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persiaSo, I'm working on a new ubuntu-mid-default-settings package that will replace ume-config-* for intrepid.10:10
persiaBasically, I'm presuming that xinput hotplug should be doing the right thing for intrepid, so we really only need the startup and shutdown stuff.10:11
persiaSome of the environment creation stuff will become the responsibility of the installer.10:11
persiaAlso, looking at the moblin-applets package, it seems to do very policy-incompliant with gconf: if anyone can sort that out to work for arbitratily named users, it would be great.10:12
loolpersia: The gconf defaults mechanism in dh_gconf is not user specific, that would be a good option10:12
persialool: Sounds good.  Is that something you have time to chase?10:13
loolDepends for when it's due  :-)10:13
loolAnother thing I noticed is that moblin-applets is using the /desktop/gnome namespace10:13
loolThere might be a good reason for that such as relying on the real GNOME applets to change the keys10:14
persiaI wouldn't think that changes to the postinst to be policy compliant would violate FeatureFreeze, so we ought be safe there.10:17
persiaThat said, I'd only extremely limited understanding of why it's doing what it's doing.10:17
loolpersia: I poked dev@moblin.org on this stuff; I fear we're putting the finger in "cleaning up GConf key usage" across moblin10:26
loolpersia: What I fear is that we approach feature freeze and hildon related changes to Ubuntu main packages end up being considered feature additions10:26
persiaThat makes sense.  I don't think we can clean everything for intrepid, but I don't think anyone else uses moblin-applets, so it ought be OK.10:27
persiaIn other words, as long as the chances of breaking anything for anyone else are nil, and we're dealing with something so incredibly messy in one of our packages, I think it will make our lives easier to fix it.10:28
loolpersia: I'll try to remember to move these to dh_gconf10:33
loolpersia: Did you rename ume-config-common already?  Are you aware it's an upstream module?10:33
persiaI wasn't renaming, so much as dropping it entirely in favour of something else.  I wasn't aware it was an upstream module.10:36
persiaMy specific rationale is that I don't think that we get any useful benefits from hardcoding each config: it essentially means that we can't create images that work properly on arbitrary hardware,10:37
loolpersia: Anyway, I agree it should die; I just mention it FYI10:38
persialool: OK.  I was afraid you had some reason to keep it.10:39
ograyou guys want global gconf changes ? why dont you do them in /usr/share/gconf/defaults/ ?10:44
ogra(thats why my gnome MID desktop will do at least, i think we use it stadardized in the main distro as well)10:45
persiaogra: I thought you were working on ubuntu-mobile, not ubuntu-mid.  Am I mistaken?10:55
ograno, i still get the wording wrong :)10:56
ograthough what i understood from davidm was that he wants me to do http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ume/10:57
ograwhich is definately closer to -mid atm10:57
persiaHrm.  I thought we were using hildon again for -mid, and using that for -mobile.  We definitely need to block out and document the featureset better next cycle.10:58
ograbut next cycle we wont be busy with merges and PPA moving for 2/3 of the development time10:59
ograand we will be able to write proper specs in advance10:59
persiaWell, there's that.  Also, next cycle we'll get to start at the beginning, rather than having our release be well after UDS.11:00
loologra: That's where we intend to have them11:16
persiaOK. I lose.  I wanted to make the system not depend on the username, but without depending on the username, we can't autologin.11:16
persiaThat said, I'd like to change the username from "ume" to "ubuntu".  Any objections?11:16
loologra: dh_gconf is the best way to put them in /usr/share/gconf/defaults11:16
ograah, i usually just put the file with keys/values in there and run update-gconf-defauls :)11:18
ograi bet thats what dh_gconf does in postinst then 11:18
ograpersia, since ubuntu is what we use on the liveCD that sounds fine11:18
loologra: Putting the files and running update-gconf-defaults is what dh_gconf does!11:18
loolBut then you must have missed its introduction as both tools were written at the same time11:19
ograi didnt do that from packages since ages :)11:19
ogra(its about a year ago that i touched edubuntu-artwork last, which does these settings for edubuntu ... in the classmate the installer puts the file in place and calls the command)11:20
* ogra-Q1 hates daily disconnects11:54
ogra-Q1wow, cellwriter really makes a good kbd11:54
persiaogra-Q1: screenshot?11:56
davmor2ogra-Q1: isn't it cellwriter that is predictive or is that something else?11:56
* ogra-Q1 is in "eat your own dogfood" mode today11:56
ogra-Q1davmor2, cw is actually writing recognition... but comes with an internationalized kbd as well11:58
davmor2ogra-Q1: okay cool :)11:58
ogra-Q1the o ly drawback is that it sts on top with metacity11:59
ogra-Q1persia,  http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/cellwriter.png12:04
persiaogra-Q1: Looking very nice indeed :)12:05
ogra-Q1with  a bitmore trainig and better screen calibration i could rellally type like with any other kbd12:06
ogra-Q1i got relly fast within 10 mins of usage12:06
loolMeeting in 5 mns in #ubuntu-meeting12:54
loolMeeting starting soon in #ubuntu-meeting12:59
emgentlool: ok thanks13:04
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nxvlgood afternoon22:56

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