
TheSheep(reality is a little suboptime lhere)00:00
zrno sound on my eeepc00:00
zrinstalled xubuntu00:00
TheSheepzr: how did you check for sound?00:00
bhall_How about /etc/xdg/user-dirs.defaults?  Can I add arbitrary entries and have them show up?00:01
TheSheepbhall_: I think these are only created when the user account is created00:01
TheSheepbhall_: not sure though00:01
TheSheepbhall_: read the spec00:01
bhall_(say COURSE_DIR=/my/path/to/course_directories or something?)00:01
bhall_Ok.  Thanks for the help.  At least I know where to read now.00:02
TheSheepbhall_: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/basedir-spec00:02
TheSheepahm, sorry, that's not the one00:03
bhall_Thanks, I think I can get it from here.  I really appreciate the help.00:05
zrTheSheep: alsamixer00:06
zrTheSheep: all levels are ok00:06
zrTheSheep: audacious seems to play the music00:06
zrbut no sound comes out00:07
TheSheepzr: is it a mp3?00:10
TheSheepzr: did you install the codecs?00:10
zri use an ogg to test00:10
zrfirefox flash doesnt play sound either00:11
TheSheepzr: I assume there is no physical volume control? :)00:11
TheSheepzr: like some knb or something00:11
zrTheSheep: nopes00:11
zrTheSheep: before you ask, i'm not deaf either00:12
TheSheepdoes 'cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp' produce noise?00:12
zrnne at all00:12
zrhold on00:12
TheSheepheh, made me hold my breath :)00:13
zrcrw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 3 2008-08-18 23:42 /dev/dsp00:13
zri belong to the audio group00:13
TheSheeplooks correct00:13
zrroot doesnt hear audio either00:14
TheSheepyeah, you would get an error message if you didn't have rights there00:14
TheSheepand all channels are unmuted in alsamixer?00:15
zrof course00:15
TheSheepdmesg | tail shows anything interesting?00:15
* TheSheep is out of ideas00:16
zrI will then cry a thousand tears of sorrow00:16
TheSheepalmost looks like physically disconnected speakers XD00:16
* zr weeps bitterly00:16
zri have a laptop00:17
TheSheepbut that's not likely00:17
TheSheepdo you get any sound if you connect headphones?00:17
coder316can somebody please help me with a hardware issue? I just installed Xubuntu onto my Mom's old laptop, and the ethernet is not being recognized.00:23
coder316I also tried a usb-based wifi, but it's not being recognized either00:24
coder316can somebody please help?00:25
bhall_do you get anything when you do dmesg | grep eth00:27
coder316let me give it a try. one sec00:27
bhall_(Looking for something like: [   71.462925] 0000:00:19.0: eth1: Link is Up 100 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: RX/TX00:28
bhall_zr, is it a 900 or 701?00:29
coder316i get a response00:29
zreverything seems to work,but no sound00:29
zralsa is happy, everything is unmuted00:30
coder316btw, i'm using a diff laptop at the moment since obviously the laptop in question has no internet connection. let me type out the response msg...00:30
coder316Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods00:30
coder316sda:<4>Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods00:30
bhall_zr, did you use a script pack for your EeePC 900 or is it vanilla xubuntu 8.04?00:30
coder316those are the responses00:31
zrbhall_: vanilla00:31
bhall_coder, don't worry about.  Not what I was looking for,  Does it show up in Applications -> System -> Network?00:31
coder316bhall_, under the connections tab i see two things that are grayed out: "Wireless connection" and "Point to point connection"00:32
coder316bhall_, i should note that when i installed Xubuntu, i used the alternate disc since this laptop has only 700mhz cpu & 128mb ram. and, i did not have the ethernet plugged-in until after installation.00:34
bhall_zr, have you tried this: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/getting_ubuntu_8.04_to_work_perfectly#eeepc_90x00:36
bhall_coder, do you happen to know what kind of wired ethernet it is?  Most are supported by Linux these days00:36
TheSheepcoder316: lspci should list it00:37
coder316TheSheep, thanks. one sec.00:37
coder316i don't think it's listed in that00:38
TheSheepcoder316: how about lshw?00:39
zrbhall_: yes00:39
coder316i looked for words like "ethernet", "nic", "eth", "10/100" etc, but i didn't see anything. when the laptop had windows running, we always just used the wifi. for all i know, the ethernet port could've just died a long time ago... :(00:39
coder316but, since i know the wireless usb definitely worked in windows earlier today, is there anyway we could get that working too? it's Belkin based00:40
coder316one sec, let me try lshw00:40
coder316ooh... lshw gave a lot of results. i'll scroll thru in a sec. the last result is "Wireless interface" ...00:41
bhall_coder, list exactly what belkin model and revision it is.  Sometimes they make chipset changes between hardware revisions.00:41
coder316ok, one sec00:42
bhall_zr, still no joy?  Don't think I can help.  Sorry.  Have you tried eeexubuntu or eeebuntu?  Both work great on my 701.00:42
coder316ok,i just looked through that list. no ethernet00:43
coder316i just unplugged the usb wireless device so i can read more specific specs for you.00:43
coder316it says "Belkin 802.11g - 54Mbps" on the front00:44
coder316model no F5D705000:44
coder316can't find revision #00:44
coder316a google search for belkin F5D7050 returns what i have: http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=17921100:46
bhall_Hmm.. looks like you might have to use NDISwrapper.  It's a layer that uses the Windows driver.  it works well on my HP 2133 Mini-Note with a broadcom card.  (I haven't successfully used with with WPA, though.)00:51
bhall_Here's someone in a similar predicament: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86017900:51
coder316i'm willing to try anything that could help get it to work00:52
bhall_Just to warn you: ndiswrapper often isn't fun.  It works ok on my 2133 but the broadcom chipset it uses is very well documented.  (It's the same wireless as an Apple AirportExtreme.)00:53
coder316i wish device manufacturers would just make linux drivers the same way they do for windows!00:55
coder316i guess i'll try the ndiswrapper. hopefully i can get it working...00:56
coder316hey, does this help at all?00:57
coder316i found on that forum you linked to, one of the commands the guy tried was iwconfig. his returned "no wireless extensions."00:57
coder316on mine, i get that same result for lo and wmaster0, but for wlan it says IEEE 802.11g ...00:58
coder316and it says a bunch of info00:58
coder316bhall_, do you think we could get it working from there?00:59
=== emma_ is now known as emma
coder316bhall_, you still there?01:04
coder316oh. he quit. lol01:05
=== burner_ is now known as burner
ThePhoenix28Hi, im having an issue with hard drive detection04:50
ThePhoenix28can anyone help me?04:50
ThePhoenix28The installer freezes at the partition screen04:51
ThePhoenix28and GPrated wont detect any devices04:52
burnerThePhoenix28: sudo gparted work?05:41
wols_ThePhoenix28: sudo doesn't work with X apps. gksudo or sux does however08:18
almaHello Anybody can help to me? I use Xubuntu 8.04 and I can not get my mic working! After installing xubuntu it was working but a few days later no more. I have also tried the settings in skype but nothing. Any Idea?08:55
almaI have already tried to reaload asla08:59
almabut still nothing08:59
favrotype   alsamixer   in a terminal and make sure everything is turned up :)09:00
almafavro it is turned up09:01
favrowhat sort of mic is it? - usb or...09:04
favrointel onboard sound is it?09:06
favrolspci | grep audio   will tell you09:07
almayes it is onboard09:07
almaI will try the command09:07
alma00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] AC'97 Sound Controller (rev a0)09:09
favrocan you boot into an older kernel - the .19 kernel killed sound out on one of my comps - using the older kernel fixed it09:12
almafavro: works thanks for help I found some settings and some thread on ubuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype#Audio%20Problems09:12
wols_you can however it usually means there are security holes in the older kernel09:12
kibibytehow to chang ekeyboard switch to dffrent keys09:17
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts09:17
kibibytehow to change keybord shoutcut to change worskpaces09:17
kibibytebut changing workspaces09:18
kibibytenow its ctrl+Fn09:18
kibibytei want change it09:18
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts09:22
aldipcI installed some apps using synaptic, but they don't appear in the menu structure....10:18
aldipcwhy not?10:19
aldipcshould I have used the add/remove application Application?10:19
wols_aldipc: that'S the same. cause they have no menu entry probably10:22
wols_not all packages do10:22
aldipcthat sux...10:22
aldipcbut ubuntu would do that right?10:22
aldipcare U sure?10:23
aldipceven gpodder had a menu entry when I used ubuntu.10:23
wols_yes cause ubuntu and xubuntu use apart from DE which has menu entries, the same packages10:23
aldipcI only use xubuntu because under ubuntu my internet is terribly slow for some reason10:24
wols_"menu" being the program managing those entries10:24
aldipcwhat is DE?10:24
wols_desktop environment10:24
aldipcwell gpodder had an entry in ubuntu, and it does not appear in xubuntu!10:24
wols_and that makes no sense. network speed is a kernel entry10:24
aldipcI don't understand it either...10:24
aldipcI am downloading the ubuntu cd once again now to test it with the live cdd10:25
Myrttiremember the live cd is always slower10:25
aldipcbut I just want to test if the internet works at all...10:26
aldipcit is a known issue with ubuntu!10:26
wols_only thing ubuntu could do different is the gnome network manager10:26
aldipcpeople say: disable ipv6, but I don't want to edit configfiles!! and besides.. it didn't work either..10:26
aldipcI gave up... but without menu entries it becomes annoying..10:27
wols_ah, ipv6 dns lookups10:30
zrhello, alsa seems to beworking,but i hear no sound10:40
zrall channels are unmuted10:40
aldipcturn up the volume?10:41
zrI dd10:41
=== whaletales is now known as aptanet
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
elthlanhi! A SKYPE question: Skype's camera self view shows static but my contact can see me normally. Skype also crashes immediately upon receiving video15:37
elthlanxubuntu on eeepc15:38
elthlanis there a eeexubuntu channel?15:41
tunanot that I know of15:42
tunathat sounds like skype lacks some video dependencies15:43
elthlanhi tuna15:43
elthlanit was working15:43
tunaso it has received video before?15:43
elthlanvideo dependencies15:43
elthlanyeah. I was trying to plug the eee to an external monitor15:44
elthlanthat seems to have screwed up the camera15:44
tunadid you modify your xorg.conf15:44
tunaespecially what modules it loads?15:45
tunaif skype uses accelerated video, and you turn it off from xorg.conf, that could be it15:45
elthlani think i did, but i was following some tip i randomly found online15:46
tunado yuo have a backup?15:46
elthlanof the xorg15:47
elthlanherm, opps..i don't remember15:47
elthlani'll go check..thanks tuna15:47
tunaxorg.conf is deep magic - I'll be damn glad when we finally get rid of it in the next version of ubuntu15:48
tunaalso, I think there is a command that gives you back the default xorg.conf15:49
wols_tuna: we won't15:49
elthlanoh, i'll check it out15:49
tunawols: well, I will15:50
tunaAt least I can run the alpha without it?15:50
wols_while, theoretically you can have a empty xorg.conf now, if you want an external monitor you still need the file...15:52
wols_basically with bog standard setups it works. not when anything'S special15:52
elthlani have 16 different xorgs and one broken and one failsafe. How do I know which one? and how do I revert anyway? Would the debian dpkg be an easier/safer way?16:16
=== FoxBoy is now known as Hondo_Kitsune
blahbiddyblahblaminimum sys. reqs. are 192 mb ram?17:22
blahbiddyblahblasuggestions if I only have a pc with 96?17:28
zoredacheuse the 'aternate installer'17:28
zoredache!lowmem | blahbiddyblahbla17:28
ubottublahbiddyblahbla: For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.17:28
blahbiddyblahblathx zore17:30
rockyrockhi guys, i can't get my sound works in xubuntu, but the sound works well on Ubuntu!17:46
rockyrockso what do i have to do?17:46
cody-somervillerockyrock, It works in Ubuntu but not Xubuntu? :S17:46
cody-somervillerockyrock, Did you install Ubuntu and then install Xubuntu? or did you overwrite Ubuntu? ie. How is your box setup now?17:47
rockyrockNo i formatted everthing in my laptop and then installed xubuntu17:48
rockyrockhow can i see if xubuntu recognizes the sound card??17:48
cody-somervillerockyrock, output sudo lshw17:49
rockyrockwhere should i post the output?17:51
cody-somervillerockyrock, no17:52
cody-somervillerockyrock, pastebin.ubuntu.com17:52
cody-somervillerockyrock, it detects it, yup17:53
rockyrockbut i can't hear anything17:53
rockyrockdo u mean i have it works?17:54
rockyrockwhen i open the Volume controle it looks empty17:54
cody-somervillerockyrock, whats the output of amixer?17:55
rockyrockwhat's amixer?17:55
cody-somervilleA command17:55
rockyrockamixer: Mixer attach default error: No such file or directory17:56
bytor4232It doesn't look like rockyrock is a member of the audio group.17:57
bytor4232rockyrock: Go to Applications - System - Users and Gruops17:58
bytor4232Click on the username your logged in as, then click properties17:58
bytor4232Then, see what your permissions are.  I bet use audio devices is not checked.17:58
rockyrockI entered Users Priviliges> Use audio devices "It's checked". You los!18:00
* bytor4232 pushes his chips across the table, "shouldn't have gone all in!"18:00
cody-somervillecrimsun, Any ideas? ^^18:02
rockyrockare u sure that xubuntu recognises the Sound Card?18:03
rockyrockAcutally there is not Voume Controle near the notification area, i did add one to the panel 10mints ago!18:04
rockyrocki can't live without music! Also my laptop can't live without xubuntu! I have an old laptop: 1.4GHz Intel, 256 RAM, 30G Hard.....18:05
rockyrocki can't install Ubuntu cuz my laptop can't handle it :-(18:06
bytor4232rockyrock: Thats a lot of process for so little ram.18:06
rockyrockI can't install more than 512 Ram18:07
rockyrockmy mobo doesn't recognize more that 512 :(18:07
rockyrockAlso I'm a Java developer :( :(18:08
bytor4232Wait a minute...18:09
bytor4232it says "multimedia UNCLAIMED18:09
bytor4232What does that mean?18:09
* bytor4232 never heard of lshw before18:09
rockyrockbytor4232: dunno!18:11
bytor4232Does that mean there is no driver attached to that device?18:11
rockyrocki think so18:11
rockyrockbut it works with Ubuntu!!!!!!!!! I know that xubuntu is just Ubuntu with XFCE and little software18:12
cody-somervillerockyrock, I find it perplexing as well18:13
bytor4232rockyrock: What version of Xubuntu did you install?  What version of Ubuntu did you install?18:13
rockyrockI think we should talk to some xubuntu developers~18:13
* bytor4232 points at cody-somerville18:13
rockyrockxubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 5,...dunno the rest numbers!18:14
cody-somervillerockyrock, I'm trying to locate one of our sound experts, uno momento svp18:14
bytor4232rockyrock: Look at this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26760418:14
rockyrockok wating18:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8257 in alsa-driver "Sound does not work (dup-of: 8012)" [High,Invalid]18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8012 in linux-source-2.6.15 "other devices (sound, wireless?) fail to work when lp/parport modules are loaded due to IRQ conflict" [High,Fix released]18:15
bytor4232You beat me to it ubottu18:16
bytor4232I just had that page loaded.18:16
bytor4232rockyrock: They worked on Ubuntu 5.10 because it used a different kernel.18:17
rockyrockso what does that mean?? I didn't understand ubottu! I can't say that u won18:17
bytor4232rockyrock: Disable your parport in the bios.18:18
rockyrockwhat is parport?18:18
bytor4232rockyrock: Your parallel port18:19
bytor4232rockyrock: aka lp18:19
rockyrockaha! I'm afraid that my bios does have such a choice!!!!!18:19
rockyrocki mean doesn't18:20
bytor4232rockyrock: You could try blacklisting the parport_pc and parport modules.18:21
rockyrockfrom bios?18:21
bytor4232Add "blacklist parport_pc" to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist18:21
* bytor4232 doesn't know, his lappy doesn't have a parport anyway.18:22
bytor4232you'll need to reboot after adding that to the end of blacklist.18:22
rockyrocklooool no my lappy has one!18:22
rockyrocki just checked!18:22
bytor4232also, you may have to add "blacklist parport" to the end of blacklist as well.  They are seperate modules.18:23
bytor4232rockyrock: More info on your problem can be found here:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/801218:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8012 in linux-source-2.6.15 "other devices (sound, wireless?) fail to work when lp/parport modules are loaded due to IRQ conflict" [High,Fix released]18:24
bytor4232There is a lot of good info there.18:24
rockyrockthnx  man I hope you to win!18:25
edvardif i want to help with Xubuntu, what mailing list do I subscribe to?18:46
edvardwait i think i found it18:47
edvardxubuntu-devel and xubuntu-bugs, right?18:48
danielmedvard: yes18:49
edvardis the current package list set in stone?18:52
edvardgoing to sign up, bbl18:54
n3himacan somebody please direct me to config files for a webcam (eee pc 900 with eeepc kernel)20:53
David-AWhat to do when (1) nither "sudo pkill -9 localedef" nor "sudo kill -9 22067" kills? or (2) when upgrading xubuntu 7.10->8.04 hangs w 100% cpu in "Generating locale..." for 40 minutes?20:58
cody-somervilleDavid-A, I had the same problem20:59
cody-somervilleI uninstalled locales20:59
cody-somervilleand then installed it again after everything (or as much as it could) finished configuring20:59
David-ACan I uninstall while I am installing? I think my system is in an intermediate state between 710 and 804 right now21:00
HolydiverHello guys !21:13
Holydiversomebody's here ?21:17
David-AYes, but i am in limbo21:17
Holydiversorry i don't know what's limbo :D21:18
David-Anowhere, kind of21:19
Holydiveri got a little problem21:19
Holydiveri can't switch my resolution to bigger than 800*60021:19
TheSheepHolydiver: make sure you set up horizontal and vertical synch rates for your moniotr properly21:21
David-AHolydiver: we can talk, but i might not be able to help you, laptop, crt or flatscreen?21:21
TheSheepHolydiver: normally it's autodetected, but some monitors/drivers fail sometimes21:21
Holydiverthe problem is that my monitor isn't recognized properly21:21
TheSheepHolydiver: you can set it up with 'sudo displayconfig-gtk'21:22
Holydiveri'll give it a try21:22
Holydiverthx its solved :D21:25
almaHello I have some problem installing a webcam A4tech PK935. I use Xubuntu 8.04, under Ubuntu it is working well. Anybody knows what I have to install to get it work under xubuntu?22:38
zzlcan we request free xubuntu cds anywhere?23:57
apatheticHello, I have a problem, I've ran xubuntu on multiple machines, i havnt had to manually fix xorg.conf more than once, which was in an old version (running old xfce), but now i installed hardy and i get a really high res (cant even see the entire desktop) and i cannot change it with the screen preferences in settings, nor can i see what it runs for update hz, i tried to reconfigure xserver with no success (i dont get the res window23:57
favroI had to use a backedup xorg.conf from gutsy...23:59

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