
corigohello, I've downloaded the 64bit bin file from Sun, now how do I install?04:57
dholbachhi guys08:02
dholbachSo who of you is going to hold a session at Ubuntu Developer Week?08:03
dholbachThere's a lot of interest in "How to package a Java Library" and "How to package a Java Application"08:03
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox
=== LucidFox is now known as Lucy
malickhello all how can I create a svn branch don't know what this exactly is but I've got this advice about a file that I need to keep track of16:05
malicka skos file16:05
persiamalick: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ , but this is really a Java packaging channel, and we don't tend to use SVN so much in Ubuntu (although we could)16:13
malickthanx persia16:14
malickI'm on ubuntu16:14
malicksvn checkout http://metware.svn.sourceforge.net fails16:22
Juli_persia: Hello, do you have any update on netbeans packages?16:58
cyberixIs there a browser plugin for openjdk?22:51
cyberixI cannot install openjdk at all23:30
cyberix  openjdk-6-jre: Depends: openjdk-6-jre-headless (= 6b09-0ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed23:30
cyberixE: Broken packages23:30

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