
NARKOZ%b hi02:54
DNAngelI wanna ask something09:39
DNAngelwill next ubuntu supporting new hardware?09:40
Myrttidepends on kernel09:40
DNAngelcoz original ubuntu can't installed on acerv 453009:40
DNAngelbut ubuntu ultimate does09:41
DNAngelwhy can be like tht?09:41
jussi01DNAngel: this isnt a support channel - please use #ubuntu10:12
DNAngeloh, sorry... :P10:13
DNAngelI not read the topic. but, this a honnor to meet u guys. I love ubuntu ;)10:15
elkbuntujussi01, ping?11:24
jussi01elkbuntu: pong11:25
elkbuntucan -sg have some bot love please?11:25
* Myrtti suggests prodding nali11:26
elkbuntuif ubottu is getting full, either of the others will do11:26
jussi01jpds: nalioth ping11:26
elkbuntuor jpds :)11:26
* elkbuntu goes to hunt for icecream11:26
elkbunturocky road cones11:27
jussi01shush you11:27
e-jatone for me ..11:28
[NikO]-sg == ?12:51
adityaduggalhi every one13:00
adityaduggalis there any one who can help me with finalising my UBUNTU installation13:00
Myrttiplease use #ubuntu for support13:00
adityaduggalI m having trouble installing the drivers of my notebook on UBUNTU13:01
adityaduggalok thanks Myrtti13:01
adityaduggaljust out of curiosity what is this room for?13:01
Myrttisee /topic13:01
jpdselkbuntu, jussi01: Hmm, ubot3 is already in -ke.13:28
elkbuntujpds, -sg dear13:29
jpdsI scrolled too far up.13:30
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
techno_freakjust to clear this doubt, is there any different between ubottu and ubot5?18:10
Picitechno_freak: Ones just a working backup of the other18:10
techno_freakPici, ah, thanks :)18:11
jpdspressenter: Good evening, which user are you having problems with?19:33
pressenterjpds: Good evening jpds .19:33
pressenterUser goes by the nickname of DaZ`19:33
pressenterHis nick is already on the banlist.19:33
pressenterUnfortunately his dynamic ip overrides that.19:34
PiciIs his name always DaZ`  ?19:34
pressenterNo, sometimes its DaZ, but he keeps changing his hostname so that won't work.19:35
PiciYou could do +b daz?!*@*19:35
pressenterExactly as you spelled it?19:36
Picipressenter: yes.  That will match all users whose nicks start with daz and have at most 1 other character afterwards.19:36
pressenterOk, will try.19:37
jpdsThat could do it, unfortunatly he has no real name set, so one cannot +d him.19:37
[NikO]jpds, hello19:38
pressenterYea, i tried that already, but i did not know about "?".19:38
jpds'soir [NikO]19:38
jpdspressenter: It matches a single character.19:38
pressenterGreat, thank you for your help.19:39
[NikO]jpds, i ask some questions on ircbots-team channel19:39
pressenterHave a good evenig y'all. :)19:40
jpds[NikO]: Apologies, having 70+ channels makes one miss certain things.19:41
* [NikO] adding @ and > pipe support on supybot21:59
Slartwho runs ubottu?22:16

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