
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
JontheEchidnayuriy: there are some magic .so files you need to delete01:21
JontheEchidnaDon't know where though01:24
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
* JontheEchidna is trapped in windows02:18
* Jucato gets a mallet02:19
Jucatois it made of glass?02:19
JontheEchidnanope, somebody broke pam02:20
* JontheEchidna is not amused02:21
JontheEchidnahow does one break *pam*?02:21
JontheEchidnaDoesn't it do it's job well enough already? Why mess around with it?02:21
claydohI just recovered from that02:21
HobbseeJontheEchidna: there is an updated version, if you can manage to get it02:22
JontheEchidnanetwork manager also decided it wouldn't work02:22
JontheEchidnaelse I could recover by booting in recovery mode :/02:22
claydohI rebooted to recovery mode and ran apt to update, thus reducing my blood pressure :)02:23
claydohiwconfig worked nice :)02:23
JontheEchidnaheh, maybe I should give it another go02:24
JontheEchidnalast time I has similar problems networking wouldn't work at all in windows either02:24
JontheEchidnabut it does this time02:24
* JontheEchidna shrugs02:24
claydohiwconfig ethX essid myrouter02:24
JontheEchidnabe back hopefully soon...02:25
claydohgood luck02:25
JontheEchidnathis sucks02:48
JontheEchidnaWhat would cause a wired connection not to connect?02:49
jjessewill systems settings have an "administrator" button like kde 3 to put in your admin password?02:50
yuriyJontheEchidna: boot into recovery console or livecd, make the change mentioned in bug 25986702:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259867 in pam "[PAM] Unable to login: Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified session" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25986702:50
jjesseworking on kubuntu -docs02:50
yuriythis wasted almost an hour for me because chrooting wouldn't work right02:50
JontheEchidnaI'm having reoccuring nm problems02:51
JontheEchidnaand I can't fix it the way I did before02:52
JontheEchidnaand damn windows sure likes to access the harddrive02:52
JontheEchidnaoh, others are having internet connection problems02:53
JontheEchidnathat's somewhat relieving02:53
JontheEchidnayuriy: this http://people.ubuntu.com/~vorlon/meh ?02:54
yuriyJontheEchidna: yes02:54
JontheEchidnahow the heck will I be able to remember all that?02:55
yuriyJontheEchidna: just add the permit....so line if it's not there02:55
yuriyand get rid of any deny all line02:56
JontheEchidnajust add the session required line to etc/pam.d?02:56
JontheEchidnaand remove the deny line?02:56
yuriysession required                        pam_permit.so02:58
jjessewhy does it seem the names of applications in either kickoff or the kmenu seem to change every freakin release?03:11
jjesseAdept used to be Adept - Manage Packages, before that it was Adept Manager, now in intrepid it is just "Manage Packages"03:12
JontheEchidnaAdept3 has new desktop files03:12
JontheEchidnaand Kickoff displays the application description by default03:12
jjessebut it seems every release have to update the menu entities03:12
jjessefor a lot of the entrieis03:13
yuriyjjesse: is it for the worse though?03:13
Jucatojjesse: the "Manage Packages" part is still the app description. the new K Menu shows description instead of appname by default03:14
JontheEchidnasays "Package Manager" for the entry in the system submenu03:15
JontheEchidna"Manage Packages" is the .desktop file for adept 203:15
jjessei understand that03:15
JontheEchidnawonder why it didn't go away...03:15
Jucatomake it go away!!!03:15
jjessebut not just for adept it seems we change a lot of the apps or someone changes the different names in the menu for each relaease03:15
JontheEchidnaBlame KDE! :P03:16
Jucatoblame Adept :)03:16
jjesseArk used to be Archive Tool (ARK), now it is Archive Tool and in dapper it was just ark03:16
jjessejerks :) :)03:16
Jucatohm... jjesse are we talking about how the apps are named or how they are displayed in the menu?03:16
jjessehow they are displayed in the menu03:17
Jucatoah right. blame KDE for that one :)03:17
JontheEchidnaoh well, at least System Settings shows up in the menu now03:17
jjessejust seems to change all the time would be nice for consitency through releases03:17
jjesseJontheEchidna: yay03:17
* JontheEchidna patched that earlier today, Riddell made the change upstream03:17
Jucatoyou  forgot the part when it would have been "Ark Archive Tool" (when they removed the parentheses)03:17
JucatoHobbsee: pam stuff are fixed in intrepid? is it semi-safe too update today?03:18
HobbseeJucato: i think so.  i ihave hte corrected verison, but haven't rebooted / relogged in yet03:18
* Jucato reconsiders reinstalling Hardy.. needs a working KDE 4 to demo on katurday03:19
JontheEchidnalol, Katurday03:19
JontheEchidnaNeed a lolcat wallpaper?03:19
JucatoI have a "lolcat predecessor" book :P03:19
JontheEchidna(I don't have any, btw :P)03:19
JucatoI was literally lol'ing at the mall when I bought it..03:19
JucatoI was still laughing when I was handing over the payment to the cashier03:20
Jucatoand laughing as I was walking away from the store..03:20
jjessethey did a new  website dedicated to engrish03:21
jjesseits great03:21
JontheEchidnaI lol'd03:22
Jucatojjesse: btw, I think JontheEchidna was proposing that we switch kickoff to use Name by default instead of Description iirc03:23
JontheEchidnaactually the todo list says that03:23
Jucatothough that most probably requires patching from our side. not sure if upstream has plans for it03:23
JontheEchidnaprobably wouldn't be too hard, since the classic menu has the code for that03:24
* Jucato would have thought it was on the todo list of upstream as well03:24
Jucatoah right03:24
* Jucato never used that.. so never sow03:24
jjesseso before i go through and commit this change to the menu entieis i should wait?03:24
Jucatojjesse: what are you going to change?03:25
jjessein the kubuntu docs we have a list of entities for menu references03:25
jjesseso in a document if you reference opening konqueror you just reference the entitiy03:25
* JontheEchidna sorta doubts that things will change03:25
Jucatojjesse: hm.. I get what you mean... I thought you were going to change menu entries in the .desktop files :)03:26
jjesseinstead of typing <guimenu>Application Launcher><guisubmenu>Applications</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Internet</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Web Browser</guimenuitem>03:26
jjesseit used to say <guimenuitem> Konqueror - Web Browser</guimenuitem>03:27
Jucatojjesse: there's no easy way to switch back and forth from showing App Name to App Description in Docbook?03:28
jjessehave to redo the menu entity03:28
jjessewhich you define once03:28
jjesseand that flows through all docs that refernce that entity03:28
Jucatoah at least you only have to do it once.. I thought you have to do search and replace all :)03:29
Jucatodocbook is smart :P03:29
jjesseyes docbook is smart03:29
jjessebut changing the entities can be time consuming03:29
JucatoI guess that now depends on whether that item on the todo list pushes through :/03:29
JontheEchidna8 days until feature freeze03:30
jjessewow is it comming up the qucily already03:30
jjessedoesn't seem that its been long enough since hardy came out03:30
Jucatoand I have done nothing yet!!03:30
* Jucato epic fails again03:30
jjesseas usual03:30
* jjesse ducks03:30
JontheEchidnaOn the plus side tomorrow is my birthday :D03:30
jjessehappy freakin birthday03:30
jjesseyou an old man now?03:31
JucatoJontheEchidna: cool! we're just 5 or 6 days apart!03:31
Jucato(depends on what "tomorrow" is for you)03:31
JontheEchidnaIt's 22:31 here03:31
Jucatojjesse: was that "as usual" for me? ;)03:31
JontheEchidnajjesse: 1703:31
JucatoJontheEchidna: of Aug 20? so that would make your birthday on the 21st?03:32
Jucato5 days apart then :)03:32
JontheEchidnayep, 21st03:32
jjesse wow only 1703:32
Jucatothey're getting younger :)03:32
Jucato(though your hackergotchi is decieving :P)03:32
jjessei was 17 13 years ago03:32
JontheEchidnaMy dad is a big Linux geek too03:33
jjessemakes me feel old03:33
Jucatoat least I was 17 only 8 years and 5 days ago :P03:33
jjesseJucato: i always thought your were closer to my age03:33
ScottKOur oldest is learning to drive.03:33
Jucatojjesse: considering we're 5 years apart, compared to 8 years with JontheEchidna... yes, I am closer to your age :P03:34
ScottKI realized recently that I have roughly a year of driving experience for everh hour she's been behind the wheel.03:34
Jucato(but not too close)03:34
jjesseScottK: you old man03:35
jjesseJucato: i thought you were older then me03:35
Jucatojjesse: roflmao!03:35
jjessemy oldest/only is 2 months old03:35
* Jucato isn't committed, has no offspring, not even pets that aren't stuffed with cotton03:35
* Jucato is still living off his mother's hard earned money03:36
JontheEchidnamy brother has a dog...03:36
voriandogs ftw03:36
Jucatowell, I have a cat, a lion, a red panda, a penguin, and a small pterodactyl03:36
voriancool, amber?03:36
jjessewhere did you find the pterodactyl?03:36
JontheEchidnaOh that03:36
Jucatosomeone gave it to me. apparnetly from Neopets...03:37
JontheEchidnaI made an asm to pterodactyl converter in PyQt the other day03:37
Jucatovorian: you made me think of pokemon :)03:37
JontheEchidnait rocks03:37
Jucatowell, it is a rock type flying pokemon :)03:37
vorianJucato: hehe03:37
vorianmy fav pokiman is the 3rd stage dragon thingy03:39
vorianor some such03:39
JontheEchidnaCharzard, iirc03:40
ScottKRiddell: There's a whole mess of KDE language packs in hardy-proposed right now.  Am I required to care for the 3.5.10 packaging?03:42
jjesseis 3.5.10 for hardy?03:42
ScottKI'm going to try for -proposed/-updates if it doesn't look to scary.03:43
jjessehrm in intrepid any reason adept is held back?03:43
JucatoJontheEchidna, vorian: charizard :)03:43
jjesseJucato: did you look it up?03:43
Jucatojjesse: no. I know it by heart03:43
JucatoI just had to go and check the laundry and cook rice. hence the delay03:44
Jucatocharmander -> charmeleon -> charizard :)03:44
jjessewow the crazy things we remember03:44
Jucatojjesse: btw, do you think it would be better if our docs referred to menu entities/entries as Description (Name) or Name (Description)? so that no matter how upstream changes the default display, we'd be insulated from that?03:45
Jucatojjesse: I used to memorize the first 150 pokemon :)03:45
JontheEchidnaaha: http://xkcd.com/463/03:46
jdongJucato: wow.03:48
jdongJucato: I have nothing to say03:48
jjessethe first 150 pokemon03:48
Jucatojdong: about pokemon? :)03:48
jjessedid you really need to know them03:48
Jucatojjesse: gotta know'em all!03:48
JontheEchidnabut now03:48
JontheEchidnathere are over 400 pokemans03:48
Jucatothere are over 50003:48
Jucatoyeah, it's competing with the number or KDE classes...03:49
Jucatojjesse: hm.. you ain't heard anything yet :)03:49
jdongJucato: yes, about pokeymon :)03:49
* JontheEchidna is out for the night, be back tomorrow03:50
Jucatothere was one game that I was heavily addicted to about 4-5 years ago. I'd memorize most of the monsters' race, size, and elemental property :)03:50
jjessedungeons and dragons?03:50
Jucatoof course, I couldn't memorize them all but only the most common ones I battle with03:51
Jucatonope. ragnarok online03:51
jjessei knew a lot of stats for d and d by heart03:51
Jucatothose I did *need* to remember... so that I would know which weapons and spells to bring/use :)03:51
Jucatoit wouldn't make sense to use fire spells/weapons on a water type :)03:52
Jucatoah D&D.. the game I wanted to but never been able to play (except through a brief stint with Neverwinter Nights)03:52
jjessei used to play for like 5 years03:53
jjessenow they are on version  4 of the rules and things are all messed up03:54
Jucatogeek :)03:54
JucatoI thought it was still 3.503:54
jjessethats what i was03:54
Jucatoor did they also update like KDE? :)03:54
Jucatowell it does sound like KDE.... KDE 4 -> DnD 4 :)03:54
jjessethey went 3 -> 3.5 and now at 403:55
jjessei think it was an excuse to sell more material03:55
Jucatoit always is :)03:56
* ScottK played the original one.03:56
ScottKIt came in three thick paper bound pamphlets.03:56
ScottKNot even a book.03:56
* Jucato read something about a move years ago to "open source" DnD rules or something..03:56
jjessewasn't advanced DnD version 2 or somethng like that?03:57
jjesseJucato: there is an open gaming licese03:57
ScottKjjesse: Yes.03:57
jjesseor something like that03:57
Jucatojjesse, nixternal: really sorry I haven't been of any use at all for the docs again (as jjesse said, "as usual"). I was too busy preparing my KDE/Kubuntu talk for katurday and some homework that I didn't realize freezes were coming up. my sincere apologies :(04:16
\shRiddell: good morning :) can you do me a favour and trigger a rebuild of kde4bindings in intrepid :) it needs to catch up with latest sip4+pyqt4...08:03
\shapachelogger: kde4bindings FTBFS because of not accessible pykdeuic4.py anymore..without your patch btw...08:52
\shapachelogger: hardy kde4 ppa08:52
Riddell\sh: I've reuploaded it10:13
\shRiddell: thx..hopefully it builds...I'm still freaking around with the hardy ppa package...it's really messed up10:14
Riddell\sh: kde4bindings failed10:50
\shRiddell: yes...working on a patch ... I wonder why it was building in the first place10:50
\shgoing out for lunch while kde4bindings is building ...10:52
apachelogger\sh: it ftbfs without my patch? that doesn't make any sense really, the only thing it does without the patch is create pyc files and do a simple install operation11:03
smarterapachelogger: it's normal, kde4bindings does not make any sense either :p11:07
apacheloggerwell, it started to make sense in 4.1.0 actually11:08
smarteris kdesudo b0rken?11:13
smarterAdept3 UI is... confusing11:20
davmor2Riddell: I'm doing some more smoke testing is there anything specific you'd like me to look at?11:22
\shapachelogger: the ppa package doesn't build...11:28
Riddelldavmor2: does krunner (alt-f2) work11:30
Riddelldavmor2: also do volume keys work11:31
apachelogger\sh: I bet my coffee that it's missing from python-kde411:32
davmor2Riddell: volume I'll check tomorrow it's currently install on a machine without MM keys on11:32
\shapachelogger: no..it's failing in the post-install::python-kde411:32
davmor2but I'll try krunner11:32
\shapachelogger: it's the standard package we have in intrepid11:32
\shand hopefully the same in the ppa11:32
apacheloggercheck the .install :P11:33
apacheloggerthere is no reason it would get installed into debian/tmp and not be in debian/python-kde4 other than it doesn't get dh_installed at all11:33
\shapachelogger: I checked both installs...and it's messed up11:33
Riddelldavmor2: oh try the new adept11:33
Riddelldavmor2: it may not start first time11:33
apachelogger\sh: very true11:33
apachelogger\sh: also, uploading to member is no good QA :P11:34
apacheloggerRiddell: can you please add \sh to updates-testing11:34
davmor2Riddell: okay anything else?11:34
\shapachelogger: what's freaking me out now is The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:34
\sh  python-qt4-dbg: Depends: python-qt4 (= 4.4.3-1) but it is not going to be installed11:34
\shE: Broken packages11:34
apachelogger\sh: please upload to kubuntu-updates-testing and move to members once you are sure the package works11:34
Riddellapachelogger: Stephan Hermann (shermann) has been added as a member of this team.11:34
apacheloggerRiddell: gracie11:35
\shRiddell: thx11:35
* apachelogger needs to go lunching11:35
seelemmm.. i could use coffee and a bagel11:36
* seele yawns11:36
seele'morning all11:36
\shhey seele11:37
\shRiddell: all -dbg packages are on ddebs.ubuntu.com , right? so they can't be reached from the buildds?11:38
\shRiddell: or do you know any reason python-qt4-dbg isn't fetched correctly...I checked the binaries which were build yesterday, and the dependencies and versions are ok...11:39
Riddell-dbg packages are just normal packages11:40
Riddellddebs are the automatically created ones11:40
Riddellpython-qt4-dbg is a normal package11:40
\shthen I don't understand the ftbfs of kde4bindings in intrepid11:40
Riddellthe problem isn't with python-qt4-dbg, it's elsewhere11:41
Riddellpython-qt4-dbg: Depends: python-qt4 (= 4.4.3-1) but it is not going to be installed11:41
\shyes...but the package itself looks very good...I'll create an intrepid chroot11:42
Riddellgood idea11:42
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Reading
\shwhy is python-elementtree removed, but needed for python2.4 devs?11:51
\shRiddell: please apply http://archive.linux-server.org/debdiffs/python-qt4_4.4.3-1ubuntu1.debdiff and upload, thx...after build and publish please trigger rebuild of kde4bindings :)11:56
Riddelli knew there was a reason I removed it11:58
\shbut this is really strange...if py2.4 is still available, and py-elemttree is not needed for py2.5 anymore, but for py2.4 I wonder why we removed it?11:59
davmor2Riddell: Kubuntu Alt fails to install works up to about tasksel I've let cjwatson know12:01
Riddelldavmor2: hum12:29
davmor2Riddell: it's known https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/26002912:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260029 in debian-installer "Intrepid: Kubuntu Alternate 64bit fails to install" [Undecided,New]12:36
Riddelloh, apt-xapian-index is still in universe12:37
Riddellhmm, I'm sure there was a MIR report for it but I can't find one12:39
Riddellmornfall: I presume you have no plans for an adept notifier?  I'm happy to write one if not it just won't be up to your high standards :)12:51
JontheEchidnaRiddell: I'd put batch at a higher priority 'cuz without it Jockey breaks13:01
JontheEchidnamaybe I should poke mvo in #ubuntu-devel13:02
Riddellyes, batch is important13:03
JontheEchidnaRiddell: mvo will look at the merge later today. :)13:13
Riddellseele: those monitor results in full http://paste.ubuntu.com/39386/13:44
Riddellhi vorian13:44
vorianhowdy :)13:44
seeleRiddell: oh my gosh.. you mean yesterday wasn't the entire dataset?13:44
Riddellno, it took the whole night13:45
Riddelldavmor2: oh check if knetworkmanager is still working next time you have a live CD up13:53
davmor2Riddell: tomorrow will be the Kubuntu live tests :)13:54
\shRiddell: thx for the upload14:10
\shapachelogger: fixed for ppa ;-)14:12
\shapachelogger: you were right, some fragments of your patch were in the my old diff.gz :(14:12
seeleno desktop meeting i suppose?14:21
devfil_Riddell: there?14:29
Riddellhi devfil_14:31
Riddellseele: no, I think they've been cancelled for the rest of the month (people away on august holidays)14:31
devfil_Riddell: I'm working at kidelibs merge, the new version includes a new revision etc... In the previous merge, the only changed file in the source were alocal.m4?14:33
Riddellmornfall: hmm, adept updater doesn't seem to work right, it shows the list but none of them are selected for upgrade14:33
Riddelldevfil_: kdelibs from KDE 3?14:34
devfil_Riddell: kdelibs package, yes, it is kde314:35
Riddelldevfil_: there's various things in that merge, lots of patches for one, see KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFFERENCES14:36
Riddelldevfil_: but why merge now?  is there something we paticularly want?14:36
jjesseadept updater doesn't do anything in intrepid for me14:37
jjessei just click and click and nothing happnes14:37
seeleall these people on August holiday..14:37
Riddelljjesse: adept 2 or 3?14:38
devfil_Riddell: not in particularity, but the new branch update, the fix for kdepart frezee and ghostscript as recommended dep should be included IMHO14:38
jjesseRiddell: adep214:39
devfil_Riddell: in KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFFERENCES there are nothing about alocal.m4, but in the changelog yes14:42
Riddelldevfil_: I've a better idea, fancy packaging 3.5.10 for intrepid?14:44
Riddelljjesse: adept 2 is dead, adept 3 is the new ruler in town14:44
JontheEchidnaRiddell: updater is working fine here14:45
JontheEchidnaand thanks for fixing konversation ;-)14:45
devfil_Riddell: I can merge some of new debian changes and then update it to 3.5.10 (I think is more easier than do the merge :D)14:45
* vorian pushes irssi onto JontheEchidna's lap wrapped in shiny paper with a large bow14:50
jjesseRiddell: guess i'l have to install adept 3 then14:51
jjessethat's in mornfalls ppa right?14:52
Riddelljjesse: it's in intrepid14:52
jjesseas adept3 or adept?14:53
JontheEchidnaas adept14:53
nixternalJucato: no worries... jjesse and I are used to doing the kamikaze runs now with docs :)14:57
Jucatonixternal: :) :( :/14:59
voriannixternal: did you really want to do two presentations at olf?15:00
vorianif so, what titles15:00
vorianif you had a choose 1 to do, which would it be?15:01
nixternalvorian: if there were still empty slots then sure15:01
nixternalhrmm, I will leave that up to you to decide..whichever you think will be the best...but my main representation at OLF is KDE and Kubuntu15:01
vorianwell, we are going thru the talks now15:02
vorianthere are some rather large number of papers15:02
nixternalok, I am open to due multiple if needed, keep that in mind15:02
nixternaldon't know how many talks you all received15:02
voriana lot15:02
vorianalmost 3x the need15:02
nixternalany Ubuntu development ones?15:03
vorianand that it15:03
nixternalI will be there to hassel you then like I did wolfger at Penguicon15:03
voriani'm not sure i'll get selected15:03
* \sh is going mad...15:03
nixternal\sh: you can't go somewhere you already are silly :P15:03
* vorian gives \sh a straight-jacket15:03
Jucatoafter an hour or so with latex, I'm beginning to see \sh in a whole different light...15:04
\shwork with flash player 9.0.124 and try to follow the documentations about "RTMPT" connects...15:04
\sh"with RTMPT flash players tries to tunnel the RTMP protocol via http...it uses the browser http methods to connect to the FMS".15:05
\shthis is the functionality they document15:06
\shbut the reality is different15:06
\shhttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashcom/articles/firewalls_proxy04.html <- documentation15:06
\shhttp://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-519 <- bug report15:06
\shand it looks like, that the problem exists since 200715:06
\shand right now, one of our customers wants to use our product, which uses flex + flash...and this company is screwed15:07
\shbecause they can only access the web via proxy , more precise an application proxy..but flashplayer doesn't work as written in their documentation...15:08
nixternalthank god I do not work in the web field...that crap would drive me nuts15:08
nixternalI rather sit here and code Java and Python all day long then code web stuff for 1 hour15:08
\shand the fun part now: try to reach someone at adobe...15:08
nixternalyay \o/ - I have created version 0.1 of our "Linux Server Auto-healing" feature!15:09
\shnixternal: I'm not working as web dude...but I'm the guy who tries to explain those strange flex/flash devs how the internet works15:10
nixternalgo figure, web guys don't even know how the web works :P15:10
\shnixternal: "Reboot windows server every minute"?15:10
nixternalno way...for drive failures15:10
\shnixternal: ah then it's more like: "power off server automagically, open window via remote hands, throw server out of the windows via remote hands, call HP and order new boxes"15:11
nixternalif a drive fails, it sends a message via snmp to our manager letting them know that a drive has failed...it then umounts the drive, flashes the red light on the server...someone goes and swaps out the drive, and boom, it heals itself...better than raid and faster!15:11
nixternalit will switch our appliance into a limited state as to not allow any corruptions15:12
\shnixternal: ah cool...can I use it as replacement for the windows NLB stuff?15:13
nixternalworks only on Linux!15:13
\shso i'm screwed with windows NLB and mac flooding15:13
nixternalworks great on CentOS...I still have to stage an rPath and Ubuntu appliance so we can test to see who the winner is15:13
* nixternal puts his money on rPath at this point, but would really like to use Ubuntu15:13
gribeluI want to  upgrade to Intrepid from Hardy and i have both KDE3 and 4 installed. Should i remove any of them to avoid conflicts?15:14
\shoh for the rest of the audience..."Windows NLB is something like Linux HeartBeat, but without service dependencies, but when taking over an virtual ip, instead of setting this ip dynamically, it floods multicast/unicast the switch with mac addresses of the new server...switch goes bangbang and thinks ok, windows wins"15:15
jjessesounds like fun15:15
\shjjesse: it's a broken design...because in the real life world, you now have to introduce a new special vlan, spread over X other switches, only for having a simple, painless, heartbeat system15:17
jjessesounds broken15:17
\shit is...15:17
\shespecially when you bind it together with mssql foc clustering15:17
jjessesounds like you are enjoying yourself15:18
\shserver1+mssql1 vs. server2+mssql2 , mssql1 is master, mssql2 is slave, they sync .. now mssql1 service dies, mssql2 detects this and becomes master, but the underlaying NLB doesn't know about service dependencies, and doesn't take over the ip15:19
\shresult: big expensive windows crap15:19
\shnow we need to buy another machine to have a shared storage for this to work properly...for a simple 8GB database15:20
jjesseis adept3 designed for a certain resolution size? cause it looks big and ugly in 1200X96015:20
Riddellworks fine here15:27
smarterthe update/apply/etc buttons should be put on a toolbar15:29
Riddellthey act more like dialog actions than toolbar actions15:30
jjessethe releveant tags section can't be resized15:31
smarteralso I don't understand how the tag column choose what tags to display15:33
\shsounds like a job for seele ;)15:33
smarter\sh: yep :)15:34
smarterthat thing definitely needs some UI changes15:35
Riddelltesters needed for new update-notifier http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/update-notifier-kde_0.1_all.deb15:55
JontheEchidname too16:00
* Riddell holds breath16:04
jjesseit installed but nothing so far needs updating :)16:05
JontheEchidnaI have a few packages that need to be upgraded16:05
JontheEchidnano notifier16:05
JontheEchidnamaybe I should run it first?16:06
Riddellyes that would help16:06
JontheEchidnastarts adept updater just fine16:06
Riddellgreat, thanks Jonathans16:07
JontheEchidnaexcept nothing is marked for upgrade16:07
JontheEchidna...but that's an adept problem16:07
Riddellyou said earlier16:07
Riddell14:44 < JontheEchidna> Riddell: updater is working fine here16:07
JontheEchidnait was16:07
JontheEchidnanot anymore though :/16:08
JontheEchidnaI did fetch the list when I did updater the last time16:08
JontheEchidnamaybe that made the difference?16:08
JontheEchidnaRiddell: still shows I have 4 updates available even after I installed them all16:11
RiddellJontheEchidna: how many did you have before?16:15
Riddellhmm, I wonder how I can detect that packages have been installed16:16
RiddellTonio__: what's the status of kdebluetooth?16:52
Tonio__Riddell: no change since the last upload16:53
Tonio__Riddell: currently works except from the missing bluetooth:/ ioslave support16:53
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Tonio_Riddell: this is the next thing to be added, but I have no informations concerning the roadmap..... hopefully before the release.... but that's unsure...16:54
Tonio_Riddell: btw, since no konqueror3, the kde3 version didn't give any better result, which is the good point16:54
RiddellTonio_: well it's not in the archive17:04
Riddelland it's not in new17:04
Riddellso has it been rejected?17:04
Tonio_hum..... lemme look17:04
Tonio_Riddell: it's in....17:05
Tonio_Riddell: apt-cache policy kdebluetooth17:05
Tonio_Riddell: I simply replaced the old package17:05
Tonio_Riddell: this one is the new one17:06
Riddellok, great17:07
thrkdiff3 depends on libkonq4 which is listed in aptitude as obsolete or locally created. Any idea what might be wrong there?17:32
JontheEchidnaIntrepid doesn't have libkonq417:33
JontheEchidnaso if you're using Intrepid that would be the most obvious  problem17:34
ScottK-laptopSo what's wrong is kdiff3 needs to be ported to KDE4.17:34
thrScottK-laptop: So I will not be able to use kde3 apps on intrepid anymore?17:35
ScottK-laptopthr: Not ones that need libkonq4.17:35
ScottK-laptopthr: kde4libs is still there in general.17:35
thrThat is really bad news for me:-(17:36
JontheEchidnawe should get Riddell to archive kdiff317:36
jjessethr: you could wait on upgrading to intrepid17:37
thrjjesse: Too late for that;-)17:37
JontheEchidnawell not if he already has it installed17:38
thrI still have libkonq4, so no problem for me. But kdiff3 is really popular (at least in my office), so people will complain if that breaks.17:38
thrHmmm... newest news entry on the kdiff3 page is from april 2007. Not good:-(17:40
thrNo source repo to be found (at least by me) either:-( I think I'll have to look for a new tool to work with.17:43
thrAnyway: Thanks for the info.17:43
JontheEchidnaYou're welcome.17:44
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
jjesseRiddell: new adept-updater just notifed me there were new updates19:14
jjessebut after typing in password it is not launching19:14
Riddellthat'll be the mysterious kdesudo not launching adept issue19:15
jjesseafter i type it in via command line (sudo adept updater) i get http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/3946619:17
JontheEchidnaok, I've narrowed down the upgradable-but-not-marked-for-upgrade19:17
jjessethen adept updater works19:17
JontheEchidnathey're only marked for upgrade if you fetch the package lists19:17
jjesseah you are right19:17
JontheEchidnaBy the way I suggest you guys try the new software-properties-kde :D19:18
ScottK-laptopThe current krusader we have in Intrepid needs libkonq4-dev and so is not buildable.  Someone might want to look at packaging a development snapshot of krusader 2.0 as the current one we have is broken.19:20
ScottK-laptopBug 260168 if anyone is interested.19:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260168 in krusader "Krusader 1.9x broken in Intrepid due to lack of libkonq4-dev" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26016819:34
jjessequick question where is the desktop file for kate located?20:03
JontheEchidnaIt's /usr/share/applications/kde4/kate.desktop20:04
JontheEchidnadpkg -L <packagename> will show you all the installed files of a package20:04
jjessethanks JontheEchidna20:04
* JontheEchidna learned that a few days ago from a bug report20:04
* jussi01 loves dpkg -L :D20:14
smartersomething is wrong with Kate20:50
smarterthe mimetypes icons of the documents sidebar are not displayed20:50
smarterinstead there's a "?"20:50
smarteris this a Kubuntu bug, KDE bug or is my system broken?20:50
* JontheEchidna didn't know the sidebar had icons for mimetypes20:52
taupterHi. I'm trying to compile trunk's kdelibs (using kdesvn-build) but it tries to get Strigi include files from /usr/include instead of /home/kde4/kde/include. Somebody could help me?21:05
smarterJontheEchidna: http://hamberg.no/erlend/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/vimode2.png21:12
* JontheEchidna doesnt' have any icons at all21:13
smarterJontheEchidna: hardy or intrepid?21:14
smartersame for me21:15
NthDegreeI have some questions related to SELinux on Ubuntu/Kubuntu21:31
NthDegreeI would like to know what the plans are for it and if it will end up being treated as first rate as AppArmor currently is21:32
ScottK-laptopNthDegree: You'll get better answers on the in #ubuntu-hardened.21:32
NthDegreeor rather... "is SELinux in the core plans for Ubuntu/Kubuntu?"21:33
NthDegreeah righty21:33
NthDegreethanks =]21:33
ScottK-laptopNthDegree: Not for Intrepid.  It at least generally works in Hardy which is better than we've done before.21:33
JontheEchidnaCheck out the backtrace for bug 25844721:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258447 in kdebase-kde4 "nspluginviewer in Konqueror (kde4) crashes w./ flash plugin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25844721:44
JontheEchidnaAnybody know what's up with that?21:44
JontheEchidnaIt's pulling in qt3, gtk, and even gtk-qt-engine into the backtrace21:45
smarteroh my god, bugs.kde.org is finally usable!21:55
smarter(and pretty too)21:55
NthDegreehey ScottK-laptop any clues as to how reliable KDE 4 version of Hardy is? :D21:58
ScottK-laptopNthDegree: Not really.  I've got kde-games-kde4 installed and it's good.  The rest of my setup is pure KDE3.22:20
ScottK-laptopNthDegree: Probably #kubuntu-kde4 is a good place to discuss that.22:21
NthDegreeah right22:24
NthDegreei'll go with KDE 3 then22:24
NthDegreein comparison to 3 I do not like 4 so much22:24
seeleew, canonical is looking for a UI designer for launchpad? good luck filling that spot.22:39
ScottK-laptopseele: Note that the job includes a requirement for Flash experience.22:39
JontheEchidnathat sucks...22:40
seeleScottK-laptop: wow, i completely missed that part.  i did see ajax too22:40
* seele sighs22:40
seelewhen will people realise that design and development are two different roles22:40
seeleyou can't expect someone to be experienced in user research and testing AND be able to build production-level apps22:41
ScottK-laptopOne can expect whatever they want, they may, however, be disappointed.22:42
JontheEchidnathey can also make changes and praise them even if they are sub-optimal ;-)22:43
ScottK-laptopPersonally, I'm so far thrilled with this latest Launchpad release.22:44
ScottK-laptopI haven't noticed any changes.22:45
NthDegreeseele, if they bribe some SuSE people they are sorted22:58
NthDegreeSuSE have the sexiest stuff going22:58
NthDegreehell they have a more attractive name for some things too22:58
apacheloggerNthDegree: openSUSE22:59
apacheloggerSuSE doesn't exist for years22:59
NthDegreeapachelogger, was still SuSE until 10.222:59
ScottK-laptopRight.  My opensuse experience was 10.1.  I had this beautiful KDE desktop that could never be updated because they swapped out the update technology after the beta and released with it totally broken.22:59
NthDegreeas they used to say "OpenSuSE is the development project, SuSE is the distro!"22:59
ScottK-laptopI immediately switched.23:00
apacheloggerNthDegree: no it is not23:00
NthDegreeScottK, I never said they were good technically23:00
apacheloggeropenSUSE is the project the distro and the religion23:00
NthDegreeapachelogger, at that time they had only just switched23:00
NthDegreethe channel was still called #suse23:00
apacheloggerthe distro was still SUSE Linux23:00
NthDegreeand #opensuse was the equivalent of #suse-devel23:00
NthDegreeyeah.. and they flamed people calling it OpenSuSE at that time xD23:01
NthDegreeanyway... the OpenSuSE artwork rocks (if not SuSE!)23:01
NthDegreeI wonder if canonical could bribe them23:01
apacheloggerwhen Novell got SuSE GmbH the distro became SuSE Linux, then SUSE Linux, then openSUSE/SUSE LINUX, now openSUSE23:01
NthDegreeby the way is the UI for developers or users?23:03
NthDegreeafter all developers tend to hate flashy stuff generally (not as easy to navigate usually... or that is how I have seen some "friendly" UIs from a tech standpoint)23:04
ScottK-laptopThe developer UI is generally vim or emacs.23:05
apacheloggerkate is better than both of them combined :P23:07
NthDegreeKWrite is better still ;)23:10
* NthDegree hides23:10
seeleNthDegree: you need to do more than throw pretty graphics on something23:13
seeleScottK-laptop: how did you like yast (or hate yast :)23:13
ScottK-laptop10.1 was my one and only opensus release.  I really only remember the not working part.23:14
NthDegreeScottK-laptop, here's my experience of many distros23:20
NthDegreeXandros looked the part but blew (did not do my USB Speedtouch modem when I was a newb.. even after learning very quickly how to install it)23:21
NthDegreeUbuntu Breezy looked fugly in comparison at the time but managed to do it :D23:21
NthDegreeFedora Core 4 worked but locked up a lot ("nv" hated GeForce 2 at the time) and SuSE the same :(23:22
NthDegreenow I have a router and binned the Speedtouch hehe23:22
ScottK-laptopI started on Linux with Xandros.  I got tired of the trainging wheels.  Tried a bunch of different distros, settled on opensuse.  That lasted several weeks.  Tried Kubuntu just before Dapper released and have been here ever since.23:23
NthDegreeI tested the Dapper BETA back when I was all noobish23:23
ScottK-laptopWhen I tried Fedora, it was FC5 and the install CD fell over on the machine I had for testing, so that was it.23:23
NthDegreei'm moving back to Kubuntu in a bit... Fedora is sexy but disappointing, this infrastructure silence thing has gotten to me23:24
ScottK-laptopI've got to run.  I'll see you all later.23:25
NthDegreecatch you later ScottK ^^23:25

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