
TotakekeSo how much space should I give to each partition and where should I mount them?00:00
joaopintoRandocal, bugs.launchpad.net Report a bug00:00
SladeTotakeke: well, the general old rule is one partion is swap. it's your amt of ram * 200:00
caveman26I right clicked it, hit mount, now I see "disk" in the termanal when I run ls /media00:00
kaffieni'll give that a try if synaptic ever finishes configuring the updates that were 'critical'00:00
caveman26but still cant write to it00:00
usserTotakeke, about 10g for /, everything else for /home00:00
Sladeso if you have 2 gb ram, make a 4gb swap partition. then use the rest as /    ext300:00
Sladeor do what usser said00:00
usserSlade, Totakeke imho 4gb swap is an overkill00:01
Sorlagkurze frage.. wie kann ihc mein Home-folder auf dem Desktop anzeigen lassen? kann es nicht linken..00:01
carandraugSorlag: have you found it? I'm looking there but I can't see it00:01
tonsofpcsI'm using NetworkManager Applet to manage my network connections; on boot my computer insists on connecting to a neighbor's wireless network [that it had previously connected to] over my own [my ssid is not broadcast], is there a way to fix this and tell it to never connect to the neighbor's without explicitly being told to and to default attempt mine?00:01
usserTotakeke, if u have more than 2gb of RAM make swap 2gb00:01
Sladeusser: that was the old rule back in the day when most systems had 64, 128, 256, or 512 mb ram00:01
Sorlagcarandraug, no i didnt00:01
Sorlagerr sorry for german00:02
TotakekeSo should I format it to something different from Windows first, such as FAT before installing Linux? (I think I saw something somewhere to do that)00:02
andaxtonsofpcs, neighbours basically mean free bandwidth, so there is no option for turning 'neighbourleech' off. this is a feature not a bug.00:02
tonsofpcsandax: not really when neighbor's bandwidth doesn't touch my LAN00:02
ussercaveman26, nice so on the terminal type "sudo chown `whoami`:`whoami` -R /media/disk00:02
Denisesomeone can help me to have my toolbar up?00:03
uoaphyswill someone look at this pastebin? http://paste.ubuntu.com/39232/ I am getting this error when I try to print from a remote system via http cups server. Please help.00:03
usserTotakeke, no need. when it comes to repartitioning select manual delete whatever partiotions there that u dont need, and create new ones00:03
carandraugSorlag: I've found it. Select apps and under that nautilus and desktop.00:03
TotakekeOkay, thanks for the help. But what if it isn't an installation problem, but because I don't have any option to boot from a USB drive in BIOS? (And where should I install the boot loader thing?)00:04
usseruoaphys, just seen this one myself today00:04
Sorlagcarandraug great! thank you!!!!00:04
caveman26ty.. it works00:05
ussercaveman26, no problem00:05
master_kaffeine programing ı click digital tv  error " live integral tv work only xine"00:05
caveman26my god... 9GB tranfer over USB... thats gonna take a long time00:05
TotakekeSo should I reformat from Windows to something besides NTFS or doesn't it matter?00:06
Deniseu have to be sure ur bios is booting with ur cd or dvd00:06
andaxtonsofpcs: right click the netmanager applet, select edit wlan networks, then make sure to set a wrong key for the network you don't want to connect to, and set a good one for your own network.00:06
Denisebest is ext300:06
tonsofpcsandax: there is no 'edit wlan networks' selection00:06
rogerhi, I just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, I try to enable nvidia binary drivers for my nv 8800, upon restarting Ubuntu says its in "low graphics mode" and I have to select vga or else it hangs, what can I try? dpkg -l |grep nvidia  http://rafb.net/p/VirmMy62.html00:06
caveman26whats better, ext3 or reiserfs?00:06
Denisewhat is that applet00:07
uoaphysusser any way to force permissions to fix it?00:07
uoaphysthis is getting way crazy00:07
uoaphysits a huge regression for hp printing on linux00:07
Denisei even didnt installed it and it caused me troubles00:07
TotakekeI can format to either NTFS or FAT32 (from within Windows) Should I format it to FAT32 before installing Linux?00:07
uoaphysand the errors it throws are crap like media jam, and "other" and crap like that00:07
ussercaveman26, that depends on the way u use the filesystem, reiser performs better when theres a lot of small files scattered all over00:07
Deniseit seems that fat32 is a lot of problems00:07
rogerTotakeke: you don't need to format a partition before starting the installer, just having unallocated space is fine00:07
usseruoaphys, i couldnt figure it out myself00:08
VastleeIf I have an Intel Core2 Duo with 4 gigs of memory, is there any reason I should use x86 over the 64 bit version of Ubuntu?00:08
Deniseand it will do it00:08
Deniseubiquity will do it installing ur kubuntu00:08
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usserVastlee, only if u're happy with 3 gigs out of 4 being utilized00:08
Denisebut you have to note how u will want to have ur hd partionned00:09
caveman26well its motly music on that drive.. it was reisefs, then I formatted it to ext3... I have used both with no problems, just wanted to know if one had any advantages over the other..I only chose ext3 cuz thats what my system disk is00:09
VastleeI can't seem to get this operating system to boot.  The installation goes fine, but no matter what I do in Bios the drive simply won't boot.00:09
uoaphysusser, when do you get the error? I get it when priting remotely from another system on my network. Then once it happens, it crashes either cupsd or the print driver, and you must unplug and replug the printer to work again.00:09
andaxtonsofpcs, then set the access point of the network card upon boot. edit the file '/etc/rc.local' as root, type the following: line1: '#!/bin/bash' line2: 'iwconfig wlan0 essid 'i-want-to-connect-here'  - without the quotes of course.00:09
MTecknologyWhen I log in with the ac power connected, my battery meter shows up perfect, when I log in with the ac power disconnected, it says that it's disconnected but doesn't give me any % or anything. acpi -b doesn't show anything either00:09
droopsta915i figured out how to open awindows power point, it's possible00:10
usseruoaphys, i get it when adding a printer, on the select model step, it just freezes at this point and thats what the error log says00:10
andaxtonsofpcs, after saving the file do a chmod +x /etc/rc.local to make it executable.. upon reboot it will the AP named  i-wanna-connect-here first00:10
TotakekeSo how do I know whether it's a problem with my BIOS not having an option to boot from USB drives or from it not installing right? Actually, I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't install correctly. The CD has no errors and the hash matches completely. What could be wrong except that my BIOS won't allot me to boot from a flash drive?00:11
tonsofpcsandax: will try, thanks00:11
^Ocean^Okay so im running an NVIDIA card with dual-display,  When i maximise any window, more annoying A Video it displays across both screens,  is there any way too full screen a video on just one Screen?00:11
droopsta915it wouldnt open through my email, so i saved it to the desktop, then open it in open office, just letting everyone know, incase they have the same problem....:)00:11
roger^Ocean^: I would like to know that too :)  I always have to disable one display to watch things fullscreen00:12
lisa_!wubi | lisa_00:12
ubottulisa_, please see my private message00:12
^Ocean^roger, I know there is a way,  i just reinstalled recently and for got the switch in the X config gile00:12
^Ocean^file rather00:12
VastleeIs there any way to install Ubuntu directly from the hard drive?00:12
deeperrori boot from cd, select language, select install ubuntu, sits at please wait loading....   i see no cd activity or hdd activity  any clues?00:13
LunksVastlee: netinstall00:13
LunksVastlee: are you using windows right now?00:13
Totakekedeeperror: Did you run the check CD utility to see if there are defects?00:13
tonsofpcsandax: but I would prefer if the network tool would figure it out itself, since i may walk into the area and not boot in the area, etc.00:13
roger^Ocean^: ah, I just upgraded and now ubuntu won't recognise my video drivers for my 8800 :(00:13
andaxtonsofpcs, the file /etc/rc.local is just a script that's executed on every boot automagically. So what you're doing is configuring the card here manually using the iwconfig utility to log on to your home network and don't use the built-in neighbourleech feature.00:13
Totakekedeeperror: sometimes burning the CD at a too quick speed can make it not load properly.00:13
VastleeI'm using windows on this machine, the machine next to me is the one I'm trying to install Ubunto on to.00:14
deeperrorTotakeke, going to do that now...i've used 2 cd's that have been used to install on other systems so it leads me to believe its a system issue00:14
^Ocean^roger, You need to install the linux restricted drivers for Nvidia cards too work nicely00:14
tonsofpcsandax: right, i know what it is ;)00:14
deeperrori've also tried 2 cdroms00:14
roger^Ocean^: I selected them and it said restart then it goes into "low graphics mode" and I have to select vga or it hangs00:14
VastleeTotakeke, is there a suggested burn speed?00:14
TotakekeWhere should I install the boot loader? If my flash drive's named /sdd and I can choose to install it on /sdd or /sdd1, on which one should I put it?00:14
VastleeI did mine at 16X, I assumed that was low enough.00:14
TotakekeVastlee: I don't believe so, just slowly.00:14
^Ocean^roger, when in dobut u can download them off the nvidia website and install that way :)00:15
TotakekeI used infra recorder to burn it and I burned it at 1x speed. Of course I'm still having problems but it installed just fine.00:15
roger^Ocean^: I guess so, it'd be nice for it to just work...00:15
lisa_does Wubi modify my MBR or partition tables?00:15
joaopintodeeperror, have you checked the iso md5sum before burning the image ?00:15
carandrauglisa_: no00:15
joaopintolisa_, not, it only changes the boot.ini00:15
deeperrorjoakim, i'm checking for defects now00:15
andaxtonsofpcs: try system/administration/network in the gnome menu, there you can define locations like 'home' or 'inthecar' :) so you can switch between profiles.00:16
^Ocean^Okay For a dual-display is there any way too run dual display but still treat each window Seperate so prorgams dont center between 2 displays ?00:16
=== root is now known as Guest71053
deeperroragain it says please wait00:16
Guest71053Does anyone have a solution to the SLLLOOOWWW wireless internet on Ubuntu?00:16
TotakekeWhere should I install the boot loader? If my flash drive's named /sdd and I can choose to install it on /sdd or /sdd1, on which one should I put it?00:16
tonsofpcsandax: yea, i tried that a week or so ago, unfortunately it resets to 'roaming' on reboot00:16
deeperrorGuest71053, mine is fine not the os00:16
lisa_joaopinto, the boot.ini?00:16
dVschrist ..  how do i turn off the smilies in pidgon00:16
^Ocean^Basicaly running a Seperate X Display but still being able to drag and drop windows accross the displays ?00:16
deeperrorTotakeke, it probably doesn't matter?00:16
evild_could anyone help me install wine?00:16
joaopintolisa_, yes, the file listing the boot devices for Windows00:16
deeperrorevild_, applications - add/remove00:17
rogerGuest71053: at a terminal, try running: sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M00:17
joaopintolisa_, it will just add a new entry to boot from wubi, it will not affect your windows in any way00:17
axenoryHi I am having bluetooth  problems... I have this Plantronics stereo bluetooth headset (and handsfree) after I pair pc-audio mic device and I try to connet I get this error.... Couldn't display "obex://[00:19:7F:9A:4C:F7]/". Error: Host down00:17
axenoryPlease select another viewer and try again.00:17
carandraug!wubi | lisa_00:17
ubottulisa_: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.00:17
andaxtonsofpcs, does the other network have any encryption enabled? ( the network you're connected automatically but dont want to )00:17
lisa_joaopinto, are you 100% sure it wont alter my MBR or partiton tables?00:18
tonsofpcsandax: no00:18
evild_deeperror: thanks it's installing00:18
tonsofpcsif it did, i'd just remove the key from wherever it hides00:18
deeperrorvery good00:18
evild_deeperror: ok, now thats it's installed where do i find it at?00:18
deeperrorapplications - wine00:18
evild_it isnt under the applications menu00:18
zzgnome is completely frozen00:18
axenoryHi I am having bluetooth  problems... I have this Plantronics stereo bluetooth headset (and handsfree) after I pair pc-audio mic device and I try to connet I get this error.... Couldn't display "obex://[00:19:7F:9A:4C:F7]/". Error: Host down Please Try again. ANY IDEA?00:18
TotakekeI guess I'll just try to install it again on the blank formatted drive and report back if there's any kind of problem. Thanks for the help.00:19
joaopintolisa_, I am 99% sure :P00:19
rogerevild_: once you've installed wine, it means you can now run .msi and .exe files00:19
MTecknologyWhen I log in with the ac power connected, my battery meter shows up perfect, when I log in with the ac power disconnected, it says that it's disconnected but doesn't give me any % or anything. acpi -b doesn't show anything either00:19
MTecknologyany ideas?00:19
Sladewell, wish me luck. Im going to remove my home directory since i copied it to another drive, and mount the other drive at /home00:20
zzon 8.04 gnome is completely frozen and windows are grey and black and white and the panals are completely greyed out, not even any time. my mouse works but nothing happend with anything, nothing is suing my cpu and memory usage is normal00:20
evild_edeeperror: do you know how i would get it on the applications menu?00:20
shartkeCan someone tell me which is better Vmware Server or virtualbox00:20
lisa_joaopinto, good safe answer :)00:20
rogerevild_: the only thing that should be on the applications menu is programs you install by runniing windows programs00:20
carandraugSlade, how did you copy it?00:20
joaopintolisa_, I am 100% sure now, https://answers.launchpad.net/lubi/+question/1071100:20
evild_roger: there isnt anything that says wine on the applications menu00:20
rogerevild_: yes, that's correct00:21
rogerevild_: install a windows program and check again00:21
andaxtonsofpcs, the network manager applet should remember your connection settings once you have connected to your home network. If it doesn't I can only suggest you manually configuring the initial values like essid and key by editing /etc/rc.local, no other idea.00:21
evild_roger: like internet explorer or something?00:21
lisa_joaopinto, thanks00:21
Sladecarandraug: cp -rf /home/myhome/.* /backup/myhome/00:21
redrebel_how do i set my own keyboard shortcuts in gnome??00:21
rogerevild_: wine is just a special compatibility program which lets you automagically run windows programs00:21
tonsofpcsandax: any clue where it stores those settings, maybe i can make it forget that it ever connected to neighborsnetwork ?00:21
MTecknologyshartke: VBox is much better - it can run vmware images00:21
carandraugSlade: I had problems with that before. I had to logout from Gnome and copy it a safe command from a Virtual console to work properly. I did it with Gnome running and had lots of problems00:21
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:22
felixHi, I need the "linux-image-2.6.24-20-generic" package, but it's not listed in synaptic packet manager. Why is that?/How can I get it?00:22
shartkeThanks Mtecknology that was my next question :D00:22
rogerevild_: you can just double click on windows programs from nautilus and they'll be run through wine transparently00:22
Sladecarandraug: what kind of problems?00:22
evild_roger: sorry im a newb to linux. nautilus?00:22
rogerevild_: the file manager00:22
felixI found this though: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/amd64/linux-image-2.6.24-20-generic/2.6.24-20.38 , but can someone tell me if thats an development version of a bugged one?00:22
zzroger: my gnome is completely pfrozen00:22
lisa_joaopinto, it says, 'Neither Wubi nor Lubi will not overwrite your MBR, it will only add another entry to the existing bootloader.".  sO IS this easy to reverse?00:23
zzi would love to take a screenshot but can't00:23
rogerzz, if you want to restart X you can press control alt backspace and it'll come up fresh, not much you can do about anything that's running00:23
carandraugSlade: gnome wouldn't load. Can't remember exactly the problems I had but I still have the command I used to safe copy00:23
shola_hi everyone, i just installed ubuntu on a new sony vaio fw and everything is working perfectly except for the wireless adapter. it's a marvell atheros00:23
shola_it's not being detected00:24
zzroger but then i cant login, i can login but i get a back screen with a little grey box with nothing in it00:24
Guest71053ubuntu is alright except for the wireless00:24
Sladecarandraug: send it :)00:24
joaopintolisa_, yes, like I said, it's a new entry in your boot.ini file00:24
Guest71053itś so slow00:24
shartkeshola_ which sony model do you have00:24
joaopintolisa_, you can open your boot.ini with a text editor00:24
rogerGuest71053: so did you try what I told you?00:24
rogerGuest71053: what did it say?00:24
shola_its a sony vaio vgn-fw140d00:24
Guest71053I been trying to install ndiswrapper00:24
carandraugSlade: rsync -acvSHx --exclude lost+found /home/ /where_you _want_to_backup00:24
lisa_joaopinto, ok thats good to know as I dont want anything to alter my MBR etc as I have a HP Laptop that relies on its own MBR00:24
rogerGuest71053: I didn't say anything about ndiswrapper00:25
shola_purchased in canada...i believe the model numbers are different in other parts of the world00:25
Guest71053it didnt say anything00:25
Guest71053it changed the bit rate00:25
Guest71053but itś still slow00:25
Sladecarandraug: well i actually just did a mv -fv to back it up00:25
joaopintolisa_, it will not touch the mbr, the installation will be self contained on the windows partition00:25
redrebel_how do i set my default email client?00:25
andymoreland!bitchx | derander00:25
ubottuderander: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines00:25
rogerGuest71053: hmm, ok, some wireless cards default to slow under Ubuntu and that command resets it to full speed00:25
Sladeand then copied to the other drive00:25
Sladeso far, it's ok00:25
carandraugSlade: logout first. Go to a virtual console (Ctrl + Alt + F2 for example) and type that in00:25
Guest71053I have tried disabling ipv600:25
lisa_joaopinto, so it creates a file, like vbox does?00:25
evild_roger: can I run my already installed windows programs (on windows xp partition) with wine?00:25
joaopintolisa_, yes, but it does real hw detection, unlike vbox00:25
joaopintoand you need to boot from it, is not something you can run from windows00:26
lisa_joaopinto, what does "real hw detection" mean?00:26
rogerevild_: yes but that may cause you problems and you will not be supported.  you need to install each program from scratch00:26
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DeranderIs there a way to apt-get bitchx on hardy?  I'm not seeing it in the repos.00:26
zzWhy would gnome keep locking up and then i can't log back in, after i login i get a blackscreen with a little grey box in the corner, looks like a dialog but says nothing00:26
Guest71053itś still showing up as 18mb/s though00:26
carandraugSlade: I think that kind of moving can break some links. I think that was the problem.00:26
Guest71053Im right on top of the router00:26
joaopintolisa_, with virtualbox linux does not detect your real hw, instead it detects the vbox emulated hw, with wubi,, it will detectd your real hw00:26
lisa_joaopinto, so is that safer to do it that way than running ubuntu from vbox?  I use ubuntu access my bank websites.  Safer than vbox?00:26
evild_roger: ok, ill try to install winRAR for a test run00:26
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Vastlee7-Zip > All00:27
joaopintolisa_, no, running from vbox is just as safer as doing it from a windows system00:27
joaopintowubi is safer, because there is no windows running :)00:27
Guest71053if only I can get ndiswrapper to work00:27
rogerevild_: ok, winrar should work fairly well, there are two resources you can use http://forum.winehq.org - the official Wine forum and http://appdb.winehq.org the application compatibility database00:27
andaxtonsofpcs, type 'nm-editor' in a terminal and remove the ones you dont need, don't know about the config file sorry00:27
IndyGunFreakGuest71053: what device do you have?00:28
Guest71053does anyone know where I can find AR5212 driver?00:28
Pelohow do I enable direct rendering ?00:28
Guest71053I have the generic AR521200:28
lisa_joaopinto, i mean... is it safer using Wubi than vbox, to bypass any potential  Vista sniffers, virus, spyware, keyloggers etc?00:28
shartkeshola_ My girlfriend has a similar laptop that I put ubuntu on.  I thought she had an Atheros.   I found a good guide a while back on how to get it to work.. I am trying to look for it00:28
Guest71053Itś one of the reason why I picked it when I bought the laptop00:28
evild_roger: it dosent seem to be saving the file to my desktop00:28
joaopintolisa_, yes it is, safer than that, just using a live cd :P00:28
shola_shartke, thanks a lot, anything is appreciated00:28
IndyGunFreakGuest71053: well why not just use madwifi?00:28
Guest71053I thought atheros would be more compatible instead of something like intel N00:28
Guest71053I am using madwifi00:28
lisa_joaopinto, so using Wubi is like livecd? I cant save and configure ubuntu the way I like it?00:29
Guest71053itś very slow00:29
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:29
tonsofpcsthanks andax :)00:29
shartkeThere is a bug report out on the newest atheros on the ubuntu forums00:29
joaopintoGuest71053, my atheros wifi is just working fine with the restricted drivers provided by ubuntu00:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about directrendering00:29
rogerevild_: when you download winrar from the website, you should have the option to run it or save it... you could just run it00:29
Pelo!direct rendering00:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:29
IndyGunFreakGuest71053: cuz i have an AR242x, w/ madwifi, and i connect at 52mb no prob.00:29
Guest71053downloading only at 400kb/s00:29
tonsofpcsandax: hmm, not found...00:29
joaopintolisa_, no, it's not, changes are saved on wubi, a livecd is safer for that reason, it's static00:29
mars_I am wondering how can I enable quicktime support for rhythmbox?00:29
evild_roger: i only have the option to save it00:29
Guest71053usually i get 5000kb connection00:29
evild_and i click that00:29
evild_but it is nowhere00:29
zzwhy does gnome decide to lock up when nothing is pegging cpu and memory is normal, killing X does nothing but take me back to login where that locks up as well. i have disabled compiz but problem persists00:29
Sladecarandraug: ok, well i should have listened to you the first time00:30
mars_I checked that I can view quicktime with mplayer, but I want to watch screencasts directly in rhythmbox.00:30
Guest71053why dont you go to speedtest.net and check it?00:30
rogerevild_: hmm, go into the download manager in firefox (assuming you're using firefox) right click on it and check to see where it was saved00:30
andaxtonsofpcs, nm-editor not found (as a command) or the network you want to disable?00:30
lisa_joaopinto, so Wubi allows me to run ubuntu without installing Grub, and then it also allows me to edit and change Ubuntu how I like it?  it saves all changes into a single file on my Vista hard drive?00:30
stageleftI get a "invalid function name:SelectFiles" error when trying to upload images to photobucket via FF 3.0b.5 - Ubuntu 8.04. Is there a cure?00:30
DavidCanariasHi everyone. Does anyone know which program I can use in order to reduce the length of a song. I need to send something by email and it's 5.9MB. I need to reduce it to 5M?????? Thanks00:30
evild_roger: there is nothing on the list00:30
Guest71053The wireless in Windows gets as fast as Ethernet when I am this close to the router00:30
tonsofpcsandax: command00:30
mars_But if I klick on a .mov file I get "failed"00:30
lisa_DavidCanarias, take out the drummer?00:30
carandraugSlade: I also think there's applications that help you do that kind of stuff00:30
joaopintozz, an hang is not necessary cpu bind, it can be a processed blocked on some resource, like a lock00:30
tonsofpcsi have nm-tool, nm, nmap, nmblookup, nm-applet, nm-vpn-properties00:31
DavidCanariasLisa? Hi, what is drummer?00:31
joaopintolisa_, yes, that is correct00:31
andaxtonsofpcs, the command is included in the 'network-manager-gnome' package.00:31
lisa_joaopinto, wow how cool is that :)00:31
DavidCanariasSorry Lisa I don't know what drummer is????00:31
zzjoaopinto: how would i find it? could it be an audio problem?00:31
rogerevild_: strange... are you comfortable with the commandline?  it's easier if you just open a terminal and type: wget http://www.rarlab.com/rar/wrar38b4.exe00:31
tonsofpcsandax: it is installed00:31
lisa_DavidCanarias, sorry it was joke,00:31
joaopintolisa_, wubi was developed mostly to decrease the concerns of partitioning....00:31
rogerevild_: then you can type wine wrar38b4.exe00:31
zzjoaopinto: or usb issue?00:31
DavidCanariasJajajaja, sorry, it's late so I'm half asleep!!!!!!00:32
lisa_joaopinto, excellent. as I have installing grub which messes with my original MBR00:32
tonsofpcsandax: is it a script maybe? or maybe default put outside-of-path?00:32
lisa_joaopinto, excellent. as I hate installing grub which messes with my original MBR00:32
carandraugSlade: just don't erase anything yet. I think you can restore the links if you keep them in the same partition. I'm not sure though. I've done it a long time ago and never more treaded on that kind of waters00:32
evild_roger: i can do that. but now i have another problem. firefox isnt letting me download anything00:32
Sladecarandraug: see i did it on a SuSE box that way00:32
joaopintozz, check the .xsession-errors on your home dir00:32
rogerevild_: ok, want to just check that you can use wine first?00:33
evild_i did00:33
rogerevild_: does it run the installer?00:33
evild_roger: i have the winrar setup in front of me00:33
rogerevild_: cool :)00:33
rogerevild_: if you proceed, then you can check on the applications menu for winrar00:33
carandraugSlade: maybe it will work. I'm just saying it didn't work for me. I had to use that command00:33
DavidCanariasCan anyone help me as I need to reduce the MB of a song. The one I have is 5.9 and I need to reduce to 5MB. Any ideas please which program to use?00:34
rogerevild_: if you run into problems with wine again can I suggest you try the forum at http://forum.winehq.org00:34
evild_roger: still no wine on applications menu00:34
shola_shartke: if i can't get the atheros card working, would you be able to recommend a supported usb adapter?00:34
andaxtonsofpcs, it's a binary file located in /usr/bin that is included in the network-manager-gnome package that should have been installed by default ..00:34
tonsofpcsandax: well, i'm working with feisty... maybe there's been changes?00:34
shola_DavidCanarias: try using audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net)00:34
godzirraI'm trying to add my wireless printer on a laptop and I used the cups page (localhost:631) to add it on two laptops.  On one running intrepid it works.  On the other running hardy it does not.  On the one running Hardy, I can print a test page from the CUPS setup pages, but I don't show a printer in Firefox when I try and print, and when I go to system->administration->printing, its running "python /usr/share/system-config-printer/00:35
andaxtonsofpcs: i have no idea, i only have a hardy installation sorry00:35
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rogerevild_: make sure you clicked the option 'add winrar to start menu' in the installer, it's not enabled by default00:35
Sladecarandraug: i think its ok now00:35
DavidCanariasShola, thanks I will try this. Have you ever used it?00:36
carandraugSlade: ok. Good luck with it00:36
zzWhy would GStreamer give me so many critical errors?00:37
Sladenext question, in /etc fstab, do u have to put in a UUID ?00:37
shola_DavidCanarias: i used to use it all the time in windows. make sure you download lame_enc.dll so you can export as .mp300:37
carandraugSlade: it's up to you. It's recommended to use the UUID though00:37
shola_DavidCanarias: it works really well00:37
zzis there a way to get rid of gdm and use xdm?00:38
Sladecarandraug: ok, and why in my /etc/fstab  there's a # sign infront of my /dev/sda1 ?00:38
Sladedoes ubuntu use something else/00:38
Jack_Sparrow!pure kde00:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pure kde00:38
DavidCanariasShola, it's already installed in my system so I am installing to try OK. Thanks00:38
Jack_Sparrow!uuid > slade00:38
ubottuslade, please see my private message00:38
zzwtf is wrong with my xsession-erros, it is a MESS00:39
carandraugSlade: Nearly every motherboard has several controllers (onboard SATA, onboard IDE), and due to kernel and udev development updates, /dev/sda may become /dev/sdb on the next reboot- hence the persistent device naming convention of UUID has been adopted for reliability.00:39
rogerI just upgraded from 7.10 to 8.04, I try to enable nvidia binary drivers for my nv 8800, upon restarting Ubuntu says its in "low graphics mode" and I have to select vga or else it hangs, what can I try? dpkg -l |grep nvidia  http://rafb.net/p/VirmMy62.html00:39
evild_roger: i went back and did it again with that option and it is still not there.00:39
andaxSlade, maybe you have that common virus that randomly puts # signs to config files.. do you have a virus scanner?00:39
Jack_Sparrowzz Please dont use the abr. for profane language00:39
rogerevild_: ok, join #winehq and ask for help explaining it is not showing on applications menu00:39
zzJack_Sparrow: not a problem to change lol sorry00:40
Sladeok, then how do i tell UUID to mount a specific drive to a certain directory?00:40
Sladeie /dev/sdb1 /home00:40
zzJack_Sparrow: oh i remember that is in the CoC00:40
zzJack_Sparrow: where can i start to look for why gnome locks up?00:41
carandraugSlade: using the UUID in the fstab is just the same as using /dev/hda for example. The only difference is that the UUID won't change with a kernel upgrade00:41
Jack_SparrowSlade http://paste.ubuntu.com/39239/ is my fstab..00:41
andaxSlade, maybe try to remove the # sign if you dare and make it look like:00:42
DrXhow do you set permissions on a directory to allow any member of the group users to modify any file in that directory or it's subdirectories?00:42
andaxUUID=b3a9e65e-a2db-4c5b-9a56-aaa083021007 /home               ext3    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       100:42
Jack_Sparrowzz Start with a look at sources you have added yourself and things you have compiled that might have messed up your system00:42
stepanstasI can't get into Ubuntu.  I am even getting an "NTLDR is missing" error.  I did "sudo /sbin/fdisk -l" and it says "Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table".  How can i fix?00:43
zzJack_Sparrow: haven't compiled anything on this sytem yet, sources as in package sources?00:43
Slade(i feel like such a newbie right now)...  if i manually mount that drive to /home  will ubuntu remember that's where it is and will mount it there on next reboot?00:43
lufisI want to update my BIOS but dell only provides a windows utility and a dos one. Would freedos work for this use? what about dosbox?00:43
zzJack_Sparrow: I did add media so i can play dvds00:43
andaxSlade, no it wont, you have to specify the mount point in /etc/fstab00:43
balzwhat's the default path to smb.conf?00:43
carandraugSlade: you'll have to add it to fstab I think00:44
andaxbalz, /etc/samba/smb.conf00:44
Jack_SparrowDrX Permissions on a Partition: sudo mkdir /data/$USER && sudo chown $USER:$USER /data/$USER && sudo chmod u+rwx /data/$USER ... sudo mkdir /media/sdb1/$USER && sudo chown $USER:$USER /media/sdb1/$USER && sudo chmod u+rwx /media/sdb1/$USER00:44
balzandax, thanks00:44
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Jack_Sparrowzz you added media as a source?00:44
Sladeok i see it. my eyes were playing tricks on me.  i thought the UUID was also commented out00:45
zzJack_Sparrow: hold on let me check lol00:45
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Jack_Sparrowlufis USe only a dos disk.  do NOT use dosbox00:45
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carandraugSlade: also, don't remove the # from # /dev/sda1 It's ok how it is00:45
zzJack_Sparrow: medibuntu00:45
lufisJack_Sparrow: Hmmm, so is the FreeDOS livecd ok?00:45
andaxSlade, wow it wasn't? then you don't have that deadly virus. it's good news :)00:45
Sladecarandraug: i didn't. i figured it out. it's just a comment label saying what the UUID was for00:45
Jack_SparrowSlade http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome00:46
Sladeandax: ever get that funny feeling that some people are being sarcastic?  :D00:46
Jack_Sparrowzz medibuntu should not bew causing any issues.00:46
stepanstasI can't get into Ubuntu.  I am even getting an "NTLDR is missing" error.  I did "sudo /sbin/fdisk -l" and it says "Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table".  How can i fix?00:47
Jack_SparrowSlade ..Never.. really. never at all00:47
pacendrixManiacs :)00:47
pacendrixHello all00:47
carandraugandax: it's not that deadly if all you have to do is remove some # from the fstab file. Also, I've never heard of such virus. Are you sure it's not an urban myth?00:47
zzJack_Sparrow: and before it completely freezes firefox won't start, i click on the launcher and nothing, then i click on thunderbird and it launched right up00:47
Jack_Sparrowstepanstas did you originally install your ubuntu inside windows with wubi?00:47
SladeJack_Sparrow: lol00:48
andaxcarandraug, google for 'sarcasm' please :)00:48
Jack_Sparrowzz next time try running firefox from cli and see if you get an error message.00:48
SladeJack_Sparrow: thats for creating a partition on the same disk. I have a different drive that im using00:48
zzJack_Sparrow: gnometerminal won't start for me to do that if firefox doesnt start00:48
Jack_SparrowSlade It all works the same for making a sep /home partition.00:49
zzJack_Sparrow: sorry, it start but is all white00:49
stepanstasJack_Sparrow: the funny thing is, i do not have Windows installed at all.  I know the error is related with windows.  I have 2 drives.  One has Ubuntu, the other has data but it is formated to NTFS.00:49
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carandraugandax: oh. ok. What about the virus thing being a urban myth?00:49
Jack_Sparrowzz what versionof ubuntu and how did you install flash00:49
evild_wow, people are helpless in #winhq00:49
zzJack_Sparrow: ubuntu 8.0400:49
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:50
stepanstasJack_Sparrow: This happened when the computer was just not responding and i shut if off with the button.  Huge mistake.00:50
zzJack_Sparrow: it installed for me, i don't really know what it did, ubuntu ristricted i think00:50
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Jack_Sparrowzz  in a term..   sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit                     (Provide Pastebin link in channel)00:51
andaxcarandraug, i was kidding, joking, having fun, being stupid whatever... sorry if it was misleading. I wasnt serious about a virus or anything like that.00:51
zzi have that already :-P00:51
zztakes me forever to type the pastebin lol00:51
Jack_Sparrowzz What is the link to it00:51
Dr_willisWe need a GUI for the pastebinit command. :)00:51
zzi mean i have pastebin init00:51
zzi have to pipe it00:51
carandraugandax: I thought you were deadly only about the deadly00:52
Jack_SparrowDr_willis Look into canoe00:52
Dr_willis!info canoe00:52
ubottucanoe (source: upstreamdev): Log file aggregator and report tool (Gtk2 frontend). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.0-2 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 120 kB00:52
Dr_willisSome times i just have to wonder at where people get names for these tools.00:52
Jack_SparrowDr_willis think.. up a creek.. try canoe..00:52
wolsDr_willis: naming is the bane of developers00:53
wolsthey hate it, really do00:53
zzJack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/f3617221300:53
wolsnot just programs, variables, function names etc too00:53
andaxvoid deadly_virus ... :)00:53
Dr_willisJack_Sparrow,  does it have a helper app called 'paddle' also? :)00:53
kkerwinHi. I have a Windows partition at /dev/hda1, a swap partition at /dev/hda2, and my root partition at /dev/hda3. I want to reformat my root partition and split it into a root and /home partition, which would be located at /dev/hda4. The data on /dev/hda3 will of course be destroyed, but can I edit the partition table without destroying the data on /dev/hda1, even though I don't touch that physical section of the disk?00:54
shola_okay weird thing: on my laptop if i slide the wireless switch on, bluetooth manager appears00:54
shola_but it doesnt detect any wireless networks00:54
Jack_Sparrowzz that looks clean00:54
Dr_willisshola_,  could be that switch enables both wireless networking and bluetooth.00:54
zzJack_Sparrow: i mean gnome fines run for a bit but then things just start freezing and panals go white but cursor still moves around00:54
Jack_SparrowDr_willis Not yet, but there are several modules that I was working on that didnt make it to Hardy00:55
stepanstasI can't get into Ubuntu.  I am even getting an "NTLDR is missing" error.  I did "sudo /sbin/fdisk -l" and it says "Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table".  How can i fix?00:55
stepanstasI do not have Windows installed, and this happened when i shut the computer off with the button because it was not responding.00:55
zzJack_Sparrow: will change it to a local mirror when i get to school, i think that have one :-D00:55
VastleeIs it possible for me to access a workgroup in Ubuntu?00:55
Jack_Sparrowzz Shut off compiz effects and see if the problem goes away.. and what video card driver are you running00:55
shola_Dr_Willis: are there steps that i can take to make ubuntu "see" my wireless card? it's an atheros in a sony vaio00:55
zzJack_Sparrow: Compiz is off, nvidias from the repos00:55
zz!samba > Vastlee00:55
ubottuVastlee, please see my private message00:55
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:55
selig5I added kde4 DE to my Ubuntu Hardy install, then I enabled some desktop effects in kde and wound up getting a mainly black screen. How do I disable kde desktop effects from the command line or from gnome?00:56
zzVastlee: that what you wanted?00:56
Jack_Sparrowstepanstas Your one drive may have died..00:56
wolsnewbiew_: if you run debian this is the wrong channel to ask questions00:56
nadiaMy virtualbox gives error messages about write rights for file. It sais it doesn't have write rights, but when I look it up it should have00:56
evild_is there anyway to restore Ubuntu to the condition is was in right after i installed it?00:57
zzevild_: reinstall? :-P00:57
evild_lol, from wubi?00:57
zzthose don't take too long00:57
newbiew_hello people im running ubuntu hardi edition00:57
evild_on windows?00:57
stepanstasJack_Sparrow: As far as I understand there were 2 types of bad sector failures.  Is this one of those where it is not fixable?00:57
stepanstasShould i try reinstalling?00:57
Jack_Sparrowevild_ Not unless you made a backup00:57
wolsnewbiew_: what kernel?00:57
zzevild_: oh not paying attention sorry lol00:57
andaxstepanstas: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435100:57
evild_how do i find that out?00:57
* zz suggests noone listen to his advice lol00:57
shazznerdoes anyone have an experience with Netbook Remix?00:58
Jack_Sparrownewbiew_ what does lsb_release -a show you00:58
wolsevild_: if you made one you know00:58
newbiew_2.4.6 ubuntu hardy00:58
kkerwinnewbiew_: Open a terminal, and execute this command: "uname -a". Then paste that output here to tell us your "kernel".00:58
seekingtruthis there any way to install Ubuntu without installing GRUB?00:58
shazznerThe right panel on the launch screen doesn't seem to update00:58
seekingtruthis there a windows version of Ubuntu installation?00:58
newbiew_2.4.6 Ubunu Hardy 8.04 LTS00:58
zzseekingtruth: alternate install disc00:58
seekingtruthwugu ior something?00:59
evild_i used wubi to install Ubuntu00:59
wolsnewbiew_: there is no 2.4.6 kernel in ubuntu. ever00:59
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth What are you trying to accomplish00:59
carandraugseekingtruth: yes. Latest 8.04 as Wubi. That's what you want00:59
newbiew_bad info here00:59
seekingtruthevild_: does wubi mess around with yiyr MBR?00:59
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth avoid wubi00:59
alraune seekingtruth:you mean wubi00:59
kkerwinHi. I have a Windows partition at /dev/hda1, a swap partition at /dev/hda2, and my root partition at /dev/hda3. I want to reformat my root partition and split it into a root and /home partition, which would be located at /dev/hda4. The data on /dev/hda3 will of course be destroyed, but can I edit the partition table without destroying the data on /dev/hda1, even though I don't touch that physical section of the disk?00:59
wolsseekingtruth: yes to install grub00:59
newbiew_ok i will run command00:59
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: why avoid wubi?00:59
newbiew_to be more exact00:59
newbiew_wait please00:59
carandraugseekingtruth: no. it only adds ubuntu to the windows bootloader00:59
stepanstasandax: thanks for that.  But when i type in the find command, i get "Error 15: File not found"00:59
wolskkerwin: of course01:00
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth read the faq on wubi.. I wont use, recommend nor support it01:00
andaxseekingtruth, download the iso from www.ubuntulinux.com, insert the disc when windows is running and install it like any other application. it wont modify your boot sector.01:00
seekingtruthdoes wubi support disc encryption like alternative install does?01:00
evild_how do i delete ubuntu?01:00
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth no01:00
newbiew_ 2.6.24-19-generic01:00
kkerwinwols: I'm sorry, would that destroy the data on /dev/hda1 will not be destroyed?01:00
evild_from windows?01:00
deeperrorkkerwin, you should be able to use ktparted or something?01:00
newbiew_this is my kernel01:00
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: where is he faq that warns against using wubi?01:00
newbiew_ 2.6.24-19-generic01:00
Jack_Sparrowevild_ Install anything you like over it01:00
amenadoseekingtruth-> wubi's purpose if for temporary, do not expect all the nice feature of full install01:00
wolsevild_: delete the partition, reinstall a windows bootloader in the MBR01:00
andaxseekingtruth, yes. you need the 'dm-crypt' package, then read the cryptsetup manual.01:00
newbiew_My kernel my friends:  2.6.24-19-generic01:01
zzJack_Sparrow: any ideas?01:01
nadiaHow do I give virtualbox write rights?01:01
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth Just read the wubi faq.. those are scary enough, although they are not intending to warn you about using it01:01
newbiew_now how do i get sound card?01:01
seekingtruthandax: how can I get wubi to use dm-crypt like the alternative install does?01:01
wolsnadia: depends under what user it runs and what the file perms are01:01
kkerwinOk. Thank you to wols and deeperror for your help.01:01
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: where is the wubi faq?01:01
amenadoseekingtruth-> are you paying attention?01:01
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.01:01
alraune seekingtruth:i also recommend you a full install01:02
seekingtruthamenado: how do I use dm-crypt on wubi?01:02
nadiawols: I'm the only user, and it should have permission, but I don't know why01:02
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: do you mean http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug ?01:02
andaxseekingtruth, it's explained in the cryptsetup manual.01:02
amenadoseekingtruth-> you are not paying attention, its for temporary purpose, it will never get the full features of a full install01:02
zzJack_Sparrow: Compiz is off and using the nvidia from repos, not "nv"01:02
wolsnadia: you have more than a dozen users even when you don't know it01:02
evild_ok i installed wine. then i went to system/preferences/main menu and deleted wine off that menu. then i uninstalled wine. now when i reinstall it it isnt on the applications menu. anyone know why?01:02
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth I am saying wubi screwed up my entire ntfs drive and my windows install01:02
seekingtruthamenado: i dont want full install. I only want to use it once per week when I login to my bank websites01:03
wolsevild_: cause you manually deleted it from there01:03
amenadoseekingtruth-> then use the liveCD01:03
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: ouch!  but I thought wubi didnt mess with that?01:03
wolsevild_: don*t just uninstall, purge it01:03
evild_how would i manually put it back?01:03
nadiawols: ok, so how do I give it permissions while being logged in as this user?01:03
Jack_Sparrowzz No ideas on your issue.. It just isnt common to have that kind of problem on a clean install01:03
newbiew_hello, i need help with my sound card please01:03
wols!permissions | nadia01:03
ubottunadia: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:03
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: so wubi messed with your windows partition. MBR etc?01:03
wolsnadia: but unless you tell me about the file in question and as what user the prcess runs I can't be more specific01:04
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth Wubi is entirely on your ntfs drive.. you are asking for problems01:04
zzJack_Sparrow: I tired not to screw with things this time because of that exact reason, I do things that can really screw machines up but those are other comptuers lol01:04
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: ok ill stick with using virtualbox then :P01:04
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth at best.. it is for a windows user to try it out.  Never for long term use01:04
zz!gpg > me01:05
ubottuzz, please see my private message01:05
nadiawols: its /dev/vboxdrv and it's about write permissions01:05
Jack_Sparrow!hi > galleta01:05
ubottugalleta, please see my private message01:05
nadiawols: for Virtualbox01:05
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: if my windows is clean of any keyloggers, is it safe and secure to use Ubuntu via virtualbox as my netbanking browser?  safer than windows, right?01:05
wolsnadia: that#s not answering any of my questions fully01:05
andaxseekingtruth, keyloggers and screen capture trojans :)01:05
zzJack_Sparrow: are you answering the same question over and over? lol Do you need a break? Then you need a VACATION01:06
arrrghhhis it possible to uninstall X and gnome and all that stuff or should i just do a cli reinstall?01:06
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth I would not do it..01:06
FevrinI currently use the "Bracket Completion" plugin for Gedit; however, I always have to use the right arrow to get out of the brackets.  Does anyone know another way, so I don't have to constantly shift my hands on the keyboard?01:06
andaxseekingtruth, and network sniffers, and .. <stick whatever here>01:06
wolsseekingtruth: how can you ever know it is free of loggers. and adding more complexity in software never makes it more secure01:06
seekingtruthandax: my bank websites never use the keybopard anyway!  i uses screen keyboard01:06
thompaanyone know why flash has stopped working for some sites like comedycentral.com?01:06
zzJack_Sparrow: for 4 easy payments you can be in Africa watching Lions chase Zebras, lol sorry01:06
seekingtruththompa: that time of the month? :)01:06
nadiawols: the usergroup is vboxusers I think01:06
stepanstasI can't get into Ubuntu.  I am even getting an "NTLDR is missing" error.  I did "sudo /sbin/fdisk -l" and it says "Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table".  How can i fix?01:06
stepanstasI do not have Windows installed, and this happened when i shut the computer off with the button because it was not responding.01:06
stepanstasWhen i try doing the grub command, then "find /boot/grub/stage1" it says "Error 15: File not found"01:06
Sladecarandraug: ok, well upon reboot everything worked fine. so i guess im good :)01:06
Jack_Sparrowzz PLease dont drift off topic..01:06
Mecha25anybody know if I can put a SWF as my background01:07
andaxseekingtruth, use wired ethernet connection, and do your banking from a live cd if you're paranoid.01:07
zz!offtopic > me01:07
ubottuzz, please see my private message01:07
arrrghhhthompa, comedycentral.com's flash works perfectly for me01:07
Mecha25seekingtruth: or just go in01:07
arrrghhhJack_Sparrow, how you doin buddy01:07
jonathan_en francais cE'st ou01:07
thompaarrrghhh: are you on 64?01:07
carandraugSlade:  that's good then. I'm glad01:07
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ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr01:07
seekingtruthandax: ill use virtualbox to run ubuntu.  Jack_Sparrow made me realise not to use Wubi01:07
arrrghhhthompa, no.  flash under 64-bit is NOT supported.  you have to run a 32-bit browser and it's a big hassle that's not worth it to me.01:07
Jack_Sparrowseekingtruth Just poing out there are some not nice things that can happen01:08
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:08
thompaarrrghhh: well thats my problem then. it was working on 64 some time ago01:08
zzJack_Sparrow: what sound i look into next?01:08
arrrghhhthat hassle that's not worth it to me01:08
andaxseekingtruth, virtualbox still won't protect you from sniffers/screen capture trojans and stuff like that01:08
thompaarrrghhh: some update broke it i guess01:08
Mecha25also, anybody here know about Ubuntu's USB systems?  I have a USB problem01:08
seekingtruthJack_Sparrow: yeah, valid reasons to avoid it.  I will keep using Virtualbox to run ubuntu.  In vbox ubuntu also is encrypted, so thats good01:08
aguitelwhat command show motherboard ?01:08
andaxaguitel, lshw01:09
wolsaguitel: sometimes lshw01:09
seekingtruthandax: how is a person infected with sniffers/screen capture trojans and stuff like that?01:09
carandraugaguitel: lshw01:09
arrrghhhthompa, bummer... i dunno.  so long as FF is 32-bit i would assume it'd be the same or similar01:09
thompaJack_Sparrow: ill try that01:09
aguitelcarandraug, thanks01:09
Mecha25seekingtruth: downloading stuff off the internet01:09
thompaarrrghhh: well you tube works which is strange01:09
seekingtruthandax: how can I check if I have sniffers?01:09
andaxseekingtruth: i rather not discuss the details01:09
arrrghhhseekingtruth, there's tons of ways.  activeX in IE is a HUGE issue.01:09
Mecha25seekingruth: antivirus01:09
* Pelo misses his nvidia 6800 agp card01:09
arrrghhhthompa, that is strange...01:09
balzIs there a good tutorial on instaling mt-daap on ubuntu?  I want to host a music share01:09
seekingtruthandax: in other words, you dontr know. ok got it lol01:09
wolsseekingtruth: you can't prove a negative plus this is OT here01:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mt-daap01:10
andaxseekingtruth: will you visit an url I give you?01:10
thompaarrrghhh: i think the problem is firfox, needs 32 bit01:10
arrrghhhthompa, follow that link Jack_Sparrow gave you01:10
Mecha25USB and/or SWF help anybody?01:10
seekseekarrrghhh: how can I deactive activeX?01:11
arrrghhh!ask | Mecha2501:11
ubottuMecha25: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:11
arrrghhhseekseek, it's a windows thing.  specifically an internet explorer thing01:11
thompaarrrghhh: yah, just wish they left it alone, its broke on all my ubuntu 64 installs now01:11
Mecha25I've already asked my question, I'm just keeping the flood down by doing a short repeat01:11
zzJack_Sparrow: could it be a problem with bios? my usb devices would not get recognized after some time as well. should i enable things in bios like the second ide controller, idisabled it because i dont use it01:12
Jack_SparrowMecha25 Please state your full question about usb01:12
arrrghhhthompa, well so long as FF is 32-bit, which i assume it'd have to be to work, it should work.01:12
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wolsseekingtruth:   v01:12
zzJack_Sparrow: i added pci=routeirq to boot string and so far my devices are recognized01:12
Jack_Sparrowzz that should not be needed.01:12
godzirraI'm trying to add my wireless printer on a laptop and I used the cups page (localhost:631) to add it on two laptops.  On one running intrepid it works.  On the other running hardy it does not.  On the one running Hardy, I can print a test page from the CUPS setup pages, but I don't show a printer in Firefox when I try and print, and when I go to system->administration->printing, its running "python /usr/share/system-config-printer/01:12
evild_the mozilla control was unable to detect where your mozilla layout libraries may be found : anyone know what this is and where to find the layout libraries?01:12
arrrghhhcan i uninstall gnome/X all that stuff or should i just reinstall with cli as the option?01:12
abyss_lo everyone! anyone can help me with forward automaticly emails on recieve in evolution?01:13
Mecha25whenever I do intensive reads (like major backup/restore or transfering music to my MP3 player) from any USB storage device, all USB support on my laptop dies till I reboot01:13
Mecha25there's a command I can do to get it to work again, but it'll just cut out again after another 10 minutes of intense reads/writes01:13
thompaJack_Sparrow: thanks for the link, thought the instructions need updating. its now ff301:13
arrrghhhMecha25, and you have experienced this issue in windows?01:13
Mecha25if I don't do heavy USB transfers, USB works fine.01:13
Mecha25Nope, I dual boot, not a windows problem01:14
Jack_Sparrowthompa It was the best I had.. I use 32 bit here..01:14
carandraugMecha25: your swf problem. When you mean background you mean background of a web page or you mean wallpaper?01:14
Mecha25it's getting annoying, and it appears to be getting worse, flash drives are causing it now01:14
Mecha25dunno if that one's possible01:14
Mecha25but it'd be nice01:14
arrrghhhMecha25, probably a USB driver issue, i was gonna blame hardware but that sounds alright.  i've never experienced that issue01:14
Mecha25USB drivers are in the kernel, right?01:15
Jack_SparrowMecha25 what all do you run off usb on that box01:15
Mecha25don't tell me I have to compile my own01:15
Mecha25ooh, quite a bit01:15
=== zelrikriando is now known as ex-zelrikriando
Mecha252 splitters 4 ports each01:15
Mecha25mouse and Wacom off one, other's usually blank01:15
Mecha25sometimes a webcam01:15
Mecha25an then whatever media I'm transferring01:15
evild_anyone know where I can find the MOzilla Layout LIbraries?01:15
Jack_Sparrow!enter > Mecha2501:15
ubottuMecha25, please see my private message01:15
abyss_how i can forward emails on recieve in evolution?01:15
Mecha25but it happens regardless of what else is connected01:15
stepanstasI can't get into Ubuntu.  I am even getting an "NTLDR is missing" error.  I did "sudo /sbin/fdisk -l" and it says "Disk /dev/sda doesn't contain a valid partition table".  How can i fix?01:16
stepanstasI do not have Windows installed, and this happened when i shut the computer off with the button because it was not responding.01:16
stepanstasWhen i try doing the grub command, then "find /boot/grub/stage1" it says "Error 15: File not found".  Would rewriting my partition table help?01:16
Mecha25Jack_Sparrow: bad habit I picked up off IM.  anyway, any ideas?01:16
arrrghhhstepanstas, get superGRUB or a boot disc with partition utilities on it - like hiren's.01:17
Jack_SparrowMecha25 none other than you are probably swamping the usb port01:17
zzarrrghhh: would pci=routeirq be useful? it so far helped me with them stop getting recognized but not from heave read/write01:17
Mecha25how can I avoid it? and why does it cause all USB support to cease?01:17
selig5How can I disable kde4 desktop effects from the command line?01:17
arrrghhhstepanstas, there might be a way to do it from livecd, but i do not know.01:17
deeperrori got the new version iso md5 is good still says loading, please wait01:17
tuxsudoim having a strange problem upgrading feisty > gusty..anyone wanna help01:17
arrrghhhzz, que?01:17
Jack_Sparrowselig5 not sure but /j #Kubuntu might01:18
Mecha25tuxsudo: try upgrading to Hardy instead?01:18
arrrghhhMecha25, i think you have to go fiesty -> gutsy -> hardy01:18
Jack_Sparrowtuxsudo have you ever used automatix?01:18
stepanstasarrrghhh: Thanks for that info.  I will read into superGRUB01:18
Mecha25arrrghhh: I'd back up and do a clean install, 2 upgrades in a row is bound to cause problems of its own01:18
Jack_Sparrowselig5 you must upgrade in order.. no skipping01:18
abyss_okay i found a perl-script which should work under open suse but on ubuntu HH it makes an error anyone can take a look at this script?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39247/01:19
tuxsudowell the upgrade manager has the update to 7.10, it gets to the part "Modifying Software Channels" and freezes when "Fetching 74 of 94"01:19
arrrghhhMecha25, you have to upgrade in order, trust me.01:19
Jack_Sparrowabyss_ Wrong rrom for help with that.. thanks01:19
smittyI just got a new monitor a LCD, replacing my old crt monitor. Now I can't play World of warcraft. I keep getting the "The memory could not be 'read'" error.01:19
abyss_Jack_Sparrow, what room you would prefer?01:19
Jack_Sparrowblizzardman1219 What was that link for?01:19
Mecha25arrrghhh: I believe you,  I addressed that to the wrong guy, sorry.  I was trying to tell selig5 to clean install instead of upgrade01:20
Jack_Sparrowabyss_ any programming room you care to try01:20
Mecha25smitty: it's not your monitor, unless you changed resolutions01:20
tuxsudono ideas?01:20
smittyyes I did01:20
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Jack_Sparrowtuxsudo have you ever used automatix?01:20
alraunebash: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable      , what does this mean ?01:20
Mecha25smitty: that's the problem, WOW won't run at your new resolution01:20
Jack_Sparrowtuxsudo then you are ouit of luck01:21
Mecha25alraune: you're out of RAM?01:21
smittyMecha25 so your saying I should change resolutions back to my old settings?01:21
ubottuAutomatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »01:21
arrrghhhcan i uninstall gnome/X.org after a install?  or should i just reinstall with the cli option...01:21
smittyMecha25 Thanx much01:21
Jack_Sparrowtuxsudo becaused it has messed your system up beyond repair01:21
Mecha25smitty, try it and see if that works, it should.  then you can troubleshoot from there.  That's a WOW problem, not a Ubuntu one01:21
Mecha25no problem01:21
zzJack_Sparrow: i was trying to search bugs.launchpad but i don't even know what to search under01:21
tuxsudoso I cant uninstall it and upgrade to new distro?01:21
tobiashow do i create an ubuntu chroot or xen VM on a debian etch host?01:21
smittyMecha25 oh, well I'll try that then brb01:21
arrrghhhtuxsudo, best thing to do would be a clean install of hardy.01:21
Mecha25jack_sparrow: any advice on my USB problem?01:22
Jack_Sparrowtuxsudo yes, you can install a rew release, you cant upgrade your old one01:22
tuxsudobut Ill loose all my data?01:22
arrrghhhtuxsudo, back it up01:22
Jack_Sparrowtuxsudo backup our data, create sep /home, copy to usb.. there are lots of ways around that01:22
tuxsudowell, I wanna keep all my settings01:23
Jack_Sparrowtuxsudo NOpe01:23
tuxsudowhats the best way to back up?01:23
Mecha25!home | tuxsudo01:23
ubottutuxsudo: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:23
Mecha25that'll do you right nicely01:23
smittyMecha25 Back with the monitor problem. Ubuntu only lets me use 640 x 480 and 800 x 600, but I need 1024 x 768 to play WoW01:23
abyss_Jack_Sparrow, anyway it the question is less programming related! i think that problem caused through os-depending differences between Ubuntu and OpenSuse! but however thanks to take a part in this case :)01:23
Mecha25smitty: say what?  how new is the LCD?01:24
Jack_Sparrowsmitty your monitor rates were not properly identified01:24
carandraugtuxsudo: then try this command rsync -acvSHx --exclude lost+found /home/ /where_you _want_to_backup01:24
arrrghhhsmitty, sounds like you don't have accelerated graphics drivers installed01:24
diogohave anyone tried the new catalyst 8.8 on the ubuntu 8.04 with Xpress 1150?01:24
smittyMecha25 I just bought it01:24
Mecha25Diogo: if it's i the default repos, I've been using it01:24
Jack_Sparrowabyss_ It is still offtopic for ubuntu support01:24
Mecha25digo: did it just come out?01:24
diogothe 8.8? it is just released01:24
sisif_Hello guys. I`m using ubuntu on a dell inspiron notebook and I`m having trouble with sound. From time to time, it stops working all of a suden. Amarok complains of "that it is unable to initialize any audio drivers". My soundcard is "Intel 82801G ICH7 Family, rev. 01". I`m using ALSA output. Trying to reload ALSA from /etc/inid.t/ does no good. The only way I can get sound back is by rebooting the PC (which is not a very nice option). So, any sugestion on where01:25
zzJack_Sparrow: any suggestions where to ask/look next. i don't even know what to search under01:25
Slasher`hey people, i have a linksys WRT110 router i just purchased, but i can't get it to connect to the internet, i plug in my modem to the router but it won't get an ip address - now apparently if i run the cd, it is meant to configure the router for me to work with the modem, but alas the cd won't run on ubuntu, since it is made for windows - anyone have any ideas what i could do to get this working? i can login to the admin interface but can't s01:25
Slasher`ee anything obvious there01:25
diogothe catalyst 8.8 was released this afternoon01:25
Slasher`eek a novel, that has to be the longest thing i've ever typed on irc lol01:25
Jack_Sparrowzz no idea.. to random and vague01:25
yuri_hey guys simple scripting question: i have a 24 hr clock that looks like this ${time  %H:%M} how do i make this into a 12hr clock?01:25
Mecha25dangit, /msg's not working for some reason01:25
cwill757!wifi | Slasher`01:25
VastleeTrying to install Flash Player 9. I have the file downloaded and uncompressed, now have flashplayer-installer, how do I execute it?01:25
ubottuSlasher`: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:25
diogoin the repos is the 8.4 and the 8.601:26
Slasher`cwill747; it's not for wifi :( i can't get the router to connect to the internet through the modem01:26
Mecha25Vastlee: you don't.  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:26
abyss_Jack_Sparrow, is it really ?!!! it seems you have a very strange sight of what being offtopic and what not! But let me ask my question now more topic related :)01:26
Slasher`and i can't run the cd on ubuntu - i tried through wine01:26
smittyarrrghhh My nvidia drivers aren't loading anymore since I got the new monitor.01:26
Jack_Sparrowyuri_ Please ask in a programming channel01:26
zzJack_Sparrow: how can i make it less random and clear it up? is it my part or just how the "glitch" happens01:26
wolsSlasher`: not a ubuntu question01:26
VastleeSorry mecha, I'm new.  How do I bring up the terminal to do that command?01:26
andaxSlasher`, cable or dsl?01:26
arrrghhhsmitty, that doesn't make sense01:26
Slasher`andax; cable01:26
Mecha25Diogo: I haven't tried the new one yet then01:26
cwill757Vastlee: Applications, accessories, terminal01:26
wolsSlasher`, andax: OT01:26
ninharpanyone knows how to change the udev settings for ntfs-3g to force each mount? options=force01:26
yuri_Jack_Sparrow: is it #programming?01:26
Mecha25Diogo: do tell me how it goes, I hate the current one, it's buggy as heck01:26
Mecha25ninharp: you dual boot, right?01:27
Jack_Sparrowabyss_ feel free to join #ubuntu-ops and discuss it01:27
benlakeanyone have any thoughts on how I might go about installing a boot partition on device A while having the system on device B, of which device B is a hardware raid volume that requires the kernel be loaded first?01:27
arrrghhhcan i uninstall gnome/X.org after a install?  or should i just reinstall with the cli option...01:27
ninharpMecha: nope usb drive with ntfs01:27
Jack_Sparrowyuri_ there are many many channels to help with programming in any language you chose01:27
Slasher`wols; well it's ubuntu related in a sense, since i can't run the setup cd on ubuntu so there must be another way to set it up :|01:27
VastleeIs there a list of all the extras this is installing?01:27
cwill757ninharp: what are you trying to do? the -o force tells it to force..01:27
cwill757ninharp: or are you trying to get it to do that as a default01:28
Mecha25ninharp: put that drive on a windows machine and eject it properly01:28
ninharpcwill: thats right! i know! but i want it automount with the force option01:28
Mecha25ninharp: never always force01:28
wolsSlasher`: plug it in and let ubuntu get a IP via dhcp. then browse to that IP with a webbrowser. if that doesn't help, ask linksys NOT us01:28
ninharpcwill: right01:28
carandraugVastlee: when you enter the command it will warn you of all the dependencies and what it will install01:28
Jack_Sparrowninharp that is not a good thing to do01:28
Slasher`wols; linksys won't support it, because it's not windows :(01:28
zzJack_Sparrow: is there anything I can do to clear it up?01:28
VastleeRoger that, thanks.01:28
wolsSlasher`: that's not our problem. buy better hardware next time01:29
Jack_Sparrowzz Sorry, I have no ideas right now,  end of a long day01:29
andaxSlasher`: try looking for something like 'clone mac address' in the router's admin page, ( enable it on cable ) but this is really offtopic here.01:29
Slasher`hmm i'll give that a try, thanks01:29
carandraugVastlee: you may want to do it with the synaptic package manager which is a nice GUI for that01:29
zzJack_Sparrow: understandable, will be back later eventually. I will go bug other channels ;)01:29
wolszz: #perl01:29
zzwols: they hate me in there01:30
wolsoops that wsd someone else01:30
histo_zz: they hate everyone in there01:30
karnamewhere is fonts folder in 8.0401:30
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer01:30
zzJack_Sparrow: off to restart so i can get out of finch in a virtual terminal lol thanks for trying01:30
histo_karname: same place but just no longer works in nautilus01:31
tuxsudothe update manager is letting me do a partial distro update01:31
smittyI think I broke my nvidia configuration when I was installing my new monitor.01:31
karnamei should install some windows fonts , what should i do ?01:32
Mecha25Jack_Sparrow: any advice on the USB problem?01:32
=== PrivateVoid is now known as PV_Away
__mikemi want to install 32 bit ubuntu over my 64 bit ubuntu (64 bit just wasn't working out), do I just check the checkbox next to that partition that says format?01:32
yuri_how do i launch a command from the terminal so that it separates itself from the terminal?01:32
histo_yuri_: what do you mean?01:32
StorrgieI am having issues trouble shooting with NFS, can someone offer me a hand?01:32
Mecha25karname: look for MS ttf core fonts in Add/REmove programs01:32
histo_yuri_: so it gets launched in the backgroun?01:32
Jack_SparrowMecha25 nope..  other than reducing the usb devices and see if you can narrowe it down01:32
carandraugkarname: microsoft fonts are msttcorefont01:32
yuri_histo_: yes01:32
Mecha25Jack_Sparrow: I transfer stuff on the native ports, not hubs01:33
andaxsmitty, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might help ( will regenerate the config file with autodetected values so you can try again )01:33
cwill757!ask | Storrgie01:33
ubottuStorrgie: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:33
histo_yuri_: use &01:33
histo_yuri_: command &01:33
histo_yuri_: what exactly are you trying to do though?01:33
histo_wtf why dont' I own my nick01:33
smittyandax when I use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg all it talks about is my keyboard01:34
Starnestommyhisto_: /msg nickserv help ghost01:34
Mecha25smitty: that'll do it01:34
yuri_histo_: just launching conky from cmdline01:34
spudgunneranyone know where/who i can ask about raid5 problems?01:34
Storrgielast night I was using my my server fine through NFS, now i turned my machine on today and I am getting "rpcbind: server not responding, timed out"01:34
Mecha25smitty: no, wait.... that's weird01:34
histo_yuri_: why not hit alt+f2 and launch it there.01:34
godzirraI'm trying to add my wireless printer on a laptop and I used the cups page (localhost:631) to add it on two laptops.  On one running intrepid it works.  On the other running hardy it does not.  On the one running Hardy, I can print a test page from the CUPS setup pages, but I don't show a printer in Firefox when I try and print, and when I go to system->administration->printing, its running "python /usr/share/system-config-printer/01:34
Jack_Sparrowyuri_ adding $ to the end of the command in cli?01:34
Storrgiespudgunner: i could help probably, pm me01:34
histo_yuri_: also conky can start in daemon mode01:34
smittyMecha25 ok I'll try it again01:34
andaxsmitty, autodetect means autodetect not asking about thing.01:34
Storrgielast night I was using my my server fine through NFS, now i turned my machine on today and I am getting "rpcbind: server not responding, timed out"01:35
carandraughisto_: the & not always work. It used to work for me some time ago but no longer. I've also knew persons where the same happened. I even get the PID but if I close the terminal, the other process closes01:35
amenadoStorrgie-> is that ip alive and active?01:35
smittyandax lol, fine.01:35
shola_where can i find drivers for this? 06:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. Unknown device 002a (rev 01)01:35
histo_carandraug: well yeah it will close01:35
Storrgieamenado: yes i can ping no problem01:35
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:35
smittyandax I'll reboot then and see if that does it01:35
Storrgieamenado: I have restarted the nfs-common service, and restarted the nfs-kernel service01:36
histo_Starnestommy: nickserv is not responding01:36
JL1213Ok. I've made some small progress getting Ubuntu online. It is reading the hardware and finding the network, but it won't connect to it. Any suggestions?01:36
cwill757!wifi | shola_01:36
ubottushola_: please see above01:36
andaxhisto, if you want to keep it running use nohup ./stuff &01:36
carandraughisto_: but I believe that that if you used the & you could close the terminal without closing gedit for example01:36
Starnestommyhisto_: does your client have notices on ignore?01:36
shola_ubotto: i checked there and still no joy01:36
histo_Starnestommy: yes01:36
Mecha25USB total cutout triggered by intense reads/writes to any USB device, anybody know why?01:36
shola_cwill757: what do you mean?01:36
Starnestommyhisto_: you'll need to unignore them for nickserv to be able to respond01:36
histo_Starnestommy: ty that was it01:37
JL1213Also, I've done everything in the Wifi documentation...01:37
=== histo_ is now known as histo
FungusmanHi guys01:37
histoahh much better01:37
FungusmanLast night I got some advice for windows managers01:37
FungusmanI installed a bunch01:37
FungusmanPut there is still one think01:37
Starnestommyhisto: you might want to kill that other client that's runing somewhere01:37
FungusmanThey all still hover over 200 megs in memory01:38
andaxsmitty, next time you test a new x server configuration you dont have to reboot just press ctrl+alt+backspace ( only restart the x server, faster.. )01:38
FungusmanWhen I used gnome process manager, it shows 200megs + al the time01:38
smittyNone of my Nvida-settings program isn't working right I've tried using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" but it didn't seem to work01:38
ubuntuser192i would like to block the ability to connect to an open wireless network (it's a neighbor's), is there any way to do that?01:38
FungusmanMy system is still sluggish too01:38
Storrgielast night I was using my my server fine through NFS, now i turned my machine on today and I am getting "rpcbind: server not responding, timed out"01:38
FungusmanI was wondering ... what should I be looking at ?01:38
FungusmanHow do I tweek ubuntu ?01:38
histoStarnestommy: ghost took it out then I just switched my nicks and reidentified01:38
FungusmanI want this thing to be lightning fast and not sluggish01:38
cwill757!repeat | Storrgie01:39
Starnestommyhisto: look at histo_01:39
ubottuStorrgie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:39
carandraugFungusman: I don't think it's the window manager. Specially if you tried the noes you said last night which were really light01:39
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:39
carandraugFungusman: UbuntuTweak Take a look at their website01:39
histoyeah let me leave and come back01:39
FungusmanWhat could it be ?01:39
Ed54_3i need help with ubuntu installation.  i get only two options to install: manual and full.  i want to keep my vista partition, but i don't know how to use the manual01:39
FungusmanI'll have a look01:39
andaxsmitty, you have to enable the proprietary nvidia drivers for the nvidia-settings-manager to work. edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver from 'nv' to 'nvidia'.01:39
smittyandax Thanks I'll try that01:40
=== cwill757 is now known as cwill747
jsheweyI need to re-partition a hard drive, but I need extremely specific measurements of size and location of the beginning and end of the partition. What tools (besides parted) can I use for this? Measurements are in sectors.01:40
carandraugFungusman: I don't know what's eating all your memory but it's certainly not those window manager. Ever thought of getting rid of a Desktop manager like gnome, xfce or kde and use a window manager only?01:40
wbreslin951hey guys, i'm trying to get my comp to boot from a flash drive like a live cd but im having problems. how would i go about doing this?01:41
cwill747!partition | jshewey01:41
ubottujshewey: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in !GNOME under !Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For !Edgy and later, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:41
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andaxwbreslin951, what problems you have?01:42
smittyandax atm my xorg.conf file has  "Configured Video Device". Do I just change that to "Nvidia"?01:42
wbreslin951its not booting lol01:42
wbreslin951how would i format the disk to be able to boot?01:42
Storrgielast night I was using my my server fine through NFS, now i turned my machine on today and I am getting "rpcbind: server not responding, timed out"01:42
wbreslin951something about partition tables im sure right?01:42
jsheweythx. will check if gparted does sectors.01:42
ubuntuser192shola_: thank you, but i don't see anything in there on how to *prevent* connections to a particular wireless network client side (and google hasn't turned up anything i can make sense of)01:43
Denisetry satellite01:44
andaxsmitty, you have to add a line, make it look like this: http://pastebin.com/m3d1e559001:44
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smittyandax ok I fixed the xorg.conf file using nvidia-xconfig. it has "nvidia" in the right place now. I'm gonna reboot ad see if it works01:45
andaxsmitty, you don't have to reboot01:45
MTecknologyWhen I log in with the ac power connected, my battery meter shows up perfect, when I log in with the ac power disconnected, it says that it's disconnected but doesn't give me any % or anything. acpi -b doesn't show anything either01:45
andaxsmitty, just press ctrl + alt + backspace01:45
smittyandax okies01:46
KelenIs that possible take a lot of memory or slowly while play WoW with wine? any suggestion?01:46
cwill747Kelen: ask in #winehq01:47
gunnyHello, can anyone tell me what would cause a commercial DVD not to play in multiple video player programs suc h as MPlayer, Totem, etc.? The picture seems to melt as if burning and skips. The same DVD plays well when I use "Geekbox" :-)01:47
smittyandax can I have that link again. It's still not working. No Nvida message before login and no WoW01:47
abyss_Kelen, before Jack_Sparrow will tell you that ask here: #winehq01:47
andaxsmitty, it was http://pastebin.com/m3d1e559001:48
Kelenwell, thanks01:48
Kamus_H_Zwischan off-topic question01:49
cwill747!hi | Kamus_H_Zwisch01:49
ubottuKamus_H_Zwisch: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:49
Kamus_H_Zwischanyone here speaks latin?01:49
Deniseusing the wireless system of ur neighbor01:50
cwill747!it | Kamus_H_Zwisch01:50
ubottuKamus_H_Zwisch: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:50
bazhangKamus_H_Zwisch, please ask in the appropriate channel01:50
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cwill747Kamus_H_Zwisch: oh just kidding you said latin01:50
Kamus_H_Zwischmaybe the italians know it01:50
Kamus_H_Zwischlet me try :D01:50
bazhangKamus_H_Zwisch, ie not here01:50
ubuntuser192Kamus_H_Zwisch: yes01:51
balzI'm having issues with file permissions in my smb shares.  I've pastebinned my smb.conf here:  http://pastebin.com/m4be8e908.  How can I set all shares to be readable/writable to guests and all users?01:51
Kamus_H_Zwischyes what?01:51
bazhangplease take chat elsewhere.01:51
PiciKamus_H_Zwisch: You should know better than to ask here.01:51
NutzebahnI am now in Kubuntu with KDE4 and want to install GNOME, but I am getting error messages and I couldn't tinstall it, how do I?01:51
Storrgielast night I was using my my server fine through NFS, now i turned my machine on today and I am getting "rpcbind: server not responding, timed out"01:52
smittyandrax  I tried that fix but the only thing that changed in the file was the Option         "NoLogo" line. Nvidia-settings still things I don't have the drivers which seem to be there to synaptic.01:52
ubuntuser192i know latin01:52
abyss_balz, try ask you question here: #samba01:52
bazhangubuntuser192, offtopic01:52
Kamus_H_Zwischubuntuser192: can I pm?01:52
NutzebahnHow do I install GNOME properly?01:52
balzabyss:  will do, thanks01:52
ubuntuser192Kamus_H_Zwisch: sure01:53
Fungusmanubuntu tweak didn't do to much for my problem. ubuntu is still sluggish. AND someone just messaged me to vote barrack obama lol01:53
andaxsmitty, maybe try downloading the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com and running their installer01:53
FungusmanAnyone else with some ubuntu performance tips?01:53
smittyandax the drivers worked fine before I got this new monitor, which was 2 hours ago01:54
andaxFungusman, hdparm -M 254 /dev/hda ? :)01:54
arrrghhhcan i uninstall gnome/X.org after a install?  or should i just reinstall with the cli option...01:55
balz#samba is empty... can anybody help?01:55
bazhangarrrghhh, why not just use the minimal installer01:55
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:55
abyss_balz, there are many users in01:55
arrrghhhbazhang, well i installed xubuntu with the alternate cd (nothing else was working, not even ubuntu server install cd)01:56
gunnyHello, does anyone have any ideas about what would cause a commercial DVD not to play in multiple video player programs suc h as MPlayer, Totem, etc.? The picture seems to melt as if burning and skips. The same DVD plays well when I use "Geekbox" :-)01:56
bazhanggunny, with compiz or without01:56
Sladegunny: tru VLC or Xine01:56
wbreslin951can anyone help me with booting from a usb device?01:56
cwill747gunny: did you try totem-xine?01:56
gunnybazhang: without01:56
ravagehi all. is there any solution for an rtl8187b (recognized as rtl8197b) wireless device with WPA?01:57
andaxsmitty, hmm so you changed the display... check var/log/Xorg.0.log , and look for errors. ( lines starting with EE ) and google for them01:57
balzabyss_:  oh. i didn't see any chatter... sorry i'm very new to irc01:57
gunnySlade: It does the same thing with VLC!01:57
imperfect-anyone know if there is anything special I need to do to get ACPI working?01:57
imperfect-I'm unable to get any thermal info01:57
abyss_gunny, try vlc01:57
arrrghhhbazhang, i forgot about the minimal cd image, i think that's what i need as i am building a headless NAS.  i'm just not comfortable configuring certain things without X (even forwarding over ssh...)01:57
emackhi um, im new to ubuntu and linux in general, i have hardy and im having trouble with the audio. when i test the sound in preferences -> sound, my logitech usb headphones work fine and they also work for all the system sounds, but they fail to work at all when i use firefox or amarok. Anyone know what's wrong and what i can do to fix it?01:58
arthur_is there a chat room with a discussion on linux and cellphones?01:58
gunnyabyss Does the same in vlc...01:58
arthur_or linux on cell phones...?01:58
cwill747emack: install libflashsupport01:59
TotakekeI'm back. I installed Linux on my flash drive (yeah I'm that guy), gave 4 gigs to my swap partition, 10 gigs to /, and 18 gigs (the rest) to /home. Now when I boot from the flash drive (had to change the priority, but it works) it says "GRUB loading" and then says "Error 17" and just hangs. Help?02:00
wbreslin951can someone help me with booting from a usb device?02:00
ePaxIs tehere a difference between updating current ubuntu version or installing new one?02:00
TotakekeLol having the same issue. :P02:00
TotakekeWith the flash drive.02:00
wbreslin951i haven't even got that far lol02:00
arrrghhhTotakeke, you have the wrong entry for hd(x,x)02:01
wbreslin951im tryin to boot from my camera lmao.. its the best i got right now02:01
cwill747wbreslin951: what do you mean, like a flash drive?02:01
cwill747wbreslin951: oh, nvm then02:01
wbreslin951flash card in my camerea02:01
ePaxwbreslin951: www.pendrivelinux.com02:01
Totakeke?? What do you mean I have the wrong entry for hd(x,x)02:01
cwill747wbreslin951: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:01
wbreslin951ePax: i want something standalone02:01
wbreslin951not a VM02:01
TotakekeI think I isntalled the boot loader on the wrong partition02:02
Slasher`thanks andax - that sorted it02:02
arrrghhhTotakeke, well when you get that error press any key get back to grub.  hit "e"  you'll be able to edit the line, and you see root hd(x,x)  you can autocomplete with tab and change the partition/drive02:02
TotakekeBut I wasn't even at GRUB, I couldn't type anything, it just gave me an underscore cursor.02:02
arrrghhhTotakeke, before that error 17 you were at grub.02:02
TotakekeOh wait. I think I installed the boot loader on /dev/sde instead of /dev/sde1 like the wiki said02:04
andaxTotakeke: when you installed the boot loader you had the device appear as something like /dev/sdb because there was already a hard disk mounted before the flash drive was recognized, so it became sdb sdc or whatever. now you're booting from it so it becomes sda .. you need to change the boot configuration by quickly pressing 'e' when the boot menu appears and changing the line hd(1,0) or similar to hd(0,0). then press enter to boot.02:05
* fevel greets02:05
acrouseyI want to reformat the drive that has ubuntu on it. Can I somehow put that information onto the secondary drive, reformat the main drive, and then move that info back?02:05
murat zc z x02:05
TotakekeI'll give that a go, thanks.02:05
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=== brutal is now known as brualll
xajwhat package contains setupterm02:07
Dr_willisacrousey,  whats the point of moving it over reformating and putting it and back?02:07
chromeacrousey: yes, you can02:07
emackhmm installing the libflashsupport didnt help the sound02:07
TheaxiomHello, I shrunk my system partition on my harddrive that has Vista on it. I am at the partitioning part of the Ubuntu install, and I am wondering how I would use the unallocated space on the hard drive to install Ubuntu for dual-boot. I want to make sure not to overwrite my Vista partition, or I will be screwed. Can anyone help me please? Thank you.02:08
benzsssuppose i have desktop effects enabled and i want to create shortcut keys for each of my 3 workspaces... how would i go about doing this? 'keyboard shortcuts' doesn't work02:08
xajdoes anyone know if using apt-get install epiphany retrieves the web browser, epiphany...or something different?02:08
acrouseydr_willis: the primary drive is 40GB the secondary drive 750GB; I'd rather have the OS boot from the smaller drive and use the larger one for storage02:09
Dr_willisTheaxiom,  the installer normally has an option where it asks to use 'unallocated space' - thats how i normally install it.02:09
Picixaj: it gets a game02:09
Picixaj: epiphany-browser is the package you're probably looking for02:09
Pici!info epiphany02:09
ubottuepiphany (source: epiphany): clone of Boulder Dash game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0-1 (hardy), package size 85 kB, installed size 300 kB02:09
andaxacrousey, you can keep your settings and stuff by backing up the /home/acrousey directory and restore it. no need to backup the whole drive.  check how much space you need by typing 'du -h /home/yourname' in a terminal.02:09
xajTheaxiom: there's a little option that lets you allocate the space02:09
xajpici: thanks02:09
Dr_willisacrousey,  so you wish to clone the installed system from the 750 to the 40?02:09
TheaxiomDr_willis: I don't see that option... or is it "Use the largest continuous free space"?02:10
Dr_willisTheaxiom,  i normally use the alternative installer. I  normally have a setup like this hda (windows a few gb) (UNALLOCATED rest of the hd)02:10
Theaxiomxaj: Is that the first one where it shows the drive split between the 2 partitions? Are you sure that won't overwrite my Vista?02:10
Dr_willisTheaxiom,  then the installer partions the unallocated space as it wants02:10
TheaxiomDr_willis: How do I use the alternative installer?02:11
acrouseydr_willis: from the 40 to the 750 to clean the 40 up, and then put it back on the 4002:11
Dr_willisTheaxiom,  the live cd installer may ask slightly differnt questions. theres 2 cd's the alt cd and the live cd.02:11
TheaxiomDr_willis: Crap, I have the live CD.02:11
Dr_willisacrousey,  I dont see the point of the move in this case.02:11
mottzlsmod lists the loaded kernel modules. What command will list all available modules?02:11
xaj!info glib-2.002:11
Dr_willisTheaxiom,  the luive cd should be able to install to the unallocated space also. I just dont know what the optuion is called.02:11
ubottuPackage glib-2.0 does not exist in hardy02:11
NrbelexHow do I check how much RAM I have in Xubuntu?02:12
carandraugTheaxiom: according to the ubuntu forums "Use the largest continuous free space" will do what you want02:12
Theaxiomcarandraug: Thank you02:12
mumrahhas anyone successfully run Verizon/AT&T mobile broadband in ubuntu?02:12
TheaxiomI just want to make sure02:12
Dr_willisGuess they call 'unallocated space' = free space. :) not quite the same in my book....02:12
xxploitTheaxiom: I believe its the first option on the livecd, the 2nd option is use entire disk02:12
carandraugTheaxiom: take a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=531893702:12
xajanyone here have trouble with firefox and dialup?02:12
SNuxollmumrah: I've used AT&T's 3G network by tethering my phone to my PC via bluetooth02:12
acrouseydr_willis: i have a 250 external and i plan on putting some of that on the 750. I'd rather have the 750 for storage for music and movies and he 40 for stuff in ubuntu02:12
emackanyone have any idea on how to deal with the lack of sound in firefox?02:13
ex-zelrikriandoemack, flash issue?02:13
emacki tried02:13
xaj!info setupterm02:13
ubottuPackage setupterm does not exist in hardy02:13
emackit didnt change anything02:13
ex-zelrikriandoemack, did you try to install libflashsupport?02:13
emackand then rebooted02:13
emackno change02:13
=== platyhelminth is now known as platyhelminth_
ex-zelrikriandoemack, you have sound in rythmbox?02:14
carandraugemack: have you rhytmbox also open?02:14
xajtrying to install bitchx, but it says it can't find setupterm...what is setupterm?02:14
ex-zelrikriandocarandraug, :p02:14
dmsuperman_Does anybody know why, every 2 seconds or so, my CPU graph has a spike of about 50%? I'm using gutsy, with nvidia binaries, and a core 2 duo02:15
l3d what would i type in the terminal to have my root apps use my user theme as well02:15
dmsuperman_It settles at 0% except during the spike. The spike doesn't show up in top02:15
boobsbrhowdy, what is the best nvidia driver version for a geforce 6600gt AGP? 173.14.12, 96.43.05 or 71.86.04?02:15
dmsuperman_boobsbr: go for 96, 173 has that weird compiz titlebar bug02:15
mumrahSNuxoll: I'm referring to mobile broadband - like the usb antennas02:16
SNuxollmumrah: tethering my phone counts as mobile broadband, it's the exact same network02:16
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr I have the 6600 and prefer the restricted one not the one from nv online02:16
SNuxollmumrah: plus bluetooth DUN is standardized02:16
ex-zelrikriandoemack, ?02:17
boobsbrJack_Sparrow: the restricted one from ubuntu restricted drivers? those only give me 800x60002:17
mumrahSNuxoll: how about the new integrated antennae from dell02:17
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr 1400 here02:17
boobsbrdmsuperman_: besides the compiz bug, is there any other problems with 173?02:17
SNuxollmumrah: dunno, I've only ever used bluetooth, have no need for another device to drag around with me ;(02:17
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr it must not be detecting your monitors abvailable res's correctly02:17
Sladeheya SNuxoll02:17
emackumm rhythymm box isnt open but theres no sound in amarok02:17
SNuxollSlade: hi02:18
ASrockis there any way i can install windows on a seperate hard drive while booted into ubunu?02:18
ex-zelrikriandoemack, so there is no sound at all?02:18
dmsuperman_boobsbr: none that I have seen, but I use 7900 gfx card02:18
Jack_SparrowASrock no02:18
carandraugemack: have you sound in any application?02:18
dmsuperman_boobsbr: 173 is more stable than 169 was, at least02:18
boobsbrJack_Sparrow: probably but i tried it on my last install and when i got it to 1280x1024 it got really slow02:18
emackthere is for system sounds and for stuff like pidgin02:18
carandraugex-zelrikriando: you beat me again02:18
emackand the test of the sound works02:18
dmsuperman_So does anybody else know why my CPU usagae spikes to 50% every 2 seconds, but only for a small time and it doesn't show up in top02:18
boobsbrdmsuperman_: thnx mate02:18
ex-zelrikriandocarandraug, eheh02:18
emackim just not getting anything in amarok or firefox02:18
TotakekeOkay, I tried hitting "e," but it didn't work. I never get to grub, it's right at the screen where it says "Loading DMI data" and usually after that is where it would go into Windows but then it says "GRUB loading," then "Error 17." It doesn't even give me the change to type anything.02:19
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr I am running basic 3ghz w 2 gig ram here.02:19
carandraugemack: you mean those annoyong beeps from the computer tower?02:19
andaxmottz: there is no such command to list 'available' modules... but they are stored under /lib/modules so the command would be find /lib/modules/ -name '*.ko' | sort |uniq or something like that02:19
carandraugemack: called PC speaker by the way02:19
boobsbrJack_Sparrow: 7.04 and 7.10 used to detect the monitor w/o problems02:19
emackno, through the headphones like when the os loads02:19
ex-zelrikriandoemack, Do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?02:19
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr this is the new xorg02:19
emackuh i dont think so02:19
TotakekeCan I change the hd(1,0) thing from the terminal?02:19
boobsbrJack_Sparrow: me too, xp 3000+ 32 bit, 1 gb ram02:19
ex-zelrikriandoemack, try and install it02:20
carandraugemack: hmmm, in that case, maybe they're using the wrong output device. I don't use amarok myself. Search fro somewhere you can switch from alsa to oss or something else02:20
ex-zelrikriandoemack, not sure it will fix it though02:20
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr if you have xorg from gutsy, stick it in hardy02:20
andaxTotakeke, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to change02:20
TotakekeTried hitting e, it doesn't work. I'm not at GRUB, I'm at where it says "Loading DMI data," then it just throws the error right as it says "GRUB Loading." I even kept hitting "e" like a mad man, it won't go into the boot menu.02:20
boobsbrJack_Sparrow: lost it, forgot to backup. windows reflexes...02:21
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr I have one, but you need to lok it over02:21
Jack_Sparrowone sec02:21
carandraugex-zelrikriando: but emack already has sound. I had that sound before. CHanging the sound device should be enough (and he wouldn't need to install proprietary stuff)02:21
carandraugex-zelrikriando: I meant "I had that problem before" not "I had that sound before"02:22
boobsbrJack_Sparrow: tnx02:22
ex-zelrikriandocarandraug, that's why I told him I am not sure :p02:22
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr http://paste.ubuntu.com/39256/02:22
carandraugemack: try changing the sound device before installing that02:22
baudthiefIs there any way to make Amarok automatically play a file when it's double clicked? Right now if Amarok is playing somehting, and I double click another file, it adds it to its queue... really annoying :(02:22
Jack_Sparrowboobsbr May I assume you know how to change that back manually if it does not work02:22
ex-zelrikriandocarandraug, he might as well to install it anyway02:23
boobsbrJack_Sparrow: i guess i can. tnx for the help mate02:23
ex-zelrikriandoemack, keep that package in mind though, you might wanna want to install it later02:23
emackhmm, no change after changing the device02:24
emackand ive tried switching back and forth between alsa and pretty much everything available in preferences02:24
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dmsuperman_Does anybody know what at-spi-registry does and why it spikes to some 30% CPU usage every 2 seconds?02:24
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abyss_Jack_Sparrow, you really live in your little op world!02:24
=== r3v is now known as rev0kin
dmsuperman_!info at-spi-registry02:25
ubottuPackage at-spi-registry does not exist in hardy02:25
andaxdmsuperman_, first hit on google...02:25
carandraugemack: ok. In that case go for ex-zelrikriando advice02:25
dmsuperman_andax: is a bug report02:25
carandraugemack: just trying to save you from installing stuff. Changing audio output usually is enough02:26
carandraug!sp | maxi_02:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp02:27
ex-zelrikriandoemack, if that doesnt help , you might get some good reading there : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5587712#post558771202:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:27
carandraug!es | maxi_02:27
ubottumaxi_: please see above02:27
ex-zelrikriandonot sure if it is related though02:28
abe3kguys any one knows where the teamspeak server ban list file is located ?02:28
floppyearshi guys02:28
floppyearsdoes the nv driver work with all nvidia cards ?02:28
floppyearswhat advantages does it offer over the vesa driver ?02:28
vald0rWhich Nvidia card do you have?02:28
floppyearsvald0r: it's an integrated video card http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681313132002:29
Xcercais there a channel for ultimate edition ?02:29
andaxfloppyears, more resolutions to change from, accelerated video output ( much less cpu usage when playing movies ) etc02:29
ex-zelrikriandoemack, any progress yet?02:30
emackinstalling the package didnt help02:30
Jack_Sparrow!mint > Xcerca02:30
ubottuXcerca, please see my private message02:30
mosheXcerca,not to my knowledge. I use 1.8 32bit02:30
floppyearsandax: does it work with integrated video cards ?02:30
ex-zelrikriandoemack, so it's a more complicated issue...02:30
andaxfloppyears, yes it does02:30
emacki suppose02:30
WDCHey are these updates cool to download? Or are they "unsafe" http://i37.tinypic.com/fbz7k1.png02:30
carandraugemack: what file are you trying to play in amarok?02:30
floppyearsI'll give it a try thanks andax02:30
ex-zelrikriandoemack, did you see that link?02:30
Xcercamoshe can i pm you ?02:30
bazhangWDC, safe02:31
emackim just playing mp3s in amarok02:31
WDCbazhang: Cool thanks02:31
nsafreakJust a curious question, other than the ventriloctrl program does anybody know of a way to get ventrilo's push to talk functionality working under Ubuntu 8.04 with the most recent WINE?02:31
carandraugemack: can you play ogg files in amarok? I believe there's one in your /home folder. Look for a folder names examples02:31
ex-zelrikriandoemack, might be a problem with proprietary formats02:32
ex-zelrikriandoemack, in that case ubuntu-restricted-extras should fixed it though...02:32
emackyea the ogg fiel is working02:32
TotakekeOkay, there are about a million different lines in /boot/grub/menu.lst that have hd(x,x). Which one should I change?02:32
carandraugemack: in that case is codec problem02:32
carandraugemack: have you restarted amarok since you installed the package?02:33
ex-zelrikriandoemack, ok so you want to make sure you can read mp3 formats and stuff...there are forums about it :)02:33
Totakekeis it after ## End Default Options ## or after ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST ###02:34
emackok, what about the firefox tho, is that related02:34
ex-zelrikriandoemack, yeah make sure you restart stuff...rebooting might an option too02:34
carandraugemack: search for GStreamer extra plugins02:34
emackhmm, now im getting a xine cant initiate any audio drivers02:34
ImaginalHow to I change what happens by default when I click on a plaintext txt file in nautilis?02:34
carandraugemack: yes. Probably is also a codec problem02:34
node357Imaginal, try right-clicking the file02:34
carandraugImaginal: right click in the file and select propierties. Then choose the tab behaviour02:35
TotakekeThere are a ton of lines with "##"s and "#"s, and right after that it says ## ## End Default Options ## ##. Then it says title, it gives the title, Ubuntu 8.05.1, kernel 2.6.24-19-generic, after that it says "root (hd2,1). I'm guess that's the one I change? And what should I change it to? (hd0,0)?02:36
FlannelTotakeke: don't touch the #s, What are you trying to do?02:36
FevrinImaginal: actually, the tab would be "Open With"; of course, you could also just right-click the file and choose "Open with Other Application," at which point you select which program to open the file with by default.02:37
TotakekeI'm trying to change something in /boot/grub/menu.lst from (hdx,x) to (hd0,0)02:37
FlannelTotakeke: you need to hit escape first, to see the GRUB menu, and then 'e' on one of the entries.02:37
Totakekealright then02:37
TotakekeI'll try that.02:37
FlannelTotakeke: that's really the easiest way, but yeah, if you want to do it in the menu.lst, those lines dow nthere are the ones to change02:37
Imaginalcarandraug, node357 and Fevrin: Thank you!02:37
FlannelTotakeke: Changing those lines won't do it permanently though, just until your next kernel update02:38
FevrinImaginal: no problem ;)02:38
KumorigoeOkay, I'm having some network problems. Any help is greatly appreciated.02:39
andaxKumorigoe, does the network problem include things like dropping packets containing the question?02:40
KumorigoeActually, I'm on my girl's laptop. mine has no internet connection. Hence the problem/02:40
balzI have 2 working samba shares on one disk, but my third one (on a second disk) does not give my windows client the proper permissions... I checked smb.conf and they both have the same configuration.  What gives?02:42
TotakekeOkay, I changed root(hd2,1) to root(hd0,0) and tried to boot. It said "Error 17, cannot mount selected partition."02:42
FlannelTotakeke: What hard drive are you trying to mount?02:43
Jack_SparrowTotakeke do you have three hard drives02:43
FlannelTotakeke: or, rather, which partition?02:43
KumorigoeIn a nutshell, I show no  wired ethernet device in the Network Settings window, and the wireless, which was working, now does not.02:43
andaxKumorigoe: wired or wireless? dhcp or manual configuration? what happens when you try to connect to the network? when did the problem start? did it work before? did you change something?  do you get any error messages?02:43
Jack_SparrowTotakeke sdb3 is hd1,202:44
TotakekeI have 2 hard drives, both of them RAID 1 with Windows Vista, my 3rd drive is a 32 GiB flash drive.02:45
KumorigoeDHCP, and it was working.  Only major change recently was an install of aircrack-ng.02:45
TotakekeI mean *3 hard drives02:45
FlannelTotakeke: and which partition does linux think you're trying to boot from?02:45
kill_Anyone willing to help a NEWBster??02:45
carandraugJack_Sparrow: isn't it sd1,2 ?02:45
l337ingDisorderok question here... if I create a sym link in my /usr/bin directory and /usr/bin is included in my $PATH evar, why would I get the message bash: <link name>: command not found   ??02:45
KumorigoeInterface is showing as eth1:avahi02:45
john__need help to fix this =>     Couldn't display "network:///".02:45
ex-zelrikriandoemack, you got it to work now?02:45
Jack_Sparrowcarandraug ot in grub02:45
emacknope not yet02:45
ex-zelrikriandoemack, :/ dont give up.02:46
emackyea, im checking more forums02:46
TotakekeI believe (from what the menu.lst file says) it thinks I'm trying to boot from (hd2,1), that's the default.02:46
carandraug!mp3 | emack02:46
ubottuemack: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:46
ex-zelrikriandoemack, You basically need to make sure you have all the packages you need and that those packages do not step on each other or are broken (might want to reinstall a few of them to check)02:47
emackok thanks02:47
andaxKumorigoe, type 'iwconfig' in a terminal and look for 'Mode: managed' or 'Mode:monitor' or something like that. which mode the card is in?02:47
john__help pls   Couldn't display "network:///".02:47
KumorigoeBefore, I had a wired device showing. managed02:47
KumorigoeManaged Mode02:47
Fevrinl337ingDisorder: open a terminal window, change to /usr/bin, and enter "ls -l", without quotes; scroll through the resulting list and make note of any red text.  The red text means you have a broken link.02:47
andaxKumorigoe, and you don't have a wireless device now?02:48
TotakekeJust so I can follow along, in (hdx,y) what do "x" and "y" mean?02:48
TotakekeI'm guessing x is the drive and y is the partition?02:48
acrouseyis there a way to just completely wipe my hard drive?02:48
Totakekeacrousey: You could format it.02:48
KumorigoeI do.  It just doesn't seem to be working.  It was working in roaming mode.02:48
andaxacrousey, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda but _THINK_ before you type.02:49
kill_When anyone has the chance, I need help with simplistic crap on Xubuntu on PS302:49
andaxacrousey, this will completely wipe sda so think twice02:49
KumorigoeIt's showing as  eth1.  However,  my current device is eth1:avahi02:49
emackok rythymm box is working now02:49
l337ingDisorderFevrin: thanks, doesn't seem to have anything applicable02:49
emackstill no ff tho02:49
DaveKongIf you backup your system with a tar file (excluding dev, sys, mnt) then restore will all your keyboard shortcuts application menu and other settings like that be saved?02:49
carandraugTotakeke: x and y are two numbers. GRUB starts counting from 0 and turns the a,b or c in numbers. So hda1 turns 0,0 and hdc6 into 2,502:49
migsterquestion: does anyone know an autoformat program for .tex files for Linux? Thanks.02:49
acrouseyandax: sda is only 40GB anyways02:49
acrouseyi don't have too much on there to begin with02:49
KumorigoeAnd the only other available device is lo02:50
andaxacrousey, ok i'm just telling you that all data will be lost as soon as you press enter so think before you type02:50
poetFirst time installing Ubuntu 8.04. It never asked me to specify a "root" user password during the install. How do I create one as I'm logged in with just the reg user.02:50
acrouseyandax: do i need sudo before that code then?02:50
andaxacrousey, yes you need sudo02:50
TotakekeCarandraug > So if my flash drive is sde, what would I change that do?02:50
l337ingDisorderpoet: you don't need a root password02:50
Fevrinl337ingDisorder: Hmm . . . I'm not sure why it's giving you that error then.02:50
DaveKongmigster the best app I have heard of for ease of use is lyx tex02:50
l337ingDisorderpoet: just use the password you used to log in02:51
csa3dhow does one dock pidgin to the side of twinview monitor, like windows *cringe*02:51
carandraugpoet: you're sure you need to login as a root? That's not advisable. Ubuntu as no root password by deafult so you can't login02:51
l337ingDisorderFevrin: I think my issue has more to it.02:51
poetIf i use the same password I used to log in, it gives me "authentication failure"02:51
l337ingDisorderfevrin: thanks for pointing me in the right direction though :)02:51
Neuro2112poet: if you really, really need it, sudo su02:51
carandraugpoet: if you really want to create one (not advisable) run sudo psswd02:51
john__I HAVE THIS PROBLEM     Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.02:51
john__Please select another viewer and try again.02:51
carandraugpoet: sorry, I mean "man passwd"02:52
poetI'm just trying to get VMWare Tools installed and it needs higher credentials to do so02:52
carandraugpoet: damn, I meant "sudo passwd"02:52
Fevrinl337ingDisorder: no problem; I'm curious--how did you make the link?  Did you right-click the file, or did you use the ln command?02:52
Neuro2112carandraug: lol. i wrote sudo su02:52
Neuro2112poet: sudo passwd is the correct out of the flood of mistypes you jsut got :)02:53
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poetlol  thanks Neuro02:53
vilhelmHello! I have a partition which filesystem is NTFS and i cant delete any files from the partition :(02:53
carandraugNeuro2112: he asked for the root password, not to login as root02:53
TotakekeSo what would I change (hd2,1) to to boot from my flash drive?02:53
l337ingDisorderln -s02:53
poetyes, just need the higher credentials temporarily while I try to install VMWare Tools02:53
illmortalI have a simple yet silly question... is there such thing as a AGP x8 or PCI (non express) pushing 512mb?02:54
Fevrinl337ingDisorder: so the file you linked to *and* the actual link are both in /usr/bin?02:54
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:54
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carandraugTotakeke: hmm, it's only sde? No number after that? Maybe hd4,0 or just hd402:54
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DaveKongpoet: just use sudo the password is whatever you set it to when you installed02:55
TotakekeCarandraug: I'm not sure, that's what it said while partitioning. I'll just boot from the Live CD and check. I'll be back, thanks lol02:55
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carandraugTonus: wait 1min02:55
sk33t0ranyone here ever have success with ipw2200 and packet injection?02:56
andaxKumorigoe, maybe try: 'iwconfig eth1 ap any' -> this should tell the card to associate to any access point in range02:56
poetThanks DaveKong. So i don't need to do sudo passwd?  Just type "sudo" and go with that?02:56
DaveKongpoet: yes and it stays active for a while if you need to do other stuff as well requireing it02:57
DaveKongpoet it is safer for you02:57
kill_I'm a newb as far as Xubuntu, and I have it on PS3. I tried to change the resolution through Xorg but it keeps failing when I reboot.02:57
KumorigoeSET failed on device eth1 ; Operation not permitted02:57
kill_Also I have  a SDtv rather a HD02:57
sk33t0rKumorigoe, sudo it02:57
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floppyearshmm, no nvidia love for me02:57
floppyearsI'm trying to get the nvidia geforce 8300 integrated video card to work, but no luck02:58
floppyearsdoes anybody here have that card ?02:58
tuxxy__ooo nvidia love02:58
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andaxKumorigoe, you must have modied the configuration of the wireless device some way when playing around with aircrack, if you can't remember what you did usually "iwconfig eth1 mode managed ; iwconfig eth1 ap any" and waiting a few seconds should help. if it doesn't then just reboot the box.02:58
DaveKongpoet you type sudo then whatever the restricted command is that you were not allowed to do before02:58
vnixIs there anyway to type Chinese in Ubuntu?02:58
l337ingDisorderFevrin: rofl major l337ing disorder moment there... the problem was that the file I was referencing to create the link to didn't exist... but I had tried to create the link by switching the source and destination order to start with, so there was a broken link created in the place that I thought the original app was located, and then there was a link created to that link.. so neither links...02:58
l337ingDisorder...were broken but they just linked to each other02:58
DaveKongpoet then you will be asked for your password02:58
nadiafloppyears: nope, but It might be because its a new card02:58
Kumorigoemaybe remove aircrack?02:59
l337ingDisorderFevrin: thanks though, your clue led me to the solution in the end02:59
Fevrinl337ingDisorder: XD ;P02:59
Fevrinl337ingDisorder: glad you got to the bottom of it, though :)02:59
* l337ingDisorder kicks himself02:59
floppyearsrunning on vesa makes things not very smooth :(02:59
Kumorigoerebooted multiple times.02:59
nadiafloppyears: I've also had trouble getting my videocard to work in Ubuntu. Take a look at Administration > Hardware Drivers, if it's not listed there it might not be supported (that was the case with my GPU)02:59
* sk33t0r kicks hisself02:59
vilhelmHello guys! i have an ntfs harddisk that is mounted but i cant delete any files from it03:00
kc8pxyfloppyears:  what card?03:00
tina_how do install java on ubuntu 8.04\03:00
floppyearsnadia: it was listed there, but once installed + reboot it failed at starting the xserver03:00
jmichelsen_ yo anyone out there a VM expert? I have a prob with my vmware on xubuntu. When I power on a machine (any) it opens for a sec, then just closes as if it powered back on03:00
tuxxy__tina - ubuntu-restricted-extras03:00
carandraug!java | tina_03:00
ubottutina_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:00
quentusrexI have a rom file my motherboard manufacturer. How do I update my bios?03:00
sk33t0rsearch in synaptic paclet manager03:00
KumorigoeWhat's the Ubuntu equivalent of System Restore?03:01
floppyearskc8pxy: nvidia geforce 8300 integrated video card03:01
R_YoYo_Rguys is there a way to change the sound played when logging in?03:01
PiciKumorigoe: There is none.03:01
andaxKumorigoe, removing aircrack won't restore your settings, ... not that I knew what would.03:01
tarwatirnoKumorigoe: a good backup03:01
nadiaflobbyears: sound complicated :) that kind of problems go beyond my knowledge, ask some of the other guys here03:01
foxhopI need assistance with setting up dual monitors.  I'm running hardy 8.04 and the monitors are the same model.03:01
quentusrexIt's an Asus RS100-E4/PI2 server. How do I update the bios?03:02
carandraugR_YoYo_R: yes. System>Administration >Login Window03:02
tarwatirnoKumorigoe: what type of card is this?03:02
sk33t0ranyone here ever have success with ipw2200 and packet injection?03:02
kc8pxyfloppyears: that's not covered by the OEM driers for linux?03:02
nadiaWhat is the Ubuntu equavelent of environment variables in Windows?03:02
Theaxiom_Hello people, I am having an issue getting apache/php to work properly in ubuntu. I installed the packages mysql/php5/php5-cli/apache2 and when I try to access a php page, it wants to download it instead of execute it. What am I doing wrong?03:02
R_YoYo_Rcarandraug, i found like the bongo sound....i wanted to change the sound once gnome is loaded03:02
carandraugR_YoYo_R: at least in 7.10 that's the way. Search under the Accesibility tab03:02
ketadoes skype not work in 64bit ubuntu?03:02
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floppyearskc8pxy: I've tried nvidia-glx glx-new and legacy with no luck :(03:02
tritiumnadia: environment variables03:02
floppyearsI've also tried nv03:03
jmichelsen_ yo anyone out there a VM expert? I have a prob with my vmware on xubuntu. When I power on a machine (any) it opens for a sec, then just closes as if it powered back on03:03
KumorigoeIntel PRO Wireless 210003:03
floppyearsthanks nadia03:03
carandraugR_YoYo_R: hmm, maybe gconf?03:03
R_YoYo_Rcarandraug, the file is login.wav03:03
sk33t0rKumorigoe, thatworked for you?03:03
R_YoYo_Rcarandraug, but i cant figure out where it is set03:03
tarwatirnoKumorigoe: you using hardy?03:03
sk33t0rmay I ask you some questions in pm?03:03
carandraugR_YoYo_R: run gconf-editor in the terminal03:04
tarwatirnoKumorigoe: try reinserting the cards kernel module03:04
carandraugR_YoYo_R: it's easier to search for it there than in the folder with so many files03:04
andaxnadia, try the 'export' and 'env' commands, maybe this is what you mean03:04
Neuro2112Theaxiom_: The symptom means that the web server was not setup to parse php files through the php language engine.03:04
R_YoYo_Rcarandraug, i know what your talking about03:04
R_YoYo_Rcarandraug, i will look03:05
kill_I'm a newb as far as Xubuntu, and I have it on PS3. I tried to change the resolution through Xorg but it keeps failing when I reboot. I have a SDtv not a HD. Any help? Thanks.03:05
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Theaxiom_Neuro2112: But it parses a phpinfo.php file just fine...03:05
Neuro2112Theaxiom_: Did you check the AddHandler line to make sure PHP is parsing the files, and the AddType to make sure that they’re being sent as the right type. Also check the LoadModule statements for PHP. If you’re lost, its all in the apache httpd.conf, and there are hundreds of tutorials on google for setting it all up.03:05
carandraug!es | zabalon03:06
ubottuzabalon: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:06
nadiatnx andax03:06
Neuro2112Theaxiom_:  those are module loads and type declares in the httpd.conf03:06
S4nD3rHi there03:06
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foxhop I need assistance with setting up dual monitors.  I'm running hardy 8.04 and the monitors are the same model.03:06
nadiaHi Sander with 1337 letters03:06
Theaxiom_Neuro2112: I am not new to apache/php/mysql...I just installed ubuntu and I am new to ubuntu.03:06
S4nD3rId like to use a dock in ubuntu, but without compiz03:06
Theaxiom_Neuro2112: I am a php and database developer.03:06
S4nD3ris it possible?03:06
tarwatirnofoxhop: Graphics card?03:06
Theaxiom_Neuro2112: But thanks, I will take a look. Where is httpd.conf located?03:07
foxhopgeforce 7950 gt03:07
Neuro2112Theaxiom_: let me check my server - i have php running - i don't remember if i did anything non-standard03:07
andaxTheaxiom, find / -name httpd.conf03:07
FlannelTheaxiom_: httpd.conf isn't used in debian based distros.  A number of other config files are instead.03:07
tarwatirnodo you use the nvidia drivers?03:07
Theaxiom_andax: thanks - Flannel: What?03:07
foxhoptarwatirno: I installed nvidia drivers03:07
vnixErm excuse me. How to type Chinese letters in Ubuntu thank you ^^03:08
FlannelTheaxiom_: you'll find httpd.conf to be empty03:08
Theaxiom_Flannel: How do I configure it then?03:08
FlannelTheaxiom_: What are you trying to configure?03:08
tarwatirnoyou should be able to use nvidia-settings to do it03:08
tarwatirnotwinview is probably what you want03:08
carandraugvnix: take a look at the character map03:08
Neuro2112Theaxiom_:  Right - it is in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf for me03:08
ketadoes skype not work in 64bit ubuntu?03:08
Theaxiom_Flannel: When I browse to a php file, other than phpinfo.php it tries to download a weird file name...03:08
FlannelTheaxiom_: Serverwide configs are in apache2.conf, virtual host specific stuff is in sites-enabled/ and module related configs are in mods-enabled/03:09
jmichelsen_ yo anyone out there a VM expert? I have a prob with my vmware on xubuntu. When I power on a machine (any) it opens for a sec, then just closes as if it powered back on03:09
TotakekeOkay, I found the name of my flash drive I think, it's in /dev/disk?03:09
Theaxiom_Flannel: Oh okay thanks, kind of like a cpanel/redhat setup03:09
FlannelTheaxiom_: That doesn't sound like a configuration issue.  Or at least, not apache.03:09
vnixcarandraung: Is it under language support?03:09
R_YoYo_Rcarandraug, http://www.foogazi.com/2008/06/29/disable-login-and-logout-sound-on-ubuntu/03:09
foxhopWhere are the nvidia settings located, tarwatirno.03:09
FlannelTheaxiom_: Its the debian method, but sure.03:09
TotakekeAlright, so what should I change (hd2,1) to?03:10
Neuro2112Theaxiom_: Check here: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled03:10
RedWarBeen a while.  I am having trouble with mic and eveonline for Hardy 32 bit.  I use the sound blaster audigy card. Mic will not work.  I have been on ALSA site, but no help.  Any advice?03:10
carandraugvnix: no. Under Applications > accessories. You'll need the fonts installed though03:10
Neuro2112Theaxiom_: There is a php5.conf and php5.load file03:10
TotakekeRedWar: I've been having trouble with EVE voice too using Windows, I think CCP said they're having trouble with it.03:10
FlannelTheaxiom_: You say an odd filename?  Do you have some examples?03:10
tarwatirnofoxhop: they got moved in an update, just alt+f2 then nvidia-settings03:11
Theaxiom_Flannel: http://rowland.doesntexist.com03:11
RedWarIn vista (breaks glass) it works03:11
Theaxiom_Flannel: Oh tht won't work, I need to setup a static IP03:12
TotakekeRedWar: I'm not sure then. I wonder why it won't work for me :P03:12
foxhoptarwatirno - Claims that the file or folder could ot be found03:12
andaxTheaxiom, the actual command to load the php module is " ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load " - create a symlink in mods-enabled that points to mods-available.  (check /etc/apache2 dir and you'll understand ) restart apache with apache2ctl restart when you have created the symlink03:12
carandraugTotakeke: /dev/disk ? There has to be something else.03:12
vnixcarandraug: don have Chinese letters there. Is there any software use to type Chinese letters?03:12
Theaxiom_Flannel: LFf1Hpdr.phtml.part03:12
foxhoptarwatirno - Do you think its installed correctly?03:12
Theaxiom_Flannel: That is when I try to access index.php03:12
TotakekeWhere can I find the name then? (Kind of gave up lol) Actually/disk was a folder.03:12
vnixOr like Windows where I can alt+shift to change the typing language. Thanks03:13
foxhoptarwatirno - The driver was installed but not the settings manager...Installing now03:13
carandraugTotakeke: when you start Gparted, what's the name you get to your usb?03:13
FlannelTheaxiom_: Hmm, odd indeed.  Do you have htaccess rules set up?03:13
Theaxiom_Flannel: I did the apt-get of apache2/mysql/php5/php5-cli and rebooted apache, and that is all i did.03:13
jmichelsen_ yo anyone out there a VM expert? I have a prob with my vmware on xubuntu. When I power on a machine (any) it opens for a sec, then just closes as if it powered back on03:13
FlannelTheaxiom_: php5-cli actually isn't needed, do you have libapache2-mod-php5?03:14
foxhopI'm not sure jmichelsen_, the perfered VM software here is virtualbox.03:14
Theaxiom_Flannel: I need the cli for applictions03:14
FlannelTheaxiom_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP03:14
TotakekeCarandraug: I'm not sure. I think it was sde, I never named it myself.03:14
tarwatirnofoxhop: sounds like a plan03:14
foxhopHave you given that software a go?03:14
Theaxiom_Flannel: Thanks03:14
FlannelTheaxiom_: Alright, but as far as apache is concerned, its not needed.03:14
csa3danyone know how to dock pidgin to the side of a window like windows?03:14
carandraugvnix: I don't know. The character map is just where I see all those strange characters that I never use lol Not an expert on that area, but can't chinese be under mandarin?03:14
Theaxiom_Flannel: Yeah I know, thanks03:14
Kumorigoeokay, I managed to get the eth1 interface selected.  Signal strentgh shows as 0. I03:14
carandraugTotakeke: ok. One minute then03:14
andaxTheaxiom, you have the module installed then, so it is available but you have to enable it. check /etc/apache2/modules-available and modules-enabled directories and it will be clear :)03:15
jmichelsen_foxhop: you know i will take anything that works but I cant get that to work either under xubuntu 8.0203:15
jmichelsen_foxhop: you know i will take anything that works but I cant get that to work either under xubuntu 8.0403:15
TotakekeCarangraud: Okay.03:15
Shak-i'm having a really annoying problem with my wifi.. so I use up my bandwidth, max it out - 700-800kb/s, it works for sevreal minutes then caps at around 60kb/s.. if I restart the network interface it works again and the problem repeats. any idea?03:15
Theaxiom_Flannel: I will remove all the ones I already installed and follow that guide, thanks03:15
vnixcarangraug: should be under Mandarin. Think have to download the support first03:15
foxhopjmichelsen_, Yeah has the VM's worked on that hardware before?03:15
Theaxiom_Flannel: Does it matter if /var/www is a symlink?03:15
jmichelsen_foxhop: in windows yes, not under linux03:16
FlannelTheaxiom_: It could... you might ask in #apache, they'll be able to help more03:16
andaxTheaxiom, it can be a symlink as long as apache has access to the target directory03:16
Theaxiom_andax: thanks03:16
foxhopjmichelsen_, it could be the gui, have you tried with ubuntu? (gnome)03:16
jmichelsen_foxhop: virtualbox gives me compile errors, dependency probs, cant start any vm with it03:16
jmichelsen_foxhop: no havent03:16
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carandraugTotakeke: it seems me that if it's sde it's either hd4,0 or just hd403:18
KumorigoeNow, I show two signal strength indicators, one with short to tall bars, another with a vertical scale.03:19
Legendariocan anyone help me to make my microphone work? I can hear it on the speakers but can't record anything...03:19
bazhangjmichelsen_, why are you compiling vbox03:19
carandraugTotakeke: have you tried hd4,0 ?03:19
KumorigoeNetwork icon shows a error symbol.03:19
KumorigoeConnection properties shows my eth1 as being disconnected.03:20
Theaxiomxaj: I would recommend xchat03:20
andaxcarandraug, if there is no partition on the disk ( so you used mkfs.whatever /dev/sde ) then grub will find it if you specify it as hd(4,0) - don't know why tough but thats how it works..03:20
TotakekeCarandraig: I haven't tried that yet, I will though, thanks.03:20
admiral_copelandcan anyone help me with vbox i am installing xp03:21
shishiohi guys i got 1 question, if i switch user at ubuntu, will the programs running at my current user be closed?03:21
carandraugandax: ok. Thanks. Totakeke, you've heard andax.03:22
carandraugvnix: I think this may help you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAyfRnJ9PRw03:22
carandraugvnix: it's a movie showing how to do what you want03:23
jmichelsen_bazhang: what do you mean why?03:23
admiral_copelandhelp with vbox03:24
shishiohi guys i got 1 question, if i switch user at ubuntu, will the programs running at my current user be closed?03:24
jmichelsen_bazhang: not compiling, installing from repo03:24
Reformer81shishio: Not if you choose "Switch User"03:24
Yud_Zroci need help getting my mic working with teamspeak any pointers03:24
Reformer81shishio: It will keep your session running in the background (including any applications you left running)03:24
shishioReformer81: ah ok thanks03:25
NemesisDanyone know of a stronger way to kill a process other than kill -9 (shy of rebooting)03:25
jmichelsen_foxhop: the errors dont point to gui, for either vm system03:25
bazhangjmichelsen_> foxhop: virtualbox gives me compile errors, dependency probs, cant start any vm with it those03:25
jmichelsen_bazhang: my mistake, not compile errors but install errors03:26
jmichelsen_bazhang: via apt03:26
boobsbrJack_Sparrow: hi jack, i got my video resolution up to 1280x1024 but everything is very slow now. here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/39265/, could you please take a look at it?03:26
jmichelsen_bazhang:  No suitable module for running kernel found. is the error i get03:27
bazhangjmichelsen_, what kernel03:27
jmichelsen_Linux michelsendt 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux03:27
jmichelsen_bazhang: Linux michelsendt 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux03:27
bazhangjmichelsen_, then install it via synaptic03:28
Sladeis there a website where i can download extra views for cairo-dock?03:28
abyss_boobsbr, what kind of graphic card you have?03:29
bazhangjmichelsen_, also be sure to add yourself to the vbox group in users & groups03:29
tuxsudohello, I just upgraded to gusty, now I cant get any sound w/ the alsa...I am using a SB Audigy203:29
boobsbrgeforce 6600gt agp03:29
abyss_boobsbr, did you tried the nvdia-driver?03:30
abyss_boobsbr, cause actually you use a vesa driver if i mentioned right03:30
boobsbrabyss_, yes through envyng it installed 17303:30
jmichelsen_bazhang: why would synaptic install differently than aptitude03:30
bazhangjmichelsen_, easier to search for it in synaptic03:31
andaxboobsbr, look for the line that contains driver "vesa", it means you are using the generic slowmotion-video-driver.  sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx will fix it.03:31
poetGuys.. What's a good way to try and Find VMWareTools.tar.gz?03:31
abyss_boobsbr, why not the driver from System->Preferences->Hardware Driver?03:31
poetI did: apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-2.6.24-16-server which seemed to work, but can't find VMWareTools.tar.gz anywhere03:31
jmichelsen_bazhang: thats not the problem, it install, gives that one error and is able to run but wont run any vms03:31
R_YoYo_Rpoet, sudo updatedb .... then locate VM*03:32
bazhangjmichelsen_, this is vbox ose?03:32
boobsbrabyss_, i tried the default ubuntu driver but it too screwed everything up, so i did a fresh install and took a shot at envyng03:32
Theaxiom_Flannel: My problem was I didn't clear my browser's cache, thanks.03:32
jmichelsen_bazhang: yes03:32
R_YoYo_Rpoet, build-essentials doesnt install vmwaretools does it?03:32
abyss_boobsbr, anyway if a nvidia driver ist installed you have to choose it as driver too!03:32
bazhangjmichelsen_, and what did you set it to boot03:32
KumorigoeIs WiFi always this hard to configure?03:32
admiral_copelandHey guys im trying to run xp in virtual box and i get an error03:32
admiral_copelandVirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic..03:32
admiral_copelandVBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).03:32
admiral_copelandResult Code:03:32
FloodBot1admiral_copeland: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:32
hitman1985hi all, something close to image_grabber for ubuntu known ?03:32
bazhangabyss_, no.03:33
boobsbrabyss_, what is this Module section?03:33
bazhangabyss_, he already used envyng-gtk03:33
poetR_YoYo_R - not too sure what it does. lol03:33
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R_YoYo_Rpoet, ya i dont think it grabs anything vmware03:33
poetdamn, i dunno. I'll reboot and try again.03:33
abyss_bazhang, but in his xorg.conf he use a vesa driver for X1103:34
jmichelsen_bazhang: you know what03:34
jmichelsen_bazhang: got it workin03:34
SladeIs there any tools like top (cli  process viewer) or themes for top?03:35
bazhangjmichelsen_, congrats03:35
boobsbrabyss_, how can i list the installed drivers?03:35
jmichelsen_bazhang: thanks for the help, synaptic did allow me to select the right module that the install missed,03:35
RedWarCongrats jmichelson on your success03:35
andaxKumorigoe, think what did you modify when you tried aircrack.. have you followed a howto? did it tell you to replace a driver? edit files somewhere? ... it was working before so most likely you just forgot to cancel some changes you made.03:35
KumorigoeNone of the above03:36
carandraugSlade: there's htop03:36
KumorigoeI installed the package with Synaptic.03:36
khmer42I have a strange problem where I keep losing my cable (dhcp) internet connection. Everytime I lose it I can get it back by disabling roaming in the GUI, selecting DHCP, the interface is then reloaded, then if I re-enable roaming I get my internet connection back. Any Ideas?03:36
abyss_boobsbr, im not very sure how to configure the driver installed with envyng but in my case the drivername is "nvidia"!03:36
Sladecarandraug: thnx03:36
|BaLiaN|hello all03:37
andaxKumorigoe, then you should try booting from the live cd and check if the card works.03:37
thedarkonecan someone look at this03:37
abyss_boobsbr, but bazhang said you dont need to do it!03:37
abyss_boobsbr, and now im a bit confused too :)03:37
|BaLiaN|i need help burning ubuntu to Cd using nero. can anyone tell me which option is right ?03:37
bazhangabyss_, I said no such thing.03:37
khmer42I thought it was an IP conflict but now I've reserved the IP I get to the mac address of my network card.03:38
abyss_bazhang, well then i missunderstood :) my vault03:38
bazhang!de | abyss_03:38
ubottuabyss_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:38
dmsuperman_So does anybody know, using screen, how to start a new screen session and automatically run a command in the window it creates?03:38
bazhangabyss_, that might help.03:38
Picidmsuperman_: screen command03:38
admiral_copelandhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/39267/plain/ can someone help me with this03:38
Yud_Zrochow do i tell what gfx driver i have installed03:38
abyss_bazhang, hehe03:38
jmichelsen_|BaLiaN|: burn image to disc03:39
carandraug|BaLiaN|: I can. Do you use Nero burning room?03:39
jmichelsen_|BaLiaN|: use the smart start in nero, easier that way03:39
|BaLiaN|yes i do03:39
admiral_copelandhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/39267/plain/ can someone help me with this03:39
|BaLiaN|which option under data?03:39
dmsuperman_Pici: thanks...can't believe I didn't even think of that03:39
admiral_copelandhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/39267/plain/ can someone help me with this03:39
Flannel!repeat | admiral_copeland03:39
ubottuadmiral_copeland: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:39
boobsbrabyss_, thanks for the help mate03:39
node357|BaLiaN|, copy and backup, burn image to disc03:39
fauzi1hi .. i just updated to 8.04 .... installed the restricted driver for nvidia ... now my resolution is stuck at 640x320. It worked before with 7.10.03:39
boobsbrbazhang, thanks for the help too03:39
Flanneladmiral_copeland: Did you try doing what it suggested? (installing those packages)03:39
bazhangadmiral_copeland, install the correct module vis synaptic for your kernel03:39
bazhangboobsbr, is it fixed?03:40
abyss_boobsbr, your welcome at least ive tried :)03:40
Flannel!virtualbox | admiral_copeland03:40
carandraug|BaLiaN|: you can choose copy cd if you want. You would need to mount the iso. There's however an easier way. Search for burn image03:40
ubottuadmiral_copeland: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:40
admiral_copelandyes and it still doesnt work with all required oackages03:40
bazhangadmiral_copeland, what kernel and what module03:40
boobsbrbazhang, i'm trying to decide which driver to use03:40
bazhangboobsbr, which driver is installed03:41
incousfauzil, you should download driver from official nvidia website03:41
fauzi1incous: thx ... tryin ...03:41
|BaLiaN|ok i am trying the first option you told me now03:41
|BaLiaN|thank you03:41
boobsbrbazhang, i'm trying to figure out that too, but i think envy managed to install 173 correctly03:41
bazhangboobsbr, and did you reboot following that?03:41
boobsbrbazhang, yes, but still it wouldn't work03:42
admiral_copelandi installed genaric and have ubuntu 8.0.403:42
Kumorigoeokay, my heron liveCD crapped out.  Trying gutsy03:42
carandraug|BaLiaN|: take a look at this. I think it's the easiest. Just to burn the image http://wizardskeep.org/mainhall/tutor/neroiso.html03:42
bazhangboobsbr, also what did you install; did you install nvidia-settings03:42
cwill747admiral_copeland: you're trying to get virtualbox to work?03:42
boobsbrbazhang, i think nvidia-glx-new-envy is installed03:42
bazhangadmiral_copeland, the exact numbers have to match, please inform of those03:43
boobsbrbazhang, is this the correct name of the driver?03:43
Shak-im having issues with my wifi.. ubuntu likes to randomly cap the network speed after i've been using it a few minutes, I need to restart the interface to get it working again. anyone know why?03:43
cwill747admiral_copeland: and you installed all the correct packages? what error are you getting?03:43
bazhangboobsbr, sounds right, try installing nvidia-settings now03:43
tina_still having problems installing java.   I keep get no file found03:43
bazhangtina_, from where03:43
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cwill747admiral_copeland: and you did install the correct ones?03:44
admiral_copelandi installed the paccage it said to the genaric version03:44
bazhangadmiral_copeland, we need to know the kernel number and modules number03:44
cwill747for your specific kernal?03:44
admiral_copelandhow do i find that03:44
boobsbrbazhang, nvidia-settings is intalled but it keeps telling me i'm not running their x driver, so i run nvidia-xconfig and it still gives me the same message03:44
cwill747admiral_copeland: uname -a03:44
shartkeAnyone have any tips to get an iphone to sync with Ubuntu?  I tried an article that walks you through using amarok.  I also tried vmware server/player and virtual box.. ( i got usb support to work)03:44
cwill747admiral_copeland: type that into the terminal03:44
carandraug|BaLiaN|: the burn image option that shown in the file menu in that page, is in some version under the menu recorder03:44
admiral_copelandLinux alan-laptop 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Tue Aug 12 13:37:22 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux03:45
tina_where do i start, i really lost here.03:45
bazhangadmiral_copeland, you have hardy proposed then03:45
andaxShak-, test if it's a driver or signal problem. install the windows drivers for the card using ndiswrapper and see if the problem goes away or not.03:45
cwill747admiral_copeland: then you want to install the library03:45
bazhangcwill747, dont think there is a module for that yet03:46
cwill747admiral_copeland: go to synaptic and find the OSE that is
Shak-andax: alright, it was working fine upto now though, just randomly started happening03:46
cwill747bazhang: haha what do you know03:46
cwill747admiral_copeland: never mind, there isn't one for it03:46
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andaxShak-, maybe someone has installed another access point on the same channel nearby... have you tried changing the channel?03:47
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Shak-andax: i'll try that03:47
bazhangadmiral_copeland, any reason to use hardy proposed?03:47
tina_how do i install java for ubuntu 8.0403:47
Flannel!java | tina_03:48
ubottutina_: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:48
bazhangtina_, what have you tried03:48
tuxsudocan anyone help me with alsa?03:48
Shak-andax: im on 11, only other networks are on 6 and 9 so I dont think its the channel03:48
admiral_copelandwhat u mean hardy "proposed"03:49
tina_the selfextract file from java download site03:49
DaskreecHhow can I change natilus as my default file manager?03:49
bazhangtina_, best to install from repos03:49
tina_where is that located03:49
Yud_Zrocwhen installing nvidia drivers to i have to uninstall the old drivers03:49
MonthOLDpicklehey guys I am having issues installing nvidia drivers03:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about natilus03:50
andaxShak-, if you don't see an AP around it doesn't mean it's not there.. changing the channel and trying can't hurt. if it has no effect try the windows drivers for testing03:50
bazhangtina_, make sure the multiverse repo is enabled03:50
carandraug!nautilus | DaskreecH03:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus03:50
bufferdoes anyone else have that 1mb problem with the broadcom wireless card?03:50
bufferstuck at 1Mbps03:50
Shak-andax: k03:51
carandraugDaskreecH: take a look at http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease03:51
bazhangtina_, then make sure to update your sources list03:51
MaahesI have a rather annoying problem: currenly ubuntu is only recognizing my touchpad. I plug in a USB mouse? Nothing03:51
andaxMaahes, usb mice are no longer supported, didn't you hear that?03:52
bazhangtina_, in synaptic03:52
admiral_copelandwhat does hardy "proposed" mean03:52
Maahesanyone have any idea how to fix or find out what the problem is?03:52
bazhangadmiral_copeland, not fully tested03:52
bazhangadmiral_copeland, nor supported03:53
bazhangie your vbox issue03:53
admiral_copelanddo i have to do a reinstall to upgrade03:53
bazhangadmiral_copeland, no.03:53
tina_ I dont follow03:53
admiral_copelandwell how do i do it03:54
bazhangadmiral_copeland, boot from the 19 kernel03:54
carandraugandax: are you being sarcastic again?03:54
Maahesanyone? Mice not working is pretty serious fail03:54
admiral_copelanduhhh how03:54
KumorigoeWell, balls.03:54
bazhangtina open03:54
andaxMaahes, you already have two input devices. keyboard and touchpad. you got 3 hands?03:54
bazhangandax, that is not helpful03:55
KumorigoeLiveCD 6.06 shows the wireless, will not connect03:55
andaxMaahes, seriously, something's really wrong there, give us a dmesg | tail output please after you have connected / disconnected the mouse.03:55
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IndyGunFreakcarandraug: USB or PS2?03:55
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admiral_copelandhow do i upgrade  hardy proposed to just hardy heron03:56
carandraugMaahes: I use USB mouses all the time, and different ones. Never had a problem. Have you tried other USB port? You sure the mouse is ok? You tried in other computer?03:56
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bazhangadmiral_copeland, not upgrade03:56
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admiral_copelandhow do i do it though03:56
bazhangadmiral_copeland, go into grub and boot from earlier kernel03:56
admiral_copelandhow do i do that03:56
bazhang!it | Jou03:56
ubottuJou: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:56
carandraugIndyGunFreak: :s it's Maahes that's havinjg a problem with a usb mouse03:56
apprenticebuntuSorry i lost connection, did anyone reply on how to install the package in term thats sitting on my desktop?03:56
DaskreecHcarandraug: Well I would like to change it to Dolphin. That doesn't seem to help there03:57
Maaheshttp://rafb.net/p/u9TsA978.html is the output, it recognizes the device03:57
DaskreecHapprenticebuntu: What kind of package?03:57
Maahesbut moving, clicking, registers nothing03:57
bazhangadmiral_copeland, you know the countdown once bios screen has passed?03:57
Reformer81apprenticebuntu: Could you repeat the question?03:57
acp_hi any one know a good and easy to use timer for a ubuntu internetshop?03:57
LordFDiskCan someone help me I have a Q; on setting up wireless connection on a labtop ?03:57
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:57
jmichelsen_using ssh is there a way for screen commands to be run and access the screen that is actually running. When I run commands via ssh it tells me unable to open display ""03:57
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bazhangadmiral_copeland, then hit esc to get into grub03:57
admiral_copelandthen what03:58
bazhangadmiral_copeland, scroll down the kernel you want and then boot03:58
Maahescarandraug, the mice themselves work, yes. And they light up, and dmesg recognizes them, but they do not move the pointer, or register clicks03:58
bazhangadmiral_copeland, which is the 1903:58
admiral_copelandthen do i have to do that everytime03:58
carandraugDaskreecH: you didn't say to what you wanted to trade it before (or I didn't saw it). Sorry about that03:59
RolaultenEllo, kinda easy thing (I just dont want to find out the hard way by having grub freak on me) If I want Grub to boot one kernel by default, just comment out any other kernel's above it in the list right?03:59
Liquid2[laptop]anyone available to answer a question?03:59
MaahesWell shoot, there's a bloody good reason03:59
MaahesI have no xorg input section for mouse03:59
DaskreecHcarandraug: Never said it but .. there isn't a defined way to change the file manager?03:59
DaskreecHcarandraug: Default Applications or such ?03:59
cedriczgHi there everyone. Glad to be here again03:59
carandraugMaahes: sorry. No idea what the problem may be. They always worked just fined for me03:59
Maahessomeone mind pasting me a good mouse section from their xorg?03:59
carandraugDaskreecH: maybe try to run gconf-editor in the terminal04:00
cedriczgDid anyone have a crash of your system with this type of error on the syslog04:00
shartkemaashes, have you been playing with the xorg config?04:00
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bazhangMaahes, you checked that mouse input is not disabled in prefs?04:00
DaskreecHah possible I will see04:00
cedriczg"/USR/SBIN/CRON[7037]: (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)"04:00
jmichelsen_using ssh is there a way for screen commands to be run and access the screen that is actually running. When I run commands via ssh it tells me unable to open display ""04:00
Liquid2[laptop]I'm trying to install the flash plug in, so I type in "sudo apt-get flashplugin-nonfree", but I get the error "E: Invalid operation flashplugin-nonfree"04:00
DaskreecHcarandraug: Thanks I'll try04:00
Maahesbazhang, I have no "mouse" section in xorg, I haven't used a mouse in allmost a year, but I'm finding diablo II annoying to play with the touchpad.04:00
bazhangLiquid2[laptop], need install04:00
cedriczghowever I have no entry on crontab04:00
TotakekeOkay, I tried changing (hdx,y) from whatever it was to (hd4,0), amongst a range of other values. Most of them threw "1704:00
shartketype install04:00
S4nD3rHow to check which is my videocard? If is it really installed?04:01
cedriczgAny clue on this?04:01
Liquid2[laptop]alright, thanks guys04:01
Totakekethrew "17" errors, the others threw 21 or 22 I believe.04:01
bazhangMaahes, in the prefs not xorg04:01
MaahesI think I played around with the xorg file when I did envyng04:01
FlannelTotakeke: No need to guess, what partition are you trying to boot to?04:01
andaxjmichelsen_, edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config , and set ForwardX11 to "yes" to enable running remote stuff on local screen04:01
Maahesbazhang, where in preferences? there's no option to disable mouse input under preferences -> mouse04:01
Liquid2[laptop]now it says I already have it, but Firefox doesn't see it04:02
TotakekeNot sure, I mounted partitions on / and /home.04:02
TotakekeI just want to boot into the partition that will, well, make Linux boot :(04:02
shartkeliquid, which os are you using?04:02
cedriczgthen I get this error message:  WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: ha ocurrido un error fatal de X - Reiniciando :004:02
cpinedahola a todos04:02
Flannel!es | cpineda04:02
shartke64 or x86?04:02
ubottucpineda: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:02
rukcusI just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on a laptop that had Vista that had WiFi; but I cannot see the hardware now.04:02
carandraugDaskreecH: I've found how to turn off nautilus in the gconf-editor Gconf-editor go apps->nautilus->preferences Scoll down till you see the "show desktop" item and unselect it04:03
shartkeliquid can you open up synaptic and uncheck the flash plugin04:03
carandraugcedriczg: not everyone will understand the spanish of the error. You should translate04:03
bazhangMaahes, what did you edit in xorg04:03
DaskreecHcarandraug: And what happens when I go places -> computer then ?04:03
jmichelsen_ andax: hmm didnt seem to change anything, I restarted the ssh server and tried xset q and it gave me the same error04:04
fauxreignerhey, umm, I've never used irc or xchat...how do I join a different channel?04:04
Maahesbazhang, I wrote above that I didn't even have a mouse entry in xorg. So evidently....I edited out mice04:04
fauziehi ... how am I supposed to terminate X server?04:04
carandraugDaskreecH: no idea. I'm looking for it in the ubuntu forums04:04
DaskreecHfauxreigner: type /join #cannelname04:04
bazhangfauxreigner, type /j #channel04:04
fauxreignerinclude the pound sign?04:04
DaskreecHfauzie: Log out04:04
shartkemaybe do an xorg reconfig?04:04
DaskreecHfauxreigner: Depends on the client04:04
shartkeor if you have a backup replace it04:04
bazhangxchat yes fauxreigner04:04
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:04
TotakekeDoes it matter which partition I boot to? (I only have 3, and 1 of them's the swap partition, so I'm guessing I can only boot to just one of the two?04:04
DaskreecHcarandraug: thanks04:05
FlannelTotakeke: you boot to the one that root (/) is on04:05
TotakekeFlannel: Okay.04:05
Liquid2[laptop]I can't uncheck it, shartke04:05
DaskreecHfauxreigner: Hi04:05
fauzieDaskreecH : Log out and ... ? It returned me to the login screen, which is inside X04:05
DaskreecHfauzie: Oh wait you want to restart X or kill X ?04:06
Liquid2[laptop]I can mark it for reinstallation and such, but I can't uncheck it04:06
fauziekill it04:06
shartkeliquid sorry I stepped away for a second.  I meant to check for a complete re-install04:06
carandraugDaskreecH: it seems you may have to change something in the /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache file04:06
fauxreignerhi Dask...04:06
DaskreecHfauzie: Are you familar with VTs ?04:06
S4nD3rHow to check which is my videocard? If is it really installed?04:06
DaskreecHcarandraug: Ah that makes sense04:06
shartkeactually if you could just check for a complete removal04:06
admiral__copelani rebooted in kernel 19 now what04:06
fauxreignerum, and how to I join a channel on a different server?04:06
fauzieDaskreecH: ummm.. not sure.... what is that anyway?04:06
KumorigoeOkay, back up and running.04:06
KumorigoeInternet too.04:06
DaskreecHfauzie: Well you X is in virtual Terminal 704:06
Liquid2[laptop]check for complete removal, and then do "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" ?04:06
DaskreecHYou have a bunch of them04:07
TotakekeJust another quick question. How much space should I have allocated for the partitions? I gave / 10 GiB and I gave /home 18 GiB.04:07
shartkeliquid - Then browse to a flash site04:07
shartkeand have firefox install it04:07
fauzieDaskreecH: yup .. i got it. I need to kill X from all terminals04:07
jmichelsen_andax: do I have to specify a display? and if so is there a way to list all available? I only have one attached but dont know what its ID is or even the syntax (xset :0 q?)04:07
bazhangadmiral__copelan, now install the correct modules for vbox04:07
cedriczgcarandraug, I think the error in english would be like this: WARNING: gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :004:07
DaskreecHfauzie: ou can jump to the first one with alt+Ctrl+F1 you can come back here with Alt+Ctrl+F7. Try it04:07
carandraugDaskreecH: a line that looks like x-directory/gnome-default-handler=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop;  I would give the link for the howto but it's in Portuguese04:07
shartkeliquid here is my favorite http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/end04:07
admiral__copelanhow do i tell which ones i need again04:07
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!04:07
TotakekeOkay, to answer someone else's question to me, I want to boot from (/). Which (hdx,y) thing would I want to change in GRUB?04:07
bazhangadmiral__copelan, open synaptic04:08
DaskreecHcarandraug: I would change that to x-directory/dolphin-type.desktop ?04:08
fauzieDaskreecH: I'm trying to install nvidia driver from their website as the one from repo don't work very well. It still detects my X server running at VT7 if i'm running it from VT104:08
DaskreecHfauzie: Ah good04:08
carandraugcedriczg: don't know how to solve it, I know spanish. Just pointing out to you that those who could solve your problem may know only english04:08
cedriczgcarandraug, before that error I get (root) CMD (   cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)04:08
Flannelshartke: Please don't post things like that here, especially when the language in them is questionable.04:08
cedriczgcarandraug, ok04:08
DaskreecHfauzie: In VT1 type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop04:08
cedriczgcarandraug, Voy a seguir buscando en la web entonces...04:09
bazhangadmiral__copelan, now search for modules and install the one matching your kernel, ie 1904:09
qonceptI'm trying to format a usb drive with gparted and I'm getting this error, any ideas? Unable to open /dev/scd1 - unrecognised disk label.04:09
fauzieDaskreecH: Okay.. trying that. If i went offline than it works. If i went offline for more than an hour then i got my X server messed up :D04:09
carandraugDaskreecH: the howto is to change thunar to nautilus. But instead of a script they actually tell you what to edit so I was able to tell you04:09
qonceptalso, when I try to use fdisk it tells me "You will not be able to write the partition table."04:10
geniiqoncept: scd is cd/dvd not a hard drive04:10
TotakekeI want to boot from (/), what do I need to change (hdx,y) to in order to do that? I've tried a bunch of different values already.04:10
DaskreecHfauzie: Wait04:10
bazhangadmiral__copelan, also in users & groups add yourself to the vbox users group04:10
DaskreecHfauzie: Are you there?04:10
kshlmsterHello evryone04:10
TotakekeOh, I want to boot from (/), change that "hd" thing, and I'm booting from a flash drive.04:10
DaskreecHcarandraug: Knowledge is power :)04:10
FlannelTotakeke: You need to know which partition you're trying to boot to.  Do you rememebr which one you made /? (sdXY) where X is a leter and Y is a number?04:10
kshlmsteri need some help with gfxboot04:10
jmichelsen_andax: you still there?04:10
fauzieDaskreecH: what is it?04:11
kshlmsteri just installed gfxboot04:11
carandraugDaskreecH: but if I understood correctly it should be something like x-directory/gnome-default-handler=dolphin-folder-handler.desktop;04:11
DaskreecHfauzie: jump to VT2 and type sudo apt-get install irssi04:11
Liquid2[laptop]it worked, thanks a lot, shartke :)04:11
FlannelTotakeke: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and we'll be able to tell you.04:11
TotakekeFlannel: Okay.04:11
fauzieDaskreecH: what is that?04:11
DaskreecHcarandraug: Right but I would have to write my own .desktop file correct ?04:11
shartkeno problem liquid04:11
DaskreecHfauzie: IRC without X04:11
rukcusMy laptop has  Realtek 802.11b/g device, but the OS can't detect it. How else can I enable it?04:11
carandraugDaskreecH: or something like x-directory/gnome-default-handler=dolphin-folder-handler.desktop;nautilus-folder-handler.desktop;04:11
kshlmsteri just installed gfxboot but after rebooting i still get the old grub menu. why is this04:11
fauzieDaskreecH: ah... thanks04:12
DaskreecHcarandraug: Oh for a backup? THat's brilliant04:12
genii!ndiswrapper | rukcus04:12
ubotturukcus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:12
DaskreecHfauzie: When you install it come back here and I'll help you rejoin this channel04:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gfxboot04:12
geniirukcus: Use ndiswrapper instructions and have the .inf file from windows driver handy04:12
carandraugDaskreecH: for a backup it would be better to comment that line and edit a copy of it. The adding nautilus at the end I think it means that if he can't use dolphin will use nautilus04:13
rukcusOK, i'll give it a shot right now04:13
S4nD3rkiba works with ubuntu 8? compiz?04:13
admiral__copelanhow do i do that04:13
DaskreecHcarandraug: Right that's what I meant it's a backup file manager04:13
carandraugDaskreecH: also, it seems that you have to run "update-mime-database /usr/share/mime" after the changes04:13
shartkeHas anyone gotten an Iphone to sync with Ubuntu?04:13
DaskreecHcarandraug: ah good tip04:13
jmichelsen_is there a way to automatically mount and suck all files off a flash drive on boot?04:13
Flanneljmichelsen_: you could write a script for it easily enough.04:14
admiral__copelanhow do i add myself in the users for vbox04:14
carandraugDaskreecH: tell me if it works04:14
bazhangadmiral__copelan, system admin users & groups04:14
DaskreecHcarandraug: can't right now but if it does I can come back and tell you04:14
jmichelsen_Flannel: thats what I thought. something like mount Vol_ID then cp * /dest right?04:15
DaskreecHfazzlie_: are you fauzie ?04:15
=== wood_ is now known as tacosteve
Flanneljmichelsen_: something like that, yeah04:15
carandraugDaskreecH: don't bother then. Just to know if I had to take a second a look at that page to translate it for you04:15
Ashfire908Where does seahorse store private keys?04:15
jmichelsen_call me noob but I still connot figure out where the startup folder equivilent is for xubuntu, anyone?04:15
DaskreecHcarandraug: man update-mime-database seems to corroabate your story :)04:16
FlannelAshfire908: believe all that stuff is in ~/.gnupg04:16
qonceptgenii, i'm guessing this is my problem? [13605.603453] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdc] Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK04:16
DaskreecHAshfire908: Probably in ~/.ssh04:16
fauzieDaskreecH: no ... he's a different guy. Anyway, I got the irc installed04:16
DaskreecHfauzie: Ok run it from VT2 with irssi -c irc.freenode.net04:17
DaskreecHYou can add -n nickname04:17
Ashfire908DaskreecH, not ssh keys, pgp.04:17
Ashfire908Flannel, I don't see it.04:17
DaskreecHwhen it connects then type /join ubuntu04:17
DaskreecHYou will turn up here04:17
FlannelAshfire908: Don't see what?04:17
DaskreecHand can get help if you mess up X04:17
geniiqoncept: Possibly. sdc would be a proper designation anyhow. Some external usb-ide or usb-sata controller chips have issues with linux drivers.04:17
Ashfire908Flannel, the key. I don't see it in there.04:17
FlannelAshfire908: It'd be a part of your secring, what are you trying to do?04:18
admiral__copelanbut how do i go about doing that04:18
jmichelsen_Flannel: is there a place to put a script to autorun at x start?04:18
geniiqoncept: I haven't seen that specific error before, so not much help in deciphering it, unfortunately04:18
LordFDiskCan someone help? How do I open the wireless network as root?04:18
Flanneljmichelsen_: at start? or on login?04:18
Ashfire908Import it into seahorse in gentoo.04:18
Jay2once when I get my apache server up and running for windows xp I well be also putting in a server for all futuer software for ubuntu for people to download04:18
bazhangadmiral__copelan, doing what; also use my nick in your responses04:18
qonceptgenii, it was working fine before, but i tried to format it using ext2 because it was ntfs before04:18
RequinB41I'm trying to figure out if I can install rockbox or an equivallent on a creative zen micro04:18
FlannelAshfire908: You just want your private key? or your whole keyring?04:18
jmichelsen_Flannel: both? can you tell me the location of both?04:18
Flannel!bum | jmichelsen_04:18
ubottujmichelsen_: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:18
Flannel!startup | jmichelsen_04:18
ubottujmichelsen_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:19
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:19
Ashfire908Flannel, just my private key I made.04:19
rukcusOK, all the docs on the wiki show that the hardware is recognized. My setup cannot recognize it.04:19
carandraugadmiral__copelan: go to the option Users and groups under the menu System and then Administration04:19
DaskreecHFlannel: how does Bum = Boot options ?04:19
FlannelAshfire908: you'll need to export it, and them import it.04:19
admiral__copelanbazhang, thank you04:19
jmichelsen_Flannel: thanks04:19
FlannelDaskreecH: because BUM the package does boot option stuffs.04:19
Ashfire908Flannel, uh... how?04:19
geniiqoncept: Ah. Did you also repartition it to type 83 (linux) , or just kept the type 6 (ntfs partition description) ?04:19
rukcusMy installation cannot recognize the Realtek 8185 device on my laptop.04:19
DaskreecH!info bum04:19
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.10-1 (hardy), package size 82 kB, installed size 532 kB04:19
Qsteranyone know of a program to limit bandwidth system wide?04:19
fauzie_DaskreecH: I'm back ... VT204:19
Ashfire908Flannel, can I do it without booting into ubuntu?04:19
DaskreecHfauzie_: Welcome :-)04:20
qonceptgenii, apparently i kept it, i'm not familiar04:20
DaskreecHfauzie_: You can break things to your heart's desire now as long as it leaves you connected to the internet04:20
fauzie_DaskreecH: killing X now ...............04:20
DaskreecHfauzie_: You can try Alt+Ctrl+F7 to see if it's really dead04:20
FlannelAshfire908: I have no idea with regards to seahorse, but gpg --export-secret-keys name > file04:21
FlannelAshfire908: You already have other stuff on gentoo? or no?04:21
fauzie_DaskreecH: It's dead :D04:21
DaskreecHfauzie_: Of course sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start will bring it back up once you are done04:21
FlannelAshfire908: If not, you can just copy your keyrings to .gnupg on gentoo, and then delete everythign else04:21
DaskreecHI'm off04:21
Ashfire908Flannel, yes I do.04:21
DaskreecHcarandraug: Thanks again04:21
geniiqoncept: OK. So use gparted, delete the partition. Make a new one of type 83 (Linux type). Then you should be able to format it.04:21
admiral__copelancarandraug: there is no system menu04:21
carandraugDaskreecH: I guess that means you managed it. No problem04:21
qonceptgenii, the device isn't showing up in gparted, just sda and sdb04:22
carandraugadmiral__copelan: in the top panel, you should have three menus, Applications, Places and System. Don't you have them? Are you using Gnome?04:22
admiral__copelancarandraug i thought u ment in vbox04:23
prockHello #Ubuntu04:23
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto04:23
carandraugadmiral__copelan: no. Take a look if yuo find that. I'm still in 7.10 so it might be a little different (but not much)04:23
geniiqoncept: Ok. Close then gparted. Then power off the external drive (if it has a power switch) and then back on after about 10 seconds. If no power switch then just pull out the usb cord, wait 10 seconds plug it back in.04:23
bazhangadmiral__copelan, quit vbox04:23
prockcan any one help me with a simple q? i have searched all around with out an answer, compiz, can you get desktops displaying on all 6 faces?04:24
bazhangadmiral__copelan, in ubuntu open system admin users & groups04:24
bazhangthen scroll down to vbox04:24
prockgoogle fails me.04:24
qonceptoh come on... genii, the stupid thing was turned off. what a long day...04:24
qonceptthanks ;)04:24
bazhangactually first unlock yourself admiral__copelan04:24
alecwhHow do I restart my sound server? I think I'm using PulseAudio.04:25
bazhangthen scroll down to vbox04:25
JoshPritchardI'm trying to setup an Ubuntu server04:25
carandraugprock: not sure I understood you.04:25
admiral__copelanthere is no vbox on there04:25
JoshPritchardI was wondering if someone might help me with the tweaking of it?04:25
geniiqoncept: Hopefully gparted will be able to work on it now :)04:25
admiral__copelanBazhang: there is only me and root on there04:26
carandraugprock: could you please explain better "can you get desktops displaying on all 6 faces?"04:26
bobertdosalecwh: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart04:26
bazhangadmiral__copelan, just your user name right? and no more prefacing your responses with my nick and I will not respond04:26
R_YoYo_RJoshPritchard, what kind of server?04:26
procki basically want to replace the cube caps with desktops rather than images04:26
bazhangadmiral__copelan, pay attention please04:26
prockis that possible ?04:26
bazhangadmiral__copelan, unlock yourself as I said above04:26
bobertdosalecwh:or it might just be pulse, I don't remember for sure. You can ls /etc/init.d to check.04:26
admiral__copelanok i did that04:26
Qsteranyone know of a program to limit upload bandwidth?04:26
alecwhbobertdos: it's pulseaudio, thanks04:27
TestXYZI have 2 hds (1 idewith windows xp  / 1 sata) and I've installed ubuntu on SATA.. my windows xp wont works.. why??04:27
genii!info trickle | Qster04:27
ubottuqster: trickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-5 (hardy), package size 36 kB, installed size 172 kB04:27
JoshPritchardR_YoYo_R a web server04:27
JoshPritchard(does that answer your question?04:27
ketadoes skype not work in 64bit ubuntu?04:27
R_YoYo_RJoshPritchard, yes...... apache?04:28
JoshPritchardI have installed that04:28
R_YoYo_RJoshPritchard, so whats the prob?04:28
JoshPritchardI'm trying to also setup a DNS server04:28
JoshPritchardand I think I'm doing it incorrectly04:28
JoshPritchardI installed Bind904:28
JoshPritchardbut think I screwed up my hostname in the process04:28
bazhangJoshPritchard, dont use enter key for punctuation04:29
SeaPhor!enter | JoshPritchard04:29
ubottuJoshPritchard: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:29
kitcheJoshPritchard: so your having some trouble with what configuration of named or something else?04:29
JoshPritchardI'm not quite sure04:29
JoshPritchardthat's the address04:30
carandraugprock: I even looked on the dictionary what you meant by cube caps lol but I still don't understand you04:30
JoshPritchardMy setup is this -- my ISP gives me 5 IP addresses...the one you see above comes into a router, and the server is behind the router -- and I've configured the router to point to my server04:30
bazhangprock, ask in #compiz04:30
R_YoYo_Ri dont think you can even set a bottom image on the cube04:30
ScientusIdea #12395: Keychain managed Transparent folder encryption (pidgin, Firefox profiles, private files)04:30
Scientusvote it up!!!!!!!04:31
FlannelScientus: please don't spam here.04:31
bazhangScientus, dont paste that here04:31
carandraugprock: you mean an image behind the cube?04:31
JoshPritchardso if you go to that IP address, you'll get my server -- I have two LAN cards, and I've got'm setup to the two consecutive IP addresses and I can access from either IP from on my local network04:31
JoshPritchardand i'm assuming I need to setup an NS1 and NS2 using those two IP addresses04:31
admiral__copelani need to know how to add my username to vbox04:32
JoshPritchardI'm totally new at this and not familiar with linux, so am sort of lost04:32
kitcheJoshPritchard: well yeah but you can just use one ip really for both nameservers really04:32
KumoSpoke too soon04:32
Ahadieladmiral__copelan, gpasswd -a username vboxusers04:33
bobertdoscarandraug: I think prock means, substituting workspaces for the cube caps. By the way, you can have a top and bottom cap, R _YoYo_R04:33
Ahadieladmiral__copelan, with a sudo infront of it04:33
=== Kumo is now known as Kumorigoe
carandraugbobertdos: the problem is that I don't know what cube cap means04:34
R_YoYo_Rcarandraug, he wants desktops on the top and bottom of the cube04:34
admiral__copelanthank you04:34
kitcheJoshPritchard: all it will do really is complain that only one ip is being used but if you want to use two you could if you want to04:34
JoshPritchardnow how do I do that?04:34
JoshPritchardI have the domain name: joshpritchard.com04:35
Totakekeokay, I typed sudo fdisk -l, here's what I got.04:35
JoshPritchardand its on a shared machine...and I want to now have it come to my server04:35
carandraugbobertdos: R_YoYo_R : ok. Thanks to both. I now know what he means. Since I don't see the cube as having a top and bottom (since it's always changing as you move it) I didn't understood04:35
fauzie_DaskreecH: are you still there? My X server is dead ... good to be online04:36
Bhaveshat boot time i am getting error message "device not ready or resources busy, on / parition, found out that is due to bug in udev04:36
Bhaveshhow can i get newest copy of udev deb and install it?04:36
carandraugprock: open gconf-editor. That used to be in /apps/compiz/plugins/cube/screen0/options/images04:36
geniiBhavesh: enable hardy-proposed repository, update04:37
Whiz2I'm runnung ubuntu version 6.06.2 LTS, and up uyntil a few weeks ago, i had no problems using computers across the network to copy files to it, but now i can't do so remotely.04:37
MonthOLDpicklehey guys04:38
MonthOLDpicklewhy did installing the nvidia drivers screw everything up?04:38
Bhaveshgenii hate to ask dumb question but how?!04:38
KumorigoeOkay, this is driving me nuts04:38
KumorigoeIt was working, and then it stopped.  For no apparent reason.04:39
jmichelsen_is there a way to see what the modprobe name for a device is? to load the module04:39
TotakekeCarandraug: I added the stuff to pastebin, http://pastebin.com/d7a7a0cfb04:39
fauzie_I just installed nvdia driver from their website. When I start X it shows "Not Optimum Mode. Recommended Mode 1280x1024 60Hz". What should I do now?04:39
kitcheJoshPritchard: might help you get started if you need help just ask http://www.adminschoice.com/docs/domain_name_service.htm04:39
SeaPhorMonthOLDpickle, because nvidia didnt release the source code?04:39
MonthOLDpickleI did configure but I don't know the models they list on the select but ti doesn't matter anyways since when I save it goes to some 600 x 800 unown moniter and desktop effects don't work04:39
MonthOLDpickleeverythign worked okay before04:39
fauzie_MonthOLDpickle: same here. I'm working on it too ...04:39
bobertdosMonthOLDpickle: because X is very sensitive about being changed to that degree. That's just the nature of working with proprietary drivers. Chances are you've ended up with conflicting drivers and/or settings in Xorg.04:39
JoshPritcharddo you know of a place I someone could SSH in and check out my settings to see if there is anything glaringly wrong?04:40
SeaPhorMonthOLDpickle, what card do you have?04:40
carandraugprock: also, there's a menu for that in the compiz setting manager. Check the tab appearance under Desktop cube04:40
MonthOLDpickleI have a 2 year old GeForce GO 7900 GS04:40
geniiBhavesh: Add a line to file /etc/apt/sources list which contains: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse                        save it. Then open synaptic and update the repositry listings. Then install udev04:40
FlannelTotakeke: your smaller (10G) partition and your larger (18G) is /home?04:40
carandraugTotakeke: didn't hd4,0 wok?04:41
Flannelgenii, Bhavesh: -proposed isn't recommended04:41
SeaPhorMonthOLDpickle, i have same on one of my boxes,, works great, i can help04:41
Flannelcarandraug: no04:41
TotakekeMy smaller 10G partition is supposed to be (/) and my 18G one is /home.04:41
geniiFlannel: Yes, my apologies for suggesting it04:41
FlannelTotakeke: your / (10G) is sdd2, which is equivalent of hd3,104:41
fauzie_SeaPhor: How did you get the nvidia to work? I'm working on the same problem here04:41
MonthOLDpickleWanna talk in PMS SeaPhor?04:41
TotakekeSo I should change the thing to (hd3,1)?04:41
geniiBhavesh: As Flannel points out, to use the hardy-proposed repository is not recommended.04:42
Ubuntu_user MonthOLDpickle: delet your user profile and start fresh04:42
MonthOLDpicklehuh, I am new btw04:42
SeaPhorMonthOLDpickle, fauzie_ no,  type /join Digital-it    to join my channel and i'll help you both there, keeps the noise down04:42
fauzie_MonthOLDpicle: could you just talk about it here? My X server is dead and I'm online with text-based IRC :(04:42
Ubuntu_userfauzie, whats that called again?04:43
cdoublejK how do i go root, need to force mount an old hdd???04:43
Ubuntu_userI like the text based one04:43
MonthOLDpickleI typed it but nothing happened04:43
TotakekeAlright, I'll try (hd3,1) then. Thanks.04:43
MonthOLDpickleSepPhor I typed /join Digital-it04:44
JoshPritchardis there a way to use private messaging?04:44
bobertdoscdoublej: You must use sudo.04:44
cdoublejgoing root any one?04:44
cdoublejoh thanks04:44
ajhtiredwolfHey I am having toruble getting tor to work, for some reason when i open vidalia and start tor it just says " tor is starting" but never actually starts04:44
Ubuntu_user<MonthOLDpickl> http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/04:45
R_YoYo_Rcould always do ... sudo su04:45
R_YoYo_Rassuming you switched the root pw04:45
b-dogwhats up people just wanted to say hi04:45
carandraugTotakeke: in a synopsis then "You have installed two Windows (or at least two nfts partition bootable) and one linux (under sdd) ? You said that linux was under sde04:45
R_YoYo_Rb-dog, sup04:45
Flannelb-dog: Howdy.  If you want to chat with people, we have #ubuntu-offtopic for that, its much too noisy here for conversations.04:45
dmsuperman_I'm trying to install twitux, and running the configure script gives me this: http://pastebin.com/f606cde6704:47
cdoublej prob http://slexy.org/view/s2vbRYkdji04:47
cdoublejthere is no way it will ever get a clean shut down ever again04:47
dmsuperman_The thing is, libsoup2.2-8 is already installed04:47
JoshPritchardI'm looking for someone to help me with my UBUNTU Hardy web-server, dns, mail-server setup...is there a way to have a private chat to talk about it?04:47
FlannelJoshPritchard: #ubuntu-server is a bit slower, if the speed is the problem04:48
Flannelcdoublej: you don't have /media/disk apparently04:48
FerryDoes anyone know what could cause audio to entirely stop working in 8.04?  Occasionally audio will cut out and any program that tries to play audio will hang up. I then have to log out and back in to get the sound to work again.04:49
floppyearshi guys04:49
JoshPritchardwould anyone be interested in SSHing onto my server and walking me through some questions?04:49
cdoublejFlannel is /media the drive name? can icall my drive D;\ so it is easyer to run dos emulator?04:49
dmsuperman_Ferry: usually flash steasl it04:49
floppyearsI have an amd64 and got the flashplayer and other firefox plugins working with it04:49
dmsuperman_Ferry: try closing Firefox when that happens04:50
TotakekeOkay, I tried changing it to (hd3,1) but it said that the partition doesn't exist?04:50
Maahesokay, I have tried adding a mouse entry to my xorg.conf, I still have no x input from USB mice, only synaptics touchpad, here is my xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/NL0Hrr35.html04:50
FerryOh okay. Thanks04:50
floppyearsafter installing the nvidia drivers, they don't work04:50
Ubuntu_userferry, use noscript04:50
Flannelcdoublej: No, that's /dev/sdb1, /media/disk is the place youre trying to mount it.  Do this, then try again: sudo mkdir /media/disk04:50
Maahesnote that all of the entries relating to mouse I have added, and have had no effect04:50
floppyearshas anybody run into this ?04:50
dmsuperman_I'm trying to install twitux, and running the configure script gives me this: http://pastebin.com/f606cde6704:50
dmsuperman_The thing is, libsoup2.2-8 is already installed04:50
daning_hi. I want buy a laptop for linux. Any suggestion? Thx.04:51
Flanneldaning_: Try #ubuntu-offtopic04:51
cdoublejk i think it may have worked i replace media with drive name04:51
daning_Flannel, Thanks.04:51
Flannelcdoublej: Not quite, no.04:51
Maahesdmsuperman_, did you check to see what the package config path is? to where it's looking for libsoup?04:51
FerryUbuntu_user, thanks04:52
cdoublejhey it works now04:52
Maahesdmsuperman_, or also, did you install libsoup-dev04:52
TotakekeAlright, I changed (hdx,y) (don't remember exactly what it was) to (hd3,1) and it didn't work, it said the partition doesn't exist.04:52
Maahesokay, I have tried adding a mouse entry to my xorg.conf, I still have no x input from USB mice, only synaptics touchpad, here is my xorg.conf: http://rafb.net/p/NL0Hrr35.html04:52
dmsuperman_Maahes: libsoup-dev is installed...how do I check the package config path?04:53
Whiz2can someone give me a little help?04:53
Ubuntu_userTotakeke: I always do that :/04:53
G3N0is the guy who helped me last name with kismet on here right now?04:53
jigphello any other safe browser aside from firefox?and how to get them?04:53
bobertdosWhiz2: Go ahead and ask.04:53
jigpis midori okay?04:53
carandraugTotakeke: in the text you gave me know it says linux is in sdd2 but before you said it was under sde Anyway, hd3,1 should work in the former and hd4,0 in the other04:54
Ubuntu_userkismet :?04:54
Whiz2totekeke: remember hard drives and partitions are numbered in order starting at 0 (1st harddrive/partition) going up from there04:54
G3N0Ubuntu_user: wlan scanner04:54
TotakekeWell I was wrong about sde, don't trust me trust the terminal text lol04:54
Bhaveshhow do i enable  enable hardy-proposed repository ?04:54
Whiz2bobertdos: I already did lol04:54
dmsuperman_Maahes: figured that out...libsoup.so.8 is in /usr/lib. I just did echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH and it was empty. I did export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib and then echo'ed it, now it's /usr/lib. still same error during configure script though04:54
rukcusI need some help: I'm attempting to enable the RTL8187B radio device on my laptop (802.11bg), but Ubuntu doesn't recognize it, NDisWrapper says it's an invalid driver. What other options do I have?04:55
Bhaveshnevermind i found it04:55
Whiz2Ok... Here's my problem...04:55
carandraugTotakeke: I took a look and there is a #grub You can always try asking there04:55
bobertdosI saw it04:55
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)04:55
Maahesdmsuperman_, try export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/usr/lib04:55
Bhaveshwell if hardy-proposed is not recommended how do i update udev to a newer version to fix my broken system?04:55
TotakekeWhat if I didn't install the boot loader in the right spot?04:55
geniiTotakeke: Did you install it onto a subpartition instead of the master boot record, or onto a master boot record of the wrong drive?04:56
dmsuperman_Maahes: same deal04:56
Whiz2I'm running ubuntu version 6.06.2 LTS, and up until a few weeks ago, I had no problems using a windows computer on my network to put files on the shared folders of my linux machine, but now any time I do, I get an error that says "can not copy <filename>. The specified network name is no longer available" about half way through the copy04:56
TotakekeI installed it onto /dev/sde, not /dev/sde2 or /dev/sde3, which were the other options. (I changed the location from hd0 to /sde)04:57
cdoublejk when i use sudo apt get how do i make it install to my second hard drive04:57
Whiz2it copies at most, 50% of the file before it errors out04:57
Maahesdmsuperman_, try an aptitude purge and reinstall of libsoup and libsoup-dev04:57
bobertdoscdoublej: Why exactly are you doing that?04:58
Whiz2the only way I've found to copy files to it now is to login to it directly, and go to the remote network location to grab it04:58
bobertdoscdoublej: or WANT to do that, rather04:58
geniiTotakeke: /dev/sde should be right as it is the main drive designation and not a subpartition like /dev/sde1 /dev/sde2 and so on. Likely /dev/sde is not the first drive which is looked at when booting begins however04:58
cdoublejcause my first drive is full04:58
sk33t0ranyone here ever have success with ipw2200 and packet injection?04:58
sk33t0rIm having some issues.. Id like to ask someone whos been there04:58
cdoubleji need to leave room on my first drive for updates and stuff04:58
cdoublejmy main drive is like 4 gigs04:59
Whiz2anyone that can help me with this issue?04:59
geniiTotakeke: Likely /dev/sda04:59
erat123i'm trying to install my linksys usb wireless card on ubuntu.  any good references i can look off of?04:59
poetHey Guys.. I need some help going through the VMWare Tools install for Ubuntu 8.04 in VMWare04:59
TotakekeGenii: So I should change it to (hd0,0)?04:59
dmsuperman_Maahes: did it, thanks :D04:59
poetDo I want to install the binary files in /usr/bin?04:59
Maahes:D NP :)04:59
TotakekeBut /dev/sda is one of my other drives.04:59
geniiTotakeke: Yes04:59
carandraugTotakeke: aren't you trying to boot from the USB?04:59
TotakekeI'm trying to boot from a 32 gig flash drive04:59
Bhaveshlooks like new version of ubuntu has broke a few things.. 8.04 worked flawlessly with dmraid software and now half the time things are not working .. or it could just be my system05:00
geniiTotakeke: sda would likely be the one you need somehow to make it know about going to sde05:00
bobertdoscdoublej: I would imagine trying to install any packages outside of the root filesystem would either be impossible, or a complete nightmare at best.05:00
MaahesIf anyone can help me, I have no input from USB mice for xorg: http://rafb.net/p/NL0Hrr35.html is my xorg.conf05:00
Reformer81Bhavesh: 8.04 IS the latst version of Ubuntu.05:00
carandrauggenii: he's trying to boot from a USB flash drive not fixing his grub in his computer I think. He'll need the GRUB in the usb pen05:00
poetAlso. What directory contains the init directories? (for VMWare Tools)  Is it just /etc?05:00
Whiz2no one? anyone?05:00
BhaveshReformer81 i think my cd is
TotakekeCarangraug: Correct, just want to boot from the flash drive into Linux but still be able to boot Windows from my internal hard drives.05:01
geniiTotakeke: You are trying to boot from external/usb drive which system sees as sde ?05:01
BhaveshReformer81 you have to change the mouse to /dev/input/mice05:01
Reformer81Bhavesh: Ah... well it's still 8.04.  So something in those updates is messed up for you.  What is your issue?05:01
TotakekeGenii: It saw it as sde when I partitioned but according to the fdisk -l it's sdd.05:01
carandraugTotakeke: in your computer (not your pen) do you have any linux installed?05:01
TotakekeCarandraug: No, completely Windows.05:01
BhaveshReformer81 well mine is a long story :) i setup hardware to learn how to do raid using dmraid and FakeRAID, on same hardware but a spare hdd everything wroked fine, when i  installed ubuntu on the drive that i want to keep, dmraid doesn't work05:02
carandraugTotakeke: so you are in Windows right now? How did you got the fdisk -l ?05:02
rukcusHelp on Wireless: Ubuntu can't recognize my Realtek 8187B device, and claims the Win driver i provide thru ndisgtk && ndiswrapper are invalid.05:02
TotakekeCarandraug: I've been booting from the Live CD each time.05:03
acrouseyi'm trying to change my screen resolution from 800x600 to 1024x768. It works fine for the desktop screen but I can't see the box to write my username in on the user sign-in/splash screen. I was using this code   "gksu displayconfig-gtk"    to try to get it. How can I keep the splash screen at 800x600 and keep the main desktop screen at 1024x768?05:03
geniiTotakeke: If you install for instance from cd to a usb drive, when you do this, the bios needs to be set to boot from the usb first. Otherwise when you select it later on the entire sequence of drives that bios reports to the os changes05:03
cdoublejbobertdos i was thinking along the lines of say tux rpg like games and such,other wise i must say linux is at a HUGE disadvantage to windows if it can't support more that 1 drive05:03
eyyYoIs there a way to lock the mouse to one of the screens in a dual monitor setup? When I play games with Wine, its annoying when the mouse gets out to the second screen, disabling my game.05:03
BhaveshReformer81 and i have installed ubuntu on different hdd's using same cd, i keep running into different issues, current one being that grub didn't get installed at the end of the installation process05:03
Whiz2rukcus windows drivers are usually invalid for devices used in linux05:03
BhaveshReformer81 sorry it wasn't for you05:03
ZarHi, another Linux noob with problems, loking for some help. I was trying to configure th iptables using Gufw and after importing a ruleset and disabling the firewall I can't enable it again. It is locked. Any ideas?05:03
cdoubleji mean i can still load roms and downloads on the second drive05:03
rukcusI wrap them thru NDISWRAPPER05:03
Bhaveshwait it was ;)05:03
TotakekeGenii: I did set the flash drive to boot, removable devices are first on the boot sequence and the flash drive is the one with the most priority.05:03
Bhaveshnevermind i am confused05:03
G3N0Anyone here familiar with Kismet?05:04
Whiz2ruckus: better off looking for Linux drivers.05:04
bobertdoscdoublej: What filesystem is your other drive?05:04
Miyavix3Can anyone give me info on where I should store my SNES roms for Snes9x? Also, is the command snes9x *rom name*?05:05
geniiTotakeke: use fdisk to set the usb drive to bootable. Also find the uuid of it and use that in menu.lst and fstab instead of hd(0,0) (or whatever) and instead of /dev/whatever05:05
Whiz2Miyavix3: aren't you in the wrong room to be asking about game emulators?05:06
Miyavix3iunno o.o05:06
TotakekeSo how do I set it as bootable with fdisk? (I haven't had much experience at all with the terminal)05:06
Miyavix3It's more of a terminal question05:06
carandraugTotakeke: start fdisk in the terminal. It's quite intuitive05:06
cdoublejbobertdos ntfs,can't i format it?05:07
Whiz2Miyavix3: this is a room about ubuntu linux05:07
cdoublejall the old crap is usless05:07
Miyavix3Ok sorry05:07
TotakekeCarandraug: Alright, brb lol05:07
carandraugTotakeke: just choose the usb pen and use the left and right arrows to choose the option bootable05:07
luz3rI want to add an extra hardrive to my system, do I need to anything before or after with installing the drive ?05:07
MonthOLDpickleit didn't work for me =/05:07
geniiTotakeke: use: sudo fdisk /dev/wht-it-currently sees it as (sdd or sde, whatever)    then in there you can use m to see the commands. When done use w when exiting to save the changes05:07
TotakekeOh it has an interface lol I was thinking I'd need to specify some kind of esoteric command :P05:07
jimenezis there anyone that could help me with a 4306 Broadcomm Wireless card issue?05:08
Whiz2and I still haven't gotten any response to my problem... anyone know why I can't copy files to my ubuntu machine from another computer on my network when I used to be able to?05:08
carandraugTotakeke: no, runs in the terminal but it has an interface (kind of ncurse)05:08
journey4712whiz2: pretty generic question,  how exactly are you copying files?  FTP, samba, other?05:08
journey4712scp perhaps05:08
TotakekeAh alright. Thanks.05:08
ProseI don't understand this, Gnome-Do just won't start05:08
SeaPhorMonthOLDpickle, accept the invite05:08
cdoublejluz3r i'm just doing the same thing05:09
bobertdoscdoublej: Yeah, you can format it, but see, Linux isn't like Windows. It doesn't keep track of things in a registry, so it won't know how libraries and other files relate to each other when it's not within the root filesystem.05:09
Whiz2journey4712: it's setup to use Samba05:09
carandraugluz3r: no. You should have no problems. You may have to add it to fstab later05:09
cdoublejseems like windows just add the drive05:09
journey4712whiz2: can you mount(map on windows) the remote share, and get read only access, just not write?05:09
unbel_how to read hardware spec in ubuntu05:09
poetI ran into a problem with VMWare Tools and Ubuntu 8.04. It says "None of the pre-built vmmemctl modules for VMWare Tools is suitable for your running kernel".05:09
cdoublejbobertdos so it is at a big disadvantage because it can't run every thing off multi drives???05:10
journey4712i had better luck with virtualbox vs vmware, but thats just one experience05:10
rukcusI'm attempting to build a driver and I'm getting an error that says "make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic'05:10
rukcusscripts/Makefile.build:46: *** CFLAGS was changed in "/home/jacob/Desktop/rtl8187b-modified/ieee80211/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.  Stop."05:10
bobertdosunbel_: In the terminal, lspci and lsusb will list most devices.05:10
S4nD3rHow to share my files to be downloaded using torrent???05:10
cdoublejmy drive is full how can i game with linux stuff windows stuff is fine if go threw wine assuming wine can use my second drive05:10
rukcusS4nD3r: keep the torrent running; don't close the client05:10
poetAny ideas guys?05:10
S4nD3rsure, but, I deleted the .torrent files05:11
=== travis_ is now known as Theaxiom
S4nD3rI didnt know that!05:11
Zarjourney4712:  do you know how to make the bridge network  work?05:11
rukcusS4nD3r: you need to restart that torrent file05:11
journey4712zar: just a sec, i'll put my script on pastie05:11
Zarjourney4712:  on XP virtualbox?05:11
bobertdoscdoublej: Well, I wouldn't call that a big disadvantage necessarily. You have to remember too, Linux is based off of an environment that was never designed to be for mass entertainment.05:11
journey4712i run a virtualbox containing XP on ubuntu05:11
S4nD3rI uses bittorrent05:11
Whiz2journey4712: Using a windows (any version 98 or higher) computer, I can map (or mount if you will) the ubuntu's shared folder to any desired drive, then copy from, create new (folders and files) and even delete files, but when I try to copy to it, i get a message that says "Cannot copy <filename> The specified network name is not available" but it manages to copy 50% of it05:11
avgeneralHELP! Imeem doesn't work on my linux box05:11
carandraugS4nD3r: torrent isn't like emule. You don't add folders to a list of ones that are sharing in the network. Just leave the torrent open after you're finished05:11
avgeneralFlash items don't work05:12
S4nD3rTransmission 1.0605:12
S4nD3rI dont have torrent file anymore05:12
avgeneral[help] how come imeem.com doesn't work?05:12
rukcusS4nD3r: download it again, otherwise you can't share it05:12
Flannelcdoublej: Linux works seamlessly with multiple drives.  Windows doesn't.05:12
Whiz2avgeneral: have you checked to see if there is a linux version of flash?05:13
journey4712zar: http://pastie.org/256975 is the script i use, must be run as root05:13
S4nD3roh... there are a lot of 100 files05:13
Flannelcdoublej: Multiple drives behave exactly like a single one would, you'd never even know the difference.05:13
avgenerali downloaded the version 10 from the Adobe flash for linux download section05:13
Zarjourney4712: thanks05:13
cdoublejnot raid05:13
unbel_how to know how many ram in graphic card05:13
journey4712whiz2: hmm, i was going to guess permission issues, but if you can create folders and whatnot that part should be fine, must be something deeper05:13
Whiz2avgeneral: try rebooting after install?05:13
carandraugS4nD3r: in torrents you're only sharing the file that's related to that specific torrent. If you want to give others what you have in your computer you'll need to create your own torrent files and give them to others05:13
avgeneralill do that05:14
cdoublejflannel s then i can use my other drive for linux stuff, if so do/should i reformat, if so how05:14
S4nD3rummm... boring05:14
Whiz2journey4712: I may have a cause, but no solution05:14
* Bhavesh reinstalling ubuntu for the 4th time on same drive05:14
S4nD3rI was so stupid when I deleted the torrent file05:14
Flannelcdoublej: What are you trying to do?  Just add space?05:14
rukcushow do I fix this error? "make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic' scripts/Makefile.build:46: *** CFLAGS was changed in "/home/jacob/Desktop/rtl8187b-modified/ieee80211/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS. Stop."05:14
carandraugS4nD3r: actually it's better than the emule system (in my opinion)05:14
Zarjourney4712:  already tried a script like that. It doesn't work05:14
bobertdosFlannel: He was wondering if there would be a way to install packages to a secondary drive.05:15
S4nD3rNow I understand how it works05:15
cdoublejflannel yeah i figured the next time install a package i could direct it to the second drive?05:15
Flannelcdoublej: What's your current partition situation look like?  You only have one?05:15
Whiz2journey4712: not long ago, I installed system commander, made a new fat16 partition on the main drive, and isntalled win98 on another seperate drive (which happens to be symbolically linked from the shared folder). Could it be the additional drive?05:15
journey4712zar: odd, works great on my machien05:15
cdoublejsinge drives with singe partions05:15
S4nD3rId like to help other to downloads what they want05:15
pvh_saheya.. i'm trying to use transcriber on ubuntu - but it insists on trying to open /dev/sound/dsp - which i don't have - any ideas?05:16
Flannelcdoublej: Alright, and how big is your partition right now?05:16
cdoublejjust added an ntfs 2.5 inch hdd via 3.5 inch adapter works just fine.now i need to use it05:16
carandraugS4nD3r: then just leave the torrent open once you're finished. I usually only close once I get a ration of 205:16
cdoublejbout 10 gigs 80 some mb used05:16
journey4712whiz2: hmm, i doubt it.  You could always remove the symlink and share that folder directly to see if its the problem05:16
S4nD3rwhich client do you uses?05:16
Flannelcdoublej: So, you want to reformat that new drive completely? or just shrink the ntfs partition that's on it, and use the rest of the space? or what/05:17
Whiz2journey4712: unforunately I don't remember how to add/remove symbolic links05:17
Zarjourney4712:  do you have to run the script on boot every time to make the configuration permanent?05:17
carandraugS4nD3r: rtorrent. Runs in the terminal but it's really nice and simple05:17
journey4712zar: could, i dont use virtualbox much so i just run the script from a shell before i load virtualbox05:18
kewl_hello, my keyboard layout does not save when i exit ubuntu, so i have to always sot it again. any help? thank u!05:18
Liquid2[laptop]does anyone know the package name for screen>05:18
Zarjourney4712: makes sense05:18
okeefferdjourney4712: ln - s [target] [link]05:18
okeefferdif thats what you are talking about...lol05:18
FlannelLiquid2[laptop]: screen05:18
avgenerali just rebooted and imeem still doesn't work05:18
journey4712whiz2: hmm, well if your comfortable from the command line you remove a symlink with "rm /path/to/symlink" and create one with "ln /path/to/origional /path/to/symlink"05:18
okeefferdi just caught a section05:18
cdoublejflannel if linux works fine with ntfs i'm not worried about reformatt just want to know how i can sudo apt-get with my second drive?05:18
journey4712whiz2: ln -s, make sure to use the -s flag05:19
okeefferdyea otherwise you get a hard link... ;)05:19
Whiz2journey4712: know how to do it from within KDE?05:19
Flannelcdoublej: No, linux still doesn't like ntfs, it can read/write to it, but not use it like it would native partitions05:19
Liquid2[laptop]thanks, Flannel05:19
journey4712whiz2: unfortunatly not, for me kde and gnome are too comlicated :P  kinda the oposite of newcomers05:20
cdoublejK then flannel what is the script for reformat?05:20
Whiz2journey4712: path to symlink would be the link itself, or the drive it's linked to?05:20
Flannelcdoublej: How big is your current partition?05:20
avgeneral[help] imeem.com doesn't work on my linux05:21
Flannel!doesntwork | avgeneral05:21
ubottuavgeneral: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:21
journey4712 /path/to/symlink is the link itself, so ln -s source dest, source where the link will point, dest is where the link will be05:21
avgeneralImeem doesn't play music. the flash does not display the playlist05:21
anhhunghi, my wireless connection seems not to be working with extremely weak signal. Is there anyway to improve it?05:21
=== nicholas_ is now known as NUtzebahn
cdoublejflannel ntfs 3.1 size 9.4 gig05:22
Flannelcdoublej: er... Are you using wubi?05:22
Zardoes someone know a good and simple software to monitor network traffic (including IP and application info)?05:22
carandraugavgeneral: have you tried imeem channel?05:22
cdoublejwubi is that when you right click on the drive cuae thats what i did05:22
cdoublejit is a single partion05:22
Flannelcdoublej: Do you have Ubuntu and Windows installed right now?05:23
avgeneralimem does not have an irc05:23
avgeneralare you guys able to play music on imeem?05:23
Whiz2journey4712: "rm: cannot remove /path/to/symlink Is a directory" (I changed the symlink name here for privacy reasons lol)05:23
cdoublejno the second drive did have windows, salvaged form a dead laptop05:23
cdoublejdeleted all the files off it05:23
avgeneralhow do I properly install flash on my firefox?05:23
journey4712zar: depends how deep you wanna go, iptraf will tell you about  what connections are open, what the ports are on ech side and how many packets/bytes go through each connection05:24
carandraugavgeneral: I can05:24
cdoublejexcept a few that wouldn't go away05:24
Flannelcdoublej: so, you only have Ubuntu right now?  How big is oyur current drive?05:24
avgeneralcarandraug: how did u install flash?05:24
Ubuntu_usercdoublej, dban05:24
bobertdosavgeneral: Did you attempt to install it after downloading 10?05:24
Whiz2avgeneral: in my experience, firefox should prompt you to install it when it needs it05:24
Zarjourney4712:  that is exactly what I want. I don't need something like Wireshark for now.05:24
avgeneralbobertdos: yes, i double-clicked on it and told it to run in terminal05:24
carandraugavgeneral: long, long, long time ago. Somewhere last year and never had problems05:25
jahnkeanateri have an apache server and i want to upload files to it what do i have to do05:25
bobertdosavgeneral: Did you install any other flavor of flash before that?05:25
avgeneralI'm using Linux Mint Elyssa05:25
carandraugavgeneral: does flash work at all? What browser are you using?05:25
avgeneralsome of the flash modules work. just not imeem's05:25
Pici!mintsupport | avgeneral05:25
ubottuavgeneral: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org05:25
Zarjourney4712:  can I get iptraf from main repositories?05:25
avgeneralflash works05:25
Whiz2jahnkeanater: depends on how you want to upload files. Do you want to upload them from the web, or from your network?05:25
jahnkeanaterfrom the web05:25
cdoublejflannel it won't tell me the full volumes size so far i have 2.5 gb free and the used size is still counting05:25
journey4712whiz2: ls -ld /path/to/symlink, it should look something like: lrwxrwxrwx  1 guy guy        65 2008-07-01 08:41 My Pictures -> /media/WinXP/Documents and Settings/guy/My Documents/MyPictures/ if its a link(the -> is important)05:25
teethdoodhow do I restart the sound daemon? my sound frequently stopped working probably due to pulseaudio acting up05:26
cdoublej1 game is 600 mg or larger so i'd like to reserve whats left05:26
Flannelcdoublej: Go to a terminal, and do this command: "sudo fdisk -l" and then pastebin the output05:26
bobertdosavgeneral: It's probably more imeem's fault than Ubuntu's, in that case.05:26
jahnkeanaterWhiz2: from the web05:26
journey4712zar: should be able to05:27
Zarjourney4712:  nevermind, found it with google05:27
carandraugTotakeke: so? How it went?05:27
journey4712zar: looks like iptraf 3.0.0-6 is in hardy05:27
Totakekealright, I tried to use fdisk, but it still didn't work. It gave me the option to boot from partitions 1-4, even though that drive only has 3 partitions. I selected 2, since the first one was swap (said fdisk -l earlier that I printed) Oh, and Linux sees the drive as sdd, not sde.05:27
cdoublejflannel paste bin http://slexy.org/view/s2Gb0XNOrH05:27
=== Ubuntu_user is now known as Poseidon
TotakekeI got the same error I got a few hours ago, "GRUB Loading," "Error 17"05:28
Flannelcdoublej: Alright.  What you're going to do is move your whole /home folder to your new drive (well, to a partition on that drive)05:28
jahnkeanaterdo i have to edit apache to upload files05:28
Whiz2journey4712: I made the directory called "download" in hdc1 then symlinked it to hdb105:28
Flannelcdoublej: This will give you that entire drive for wine games, as well as your personal files,05:28
Flannelcdoublej: and then in doing so, you'll have more space for programs and stuff on your current one05:29
TotakekeAll this stuff happened to me when I was trying to install Linux on my one hard drive. Why is this so difficult?05:29
carandraugTotakeke: 17 : Cannot mount selected partition05:29
carandraug    This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.05:29
cdoublejflannel k will it work fine for packaged linux games or just big ass packages?05:29
TotakekeShouldn't Linux just install and run?05:29
cdoublejflannel where is,what is the home folder05:29
Flannelcdoublej: It'll work for everything.  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome  are the instructions, but let me say one more thing before you go off to follow them05:29
jahnkeanaterhow do i get wine to lay sound05:29
journey4712totakeke: try installing windows, and then setting windows up to dual boot windows and linux, now thats a challenge :)05:29
jahnkeanaterto i need to install sound drivers on it05:29
Zarjourney4712:  I was looking in the application manager instead of Synaptic. Is already there thanks.  another application question. Do you know a good alternative for the default Remote Desktop Viewer that let me connect to a machine using XP and Ultr@VNC05:30
journey4712totakeke: on a box that already has a ilnux partition the i mean05:30
cdoublejk flannel is it dangerous05:30
rukcusI'm having trouble compiling a driver - I get errors and I don't know what they mean. It says I need to change CFLAGS to EXTRA_CFLAGS for w WiFi driver.05:30
journey4712zar: unfortunatly, thatone i dont know05:30
carandraugTotakeke: it's not difficult to install on a harddrive. What you're trying to do, install on a usb so you can start in any computer, that is tricky05:30
Whiz2journey4712: and it doesn't have the -->05:30
Flannelcdoublej: Those instrctions assume you're creating a new partition on the *same* drive (sda1 to sda7) you'll be creating a new partition on a *different* drive (moving /home to sdb1) so you don't need to shrink anything, just create the partition and move.  You will, however, still need a liveCD05:30
TotakekeCarandraug: Why wouldn't it be recognized? You mean the file system is something that Linux can't work with like NTFS?05:30
Zarjourney4712:  np05:30
TotakekeBut even when I tried it on blank drives it gave me all kinds of crap lol05:30
cdoublejflannel this sounds hard05:31
Flannelcdoublej: not really dangerous (well, technically any sort of mass movement of data is dangerous, power failures, etc) but this is fairly simple/straight forward.05:31
carandraugTotakeke: that's what it says in the grub manual. http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting05:31
Zarjourney4712:  I'm starting to love Ubuntu. The applet is already installed hehehehe05:31
chris062689Could someone here please help me with my microphone problems?05:31
journey4712whiz2: if it doesn't have the --> then its not a symlink05:31
Flannelcdoublej: Its real easy, you can ask questions here if you have them.  Basically there are four steps: boot liveCD, create new partition on second drive, copy /home to second drive, add new line in fstab05:31
journey4712zar: heh, nice05:32
carandraugTotakeke: which in my opinion means that's it's not pointing to the right drive. I also noticed that you haven't tried asking at #grub05:32
Whiz2journey4712: output from that command was "drwxrwxrwx 7 root plugdev 4096 1969-12-31 19:00 /media/hdc1/download"05:32
journey4712whiz2: so that means it is a normal directory, it isnt a link to anywhere05:32
Whiz2journey4712: if it weren't a link then it would not go to /media/hb1 when I opened it05:32
=== marbe800 is now known as marbe800_
journey4712whiz2: what is the contents of the directory? ls -ld /path/to/link/*05:33
Flannelcdoublej: and actually, that guide walks you through creating a backup of your files, so there are even fewer risks.05:33
TotakekeAlright, I'll go ask at grub then.05:33
Whiz2journey4712: the exact same contents of the drive windows 98 is installed into05:33
TotakekeThanks for the help, I'll probably be back later if something else comes up lol.05:33
okeefferdanyone know if there is a working promise (SATA) module in the kernel yet, or atleast included in the latest ubuntu05:33
cdoublejugh i'd rather not back them up nothing special on this comp just updating is pain. plus wirless drives are pain even though they never work05:34
toxic_hy everybody, 'im looking for a "feature-request" link for the nautilus project ?05:34
toplsfuck all of you05:34
journey4712whiz2: thats quite odd, shouldn't be possible, the first flag of ls -l is d, which means directory, if it was a link that would have to be an l.05:34
okeefferdtopls: well then05:34
Xedecimalis it possible for me to share the disk on a live cd across the network to other machines with full write access without a login (that doesn't seem to work, changing user passwords on a live install seems to really piss it off) ? I've tried "sudo net usershare add fixme /media/disk Everyone:f guest_ok=y" and it either takes guest_ok as a comment or an ACL, basically I've tried a million things and I'm still sitting here starin05:34
Flannelcdoublej: Not "back up" onto media, just move it to a different place on the harddrive.05:34
carandraugTotakeke: also, keep in mind that in channels like those (with a much smaller number of users) you may have to wait to get an answer05:34
journey4712whiz2: but obviously it is possible :)05:34
Ramzihi all!05:35
Flannelcdoublej: you only have to move it because you can't have it in the same place when the other stuff is trying to be there.05:35
Whiz2journey4712: obviously lol05:35
toplsfuck all of you. so now boot me off the server so i can go to bed.05:35
RamziI'm planning to buy a tv tuner but I don't know which one can work with ubuntu. Can anyone recommend me one?05:35
cdoublejflannel once home is on the second drive all my new packages will go there05:35
Zarjourney4712:  and now the iptraf is on my desktop working like a charm :-) thanks again05:35
TotakekeCarandraug: Lol that's alright, I don't mind. I'll wait as long as it takes to get Ubuntu up and running.05:35
cdoublejexceot updates i assume05:35
Whiz2journey4712: I'm afraid if I delete the directory it will wipe that drive05:35
Flannelcdoublej: No, the packages will still go in the same place, but your wine stuff won't, and you'll have extra room because all your personal stuff won't be taking up room05:36
journey4712whiz2: i agree, i wouldn't delete it without being sure what exactly it is,05:36
journey4712whiz2: the odd linking may be why samba has problems though05:36
Whiz2journey4712: it's like i said before... I created the directory on hdc1 called "download" then symlinked that directory to point to hdb105:37
cdoublejok flannel i'll do this some other time, soon but it is late i'll be sure to come here and ask05:37
carandraugTotakeke: but like I told you before, installing Ubuntu is easy. It's installing in a pen to get a portable version of Ubuntu that is a tricky thing.05:37
Whiz2journey4712: it worked perfectly fine like that before05:37
cdoublejgetting tired05:37
darkblue_Bhello- an installer wants the DISPLAY variable set.. using command /usr/X11R6/bin/xdpyinfo.. connection to ":0.0" refused by server.. ???05:37
cdoublejoh flannel thnaks for the edumacation on linux and multiples drives05:37
Flannelcdoublej: No problem05:38
Xedecimalis there a way I can right click to share something without it blocking me due to no sudo when running off the cd ?05:38
Zarjourney4712:  now I just have to fix my problem with Gufw. Any idea why it is locked or how to unlock it?05:38
journey4712whiz2: well, skip that part for a moment, how about we make a new symlink to the downloads dir, ln -s /path/to/sourcedirectory /path/to/dest_TEST05:38
Whiz2journey4712: so I doubt the odd linking has anything to do with it, but I'm wondering if the system commander fat16 drive could be the cause.05:38
troubledPici: never a dull moment on freenode :)05:38
Bhaveshdarkblue_B export DISPLAY=:0.0;05:38
journey4712whiz2: fat16 is old hat, should be easy for linux05:38
darkblue_BBhavesh: ok, trying05:38
Bhaveshdarkblue_B : xhost +05:38
Whiz2synmlink directly to the download dir on hdc1?05:38
troubledBhavesh: xhost + isnt a good idea for long term btw :)05:39
journey4712whiz2: basicaly create a second link, download_TEST or whatever, but this time a normal link instead of the special link that you have now05:39
troubledMIT magic cookies are still the preffered method iirc05:39
journey4712whiz2: then try transfering files into that dir, my best guess . .05:39
Bhaveshtroubled of course :) this is only for the session so he can get by the installation05:39
Nmhey all howa05:40
Whiz2journey4712: aha! we got off track... it's not just that directory that has the issue05:40
troubledBhavesh: I figured as much, but I like to bring it up "just in case they didnt know better" :)05:40
darkblue_Bexport DISPLAY=:0.0;  did not fix it05:40
TheaxiomHow do I have ubuntu automatically mount my Vista partition upon boot so that my applications have access to it without me having to first double click it?05:40
darkblue_BI dont know what you mean by xhost +05:40
NmI HAVE A Q05:40
Whiz2journey4712: hdc1 is the main shared drive. I can't copy files to any shared drives on my ubuntu computer from another computer on my network05:40
Flannel!ntfs-3g | Theaxiom05:40
ubottuTheaxiom: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:40
troubledNm: and caps locks as well :)05:40
Flannel!ask | Nm05:40
ubottuNm: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:40
Flannel!ntfs | Theaxiom05:41
ubottuTheaxiom: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:41
TheaxiomFlannel: I have no problems accessing it, but I can't until I double click it in Computer05:41
FlannelTheaxiom: Thats the one you want, actually.05:41
journey4712whiz2: ahh, its all directorys? hmm then yea the link is probably irelevant05:41
Bhaveshtroubled you are right.. on the other hand he probably did NOT need xhost+ to get by installation05:41
jimenezwhats the channel for finding information on ripping video???05:41
journey4712whiz2: i'm going to have to call this one stumped, i hope someone else here can lead you to the right answers05:42
troubledBhavesh: xhost would be on the machine receiving the display though, hopefully he understands that05:42
TheaxiomFlannel: Thanks :)05:42
Whiz2journey4712: yeah it's all of them. I've tried rebooting the server (linux machine) and even restarting my entire network with the same results05:42
ZarMy firewall GUI is locked. Need some help.05:42
Nmwell boys if any one saw too look into Es1371 sound card not modconf fuuu05:42
Bhaveshtroubled i think he was using local server and local terminal05:42
darkblue_Btroubled: I dont know what you are saying05:42
darkblue_BBhavesh: yes, all local05:42
Bhaveshdarkblue_B don't have to use 'xhost+'  command for dispay to work05:42
Whiz2journey4712: I can login directly to my server, and use it to access those same files and copy them over that way (locally from remote computers) but not vice versa05:43
darkblue_BBhavesh: I set DISPLAY as you suggested and retried, and that has failed in the same way05:43
Bhaveshdarkblue_B what was the error message?05:43
troubleddarkblue_B: xhost is a way to tell X windows what machines are allowed to access the display and keyboard to receive output for an X app on a remote machine that is using a "export DISPLAY=" option05:43
Bhaveshok i figured out my problem05:44
Whiz2journey4712: in essence, I guess you could say that I can download to it, but not upload to it... if that makes any sense?05:44
Nmhey boys05:44
troubleddarkblue_B: xhost + basically says "anyone that can tcp connect to this machine can do anything, including display and read keystrokes"05:44
Nmcomon i have a trooble05:45
darkblue_BBhavesh troubled   http://dpaste.com/72833/05:45
Nmthat's sound card05:45
Flannel!patience | Nm05:45
ubottuNm: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:45
Bhaveshi installed ubuntu, worked great, installed dmraid, it rebuilt initramfs and then it won't boot no more, get message kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot, mount /root failed: device or resource busy05:45
TheaxiomWhat package do I download for open terminal here when I right click on a folder?05:45
FlannelTheaxiom: nautilus-open-terminal, I believe05:45
Bhaveshdang i have seen this error before, but i forgot how i fixed it05:45
journey4712whiz2: it makes sense, i just cant think of what would cause it.  For something that basic i wouldn't expect any of the config options to samba to effect this, obviously permissions/user login are fine since you can create directorys,  the fact that it starts to send the file, then dies in the middle . . . i dunno05:46
FlannelTheaxiom: its definately a nautilus-* package, and the name should make it obvious, if you just want to search for packages with nautilus in the name05:46
TheaxiomFlannel: Thanks, then how do I restart my gui so it appears in the context menu?05:46
troubleddarkblue_B: what happens when you run xdpyinfo?05:46
Bhaveshi am begining NOT to like ubuntu05:46
=== Aryan is now known as Guest56085
FlannelTheaxiom: closing all nautilus windows.... should work.  If not, log out and log back in.  (or ctrl-alt-backspace and log back in)05:46
journey4712whiz2: it happens on all files?  you cant even copy a 1k text file?05:46
TheaxiomFlannel: killall nautilus will work?05:47
Whiz2journey4712: well i just did a test copying a file of 1k using a windows computer, and it copied perfectly fine... maybe there is a network timeout issue somewhere05:47
FlannelTheaxiom: That'll work too, yeah. Although it may not come back up by default05:47
TheaxiomFlannel: Worked great, thanks05:47
darkblue_Btroubled: unable to open display "".05:48
troubleddarkblue_B: what about: echo $DISPLAY05:48
anhhunghow do I identify my wireless card?05:48
Whiz2journey4712: yeah it seems to work fine on smaller files, but I'm trying to copy files to it that areabove 100MB in size.05:48
Nmty for join05:48
darkblue_Btroubled: please see the paste05:48
TheaxiomHow do I install the java runtime environment in ubuntu?05:48
troubleddarkblue_B: I did, is your x windows running?05:48
Flannel!java | Theaxiom05:48
ubottuTheaxiom: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:48
TheaxiomFlannel: Thanks know-it-all :)05:49
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:49
troubleddarkblue_B: oh sorry, I see more info, sec05:49
troubleddarkblue_B: Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server05:49
troubleddarkblue_B: you are trying to connect a diff user to the same X session correct?05:49
darkblue_BI dont really understand how it all works05:50
journey4712whiz2: it does sound like a timeout, i was looking through "man smb.conf" but there are only a few options for timeouts, none related to open connections(well, one that kills idle connections but it defaults to 0)05:50
troubleddarkblue_B: ie: you are running X as user bob, but want user "oracle" to be able to display a window in bob's screen/display?05:50
journey4712shouldn't be an idle conenction anyways its in the middle of a transfar05:50
darkblue_Btroubled: apparently yes05:50
darkblue_BI am using a VNC connection, that is set up for the main user, hps05:50
darkblue_BI su to oracle in the terminal05:51
Whiz2journey4712: maybe I need to go to a windows channel and ask them if it's a problem on my windows network configuration05:51
darkblue_BI want to run the nstaller as oracle05:51
darkblue_BI dont know how to dodge around the XWindow things05:51
journey4712whiz2: could be, although if it happens from multiple windows clients i wouldn't think its likely05:51
=== Aryan is now known as Guest14316
Whiz2journey4712: all my remote machines are windows clients05:51
journey4712whiz2: howabout another test, can you mount the samba share on the ubuntu client(basically your mounting a local samba share) and try a tranfer that way05:52
troubleddarkblue_B: sec05:52
darkblue_Btroubled: the machine is remote.. I can ssh in, or use vnc.. but its remote05:52
journey4712whiz2: it should test all the stuff in samba, without going over the network to see if samba is the issue05:52
Nmtottally agree05:53
journey4712whiz2: something like "mount -t cifs //servername/share /media/local_share" or whatever05:53
Whiz2journey4712: Mount a samba share? what do you mean? mount a local drive shared for samba, or mount a shared drive in ubuntu that is located on a windows client?05:53
journey4712whiz2: mount the samba share to a directory on the machine that runs samba05:53
troubleddarkblue_B: as the user running x, try: xhost +, then as the oracle user try: export DISPLAY=localhost:0.005:54
Nmand their * are05:54
eyyYoIs there a way to lock the mouse to one of the screens in a dual monitor setup? When I play games with Wine, its annoying when the mouse gets out to the second screen, disabling my game.05:54
darkblue_Btroubled: trying05:54
Whiz2journey4712: samba is running only on the linux machine. the rest are using windows networking05:54
ZelbinianMight someone be able to explain to me what "beryl effects" are, what they're good for, and how to install them in Ubuntu?05:54
troubleddarkblue_B: iirc, it defaults to a socket for X if its just 0.0, localhost should force it to tcp via loopback iirc.05:54
journey4712whiz2: yea, i mean to mount the samba share on the machine that runs samba05:54
troubledwhich the xhost + setings should now allow05:54
journey4712whiz2: it sounds odd, to mount a remote share on a machine that already has access to the files, but its more to test if you can copy files into the directory as handled by samba05:55
journey4712whiz2: remote share might be the wrong word05:55
Nmand some off their ES 1371 Does05:55
Nmu now05:55
FlannelNm: Please stop05:55
Nmlosse in boot05:55
Bhaveshis there a bug in dmraid setup which causes initramfs to be created incorrectly which fails the boot next time?05:55
Z_Manhey guys, when i'm running a program with wine, my other applications that play audio dont play audio, how can i configure wine to not "take over" my audio devices?05:55
bazhangNm, this is not a chat channel05:55
Whiz2journey4712: telling me that way doesn't answer it in a way I understand... linux is running samba... mount the linux shared drive in lunux, or the windows client shared drive into linux?05:55
deurytehey people,  i have a question,  i went to ubuntu and downloaded the latest, only to find out it was an  "ios" image,  i wiped hard drive and tried to load,  says there is no system disk.  di i need another format in order for hdd to read from cd??05:55
troubleddarkblue_B: http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/xauth-6.html  is a good set of example of making more permenant mit magic cookies to avoid host based auth. magic cookies are basically like a password05:55
journey4712whiz2: mount the linux shared drive on the linux machine05:56
Whiz2journey4712: it is mounted as hdc105:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uptime05:56
troubleddarkblue_B: when you are done though, be sure to run "xhost -" to disable the full access05:56
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz05:56
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:56
journey4712whiz2:  i know, but mount it again, this time through samba (so you have 2 spots on the filesystem that point to the same files)05:56
Flannel!hi | I-Hop05:56
ubottuI-Hop: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:56
journey4712whiz2: kinda like if you were on a machine name MY_MACHINE,  and you browsed to //MY_MACHINE/share05:56
jimenezwhats the channel for finding information on ripping video???05:57
Whiz2journey4712oh ok05:57
Flanneljimenez: What do you mean?05:57
darkblue_Btroubled: thx for the tips.. unfortunately, still no go05:57
jimenezFlannel: hi flannel :) well i want to rip from dvd to avi, and im running into a few knots, i had someone here on ubuntu give me a single script a long time ago that did everything in one shot05:58
journey4712whiz2: the point of it is to test copying files to the samba server,  by doing it from the machine that runs the samba server you remove any networking variables05:58
jimenezi cant remember who it was, but it was so simple i didnt do anything05:58
darkblue_Btroubled: this time,,, unable to open display "localhost:0.0"05:58
Flannel!k9copy | jimenez05:58
ubottujimenez: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs05:58
jimenezDVD to VOB to MPEG to AVI  and done05:58
Z_Manwhen i'm running a program with wine, my other applications that play audio dont play audio, how can i configure wine to not "take over" my audio devices? can someone help05:58
jimenezFlannel: k9copy has a bunch of errors that I dont know what they are when I start it up. Guess I should look at it again05:59
svenskoanyone here ever compiled the madwifi drivers on an aspire one? i keep getting an error 2 when following the directions found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne05:59
rukcusI do too05:59
jimenezFlannel: im on dvd::rip05:59
Flanneljimenez: That very well could be.  I don't know anything (well, much) about DVD stuffs.05:59
I-Hopok now that thats over05:59
I-Hopi need help :P05:59
ubuntuco ai la Viet Nam  hem05:59
Flannel!ask | I-Hop05:59
ubottuI-Hop: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)05:59
Bhavesh what's the name of 8.04? hardy haron?05:59
jimenezyeah its ok, well dvd::rip is ripping it, but doesnt turn it into AVI, which screen do i choose for that, do u know05:59
FlannelBhavesh: yes05:59
user01i need help with my intel 2200b/g wireless card, it wont connect . . . i dont see a wireless light on06:00
Heane1hello everyone06:00
clpwhat editor with a file-browser panel except for gedit?06:00
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:00
jimenezIt rips everything to VOB and its ready for the next step06:00
Heane1I have an HP laptop with an internal Broadcom wireless adapter and having a little bit of trouble with it.06:00
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx06:01
mespejel_how can i get xev for ubuntu 8.0406:01
mespejel_i cant found it06:01
I-Hopi need to find/aquire a program that will (well a media server) that will be able to store and stream media files mp3 ogg..and stuff like that :) it needs to run on either nix server or windows server the clients will need to be able to upload songs to it.. and see the types of music.. and have a continues stream this server is to NOT be using network resources as to going ot the internet and stuff06:01
Whiz2journey4712: it says the mount point does not exist06:01
I-Hopit needs to say in our intranet06:01
clpEditor---With a file-browser?06:01
I-Hopits for an it project i'm workin on06:01
ubuntuhelp me06:01
ubuntuhelp me06:01
jimenezThanks for the help Flannel :)06:01
ubuntuhelp me06:01
FloodBot1ubuntu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:01
Heane1I have the hardware drivers set up for the adapter and I've installed ndiswrapper with the drivers installed for that. The light comes on for the wireless on the laptop however, it does not detect any wireless access points.06:01
mespejel_anybody know how can i get xev for linux? i cant found it06:02
Bhaveshi think it has issues with dmraid installation06:02
I-Hopi didn't flood.. i just typed it all out in one line like it said..06:02
journey4712whiz2: oh, you have to create a directory before you can mount to it06:02
Heane1Anyone know what the issue could be?06:02
FlannelI-Hop: You're right, you did.  That was for someone else.06:02
I-Hop "a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily)."06:03
floppyearshow can I edit an entry in the06:03
I-Hopok okies06:03
floppyearshow can I edit an entry in the applications menu ?06:03
=== CoolFox is now known as Macinposh
journey4712mespejel_: xev = print contents of X events ?06:03
deurytehey people,  i have a question,  i went to ubuntu and downloaded the latest, only to find out it was an  "ios" image,  i wiped hard drive and tried to load,  says there is no system disk.  di i need another format in order for hdd to read from cd??06:03
journey4712mespejel_: if so, the xev command is in the ubuntu package: x11-utils06:04
mespejel_yes i my apple mighty mouse is not working the middle bottom06:04
I-Hopok well if somebody doesn't have an answer to my above problem.. can they point me to the right channel?06:04
user01do i have to turn on my wireless card somewhere on a ibm r51?  wireless was working in windows06:04
user01i dont see a wireless light06:04
pyrohow do you download entire folders with sftp?06:04
Heane1pyro... try filezilla. It's a nice open-source ftp client. http://www.filezilla.org I believe is the URL06:05
Heane1Pryo.. Just specify the port number in filezilla as 22 and it will use sftp06:06
pyroHeanel, I need a cli client06:06
Heane1Pryo... Filezilla is a client.06:06
rr73Heane1~ not CLI06:06
Z_Mancli = command line06:06
lolighti need to setup ubuntu as a router06:06
kevinOOhow can i tell if i can connect to localhost?06:06
deurytehey people,  i have a question,  i went to ubuntu and downloaded the latest, only to find out it was an  "ios" image,  i wiped hard drive and tried to load,  says there is no system disk.  di i need another format in order for hdd to read from cd??06:06
=== Macinposh is now known as CoolFox_hates_u
journey4712deuryte: do you mean "iso" image?06:07
rukcusIs there any working solution for RTL8187b? Every place I've found from google results in either a) compile errors or b) Invalid driver from NDISWRAPPER06:07
journey4712deuryte: an iso image is meant to be written to a CD or DVD06:07
FlannelI-Hop: This would be an appropriate channel, you could try #ubuntu-server.  Not everyone is awake here, obviously, its best to repeat the question every 30 minutes or so, to allow new people to wake up, etc.  Also, does MythTV do what you want?  I know it theoretically does a bit of that.06:07
journey4712deuryte: then you boot the CD/DVD06:07
Heane1Oh. Sorry Pyro. Why are you not just using mget?06:07
user01i want my thinkpad keys to work, but it says it will uninstall ubuntustudio if i install it06:07
carandrauglolight: that'a easy. From where does internet comes?06:07
journey4712Heanel: sftp doesn't have an mget option,  the regular get does accept glob expressions, but doesn't do recursive06:08
deurytejourney4712> i did, ill try it again, it just keeps comming up "no operating system"06:08
pyroHeanel: mget was the command I was looking for.06:08
journey4712deuryte: hmm, well if you already made 1 coaster making more wont do much more than decorations :)06:08
Whiz2journey4712: ok made the mount point (/media/nettest) directory then tried to mount //network/Web to that mount point, and got the following "Mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //network/Web, missing codepage or other error?"06:08
darkblue_Btroubled: export DISPLAY :0.0 worked06:08
carandrauglolight: what machines will access internet through the router/ubuntu ?06:09
deurytejourney4712> a have an older 8.04 disk, it is wrtten in  cdfs,  is that different?06:09
journey4712whiz2: hmm, sounds like cifs isn't loaded, try "modprobe cifs"06:09
acrouseyI was trying to fix my screen resolution with "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.cong". I must have done something stupid, because now I can't even see the login-screen because the screen flickers. How can I fix this?06:10
journey4712whiz2: i dont know why they call it cifs, but thats what linux uses for mounting samba06:10
Heane1I have an HP laptop with an internal Broadcom wireless adapter and having a little bit of trouble with it. I have the hardware drivers set up for the adapter and I've installed ndiswrapper with the drivers installed for that. The light comes on for the wireless on the laptop however, it does not detect any wireless access points. Anyone know what the issue could be? I've read through a lot of forums on it and hasn't been much hel06:10
Whiz2journey4712: it only returned to the konsole prompt with no output06:10
lolightcan ubuntu act as a secure router along with good squid server? and how can i set it up in a small network with 10 pc. i used to work with mikrotik. it has easy gui to manage the bandwidth alocation per client. does ubuntu has the same interface?06:11
journey4712whiz2: that means it worked :)06:11
Whiz2journey4712: as a test... maybe I should try using the linux machine to copy to the samba shared drive from itself? (into a different directory of course)06:12
Whiz2journey4712: from local to samba06:12
rukcusDoes anyone know how to fix this error for WiFi driver compiling?: *** CFLAGS was changed in 'foo/bar'. Fix it to use EXTRA_CLAGS. Stop. ERROR 206:12
journey4712whiz2: perhaps,  basically we are just trying to reproduce the behavoir that your seeing over the network(files fail transfering), without involving the network06:12
journey4712whiz2: sounds like it would acomplish the same thing06:12
lolightor should i dive into complicated cli when migrating my router to the ubuntu? please someone help06:13
Whiz2journey4712: right ok hang on i'll let you know if it fails or not06:13
troubleddarkblue_B: no =?06:13
pyroHeane1, actually that's not the command I need.  mget can't download 'non-regular files'  how can I get it download folders?06:13
journey4712deuryte: i'm not too familiar with cdfs,  looks like its just a layer for reading the different sessions on a disk, shouldn't effect burning it06:14
darkblue_Btroubled: yes = :-)06:14
geniipyro: wget can mirror (grab all files of a site)06:14
troubleddarkblue_B: :)06:14
troubleddarkblue_B: < darkblue_B> export DISPLAY=:0.0;  did not fix it06:14
pyrohow do you recursively download a file with sftp?  I'm doing something wrong here and i'm not sure what it is06:14
troubleddarkblue_B: I gather you didnt run xhost + before then as the X user :)06:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ekiga06:14
darkblue_Btroubled: no, the first time I had not yet run xhost+ as the man user06:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sip06:15
pyrogenii: you can't recursively download files with sftp?  I was almost positive you could06:15
troubleddarkblue_B: as for localhost in there, that would require X to be running in listen mode so... Normally :0.0 is all you are supposed to use, but xhost + is really the thing that allowed it. Anyways congrats! :) But dont forget to run "xhost -" now06:15
journey4712pyro: man sftp, there is no mirror or recursive option listed :(06:16
pyroyea I noticed which seems strange06:16
carandrauglolight: I've only done a small network and never had to control bandwith to each client. I can work fine with iptables (ubuntu firewall) which is probably what you would call complicated "complicated cli" but I've heard that shorewall makes it really easy06:16
darkblue_Btroubled: make sign for data passing over head.. but thx ;-)06:16
troubleddarkblue_B: http://www.xs4all.nl/~zweije/xauth-6.html is probably better for you to read if you want to run any kind of GUI app from the oracle install similar to how you installed it. It teches you how to generate a cookie for oracle user and export it to user "bob"06:16
troubleddarkblue_B: heh, anyways, im out of here. Have fun and gl06:17
pyroWhy can I recursively transmit files with put and not get.   that's strange06:17
darkblue_BI suppose I should do that06:17
acrouseyhow can i get around this flickering login screen?06:17
jimenezFlannel: question on Acidrip: Preview of video shows movie is encrypted, how can i decode it properly, do u know?06:17
Whiz2journey4712: a 701MB file is currently copying from /media/Web/video to //network/Web/New at 1.5 MB/s06:17
lolightcarandraug: hm, i can live with cli acttually. but it might be time consuming. what about webmin? have you used it b4?06:18
carandrauglolight: no. I only had to set networks at home so it's probably a different level from yours.06:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acidrip06:19
Whiz2journey4712: copying successfully i might add06:19
geniipyro: Can always use scp (supports recursing)06:20
TotakekeCarandraug: Alright, I got my menu.lst file up (well, the important parts anyway)06:20
LordFDiskok have another Q: my Wifi see a connection but using KWiFi Manager but is say Local IP: unavailable and AcccessPoint Unknown ... Any Ideas ?06:20
lolightcarandraug: one more thing, do you use squid there?06:20
pyrogenii: ah ty.06:21
journey4712whiz2: successfully is interesting,  if it makes it all the way through, then my best guess is something changed on the windows clients(new security patches?)  because samba isn't having an issue maintaining a full connection06:21
FluxDHi, Can someone tell me how to figure out what port a program is running on?06:21
Whiz2journey4712: question is whether it's doing it through the samba system , locally (because it is a local drive) or through the router back to itself06:22
journey4712whiz2:  it shouldn't be going through the router, linux wont send packets over then etwork destined for iteself06:23
journey4712whiz2: as long as its mounted, its definatly going through the samba subsystem06:23
carandrauglolight: no squid, sorry. All I do is configuring iptables to forward packets and to masquerade them06:24
Whiz2journey4712: on the windows client I have it mounted as drive Z = //network/Web06:24
geniiFluxD: Programs normally use a standard port number based on the service they provide or use. ssh=22 dns=53 http=80 and so on. Is it some standard service like this?06:24
Whiz2journey4712: so it is mounted as a samba share06:24
FluxDgenii, memcached, someone told me something with nmap or netstant, I dont rmember what thats why I am here06:24
droopsta915does anyone know how i can get a digital voice recorder to work on linux, its software is not for linux06:25
geniiFluxD: netstat but it can be difficult to decipher06:25
MiescoWhat do I do about sites that wont let you register with a gmail account?06:25
FluxDgenii, how come?06:25
Whiz2journey4712: as a further test, i'musing the windows client to see if I can copy the file from the samba share to my windows desktop06:26
eshaasedoes converting an mp3 to wav back to mp3 result in a lower-quality mp3 than the original?06:26
Whiz2journey4712: note that I can copy the same file from any windows client to another windows client on the exact same network with no problems06:26
FluxDeshaase, all of those are lossy so I think it will06:27
Whiz2eshaase: depends on the settings you use to convert it06:27
Qsterhow do i get trickle to use scp?06:28
Whiz2eshaase: most conversion programs that I know of allow you to set the quality of the destination file06:29
Av1can anyone tell me how to change directory by command line06:29
deuryteI GOT IT!!  all i had to do was press the iso-converter button on my keyboard!!  whaalaa!!06:29
geniiFluxD: You can use also nmap like: nmap -sT -O localhost06:29
carandraugAv1: command cd06:29
lolightdeuryte: do you have such button on your keyboard? wow06:29
FluxDgenii, it tells me what port memcached is running on? BTW, memcached requires root privs to run06:29
lolighthallow ce_mute06:30
Whiz2Av1: just like DOS use the cd command06:30
geniiFluxD:  nmap -sT -O localhost | grep memcache               if you like06:30
Av1how do i go to another drive?06:30
eshaaseWhiz2: yeah but i did it so long ago i dont' remember06:30
deurytei downloaded ubuntu iso image, does anyone know easy software to convert , so i  can load it on a clean drive?06:30
FluxDgenii, I get nothing06:31
eshaaseWhiz2: you're saying if i use a lossless mp3 encoding then i'm good?06:31
FluxDFluxD, I verified using htop, it is running06:31
Jordan_Udeuryte: Why are you not simply installing it using the installer?06:31
acrouseyHi, i'm using my Mac laptop right now because my Ubuntu computer is flickering at the splash window. Is there a way I can fix this so I can get back into my Ubuntu machine?06:31
carandraugAv1: they're mounted in /media/06:31
Whiz2Av1: cd to it's mount point... for example if your drive is mounted as /media/hdc1 and you are in /media/hdc1 type cd ../hdc106:31
Jordan_Uacrousey: Try removing the "splash" kernel parameter from the GRUB menu06:32
Jordan_Uacrousey: Or choose "recovery mode"06:32
Whiz2eshaase: I'm saying if you're using a CD quality mp3 converting to CD quality wav, then you need to convert back to a CD quality mp3 to keep the same quality.06:32
deuryteJordan_U> well, seems like no matter what mirror i went to, all the offered was an iso..06:32
juannicolasHi, i'm having problems with a eth in my server when I do ifconfig i dont see the nic but when i do ifconfig -a i se it eth2_rename_ren06:33
geniiFluxD: It should by default want port 1121106:33
Jordan_Udeuryte: What are you trying to accomplish exactly?06:33
Whiz2eshaase: there should be a way to check, and modify your quality settings on conversions. just make sure the quality settings match06:33
FluxDgenii, okay06:33
Av1the name of the folder is "oracle setup" how do i access it from command line06:33
ZelbinianCan someone help me set up compiz fusion?06:34
deuryteJordan_U> i just wiped laptop hdd, i was trying to load ubuntu, but all i keep getting is an  iso  download.  can i covert this to something else so it will load?06:34
Jordan_UZelbinian: What are you having trouble with specifically?06:34
acrouseyjordan_U: thanks again! that seemed to do it06:34
Whiz2Av1: I dunno how to access folders with spaces in them that way just yet lol06:34
Jordan_Uacrousey: np06:34
svenskojust a _COMPLETLEY_ random poll, BUT does anyone here know what "Warsow" is?06:34
ZelbinianWell, I don't have anything specific, I just really don't know how to go about it.06:34
arktvrvs"oracle setup"06:34
ZelbinianSynaptic says I have everything installed already.06:35
Jordan_Uacrousey: You can make that permanent by editing your /boot/grub/menu.lst06:35
arktvrvscompletes to oracle\ setup06:35
ZelbinianBut . . . I can't seem to figure out how to enable and disable effects.06:35
Whiz2deuryte: you need to make a CD or DVD out of that ISO. it is an image of a CD or DVD06:35
MTecknologyany ideas how I can change the action of the power button when pressed in openbox?06:35
Whiz2deuryte: then boot from the cd or dvd to install ubuntu06:35
deuryte<Whiz2> can you show me how, or what to get  ?06:35
Jordan_Udeuryte: I will give you a link with easy instructions06:36
Whiz2deuryte: Nero is one good one, but it's not free06:36
deuryte<Whiz2> ok, ready..06:36
Av1how do i unmount a drive from command line06:36
Jordan_Udeuryte: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BurningIsoHowto06:36
genii!info warsow06:36
ubottuwarsow (source: warsow): A comic-style fast-paced 3D ego-shooter. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.32.dfsg-1 (hardy), package size 838 kB, installed size 2312 kB06:36
Jordan_UAv1: sudo umount <device>06:36
Whiz2av1: umount mounted_drive06:37
deuryte<Jordan_U> thanks06:37
Jordan_Udeuryte: np06:37
mdi_naturalguyMy problem is while i am using it suddenly the systemm just hang and i have to restatt. This is happens quite often and i never face this problem before06:37
geniisvensko: Now everyone knows06:37
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: did you recently change any settings or upgrade anything?06:37
svenskomy friend insisted that no one had heard of it, but at least you guys proved him sorta wrong :P06:37
mdi_naturalguynot really06:38
Av1how do i see which all drives are mounted06:38
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: download any updates recently?06:38
geniiAv1: in terminal:    mount06:38
mdi_naturalguylike just now06:38
Jordan_UAv1: "mount" ( no other options )06:38
mdi_naturalguyi have to reformat again and reinstall again06:38
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: how long has it been freezing like that?06:38
mdi_naturalguyafter a while suddenly it hangs again'06:38
mdi_naturalguyuntil i restart gaain06:39
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: it does this on new installations too?06:39
Jordan_Umdi_naturalguy: Have you run memtest for a while to test your RAM?06:39
mdi_naturalguyit is06:39
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: sounds like a possible hardware problem. run memtest to check your RAM06:39
Jordan_Umdi_naturalguy: Yes to which person / question? :)06:39
Av1is there any way of finding my drive name06:39
Av1from mount06:40
mdi_naturalguyi retext the memtest and06:40
mdi_naturalguythere is no problem to that06:40
Jordan_UAv1: Your main driver ( the one you are booted from ) will be mounted on "/"06:40
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: it still sounds like a hardware issue. has this always happened?06:40
mdi_naturalguyonly when i used ubuntu06:41
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: what were you using before?06:41
mdi_naturalguynever happen when i was using other operating system06:41
Av1not understood06:41
mdi_naturalguyor even xp06:41
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: did you ever flash your BIOS while using windows Vista?06:41
RequinB41how can I set it up so a shell script uses a proxy for all of its commands and then resets to normal direct connection afterwards?06:41
mdi_naturalguydo get u06:41
mdi_naturalguyi am don't get u06:42
ZelbinianHow do I pick and choose compiz fusion effects instead of the coarse-grained "Visual Effects" menu?06:42
FlannelZelbinian: install compizconfig-settings-manager06:42
Jordan_U!ccsm | Zelbinian06:42
ubottuZelbinian: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion06:42
mdi_naturalguyi don't get u ..06:42
Av1how do i figure out which is the drive that is mounted from mount command06:42
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: rephrasing... did you ever update your BIOS or CMOS from a file on the internet while you had Vista installed?06:42
TheaxiomHow do I tell if I am running ubuntu x64?06:42
mdi_naturalguynot so sure ..i let it to run auto06:43
abe3khi, whats the theme manager in vista called ?06:43
mdi_naturalguyso maybe it did06:43
Jordan_UAv1: Everything listed from the mount command is mounted ( though some things listed are not drives )06:43
mdi_naturalguyi am noit sure06:43
Whiz2abe3k: wrong room to ask vista questions in lol06:43
Jordan_Uabe3k: ##windows06:43
Av1i am looking for one drive how do i identify it here06:43
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: if you did auto updates then the answer is no06:43
abe3kwhiz2: lol I know but I'm looking for something similar to that blur in vista for compiz06:44
mdi_naturalguyso what should i do to overcome this problem06:44
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: did your computer come with an operating system preinstalled on it?06:44
carandraugabe3k: I've heard it's something liek Aeros but I'm not sure06:44
abe3kwhiz2: an effect to blur whatever is behind a window06:45
Jordan_UAv1: Which drive? The one you are booted from?, an external drive? , Second internal drive?06:45
RequinB41Is there a way to turn on/off a proxy in cli06:45
Av1second internal drive06:45
Whiz2abe3k: you mean the glass effect from windows Vista?06:45
mdi_naturalguyof course , but when i bought this 2nd hand so i do not have the orginail cd or something likr hat06:45
TheaxiomHow do I tell if I am running ubuntu x64?06:45
abe3kwhiz2: yup that one :D06:45
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: what operating system was preinstalled?06:45
abe3kwhiz2: is there anything for compiz thats similar ?06:45
Whiz2abe3k: I honestly have no idea06:46
Jordan_Uabe3k: I don't know what it's called in Vista but in compiz it's called ( obscurely ) "blur" :)06:46
Av1Jordan 2nd internal drive06:46
goldmetalhow to close dvdr disk?06:46
Whiz2abe3k: you might check the various themes for it to see if there is something similar available. other than that I'm clueless lol06:46
abe3kwhiz2: thanks :)06:47
carandraugabe3k: I had to burn my eyes looking in microsoft site but it seems that it's called Windows Aero06:47
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: how long does ubuntu run after booting up before it hangs?06:47
Jordan_Uabe3k: You may also want to look into emerald theme manager06:47
abe3kJordan_U : that effect blurrs the whole window06:47
bullgard4What does the 'u' stand for in 'gucharmap'?06:47
Whiz2abe3k: windows Aero is the name of the theme itself. Not the theme manager06:47
abe3kJordan_U : emerald has that blur effect ?06:47
mdi_naturalguysometimes 15 min or something after few hours..06:47
mdi_naturalguyand somethime after i run the application for nuw updates06:48
Scorp_Hey, how do we set compiz as default at every startup ???06:48
abe3kcarandraug: lol thanks for doing that xD06:48
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: try downloading and installing the newest version of ubuntu linux, and completely reformat the destination boot drive before installing. That might fix the problem06:49
Av1is there any website from where i can get command lines for ubuntu06:49
Jordan_Uabe3k: Emerald has the ability to make me think that my glasses are smudged, but only around the border / title of the window ( called window decoration in *NIX speak ) if that's what you mean then yes, there are also vista themes for emerald so if that's not what you are talking about just get one of those and see what option it uses :)06:49
mdi_naturalguywhere can i get the new latest version06:49
Whiz2Av1: google for linux commands06:49
abe3kJordan_U : thanks alot I'll search that up :)06:49
carandraugabe3k: but Aero seems to be more than that. They call glass to the transparent windows if I got it right http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/windowsvista/features/experiences/aero.mspx06:49
Jordan_UScorp_: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Desktop Effects06:50
Whiz2mdi_naturalguy: http://www.ubuntu.com06:50
TheaxiomCrap I think I accidentally installed ubuntu 32-bit, does that mean I have to reinstall if I want x64?06:50
mdi_naturalguylet me try it first .06:50
bullgard4Woher stammt das 'u' in 'gucharmap'?06:50
Whiz2Theaxiom: yes i believe so06:50
mdi_naturalguythanks guys06:50
TheaxiomWhiz2: Thanks, darn :( sucks06:51
Scorp_Jordan_U: Those are the default ubuntu effects. I'm toking of the one which can be configured wid ccsm..06:51
Jordan_Uabe3k: I personally hate it, but again the first time I saw Vista I thought my glasses were smudged, maybe for someone who has dirty glasses less often it's not as annoying :)06:51
okeefferdman sambafs06:51
Quiescentare there any fonts that come with ubuntu that have equivalents on windows and/or osx?06:51
Whiz2Jordan_U: I personally like the glass effect of Windows Aero06:51
Qsterwhats the difference between rcp and scp?06:51
Whiz2Jordan_U: it's all pweddy :-D06:51
binskipy2uanyone know if there exists a "Minimal" ubuntu for 64bit?06:52
shrimantshas anyone here had the problem where you set an environment variable in .bash_profile, and now it wont unset nor will it be manually set to anything else?06:52
Flannelbinskipy2u: What do you mean by minimal?06:52
balzI'm having issues with my samba configuration.  I can read/write to all shares except my "videos" share (no write access).  The configuration is the same for all 3 shares... what gives?  Pastebin:  http://pastebin.com/m3f7d119506:52
carandraugQuiescent: I think that Deja vu is quite similar to Times New Roman. And there's Libertino fonts06:52
Scorp_wols_: Hey, can u tell me the launcher for CompizConfig Settings manager ?? and also Emerald theme manager06:52
illmortalDoes anyone know if missing codecs (such as mp3) would cause a media server to not transcode?06:53
Jordan_UQster: "readlink $(readlink $(which rcp))" :)06:53
Whiz2if I download and install unbuntu onto a machine that already has windows on it, will it allow to resize the windows partition (safely) and create a new partition to install ubuntu without losing data in the other partitions?06:53
=== meoblast001 is now known as dr_robotnik
balzWhiz2:  yes06:53
abe3kJordan_U :  It worked !, seems that I have to turn the blur option in compiz for the effect to work correctly in emerald :D06:53
shrimantsbecause my $TERM and $LANG variables are stuck06:53
Whiz2illmortal: it is possible, but I can't say for sure06:53
Av1i can see a folder examples06:54
Av1but i cannot access it from command line why?06:54
Jordan_Ushrimants: "Stuck" in what way?06:54
Whiz2balz: thanks06:54
TheaxiomWhat does LTS mean? And do I want that version of ubuntu?06:54
balzillmortal:  yeah that could definitely do it.  have you downloaded the ubuntu restricted package?06:54
QsterJordan_U: i dont understand so rcp is still scp? why two commands then06:54
illmortalWhiz2... what files/codecs do I need in order to play mp3s?06:54
Whiz2illmortal: I don't have that information06:54
Flannel!mp3 | illmortal06:54
ubottuillmortal: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:54
balzillmortal:  you'll need the ubuntu restricted multiverse package06:55
Quiescentthanks, i'll try those. maybe it will help if i be more specific, i'm designing a webpage and i want it to look as close as it possibly can on windows, linux, and osx, does anyone have any suggestions?06:55
illmortalbalz.. no I haven't. So far I have been able to install a codec for amarok but I think I'm missing general codecs.06:55
balzillmortal:  i forget the package name, but if you go into add/remove software and search for "ubuntu restricted" it should appear06:55
shrimantsJordan_U: basically, $TERM will not unset, reset, or set to anything. it stays with a value of urxvt no matter what i do06:55
Av1some one help me please06:55
=== dr_robotnik is now known as MilesProwler
illmortalk ill check it out balz. thanks for your input.06:55
balzillmortal:  no problem.  sounds like that's your problem06:55
Whiz2Quiescent: Are you trying to create  a webpage that will look exactly the same on all operating systems that view it?06:56
carandraugAv1: maybe because the folder examples is a link06:56
Av1i can see a directory examples but i cant access it from command line06:56
shrimantssimilarly, $LANG will not revert to both utf-8 and iso, it stays at just utf-806:56
abe3kThanks guys for the help !06:56
shrimantsi followed the directions here http://wiki.afterstep.org/index.php?title=Rxvt-Unicode_Configuration_Tutorial06:56
Quiescentillmortal: add the medibuntu repositories and then when you try to play an mp3 it will find and show you codec packages that have the codecs you need through the package manager06:56
Jordan_Ushrimants: Can you run "script", do some TERM="Hello World" ; echo $TERM and other such tests and pastebin the result?06:56
QuiescentWhiz2: yes, that's the goal06:56
carandraugAv1: that folder is actually in /usr/share/example-content06:56
illmortalmedibuntu? nice ill check now.06:56
Av1yeah thanks06:56
balzCan anybody help me out with my smb.conf?  I have it pastebinned at http://pastebin.com/m3f7d119506:57
Whiz2Quiescent: Web pages (as far as I know) are not OS specific, but browser specific.06:57
shrimantsJordan_U: i've tried that sort of thing. it sets it in that specific terminal and the changes are reflected if i type just set or export06:57
carandraugAv1: if you try ls to your home directory you'll notice a different color06:57
shrimantsbut if i try to use another terminal or echo, it says urxvt06:57
QuiescentWhiz2: the thing i'm concerned about is the fonts, Windows, Ubuntu, and OSX don't have the same fonts06:57
Whiz2Quiescent: some browsers display web pages differently than others, so I'm not sure it's really possible06:57
=== MilesProwler is now known as MilesPrower
GTDoes anyone know where I can get help with PulseAudio? Is there a channel or something?06:58
GTI can't find it.06:58
Whiz2Quiescent: there should be a generic font you can use, or just use the default font (by not specifying one in the <font> tag)06:58
illmortalbalz, I just installed the ubuntu restricted (extras) do I need to do an apt-get update?06:58
Jordan_UQster: Same reason ftp links to sftp, "real" rcp is unbelievably insecure06:58
balzillmortal:  i don't believe so, but it certainly can't hurt06:59
dpyroDoes anyone know how to open a Mac pkg file?06:59
QuiescentWhiz2: that's fine, i've never thought about developing webpages that will look the same on different platforms before, i was just wondering what everyone else does with fonts06:59
Whiz2Quiescent: I just don't bother specifying one lol06:59
illmortalbalz, now that I have installed, should I shut down the media server then restart?07:00
GTPulseAudio help, anyone?07:00
balzillmortal:  i doubt it'll be necessary.  how are you serving the files?07:00
iamas /msg ubottu etiquette07:00
illmortalI'm using uShare to stream media over to my PS3.07:00
shrimantsJordan_U: any ideas?07:01
balzillmortal:  try sudo /etc/init.d/ushare restart07:01
reasonpunsometimes i will07:02
Jordan_Ushrimants: Do you just want it to be set that way in all shells or in all applications?07:03
shrimantsim not sure what it used to be set to, but i think it was just set to xfce4's terminal07:03
FinnishAnyone know how High Precision Event Timer affects ubuntu if it's disabled?07:03
SitUbuntuSitAll of your events will be "slightly" off07:04
shrimantsJordan_U: i just want it to be set back to its original setting, when it would launch xfce's terminal07:04
Jordan_Ushrimants: AHH, $TERM has nothing to do with what X terminal emulator is run by default07:04
FinnishSitUbuntuSit: Really...07:05
Quiescenthas anyone figured out how to get the latest release candidate of Flash 10 to work in 8.04 and FF 3.0.1 yet?07:05
SitUbuntuSitFinnish, no07:05
Jordan_Ushrimants: I think you want to look at update-alternatives07:05
shrimantsJordan_U: but if i try to launch weechat "in terminal" then it doesnt work07:05
SitUbuntuSitwell maybe07:05
balzanybody here able to help with a samba config problem/07:05
shrimantsi fi try to use nano it fails07:05
shrimantsupdate alternatives?07:05
SitUbuntuSitFinnish, don't really know much about it07:05
iamasHow can I disable the gesture to switch workspaces (dragging towards the edge of the screen) in Ubuntu using Gnome?07:06
Whiz2what is the difference between ubuntu, edubuntu, and kubuntu?07:06
Quiescenti mean, has anyone figured out how to get the latest release candidate of Flash 10 to work in Firefox 3.0.1 in 64-bit 8.04?07:06
Jordan_Ushrimants: Still, that has nothing to do with the $TERM variable ( that variable tells you what shell terminal emulator you are using, it doesn't change what terminal emulator should be started by default if you need another )07:06
balzWhiz2:  desktops and apps07:06
FinnishIt's related to that post, it seems disabling it makes vista more stable at low latencies (it's for my music making partiotion), otherwise I'm on ubuntu07:07
balzWhiz2:  ubuntu uses gnome and GTK apps, kubuntu uses KDE and qt apps, and edubuntu uses gnobe (afaik) and it's more geared towards education07:07
Whiz2balz: I've never used gnome before. How drastically different is it from KDE?07:07
Av1when a drive is mounted07:08
Av1where is it mounted?07:08
Quiescentlol, i haven't used KDE in a long time07:08
Jordan_UAv1: Usually /media07:08
balzWhiz2:  it looks fairly different.  I'm sure if you google imaged it you'd get a good idea.07:08
Jordan_UAv1: Or rather, a subdirectory in /media07:08
balzWhiz2:  i've found that gnome is usually better supported, but support for KDE is certainly out there07:08
balzWhiz2:  what are you trying to do with your ubuntu box?07:09
Whiz2Av1: You can also choose the mount point yourself I usually mount them to a subdirectory in /media07:09
deltaslayaHey, whats the best way to put photos on my iPod in Ubuntu?07:09
Av1how do you mount yourself07:09
Av1and it is showing 2 cdroms where as i have only one07:10
Whiz2balz: I'm more or less trying to use it the way i use my windows PC. to browse the web, access my network, play games, listen to music, etc... but I'm not very educated on the linux command line stuff07:10
Daisuke_Idodeltaslaya: probably gtkpod, but i don't have any experience, so not entirely sure07:10
Av1how do you mount a drive by command07:10
illmortalah damn...  I found out that uShare is specifically for XBOX and transcoding is completely different for PS3. uShare is useless lol.07:10
illmortalBack to the buggy and slow, "mediatomb'07:11
deltaslayaDaisuke_Ido: AFAIK gtkpod doesn't support photos? I tried gpixpod but the pictures on the ipod come out all distorted?07:11
Daisuke_Idoah...  not sure then07:11
Whiz2balz: I need something that will let me do it all from the GUI, and still allow the use of advanced, and admin stuff07:12
balzWhiz2:  well not to discourage you, but you shoudl think carefully about that.  I tried, and found that strange issues can pop up (stuff like MS word document compatability) ... but i'd stick with gnome just bc of the support07:12
balzWhiz2:  and that's another thing.  Sooner or later you will use the command line07:12
Av1jordan how do you mount a drive from command line07:12
Whiz2balz: what kinds of things does gnome support that KDE doesn't?07:12
geniiAv1: First you need to know 3 things.   The filessytem type. The /dev name of the block device. And the directory you are mounting it underneath.      Then you do: sudo mount -t filesystem-name /dev/its-devname  /its-mounting-directory07:12
Whiz2balz: yes I know I will use the command line, but the less I have to the better, because unlike dos, it's very confusing lol07:13
CostaRicanQuakerbalz: he can have both gnome and kde installed and have both KDEs programmmes07:13
Jordan_UAv1: sudo mount /dev/<device> /mountpint07:13
CostaRicanQuakerand gnomes07:13
balzWhiz2:  they are both very mature, but with regards to ubuntu, you'll find more help, more readily if you stick with gnome07:13
deltaslayaOK, can anyone give me a suggestion for how to get photos on my iPod?07:13
balzCostaRainQuaker:  that's also true07:13
geniiAv1: If it's ext/ext3/ext3   you don't need the -t filesystem-name     part as Jordan_U just showed the syntax as07:13
balzWhiz2:  i'd really stick with gnome.  the forums are more populated as are the irc channels.  it's not that gnome can do something that kde can't ... it's just that i've found that more pple use gnome, at least for ubuntu07:14
iamasHow can I disable the gesture to switch workspaces (dragging towards the edge of the screen) in Ubuntu using Gnome?07:14
genii(put ext3 twice earlier)07:14
Av1its NTFS07:14
Whiz2deltaslaya: if it mounts as a removeable drive then just copy/paste07:14
balzWhiz2:  this channel is actually for ubuntu... I believe you'd have to go to #kubuntu for kde related issues.  Not taht you're not welcome here or anything07:14
Whiz2balz: hmm... maybe they can help me with my other problem from earlier07:15
Jordan_Ugenii: In fact most file systems don't require -t explicitly07:15
balzWhiz2:  definitely worth a try07:16
geniiJordan_U: It will try to decide what to use but often fails07:16
Whiz2balz: thanks I'll switch channels :-D07:16
balzWhiz2:  be sure to tell them whether you're using kde3 or kde407:16
balzWhiz2:  np. good luck! it does get easier07:16
deltaslayaWhiz2: But how can I do it in a way so I can access them on the iPod?07:16
Whiz2balz: I'm using an old version of kubuntu 6.06.2 lol07:16
Qsterupdate that!07:17
balzWhiz2:  ditch it and get the latest version.  That's going to probably eliminate half of yoru problems07:17
Jordan_Udeltaslaya: Never used the program myself so I don't know what features it has but have you tried gtkpod?07:17
Whiz2deltaslaya: honestly the only way I know to mess with an iPod is through iTunes on a windows machine07:17
Whiz2balz: I'm not putting the newest version onto a 400mhtz machine with 256MB of ram... doubt it would run very well lol07:18
balzWhiz2:  try xubuntu07:18
balzand btw, KDE is a memory whore compared to gnome07:18
Whiz2balz: another problem is that changing my version may undo a lot of the things I had to do in order to get the server to work in the first place...07:18
Jordan_UWhiz2: This is Linux, Hardy will probably run just as fast if not a little faster than Dapper, and if not like mentioned before you should go with Xubuntu anyway07:19
ActionParsnipgnome is a memory whore compared to fluxbox07:19
rgnrhow do i remove pidgin manually?07:19
HelloHelloHelloDo you think Xubuntu Alternative will work on a 500mhz 192 mb RAM07:19
Flannelrgnr: manually?07:19
balzWhiz2:  ActionParsnip is right, but I find that fluxbox is a bit harsh on newer users.  I'd try xubuntu first and if that's still too heavy, try fluxbuntu07:19
Jordan_Urgnr: What do you mean "manually" ?07:19
balzJust my opinion though07:19
FlannelHelloHelloHello: yes, use the alternate CD to install.07:20
HelloHelloHelloOK because the regular one on a live cd was sloooooow07:20
QuiescentUGH, Screem keeps crashing07:20
rgnrJordan_U: i installed it with make07:20
carandraugiamas: you have compiz setting manager installed?07:20
HelloHelloHelloI use to have Windows 2k Pro on it will it run as good a Windows07:20
FlannelHelloHelloHello: yeah, thats expected on only 192MB07:20
iamasI have a fresh Hardy Heron install07:21
Whiz2balz and Jordan_U: updating and changing version is all fine and dandy, but I have no idea how I would get the system back to it's current configuration so that it works like it should... it took a LOT of work, and physical help from others to configure it07:21
FlannelHelloHelloHello: full install will run a lot smoother07:21
iamasso if that means I do then yes07:21
rgnrJordan_U: so i cannot remove it in regular way as it is not officially installed07:21
Jordan_Ubalz: Fluxbuntu is dead as far as I can tell, they released their "rc" for 7.10 and still haven't done anything since07:21
HelloHelloHellofull install instead of what?07:21
balzJordan_U:  shows you how much I use it ;-)07:21
carandraugiamas, then go to add/remove and search for ccsm07:21
balzWhiz2:  you could start by just installing the xfce desktop and using that on your current install07:21
Quiescentiamas: open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager07:21
iamasah thx07:22
Flannelrgnr: Hopefully it installed to /usr/local/?07:22
balzWhiz2:  and then upgrading to the latest version07:22
iamasremoving it will make the gestures go away?07:22
rgnrFlannel:  /usr/bin/07:22
carandraugiamas: no. You have to install it. It doesn't come by default07:22
MonthOLDpicklewhat flash do I install?07:22
HelloHelloHelloDo you think it will be able to run starcraft or any other old games under wine or is that to processor intesive. Sorry for all the question I just want to see what it can can't do.07:22
iamasah thanks07:22
Jordan_UWhiz2: Though far from guaranteed I would guess that 90 % of the problems you had with 6.04 will not exist in 8.0407:22
Whiz2balz: how do I do that? and if the desktop change, or upgrade screws something up, can I go back?07:23
illmortaldoes anyone know if Fuppes is more light weight than Mediatomb?07:23
balzWhiz2:  yeah you'll still have kde to revert to. and the upgrade really shouldn't screw much up.  Is this your primary workstation/07:23
Flannelrgnr: ... that's wrong, to begin with.  Locally compiled stuff go to /usr/local/{bin,lib,etc}.  Do you still have the source?  if so, is there a make clean?07:23
MonthOLDpickleI have three choices... abode flash, gnash swf player, or swfdec player  for adobe/macromedia07:23
Whiz2balz: no it is a dedicated web server07:23
hateballMonthOLDpickle: I'd go with Adobes07:23
rgnrFlannel:  nope07:24
balzWhiz2:  the main point is that if you have anything critical on it, it should be backed up no matter what.  Especialy since you're still starting out with linux07:24
hateballMonthOLDpickle: gnash and swfdec still arent 100%... not that adobes is either :D07:24
Whiz2balz: 10 years old at that lol07:24
Jordan_UWhiz2: And you can always try it out on the ( though it will be painfully slow on your comp, running from CD is especially taxing on older systems so don't let it fool you into thinking an installed system will be as sluggish ) LiveCD to see that everything works07:24
Flannelrgnr: Alright, well, either grab it again, and hope there's a make clean, if there's not, or you don't feel like it, you get to delete everything manually.07:24
QuiescentMonthOLDpickle: install the latest version of Flash 10, you can find a tutorial on how to do it online, Flash 9 constantly crashes in Firefox07:24
rgnrFlannel:  and how do i do that?07:24
balzWhiz2:  I can't guarantee taht nothing will break, but in my opinion upgrades solve problems.  They rarely create them07:24
Whiz2Jordan_U: you are missing the point07:25
DetrixHello all, I need to get ubuntu update (specifically the build essential package) but I need to get it through windows. I can not get ubuntu to recognize my dialup modem or wifi. so I have to go through windows.07:25
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Jordan_UWhiz2: That being?07:25
Flannelrgnr: Do what?  remove stuff manually?  with rm, and... patience.07:25
okeefferdhmm i'm having an issue mounting a samba share using the hostname of the computer.  I am issuing the following command: #mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //hostname/share /mnt/share07:25
pucciohi, can someone give me a hint on how do I launch a sequence of commands with "nohup" ?07:26
Jordan_UDetrix: You can generate a list of URL's to download packages from with Synaptic in Ubuntu07:26
okeefferdthe same command works when using the IP07:26
Whiz2Jordan_U: it's not the computer itself I'm worried about working with the upgrade... it's the webserver configuration, symbolic links/directories, email server, and VNC setup for my desktop that can not change, or I will never figure out how to get it back07:26
puccioI would like to launch many of them in sequence, and being able to disconnect from the console07:26
DetrixJordan: thanx07:27
Whiz2Jordan_U: those things have to be exactly the same, or better after an upgrade07:27
Jordan_UWhiz2: You can do a complete backup of your install with partimage then try an upgrade and go back to 6.04 if the upgrade fails07:27
balzWhiz2:  you could backup the relevant config files07:28
DetrixSince I am on windows at this moment, and anyone give me the URL for the build essential package???07:28
rgnrFlannel:  you mean just rm all files in here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/39310/07:28
balzDetrix:  have you considered installing it via SSH?07:28
Jordan_UDetrix: Problem is that it isn't as single package so there are multiple URL's07:28
Whiz2balz: since i dunno what those files are, I would have to backup the entire linux partition.07:28
balzWhiz2:  you should start by looking those up07:28
davihi all07:29
DetrixJordan_U: thanx07:29
Flannelrgnr: Those would be some of them, but not all of them.07:29
Whiz2Jordan_U: can it be backed up to a network drive then made into a bootable disc?07:29
rgnrFlannel:  but those r the only ones he located i don't need to remove dependencies cuz i07:29
Flannelrgnr: the best thing is probably to download the same version you had, do make, but not make install, and then get a list of files from that make, and then delete them in the real filesystem07:29
Whiz2balz: I didn't do the config stuff myself, and dunno what all programs are involved in everything that was done, so i have nothing to really base my searches on07:30
rgnrFlannel:  gonna compile a newer version07:30
Flannelrgnr: Right, but not everything that pidgin installed has "pidgin" in the name.07:30
Flannelrgnr: Don't compile.  Use packages.  Can't you tell how much of a headache this is?07:30
Whiz2balz: if I were to backup, i would rather just backup the installation drive where the config files are stored07:31
Jordan_UWhiz2: A bootable internal hard disk yes, a bootable DVD or USB drive would be possible but far too much work to be worth it07:31
rgnrFlannel:  but compiling adopts the package to that specific machine07:31
balzthat works07:31
Flannelrgnr: You won't see any/much benefit, but if you'd like, would you like to buy the golden gate bridge?07:32
rgnrFlannel:  what is that?07:32
Whiz2Jordan_U: i can't make a backup CD from the linux machine as it only has cd-rom. the only way to back it up is to a network share on one of my windows clients07:32
okeefferdanyone have an idea on my smb issue07:33
Whiz2okeefferd: what is the issue?07:33
Jordan_UWhiz2: You can back up the image partimage creates to anything you want07:33
rgnrFlannel:  btw there's no pidgin 4.5 for ubuntu yet07:34
okeefferd I am issuing the following command: #mount -t smbfs -o username=user,password=pass //hostname/share /mnt/share07:34
Jordan_UWhiz2: You can only easily restore it to and boot from another internal HD ( you can restore it to whatever you want as well, it just won't be bootable )07:34
okeefferdbut it seems to be upset07:34
okeefferdif i use the ip address instead of hostname it works fine07:34
arktvrvsyou're issuing the command with # on it?07:34
okeefferdno thats just the prompt07:35
arktvrvsoh gotcha07:35
Whiz2Jordan_U: I want to be able to use a bootable CD to restore it07:35
arktvrvsuse the ip then.  the other machine must have nmbd or some such name daemon running07:35
Jordan_UWhiz2: You would be able to use the standard Ubuntu ( or any other distro ) LiveCD and partimage to restore it07:35
Flannelrgnr: At the very least, in the future always use /usr/local07:35
okeefferdit doesnt work with dns resolution?07:36
Jordan_Urgnr: You mean 2.5 ?07:36
arktvrvsnot unless you have an entry in your hosts file07:36
balzdumb quesition:  how do you exit a man page?07:36
Jordan_Urgnr: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Pidgin07:36
arktvrvsbalz, press 'q'07:36
sluimersjoin #openchrome07:36
abe3kHi guys, is there any "Throw window" method that I can use with hardy ?07:36
okeefferdhmmm, that sux07:36
Whiz2balz: could I upgrade kubuntu to say... xubuntu just by using the latest xubuntu install CD?07:37
Whiz2balz: press Q07:37
balzWhiz2:  yeah07:37
okeefferddoes smbmount treat it similarly or might that be a solution07:37
alistair_Help: how can I edit and save a protected script file?07:37
arktvrvsokeefferd, smbmount its what mount uses when you specify -t i believe07:37
balzWhiz2:  wait. are you trying to upgrade your current installation/07:37
ianm_ahhh flash is crashing on dailyshow and colbert report... emergency.... emergency....07:37
Jordan_Ualistair_: What file are you trying to edit specifically?07:37
Bigmack83is there a way i can copy an ubuntu installation currently installed on my HDD onto an external HDD so i can boot from it? or do i have to reinstall it?07:38
alistair_Jordan_U, script file /usr/bin/compiz07:38
okeefferdwell then, besides adding the ip and name to the hosts do you know of any wya to mount a share using the hostname?07:38
arktvrvsokeefferd, you MAY be able to use dns, if your router supports it07:38
okeefferdit does, pfsense :)07:38
arktvrvsfor example, i can do computername.gateway.2wire.net, its something my router does07:38
abe3kHey Jordan_U, you know of any program that gives a throw window effect ?07:39
okeefferdyea, and I know it works as I can ssh to user@hostname and it works07:39
Jordan_Ualistair_: "gksudo gedit /usr/bin/compiz" ( If you are unblacklisting your card remember not to make a bug report if there are any compiz problems, you are warned :)07:39
Jordan_Uabe3k: Describe the effect, what does it do?07:40
ianm_Jordan_U: how will it get unblacklisted if there are no bug reports? :)07:40
Whiz2how do I know what version of mysql-server i'm using?07:40
alistair_Jordan_U, OK tks.07:40
balzhow do i add a password to a user i created via command line?07:40
abe3kJordan_U: I grab a window, drag it for a little while and leave it move then it stops by itself07:40
Jordan_Ualistair_: np :)07:40
Kartagisis it not possible to load more than 4 keyboard layouts?07:41
arktvrvsbalz, passwd username07:41
balzarktvrvs:  do i need sudo for that?07:41
abe3kJordan_U: kinda like throwing the windows from place to place07:41
Jordan_Uabe3k: Wobbly windows does that, but also makes your windows wobbly :) I don't know if there is a plugin that just does that but I would expect there is07:41
jahnkeanateri am trying to add a upload page to my websight but it dosent work07:42
Quiescentwhat web development IDE does everyone recommend?07:42
eyyYoIs it possible to turn one screen in my dual monitor setup off with a command or something like that? That is, not having to restart X11.07:42
abe3kJordan_U: I liked the wobbly window throw method but the window moves only for a short distance07:42
balzarktvrvs:  i'm lost (already lol).  What do I type verbatim?07:42
arktvrvsbalz, sudo passwd username07:43
Jordan_Uabe3k: Have you tried changing the viscosity and other settings in ccsm ?07:43
BlearyBramhello, did you have any issue with Java on Ubuntu 8.04.1 (Header 2.6.24-19)?07:43
balzarktvrvs:  got it.  i'm a bit slow today07:44
arktvrvsno problem07:44
BlearyBrammany times after I had a successful run on the JRE then suddenly it stopped working.07:44
abe3kJordan_U: yeah tried changing the parameters but nothing extended the distance :(07:44
balzarktvrvs:  how can I make a particular user an administrator over cli?07:44
TheaxiomHow do I setup an ubuntu computer to be browse-able on the network?07:45
alistair_Jordan_U, Tks that worked, but the change of video to VIA didnt. Pity :-(07:45
Av1i need to unzip a file07:45
Av1how do i do it07:45
Jordan_UAv1: Double click it07:45
ianm_Av1: right click on it07:45
vryk014k45My monitor settings are for 50 hz, but my monitor is rated for 60 hz, how can I set the monitor to 60hz?07:46
TheaxiomAv1: tar -zxvf [filename]07:46
Skaaghow do I know if bsd process accounting is enabled on my ubuntu machine?07:46
ianm_Av1: choose one... ;P07:46
GumbyTheaxiom: you need to setup samba server and some of the options07:46
TheaxiomGumby: thanks07:46
balzWhat command do i use to make a user an administrator?07:46
arktvrvsbalz, visudo07:46
Theaxiombalz: It is in the control panel of users07:46
arktvrvsYou have to edit the sudoers file07:46
Jordan_Ubalz: You add the user to the "admin" group07:46
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Av1i am trying to access a folder but not able to why?07:47
balzarktvrvs:  where's the sudoers file located?07:47
sluimersHi, I'm having trouble with installing openchrome on my VIA computer, can anyone help me with this? sudo modprobe drm gives me an unknown symbol in module error07:47
vampirehow can I set my screen rate to 60hz?07:47
Av1i am trying to access a folder but not able to why?07:48
arktvrvsin /etc/sudoers07:48
djhashhey.. what package/sources i need to have libcurl installed?07:49
Av1 i am trying to access a folder but not able to why?07:49
djhash!repeat | Av107:49
ubottuAv1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:49
arktvrvsAv1, evidently you dont have the correct permissions to07:49
Av1no arkt thats not the case07:50
ianm_djhash: apt-cache search libcurl07:50
ianm_djhash: or search in Synaptic07:50
arktvrvsAv1, have you sudo'd?07:51
Av1ark tell me how to07:51
Jordan_Uabe3k: Possibly check out mouse gestures07:51
balzhow does one check the permissions of a drive?  I want to make sure that my user owns a particular drive (/media/500gb)07:51
djhashianm_: the only thing I get is libcurl3.. but even after installing it ./configure still tells me that libcurl is not installed07:51
Whiz2would a command such as sudo apt-get upgrade do an upgrade of my version of ubuntu straight from the internet, or do I have to actually upgrade using an installation CD?07:51
arktvrvswhat directory cant you get to Av107:51
Jordan_Udjhash: What are you trying to compile?07:52
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Av1a directory on my disk07:52
djhashJordan_U: oddcastv2_xmms plugin..07:52
BigBuddhamy fans are staying on 24/7 at full tilt, can someone help me? I am using Ubuntu hardy07:52
Kartagisis it not possible to load more than 4 keyboard layouts?07:52
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ianm_Whiz2: from the internet07:53
Whiz2BigBuddha: what fans are you talking about specifically? Chassis fans?07:53
arktvrvsAv1, sudo <whatever command you want>07:53
BigBuddhayes, the two in the box07:53
arktvrvsfor example sudo ls /etc/blah/whatever07:53
Whiz2ianm_: so use sudo apt-get upgrade?07:53
BigBuddhaWhiz2: yes, the 2 in the box07:53
ianm_Whiz2: there are graphical ways to do it...07:54
Jordan_UWhiz2: That won't upgrade your system to hardy, just the latest updates for dapper07:54
Whiz2BigBuddha: far as I know, as long as your computer is powered on, and not in a sleep, or suspend state those fans are supposed to stay on. mine only go off if I shutdown, put my PC to sleep07:54
ianm_Whiz2: why not use the graphical tools for that?07:54
nihlI hate asking stupid questions but how do I get flash player to work?07:55
Jordan_UWhiz2: And if anyone told you to change your sources.list from dapper to hardy before doing that don't do it and slap them in the face, if not then ignore this comment completely :)07:55
BigBuddhaWhiz2, naw mate, these arent supposed to be running like this, they only started doing this recently, it cuases the pc to freeze sometimes07:55
Whiz2Jordan_U: i want a complete system upgrade without using an installation CD if possible. I can change the desktop later07:55
Flannel!upgrade | Whiz207:55
ubottuWhiz2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:55
Whiz2BigBuddha: then it's possible something is heating your system up (which would cause the fans to spin like that)07:55
Qsterany idea why firefox crashes when i load a myspace page?07:55
Qsterhave flash 1007:56
Jordan_UQster: It's trying to do you a favor :) ?07:56
arktvrvsbad flash code?07:56
ApolinarioI think07:56
Apolinarioits all about07:56
Apolinarioflashy thingys07:56
FloodBot1Apolinario: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:56
ianm_Qster: I see crashes due to flash now too07:56
Whiz2crashes the same for me on opera with flash 10 as well07:56
BigBuddhaFlannel: hey, hows it going, is there anyway you could help with my fan problem? or how can i check to see whats causing it?07:56
Whiz2i think it's a problem with flash 1007:56
Av1avinash@avinash-desktop:/media/disk-1$ cd /OracleSetup bash: cd: /OracleSetup: No such file or directory07:57
nihlhow do you even get flash to work07:57
Av1avinash@avinash-desktop:/media/disk-1$ cd /OracleSetup         bash: cd: /OracleSetup: No such file or directory07:57
arktvrvsAv1, then the directory doesn't exist.07:57
FlannelBigBuddha: fans being on shouldn't cause the PC to freeze... they only aid in cooling.07:57
nihlI've been trying to get flash 9 to run as a plug-in for firefox, but I can't get it to work07:57
Av1it does exist07:58
ianm_nihl: download the .tar.gz from Adobe, open it, run the script07:58
arktvrvsAv1, type ls /07:58
FlannelAv1: Try without the leading /07:58
arktvrvsYou wont see it there07:58
nihlI ran it in a terminal07:58
mespejelhello for some reason.. i stuck while booting..07:58
nihlit said installation is complete07:58
lachlanHi---silly question, but how can I push a window up past the top of the screen? Non-resizable installer that has the "next" button at the bottom.07:58
BigBuddhaFlannel, hmmm, well i know there must be something wrong, because now the fans are deafening07:58
arktvrvslachlan, i had that problem.  increase your screen resolution07:58
mespejeland i dont want to force to shudown the laptop.. how can i restart or something if im in.. mespejel_laptop login:07:58
mespejelwhat should i use07:58
Jordan_Ulachlan: Hold alt and drag it07:58
mespejelto boot or restart07:58
nihlI deleted xpti.dat like it said07:58
mespejelwhatever i just want to get out of here07:58
arktvrvsmeshuga_, login and type sudo reboot07:59
Av1same problem07:59
FlannelBigBuddha: I won't argue that.  Check your BIOS-y stuff?  I know some bios things (I know you're using EFI, but there's probably an equivalent?) handle the fan states.07:59
lachlanJordan_U: That's what I'm doing---it won't let the top of the window past the panel.07:59
mespejeli try sudo reboot07:59
mespejeldidnt work07:59
nihland whenever I run anything with flash it says I need to install it07:59
Jordan_Umespejel: Didn't work in what way?07:59
Flannel!flash | nihl07:59
ubottunihl: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:59
Jordan_Umespejel: Did you log in first?07:59
nihlubottu: thanks07:59
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:59
c0mp133713313371lachlan - You're holding Alt and clicking anywhere on the window?  (Not just the titlebar?)07:59
BigBuddhaFlannel, ok so its in dos right07:59
AchothHello. Recently I've noticed that Ubuntu has become exceedingly slow. Things like starting a terminal or a browser can take 20 seconds, and heavier stuff like starting Gparted just doesn't happen. What can be causing this annoyance?08:00
lachlanAnd the screen res thing won't let me make it any higher.08:00
FlannelBigBuddha: er.. no, not DOS.  BIOS.  But, I'm not sure what EFI's equivlaent is.08:00
c0mp133713313371lachlan: There's an option in the gconf-editor that allows windows to go above the top.  Can't remember where it is off the top of my head though....08:00
mespejeljordan. im stuck in CLI.. while booting. i dont know why i and i dont want to make a force shutdown.. so my state now is... mespejel-laptop login:08:00
mespejelwhat should i use to boot or to reboot08:00
Jordan_Ulachlan: In ccsm uncheck "constrain" for the "move" plugin08:00
arktvrvsmeshuga_, you have to log in first08:00
arktvrvsmeshuga_, with your username and password08:00
arktvrvsmespejel, that was for you08:01
sgt_keroromespejel: tru to login using yyour account08:01
ianm_Achoth: run gnome-system-monitor and look for CPU usage, heavy disk usage, etc.08:01
Jordan_Umespejel: Type your user name, hit enter, it will ask you for your password08:01
BigBuddhaFlannel: how could i check to see what might be causing it to overheat?08:01
mespejelok done08:01
mespejelthank you08:01
sgt_keroro"shutdown -r now" will restart your laptop08:01
Av1should i create a directory by mkdir and then try08:01
lachlanI don't think I'm using compiz...or is it in the default now?08:01
Freddwhy sometimes i get files created that are such like file.blah and file.blah~08:01
FlannelBigBuddha: I have no idea.  If the fans are on full blast, it shouldn't be overheating.08:02
Jordan_Ulachlan: It's the default now.08:02
jimenezFlannel: acidrip works, i just hadnt installed the w32codecs08:02
jimenezgood night08:02
ianm_Achoth: when it gets slow does the hard drive make lots of noise?08:02
* jimenez is a putz08:02
BigBuddhaFlannel, i mean something might be causing them to go at it like that08:02
Jordan_Ulachlan: Plus I think that metacity doesn't constrain windows by default while compiz does :)08:02
jimenezThanks for the help08:02
Achothianm_: Nothing uses alot of processor, and nothing uses alot of RAM.08:02
Achothianm_: No, it's perfectly quiet08:02
=== andy_ is now known as themanis
Whiz2Flannel: thanks for the upgrades page, but it won't help me very much as I have to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 and 6.10 is no longer supported so I can't seem to get upgrade information that way... (it says only u pgrade in increments of fresh)08:03
FlannelWhiz2: No.  6.06 to 8.04 upgrade is supported08:03
lachlanArgh, I'm having the same problem in the appearance box.08:03
Achothianm_: In fact I think my entire computer has gone slow for some reason, XP won't even boot correctly.08:03
lachlanTime to give it a try over SSH.08:03
FlannelWhiz2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Network%20upgrade%20for%20Kubuntu%20desktops%20(recommended)08:03
ianm_Achoth: you might want to add System Monitor to your panel and watch for any (; suspicious behavior ;)08:04
Achothianm_: Already done sir :)08:04
FlannelWhiz2: er, I think I gave you the wrong link.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Upgrade%20from%206.06%20LTS%20to%208.04%20LTS08:04
BigBuddhaFlannel, i'll check the BIOS, but another issue is that my sound isnt right, it is turned up all the way but its as if its at 40%08:04
navjothow to install iso file08:04
arktvrvsnavjot, you burn it to a cd as ISO image08:05
Jordan_UWhiz2: Oh, you are using 6.06 ?! As a server? Make sure that ssh is not open to the internet and upgrade as soon as possible, there was a serious security vulnerability that was fixed in ssh that I believe 6.06 is vulnerable to ( but not 6.04, which I thought was what you had )08:05
[matrim]Hi, I'm having some trouble mounting /dev/sdb1 on my 8.04 server08:05
ianm_Achoth: if it's flaky in Windows also, you might want to unplug it, open it up, and make sure all the wires are tight, nothing is sparking, etc.08:05
Av1how can i check which process is going on and what is the status08:05
arktvrvsAv1, top08:05
ianm_Av1: gnome system monitor08:05
navjotarktvrvs i don't have writer other way plz08:05
Whiz2Jordan_U: i have it set so that I can login from the internet using SSH as the server is DMZ08:06
Whiz2Jordan_U: never been hacked08:06
dumbdumHow do i setup 3 seagate SCSI drives with jumper assignments on a three plug cable. Thanks08:06
BigBuddha!volume control08:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about volume control08:06
arktvrvsnavjot, the only other thing you can do is mount it into a filesystem08:06
arktvrvsbut you likely wont be able to install from it08:06
Achothianm_: Something that may be suspicious is that when I try to do something like open a terminal or browser, the processor isn't used at all for 15 seconds... then when the application is actually opening processor usage is 50% for half a second... It's like Ubuntu is waiting to start the application08:06
arktvrvssince its meant to be booted08:06
Achothianm_: That I shall do08:07
navjotarktvrvs how to mount ut08:07
navjotarktvrvs how to mount it08:07
Whiz2Jordan_U: do I *need* to close ssh off from the internet before upgrading?08:07
arktvrvsnavjot, use mount with -o loop08:07
=== narg_ is now known as narg
arktvrvslike mount -t iso9660 -o loop /path/to/file /mountpoint08:08
arktvrvsi think its iso9660.. or cd9660?08:08
Jordan_UWhiz2: I guess a few more hours can't hurt, but you may have been compromised already and just don't know it08:08
navjotarktvrvs i can't understand i m new to linux can u explain plz08:08
arktvrvsnavjot, yes i can explain.  "You have to burn that ISO onto a cd."  end of story08:08
sebrockThe non-graphical installer wont get pass the partitioner here... it did before? There is no output on why08:09
Flannelsebrock: do you have a root partition?08:09
Jordan_UWhiz2: Let me check that 6.06 is in fact vulnerable08:09
[matrim]how can I check what FileSystem a partition is?08:09
ale22945hi all! Does anyone know why my laptop battery with ubuntu last only 1h45' and with winzozz more than 3hrs? Thanks!08:09
arktvrvs[matrim], type df in terminal08:09
FlannelWhiz2, Jordan_U: Dapper is safe08:09
sebrockFlannel: yes ext3 on /08:09
fauziewhat driver should i use for Canon ip1700?08:09
liquidbeefHello, I'm reading a book (LDD Linux Device Drivers) and I want to start doing some of the examples. In the book, it tells me to build my own kernel so that I can have the proper headers, but reading some other discussions, it tells me I just need the kernel headers package (check), how do I properly link to them?08:09
navjotarktvrvs thanks for this story08:09
sebrockFlannel: even guided wont work08:10
Jordan_UFlannel: Whiz2 Sorry, my bad, I forgot that 6.06 was what should have been 6.04 but got delayed, I was thinking that you were using edgy :)08:10
[matrim]arktvrvs, I meant how do I check that file sustem a partition is so that I can mount it08:10
Flannelsebrock: file a bug on LP, they'll give you magic juju to type to to find out the secret error (or at least, why there is no displayed error, etc)08:10
Whiz2Jordan_U: nope it is dapper08:10
arktvrvs[matrim], ohh, hm not sure. what do you think the filesystem is?08:10
jamusafter kernel update i misscalibrated my screen res where can i fix it?08:11
sebrockFlannel: uh... worked before... suckage08:11
Jordan_UWhiz2: Now that I have made you sweat a little, you can upgrade directly to hardy in one step :)08:11
Whiz2Jordan_U: lmao08:11
Jordan_UWhiz2: LTS to LTS can be done in one step, other releases cannot08:11
FlannelJordan_U: I already mentioned that08:11
[matrim]I'm almost 100% sure it's ext3, it's supose to be the backup drive, so I want to mount it, but mount commands sais it's wqrong FS or bad superblock on /dev/sdb1 when I try to mount using -t ext308:11
FlannelJordan_U: keep up with the times :)08:11
arktvrvs[matrim], have you tried ext2 or reiserfs?08:12
nihlso, how long have you guys been running Ubuntu?08:12
Whiz2Jordan_U: yeah the website I'm looking at tells me I can upgrade directly to 8.04 LTS without going incrementally08:12
Flannelsebrock: Did you create the partition in the parittioner?  Ubiquity had that bug (not that debinstall and ubiquity are related in any way, but who knows)08:12
[matrim]arktvrvs : same result08:12
Flannelnihl: Chatting stuffs is in #ubuntu-offtopic, since its far too busy here08:12
Whiz2Jordan_U: I honestly didn't even realize I had a lts (long term) installation until today lol08:13
[matrim]arktvrvs : I created it during the server install and I don't see any other choice I could have made except ext3, thats why I'm so confused08:13
arktvrvs[matrim], you might not have the device name entirely correct08:13
Jordan_UWhiz2: It's a good thing, otherwise you would have been forced to upgrade a long time ago :)08:13
arktvrvsor the filesystem is corrupt.  not sure what the deal is.08:14
[matrim]arktvrvs : fdisk -l line ( /dev/sdb1          0+  30393   30394- 244139773+  83  Linux )08:14
Newbuntu2anyone know of an open source mail client that will work with a microsoft exchange server?08:14
Whiz2jordan how do I find the free space on my installation drive without it combining the free space of each thing mounted in /media?08:14
arktvrvsahh well08:14
Jordan_UWhiz2: df -h will show per device space left08:15
balzhow can i check if  my user owns a drive?08:15
Whiz2Jordan_U: thanks08:15
Jordan_UWhiz2: np08:15
[matrim]arktvrvs : thanks anyway08:15
Av1is it possible to down load a package which plays FM radio08:16
FlannelNewbuntu2: Evolution would be your best bet.  And it's rude to cross post.08:16
Whiz2oh goodness... will it run on a system with a 3.7GB hard drive? I've only got 897MB left free... that's not good08:16
jorrit_I'm trying to get Ubuntu to display VLC on my 2nd X-screen (screen 1) when inserting a DVD08:17
balzlol, Whiz2, you might be in the market for some new hardware =)08:17
FlannelWhiz2: xubuntu will require less, but Kubuntu takes 2.1G on a fresh install.08:17
jorrit_I'm using nVidia Binary drivers, using Xinerama with 2 different X-displays.08:17
jorrit_Ubunto 8.0408:17
Av1is it possible to play FM radio by downloading a pacakge08:17
balzSo I can't for the life of me figure out why only one of my smb shares won't grant me write access... the only thing that's different about it is the drive it's on.  smb.conf here: http://pastebin.com/m3f7d119508:18
sebrockFlannel: its the partitioner in the installer08:18
jorrit_Avl, do you have an fm-radio hardware?08:18
Av1no i dont08:18
BigBuddhahow do i check the version sound card i have in the terminal?08:18
Whiz2Flannel: it's taking up 2.7 right now out of 3.708:18
jorrit_Avl, then you should look for stations that allso broadcast online in a suitable streaming format08:18
Jordan_Ujorrit_: Is it a combined display ( can you move windows from one to the other ) ?08:18
jorrit_Jordan_U, Yes it is08:19
Jordan_Ujorrit_: Then I don't know, might try devilspie08:19
lonejackhi, I've a pc which can be used by many users. Does somebody know if it is possible to hide an external hd to some of the users(but not all)? Thank you08:19
Av1what about gkrellm-radio08:19
sebrockLOL now it doesnt even find the ISO anylonger08:20
sebrockwhat a joke08:20
jorrit_Avl, you'd need proper hardware to receive FM-radio.08:20
Av1does this work gkrellm-radio08:20
Av1oh ok08:20
Av1thats jorrit08:20
jorrit_Avl, np08:20
arktvrvsFM radio means frequency modulation, electromagnetic waves.  you need an FM receiver for FM radio ;)08:20
balzI'm going to burn samba at the stake...08:21
Whiz2where is smb.conf stored?08:21
arktvrvssamba has given me some nice headaches in the past08:21
balzwhiz2:  /etc/samba/smb.conf08:21
jorrit_arktvrvs, Avl: lol08:21
balzarktvrvs:  i just got off the freaking valium too. my tension headaches are about to come back08:22
jorrit_Jordan_U, thanks for the suggestion!08:22
arktvrvsohh yay08:22
dinesh_i am beginner in linux so plz help me from where to start as well suggest some books and websites08:22
Jordan_Ujorrit_: np08:22
Av1hey what are .cpio files08:22
balzdinesh_ :  lifehacker08:22
esac_i installed ubuntu 8.04 and the scrollwheel on the edges of my mousepad always worked. i had to reinstall and i installed 8.04.1 and now it doesnt. any ideas ?08:22
TotakekeLol it's me again. Quick question. You know how I was trying to install Ubuntu to a flash drive? Is it possible to just install it? Because it gave me some problems. In fact they even have a utility out there that someone made that installs Linux to a flash drive. So is it even possible to just install Ubuntu to a flash drive or do I have to go through some kind of complicated, special process?08:23
navjothow to install iso file without burn08:23
Av1what are .cpio files08:23
arktvrvsnavjot, you dont.08:23
Flannel!install | Totakeke08:23
ubottuTotakeke: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:23
FlannelTotakeke: There's instructions on that page for installing to a drive08:24
Jordan_Uesac_: You can add back the option in your xorg.conf,08:24
navjoti mounted it but now what08:24
Jordan_U!synaptics | esac_08:24
ubottuesac_: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad08:24
udssr_shortyhas someone of u ever undervolted an intel core 2 duo T9300?08:24
alistair_Help: has anyone tried to install the via drivers - nvidia intel ati radeon i810 via08:24
arktvrvsnavjot, like i said, you wont be able to install, its means to be burned to a cd and booted08:24
Av1what does .cpio files stan for08:25
Av1stand for08:25
arktvrvsAv1, have you tried asking google?08:25
Av1it says binary file08:25
evild_Im running Ubuntu 8.04. Would anyone be able to tell me how to turn the screensaver off?08:25
jorrit_Avl, Google is your friend. It mostly works if you have general questions. For really specific ones, it's best to ask a forum, if a query on Google doesn't return anything useful08:26
arktvrvsgoogling for "CPIO file"  tells you exactly what it is in the very first link08:26
balz*punches samba in the face08:27
evild_I'm running Ubuntu 8.04. Would anyone be able to tell me how to turn the screen saver off?08:27
Jordan_Uevild_: System -> Preferences -> Screensaver uncheck "activate when idle"08:27
TotakekeLol it turns out that the Live USB system creator thing is on the help page for installing Ubuntu to a flash drive08:27
balzevild_  Look for display under 'preferances"08:27
TotakekeAt least I know that the Ubuntu people acknowledge that the utility is safe :P08:28
evild_I got it. Thanks for the help guys.08:28
dinesh_i am new to linux suggest me some books or websites to learn08:28
Av1i have downloads oracle 10g and it was is .gz format08:28
Av1so i unzipped it08:28
balzdinesh_:  google is the book08:28
Av1and not it is in .cpio format08:29
Enigmadinesh_: learning by doing08:29
Jordan_UTotakeke: If you just want linux easy on a flash drive fedora has a great installer that will even let you keep the files currently on your drive08:29
wols_dinesh_: help.ubuntu.com tldp.org08:29
balzEnigma:  word.  I used a fossilized box to learn about ubuntu08:29
dinesh_avl:actually i have seen lot of books on google and confused which to follow08:29
moazzamhello. can anyone help me with nvidia drivers08:29
wols_!anyone | moazzam08:30
ubottumoazzam: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:30
Av1i used this comand cpio idmv file name it waited for a long time but nothing happened08:30
balzdinesh_:  the problem with books is that they're usually task specific.  you're better off experimenting and opening threads  in forums08:30
moazzamwell... im having problem installing nvidia drivers08:30
wols_moazzam: you repeat yourself. with the amount of info you gave us no one can help you so far08:31
balzmozzam:  what kind of card do you have?  you could try envyng if you want the easy way out, but it's not supported officialy08:31
kaiwen!fedora | Jordan_U08:32
ubottuJordan_U: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)08:32
Av1i used this comand cpio idmv file name it waited for a long time but nothing happened08:32
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk08:32
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
moazzamsorry about that.. i have tried every howto on the net but i still get a blank screen... and my computer hangs (numlock responds after a while).. envy also gave me a black screen08:32
moazzamim using a Geforce 6200 Agp 8x08:32
wols_moazzam: have you used envy or envyng?08:33
jorrit_moazzam: I use the exact same card08:33
jahnkeanaterwhat is chmod 77708:33
MindVirusWhat's the runlevel that reboots the computer?08:33
wols_!permissions | jahnkeanater08:33
ubottujahnkeanater: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions08:33
Jordan_U!permissions | jahnkeanater08:33
wols_MindVirus: 6. is halt08:33
Av1there is one problem that i am facing08:33
moazzamused envy on gutsy ... now i have hardy so i used envyng08:33
Av1i installed mt ATI graphics card with envy08:33
wols_moazzam: same install (upgraded)?08:33
moazzamnew install08:34
jorrit_moazzam: I got it running by starting ubuntu with this parameter: vga=71108:34
Av1it is not working fine08:34
MindViruswols_, which one's user-defined?08:34
mysteriouswayshisto, when I try to execute alsamixer as normal user I get a error alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device. But I root the erro does not happen ... What should I do ?08:34
evild_Anyone know how I would check the system uptime in Ubuntu 8.04?08:34
wols_Av1: your problem if you botched your ubuntu install. please stop asking about it here08:34
jorrit_moazzam, sorry: vga=77108:34
wols_MindVirus: none?08:34
wols_evild_: "uptime208:34
evild_In the terminal?08:34
wols_yes. *uptime08:34
zeelothey guys08:35
moazzamohhh and one more thing ... even though my card is AGP lspci returns PCI:1:0:0 as the card address08:35
moazzamis that normal08:35
wols_moazzam: that's normal08:35
evild_wols_: Thanks.08:35
wols_moazzam: check yourg Xorg.0.log08:35
jorrit_moazzam, when  choosing standard install even the terminal consoles become unreadable) , vga=771 is the fix until you have installed the Binary driver from nvidia from install/ remove programs in your main menu08:35
Av1wols what do you mean?08:36
wols_Av1: envy KILLS your ubuntu. the end08:36
moazzami have tried installing it from the ubuntu repositories as well but the same error occurs08:36
jorrit_wols_, I think that moazzam can't read that file if he is using the same GPU as I am. Even the text terminals are totally unreadable and stripy without the proper parameter08:36
zeelotwas wondering if you guys could help, trying to use apache2 on ubuntu 8.04, and it works fine but I make an alias to point to /media/data/Websites and it just gives me forbidden error, the directory is on an NTFS partition and I can't seem to chmod or chown the dir so maybe that's the issue? can anyone help?08:37
Av1so i tried installing it from hardware drivers08:37
Av1then it stopped working08:37
wols_zeelot: mount thte NTFS properly. with uid, gid and umask the apache process can read. e.g world readable at least08:37
gonzaloaf_laptophi, why does the win+v shortcut just works when I'm in the amarok window? I use ubuntu 8.0408:37
jorrit_Avl, you might be suffering from an apic ar acpi error, try lapic=no as parameter08:38
zeelotwols_: where do I change how the drive is mounted?08:38
wols_zeelot: /etc/fstab for example08:38
jorrit_Avl, this is suggested when you look under F6 during the fiorst install screen08:38
jorrit_fiorst => first08:38
housetierwhat does "headless" mean WRT some java packages?08:38
zeelotwols_: thanks08:39
wols_headless generally means lacking screen, keyboard and often videocard too08:39
housetierthank you wols08:40
Av1should i uninstall envy?08:40
Av1and then reinstall it08:40
wols_Av1: you can't08:41
Av1so what do you suggest wols08:41
geirhaubottu: tell Av1 about envy08:42
ubottuAv1, please see my private message08:42
djhashhow do you install xmms plugin after "make install"08:44
BigBuddhai need help with a sound issue--all sound levels are showing maxed out, but in reality audio is at about 45%08:44
jorrit_Did anyone get the stable version of Koffice working on Ubuntu 8.04?08:45
balzgod damn samba is made of fail08:45
Quiescentanyone know any good front-ends to xmms?08:45
alistair_Help: Im a programmer and would like to contribute to Ubuntu where does one go anyone know?08:45
Av1is there a way of changing settings of graphics card08:45
jorrit_DCOP complains that it's server isn't running and that certain directories don't exist yet.08:46
Av1is there a way of changing settings of graphics card08:46
jorrit_I have just setup the package kdebase08:46
QuiescentAvl: can you be more specific? Do you want to change resolutions, refresh rates, drivers, wallpaper?08:46
Quiescentav1: read up there ^^08:46
jorrit_Avl, what setting do you mean?08:46
Av1i want to change the anti aliansing setting08:46
alistair_Av1, yes, but try not to get into editing files use the system options on your menu for safety08:47
Av1and 3d setings08:47
balzAv1, what kind of card?08:47
jorrit_Avl, that can be done from within th nVidia ocntrol panel under Advanced settings.08:47
=== Guest42862 is now known as Jesus
Av1but i have ATI card08:47
Av1not Nvidia08:47
jorrit_balz, He's using nVidia 6200 GPU08:47
Quiescentav1: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager08:47
FlannelAv1: You should be able to configure it in the default install (the AA anyway)08:48
Quiescentthere is an nvidia control panel for ubuntu?08:48
zeelotonce I change the fstab file, how can I remount the changed partition?08:48
wols_!Info fglrx-config08:48
ubottuPackage fglrx-config does not exist in hardy08:48
Jordan_Uzeelot: sudo mount <device>08:48
Flannelzeelot: mount -a08:48
wols_zeelot: unmount it, mount it again08:48
Quiescentav1: nevermind what i said unless you are looking for desktop cube08:48
jorrit_Quiescent, yes if you install the binary driver package from within the universe repository08:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-xconfig08:49
wols_!info nvidia-xconfig08:49
ubottunvidia-xconfig (source: nvidia-xconfig): The NVIDIA X Configuration Tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+20070502-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 54 kB, installed size 184 kB08:49
BigBuddhahow do fix vlc in the terminal?08:49
Quiescenti should have asked here for help, i never thought about it08:49
Av1can nvidea package be used for ATI?08:49
wols_Av1: no08:50
jorrit_BiBuddha, you can pass lots of command-line parameters to VLC08:50
wols_BigBuddha: fix what?08:50
Av1wols what do i use then?08:50
wols_Av1: depends what you want to change08:50
BigBuddhawols the sound is faint in vlc08:50
Av1for changing the graphics setting08:50
Quiescenti was installing ubuntu on a friends machine and he has an ATI X1300 something or other. it would start up fine but then when you installed the restricted drivers the entire screen would turn white but you could still click around like everything was there, it was just all white08:50
wols_BigBuddha: check other programs. same faint sound?08:50
FlannelAv1: Check under preferences, under fonts.  There's a subpixel rendering/anti aliasing config08:50
BigBuddhawols: just a sec08:50
jorrit_BigBuddha, choose the option "-volume 512" for instance08:51
Quiescentafter a restart the login screen would come up but once you logged in the same thing would happen and the entire screen would turn white08:51
wols_Av1: WHAT settings08:51
BigBuddhajorrit: it is already at 51208:52
mespejelhello one question.. if install xfce to ubuntu.. would be the same as xubuntu? will look the same?08:52
Jordan_UQuiescent: Sounds like a compiz problem, try disabling compiz08:52
Flannelmespejel: Yes, install xubuntu-desktop08:52
Quiescentalso, i still can't figure out how to install the latest flash 10 release candidate in firefox on 64-bit ubuntu 8.0408:52
jorrit_BigBuddha, does this only occur within VLC? No other programs having trouble with sound?08:52
wols_mespejel: if yu install xubuntu-desktop. some gnome remnants might be in RAM still, some gnome programs loaded in background basically08:52
BigBuddhajorrit_:  i am trying out amarok now08:52
mespejeli see08:53
Jordan_UQuiescent: Thought the compiz problem would be a direct result of driver problems08:53
wols_Quiescent: there is no 64bit flash08:53
QuiescentJordan_U, that's the thing, it wasn't enabled to begin with. I even tried uninstalling it through the package manager but it still just gave a white screen08:53
Flannelwols_: Not when you log in to xfce, no.08:53
jorrit_BigBuddha, linux has lots of sound-daemons, your problem may be tied to the one VLC is currently using08:53
BigBuddhajorrit_: it is only in vlc08:53
wols_Flannel: not even background stuff, like hal, dbus or whatever?08:53
Av1 Av1: Check under preferences, under fonts.  There's a subpixel rendering/anti aliasing configv08:53
mespejelso pure xubuntu may be still faster than ubuntu with xfce08:53
Av1Flannel: cant find it08:53
Quiescentwols_, i know but there is some way that you could install the beta using nswrapperplugin, it just won't work for the latest version08:53
wols_mespejel: very minor08:53
Jordan_UQuiescent: Did you remove compiz or compiz-fusion from synaptic?08:54
BigBuddhajorrit_: how can i correct that?08:54
FlannelAv1: What version of Ubuntu are you running?08:54
FlannelAv1: And you do, or don't have a fonts menu item under preferences?08:54
mysteriouswayshisto, when I try to execute alsamixer as normal user I get a error alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device. But as root the erro does not happen ... What should I do ?08:54
Quiescentjordan_u, now i can't remember. i'm pretty sure i did "sudo apt-get remove compiz"08:54
jorrit_BigBuddha, I'm not sure it might be in VLC´s settings for output. Normally all Ubuntu programs use ESD as sound-daemon08:54
ay^I want to download directories containing files recursively through sftp, is that somehow possible?08:54
OntologI'm so fvcking sick of Flash stuff crashing Firefox!!!!08:55
OntologWhen will this madness end08:55
FlannelOntolog: No need for language08:55
Quiescentontolog: same here08:55
Av1Flannel: i donthae it08:55
Jordan_UQuiescent: If you just removed compiz-fusion that would only remove the extra plugins, that's why I ask08:55
BigBuddhahmm, jorrit_ thank you, i will tinker around and get back to you08:55
jorrit_BigBuddha, np08:55
OntologI installed the libflashsupport plugin, same result08:55
Ontolognothing works08:55
Ontologgod, we're at FF3.0 and still having Flash crash the browser08:55
jorrit_Can anyone help to get Koffice 1.63 working in Ubuntu?08:55
FlannelOntolog: Write a letter to macrodobe, or support gnash.08:55
wols_!errors | jorrit_08:56
jorrit_Can anyone help to get Koffice 1.63 working in Ubuntu 8.04?08:56
ubottujorrit_: If you have problems or errors, you will need to describe/paste them. Please use the !pastebin for errors that cannot be quoted in a single IRC message08:56
Quiescentjordan_u, eh, i just reinstalled ubuntu because I couldn't figure out how to remove the restricted drivers using only bash and made sure not to install them after i reinstalled ubuntu.08:56
Av1Flannel: i dont have fonts option08:56
=== LOLWAT is now known as Jesus
OntologWhy is it *crashing* FF, FF should not *crash*08:56
QuiescentOntolog: install Flash 10 Release Candidate08:56
Ontologthe crashing part is FFs fault08:56
OntologQuiescent: I'll check it out08:56
FlannelAv1: Interesting.  Maybe its only available if the driver supports it.08:56
Dillo_of_Faeohey all.  Is there a way to do window transparency with just x11?08:56
wols_Ontolog: of course it should. if flash makes a boboo, ffox crashes since plugin in browser run in the same address space08:56
Av1Flannel: should i remove envy08:57
Ontologwols_: your saying FF should not recover from a plugin doing something stupid?08:57
Av1and try to install hardware drivers08:57
Quiescentontolog: that's what i did on my 32-bit system and it doesn't crash anymore, it's a little whacky though. can't get it to work on 64-bit systems even though there is supposed to be some plugin wrapper that does it08:57
vladвсем привет08:57
Flannel!ru | vlad08:57
ubottuvlad: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:57
Jordan_UQuiescent: For future reference just rebooting into "recovery mode" and choosing "Fix X" would have disabled the restricted drivers, and to remove them completely would be sudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx ( you can search for packages in the terminal with apt-cache search )08:58
OntologQuiescent: is this a package in Ubuntu or do I have to dl it separate?08:58
Av1Flannel: should i remove envy and then try to install hardware drivers08:59
Quiescentontolog: get the tar.gz from adobe's flash 10 website here: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/ then if you look around online there is a tutorial that shows you how to install it specifically on ubuntu 8.0408:59
FlannelAv1: Removing envy won't remove the stuff its done.  But apart from that, I'm not sure what ATI drivers support, so I have no idea08:59
Quiescentjordan_u, thanks, i'll keep that in mind for next time. I've only been using Linux for a couple of months now so I don't really know my way around yet09:00
Av1Flannel: thanks for your help09:00
jorrit_I'm trying to get KOffice 1.63 working on Ubuntu 8.04. I have installed kdebase 3.5.9-4Ubuntu and whenever I try to start a Koffice program, such as kivio, it gives me the following error: see pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/118047209:00
Av1so its not posible to remove Envy once you have installed it?09:01
=== banan is now known as Guest80511
BigBuddhajorrit_: i cant make heads or tails of it mate09:02
Av1is it not possible to remove ENvy once itis installed09:02
jorrit_Avl, a colleage of mine got even compiz working on an ATI card, so there should be proper drivers for it. My colleague did spend a lot of time figuring out how to get that ARadeon working on Centos 5.209:02
mysteriouswaysmysteriousways@mysteriosways-laptop:~$ aplay -l aplay: device_list:204: nenhuma placa de som encontrada... (No sound card found) mysteriousways@mysteriosways-laptop:~$ sudo aplay -l**** Lista de Dispositivos PLAYBACK Hardware ****placa 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], dispositivo 0: ALC260 Analog [ALC260 Analog]  Dispositivo secundário: 1/1  Dispositivo secundário #0: subdevice #0placa 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], dispositivo 1: ALC260 Digital [ALC260 Digital]  Disp09:03
mysteriouswaysositivo secundário: 1/1  Dispositivo secundário #0: subdevice #0placa 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], dispositivo 6: Si3054 Modem [Si3054 Modem]  Dispositivo secundário: 1/109:03
jorrit_BigBuddha, are you referring to VLC and sound-daemons?09:03
BigBuddhajorrit_: aye09:03
kaiwenAv1 apt-get purge envy09:03
hahahehedoes ubuntu hardy come with firewall enabled by default?09:03
mysteriouswaysa normal user don't have permission to use sound, how can I give permission to normal users use the sound09:03
kaiwenhahahehe aptget install firestarter09:03
kaiwenhahahehe no, it doesn't firestarter is the firewall most ppl use09:04
hahaheheso no firewall by default?09:04
abchirkmysteriousways adding them to the group audio09:04
hahahehebasically, i dont want any firewalls09:04
kaiwenhahahehe, no but it's not that hard to install, search firestarter in synaptic, real  easy to use09:04
Av1kaiwen: i should remove the driver before purging it09:04
mysteriouswaysfirestarter is only a front end to iptables09:04
hahahehei want my system to be exposed to the whole world09:04
kaiwenmysteriousways, noob friendly09:04
hahahehewell i dont want a firewalll09:04
hahaheheso how do i disable it?09:04
jorrit_BigBuddha, this may help you: Go in VLC to Preferences -> Audio -> Output modules09:04
kaiwenhahahehe, well it's disabled09:05
mysteriouswaysand ubuntu comes with iptables by default, but you need to setup the rules09:05
kaiwenby guys09:05
BigBuddhajorrit_:   ok09:05
kaiwenfinals tom.09:05
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
hahahehehow do i disable iptables09:05
hahahehei think thats whats blocking my access09:05
jorrit_BigBuddha, if everything is allright, you should setting for both ALSA and OSS, different sound-daemons ;-)09:05
BigBuddhajorrit_:  i am there09:05
Av1should i remove drivers before purgin Envy09:05
hahahehebasically, i want to be exposed naked as a virgin09:06
hahahehehow can i do so?09:06
jorrit_BigBuddha, ^^09:06
milligan_hahahehe, iptables -F09:06
Flannelhahahehe: For what purpose?09:06
TheaxiomHey guys, I installed ubuntu as dual-boot with vista, I realized after installing ubuntu that I installed i386 instead of x64. So from Vista I deleted the ubuntu partition, and burned a corrupt ubuntu x64 disk. Now I can not boot into vista because grub is broken. How can I fix grub so I can boot into vista again?09:06
BigBuddhajorrit_:  alsa is 'default' and OSS is '/dev/dsp'09:06
mysteriouswaysi don't have a adui group abchirk09:06
balzanybody have experience setting up mt-daapd to host a music share on an ubuntu box?09:06
mysteriouswaysi don't have a audio group abchirk09:07
TheaxiomI need to boot into vista to burn a good copy of ubuntu x64...09:07
vega--hahahehe: use some graphical frontend, firestarter or such, if you don't know iptables well enough09:07
jorrit_BigBuddha, if you try setting it to OSS and you get a different sound output, then you might look into the ALSA settings.09:07
OntologQuiescent: awesome, works, thanks09:07
=== BigBuddha is now known as BigBuddhahmm
jorrit_BigBuddha, this way you can pinpoint the source of the incident09:07
=== BigBuddhahmm is now known as BigBuddha
Av1thank you everyone for yuor help09:08
milligan_hahahehe, I'll repeat .. type in, as root: iptables -F . The -F stands for flush, and will clear out all your rules, leaving you wide open.09:08
Av1your help09:08
balzwhat's the linux version of bonjour called again/09:08
jorrit_Avl, np09:08
cemchi. i have a gnome configured on one ubuntu box, and i would like to copy that configuration to another. what files/directories do i have to copy ?09:08
abchirkmysteriousways hm09:08
TheaxiomDoes anyone here know how to fix a broken grub boot-loader?09:08
Flannel!grub | Theaxiom, first link09:08
ubottuTheaxiom, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:08
Av1will come and trouble u later on09:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bonjour09:08
TheaxiomFlannel: Thanks09:08
Quiescentbalz: what is the purpose of bonjour?09:09
abchirkmysteriousways but you can listen to sound with your standard user?09:09
balzQuiescent:  honestly... no idea.  I just know mt-daapd needs it to host a music share09:09
Flannelbalz: Avahi09:09
Flannelbalz: its a zeroconf sort of thing09:09
Flannel!ru | vlad09:09
ubottuvlad: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:09
hahahehewhat is apparmor09:09
mysteriouswaysabchirk, with a standar user no, only as root09:09
balzFlannel:  that's it!  what's zeroconf?09:09
jorrit_mysteriousways, try to see if /dev/dsp is writable for the user you have problems with09:09
Quiescentlol, alright09:10
mysteriouswaysjorrit_, how can I check it ? chmod ?09:10
Flannelbalz: zero conf is a service discovery... thing.  You can figure out what stuff on your network can do, so you don't have to manually say "I want to find a printer" or in your case "I want to find my music share"09:10
jorrit_mysteriousways, no chmod, just ls -la09:10
abchirkor the group pulse?09:10
abchirk@ mysteriousways09:10
balzoh i see. cool cool09:10
balzFlannel:  what's the avahi package name?09:11
Flannelbalz: Its installed by default... but I have no idea.  search for avahi.  probably like avahi-daemon?09:11
wols_balz: avahi-daemon09:11
DIFH-icerootbalz: sudo apt-cache search avahi09:12
balzwols_, flannel:  thanks much09:12
hahahehehow do i find out all the ports i have open09:12
mysteriouswayscrw-rw-rw- 1 root audio 14, 3 2008-08-19 14:04 /dev/dsp jorrit_09:12
Flannelhahahehe: What are you trying to do?09:12
pr0faneHow to find out my x version?09:12
wols_hahahehe: sudo netstat -anp |grep LIST09:12
Kirannhahahehe: netstat -ntlp09:12
wols_pr0fane: dpkg -l |grep xserver-xorg09:12
balzFlannel:  i'm on mythbuntu, so a lot of stuff isn't installed by default09:12
wols_balz: avahi is a good thing to miss :)09:13
jorrit_mysteriousways, if it is owned by the group audio, your problem should be solved by making the the faulty user a member of the audio group09:13
balzwols_, ain't that the truth =)09:13
balzDoes anybody know where the mt-daapd config file is located?09:13
wols_balz: /etc as everything. that'S policy09:13
pr0fanethx man09:14
mysteriouswaysjorrit_, but I don't have a group called audio, should I creat one ?09:14
balzwols_:  sorry... my n00bness is displaying itself.  You're saying /etc/mt-daapd.conf ?09:14
jorrit_mysteriousways, if you don't have a group audio you ca opt to create one, but the default one is probably "pulse"09:14
wols_balz: no I said inside /etc as all config files (systemwide) are supposed to be09:14
jorrit_jorrit, abchirk was so kind to point that out09:15
jorrit_mysteriousways, , abchirk was so kind to point that out09:15
balzwols_ okay let me have a look... how do you search again?09:15
Dillo_of_Faeowhy would my xorg.conf show "Configured Video Device" and "Configured Monitor"?09:15
wols_balz: find, locate,...09:15
balznvm. found it09:15
wols_Dillo_of_Faeo: why wouldn't it?09:16
mysteriouswaysjorrit_, I saw, and tks abchirk for that ... but i also don't have a group called pulse09:16
mysteriouswaysI creat a group called audio09:16
mysteriouswaysand i will test09:16
=== banan is now known as Guest66897
jorrit_mysteriousways, that doesn't work if your user is not a member yet.09:17
abchirkhm strange :P mysteriousways what does ls -l /dev/audio or ls -l /dev/dsp say?09:17
jorrit_mysteriousways, of the group audio I amean09:17
=== vincent is now known as Guest367
mysteriouswaysjorrit_, I creat a group called audio, I add the user to it, and as you said it dont work09:18
=== Guest66897 is now known as bananPL
mysteriouswayscrw-rw---- 1 root audio 14, 4 2008-08-19 14:04 /dev/audio and crw-rw-rw- 1 root audio 14, 3 2008-08-19 14:04 /dev/dsp abchirk09:19
wols_is your user partof group "audio"?09:19
abchirkhm but the standard groups are right. Maybe you should add again a group called audio. But you have to relogin if you add your user to group audio09:20
mysteriouswayswols_, I just creat the group audio, and add the user to it, and still don't work09:20
abchirkmysteriousways relogin09:20
SAngeliDoes anyone know how to migrate my mail from kmail into a compatible mail format for Windows mail or outlook under windows os?09:20
wols_mysteriousways: you need to relogin09:20
MeVsTheVoicesIs there an application for ubuntu that will monitor a folder an encrypt its contents?09:20
jorrit_SAngeli, try Thunderbird as an inermediate09:20
=== vincent_ is now known as vincentyy
vincentyythis is my first time being here09:22
balz&& runs two separate commands from the same input, right?09:22
CheironMaybe you meant: . ? @ v09:22
Lynx_Hi all! Is there a way to find out how busy the harddisk is, a measure like % CPU usage?09:22
ActionParsniphey all09:22
abchirkhey ActionParsnip09:22
jorrit_SAngeli, http://email.about.com/od/mozillathunderbirdtips/qt/et_export_to_oe.htm09:22
MeVsTheVoicesIs there an application for ubuntu that will monitor a folder an encrypt its contents?09:23
abchirk!patience MeVsTheVoices09:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:23
mysteriouswaysit is so beaultfull the "clik clek ton tun" ak the load of desktop ... tks guys, the sound is back09:23
ActionParsnipMeVsTheVoices: you could create a partition using encryptfs09:23
=== sean is now known as Guest4081
SAngelijorrit_, thks09:23
jorrit_SAngeli, np09:23
MeVsTheVoicesThank you, I was being patient, one word answer would have been sufficient, thank you again muchly09:24
jorrit_SAngeli, but are you sure? Thunderbird is much better as a mail program than OE will ever be.09:24
ActionParsnipMeVsTheVoices: np man09:24
MeVsTheVoicesIs that ok for solid state, or optimized I should say?09:24
ActionParsnipjorrit_: im sure both have advantages09:24
SAngelijorrit_, it is just for a user that does not need any fancy programs09:24
jorrit_SAngeli, OK, it's their loss.09:25
ActionParsnipMeVsTheVoices: it can be compiled to optomise to your liking but i dont think anything can be optomised for solid state09:25
MeVsTheVoicesYou can, mainly if your using as a boot partion though, Thanks again ActionParsnip09:26
ActionParsnipMeVsTheVoices: just find some space (or usb stick) format it encryptfs and all the data will be encrypted09:26
MeVsTheVoicesTwas about to09:26
ActionParsnipMeVsTheVoices: can you send me a link to this optomisation please/09:26
naughtykid001*newbie warning* I found that copy file using usb pendrive is a lot faster than windows, is that true?09:26
ActionParsnipnaughtykid001: copying file in what way?09:27
jorrit_naughtykid001, just be sure to umount it befor you unplug your stick, or you might loose files.09:27
ActionParsnipnaughtykid001: oh you mean usb pendrive access is faster?09:28
MeVsTheVoicesIts separate, some filesystems are just optimized to take more advantage of linear disk geometry, ext3 for example is set for hard disks while others are not09:28
MeVsTheVoicesFor, NTFS is actualy faster than Ext on a solid state, because ext goes on how little it has to move the head to get full files09:28
galleta_i need help please09:29
MeVsTheVoicesActionParsnip: thank you again09:29
DIFH-icerootis there a good guide for optimizing a ubuntu-system if i am using SSD? so that the SSD will not be used to often for writing (cache size, write the date of access to a file and so on)09:29
galleta_can someone help me with same problem i have09:29
galleta_i just install ubuntus09:29
jorrit_galleta, just describe your problem09:30
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: have another stick (if you can) for your home folder09:30
galleta_i want to know if someone help me with my sound card09:30
galleta_its not working under ubuntus09:30
ActionParsnip!sound | galleta09:30
ubottugalleta: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:30
jorrit_galleta, please be specific,09:30
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: i have / on the SSD and /home + swap on a SD card09:30
bullgard4What is an ALSA_Sequencer? (appears in Device Manager: "Device file: /dev/snd/seq").09:30
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: so you are using 2 cards?09:31
dbl17zhello everyone..09:31
jorrit_galleta, Waht audiocard are you using?09:31
ActionParsnip!hi | dbl17z09:31
ubottudbl17z: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:31
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: eeepc 4GB version, the internal SSD is / and the home is SD card (16GB)09:31
dbl17zI am having issues with fglrx drivers09:31
galleta_im very specific09:31
galleta_is just not working i cant listen any music09:31
galleta_or youtube09:31
jorrit_galleta, what is your audio hardware?09:32
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: thats cool, the home dir gets written to lots, and your backup will enable you to restore when the card wears out09:32
jorrit_galleta, is it SB Audigy2?09:32
galleta_i dont know my friend09:32
galleta_how can i check that09:32
dbl17zI am using a Dell Inspiron 9200.. Whats happeneing is that if I switch from to vterm or restart x with ctrl+alt+bksp it locks up.09:32
jorrit_galleta, try /proc/lspci09:32
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: yes and i can easily plugin my /home into another pc09:32
ActionParsnipdbl17z: wassup with your ati card09:32
dbl17zI wanted to swith to the opensource drivers for ATI09:32
jorrit_galleta, just type lspci09:33
dbl17zThe closed source binary for the card make it act all wonky09:33
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: but if i am correct linux/ubuntu is writting every access to a file on the drive09:33
ActionParsnipdbl17z: tried envy?09:33
dbl17zI just wanted to know the name for the opensource drivers to install them.09:33
dbl17zenvy is the name of the drivers ActionParsnip ?09:33
galleta_jorrit not working09:33
ActionParsnipdbl17z: im not knowledgable of that, sorry09:33
galleta_ /proc/lspci09:33
galleta_not working09:33
ActionParsnipdbl17z: its an app to install drivers09:34
jorrit_galleta, become root first09:34
ActionParsnipdbl17z: sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk09:34
jorrit_galleta, try sudo -s and afterwards type your password09:34
ActionParsnipjorrit_: users can run lspci09:34
jorrit_ActionParsnip, thanks for the correction09:34
galleta_is there09:34
galleta_but its a lot of information, i need to see which is my card09:35
jorrit_galleta, I meant try lspci, with /proc09:35
dbl17zo.. the drivers are installed, they work when I am in gnome, but just when I try to switch between vterms09:35
dbl17zIts annoying09:35
galleta_lspci /proc?09:35
galleta_like this?09:35
jorrit_galleta, Sorry for the confusion, just try lspci without anything else09:35
ActionParsnipgalleta_: in all that text a line will detaill your sound card09:35
galleta_i trying09:36
ActionParsnipgalleta_: find the line and paste it in here (ONLY that line too)09:36
jorrit_ActionParsnip, lol09:36
ActionParsnipmind you, floodbot protects us :)09:36
galleta_Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 04)09:36
jorrit_galleta, if you can't find the line, use this pastebin: http://www.pastebin.ca/09:36
aj_has anyone used postgre SQL on ubuntu09:37
tylerhey i get an error when i try to start synaptic manager to download programs...it wont open and says unable to copy the users Xauthorization...failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root09:37
DIFH-icerootaj_: yes, what is your question?09:37
jorrit_aj_, I have installed it without problems, why?09:37
dbl17zActionParsnip: I installed envy.. testing it out now.09:37
ActionParsniptyler: gksu synaptic_installer09:37
galleta_This is the line I found: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 04)09:37
dbl17zThanks in advanced09:37
ActionParsnip!envy | dbl17z09:37
ubottudbl17z: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk09:37
jorrit_galleta, lookup your sound card in the Ubuntu compatibility DB09:38
dbl17zrebooting now..09:38
galleta_what is DB?09:38
dbl17zwish me luck on this..09:38
dbl17zATI is a PAIN !!09:38
aj_DIFH-iceroot: how do i create a server and access it09:38
jorrit_galleta, You might have a chipset that is too new to have any open source drivers for it yet. Then again, Intel might have provided them09:38
jorrit_galleta, DB = Database09:39
ActionParsnipgalleta_: some dude followed this to make his work http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.10_(Gutsy_Gibbon)_Tribe_5_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Audio09:39
abcZhow to install webcam a?09:39
DIFH-icerootaj_: sudo apt-get install postgresql09:39
DIFH-icerootaj_: thats it09:40
galleta_action what is tthat? i couldnt see anything09:40
galleta_blue screen09:40
galleta_jorrit can you teach me how to go to database please09:40
galleta_i dont know how09:40
balzmy mt-daapd share isn't showing up in itunes... i don't even know where to start. i can provide the config file if needed... any help?09:40
ActionParsnipgalleta_: run alsamixer in terminal. Is the sound muted?09:40
aj_DIFH-iceroot : ok..thanx..done...how do i run and access it now??09:41
jorrit_galleta, please check out the Ubuntu hompage before asking this general question.09:41
wols_aj_: you run it with /etc/init.d/ script (done by default) and access it via unix socket09:41
DIFH-icerootaj_: /etc/init.d/postgresql start or something like that for staring the server09:41
galleta_it does not appear as muted09:41
ActionParsnipgalleta_: you can press tab to complete peoples names dude09:42
chronographerhi i have a new pc and ubuntu can't see the new hdd. I partitioned it with gparted live cd, fine,  is there any way I can test to see if it is workable?09:42
DIFH-icerootaj_: for access look at the postgresql manual09:42
jorrit_aj_, if you want to access it remotely through TCP-IP, you have to open the server for that in the config files09:42
ActionParsnipgalleta_: ok have you run your updates yet?09:42
wols_chronographer: sudo fdisk -l09:42
galleta_i did09:42
wols_aj_: but doing so is a bad idea generally09:42
ActionParsnipgalleta_: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:42
ActionParsnipgalleta_: run that line09:42
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chronographerthe installer and also gparted on the ubuntu live cd see nothing... sudo fdisk -l outputs nothing09:43
jorrit_wols, It was the only way I could access it remotely through JDBC09:43
wols_chronographer: if it outputs nothing, you don't run ubuntu09:43
havocstormCan anyone recommend any good ubuntu programs?09:43
galleta_all lines together?? or sudp apt-get update first.. then the second then the third one?09:43
chronographeris it the hsdd?09:43
aj_wols_: do u have any other option then?09:43
DIFH-iceroothavocstorm: for what?09:43
chronographerI can put another hdd in09:43
wols_jorrit_: sure. it'S still a bad idea. DBs should never be accessible from outside/the internet if you can help it09:43
jorrit_wols, if you know of a way to use a Unix socket for JDBC instead, I'd be interested09:43
havocstormDIFH-iceroot, anything really09:43
DIFH-iceroothavocstorm: ...09:44
DFggf9879se7f7How can one use samba to share a folder with Windouze so that everybody has all rights and no authentication is required?09:44
hateball!best | havocstorm09:44
ubottuhavocstorm: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:44
wols_jorrit_: if the jdbc runs on the same host you can listen on localhsot only for postgres09:44
havocstormDIFH-iceroot, well general computing, but I'm also looking for something like MS onenote on ubuntu, beside bsketnotes09:44
jorrit_wols, my VPS is not powerful enough to run Tomcat09:44
wols_havocstorm: packages.ubuntu.com has TONs of good programs09:44
chronographerwols, iwll a different hdd have a different affect? will ubuntu se it?09:44
DIFH-iceroothavocstorm: i dont know ms onenote09:44
ActionParsnipgalleta_: copy the line I typed and paste to the terminal09:45
wols_chronographer: check dmesg. is any hdd visible there?09:45
ActionParsnipgalleta_: each command will run in turn'09:45
havocstormwols_, thhanks09:45
galleta_i did09:45
galleta_i did the 3 anyway09:45
wols_chronographer: if you partitioned with live cd and it worked then it will show up in sudo fdisk -l09:45
FloodBot1galleta_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:45
wols_!enter | galleta_09:45
ubottugalleta_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:45
ActionParsnipgalleta_: is it downloading a tonne of stuff?09:46
jorrit_ActionParsnip, lol09:46
galleta_it did a bit, but already finish09:46
chronographerit says program parted devices is using deprecated scsi ...  is that important?09:46
galleta_but the last 2 it apperas as no upgrades09:46
galleta_ActionParsnip: What is the next step.09:46
wols_chronographer: that's gibberish09:47
ActionParsnipgalleta_: ok apparently some dude fixed it compiling the driver from the realtek site09:47
ActionParsnipgalleta_: are you on a laptop or a desktop?\09:47
wols_"program parted devices" is just nonsense09:47
galleta_ActionParsnip: Laptop09:47
chronographerok... i see no hdd mentioned09:47
wols_andatche: realtek 8187b?09:47
chronographeror sdd ...09:47
ActionParsnipgalleta_: what make and model?09:47
wols_chronographer: pastein09:47
galleta_ActionParsnip: Macbook Black 2.4 duo09:48
chronographerits not really conected... wait a bit i'll get a usb09:48
jorrit_galleta, http://www.pastebin.ca/09:48
ActionParsnipgalleta_: wow you got money to burn...gimme a sec09:48
balzAnybody know why my firefly (mt-daapd) share won't show up in itunes?  I can't find any offending line in the config file... i've tried configuring through the webUI as well09:48
wols_balz: not enough info given to help09:48
galleta_ActionParsnip: lol, ok i wait09:48
balzwols_:  more than happy to provide more.  I'm not sure what needs to be known =)09:49
balzI can provide the config file if necessary...09:49
ActionParsnipgalleta_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook09:50
ActionParsnipgalleta_: theres a whole section on sound09:50
wols_errors for starters09:50
galleta_ActionParsnip: I Know, thats why i come here. It does not work.09:50
Bobo_PKwow it works im in09:50
Bobo_PKanybody there?09:50
chronographerI hope it can work!09:50
balzbobo_pK  aks away09:50
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: hi, im here, theres always people here09:51
Bobo_PKcool, i need help... as you might guess09:51
wols_chronographer: how is the hdd connected?09:51
chronographersata i think09:51
wols_chronographer: and is this the ONLY hdd?09:51
wols_chronographer: internal hdd?09:51
galleta_ActionParsnip: I want to contact the guy who did it. And there are no comments to see if is working for other people or not.09:52
chronographerlike i said, gparted live cd saw it09:52
wols_chronographer: what hdd controller?09:52
ActionParsnipgalleta_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19845309:52
chronographeri dont know09:52
Bobo_PKI got ubuntu like 2 weeks on my laptop and normally my firends helping me.. but he cant right now09:52
wols_chronographer: then find out09:52
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chronographeri dont know how!09:52
Bobo_PKcould some 1 explain how to get a wlan stick work on 7.1 ?09:52
wols_chronographer: lspci09:53
wols_!wireless | Bobo_PK09:53
ubottuBobo_PK: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:53
ActionParsnipgalleta_: as you found that page you should be able to find more, I dont use any of apples rubbish but im sure there are a million pages out there of people sticking Linux on their macbook09:53
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naughtykid001ActionParsnip: normal copying from pc to pendrive. Tested 2 methods, one is large file and another one is small file(but a lot of files). Both tested is faster than xp09:53
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: plug it in and run lspci and lsusb09:53
galleta_ActionParsnip: thanks, i will try to do my research.09:53
galleta_I really want to make xubuntu works under this magnificient machine..09:53
ActionParsnipnaughtykid001its all down to config and drivers dude09:53
Bobo_PKok let me try lsusb says that there is some thing pluged in09:53
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galleta_ActionParsnip: Xubuntu is botting in 25 seconds in macbook.09:54
chronographerintel ICH10 4 port and another 2 port09:54
galleta_Almost the same as leopard.09:54
marenostrumHello. With WildMidi, I can not use option "n" (Next Midi) . What I try to do is, to press "n" while I am playing a midi file in a directory, I suppose the next file in the directory will be played. But instead, WildMidi shuts down. Am I doing something wrong?09:54
Bobo_PKlspci says that tehre is a wireless thing09:54
ActionParsnipgalleta_ i prefer fluxbox09:54
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: ok, what does it say it is?09:54
chronographerwols: its plugged into the intel ICH10 6 port sata hub09:55
galleta_fluxbox is super lightweight but09:55
galleta_xfce as well..09:55
galleta_xfce is more complete i mean is not only a windows manager..09:55
blackZeroHi..I am new to BT..I downloaded latest .ISO. now when i boot my system with this CD..I get a Log in prompt..But i am unable to enter username..when i do..I get "unable to determine tty type" error. I tried searching around on net and BT forums..but to no avail..I would appreciate If someone could help me with this.09:55
ActionParsnipoh totally, and blackbox too, theres tonnes of lightweight DEs09:55
chronographerer... an array of 6, composed of one 2 and one 4 port09:55
galleta_i may try it someday09:55
galleta_anyway,, i need to work a lot with this09:56
ActionParsnipblackZero: did you md5 check the image?09:56
galleta_see you later guys09:56
blackZeroyes..its all good..09:56
Bobo_PKok lspci says nothing about the usb.. the lsusb says Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0ace:1215 ZyDAS09:56
jorrit_galleta, good luck!09:56
blackZeroI was even able to boot it in VMware09:56
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: is that the whole line?09:56
Bobo_PKthats was lsusb is telling me yes...09:57
havocstormhey guys, I've installed wine, how to I install programs to run under it?09:57
chronographerwols: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5607010   ... I might have to download intrepid... and hope for the best!09:57
ActionParsnipBobo_PK:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9232709:57
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Bobo_PKThx ill read and try my best. damm i hate people like me who dont ask google...09:58
havocstormhey guys, I've installed wine, how to I install programs to run under it?09:58
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: i use many search engines. google misses some decent sites sometimes09:58
bullgard4What is an ALSA_Sequencer? (appears in Device Manager: "Device file: /dev/snd/seq").09:59
ActionParsniphavocstorm: wine /path/to/setup.exe09:59
DIFH-iceroothavocstorm: just click on a *.exe file and wine runs it automaticly09:59
ikoniabullgard4: audio sequencer for alsa09:59
DIFH-iceroothavocstorm: or wine programname.exe09:59
Bobo_PKholymoly that looks complicated..09:59
marenostrumhavocstodm, as I know far you just doubleclick exe files and they are installed.09:59
Bobo_PKwell ok ill do it step by step..09:59
bullgard4ikonia: hm09:59
havocstormhmm, I installed wine but the exes don't seem to work10:00
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: best way :)10:00
havocstormI'll try the command lines10:00
ActionParsniphavocstorm: best way :)10:00
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balzAdditional information regarding my mt-daapd share:  I can now connect with itunes, but no files are being served.  i double checked and the directory is correct.  I did a few hundred full scans... what gives?10:00
Bobo_PKi think i have to change the comands from 1211 to 1215 like mine is10:00
balzdoes mt-daapd scan folders recursively?10:00
Bobo_PKsounds logical10:00
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/zydas_zd1211#Installation%20Instructions10:00
marenostrumhavocstorm : try google ubuntu+wine10:01
jorrit_I am going to grab a bite, see you later!10:01
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: the above link looks simpler10:01
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: by far10:01
havocstormmarenostrum, ok10:01
Bobo_PKxyep.. argh i need network connection.. *pulljng the wire *10:01
havocstormI think I downloaded the wrong version, the exe says iTunes6410:02
ikoniahavocstorm: isn't wine 32bit only ?10:02
hahahehehow do i create a Partition table?10:02
ActionParsnipikonia: thats correct10:02
hahahehehow do i create a Partition table?10:02
ikoniahahahehe: any partition tool, such as fdisk, gparted, disk drid etc10:02
Bobo_PK1 more question this is for 1211 do i just have to change the tags?10:02
havocstormikonia, I dunno, but I have a 32bit maschine, so I'll have to redownload the install10:02
ActionParsniphahahehe: with fdisk10:03
Bobo_PKinto 121510:03
ikoniahavocstorm: it is 32bit only10:03
hahaheheokay so with fdisk, how?10:03
havocstormikonia, I hate microsoft and apple10:03
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: what is 1215?10:03
ikoniahavocstorm: what has that got to do with anything10:03
hahahehedoes it mean, i need to assign a FS ?10:03
ikoniahavocstorm: thats a pointless saying10:03
ActionParsniphavocstorm: dont buy their stuff then10:03
hahaheheis that what that means?10:03
havocstormiActionParsnip, gah, I bought my ipod before I started using ubuntu10:03
ikoniahahahehe: you put a file system on the partitions after they are created10:03
Bobo_PKID 0ace:1215 ZyDAS10:04
tanathI have a quick question regarding free space. System Monitor shows I have 7.4Gb of unavailable free space. Is there anything I can do about that?10:04
betzihow can i set the emailadress in xchat-gnome for bouncer usage?10:04
ikoniahavocstorm: there are other options than itunes10:04
achadwickhahahehe: you're not committed to using what you say in the partition table. It's just a good idea.10:04
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ActionParsnipBobo_PK: gimme a sec10:04
ikoniatanath: look at why its unavailable10:04
hahaheheif i alrady have a working OS, can i still do this?10:04
tanathikonia: how?10:04
ikoniatanath: swap partition, hibernation etc etc10:04
Bobo_PKi got a lot of time today :)10:04
ikoniahahahehe: not if you want to partition the disk your on10:04
havocstormikonia, rhythmbox doesn't synch, amarok does some crazy collections thing, and songbird doesn't do albumart10:05
tanathikonia: i'm talking about on my main hard drive10:05
ikoniahavocstorm: amarok works fine on my ipod touch10:05
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: it might still work10:05
ikoniahahahehe: you can't repartition the drive your using - while your using it10:05
Bobo_PK:D sounds... okay 4 me :D10:05
hahaheheFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on10:05
hahahehe/dev/sda1              19G  1.5G   17G   8% /10:05
hahahehenone                  257M     0  257M   0% /dev/shm10:05
havocstormikonia, really? you can synch?10:06
ActionParsniphavocstorm: sell your ipod and get something decent instead :)10:06
ikoniahavocstorm: yup10:06
tanathikonia: i need more space. i have more unavailable than i have free10:06
havocstormhuh...wine makes you screen go nuts10:06
hahahehebut, see,  i only have ONE partition /10:06
ikoniatanath: look at what it things is not usable10:06
hahahehehow would i create a partition table on this10:06
naughtykid001_ActionParsnip: so that's doesn't rely on the os itself?10:06
havocstormActionParsnip, lol, but I really do like the interface on the ipod10:06
ikoniahahahehe: if you have space on this disk to create a partition you can10:06
tanathikonia: you didn't say how10:06
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hahahehehow would i do that?10:06
ActionParsnipnaughtykid001 not really its how the sytem interfaces with it10:06
tanathikonia: it says how much is free, and how much is available, and there's a 710:07
ikoniatanath: I don't use the tool your talking about, so I have no idea, try using another tool such as du and df to verify the space and layout10:07
betzihow can i set the emailaddress in xchat-gnome for bouncer usage?10:07
ikoniabetzi: for bouncer use ?10:07
achadwickhahahehe: alt+f2, type "gksudo gparted", and reads some docs first because this can destroy your disk10:07
ikoniabetzi: isn't it just a field you enter into the x-chat preferences10:07
betzinot really10:08
tanathikonia: i have used df, and it agrees10:08
achadwick(well, render it unbootable)10:08
tanathikonia: there's a 7.4Gb difference between what's free and what's available10:08
ikoniatanath: what do you mean, it agrees. That only shows disk usage10:08
betzitheres only "nick, realname" which belong to the ident10:08
ikoniatanath: can you show me the output of df -h in a pastebin post please.10:08
havocstormargh... wine lags10:08
tanathikonia: df -h gives me the same info as gnome system monitor10:08
Bobo_PKuname means username right?10:08
ikoniatanath: can you show me in a pastebin so I can visualise it please.10:08
ikoniaBobo_PK: no10:08
ikoniaBobo_PK: thats a command10:09
tanathikonia: the relevant part is: /dev/sda1             146G  134G  4.9G  97% /10:09
Bobo_PKokay.. sorry but im a real noob on linux ;)10:09
betziikonia:  theres only "nick, realname" which belong to the ident10:09
ActionParsniphavocstorm: its doing a hard job plus its windows stuff so in some cases it runs poorly. Maybe theres a guide to make it better10:09
tanathikonia: oops, that leaves out the headings...10:09
tanathikonia: Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on10:09
ikoniatanath: thats ok, I know the headings10:09
havocstormActionParsnip, yeah..wish apple would make a damn linux itunes clinet10:09
ActionParsnipBobo_PK: run it to see what it does (it only outputs text)10:09
ikoniatritium: you'll find that is just rounding10:10
ikoniatanath: you'll find that is just rounding10:10
ActionParsniphavocstorm: ive heard that a lot. easier way is to put rockbox on it. gives your ipod about a million times more horsepower10:10
tanathikonia: i've been deleting stuff to free space, but since there's so much unavailable, i want to do something about that10:10
tanathikonia: 7.4Gb of rounding?10:11
ikoniatanath: yes possibly10:11
Bobo_PKok its downloading some things.. damm 47Kb/s .. my internet sucks10:11
ActionParsniptanath ikonia, look at 120Gb HDDs10:11
tanathikonia: that's quite a big error... if it's not, then how would i proceed?10:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: pardion ?10:11
ikoniaActionParsnip: pardon10:11
talxi need help with the partitioning during installation10:11
tanathActionParsnip: o.O10:12
ActionParsnipikonia: the rounding makes them like 112 or somesuch10:12
havocstormactionparsnip, but second gen apple isn't supported :(10:12
DIFH-iceroottalx: ask your question10:12
ikoniaActionParsnip: yes, thats what I've just said10:12
ActionParsnipjust giving another exmple10:12
betziyeah, with that damn roundig they fetch our fuckin dollar$10:12
ikoniaActionParsnip: ahh I see10:12
talxi got 250GB HD, how i should divide it10:12
Bobo_PKif any 1needs help with PSPs.. im your man ;)10:12
ikoniabetzi: stop that language now please10:12
ikoniabetzi: it's uncalled for and not welcome10:12
tanathikonia, ActionParsnip: alright, then how do i get accurate info?10:12
ActionParsniptalx: whats it for?10:12
betzii only told the facts :)10:12
talxim installing ubuntu right now10:13
ikoniabetzi: that language is not needed to tell the facts10:13
betzik i'm sorry10:13
galleta_Oh god, i believe would be the same to fallow tutorials for ubuntu and working for xubuntu10:13
galleta_is not the same at all10:13
galleta_and there is no support for xubuntu, im in big problems10:13
ActionParsniptalx: 2Gb for /swp 100Gb for / and the rest for /home10:13
talxk ill try10:13
ActionParsnipgalleta_: its the same, just a different DE10:14
hahahehecan i run a vps inside a vps ?10:14
ActionParsniptalx: it depends on what its for but thats a basic generalisation10:14
galleta_ActionParsnip: I add the line, then... reboot.. and double click volume icon will not show nothing.. cant enable pcm or front in preferences.. there are no preferences! lol10:14
galleta_its totally different10:14
ikoniahahahehe: vps ?10:14
ActionParsniptalx: for me / is like 5Gb as I do very little in the way of apps but want maximum space for user files10:15
ActionParsnipgalleta_: then you have missed something10:15
ActionParsnipgalleta_: its all ubuntu under the hood, theres a million buntus10:15
galleta_i add that the line and reboot10:16
kane77can anyone suggest me cheap webcam that works under ubuntu? I desperately need one..10:16
galleta_there was no options to unmute pcm and front..10:16
ActionParsnip!hcl | kane7710:16
ubottukane77: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:16
galleta_and there was no right click to select pcm10:16
DIFH-icerootkane77: eye toy :)10:16
galleta_is there a xfce volume icon similar to the one of gnome?10:17
ActionParsnipkane77: just nont dodgeytech, they dont like no linux10:17
galleta_cause this one is totallly weird10:17
ActionParsnipgalleta_: yu need to run the xfce volume manaer10:17
talxActionParsnip http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/7474/screenshotrs7.png10:17
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ActionParsniptalx: fine, what is your system going to be doing?10:18
talxhumm what do u mean?10:18
ActionParsniptalx: what will you be using the system for??10:19
arquebustalx-how much ram do you have?10:19
kane77ActionParsnip, I bought the genius e-messenger 112 and it just doesn't work.. (I thought it was gf112 which should work out of the box..)10:19
galleta_ActionParsnip: there is only one sound icon and is under xfce settings manager10:19
talxi got 1gb ram10:19
=== AbyssSmokin is now known as AbyssDEhelp
talxprogramming, music10:19
talxthats it10:19
ActionParsniptalx: should be fine then10:19
talxsome little video10:19
talxill continue10:20
DIFH-iceroot20gb, 2gb swap, rest for /home i think10:20
arquebustalx-you might only want to use 500mb swap if you only have that much ram10:20
DIFH-iceroot20gb = /10:20
hyperairwhere's the repositories list located for synaptic?10:20
kane77normally I wouldn't care for webcam, but I am doing GSoC and the last part of my work is on lti-civil, which is image capture library..10:20
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: i only gave those figures as i had so little knowledge10:20
talxthats nvm10:20
ActionParsniptalx: 20gb for / is fine10:21
kibibytehow to make visible hidden files in open file dialogs ?10:21
ActionParsniptalx: / == applications and OS10:21
kane77kibibyte, ctrl+h10:21
talxi know it10:21
DIFH-iceroottalx: so use / = 20GB, SWAP = 2GB, rest for /home10:21
talxi used ubuntu about a half year ago10:21
kibibytekane77, ???10:21
talxthats too late10:22
ActionParsniptalx: you could redo your partitions10:22
talxwell, ill do it later :D10:22
kane77kibibyte, press ctrl+h to make hidden files visible..10:22
talx50 gb for /10:22
mars_i just tried sudo gem install rails and it does not work.10:22
kibibytedoesnt work10:22
talxlets finish the installation first10:22
wols_chronographer: ICH10 is not supported in ubuntu yet10:22
kane77mars_, what is the message?10:23
mars_is it possible to use gems to install rails instead of the deb packages?10:23
kane77mars_, yes it is possible10:23
wols_chronographer: you can try AHCI _or_ you use the intrepid kernel. but the kernel ONLY. that's not really supported either but works afaik10:23
mars_kane77: my bad... i forgot to update the gem repos ;)10:23
galleta_ActionParsnip: i wonder if there is an option to install gnome on xubuntu as ironic as it may sound.. try to fix everything under gnome and then go back to xfce10:23
mars_kane77: everything works fine now.10:24
mars_its the simple things that break your neck.10:24
kane77mars_, ok.. enjoy the ride :D10:24
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ActionParsnipgalleta_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:26
ActionParsnip!puregnome | galleta_10:27
ubottugalleta_: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »10:27
galleta_ActionParsnip: what is that command for? that will give me the option to start as ubuntu?10:28
galleta_next time i reboot/10:28
ActionParsnipgalleta_: it will install the ubuntu desktop which you can use instead of the xubuntu destop10:28
galleta_ok thanks10:29
ActionParsnipgalleta_: you need to lo off after install and change the session type to gnome or ubuntu or whatever its called10:29
galleta_so this is10:29
galleta_gnome of course isnt10:29
ActionParsnip!hi | Keiyentai10:29
ubottuKeiyentai: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:29
KeiyentaiI have a question. I have used Ubuntu before along with WIndows but I decided for my laptop I wanted it to be Linux only. So I was wondering if there is like a forum post or a site with "reccamended" Programs.10:31
keiHey all, Ubuntu on an Acer Aspire One netbook. Problem connecting to a WPA-protected access point with NetworkManager (using the madwifi drivers). Syslog says: Activation (ath0/wireless): association took too long (>60s), failing activation. I can connect to that AP with my phone, so I know for sure it's working. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?10:31
hwilde_kei, is the key ascii or hex10:31
ActionParsnipKeiyentai: how do you mean?10:31
keihwilde_: ascii10:31
ActionParsnipKeiyentai: ubuntu will install some standard apps which please most users10:32
hwilde_kei, did you try wext drivers10:32
keihwilde_: Nope, do they work with the atheros chipsets?10:33
hwilde_kei, should10:33
ActionParsnipKei: which theros do you have?10:33
keiokay, let me check that out. I went with madwifi because the guy who wrote the ubuntu install guide for the Acer One said it works.10:33
keiActionParsnip: Uhh, let me look that up10:33
bullgard4ikonia: Google does not know any "audio sequencer for alsa". So this practically does not exist.10:34
KeiyentaiI was just wondering like  programs people reccamend or use. Also when I got my wifi working I used a different tutorial then last and I don't have the NetWork Manager where I can see multiple APs I just have the one where I have to type in the SSID10:34
hwilde_Keiyentai, there are a lot of programs in Synaptic.  the ones that say ubuntu in the version are more or less recommended10:35
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koshariKeiyentai really depends on what you want to do,10:35
smeebullgard4: audio sequencer? you mean like fasttracker or fruityloops?10:35
keiActionParsnip: AR242x 802.11abg pci express adapter rev 0110:35
hwilde_Keiyentai, you know synaptic?10:35
ActionParsnipKeiyentai: there are no recommended programs to use, neither is there in windows, you use what you like. If you are more specific with the area of the application (email, file browser) then i can recommend some but millions would disagree and millions would agree10:36
tuxsudoanyone have the problem with typing getting lagged in firefox when upgrading ubuntu?10:36
smeebullgard4: i think one of the lugradio guys made a program like this10:36
Keiyentaiok sorry for the braud question. I am kind of out of it10:36
ActionParsnipKei: have you install the restricted drivers10:36
koshariKeiyentai for instance i like gnome commander but many wouldnt.10:36
bullgard4smee: I mean the entry in the GNOME Device Manager with 'Device file: /dev/snd/seq'.10:37
smeebullgard4: ah ok i misunderstood10:37
bullgard4smee: What is 'lugradio'?10:37
keiActionParsnip: I installed madwifi, not sure what the restricted drivers are10:37
uzhello peeps10:37
ActionParsnipKei: search in synaptic10:37
smeebullgard4: group of guys who do a weekly radio show...lug is short for Linux User Group10:38
bullgard4smee: Do you speak about Internet radio?10:38
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uzcan anyone point me to a repository with the eclipse 3.3 ide, pls10:38
smeebullgard4: I mentioned lugradio because one of the guys (jono i think his name is) created a program for making audio...works pretty uch like fruity loops or any other kind of "layered audio tracker"10:39
bullgard4uz: You could try to find out yourself using packages.ubuntu.com10:39
jonosmee: Jokosher :)10:40
smeeja that is it10:40
bullgard4smee: Ah, ok.10:40
smeereminds me i should grab some of their latest shows...lots of great news and humour too10:40
uzbullgard4: ty, m going there10:40
BVBBQhmm, can someone try to help me get my video card drivers to work?10:41
smeeI have a question myself, related to making gtk/metacity themes: what is the name of the program that lets me mouse over a gui element and retrieve it's ctk widget name?10:41
smee"something"view i think it is ,,,, just not sure10:42
third3yeWhats the partition type for writable ntfs in fstab? ntfs-fuse or ntfs-3g?10:42
hwilde_!ntfs  | third3ye10:42
ubottuthird3ye: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:42
ActionParsnipthird3ye: ntfs-3g10:42
ikoniathird3ye: ntfs-3g10:42
SNuxollthird3ye: ntfs-3g10:42
SNuxollshazaam, beaten again10:43
smeeso you see thirdeye, it depends on your ntfs access driver10:43
Keiyentaiis there a certant program I need for .rar file. Cuase I just downloaded one and the archive Manager said it doesent suppot .rar10:43
SNuxollKeiyentai: ubuntu-restricted-extras will install it10:43
smeeKeiyentai: sudo aptitude install rar10:43
third3yeWell I'm trying to run VirtualBox with physical access to a specific partition10:43
SNuxollsmee: it's unrar10:44
BVBBQfor some reason my computer refuses to let me use the driver from ATI, and on top of that i am stuck using the highest resolution possible, it wont let me switch because of something wrong with X server it says that XRandR extension isnt supported10:44
ActionParsnipKeiyentai: sudo apt-get install unrar10:44
smeeit is rar10:44
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:44
third3yeTurns out I can't do that unless I make write access available for... you know, fuck that. I'm not compromising my work. I'm copying over.10:44
bullgard4!language | third3ye10:45
ubottuthird3ye: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:45
nextplaceHi guys, does anyone know, how I can change my Monitor-Model with a GUI?10:45
third3yeOh, excuse me ^^;;10:45
third3yeKinda used to the free speech at club ubuntu by now10:45
BVBBQNextplace, i think you can do it under the screen resolution tool in preferences10:45
nextplaceBVBBQ: nope10:46
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper > ActionParsnip10:46
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message10:46
smeeshould be using "sudo aptitude install blahblah" instead of "sudo apt-get blahblah" as aptitude will track dependancies for when you need to uninstall...apt-get wont...leaving many unused libs hanging around10:47
BVBBQnextplace, hmm, well you've got me there, i seemed to remember being an option there. why do you need to change your monitor model?10:47
ActionParsnipsmee: Ive always used apt-get and had zero issues10:47
CaT_MaNZzhello all, witch version of ubuntu is best for PC EEE using. I have got pc eee 901 (intel atom)10:48
smeethe benefits are more apparent when you decide to remove a program whose dependancies are not used by any other program10:48
hwilde_smee, apt-get can autoclean or autoremove unnused stuff.10:48
nextplacebecause my Brother got a new one (widescreen)10:48
ActionParsnipsmee: and considering the vast majority of the ubuntu community documentation uses apt-get...10:48
ZirodayCaT_MaNZz: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC10:48
ActionParsnipCaT_MaNZz: eeeXUbuntu10:48
wols_smee: this doesn't apply to ubuntu.10:49
hwilde_smee, apt-get can autoclean or autoremove unnused stuff.10:49
JampiterHi, I have a quick Q10:49
smeeyes it does10:49
wols_smee: no10:49
BVBBQnextplace, hmm, this may work but it isnt perfect. download the resolution switcher, it has some widescreen display options10:49
wols_smee: stop if you're clueless. apt-get now autoremoves as well10:49
JampiterIF I get normal Ubuntu, how easy is it to put KD,E or other window managers on there10:49
ActionParsnipit doesnt autoremove, you have to poke it to do it10:49
ZirodayActionParsnip: eeexubuntu is no longer supported, please don't recommend it10:49
nextplaceBVBBQ: via Synaptic?10:49
ActionParsnipZiroday: really, crazy...it rocks10:49
hwilde_!kde | Jampiter10:49
ubottuJampiter: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde410:49
DIFH-icerootJampiter: use kubuntu or just install kubuntu-desktop10:49
BVBBQnextplace, or from the applications manager downloading thingie (tm)10:50
JampiterSo I just send of for a Kubuntu CD instead?10:50
* Jampiter is an amateur10:50
ActionParsnipJampiter: you can probably download it faster10:50
JampiterMy parents won't let me <_<10:50
ActionParsnipJampiter: why not? Get it via torrents and you can do it a bit at a time ;)10:51
BVBBQCan someone help me to get propriatery drivers working for my videocard? the utility refuses to notice my video card10:51
JampiterWould it run on a 6-7 year old PC?10:51
nextplaceBVBBQ: but there must be a GUI for it, because, if you change the resolution in the xorg.conf to a wrong one, Gnome starts it automatically10:51
DIFH-icerootJampiter: i am using kde on a eeepc, which is 6-7 years old :)10:51
ActionParsnipJampiter: should be fine, just run xubuntu or ubuntu, stay away from kde and you're fine10:52
JampiterOk :p10:52
JampiterThanks for your help! :D10:52
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: kde is also working great on older pcs10:52
hwilde_icewm :)10:52
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: like the eeepc 701g10:52
ZirodayDIFH-iceroot: err, eee's aren't 6 years old10:53
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: i like kde apps but find the thing nasty so I run fluxbox on top of kde10:53
BVBBQnextplace, that is what resolution switcher does. right now the only way for me to use a half normal resolution is through the switcher. and you can change on the fly. i believe this might be a temporary fix for you10:53
DIFH-icerootZiroday: look at the hardware 630mhz, 512mb ram10:53
ActionParsnipZiroday: the stuff inside is equivelant ;)10:53
LSD|NinjaHave I pulled a Rip Van Winkle, since when was the Eee 6-7 years old? o_O10:53
JampiterThanks :D I'm gonna go order some CDs :D10:53
BVBBQnextplace, and it is a GUI btw10:53
JampiterBye! :D10:53
DIFH-icerootbut now i am running gnome on my eeepc (eeebuntu)10:53
hahahehewhat do i need to do to make my ubuntu, cool?10:54
nextplaceBVBBQ: I'll give it a try, thx10:54
hwilde_hahahehe, got good hardware?10:54
DIFH-iceroothahahehe: compiz10:54
BVBBQnextplace, no problem10:54
hwilde_!cube | hahahehe10:54
ubottuhahahehe: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »10:54
ActionParsniphahahehe: its already doing it :)10:54
hwilde_hahahehe, customize your themes and effects10:54
hahaheheso i already have compiz ?10:55
hwilde_!themes > hahahehe10:55
ubottuhahahehe, please see my private message10:55
BVBBQCan someone help me to get propriatery drivers working for my videocard? the utility refuses to notice my video card10:55
hahahehedo i need beryl?10:55
hwilde_!compiz > hahahehe10:55
DIFH-iceroothahahehe: search at youtube for compiz, then you will see a "cool" desktop10:55
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: what card?10:55
BVBBQActionParsnip, it is an ATI... forgot the model number10:55
smeecool is a subjective and personal milestone10:55
LSD|NinjaBVBBQ: lspci it10:56
nextplaceBVBBQ: I found the right solution10:56
ActionParsnip!ati | BVBBQ10:56
ubottuBVBBQ: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:56
ActionParsnip!envy | BVBBQ10:56
ubottuBVBBQ: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk10:56
hahaheheokay so i made max special effects, now i get that squiggly effect lol10:56
nextplaceBVBBQ: sudo displayconfig-gtk10:56
hahaheheis that all? -_-10:56
hahahehei want it to be cooler10:56
DistroJockey!ccsm | hahahehe10:56
ubottuhahahehe: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion10:56
BVBBQActionParsnip,  Radeon X130010:56
smeehahahehe:  ccsm10:57
smeehahahehe: it's the configurator for compiz...you might want to visit the tips section of the ubuntuforums to check out some compiz how tos10:57
hahaheheapt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager10:57
hahaheheok, i did that10:58
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: tried envyng-gtk?10:58
smeehahahehe: you can also visit the homepage of compiz so you can see the bleeding edge plugins10:58
BVBBQActionParsnip, how?10:58
ibrahimHello, I am trying to connect VPN via PPTP protocol but I am getting an error. Please see logs http://pastebin.com/m18bdd18510:58
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk10:58
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: in linux nothing is a secret or cryptic10:58
BVBBQActionParsnip, i would disagree, my computer responds to voodoo nine times out of ten10:59
BVBBQActionParsnip, or percussive maintenance10:59
BVBBQActionParsnip, ok, now how do i enable or get it to work?11:00
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: you install envyng-gtk, then run gksu envyng-gtk11:01
DistroJockeyibrahim, you may need to sudo that command11:01
hahahehenow how do i open up that CUBE11:01
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: then its all pretty much in front of you, just read the screen11:01
BVBBQActionParsnip, seems to be working11:02
Zirodayhahahehe: if you have the cube enabled, you can use it by pressing ctrl + alt and clicking and holding the mouse11:02
=== omar1 is now known as Omar87
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: its a bit hit and miss but works for me11:02
ole_din bæsj11:02
ole_din bæsj11:02
BVBBQActionParsnip, any advice to make it run smoothly, my computer is magical at making things not run smoothly,11:02
DistroJockey!no | ole_11:02
ubottuole_: Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!11:02
smeehahahehe: try this too : super + e11:03
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: give it a go, read everything on the screen11:03
vnixHow to type chinese letters?11:03
smeehahahehe: super = windows key btw11:03
=== Theaxiom is now known as Theaxiom2
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daningvnix: install chinese input method.11:04
daningvnix: like scim. fcitx.11:04
Zirodayvnix: this wiki article may also be helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM11:05
BVBBQActionParsnip, thanks man, seems to be going smoothly, downloading the fgrlx driver as we speak.11:05
hahahehei have this 2 dimension cube11:05
hahahehereminds me of parallel universe11:05
BVBBQActionParsnip, this envy is a pretty slick setup11:05
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: its not supported unfortunately but its helped some11:06
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: you can always uninstall it11:06
smeehahahehe: you need to enable more than two workspaces11:06
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: you will need to rerun this if you upgrade your kernel11:06
hahahehewhat is the workspace rows/cols setup to have a perfect great looking cube11:06
LOWER_CASEHi, anyone recommend a camera for use with Ubuntu 7.10 & Skype?11:06
DistroJockeyhahahehe, if you want more, change the Desktop Size in General11:06
BVBBQActionParsnip, well. my computer is a frankenstien of unsupported and hacked parts11:06
smeehahahehe: it is 4 to get a cube11:06
kane77wow.. managed to get my dv cam work as webcam.. it is great BUT by default the /dev/raw1394 has wrong permissions as well as /dev/video1 how do I change that (permanently)?11:06
BVBBQActionParsnip, i think that is what did in my last driver, upgraded to a new kernel.11:07
smeehahahehe: also, try looking at the 'scale' plugin and set a screen corner to activate it11:07
chronographerwhat is better 64bit or i86 ??11:07
hahahehehmm i see the cube but still only shows on the front of the cubes11:07
hahahehenot on the top or bottom11:07
hahahehehow can i put some stuff up there or the bottom11:08
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: yeah you need to install it for the new one each time11:08
smeehahahehe: drag your mouse down11:08
hahahehei just see yellow11:08
smeehahahehe: if you are using ctrl+alt + mouse drag11:08
mantisehello :)11:08
chronographeris there any real advantage to using 64 bit?11:08
smeehahahehe: you need to set an image for the 'caps' as they are called11:08
BVBBQActionParsnip, one other thing maybe you can tell me, in your experience could there be something that returns erronious CPU over temp messeges to the Bios? my computer likes to crash if i run it at 100% for more than a few min11:08
hahahehehow i do that11:09
smeehahahehe: in the ccsm11:09
Whiz2I need to remove 45MB worth of data from my linux installation HDD i've emptied my trash, browser cache, and apt-get packages cache. what other files can I safely remove?11:09
mantisei have this problem with ubuntu http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-517393.html - I cant get proper internet access from ubuntu, only google works, and irc. not even apt or the ubuntu update downloader. gonna try one more time before i try another distro.11:10
LOWER_CASEHi, anyone recommend a webcam for Skype on Ubuntu?11:10
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: run top and sit and watch, see whats maxing it out and go from there11:10
hwilde_mantise, that sounds like a dns problem, not ubuntu.11:10
smeeSystem -> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager -> General -> Desktop11:10
smeeDesktop Size*11:10
DistroJockeyhahahehe, more help for compiz is at #compiz-fusion11:10
BVBBQActionParsnip, can i get that in laymans terms? what is Top?11:10
mantisehwilde: my dns is fine.. i can ping locations, and do host address.. it works fine11:11
mantisehwilde: my dns's are correct.. and they work in windows on the same pc11:11
hwilde_mantise, but you can get to google and xchat, so internet is working fine.11:11
ActionParsnipBVBBQ: type it in terminal11:11
mantisehwilde: yeah only google, any other homepage, it cant enter11:11
BVBBQActionParsnip, thanks, i will try that after this is finished.11:11
Whiz2mantise: just because you can do certain things, but not others, doesn't mean your DNS is fine.11:12
hwilde_mantise, well that sounds like a caching issue.11:12
hwilde_mantise, can you actually search on google11:12
mantiseWhiz2: hm, what can i do about it?11:12
Whiz2mantise: Are you connected to the internet via a router, or are you connected directly to yuour modem?11:12
mantisehwilde_: yes i can search, and it find the resaults, but i cant enter the sites11:12
hahahehewait so i cant put anything on the top cube or the bottom cube?11:12
smeemantise: maybe you are using an internet connection where only google and irc are allowed?11:12
BVBBQmantise, are you in china?11:13
mantiseWhiz2: no router.. just broadbond11:13
hwilde_lol china11:13
mantiseBVBBQ: im in denmark :P11:13
BVBBQmantise, ok, cant help you then11:13
Whiz2mantise: Are you setup to use DHCP to get your IP address?11:13
mantisesmee: no :P ofc not11:13
hwilde_mantise, can you install opera and see if it's a firefox issue11:13
BVBBQhwilde, its an important question, tons of stuff is blocked in china11:13
hwilde_BVBBQ, I know thats why its funny11:14
hwilde_BVBBQ, google isn't even google there.11:14
mantiseWhiz2: i tryed with automatic dhcp, and also static ip11:14
smeemantise: can you ssh anywhere?11:14
hwilde_!opera | mantise11:14
ubottumantise: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser11:14
mantisesmee: uhm, havent tryed yet11:14
Whiz2mantise: how many different browsers have you tried this with?11:14
ScheissDrogenhow can I finnd out which sounddriver is used by a current machine ?11:14
rtu34672mantise: maybe it helps if you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list11:15
BVBBQhwilde_, well yes and no, i live here google works more or less like it should, i had to laugh when the great firewall of china blocked a news article about them unblocking websites11:15
smeemantise: try to see if this is an external internet problem or if it also affects your local network operations11:15
hwilde_mantise, apt-get install opera11:15
hahahehewait so i cant put anything on the top cube or the bottom cube?11:15
mantiseWhiz2: well only firefox.. but still, ubuntu cant get internet acesss to update ubuntu aswell11:15
smeehahahehe: i think only pngs are supported11:15
Whiz2smee: that won't work if mantise is connected directly to the internet instead of through a network11:15
mantisehwilde: my apt-get dont work aswell11:15
hahahehethat means, cool effects, but pretty much defeats the purpose of the "cube"11:15
TheaxiomWhere are the firefox profile folders stored? I would like to copy over some bookmarks and passwords from my windows partition...11:15
hwilde_Theaxiom, I think .mozilla or similar11:16
mantisehwilde: as it cant connect, did u read the url with my problem? as it froze under apt install, and i had to plug out net kable11:16
Theaxiomhwilde: thanks11:16
hwilde_mantise, does it work if you just use the livecd11:17
mantise<rtu34672> mantise: maybe it helps if you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list <- should i try go look in that file ?11:17
Whiz2mantise: just for kicks see if you can access my server at http://jasoncollege24.homeftp.net11:17
rtu34672mantise: pastebin it please11:17
rtu34672!paste | mantise11:17
ubottumantise: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:17
mantisehwilde: uhm, i have the ubuntu desktop cd.. ? is the live ubuntu avalible there ?11:18
mantisertu34672: ok, i need to boot in ubuntu then.. in windows now, so i could browse the web about my issue11:18
Whiz2mantise: if you boot from that CD it should load the ubuntu desktop11:18
hwilde_mantise, that is the livecd.  when you boot from that does your internet work?11:18
rtu34672mantise: your said google works in ubuntu11:18
hwilde_rtu34672, I think it is just cached I don't think he can search11:19
rtu34672mantise: so web works as well, doesn't it?11:19
mantisertu34672: only the google page.. i cant move outside google11:19
mantisertu34672: i cant go futher to other pages, its google ONLY :)11:19
rtu34672mantise: you maybe have a web proxy problem11:19
Whiz2mantise: I had to disable my cache in konqueror (KDE) in order to browse the web with my server11:19
DistroJockeymantise, It's not set to Work Offline in the File menu is it?11:20
mantisehwilde: you mean, try ubuntu without installing it ? i didnt try using the web there tbh :/11:20
mantiseDistroJockey: no :)11:20
hwilde_mantise, yeah you can run off just the cd11:20
DistroJockeymantise, k :)11:20
mantisehwilde: oh, didnt try to use the internet that way11:20
hwilde_mantise, if that doesn't work, I wouldn't expect any other distro to give you better results.11:20
Whiz2mantise: you can still try it that way without changing your current installation. just pop in the CD, and reboot then when the LiveCD desktop loads, try to access any webpage you can't access with your current installation11:20
hwilde_mantise, try to get back on xchat :)11:21
mantisebut by the way.. im gonna boot ubuntu, and come back to you :)11:21
Whiz2cansomeone helpe me free up 45MB of space? what files does unbuntu (or kubuntu) come with that I can safely remove?11:21
matt_what program do you use for a compiz theme manager11:22
smeematt_: you are referring to emerald11:23
hwilde_Whiz2, go in synaptic and sort by the installed status and remove some stuff you dont use11:23
smeematt_: and emerald theme manager11:23
matt_sure emerald11:23
matt_is there a theme pack11:23
dinesh_suggest me some books and websites to learn linux as i am abeginner11:23
smeematt_ : gnome-look.org -> emerald themes11:23
DistroJockeyWhiz2, try:  sudo apt-get clean11:23
ScheissDrogen Whiz2: how big is the entire drive/partition and how much space does your ubuntu take ?11:23
Whiz2hwilde: synaptic? is that a gnome application? I'm using KDE11:24
bazhangWhiz2, then it would be adept11:24
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: 3.7GB total 2.1GB in use11:24
DistroJockeyWhiz2, sudo apt-get clean           clears out the local repository of retrieved package files.11:24
EMPIREBLdje ste ljudi?11:24
Whiz2DistroJockey: already done that11:25
DistroJockeyWhiz2, ahh, k11:25
BVBBQcan someone help me out with X server my XRandR is saying it is not supported when i try to use it, also it seems that even though i just reinstalled the fglrx driver with envyng it is not running11:25
EMPIREBLde ste?11:25
bazhangEMPIREBL, english please11:25
hwilde_!de | EMPIREBL11:25
ScheissDrogen Whiz2: wow, less is hard, well as bazh told you can remove apps like games or other soft u don't use11:25
ubottuEMPIREBL: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:25
EMPIREBLhi all11:26
hwilde_Whiz2, goto /usr/share    then type    "sudo du -a --max-depth=1 | sort -k1 -n"11:26
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: i need it for a complete system upgrade via the internet. i only need 45MB freed for the release upgrade11:26
EMPIREBLlol this is si noobish where do you all come from?11:26
alvarito08iam spanish11:26
bazhangEMPIREBL, this is ubuntu support11:26
hwilde_!noob | EMPIREBL11:27
ubottuEMPIREBL: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.11:27
DistroJockey!ot EMPIREBL11:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot empirebl11:27
EMPIREBLis this all world here?11:27
bazhangEMPIREBL, this is not a chat channel11:27
DistroJockey!ot | EMPIREBL11:27
ubottuEMPIREBL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:27
frybyehwilde_: that stuff from empirebl does not resemble German pal...11:27
ibrahimI am trying to connect VPN , logs are http://paste.debian.net/15272/ , is there anybody to help me_?11:27
dinesh_empirebl; please tell me about some books and websites for linux as i am a beginner11:27
humphreyI just installed Hardy Heron, but on restarting, I can't boot into it.  I have a SATA HD with vista installed.  I shrunk this partition and installed ubuntu on the 2nd half.  I also have a IDE drive that I just store data on.  When I restart, the computer just boots into vista like it always had.  No grub menu.  Any Ideas?11:27
rtu34672hwilde_: that wasn't german at all11:27
ScheissDrogen EMPIREBL:irc.euirc.de  > #ubuntu11:27
bazhangdinesh_, please join #ubuntu-offtopic11:27
hwilde_frybye, rtu34672   he said "de ste" so I gave him !de   whatev11:27
Whiz2hwilde: before i run that command, what does it do?11:27
hwilde_Whiz2, it sorts the directories by size11:28
hwilde_Whiz2, and prints them out11:28
smeeWhiz2: put the -h switch in there too11:28
EMPIREBLleave me alone!11:28
hwilde_Whiz2, no not h!  that will mess up sorting11:28
hwilde_Whiz2, just what I told you.11:28
Whiz2smee: too late11:28
rtu34672hwilde_: for me it looks rather east european11:28
EMPIREBLwtf about me i was talking on serbian11:28
BrucevdkQuestion, bash-completion version 20060301-3ubuntu3. I can't complete files with spaces anymore when using a quote. That is: touch "foo bar", touch "f<tab> won't complete to "foo bar" like it used to (e.g. in 7.10). Can't find a bug report, though did find a bug report that looked somewhat like this problem.11:28
smeewhiz2: like this 'sudo du -a -h --max-depth=1 | sort -k1 -n'11:28
DistroJockeyhumphrey, sounds like grub got installed to your IDE drive11:29
hwilde_Whiz2, you can get rid of some stuff like doc,  man,  app-install,  foomatic and cups (if you dont need to print),  example-content   etc11:29
padmajidoes thunar have a ftp ssh plugin?11:29
smeeWhiz2: the -h will format the file-size in more readable terms11:29
Whiz2hwilde: that only tells me sizes of directories... not what I can remove safely from them11:29
hwilde_smee, no.  h messes up sorting.11:29
hwilde_smee, try it and you see.  it doesn't sort k's and m's right.11:29
EMPIREBLlol what is this people?11:29
humphreyDistroJockey, that's what I thought.  I changed my boot piority to be my ide drive, and grub gave me an error.11:29
frybyeempiirebl - this is a focused channel all about suport for a particular linux operating system distribution where unrelated stuff is nor really wanted.. there are 1000's of channels on masses of irc servers for other stuff...11:29
hwilde_EMPIREBL, last chance :p11:30
Whiz2EMPIREBL: calm down11:30
DistroJockeyhumphrey, or to the partition you installed Ubuntu on. Not the MBR of the disk that boots by default11:30
rtu34672EMPIREBL: you were already told this is ubuntu technical support11:30
ScheissDrogen Whiz2: simply browse through adept and look which soft you don't need11:30
DistroJockeyhumphrey, ahh, so grub is on the IDE drive11:30
EMPIREBLits better if i enter /quit11:30
DistroJockeyhumphrey, what was the error?11:30
* Whiz2 hates adept lol11:30
frybyeEMPIREBL: perhaps you are right - have a nice day...11:30
Whiz2but ok11:30
hwilde_Whiz2, I just gave you a list...11:30
humphreyDistroJockey, It was grub error 6, or some number.. can't remember.11:31
Whiz2hwilde: you gave me a list of directories lol11:31
hwilde_Whiz2, you can get rid of some stuff like doc,  man,  app-install,  foomatic and cups (if you dont need to print),  example-content   etc11:31
AchothWhen I try to use any "sudo" commands I get this output: "sudo: unable to resolve host tobbe-desktop". What can be the problem?11:32
hwilde_Achoth, /etc/hosts file11:32
DistroJockeyhumphrey, can't help much until we know really. Also the contents of  /boot/grub/menu.lst  would be nice11:32
Achothhwilde_: What about it?11:32
Whiz2hwilde: it's ok. I'm taking the advice of removing programs I don't use11:32
BVBBQif i want to edit my xorg.conf file how would i do that11:32
humphreycool.. I might reboot soon and give it a look :-)11:32
=== padmaji is now known as pema
hwilde_Achoth, probably missing an entry that says tobbe-desktop11:33
=== pema is now known as padma
Achothhwilde_: Should I add it?11:33
hwilde_Achoth, can you pastebin /etc/hosts11:33
DistroJockeyhumphrey, will be hard to get that file without a live linux CD11:33
=== padma is now known as padmaji
bazhangalvarito08, english please11:33
BVBBQif i want to edit my xorg.conf file how would i do that?11:34
hwilde_alvarito08, press 1 if you keyboard is broken11:34
humphreyDistroJockey, got a live linux cd... that's how I installed ubuntu :-)11:34
hwilde_BVBBQ, if you can't figure out how to edit that file you probably don't want to ...11:34
ScheissDrogen BVBBQ:first backup the old one, ...11:34
humphreyDistroJockey, Could I just boot off the live cd and manually set up grub on the hdd that I choose?11:34
Achothhwilde_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39363/11:34
BVBBQhaha thanks guys, but i do need to to get my fglrx drivers working properly11:34
alvarito08there are spanish people here11:35
ScheissDrogen BVBBQ:which graphics ?11:35
DistroJockeyhumphrey, yeah11:35
hwilde_Achoth, see that second line?  it thinks your hostname is "ubuntu".  change that to your hostname11:35
bazhangalvarito08, /join #ubuntu-es11:35
BVBBQScheissDrogen, isnt the command sudo gedit xorg.conf?11:35
hwilde_!es | alvarezp11:35
ubottualvarezp: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:35
hwilde_!es | alvarito0811:35
ubottualvarito08: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:35
humphreyDistroJockey, cheers!11:35
ScheissDrogen BVBBQ:y11:35
DistroJockeyhumphrey, you're welcome :)11:35
hwilde_BVBBQ, ScheissDrogen, gksu !11:35
alvarito08ok thank you11:35
BVBBQScheissDrogen, because i need to enable Xrandr in the xorg.conf file11:36
Achothhwilde_: May that be related to that I chroot'ed into my Ubuntu isntall from a LiveCD?11:36
hwilde_Achoth, yeah    check  /etc/hostname  while you're at it11:36
ScheissDrogen BVBBQ:first backup the old one!  gksu cp /...old    /...backup11:36
Whiz2ha! I found 60MB worth I can remove lol11:36
BVBBQso in terminal just gksu cp /...old?11:36
hwilde_BVBBQ, ScheissDrogen   sudo for cp and command line,   gksu for gedit and gui11:36
Achothhwilde_: YAY! It used to take over 30 seconds to open a terminal and now it opens instantly :)11:37
hwilde_BVBBQ, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup11:37
Achothhwilde_: Thanks11:37
BVBBQhwilde_, thanks11:37
hwilde_BVBBQ, gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.confg11:37
hwilde_Achoth, yes it was tryign to resolve your localhost and could not11:38
ScheissDrogen BVBBQ:/t)   sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf   /etc/X11/xorg.confbackup11:38
ScheissDrogenhwilde:difference is just set of filepermissons, or ?11:38
Achothhwilde_: And now it can ;) thanks again11:38
BVBBQhwilde_, uh oh, cp: missing destination file operand after `/etc/X11/xorg.conf'11:38
hwilde_ScheissDrogen, sudo is for command line,  gksu for graphical11:38
hwilde_BVBBQ, type in exaclty what I typed11:39
hwilde_BVBBQ, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup11:39
ScheissDrogenhwilde  difference11:39
BVBBQall in one line?11:39
* hwilde_ stares at BVBBQ 11:39
Whiz2BVBBQ: yes11:39
BVBBQhwilde_, ok11:40
BVBBQhwilde_, done11:40
fmitchellJust did a upgrade from Ubuntu 7.x to 8.04, and my system got wicked unstable. Is Ubuntu 8.04 stable on a clean install, or is it flakey as well?11:40
ScheissDrogen!who | BVBBQ11:40
ubottuBVBBQ: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:40
hwilde_BVBBQ, warning, by editing your xorg.conf, you are about to bork your system hardcore, possibly requiring ctrl+alt+f1 to restore...11:40
hwilde_BVBBQ, if that is the path you have chosen...      gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.config11:40
rtu34672ScheissDrogen: difference between sudo and gksu is, gksu handles the DISPLAY variable and X11 display permissions. for command line only usage, you don't need that11:41
fmitchellFrelling about with xorg.conf is NOT for the faint of heart.11:41
Whiz2hwilde_: why would you deliberately bork someone's system?11:41
ScheissDrogenfmitchel: if you don't run very exotic hw its very stable11:41
hwilde_Whiz2, I told him he didn't want to do that.11:41
ushimitsudoki1fmitchell: just for me it seems stable enough (upgraded not fresh install)11:41
BVBBQhwilde_, seems i am staring at an empty doc file.11:41
timobis there a file in proc that lists filenames that are being written to/read ?11:41
Whiz2BVBBQ: You don't *want* to do that11:41
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem11:41
hwilde_BVBBQ, your system is maybe telling you something there11:41
BVBBQWhiz2, i have no other choice11:41
hwilde_BVBBQ, if you can't figure out how to edit that file you probably don't want to ...11:42
TheaxiomWhat is a good program to run in the tray that checks for new email? Or can evolution do that?11:42
Whiz2BVBBQ: what exactly is the problem you're having?11:42
fmitchellScheissDrogen: Basically, vpnc seems crappy, and I keep having to reboot to restore my network stack11:42
BVBBQhwilde_, i have found the solution to my problem. and the only option is that i edit this file. no other choice11:42
hwilde_BVBBQ, if that is the path you have chosen...      gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.config11:42
fmitchellAlso, looks like they got rid of xmms and replace it with something screwball11:42
BVBBQWhiz2, i need to enable XrandR in my xorg.conf11:43
hwilde_fmitchell, xmms deprecated for "security" issues.  but you can build from src11:43
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem11:43
BVBBQhwilde_, all it opens is an empty doc file.11:43
ScheissDrogenfmitchel: kinda network-connection ? wireless/lan11:43
DistroJockeyBVBBQ, hwilde :  gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:43
hwilde_is that not what I hav ebeen typing ?11:44
BVBBQDistroJockey, just figured that one out actually11:44
fmitchellhwilde_: yeah, I figured as much -- but I don't always want to have to build stuff from source anymore -- which is why I switched to Ubuntu from Fedora! Just not enough time, not that I can't do it .11:44
ScheissDrogenfmitchel: after upgrading the apt update/grade commands run without errors ?11:44
hwilde_BVBBQ, wave goodbye to your gui :/11:44
DistroJockeyhwilde, <hwilde_> BVBBQ, if that is the path you have chosen...      gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.config11:44
hwilde_fmitchell, mplayer will make music just fine.  but I do miss the winamp style11:44
BVBBQhwilde_, i am just enabling xrandr, i should be ok.11:44
DistroJockeyhwilde, :)11:44
hwilde_DistroJockey, lol tab complete has ruined my spelling11:45
Whiz2hwilde_: you said /etc/x11/xorg.config when it was actually /etc/x11/xorg.conf11:45
hwilde_I was trying to protect him from himself11:45
DistroJockeyhwilde, yeah, it does that :)11:45
BVBBQhwilde_, restarting, wish me luck.11:45
ScheissDrogen Whiz2: xX11:45
fmitchellScheissDrogen: I used the gui equivalent of that -- and yes, it ran error - free11:45
hwilde_BVBBQ, you know how to restore from command line??11:45
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: what? I was being honest lol11:45
BVBBQhwilde_, enlighten me11:45
hanz188I want to know it ,too.11:46
hwilde_BVBBQ, ctrl+alt+f1   login,  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup  /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:46
ScheissDrogenfmitchel:  wireless or wired ?11:46
fmitchellhwilde_: I love mplayer to death and use it for watching my movies -- but i have those .m3u (sp) files that I don't want to redo.11:46
hoontekehow do I see *when* a deb package was installed?11:46
fmitchellScheissDrogen: this particular one is wired.11:47
jorickis there a way to see if two directories are the "same"? (same files, same permissions, etc ...) and to display the changed between them?11:47
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: Wish me luck! I freed the needed disk space using Adept, and now I'm currently upgrading to the latest version of my Kubuntu OS!11:47
smeefmitchell: isnt m3u just a playlist?11:47
DistroJockeyhoonteke, do you have Synaptic?11:47
DIFH-icerootjorick: diff11:47
hwilde_fmitchell, you tried just renaming to .pls right ? :)11:47
Whiz2smee: yes11:47
fmitchellsmee: yes11:47
ScheissDrogenwishes good luck to Whiz211:47
Kartagishoonteke, dpkg -l|grep packagename11:47
hoontekeDistroJockey: hehe, of course!  I'll check that out11:47
smeeoh btw elisa media center works for me, i love it11:47
hoontekebut is there ... yeap11:47
hoontekethanks Kartagis11:48
DistroJockeyhoonteke, check under  File - History11:48
ushimitsudoki1jorick: http://www.unixtutorial.org/2008/06/how-to-compare-directories-in-unix/11:48
=== Mez is now known as Mez|Reading
fmitchellhwilde_: that's an idea -- well, could convert it anway...11:48
* Whiz2 crosses fingers and toes in hopes I don't bork my own system just from an upgrade lol11:48
smeeguess i should repeat my question11:48
hoontekeKartagis: that shows it's status, but I want to find out (from the CLI) *when* it was installed11:48
ScheissDrogendpkg --get-selections > PAKETE.txt  ,hoonteke11:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:48
hoontekeDistroJockey: now, at least I have a way that *works*.  :-)11:48
smeeI have a question myself, related to making gtk/metacity themes: what is the name of the program that lets me mouse over a gui element and retrieve it's gtk widget name?11:49
DistroJockeyhoonteke, yeah, was looking for a CLI option but havn't seen one yet11:49
hwilde_fmitchell, m3u should work in rhythmbox anyways  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16526&highlight=rhythmbox+stream11:49
DistroJockeyhoonteke, must be a way though :)11:49
hoontekeScheissDrogen: that still just says whether or not it's installed.  anyway to see *when* it was installed?11:49
Whiz2I feel like such a noob here lol11:50
hoontekeWhiz2: yeah, it can def. be a bit overwhelming.  There's a wealth of knowledge out there11:50
hwilde_Whiz2, the more you know, the more you realize yo udon't know11:50
achadwicksmee: I don't know, but consider package thewidgetfactory too, if you're building themes (binary is named "twf")11:50
hoontekeWhiz2: it's also probably a bit overwhelming in this room, just because of the sheer volume of people in this room.  This room is never quiet.11:50
Whiz2hoonteke: i've been messing with kubuntu for a few years now, and I still can't grasp many of the simplest parts of it11:50
ScheissDrogenhoonteke: huuhm11:51
hoontekeWhiz2: hehe, right htere with. right there with ya11:51
Whiz2hoonteke: in fact, this is the first time I've upgraded to a new release since I installed it... I originally installed 6.06 LTS11:51
DistroJockeyWhiz2, try Ubuntu (Gnome) :)11:52
hoontekehehe, there's a testament to Ubuntu's usability then.  Most of my friends have ridden the update curve.11:52
Whiz2DistroJockey: will gnome run better on a old computer with low RAM, and HDD space?11:52
bazhangWhiz2, try fluxbuntu for that11:52
jurohi, how can I get Ubuntu not to open all kind of crap when I insert a memory card with images11:53
hoontekeHeh, DistroJockey that's what I'm on, but I'm getting real excited about seeing what KDE 4.1 is all about.  That plasma platform excites me...11:53
hoontekeWhiz2: both KDE (Kubuntu) and Gnome (Ubuntu) are somewhat memory hogs11:53
DistroJockeyWhiz2, from a brief test I did Gnome and KDE 3.5.9 use about the same amount of RAM11:53
hoontekebut if KDE3 tends to use more than gnome at this point.  i don't know about kde4.11:53
bazhangjuro, please specify11:53
scientus_why doesnt my hibernate.sh work?11:53
flajannUbuntu's support for KDE is, shall we say, less than satisfying? :-)11:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:54
ushimitsudoki1smee: sudo apt-get install wininfo11:54
bazhanglets take chat elsewhere11:54
scientus_i have weeabot working swap 2GB on my 1GB ram11:54
hoontekeWhiz2: if you're cool with tinkering a bit, or learning a slightly non-windows/mac way of doing things, Xubuntu works pretty well.  I use it on my older laptop11:54
Whiz2bazhang: can I change unbuntu versions without losing all my other settings? (like the server config, VNC, ssh, samba)11:54
smeeafter resuming from hibernate, i cant get any sound working...i need to reboot to be able to hear sound11:54
jamesmcmHey, I think I have a problem with my xorg.conf, I pastebinned it here  http://www.pastebin.ca/1180547, I have a Nvidia card. Any help is much appreciated.11:54
jurobazhang, I have a CompactFlash card with images, when I insert that, fspot opens and tries to import the images. I don't want anything to happen!11:54
bazhangWhiz2, you mean the wm?11:54
Whiz2hoonteke: the computer that has kubuntu installed is a dedicated web server11:54
ubottuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"11:54
smeeushimitsudoki1: cheers, seems like the one i'm after11:54
Whiz2bazhang: wm???11:55
hoontekeWhiz2: a dedicated webserver?  Hmm, is it used a desktop at all?11:55
hoontekeWhiz2: in general, servers don't need X on them.  Unless of course you need X because you haven't yet (or never will) learn the commandline utilities.11:55
bazhangjuro, what is the point of inserting the flash card; what do you want to do11:55
Whiz2hoonteke: only when I need to change something, or add large files to it as I can't seem to get files to it from over the network unless I login and copy them using the server itself11:55
clouder`grrjuro: try System -> Preferences -> Removable Drives and Media11:56
DistroJockey!nvidia | jamesmcm11:56
ubottujamesmcm: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:56
scientus_why doesnt my hibernate.sh work?  i have weeabot working swap 2GB on my 1GB ram11:56
hoontekeWhiz2: okay.  Fair enough.  Well in that case, I might point you to this months Linux Journal (September 2008).11:56
hoontekethere's a good introductory article to administration with X11:56
hoontekeand other tools.11:56
Whiz2hoonteke: i use the X Desktop for those purposes, and I have a utility that also allows me to ssh directly into the command line and login that way if I don't need the X desktop for what I'm doing11:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate11:56
flajannhoonteke, if you ever have to frell about with Oracle(!), you'll need X installed. I would not wish that on my worst enemy -- well, maybe I would!11:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi11:57
ElAngeloi added a wireless nic in my machine11:57
ElAngelobut now it doesn't show up in nm-connection-manager11:57
ElAngelois there any way to add it?11:57
hoontekeflajann: it has been a while since I've messed with oracle, but I've never needed an X server on the server itself11:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep11:57
hoontekessh -X is a handy thing to know11:57
hoontekeand -Y11:57
ScheissDrogenhoonteke:man dpkg  otions I,L,s  posible, but couldn't get it to work11:57
Whiz2hoonteke: I'd rather have X up and running for the things I dunno how to do from the command line11:58
jurobazhang, definitely not to import it into fspot11:58
smeehoonteke: yeah those are awesome, use them on my local netowork server alot11:58
flajannhoonteke, normally you wouldn't. I don't have X on any servers I work on -- except those with Oracle installations. Go figure.11:58
Whiz2my other question didn't get answered!11:58
hoontekesmee: :-)11:58
bazhangjuro, did you try what clouder`grr suggested11:58
juroclouder`grr: thanx, worked11:58
smeehoonteke: also used synergy with it too11:58
hoontekeflajann: yeah, I migrated to Postgres in the 8.0 series.11:58
jurobazhang: yes, thank you.11:58
hoontekeOMG! I'm not looking back11:58
hoontekethere are so many things that make it so much easier to work with11:59
jurobazhang, I am waiting for Adobe finally to convert their products to Linux ;)11:59
hoontekenot the least of which is the psql commandline, there administration11:59
mantisethe ppl who helped me before - Whiz2, smee rtu34672, ect - i could not even connect to freenode from ubuntu11:59
mantiseand i tryed to use the live ubuntu11:59
hoontekeand there even more ACID/SQL standard compliant than oracle11:59
rtu34672mantise: then you DO have a DNS issue11:59
mantiseand the internet didnt work there aswell11:59
TheaxiomI installed openjdk-6-jre using apt-get, and then installed eclipse using apt-get, when I try to run eclipse it says I need to install a JDK or a JDE, shouldn't it be working?11:59
mantiseonly google11:59
hoontekealso, I don't have to go all over the system to administrate it, like I do with ORacle11:59
mantisertu34672: i see mate.. but i have added the 2 right dns i have, and they work in windows ?11:59
hoontekeoh, and OS = mucho cheaper, so that's nice as well11:59
hateballTheaxiom: I think you may have to point it out in the Eclipse options12:00
rtu34672mantise: so you are back in windows now?12:00
Theaxiomhateball: I can not even start eclipse12:00
mantisebtw, this is the exact same problem - > http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-517393.html - he just have a router12:00
ScheissDrogenWhiz2:second question ?12:00
flajannhoonteke, I had to deal with a Doubleclick installation, which *requires* Oracle, but could've just as easily been written to use MySQL or postgres12:00
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: after I do my upgrade to the latest version, is it possible to change versions (from say kubuntu to xubuntu) withoutlosing my settings, or needed programs? (like VNC (or desktop sharing), web server settings, ssh, etc)12:00
rtu34672mantise: difficult to test you linux setup if you are in windows12:00
mantisertu34672: yes.. cant do anything in ubuntu, undernet i can connect to tho.. but not freenode12:00
mantisertu34672: well i could not connect to freenode to talk to u in ubuntu :/12:01
hwilde_mantise, you're not going to have much luck with other distros if your livecd doesnt work12:01
rtu34672mantise: what is undernet?12:01
ScheissDrogenWhiz2:yes, if you had enough space, you could even chosse the session each time you log on12:01
Theaxiomhateball: I will try installing the sun JRE as well and see if that works12:01
Keiyentaihas anyone had a problem with FoxyTunes in FF3 on Ubuntu 8.04 and Amarok not showing up? Worked just fine in Mandriva but I am not seeing alot of players in the list. Just Online players like Rhapsady and such12:01
mantisertu34672: undernet irc server12:01
flajannThese days, Windows runs as a virtual app under Linux!12:01
hoontekeflajann: yep, about 3-4 years ago, we made a decision on the database end of things: we're going with postgres.  If it didn't support postgres, we weren't going to use it.12:01
Whiz2rtu34672: undernet is another irc server like freenode12:01
rtu34672mantise, Whiz2: okay12:01
Theaxiomhateball: that worked12:01
mantisehwilde: well last i used linux, i used slackware.. and my internet was just fine12:01
hoontekesorry you don't have the option.  :-(12:01
rtu34672mantise: still it looks like a DNS issue12:02
hwilde_mantise, if xchat works then basic internet support is working.12:02
bazhangmantise, do you have the linux box handy or is this a dual boot12:02
hwilde_mantise, that means proxy, cache, firewall, filter, or dns problems12:02
rtu34672hwilde_: he cannot connect to freenode, only undernet12:02
xadioshoexhello all12:02
Whiz2how is it that I uninstalled 60MB worth of applications, but it still says I'm short 38.8MB of space (when it was originally 45MB)12:02
Keiyentaihrm I am going to try and reboot..12:02
flajannhoonteke, got into a nasty debate with someone local as to whether Postgres is better than MySQL. That raised a lot of interesting issues, actually.12:02
mantisehwilde_: only google and undernet works12:02
xadioshoexhow to group rename mp3 files on ubuntu?12:03
hwilde_mantise, google does not work.12:03
hoontekeScheissDrogen: well, it ain't pretty, but the -L option works well enough:12:03
hwilde_mantise, and if undernet works then freenode works, because it's the same port out of the firewall... or is it12:03
ScheissDrogen mantise:you shure you set up the irc account properly ?12:03
hoontekeflajann: hehe, yep.  Been down that road as well12:03
mantisehwilde_: well i can go to google, and search, and it find resaults, but i cant enter the pages it finds12:03
hwilde_flajann, mysql is catching up :)12:03
ScheissDrogenhoonteke:tell me syntax12:03
hoontekeMySQL is faster for a certain things12:03
hoontekebut doesn't scale12:03
flajannhwilde_: Grrr.... :-)12:04
mantisehwilde_: it sounds weird, but i cant connect to any freenode servers.. just undernet and quakenet -.-12:04
hwilde_mantise, it sounds like you either have an http proxy,  a firewall,  a dns problem,  a browser cache somewhere,  or some type of parental guardian software.12:04
hoontekeit can with bigger bucks, but it's been our experience that Postgres has the multicore thing down much better12:04
DistroJockeyrtu34672, mantise : if it's DNS then try   (irc.freenode.net's IP number)  instead of the name12:04
rtu34672mantise: DNS problem or proxy problem. do you know if there is a transparent proxy, possible filtering things?12:04
beilabsHey guys, ext3 support on XP, does it exist?  Need to be able to share out an external drive from XP which was formatted to ext3 by ubuntu12:04
Whiz2try to figure this one out! 20 mins ago my system said I needed 45M of free space for my upgrade, I uninstalled 60M worth of programs i do not use, now it says I need 38.8M more space freed o.O12:04
mantisefrom the post tho - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-517393.html - he have same DNS problem, but he could fix it in his router12:04
ScheissDrogenbeilabs: yes12:04
hoontekealso, MySQL's internal table structure is MyISAM.  so, even if you choose innodb as all your table types, you still aren't able to be 100% ACID12:04
smeemantise: but when you use windows ( i suppose you can reboot into it now?) you can go anywhere and use any port?12:05
hoontekethat is unacceptable in lots of what we do.12:05
flajannhoonteke: That was the case. MySQL is getting better with the multicore issues, but still has some way to go.12:05
bazhanghttp://www.fs-driver.org/ beilabs12:05
mantisehwilde_: yeah i think proxy or dns aswell12:05
mantisertu34672: im sure there isnt mate12:05
beilabsbazhang, used that, it asks me if I want to format the drive12:05
hwilde_mantise, what connects you to the ineternet12:05
hoontekeflajann: yeah, it's hard to compare them both since they're both constantly evolving12:05
mantisesmee: yeah in windows everything works12:05
mantisehwilde: lan, i have a broadband connection12:05
hwilde_mantise, physically I mean12:05
smeemantise: and your using something lie a 56k dialup modem to connect to your isp?12:06
hwilde_mantise, you must have a router or a modem or something12:06
ScheissDrogenbeilabs: yes, driver : http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html12:06
mantisehwilde_: dhcp12:06
eligosdoes anyone know how can I hide the icons for the ntfs mounted volumes from the desktop??12:06
mantisehwilde_: yeah modem12:06
hwilde_mantise, can you get into that modem12:06
beilabsScheissDrogen, used that, it asks me to format the drive.12:06
BelialHi there, When recompiling kernel modules, is there a way to specify only new modules should be built or am I stuck with make modules and recompiling them all?12:06
bli55hey guys, total newbie here. How do i setup my onboard audio so that the line-out is actually rear-out?12:06
hwilde_Belial, if you just type make it will only make the ones that need remade12:06
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: i have another question for you lol12:06
mantisehwilde_: get into it ? to configure it, like a router ? nop :/12:06
ScheissDrogenbeilabs: encrypted or other than ext 2/3 ?12:06
hwilde_mantise, don't you have to log into the web browser and put in your username and password?12:07
ScheissDrogenhoonteke:tell me the right syntax of of dpkg-L12:07
hwilde_ScheissDrogen, dpkg -L packagename12:07
flajannhoonteke: at my shop, we are using MySQL on big quad-core boxes to support 50,000+ simultaneous users sending messages back and forth, chat, and a blizzard of other stuff...12:07
smeehwilde: sounds like a 56k modem...the kind you issue commands via a serial port12:07
ScheissDrogenWhiz2:go ahead12:07
beilabsScheissDrogen, not encrypted, just plain old ext3, a windows tool called Linux-Reader allows me to browse the drive, but not to share it out over the network12:07
hwilde_mantise, how do you make it connect12:07
DistroJockeyeligos, run   gconf-editor   and navigate to  apps - natulius - desktop  , then untick  volumes_visible12:07
hoontekeflajann: about a year ago, this was handy: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Why_PostgreSQL_Instead_of_MySQL:_Comparing_Reliability_and_Speed_in_200712:07
hwilde_smee, webspeed.dk is broadband tho.  maybe even fiber12:08
hoontekeScheissDrogen: it's not syntax: dpkg -L *package_name*12:08
Belialhwilde_: that seems to be going through the entire kernel, though i cant remember if i make clean'd the last time or not12:08
mantisehwilde_: no, i just let it auto recieve ip ect12:08
hoontekeScheissDrogen: take one of those files and do "ls -l file_name"12:08
smeehwilde: ahh like cable maybe?12:08
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: 45m needed to be freed, I took your advice, and using adept, I removed 60M worth of un-needed applications, but now it says I still need 38.8M freed... did I do something wrong?12:08
hoontekeScheissDrogen: see what the date is12:08
mantisehwilde_: its like cable, yes12:08
smeehwilde: ergo, not adsl12:08
wols_Whiz2: apt-cache clean12:08
rtu34672mantise: if you get an IP it is more than just a modem. it is a router.12:08
hwilde_mantise, type in /sbin/route   do you have a default gateway12:08
Whiz2wols_: I'm WAY ahead of you12:08
vnixJust now someone let me know that I can type chinese letters by install some software. Can I know what is the software name agian>12:09
RandyboYCould anyone give me a recomandation for an extremely easy-used firewall? Ive installed Ubuntu for my father(who has absolutely no clue on computers at all) and need a easy but good firewall...12:09
wols_Whiz2: size as described in the package description is not always very accurate12:09
flajannhoonteke: Yes, a year ago. Now, it'll have to be redone. :-)12:09
mantisehwilde_: i tryed to enter my ip, subnetmask and gateway i got from windows, as a static ip, but didnt work aswell12:09
hoontekeflajann: yeah, I'm not at all dissing MySQL.  It's got it's niche, and clearly (since Google uses it, e.g.) it works.  Hard to argue with *it works*.  On the other hand, it's not a solution that will work for our shop12:09
hwilde_!firewall > RandyboY12:09
ubottuRandyboY, please see my private message12:09
wols_RandyboY: why do you need a firewall?12:09
mantisehwilde_: i have a static ip12:09
hwilde_mantise,  sudo dhclient eth012:10
smeeRandyboY: i use firestarter12:10
Whiz2wols_: requested size is given in exact MB needed, and lacking amount for a full upgrade via the internet12:10
hwilde_mantise, that will get you dhcp12:10
DistroJockeyvnix, I believe they mentioned  scim ?12:10
wols_Whiz2: delete some log files the compressed ones12:10
hwilde_Whiz2, I already told you a way to free up 100+mb12:10
flajannhoonteke: as always, it's the best tool for the job. At my shop, MySQL is the main workhorse, but we also have MSSQL and Oracle here.12:10
eligosdistrojockey, thanks12:10
mantisehwilde_: it sux i cant join freenode from ubuntu.. as i have to reboot every time :p12:10
hwilde_Whiz2, you can get rid of some stuff like /usr/share   doc,  man,  app-install,  foomatic and cups (if you dont need to print),  example-content12:10
DistroJockeyeligos, you're welcome12:10
chris062689Has anyone tried KDE 4.1?  Is it stable enough to use everyday situations?  (Kubuntu channel is dead.)12:10
bazhangchris062689, yes12:11
rtu34672mantise: i just tried to connect to undernet, they won't let me in12:11
wols_!kde | chris06268912:11
hwilde_mantise, the problem is if you dont get dhcp you don't have dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf12:11
ubottuchris062689: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde412:11
eligosdistrojockey, do you know how to move the screen position from ubuntu???12:11
ScheissDrogenWhiz2: prob will be that after installation not mor space is needed but to extrcat the new onne while the old ones are still there12:11
bazhangchris062689, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic12:11
hwilde_mantise, set it to dhcp and you will get on freenode fine12:11
flajannBeen wanting to play around with Postgres, but never get the time. Been doing MySQL for nearly a decade, and it's hard to justify even looking at a different database...12:11
hoontekeflajann: hmm, so I hadn't looked at that link in a while.  I'm actually impressed that it's still somewhat relevant.12:11
ackbahrHi! Do you know if the first of two encoding passes with mencoder is a distinctly names file, in other words can I run first pass on a series of files and only after that pass 2, or do I have to do both passes one after the other for each file?12:11
DistroJockeyeligos, not sure what you mean by that sorry. Can you rephrase?12:11
euthymoshi I think a find a problem with Ubuntu 8.04 's kernel, which does not occour in 7.10's one12:12
flajannPerhaps someone could do a Postgress engine as a plugin for MySQL!12:12
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: it told me exactly the same thing last time with a 7M difference (before removing 60M)12:12
hwilde_mantise, I am on undernet anyways #ubuntu12:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:12
hoontekeflajann: heh, that's been the april fools joke on slashdot for a couple of years running, I think.12:12
bazhangplease take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic12:12
Abracadabracan someone tell me how to clone a user using the CLI ?12:12
bazhanghoonteke, flajann12:12
mantisehwilde_: in my resolvconf there is my 2 dns servers12:13
rtu34672mantise: i just managed to get into undernet as well, #ubuntu12:13
hwilde_mantise, you need to get dhcp.12:13
hwilde_mantise, go into ubuntu and join undernet #ubuntu12:13
flajannhoonteke: I'm serious, though -- would make for a cool state of affairs...12:13
eligosdistrojockey, I changed my screen res and the screen got out of place, but if I fix the position using my monitor controls my other operating systems will be affected also, and I remember there's a way to move the screen position using ubuntu12:13
smeesorry time for sleep,,, cheerio folks12:13
hoontekeflajann: :-)12:13
Whiz2wols_: ScheissDrogen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/39371/12:13
mantisehwilde_: i will mate.. on my way :)12:13
hoontekealright time to get back to work.12:13
ScheissDrogenWhiz2: you are not really happy with that drive, where are u located to not getting a bigger one ? at least an usb-stick for temporaly storage ?12:13
DistroJockeyeligos, ahh, I usually just hit the auto-sync on my monitor12:14
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: money is the issue12:14
DistroJockeyeligos, not familiar with the software way sorry12:14
ScheissDrogen!trash Whiz2:trash empty ?12:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:14
AbracadabraWhat's the command to clone a user (I need to create a user with the same privileges as another user)12:14
Whiz2ScheissDrogen: was empty before i ever started12:15
bazhang!trash | ScheissDrogen12:15
ubottuScheissDrogen: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash12:15
eligosdistrojockey, that's alright, thanks12:15
DistroJockeyeligos, no problem12:15
ScheissDrogenWhiz2: lol, could look in the trash for a bigger hd12:15
Whiz2hwilde_: do me a favor a nd relist that stuff you said I could remove?12:16
TotakekeCan someone help me? I'm trying to install Hardy Heron to a flash drive with Live USB, but it says it can't format the disk, /dev/sdd112:16
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:17
wols_Totakeke: sudo fdisk -l12:17
hwilde_Whiz2, you can get rid of some stuff like /usr/share   doc,  man,  app-install,  foomatic and cups (if you dont need to print),  example-content12:17
bazhangTotakeke, what instructions are you following12:17
TotakekeI'm not following any instructions, it just said to use Live USB and let it do its thing, it'll do it all itself.12:17
TotakekeI checked the wikis, that's why I'm here :P12:17
bazhangTotakeke, from the livecd installer ?12:17
TotakekeNo, a seperate GUI called "Live USB"12:18
Whiz2what is the command to remove directories that are not empty? (such as usr/share/doc)12:18
wols_Whiz2: don't delete them12:18
tj83Whiz2, rm -r foldername12:18
Whiz2wols_: why not?12:18
wols_Whiz2: uninstall the packages but don't delete12:18
ScheissDrogenWhiz2: carefull with that : rm -r  ..../dir/12:18
vnixcan't find scim in the search there12:19
bazhangvnix, where12:19
vnixunder add/remove12:20
TotakekeIs there any way to remove all of the partitions from the flash drive? (I know there is, I just don't know how to under Linux)12:20
bazhangvnix, check synaptic12:20
vnixalright I'll check first thanks12:20
jorickhow would i go about "resetting" apache2 back to the way it was when i first apt-got it ?12:21
wols_Totakeke: one way is dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<flash device> bs=512 count=112:21
bazhangvnix, for ff you will want to install quick locale switcher plugin to type in asian languages12:21
jhesketh_Hi. My friend is getting a grub error 18 on his computer (something to do with bios boot sector limitations). Does anybody know an easy way to fix it?12:21
tj83Whiz2,  yes ScheissDrogen is correct be SURE thats what you want to do, can break your system easily :)12:21
TotakekeHas anyone used the Live USB system creator program to install Linux on a flash drive?12:21
DistroJockeyvnix, SCIM is in  System - Preferences  on a standard Hardy install12:21
TotakekeI checked their channel but there's no one there.12:21
wols_jhesketh_: install grub to a partition which totally lies in the first 1024 cylinders12:22
vnixya found it in Synaptic there..12:22
jhesketh_wols_: how do you do that?12:22
=== turfadm is now known as acp_
shimanhello fellas12:23
shimanwud like to know12:23
bazhanghttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1333 vnix12:23
shimanhow can i make my ubuntu looks like hmm... enlightenment12:23
bazhanginstall enlightenment shiman12:23
wols_jhesketh_: make a partition on the beginning of the disk, a small one and make it /boot for your Ubuntu12:23
shimanwith cool widgets12:23
shimancan i use synaptic?12:23
bazhangshiman, with compiz or no12:23
jhesketh_wols_: With that separate partition do you still install grub to the MBR?12:24
shimanbazhang: whats compiz? im noob here12:24
bazhangshiman, the 3d effects12:24
shimanbazhang: owh.. i c..12:24
Keiyentai:D I like Compiz I just configured mine12:25
TotakekeTried running that terminal flash drive "dd" delete thing, but it didn't work. I keep getting the error "Could not format /dev/sdd1"12:25
shimanbazhang: hold on.. let me check12:25
vnixbazhang but that is for firefox only right?12:25
TheaxiomHow do I undo the operations performed by the script at this location: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions12:25
bazhangscreenlets with shiman , and gdesklets with out; also check awn12:25
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy12:25
Totakeke(The error appears after I run "Create Live USB system"12:25
wols_jhesketh_: yes12:25
vnixHow bout If I want to use it for typing document? thanks12:25
Keiyentaino its 3D Desktop effects bazhang12:25
shimanbazhang: ive installed gdesklets .. but dont know how to turn it on12:26
jhesketh_wols_: The computer has a windows partition at the beginning of the disk already. Resizing it is not optimal. Is there an easy way?12:26
nextplaceshiman: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=lSE5oLgngTo12:26
Totakeke!usb | Totakeke12:26
ubottuTotakeke, please see my private message12:26
shimanthanks nextplace12:26
nextplaceshiman: thats Compiz12:26
wols_jhesketh_: no12:26
Dr_willistheaxiom that script seems to add some entries to the fstab. from what i read of it.   You could edit  the fstab back to normal. or perhaps it made a backup.12:27
tonsofpcshey, I use NetworkManager Applet to manage my network connections and on-boot it always connects to a neighbor's insecure wireless network rather than my own, is there a way to change this behavior? [it also connects to the neighbor's whenever it loses sight of mine; ideally it would only connect to a network other than my own if i tell it to]12:27
TheaxiomDr_willis: Thanks, how do I edit fstab?12:27
nextplaceshiman: and the desklet-thing, I do with Screenlets12:27
ActionParsnip1tonsofpcs: blacklist it12:27
TotakekeI did all the stuff on the wiki, had no luck. That's why I'm asking on here.12:27
nextplaceshiman: you can get it on Synaptic12:27
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 tonsofpcs the cli way12:27
tonsofpcsActionParsnip1: how?12:28
afallenhopeI'm having an issue installing amsn ... it keeps saying something about TLS.. it intalls and then pops up again..I checked the support channel they don't know12:28
Dr_willistheaxiom its a text file you must edit as the root user. You may want to research how linux mounts drives. Its one of those things worth learning.  to edit the fstab -> 'sudo nano /etc/fstab'12:28
shimannextplace: ive installed gdesklets..12:28
TheaxiomDr_willis: thank you very much12:28
shimannextplace: so the next thing is screenlets?12:28
DistroJockeyTotakeke, try the guide on  http://www.pendrivelinux.com12:29
nextplaceshiman: no gdesklets is a similar program for widgets12:29
TotakekeI tried the guide, it didn't work; that's when I found Live USB system creator12:29
TotakekeCan anyone help me? I tried to install onto a flash drive (yes, read the wikis) by using Live USB system creator. But it keeps telling me it can't format the only partition.12:29
nextplaceshiman: I prefer Screenlets12:29
wols_Totakeke: I asked you something12:29
shimannextplace: oic.. screenlets better?12:29
Dr_willistheaxiom at that URL you posted it has a section on Editing Ubuntu's filesystem table  - That guide is also a bit out of date in places. I would suggest reading it over  few times.. then   search for a few more tutorials on mounting a filesystem manually with the mount command.12:29
nextplaceshiman: priv msg12:30
shimannextplace: sure12:30
afallenhopeAnyone know?12:30
ScheissDrogenTotakeke: yes , but couple of months ago, can only tell you to get a tutorial an after copying the cd to usb manually edit startupfiles was my way12:30
TheaxiomDr_willis: I am editing the fstab file, it has the entries commented that it added, so I will just delete those lines and should be fine, thanks12:30
pajamianafallenhope: nope, but I have no problems using msn accounts in pidgin.12:30
afallenhopepajamian, yah.. but it doesn't have webcam12:31
TheaxiomDr_willis: Then I will umount the partitions12:31
ScheissDrogenTotakeke:got a live cd and the usb handy ?12:31
Dr_willistheaxiom err... Unmount them first.. then remove them from fstab. May be better. :)12:31
Dr_willistheaxiom but it may not matter.12:31
TheaxiomDr_willis: that's what I meant, thanks, heh12:31
TotakekeScheissDrogen: Yes.12:31
pajamianafallenhope: how did you install it?12:31
ScheissDrogenTotakeke:boot into live and use gparted12:32
afallenhopepajamian, sudo apt-get install amsn. It used to work... then pidgin asked for an update so it uninstalled a bunch of stuff12:32
afallenhopeand MSN stopped wroking12:32
TotakekeScheissDrogen: Alright. I'm actually on the Live CD as we speak lol12:32
pajamianafallenhope: ahhhh, ok, I would try re-installing amsn, then.12:32
ScheissDrogenTotakeke:if you (re)plug in usb, is it mentioned ?12:33
afallenhopepajamian, do you listen to what I said? lol I tried.. and I get the same issue12:33
DistroJockeyTotakeke, so what failed when you followed the guide at http://www.pendrivelinux.com exactly?12:33
Whiz2going to bed. I'll deal with this later... tempted to just do a fresh install, and reconfigure everything... tho I would need a LOT of help to reconfigure my system back to the way I want it12:33
ActionParsnip1afallenhope: its broken, amsn doesnt connect, use pidgin or something else12:33
frybyehi - I was using hubackup which seemed to freeze - only way to shutdown computer was to physically remove the sdhc card which had been given as target for the backup - now the card does not get "seen" at all by the eeepc?12:33
afallenhopeActionParsnip1, it does12:34
TotakekeOh, wait, that's pen drive linux. Missed that lol. No I haven't actually tried pendrivelinux, my mistake.12:34
TotakekeBut I tried to install it from the CD directly to the flash drive earlier, and that failed miserably.12:34
Dr_willisThe 'pendrivelinux' web site has their own disrto/variant, theres also guides at the site for other disrtos.12:34
ActionParsnip1afallenhope: ive seen a tonne of people with amsn woes12:34
afallenhopeActionParsnip1, I'm telling you it worked... aptitutde uninstalled it12:34
ScheissDrogen!coning >Whiz212:35
DistroJockeyTotakeke, Dr_willis : http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/08/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-via-the-live-cd/12:35
pajamianafallenhope: try: sudo apt-get install libgnutls1312:35
ActionParsnip1afallenhope: nice, i use pidgin as i use multiple protocols12:35
Dr_willisDistroJockey,  i perfer to use other disrtos then ubuntu on my pendrives. :)  Ubuntu just dosent seem to work very well for me that way.12:36
joricki'm trying to reset everything in /etc/apache2 (and /var/www/) the way it was when i first got it12:36
_FReeZUbuntu sux12:36
DistroJockeyDr_willis, yeah, have noticed that also :)12:36
afallenhopeheh.. told you I was right12:36
afallenhopeit was installed12:36
joricki did a remove --purge, mv apache2 to apache2.backup and then install again, alas ... the apach2 directory doesn't reappear12:36
afallenhopeexcept the *.so was in the wrong spot12:36
jorickanyone know what else i can try ?12:37
DistroJockeyDr_willis, but handy if you need to install rather than use :)12:37
Bobo_PKaction..does the wpa key has to be in hexa dezimal?12:37
Teisei_FReeZ: No it doesn't, it's just your opinion12:37
Keiyentaianyone remeber the BSOD screensaver? Also does anyone know where I could get it. It came with Suse 9 back in the day12:37
pajamianafallenhope: hrmmmm, I wonder how that happened.  Might want to file a bug on that.12:37
Dr_willis!find BSOD12:37
ubottuPackage/file BSOD does not exist in hardy12:37
ScheissDrogenTotakeke:if you (re)plug in usb, is it mentioned ?12:37
bazhang_FReeZ, wrong channel for you then12:37
tonsofpcs!find BlueScreen12:37
afallenhopepajamian, nope. I didn't get any help here.. why should I help the developers?12:37
Dr_willisKeiyentai,  i recall it being in some extra screensaver package. Check the package manager perhaps.12:37
ubottuFile BlueScreen found in freedroidrpg-data12:37
dexiehi, i was wondering if there's a way to put internet quota/limit on ubuntu, so that whenever a user logs in and use the internet it will be recorded/limited (my internet is under quota, and the computer is used by several people).12:37
_FReeZTeisei, That's not just my opinion, that's a fact.12:37
tonsofpcsno, that's still not it...12:38
bazhang_FReeZ, please chat elsewhere12:38
Keiyentaik thanks12:38
frybyewhat does one do when ubuntu 8.04 suddenly stops being able to see a sdhc card???12:38
_FReeZTeisei, Every advanced GNU/Linux user will tell you the same12:38
pajamianafallenhope: because you'll be helping others with the same problem by extension.12:38
tonsofpcsKeiyentai: i think its part of xscreensaver-data-extra12:38
Teisei_FReeZ: Most Linux users are not "advanced"12:39
frybyeI suspect hubackup was still trying to write to it when I removed it - in order to shut the eeepc down.. and now it doesent see the card at all?? what to do?12:39
Keiyentaiok thanks12:39
dVshello ?12:40
pajamian!hi | dVs12:40
ubottudVs: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:40
dVswhats gthe diff between universe multiverse etc ?12:40
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:40
=== neuro|irssi is now known as neuro_
frybye- I found a section in system|settings|removable drives and devices - but that is all about cameras and keyboards and stuff nothing about drives and sd cards??12:40
_FReeZyes, I agree Teisei and more generally said, Most computer users are not "advanced"12:41
Dr_willisdVs,  check   the urls ubottu  just metioned. it should explain the  terms.12:41
Keiyentaiwoot wo12:41
dVsam doing it now thankx12:41
bazhang!ot | _FReeZ12:41
ubottu_FReeZ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:41
bazhang_FReeZ, this is not the chat channel12:41
_FReeZbazhang, ok, why do you chat here, then?12:41
bulwynklanyone know if there is a gui for manageing mount points? I want to mount a 2nd HDD as /home and have it mount at startup. I could just edit /etc/fstab but I know there used to be a gui and it frustrates me AI can't find it.12:41
Keiyentaigrrr everytime i change my compiz settings Xchat like freezes12:42
[matrim]_FReeZ : this is a support channel12:42
Pici_FReeZ: If you want to just chat, #ubuntu-offtopic exists for a reason.12:42
Keiyentaianywho the BSOD screensaver was in the Xtra's so thank you :D12:42
Speepledoes anyone know of a text editor with PCRE based find/replace etc?12:42
ActionParsnip1Kelemen__: compiz screws a lot of stuf up12:42
_FReeZthat's right, now you're supporting a chat, [matrim] =)12:42
Dr_willisbulwynkl,  then theres the issue that in the time it took you to ask that Q. you could of edited the file. :) yes i rember ther ebeing a gui.. and no i dont rember where. Heh12:42
DeadPandaSpeeple: vim, btw12:43
earthianHello, So far in Hardy a previously working microphone in my laptop does not work anymore, there are big problems with keyboard layout switching... Should I wait some more for the fixes or go back to Gutsy in the meantime? Thanks12:43
_FReeZAnd Pici is supporting the chat with you [matrim]. You're so kind. Thank you guys. :-D12:43
Speeplevim as in vi?12:43
bulwynklyeah, it's not the doing it's the knowing...12:43
DeadPandaSpeeple: as in vim, not vi12:43
Speepledoes it come with a GUI?12:44
bulwynklbesides, the gui gets the config right so I don't have to think about it.12:44
Speepletrying to switch to Ubuntu but I'm missing Ultraedit12:44
Dr_willisI wonder what PCRE based rind/replace means...12:44
DeadPandaSpeeple: yup, install 'vim-gnome'12:44
bulwynklSpeeple: gvim12:44
DeadPandaDr_willis: :%s/.../.../[opts]12:44
KeiyentaiI just thought it was a funny screensaver. My exwife saw the infamous BSOD but it was a Windows 98 one and she was "Hun....I thoguht you said you where using Linux....what the hell did you do to it to make it BSOD@!? and then it switched to the Mac Classic12:44
SpeepleI mean regex replace12:44
ActionParsnip1Speeple: what functions does it offer?12:44
bulwynklwhat deadpanda said12:44
Speeplebut based on PCRE engine12:44
Keiyentaiwas funny :D and is now my fav screensaver hehe12:44
Dr_willisDeadPanda,  oh. the 'normal' search/replace i use in vim. :)12:44
Speeplewell the main functionality I desire is PCRE based regex find/replace12:45
DeadPandaSpeeple: Vim's are probably as close to PCRE as you'll get12:45
SpeepleOK cool cheers12:45
DeadPandaSpeeple: And as concise12:45
bulwynklin vim, :s/foo/bar/12:45
pajamianSpeeple: I know that emacs has re based search/replace12:45
SpeepleI am curious why a vendor hasn't utilized PCRE, it is open source itself12:45
Dr_willisRegular Expressions are fun12:45
pajamianSpeeple: an I'm sure lots of other editors do as well.12:45
DeadPandaSpeeple: Komodo does too, I think, or at least close to it12:46
Speepleis that proprietary by activestate?12:46
gnomefreakSpeeple: python editor12:46
pajamianSpeeple: though usually when I want to do a search/replace with a regexp I just use a perl command line for it.12:46
Speepleyeah IDE, is it proprietary12:46
DeadPandaSpeeple: That's the one, I only use it for editing some filetypes on Windows, on Linux I'm in Vim/Emacs most of the time12:47
SpeepleI could use a Perl script12:47
pajamianSpeeple: you can do it from the command line12:47
pajamianSpeeple: and on multiple files too12:47
Speeplebut I've been forced into habit by UltraEdit (which is actually very good software)12:47
DeadPandaSpeeple: Command line (sed) or an editor, often I'll use Vim to test/build regex's I'm going to script12:47
jorrit_Does anyone how to start a program on a specific screen using Xinerama for Nvidia 6200 GPU using binary drivers on Ubuntu 8.04? | I only want to start VLC in that mode when a DVD-video is inserted. VLC opens standard when DVD is inserted but on wrong screen.12:48
jorrit_Devilspie doesn't seem to provide enough control for this situation12:48
Speepleso you do test for Perl? Meaning the regex is perl compatible?12:48
DeadPandaSpeeple: nope, I just test it does what I want it to12:48
Speepleit's actually the syntax I wish to be the same12:48
pajamianSpeeple: this may come in handy for you: perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/' *.html12:48
wols_why xinerama with proprietary drivers?12:48
Speeplenice cheers :)12:48
jorrit_wols_: because the open drivers don't provide enough speed for 3D12:49
Dr_willisjorrit_,  i alwyas use 'twinview' with the nvidia drivers and disable xinearams12:49
wols_jorrit_: they don't provide any 3D. but the question was: why xinerama12:49
Dr_willisoops xinerama12:49
rubyonrailshi does ccmalloc work with shared lib12:49
Trader_TI've switched back from KDE to Gnome today, but have noticed the system keeps hanging for like 10-15 seconds quite frequently.12:50
Trader_TIs this a regular problem?12:50
Trader_TI've only got text editor and a pdf document open.12:50
jorrit_Dr_willis, I want to have apps in fullscreen, restricted to that screen and not pasted over my two monitors, that's why I use Xinerama with seperate X-screens (not displays)12:50
pajamianTrader_T: does it cruch the HDD when it happens?12:51
rubyonrailscan any one tell me about ccmalloc ?12:51
DIFH-icerootjorrit_: just add the resolution 1280*768;0x0 to your xorg.conf12:51
bazhangrubyonrails, what is that12:51
Trader_Tsorry, what does cruch mean?12:51
DIFH-icerootjorrit_: syntax war something like that, there you will only use one screen for fullscreen12:51
ghostlinesafter inserting entries in ldap i can't find them when i do a ldapsearch, can anyone help me with this?12:51
rubyonrailsdoes ccmalloc work with shared library12:51
Dr_willisjorrit_,  err...  thats the reason i do not use xinerama -  But i use twinview to set up one very wide display  with 2 monitors. i do not use 2 seperate X sessions.  From what i recall twinview does everything xinerama does.. and more.12:52
pajamianTrader_T: I mean do you see a lot of hard disk activity when it's hanging, like you can hear the HDD going and the light is on or flickering fast?12:52
rubyonrailswould it be albe to detect leak in my shared library12:52
jorrit_DFH-iceroot: that can also be screen 1 instead of screen 0?12:52
Dr_willisjorrit_,  but perhaps more clarification on how you have thign setup is needed.12:52
siavashti've installed eric but whenever i run it wont show up12:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eric12:53
Trader_Tpajamian: the light has been pushed in, so can't see it lol. But no, cannot hear any HDD activity12:53
ActionParsnip1!info eric12:53
ubottueric (source: eric): full featured Python IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.1-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2967 kB, installed size 16956 kB12:53
Dr_willisjorrit_,  for example . I have a 'wide' desktop across 2 monitors. and i have mythtv set where it shows up on monitor #1 fullscreen.12:53
jorrit_Dr_willis, ok what do you need?  do you want my Xconfig-file in the pastebin to peruse?12:53
bullgard4What is an ALSA_Sequencer? (appears in Device Manager: "Device file: /dev/snd/seq").12:54
Dr_willisjorrit_,  if you want to use 2 seperate indipendant X displays where you cant drag a window from one monitor to another. You would have to run the apps and set the display variable befor you run the app.12:54
pajamianTrader_T: ok, nonetheless, run "top" in the terminal and type an M (capital M) when it's running to sort by memory usage, and see what's at the top of the list and if it's using up a a lot or all of your system's memory.12:54
jorrit_Dr_willis, I can drag my screens from one to the other without problems12:54
jorrit_Dr_willis, they can even overlap.12:55
Dr_willisjorrit_,  you mean windows? In that case you  should be able to just disable xinerama and enable twinview and keep doing the same thing. Full screen apps will then fullscreen to the monitor they are on. (or so its been in my experience)12:56
DIFH-icerootjorrit_: you can also write 0x0,1280*768 but please google for the correct syntax, dont know them12:56
jorrit_Dr_willis, true, but I want to start VLC when DVD is inserted on a fixed screen automatically.12:56
DIFH-icerootjorrit_: NULL,1280*768  or NONE,1280*768 something like that12:57
jorrit_DIFH-iceroot, I'll dive into the manpages concerning Xconfig12:57
DIFH-icerootjorrit_: ok, good luck12:57
haughtyReally sorry for asking noob questions here. But I really can't seem to figure out this one. Im trying to install java JDK, and ive downloaded the java rpm bin file, then I do what the java sun site says, but all that does is pump out 8-9 other rpm files to the desktop. And still there is no java / javac command functioning. Tried several ways to install the package with chmod , sh and some others, but I cant seem to understand this. Anyone 12:57
ScheissDrogen!HI ERMA9112:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi erma9112:58
DeadPandahaughty: no no no!12:58
jorrit_DIFH-iceroot, thxs for the pointers!12:58
Dr_willisjorrit_,  check the command line options for vlc would be a good place to start also.12:58
DIFH-iceroothaughty: rpm?12:58
Trader_Tpajamian: soffice.bin is top, followed by  nautilus12:58
ScheissDrogen!hi| ERMA9112:58
bazhanghaughty, dont do it that way12:58
ubottuERMA91: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:58
DIFH-iceroothaughty: you are using ubuntu not suse12:58
Dr_willisjorrit_,  every time ive ever used xinerama and 'fullscreened' things - they took over both screens. So good luck12:58
haughtyTried the non rpm first... and I got it unpacked into a directory with bin dirs etc...12:58
pajamianTrader_T: close openoffice and see if it helps.12:58
DIFH-iceroothaughty: just type "sudo apt-get install sun-java-612:58
Trader_Tpajamian: although, it was hanging before I opened office12:58
erma91i'm italian!12:58
haughtyarait, ill give it a go =)12:58
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:58
jorrit_Dr_willis, thanks for the hint, but there doesn't seem to be cmd-line option for that, I already checked ;-)12:58
TeiseiI'm Finnish12:59
bazhangerma91, /join #ubuntu-it12:59
DeadPandahaughty: it's in the repositories, just type 'sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk'12:59
erma91sorry :)12:59
pajamianTrader_T: ok, well then I'm not sure what it is.  how often does it happen?12:59
Dr_willisjorrit_,  may be some extra vlc config /setting also. I tend to use gmplayer. So you are on your own.12:59
DistroJockeyjorrit_, you might need to make an appropriate  .desktop  file and modify  /etc/gnome/defaults.list  (the x-content/video-dvd line I guess)12:59
TeiseiI just find English support better than Finnish, for some reason12:59
jorrit_Dr_willis, I might be tempted to use that same player if I can get it working, I'm not tied to any player :-D13:00
ERICHMOBILE1,6ghz p4 m laptop running at 59C....is this an acceptable temp?13:00
haughtyit does some initializing package etc but then I get some errors that it couldnt find a package with that name..13:00
haughtyso no packages will be installed :/13:00
DeadPandahaughty: hmm, which Ubuntu release are you on?13:00
bazhanghaughty, use synaptic, not rpms13:00
DIFH-icerootERICHMOBILE: for my opinion its to much13:00
pajamian!info sun-java-613:00
ubottuPackage sun-java-6 does not exist in hardy13:00
DIFH-icerootERICHMOBILE: if this is idle temp13:00
DeadPanda!info sun-java6-jdk13:00
ubottusun-java6-jdk (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-06-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 9399 kB, installed size 31688 kB13:00
haughtythe newest... just downloaded it 3-4 days ago13:00
ActionParsnip1ERICHMOBILE: sounds ok but could be better. Have you got a can of compressed air?13:00
Trader_Tpajamian: ABOUT ONCE EVER 2 MINUTES13:01
Trader_Tsorry, caps was on13:01
ERICHMOBILEDIFH-iceroot, it is idle, avgs around 60-66C13:01
ERICHMOBILEActionParsnip1, yes i do!13:01
ActionParsnip1ERICHMOBILE: yikes, give the fans a blast. id power off first13:01
robelliott2125I'm after java, but not the devel kit.  Is there something else i can do to get it guys?13:01
DIFH-iceroothaughty: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk13:01
pajamianTrader_T: that's ok.  and it happens every two minutes consistently?  or is it different timing?13:01
ERICHMOBILEActionParsnip1, should i open it up?13:01
DIFH-icerootERICHMOBILE: for me this would be to much13:02
ERICHMOBILEDIFH-iceroot, it is for me too, thats why i ask. thing gets really hot sometimes13:02
ActionParsnip1ERICHMOBILE: nar just in the openings is ok13:02
DeadPandahaughty: Follow the steps at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu to enable the Multiverse/Universe repositories, and try again13:02
ERICHMOBILEActionParsnip1, ok13:02
haughtyah, now it downloads it I assume =)13:02
ERICHMOBILEDIFH-iceroot, this is also while charging battery13:02
ActionParsnip1ERICHMOBILE: do it both directions too13:02
Trader_Tpajamian: seems consistent, compiz.real seems to be using cpu, not sure what it is13:02
geirhahaughty: and after it is installed, you should run "sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun" To make sure the java and javac-commands point to the new version13:02
pajamian!compiz | Trader_T13:02
ubottuTrader_T: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:03
ERICHMOBILEActionParsnip1, ok BRB!13:03
pajamianTrader_T: compiz is what does the fancy 3d window graphics in ubuntu.13:03
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125,  if you need java for Firefox, install    sun-java6-plugin13:03
robelliott2125Thanks DistroJockey :D13:03
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, you're welcome :)13:03
robelliott2125I have another prob...13:04
robelliott2125For some reason, when sudo'ing in terminal, i'm getting "sudo: unable to resolve host robert-desktop"13:04
robelliott2125Any ideas what that is about?13:04
erma91c'e un italiano??13:05
Pici!it | erma9113:05
ubottuerma91: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:05
arvind_khadrirobelliott2125, had you edited the /etc/hosts file??13:05
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, error in  /etc/hosts  file13:05
robelliott2125Not as far as i'm aware arvind_khadri and DistroJockey13:05
robelliott2125How do i sort out the hosts file?13:05
Trader_Tpajamian: thanks for the help13:05
arvind_khadrirobelliott2125, gksu gedit /etc/hosts13:05
pajamianTrader_T: as for being consistent, I would look at your cron jobs to see if anything is set to run every two minutes.  Also watch the top display and wait for it to happen again and see if anything jumps to the top of the display while it's locked up or shortly before or after.13:05
Picirobelliott2125: Have you changed your hostname lately?13:05
ActionParsnip1gksu gedit /etc/hosts13:05
robelliott2125thanks arvind_khadri - What am i looking for?13:05
robelliott2125No Pici, just my password13:06
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab13:06
Picirobelliott2125: well, in any case, /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname must match, yes.. thanks ubottu13:06
siavashtafter running eric i get these errors  : http://paste.org/index.php?id=3625 , whtas the problem ?13:06
Trader_Tpajamian: It's not so consistent, seems I had loads of windows open in Firefox - looks like it's sorted, maybe that was the problem13:06
ActionParsnip1why does sudo need the hostname?13:06
arvind_khadriDr_willis, thanks for that ... i had forgotten that trigger :)13:06
robelliott2125Pici, i've no reason to change my hostname, its still robert.13:06
Dr_willisarvind_khadri,  yep. :) see someone here about once a week that has a hosts file with their hostname-HOME in it.. not sure how that happens.13:07
Picirobelliott2125: No, it looks like its robert-desktop13:07
pajamianTrader_T: probably.13:07
Trader_Tpajamian: thanks again13:07
Picisiavasht: Are you running it as root, and if so, why?13:07
xoure-bonjour à tous :) me revoilà avec un petit probleme13:07
pajamianTrader_T: could have been one window was on a web page that was set to reload every two minutes or so.13:07
Dr_willisCreative Hostnames are so fun! 'desktop-username' is so dull.13:07
Trader_Tcould have been13:08
arvind_khadriDr_willis, strange13:08
ActionParsnip1slavash: http://osdir.com/ml/ide.eric/2006-11/msg00003.html13:08
siavashtno matter which user , i still get those warnings and errors13:08
robelliott2125Pici, even so, as robert-desktop, its not changed13:08
Picirobelliott2125: In any case, do those two files match? or if you arent sure, can you pastebin both of them?13:08
xouquelqu'un peut-il me dire s'il est possible sous ubuntu de voir les fichiers partagé d'un PC tournant sous vista ? j'ai suivi la méthode d'écrite ici http://www.michel-eudes.net/blog/index.php?2007/05/05/33-samba-et-vista mais ca n'a rien changé13:08
Pici!fr | xou13:09
ERICHMOBILEActionParsnip1, only went down a couple degrees and not dust came out.13:09
ubottuxou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr13:09
dabbuubuntu is not installing on my friends computer even no linux is installing except sidux...any help13:09
pajamianERICHMOBILE: you probably need to open it up.  just blowing out laptop fans through the slots doesn't get all the dust out.13:09
robelliott2125Pici should i send it to you in pm or something?  Since i don't know what i'm looking for13:10
milligan_dabbu, that's a pretty vague description. Might want to give us a little more info.13:10
pajamiandabbu: what happens when you try?13:10
Picirobelliott2125: use paste.ubuntu.com   its not sensitive information13:10
aeternwhat is wrong with hardy heron, intrepid ibex ubuntu versions? My laptop freezes sometimes, i can't do anything... earlyer versions of ubuntu hadn't this error... Using asus f5 x50m model, amd turion 64(mobile thechnilogy mk - 36), 1GB of rams, NV geforceGo 6100.13:10
bulwynklso it turns out what I really wanted was the ye olde control centre - installed pysdm and hey presto!13:10
arvind_khadri!paste | robelliott212513:10
ubotturobelliott2125: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:10
bulwynklso thanks to those who helped13:10
ActionParsnip1ERICHMOBILE: hmm maybe its misread, does it feel hot?13:10
ERICHMOBILEpajamian, whats a good temp for laptops? they usually run hotter anyway, no?13:10
ERICHMOBILEActionParsnip1, yeah it gets really hot soemtimes13:10
pajamianERICHMOBILE: I don't know to be honest.13:10
robelliott2125Sorry guys, i've pasted the hosts file, and just need the other one, how do i get that?13:11
ActionParsnip1ERICHMOBILE: maybe theres a tweak for your model13:11
dabbumilligan_ pajamian:computer hangs after booting from live cd..it hangs after showing the ubuntu wallpapaer13:11
pajamiandabbu: have you tried the alternate install CD?13:12
dabbumilligan_ pajamian:no13:12
pajamian!alternate | dabbu13:12
ubottudabbu: The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent13:12
dabbumilligan_ pajamian:what is this ?13:12
robelliott2125Pici, is it just changing hosts to hostname13:13
dabbu pajamian: it is a text mode installer then how i will install it..any help becaz i only use gui13:13
Picirobelliott2125: Yes, sorry.13:13
ERICHMOBILEActionParsnip1, i usually leave it plugged in so maybe thats just it. ill leave it unplugged for a bit13:13
robelliott2125Ok.  Thats done:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/39381/13:13
pajamiandabbu: the installer is text mode, but it's still very easy.  It works on many computers where the live CD doesn't work.13:13
BeCreativehi, i installed vmware server console on ubuntu, but when I try to run it, it says I need gcc, but I have gcc 4.2 installed. Can anyone help me please?13:13
dabbu pajamian: soi am talking to a right person...thanks13:14
haughtyReally sorry again, but Now i've tried reloading the syaptic manager, and when I try to install java6-JDK, It states that it cant find java6-JRE wich is wrong ? Need to manually fix this package ... hmh13:14
pajamianhaughty: sun-java6-jdk13:14
milligan_BeCreative, I had the same problem. It's just a matter of linking some libraries, if you have in fact installed it.13:14
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, make line 2: robert-desktop.homenetwork   robert-desktop13:15
ScheissDrogenBeCreative:did you simply try update/grade ?13:15
robelliott2125Thanks DistroJockey13:15
haughtyI type install sun-java6-JDK , but it states it cant find the JRE ....13:15
BeCreativeyes ScheissDrogen13:15
julle_Is there a way to hide my icons on the desktop, but now remove them?13:15
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, you're welcome13:15
pajamianhaughty: it's case sensitive.  type: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk13:15
BeCreativemilligan_:  how do i link them then?13:15
haughtyyep.. .thats what I did13:16
pajamianhaughty: and what was the exact error message (copy and paste, please)?13:16
robelliott2125Do you know what would have caused that DistroJockey?13:16
ScheissDrogenBeCreative: apt-cache search gcc ??13:16
milligan_BeCreative, what's the error you get when you try to start the console ?13:17
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, not really. Depends what you did :)13:17
robelliott2125lol, was trying to resetup my SAMBA and my fusesmb shares last night13:17
BeCreativemilligan_: view pm13:17
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, could be related :)13:18
robelliott2125But it never happened last time i did it DistroJockey...  I seem to be having more problems since upgrading to Hardy than when i was on Gutsy13:18
robelliott2125Can't find things like "Shared Folders" so I can setup my samba shares, which i've been following a simple video tut.13:19
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, yeah, upgrading can cause a few issues. I always prefer a clean install personally13:19
BeCreativemilligan_: did you get it?13:19
milligan_BeCreative, run the following commands as sudo: cd /usr/lib/vmware-server-console/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 mv libgcc_s.so.1 libgcc_s.so.1.org cd ../libpng12.so.0 mv libpng12.so.0 libpng12.so.0.org13:19
pajamianrobelliott2125: Gutsy used be a lot more stable for me too, but most of the bugs seem to have been worked out of Hardy by now.13:19
robelliott2125I had to DistroJockey, clean install that is.  Only thing not clean is my /home folder.  Since the upgrade messed up13:19
robelliott2125pajamian, its not that i'm complaining about something free, but what i'm used to having in gutsy has gone on this.13:20
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, ahh. Yeah, I don't try and use the same home folder either13:20
robelliott2125Unless you know what your doing, i don't, your screwed!  lol13:20
Chickengeorgehello, i am a Xubuntu-newbie from germany, i have a Problem and some questions, can somebody help me?13:20
pajamianrobelliott2125: yeah, I understand, I'm just letting you know I've noticed the problems with Hardy too.13:20
pajamian!xubuntu | Chickengeorge13:21
ubottuChickengeorge: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:21
haughtyPajamian : I must have typed something wrong yeah.. tried the apt-get again instead of the install one and now it worked... sorry for the hassle =) But thanks alot for the help ! =)13:21
robelliott2125I know pajamian.  Just need to overcome this "shared folders" bit now...  See, i have data i needed to keep DistroJockey, like a book i'm writing etc.13:21
pajamianhaughty: you're welcome13:21
haughtycheers! =)13:21
ScheissDrogen!ask |  Chickengeorge13:21
ubottu Chickengeorge: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:21
on5sldoes anyone knows a page more up to date than this? : http://tinyurl.com/5m4oo713:22
milligan_BeCreative, If you want it all in one, run the following command: sudo cd /usr/lib/vmware-server-console/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 && mv libgcc_s.so.1 libgcc_s.so.1.org && cd ../libpng12.so.0 && mv libpng12.so.0 libpng12.so.0.org13:22
Chickengeorgemy xubuntu works perfect, but now after installing some softwares and games , my windows-close-button disappeared and i even cant move any windows anymore... what can this be?13:22
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, I use a /home on a separate partition with a different user name for each install, and access what I need out of the other home directories13:22
pajamianChickengeorge: you need to ask that in #xubuntu13:22
on5slcause i want to buy new pc but I want to check my hardware...if it's supported13:23
Chickengeorgewenn mir jemand auf deutsch antworten kann ist natürlich auch okay13:23
robelliott2125I do the same DistroJockey, but keep the same username.13:23
robelliott2125Your idea isn't a bad one i guess.  But then you just clutter up the drive.13:23
BeCreativeok milligan_, did the first one, and it works now, but why does it now? :p13:23
wols_!de | Chickengeorge13:23
ubottuChickengeorge: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:23
DistroJockeyrobelliott2125, yes, less problems but more work13:23
milligan_BeCreative, didn't bother checking. I'm just happy it works.13:23
ScheissDrogen Chickengeorge: send me pm (d)13:24
robelliott2125lol, true.  I don't like more work though :P  I'm only just keeping up with ubuntu.  Only other thing i've got to sort out now, is my firefox plugin...  How do I install it?  Through Firefox, or through terminal?13:24
pajamianrobelliott2125: what plugin?13:25
robelliott2125Sorry pajamian, Java13:25
pajamianrobelliott2125: I would install that through synaptic or apt.13:25
wols_robelliott2125: neither. via apt like any other package13:25
wols_!install java13:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about install java13:25
Oli``How can I change which screen notifications (libnotify, I think) pop up on?13:26
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository13:26
robelliott2125Thanks pajamian13:26
KumorigoeOkay, who's the wifi expert?13:28
pajamian!ask Kumorigoe13:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask kumorigoe13:28
pajamian!ask | Kumorigoe13:28
ubottuKumorigoe: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:28
KumorigoeI've been wrangling with this for three days.  I had it working last night for about ten minutes, and then it stopped again for no apparent reasin.13:30
reel_Hi, how do I install cdfs in ubuntu ? Basically, I would like to access individual song/files of an Audio CD.13:30
reel_aptitude search cdfs gives one result cdfs-src, installing which mount cannot mount the audio cd still (with -t cdfs flag )13:31
pajamianreel_: define "access", do you want to rip the songs off of the CD or just play them?13:31
reel_pajamian, I want to access it from with my program that uses lib-xine.13:32
arvind_khadri!hi | Jahman13:32
ubottuJahman: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:32
pajamianreel_: most of the programs I use just work for that.13:33
reel_pajamian. let us say I wish to install cdfs alone and use it to mount a audio CD. ubuntu doesnt seem to have the correct package. :(13:34
LucenutAnyone have luck getting Broadcom wifi to work on Ubuntu?13:34
LucenutI ran WUBI on my HP ZD7000 last night and love it!13:35
KumorigoeMine uses an intel chip, I believe.13:35
wols_!anyone | Lucenut13:35
ubottuLucenut: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:35
DistroJockey!broadcom | Lucenut13:35
ubottuLucenut: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx13:35
LucenutBut without wifi it's helpless.13:35
KumorigoeLuce, I know how you feel.13:35
pajamianLucenut: yep, I've gotten it to work on my laptop fine.13:36
KumorigoeI can't even get the NIC working in mine.13:36
KumorigoeDoesn't even show the interface.13:36
Picireel_: the cdfs-src package *might* do what you need.13:36
pajamianreel_: sorry, I don't know anything else about it.  I would say you may be using the wrong syntax for mounting or just have a search on google, maybe you can find more answers.13:37
DistroJockey!wifi | Kumorigoe13:37
ubottuKumorigoe: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:37
vadimhi everyone. Got a problem . Installed flashgot extension for my firefox but this extension refuses to see my aria2 downloader. How can i fix it?13:38
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reel_Pici,pajamian,  I installed cdfs-src and tried sudo mount -t cdfs /dev/sd0 /media/cd , I get the error "mount: unknown filesystem type 'cdfs'"13:39
LucenutOK, this is going to sound bad but... how do I get a "terminal"?13:40
=== tusho|away is now known as tusho
pajamianLucenut: Applications / Accessories / Terminal13:40
pajamianreel_: what happens if you leave out the "-t cdfs"?13:41
samphippenwhen i'm using ubuntu and all the available ram is filled but there is some spare swap space what happens?13:41
vega--samphippen: the system is going to be alot slower at least13:41
reel_pajamian, "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"13:41
samphippenvega-, is it still running?13:41
pajamiansamphippen: The answer to that is pretty obvious, isn't it?13:41
vega--samphippen: yes, until the swap runs out13:41
samphippenvega--, just... really really slowly?13:42
pajamiansamphippen: it will get a lot slower and you will see a lot of hard drive access.  It could slow to a near crawl.13:42
vega--well, depends on a lot what you are running13:42
samphippenvega--, a math crunchy program in C++ that has a massive array13:43
pajamiansamphippen: that will probably slow it to a crawl, then.13:43
DistroJockeysamphippen, also depends on your hard drive and it's layout13:43
Denisehow could I know what is my audio manager?13:43
vega--sounds like you need to get some ram..13:43
samphippenits slowing down the whole system13:43
samphippenthats my problem13:43
samphippeni want to be using all my ram... and still have a working system13:43
Picireel_: cdfs-src needs to export the tracks from the cd, its not going to do what you want I dont think.13:43
pajamiansamphippen: how much RAM do you have?13:44
samphippenpaigeadele, 2 gigs13:44
pajamiansamphippen: and how much is it going over the limit?13:44
Miyavix3I can't modify my etc/apt/sources.list file, it's saying I don't have the permission to.13:44
Miyavix3How do I modify it?13:44
Picisamphippen: The Linux kernel will use your RAM and your swap in the most efficient manner it thinks is viable for the task it is doing.13:44
Pici!sudo | Miyavix313:44
ubottuMiyavix3: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)13:44
vega--Miyavix3: sudo13:44
rrr69salut j'ai installé apache et quand j'essaye de me connecté par mon ip ca me ddis forbiden cheyenne pas la permission localhost 80 comment ca se fais svp ???13:44
samphippenPici, can I increase swapiness?13:44
reel_Pici, by export you mean ripping tracks out of cd ?13:45
DistroJockeysamphippen, you might need/want to   renice   that process13:45
Picisamphippen: You can, but the defaults are usually sane.13:45
Miyavix3sudo what?13:45
vega--samphippen: keep in mind that if it runs out of swap also the kernel is going to start killing processes in no particular order..13:45
Picireel_: Essentially, yes.13:45
vega--Miyavix3: sudo <insert-favorite-editor-here> /etc/apt/sources.list13:45
samphippenvega-, I have a 4.9 Gigabyte swap available to me, I might need some more13:45
Miyavix3oh thanks13:45
Picivega--, Miyavix3: gksudo should be used for graphical applications, fyi.13:45
vega--yes, true13:46
arvind_khadriPici, fyi??13:46
reel_Pici, any idea what the command would be to export the files ? since there is nothing interesting in my system starting with "cd"13:46
discombobulatedwhy do file permissions of ntfs not carry over into linux?13:46
Piciarvind_khadri: fo your information13:46
arvind_khadriPici, :) i read it as something else :)13:47
DistroJockeyPici, gksu would be better than using gksudo13:47
PiciDistroJockey: Why is that?13:47
discombobulatedwhy can i delete or view a file on linux that i have to login to vista to view?13:47
Picireel_: Hrm. looks like the only thing that cdfs-src provides is /usr/src/cdfs.tar.bz213:48
reel_Pici, how do you know that ? Could you share the command please ?13:48
DistroJockeyPici, from  man gksu  "You can force the backend by using the gksudo command"13:48
LucenutOK, I did the lspci and see "0000:02:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)"13:49
vega--reel_: you want the tracks from an audio cd into .wav to your harddisk?13:49
LucenutI'm not understanding what to do next.13:49
ScheissDrogen!broadcom >Lucenut13:49
ubottuLucenut, please see my private message13:49
Picireel_: I used apt-file show cdfs-src, since I dont have that package installed.  You could either install apt-file, or use dpkg -L cdfs-src13:49
reel_vega--, no :( just mount the audio CD and should be able to access individual tracks there.13:49
LucenutI'm trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:50
reel_Pici, Thanks13:50
vega--reel_: ok, never mind then13:50
vadimis there a way to enable aria 2 in flashgot?13:50
reel_vega--, okay13:50
pajamianLucenut: all I did for broadcomm wireless on my laptop was run the restricted drivers manager and follow the instructions to enable it from there.13:51
LucenutCan you explain a little further?13:51
LucenutHow do I run the "restricted driver manager"?13:52
on5sldoes anyone knows a page more up to date than this? : http://tinyurl.com/5m4oo713:52
DistroJockeyLucenut,  System - Administration - Hardware Drivers13:52
arvind_khadriLucenut, System->Administration->hardwre drivers13:52
wesleyubuntu is evil13:53
atlefon5sl: it says it was updated 18-0813:53
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent13:53
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com13:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winsuck13:54
Piciwesley: Do you have a support question?13:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about marksucks13:54
=== cow_ckep is now known as Puput
flushhow comes i just reset computer and now my wifi doesnt work anymore it lists unknown device in lspci13:54
flushand where is the restricted drivers manager ?13:54
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:54
arvind_khadriflush, , System->Administration->hardwre drivers13:55
LunksHow do I check current logged in users?13:55
PiciLunks: who13:55
LunksOn ssh, smb, whatever13:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about derderijk13:55
on5slatlef: well in the motherboard section there is no mobo with the P45 chipset :(13:55
DistroJockeyya beat me that time arvind_khadri ;)13:55
pajamianflush: if lspci shows "unknown device" then it's not likely going to be a problem with ubuntu.13:55
LunksPici: does this include over smb shares?13:55
on5slso if anyone has the Intel P45/ICH10R chipset and it works perfectly out of the box..please let me know13:55
PiciLunks: I'm not sure13:55
vega--Lunks: no, there's no one command doing that13:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amd13:55
flushpajamian its an atheros card it was working very good13:55
arvind_khadriDistroJockey, i use up arrows :) :P13:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel13:55
vega--wesley: go away13:56
flushnow iwconfig doesnt list wifi0 anymore.. like its gone13:56
DistroJockeyarvind_khadri, I did too, but I was slow ;)13:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottuisstupid13:56
pajamianflush: yep, what I mean is something got disabled in bios or messed up in hardware.13:56
PiciLunks: Try smbstatus for that13:56
atlefon5sl: http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/ try there13:56
flushhow can i force the atheros card to be booted with a driver ?13:56
Lunksthanks, vega-- Pici!13:56
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows13:56
flushpajamian cant i just modprobe something ?13:56
Denisedo we have to uninstall skype to use erika?13:56
Pici!botabuse | wesley13:56
ubottuwesley: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.13:56
arvind_khadriDistroJockey, :)13:56
massehi everybode13:56
arvind_khadri!hi | masse13:57
massei have a question13:57
ubottumasse: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:57
wesleysince when did they remove that vista is from evil organization \13:57
pajamianflush: you said that lspci is nto seeing it properly.  That is a very bad sign.13:57
massecan i use evolution or thunderbird on ubuntu 8.04 with mobileme?13:57
godzirraI'm trying to add my wireless printer on a laptop and I used the cups page (localhost:631) to add it on two laptops.  On one running intrepid it works.  On the other running hardy it does not.  On the one running Hardy, I can print a test page from the CUPS setup pages, but I don't show a printer in Firefox when I try and print, and when I go to system->administration->printing, its running "python /usr/share/system-config-printer/13:57
DistroJockeyyou're too nice sometimes Pici :)13:58
LucenutHey, I tried to enable the Broadcom driver listed and it asks "fetch and extract firmware"?13:58
LucenutShould I check that and hit next?13:58
on5slatlef: no sign of those P45 and ICH10 chipset there :(13:58
pajamianLucenut: yes13:58
=== platyhelminth is now known as platyhelminth_
atlefon5sl: google it then13:58
LucenutI looked in this driver manager last night and didn't see the Broadcom listed.13:58
bastid_raZordiscombobulated; from my understanding ntfs permissions don't work exactly the same as ext313:59
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
masseany idea?13:59
LucenutThe wifi button is lit on the laptop now.13:59
pajamianLucenut: :-)14:00
LucenutI bet it'll work.14:00
=== enc0re is now known as encore
encorehi all14:00
arvind_khadri!hi | encor14:00
ubottuencor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:00
arvind_khadri!hi | encore14:00
ubottuencore: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:00
discombobulatedbastid_raZor, i notice vista won't let me read some ntfs files from other drives so i assumed linux would respect file permissions. i guess i'd have to encrypt windows and that in-built file permissions aren't enough14:00
bastid_raZordiscombobulated; i don't know anything about vista. ntfs file permissions are not anything like ext3 file permissions.14:01
DistroJockeydiscombobulated, correct :)14:01
pajamianok, goodnight everyone14:03
dabbupigdin is not able to send file ...any help14:03
novakSATA doesn't dected by hardy heron. The MotherBoard is Gigabyte GA-945GCM-S2C ( chipset intel 945 and ICH7 )14:04
carrerawhich of CHM or xCHM is better?14:04
novakhow could I solve that?14:04
DistroJockeynovak, you may need to change the SATA details in your BIOS to legacy or something similar14:05
novakbut My bios hasn't any option for that14:05
AbyssDEhelpnovak, you may try the boot parameter: pci=nomsi14:05
novaki've tried14:05
AbyssDEhelpnovak, worked for my laptop14:05
novakit doesn't work14:06
discombobulatednovak, does your bios give you an option to use ide mode for sata?14:06
novaki'm trying to help a friend!14:06
novakdiscombobulated, it hasn't that option14:06
ScheissDrogennovak:sudo apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r), its a standard chipset14:06
RiuHelo guys, some complications with the new ubuntu14:06
AbyssDEhelpnovak, what doenst work my tipp or DistroJockey's tipp?14:06
=== fille_ is now known as philippe_
Riucan anyone help troubleshoot pls ?14:06
Riutrying to install it on a laptop, downloaded from the website14:07
DistroJockeyAbyssDEhelp, I don't think they are looking hard enough :)14:07
vega--Riu: new? as in 8.10 ?14:07
hateballPoor patience that lad14:07
=== Administrator is now known as catalepsic
AbyssDEhelpDistroJockey, maybe :)14:07
novakbuddies, there isn't in bios this option http://bp3.blogger.com/_e7cgURl8_Ls/SI_BmQlBI-I/AAAAAAAABPk/YIi0bQ-8cko/s320/DSC01406.JPG14:09
catalepsicwhen i boot up into hardy all goes well till after gdm were i am presented with my background but nothing else. Any ideas what could be the problem?14:09
novaki can't active ahci, ide or another legacy mode14:09
AbyssDEhelpnovak, i clearly see that u can switch to ide mode14:09
novakno no, AbyssDEhelp14:10
novakthis SS is from other computer14:10
AbyssDEhelpnovak, the picture shows it to me14:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pigdin14:10
DistroJockeynovak, do you have the exact same BIOS as that pic? If not it will likely be called something else.14:10
AbyssDEhelpnovak, ohh okay nvm14:10
novakno, DistroJockey14:10
arthur_i have a firewall question? how come when i use my wireless on the laptop and i go to shields up and scan the computer all the ports aint stealth, what actually happens is it the router not doing its job or ige results from my firewall on the laptops the stran14:10
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete14:10
DistroJockeynovak, you may also need to upgrade your BIOS14:11
wols_arthur_: what is your local IP?14:11
AbyssDEhelpnovak, what notebook you have?14:11
novakno, AbyssDEhelp14:11
wols_arthur_: not to mention that "stealth" stuff is pure bullmanure14:11
novakit's a desktop14:11
kernel_ghosthi guys14:11
novakof semptoshiba14:11
snakefacecan someone help me with buuntu14:11
AbyssDEhelpnovak, im sure that the most if not all have this options14:11
novakthx buddies14:11
arthur_can u explain a little deeper...?14:11
FloodBot1snakeface: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:12
ScheissDrogenAbyssDEhelp: novak, what notebook you have?The MotherBoard is Gigabyte GA-945GCM-S2C ( chipset intel 945 and14:12
AbyssDEhelpnovak, tell me your motherboard?!14:12
wols_novak: what chipset? especially the hdd controller?14:12
novakThe MotherBoard is Gigabyte GA-945GCM-S2C ( chipset intel 945 and ICH7 )14:12
wols_novak: ICH7 has ahci to choose from14:12
wols_arthur_: only if you answer my question14:12
snakefacebooting up my second pc14:12
snakefaceI have14:13
snakefacea menu14:13
wols_!enter | snakeface14:13
ubottusnakeface: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:13
uuwanghello all14:13
snakefaceI have a menu, what option do I go with?14:13
snakefaceit's from a fresh wubi install if you need to know14:13
Denisewhat is ur version of bios?14:13
Picisnakeface: What does the menu say?14:13
snakefacestart installer in normal mode14:14
snakefaceditto in safe graphic mode14:14
snakefacea fe more modes14:14
arthur_you want the one?14:14
catalepsiccan someone help me, after I log in I only see my background nothing else, any ideas?14:14
snakefaceand read only demo mode, which one am I going for14:14
Picisnakeface: 'start installer in normal mode'14:14
atlefcatalepsic: try either booting into recovery mode or alt-f1 and dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:15
snakefaceNow I am in 'busybox' what now?14:15
seanliuWhy cann't I donwload 3ddesktop?14:15
Nightwolf943Good morning14:16
DistroJockeygood night14:16
Nightwolf943/msg ubottu etiquette14:17
seanliuhow can i download 3ddesktop?14:17
druunawith wget ?14:18
wols_!compiz | seanliu14:18
ubottuseanliu: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:18
arvind_khow to make a ubuntu machine visible on a windows server14:18
seanliuthank you14:18
snakefacewhat do  do in busybox guys?14:18
vega--!samba | arvind_k14:18
ubottuarvind_k: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:18
LucenutI rebooted after enabling the wifi driver and it's just sitting there with the spinning flower.14:19
LucenutFor 10 minutes now.14:19
Picisnakeface: What version of Ubuntu are you trying to install here?14:19
LucenutShould I cold boot?14:19
snakefacelemme see14:19
arvind_kvega-, so i need to install samba and my machine is visible from a Win server?14:19
AbyssDEhelpnovak, its called On-Chip SATA Mode14:19
I_Have_Rootsorry to be a bugger, but I am using Debian, and as far as the XServer component,s besides some of the config files, this should apply to both debian and ubuntu, I am having trouble getting the window decorations or even emeral to work. Is this common, and is there a quick fix besides reformatting and try again?14:19
vega--arvind_k: you are probablyu going to need some configuring14:19
AbyssDEhelpnovak, read your manual of your MB: http://tw.giga-byte.com/Support/Motherboard/Manual_DownloadFile.aspx?FileType=Manual&FileID=1813714:20
arvind_kvega-, are they present in the community documentation??14:20
Nightwolf943I need help instaling the drivers for the Video card.14:20
I_Have_Rootwhats the video card14:20
vega--arvind_k: not sure, have a look at the links from ubotu14:20
I_Have_Rootand you can always try envy ng14:20
Nightwolf943Nvidia 8700M14:20
snakeface8.04 LTS desktop edition14:21
wols_Nightwolf943: envyng, NOT envy14:21
Nightwolf943i have a .run file14:21
vega--arvind_k: you need to configure it as a server and a lot depends probably on what kind of windows network you are on14:21
I_Have_Rootwill get ya the driver linky14:21
arvind_kvega-,  oh  ok:)14:21
I_Have_Rootis that geoforce?14:22
satan66666salut a tous14:22
ScheissDrogen seanliu: apt-cache search 3ddesktop14:22
vega--arvind_k: but the net is full of tutorials covering the subject, start with help.ubuntu.com / wiki.ubuntu.com14:22
ScheissDrogen Nightwolf943:shall i gudie you ?14:22
arvind_kvega-, thanks a lot :)14:22
I_Have_RootNvidia 8700M -- http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_173.14.12.html14:22
I_Have_Roothave fun :D14:23
Nightwolf943wrong driver root i am running the 64 bit version but thank you any way14:23
I_Have_RootI iwll get14:23
ScheissDrogen!who >  Nightwolf94314:23
Nightwolf943no no  its ok  I already have the file14:23
wols_Nightwolf943: what's wrong with the ubuntu restricted modules?14:23
prathibha1While debugging using gdb I get the following error- You can't do that without a process to debug.How to debug???14:23
FloodBot1I_Have_Root: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:23
I_Have_Roothave fun :D14:23
wols_8700M isn't brand new, is it14:24
prathibha1Can anyone help me>14:24
Nightwolf943i just need help installing the thing.14:24
I_Have_RootInstalling what?14:24
ScheissDrogen Nightwolf943:shall i guide you ?14:24
wols_!nvidia | Nightwolf94314:24
ubottuNightwolf943: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:24
regelwhat command gives user 'jack' the right to use sudo?14:24
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)14:25
=== geev8 is now known as geev
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoers14:25
prathibha1What is the option to be used with ./configure to enable debugging.14:25
wols_regel: add the user to the group admin14:25
wols_prathibha1: the -g compiler option14:25
regelwols_, k, thanks14:25
Denisepeople say really abything14:26
I_Have_Roothow about give the root a password and use su14:26
wols_!noroot | I_Have_Root14:26
ubottuI_Have_Root: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)14:26
dabbuis there anything i can use instead of pidgin for yahoo account14:26
snakefacesomeone help me with this damn busybox14:26
elmargolIs there no openjdk firefox plugin in hardy?14:26
Denisemy motherboeard id Gb model z38 59z with www chips 09kps14:26
Deniseand it bugs14:26
I_Have_Rootyou can contact me14:26
dabbuand gtalk14:26
Deniseanybody knows?14:27
ScheissDrogendabbu: xchat14:27
geevwhich program i can install on ubuntu for speed typing training14:27
The-Compilergeev: tuxtype14:27
elmargolgeev, Ktouch14:27
Araeni've just install windows xp (yes I know, beurk ^^) and when I restart I've a "Partition table invalid" (I've installed windows after ubuntu)14:27
The-Compilerdabbu: any IRC-client with Bitlbee, Kopete14:27
Araenmy windows partition is also inside my extented, with linux (ext-3) and the swap14:27
The-CompilerDenise: What the heck should "and it bugs" mean?14:28
AbyssDEhelpAraen, boot from live cd and fix the mbr and grub14:28
I_Have_Rootthat seems to be one mess of a partition table14:28
Araeni'm on the live cd14:28
prathibha1What is the option to be used with ./configure to enable debugging???14:28
Araenwhat mbr ?14:28
Deniseit cant read my new SATA II14:28
atlef!grub > Araen:14:28
Araenwhat IS* mbr14:28
Araen(I'm french, sorry)14:29
jpdsAraen: Master Boot Record.14:29
ScheissDrogenmaster boot record, Araen14:29
jpds!mbr | Araen14:29
ubottuAraen: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:29
dabbuScheissDrogen:using xchat can i connect to yahoo account ?14:29
arvind_kdabbu, no14:29
The-Compilerdabbu, arvind_k: You can14:30
tenbyteshey how do i install ie7 on ubuntu?14:30
The-Compilerdabbu: Take a look at www.bitlbee.org14:30
prathibha1While using gdb I got this error - Program exited with code 0176.You can't do that without a process to debug.14:30
Deniseis a Bios version of 2005 is too old for installing kbuntu on a new SATA?14:30
The-CompilerHi Slim404 ;)14:30
AbyssDEhelphey that ubottu but is vewry usefull to save my keys on keyboard ^^14:30
The-CompilerDenise: I don't think so14:30
arvind_kThe-Compiler, using xchat?14:30
The-Compilertenbytes: why the heck do you want to use IE7?14:30
Araenthe problem come of the grub ? Because I think that "Partition table invalid" was another thing14:30
ScheissDrogendabbu, no, sry14:30
DIFH-iceroottenbytes: maybe wine but why should anyone install this cr*p?14:30
The-Compilerarvind_k: Yeah, with an IRC to IM-gateway called BitlBee14:31
legend2440snakeface: been a while since i've installed. is there an option to hit F6 key and enter boot options?  if so add these options      all_generic_ide floppy=off irqpoll  and try again14:31
Denisewill it rwecognize my new hd automaticly?14:31
tenbytesi'm a web developer14:31
dabbuThe-Compiler:can i send file using bitlbee14:31
prathibha1While using gdb I got this error - Program exited with code 0176.You can't do that without a process to debug.14:31
arvind_kThe-Compiler, ya but not with only xchat :)14:31
The-Compilerdabbu: no you can't14:31
AbyssDEhelpAraen, you windows have modified your mbr i think! please reinstall or reconfigure it using the link that ubottu gave you14:31
ScheissDrogendabbu: what a protocol uses yahoo (not in xchat by default)14:31
prathibha1Anyone can u help me?14:31
tenbytesis it possible? i got ie5-614:31
tenbyteson ubuntu14:31
tenbytesnot 714:31
atlef!ie4linux | tenbytes:14:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ie4linux14:31
DIFH-iceroottenbytes: use windows in a virtual machine14:31
Pici!ies4linux | tenbytes14:32
ubottutenbytes: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!14:32
AraenAbyssDEhelp: I'm there : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:32
Slim404hi can i speak with you14:32
dabbuScheissDrogen:so can i add that14:32
The-CompilerSlim404: No, we are all robots ;)14:32
Araenand when I do "setup (hd0)" i've it : Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition14:32
snejwhere is german server14:32
The-Compilersnej: Channel you mean?14:32
jpds!de | snej14:32
ubottusnej: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:32
Picisnakeface: Sorry, I got busy with something else, try legend2440's suggestions.14:32
wols_ snej ftp.de.debian.org?14:32
ScheissDrogendabbu: what a protocol uses yahoo ? what kinda service ?14:32
snejchannel sorry14:33
The-CompilerScheissDrogen: an own one14:33
The-CompilerScheissDrogen: was fürn Nick :D14:33
on5slanyone with de p45 chipset here? found only one ubunut thread trough google that it doesn't work....14:33
tenbytesie4linux doesn't have ie 714:33
Araennobody ?14:33
The-Compilertenbytes: I see no point in it, why do you need it? ;)14:33
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box14:33
The-CompilerAraen: nobody for?14:33
aldroidtenbytes: a quick look at the installation script makes me believe it does. --install-ie7]14:33
Picitenbytes: Didn't we go over this yesterday?14:34
DeniseI have to choose between lavender of fruit pefume for the bath option, anybody got an idea?14:34
tenbytesno you have me confused with someone else14:34
The-Compiler!ot | Denise14:34
ubottuDenise: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:34
AraenThe-Compiler: for my problem of invalid partition :D14:34
flushyo explain me something14:35
AbyssDEhelpAraen, mount you hdd and change the enviroment root to the hdd root then install grub again!14:35
The-CompilerAraen: not me at least14:35
The-Compilerflush: Err... ask something?14:35
The-CompilerAdobe_Flash_Prog: eeek, Adobe Flash? ;)14:35
flushon my ubuntu box, i reset computer, i have no more wifi.. iwconfig doesnt list wifi0 anymore and lspci shows "unknown device" so i put the wifi card in my backtrack box, boots just fine and works all good14:35
flushwhy did ubuntu delete my wifi? how do i reload it.. what module do i need ?14:36
AraenAbyssDEhelp: I'm a beginner, i'm sorry but i've some difficults to understand14:36
The-Compiler!grub | flush, just take a look at that14:36
ubottuflush, just take a look at that: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:36
Av1how do you purge Envy package14:36
AbyssDEhelpAraen, mount /dev/hda or /dev/sda to /mnt/14:36
The-Compilerflush: what what?14:37
flushThe-Compiler what does it have to do with grub14:37
AbyssDEhelpAraen, then you make a chroot to /mnt/14:37
flushim talking about modprobing a module maybe ubuntu removed cause ive been playin with kismet and stuff14:37
flushnot grub14:37
mizo666which window system is the smallest resource hog14:37
The-Compilerflush: oh sorry that was the wrong nick I guess ;)14:38
AraenAbyssDEhelp: can we speak in pm ?14:38
ScheissDrogendabbu: why not pidgin for yahoo ? anyway : http://www.linux.com/feature/3512114:38
Av1 how do you purge Envy package14:38
The-Compiler!grub | Araen, just take a look at that14:38
ubottuAraen, just take a look at that: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:38
ScheissDrogen mizo666:xfce14:38
=== haptiK is now known as BOLDCAPS
AbyssDEhelpAraen, then do a grub install /dev/hda or /dev/sda14:38
The-Compilermizo666: Fluxbox is smaller14:38
DimitreeHow can i burn a CD iso image to a DVD disc ?14:38
AraenAbyssDEhelp:  /dev/hda/ doesn't exist14:38
The-Compilermizo666: XFCE is more and more becoming big14:39
Araenah, sda14:39
The-CompilerDimitree: you can't afaik14:39
ScheissDrogenDimitree:installer ? don't waste dvd14:39
DimitreeThe-Compiler with Nero under windows i was able to write it :/14:39
DimitreeScheissDrogen trying to burn Xubuntu to a DVD-RW :/14:39
dabbuScheissDrogen: pidgin is not able to send file14:39
The-CompilerDimitree: Okay, my fault then, didn't know that was possible14:39
Araenmount: /dev/sda/ is already mounted or /mnt/ is occupied14:39
The-Compilerdabbu: Indeed it is!14:40
bibuntuubuntuforums doesn't want to let me log in. I've got a problem where dpkg --configure hangs, similar to http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=885900 , for a locale I dont think I need14:40
ScheissDrogenDimitree:that won't work, get a dvd image instead14:40
Dimitreeok thanks ...14:40
AraenThe-Compiler: I've already read that14:40
dabbuThe-Compiler:it doesn't send..when i send a file it shows that i am sending and then it show the user have rejected but the case is opposite14:41
The-Compilerdabbu: hmm, okay, then try Konversation. Works fine for me tho14:41
Araenand I've the error /dev/hda/14:41
The-Compilererr... Kopete14:41
The-Compilerdabbu: Kopete, not Koversation ;)14:41
shodgesDimitree, I hear K3B is capable of burning CD ISO's to DVD14:41
ScheissDrogendabbu: checked the preferences in pidign ( i.e. autoreject ?)14:41
The-Compilerdabbu: Or simply use a file upload service like www.mediafire.com14:41
AbyssDEhelpAraen, you have to mount not /dev/sda instead mount the partition of your root partition14:41
AraenError 17: Cannot mount selected partition14:42
ScheissDrogenshodges: but no bootable images...14:42
AbyssDEhelpAraen, like sda1 or sda2 ......14:42
dabbuThe-Compiler:i am using internet over proxy but kopte does not work over that14:42
The-CompilerAraen: paste sudo fdisk -l and mount14:42
Araenmy root partition ?14:42
The-Compiler!paste | Araen14:42
ubottuAraen: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:42
Araeni've nothing The-Compiler14:43
AbyssDEhelpAraen, do what The-Compiler told you to do!14:43
=== lore20 is now known as nubbuntu
shodgesScheissDrogen, ah, yeah probably not14:43
The-CompilerAraen: simply paste the output of "sudo fdisk -l" and "mount", shouldn't be that hard, should it? :)14:44
AbyssDEhelpjust a btw question exists a frensh-support channel for ubuntu?14:44
ScheissDrogenshodges: definetely not bootable14:44
Pici!fr | AbyssDEhelp14:44
ubottuAbyssDEhelp: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr14:44
The-Compiler!fr | AbyssDEhelp14:44
The-CompilerI was too slow :P14:45
Dimitreeshodges it seams K3B is not running well on opensuse :) it hangs after trying to burn even with CD-R disk :/ o well Brasero ftw14:45
AbyssDEhelpAraen, wouldnt it be better to join that channel?14:45
The-CompilerAraen: and mount?14:45
=== icqnumber_ is now known as icqnumber
AraenAbyssDEhelp: no, because there are more people on this chan14:45
AraenThe-Compiler: yes, but what ?14:45
=== nubbuntu is now known as lore20
ScheissDrogenDimitree:my k3b is doing fine, but you could go to nero website, get down a trial (or use your win-installation number)14:46
The-CompilerAraen: ?? Simply do the command "mount" and paste the output...14:46
Araenah sorry14:46
AraenThe-Compiler: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39397/14:46
Av1i am trying to purge ENvyNG but it says it cant find it14:46
DimitreeScheissDrogen, Brasero did the thing i just found an empty CD-R :) o well time to format again lol cya later and thanks for helping out14:47
chimpI want to move all files belonging to a certain user, ie mv $USER * ./foo ,but i cant see in the manual how to do it14:47
Aruzahow do i get XOpenDisplay?14:47
The-CompilerAraen: that's not the hole output, is it?14:47
Araenheu, yes14:47
Av1please help14:47
LucenutOK, so wifi is working. Now to conenct to network machines. I can see the other PCs on the network when I click "Network". But when I click on a machine I can't see any shares.14:48
AraenThe-Compiler: why ?14:48
The-CompilerAraen: there should be at least a / mounted, even on a live-cd ;)14:48
daedrahow do you clear history in zsh?14:48
PiciAv1: Why are you trying to purge envyng? That will not get rid of the packages that it installed.14:48
unopchimp, find . -maxdepth 1 -name some_username -exec mv {} ./foo \;14:49
num1Hello, I've suppenly become unable to use youtube, it says I need to enable flash or install latest version. I just want to check if this is a change youtube made or something wrong with my machine? 6 Hours ago it worked perfectly and I haven't made any changes14:49
AraenThe-Compiler:  it's my whole output, sorry14:49
Araenand I don't understand more than you :D14:49
AbyssDEhelpThe-Compiler, i think the first line got lost :)14:49
ScheissDrogen Araen:sudo mount -a          (one cmd) then paste : mount - l  (small L)14:49
unopchimp, i haven't tested the command out - so be careful14:49
Av1unop: how do i remove it then14:49
unopAv1, sorry?14:49
PiciAv1: Which? What exactly are you hoping to accomplish?14:50
zemlyaninIs there any DNS Server I can set up that can do wildcard traffic redirection?14:50
ScheissDrogenAv1:sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dpkg --get-selections > pastebinit                             ,then give url14:51
AraenScheissDrogen: mount: The mount point doesn't exist14:51
LucenutWhy can't I see shares on my network?14:51
Av1Pici: i have uninstalled ATI graphics card installed by EnvyNG and now trying to remove the package so that i can install the drivers from its official site14:51
I_Have_Rootsorry to be a bugger, but I am using Debian, and as far as the XServer component,s besides some of the config files, this should apply to both debian and ubuntu, I am having trouble getting the window decorations or even emeral to work. Is this common, and is there a quick fix besides reformatting and try again?14:51
zemlyaninsuch as all *.com to 192.x.x.x14:51
unopScheissDrogen, you want | there not >14:51
AraenAbyssDEhelp: no, there is everything :-°14:52
ScheissDrogenAv1:sudo apt-get install pastebinit && dpkg --get-selections | pastebinit                             ,then give url14:52
Araenif you want I can take a screen14:52
unopzemlyanin, i believe bind can do this .14:52
PiciAv1: Using envyng is the reccomended way of installing the 'latest' proprietary drivers, not by using third party packages, are you aware of this?14:52
ScheissDrogenunop: hope so14:52
zemlyaninAny bind9 tutorials that explain this?14:52
Av1Pici: i am aware of it14:52
Araenso nobody know why I've this problem ?14:52
unopzemlyanin, best you ask about this in #bind perhaps14:52
Av1Pici:  but its not working fine with EnvNg14:52
chimpunop: ta that worked, though i needed to use -user and not -name14:53
ScheissDrogen Araen:gedit /etc/fstab   , please paste that file, too14:53
legend2440Av1: if you run envyng again there should be an option for envyng to remove the drivers14:53
PiciAv1: Did you have an ATI or Nvidia card?14:53
unopchimp, well -name does something different .. and you can have both -user and -name together14:53
Av1Pici: ATI card14:54
chimpunop: Yep, just in my case i was looking for a specific user, ta14:54
unopchimp, ahh i get what you mean -- my typo14:54
AraenScheissDrogen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39402/14:54
PiciAv1: I believe tha package it installs is xorg-driver-fglrx-envy, but running envyng itself might let you remove it and remove xorg options at the same time, but you'll have to look at it.14:55
ScheissDrogen Araen:oo, thats the fstab of the live cd..14:55
Av1Pici: i have removed the packages14:55
Araenah :-°14:55
Araenhow can I go to the real fstab ?14:56
ScheissDrogen Araen:sudo mkdir /mnt/root14:56
Av1Pici:  should i manually select the drivers in EnvyNg or install it from Offical site?14:57
LucenutHi all, complete newb here. I have the wifi working on my laptop, but can't browse network shares.14:57
extrahello, guys! Could anyone help me? I neet an iperf-server running on the Internet to test my connection14:57
AraenScheissDrogen: ok, and then ?14:57
LucenutI can see the other PCs on the network but when I drill down into one I can't see the shared drives/14:57
ScheissDrogenmount /dev/sda1  /mnt/root14:57
PiciAv1: Using packages (envyng) is always the reccomended way.14:57
ScheissDrogenAraen: sudo mount /dev/sda1  /mnt/root14:58
jakeadexhi, erveryone. My internet provider had implanted a vpn based on l2tp over ipsec. could anyone help me to configure my ubuntu hardy, so it can connect to the vpn14:58
Av1Pici: manual or automatic?14:58
brian_hermanhi everybody14:58
ScheissDrogenAraen: error about filesystem ?14:58
PiciAv1: I assume you used automatic before... so try manual if you think that will work better.14:58
AraenScheissDrogen: I mount my linux partition ?14:58
illuminateHi Brian_herman14:58
AraenScheissDrogen: heu, no, I don't think, when ?14:58
Av1Pici:  if that also does not work then what should i do?14:59
ScheissDrogenAraen: if the commnad simply returned no error, it's fine14:59
T-0-N-I-CDoes anybuddy know why I can not get visual effects working on my Ubuntu VM ??14:59
ScheissDrogenAraen: cd /mnt/root/etc14:59
AraenScheissDrogen: yes, I've an error, /dev/sda1 doesn't exist14:59
=== philippe_ is now known as philippe
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hateballT-0-N-I-C: Since it's a virtual machine theres no hardware acceleration for graphics15:00
VixusHey, I want to change gnome's default actions on inserting a CD or connecting my ipod.. basically i want to use banshee instead of rhythmbox.15:00
Av1Pici:  how can i check if my ATI card is working?15:00
ScheissDrogenAraen: sudo gparted15:01
Araendone :)15:01
PiciAv1: fglrxinfo is one way15:01
ScheissDrogenAraen: we now try to rebuild parti-table15:01
T-0-N-I-C<hateball> Thats what i was thinking but my Gentoo VM works vine15:01
MimiVixus,   go to your home, then EDIT->PREFERENCES->MEDIA15:01
SlartScheissDrogen, Araen: gksudo gparted is better.. see !gksudo15:01
PiciAv1: Note, you'll need to restart X before you see any changes after installing a new video card driver15:02
VixusMimi, thanks!15:02
hateballT-0-N-I-C: Are you trying to use the same effects on both machines?15:02
Araenwhat must I do now ?15:02
Av1Pici: id does not show if you ATi is installed or not?15:02
ScheissDrogenAraen: you see your swap at the end of the disk ?15:02
T-0-N-I-CYes for the most part15:02
ConstyXIVam I the only one that thinks NetworkManager should have PPP support?15:02
Av1Pici: it does not show if your ATi is installed or  not i mean the status15:03
AraenScheissDrogen: my partition table : http://img362.imageshack.us/my.php?image=capturerq5.png15:03
SlartConstyXIV: it doesn't? I seem to recall there being some kind of ppp-menu.. or?15:03
ScheissDrogensimplyunmount it, deletze it and put it back in the same place (got your farmer paste still inbrowser)15:03
PiciAv1: What does it tell you?15:03
aldroidHas anyone tried to use Creative Webcam Live! under ubuntu?15:03
ConstyXIVSlart: it only has wired and wifi.  no options to flip on my EDGE.15:03
T-0-N-I-C<hateball> I would jist like to install it but I do not think it will read my sprint  internet card15:04
Av1The program 'fglrxinfo' is currently not installed.15:04
illuminatealdroid.. i havent.. but check their site for some drivers for linux.. maybe..15:04
ScheissDrogenAraen: stop !15:04
PiciAv1: Have you installed the ATI drivers yet?15:04
AraenScheissDrogen: what ?15:04
AzizLightis it possible to use two different email accounts in alpine?15:04
Av1Pici: no i have not15:04
ScheissDrogenAraen: your filesystem is encrypted15:04
PiciAv1: Then you cannot do that command....15:04
aldroidilluminate: ubuntu has gsca and zc0301 kmodules at hand...15:05
ScheissDrogenAraen: in this manner we can't access it than15:05
Av1Pici: no other way of finding it?15:05
AraenScheissDrogen: yes, also I do... ?15:05
aldroidilluminate: but dmesg says they are BOTH loaded during startup.15:05
SlartConstyXIV: hmm.. let me check my laptop.. I don't have a modem on my desktop15:05
AthenI rebooted and came up with some file system errors, so it started in a recovery console.  I was using 'watch' while rebuilding the array, and now I can't seem to exit it, any ideas ?15:05
PiciAv1: Do you just want to know if Ubuntu sees your video card? Not necessarily knows how to use it?15:05
illuminatealdroid- sorry bro.. i wish i could help more.. but im new myself.. i was just throwing that out there if you needed something to start with :P15:06
ogzyi am having problems about adding the medibuntu repo, here is the error Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/hardy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  free/binary-lpia/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)15:06
Av1Pici: yes15:06
PiciAv1: lspci then15:06
ogzyanybody had solved this issue before?15:06
xukunHi all, I,m flowing this nice howto about install fake raid system on ubuntu hardy everything goes well except where it sys: "apt-get install ubuntu-base" Maybe its not ubuntu-base anymore under hardy?15:06
SlartConstyXIV: on my laptop running gutsy I have a "dial up" menu in the network manager that I can use to connect to ppp015:06
zod21whats up fellas15:07
ScheissDrogenAraen: did you already did any changes in gparted ?15:07
DIFH-icerootxukun: you just have to use a live cd where you use dmraid to "activate" your fakeraid, then you can install ubuntu15:07
Av1Pici: it is showing me15:07
Av1the ATI card15:07
AraenScheissDrogen: no15:07
ScheissDrogenclose it without saving then- the encryption is the cause for the failed mounting of sda115:08
erik_Can anyone help me getting my external screen to work? It's just a black screen. Tried google it and found no useable solutions :(15:08
AraenScheissDrogen: it's closed15:08
ScheissDrogenAraen: sudo partprobe15:09
AraenScheissDrogen: Warning: Unable to open /dev/scd1 read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/scd1 has been opened read-only.15:09
xukunDIFH-iceroot, I did try to install the fake raid under the live cd after activating dmraid. but then I got errors when I partition the disk under fdisk but with this howto I got no errors15:09
cyberwolf_hello, i just upgraded my xubuntu dapper to feisty and my swedish chars is gone, any suggestions?15:09
ubottuScheissDrogen, please see my private message15:10
zod21erik_ go to the resolution changing app and hit clone screens when your other monitor is connected and it should work15:10
ScheissDrogenAraen: scd1 = cd - rom, not writeable :)15:10
xukunDIFH-iceroot, all I need is I think replace apt-get install ubuntu-base" with other package name I think15:10
zod21erki_ system-preferences-screen resolution15:10
bullgard4What is an ALSA_Sequencer? (appears in Device Manager: "Device file: /dev/snd/seq").15:10
DIFH-icerootxukun: dont know never done it like that15:10
dxdemetrioucan I authenticate repositories that I have from ppa.launchpad.net so to can use the update manager for updates? some times can't complete because some repos aren't authenticated15:10
xukunDIFH-iceroot, thanks anyway15:11
cyberwolf_and dpkg-reconfigure locales and dpkg-recon... console-data does no diff15:11
erik_zod21.. thnx! tried it, but nothing happens. When I enable it it tjecks alright, but when I open it again it has untjecked15:11
Av1Pici: what does this mean"32-Bit packages must be installed for 64-Bit Linux drivers to install or work. "15:12
zod21thats wierd15:12
ScheissDrogenAraen: k, as that is through then, lets try to get ubu running and after put an option for booting win in it???is win encrypted ???15:12
OsseAnyone here good at ATI graph w/ Extended monitoring?15:12
zod21erik_ huh i dunno man, sounds to me like you have thats a system error15:12
erik_yes.. I can see the startup of ubuntu alright but when the loginscreen apear the screen goes black15:12
Av1Osse: do let me know if you get help for ATI cards15:12
_stijn_hey quick question15:13
ScheissDrogenAraen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows15:13
_stijn_difference between su and sudo :s15:13
zod21erik_ what kind of computer do you have ubuntu on15:13
OsseOh, hi Av1. I need help with extending - I want to use My TV as a side for my monitor.15:13
zod21erik_ this is probably the reason15:13
OsseSo that I can watch movies and such on the TV.15:13
Av1Osse: can you help me to install ATI X1300 in ubuntu15:13
erik_laptop.. Zeptp Znote 6615WD, 2Ghz dual core, Nvidia 7800GO...15:13
ScheissDrogenAraen: !sudo  _stijn_15:14
OsseAv1 - You need drivers?15:14
Av1Osse: yes15:14
AraenScheissDrogen: I was already read it15:14
Araenand it doesn't work15:14
Pici !sudo > _stijn_15:14
ScheissDrogenAraen: sudo grub15:14
ubottu_stijn_, please see my private message15:14
Av1Osse: the official website says to "32-Bit packages must be installed for 64-Bit Linux drivers to install or     work. "15:14
OsseYou use 64bits?15:14
Av1Osse: yes15:14
ScheissDrogenAraen: find /boot/grub/stage115:15
OsseOh, can't help you there. I haven't gotten anything good out of the 64 bits =/15:15
zod21erik_ well ive never messed with linux on that kind of laptop but sometimes, linux just doesnt wanna work on some systems. one of my friends has an hp and ubuntu absolutely will not work.15:15
OsseI recommend you get the 32 bits.15:15
ScheissDrogenAraen: output ?15:15
Av1Osse: can you help me get 32bit package15:15
earthianso whats about that new alsa in hardy that broke all my sound stuff... mic works but then headphones and speakers the same, or headphones and speakers seperate but no mic (with options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch) or so...15:15
Araen(hd0, 4)15:15
AraenScheissDrogen: (hd0, 4)15:15
zod21erik_ no idea why, i have a dell and it works like a charm, but since linux doesnt use drivers you have to have a system the os has been configured for15:16
legend2440Osse: so all you want is TV-Out so you can watch movies on tv?15:16
Av1Osse: cause it said 32bit must be installed for 64bit to run15:16
erik_zod21: well ubuntu runs fine on the laptop screen. The external monitor though turns black when the loginscreen appears15:16
zod21but im out.. got class_15:16
OsseAv1 - You need the 32 bit dist of Ubuntu.15:16
Av1Osse: 64 bit Ubuntu is bad?15:17
ScheissDrogenAraen:  lets change to #grub  for a moment (/join #grub)15:17
OsseI dislike it alot, I haven't gotten anything working properly on it.15:17
dmizerAv1: no it's not bad ... just extremely difficult to learn how to use.15:17
erik_Anyone has a solution for external monitor going black after startup?15:17
atlefAv1: no, it all depends15:17
OsseIt's not anything someone that's fairly new should use. I recommend the Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop 32bit.15:17
Slart64-bit isn't very different from 32-bit .. there are some isolated things that aren't available for 64bit. but other than that it's fine15:18
atlefAv1: have been running it for 6months15:18
Av1atlef: can you help me with ATI drivers installation then15:18
OsseAnyone here mastered the art of extending desktops? ATI X1600-series.15:18
atlefAv1: how have you tried to installed them15:18
PPKumahi, im trying to install a theme, but it looks like i odnt have kde development packages installed... what are their package names?15:18
dmizerAv1: i agree with Osse, there's very little real reason to use 64 bit for a daily use desktop.15:19
SlartPPKuma: search in synaptic for kde and dev15:19
legend2440Osse: so all you want is TV-Out so you can watch movies on tv?15:19
Osselegend2440 - Yes.15:19
PPKumaSlart thanks15:19
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atlefdmizer: with more than 4gb of ram, yes it is15:19
Av1atlef: i tried installing it with envyNg15:19
legend2440Osse: what happens now when you play movies?  anything show on tv?15:20
dmizeratlef: who needs more than 4 gig of ram on a daily desktop?15:20
atlefAv1: and no luck?15:20
SlartPPKuma: I'm guessing kde4-devel15:20
OsseI haven't been able to extend it. How does it work?15:20
Slart!info kde4-devel | PPKuma15:20
ubottuppkuma: kde4-devel (source: meta-kde4): the K Desktop Environment version 4 development files and modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3 (hardy), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB15:20
Av1atlef: it does not work properly15:20
atlefdmizer: i for one, and maybe some other people15:20
atlefAv1: envy or the driver15:20
illuminatedoes anyone have a minute to help me install java won ubuntu 8.04?15:21
SlartPPKuma: or kde-devel if you're using kde 315:21
atlef!java | illuminate:15:21
ubottuilluminate:: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository15:21
grayessilluniate.. i'm trying to install java 1.3 put with no luck15:21
Av1atlef: the video15:21
ushimitsudoki1don't understand why ppl hate on 64-bit. It works fine for me - never ran into anything that doesn't work and need lots of memory for audio production. If you don't use it fine, but don't run it down15:21
illuminatethanks guys... ill ask if i need anything :D15:21
grayessi was able to install java 6 though15:21
Av1atlef: i guess that should be with driver itself15:21
dmizeratlef: in any case ... i did say that there is "very little" reason for it. needing more than 4 gig of ram is certainly a valid claim.15:22
legend2440Osse: not sure what you mean by extend it. the way i use mine with ati radeon 9600 is i hook up tv with s-video cable and then boot computer and start play avi with mplayer and it shows movie on computer screen and tv15:22
Av1atlef: and when i see the graphics card offical site15:22
atlefAv1: have you tried to uninstall the driver with envy and install it with the hardware divers in the admin menu15:22
OsseI'll try that legend, thanks.15:22
Av1atlef: it says 32-Bit packages must be installed for 64-Bit Linux drivers to install or     work.15:23
atlefdmizer: see, we need 64bit15:23
atlefAv1: that makes no sense to me, but maybe someone else knows15:23
cuilhow to install file.tar.gz15:23
Av1atlef:  whats the advantage of using 64bit15:24
atlef!tar | cuil:15:24
ubottucuil:: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression15:24
grayessi am unable to use java 1.3.1 on ubuntu.. it gives Segmentation fault. anybody can help? i have ubuntu 8.0415:24
illuminatehmm.. my terminal.. when i go to start it.. it stops "responding"15:24
cuilHow to install .tar.gz??15:24
djhashcuil.. file.tar.dz is equivalent to file.zip  you dont install it.. you uncompress it15:24
dmizercuil: what program are you trying to install that requires a tar?15:24
Av1atlef: whats the advantage of using 64bit15:25
djhash!pm | cuil15:25
ubottucuil: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.15:25
PiciAv1: The only advantage is if you have more than 4gb of ram.15:25
Picis/only/only noticable/15:25
Av1Pici: it does not make processing faster in 64 bit15:25
mmartinnHi all - Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 32bit doesn't even recognize 3gb of out of my 4gb of RAM. The BIOS, memtest, and 'lshw -C memory' all show 4gb, but 'free -m' shows only 2gb. dmesg does suggest "Memory: 2050428k/4194304k available"15:25
AthenI rebooted and came up with some file system errors, so it started in a recovery console.  I was using 'watch' while rebuilding the array, and now I can't seem to exit/break it, any ideas ?15:25
cuili want to install linux-fetion-0.8.0.tar.gz on ubuntu7.1015:26
grayessdid anybody manage to successfully install and use java 1.3.1 on ubuntu 8.04 and used it??15:26
Slartmmartinn: there are some BIOS settings that can mess things up... I helped someone with that problem a few days ago.. let me see if I can find the webpage again15:26
PiciAv1: No, modern CPUs can process 32bit instructions at a speed comparable to 64bit ones, you are not going to see an improvment unless you are doing things that require that much computational power, such as 3D rendering.15:26
Av1atlef:  is the processing faster in 64 bit15:27
DIFH-icerootgrayess: why would anyone use java 1.31?15:27
atlefAv1: i find it faster and snappier then 32bit15:27
Av1atlef:  please tell me what does this mean 32-Bit packages must be installed for 64-Bit Linux drivers to install or     work.15:27
grayessDIFH-iceroot: there are some libraries that requires java1.315:27
grayess DIFH-iceroot: visibroker libraries...15:28
atlefAv1: as i said, i do not know15:28
dmizercuil: where did you download this?15:28
DIFH-icerootgrayess: and they can not use java 5 or java 6?15:28
Av1atlef: does it mean that i need to install both 32 bit and 63 bit package15:28
mmartinnDid Sun even release a linux version of Java 1.3?15:28
Av1*64 bit15:28
ushimitsudoki1Av1: some drivers or applications require 32-bit libraries to work15:28
Kartagishoşçakalın / bye15:28
DIFH-icerootgrayess: then just download java 1.3.1 and make JAVA_HOME to your java 1.3.1 path15:28
grayessDIFH-iceroot: no i've already tried..and it said in the documentation..15:28
Av1ushimitsudoki1: so should ioi install both 32bit and 64 bit package15:29
ushimitsudoki1Av1: prob not that does not make sense15:29
wishieWhere can i find information on how to edit /usr/share/hotkey-setup/hp.hk so that it works for my laptop ?15:29
grayess DIFH-iceroot: i did.. but whenever i try to use it it gives me... Segmentation fault15:29
ushimitsudoki1Av1: maybe 32-bit libs are needed on the 64-bit system15:29
Av1ushimitsudoki1: please tell me what does this mean "32-Bit packages must be installed for 64-Bit Linux drivers to install or     work. "15:29
DIFH-icerootgrayess: sorry then i dont know15:29
ushimitsudoki1Av1: where are you seeing this?15:29
Av1ushimitsudoki1: on the official site of ATI15:30
ushimitsudoki1Av1: link or it didn't happen15:30
grayessDIFH-iceroot: i've downloaded and installed the following JDK from sun j2sdk-1_3_1_19-linux-i586.bin15:30
Av1ushimitsudoki1: i dont know how tolink it15:30
Av1ushimitsudoki1:  please tell me how to15:30
dmizercuil: where did you download linux-fetion from?15:30
ozzie212I just recently bought an epson all in one printer, scanner, copier. The printer works but how do I get the scannner to work15:30
ushimitsudoki1Av1: cut and paste from your browser address bar?15:31
grayessDIFH-iceroot: thanx for the help anyway..15:31
DIFH-icerootgrayess: sorry that i cant help you15:31
=== quite is now known as rwhe
mint2can anyone help me15:31
Av1ushimitsudoki1: http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux64/linux64-radeon.html15:31
mint2i am getting trouble installing ubuntu on my laptop15:31
grayesshas anybody successfully installed java 1.3 on Ubuntu 8.04??15:31
mint2i downloaded the new one from ubuntus website15:32
cuildmizer: from http://download.pchome.net/internet/communications/message/download-138690.html15:32
=== quite is now known as rwhe
mint2downloaded, burnt it, ran live cd, installed it15:32
mint2when i reboot i and choose it via grub, i grt errror15:32
mint2anyone help ?15:32
djhashmint2: what is the error you get?15:33
Crownlessi have a problem...as probably severel others...concerning a sis900 ethernet card - anyone here who can perhaps help me?15:33
dmizercuil: unfortunately my kanji is not that good.  there should be directions on the site for how to install it.15:33
grayesshas anybody successfully installed java 1.3 on Ubuntu 8.04??15:33
Av1ushimitsudoki1: did you see the link15:33
mint2hang on djhash let me paste15:33
mint2this is silly15:33
mint2is there a laptop kernel for the latest ubuntu15:33
ushimitsudoki1Av1: yes i am reading it now.15:34
djhashmint2: just a reminder.. use pastebin15:34
cuildmizer:   kanji???15:34
mint2djhash. its 1 line only mate15:34
Av1ushimitsudoki1: thanks i am waiting15:34
Crownlessanyone? please? i'm desperate...15:34
djhashmint2: then let me correct myself.. use pastebin for multiline pastes :-P..15:34
ushimitsudoki1Av1: OK. First off I would try EnvyNG or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI first15:34
Slartmartii: hmm.. I can't find the webpage I found a couple of days ago.. but chech the BIOS for settings that sounds like "memory hole", "memory mapping" etc.. give those a try15:35
mint2err weird its logging on now15:35
ushimitsudoki1Av1: that being said, if you install the 32 bit libraries, you should be able to install the 32 bit package first15:35
Av1ushimitsudoki1: i have tried EnvyNg15:35
mint2seems to be loading15:35
ushimitsudoki1Av1: and then the 64-bit on top of that15:35
mint2let me shutdown and reboot again djhash15:35
=== zero_ is now known as Zero___
grayesshas anybody successfully installed java 1.3 on Ubuntu 8.04??15:35
ushimitsudoki1Av1: which is what the page sounds like, even though i don't think that makes sense. however, i don't use ATI so I don't know for sure15:35
Av1ushimitsudoki1: thats means i should install 32 bit package 1st15:35
wishieWhere can i find information on how to edit /usr/share/hotkey-setup/hp.hk so that it works for my laptop ? I crash programs on my laptop on command at the moment.. due to a bug in hotkey-setup15:35
ushimitsudoki1Av1: the core 32 bit libs are going to be in the ia32-livs package15:36
Zero___hey, my flash drive wont mount in ubuntu, says it has a bad superblock, but in every other distro it mounts just fine, how do i get it working again?15:36
Crownlessanyone here with experience in dealing with problems under ubuntu 8.04 and a sis900 ethernet card? ? ?15:36
ozzie212how do I get an epson scanner to work. It an all in one15:36
Qsteruname -a15:36
ushimitsudoki1Av1: but i do not know if that will be all the required libs15:36
Av1ushimitsudoki1: how do  i install them15:36
legend2440ozzie212: epson?  what model?15:36
ozzie212legend2440,  hang on I'll get it15:37
KiDFlaShThere was an error starting the GNOME-Settings-Daemon <-- what can i do?15:37
ozzie212legend2440,  cx7450. the printer works but not the scanner15:37
Av1ushimitsudoki1: how do i Install ia32-livs package15:38
legend2440ozzie212: ok 1 sec15:38
ushimitsudoki1Av1: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs15:38
ushimitsudoki1Av1: b not v i mistyped 1st time15:38
Crownlessanyone here with experience in dealing with problems under ubuntu 8.04 and a sis900 ethernet card? please help if you can...15:38
atlefoh no, getdeb is down!15:38
Zero___can anyone help me mount my flash drive?15:38
cyberwolf_hello, i just upgraded my xubuntu dapper to feisty and i lost my swedish chars, any suggestions?15:39
Av1ushimitsudoki1: it says installed15:39
TamaleZero___: I had problems with my flash drive too Zero.. I think I eventually had to put the UUID in my fstab15:39
mint2is there a laptop kernel for the latest ubuntu ?15:39
Picimint2: no.15:39
ushimitsudoki1Av1: did you read this: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide15:39
ushimitsudoki1Av1: because it looks to be the exact instructions including 64-bit stuff15:40
Av1ushimitsudoki1: no i am reading it now15:40
ushimitsudoki1Av1: that is where you need to be first i would say15:40
Zero___Tamale, UUID?15:40
gsevilhow can I choose what to install when make a fresh installation with alternate CD, like in Fedora?15:40
Picigsevil: Ubuntu does not provide those options.15:40
Av1ushimitsudoki1: thanks a lot15:40
Crownlessanyone here with experience in dealing with problems under ubuntu 8.04 and a sis900 ethernet card? please help if you can...im getting desperate15:41
gsevilso how to cleanly uninstall what I don't want to use, to free up space?15:41
TamaleZero___: I had two entires for my cd drive in my fstab15:41
TamaleI'd check yours15:41
djhashgsevil: use Synaptic15:41
Tamalehave you read this thread yet? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82140515:42
bobertdoscyberwolf_: Have you installed Swedish language support?15:42
Zero___Tamale, how do i fix this?15:42
bobertdosZero___: Is this the first time you will have tried mounting the flash drive?15:42
grayessAnybody managed to install java 1.3 on ubuntu 8.04??15:43
ozzie212legend2440,  I take that back. the printer does NOT work.15:43
KiDFlaShThere was an error starting the GNOME-Settings-Daemon <-- what can i do?15:43
cyberwolf_bobertdos: whats the packetname?15:43
legend2440ozzie212: ok15:43
mint2anyone canee415:43
Denisewhat can i do if SANE doesnt support my scanner?15:43
Zero___bobertdos, oh, god no, i just reinstalled ubuntu this morning and now it wont mount anymore15:44
Tamaledoes anyone know how I can change the timeout on the DHCP listen request?  Our DHCP server here at work is slow and ubuntu never gets an IP on boot.. I have to manually run "dhclient" every time I start up.. and I don't want to anymore!15:44
bobertdoscyberwolf_: language-support-sv15:45
NestHi.  I see no messages between grub and the login screen on hardy.  How can I get the splash screen or at least see the machine booting?15:45
dmizerDenise: you probably just need a linux driver.  if you can't find one, there's not much you can do.15:45
mint2i get this :15:46
djhashNest: /boot/grub/menu.lst   edit that...15:46
Denisein man Sane it says hp4500 is supported15:46
bobertdoscyberwolf_ Actually, just search for Swedish, because there are a lot of packages for any given language.15:46
Denisebut I have hp550015:46
mint2> 19.965127 EIP [<c018e507>] lmem_cashe_free+0x57/0xb0 SS:ESP 0068:f7c6b15:46
mint2<mint2> 19.965127 kernel panic - not syncing : Fatal exception in interrupt15:46
Cheiron Parse error at "<c018..." (column 16)15:46
Denisemany with another program than sane?15:46
legend2440ozzie212: that must be a new model. i found a post on how to use the cx7400 with ubuntu but nothing yet for cx7450.   anyway read post # 8 here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63178115:46
mint2why is it doing this ? :?15:46
ozzie212T U15:47
dmizerDenise: there is no other program than sane.  You should be able to use a different model driver to make your scanner function.15:47
mint2its weird, cos when i log via recovery it works fine15:47
IdleOnemint2, you running linux mint?15:47
bobertdosZero___: Well, i guess I'd first check to see that the drive is at least being recognized. Beyond that, I suppose I would try fstab, like Tamale has been saying.15:47
dmizerDenise: the problem is not sane, the problem is not having a driver installed.15:47
mint2im running ubuntu, IdleOne15:47
mint2the new latest one15:48
DeniseI<ll check that15:48
mint2it installed properly and all15:48
cyberwolf_bobertdos: hm, no, the damn thing must have uninstalled it under the upgrade like many other important packets15:48
mint2grub loads up and when i press enter on the default i get that error15:48
Tamalecan someone help me change my DHCP timeout please?15:48
dmizerDenise: unfortunately, i've only had limited success with scanners, so i don't have much more i can offer you.15:48
djhashmint2: are you using 32bit and do you have more than 4gigs of ram15:48
bobertdoscyberwolf_: yep, I would guess so too15:49
Nestdjhash what option in grub? I didn't change anything, it loads ubuntu fine except i dont see the splash logo or messages15:49
mint2djhash  - 32 bit and 2 gb ram15:49
Max-PHi, I have a strange sound problem: When I mute de sound when I am using my headphones, the sound start playing on the speakers of the computer15:49
Max-Pcan someone help me with this?15:50
alexbobpHow do I find the package that owns a specific file?15:50
bobertdoscyberwolf_: That's the problem with direct upgrades, plus, it'd be a really good idea to just get a fresh Hardy disc and get yourself up to speed.15:50
Picialexbobp: If you have the package installed, you can use dpkg -S /path/to/file15:50
mint2when i face that problem it hangs up. so i shutdown and restart and it logs in15:50
cyberwolf_bobertdos: i think debian is a joke comparing to gentoo or other real dists, but i have no other choice on this crappy computer15:50
djhashmint2: kernel panics are WAAY over my head.. but it could be hardware related..15:50
cyberwolf_bobertdos: xubuntu is the only disc i can install15:51
mint2ok this time it says15:51
djhashNest: does your screen go into standby mode after grub?!15:51
mint2timeout, status = 0 expect_event = 115:51
alexbobpPici: worked.  thanks.15:51
mint2acpi:ec:read timeout, command = 12815:52
mint2and it hangs here15:52
Nestim not sure..its just black for a while until the login screen pops up15:52
bobertdoscyberwolf_: It sounds like you would benefit from something harder core like Arch, or something minimalistic like Damn Small Linux, Tiny Linux, or Puppy. (That should be discussed off-topic though).15:53
djhashNest: usually the green power LED on the monitor changes to orange.. does it do that?15:53
djhashmint2: do a memory test15:53
mint2ok djhash, what willthat do15:54
regelmint2, test your memory?15:54
bazhangmint2, you have any odd repos in there?15:54
Nestwait i think its because of the video card..i just switched and it was fine before15:54
djhashNest: the splash screen is using a resolution that the screen cannot handle15:54
cyberwolf_bobertdos: hehe, i guessi could but im not sure it runs on a ppc g3 with 233MHz15:54
nadiaThere's something strange with some of my Word documents. With some documents, the first 2 characters in the filename have been replaced with ~$, and with some documents I get a "ASCII Filter Options" dialog, asking me about all kinds of things, but whatever I seem to chose, the contents of the files are all the same 3 lines.15:55
bobertdoscyberwolf_: Maybe you could dig up an old version of Yellow Dog.......?15:55
mint2im testing my memory right now15:55
mint2doing the memtest15:55
MikeSethnadia: arent those MS word temporary files15:55
bazhangmint2, this is linux mint 8.04?15:56
nadiathen where are the real files?15:56
mint2its just the latest ubuntu, bazhang15:56
cyberwolf_bobertdos: maybe yes15:56
bazhangmint2, how about a look at your sources.list15:56
regelmint2, 8.10?15:56
mint28.06 i think. the one on ubuntus website15:56
regelmint2, is it stable release or the dev release?15:56
atlefmint2: 8.04.115:57
ikoniamint2: can you show me "lsb_release -a" please to be sure15:57
mint2ikonia - i am not able to even log in15:58
maekdon't use Linux mint .. I tried it out and got a kernel panic when I tried to run google earth15:58
ikoniamaek: who said he was using mint ?15:58
mint2right now its doing a memorytest15:58
Nestthanks djhash, i think i edited the right part in grub15:58
Nestgonna reboot :)15:58
mint2am using ubuntu 8.0415:58
maekikonia, no one said it15:59
ikoniamaek: so why are you saying "don't use mint"15:59
maekikonia, im talking to the channel .. duh15:59
hal_v2Just moved into college dorm and managed to connect to internet, but pidgin isn't connecting. What do I do?15:59
ikoniamaek: it's not a chat channel, and as no-one is asking about mint or even discussing it, please don't take the channel offtopic16:00
bazhanghal_v2, which account16:00
mint2maybe i need the laptop kernel, if that exists for ubuntu16:00
hal_v2What do you mean? I'm using my AIM profile.16:00
ikoniamint2: it doesn't16:00
ikoniamint2: the generic livecd should be fine16:00
Av1ushimitsudoki1: how do i edit conf file16:00
Picimint2: Like I said earlier, there is no laptop specific kernel for Ubuntu16:00
lap_since the amsn update there was any other updates ?16:00
lap_is there a way to see hardy heron updates history ?16:00
ikonialap_: your dpkg.log file should show what was applied and when16:01
mint2ikonia - im rebooting now ,exiting the memory test16:01
Av1atlef: how do i edit conf file16:01
maek<bazhang> mint2, this is linux mint 8.04? .. I think its pretty clear cut ikonia ...16:01
ushimitsudoki1Av1: with a text editor. You may need root. .conf files should be text files16:01
ikoniaAv1: use a ext editor16:01
mint2its a sony vaio laptop16:01
Av1this command wont work?16:01
ikoniamaek: no, bazhang was asking if it was mint, he said ubuntu16:01
Av1 --encoding=ENCODING16:01
hal_v2Just moved into college dorm and managed to connect to internet, but pidgin isn't connecting. What do I do?16:01
ikoniaAv1: any text editor16:01
Av1sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:01
atlefAv1: alt-f2 gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:01
Pici!gksudo | Av116:02
ubottuAv1: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:02
ikoniahal_v2: if you can connect to the internet, but your messager can't is most likley your router/gateway is blocking it16:02
hal_v2How do I fix it though?16:02
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maek<ikonia> maek: it's not a chat channel, and as no-one is asking about mint     <ikonia> maek: no, bazhang was asking if it was mint16:02
ikoniahal_v2: first thig is speak to the people who manager your router/gateway16:02
ikoniamaek: yes ?16:02
ikoniamaek: and ?16:02
ikoniamint2: hello16:03
bobertdoshal_v2: and just in case they stubbornly say no, I recommend meebo.com, a web-based, multiprotocol chat service.16:03
djhashhal_v2: you need to talk to the college networking department..16:03
maekikonia, so its pretty clear cut ... please don't use the ubuntu IRC to further your powertrip ... please do that somewhere else16:03
dashnuhow do i get that wizzy 3d box set in compiz settings?16:03
bazhangmaek, please16:03
ikoniamaek: I'm not, he's not using mint,16:03
dashnumy desktop only "flips" now16:03
KaiForceanyone know of a live CD that will 1) play internet radio and 2) can be controlled remotely via web?16:04
mint2whats going on16:04
wols_maek: can you talk about this useless stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic please?16:04
mint2keep getting disconnected16:04
ikoniamint2: your dissconnecting and re-connecting16:04
bazhangdashnu, go into ccsm and under general set virtual horizontal desktops set to 416:04
mint2lol wols_16:04
Av1atlef:not working16:04
maekwols_, I didn't start it ..16:04
arvind_k!hi | xbims16:04
ubottuxbims: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:04
dashnubazhang: Thanks!16:04
mint2ikonia, my screen freezes, posssibly lag16:04
wols_maek: but you didn't end it either. now shut up16:04
xbimshi yall16:04
atlefAv1: sorry16:04
mint2bit better now however16:04
Piciwols_: no need for that.16:04
atlefAv1: pressing alt+f216:05
xbimshi zairo16:05
mahmoudhi every one16:05
mahmoudi had problem with my network , i can chat and ping any site from shall page but cant browes any page from any browser , it works some times and some times stop , i had this problem with many linux versions ,i tried fedora opensuse mandriva ubuntu and kubuntu but the same problem16:05
mint2err, screen seems frozen again16:05
atlefAv1: then writing gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:05
xbimsanyone here ever heard of captive portals16:06
Av1atlef: not working16:06
atlefAv1: are you on ubuntu16:06
xbimsanyone here ever heard of captive portals16:06
Picimint2: we can see you16:06
Picixbims: No, what is that?16:06
zairoi got a problem with vmware. cannot ping from server to itself.16:06
Av1atlef: yes i am16:06
ikoniaAv1: what command are you using, exactly16:06
atlefAv1: then something is wrong16:07
dashnubazhang: I do not see that setting under General ?16:07
xbimswireless networks use them16:07
Av1atlef: terminal window is not also opening now16:07
ikoniaAv1: what command are you using, exactly16:07
=== omar1 is now known as Omar87
xbimsi need someone good at hacking captive pportals16:07
Av1atlef: terminal window is also not opening16:07
ikoniadon't worry, I'm not sulking16:07
ikoniaAv1: what command are you using, exactly16:07
dashnubazhang: i do see it now however cant change it to 416:08
Av1ikonia:  i pressed alt+f216:08
xbimsi need someone good at hacking captive portals16:08
dashnubazhang: it always goes back to 116:08
Av1and then gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:08
atlefAv1: do a ctrl+alt+backspace and try again16:08
ikoniaAv1: right - so lets stop that if your having X issues16:08
IdleOne!repeat > xbims16:08
ubottuxbims, please see my private message16:08
bazhangdashnu, this in advanced desktop settings manager?16:08
ikoniaAv1: boot into "recover/rescue" mode from the grub menu, and edit it with nano or some other simple editor16:08
dashnubazhang: correct16:08
mint2anyone can help ?16:08
arvind_k!hi | elasto1mania16:08
ubottuelasto1mania: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:08
I_am_using_gOSHi folks. I just got my laptop from walmart.com and I am using it at my university's library. I just need to know how to change the internet connection from Wifi to wired ethernet. Thanks!16:09
KaiForceanyone know of a live CD that will 1) play internet radio and 2) can be controlled remotely via web?16:09
bazhangdashnu, check the one that says virtual horizontal16:09
ikoniaI_am_using_gOS: disable the wirless card, plugin the wired one16:09
Av1ikonia: i am new to ubunto16:09
dashnubazhang: CompizConfig settings manager16:09
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mint2agh freenodes lagging big time16:09
dashnubazhang: wrong app ?16:09
Pici!illegal | xbims16:09
ubottuxbims: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o16:09
ikoniaAv1: I appricaite that, but if you boot from the "rescue" mode in grub when you power on the machine and do "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" you can edit it16:09
bazhangdashnu, sorry horizontal virtual16:09
Qwerty_how do I find which values hsync and vsync has been set to on my ubuntu?16:09
erik_need help with external monitor: I have Ubuntu on my laptop but when I connect a external monitor it goes black at the loginscreen and in Ubuntu. When I press Crtl+Alt+F1 it works at the prompt, so I know it's connected alright16:09
mint2still getting read timeout command = 12816:10
IdleOneI_am_using_gOS, you should be able to click on the network manager ( 2 little computers top right corner ) and switch to wired. right click perhaps16:10
mint2acpi : EC : read timeout ommand = 12816:10
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
Av1ikonia: no window is opening now16:10
xbimsFuck u PICI16:10
Av1what do i do16:10
dashnubazhang: damn i cant find anything16:11
ikoniaAv1: I have told you exactly what to do16:11
bazhangdashnu, third tab16:11
ikoniaAv1: I have given you the commands, LISTEN to what you are being told16:11
IdleOnehehe he picked the wrong person to swear at Pici :016:11
hal_v2I'm using meebo now, but did anyone else in college have that problem who can help me?16:11
bobertdosI_am_using_gOS: Just plugin your ethernet cable and disable wireless.16:11
bazhangdashnu, desktop size16:11
Av1nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:11
PiciIdleOne: no, he would have gotten that whomever he sweared at.16:11
ikoniahal_v2: yyou have been told what to do16:11
erlendHi, where do I change the language in Ubuntu? All my letters are at wrong places16:11
ikoniahal_v2: speak to the people who manager you network16:11
dashnubazhang: im there16:11
hal_v2ikonia: i know, but they're not answering their phone.16:11
dashnuhowever it wont change16:11
IdleOnePici, I know. but it might of taken a second longer lol16:11
ikoniahal_v2: then wait16:11
Av1ikonia: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:11
bazhangdashnu, the horizontal one16:12
ikoniahal_v2: leave a message16:12
hal_v2You're a dick.16:12
bobertdoshal_v2: We can't really help you with this. It' up to the staff of each university which ports they block.16:12
mint2but when i log thru recovery it works tho why is this happening16:12
I_am_using_gOSI don't see network manager. How do I disable wireless, I don't see an option for that. I forgot to mention that this is Ubuntu 7.10.16:12
dashnubazhang: ok got it thanks again!16:12
bazhangdashnu, np16:12
IdleOneI_am_using_gOS, there should be a couple of little comuters on the top right of your screen16:13
mint2and again ...16:13
mint2but when i log thru recovery it works tho why is this happening16:13
ikoniamint2: we can see you disconnecting, you don't need to tell us each time16:13
=== nostferka is now known as nostferka^
bazhangI_am_using_gOS, is this Gos?16:13
elasto1maniaDo i need to install drivers for intel 82845 or a good the ones in ubuntu?16:13
Qwerty_Where can I find out the values of vsync and hsync on my ubuntu?16:13
mint2sorry mate, on my side its a blank16:13
ikoniaQwerty_: does xranr show it ?16:13
mint2just the network going haywire16:13
I_am_using_gOSI don't have the little computers at the top right of the screen.16:14
ikoniaI_am_using_gOS: if you disable your wirless network via the kill switch and plugin your lan cable it should work16:14
Nestdjhash, back :/ i changed the end of grub from quiet splash to single and it enters recovery menu16:14
PiciI_am_using_gOS: Are you running Ubuntu? Gnome?16:14
erik_need help with external monitor: I have Ubuntu on my laptop but when I connect a external monitor it goes black at the loginscreen and in Ubuntu. When I press Crtl+Alt+F1 it works at the prompt, so I know it's connected alright16:14
Qwerty_ikonia: xrandr gives me the value 60. Is it hsync or vsync?16:14
ikoniaNest: yes, thats single user mode16:14
ikoniaQwerty_: man it, I don't know the options off the top of my head16:14
Av1ikonia: what do i have to edit  by nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:15
I_am_using_gOSI am running 7.10 and I believe it is Enlightment.16:15
Nestif i change it to splash vga=791 it doesnt boot ?16:15
mint2here we go againm more lag16:15
ikoniaAv1: what do you want to do ?16:15
ikoniamint2: we don't need a commentary16:15
bazhangsounds like Gos16:15
ikoniaNest: probably not a supported mode16:15
cuil_i come back16:15
Av1ikonia: will it do something after i type this16:15
I_am_using_gOSYes, that is why I am using this username.16:15
ikoniaAv1: what are you trying to do16:15
bazhangI_am_using_gOS, it came that way?16:16
bobertdosI_am_using_gOS: You could probably accomplish the same thing then through the terminal. sudo ifconfig wlan0 down16:16
Nestshould it just be the  same as my regular resolution?16:16
elasto1maniahow can you people read so fast?16:16
tamercan ubuntu support 4 GB DDR216:16
Av1ikonia: my terminal window is  not opening16:16
elasto1maniatamer yes16:16
ikoniatamer: 64bit can16:16
Qwerty_lol. I just typed xrandr -x and my screen flipped. What to do?16:16
tamerops i have 32 BIT16:16
ikoniaAv1: does any applications open16:16
elasto1maniathere is a patch for 32 bit if i remember right16:17
RequinB41a freind told me that the command 'env http_proxy=http://proxy:port/' will only last for that terminal session (script), is that true?16:17
Av1ikonia: no16:17
IdleOneelasto1mania, you learn to focus on the conversations you need to and filter out the rest16:17
zairoi refer here http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html but to no avail. i set static ip for server and client but the server cannot ping to itself. any help please.16:17
Av1nothing is opening16:17
bobertdostamer: Then at best, you'll get 3.5 or so usable gigs.16:17
ikoniaAv1: has it ever worked16:17
wathek___I'm trying to configure an LTSP server under Ubuntu 8.04 but my dhcp server doesn't start this is my dhcpd.conf file http://pastebin.com/m6af7e38016:17
wathek___any help please ?16:17
tameraha ok16:17
Av1ikonia:  yes it was working just now16:18
Tamalecan someone help me change my DHCP timeout please?16:18
ikoniawathek___: whats the error16:18
ikoniaAv1: and you've rebooted16:18
Av1ikonia: no i have not16:18
wathek___ikonia, gonna correct something16:18
ikoniaAv1: reboot16:18
RequinB41does the env command only apply for a terminal (shell) session?16:18
Av1ikonia: ok16:18
ikoniaRequinB41: env is the environment of that shell16:18
wathek___ikonia, where can I find the logs ?16:19
=== wathek___ is now known as wathek
ikoniawathek___: /var/log/messages16:19
RequinB41ikonia: so it won't be applied, say, after the completion of a shell script16:19
wathekikonia, there's nothing there !16:19
bobertdosTamale: using dhcp3-server?16:19
ikoniaRequinB41: env just displays it16:19
Qwerty_How do you undo the xrandr -x command? My screen has flipped and everything is reversed16:19
wathekbobertdos, yes16:19
mint2can anyone help ?16:19
ikoniawathek: you have nothing in /var/log/messages ?16:19
tsunamiDoes anyone know a good linux benchmark program?16:19
wathekikonia, yes16:19
Tamalebobertdos: Just ubuntu hardy16:19
ikoniawathek: something is very wrong with your machine then16:19
ikoniawathek: there should be at least logging for other things there16:20
cybanAnyone able to help with an Error 21 problem? Raid install16:20
=== nostferka^ is now known as nostferka
ikoniacyban: can you please provide more info16:20
erik_Can't get my external monitor to work. It just turns black at the login screen. Any suggestions?16:20
bobertdosTamale: Are you talking about the timeout of a DHCP server you've set up or of your own router?16:20
cybanjust installed Ubuntu, latest version - install goes fine but on boot Grub loading - Error 2116:20
Tamalebobertdos: No, I'm talking about my dhcp client16:20
ikoniacyban: what raid config did you use16:21
cyban2nd time ive installed16:21
Tamalebobertdos: it doesn't wait long enough for our server, so I never get an IP address when I boot up16:21
ikoniacyban: or raid level16:21
ikoniacyban: is it hardware raid, software raid, fakeraid ?16:21
Tamalebobertdos: I have to manually run "dhclient eth0" everytime I start up16:21
ikoniacyban: raid 0, 1,516:21
ikoniaTamale: please show me "ls -la /var/log/messages"16:21
elasto1maniagood bye16:22
cybanlet me check and make sure, think its 2 disk aray with duplicate data16:22
ikoniacyban: what type of raid, hardware/software/fakeraid16:22
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:22
Tamalejoshua@tamalaptop:~$ ls -la /var/log/messages16:22
Tamale-rw-r----- 1 syslog adm 118682 2008-08-21 10:15 /var/log/messages16:22
ikoniaTamale: there is loads in that log ile16:23
ikoniaTamale: tail it, then stop and start dhcpd server16:23
Tamaleikonia: I know what the problem is, I just need to know how to increase the time it waits to get an IP16:23
Tamaledhclient waits long enough... whatever runs on boot up does not.16:23
ikoniaTamale: dhclient is run at boot up16:24
Tamaleblah.. that doesn't make any sense then.16:24
Tamalewhat's different16:24
ikoniaTamale: hence why I'm telling you to look in that log file for a.) the startup of dhcp server to see if there is anything going on, then b.) see what the client requests are coming in16:25
zairoikonia: can u help me on my vmware?16:25
bobertdosTamale: For the sake of argument, what is the timeout value in dhclient.conf?16:25
ikoniazairo: what about it ?16:25
Tamalebobertdos: where is that conf?16:25
zairoi just install vmware on my laptop. the problem is i cannot ping from server to itself. i am using static ip.16:26
ikoniazairo: have you setup a bridge interface ?16:26
Tamalenm, found it..  4016:26
ikoniazairo: you need to have a bridge between the real interfaces and the virtual16:26
bobertdosTamale: /etc/dhcp316:26
zairoyep i am using bridge interface16:26
ikoniazairo: is your vm on the same ip range as the server ?16:26
Tamalebobertdos: almost the entire screipt is commented out16:27
ikoniaTamale: it uses default where commented16:27
bobertdosTamale: I know, but timeout shouldn't be.16:27
cybanhrm, raid config just says no logical drives 2 disks - just the simple embeded raid config16:27
Tamalebobertdos: it's not, it's 4016:27
zairolet me reset my ip. wait please16:27
ikoniacyban: what type of raid is it16:28
ikoniacyban: is it software/hardware/fakeraid16:28
tsunamianyone know a good benchmarking software to run on ubuntu?16:28
ikoniatsunami: what sort of benchmark16:28
ikoniacyban: what controller ?16:28
cybanand the aray type isnt configured16:28
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)16:28
ikoniacyban: what is the raid controller16:28
tsunamigeneral system, i'm making it a front end so to test if video playback will be a problem16:28
dashnubazhang: What is this <super> button represent ?16:28
bobertdosTamale: I'd first try increasing that value then. Your server must be pretty slow. Mine is set to 30 :p16:29
ikoniadashnu: the windows key16:29
dashnubazhang: *what does i should say16:29
arvind_khadridashnu, the windows key16:29
Tamalebobertdos: it's just weird.. it works pretty fast after I'm all booted up and logged in16:29
dashnui have been of the linux desktop for 2 years now16:29
dashnuthey have come a long ways16:29
Tamalebobertdos: I just wish it had an IP already when I was logged in like it did in Gutsy16:30
dashnuthis compiz shit is rad16:30
Tamalebobertdos: what changed in networking with the change to hardy?16:30
ikoniadashnu: please moderate your language16:30
cybanpci 0/1f Intel R16:30
dashnuikonia: opps16:30
ikoniacyban: is the raid built onto the motherboard16:30
bobertdosTamale: I don't know. If you've still got a Gutsy CD around, I suppose you could always compare and contrast the dhclient.conf files.16:31
cybanthe controller, hard to tell without pullin it apart - 2u rack mount server so kinda doubtfull16:31
tsunamiikonia: general system, I am building a front end and will be using it for video playback16:31
ikoniacyban: it sounds like a fakeraid card16:31
dashnubazhang: last one :D16:31
ikoniatsunami: errr ???? ok16:31
cybanfakeraid have bios raid configurations?16:31
dashnubazhang: what does button # represent16:31
tsunamiikonia: i was looking for the benchmarking system16:31
ikoniacyban: it can do16:31
ikoniatsunami: ahh16:32
nadiaIs there a fix for the invisible windows shares in the Ubuntu network browser?16:32
cybanhrm says embeded raid controller is all16:32
ikoniacyban: sounds like fakeraid16:32
ikoniatsunami: you may want to look at "stress linux"16:32
bobertdosDefine "invisible" nadia.16:32
ikoniatsunami: that has tools built in, that you maybe able to find for ubuntu16:32
bazhangdashnu, under general?16:33
atlef!hi > master_:16:33
cybanunder objects for the raid config has adapter, rbldrate info etc but no logical or physical drives16:33
arvind_khadri!hi | master_16:33
ubottumaster_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:33
dashnubazhang: i see nm16:33
master_ ı have digital video card16:33
cybaner physical lists the 2 drives16:33
master_ı need dvr program16:33
atlef!kino | master_: ,16:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kino16:34
cybanso if its fakeraid any way to configure the bios/raid config so it will boot?16:34
nadiabobertdos: All windows shares don't show up, but they really are there, I can connect to them though "Connect to server" with Service type set to "Windows Share", but I browse a lot of windows shares that come and go, so it would save a hell lot of work if I could just browse them16:34
ikoniacyban: there is, but it's very flakey16:34
cybanseems like ubuntu finds the drives fine, can write to them etc since it goes through the whole install16:34
zairoikonia: yep. i also a beginner on ip setting16:34
ikoniacyban: fakeraid is a really bad technology, you may want to look at software raid16:34
atlefmaster_: http://www.kinodv.org/16:34
zairoikonia: http://hashbin.com/euA16:34
ikoniazairo: what are the ip's for the client/server16:35
zairoikonia: please look at the hashbin that i've posted16:35
ikoniazairo: what is the gateway device ?16:35
godlygeekwhy would one of my partitions not show up in /dev/disk/by-uuid?16:35
master_ı input command lspci16:36
zairoi am using my n70 mobile phone as modem16:36
ikoniazairo: is that the gateway (.1)16:36
master_ have my dvr card but unknow16:36
Tamaleikonia: so here's something weird.. according to /var/log/messages dhclient worked successfully on boot up16:36
tr3zairo, does it work well?16:36
Tamalebut I didn't have any ability to 'use' the connection16:36
cybanikonia - thanks, ya not sure if its worth the trouble16:36
zairoikonia: yep quite good. still can go to chatroom16:37
ikoniacyban: fakeraid is %101 not worth the trouble in my view, software raid, very yes16:37
ikoniazairo: ??16:37
fsufitchi got a compiz problem. i have a dell xps m1330 with nvidia. the graphics are great, and there are no broken compiz effects. the problem is that when i don't use effects for a while, something happens that makes all effects lag for a second or two. then, they return to their smooth state. is the gfx card shutting down briefly or something? can i make it stay on always?16:37
shimannextplace: hello16:37
nextplaceshiman: hiho+16:37
cybanguess the only way to tell is to pull it apart16:37
bobertdosnadia: Well assuming your workgroup in Samba matches the Windows one, maybe it would help to run the Network Setup Wizard on Windows...?16:38
djhashfsufitch: what's ur ram?16:38
fsufitchdjhash: 2 GB16:38
nadiabobertdos: I'm sorry, what do you mean my workgroup in Samba? I just got Ubuntu ;)16:39
ERICHMOBILEanyone have experience with norton ghost and creating bootable images in windows?16:39
zairowhen i try to ping server for i got 'network not reacheable'. what's wrong?16:39
fsufitchdjhash: my system monitor tells me 50% is in use by progs and 50% in use by cache16:40
bobertdosnadia: Have you installed Samba?16:40
Absortozairo: does your network interface have an IP of the same network?16:40
nadiabobertdos: No, shall I install it now?16:41
djhashfsufitch: its possible that ubuntu swaps out the data that compiz fusion needs for effects... it needs to reaquire those info.. either from main hdd or swap.. hence the slow down..16:41
bobertdosnadia: Please do16:41
zairoAbsorto: yep and
fsufitchdjhash: i see. lemme check out the swap usage16:41
bobertdosand read the following stuff from the bot16:41
bobertdos!samba | nadia16:42
ubottunadia: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:42
nadiabobertdos: Ah, didn't knew that :) Thanks!16:42
dexterhey i dont know how 2 install certain softwares from a cd which arent there in my package manager16:42
Absortozairo: check that the three addresses have the same netmask.16:42
DADE_which channel for Italian?16:42
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!16:43
bazhangDADE_, ^^16:43
Awsoonnany recommendations for a CMS like joomla?16:43
dexterhey i dont know how 2 install certain softwares from a cd which arent there in my package manager16:43
AbsortoAwsoonn: drupal.org16:43
zairoAbsorto: ok16:43
AwsoonnAbsorto: ty16:43
bazhang!info drupal16:44
Absortodexter: where are they then?16:44
ubottuPackage drupal does not exist in hardy16:44
fsufitchdjhash: nope. no change in either the ram or swap usage when the problem happens16:44
dexterin the cd....16:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about trojan16:44
arvind_khadridexter, which package?16:44
bobertdosdexter: What types of files are on the CD?16:44
dexteri m unable 2 find the installation files16:44
bazhangatlef, please /msg ubottu16:44
djhashfsufitch: what about main hdd usage?16:44
Daisuke_Laptop!info drupal516:44
ubottudrupal5 (source: drupal5): a fully-featured content management framework. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.7-1ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 754 kB, installed size 3352 kB16:44
cybanhrm - SCSI4 is what Ubuntu recognizes the Raid aray as..... that help?16:44
atlefmaster_: ?16:45
dexteractually i wanted 2 install certain ibm softwares...like db2 express-c16:45
master_ı install kino16:45
Tapoutare all ubuntu cds... livecds?16:45
master_bur not work16:45
arvind_khadriTapout, no16:45
bazhangTapout, no there is the alternate and the minimal, not to mention the server16:45
zairoAbsorto: after reset the ip, what i need to do?16:45
fsufitchdjhash: no use looking at that, it's monitoring it in GB, which will definitely not change16:45
AbsortoTapout: nope. Some are just installation cds. For example the ones for ubuntu-server.16:46
atlefmaster_: i have never used it my self, so i am as much at a loss as you are.16:46
TapoutUbuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition - Supported to 2011   <-- this is a livecd, no?16:46
arvind_khadridexter, you can't install .exe's in Ubuntu...you can install .deb's16:46
dexterbobertados;actually i wanted 2 install certain ibm softwares...like db2 express-c16:46
bazhangTapout, aye16:46
bobertdosdexter: If there are not Linux versions of those packages, you will need to use Windows emulation like wine.16:46
AbsortoTapout: i think so, yeah.16:46
atlefmaster_: whre did you get it?16:46
zairoTapout: yes16:46
BabyJesus666I have the "Ubuntu 8.04.1 LTS Desktop Edition" disk that I ordered off the website. How would I Live-boot on a Power PC Mac?16:46
arvind_khadriTapout, that can be a alternate cd too...16:46
Tapouthopefully, taking forever to download, gonna use my shell16:46
ackbahrHi! I installed 'beagle' using apt-get, when I type "beag" and TAB it completes the command, but then it says it can't find the command! How can I make it work?16:47
Tapoutarvind_khadri, i'm doing the default of the website...16:47
master_ı click capture16:47
cyberwolfbobertdos: i solved the case with this :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49135416:47
Daisuke_LaptopBabyJesus666: you don't - ppc is no longer officially supported16:47
arvind_khadriTapout, ya thats the live cd :)16:47
master_but not work16:47
Absortozairo: if you set the three IPs on the same network, with the same netmask, and all are physically connected you should be able to ping.16:47
bazhang!ppc | BabyJesus66616:47
ubottuBabyJesus666: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ16:47
atlefmaster_: ok, and have you checked their website16:47
dexterbobertdos, arvind_khadri;  i have got linux versions...but still i m finding difficult in finding out16:47
zairoAbsorto: that make me wondering though16:47
BabyJesus666Edgy = version?16:47
bazhangBabyJesus666, read the link16:48
arvind_khadridexter, google for the packages with ubuntu prefixed to it16:48
bobertdosdexter: That is why I asked, what kinds of file are they?16:48
BabyJesus666That's a letdown.16:48
master_ı checked website16:48
master_bu not found16:48
BabyJesus666So I need an Intel Mac.16:48
lummdoes anyone know a good alternative to audacity ? since the beta in ubuntu repors is fucking buggy and the other versions got lots of troubles with pulseuadio16:48
lumm(i simply just wanna record linein stuff to -WAve16:49
Absortolumm: ardour + jackd16:49
cyberwolfbobertdos: exept for the reboot :)16:49
bazhanglumm, no cursing16:49
arvind_khadri!language | lumm16:49
ubottulumm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:49
acrouseyI just reinstalled hardy, and i'm having troubles with the screen resolution. When I go into "gksu displayconfig-gtk" and detect for a screen, it chooses Plug'n'Play. Plug'n'Play only allows 640x480 and 800x600. I know this screen can get up to at least 1024x768. How do I do this again? Isn't it through nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf? I just don't remember what to do once i get in there.16:49
Absortolumm: it is a more complex app, tho.16:49
lummsup arvind_khadri16:50
bobertdoscyberwolf: good deal :)16:50
lummmy text looks pretty english to me16:50
lummthanks Absorto16:50
Absortoso I have a (pretty cool) machine that has 32Gb of RAM. I just installed ubuntu-server and it only detects 4Gb. Why?16:50
arvind_khadrilumm, dont use offensive words i meant ...16:50
cyberwolfbobertdos: so simple yet so so difficult to find *g*16:50
lummok :)16:50
cybanAbsorto - 32bit version?16:50
bobertdosAbsorto: because you're using 32-bit16:51
master_ı screach google for dvr programing16:51
Absortocyban: 64bit version.16:51
AbsortoI'm not. I intalled 64 bit version.16:51
jmichelsenAbsorto: you have to use 64bit server version16:51
master_not found :/16:51
cyberwolfbbl now.16:51
Absortouname -a says x86_6416:51
bullgard4What players for .midi files does Ubuntu 8.04.1 provide?16:51
zairoAbsorto: my new ip: http://hashbin.com/euE16:51
bazhang!midi | bullgard416:51
ubottubullgard4: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo16:51
cybanits 32bit Absorto, somehow, maybe a disk with 64 and 32 versions since X86 means 32bit16:52
jmichelsenAbsorto: that means its 32b version for 64bit cpu16:52
ASULutzyAbsorto, x86_64 is 64 bit16:52
cyban<jmichelsen> Absorto: that means its 32b version for 64bit cpu (Seems about right)16:52
AbsortoSo is there a 64bit version for 64bit cpus? lemme see16:53
zairoi've 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart' and ping from server and from client but 'network not reachable'16:53
ASULutzy32 bit uname -a will give i68616:53
ASULutzy64 bit gives x86_6416:53
ASULutzyx86_64 IS 64 bit.16:54
cybanarg, I dont like this raid setup - allways use 5, 7, or 0 - this no disk one (fake) or whatever is makin life difficult16:54
AbsortoASULutzy: yeah. I'm pretty sure I downloaded the right image.16:54
ASULutzySome misinformation going around here :)16:54
bazhangAbsorto, which kernel16:54
Shujah:) @ misinformation :P16:54
Absortobazhang: 2.6.24-19-server16:55
=== `atb` is now known as `Andrei
zairoAbsorto: i can only ping client to client. client to server fail. server to server fail. server to client fail.16:56
cybani386=64 x86=32 acording to ubuntu downloads sites, maybe got it off a different one16:56
ASULutzycyban, That's incorrect16:56
ASULutzycyban, x86_64 is 64 bit, the 32 bit image will be reported as i686 in uname -a16:56
bazhangcyban, that is wrong16:56
Absortozairo: I'm sorry: I don't know vmware.16:57
cybanok I dont get why Ubuntu says its installing the GRUB boot loader but cant actually find the drives to boot them16:57
zairoAbsorto: it's ok. thanks anyway.16:57
cybanbaz - http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso16:57
kitchecyban: yes that is 32bit16:57
bazhangcyban, 32bit16:57
kitchecyban: x86_64 is 32bit with 64bit extensions unless your running phenom or something :)16:58
cybanselect server/desktop16:58
FloodBot1cyban: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:58
cybanthen 64bit16:58
Absortothis is the image I got. I'm pretty sure it's the right one. ubuntu-8.04.1-server-amd64.iso16:58
bazhangAbsorto, youre right16:58
nugrahahow to install epson c9016:58
Absortobazhang: my CPUs are Intel Xeon tho. Could that be it?16:59
bazhangAbsorto, that is quad core?16:59
Absortobazhang: yes. Two quad core, shows up as eight cpus.16:59
bazhangAbsorto, that should not affect it not seeing the ram though17:00
blinkizI would like burn a .iso file. I will be done from a ubuntu hardy 8.04 server installation without gui. What program should I use and how should the arguments for this command be?17:00
strawbeRRy_fieLdhi guys, 2 days ago i installed on my kubuntu also the gnome desktop manager, how do i unistall it? thank you17:00
ShujahstrawbeRRy_fieLd, you want to delete gnome desktop from kubuntu i.e. kde?17:01
bazhang!purekde | strawbeRRy_fieLd17:01
ubottustrawbeRRy_fieLd: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »17:01
bazhangstrawbeRRy_fieLd, read that link17:01
ASULutzyblinkiz, to burn an iso from command line, simply use dd17:01
strawbeRRy_fieLdthank you17:01
Absortobazhang: I opened the case and the ram modules are all there. But I tried liveCDs and install CDs from other distros and cannot see more than 4gb. Weird.17:02
ASULutzyblinkiz, dd if=/path/to/the.iso of=/dev/cdrom17:02
bazhangAbsorto, just checking for bug reports17:02
blinkizASULutzy, will this also work for a CDRW disk?17:02
asincronoI have a problem with kde & accents (can't write accents).17:02
ASULutzyblinkiz, Not sure, but you could give it a shot ;)17:02
bullgard4bazhang: Thank you for your information via ubottu17:02
ASULutzyblinkiz, I don't see offhand why not17:02
asincronodoes someone know any way to correct it?17:03
=== Anti-Fraggle is now known as Fraggle|Nix
Absortoasincrono: setxkbmap es17:03
Scorp_Can anyone tell me what is the command for emerald theme manager in the system > Preferences Menu. I've deleted it by mistake and need to restore it...17:04
zetherooI am thinking of getting a HP Pavilion laptop ... but I am wondering if the built-in webcam will be working with Ubuntu Hardy!?!? Has anyone here had any experience with this?17:04
tomithe webcam will not work17:05
ShujahScorp_, emerald-theme-manager17:05
Scorp_zetheroo: yeah, it works.. am using a dv 9734tx17:05
Veinorif I just downloaded a program to flash my bios from the officla HP website, would WINE run it okay?17:05
Scorp_Shujah: Thanks...17:05
asincronoAbsorto: that doesn't work17:05
Veinoror would I possibly brick my computer?17:05
Absortoasincrono: did you run that in a shell? did it give an error message?17:06
ASULutzyVeinor, I've never tried it, but I'm not sure I would either :)17:06
tomihow to remove the password window everytime i want to mount a drive?17:06
ShujahVeinor, Bios is tricky business I would suggest googling first17:06
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strawbeRRy_fieLdsorry my konversation crashed, can you re-give me that link? thank you17:06
strawbeRRy_fieLdhow to remove GNOME from kubuntu?17:07
GillpyHow do I read a man page which isn't in the path searched by man ?17:07
erUSULGillpy: less /path/to/manpage ?17:08
strawbeRRy_fieLdbazhang: can you re-give me that link? konversation crashed...17:08
zetherooScorp_: does the webcam chipset change a lot from model to model?17:08
bazhangAbsorto, there is a channel that would best know about this: #ubuntu-server ; it relates to having the pae enabled kernel, which I know very little about17:08
GillpyerUSUL: but it is formatted for man17:09
bazhang!purekde > strawbeRRy_fieLd17:09
ubottustrawbeRRy_fieLd, please see my private message17:09
phaverkampI have a ftp mount in <home>/.gvfs And I need it disconnected17:09
asincronoAbsorto: no error message17:09
strawbeRRy_fieLdsorry didnt c it17:09
strawbeRRy_fieLdthank you17:09
Scorp_zetheroo: Not among pavillions... and anyways, they all work..!!17:09
GillpyerUSUL: some sort of hypertext17:09
Gillpy*markup lang17:09
erUSULGillpy: yep i realized ...17:09
Habernetim running 8.04 with and im using firefox that is pre installed, randomly the firefox window closes itself, how do i fix this?17:09
asincronoI also have gnome installed in the system, no problems with accents on gnome, only in Kde17:10
bazhangHabernet, how many extensions and which ones, how many flash tabs17:10
ShujahHabernet, could be a flash issue17:10
asincronowhe I try to type an á in kde I get a «'a».17:10
Habernetone tab, i installed ubuntu 8.04 lts and havent done anything to firefox at all except type in a url17:10
bazhangHabernet, 8.04.1?17:11
Habernetbazhang i think, i just downloaded the iso yesterday17:11
bobertdosHabernet: You didn't install flash at any point?17:11
Habernetwell yes i did17:11
bazhangHabernet, how was flash installed17:12
zetherooScorp_: I am thinking of getting the dv291517:12
Habernetbazhang from adobe's website17:13
bobertdosHabernet: 9 or 10?17:13
Haberneti believe 917:13
phaverkampI have a ftp mount in <home>/.gvfs And I need it disconnected any help would be awsome17:13
Habernetnot sure tho17:13
VeinorShujah: I tried googling it but all the tihngs I found suggest making a CD... the exe I found looks like it's supposed to be installed into a Vista system and then run.17:13
bazhangHabernet, and does youtube show up alright? what does about:plugins show in browser bar17:13
Scorp_just make a backup DVD of the original OS... so that in case of any manufacturing defect, u can keep ur warranty intact... then install ubuntu and rejoice !!17:14
Scorp_zetheroo: just make a backup DVD of the original OS... so that in case of any manufacturing defect, u can keep ur warranty intact... then install ubuntu and rejoice !!17:14
Habernetbazhang youtube works fine, let me double check17:14
ShujahVeinor, do you need to update bios - updating is recommended *only* if you are facing some problems which are fixed in the later versions17:14
hoontekehas anyone setup ubuntu-server in VMware 2.0 RC 2?  I'm having some problems in that it keeps freezing, and I can't even get through the install process.  I'm wondering if it's just me, it's vmware 2.0, or something else.17:15
bobertdosHabernet: Please type in about:plugins and tell us your flash version.17:15
VeinorShujah: yeah, I have one of the HP models affected by the recent NVIDIA issues.17:15
badarGuys, I own VPS. And  was wondering, how long does t usually take before  can start using my private nameserver?  pointed them to P's my hosting told me at Godaddy, still, when I ping my nameservers, it says it can't find host17:15
Habernetbobertdos Shockwave Flash 10.0.0 d56917:16
VeinorI've noticed that flash and other programs that put heavy load on the graphics card crash my entire system hard, so hard that I can't even use ctrl-sysrq17:16
bobertdosHabernet: aha!!17:16
bazhangHabernet, try firefox from a terminal and use it til it crashes then check for error messages17:16
Veinorso maybe I figure flashing the BIOS will help...17:17
bobertdosbazhang: He's using the RC for 10. I know exactly how to fix the crashes.17:17
phaverkampI have a ftp mount in <home>/.gvfs And I need it disconnected any help would be awsome17:17
Habernetbazhang when it crashed it said "segmentation fault"17:18
Zephyr-Kunhi Xp question. i downloaded the iso.burned it. installed it. rebooted.went ubunto. a sort of CMD appears. now ?_?17:18
bazhangVeinor, that seems extreme; likely a flash issue17:18
Veinorunless it's not just flash, though.17:18
bazhangZephyr-Kun, this is wubi?17:18
Veinorer, -unless.17:18
dabbuhow can i record the online radio...i have audacity installed17:18
VeinorI've noticed it happening whenever I run applications that put high load on the GPU.17:18
bobertdosHabernet: Get into the terminal and listen carefully.17:18
Zephyr-Kunnot good w-acronyms. i suppose u mean last version ?_?17:19
VeinorWell, not whenever... I mean that's the only time when it happens.17:19
VeinorAlso the fan spins up high.17:19
iplaythisgamei want to tail logs from a remote server through conky to display them on my desktop. anyone have any experience with that?17:19
bazhangZephyr-Kun, this is installed from inside windows?17:19
Habernetbobertdos okay for soem reason i have 18 second lag but ill follow step by step17:19
VeinorThis happened on 7.10 as well, so...17:19
Habernetbobertdos nvm im good now17:19
bobertdosHabernet: sudo mkdir /etc/adobe17:20
Zephyr-Kunyes. do i have to do otherwise? im sure i want ubunto now, but im not really confident on fdisk my win ....yet....17:20
noskloZephyr-Kun: did you boot the CD to install, or have you installed using Wubi WIndows installer?17:20
Habernetbobertdos gotcha17:20
muditmy ubuntu takes 3-4 minutes to show the start up screen, is this normal ?17:20
MiraiWarren0_0Hey, can I change the way nautilus selects files and directories so that it goes row by row instead of going in a rectangle?17:20
bazhangZephyr-Kun, that is wubi17:20
Zephyr-Kuncoulndt boot from disk17:20
muditlog in screen *17:20
dashnuWhere is gnome-multi-term ?17:20
bazhangmudit, how much ram what cpu17:20
mudit2 gb of ram and core 2 duo 1.4 ghz17:21
bobertdosHabernet: Now, cd /etc/adobe, then gksudo gedit mms.cfg17:21
dashnuor multi-gnome-term ?!?!17:21
dashnudoesnt show up in a search17:21
bazhangmudit, remove quiet and splash from kernel params to see what is hanging it17:21
bazhangdashnu, what is that17:21
Zephyr-Kunok. so what do i do to boot into an OS-like friendlier mode Xp17:21
mudithow to do that ?17:22
dashnubazhang: gnome term that you can type one command in and it goes to a bunch of servers17:22
Habernetbobertdos a window popped up17:22
Avi_IRCikonia:  you there17:22
phaverkampI have a ftp mount in <home>/.gvfs And I need it disconnected any help would be awsome17:22
bazhangmudit, you know the countdown after the bios screen flashes by?17:22
Veinorls /tmp/*.exe17:22
Veinorwhoops lol17:22
dashnubazhang: i admin 12 gentoo servers at work would be a good tool to have17:22
jmichelsen!anyone | Avi_IRC17:22
ubottuAvi_IRC: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:22
cybanAnyone familiar with the Intel EFI?17:22
bazhangdashnu, alt f2 gnome-terminal17:23
mudityes, the GRUB countdown17:23
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:23
Zephyr-Kunor if anyone can direct me 2 d link 2 read that......17:23
bazhangmudit, hit esc to get into grub and then choose e to edit that kernel17:23
hanoi need some help configuring a dual monitor in ubuntu 8.0417:23
bobertdosHabernet: In the editor, type: WindowlessDisable=true then save the file and restart firefox.17:23
Avi_IRCatlef: you there17:23
atlefAvi_IRC: yes17:23
dashnubazhang: whats that do?17:24
bazhangmudit, scroll down and remove quiet and splash then boot17:24
hanoIf I open the resolution configuration menu, ubuntu shows two screens which can be moved around each other17:24
bazhangdashnu, that gives you gnome terminal17:24
Avi_IRCdont know what happened17:24
muditgot it, thanks17:24
Avi_IRCbut ubuntu did not start17:24
hanoif i position them as I like, one beneath the other, and apply the changes, then they are automatically taken back to their old positions, so nothing changes17:24
Avi_IRCafter i rebooted17:24
Avi_IRCwhite screen came17:25
Habernetbobertdos okay ill see if anything has changed17:25
hanoin this standard position the two screens heavily overlap17:25
dashnubazhang: not multi term though17:25
bazhangZephyr-Kun, so you get the busybox login?17:25
bazhangdashnu, do you know the real name?17:25
master_ı need dvr programing17:25
atlefAvi_IRC: are you Av1? or17:25
Zephyr-Kunbaz : yes17:25
Avi_IRCPici: yes17:25
iplaythisgamehano, are you using restricted drivers?17:25
Avi_IRCi am17:25
bazhang#ubuntu-mythtv master_17:25
bobertdosHabernet: You'll notice now that some dropdown menus will drop behind other flash objects, (a slight inconvenience), but much better than all the crashing.17:26
sk33t0rif I see this: Read 1903 packets (got 27 ARP requests and 0 ACKs), sent 17768 packets...(499 pp/s) in aireplay does that mean my packet injection is working properly17:26
Ferchaulthello - my outline in Eclipse using CDT does not display anything other than the preprocessor directives. I tried the full indexer but the displayed contents stay the same. What else can I try?17:26
vnixIs there any program use to lock files?17:26
dashnubazhang: yea hold ona  sec17:26
atlefAvi_IRC: and what did you do17:26
sk33t0rvnix, you can change ownership of the files17:26
hanoiplaythisgame: what do you mean? i have an intel graphic accelerator as graphic card17:26
erUSULvnix: lock??17:26
Zephyr-Kunbaz : i get the loading screen with the scrolll bar and then the prompt that says enter help ofr comands....17:26
iplaythisgamehano, onboard17:26
Avi_IRCi followed the commands to setup graphics card17:26
bazhangZephyr-Kun, did you enter help?17:26
Habernetbobertdos yes i do notice, like ad's and drop downs etc. but thanks for the help its much appreciated17:26
Avi_IRCand i guess it system crashed17:26
Avi_IRCso i have installed 32 bit now17:26
vnixIs something like require password to view the content of the files.17:27
bazhangZephyr-Kun, also did you md5 the iso you downloaded?17:27
Zephyr-Kunsaw  lots of cammands, most i recognize17:27
bazhang!md5 | Zephyr-Kun17:27
ubottuZephyr-Kun: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:27
karlI have a question... I have a Dell vostro 1400. The wireless works fine on the live cd but is not there after the install?17:27
bazhangkarl, what chipset17:27
bazhanglspci in the terminal karl17:27
bobertdosHabernet: This is going to get fixed in the next release of flash. There are already alphas that fix this.17:27
hanoiplaythisgame: hm?17:27
Habernetbobertdos i have another off topic question, i have installed utorrent and would like it to be the default torrent file opener but everytime utorrent asks me and i say yes it still doesnt work, how do i manually do this?17:28
karlIntel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)17:28
vdsydamnn ubuntu takes up a lot of memory space!!!17:28
bazhangkarl, what does ifconfig show two entries or three17:28
Zephyr-Kunok...ill try that and be back later tonight....thnx !17:28
bazhangvdsy, how much ram you have17:29
Avi_IRCPici: i am downloading ATI drivers from its official website17:29
karleth0 and lo17:29
bazhangkarl, only eth0 and lo?17:29
Avi_IRCi hope it works now17:29
iplaythisgamehano, sorry i'm not much of an onboard expert,  but i would recommend retyping the whole problem in on long string so people dont have to look for your separate entries17:29
vdsybazhang: its taking up 530MB, and ive only got xchat firefox, pidgin, amarok on..17:29
bazhangkarl, this is hardy 8.04.1?17:29
bobertdosHabernet: THAT, I'm not sure about. I don't know how to specifically make file type associations if there's no GUI menu to do it.17:29
hcHabernet: you can rightclick on a file and select properties. Then at open with you should be able to select utorrent.17:29
Chris|would anyone know where I could edit ubiquity to change the exec of the dialog that asks you to either restart your computer or continue using the livecd?17:29
bazhangvdsy, and you have how much ram?17:29
karlI downloaded it yesterday where do i fin version info?17:30
Habernethc k ill try that17:30
vdsy1G, 1G swap17:30
vdsybazhang, 1G, 1G swap17:30
bobertdosHabernet: I think right-clicking and setting the file properties usually gives you the option.17:30
bazhangvdsy, you could try a lighter wm if you want17:30
Chris|karl, system > admin > system monitor > system tab17:31
hanook. I want to use a separated, dual monitor in ubuntu 8.04. when starting the screen resolution menu, ubuntu shows two screens which can be moved around each other. When putting one to the right so that the screens do not overlap and applying the changes, the screens are automatically taken back to their old position and nothing changes - what can I do?17:31
vdsybazhang, no shit, it's taking up more than KDE in my other partition...17:31
bazhangkarl, if yesterday then yes it is17:31
karlhow do i find my exact version?17:31
karlIt did 107 updates though17:31
bazhangvdsy, no cursing please17:31
arvind_khadrikarl, version of what?17:31
zetheroowhy do I have such a hard time connecting to this room?17:32
bazhang!version | karl17:32
ubottukarl: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell17:32
karlnm arvind I only downloaded it yesterday bazhang is on it17:32
kc8pxycan anyone tell me why 8..04.1 desktop works right in vbox, but server complains about something in the kernel?17:32
kat_aqis there anyone who could help me out with my wireless network?  I can't seem to connect to networks with encryption!!17:32
kat_aqi dont know what to do anymore17:32
jmichelsenvdsy: running xubuntu takes under 200mb ram for me17:33
bazhangkarl, and is there anything in the hardware drivers for that?17:33
bazhangjmichelsen, he left17:33
karlUbuntu 8.04.117:33
kat_aqI can't seem to connect to either WEP or WPA17:33
kat_aqbut open networks work fine17:34
jmichelsenbazhang: figured, using an unfamiliar irc client so thought id shout it out there anyhow lol17:34
karlno proprietary drivers are in use17:34
jmichelsenbazhang: couldn't tell if he left or not in this client17:34
dashnubazhang: multi-gnome-terminal17:34
bazhangjmichelsen, which one17:34
emilioi need help17:34
=== [MindVirus] is now known as MindVirus
emilioi'm trying to install avantfax but i have this error ".: 18: debian-prefs.txt: not found"17:34
jmichelsenbazhang: well pidgin and I have been getting used to its tab/autocomplete17:34
dashnuanyone got this Pidgin-LCS working with TLS ?17:34
bazhang!info multi-gnome-terminal17:35
ubottuPackage multi-gnome-terminal does not exist in hardy17:35
jmichelsenbazhang: couldn't tell if it was choking on tab or if he left17:35
karlbazhang, no proprietary drivers are in use17:35
hanodoes somebody know what to do?17:35
bazhangdashnu, where did you see that?17:35
dashnubazhang:  my brother in law has it on 7.01 ubuntu17:35
artemishello, i would like to ask what shall i do to bring back the descop icons to the lower panel as i deleted these icons :)17:35
bazhangdashnu, that is not the correct name17:36
kat_aqi hear wireless and UBUNTU is a difficult thing.. anyone who can help in my tricky situation?17:36
dashnubazhang: root@concatenated:~# aptitude search multi-gnome-terminal17:36
dashnup   multi-gnome-terminal                 - Enhanced the GNOME Terminal17:36
dashnubazhang: thats on his host17:36
karlbazhang, no proprietary drivers are in use17:36
squiddyon xp, if wanna make a shortcut to network shares, type \\192.168.xx.yy. how do i do that on ubuntu ?17:36
bazhang!info multi-gnome-terminal | dashnu17:36
ubottudashnu: Package multi-gnome-terminal does not exist in hardy17:36
artemishello, i would like to ask what shall i do to bring back the descop icons to the lower panel as i deleted these icons :)17:37
ScheissDrogenartemis: right click on panel >add...17:37
bazhangkarl, hang on17:37
ERICHMOBILEwhat do people use to burn cd's?17:37
karli meant17:37
tsunami7Hello, i just installed ubuntu server on old machine and picked to install ssh when i try to connect to it remotely from my other computer it gets connection timeout, i dunno what setting for the ip i should do as my xubuntu detects the net auto when i connect the network cable17:37
jmichelsensquiddy: mount -options //hostname/share options17:37
tsunami7anyone can help what configurations i need to do to make it work?17:38
jmichelsensquiddy: I think17:38
arvind_khadriERICHMOBILE, braserro17:38
Chris|!brasero | ERICHMOBILE17:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brasero17:38
artemisScheissDrogen: i don't have this icons that i can change deskops with17:38
jmichelsenERICHMOBILE: brasero17:38
Chris|ERICHMOBILE, use brasero to burn cds17:38
iplaythisgameERICHMOBILE k9copy or brasero is what i use17:38
squiddyjmichelsen, ok, i'll try it :) thanks17:38
RemsSsi like brasero its easy to use17:38
artemisbecouse i have deletd the lower panel and i don't know how to bring it back :D17:39
ScheissDrogenartemis: right click on dektop > setup desktop17:39
tsunami7anyone can help me? :(17:39
ScheissDrogenwould we ?17:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask#17:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:39
bazhangkarl, try this: sudo modprobe iwl394517:39
hctsunami7: pleas ask the question on one line so we can answer.17:40
=== hc is now known as hischild
iplaythisgameartemis, i think its called window switcher in the add menu17:40
squiddyjmichelsen, i ever seen a syntax like smb:\\\, like that i think, what is the proper way to type it ?17:40
jmichelsensquiddy: I do it this way "mount -t cifs //host/share -o user=username17:40
tsunami7i installed ubuntu-server what do i need to configure to make it go online? (right now my desktop auto find my network when i plug in the cable)17:41
karlbazhang, nothing happened as far as i can tell17:41
tsunami7but the server doesnt seems to do it17:41
artemisone more with this panel, why programs when i minimalize them don't got on that panel they disaper, but alt+tab switches to them ...17:41
hischildtsunami7: the machine will be online when you plug  in the network cable, just like your desktop.17:41
tsunami7hischild : but i try to ssh it and its giving me timeouts17:41
tsunami7how can i check the ip?17:42
rlcyou tell me ;)17:42
artemistsunami: ifconfig in terminal17:42
bazhangkarl, no error messages?17:42
hischildtsunami7: you can type << ifconfig >> in terminal17:42
tsunami7ok lets try it again17:42
iplaythisgamei want to tail logs from a remote server through conky to display them on my desktop. anyone have any experience with that?17:42
bazhangsudo ifconfig wlan0 up karl17:42
bli55Hey guys. I need help with an issue with my onboard audio. I've got three ports, speaker, line in, and mic. in winxp i could use the line-in as a rear-out port. Is there any way to do this in Ubuntu?17:43
karlbazhang,  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up17:43
karl sudo ifconfig wlan0 up17:44
obf213hey anone use xmms2 have an xmms2 shell?17:44
karlwlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device17:44
bazhangkarl, okay hang on17:44
jmichelsensquiddy: I am semi new here as well and haven't done much with shortcuts17:44
Habernethow do i enable the ability to mess with the compiz settings? (under appearance)17:45
bli55anyone know how to change a line-in port for audio to rear-out?17:45
squiddyjmichelsen, np :) i'm new too. thanks for helping mate17:45
erUSUL!ccsm > Habernet17:45
ubottuHabernet, please see my private message17:45
bazhangsudo /etc/init.d/networking force-reload karl17:45
jmichelsensquiddy: I think if you are using X you can mount the share, then go to that share in your file browser (thunar or whatever) and right click> send to desktop17:45
HaberneterUSUL thnks17:45
jmichelsensquiddy: but that does it to the mount point, not the remote share, hope that helps17:46
jmichelsensquiddy: np btw gl out there17:46
karl * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                                                                 [ OK ]17:46
tsunami7ok working thanks guys17:46
tsunami7how can i change the entry msg?17:46
tsunami7to the shell17:46
arvind_khadri!hi | mehul_yadav17:47
ubottumehul_yadav: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:47
artemishow can i restore the low panel (not talking about add panel)17:47
mehul_yadavhi arvind17:47
erUSULtsunami7: /etc/issue ??17:47
bli55if anyone here has experience with onboard audio config can you please help me?17:47
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:47
bazhangkarl, then the last command17:47
SNuxolltsunami7: edit /etc/motd17:47
mehul_yadavcan u tell me how do i add a user on pidgin17:47
karlbazhang,  * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                                                                 [ OK ]17:47
karl 17:47
Snareshi everyone, this is probably a noob question, but what is the difference between sudo aptitude and sudo apt-get?17:48
emilioi'm trying to install avantfax but i have this error ".: 18: debian-prefs.txt: not found"17:48
jmichelsenmehul_yadav: Accounts>Manage17:48
karlbazhang, you mean the sudo modprobe thingy17:48
MOzartstaedterhi, what should i type do go to this directory with the terminal?  home->user->desktop->grafic->fyre-1.0.117:48
karlnothing happened17:48
bazhangsudo ifconfig wlan0 up followed by this karl if your ifconfig does not see the wlan017:48
tsunami7erUSUL : i see when i log something like "the program included with ubuntu are....blahblah " want to change that stuff17:48
jmichelsenSnares: they are technically different programs17:48
aldroidSnares: the same as between bash (that's apt-get) and mc (aptitude)17:49
bazhangkarl, no17:49
aldroidSnares: (for the end user)17:49
vnixHow to remove shortcut under Application Shortcut?17:49
jmichelsenSnares: both should work the same, there are diff options for either one though17:49
SnaresMOzartstaedter: cd /home/<user>/Desktop/grafic/fyre-1.0.117:49
artemishow can i get back lower panel (i have deleted it)17:49
stefan_anyone who can help me so i only get sound out in my earplugs, instead of both speakers and earplugs17:49
Snaresok thanks jmichelsen17:49
SNuxolltsunami7: as I said, edit /etc/motd17:49
tsunami7okie sorry didnt see thanks17:49
karlbazhang, wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device17:49
aldroidartemis: right-click an existing panel, select "new panel", setup it and place whatever you want on it17:50
MOzartstaedterSnares: but than he writes: bash: cd: .... : no such file or directory17:50
bazhangKarl what does ifconfig show now17:50
cybanmessin with this Raid again (And yep its fakeraid I checked....) setup Raid 0 but OS sees 2 disks seperate, if I install on stripe 1 it should work?17:50
artemisaldroid: i did, but when i minimalize it doesn't apper there17:50
karlbazhang, eth0 lo17:50
jmichelsenSnares: np17:50
Snarescd /home/<user>?17:50
Snareswhy would that not work17:51
TapoutI've got debian lenny installed, anyway to get ubuntu up and running without redoing the install?  1TB of data on that main drive, don't wanna have to move it17:51
bli55is there any way to reconfigure the line-in audio port to be a rear-out port?17:51
Snaresmake sure he has upper and lowercase correctly17:51
RemsSshi everybody17:51
SnaresMOzartstaedter: you must type upper and lowercase correctly in linux17:51
RemsSsi have realplayer11gold.bin17:51
bazhangdmesg | grep iwl karl  paste the output of that to paste.ubunt.com (NOT here) and give us the url17:51
Snaresremsss: sudo chmod a+x realplayer11gold.bin17:51
jmichelsen!hi | RemsSs17:51
ubottuRemsSs: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:51
MOzartstaedterSnares: that could be the problem ... i will try it =) thx17:51
RemsSswhat had i do ?17:51
bazhangerr paste.ubuntu.com karl17:51
SnaresRemsSs: then ./realplayer11gold.bin17:51
ScheissDrogenTapout: repartition ur system, how many hds ?17:52
MOzartstaedterSnares: ok that was the problem, thx a lot17:52
SnaresRemsSs: if that doesn't work you may have to do sudo sh realplayer11gold.bin I can't remember I don't care much for realplayer :D17:52
SnaresMOzartstaedter: no problem :D17:52
bli55can anyone even see what i type...?17:53
Snaresbli55: we see you17:53
artemisaldroid: i did, but when i minimalize it doesn't apper there17:53
ScheissDrogenbli55:did you type ?17:53
PauloVJ /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER PauloVJ uensbpbruhvg17:53
Snaresbli55: almost definitely so, but I'm sure it's fairly complicated and requires the rewriting of drivers...17:53
LaoziI'm having this strange issue in Ubuntu.  I have set laptop-mode to be enabled and all to make my backlight auto-dim when I'm on battery power.  It doesn't work automatically, but if i run "sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart" it does.17:53
bazhangPauloVJ, do that in server window not here17:53
PauloVJsorry, my bad17:53
SnaresPauloVJ: don't you hate that? one space and everyone sees your info lol17:54
SnaresPauloVJ: you can do that in the channel window just make sure not to put a space in there ;)17:54
MegaxelHowdy, all17:54
MegaxelI have a bit of a problem connecting to the internet17:54
SitUbuntuSitPauloVJ, so change your password too17:54
bli55ouch... no utility i could get like the one from analog devices for windows? its just a drop down menu to change the port assignment17:54
MegaxelAnd I'm probably about the seventieth person to say that in the past five minutes17:54
kaffienis there a way to show what version im about to apt-get ?17:54
MegaxelBut regardless, help would be appreciated17:54
SnaresMegaxel: do you have DHCP on the router17:54
MegaxelI'm actually not on a router17:55
erUSULkaffien: apt-cache policy packagename17:55
MegaxelI'm plugging an ethernet cable directly into the wall17:55
SnaresMegaxel: are you wireless?17:55
cybanarg, error 2?17:55
MegaxelSo I can't see the router17:55
Megaxelit's just a wall plug17:55
Avi_IRCwhere do i find this package XFree86-Mesa-libGL17:55
SnaresMegaxel: are you at a dorm or something like that? do you know your gateway, dns, and such?17:55
lesshasteI somehow killed wireless networking on my heron system.. Is it possible to reinstall the core ubuntu packages somehow?17:55
MegaxelThe internet in the apartment is run by a company called PenTeleData17:55
Megaxelhere's the problem: when I try ifconfig, I don't get an ipaddress17:56
Tapouti'm trying ubuntu livecd ... firefox font looks like crap... is there a setting I should toggle for better text?17:56
Megaxeland when I use the browser, I don't get redirected to the ptd login page17:56
SnaresMegaxel: how are you talking to use right now?17:56
kaffienany way to do that with apt-get  or a way to make it display the version number  when it asks  Y/n?17:56
Megaxelon a windows partition17:56
bazhangMegaxel, just sudo dhclient eth017:56
cybanWhats "Grub Error 2"?17:56
SnaresMegaxel: ok that sounds like your ISP is refusing the connection because you aren't auth'd by them17:56
MegaxelWindows had a problem, which I assume is the same problem Ubuntu was having17:56
MegaxelWhich is that the local area connection wasn't enabled17:56
MegaxelI *think* I need to enable the ethernet port in ubuntu17:57
SnaresMegaxel: do ipconfig and get the default gateway and dns info17:57
Megaxelafter which point i'll get an IP address17:57
bazhangSnares, ifconfig for ubuntu17:57
Megaxeland will be able to redirect to ptd's site17:57
Snaresbazhang: he isn't on ubuntu atm17:57
Megaxelsnares: here's the catch, even though i get that information in windows, it doesn't show up in ifconfig17:58
bazhangMegaxel, sudo dhclient eth0 in ubuntu17:58
SnaresMegaxel: administration -> network, enable the ethernet17:58
bli55Snares: would u know how to do it? redo the drivers? would u have the time and patience to walk me through it?17:58
Avi_IRCwhere do i find this package XFree86-Mesa-libGL17:58
Avi_IRCand how do i find this package17:58
cybandoes this OS work with RAID at all or just wont work with it?17:58
erUSUL!find mesa17:58
ubottuFound: libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg (and 15 others)17:58
bazhangAvi_IRC, check in synaptic17:58
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
MegaxelAlright, so Snares thinks I need to go to Administration => Network and then enable the proper ethernet port.17:58
=== The-Compiler is now known as Error_504
Snaresbli55: I have no idea, you would probably have to edit quite a few files and redirect audio streams to a different port17:58
MegaxelAnybody want to second that motion?17:58
SnaresMegaxel: yes17:58
ScheissDrogen cyban: yup raid, seee also : #grub17:58
MegaxelAlright, nobody's objection so I'ma go try it17:59
MegaxelThanks, Snares17:59
MegaxelI'll be back if it doesn't work.17:59
bli55Snares: Thanks then buddy. I suppose i should just get a 5.1 sound card17:59
SnaresMegaxel: System -> Administration -> Network17:59
cybank, it sees the aray, the drive, can install, finishes, and never boots with obscure errors....17:59
KiDFlaShserver authorization directory (daemon/ServAuthDir) is set to /var/lib/gdm but is not owned by user 106 and group 114. Please corrent the owners or GDM config and restart GDM17:59
Snaresbli55: sorry I guess so lol17:59
=== Error_504 is now known as The-Compiler
aldroidartemis: have you added the Window List applet to it? it's what shows window buttons17:59
djhashis there an anti-nice?!!18:00
Tapoutdefault font on ubuntu sucks, is there a way to toggle cleartext or something?18:00
cybanlast time it was 22, then 15, now its Error 218:00
bli55Snares: lol nvm... i need to upgrade neway.18:00
ScheissDrogen bli55:look the card up before u buy one (no x-fi,e.g.)18:00
bazhang!fonts | Tapout18:00
ubottuTapout: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:00
djhashi want my VLC to have the most priority18:00
stefan_anyone who can help me with a sound problem with ubuntu ??18:00
aldroidTapout: there is: system -> preferences -> appearance, turn on antialiasing here.18:00
erUSULdjhash: anti-nice?? assing possitive nice level18:00
jmichelsenTapout: install msfonts18:00
ScheissDrogen!ask >stefan18:00
bli55Snares: I was thinking i go for a sound blaster Live! 5.1? its pretty cheap and decent enough for my purposes18:01
djhasherUSUL:.. eh?!18:01
ScheissDrogen bli55:not complicates sb live18:01
stefan_i get sound in both speakers and earplugs, at the same time. when i only want it in the earplugs??18:01
cybanthinkin Fedora dont sound to bad atm18:01
Snaresbli55: go for it, I wouldn't get an X-Fi though, that's a big PITA18:01
bli55Scheiss: ??? i didnt get that18:02
Tapoutthanks guys!18:02
ScheissDrogenstefan_ alsamixer installed ?18:02
Snaresbli55: I might not even go creative maybe get a different brand, Creatives drivers for Linux are the worst in the whole world right now18:02
erUSULdjhash: positive niceness means less cpu time for the process18:02
cuildpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.18:03
ScheissDrogen bli55:SB is ok18:03
cuilanyone help me ??18:03
aldroidIs there a way to get a ZC0301P-based webcam work under ubuntu? my works under 160x100 with v4l, while vendor Windows drivers make 640x480 possible18:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:03
djhasherUSUL: yeah.. I want the other way round.. can I assign negative nice level?!!18:03
arvind_khadricuil, run sudo dpkg --configure -a18:03
erUSULdjhash: yes but you have to use sudo18:03
cuilanyone help me??18:03
jmichelsencyban: you will have more probs in fedora with raid lol18:03
qhor/msg ubottu etiquette18:04
ubottucuil, please see my private message18:04
bli55scheissdrogen: conflicting opinions with snares. I like SB. Its served me well for a long time in the past. but i was using windows back then. Ubuntu's all good with SB support?18:04
Laoziis there a way in xchat to make links open up with just a left click?18:04
djhasherUSUL: thats fine.. this is my dev machine.. I reformat after every project.. which this would mean it might be another week or so until this pc gets a format..18:04
psychok71any of u know the pregress of amsn2 or even emesene2?18:05
cuilwhen i run sudo dpkg --configure -a,  but  no result18:05
ScheissDrogen!HW> bli5518:05
arvind_khadricuil, thats desired...18:05
whileimhereHi. I have an external cd drive that is USB. It worked fine yesterday but today it just wont mount automatically. I am on 7.10 any ideas?18:06
djhashwhat is the other nice command for when processes have already started?!18:06
ScheissDrogen bli55:SB never caused me a problem, but don't ask whats best - piano probably18:06
cuilarvind_khadri: what is your mean18:06
mgolischwhy does nvidia-settings not work with the legacy driver version?18:07
jurowhich package is needed for Php Mysql connection? I have installed php5-mysql, but support is not indicated in phpinfo()18:07
arvind_khadricuil, i mean that its ok that you dont get anythin... try doing again what you were doing18:07
aldroiddjhash: renice <priority> -p <pid>18:07
mgolischits says the version of the nv-control extension is too old18:07
djhashaldroid: thanks.. google just beat you to it by 0.5seconds :-)..18:08
aldroiddjhash: apropos nice would beat us two :)18:08
whitedoxanybody have any experience with ushare?  I am not sure how to make it start with system... Thanks.18:09
cuilarvind_khadri, i should install new ubuntu?18:09
ubottustefan_, please see my private message18:10
arvind_khadricuil, no need...what made you get that error message?18:10
djhashaldroid: apropos is cool.. thanks.. i guess you learn something new every day..  :-)18:10
kat_aqanyone know where amenado  is?=18:10
cuilarvind_khadri :E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.18:10
cuilE: _cache->open() failed, please report.18:10
Ezra-358fHey all18:11
arvind_khadricuil, run sudo apt-get install -f18:11
w0ls0nhello all. I have a 400GIG Backup drive that I used in freebsd but I want to mount it in ubuntu. Is there a way to do that?18:11
w0ls0nI would prefer not to lose any of the info on the drive18:11
marcomy harddisk makes more noise in ubuntu then in windows. is it normal?18:11
cuilarvind_khadri,i will try it18:11
djhashit's the noise of satisfaction... :-p18:12
Slartmarco: not really.. unless it's some kind of weird drive... running updated ubuntu?18:13
Slartmarco: might be some kind of power saving feature that ubuntu can't really handle18:13
ubottustefan_, please see my private message18:13
w0ls0nactually it's not plugged in yet. If I plug it in, will ubuntu see it?18:13
cuilarvind-khadri,, no. i didn't slove the problem ,too.18:13
Ezra-358fw0ls0n: yes....18:14
cuilE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.18:14
marcoSlart, when it accesses the disc, the sound is louder on ubuntu18:14
w0ls0nwill it mount it?18:14
w0ls0nI guess the only way to tell ....18:14
w0ls0nbrb, gonna pray first LOL18:14
Ezra-358fw0ls0n: If you try to access it in Nautilus, yes, it will.18:14
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n: FS ??18:14
mavsman4457Hi I installed restricted drivers for my wifi card and now I want to uninstall them, is that possible?18:14
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n: crypted ?18:14
artemisaldroid: you're the best !! thx mate !!!18:15
aldroidmarco: maybe it makes thumbnails18:15
Slartmarco: well.. as I said.. it might be some kind of powersaving feature that ubuntu doesn't understand. What version of ubuntu are you running?18:15
djhashwhy is there 5 instances of apache running? is it normal!! (cmd: ps ax)18:15
marcoSlart, 8.0418:16
arvind_khadri!apt-fix | cuil18:16
ubottucuil: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:16
Slartdjhash: yes, it's normal.. you can set the number of processes in the apache config file18:16
Slartmarco: hm.. it shouldn't be the old "omg ubuntu is killing hard drives.. and kicking little dogs" problem then18:16
cuilubottu, 正在设置 language-support-ja (1:6.06+20060529) ...Generating locales... ja_JP.UTF-8...18:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:17
=== Kyrin_ is now known as Kyrin
djhashSlart: ok... thanks18:17
cbk486Hello. I am using ubuntu. Whenever I use rythembox or exaile and watch flash videos at the same time, I can't hear the flash audio. Is there anyway to change this?18:18
Qsterif i ssh from work to my box at home can my work see what im doing? :P18:18
w0ls0nhello I'm back18:18
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:18
w0ls0nScheissDrogen Not sure what the default filesystem in freebsd is18:18
w0ls0nand not encrypted18:18
SlartQster: ssh uses encryption so no, they won't see what you're doing18:18
cuilubottu, then , have no reaction!!18:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:18
artemisaldroid: and this icon to change desktop ... what is it called?18:18
SlartQster: they will able to see that you are doing something though.. just not what you're doing18:19
QsterSlart: so all they will see is that im making an ssh connection?18:19
cbk486ubottu flash18:19
Ezra-358fubottu, !ubuntu18:19
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:19
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:19
w0ls0nhow do I mount a new drive and not format it?18:19
SlartQster: if I understand things correctly.. yes18:19
Miles-ProwerHi, i'd need to get ndiswrapper on a computer not connected on the internet. How can I access the ubuntu repos myself to get the package on, say, a USB stick, with its dependancies?18:19
cbk486ubottu pulseaudio18:19
blokkiew0ls0n:  you cannot18:19
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:19
mavsman4457Hi I'm using restricted drivers and when I try to enable them it requires me to restart but when18:19
Slartw0ls0n: depends on what file system is on it..18:20
mavsman4457i restart it does nothing18:20
Haberneti have a dual boot set up with XP and ubuntu, is there any way i can edit the partitions while keeping both os' in tact (increase ubuntu decrease windows)18:20
blokkiemavsman4457:  it's not formatted :)18:20
Slartw0ls0n: if there is a ntfs file system, for example, it should mount automagically =)18:20
aldroidartemis: it's called Show Desktop :) read the whole applet list, there are a lot of useful things18:20
mavsman4457blokkie, what?18:20
whitedoxWhat is the xchat equivalent to mirc's "scripts"?18:20
blokkieHabernet:   1) make free space in  windows   2)  use parted or qtparted to add the free space to your ubuntu  :)18:21
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:21
djhashHabernet: use Gparted18:21
aldroidHabernet: gparted or parted (ubuntu), PartitionMagic or whatever (win32)18:21
Miles-ProwerAnyway of making Sagem XG-703A dongles work in Hardy?18:21
marcoI would like to have beryl instead of compizfusion beacuse beryl has much more visual effects. Where do I get it?18:21
Habernetthanks guys18:21
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:21
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz18:21
Slartmarco: compiz fusion is the next version of beryl18:21
Miles-Prowermarco, install ccsm18:22
Miles-Prowerdunno why it's not offered by default18:22
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n:goog it, encrypted ?18:22
cbk486To save space maybe18:22
w0ls0nSlart, I believe it was ufs?18:22
mavsman4457blokkie, i need to format the hard drive?18:22
w0ls0nScheissDrogen, no not encryped18:22
cwill747what's the mac os style app viewer that goes on the bottom of the screen for ubuntu called again?18:22
cuilubottu, then ,  what can i to do ?18:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:22
w0ls0nif I double-click the drive, it just says it's not mountable18:22
Ezra-358fsudo apt-get install antigravity *floats into the air*18:23
Slartw0ls0n: BSD file system? don't know if that is supported under linux.. but it might be18:23
jmichelsenw0ls0n: try mounting from commandline using sudo18:23
cbk486 Hello. I am using ubuntu. Whenever I use rythembox or exaile and watch flash videos at the same time, I can't hear the flash audio. Is there anyway to change this?18:24
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n:gogel says ufs, paste out from fdisk-l18:24
w0ls0nlooking for the drive in dmesg18:25
w0ls0n[   23.053255] ata1: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xffa0 irq 1418:26
w0ls0n[   23.053260] ata2: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 1518:26
w0ls0nso ata1 is my boot drive18:26
w0ls0nand ata2 is my freebsd drive?18:26
Habernetis it possible to run microsoft office 2003 under wine?18:26
zboy417hey, how would i get Songbird 0.6.1 to upgrade to 0.7?18:26
w0ls0nHabernet, crossover works pretty awesome18:26
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org18:26
arrrghhhso i'm trying to setup rsync.  i want to sync my /home partitions, but i have some drives mounted with bind in both my users' /home folders.  i'm pretty sure rsync will try to sync those as well, and that will really screw things up.  is there anyway to make rsync just ignore the binds?18:27
w0ls0nwhats the /dev path for ata?>18:27
jmichelsenHabernet: why would you want office 03? openoffice has all the functionality natively18:27
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org18:27
Habernetwolson do you mean with openoffice? i've tried using open office and it doesnt work for me. the whole reason why im keeping windows on my hdd is because i use office 2003 and for some reason i cant download torrents with ubuntu18:28
zboy417how do i get songbird 0.6.1 to upgrade to songbird 0.7?18:28
aldroidw0lson: /dev/hd?18:28
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P18:28
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n:mount supports ufs, so will fstab18:28
ScheissDrogen!paste> w0ls0n:18:28
Habernetcbk486 transmission doesnt work for me..it just wont downlolad and when i go to my windows os utorrent works fine18:28
w0ls0nno hd or ata in /dev18:28
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n:paste output fdisk -l        (last small L)18:28
jmichelsenHabernet: what about it doesn't work for you? maybe it is something that could be provided by a third partyplugin18:29
Slartarrrghhh: well how about that.. it was in the man page after all..18:29
arrrghhhw0ls0n, there's a lot of /dev entires, do an fdisk -l18:29
djhashw0ls0n: its either hd or sd18:29
aldroidw0ls0n: try /dev/sd?, they may be here18:29
w0ls0nah! /dev/sdb118:29
w0ls0n/dev/sdb1               1      826897   390708801   a5  FreeBSD18:29
arrrghhhSlart, que?18:29
jmichelsen!paste | w0ls0n18:29
ubottuw0ls0n: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:29
Slartarrrghhh: rsync..18:29
cbk486utorrent works in wine18:29
w0ls0nyou want the whole thing? ok please hold18:29
Slartarrrghhh: don't cross filesystem boundaries18:29
aldroidarrrghhh: --one-file-system18:30
Habernetjmichelsen for some reason it has like a 5 kb/s dl speed and it takes files weeks to dl18:30
Slartarrrghhh: or -x18:30
Snaresdoes anyone have a good guide to setting up a simple smtp mail server and making an email address for it?18:30
mavsman4457i don't know what happened to blokkie but here goes again, when i installed my restricted drivers for my wireless, it says that i need to restart but when i restart it still leaves the "enabled" box unchecked but it says in use on the right side but it doesn't detect any wireless networks18:30
arrrghhhSlart, aldroid ah.  thanks.  i have a lot of reading to do!18:30
billyjoewell my feet itch18:30
jmichelsenHabernet: downloading what? are we talking about office still?18:31
Qsterhmm just removed my video driver and now i cant get x to load up anyway to reset the video driver to default?18:31
=== Bruno_F is now known as bfig
SlartQster: if you can get to a shell you can do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver" or whatever the package is called18:31
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n:so sdb is your 400gig external drive and also mentionend by fdisk, good18:31
w0ls0nI got it18:31
cbk486Did you configure your firewall for the port of transmission?18:31
arrrghhhjmichelsen, you can force vesa or do that dpkg-reconfigure command18:32
arrrghhhalthough i think is xserver-xorg...18:32
w0ls0nmount -r -t ufs -o ufstype=5xbsd /dev/sdb1 /backup18:32
SlartQster: it might be called xserver-xorg18:32
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n:edit fstab better18:32
arrrghhhjmichelsen, sorry that was intended for Qster18:32
jmichelsenarrrghhh: lol18:32
Habernetjmichelsen, openoffice doesnt work for me when i try to convert files, everything gets screwed up and i cant risk losing points on papers for school, its been much more simple to use ms office 2003, as for torrents..any torrent file takes forever in ubuntu for some reason18:32
kat_aqamenado, you around?18:32
w0ls0nthat fstab is a bit new to me18:33
w0ls0nlooks different than freebsd's fstab18:33
arrrghhhHabernet, probably blocked ports...18:33
aldroidHabernet: does it indicate any peer or tracker connections?18:33
SlartHabernet: you have my pity.. forced to use ms office in wine.. there's no justice in the world =/18:33
w0ls0nif this doesn't work when I reboot, I can get into safe mode and edit it again?18:33
jmichelsenHabernet: conversion, ya school sucks lol18:34
tsunami7I have apt-get install vsftpd and when i try to login i get this => "530 This FTP server is anonymous only."   i try to play with the config but didnt find whats wrong18:34
=== rambo3 is now known as joomla_user
w0ls0ntsunami, sftp FTW18:34
SekureI cant compile tarballs in ubuntu...18:34
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n:it not so bad.. neither your hd is automounted or not, thats all18:34
aldroidtsunami7: try using sftp or tls or whatever18:34
Sekurereally frusterating18:34
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:34
Sekuredid that18:34
Sekurestill gives me errors18:34
w0ls0njust plain ftp is REALLY iinsecure18:34
Sekureftp bounce scanning?18:35
Sekureftp can be secure, depending on what you are using it for18:35
tsunamitsunami7 ur confusing me hah18:35
tsunami7sorry :) lol18:36
tsunamiim off anyway18:36
tsunamihave a good one18:36
=== david_ is now known as Blacklemon
tsunami7its ok its just a local server of mine, and how can i get sftp server?18:36
w0ls0nI'm not gonna screw with fstab. The box won't be rebooted hardly at all anywqays18:36
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n: shure,but why safemode ?18:36
w0ls0njust in case I can't boot in regular mode18:37
w0ls0n/dev/sdb1             361G   54G  279G  17% /backup18:37
aldroidw0ls0n: init=/bin/bash18:37
jmichelsen!sftp | tsunami718:37
aldroidw0ls0n: in the kernel command line18:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp18:37
w0ls0nI prefer tcsh18:37
ubottuScheissDrogen, please see my private message18:38
hendrixski:-( I just did an export JAVA_HOME=/where/ever/  but then when I close the console it's not there anymore.  How do I make it stick?18:38
Sekuresneaker net is the only way to go..18:38
w0ls0nubottu, install ssh and then have your users go in using winscp if they're using windows18:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:38
w0ls0nit's just like ftp only more secure18:38
w0ls0napt-get install ssh18:38
Piciw0ls0n: ubottu is a bot.18:38
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!18:38
Sekureyou shouldnt just install ssh, if you dont know what you are doing18:38
tsunami7w0ls0n but how can i d/l and u/l stuff with shh?18:39
aldroidw0ls0n: whatever :) it'll run whatever you specify instead of Upstart, so no mount -a in the boot sequence18:39
jmichelsentsunami7: sudo apt-get install sftp18:39
w0ls0ntsunami7, if you know how to ftp, sftp is the same thing18:39
aldroidw0lson: so no fstab18:39
w0ls0nonly sftp is secure and ftp isin't18:39
aldroidtsunami: scp and rcp copy files over ssh18:39
tsunami7and what is the diffrence between vsftpd and sftp?18:40
w0ls0nvsftp is plain ftp18:40
znhHello. I have a Linksys wireless card (Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)). Ubuntu detects it and installed firmware for it.. but I can't connect to access points. They are listed and their signals are not out of the ordinary18:40
tsunami7thanks aldroid18:40
w0ls0nit's like sending plain text passwords over the internet18:40
hendrixskiI did an export JAVA_HOME=/where/ever/  but then when I close the console that variable isn't available anymore.  How do I make it stay that way across other sessions?18:40
tsunami7w0ls0n ok thanks18:40
darkblue_BHello- why would ulimit -c retun 0??18:40
SeveredCrosshendrixski: Put it in .bashrc18:40
cuilwho can help me?18:40
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n: so u don't want edit fstab ??18:40
jmichelsenwhy did the chicken cross the road?18:40
w0ls0nScheissDrogen, no, not until Im more comfortable with ubu18:41
jmichelsen!anyone | cuil18:41
ubottucuil: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:41
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:41
hendrixskiSeveredCross: oh? that explains why I didn't see any followup commands on google or any option in the man page for persistance... so I have to manually edit a file to make it stick?18:41
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n: np, but it isn't xorg.conf or initramfs, lol18:41
SekureI get the following errors when compiling... error: openssl/ssl.h: No such file or director ; error: ‘MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH’ undeclared (first use in this function)18:42
w0ls0nScheissDrogen, yea true :-) I have edited fstab in freebsd before. Seems much easier in freebsd :-)18:42
zOaphow do I print "this is my text" from the terminal command line to a file with vim? is it grept or something?18:42
SekureMD5_CTX’ undeclared (first use in this function)18:42
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n: UUID ?18:42
w0ls0nScheissDrogen, huh? wha?18:42
Sekure: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘MD5_Init’18:42
RequinB4zOap: 'echo 'this is my text' | tee -a myfile.txt18:42
RodGohi, i need some help, i am running ubuntu but also have a partition with windows xp pro installed on it, i woudl like to virtualize that partition so i can run windows under ubuntu, can somebody help me on how can i do that?18:43
SekureCan someone please help me?18:43
aldroidw0ls0n: that 128bit identifiers in the fstab18:43
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n: line starting with #  are comments, only18:43
hendrixskithanks SeveredCross18:43
ScheissDrogen w0ls0n: UUID  is another way, similar to /dev/sdaxx  to identify a partition18:43
n3himawhat happened to locate -u in hardy?18:43
jmichelsenRodGo: vmware has the ability to mount a real drive as if virtual18:43
zOapRequinB4, thanks:)18:44
RodGoand how can i do that, i allready installed the latest vmware player18:44
cuilwhen i use language-support-ja ,i have a trouble18:44
aldroidScheissDrogen: BTW, are there UUIDs on ufs partitions?18:44
RequinB4zOap: np, just DONT forget the -a otherwise you will erase the whole file18:44
RodGobut have no clue on how to run my windows partition under ubuntu18:44
jmichelsenRodGo: you would have to use vmware workstation or server, player can't handle it I don't think18:44
cuili didn18:44
ScheissDrogenaldroid:think that blkid gives you one18:44
SekureI would like to know why i have so much trouble compiling in ubuntu18:44
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:45
darkblue_Banyone - why would ulimit -c retun 0??18:45
hischildSekure: what do you mean with so much trouble compiling software?18:45
tzdwhat's equivalent to Amarok in a gnome environment please?18:45
RequinB4Sekure: ubuntu comes with a dearth of libraries so you can fit it on one cd, see the link above18:45
hischildtzd: exaile18:45
RequinB4tzd; exaile18:45
RequinB4tzd: optionally you can make the jump to mpd18:45
tzdhischild & RequinB4, thanks! :)18:46
Sekurethats not the problem, it seems18:46
jmichelsentzd: amarok can run under gnome18:46
cuili didn't use synaptic again18:46
aldroidRodGo: VMWare5 Wrkst could create VMs without a key; then you can use the free(gratis) Player to play that; amn't sure about the current version18:46
ScheissDrogenSekur: where do you stick ?18:46
RequinB4Sekure: why don't you !paste an error message18:46
Sekurei did18:46
tzdjmichelsen: yeah but it doesn't work that well... at least not when i used to run gnome18:46
Sekure1 sec18:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:47
jmichelsentzd: I use it and it works just fine18:47
jmichelsentzd: under xfce also18:47
jmichelsentzd: but try exail if you like, apperently its good18:47
tzdjmichelsen: lucky you :) Actually under xfce is more interesting since I'm planning to use xubuntu18:47
RodGoaldroid: there isnt a free software that can do this_18:47
jmichelsentzd: yea I use xfce amarok runs great18:47
marcothe fonts displayed by the webpages are different from the ones displayed on windows. is there a way of installing the fonts used in windows?18:47
tzdjmichelsen: although you still need a few kde packets to make it work right?18:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about truetype18:48
jmichelsen!fonts | macro18:48
ubottumacro: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer18:48
RodGoi am a web developer and need to test my apps under ie7, and also use other windows apps, that wine can't run18:48
RodGobut i dont have the budget to pay for that pice of software18:48
ubottuies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!18:48
aldroidRodGo: try Sun VirtualBox OSE (open source edition)18:48
jmichelsentzd: yea but if you apt-get amarok they install18:48
=== tusho is now known as tusho|away
unimatrix9RodGo , go to a friend with Xp18:49
jmichelsenRodGo: aldroid: I don't think vbox has the ability he is looking for18:49
RodGoyes i have xp in another partition, but its really a pain, i change 1 line and have to restart to see changes18:49
wubrgamerhey guys18:49
RodGoits just horrible18:49
aldroidRodGo: jmichelsen: oops, sorry18:49
wubrgameris anyone on here on ubuntu-planet?18:49
wubrgamercould you private message me?18:49
tzdjmichelsen: ok, will try it out on my xubuntu install... trying to prepare for a future eee pc with xubuntu and hopefully a smooth working amarok/exaile version :)18:49
tzdjmichelsen: thanks for your help!18:50
jmichelsenaldroid: like you said only vmware workstation has the ability18:50
jmichelsentzd: np18:50
lintcan someone help me? i am having trouble playing mp3's in ubuntu18:50
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:50
RequinB4i win18:50
wubrgameri'm trying to get my wordpress install to only syndicate posts with the tag "syndicate"18:50
wubrgamerhow do I do that?18:50
jmichelsenwubrgamer: that may be a more specific to wordpress problem18:51
cuillint,what's wrong?18:51
SekureHere is the issue i get with just about any tarball http://paste.ubuntu.com/39458/18:51
lintcuil: totem says the files are playing yet i get no sound18:51
wubrgamerjmichelsen:  but anyone with an ubuntu-planet account knows what they're doing18:51
wubrgamerit's where I got the idea in my head jmichelsen18:51
lintcuil: i also get this error: 'could not determine type of stream'18:51
Sekuretried it with sudo, and without sudo18:51
Piciwubrgamer: Come to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss it18:52
jmichelsenwubrgamer: k well gl, I can't help you ;)18:52
n3himaSekure, you do not want to do sudo make18:52
SekureI know, but sometimes i try it18:52
cuillint,o,you can play the .mp318:52
n3himaSekure, and you may want/need to install the build-essential package before building anthing18:52
SekureI have18:52
=== TuX is now known as tuxsudo
Sekureill try it again i guess18:52
hischildn3hima: that's need.18:52
hischildSekure: and the kernel headers?18:53
cuilthen ,it will told you secrch code18:53
wubrgamerfound the help file18:53
lintcuil: no, could not determine type of stream18:53
tuxsudoIm trying to backup my home folder so I can o a fresh install of 8.04, whats the best way?18:53
Sekurekernel headers?18:53
wubrgamerit's the third bullet18:53
Sekurelemme check, i followed the instructions a while back18:53
n3himahischild, Sekure, surely you won't need kernel headers to compile hydra18:53
jmichelsen!rsync | tuxsudo18:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rsync18:53
wubrgamerthanks anyway ya'll!18:53
aldroidtuxsudo: tar -cvjf is the trivial way18:54
tuxsudoI just type !rsync in bash?18:54
=== tusho|away is now known as tusho
hischildn3hima: found that they're often needed even if it makes no sense at first.18:54
n3himaok go ahead then18:54
lintcuil: i cannot play any audio cd's either18:54
RawSushiman....why doesn't my sound work in flash?  The only fixes I seem to be able to find for it are for older versions of firefox.18:54
darkblue_Bsomething is screwy with my XHOST.. last night I had to add a ahck to get another login to run a JAVA GUI program over VNC.. xhost +... at the end, they told me to run XHOST -.. so I did18:54
jmichelsenrsync -avz /home/folder /destination/folder18:54
znhI'm trying to use ndiswrapper to get my wireless card to work. It mentions bcm43xx as alternate driver. I blacklisted it, but it still shows me the message.. any ideas??18:54
darkblue_Bnow I cant seem to logn with vnc18:54
n3himasudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`18:54
Joker_-_Anyone here uses IRSSI / is good with configuring it?18:54
PiciJoker_-_: yes and #irssi18:54
Joker_-_Pici: ok thx18:55
jmichelsentuxsudo: rsync -avz /home/folder /destination/folder18:55
tuxsudook, where should I put it on my hdd, so when I write over the patition it doesnt wrte over th rsync18:55
jmichelsentuxsudo: I would use a remote share or external hdd, formatting will erase ALL data18:55
aldroidtuxsudo: or another partition if you don't fdisk18:56
jmichelsentuxsudo: there really isn't a safe place to put data ona partition to be formatted18:56
lintcan anyone help me with playing mp3's in ubuntu?18:56
tuxsudoso I should make 2 pations, put he backup on one and reformat the other?18:56
Sekurebuild-essential is already the newest version.18:56
Sekure0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:56
jmichelsentuxsudo:  yea18:56
kavelotmy ubuntu is "auto" rebooting... /var/log/messages says nothing about the reboot, while "last" shows it was done by "system boot"... any ideas?18:57
tuxsudoany good places online to upload to?18:57
jmichelsenkavelot: must be a virus ;)18:57
kaveloti'm guessing memory18:57
jmichelsentuxsudo: google drive18:57
kavelotbut I don't know if it's the default behavior18:57
tuxsudoI tried the upgrade and kinitd wont find image, and it boots xwindows in limit graphics18:57
Sekureany ideas?18:58
jmichelsentuxsudo: depends on how much data to backup18:58
Sekurelinux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic is already the newest version.18:58
Sekure0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:58
tsunami7how can i see what each processor is taking from the CPU? (command line)18:58
jmichelsentsunami7: top18:58
tuxsudodoes rsyn archivice it small?18:58
jmichelsentuxsudo: no, tar does though18:58
Bodsdatsunami7, htop18:58
lintcan anyone help me with playing mp3's in ubuntu?18:58
Sekureits not just hydra that wont compile, ITS EVERYTHING18:59
jmichelsentuxsudo: rsync archives just for transfer then undoes it18:59
tuxsudoIve never used it, so I know im gonna fuck up18:59
hischildSekure: can you give me the link to your paste again?18:59
jmichelsentuxsudo: its not too bad, read man rsync18:59
jmichelsentuxsudo: its real easy to use19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about curse19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quiet19:01
hischildSekure: run sudo clean and reown everything by your user.19:01
tuxsudoso should I use gparted 1st, do the rsync, then upgrade?19:01
hischildSekure: and it appears you're missing some library files. openssl, svn, postgres etc19:02
Sekuresudo: clean: command not found19:02
hischildSekure: sorry my bad. sudo make clean19:02
RedWarOne have any ideas about getgting the eveonline mic to work with   eve or an  linux alternative for Ventrillo?19:02
cuili cannot use Synaptic again19:02
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:03
hcMythHow can I install an iso/cd emulator on linux?19:03
hcMython ubuntu.19:03
tuxsudoscrew it19:03
Sekureopenssl is already the newest version.19:03
Sekure0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:03
jmichelsentuxsudo: I think you are misunderstanding what rsync does. It just copies, faster but it just copies19:03
moulii need some help with a script i found19:03
BodsdahcMyth, you want to emulate the presence of a disc?19:03
robelliott2125hcMyth, i use gnome-iso19:03
RedWarWEll it works on my computer, at least the game does.  Unfortunately, not the Mic19:04
robelliott2125hcMyth, sorry gmount-iso19:04
hcMythBodsda: yes, install without burning the disk first19:04
hcMythrobelliott2125: thanks19:04
robelliott2125Yw hcMyth19:04
RedWarAnyone here play eveonline on Llllllinux?19:04
hischildSekure: the development files is what's missing, not the package itself. try searching for the package and look for -dev19:04
tuxsudoI dont know where to make the dest for when I upgrade, then how to get it back19:04
BodsdahcMyth, you can mount iso's from the terminal19:04
RedWaron Ubuntu Hardy?19:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eve19:04
BodsdahcMyth, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html19:05
hcMythBodsda: thanks Ill have a look.19:05
jmichelsentuxsudo: you need the dest on a drive/partition that will not be wiped out19:05
robelliott2125Never heard of eveonline RedWar, if its something that won't need a super pc, then i'd probably try it.19:05
jmichelsentuxsudo: then you can just move the data to that partition, do your formatting, move the data back19:05
tuxsudoI got the idea, I just got a bunch of sensitive data19:05
tuxsudodont wanna screw it up19:06
jesus_9001Ok I installed Xubuntu and everything went peachy. I updated it and restarted and it was all fine still. Then I installed the proprietary drivers for my ATi x1650 AGP card and it will not boot. The Loading Screen comes up but after that it doesn't go to the login screen. Anyone experience this before?19:06
phaverkampI have a ftp mount in <home>/.gvfs And I need it disconnected any help would be awsome19:06
shuttleI just upgraded to 8.10 but the login and desktop make the screen go blank19:06
shuttlewhat can i do19:06
jmichelsentuxsudo: best thing to do is put the data on an external drive or CD so there is no way to lose it19:06
RedWarHmm... Ok, well thanks guys,.,, How about an alternive to Ventrillo for Linux, hear dof anything like that?19:06
tuxsudotoo big tofit on cd, and no external source19:07
POVaddctshuttle: only released versions of ubuntu are supported here19:07
shuttleRedWar, i got vent to work19:07
robelliott2125Not me here RedWar, someone else should be able to help you though19:07
Bodsdashuttle, #ubuntu+119:07
jmichelsenphaverkamp: type mount in terminal, then see where that ftp is mounted to and type umount /location19:07
shuttlePOVaddct, but it will be supported....19:07
POVaddctshuttle: not yet19:07
Bodsdashuttle, not until release date19:07
jmichelsenRedWar: doesn't vent have linux installer package?19:07
daemon3Does anyone know how to stop Wanda from swimming around the desktop?19:08
ikoniadaemon3: how did you start it ?19:08
Admin1Please, can someone explain the file structure of KMail? I am trying to understand how to export them into windows vista mail program. I have kmail set as mbox but do not see any .mbox file. Rather, I see files with .index  .ids  .sorted files19:08
w0ls0na little OT but this page is off the hook19:08
jmichelsendaemon3: lol19:08
daemon3ALT+F2..."free the fish"19:08
phaverkampjmichelsen: The ftp connection is not there19:08
daemon3No quotes.19:08
ikoniadaemon3: reboot19:08
POVaddctshuttle: 8.10 will be released in october. 08 for 2008, 10 for october19:08
znhhow I can I force to keep bcm43xx, ssb, b43 and his whole **** family to NOT load at boot? blacklisting has no effect19:09
Bodsdaw0ls0n, if its OT and you know that, why post it here19:09
ikoniaAdmin1: mbox is normally a directory in your home dir19:09
jmichelsendaemon3: kill fish in term19:09
kat_aqamenado, i need help! seaphor told me to contact you19:09
ikoniaAdmin1: mbox is not importable into microsoft mail products19:09
Admin1ikonia, but it can be converted with proper software19:09
ikoniaAdmin1: then if you "know" that - then you'll know what to look for19:09
SeaPhorkat_aq, just ask the full question and mention him, but there are plenty here that can help if they know what your issue is19:10
Admin1ikonia, the problem is rather that I do not find any .mbox directory.19:10
ikoniaAdmin1: it's not .mbox19:10
BodsdaAdmin1, youve pressed ctrl+h to see hidden folders + files yes?19:11
racleHow i get my subtitles work? i tryed watch couple movies, and subtitles wont work19:11
Sladein the gnome-look.org website, what is the Topaz-Brainstorm section for?19:11
Decepticondoes pptpd on ubuntu makes default vpn connections limited by 12mbps?19:11
ikoniaAdmin1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbox19:11
tuxsudoweird, after the botched upgrade I cant "sudo", and I cant download the xorg-driver-fglrx19:11
* Admin1 reading...19:12
ikoniatuxsudo: what error are you getting19:12
aldroidtuxsudo: for a single backup, you can use a script in http://paste.ubuntu.com/39462/. (tar/bzip2/unsecure ftp)19:13
SekureThere is no documentation that says what libraries you need for THC19:13
tuxsudotux@none:~$ sudo apt-get19:13
tuxsudosudo: unable to resolve host none19:13
w0ls0nScheissDrogen, how do I mount the file system rw?19:13
ikoniaSekure: it should be downloaded as a dependency19:13
ikoniatuxsudo: you need to put your machine hostname in /etc/hosts and map it to a resolvable ip address ( for example)19:13
ikoniatuxsudo: you'll need to do this in the recovery shell19:13
tuxsudoI can do gksu xterm19:14
molgrumhey, for the last 5 days or so my update manager has shown nothing but the -21 kernel updates (that i want to put on hold until a vbox driver is included). something wrong or is there an actual big pause right now in the updates?19:14
ScheissDrogenw0ls0n:man mount19:14
ikoniatuxsudo: well, if you can edit /etc/hsots, you'll be fine19:14
tuxsudoso just edit it to localhost19:14
ikoniatuxsudo: no19:14
ikoniatuxsudo: put your laptop hostname in and map it to a resolvable ip address, eg:
ikoniatuxsudo: machine hostname, sorry, not laptop19:15
ikoniatuxsudo: I was assuming a laptop for no reason19:15
tuxsudodamn I feel dumb, how do I map it to the addy, or does it matter19:15
w0ls0nmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,19:15
w0ls0nI just tried replacing the r with w19:15
ikoniatuxsudo: look in the /etc/hosts file for an example $IP $HOST19:15
aldroidtuxsudo: what's `uname -n`?19:16
tuxsudok I just gksu nautilus'19:16
ikoniatuxsudo: no19:16
ikoniatuxsudo: edit /etc/hosts19:16
ikoniatuxsudo: with a text editor19:16
ikoniatuxsudo: what do you mean "none"19:16
ikoniatuxsudo: uname -n shows "none" ?19:16
w0ls0nScheissDrogen, I can't figure it out19:17
LukstrIs there a way to make Ubuntu's wireless managment /not/ store wifi networks? I'm having issues and would rather not cache details of previously used wifi networks19:17
ikoniatuxsudo: if your hostname is "none" then you've not got a hostname set19:17
w0ls0ntried rw and just w and bad filesystem everytime19:17
=== herb_ is now known as herb
nikhilis there any expert in ubuntu in here>?19:17
Gillpynikhil: none19:17
jmichelsen!anyone | nikhil19:17
ubottunikhil: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:17
Gillpy!ask | nikhil19:18
ubottunikhil: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:18
aldroidw0ls0n: that's, ro with wo? replace ro with rw19:18
tuxsudomy hosts file is just a bunch of IPv6 addresses19:18
ikoniatuxsudo: your install/upgrade is borked19:18
aldroidw0ls0n: didn't see the post above, sorry19:18
ikoniatuxsudo: I suggest you re-install19:18
tuxsudoI have many times :P19:18
ikonianikhil: ask the question19:18
ikoniatuxsudo: re-install19:19
aldroidtuxsudo: could you paste the /etc/hosts?19:19
tuxsudo# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts19:19
tuxsudo# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts19:19
tuxsudo# (added automatically by netbase upgrade)19:19
tuxsudo::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback19:19
tuxsudofe00::0 ip6-localnet19:19
FloodBot1tuxsudo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
tuxsudoff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix19:19
tuxsudoff02::1 ip6-allnodes19:19
tuxsudoff02::2 ip6-allrouters19:19
tuxsudoff02::3 ip6-allhosts19:19
w0ls0nmaybe I'll just mount the drive, copy the data over19:19
jmichelsen!paste | tuxsudo19:19
ubottutuxsudo: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:19
w0ls0nand re-fdisk it19:20
tuxsudodid you get that :P19:20
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:21
aldroidtuxsudo: prepend to /etc/hosts:19:21
aldroid127.0.0.1 localhost <whatever `uname -n` gives>19:21
ikoniaaldroid: his hostname is "none" because his upgrade has failed19:21
ikoniaaldroid: hence why I said "re-install"19:21
ikoniaas I suspect a lot more is not set19:21
tuxsudoxserver is screwed too19:22
ikoniatuxsudo: I suggest you re-install19:22
frybyehow can I move the menu back to the top of the screen - it has ended up at the side of the screen where i don't want it..19:23
nikhilsorry, does kde installed alongside ubuntu 8.04 stable?  Recently installed KDE 4.1, and any KDE application starts crashing?  i had kde 3 installed and did a clean uninstall before KDE4.  Plz help19:23
=== kai__ is now known as kaivar
tuxsudosweet. thanks sudo works again!!!!19:23
kaivarhello... i was hoping to get some help installing java 6 on ubuntu 8.04 ^_^19:23
rrsame as windows, you need to find a empty spot19:23
Gneafrybye: middle click 'n drag19:23
tuxsudonow I gotta fix my xserver and ati driver and I wont have t spend another 2hrs upgrading again19:24
frybyehow do you mean middle click??19:24
aldroidikonia: tuxsudo: xserver is screwed because it uses loopback connections.19:24
Gneafrybye: most mice, these days, have a left click, a right click, and a middle click buttons19:24
ikoniaaldroid: his install is screwed19:24
frybyeno mouse here .. on a eeepc..19:25
Gneafrybye: oh, left+right = middle then19:25
lintcan someone help me? i seem to be having trouble playing multimedia files on my computer19:25
tuxsudo35 new updates just popped up19:25
n3himafrybye, eee 900+: tap the touchpad with two fingers19:25
znhmy wireless card doesn't work with ndiswrapper. It says " device (14E4:4320) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)"  how can I get rid of that alternate driver?19:26
jmichelsen!mp3 | Lin19:26
ubottuLin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:26
rathelI'm on Hardy, how do you change the color of the prompt in the console? I'm looking through .bashrc but I don't know what to change. It looks a little different from Gutsy.19:26
jmichelsen!mp3 | lint19:26
ubottulint: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:26
frybyeleft and right together not possible...19:26
Sekurewhats an easy way to drag and drop files to a directory without permission?19:26
Sekurehold shift or something19:26
jmichelsenfrybye: left and right click at the same time does emulate a third mouse button19:26
frybyeat home I have a 3 key mouse - i will do it there...19:27
GneaSekure: control.19:27
n3himafrybye, try what I said earlier, it may work19:27
sk33t0r if I see this: Read 1903 packets (got 27 ARP requests and 0 ACKs), sent 17768 packets...(499 pp/s) in aireplay does that mean my packet injection is working properly19:27
znhsk33t0r, yes19:27
sk33t0rznh, why is the number of packets read so small if Im sending such a large amount of packets?19:27
Sekurectrl isnt working19:28
znhsk33t0r, cuz the packets read are not so important. you need airodump to capture19:28
frybyen3hima: this is not a 900/901 no multi-touch..19:28
GneaSekure: then you don't have permission19:28
n3himafrybye, idk then19:28
Sekurethere should be an option to "run as user" when it errors out19:28
n3himask33t0r, you may need to be closer to the access point19:29
Sekureit didnt prompt me for password19:29
GneaSekure: yeah, it's not gonna do that if it's a vague slide19:29
Gillpy!hey | fevel19:29
ubottufevel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:29
sk33t0rn3hima, Im not that far away from it its right downstairs19:29
Sekureim gonna program it in there19:29
Gneahave fun19:30
znhcan someone help me?19:30
Gnea!ask | znh19:30
ubottuznh: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:30
znhmy wireless card doesn't work with ndiswrapper. It says " device (14E4:4320) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)"  how can I get rid of that alternate driver?19:30
ra21vii have strange problem with WUBI installed Ubuntu. in bash, when I do ./eclipse (i unpacked latest eclipse 3.4) , the bash says bash: ./eclipse: No such file or directory,19:30
znhGnea, there19:30
Sekureif errorlevel == "permission denied" runas (); or some shizit like that19:30
ra21vii did ldd eclipse adn found it is static executable19:30
Gnea!devel | Sekure19:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about devel19:30
peppe__ciao raga19:30
SurlentI just have a quick partitioning question: I have Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows XP SP3 on a dual-boot set-up, Ubuntu installed first. Both systems are working fine, but I would like to increase the WIndows partition from 20 to 50 gigabytes, since I need to install a few things for a LAN party. Can I do this successfully and safely with the 8.04 CD and GParted?19:30
Gnea!dev | Sekure19:31
ubottuSekure: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment19:31
nikhilsorry, does kde installed alongside ubuntu 8.04 stable?  Recently installed KDE 4.1, and any KDE application starts crashing?  i had kde 3 installed and did a clean uninstall before KDE4.  Plz help19:31
Gneaznh: is it usb?19:31
znhGnea, nope, PCI19:31
Sekurei cant just change some code and re-compile the kernel19:31
avishas a fix been released for the flash plugin in hardy to not make firefox crash ?19:31
ikonianikhil: kde 3/4 is available for ubuntu 8.0419:31
aldroidikonia: tuxsudo: I'm so persistent because I've got sudo: could not resolve host <thename> simply by setting the domain name in NetworkManagerApplet, I thought this was that sort of problem19:31
Gneaznh: then you need to prevent the bcm driver from loading by blacklisting it19:31
Gnea!blacklist | znh19:31
ubottuznh: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:31
ikoniaaldroid: thats fine, I understand that situation, but he's got no hostname19:31
jmichelsenfrybye:  do you have a mouse wheel19:31
mattgyver83Does anyone here have issues with Firefox 3 in ubuntu.  It always crashes and hangs on me, I ran under safe mode and its still happens, so nothing to do with addons.??19:32
tuxsudowell I get this error now when I apt-get19:32
ikoniamattgyver83: addons still work in safe move19:32
znhGnea, I did the blacklisting in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, but it still gets loaded19:32
ikoniamattgyver83: remove all plugins19:32
nikhilis kde 4 different for ubuntu and kubuntu?19:32
tuxsudodpkg: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' for reading: No such file or directory19:32
tuxsudoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)19:32
Sekurei can feel an ulcer burning through my stomach.. I have had enough computer for one day19:32
ikonianikhil: no19:32
ra21viSurlent: probably you shoudl backup Ubuntu and then delete/expand from windows tool and then reinstall/set ubuntu again19:32
ikonianikhil: kubuntu is ubuntu with kde19:32
arrrghhhnikhil, ubuntu uses gnome as its default WM19:32
Surlentmattgyver83: I find Opera to generally be a more stable alternative to firefox; you may want to try that. Don't use the repo version though, get it from their website (the new version fixes a lot of bugs)19:32
Sekurepeace (Y)19:32
Surlentra21vi: What is "windows tool"?19:33
ra21viopera is great, but overall Firefox is better,19:33
Surlenthow so, do you think?19:33
dingoyokoHi, I'm setting up a fileserver with SMB to share with both XP and Ubuntu machines. Do I have to format as NTFS?19:33
ikoniadingoyoko: no19:34
ra21viSurlent: google for it, not sure but you can use Windwos partition manager, and many others like Acronis is available19:34
nikhili have ubuntu 8.04, and have a live cd of kubuntu with KDE 4.1 remix version.  Can i install this alongside ubuntu using my CD without downloading any KDE files>19:34
ikoniadingoyoko: a linux native sfile system such as ext3 would be better19:34
aldroiddingoyoko: no, you can xfs or jfs or ext3 or whatever19:34
Gneaznh: then you need to reboot19:34
znhGnea, no effect19:34
ra21vii did ldd eclipse adn found it is static executable19:34
ikonianikhil: if the repo files are on the cd - yes, if not, no19:34
dingoyokoso I can read and write to ext3 from XP just fine?19:34
ra21vii have strange problem with WUBI installed Ubuntu. in bash, when I do ./eclipse (i unpacked latest eclipse 3.4) , the bash says bash: ./eclipse: No such file or directory,19:34
Gneaznh: i need to afk, someone else might be able to help..19:34
ikoniara21vi: linked against the wrong libraries19:35
ikoniara21vi: install eclipse from the ubuntu repo's19:35
znhGnea, k19:35
nikhilwhat is repo file?  Whatever it is, doesnt it come with Live CD?19:35
aldroiddingoyoko: it's not ext3 for Windows machines, it's SMB file access :)19:35
ikonianikhil: depends, you've got a non-standard ubuntu cd19:35
dingoyokothanks ikonia and aldroid :-)19:35
ra21viikonia: perhaps 3.4 is not available in repo19:35
znhanyone can help me with this issue? I can't seem to get rid of bcm43xx, b44, ssb and b43. They conflict my ndiswrapper19:35
ikoniara21vi: have a look19:35
Surlentra21vi: So you're saying that resizing it with GParted is impossible to do, or do safely?19:35
ra21viikonia: that eclipe is working with another ubuntu in other machine without any problem19:36
dingoyokohttp://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-home-fileserver <-- this link said I had to format as NTFS19:37
ikoniara21vi: check the permissions of the executable, but other than that it will be linked against the wrong libraries, or libraries you don't have on this system19:37
ikoniadingoyoko: thats wrong19:37
ra21viikonia: i did chmod +x many times :))19:37
ikoniara21vi: then the libraries it's linked against are wrong/not on your system19:37
ra21viikonia: ldd eclipse shows it is static, not shared lib needed19:37
nikhilthis is foxing, ikonia, whatz a standard and a non-standard ubuntu cd?19:37
ikoniara21vi: static is still linked against specific livraries19:37
Avi_IRCwhat is super user19:37
ikoniaAvi_IRC: root19:38
ikonianikhil: an ubuntu CD is an "official one"19:38
SurlentAvi_IRC: Super user is root, and he is all-powerful19:38
ra21viikonia: but the same error message comes out when we do ./someprog and that is not executable19:38
ikonianikhil: you said you'd got a "remix" one19:38
ikoniara21vi: so ?19:38
znhanyone can help me with this issue? I can't seem to get rid of bcm43xx, b44, ssb and b43. They conflict my ndiswrapper19:38
Gillpy!root > Avi_IRC19:38
ubottuAvi_IRC, please see my private message19:38
ikonianikhil: so thats the different19:38
=== TuX is now known as tuxsudo
nikhiloh, ok19:38
ra21viikonia: i think something bad with my bash,  byt other things are working great, even in bash...19:38
aldroiddingoyoko: if you format your Samba share as NTFS, you'll have trouble with NTFS ACLs users set on their machines. Though you can use POSIX ACL-capable FS and bridge NT ACLs to them. Samba has no native treatment of NTFS.19:38
ikoniara21vi: I think it's nothing to do with bash19:38
ikoniara21vi: shells don't matter to an executable19:39
tuxsudoso If I just back up my home folder, wll I lose a lot of my programs, and program settings?19:39
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:39
ra21viikonia: then I think i am in great trouble19:39
jmichelsentuxsudo: yes19:39
Surlentra21vi: So you're saying that resizing it with GParted is impossible to do, or do safely?19:39
ikoniara21vi: no, I think your just linked against libraries that are wrong or not on your system, nothing more19:39
tuxsudoI wish there was a way around that19:39
aldroidtuxsudo: not all settings, but systemwide ones. GConf and such will remain.19:40
Avi_IRCi am trying to install ati driver and it tells me i need to be a super user to install it19:40
aldroidtuxsudo: simply because they're stored in your home folder.19:40
tuxsudotook me for ever to set up kismet.conf19:40
lazyPowerAvi_IRC: use sudo19:40
ra21viikonia: ok, i will check it tomorrow, since the system is in my office.19:40
Gillpy!sudo > Avi_IRC19:40
ikoniaAvi_IRC: why not use the driver in ubuntus restricted driver manager19:40
ubottuAvi_IRC, please see my private message19:40
SurlentAvi: Run the program as gksudo if graphical, or sudo if text-based19:40
jmichelsentuxsudo: there are many ways to backup things, see http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-get-list-installed-software-reinstallation-restore.html for progrem reinstallation19:40
nikhilhowever, i have downloaded files for installing KDE 4.1, but many KDE applications crash.  Some error relating to KDE file manager and Plasma19:40
j800rhey guys, if i've removed one of my gnome panels to theme my system, how do i get it back. do i just have to create a totally new one? :\19:41
ikonianikhil: why download them19:41
lazyPowerAnybody here use a ghost-like app they would recommend?19:41
ikonianikhil: just download from the repo's using the package manager19:41
Surlentj800r: I think you'll have to manually re-create it19:41
phaverkampI have seahorse problem,  I have a gvfs ftp connection taht does not appear in seahorse. Any clue?19:41
Avi_IRClazyPower: how do i execute this file "ati-driver-installer-8-8-x86.x86_64.run"19:41
Surlentit's not hard, though19:41
j800rya, i know19:41
lazyPowerAvi_IRC: sudo sh ati-driver-installer-fooblef.run19:41
tuxsudobut if I back up /etc im screwed too19:41
ikonianikhil: nikhil sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop19:41
kaivarhi, i tried installing java using sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre but when i tried to verify them on the java site, it says it wasn't installed19:41
j800ri themed my system to look like vista aero for a laugh. fed up with it now though lol19:41
ikoniaAvi_IRC: use the drivers in ubuntus restricted driver manager19:42
Surlentj800r: I think everyone's done that at least once :P19:42
lazyPowerAvi_IRC: you are asking for help with an unsupported driver though. Ikonia has the right idea using the restricted driver manager.19:42
j800rSurlent,  easier to compare that way ;)19:42
nikhilikonia, i used this command as per some post in ubuntu forum19:42
ra21viSurlent: resize by Gparted is possible for NTFS partition, but I would say that you go the safe way. Or maybe you can do it and let us know if something bad happens, that way other knows how to do it19:42
ikonianikhil: use the command I just gave you19:42
habernetis kiba-dock not in ubuntu repositories?19:43
j800rhabernet,  have you tried avant window manager?19:43
lazyPowerhabernet: Avant Window Navigator performs well...19:43
nikhilyep, i will see this works?  Thnx Ikonia, people like you encourage people like me to go for the kill19:44
j800ravant is fantastic, and you can install it through add/remove programs19:44
habernetthanks gusy19:44
ikonianikhil: your welcome19:44
Surlentra21vi: All I know is that I used GParted to create the partition in the first place, and it didn't bother Linux at all, and Windows runs fine save for the fact that my hard drive is labeled F: instead of C:. I can't think of any reason anything would mess up, but I figured I'd ask anyway.19:44
j800ronly thing i truely hate about ubuntu is that mic support is awful, and it's very hard to get skype to work :|19:45
lazyPowerj800r: worked great for me in hardy righto ut of the box19:45
frybyehi - I am using a 7" screen on an eeepc and somhow the menu bar has moved from top to side of the screen and is so squeezed together that it is hardly useable - the middle key produces a hand cursor but this does not let me pull the menu bar back to the top.. is there a way on the konsole to restore the default setting or similar..?19:45
lazyPowerj800r: are using alsa?19:45
habernetbrb lets see if awn will work on startup now tha i added to sesions19:45
j800rlazyPower,  ya, i think so19:45
lazyPowerj800r: :| Thats sucky man19:46
ikoniafrybye: you have to drag it with a left click19:46
ikoniafrybye: but you have to do it on an "empty" spot19:46
j800ri tried a fix on the forums, pulseaudio like, but it didn't help19:46
ikoniafrybye: it can take a while if your menu is full19:46
lazyPowerj800r: afk for a few man, phone.19:46
j800rnw bro19:46
robelliott2125Anyone know how / what causes Hotmail to tell me to update when using FF3?19:46
Surlentj800r: The only thing I hate about Linux is the lack of game support. Wine can only go so far, and seems to purposely decrease compatability with GZDoom with every release =( (Hence my dual-booting)19:47
ikoniarobelliott2125: hostmail tells you to update what ?19:47
frybyeikonia - there is no unused space on the squeezed togeter menu to grab hold of it..?19:47
ikoniafrybye: there is, you've just got to mess around with it19:47
ikoniafrybye: there is "always" a spot on it, just hard to find if your menu is full19:47
robelliott2125Sorry ikonia, Hotmail tells me to update my browser when logging in, but i'm using FF3.19:47
ikoniarobelliott2125: hot mail has no interest in your browser19:47
aldroidrobelliott2125: it wants IE7 :)19:48
Surlentof course, it's Microsoft's own crap, isn't it?19:48
j800rSurlent,  ya, that's a problem with me too. i used to play ragnarok a lot on a private server but i can't now. wine is ok, but i find it to make ubuntu sluggish19:48
robelliott2125Yeah, I know its MS Crap, but its MS Crap which I used before switching to Linux19:48
Gillpyrobelliott2125: switch to gmail19:48
frybyeikonia: bare in mind that the side edge of this screen is only about 4+" long.. the menu is v e r y squeezed together...19:48
ASULutzySurlent, j800r  Eh, I can run TF2, HL2, and other Steam games on Wine, I'd say that's pretty impressive.19:48
SurlentGet Gmail :P19:48
sirukin /part #ubtunu19:48
rrme 800*600 screenres, squeezed on side19:48
ikoniaGillpy: thats not an answer19:48
robelliott2125Gillpy, not a productive answer19:48
j800rASULutzy,  ahh, but i'm an rpg fan19:48
Joker_-_robelliott2125: have you tryed with geko?19:49
ASULutzyj800r, It runs WoW too ;)19:49
SurlentASULutzy: I can almost make Supreme Commander work, it just lags on the graphics pretty bad for some reason, and I get no sound19:49
porkchopi have a laptop with windows xp.  i want to install ubuntu.  with 8.04 you can 'install inside windows'    whats the best option:  install inside windows, or partition my hard drive and make it its own partition19:49
j800rbut you need more powerful hardware than with windows19:49
ikoniarobelliott2125: there is nothing wrong with hotmail - and hotmail doesn't care about what browser your using, I suspect it's a plugin your using thats incompatible with hotmail19:49
monsterHey guys, I've got a problem with firefox19:49
Joker_-_robelliott2125: like, try launching wine with the adress (hotmail.com)19:49
carandraugrobelliott2125: in that window you can choose to open it anyway if your "old" browser that it will work just fine19:49
aldroidrobelliot2125: I don't know that about FF3, but opera can mask itself as IE<whatever-version>19:49
ZeroA4robelliott2125, get an firefox extension that changes your user agent and hotmail will think you have whatever you want!19:49
jokkaaCould anyone help me getting flash player 6 installed?19:49
ikoniarobelliott2125: I am using hotmail %100 fine with firefox 3 on hardy19:49
Surlentporkchop: I personally have had nothing but trouble with the WUBI install inside windows bit19:49
monsterit tries to save .php files instead of rendering them19:49
ASULutzyporkchop, I don't think anyone here will suggest you use Wubi. I would absolutely suggest setting up a proper dual-boot19:49
tuxsudojmichelsen, what is the best way to make a small seperate partion with parted?19:49
frybyeikonia: good - i managed it .. bit of a mess now but will manage.. thanks..19:49
ikoniamonster: install the php5 package on your webserver19:49
porkchopok, sounds good19:49
aldroidJoker_-_: robelliot2125: It'll still use Gecko19:49
ikoniafrybye: well done19:49
robelliott2125ikonia, i've got the same addon's which I used when using Gutsy, which is Noscript and Adblock Plus, Noscript is allowing Hotmail and the rest of its crap, but still having the same prob19:50
monsterikonia: it's not MY server that's fucking up :/19:50
porkchopill use gparted to partition my hard drive.  any suggestions before i do that?19:50
tuxsudonothing is working, just errors19:50
ASULutzy!language | monster19:50
ubottumonster: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:50
monsterso it's not a bug in ff?19:50
robelliott2125Is that using the full version ikonia?19:50
ikoniamonster: watch your language19:50
Surlentporkchop: Backups19:50
Joker_-_aldroid: ?19:50
monsterso it's not a bug in ff?19:50
ikoniamonster: no - it will be their server19:50
monsterthat's odd19:50
Surlentporkchop: And don't chicken out at the end. I did that, and it screwed up everything =(19:50
monsteris it a mime-thing?19:50
frybyeikonia: too soon - it is the bottom task bar that is up there now .. oh jeez - one thing after the other.. my neighbour is perhaps right - the eeepc just is toooo small...19:50
Gillpyrobelliott2125: user agent switcher ?19:50
ASULutzyporkchop, Suggestions? Make sure you do it right, don't explode your already existing partitions if there is important data there19:50
ikoniamonster: normally an extenions issue on the websesrver19:50
carandraugrobelliott2125: is the problem you have with firefox inhotmails says saying "If you don’t want to upgrade right now you can still continue to Windows Live Hotmail, but some parts of it may not work and it may not be displayed properly." ?19:51
porkchopive heard to defrag windows first, is that a good idea?19:51
jmichelsentuxsudo: http://www.howtoforge.com/partitioning_with_gparted19:51
monsterhm. i see. thanks so far ikonia19:51
aldroidJoker_-_: AFAIK Wine uses Gecko for MSHTML OLE elements19:51
Surlentporkchop: It couldn't hurt19:51
Gneamonster: you should email them and let them know19:51
tuxsudoI cant download gparted :P19:51
ikoniatuxsudo: sudo apt-get install gparted19:51
j800rtuxsudo,  it's on the ubuntu live cd19:51
lazyPowerj800r: Ive run into more issues with pulse audio man. I'm all about alsa19:51
tuxsudoI have19:51
ikoniaj800r: it's not19:51
ikoniatuxsudo: and what does it say19:51
Joker_-_aldroid: I know, thats what I told him to do :P19:51
Gillpyrobelliott2125: the firefox plugin*   it works fine when you select IE7 on vista19:51
robelliott2125Gillpy, I shouldn't need to use a UA Switcher.  I'm a proud FF user, and shouldn't have to "cloak" as an IE or other browser.  It worked fine in FF2 on Gutsy19:52
j800rikonia,  er, yes it is, i've used it19:52
ikoniaj800r: you normally have to install it19:52
tuxsudodpkg: failed to open package info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' for reading: No such file or directory19:52
tuxsudoE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)19:52
ikoniarobelliott2125: you don't - it will be a plugin19:52
j800rnot if you boot the live cd19:52
robelliott2125Yes carandraug.19:52
aldroidrobelliot2125: looks like they've changed Hotmail19:52
ikoniatuxsudo: sudo apt-get update first19:52
frybyeikonia: now.. I have it .. right on the extreem end of the thing was a spot to grab it..19:52
ikoniaaldroid: I'm using it with FF3 - no problem19:52
j800rit has it on there already cause it uses it for installing ubuntu19:52
tuxsudosame error19:53
ikoniatuxsudo: ls -la /var/lig/dpkg19:53
carandraugrobelliott2125: in that text, just press "continue to Windows Live Hotmail,". It works just fine19:53
ikoniatuxsudo: (put the output in a pastebin)19:53
robelliott2125Ok, lets change this then...  FF3 on Winblows works fine, as I've just asked my partner to try.19:53
robelliott2125Yes i know carandraug, but i want to use the Full Version19:53
balzI'm trying to share a music directory via mt-daapd:  Itunes can connect to the share, but mt-daapd is not serving any music.  I tried doing several full scans and checking mt-daapd.  I don't know where to go from here, any suggestions?19:53
ikoniarobelliott2125: I suspect its a plugin issue19:53
tuxsudols: cannot access /var/lig/dpkg: No such file or directory19:53
ikoniatuxsudo: your install is dead19:53
robelliott2125Again ikonia, Noscript and Adblock Plus, both used on FF2, and no problem.19:54
ikoniatuxsudo: re-install19:54
jmichelsentuxsudo: sudo apt-get -f install19:54
Gneatuxsudo: /var/lib, not /var/lig19:54
ikoniatuxsudo: I've said this about 4 times19:54
j800rrobelliott2125,  get gmail or use a pop account19:54
lazyPowerrobelliott2125: Hotmail works just fine on a stock FF3 buddy. I just logged in19:54
carandraugrobelliott2125: I didn't knew there was a "full" version. What's the difference by the way?19:54
ikoniaGnea: ahhhh good spot19:54
robelliott2125Very productive answer j800r.19:54
jmichelsenikonia: his first question was about backing up data, can't reintstall without backuing up19:54
tuxsudothanks Gnea19:54
robelliott2125carandraug, the full allows you to drag and drop emails, view emails easily etc.19:54
j800rrobelliott2125,  your not gonna get the full version of hotmail on any linux browser19:54
ikoniajmichelsen: he didn't backup before he updated ?19:54
jmichelsenikonia: nope ;)19:55
robelliott2125You can and I have j800r.19:55
nikhilyep just installed KDE4 using apt-get code, Better than last time i installed KDE4.  Now on login, "Plasma Workspace error" is displayed.  What does this mean?19:55
jmichelsenikonia: and he has no external media, he's trying to gpart his hdd to make backup location19:55
robelliott2125lazyPower, thanks bud, i'll check my end again19:55
Picinikhil: Please ask in #kubuntu-kde419:55
j800rwell hotmail is from the enemy..i'd sooner not waste my breath on it19:55
j800rmicrosoft suck19:55
robelliott2125You have done though j800r.19:56
j800rrobelliott2125,  no, i suggested alternatives :P19:56
FSXHey, can someone help me? My videos play very slow.19:56
Gillpyrobelliott2125: best place ot ask is #firefo19:56
jmichelsen!ask | FSX19:56
ubottuFSX: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:56
robelliott2125Thanks Gillpy19:56
j800ryo, this ain't a support question, jus want an opinion. has anyone tried cent os before?19:57
cuilE: _cache->open() failed, please report.19:57
cuilhow to do??19:57
cuilE: _cache->open() failed, please report.19:58
FSXI have a laptop with an ATI card and my videos play very slow. I have installed the restricted driver.19:58
tuxsudoikonia, did you see my paste bin19:58
xintronI'm running fluxbox as wm and it's great, except one thing :/ My iPod won't load in rhythmbox. When I switch to my gnome-session it works fine but not using fluxbox (it connects without problem, but not listed in rhythmbox). How do I solve this? Or is there another good music manager that I can use with iPod support (playing from the iPod) and last.fm scrobble?19:58
j800rcuil,  how to report it? i think there's a bug report link on the ubuntu sight :\19:58
lazyPowerxintron: im using Exale media player, and i beleive it has support for what your wanting.19:58
mralexandromy adobe flash player 9 streams video very poorly? is this a normal case with a 8400m gs nvidia card?19:58
mralexandroi can ensure it is not internet speed19:59
xintronlazyPower: is it lightweight? I used moc and it works, but after playing a few songs moc hangs and looses contact with the iPod and I have to kill moc (works when playing files on the computer)19:59
roger_padactorhello trying to make a launcher for rdesktop but when i put rdesktop ipaddy nothing happens when i try it in the terminal it works.19:59
j800rdoes anyone else experience browser crashes on ff when playing a video (normally flash)19:59
lazyPowerxintron: i dont have an ipod to test for you :| Best i can say is apt-get it and try it. I've been using it for about a week now with no real issues.20:00
aldroidtuxsudo: try sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/available-old /var/lib/dpkg/available20:00
aldroidtuxsudo: really something has screwed up your system...20:01
sebrock_how do I automount a CD/DVD on boot?20:01
aldroidtuxsudo: then sudo apt-get update20:01
tuxsudowell it is reading database.......20:01
tuxsudoworking very slowly....after I make a partiton I am gonna back up and fresh install fo sure20:02
RemsSshi! everybody20:02
aldroidtuxsudo: can it install something?20:02
=== Tizz__ is now known as Tizz
tuxsudowonder why I had to rename the dpkg folder? Is it in the correct one now? or is it just a workaround for now?20:04
Gillpysebrock_: try adding to /etc/fstab :20:04
Gillpy/dev/path/to/drive  /path/to/mount/point  udf,iso9660 user,auto   0   020:04
balzanybody know why mt-daapd isn't serving files even after doing multiple scans of the music directory?20:04
balzI can provide mt-daapd.conf if needed20:05
robelliott2125Well my problem is now solved properly.  about:config - then the string general.useragent.vendor needs to be set to blank, and it works in full mode.20:05
tuxsudobrb restart20:05
sebrock_Gillpy I have that line except "noauto" so thats the clue I guess...20:05
aldroidtuxsudo: I don't know how apt-get works, but I have /var/lib/dpkg/available and you have /var/lib/dpkg/available-old, looks it's some sort of database for dpkg...20:05
RequinB4!hi | nikhil20:07
ubottunikhil: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:07
tzddoes anyone know which type intel atom processors are part of please? I mean is it included to the x86, Pentium etc. models or is it "Intel computers" ?20:08
kenny__I don't think you can go wrong with x8620:09
jmichelsentzd: x86 will work fine20:09
jordo2323_I have a server which people connect through via telnet. I am looking for a way to kick everyone off at night so a backup job can run. I think this can probably be done through cron. Anyone?20:09
tzdjmichelsen: ah you again... i should have you on speed dial ;P Thanks once again mate! :)20:10
carandraugrobelliott2125: so, hotmail defines whether it works in full version according to the OS and not the browser?20:10
aldroiddoes anyone know how to get a ZC0301P-based webcam to work?20:10
jmichelsentzd:  lol20:10
nemoWhy is it I can't find nm-applet under the list of applets to add to a panel?20:10
AldeenYES !20:10
jmichelsentzd: installing xubuntu now?20:10
dpickis it possible to have bind multiple commands to a keyboard shortcut, i tried with && and it didn't work?20:10
aldroiddpick: try shell scripts20:11
AldeenThat's terrible20:11
dpickaldroid: no luck20:11
=== w00kie is now known as tuxsudo
robelliott2125carandraug, the "general.useragent.vendor" string value was Firefox.  Remove it, and it works.  -  In Gutsy FF2 you had to change that value from Ubuntu to Firefox for the Full Hotmail to work, now its to be blank.20:11
tzdjmichelsen: about to download it for a usb bootable drive... well actually i'm creating the bootable usb drive now20:11
RequinB4dpick - a shell script should work...20:11
jmichelsentzd: gotcha20:11
aldroiddpick: you should put the script in your $HOME/bin or specify full pathname20:11
RequinB4dpick -- just chmod +x it and put it in your path, then run it as a command20:12
tuxsudowow, after that dpkg fix, everything seems righ including xserver! Hooray20:12
RequinB4!yay | tuxsudo20:12
ubottutuxsudo: Glad you made it! :-)20:12
jmichelsentzd: I prefer the cd method, usually just works but gl20:12
carandraugrobelliott2125: in mine it says Ubuntu. Ok, thanks20:12
dpickalright, thanks20:12
balzI'm getting "Bonjour Stopped" in the mt-daapd (firefly) webUI ... how do I start it?  I've already tried starting (and restarting) avahi-daemon.  is this why 0 songs are being served?20:12
robelliott2125Your welcome carandraug:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=883976  I just carried on hitting google and stumbled across it.  :P20:12
tzdjmichelsen: yeah me too, this is the first time I'm using the usb drive... need it though since an eee pc won't have a cd drive and i don't have an external one either20:14
cyban*Tears hair out*20:14
jmichelsentzd: lol eepc, true20:14
jmichelsentzd: brb in a bit20:14
cybanGrub Error 21, Grub Error 2, and some screwed up thing where theres a bunch of 9's acrpss the screen20:14
cybananyone have a trick to getting Ubu to install on a fakeraid 0 aray (Which it can find and has no problems with during install) ?20:15
tuxsudonow I need to know how to get rid of all those extra kernals in grub20:15
Gnea!fakeraid | cyban20:15
ubottucyban: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:15
cybanOr is this OS mainly for desktops?20:15
jordo2323_Is there a command to kill all telnet sessions?20:15
Gillpytuxsudo: /boot/grub/menu.lst20:15
tyyrant27anyone ever had trouble getting a laptop to start up on battery after a shutdown?  My computer will POST then shutdown on battery power after a shutdown.  If i plug it in it works fine.20:15
unoptuxsudo, if the older kernels are still installed, remove them with synaptic and they should be removed from grub20:16
dpickit doesn't execute the second command using a bash script20:16
Gneacyban: also, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6271720:16
cyban2 of those links from the Bot btw are 40420:16
Gneacyban: they all work here, try to refresh20:18
Ossejordo2323_ - killall telnet20:18
AnzaHow was that to get into the configuration folfer of an app? ~.nicotine    /home/~.nicotine    ?20:18
unopdpick, if you use && the second command only executes if the first one succeeds .. so if the second one isn't running, you know..20:18
dpickthe first one is running fine though20:18
jordo2323_How do you list cron jobs in the command line?20:19
unopAnza, ~/.nicotine  # but an app is not obliged to keep it's configuration files there .. it could be anywhere20:19
unopjordo2323, crontab -l20:19
Gnea!crontab | jordo2323_20:19
ubottujordo2323_: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm20:19
dpickjordo2323: cronta -l20:19
jordo2323_thx all20:19
unopdpick, use this syntax.   command1 & command220:19
seeker71any sftp gurus in the house?  I'm having a strange problem with it20:19
jpdsseeker71: Try: #ubuntu-server20:20
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:20
seeker71will do, thanks20:20
dpickunop: that worked, thanks20:20
j800r!Chinese| cuil20:20
ubottucuil: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:20
jesus_9001whats the open source ATi driver called20:21
Gneajesus_9001: ati20:21
Gneafor what?20:21
tyyrant27has anyone had trouble powering there laptop up after a shutdown on battery?  My laptop thinks my battery is dead when I power on after a shutdown.  After I plug it in it boots up fine and sees what my actual battery life is.  Anyone else have this trouble?20:22
jesus_9001nvm got it20:22
dpickis there anyway to execute a command after unlocking the gnome-screensaver, i just want my music to pause and unpause with lock and unlock20:22
Gneatyyrant27: once in awhile20:22
emlprimeis there a way to force a model instance to refresh its data from the database?20:22
redjamHowdy folks. Anyone got a minute they could maybe take a look at this for me see what they think? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89570620:22
tyyrant27Gnea:  mine is constant.  Every shutdown I have to plug it in to get it to turn back on.  Do you know what the cause is?20:23
BrucevdkGeneral question, is it possible to attach yourself to the stdout of a process that's already running? Should I be looking into gdb?20:23
RequinB4redjam: you'll get more clicks if you give a breif summary20:23
tyyrant27my acpi functions seem to act right?20:23
jesus_9001Does ubuntu install the closed source or the open source ATi drivers by default in Breezy20:23
Carroarmato0Anyone have experience setting up a VPN server using PPTP?20:23
aldroiddpick: unop: & will execute in parallel; use command1; command2 (semicolon) syntax to execute sequentially20:23
jesus_9001Does ubuntu install the closed source or the open source ATi drivers by default in Hardy sry20:23
RequinB4ubuntu can't legally ship proprietary software "by default'20:23
RequinB4does that answer your question20:24
unopaldroid, thanks .. i'm aware but he does not want that20:24
redjaminstalled ubuntu on my new 64bit machine and its incredibly slow :(20:24
kalehi, i need some help for setting up java, what do i do?20:24
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository20:24
inversionslines below and adjust the settings to your hearts content.20:24
inversionses] alid users = %S20:24
mralexandroi went into windows partition manager and redused the windows volume, because i wanted more hardisk space for my linux disk20:24
floppyearshi guys20:24
RequinB4!hi | floppyyears20:24
ubottufloppyyears: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:24
dpickunop: it doesn't really matter to me, i mapped gnome-screensaver to a shortcut and i want my music to pause and when i hit it too20:24
mralexandrobut how do i extend the already existing linux hardisk with more space20:25
jfAfter updating to kernel 2.6.24-21 fglrx stopped running with my ati xpress 200m :(20:25
Oli``Can I change which screen notifications (libnotify, I think) pop up on? By screen I mean out of my Twinview setup...20:25
unopdpick, so this keyboard shortcut calls a script which in turn calls gnome screensaver?20:25
phuzzieAm I the only one that finds Xorg seems to have a memory leak, over the weeks mine builds up to a resident size of close to 3GB...20:25
bastid_raZormralexandro; if you have a liveCD it is recommended to resize a partition in that.20:25
floppyearsI'm having some display issues with firefox in ubuntu hardy20:25
mralexandroi do have, thanks:)20:26
Anzawhat should I type in the terminal to get an app running?20:26
floppyearsI have the same problem as the one explained in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77612920:26
infz_I can't get the alternate install cd to work from USB stick, is there any guides to do this? The LiveCD works fine, but doesn't support LVM20:26
tyyrant27jf: did you install from ati or through synaptic the first time?20:26
mralexandrogparted right?20:26
DavidCanariasHi everyone! Any expert on audacity? I have the latest 1.3.4-beta version on my system and I don' know how to use it. It seems it's unstable so as a beginner would I be better off to download another version with a help manual???20:26
dpickunop, currently all thats in the script is, gnome-screensaver-command --lock & mocp --pause20:26
dpickwhich works20:26
unopAnza, the name of the app perhaps20:26
kalewhat i mean is, how do i get java to work in firefox?20:26
jftyyrant27: Unsure, it was a while ago and it's not my computer.20:26
jftyyrant27: But not I tried to download and install it manually.20:26
unopkale, install the sun-java6-jre package20:27
=== MindVirus is now known as [MindVirus]
jffrom ati.com20:27
phuzzieDavidCanarias: Beta software is by definition unstable...20:27
mralexandrobastid_razor: thanks for help20:27
=== [MindVirus] is now known as MindVirus
tyyrant27if you compiled the old drivers from ati you need to get rid of them first20:27
infz_so anyone who could help me with that ^?20:27
OsseCould someone help me with a script? I want it to check screen resolution, if it's X then change to Y and vice versa.20:27
ScuniziDavidCanarias: from what I've been able to discover, audacity has issues with Pulseaudio on Hardy20:27
jesus_9001Does ubuntu install the closed source or the open source ATi drivers by default in Hardy20:27
unopdpick, ok. and now you want to run another command when the screensaver unlocks?20:27
dpickunop: yep20:27
qrushI'm having a problem where firefox doesn't start. i've done 'killall firefox' but that wont let it start again20:27
DavidCanariasphuzzie. Thanks20:27
qrushany clues?20:27
kaleunop: would you happen to know what package i need for flash?20:27
Osseqrush - Goes it give you an error?20:27
unopdpick, i am not sure this is possible .. i can't verify either as i don't run gnome.20:28
DavidCanariasScunizi - should I find out about Pulseaudio then?20:28
valleypjesus_9001 opensource drivers20:28
unopkale, flashplugin-nonfree20:28
ScuniziDavidCanarias: check audacity'20:28
tyyrant27non-free-flash-plugin or something close tot hat kate20:28
rrclosed always ati20:28
kaleunop: ok, thanks20:28
dpickunop: i'm actually using xfce, but with gnome-screensaver20:28
tyyrant27yeah what unop said20:28
balzhow do i check who owns a directory with the command line?20:28
jesus_9001valleyp: If i'm having blank screen problems would it be safe to say that I should use the Official ATi driver then?20:28
ScuniziDavidCanarias: Check audacity's website and ubuntu forums20:28
rya1 *-network DISABLED20:28
rya1       description: Wireless interface20:28
rya1       physical id: 120:28
rya1       logical name: wlan020:28
rya1       serial: 00:14:a5:42:b2:6d20:28
FloodBot1rya1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:28
rya1       capabilities: ethernet physical wireless20:28
jftyyrant27: Can I do that without having the old ati.run-file or whatever?20:28
DavidCanariasscunizi - thanks will do20:28
bastid_raZorbalz; ls -al directory20:28
unopbalz, ls -ld directory20:28
rya1how do i enable my wireless?20:28
dpickis there a better way to lock the machine?20:28
w00kiewhat does this mean20:28
w00kieThe X Server does not support the XRandR extension.  Runtime resolution changes to the display size are not available.20:29
=== w00kie is now known as tuxsudo
Bond877Hello I have tried and tried and tried to intall Xubuntu. I know have several costers. I checked the iso's md5sum it matched. I then burned it to a disk at 4x. I booted and went through the intallation. I got to intalling base sytem and... error "The installer cannot figure out how to install the base system. No installable CD-ROM was fiund and no valid mirror was configured" I am know checking the cd integrity. Can anyone hel20:29
Ossetuxsudo - Was that to me? ^^20:29
qrushOsse: no, nothing pops up20:29
unopbalz, or more accurately.   stat -c '%G' /path/to/directory20:29
qrushOsse: i launched firefox and nothing happens20:29
haberneti just installed azureus and it says (after a test) that my port (20678) timed out and is probably closed. how do i fix this?20:29
OsseHmm, try killall firefox then alt+f2 firefox.20:29
Bond877I have googled and have found nothing. Other people have had it but it was either something that didn't work for me or not solved20:29
OsseCould someone help me with a script? I want it to check screen resolution, if it's X then change to Y and vice versa.20:30
dpickhabernet: you have to open the port on your router20:30
balzunop:  thanks20:30
habernetdpick trying that now hd on20:30
ScuniziBond877: do you have a functional Gnome Ubuntu install cd? if so you can install that system then sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop for the xfce interface and related files.20:30
rya1how do i enable my wireless on my laptop.  sudo lshw shows the wireless is disabled20:30
GillpyOsse: #bash maybe?20:31
OsseOh, thanks Gillpy.20:31
qrushOsse: I already did that20:31
locohostrya1, is there a wireless switch on the laptop?20:31
OsseSorry then, can't help you qrush.20:31
rya1yeah, its on.20:31
qrushonce again, i'm having an issue where firefox won't launch. i've killall firefox and launched it again to no avail20:31
balzokay... i figured out my mt-daapd problem.  My music directory was owned by another user.  How do i add full read/write priviledges for a particular user to a directory (including all subdirectories)?20:31
jesus_9001If i'm having blank screen problems would it be safe to say that I should use the Official ATi driver then?20:31
Bond877Oh the cd check is done it has a corrupt file ./poold/main/g/glibc/libc6-i686_2.7-10ubuntu3_i386.deb didn;t match the md5sum but the iso matched what happened?20:32
unopbalz, what is the path of this directory?20:32
DavidCanariasscunizi - I have checked with audacity and can download an earlier version 1.2.4b and others. I can download my debian no problem, but hey mention Architecture? and mention several so which would I download any idea????20:32
balzthe path is /var/lib/mythtv/music20:32
Gillpyqrush: launch it from terminal ?20:32
HotkeyI'm trying to figure out how to access my TV card in my dell pc using hardy - anyone help?20:32
Gillpyqrush: and see what erro?20:32
Bond877I do have a ubuntu cd but this computer is 500mhz and 192mb ram so I can't run Ubuntu :(20:32
balzand i need to give user "louis" full read/write that directory and all subdirs20:32
unopbalz, which group owns this directory?20:32
balzuser mythtv20:32
ScuniziDavidCanarias: i386 is typically the standard..20:32
unopbalz, group?20:32
Hotkeybalz is that for me?20:33
DavidCanariasscunizi no mention of i386. Just things like alpha, amd64, arm, hppa etc., so I'm lost!!20:33
balzunop:  i'm guessing mythtv?  I'm getting this for all subdirs:  drwxrws--- (number) mythtv mythtv (number 2008-08-20 20:2820:33
ScuniziDavidCanarias: give me a link to that page.20:33
DethrayMy volume control disappeared...what is the name of the applet? :)20:33
dpickbalz, do you just have a default mythtv setup?20:33
unopbalz, add your user to the mythtv group then20:33
Bond877Can anyone help20:34
balzdpik:  more or less20:34
kaleunop: ok, i instaled the java6 package, but firefox does not use it, how do i proced?20:34
balzunop:  how do I do that via command line?20:34
balzunop:  i'm sshed in20:34
dpickthen the group is mythtv20:34
balzHotkey:  are you using mythtv?20:34
unopbalz, sudo adduser $USER mythtv20:34
kalebalz: gpasswd -a user group20:34
seeker71winscp cannot overwrite files connecting to ubuntu with latest openssh installed.  can delete and create new files, but not overwrite existing.  permissions at 777 for testing. any ideas?20:34
DethrayBlah, found it. :)20:34
unopkale, did you restart firefox?20:34
kaleunop: yes20:34
GillpyDethray: alsamixer , gnome-volume-manager ?20:35
aldroiddpick: use: while [ "$(gnome-screensaver-command --query)" == "The screensaver is active" ]; do echo -n ""; done20:35
Hotkeybalz no - i have a dell pc with a tv card cable connection - works in xp - trying to get it set up in hardy20:35
aldroiddpick: to wait. weird but works.20:35
Bond877Ubuntu cd win't boot can anyone help me please.20:35
unopkale, navigate to about:plugins .. do you see java listed there?20:35
balzunop, it says that my user is already a member of "mythtv"20:35
DavidCanariasscunizi I've just found a version in audacity sourceforge Stable 1.2 for all users with options for Linux/Unix but I'm doubtful if this is the right one? Any ideas20:35
linuxfceHow do I use CVS respositories with CVS? After logging in to the sourceforge CVS I do not know what to do.20:35
kaleunop: nope, flash works though20:35
dpickaldroid: thanks20:36
balzhotkey: what software are you trying to use as far as viewing though?20:36
unopbalz, what does   groups  return?20:36
swmiller6Bond877: try the alternative install disk I allways have better luck with it20:36
ScuniziDavidCanarias: can you give me a link?20:36
kaleunop: i may need to make a symlink, but cannot remember which one to link from or to20:36
Bond877Anyone or do I have to re-burn the iso again that's what I have20:36
Bond877I have the alternative20:36
unopkale, are you sure you installed sun-java6-jre ?20:36
dpickaldroid: is there a way to lock a machine without using the screensaver, like in windows?20:36
Hotkeybalz read about tvtime on a few forums, installed thru synaptic but it wont run20:36
Daenyth|WorkHi, I'm installing ubuntu to dual-boot with vista on a laptop, and I'm using the guided resize option for the installer. It's been on 0% for the resizing partition thing for a long time20:36
DavidCanariasscunizi the link is http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/20:36
inbitado34how can i see if my 5.1 soun is working ?  i'm using oss now20:36
Bond877the regular Xubuntu was a little to resource demanding to intall20:36
kaleunop: yes20:36
dpickHotkey: you can use mplayer to view a tvcard20:37
Hotkeydpick i dunno20:37
unopkale, and the firefox you have installed now was taken from the repos?20:37
kaleunop: yes20:37
swmiller6Bond877: do you have a different cd burner you can use20:37
Bond877Please I have  burned the to disk 6 time non working with because some iso was corrupt or burning or wrong burning ,ethoud20:37
dpickHotkey: its kinda of difficult because you have to give it a channel file20:37
kaleunop: only repo added is multiverse20:37
Hotkeydpick i have mplayer but no idea how to have it access tv card20:38
Daenyth|Workdmesg says that "program parted_devices is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, pleaase convert it to SG_IO20:38
dpickHotkey: why don't you just use the mythfrontend?20:38
balzunop:  groups returns:  louis adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev fuse mythtv admin lpadmin20:38
Daenyth|Workwill the vista partition be damaged?20:38
DavidCanariasscunizi - this link will take you thru to debian and then all the architecture business I mentionned earlier!!!!20:38
Hotkeydpick ok - whats involved?20:38
unopkale, what does this return?   dpkg -l | grep -i sun-java6-jre20:38
Bond877Yes but I have tried with that I ty again because the time I used that burner it was a bad iso20:38
r4bis anyone here running netbook remix?20:38
ScuniziDavidCanarias: looking now20:38
balzHotkey:  I've never heard of tvtime, but I can attest to mythtv's awesomeness20:38
balzmight be overkill for what you're trying to do but it does work20:38
unopbalz, what exactly happens when you try and write to the directory then?20:38
Paddy_EIREhey Pici little information here so far will provide the rest in a moment once I get this thing hooked up to the net. Anyway got a mates E-Machines 4115c with ubuntu installed on it.. all working from day 1 till yesterday his wireless will not connect to anything..20:38
kaleunop: ii  sun-java6-jre                              6-06-0ubuntu120:38
DavidCanariasscunizi :) thanks a lot!20:38
balzHotkey:  i'm guessing it's rpobably a driver issue, but i dont' know20:38
Bond877Is there anyway to put backup files on the cd so if the onw in the iso fails it will try the backup of that file?20:39
swmiller6Bond877: did you run a memory test?20:39
Hotkeybalz that could be20:39
habernetim trying to open a port on my router so i can use azureus, in my router it asks for an application name and give things like pop3, http, etc. what should i choose?20:39
balzunop:  well i'm trying to get mt-daapd to scan the directory recursively and it keeps failing so i ran mt-daapd -f and it gave me opendir:  Permission denied for each subdirectory20:39
Bond877Not yet though I thought it was fine because the Live CD ran (IT was SLOW though and also froze)20:39
KaiForcehabernet you'll probably need to create a new service20:39
Paddy_EIREPici: likely causes.. an update possibly.. or perhaps just the wrong driver.. I noticed the internal wifi registers as a usb device.. odd20:40
dpickhotkey: http://www.anandtech.com/guides/viewfaq.aspx?i=15420:40
Paddy_EIREor not20:40
swmiller6Bond877: I had similar problem and it ended up being the ram20:40
Daenyth|WorkCan someone help me please?20:40
tyyrant27balz: where did you download it from?20:40
Bond877OK I'll run a mem test20:40
Hotkeydpick ok thanks i'll take a peek20:40
unopbalz, does the group mythtv have read/write permissions on each of the subdirs?20:40
balztyrant27:  download what?20:40
Bond877torrent and md5sum passed20:40
Paddy_EIRE!ask | Daenyth|Work20:40
ubottuDaenyth|Work: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:40
Carroarmato0How can I set iptables to forward Vpn connections from ppp0 to the internet on eth0?20:40
swmiller6Bond877: is there more then on stick of ram in the machine?20:40
balzunop:  how do i check? forgive my n00bness20:40
tyyrant27balz: sry...20:40
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: I did ask, lemme repaste it20:40
tyyrant27Bond: where did you download it from20:41
Bond877One sec Thanks for the help20:41
habernetkaiforc, i just installed azureus and it says that my port is probably closed (20678) i've never had this problem before with torrent apps, how do i fix it?20:41
ScuniziDavidCanarias: looks like you're stuck with the source packages no matter what you do.  I did find a .deb of version 1.3.x.x at http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=audacity20:41
Daenyth|WorkI'm using the guided ntfs resize option on the 8.04 installer; it's stuck at 0% for quite some time. dmesg says that "program parted_devices is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, pleaase convert it to SG_IO. Will the ntfs partition be damaged if I abort it now?20:41
Daenyth|Work0% for "resizing partition"20:41
unopkale, not sure .. you might want to create a link to the libjavaplugin.so file in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins20:41
rrdaentyth vista with other os dont20:42
unopbalz, ls -ld ,...20:42
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: then you'll just need a little patience till someone frees up thats all.. perhaps If I get these comps finished in the next hour or so I will try my best to help you if that would be alright20:42
kaleunop: sun-java6-Ãplugin probably ...20:42
KaiForcehabernet: create a new service on your router called torrent or whatever, assign the right port, and create a port forward that uses that service and points to your azureus machine.20:42
ScuniziDavidCanarias: unfortuantly I've never found the solution to Audacity in Hardy with pulseaudio.  I've had to load audacity on my windows partition just to get things done.20:42
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: I just want to know if it will be damaged if I abort right now20:42
DocMabusesomebody can help me with the mplayer?20:42
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: the student is leaving the country tomorrow, and I'm leaving here in 45 minutes20:42
Paddy_EIREoh 1 sec let me read that again Daenyth|Work20:42
dpickDocMabuse: maybe what did you need help with?20:42
swmiller6kale: have you tried alternative configurator20:42
TheaxiomI know this may sound like a dumb question, but how do I add an executable to my path in ubuntu?20:43
GneaDocMabuse: what's wrong with it?20:43
kaleunop: yep, that was it, thank for the insights, im using gentoo myself, but this is for a newbee20:43
DocMabuseMy Films have extrem bliue color20:43
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: no it wont20:43
balzunop:  i tried on one of the subdirectories and got this:  drwxrws--- 8 mythtv mythtv 48 2008-08-20 20:28 /var/lib/mythtv/music/Zebrahead20:43
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: ah thanks20:43
FloodBot1OMFGrhombus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
GneaOMFGrhombus: was that an attempt at intelligence?20:43
kaleswmiller6: i just needed the sun-java6-plugin package20:43
Bond877Yes there are two RAM modules20:43
Gnea!ops | OMFGrhombus20:43
ubottuOMFGrhombus: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!20:43
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: it may perform a chkdsk though on next boot into your windows partition20:43
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: it did not actually touch the FS20:43
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: that's fine as long as it's not damaged.20:43
unopbalz, just to make sure -- log out and log back in20:43
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: great, thanks20:43
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: sure mate no probs good luck20:44
DocMabusethen i wnat to install the codec but the shell told me i dont have a package for this20:44
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
DavidCanariasscunizi - oh dear!!! I just wanted to edit some music files and someone suggested audacity. Is there another one I can use to do the job?20:44
dpickDocMabuse: which codec?20:44
lufisI used to be able to read/write FTP right in Nautilus, but now it opens up Firefox. What's up with that?20:44
DavidCanariasscunizi - another program?20:44
DocMabusesudo apt-get install w32codecs20:44
ScuniziDavidCanarias: there are others but I haven't used them.  Search Synaptic for audio editor and see what pops up.20:44
TheaxiomSimple question, how do I add an executable to my PATH in Ubuntu?20:44
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: you may need to just plain kill ubuntu (cold boot) in order for it to perhaps kill that faulty process20:45
lufisTheaxiom: sudo cp executable /usr/bin20:45
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: yeah, I'll play around20:45
dpickTheaxiom: do you want to move a executable there?20:45
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: nothing major to worry about though20:45
Daenyth|WorkI can change to tty so I'm not particularly worried20:45
Theaxiomdpick: No20:45
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: does the install cd have sysrq enabled?20:45
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: and always keep backups :)20:45
Paddy_EIREDaenyth|Work: yes20:45
lufisTheaxiom: or just move it to /opt and run it from there, that's what i always do20:45
balzunop:  ok logged back in20:45
Theaxiomlufis: I can't move it20:46
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: yeah, I backed up the student's data before, but I dislike giving people their stuff back in worse shape than they gave it to me20:46
Bond877Mem test is running20:46
DavidCanariasscunizi - thanks a lot for your help20:46
unopOsse,  if [[ $(awk '{print $1}' < <(xrandr | grep '*')) == '1280x768' ]]; then xrandr -s 1280x1280; fi20:46
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: luckily he has the vista disks at home so it shouldn't be a problem20:46
balzunop:  i'm sshed in, so i just need to close that session and start a new one, right?  that counts as log out/in?20:46
DocMabusedpick did you know?20:46
Daenyth|Workunop: [[ is not part of the if syntax20:46
Daenyth|Workunop: you can just "if awk blah; then20:46
unopDaenyth|Work, assuming his shell is bash .. [[ is valid syntax20:46
Daenyth|Workunop: [[ is not syntax, [[ is a command20:46
lufisTheaxiom: So you want to add the directory the binary is in to your path correct/20:47
unopDaenyth|Work, stop being silly ..  which [[  returns nothing20:47
Theaxiomlufis: Yes, do I just need to make a symlink?20:47
unopbalz, i suppose .. try creating a file in one of those dirs.20:47
GillpyTheaxiom: you can edit $PATH to include the directory of teh executable  or you can create an alias to point to the absolute path20:47
Daenyth|Workunop: `help if'20:47
tyyrant27theaxiom: can't you use ln -s/20:47
balzunop;  what if i did chmod 777?20:47
unopDaenyth|Work, though [  is a command .. [[ is not20:48
unopbalz, that gives everyone in the world write access - which is unnecessary20:48
TheaxiomGillpy: Thank you20:48
Theaxiomlufis: tyyrant27: thanks20:48
Daenyth|Workunop: sorry; [[ is a bash builtin20:48
inbitado34how can i see if my 5.1 soun is working ?  i'm using oss now20:48
unopDaenyth|Work, right .. and necessary in this case20:49
Daenyth|Workoh I see20:49
Daenyth|WorkI would have done it differently20:49
balzunop:  is there a way to do that just for user "louis" ?20:49
unopDaenyth|Work, there's 17 ways to skin a cat ..20:49
balzunop:  actually i just tried making a directory and it worked...20:49
bastid_raZorpoor cat20:49
balzso i have no idea why firefly can't do it20:50
unopbalz, i don't see why your command fails20:50
Paddy_EIREunop: I bet I could beat that record20:50
balzunop:  yeah it's weird20:50
unopbalz, is that user a member of the mythtv group ?20:50
Daenyth|Workis there anything special I have to do to restart the ubuntu installer? I did a telinit 3; telinit 5, and now it's just got the background20:50
Paddy_EIREwhat a user name20:50
balzunop:  i believe so20:50
Daenyth|Workbut the app didn't start20:50
* Paddy_EIRE face palms20:50
balzunop:  how do i check?20:50
unopbalz, groups username  i think20:50
Daenyth|Worklemme try a zap..20:50
Zopiacthis thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=242533 says that a mag innovation lcd monitor does not work with ubuntu, can i get a confirmation???20:50
balzyeah that user is part of that group20:51
=== rn114_ is now known as rn114
unopbalz, log on as that user and try creating a file in one of those dirs20:51
Daenyth|Workok, really odd20:51
Daenyth|WorkI Zapped X and now I can't type anything on tty20:51
Bond877The Memtest is at 22 percent20:51
Daenyth|WorkI can change tty fine, but I can't type20:51
balzunop:  i did. it works20:51
Daenyth|Workand X isn't restarting..20:51
rn114hi guys, i'm trying to make an ubuntu package but it bombs out when i run pbuilder20:52
Bodsda!enter > Daenyth|Work20:52
ubottuDaenyth|Work, please see my private message20:52
rn114apparently The following packages have unmet dependencies:20:52
rn114  pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: libdts-dev which is a virtual package.20:52
rn114and some more apparently virtual package that i'm pretty sure aren't virtual20:52
unopbalz, hmm, very strange.  did you recently add this user to the mythtv group .. or was it setup that way?20:52
Daenyth|WorkPaddy_EIRE: thanks for the help20:53
balzit was set up that way20:53
ScuniziDavidCanarias: no problem.. sorry for the late reply.. working.. interruptions and everything :)20:53
unopbalz, actually .. what is this command, and how are you invoking it?20:53
fevelI am having trouble with proftpd can anyone help me , It doesnt let me create folders or anything20:53
Bond877What else could cause a problem20:53
abbothey guys.  i'm having problems with my wifi.  i used ndiswrapper before (in gutsy) with these same drivers and it worked.  now in hardy they don't seem to be working.  it says it's installed ok and the hardware is present, but it wont find any networks.20:53
deurytecon some one help me please20:53
Bond877for installation this iso is corrupt yet the iso passed the md5sum20:53
balzunop:  the mt-daapd -f command?  I got it from a forum because i was having problems with getting a music share up.  it seems as though ti gives real time output and error messages20:54
deurytehelp please?20:55
Bond877What is your problem20:55
unopbalz, so how exactly are you calling this command and what kind of error messages do you get?  use the pastebin and show us an excerpt .. maybe the problem is beyond permissions?20:55
kendenHEllo there. I seem to have a very annoying problem with Hardy Heron 8.04. Every time I select "switch user" and then log back in with the same user my session is closed and it starts a new one. So whenever i want to leave programs running and switch user for securtiy purposes so that others can use the computer but not my user, I cannot do it because its as if my session is closed every time i switch users. What could the problem be and how could i fix it?20:55
kendenThanks in advance20:55
Osseunop - It doesn't switch back to my selected value.20:56
aldroidkerden: Congrats, you've just logged on twice as the same user.20:56
deuryteBond877> i just downloaded the new iso image of ubuntu, what do i need to open it up?, i do not have a dvd rw20:56
balzunop:  before I do.  there's a runas parameter in the config file whose value is mt-daapd ... i don't have such a user, coudl that be the problem?20:56
thomasiteI have a problem. :( I'm hoping to use Latex in my system. What do I have to install? Thanks.20:56
unopbalz, it sure could .. but i can't speak for how mythtv is designed20:56
Bond877Wait to extract the files from the iso or to burn it to cd20:57
unopbalz, you could change that to reflect an actual user on the system20:57
balzunop:  let me try that, then i actually have to run.  thanks so much for the help though20:57
linthello, can someone tell me how to upgrade from version 6.06 to the most recent version of ubuntu?20:57
balzunop:  yeah that's what i'm going to try real quick20:57
Paddy_EIREhey SNuxoll was already trying Pici but could not get him earlier,  little information here so far will provide the rest in a moment once I get this thing hooked up to the net. Anyway got a mates E-Machines 4115c with ubuntu installed on it.. all working from day 1 till yesterday his wireless will not connect to anything..20:57
unopOsse, try using an echo command to see if the test succeeds.20:57
Paddy_EIRESNuxoll: : likely causes.. an update possibly.. or perhaps just the wrong driver.. I noticed the internal wifi registers as a usb device.. odd no?20:57
deuryteBond877> well, my cd drive wont open the iso. do i need other software to open it from the desktop location?20:58
linthello, can someone tell me how to upgrade from version 6.06 to the most recent version of ubuntu?20:58
Paddy_EIRE!upgrade | lint20:58
ubottulint: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes20:58
kendenaldroid why does that happen? That didnt use to happen and i was not aware nor think that is the default setting. I should be able to simply reopen/unlock the session which i previously left open when i switched user20:58
unopOsse,  if [[ $(awk '{print $1}' < <(xrandr | grep '*')) == '1280x768' ]]; then echo attempting to change to 1280x1280; fi20:58
k31tohi, just installed the latest fglrx driver from ati website and its pants so need to remove it, but sudo apt-get remove --purge xorg-driver-fglrx does nothing, how do I revert to the open source driver again? help!20:58
Osseunop - on it =)20:59
Osseunop - Mind if I PM you?20:59
SNuxollPaddy_EIRE: hrm, is it a laptop?20:59
Paddy_EIRESNuxoll: oh yeah yes lol20:59
kendenHEllo there. I seem to have a very annoying problem with Hardy Heron 8.04. Every time I select "switch user" and then log back in with the same user my session is closed and it starts a new one. So whenever i want to leave programs running and switch user for securtiy purposes so that others can use the computer but not my user, I cannot do it because its as if my session is closed every time i switch users. What could the problem be and how could i fix it?20:59
kendenThanks in advance20:59
unopOsse, let's keep this in the channel so others can contribute too.21:00
SNuxollPaddy_EIRE: a lot of laptops seem to use internal USB for wifi these days, makes it easier to switch on and off21:00
Paddy_EIRESNuxoll: I'm doing the usuals at the moment... lspci etc21:00
OsseOkay, well - if [[ $(awk '{print $1}' < <(xrandr | grep '*')) == '1440x900' ]]; then echo -e "1440x900"; fi It outputted what the echo tells.21:00
Paddy_EIRESNuxoll: ah I see21:00
SNuxollPaddy_EIRE: lsusb silly :P21:00
Paddy_EIRESNuxoll: doh21:00
deuryteBond877> here is what happened, i loeaded an older version of 8.04,"not iso", so now i downloaded the new iso to a different pc and used winimage to open iso and put THAT on a thumb drive, will i need other software to open that??21:01
unopOsse, ok .. so it seems that using xrandr to set a new mode fails --  does xrandr even support the new mode you want?21:01
Paddy_EIRESNuxoll: other than that the lappy is a flying machine... mostly intel including gfx21:01
unopOsse, type xrandr on its own to find out21:01
Osseunop - Yeah, I've tried xrandr -s 640x480, it switches.21:01
* Paddy_EIRE brb21:01
OsseSo I can change the echo to "xrandr -s 640x480"21:01
SNuxollPaddy_EIRE: nice21:01
unopOsse, right21:01
deurytehelp please?21:02
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
Bond877I am21:03
DocMabuseok i found it21:03
DocMabusereally banal21:03
kendenHEllo there. I seem to have a very annoying problem with Hardy Heron 8.04. Every time I select "switch user" and then log back in with the same user my session is closed and it starts a new one. So whenever i want to leave programs running and switch user for securtiy purposes so that others can use the computer but not my user, I cannot do it because its as if my session is closed every time i switch users. What could the problem be and how could i fix it?21:04
kendenThanks in advance21:04
Osseunop - I solved it =)21:04
k31todoes anyone know how to uninstall the fglrx driver from the ati website for hardy?21:04
unopOsse, nice. what did you do?21:04
k31toreverting to the open source ati one21:04
Osseunop - I just added an else;21:04
Osseif [[ $(awk '{print $1}' < <(xrandr | grep '*')) == '1440x900' ]]; then xrandr -s 640x480; else xrandr -s 1440x900; fi21:04
=== xxxxxx is now known as Guest28222
fieteHi! network-manager (pptp) doesnt store some passwords. how can i directly access or reset the keyring?21:05
unopOsse, that's unnecessary .. but anyway ..21:05
OsseIt didn't switch if I just had it like the previous. =(21:05
robot_jesushow can I tell what /dev device my external usb drive ?21:05
unopOsse, actually that could be adverse if your current mode is not  1440x90021:05
robot_jesusits not currently mounted Im trying to mount it21:05
abboti'm trying to get 3d support so compiz will work.  i have an ATI Radeon card and i had compiz working fine under gutsy.  when i try now though it tells me "desktop effects can not be enabled"21:05
unoprobot_jesus,  sudo fdisk -l21:06
arrrghhhabbot, do you have the accelerated drivers installed for ati?21:06
arrrghhh!ati | abbot21:06
ubottuabbot: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:06
k31toabbot: 2 secs got the answer for you...21:06
Osseunop - It could?21:06
k31toabbot: mkdir -p ~/.config/compiz; echo SKIP_CHECKS=yes >> ~/.config/compiz/compiz-manager21:06
k31toabbot: are you using the open source driver21:06
unopOsse, yea.. if your current mode is say 1024x768 .. that will set it to  1440x90021:06
WDCOh hai21:06
OsseBut if my mode is 1440x900 then it switches to 640x480, if it aint 1440x900 it switches to 1400x900.21:07
WDCWhen I open computer I get this: Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations.21:07
floppyearshi guys21:07
floppyearsI installed ubuntustudio21:07
floppyearsand now not all the icons show up correctly :(21:07
sub-escwhat command do I run to find out what apache modules are installed- particularly I want to know if the mod_rewite is installed. I tried "apache2 -M" but all it returned was "apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}"21:07
Osseunop - Yes, but I only use two modes, one when I output the monitor on my TV, and one when I use the computer21:07
shafiretimeout ---> http://z0r.de/?id=127221:07
unopOsse, well well, you know what the command does .. :)21:08
dusty_Hey guys, how can you send a file from the command line via email (like echo/mail/sendmail) anyone know ?21:08
OsseWell, anyways. Thanks alot unop! Appriciate the help.21:08
k31toabbot: polite to reply ?21:08
arrrghhhdusty_, you can telnet into smtp servers, but i've never tried to attach a file with that, i've just used it to send test mails to ensure the mailsever was OK21:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gvfs21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cancer21:09
abbotk31to: so i need to install xorg-driver-fglrx?21:09
arrrghhhyou will soon ubottu ... you will soon21:09
robot_jesusunop: hmm didnt work21:10
stefanbildeanyone can help me, i get sound out of both speakers and headset at the same time??21:10
arrrghhhstefanbilde, splitter21:10
phaverkampAnyone have problems/comments with gvfs?21:10
unoprobot_jesus, didn't work means what exactly?21:10
k31toabbot: no21:10
robot_jesusunop , oops that worked now I needed the second usb installed for power i guess21:11
unopdusty_, the sendmail manpage should tell you how21:11
k31toabbot: are you using the open source driver? if so type what I told you to type above into a terminal and hit enter21:11
k31toabbot: your card is blacklisted, that just bypasses the blacklist ;)21:11
abbotk31to: ok.  i'll try.  one sec.  thanks21:11
sub-esc what command do I run to find out which apache modules are installed- particularly I want to know if the mod_rewite is installed.21:11
k31toabbot: np21:12
k31toabbot: I'm just trying to remove the fglrx driver... its pants21:12
WDCWhen I open computer I get this: Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations.21:12
WDCSomeone has GOT TO HAVE this error: Nautilus cannot handle computer:  locations.21:14
arrrghhhWDC, we're volunteers, take it easy.  someone will help if they know how.21:14
=== mohadib_ is now known as mohadib
abbotk31to: it works now.  it's slower than before though, and i've got that 1 pixel line artifact on the right side of my drop shadow.  i'll have to find out how to fix that again.21:14
WDCI know, but I hear a lot about it online, and it seems to be 8.0421:14
arrrghhhWDC, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80159721:14
djhashWDC: not necessary.. I have 4 installations of ubuntu.. and never had this error..21:15
WDCdjhash: So, you DON'T know what it is?21:15
k31toabbot: what card you got?21:16
unopsub-esc, apache2 -M21:16
k31toabbot: the ati cards are blacklisted for a reason, I'm saving up, I gotta get me an nVidia asap!21:17
abbotk31to: i don't know specifically.  it's in a laptop.21:17
unopsub-esc, but you might need to edit /etc/apache2/apache.conf and change the values of User and Group  both to www-data21:17
nadiaI installed an application by downloading and installing the .deb file (so not though Syn. Pack.man. or Add/Remove Applications). The application works fine, but there is no shortcut/launcher "inserted" into the Applications menu like with normal programs. Did I mis something?21:17
k31toabbot: type sudo lshw -class display21:17
k31toabbot: pastebin results21:17
djhashWDC: i never said I did.. my comment was about ur mentioning of this error being 8.04 related..21:17
unopnadia, try  sudo update-menus21:17
dusty_unop, i cant see?21:17
unopnadia, also perhaps. a logout might help21:18
stefanbildeanyone can help with sound, speakers dont cut the sound when i plug the headset in21:18
rrodd spending money on something you dont know21:18
WDCdjhash: I know, but I was making sure if or if not you could help21:18
k31toabbot: or lspci | grep VGA21:18
urkkiHow to install arial-font?21:18
djhashWDC: sorry for the misleading.. no i can't help..21:18
nadiaunop: I'ts been many reboots since the installation ;) I don't think its showing up.21:18
carandraugurkki: go to synaptic package manager and install mstffcorefont21:19
abbotk31to: says Radeon IGP 330M/340M/350M21:19
unop!info msttcorefonts | urkki21:19
ubottuurkki: msttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.4 (hardy), package size 34 kB, installed size 196 kB21:19
bobertdosWDC: You ARE using Hardy, right? According to the forums, it's a bug in Gvfs. They say the only way to get around it is to avoid updating that component after a fresh installation.21:19
unopnadia, not sure then. :/21:19
bobertdosWDC: but like a lot of other people running Hardy, I have never had this problem.21:19
sub-escthanks unop. i'll looking int that21:20
abbotk31to: http://pastebin.com/d37a597b21:20
k31toabbot: thats what card you got ;) the command line is pretty handy at telling you what your system holds21:21
nadiaunop: Is it usual that some Linux applications don't necessarily place an shortcut in the GNOME Applications menu, in contrast to most Windows application installation do?21:21
DigiFlywhats a good audiocrad for 8.04 64bit ? i need always to put my old sb live back to get thing running better. but sb connect or newer card sounds much better.21:21
kendenHEllo there. I seem to have a very annoying problem with Hardy Heron 8.04. Every time I select "switch user" and then log back in with the same user my session is closed and it starts a new one. So whenever i want to leave programs running and switch user for securtiy purposes so that others can use the computer but not my user, I cannot do it because its as if my session is closed every time i switch users. What could the problem be and how could i fix it?21:21
kendenThanks in advance21:21
PokshunFriends, some of you may have heard about "easy_install" - can someone tell me how is installing a python app with easy_install different from installing via apt-get (in debian)21:21
DigiFlyBut for now microfoon and some audio in flash is really broken21:21
abbotk31to: thanks.  i'll have to tweak some compiz settings and turn some things off so it runs a bit smoother.21:21
arrrghhhkenden, why are you switching users and logging back in with the same user?21:21
k31toabbot: you could also install this pack sudo apt-get install sysinfo   --- if you run it by typing sysinfo in the terminal you can find out _loads_ of info on your system and export it to a handy text file ;)21:22
abbotk31to: now i've just gotta get my wifi working again.21:22
carandraugnadia: I've seen that before. I use the main menu so I can configure it manually. I find it better and takes less space in the panel21:22
k31toabbot: np I'm off now, peace21:22
unopnadia, it depends on whether a menu entry is wanted or not .. the entry could be placed in the system/admin menu too21:22
k31toabbot: want my advice? buy a card that actually works with linux, I did and it works 10x better than my previosu card did with xp lol21:23
arrrghhhnadia, it's up to the package maintainer whether or not a menu entry is created.21:23
arrrghhhabbot, nvidia all the way baby21:23
DigiFlyk31to, what type and manufacture ?21:23
nadiathen this application probably doesn't install any21:23
k31toabbot: it cost £20 from linuxemporium (it was an edimax) I now have NO dropouts ever21:23
unopdusty_, sendmail -bunch -of -options </path/to/file.txt21:23
HailandKillI've been desperately trying to get better performance from my ATI X1100 chip. The fglrx driver with ubuntu gives slow video playback and casues wine to crash... the open source fast playback but horrible framerates on even Diablo II.. tried to install the latest ati drivers, failed.. now though the Hardware Drivers Manager doesn't see the card...?21:23
k31toDigiFly: see above21:23
carandraugnadia: also, if you right click the menu, you can select "Edit menus". You can manually add it21:23
dusty_unop, what are the options or can it just be sendmail </path/to/file.txt ?21:24
kendenarrrghhh Because i do not want to leave my session open. I want others to be able to user ubuntu with other users and then i want to retrieve my session by loggin back in.. Does that mak sensE?21:24
k31toDigiFly: abbot: http://www.linuxemporium.co.uk/products/wireless/  --> Edimax 54 Mbps Wireless PCI card21:24
=== superstraw is now known as mudddghost
unopdusty_, you need to specify a to address, a subject, a from address, etc21:24
nadiacarandraug: Now that's a handy thing :) didn't knew where to find that function, been looking all over. Thanks!21:25
MonthOLDpickleHey SeaPhor21:25
dtorkelsonI've just installed hardy on my toshiba satellite, but the gui is only using a small square in the center of the screen21:26
DigiFlyk31to possible i look to qwuick. but i dont see audio21:26
unopdusty_, be careful with binary files tho .. those need to be encoded for attachments.21:26
k31toHailandKill: there should be a removal script in /usr/share/ati execute that and revert back to the open driver, if you need to fglrx then reinstall that (though i wouldn't)21:26
k31toDigiFly: we were talking about wifi cards21:26
carandraugnadia: you can also change the icon. It's a little tricky. When you select the propierties of a launcher, you can see the icon. CLick on the icon and a window to change it appears21:26
DigiFlyI need a audiocard21:26
MonthOLDpicklehow do I make my nvidia card used?21:27
MonthOLDpickleits a GeForce Go 7900 GS21:27
MonthOLDpickle2 years old21:27
carandraug!nvidia | MonthOLDpickle21:27
ubottuMonthOLDpickle: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:27
arrrghhhkenden, no it doesn't21:27
k31toDigiFly: ahh, there will be some lists online somewhere ;)21:27
DigiFlyi know. but the have mostly older hardware. :|21:27
nadiacarandraug: Thanks, was just wondering how I could do that. Pretty well concealed I must admit ;)21:28
IndyGunFreakMonthOLDpickle: you should just be able to enable it in restricted drivers.21:28
sivanhi all21:28
HailandKillk31to: I didn't really explain very well.. while I get better video playback on the open source drivers, I can't play any games.. which I would kind of like... so I was going back to fglrx. But now the drivers manager can't see it.. well, I wondered why that might be?21:28
sivanAfter the last update the X server seems to switch mode on the screen , gets blank but nothing more then that21:29
sivananybody know how to remedy that?21:29
bobertdos!hello | sivan21:29
ubottusivan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:29
k31toDigiFly: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Main21:29
sivan(and if it's a problem of the last update?)21:29
k31toDigiFly: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-433850.html21:29
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:29
arrrghhhkenden, just do the switch user, login with the NEW user, let them do their thing, then when they log out it should kick back to a locked screen with your session waiting to be unlocked.21:29
k31toHailandKill: did you install from the ati site?21:30
DigiFlythanks k13to21:30
hellcattravHey all, ok so am at gamespot.com now and wanting to watch a video yet I don't see any sound21:30
hellcattravhear rather21:30
hellcattravI do see the video though..21:30
k31toDigiFly: np21:30
* sivan wonders if anyone got stuck with the same issue21:30
sanguisdexSo every 3rd time when I come out of suspend my laptop will not play sound till I reboot.  this happens when I have an active sound card when I go into suspend.  when I run run cat on the device I get "Input/outPut error".  any thing I could run to avoid haing to rebbot?21:30
bobertdos!x | sivan21:31
ubottusivan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:31
HailandKillk31to: I did.... it wasn't happy.21:31
k31toHailandKill: I did too that is why your driver manager can't see it21:31
ConstyXIVanyone in here know a little shell scripting?21:31
k31toHailandKill: you are stuck with it unitl you remove via the provided script21:31
k31toHailandKill: if you install from the repos you can disable from the driver manager...that is the only way21:32
HailandKillk31to: aah okay. Are you using fglrx from the ati site now?21:32
k31toHailandKill: just got rid ;)21:33
sivanbobertdos: that doesn't seem as a video resolution problem, though I will give the how a try, any other idea? the server log doesn't display an error at all21:33
k31toHailandKill: played games great but compiz didn't work21:33
k31toHailandKill: I'm gonna get an nvidia asap21:33
DigiFlyi love nvidia with linux. it always my requirment21:33
HailandKillk31to: I've been cursing ati and wanting nvidia all day. Alas this is a laptop.21:34
jcdoes anyone know how to get shared printing on NX working?21:34
newbieHi there.21:34
* k31to thought ati were coming on in leaps and bounds, it turns out its been fairy-steps21:34
WDCHailandKill: Oh my. What's wrong?21:34
k31toHailandKill: ahhh.. gutted ;/21:34
newbieer der nogen danskere??21:35
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:35
ubottuFor at få support til Ubuntu på Dansk bedes du venligst gå til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.21:35
k31toHailandKill: it looks like for the moment you can't have the best of both worlds, I'm gonna stick with the open driver and see if the fglrx gets better any time soon21:35
HailandKillWDC: I want to get fglrx working... the repo one doesn't seem to and I've got myself in a mess with the newer drivers from ati's website21:35
WDCHailandKill: :O! Oh my. Sorry to hear that. I LOVE ATI.21:36
k31toHailandKill: don't worry just run that script to remove the ati.com driver...21:36
k31toWDC: you should lay off the crack son21:36
* k31to is joking :)21:36
rryes glue is better21:37
WDCk31to:  lol21:37
MonthOLDpickleSeaPhor, you there?21:37
k31toWDC: seriously though ati suck for linux support compared to nvidia even if ati are actually beginning to embrace open source (more than nvidia do anyhow)21:37
[eXception]what does that mean: unable to mount drive, because ntfs is marked to be in use...21:38
WDCk31to: I am new to Ubuntu, from Vista, so Video drivers are NOT an issue over on that side of thigns21:38
{mg}Hey People! I use one computer as a gateway to the internet (via iptables -j SNAT). Can I set up this machine in a way, so that when a browser connects to a certain domain, it gets redirected to another domain? any ideas?21:38
djhashjust give them 50 years.. they'll both catchup to opensource21:38
WDC{mg}: Do you have a webserver running on it?21:38
k31toWDC: another one jumps ship after having seen the light... hallelujah21:38
carandraug[eXception]: could you be more specific?21:39
needhelpCan anyone recommend a good video editor ?21:39
{mg}WDC: no21:39
{mg}WDC: why?21:39
WDCk31to: lol. Not loving the whole not being able to access "Computer" part though21:39
k31toneedhelp: kino cinellera21:39
[eXception]caradraug: ubuntu is not more specific to me21:39
WDC{mg}: I was saying you could just make an HTML redirect command and do it like that21:39
aldroidkenden: what actually happens: 1) you have one X session, it's yours at tty7. 2) you press 'Switch User' and open a login window at tty9 (tty8 is system log). Your session at tty7 is locked and prompts for password. 3) someone else logs on tty9 and does their own work. 4) someone else uses 'Switch User'. A new login window is created at tty10 now. The tty9 and tty7 sessions are locked.21:39
[eXception]im trying to mount a vista drive21:39
k31toneedhelp: both are good for different jobs, avidemux too21:39
k31toneedhelp: what do you want to do?21:39
{mg}WDC: on the gateway?21:40
k31toWDC: what COMputer part?21:40
aldroidkenden: You can press Ctrl+Alt+F<number> to switch to tty<number>.21:40
stefanbildeanyone who can explain me how to emerge my kernel21:40
WDC{mg}: Yes21:40
WDC{mg}: Just wondering if you did. Small chance21:40
k31tostefanbilde: your in the ubuntu chanel that is gentoo talk21:40
carandraug[eXception]: I meant could you be more specific about the error that appear? DId you remove safely the drive that came from Vista?21:40
WDCk31to: Under places, "computer" gives an error21:40
{mg}WDC: not sure if you know, what you are talking about.21:40
k31toWDC: what error21:41
WDC{mg}: I'm sorry, a gatway. I apologize21:41
[eXception]caradraug: how to remove? vista is not booting...21:41
{mg}WDC: ok21:41
null1Hello. Should I do anything after a power failure?21:41
needhelpk31to: thanks. I already know kino, but I will check out those others21:41
WDCnull1: No,. Just turn on computer an let it check the disk21:41
null1Is there some type of consistency check I should perform?21:41
k31tonull1: restart?21:41
k31toneedhelp: lives is good too21:41
orange7Need some help here please. I have an Nvidia geforce 8600gts. Trying to turn on compiz and when it checks for Xgl it comes back as not present. Not sure how to install it. Tried in the past and ended up badly...21:41
WDCk31to: Nautilus cannot handle computer: locations.21:41
aldroidnull1: restart. you'll have fsck (File System ChecK) automatically.21:42
k31toneedhelp: just depends on what you need it for ;)21:42
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null1k31to: Hibernation failed, and I had to power it off21:42
carandraug[eXception]: I thought your problem was that you couldn't mount a vista partition in ubuntu. That's why I said to be more specific. So it's a grub problem?21:42
k31toWDC: ouch, over my head afraid! lol21:42
WDCk31to: Me too! rawr21:42
null1aldroid: Okay, I'll touch a forced fsck to /.21:42
needhelpk31to: I just want to capture from a videocam, add some music, delete some scenes here and there, add some text and create a dvd from it21:42
k31tonull1: restart it21:42
null1Anything else I can do it terms of maintenance?21:42
MonthOLDpicklecan you defrag and whatnot in linux?21:43
needhelpk31to: I found no cinerella in synaptic21:43
k31toneedhelp: cinellera, as for capturing depends on your hardware video4linux is a good place to start21:43
null1MonthOLDpickle: Something along those lines.21:43
k31toneedhelp: no you need to head on over to getdeb to find that ;0)21:43
null1I know it's necessary in ext3. But perhaps there are caches I could clear or something.21:44
[eXception]errr... what is grub?21:44
k31toneedhelp: or search google for hardy cinelerra and add a new repository21:44
WDC[eXception]: It is a multi boot selector. Tis' awesome21:44
k31toneedhelp: fingers-crossed they'll add it to repos soon21:44
WDC[eXception]: poor phrasing, it asks you when you turn on computer what operating system you want21:44
* k31to is outta here peace!!!!21:44
carandraug[eXception]: please explain your problem. Is your problem when you turn on the computer, Vista doesn't start?21:44
WDCk31to: See yah21:44
alephantHi all...21:44
null1What about Gconf? I purge applications and I still see their entries in there.21:45
null1Even after locate and find, they're still in there.21:45
alephantMy SATA device was named /dev/sda, removed from the system, and later reconnected.  Now its device name is sdc.  Is there a way to change its device name back to sda?21:45
null1I.e. I've deleted every file I could find containing the purged application's name.21:45
orange7Need help here please. I have an Nvidia geforce 8600gts. Trying to turn on compiz and when it checks for Xgl it comes back as not present. Not sure how to install it. Tried in the past and ended up badly...21:45
null1Gconf is a mess.21:45
[eXception]carandraug: yes it doesnt start, so I booted with ubuntu... but it says ntfs in use, not able to mount21:46
carandraugalephant: I believe it depends on where it's connected in the motherboard21:46
arrrghhhalephant, just mount in fstab with UUID and you won't have to worry about the /dev location21:46
pudlandhello, how do i find if im running i386 or amd64 ubuntu?21:46
[eXception]botted with ubuntu live cd21:46
djhashalephant.. boot/grub/device.map check it out21:46
null1pudland: man uname21:46
IndyGunFreakpudland: in a terminal type "uname -a" no quotes21:46
alephantLet's stipulate that I actually do need to change the device name :-)21:47
carandraug[eXception]: grub is that menu that appears when you start the computer and that allows you to choose Ubuntu or Windows. What happens when you choose Vista in that Menu?21:47
arrrghhhalephant, you should never "need" to change the device name...21:47
[eXception]carandraug: no grub... I booted with llive cd21:47
carandraug[eXception]: so you don't have any Ubuntu installed in your computer?21:47
djhasharrrghhh: you are a right.. but unfortunately for me.. i had to.. ;..( took me 3 days to figure out that I need to do that.. :-P21:48
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pudlandindygunfreak: 2.6.24-19-generic21:48
IndyGunFreakpudland: uname -a  not uname -r21:48
boobsbrhowdy, is there a way to block all outgoing or incoming traffic from/to an employee that's going through the company's router? using iptables21:48
arrrghhhdjhash, que?  if you mount with UUID in fstab the /dev location doesn't matter21:48
[eXception]I just wondered what means "ntfs in use" because I started with life cd... it cant be in use21:48
alephantarrghhh: Try this on for size... /dev/md1 is comprized of /dev/sd{a,b,c}1... USB devices are plugged in as /dev/sd{d,e}... Device /dev/sdc is removed from the system, then replaced; it now has device name sdf, not sdc.  The md device does not therefore resync; I desire that the device be renamed to sdc so that the md will resync.21:48
arrrghhhboobsbr, ##linux might be a better room for that, but if you have his IP than you can just block that IP21:48
djhasharrrghhh: actually it does for grub to boot properly otherwise it'll give you the nasty error 17...21:49
tamerwhy wine hang up when i try to install any microsoft viisual commands21:49
carandraug[eXception]: I believe that happens when you didn't properly turn off the computer or a drive was not safely removed21:49
ASULutzyalephant, use uuid's21:49
orange7Whats xgl and why is it not present when i try to run compiz?21:49
arrrghhhalephant, once again if you mount with uuid it *shouldn't* matter.  i've never booted from a usb hdd tho.21:49
boobsbrarrrghhh, tnx mate21:49
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:49
alephantASLutzy: hmm... can I change the members of an array while it's online?21:49
orange7oooo ty21:49
rrntfs try it with nelie smith croes21:50
carandraugalephant: switch to other place in the motherboard. That defines whether where it's hda, hdb or hdc (at least it does in mine)21:50
Andrilhello all21:50
arrrghhh!hi | Andril21:50
ubottuAndril: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:50
ghostlineshey does anyone know a fix for flash videos that crash in fullscreen mode, like youtube videos for example21:50
Andrilhaving issues with installing Ubuntu 8.04 on Dell SX270 is this machine crap?21:50
carandraugalephant: also, I've heard that can change with the some upgrades they have been doing to the kernel hence it's recommended to use UUID21:51
Galaxian37what model video card do you have?21:51
LalitaDityahey hi21:51
Andrilon board Intell21:51
ASULutzyalephant, I use uuids for my mdadm.conf21:51
Yan1How can I automtically reconfigure /(reinstall?) all my packages?21:51
alephantThese devices are in a hot-swap bay mating to a backplane.  The drive is in the same slot as it was before.  This is *not* a physical-connection issue.21:52
ASULutzyalephant, ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=2 UUID=3e9201b8:fbdc6e80:d919d176:d92b132e21:52
ASULutzyalephant, that's what's in my /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf21:52
alephantASULutzy: ...there are no device ids in that config...21:52
Galaxian37goto applications add/remove search video drivers make sure you have the correct driver installed, also make sure open gl is clicked on21:52
Andrilanyone have a good server tutorial?21:52
carandraugalephant: I then believe that you should use UUID21:52
Galaxian37thats what fixed my prob21:52
carandraug!uuid | alephant21:52
ubottualephant: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:52
Galaxian37it was using nvidia new drivers when i needed the old ons21:53
Galaxian37not sure about intel video on board21:53
jfhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI is there any diffrence from 7.10 to 8.04 when doing a manual installation?21:53
jfI can't get it to work.21:53
hellcattravHey all of a sudden my sound stopped working21:53
needhelpHow do I install deb ?21:53
hellcattravVLC, or banshee doesn't work21:53
Yan1How can I automtically reconfigure /(reinstall?) all my packages?21:54
carandraugneedhelp: sorry? What do you mean install deb?21:54
needhelphellcattrav: gnome-volume-control, uncheck mute and turn up volume21:54
hellcattravIt worked half an hour ago but not sure why it stopped I've just been here uploading video to youtube21:54
greggeI'm trying to use vnc from my ubuntu-OS to view a guys XP-OS.. this is possible right?21:54
hellcattravmute is unchecked21:54
thenebgregge: nope21:54
hellcattravthats the first thing I looked for21:54
thenebgregge: Terminal services client21:54
needhelpcarandraug: I get an instruction to type 'deb http://url.../', but then errors 'bash: deb; command not found'21:54
djhashgregge: yes you can21:55
needhelphellcattrav: also checked in alsamixer ?21:55
alephantSo, the answer is "no": there is nobody here who knows how to (a) change a device's /dev/ name, or (b) how to configure an md device with UUIDs.21:55
greggeWHAT? different calls?21:55
hellcattravneedhelp, don't think justthe defualt control in panel?21:55
* alephant believes that the manpage will be hereafter more useful than IRC.21:55
albertuxhi guys21:55
hellcattravwhere is alsamixer?21:55
carthikneedhelp you ought to type that line in some file, not at the command line21:55
albertuxanyone knows where to get a package for pidgin 2.5 ?21:55
albertuxfor hardy?21:56
carthikhellcattrav, open a terminal and type that21:56
Flare183!pidge | albertux21:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pidge21:56
needhelpcarthik: I see21:56
Flare183!gaim | albertux21:56
ubottualbertux: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete21:56
djhashgregge: vncviewer21:56
carandraugneedhelp: you sure you got the command right? Never heard of such. Deb is the binary extension for debain based systems (like Ubuntu)21:56
needhelphellcattrav: run alsamixer from the console21:56
hellcattravOk what am I looking for?21:56
hellcattravI see soem colored boxes...21:56
greggedjhash: yes i downloaded vncviewer, and he's got the windows equivalent, but it won't start.. it should be possible though?21:57
djhashneedhelp: that is not a command.. most probably it is somethnig to add to sources.list21:57
djhashgregge: what exactly did you download?21:57
needhelpdjhash: where in Synaptic ?21:57
djhashneedhelp: just to make sure.. can you type the full text..21:58
greggedjhash: realvnc21:58
djhashgregge: in terminal type "vncviewer IP:port"21:58
carandraugneedhelp: System > Administration > Synaptic package manager21:58
needhelpyes I have opened synaptic21:58
djhashneedhelp: click on properties21:59
needhelpI think I got it21:59
djhashneedhelp: sorry.. i meant settings>repositories21:59
hellcattravDammit....I wonder what made the sound stop working...?22:00
needhelphellcattrav: those colourboxes are volumecontrols. Check that none are muted and also that none are silence22:00
needhelphellcattrav: use arrowkeys and space and enter22:00
greggedjhash: I type it, but it "freezes"22:00
Bond877deuryte Did it work22:01
djhashgregge: what do you mean by it freezes?22:01
hellcattravwell one was off22:01
hellcattravbut ive no way of knowing if it is usualy off or not22:01
Hy711941337 people :o22:02
Bond877How many test does memtest do?22:02
jayde_drag0ncan someone point me towards a more robust torrent client.. one that supports mutiple trackers, has the ability to edit and add trackers, and has the ability to super organize what downloads when.. like.. i get a torrent that is an entire season of a show.. and i can go in and label them 1,2,3 and so on so that episodes download in a certain order22:02
rrinfinite memest22:02
djhashgregge: type 'vncviewer' in terminal and nothing else.. what do you get..22:02
needhelphellcattrav: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alsamixer22:03
captainmjayde_drag0n: deluge or rtorrent22:03
Bond877when do I know if memtest is done22:03
adacBond877: takes a long time22:03
greggedjhash: I type vncviewer and the terminal seems to start the program but nothing happens after that, so I have to use ctrl-c to close it22:03
Expl01tedbond give it a few hours.22:03
greggedjhash: It starts the program22:03
arrrghhhgregge, does the server say it's running or port 5900?22:03
Biozygari istiyem gari... :D22:03
djhashgregge: remove the :590022:04
Bond877Ya i'm on test 7 how many are there22:04
adacBond877: But yes  you are right would be nice if they would show the time22:04
Expl01tedBond877: there are like 20 of them I believe.22:04
qrI've been using 'xset dpms force on' to bring my monitor out of power save mode.  This brings it out of power save mode permenently.  Is there any way I can tell the monitor to turn on now, but turn back off after the normal amount of time has elapsed.22:04
Bond877Ok thanks22:04
hellcattravneedhelp, I turned one of em on with M key but don't know how to increase volume22:04
greggedjhash: the same happens.. I tried with an 8 instead, but it failed22:04
greggearrrghhh: you mean on his pc?22:05
djhashgregge: sorry.. there should be 2 :22:05
Trader_THi, Just wondering, I just switched back to Gnome from KDE - do I need to remove all KDE apps left behind?22:05
Trader_TThey still work ok, but the system does keep hanging now and then - could this be the reason?22:05
rrdont wait I run it when i go to sleep or work22:05
spsneowhenever I try to install eclipse, GNU java is automatically installed.. how can I avoid this?22:05
=== Guest4406 is now known as Hy71194
djhashgregge: try this "vncviewer"22:05
arrrghhhgregge, yes.  plus there are firewalls/routers you're going to have to punch thru if it's across the 'net.22:05
needhelphellcattrav: arrowkeys22:05
rconanspsneo, with great difficulty22:05
spsneorconan: how22:05
hellcattravok theres one that says IEC 958 and that doesn't apprently chance volume22:05
djhashgregge: there should be two : after each other..22:05
rconanspsneo, you could use the version of eclipse off the eclipse website22:06
carandraugjayde_drag0n: rtorrent. Don't know about editing trackers and you can select what downloads first inside a torrent (but only, download first, or do not download). It's really robust though and fast22:06
greggedjhash: didn't work either :/.   arrrghhh: yes, i think I may have to check up clearly it's all open22:06
=== Tizz is now known as Tizz__
arrrghhhgregge, ok sounds like it's on the local network.  on the server machine when you run the vnc server does it give you the output related to what IP it's bound to, port etc?22:06
Gneaspsneo: eclipse is a java IDE...22:06
spsneorconan: there is no way to install eclipse from apt without gcj22:06
Expl01tedflorida is getting slammed..22:06
djhashgregge: you dont have to check on router settings.. because its all internal...22:06
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=== dodgeball is now known as hateball
spsneoGnea: I want to use sun java22:06
BrucevdkGeneral question, how can I disallow|forbid certain users to change their set password?22:06
Andrili am in florida also22:06
rconanspsneo, i have no hard drive space issues so i installed eclipse and made it use sun java after the install, i don't believe you can make it install without gcj22:07
LeaI'm running a 3d app, it crashes after a while, and won't restart until i reboot. strace'ing, it's looping doing ioctl calls on /dev/dri/card0 - any idea what's going on?22:07
arrrghhhBrucevdk, i think you can lock their account to prevent pw changes...22:07
djhashgregge: if your ip is 192.168.0.X and thier ip is 192.168.0.X then there is no need to change anything in the router22:07
jpdsHy71194: Please do not do that.22:07
greggearrrghhh: yes it does I've used it.. djhash: OK :/22:07
needhelpHow do I add mp3 as backgroundmusic to a Kino-project or to a certain scene?22:07
qrspsneo: go get eclipse off the eclipse web site, you can install it that way without gnu java22:07
Brucevdkarrrghhh: wouldn't locking also prevent them from logging in?22:07
The_ManU_212i want to give my prompt a color and it should be fat, i searched google but tehre are a dozen of complicated tutrials what you can change, but i only want a bit color, can you help?22:07
jayde_drag0ncaptainm: doesn't seem either of those suit my needs.. rtorrent is text.. bleh no.. i'm not coding to download something.. and deluge i can only set high, highest, normal and low... no i need WAAAAY more options than that.. i literally want.. download first, download second, download 3rd.. etc on and on as many as i want.. the point is i want to stop having to manualy check a file every hour or so and reset file priorities22:07
master_ı want install build-essential error22:07
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=== kostaz is now known as kostaz|away
master_build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev ama kurulmayacak ya da22:07
master_                             libc-dev22:07
master_                    Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.1.1) ama kurulmayacak22:07
FloodBot1master_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:07
greggedjhash: sounds reasonable.... Could a restart of my pc change anything?22:08
mib_eiupiqIs kubuntu anything but ubuntu + kde (and a few different apps)?22:08
djhashgregge: type this ping
arrrghhhBrucevdk, if their account is disabled, yes.22:08
spsneorconan: well problem is with firefox java plugin..whenever I install eclipse gnu java plugin for firefox get installed and then I am not able to view java applets in firefox.. :( any solution22:08
GneaThe_ManU_212: can you post a screenshot somewhere that underscores/circles which font, exactly, you want to change?22:08
needhelphellcattrav: please specify my nick when calling me so I am sure to see it.... I dont know what that is. Is it disabled?22:08
joaopinto!pastebin > master_22:08
ubottumaster_, please see my private message22:08
arrrghhhgregge, if it's on a local network you don't have to worry about router settings, but firewall settings yes.22:08
Brucevdkarrrghhh: according to the usermod man page locking an account changes the password to something that cannot be entered (prepends !)22:08
master_ı want install build-essential error22:08
master_build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev ama kurulmayacak ya da22:08
master_                              libc-dev22:08
master_                     Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.1.1) ama kurulmayacak22:08
FloodBot1master_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:08
Gnea!pastebin | master_22:08
ubottumaster_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:08
qrThe_ManU_212: start color with \e[1;3xm where x is between 0 and 9, end color with \e[0;9m22:09
needhelphellcattrav: cat /proc/asound/cards22:09
xyblor_how can I run xprop from a text console to get info on a running X display? When I try "DISPLAY=:0 xprop" it says "connection to :0.0 refused by server"22:09
Gnea!tr | master_22:09
ubottumaster_: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.22:09
djhashgregge: arrrghhh is right.. check windows firewall settings.. and check to see if realvnc server is running.. there should be an icon in the system tray22:09
The_ManU_212Gnea: no font, i use konsole (kde) and want the user@foobar$ colored and fat22:09
mib_eiupiqIs kubuntu anything but ubuntu + kde (and a few different apps)?22:09
needhelphellcattrav: lspci | grep audio22:09
The_ManU_212qr and where to change this? the .bashrc is very big22:09
jpdsmib_eiupiq: Yep.22:09
mib_eiupiqjpds: Then what?22:09
GneaThe_ManU_212: oooh okay, you want to edit your PS1 value for bashprompt then22:09
Trader_TJust wondering, I just switched back to Gnome from KDE - do I need to remove all KDE apps left behind?22:10
favromaster_: in terminal    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essentials22:10
needhelphellcattrav: aplay -i. Those commands will give you some diagnotics and confirm if your comp finds your sounddevice22:10
The_ManU_212Gnea: exactly22:10
qrThe_ManU_212: you need to export PS1=somepromptstring in .bashrc22:10
Gnea!bash | The_ManU_21222:10
ubottuThe_ManU_212: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:10
=== Administrator_ is now known as arrrghhh
djhashgregge: also.. let me know what you get when you type this in your browser ""22:10
greggedjhash: the icon is on... I'll check the firewall.. when I ping it it seems to understand there's something on the ip but I don't see anything till I close it.. it said: 44 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 43060ms22:10
hellcattrav-i is an invalid option22:10
arrrghhhdjhash, curious, does vnc have a web interface?22:10
The_ManU_212qr i allready have this .bashrc and how to export?22:10
Whiz2the #kubuntu channel is dead, but I have a question maybe you can answer... If I'm running KDE, can I get away with removing any/all packages that say GNOME? (for example GNOME configuration database system)22:11
linuxfceIs there any way to have a custom command run every time a quit a certain program?22:11
mib_eiupiqjpds: what is kubuntu then more than skin and apps ?22:11
djhasharrrghhh: if you have it enabled.. its defaulted on port 5800, its a java applet..22:11
joaopintolinuxfce, run that program from a script and call the expected command after it :) ?22:11
jpdsWhiz2: Remove kdelib something.22:11
arrrghhhdjhash, ah.  is that new in hardy or has that been in vnc for a while?22:11
qrThe_ManU_212: I mean the command is literally 'export PS1=somepromptstring' where you replace somepromptstring with the string you want for your prompt22:11
acrouseythe monitor that I am using with this desktop is pretty old. I don't even see it as a choice in Screen and Graphics Preferences. However, in that, it makes my monitor. out to be Plug'n'Play, which only allows me two choices of screen resolution: 640x480 and 800x600. I remember that there is a way to get around this, but I don't remember how. Isn't it nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf? What do I do once I'm in there?22:11
jpdsmib_eiupiq: Installing KDE on Ubuntu is the same as installing KDE.22:11
Whiz2jpds: doesn't that remove KDE stuff?22:11
mib_eiupiqjpds: but will ubuntu + kde = kubuntu ?22:12
thesaint4444hi guys, dir /opt is presently owned by user and group root. can I change it to my user without any problems? thanks.22:12
jpdsmib_eiupiq: Yes.22:12
djhasharrrghhh: if you direct the broswer to port 5900.. it'll give you some info that'll tell you the server is running... its been in vnc for a while..22:12
jayde_drag0ncarandraug: rtorrent is text based.. i don't want to code to download.. gui only22:12
jpdsWhiz2: Oh, wait that was for someone else.22:12
needhelpHow do I add mp3 as backgroundmusic to a Kino-project or to a certain scene?22:12
arrrghhhmib_eiupiq, yes.  if you install the kubuntu-desktop meta-package it will take care of all that stuff.  you can have gnome and kde on the same install.22:12
greggedjhash: it just "searches" all the time... when I tried an 8 instead it gave me an error instantly22:12
Gneathesaint4444: as long as no one else needs to use it, should be fine22:12
linuxfcejoaopinto how do i call the expected command after it?22:12
arrrghhhdjhash, cool thanskf or the info22:12
djhashgregge: then the xp computer is not allowing connections22:13
thesaint4444Gnea: no, just me, thanks...22:13
Gneathesaint4444: no problem then, go for it22:13
The_ManU_212qr i like the current one with user, pc and directory, in lightblue and fat: "manolo@titanium8008:~$"22:13
Trader_Tarrrghhh: will having kde and gnome apps at the same time be ok?22:13
needhelphellcattrav: read this line by line. Perhaps it will serve you well: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting22:13
linuxfcei actually have a script to run the program already, so what do i add to the script to, on exit, have it run "flashcam killall"22:13
djhasharrrghhh: np22:13
jpdsWhiz2: Look for a libgtk package and trying removing it.22:13
The_ManU_212qr and how to save a prompt22:13
albeciao a tutti22:13
Whiz2Trader_T: Yes having KDE and GNOME stuff at the same tim e is perfectly fine22:13
favrolinuxfce: start the prog from terminal first e.g   firefox && thunderbird - when firefox shuts thunderbird opens22:13
=== Carpe||Diem is now known as Carpe|Diem
greggedjhash: Ok.. I'll try to open the port if I can fins it in XP.. been a while :)22:14
qrThe_ManU_212: you can find out what your prompt is now with 'echo $PS1'22:14
\sia\u r welcome Aragon22:14
arrrghhhTrader_T, they have been tryin to be more and more compatible.  depending on your hardware it shouldn't be an issue but i've had some older mobos that did not agree with any KDE app whether it was running in gnome or kde.22:14
djhashgregge: did you set a password on the XP computer?22:14
\sia\Arastein: ^^22:14
GneaTrader_T: i run kde and gnome apps at the same time all the time, my uptime is over 45 days22:14
linuxfceso at the end of the script i would put "&& flashcam killall" ?22:14
favrolinuxfce: yep22:14
Trader_Tarrrghhh: oh, then can;t work out why system keeps hanging for like 15 seconds22:14
Aragonahh k22:14
greggedjhash: no.. I chose not to22:14
ArasteinThanks Mr Siamend22:14
linuxfcesweet favro thanks so much22:14
albeho un poblema col firewall22:14
Whiz2jpds: what is that package for? I'm not going to go removing random packages22:14
arrrghhhTrader_T, hanging?  like on login?22:14
LeaI'm running a 3d app, it crashes after a while, and won't restart until i reboot. strace'ing, it's looping doing ioctl calls on /dev/dri/card0 - any idea what's going on?22:14
djhashgregge: VNC disallows any remote connections if no password is set.. you HAVE to put a password..22:15
jpdsWhiz2: It's the GTK libraries, that GNOME depends on.22:15
Gnea!it | albe22:15
ubottualbe: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:15
jpds!purekde | Whiz222:15
ubottuWhiz2: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »22:15
albenon parte dice di controllare se la connessione e attiva22:15
Gnea!it > albe22:15
ubottualbe, please see my private message22:15
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »22:15
qrThe_ManU_212: To make your prompt light blue and bold do "export PS1='\e[1;36myourpromptstuff\e[0;9m '"22:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about purekfce22:15
The_ManU_212qr ok, done and how to test a string i made?22:15
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »22:15
The_ManU_212qr ok i try22:15
jpds!msgthebot > jmichelsen22:16
ubottujmichelsen, please see my private message22:16
qrThe_ManU_212: if you made the change in .bashrc do 'source ~/.bashrc'22:16
The_ManU_212qr i didnt mae a change in .bashrc22:16
acrouseythe monitor that I am using with this desktop is pretty old. I don't even see it as a choice in Screen and Graphics Preferences. However, in that, it makes my monitor. out to be Plug'n'Play, which only allows me two choices of screen resolution: 640x480 and 800x600. I remember that there is a way to get around this, but I don't remember how. Isn't it nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf? What do I do once I'm in there?22:16
toresnhow can i add vi keybindings for xpdf?22:16
The_ManU_212qr i shouldnt touch this file?22:16
qrThe_ManU_212: then just run the export command I told you above22:17
Whiz2what is perl?22:17
qrThe_ManU_212: .bashrc is there for you to edit, don't be shy.22:17
jpds!perl | Whiz222:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about perl22:17
greggeyeah!!! I got it running when I fixed the firewall in XP.. I didn't think of it firsty cause I had in mind XP did it automatically :) Thanks so much for your help guys!22:17
toresnWhiz2: a programming language ...22:17
jpdsWhiz2: Programming language.22:17
jmichelsen!yay | gregge22:17
ubottugregge: Glad you made it! :-)22:17
Whiz2is perl needed if I'm not a programmer?22:17
greggehaha.. Anyways, I love you guys for being so helpful!22:18
needhelpTo see which ubuntu version I have, is that System -> About Ubuntu ?22:18
linuxfceooops, i meant killall flashcam lol22:18
qrWhiz2: yes, a lot of programs are written in perl.22:18
qrWhiz2: and you need perl to run them22:18
bobertdosBrucevdk: The only way to truly do what you're asking that I can think of would be to take away ownership of their own accounts, which would likely cause sizable problems.22:18
Trader_Tis there a way I can defrag like in Windows?22:18
=== LOLWAT is now known as Jesus
Brucevdkbobertdos: I'm thinking about simply setting the minimum password length to 60, achieves the same result.22:18
The_ManU_212qr ok so if i understand correctly, i can change in the bashrc directly and have to load it with source or i export it and it writes to the rc instead of myself right?22:18
arrrghhhjesus has quit! nooooo!22:18
Brucevdkbobertdos: have to dive into PAM first though heh22:18
Whiz2jpds: removing some of those libraries will remove perl dependant libs from my system. Are you sure you want to recommend the removal of lingtk libs from my system?22:18
greggedjhash and arrrghhh: I hope you saw my thanks for the help!22:19
jpdsWhiz2: If the purekde page says it...22:19
bobertdosTrader_T: Defragging does not really exist with Unix file systems.22:19
qrThe_ManU_212: no, export does not write to .bashrc, but yes, you can edit .bashrc and load it with the source command.22:19
favroTrader_T: you don't need to - the system looks after that itself during boot22:19
arrrghhhgregge, no problem, hope you got it workin22:19
ubottuHardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents22:19
greggearrrghhh: yeah that's what I did :)22:19
The_ManU_212qr so export is only temp, and for permanent use i have to edit .bashrc, but where the file is huge22:19
\sia\!tell Arastein about hardy22:19
ubottuArastein, please see my private message22:19
captainmTrader_T: you don't need to defrag22:20
Trader_Toh, so how can I discover why the system keeps hanging? Especially when using browsers (opera / firefox)22:20
Gnea!defrag | Trader_T22:20
ubottuTrader_T: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.22:20
needhelphellcattrav: aplay -l, not aplay -i22:20
arrrghhhgregge, guten22:20
dVsi used "Simple Backup" to back up my ubuntu instalation ... can I reinstall it on a different size partition ?22:20
GneaTrader_T: open a terminal and watch the system logs:  tail -f /var/log/syslog22:20
cedric30I have connected my PDA with synce using synce-kpm I can access to my directory direclty using nautilus but I wanted to include some POI for my GPS22:20
hellcattravyer saw that22:20
linuxfceOK here's the problem. Basically I want it to be so that when I close one program, another program is killed. && killall flashcam doesn't work because flashcam is still running, and flashcam is what was used to launch the other program.22:21
qrThe_ManU_212: you need to export from within bashrc to make it "permanent" it's not really permanant per-se, but .bashrc is read every time bash starts... and you can edit it anywhere you want. The top is a good choice. Look around and see if PS1 is getting set anywhere in it already and edit it there.22:21
hellcattravinvalid option l22:21
cedric30I use destinator 6 and I see I need to install destnator console ... is it possible on Ubuntu?22:21
linuxfceSo the idea would be, if there were a way to have bash kill any specified program, during any other specified programs exit.22:21
The_ManU_212qr ok, i exported the string you gave me and it works but is not fat22:21
The_ManU_212only lightblue22:21
carthikdVs that is hard to say, depends on how you did things etc22:22
needhelphellcattrav: aplay -i or aplay -l (l for luke) ?22:22
[eXception]cant me burn a dvd with live-cd ?22:22
needhelphow do I check which ubuntu version I have ?22:22
dVswhat would be the easiest way for me to take the system i have installed (with all the changes i have made) and put it on another system or partition ?22:22
carthikdVs, should not stop you from having fun - backup all user data in /home, all settings in /etc on a separate drive and have fun learning new thing :0)22:22
linuxfceExample. Would there be a way to make it so when closing firefox, xchat would also close with it?22:22
qrThe_ManU_212: the \e[1;36m part is the code for bold blue, you'll have to google for terminal color codes if it's not working for you.22:22
captainmneedhelp: cat /etc/issue22:23
dVscarthik i cant .. if i reinstall this laptop again my wife is going to kill me :)22:23
carthikdVs, if the new partition is bigger or the same size, you can "image" the existing install (but not when the system is booted and using the installation)22:23
arrrghhhlinuxfce, i mean you could write a script that checks whether or not firefox is running... ugh just thinking about how the script would work is ugly at best.22:23
carthikdVs so its a laptop, gets even more interesting. To really know how to help you, its necessary to know what exactly you are upto :|22:24
The_ManU_212qr its coulered22:24
qrThe_ManU_212: awesome22:24
dVscarthik yeah I thought of that but was thinking there might just be a way to get the actually instalation .. not the whole partition22:24
GneadVs: clonezilla22:24
Trader_Ti typed "top" into terminal, it says nautilus is using memory - is that normal?22:24
tonakhello, when i create a file it is automaticaly set to -rw-r--r--, how to change this behavior? i want it to be -rw-rw-r-- automaticaly. (every user of the group should have the right to change the files) how to automate this?22:24
dVscan I PM you ?22:24
carthikneedhelp /etc/lsb_release has that info in it, so type cat /etc/lsb_release at the command line22:24
GneadVs: it's not an ubuntu software, but it is based on debian, it allows you to backup whole partitions or drives22:25
=== trmanco_ is now known as trmanco
linuxfcearrrghhh i just want to make it so when closing one program, another program is killed22:25
dVsok i will look into it22:25
qrTrader_T: yes, every program you run will use at least some memory.22:25
needhelpcarthik | captain: thanks22:25
arrrghhhlinuxfce, why?22:25
Whiz2jpds: Sorry removing perl GTK libs also removes the bum pkg which I actively use, so gtk+2 libs for perl stay22:25
qrlinuxfce: what's wrong with program1 && killall program2 exactly?22:25
spetsnazhow can i install the KDE graphic interface, and delete the GNOME desktop enviroment?22:26
arrrghhhspetsnaz, hold on i have a link22:26
linuxfcearrrghhh, long story short. Gyachi does not support my webcam, so i am using flashcam and vloopback to forward frames to another video device location22:26
arrrghhhspetsnaz, first install kubuntu-desktop22:26
Trader_Tqr: of course. But what I meant is it's using alot of memory, along with  compiz.real, and I don't know what these processes are.22:26
The_ManU_212qr but not fat...so i have to search22:26
spetsnazthanks arrrghhh22:26
qrThe_ManU_212: yes, gl22:26
arrrghhhlinuxfce, eek not my expertise at all lol sorry22:26
spetsnazand what must i do after kubuntu-desktop isntall?22:27
linuxfcei have a script that beings flashcam frame forwarding to /dev/video2 and wraps gyachi to flash cam.22:27
linuxfcebut when i exit gyachi, flashcam is still forwarding frames22:27
qrTrader_T: compiz stuff is the desktop effects, that's going to use a lot of memory no matter how you slice it.  Nautilus, I don't know why it would use a _lot_ of memory. nautilus is your file browser.22:27
[eXception]im am working with live cd and i want to burn a cd is that not possible with the same drive?22:27
linuxfceqr let me try that22:27
captainm[eXception]: nope22:28
Trader_Tqr, why is nautilus always running?22:28
[eXception]knoppix can do that right?22:28
linuxfceqr should that be part of my program1 launching script, or a separate script all together?22:28
Whiz2which still brings me to my opriginal question. Can I safely remove GNOME specifics on a KDE system such as gconf2?22:28
captainmTrader_T: For the icons on your desktop22:28
spetsnazcan i use in syncron the KDE and the GNOME?22:28
captainmIt's just a folder22:28
The_ManU_212qr thx for your help22:28
arrrghhhspetsnaz, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde22:29
Trader_Tok, thanks all for your help22:29
qonceptcan i mount a single directory from a drive or do i have to make it a seperate partition?22:29
qrlinuxfce: depends how you have your scripts set up,  program1launchscript && killall ... is probably a good bet though22:29
arrrghhhspetsnaz, now in the future if you install with aptitude, you can just use aptitude to remove kubuntu-desktop and it'll get everything instead of removing ALL those packages.22:29
qrlinuxfce: just make sure that the launch script always finishes successfully or the killall won't be run.  If you can't gaurentee this use a ; instead of &&22:29
favrolinuxfce: make a shortcut on the desktop and for a command use - killall gyachi && killall flashcam22:29
spetsnazokay arrghh thanks a help a lot!22:30
jokoonI downloaded the skyke for ubuntu deb file, I know its not supported by ubuntu, but its says wrong architecture, is there any 64 version of skype for linux ?22:30
The_ManU_212qr can i query you to show you some lines, unfortanetly more then 3, would be faster then a pastebin (part of bashrc)22:30
needhelpqoncept: find a unix-equivalent for the DOS command JOIN, then mount it22:30
alcane_using heron, can't display over 800x600 and the xorg isn't like it used to be22:30
qrThe_ManU_212: ok22:30
mEDEchey, how do i mount an ntfs drive from the terminal?22:31
alcane_as in, it's unfamiliar to me22:31
tyg13I have a question, is there a real difference between KDE and GNOME or is it a purely visual difference?22:31
qrtyg13: the difference is fundimental22:31
mEDEcwhen i try "sudo mount /etc/sdc /mnt/sdc" it asks me to specify filesystem type22:31
arrrghhhmEDEc, "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/xxx /media/mnt" - make sure /media/mnt exists.22:31
qonceptmEDEc, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/usb122:31
tyg13qr: how so?22:31
qrtyg13: as in they are completely different projects which use completely different code bases22:31
mEDEcarrrghhh, qoncept -- ok thanks :)22:31
arrrghhhhow often do nerds agree on how to do something?  haha.22:32
captainmarrrghhh: NEVER!!22:32
rrmedec download qonqueror22:32
tyg13qr: I currently use GNOME, I'm only curious as if there is a difference other than visual and their respective code bases22:33
djhashlol.. thats why we have a gazillion different linux distros..22:33
qoncepthow can i find out if my network connection is gigabit or 100bt?22:33
arrrghhhcaptainm, seriously, and our responses were like identical22:33
tyg13qr: if I were to switch to KDE would there be a huge difference from GNOME?22:33
qrtyg13: do you mean from a user perspective?22:33
tyg13qr: Yes22:34
arrrghhhtyg13, uh... yea22:34
vilhelm<tyg13> I like KDE better than Gnome22:34
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore22:34
captainmtyg13: You'll use different applications and everything will be in a different place etc. etc.22:34
arrrghhhthey're completely different window managers22:34
qrtyg13: they wouldn't be different projects if they were the same for end users :\22:34
captainmtyg13: but the basics are the same, same file system and such22:34
arrrghhhtyg13, it's all personal preference.  some ppl like gnome, kde, enlightment, flux, holy crap there's a ton of WM's to choose from.22:34
rrkde is more desktop22:34
qrcaptainm: file systems have nothing to do with window managers...22:34
n3himahow can I discover what smb hosts/workgroups there are on a particular network from the cli?22:35
captainmqr: that's what I'm trying to tell him ;)22:35
qrcaptainm: ahh, ok. carry on then.22:35
arrrghhhn3hima, i don't think you can *discover* them.  but you can configure samba from the cli.22:35
tyg13how can i switch from GNOME to KDE?22:35
qrtyg13: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:36
djhasharrrghhh: dont forget looking glass22:36
arrrghhhtyg13, aptitude install kubuntu-desktop22:36
kapacehow do i make a shortcut to a folder?22:36
arrrghhhdjhash, oh i already forgot it.22:36
tyg13will it give me the option to switch to kde or will I manually have to do that?22:36
qrtyg13: then log out and in the lower left corner of your login screen there's a menu with an option to change sessions, change it to KDE and log back in22:36
arrrghhhtyg13, sessions like qr said22:36
linuxfceqr i know this is just misinterpretation, what i did caused gyachi to start on exit lol. here is my pastebin of the script http://paste.ubuntu.com/39527/22:37
qrlinuxfce: you have to tell killall what to kill...22:37
arrrghhhlinuxfce, that's because you're running it and not killing it....22:37
tyg13this might take a while to install22:38
tyg13134 MB of archives22:38
qrtyg13: indeed, kde is quite large22:38
arrrghhhtyg13, yes there are a lot of differenet packages.  kde uses QT and gnome uses GTK - different platforms.22:38
qrtyg13: gnome is of comprable size22:38
tyg13I thought they were about 600 MB22:38
djhashtyg13: plus you're getting plenty of games with kde :-D22:38
arrrghhhtyg13, that's the whole os, kernel & all.22:38
The_ManU_212qr for what is the code 9?22:38
arrrghhhcompressed onto a cd that is...22:38
qrThe_ManU_212: 0;9 is the code for "normal"22:39
Jordan_Un3hima: findsmb22:39
qrThe_ManU_212: where normal is whatever your terminal thinks normal is22:39
The_ManU_212qr but is 0 not the same?22:39
arrrghhhmaynards-girl, i need maynard's new side project, can you hook it up?22:39
tyg13I think I'll refrain from installing KDE for a little bit :)22:39
ZsigEhi all! Anyone here had problems before with really weird graphics behaviour when trying to boot from an Ubuntu Live CD?22:39
linuxfceqr and arrrghhh this script does not work http://paste.ubuntu.com/39529/22:39
qrThe_ManU_212: no, 0 is a specific color, although 99% of the time your terminal thinks that normal == 022:40
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:40
The_ManU_212qr ok22:40
khakanei rebooted Hardy sometime after a kernel upgrade came in, now when i boot i get to runlevel unknown with / mounted read only...22:40
arrrghhhlinuxfce, put lines 4 & 5 on one line22:40
khakaneanyone able to shed some light on that?22:41
alakayonkAny one know why i would be getting the error "The user `cupsys' does not exist." when i type this "sudo adduser cupsys shadow"22:41
The_ManU_212is the sapce after the last m adn before ' neccesary?22:41
qralcane_: stop wining and ask your question22:41
alakayonkIm trying to install linksys printserver and hplaserjet 4Pluss22:41
djhash!repeat | alcane_22:41
ubottualcane_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:41
The_ManU_212@ qr22:41
arrrghhhlinuxfce, although that script doesn't make a whole lotta sense.  i'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with that script.22:41
djhash!ask | alcane_22:41
ubottualcane_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:41
servinaxHello :D22:41
qrThe_ManU_212: no, but it generally looks nicer to have a space between the last letter of your prompt and the first letter of your command line22:41
arrrghhhalakayonk, sounds like the user cupsys doesn't exist...22:42
=== dslfkjli2 is now known as corvusalbus
linuxfceok putting lines 4 and 5 into one line worked perfectly22:42
alcane_ubottu: vid: Mach64 CT, can't display over 800x600, xorg isn't like old versions22:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:42
arrrghhhlinuxfce, i'm an allstar22:42
corvusalbusi have installed ubuntu 8 and have a problem with sambashares and windows ce ... can someone help me?22:42
arrrghhhlmao that's an awesome response ubottu22:42
alakayonkI understand that however im unable to set up my printer and from the looks of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29017122:42
alakayonki should be able to22:43
Jordan_Ulinuxfce: Note that if the first command fails ( returns non zero exit status ) the second will not be run, is that really what you want?22:43
djhashlinuxfce: && means: if the previous command runs succesfully then run the next command..  just fyi...22:43
The_ManU_212qr i see, youre right22:43
ZsigERight, sorry, didn't know not to ask to ask. If that makes sense. So I tried to boot from the CD, got through the loading screen, and then the whole screen went eye-bleedingly bright green and stretched itself out so far horizontally that the mouse pointer was a little blur in the middle. Not what you might call "usable".22:43
corvusalbus(dstestalakayonk)test: u think u can help me?22:43
* khakane sighs22:43
linuxfcearrrghhh the script starts flashcam and forwards frames to /dev/video2. then gyache can load those frames into its webcam broadcaster (gyache does not support v4l2, this makes it work)22:43
linuxfceJordan_U why would it not return zero exit status?22:43
arrrghhhlinuxfce, if you say so :22:43
linuxfcearrrghhh if i say so? do you have a better idea?22:44
linuxfcethe only other way wouldbe to run all those commands manually22:44
arrrghhhlinuxfce, no, as i stated before the whole video cam thing is not my forte.22:44
corvusalbusi have installed ubuntu 8 and have a problem with sambashares and windows ce ... can someone help me?22:44
captainm!ask | corvusalbus22:44
ubottucorvusalbus: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:44
linuxfcedjhash thanks for that22:45
arrrghhhZsigE, that's interesting... never heard of that before.  have you tried installing with the alternate CD?22:45
Jordan_Ulinuxfce: I don't know what the program does, but generally if for any reason it could not do what it was supposed to, if it crashed, couldn't find a file, etc22:45
djhashlinuxfce: if flashcamwrap crashes before it exits.. it'll exit with an error that is not 0..22:45
corvusalbus!ask i have installed ubuntu 8 and have a problem with sambashares and windows ce ... can someone help me?22:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:45
khakaneHardy upgraded to 2.6.24-19-server from 2.6.24-16-server and boots up with a read-only / and runlevel of 'unknown'.  is there anyway to repair this?22:45
maynards-girlarrrghhh, sri, can't help ya there22:45
=== adamb is now known as blah305
The_ManU_212qr and can i set a prompt when i work as sudo or have sudo rights?22:46
captainmcorvusalbus: We can try if you explain what the problem is22:46
arrrghhhmaynards-girl, c'mon hook it up!22:46
arrrghhhur his girlfriend right? :P22:46
maynards-girl i dont know22:46
maynards-girli'd lke to be22:46
Jordan_Ukhakane: Can you successfully boot into the previous kernel?22:46
arrrghhhlol jk.  sorry for the offtopic22:46
linuxfceJordan_U and djhash yeah thats true, in which case i'll just run killall flashcam manually, unless of course you have an idea for the && line to run with any return status22:46
khakaneJordan_U: not too sure, its remote, would have to have them console it22:46
corvusalbusi have installed ubuntu 8 and have a problem with my sambashares ... from windows xp i can use the shares but from windows ce i get the error that username or password is false22:47
ZsigEarrrghhh: no, I haven't got any blank CDs around unfortunately (the Live CD is a 6.1 disk that I got ages ago, I was planning on upgrading from it once it was installed). I think it's the graphics card's fault, as it hung when trying to boot into Puppy Linux too22:47
khakaneJordan_U: can i remount my /boot read-write so i can change menu.lst to force it in there?22:47
Jordan_Ulinuxfce: Just put it on another line like the other commands22:47
needhelpwhat could be the cause when trying to upgrade Ubuntu from 7.04 to 7.10 that the "Preparing the upgrade"-phase hangs on fetching file 53 of 58 forever.... ?22:47
arrrghhhZsigE, well get a flash drive or a dvd-rw or something cuz i would not recommend installing 6.1...22:47
khakaneJordan_U: actually my /boot is on / so is there a way to force a remount of / read-write accessible?22:47
djhashlinuxfce: just put a , between them instead of && or on another line completely removing &&.22:47
arrrghhhZsigE, heck if you don't mind waiting canocial will send you a free 8.04.1 disc.22:47
arrrghhhneedhelp, sounds like it timed out on that mirror...22:48
Jordan_Ukhakane: Depends on why it is mounted read only in the first place, you don't need to edit your menu.list though, just hit escape when you see "GRUB" at boot and it will give you a menu22:48
needhelparrrghhh: ideas how to fix it? I need to upgrade from 7.0422:48
arrrghhhneedhelp, well you could change your repo's22:48
=== BlinkyToon is now known as Don_Miguel
khakaneJordan_U: i will repeat what i said, the server is remote22:48
ZsigEarrrghhh: Yeah, after this weekend I can get some more CDs up here easily enough. Just wondered if screwed-up graphics was a common enough problem that someone could go "ah yeah, just do such-and-such"22:49
khakanei cant stand in front of it when its 3000 miles away ;)22:49
linuxfceas i suspected, flashcam starts and quits on gyachi start with &,&22:49
arrrghhhZsigE, lol on 6.10 not many people are going to be willing to help unfortunately :P22:49
arrrghhhkhakane, c'mon grow a little22:49
Jordan_Ukhakane: Ahh, :)22:49
ZsigEreally? Is it that bad? It seemed to run OK on my old laptop22:49
qrZsigE: it's just old...22:49
ZsigE(althoughwe do not talk about the wireless)22:50
arrrghhhZsigE, it's just outdated.22:50
arrrghhhqr, get outta my freakin head22:50
linuxfcei need something similar to &&, but one that runs on return x (x for any numeric value)22:50
mralexandroi have a dell xps m1330 and i have installed ubuntu hardy heron 8.04.. however i do not know how to mount external usb harddisk or memory stick. can anyone please explain to me22:50
needhelparrrghhh: could you give me the filename and lines to add/remove ?22:50
qrlinuxfce: you want ;22:50
linuxfceok thanks qr22:50
arrrghhhneedhelp, you can change your repo's in synaptic22:50
Jordan_Ukhakane: So are you accessing it via ssh? How exactly are you interacting with it?22:50
djhashlinuxfce: use the , without the &&..22:50
arrrghhhneedhelp, i'm at work right now so i can't exactly walk u thru the process.22:50
khakanenetworking starts oddly enough22:50
djhashor just put the command in the next line22:51
The_ManU_212qr now fat works, with the one, 1;36 means cyan, without 36 the fat option works22:51
linuxfceok that worked thanks qr22:51
needhelparrrghhh: in Synaptic, everything under the Package-menu is grayed out/disabled22:51
khakaneJordan_U: i just remounted it read/write, changed the default in menu.lst22:51
khakanenow i just hope it reboots ok22:51
ZsigEOK, I'll hang on until I can burn a Hardy CD and see if that copes with it better. Thanks anyway...22:51
qrThe_ManU_212: ahh, my mistake then. Glad you got it working22:51
Jordan_Uneedhelp: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?22:51
arrrghhhZsigE, sorry.  i got into ubuntu in 7.04 i never even used 6.1 haha22:52
The_ManU_212qr thx u22:52
khakanei dont think it rebooted ok22:52
arrrghhhZsigE, that and they've changed a lot (unbreakable X, etc) with hardy22:52
needhelpJordan_U: if you promise not to hack me! :P22:52
needhelpJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39533/22:52
involvedhello. can I switch from one GNU Screen session to another (not windows, sessions) without having to detach1 and attach other?22:53
linuxfcethanks djhash, arrrghhh, and favro. for the extensive help. and thanks for not getting on my case for not rtfm, i will need to rtfm on shell scripting soon22:53
arrrghhhlinuxfce, definitely the best way to know what you're doin :P22:53
qrinvolved: you can attach to a screen inside of a screen with a bit of creativity, but I don't think there's a way to swap sessions.22:53
needhelpinvolved: ctrl-alt-f#22:53
Jordan_Uneedhelp: Ok, in System -> Administration -> Software Sources try switching to the main mirror22:54
khakaneyea its stuck on reboot bleh22:54
khakanestill pinging22:54
=== joaquim is now known as vejejo
involvedqr: thanks22:55
needhelpJordan_U: the "Download from" ?22:55
Jordan_Uneedhelp: Yes22:55
xintronI'm using fluxbox and can't get rhythmbox and my iPod to work. with the gnome-session there's no problem but rhythmbox don't find it using fluxbox. What gnome-services might I be missing? Someone said gnome-volume-manager but how do I start that?22:55
qr_involved: screen inside screen is generally not very friendly if you do decide to go that route though22:55
involvedqr_: yeah.. i've read that already.. thanks22:56
=== joaquim is now known as vejejo
favroxintron: start rythmbox-client from terminal and it will show what it can't find22:56
* djhash off to dinner.. though.. not a wink of sleep for 24.. i might not be back till tomorrow.. till then.. noobies.. learn from the pros.. pros.. take it easy on the noobies.. rembmer.. frustrating over noobies methods will just bring you down to their level and then they'll beat you with experience.. no offence noobies.. for I am one of you..22:56
Jordan_Uxintron: It may be as simple as your ipod needing to be mounted, in which case you can get an automounter for flux or mount it manually22:56
favroxintron: *rhythmbox-client22:57
casaoIs there anything special I have to do to enable multitouch on my trackpad? It supports it because it has Windows drivers, the Synaptics module is loading and everything is set as it should be in the synaptics toubleshooting guide22:57
xintronJordan_U: It's mounted (I can see it using natlius)22:57
xintronfavro: (rhythmbox-client:9099): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-sBoWLzEbGK: Connection refused22:57
danhshave you guys had good experience with autodeb?  or checkinstall?  or (I guess less important) autoapt?22:58
emyllerhi there22:58
danhsrealizing that I sometimes need to compile from source and I'd like to be able to roll it back if necessary....22:59
emyllerhow do i change cursors here?22:59
KiDFlaShsudo halt22:59
KiDFlaShin terminal22:59
danhstrying to figure out the best tool for this22:59
Jordan_UKiDFlaSh: Still not able to access the server after reboot?23:00
danhsKiDFlaSh: I usually use shutdown or reboot23:00
danhsKiDFlaSh: actaully surprising how many "turn off the computer" methods there are23:00
Build-A-Bearis there a fix for these nvidia 6150s breaking ttys?23:00
Build-A-Bearand my screen never comes back either from a blanking on my lappy!23:00
needhelpJordan_U: I changed it, it started to download, then failed with this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/39535/23:01
emyllerhow do i change my cursors? =\23:01
favroxintron: I don't know what to do with that... - sorry :)23:02
KiDFlaShemyller,  did you tried google?23:02
xintronfavro: weird, it's working when using "sudu rhythmbox" :/23:02
emylleri saw that i can put cursors at ~/.icons23:03
thesaint4444what is the bash unix to copy all the contents of one directory including sub dirs into another dir? thanks.23:03
Jordan_Uneedhelp: Try disabling any third party repos in System -> Administration -> Software Sources23:03
emyllerand now, how to apply them without needing to restart my session?23:03
khakanethesaint4444: man cp23:03
shwanthesaint4444: cp -r23:03
favroxintron: how are you starting fluxbox?23:03
tgm4883_laptopLooking for someone to play cron job hero with, since every cron job I have tried to make fails for apparently no reason23:03
xintronfavro: startfluxbox23:03
arrrghhh!hi | gr3y5t0ne23:04
ubottugr3y5t0ne: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:04
thesaint4444khakane: very helpfull.... thanks.23:04
gr3y5t0nehi, sorry , but i have a problem23:04
arrrghhhtgm4883_laptop, are you running cron as root?  some cron jobs need root privileges to run,.23:04
Jordan_Utgm4883_laptop: Can you pastebin an example of one ( preferably the simplest ) that is not working?23:04
tgm4883_laptoparrrghhh, yes23:04
khakanethesaint4444: no problem!23:04
tgm4883_laptopJordan_U, will do, just a sec23:04
gr3y5t0nei stupidly installed xubuntu from the terminal onto my already installed ubuntu hardy23:04
arrrghhhtgm4883_laptop, and are you using crontab or just cron?23:04
thesaint4444khakane: lol...23:04
Flannelgr3y5t0ne: nothing wrong with that23:05
arrrghhhgr3y5t0ne, i don't see why that's a problem23:05
khakanedocumentation is in place for a reason23:05
gr3y5t0nethen, i tried uninstalling it from the terminal23:05
favroxintron: you should have "exec startfluxbox" in the .xinitrc file and use startx to get to desktop afaik23:05
gr3y5t0neand it said it uninstalled23:05
khakanethesaint4444: maybe learning to use it is more important than somone feeding you commands23:05
Flannelgr3y5t0ne: xubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage, are you looking to get back to pure ubuntu?23:05
kitchegr3y5t0ne: have to uninstall xfce4 really to get rid of xubuntu desktop23:06
Flannel!puregnome | gr3y5t0ne23:06
ubottugr3y5t0ne: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »23:06
favroxintron: it's what I do and flux works great :)23:06
Flannelgr3y5t0ne: That page has an easy copy/paste line to do it23:06
gr3y5t0neok thankd23:06
thesaint4444khakane: thank you ohhh oracle of wisdom!23:06
gr3y5t0nei will try it out :)23:06
FirefisheHow does one add a password to a live cd session for added security?23:06
khakanethesaint4444: no problem oh lazy uneducated linux troll ;)23:06
arrrghhhthesaint4444, we appreciate it when people help themselves instead of demanding to be hand-fed commands.23:06
arrrghhhFirefishe, uh a livecd doesn't have a pass for a reason...23:07
thesaint4444khakane: someone got out of bed on the wrong side this morning...23:07
arrrghhhFirefishe, i mean you could do it, but you'd lose it the second you shutdown or reboot23:07
Firefishearrrghhh:  I'm using it in a public environment.  I want to secure the desktop environment if I have to step away from the 'puter for a moment.23:07
khakanethesaint4444: and someone obviously fell out of bed this morning and hit their head..23:07
Jordan_UFirefishe: What are you trying to accomplish exactly?23:07
arrrghhhFirefishe, use a persistent install on a flash drive23:08
FirefisheJordan_U:  see above ^^23:08
thesaint4444khakane: never heard that one before... thanks.23:08
khakanenot suprising23:08
Odd-rationaleFirefishe: you can set a passord: sudo passwd ubuntu23:08
khakaneJordan_U: got it booted into old kernel.23:08
Jordan_UFirefishe: Note there is more than setting a password that is needed to secure the live session23:08
FlannelOdd-rationale, Firefishe: no need for sudo, you're setting your own password23:09
tgm4883_laptopJordan_U, most call other scripts and add arguments.  This one I think may be the easiest  http://pastebin.com/m55ac8a9223:09
Flanneljust "passwd" will work.23:09
Odd-rationaleFlannel: well, if no sudo, then it asks for passwd23:09
Odd-rationaleFlannel: sudo doesn't need a passwd on the live cd23:09
tgm4883_laptopThe problem I see with most of my cron jobs, is that I can run them manually and they work, but when they run automatically, they fail at some point23:09
FlannelOdd-rationale: ... right.. but you just hit enter at the password prompt, and then set one23:10
thesaint4444khakane: sorry.. you are right it was a stupid question.23:10
thesaint4444khakane: typing before thinking, long day...23:10
Odd-rationaleFlannel: if just passwd, then it asks for current passwd...23:10
FlannelOdd-rationale: right, and you hit enter.23:10
FirefisheJordan_U:  Sorry, got called away.  What is involved in securing the live cd session>?23:10
Jordan_Utgm4883_laptop: Two probable causes, one you may be assuming that /bin/sh == bash, which it doesn't or two there may be environment variables that need to be set for what you are doing to work23:11
FlannelFirefishe: What are you hoping to secure?23:11
FlamingHairballI'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a Mac Mini. I need to partition my ubuntu frive as FAT right?23:11
Odd-rationaleFlannel: hmm. i'll have to try that next time... :P23:11
FlannelFlamingHairball: no, ext323:11
MXIIAHow do I edit my Places -> Bookmarks ?23:11
Crshmanhi all, how do i download the sourcecode for my kernel version?23:11
arrrghhhFlamingHairball, FAT is a old microsoft file system23:12
Flannel!kernel | Crshman23:12
ubottuCrshman: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:12
Odd-rationaleFlannel: but i don't recall that working last time...23:12
TheaxiomWhat is a good program for alerting me of new email via the system try?23:12
FirefisheFlannel:  Here's my situation:  This is on a laptop.  My h/d is toast so I'm using the live cd with a usb drive for saving files.  This system works for what I'm wanting to achieve.  I just want a way to secure the desktop when I have to, say, hit the rest room or something.23:12
FlamingHairballarrrghhh: So I don't need to worry about pertitioning in OS X do I?23:12
FlannelOdd-rationale: theres no password for (the user|sudo) on the liveCD, you just said that.  passwd asks for your password:)23:12
dVswhats the easiest way to copy this installation onto different hardware ?23:12
arrrghhhFlamingHairball, not sure how to answer that question...23:12
FirefisheFlannel:  I try to lock the desktop, but as soon as I hit a key or touch the touchpad, the desktop, unsecured, comes right back up.23:13
MXIIAHow do I edit my Places -> Bookmarks ?23:13
erUSULdVs: clone the hard drive or partitions. use clonezilla or partimage23:13
FlannelFirefishe: alright, then yeah, set a password, and lock the screen when you go AFK.  Although, be advised someone could just reboot the machine23:13
s0|Hi I am having an issues w/ installing vmware server 1.0.6 on Ubuntu 8.04, I keep getting an error about being unable to get the last modification timestamp of /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.key23:13
FirefisheFlannel:  True on the last part, but I'm not too worried about that part, I'm not usually gone for long.23:13
dVserUSUL and putting it on different hardware wont matter ?23:13
FirefisheThanks :)23:13
Theaxioms0|: Try using virtualbox23:14
Jordan_UFirefishe: I am not sure entirely, it also depends on how smart the people you are giving it to are :) For one I think that user "ubuntu" is automatically logged in in tty1 if someone switches to it23:14
erUSULdVs: we may have problemas with the xserver (graphics) bu the rest is ok23:14
aldroidI enabled XDMCP in GDM and now it listens on 177/udp, though it answers only when connecting from localhost. How do I make it available for my LAN?23:14
erUSULdVs: to reconfigure x try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'23:14
e7th04shi messed up with my gnome a bit, i used some theme managers and other additional stuff, and now i want to have once again clean gnome - how do i do it? will reinstall option in synaptic be enough23:14
FirefisheJordan_U:  I see.23:14
Odd-rationaleFirefishe: try setting the password with just "passwd" and tell us if that works...23:14
FirefisheOdd-rationale: k...1 sec23:14
tyg13I'm having trouble setting up virtualbox. I have a current windows partition of my drive, but I'm wondering if I need the XP CD to set it up.23:15
s0|Theaxiom, maybe, but I would like to see if I can get VMware server going again. I had it installed on 7.06 and vmserver 1.05 before I added a compeletly new disk subsystem.23:15
dVsso the only problem would be the display ? or monitor ?23:15
arrrghhhFirefishe, i suggested the persistent flash install so it is secure and you don't have to worry about people rebooting23:15
dVswhat about like the swap partition ?23:16
Whiz2Jordan_U: Hey so you know, I've decided to wipe the server, and start over. it's going to take me a while to get it back to the way I need it, but it's better than sitting here struggling with it as is. Any suggestions on a light weight X desktop, or version of ubuntu? (X Desktop needs to be there)23:16
dVsho wwill it know where to point at it ?23:16
FlannelWhiz2: Xubuntu?  Or install from the alternate CD without a GUI, and then add fluxbox or blackbox or ratpoison or whatever.23:16
casaoWho knows about Synaptic touchpads in here - specifically multitouch23:16
wols_Whiz2: xubuntu23:16
wols_but servers don't have X23:17
tyg13I'm having trouble setting up virtualbox. I have a current windows partition of my drive, but I'm wondering if I need the XP CD to set it up.23:17
carandraugtyg13: you need a XP CD to install it in Virtualbox. I've heard it's a way to turn your installation but I don't know how23:17
Whiz2wols_: I need X because I use the GUI more than the command line23:17
xyblor_how do I run x programs from a virtual console? I try doing "DISPLAY=:0.0 xprop -root" and it says "can't open display" or "connection refused by server"23:17
wols_Whiz2: that's rubbish. doesn't mean you need X at all23:17
Dediis there a tool to find the fastest rep mirror?23:17
Firefishearrrghhh:  I do have a 2GB drive I've *tried* to install ubuntu 8.04 to.  I've followed the instructions on pendrivelinux.com religiou but I get an boot error upon booting.  Doesn't seem to want to find the image file.23:17
tyg13carandraug: Thank you. I'll go digging around for my XP CDs :)23:18
Whiz2wols_: X is the gui is it not?23:18
wols_no, X server is the "graphics driver"23:18
carandraugtyg13: I've jound an howto on howto do it how you want but it's in paper23:18
Whiz2wols_: then what is the X Desktop?23:18
tyg13I'll take it23:18
wols_an X client23:19
MXIIAHow do I edit my Places -> Bookmarks ?23:19
tyg13carandraug: most of the tutorials I do is text23:19
Odd-rationaleMXIIA: edit your nautilus bookmarks23:19
Crshmani'm trying to fix a bug for my laptop but i can't figure out how to apply the patch23:19
Crshmanhere is a link to the fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/139045/comments/3023:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 139045 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Slow suspend on various Toshiba laptops" [Medium,In progress]23:19
carandraugtyg13: it's in paper. An article from "Linux format"23:19
FirefisheIs there a channel specifically for usb drive install issues with ubuntu 8.04?23:19
Crshmanwhen i try to open that file it's just a bunch of jibberish23:19
Whiz2wols_: I use a VNC type setup in order to get access to my KDE desktop (running X)23:19
alcane_anybody know anything about Hardy Heron's xorg?23:19
wols_Crshman: that is not for hardy kerneös23:19
Odd-rationaleFirefishe: did "passwd" work? to set password?23:20
tyg13carandraug: Do you have a link? Or is it real physical paper?!23:20
MXIIAodd-rationale: how do I do that?23:20
Jordan_Ualcane_: Try asking your actual question / stating your problem23:20
Crshmanwols_, I know, i don't think that patch has been applied for my specific model though23:20
FirefisheOdd-rationale:  *bonk*  Ooops, my bad.  Let me see.23:20
rrx, not                                   , someting like opnengl or directx23:20
tyg13carandraug: If its real paper I think I'm out of luck :)23:20
carandraugtyg13: real physical paper. Linux format is a magazine23:20
Odd-rationaleMXIIA: in your file manager, go to bookmarks23:20
alcane_i can't display over 800x600, running a ATI Mach64 CT23:20
Odd-rationaleMXIIA: bookmarks --> edit bookmarks23:20
Whiz2wols_: My VNC program uses X server or X11 (can't remember which)23:20
tyg13carandraug: I'll go google hunting. Thanks for the help.23:20
alcane_i'd use customer resolutions, but Heron's xorg isn't like past versions that I'm used to23:21
FirefisheOdd-rationale:  Well, it did take the password, but the screen lock still won't recognize it...I may have to reset the x server, which means, of course, this window as well.23:21
bastid_raZortyg13; using virtualbox you don't need to make a partition. virtualbox creates a file which it'll use to store your guest OS23:21
wols_alcane_: it still is23:21
Jordan_Uxyblor_: Try ( from X ) "xhost + localhost" ( I havn't actually tried this but from the man page I think that it should work )23:21
Whiz2!X server23:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x server23:21
e7th04shi have gnome installed, yet neither gnome nor gnome-core appear installed in synaptic, why is this?23:21
wols_Jordan_U: never tell people to use xhost. EVER23:21
Jordan_Uwols_: Sorry, xyblor_ Please don't use xhost23:22
tyg13bastid_raZor: No. I started off with windows then made a wubi install of ubuntu. I have the windows partition currently mounted. All I want to do is take an existing partition and use it in virtualbox23:22
Whiz2wols_: picky arent you?23:22
wols_Whiz2: google "remote X"23:22
alcane_wols_: it's not like anything i've ever seen.23:22
wols_Whiz2: I just don't want people to oppen security holes23:22
carandraugbut in a resume, what they do is, 1 - boot from a liveCD, 2 - backup the entire Windows partition, 3 - resize the windows partition, freeing space for Linux, 4 - install a Linux OS on the newly freed space, 5 - Convert the windows partition to a VMDK file, 6 - Boot linux, install Virtualbox or Vmware, 7 - configure the windows VMDK file to create a virtual machine and run it23:22
carandraugtyg13: they call it inverting windows23:23
Whiz2wols_: AHA! X server is used to access the X desktop client from a remote location. (hence you saying remote X) I don't use a monitor on my server. I need to be able to access it remotely23:23
needhelpJordan_U: I tried to change the software source, first disabling multiverse, and the result is http://paste.ubuntu.com/39541/23:23
wols_dpkg> somebody said xauth was the mechanism for sharing around authorisation for clients to connect to your X server. Ask me about <mit-magic-cookie> for more information. The xauth program is in the xbase-clients package (sarge and etch) or in the xauth package from lenny onwards. See also http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/workshops/cool_unix/xauth.html or ask me about <sshx>.23:23
Jordan_Uwols_: I am curious what the correct way to do this would be23:24
wols_Whiz2: yes I know23:24
wols_Jordan_U: see my paste23:24
MXIIAodd-rationale: thanks23:24
Whiz2wols_: so your argument that says I don't need X server is invalid :p23:24
Jordan_Uneedhelp: No, don't disable multiverse, disable the repositories in the "third party" tab23:24
wols_Whiz2: it is not23:24
Whiz2wols_: explaion23:24
wols_Whiz2: no23:24
Finnish__Where can I find info about my CPU temp in conky? acpitemp is not working23:24
rrx handles your screen remote or local23:24
wols_if you are too lazy to google I am too lazy to explain. seems fair to me23:25
Whiz2wols_: if you're not willing to explain, then don't give me the argument23:25
s0|Theaxiom, can virtual box run virtual machines if the host doesn't have X isntalled?23:25
* wols_ plonks Whiz2 23:25
Whiz2wols_: Are you telling me i should be relying soley on the commandline?23:25
wols_Whiz2: please stop talking to me23:25
Theaxioms0|: http://www.sun.com/software/products/virtualbox/index.jsp23:26
wols_Finnish__: install lm-sensors and configure it perhaps23:26
alcane_Whiz2: yes, you need to understand the command line before you rely on gui's23:26
khakaneok, i got safely booted back to old kernel, is there a way i can make this kernel permenant, and back out of the kernel upgrade?23:26
wols_khakane: uninstall the new non working kernel23:26
Whiz2alcane_: why? the gui is there for those that do't use the command line23:27
wols_khakane: but you might set the kernel on hold or such23:27
khakanewols_: will i need to do it w/ dpkg?23:27
wols_khakane: no23:27
Odd-rationaleWhiz2: what are you trying to do? remote desktop into your server?23:27
Jordan_Ukhakane: I would suggest trying to find the source of the problem as well though23:27
rrx shouldnt run local, its a virtual device23:27
alcane_Whiz2: would you rather just do something? or understand it so that next time you'll know what's going on?23:27
alcane_Whiz2: learn the command line and you'll be better off23:27
xyblor_Jordan_U: xhost + localhost didn't change anything23:28
e7th04shi have gnome installed and i use it normally, but i messed it up a lot, so i decided to reinstall it - but it does not appear in my synaptic.. wtf?23:28
mavsman4457How do I uninstall Songbird?23:28
wols_mavsman4457: how did you install it?23:28
khakaneJordan_U: yea i should, oddly enough i got 2 servers alike, but im not ready to reboot the other yet, so im thinking for now i should just stick to the old kernel23:28
Whiz2Odd-rationale: yes! i have my server setup that way right now, but i'm about to format it and start over. I want to be able to use the remote desktop for things I don't know how to do from the command line23:28
wols_e7th04sh: apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop23:28
Jordan_Uxyblor_: Don't use xhost, it is insecure ( I shouldn't have recommended it ) see wols_'s comment for how to do this properly23:29
alistairHelp: Hi I needed to use a Java package so installed openjdk. When I go to run a .jar program it does not have association to openjdk anyone advise pse?23:29
mavsman4457wols, i actually can't remember I think it was through a deb but I just found out that I don't need to uninstall it23:29
Whiz2Odd-rationale: catch is that for the system to work better when i do it, I need a recommendation for a lightweight X desktop23:29
e7th04shwols_: what's with that?23:29
wols_e7th04sh: do it23:30
e7th04shi did, i got and what's now?23:30
khakanewols_: how would i 'hold' it?23:30
wols_e7th04sh: what did it say?23:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hold23:30
speener_why is it that i can't find pyqt on the add/remove application app?23:30
e7th04shthere is such package, it gave all the info about it23:30
itachii need help23:31
wols_!info python-qt423:31
ubottupython-qt4 (source: python-qt4): Python bindings for Qt4. In component main, is optional. Version 4.3.3-2ubuntu4.1 (hardy), package size 4152 kB, installed size 19580 kB23:31
wols_e7th04sh: install it23:31
ubuntuis this a good system23:31
itachican some1 help me plz23:31
sugihow do i open the old display options from gutsy?  It's in hardy, but you have to use the command line for it23:31
wols_!ask | itachi23:31
ubottuitachi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:31
tyg13!info python23:31
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 137 kB, installed size 600 kB23:31
TheaxiomSorry guys for the OT but you gotta see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQlzX7EyIwU23:31
tyg13!info GNOME23:31
ubottugnome (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB23:31
wols_Theaxiom: do not ever do this23:31
itachiim trying to find a fast link to download ubuntu23:31
tyg13!info KDE23:32
ubottukde (source: meta-kde): the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:47 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB23:32
speener_dude, i don't want to know what pyqt is, i want to know why i cant find it in the repo23:32
wols_speener_: and I told it where it is.23:32
Theaxiomsorry :(23:32
* Theaxiom puts his tail between his legs and scampers away23:32
Whiz2alcane_: in answer to your question, I'm fluent in MS-DOS. Learning a new command line that is more like programming doesn't seem neccessary if the gui can do the same things23:32
tyg13!info K23:32
ubottuPackage k does not exist in hardy23:32
e7th04shoh man, everything so messed up with my system :/23:32
itachican some1 help me find a fast link to download ubuntu23:32
e7th04shi think i gotta reinstall whole ubuntu23:32
sugihow do I open the screen resolution from the terminal?  the old one from the days of gusty gibbon?23:32
tyg13!info john23:32
ubottujohn (source: john): active password cracking tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6-40.3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 534 kB, installed size 1128 kB23:32
wols_tyg13: /msg ubottu <topic>   do not spam the channel23:32
matt___Not that this is the phone channel...but I'm (sorta looking) for new phone that I can put an ssh client on. Also, I won't to be able to do email and web, for very cheap. Any ideas?23:32
e7th04shwhen i try to run synaptic from kde menu, i can't23:32
itachican some1 help me23:33
FirefisheOdd-rationale:  Well, it seems that I can set a password for the live cd session user, then select Switch User, and get the login prompt.  So a small amount of security. :)  Works for me.23:33
wols_matt___: #hardware. this is OT here23:33
tyg13wols_: sorry :(23:33
speener_wols_: you did? where??23:33
Whiz2itachi: ask your question23:33
e7th04shi have to run it from console :/23:33
wols_speener_: /msg ubottu info python-qt423:33
ubuntucan i still play online games with ubuntu ....i know its stupid23:33
Firefishee7th04sh:  Go to a terminal and do:  sudo synaptic23:33
bastid_raZoritachi; http://releases.ubuntu.com/23:33
wols_e7th04sh: apt-get install <package>23:33
xintronHow would I do if I'm looking for "/tmp/" in all files in a folder?23:33
e7th04shFirefishe: so i do, just don't get wtf23:33
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matt___wols_: what is OT?23:34
wols_matt___: off topic.23:34
Firefishee7th04sh:  I'd check the entry in the menu editor.23:34
e7th04shit's ok23:34
rror on topic23:34
speener_wols_: this is what it replied:  >ubuttu< info python-qt423:34
Firefishee7th04sh:  Hmm...gonna have to think on this one.23:34
SaladinI have a problem with the internet at the moment - Whenever I reboot my laptop, my internet dies in so much as I am unable to connect to anything like IRC, MSN, any web pages. Ubuntu recognises there is a network connection, but nothing works. Checking my System Monitor, I can see there is about 10Kbps down stream but about 115Kbps upstream. Any ideas what the problem could be, anyone?23:34
thesaint4444itachi: go to the unbuntu site and use the links you find there. choose a country near to you.23:34
Whiz2ok how about this... I don't need X Desktop on my server... I *want* X Desktop on my server to make things easier... fair enough?23:34
matt___wols_: I've never heard of that phone. But thanks for the recommendation ;)23:34
wols_speener_: ubottu told you where to find the python qt bindings and what name the package has you need to install!23:34
Firefishee7th04sh:  What version you running?  8.04?23:34
SaladinWhiz2: What version of Ubuntu server?23:35
e7th04shno idea :P i installed it like in March, but i am running updates23:35
tgm4883_laptopis there a way to run cron.hourly to test it to make sure these jobs will run right when it comes time, or do I have to wait for it to run automatically?23:35
wols_matt___: ONLY ask ubuntu support questions in here. not stuff about phones. comprende?23:35
Whiz2Saladin: Currently running Kubuntu 6.06 LST23:35
failurestrange problem, i pxe installed an ubuntu image from a local repository, however when the prompt in the installer came up and asked me to enter my desired username, the output seemed to be in arabic. Additionally, after the complete install the keyboard seems to print blank characters at the initial Ubuntu screen. I have checked the preseed file, the pxeconfig/custom file and compared it to that of the default23:35
e7th04shAnyways, why did my gnome does not appear in synaptic?23:36
speener_wols_: ok...now where do i find it?23:36
wols_e7th04sh: cause there is no such package in main. why didn't you install what I told you?23:36
SaladinWhiz2: Try this link, and follow the instructions - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems - That will give you all you need to do.23:36
e7th04shwols_: i am doing it23:36
wols_!info python-qt423:36
ubottupython-qt4 (source: python-qt4): Python bindings for Qt4. In component main, is optional. Version 4.3.3-2ubuntu4.1 (hardy), package size 4152 kB, installed size 19580 kB23:36
SaladinI have a problem with the internet at the moment - Whenever I reboot my laptop, my internet dies in so much as I am unable to connect to anything like IRC, MSN, any web pages. Ubuntu recognises there is a network connection, but nothing works. Checking my System Monitor, I can see there is about 10Kbps down stream but about 115Kbps upstream. Any ideas what the problem could be, anyone?23:36
wols_speener_: READ23:36
haberneti partitioned my hard disk (90 something gb) for 15 gb of ntfs file system and the rest unallocated...i installed xp pro on 15 gb and now want to install 8.04.1 on the rest, in ubuntu's installation should i do the guided installation where it uses the "largest continuous free space" to install on the unallocated part of my hdd?...otherwise it wants to use my entire disk or resize my 15gb (xp) partition23:37
wols_Saladin: check what it uploads23:37
e7th04shwols_: but wait, i have a gnome running, and i want to reinstall it - if i am doing what you told me, am i doing what i want?23:37
Whiz2Saladin: It's not RAM I'm worried about23:37
wols_e7th04sh: no23:37
Firefishehabernet:  I'd go with manual install23:37
e7th04shalso, when i uninstalled firefox to get firefox 3, it made me remove fe. ubuntu-docs23:37
e7th04shis that normal?23:37
Firefishehabernet:  manual partitioning, I mean.23:38
habernetfirefishe, okay im going to do that now, could you help me out if i have any questions about the install23:38
Firefishehabernet:  Do you know how to do that?23:38
Firefishehabernet:  sure...let's go to pm23:38
SaladinWhiz2: I know. But follow those instructions; under the bit about installing a window manager23:38
roe_is there a good graphical sftp client?23:38
Saladinwols_: How can I do that?23:38
wols_roe_: filezilla maybe23:38
thenebroe_: gnome-vftp ;)23:38
speener_wols_: ok, let me rephrase, how do i install it?23:38
KumorigoeHere's one.  I'm working on getting my laptop to connect to my WiFi network.  I think I'm having problems with WPA Supplicant.  the command sudo wpa_cli returns the error "Could not connect to wpa_supplicant - re-trying"  Any ideas?23:39
wols_speener_: I gave you the fscking package name! a properly configured ubuntu will install it23:39
moleculeanyone know a laptop webcam what works in ubuntu? (one of those you attack to the top of the screen)23:39
wols_!hcl | molecule23:39
ubottumolecule: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:39
wols_!webcam | molecule23:39
ubottumolecule: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:39
Whiz2Saladin: so basically installa server system (or command line system) then install the desktop?23:39
moleculety wols_23:39
SaladinWhiz2: Yeah. That is what I did on my server.23:40
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Whiz2Saladin: thanks23:40
mavsman4457Has anyone downloaded the new songbird?23:40
SaladinWhiz2: No problems.23:40
Whiz2looks like I'mlearning the commandline as a start anyway lol23:40
speener_wols_: dude, see...that's my point23:40
wols_!anyone | mavsman445723:40
ubottumavsman4457: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:40
speener_why can't i find these packages??23:40
wols_speener_: broken sources.list23:40
speener_in the add/remove apps thing23:40
speener_how do i update or fix it?23:40
inside0uthi.. i used to use linux a fair amount like 10 years ago i'm a little lost on how things are supposed to be working these days i guess.. just wondering what's the way i'm supposed to launch a text editor to have admin priv? i was thinking sudo and find the execuitable name but i figured there might be a simple way i'm missing23:40
wols_speener_: edit it, check your repos in synaptic, etc23:41
beilabsAnyone here getting Illegal Instruction when you run Firefox or epiphany-browser?23:41
mavsman4457I installed the new songbird and it shows no top menu ie file, edit, view, etc. why not?23:41
wols_inside0ut: that23:41
e7th04shi would like to trash all my disk and install new ubuntu on it - how do i this?23:41
e7th04shdo i do*23:41
quarterlifeWorking fine here, beilabs.23:41
wols_inside0ut: that's it for cli editors. gksudo for gui ones23:41
e7th04shif i have no cd-rom on this computer? ^_^'23:41
SaladinWhiz2: I use the command line a lot, even though I use the GUI. Generally makes life easier, but I can't do everything in there, as I don't have the knowledge.23:41
wols_e7th04sh: boot frm livecd and delete the ubuntu partition(s)23:41
beilabsquarterlife, hmm, have deleted the .mozilla folder, still can't seem to get it working23:42
refriedbeansfor some reason, when i try to play a flash video, i can't hear any audio23:42
wols_e7th04sh: then reinstall23:42
Jordan_U!install | e7th04sh23:42
ubottue7th04sh: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:42
SaladinWhiz2: You'll find you use the command line more and more as you go along23:42
beilabshave purged firefox, reinstalled and still no dice23:42
xintronI get "Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-ALOTOFNUMBERSANDCHARS: Connection refused" when using for example rhythmbox and gnome-search-tool. I'm using fluxbox and what is causing this error?23:42
wols_xintron: no dbus running23:42
itachican some giveme a link to download ubuntu at high speed23:42
Jordan_Ubeilabs: Tried renaming your .mozilla folder?23:42
Saladinwols_: How do I check what is uploading?23:43
itachican some giveme a link to download ubuntu at high speed23:43
wols_Saladin: netstat, possibly iptraf, etc23:43
xintronwols_: ok, how do I start it?23:43
beilabsJordan_U, renaming?  umm, I deleted it....reinstalling, re-configuring it should have sorted it out, but nope23:43
itachican some giveme a link to download ubuntu at high speed23:43
Saladinwols_: Thanks man23:43
wols_xintron: install it first23:43
itachican some giveme a link to download ubuntu at high speed23:43
bastid_raZoritachi; that link will get it at decent speeds23:43
wols_!repeat | itachi23:43
ubottuitachi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:43
xintronwols_: it's working on my gnome-session but not my fluxbox-session. So it is installed.23:43
wols_itachi: stop the spamming. you only annoy is all and won't get any help23:43
Saladinitachi: Go to ubuntu.com and choose a download mirror close to you.23:44
refriedbeansfor some reason, when i try to play a flash video, i can't hear any audio23:44
Saladinitachi: That is the best way to ensure good speed23:44
wols_xintron: IIRC some init script, but not sure23:44
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itachithe speed is slow23:45
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beilabsJordan_U, the .mozilla folder was re-created, still getting an illegal instruction error though.23:45
wols_itachi: are you paying for it? no? then don't complain23:45
Saladinwols_: Lol23:45
itachiy u being so rude -.-23:45
wols_itachi: cause you are whiny and think you are entitled to something which you aren't23:45
refriedbeanswhere are the admins when you need them?23:46
rrwhats the speed ?23:46
itachiim just wondering... where can i downbload it faster23:46
Saladinrefriedbeans: About your flash problem... Give me a moment and I will get the command for you23:46
beilabsitachi, torrent?23:46
wols_itachi: you were told23:46
refriedbeansoh ok, thank you so much saladin :)23:46
wols_refriedbeans: start the browser in a xterm and check output23:46
qoncepthow do i see how much disk space i have free from a command line/23:46
wols_qoncept: df23:46
bastid_raZorqoncept; df -h23:46
xintronwols_: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start * system message bus already started; not starting.23:47
refriedbeanswols_, whats an xterm?23:47
failurei keep receiving arabic output from my keyboard when i am installing Ubuntu via D-I.23:47
wols_refriedbeans: an X terminal23:47
wols_xintron: then I dunno, sorry23:47
theom3gahi there. I've just downloaded a .rar file with an iso file. When I try to mount (using -o loop) it says the format is not iso9660. I've opened the header of the file in hexadecimal and it says something about "Apple partition map". Is there a way of opening it?23:47
wols_theom3ga: file <file.iso>23:47
theom3gawols_, it says just "Data"23:47
wols_theom3ga: some sort of apple proprietary iso :(23:48
wols_theom3ga: qneed to find out what format it is. hfs can be mounted23:48
wols_dunno about apple dmg23:48
Saladinrefriedbeans: use - sudo apt-get install libflashsupport23:48
theom3gadamn apple23:48
refriedbeansoh ok, thank you23:49
Saladinrefriedbeans: Use that in the command line. Apologies for the slow answer, I can never remember what it's called.23:49
danhshey, how can I verify an alias is working?23:49
dpickhow do you change the menu in xubuntu, menu editor doesn't show most of the entries?23:49
wols_danhs: alias23:49
danhscan I type in the alias and say "echo" or something23:49
refriedbeansno no, thats fine. take your time getting answers23:49
danhswols_: nice....23:49
refriedbeansif i'm going to get assistance, i have to be patient :)23:49
danhswols_: no way to type in the actual alias command itself and see what it translates to though, right?23:50
wols_danhs: alias |grep aliastocheck23:50
bastid_raZorwols_; what should file file.iso have said if it were a mountable iso?23:50
wols_bastid_raZor: iso9660 image or such23:50
bastid_raZorwols_; ok, thanks23:50
danhswols_: ehh...okay....I thought there was somepoint where the remapped command (the alias) spit something out to standard out which I could just "catch"23:50
wols_danhs: KISS23:51
molgrumhave there been any updates since the -21 kernel? i haven't gotten anything new and want to put the kernel update on hold23:51
danhswols_: just hoping to verify that it was precisely right, that's all...23:51
danhsthanks very much for the help23:51
Jordan_Ubastid_raZor: Have you tried anything like "mount -t hfs -o loop file.iso /mountpoint" ?23:51
wols_molgrum: check packages.ubuntu.com yourself23:51
wols_Jordan_U: file should recognize hfs volumes23:52
refriedbeansSaladin, thank you so much!! i finally have audio on youtube again. i give you kudos :)23:52
failurewhen i select en_US as a langauge from the installer, how come I see arabic output when i type within the installer?23:52
failured-i debial-installer/locale string en_US23:53
obf213y does totem crash my system23:53
obf213i hate that23:53
Saladinrefriedbeans: Not a problem buddy. Is what we're here for, no?23:53
refriedbeansfor some reason, totem and vlc tend to freeze up ubuntu when i attempt to play mp4 videos23:53
refriedbeansi have the same problem obf21323:54
bastid_raZorJordan_U; as wols said.. if file didn't see it as hfs then mount won't either23:54
Saladinwols_: I just tried netstat, and there is too much info to see it one go. Is there a way to see just a page at a time, like the DOS /p parameter?23:54
wols_Saladin: |less23:55
kernnandoim tryin to open a file... using chmod +x but it just says the file doesnt exist23:55
wols_kernnando: what file?23:55
kernnandoits an executable file23:55
refriedbeansi've noticed that Ubuntu takes advantage of my cable-based connection and the speed seems a lot faster than on windows23:55
wols_answer me. what name23:55
hiptobecubicI have a usb drive with several partitions. What is the fastest way to dismount all of the partitions so I can safely unplug it? Can you dismount an entire device?23:55
wols_refriedbeans: windows tcp stack is atrocious23:56
bastid_raZorrefriedbeans; windows reserves some of your bandwidth to talk to M$..23:56
theom3gaumount -a ?23:56
wols_theom3ga: bad choice very bad23:56
Pokshunwhen I do "groups abcd" I see, abcd : xyz mno  ... So the user "abc" is in groups "xyz" and "mno". I want this user to be removed from group "xyz". I did a "usermod -G mno abcd" but that didn't work23:56
Saladinrefriedbeans: Yeah, I noticed that as well. My download speed went from about 100Kbps to a solidly stable 250Kbps23:56
SaladinUbuntu FTW23:56
hiptobecubictheom3ga, won't that completely dismount everything including my os?23:56
refriedbeansi definitely know m$ is very shady, especially on vista23:57
kernnandoits a file my friend sent me called keymaker but yeah it wont open its for nerolinux23:57
theom3gahiptobecubic, the in-use partitions won't get umounted23:57
wols_!warez | kernnando23:57
ubottukernnando: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o23:57
refriedbeansyeah, even copying files from my IDE HDD to my flash drive seems faster on ubuntu too23:57
PokshunFriends, when I do "groups abcd" I see, abcd : xyz mno  ... So the user "abc" is in groups "xyz" and "mno". I want this user to be removed from group "xyz". I did a "usermod -G mno abcd" but that didn't work23:57
fsufitchguys, i have this weird problem. after not using my compiz effects (cube, animations etc) for a while (3 minutes or so), if i start using them again they lag for a few seconds then work smoothly again. i'm on a dell xps 1330 sporting ubuntu 8.10, dual core 2.0 GHz, 2 GB ram, and a nvidia gfx card able to handle all compiz with no problem. might it be turning itself off to save power? does anyone know how to fix this?23:58
mEDEcokay i have this disk where i get some kind of { DRDY } error at boot, stalling the ubuntu install process.23:58
refriedbeansi know for a fact that m$ uses windows media player 11 as spyware. when i used to plug in my ipod in the beginning, i would get a prompt from my firewall if windows media player could access the internet. i got that prompt everytime23:58
refriedbeansso after a while, i blocked wmp from going on the internet at all times23:59
mEDEcwindows can boot with the disk just fine, and arch complains, but after a while proceeds to boot as well. anybody know what's going on?23:59
Jordan_Ufsufitch: Most likely compiz's memory is being paged to disk ( if you are low on RAM especially )23:59
fsufitchJordan_U: my ram is at 20% usage23:59

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