
hggdh_bdmurray, LaserJock commented on this (I do not remember the details, but I will search) -- he asked to take out the "change to sync"00:35
hggdh_ah, I see LaserJock already answered, sorry00:36
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dholbachgood morning06:03
techno_freakmorning dholbach06:04
dholbachhi techno_freak06:05
dholbachhi LaserJock06:08
LaserJockdholbach: used your harvest-page.py today06:08
dholbachLaserJock: nice06:09
LaserJockthen I made a tinyurl out of the result ;-)06:09
dholbachahhh ok06:09
LaserJockbut it made for a pretty good working list06:09
dholbachthat's why I couldn't find it on the wiki :)06:09
dholbachthat's what I hoped06:09
dholbachwhich team?06:09
dholbachMOTU Science?06:10
dholbachah ok06:10
LaserJockMOTU Science would probably be too much to do realistically I think06:10
LaserJockit's ~ 550 source packages06:10
dholbachworth a try ;-)06:10
dholbachwould be nice to have all the packages that were "not found" at the top or the bottom or something06:13
LaserJockthat's typical for science apps06:15
LaserJockmost of them don't have much going on06:16
LaserJockbut you never know so you need to check anyway06:16
dholbachand that's fine06:16
macvrhi, i'm trying to report  a touchpad bug[this is my first time] the debugging page tells that i have to attach 6 different files along with the report but the launchpad site has provision for attaching ONLY 1 file... am i doing this correctly?07:12
macvri have tried #ubuntu ,but no 1 knows , what to do!07:13
Hobbseei think you have to attach them one at a time.07:14
nullackMacvr - you could tar them all up or add them one at a time.07:14
nullackThe good thing about launchpad with bugs is that you can always add to it :)07:14
macvroh, ok. i'm new to ubuntu so didnt know that, thank you07:16
macvri have submitted a bug report for low touchpad sentivity, while using tap for clicking. tap clicking makes my fingers ache!!! :'(what are the chances that it will get triaged?07:48
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nullackIs it wrong to point a user to the dvd decryption library as a fix to his bug? I dont know what country the user is and therefore I dont know if my suggestion would be questionable or not10:13
nullackAlso the user who was on here earlier (macvr) the bug he was talking about is bug #259289 - I dont have any laptops with which to replicate the issue but someone here may have10:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259289 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "touchpad TAPPING, scrolling, dragging don't work (as expected)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25928910:16
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nullackIf no one knows the answer to the DVD decrypt library question I will raise it on the mailing list :)11:16
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knorrHey. Just started triaging. A user requests a new version of a package that's already in the repos in a previous version. Do I mark the bug as Invalid?14:41
james_wknorr: tag the bug "upgrade"14:43
james_wit's not invalid to want a new version of a program14:43
james_wif the version they want, or a later one, is in Intrepid, then mark the bug fixed released14:43
james_wif they want it for an older release then point them to how to request a backport14:44
knorrOkay. The new version is not present in intrepid, so I guess I set the status to Confirmed, add the package name of the one present in the repo, and add a tag "upgrade"?14:45
techno_freakjames_w, on the same lines, what do I do when someone points to an updated version available in Debian?14:46
james_wknorr: yep, and wishlist it if you have the power14:47
james_wtechno_freak: a sync request will bring it in14:47
knorrjames_w: I don't ;)14:47
james_wtechno_freak: but what you can do is the same as above, and mention in your comment that it is in Debian already14:47
techno_freakjames_w, ok, will do it :)14:47
techno_freakjames_w, on my case, there is already a bug 259347 on it, how do i triage it now?14:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259347 in ttf-indic-fonts "Update ttf-malayalam-fonts-udeb package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25934714:48
techno_freakjames_w, do i add a tag  to it?14:49
james_wtechno_freak: yep, you can check it's not in Intrepid, confirm it, and tag upgrade, wishlist if you can14:49
techno_freakjames_w, ok thanks :)14:50
james_wtechno_freak: and if you understand what to do convert it in to a sync request14:50
techno_freakjames_w, in addition, do no i need to subscribe another team like ubuntu-main-sponsors ?14:51
james_wif you are doing a sync request, but not just for an upgrade bug14:52
techno_freakjames_w, ok :)14:52
nullackPing tseliot : FYI Nvidia have released  177.67 ;)15:25
tseliotnullack: I'll upload the new release ASAP15:29
nullackty, will test it :)15:29
tseliotnullack: ok ;)15:30
seb128will the new version fix all those compiz crashes?15:39
nullackRelease notes say stability improvements but I need to test to give you concrete outcomes15:40
emgenttseliot: heya15:45
tseliotemgent: hi ;)15:46
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nullackPing Pedro : Next time you need some info on one of my bugs can you please ask me if Im here, thanks16:38
pedro_nullack: next time, please use the correct nick, thanks you16:40
nullackWhat nick?16:40
jcastropedro_: is there a list somewhere that shows bugs that are still NEW on Ubuntu but fixed in Debian?16:40
jcastropedro_: something like "bugs fixed elsewhere" but more specific16:41
bdmurrayogasawara: what happend to kern.log in Intrepid?16:41
bdmurrayjcastro: I might be able to work that out for you16:42
jcastroso for example16:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 84072 in rdesktop "[feisty] rdesktop should be compiled with IPv6 enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:42
jcastrothis was fixed in debian but was missing a link16:42
jcastroso I linked it16:42
jcastroI figure the next step would be a list of low hanging fruit that are fixed in debian16:42
ogasawarabdmurray: what do you mean?16:42
jcastro(or upstream or whatever)16:42
jcastrobdmurray: I was going to put it in the upstream report by package, I was just seeing if you guys had something like this already16:43
bdmurrayogasawara: 2 of my systems aren't writing to kern.log but to /var/log/debug16:43
ogasawarabdmurray: huh, dunno16:43
nullackbdmurray: Im replciating that issue on Alpha 4 by default kern.log has no log messages. A cat of the file is null16:50
nullackI do not recall kernel 2.6.26 changing logging, does anyone know?16:51
pedro_jcastro: ah no that i know16:52
bdmurraybug 25563516:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255635 in sysklogd "Kernel messages not logged to /var/log/kern.log" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25563516:53
bdmurrayogasawara: did you see that?16:55
nullackbdmurray: I see its upstream with Debian. Do you have time for a quick q?16:55
ogasawarabdmurray: yup, just reading through it16:55
bdmurrayogasawara: Is there much debugging documentation that asks for kern.log?16:55
ogasawarabdmurray: seems Ben is aware of it16:56
bdmurraynullack: sure16:56
ogasawarabdmurray: only if we specifically ask for it16:56
bdmurrayokay, I'll be careful then. ;)16:56
nullackbdmurray: Thanks. I have not responded to a bug in LP as Im not sure if it is allowed to resolve a DVD playback bug by providing instructions to a DEB package outside our repos for DVD2CSS? I asked earlier and was going to email the list but since your here16:57
nullackI do not know the country the reporter is in, therefore I dont know if its a problem for him or not16:57
seb128nullack: I've rejected the "totem listed several time in the open with dialog" nomination, nominations should be used for bugs that are blocker for the version nominated and that's not the case for this one16:58
bdmurrayI would prefer bug reporter not be pointed to stuff outside our repos as that is not something we can help them with / take bug reports for16:58
nullackUnderstand, so invalid?16:59
bdmurraylibdvdread3 which is in universe should be able to help them out16:59
nullackOnly if its been compiled with the -libdvdcss option17:00
bdmurraynullack: look carefully at the contents of that package17:00
nullackseb128: Sebastien thats fine thanks for letting me know17:00
nullackWill do Brian, thanks17:00
bdmurrayagain it depends on it being legal in their country17:00
seb128nullack: btw I'm not sure the bug is easy to fix now, the variants should be listed for people who want to use the non-default backend to open a video17:01
seb128nullack: and masking the totem entry would break the nautilus association17:01
nullackseb128: Great news, and I hope next gnome cycle we have all the goodness with resindvd, deinterlace, playbin2 :) No one will have issues with ubuntu default then17:01
nullackbdmurray: I see the package is depended on the gstreamer bad plugins so that makes it an easy one to instruct for installing that package17:03
jcastrobdmurray: ok, apparently after I link it to the debian thing it shows up on harvest automatically.17:05
jcastrobdmurray: I just was wondering if the linking led to it actually getting on someone's radar17:05
bdmurrayjcastro: heh, thats funny.  I've done both those bits but didn't see the connection.17:06
jcastrobdmurray: yes, my  lightbulb just went off as well17:06
nullackseb128: I consider it a usability issue of low importance. Anyway since its not choice for the default ubuntu build either will work - it only becomes a real choice later on but a user who installs xine isnt going to be so easily confused which I think mitigates the bug?17:06
jcastrobdmurray: so, this afternoon I've been linking debian bugs from your unlinked.html page.17:07
seb128nullack: well that's a bug but there is easy way to fix it as said17:07
jcastrobdmurray: I was thinking, as we 5-a-day these they'll show up on harvest17:08
seb128nullack: the non-backend-specific is required for nautilus to have a default association, the other ones are required to allow the user to select the non default one17:08
seb128nullack: the only way to fix that would be to special case that in the code which does list the applications which is ugly17:09
nullackseb128: understand17:09
anakronping bmurray17:10
bdmurraythat's not me but close enough17:10
anakronping bdmurray17:11
PimpyHi there17:11
bdmurrayanakron: pong17:11
PimpyBrand new on 8.10 alpha 417:11
nullackseb128: I have consistently chosen the Totem Movie player one on the default build and not had any problems. Since this issue would confuse newer users I thnk the default situation is ok - either choice works17:11
nullackseb128: It could be said those who use alternative backends are more advanced and can handle the choice17:12
Pimpycan someone help, when i move windows they are "delayed"17:14
Pimpyusing nvidia main drivers version 177, 8.10 alpha 417:15
nullackPimpy on that configuration - have synched today? Lots of X and gnome bits have changed. Is your mirror up to date?17:15
Pimpyhi nullack synched ? i am a naab man, since 2 months on 8.04, since 2 days on 8.1017:16
nullackPimpy: Goto software sources, change mirror to main, goto update manager, update17:17
Pimpything i have it in FR17:17
Pimpyyou mean on the main source code ?17:17
nullackPimpy lets take this to private chat this chan isnt for support ok17:17
Pimpyok sorry17:18
Pimpythanks for this help, guys, waiting update to go from main source, then reboot :)17:28
nullackCheers Pimpy, cya17:28
Pimpyhi, i did the upgrade for packages from main source, pc was not booting, had to choose safe mode, then resume normal boot, still "lag" in windows when i move them17:42
nullackbdmuarry: Ive taken a close look at libdvdread in Ubuntu and I dont think it is compiling with libdvdcss. URL: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libd/libdvdread/libdvdread_0.9.7-10ubuntu1.diff.gz17:51
nullackbdmurray: I note build flags are CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,defs" ./configure --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --prefix=/usr17:51
bdmurrayI was talking about install-css.sh17:52
nullackbdmurray: I compile my own mplayer for testing comparison purposes (I do gstreamer and totem tests)  and the build flag requires --with-libdvdcss17:52
pheerorPimpy: that's bad ;-)17:52
pheerorPimpy: what driver for you nvidia card do you use?17:53
pheerorPimpy: whatever the answer is, try another one ;-)17:53
nullackbdmuarry: Hmm, the puzzle deepens I'll look more17:53
pheerorPimpy: because it's very probably the source of the problem and you can identify it this way17:53
nullackAnyone: Where are shell scripts kept in the repos? How do I search for scripts on the packages website?17:59
james_wnullack: shell scripts that are part of packages?18:01
nullackjames_w: Yes, install-css.sh18:02
james_wnullack: that would be in the package18:02
nullackjames_w: Got ya, ta18:02
Pimpynullack,  you dont go to sleep ? ::18:07
nullackNo Im between contracts so Im keeping my own hours18:08
nullackPlus its peaceful with my wife is asleep :)18:08
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nullackPimpy: If youve synched your Alpha to the repos and continue to have problems, consider a bug report if your out of ideas or try to diagnose it further. Remember your OS is in an alphe release state18:10
chrisccoulsonjust come across bug 234961 against gnome-power-manager.19:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 234961 in gnome-power-manager "battery monitor not working" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23496119:08
chrisccoulsoni think this could be in hal or g-p-m. does anyone have any ideas for the best way to determine this?19:09
bdmurraychrisccoulson: I thought there was a debugging page about g-p-m19:20
chrisccoulsonthere is, and the reporter has posted a log file requested from the debugging page19:20
chrisccoulson1 second19:21
chrisccoulsonit provides details of getting the info from HAL too. Missed that bit!19:21
chrisccoulsoni was just about to ask the reporter to get the info from hal using dbus-send19:22
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nullackDo we have an automated regression test harness?19:51
keesnullack: some scripts are written in qa-regression-testing project19:51
nullackIs that on LP?19:52
nullackGot it, ty https://code.launchpad.net/qa-regression-testing19:53
keesnullack: yup, that's the one.19:56
bdmurraypedro_: ping20:21
pedro_bdmurray: hi20:22
bdmurraypedro_: Is it just me or did the location of System -> Administration switch ordering with Preferences?20:22
nullackYes it did Brian20:24
bdmurrayI find that really disconcerting20:24
pedro_yup it changed20:24
nullackUsers seemed to adapt to it on the forums its been that way for some alphas. One user has it down as a "feature" of whats new in Intrepid in his thread20:25
seb128the order switch is an ubuntu patch not sure why it's broken but it'll likely be fixed before intrepid20:27
bdmurrayseb128: cool, that's what I wanted to hear. ;)20:27
nullackHey Sebastien is the logout thing due to an Ubuntu patch? Ronacc was saying he thinks it is20:27
seb128what logout?20:28
nullackThe inability to shutdown with a user login and having to logout for shutdown or shutdown -r now20:28
nullackRonacc says he cant find it upstream20:28
seb128it's a debian and ubuntu thing and there is a bug milestoned already20:28
nullackYes I know its bugged just wanted to calrify where it was :)20:29
seb128debian disagree on making consolekit uses policykit because that creates a dependencies circle20:29
nullackWell gnome must cope with it - but Im not across it properly to make any informed comment20:30
seb128well, that's a design decision, pitti who maintains those in ubuntu has some ideas on how to fix that but he's on holidays20:30
seb128no need to worry that will be fixed before the intrepid beta version20:31
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nullackPedro_ Ping20:35
pedro_nullack: pong20:35
nullackI dont know much about how the sound works, can you help me? I get static when playing never winter nights sometimes, and Ive noticed some users mention it too20:36
seb128that's going to be complicated20:37
nullackI can learn :)20:37
seb128you first might want to try using alsa directly rather than pulseaudio and see if that makes a difference20:37
seb128the issue is not learning20:37
seb128but the linux audio stack currently is far to be optimal20:37
seb128some issue are due to linux scheduling, some are due to sound servers, etc20:38
nullackDifficult to debug eh20:38
nullackWould a placemarker bug help at all?20:39
seb128try if using pulseaudio makes a difference or not20:39
nullackOk will do20:39
seb128there is probably lot of similar bugs already open20:39
nullackPedro have you had similar problems?20:39
seb128lot of users are having audio issues20:40
nullackseb128: I saw some but not intrepid Ill do a better look in LP20:40
pedro_nullack: nop sorry20:40
nullackseb128: are hardy bug reports relevant with the build for intrepid? with sound?20:40
pedro_i only have a very very very low noise when playing music but i only can hear it with my headphones on20:40
seb128there is not lot of changes between hardy and intrepid so bugs might be revelant20:41
pedro_but that's a known problem for me since using linux :-P20:41
nullackpedro_ : hehe20:42
LimCorekleopatra not working. anyone can confirm/unconfirm?20:50
|dupondje|thx bdrung :)21:48
|dupondje|any id when it will get in the repo's ? ;)21:48
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bdrung|dupondje|: no problem. i can ping dholbach tomorrow and ask him to review the patch. then its needs to build and uploaded to the archive and then the mirrors must sync. so at least two days (i assume). if you want it faster, then you can build the package on your own.22:01
|dupondje|I did that already ;)22:07
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bdrungdupondje: and it works fine?22:27
dupondjedownloaded the ubuntu source22:27
dupondjeand used the patch I linked to in my bugreport22:28
dupondjethen compiled22:28
dupondjeworks like a charm :)22:28
bdrungdupondje: you can download the debian version 1.5.1-3 from http://packages.qa.debian.org/a/audacious.html and grab http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16934576/audacious_1.5.1-3ubuntu1.debdiff from bug #256574 and apply this.22:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256574 in audacious "Please merge audacious 1.5.1-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25657422:31
dupondjemmm need to update deps also :(22:47
bdrungdupondje: are you using hardy or intrepid?22:47
dupondjeintrepid :)22:48
dupondjebut I got it fixxed now :D22:48
bdrungdupondje: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:48
dupondjeii  audacious                                  1.5.1-3ubuntu122:48
dupondjehttp://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/audacious <- still the old ? :)22:49
bdrungdupondje: follow the bugreport. after the bug is marked as "fix released" it need some hours and then you can grab it.22:51
dupondjejust compiled my own from debian version and then debdiff :p22:51
bdrungdupondje: it would be better if change the version in debian/changelog and add a ~pre1 or something similar. so that when the real 1.5.1-3ubuntu1 you can upgrade22:52
dupondjei'll delete and reinstall from repo's then :)22:53
dupondjethx for the help anyway22:56
dupondjeits cool its fixxed now :D22:56
bdrungdupondje: the big task was to clean up the ubuntu changes. there were some useless html files in there.23:01
dupondjeindeed useless23:02
dupondjebtw another bug it seems, when u enable Numlock @ loginscreen, the numpad doesn't work ...23:03
bdrungdupondje: is it already reported upstream or in debian?23:22
bdrungdupondje: filed in ubuntu? if not please open a bugreport23:23
dupondjei'll do tomorrow :)23:24
james_wbdmurray: hey, did you see this? http://qa-rockstar.livejournal.com/7097.html23:46
bdmurrayjames_w: nope, thanks23:47

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