
* Hobbsee curses launchpad00:03
Hobbseeno really, when my package has finished making the change, i really don't give a damn about whether otherp ackages have...00:04
Hobbseewhat's the package i want to send it to, to stop giving me excess bugmail again?00:04
rockstarHobbsee, I'm not quite sure what you're asking00:07
Hobbseerockstar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-restricted-extras/+bug/203636/ - i get mail for u-r-e, which is marked as fix released, but i'm still getting mail for all the other changes on that bug00:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203636 in sun-javadb "replace icedtea-java7 references with openjdk-6 references" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:08
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
rockstarHobbsee, I see your name in the also notified.  Modify your subscription.00:09
Hobbseerockstar: how?00:11
rockstarHobbsee, there's an "Edit your subscription" action00:13
Hobbseerockstar: where?00:14
Hobbseerockstar: page find isn't finding it.00:14
Hobbseeand while i normally can't find things i want on launchpad in the past few months, i still expect page find to find it, if it's there.00:15
rockstarOh, it's Unsubscribe on that page.00:15
Hobbseeoh dear.  u-u-s has been specifically subscribed to that bug.  that'll make people happy...00:15
rockstarSorry, the code team named it "Edit your subscription"00:16
Hobbseei don't have an unsubscrib link.  i'm subscribed to the bugs for that package.00:16
rockstarHobbsee, I'd recommend tuning your procmail setup00:18
kikoHobbsee, visit the package page and edit your subscription there00:18
Hobbseerockstar: to /dev/null all launchpad bugs?  tempting.00:18
kikoso if you're looking at a bug in gdm00:18
rockstarHobbsee, :)00:18
kikoclick on overview00:18
kikoand then change the package contact00:18
Hobbseekiko: i want the mail from all the other bugs for that package.  just not ones that i've already fixed in that package, and don't care about the other packages for.00:19
Hobbseerockstar: i've often pondered that, as I get shedloads of bugmail.  usually, it's stuff that i actually care about, but there are implicit mails from stuff that i'm not, someitmes.00:20
kikoHobbsee, oh.. I see, you're talking about those multiple-task bugs00:20
rockstarYea, I understand that.  I've spent a few hours sorting out my mail filters.00:21
rockstarkiko, maybe a bug status mail header is in order?00:21
Hobbseerockstar: actually, i split up all my way as well.  but launchpad doesn't seem to have a "i care about this" header, and an "i don't care about this" header.00:21
Hobbseerockstar: now there's an idea...that actually exists.00:21
rockstarHobbsee, but we do have some pretty good headers for sorting mail.00:22
Hobbseerockstar: indeed.00:22
kikorockstar, there already is a header. she can already do that. :)00:22
rockstarkiko, I'm on the code team, remember?  :)00:22
Hobbseethat may actually be the answer to implicit subscriptions...or at least, a workaround.00:22
kikorockstar, yeah, I'm not being sheepish00:23
kikowhat Hobbsee would like even better, though, to which I'm sympathetic, is being able to unsubscribe to implicitly subscribed bugs.00:23
rockstarkiko, I think that there is that functionality in code.  The basic idea is that you subscribe and say "Don't send me any mail"00:23
HobbseeX-Launchpad-Bug: distribution=ubuntu; sourcepackage=ubuntu-restricted-extras;00:24
Hobbsee        component=multiverse; status=Fix Released; importance=Undecided;00:24
Hobbsee        assignee=None;00:24
Hobbseethat would work....00:24
Hobbseeand just hard-code it for any other packages as relevant.00:24
rockstarHobbsee, sounds like you probably don't care to hear about any bugs after Fix Committed, right?00:25
Hobbseerockstar: depends.  if they're legitimate bugs in my package, then yes.00:26
Hobbseerockstar: if the stuff is about *other* packages, then no.00:26
rockstarI see.00:26
Hobbseei don't care to hear about any bugs after marking them invalid or won't fix, usually00:26
Hobbseeunless someone reopens it00:26
Hobbsee(ie, people get the wrong package, i get mail, it's not my fault, i mark as invalid, but still get mail)00:27
* rockstar ponders writing a blog post about Launchpad headers00:27
Hobbseemethinks header :contains "X-Launchpad-Bug" "sourcepackage=ubuntu-restricted-extras: *status=Fix Released" might do it.00:27
Hobbseerockstar: kiko, thanks.00:29
rockstarHobbsee, yea, no problem00:30
NCommanderHey Hobbsee00:34
Hobbseehey NCommander!00:34
NCommanderhow goes it Hobbsee00:35
Hobbseeok.  filtering email00:36
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is going down from 00:00 UTC until 02:00 UTC for a code update.| https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
RichWWhen will the mailing list for https://launchpad.net/~pygamedb be approved?00:50
RichWits taking a while...00:50
RichWis there a big backlog?00:50
kikoRichW, when was it requested?00:53
kikobarry, ^^00:53
RichWI dont remember.00:54
RichWfew days ago00:54
RichWis there a lack of staff to approve them?00:55
kikoRichW, it's a bit unusual as this is quite a good process01:02
* kiko looks at barry 01:04
RichWoh goodness, we in process of project renaming, seems that causes some problems.01:06
RichWsince have a mailing list now.01:07
RichWil try deactivate and see if it allows me.01:07
RichWim not so sure you can truly change the name of a team or project in launchpad01:09
RichWthe url stays the same01:09
kikoRichW, you can for both.01:09
kikoRichW, you can't change the name of the team if it has a mailing list yet01:10
RichWit takes time for the url to change?01:10
RichWif i rename a project01:10
kikoRichW, no, just request it via answer.launchpad.net/launchpad01:11
RichWAh, thanks.01:12
kikoit's super-fast01:12
RichWIl just rename what i can right now.01:12
RichWand then file the request.01:12
kikosure thingo01:20
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
javaJakeI hate to be a bugger and a n00b. :/02:19
javaJakeAt the same time02:19
javaJakeAnyway, my public key is getting rejected all of a sudden02:20
javaJakeI just checked, and the online version matches the one I have on file.02:20
javaJakeAny ideas? :/02:21
marsjavaJake, it could be for the site upgrade we are running right now.02:22
javaJakemars: haha, no kidding :P02:22
javaJakeI thought they ran at midnight...02:22
* javaJake does some UTC conversion in his head02:23
javaJakeAh, yep02:23
marsit's 01:23 UTC atm02:23
javaJakeThat'd make sense02:23
javaJakeYea, yea02:23
javaJakeRats, well, I'll just commit --local for now then02:23
* javaJake loves bazaar for that...02:23
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
spmFYI ALL: rollout complete02:39
jkakarI'm getting weird errors when trying to bzr pull or bzr update lp: branches: Permission denied (publickey).02:42
jkakarbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)02:42
jkakarWhich I guess shouldn't be happening now that the rollout is complete?02:43
jmljkakar: no, it shouldn't.02:44
* jml can't log in either.02:45
* jml chases up02:45
mwhudsonuh oh02:49
Hobbseeoh dear02:53
jkakarStill happening here...02:54
jmlit's being fixed right now.02:54
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Login to bazaar.launchpad.net temporarily down. Fix in progress.
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
lifelessquestion 4274003:18
jmllifeless: yes?03:19
jmllifeless: what about it?03:19
lifelessjust letting you know its there :P03:19
jmllifeless: I'm all over it like a tonne of bricks.03:20
RAOFHm.  I presume the rollout didn't include a downgrade to bzr < 1.2?03:24
jmlRAOF: certainly not. why do you ask?03:25
RAOFGetting the message "Server is too old for streaming pull, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to Bazaar 1.2 to avoid this)" when pulling from lp.03:26
mwhudsonwhich client version?03:26
RAOFBazaar (bzr) 1.503:27
RAOFFresh from the Intrepid repositories.03:27
mwhudsonRAOF: doesn't happen for me03:30
mwhudsonRAOF: can you reproduce?03:30
RAOFIt only did it for one of my branches, actually.03:30
mwhudsonwas it in some old format?03:30
RAOFJust checking... it's a pack-0.92 branch in a pack-0.92 repository, so no.03:31
RAOFhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~do-plugins/do-plugins/trunk is the branch that triggered the message.03:32
lifeless1.5 uses a verb 1.6 does not support03:34
mwhudsonah yes, that rings a bell actually03:35
jjessegood evening i was doing a bzr merge of kubuntu-docs and saw a note that said "Server is too old for steaming pull, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to Bazaar 1.2 to avoid this)03:52
Ursinhamwhudson, ^03:54
jmljjesse: which version of bzr are you using?03:55
jjessejml: bzr 1.5 under intrepid03:55
mwhudsonit's a 1.5 vs 1.6 interaction03:56
jjessenothing i need to worry about then?03:56
_steven_are code reviews only for merge proposals?03:58
jmljjesse: nothing you need to worry about.04:01
jml_steven_: basically, yes.04:01
_steven_why can't this be applied to patches submitted in bugs as well?04:02
jjessejml thanks04:02
lifeless_steven_: its not hooked up yet04:29
lifeless_steven_: but that sort of thing is planned yes04:29
lifeless_steven_: you would do it by attaching a branch to the bug today04:30
_steven_lifeless: cool, thanks04:34
days_of_ruin"Unsupported protocol for url"04:52
days_of_ruinwhy do i get that error?04:52
days_of_ruinI can't push code to my launchpad project ;_;04:53
mwhudsondays_of_ruin: known problem, working right now to fix it04:53
days_of_ruinIs there a workaround?04:55
days_of_ruinIs that why launchpad went offline earlier today?04:55
mwhudsonno, the downtime was for an update04:56
mwhudsonthe problem is with the update :/04:56
days_of_ruinSo is is everyone else having the same problem since the update?04:57
days_of_ruinHow soon will it be working again?04:58
mwhudsona few minutes, hopefully04:59
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Still working on some issues with bazaar.launchpad.net.
LaserJockso did the issue not manifest itself on edge?05:14
jmlLaserJock: there is no bazaar.edge.launchpad.net05:17
jmlLaserJock: or at least, there's no ssh server there :)05:17
jmlLaserJock: it didn't manifest itself on staging because the root cause involves network topology.05:18
jmlyou know, we should think about doing edge rollouts for codehosting.05:19
mwhudsonyeah, would be good05:20
jmland possible, I think.05:20
jmlwhich is always a winner :)05:20
LaserJockso right no codehosting changes are just done at each production rollout?05:28
lifelessLaserJock: in general, we don't change any production thing except at rollouts05:31
lifelessLaserJock: cherrypicks and other exceptions do of course occur05:31
LaserJockwell, I mean for Malone, etc. stuff lands on edge first before the rollout, right?05:32
jmlat the moment, there's no edge-equivalent for codehosting.05:34
jmlbut there is a staging server.05:34
jmlLaserJock: changes to the webapp part of code make it to edge, of course.05:35
LaserJockI guess I naively thought it was more all-or-nothing05:37
jmlfitoria: hi05:38
fitoriaI have a LP branch05:39
fitoriathere is a problem05:39
fitoriaUnsupported protocol for url "lp-hosted:///~sfd-reg-team/sfd-reg/main"05:39
fitoriait stoped updating it up to revision 6 I am in revision 9 right now05:39
jmlfitoria: yeah, there's a problem on Launchpad that's causing that.05:39
fitoriajml: any way to solve it?05:39
jmlfitoria: we're working on it right now.05:40
fitoriaI'll wait05:40
jmlfitoria: if you hang around in the channel, we'll let you know when it should be working.05:40
warrenssh: connect to host bazaar.launchpad.net port 22: Connection refused05:41
mwhudsonwarren: we're rolling out new code to fix some problems we've been having05:42
spmwarren: yes - fixing a rollout buglet. should be back RSN05:42
LaserJockI guess on the good side, we know people actually use bazaar.launchpad.net ;-)05:43
jmlLaserJock: trust me, the launchpad-bazaar team is very conscious of that :)05:45
warrenI deny using it05:48
mwhudsonit should be fixed now05:48
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 21 Aug 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
\shshermann@build-emt64:~/workspace$ bzr branch lp:leonov08:06
\shEnter passphrase for key '/home/shermann/.ssh/id_rsa_launchpad':08:06
\shServer is too old for streaming pull, reconnecting.  (Upgrade the server to Bazaar 1.2 to avoid this)08:06
\shEnter passphrase for key '/home/shermann/.ssh/id_rsa_launchpad':08:06
\shusing bzr from hardy ... I never had this before08:10
* RAOF was first! Nyah!08:11
BjornTjml, mwhudson, thumper: ^^^^08:11
\shhah...I wasn't the first one ,-)08:11
mwhudsonit's a bzr buglet08:11
mwhudsonnothing too serious, fortunately08:11
\sha wth what?08:11
\shbzr buglet?08:11
\shbzr help buglet -> no help could be found for 'buglet' please use "bzr help topics" ;)08:12
\sh!bablefish buglet08:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:12
RAOF\sh: A little bug.08:13
RAOFbug+let, the same construction for app+let, pig+let, etc :)08:13
\shRAOF: well...08:14
sadlederhi all, i have a question regarding launchpad-cscvs and a failing code import08:56
sadlederthe branch  in question is https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/mpich/trunk and it will soon fail importing the third time in a row08:57
jml\sh: it's a known issue with bazaar 1.5 and bazaar 1.6 interaction08:59
\shjml: well, I think I use a backport of latest bzr then ;)09:01
jml\sh: I use the version in the ~bzr ppa09:01
jml(when I'm not using bzr.dev — three cheers for vcs hacking)09:02
sadlederi think that branch will need manual intervention09:03
thumpersadleder: I've marked it failing09:09
sadlederthumper: will those marked branches be processed?09:10
thumpersadleder: no, the failure it is getting I think is a bug in cscvs, or at least requires some investigation09:10
thumpersadleder: they won't spontaneously start working09:11
sadledersadleder: sorry, i meant if someone will be looking over those09:11
thumpersadleder: we have someone looking at cscvs code at the moment09:12
thumpersadleder: I'll make sure we look at this too09:13
sadlederthumper: thank you09:13
mwhudsonmy guess on looking at that import was that it might have been related to keywords09:19
mwhudsonhm, no it's deeper than that09:23
mwhudsonit looks like the importer is missing some changes09:24
mwhudsonit might be this bug: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-cscvs/+bug/12156909:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 121569 in launchpad-cscvs "svn import sometimes thinks that changes on trunk aren't on its branch" [Medium,Confirmed]09:24
sadledermwhudson: should i mark that bug "also affects" mpich?09:32
sadledermwhudson: or just add a link to that branch?09:32
mwhudsonsadleder: add a link, perhaps09:32
mwhudsoni don't think anyone has put much effort into understanding that bug yet09:32
wgrantOr add a link using the much-wanted 'blocked by' feature.09:33
mwhudsonnow that it affects an import that someone clearly cares about is affected by it, we have a bit more motivation09:33
sadledermwhudson: ;-) yes, i do care09:45
persiabigjools: About /+related-software : I see the batching, but I don't see the reduced filtering.  Is that in the pipeline somewhere?09:49
bigjoolspersia: can you file appropriate bugs for anything you need please09:49
persiabigjools: It's still bug #249772.  I thought it was to be closed with the last release, but on checking the bug status, I see I was mistaken.09:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249772 in soyuz "$PERSON/+packages is incredibly misleading (dup-of: 125987)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24977209:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125987 in soyuz "Some uploads missing from +packages" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12598709:51
persiaWIll it be next month?09:51
wgrantIt seems to have regressed from that which was on dogfood.09:53
bigjoolspersia: ok I will un-dupe that bug, it's a different thing.  The dogfood change was just an experiment, it would take a while to do the fix "properly" but I'll schedule that change09:54
persiabigjools: Umm, bug #125987 is still present also.09:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125987 in soyuz "Some uploads missing from +packages" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12598709:56
wgrantWhat changes have been made to RF?09:56
bigjoolspersia: that bug is a mess, I want to close it and open new ones09:56
persiabigjools: OK.  Please do so and subscribe me to them.09:57
bigjoolswgrant: we've added new batched pages09:57
persiawgrant: Batching and per-class navigation is now in production.09:57
bigjoolspersia: 249772 is the only thing I am aware of that needs doing09:57
wgrantI was expecting links under each section.09:58
bigjoolswgrant: did you see the dogfood mockup last weke?09:58
persiabigjools: What about 125987?09:58
wgrantBut I didn't complain before, so I can't complain.09:58
bigjoolspersia: 125987 is getting closed out today09:59
persiabigjools: On edge?  Oh, excellent.  Thanks.  For me, that just leaves 249772 then.09:59
bigjoolspersia: well it's released09:59
persiaWhich is mostly just the filtering we discussed on dogfood.09:59
bigjoolsright, I hope so :)09:59
persiabigjools: It's not released on LP for ~persia today.  I uploaded ubuntustudio-meta to intrepid last week, and it doesn't appear.10:00
bigjoolshmm odd10:01
persiabigjools: Mind you, I'm looking at lpprod: if it's already on edge, I'm happy to wait another month.10:03
bigjoolspersia: it's not on edge - I don't know why that package is not showing10:03
bigjoolspersia: ah I see why it's not showing, someone else uploaded a newer version10:06
persiabigjools: OK.  Let's call 125987 still open then.  If you can push a patch without waiting for a release, I'll be excited, but I understand if you can't.10:06
persiaYes, but 125987 is specifically about still showing those.10:07
bigjoolsI can get something on edge10:07
bigjoolspersia: yeah, I see the problem now, it's basically still the "only showing published versions" thing10:07
hyperairare apt: urls linkified by launchpad?10:07
persiabigjools: Precisely.10:08
bigjoolspersia: ok, will try and fix that today10:08
persiabigjools: Thanks.  Also, bug #43020 looks solidly closed.  Thank you.10:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 43020 in soyuz "Person +packages page should be batched (dup-of: 125987)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4302010:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 125987 in soyuz "Some uploads missing from +packages" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12598710:08
persia(well, except that it's not a dup :) )10:08
bigjoolsyeah :)10:09
bigjoolspersia, wgrant: right, sorry for the confusion, I re-organised the bug dupes10:13
persiabigjools: Thank you.  I think that those are all the bugs about that section, and that we can safely say 125987 is about published versions and 249772 is about published SPRs.10:14
persiaI've no idea if they have the same fix or slightly different fixes: I'll defer to your better knowledge of the code as to whether they are dupes.10:15
bigjoolsthey are the same fix :)10:15
persiaAh, that makes it easy then :)10:15
bigjoolsin theory!10:16
persiaWell, at least from a bug tracking perspective.  Code is entirely different :)10:16
bigjoolspersia: I was thinking that it might be useful for us to schedule some time at UDS to discuss your Soyuz requirements?10:18
persiabigjools: Sure.  I'd like to also invite dholbach, soren, geser, nixternal, mdz, keybuk, and sabdfl to that session, although I'm not sure if they would all attend.10:19
wgrantHm, should I really be shown in both 'Subscribers' and 'From Duplicates'?10:19
persiaI suspect wgrant and ScottK would also be interested, although they don't have the same reasons for needing the page to work.10:19
wgrantI suspect that nobody would be interested in having me there - all I do is complain and make a pest of myself.10:20
persiawgrant: I'd be interested, as I find your attention to the details of my requirements very helpful in expressing them properly :)10:20
geserwgrant: constructive complains?10:20
bigjoolswgrant: as long as it's constructive complaining10:20
geserwgrant: and it's better if you start complaining during the design phase and not after it got deployed10:22
wgrantThat is true.10:23
wgrantBut we normally don't get to see things until it's too late.10:23
persiaRIght, which is why you'd be good as part of the UDS session, to help define the set of requirements and use cases that drives the design changes.10:24
wgrantI find the fix for bug #240976 to be a bit odd.10:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240976 in soyuz "DistributionSourcePackage 'version history' section renders wrong deletion timestamp" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24097610:32
wgrantAnd incomplete.10:32
wgrantI now can't see on what date a SPR was initially published, and the 'Obsolete' timestamps still seem to be datepublished.10:33
bigjoolswgrant: yes, that history section is borked, we're doing more fixes in 2.1.9 (bug 251478)10:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251478 in soyuz "Date superseded is wrong on the distribution source package history page" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25147810:36
geserdoes LP still cut off the reason, why a package got removed after a few words?10:37
wgrantI hope the rest of the page will be looked over while fixing that.10:37
wgrantgeser: It did last month.10:37
bigjoolswgrant: what do you mean?10:37
wgrantbigjools: There are other issues with showing the dates than just that affecting the date it was superseded.10:38
wgrantgeser: It's particularly annoying when the comment is 'superseded by somelongpackagename', it's cut off to 'superseded by somelong...' and the package named 'somelong' exists but is something completely different.10:39
bigjoolswgrant: can you comment on that bug then please and I'll see it gets looked at10:39
wgrantbigjools: Doing so, thanks.10:39
bigjoolsthank you10:39
wgrantDoes obsolescence come under 'date superseded'?10:40
wgrantI shall mention it explicitly, then.10:41
wgrantI'm very confused.10:46
wgrantWhat's happening with 1:0.61-1ubuntu1 on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sixpack?10:46
wgrantIt seems to be showing the date removed. Not the date superseded like it should, nor the date published like your bug says it does.10:47
bigjoolsyeah I think the bug is just scratching the surface10:48
bigjoolswe reviewed the code for that page and it's rather naive so will be overhauled10:48
wgrantGood to hear.10:49
wgrantAt least we can see everything on +publishinghistory now.10:49
wgrantApart from the deletion comment.10:49
bigjoolsis there a bug for that?10:49
wgrantWhich should very probably be on the +index as well.10:49
wgrantI was just looking.10:49
wgrantHere's a great example of why that is bad:10:53
wgrant22:17 < wgrant> `#  Deleted  on 2008-05-09  by Martin Pitt  (renamed to gadmin...) '10:53
wgrant22:23 < geser> it got renamed to gadmin-proftpd (the comment got cut off :( )10:53
wgrantIt truncated in the perfect place.10:53
bigjoolswgrant: can you add an example URL to that bug please11:29
wgrantbigjools: Sure.11:30
wgrantbigjools: Done.11:33
bigjoolswgrant: perfecto, thanks11:34
wgrantI've just filed another bug which involves both the deletion comment and the publishing history with the misleading dates.11:38
sadledernow that there are buzilla-launchpad and trac-launchpad, is something like debbugs-launchpad already started?11:42
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Reading
bigjoolspersia: when we show old packages in +related-software, you want to see old PPA packages too?11:54
persiabigjools: Personally, I don't care about PPA packages in the least bit.11:55
persiaOn the other hand, in the interest of inclusiveness, it might make those who do look at their PPA uploads happy11:55
bigjoolswell it's consistent at least11:55
wgrantbigjools: I don't care.11:57
wgrantI'm not sure whether it's better to be consistent or more useful.11:57
wgrantAs old PPA packages aren't particularly useful.11:57
wgrantI guess that if it didn't show old ones, +archive would show just the same information.11:57
bigjoolsmaybe add the publishing state as an extra column11:59
wgrantThat would be good.12:00
ignasYAY! thank you for karma for bzr checkins!12:20
sadlederi registered and imported a project (pvfs) in lp and by mistake disowned it, so i cannot change the details now. can someone add me back?12:21
* geser still waits on karma for uploads12:21
persiaCan we have them for uploads too?12:21
frybyehi - in ubuntu8.04 I did a "Analyse Hardware" and it has apparently sent the results to launchpad - I have opened an account there but don't know where to find this hardware analysis??12:25
wgrantignas: Packages.12:26
wgrantsadleder: Ask a question at the answers URL in the topic.12:26
wgrant... which isn't there any more. Huh.12:26
ignaswgrant: oh, so i would get credited for 140 packages in our PPA?12:28
wgrantignas: I believe that sabdfl said that PPA uploads would count, albeit somewhat less than uploads to the primary archive.12:29
frybyetry again - where at launchpad are these reports that get sent when using "system|system management|examine hardware?? <I am translating from the German lang. menus..>12:31
wgrantfrybye: I found a URL to them a couple of weeks back, but it doesn't seem to be exposed in the UI12:33
wgrant(at the moment)12:33
frybyehmm.. so what is the point of this system in ubuntu if users cant access the results??12:35
wgrantI presume that they'll be available soon.12:35
frybyei c . hmmm... I was hoping to find a clue in there why my eeepc stopped being able to see the sdhc card.. hmmm12:36
BjornTfrybye: you should be able to see it at https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+hwdb-submissions. at the moment we only store the raw data, though.12:41
wgrantbigjools: So we're allowed to mention those URLs?12:41
wgrantEr, BjornT ^^12:42
frybyeok thanks BjornT ..12:42
persiawgrant: They've been published in several open fora12:42
wgrantI wasn't sure that I'd seen them outside a bug or too.12:42
BjornTwgrant: did someone tell you otherwise? i don't see why not. and if there is a reason, it'd be better for us to protect them properly12:43
wgrantBjornT: Well, if something's not linked and hasn't been publicised, one might assume that it wasn't meant to be widely known.12:43
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persiawgrant: It's also been discussed by some of the QA folk who are trying to figure out how to use it better., in IRC, mail, and the wiki.12:50
\shI would like to see them anonymized..and not related to an lp account12:53
persia\sh: They used to be that way (and the old data remains available), but nobody did anything with it.12:59
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
andrea-bsHello! I've just received a mail from the LP PQM with an error (PQMException) and the traceback, but I don't know why. I'm sure that this is a bug, but I don't know where to file it, any ideas?13:53
ignasThis branch may be out of date, as Launchpad was not able to access it 19 minutes ago. (KeyboardInterrupt)13:55
wgrantignas: Hah, nice!13:55
wgrantI've not seen that before.13:55
NCommanderbigjools, good morning14:04
NCommandermorning LarstiQ14:12
ignaswgrant: cool, now it is refusing to import my branch14:15
ignasso I have a branch mirror stuck, because KeyboardInterrupt interrupted the process in some place14:15
kiko-zzzignas, keyboardinterrupt means something timed out14:15
ignaswell - time out is kind of Ok14:15
ignasbut the (File exists: u'/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/mirrors/00/00/59/11/.bzr': [Errno 17] File exists: ...)14:16
ignasafter it14:16
ignasis something that kind of breaks it...14:16
NCommandercprov, good morning14:33
cprovNCommander: morning14:33
NCommandercprov, how goes it?14:34
cprovNCommander: slowly today.14:34
NCommanderwhy slowly?14:35
cprovNCommander: I'm talking about my connection, nevermind me ;)14:38
NCommandercprov, bah, faulty internet FTL15:05
NCommanderbigjools, ping15:05
beunois it expected my karma got reduced ~40% after yesterday's rollout?15:09
LaserJockmine went up!15:10
LaserJockI can't imagine how yours  would go down, I think they added karma for bzr branch commits15:11
persiakarma just tends to flail about after every rollout.  I've had everything betwen two hundred and two million, depending on the rollout.  Most of the time, the next rollout changes it more towards some average figure.15:11
beunoyeah, I was expected for mine to go through the roof  :)15:11
radixhmm, is stacked branch support in now?15:11
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beunopersia, that has happened lately too?   I remember that from a year or two ago, but not recently15:12
persiabeuno: Not sure.  I stopped paying attention to karma about a year ago.15:12
* beuno was curious on how big the jump was going to be, so he looked before the rollout15:13
beunoradix, I don't think stacking is available yet, IIRC, we're still testing and working some quirks out15:15
kiko-zzzradix, there was a bug in the bzr client that needs fixing, unfortunately :-(15:21
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
bigjoolsNCommander: pong15:30
Peng_Yeah, my karma went way down too.15:43
kikoPeng_, you should stop killing kittens!!15:43
Peng_(well, vs. a week or two ago)15:43
Peng_kiko: It's only the mean ones who hiss at me!15:43
NCommanderbigjools, is there a way in Soyuz to do the equivalent of a binNMU?16:24
NCommanderbigjools, we have roughly ~16 packages in the archive that got compiled with an old gnat, and now we're seeing issues when trying to link against a newer gnat16:25
bigjoolsNCommander: no, we don't support that16:27
NCommanderAre there plans to add an equivelent feature?16:27
bigjoolsnothing firm, no16:27
bigjoolswe're mooting the idea of automating it but for now you need to re-upload and version bump16:27
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jelmerThis branch may be out of date, as Launchpad was not able to access it 16 minutes ago. (File exists: u'/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/mirrors/00/00/0a/6c/.bzr': [Errno 17] File exists: ...) Launchpad will try again in 5 hours. If you have fixed the problem, please ask Launchpad to try again.18:40
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kikomeeeeeeeeeeeting time?18:54
stubbed time18:57
Rinchen>> LP Weekly Meeting in #launchpad-meeting in 1 minute! Come join the fun!18:58
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oliver_g_if I have a bazaar branch registered at code.launchpad.net, is there an easy way to use the PPA feature to get .debs from the code in that branch?19:02
beunooliver_g_, not currently, no19:02
oliver_g_beuno: is there a hard way, then? :-)19:02
LaserJockbuild a source package and upload to PPA?19:03
oliver_g_ok then19:03
LaserJockI mean, that's what I do, but I'm a packager so that may bias it a bit19:04
oliver_g_LaserJock: I was looking for some trick to make it easier than that :-)19:07
thumperoliver_g_: we have future plans to make this easier19:07
thumperoliver_g_: but it is still some way off19:08
oliver_g_basically I have a patch for a minor bug in Hardy, and want to get a package that contains this patch and that I can install in another machine...19:08
oliver_g_well, here's another vote for that feature then :-)19:08
LaserJockoliver_g_: so you'd want to do: get current source package, apply patch, rebuild source package, upload to PPA19:09
oliver_g_LaserJock: yes...19:09
LaserJockit's somewhat difficult to imagine doing it all properly in an automated way19:10
LaserJockbut I think one could certainly hack up a script to get the job done19:10
oliver_g_come to think of it, it might be cool if there were automatically-built packages for every patch in LP :-D19:11
oliver_g_maybe better ask Google for some spare CPU time, though...19:11
LaserJockwell, currently we don't even know what "patch" means in all contexts so that seems like a difficult task19:12
LaserJockyou could maybe troll about looking for attachments that look like a patch and try applying them19:12
LaserJockbut knowing what version to apply to, etc. seems difficult19:13
oliver_g_something like that...19:13
LaserJocka great many of them would fail19:14
oliver_g_well just try to apply the maybe-patches to the latest versions for stable and development releases19:14
LaserJockyou'd also have to distinguish debdiffs from plain patches19:14
oliver_g_and then add some icons to LP to the patch link: "download Hardy package; Intrepid failed to apply"19:15
LaserJockand for plain patches make up a changelog entry and bump the version correctly19:15
oliver_g_hm, true19:15
LaserJockI'd really hesitate to do that really, people are likely to really mess up their machines19:15
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oliver_g_(btw. is LP somewhat busy atm, or is that a problem with my connection?)19:22
joaopintowhere do I set the project maintainer and driver ?19:23
joaopintoI could find it 2 years ago, not anymore :P19:23
kikojoaopinto, what project?19:26
mohbana_when are you going to support another vcs like mercurial?19:28
kikojoaopinto, wow. bac, mars: can you answer that?19:28
bachi joaopinto19:29
bacclick on 'change details'19:29
mwhudsonmohbana_: what do you mean by support?19:29
bacthen on the next page click on the tab at the top of the page marked 'people'19:29
mwhudsonmohbana_: we'll probably have importing from mercurial into bazaar in a few months19:29
joaopintobac, ok, found it, on the people tab19:30
joaopintotks :)19:30
mohbana_mwhudson: why not support mercurial?19:30
bacjoaopinto: great19:30
mwhudsonmohbana_: partly because part of the value of launchpad is in uniformity, and partly because believe me first grade support for one vcs is quite enough work19:31
mohbana_that's quit absurd if you ask me, why not offer and on condition that support is not provided if you chose to use it19:32
mwhudsonbecause offering a service badly is often worse than not offering it at all?19:34
bdmurraykiko: ping19:35
kikobdmurray, on the phone, but..19:36
bdmurraykiko: I'm an impatient person and open a few lp tabs at the same time and ocassionally I get the "information message" on the wrong bug report19:37
mohbana_why does a bias exists towards bazaar19:37
Ursinhamohbana_, i think that is a matter of supporting well one vcs, instead of supporting miserably - or not supporting at all - many others19:39
Ursinhabut i guess that's easy to figure out19:39
kikobdmurray, indeed, indeed19:40
bdmurraykiko: okay, so its known then?19:40
rockstarmohbana_, have you used bzr?19:40
kikobdmurray, yeeeeah. it's how our notifications our done -- mars or francis might know better19:40
mohbana_no, i want to use mercurial because it's a got an excellent eclipse plugin19:41
rockstarSo does bzr19:41
joaopintois it possible to move a bzr branch between projects ?19:42
mohbana_which is essentially a spinnoff of the hg eclipse plugin19:42
marsbdmurray, that's a known issue.  It has to do with the order that your updates reach the server, and which page the server will return those messages with.19:42
bdmurraymars: okay, thanks I won't report it then!19:43
rockstarjoaopinto, yep.  What are you trying to do?19:43
mohbana_so it's definately a no for another vcs?  should i file a bug report?19:43
Ursinhamohbana_, i think this is definately not a bug19:44
rockstarmohbana_, we currently have no plans to support another vcs19:44
mohbana_feature request19:44
joaopintorockstar, I have registered a bzr branch on the wrong project, but I already imported the source there, and now wanted to move it to the proper project19:44
joaopintowell, wrong in the sense that I am doing project reorganization :P19:44
marsbdmurray, thank you for letting us know about it19:44
rockstarjoaopinto, Can you set it up on the other project?  Then ask a question in Launchpad-bazaar that's something to the effect of "Can you delete this branch?"19:45
joaopintorockstar, that an option19:45
rockstarmohbana_, feature request != bug report19:45
=== Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next meeting, all welcome: Thu 28 Aug 2008, 1800UTC #launchpad-meeting | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
Rinchenupdated next mtg date19:45
rockstarmohbana_, might I suggest you try out the bzr eclipse plugin?19:46
mohbana_bye, thanks for your time, and i was by no means trollign19:46
mohbana_and i don't think this is right, it defintely gives developers less freedom19:47
rockstarmohbana_, seriously, try out bzr.  You might like it.19:47
thumperjoaopinto: you can just move the branch19:47
thumperjoaopinto: to a different project19:47
joaopintothekorn_, where do I do that ?19:48
thumperjoaopinto: or is it an import branch?19:48
mohbana_can anyone explain why bzr performs so poorly on these tests; http://www.infoq.com/articles/dvcs-guide19:48
joaopintoI need to mv lp:~getdeb-web-developers/getdeb.net/main lp:~getdeb-web-developers/getdeb-web/main19:48
thumpermohbana_: probably better to ask that on #bzr19:49
joaopintothumper, any instructions on how to move it ? Otherwise I will do the register new / delete old approach :)19:51
kikomohbana_, try it out yourself -- a lot of benchmarks are skewed or irrelevant19:51
thumperjoaopinto: click on the pencil image next to the title19:51
thumperjoaopinto: and change the product in the +edit page19:51
joaopintogrrr. I am always missing that small icon19:52
joaopintothumper, thanks19:52
LaserJockkiko: git still kicks bzr's butt on most speed tests. :-)20:01
beunoLaserJock, it does. And so does bzr for usability   :)20:02
LaserJockbeuno: in some cases20:02
kikoLaserJock, luckily for us, bzr is fast enough20:04
LaserJockgood for you ;-)20:04
LaserJockcertainly hasn't been for me at times20:04
LaserJockthough it's always improving20:04
LaserJockone day it might make a very fine DVCS indeed20:04
kikoerr, today it does already20:05
* beuno abuse^uses bzr every day, and it seems "fine" to me20:05
beunospeed, you can improve20:06
LaserJockwell, I've waited hours and hours for branches before20:06
LaserJocknot fun20:06
beunonow, changing things from the bottom up to fix usability problems, is quite harder20:06
beunoLaserJock, right, it's improved pretty fast. New formats and all20:07
LaserJockugg, don't tell me about new formats ;-)20:07
LaserJockfor the last year+ every time I've gone to use bzr I've ended up spending an evening in #bzr trying to figure out why either something doesn't work or it takes forever20:08
LaserJockand when you're just trying to get work done it's difficult to not get a bad impression20:08
LaserJockalternatively, I've never had to go to #git or #hg crying for help20:09
ScottKFor me it's still a question of do I want to learn VCS +1 just to use in Ubuntu.20:10
beunoLaserJock, have you used pre-1.0 versions of git?20:11
LaserJockbeuno: don't think so20:11
beunoLaserJock, :)20:11
LaserJockbeuno: not exactly sure how that's relavent20:12
LaserJockare you saying I need to compare post-1.0 git to post-1.0 bzr?20:12
beunoI am20:12
beunoyou (and most of us) went through bzr's growth, pre-1.020:13
LaserJockwell, I have been doing that since bzr 1.0 came out20:13
LaserJockright, but pre-1.0 was also pushed on us20:13
beunothe default format in 1.0 has solved the biggest performance problemas, although, I fully agree, performance is still lacking behind git/hg20:14
beunoand it's being worked on, so we should be up to speed soon20:14
jcastrodoesn't stacked branches help speed in the case of hosted stuff like lp does?20:14
LaserJockit should20:14
beunoright, stacked branches are going to make a big difference20:15
LaserJockbut I've gotten quite weary of all these bzr "features" to speed things up that just add complexity to everthing20:15
beunoespecially for the bandwidth-impared20:15
LaserJockin that respect I think git is much more usable20:15
beunoLaserJock, what sort of features speed things up?20:15
LaserJockrepos, stacked branches20:16
LaserJockit seems that repos are the answer to everything these days20:16
LaserJockwhich makes things a lot more complex20:16
jcastrocode.l.n question: I have a friend who branched his project, and now he wants to make the branch the new trunk, if he changes the series do people have to migrate over manually or does some redirect magic happen?20:17
beunothey're not, performance is a problem, and it's being worked on. But we are at a stage where it's "good enough"20:17
beunojcastro, as long as they use   lp:project20:17
LaserJockbeuno: well, I didn't intend a DVCS fight, but "good enough" is quite subjective and my real world experience is that it's not there yet20:17
beunoit will be done magically20:17
jcastrook, thanks beuno20:18
beunoLaserJock, right, I don't disagree with you that much.  Just the part where bzr isn't good enough, since there's hundreds of us around here using it on a daily basis for a big range of projects. Don't know how many actual users.20:18
beunojcastro, is the new branch based off the old one, or created from scratch?20:19
jcastrobased off of the old one20:19
LaserJockbeuno: true, but a lot of people use it because of LP, not because it's superior20:19
kikosiretart, ping20:19
beunojcastro, good, then it will transparent20:19
LaserJockand that's what kind of gets me about the convo about about LP only supporting bzr20:19
jcastrosweet, that's a nice feature20:20
LaserJockit very much looks like Canonical lock-in20:20
ScottKbeuno: LaserJock is a distro developer.  We tend to have a different workflow and stress VCS systems in different ways.20:20
beunoLaserJock, as mwhudson said, it's hard enough to support a DCVS that you have access to the code devs20:21
ScottKThe fact that it works for you for a different task is really irrelevant to our needs.20:21
LaserJockbeuno: right right, I know the reasoning20:21
beunoScottK, sure. And, as always, you're welcome to file bugs to help us cover your needs better20:21
ScottKbeuno: At this point I just don't use it.20:21
LaserJockit'd be nice if we were given a better choice for hosting packaging code20:22
beunoScottK, then you don't have a problem  :)20:22
ScottKMy comment is just advice not to be too self-congratulatory.20:22
nycerinethe package descriptions for ubuntu, are they gathered from the ddtp or entirely seperate from it?20:22
ScottKbeuno: I don't currently, but there are people who want to take that choice away from me.20:22
LaserJockbeuno: it is a problem, because he essentially gets locked out of using a DVCS for Ubuntu unless he uses bzr20:22
beunonycerine, AFAIK, they're imported from ddtp20:23
nycerineare you certain?20:23
beunoLaserJock, as with svn for gnome, etc20:23
beunonycerine, no. danilos?20:23
LaserJockbeuno: I don't think that's quite true20:24
nycerineI am considering starting a nb_no translation for DDTP20:24
ScottKbeuno: svn is at least used elsewhere.20:24
nycerinethough, I prefer rosetta20:24
LaserJockthere are git and bzr mirrors of Gnome20:24
ScottKAnd yes, I know bzr is used elsewhere, just not by anything I'm involved in.20:24
kikohey, you guys are scrolling the hell out of my IRC backlog20:24
LaserJockand as ScottK said, svn is quite ubiqutous20:24
LaserJockkiko: sorry :/20:24
kikoLaserJock, where is siretart? I really need his feedback20:25
LaserJockprobably gone for the evening, I'm not sure20:25
beunokiko, anyone from translations around to answer nycerine?20:25
nycerineso nobody has a absolutely certain answer? mkey then. I hope someone knows (someone must), translating both would be a waste of time and energy20:25
kikoLaserJock, he said he'd get back to me with scores, but man.. it's one day to my deadline20:25
kikonycerine, what's the problem?20:25
LaserJockkiko: ah, he's better with email I think, you might send him a reminder note20:26
nycerinekiko, are the ddtp imported into the package descriptions for ubuntu?20:26
kikoLaserJock, I have :)20:26
kikothanks though20:26
nycerineas in, any work in DDTP will be imported into rosetta?20:26
kikonycerine, hmmmm! do you mean, does ubuntu support ddtp, or does rosetta offer ddtp?20:26
nycerineif so, one wouldn't have to do double work.20:26
nycerinewell, I know there's no DDTP on launchpad.20:27
nycerineas in rosetta interface20:27
* ScottK wonders what ddtp is?20:27
nycerineI'm asking if the data from DDTP is imported into the data of the package desc for ubuntu?20:27
kikoScottK, it's the debian format for translating descriptions of packages20:27
ScottKThanks kiko.20:27
LaserJockDebian Desctiption Translation Project?20:27
kikosure thing!20:27
kikonycerine, https://translations.launchpad.net/ddtp-ubuntu/+translations20:28
nycerineI know about that, I'm referring to it as the package desc for ubuntu.20:28
nycerineHowever, is it imported from ddtp?20:28
kikonycerine, can you ask a question in answers.launchpad.net? I would want to get somebody to answer but people are mostly asleep by now20:28
nycerineand also, afaik, that data isn't shared with ddtp, so it's not going anywere20:28
nycerineI'll just ask on ddtp-ubuntu, right?20:29
kikonycerine, either that or ubuntu or launchpad -- it's really a good question you have, and I don't know the answer to it but am curious20:29
nycerineI'm thinking that imo rosetta is superior to the DDTP interface.20:30
kikonycerine, I don't know whether the DDTP makes it easy to share translations back to the core project, but I assume it's just pofiles, and in that sense we do allow exports, and people can merge things in20:30
nycerinehmm. certainly.20:30
nycerinepref. it'd be better if the translations would have the biggest impact possible.20:31
nycerinethat's sort of killing me when it comes to translations, there's no real "home"20:31
kikonycerine, that's true. I do think we do use the translations, but I don't use ubuntu in pt_br myself20:31
kikoUrsinha, do you use ubuntu in portuguese?20:31
Ursinhakiko, nope20:32
kikookay, afk for a quick bit20:32
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
nycerine(I don't use the norwegian version either, except for what comes from gnome and OOo)20:32
nycerinewell, the question is out there.20:45
nycerineperhaps I didn't ask at the best location, but it is the ddtp-ubuntu project it is regarding.20:46
nycerineor rosetta?20:46
beunonycerine, it is the right place, just wrong timezone  :)   they'll get to your question soon20:46
nycerineah. :) ddtp-ubuntu seems sort of silent, but oh well.20:47
nycerineI suppose I'm sort of unpatient (not that I'm expecting an answer now :) )20:47
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AmpelbeinHmm. The error message you get when submitting in invalid request per mail to the bugtracker refers to a non-existant page https://wiki.canonical.launchpad.com/MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc. Perhaps this should be corrected?22:40
mthaddonOdd_Bloke, have a sec to discuss a particular PQM issue you're working on that I'm interested in?22:53
matsubaraAmpelbein, that's bug 12872922:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 128729 in malone "Error email has incorrect and confusing messages" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12872922:54
Ampelbeinmatsubara: ok, cool.22:56
komputesDoes anyone here have a Bug reported on the day Hardy was released (April 24th, 2008), I need that bug # as a delimiter for my research.23:08
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
kikokomputes, hmmmm, not me, but I can tell you a bunch of ids filed on that day23:18
komputeskiko: actually I may have found a solution, I google searched " bug launchpad "on 2008-04-24  (Activity log)" " and I found a few, I think starting at 221300 is a safe bet23:19
komputeskiko: by ids do you mean bug numbers? if so, please give me a few examples23:20
komputeskiko: sure, i'll take whatever you got. pm me if you'd like23:22
kikokomputes, 221239 and up.23:25
komputeskiko: thank you for your help!23:27
kikokomputes, you're welcome. 221328 was filed one day before, for the record23:30
kikowell, just before midnight of the 23rd. ;)23:30
komputeskiko: therefore it does not exist to me, hehe. thanks for your _precise_ help23:32
kikokomputes, no problemo, always here to help23:34

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