
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
yuriybug 25986700:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259867 in pam "[PAM] Unable to login: Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified session" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25986700:24
cskmaxmy console font is gone, shows as blocks for each character. started w/ an update Monday. ideas? :)00:28
yuriywell that's a fun bug00:31
Hobbseeit's fixed, though00:33
yuriyyeah, but getting the fix is not trivial00:33
yuriyplus I think I have another bug with the new nvidia driver, because KDM didn't come up at all00:34
yuriymonitor turned off, even00:34
cskmaxyuriy: referring to 259867? just fixed it myself, i hope. still wondering about the console font00:38
cskmaxi did the /etc/pam.d/common-session mod00:38
cskmaxOof, never mind on console font - fixed itself after another reboot00:42
yuriyhmm when I chroot and try to aptitude update, I get could not set non-blocking flag, bad file descriptor00:43
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
yuriynevermind about the nvidia thing -- I think this is a feature00:52
LunksWhat about that NVIDIA no ttys bug? Will it ever be fixed?01:03
javaJakeAnyone else having trouble commiting to Launchpad?02:15
javaJakeAh, nvm02:16
javaJakeHeh :P02:16
mneptoki'd commit to Launchpad, but she still calls her ex sometimes. creeps me out.02:35
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
tanathanyone know how to make mouse thumb buttons for fwd & back work in anything other than firefox?04:18
kayessIs there a known issue with wifi under kubuntu alpha 4?05:17
kayessSince getting updates on Tuesday it no longer connects to networks05:18
LSD|Ninjawhat wifi chip?05:19
kayessNot sure, it's an IBM R6105:21
LSD|Ninjawhat does lspci say for ethernet controllers?05:21
kayessWhen I click on the network applet in the system tray the network shows so it is atleast being detected -- most everything works by the looks of things05:21
kayessThis is kubuntu BTW, so it might just be a knetworkmanager thing05:22
kayessWhen I click on the network to connect it never shows the spinning cog to show that it's trying to connect -- seems to ignore the connect request05:22
kayessWired works fine, plugging a cable shows the cog as it fetches a DHCP lease05:22
kayessLSD|Ninja: It's an Intel pro wireless 3945ABG05:24
LSD|NinjaOh, I think that's going through a driver transition or something right now05:24
kayessAh, that could explain it05:25
* RAOF doesn't think so; his iwl3945 is doing very nicely, thank you.05:25
kayessI don't really want to go back to hardy, happy to wait a few days if an update is imminent. Any ideas05:25
kayessMight it be a knetworkmanager thing? Is there some way to manually try to connect? Work out a wpa_supplicant config maybe?05:26
RAOFWho knows.  Why aren't you on other IM systems?05:27
kayessWhat other IM systems should I be on?05:27
RAOFkayess: It's probably a knetworkmanager thing, yes.  Has that been updated for the fun new 0.7 snapshot we have?05:28
kayessIt's certainly not the one that I have on my other KDE 4.1 machines (installed from the KDE packages over hardy)05:29
kayessI'll see if I can dig out a wpa_supplicant config file (I know I made one up a long time ago) and see if that can connect05:30
kayessRAOF: knetworkmanager reports its version as 0.7, and I can't find that config file, bugger05:37
RAOFIt's probably bug-worthy.05:37
kayessWhere do I report it?05:37
kayessOk, I'll do a re-install again first and make sure that it really is a regression since the alpha 4 ISO was put together05:39
RAOFNot a bad plan.05:39
kayessShould help somebody to pin it down I hope :)05:39
SebastianWill Intrepid have OpenOffice.org 3?05:55
calcif OOO300 m4 is rc1 it probably will05:56
calcif OOO300 m4 is released as rc1, which is supposed to happen next monday i will be uploading it Ubuntu shortly after that05:59
Sebastiancalc: Thanks.06:00
* Sebastian really needs the new Impress.06:00
SebastianIs there a(n unofficial) repository with packages of OOo 3 for Hardy and/or Intrepid?06:01
calcfor beta 2 yes06:01
calcunder the ppa06:01
calcmy mouse is dead right now so i can't paste the full url06:01
SebastianFound it.06:02
calcit only has english since the full i18n/l10n stuff isn't released upstream until rc106:03
SebastianNo worries, I run my Ubuntu in English :)06:04
Sebastiancalc: I added "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu hardy main06:34
Sebastian", but after "aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade" nothing happens. Am I missing something?06:34
moshe_Is anyone else having problems with gvfs?06:35
vpelcakhi all07:22
vpelcakanybody experienced with wireless?08:27
zniavre! libpam09:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libpam09:13
zniavre!bug #25986709:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259867 in pam "[PAM] Unable to login: Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified session" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25986709:13
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:16
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Reading
TheFuzzballIs anyone else having trouble with wireless? I can't seem to get my F5D7050B card working12:21
TeiseiMaybe there's something wrong with my system if my Ubuntu 8.10 has been working as flawlessly as 8.04 ...12:43
gnomefreakbug 25986712:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259867 in pam "[PAM] Unable to login: Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified session" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25986712:49
regel_Teisei, u mean crashing like hell like my Hardy does?12:55
TeiseiNo ;)12:56
TeiseiI can make Ubuntu crash if I want12:56
TeiseiIt's easy12:56
TeiseiI just need to enable "Core Multi-Processing" from BIOS12:56
TeiseiThen I get crashes, kernel panics, cpu failures etc.12:57
bardyrHey, i have some issues with booting intrepid, usplash/the new framebuffer/something breaks the progress bar and sometimes the screen goes black/white13:28
bardyris this a known issue?13:28
bardyrand also i need to keep pressing keys to get it too boot13:30
bardyrbug #24368213:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243682 in usplash "[Intrepid] Usplash Screen Corruption" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24368213:33
bardyrfound it :)13:33
vega--my screen blinks in with green and red boxes during boot, also says only low-graphics mode available, but it still gets to full resulution after pressing continue:)13:33
TheFuzzballTeisei: are you saying Ibex has a problem with core CPUs?13:34
vega--though it's not needed to press any keys, just press continue when x starts13:34
bardyrvega-, the key pressing is a kernel bug, that i have found in many not ubuntu/debian based distros with recent kernels13:57
bardyrbut now it also affects ubuntu :/13:58
zniavrewixh key ?13:58
bardyrbut i have no idea how to report/troubleshoot it13:58
bardyrzniavre, does not matter13:58
bardyrzniavre, but disk IO light will first start when i am holding a key down13:58
bardyrzniavre, and i need to push the power button to get passed the "Starting linux" line at boot13:59
vega--ok, got nothing like that on my dell latitude d61014:00
vega--just the blinking and x-thinks-it-can-only-use-low-graphics stuff14:00
vega--but once in x, everything seems to work14:01
bardyrvega-, i have that too except the low graphics, i think14:01
=== gnomefreak changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the home of the Intrepid Ibex, the code name for the next release of Ubuntu due out in October. For more info, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex Intrepid is ALPHA software, and we do NOT recommend users upgrade at this time. Only developers comfortable with recovering system from total system failure should use it. | libpam-runtime has been fixed in version 1.0.1-3ubuntu2
nemohas compiz reduced its leakiness in Ibex?15:12
PiciI wasn't aware it was leaky previously...15:14
nemoPici: just a half-dozen of the popular plugins15:15
nemothe core is probably solid - unless it is the parts of the core they use :-/15:15
bibuntuhello.  "dpkg --configure locales" hangs forever.. how can I make it happy again?15:16
nemois quite easy to, over the course of a couple of days, if your system has the memory, to end up with several gigabytes consumed, then oomkiller kicks in15:16
nemohave been over it at link in the compiz channel, sharing info on which bits seem to do it15:16
doggymenzmy firefox is strange rendering in 8.10 :(15:24
nemodoggymenz: elaborate?15:29
* nemo does not have Ibex installed at present, but he does keep up on the Gecko15:29
doggymenzsometimes sites dont render, but if i move my mouse over, then some items appear15:30
doggymenzor like it dont render, but then i can switch tabs, and back and then it works15:30
nemodoggymenz: that sounds more like damage is screwed up16:15
nemodoggymenz: in X16:15
nemoor firefox is not properly reporting damage I guess16:15
nemodoggymenz: happens with compiz as well as without?16:16
doggymenzi havent tried turn off compiz16:17
doggymenzDanaG, is a straight up G, shes a gangster, shes dope, she can jump on a rope, beat up the pope if he tries to grope she says nope there is no hope16:32
DanaGOh yeah, my name is kind of ambiguous.16:32
DanaGOr rather, not-gender-specific.16:32
doggymenzoh, are you a guy?16:34
doggymenzi always thought you were a girl16:34
doggymenzi always thought Dana was a girls name, kind of like Danny is a guys name16:34
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
DanaGIt can actually be either, though I usually do hear the name applied to girls more often.16:52
* DanaG kind of wishes he had Ranma's gender-change curse -- the name would work well for it.16:53
doggymenzwell, you could just have a name change, it would be easier than a gender-change curse16:55
DanaGGoogle for ramna, you'll see what I mean.17:15
DanaGomglol.  http://www.buy.com/prod/intel-core-2-duo-t7200-2-0ghz-socket-478-mobile-processor-2-0ghz/q/loc/101/202916481.html17:22
nemodoggymenz: try. might be interesting17:24
nemodoggymenz: also. do you use a lot of plugins?17:24
nemodoggymenz: I noticed after I added a couple of fun ones to my Hardy that all of a sudden app windows stopped drawing (although they did seem to be responding to clicks) until resized or minimised17:24
doggymenzadblock, noscript17:28
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
SeveredCrossI think he means Compiz plugins.17:39
nemoSeveredCross: I did indeed :)17:47
nemoSeveredCross: I see no reason to blame firefox here :)17:47
nemoSeveredCross, doggymenz: the flaw is most likely in some low level layer in damage reporting, in Cairo or X or Compiz or somesuch17:48
doggymenzi hope fixed soon17:51
DaemonikSuspend and hibernate attempts on this HP laptop cause kernel panics. How can I remove the suspend and hibernate options from the quit dialog?18:22
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
shuttleI just did the dist upgrade but it made my screen go blank for login and desktop19:08
shuttlewhar can i do19:08
shuttleIt goes blank after the startup bar19:09
shuttleshould i just do a rebuild?19:09
shuttleill go put vista on it then19:11
moshe_shuttle,did you use alt-f2 to try to open another terminal screen?sometimes the upgrades screw up the graphics dribers19:12
moshe_*drivers,sry.fingers faster than brain19:13
thefishdoes the "partner" repo for intrepid only come on after release?20:25
jeanpaul145hi everybody20:29
jeanpaul145does anybody perhaps know which version of pigin will be final with intrepid?20:29
UrbanFlashHello, can anyone help me troubleshoot a problem with my wlan?20:46
UrbanFlashi'm on kubuntu intrepid, with worked fine the last few days, but since booting today i can't connect to any router20:47
dupondjewhat dir can i find the original /etc/pam.d/common-session ?21:06
dupondjeI changed it because of the bug ;)21:06
dupondjedon't know the original anymore :p21:07
sverihey, are there known bugs with the sound in intrepid?21:36
doggymenzthink so21:36
aviswill the issues with flash causing firefox to crash be fixed in intrepid ?21:54
dupondjelol avis21:57
dupondjeIntrepid is ALPHA21:58
dupondjeif it wouldn't crash it would be weird :p21:58
sverii think that was not the question21:58
sveriand btw firefox is not crashing with flash here21:58
sveriat least it didn't until now21:58
dupondjetry & see :D21:58
sverithats what i did21:59
dupondjeif it crashes :)21:59
dupondjefeel free to bugreport :)21:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260208 in ubuntu "Numlock not working at gdm login (Intrepid)" [Undecided,New]22:00
dupondjehere is another btw :P22:00
sveriyea, funny one22:00
dupondjewhy funny ? :p22:01
sverifunny if you forget it everytime you login22:01
dupondjehuh ?22:02
sveriuhm, it's to late to explain jokes which are not funny22:03
sverisry ;-)22:03
* dupondje slaps sveri22:03
frodo_i have problem with setting up static ip, i get "network unreachable" when i try to ping my router23:09
frodo_it looks like the ip settings in interfaces file are not applied to the lan card23:10
ccookeSo... How usable is Intrepid at the moment? (Context: I usually switch my *personal* laptop at about this point. I do not expect everything to work and I am able to deal with that)23:25
Dedicant upgrade  libpam-runtime (1.0.1-3ubuntu2), is that a common problem with a solution?23:26
frodo_is there a daily build?23:28
pwnguinfrodo_: of what?23:29
frodo_pwnguin: of 8.10 kubuntu23:29
pwnguinbasically, new packages hit shortly after they're uploaded23:30
pwnguinthere's a daily cd iso i think23:30
frodo_pwnguin: do u know where?23:30
pwnguinbut theres new packages every few hours ;)23:31
frodo_pwnguin: i need it because i cant get internet to work in the alpha 423:31
pwnguini dont see kubuntu =/23:32
burner_frodo_: wireless?23:32
frodo_burner_: no wired, static23:33
=== burner_ is now known as burner
frodo_pwnguin: found it23:35
frodo_pwnguin: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/23:35
frodo_but thats live23:35
timboywhen starting up i'm getting some read-only filesystem errors anyone have an idea why?23:35
Dedidebian/libpam-runtime.postinst: when upgrading from the broken   1.0.1-2ubuntu1 version, manually edit /etc/pam.d/common-session to recover <- recover what?23:36
Dediseems pretty default anyway23:39
pwnguini recall seeing a debconf thing about libpam today23:40
pwnguini figured it was related to thinkfinger23:41
Dediyeah but did not made any pam changes23:52
Dedianyway doing pam auth update force worked23:53
Dediafter the 4. time.. :S23:53
frodo_anyone know how come there is no gui to edit basic network settings?23:54
Dedifrodo_: there is, just right or leftclick on the network icon23:54
Dedifrodo_: i had troubles finding it too, was looking in the system config23:54
frodo_i dont have a network icon23:55
Dediit now looks like a glob23:55
Dediotherwise start knetworkmanager23:56
frodo_will check but pretty sure i dont have it23:56
timboyI have a problem on mine since I have kde4 installed as well the knetworkmanager and the gnome manager start...23:56
frodo_im downloading a daily build right now23:58
frodo_just in case23:58

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