
jdubis there an equivalent to copy-archive from release (rather than another ppa)?00:03
jduber, copy-packages00:06
jdub(as in https://help.launchpad.net/PPA#Copying%20packages)00:06
jdubor should i just upload the source and not worry?00:06
kikojdub, wow! great to see you!00:27
kikojdub, what are you trying to do? :)00:27
jdubhey kiko00:27
jdubkiko: copy collectd into my ppa to start fixing/backporting it00:28
jdubif copy-packages isn't particularly important/useful, i'll just upload it00:28
kikojdub, well, you don't actually need to copy it into your PPA first. just modify it, and upload it to your PPA00:28
kikocopy-packages is only useful to make a package available in other archives (or releases) -- it's actually not as useful as it might appear :)00:29
jdubi figured it might set up some relationship voodoo or something 8)00:32
jdubthanks tho, i'll dput away00:33
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Syntuxdo we have a tag or a way to list packages in ubuntu CD? only the one included there?11:49
Hobbseethere's germinate output11:50
wgrantSyntux: I'm not seeing this as much of a Launchpad question.11:50
wgrantBut Hobbsee is likely as correct as they get.11:50
wgrantAlso see the manifests that reside next to the images themselves.11:51
wgranthttp://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.manifest, for example.11:51
Syntuxwgrant, I understand but I was hoping to find a it on launchpad too, we are trying to construct a list of CD apps to give it priority translation efforts and if we have such tag or way to list them on lp, it would be easier to control the whole process.11:53
wgrantI thought they were already ordered in some sane order like that.11:54
persiaI didn't think LP was especially aware of the CDs or the CD packging process.11:55
Syntuxthat would make our project harder, we are about to run a translation contest, $0.10 per translated string and not having such tag or way with lp API to list apps and monitor translation would make it harder11:57
* Hobbsee wonders why you want it listed on launchpad, when you'd have to screen scrape, compared to when you have a stable link above, which is in plain text form, meaning that it would be easier to parse...11:57
SyntuxHobbsee, the contest thingy.11:58
affluxany ideas why the ~vcs-imports/gajim/main code branch fails to import?12:09
Syntuxok, list constructed and packages linked to LP; is there a flag or status for packages that is not set up for translation on lp ?12:09
wgrantSyntux: Everything in main is.12:10
mwhudsonafflux: looks like the server is dropping connections on us12:11
persiaAnd everything on the CD should be in main or restricted (but restricted is small)12:11
mwhudsonafflux: i don't know why it would be doing that, you could ask the admins12:12
affluxwill do, thanks12:12
mwhudson(but it could be DOS protection, the importer makes a LOT of connections)12:13
Syntuxso basically archive.ubuntu.com_hardy_main_Packages (the germinate output) is the list.12:15
wgrantSyntux: That's not just the CD stuff.12:15
wgrantSyntux: But that is pretty much the list of things that are able to be translated. A superset of the CD.12:15
Syntuxwgrant, and there is no way to filter that file to get the CD ones?12:18
wgrantSyntux: The manifest would do well. Or probably some other piece of germinate output. Or ubuntu-desktop.12:19
Syntuxhmm then looping madison over manifest to check if it's main or not would build a translatable list of packages, right?12:21
wgrantmain is a superset of the CD content...12:21
* persia suggests #ubuntu-devel as a better forum12:21
wgrantSo there's no point checking it - it will be true except for things that are in restricted, but those are translatable too.12:21
Syntuxok, one thing I didn't get, we said all packages in main should be set up for translation on LP but what about an app like system-config-printer12:32
wgrantYes, what about it?12:34
wgrantI don't see an 'ubuntu' in that URL...12:36
Syntuxoh darn, sorry12:37
Syntuxok when we will be able to work on intrepid translation ?12:38
Syntuxargh, I guess that's ubuntu translation question not lp12:38
* Syntux jumping to another channel 12:38
wgrantOf that I'm not sure.12:38
wgrantA Launchpad Translations person would know better.12:39
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emgentkiko_: there is a problem in user profile related-software15:42
emgentseems not list all package uploaded.15:42
emgentexample: jdstrand upload my security fix for egroupware and sympa15:43
emgentfixes are available https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/egroupware/1.2.107-2.dfsg-2ubuntu0.115:43
emgentbut dont show it in my profile15:44
emgenttmsnc (uploaded last week too) seems here.. other packages not15:44
emgentwhen you have little bit time please take a look, thanks15:45
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thorwilhi! if launchpad writes on a people page: member since *, does that mean the person is a member right now? what happens if membership is not renewed or only renewed after a gap?17:05
dobeyi don't believe there is such a concept as "renewal" with launchpad. the "member since" is just a matter of when that person first appeared on launchpad17:09
thorwilarg, i misinterpreted membership because it's in bragging rights, close to those ubuntu icons17:10
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BUGabundohy guys and galls17:44
BUGabundodid the font type changed on edge.LP today?17:44
BUGabundoor is this a bug with some Firefox update?17:44
BUGabundolet me get a screen shot17:45
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BUGabundoplease see https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/25947817:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259478 in launchpad "strange font type on LP" [Undecided,New]17:52
BUGabundohave a nice lunch matsubara-lunch17:52
geserI've seen this too, but only on this specific question, other questions look normal17:53
BUGabundogeser: really ?17:54
BUGabundoeven the bug where I posted that was like that!17:54
BUGabundonot sure if this is a LP bug or Firefox...17:54
BUGabundoopera aint opening so can't do a cross test17:54
matsubara-lunchBUGabundo, might be a dupe of bug 23107017:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231070 in launchpad "Launchpad front page using a different font type" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23107017:55
BUGabundomatsubara-lunch: I saw that, but didn't look like it17:55
matsubara-lunchBUGabundo, thanks! really off for lunch now :-)17:55
BUGabundolet me re-read it again17:55
geserBUGabundo: it might be because of "Language:  Traditional Chinese" while the other questions are english17:57
BUGabundothe Anwser that I posted was in english17:58
geserBUGabundo: I can't find any chinese in that page, but LP thinks it's in chinese. See the second box on the right18:00
geserI also wondered why I don't see it on https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/18:01
BUGabundoLanguage:     Traditional Chinese18:01
geserI see it only if I uncheck all language filters18:01
BUGabundogeser: you are right18:01
BUGabundowhy did it change?18:01
BUGabundowas it because Fred Chu subscribed to it?18:01
geserI've played a little bit with firebug, and the page looks normal again, when I change the lang attribute back to "en" for the html element18:07
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jkakarIs there an easy way for me to get a view of my +assignedbugs page filtered to only show bugs from a specified project?18:41
jkakar(or set of projects)18:41
jkakarOh, duh.18:41
jkakarThat was easy. :)18:41
goukiApproximately, how long does it take for a mailing list request for a team be acted upon?19:04
NCommandergouki, it took about a week for mine19:11
goukiNCommander, thank you.19:11
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NCommanderkiko, so how goes the flooded inbox19:27
kikoNCommander, 140+19:28
kikoI hate it19:28
NCommanderBetter then me19:28
NCommanderBut gmail makes it easy; d-devel -> Trash19:28
NCommanderInbox gets less fat19:28
Peng_Why are your inboxes flooded?19:29
NCommanderCause I'm lazy19:31
NCommanderThat, and a misconfigured dak server spammed me with a few thousand REJECT emails :-)19:32
Peng_Oh. Ouch.19:34
kikoPeng_, I guess I get too much email that I'm supposed to answer, implying something about management dysfunction!!19:35
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kikosiretart, ping?21:42
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mcfletchFrom one's homepage (e.g. https://launchpad.net/~mcfletch), there doesn't appear to be any link for creating a new project.  That would seem to be a rather commonly used task.22:04
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thumperstatik: ping23:17
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