
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
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=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
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RinchenWelcome to this week's Launchpad development meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating Launchpad development.19:00
* Rinchen pokes MootBot 19:00
Rinchenmootbot is dead19:00
mrevelllong live mootbot19:00
RinchenWell, Welcome to this week's Launchpad development meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating Launchpad development.19:00
sinzuior MootBot is very drunk again19:00
Rinchen[TOPIC] Roll Call19:01
RinchenNot on the Launchpad Dev team? Welcome! Come "me" with the rest of us!19:01
gmbme (what timing!)19:01
flacostebarry is missing this meeting19:01
Rinchenas will abently19:01
Ursinhawhere is matsubara?19:01
BjornTbugs team is here19:02
bigjoolssoyuz here19:02
Rinchenrockstar, ping19:02
flacostebac, leonardr: ping19:02
RinchenReleases is missing Diogo.. we're trying to find him19:02
rockstarFound him!19:03
Rinchenok Releases is here19:03
matsubaraI was grabbing something to eat19:03
Rinchendanilos, here?19:03
Rinchenjtv, here?19:03
jtvRinchen: yes, just got in19:03
Rinchenok, we'll go ahead then since we'll mostly here19:04
kikoI'm here, I'm here!19:04
Rinchen[TOPIC] Agenda19:04
Rinchen * Next meeting19:04
Rinchen * Actions from last meeting19:04
Rinchen * Oops report & Critical Bugs (matsubara/ursinha)19:04
Rinchen * Operations report (mthaddon/herb/spm)19:04
Rinchen * DBA report (stub)19:04
Rinchen * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)19:04
Rinchen * New packages required (salgado19:04
Rinchen * Next meeting19:04
RinchenNext meeting19:04
Rinchenkiko, will we have a mtg next week?19:05
mrevellRinchen: I'm away next Thursday.19:05
kikoI think we should if there's somebody that would like to run it19:05
mthaddonherb will be away next Thursday19:05
gmbSo will I.19:05
RinchenThe team leads will be sprinting19:05
sinzuiI may not be here next week19:05
rockstarMaybe it would be better to ask who will be here?19:06
flacosteRinchen: Foundations is complete (apart barry which is excused)19:06
RinchenI propose skipping next week and starting on the 4th19:06
Ursinharockstar, +1 :)19:06
kikoUrsinha, matsubara: why don't you guys run the meeting?19:06
mwhudson(i am unlikely to be here but then you don't expect me anyway)19:06
UrsinhaUrsinha, i can try that, matsubara, what do you think?19:06
matsubarakiko, you mean next week's meeting or all meetings from now on?19:06
mthaddonmatsubara, well volunteered!19:06
Ursinhatalking to myself is not good19:06
kikonext week? :)19:07
matsubarakiko, sure thing19:07
Rinchenok, then, thanks.19:07
Rinchenwe will have a meeting next with with several apologies19:08
RinchenActions from last meeting19:08
RinchenWe had two19:08
Rinchen  * mwhudson to get with mthaddon to see if we can super-charge gdb to give us better diagnostic info on the staging19:08
Rinchen  * Joey to review RT ticket Priorities in RT to ensure they are accurate.19:08
mwhudsonso we set some stuff up, but didn't collect any data aiui19:08
mthaddonI think the first one ended up being herb, but I know there was some work done on that19:08
RinchenI did a once through on the RTs so they are in order as far as I can see for those who gave priorities. I did do some cleanup19:09
mwhudson(because now we're looking at it staging so closely it's resolutely refusing to crash)19:09
kikoherb_, mwhudson: really? I am a bit surprised because I think linkchecker didn't finish running and I thought that was the cause19:09
mthaddonstaging has crashed numerous times over the past week19:09
mthaddonalthough to be fair, the last time seems to have been on the 18th19:10
mwhudsonmthaddon: oh, did my gdb voodoo work then?19:10
mthaddonmwhudson, not sure - as I say, it's herb that's been working on this19:10
mwhudsonbecause the last time i got spm to look, my stuff had gone walkabout and it was the SIGPIPE thing again19:10
mwhudson(which might have been on the 18th, indeed)19:11
kikomthaddon, herb_: we /really/ need to be able to run staging interactively.19:12
mthaddonkiko, we've had this discussion before - I'm still getting you an answer on that one19:12
kikomthaddon, not me as in we. we as in OSAs :)19:12
Rinchenmthaddon, herb_, spm - can you please maintain vigilance on staging and when gdb kicks in to contact one of the LP devs?19:13
mthaddonoh okay :)19:13
kikomthaddon, or is that the same problem?19:13
mthaddonno, I don't think that's the same problem19:13
kikoI mean, I consider myself an OSA. just a particurly underprivileged one. :)19:13
mthaddonI'll check with herb about the gdb issue when he's back19:13
kikomthaddon, sanks19:14
Rinchenok, so we'll keep this action item open but replace mwhudson with "LP devs"19:14
kikoRinchen, meaning nobody's responsible?19:14
Rinchenkiko, meaning the OSAs are responsible19:14
kikoI want somebody to own this problem and to actually want to fix it19:14
Rinchenand to find whomever they can when it happens19:15
Rinchenregardless of the hour19:15
kikois that the right direction for this vector, mthaddon?19:15
Rinchenthanks... moving on then...19:16
Rinchen * Oops report & Critical Bugs (matsubara/ursinha)19:16
Ursinhatwo new bugs, one question for thumper19:16
Ursinhafor translations, bug 259433, who can take a look at it, jtv or danilos? A candidate to RC, i think19:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259433 in rosetta "Oops error when translating one string to Serbian" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25943319:16
thumperUrsinha: shoot19:16
Ursinhathumper, about that two items in the test plan that were hanging (stacked branches, i guess), what was the solution to them in the end?19:17
jtvUrsinha: I'll have a look, thanks19:17
matsubarathat one is quite weird, I initially thought was a hacked url, but it OOPSes even with no parameters19:17
Ursinhajtv, thanks19:17
thumperUrsinha: it's bad, very bad19:17
=== herb_ is now known as herb
* thumper is unhappy about the first bad item19:18
Ursinhathumper, go ahead :)19:18
thumperUrsinha: bad as in broken, not working, fubared19:18
Ursinhaholy cow19:18
matsubarathumper, hmm did you disabled the feature for now?19:18
mwhudsonno, that was something else19:18
thumperas much as we can, yes19:18
mwhudsonno stacking will happen by default, which limits the carnage19:19
matsubarathumper, mwhudson: cool. can we expect a fix ready for the second rollout?19:19
Ursinhathumper, too bad that it will take forever to fix?19:19
mwhudsonmatsubara: when is the second rollout?19:20
thumperI'm not sure that we know exactly what the problem is yet19:20
kikomwhudson, when would you like it?19:20
matsubarawhen kiko/joey says so19:20
mwhudsonmatsubara: but i guess the answer is going to be "maybe", the problems aren't well understood yet :/19:20
mwhudson(too many moving parts)19:20
matsubaraall right. keep us posted on that one. I'll add that to the CurrentRolloutBlockers page19:21
Ursinhaso we can't really expect them as items to be RC19:21
Ursinhathanks matsubara19:21
kikothat sucks19:21
Ursinhaok, moving on19:21
mwhudsoni guess it's what we'll be working on today19:21
mwhudsonkiko: yep19:21
kikomwhudson, can I help somehow?19:22
mwhudsonkiko: if we can think of a way, we'll let you know, but i guess it's a me, thumper, spm job mostly19:22
kikomwhudson, okay, I'm your man if you need some effort and energy to hack away with it19:23
Ursinhamay i move on?19:23
matsubarago ahead19:23
Ursinhafor foundations, i guess, bug 260140 - an annoying timeout. Who can take that?19:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260140 in launchpad-bazaar "revisions' rss feed timing out for some projects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26014019:24
matsubarabac or EdwinGrubbs ^?19:24
flacosteUrsinha: that's for thumper's team, i reassigned19:24
thumperthat is probably me19:24
* mwhudson points at thumper 19:24
Ursinhaflacoste, thanks19:24
flacoste'retargeted' is the proper term, thumper will assign19:24
thumperalthough it is purely DB query optimisation19:24
Ursinhathumper, i thought so19:25
Ursinhais that hard to fix?19:25
thumperso stub is probably most able to understand it19:25
Ursinhathumper, i'll assign him the bug19:25
kikothumper, maybe somebody on your team could have a call with him later today?19:25
Ursinhaand then you could talk to him about it19:26
thumperkiko: sure, I'll try to get hold of him later19:26
Ursinhaok, fine19:26
Ursinhai'm done here19:26
matsubarafor the critical bugs session19:26
Ursinhathanks guys19:26
kikothanks Ursinha19:26
flacostekiko, thumper: after this meeting is usually not the best time to speak to stub, it's pretty late for him19:27
matsubarawe have 5 critical bugs, all of them Fix Committed.19:27
Ursinhamatsubara, the same last week19:27
matsubaraso, good job guys!19:27
Rinchenthanks Ursinha and matsubara19:27
matsubarathat's all from me. thanks19:27
kikoflacoste, I meant tomorrow morning?19:27
flacostekiko: right, that's better19:27
Rinchen * Operations report (mthaddon/herb/spm)19:27
mthaddon2.1.8 rollout:19:28
mthaddon• default LPCONFIG has mailman build - now fixed by explicitly calling LPCONFIG for all make builds19:28
mthaddon• vostok connecting to internal xmlrpc server - temp fix in place, will be figuring out infrastructure issues later19:28
mthaddonContinuing issues with app servers dying and leaving a stale pidfile(average 2-3 per day) - gdb testing on staging since 19th, hasn't yet crashed since then19:28
mthaddonCodebrowse has needed a few restarts over the past week19:28
mthaddonCodehosting needed a restart too (31 lp-serve processes of 32MB each, some up to 19 days old)19:28
mthaddonRollout time should be 22:00 UTC, not 00:00 UTC, right? If so, the blog will need updating19:28
mthaddonThat's it from herb, spm and me unless there are any questions19:28
thumperflacoste: I'll talk when I see him turn up later19:28
mwhudsonmthaddon: any movement on the internal xml-rpc thing yet?19:28
Rinchenmthaddon, do we have logs for the codehosting restart?19:28
mthaddonmwhudson, not yet - will be following up post-meeting19:28
mwhudsonmthaddon: ok19:29
mthaddonRinchen, same as usual logs, yeah19:29
RinchenDo we have a bug for it?  That seems rather...unusual.19:29
Rinchen(the event)19:29
mthaddonRinchen, no bug as yet - can create one19:29
Rinchenmthaddon, please and pass it to Ursinha, matsubara, and thumper  for investigation19:30
mthaddonwill do19:30
Rinchenthank you sir19:30
mthaddonRinchen, can you confirm on the rollout time question as well?19:30
Rinchenkiko, 2nd code update tomorrow at 22?19:31
mthaddonRinchen, I was meaning for future rollouts (2.1.9, etc.)19:31
Rinchenthat won't work will it19:31
kikoRinchen, or tonight?19:31
Rinchenyeah, should be tonight19:31
Rinchenmthaddon, yeah, let's set them for 22:00 and we'll try to be aggressive for getting PQM's last job on by 20:0019:32
Rinchenmrevell, ^^19:32
mrevellnoted, thanks Rinchen19:32
mthaddonRinchen, that'd be great19:32
Rinchen22:00 seems to be working better for us than 00:00 ....  just seems to go smoother with less stress19:32
Rinchenand I get to go home before 9pm :-)19:32
mthaddonRinchen, absolutely - esp if we need SA help19:32
mrevellmthaddon: Still want to allow a two hour window in announcements?19:32
mthaddonmrevell, I think it's best to leave it as that - gives us padding - maybe "up to 2 hours"?19:33
Rinchen+1 on "up to 2 hours"19:33
mrevellmthaddon: Yes, makes sense. Great, thanks.19:33
RinchenAnything else for the LOSAs?19:33
Rinchen * DBA report (stub)19:33
stubNothing thrilling happening I can think of.19:33
Rinchenyay! you're still awake19:34
stubNot for long...19:34
RinchenI don't have anything for stub today.  Does anyone else?19:34
UrsinhaRinchen, only the bug we've just talked about19:35
Ursinhaassigned to him already19:35
RinchenAnd that'll be taken care of after stub rises from the dead tomorrow19:35
Rinchenok, thanks stub.  nighty night19:35
Rinchen * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)19:35
RinchenIs anyone blocked on an RT or have any that are becoming urgent?19:35
RinchenI've made some progress with IS this week19:35
Rinchenon some higher priority tickets19:36
RinchenThe two tickets I'm currently still tracking are19:36
allenapI can't merge until RT 31486 is in, but it's not urgent.19:36
Rinchen#31131 AutoReply: Jackass needs to access the Launchpad restricted librarian19:36
Rinchen#31296: convert staging code import machine for production use, set up VMs on remaining staging box19:36
Rinchenok allenap, I'll have a look at that and set a priority and date for it19:37
Rinchenanyone else?19:37
mwhudsonRinchen: the codeimport one is partially in my court at the moment19:37
allenapRinchen: Thanks :)19:37
Rinchenk, I'll keep it on my radar mwhudson19:38
mwhudson(we need to make some code changes to reduce disk space usage)19:38
Rinchenok, thanks19:38
Rinchen * New packages required (salgado)19:38
salgadoanything for me?19:38
Rinchensalgado, Jamesh's request?19:39
salgadocopying psycopg2 to lpdebs?19:39
salgado(already did that one)19:39
salgadois there another?19:39
Rinchenno but I needed that one to remove deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jamesh/ubuntu hardy main from the newlaunchpadder start up list19:40
RinchenI'll go remove that and email everyone to remove that from apt19:40
Rinchenthanks salgado19:40
Rinchenand with that, I come to the end of the agenda!19:41
RinchenAnything anyone wants to add before I close?19:41
Rinchenok then!19:41
RinchenThank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Developer Meeting. See the channel topic for the location of the logs.19:41
Rinchenexcept there won't be any logs for today from mootbot :-(19:42
mwhudsonthanks Rinchen19:42
mrevellthanks rinchen, everyone19:42
* Ursinha waves goodbye19:43
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