
=== wsr3193 is now known as raghorn
coreymon77Jammu: hey00:02
coreymon77stuff working yet?00:02
Jammui still need some advice00:02
coreymon77still cant connect to your network?00:03
Jammumy wired is roaming what about the wireless?00:03
coreymon77what do you mean?00:04
=== Jucato_ is now known as Jucato
coreymon77is the wireless working now?00:04
coreymon77Jammu: are you able to connect to your network now?00:05
Jammujust a moment00:06
Jammuhow do u send a photo?00:07
Jammu77 take the pic plz00:08
coreymon77Jammu: put the picture up on www.imageshack.us00:11
coreymon77Jammu: actually no00:11
coreymon77Jammu: just send it to coreymon00:11
coreymonJammu: send it here00:11
coreymonJammu: you know what, put it on imageshack00:13
Denisemaybe I should download lionessplugin-nonfree?00:14
coreymonJammu: file transfer is not going to work00:14
coreymonJammu: go to www.imageshack.us and upload it to that site00:14
coreymonJammu: then give me the link to it00:15
coreymonJammu: type iwconfig into terminal and tell me what is there00:15
coreymonJammu: is there just eth0 and lo still00:16
coreymonJammu: or has something else appeared00:16
coreymonJammu: im sorry, i have to go for a bit (have to go eat), ill be back in a bit, sorry about this, stay here and i will be back eventually00:18
Jamperojammu is jampero00:22
Jamperocorey did u get it?00:23
JamperoCOREYMON I LOVE U <300:24
cody_Hey, quick question about KDE, the other day I shut my computer down with some applications running, then when I turned the computer back on, those applications opened up automatically. After the first time i thought no big deal, but now every time I boot back up those same applications load up (firefox, two xterminal, and a bus route opened by kpdf). Any suggestions to get rid of this?00:27
=== consultorio is now known as judas
cody_....it's  stupid problem but it is driving me crazy00:28
flaccidJampero: stop shouting00:30
Jamperook sorry00:30
flaccidcody_: turn off sessions in system prefs00:30
Jamperoim new00:30
flaccidwhich is what Jampero suggested :)00:30
Jamperoim just so happy00:31
Jamperoi got my wireles up and running00:31
cody_flaccid: Thanks00:32
coreymonJampero: wait a sec, it worked?00:33
Jamperoi love u00:34
coreymon77one last thing though00:34
coreymon77whenever you do a kernel update00:34
coreymon77you have to repeat a couple of steps00:34
coreymon77so keep those files you downloaded00:34
vilhelmHello! anyone know why my harddisk dissapear from Media Dolphin?00:35
coreymon77and whenever you do a kernel update, do this00:35
coreymoncd ~/madwifi-hal-
coreymonmake clean00:35
flaccidplease try to keep responses on 1 line00:35
coreymonsudo make install00:35
coreymonthen reboot and it will work00:35
coreymon77write that down somehwere00:36
coreymon77and remember, dont delete those files00:36
coreymon77now i gotta go00:36
Jamperoif u are ever in finland the home of linux i will buy u a cheesburger00:36
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:37
Jamperobye and thank u00:37
vilhelm:D jampero you can buy me a cheese burger D00:37
Jamperook where are u?00:38
vilhelm<jampero> turku :P00:38
vilhelmHello! anyone know why my harddisk dissapear from Media Dolphin?00:39
Jamperomun nainen on sielt00:39
vilhelmok :P00:39
Jamperoeiks linux syntyny suomes?00:39
Jamperolinus torvaulds00:40
flaccidenglish only channel00:40
vilhelmtorvalds"> :D00:40
Jamperoor something00:40
vilhelm<flaccid> can u help me00:40
flaccid!u | vilhelm just ask the channel00:40
ubottuvilhelm just ask the channel: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..00:40
vilhelmsometimes my harddisks disspear from media dolphin but i can see them in root00:41
flaccidvilhelm: yeah no need to repeat. if someone can help you they would of. you can also submit a bug00:41
roby@join #ravenna00:44
roby#join ravenna00:44
roby#join #ravenna00:44
Agent_bobhowto open new tab in kde terminal emulator ?00:48
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flaccidAgent_bob: which one00:54
flaccidwhich terminal emulator00:55
Agent_bobyaquake / konsole00:55
Agent_bobare there others ?00:55
flaccidi think so00:55
flaccidctrl + shift + n00:55
Agent_bobhmmm thate would require khotkeys ?00:56
flaccidits in Configure Shortcuts in the dropdown like most progs00:56
shadowhywind_This is a strange question, but what package is modprobe in?00:56
Agent_bobshadowhywind_ grep `which modprobe` /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list*00:57
shadowhywind_Agent_bob: sweet thanks00:58
Agent_bobshadowhywind_ should work for any existing file installed from dpkg00:58
shadowhywind_Agent_bob: you wouldn't know anything about Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) would you?00:59
Agent_bobflaccid where would this dropdown be found ?00:59
flaccidits like in bottom right corner... the menu thing01:00
Agent_bobshadowhywind_ yep.   error in the initramfs.img file  (maybe called initrd.img.*)    if propperly rebuilt it should fix that error.     "unless" it's an actual disk/fs error.  which is not very likely unless you hosed it.01:01
shadowhywind_Agent_bob: would that also cause a udevd-event[]: run programs: '/sbin/modprobe/' abnormal exit on boot as well?01:02
shadowhywind_Agent_bob: how would one go about rebuidling initramfs?01:02
Agent_bobflaccid ah i see it.  it was set to shift up-arrow   kewl  ;)01:02
Agent_bobshadowhywind_ normally, boot an older version of the kernel. and correct any bad configs that might have caused it.  *because i probably configured something in /etc/mkinitramfs/ that caused it) set Q to the version i was working on and run; sudo mkinitramfs -o /boot/initramfs.img-$Q $Q01:06
shadowhywind_Well thats the thing, I have gone back like 6 versions and still running into the issue01:06
Agent_bobshadowhywind_ another however might run   update-initramfs   :)01:07
shadowhywind_Agent_bob: ok will run that and give that a try01:07
Agent_bobshadowhywind_ then assume option 2   "unless... ^"01:07
Agent_bobi.e.  if all versions are hosed it's not the initramfs image it's the fs01:08
shadowhywind_which means harddrive failing or reinstall ?01:08
Agent_bobshadowhywind_ possable causes.   bios change.  (re ordering of disks in bios will confuse grub)    fs superblock corrupt (boot a live cd and fsck the unmounted fs)     partition table borked (if dual booting blame the other OS  and run "testdisk" from a live CD)    actual hardware issue (falls under the heading of "get an expert to look at it"  even if the expert is you.)01:12
shadowhywind_i like the fs superblock corrupt better.. hehe01:13
Agent_bobshadowhywind_ normally i don't like that option.   but it is better than hardware fail  ;/01:13
shadowhywind_since fsck is an easy thing to do, is there any special flags i should use other then fsck /dev/sda501:14
Agent_bobi would have it do a no-write test first   just to see what it says.   then go from there.01:15
Agent_bobman e2fsck  says that switch is called -n    fyi01:16
shadowhywind_thanks i was just reading the man01:17
selig5How do I disable kde4 desktop effects? I enable them and now the screen is black.01:19
selig5...from the command line...01:20
jsheweyI need to re-partition a hard drive, but I need extremely specific measurements of size and location of the beginning and end of the partition. What tools (besides parted) can I use for this? Measurements are in sectors.01:20
Deniseuse a tape01:22
flaccid_selig5: wrong chan see topic01:22
flaccid_jshewey: fdisk01:22
Deniseor u can use a good rule01:23
Denisein centimeters01:23
selig5ok, I'll try #kde.01:23
flaccid_selig5: #kubuntu-kde401:23
flaccid_and kde chan is good too for that question selig5 sorry01:23
selig5flaccid_: thanks01:24
jsheweyflaccid_: how can I specify measurements in sectors in fdisk?01:25
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:26
flaccid_jshewey: what is a measurement ? what do you mean?01:27
bdizzlewhat the hell is going on with my firefox?01:27
bdizzleI just uninstalled it, and then suddenly it decides to start up (and freeze up as usual lately)01:28
codyis there a way to change where apt-get install installs programs? I am running out of space on my root directory and I would like the new default directory  to be on my home drive. Is this possible?01:28
codyhome directory*01:28
ubuntu_Agent_bob: you still around?01:30
Agent_bobcody you could move some of the load to home thusly.  ( mv /usr/share /home/.share ;ln -s /usr/share /home/.share )01:31
Agent_bobubuntu_ for about 2 minutes maybe.01:31
Agent_bobwhat ya need ?01:31
ubuntu_Agent_bob: trying to run fsck it keeps coming up with the superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext 2 filesystem01:32
ubuntu_it should be a ext301:32
Agent_bobubuntu_ ok.   sudo fdisk -l    see if the address is correct01:32
jsheweyflaccid_: I need a partition to start at sector 353177352 of the hard disk. I needs to be 8247707 sectors long, so it needs to end at sector 361425059. This is what I mean. I need a partitioner that can do that.01:32
Agent_bobubuntu_ also note that ext3 is ext2 + journal file.01:33
ubuntu_Agent_bob: also i am an idiot that can't read.. lol i did /dev/sa501:33
codyAgent_bob: Where then would the install directory be? i.e. if I run apt-get install firefox-3.0, is this still going to be installed in /usr/lib or will it be somehwere else?01:33
Agent_bobubuntu_  any ext3 fs can be mounted ext2.01:33
Agent_bobcody  there is no   "install directory"   other than /    you are probably thinking in M$ windarz terms.01:34
ubuntu_oh sdang! it didn't change my name.. hehe (this is shadowhywind btw)01:34
Agent_bobubuntu_ yes i know who you are.     i didn't kow that you couldn't read however   :)01:35
ubuntu_also just ran fsck and i got /dev/sda5: clean, 514837/2833600 files, 4895599/5703067 blocks (check in 4 mounts)01:35
ubuntu_so you also mentioned something about testboot or something like that?01:36
Agent_bobubuntu_   ok.  sujest you mount that fs on /mnt   and check /mnt/boot/grub/menu.lst  and device* in the same dir     then maybe reinstall grub thusly    sudo install-grub -d /mnt /dev/sd?#      translating the device name correctly.     i have to go now.   good luck with it, and someone can help if you have more issues.01:38
codyAgent_bob: Fair enough, but I don't want any more applications to go under / , I want them to go under /home because i have my harddisk partitioned such that I only have 4GB for / and 16 GB for my home01:38
ubuntu_thanks for all the help so far01:38
dagoblini cant log on on to any other irc servers, any help? thanks01:38
dagoblinam usign  xchat01:39
dagoblinan Koversation01:39
Denisetry irssi01:42
Deniseor if no one works try 91101:43
flaccid_jshewey: fdisk can do that01:43
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flaccid_jshewey: something like this will help http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/3174/6/01:46
flaccid_ubuntu_: tried disks & filesystems in system settings?01:48
ubuntu_flaccid_: for what?01:48
flaccid_ubuntu_: are you trying to mount a fs or something?01:48
ubuntu_no i keep getting kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount rootfs on unknown-block(0,0) on bootup like 3out of 6 times01:49
flaccid_oh that sorry01:50
ubuntu_and then i get a udevd-event[####]: run programs: '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit 2 out of 6 times01:50
flaccid_lots of results on google01:50
ubuntu_yah but so far nothing useful01:51
flaccid_i386 or 64?01:52
ubuntu_i have a funny feeling a bunch of packages got courrpted, and I am slowly finding out about that one by one, and reinstall them..01:52
ubuntu_64 bit01:52
ubuntu_dual core if it helps any01:52
flaccid_you run amd64 on intel dual core?01:52
ubuntu_is that on supposed to be an or? hehe i have amd6401:53
NutzebahnHello. I am now in Kubuntu with KDE4 and want to install GNOME, but I am getting error messages and I couldn't install it, how do I?01:53
flaccid_ubuntu_: so you cannot boot from any of the grub entries?01:53
ubuntu_Nutzebahn: whats the error (if it short enough to  post)01:54
flaccid_!kde4 | Nutzebahn01:54
ubottuNutzebahn: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde401:54
flaccid_!gnome | Nutzebahn01:54
ubottuNutzebahn: gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.01:54
ubuntu_flaccid_: I can boot from all the entries, but they all will give me the issues.. if i have enough patients and reboot enough i can boot into em01:54
flaccid_Nutzebahn: install ubuntu-desktop package for gnome, show errors if you have01:54
flaccid_hmm try reporting/searching bugs i guess01:55
NutzebahnIt said that it needed to install gnome-desktop-environment, but it would not install it, and said that that depended on other things.01:55
NutzebahnThank you.01:55
flaccid_ubuntu_: maybe sudo update-initramfs -u01:55
NutzebahnI'm not happy with KDE4.01:55
NutzebahnHow do I change my video settings?01:55
flaccid_and make sure initramfs-tools is latest01:56
flaccid_Nutzebahn: this is not the place for kde4 help.01:56
NutzebahnThe graphics are looking a little mediocre and how can I change the settings?01:56
flaccid_read up^01:56
ubuntu_flaccid_: give me one sec, going to reboot back to normal mode (on live cd at the moment)01:56
shadowhywind_hehe that was a fun expereince again.. 4 kernel panics 1 abnormal exit...02:03
=== flaccid_ is now known as flaccid
shadowhywind_instead of running update-initramfs -u what if i used -n to create a entire new one? any issues you could forsee?02:07
flaccidum not sure but yeah02:07
shadowhywind_well to create a new it needed a version so i went to update and it came up with a warning of cryptsetup: WARNING: found more than one resume device candidate: /dev/sda602:09
shadowhywind_which is odd, since /dev/sda6 is my swap partition02:10
Daisuke_Laptoperm...  if you hibernate, that's where it puts the resume image, i would imagine02:17
shadowhywind_but it found more then one resume device which is kind of odd02:18
shadowhywind_oh thats, odd. Its saying that /dev/sda6 and a UUID= are more then one resume device candidate.. but they are both of my swap drive..02:20
Daisuke_Laptopthat would definitely explain it02:20
shadowhywind_now just to find the files to change to /dev/sda6 to eliminate that warning.. and hopefully that might take care of my issues02:21
=== aakash is now known as smarty
smartyhey : how can i view network folders? like in windows you can go through network places... how in kubuntu? (i tried Network>Samba and Add a network folder, but no luck accessing a shared folder)02:41
vilhelmHello! I have a partition which filesystem is NTFS and i cant delete any files from the partition :(02:44
smartyAre you saying that the Kubuntu parition is NTFS?!02:44
vilhelm<smarty> no ...02:45
vilhelm<smarty> the kubuntu filesystem is ext202:45
smartyAnother OS?02:45
smartyOk, good.02:45
vilhelm<smarty> but i cant seem to delete files from the partition02:45
vilhelm<smarty> do you know howcome?02:46
smartyAre you dual booted? (im trying to understand your setup)02:46
vilhelm<smarty> yes i am I use Kubuntu and Windows XP02:46
smartyAnd you are trying to delete from the XP parition02:46
vilhelm<smarty> I have 4 partitions of the hardisk that i have windows xp on.. the files that I want to delete are not on the same partiotion as my XP installation is02:47
bdizzlehold on, what are you doing?02:51
bdizzleI might have done this type of thing before02:51
bdizzleis the NTFS partition mounted in Kubuntu?02:51
vilhelm<bdizzle> yes it is mounted02:51
bdizzleokay, then from command line, cd /media/02:52
bdizzlels to see what the "folder" is that contains the partition02:52
bdizzlecd into it02:52
bdizzlefind the file you want to delete02:52
bdizzlethen rm <filename> as usual02:52
vilhelm<bdizzle> yes but why cant i do this through media dolphin?02:52
flaccidwhats the error02:54
bdizzleyou should be able to wihtout having to open it as root02:54
bdizzleflaccid: my awesome person!02:54
flaccidi just got mumble server and client going heh02:54
bdizzleum, did something just crash?02:55
vilhelm<flaccid> my kubuntu is not in english but it said someting like could not remove file02:55
flaccidcheck permissions and also how it is mounted in mount and or fstab02:56
flaccidif its ntfs there is no perms on the files so its solely how its mounted02:56
illmortalI have a simple yet silly question... is there such thing as a AGP x8 or PCI (non express) pushing 512mb?02:56
flaccidillmortal: try google or ##hardware02:57
Dragnslcrillmortal- Newegg says yes03:00
illmortalhm... newegg only shows pci express =\03:02
illmortalneed to do a better search i guess.03:02
=== luis_ is now known as tigremx
shadowhywind_sweet!!!! i have no clue what i did or what combination that i did.. but my problems seam to be solved for the moment03:12
shadowhywind_4 back to back reboots and no issues03:12
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:22
Reformer81shadowhywind_: It's amazing how my Ubuntu does that too.  I'll have an issue for 2 months and suddenly notice it's gone... without even updating anything.  Go figure :)03:22
shadowhywind_Reformer81: yah, well i did do a lot of things trying to get rid of it update-initiramfs/update grub/fsck/boot options.. something worked.. hehe thats all i care about03:24
coreyhas anybody else had issues with FF3 under KDE3 not showing checkboxes selected?03:29
coreyfor that matter, not seeing parts of pages rendered properly03:30
coreyI noticed there was a bug report submitted03:30
coreybut no definate fix03:30
=== gustavo is now known as [GuS]
mr---t-change your gtk styles and it will go away03:32
coreyI tried installing the gtk2-engines-qtcurve package, what else is needed?03:33
mr---t-system settings>appearance>gtkstyles and fonts > raleigh worked for me03:34
coreyis a restart needed for this?03:36
mr---t-before that I just clicked once in the box and once out of the box and that also worked as a quick fix03:36
mr---t-restart FF yes03:36
coreycool the raleigh style appears to be working03:37
coreyfrustrating when Windows versions work fine but Linux versions dont03:39
coreyof the same software I mean03:39
mr---t-thanks to ignoramis who showed me03:39
mr---t-I,ve gotten everything working one way or another03:39
mr---t-sometime I need to emulate with wine but it works03:40
coreyim trying to see if I can avoid using windows apps at all03:41
mr---t-I have , except I'm a mcdst03:41
coreyheh, well kinda stuck then ;)03:42
coreyIve been a Windows guy since 3.003:42
coreyits still my primary gaming platform of choice03:42
mr---t-but all my personal stuff is linux03:42
mr---t-imo linux is the future03:43
coreyive reached a point where I have become bored with Windows, so I have been trying different Linux distros03:43
mn_hmm me too03:44
coreyI was running openSUSE for awhile before Kubuntu03:44
coreyim liking Kubuntu alot better03:44
mr---t-this is getting a bit off topic , I tried dsl,feesb,suse,freespire,ubuntu,kubuntu and a couple others03:45
mr---t-kubuntu is my favorite also03:45
mn_Ive got Kubuntu on Live cd and like it.  Ill install on my laptop when it comes in03:45
mn_cool.  it looks like i made the right choice then03:45
mr---t-runs faster from the HD03:45
mn_yeah I would hope so03:46
mn_you guys use swap files or partitions?03:46
mr---t-I dual boot03:46
coreyI wiped the drive and used the entire partition03:47
mn_no swap space then?03:47
coreyI have alot of extra laptops though, plenty of playgrounds03:47
mr---t-I still need windblows for my certs03:47
mr---t-I got into linux when I used it to rescue some files from a crashed windblows system03:48
coreyI just let the Kubuntu installer config the partitions when installing03:48
coreyheh, yeah we do that at work alot03:48
mn_how did you crash the Win system?03:48
mn_Kubuntu will configure it's own swap space?03:48
mr---t-downloaded a virus scanner from my isp03:48
coreyyes, otherwise you can manually assign it03:49
mn_why did a scanner crash it?03:49
mr---t-yes but windows must be installed first to dual boot03:49
coreyahh yes, sorry03:49
mr---t-did somthing at the root level03:50
mn_yeah, Ill just give 40 GB to Win and 40 GB to linux (just 2 partitions) and let linux take care of the swap03:50
coreywhen you dualboot a win/kubuntu drive, which boot loader do you use, the GRUB/LILO or NTLDR?03:51
mn_GRUB comes with the install from livecd right?03:52
coreyyes, lilo is also available if you want03:53
coreyif i remember right03:53
flaccidgrub is fine03:54
mr---t-just remember to install windows first, grub will let you make new partitions and a bootable dual boot menu03:55
mn_will the ext* file systems not fragment???03:55
flaccidmn_: negative03:56
mn_I thought they would03:56
mr---t-linux is not really known to have fragmentation problems03:57
mn_so it doesn't frag anywhere near as badly as Windows?03:58
mr---t-flaccid could tell you better than I but i think it has to do with better code03:59
Theendext3 will automatically try to write new file fragments close to the existing ones - I think03:59
mn_does windows frag because of the file sys it utilizes (fat*/NTFS) or because of the way its written?03:59
flaccidgoogle tells all04:00
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:00
kathyCan anyone tell me if there is a program like frontpage for linux I can use publish websites or is there something better?04:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!04:09
mn_OOo probably has something04:09
mn_Have you looked around in add/remove?04:09
kathyyes but not finding anything understandable.04:10
flaccid!info quanta | kathy04:11
ubottukathy: quanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2346 kB, installed size 5704 kB04:11
flaccid!info bluefish | kathy04:11
ubottukathy: bluefish (source: bluefish): advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-4 (hardy), package size 1570 kB, installed size 6728 kB04:11
flaccid!info kompozer04:11
ubottukompozer (source: kompozer): Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.7.10-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 8438 kB, installed size 26008 kB04:11
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.04:12
kathythanks ubottu04:13
ubottuYou might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.04:13
geniiflaccid: Just razzin ya04:14
* flaccid puts on coffee04:15
geniiAny outstanding questions no one is getting help with?04:15
geniiflaccid: Yay, coffee!04:15
flaccidum i think its goin alright. yeah this is a coffee bag, they are pretty good04:16
coreyIm currious if the problems that I mentioned before with FF3 are because of FF or because of Kubuntu?04:17
geniicorey: I arrived after your problem had been presented. What is it?04:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212457 in gtk-qt-engine-kde4 "Checks dissapear from checkable menu items (Firefox)" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:24
mr---t-thats it^04:26
* genii checks to see if the coffee is ready yet04:34
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!04:41
flaccidmy coffee is nice04:41
vikkuhi im trying to install drupal on ubuntu7.0404:45
* mr---t- pours a little khalua in his coffe04:45
vikkui just did tar -xvvzf drupal......tar.gz04:46
vikkugetting errrors04:46
geniivikku: Why the hell are you untarring something when you can do: sudo apt-get install drupal5      ?04:47
vikkuwell, i dont understand much the diff b/w tar and apt-get04:49
geniivikku: apt-get is the package install system of debian-based systems like (k)ubuntu. tar is just an extraction/compression program04:49
Daisuke_Laptopone's a program, one's a file format.04:49
Daisuke_Laptopvikku: absolute first ubuntu lesson:04:50
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:50
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:50
vikkui have installed the LAMP and iam trying to have the drupal install in my system04:50
geniivikku: Always install things by way of package manager when a package for the thing you want is available. Only resort to installing things manually when it is not provided in a package.04:51
vikkuok genii04:51
vikkulemme try that04:51
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billHello all05:02
* genii hands bill a coffee05:03
=== chicagenio is now known as erika
* mr---t- hey wheres mine?05:04
reboot08i pitty the fool05:06
* genii hands mr---t- a large Kubuntu mug of freshly brewed delicious lifegiving coffee05:06
* mr---t- yum05:07
* reboot08 hands mr-t a blunt05:07
* mr---t- passes05:08
=== santiago is now known as santiago-ve
reboot08what is the best way to get a channel list  thats not to large?05:11
reboot08ok simplest way?05:13
billHello again from western ny05:14
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:14
billEverything seems to be working tonight.05:15
billThanks for the coffee genii05:16
geniibill: Anytime05:16
kayessWhat was the name of the channel for discussing intrepid? TIA05:17
Picikayess: #ubuntu+105:17
billI love linux..It gives me something to do.05:17
kayessAh. I tried ubuntu-1 :)05:17
billHows it working kayess?05:18
kayessWifi on my laptop stopped working properly on Tuesday, but I really like it -- don't want to go back to hardy unless I absolutely must05:19
billI used Ubuntu for a while. Then went o Kubuntu..It seems more stable.05:20
kayessI'm using kubuntu on intrepid -- despite what everyone else says, I really like KDE 405:20
coreyGNOME does have its share of issues05:20
coreyI used KDE4 with openSUSE for awhile, I never really liked it05:21
coreyI still prefer KDE305:21
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billI could not get it to work with my video card.05:22
billKDE seems to work fine.05:22
coreywell if it works, it works05:23
reboot08im new to linux i just installed kde405:28
robotgeekreboot08: please see topic. kde4 support in #kubuntu-kde405:29
eddieftwif I have a folder, how can i tell how large the folder is using cli?05:31
eddieftw~ in particular, but i want to know how many bytes on the HD are being used05:31
flaccideddieftw: du05:31
flaccideg. du -h ~05:32
eddieftwgot it, i'll check the man page. i always forget that one. appreciate it05:33
flaccidactually i meant du -c ~05:33
flaccidoh -hc is probably what we both want :p05:34
flaccidah  du -hcx ~  will exclude stuff mounted in the dir05:36
coteyrok so I am trying to get suspend to ram and suspend to disk working. suspend to ram works but when it comes back i have no usb05:37
coteyrgoogeling returned unload and reload usb modules05:38
coteyrand that did not work05:38
coteyrcan anyone else think of anything else05:38
coteyr(network comes back fine and ndiswrapper seems to be dependant on usbcore)05:38
coteyrsuspend to disk I figure i will tackel when i get the suspend to ram working05:39
coteyralso i have (and it's mor of an annoyance) some how lost the nice graphical kubuntu boot progress bar.05:39
coteyrI am running on stock kernel so not shure how that happens05:39
oobedoes anyone know a good page for info on merging compiz and kde405:40
oobeits all working just want to know what i should tweak05:41
flaccid!enter | coteyr05:41
ubottucoteyr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:41
flaccidoobe: wrong chan for compiz or kde405:41
oobereally ok05:42
oobeis there a channel you suggest05:42
coteyrok so I am trying to get suspend to ram and suspend to disk working. suspend to ram works but when it comes back i have no usb (punction of choice) googeling returned unload and reload usb modules(punction of choice)  and that did not work (punction of choice) can anyone else think of anything else(punction of choice) .... ;)05:42
flaccidoobe: #compiz-fusion and #kubuntu-kde405:43
oobety flaccid05:43
flaccidcoteyr: no need to repeat. if someone can't help, they can't help05:43
coteyrwas a smart ass joke thats why I ... and a wink05:43
shaffycan anyone help?  i'm making a script, however, i need to start a service, but it requires me to be superuser.  how do i perform this in a script?  just put sudo in front of it?06:07
flaccidthe script should be run under root however you might be able to use the su -c command if its supported in ubuntu06:09
geniiIt is06:09
shaffyhmm, okay, i'll get back to you both in a few minutes.  gonna try this out.  thx.06:11
noaXessgood morning.06:20
noaXesswhere can i check whats happend, if i press any extra butons on my notebook, like enabling/disabling touchpad?06:20
flaccidnoaXess: xev06:25
noaXessflaccid: xev?06:26
flaccidtry it06:26
keesercc_anyone know how to turn automounting for a particular usb drive off?06:29
flaccidfor a particular usb disk?06:29
flaccidnot sure if that is possible easily. i'd say it would be with udev rules but i can't say i can give you immediate help. google with udev might help06:30
keesercc_I have it set up in fstab to mount by uuid to a special location, and I dont want an icon on my desktop giving me access to the drive06:30
flaccidoh yeah ubuntu has uuid, just use that06:30
flacciduse the noauto option06:30
keesercc_in fstab?06:30
keesercc_ok, I will give that a try06:31
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE06:31
flaccidmore options for stab there ^^06:31
flaccidand consider nousers option too06:31
keesercc_what does nousers do for me?>06:31
flaccidactually thats the default. it means only root can mount it basically06:32
keesercc_ok, that sounds good.  I basically want only root to have read write access, and everyone else to be read only06:32
illmortaldoes anyone know what I need to download and install in order for mp3s to be played? I need something in order for uShare to transcode them properly.06:42
flaccid!codec | illmortal06:44
ubottuillmortal: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:44
goldmetalhow to close dvdr disc?06:48
flaccidgoldmetal: you might be able to finalise manual in k3b06:49
goldmetalok, i will try, flaccid06:49
Jasmin_erika, hi07:01
Jasmin_erika, how r u07:01
noaXessflaccid: with xev the keyboard and mouse will be recorded but not the extra buttons on my notebook..07:04
flaccidah well07:05
frybyehi - I have kde4.1 and am looking for an up-to-date user guide to learn more about it?? At kde.org I only found a "KDE User Guide" dated from 2004 - which has precious little to say about 4.1 of course..?07:05
frybye- no response to thiss on #kde - seems there is nobody active there just now...07:05
frybyewenn man die visual effects usw von compiz-fusion benutzen will - was musste die Einstellung in /system/einstellungen/erscheinungsbild/visual-effects sein... ich lese das es "benutzer definiert" sein soll aber finde dort diese Option nicht?07:07
flaccidfrybye: one doesn't exist07:08
flaccidalthough im writing one heh07:08
flaccid!de | frybye07:08
ubottufrybye: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:08
frybyesorry i was just in the wrong tab.. with the German question...07:08
goldmetalhowto finalize disc with k3b?07:09
frybyeflaccid - ok looking forward to your guide.. it seems a tiny bit arrogant when the kde developers produce great software but then just assume that "of course everybody knows how to use it!"07:10
noaXessdoes anybody now a irc channel name, where racoon and ipsec will be the topic?07:10
flaccidnah frybye they dev software not write doco unfortunately07:13
binskipy2uhey guys, is there a KDE 4.1 iso yet?07:14
binskipy2uinstead of installing 4.0.2 and upgrading07:14
flaccidnope, there won't be either07:14
flaccidnot for hardy07:14
frybyeright - the same applies to the hardware situation - if the stuff itself was as ropey as some of the manuals - omg... heheh07:14
binskipy2uanyone here "upgraded" instead of installing 4.1 and having a choice?07:15
binskipy2ujust wondering how it went for anyone that upgraded 4.0.2 to 4.107:15
flaccidbinskipy2u: wrong chan see topic07:16
geniiThere should be #kubuntu-kde4  as default channel to join in irc clients which come with kde4 series07:17
geniiThis would prevent a lot of wasted time07:17
flaccidkonv kde3 only doesn't help that07:18
flaccidand it changes pretty soon with intrepid07:18
dsmith_any good apps to repalce kmeu07:22
nihlanybody on07:27
djdarkmandsmith_: kickoff07:28
nihlso what is the "kubuntu" channel?07:29
dsmith_djdarkman: is that what suse uses?07:30
flaccidnihl: support, read the topic07:30
djdarkmannihl: you come here, ask a question, and if your are lucky, we answere, that is what this channel is about :D07:30
djdarkmandsmith_: suse started it, but it's a KDE project now, If i'm correct07:31
dsmith_hmmmm hardy compatible?07:31
dsmith_seems it is07:31
djdarkmandsmith_: maybe this will help07:33
djdarkmanbut personally I`m not a kickoff fan, it`s too big, and useless to me07:35
dsmith_softpedia hmm07:35
dsmith_  February 8th, 2007 10:3407:36
dsmith_way outdated07:36
dsmith_d/l software for ubuntu from osftpedia, is too much like windows07:37
djdarkmandsmith_: there is kbfx too, if you want a big menu07:37
djdarkmanKBFX is an alternative to the classical K-Menu button and its menu. It improves the user experience by enabling him to set a bigger (and thus more visible) start button and by finally replacing the Win95-like K-Menu. If you still want the old menu, because you're used to it, it is still available as an option in kbfx. We recommend, however, that you give the Spinx bar a try.07:38
djdarkmanyou can install it from the ubuntu repositories07:38
dsmith_let me check that out07:46
djdarkmandsmith_: sudo apt-get install kbfx07:47
djdarkmanit`s just hat easy :D07:47
dsmith_djdarkman: yep, i know :)07:49
dsmith_i was googling images of the program07:49
djdarkmandsmith_: it`s themeable07:49
SmokeEater85911man im bored, I had to come in here just for a chat lol07:50
djdarkmandsmith_: http://kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=6207:50
Standarshyhi room07:53
StandarshyI'm having trouble upgrading from kde 4.01 to 4.107:53
StandarshyI've looked at the instructions but can't edit the sources.list file07:54
djdarkmanStandarshy: delete the configuration files, if there`s nothing important there07:54
arrrghhhhow is klipper intiaited?  i'm getting an error with it on bootup and it never loads, there's no entry for it in .kde/Autostart...07:54
Standarshydjdarkman, which config files?07:54
djdarkmanarrrghhh: you don`t need to place klipper in the Autostart07:54
djdarkmanStandarshy: ~/.kde4 , but back them up before you delete them07:54
djdarkmanarrrghhh: klipper does not start automaticly?07:55
Standarshywell, how do I edit the source list?07:55
arrrghhhdjdarkman, it's not.  but it's not starting on its own and i want to figure out why, so i was wondering where it does start from07:55
arrrghhhdjdarkman, like i said, it throws an error every time i login.07:55
SmokeEater85911anybody solve the hibernate/suspend issues?07:56
djdarkmanarrrghhh: do you have free space in your /var and on your home partition?07:56
djdarkmanSmokeEater85911: on a laptop?07:56
arrrghhhdjdarkman, yessir, plenty07:56
SmokeEater85911djdarkman: yes07:56
djdarkmanarrrghhh: then open a terminal type klipper, and let`s see what does it have to say07:57
djdarkmanSmokeEater85911: brand? version?07:57
SmokeEater85911djdarkman: Toshiba Satellite x20507:57
Standarshydjdarkman, it won't let me edit the source.list file07:58
arrrghhhdjdarkman, lol lemme pastebin the output(s)07:59
BigBuddhahey guys, i need some help with my fans, they stay running 24/7 now, and the sound is deafening, how can i fix this? preferably cli07:59
djdarkmanSmokeEater85911: found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/18853007:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 188530 in ubuntu "toshiba satellite x205-s9359 hibernate/sleep issues" [Undecided,New]07:59
djdarkmanStandarshy: how do you want to edit the sources.list? there are quite a few methods08:00
Standarshydjdarkman, the easist way08:00
arrrghhhdjdarkman, output in terminal: http://pastebin.com/d30eec4d8  and output in kde crash handler: http://pastebin.com/d41d92f4208:00
arrrghhhStandarshy, the file is /etc/apt/sources.list08:01
SmokeEater85911djdarkman: there are no replies to it though08:01
Standarshyarrrghhh, it won't let me edit that file08:01
arrrghhhStandarshy, does it exist and you're typing it verbatim of what i put?08:02
Standarshyarrrghhh, i opened it by looking for it by eye. Am I supposed to type that into the terminal to have it open or something?08:03
djdarkmanarrrghhh: does you harddrive or memory have any problems?08:03
arrrghhhdjdarkman, not that i know of!08:03
arrrghhhStandarshy, how are you trying to open the file?08:03
djdarkmanStandarshy: why do you want to edit the sources.list?08:04
arrrghhhStandarshy, just type "sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list" into the terminal08:04
djdarkmanarrrghhh: this error means that klipper can`t allocate memory, you can try reinstalling klipper, perhaps there is some misconfiguration08:05
ale22944Hi all! Does anybody know why my battery with kubuntu last only 1h30' and with winzozz approx 3hrs? Thanks!08:05
Standarshydjdarkman, I want to edit the file to update to kde 4.108:05
djdarkmanale22944: it depends highly on how you use it08:05
Standarshybut i found someone explaining how to do all this using the adept manager08:05
arrrghhhStandarshy, then use adept08:06
djdarkmanStandarshy: then arrrghhh said the right thing, you can do it with his method too08:06
arrrghhhdjdarkman, k i'll try purging it and seeing if a reinstall works.  i thought i tried that, but i'll do it again08:06
djdarkmanarrrghhh: then maybe some configuration files are corrupt08:06
Standarshydjdarkman, I was trying to do it by the instructions on the kubuntu website but I'm too much of a linux noob to understand how to do it08:07
djdarkmanyou can check this out by creating a new user, loging in, and see if the problem persists, if it does, that your problem is system level08:07
arrrghhhdjdarkman, well i reinstalled and kept my /home partition so that's likely i'd say...08:07
StandarshyIt didn't mention anything about having to use the terminal08:07
djdarkmanStandarshy: wait a sec I`ll search something for you08:07
=== narg_ is now known as narg
arrrghhhdjdarkman, is there a config file i can blast out that would be re-created on the "initial" run of klipper?08:08
arrrghhhyea klipper still crashes.  i'm betting if i do create another user klipper'll work.08:09
Standarshyok djdarkman08:09
djdarkmanarrrghhh: the problem is, that your configuration file may be outdated, or you are missing something that you had before the reinstall08:09
ale22945hi all! Does anyone know why my laptop battery with ubuntu last only 1h45' and with winzozz more than 3hrs? Thanks!08:09
djdarkmanarrrghhh: backup your ~/.kde08:09
djdarkmanale22944: I already tol you, it depends highly on how you use it(your laptop)08:10
arrrghhhdjdarkman, so there's no config that i can remove that would get recreated on klippers startup?08:10
djdarkmanyes arrrghhh but it`s highly recommended that you back up all config files, before doing anything, just in case something goes wrong08:11
ale22945djdarkman: sorry my wireless connection stopped a few minutes ago.. the use is exactly the same i do under winzozz..08:11
djdarkmanale22945: what videocard does your laptop have?08:11
arrrghhhdjdarkman, oh i have a backup of my /home already...08:11
djdarkmanarrrghhh: delete ~/.kde/share/apps/klipper08:12
ale22945djdarkman: Nvidia Geforce Go730008:12
arrrghhhi figured :D08:12
djdarkmandelete ~/.kde/share/config/klipperrc08:12
arrrghhhKLIPPER WORKS!  jeez i shoulda done that on my own08:12
djdarkmanok arrrghhh it`s good to see :)08:13
arrrghhhi deleted the whole klipper directory under apps like ya said.  and it runs just fine!  thanks!08:13
djdarkmanale22945: what do you do on win and lin?08:13
djdarkmannp arrrghhh08:13
arrrghhhwow bed time.  cya guys!  thanks again!08:14
ale22945djdarkman: internet browsing/play some music/work with openoffice and evolution08:14
djdarkmanale22945: and under windows do you see a differance in performance/screen brightness etc. when you unplug your laptop?08:15
BigBuddhai need help with sound, all volume is only at about 50% with every thing cranked up08:16
ale22945djdarkman: the brightness is the same, I always run my notebook in "economy" mode, maybe kubuntu/ubuntu is faster running applications08:17
djdarkmanBigBuddha: what soundcard do you have?08:17
BigBuddhadjdarkman: how do i check, cli08:17
Standarshydjdarkman, did you look that thing up?08:18
djdarkmanStandarshy: open a terminal08:18
djdarkmantype sudo -s08:18
djdarkmanenter password08:18
djdarkmanand repeat after me :)08:18
Standarshyone sec08:19
djdarkmanecho "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list08:20
djdarkmanStandarshy: do you have KDE4 installed already?08:20
Standarshyyes, wait08:21
Standarshyhold on08:21
Standarshyi just clicked help about kde08:21
Standarshyand it said i have kde 4.108:21
StandarshyI was doing some things, but i didn't think it actually worked08:22
=== user_ is now known as sergiu
StandarshyI got an error somewhere that I thought was for kde08:22
StandarshyShould I reinstall it or reboot to see if it actually worked?08:22
djdarkmanWait Standarshy08:23
djdarkmantype these08:24
djdarkmansudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:24
Standarshydo i still need to type sudo?08:24
djdarkmanStandarshy: no, it will work with or without sudo, since sudo -s, you are in a root shell08:26
djdarkmanBigBuddha: I`m still searching for that command :)08:26
Standarshydjdarkman, I have unmet dependancies08:27
BigBuddha ok, ty djdarkman, i am too, no luck yet08:27
djdarkmanStandarshy: apt-get -f install08:28
djdarkmanand repeat the previous command08:28
Standarshyis what I got back08:28
djdarkmanBigBuddha: here you go08:28
Standarshywhere do i put the apt-get -f install08:28
BigBuddhaty brb08:29
djdarkmanStandarshy: type apt-get -f install again :)08:29
Standarshydjdarkman, that doesn't go in front of anything?08:29
djdarkmanBigBuddha: this is what you`ll be interested in wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh08:30
BigBuddhaok, reading now08:30
Standarshydjdarkman, did you read my pastebin thing?E: Couldn't find package again08:30
djdarkmansame thing Standarshy?08:31
Standarshythis time, it said "E: Couldn't find package again"08:31
* djdarkman hates how KDE4 is being packaged in Kubuntu08:31
BigBuddhadjdarkman: i get this back:08:32
BigBuddhaaaron@HQ-Linux:~$ wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh08:32
BigBuddhaError parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Invalid host name.08:32
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
BigBuddhaso is that url dead?08:32
djdarkmandunno BigBuddha, wait a sec, let me check that script08:35
djdarkmanStandarshy: your erro message is strange08:35
Standarshydjdarkman, tthanks, that's reassuring08:35
djdarkmanStandarshy: open adept08:36
djdarkmanBigBuddha: does wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh work?08:37
BigBuddhalemme try08:37
BigBuddhano, it gives the same message^^^08:38
Standarshyhey djdarkman, I'll restart and see what happens08:38
paymanhi i think my ubuntu is slowly than last time how can i repair it or understand its realy right sence08:42
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djdarkmanBigBuddha: are you using a proxy?08:48
BigBuddhai figured out it isnt the card, its vlc08:48
BigBuddhahow do i fix vlc in cli?08:49
djdarkmanBigBuddha: then try another player08:49
djdarkmanstandarshy: did it work?08:49
ken_Is there a volume control for kubuntu?08:50
standarshyunfortunately not djdarkman08:53
standarshyI kinda messed things up08:53
flaccidken_: kmix08:53
standarshyI no longer see the window bars or applications on my task bar08:53
standarshyI'll probably just reinstall everything08:54
djdarkmanstandarshy: are you in kde4?08:54
standarshywell, kinda08:54
standarshysomething is working, but other stuff is not08:54
standarshyapplications aren,t showing up in the tasktbar08:54
standarshyand they don,t have thier menu bars anymore08:55
ken_flaccid: Thanks08:55
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:55
flaccid^^ please try that standarshy and join #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support08:55
standarshythanks for the help though08:57
Standarshhi room09:03
hahahehedoes ubuntu hardy come with firewall enabled by default?09:03
Standarshso, super quick question09:03
flaccidhahahehe: no09:03
Standarshdoes http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-kde4/releases/8.04/release/kubuntu-kde4-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso include kde 4.1 or just 4.0?09:05
PolitikerALTjust 4.009:05
flaccidStandarsh: 4.0x not 4.109:05
flaccidi think its 4.03 or 4.05 or something09:05
StandarshI think I might just try ubuntu, haven't really checked taht one out yet09:06
=== BigBuddha is now known as BigBuddhahmm
=== BigBuddhahmm is now known as BigBuddha
hahahehewhat is apparmor09:09
djdarkmanhahahehe: some security feature like SE Linux09:10
hahahehehow do i find out all the ports i have opened09:12
Whiz2how is it that my kubuntu server (running dapper release) can be accessed from my network, and can access the network (also has DMZ) but when I try to view a webpage, it says it's can't find it?09:12
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:14
SAngeliDoes anyone know how to migrate my mail from kmail into a compatible mail format for Windows mail or outlook under windows os?09:20
flaccidSAngeli: try google: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=kmail+to+outlook&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-809:25
jaggulihi all ... im  havin a strange problem ... some of the kde apps have messed up menus ...09:36
jaggulianybody ??09:37
Whiz2what is the terminal command to clean out all the junk files on my kubuntu computer?09:39
Whiz2I can't access repositories, some websites, and am having samba issues (can't copy files to my kubuntu machine from remote computers on my network)09:40
flaccidWhiz2: what are junk files?09:40
flaccidwhat are the specific errors/behaviour Whiz2?09:40
Whiz2flaccid: temporary interneet files, temp files, cache, old files (files that are no longer needed)09:41
flaccidwell /tmp is cleared on boot and the others are done in the respective browser09:41
flaccidthere is also sudo apt-cache clean to clear the apt cache09:41
Whiz2flaccid: my latest attempt to use apt-get update fails completely with a message at the end saying "Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead." I also have 49 upgradeable packages, and can't seem to upgrade them before upgrading my platform from 6.06 lts to 8.04 lts09:43
flaccidWhiz2: which repos is failing and what is the error with the repos(s) above that?09:51
Whiz2flaccid: i got my sources.list file from http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources.php09:54
flaccidthat wasn't my question09:54
flaccidand we don't support that thing nor is it needed09:54
flaccid!adept | Whiz209:54
ubottuWhiz2: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto09:54
Whiz2flaccid: all repos are failing, and sudo apt-cache clean is an invalid argument09:54
Whiz2flaccid: adept fails miserably as well09:55
flaccidshow me the errors please09:55
flaccidas i asked09:55
flaccidperhaps you have a network problem09:55
Whiz2i would if adept gave one09:55
Whiz2i'm currently trying apt-get upgrade to see if that works for updating my system09:56
flaccidyou said you ran apt-get update. thats the errors i need which are above "Some index files failed to download,..." this is why its good to show the actual errors instead of editing htem09:56
Whiz2where do you want them uploaded?09:56
flaccid!pastebin | Whiz209:57
ubottuWhiz2: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:57
nihlanybody awake?09:57
azmodanThanks oobe!09:58
Whiz2flaccid: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39349/10:00
flaccidwell i have to go now. Whiz2 i suggest you show someone your error and fix your sources.list. if you disable all the sources in adept and then re-enable them that will give you a fresh one with correct entries instead of from some dodgy site10:00
flaccidsee how it says: 302 Found10:00
flaccidso Err http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com dapper/non-free Sources10:00
Whiz2how do I disable, then re-enable the sources in Adept?10:01
flaccidthats because its not found.. this is what happens when you go get some dodgy repos list from online. are you actually on dapper Whiz2?10:01
Whiz2Kubuntu version 6.06 LTS10:01
Whiz2i would say that is dapper10:02
flaccidso you simply remove the repos that are not found10:02
hahahehehow do i create a Partition table?10:02
hahahehehow do i create a Partition table?10:02
flaccidor you refresh it like i said via manage repositories in adept10:02
flaccidhahahehe: fdisk or qtparted10:02
Whiz2how do i do that through adept? i have no idea how to access those from adept itself10:02
flaccidits in the top menu10:03
hahaheheokay so i dont get it10:03
hahahehewhat does it mean, to create a partition table?10:04
hahaheheis pt another word for fs ?10:04
flaccidi don't know what it is10:04
flaccidno its not10:04
flaccidWhiz2: anyway do what i said and you'll succeed, but its basically removing the medibuntu entries from the sources.list10:04
flaccidi have to go bye10:04
flaccidactually dapper may not have the repos management features so sorry if thats the case. good luck.10:09
* flaccid runs away10:09
ben__Whats the command to move a whole directory even if it has things in t10:15
flaccidben__: cp -R (basics are easily found on google)10:17
* flaccid runs away again10:17
Whiz2it has the management feature... just doesn't have the option to refresh it so it has working ones... I'm going tp upgrade my installation to the latest from the internet (no install CD)10:17
flaccidWhiz2: yeah so just remove the medibuntu entries and replace dapper with hardy in the sources.list and then you can simply do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:17
flaccidand thats it...10:17
flaccidok im really im going now cyas10:18
Whiz2Adept manager hangs at "Preparing..."10:18
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=== sergiu is now known as badserii
BenPa85hi guys, can you tell me, where I can find the program folder in kubuntu? (I've some problems running pureftpd)10:38
Whiz2what is the terminal command to delete all files in current directory? (like DOS command del *.*)10:51
EmukQ: I have a dedicated server for openarena and i want to make a script so the game starts at the startup of the server11:08
jm87how do i do to upgrade kde 4.011:09
EmukQ: I have a dedicated server for openarena and i want to make a script so the game starts at the startup of the server11:10
DigitalisNOINITAI want to know,if its possible that hdd wont boot where power supply is 5.10V instead of 5V11:28
loicje recherche quelqu'un qui pourait maider pour installer flash sous kubuntu11:40
willemKubuntu? Erg tevreden met de "all in one" installatie / gebruik! (na jaren van Windows en XP gebruik)11:57
thomasd_is there a way to monitor the network traffic generated by apache11:57
jpds!nl | willem11:58
ubottuwillem: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:58
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SNG-BurnHellA Big Big H3ll-O For All and Have A Good And A Funny Day !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)12:01
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geogreece23somebody here talk chinese?i need some little help12:09
geogreece23somebody here talk chinese?i need some little help12:09
chris062689Hey, what's up?12:10
* Dr_willis sneezes12:25
PhilRodbless you12:25
badseriiHello Gentlemen, is there any application, even command line, for removing a list of files? The list is stored in a text file. Thank you in advance.12:29
Dr_willisthe xargs command and some other tools can assist in doing that.12:30
Dr_willisor the qmv command perhaps. Depends on the format of the list.12:30
badseriiDr_willis: Thank you!12:30
badseriithe list is generated by the #locate *.wmv > mylist.txt12:32
Dr_willisI often use perl/bash or other languages to generate a 'script' that then does the work. :)12:32
Dr_willisif you used the find command. it can execute a command on the  found files. I recall12:32
Dr_willisone BIG BIG BIG issue with filenames in a list like that.. can be spaces in filenames.12:33
Dr_willisIn which case you may need to do a bit of scripting and extra quoteing.12:33
badseriiDr_willis: Thanks. There are spaces indeed. I'm not very used to scripting, so, I'll go the long way. Thank you!12:36
Dr_willismake a script that reads the files then prints out   rm 'fancy/path/to/file name with spaces.whatever'12:36
Dr_willis:) then make it print to a file that you then run.12:37
Dr_willisor use some fancyier features... I tend to break things down into VERY basic steps.12:37
badseriiThank you!!! I'll do this way!12:38
ActionParsnip1I dont know why we say goodbye I say hello12:42
* Dr_willis gos coo-coo-coo-ka-choo.12:43
ActionParsnip1hahah YES!12:45
cryingtuxi have a question12:53
cryingtuxcan i install kde 4.1 on kubuntu 7.10 ?12:53
ActionParsnip1cryingtux: indeed12:53
ActionParsnip1!kde4 | cryingtux12:53
ubottucryingtux: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:53
cryingtuxActionParsnip1: thanks, kubuntu 8,04 does not work on my syste,12:54
ActionParsnip1cryingtux: if you run apt-get upgrade you will have the equivelant12:54
aeterncryingtux, i give you advice to not use KDE 4.1 :)12:55
cryingtux8.04 has some graphical issue with my vga card12:55
ActionParsnip1cryingtux: even with vesa drivers?12:55
cryingtuxaetern: its not mature yet, thats why?12:55
aeternbecause, kde4.1 has a lot of bugs :/12:57
cryingtuxActionParsnip1: none, something is seriously wrong with my nvidia geforce fx 5600 card and 8.04 ubuntu series12:57
ActionParsnip1cryingtux: is your cd md5d successfully?12:58
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abby87Jahman: hello13:31
abby87i see a reduced graphics perfomance with nvidia card as compared to a built in intel card in case of plasma..any idea?13:36
ghostcubeabby87: yeah13:38
ghostcubethis is a known problem13:38
abby87ghostcube: its quite ironic ...actually nvidia shd work better13:38
abby87nvidia 8600 slower than intel x3100 i cant quite digest that fact13:39
ghostcubeabby87: http://techbase.kde.org/User:Lemma/GPU-Performance13:39
abby87btw do u know how to download .deb files so i can put the packages on a cd and then install it on some other pc?13:40
abby87ghostcube: thanx :)13:40
ghostcubehttp://packages.ubuntu.com/ abby8713:40
The_ManU_212how to get kaffeine standard settings?13:41
The_ManU_212especially xine parameter13:41
ghostcubeThe_ManU_212: isnt htis possible by settings edit xine settings13:41
The_ManU_212ghostcube: how is tehre a reset button or something like taht?13:41
abby87thanx ghost :)13:41
ghostcubeabby87: np13:41
ghostcubeThe_ManU_212: puh im not on kde now13:42
ghostcubecant look for13:42
ghostcubeThe_ManU_212: u can try to use xine media player13:43
ghostcubeand edit the settings in this one13:43
abby87cryingtux: hello13:44
cryingtuxim looking for kubuntu repositories list, can i get them anywhere? google is quiet over this13:45
Picicryingtux: Its the same thing as the Ubuntu repositories.13:45
The_ManU_212ghostcube: ok thx cu13:45
cryingtuxPici: yes so any link to that?13:46
abby87cryingtux: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/kubuntu-repository-475810/13:46
cryingtuxabby87: thanks indeed13:46
abby87cryingtux: http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-complete-sourceslist-repository-list-file.html13:47
abby87cryingtux: :)13:47
cryingtuxthanks again :)13:48
abby87cryingtux:  ;)13:48
cryingtuxabby87,: will these work for kubuntu 8.04 and 7.10 both?13:49
abby87cryingtux: the ones with hardy work with 8.0413:50
TheFuzzballIs there a way of mounting a HFS+ partition on Kubuntu?13:51
cryingtuxi will install 7.10, 8.04 is not for me13:51
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.13:51
ubottuGutsy - Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour13:52
abby87cryingtux: the gutsy ones are all yours !13:52
cryingtuxabby87: thanks, im grateful13:52
abby87cryingtux: ohh its nothing ;)13:53
cryingtuxits really all that i was looking for for weeks13:53
abby87well now u found it ...13:54
cryingtuxyes and im glad :)13:54
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
wesleyWhats the best Linux distribution14:01
abby87wesley: there is not a specific answer14:01
abby87wesley: it depends on ur need14:02
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Araen
The-CompilerAre ther any plans to include Konversation 1.1 to the Kubuntu-repos?14:24
Denisethey plan to install a bath option14:28
Mr_Sonomaa little help please, having some trouble with converting a .wmv to a dvd or avi format. I have a video I want to put on a vcd or dvd but the stupid thing is a .wmv mencoder gives me a error.14:30
Mr_Sonomathis is the command I am using: mencoder <input_movie> -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -o output_movie.avi14:30
Deniseok bath option time14:32
* abby87 is listening to One Slip by Pink Floyd on A Momentary Lapse of Reason [Amarok]14:32
TimSJust type as if you were sending someone a message14:39
Ellabythe compiz fusion one is empty by the looks of things14:39
TimS#-compiz-fusion has 141 nicks14:40
TimS#compiz-fusion has 141 nicks14:40
TimSJust click the second one and it should open it14:40
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Deniseah I got it15:34
Deniseu didnt appreciate me talking about bath15:34
PiciDenise: This is a support channel, if you just want to chat you can join #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic15:35
chrisinajarSo I have a laptop that wont shut down when I tell it to. It gets to the "Will halt now" step and then just chills until I hold down the power button... It doesn't do it every time, but certainly most of the time...15:43
chrisinajarturning off acpi didn't help, turning off apm didn't help...15:43
chrisinajarI don't really know how to troubleshoot a problem like this....15:44
soupdujouranyone here have experience with sis900 ethernet cards under ubuntu 8.04?15:45
concernedcitizenwhat's the clipboard manager in kubuntu?15:45
concernedcitizeni can't seem to copy something from inkscape over to gimp15:45
chrisinajarconcernedcitizen: that might be due to incompatible programs though :-P15:46
chrisinajarconcernedcitizen: just save what you need copied as an uncompressed fileformat, then open it in the other one....15:47
chrisinajarsoupdujour: are you having problems with one?15:47
soupdujouryes, i am15:48
chrisinajarif you state your problem, someone might have a solution...15:48
chrisinajaryou wont get any help if you don't say what's wrong :-P15:48
soupdujourwell, where to start? i recently installed ubuntu 8.04 but can't seem to get the internet going. the network-assistant doesn't seem to be any help, none of the settings, even a static one will get me a connection15:49
chrisinajardoes it detect the interface?15:49
soupdujouri just had a friend over to check sthings and we figured out that, although ubuntu recognises the eth0 card, i cannot get a connection15:50
chrisinajarand does the interface have a link light (usually 1 light on and another next to it blinking)15:50
concernedcitizendarn it, gimp is so hard to use :(15:50
chrisinajarjump onto a command line and type in this....15:50
chrisinajarifconfig eth0 up15:50
soupdujourso the card is found, but it is not assigned a MAC or an IP-Adress for that matter...15:50
chrisinajardhclient3 eth015:51
chrisinajaras root15:51
chrisinajarfor both15:51
soupdujourand up to now the ifconfig eth0 up has generated this message: SIOCSIFMTU: Invalid argument15:51
soupdujourbut ill try the dhclient3 eth0 and the ifconfig up...15:52
soupdujouronly thing i've been able to do is manually set a mac for eth015:53
chrisinajarsee what happens when you do /etc/init.d/networking restart15:54
chrisinajarSo I have a laptop that wont shut down when I tell it to. It gets to the "Will halt now" step and then just chills until I hold down the power button... It doesn't do it every time, but certainly most of the time...15:54
tsunamiWhat is a good tool to benchmark my system?15:54
chrisinajaranyone know of any ways to troubleshoot a problem like that?15:54
nec3364Is kubuntu still unsupported by the Canonical group?15:55
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chrisinajartsunami: i only know windows tools to benchmark.... you can probably find some nice ones through a google search though15:55
chrisinajartsunami: that or a packages.ubuntu.com search...15:56
nec3364Is kubuntu still unsupported by the Canonical group?15:58
soupdujouris eth0 supposed to be 00:00:00:00:00:0015:58
soupdujourother than that i get another msg "invalid argument"15:59
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soupdujouri thought so...15:59
=== setyalinux__ is now known as tyas
chrisinajaris it integrated or is it a card...15:59
soupdujourshould i manually change / assign a mac?16:00
chrisinajarit should automatically get one16:00
soupdujourit doesn't16:00
chrisinajarand if it doesn't then you don't need to assign one16:00
chrisinajaryou never /need/ to assign a mac address...16:01
chrisinajarsometimes it's nice to fake things like modems and stuff...16:01
soupdujouri still have no idea how to get the computer online...16:02
chrisinajarsoupdujour: i googled that error and didn't find too much, read through some of the results and see if any of them apply to you...16:02
soupdujourseveral closely applied, none worked16:02
chrisinajarwhat card is it?16:03
soupdujour(including one very similar problem on linuxwuestions.org) - i get similar readings over ethtool to a functioning system, but what i don't get is an active eth0, a MAC or a IP16:04
chrisinajarsoupdujour: what happens when you type in: modprobe sis90016:06
soupdujourjust a moment16:06
chrisinajarlsmod | grep sis16:08
soupdujourshould i enter that 2?16:08
soupdujouris that a vertical line?16:09
chrisinajarsoupdujour: yes, it's shift+the key below the backspace16:10
chrisinajarit's called a pipe, basically it takes the output of one command and puts it into the input of another16:10
chrisinajarlsmod lists modules loaded, and grep is a searching command...16:11
soupdujourok... i get a result for sis900: 24320 016:11
chrisinajarare you sure the card isn't bad?16:12
soupdujouri have no idea16:12
soupdujourhow should i check?16:12
soupdujouror rather can?16:13
chrisinajarwell, you need to boot into an OS that the card works in...16:13
chrisinajareither windows or a livecd of a distro that happens to work with that card...16:13
soupdujourhm....any suggestions where i find such a distro? the windows i have seems to refuse to work for the pc im working on...waste of money that was... -.-16:14
chrisinajarsoupdujour: under normal circumstances i would recomend kubuntu to test it :-P16:15
jussi01soupdujour: which card?16:16
chrisinajardoes it light up when you plug in the network card?16:16
soupdujourjussi01: sis90016:16
soupdujourlight up? where?16:16
soupdujourchrisinajar: haha... :(16:17
chrisinajarthe card itself should have lights16:17
chrisinajarusually right on the eth port16:17
soupdujouron the back or inside of the computer? or are you talking about my router?16:17
soupdujourbecause i see no individual lights16:18
chrisinajaron the actual eth port, or on the router, both will give you the info...16:20
chrisinajarif the card is wicked fucked then it wont light up when it's plugged in... it should even light up when the computer is off....16:20
Picichrisinajar: Please watch the language in here, thanks.16:22
chrisinajaroh yeah, sorry...16:22
chrisinajarsometimes I don't pay attention :-P muh bad16:23
soupdujourchrisinajar: there is no light to check16:24
soupdujouronly a "communitylight" but im not about to disconnect the cable here...16:24
soupdujourwell, i give up for now... bye!"16:28
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acer_how to make more freespace on harddisk to get more synaptic package manager? my kubuntu just left 500 mb. but total free space on windows 5 gb. i am using kubuntu and windows16:39
tacosarecoolGet a ubuntu cd16:41
tacosarecoolUse gparter16:41
tacosarecoolAllocate more space to partition16:41
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tacosarecoolacer how big is your harddrive?16:41
tacosarecoolSo anyone need help?16:47
DeniseI think i have to leave the hope to use my scanner on ubuntu16:47
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tacosarecoolthe hope?16:47
tacosarecoolWhat scanner are you using?16:48
Deniseit seems the hp5510 is not listed16:48
tacosarecoolI'll go see16:48
Deniseand my pidgin doesnt work16:49
acer_my harddrive total is 60 gb. i was made 2 partition via windows. the operating system had 20 gb. windows and their application need 13 gb. but my kubuntu only made 2 gb. it seems not sufficient to download more packages. how to make 5 gb can inserted to kubuntu16:51
Deniseall is sick in my system16:52
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tacosarecooldenise http://hpinkjet.sourceforge.net/install.php16:57
tacosarecooldenise http://hplip.sourceforge.net/install/manual/distros/ubuntu.html16:58
tacosarecoolI don't think it's hardy though16:58
Latrehi people....i have a doubt.....i have mi PC with 8G of memory and kubuntu only see 4G, its neccesary install kubuntu 64bits to see the 8G?   or some upgrade of kernel??16:58
tacosarecoolYes but that's weird that 32 bit would see 4 g anyway16:59
tacosarecoolI would think it would only see 3.5 g16:59
LatreIn PC Bios see 8G17:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about os17:00
Latremmm.....ok...i said 4G but see 3.5G17:01
tacosarecoolAnyway you do need 64 bit17:01
* abby87 is listening to High Hopes by Pink Floyd on Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd [Amarok]17:01
Latreiso for amd64 ?17:01
tacosarecoolabby what irc client are you using?17:02
abby87konversation 1.0117:02
tacosarecoolOh ok cool17:02
tacosarecoolHow did you use amarok17:02
tacosarecoolWith konversation17:02
abby87oh just type command /media17:03
abby87in konversation17:03
Latretacosarecool, amd64 iso its ok ?17:03
Deniseboth links?17:03
abby87while playing amarok ofcourse (doesnt work with amarok 2 series)17:03
tacosarecoolLatre what processor you have?17:03
theworldbestPESzwie sin die zahlen??17:03
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:04
tacosarecoolAbby it does work with 217:04
Latretacosarecool, intel quad core17:05
abby87tacosarecool: oh cool17:05
tacosarecoolOh don't get amd17:05
abby87tacosarecool: doesnt work with nightly build17:05
tacosarecoolActually amd is fine17:05
tacosarecoolit's for amd and intel17:06
abby87amd is doin triple core i guesS?17:06
abby87quad cores are great17:06
tacosarecoolDon't get one with the community support only though17:06
pablovicentewhy google earth close by itself?17:06
Deniseit seems very complicated17:07
abby87pablovicente: there could be many reasons\17:07
tacosarecoolGo to kmenu17:07
Denisehow i know what version to install17:07
tacosarecoolhplip toolbox17:07
=== pablovicente is now known as bjv
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi guys how do i remove gnome dm from kubuntu? i installed it to try but now i want to get rid of it thank you17:08
bjvi  went to kmenu>ksystem now what i do?17:09
tacosarecoolOr add and remove17:09
bjvhow i removes google earth if i installed as .bin?17:09
bjvit dosen't appear in synaptic17:10
jussi01!purekde | strawbeRRy_fieLd17:10
ubottustrawbeRRy_fieLd: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »17:10
abby87strawbeRRy_fieLd:sudo apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktop17:10
rambo3glx has craped out , where do i disable wobbly windows17:10
bjvplease how i remove google earth if i installed as .bin!!!17:11
jussi01!repeat | bjv17:11
ubottubjv: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience17:11
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:12
* h2sm is listening to rah ellil by Dahmane Elharrachi on dahman1 [Amarok]17:13
* tacosarecool is listening to Stance Punks by Tokyo Brothers [Amarok]17:14
Denisebut my printer is working17:14
tacosarecoolOh crap17:14
Deniseit is only the scanner part17:14
Denisethat poses problem17:14
* tacosarecool is listening to Tokyo Brothers by Stance Punks [Amarok]17:15
* abby87 is listening to Cold Cold Heart by Norah Jones on Come Away with Me [Amarok]17:15
Denisecant be so complicated17:16
* tacosarecool is listening to Lost My Music by Aya Hirano [Amarok]17:16
stdinplease don't spam with now playing scripts17:16
abby87looks like everyone is on a listening spree17:16
abby87any idea when konversation for kde4 is coming?17:18
stdinaround the 4.2 release17:18
abby87cant wait17:18
abby87but i hope it should be worth the wait17:19
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Deniseeverything ok now17:27
urliabby87: hello17:27
=== urli is now known as cryingtux
Denisejust had to turn it on17:28
cryingtuxcan i install kde 4.1 on 7.04?17:29
Denisemy problem is that I see things too complicated17:30
ActionParsniphey all17:31
Deniseso how I can solve my problem with pidgin17:32
ActionParsnipDenise: sup?17:32
ghostcubewhats up17:33
ActionParsnipDenise: sup == whats up17:33
Deniseit doesnt want to open17:33
ghostcubeDenise: www.getdeb.net newer pidgin release afaik17:33
cryingtuxi guess nobody likes kde 4.1 here :)17:33
ActionParsnipDenise: ps -ef | grep pidgin17:33
ActionParsnipcryingtux: no, fluxbox here17:34
jussi01cryingtux: because the place is #kubuntu-kde4 ;)17:34
cryingtuxjussi01: thanks, i will jump there too :)17:34
jussi01cryingtux: this channel is for kde3 support :()17:34
ActionParsnipI have a regular folder in my ~/ folder in konqueror17:35
ActionParsnipit has what looks like US power plug on it in red17:35
joroi can't install skype for kubunto17:42
joroi can't install skype for kubuntu17:42
lummwahts your problem exactly17:43
jorodownload skype for ubuntu 7.4+17:46
joronext open->install package17:46
joro"The package file does not exist"17:48
joro"A nonexistent file has been selected for installation."17:48
joroPleace select an existing .deb pakage file"17:49
joro"The package file does not exist"17:49
joro"A nonexistent file has been selected for installation."17:49
joroPleace select an existing .deb pakage file"17:49
=== root is now known as Guest66628
PhilRodjoro: are you on 64-bit?17:50
PhilRodif not, just add the repository to adept - that worked for me earlier today17:50
joroPhilRod Yes, 64 bit17:52
tacosarecooljoro select a 64 bit deb if you can17:53
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=== The-Compiler is now known as Error_504
cayalDoes anyone know how to place an ip in my localhosts on Hardy?17:59
=== Error_504 is now known as The-Compiler
rambo3cayal, what do you mean?18:02
moesIs it possible to add more than one wallpaper to the cube18:03
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rambo3!beryl > moes18:03
ubottumoes, please see my private message18:03
cayalrambo3, I need a method to place an ip in my localhosts so web browsers can skip the identification page, I can't get a particular website to load on any computers in my houe, save for my iBook which is out for repair right now, I had to add the site's ip to my lclhosts to get it working.18:05
rambo3ok you bind it in /etc/hosts18:06
tacosarecoolOh yeah18:07
tacosarecoolHow do I install new graphics drivers in linux18:07
tacosarecoolShould I uninstall old ones first18:07
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion18:07
rambo3tacosarecool, no , just the new ones18:08
tacosarecoolJust install18:08
tacosarecoolAnd it will take care of rest18:08
rambo3ask ubottu18:09
cayalRambo3, host.cfg is he file I should edit, right?18:11
rambo3no /etc/hosts18:11
cayalI'm in /etc and all I see in hosts.cfg. Are hidden files enabled by default or should I use a command application?18:13
rambo3also add "       4chan.com   apple.com windows.com"18:16
cayalDo they all have problems with Kubuntu as well?18:17
greeg  is there a way to have amarok NOT display the song name accross the screen at the start of the song for every song?18:26
greegi mean i can tell what the name of the song is just by listening.  i dont need a chatty gui app to tell me that.18:26
flaccidgreeg: settings | configure amarok | osd18:27
moesrambo3.. Sorry I lose my ability to communicate I ask about adding 4 wallpaper to cube You suggested Beryl I have compiz-fusion bcop18:27
rambo3!xgl | moes18:28
ubottumoes: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion18:28
moesrambo3 I have all of those features and can have 4 wallpaper in kwin with no cube or cube in compiz with one wallpaper18:29
joshuajtlhey folkks, i installed compiz settings, and it took away my kwin decorations18:31
joshuajtlits now showing no window titlebars18:32
arrrghhhjoshuajtl, compiz and kwin don't play so well together.18:32
joshuajtlarrrghhh: is there anything i can do?18:33
=== rambo3 is now known as joomla_user
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion18:34
joshuajtlforget it ill just get rid of compiz18:35
arrrghhhthat's my solution18:36
joshuajtlarrrghhh: is there a good way to get rid of it all at once?18:36
arrrghhhjoshuajtl, if you installed with aptitude it'll remove everything for you.18:37
joomla_userin a dreamland18:39
afeijohi group18:47
afeijowhat email server is best for simple personal php test use?18:47
flaccidpostfix for smtp18:48
afeijogoogling :) thanks18:48
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer18:48
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html18:50
afeijodidnt new tasksel, cool18:52
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:53
afeijoso, to personal use, Mail Server as Local only18:53
flaccidlocalhost relay only yes18:54
afeijomine is in portuguese, so I dont now the original terms :)18:54
afeijowhat shell command to read emails?18:55
horsthi. how can i change th console and X keymaps on an installes system?18:55
afeijomail sux, it just read email, dont exist a better one, with a bit more interface?18:56
=== horst is now known as maelcum
flaccidyou need to know the commands and yes there is line pine etc. see google18:56
maelcumor, which packages do i need to reconfigure for that?18:56
flaccidi don't use cli mail only for admin tasks so i can't remember anything but mail18:57
afeijook, I did searched about it without success, Ill try again18:57
afeijowhat keywords do you recommend? "shell read mail command"?18:58
flaccidterminal mail client or shell mail client or something18:58
flaccidmutt is popular18:59
afeijotesting mutt18:59
HazaEvening folks. Any reason why i HAVE to run mplayer via the terminal with the arguments mplayer -vo x1119:03
HazaOtherwise the video will not play and just lag the OS :(19:03
afeijopostfix has webadmin?19:04
flaccidafeijo: could be something out there not sure. remember postfix is sending mail only19:05
afeijoI used mutt, and sent a msg to myself. It worked, the pop3 isnt runing under postfix, some other thing did that...lol19:05
flaccidit wouldn't have been sent via pop319:06
flaccidthere are no servers by default in ubuntu19:06
flaccidi tricked myself. there is no pop3 involved, gets sent and rcvd via smtp and read via the local maildir or mbox19:07
Admin1Please, can someone explain the file structure of KMail? I am trying to understand how to export them into windows vista mail program. I have kmail set as mbox but do not see any .mbox file. Rather, I see files with .index  .ids  .sorted files19:08
flaccidcan it even export to outlook format ?19:09
HazaMaybe im using the worng graphcs drivers? and coming from windows to linux i have little clue about installing the right graphics drivers for my OS :(19:09
flaccidHaza: you could try a dif media player like kaffeine or vlc also if you want to switch drivers you can goto hardware drivers manager19:10
Hazaflaccid: I will look at the hardware manager as even Kaffeine does the same thing19:11
flaccidAdmin1: you could do something like http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2003-October/021439.html19:11
Hazaalthough i haven't tried VLC on this computer yet19:11
flaccidthen its likely a problem with the codec or the video you are playing19:11
HazaIm trying to play .ogg's19:12
Hazaflaccid:  Its interesting as these video's worked on the same computer but it had ummm, ubuntu 7 installed iirc19:12
flaccidyeah software gets updated/changed19:13
Admin1flaccid, thank you a bunch19:13
Admin1I will try to do so19:13
flaccidnp. btw opera works on all platforms and supports standard mail formats19:14
Hazaflaccid: Also, i don't know if this helps but... you know that little openGL gears animation you can play to test your graphics and OpenGL?19:15
Hazaiirc you run it via the terminal..19:15
HazaThat little OpenGL gears animation works great19:16
Hazaflaccid: Thats the one19:16
Admin1flaccid, one question: with kmail there are usually three files for the same folder. Example: Folder name: Archiver  I will also have a folder named: ".Archiver.directory" + "Archiver.index" + "Archiver.ids" + "Archiver.sorted"  Now, based on the link you provided me with, which folder should I just copy into my /var/mail/username? Just "Archiver"  ?19:16
flaccidAdmin1: um i don't think thats what it says. it says to create an mbox mail folder IN kmail19:17
flaccidin terms of kmail filenames etc. i've never used kmail really so i can't say sorry19:18
rockprincesshey all, has anyone ever tried syncing an ipod with kontact?! i've looked it up on the internet, and apparently you'd just have to export your dates/events/todos as an ical file.....but that just doesn't work for me. my events just won't show up :(19:19
Admin1flaccid, I understand what you told me. Once I create a new folder named "mbox" and move all mail into it, if you take a look at the main mail folder you will also find other files, wouldn't you or am I mistake or do I have a maildir setting?19:19
flaccidi don't know if kmail has anyting to do with maildir, i've never used it sorry19:21
rothi I  have a question19:23
arrrghhh!question | rot19:24
ubotturot: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:24
Admin1flaccid, I believe I have maildir setting this is why I have so many files. Rather, in mbox I should end up with one file and one only, correct?19:24
rothow to connect internet from mode throw the19:24
rotcomputer for linux19:24
rotcuz now I'm using wirless19:24
rotI want to us connect from mode to computer19:24
Hazarot: Don't we all?19:25
rotI want to use mode19:25
rothow to do cuz I using router19:26
arty_hi all19:26
rotI want to use DSL19:26
arty_what is the best klient on ICQ pls help I use KOPETE but cant send file :) pls help19:26
arrrghhhrot, you're going to have to explain better...19:29
arrrghhharty_, settle down19:29
arrrghhhtry pidgin19:29
arty_pidgin ist the best ???19:29
rotknow I using interent thorw ubuntu wireless I want to using direct mode19:30
rotcuz when I plugged the wire is not showing the network form the mode19:31
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:31
flaccidim off19:31
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE19:32
arrrghhhrot, you're not making sense19:33
rotI want to connect the mode to the computer19:35
rotand I can find the network how to connect19:35
rotdo u get it19:35
arty_arrrghhh: thx m819:36
arrrghhharty_, np19:37
=== ubuntu is now known as m4v
HailandKillI'm trying to install the latest drivers from ati manually... it hasn't worked. xorg's log reports that it can't open a DRM connection because /etc/dri doesn't exist.. basically.. any ideas? I imagine I hould have /etc/dri19:41
jussi01HailandKill: use envyng19:42
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk19:42
HailandKilljussi01: okay, thanks. I'll look into it.19:43
pollothis command ls . |cpio -o > foo makes the file grow19:49
polloFile foo grew, new byte not copied19:50
falckonhi, i just installed kde 4.1 using the official ppa repository ... when logging in the screen becomes a blank grey and i have to use ALT-F2 to launch programs19:57
falckonany idea what i need to do to get my desktop?19:58
falckonohh heh... i'll try kubuntu-kde419:59
=== Tizz__ is now known as Tizz
=== target is now known as Pikos
=== Pikos is now known as The_Pikos
The_Pikosi've this msg but no package apps launch... Another process is using the packaging system database20:12
The_Pikoshow can i solve it plz?20:12
TheFuzzballI am running Kubuntu in a Virtual Machine and I want to open my local HTTP server (I use it for testing websites), I type the IP of the host computer ( but I get nothing, I also try loopback and localhost. Does anyone know how to fix this?20:14
The_PikosAnother process is using the packaging system database20:14
jussi01The_Pikos: have you got adept open?20:14
The_Pikosit send me this mess20:15
jussi01The_Pikos: thats the problem then...20:15
The_Pikosno no20:15
jussi01then this20:15
jussi01!aptfix | The_Pikos20:15
ubottuThe_Pikos: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:15
jussi01The_Pikos: run that command20:15
The_Pikosthxs i try it20:16
jussi01TheFuzzball: that sounds like your vmware network settings are wrong20:16
bucketheadI've wondered for a long time why they can't come up with a better work around for that.20:16
bucketheadI need to learn c so I can bitch less, fix more.20:16
jussi01buckethead: theres a new adept on its way, hopefully better20:17
The_Pikosok perfect the command from the bot work20:18
TheFuzzballjussi01, Have any Idea of how to fix them, I am running Apache on Vista SP1 with VMWare 6.0.420:18
jussi01TheFuzzball: not sure... go have a look in vmware and check out the network settigns?20:18
TheFuzzballThanks, I shall do that :)20:19
The_Pikosit's really borring, everytime adept crash i've this pb.... I should write this cmd down somewhere...20:19
The_Pikosthanks for your help!20:19
jussi01no probs :)20:19
The_Pikoshum i still have a pb with adept this msg during the update...20:23
The_PikosThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.20:23
=== Timmy is now known as TimS
Farghis there anyway to display HTML pages that require MS silverlight ?20:32
bucketheadFargh: Its called 'moonlight' .. i'm not sure if its out yet.20:35
Farghok, i'll check20:36
bucketheadFargh: Check on go-mono.com/moonlight. Kind of makes me laugh when it says that 'no video or mp3 playback is enabled.' Not really sure what the point is..20:42
Farghmoonlight firefox addin works nice20:43
bucketheadGood to hear.20:46
Farghmaybe I was too quick with the judgemenet that it works :)20:48
Farghanyways .. its unstable20:48
hdevalenceIs there a way to install skype on 64bit kubuntu?20:48
hdevalenceI went and got a .deb from their website but it doesn't want to install since it is for i386 and I have amd6420:50
PhilRodhdevalence: do the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype work for you?20:51
hdevalencePhilRod: haven't tried. Guess I should have searched the wiki first :)20:53
=== uman is now known as kenden
PhilRodhdevalence: yup :-)20:53
hdevalencePhilRod: seems to work, thanks!20:56
arrrghhhman this room is hoppin21:46
ubuntu_hii !21:54
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!21:55
arrrghhh!hi ubuntu_21:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi ubuntu_21:55
arrrghhhbut you do!21:55
ubuntu_i try msn !21:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn21:55
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete21:55
arrrghhhi win :D21:55
arrrghhhnot sure what i won yet21:56
ubuntu_i  try kubuntu21:56
arrrghhhprobably the privilege of helping this foreigner.  speake english!21:56
arrrghhhor go to a non-english speaking room21:56
arrrghhhubuntu_, there are rooms for help in your native language21:56
engineerhe's from australia21:57
ubuntu_i'm fench !21:57
ubuntu_me i'm fench !21:57
arrrghhh!fr | ubuntu_21:57
ubottuubuntu_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:57
engineer(21:56:59) —› Looking up (favro)'s country...21:58
engineer(21:57:00) —› Country lookup for ( finished successfully: (Australia)21:58
engineerwrong guy21:58
=== Tizz is now known as Tizz__
=== j3ster is now known as TimboUK
=== Administrator_ is now known as arrrghhh
Whiz2anyone alive in here?22:13
sverii am22:14
sveriat least a bit22:14
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Doates
DoatesIs there any way of running ventrilo on kubuntu without using a windows partition22:18
=== Hydrogen_ is now known as Kidrogeno
arrrghhhnot sure what ventrilo is, but have you tried virtualbox?22:19
DoatesI haven't tried anything yet >.>22:19
DoatesAre you familiar with teamspeak or Skype?22:20
favroDoates: if it is a window app you could use wine22:20
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.22:20
arrrghhhyea wine's pretty good22:20
DoatesYeaah I've used wine for a few things22:21
arrrghhhcertainly not the end-all22:21
DoatesThe thing with Ventrilo and Wine that I could encounter difficulty with is22:21
tonakhello, when i create a file it is automaticaly set to -rw-r--r--, how to change this behavior? i want it to be -rw-rw-r-- automaticaly. (every user of the group should have the right to change the files) how to automate this?22:21
arrrghhhbut for reverse engineering windows libraries, it's pretty impressive22:21
DoatesIt is a program to use a mic, and uses press to talk keys22:22
arrrghhhDoates, try virtualbox.  you run a windows environment inside of linux (OS virtualization)22:22
=== Kidrogeno is now known as Wasserstoff
DoatesSo how does virtual box work22:23
tonakno one a guess?22:23
=== Wasserstoff is now known as Wasskerstoff
DoatesAhh nvm I understand it22:23
arrrghhhlol ok22:24
arrrghhhtonak, it really depends on how you're creating files, what you're doing it for etc22:24
sandro_c'è nessuno22:24
arrrghhh!es | sandro_22:24
ubottusandro_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:24
arrrghhhlol i think that's spanish22:24
tonakthe files will be created in gimp, scribus, screem, abiword22:25
DoatesOkay arrrghhh thank you for the help I will be departing now and will try virtual box!22:25
sveriit's crazy, after some tweaks alpha4 runs smooth like hardy22:25
tonakthe files are on a nfs share and will be modified and created from different users on different computers22:27
=== Wasskerstoff is now known as Hydrogen
tonakand a few more programms, blender for example, everything gui programms22:28
Whiz2can I safely remove pkgs like gconf from my KDE system?22:29
tonakthe goal is, that all users of the group should be able to work an the files22:29
Whiz2if it helps to know, gconf is gnome configurations database stuff22:31
tonakarrrghhh still there? how to do it?22:32
=== BlinkyToon is now known as Don_Miguel
WalzmynI just tried to plug in a second monitor to my laptop - the end result was having the primary monitor set it's resolution to 640 X 480 - I need help22:51
arrrghhhWalzmyn, do you have acclerated drivers installed>22:53
Walzmynyou mean the nvidia propritary driver? Yes22:53
WalzmynDamn this is annoying - everything is huge.22:58
WalzmynI just want to get my res back to something useable22:58
Walzmynargg! Why can't cannon pay for some servers that aren't slower than bloody chirstmas?23:01
ahmoshi, does anyone know a program for formatting and resizing deleting hard disks partitions?23:09
sourcemakerare there known problems with konqueror as browser... it's very unstable... :-)23:10
sourcemakerusing kde423:10
=== jacques is now known as Guest42584
sourcemaker are there known problems with konqueror as browser... on kde4... it is very unstable and crashing very often (slow internet connection and loading more then 2 page the same time)23:16
Walzmynok, kubuntu did such a good job of auto-detecting my hardware when i origionaly installed it. How's the best way to get a second monitor hooked up?23:18
contrast83Greets, everyone...23:32
contrast83I'm trying to walk my friend through getting a wireless PCMIA card working, hoping someone can help me out?23:33
contrast83I'm trying to walk my friend through getting a wireless PCMCIA card working, hoping someone can help me out?23:44
Hazacontrast83: I can't help you but i can advice you. Best bet is to ask a question and somebody might be able to help you mate23:46
contrast83Haza: Thanks. I'm actually not in touch with her right now; I told her to give me a call when she gets her desktop online. For now, I'm just hoping someone can tell me one thing...23:48
Hazacontrast83: I would just ask away then mate23:49
* Haza is still a noob to linux but not to IRC :)23:49
contrast83Haza: After she plugged in the card, dmesg reports that it's unable to supply power to the PCMCIA slot.23:50
contrast83Would it just be saying that because the card isn't configured yet/driver's not installed, or could it mean the PCMCIA slot is faulty' (It's an old laptop that she got from a friend)?23:51
contrast83BB in some minutes, any help is appreciated.23:53

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