
bytor4232i have not.00:03
newbiew_can someone help me00:45
newbiew_xubuntu is not detecting my sound card00:45
newbiew_i need help with my sound card please01:03
jmichelsenyo anyone there?01:05
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:11
NrbelexHow do I check how much RAM I have?02:11
kill_Anyone willing to help a newb?02:47
kill_I ...guess not :/02:48
kill_I'm a newb as far as Xubuntu, and I have it on PS3. I tried to change the resolution through Xorg but it keeps failing when I reboot.02:53
kill_I also have a SDTV not an HD...02:54
kill_Any help?02:54
kill_I'm a newb as far as Xubuntu, and I have it on PS3. I tried to change the resolution through Xorg but it keeps failing when I reboot.02:55
kill_Also I have a02:55
kill_SDTV, not a HD02:55
kill_I'm a newb as far as Xubuntu, and I have it on PS3. I tried to change the resolution through Xorg but it keeps failing when I reboot.03:00
kill_Also I have an SDtv, not a HDtv03:00
kill_Any help ?03:00
DaveKongkill_ please don't spam if someone can help you he/she will I suggest trying the forums if no one here assists you03:00
jmichelsen_yo anyone out there a VM expert? I have a prob with my vmware on xubuntu. When I power on a machine (any) it opens for a sec, then just closes as if it powered back on03:09
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=== Guest19631 is now known as dpick
dpickanybody here?06:06
mespejelhello one question.. if install xfce to ubuntu.. would be the same as xubuntu? will look the same?08:52
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galleta_i need help please09:29
galleta_my friend09:40
galleta_can someone hlp me please09:40
marenostrumHello. Xubuntu 8.04 here. With WildMidi, I can not use option "n" (Next Midi) . What I try to do is, to press "n" while I am playing a midi file in a directory, I suppose the next file in the directory will be played. But instead, WildMidi shuts down. Am I doing something wrong?10:04
lunarticmorning all: can somebody tell me how I find out in console which files are installed by a package?10:20
kibibytehow to make visible hidden files in open file dialogs ?10:22
galleta_for some reason10:24
galleta_i cant see my networking icon and my battery charge icon10:24
lunartickibibyte: try to type the dot already in the field to type the name10:24
galleta_on panel i mean10:24
galleta_can someone hlep me please10:26
kibibytethen dd it agan10:35
Alecmgkibibyte: ctrl+h10:39
Alecmgshows hidden files10:39
padmajihi, can anyone tell me if thunar has an extension so i can ftp and ssh into my server11:31
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ElAngelolunartic: you asked here already?11:58
ElAngeloadded a wireless nic in a machine and now it doesn't show up in nm-system-editor12:00
HelloHelloHelloHello I have just started using Linux and the most confusing thing is the filesytem can anyone hep explainging this. What the files are like bin and such.13:23
Alecmgimagine all your exe files are put together in one directory13:24
Alecmgthats bin13:24
HelloHelloHellook so thats like program files13:27
Alecmgnot exactly13:27
Alecmgbecause all dll files are in lib13:27
HelloHelloHelloso bin and lib are like program files13:31
HelloHelloHellowhat would be "Documents and Settings" and "Windows13:31
lunarticDocuments and Settings would be /home13:34
HelloHelloHelloWhat about the other folders? what would they be?13:35
lunarticwindows does not really has an equivalent13:36
Alecmgits spread out13:36
lunarticquiet confusing in the beginning if you come from windows13:37
Alecmgmost confusing is lack of C: drive :)13:37
lunarticalthough: even in xp you can mount a drive at a certain directory13:38
lunarticif you've done that then the principle of thinking starting zith a root / is easier13:39
HelloHelloHelloverry that and other linux distro don't auto mount so you have to know sda or whatever the device is that I still don't get :)13:40
lunarticThey can also automount. You only have to write a correct configuration file for it13:49
Chickengeorgehello, my windows-close-button disappeared on al windows, can anybody help me please?13:58
wols_restart your window manager14:14
jokoonhello, I put all the text files from .local/notes/Notes in the new one (in reinstalled ubuntu) but they won't open, whats wrong ?15:11
dimitreeI just installed Xubuntu and enabled hardware drivers for my Nvidia card, after the restart my resolution changed to as far as i can tell to 600x400, in the display resolution options i have only the Default option and 320x200 or something ? can someone help ?15:28
wols_check your Xorg.0.log15:59
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jmichelseni cant seem to get X forwarding working, it doesnt seem to find the display to forward16:05
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jesus_9001Anyone on that can help me?18:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:00
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
jesus_9001Ok I installed Xubuntu and everything went peachy. I updated it and restarted and it was all fine still. Then I installed the proprietary drivers for my ATi x1650 AGP card and it will not boot. The Loading Screen comes up but after that it doesn't go to the login screen. Anyone experience this before?19:04
cody-somervilleWhere does it go?19:07
jesus_9001Just to a blank screen19:08
cody-somervillePress ctrl+alt+F119:08
cody-somervilleand run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:08
cody-somervilleand then: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart19:08
jesus_9001does ctrl alt f1 take me to bash19:09
jesus_9001ok i will try that19:09
jesus_9001still goes to blank screen19:12
cody-somervilleCan you send me the output of /etc/Xorg.0.log19:12
cody-somervillePlease don't paste it in this channel :-]19:13
jesus_9001I cant boot19:21
jesus_9001Should I put in the disk and go to recovery mode or whatever19:21
cody-somervilleIf that works best for you.19:21
jesus_9001ok i will be back later today i have to go to work thanks for the help19:24
jesus_9001How do I uninstall the ATi driver from the recovery mode20:15
zoredachehow did you install it?20:19
dpickanybody here?20:48
zoredache!anyone | dpick20:48
ubottudpick: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:48
dpickis there any way to lock a machine without using the screensaver, similar to how windows does it?20:49
zoredacheeh?  When you lock the screen in windows it eventually starts the screen saver...20:51
dpicknot if you have the screensaver disabled20:51
zoredacheif it is disabled, doesn't it simply use the blank screen saver?20:52
dpickit just shows the login box20:53
dpicki'm just looking for a way to lock the machine without a screensaver, generally i don't bother with one20:54
zoredacheinstead of locking, choose 'switch user'  It will send you back to the login box?20:54
zoredacheinstead of locking, choose 'switch user'  It will send you back to the login box?20:55
dpickok, is there a command that i could map to a shortcut key?20:56
zoredacheprobably...  I don't know it off the top of my head20:56
pcybillFor locking the screen its xflock420:57
dpickthat just starts xscreensaver doesn't it?20:58
pcybillBut that will still get you the screen saver iirc20:58
pcybillit locks the screen though, you will need the pw to get out of it20:58
dpickeh whatever if i have to use the screensaver whatever20:58
zoredachewhy are you worried about the screen saver?21:00
pcybillYou can set the screen saver as a blank screen if you dont want no eye candy, then when you xflock4 it will just go to a blank screen21:01
dpicki have some processor intensive stuff running, but i have to leave my machine21:01
dpickpcybill: sounds like the best option, thanks21:01
xeper777hi ;)21:12
jokoonI put the text files for the notes plugin21:12
jokoonfor xfce21:12
jokoonI have several ones21:12
jokoonbut they don't appear in tabs21:13
jokoonwhats wrong ?21:13
xeper777sorry i never used xfce. :) i'm only checking something here. I wanted to be nice.21:13
xeper777*I have never21:13
favrojokoon: isn't the notes plugin a panel app? - you have to add it to a panel don't you?21:22
jokoonits added21:22
jokoonbut I want to restore old notes21:22
favrojokoon: I've never used it but there should be a config file in ~/.config/xfce4 you might be able to find something in there - sorry  I can't help more21:26
jokoonYes I found where to put the text files21:26
favrojokoon: you might need to log out and in to get the old notes loaded21:27
xxTheSaintHello, im trying to get my mate to join my in openssh but it wont let him22:22
xxTheSainti have forwarded my ports on my router, but its not letting him in.22:22
xxTheSaintAnyone know?22:27
favroxxTheSaint: afaik your mate would need a key to access the ssh session...22:31
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xxTheSain1Hello, i'm trying to find some help on "Hacking" secured internet connections. I only want this because my brother has a girlfriend and her dosent have a connection, but her neighbrough does. But its unfortunatly secured22:55
xxTheSain1Is there any programs to get into the secured network?22:56
zoredachewhat you are asking for is unethical.   I doubt anyone will help22:56
xxTheSain1well, im hopeing someone can22:58
zoredachehow would you feel if I stole your bandwidth?22:58
zoredacheanyway, You almost certainly will not get an answer here.  It is a)off-topic b)unethical c)against the spirit of the 'code of conduct'22:59
wols_xxTheSain1: if you don23:04
wols_don't stop, you will simply be banned23:04
xxTheSain1hmmm, So how else am i going to get help with this23:08
xxTheSain1 kind of topic?23:08
wols_not at all. if you don't stop immediately I call ops23:09
zoredacheWHy not, go over to the neighbor and as politly instead of trying to steal23:09
dpickhow do you change the applications menu, menu editor doesn't show most of whats there23:46
TheSheepdpick: it's automatically generated from what is installed23:57
TheSheepdpick: simply install or uninstall software that you want or not23:57
dpicki installed wine, whiched created an other menu, but when i unistalled wine it didn't remove it23:57
dpickis there a way to manually remove the entry?23:58
TheSheepdpick: ah, that's in ~/.local/applications/wine23:58
wols_purge it23:58
TheSheepdpick: every file in there is one entry23:58
dpickpurging it didn't work, and ~/.local/applications/wine doesn't exist23:59
TheSheepsorry, that's ~/.local/share/applications/wine23:59

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