
anakronHI all00:00
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artfwoHi! May I ask, what package is currently used for reporting kernel bugs?04:50
artfwoah, thanks :)04:51
wishiei have an issue with hotkey-setup on hardy 64bit, which loosely relates to bug #3304505:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33045 in hotkey-setup "'Special keys' on HP Pavillion DV4000" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3304505:19
wishiesome of my 'special' keys are mapped wrong, and 2 of them dont work. id like to know how i can fix this05:20
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dholbachgood morning06:23
hggdhmorning dholbach07:40
dholbachhi hggdh, hi thekorn07:48
thekorngood morning dholbach !07:49
persiapedro: Thank you.08:35
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hggdhanyone here running Evolution 2.23.90 (Intrepid)?09:55
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mouzShould I as a triager nominate bug 259942 for a release? Should I set a milestone?10:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259942 in gnome-control-center ""Help" button in gnome-display-properties does nothing" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25994210:01
hggdhmouz, its a regression... james_w did the previous update, perhaps he can state this10:05
hggdhmouz, at least you can tag it 'regression'10:07
mouzhggdh: ok i'll do that and wait for james_w 's reply. thanks.10:08
hggdhIntrepid had the patch as of 1:2.23.5-0ubuntu110:09
hggdhit seems to have been dropped on 1:2.23.6-0ubuntu110:10
james_wmouz, hggdh: we just patched it out for hardy10:37
james_wthis capplet is now upstream, and we dropped most of the patches to follow them10:38
james_wit's ok to forward that bug upstream if there wasn't one already10:38
james_wyou can milestone it for intrepid as well if you like, as we can always just patch it out again10:38
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aetern 8-)11:47
aeternso, what is wrong with hardy heron, intrepid ibex ubuntu versions? My laptop freezes sometimes, i can't do anything... earlyer versions of ubuntu hadn't this error... Using asus f5 x50m model, amd turion 64(mobile thechnilogy mk - 36), 1GB of rams, NV geforceGo 6100.12:01
hggdhpedro_, ping13:24
pedro_hggdh: hello13:24
hggdhhi, good morning... a question: are you running Evolution 2.23.90?13:25
hggdhpedro_, ^^13:26
pedro_hggdh: sadly, yes13:26
hggdhcould you please click on Help/Report a Problem?13:26
pedro_It deleted my a big part of my emails :-/13:26
hggdhsame here...13:26
pedro_hggdh: let me try13:26
hggdhfor me it does not open LP, and I was wondering if it is a screw-up on my side13:27
pedro_blah is not working13:28
hggdhOK, then I did not mess up my system :-)13:28
hggdhI think this may have been due to the changes on LP13:28
pedro_I get this on the CLI :13:28
pedro_Usage: apport-gtk [options]13:28
pedro_apport-gtk: error: no such option: --package evolution --pid 791913:28
pedro_are you getting the same?13:29
hggdhI did not get any output :-(13:29
hggdhI will test again (I was prepping a change to 03_lpi.patch to take out bug buddy)13:29
hggdhthank you, pedro_ . I will open a bug on this later this evening (now I have to get to my contract)13:30
pedro_hggdh: you're welcome, thanks for let me know about it ;-)13:31
hggdhjust for grins, I ran apport-gtk --help -- it may be that it is now required to have the equal sign on long options (--package=evolution --pid=xxxx)13:32
lumn0tI'm looking for some help with hunting down enough information to report a bug.  My issue is described in a LaunchPad question currently (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+question/38900), but I think the larger issue has gone beyond the question.14:20
* lumn0t prods the channel.14:22
lumn0tHello? Hello?14:25
LaserJockhmm, maybe everybody is out to lunch :-)14:27
chmacI'm trying to file a bug against dhclient, but it's saying "There is no package name 'dhclient' published in Ubuntu"14:27
chmacEven though when I click "Choose" it lists dhclient as an option14:27
chmacIt says "not uploaded" underneat dhclient14:27
chmacAnyone know how / where I file the bug?14:27
* LaserJock ^5s ogra 14:28
lumn0tResponses! Horrah!14:29
chmacOh dear, I've just realised, I'm using NetworkManager 0.7, perhaps that's the issue...14:30
chmacNo, it's not, I tested that already I think...14:30
lumn0tProblem: GNOME settings seem borked.  Two obvious symptoms of this are gnome-power-manager had issues and GNOME themes will not apply.  This is being discussed in a LaunchPad question (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+question/38900).14:31
LaserJockyeah, that's pretty funky14:32
lumn0tNot sure what package to file a bug against.14:32
LaserJockseb128 or pedro_ would probably be good people to ask14:33
lumn0tIs privmsg the best way to direct this, then?14:34
pedro_lumn0t: for the GNOME Themes issue is gnome-settings-daemon running?14:34
pedro_is a known issue that it's crashing quite a lot14:34
pedro_that could be why the themes are not being applied14:35
pedro_for the gnome-power-manager tedg is the right person since he's the maintainer ;-)14:35
lumn0tgnome-settings-daemon is indeed running.14:35
pedro_he should be online shortly14:35
pedro_lumn0t: are you running Intrepid or Hardy?14:36
lumn0tgnome-settings-daemon does seem to be the culprit.  Reinstalling the package has brought themes back.14:46
pedro_well reinstalling it shouldn't make any difference, unless your installation was broken14:49
pedro_we don't have any bugs regarding that and the only issues with themes are in Intrepid with some g-s-d crashes14:50
LaserJockpedro_: it seems to be a problem in a 8.04-> latest updates14:50
LaserJockthat question has at least 3-4 Hardy users with the same problem, I'd suspect a bad SRU14:50
lumn0t..er.. Yes.  But the installation was *not* broken before some relatively recent update.  I was hoping to help find what it was that broke both gnome-power-management and gnome-settings-manager.14:51
pedro_could be but there's no new g-s-d package since april14:51
* pedro_ looking at the sru list14:52
* lumn0t wonders where the sru list is.14:56
pedro_lumn0t: http://people.ubuntu.com/~sbeattie/sru_todo.html14:56
lumn0tAnd I'm curious that if there was some common cause to both gnome-power-manager and gnome-settings-daemon getting squirrelly, if something else may have been affected that I have not noticed yet.14:57
lumn0tI don't recall when I first saw the symptoms, but the LaunchPad question was opened 7-11, so the update that may have caused the issue dates from before then.15:02
lumn0tWould something that affected gnome-settings-daemon have affected the "configuration defaults" for gnome-power-manager that the reinstall of g-p-m resolved?15:16
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wishiei have an issue with hotkey-setup on hardy 64bit, which loosely relates to bug #3304516:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 33045 in hotkey-setup "'Special keys' on HP Pavillion DV4000" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3304516:05
wishiecould i possibly get some help with this issue ? i need to know how to edit /usr/share/hotkey-setup/hp.hk file, so it works on my laptop, and doesnt cause crashes (like it currently does)16:06
AwsoonnHugday is on the wiki!16:26
* Awsoonn runs before the tomatoes are thrown 16:27
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bdmurrayjames_w: do you know something about "No handlers could be found for logger 'bzr'"?19:16
affluxhuh. I just got the notice that bug 259311 was marked as a dup of bug 250506. Why is that?20:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259311 in ubuntu "Movie player - no codecs to play DVD(winthout encryption)and mp3 (dup-of: 250506)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25931120:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250506 in consolekit "shutdown and restart act as logout" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25050620:02
bdmurrayafflux: its in the activity log20:07
affluxoh, well. I didn't see that it actually wasn't marked anymore. Woops :)20:08
bdmurrayit was quick! 10 seconds20:08
affluxisn't that minutes?20:09
bdmurrayminutes / seconds - whatever ;)20:09
affluxyup, quick anyway ;)20:09
nullackIm not an IRC guru - how do I snipe what chans hes on?20:17
jpdsnullack: /whois should be enough, assuming he doesn't have the +i (invisible) usermode on.20:19
nullackPing Ampelbein : Thanks for your email I got mixed up with bugs Im sorting it out. The particular bug is a wontfix, its by design a non issue20:19
persiaNote that even +i people can be found if they share channels in common with the person running /whois20:24
Ampelbeinnullack: oh, ok. just saw the mail and thought i'd quickly set duplicate status, haven't checked anymore. will do that next time.20:24
nullackIts not duplicate - I was suffering from multiple bug syndrome and made an error Im fixing it20:24
Ampelbeingot that. happens sometimes.20:27
james_wbdmurray: your ~/.bzr.log is probably not writeable for your user20:44
james_wit's a pain to try and give a better message for though, as it's a library that gives the warning, and doesn't give much indication when it has.20:45
bdmurrayjames_w: but it is! unless cron needs different permissions20:46
james_wbdmurray: it may be something else then, but that's the usual reason for the message20:48
james_wthis is your users crontab, and you're not sudoing?20:48
james_wi.e. the process is run as your user?20:48
bdmurrayjames_w: it's weird because I'm not even using bzr20:48
james_woh, what are you using?20:48
bdmurrayits, just a bash script and python script20:49
sbeattiebdmurray: but python-launchpad-bugs tries to determine what version it is via bzrlib20:49
bdmurrayI'll pastebinit20:49
bdmurraysbeattie: ah, winner!20:49
bdmurraysbeattie: did you fix it?20:50
james_wdoes it exec() bzr for that?20:50
bdmurraylooks like it import bzrlib.branch20:52
sbeattiebdmurray: no, that's as far as I got in digging into the problem.20:52
james_wI wouldn't have thought that this triggered that message, but I may well be wrong20:52
bdmurrayjames_w: Do you have any ideas then?20:55
sbeattiebdmurray: did you look in your .bzr.log file on rookery?20:56
james_wbdmurray: no, sorry, I'm a bit stumped20:56
james_wI've only ever seen this be a permission error20:57
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bdmurrayThere is a message about using 'bzr upgrade' for bughelper21:00
sbeattiejames_w: I get it the same message, even though it successfully wrote to to my .bzr.log21:01
sbeattiebdmurray: mine contains nice tracebacks from each run because it's trying to do bzr operations on the cwd, which for me was $HOME and thus contains no bzr metadata.21:02
sbeattieOdd: 0.089  Plugin name __init__ already loaded21:04
james_wthat's odd21:05
james_wwell, the last message happens on every run, but the rest is odd21:06
sbeattiejames_w: note that this is showing up on rookery, which is a dapper install.21:12
bdmurraybut it now has bzr 1.6 I think21:12
bdmurraysbeattie: I noticed the same thing on cranberry though21:14
bdmurraywhich is hardy21:14
chrisccoulsonbug 131846 from the hug day list is an intersting one21:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131846 in gnome-panel "run as doesn't include all folders used in $PATH" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13184621:14
bdmurrayI've seen a duplicate of that21:15
chrisccoulsonthe reporter says that gnome-panel ignores their $PATH env variable when it is defined in ~/.bashrc21:15
chrisccoulsoni have a customised $PATH defined in /etc/environment, and it uses that21:15
sbeattiebdmurray: curious. I don't see it on my hardy machine.21:15
chrisccoulsonso i'm wondering if it's actually a bug in gnome-panel21:15
bdmurraysbeattie: are you up to bzr 1.6 though?21:15
sbeattieI'm eating distro dogfood not bzr dogfood.21:17
bdmurraychrisccoulson: oh, that's the bug I'm thinking of ;)21:18
bdmurrayI can recreate it21:18
chrisccoulsonhow do you set your $PATH environment? Do you define it in ~/.bashrc too?21:19
bdmurrayoh, my .zshrc21:19
bdmurraybut it's in my ~/.bashrc too fwiw21:19
jpdszsh FTW.21:19
chrisccoulsoni'll try modifying another users .bashrc on my machine in a bit and see if i can recreate it too. but gnome-panel searches all of the folders in my $PATH environment, which is defined in /etc/environment (so I've done it a bit different to you)21:21
chrisccoulsonthat might mean it isn't a bug in gnome-panel21:21
chrisccoulsonfor example, i have a load of apps installed in /opt/bin. i can run them no problem by pressing ALT+F2 and typing the program name, so I'm not seeing this issue21:22
chrisccoulsonbdmurray: referrring to bug 131846 again - i think the issue because /bin/sh (symlinked to /bin/dash) is the shell used when the session loads. Dash appears to ignore ~/.bashrc when it loads, which would explain why gnome-panel doesn't search the full $PATH on your machine, but does search it on mine (because I have $PATH defined elsewhere).21:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131846 in gnome-panel "run as doesn't include all folders used in $PATH" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13184621:37
chrisccoulsoni'#ve just tried it here by modifying my bashrc. after i've modified $PATH and launch a new bash shell, the new $PATH takes effect. if i then exit and launch dash, it doesn't take effect21:37
bdmurrayIf I start dash and echo $PATH I see /home/brian/bin there21:39
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, that's strange21:39
chrisccoulsondo you start dash from within a bash session which already has the environment set correctly?21:39
bdmurrayyeah, I guess that isn't right21:40
chrisccoulsonwhat you could do is launch a terminal (bash), then clear your $PATH environment by typing (PATH=""). once you've done this, launch dash using '/bin/dash' and then inspect the environment21:41
chrisccoulsonactually, that doesn't behave as expected. $PATH is still empty after loading dash21:42
chrisccoulsona better way of verifying it might be to temporarily set the /bin/sh sym-link back to /bin/bash. i'll try that on my intrepid VM in a bit21:42
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sbeattiechrisccoulson: you probably want /bin/dash -l21:45
sbeattiethough that's not reading /etc/environment here.21:47
chrisccoulsonthanks for the clarification sbeattie21:49
dupondjethere :p21:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260208 in ubuntu "Numlock not working at gdm login (Intrepid)" [Undecided,New]21:53
dupondjea fresh bug :p21:53
chrisccoulsonsbeattie / bdmurray - i can confirm on intrepid that dash ignores the ~/.bashrc file. i set my users shell to /bin/dash, and when I open gnome-terminal, by customised entries are not there. however, if I launch a bash shell, they all appear there21:56
chrisccoulsoni'll re-assign that bug from gnome-panel to dash, if we want dash to look at ~/.bashrc21:56
bdmurrayI don't think that is right21:56
chrisccoulsonwhich bit?21:57
bdmurrayreassinging it21:57
bdmurrayI'd ask seb128 about as he is probably most familiar with the package and our diff from upstream21:57
chrisccoulsonno problem. i had a quick look in the source for gnome-panel, and it does appear to correctly search $PATH when it launches an application. the problem is that it's environment isn't correct as it is spawned from dash21:58
chrisccoulsoni'll catch seb128 when he's on here next and speak to him about it.22:00
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Pimpyhi there, need support if possible for my crash for compiz,real after a few seconds on boot on desktop- have 8800gt, 8.10 alpha422:48
Pimpynvidia official driver ver 17722:48

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