
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
niemeyerAnyone responsible for ubot3 around?01:15
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest69282
=== Guest69282 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest69404
=== Guest69404 is now known as trucMuche
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
hibanaanybody home?21:11
jpdsHi hibana, what's up?21:12
hibanahow do I become a member here so I can also get cloaking enabled?21:15
jpds!member | hibana21:15
ubottuhibana: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember21:15
jpdshibana: If you're not a member but would like a cloak anyway, please follow the steps listed here: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - and ask in #freenode for an unafflitated cloak.21:16
hibanaI'm on launchpad already as inetpro21:17
* hibana likes the idea of having a ubuntu cloak21:17
jpdsBut, you're not in the ~ubuntumembers team and thus not a member.21:18
* hibana reading again21:18
jpdshibana: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership - all details.21:18
hibanahmm... sounds a bit tough21:20
* hibana is not a very public kind of guy... 21:21
naliothyou are more than welcome to contrubute code from the safety of your cave, hibana   :)21:22
* hibana hibana does a lot of advocating and testing and using of ubuntu behind the scenes21:23
hibanaever since the first alpha version of kubuntu21:23
* hibana is an active member on IRC21:28
hibana hmm... guess I'm trying to convince the wromg panel?21:32

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