
=== everaldo is now known as arcanjoebc
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dillonhey i got it working wanted to say thanks you guys are awesome00:04
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=== HenrikO is now known as HenrikOss
szakulechow do I start a kde app from a terminal?00:15
Cannolihow can i make a ntfs partition on my hdd through kubuntu?00:15
gleyveCan I customize my bootscreen?00:15
dillonszakulec: just type the name of the program00:18
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ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:20
zzldoes anyone know of a good OS that is good for my old computer that and that can run windows executibles well? all I'm trying to do on that old computer is to use the windows .exe to view stocks00:21
samuel ubuntu00:22
zzlmy computer is 1999 custom made..00:23
samuelshould stil be cool00:23
samuelon my machine ubuntu idles at 256mb ram00:23
samuelsometimes less00:23
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:24
_mn_zzl, if you're worried about that you could try xubuntu00:25
samuelso whos a newbie?00:42
joshuajtlargh kicker-compiz wont show the pager in 2 rows00:42
bradfordhi can someone help me with setting up wireless card on dell00:45
KRFbradford, give some more details (model, name, etc.)00:46
KRFand what the problem is00:46
bradfordthanks so much here is what i have done00:46
bradfordadded the ndiswrapper utility00:47
bradfordand moved windows drivers to lib/frimware/wirless00:47
bradfordbut the command00:47
bradfordsudo ndiswrapper -i /lib/firmware/i3945/infname.inf00:48
bradfordgives me some error about00:48
KRFyou shouldnt need ndis for  a i3945 adapter afaik00:48
bradfordwell tried ubuntu and kubuntu00:49
KRF[krf@raptor ~/kde-devel/lib 1,5G] lsmod | grep 39                                                                    1:4900:49
KRFiwl3945                89844  000:49
KRFtheres iwl394500:49
KRFshould work out of the box normally00:49
KRFbradford, what dell model?00:49
bradfordit will not recoginize only have wired and phonhe00:50
bubu1uki got 3965 and works out of box.00:50
bradfordin networks00:50
bradfordvpstrp 150000:50
bradfordvostro 1500 i mean00:50
Daisuke_Laptopthe 3945 and 4965 work out of the box, there should be no need for ndiswrapepr at all :\00:51
bradfordif you have any ideas i just reinstalled again and still will not see wireless00:52
Daisuke_Laptopis the wireless *on*?00:52
KRFbradford, yeah. look for some hardware switch00:52
=== raimundo is now known as Raimundo
Daisuke_Laptopon dells, the hardware switch is right at the front, on the edge, a bit to the left of the touchpad (at least it is on the inspirons)00:53
bradfordyes works fine in xp00:53
bradfordbutr wnen i use ndiswraper to install the driver and get ndiscrapper options i am using -i00:54
samuelWhat OS are you on ?00:54
samuelI had a ton of trouble with ubuntu and my wireless card....I swtiched to kubuntu and it worked great00:55
samuelthey had more up to date comatibilty00:55
bubu1uksamuel: didn't have any problems neither on kubuntu neither ubuntu with wireless.00:55
samuelubuntu kept giving me trouble with ndiswrapper00:55
samuelafterinstalling i was getting a no utilities error00:56
samuelwhen trying to setup00:56
bradfordso i need to try kubuntu?00:56
bradfordi just need any solution or idea if anyone has one00:56
bubu1uku might try. althougt it should work it think.00:56
samuelthey have a program built in that set me up and has worked great00:57
bradfordis there a way to add to the networks ?00:57
samuelkubuntu is a little more intesnive than ubuntu but still far less ram hogging than widnows00:57
bradfordor see is ubuntu is seeing wireless card at all even though not in the networks00:57
bradfordi am downloading kubuntu now thanks for the help will c if that will work on the dell thanks for the help01:03
_mn_samuel: what do you mean kubuntu is more intensive?01:06
Daisuke_Laptop_mn_: judging from a quick glance at the comment, he probably means resource intensive01:07
Daisuke_Laptopwhich isn't necessarily true01:07
bradfordguys i just want it to work01:07
bradfordthanks for the ideas will let you know how it goes01:08
samuelread this for kubuntu01:09
samuelthis is what got me going and have had no problems since01:10
pteaguei wasted several hours last night trying to debug my firewall trying to figure out why i couldn't connect to the internet... turns out my cable provider turned it off for distributing illegal warez via bittorrent01:12
samuelthat is not good.  do you have comcast?01:12
bubu1ukpteague lol01:13
pteagueno, everest (now surewest)... i'm thinking it's cause of the recent change... i was confused... i'm not running bittorrent at all, i'm running rtorrent... & i asked which of ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, mythbuntu, & fedora were considered warez?01:13
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:23
=== santiago_ is now known as santiago-ve
Cannolican someone help me on how to install a theme01:31
_mn_apt-get   ? just a guess01:31
Cannolino their available online but i dont know how to install them01:33
newsensewhats the difference between Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 Remix and Kubuntu 8.04, didnt see anything about the defference on the website01:43
_mn_kubuntu 8.04 uses KDE301:43
Jucatonewsense: regular 8.04 is KDE 3, KDE 4 Remix is, well, KDE 401:43
macedonsa ,para sa faca01:44
newsenseok sorry thought 8.04 might have been kde401:44
vilhelmis KDE 4.1 any good?01:47
newsensei like 3. better01:47
newsensei run 3.5.9 personally01:48
_mn_i like kde401:48
Dr_willisIve gotten where i just use jwm+rox :)02:02
myk_robinsonanyone able to help with this:   http://pastebin.ca/117924102:16
KRFmyk_robinson, nothing you can fix ;)02:19
myk_robinsonthat seems to be the case, actually02:20
myk_robinsoni tried dpkg --configure -a   and apt-get -f install02:20
myk_robinsonboth yield hte same result02:20
uoaphyshi guys, from ubuntu 8.04, do I need to add a sources ection to get 4.1? Or can I just do kubuntu-kde4-desktop and then go?02:21
Dr_willisThe 4.1 factoid has the needed repos you must add.02:22
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde402:23
Dr_willisuoaphys,  so YES you do need to add a repo.02:23
uoaphysdrwillis: ubuntu right now is allowing me to install kubuntu-kde4-desktop... will that install 4.0 instead?02:23
Dr_willis4.1 is in its own repo i recall..02:24
Dr_willishttp://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 gives the exact info needed02:24
uoaphysok thx02:25
mrglassI'm having a problem getting my windows mobile device to work with ubunt02:33
mrglassI've read the wiki on synce02:33
mrglassi keep getting a WARNING that 'Failed to get devices'02:34
mrglassdoes anyone know anything about this?02:34
ahmosDr_willis : hi , do you know a good language translator plz?02:35
Dr_willisbablefish web site perhaps?02:35
mrglassthe exact message displayed is as follows;02:35
mrglasssorry if this is a flood02:36
mrglass(process:15496): WARNING **: synce_info_from_odccm: Failed to get devices: The name org.synce.odccm was not provided by any .service files02:36
mrglasssynce-pls: Could not find configuration at path '(Default)'02:36
ahmosi need a program ..02:36
Dr_willisahmos,  no idea on a program.02:36
niklas_Hey guys02:37
ahmosDr_willis, ok thank's alot02:37
niklas_How do I make my computer run smoothly with my hd 2600 PRO graphic card?02:37
niklas_Im using Hardy02:37
Dr_willisThats an ATI card?02:46
bdizzlehello all03:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald03:13
mysteldarkinstlar un progrmas .MSI03:19
kuruminwho is brasilian03:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:20
geniikurumin: Likely the people in the channel #ubuntu-br03:21
mysteldarkHow i can install .MSI file whit wine msiexec /i Matematicas_de_Microsoft_V._2007.msi03:21
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flaccidmysteldark: try google03:24
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=== usuario_ is now known as win32
vilhelmanyone here?03:27
geniivilhelm: 268 someones, apparently03:28
vilhelmi have an mp3 player and i can't delete the folders in it ! anyone?03:28
_mn_what all do i need to partition to install kubuntu?  OS = 30 GB (ext3)  Swap = 1GB (swap) Something = 8 GB (????)03:32
_mn_vilhelm: what kind is it03:32
vilhelm<_mn_> Creative Muvo X03:33
_mn_ahmos: why you type #debian ?03:33
ahmossorry, but can anyone help me setting up my locales03:34
_mn_hrmm... vilhelm is it hooked up to your computer via usb or what03:34
vilhelmyeah usb03:35
vilhelmdont understand why i cant delete the folders :(03:35
vilhelmI had 7 mp3 folder and i could delete 4 of them03:35
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf03:36
vilhelmbut there are 3 left that I cant delete03:36
Daisuke_Laptop!patience | Ahadiel03:36
ubottuAhadiel: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:36
_mn_have you gone to command and chnged to that drive or gone to that drive in the equivalent of explorer?03:36
Daisuke_Laptopooh, wrong Ah03:36
h0lym0ulyhow do i go from ubuntu to kubuntu03:36
_mn_sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:36
geniih0lym0uly: install kubuntu-desktop    then choose from the login screen which you want to load when you login03:37
_mn_^^^ type that in terminal03:37
h0lym0ulytahst iT?03:37
genii!purekde | h0lym0uly - if you decide to ditch gnome and go only with kde03:37
ubottuh0lym0uly - if you decide to ditch gnome and go only with kde: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »03:37
vilhelmthis sucks :(03:38
h0lym0ulyhow can linux be so easy03:38
h0lym0ulyits like, so much easier than Wind0w$03:38
_mn_vilhelm: have you gone to command and chnged to that drive or gone to that drive in the equivalent of explorer?03:38
_mn_wow, i think linux is less user friendly that win03:38
vilhelm<_mn_> no i have not03:39
_mn_try that03:39
_mn_then you can try to delete from there03:39
samuelWindows is far less easier than Linux03:40
vilhelmit did not help :(03:41
vilhelmAccess Denied when I try to delete :(03:41
_mn_try changin the permission03:42
samueldelete from terminal as sudo03:42
_mn_Man I like Windows.  Im going to Linux anyway03:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about utf-803:42
vilhelmHey now i got it03:43
vilhelmwhy do i have to be root to delete files from my mp3 player?03:44
=== hilltop is now known as fildo
=== fildo is now known as hilltop
samuelare you trying to delete them from the computer ?03:44
_mn_because it's removable hardware i imagine03:44
samuelIs your player sync'ed03:44
vilhelm<samuel> i dont know if it's sync'ed03:45
vilhelmhow can i see that?03:45
ghostcubevilhelm: how have u uploaded the files03:45
vilhelm<ghostcube> what do u mean?03:46
ghostcubehow do u put the files on the player03:46
=== santiago-ve is now known as Guest63066
illmortalCan anyone assist me in upgrading from KD3 to KD4 (remix)? Or Do I need to do a clean install?03:47
vilhelm<ghostcube> :D :D i just copy them there :P03:47
ghostcubeillmortal: kde4 can be installed besides kde303:47
vilhelmcopy > paste :D03:47
ghostcubevilhelm: on linux ?03:47
vilhelm<ghostcube> yeah? :D03:47
vilhelmis that wrong? :P03:47
ghostcubeso u copied them as root maybe ?03:47
illmortalghostcube, how would I go about that?03:48
=== santiago_ is now known as santiago-ve
vilhelm<ghostcube> might have done that yes03:48
ghostcubeso u can only remove them by root03:48
ghostcubeu can see this by03:48
ghostcubels -lisa /folderofmp3player03:48
samuelset your device to connect as storage device and just drop and drag03:48
ghostcubeit shows u the permissons and the ownnership03:48
ghostcubeillmortal: i think on www.kubuntu.org is an howto03:49
bdizzlewhat is the quick keyboard shortcut to access konsole?03:50
flaccidbdizzle: there isnt' one by default03:52
ghostcubesettings >> configure shortcuts03:54
bdizzleoh, I thought it was like Alt + F2 or something, but yeah03:54
flaccidbdizzle: thats to run command03:54
bdizzle...same difference?03:55
flaccidyou asked for shortcut to konsole not run command03:56
bdizzleokay, when trying to change the URL of a "Home" icon on the desktop, it claims I do not have sufficient access to write to the file03:58
bdizzlehow do I change this?03:58
illmortalthanks again ghostcube, doing the update right now :D03:59
asobianyone know if verizon fios will work on kubuntu?04:01
ahmospeople ..i'm confused about setting up my locale and i don't know what to do again.....04:02
=== root is now known as Guest43281
ahmosso can anybody help me plz04:02
bdizzleasobi, what reason do you have to believe it won't04:04
bdizzleahmos, what locale do you mean?04:04
bdizzleum, is there a reason why openn office keeps crashing when I exit it?04:05
asobiverizon also states on their website that they do not support linux04:05
ahmosbdizzle, i have some arabic programs which i get an unknown characters when i open it04:05
bdizzleinstall the proper language packages?04:06
bdizzle...verizon also doesn't state they are idiots, but we know that anyway04:07
=== _mn_ is now known as mn
bdizzleI've got DSL at home, and all the setup is based on a web-based program of various menus and boxes and such04:07
bdizzleare you going to be using a laptop to connect wirelessly, or is the FIOS connected to your desktop (or will it at least) ?04:07
ahmosi've installed everything .. i need my system to be in english but also to display these programs well04:08
asobii have dsl now04:09
mr---t-I'm on verizon DSL with linux04:10
asobias am i04:10
asobimaybe i am just paranoid04:11
mr---t-are you going to fios?04:11
asobihence my asking...04:11
mr---t-I missed the first part04:12
mr---t-look here http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/node/187504:14
asobigood link04:18
natlinalgum brasileiro?04:22
mr---t-glad it helped04:22
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:22
natlinnem é por ajuda nao04:23
natlinquero soh saber como listo os canais disponiveis04:23
mnhablan espanol?04:25
bdizzleno mucho04:25
mr---t-natlin: /join #ubuntu-br04:25
mnin kubuntu can i sudo apt-get install wine  ?04:26
bdizzleasobe, does it come with an install disk somewhere that has to run on windows, or is it setup via the web-browser?04:26
bdizzleout of curiosity, I know wine enables the user to run some windows programs. Is there an equivalent to run mac programs?04:27
Daisuke_Laptopbdizzle: there is not04:32
iss_studentIs there a special channel for Kubuntu with KDE 4.104:36
spike_and/or just #KDE04:36
spike_(depending on how specific the issue is)04:36
spike_I think kubuntu is currently kde3 still (prolly not for too long tho)04:37
flaccid!enter | spike_04:37
flaccidaww come on ref04:38
spike_lol flaccid :) ForgeAus here04:38
spike_no me I'm forgeaus under a differnt nick (on a diff computer thats why)04:38
flaccidyou should change nicks as its etiquette04:39
spike_I normally do, I just overlooked it04:39
spike_WOAH!!! thats about the biggest netsplit I ever saw... sofar anyway..04:41
grendal_primeok what is the deal with the damn network manager in kde!~!!!!04:43
grendal_primeok what is the deal with the damn network manager in kde!~!!!!04:43
grendal_primei cant get it to do anything right04:43
grendal_primei keep refering back to just configing my network/interfaces file manually because the nework manager is so dman flaky...what am i doing wrong??04:44
iss_studentSeems to work fine for me using wireless04:44
grendal_primeok what does you interfaces file look like?04:44
iss_studentI've actually never looked at it04:45
grendal_primealso i create profiles in the openvpn portion of it..but they dont show up as a selectable vpn option.04:45
grendal_primecan you look at it now?04:45
flaccidif you use knetworkmanager, you must not have the interface(s) configured in /etc/network/interfaces04:45
grendal_primegrrrr..so what i just shitcan it?04:46
grendal_primerename it old or something?04:46
flaccidwhat you talkin about04:46
grendal_primethe interfaces file04:46
=== spike_ is now known as ForgeAus
flaccidonly localhost should be in there04:49
bdizzlewhy can't I get Java plugins to work with Firefox?04:49
flaccidknetworkmanager is user based, not system/root...04:49
ForgeAusapparently spike_ is also a registered nickname lol :)04:49
bdizzlethe basic JRE I mean04:49
ForgeAusbdizzle, do you have sun java?04:49
ForgeAusyou might need mozilla's java plugin also...04:50
bdizzleI'm pretty sure I installed it04:50
* ForgeAus shrugs04:50
ForgeAuswhat happens when you try to load a java page?04:50
ForgeAus(erm I mean page with a java applet)04:51
bdizzlesun-java 6 is installed04:51
ForgeAusempty grey box?04:51
iss_studentOk dumb question does compiz fusion work with Kubuntu running KDE 4.1?04:51
bdizzlefrom firefox, it claims that the plugin isn't installed, offers to try to install it, but says I have to do a manual install04:51
starbyte-lAndrewB is here too!04:51
ForgeAusiss student yes but I recommend it with kde3 instead04:51
ForgeAus(and use kwin for kde4)04:52
bdizzlesun-java6-bin, sun-java6-fonts, sun-java6-jre, and sun-java-plugin are all installed04:52
iss_studentBut I like kde 4.1 lol04:52
ForgeAushehe iss, you don't need compiz for kde404:52
ForgeAusit has its own fx04:52
ForgeAusbut you can still use it (compiz --replace)04:52
iss_studentSome of the effects are cool to show off at college04:52
bdizzlethis is very true04:53
bdizzlethe only reason I had to stop using compiz was it kept getting rid of my title bars, which I kinda need more than the awesome effects04:53
ForgeAusbdizzle, then afaik it should be working I don't know how to help you any further? unless you have it disabled in firefox's preferences or something?04:53
vorianapachelogger: ping me when you are awake re: ff-qt04:54
iss_studentI try to be a Linux Ambasador at college. Even the instructor that I TA'd for in Intro to Linux refered to me as a Linux Zealot04:54
flaccidbdizzle: #firefox04:54
bdizzleno, the box for Java in Firefox is checked04:54
ForgeAusbdizzle, you can get several different decoratros for compiz04:54
ForgeAusyeah I have to agree with flaccid #firefox may be more able to assist you04:54
flaccidif its firefox2 i wouldnt expect it to work04:55
ForgeAusI tend to recommend firefox 3 these days anyway, about the only thing that I miss from ff2 is tabmix plus and theres developing versions of that available too...04:56
zenreihello everyone05:03
zenreidoes anyone know how configure a soundcard ?05:05
grendal_primeok axed the interfaces file05:06
grendal_primeknetwork manager seems to work for fireing up the eth0 with no problem..05:06
grendal_primebut..i cannot get a vnp profile to work..does that make any sence?05:07
zenreican anyone help me istall KDE 4.1?05:11
=== p_quarles is now known as p_fails
flaccid!kde4 | zenrei05:14
ubottuzenrei: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde405:14
=== p_fails is now known as p_quarles
flaccidgrendal_prime: you might want to try vpnc or kvpn or whatever it is for the vpn05:15
flaccidand report that as a bug05:15
grendal_primeno those dont work.05:15
grendal_primethis is working fine now05:15
flaccidsuit yourself05:15
grendal_primei needed the openvpn network-manager plugin installed05:16
grendal_primei apparently uninstalled it at some point05:16
grendal_primesee this works reasonable well now.05:16
grendal_primei was under the impression that the knetworkmanager read the interfaces file05:16
flaccidyeah so problem was user :p05:16
flaccidit respects the interfaces file but does not use it as knetworkmanager is run by users not root05:17
grendal_primeafter i renamed that file...everything started up fine.05:17
grendal_primeright..after you said that i was like oooo so its some user level netwoking tool05:17
flaccidyou need the interface file still to define localhost05:17
grendal_primei didnt realize that was possible05:17
grendal_primeim really use to core debian.05:18
flaccidthis is the same as debian05:18
grendal_primewell ive always just used the interfaces file and beat it up when i needed to change something05:18
flaccidyes so interfaces is for global/root/system config. knetworkmanager and networkmanager are the bridge for users to be able to manipulate a network device and use it05:19
grendal_primeok so i need the interfaces file but i need to comment out everything accept the loopback interface?05:19
flaccidcorrect and that is all that is there by default out of box..05:19
grendal_primeyes i seem to remember something about that now.05:19
flaccidso in essence, the main feature i want to see in knetworkmanager now is a function to export current interface config back to /etc/network/interfaces . this is handy for making wireless connection on boot etc05:20
grendal_primewell i think the reason i got into adjusting things in the interfaces file was that i run vbox on this machine and i was briding some things so that i could directly connect to the vm's with ssh.05:20
grendal_primein not doing that anymore though...at least not right now05:21
Agent_bobwhat's a good mirror for downloading debian iso's05:24
Agent_bobor any distro ?05:25
flaccidthats off topic05:25
zenreican someone tell me where to find /etc/apt/sources.list05:25
bdizzle.. . in /etc/apt ?05:25
flaccidzenrei: open konq or dolphin and put in /etc/apt as the location and you will see it05:26
Agent_bobflaccid i didn't see anyone talking...   sorry if i butted in.05:26
mixed1234anyone here use Hydrogen?  I'm trying to find out if there is a place where I can download beats for hydrogen05:27
flaccidAgent_bob: thos questions are great for #kubuntu-offtopic its support here for kubuntu :)05:27
jesse_can anyone explain what the wmaster0 network interface is/does?05:27
illmortalDoes anyone know how to setup shortcut keys for your keyboard on KDE4 as well as change the clock to normal from military time? o.o;05:28
Agent_bobflaccid you sound like you don't want me here.     if so i can take a hint.05:28
grendal_primei wich sun would get stuff together and offer some sort of virtual switch componant for that program.05:28
grendal_primeit would make everything sooo much easyer..they could really give vmware a run for the money if they had just a virtual switch componant.05:28
zenreithanks flaccid I am big noob at linux so thank you05:28
jesse_illmortal: Kmenu -> System Settings -> Keyboard and mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts05:29
illmortaljesse... lol it's horribly limited.05:30
illmortali thought there was a different way to modify it.05:30
jesse_illmortal: then try System Settings -> "Advanced..." tab => Input actions05:31
zenreihey flaccid so do i paste this deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu in the sourcelist05:32
grendal_primeby the way flaccid  I just checked...it looks like knetworkmanager writes a new interfaces file if it does not find one.05:33
grendal_primeit sets the eth0 to dhcp05:33
illmortaleh... advanced doesn't help.05:35
illmortalNon-remix version is a lot more user friendly than remix (kde4)05:35
favrohow come I can't profile the boot sequence in hardy like I could in gutsy/feisty/edgy/dapper?05:37
flaccidzenrei: yep05:39
flaccidzenrei: join #kubuntu-kde4 for help05:40
flaccidzenrei: type /join #kubuntu-kde405:40
bdizzleneed help with something06:05
bdizzlemy desktop won't let me change the URL of icons at all06:05
bdizzleit claims I don't have proper permissions06:05
zzlhow do i install vmware in kubuntu06:08
holym0lyhi, i installed openvz.  now that i've had my share of fun, i want to uninstall it.  how to do so? reason why i want to uninstall is because now i want to go play with Xen =)06:09
zzlhow to install vmware in kubuntu06:09
flaccid!vmware | zzl06:11
ubottuzzl: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers06:11
bdizzle_okay, sweet06:14
zzlcan I run virtualbox in kubuntu as well?06:15
eddieftwyes zzl06:16
[uBp]Borrishey fella's06:16
bdizzle_okay, other question. For some reason, kubuntu is claiming that I do not have write / modify permissions on my desktop folder06:16
zzleddieftw: after i install that, can I install windows and browse the internet, or do I still need to set stuff up to do that?06:17
eddieftw!chmod bdizzle_06:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chmod bdizzle_06:17
eddieftw!chmod | bdizzle_06:17
ubottubdizzle_: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview06:17
eddieftwyes zzl06:18
zzleddieftw: thank you06:18
bdizzle_I also have an issue with the trash bin. There are four folders in there  that it again claims it does not have access to06:18
bdizzle_I'm thinking that the entire home directory is having problems06:18
[uBp]Borrissounds that way06:19
bdizzle_how would I check the permissions on the home directory?06:20
bdizzle_I've done it before, but I dont' remember the command for it06:20
flaccidbdizzle_: ls -ld ~06:22
bdizzle_okay, it showing drwxr -xr -x on /home/user directory06:22
bdizzle_and claims /home is owned by root06:23
[uBp]Borrisokay, home should be owned by root06:23
[uBp]Borriswho is /home/user owned by?06:23
bdizzle_and the /home/user?06:23
bdizzle_owned by user06:23
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:23
[uBp]Borristhat's good.... okay.... ummmm06:24
zzlwait, say i have the xp cd, I can just use it to install on virtualbox, or do I need to turn it into an .iso again/06:24
bdizzle_yeah, checking06:24
[uBp]Borrispersonally, i would do this: (correct me if i'm wrong)06:24
[uBp]Borrissudo chown -R user /home/user06:24
flaccidwhy change it?06:24
[uBp]Borrischange what? the ownership?06:25
[uBp]Borrishe says it's all messed up06:25
bdizzle_it won't let me change links to icons on desktop and is having problems with not being able to empty the trash completely06:25
[uBp]Borrisand that's an easy way to get everything within your home directory owned by the user06:25
bdizzle_both of which saying it doesn't have the permissions06:25
grendal_primeok this makes no sence06:25
[uBp]Borrisgrendal_prime: how so?06:26
djdarkmandoes someone know how can I force firefox to use the language of my choice will spellchecking?06:26
grendal_primei was told that knetworkmanager does not have anything to do with the infaces file, but when i adjust the nework settings in knetwork manager it adjusts the interfaces file06:26
bazhangdjdarkman, what language06:26
[uBp]Borrisknetworkmanager DOES affect them06:26
[uBp]Borrispersonally, i like wicd. it has an official .deb, it's fast, easy, and even supports WPA06:27
flaccidhow so?06:27
grendal_primethis is making me nuts06:27
grendal_primeit flat out does not work..06:27
djdarkmanbazhang: I have installed multiple lanugaees, to use in Open Office, but firefox uses Romanian because I`m in Romania, but I want to use english06:27
[uBp]Borrisflaccid: how so to what?06:27
bazhangdjdarkman, check the ff plugin quick locale switcher06:27
djdarkmanthanks bazhang hope it works06:28
grendal_prime[uBp]Borris: i have openvpn connections i need to make..doe it support that as well?06:28
grendal_prime[uBp]Borris: i dont see any package called wicd06:29
bdizzle_you have to download wicd from sourceforge06:30
bdizzle_it comes as a .deb file, which is good, but you have to uninstall knetwork-manager and network-manager to get it to work06:30
grendal_primethought he said it was an office packaged06:31
bdizzle_for wireless, its a charm, and picks up more networks than knetwork-manager does06:31
grendal_primeofficial that is06:31
bdizzle_no, its not, its 3rd party06:31
grendal_primeok here is the thing..i dont use wireless accept for like 1 10th of my work, most of it is done via wired connection.06:31
grendal_primeor serial cable when im configureing hardware.06:32
grendal_primei just need something that will let me turn on the network and connect via an openvpn network. I can even use dhcp in most cases.06:32
grendal_primeIve been just adjusting the interfaces file as i need to.06:33
grendal_primeis anyone left here?06:43
grendal_primeso basically i rename the interfaces file to something else, restart the network, and hey knetwork manager works great untell i restart the box..then ..its jacked flaky, and the vpn connetion does..well nothing.06:44
zzlcan virtualbox be used to emulate pc games?06:44
grendal_primezzl: some06:44
zzlthanks for the reply06:44
grendal_primei wouldnt want to run like wow on it or something like that06:44
zzllike counterstrike?06:45
grendal_primeyou need accelerated video for that kinda of stuff..06:45
grendal_primei dont think thats possible in a vm enviroment.06:45
zzloh yeah, and can you save the operating systems you already loaded in VB once before?06:46
grendal_primei run alot of stuff in vm(job requires it) but games, well its just silly to do that.06:46
zzlone more question grendal06:47
zzllet's say I shutdown VB and loaded it the next day. Is the os i loaded before going to be there for me to load again?06:48
tekgeekltanyone know the program that allows for mp3, picture,video preview by hovering over files06:50
testi_Kubuntu KDE should not copy Usability Bugs from Windows07:14
testi_such as 5 times shift opens a weird dialog07:14
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kayessIs this a good place to ask about intrepid, or there a separate channel for that?07:45
jpdskayess: Try: #ubuntu+107:47
kayessThanks jpds07:47
Daisuke_Idothat's a new error...  guess i never really go without a fresh install that long07:51
Daisuke_Idoi ran out of space on /boot07:52
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qbit /msg NickServ identify qbit08:14
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donaldHey guys, am trying to install Skype but it is an 32-bit program but I am running Kubuntu 8.04.1 64-bit and it's telling me wrong archetecture when installing it. Any way around it? It came in a .deb package.08:34
SmokeEater85911can anybody help me out with a sound issue?09:01
SmokeEater85911*twiddles thumbs*09:02
SmokeEater85911well if anybody is here PM me plz thanks09:04
concernedcitizenSmokeEater85911: if I learnt anything from being here, don't ask to ask a question.09:05
concernedcitizenjust ask :)09:05
SmokeEater85911lol k09:06
SmokeEater85911I recently installed Kubuntu and cant get all my speakers to work09:07
SmokeEater85911I have speakers and a subwoofer installed in my laptop but the sub wont play09:07
SmokeEater85911any ideas, suggestions?09:08
concernedcitizencan't help you there, no experience with surroun dsound09:08
SmokeEater85911ive asked on the kubuntu forums too.. no dice09:09
concernedcitizentry the ubuntu forums?09:10
SmokeEater85911I figured they would just tell me to go to kubuntu... but they are the same structure right? the only diff is the interface09:11
SmokeEater85911GNOME vs KDE thats all09:11
SmokeEater85911a couple people link me to some sites but they arent for my model laptop09:11
SmokeEater85911I had 1 other problem09:13
SmokeEater85911when i go into standby or hibernate it never actually does it, the screen goes black but the PC still stays on09:13
SmokeEater85911any ideas on that one?09:14
SmokeEater85911the only way to get out of it is to hold the power button and restart09:14
concernedcitizenI think its a known issue for the ibernation etc.09:17
concernedcitizenI'm having the same problem as well09:17
concernedcitizenjust shutdown09:17
concernedcitizenyour system09:17
concernedcitizenthe startup speed is equally fast as hibernating in windows09:17
concernedcitizenand all your applications will load up09:18
concernedcitizenjust as you shut it down09:18
SmokeEater85911I like to have all my windows up and all and be able to turn it on and boom its ready09:18
SmokeEater85911yeah, I guess linux DOES boot faster than windows by far09:18
SmokeEater85911the thing that takes the longes waiting for is the Kubuntu load screen before it actually boots..09:18
concernedcitizenI'm loving it.09:18
SmokeEater85911i wish there were a way to shorten the boot time like you could in windows09:18
concernedcitizenI should reinstall compiz09:18
SmokeEater85911Compiz doesnt like my video card, so Im gonna leave it alone09:19
SmokeEater85911compiz made other video things go crazy for some reason09:19
concernedcitizenso far my kubuntu is a good conversational starter09:19
concernedcitizenduring lectures09:20
SmokeEater85911haha yeah, "what OS is that?!" heh09:20
SmokeEater85911nobody has seen something move so clean and fluid09:20
SmokeEater85911I am still trying to find a cool dock to use09:20
SmokeEater85911the Kooldock isnt that great09:20
concernedcitizenI find it interesting that09:20
SmokeEater85911i wish they made Stardock for KDE09:21
concernedcitizenplaying TF2 over wine, gives me at least 20% performance boost over playing it in windows09:21
SmokeEater85911I need to either figure out how to get windows to allow me a larger partition or buy a 2nd bigger HDD for kubuntu to go on09:22
SmokeEater85911i have a 250gb hdd, 190gb free but it wouldnt let me make a partition larger than 20gb09:24
SmokeEater85911er 15gb09:24
SmokeEater85911i wanna get some new window decorations though09:27
SmokeEater85911Im tired of the same ole blue09:27
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:31
lkbryanthow do i get my ctrl-tab working again on my firefox?09:37
lkbryantright now, its just switching between desktops09:37
lkbryantpissing me off09:37
zzlwhat's a good linux distro that could read the original unicodes of programs?09:37
ActionParsniplkbryant: disable the keyboard shortcut for switching desktops09:38
ActionParsniplkbryant: and dont cuss, its a great way to get banned from channels09:39
thefishmy knetworkmanager (intel wireless) refuses to connect to wireless nets, anyone seen/fixed this? wicd works "out the box"09:42
thefishi get NetworkManager: <WARN>  connection_get_settings_cb(): connection_get_settings_cb: Invalid connection: 'NMSettingIP4Config' / 'method' invalid: 109:42
arty__hi all09:42
thefishhi arty09:42
arty__caaan anyone help me :)09:42
lkbryantwhen did i "cuss" ?09:43
arty__I have kubuntu :) and if I click on start then Log Of and hibernate everything is ok but if I start PC and log on write pass me network card dont work :(09:44
lkbryantalso, is there any way to create a shortcut to launch the terminal ?09:44
lkbryantfrom the keyboard?09:44
arty__I must restart pc and hnet work fine09:44
lkbryantim not really a mouse guy =(09:44
lkbryantand don't tell me to use CLI, i have my reasons for needing a GUI09:44
ActionParsnipthefish: my netgear is atheros based, its the one at www.efficientpc.co.uk and works out of the box09:44
thefishActionParsnip: 8.10?09:44
ActionParsniplkbryant: piss me off is cussing09:45
thefishmy intel has always worked flawlessly, just recently its started borking, and it doesnt save stuff in kwallet any more either09:45
arty__ayone help pls :)09:45
ActionParsnipthefish: theres a bug i think with intel stuff, check it out09:45
ActionParsnip!ask | arty__09:45
ubottuarty__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:45
thefishlkbryant: ALT+F2 will start the launcher, then type the first few bits of the app you want ie kons...09:46
lkbryantsince when ?09:46
thefishActionParsnip: a NM bug? cos i can do it manually just fine, and wicd works perfectly as well09:46
lkbryanti type terminal in the launcher and it doesnt launch the terminal but a konqueror09:47
ActionParsnipthefish: i prefer yakuake, launchers are for kids09:47
lkbryantam i doing something wrong here?09:47
arty__ubottu: sry09:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sry09:47
ActionParsniplkbryant: you are using kde, so its konsole09:47
lkbryantahh finally09:47
arty__WHY IF I HIBERNATE PC and then START DONT work me network card09:48
ActionParsniplkbryant: you could also use xterm, there are many09:48
arty__ActionParsnip: pls help09:48
PolitikerALTarty: maybe using s2disk could help?09:48
ActionParsniparty__: you need to tell the nic to wake up when you unhibernate the rig09:48
arty__ActionParsnip: how ? :) help09:49
ActionParsniparty__: get websearching theres LOADS of stuff on hibernation as its a massive pain and a lot of work to get nice09:49
thefishActionParsnip: that confused the hell out of me! i thought you meant yukuake as a replacement for NM :D09:49
ActionParsnipthefish: no, its instead of having a console floating round and getting lost09:49
thefishye, looks nice09:49
ActionParsnipthefish: you can also hide it mid command which rocks09:50
thefishnot available in the 810 standard repos though09:50
SmokeEater85911so im not the only guy with suspend/hibernation issues09:51
ActionParsnipthefish: ive got it09:51
ActionParsnipthefish: sudo apt-get install yakuake09:52
ActionParsnipSmokeEater85911: everyone does, its 1 of 2 useless things in linux that arent worth the effort imho, suspend and compiz09:52
SmokeEater85911lol yeah compiz destroyed my last install, had to flush and restore linux09:53
arty__ActionParsnip: so your advice is turn normal pc09:53
thefishActionParsnip: 8.10?09:53
ActionParsnip!info yakuake | thefish09:53
ubottuthefish: yakuake (source: yakuake): a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.1-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 176 kB, installed size 1100 kB09:53
thefishah got it09:54
thefishmixing up as and us :)09:54
ActionParsniparty__: huh?09:54
arty__anyone use katapult?09:54
thefishyukuake != yakuake09:54
arty__why dont work :( if I click al+space dont work :(09:54
arty__I already kill and new start09:55
ActionParsniparty__: got latest updates?09:55
ActionParsniparty__: i dont use it so thats all i can suggest, yuo could reinstall it09:56
frido_I have a screensaver that acts kind of strange, it only starts after I move the mouse after the designated time-out09:57
frido_and I don't understand why09:58
ActionParsnipfrido_: you all updated?09:58
lkbryantwhat is the latest version of kubuntu called?   feisty honey?09:58
lkbryantwhats the exact name ?09:59
lkbryantor is it, "etch" ?10:00
ActionParsniplkbryant: latest is intrepid ibex10:00
bazhanglatest stable is hardy heron10:00
lkbryanthmm on xen, whats the latest dist i can use?10:02
lkbryantim trying to create an virt image10:02
lkbryantis it, "edgy" ?10:02
bazhangit is hardy heron10:03
lkbryantso on /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf ,  what do i put ? dist   = edgy     # Default distribution to install.10:04
lkbryantbah whatever, reboot time10:04
* ActionParsnip shrugs10:09
incorrecthmm do i need to install extra components for dolphin to conenct to smb shares?10:16
incorrector konq for that matter10:16
ActionParsnipincorrect: smbmount10:18
ActionParsnipincorrect: i guess10:18
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:19
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/10:19
havocologe!package svn10:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package svn10:19
havocologewhat package i have to upgrade if i wanna upgrade my svn shell client?10:19
ActionParsniphow do you get a "compelling replacement" for anything?10:19
ActionParsnip!find svn10:20
ubottuFound: libapache2-svn, libsvn-dev, libsvn-doc, libsvn-java, libsvn-javahl (and 37 others)10:20
incorrectweird i just get timeouts10:21
havocologe!find svn10:31
ubottuFound: libapache2-svn, libsvn-dev, libsvn-doc, libsvn-java, libsvn-javahl (and 37 others)10:31
havocologeyeah but which of that is the simple console client ?10:31
ActionParsniphavocologe: no idea, id do a dpkg -l | grep svn to see what you have installed10:33
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flaccidincorrect: looks like a network/dns problem11:05
flaccidhavocologe: svn11:05
incorrecteven with the ip address i can't connect which is very strange11:06
flaccidincorrect: test with smbclient in konsole11:06
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BrootuxHallo, ich habe mal eine kleine Frage, und zwar habe ich eben mittels Adept das Paket ftpd-ssl (alternativer ftpd mit ssl unterstützung) installiert, nun weiß ich aber nicht wie man diesen einrichten kann...funktionieren tut er zwar schon, das heißt ich kann mich von einem client zum server mittels ssl erfolgreich verbinden, jedoch kommt dann eine fehlermeldung beim clientprogramm: "Opening ASCII mode SSL data connection for /bin/ls"  und11:18
Brootuxdanach kommt ein "Timeout detected!" bedeutet das, dass der Client mittels ssl nicht auf ls vom Serversystem zugreifen kann? bitte helft mir :)11:18
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:18
spasssssgiwas lauft11:24
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:26
spasssssgii can not english11:27
jussi01spasssssgi: german?11:27
flaccid!de | spasssssgi11:27
ubottuspasssssgi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:27
Niksonihello ppl11:46
dbgltis editing my sources file sufficient to upgrade from hardy to intrepid?11:58
flacciddbglt: yes11:59
flaccid!intrepid | dbglt11:59
ubottudbglt: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!11:59
dbgltflaccid: thanks12:02
The_ManU_212for what are there av solutions like clamav?12:12
The_ManU_212isnt my system save with default settings after installation?12:12
ghostcubeThe_ManU_212: if u dont accepts any files u dont know12:13
ghostcubeu can write viruses for linux too but not this ammount of12:13
ghostcubeonly a few12:13
ghostcubethe most in spread are POC12:13
moopercut an paste in kubuntu is rubbish12:13
mooperhow do I make it better12:14
mooperIt just doesnt sometimes12:14
mooperI have to click around and empty the bloody klipper cashe12:14
flaccid!enter | mooper12:14
ubottumooper: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:14
The_ManU_212ghostcube: POC?12:14
ghostcubeproof of concept12:14
ghostcubeonly testing viruses12:14
The_ManU_212ghostcube: whats the sense of a AV for linux?12:15
flaccidmooper: you could submit a bug, put up with it or see if the app in question is not qt/kde12:15
ghostcubeThe_ManU_212: not get infected :D12:16
The_ManU_212ghostcube: so its recommended to install udner liunux a av and a firewall like udner windows?12:17
ghostcubenah not recommended12:20
ghostcubeu can use it12:20
ghostcubebut firewall on an linux desktop is to heavy12:20
The_ManU_212ghostcube: ubuntu offers ufw...12:21
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:21
flaccidif you store windows files, particularly executables then AV might be appropriate, otherwise no use12:22
ghostcubeThe_ManU_212: i know never used it12:22
ghostcubei have an nat router :|12:22
ghostcubeso why should i use an fw12:23
payman_join #ubuntu-ir12:23
The_ManU_212ghostcube: yep12:23
=== payman_ is now known as payman
The_ManU_212ghostcube: have you an av scaner active on your linux?12:23
flaccidghostcube: for protection from the LAN :)12:24
ghostcubeflaccid: not on my linux box i use this only on windows12:25
flaccidtrue ghostcube12:28
ghostcubeflaccid: if i think my ping is to high i run wireshark rofl12:28
flaccidheh thats funny12:29
paymani want ebook about ubuntu can you help me?12:30
ghostcubeflaccid: any idea how to get the vendor of an wlan adapter on an eeepc ?12:30
ghostcubei thought lspci will show it but nah12:30
flaccidpayman: you can buy ubuntu official guide off ebay12:33
flaccidghostcube: does it show in lspci at all?12:34
paymani cant buy any things bucase im in iran12:34
flaccidghostcube: perhaps or lshw or the system logs12:35
flaccidpayman: try google12:35
flaccidthere may be some free ebooks around not sure12:36
ghostcubeflaccid: ok found something on ubuntueee.com12:40
* shentino tiptoes inside for the first time12:41
shentinohi all12:44
|_void_|greetings, may i have a question?12:45
flaccid!ask | |_void_|12:45
ubottu|_void_|: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:45
etfbI'm being slowly driven insane by the brutal piece of garbage that is kpvnc.  Does anyone know of an alternative that isn't (a) undocumented and (b) stupid?12:48
flaccidetfb: perhaps just use the client normally12:48
etfbflaccid: I don't understand what you mean.  Can you explain further?12:49
flaccidetfb: if you have no luck with a frontend like kvpnc then perhaps doing it manual with the vpn client direct is more viable12:49
|_void_|So, i have a problem with kpowersave. I am using KDE 4 and the problem is following: the kpowersave siply ignores if i connect it to an ac adapter. It only sees that the batery is charging but it does not see the adapter. (this happens only if the adapter isnt connected to it when it starts). If i conect the adapter before i boot up it shows the adapter connected.12:50
|_void_|But if i disconect it while the computer is on, it still thinks that the adapter is connected.12:50
|_void_|can anyone hepl me?12:51
|_void_|it worked normaly until now.12:51
flacciddoesn't look like it12:51
|_void_|and its not a HW error12:51
flaccidthus why i suggested without a frontend12:51
etfbflaccid: Interesting idea.  I'll see what I can come up with.  Thanks.12:52
|_void_|btw, gnomePowerManager is working normaly12:52
flaccidetfb: what is the vpn type?12:53
etfbflaccid: pptp, unfortunately.  The damning part is that I can connect using VPN (apparently) but can't make Remote Desktop work; yet when I try from inside the network, RDP works flawlessly, so I know it's not that.12:56
flaccidum this has nothing to do with kvpnc then12:56
flaccidcontact the administrator of your vpn12:56
flaccidvpn access is not necessarily the same as being on the lan12:57
etfbflaccid: No, if it had nothing to do with vpn, then the rdp would fail no matter where I was.  But since it works when I'm inside the network and not when I'm outside, it's definitely the VPN that's the problem.12:57
flaccidthats not true either12:57
flaccidanyway, best t port scan while on the vpn. if it returns closed or filtered....12:58
etfbIt must be.  If RDP works, then it works.  If it doesn't, then it doesn't.  There's no other explanation that doesn't involve pixies and magic.12:58
flaccidyou obviously have nevered configured a vpn12:58
flaccidor a firewall for that matter12:58
etfbSadly, neither has the sysadmin, since it's a total dog's breakfast.  DNS is stuffed, and gods only know how we get the internet working from day to day.12:59
flaccidthen stop blaming kvpnc or the client or whatever and start port scanning and reporting to your vpn admin..12:59
etfbBut since you can't VPN into a network from the inside, what else can I do but keep fiddling with settings?12:59
flaccid^^ do the above13:00
* etfb sighs resignedly13:00
flaccidand yes you can vpn on the lan with a lot of vpns13:00
flaccida matter of configuration again13:00
etfbOK, I'll go find out what "port scanning" is and see what I can do with it.13:00
flaccidetfb: install nmapfe and nmap and scan the rdp port of the rdp server once connected to the lan13:01
flaccidi mean once on the vpn13:01
shentinoOh I get it.  Consent to ask is implied.13:02
etfbflaccid: Cool, I'll do that.  If all else fails, I'll tell my boss that he needs to hire you, ship you to Canberra and set you loose on our network, on the grounds that you seem to know considerably more than anyone I work with...13:03
shentinoIs this a support channel?  I'm wondering, because this is where konversation's default settings dumped me :P13:03
PolALTyes, it is13:04
* etfb heads off to learn about nmap and see what a mess the sysadmin has made of his work network (joy)13:04
flaccidheh im 1 drive from canberra13:05
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shentinook, so where do I go if I just want to chit-chat rather than tie up a support line?13:21
al-aminhi,,,who use linux here??13:26
* XenThraL resists the urge to be sarcastic13:27
XenThraLI use linux13:27
* FoxIII thinks XenThraL 'should' be sarcastic :D13:28
XenThraLI had typed "no this is an apple appreciation channel"13:29
XenThraLbut decided not to press enter13:29
FoxIIII just had far too many things I wanted to say running around in my head couldn't decide which one to use. lolol13:29
SilentDisaargh.  I just rebooted my machine, and my choice in resolutions is messed up.  I can only go as high as 640x480. Kubuntu 8.04, Nvidia restricted driver.13:37
SilentDistried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, that doesn't give vid options anymore.13:37
=== mario is now known as luca27
douglascan I start amarok an my desktop from my laptop using ssh? I have ssh set up with the desktop as the server. HOW?13:48
|_void_|does anyone know about an alternative for kpowersave, plz?13:49
SilentDisdouglas: you want to spawn amarok on a laptop that is SSHed into your desktop, right?13:49
douglasI want to spank amarok on the desktop.13:49
douglassending it commands would be nice to so I can change the music. My desktop plays through the house stereo.13:50
SilentDisdouglas: ahh, you're looking to use the ssh term over on your lappy to make amarok open on the desktop correct?13:50
douglasyes, remote contol like.13:50
douglasmy laptop has wifi13:51
SilentDisdouglas: do you want to then be able to CONTROL the program?13:51
douglasthat would be nice13:51
douglasI managed to turn it off my killing it with top13:51
SilentDisdouglas: you cannot 'port' programs from one xsession to another.  your option is to VNC into your desktop machine from your laptop (rather than use SSH) and just control it from there.13:51
SilentDisdouglas: or, you can do what i do.  spawn amarok on my lappy and have it play out of the desktop speakers and have full control over it.13:52
SilentDisdouglas: make sense?13:53
douglasSilentDis: No, how do you send the music to the desktop?13:54
SilentDisdouglas: so... you want to send a file from the laptop machine over to the desktop, then play it with amarok?13:54
GhisHi I just try my connection...13:55
SilentDisdouglas: i must've gotten confused.  can you state what you want as a final end result?  rather than just focus on tools here, that might be easier :)13:55
douglasSilentDis: All the music, speakers and amarok are on the desktop. I just want to contol the program from my laptop. you say it can't be done withou a remote desktop program, if I understand you.13:55
douglashello ghis it works13:56
SilentDisdouglas: you have 2 options.  1-VNC into your desktop machine and just control your whole desktop. 2-spawn amarok on the lappy and it'll play out of the desktop machine.13:56
douglasok so how do you do #2?13:56
SilentDisdouglas: desktop machine running kubuntu 8.04.1?13:57
douglasyes, but lappy would not boot it so it is running lenny13:57
douglaslenny with kde made to be as much like kubuntu as I could.13:57
SilentDisdouglas: no worries.  on the laptop, `ssh -Y user@host.name`.   then `amarok &`.  it'll pop up and look like it's just another app on the lappy.  when you hit play, it'll come out your desktop speakers.13:58
douglasnice! Means porting all the music :-( but I can do it.13:58
SilentDisdouglas: no, no porting music13:59
SilentDisdouglas: it's an app running on your desktop.  you've just 'added a screen' to your desktop machine, ala the SSH session.13:59
SilentDisdouglas: (it's a little more complicated than that, but it's an easy analogy)13:59
SilentDisdouglas: you'll have full access to your current amarok music repository, just as if you opened amarok on the desktop.14:00
SilentDisdouglas: the only 'downside' is you have to keep the ssh connection and amarok open on your laptop.14:01
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SilentDisdouglas: any questions?  i think i've got my vid issue solved, and i need to restart x :)14:02
SilentDisdouglas: all i hear are crickets from ya.  I will return in 3-5 min, tops.14:03
douglasSilentDis: it runs like a snail but seems to be comming up. It is complaining about amarok booting slower that normal.14:03
SilentDisahhhh, much better :)14:04
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mutableHello. Is it possible to disable locking session when switching users via KMenu? How? Thanks.14:35
AutoscumHey, guys.15:28
AutoscumI got a problem installing nVidia drivers. Here's the pastebinned log -> http://pastebin.com/m440ec315:28
AutoscumI'm using Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 315:28
aeternMaybe use envy command?15:30
AutoscumCould you please clairify that? :)15:30
aeternyou should install envy (apt-get install envy) and use envy command to install ati or nVidia drivers15:33
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk15:33
AutoscumGreat. Thanks. :)15:34
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nikhil_hi there15:35
AutoscumOkay, it's installed.15:36
rafael_how i install programs in ubnuntu 8.04?15:36
AutoscumI tried to run it as a command (envyng) but nothing happens.15:36
nikhil_how is kde environment.  I thought GNome is quite stable in Ubuntu15:36
AutoscumRafael, use Adept Manager. :)15:36
aeterni'm very sad, thad i can't use ubuntu on my laptop, because he freezes (working only 1 key on keyboard - shutdown)...15:37
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aeternrafael, if using ubuntu, use synaptics. It's easy to use! Or you can download .deb installation files (like from opera or skype) and duble click on it.15:38
AutoscumYeah, I think Envy's gonna do it. :)15:38
rafael_how i install the adept manager?? xD15:39
AutoscumIt's already there. :)15:39
AutoscumMenu -> System - Adept15:39
aeternarafael, use synaptics (system->administration->synaptics)15:39
AutoscumI gotta reboot.15:39
aeternadept is for kubuntu, i think15:39
nikhil__adept is for K and synaptics is for U15:40
rafael_i'm installing adept for menu15:41
rafael_in ubuntu 8.0415:41
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rafael_how i use adept? i'm new user in ubuntu15:45
dinosaur-rusis there any way to tell the X server that my LCD monitor supports 75 Hz refresh rate? frequency ranges in xorg.conf are set, but no effect so far...15:46
rafael_how i use adept manager?15:57
ghostcuberafael_: what u going to do ?15:57
dinosaur-rusrafael_: what exactly is problematic to you?15:57
vilhelmwhat is the command to see if a harddisk is mounted?15:58
bdizzleI can't get firefox to load anymore after installing firefox 3.0 the other night15:58
ghostcubebdizzle: try to start in safe mode and deactivate the plugs not compatible15:59
dinosaur-rusvilhelm: "mount" will show you all mounted devices15:59
bdizzlehow do I open it in safe mode?15:59
rafael_i need instal echat-0.02_lnx.tgz16:02
rafael_and clamav-0.93.3.tar.gz16:02
dinosaur-rusrafael_: Adept has nothing to do with source tarballs16:03
rafael_and what i do this?16:03
bdizzlewait, how do you open firefox in safe mode? or do I have to do that from command line?16:04
dinosaur-rusrafael_: unpack is somewhere and read "INSTALL", "README" or something like that for instructions16:05
bdizzlewhen you "purge" something, it should remove all references of that program from your system, right?16:06
Picibdizzle: All configurations, except those stored in your users home directory.16:07
bdizzleso for a perfectly clean install of firefox, I'd need to remove the ones in the home directory too? (already have bookmarks backed up)16:08
bdizzlethen restart computer or just X-org?16:10
Picibdizzle: You shouldnt need to restart anything just for a firefox purge/reinstall16:11
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bdizzlestrange, when I ran the find files / folders for firefox, I have stuff coming up in /etc , /usr/lib, and /usr/share16:13
bdizzleokay, I tried a purge, removed the .mozilla folder in the home directory, re-installed firefox, and it still won't load. The program crashes out on the loading portion16:16
bdizzlegah, firefox finally loaded, but its slow16:22
bdizzleas in non'functional16:23
dinosaur-rusbdizzle: use Opera :P16:25
BluesKajdinosaur-rus, that kind of advice doesn't help the underlying problem16:27
dinosaur-rusBluesKaj: I know16:29
Richlvdoes kubuntu livecd contain any gps related software ?16:36
Deniseis it good to use tripwire?16:44
BluesKajRichlv, I doubt it , but you can search on adept or google-linux16:49
bdizzleRichlv: I don't believe so16:52
bdizzlebut I think you can get some from the repos16:52
bdizzleokay, firefox should not take five minutes to load, and then one second to freeze up16:52
Picibdizzle: Is it using up your CPU when it is loading?16:53
bdizzlea bit16:55
bdizzleI tried to enter something into the address bar and it froze after the first "w" in "www.google.com," I clicked on the bookmark link and the cursor froze for a second over it, then gave me an error asking me to terminate the program or wait it out16:56
Ash-Foxbdizzle, fun.16:58
bdizzleoh yeah16:58
MelchmonWould kde4 work well on a 1.6ghz 256mb pc16:58
Ash-FoxGet 1GB of RAM.16:59
Ash-FoxAlthough honestly, I don't know why you would use KDE4, it's not ready for production usage.16:59
Melchmoni heard it was light wight.17:00
PiciMelchmon: Perhaps you are confusing it with xfce4 ?17:00
Ash-FoxKDE3 is more 'light weight' than KDE4.17:00
MelchmonPici no. I was just wondering17:00
Ash-FoxPici, xfce4 is minimal, not light weight :/17:00
PiciMelchmon: Okay :)17:00
habtoolAsh-Fox, i am running it and it is quite nice, with the beta nvidia drivers and some tweaking. but using kontact/kmail from kde317:00
PiciAsh-Fox: I know, but its lighter than KDE17:01
Ash-FoxPici, depends on what you run in it. If you're going to run KDE applications in it, no point using it.17:01
Hydrogenxfce is a waste of space17:01
PiciAsh-Fox: Of course17:01
MelchmonPici, i guess flux wtf17:01
Ash-Foxhabtool, I find the kicker replacement not as 'snappy' and get quite irritated by the current scheming options, as colors and settings aren't quite adjustable like they were in kde3 (I have no idea how to change the color of the panel that replaces kicker for example_.17:04
Ash-FoxBut, due to the fact that certain KDE applications aren't available in KDE4, can't raelly consider it ready yet.17:04
ahoxMelchmon, Ash-Fox: I think KDE4.1 works rather nicely on this kind of machine, I have it running17:05
ahoxMelchmon, Ash-Fox: of course one has to disable the special effects17:06
habtoolAsh-Fox, yes it is a bit limited just now, but at least the who;le setup is quite stable now since 4.1. Not for everyone yet ;) I have a few partitions with other oprtions, so kubuntu and arch are only two with kde4. i just enjoy watching kde4 as it evolves17:06
Melchmonahox,  of course17:06
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habtoolahox, with the latest nvidia the compositing is working on my 8600gts, but cant speak for other systems17:07
ahoxAsh-Fox: also the kicker, etc (now called plasma) is configurable since KDE4.1, I wouldn't use 4.017:07
ahoxhabtool: You have a 8600gts in a 1.6GHz 256MB machine? ;-)17:08
Ash-Foxahox, I've been using 4.1, still couldn't figure out how to change the color of the panel.17:08
habtoolAsh-Fox, also bonus that one can use kde3 apps in kde4 environment, clever how it all runs ok together17:08
ahoxAsh-Fox: right click on desktop, Desktop-Settings, Desktop Theme17:08
habtoolahox, no that was not me (i have  dual core 2G ram )17:08
p1p1tudo bem?17:14
Pici!pt | p1p117:14
ubottup1p1: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:14
=== luca is now known as C-Newbie
strawbeRRy_fieLdalready tried to install the nvidia drivers following the ubuntu guide, the nvidia guide and the forum... nothing! any help please?17:15
ahoxDo you have the build-essentials?17:16
strawbeRRy_fieLdi guess i do because it was part of one of the guides17:16
strawbeRRy_fieLdi mean one of the guides i followed told to get these essentials17:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bd17:16
ahoxstrawbeRRy_fieLd:  So what is the error msg?17:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bn17:17
Denisehow do we clean our sustem in linux17:17
ahox!ubottu | Ekushey17:17
ubottuEkushey: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:17
Denisefrom viruses17:17
EkusheyPici, any way to add !bd to the bot?17:17
strawbeRRy_fieLdthe error message was that all my  desktop at the end of the installation was GIGANTIC and in the desktop settings the only available resolution was 400x60017:17
Ekusheythanks ahox :)17:17
strawbeRRy_fieLdor 800x600 i dont remember, anyway a gigantic one17:18
ahoxsounds like your xorg.conf is broken17:18
strawbeRRy_fieLdhow do i see it?17:18
ahoxrun nvidia-xsettings as sudo17:19
habtoolsudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:19
ahoxor use an old one and change the driver from nv to nvidia17:19
strawbeRRy_fieLdbut now i reinstalled kubuntu because it was the only way to get back to the previous configuration17:19
strawbeRRy_fieLdso now it should be ok17:19
ahoxstrawbeRRy_fieLd: I certainly was not ;-)17:20
strawbeRRy_fieLdu certainly where not what?17:20
habtoolin menu, under system, did you try use hardware drivers manager to install the nvidia driver?17:21
strawbeRRy_fieLdim going crazy... dunno what to do... every one said linux was better linux was faster17:21
ahoxnext time read the top of the xorg.conf, it tells you how to reset it17:21
strawbeRRy_fieLdhabtool: this is what the ubuntu guide says, but when i open that box there's just nothing!17:21
ahoxstrawbeRRy_fieLd: Well, it is, but is most certainly different. And you are trying to do some of the more advanced stuff17:21
strawbeRRy_fieLdi no ahox17:22
strawbeRRy_fieLdbut after i followed all the guides17:22
ahoxstrawbeRRy_fieLd: Did you install the nvidia drivers?17:22
strawbeRRy_fieLdi really dunno what else to do17:22
strawbeRRy_fieLdotherwise i wouldnt be here looking for help17:22
strawbeRRy_fieLdyes i did install the drivers in the past but then all my  desktop at the end of the installation was GIGANTIC and in the desktop settings the only available resolution was 400x60017:22
habtoolstrawbeRRy_fieL do you now the version nvidia card that you have?17:23
strawbeRRy_fieLdno way to get back to the previous resolution so i had to reinstall17:23
strawbeRRy_fieLdhabtool: geforce 9600 gt17:23
habtoolin adept, did you try install nvidia-glx-new?17:24
ahoxstrawbeRRy_fieLd: Install nvidia-glx-new17:24
strawbeRRy_fieLdsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new ?17:24
strawbeRRy_fieLdshould i type this in the terminal?17:24
ahoxstrawbeRRy_fieLd: yes17:25
habtoolthen from terminal or alt f2 run : sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and make sure the driver is nvidia and not nv or vesa17:25
habtoolsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new  from a terminal or adept in gui if easier for you17:26
strawbeRRy_fieLdcannot i do that from system settings>monitor>hardware and change them from there?17:26
strawbeRRy_fieLdstill dunno what in gui or in universe mean, i did it from the terminal, its installing now17:26
ahoxgui=graphical user interface = not terminal17:27
strawbeRRy_fieLdalright it did install now i have to change VESA to nvidia right?17:27
habtoolstrawbeRRy_fieLd    do it from a terminal, copy and paste my commands above17:27
strawbeRRy_fieLdthank u ahox17:27
strawbeRRy_fieLddid it17:27
ahox!universe | strawbeRRy_fieLd17:27
ubottustrawbeRRy_fieLd: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:27
strawbeRRy_fieLdahox i read it but how do i access the different packages?17:27
strawbeRRy_fieLdthatz what i dont get17:27
strawbeRRy_fieLdwait a sec17:27
ahoxUsing adept you can set the repositories you want to use17:28
strawbeRRy_fieLdalright i went to system settings>monitor>hardware>NVIDIA but geforce 9600 gt is not there17:29
strawbeRRy_fieLdhow do i do?17:29
ahoxstrawbeRRy_fieLd: run "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf"17:30
strawbeRRy_fieLdand then pastebin it here?17:30
ahoxsounds good17:30
ahoxstrawbeRRy_fieLd:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/39164/17:33
ahoxBackup your old file first!17:33
strawbeRRy_fieLdhow du backup it?17:33
strawbeRRy_fieLdsorry im a newbie17:33
ahoxUse Save As in kate17:34
ahoxand then paste my file, and then use again Save As17:34
ahoxSo far I actually only changed one line17:34
* ahox wonders if there is an easier way - there must be....17:35
strawbeRRy_fieLddid it17:35
strawbeRRy_fieLdwhat now?17:35
ahoxSry I have to go, wish you luck17:35
ahoxlogout and log back in17:35
strawbeRRy_fieLdbefore u go17:35
strawbeRRy_fieLdwhat do i do now?17:35
ahoxif it does not work, save your backup as the new one17:35
strawbeRRy_fieLdalright thanks for ur help17:35
ahoxThe second thing to try would be to specify the modes on the monitor and screen17:36
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: what are you trying to do?17:36
strawbeRRy_fieLdmneptok: install nvidia drivers17:36
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: for what card?17:37
strawbeRRy_fieLdnvidia geforce 9600 gt17:37
mneptokin Hardy?17:37
habtoolstrawbeRRy_fieLd  have u saved ahox xorg.conf file?17:37
strawbeRRy_fieLdbut still doesnt let me find geforce 9600 gt in the list in System Settings>Monitor>Hardware17:38
reel_Hi all, I find all of my kde programs to have mixed languages in Menu (EN and DE). What should I change to have it in English completely ?17:38
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: last i knew, the 9600 series was not supported by the nVidia drivers packaged in the repos17:38
mneptokreel_: remove German language support17:38
habtooldouble check that you have the correct driver line in your xorg by typing sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf in terminal17:39
strawbeRRy_fieLdmneptok: sorry?????17:39
strawbeRRy_fieLdwhat u mean? my graphic card is not supported?17:39
bdizzlestrawbeRRy_fieLd: its possible17:39
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: the nvidia-glx-new driver packaged in the repositories does not have support for the 960-0 series of nVidia cards, IIRC17:39
ghostcubestrawbeRRy_fieLd: yes with the default repo drivers17:39
strawbeRRy_fieLdor the 9 series is not supported in the repository and i only have to upload it?17:39
bdizzlegraphics cards are still a hard thing to do in Linux, thanks in part to the manufacturers not offering support for it17:40
strawbeRRy_fieLdso i only have to update it right?17:40
reel_mneptok, if I want German as well ?17:40
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: and regardless, you should not be editing xorg.conf in Hardy17:40
ghostcubeintel gets better :)17:40
strawbeRRy_fieLdahox told me to do it17:40
strawbeRRy_fieLdalright are u tellin me i have a video card i cant use????17:41
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: i think your first order of business is determining which cards/chipsets are supported by the nvidia-glx-new package currently in the Hardy repos17:41
strawbeRRy_fieLdalright how do i see that?17:41
strawbeRRy_fieLdi am a newbie dunno anything about this17:41
strawbeRRy_fieLdi followed all the guides online and in the end i HAD to get here17:42
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: no, you can use it. you may have to use 1). the VESA driver -or- 2). the open source "nv" driver -or- 3). the latest nVidia binary drivers installed via Envy or somesuch17:42
strawbeRRy_fieLdim going nuts! :D17:42
mneptok!info nvidia-glx-new17:42
ubottunvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.12+ (hardy), package size 5126 kB, installed size 15256 kB17:42
shadowhywindhay all running intoa bit of a problem. I tried to download a package and now its stuck on update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-21-generic even running sudo dpkg --configure -a it freezes17:43
habtoolstrawbeRRy_fieLd  it takes some patience and persistence to get into linux, try not get upset when you hit snags. see it has a fun challenge to get things working, esp the proprietary driver blobs/drivers17:43
strawbeRRy_fieLdu call this a fun challenge? thats a pain in the a....!17:44
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: GeForce 9600GT?17:44
strawbeRRy_fieLdmy video card doesnt work, my internet doesnt work, almost nothing works17:44
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: blame nVidia, not Linux.17:44
strawbeRRy_fieLdmneptok: YES17:44
habtoolstrawbeRRy_fieLd, most of us what have had these snags too when we first started out in linux ;)17:44
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_171.06.html17:45
strawbeRRy_fieLdi can imagine :D17:45
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: see how that release of the driver "added support for the 9600 GT?"17:45
C-Newbiesorry for post here but there nobody in kubuntu-kde417:45
C-Newbiehi i have some problems with my new kde4.1 installation, i have sound only when my session start and when it halt. i have sound with amarok but not with juke and kscd and other ... Apparently i have the same problem : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=894982. At the start there is a message who said that "hda intel 883 analog dosnt work " ... An idea ? Thank for your help .   (and sorry for my realy bad english)17:45
strawbeRRy_fieLdbut i told u already i did follow that guide in the past17:45
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: that is the 171.06 release of the nVidia driver. it was released on March 717:45
habtoolstrawbeRRy_fieLd  it is almost ALWAYS the proprietry hardware that makes it a pain until you have learn a few tricks to get the stuff working17:46
mneptok!info nvidia-glx-new17:46
ubottunvidia-glx-new (source: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24 ( NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 169.12+ (hardy), package size 5126 kB, installed size 15256 kB17:46
mneptok^^^^ the repos have the 169.x version ^^^^17:46
strawbeRRy_fieLdhey hey hey give me a brake! :D17:46
strawbeRRy_fieLdi thank u for ur help17:46
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: thus, the version of the nVidia driver in the Ubuntu repos does not support your chipset17:46
strawbeRRy_fieLdwhatz my chipset?17:46
strawbeRRy_fieLdanyway i understand the drivers from the website are more recent than the ones in the repos right?17:47
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: you'll want to do some research in Envy, and learn how it works and how to make it work for you. and maybe next time you buy a video card, buy one from a vendor with better policies toward Linux and its users.17:47
strawbeRRy_fieLdso by installing these drivers from the website it should work, right?17:47
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: yes, but you will want to use Envy17:48
strawbeRRy_fieLdmmm what is that now?17:48
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: frantically clicking and installing things is not a good strategy ;)17:48
habtoolstrawbeRRy_fieLd  yes, but it is a but more work, so u need to do some reading on forum17:48
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk17:48
shadowhywindanyone know how to solve a general protection fault: 0000 [1] SMP on dmesg?17:48
habtool<strawbeRRy_fieLd>  you need to edit the xorg.conf and put the vesa driver back instead of the nvidia one that you put in as per ahox, as you will have a broken xserver if you reboot now17:50
mneptokhabtool: Hardy users should not be editing xorg.conf17:50
habtoolif you know how, copy the backup one that ahox told you to make17:51
habtool<mneptok>  ok, but he has allready17:51
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx nvidia-glx-new17:51
habtool<mneptok>  yes i was about to tell him too do that next :)17:51
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: then, boot the machine, press <esc> to get the GRUB menu at boot, and boot to recovery mode. choose "xfix" from the menu there.17:51
strawbeRRy_fieLdoh f.....! lol17:52
strawbeRRy_fieLdcannot i just install the new nvidia drivers on top of the ahox ones?17:53
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: i think a more appropriate question is "if you're calling yourself a newb, why aren't you following instructions?" ;)17:53
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx nvidia-glx-new17:54
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: then, boot the machine, press <esc> to get the GRUB menu at boot, and boot to recovery mode. choose "xfix" from the menu there.17:54
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: those 2 steps are first.17:54
strawbeRRy_fieLdi did step one17:55
strawbeRRy_fieLdfor step 2 i copied back in xorg.conf the backup ive done before17:55
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: OK, so now reboot. you'll see the GRUB menu countdown. press <esc>17:55
strawbeRRy_fieLdwas that right?17:55
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: then, boot the machine, press <esc> to get the GRUB menu at boot, and boot to recovery mode. choose "xfix" from the menu there.17:55
strawbeRRy_fieLdok im doing it right away17:55
strawbeRRy_fieLdthank you17:56
mneptoklet's spend some time composing a love poem to nVidia17:56
mneptoknVidia, nVidia, i'm Kurt von Finck. your hardware's overpriced and your drivers stink. you don't really care what Linux users think. so to us your cards are as useful as a sink.17:57
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: wb18:00
habtoolmneptok, there are exceptions to the do not edit xorg.conf too :) http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=11808818:00
strawbeRRy_fieLdalright done it18:00
strawbeRRy_fieLdcan u re/give me that link about the geforce 9 series u gave me wwith the instructions_18:00
strawbeRRy_fieLdalright now my keyboard doesnt work well >D18:00
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: you'll want to use Envy to install the latest nVidia drivers18:00
strawbeRRy_fieLdbut i was taking a look at that link18:01
mneptok!info envyng18:01
ubottuPackage envyng does not exist in hardy18:01
mneptok!info envy-ng18:02
ubottuPackage envy-ng does not exist in hardy18:02
strawbeRRy_fieLdi didnt see it before18:02
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html  <--- nVidia's Unix drivers page18:02
Pici!info envyng-qt18:02
ubottuenvyng-qt (source: envyng-qt): install the ATI or the NVIDIA driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 62 kB, installed size 336 kB18:02
Picimneptok: ^18:02
Picior -gtk for gnomey people18:03
mneptokstrawbeRRy_fieLd: i then just looked through their release archive to see what release introduced support for the 9600. and it is, indeed, a newer release than is in the repos.18:03
mneptokPici: fankee sahib18:03
strawbeRRy_fieLdim searching it now18:03
strawbeRRy_fieLdit asks linux 32 bit or 64 how do i no_18:04
habtooluname -m from terminal18:04
habtoolmneptok should he not use envyng-qt from repos?18:06
amigoHello! How to disable kaffeine cpdec installer?18:06
ghostcubegood question18:06
strawbeRRy_fieLdit says i686 what does it mean_18:07
strawbeRRy_fieLd32 bit_18:07
strawbeRRy_fieLdit means i have 32 bit18:08
amigoghostcube, kaffeine have unlimited loop to check installed codecs :(18:11
ghostcubeyes for me and hundred others too18:12
ghostcubehavent found an patch or update till now18:12
Richlvbluszcz, bdizzle thanks18:20
ghostcubeamigo: are u trying to acess files over network :)18:21
amigoghostcube, yes. I try to open http://.../some.avi ))18:23
=== Hydrogen is now known as Hydrogone
weylandhi! i want an overview about wlan usb sticks that can be used with the linux kernel drivers. can anyone help me? i think there was a webpage with an overview...18:47
falcon_does anyone know how to make the wireless card work with kubuntu18:48
weyland\join gentoo.de18:48
falcon_ok any nbeautiful lady in this place??18:49
=== reisei is now known as Reisei
falcon_any1 alive in this here place?18:51
Reiseifalcon_: yep18:51
falcon_hey reisei18:52
ReiseiHello, folks!18:52
falcon_reisei m/f?18:52
Reiseifalcon_: m18:52
falcon_do u know anything about making the wireles card work with kubuntu18:53
falcon_any hot ladies from NY?18:55
Picifalcon_: Please don't.  This is a support channel.18:55
falcon_what support no one is chatting18:55
Reiseifalcon_: no, i'm sorry. But Kubuntu is easy system...18:56
falcon_then why can i get my wireless to work18:56
falcon_i cant find the drivers anywhere18:56
PolitikerALTWhich wireless card is it?18:57
falcon_i read something about a converter18:57
falcon_on an HP laptop18:57
ReiseiPici: can you support falcon_? I have a language barrier ^_^18:58
PolitikerALTbroadcom - I think I got such a wireless network card too - I've installed the package "b43" because you need a proprietary firmware18:58
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falcon_where can i get this b43 online?18:59
PiciIf you can't get support here, if its not a KDE specific question you can ask in #ubuntu as well.18:59
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falcon_thank you all18:59
PolitikerALTmaybe this should help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Gutsy19:00
falcon_thank you politikeralt19:01
PolitikerALTsorry, this is too old: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy should be better19:01
Reiseioh! Any know something material about how to configure ALSA with two sound cards?19:05
BraveSpearHey anyone know how to modify dexconf?19:06
ReiseiBraveSpear: modify ... for what?19:07
xis0xSB know where Kubuntu installs OpenArena ?19:09
xis0xNeed it for PB Update.19:09
BraveSpearwell.. I need to set screen resolution and refresh rate on a livecd i'm creating.  From what I understand, dexconf creates the xorg.conf on the fly.. I need to know how to have the livecd boot with a resolution of 1024x768 x 16bit color with 60hx frefresh rate19:09
smailа по русски кто нить может?19:09
Reiseismail: of course, but it's international chanel.19:10
xis0xSB know where Kubuntu installs OpenArena ? <---19:10
ReiseiBraveSpear: hmm... that's interesting. And what resolution do you have now?19:11
BraveSpearWhen it boots up, it auto detects the monitor and vid card, and dynamically sets the resolution, refresh and color depth on the fly. If it worked on all pc's, then it wouldn't be an issue (the livecd is one I am creating for our work-at-home users that need to access citrix via a web browser through vpn).19:14
BraveSpearthe cd is mostly finished, but the quirky issues where the screen resolution isn't being reported correctly and nothing displays on the users pc.  Per my employer, it needs to run on 95% of our users home pc's.. to do that I would like to hard code the resolution/refresh/color as described above.19:16
ReiseiBraveSpear: may be you should use just one xorg.conf if you need such settings?19:16
xis0xSeems to be a problem with xorg.conf....I needed hours to get my Graka working..19:16
BraveSpearThat would be fine with me.. do you know how to disable dexconf from running so I can just have the generic xorg.conf?19:17
xis0xSafe booting ?19:17
ReiseiBraveSpear: I'm sorry, but I don't know...19:17
ReiseiBraveSpear: I think, you should search for it in rc scripts..19:18
BraveSpearAs a work-around I am using the XFORCEVESA kernel mode option, but that only gives 800x600 resolution.. unless you know of a way to set it at 1024x768, which would also be fine.19:18
xis0xBravespear you ve to Config it in the xorg.conf19:19
xis0xAnd in usplash.conf19:19
wishiei was talking to someone in here yesterday, about the 'special keys' on my HP notebook19:19
BraveSpearxis0x: I have no usplash.conf on my livecd (kubuntu hardy derivative)19:20
wishiewanted to say that ive figured out what program crashes (that stops the keys working) and ive figured out _when_ it crashes.. but not why19:20
xis0xThen killl the Programm :P19:20
xis0xI ve to kill trackerd on booting or it will lag..:D19:21
SitUbuntuSitbut that's murder19:21
Reiseibtw, any know about how to configure rc scripts in Ubuntu? I just remember how it was in Gentoo %)19:21
BraveSpearGentoo... *shivers up spine*19:21
wishiei use gentoo on everything but this laptop19:22
BraveSpearWishie: You are a brave soul.  I only use it on servers.19:22
ReiseiBraveSpear: I use it on my Desktop ^_^19:23
wishieBraveSpear: well, i got sick of using other distros.. so i decided to give gentoo a go.. got hooked, the rest is history19:23
ReiseiBraveSpear: *used19:23
wishieBraveSpear: as for this laptop though, i couldnt be stuffed setting it up. so kubuntu it was :P19:23
BraveSpearI started with gentoo, but I hated having to fix it every week when I emerged any updates.19:24
wishiehmm, does anyone know where i change the mapping of my laptop keys in KDE ?19:24
ReiseiBraveSpear: you shouldn't update (emerge world) gentoo every week....19:25
BraveSpearmaybe that was my problem then :P19:25
Reiseiwishie: You've right... Kubunt is nice system.19:25
wishieReisei: it was a nice simple solution for quick install on my laptop19:26
ReiseiBraveSpear: I have such problems, but I update it just once in a month.19:26
ahmoshi, what is qt4 and gtk ..and what is the diffrence plz?19:26
BraveSpearI got to the point that my server was working.. I didn't do updates to it anymore..19:27
JanMaltecan i use a encrypted system as a server?19:27
wishieahmos: gui toolkits. GTK is for 'gnome' apps generally. QT is for KDE stuff19:27
JanMaltei want to reinstall my ubuntu with encrypted lvm and use it as a lokal webserver19:27
ahmoswishie i'm using kde and i have a program with 2 versions ,one gtk and another qt4, so i should use qt4 version19:28
PiciYes, generally.19:28
ahmosok ,thank you all19:29
JanMalteCan you use an encrypted Ubuntu with LVM as a webserver too? Or only with an unecrypted system?19:29
uoaphysHi, in KDE4.1, how do I use a 12 hour clock instead of a 24hr clock?19:36
wishieinteresting...kmilo is what controls my multimedia keys in kubuntu.. but i cant find out how to configure what each button does.19:37
uoaphysHi, in KDE4.1, how do I use a 12 hour clock instead of a 24hr clock?19:37
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TimSI have a bunch of wmas that play fine through Amarok, but Amarok wont add them to its collection, is there a way to make it add them?19:42
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BraveSpearis there a wiki out ther for dexconf?19:44
=== ecasillas is now known as ecasillas_
=== ecasillas_ is now known as ecasillas__
ale22944 Hi!! Does anybody knows if is it possible to create a iso file of my kubuntu os with all my options installed and of course installable (just in case of crash..)? Thanks all!20:04
paul__hi does anyone know a good disc parition manager i can get from the rep?20:04
ecasillas__like Gparted?20:05
paul__not sure never used one in linux before, is it a good one?20:05
ale22944sudo spt-get install gparted20:06
ale22944well working one20:06
ecasillas__yes its good http://gparted.sourceforge.net/20:07
paul__thank you, also i accidently got rid of the task bar, how do i get it back?20:08
paul__its just gone lol20:09
paul__cannot minimise anything as i cant get it back!20:10
Denisebegin with partitionning20:10
Denisemy advice20:10
Denisetry alt f120:11
Deniseor go in ur bios and change the settings for tools bar back20:11
Deniseand give me news20:11
ecasillas__I thought it was alt f220:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kpartx20:12
Deniseit is alt + something20:13
Denisetry all ur typos20:13
Denisethat's what i do20:13
ecasillas__alt f2 xfce4-panel20:13
Denise+ ctl + esc20:14
abby87paul__: wic version of kde ar u using?20:14
BlackTulipGirlhi new to kubuntu, installing it as we speak on my acer aspire 3620, is it normal for it to take a long time in each part of the install screen? (Choose lang, then Where are you to set time, etc.)20:14
paul__using 4.120:14
SmokeEater85911cany anybody here help me with a sound issue.. ive been working on it for days with no luck20:14
=== Hydrogone is now known as NegordyH
abby87BlackTulipGirl: it depends on ur system20:15
DeniseI have sound but no dance anybody has a clue?20:15
BlackTulipGirlI'm installing 4.1...ok20:15
BlackTulipGirlso could it take days then?20:15
abby87paul__: is the whole panel missing or just the task manager?20:16
Denisemax 48hours tulip20:16
abby87BlackTulipGirl: ha no...20:16
paul__abby; i did it myself, right clicked it and removed it so i could click on something. now i cannot get it back!20:16
SmokeEater85911I have sound in my speakers but not in my sub, I have a sub inside my laptop20:16
BlackTulipGirlthank you20:17
DeniseI have sound in one of my subpartitons20:17
abby87paul__: unlock widgets20:17
Denisebut not in my swap is it normal?20:17
abby87paul__: then right click on desktop>add panel20:17
paul__how do i do that abby?20:17
abby87paul__: right click anywhere on desktop and click on unlock widgets20:18
paul__ok got that, and now i have made another panel but still cannot see the apps when i minimise them?20:18
Deniseand unlock all ur bins20:18
abby87paul__: ok thats no big prob20:18
SmokeEater85911anybody have any idea?20:18
paul__its not?20:18
Denisewhat is a sub in a laptop20:19
ecasillas_Smoke, you have all the drivers>20:19
abby87paul__: richt click on panel> add widgets20:19
abby87paul__: add taskmanager20:19
abby87add system tray also20:19
DenisePaul do u have operamotifwrapper, could be that20:19
abby87application launcher menu also20:19
paul__ahhh genius, thanks abby20:20
SmokeEater85911how do i know if I have all the ones I need?20:20
abby87paul__: ;)20:20
Deniseu type ASK: do I have all drivers20:20
Denisethe shell will anser20:20
abby87SmokeEater85911: try command alsamixer20:20
SmokeEater85911it recognizes a form of sound card when I run alsamixer20:21
Denise+ applet20:21
SmokeEater85911it says Realtek ALC26820:21
SmokeEater85911HDA Intel card20:21
Deniseanybody knwows how coem I dont find misspeggyplugin-nonfree?20:21
jpdsDenise: Flash?20:22
Denisemozzflash for blind people yes20:22
SmokeEater85911so now what?20:23
paul__i am using 4.1 but would like to revert back to standard version at the moment. is this possible wihtout reinstalling ?20:23
Denisei have problems with my mouse20:24
Denisejust type -4.120:24
abby87paul__: i guess so20:24
paul__how would i go about it abby?20:24
RurouniJonespaul__: You need to install the kde-3.5.9 package and remove the kde4 one.20:25
RurouniJonesYou should find some example commands on google20:25
RurouniJonesand Denise: Will you stop wasting everyone's time?20:25
abby87paul__: i suggest u stickin to 4.120:25
paul__ruroun, can i do that from adept?20:25
ghostcubepaul__: on kubuntu.org is an howto to upgrade and there are the packages just deinstall them will remove it i think so20:26
Denisewas just relaxing and laughing a lil20:26
DeniseI stop now20:26
RurouniJonespaul__: Maybe, but I doubt it, probably have to use apt-get20:26
RurouniJonesYa, what ghostcube said20:26
paul__ok, as a newbie i think i installed the wrong one tbh, should have gone with the stable version!20:26
Denisewhat is it20:27
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abby87to be honest i guess20:27
=== Guest70875 is now known as ForgeAus
abby87tbh = to be honest ???20:27
ecasillas_try this sudo apt-get purge remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop20:27
ForgeAusbad nickname for it to choose for me root! some servers don't let you join with that one20:27
abby87paul__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73073420:27
SmokeEater85911Anybody know how to get my built-in subwoofer to work?20:27
Denisewhat is the buil-in for menu when ubuntu doesnt boot20:28
abby87Denise: do u mean grub?20:28
RurouniJonesForgeAus: If it gave you root that probably means you are running as root...20:28
Deniseit was grub?20:29
abby87Denise: yup its the grub bootloader20:29
DeniseI didnt know what to do with it20:29
RurouniJonesForgeAus: Yes, you are most likiely running as root based on your whois infor20:29
RurouniJonesI would look into that20:29
abby87Denise: there is an online guide to fix it by reinstalling grub20:29
ecasillas_Try this smoke, seems to be a driver problem https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto20:29
Denisewhen I will intsll kubuntu with the cd20:29
ForgeAushehe Runouni its ok I know andLinux isn't secure20:29
DeniseI will have a window for partitionning?20:30
Denisereinstalling grub?20:30
Denisewhat is the online guide20:30
SmokeEater85911K thanks Ill try to update alsa20:30
Denisewe never know what could happen20:30
abby87Denise: u mean ur grub stopped working ?20:30
DeniseI have a line command to enter20:31
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
Denisefor built-in20:31
Denisemy system20:31
RurouniJonesForgeAus: I wasn't being sarcastic, you really are probably running as root20:31
RurouniJoneswhich is a bad thing(tm)20:31
abby87Denise: so whenever u startup ur comp u r left with a menu sort of a command line thing?20:32
ForgeAusRorouni yes I know I am... like I said I know andLinux isn't secure20:32
Denisethat,s what happend20:32
abby87Denise: instead of a choice of OS20:32
RurouniJonesActualy Linux is pretty secure but most of the security is for naught when you run as root all the time20:32
abby87Denise:and it happened suddenly without any warning...one fine day i mean20:32
abby87Denise: right20:32
Deniseeverything was nice20:33
abby87Denise: u need to reinstall grub from a live cd20:33
nejodeDenise: does the prompt say BusyBox?20:33
Denisethan pidgin starts to kaput20:33
SmokeEater85911how do I find the current version of alsamixer installed?20:33
ForgeAusRurouni andLinux is like an embedded Linux from within windows... it runs as root for the most part...20:33
maelcumhi. i'd ike to install intrepid on a device mapper raid system. is that possible without too much hacking?20:33
abby87Denise: wait i'll find the link20:33
maelcumubiquity doesn't seem to do it out of the box [there is no kubuntu alpha cd, alas]20:33
Deniseand I didnt know what to do with it20:34
RurouniJonesaah right, I thought you were tlking about linux in general and being sarcastic :) Now I get you20:34
nejodeDenise: then you're in a tight spot!20:34
Denisehow come20:34
ForgeAusRorouni if you need more info google it20:34
RurouniJonesAlready did20:34
Deniseu think I will have to reinstall grub?20:35
SmokeEater85911does anybody know how to check what version of Alsamixer i have installed??20:35
Denisebut I would prefer delete all ubuntu20:35
* ForgeAus grinz20:35
Deniseand restart with kubuntu in a new life20:35
ForgeAuspurekde is nice imho :)20:35
nejodeDenise: you'll have to remove the words "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel command line20:35
abby87Denise: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-natively.html#Installing-GRUB-natively20:35
Denisewhat the hell20:35
Denisebut I already put splash in my new windows C folder20:36
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »20:36
ForgeAusDenise, from Ubuntu -> kubuntu use purekde (as per the ubouttu link just posted)20:36
Denisedo I have a url catcher in Konversation20:36
nejodeabby87: if Denise has a BusyBox prompt it's not a grub issue20:36
ForgeAusDenise you can't type?20:36
RurouniJonespaul__: That page ubottu just pasted will tell you how to remove KDE420:36
DeniseI m ok20:37
nejode...it's ussually caused by a bad module20:37
abby87Denise: this link is beter http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2411320:37
Denisebut I dont have time to read those links now20:37
abby87nejode: ohh ya it almost eluded my mind ;)20:37
ghostcubeDenise: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop --purge20:38
abby87nejode: must be busybox but if grub then reinstallation of grub might fix things20:38
ForgeAusoh well I'm not so sure I like ksirc, seems to work but konversation is nicer...20:38
Deniseok I got them in my url catcher20:38
ForgeAusbrb.. checking if I got others hehe20:38
Deniseare they saved automaticly?20:38
nejodeDenise: first you have to find what's causing the kernel to drop to a busybox prompt20:38
nejode...so you can fix it20:39
ghostcubepaul__:  sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop --purge20:39
ghostcubesorry Denise20:39
nejode...and the preferred way is to read the kernel messages20:39
paul__ghost is that the only command i need?20:39
ghostcubetry if it reoves all with it20:39
Denisethe busybox was the kernel message?20:40
ghostcubeshould do the trick20:40
nejode...up to the point theat the booting halts20:40
Denisebut when I booted manually20:40
paul__do i then need to install kde 3?20:40
Deniseit told me I had rebooted too many times20:40
ghostcubehavent u already installed it ?20:40
abby87gotta go guys bye :)20:40
ForgeAushey all I'm back :)20:40
paul__i installed 4.1 from disc20:40
ForgeAushmm kvirc better :) this is more like mIRC20:40
Deniseand I just have to reboot very elegantly in windows20:40
ghostcubethen sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:40
Deniseso i was very elegant20:41
ForgeAuseven has built in terminal windows :)20:41
Deniseand it told me a false command for my windows run command line20:41
Deniseso that kernel and grub are damn tricky20:41
Denisedo I have a big virus20:42
Deniselike a big alien ?20:42
nejodealien vs predator20:42
Deniseyes sort of20:42
Deniseand finally it appeared to be my mouse20:43
Denisewho ate the cheese20:43
Deniseso now I lil mixed up20:43
ThunderhackerAnyone here good with xorg problems?20:43
Denisehopefully i dont have buffers20:43
KRF!ask Thunderhacker20:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:44
ThunderhackerKRF: ?20:45
KRFdont ask for help, state your problem20:46
Thunderhackerthe problem I'm having is xorg is running at 1280x800 (the proper resolution for my laptop) but KDE seems to think it's running at 1024x76820:46
Thunderhackereverything in KDE is offset to the upper left corner20:47
Deniseyou tried to pray?20:47
Thunderhackerwhen I maximize a window it only fills 2/3 or so of the screen20:47
Deniseoh no20:47
Denisedont tell me it is what will happen with mine soon20:48
Thunderhackerif I right-click > configure desktop and click identify I get 2 numbers, "1" in the middle of the "kde" part of the screen, and "2" in the middle of the real screen20:49
ThunderhackerI've searched the internet all morning and haven't found anything even close to the problem I've got20:49
Denisewhere do we adjust the screen here?20:49
Denise1 and 220:50
ecasillas_do you have a black square on the desktop?20:50
Thunderhackerecasillas_: no20:50
Thunderhackerlet me try to take a screenshot20:51
ghostcubeThunderhacker: what grafic card is this20:52
ghostcubewhat drivers are u running20:52
ghostcubeand can u post ure xorg.conf to nopaste.info20:52
Thunderhackerintel driver20:52
Thunderhackerone sec I'll get the lspci20:52
ghostcubeThunderhacker: but u dont have enabled compiz or ?20:52
Deniseu fake well20:53
Deniseok gtg20:53
Thunderhackergive me a minute I'll pastebin the xorg.conf and lspci20:53
Deniseand dont evn try to pidgin me20:53
Denisefor ever20:54
coreymon77Denise: bye20:55
ghostcubenever say never :D20:56
Memory_Moronadios for ever, lol.20:56
Memory_MoronEnjoy Canada?20:56
Thunderhackerlet me upload the screenshot somewhere20:56
coreymon77Memory_Moron: huh?20:57
ghostcubeThunderhacker: thi could not be ure xorg.conf file20:57
Thunderhackerit is20:58
Memory_Moroncoreymon77: Making fun of denise.20:58
ghostcubewhat ? wth20:58
ecasillas_did you try dpkg-reconfigure Xorg20:58
ThunderhackerI did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and that's the config it gave me20:58
ghostcubepls post /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:59
Thunderhackerone second...20:59
ghostcube sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg21:00
ecasillas_or try http://www.xfree86.org/releases/rel470.html21:00
=== NegordyH is now known as Hydrogen
ghostcubewhy would he want this21:01
Thunderhackerghostcube: running that command now...21:02
Thunderhackergave me a warning about overwriting a possibly customized version21:02
Thunderhackershould I restart X now or is there something else you want me to try first?21:03
ghostcuberestartx and i saw u used xrandr21:03
ghostcubewhat have u been trying21:03
gugaHi! I've a doubt with the terminal commands21:04
Thunderhackeranything I could find that mentioned resolution problems21:04
Thunderhackerall with no luck21:04
ThunderhackerI've been trying to get this working all day21:05
ecasillas_wrong post sry!21:05
ghostcubecan u post the xorg.conf again after it was reedited21:05
Thunderhackerone second21:05
ghostcubeguga: ??21:05
gugaDoes anybody knows if there are restricted command lines? That if I don't log as root, the system will tell me that it doesn't recognize the command21:05
coreymon77guga: dont think so21:06
coreymon77guga: but there are many commands that as long as you dont log in as root, you will get access denied21:07
Thunderhackerghostcube: http://nopaste.info/22107898cb.html21:07
gugaBecause my parents have an XO, and I accidentally disconnected from the mesh21:07
gugaSo I tried to reconfigure it using iwconfig21:07
gugaBut it says that it doesn't recognize the command21:07
coreymon77iwconfig isnt recognized?21:08
ghostcubeThunderhacker: :|21:08
ghostcubeyoure system loads correect21:08
coreymon77try using sudo then21:08
ghostcubethe logfile is ok21:08
gugaAnd even in the wiki of XO says to use that command21:08
gugaThe problem is my parents don't know the password, nor do I21:08
gugaapparently when they received the laptop, they just had to put their usernames, no pass21:09
coreymon77unless you changed it21:09
coreymon77root pass=user pass21:09
gugaI'll try21:10
Thunderhackeroh, ghostcube: let me post a screenshot of kdesktop identifying screens21:10
Thunderhackerit's odd, to say the least21:10
Thunderhackerone sec21:10
ghostcubeim editing the xorg.conf21:10
ghostcubebackup the one u have i will post the new one if this changs anything21:10
ghostcubewhats the reso 1680x800?21:12
Thunderhackerghostcube: http://webpages.charter.net/ashlandpc/snapshot2.png21:12
Thunderhackerit should be 1280x80021:12
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gugacoreymon77, any other advice?21:12
coreymon77guga: what, the user password didnt work?21:13
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gugacoreymon77, nobody knows here which is the password21:13
coreymon77guga: becuase unless you set it differently, your root pass is your user pass21:13
=== Guest89118 is now known as Test
coreymon77guga: the password you use to log in to your account21:14
coreymon77guga: try that one21:14
=== Test is now known as abcdef
gugacoreymon77,that's the problem, since you don't need to logout, it automatically loads the SO21:14
coreymon77guga: you dont know what your user password is?21:15
=== abcdef is now known as avcaaa
gugacoreymon77, when they received the XO, they just had to put their usernames, no pass21:15
=== avcaaa is now known as teeeeeeeeeeeeees
SmokeEater85911hey can somebody help me get my sub working?21:15
gugacoreymon77, I know it's weird, but thats how it was21:15
coreymon77okay, well i out21:16
coreymon77no clue21:16
The_ManU_212has kde a history of things made since the last login like the bash history?21:16
gugacoreymon77, I'm guessing that maybe the government is using the same pass for all the computers21:16
=== ok is now known as Accidus
coreymon77wait what?21:16
coreymon77what are you talking about21:16
gugaThese XO are given to teachers and students in my country21:17
coreymon77so you dont know any passwords?21:17
gugaSince my parents are teachers, they received a pair from the government21:17
gugacoreymon77, nop21:17
ghostcubeure going to hack en closed embedded os of ure parents xo ?21:17
coreymon77youre screwed21:17
coreymon77ghostcube: please start speaking in english21:18
SmokeEater85911*chokes kubu*21:18
gugacoreymon77, oh! thanks!21:18
guga coreymon77, hehe21:18
ghostcubeconcernedcitizen: ??21:18
ghostcubecoreymon77: ??21:18
Thunderhackerguga: forgive my ignorance of the XO, but is there a way to boot off an SD card or something?21:18
coreymon77SmokeEater85911: just say what youre problem is, if anyone can help they will21:18
SmokeEater85911I have no sound through my subwoofer, can anybody help?21:19
SmokeEater85911yes I have a subwoofer inside my laptop21:19
coreymon77ghostcube: stop it with the chat language and use real english, the way you are typing makes it kinda hard to understand sometimes21:19
gugacoreymon77, sorry, what is a SD card?21:19
ghostcubeok :)21:19
coreymon77guga: the things you put in cameras, the memory cards21:19
gugacoreymon77,Ah, ok.21:20
coreymon77guga: the little tiny things21:20
gugacoreymon77, don't know. Is there a way of doing it by terminal?21:20
coreymon77guga: if you dont know how any of the passwords, youre quite limited in what you can do21:20
gugacoreymon77, a command maybe or something. It has USB ports21:21
gugacoreymon77, you're right21:21
coreymon77as i said before, as far as i know, youre screwed, but there are people who know more than me21:21
gugacoreymon77, I guess I should try to contact anyone who's running the prject here in Uruguay21:21
gugacoreymon77, thanks anyway!21:22
SmokeEater85911Can anybody help me? I have a built in subwoofer in my laptop and I cant get any sound out of it, but my speakers work.. any help please? thanks!21:22
ghostcubewhat about ure parents didnt they get the passes ?21:22
coreymon77SmokeEater85911: patience21:22
SmokeEater85911lol sorry21:22
SmokeEater85911didnt mean to send that, i was just typing it so i can copy/paste it for later lol21:22
ghostcubethis could not be how would they be ablke to access it without the passes21:22
Thunderhackerguga: http://www.olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?topic=1504.msg11443;topicseen21:23
coreymon77SmokeEater85911: if someone is able to help, they will, just be patient21:24
ThunderhackerSmokeEater85911: what make/model laptop?21:25
SmokeEater85911Toshiba Satellite x205-S980021:26
ValentineXhow to setup gprs phone with kubuntu21:28
SmokeEater85911the only thing i could find was fixes if you have NO sound at all21:28
ghostcubeSmokeEater85911: what programm do you use to play the files21:28
SmokeEater85911I have sound out of the 4 speakers on the top, but the sub nothing21:28
SmokeEater85911play what, the music?21:28
SmokeEater85911anything, flash, or Amarok anything that plays music21:29
SmokeEater85911those are the only 2 ive tried so far though21:29
ghostcubein Amarok u can choose the speaker setup for 5.1 afaik21:29
ghostcubeisnt this working ?21:29
SmokeEater85911i didnt know that lemme try21:29
SmokeEater85911hmm brb need to grab an MP321:30
ghostcubeThunderhacker: have you tried the xorg.conf i posted ?21:33
ThunderhackerI didn't see a link21:33
=== root is now known as Guest70030
ghostcubeThunderhacker: http://nopaste.info/0c843f5d5e_nl.html21:34
Thunderhackerone second21:34
Guest70030WHERE ARE YOU FROM??¿21:35
Thunderhackerghostcube: same problem21:36
mneptok!caps > Guest7003021:36
ubottuGuest70030, please see my private message21:36
coreymon77please stop using caps lock21:36
SmokeEater85911hey ghost, I tried the speaker configuration and it doesnt change anything21:36
coreymon77and where im from is irrelevant21:36
ValentineXGuest70030: ask you are question21:36
ghostcubehmm SmokeEater85911 openup kmix and see if any output is muted21:37
Guest70030I dont spake english very good!!21:37
ghostcubeThunderhacker: i dont get why it detects two screens can u do this in terminal echo $DISPLAY21:37
SmokeEater85911nope all are on21:37
Thunderhackerghostcube: one sec21:38
ValentineXGuest70030: try they will try to understand :)21:38
ghostcubeThunderhacker: thats ok21:38
Guest70030where are you from???21:39
ghostcubeouter space ^^21:39
Guest70030tell me21:39
mneptokGuest70030: this is a support channel. for general chat, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:39
ghostcubeGuest70030: are you a bot ?21:39
The_ManU_212has kde a history of things made since the last login like the bash history?21:40
ValentineXGuest70030: kubuntu linux chat only :D21:40
=== Authority1980 is now known as Authority
Guest70030i have linux!!!!!!!!!!!21:40
ghostcubeSmokeEater85911: hmm dont know why this happens21:41
ecasillas_Smoke- Did you ever try the link I sent you?21:42
SmokeEater85911ghostcube: well crap lol I need this thing to work21:42
SmokeEater85911otherwise I have to go back to Sh*tty windows21:42
ghostcubesure its plugged in :D21:42
SmokeEater85911it doesnt unplug lol21:42
SmokeEater85911its built IN21:42
Guest70030linux is good!!21:42
Guest70030so hard ,, but good21:43
ghostcubewhat does the testsound do ? plays all speakers or onlythe  2 chan ones21:43
coreymon77Guest70030: is there something we can help you with21:43
SmokeEater85911only the 2 chan21:43
ghostcubeThunderhacker: i dont get why its detecting two screens21:44
ThunderhackerI don't understand it wither21:44
ghostcubehave u put tv or monitor to this lappi ?21:44
ghostcubeis this a clean installation ? and new ?21:45
ghostcubecan u just reinstall it with the alternate install cd ?21:45
ThunderhackerI'll try21:45
Thunderhackergive me a bit while I download and burn it21:45
* Thunderhacker goes hunting for a fast mirror21:46
ghostcubeno prob i will be here since 2 am so 4 hours21:46
coreymon77Thunderhacker: the bitorrent method is fastest21:47
Thunderhackerthanks for all the help so far21:47
SmokeEater85911*dropkicks linux*21:47
ghostcubecoreymon77: heh http univerity berlin is mostly the fastest here in germany full speed up to 16 mbit21:48
coreymon77SmokeEater85911: its not linux's fault, things just happen sometimes21:48
SmokeEater85911its linux's fault lol it works on windows it should work on linux ;)21:48
coreymon77ghostcube: ya, maybe if you are in germany21:48
SmokeEater85911linux is supposed to be better21:48
coreymon77SmokeEater85911: ya, sometimes things need a bit of setup though21:48
coreymon77SmokeEater85911: trust me, your problems are nothing21:48
ghostcubeSmokeEater85911: and this maybe is a little  klick in the mixer21:48
Daisuke_Laptop9 times out of 10, if something doesn't work in linux, it's the user's fault21:49
Daisuke_Laptopthe other time is kde421:49
coreymon77true say21:49
ghostcube8 of 10 user 1 grafic drivers 1 kde 421:50
SmokeEater85911is there a way to update just the mixer?21:50
ghostcubeSmokeEater85911: what type of Sound card we talking about21:50
coreymon77ghostcube: no, every now and then we have a company that has something against linux and will not release open source drivers21:50
ghostcubeyeah but mostly this is the grafic card industry or coreymon77 ??21:51
SmokeEater85911HDA Intel is what alsamixer says21:51
ghostcubelspci   to nopaste.info21:51
SmokeEater85911chip is Realtek ALC26821:52
SmokeEater85911its High Definition Audio 4.1 speaker setup21:52
coreymon77on my desktop box21:53
coreymon77i was struggling for months to try and get sound working on linux (sound stop working suddenly)21:53
coreymon77finally i find out that it turns out soundcard died21:53
coreymon77the soundcard on that machine is the pickiest thing in the world21:55
coreymon77if you plug in speakers, it will not work21:55
coreymon77the only way sound will work is if you plug headphones directly into the board21:56
SmokeEater85911so any more ideas?21:56
ubuntui need some help. hopefully someone can answer me this.. my computer has been fine all this time, but just today when I turned the computer on, kubuntu wouldnt let me login to my account. It just refreshes the screen and goes back to the login menu. whats happening?21:56
Jammuhi room21:57
Jammucan some one help me?21:57
coreymon77Jammu: not unless you tell us what the problem is21:57
Jammumy wifi21:57
coreymon77sure, thats my specialty21:57
coreymon77whats the matter21:58
ghostcubeSmokeEater85911: this card isnt really well supported there are a lot of howtos to get sound working21:58
Jammuno drivers and no network21:58
ghostcubeso i think you are a bit better at the moment then most of the users in forums21:58
coreymon77Jammu: what card?21:59
coreymon77Jammu: yay, heres what i need you to do21:59
ubuntudoes anyone know what the problem might be with my pc? I dont think its my pc, but kubuntu itself. but I'm not sure22:00
coreymon77Jammu: open up konsole and type lspci22:00
Jammubut it works i just need the windows wireles drivers22:00
coreymon77no you dont22:00
coreymon77do what i said above22:00
rickestubuntu: the symptoms you describe sounds like everything is working except X.  /var/log/Xorg.0.log  might tell you what's going wrong there22:00
SmokeEater85911looks like whenever I want to do my remixing Ill have to switch back over to vista until this problem gets solved22:01
coreymon77Jammu: then paste the output on www.pastebin.ca22:01
ubunturickest: well how do I access that? sorry, I'm kinda new to linux22:01
rickestubuntu: this might be a stickler to solve alone, but  try: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:02
ghostcubeSmokeEater85911: hmm i run here jackd with ardour and some synths22:02
rickestubuntu: and just scroll down through looking for anything out-of-place or "ERROR", etc.  :)22:02
ghostcubeall fine so far but this is an old card :D22:02
ubunturight now I'm on the kubuntu live CD. so I would have to go back to the installed version and type that on the console?22:03
SmokeEater85911i dont even know if the headphones work brb22:03
coreymon77sorry bout that22:04
coreymon77Jammu: so, you getting that output up on pastebin?22:04
coreymon77okay, can you give me the address of the post?22:04
rickestubuntu: unless you know how to mount your harddrive while booted on the LiveCD22:04
SmokeEater85911headphones work great22:05
SmokeEater85911Ill just have to use them until i can figure something else out22:05
coreymon77Jammu: copy the url from your browser and paste it in the channel22:05
ubunturickest: I dont know how to do that, but I'm going to try. If there's any errors, what should I do?22:05
Jammu http://www.pastebin.ca/118004022:05
SmokeEater85911does Kubu support biometrics yet?22:06
coreymon77good good22:06
coreymon77give me a sec22:06
rickestubuntu: it will depend on the errors.  the mount is something like: mount /mnt/tmp /dev/sda1   # or wherever your normal partition is22:06
coreymon77Jammu: type iwconfig in konsole22:07
coreymon77pastebin the output22:07
ghostcubeSmokeEater85911: sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base22:08
Jammuhmm   eth0      no wireless extensions.22:09
ghostcubeSmokeEater85911: options snd-hda-intel model=auto   is this in there ?22:09
ghostcubeif not put it at the end of the file22:09
coreymon77Jammu: does ath0 appear22:09
coreymon77or ath1 or something like that22:10
coreymon77it does?22:10
coreymon77which one?22:10
coreymon77Jammu: which one appears?22:11
Jammusorry my mistake just this22:11
Jammueth0      no wireless extensions.22:11
coreymon77thats all22:11
coreymon77can you tell me what the card actually is22:11
Jammulo        no wireless extensions.22:11
Jammueth0      no wireless extensions.22:11
coreymon77as in, the company, model22:11
coreymon77stuff like that22:11
ubunturickest: ok, I typed that on konsole. it gives me specifics for my keyboard and mouse. but other than that, it look fine, I believe22:12
Jammuok minute22:12
SmokeEater85911whats that for?22:13
rickestubuntu: if you're still on the LiveCD the path to the file I mentioned earlier would be /mnt/tmp/var/log/...  that make sense?22:14
SmokeEater85911ghostcube: whats that for?22:15
Jammuatheros i think22:19
ubunturickest: it tells me only root can do that22:19
rickestubuntu: use sudo22:19
SmokeEater85911ghostcube: i wrote that to the end of the file, now what?22:19
SmokeEater85911do i need to reboot?22:19
coreymon77Jammu: i see you are on a 64 bit computer correct?22:20
Jammufujitsu siemens22:20
ubunturickest: it gives me this: can't find /mnt/tmp/dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab22:20
codyHello, I am currently using Adamm's kernel for the eeepc 901 and am having some wireless problems. Whenever I use the fn+f2 combo to bring wireless down, I can22:20
codyget it to come back22:20
coreymon77Jammu: good22:21
codyI am using the scripts I found on the ubuntu wiki for the eeepc 901 but they don't seem to work.22:21
coreymon77Jammu: you havent been using ndiswrapper up until now, have you?22:21
Jammuwhat is that?22:22
coreymon77Jammu: okay, nevermind22:22
TelrothI need some help with SATA drives. I just built a new system (MSI P43 Neo3 mobo, core2quad, 4gb ram, 3x1Tb sata drives, dvdrw) and all of the drives are detected in the bios, but ubuntu doesn't show the device nodes for the sata drives.22:23
rickestubuntu: sorry but I just don't have the time you'll need to solve all that.  I hope you can find someone to walk you through the proper steps22:23
coreymon77Jammu: brb phone22:23
ubunturickest: thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. :)22:24
coreymonJammu: okay22:25
coreymonJammu: open konsole and type sudo apt-get install build-essential22:26
=== C7354354 is now known as chalcedony
Jammudriver install?22:28
coreymon77we are getting some drivers22:28
coreymon77not the windows ones22:28
coreymon77so, did you do what i said above22:29
coreymon77is it done?22:29
Jammui think22:30
coreymon77well, what does the last line in konsole say22:30
JammuSetting up build-essential (11.3ubuntu1)22:31
coreymon77nope, not done yet22:31
Telrothany help for me?22:31
coreymon77you know when you first open Konsole it gives you a line similar to "computername@blah"22:32
coreymon77or somethign like that22:32
coreymon77the first line when you first open konsole22:32
Jammuthat is there22:32
tsunamijust installed and hangs on "stopping K Display Manager".  Any ideas??22:32
coreymon77what does the last line say now?22:32
codyTelroth: What version of ubuntu are you installing?22:32
Telrothkubuntu 8.0422:33
Jammumy name@blah-laptop22:33
coreymon77Jammu: okay, that line means that it is done22:33
codyTelroth: Did you try to install ubuntu in text mode?22:33
coreymon77Jammu: so you know for future refference22:33
Jammuubuntu whit WUBI22:34
Telrothi have not, but wouldn't the /dev/ folder be the same in both? I can reboot and do text mode if you think it'll make a difference22:34
Jammuim just REALLY tired22:34
coreymon77copy and paste this stuff22:34
coreymonJammu: type in konsole sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)22:34
codyTelroth: It's worth a shot22:35
Thunderhackerghostcube: you still here?22:35
=== wsr3193 is now known as raghorn
Jammuit did nothing22:36
Thunderhackerinstalled from the alternate install CD, same exact problems22:36
coreymon77Jammu: done?22:37
ghostcubeThunderhacker: puh22:37
ghostcubeThunderhacker: u formated the drives before installing ?22:37
Thunderhackerok, there's one thing different this time22:37
=== ubuntu is now known as Paradox41
Thunderhackersomething crashed in KDE shortly after startup22:38
Thunderhackerkdesktop crashed22:38
coreymonJammu: sudo apt-get install subversion22:38
ghostcubeThunderhacker: can u open all repositories in etc/apt/sources.list22:38
ghostcubeand do an sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:39
Thunderhackerghostcube: one second22:39
coreymonJammu: run kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:40
ghostcubethere is an kdesudo ?22:40
coreymonJammu: and remove any references to ath_pci and ath_hal in that file22:40
coreymon77ghostcube: yup22:40
ghostcubecool havent known this :)22:40
coreymon77ghostcube: kdesudo is used for running graphical apps from konsole with root privs22:40
ghostcubehmm i always used gksu for this havent known there is an kde related one for qt :)22:41
Thunderhackerghostcube: installing updates...22:41
Jammuam run what?22:41
coreymon77did you do what i said above?22:41
ghostcubeThunderhacker: if finished sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:42
Jammuwhere do i run that?22:42
Thunderhackerwill do when it's done22:42
ghostcubethen sudo apt-get clean && sudo updatedb && sudo ldconfig22:42
ghostcubeThunderhacker: is there an kernel update shipped22:42
coreymonJammu: type kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:43
Thunderhackerghostcube: looks like it22:43
coreymonJammu: and remove any references to ath_pci and ath_hal in that file22:43
ghostcubeu must allow the config file from the maintainer if the dialog asks you for this  it will do if it is about to detecting the entries in /grub/menu.lst22:43
ThunderhackerI'll let you know when everything's done22:44
Jammucommand not found22:44
coreymon77ghostcube: huh?22:45
coreymon77Jammu: okay22:45
ghostcubexchat eh ?22:46
coreymonJammu: when does it say that22:46
coreymon77no, konv22:46
coreymon77and colloquy22:46
codyTelroth: Did you enable the AHCI controller in the bios?22:46
coreymonJammu: when does it say command not found?22:46
Jammukdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:47
ghostcubecoreymon77: u are firm with building deb files ?22:47
cody...for the SATA drives22:47
coreymonJammu: okay then22:47
coreymonJammu: try kdesu kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:47
ghostcubeanyone knows how i can change the suffix from this kicker-taskbar-compiz_0.2ghostbuntu-1_i386.deb22:48
heryhi all22:48
ghostcubeto kicker-taskbar-compiz_0.2-0ghostbuntu0_i386.deb22:48
ghostcubeby create process ?22:48
Telrothcody, no it'll try that22:48
Jammusudo: kate: command not found22:49
coreymonokay then22:49
ghostcubetry nano22:49
coreymoni want him to use graphical22:49
ghostcubeah ok22:49
ghostcubekwrite ?22:49
coreymonim jsut gonna get him to apt kate22:49
coreymonJammu: sudo apt-get install kate22:49
Thunderhackerghostcube: done, but it didn't give me any dialog boxes about replacing a config file22:50
arty_hi all22:50
ghostcubei have edited it myself maybe because its why its asking me22:50
arty_anyone use YAKUAKE ?22:50
coreymonJammu: type kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:50
ghostcubearty_: i tried it why?22:51
ScorpKinghi guys. i'm reading a lot of pdf's in konqueror but can't remember how to make it autoscroll. what is the shortcut for that again?22:51
Jammuok and22:51
arty_ghostcube: how I save every season whitch I have open after restart is all gon :(22:51
coreymonJammu: and remove any references to ath_pci and ath_hal in that file22:51
The_ManU_212has kde a history of things made since the last login like the bash history?22:52
ghostcubearty_:  u build it youreself ?22:52
coreymonnah, its better to do here22:52
coreymonJammu: did you remove the refferences?22:52
ghostcubeor installed by apt arty_22:52
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arty_yep example firt is on ssh connect second is second .....22:52
Jammuok there is session chooser22:52
coreymonwhat happened when you types that command Jammu22:53
coreymon77the kdesudo one22:53
ghostcubeThunderhacker: hmm restart22:53
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Thunderhackerghostcube: ok22:54
arty_I open yakuake and in firt shell I have some staff in the second have ssh connect AND I need save22:54
coreymonJammu: hello?22:54
Jammuthere is session chooser22:54
coreymonwhat does it say?22:55
Jammudefault session22:55
coreymon77Jammu: did a window pop up asking you to put in your password?22:55
Thunderhackerghostcube: same problems22:56
coreymon77close the session thing22:56
coreymonJammu: now, type this exactly22:56
discombobulatedanyone have realtek hd audio?22:56
coreymonJammu: kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist22:56
coreymonJammu: a window should pop up asking for your password, type it, and a text editor should pop up22:57
Jammuthe same session chooser22:57
coreymon77gah, can you take a screenshot and put it up on imageshack or something like that22:58
arty_YAKUAKE someone use???22:58
Jammuum im on ubuntu...22:59
Daisuke_Laptoparty_: try making sense, you'll get better help22:59
coreymon77Jammu: why didnt you tell me that!22:59
ghostcubeThunderhacker: hmmmm22:59
coreymonthat explains things22:59
Daisuke_Laptoparty_: also, it appears that english is not your native language22:59
ubottuŽiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.23:00
arty_Daisuke_Laptop: how to save every season whitch I have open in YAKUAKE23:00
coreymonJammu: ijay then23:00
coreymontype this then23:00
coreymongksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist23:00
coreymonand close that session chooser23:01
arty_Daisuke_Laptop: understand?23:01
Jammuok and then?23:02
Daisuke_Laptopno, i was just saying to clarify.  i don't use yakuake23:02
shaylai downloaded and installed intreped dev from cd but the kdenetworkingmanager dosent load when i login23:02
shaylaim running amd6423:02
coreymonJammu: did a text editor pop up this time23:02
coreymon77remove all references to ath_pci and ath_hal in that fiel23:03
arty_Daisuke_Laptop: ok sry m823:03
Telrothcody, no good with achi enabled23:03
Jammuthere is none23:03
Jammuno pci no hal23:04
ghostcubeThunderhacker: i found something23:04
coreymon77Jammu: ath_pci or ath_hal doesnt appear in that file?23:04
shaylaalso i cant run adept manager23:04
Thunderhackerghostcube: sweet, what'd you find?23:04
coreymon77Jammu: good23:05
* Thunderhacker is about to start pulling what's left of his hair out23:05
coreymonJammu: go to System ->Administration ->Hardware Drivers and make sure both Atheros drivers are disabled23:05
Jammusame here23:05
ghostcubeThunderhacker: is this laptop with 15,4 "23:06
martianlobsterwhat do I need to install so that I can compile basic C librarie?  stdio.h isn't on my system now23:06
Thunderhackerghostcube: yes23:06
coreymonthey are disabled?23:06
ThunderhackerGateway ML673223:06
ghostcubecan u post ure xorg.conf again23:06
coreymonJammu: were they disabled or did you have to disable them?23:06
Thunderhackerghostcube: one second23:06
Jammui just disablet them23:07
coreymon77okay then23:07
coreymon77and come right back here23:07
ghostcubediscombobulated: http://www.quietis.org/rcruz/sonyDebianHowTo/debian-vaio-fs215s.htm#Section_III  look at the sound section may it helps23:09
discombobulatedghostcube, thanks23:09
coreymon77Jammu: okay youre back23:10
martianlobsterin answer to my own question,  apt-get install build-essential23:10
coreymonJammu: open a terminal window again23:11
Jammuwhy 2 coreymons=23:11
coreymon77long story23:11
coreymon77dont feel like explaining right now23:11
coreymon77they are both me23:11
coreymon77jsut on different clients23:11
coreymonopen a terminal window again23:11
martianlobsteris there a command, for finding which package contains a certain file?   for example suppose I wanted to find what package contained stdio.h,  but stdio.h wasn't on my system yet?   (this is the problem I just posted a few minutes ago restated)23:11
ghostcubeThunderhacker: http://nopaste.info/de6b5462ee_nl.html23:12
coreymonJammu: svn co https://svn.madwifi.org/madwifi/branches/madwifi-hal-
Thunderhackerghostcube: one second23:12
Jammubad link23:13
Thunderhackerghostcube: same problem23:14
ghostcubeu restarted x ?23:15
coreymon77bad link?23:15
Jammubut i got the mad wifi23:15
Jammuthe link no work23:15
Daisuke_LaptopJammu: you clicked it?23:15
coreymon77copy and paste23:15
coreymon77cause it should work23:15
Daisuke_Laptopit's a command line (including the svn co part)23:15
Jammui got the mad wifi23:15
coreymon77Jammu: all of this things are terminal comands23:16
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coreymon77Jammu: did you copy and paste the command exactl23:16
Thunderhackerghostcube: is it possible this is due to a driver bug or possibly defective hardware?23:16
Jammucopy paste bad link23:17
ghostcubehmmm i dont get it why the kde is finding 2 desktops23:17
ghostcubeand it seems not to recognize the xorg settings23:17
Jammubut i got the madwifi from http://madwifi.org/23:17
Thunderhackerfor what it's worth I tried plain ubuntu and gnome acted the same way KDE is acting now23:18
flaccidmartianlobster: apt-file search filename23:18
coreymonJammu: so did you end up getting madwifi-hal- somehow or another?23:18
ThunderhackerI grabbed kubuntu because I'm more familiar with KDE than gnome23:18
Thunderhackerthinking it was something I was doing wrong23:18
discombobulatedanyone have an idea when the next version of kubuntu is coming out?23:18
ghostcubeThunderhacker: this seems not to be kubuntu related23:19
ghostcubemaybe a driver issue or a hw prob as u said23:19
ghostcubebut i cant tell u really what it is23:19
martianlobsterflaccid: thanks! :)23:19
ghostcubebut its not the newest card model23:19
flaccid!intrepid | discombobulated23:19
ubottudiscombobulated: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!23:19
coreymonJammu: what did you get from madwifi.org?23:19
ghostcubesi this shouldnt be an driver issue23:20
discombobulatedgeez, too long to wait. i will probably wind up installing it by then23:20
Jammuv 0.9.423:20
ghostcubediscombobulated: there is an alpha afaik23:20
Thunderhackerwell, I'm hesitant to say it's defective hardware, because "it works in Windoze"23:20
ghostcubeif u cant wait23:21
ghostcubeif it works in windoz it should work here too23:21
discombobulatedis anyone trying the alpha? is it stable enough for you?23:21
coreymon77so when you type that command it says bad link23:21
Thunderhackeris there some way to force KDE to disregard the "second" screen?23:21
ghostcubei dont know where it gets it from23:21
flaccidghostcube: bad generalisation23:22
ghostcubeflaccid: no23:22
ghostcubei dont know where kde settings detects the 2 screens23:22
flaccidghostcube: no what?23:23
ghostcubeno generalisation23:23
flaccid[08:21] <ghostcube> if it works in windoz it should work here too <-- yeah right23:23
ghostcubeif the resolution works on intel driver windows it should work here23:23
discombobulateddoes the alpha have kde 4.1 in it? it's why i haven't installed it yet because it's a huge download. might as well download the whole install CD that has it23:23
ghostcubei know what u mean23:23
ghostcubebut i only meant the resolution isssue23:23
flaccidintel has many resolution problems on linux. its an apple not a banana23:24
ghostcubesure espacially with 1280x800 but this doesnt explain why kde is detecting 2 screens but only one is in xorg conf23:25
flaccidonly 1 needs to be in xorg.conf due to randr support23:25
ghostcubebut thsi is fresh install no config for randr23:26
Jammuok what now?23:26
flaccidrandr requires no config. this is how it is designed23:26
ghostcubebut u must activate it it doesnt detect it automaticly if no second screen attached23:26
flaccid!u | ghostcube23:27
ubottughostcube: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..23:27
ghostcubeim grman so23:27
Search4Lanceroh noes! Juk crashed on a signal 11 and now when I start it back up I have no sound! sad face :-(23:27
Jammucorey u there?23:27
flaccidghostcube: i dont know what you mean. go check out xrandr23:27
Thunderhackeris there any way to disable randr?23:28
flaccidwho has the problem with display and what is it?23:28
ghostcubeyes there is Thunderhacker23:28
ghostcubeflaccid: Thunderhacker has the prob and it is that kde detects 2 screens and not only the one he is running :|23:29
ghostcubeand i tried to edit xorg to fit it but no luck23:29
ghostcubehe made a feesh alternate install with same probs newest upadtes opened all repos23:30
flaccidi still dont quite understand. you saying second screen is plugged in but you don't want to use it?23:30
Thunderhackerthere is no second screen23:30
ghostcubenah there is no second one but kde is detecting 223:30
ghostcubethats the problem23:30
flaccidwhat in kde is detecting 2 and why is it a problem?23:30
ghostcubeThunderhacker: show him screenshot23:30
Thunderhackerflaccid: lemme find my screen shot23:30
flaccidah yea classic intel bug23:32
Search4Lancerhmm, and now Juk just completely refuses to run past the splash screen23:32
flaccidsimilar to what my housemate has23:32
coreymon77Jammu: sorry, had to take care of the dog23:33
ghostcubebut what causes this ?? driver ?23:33
flaccidThunderhacker: xrandr --auto23:33
* Thunderhacker tries23:33
flaccidghostcube: intel driver23:33
Thunderhackernothing happened23:33
Thunderhackeror do I need to restart?23:33
Thunderhacker*restart x23:33
coreymon77Jammu: so wait23:33
flaccidThunderhacker: try xrandr --mode 1280x80023:34
flaccidi'll go look for the script i made for my housemate23:34
coreymon77Jammu: is https://svn.madwifi.org/madwifi/branches/madwifi-hal- all you typed in terminal when it told you bad links23:34
ThunderhackerI get a usage screen23:34
ghostcubeflaccid: i changed modelines in xorg.conf if this is important23:34
flaccidmodelines didn't help with my problem23:34
coreymon77Jammu: well?23:35
Jammuso i copy all that in terminal?23:35
ghostcubei dont use xrandr i have nviudia here so no idea how to use it23:35
maectpoУ меня проблемко23:36
flaccidnvidia supports randr just not multi23:36
coreymonJammu: svn co https://svn.madwifi.org/madwifi/branches/madwifi-hal-
coreymonJammu: copy all of that23:36
ghostcubei use twinview formy 2 screen23:36
coreymonincluding the svn co part23:36
coreymonJammu: and paste it into terminal23:36
maectpoI have a problem with change keyboard layout23:36
flaccidThunderhacker: xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1280x80023:36
maectpoPlease help me23:36
ghostcubeflaccid: does what ?23:36
flaccidghostcube: huh23:37
Thunderhackerflaccid: nothing happened23:37
flaccidThunderhacker: try a lower mode then try that mode again (its already on that res)23:37
ghostcubewhats that supposed to do  only to understand the syntax23:37
Jammuits true im a NOOB23:37
Jammuits done23:37
Thunderhackerswitched to 800x600, then did 1280x800, went back to the way it was23:38
flaccidghostcube: it changes the resolution23:38
flaccidThunderhacker: same issue in 800x600 ?23:38
ghostcube --output LVDS23:38
ghostcubethis one flaccid23:38
coreymonJammu: so it worked that time?23:38
Thunderhackerflaccid: in 800x600 the KDE panel was off the bottom of the screen23:38
dagoblinHi guys, i cant log on to an specific irc server i used to conect, any help? am a new user23:38
Thunderhackerit almost seems like KDE is running in a xinerama "window"23:39
flaccidThunderhacker: change it back to normal res and then disable the tv with: xrandr --output TV --off23:39
maectpoYou don't help me:(23:39
Thunderhackernothing happened23:39
coreymonokay, phew23:39
flaccidhere is one of the bug reports about this problem https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/13678323:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 136783 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "not using whole widescreen (dup-of: 135169)" [High,Triaged]23:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 135169 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[XPS M1330] HDMI port being configured instead of LCD" [High,Fix released]23:40
coreymonJammu: cd ~/madwifi-hal-
coreymonJammu: make23:41
Thunderhackerlooks like exactly my problem except the "fix" for that bug doesn't work for me23:41
flaccidThunderhacker: you can try the xorg.conf fix23:42
coreymonJammu: sudo make install23:42
ghostcubehmm Thunderhacker maybe try this  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/136783/comments/323:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 136783 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "not using whole widescreen (dup-of: 135169)" [High,Triaged]23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 135169 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[XPS M1330] HDMI port being configured instead of LCD" [High,Fix released]23:42
Thunderhackerflaccid: will try that, hold on23:42
ghostcubeis ubottu parsing the bug numbers ?23:42
flaccidghostcube: yes23:43
ghostcubenice :)23:43
tacosarecoolhelp I have a glitch if I have the start up sound when I boot I can use flash however if not my wine and my amarok sound still works but not my flash23:43
coreymonJammu: sudo depmod -ae23:43
Thunderhackerit works!23:45
coreymonJammu: sudo modprobe ath_pci23:45
Jammunothing happend23:45
tacosarecoolI have a glitch if I have the start up sound when I boot I can use flash however if not my wine and my amarok sound still works but not my flash23:45
flaccidof course it does23:45
coreymon77Jammu: its fine23:45
* Thunderhacker bows in worship of flaccid and ghostcube23:45
coreymon77Jammu: in this case, no output is a good thing23:45
flaccidsee how crap intel really is..23:45
ghostcubeflaccid: nice work man23:45
Thunderhackerthanks for all your help23:45
coreymonJammu: did you do sudo modprobe ath_pci23:45
coreymonnext is23:46
coreymonJammu: echo ath_hal | sudo tee -a /etc/modules23:46
flaccidghostcube: thanks23:46
tacosarecoolhelp I have a glitch if I have the start up sound when I boot I can use flash however if not my wine and my amarok sound still works but not my flash23:47
coreymonecho ath_pci | sudo tee -a /etc/modules23:47
Jammunothing happend23:47
ubuntu_hay all two questions, will the next version (intrepid) use kde 3 or just kde 4?23:47
coreymonJammu: no output is good23:48
tacosarecoolI'm just going reboot and hope my flash sound works now23:48
coreymonJammu: now23:48
coreymonJammu: go to System ->Administration ->Hardware Drivers and reenable the Atheros drivers and reboot the system23:48
flaccid!intrepid | ubuntu_23:48
ubottuubuntu_: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!23:48
ubuntuis there someone from Poland?23:49
flaccid!pl | ubuntu23:49
ubottuubuntu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl23:49
ubuntu_flaccid: that answers the other question of when it will be released.. heheh I am going to be reinstalling as was thinking about that.. but i might just stick with hardy a bit longer23:49
ghostcubekde4 is default ?23:49
ghostcubei must stay on hardy long time :D23:49
flaccidyou can always install kde3 anyway23:50
ghostcubejust a joke23:50
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ghostcubethe best in kde4 is dolphin can sort by type :)23:55
flaccidyou can talk about that in ot or #kubuntu-kde4 :)23:56
ghostcubeits the only thing i have abpout it so ...23:57
Daisuke_Laptopghostcube: and konqueror can't?23:58
ghostcubedont know :| i only rcognized that dolphin can but i dont want to start a big duiscussion here23:58

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