
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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huatsmorning !09:17
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leoquant@schedule amsterdam11:44
ubottuSchedule for Europe/Amsterdam: 19 Aug 13:00: Community Council | 19 Aug 17:00: Server Team | 20 Aug 19:00: QA Team | 21 Aug 00:00: Platform Team | 21 Aug 14:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 15:00: Desktop Team11:44
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Community Council Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Aug 15:00: Server Team | 20 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 20 Aug 22:00: Platform Team | 21 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 13:00: Desktop Team
cody-somervilleCC meeting in 7-10 minutes?11:53
dholbachcody-somerville: yes11:53
Hobbseeoh noes!11:53
Hobbseeanything interesting on?11:53
persiaHmm.  ubottu claims 130 minutes11:53
cody-somervilleUbottu says the meeting is right now11:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:54
persiaErr no, I just don't understand timezones :(11:54
cody-somervilleWe know11:54
dholbachsabdfl is not going to make it, mdke is at work, Burgundavia and TechnoViking are not around and I tried contacting mako11:57
dholbachok, let's take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda11:58
dholbach1) "Danish Team as legal entity" was discussed the last time and is being reviewed by the Loco Council AFAIK11:58
dholbach2) "Interface for Intrepid Ibex" - I don't know much about that one11:59
dholbachto me it sounds more like "Desktop Team land"11:59
dholbachI think I'll post the notes about we have to the desktop team and get Acelin in contact with them - what do you think elmo?12:00
Hobbseedholbach: read the /talk page...12:00
Hobbseeit seems pretty clear that it's not a desktop land thing12:00
dholbach3) "Ratification of Xubuntu Strategy Document" - it seems that everybody was quite happy with it and only small changes to it were requested12:00
elmodholbach: is Danish team even on then?12:00
dholbachcody-somerville: did you take a look at that?12:00
elmoare we looking at /talk or the top level?12:01
dholbachelmo: maybe the agenda wasn't updated12:01
persiadholbach: Are you looking at the same wiki agenda as I?12:01
cody-somervilledholbach, Yes. I'm waiting for a bounce back from cjwatson12:01
dholbachcody-somerville: OK - do you think you could send a headsup when that happened via mail? (it doesn't look like we'll get quorum this time around)12:01
* cody-somerville nods.12:02
dholbachand 4) the Planet issue was definitely discussed12:02
dholbachpersia: General agenda items on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda12:02
dholbachoh... it was updated in the meantime12:02
persiadholbach: Yes.  I don't see any of the four you just mentioned.12:02
thorwilhi, i removed the mentioned 4 as i'm very sure they are from last meeting12:03
thorwilbut only about half an hour ago12:03
cody-somervillethorwil, who are you? :P12:03
persiaThey were from the last meeting, and discussed then.12:03
Hobbseelooks like it's just hte artwork guidelines stuff, then.12:03
dholbachthanks thorwil12:03
dholbachI'd prefer to have kwwii and sabdfl here for that one12:04
dholbachI can write a mail to both of them, asking if they're available at the next meeting.12:04
thorwili'm not sure i can attend the next one. but a simple answer might be all that's needed :)12:05
dholbachOK, I can easily CC you on the mail12:05
dholbachthanks a lot12:05
thorwilok, thanks12:06
persiaMore generally, I'm curious if 11:00 UTC is bad for a majority of Council members.  I haven't seen quorum in an 11:00 meeting in several months.12:06
persiaWould moving it to e.g. 13:00 UTC help with that?12:06
dholbachUsually sabdfl, elmo and I are able to make it and we managed to have mako and TechnoViking around at that time too, IIRC12:07
dholbachpersia: but I can bring up the topic too12:07
persiadholbach: Thank you.  I think April was the last successful 11:00 meeting, and it's a very convenient time for those of us in some timezones.12:08
dholbachI'll make sure to point that out.12:08
dholbachsorry everybody for not making quorum this time, I'll send out those emails.12:08
cody-somervilleCan we have free appetizers at these meetings in the future?12:08
dholbach. o O { hmmm, food... }12:08
Hobbseecody-somerville: to try and drive attendance up?12:09
Hobbseecody-somerville: congrats on the new role, btw.12:10
cody-somervilleHobbsee, thanks :-]12:10
thorwilshall i drop the old items from the talk page?12:16
persiathorwil: Only in the case that they are documented elsewhere: otherwise we lose context, as there aren't compiled and published minutes for these meetings.12:17
persiaI think the "Previous Items" header makes it fairly clear until the items are more clearly sorted.12:17
thorwilok, i introduced that :)12:18
thorwilpersia: but maybe then the main page should have previous items, too?12:18
persiathorwil: Hmm.  Maybe.  I'm not sure.  I'm afraid of losing stuff, but think clutter isn't ideal.12:23
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Aug 15:00: Server Team | 20 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 20 Aug 22:00: Platform Team | 21 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 13:00: Desktop Team | 25 Aug 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC
nealmcb@schedule denver15:28
ubottuSchedule for America/Denver: 19 Aug 09:00: Server Team | 20 Aug 11:00: QA Team | 20 Aug 16:00: Platform Team | 21 Aug 06:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 07:00: Desktop Team | 24 Aug 22:00: Arizona LoCo IRC15:28
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 20 Aug 22:00: Platform Team | 21 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 13:00: Desktop Team | 25 Aug 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC
jdstrandnealmcb: are you running the meeting today?15:59
jdstrandnealmcb: hi btw! :)15:59
jdstrandnealmcb: I am adding something to the ServerTeam/Roadmap, and would like to discuss it15:59
ScottK-laptopnealmcb: I have to go in ~30 minutes, so I'd appreciate it if the spec discussion could start right away.15:59
sommerhey all15:59
* nealmcb listens intently for mootbot16:00
ScottK-laptopHeya zul.16:00
zulhi ScottK-laptop16:00
nealmcbSo we'll start without mootbot.  ScottK-laptop, you'd like to do some specs right off, or after the normal preliminaries"16:02
ubottuError: Please don't use @schedule during a meeting16:02
emgent#schedule rome16:02
emgent@schedule rome16:02
ubottuError: Please don't use @schedule during a meeting16:02
ScottK-laptopAfter the normal preliminaries is fine.16:02
nealmcb[TOPIC] items from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2008081216:03
nealmcbjames_w: did you do a blog post on  removing multiuser options?16:04
ScottK-laptopHe did or I imagined reading it.16:05
james_wsort of16:05
james_wby the time I got round to writing it most of the works was done16:05
nealmcbgood job!  I think  foolano and kirkland won't be here for their action items.16:06
kirklandnealmcb: hey, i'm hear16:06
nealmcbkirkland: great.  anything on degraded raid and the release notes?16:07
kirklandnealmcb: I think degraded RAID is pretty much done.  kees and slangasek sponsored the last of the patches last week.16:07
kirklandnealmcb: to recap....16:07
kirklandnealmcb: we have now patched a) initramfs-tools to allow for configurably and interactively deciding whether to boot a degraded RAID16:08
kirklandnealmcb: b) grub will detect and install multiple MBRs to disks in a mirror providing /boot16:08
kirklandnealmcb: c) mdadm has the debconf entries to allow a sysadmin to switch BOOT_DEGRADED on/off16:08
* nealmcb cheers16:09
kirklandnealmcb: not to say that there aren't other RAID bugs and issues, but this is what we set out to solve at the end of UDS16:09
nealmcbScottK-laptop: is your spec thing part of the roadmap?16:09
kirklandnealmcb: and I've asked the commenters to those bugs to open new ones for new issues (as the comment #'s are in the 100s)16:09
ScottK-laptopnealmcb: It's the ClamavSpamassasssin one.16:09
nealmcb[TOPIC] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap16:09
kirklandnealmcb: I need to update the release notes...  i'll go do that now16:10
nealmcbkirkland: thanks!16:10
nealmcbScottK-laptop: go ahead with ClamavSpamassasssin spec item16:10
* ScottK-laptop looks around for some help.16:10
ScottK-laptopLots of people said they wanted these (clamav in particular), but except sommer, no one else has actually done anything.16:11
kirklandScottK-laptop: are you still looking for MIR-writers?16:11
ScottK-laptopMy time this cycle is very limited.16:11
kirklandScottK-laptop: mathiaz, or I, or someone could ask for that in a blog entry16:11
ScottK-laptopThey aren't very technically hard, you just have to grind through the checklist.16:11
ScottK-laptopkirkland: IIRC mathiaz did that already.16:11
arakthorScottK-laptop, how do I help with that?16:11
kirklandScottK-laptop: I've been very pleased with the community response to my blog entries requesting help16:11
kirklandScottK-laptop: :-S16:11
ScottK-laptoparakthor: Let's chat on #ubuntu-server.  I'll explain.16:12
ScottK-laptopkirkland: I think it must intimidate people, but it's really not that hard.16:12
nealmcbScottK-laptop: or perhaps you could explain to everyone in a blog entry?  or get someone to do that?16:12
kirklandScottK-laptop: timeconsuming, yes.  but hard, no.16:12
nijabakirkland: and we have an installer option to install a mirror properly?16:12
kirklandnijaba: -> #ubuntu-server16:13
ScottK-laptopnealmcb: If the blog were open to community postings, I'd be more inclined, but that's another issue.16:13
jdstrandScottK-laptop: wrt clamav in particular (I mentioned this in the last meeting that I was in, but your weren't), I think it would be a great idea to have apparmor profiles for clamd and freshclam.16:13
zulnijaba: eh mirror?16:13
jdstrandScottK-laptop: this will likely help in getting them accepted into main16:13
nealmcbScottK-laptop: last week I thought mathiaz invited others to post to the blog16:13
ScottK-laptopjdstrand: I agree, I just would lneed someone to do them.16:13
jdstrandScottK-laptop: I have a working profile that I can contribute16:13
ScottK-laptopjdstrand: Excellent.16:13
nealmcb<mathiaz> I can create an contributor account for anyone interested in publishing a post on the ubuntuserver blog [16:14
ScottK-laptopjdstrand: Are they somewhere were I can get them.16:14
jdstrandScottK-laptop: I'm currently using clamsmtp, so we'd need to get milter and amavis bits going16:14
ScottK-laptopnealmcb: Thanks.  I wasn't here last week.16:14
ScottK-laptopjdstrand: Right.16:14
jdstrandScottK-laptop: not yet, but I can make them available16:14
ScottK-laptopjdstrand: I can test with amavisd-new.16:14
nealmcbScottK-laptop: so should I give you an action to get a blog account and post :)16:15
jdstrandScottK-laptop: I can't imagine it'd be much more than just adding the spool dir for each...16:15
ScottK-laptopnealmcb: Not needed, but if you want to.16:15
jdstrandScottK-laptop: I'll post them somewhere and ping you16:15
ScottK-laptopjdstrand: Thanks.16:16
ScottK-laptopThat's it.  Please note the plea for help in the minutes.16:16
nealmcb[ACTION] ScottK will post a blog request for help with the ClamavSpamassasssin MIRs16:16
nealmcb[TOPIC] other items from the roadmap - more spec updates?16:17
zulcalendaring spec is still being worked on but a little progress has been made16:18
kirklandnealmcb: Init Script Status Actions...16:18
kirklandnealmcb: I'm working on the remaining unpatched ones here...  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InitScriptStatusActions16:19
nealmcbkirkland: great - thanks16:19
nealmcbzul - looking for help?16:19
kirklandnealmcb: great initial response by the community after the blog post, though new patches are getting fewer and farther between16:19
kirklandnealmcb: I'm going to try and finish the rest of the server ones by the end of the week16:19
kirklandnealmcb: I'd recommend the very capable individuals here in this meeting to help by fixing any init scripts that they know and love on their own servers ;-)16:20
nealmcbkirkland: right - another good way to get involved with some easy patches16:21
zulnealmcb: nope im good16:21
nealmcbhear-ye hear-ye :)16:21
kirklandnealmcb: yes, for sure, very easy, and very obvious/functional16:21
nealmcbsoren: anything on Ubuntu VM Builder?16:21
sorenNot since last meeting, I think.16:23
nealmcb[TOPIC] UFW Package Integration - jdstrand16:23
jdstrandas of yesterday, ufw now has support for package integration16:24
jdstrandbasically, packages can declare themselves to ufw, and users can then use these 'profiles' in ufw rules16:24
ScottK-laptopjdstrand: Any chance we'll get the "Hey, you're about to cut off the ssh connection you're connecting through" option for Intrepid?16:24
nealmcbnote the ufw updates hot off the keyboards of jdstrand at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap16:24
jdstrandeg, apache2 registers itself with ufw, and a user can do:16:25
jdstrandufw allow Apache16:25
jdstrandufw allow 'Apache Full'16:25
jdstrandScottK-laptop: I am considering that a 'normal bug'. I may be able to get to it, but it's on my todo list16:26
jdstrandpeople can read all about the ufw application integration at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall16:26
ScottK-laptopI think in the spirit of "Ubuntu" we really ought to have that.16:26
ScottK-laptopI thought it was Uncomplicated Firewall?16:26
jdstrandwhat is needed though, is for people to update packages to 'register' themselves with ufw16:26
jdstrandScottK-laptop: it is, unfortunately, I don't have an 'uncomplicated todo list' :P16:27
kirklandjdstrand: do you have an instructional wiki page on how to do that?16:27
jdstrandI will, as always, accept patches :)16:27
ScottK-laptopOf course.16:27
jdstrandkirkland: I am writing it now16:28
jdstrand(well, not _now_, but after the meeting)16:28
kirklandjdstrand: with a list of packages that need to be registered?16:28
nealmcbwhat happens when multiple packages claim a port?16:28
jdstrandnealmcb: ufw doesn't care who claims what16:28
jdstrandnealmcb: eg, a profile might look like:16:28
jdstrandtitle=Web Server16:29
jdstranddescription=Apache v2 is the next generation of the omnipresent Apache web server.16:29
nealmcbso they would basically be aliases for ways to open the port?16:29
jdstrandso 'boa' might have a similar decalration16:29
jdstranda user can use 'ufw allow Boa', and it'll just open up that port-- if later apache is installed, it's still open16:29
jdstrandnealmcb: yes16:29
nealmcbwhat if someone thinks they can open apache but close lighttpd?16:30
jdstrand'ufw status' shows these aliases. eg:16:30
jdstrandTo                      Action  From16:30
jdstrand--                      ------  ----16:30
jdstrandApache                  DENY    Anywhere16:30
jdstrandbut, ufw now has 'status verbose', that will show what is actually open (ie without the alias)16:30
nealmcb(both on port 80) - do both show up in the ufw status?  both closed?16:31
jdstrandnealmcb: if you did both 'Apache' and 'Boa', they both show up, and rule ordering then is in effect (eg, if one was ALLOW and the other DENY)16:31
nealmcbof course they'll have other problems with two active web servers :/  but it might be confusing16:31
NeilWjdstrand: how does ufw shut off the access if the package is uninstalled?16:32
jdstrandnealmcb: the actually iptables rule is identical, with the exception that there is a tag (using -m comment) that links the iptables rule to an application profile16:32
nealmcbhmm - the allow/deny stuff will add to the confusion.  perhaps warning about overlaps would be better?16:32
ScottK-laptopSee you all later.16:32
nealmcbScottK: thanks!16:33
nealmcbjdstrand: but probably not a big deal for now....16:33
jdstrandNeilW: by default, installed a program will not automatically do anything. however, you can use 'ufw app default allow|deny' to change that16:33
NeilWjdstrand: yes, I'm thinking that a user has switched it on, and then uninstalled the package - leaving a hole.16:34
jdstrandNeilW: then there is an opportunity for applications to add themselves to the running firewall during postinst16:34
jdstrandNeilW: on package removal, the iptables rule remains until the user deletes it16:34
NeilWSo we need to pre/postrm check it.16:35
jdstrandNeilW: for the most part, there isn't a lot of 'I'll do this automatically for you'16:35
jdstrandNeilW: what can be done is that if you choose to change the port in the profile, you can run 'ufw app update <profile>' and it will update all rules referencing the profile to use the new port16:35
nealmcbsound like some sort of dynamic package dependency - has that topic ever come up?16:36
jdstrandnealmcb: dynamic package dependency?16:36
jdstrandnealmcb: ufw works just fine without or without profiles installed or used16:36
jdstrandnealmcb: I will detail how to update packages to 'register' themselves with ufw16:37
jdstrandnealmcb: it isn't all that different from packages providing their own apparmor profiles16:37
nealmcbI'm wondering if there are other cases of one package associating itself with another package, after install, such that the user would get warned about the situation when uninstalling the 2nd package16:38
jdstrandnealmcb: can you provide a specific example?16:38
nealmcbNo - must a thought - apparmor sounds related16:38
nealmcbanything else on specs?16:39
jdstrandnealmcb: perhaps if I describe where help is needed, it will be more clear16:39
nealmcbjdstrand: I'm sure it will, since this is so new to me :)16:39
jdstrandI need community members to update packages to 'register' themselves with ufw. there are a few priority packages in ServerTeam/Roadmap, mostly ones in the server tasksel list16:40
nealmcbsommer: anything on documentation?16:40
jdstrandthis is great for developing packaging skills, and not too hard16:40
sommeralmost have the ldap section converted to the new cn=config backend16:40
nealmcbjdstrand: want to do a blog post?16:40
nijabajdstrand: you may want to send an email on #ubuntu-devel, don't you think?16:40
jdstrandsommer: most probably-- the man page is pretty clear, you can look at that and let me know what you think16:41
sommerjdstrand: sure... I've been meaning to get with you about ufw :)16:41
jdstrandthe basic idea is to have a package install a profile into /etc/ufw/applications.d16:41
jdstrandadjust control to 'Suggests: ufw16:41
jdstrandthen adjust maintainer scripts to run 'ufw app update --add-new <profile>' on install, and cleanup after itself on purge16:42
jdstrandI'm going to of course document all this, and plan to send an email to ubuntu-server16:42
jdstrandnealmcb: sure, and ubuntu-devel16:43
jdstrandnealmcb: the package dependencies are very loose-- ufw doesn't have any, and packages only Suggests ufw16:43
tarvidafter 20+ installations and 100+ updates, i feel qualified to return to the drupal on ubuntu issue16:44
nealmcbsommer: thanks for the ldap stuff - anything else there?16:45
nealmcbtarvid: cool - lets do that in Open Discussion - hold a bit16:45
sommernealmcb: that's pretty much it since the last meeting16:45
jdstrandthis package integration isn't too exciting with something as simple as apache, but with samba, it is pretty cool16:45
nealmcb[TOPIC] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule16:45
jdstrandufw allow Samba16:45
jdstrandthat will open up all kinds of stuff :)16:45
jdstrandanyhoo, that's about it16:45
* nealmcb hugs jdstrand16:46
nealmcbdrumroll.... August 28th           FeatureFreeze16:46
* jdstrand hugs nealmcb back :)16:46
nealmcbAnything else we need to review as we prepare for the big feature freeze?  Remember, it gets harder to put cool stuff in after that.....16:46
NeilWRails support16:47
nealmcbrails, drupal, and hey, how about django (near 1.0...)16:48
nealmcbtarvid: why don't you go ahead now - you started first16:48
nealmcb[TOPIC] Drupal16:48
tarvidthere have been 9 updates and major upgrade in the past year16:50
tarvidmost of them are security related and the update process from ubuntu is to slow to be responsive to the security needs16:50
tarvidplus the package in the repository installs in var/www16:51
tarvidI nver use the debian/ubuntu package anymore16:51
tarviddo we want to take a fresh approach?16:51
nijabatarvid: what would you suggest?16:51
tarvidinstallation from drupal.org is straight forward but using apt-get would be consistent with server users16:52
tarvidwe would have to package major modules as well16:52
tarvidis that a good project for Ubuntu?16:52
nijabatarvid: Drupal is sure quite widely used, even on ubuntu.com16:53
tarvidi do watch the security announcements daily16:53
tarvida user space install requires a dns entry (or hosts) an apache stanza, a user account16:54
nealmcbtarvid: what are the current versions in ubuntu and upstream?  How does upstream do updates - patches to versions we have?  or new versions?16:54
tarvidthere is one drupal module drush which can take over the update issue16:55
tarvidcurrent version is 5.10 and 6.416:56
tarvidthere are newer but still vulnerable versions in intrepid16:57
nealmcbwho is packaging it for ubuntu?16:57
tarvidMaintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>16:58
tarvidOriginal-Maintainer: Luigi Gangitano <luigi@debian.org>16:58
nealmcbahh - it is "drupal5" package16:58
tarviddrupal5 is not all bad, drupal6 is not mature and drupal7 is in test16:58
nijabatarvid: so, if I understand you correctly, we should provide security updates more often and provide packages for the main modules?  Would you be willing to work on this?16:59
tarvidi work on drupal daily on ubuntu servers16:59
tarvidwith a small amount of discipline and personal development I could take on packaging16:59
tarvidthere are some policy issues17:00
tarviddrupal provides patches for current versions but only for the previous release so we see version upgrades all the time17:00
tarvidmajor version upgrades are difficult as modules are decommited and replaced frequently17:01
nealmcbtarvid: have you talked with Luigi or other packagers?  They'd probably welcome patches :)17:01
tarvidI don't do patches, I do minor version upgrades17:01
nealmcbbut yeah - backporting patches is a pain17:01
tarvidand we would have to do both d5 and d6 and soon d717:01
jdstrandtarvid: I'm not clear on what you are proposing-- use 'drush', which automatically update the drupal install?17:02
tarviddrush will update the modules but not the core17:02
jdstrand(I am unfamiliar with drupal)17:03
tarvidthe drupal procedure for core is safe but odious17:03
jdstrand(well, it's packaging/update procedures)17:03
tarvidi have gotten away with overwriting and existing installation with new core on d6, on d5 you have to preserve the old config file17:03
tarvidthere is no way of automating d5 to d6 upgrades17:04
jdstrandtarvid: ok, so drush for modules, and minor version updates for core?17:04
tarvidthat has worked for me, I have screwed that up with major version upgrades17:04
tarvidand the apache boys do not like what you have to do with apache config "allow all"17:05
jdstrandtarvid: so you are suggesting a new packaged minor version upgrade for -security each time core has a security vulnerability?17:05
tarvidthat would work and might be the easiest route17:05
tarvidthe user will get punished for patching drupal core17:05
tarvidif the proprieties are observed, it is safe17:06
jdstrandtarvid: assuming the user does it on his/her own17:06
jdstrandtarvid: is it that much more of a pain to backport a patch than to prepare a new package version, and all the extra testing involved?17:06
tarvidmany drupal users are not sophisticated and avoiding disaster would be a kind thging to do17:06
jdstrandthe main problem I see is that drupal is community supported (ie universe), but not getting as much attention as is apparently required...17:07
tarvidmaybe, drush for example depends on the version numver to decide what to download when asked to install a module17:07
nealmcbwe want to get to rails also - can we take this to #ubuntu-server or the mailing list17:07
tarvidthere is also a netbeans beta for php and drupal which would be nifty to offer17:08
jdstrandtarvid: we have a procedure for micro version updates at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions17:08
macdnealmcb, Im here with regards to rails, not sure if NeilW is or not17:08
* NeilW waves17:09
nealmcbmacd: nice - NeilW is also17:09
macdOh, Hi there, I just wandered in17:09
nealmcbso moving on....17:09
tarvidnetbeans does rails also17:09
tarvidand i have a masochistic urger for java server alongside php17:10
nealmcb[ACTION] tarvid to summarize drupal issues and propose something to the mailing list17:10
tarvidwill do and let you move on.17:10
nealmcb[TOPIC] Rails Integration and Rubygems17:10
nealmcbsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/20080722 and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2008072917:10
nealmcbNeilW, macd ^?17:10
NeilWEssentially I need some guys with commit privileges to review the Passenger package.17:11
NeilWMathias has done a sterling job so far.17:11
macdNeilW, you updated it last week right?17:11
NeilWIt's bang up to date with the 2.0.3 release which is as far as Passenger goes before Feature Freeze.17:12
macdNeilW, for sure there17:12
macdWhat about RubyGems do we have any upstream communication, or are we just going to try and move away from upstream there?17:13
* macd recalls those are being the 2 major things outstanding17:13
NeilWUpstream are going to release 1.3.0 in the next few days. I have good communication with the Rubygems developers.17:14
* nealmcb guesses that this is not about the top google hit for passenger rails [amtrak], though he can highly recommend amtrak as a civilized way to travel :P17:14
NeilWI have a Rubygems package in place that allows Passenger to work properly.17:15
nealmcbaka "phusion passenger"17:16
macdNeilW, does the upstream 1.3.0 fix the path issues that have been an issue?17:16
NeilWNo, that is entirely down to policy.17:17
NeilWSo do we want Passenger in Intrepid?17:18
macdI think that is the overall goal17:19
NeilWAnybody else?17:19
macdthen the next release move towards a rails app server install task17:19
nealmcbso you were asking for review - so you think  mathias will be able to do that in time, or are you  looking for other help17:19
NeilWI need 2 AFAIK17:19
macdnealmcb, it needs at least 2 acks, mathiaz is only 1 ;)17:19
macdso a few other reviewers would be great17:20
nealmcbcan you all post something about it to the list or blog also?  sounds of interest to lots of folks17:20
NeilWWhich list?17:20
NeilWI did that a while ago and didn't get a lot of takers.17:21
NeilWThe Ubuntu Ruby guys are well hidden!17:22
NeilWHappy to have another go though.17:22
macdor just non-existant ;)17:22
NeilWI think there is a wider discussion about Ubuntu and Ruby17:22
nealmcbI don't remember hearing about passenger before, sounds interesting17:22
macdI think I sent something out on the MOTU list a few weeks ago too17:22
macdasking for package reviewers17:23
nealmcbanyway - thanks!17:23
nealmcb[TOPIC] Open Discussion?17:23
nealmcbI know we're over time, but if there is some burning issue...17:23
NeilWsoren: Is anything happening with Cobbler17:23
zulsoren: ^^^17:24
nealmcb[TOPIC] Next meeting - same time same place next week?17:26
* nealmcb is glad to see signs of life :)17:27
nealmcbOK folks - thanks!17:27
* nijaba agrees17:27
nijabathanks nealmcb17:27
sommerthanks nealmcb, later on all :)17:28
nealmcbnow the hard part - minutes!  Unless someone else wants to do that....17:28
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 20 Aug 22:00: Platform Team | 25 Aug 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 21 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 13:00: Desktop Team | 21 Aug 14:00: Ubuntu Java Team
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thetejuEvery one.. I am new biee to linux-ubuntu,, need some help,, how would i join chat #ubuntu   room ?19:53
nizarustheteju, /join #ubuntu19:54
thetejui dont see any room labled #ubuntu on my room list19:56
thetejuthere is one says #ubuntu-dresden19:57
thetejuand one says #ubuntu-meeting,, where i am in right now19:57
nizarustheteju, just type /join #ubuntu19:57
thetejuno success20:00
nizaruswhat error message you got ?20:01
thetejunothing,, its just doing nothing once i type /join #ubuntu20:02
nizaruswhich irc client you have ?20:03
thetejuand my account says,, theteju@irc.ubuntu.com (IRC)20:04
nizarusi used pidgin to test and i can join ubuntu room with the command :/20:07
thetejuany other room you suggest,, i have question regarding partitioning my harddrive for clean install in near future20:08
thetejui found it20:16
thetejuhad to scroll down manually20:16
thetejuthe command is not working for me ,, i dont know20:16
nizaruscan you try with a "classical" irc client20:20
nizarussuch as xchat20:20
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