
cjwatsonso that would be next meeting but one, by bryce's count00:00
cjwatsonjames_w: go00:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 25 Aug 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 21 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 21 Aug 14:00: Ubuntu Java Team | 22 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu MOTU | 23 Aug 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 26 Aug 15:00: Server Team
james_wI did the mono-tools merge after we handed out the left over ones as we were approaching DIF. It's still awaiting sponsorship, and in the meantime Debian have switched to webkit for this package.00:02
james_wour only diff was for mozilla stuff (that debian should have taken eventually), and so this should be a sync00:02
james_whowever, that would need a promotion for webkit-sharp.00:02
cjwatsonjames_w: you not being core-dev is confusing me; I'm sure I looked at that and thought "oh, he's core-dev now, he can do it himself)00:02
james_wnot even close :-)00:02
james_wis there a policy on MIRs for language bindings that anyone knows about?00:03
james_wwith both of the responsible people away I want to ask for any help first, as this should really be pre-FF00:04
cjwatsonI don't think there's a strict policy, though I would regard bindings for something that's already in main as fairly uncontroversial00:04
cjwatsonI might want to review it to check that it was just a thin wrapper, but might regard it as trivial00:04
asacjames_w: is mono-tools in main?00:05
james_wI assumed so, as it was on the list that was divided up00:05
james_wyeah, it is00:05
asacmonodoc-browser is00:05
cjwatsonmono-tools | 1.2.6-4ubuntu5 |      intrepid | source00:06
james_wI'd rather not be dealing with it, but it looked like an easy merge at the time.00:06
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james_wdirecthex, who alerted me to this, said that the current merge would be better than nothing, but obviously syncing would be better00:06
asacjames_w: have you tested for regressions with webkit? liferea had regressions, so i wonder.00:06
james_wasac: I have no idea how webkit is even used in the package00:07
james_wThis is all just based on comments by directhex in the bug00:07
james_w(bug 243093)00:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243093 in mono-tools "Please merge mono-tools 1.9-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24309300:08
asacjames_w: well. monodoc-browser used gecko in the past to render the documentation pages00:08
asacwhich probably would be replaced with webkit00:08
james_wanyway, I'll either hang on for doko or pitti, or write the MIR00:08
keeseww webkit...  only 22 CVEs in the last few years.  http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=webkit00:08
cjwatsonwebkit's already in main00:09
cjwatsonwebkit-sharp is the matter under discussion00:09
asacanyone knows why we need monodoc in main? (which appears to pull in monodoc-browser)00:09
* cjwatson looks up the germinate-output bible00:10
cjwatsonso seeded and no other rdepends00:10
asacyeah. if possible i'd like to demote that.00:10
slangasekhrm, seeded? I thought it was a build-dep of something00:11
cjwatsonwe included it as part of a general policy that all software in main should also have documentation (or relevant documentation tools) in main00:11
cjwatsonis there a particular reason why this shouldn't apply to mono?00:11
cjwatsonI mean documentation if any, of course00:11
asacok. and we need the default browser for that documentation?00:12
cjwatsonnot necessarily, if there's another usable one then that would be fine00:12
cjwatsonI don't know mono well enough to speak to that00:12
calcwebkit is going to be used by gnome for the next release anyway (iirc?)00:14
slangasekwebkit is already in main and is not a point of contention00:14
cjwatsonif there's something else that works, feel free to unseed it with a suitable comment - I guess just making sure that monodoc-manual is still seeded would be a good idea00:14
cjwatsonok, we're over time; anything else urgent?00:15
calcoh ok00:15
cjwatsonI guess that's it, then; good luck for feature freeze and I hope to be more around next week once I'm back home!00:19
TheMusoThanks all.00:19
james_wthanks all00:19
slangasekthanks :)00:19
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Mobile Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Aug 14:00: Ubuntu Java Team | 22 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu MOTU | 23 Aug 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 26 Aug 15:00: Server Team
loolSo hmm "Current meeting: Ubuntu Mobile Team"13:00
* ogra looks around13:00
* persia sites quietly at the front, with notes in disarray13:00
loolLooks like there's something broken with the meeting bot13:01
* ogra pokes MootBot 13:01
persiaYep.  MootBot has been taking a long weekend the past several days.13:01
loolLet's do without then13:01
ograis StevenK here ?13:02
loolFirst, action items from last week; uhoh my name is repeated all over the place13:02
ogra... doesnt look like13:02
persiaWe can still use MootBot commands to structure the meeting, which might make writing minutes easier later.13:02
lool[topic] Action Items from August 14th, 200813:02
lool* lool the investigation of xulrunner, langpacks and linux-lpia bits [carry forward]13:02
persiaWhat's the URL to the agenda again?13:02
ograbah ... i'm beaten13:02
loolSo I started poking xulrunner for a couple of hours, but that's all13:02
loolConcerning langpacks, I dropped a mail to Jeroen; I expect updates will happen before Alpha 513:03
loollinux-lpia: I still have no idea what I supposed to check, but it's in intrepid  :)13:03
lool# lool to Debian to chase libwpeditor-plus + modest status13:03
loolI reviewed the packaging of libwpeditor-plus and modest in depth in Debian; these look ready to be uploaded except for modest requiring hildon-fm13:04
loolhildon-fm is still broken in intrepid, so I need to look into the gtk+2.0 filechooser patch13:04
loolSo this is still on my TODO list; I made good progress on the direct packages themselves; I only need to review copyright on them13:05
lool# lool to purchase USB web camera13:05
loolI didn't13:05
* ogra has several 13:05
lool# lool+davidm+... test new version of Ekiga (2.9)13:05
loolwe didn't13:05
loolso I'll carry forward the last two actions; but please allow me to move modest/libwpeditor-plus and xulrunner/langpacks to my status report13:06
lool[action] lool to purchase USB web camera (carried over)13:06
lool[action] lool+davidm test Ekiga 2.913:06
loolWe might test Ekiga this WE with davidm as we will meet face to face  :-P13:07
loolMoving to current items13:07
lool[topic] Current items13:07
loolNot sure who proposed the sponsoring queue: please add your name to the items you propose13:07
lool[topic] # Status of sponsoring queue? (3 hours accomplished)13:07
looldavidm did13:08
loolNot sure what he meant; I personally am fine with my main sponsoring queue assigned items13:08
loologra: you have a bunch of items to sponsor13:09
loolor you had :)13:09
ograi do ?13:09
loolpersia: you only have one13:09
loologra: says daniel's last sponsoring overview13:09
ograthats general ubuntu stuff though13:09
persialool: No, I have lots and lots, but I very much doubt I'm capable of sponsoring the thing you imagine I'm supposed to sponsor.13:09
ogranot really mobile ... but right13:09
loologra: Not sure what the topic is there for though  :-/13:09
persiaReally doesn't belong in this meeting.13:10
loolpersia: Assigned to you?13:10
ograwell, my sponsoring usually falls under edubuntu13:10
loolOk; I'm happy to move to next topic -- I have no idea what we have to discuss here anyway13:10
persialool: I'm not core-dev.  Nothing is assigned to me.  I am a UUS admin, so I've quite a few I need to get done.13:10
ograor powermanager/screensaver until tedg makes his MOTU13:10
loolI agree it's not mobile specicif13:10
loolpersia: Hmm for some reason I thought you were core dev13:11
ograwe should ask david about it13:11
loolpersia: The sponsoring overview shows http://launchpad.net/bugs/243948 FYI13:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243948 in apt "Documentation for apt-get "purge" is sort of hard to understand" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:11
persialool: It's a common misconception :)13:11
persiaRight, I can't upload apt :)13:11
loolpersia: You should sort that with dholbach IMO :)13:11
ograpersia, about time for core-dev then13:11
ograi mean you should be ready for that ;)13:12
lool[topic] status of intrepid tasks: merge of ppa, installer, images etc. (davidm)13:12
persiaogra: I've done a couple patches for main this cycle, but none that were accepted.  I need a track record before I can pass the MC requirements for core-dev.13:12
lool[topic] StevenK status: livecd-rootfs, merges?13:12
loolStevenK: How is it going?  Got help from cjwatson on integrating your stuff?  pushed your livecd-rootfs patches?13:12
loolStevenK: With us?13:13
StevenKlool: Yes13:14
StevenKlool: Not yet13:14
loolStevenK: What's your status for other intrepid tasks in your pipe otherwise?13:14
StevenKlool: Hmmm.13:15
StevenKlool: Most of my merges are done/ignorable13:15
loolAnything else you'd like to mention or I'm moving to persia?13:16
StevenKJust checking todo list13:16
StevenKNope, basically trying to get images done13:17
lool[topic] persia status: installer, merges, ...?13:17
loolpersia: So, how is it going there?13:18
persiaSo, I stopped trying to make the installer look good, and started looking at making it work.13:18
persiaIn the last d-i run I did, we had four issues that need to be sorted.13:18
persia1) the partition types for lpia are unknown to d-i13:19
persia2) We don't install a kernel13:19
ograuh, 1-> why is that ? arent they standard ext3 ?13:19
persia3) We have no useful tasks defined (currently choices are OpenSSH server and ubuntu-desktop)13:19
persia4) tasksel crashes anyway because there is no aptitude13:19
persia3 & 4 ought be fairly easy to fix.13:20
ograhow do we go about 3 ?13:20
StevenKThe installer doesn't install a kernel?13:20
loolpersia: 1) the partition types?!?13:20
persia2 currently baffles me, but I haven't dug into it much.13:20
* ogra proposed having ubuntu-mobile depend on -desktop and just apply ubuntu-mobile-settings for now 13:20
persiaFor 1, we just need to patch d-i to know that lpia likes msdos partitions, which is trivial.13:20
ograas additional pkg13:20
persiaogra: You don't want to drop any packages?13:20
cgreganbah...kernel...do we really need it?! :-)13:21
ograwe might, but tha should be possible through the seeds13:21
loologra: We're looking at ubuntu-mid ATM13:21
ogra(not sure anyone tested that, but i think cjwatson added such functionallity)13:21
persialool: Why?  The installer is expected to be meta-agnostic, although I'm only planning a ubiquity image for ubuntu-mid13:22
loolpersia: Well it's nice if it is, but for feature parity I mostly care that we get a MID image13:23
loolnot a subnotebook one13:23
persialool: There are basically three steps involved.13:23
persiaStep one is getting the installer to work on lpia (nearly done)13:23
persiaStep two is making sure our metas appear as install options for the installer13:23
persiaStep three is creating a ubiquity image for ubuntu-mid.13:24
persiaThe flavour doesn't become important until step 3.13:24
loolpersia: On which points of the above list do you need help?13:25
persialool: Step 3 is the fussiest.  I'd really like to get the ubiquity interface to look nice with 480 vertical pixels (really 416), but had no success.  At this point, I no longer care about it looking nice, as long as it works.13:26
loolSorry, I meant the list of 4 issues you mentionned earlier13:26
persiaFor steps 1 and 2 I likely need some help getting stuff integrated from the installer team, but that's not so bad.13:26
ograwhy 416?13:27
persiaOh, for the broiken issues?  If someone else wants to look at why we don't get a kernel, that would be handy.  I at least understand what's happening in the other casesw.13:27
ograyou can just run it fullscreen :913:27
persiaogra: 480 - 32 - 3213:27
loologra: panels13:27
persiaThat doesn't help, because it's about 520 pixels high.13:27
ogralool, right thats what i meant13:28
persiaAlternately, if nobody else looks at them, I expect I can sort the other three tomorrow, and look into the kernel.13:28
ograput it above the panels in real fullscreen13:28
ograusers can click cancel13:28
persiaI know that StevenK's image builder does handle the kernel issue, so it's just a d-i thing.13:28
loolpersia: Is there a way to try this out?  even borken13:29
persialool: Sure.  Download the daily lpia alternate CD and install in KVM.13:29
persiaIf my expectations for tomorrow are correct, Monday's image ought to install, although I'm not sure if we'll have a kernel or not.13:29
loolpersia: When are you moving to live image / ubiquity testing of your bits?13:30
ograpersia, why do you run a desktop at all ? i would just use a .xsession that runs ubuquity standalone13:30
persiaogra: Because it's a live session.13:30
loologra: Fortunately you didn't write ubugquity13:30
loologra: Same reasons as Ubuntu live CD?13:31
ograpersia, whats the problem defining a different desktop session ? we have the ubiquitiy-only or only-ubiquity bootparam already13:31
persialool: StevenK finished what look to be the last bits that I had issues with for livecd-rootfs today.  I'll probably be looking at a noninteractive tomorrow afternoon.13:31
ogra(not sure how its called atm)13:31
loolpersia: Cool13:31
ogralool, right but we had a session that adressed this13:32
persiaogra: It's different and requires more thought?  Anyway, I'd rather mirror the existing setup as much as possible.13:32
ograi'D propose to use that13:32
persiaAnyway, on to merges:13:32
loolpersia: Could you mail the list when you have something demonstrating it (even with some brokeness)13:32
ograpersia, that is in the existing setup of the liveCD13:32
persiaI've grabbed another copy of the PPA locally, and started to review what is and what isn't in intrepid.13:32
persiaWe're looking pretty good, and unless something goes disastrously wrong with my expectations for installer work, I should be able to push the majority of the interesting ones by Wednesday.13:33
persiaI'll scream if I get behind, and publish a list of things needing doing.13:33
ograpersia, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/14834113:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 148341 in ubiquity "run ubiquity without starting full desktop" [Undecided,Fix released]13:33
ograits just a casper option ... and will save you a lot of grief with screensize13:34
persiaogra: Do you really want it done that way?  I like the idea of a "install" button, but can do it that way.13:34
ograwell, it makes the screen you can use bigger13:34
ograi like that too, but not for 800x48013:34
ogra50px extra height is a lot there13:34
persiaogra: Hmm.  I'm still not sure it would fit in 480 pixels, but I'll give it a shot.13:35
loolI personally don't mind if we support either or both; as long as it's not a deep infrastructural change13:35
ogradecide yourself ... i just think it makes your job easier for now13:35
* ogra would swich that on dynamically depending on available screensize 13:36
loolI agree that ogra that it might be a time saver if we can save ourselves from tweaking 20 ubiquity screens by gaining some pixels; but I don't know how much work we really have on the table either way13:36
persiaogra: Perhaps.  Last I looked it was over 480.13:36
loolOk; persia anything else on your intrepid tasks you'd like to discuss?13:36
persiaAnyway, I'll check that out, and let people know.13:36
loolpersia: thanks13:37
ograpersia, your tsk, your decision :)13:37
loolI guess I can move one?13:37
persiaNot really.  I still haven't pushed the bluez-gnome update I want, or finished the migration of ume-config-* to something more flexible, but neither is really blocking.13:37
lool(geez sorry for the typos)13:37
ogralool, welcome to hte culb13:38
loolpersia: Is the bluez update MID related?13:38
loologra: hte culb :)13:38
persialool: Don't we install bluez-gnome for the bluetooth icon on ubuntu-mid?  I thought it was the same stack, but if it's not, I can miss for intrepid, as Debian will be updating post-Lenny.13:39
loolpersia: I don't understand the connection between the bluez-gnome upadte and MID work13:40
lool(I'm happy if we get the latest bluez-gnome, I'm just trying to understand whether you're fighting e.g. an issue on MIDs)13:40
ogradont we use the bluez applet in MID ?13:40
persialool: It's an app that we install that I want to update in the hopes that it won't crash so much, because in hardy it crashes on connect, which takes down hildon-desktop, which takes down X.13:40
loolOk; just a regular update, nothing ubuntu-mobile/ubuntu-mid/hildon/moblin specific13:41
loolThanks for the clarification13:41
persiaI've not confirmed that it fixes it, but it's the only part of the updated BlueZ stable suite that we don't currently match, and upstream is now focusing on 4.0, so it's just bugfixes.13:41
loolI wasn't sure whether I was missing some piece of MID specific work we had been putting in bluez13:42
loolOk; may I move on?13:42
persiaI'm fairly sure most of that went upstream, but there's a bit of stuff from netbook-remix that I'm also trying to integrate.13:42
loolOk, moving on13:43
persiaYeah, please move on :)13:43
lool[topic] lool status: MIC merges, etc.?13:43
loolSo I've had reply from moblin people faster than expected on the MIC patch stack; I've been reviewing merges in depth, and checked that we get exactly as much functionality in the merged patches as we have in our tree13:44
loolIt also spinned many side discussions on misc issues I have with MIC in general; details no dev@moblin.org but it's around fsets, platforms and the like13:45
loolSo work is ongoing there and progressing at a good pace13:45
loolDoesn't really impact intrepid though13:45
loolOther things I've been worked on were shortly mentionned here; I also poked some desktop-ish bits which don't belong here (pangomm, elisa -- still in progress)13:46
loolThat's about it for *intrepid* related work13:46
loolI'm happy to answer any question on these topics if you have any; I don't have particular blockers on these tasks13:47
loolAbout to move to ogra's status...13:47
lool[topic] ogra status13:48
ograclassmate -> image is ready with colins changs to the build tool .... new bug showed up ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/25811013:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258110 in cmpc "Camera application cannot record video" [Critical,New]13:48
loologra: No particular topics connected with your status update13:48
ograwhich was apparently set to critical tonight :(13:48
loolBut I wanted to ask about health and cmpc :)13:48
loologra: I came across this and wondered whether it was truly a functional requirement for the cmpc release13:49
ograhealth is ok ... nothing was found, i'm taking blood thinners and moved from 40-60 cigarettes to 5/day in spirit of dholbach :)13:49
loolSure recording video "would be nice", not sure why it's suddently RC13:49
loolhaha 5-a-day for cigarettes13:49
ograno idea, and intel was made aware by me that cheese might no be ready when they asked for cheese inclusion13:49
lool"Fix 5 bugs before allowing you to a smoke" might also work13:50
ografor the mobile team i still dont have a fixed role defined13:50
ograso my assumption is that i care for the -mobile seed and general hw/platform enablement13:50
ografor that i worked on a gnome-mid setup http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/cellwriter.png and currently poke around with upstream hal on touchscreen enablement in hal-input13:51
loologra: Well we don't have very strict roles either; we mostly reports on current tasks and the tasks were discussed at UDS; I'm happy if you take good care of the mobile seed though13:51
loolPerhaps we should13:51
lool10 minutes warning13:51
ograwell, i'm still waiting on my official team move ...13:52
ograi expect to have some clearification with that13:52
ogradavid said they would discuss it this week on london13:52
loolAnything else you'd like to discuss on intrepid tasks?13:53
loolOtherwise I'll move to the last topic13:54
ograno, i'm fine13:54
lool[topic] Switch claws with modest/libwpeditor libwpeditor-plus?13:54
loolWho proposed the topic?  davidm?13:54
ograwhy are we stuck with sylpheed ?13:54
ograTB seems to work just fine13:55
ograwithout having to hack it up13:55
ograi use it in the cmpc image on request13:55
loolHmm I'm not sure we ever considered thunderbird13:55
ograneither of them has e-d-s integration so imho they are equivalent13:56
loolthunderbird is fine by me at all rates; we have xulrunner software in the platform anyway13:56
persiaWe've already got xul loaded, so thunderbird probably isn't even that resource intensive.13:56
ograbut TB doesnt need patching13:56
loolclaws is okay; it's solid and rich but a bit complex for the screen estate13:56
StevenKTB might be too big13:56
persiaWhat about tinymail.  StevenK, weren't you working on that?13:56
loolThe biggest issue with claws are the bdeps13:56
StevenKtinymail is just a library13:56
loolConcerning modest, it's hard to judge without uptodate packages13:56
StevenKWhich modest uses13:56
ograStevenK, big in what context ? screen or appsize ?13:56
StevenKogra: Former13:56
loolpersia: tinymail is the lib counterpart of modest13:56
ograStevenK, it works on the classmate at 800x48013:57
loolI've used thunderbird for a long time at previous job and was satisfied with it in the previous versions13:57
loolIt's simple and clear13:57
loolModest might be more lightweight; it's well integrated with hildon libs AFAICT, but we're missing some and are moving away of hildon13:58
persiaWhat?  We're moving away from hildon again?  I thought we decided last week that we were keeping hildon.13:58
* persia is very confused13:58
ograi'm all for tinymail, but i dont see it ready yet or in the near future13:58
loolpersia: I mean on the long term13:58
loolWas about to add "on the long term"13:58
ograe-d-s integration is a good thing13:58
* persia only cares about intrepid right now13:58
loolpersia: I care about intrepid too :)13:58
loolSo if TB works decently and we can keep it when moving away from hildon it's a plus13:59
ograwe should test it more ... but i didnt find any issues on the cmpc13:59
loologra: I think tinymail and modest landed some good versions now13:59
ogra(apart from requiring extra langpacks)13:59
loologra: It's not purely development mode anymore13:59
loologra: I'll test it on diablo and report14:00
loolHmm we're over time14:00
ogragood, we actually filled the meeting with content :)14:00
loolI'm afraid we'll have to defer to next week to pursue the discussion?14:00
persiaDesktop meeting is cancelled this week, so time is not as critical a factor.14:00
loolI'd like to take a decision, but lack of uptodate modest and lack of davidm makes it harder14:00
loolpersia: Ah indeed14:00
ograwe can surely take the decision next week with david available14:01
loolSo to sum up: ogra=pro TB, uses on cmpc14:01
loolpersia=ok with TB, we have xul already14:01
persiaMy worry with deferring a week is that next meeting *is* feature freeze.14:01
loolStevenK=TB might be too big in screen estate14:01
ograpersia, freeze isnt set in stone14:02
persiaogra: can you post a screenshot of TB at 800x480?14:02
loollool=TB might be a good option for intrepid and intrepid+1, modest needs a refresh to be evaluated decently14:02
ograpersia, TB is in main, its just a trivial seed change14:02
loolAnyone in *favor* of keeping claws?14:02
persialool: So modest just isn't going to make it for intrepid?14:02
loolpersia: It could14:02
loolI'll try hard to push it this week14:02
loolSo nobody in favor of claws?14:03
StevenKclaws is unsuitable for main14:04
loolI personally don't find it well suited for MIDs, but it was a decent Gtk+ client14:04
loolOk; shall we defer final decision to next week?14:05
ograsabdfl uses TB :) thats a sight guarantee it will stay in main and suported14:05
persiaI was a claws user for years, and recently stopped due to bugginess of various sorts.  It simply crashes too often, which is especially painful under hildon-desktop14:05
loolSo the open choice is clearly replace claws with modest or TB; many people with TB positive experience, not enough data for modest yet14:06
loolLet's check next week14:06
loolAbout to close the meeting then; unless anyone would like to add a last minute topic14:06
loolMeeting closed, thanks everybody14:07
persiathanks for hosting lool14:07
* ogra goes lunching14:07
lool.wub 114:12
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 25 Aug 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 26 Aug 15:00: Server Team | 27 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 27 Aug 22:00: Platform Team | 21 Aug 13:00: Desktop Team | 21 Aug 14:00: Ubuntu Java Team
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persiaWho's here for the Java meeting?15:00
daliborhi Koon15:01
Koonhey guys15:01
* dalibor quickly reboots his intrepid laptop15:02
persia[TOPIC] Roadmap review15:02
persiadalibor: How is progress on identifying tasks for the server stack?15:03
dalibori've gone ahead and tried to build glassfish from source, to get a grasp on it15:03
daliborchecked out from latest svn, on intrepid, using mavn2 from intrepid15:04
daliborthe regula rmaven build works (i haven't tried out koon's ppa package yet)15:04
daliborand it doewloads quite a bunch of jars overall15:04
persiaRight, the trick being that the buildds don't have internet access.15:05
dalibormost of those are either glassfish/sun specific, so should not be a mavvise problem15:05
daliboranother large chunk are maven bits and pieces (plugins, plexus,etc.)15:05
daliborand then there is the rest of ~ 100 jars, that boild down to a lot fewer dependecies, actually,15:05
daliborsince most of them are, as I feared, present in multiple versions15:06
daliborrunning the mvn dependency analysis tools works, which is neat15:06
daliborand tells you what part of the build requires which dependecies15:06
daliborso from the tooling perspecitve, i thnk the 'let's see how it works for a build, then try to figure out where the dependecies are coming from, and which we need to package' should work fine.15:07
daliborit's the figuring our which we need to package that may be a bit tricky15:08
daliborsince it may be necessary to figure out whether some jars need to be present in multiple versions15:08
daliborand if my X was working I'd actually be ableto give you an overview of what's required in there Ö15:09
persiaOK.  So things are starting to get in shape, but still nothing ready to pass out as tasks?15:09
daliborso, coming back to it all, the next step would be to do the same for other things we are interested in, and figure out a way to automate the matching step15:10
dalibori#ve played a bit with trying to script that, and getting apt-cache to do my bidding,15:11
daliborbut nothing really useful yet15:11
daliborexcept that I can tell that a good deal of the dependencies has actually been packaged already15:11
daliborbut may or may not be in the version necessary for the build.15:11
persiaThat's good news.  If we could even get a list of needs-packaging bugs, we could start targetting it.15:12
daliboronce I have that automated, the tasks will fall out of that pretty straightforward, i think.15:12
persiaThen getting them updated or getting the software to build with them becomes an achievable goal.15:12
persiaNext is slytherin: are you here?15:13
dalibordeends on the offline supoprt for maven, fof course, but I'm moving n assuming koon & team will find a good way to handle it.15:13
persiadalibor: That makes sense.  I think as things get broken out, sharing the workload is best.  Once you finish the breakdown, we'll look to you for something else, of course :)15:13
persiaOK.  No word from slytherin, so we'll skip optimisation and universe transition this week,15:14
persiaKoon: Any word on maven?  I remember seeing some discussion about 10 days ago in #ubuntu-java.15:14
KoonI was on vacation last week so I have no update on this. kaaloo proposed a different implementation15:15
Koonbased on a proxy15:15
persiakaaloo: Are you about?  How is that going?15:15
dalibornope, he's not there15:16
Koonhe added the design to the Spec page15:16
persiaOK.  Anything else to report about maven this week?15:16
Koonnot from my side. kaaloo proposal was the only feedback to my mvn-jpp testing proposal so far15:17
KoonI might have more time after feature freeze15:17
Koonbut not atm :)15:17
persiaAs a general note, Feature Freeze is next week, so I think most of this is going to be intrepid+1 stuff.15:17
persiaNext up15:17
persia[TOPIC] Developer week15:18
persiaSo, Developer week is coming up.15:18
persiaWe've had a couple requests for someone to lead sessions on Java stuff.15:18
persiaAnyone want to volunteer to lead a session?15:18
daliborurl ?15:19
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/Prep is the schedule-as-work-in-progress15:21
daliborthanks, persia15:21
daliborunfortunately, next week is bad for me15:24
persiaAnyone else?15:25
persia(and it's the week past next)15:25
KoonI don't feel comfortable talking about Ubuntu Java support yet.15:26
Koonwait at least for my Universe Contributors Application :)15:26
persiaRight.  Maybe someone can convince one of those with more experience (doko, man-di) to give a session.15:27
persia[TOPIC] Other Business15:27
persiaAnyone have any last minute additions to the agenda?15:27
persiaRIght.  See you next week then.15:30
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Java Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 22 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu MOTU | 23 Aug 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 26 Aug 15:00: Server Team | 27 Aug 17:00: QA Team
Koonthanks persia15:30
persiaKoon: No, thank you.  I just lead meetings, but you're one of the task leaders making the team happen.15:31
Koonpersia: which makes me think... I should submit an universe contributor application soon, would you consider adding a short endorsement to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThierryCarrez ?15:34
Koonthen I'll let you know when I send the application mail to the ML.15:34
cody-somervilleKoon, I think Persia will know15:38
cody-somervilleKoon, Since he is on the MOTU Council15:38
Kooncody-somerville: sure ;)15:38
persiaKoon: Feel free to cc me as someone who would endorse your UUC application.15:39
Koonpersia: ok, thx15:39
slytherinis the java meeting over?15:42
Koonslytherin: yes15:42
slytherinKoon: damn, network problems in office. :-(15:43
persiaslytherin: If you want to give a quick precis on your roadmap items in #ubuntu-java, most of us are still there.15:45
slytherinpersia: I didn't find any time all this week to work on java packages. The only good thing that happened is the sync request I had logged are done. So jaranalyzer is in. I have to now file sync and move to universe bugs for some more libraries.15:47
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 25 Aug 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 22 Aug 12:00: Ubuntu MOTU | 23 Aug 13:00: Xubuntu Community | 26 Aug 15:00: Server Team | 27 Aug 17:00: QA Team | 27 Aug 22:00: Platform Team
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