
Greybeardyeah, sudo doesn't normally change the environment, which contains variables like HOME, which defines the home directory00:00
GreybeardOTOH, if you type "sudo su -" you'll get a more native root session00:00
Greybeardhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo has more details00:01
balzokay. i'll have to read up on that00:03
balzokay so i think I have a permission problem00:03
Greybeardalso make use of the man pages00:03
Greybeard"man sudo" and "man su"00:03
balzwhen i installed mythbuntu, i set my second harddrive as /media/500gb00:03
GreybeardI have a similar configuration00:04
balzbut now my user "louis" can't create directories00:04
Greybeardwhat does "ls -lh /media/500gb" say?00:04
balztotal 000:05
Greybeardsorry, try "ls -lhd /media/500gb"00:05
balzdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 32 2008-08-20 19:0300:06
Greybeardthat tells you that it's owned by user "root" and group "root" and only the user "root" can write to it00:07
balzso that's a problem lol00:07
balzhow do i change that?00:07
Greybeardand chown00:07
balzwhat would the full line look like?00:08
Greybeardyou can use "chown user /media/500gb" where user is the local user00:08
balzdo i need sudo for that?00:09
Greybeardonly root change change ownership00:09
balzmakes sense00:09
balzokay now i have drwxr-xr-x 3 louis root 32 2008-08-20 19:0300:10
Greybeardlooks good00:10
balzworks. awesome00:11
balzi still can't unlock anything in the gui...00:13
Greybeardthe new Ubuntu GUI permission dealy is more complex and I'm not entirely sure how that works00:14
balzi guess i'll have to smb.conf it then00:14
balzdo you think you could help me with that?00:14
Greybeardwell, there is swat too00:15
Greybeardthe web-based configurator00:15
balzis it relatively straightforward?00:15
Greybeardyeah, not bad00:15
balzsudo aptitude install swat?00:16
balzi can just access this through my windows client's browser right?00:16
Greybeardany web browser00:16
balzwhat would the address be?00:17
GreybeardI think it runs on TCP port 9000 by default00:17
balzso what do i have to do?00:17
Greybeardyou installed swat?00:18
Greybearddid it indicate it was starting the server?00:18
Greybeardlet me see00:19
Greybeardno, I remember wrong00:21
Greybeardit uses port 90100:21
Greybeardso the URL is just "http://server:901"00:21
balzfailed to connect00:23
Greybearddoes "netstat -ln --inet|grep 901" give you anything?00:25
balztcp     0     0 0..0.0:5901*     LISTEN00:26
Greybeardis inetd running?00:26
Greybeardpgrep -l inet00:26
balzis that command supposed to succeed silently?00:27
Greybeardif it doesn't return anything, it didn't find a process by the name of inetd00:27
Greybeardinstall inetd00:27
Greybeardswat maybe didn't depend onit00:28
Greybeardon it00:28
balzokay done00:28
Greybeardso, is inetd running now?00:28
balzi just ran pgrep -l inet again and i got nothing00:29
balzso i'm guessing no?00:31
Greybeardwell, try to start it00:31
balznon root must specify a config file00:32
Greybeardit should have an init.d script00:32
Greybeardwhich package did you install exactly?00:32
balzsudo aptitude install inetd00:32
Greybeardthere are several alternatives that I see00:33
Greybeardis it netkit-inetd ?00:33
balzi'm not sure...00:34
balzhow do i check?00:34
Greybeardwell, apt should have told you exactly what it was doing00:34
balzoh wow. i'm even dumber than usual.  it didn't install anything because there are several packages containing netd in the name00:36
Greybeardwhen I try to install inetd on my system, it tells me there isn't a package with exactly that name00:36
Greybeardyeah, that's what I got00:36
balzis openbsd-inetd the one we want?00:36
balzor netkit-inetd?00:36
Greybeardyeah, that works00:36
GreybeardI have openbsd-inetd installed00:36
Greybeardeither one should work00:36
GreybeardI'm not sure why swat didn't depend on one00:37
balzyeah it's already there00:37
Greybeardit should have automatically installed one00:37
Greybeard"sudo /etc/init.d/openbsd-inetd start" should start it00:37
Greybeardso, now you should be able to connect to swat00:38
Greybeardmaybe inetd isn't set to start automatically on boot00:39
balzokay i'm in00:40
balzi'm not sure where to edit though...00:41
GreybeardI'm not sure which user to give swat00:41
Greybeardit's been a while since I used it00:41
balzi have my regular user00:42
balzhey what exactly is a workgroup?00:42
Greybeardit's an SMB/CIFS thing00:42
GreybeardI think you have to log in as root to swat to edit things, but Ubuntu doesn't have a password for user root by default00:44
balzoh. so wha do i do?00:45
GreybeardI'm trying to figure it out00:45
Greybeardhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Swat has details00:46
Greybeardsudo chmod g+w /etc/samba/smb.conf00:47
Greybeardsudo chgrp adm /etc/samba/smb.conf00:47
Greybeardthat will allow any user that's a member of the adm group (which should include your user) to edit the Samba config00:47
GreybeardI'm glad you asked, because I wasn't clear on this00:48
Greybeardonce you've changed those, if you reload swat, you should now see more buttons, including "shares"00:49
Greybeardthat will allow you to define new shares mapped to directories00:49
balzokay cool00:49
balzlet's give it a shot00:50
balzactually i think i just got it right with the smb.conf00:52
Greybeardgot what right?00:52
balzi think i managed to get the videos share to the right directory00:53
balzokay this is looking good! thanks so much00:53
Greybeardyou're welcome00:54
balzjust one more question... what's the path to the config file for lirc?00:54
Greybeardthe config files are in /etc/lirc00:55
balzdo i have to restart samba after making changes to smb.conf?01:01
balzaah okay. so sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart?01:01
kernel_ghosthi people, i have a strange issue, my dvb-t card is tuning channels, showing their names correctly, but when i try to watch tv, I get no lock, and in messages i see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/39250/01:51
=== gbutters|NotHere is now known as gbutters
=== MythbuntuGuest26 is now known as Argh
=== Argh is now known as ArghMythTV
ArghMythTVhi all02:13
ArghMythTVim trying to apply a .patch file to my mythbuntu installtion for a bug fix02:14
ArghMythTVand i have never applied a .patch before and have no idea how to do it02:14
ArghMythTVcould anyone help me?02:14
ArghMythTVthe patch is... http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/496402:14
ArghMythTVits a one-liner fix, but im just not familiar with how to install a .patch02:15
Tuv0knot something you should be doing then02:16
Tuv0kUnable to view programguide in LiveTV?02:17
Tuv0kyou don't need a patch for that02:17
Tuv0kwhat makes you think it has not been patched already?02:17
ArghMythTVbecause its not working02:17
ArghMythTVi know when i see a bug02:17
Tuv0kbasically your probelm is user error02:18
ArghMythTVlol no.02:18
ArghMythTVcondescending, much?02:18
Tuv0kapparently not02:18
Greybeardlook at the last messages in the bug report02:18
Greybeard"It's in 0-21-fixes as well now :-)"02:18
ArghMythTVyeah i saw it was added to the update... but ive found no other results on this problem except that02:18
Tuv0kstating a fact is not condescension02:18
ArghMythTVwell, any suggestions? my situation matches what is in that ticket02:19
ArghMythTVi get the glyph error messages and a seg fault02:19
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Greybeardare you using the latest 0.21-fixes?02:20
ArghMythTVim using mythbuntu 8.04.102:20
ArghMythTVwhich i would have imagined already integrated tHose?02:21
Greybeardthe regular Ubuntu repository has SVN version 1683802:21
ArghMythTVhow do i integrate 0.21-fixes?02:22
Greybeardbut the bug you refer to was fixed in 1735402:22
ArghMythTVi gotta learn this somehow...02:22
GreybeardI'm running 18112 from that repository02:23
Greybeardso, that's probably what you need02:24
ArghMythTVill look into that,thanks02:25
Tuv0kGreybeard, how those auto-builds treating you?02:47
Greybeardit's the 0.21-fixes branch, not bleeding edge02:48
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
ajhtiredwolfHey im having trouble iwth my audio, i have audio looped from the audio out port of the tv card, to the line in port on my audigy 2, but i am not getting any sound in mythtv, i believe everyhting is configured correctly, im confused as to why it isnt working04:46
Greybeardmaybe you should trying recording with a different app to see if it's a problem with MythTV04:50
ajhtiredwolfLol hey again Greybeard, and yes i can record the audio from analog Mix ( line in) with other applications04:55
Greybeardwell, that's progress04:55
ajhtiredwolfMythtv doesnt seem to be picking up the microphone or the linein, i tried both04:56
ajhtiredwolfFrustering that i finally made some progress but it looks like im stuck05:00
ajhtiredwolfGreybeard, you still there?05:26
AnusienDoes the default install install a firewall?05:30
ajhtiredwolfGreybeard, ... i dont know how, i didnt change anything, but it is working now lol05:31
ajhtiredwolfGreybeard, im still getting this weird crackle every now and then though, do you know if theres some place to turn on an audio filter?05:31
Greybeardno, sorry I don't have experience with audio capture in MythTV05:32
ajhtiredwolfThats coo05:32
Greybeardit could be related to audio parameters like buffer or period sizes05:32
Greybeardbut I don't know how to adjust those in MythTV05:32
ajhtiredwolfIl screw around with it least it is working haha05:33
ajhtiredwolfhopefully it still will be when i reboot..05:33
ajhtiredwolf I think i read somewhere that there are some special things you need to do to help performance of myth in ubuntu, havent been able to find it again though, do you know what im talkinga bout?05:37
Greybeardperformance of what specifically?05:42
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vtvthi all07:18
vtvtcan anyone help me with a problem please .07:18
Greybeardwhat's the problem?07:27
vtvti cant startup the backend keeps saying cannot found upnp something liek that ' i used the same login and pass in the mythtv.txt and still nothing07:30
Greybeardupnp isn't essential07:31
vtvtwell it wont let me go any further then that .07:31
vtvtNo upnp backend found "07:32
Greybeardare you talking about starting the backend or frontend?07:33
Greybeardwell, the backend doesn't need to find a backend07:33
vtvtits a freshly installed mythbunutu07:33
Greybeardare you running "sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start"?07:34
vtvtyep i did that07:34
vtvtcomes up with the same thing.07:34
Greybeardwhere do you see that message?07:34
vtvtafter it says select language and then it comes up07:35
vtvtit comes up with database configuration 1/207:35
Greybeardwhat's "it?"07:35
Greybeardok, you're talking about the frontend07:36
Greybeardthe problem you're talking about is with mythfrontend07:36
vtvtits the backend / frontend they both come up with the same error07:37
Greybeardtype "pgrep -l mythbackend"07:37
vtvtit says mythbackend07:38
vtvtwith 665407:38
Greybeardthen mythbackend is running07:38
Greybeardyour problem is with the frontend07:39
vtvtwhat do i need to set?07:39
Greybearddid you already run mythtv-setup?07:39
vtvtsomes up with the same error.07:40
Greybeardand you set localhost for all hostnames?07:40
vtvtyep localhost07:40
Greybeardmythtv-setup doesn't connect to mythbackend07:40
Greybeardso it couldn't be the same error07:40
vtvti dont know when i run the frontend it comes up with the database configuration window07:42
Greybeardand then what?07:42
vtvtand the error cannot connect07:42
vtvtno upnp backend found07:43
vtvtthen i press ok07:43
Greybeardok, did you set "localhost" as the master backend in mythtv-setup?07:43
vtvtbrings up the Database setup window07:43
vtvtat the end of it ' it says cannot login to database07:44
Greybeardok, so you have a database problem then, not a problem connecting to mythbackend07:45
vtvtif thats what it is..  i get two errors  no upnp found at the start and at the cannot login to database thats all i know.07:46
Greybeardand I keep telling you to ignore all messages about upnp07:46
vtvtso its database problem then?07:47
Greybeardis mysqld running?07:47
vtvthow do i check?07:48
Greybeardpgrep -l mysqld07:48
vtvtits comes up with 4865 mysqld_safe and 4907 mysqld07:49
Greybeardok, try to reinstall the mythtv database with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database"07:50
vtvton what host does the mysql server reside .. its got localhost07:51
vtvtwhat is the name of the mysql admin  ' its got root07:51
Greybeardthat's right07:52
vtvtwhat is the passwordfor the mysql admin account07:52
GreybeardI don't know07:52
vtvtits blank do i need to make one?07:52
Greybeardmaybe you just need to blow away the MySQL installation07:52
vtvtwhat do you mean.07:53
Greybeardstart from scratch07:53
vtvtuninstall mysql?07:53
Greybeardtry "sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0"07:55
vtvtnew password for mysql?07:56
vtvtdo i need to make one?07:56
vtvtok its done07:56
Greybeard then try to reconfigure mythtv-database07:56
Greybeardnow try mythtv-setup again07:57
vtvtit got some warning unable to locate theme engine in module_path pixmap in the terminal and then brings up must close mythtv backend before it can start i clicked ok in a message pop08:00
vtvtcannot login to database error08:01
Greybeardwell, then I don't know what's wrong08:01
vtvtsame problem.08:01
vtvtcould it be hardware problem  '08:01
vtvtmate instaleld it on his laptop' and all he did was mythtv-setup and it jsut worked. i did the same thing and i get that error.08:03
Greybeardno, it's not a hardware error08:03
Greybeardthe mythtv passwords don't match for some reason08:03
vtvtits the one in the mythtv.txt08:04
Greybeardwhat is?08:04
vtvt4zgs5i4d the default generated08:05
Greybearddon't tell me, see if you can connect to mysql08:05
vtvtwhere do i go08:05
Greybeardmysql -u mythtv -p08:06
vtvtit says weclome to the mysql monitor08:06
Greybearddoes ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt contain the password you used?08:07
Greybeardwhat's the exact contents of ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt ?08:08
vtvthostping=no username =mythtv password = 4zGsI4D  name = mythconverg and type =  is blank.08:10
GreybeardI don't know what type means08:11
vtvtthats what it has in the mysql.txt08:11
Greybeardso, it doesn't have dbhostname?08:12
vtvtyep its at the top localhost08:13
Greybeardwell, I have no idea why mythtv-setup and mythfrontend can't connect then08:13
vtvtthis would be a 6th night trying to get mythtv running and all i get is that error i have read the manual and googled it doesnt some anything about it08:16
Greybeardmaybe you should start over08:16
Greybeardthere seem to be a bunch of people having this problem recently08:16
vtvtyea that one we were working on was just freshly installed08:17
vtvtiv installed it probably 8 times now i actually had to re-burnt another cdr cause the one came up with corrupted message when installing08:18
Greybeardso, you had the same problem all 8 times?08:18
vtvtafter installing mythbuntu tried different methods of starting the mythtv same thing08:19
vtvtcannot login to database08:19
Greybeardso, what is the exact contents of ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt ?08:20
vtvthas all the samethings .. havent changed only the password is differnt08:21
Greybeardwell, I still haven't seen it08:21
vtvtil put it in pastbin hangon08:23
Greybeardno good08:25
vtvtsorry miss spelt paste08:25
Greybeardthere's nothing there08:25
Greybearddo you have the correct URL?08:27
vtvthmm iv pasted it put in my name and send08:29
Greybeardhttp://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/d7faf924 is not valid08:29
GreybeardPastebin says: "ErrorsUnknown post id, it may have expired or been deleted08:30
vtvti dontk now whats wrong i posted it08:32
Greybeardwell, try again maybe08:33
Greybeardcan you see that?08:34
vtvtcan i paste it in there?08:34
Greybeardyou've only got 8 digits in your hash, but I have 908:34
Greybeardmake a new paste08:34
vtvtim using the firfox on the mythbuntu and iv checked it the same ..08:40
vtvtam i suppse to do sometign08:41
vtvti paste it in the blank window and put in my name and then send and copied the link in the address bar08:41
Greybeardwell, I was still wondering if there was something wrong with your mysql.txt08:42
Greybeardso, what's the URL you're using again?08:42
vtvtiv posted about 5 now and tried them on the same pc it works i tried it on different pc it says does not exist08:43
Greybeardmaybe if you copied the URL to this channel, I could try it08:43
vtvtim on a differetn pc08:46
vtvtman this really sucks08:46
vtvtgot it'''08:52
Greybeardsee what happens if you comment out DBType08:53
vtvthow do i edit it in mythuntu?08:56
Greybeardjust any old text editor08:56
Greybeardyou probably have to edit it as root08:56
vtvthow do i do that'  theres nothign on this mythbuntu to edit it08:57
Greybeardthere's at least nano08:57
Greybeardsudo nano /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt08:57
vtvtok its done09:05
Greybearddid it make any difference?09:05
Greybeardwell, I'm afraid I have to quit09:07
vtvtthanks for your help away :S09:09
=== gbutters is now known as gbutters|NotHere
Mohero|WorkHi all10:47
Mohero|Workjust did a fresh install of Mythbuntu (8.04) onto a VM for testing (wishing to replace my Windows media system at somepoint, I installed both backend & frontend, but it hasn't created any of the database in MySQL, or the user access, so it don't work... :(10:48
Mohero|Workis there something I missed? I sort-of assumed it would do this during install10:48
balzI have a philips MCE remote that came with my pvr150 ... how do i get it to capture IR codes?10:53
Mohero|Workbalz: the one that comes with the pvr150 uses the same system as the Microsoft remotes, so you can set it up as a Windows MCE remote (V2) -New model.11:03
balzyeah i've done that. it works in mythtv just fine11:04
balzi wanted to capture the ir codes from some other remotes in order to turn on/off my tv and control the volume of my stereo (which is my main audio output)11:04
balzMohero|Work:  or did i completely miss your point =)11:04
Mohero|Worknope. I missed yours :)11:05
Mohero|Workdoes the remote have a TV Power button on it?11:05
Mohero|WorkI know the MS one is programmable for the TV Power and the Volume11:05
balzi have the new one, the black philips11:05
Mohero|Workok, I've not seen it, but I know how the driver works :)11:06
balzhow does one program the poer button and volume?11:06
balzis this done with the remote or through a config file?11:06
Mohero|Workyou should be able to program the TV Button for the TV and the volume buttons to the sterio, it should say in the manual for the PVR - else bare with me.11:06
Mohero|Workit's on the remote.11:06
balzokay.  yeah i seem to have misplaced my manual (figures...lol)11:07
balzMohero|Work:  do you remember how to do it off the top of your head?11:08
Mohero|WorkI know how to do it on the MCE remote, but I don't know if it's the same.11:09
balzwait... mine is an mce remtoe11:09
balzit came with the pvr 150 MCE11:09
Mohero|Workon the MCE you hold the DVD Menu button and the OK button for 2 seconds, then pres the TVPower button on the remote, and then face the TV remote to the MCE remote (about 2 inches away) and press the power button on the TV remote.11:10
Mohero|Worksorry, I mean the MS remote.11:10
Mohero|Workand the same for the Volume controls.11:10
balzwill i get any kind of feedback?11:10
Mohero|Workdoes the remote light up when you press buttons?11:11
balzno. there's no backlight11:11
Mohero|Workok, then you might not (the MS one blinks twice)11:11
balzhttp://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MCE_Remote  mine is the 106911:12
Mohero|Workbut you'll know it works when you can turn your telly off from it ;)11:12
balzhaha the acid test11:13
Mohero|Workok, I think it uses the same controls, mine is 1039.11:13
Mohero|Workwait, 1069 has the TV Power button?11:13
balzhmm... this doesn't seem to be working though11:13
balzwell it has a power button at the top right11:13
balzi'm assuming it's for the tv11:14
Mohero|Workahh ok, that's actually for the PVR ( the computer)11:14
balzwhat exactly does it do then? because i've hit it dozens of times and nothing's happened11:14
Mohero|Workyou would have to use the IR Transmitter (I don't know if the receiver came with transmitters too the MS one does) then useing LIRC to create macros for the button bressed (first send this command, then shutdown...)11:15
balzyes. this one came with a blaster ... ugh. i have no idea how to create macros lol11:15
Mohero|Worknothing until it's programmed to do something on LIRC - I think you can do that thought the lircd.conf.mceusb file (not sure where it's located though - i've never toyed with it.11:15
balzokay. wow that's going to be a hell of a project11:16
balzwell what about the volume buttons, you said they could be programmed?11:16
Mohero|Worksame thing DVDMenu + OK for 2 seconds, then press Vol + and then press Vol + on the remote you wish to learn from, and then again for Vol -11:17
Mohero|Workbut I can't garantee it'll work on that version of the remote.11:18
balzokay... yeah it seems like it'll ahve to use the blaster11:18
balzthat's going to be a pain...11:18
Mohero|Workyou could settle for a programmable 1 for all remote (which is what my brother did)11:18
Mohero|Workthere's a logitech one that's fully programmable, so he has his macros on there.11:18
balzlike have the programmable remote learn from the MCE remote?11:18
balzi suppose that is an option11:19
balzyeah i'll see what i can do11:19
balzif the blaster works then that's fine, but otherwise i may look into that11:19
balzwell thanks for the help! i'm off to bed! it's 6 am and i have to be up at 9 ... oh bot11:19
MythbuntuGuest97hey guys im trying to get mythtv to play shared files from my windows computer but i cant seem to mount the folder. anyone know how i could fix this, thanks11:29
neukadminHi, Id like to install mythbuntu in a domU and use debootstrap to do this, does one of you know a server, hosting needed files?13:47
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neukadminor should I download an iso image, unpack it and use this as the source for my isntallation?13:50
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=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
Easy_Rider9999is an AMD 2400+ too slow for getting good quality in live TV?15:52
jphillipEasy_Rider9999 SD or HD?15:54
Anusienbtw, got my UPnP issues sorted out15:58
Easy_Rider9999I have SD (SVIDEO with Terratec Cynergy200)16:09
AnusienSo /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is blank...  This seems bad16:17
AnusienAh, apache2 moved some stuff around16:22
MythbuntuGuest89Would you entertain a request to change the /var/www/mythweb/index.html file? Along the lines of the discussion contained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5636100#post5636100  Thank you, Larry16:38
lagaMythbuntuGuest89: can you file a bug report at http://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/ ? thanks16:39
MythbuntuGuest89Yes, it's not really a bug but I'll make it into one.  Thanks.16:39
jphillipI'd argue thats not a bug16:45
lagait's a wishlist item :)16:45
superm1i'd argue it's a bug too16:47
superm1actually tbh, i made that local change a long time ago.  i didn't ever think other people would have wanted it too16:48
superm1probably the best way to attack it from bug perspective is in the postinstall to query if the index.html's has changed (maybe via md5sum).  If it hasn't, then divert it and drop in our own.16:49
jphillipI just think overwritting anything in www for something in www/mythweb is a bad idea, could be using www for non mythweb stuff16:49
jphillipalso dyndns dropped my host again, annoying16:50
lagayeah. they dont do static hosts anymore.16:50
jphillipsomething funky with my openwrt constantly updating, or so they claim16:51
lagayou need to login every now and then16:51
laga*very* annoying16:51
MythbuntuGuest89I agree it's not a bug.  I filled my request as a question  ref #42795  Thanks again16:51
superm1jphillip, well not overwriting in any cases, just if its not changed from the default16:55
superm1eg most of our installs16:55
lagai get tearing! and i want it gone16:56
bjb1959I have 3 issues I need help with. 1-audio out of sync on livetv, 2-all channels list "unknown" for programs even after using mythfilldatabase and getting a log-in to the guide server and 3-when I record a channel the audio doesn't record. any ideas?17:40
Greybeardproblems one and two are the same17:42
tgm4883_laptopbjb1959, i'm on my way out the door, but 1 and 3 are most likely related, and due to the fact that you have setup your software encoder wrong (it's a software encoder isn't it)17:42
GreybeardMythTV isn't recording any audio17:42
tgm4883_laptopGreybeard, 1 and 2?17:42
Greybeardno, 1 and 317:42
Greybeard2 is different17:42
tgm4883_laptopyep,  i agree17:43
* tgm4883_laptop is out17:43
bjb1959greybeard or tgm4883_laptop, I use gnome alsamixer controls and have set line-in to mute and record as per instructions but that didn't work17:43
Greybeardbjb1959: are you trying to capture audio from the TV capture card's internal source, or an external cable?17:43
Greybeardinternal should be easier if it exists17:44
bjb1959greybeard, it's an ati all-in-wonder card, havn't cracked the case to see if it has an internal connect. currently it's connected via external plugin17:44
Greybeardif you're using an external cable, you need to mute the line-in of the sound card's playback17:44
Greybeardyou don't need to crack anything17:45
Greybeardsome TV capture cards provide sound capture devices as well as video capture17:45
bjb1959greybeard, tried the mute but didn't work17:45
Greybeardwhat does /proc/asound/cards contain?17:45
bjb1959give me a couple minutes17:46
GreybeardATI All-in-Wonder HowTo (English) - MythTV <http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/ATI_All-in-Wonder_HowTo_(English)> says you can't record at all with AiW, but I guess you've proved that wrong, huh?17:47
superm1you can't record in myth with it17:52
superm1that's been my understanding17:52
Greybeardbjb seemed to be saying he was recording video17:52
superm1well if this is the case, i'd be impressed and he should update said howto :)17:54
bjb1959greybeard, had to re-boot, trying to open /proc/asound/cards caused system to lock using jedit so tried to open with gedit and had to re-load to get it to show. it's blank18:50
Greybeardyou can just use cat18:50
Greybeardbut first, are you actually watching TV in MythTV with an AiW?18:50
bjb1959yes I am, cat shows nvidia nforce 218:51
bjb1959with alc650 at irq 1818:52
Greybeardwhich driver are you using?18:52
bjb1959the most current nvidia video driver18:52
GreybeardAll-in-Wonder is an ATI name18:52
bjb1959oh sorry, not sure18:53
bjb1959can I use cat to find out?18:53
Greybeardlook at the output of dmesg18:53
Greybeardor "lspci"18:54
Greybeardlspci gives a good summary of all PCI devices18:54
bjb1959which one am I looking for the multimedia video controller?18:57
Greybeardyeah, probably18:57
troldrikOkay, I'm doing something wrong here. The ubuntu packaged mythvideo plays .mp4 videos with x264 and aac audio just fine. But my self compiled myth does not do aac audio. AFD Error: Could not find decoder for codec (AAC), ignoring. libfaad-dev is installed18:59
Greybeardwhich player is MythVideo using?18:59
Greybeardyou must not have build mythtv with libfaad support19:00
bjb1959 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)19:00
troldrikGreybeard: Right.. how do I enable it? :)19:00
Greybeardbjb1959: can you look in the output of dmesg to see if you can find more details on the capture device?19:01
troldrikI even tried hacking config.mak to add libavcodec support for libfaad.19:01
GreybeardI'm not sure; was libfaad-dev installed when you ran ./configure?19:03
bjb1959greybeard, found the tuner lines, what do you need?19:03
Greybeardwell, I just wonder what the manufacturer and model of the card is19:04
GreybeardI guess I don't know about libfaad support in MythTV then19:04
GreybeardI think I've usually used mplayer or Xine to play MP4 files19:05
bjb1959it mentions philips 4 in 119:22
Greybeardok, well what does "cat /proc/asound/cards" say?19:35
sebrock_how do I automount a CDROM/DVD on boot. right now it just sits on my desktop and I have to manually mount it by clicking on it20:00
sebrock_not very efficient when in Mythtv20:00
Greybeardon my system, mythfrontend watches the CDROM drive and automounts20:03
GreybeardI think it's in the media settings20:04
troldrikGreybeard: Well I hacked my way around it... had to add faad support to libs/libmyth/mythconfig.h too.20:08
GreybeardI guess it just hasn't been added to MythTV trunk yet, huh?20:09
troldrikBut it's not ideal.20:09
troldrikNo it's 0.21-fixes.20:09
troldrikBut the ubuntu debs somehow enable it.20:09
GreybeardTOP_SECRET_OPTS += --enable-libfaad --enable-libfaac --enable-libmp3lame \20:10
Greybeard+                   --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid --enable-libfftw320:10
Greybeardthat's in mythtv_0.22.0~trunk18128-0ubuntu0~mythbuntu1.diff.gz20:10
=== gbutters|NotHere is now known as gbutters
superm1shhh.  don't tell Greybeard :)20:13
Greybeardso, it's in the fixes build too20:13
Greybearddon't tell me what?20:13
troldrikJust saw.20:14
troldrikgj not listing it in --help.  :/20:14
Greybeardyeah, weird20:14
GreybeardI'd built MythTV myself a number of times, but I hadn't needed AAC decoding20:15
lagaguess why it's called TOP_SECRET_OPTS ;)20:16
troldrikTo annoy me?20:17
Greybeardit's in the configure file, but doesn't show by default for some reason20:17
Greybeardoh, it's just commented out I think20:19
Greybeardif you look at the show_help() function in configure, you can see all the options20:20
bjb1959greybeard, sorry it took so long my cat line gives me this  0 nForce  NFORCE - NVidia nForce2nForce2 with ALC650F at irq 1820:32
Greybeardok, so your TV capture card doesn't have sound capture it seems20:33
Greybeardwhen the TV card is capturing, you can hear the sound out of your sound card's speakers?20:33
HotkeyNewb Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy user - wanting to add Myth TV to it so I can use TV tuner card.  I installed MythTV Frontend but am really in a fog about how to complete the install. Help?21:02
Hotkeydpick thanx i'll give that a shot!21:07
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
HotkeyGreybeard - seemed like the install completed but I'm not seeing any icons in menus to run?21:25
HotkeyNevermind!  I see the next steps on the website.  Sorry!21:26
=== MythbuntuGuest12 is now known as Ragamuffin76
Ragamuffin76Hi everybody. Do somebody know how i can change the myhttv frontend to window mode?21:52
wezlohey, I'm having a problem with setting up mythbuntu - I can't get X to configure at all so I'm stuck at the shell22:00
wezloI've got the openchrome driver installed, but the xorg.conf file didn't it have it configured, I set up my video card in devices, but there are no video modes listed - a reconfigure didn't work22:01
jayzihas anyone had any issues with the movie posters being low res23:50
jayzithat is after you do a search, and it fetches the movie poster23:50
jayziit has only been happening to the last 6 or so videos i put in, the first set of movies worked fine23:53

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