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Jay2once when I get my apache server up and running for windows xp I well be also putting in a server for all futuer software for ubuntu-server for all people to download04:20
juannicolasHi, I have been searching in the net how to do a fail over with 2 differents ISP and how to make the machine to switch each time one of the ISP stop respoding ping and also to forward internet.04:34
JoshPritchardI'm trying to setup my ubuntu server04:49
JoshPritchardIs anyone here?04:50
kgoetzno. everyones dead04:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:50
JoshPritchardis there anyone here that is knowledgable on how to setup a DNS, web and e-mail server w/Ubuntu?04:51
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, web server is easy04:52
RoAkSoAxDNS too04:52
JoshPritchardRoAkSoAx: would you be willing to help me figure it out04:53
JoshPritchardthe IP is
JoshPritchardI have LAMP setup on it, but am having trouble with the DNS part, I think04:53
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, It works!04:53
RoAkSoAxthat's what it shows04:53
JoshPritchardI also installed Bind904:54
JoshPritchardand I thought I got all the DNS settings correct04:54
JoshPritchardbut when I dig04:54
JoshPritchardit doesn't work04:54
JoshPritchardand I'm brand new at linux, and so I don't really even know where to begin to troubleshoot04:55
JoshPritchardwhat does that mean?04:55
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, for DNS server first try this: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/dns.html04:55
RoAkSoAxyou can also find webserver config there04:55
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, good tutorial for a complete server is: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu8.04-lts04:56
JoshPritchardRoAkSoAx...I did that perfect server setup04:56
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, you trying yo create a hosting web server or something?04:57
JoshPritchardI want to host 3 websites04:57
JoshPritchardI have them on a shared server now04:57
JoshPritchardits not showing properly04:57
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, so webserver is working,05:00
RoAkSoAxyou need to get DNS server working?05:00
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, follow http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/dns.html to get the domains of the ones who you gonna host05:01
JoshPritcharddo you think I should remove bind905:01
JoshPritchardand then reinstall it05:01
JoshPritchardto clear all of what i've already setup?05:01
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, not necessary... just create new config files and follow the serverguide so you can do it the right way05:02
RoAkSoAxi'm not experienced in setting up hosting servers05:02
JoshPritcharddo you know how to look at an error log?05:02
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, error logs are usually located in /var/log05:03
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, i always use: tail -f /var/log/syslog (for example)05:03
JoshPritchardyes, that's it!05:03
JoshPritchardI don't know how to do anything in Linux..its been slow going, all of this05:04
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, just practice a lot and i'll be easy :)05:04
JoshPritcharddo you know of a place that I could get someone to ssh in and help me setit up?05:05
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, i don't think someone's gonna recommend you to do that...05:06
JoshPritchardwhy's that?05:07
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, security issuis.. i wouldn't trust a server to someone i don't know :P05:07
ScottKThere are probably several people idling on the channel who do this sort of thing, but it really is better you do it yourself.05:14
JoshPritchardI've been trying for 3 days now...I definitely want to learn it05:14
JoshPritchardI just looked at the error log05:16
JoshPritchardhow do I get out of it?05:16
JoshPritchardback to the # prompt05:16
ScottKHow did you get to it?05:17
JoshPritchardtail -f /var/log/syslog05:17
RoAkSoAxJoshPritchard, ctrl + c05:18
JoshPritcharddo you know how to test if postfix is setup properly?05:19
pschulz01It has been pointed out to me that the ubuntu-server default installation has a world readable /root directory. Is this necessary? Should it be considered a problem?05:58
J-_Should I use dar to backup my /var/www directory?06:01
lolightcan i make my 7.10 server using desktop envi? and will it affect the security and performance of the server?06:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about faikover06:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about failover06:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bond06:42
fungothere's a way to remove everything i installed but what the installer did or packages that forms the "base" of the system07:45
OntologI am trying to install the tarball distro of 5.1 64-bit on 64-bit Ubuntu Server. When I run the scripts/mysql_db_install command I get this error: ./bin/mysqld: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.509:19
Ontologwhile libstdc++.so.5 is not under /usr/lib, libstdc++.so.6 is09:19
Ontologanyone have an idea what is going on and how to solve it?09:19
\shOntolog: what's a "tarball distro" ? I think you are trying to install mysql 5.1 pre-compiled? looks like they don't use the latest libs for their builds...09:21
Ontologyes the tarball distribution of mysql09:21
Ontologso just installing libstdc++5 should be ok?09:21
Ontologwon't duck up other things?09:21
\shdunno...I'm using only the ubuntu releases of mysql...09:22
\shat least...no ubuntu problem...but mysql...09:22
Ontologhaha the mysql people said not mysql problem ubuntu09:36
Ontologso funny09:36
youngmusiccould anyone tell me what the difference is between mysql and mysql-ndb in the init scripts? And do I have to run them both?10:26
youngmusicoh, there is even a mysql-ndb-mgm one... The reason i ask is because i'm setting up a heartbeat server. And i don't know if i can just run the mysql service or that i would have to do these first.10:29
youngmusiccan someone tell me how to change my domainname? "hostname -fqdn" gives me only my hostname on one server. On the others it gives the hostname as well as the domain name, as it should be. I do not have a dns server setup, so this must be in some file. Only i do not know which one. It's not /etc/hostname, that is certain.11:53
Abracadabracan someone remind me the command to clone a user ?12:11
Abracadabraactually, not remind me, just to tell me :)12:11
sorenyoungmusic: /etc/hosts12:16
sorenAbracadabra: I'm not familiar with any such command.12:16
Abracadabraoh ok12:20
Abracadabraso I have to adduser and manually add everything ?12:21
thefishAbracadabra: you want to completely copy ever aspect of the user?12:26
thefisheven the uid?12:26
Abracadabrathefish, I am a windows admin. I am now being thrown in the deep end to be a Linux admin....I was wondering how to create an account with the same group and accesses as myself12:29
sorenAbracadabra: Define this "everything"12:29
sorenAbracadabra: Ah, ok.12:29
sorenAbracadabra: Er.. Well, it's rather straightforward, really. You create the user, and use something like "id" to see which groups you're a member of and add him to them. You can create a small script to do it, if it's something you think you'll need often.12:30
thefishAbracadabra: ok fair enough - not 100% sure about groups, but check out /etc/skel for files - this will be copied to the users new ~ when you create them12:32
thefishAbracadabra: you want another admin? (another user who can use sudo)12:32
thefishAbracadabra: but to have the exact same groups as you, something like sudo adduser --ingroup `groups` (ive not tested that!)12:35
thefishAbracadabra: actually check out the adduser man page, theres some quite interesting stuff you can do12:36
thefishactually Abracadabra you probably want the add_extra_groups option ;)12:37
AlexC_I can't tell from the Postfix docs, however will an entry in the file for 'virtual_alias_maps' such as: @example.com @example.org   rewrite all mail for anything@example.com to anything@example.org ?13:05
ozusanyone here with amd64 and xen 3.2.1-rc1-pre.13:23
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chmacWhen I run screen on my server, I can't see what window I'm currently in14:06
chmacOn redhat machines the default is to show that as the "title" of my terminal14:06
chmacAnyone know how I can set that up in Ubuntu?14:06
cynicismicman screen14:11
chmaccynicismic: :)14:18
chmaccynicismic: I copied /etc/screenrc from fedora to ~/.screenrc - seems to have done the trick14:18
_rubenbugger .. my /dev/random is 'empty' ...14:20
cynicismicthat'd do it :)14:22
cynicismicthe default gentoo .screenrc is quite nice as well14:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #260060 in dhcp3 (main) "prepend domain-name-servers ignored for ppp0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26006014:41
sorencynicismic: Please file a bug if you think the defaults should be different. There's no point in us providing lousy configs by default.14:44
chmacIf I want to only send mail on a server, do I need to install postfix, or is there something lighter / simpler?15:15
chmacI won't accept connections on port 25, except from localhost15:16
chmacMy mail all comes into a separate box, but some web apps will want to send mail15:16
ikoniachmac: postfix is pretty much one of the most simple SMTP services15:18
ikoniachmac: things like sendmail are much more complex15:18
chmacikonia: Ok15:18
chmacikonia: I was surprised by the list of dependencies, openssl-blacklist and ssl-cert15:19
ikoniachmac: well, thats for if you want to use things like TLS15:19
ikoniachmac: it will work without them but balancing basic functionality against peoples needs is a tough line to walk15:19
chmacikonia: Is TLS used from one server to another, or only from mail client to mail client?15:19
chmacSorry, mail client to server15:20
ikoniachmac: can be either15:20
ikoniaor both15:20
chmacikonia: Ok, cool15:20
chmacTwo dependencies is not a big deal, I just wondered if there was an alternative, thanks for clarifying15:20
ikoniachmac: there are alternatives, sendmail, qmail, exim, etc etc15:20
ikoniachmac: but postfix or exim are probably the most straight forward15:20
chmacikonia: Ok, I'll go with postfix as it's the ubuntu default I believe15:21
ikoniasendmail is a smaller program though, but when you consider how much any of them take up, is it really worth it15:21
ScottKPostfix is the standard MTA for Ubuntu.15:23
chmacikonia: Thanks again15:24
\shdamn.he's gone..if he just wants to get mail from a machine to a relay or hub, he could use ssmtp15:25
AlexC_I've a weird problem with Postfix/Dovecot, it all works perfectly when sending emails between accounts hosted on my server, I can also send to accounts outside of it (such as my Google Mail account). However, I am unable to send email from my Google Mail to an account that is hosted on my server, there is nothing in the logs to help me out, I'm wondering if anyone has an idea as to where to start debugging?15:33
ikoniaAlexC_: does your server show it hitting your box at all15:39
ikoniaAlexC_: is your isp blocking port 25 incoming ?15:39
ikoniaAlexC_: are you blocking port 25 incoming15:39
AlexC_ikonia, no to all 3. However, I'm thinking this may be a DNS issue. See, I'm moving servers over slowly, currently moving my 'main.example.com' over. I thought I had it all working so I updated the DNS zone to point that subdomain to the new server IP, However, I've just moved it back to the original server IP and it looks like the mail has ended up there (since I just got the email)15:41
ikoniayup, always leave 24/48 hours for dns changes to effect the outside world15:42
ikoniaif you can see mail appearing on the old server, your fine15:42
AlexC_ikonia, ok, thanks =)15:42
lamontikonia: that's a wonderful oversimplification of dns change propagation :-)15:46
ikonialamont: glad it got it across ;)15:47
lamontyou notice I'm not jumping in to correct it with unnecessary accuracy15:47
ikonialamont: bottom line is - mail is going to the old server, dns is pointing there15:47
lamontthere was the fun day that I discovered I'd started with the wrong zone file, and therefore had a 1 week TTL on the A RR for a web site... and it moved with about 24 hours notice.15:51
fbondHi, does Server Edition use the -server kernel by default?15:51
lamontexplaining that to a bunch of very non-technical people (the site will move to the new one over the course of the week, with most people seeing it immediately, just not you guys and people at your ISPs, thanks)15:51
lamontthat was very,uh, fun.15:51
fbondI'm trying to figure out the inconsistent reports I've seen regarding Server Edition on VIA CPUs.15:52
fbondSee https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/25445315:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 254453 in linux "Ubuntu 8.10 Alpha-3 Intrepid Ibex - Via C3 CPU not Supported" [High,Confirmed]15:52
fbondThat bug is regarding Intrepid in general, but I'm simultaneously fielding questions from a user having issues with 8.04 Server Edition.15:53
ikonialamont: I appriciate there are loads of options such as TTL, cache, expire sizes etc etc, but if he's repointed the record twice and it's worked  Ithink he should hopefully have a reasonable understand of how long his setup will take15:55
ikoniafbond: intrepid is not stable15:55
ikoniafbond: and can be discussed in #ubuntu+115:55
fbondikonia: Okay, thanks, but my question is very much not specific to Intrepid.15:58
ikoniafbond: is there bug logged for 8.04 ? or is it referenced in the interpid bug report ?15:58
fbondIn fact, my question is really about 8.04 Server Edition.15:58
fbondThe bug is about Intrepid, but there is discussion there regarding current SE.15:59
sommerfbond: since your question is mostly kernel related you may get a faster response asking in #ubuntu-kernel15:59
fbondsommer: Okay, I'll check there.15:59
sommerbut someone here may know as well15:59
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)16:23
ubottuUbuntu server does not install a desktop environment or X11 by default in order to enhance security, efficiency and performance.  !eBox provides a GUI system management option via a web interface.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for more background and options.16:23
telephonohi all! is there a way to do a 8.04 headless install (serial console)? google has no clue16:25
mathiazzul: re bug 253855 - could you try to grab samba4 from experimental and try to build it ?16:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 253855 in ubuntu "please sync samba4 from debian experimental" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25385516:52
mathiazzul: I've tried to build it in my chroots but failed16:52
zulmathiaz: np17:25
zulmathiaz: i havent updated my schroots today but its building fine for me17:49
mathiazzul: hm - which build system are you using ?17:49
mathiazzul: I'm using sbuild+lvm and building samba4 triggers an oops17:50
mathiazzul: related to ext3 and/or lvm snapshot17:50
zulmathiaz: im not using lvm though17:50
zulmathiaz: built fine17:55
mathiazzul: could you ACK the sync request then once you've checked that the packages look good ?17:56
mathiazzul: or could you put the built package somewhere ?17:56
zulok np17:57
zulmathiaz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~chucks/samba/18:28
zulits for amd6418:29
mathiazzul: great - thanks18:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #259488 in samba (main) "libwclient fails to install on dist-upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25948819:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #260156 in samba (main) "package libwbclient0 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/libwbclient0.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libwbclient.so.0', which is also in package likewise-open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26015619:06
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Absortohello! I've installed ubuntu-server 8.04 amd64 on a machine with 32 Gb RAM. However I can only see 4 gb. Help!19:14
infinityAbsorto: I'd hate to question such a thing, but are you sure you didn't install i686 by accident?19:19
Absortoinfinity: I'm pretty sure. I triple checked. uname -a says: x86_6419:20
infinityThen I'd go hunting around in BIOSes and such.19:21
infinityCause the x86_64 -server kernels should certainly be able to handle more than 4GB of RAM.19:22
AbsortoI'm getting suspicious, tho. I booted a pair of livecds from other distros (not that I'm considering switching ;) ) and couldn't see the entire RAM either.19:22
AbsortoBIOSes, eh? Humm...19:22
* Absorto reboots19:22
Absorto:S turns out I have 8 512MB DIMMs19:26
Goosemooseanyone have ubuntu server running on hyper-v?19:28
Goosemoosei cant get the network card to work, even though i installed a legacy network adapter19:36
seeker71i'm looking for some sftp help, having a strange issue20:23
seeker71i'm using winscp to connect to my ubuntu server running openssh.  everything works except I cannot get it to overwrite files.20:24
seeker71I can delete and create new, but now overwrite.20:24
seeker71anybody here?20:36
LMJi'm here seeker71 ;)20:39
LMJlog into your ubuntu server with the same user, and try to overwrite a file via a "cp"20:40
seeker71yes, that works.20:41
ScottKseeker71: I've had the before and IIRC it was a permissions issue of some kind.20:43
ScottKBut it's been a while.20:43
seeker71yeah, i've got all the files at 777 while trying to figure this out.  are there attributes that need to be changed maybe?20:44
dusty_Hey guys, how can you send a file from the command line via email (like echo/mail/sendmail) anyone know ?21:08
ScottKdusty_: Install an MTA with an appropriate interface (I recommend Postfix) and then start with man sendmail.21:19
Weasel[DK]Hardy's (server) kernel does not support my EPIA-ITX board (CPU), what can be done... some boot options ?21:33
fbondHi.  I have one user reporting that he installed Ubuntu 8.04 Server Edition and ended up with a -generic kernel, and one reporting that he did the same and ended up with a -server kernel.  How can I explain this?21:33
fbondWeasel[DK]: Use the -generic kernel.21:33
fbondWeasel[DK]: The -server kernel is not compatible with your CPU, and no boot options will fix it.21:34
Weasel[DK]fbond, ok, is the generic kernel included in the server dist ?21:34
fbondWeasel[DK]: Well, that's part of what I'm trying to figure out. :)21:35
fbondWeasel[DK]: You installed 8.04 Server Edition and ended up with a -server kernel?21:35
Weasel[DK]fbond, seems so yes21:36
Weasel[DK]fbond, complatins about some unsupported features.. and the stops21:36
fbondWeasel[DK]: Okay.  I'm downloading the Server Edition CD to check it out.21:37
Weasel[DK]fbond, really... don't you have any thing else to do.. ;)21:38
fbondWeasel[DK]: Actually, I was tracking the same issue you are having.21:38
fbondI've gotten some conflicting reports about Server Edition compatibility with C3 CPUs.21:38
Weasel[DK]fbond, ahhh21:38
fbondI'm trying to figure out who's right (or wrong), and why.21:38
fbondThere is a user reporting at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/254453 that he installed Server Edition and ended up with a -generic kernel that works fine on his C3.21:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 254453 in linux "Ubuntu 8.10 Alpha-3 Intrepid Ibex - Via C3 CPU not Supported" [High,Confirmed]21:40
Weasel[DK]ok, i can assist as test-dummy....21:40
Weasel[DK]he he21:40
fbondWeasel[DK]: Sure thing.21:40
* Weasel[DK] is reading...21:41
Weasel[DK]fbond, there is a generic kernel in the ISO.. ill try to start rescue mode and install it...22:12
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Weasel[DK]fbond, Success :)22:30
fbondWeasel[DK]: good, glad to hear it.22:50
fbondWeasel[DK]: What mainboard do you have?22:50
Weasel[DK]fbond, EPIA-SP8000EG22:51
fbondWeasel[DK]: Thanks.22:51
sorenWeasel[DK]: Yeah, we currently don't detect lack of PAE support in the CPU. :(22:51
sorenI hope to fix that for Intrepid.22:52
Weasel[DK]sounds great... :)22:52
soren(PAE is what is missing from the VIA CPU's which makes the server kernel unable to boot)22:52
fbondsoren: There is also CMOV.  gcc uses CMOV when compiling for 686.22:52
nxvlsoren: isn't it like really late on your TZ?22:53
sorenThey don't have cmov either? Oh, Jebus..22:53
sorennxvl: Nah, this is not too bad. It's just before midnight.22:53
fbondsoren: Will the detection make the kernel compatible with the C3, or make the installer use the -generic kernel?22:53
fbondsoren: Most VIA CPUs actually *do* have CMOV.22:54
nxvlsoren: the funniest time for hacking :D22:54
sorenThe day before yesterday was pretty bad. I didn't get to bed until 3 AM or thereabouts.22:54
fbondsoren: But nothing before the Nehemiah core.22:54
sorenfbond: It'll make the installer use the generic kernel.22:54
fbondsoren: Cool.22:54
sorenYeah, we're not going to disable PAE in the server kernels :)22:54
fbondsoren: So ... there is a user at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/254453 claiming that the Server Edition CD installed fine for him and he ended up with a -generic kernel.  Possible?22:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 254453 in linux "Ubuntu 8.10 Alpha-3 Intrepid Ibex - Via C3 CPU not Supported" [High,Confirmed]22:55
fbond(The bug is for 8.10, but his CD was 8.04)22:56
sorenfbond: Yes.22:56
fbondsoren: Okay!  How does it happen?22:56
Weasel[DK]i get 0:6 and 0:8 as not pressent in CPU22:56
sorenfbond: We detect some cases in the installer.22:56
sorenfbond: ...just not PAE (currently).22:57
fbondsoren: What package can I examine to determine what is detected?22:57
sorenfbond: base-installer, IIRC.22:57
sorenI really need to head to bed now..22:57
fbondsoren: Thanks!22:57
sorenG'night, everyone!22:57
fbondsoren: Good night.22:57
Absortohello! I'm trying to install ubuntu-server on a dell r905. Well, the install CD cannot find the DVD-ROM, I guess because it is SATA. So: I installed ubuntu on a similar machine that doesn't have that problem, then I made a tar of the whole root filesystem. Then I booted an install cd of slackware 12.1 which has the appropiate module for the DVD-ROM and, using the root shell, I created the partitions and untared my tar. Phew. Then I22:58
Absortochrooted to the appropiate mount point and ran grub-install. I rebooted and got the grub, but the kernel doesn't boot.22:58
nxvlsoren: sleep tight!22:59
AbsortoI went into grub's console and specified root and kernel. So the kernel boots, but ends up in a kernel panic! it says my root= parameter is wrong.22:59
Weasel[DK]Absorto, you have to set the root right then ;)23:00
Weasel[DK]what is it linke now ?23:01
AbsortoWeasel[DK]: I guess so.23:01
AbsortoWell, the one in menu.lst is a very weird UUIDblahblahblah that I have never understood.23:01
AbsortoMy root fs should be /dev/sda2, but that didn't work.23:02
AbsortoI think the UUID is the one of the first machine tho...23:02
Weasel[DK]ther kernel line also contains a root=23:03
Weasel[DK]have you edited that one too23:03
Absortoyes, I specified a root= on grub's command line23:03
AbsortoI tried /dev/sda2 and I copied the UUID on menu.lst23:04
Weasel[DK]root= in the menu.lst could be like (hd0,0) or (hd0,1) ?23:05
Absortono, i mean, i specified kernel (hd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz-blah root=/dev/sda223:06
Weasel[DK]and /dev/hdxxx as kernel option23:06
AbsortoI also specified root (hd0,1)23:06
Weasel[DK]i think yuo shuold remove (hd0,0) from the kernel line23:07
Weasel[DK]just         /boot/vmlinuz-blah root=/dev/sda223:07
Absortookay. I think I might try that. That and learning the propper UUID with the blkid command. BRB23:08
Weasel[DK]note to chek that you harddrive is primary master23:08
* Absorto goes into the cold, cold site.23:08
ScottKAbsorto: When I've had problems like that, I just installed on one machine and then physically moved the hard drive to the box I wanted the install on.23:11
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AbsortoScottK: I might try that. Although I'm trying to install ubuntu on a dell r905 that has weird drives on the front, I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to install them on the other much simpler host.23:27
Weasel[DK]_weird drives ?23:28
AbsortoYeah, they are like mounted racklike, I'm not sure they are sata or what sort of interface they use.23:30
AbsortoIs there a way I could run the installation script of grub from within a chroot?23:33
Weasel[DK]_should not be neserry23:34
AbsortoBut it is. You see: the installer configures grub. But since I installed in another machine, all references to drives are wrong.23:35
Weasel[DK]_go into grub... type ----- root (hd0,1)23:36
AbsortoOh, and: ScottK: I can't take the drive from the huge server and install ubuntu on it on another host because I'm installing into a RAID-5 array.23:36
AbsortoI did. root (hd0,1)23:36
Absortothen kernel /boot/vmlinuz-blah root=/dev/sda223:36
Weasel[DK]_and then setup (hd0)23:37
AbsortoI also tried kernel /boot/vmlinuz-blah root=UUID-blahblahblah23:37
AbsortoWeasel[DK]_: id did that. The grub is propperly setup. That is: it is copied onto the master boot record of the disk. When I reboot, grub comes up.23:37
AbsortoBut when I select the first option in the menu, it says the drive is wrong.23:38
Absortowhen i try it on grub's cli the kernel boots but then goes into panic because the root= parameter is wrong.23:38
Weasel[DK]_ahh oh yes i forgot sorry ;)23:38
AbsortoIs there a way of starting the install script from the command line interface?23:39
AbsortoI mean...23:39
Weasel[DK]_ahh oh yes i forgot sorry ;) ?23:39
Weasel[DK]_what do you have on (hd0,0) part. boot ?23:40
AbsortoI have setup ubuntu and made a tar of the root fs. I am able to boot and get a root shell thru the livecd of another distro. Then i can chroot into my ubuntu partition. Could I then run the install script?23:40
AbsortoWeasel[DK]_: (hd0,0) is swap23:40
Weasel[DK]_could you publish you menu.lst at paste.bin or a like23:42
AbsortoI could, but with much effort. The livecd through which I can get a shell doesn't have the propper kernel modules for the NIC :(23:45
AbsortoBut I can describe it accurately.23:45
Weasel[DK]_ahh sad23:45
AbsortoIt is exactly the menu.lst you get in a fresh install, I've only changed the UUID=blah part.23:45
Weasel[DK]_does fdisk /dev/sda look as expected ?23:47
Absortohey! I forgot all about that! let me see.23:47
Absortobut... would a wrong entry on /etc/fdisk cause a kernel panic?23:49
AbsortoI guess it would!23:49
Weasel[DK]_you mean /etc/fstab i guess23:50

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