfully synced some smartphone with linux???23:23
l3xi wanna buy one, but dunno whoch one...23:23
snarksteri use my sidekick3 with linux but it doesnt actually synch23:23
smatt454l3x, try the ubuntu or kubuntu forums23:23
ign0ramusShadowkllr: WinSCP?23:23
smatt454also try google23:24
Shadowkllrl3x, no, but i have an ssh program on my phone and i can tap into my nix box at home from anywhere and restart it =P23:24
ign0ramusl3x: you *can* sync a Windows phone with Linux, but it's not as easy, and not all the features are there.23:24
l3xgot to go to sleep mode now guys. i get up early to goto work...23:24
Shadowkllrig, i just downloaded it, but i can't seem to reupload the files23:24
l3xi would rather have a symbian than win phone23:25
ign0ramusl3x: i gave up on it and kept a small Windows partition.  Also, being on an MSExchange server at work, XP works nicely23:25
l3xgood night23:25
samuelI don't find the need to sync.  I just connect everything as an external drive and drag and drop.23:25
samueloppewhen you boot the device that needs the sd card, it will recognize everything you have dropped on it23:25
ign0ramussamuel: for emails, calendars, and contacts, syncing is a wonderful thing23:26
samuelstill can just use drag and drop though23:26
DreadKnightoff to sleep23:26
samueldrive transfer is faster than sync transfer also23:26
ign0ramussamuel: are you syncing to a WM phone?23:26
smatt454joshuajt1: i've tried using themes in the past but a lot of them mess things up23:26
samueli dont know why that is doing that23:27
samueli hate touchpads23:27
Shadowkllrok ign, when i "edit" a file using the text editor in winscp, (i'm connected to the nix box with it), i can edit the file, but i can't save it, it tries to reupload the file and says it cant...but if i hit delete, it deletes the file from the server then uploads it.....is that normal?23:27
=== ken_ is now known as kenwa
ign0ramusShadowkllr: dude, i honestly don't know...23:29
kenwaHas anyone had problems installing Java from adept manager? It didn't finish the install, and it stops at a certain % everytime i try to install it. I can't purge or uninstall it, and it always wants to update now....23:29
ign0ramusShadowkllr: I've never actually used winscp, i just know *of* it23:29
ghostcubekenwa: u tried sudo apt-get -f install ?23:30
joshuajtl_what do you folks find is a very well made theme? (window/style)23:30
Daisuke_Laptopwhatever looks good to you23:30
ign0ramusjoshuajtl_: on kde-look.org, just look for popular/highest-rated themes23:30
snarksteri use cygwin to connect to my linux boxes when Im forced to use windows23:30
kenwaghostcube: No, I will23:31
Shadowkllroh, i figured it out, duh23:31
ign0ramusShadowkllr: what was it?23:31
* ign0ramus is curious now23:31
ghostcubeu must set overwrite files or ?23:31
Shadowkllri was just checking my openssh sftp settings, i had overwrite disabled23:31
ign0ramusShadowkllr: haha :)23:32
detectivehi all23:32
Shadowkllrshhhh....yes....i know....my shipment of fail has arrived....don't remind me23:32
detectivei'm trying to build kde4. but kdesupp ERROR: Could not find KDE4 kde4-config23:32
detectiveCall Stack (most recent call first):23:32
detective  phonon/xine/kcm/CMakeLists.txt:2 (find_package)23:32
detectiveort cmake gives an error :23:32
Shadowkllrwhoah paste bin that ish, detective!23:32
ign0ramus!pastebin | detective23:33
ubottudetective: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:33
detectivei'm sorry23:33
ghostcubeok wastet 5 lines for 4 :D23:33
Shadowkllrubottu to teh rescuez@23:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about to teh rescuez@23:33
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!23:33
detectivebut for 3 lines? nah ok next time i will23:33
Shadowkllrubottu do you know about the matrix?23:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:33
Shadowkllrubottu is a god23:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is a god23:33
ign0ramushahaha oh wow23:33
ghostcube Could not find KDE4 kde4-config23:33
kenwaghostcube: I have a license agreement screen but I can't choose OK.....23:34
Shadowkllrubottu sudo apt-get install viruxoxolulz23:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:34
ign0ramusghostcube: is there a reason you can use APT?23:34
Shadowkllri love ubottu23:34
ghostcubekenwa: page down23:34
ghostcubei love apt23:34
kenwaghostcube: I am at the bottom.23:35
Shadowkllri love ubottu, you can't have him!23:35
dillon_ahh! help! the newest nvidia driver borked my X setup!23:35
ign0ramusright arrow key23:35
detectiveKiDFlaSh: ping23:35
Shadowkllrubottu doesn't love me anymore, he doesn't respond23:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:35
Shadowkllrok im done23:35
kenwaThanks ign0ramus23:35
ghostcubeand type yes23:36
ign0ramuskenwa: np23:36
kenwalol i tried everything but the right arrow key23:36
ghostcubejust normal vi behaviour23:36
dillon_it says API error, i believe my old nvidia driver kernel is still prevailing over the new one, where is it located at in the filesystem so i can delete it?23:37
dillon_kernel module*23:37
Shadowkllrwhat's the diff between using sudo nano {file} and sudo kate {file}? is there any???23:37
ghostcubenano is an  terminal editor23:37
ghostcubekate is grafical23:38
ign0ramusnano edits in terminal23:38
dillon_Shadowkllr: kate has a gui whereas nano (by default anyways) doesn't23:38
Shadowkllrok but so does kate....i use putty from my windows computer so everything is a terminal for me23:38
ign0ramusShadowkllr: keyboard shortcuts23:38
dillon_does anybody know where the nvidia kernel module is located in the filesystem? i need to delete it i believe...23:39
ghostcubedillon_: u installed the first one manually too ?23:39
ign0ramusdillon_ You could always just blacklist the modprobing23:39
dillon_i'm not sure if i installed the first one maually or not23:41
ghostcubedpkg -l | grep nvidia23:41
ghostcubeto nopaste.info23:41
dillon_ok when i try to start X in the terminal i get this error: API Mismatch: the nvidia kernel module has version 71.86.04, but this nvidia driver component has version 177.6723:46
Shadowkllri just got really excited23:47
ghostcubedillon_: sudo depmod -a23:48
ign0ramusdillon_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2433202&postcount=1023:48
Shadowkllri figured out how to use notepad ++ as my default editor in winscp, and now i can still use all the great features of notepad++, and automatically upload them with winscp on filesave23:48
ign0ramusShadowkllr: glad it works for you23:48
snarksterkate blows notepad ++ outta the water.23:49
snarkstertextpad blows notepadd++ outta the water23:49
ign0ramusMS Works blows notepad++ outta the water!23:50
ign0ramuswait, what?23:50
Shadowkllr....it's because of the boycott on the olympics, isn't it snark?? /snicker23:51
othman390salut tout le monde23:54
rickestelvis ftw23:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr23:56
favronothing happens when I try to reprofile my bootup process - any clues?23:58
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