
e\ectro_I loaded intrepid, but for some reason its not finding the nvidia driver.  IS there a new driver for xorg 1.5?  thanks.. I would google, but working elinks from a shell is somewhat challanging when you need it to work right away ;)00:31
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RAOFe\ectro_: If you've got a card geforce4 or higher, you should be able to use the nvidia drivers; lower than that and the drivers don't supporte 1.5 yet.01:18
RAOFe\ectro_: nvidia-glx-1?? are the packages you're after.01:18
e\ectro_RAOF: thanks ;)01:23
crdlbRAOF: oh wow, I didn't realize nvidia did it _again_ :/01:25
RAOFcrdlb: Oh, yes.  That's why there are now _4_ nvidia-glx packages in Intrepid.01:35
crdlbI was wondering when daniels made that remark about four drivers named nvidia_drv.so01:40
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=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
LunksFirefox is segfaulting on me several times on a specific website05:55
=== fargiola` is now known as fargiolas
arpuhow can i set the super key ?07:18
arpuon intrepid  mac book07:18
arpuin hardy i use xmodmap but this does not work in intrepid07:18
nullackgnome keyboard shortcuts?07:22
Lunkshmmm good to hear that, arpu07:22
LunksIntrepid is not working with xmodmap?07:23
LunksI don't have ?07:23
Lunks(that's question mark)07:23
Lunksso someone pointed me to find a tutorial about xmodmap and xev07:23
nullackSystem -> Preferences -? Keyboard shortcuts07:24
arpunullack: hmm i need this on the console too07:24
nullackIDK about TTYs, recommend having a look on Intrepids version of X for solutions07:25
arpucan not found a solution07:28
nullackOr ask on the Ubuntu X mailing list?07:31
LunksTrying xev/xmodmap right now07:31
Lunksman, there are some silly characters hidden on my keyboard I never thought of07:31
Lunksyey, it works!07:33
LunksI put the solution on ~/.Xmodmap, how can I enable so it works even on login screen?07:33
arpugnome should pick this file07:35
arpuLunks:  hmm this works for you ?07:35
Lunksarpu: yes, xev showed me, followed a tutorial on net, everythings fine07:36
arpuxev ?07:37
Lunksarpu: xev, when on focus, shows which keycode you're using07:39
arpuahh thx Lunks07:44
arputhe keycode changed07:44
Lunksarpu: yeah, it happened to my / key07:51
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LunksThis theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ engine is not installed08:17
Finnish_Anyone know about this: I bought a laptop, it has Windows Vista Premium. Is it 64 bit or 32 bit? Processor is Turion x2 RM-70, which is genuine 64 bit08:18
LSD|NinjaFinnish_: It should say whether you have teh 32 or 64 bit version in whatever passes for the System Properties on Vista now. Also, you have my condolences for being lumped with anAMD lappy ;)08:26
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Finnish_LSD|Ninja: Heh, something wrong with AMD and laptop?08:34
LSD|NinjaOnly that AMD have neve rbeen able to make a mobile chip worth a damn, ever08:34
Finnish_I'm about to install ubuntu on it of course, but I need windows on it for music programs08:34
Finnish_Power management or what is wrong?08:35
LSD|NinjaOnly time AMD mobile chips have ever looked half way respectable was when the Pentium 4s were infinitely worse08:36
Finnish_Hmmm, some articles say AMD RM-70 beats most (lowend) Intel C2D-CPUs08:39
s0u][ighthi guys08:59
=== Fredd_ is now known as Fredd
LunksI've got a mk-36 turion 64 and it's fine, thanks. :)09:05
Lunksbattery lasts a lot and such.09:07
LunksFinnish_: You can opt for 32 or 64bits, although each has some advantages over the other09:07
LSD|NinjaAMD could sue me and I still won't touch their crappy mobile products :)09:09
LunksWhat's the big issue on mobile AMDs, LSD|Ninja?09:11
LSD|NinjaCentrino machines beat the pants off them in performance, power consumption and heat output09:12
Finnish_Thats just hard to believe09:13
LunksMy notebook is one of the best on heat output I've seen, and I've seen some many intel notebooks.09:13
Finnish_Lunks: But are those installed versions 32 or 64? Or can I choose it during install?09:13
LunksFinnish_: I'm sorry, installed where?09:14
Finnish_Sorry, I was talking about Vista09:14
Finnish_I'm gonna install ubuntu on it, but I need also vista for some specific audio/video-stuff09:15
LunksI don't get how come your vista being 32 or 64 should influence somehow on installing ubuntu09:16
Finnish_That's not the case...09:17
Finnish_I'm just wondering is the vista 32 or 64, nothing else09:17
LunksFinnish_: win+pause/break, it'll tell09:17
Lunksbut it's really not the channel to ask. ;)09:18
LSD|NinjaFinnish_: It should say which one you have in the System Properties like every other version of Windows. I told you that before.09:18
LSD|NinjaI just can't remember how you get to it in Vista09:18
Finnish_I get my laptop tomorrow, so no sneaking before that09:18
Lunkswin+pause/break gets there since 200009:18
Lunksto get things right, super+pause/break. :)09:20
LunksTransmission web interface doesn't work at all =\09:32
siimodoes xorg randomly crash for anybody?10:09
=== fargiola` is now known as fargiolas
Trewashehe, nice bug with thinkpad X41 in intrepid... brightness control goes _way_ darker than ever before and after going a couple of times from darkest/brightest it cannot get above the darkest setting (which is unreadable without a flashlight)10:51
Trewaswell, a visit in the console seemed to fix it at least temporarily10:52
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=== Guest36587 is now known as Hobbsee
siimohi anyone experencing random xorg crashes on ibex :/12:02
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
Wellarkhi! does the live CD contain only packages from 'main'?12:30
Wellarkand more so, is it too late to get completely new packages to main?12:31
Hobbseeyes, and no, but you'll need a very good reason, as space is very limited.12:32
Wellarkyeah.. well I'm developing this thing called Mobile Broadband Configuration Assistant12:32
Wellarkbasicly it's splitted to two packages12:33
Wellarklibmbca and mobile-broadband-provider-info12:34
Wellarklibmbca contains the assistant (GObject based, uses GtkAssistant)12:34
Wellarkand the other package contains service provider database (only XML)12:34
WellarkNow the question is, is there still time to get these two packages included to intrepid live CD12:35
Wellarkhere's my PPA: https://launchpad.net/~kaijanmaki/+archive12:36
WellarkI've already talked to asac (ubuntu NM packager) and there should be no problem including the NM side bits12:37
geserWellark: there is some time, but not that much. FeatureFreeze is on August 28th.12:38
Wellarkyeah, I'm aware of that..12:39
geserand to get it into main, you need first get it into universe and then get it promoted to main12:39
Wellarkso main is out of question for intrepid then12:39
gesermost probably yes12:40
Wellarkso what does need to happen to get my packages to universe then?12:40
Wellarkumm.. is it possible that even thouhg NM is in main, it's compiled to support addons from universe?12:41
geserwould nm need packages from universe during build? if yes, then the answer is no12:42
Wellarkif that would be optional?12:42
Wellarkbecause I anticipated that my packages are not going to get to main and therefore the NM integration is implemented by dynamically loading the libmbca module if available12:44
Wellarkbut in order for NM to be able to load those modules it has to be compiled with libmbca support enabled12:44
geseras long as nm doesn't need some parts of it during build, it should be ok12:44
Wellarkit does need them if the resulting binary is going to load the library12:45
gesermain is self-contained and packages from main can't build-depend on something from universe12:46
geserto get it into universe see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing#Preparing New Packages12:46
geserbut as you got them to build in your PPA already, you're nearly at the point of uploading it to REVU12:47
geserthe hard part is to get it reviewed in REVU as REVU seems to be very slow this time (few reviewers)12:48
Wellarkyeah.. but the problem is that NM (or more precisely nm-applet) needs to have the support compiled in12:48
geserthen you need to get it into main before nm can use it12:49
Wellarkyeah.. NM is the only user this time...12:49
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
vbabiyHey has any one been able to install the lastest alpha in virtual box13:55
Ayabara_If I build and install digikam 0.10 from source, how can I make sure that when a newer version hits the repos, it replaces my old one?14:30
JontheEchidnasudo make uninstall14:35
JontheEchidnathat will remove your local from-source installation14:36
JontheEchidnathen you can upgrade via apt14:36
Ayabara_JontheEchidna: and if I have already upgraded? make uninstall, then sudo apt-get reinstall?14:36
JontheEchidnaThat would work14:37
igormorgadoHi there. ubuntu intrepid do not respect  my /etc/network/interfaces. Where is the new file to setup. What network tool want to mean about "prefix", why connections name is "auto eth0". (sorry i dont have quotation mark here =D)14:57
igormorgadois the prefix the netmask in cidr notation15:02
igormorgadoindeed. it is15:02
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igormorgadowhat is the splash manager used in intrepid15:59
igormorgadoJontheEchidna: ok. Just to know. Cause after I have upgraded from hardy to intrepid, my splash broke.16:02
JontheEchidnayeah, I think everybody's did16:02
igormorgadoand some deamons are returning FAILED, cause they cannot update usplash.16:02
igormorgadoright now I have apt-get update&upgrade and gnome broke. =D16:03
igormorgadono problem at all. Im just confused about the new network-manager. I dunno where it stores my network configuations. I can assure that isnt on network/interfaces.16:04
igormorgadogoing reboot16:06
Lunkssplash broke for ya? what do you mean with 'broke'?16:27
LunksI updated to Intrepid, but want to get heron version of subversion (so it doesn't break our repo)16:48
LunksHow can I do this?16:48
dfgassorry to ask this in here, is there a way to disable fast user switching?16:57
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=== WhiskeySour is now known as Scarecrow1
Hondo_Kitsuneany news on when the next alpha / first beta will be released?17:33
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=== WhiskeySour is now known as DreamThief
Turnoanyone having trouble with alpha 4 in virtualbox?17:50
Turnoi'm just tinkering at work, but both the desktop and alternate cds give me kernel panics as soon as i hit 'install'17:50
AyabaraIs 8.10 in a nice state today? I'm wondering if I should take the leap from 8.04 and make 8.10 my only system :)18:03
SwedeMikeas far as I have understood from people trying it, it's still very much alpha18:04
AyabaraSwedeMike: ok, maybe I should take that as a warning :)18:06
Turno8.04 does load fine in virtualbox, but 8.10 gets kernel panics18:06
peanutbhas anyone else experienced woes with Network Manager dropping connections hour or so?18:53
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flithmhey everyone... I just installed intrepid -- looks nice! -- i'm curious though, when I go to install kde it gives me a missing package error... my bad, or something awry?20:04
flithmanyone know?20:04
flithmhey everyone... I just installed intrepid -- looks nice! -- i'm curious though, when I go to install kde it gives me a missing package error... my bad, or something awry?20:23
PolitikerALTIMHO Kde is rather broken at the moment - I can't even start it correctly (plasma crashes)20:24
peanutbPolitikerALT: after an upgrade, i can start KDE, but its its usual buggy self20:26
peanutband network manager flakes out20:27
flithmgood to know20:27
PolitikerALThmm ... I think I'll reinstall plasma20:27
PolitikerALTNetwork Manager works fine for me20:28
peanutbi donno20:28
peanutbthat was the problem20:28
peanutbthere were no title bars ont he windows20:28
peanutbwhich made kde rather unusable20:29
PolitikerALThave you tried manually starting the window manager?20:29
peanutbPolitikerALT: no i havent tried anything. I needed to get something done20:34
LaneyAre there any terrible bugs in the Ibex atm that would mean I shouldn't upgrade?20:35
peanutbim going over to kde now20:35
peanutbLaney: not that i have found20:35
PolitikerALTat least metacity --replace should work20:35
Laneypeanutb: Good good20:35
peanutbPolitikerALT: metacity isint used in kde20:35
PolitikerALTI know, but if nothing other works - metacity should work20:36
peanutbill try it20:36
PolitikerALThmm ... I don't think it's ready for everyday use yet - I got a bug with firefox/swfdec: Many windows open and in firefox/adobeflash sound doesn't work20:36
PolitikerALTmaybe kwin --replace could do it too20:37
peanutbthe metacity thing worked20:44
peanutbbut plasma has always had problems on this computer20:44
peanutbPolitikerALT: flash sound doesnt work in hardy either... at least well20:45
PolitikerALTOn my computer, plasma crashes as soon as I want to start it - in hardy, plasma didn't crash as long as I didn't change anything. In hardy, youtube sound worked rather well for me - or was I using swfdec? - Then the many-little-windows-appearing-bug didn't exist at least20:48
PolitikerALTSwfdec is fine for most purposes I think20:48
AyabaraIs there a way I can find the build dependencies for digikam-kde4 on 8.10 even though I'm running 8.04?20:51
lbtso I'm doing a netinstall of 8.10 from a usb stick with unetbootin. Partitioning OK (20Gb xfs /). The installing base system failed (twice) with "initscripts: depends lsb-base >=3.2.14 but 3.2-14ubuntu1 is to be installed..... how do I resolve this? (and is this the right place?)21:13
_debg_hi . I just upgraded the intrepid installation and the wireless stopped working .21:19
Scorcherthe intrepid install is all jacked up, wiat for the offical release in oct21:20
_debg_I have a atheros card on my laptop.21:20
_debg_ok . I was already using it and the wireless worked . just today's update caused the problem .21:21
thefishis there a way to get kprinter in kubuntu 810?21:22
_debg_I use cups .. and it works fine . httplocalhost:63121:23
thefishcrossover office wants to use the "kde print system"21:26
thefishie kprinter21:26
|dupondje|cannot install newest 'initscripts' ?21:46
_debg_I guess the dependent package is not yet updated .21:46
|dupondje|and NetworkManager is a bug on its own :s21:49
|dupondje|really nothing works :p21:49
_debg_Network Manager worked for me with all wireless as well .. before today's update ..,21:52
|dupondje|static ip settings get lost21:52
|dupondje|after every reboot :(21:52
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LaneyHmm. Did gnome-terminal lose the options to configure shortcut keys for switching tabs?22:30
WDCOh hai22:46
crdlbLaney: yes :/22:48
Laneycrdlb: Bah. Was there any discussion about it that you know of? Is it coming back?22:49
crdlbLaney: I'm looking on gnome's bugzilla22:54
crdlbbut it's crawling22:54
Laneycrdlb: Alright cool. Let me know if you find anything!22:55
crdlboh, that's dumb ...22:57
crdlbyou need to enable '/desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels' in gconf22:58
crdlbthen you change the binding by hovering over the menu item in the Tabs menu22:58
crdlbbut that doesn't persist :/23:06

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