
jonnyde1james_w: I know of fast-export -- but as you already stated -- it's lossy00:00
jonnyde1is it now ossible by design to implement something like replaying a series of commits without loosing anything?00:00
jonnyde1sorry, I've meant: is it not posible...00:01
AfCjames_w: the overload of : (the fact that some names work only in one context, and others only in the other seems to be the sort of thing that will drive people batty)00:06
jonnyde1with other words: could anyone imagine a way to write a plugin for bazaar which would just output all revisions and associated change sets as a series of commits which could be replayed again in order to create a clone which looks like the original?00:09
radixjonnyde1: isn't that what "bzr branch" does?00:09
bob2that sounds like it would be its' own repository format00:10
bob2why not just trust bzr?  bzr itself has been upgraded from the 2005 preprealpha format with no data loss (unless you count ghosts).00:11
jonnyde1radix: yes, indeed it does. but bzr branch creates a branch with a specific repository format.00:11
radixoh, I see, you want a format-independent backup. I missed that part00:11
jonnyde1radix: yes, exactly :)00:12
james_wjonnyde1: you could come up with a non-lossy format similar to fast-export00:13
jonnyde1maybe there should be a a format-independent repository format, too. One that does not consider any optimisations regarding storage efficiency....00:13
jonnyde1james_w: that's something I would imagine... This way there would always exist a format to which you can get from every other format, and the other way round00:14
james_wnot really possible00:14
james_wwell, yes, you could write such a thing, but there's no way to future-proof it, and once you go to a format that stores less information you are stuck00:15
jonnyde1ok, that's a good point00:16
jonnyde1but I think one should maybe not see it as another repository format, but just as a series of commits that could be replayed by hand, too00:17
jonnyde1the only difference is00:17
jonnyde1that I would have to be able to commit change sets created by someone else00:18
jonnyde1I mean using his signature/checksum00:18
jonnyde1(and original content of course)00:20
lifelessjonnydee: I think you misunderstand what repository formats do00:23
jonnyde1lifeless: probably you are right...00:24
lifelessjonnyde1: there are two different dimensions in formats00:24
lifelessjonnyde1: one is _model_, one is just how things are indexed etc00:24
lifelessthe latter is things like knits -> packs -> btree etc00:25
lifelessthe former is things like 'plain', 'subtree', 'richroot'00:25
lifelessits not possible to predict the future00:25
lifelessso its not possible to define a model which is accurate in the future00:25
jonnyde1It is just that for me it looks like so: when I commit something to a repository with format A I do provide the same information as when I commit the same content to a repository with format B00:26
lifelesswell, when they have the same _model_ that is true00:26
lifelessbut its not true when you commit to a format with different models00:26
jonnyde1but the information I provide during commit is always the same, isn't it?00:27
jonnyde1I provide my content and a message00:27
jonnyde1what else?00:27
lifelessthe data on disk :)00:27
lifelessthe entire working tree is information00:27
lifelessthe unique id for files00:28
lifelesswhether there are nested trees00:28
lifelessthe UUID the commit is to be assigned00:28
jonnyde1but imagine a batch script in which I create a repository00:29
lifelessas james_w says, you can export to e.g. fastimport, or even to a series of patches, and in terms of your user data what you get back after importing again will look the same00:29
lifelessbut bzr will consider them to be different projects00:29
jonnyde1then I do create some files, create dirs, add them, rename them, etc.00:29
lifelessjonnyde1: sure, we do this thousands of times in the test suite for bzr00:29
jonnyde1now when I execute the same script on a repository with a different format, it just works00:29
lifelessjonnyde1: and every single time they are unique00:29
jonnyde1ok, now I see00:29
lifelessjonnyde1: the script works, the identity of the content is different00:29
jonnyde1so you would also get different revision ids?00:30
lifelessand different file ids00:30
jonnyde1and how do you implement upgrade/downgrade without stumbleing over the same issues?00:31
lifelesswe're working with the structured data00:31
lifelessactually, there is a logical argument here:00:32
lifelessif you define something that stores the very minimal data needed to exactly reproduce a bzr repo00:32
lifelessyou have defined a bzr repository format00:32
lifelessits no more neutral than the formats we ship in bzr itself00:33
jonnyde1makes sense...00:33
lifelessyou might not call it a format, and you might not use bzr's format machinery to manage it, but it would be performing the same job00:33
lifelessif it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, and quacks like a duck, might as well call it a duck00:33
jonnyde1and why doesn't svn have to deal with this issues? is it because there are no cryptographic ids?00:35
lifelesssvn has the same issue00:35
lifelessif you run svn 1.5 on a svn 1.4 tree, it upgrades it and svn 1.4 will no longer work00:36
lifelessyou have to dump and restore svn repositories to upgrade them on the back end as well00:36
lifelessI don't know why svn is not _percieved_ to have the same issues, but it has them :)00:36
jonnyde1but I can dump the contents of 1.4 and import them into 1.5 -- and vice versa00:37
jonnyde1without loss of information ... AFAIK00:37
lifelessyou can downgrade a bzr repository from packs-0.92 to knits without loss of information00:37
lifelessbecause thats simple layout, not data model00:37
lifelessyou can't do a merge in svn 1.4 and have it be tracked, you need svn 1.5 - thats data model00:38
jonnyde1ok, I think I am starting to understand....00:38
jonnyde1well, the reason why I wish there was some kind of independent format is that I pushed a branch to launchpad using bzr.dev and its newest repository format. And after that there was no way back for downgrading....00:40
lifelessjonnyde1: sure there is00:40
lifelessjonnyde1: bzr upgrade sftp://.... --format=FORMATNAME00:41
lifelesssome format choices are one-way, because there is data loss going backwards00:41
jonnyde1it told me something like downgrading from that format is not implemented yet...00:41
lifelessbut the default is not like that, you would have to have explicitly chosen a format that is past that one-way barrier00:41
lifelessjonnyde1: whats the branch url?00:42
jonnyde1yes, now I understand why. It's indeed a by design issue00:42
jonnyde1well I removed the branch completely and created a new branch with an older format00:42
lifelessjonnyde1: what was the format you had used?00:43
jonnyde1and locally I threw away my history and created a new branch with new revisions from scratch00:43
jonnyde1I used --rich-root-pack, I think. But just a moment...00:43
lifelessjonnyde1: ok, *why* did you do that?00:44
lifelessjonnyde1: its not the default for a reason :)00:44
jonnyde1well, I thought it sounds like it stores more information so my guess was that I should be more stable for future format changes...00:45
lifelessjonnyde1: you should only use defaults unless you have a specific reason to use something different00:45
lifelessit does store more information, and most things should work with it, but you do need a slightly newer bzr than you do for the default format, which only needs bzr 0.9200:46
jonnyde1well, that sounds reasonable. But on the other hand there isn't any suggestion to do so in the documentation or bzr help00:46
lifelessbzr help formats:00:47
lifeless    (native) New in 1.0: Pack-based format with data compatible with00:47
lifeless    rich-root format repositories. Incompatible with bzr < 1.000:47
jonnyde1well, but I am always using the newest bzr version00:48
lifelessjonnyde1: then why did you dislike the behaviour of rich-root-pack? did something go wrong?00:48
jonnyde1the problem was I upgraded my local repository to the newest rich-root-pack format00:49
jonnyde1then I had to do the same with the one hosted on launchpad00:49
jonnyde1because bazaar told me the formats were incompatible00:50
lifelessthats normal for rich-root changes, what went wrong though?00:50
jonnyde1launchpad was not comfortable with a repository format named 1.7dev and rich-root-pack00:50
lifelesslp handles rich-root-pack fine00:51
jonnyde1so actually nothing went wrong except that launchpad had a problem with it00:51
lifelesslp won't handle development formats, because it runs bzr releases00:51
jonnyde1but it told me that 1.7 is not supported00:51
lifelessbzr has not released 1.7 yet00:51
lifelesslp only supports released bzr versions00:52
jonnyde1yes, exactly. so I tried to downgrade it again00:52
jonnyde1and this is where I got stucked00:52
lifelessif you downgrade to rich-root-packs it would have worked00:52
lifelessok, for future reference - launchpad supports bzr released versions only00:52
lifelessyou can upgrade between any format version that has the same data model00:53
jonnyde1yes, maybe. but a first downgrade with wrong parameters exited with a downgrade not implemented yet. so there was left a backup.bzr at launchpad00:53
lifelessso *-rich-root are all compatible with each others00:53
lifelessyou can delete backup.bzr there using hitchhiker00:53
jonnyde1and the second try exited with the message that there is already a backup.bzr00:53
lifelessits a bug in lp that thats not easily removable00:53
lifelessI'm sorry you had trouble00:53
jonnyde1lifeless: no problem -- really!!! :)00:54
lifelessand more sorry you didn't get good support :(00:54
jonnyde1I mean I lost some revisions from history but there were only a few until now, anyway00:54
jonnyde1it was a fresh project00:54
jonnyde1And it was my fault to use a development version of bazaar00:55
jonnyde1So please don't mind ;)00:55
lifelessok :)00:55
lifelessanyhow - take away message is that you can use development formats locally, but you need to do a little special thing when pushing from them to launchpad00:56
jonnyde1and regarding support: I couldn't get better support :)00:56
lifelesswhat you need to do is do 'bzr init --MODEL lp:..' rather than just a 'push'00:56
lifelesse.g. if you chose --development-rich-root locally, you would do 'bzr init --rich-root-pack lp:foo' to make a branch that LP understands that you can push to.00:57
jonnyde1ok, thanks -- I will do that, instead00:57
jonnyde1lifeless: thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions. It is really really nice of you :) :) :)00:59
lifelessmy pleasure00:59
jonnyde1So have fun and a nice day/night . best regards01:00
lifelessthanks, I shall!01:00
lifelessjml: lol @ forcing you to use a dictionary :)01:23
sohailhey guys01:24
sohailI've been working on a project and I want to put up a repo of it (don't really care about history). Is there some document that tells me how to set up my development so I can push to that repo securely?01:25
lifelessbzr push URL ? :)01:26
sohailover http?01:26
sohailsorry my brain is fried today but I fear this is as good as it is going to get!01:27
lifelesssure, if you have bzr configured in your apache config and use https rather than http01:27
lifelessor you can use sftp or bzr+ssh01:27
sohailso I hate mucking around with apache... Can I do it without telling Apache this is bzr?01:28
lifelessis you isntall the webdav plugin and enable webdav on your server (and use https :))01:29
lifelessmost people use bzr+ssh or sftp though01:29
sohailso how do I let people clone it then?01:29
sohaillike I don't care about pushing over ssh, that's what I do now01:29
sohailbut I don't know how to let people clone it01:30
sohailagain, please refer to brain fried state above if this sounds totally stupid01:30
lifelessjust have the place you pushed to be served by apache01:31
sohailover plain http?01:31
sohailno futzing around with apache?01:31
sohaildouble sweet01:31
sohailso do you guys have one bzr repository for all your projects or multiple repos01:35
mwhudsonmultiple repos, on the whole01:35
sohailI see01:36
sohailwhat are the benefits?01:36
sohailmwhudson, I'm not a bzr expert but what do you do when one of your projects depends on another?01:39
mwhudsonsohail: symlinks, basically01:40
mwhudsonbut i'm not really responsible for the setup or deployment side of things01:40
sohailyou non-windows user you01:41
mwhudsonthere's no real disadvantage to one-big-repo, i think01:41
sohailsymlinks are a perfect solution until you hit the dreaded C:\> prompt01:41
lifelesssohail: when there are dependencies between projects, I think best practice is to install the inner one and build on the installed copy01:43
lifelessand/or provide variables to build on an uninstalled copy01:43
sohailnot a huge deal anyway01:44
sohailnow next question :-D01:44
sohailhow can I track a svn repository in bzr?01:44
mwhudsonvarious ways01:45
mwhudsonrequest an import on launchpad01:45
mwhudsonor bzr-svn01:45
mwhudsonbeing the two main ways01:45
sohailbzr-svn sounds promising01:45
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
kikolet's say02:08
kikoI have a file in one branch that has its own history02:08
kikohow do I bring that file into another branch with full history?02:08
lifelessfile histories don't have log messages, you need the full branche for that02:08
lifelessso you'd do bzr join to join the branches02:08
kikois having some big files in .bzr/repository/upload normal?02:46
kikocan I kill them? :-(02:47
lifelessthey are temporary files during commit/push/pull/merge02:48
lifelessif you have no bzr processess doing that, then yes.02:48
kikoshould they not be cleaned up the next push or so?02:48
lifelessthey only get left if bzr gets disconnected/physically interrupted02:48
lifelesskiko: we can't tell if they belong to an active process, so no.02:49
kikothe funny thing is that this file is 300MB, but the actual .bzr folder itself is about 1MB02:49
lifelessprobably you interrupted a bzr push of launchpad to that repo :)02:49
kikocould it have been a bzr merge?02:50
kikoah, then that's what it was02:50
kikohow could you guess?!02:50
lifelessI know how big launchpad is :P02:50
rockyjelmer: don't suppose you had any luck tracking down that issue today ?03:06
jelmerrocky, I did03:27
rockyoh? something i can test?03:27
jelmerIt should work now, haven't tried with your URL though03:27
jelmerrocky, 0.4 branch03:27
* rocky tries03:27
rockyjelmer: while i'm waiting for this to checkout ... do you use tracbzr much?03:29
Peng_Why have bzr-svn default to 1.6-rich-root?03:30
jelmerrocky, yeah, we use it for bitlbee and ctrlproxy03:30
jelmerPeng_, Seemed like a sane choice since it'll only work with bzr 1.6 anyway03:30
rockyjelmer: oh, should i be creating my repo with --rich-root-pack or 1.6-rich-root ?03:30
jelmerrocky, either will work03:30
rockyjelmer: another error --> http://cluebin.appspot.com/pasted/80103:31
Peng_rocky: 1.6-rich-root supports stacking, but isn't compatible with older versions of bzr.03:31
jelmerrocky, sorry, uncommitted change03:32
rockyjelmer: let me know when your'e ready03:33
jelmerrocky, please try again03:33
rockyjelmer: k, recreated repo and checking out the svn source again03:34
rockyjelmer: well, the checkout is taking a lot longer this time ;)03:37
rockythe amount of http requests this is doing for a checkout is astounding03:41
* rocky is watching his remote server logs03:41
rockyjelmer: when i'm doing a checkout of a particular folder/trunk ... why is it querying all kinds of other folders that aren't in the hiearchy ?03:42
jelmerrocky: it needs to search for revisions not on the mainline03:43
rockyjelmer: ok it worked ... and i just added a dummy test file and it's considerably faster, but still slower than i'd expect ... that commit (of one file) did about 50 http requests to my server03:44
jelmerrocky, incremental commits should be faster03:44
rockydefine: incremental commit03:44
jelmerrocky, if you do another commit, it should be faster03:45
jelmerif not, how fast is it?03:45
rockyeven when i do a commit it's checking all kinds of branches of other projects that aren't in my project's hierarchy03:46
rockythis 2nd commit is taking longer than the first one did03:46
jelmerrocky, It has to check whether the revision is already present elsewhere03:47
jelmerrocky, since bzr does a push under the hood03:47
rockyjelmer: added a 2nd file...03:49
rocky time bzr commit -m "Another checkin test"03:49
rockyCommitting to: https://dev.serverzen.com/svn/cluemapper/ClueMapper/trunk03:49
rockyadded test.txt03:49
rockyCommitted revision 113.03:49
rockywhoops, sorry03:49
rockydidn't realize it was so much03:49
jelmerrocky: This is bug 15865703:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 158657 in bzr-svn "ability to limit paths searched by lookup_revision_id()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15865703:50
rockyjelmer: that commit that i just pasted ... did 347 svn requests according to my remote apache log03:51
rockyso that's my 3rd commit ... so far it seems like things are slowing down more03:52
* rocky wonders if he's the only one having these major slowdown issues03:54
Peng_You're not03:58
jelmerrocky, do you have a lot of directories on the same level as your branch?04:01
rockyjelmer: https://dev.serverzen.com/svn/cluemapper/ClueMapper/trunk/ is the "branch" i'm "bzr checking out" ... you can look at it your self... at the same "level" as trunk the only other folders are branches and tags in true svn style04:04
jelmerrocky, there's a lot of things at the same level it looks like04:05
jelmerit'll check https://dev.serverzen.com/svn/*/*04:05
rockyjelmer: lol how's that the same level?04:05
jelmersame level of nesting in the repository04:06
mwhudsonjelmer: shouldn't you be asleep? :)04:09
rockyjelmer: hmm.... so where does this leave us? :)04:10
jelmermwhudson, yes, I *should* :-) messed up biorhythm again04:10
jelmerrocky, it'll be slow for a while, until bug 158657 is fixed04:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 158657 in bzr-svn "ability to limit paths searched by lookup_revision_id()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15865704:10
rockyjelmer: i honestly don't think i'll be able to stick it out much longer... these slow commits have been killing me now for the past several weeks :/04:11
jelmerrocky, alternatively, you can just work in bzr and push to svn in batches04:11
rockyjelmer: the only reason i haven't switched a lot of my stuff to bzr is the fact that i want to reduce the barrier for people to help in my community projects04:12
mwhudsoni took that line for a while04:13
mwhudsonthen i just gave up and switched 100% to bzr04:13
jelmerrocky, what I mean is, you don't have to use a checkout04:14
jelmerrocky, you can just use bzr and maintain a mirror in svn using bzr-svn04:14
lifelessabentley: welcome back :)05:51
abentleylifeless: thanks.05:52
mwhudsonheh, wb bb06:22
* vila warms up, reset clock, 22min to go to start at 08/08/22 08:0006:39
lifelessvila: :)06:49
* vila 's internal security check failed, caffeine too low. launching delayed by ~8mins06:58
lifelessjam: isn't it your bedtime ? :)07:01
vila08/08/22 08:08:22 IGNITION07:08
vilaHello World !07:08
lifelesswelcome :)07:10
vilalifeless: thanks :)07:11
mwhudsonvila: hi :)07:14
vilamwhudson: hi !07:17
uwsIs there a way to "svn checkout" using bzr without downloading full history?08:59
uwsJust a "get me started RIGHT NOW" basically?08:59
uwsonly downloading history when needed, e.g. for diffing08:59
uwsor just the last few revisions09:00
RAOFuws: I belive the answer is 'yes'; bzr checkout --lightweight will get you a 'this revision only' checkout, I believe.09:01
uwshmmm. will that work for foreign svn  branches as well?09:01
luksprobably, but it will still need to cache all the revision metadata09:01
luksbut I probably shouldn't be saying this if I'm not sure :)09:02
uwsit would be a killer feature for many ppl forced to use svn today09:02
uwsimporting like ~10000 revisions into bzr is NOT fun09:03
uwscan take > 2 days09:03
mwhudsonstacked branches may give you that09:03
mwhudsonat some point09:03
vigneswarihello all09:23
vigneswarihow to set permission to access particular folder alone for a particular user09:23
bob2bzr doesn't support that, sorry09:23
bob2except by making it its own branch09:24
vigneswaribob2, who will make that? users they themselves09:25
vigneswaribut svn has this feature know?09:25
bob2sorry, I don't understand the first part of your question09:26
bob2but I believe svn lets you set permissions on particular paths in a repository09:26
vigneswaribob2, yes..09:26
vigneswarimaking it its own branch?09:27
lifelessuws: 'bzr branch --stacked' I believe, should work now09:27
vigneswarimeans...user will create the branch as own branch?09:27
bob2you can restrict access to branches, just not to particular dirs within them09:28
vigneswaribob2, ok how to do that09:29
bob2just create the branch and set the unix permissions on it so only they can access it09:29
bob2assuming you're on unix09:29
uwslifeless: this stacked branch will cache locally?09:39
uwslifeless: and can I convert it to a real branch, e.g. overnight when I'm not using it?09:39
lifelessuws: you can just branch from it again to make it full09:41
lifelessuws: work you do locally will be stored locally, if you pull from somewhere etc it will store it locally if its not in the parent already09:42
uwslifeless: so it's basically a "smart" branch that only pulls when really needed.09:43
uwsso that I can start hackign right away09:43
uwsuse case: work on $project which is hosted in svn, it has like 1000 revisions09:43
lifelessyes, and one that needs to be connected to the real server - because it doesn't have everything locally09:43
uwsand I don't want to touch svn ;)09:43
uwsand I do want to get started right away09:44
lifelessuws: yes, thats the use case for it - avoid downloading deep history09:44
uwslifeless: will "bzr log" require all history?09:45
lifelessuws: naturally09:45
lifelessuws: unless you do --line or whatever, it will do it incrementally as normal09:45
uwslifeless: (I thought perhaps commit log messages are stored separately from the actual diffs)09:46
uwsanyway, this is 1.6 only right?09:46
lifelessuws: it will access just the commit messages from the remote server09:46
uwsCan I define my own prefixes, just like lp: ?10:59
luksonly using a plugin11:00
luksbut you might want https://launchpad.net/bzr-bookmarks instead?11:00
luksit allows you to define aliase and then bm:<alias>11:01
luksor bm:<alias>/some/other/subpath11:01
luksthis plugin was originally written only as a joke, and turned to be probably the most useful plugin I wrote :)11:02
siretartany recommendations how to install bzr on a sles9 system?11:04
luksdownload the tarball and python setup.py install?11:04
luks(I expect the packaged version to be ancient)11:05
siretartsles features python 2.311:06
siretartso I'd first have to deploy python2.5 first.. that's why I ask if someone had already done that11:07
bob2bzr py2exe installer + wine11:08
uwsluks: trying your bm plugin now. can I use for prefixes as well?11:13
luksuws: not for lp: like prefixes11:14
luksuws: but you can use bm:<alias>/some/other/path instead of yourprefix:some/other/path11:14
uwsluks: Thanks, got it to work!11:16
uwsbzr log bm:ilps/PROJECT/BRANCH  works ;)11:17
uws(ilps is my university department/group)11:17
lifelesssiretart: 2.4 is all we need11:35
lifelesssiretart: can you get python 2.4 for sles9?11:35
siretartlifeless: sles9 only ships python2.3. I have now installed python2.5 in a private, user writable path12:05
siretartnow I have a working bzr 1.6rc5 :-) - now let's get this cvsps thing working12:05
siretartI assume that version 1.99-152.1 is stone age, right?12:06
lifelessno idea :)12:07
lifeless<- Ubuntu/Debian only :P12:07
siretartisn't there a cvsps branch on launchpad somewhere?12:29
siretartdoes cvsps upstream still exist at all?12:29
lifelesssiretart: I don't know, I would tend to apt-get source :P12:38
siretartokay, cvsps_import seems to be running now on this sles9 system. converting a 10 yrs old cvs managed perl project to bzr for good12:47
* kiko reminds siretart of his debts to society :-P12:54
fullermdSurely 10 years of using CVS is enough to work off any debt   :-P12:55
gour10 years of CVS? it sounds as eternity...i'm (was) not ready for it :-)12:57
fullermdWell, *I* had 10 years of CVS.  "Eternity" is what goes by waiting for 'bzr branch' across a network.  10 years of CVS is much, much worse...12:57
mwhudsonwell, i got a job working for this company who use this cutting edge version control system and ended up learning far more about cvs that i did (or wanted) to know!13:06
siretartkiko: hey, I also have a real job :-)13:07
fullermdYou "win".   :p13:07
kikosiretart, no you don't!!13:08
* awilkins knows more about MKS that he wants to know13:10
awilkinsMKS is based on CVS.13:10
awilkinsWith added evil13:10
\3TATUKWhich port does the bzr smart server use default?13:14
hsn_is bzr native faster then bzr+ssh?13:17
Leonidashow to do an iter_changes from revision 0 to the first one?13:24
Leonidasiter_changes can, as far as I know just compare between trees and I have no idea how to get the empty tree for revision zero (empty repo)13:25
fullermdhsn_: It's the same protocol.  It's presumably marginally faster since it doesn't have to do all the ssh-layer negotiation and encryption and all, but that's probably either constant of negligable.13:25
LeoNerdfullermd: I use the ssh controlmaster stuff for most of my connections anyway... so setup/auth/teardown time doesn't happen13:30
fullermdI keep wnating to play with that, but last time I looked at it it had some giant gaping flaw that made it unworkable without going way out of my way.  Don't remember what it was...13:35
LeoNerdIt can get a bit annoying on occasions, in those rare few times you -want- a new connectin13:36
LeoNerdE.g. when upgrading an ssh server13:36
hsn_bazaar works on python2.3?13:54
james_whsn_: no, you need at least 2.413:54
hsn_sadly we have centos 4.6 on all our servers13:58
uwsproject at $work (univ) has officially switched from SVN to Bazaar!14:09
em1it always complain "You have not informed bzr of your launchpad login.."14:15
em1what should i do?14:15
em1im a newbie14:15
luksbzr launchpad-login USERNAME14:17
luksis that a problem? :)14:18
em1yes, what i should input?14:28
luksdidn't I say it already?14:28
em1what did you say14:29
em1should i input 'bzr launchpad-login em1'?14:30
gourem1: <luks> bzr launchpad-login USERNAME14:30
gourem1: have you registered at LP?14:30
luksbzr launchpad-login USERNAME14:30
gourthen do that 1st14:30
awilkinsSomeone with username em1 has been a launchpad member since 2006 though14:31
em1luks, i have type 'bzr launchpad-login USERNAME' and that does not help, lol, apparenly Username should be replace with something14:32
lukswell, with your launchpad username :)14:32
em1after i registed a name, but bzr still does not satisify, how to do?, it say:14:43
em1bzr: ERROR: The user jvava has not registered any SSH keys with Launchpad.14:43
gourem1: paste some of your ssh keys to LP14:43
em1gour, i dont know where and what my ssh keys14:44
gourem1: do you use ssh? on LP login and then change details --> SSH keys14:45
gourem1: read https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair14:45
em1gour, im using bzr in cmd console in window xp14:46
gourem1: i'm on linux, but read the above url and configure following putty setup14:47
em1ok, im checking it14:48
jelmerbeuno, any chance another upload of bzr-search can be sponsored14:56
jelmerthe license was incorrect so the previous one was rejected14:56
em1i dont know how to treat the private key while public key is pasted into the textbox14:56
jelmerbeuno, and please say thanks to mlt for sponsoring from me14:57
gourem1: is your public key accepted on LP?14:57
beunojelmer, I can sure try!  Did you re-upload?  (I will thank her)14:57
em1gour, i have not download putty , can i use java produing public/private key instead?14:58
gourem1: cannot say for sure. no idea about windows & ssh14:58
em1windows have the concept of ssh14:59
em1can i use a a password to pass the identify ?14:59
em1i have a password when i registerd14:59
gouryou must have your public ssh key on LP14:59
jelmerbeuno, yep, to mentors.debian.net15:00
gourem1: have you read Why you need an SSH key15:00
LarstiQem1: alternatively, you can just ignore the message.15:01
beunojelmer, will pass it on15:01
em1i estimated that the ssh key is identical to one java produced though they all be rsa key pair15:01
em1gour, i have read, but not know very much of it convey15:01
em1Larstiq, i just want to checkout a branch15:02
em1must i have a ssh key?15:02
gour"To push code branches to Launchpad you first need to generate your SSH key."15:02
em1i see15:02
LarstiQem1: do you want to push changes, or only get changes?15:02
em1i have not need to push changes , lol15:03
em1but why can not i download all? when i input 'bzr branch lp:openerp'15:04
LarstiQem1: so in that case, you don't need to have a launchpad login set, and can ignore that it says you don't.15:04
em1in fact, i got only two files15:04
* LarstiQ goes fetch his bike from the repairshop15:05
em1how to check out source? is it 'bzr co lp:xx'?15:09
gourem1: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp/openerp/package-script/files15:11
pickscrapeI'm struggling to find docs on how to configure branch.conf to make bzr send more 'automatic'15:12
pickscrapei.e. pre-populating the destination email address etc15:13
gourem1: those 2 files are 'sll'15:13
em1then where is all sources, in the office site i read that download all source by that command15:15
gourem1: have you executed that python script?15:15
gourpickscrape: bzr help configuration ?15:16
em1no, i have not python engine installed until now15:17
gourwell, install it then ;)15:17
em1by running the python script can i got all sources?15:17
gourmost probably15:18
em1look, still error: 'ImportError: No module named bzrlib.builtins'15:25
awilkinspickscrape: It can read it from the child_submit_to parameter on the submit branches branch.conf file, I think15:30
pickscrapeawilkins: Ah, thanks!15:32
pickscrapeI'm seeing that in the 1.3 release notes, but google isn't finding it in any actual documentation15:32
awilkinspickscrape: I confess, I read the code to find out15:32
pickscrapeIt looks like there is a hole in the documentation there. Does such a thing warrant a bug raising?15:35
awilkinsI would say so. Or a patch to the cmd help15:35
pickscrapeDoes the cmd help also get reflected in the online documentation?15:36
awilkinsLooks like it just scrapes them to make the user reference, but it should also go in the "branch type specific options" section of the config lists15:38
awilkinsGah, really need a "supress repacking" options15:49
pickscrapeWhen people on the bzr mailing list review [MERGE] emails, what mail client do they generally use? (general question)16:15
pickscrapeI'm using Thunderbird and I find that replying to such a mail doesn't give the patch part16:15
pickscrapeI suppose I could just copy and paste it from the email, just wondering if that's what everyone else has to do too, or if I'm missing something.16:16
LarstiQpickscrape: personally, mutt16:20
LarstiQpickscrape: but others use Thunderbird/Evolution/mutt, etc16:20
fullermdOthers have all sorts of weird personality quirks  ;p16:21
awilkins_I use Thunderbird ; it shows the attachments inline if they are text, which is why it seems weird when replying and they don't show up.16:21
jelmerdon't forget gnus ;-)16:22
pickscrapeawilkins_: do you just copy and paste if you reply to review code then?16:22
awilkins_pickscrape: As yet, my review comments have been limited to "Looks ok to me"16:22
pickscrapeI'm just plotting our next evolution in workflow following our migration to bzr and I want to have all bases covered :)16:23
awilkins_pickscrape: But I'd probably cut-n-paste from the original mail view if I had to16:23
pickscrapeRight. Makes sense: I think I was just surprised that it wasn't just there when hitting reply because as you say it is there in the reader display16:23
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fullermdI'd just read in the patch, write in my comments, and delete the bits I wasn't touching on.16:23
pickscrapeI really like the idea of being able to annotate beneath specific lines in the code.16:24
awilkinsfullermd: You're using some kind of vim-based mailer?16:25
LarstiQmutt \o/16:26
LarstiQpickscrape, awilkins: you might want to ask abentley, I believe he used Thunderbird as well16:26
pickscrapeI keep meaning to try mutt, but Thunderbird's colorediffs extension is *really* nice.16:26
abentleyLarstiQ, pickscrape, awilkins: Thunderbird used to include text attachments in replies.  I am upset that it no longer does.  I just select all, and Ctrl+Shift+v16:27
LarstiQabentley: ouch, that seems like a bad decision.16:28
awilkinsIt doesn't even have an option for it, as far as I can see16:29
lukssame for evolution, it used to include them and now it doesn't16:30
pickscrapeYeah, I dug around for an option but found nothing (even in the advanced config editor).16:30
fullermdawilkins: Well, I sure wouldn't use a mailer that didn't let me choose my own decent editor for the mail writing bit...16:46
cody-somervilleIs there a good bzr gui client for Windows?16:46
LarstiQcody-somerville: have you looked at TortoiseBZR?16:48
cody-somervilleLarstiQ, Yes. It only does commit and diff and branch16:48
LarstiQhmm, that doesn't sound like what I think it should do.16:48
Takthere's bzr-gtk/olive for win32...16:50
LarstiQcody-somerville: other than that, I think it's Olive or bzr-eclipse (possibly bzr-visualstudio)16:50
Verterokcody-somerville: thre's also qbzr16:51
LarstiQcody-somerville: do you spend time on win32 often?16:51
cody-somervilleLarstiQ, Not at all16:51
LarstiQVerterok: do you highlight on bzr-eclipse? :)16:51
VerterokLarstiQ: hi16:51
LarstiQcody-somerville: Alas. We could use some more people there.16:51
VerterokLarstiQ: sure :)16:51
cody-somervilleLarstiQ, Two of my coworkers from my previous employer use bzr on Windows.16:52
VerterokLarstiQ: and a few more hilights bzr-eclipse related ones (xmloputput, eclipse and so on) :)16:53
TakI use bzr on windows, when I have to16:53
LarstiQcody-somerville: would they perchance be willing to assist in development?16:54
cody-somervilleLarstiQ, I doubt it :-]16:55
LarstiQcody-somerville: darn :)16:55
LarstiQVerterok: :)16:55
cody-somervilleI'll be happy to pass along any bug reports though16:55
LarstiQcody-somerville: cool16:56
* LarstiQ proceeds to take his desk apart16:58
hsn_there is difference between bzr check output on windows and unix. On unix it prints summary while on windows not17:09
awilkinshsn_: It prints a summary here, what version of bzr are you using?17:13
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bob2check bzr alias output to make sure you don't have an alias with -q or something17:26
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hsn_awilkins: bzr 1.5 python install19:18
hsn_it shows progressbar but no summary19:20
hsn_bzr check -v gives same result19:21
jamvila: are you still around?19:25
jamJust wanted to say congrats on your first day19:25
beunoright!  vila, welcome  :)19:26
beunojam, btw, I'm going to be sprinting next week in London, so I don't know how/when I'll be able to get to the packaging  :/19:27
hsn_oh, its not printed because of installed plugin xmloutput19:27
hsn_uninstalling plugin makes it work19:28
jambeuno: Well, if you just test out luks stuff and give the green light, it seems easy enough for me to make it work.19:28
jamI'd like to move the appropriate branches to ~bzr locations19:28
jamrather than have the official packaging branches be in his namespace.19:28
jamnothing against him, but nobody else can commit there :)19:28
beunojam, I'll try and get to it, but I'm very behind on what I want to have finished, and I fly tomorrow19:29
beunowhat you may be able to do19:29
beunois trick someone into uploading them into their PPA19:29
beunoand you just copy each one to ~bzr19:29
beuno(possibly test first)19:30
jambeuno: bah, testing :)19:30
fullermdAll testing ever does is cause bugs.19:31
jambeuno: do you have the link?19:33
jamI sort of remember it19:33
beunojam, yeap19:34
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jamjames_w: By the way "bzr co lp:bzr-builddeb" doesn't work because you have the wrong branch nominated as your 'development focus'.19:50
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hendrixski_work:-( is there a way to branch from what you're locally working on... kind of like in git  using   git checkout -b "newBranchName"  where it creates a branch in place?20:24
hendrixski_workor, would I have to go to a separate directory and branch from the original directories location using bzr?20:25
cody-somervillehendrixski_work, sure20:25
cody-somervillehendrixski_work, do you want it to branch the working tree (ie. stuff that might not be committed)?20:25
hendrixski_workcody-somerville: I don't know the names for doing these operations (which makes googling difficult)  but from your description... yes,  I've got some changes I made that I'm not sure I want to comit to my main effort, so I want to branch them, and then be able to revert to a different branch, take that in a direction ...etc.20:27
cody-somervillejust copy the directory20:27
hendrixski_workbasically trying to do what this guy is doing in this video using git   http://www.g2one.com/quickcasts/movies/gitGrailsScreencast_web_final_compressed.mov20:28
hendrixski_workcody-somerville: ah, so I need to copy it elsewhere and branch against it?20:29
cody-somervillecopying it makes a branch20:29
cody-somervillealthough if you want the second branch to see your first branch as the parent branch, you'll want to use bzr branch20:30
cody-somervilleIn which case, I think you'll have to commit your changes20:31
cody-somervilleI suppose you could just branch your current instance w/o committing20:32
hendrixski_workhhmm, 'cause in the git video the guy creates a branch of the current directory without switching or copying or anything... then does some changes, then reverts to a different branch, and merges ... all without switching.  And.. I don't want to learn git, I'm just barely learning bzr, and i like it.20:32
pickscrapeYou can bzr branch old_branch new_branch and then in new_branch bzr merge --uncommitted ../oldbranch20:34
pickscrapeAnother alternative is to use shelve to put changes you want to deal with later away in a safe place20:36
pickscrapeLets you put changes aside and pull them out again later20:38
pickscrapeIf you have bzrtools installed, bzr help shelve or bzr help shelf20:38
hendrixski_workhhmm, well, I'll look at those options :-)20:40
hendrixski_workThanks cody-somerville and pickscrape20:40
awilkinshendrixski_work: Watching this video, he is switching, it's just that git is doing it implicitly21:00
awilkinshendrixski_work: The same workflow is a little more involved with bzr because you need a repo, and to switch as quickly (with simple branch names not paths) you need to be running lightweight checkouts or have a certain patch that's pending in the PQM21:02
awilkinsActually, you don't need a repo, it just works a lot better if you do21:03
awilkinsAnd he's using rebase in at least one place21:04
awilkinsIt's a nice video, makes Grails and git look really good :)21:06
awilkinsAnd it clarified what "rebase" does in my head (although not yet, why it is desirable)21:08
awilkinsWhich so far I hadn't understood21:08
awilkinsjelmer: Since you wrote rebase for bzr, perhaps you can tell me what it's useful for :-)21:13
jamawilkins: responding to people who say they want to rebase because they use git and think they need it21:13
jamawilkins: mostly it is used to make your version history "better looking" than it really is21:13
awilkinsAh, political features21:13
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awilkinsIn both senses :-)21:13
jamThere are a couple use cases that I've seen21:14
awilkinsIs that the rebase -i for super-tidying21:14
jam1) You submit your changes to upstream as a series of patches21:14
jamand for whatever reason you need that to be identical21:14
jamto your series of commits21:14
jam(looms do this in a different way, by representing your series of patches by a series of *branches*)21:14
jam2) People feel that extra "merge trunk" commits are "useless and ugly and wasteful"21:15
jamso they want to keep popping their changes to make them seem based on whatever the latest tip is21:15
awilkinsAh, so 2) is so you can just "pull"21:15
jamawilkins: something like that21:15
pickscrapeI think they call it 'fast forward' don't they?21:15
awilkinsI would find that less informative...21:15
jam3) reordering history because you accidentally did things out of order21:16
jamlike you committed21:16
awilkinsI mean, the London Underground Diagrams are useful21:16
jamfeature-a, feature-b, update-to-a, update-to-b21:16
jamand you want "feature-a, update-to-a, feature-b, update-to-b"21:16
awilkinsHmm. Well, now the knowledge is implanted, maybe my sunconscious will find a use for it21:17
jamawilkins: my personal feeling is that merge commits can be more than just "necessary" but actually quite informative and useful21:17
jamlook at bzr.dev21:17
jamevery commit is a merge commit21:17
jamand 'bzr log --short' gives you a great feature-by-feature of what has changed21:17
jamfast-forward doesn't have any way to give you that21:17
pickscrapeNo, it stops you from seeing the wood for the trees21:17
jamwhich is one reason why you rebase21:18
awilkinsI agree ; a frustration with my current development habit is that it's highly subversion-informed and all my commits are in one boring straight line21:18
jambecause you see all patches all the time21:18
jamso they should all be "pristine"21:18
jamI've moved on to a model where my feature branches can be as broken as I need them to be to make forward progress21:18
pickscrapeqlog does a great job of allowing you to 'expand' them at will too.21:18
jamas long as at merge time, they are polished21:18
jampickscrape: I <3 qlog21:18
jamit is what I wanted from "bzr viz" for a long time21:19
pickscrapeI didn't until a few days ago. And then the next day it broke for me and won't work any more :(21:19
luksI think the most common use case is that you have committed a revision, now you want push and you realize the branch it out of date21:19
jamI tend to make incremental commits that are more "logical" based, rather than having to have the whole test suite polished at each step21:19
awilkinsjam: I started using sibling-switch which is why I submitted that patch that makes it work with heavy checkouts21:20
pickscrapejam: do you have any problems with column resizing in qlog?21:20
awilkinsjam: It could also do with sibling-switch-and-push-a-new-branch-if-it-isn't-there-and-switch-nicks-too21:20
jamawilkins: sure, I just do it with lightweight ones in a local shared repo21:20
jamand I can see the utility of "bzr switch --create-it"21:21
awilkinsjam: I used heavies because the repo is on a thumbdrive and I might leave it somewhere21:21
jampickscrape: I haven't used it in a "recent" version21:21
jammaybe 1-2 weeks ago21:21
luksin that case you can either merge the push branch into your branch, and create one extra commit or rebase21:22
luksusing rebase instead of regular merge is just insane, IMO21:22
awilkinsluks: The project I've been using bzr for is doing just that workflow - they need diff reports as if "rebase" had been done ; so I'm doing a merge from trunk into branch before diffs, and then a merge to trunk after ; conflicts get resolved in the branch, not hte trunk21:23
awilkinsThis was before I understood rebase21:24
awilkinsBut I still think it's valid and useful21:24
jambrl4n: You had problems with sftp and winxp, right?21:24
jamAre you using plink?21:24
awilkinsI think paramiko is a better bet pageant / paramiko seems to work best for me21:24
brl4njam:yeah I am still having problems. I am not using plink (to the best of my knowledge).21:25
jambrl4n: what 'ssh' are you using then?21:25
jamcygwin ssh?21:25
jamI think you mentioned 'openssh' earlier21:26
brl4nyes I actually installed the copssh package21:26
awilkinscopssh is a server package, isn't it?21:26
brl4nawilkins:client and server yes21:26
brl4ni was able to remotely ssh and sftp using various clients without any problems so I'm not sure what to do21:27
awilkinsbrl4n: Try paramiko21:27
awilkinsUnpack it and run Python setup.py install21:28
awilkinsThen set your BZR_SSH environment variable to "paramiko" (or delete it, I thikn it's paramiko by default)21:29
luksawilkins: using rebase does make sense only if you have a few local revisions21:29
awilkinsluks: My users are well chuffed with how much faster than their old merge process it is21:29
awilkinsluks: Previously they had to painstakingly re-do any work that conflicted21:30
luksawilkins: I probably wouldn't use rebase in a state where I need to resolve conflicts21:30
awilkinsluks: Well, since I've proved that trunk > branch > trunk works, I'm not about to kick the wasps nest21:31
brl4nwhy doesn't windows just come w/ ssh21:31
brl4nso bizarre21:32
awilkinsBecause they prefer RDP ; it just fits their worldview better21:32
brl4ncause everyone uses RDP!?21:32
awilkinsBesides, you ever try to admin an NT 4 box with just a command prompt?21:32
brl4nno sir.21:33
awilkinsNeither have I, I'm too afraid :-)21:33
brl4ndidn't know NT4 was still running21:33
awilkinsI'm prepared to bet there are still some out there, in hide-bound places21:33
awilkinsIt was running the email service in my last place far beyond it's sell-by date21:34
brl4nugg, terrible21:34
awilkinsTruly. I think it had a 2GB limit on TOTAL email.21:35
awilkinsThere was one mailbox in marketing that had nearly half od it crammed with PPT files21:35
brl4nthat doesn't sound impossible21:36
brl4nalways odd limits everywhere with windows21:36
brl4nnot even sure why I bother with it anymoe21:36
awilkinsFor me 1) Games 2) Because it's what they have at work and a lot of their old crap is tied to it21:36
brl4ndoes python 2.5 come with the crypto built in21:36
awilkinsbrl4n: I think you need to install pycrypto too21:37
brl4nor do I still need http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html21:37
jamor if you have easy_install it is just "easy_install paramiko"21:37
* brl4n likes "easy " anything21:37
jameasy_install should bring in dependencies21:37
* awilkins has clearly been doing this the hard way21:38
awilkinsDo you just run the script at http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py21:39
jamalternatively, you can do setuptools directly:21:39
jamI just found the peak site to be *very* slot21:39
jamawilkins: generally21:40
jamAnd that gives you an "easy_install" program21:40
jamand then you can use that to install anything in the python cheese shop21:40
jamI believe bzr is even in there21:40
jamthough we don't always play nicely wrt plugins21:40
jambecause cheeseshop doesn't like installing into bzrlib/plugins21:40
awilkinsI just roll my own python-installer21:42
awilkinsBut I accept that this is beyond the typical call of duty21:42
jamawilkins: well, easy_install does the download and then runs 'setup.py install' (effectively)21:43
jamBut it does manage dependencies21:43
jamand some other bits21:43
fullermdjam: What's the current hand-wavy 1.6 time?21:43
jamIt *does* mean that you need a compiler21:43
awilkinsjam: Yes, that's the nasty bit21:43
jamfullermd: I was considering today, but I'm thinking Monday21:43
awilkinsjam: As you've probably discovered21:43
awilkinsjam: You're using MinGW, yes?21:43
jamawilkins: well, mingw32 works pretty wel21:43
jamI have a VS7 install disks somewhere from when I was at Uni21:44
jamIt is a shame you can't find the free download anymore21:44
* awilkins is using MSVC because mingw just doesn't work well when you're linking to stuff that was also built with it21:44
awilkinsI have a link for the free download somewhere21:44
jamawilkins: "wasn't" ?21:44
awilkinsWas also built with MSVC21:44
awilkinsSorry, unclear21:44
brl4nwell, i dunno what to do21:44
brl4ndon't feel like learning python21:45
jambrl4n: My recommendation would be to get plink + pageant, and to use the standalone win32 install21:45
jamwhich should include paramiko21:45
jamwhich can talk to pageant21:45
jamand pageant can manage your ssh keys21:45
brl4nyah I already tried that and kept gett'n that EOF error21:45
awilkinsWait until you need a bzr feature... then you feel like learning python :)21:45
brl4ntoo many dependencies21:45
luksif you were getting errors with the standalone installer then it's probably a bug and should be reported/fixed21:46
brl4nwell it is just re: ssh/sftp21:46
brl4neverything else is working great21:47
awilkinsjam: http://xona.com/2004/06/29.html21:48
jamawilkins: sure, as long as you trust 'xona' :)21:48
jamI mean, they have "spyware free" in their title21:48
jamno reason not to :)21:48
awilkinsjam: Heh, yes. I have a download of it from another source, I could compare the two21:49
jammore seriously, thanks21:49
awilkinsCan't find the "other source" though21:49
brl4nthanks for your help guys. I'll try back in a few months.21:51
hendrixski_workawilkins: so you're saying git switches directories under the hood to do that?  and.. now I gotta google what rebase is :-p22:03
awilkinshendrixski_work: You don't need to know what rebase is ; git has a "every dir is a repo and can hold branches" philospohy22:04
awilkinsWhat he's doing is switching between those branches22:04
awilkinsThen he rebases (gogole git-rebase or bazaar rebase)22:04
awilkinsBazaar can do the same, but it's a couple more steps to set up.22:04
hendrixski_workawilkins: ah, yeah there's a plugin for it22:05
awilkinsBazaar can switch branches. One thing that struck me about that video is how _quiet_ git is22:05
awilkinsIt doesn't tell you very much ; bazaar tells you what's going on when you switch, 'tis a lot more comforting IMHO22:06
hendrixski_workawilkins: yeah, I've never used git myself, so seeing that video was like "wow, that's pretty quick and clean"22:06
hendrixski_workkind of like the old UNIX philosophy of "silence is golden"22:06
hendrixski_workya know, not giving output unless there's something wrong22:07
awilkinsYes, that's nice too22:07
pickscrapeThat's funny. I seem to remember git being criticised for being overly verbose.22:07
hendrixski_worklol, I just never tried it because I heard it was too hard for mere mortals to use, just those hard-core kernel developers22:08
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hendrixski_workbut that video didn't seem that way at all22:08
hendrixski_workI'll have to watch it again and look for rebase related stuff, maybe try it in bzr over the weekend22:09
pickscrapeI found that it got pretty complex as soon as you wanted to dig even slightly deeper than the most basic of operations.22:09
pickscrapeI certainly didn't want to inflict it on my team...22:09
awilkinsThe guy in the video uses rebase, but it's not really necessary22:09
awilkinsHe could have just merged22:09
pickscrapeI'd have been lynched.22:09
awilkinsThe core of his point was "switch is great" ; rebase is more like him picking his nose while he does it22:10
awilkinsjam: Comparing those MSVC installers they look mostly the same (alas, my other one is the 1.00 version the new one is 1.01)22:11
lukspickscrape: btw, I've just fixed the qlog problem you were having22:12
pickscrapeluks: I just got the email notification, well spotted :)22:12
pickscrapeI tried digging into it but I've never used QT before so I was a little lost :)22:12
hendrixski_worksooo... what is the technical term for doing that, where it appears to be like several branches in just one directory... "switch"? "rebase"?22:12
pickscrapeI didn't see anything obvious in the BT changelog to explain it.22:13
pickscrapeQT *22:13
luksI'm really surpsised they broke the API on a minor release22:13
luksbut at least it's in the changelog22:13
pickscrapeCan qbzr work around it, so is that version of pyqt basically broken for qlog?22:14
pickscrapeOne of my problems with git was, ok so you have a directory that contains branches. But that directory is itself a branch of the upstream repository. So you have a branch of branches.22:14
awilkinsGrr, people need to mark their setup packages as needing UAC on Vista22:14
pickscrapeAnd that contains tracking branches for upstream and local branches too.22:14
lukspickscrape: it's already fixed22:15
pickscrapeSo you have some sort of multi-dimensional branch thing going on and it just made my head hurt.22:15
pickscrapeluks: oh cool!22:15
* pickscrape updates22:15
hendrixski_workpickscrape: right, it sounds terribly confusing22:16
pickscrapeluks: I misread your first message and didn't read the 'fixed' part :)22:16
awilkinsHoly hell, QT is large22:17
luksawilkins: it does lots of things! :)22:17
awilkinsAll this talk of QBzr22:17
awilkinsYeah, but GTK is small22:17
luksGTK is only a GUI library22:17
awilkinsI only want a GUI :-P22:18
awilkinsI'm a philistine, I'm still on QT 3 on my MythTV box22:18
pickscrapeqbzr has leapfrogged bzr-gtk for me just recently because of the folding in qlog.22:18
awilkinsI'm going to try it out22:18
awilkinsI just hav eot wait 9 more minutes to do so because QT is 149 MB22:19
lukshow are you installing it?22:19
awilkinsWindows installer22:19
luksinstall PyQt, not Qt22:19
pickscrapeluks: your fix works perfectly for me :)22:19
luksthe PyQt installer contains everything22:19
awilkinsluks: Oh.22:19
luksand it's much smaller22:19
luksat least used to b e :)22:20
luksor just get the qbzr installer22:20
awilkinsluks: The error message says "PyQT 4.1 and QT 4.2"22:20
luksif you don't want to hack on qbzr, it should work fine22:20
awilkinsSo I got the impression I needed QT22:20
luksdo you _have_ PyQt installed?22:21
awilkinsNot yet22:21
luksyeah, there was a version mismatch between PyQt and Qt, so we needed different versions22:21
* awilkins downloads pyqt 4.422:21
luksbut I agree it's a bit confusing22:21
pickscrapeI can close all of those pyqt tabs I had open in firefox now :)22:22
awilkinsWhee, huge numbers of errors22:25
awilkinsIs this the bug?22:25
luksIndexErrors in qlog? :)22:25
* awilkins pulls qbzr22:26
luksthat is what started this conversation :)22:26
luksit's an API break in PyQt22:26
awilkinsAha, shint22:26
pickscrapeluks: on my other machine I have a different problem with qlog :)22:26
pickscrapeluks: It's impossible to get the columns to size nicely22:26
lukspickscrape: resize them from the other side22:27
lukspickscrape: the message column is not resizable, and always expands, so you need to resize the other columns from the right side22:27
pickscrapeYeah, I try that and it goes on a crazy dance, never settling on anything suitable22:27
pickscrapee.g. right now date is about as wide as half of the screen22:28
luksweird, if you just drag the separator between Date and Author it doesn't work?22:28
pickscrapeIf I try to shrink it (from the right side), the columns just start jumping around frantically, and letting go just leaves things pretty much as they were22:29
awilkinsIs there a place where it stores it?22:29
awilkins(the column sizing)22:29
luksqbzr.conf in bzr config directory22:30
awilkinsTrash it and try again?22:30
lukspickscrape: what Qt style are you using?22:30
pickscrapeHmm, I'm running gnome, so I don't think I ever picked one22:30
luksshould be cleanlooks then22:30
luksso that's not the problem22:30
pickscrapeIs there a simple way for me to check that?22:31
lukswell, does it look almost like the standard gnome theme?22:31
pickscrapeYeah, pretty much22:32
luksno idea what's the problem22:32
luksbut if you delete the qbzr config file, at least it will reset to default sizes22:32
pickscrapeAfter deleting qbzr.conf, message is now allowed to be larger, but it still seems to insist on making Date huge :)22:34
awilkinsDAng, qlog _is_ nice22:35
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
sohailhey guys, I'm trying to branch a svn repo into my bazaar project23:11
sohailI tried bzr svn-import https://..../23:11
sohailbut that died with: "No repository found. Try bzr branch"23:11
sohailso I tried bzr branch, and it's not doing anything (just hanging)23:12
sohailoh, there it goes!23:13
sohailwow that took a while23:13
pickscrapesohail: as I understand it the first time to a repository takes a while as it builds up an index or something like that23:16
pickscrape(svn repository that is)23:16
sohailpickscrape, maybe!23:18
sohailso the repository I'm trying to mirror has like 10000 revisions... I tried to do branch -r 9000 and it claims that this revision does not exist..23:18
Peng_sohail: There may not be 9000 revisions in that individual branch.23:21
sohailoh, so I need to do it based on revisions to that branch but not on the whole repo?23:21
sohaili.e., I can't use the svn revision number?23:21
Peng_sohail: Right.23:24
pickscrapeUse a revision number that exists in that branch23:24
pickscrapeHmm, no. I'm cornfused :) Isn't there an svn revspec?23:24
pickscrape(or whatever it's called)23:24
Peng_pickscrape: I dunno. Maybe.23:24
Peng_FWIW, "bzr log" will show the svn revnos too, but I don't know if you can use them anywhere.23:25
pickscrapeYou might be able to do something like -r svn:<revno>23:25
Peng_Oh, there is an svn: revspec!23:25
Peng_pickscrape: Yep23:25
sohailsounds like what I need23:25
Peng_I totally didn't know that. I'll remember it for the future.23:26
* sohail crosses fingers23:26
sohailso just to clarify, I have an existing bzr repo that depends on this external svn project. I can do cd /my/repo && bzr branch -r svn:FOO <svn-url> project23:27
Peng_Sure, why not?23:27
Peng_But bzr doesn't support anything like svn:external (yet).23:27
Peng_I mean, you can put a branch inside of another one if you want to, but they won't be linked in any way.23:28
Peng_And other people who branch from the outer branch won't get a copy of the inner one.23:28
sohailoh, damn23:28
sohailthat's what I want to happen23:28
sohailso I guess I have to bzr add that new guy then23:28
sohailkind of lame23:28
sohailnp, thanks for your help!23:29
Peng_There is work on adding that feature (and there has been for years), but it's not done yet. I dunno how far along it is.23:30
sohailI might as well do svn co and add that then23:30
* Peng_ leaves23:30

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