
kostmoScottK: I've made the description changes to both the control file and manpage, if you are inclined to be an advocate... http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=340500:15
ScottKI may have time to look later.  I'm busy with $WORK at the moment.00:15
kostmook, thank you00:15
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bddebianHeya folks01:31
RAOFHowdie bddebian01:35
bddebianHeya RAOF01:35
bddebianAny of you know if there is a nice and easy way to really figure out DEPENDSON in Makefile.am without digging through all the dependencies by hand?01:37
RAOFbddebian: Not from Makefile.am, but configure.ac will ideally have a whole bunch of PKG_CHECK_MODULES01:40
RAOFbddebian: They'll use pkg-config to check for the presence of various stuff, and apt-file can inform you of the package providing the relevant .pc file.01:41
nxvlkirkland: i replied on revu (update-motd package)01:41
nxvlkirkland: other than that suggeston i'm quite happy with what i've already reviewed01:42
nxvlany revu admins around?01:42
bddebianRAOF: I don't mean external package dependencies.  I mean actual object files within the same package.01:42
RAOFOh.  That did sound like a fairly basic question ;).01:45
RAOFDo you mean minimal dependencies or make-dependencies?01:45
RAOFIt should be possible to extract the latter without too much trouble, but extracting the former will likely require source-greppage.01:46
RAOFautomake will link all the object files from foo_SOURCES together, right?01:47
bddebianRAOF: Gah, sorry, I didn't realize you were still talking to me02:19
bddebianMakefile.am just has this endless list of:  DEPENDSON = ../GameScenario.o ../army.o ../GameMap.o ../templelist.o ....02:20
jdongnew azureus crack, away we upload...02:20
jdongonce vmware fusion boots back up02:20
jdongstupid wrong button02:20
jdongproblem #4 with macs: Too few buttons = buttons are too big = chances of hitting the wrong one increase.02:21
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NCommanderpersia, its amazing how one can be so dead to the world that connecting to IRC is a burden03:11
nxvlNCommander: i was looking for you03:11
NCommanderwhat did I break now?03:11
nxvlNCommander: i've just been added to the MOTU team, but in REVU i still apear as a normal contributor03:11
nxvldefault answer :P03:12
NCommanderIts not an automatic upgrade03:12
NCommanderWe need to manually set you in REVU to be a reviewer03:12
NCommanderAltering nxvl to level reviewer03:13
nxvli thought it was automagiuc03:14
nxvlThank you!03:14
NCommanderThat's one of "it would be nice" things03:14
ScottKnxvl: It's only automagic after you ask NCommander.03:14
ScottKSpeaking of automagic ...03:14
ScottKNCommander: How's your relibtoolization skillz?03:15
NCommanderScottK, you summone RoAkSoAx?03:15
NCommanderDepends on how much pain you want to force on me03:15
NCommander(I helped fix libtool on OS X when it first came out, take a guess)03:15
ScottKSo your inured to the pain by now then I'll assume.03:16
RoAkSoAxwhat who when where?03:16
nxvlScottK: :D03:16
NCommanderRoAkSoAx, sorry, you walked into the punchline of a bad pun.03:16
RoAkSoAxNCommander, haha ok np =)03:16
nxvlRoAkSoAx: i know what ScottK is talking about, better run!03:16
NCommanderScottK, what do you need fixed03:16
RoAkSoAxnxvl, lol03:17
NCommandernxvl, your an MOTU, you should be teaching me these things ;-)03:17
nxvlNCommander: ok, then RUN!03:17
ScottKNCommander: Would you please have a look at Bug 254681.03:17
* NCommander runs towards the danger03:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254681 in courier "please merge courier 0.60.0-1 from debian sid" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25468103:17
nxvli knew this bug was about to show up03:17
* nxvl HUGS ScottK 03:17
ScottKThere's a debdiff at the end that is almost right +/- libtool something.03:18
NCommanderIf either one of you will sponsor the end result03:18
NCommanderI'll fix it03:18
nxvli'm really interested in the result of this package03:18
nxvli gived up last week03:18
NCommanderBTW, after today, I'm going to have somewhat limited Ubuntu machine access until September03:19
nxvli needed to step out before i will start hating libtool more that i do now03:19
NCommander(the laptop getting a Debian kFreeBSD installation)03:19
nxvlNCommander: kvm03:19
NCommanderI don't think kernel virtual machines support freebsd ;-)03:19
ScottKNCommander: I'm a Debian Maintainer and I don't run it at all.  I just do stuff in chroots.03:19
NCommanderYou can't run a LInux based distro on a freebsd host ;-)03:20
nxvli use chroot's + kvm's03:20
ScottKYou're right.  I can't, but I bet you can.03:20
NCommanderYou have amazing faith in me03:20
ajmitchNCommander: september is only a couple of weeks away03:20
NCommander(I probably could force it to run under Linux emulation)03:20
NCommanderI'll probably just bootstrap Ubuntu kfreebsd, and call it Freentu :-P03:20
* NCommander needs a hobby or something03:21
ajmitchshun the heretic03:21
nxvlNCommander: ScottK is amazing giving you emotional support and self-confidence03:21
* nxvl HUGS ScottK for that03:21
NCommanderAnyone got a quick link to the .dsc?03:21
ScottKNCommander: At one point I thought it might be something related to parallel building, so there's one thing that needs to come out of that debdiff before you play with it.03:21
nxvlgrab-merge is cool03:21
NCommanderWhat package is that form?03:22
nxvlNCommander: http://merges.ubuntu.com/03:22
nxvlNCommander: http://merges.ubuntu.com/grab-merge.sh03:22
NCommanderThat package grabber03:22
nxvlwe love MoM03:22
NCommanderI thought I had that script in my bin03:22
* NCommander looks at the hurd source code on his machine03:23
NCommanderOk, its downloading03:23
ajmitchyou are sick, aren't you?03:23
nxvli tryed to boot hurd once03:23
* ajmitch quietly hides his checkout of the hurd source03:23
* ajmitch ran it on a computer for awhile03:23
nxvli runned quick screaming lout03:24
* ajmitch was able to compile packages, and had a webserver on there03:24
ScottKNCommander: I added a thing in rules to export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS 'parallel=1' when I was testing a theory.  I forget to take that out before I attached the debdiff.03:25
nxvloh damn i thing i'm mixing english with german again03:25
* NCommander has CVS commit access to the hurd repo03:25
NCommanderI think I win03:25
nxvlNCommander: don't even look at my debdiff, they are horrible03:25
NCommandernxvl, I thought you were an MOTU ...03:25
nxvlNCommander: yes i am, and part of being motu is knowing your limitations and steping out of what you can't do03:26
nxvlScottK: doesn't it?03:26
NCommanderInteresting concept, I should introduce it to Debian03:26
ScottKnxvl: Absolutely.03:26
ScottKNCommander: I'm core-dev and I'm looking for help.03:27
nxvlwe are not packaging or code gods03:27
NCommanderI thought ScottK was03:27
nxvljust normal (well, not so normal) people contributing on what we can03:27
NCommanderNormal is relative03:27
nxvlNCommander: yep, that's the why of the "(well, not so normal)" part03:28
ScottKYeah.  I've met nxvl in person.03:28
NCommanderScottK, is that a good or bad thing?03:28
ajmitchScottK: lucky you03:28
nxvlajmitch: where are you based?03:29
nxvland btw, i would say he so lucky about that03:29
nxvl<- evil nerd03:29
ajmitchnxvl: ends of the earth03:29
ScottKIt was a good thing, but it'd be better if he'd been able to fix courier.03:29
nxvlajmitch: asia?03:29
ajmitchnxvl: New Zealand03:29
ScottKFurther south.03:29
nxvlyes, the end of the earth03:30
NCommanderScottK, how'd you manage to downgrade config.status/config.guess?03:30
nxvlactually i want to go to New Zeland some day03:30
nxvland Australia03:30
nxvlNCommander: we made A LOT of tries03:30
ScottKNCommander: I have no idea.03:30
NCommanderTHe patch doesn't apply cleanly to the base tarball03:31
ScottKI do note that we have the libtool from Experimental in Intrepid, so I choose to blame it.03:31
* ajmitch has been to australia a few times03:31
ScottKNCommander: It's a diff to the latest Debian revision.03:31
NCommanderANd now it does :-P03:31
NCommanderSo is this a FTBFS error, or something else03:31
ScottKFTBFS on maildrop.03:32
NCommanderAnd I should wipe out the parallel=1?03:32
ScottKAnd the comment line above it and the related debian/changelog entry.03:32
NCommanderand who's name going on the changelog?03:32
ScottKYours if you fix it.03:32
nxvlthank god, i can't remember what the error was!03:32
NCommanderThat's one long changelog03:32
ScottKWelcome to Courier.03:33
nxvland to bleeding edge development03:33
ScottKNote that the Debina maintainer's package is still standards version 3.6 something.03:33
nxvland using older libtool03:33
nxvlreally older one03:33
StevenKAnd? Standards-Version isn't so important03:33
NCommanderinstall build-deps03:33
StevenKPolicy hasn't changed markedly from 3.6.x to 3.803:34
ScottKStevenK: Agreed, but in this case it's an indication of how long it03:34
ScottKit's been since he seriously thought about the package.03:34
NCommanderI recently fixed a package that was still 2.x series in its stanards versoins03:34
NCommanderI recently ran the entire Debian archive's GPG signatures03:34
NCommanderand found a few invalid ones03:34
NCommander(and then promptly spammed the FTP admin with removal requests)03:34
nxvlwhy DD's enjoy rebuilding the archive03:35
NCommanderNo, not a rebuild03:35
NCommanderI was actually checking every dsc to see if it was a valid signature03:35
* nxvl quivers03:35
NCommanderagainst the keyring03:35
NCommanderPart of importing the archive using dak03:35
NCommanderProbably the fastest turn around time on a removal request ever03:35
NCommander(Geoneff went WTF when he was pointed to the packages with invalid signatures)03:36
StevenKNCommander: I have a bug that was filed as an MIR, and turned into a removal request03:36
NCommanderer, Ganneff03:36
NCommanderI've never seena  removal fly durign a freeze ;-)03:36
NCommanderThe running theory is that there used to be a bug in the very old dinstall (before dak) scripts which corrupted the signature03:37
NCommanderor something03:37
NCommanderI've never seen GPG error out with unknown public key algrothmin03:37
NCommander(and I installed IDEA to make sure it wasn't that)03:37
StevenKI have. I've tried to convince pitti to remove something, NEW it, and then get it removed again.03:37
NCommanderhow'd that fly?03:37
StevenKIt didn't, but it made him laugh, which was the idea.03:38
* NCommander has that horror feeling you'd do that to some archive admin to make them question their grip on reality03:38
ScottKShoot.  I can quit now.  According to me email, I'm a lucky winner.03:38
NCommanderScottK, can you patebin the actual FTBFS? (I'm waiting for this to build)03:38
nxvlScottK: on what?03:38
NCommanderoh geeze, this configure script recursively calls itself ...03:39
ScottKI don't have it still.03:39
* NCommander has never seen a changelog with three different people editing the SAME entry)03:39
ScottKNCommander: Welcome to team maintenance.03:39
ScottKIt's the Ubuntu way.03:40
nxvli have seen a lot of them03:40
nxvli thing the record was 4 people03:40
NCommanderI'm suprised their isn't a lintian warning03:40
nxvlVCS ftw!03:40
NCommanderW: debian-developers-being-social03:40
ScottKAll done with no fancy VCS either.03:40
ScottKnxvl: Which one.03:40
nxvlScottK: that's the scary part03:40
NCommanderThere is bazaar03:41
nxvlScottK: don't remember, but i have the image in my head of 4 people in a changelog entry03:41
ScottKnxvl: Find me a VCS that can handle 20.000 source packages and we'll talk.03:41
nxvlgit \o/03:41
ScottKNCommander: Yes, if you want to wait for the heat death of the Universe while you branch it.03:41
NCommanderOh, you mean the entire repo?03:41
nxvl(the hardware is a different thing03:41
NCommanderBitKeeper :-P03:41
NCommanderUnless you meant a free based one03:41
ScottKWe already use LP, so that's clearly not a criteria.03:42
NCommanderI dunno, git doesn't massive repos well (as in size, any given checkout of Linux is just 50-60MB, but I can't see it scalling all the way up to 200-300GB)03:42
nxvlScottK: canonical will open LP this year (well, at least that's what has been told)03:42
ScottKFundamentally in Universe, until you can stuff the whole thing in one VCS and get agreement on it, the source package is the one and only canonical source for a package and VCS just isn't interesting.03:43
NCommanderThey've been saying that for years03:43
ScottKnxvl: Yep.  It'll happen when it happens.03:43
ScottKNCommander: But they never put a timeline on it before.03:43
* NCommander is reminded SourceForge.net was on a timeline to be opened sourced03:43
NCommanderconfigure. is. still. running.03:44
ScottKFreeing the source is important, but I don't think it'll do much to change the aspects of the project that I find most problematic.03:44
NCommanderScottK, try and find (or write) a greasemonkey script to make LP usable ;-)03:44
ScottKI have great hopes for \sh and Leonov.03:44
NCommander\sh works for Canonical?03:45
NCommanderwhat is he working on then?03:45
nxvlholly crap, one more windows specific software for the university03:45
ScottKHe's writing a python-qt4 Launchpad client using python-launchpad03:45
nxvlthey only make me hate microsft more that i do now03:45
NCommandernxvl, see if it works in WINE03:45
NCommanderScottK, wow .... that's awesome03:46
RoAkSoAxnxvl, i've been through that too :P03:46
NCommanderIt reminds me of GNATS ...03:46
nxvlNCommander: i hate wine too03:46
NCommandernxvl, red or white?03:46
nxvlclass i over03:47
nxvlread you later!03:47
* ScottK hands NCommander https://launchpad.net/leonov03:47
NCommanderI think bash.org went up to that 404 in the sky ...03:47
NCommandercourier starts compiling03:48
NCommanderWhat a beast03:48
NCommanderConfigure should die03:49
ScottKIt seemed to me you'd find it familiar and welcoming.03:49
NCommanderconfigure isn't so bad if you write the scripts right03:50
NCommanderi.e. most GNU projects and Hurd03:50
NCommanderThen you get some beautiful abuses03:50
NCommanderGCC for instance03:50
ScottKRight, but you seem to revel in painful code.03:50
NCommanderITs the only script I've ever seen that can actually compile binutils, glibc, newlib, hurd, and gnumach all in a single pass03:50
NCommanderBTW, perforce could handle the entire ubuntu packages repo03:51
NCommanderits probably one of the only VCSs that could scale to the size required03:51
ScottKAt $900 per seat.03:52
NCommanderOpen source development on perforce is free03:52
NCommanderThat's why both OpenWatcom and FreeBSD use it03:52
ScottKThe only time I've run into was at a customer's that was not doing open source development.03:52
NCommanderOh for the love of03:53
NCommanderWTF is wrong with this libtool script03:53
NCommandergit's inability to handle directory history tracking bugs me03:53
NCommander(and the way it handles renames)03:53
NCommanderit looks like this libtool is broken compiling CXX objects03:56
NCommanderScottK, well, I kinda figured out your issue03:57
NCommanderdid you touch this libtool script?03:57
ScottKNo.  The straight Debian package fails the same way on Intrepid.03:58
NCommanderfor some reason03:59
NCommanderHalf the script is corrupted03:59
NCommanderI copied a known working libtool03:59
NCommanderand it works03:59
NCommanderHow big of a hack do you want this to be?03:59
ScottKI'll settle for working and no one will yell at me if I upload it.  Maintainable would be nice.  Bonus points for a nice patch we can send to Debian.04:00
NCommanderDoes the Debian one build?04:00
NCommander(I'd be extremely suprised)04:00
ScottKNot on Intrepid.  They both build on Sid.  Neither build on Experimental.04:01
ScottKNote that Intrepid and Experimental have the same libtool.04:01
NCommanderconfigure generating a bum libtool04:01
NCommanderNone of the configuration variables are being set properly04:01
ScottKOK.  So how do we fix it.04:03
NCommanderCopy the working libtool from the base of the source directory into maildrop04:03
NCommanderWhich gets maildrop building04:03
NCommanderBut its ugly as hell04:03
ScottKOK.  What's the non-ugly answer?04:04
NCommanderI think its cached the old libtool04:04
NCommanderAll the autocrap cache files are sitting here04:04
ScottKOK.  So maybe I just open a pristine tarball, drop the debian dir in there and see if it builds.04:05
NCommanderI think these cache files are from upstream04:05
NCommanderI'm seeing if I can rebuild autotools04:05
NCommander(in maildrop)04:05
NCommanderWant to see if clean source just builds?04:06
ScottKWiorking on it.04:07
* NCommander looks at autofun's manual04:07
NCommanderThere's probably an M4 macro missing04:07
ScottKBuild started, so we'll know in a few hours ...04:10
Hobbseebuild will fail.04:10
NCommanderWhy does courier take so long to build?04:12
ScottKIt doesn't really take hours.  It just feels like it.04:13
NCommanderI'm checking now on a clean build04:14
NCommanderHobbsee, ?04:14
Hobbseemy battery has died, in my music player.04:14
Hobbseeand i didn't bring the USB cable to charge it, or anything.04:15
NCommanderOn a clean courier04:15
NCommanderMaildrop builds out of the box04:15
NCommanderso we can blame debian on this one04:15
ScottKMark yourself off in debian/changelog for having cleaned it up and attach a debdiff to the bug.04:16
NCommanderHe inlines all the patches04:16
ScottKSo we have to sort the real changes from the libtool cruft.04:17
NCommanderhow do some of these people become DDs04:20
NCommanderHow do they pass T&S04:20
ScottKSome of them did before there was T&S.04:20
ScottKSome of them are no doubt the reason there is T&S.04:20
NCommanderI think all these config.sub files in the diff file are doing it04:22
NCommanderare the .po files susposed to be in the diff o_o;04:23
ScottKSome of those are likely bogus and some aren't.04:24
NCommanderThe timestamp is from a few versions ago04:24
NCommanderI just removed them all04:24
NCommanderIf it builds04:24
NCommanderIt's building04:25
NCommanderScottK, I'm trying to figure out if I should hurt the Debian upstream or the courier upstream04:26
NCommanderThe former for doing fun stuff like .sub/.guess when out of the box works fine, and the later for using autofun04:26
ScottKSo I removed that from the diff and I'm going through to make sure no other crap snuck in.04:29
ScottKI'm currently at line 10,729 of the .diff.  Not kidding.04:30
NCommanderMine is down to 6000-ish04:30
NCommanderI removed everything expect the "seems to still be needed", and everything in debian04:31
ScottKI'm trying to preserve the .po file changes so it's a little less simple.04:32
NCommanderI left those in04:32
NCommanderAnd mine was still down to 600004:32
NCommanderHe included config.status/config.guess at least a dozen times04:32
NCommanderer wait04:33
NCommanderMine is 1316604:33
NCommander(had a stray / 2o ro something ;-)04:33
RAOFbddebian: Still interested in discussing that dependency thing?  That sounds like upstream doesn't actually know how to use automake :)04:37
bddebianRAOF: I'm trying to help upstream.  He inherited the build system from someone else04:38
RAOFAh, right.  So what's actually happening is that the build is currently producing a pseudo-library in one directory and trying to use it in this one?04:39
bddebianApparently :)04:40
Fab987hi everybody04:40
NCommanderScottK, its past the point where it was FTBFSing I think04:40
RAOFProbably what wants to happen is adding some foo_LIBADD=../thelibdirectory/foo.a, I think.04:40
Fab987do you know where i should ask for a software in Universe ?04:42
bddebianRAOF: That's one possibility but he doesn't want a static library that gets installed if possible I think.  Something like a libtool convenience library or such?04:43
NCommanderScottK, I spoke too soon04:46
ScottKOK.  What now?04:47
RAOFbddebian: Yeah.  The goat book (I think) has a section dedicated to "internal convenience libraries".04:48
RAOFbddebian: http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/autobook/autobook_92.html#SEC9204:50
ScottKNCommander: I just finished mine and started it to build.04:50
NCommanderScottK, well, if you want a super-sized hack to make it build, through "cp $srcidr/libtool $srcdir/maildrop/libtool" after configure04:51
NCommanderand it will work :-/04:51
bddebianRAOF: Thanks man04:51
ScottKMaybe if this one doesn't work I'll try that.  .diff.gz looks way cleaner in any case.04:53
NCommanderScottK, I might have run down the configure.in issue with libtool04:59
NCommander(I had to rearrange some of the rules)05:00
ScottKNope.  Mine didn't work either.05:03
NCommanderIts frustaitng05:04
nxvlNCommander: you fixed courier?05:04
NCommanderI have a work around which works05:04
NCommanderButs not a real fix05:04
ScottKNCommander: Are you up for fiddling around with it some more?05:05
ScottKClearly you're making progress.05:06
NCommanderI told you my "fix"05:06
NCommanderIT was to copy a libtool from a source folder which works ;-)05:06
ScottKRight.  I want the better one.05:07
NCommanderI'm going to start zapping patches one by one05:07
NCommanderEspecially the more braindead looking ones05:07
ScottKIf you can't figure it, we'll do the whack job, but we've got time until freeze to figure it out.05:07
NCommanderI think I found the patch that broke it05:08
NCommanderIt removes a sanity check05:08
NCommanderWhich is obviously now required for sanity05:08
NCommanderWhoever packaged this should be shot05:09
StevenKNCommander: Out of a cannon?05:09
* nxvl waves on NCommander 05:09
NCommanderThis package is almost enough to make me want to break from the Debian package and do Ubuntu specific ones05:09
NCommanderScottK, and no complaining about ubuntu specific packages if the debian packaging so braindead that it makes my eyes bleed05:09
* NCommander is preemptive05:09
ScottKUp to now it's actually worked.05:10
NCommanderThe same could be said about hurd05:10
NCommanderDoesn't mean you want to use it05:10
StevenKIt's Courier, like it's worked well05:10
* NCommander has always used UW IMAPd05:11
nxvli use courier05:11
nxvli think05:11
NCommanderSASL makes my brain hurt05:11
StevenKI used Cyrus for a while, and now I run Dovecot.05:11
nxvlsnedmail makes my brain freeze05:11
nxvlok yeah05:11
nxvldovecot is what i used05:11
nxvlnot courier05:11
nxvl(i hate mondays)05:12
StevenKnxvl: Me too.05:12
* StevenK <3's Postfix+Dovecot05:12
StevenKSMTP AUTH with 3 whole lines in main.cf, it's *wonderful*05:12
NCommanderI used to compile sendmail from source05:13
ScottKNCommander: Have you ever looked at the Debian package for Sendmail?05:13
NCommanderThere are things that even hurt for me05:13
ScottKNot only that.05:13
ScottKTarball in Tarball plus CDBS.  Then it gets weird.05:14
NCommandercompiling sendmail isn't actually that hard05:14
NCommander(vs configuring it)05:14
NCommanderI use exim on my laptop since I find its easier to setup smarthosts with it vs postfix05:15
NCommanderANd I use postfix when I need a real MTA05:15
ScottKThe pacakge works, but contains no-nonmaintainer servicable parts.05:15
* StevenK hugs his colo'd mailserver05:16
ScottKNCommander: I only touched it because I was trying to get packages the build milters promoted to Main.05:16
StevenKScottK: Ew.05:16
* StevenK high fives NCommander 05:16
NCommanderJust getting sendmail to build with milters is like ...05:16
* NCommander high fives StevenK 05:17
NCommanderis like trying to use Vista as a desktop OS05:17
NCommanderSure, it works, but you've got to bend over and feel the pain05:17
NCommanderScottK, I fixed the maildrop FTBFS05:17
ScottKPostfix OTOH works nicely with milters.05:17
NCommanderNow if the rest of the package compiles05:17
NCommanderIf only I was an MOTU05:18
* NCommander ducks05:18
StevenKScottK: Do you have a cheat sheet about how milters fit into Postfix?05:18
ScottKNCommander: I got amavid-new promoted and am working on Clamav in Main.  Both those build milters, so even if I don't care if they work, I need libmilter/libmiter-dev in Main to build the packages.05:18
NCommanderDebian clamav just posted a RFH05:19
NCommanderAnd is considering orphaning the package ....05:19
ScottKStevenK: The README in the Postfix docs is pretty good.05:19
ScottKNCommander: It's his second one.05:19
ScottKStevenK: Any milter in particular?05:19
ScottKStevenK: I'm running the DKIM one currently and it works fine.05:19
NCommanderThe only milter I ever bothered to fight to get going with sendmail vs. using procmail was spamassassin05:20
StevenKScottK: I'm using Postfix and Mailscanner. At this point, something that has similar functionality and doesn't make people cry05:20
NCommanderclamav's source hurts05:20
ScottKStevenK: The upstream recommended approach is to use Amavisd-new as a content filter.05:21
* NCommander listens to courier build05:21
ScottKWe have that in Main and then you can hang clamav and spamassassin or whatever off of it.05:21
NCommanderDoes the CD include all of main?05:21
NCommander(random, but curious)05:21
ScottKAmavisd-new has excellent documentation on integrating with Postfix.05:21
NCommanderIf it didn't05:21
ScottKIf by CD, you mean all of them.05:22
NCommanderNo, just the first one ;-)05:22
NCommanderI'd nominate for killing -devel off the first LiveCD/Alt CD05:22
ScottKi.e. Server CD has all the server parts.  Ubuntu Desktop has the Gnome crap, and Kubuntu has the good KDE stuff.05:22
StevenKScottK: My problem with that is it requires 2 more ports05:22
StevenKScottK: 25 -> 10025 -> 1002605:22
ScottKYes.  That's a problem for you?05:22
NCommanderwhat milter O_o?05:22
ScottKamavisd-new does have a milter too.05:22
ScottKI haven't used it.05:22
ScottKNCommander: The CD doesn't have all the -dev packages, I don't think.05:23
NCommanderScottK, it's got libc-dev, gcc, and such05:24
NCommanderWhile I can see the use for gcc on the alternate CD05:24
ScottKRight.  I think it has build-essential.05:24
NCommander(for those fun wonderful times you need to actually compile kernel modules from the ramdisk)05:24
NCommanderUgh, that was fun05:24
ScottKNCommander: How's it going?05:24
NCommanderThat laptop could boot from CD< and then loose it later on05:24
NCommanderFreaking firewire based CD ROM drive05:25
NCommanderand the d-i of the day didn't include the firewire ATAPI drivers in the default kernel ;-)05:25
NCommanderSo I built the modules right there in the ram disk05:25
NCommanderScottK, compiling still05:26
NCommanderWhich is bettre then where we got before05:26
NCommanderFTBFS in webmail05:30
NCommander(how the hell does it fail to build webmail O_O;;;;)05:30
NCommanderIt seems everytime it rebuilds automake scripts05:31
NCommanderIt goes boom05:31
ScottKSounds like you're making good progress though.05:31
NCommanderoh for the love of05:32
NCommanderThese patches have been merged upstream for some considerable time05:32
ScottKIIRC webmail is the last module to build.05:32
NCommanderIt BURNS05:32
NCommanderIt should be fixed now05:33
ScottKSee.  I knew you'd enjoy this one.05:33
* NCommander hits ScottK with some heavy lead coding pipes05:33
ScottKNCommander: I need to go.  I have to get up in less than 6 1/2 hours and I haven't even had any alcohol yet.05:34
* NCommander hands you aclocal05:34
NCommanderClose enough :-P05:34
ScottKNCommander: No.05:35
ScottKNCommander: Would you please slap an appropriatley snarky debian/changelog entry on what you end up with and then attach a debdiff to the bug?  I'll sponsor it tomorrow.05:35
NCommanderUnless I find some vic^W helpful MOTU to upload ;-)05:35
ScottKNCommander: Thanks.  This has been a big help.05:35
NCommanderwho wants to upload a package :-P05:36
ScottKMake nxvl do it if he comes back.05:36
ScottKGood night.05:36
NCommanderwarp10, are you an MOTU? (I forget)05:39
warp10NCommander: Yeah, I am05:40
NCommanderwarp10, can you sponsor an upload for me?05:40
NCommander(as soon as I confirm it builds and stuff)05:40
warp10NCommander: sure... which one?05:40
NCommandercourier IMAP05:40
StevenKwarp10: Run!05:40
NCommanderFinally resolved the FTBFS fun on that one05:40
warp10StevenK: :D05:40
* NCommander kicks StevenK and jumps warp1005:41
StevenKOoops, caps05:41
NCommanderYou do it, and your REVU account stays safe, if not, then, well05:41
NCommanderMaybe your reviewer status will disappear :-P05:41
StevenKNCommander: Like I want to use REVU05:41
NCommanderI was talking to warp10 :-P05:41
StevenKThen I have to upload stuff05:41
NCommanderStevenK saw a fatal plan in my logicx05:41
warp10NCommander: REVU still sees me as a contributor, so your blackmail is... useless! :P05:41
NCommanderI'll make you a reviewer05:42
NCommander(you do know you need to request reviewer status, right?)05:42
StevenKI bleated at persia, and he fixed it05:42
warp10NCommander: well, I asked already ( don't remember who answered to me here on motu). The problem was that I was registered there with an old GPG key, but that was before deploying the new openid based login05:43
NCommandernow that we have launchpadlib05:44
NCommanderI should make the auth levels smart05:44
NCommanderI don't want to make REVU completely Lp dependent05:44
warp10NCommander: why not?05:45
NCommanderI don't like having my name in software that ends up in Multiverse05:46
NCommanderIt gives me a non-clean feeling ;-)05:46
NCommanderand courier keeps compiling05:48
RAOFWe should totally write some C++ that computes pi to a billion decimal places as a part of the compile process.05:55
ajmitchRAOF: using templates, of course05:56
StevenKAnd then Java to make sure the C++ version is right05:56
NCommanderI'm debating if switching to freebsd is worth it (I'll have Ubuntu running under Linux userspace emulation)05:56
NCommanderThe only hardware that won't work is my wifi card unless I use ndiswrapper -_-;05:57
RAOFajmitch: Well, how else would you do it at compile time? :)05:57
lifelessNCommander: 'worth it'? What would it do for you ?05:57
NCommanderI loath linux's "design"05:58
NCommanderI used FreeBSD as my desktop for many years before I got sick of compiling stuff from ports05:58
lifelessyou could use nexenta05:58
NCommandersolaris doesn't work well on laptops05:58
dholbachgood morning06:03
ajmitchmust be nearly time to head home :)06:05
ajmitchhi dholbach06:05
dholbachhiya ajmitch :-)06:05
StevenKNCommander: The kernel design?06:05
NCommanderOr lack of one06:05
NCommanderI always felt Linux was a glorified hack06:05
NCommanderFor instance06:05
StevenKThat's the beauty of it06:05
NCommanderIs it possible for Linux to have a STABLE driver API for more than a single release?06:06
NCommanderalso, zfs and jails06:07
NCommander'nuf said06:07
StevenKNCommander: So you prefer your ethernet devices having different names based on which driver is used?06:07
NCommanderI have that issue on Linux plenty06:07
lifelessStevenK: linux does that too :P06:07
NCommanderusually its eth006:07
NCommanderOn this machine06:07
lifelessor wlan006:07
lifelessor ath006:07
NCommanderBut it comes up eth1, or 2 randomly then06:07
NCommanderOn my laptop06:07
NCommanderHardwired ethernet is gpi0 or something like that, and wireless is eth006:08
StevenKRight, bad example :-/06:08
NCommanderTry your luck for 200?06:08
NCommanderI personally would like a kernel that doesn't look like drunk monkeys coded it in places06:09
NCommandernetbsd's kernel is absolutely beautiful :-)06:09
NCommanderIt's userland is a POS however06:09
* RAOF would like a kernel that supports his hardware well.06:10
NCommanderRAOF, well, try the FreeBSD liveCD06:10
NCommander(you'd be suprised)06:10
NCommanderIf it works well06:10
NCommanderJoin me in creating an ubuntu-like distro for it ;-)06:10
RAOFUrgh. :)06:11
\shNCommander: I don't work for canonical and never will be...(hopefully :))06:11
NCommanderDon't want to code on LP ?06:11
RAOFNCommander: Fix the *bsd kernel so that nouveau can work, and I'll give it a whirl.06:11
* NCommander cracks figures06:11
\shNCommander: I don't want to earn money with opensource in the first place...I did this, and it is no fun...so working in my spare time and having a company which gives me time of my normal day time job to work on OSS is just enough06:12
NCommanderCorrect me if I'mw rong06:12
NCommanderBut I didn't think nouveau had a kernel module ...06:12
RAOFNCommander: It certainly does; it's got a drm module.06:13
NCommanderWhy would I want to put DRM in freebsd ;-)06:13
NCommanderIt looks like someone already beat me to the punch and ported it to freebsd06:13
NCommander"This resolves and issue on amd64 FreeBSD"06:14
RAOFWhich particular one?  I know drm is ported to bsd, but is enough of it ported such that nouveau works? :)06:14
NCommanderAs for freebsd06:14
ajmitchRAOF: how is nouveau progressing lately? I haven't heard any updates for awhile06:15
NCommanderAll three more or less use the same driver API06:15
NCommander(its usually trival to get one driver to from one to the other unless its netbsd's busmanager which the other two don't have)06:15
RAOFajmitch: nv5x recently grew some EXA/Xv/gallium/kernel modesetting.  Various 2d fixes.06:16
NCommanderits pretty cool06:16
NCommanderRAOF, so if I port nouvea to FreeBSD, can I convert you ;-)?06:16
ajmitchRAOF: any real progress on 3D with gallium?06:17
RAOFajmitch: Not so much that they're interested in testing.06:17
RAOFOh, yeah, and there's an XvMC gallium implementation, too.06:17
ajmitchso it's still in the trying out carious ideas to see what breaks the least06:18
RAOFajmitch: My understanding of the current state is that the nouveau parts are reasonably complete, actually, but the mesa-gallium isn't06:18
ajmitchis the memory management debate being settled?06:18
ajmitchI recall there being both TTM & GEM, or something along those lines06:18
RAOFIt seems GEM with an optional TTM backend is the outcome.06:18
* NCommander pops in a blank CD-R06:19
ajmitchas long as people can actually decide & start using it :)06:19
NCommanderOut of curosity why hasn't it seen the inside of universe?06:19
RAOFNCommander: it requires a git snapshot of libdrm.  I don't particularly feel like supporting the base of the 3d stack myself :)06:20
NCommanderoh, ow06:20
NCommanderBut you do package libdrm06:20
RAOFIn my PPA.  Which I can do, because I don't have to care if I break anything.06:20
\shdid I read it correct..now we have partner packages announced on -changes (hardy-changes , db2 stuff)?06:20
NCommandernouveau works fine with freebsd06:20
NCommanderIt's in ports I think06:20
ajmitch\sh: looks like it06:21
RAOFCool.  Last I heard it was broken, presumably someone fixed it.06:21
NCommanderI have a NVDIA card06:21
NCommanderIf I install FreeBSD on my spare parition06:21
\shajmitch: did someone checked if it's really a source package or just a repackaged binary tar in a deb? ,-)06:21
RAOFNCommander: And there's some sane package management for *bsd? :)06:21
NCommandermaybe I can be convienced to fix it06:21
NCommanderThat's why I'll be running kfreebsd06:21
NCommanderFreebSD kernel06:21
NCommanderGNU userland06:21
NCommanderAPT awesomeness06:21
RAOFRight.  Debian-on-freebsd kernel.06:22
NCommanderI'm doing their lenny release ;-)06:22
NCommanderRAOF, well, you could always just use the nvidia binary blob ...06:22
NCommander(for freebsd)06:22
RAOFOr the nv driver, which doesn't need a kernel module.06:22
NCommanderIF you've never used ports06:23
NCommanderIts a pretty cool system06:23
StevenKExcept you need to build every damn thing06:23
StevenKYay Gentoo06:23
\shwell, the idea behind portage (hence the name) was the bsd ports system....no secret06:24
StevenKWell, yeah06:24
StevenKI know06:24
NCommanderports does support binary packages ;-)06:24
\shportage too..06:24
NCommanderports doesn't change every time you blink06:24
\shbut why should someone wants to use pre-compiled packages when there is the source and da evil CXX Flags ,-.>06:25
LucidFoxdholbach> bug #257623 can't be synced due to different orig.tar.gz06:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257623 in smplayer-themes "Please sync smplayer-themes 0.1.15.dfsg-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25762306:25
NCommander\sh, run kfreebsd ;-)06:25
dholbachLucidFox: can you take care of the fake-sync?06:25
dholbachLucidFox: can you take care of the fake-sync?06:26
\shNCommander: the last time I ran bsd in a production environment in 1995 or 96 .. I was running BSDi...and the last time I tried freebsd was with release 5 and nothing was working as it was on linux...06:26
NCommanderI haven't used it in awhile myself06:27
NCommanderSo I set aside 10G to dump a base install on06:27
* \sh used SCO as well...in former times there was no choice when you wanted to run a S2M (E3) card in a i386 box ,->06:28
nxvlhi gang!06:28
NCommanderI learned how to use UNIX based systems on an open irix box06:28
NCommandernxvl, I fixed it06:29
StevenK\sh: Eww06:29
StevenKNCommander: Ugh, Irix!?06:29
NCommanderI compiled Elm in my home folder06:29
nxvlNCommander: really?06:29
StevenKBut, Irix!?06:29
* nxvl checks06:29
\shs/E3/E1/ that's more like it..06:29
NCommandernxvl, not uploaded yet06:30
NCommanderI'm going to kick it onto my PPA06:30
NCommanderCould you sponsor for me?06:30
LucidFoxdholbach: bug #257623 can't be synced06:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257623 in smplayer-themes "Please sync smplayer-themes 0.1.15.dfsg-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25762306:30
LucidFoxdue to different orig.tar.gz06:30
dholbachLucidFox: can you take care of the fake-sync?06:30
nxvlNCommander: yep06:30
nxvlit it works06:30
nxvldholbach: good morning06:30
dholbachhi nxvl :)06:30
LucidFoxthere's no need to fakesync - the Debian and Ubuntu versions are essentially identical06:30
dholbachnice interview :)06:30
dholbachLucidFox: OK, let's close the bug then06:30
nxvlthank you!06:31
NCommanderI'll have to use an external wireless card with freebsd06:31
dholbachLucidFox: and sync with the next upstream version06:31
NCommanderBut thats ok, cause then I can have a fully free system (aside from the BIOS)06:31
\shStevenK: Digital Unix and VMS but no irix... ,-)06:31
NCommandernxvl, ugh, ew06:31
NCommanderYOu do not want to know how many lintian warnings this makes06:31
LucidFoxI actually have a new upstream version waiting on mentors.debian.net06:31
dholbachLucidFox: excellent06:32
nxvlNCommander: check how important they are, if not so much i will fix them06:32
nxvlNCommander: you did the hard part06:32
NCommander22 errors06:32
NCommanderdup-config files06:33
nxvlmmm it looks like i will have the intrepid release party in brazil06:33
NCommanderTHey're all upstream06:33
NCommanderI don't mind helping06:33
nxvlrpath! i know that06:33
NCommanderBut this is too much for me06:33
NCommander/bin/sh: -/usr/bin/make: not found06:34
NCommanderclean target is broken06:34
nxvli know that error too06:34
nxvlNCommander: upload it i'll fix it06:34
NCommanderDon't have a clean source package to upload06:34
nxvljust give a something i can work on06:34
NCommanderOnly works if you can build a source package ;-)06:34
NCommanderI just hacked the clean rule to work06:35
NCommanderYou'll have to fix the lintian fun06:35
NCommanderI don't care to deal with this headache any more06:35
NCommander(no offense)06:35
nxvlNCommander: heh i said the same last week06:35
NCommanderwell, it builds now06:35
NCommanderIf you can fix it up06:35
NCommanderIf not, just upload it06:35
nxvlNCommander: if you fixed the libtool thing i can go further from that point without problems06:36
NCommanderAll the lintian errors are from the original source package06:36
nxvli know that06:36
nxvli fixed some of them already06:36
NCommanderYou should talk to the upstream debian guy06:36
NCommanderPoint him to lintian06:36
nxvli will send him a BIG patch06:36
NCommanderHow about deinlining the fixes06:37
nxvl(if you can detail the solution that would be awesome too)06:37
NCommanderThat's why this package was so broken06:37
NCommanderNo patch system06:37
NCommanderand patches that went upstream years ago06:37
NCommander(I cut a lot of fat out of the diff)06:37
nxvli looks like you didn't have fun with this one06:37
NCommanderuse dpatch if you ever want me to touch it again06:37
NCommanderMy "fix" for the libtool issues was confirming I could remove almost every patch from this package06:38
NCommander(had to run through changelogs to figure out what the hell what did what)06:38
NCommanderhow long have you two been working to try and fix this POS?06:38
nxvl2 weeks?06:38
NCommanderYou should have pointed me to it sooner06:39
NCommanderI solved it in what06:39
NCommanderA few hours?06:39
NCommanderOut of boredem06:39
nxvllike 306:39
NCommanderTHat's just cause this figure takes *@@#! long to configure06:39
* nxvl HUGS NCommander 06:39
NCommanderSay yes if/when I become an MOTU candiate06:39
NCommanderIt's uploaded to my PPA06:39
NCommanderGot to wait for dinstall06:39
nxvllp id?06:40
NCommander(I just want to make sure it will build on normal i386/lpia)06:40
NCommanderI use amd64 and powerpc as my ubuntu boxes ;-)06:40
NCommandernxvl, handy debugging hint for when things like this happen06:41
NCommanderGrab the original source package, and then see if that builds06:41
NCommanderIf it does06:41
NCommanderStart popping patches off to figure out what breaks the build06:41
NCommanderUseful tip from an old foggie porter06:42
NCommandercourier is in my PPA06:42
NCommanderIts building06:42
nxvlyep, i'm on your ppa06:42
NCommanderScottK will be happy06:43
nxvlNCommander: it has the rpath issue, don't it?06:44
NCommanderThe first thing you need to install is a patch system06:45
NCommanderDOn't inline patches!06:45
nxvldholbach: about Bug 24919506:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249195 in supertux "Please apply supertux-0.3.1-gcc43.patch from Fedora" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24919506:50
nxvldholbach: since i coincide on "Stick to upstream does" i don't think it fits here06:50
nxvldholbach: that would be the case in wich upstream makes inline changes, and then i will also suggest not to use a patch system, but if they have no changes, not inline nor using a patch system i will find better to use one06:51
dholbachnxvl: as I said: upload it, it's fine with me06:51
NCommanderhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-6had - awesome group to killing CDBS!06:51
nxvldholbach: yeah, more than with that specific patch i just wanted to discuss the concept of what we have been discusing on the report06:52
dholbachnxvl: to me it's additional work to add a patch system for little gain - if you forward the change a debdiff is pretty self-explanatory06:52
dholbach... as a debdiff06:52
nxvlbut DD don't usually accept debdiff, in my experience they prefer separate patches06:53
NCommanderAnd inling causes issues cause its easy to forget patches exist06:53
NCommanderLike the issues we're having with courier06:53
dholbachif you use submittodebian, you can just remove the debian/changelog portion and it will be the "separate patch"06:53
dholbachNCommander: in this case there is no other patch06:53
nxvldholbach: yes, but now it is one minor patch, then someone will add another bitsize one06:54
nxvland so on until you have a big delta06:54
nxvlall on inline changes06:55
NCommanderIf you want to see what the end result is, we've been trying to resolve FTBFS on courier for two weeks06:55
NCommander(two MOTUs, and an MOTU wannabe)06:55
nxvli prefer, on my packages at least, to have a patch system even if i don't use it06:55
nxvljust prepare my package to use it in case i need it in the future06:55
* NCommander is a dpatch lover06:55
dholbachnxvl: I understand what patch systems are for and I like having one too (if it's not a package where I keep the full source in bzr myself)06:55
dholbachdid somebody forward the change to Debian already?06:56
nxvli asked nhandler to do it i haven't check if he did06:56
dholbachI take no offense if you just take it and upload it06:56
* nxvl checks06:56
NCommandernxvl, WOOO< courier successfully built!06:56
dholbachit's just what I had done06:57
nxvlnow lintian fun06:57
NCommanderhave fun06:57
nxvlNCommander: it's officialy the longest changelog i have ever seen06:57
NCommanderGo read GCC's changelog when a new upstream release happens ;-)06:57
nxvlin a debian package i mean06:57
nxvli have read longest06:57
NCommanderCan you add under mine "Resolved FTBFS in maildrop/webmail"?06:58
NCommanderNo, I mean the GCC debian changelogs06:58
nxvlNCommander: btw, i gived up with courier before becoming a motu06:58
NCommanderwhat made you pick it up again?06:58
NCommanderor at least point me at it to make it build?06:58
* NCommander is the FTBFS terminator06:59
nxvlNCommander: i won't change your name on the signature06:59
nxvli will just work on it and signed it06:59
NCommanderhow are you susposed to sign it for upload ;-)07:00
nxvlit's your upload07:00
nxvlyou deserv it07:00
NCommanderyou still have to modify the changes file07:00
* NCommander is an idiot07:00
NCommanderI forgot about debsign07:00
NCommanderI'm not a DD07:00
nxvland debuild -k07:00
NCommanderNot for lack of trying07:00
* Hobbsee throws a dead fish at NCommander 07:01
nxvlNCommander: which of the deb's has the rpath issue?07:01
nxvlall of them?07:02
NCommanderpretty much07:03
NCommanderjust download the debs, and run lintian ;-)07:03
NCommander(debuild -nc is your friend)07:03
nxvlrpath is an amd64 only issue07:04
NCommanderWhatever ;-)07:04
NCommanderHobbsee, why the dead fish?07:04
NCommanderThey updated07:06
HobbseeNCommander: it wanted some excitement.07:08
NCommander*shoves it downs Hobbsee's shirt*07:09
nxvlholly! lintian output is bigger than the changelog07:09
* Hobbsee attacks NCommander with the Long Pointy Stick, and makes him like the fish.07:09
* NCommander counterattacks Hobbsee by blackmailing her with the videos from the hidden cameras I installed in her flat07:09
Hobbseeyou mean the one that doesn't exist? OK then :P07:10
NCommanderFlaw in my plan07:10
Hobbseenow get back to revu hacking!07:10
* NCommander bites Hobbsee 07:11
NCommanderNo REVU for you07:11
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
* NCommander gives Hobbsee the REVU hacking virus07:12
Hobbseeoh dear.  good thing i have immunity.07:13
NCommanderIts called being Austrillian, you can handle anything07:13
NCommanderPlagues, famine, desert, living in Austrillia07:13
orly_owlfair dinkum07:13
Hobbseeyou forgot the snakes.07:13
Hobbsee(don't we have 9/10 of the most deadly snakes here?)07:13
NCommanderNot all men are snakes :-P07:14
NCommanderYou just need to meet one with the right ./configure flags07:14
Hobbseei meant teh ones without legs...07:14
NCommanderI'll be sure to pass that along to the amputees ;-P07:14
NCommandernxvl, having fun with the lintian?07:17
nxvlNCommander: almost07:19
NCommanderAt least we got it to build ;-)07:20
NCommanderthe server team will be happy07:20
NCommanderI didn't even know what made me crack open the diff07:23
NCommanderhttp://xkcd.com/149/ :-)07:28
NCommanderwrong window07:28
warp10Hi all!07:31
IulianGood morning07:34
nxvlNCommander: i think i finished07:38
NCommanderupload it07:39
nxvli'm building it07:41
nxvlonce finished and rechecked i will upload it07:41
nxvli need to drop all the .conffiles07:41
NCommandertime for me to lie down07:41
nxvlsince all of the files inthere were duplicated07:41
nxvli will in a bit also07:42
nxvlafter uploading this07:42
nxvlNCommander: oh btw, now that you are working on REVU, it will be nice to include the short description of each package (as in mentors.d.n)07:45
dholbachhi warp10, hi Iulian07:49
IulianHello Daniel.07:54
warp10heya dholbach07:54
SolarWarHey guys, I created a package of an application that does not compile well against Intrepid on AMD64 (or so launchpad's ppa would deem) , but it already has two advocates and has been uploaded the launchpad Queue- what should be done in this case?07:55
SolarWarshould the upstream be notified?07:56
\shfix the amd64 problem?07:56
SolarWarits not the fault of the packaging07:56
\shso? fix the problem anyways ;)07:56
SolarWari can do that, but does that mean I would it would have to go through a whole new review cycle?07:57
SolarWarsince the upstream's version number would be bumped..07:57
\shSolarWar: if the packaging is ok..no...07:57
\shSolarWar: any buildlog of the amd64 problem?07:57
SolarWarhrm, one sec07:57
tuxmaniachello motus. I have uploaded a .diff.gz fixing bug 207760. It would be great if someone reviews and sponsors the upload. thanks in advance08:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207760 in geda-gnetlist "Broken VHDL and Verilog netlisting backends" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20776008:28
=== Hobbsee is now known as Guest21145
wgrantYokoZar: I think I segfaulted upon reading your latest blog post.08:59
YokoZarwgrant: hehe09:00
YokoZarwgrant: what's great is I edited it a bit too09:00
directhexwgrant, it makes much more sense than most of ubuntuforums though09:02
wgrantdirecthex: This is true.09:07
directhexconsidering the ubuntu forums top the google results for "banning mono", i'm wondering how many brains would explode if i linked to some medibuntu-ffmpeg-linked silverlight extensions for ff3 i compiled09:08
RAOFdirecthex: OOOOOh.  Yes please!09:10
directhexRAOF, got anywhere i can host them without being arrested, beaten, and chopped into small chunks by the software patent police?09:11
RAOFNo, not really.09:11
* RAOF is off to see _The Bank Job_. Let's hope it's cool.09:11
directhexit's impressively small, for what it is09:12
huatsmorning !09:17
nullackHi MOTUS. Id just like to give a heads up please that gstreamer according to their schedule (http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/wiki/ReleasePlanning2008) should have the gstreamer ffmpeg plugin ready soon. They have frozen their ffmpeg synch09:25
LaneyCan someone please unsubscribe u-u-s from bug #244531? Thanks09:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244531 in xaos "Please sync xaos 3.4-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24453109:46
emgentLaney: done.09:47
Laneythanks emgent09:48
* Laney runs09:48
Laney(sneaking on irc from work, naughty naughty)09:48
tuxmaniachuats: hi. I think you have missed the .diff.gz in the bug for gcalctool you just reported09:50
huatstuxmaniac: no09:50
huatstuxmaniac: it is willingly09:50
emgentdendrobates: heya09:51
huatsI need the bug number to close it...09:51
huatsso I need to create it...09:51
tuxmaniachuats: aah ok :-)09:51
huatsI'll attach it now09:51
dendrobatesemgent: hi09:51
tuxmaniacI just made it Incomplete09:51
tuxmaniacsorry for that09:51
huatstuxmaniac: no pb09:51
huatstuxmaniac: I've set it to in progress09:51
tuxmaniachello motus. I have uploaded a .diff.gz fixing bug 207760. It would be great if someone reviews and sponsors the upload. thanks in advance09:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207760 in geda-gnetlist "Broken VHDL and Verilog netlisting backends" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20776009:53
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jorgenptSo, I've packaged some new software11:04
jorgenptAnd I'd like to include it into as many versions of ubuntu as possible, i.e. in the official repositories.11:05
jorgenpt(and possibly in Debian as well)11:05
jorgenptAny tips on where I go? :)11:05
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU11:05
jorgenptAnything else I should look at?11:05
joaopintojorgenpt, do not expect it to be available on Intrepid, late timing :P11:07
jorgenptIs it not possible to add packages to e.g. hardy etc now?11:07
joaopintono, new packages only go into new release repositories11:08
jorgenptDarn, is that the same for Debian?11:09
joaopintono idea11:09
jorgenptOk, thanks.11:09
jorgenptTopic says 'Intrepid open, go wild!  https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html' - what does that mean?11:09
directhexyes, it's the same for debian11:11
directhexbut you might be able to use the partly-official debian-backports project11:11
directhexwhat works AGAINST you right now is that debian has entered freeze, for the upcoming release of Lenny, so no new anything is accepted11:11
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SyntuxGood day11:25
kirklandwith respect to REVU, is there any way to configure an email address, such that I receive email each time someone adds comments to my packages(s)?11:31
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wgrantkirkland: Not at this point.11:35
Syntuxdo we have list of ubuntu cd packages? just the ones included in the ISO image?11:38
joaopintoSyntux, apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop11:40
persiaSyntux: Yes, but constructing it is a bit tricky.  You'd probably do best to use germinate: the source of the ubuntu-meta package may help.11:41
persiajoaopinto: There are a few apps not in ubuntu-desktop but shipped on the CD (e.g. ubiquity).11:42
Syntuxinteresting, wouldn't looping over a mounted iso hunting for .deb do the trick ?11:45
geserSyntux: does the jidgo files (or the list file) on cdimages.u.c help you?11:46
Syntuxgeser, sure! thank you for the tip :-)11:48
sistpoty|workhi folks12:07
geserHi sistpoty|work12:08
sistpoty|workhi geser12:08
Riddellcody-somerville, \sh, jdong, TheMuso: motu-sru dudes, bug 255307 needs review12:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255307 in pymsn "Can't connect to msn accounts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25530712:09
* cody-somerville puts on rubber gloves.12:10
cody-somervillebigon, ping12:11
bigoncody-somerville, pong12:12
cody-somervillebigon, I'm looking at your patch.12:12
Riddelllaga: which bug tracks that mythbuntu-control-centre update?12:12
Riddelllaga: that's a big patch and certainly not minimal changes12:12
bigoncody-somerville, my patch?12:13
cody-somervillebigon, for bug #25530712:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255307 in pymsn "Can't connect to msn accounts" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25530712:13
Riddelllaga: why the change in versioning scheme?12:14
cody-somervillebigon, Why did you remove the dependency on python-adns for the SRU?12:14
bigoncody-somerville, the dependency is not needed anymore12:14
cody-somervillebigon, but you're doing an SRU, no?12:15
bigoncody-somerville, the patch drop the need of this dependency12:15
cody-somervilleOkay, I see what you're doing.12:15
bigon(the patch has been taken from upstream)12:15
Riddelllaga: actually ignoring the .po file changes it's not too bad a size, but still needs motu-sru approval12:18
cody-somervillebigon, Do you use pymsn yourself?12:18
lagaRiddell: it has motu-sru approval.12:28
lagaRiddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythbuntu-control-centre/+bug/24140212:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241402 in mythbuntu-control-centre "Mythbuntu control center VNC setup freezes if & in password" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:28
bigoncody-somerville, I'm not really, but last time I checked it was working12:34
cody-somervillebigon, Can you test and confirm the patch is working?12:39
bigoncody-somerville, I will try tonight12:40
bigonpymsn doesn't work at all now12:40
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Riddelllaga: groovy, accepted12:53
lagaRiddell: yay!12:56
tuxmaniacDktrKranz: if you have some time can you please look at bug 207760 , review the .diff.gz attached and sponsor if found OK?13:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 207760 in geda-gnetlist "Broken VHDL and Verilog netlisting backends" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20776013:31
DktrKranztuxmaniac: I don't use geda-* packages, is there any way to test if fix is good?13:48
ScottKI love the way Launchpad sticks with their commitment to let us know in advance what's coming, "I’ll post details of what’s new in 2.1.8 here after we’ve made the release."13:48
lagai also love the "behind the scenes" podcast. i'm multitasking, i don't want to concentrate on audio.13:50
stefanlsdAnyone know hat happened to cvs.fedoraproject.org?13:51
zulyeah its down13:52
stefanlsdany mirror or anything of it?13:52
geserScottK: do they still only announce what's new/interesting for projects, bug triagers and translators?13:52
geserI seldom find there any changes listed interesting for MOTUs/core-devs13:53
ScottKApparently they don't announce at all until after we've already experienced the 'joy' of the new release.13:53
ScottKI still haven't gotten over their latest intersection of U/I design and a random number generator.13:54
geserScottK: the announcements are only done, so you can check if you found all new "features" already :)13:56
ScottKRight.  At one point we had some agreement we'd have warning.13:57
ScottKGenerally I don't seem to have trouble noticing the ones I care about.13:57
persiaI sometimes do, depending on how gradually they are introduced.13:58
mwiegandhello, is it still possible to add a package to intrepid? or rather, replace an existing package?14:05
ScottKMost of the ones I seem to run into are immediately and obviously painful.14:06
mwiegandto be specific, I'm one of the developers of OpenVAS, the still-GPL Nessus fork. openvas-client and libopenvas1 have already replaced their nessus counterparts, so it might make sense to replace nessusd and nessus-plugins as well14:10
Riddellstefanlsd: fedoraproject seems to have had notable security issues14:11
stefanlsdRiddell: mm. yeah. was a pretty good repo for patches.14:11
Riddellmwiegand: if someone does the packaging that should be fine14:12
mwiegandRiddell: sounds good, what would be the deadline for that?14:13
stefanlsdWould this be a candidate for removal - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/showimg/+bug/25859314:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258593 in showimg "Please merge showimg 0.9.5-1.3 (universe) from Debian (unstable)" [Undecided,New]14:14
stefanlsdI contacted the upstream author and he says it not usable with KDE4 and doesnt have time to work on it...14:15
geserstefanlsd: have you asked the kubuntu people about their opinion on it?14:16
ScottKstefanlsd: We still have the libs for KDE3 in Intreppid.14:16
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ScottKDoes it work with that?14:17
Riddellmwiegand: feature freeze is 28th of this month14:17
RiddellScottK: no, it needs libkonq which we don't have any more from kde 314:17
geserScottK: have we? kdebase from kde 3.5 seems to be gone14:17
Riddellso it probably needs to go14:17
stefanlsdI spoke to Riddell and its not he plan :)14:17
ScottKRight, if it needs the libkonq stuff it's a good candidate for removal.14:17
mwiegandRiddell: okay, thank you, I'll see what I can do14:17
ScottKgeser: kdebase yes, but we still have the kdelibs.14:18
ScottKAt least some of them.14:18
stefanlsdScottK: problem is with libkonq4 which no longer exists. and libkonq5 depends on kdelibs514:19
ScottKYes.  We have many of the other libs but not that one.14:19
stefanlsdScottK: and i put a couple hours into trying to get it to build against libkonq5 but no luck - and upstream responded saying it doesnt work with KDE4 and they are not working on it.14:20
ScottKSounds like it's time for it to go then.14:21
ScottKMuch better than leaving broken cruft in the archive.14:21
stefanlsdkk. thanks.  I think we're gonna get a couple of these that dont upgrade to KDE4 properly.14:22
persiaGetting them removed in intrepid, when we still have hardy to fall back upon, is likely best.14:22
stefanlsdi subscribe u-u-s as normal for a removal right?14:26
stefanlsdthanks :)14:29
DktrKranzk0p: FYI umit binary just came out of NEW and it's on its way to the mirrors.14:35
k0pDktrKranz, hi14:38
DktrKranz"For Your Information"14:39
k0poh ok14:39
stefanlsddoes anyone have any suggestion on this - https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/gpa/+bug/16075114:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 160751 in gpa "gpa: new upstream version 0.7.6 available" [Wishlist,In progress]14:39
k0pDktrKranz, is it on mirrors? :D14:39
DktrKranzk0p: in some hours starting from now14:40
stefanlsdits been a while. should i rather look at building it for debian. it seems that ubuntu prefers merges?14:40
k0pDktrKranz, :D thanks14:40
NCommanderScottK, ping14:47
ScottKNCommander: Pong15:02
NCommanderScottK, courier was fixed15:02
ScottKYes.  I saw the scrollback.  Thanks.15:02
NCommanderit was not a problem15:03
k0pDktrKranz, awesome dude :D15:06
k0pthanks for all15:06
DktrKranzk0p: well... archive administration is not my business, I just noticed it :)15:10
k0pDktrKranz, yeap. Thanks for it :D15:11
bddebianHeya folks15:13
ScottK-laptopHeya bd.15:16
* ScottK-laptop tries again.15:16
ScottK-laptopHeya bddebian.15:17
bddebianHi ScottK-laptop15:20
sistpoty|workhi bddebian15:20
bddebianHeya sistpoty|work15:20
ScottK-laptopNCommander: You still around?15:22
bddebianScottK-laptop: How is your DD coming along?15:22
ScottK-laptopbddebian: If I could figure out why libc can't be essential, I'd be in business.15:23
ScottK-laptopStill on T&S Part 1.15:23
ScottK-laptopI had a combination of two hardware failures the I didn't catch all the implications of for my backup strategy mean I had to try it again.15:23
NCommanderScottK, libc isn't essential because it doesn't need to be, and so it can be replaced if the soname is ever updated; because essential packages and their deps are automatically installed by debootstrap, its not needed15:24
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Thanks.15:24
* ScottK-laptop scribbles notes.15:24
NCommanderScottK-laptop, if I could get my DD to talk to me, I'd be in business with respect to becoming a DD15:24
NCommanderhe's been idle eight days on OFTC15:24
NCommanderI think he's dead15:24
broonieNCommander: you're not supposed to hand out the answers!15:25
broonieBut there's more to it than that, anyway.15:25
* NCommander rereads ScottK's statement15:25
NCommanderYou don't see any answers!15:25
* NCommander hides15:25
NCommanderbroonie, ok, what else is there to it? (I only know enough about Essential in the way debootstrap works to gather packages)15:25
azeemNCommander: you're about a year idle on that patch you sent to bug-hurd, e.g.15:25
ScottK-laptopNCommander: I would like to have us have a ubuntu-motu and core-dev keyring packages in the archive and I was thinking you might be interested in using your new LP foo to help make one.15:25
NCommanderazeem, er, well, the hurd moves sloely ;-)15:26
ScottK-laptopbroonie: I already knew that much anyway.15:26
NCommanderScottK-laptop, wait, what?15:26
broonieNCommander: Well, you need to depend on it anyway for the versioning.15:26
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Like the debian and debian-maintainer keyring packages, but for Ubuntu.15:27
NCommanderCan't you simply grab the keyrings of ubuntu-motu and ubuntu-core-dev?15:27
ScottK-laptopDue to DNS cache poisoning, I find myself increasingly wanting to have the gpg keys of Ubuntu devs locally, just in case.15:27
ScottK-laptopFrom where?15:28
NCommanderI have a script to do extactly this :-P15:28
ScottK-laptopI haven't thought about this much, maybe it's trivial.15:28
NCommanderWe used it with REVU15:28
NCommanderHold on, I need to go fishing15:28
NCommanderScottK, its a python script15:30
NCommanderScottK-laptop, http://paste.ubuntu.com/38806/15:31
NCommanderYOu'll have to tweak the GPG settings to your keys15:31
* ScottK-laptop looks.15:31
NCommanderazeem, as for my patch to bug-hurd, er well ........ *no answer*15:31
NCommanderbah :-P15:31
NCommanderScottK, BTW, ctrl-c doesn't quite work with this script since it only kills a single GPG instance, not the three or four which will be constantly running15:32
ScottK-laptopThat should do it.  Thanks.15:32
NCommander(ugly, I know)15:32
joaopintoanyone here worked on the gambas2 package ?15:43
DktrKranzjoaopinto: some QA efforts, but I know a guy who knows it very well15:48
joaopintothe examples are not working, and now tested a trivial db insert on mysql, and it's inserting a void value row15:49
joaopintoI will need to ask on their ML if that is a known bug fixed on a newer release15:49
DktrKranzgah, exactly the same problem he faced15:49
joaopintoif a trivial insert is broken, the package is broken :P15:49
NCommander8I seemingly come in duplicates15:50
DktrKranzjoaopinto: he has a "workaround", even if it's definitely ugly15:50
joaopintoDktrKranz, but do you know if it was already fixed upstream ?15:50
DktrKranzjoaopinto: AKAIK, it's something related to ubuntu/debian packaging15:51
joaopintogambas is a nice option for VB lovers15:51
DktrKranzsince compiling it from scratch shows no issues15:51
emgentwe sync this package from debian15:52
directhexgambas is a vb6ish compiler?15:52
joaopintodirecthex, not a compiler, a full IDE15:52
directhexjoaopinto, righty. who actually wants to write new apps in VB? O_o15:52
sistpoty|workhm... I could write a package manager with gambas *g*15:53
joaopintodirecthex, I do  not want to start a flamewar, but as far as I Visual Studio is one of the most efficient RAD suites, and is nice to have an open source with similar features15:53
directhexjoaopinto, monodevelop?15:54
joaopintosistpoty|work, not a package manager, but probably a database interface15:54
joaopintodirecthex, I am also playing with monodevelop, I need to learn Mono/GTK#, Basic is an acquired language :P15:55
directhexi wonder whatever happened to getting mono-basic into debian15:55
directhexsomeone started packaging it, but there were license problems iirc15:55
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directhexMatthias Jahn or Jelmer Vernooij were involved, whoever they may be15:57
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NCommanderMan, I need something to do15:58
NCommanderLike something to package15:59
directhexNCommander, mono-basic!15:59
directhexmono-basic! for VB.NET!15:59
joaopintoNCommander, make sure the gambas2 package works as expected16:00
joaopintoI am checking the 2.8 version changelog, and there are some important bug fixes, not sure they are fixed on the debian 2.7 version16:00
directhexi wonder how many brains would explode on ubuntuforums if they noticed little things like "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation." in the occasional /usr/share/doc/*/copyright16:01
* NCommander decides to work on some FTBFSs16:01
geserNCommander: http://builder.ubuntuwire.com:9998/dist/intrepid/arch/i386/failed is that enough for a start? :)16:01
* NCommander switchs to the amd64 page16:02
ScottK-laptopNCommander: One comment on your gpg script.  Please don't "#!/usr/bin/env python".  Use "#!/usr/bin/python" instead.16:02
NCommanderTHat script isn't mine :-P16:02
NCommanderIt was one of the old REVU scripts which was replaced16:02
NCommanderHowever, its successor does that ;-)16:02
NCommanderand requests for things tro be fixed?16:03
ScottK-laptopdirecthex: I haven't seen a lot of evidence on the forums of brains, so the explosion risk I judge as low.16:04
directhexScottK-laptop, the size of explosions would be low. the number of explosions may be somewhat larger16:06
NCommanderI should do some REVU hacking ...16:08
joaopintoNCommander, implement the email sending on comments :P16:15
NCommandersure, I can do that16:15
stefanlsdCan anyone give me some advice regarding the .desktop file.  I've created it - how do i get it to install.  I've added  dh_desktop  - but i see that is only done if it contains a MimeType.  Is there a standard way for doing this?16:20
sistpoty|workstefanlsd: install it to /usr/share/applications16:26
sistpoty|work(literally *g*)16:26
sistpoty|workor use .install file, or cp16:26
stefanlsdsistpoty|work: i've just created a .install file.   do i then use   dh_desktop-call?16:26
sistpoty|workstefanlsd: dh_install will install files from .install files16:27
stefanlsdsistpoty|work: kk. thanks. will try it16:28
sistpoty|workstefanlsd: dh_dekstop will only take care for postinst snippets to register the destkop file16:28
salutishi guys, can anyone check my package at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=thinkingrock ? I fixed what I can and I don't know if there is something to do16:30
HewHey guys. Pidgin 2.5.0 has just been released. What is the appropriate process to get this into Ubuntu? I don't think it's needs-packaging, because that seems to be for new packages.16:38
james_wHew: you are right, it's not needs-packaging16:39
james_wthe first thing would be to file a wishlist bug against the package tagged "upgrade"16:40
james_wif you wish to do the work then you can prepare an updated package, attach the .diff.gz to the bug report and seek sponsorship16:40
Hewjames_w: Sounds good. I'm not a packager myself, I was just wondering what the correct process was, but that seems simple enough. Thanks :-)16:41
* sistpoty|work heads home... cya16:46
=== TheGuru is now known as marnold
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Your fixes to courier build twice in a row too.17:08
NCommanderUnexpected bonus17:08
ScottK-laptopYeah, I was pleasantly suprised.17:08
NCommanderer, I mean, I just do good work ;-)17:09
* NCommander ducts17:09
NCommanderjk :-)17:09
stefanlsdhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/259371 - looks like a cool app, but doesnt include on licensing / author information in the src download.  sourceforge says its under GPL. is this kinda thing ok to package?17:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259371 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Smartcam " [Undecided,Confirmed]17:12
ScottK-laptopstefanlsd: Is there a license file in the tarball?17:12
stefanlsdScottK-laptop: nope17:12
ScottK-laptopstefanlsd: Then it'll get rejected by the archive admins.17:13
ScottK-laptopYou might contact upstream and suggest they add it.17:13
stefanlsdScottK-laptop: kk. Is there a reference I can point upstream too regarding what should be in a GPL package?17:13
ScottK-laptopstefanlsd: http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-howto.html17:16
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ScottK-laptopstefanlsd: It lists a full copy of the license as a should, but for Ubuntu it's a hard requirement.17:16
stefanlsdScottK-laptop: thanks for finding that for me.  Will post to upstream17:16
huatshi guys17:18
huatsI am packaging a new software, and I am noticing that the install target does not install the .pc file (thus it creates it in the src root dir). Can I simply install ? Or do I have to ask upstream to deal with that17:20
huatsI'll tend for the earlier, but I'd rather ask :)17:20
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nullackHi MOTU's :) I have a quck question, can someone help me please17:39
sebnerping cody-somerville17:40
cody-somervillesebner, pong17:40
sebnernullack: don't ask, just ask17:40
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nullackI need to be able to see what commands are used in building libdvdnav, not just the source, how do I do this on the packages.ubuntu? thanks17:40
sebnercody-somerville: congratulations! surely a dreamjob,hmm? (I hope I'm not that late)17:40
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cody-somervillesebner, hehe, thanks :-)17:41
ScottK-laptopsiretart: What is the license on the old REVU gpg key script?  It doesn't say and your LP project mentions both GPL and BSD.17:41
sebnercody-somerville: may I ask you got to canoncial (in that young age) ?17:41
nullackIve got it here but I dont want the source, just the build command options17:41
cody-somervillesebner, How I got to Canonical?17:42
sebnercody-somerville: yes ^^ (sry for my bad english)17:42
cody-somervillesebner, Well, I was at UDS and Mark approached me and asked me if I'd be interested in working for Canonical. Beyond that, I have no idea :-)17:42
nullacksebner: He wore a suit at UDS :) haha just joking17:43
gesernullack: look either at debian/rules in the .diff.gz or at the build log in Launchpad17:43
ScottK-laptopsebner: He went to UDS and wore a suit the entire time while the rest of us were dressed more like typical hackers.17:43
sebnercody-somerville: pretty cool story :D17:43
huats+1 for the suit17:43
nullackgeser: Will do Geser. Ill check out the buildlog17:43
nullackI thought Cody looked good in his suit17:43
nullackCongrats by the way on your new opportunity Cody17:43
cody-somervilleThanks :]17:44
lagabut why did you wear that suit?17:44
lagacongrats, btw17:44
* geser waits for the first call for pix :)17:44
nullacklol @ laga17:44
* cody-somerville attempts to slowly slip out the back.17:44
cody-somervilleemgent, ping17:45
emgentcody-somerville: i'm little bit busy, feel free to query me or mail me -- thanks17:53
ScottK-laptopcody-somerville: Send a self portrait in the suit with the mail.17:54
cody-somerville: P17:55
sebnercody-somerville: can I have a poster of you and the suit ( well, at least the suit) :P17:57
nullackOMG, you blokes are still going on about the suit. Cody isnt going to forgive me for starting it heh17:58
ScottK-laptopnullack: I didn't start about the suit because you commented.  I was there.17:59
nullackGood, Im off the hook :)18:00
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nullackIs anyone online in MOTU that can comment on bug 250524?18:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250524 in synaptic "[Intrepid] Synaptic should depend on apt-xapian-index" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25052418:21
nullackSynaptic should depend on apt-xapian-index18:21
nullackCody is doing it for Xubuntu but theres a small uprising about having it in Ubuntu as well18:22
nullackIf space is the issue with Ubuntu Im happy to comment in the bug on that18:23
slytherinnullack: I think it should be recommendd instead of depends18:26
gesernullack: you might also want to talk with mvo about it (he's in #ubuntu-devel)18:27
nullackTy, Ill do that.18:27
SolarWarhi, I packaged an application that fails to build on 64bit machines due to a minor casting error- the packaging is fine however, after fixing this casting error and sending the patch upstream, do i need to resubmit the package to review? if not, what is my next step?18:48
mok0SolarWar: did your package pass review?18:49
SolarWaryes it did18:49
mok0SolarWar: was it uploaded?18:49
SolarWarthe build failed after upload18:49
mok0SolarWar: you need to create a bug in LP, then attach a debdiff18:50
siretartScottK-laptop: if it is written by me (and I think it is), it's BSD18:50
siretartScottK-laptop: why do you ask?18:50
ScottK-laptopBecause I think I may make use of it and I want to make sure it's marked correctly.18:50
SolarWarmok0, should i assign the bug to my self?18:50
ScottK-laptopSolarWar: If you are going to produce a fix, then yes.18:51
ScottK-laptopOnce you've attached the debdiff, set it to Triaged and unassigned and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug.18:51
SolarWari see, will some one need to approve the diff?18:51
ScottK-laptopYes.  uus will do that.18:51
SolarWarwhats uus?18:51
mok0SolarWar: yes, untill you've attached the debdiff, then you subscribe u-u-s18:52
SolarWarahhh thank you very much, I will go fix this now :)18:52
ScottK-laptopIt's a team of MOTU that sponsor stuff.18:52
SolarWarwill this package make into intrepid still?18:52
ScottK-laptopYes.  The package is in.18:52
SolarWar:) yay!18:53
* SolarWar enjoys being the package + upstream author 18:53
ScottK-laptopAlternatively because you are upstream, fix it in a new upstream release and attach the .diff.gz for that to a bug.18:53
mok0Shouldn't that be ScottK+laptop?? ;-)18:54
ScottK-laptopDid you get your restricted data troubles worked out?18:58
mok0ScottK: The upstream author hasn't answered :-(19:05
ScottKOK.  Good luck with that.19:05
mok0I will give it a few days, then repackage the tarball19:05
NCommanderScottK, I assume your pleased with the courier fixes?19:07
sebnerNCommander: freat work19:14
sebnerNCommander: but isn't * Removed patch for maildrop (unneeded AFAIK, and breaks the build now) the same as  * Resolved FTBFS in maildrop/webmail?19:14
NCommanderI wanted to be clear I zapped a patch19:14
NCommander(its not clear that there was a patch in the first line due to the damn inlining of patchs)19:14
sebnerNCommander: ^^, I was the last uploader of courier :P19:15
* NCommander takes a peek at the changelog19:15
NCommanderYOur the debian upstream?19:16
sebnerNCommander: last ubuntu uploader19:16
sebnerNCommander: debian maintainer is hiding -.-19:16
NCommandernxvl is going to try and teach the upstream how to use dpatch19:16
NCommander(I can't see that going well ...)19:16
NCommanderConsidering upstream didn't even zap patches after they were merged upstream19:16
sebnerNCommander: useless. DM is known to be non collaboratorive19:16
* NCommander nomiates we remove this package from autosyncing19:17
NCommanderIt's really crufty19:17
sebnerwhy autosync?19:17
NCommanderIsn't there a blacklist you can put a package on to stop it from getting automatically synced/merged when there is a new upstream release?19:17
sebnerNCommander: there is one but courier is a merge and  not a sync19:17
NCommanderMy main problem with that package is when I resolved the FTBFS19:18
NCommanderthe lintian output was longer then the ****** changelog19:18
NCommanderFixing that FTBFS was *fun*19:18
NCommanderJust like ripping my eyes out of their sockets19:18
NCommanderI'm suprised Debian doesn't require like a recertification on T&S every two-three yeras19:19
NCommanderProbably do loads for unmaintainable packaging19:19
sebnerwb apachelogger ;-)19:19
NCommandersebner, the 0.60-1ubuntu1 changelog has to be one of the longest ones in the archive19:21
sebnerNCommander: unfortunately :(19:21
NCommanderThree maintainers, 60+ changes, and lintian fixes across the board19:21
NCommanderDid nxvl add a patch system so we can at least keep it cleanish?19:21
sebnerNCommander: I don't think so19:22
apacheloggerthx sebner19:22
NCommanderwell, there was just one left inlined19:22
NCommanderand nxvl was nice enough to give me credit for the upload ^_^19:22
NCommandersebner, did you take a crack at that FTBFS?19:23
sebnerNCommander: I just did a testbuild and saw it but haven't got time to investigate further (though I suck a fixing FTBFS ;))19:25
LaneyWhat's the significance of "0c2a" in a library package name?19:26
james_wLaney: it's from the C++ ABI transition19:27
jorgenptAny way to find out why a package was removed from ubuntu repositories?19:27
geserLaney: it went twice through the C++ ABI transition19:27
jorgenptlibscw-0.1{-2,-dev}, specifically.19:27
james_wjorgenpt: you can find out from the removal bug report if you can find it19:27
jorgenptIt existed in feisty and gutsy19:27
james_wjorgenpt: if it's still in Debian then there's another clue you can get from the blacklist19:28
geserjorgenpt: is the source pkg still in the archive?19:28
geserif not, check http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/removals.txt19:28
jorgenptgeser: How do I check that?19:28
jorgenptIt's only in debian etch (stable)19:29
jorgenpt------------------- Reason -------------------19:29
jorgenpt(From Debian) RoM; obsolete; no rev-deps19:29
geserso you know already the source package name (scw)19:29
gesercheck https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scw to see that it's also removed from Ubuntu19:30
jorgenptAh, I guess so. :)19:30
jorgenptIn hardy it's "Superseded", what does that mean here?19:30
ubottuDebian bug 421224 in ftp.debian.org "Please remove scw from the archive" [Unknown,Closed]19:31
gesergood question, I'd except "deleted" there19:31
LaneyAnyone free for a quick review of goocanvasmm on REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=goocanvasmm - C++ bindings for goocanvas (cairo canvas widget for gtk+)19:36
ScottKsebner: Aren't you glad NCommander is now touched it last on Courier?19:38
ScottKNCommander: Yes.19:38
ScottKsebner: If Debian has inlined their patches, it doesn't really help us to put them in a patch system.19:38
NCommanderIf anything is broken19:39
NCommanderI'll get the blame19:39
sebnersebner: courier is something nobody likes ,hmm?19:39
sebnerNCommander: of course! :P19:39
ScottKNCommander: Yeah.  Giving you the "credit" wasn't pure gift.19:39
ScottKMind you, you deserve the credit for sorting it out.19:40
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
ScottKnhandler: dget usually works with launchpadlibrarian.  Why make it fail all the time?19:45
nhandlerScottK: Do you have a link to the bug you are talking about? I did it a while ago19:46
ScottKnhandler: I just saw it in intrepid-changes19:46
nhandlerYeah, I think it just got uploaded19:46
ScottKBug #24717219:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247172 in devscripts "patch dget to suggest dgetlp" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24717219:46
ScottKnhandler: Do you know who uploaded it?19:47
nhandlerScottK: It looks like Colin Watson uploaded it19:47
ScottKI see that.19:47
nhandlerWhat would you suggest doing ScottK? Is there a certain instance where dget fails to download from launchpadlibrarian.net?19:49
ScottKNot sure. Could you discuss it with Colin and see.  I think forcing a failure where one isn't needed is wrong.  I can see pointing to dgetlp after a failure as a fallback.19:50
nhandlerYeah, I'll talk to Colin about it. We could also simply display a warning when the user tries to download from launchpadlibrarian.net using dget that says "If dget fails to download the files from launchpadlibrarian.net, you should try and use dgetlp, which is provided by ubuntu-dev-tools"19:52
ScottKThat'd be fine.19:53
nhandlerBefore I upload a new debdiff, I'll see if Colin has a better idea about how to fix this bug.19:53
RaybuntuCan somebody tell me, what Debian Standards-Version and Debhelper version I should add for Intrepid packages?20:04
ScottKRaybuntu: Standards version should be 3.8.0 and the debhelper version should be the lowest version needed to build the package, but at least 4.  The file compat should have the major version number of debhelper you require.20:06
slytherinRaybuntu: Debian standards 3.8.0. debhelper 5 in my opinion.20:07
slytherinat least 520:07
Raybuntuok thx I added 3.8.0 and debhelper 6!20:08
ScottK-laptopslytherin: compat 4 is not deprecated.20:18
ScottK-laptopRaybuntu: Why 6?  Are there debhelper 6 features your package requires?20:18
slytherinScottK-laptop: I thought it was20:19
Raybuntuno it packs on 5 too20:19
Raybuntuoh ok then I should chaned it to 5!20:19
ScottK-laptopslytherin: No.  1 - 3 are deprecated.  Packages at compat 3 need to be updated.20:20
Rinchenhello MOTU, anyone around with a few minutes to help me understand a debian python packaging issue?  Admittedly I'm not a packaging expert.20:21
ScottK-laptopRaybuntu: All supported Ubuntu versions have debhlper 5, so if it's 5, you needn't actually supply a version, just make compat 5.20:21
ScottK-laptopRinchen: What's up?20:21
RinchenHiya ScottK20:22
RinchenI think I have a flaw in my control or rules files that I can't seem to understand20:22
RinchenI'm packaging this:  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rinchen/+junk/d-rats20:22
RinchenIt builds:  https://edge.launchpad.net/~rinchen/+archive20:22
Rinchenbut when you install the .deb it doesn't install the python programs20:22
Rinchen(I'll paste)20:23
RinchenI had an issue with the rules file20:23
RinchenI tried to do it as per the new debian policy and it kept insisting on needed the make -f in there so I put it back in20:23
ScottK-laptopThe .deb is empty except copyright and changelog20:23
RinchenYes, that's my problem :-)20:24
ScottK-laptopLet me grab the package and have a look.20:24
RinchenThat would be wonderful if you could point me in the right direction20:24
RaybuntuWhen I create an source-package for Intrepid in hardy can i disregard the Lintian Warnings: bad-ubuntu-distribution-in-changes-file intrepid & newer-standards-version 3.8.0 (current is 3.7.3)?20:27
joaopintoRaybuntu, sure20:28
Raybuntuok thx20:28
ScottK-laptopRinchen: setup.py in your tarball is empty, so cdbs has no idea what to do.20:30
ScottK-laptopYour rules are AFAICT fine.20:30
RinchenScottK-laptop, hmm interesting. Ok.  The original setup.py was windows-only (py2exe)20:31
RinchenScottK-laptop, time for me to figure out how to write a setup.py I guess. :-)   Thanks for the sanity check.20:31
ScottK-laptopOr, more precisely you removed the contents of if in packaging it.20:31
RinchenScottK-laptop, the upstream dev just hands out the tarball for Ubuntu folks. I wanted to see if I could help him package it. I'm still learning how to package python items.  Good experience for me.20:32
RinchenThanks again for your help.20:33
ScottK-laptopRight.  The setup.py he provides won't help you much20:33
ScottK-laptopRinchen: Also, Ubuntu tends to prefer pycentral to pysupport.20:33
Rinchenok, I'll switch that too.20:33
ScottK-laptopIt's not critical, but doko might look at you funny at the next meeting of the secret Canonical conspiracy if you don't.20:34
RaybuntuCan anyone make a quick review on my Package on REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=get-you20:44
LaneyRaybuntu: What does it do?20:45
RaybuntuI just wanna know if it's good? I tried to build and it works! I just wanna know if i forgot something20:46
cody-somervilleRaybuntu, there are several problems with it20:48
RaybuntuWhat problems?20:49
cody-somervilleRaybuntu, Package synopsis and package long description lines shouldn't exceed 80 characters.20:51
Raybuntuok i will change it thx20:52
Raybuntuis there anything else wrong?20:54
zulwhois the wine maintainer?20:55
ScottKzul: YokoZar20:55
zulYokoZar: ping20:55
RinchenHas anyone used http://code.google.com/p/debianpackagemaker/ before? It's available on getdebs.  Wanted to know if it was evil or should I give it a spin for PPAs.20:56
stefanlsdWhat are the options we use when building a diff for a patch file.  diff -u  is def one...20:59
ScottK-laptopI always use -ruN20:59
stefanlsdScottK-laptop: thanks. easy to remember also21:00
jpdsI use: -Nurp21:00
ScottK-laptopAlso easy to remember.21:01
NCommanderI usually use -uEawb21:01
NCommanderand sometimes -d21:01
jpdsramses-sv: Con: /join21:01
NCommanderI think I can spell deweb with those options :-)21:01
cody-somervilleI always use -Nur because I think "run backwards and the first letter is always capitalized"21:02
ramses-svjpds; I'm sorry :)21:02
jpdsramses-sv: No pasa nada. :)21:02
stefanlsdim looking at upgrading pidgin. i think im reaching here. but its a good learning excercise anyways21:03
ma10any xulrunner or swt-gtk expert here? I'm trying to debug a crash (bug 259533)21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259533 in xulrunner-1.9 "Azureus(vuze) crashes on startup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25953321:03
stefanlsdwow. pidgin is actually building21:14
LaserJocknhandler: so was there a particular reason for adding ubuntu-dev-tools as a Recommends of devscripts?21:14
jpdsnhandler: Why did you add u-d-t to devscripts recommends when u-d-t is in universe?21:14
jpdsLaserJock: For dgetlp.21:15
LaserJockfor goodness sakes, why?21:15
LaserJockdget works just fine21:16
nhandlerjpds and LaserJock: I did the patch a while ago. I probably added it because we are telling the user to use dgetlp.21:16
nhandlerLaserJock: Not in all cases21:16
jpdsbug #247172 LaserJock21:16
asomethingBug #24717221:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247172 in devscripts "patch dget to suggest dgetlp" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24717221:16
nhandlerI am planning on talking with Colin Watson about a better way to patch it21:16
* jpds gets some popcorn and wattches "the beating".21:16
LaserJockI don't see why it's needed21:17
nhandlerOne solution ScottK and I came up with would be to simply suggest the user try dgetlp if dget fails to download from launchpadlibrarian21:17
LaserJockwhen do we give out librarian links to .dscs ?21:17
ScottKLaserJock: Anytime you try to grab a source package via a Launchpad link.21:18
LaserJockthere's a much more simple solution available21:18
LaserJockScottK: which links?21:18
LaserJockthe source pages don't use librarian21:18
LaneyThe only dscs from LP that don't work from me are PPA ones21:18
LaneyI think those use librarian21:18
LaserJockthose should also work, if they don't it's a bug21:19
* ScottK too, but regular archive .dscs use librarian too.21:19
LaserJockScottK: where?21:19
* ScottK gets an example.21:20
ScottKI see.21:20
jpdsnhandler: As Recommends get installed too, we'd have to move u-d-t to main.21:20
LaserJockok, I do see it in the PPA, but that should be a bug21:21
ScottKFor the regular archive there's a non-librarian path that 303's to librarian that isn't present in PPAs.21:21
LaserJocknhandler: it also adds 70 new packages to install21:21
nhandlerjpds: Another option would be to simply suggest u-d-t21:21
ScottKWhich is fine.21:21
LaserJockScottK: right, I had then put in dget'able links for source packages21:21
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
ScottKLaserJock: Which is a great help.21:21
LaserJockwe just need to have PPAs work too21:22
ScottKUse dget to get official source packages easy.  Use dget to get PPA crack doesn't work.  Bug or feature?21:22
nhandlerHowever, if we move u-d-t to suggests, the script should not die when the user tries to use a launchpadlibrarian url. It should only warn them that it might not work (or tell them to use dgetlp only on an error)21:22
Laneynhandler: The proper fix is to make LP work21:22
LaserJockbut pulling in 70 more packages and some from Universe seems like overkill :-)21:22
ScottKI'm certainly not writing a MIR for u-d-t.21:23
LaserJocknhandler: you can have it die and tell them to use dgetlp from ubuntu-dev-tools21:23
cprovScottK: missing-feature, actually21:23
nhandlerScottK: I don't think getting u-d-t into main is the right solution21:23
ScottKIf it's just a PPA, then I htink it's clearly not our problem.21:23
nhandlerLaserJock: That is what it currently does21:23
LaneyBut not all librarian dscs are broken, are they?21:24
LaserJocknhandler: then why depend on ubuntu-dev-tools? people can figure that out for themselves21:24
ScottKcprov: At least the PPA source packages are still signed so I can verify it hasn't been tampered with.  Of course that has other problems.21:24
ScottKLaney: Yes.21:24
LaneyYes they are or yes you're agreeing with me?21:24
LaserJockLaney: if it comes from librarian it won't work because the URLs are different for each file in the source package21:24
ScottKThe "problem" is that PPA packages don't have usable URLs.21:24
nhandlerLaserJock: It isn't a depends, it is a recommends. And we can easily move this to a suggests21:25
LaneyAh yes, I understand21:25
ScottKnhandler: Since recommends are installed by default, it causes the same problem.21:25
LaserJocknhandler: but in Intrepid Recommends = a installed dependency so it needs to be taken into account21:25
nhandlerYes, I understand that now ScottK and LaserJock.21:25
cprovScottK: I think 'dgetable' PPA urls and signed archives are orthogonal features. Don't you agree ?21:26
cprovScottK: we can easily implement the former in the next cycle.21:26
ScottKcprov: Yes.  But I think signed archives are far more important.21:26
ScottKcprov: Personally, I won't use PPA until it's fixed.21:27
cprovScottK: agreed.21:27
ScottKI was sort of OK with it until the current round of DNS cache poisoning attacks.21:27
LaserJocknhandler: anyway, it's not a big deal, I just wanted to point out that it pulls in an awful lot of new packages and the dget issue should probably be handled differently21:29
nhandlerLaserJock: You are correct, u-d-t should definitely not be recommended.21:29
cprovScottK: yes, awful, signed-ppas will be prioritised accordingly.21:29
nhandlerAnd IMO, the best way to fix this issue would be to get dget to work with launchpadlibrarian21:30
ScottKnhandler: You have it exactly backwards.21:30
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
stefanlsdhelp about - Pidgin 2.5.021:30
nhandlerScottK: Are we able to submit patches for Launchpad/Launchpadlibrarian?21:30
LaneyNo(t yet)21:30
LaserJocknhandler: the issue has been fixed for non-PPA packages, cprov has said that it's a bug they can work on for PPAs21:31
ScottKnhandler: No.21:31
ScottKnhandler: We can't chase every proprietary system that does dumb stuff.21:32
nhandlerLaserJock: I was not aware cprov was a canonical employee.21:32
Laneynhandler: /whois cprov ;)21:32
nhandlerLaney: I just did that after your last message :)21:32
ScottKnhandler: Are you going to feel bad if I revert this change?21:33
nhandlerScottK: Not at all. I did this change over a month ago. I have learned a lot since then.21:34
LaserJockScottK: perhaps just moving ubuntu-dev-tools to Suggests would suffice?21:35
LaserJocknhandler: did your patch actually call dgetlp ?21:35
nhandlerLaserJock: No it did not21:35
ScottKThat and remove the hack that would make get cry.21:35
nhandlerScottK: We could change the 'die' to a 'print' or 'warn'21:35
ScottKLaserJock: I don't think having a workaround for a temporary thing like this is appropriate.21:35
LaserJockyeah, I was just thinking about that21:36
LaserJockit should be fairly temporary21:36
ScottKI've about got it done.21:37
stefanlsdAnyone feel like testing Pidgin 2.5.0 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/25945321:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259453 in pidgin "Please upgrade to pidgin 2.5.0" [Wishlist,In progress]21:42
nhandlerThanks ScottK21:44
nhandlerScottK: Is there any reason to even suggest u-d-t?21:55
stefanlsdReplaces: pidgin (<< 1:2.1.1-2)  - what does the << in this case mean?21:55
ScottKnhandler: Yes, because u-d-t in many ways extends devscripts for Ubuntu specific scripts, so it's generally a good suggestions.21:56
nxvlScottK: courier is fixed!! thanks to NCommander21:56
LaserJockScottK: I agree21:56
ScottKnxvl: Yes.  It even builds twice in a row.21:56
* NCommander wakes up21:56
NCommanderMan, I fix one package, and its like I make people happy21:56
nxvlNCommander: that's why i love Ubuntu Community21:57
ScottKYou gotta find happiness where you can find it.21:57
ScottKFrom another (non-Ubuntu) list: "I give up. Hire someone with basic unix/linux knowledge."21:57
* DktrKranz will be happy when someone will push not FTBFSing gcl + axiom21:58
* nxvl points to NCommander 21:58
NCommanderScottK, O_O;?21:58
NCommanderuh oh21:58
* NCommander activates stealth mode21:58
=== NCommander is now known as ScottK-decoy
ScottK-decoyWho's this NCommander?21:58
=== ScottK-decoy is now known as NCommander
LaserJockDktrKranz: dude, I would owe that person a drink ;-)21:59
ScottKOf course now I know all the channels we have in common since I highlight on ScottK21:59
DktrKranzLaserJock, well... I have recipe for gcl, but axiom would still fail21:59
NCommanderat least on freenode22:00
LaserJockDktrKranz: yeah, it's a beast22:00
NCommanderLaserJock, point me to your FTBFS log22:00
LaserJockDktrKranz: Debian was talking about maybe switching away from gcl for axiom but I'm not sure how that'll go22:00
LaserJockI believe the axiom maintainer is also the gcl maintainer :-)22:00
DktrKranzcamm maguire, yes22:01
DktrKranzLaserJock, as I wrote in axiom FTBFS bug, compile errors are due to changes included in a gcl revision (-36 IIRC)22:01
* LaserJock has somewhat of a dislike of gcl22:02
DktrKranzI tried to revert them all, but there are still issues22:02
DktrKranzand I think I've stressed PPA too much with gcl testing :(22:02
NCommander(I'll look to see if I can fix)22:03
LaserJockI remember wgrant going through like 1000+ lines trying to find a bad patch in gcl so we could fix another package22:03
DktrKranzNCommander, bug 16360322:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 163603 in axiom "FTBFS: axiom_20050901-9ubuntu1 on hardy/i386" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16360322:03
NCommanderIt's a hardy FTBFS?22:03
DktrKranzNCommander, still happens in intrepid22:04
NCommanderWhat a beast22:04
DktrKranzLaserJock, see my comment #3 and http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16838329/gcl_2.6.7-42ubuntu1.4_source.changes for possible solutions.22:05
sebnerDktrKranz: congratulations old boy :P22:05
NCommanderso both gcl and axiom FTBFS?22:05
NCommanderOr is one causing the other?22:05
DktrKranzNCommander, gcl is broken itself22:06
NCommanderhow is it broken?22:06
DktrKranzNCommander, long time FTBFS22:06
NCommander(lisp in general is broken, but be more specific)22:06
DktrKranzgcl_2.6.7-42ubuntu1.4 "fixes" it, but axiom doesn't like ti22:06
NCommanderHow did it fixs22:07
NCommanderI'll fix it22:07
NCommanderGive me the short version of this packages hisotry22:07
sebnerDktrKranz: \o/ \o/ \o/22:07
DktrKranzaloha sebner22:08
sebnerDktrKranz: congratulations ;P22:08
DktrKranzNCommander, just keep in mind axiom FTBFS with gcl 2.6.7-34 and newer22:08
DktrKranztested ;)22:09
DktrKranzsebner, danke22:09
sebnerDktrKranz: thumbs up :)22:09
DktrKranzwith -33 axiom compiles22:09
sebnerNCommander: by me xD22:09
DktrKranzwith -34 and newer... no22:09
* LaserJock hands NCommander some pills22:10
NCommanderhow specifically does axiom FTBFS with -34?22:10
LaserJockto calm the convulsions ;-)22:10
sebnerDktrKranz: emmet said: Main sponsor for a long time ... for me? ^^22:10
sebnerLaserJock: xD22:10
DktrKranzsebner, probably ;)22:10
DktrKranzNCommander, I'll grab log... just a sec22:11
NCommanderI found one, but it looks out of date22:11
DktrKranzNCommander, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/16369974/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-lpia.axiom_20050901-9ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz is accurate22:12
DktrKranzbut I have more on my PPA :)22:12
* NCommander winces22:12
NCommanderwhat have you done w.r.t to debugging this22:13
NCommanderWhat is causign code.o to not exist?22:13
DktrKranzNCommander, there's a (closed) bug on BTS too, but not so useful22:13
DktrKranzwell... I did pbuilder login and installed several gcl versions, -33 worked, -34 no more22:13
NCommanderdoesn't always mean the issue is with gcl22:14
DktrKranzI just changed that22:14
DktrKranzremaining packages were not touched22:14
NCommanderok, Axiom is compiling22:15
* NCommander looks at axiom's changelog22:16
NCommanderI might have found a possible cause22:16
NCommanderWow, this package hasn't been updated in two years22:16
DktrKranzNCommander, see also debian 45887822:16
ubottuDebian bug 458878 in axiom "axiom: FTBFS: cp: cannot stat" [Serious,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/45887822:16
DktrKranzbut I'm unable to reproduce it on sud22:17
doctormoHmm, lots of people keep on asking me to get my package in the repos; although a week of REVU has done nothing. any advice?22:17
NCommanderThat ain't happy22:17
NCommanderDktrKranz, I got a new issue for you22:18
NCommander>Segmentation fault (core dumped)22:18
joaopintodoctormo, get into the waiting queue :P22:18
DktrKranzNCommander, welcome aboard! ;)22:18
DktrKranzI received *tons*22:18
NCommanderThat is a common issue I take it?22:18
NCommanderIt randomly segfaults?!22:19
DktrKranzwith gcl/axiom, very common22:19
NCommanderThat's screwed up22:19
DktrKranzit *shouldn't* segfault if compiled with "--enable-locbfd --disable-statsysbfd"22:20
DktrKranzbut I didn't investigate22:20
NCommanderon axiom or gcl?22:20
DktrKranzgcl for sure22:20
NCommanderIt didn't segfault the second time around22:20
NCommander... has a ****ing race condition22:20
NCommanderOh ...22:20
NCommanderPlease, tell me these patchs are not inlined22:21
NCommander-rw-r--r--  1 mcasadevall mcasadevall  14M 2008-05-02 22:16 gcl_2.6.7-36.1.diff.gz22:21
doctormojoaopinto: that seems a little odd, it's not like I've made a patch of some existing thing.22:22
DktrKranzNCommander, hehe... go out for a walk when "debuild -S && dput" ;)22:22
joaopintodoctormo, I have a package waiting for review for about 1 month22:23
NCommanderIt only took two minutes22:23
NCommanderFor the22:23
NCommanderlove of22:23
DktrKranzNCommander, *please* do not look at gclcvs, then :)22:23
NCommanderIt is 70MB ... incompressed22:23
NCommanderof god22:24
doctormojoaopinto: are they still outstanding?22:24
NCommanderThat does it22:24
* NCommander deletes what's here22:24
* NCommander starts froms cratch22:24
NCommanderThis package is non-maintainable22:24
NCommanderIt should be removed from the archive in its current condition22:24
joaopintodoctormo, I am assuming that most of the packages will not get into Intrepid, UVF is getting closer22:25
DktrKranzNCommander, it seems to me Debian is another upstream, camm is a gcl developer, AFAIK22:25
NCommanderI discovered that22:26
DktrKranzand, since they didn't release a major release, changes are in .diff.gz22:26
NCommanderThat's just plain sick22:26
DktrKranzjust minor and insignificant :)22:26
NCommanderNot really22:26
DktrKranzNCommander, also keep in mind if you push gcl, rdependent package *must* be rebuilt22:26
NCommanderThis trainwreck is unmaintable22:27
DktrKranzheh, I spent some days on it ;)22:27
NCommanderThis is a case of delete and restart22:27
* NCommander actually is debating filing a removal request for this package22:28
NCommanderBy defintion this is buggy and unmaintable22:28
LaserJockdude, look at the rdepends though22:28
NCommanderI realize that22:29
DktrKranzIIRC, there are five packages which rdepend on gcl, and they have issues22:29
NCommanderI'm going to simply work from a knowning working22:29
NCommanderand throw out this mess22:29
NCommanderupstream seems to have stalled22:30
slangasekwhy are you going to do that instead of talking to the Debian maintainer?22:31
NCommanderI don't think there is hope for the maintainer22:31
NCommander(well, I need to figure out really how bad this is before I do anything, then I'll ask him to help me figure out what the heck is what)22:32
wgrantWell, I think they're likely to do something about it soon, as Lenny has to release eventuall.22:32
NCommanderThe diff file is 70MB uncompressed22:32
NCommanderI see at least six or seven configure scripts22:32
NCommander(full configure scripts) atuom4te.cache folders22:32
DktrKranzwgrant, debian seems not affected, at least I wasn't able to reproduce FTBFS22:32
slangasekgcl is a massively difficult package, regardless of how it's currently being maintained; unless you have some particular long-term attachment to gcl, I don't see why Ubuntu would want to be saddled with your complete repackaging of gcl, which we then can't go to the Debian maintainer for help with?22:33
NCommanderI dunno22:33
NCommanderBut this is just hurting my brain22:33
wgrantI touched gcl once a couple of years ago to fix a big Dapper maxima bug, and that has taught me never to go near it again.22:33
NCommanderwhy ... why does gcl have binutils from debian in its source code?22:34
NCommanderOk, it doesn't compile out of the box22:35
* NCommander inhales and exhales22:36
doctormojoaopinto: maybe it's time for an alternate repo, the offical one is glogged22:37
joaopintodoctormo, well, you can use a PPA until the package is accepted, hopefully on Intrepid+122:38
wgrantOr get it in Debian.22:38
wgrantThat's going to make everybody happier.22:38
NCommanderDktrKranz, have you tried to talk with upstream?22:38
joaopintowgrant, is that a guarantee that it will be reviewed/accepted faster than it does on REVU ?22:39
wgrantStarting alternate repositories is a sure way to get induce a huge amount of animosity between you and the development community, and is likely to remove much chance of many of us reviewing your packages.22:39
wgrants/get //22:39
wgrantNo. Nothing is guaranteed in situations like this.22:40
wgrantThat's not how community-based distributions work.22:40
DktrKranzNCommander, not yet. I was trying to figure out if it was a ubuntu specific issue (toolchain, or some) or something in gcl/axiom itself, but answer is not clear to me22:40
joaopintowgrant, well, so you are suggesting to have extra effort, and eventually get into the same issue :)22:40
NCommanderDktrKranz, if the compiler is RANDOMLY segfaulting, by design thats an upstream issue.22:41
NCommander(unless its an Ubuntu specific patch causing it, which there are none of)22:41
wgrantjoaopinto: But then we don't have to maintain it like we do with all of the other drive-by uploads we have. And Debian would get it too. Everybody wins.22:41
DktrKranzmy main question is why in debian never segfaults22:41
DktrKranz(on my box, at least)22:42
joaopintowgrant, so why not just shutdown REVU :) ?22:42
wgrantjoaopinto: Oh, I'd like to.22:42
NCommanderDktrKranz, are you running amd64 or i386?22:43
NCommanderFrom what I can gather, it only FTBFS on Debian on amd6422:43
NCommanderAnd if thats the case, its possible the issue is that gcl is not 64-bit clean :-/22:43
joaopintoit is not very nice to get a "Try Debian" after spending time into getting a package into Ubuntu, as per the documented processes22:44
DktrKranzso, why it does with ubuntu? does it dislike debian derivatives?22:44
wgrantDktrKranz: There's no 100_melt_ubuntu_developers_minds.dpatch?22:45
DktrKranzwgrant, I removed it... it has typos22:45
NCommanderOh, god22:46
NCommanderHe upgraded binutils22:46
NCommanderTHat's why the patch file is 70MB22:46
LaserJockNCommander: take a breath :-)22:47
* NCommander inhales22:47
NCommanderwhy does it build its own binutils22:47
jpdsNCommander: It's not the end of the world.22:47
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
DktrKranzoh... do not forget bug 227878 too ;)22:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 227878 in gcl "gcl failed to upgrade from Ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22787822:48
DktrKranzemacs related22:48
NCommanderThis might be even too much for me22:48
NCommanderthis package requires gettext22:50
NCommanderThe check for gettext is commented it, and it compiled the one shipping in binutils22:50
joaopintoNCommander, are you actually going to fix it, or just complaining :P ?22:51
NCommanderI don't even know where to begin22:51
NCommanderIts disrupting my ability to code22:52
DktrKranzjoaopinto, fix it without complaining is almost impossible, trust me :)22:52
NCommanderjoaopinto, seriously, download this source package, and take alook22:52
NCommanderDktrKranz, why are you trying to fix this package?22:53
DktrKranzNCommander, basically QA22:53
NCommander(beyond the fact that FTBFS are evil, most people would give up looking at this horror)22:53
DktrKranzI've no interest in axiom/maxima/gcl itself/whatever22:53
joaopintoNCommander, no thanks, I am looking into gambas2,it's  more interesting :P22:55
NCommanderThere can't be a package worse than this22:56
DktrKranzjoaopinto, my gambas2 guy replied to me22:56
NCommanderMy mind would go boom22:56
joaopintoDktrKranz, that mysql issue is not fixed on the intrepid package yet22:56
DktrKranzjoaopinto, he told me 2.8 svn 1503 fixed some mysql issues22:56
joaopintoI don't believe they would keep a release with such a critical bug, I am building from source now22:58
joaopintohum, 2.8 is building on amd6422:58
NCommanderWhat's wrong with gambas2?22:58
joaopintohey, and it runs22:58
DktrKranzjoaopinto, if you're successful, maybe we can fix it in intrepid as well22:59
joaopintoNCommander, a mysql insert, is inserting duplicated invalid records22:59
joaopintoNCommander, and the examples do no run, just display an error22:59
joaopintobut I don't care about the examples for now22:59
joaopintoDktrKranz, well, the good news about 2.8 is that it runs on amd64 bits, the last time I have check Intrepid it was not installable their, I mean, using apt23:00
DktrKranzjoaopinto, I asked to remove amd64 from hardy (2.0 was not 64bit ready) 2.8 should be fine23:00
joaopintoerm, I am getting the mysql bug from the original source23:01
joaopintotime to file a bug report upstream23:01
DktrKranzoh... still not fixed then23:01
joaopintoor better, since I am new to it, asking on the users ml, to make sure I am not doing something really dumb :P23:02
DktrKranztime to go and fix gcl... erm... sleep :)23:02
DktrKranzc u23:02
YokoZarzul: ping back23:35
directhexwhat's the correct way to document use of bootstrapping binaries in a source package?23:37
LaserJockanybody know of any good tools for submitting bugs to debian other than reportbug/submittodebian ?23:38
azeemdirecthex: is that allowed these days?23:38
azeemLaserJock: mutt23:38
azeemor rng23:38
directhexazeem, what's the alternative?23:38
LaserJockazeem: was rather trying to avoid mutt but ... ;-)23:38
azeemdirecthex: I thought the buildd admins were supposed to bootstrap those23:38
azeembut that was a couple of years ago23:39
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directhexhm, i should check with the debian people, they're smart.23:39
azeemthey can upload binary packages23:39
LaserJockdirecthex: depends on what you mean by "debian people" as there are several here, including azeem ;-)23:39
directhexthe last person to pass judgement on this one was joerg@debian.org. i'm trying to bring it back from abandonment23:40
directhexmono-basic. it was rejected on two counts, one for including dodgy unredistributable code in orig.tar.gz, one for including binaries23:42
directhexthe former is easily fixed, it's only a unit test23:42
azeemhow many arches are supported?23:43
directhexazeem, it's architecture:all, but mono in debian is only for amd64, arm, armel, i386, ia64, powerpc, s390, sparc23:46
azeemwhat kind of binaries does it have then?23:47
directhexbytecode assemblies. sorta like java .class files23:48
tgm4883_laptopIf a MOTU has some time.  I'd appreciate a REVU on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mythbuntu-log-grabber23:53
azeemdirecthex: I guess on Debian you could just bootstrap yourself and upload an Arch: all packages Build-Depending on itself23:55
azeembut dunno, maybe joerg@d.o would reject that as well23:55
directhexazeem, that appears to be the way it works in debian. messy and vile, but functional23:58
directhexish. maybe.23:58

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