
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: August 20 2008, 23:18:37 - Next meeting: Arizona LoCo IRC in 4 days00:18
=== `6og is now known as kgoetz
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== willguaraldi_ is now known as willguaraldi
[reed]What's a way to get the current libgtk2.0 version if you don't have libgtk2.0-dev installed (and can't use pkg-config because of that)?08:25
asac[reed]: gtk_major_version constant?08:29
[reed]I want a one-liner I can give people to run on the command line08:29
[reed]to get their current GTK+ version08:29
asac[reed]: i think you need C for that ... or python if they have that installed?08:30
asacunless you want to depend on packaging of course08:31
[reed]oh well08:31
asac[reed]: wait a second ;)08:32
[reed]I'm looking for a solution that's cross-distro, too08:33
[reed]pkg-config would have worked, but it requires the dev package08:33
[reed]which is lame08:33
gnomefreakno ome sees me here08:33
asac[reed]: mozilla could provie that info in about -> dialog ;)08:34
gnomefreakwhat does this package do? libpam-runtime08:35
gnomefreakIIRC pam == the password dialog08:35
asacits a authentication framework08:37
asacallows you to plugin in new auth mechanisms08:37
gnomefreakits badly broken08:38
asac[reed]: in python you can type:08:40
asacimport gtk08:40
asacthat should give you the version without the need to link or such ;)08:40
asacof course depends on gtk + python + pygtk08:41
gnomefreakok im going back to bed itx early (3:44)08:45
asacgnomefreak: sleep tight08:45
XioNoXhi !09:10
ftastrings /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so* | grep 2.0 | head09:11
ftabut using the distro pkg tool is probably better09:12
[reed]fta: looking for distro-agnostic method09:16
kgoetz[reed]: looks the most agnostic to me ;)09:19
[reed]my reply was to <fta> but using the distro pkg tool is probably better09:19
[reed]I like fta's command09:19
noiesmocan i ask a question about thunderbird extensions here09:26
fta[reed], doesn't work with debian though :(09:27
asaci dont see any version with the command above ;)09:56
asacfta: doesnt even work here ;)09:57
asacbut maybe thats because of my cloak ;)=09:59
XioNoXasac, it is more difficult that I've though :(10:26
XioNoXthe js don't update the content of the richlistbox10:28
asacXioNoX: what are you on atm?10:41
asacimplementing your own application-like dialog, right?10:41
XioNoXI can show you what I've done10:43
asacgo ahead10:43
asacso you need box in richlistitem?10:46
XioNoXthe application tab have a box element10:48
XioNoXso i've done the same thing10:48
asacXioNoX: did you see that in code or DOM inspector?10:48
XioNoXit is very powerfull10:48
asacXioNoX: yes. but what you see there is wrong ;)10:49
XioNoXbecause of xml ?10:49
asacwell not really wrong, but it pretends to be different to what you have to code10:49
asacXioNoX: yes. what you see in DOM is the final dom hierarchy... this includes automatically generated elements10:50
asacif you define in xbl richlistitem like:10:50
XioNoXbut the what you see in the xul file work10:50
XioNoXonly the implementation of js don't10:50
asacit will look in dom inspector as if <richlistitem><box><test/></box></richlistitem> is senseful xul10:50
asacXioNoX: right. please do what the .js file does10:50
XioNoXi've try it too10:51
XioNoXbut with the same result10:51
asacXioNoX: in dom inspector the "red" elements are generated implicitly by xbl10:52
XioNoXyeah, i know that10:52
asacXioNoX: ok. remove everything except the header from this .xul10:54
asacand just copy the code from application.js10:54
XioNoXthe full .js ?10:54
asacno ... the _rebuildView code?10:55
XioNoXok, but this function use others functions and the XUL of the applications.xul11:01
XioNoXand preferences.xul11:01
XioNoXin the application.xul there are a richlistbox with the headder stuff11:04
asacXioNoX: right. you need that richtlistbox in your xul11:18
asacthe rebuildView thing doesnt really do much11:18
asaccopy that code... replace dynamic elements with static elements for now11:18
asacshouldnt be a big problem11:18
XioNoXvar _list = document.getElementById("pluginsList");11:24
XioNoXreturn null11:24
XioNoXbut I have this in my xul : <richlistbox id="pluginsList" orient="vertical" persist="lastSelectedType">11:24
asacXioNoX: well .... maybe you are not in the same document?11:39
XioNoXI think I'am11:40
XioNoXit is the same xul file that I've pastbin you11:40
asacXioNoX: well if you run that code before it has been loaded you wont find anything11:41
asacyou have to put that in a function that gets run when the doucment is loaded11:41
asacor am i wrong=11:41
XioNoXWe are going to lunch, i'll fix taht after11:42
XioNoXsee you11:42
XioNoXasac, ok, it work :) I've just put the javascript line of the xul at the end of the xul file :)11:50
asacXioNoX: thats ugly11:51
asacuse the "load" event please11:51
XioNoXi know i know, it was just for testing :)11:56
gnomefreakthere is a new email virus out. it comes from airlines with attachment (dont open it)12:39
gnomefreakanyone use liferea?12:56
* asac lunch12:57
asacgnomefreak: fta uses it12:57
Jazzvagnomefreak, me and fta, AFAIK12:57
gnomefreakits broken12:57
gnomefreakit frezzes up12:57
Jazzvagnomefreak, really? fta asked for a sponsor yesterday (or the day before) to upload new version. Are you talking about that one?12:58
gnomefreakit might be the updates causing it but i will find out12:58
gnomefreakterm is freazing up as well12:59
* gnomefreak needs a dictionary today13:00
gnomefreaki guess i go for smoke until updates are done13:00
gnomefreaklook out for http://www.savvywallet.com/2008/07/25/bogus-virus-email-affecting-sun-country-airlines/ im looking into what it does13:16
XioNoXasac, how can I doo the mimetype ==> human readable conversion ? window.navigator.plugins dont seam to have mimetypes13:43
asacXioNoX: ill give you something .... just ignore that for now ;)14:16
XioNoXhu ?14:17
asacXioNoX: i'll try to find a solution to map a mime-type to a readable name ;)14:23
XioNoXI'm trying14:24
XioNoXand I thing I'm not far14:24
XioNoXyeah it is almost working14:24
XioNoXasac, check this please : http://pastebin.mozilla.org/52190914:28
XioNoXthe loop stop too early14:29
XioNoXand don't go througs all mimetypes14:29
Wulfiehey folks, a while back I asked in here and someone showed me how to change the default "zoom" behaviour in Firefox 3 back to the old behaviour (changing text size not zooming everything) . . . how do I change that back :)14:31
Wulfiea browser.zoom.full14:33
Wulfiethanks folks14:34
XioNoXasac, sorry, it is ok :)14:35
asaclet me know when we get to the next step ;)14:38
XioNoXnxt step ?14:41
XioNoXnot i'm attacking the dropdown menu14:41
XioNoXwho appear when we clic on the line14:42
asacthats the right thing14:44
asacfor now just display the matching plugins available14:44
asacand the current default14:44
asacwhich is:14:44
asac1. identified by its .so path ... if there is a pref14:44
asac2. or the first plugin in the list that matches14:44
asac(so quite simple)14:45
asac(though indirect)14:45
XioNoX. or the first plugin in the list that matches ?14:46
gnomefreakJazzva: you gonna be around today?14:53
asacXioNoX: yes. thats correct14:53
asacin the plugins array == list14:53
XioNoXnow i'm trying to understand how the menu works14:54
gnomefreakbug 49283714:55
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.14:55
gnomefreakwtf is wrong with you14:55
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.14:56
asacworks ;)14:56
gnomefreakyeah just fixed the plugin for bugs but the person sent email with that bug in subject and its not a bug15:07
gnomefreakok someone pushed diggler to Intrepid but from looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/List?action=show&redirect=MozillaTeam%2FFirefox3Extensions neo diggler is the one that should be pushed to archives once its worked on15:08
gnomefreakare they going to conflict?15:08
gnomefreakonce i find out what is wrong with my rules file i will sttart getting info needed for neo15:10
Jazzvagnomefreak, pretty much, but still working on this school project15:10
Jazzvagnomefreak, to find out if diggler and neo-diggler (which is based on diggler) are going to conflict, look in their chrome.manifest files15:12
gnomefreakJazzva: can you look at something when you get time? i will have to pull up error again but its error in rules was gonna look more into it after email but i didnt see anything wrong with it last night15:12
gnomefreakJazzva: than do we drop neo-diggler?15:12
gnomefreakor will it superseed diggler15:12
Jazzvagnomefreak, and look at their chrome uri's. if they're the same (meaning the writer of neo-diggler didn't change them), they're probably gonna drop it15:12
gnomefreak3. Accepted: diggler 0.9-16ubuntu1 (source) (Bhavani Shankar)15:13
gnomefreakah ok15:13
Jazzvagnomefreak, I added neo-diggler because back then diggler wasn't in development anymore. If diggler is in development again, then maybe we don't need to add neo-diggler15:13
gnomefreakso far no info ws found other than license but i dont trust that since they didnt add any other info15:13
JazzvaIt should be on addons.mozilla.org15:14
gnomefreakthat neo15:14
gnomefreakNeo Diggler is a tidy-up, bug-fix and minor re-organisation of the original Diggler15:15
Jazzvayeah... I think we're gonna add neo-diggler15:15
gnomefreaksomeone should ask for its removal if its gonna conflict15:15
Jazzvagnomefreak, diggler: Updated September 27, 200415:15
gnomefreakit was pushed on the 18th15:15
gnomefreakof this month15:16
JazzvaAnd it only works for Firefox up to 1.0.*. Maybe someone is updating it in Debian for recent Firefox versions15:16
gnomefreakanyone know the person that pushed it see ablve15:16
asacsi there an upstreawm update?15:17
asacotherwise we should migrate users to it15:17
gnomefreakJazzva: when you get time (doesnt hav to be today) can you look at http://pastebin.mozilla.org/52192615:17
Jazzvaasac, for diggler? no15:17
asacto neo-diggler15:17
gnomefreakasac: neo-diggler is not in devel anymore15:17
asacor isnt neo diggler similar?15:17
gnomefreaki mean diggler isnt15:17
Jazzvaasac, this is the last changelog entry which is related to the source: install.rdf: Allow diggler to work with Iceweasel 2.0.15:17
Jazzvaasac, in 0.9-1215:17
asachow similar is the featureset of diggler vs. neo-diggler15:18
asacfta: we have one mui important feature thing to do in this cycle :(15:18
gnomefreakasac: not sure yet there isnt enough info on the wiki yet unless Jazzva knows15:18
asacfta: migrating nss/nspr back to upstream soname15:18
Jazzvaasac, I haven't looked at both, but this is what desc for neo-diggler says "Neo Diggler is a tidy-up, bug-fix and minor re-organisation of the original Diggler"15:18
asacfta: so, byebye shlibs i guess and byebye debian15:19
asacfta: good thing is that debian wont follow (they are frozen), so they will end up with a less compatible nss15:19
gnomefreakshit error is http://pastebin.mozilla.org/52194515:19
asacjust kidding ;) ... I dont really want debian any harm15:19
Jazzvagnomefreak, it doesn't have a build command. I'm not sure if asac pushed med-xpi-pack which should be the default command in case where no build command is defined in debian/rules15:20
asacgnomefreak: what is your binary package name in control15:20
asacgnomefreak: and what is the source package name15:20
asacgnomefreak: if they dont match, you probably have the wrong name in rules15:20
gnomefreakboth same "chatzilla"15:20
asacwhats the build command ?15:20
asacthat appears to be not executed15:20
asachave you named chatzilla in rules?15:20
asacpaste rules might be a good idea15:20
Jazzvaasac, http://pastebin.mozilla.org/52192615:21
gnomefreakMOZ_EXTENSION_PKG := chatzilla15:21
asac yeah ... there is no build command15:21
asacno doubt thats a likely reason15:21
asacfor your build doing nothing15:21
gnomefreakcould be but this xpi.template worked for firegpg15:21
asacgnomefreak: well. that doesnt matter15:22
asacyou need a build command for sure15:22
asacunless you do other black magic ;)(15:22
Jazzvaand back to thread synchronization. yay... *sigh*15:22
gnomefreakwould rather keep it "official" that way when time to push it doesnt require i play 50 questions15:22
Jazzvasee you later15:22
asacgnomefreak: firegpg has a build command15:23
gnomefreaklater Jazzva and thanks15:23
Jazzvano problem :)15:23
gnomefreakand im sure maybe the CVS of this one does too but itsa old15:23
asacgnomefreak: no15:23
asacBUILD_COMMAND is xpi.mk specific15:23
asacyou need one15:23
asacfix that15:23
gnomefreak#MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND = sh build.sh15:24
gnomefreakthas wrong?15:24
asacwhat does that mean=?15:25
* asac is testing gnomefreak ;)15:25
gnomefreakdont know other than = is same15:26
gnomefreakwell == is15:26
gnomefreak= mean sum/answer15:26
asacwhat does the first letter mean?15:26
asacthat means that its commented15:26
asac# MOZ_XPI15:26
gnomefreakoh it cant be that easy15:26
asac-> it doesnt matter15:26
asacits not enabled15:26
gnomefreakit cant be that easy15:26
asacyou also need to ensure that there is a build.sh that builds chatzilla15:26
asacremove the #15:27
asacif there is no build.sh ... figure what to use to build and use that instead15:27
gnomefreaki dont remember seeing one but ill look again15:28
gnomefreaklet me finish what im doing first15:28
gnomefreakdebian bug 49283715:29
ubottuDebian bug 492837 in mozilla-bookmarksftp "mozilla-bookmarksftp: Please update to ff3" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/49283715:29
gnomefreakthat why it wsant on LP15:29
XioNoXasac, just a little thing, I can't find the page which explain how to get things in the preferences15:30
gnomefreakok be back a bit later15:31
asacXioNoX: ther are other places in the extensions where i get the prefs15:32
asacsearch for getCharPref15:32
XioNoXok, thx15:33
XioNoXasac, if modules.plugins.mimetype. how do I know wich plugin is used ?15:54
XioNoXspecially if there are many plugins installed for the same mimetype ?15:55
asacXioNoX: the two point above where the algorithm to fiture out which is used16:02
XioNoX2. or the first plugin in the list that matches ?16:03
XioNoXso it is a kind of aleatory ?16:03
asacyes... but first 1.16:03
XioNoXyeah yeah16:03
asacdont know what that means ;)16:04
XioNoXtrying to make english words with french one :)16:06
XioNoXso it is a kind of random ?16:06
asacyes. thats the whole problem ... and thats why i diud that patch to select a specific plugin for a mime-type16:07
asacXioNoX: if 2. makes our algorithm to return wrong values, then i need to add support to query for what plugin is used in firefox core16:09
asacbut i think we come along that way.16:09
XioNoXasac, do you know how the list appear when we clic on the pluginlist ?17:33
XioNoXor at least how to put things on this list ?17:34
asacyes. the richlistbox has a onsomething listener which basically transforms the row and replaced the right hand label with a drop down17:34
asaclook in the applicaions.xul17:35
XioNoXit seam to be set by the xml17:39
XioNoXso I have to name my functions the same17:40
asacjames_w: do we have something like Vcs-Bzr-upstream Vcs-Bzr-release Vcs-Bzr-nextrelease ? where i can point to "upstream", "release" and "nextrelease" branch?17:44
james_wno, that's not defined by Debian17:44
asacthe situation is like this: release from ~ubuntu-core-dev branch, which receives merges from ~network-manager branch17:45
james_wI think at least -upstream would be really useful, but they didn't think to include it17:45
asacand i have the feeling that choosing any of those is always wrong in some way17:45
asace.g. using ~network-manager wont give url to get exactly this release17:45
asac~ubuntu-core-dev doesnt tell the user where to develop against17:45
asacjames_w: yes, but even if i had upstream i needed more ;)17:46
saivannasac : ping18:57
gandiasac: ping19:18
=== babu_ is now known as Siva
ftaasac, "one mui important", "mui" ? wtfit ?20:27
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/39500/20:34
asacmui == much ;)20:36
SivaHi asac, wikz tells me that you had some questions about Spicebird20:57
SivaI'm one of the developers for Spicebird20:57
ftaasac, for nss, i assume it means rebuilding all deps, right ?21:06
ftai mean rdeps, of course21:07
=== fta_ is now known as fta
asacfta: not sure ;)22:52
asacmaybe its "just" flipping the direction the links point to ;)22:53
asacand drop the soname patch22:53
asac        gcc -x c -shared -Wl,-soname,libsoftokn3.so.0d -o debian/libnss3-0d/usr/lib/libsoftokn3.so.0d - < /dev/null22:55
asacfta: understand what this is ment to do?22:55
asacmake a null lib?22:56
ftasure but everything linked to the .1d will need to be relinked with the .so22:57
ftaor did i miss something ?22:57
asacwell. current situation is that upstream builds can use our libs22:59
asacbut the other way around isnt true23:00
asacso they seem to be related still ;)23:00
asaclets see whats happening without the soname patch ;)23:00
asacand a bit .links file shuffeling23:00
ftaafaik, we provide .so links but we use the .1d, not the links23:01
ftaothers could then use the .so or the .so.1d, we couldn't23:01
asacthats why i think just flipping that link direction might be enough23:01
ftaoh, ok, i mis-read,23:01
asac1. drop soname, 2. flip link direction23:02
ftai read drop .1d/.0d23:02
asac3. take care that upgrade really fixes the links (which might be a tricky thing)23:02
ftacould work23:02
asacmost likely .preinst upgrade and abort required23:02
ftaI had too much beers tonight23:03
asachmm. i have to recreate the .symbols files i guess23:05
ftacould we drop the kbsd patches then, they are a pain to keep in sync, and we don't need any of this23:06
asacfta: how do i recreate those symbols from scratch?23:07
ftamove out the files23:07
asachmm we get the full package version23:09
asacthe debian ones were just upstream iirc23:10
ftagrr, +300 new rss entries per day, too much to keep up with23:10
ftaeh ?23:10
asacah ok -v23:10
ftaor strip manually23:11
ftamozilla Bug 35629523:14
ubottuMozilla bug 356295 in Drag and Drop "Drag and Drop (WHATWG)" [Normal,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35629523:14
ftamozilla Bug 41812923:18
ubottuMozilla bug 418129 in General "Need branch-based OS ignore list" [Critical,Verified: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41812923:19
ftamozilla Bug 45064623:29
ubottuMozilla bug 450646 in Security: PSM "Firefox 3.0.2 should use NSS 3.12.1" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45064623:29
asacoh dear. i hate writing those scripts for upgrade and downgrade case23:31

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